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FACULTY NAME: Mrs. B. Indira Priyadarshini
This unit is intended to provide a thorough coverage of verilog HDL concepts
based on fundamental principles of digital design.
This is the basic fundamental concept for the programming of the digital
After successful completion of this Unit , students should be able to
1. Understand the importance of HDL (Hardware Descriptive Language)
2. Apply the knowledge of Boolean algebra to design and development digital
3. Learn conventional structural modeling of digital systems.
4. Learn Hierarchical digital system building.
5. Continuous assignment operator based model construction will be learnt.
Overview of Digital Design with Verilog HDL
Evolution of computer aided digital circuit design
Emergence of HDLs
Typical design flow
Students will be able to know about introduction of Hardware descriptive
MODULE-I: Introduction to HDLs
Digital circuits were designed with:
1. Vacuum tubes
2. Transistors
3. Integrated circuits (ICs)
SSI : tens of gates
MSI : hundreds of gates
LSI : thousands of gates
VLSI : more than 100,000 transistors
ULSI : Ultra Large Scale Integration
Hardware Description Language (HDL)
•Allowed designed to model the concurrency of processes found in
hardware elements
•Verilog HDL originated in 1983
•VHDL was developed under contract from DARPA
•Could be used to describe digital circuits at a register transfer level (RTL)
Overview of Digital Design with Verilog
Design Flow
Design Specification
Behavioral Description
RTL Description (HDL)
Functional Verification and Testing
Logic Synthesis/ Timing Verification
Gate-Level Netlist
Logical Verification and Testing
Floor Planning
Automatic Place and Route
Physical Layout
Layout Verification
1. The full form of HDL is Hardware Description Language
2. VHDL is being used for Ans: a) Documentation
b) Verification
c) Synthesis of large digital design
3. Verilog is standardised as IEEE 1364
4. The Verilog is less flexible compared to the VHDL
5. Verilog provide more features for transistor-level descriptions compared
to VHDL.
Questions & Answers
Lexical Conventions
Data types
System tasks and Compiler Directives
Students will be able to know the
•Knowledge of language constructs
•Pertaining to Semantic and syntactical errors in programming using HDL
MODULE-II: Basic Concepts
Lexical Conventions
Blank space (b)
Tabs (t)
Newlines (n)
//: single line
/* … */ : multiple line
Unary: ~、!
Binary: +、-、&&
Ternary: a = b ? c : d;
“Hello Verilog World”
Identifiers and Keywords
reg value;
input clk;
Number Specification
•Sized numbers: <size>’<base
•Unsized numbers
•X (unknown) and Z (high impedance)
•Negative numbers
•Underscore characters and
Question marks
12’b1111_0000_1010 equals to
4’b10?? equals to 4’b10zz
Data Types
Value Set and Strength Value level Condition in Hardware Circuits
0 0, False
1 1, True
x Unknown
z High impedance, floating state
Strength Level Type Degree
supply Driving strongest
strong Driving
pull Driving
large Storage
weak Driving
medium Storage
small Storage
highz High Impedance
Data Types
Used to represent connections between hardware elements
Keyword: wire, wand, wor, tri, trior, trireg
wire a;
wire b, c;
wire d = 1’b0;
Storage element for data not same as “hardware register”
Similar to variables in C reg reset;
reset = 1’b1;
#100 reset = 1’b0;
Data Types
•wire and register can be defined as “vector” form format
[high#:low#] or [low#:high#]
•Subset of vector: Partial bits of vector
•Fixed width subset: [<starting_bit>+:width] or [<starting_bit>-:width]
wire a;
wire [7:0] bus;
wire [31:0] busA, busB, busC;
reg clock;
reg [0:40] virtual_addr;
bus A[7]
reg [255:0] data1; reg [0:255] data2;
reg [7:0] byte;
byte = data1[31-:8]; // data1[31:24]
byte = data1[24+:8]; // data1[31:24]
byte = data2[31-:8]; // data2[24:31]
byte = data2[24+:8]; // data2[24:31]
for (j=0; j<=31; j=j+1) // [7:0], [15:8]…[255:248]
byte = data[(j*8)+:8];
data1[(byteNum*8)+:8] = 8’b0;
Data Types
Integer, Real, and Time Register Data
Integer: can represent “signed” number
Time: Storing simulation time
integer counter;
counter = -1;
real delta;
initial begin
delta = 4e10;
delta = 2.13;
integer i;
i = delta; // rounded value of 2.13
time save_sim_time;
save_sim_time = $time;
Data Types
•Type: integer, register, time, real, or vector.
•Dimension: no limit, but dimension must be constant
•Assignment of values to array elements
integer count[0:7];
reg bool[31:0];
time chk_point[1:100];
reg [4:0] port_id[0:7];
integer matrix[4:0][0:255];
reg [63:0] array_4d [15:0][7:0][7:0][255:0];
wire [7:0] w_array2 [5:0];
wire w_array1[7:0][5:0];
count[5] = 0;
chk_point[100] = 0;
port_id[3] = 0;
matrix[1][0] = 33559;
araay_4d[0][0][0][0][15:0] = 0;fff
port_id = 0; // error usage
matrix[1] = 0; // error usage
Data Types
Array of registers
reg mem1bit [0:1023];
reg [7:0] membyte [0:1023];
Define a constant
•Can be re-defined at higher level using “defparam”
•localparam (Verilog 2001 new feature)
Can not be re-defined by “defparam”
parameter port_id = 5;
parameter cache_line_width = 256;
parameter signed [15:0] WIDTH;
Data Types
Can be assigned to register
Escaped Characters Character Displayed
n new line
t tab
% %
” “
ooo Character written in 1-3 octal digits
System Tasks
Displaying information
$display (p1, p2, p3,…, pn);
Format specification list
Format Display
%d or %D decimal value
%b or %B binary value
%s or %S String
%h or %H Hexadecimal value
%c or %C ASCII character
%m or %M hierarchical name
%v or %V strength of a variable
%o or %O octal value
%t or %T current time format
%e or %E real number in scientific format (e.g., 3e10)
%f or %F real number in decimal format (e.g., 2.13)
%g or %G real number in shorter format, decimal or scientific
System Tasks
Displaying information
//Include the string to be displayed within quotes
$display (“Hello World”);
//to display current simulation time
//to display 41-bit virtual address at current time
reg [0:40] virtual_addr;
$display(“At time %d, the virtual address is %h”,$time, virtual_addr);
/*Special Characters*/
//to display special characters, multiline and %sign
$display(“This is a n multiline string with a %% sign”);
This is a
multiline string with a % sign
System Tasks
Monitoring Information
$monitor(p1,p2,…, pn); Monitor signal change and output the change
$monitor($time, “value of signals clock=%b reset=%b”, clock, reset);
0 value of signals clock=0 reset=1
5 value of signals clock=1 reset=1
10 value of signals clock=0 reset=0
Stopping and finishing
$stop: stop simulation and enter interactive mode to debug
$finish: end of simulation
#100 $stop; //stop at time 100 in the simulation and examine the results
#900 $finish; //finish at simulation time 1000
Compiler Directives
`define: Define text macro, like #define in C
`include: Include the context of another file, like #include in C
 //define a text macro that defines the word size
`define WORD_SIZE 32
 /*define an alias such that $stop is substituted whenever `S appears*/
`define S $stop;
 /*define a frequently used text string which can then be used as 32-bit
register `WORD_REG reg32; */
`define WORD_REG reg [31:0];
 /*include the header file header.v which contains declarations in the main
verilog file design.v*/
`include header.v
<verilog code in file design.v>
1. $stop system task to suspend simulation.
2. Unary operator which precedes the operand.
3. X is the default value for register data type.
4. Parameter value can be overridden at module instance by `define.
5. #40 $finish indicates end of simulation at 40 time units.
Questions & Answers
Design Methodologies
Components of a Simulation
Students should be able to
•Understand design methodologies for digital design
•Define a stimulus block and design block
MODULE-III: Hierarchical Modeling
Top-down Design Methodology
Define the final (top) module
Analyze the components which are composed of top module step by step
Design Methodology
Bottom-up Design Methodology
Design the basic components
Assemble basic components to larger design until the top design is
Hierarchy of 4-bit Ripple Carry Counter
Basic component in verilog for describing/defining a hardware
module <module_name> (<module_terminal_list>);
<module internals>
A module for T F.F.
module T_FF (q, clock , reset);
<functionality of T-flipflop>
Levels of functionality
Different Levels of Abstraction
 Behavioral / Architecture / Algorithm Level
Describe the functionality (behavior) of a circuit
 Dataflow / Register Transfer Logic (RTL) Level
Describe the data flow of a circuit
 Gate Level
Describe the connectivity (structure) of a circuit
 Switch Level
Individual object of module
Module is similar to “function declaration” in C, and instance likes the
concept of “function call”
A procedure of constructing an instance using module
// Define Top-level block called ripple carry counter.
module ripple_carry_counter(q, clk, reset);
output [3:0] q;
input clk, reset;
//4 instances of the module T_FF are created.
T_FF tff0(q[0],clk, reset);
T_FF tff1(q[1],q[0], reset);
T_FF tff2(q[2],q[1], reset);
T_FF tff3(q[3],q[2], reset);
//Module T-FF instantiates a D-
module TFF(q, clk, reset);
output q;
input clk, reset;
wire d;
DFF dff0(q, d, clk, reset);
//Instantiate D_FF. Call it dff0
not n1(d, q);
//not gate is a verilog primitive
//Module of a D-flipflop
module D_FF (q, d, clk, reset);
output q;
input d, clk, reset;
reg q;
always @ (posedge reset or
negedge clk)
if (reset)
T_FF is instantated within ripple_carry_counter
D_FF and not are instantiated within T_FF
Structural interconnect is established through instantiation
Components of a Simulation
Design Under Test (DUT) - Design Block
Test bench - Stimulus Block
Stimulus generation
Output checking
Stimulus Block – I
Instantiate a design under test (dut)
(Design Block)
Ripple Carry Counter
clk reset
(Stimulus Block)
Stimulus Block – II
Additional top module instantiating
stimulus and design block
Top-level Block
Stimulus Block (Test bench)
module stimulus;
reg clk;
reg reset;
wire[3:0] q;
ripple_carry_counter r1(q, clk, reset); // instantiate the design block
initial clk = 1'b0; // Control the clock
always #5 clk = ~clk;
initial // Control the reset
reset = 1'b1;
#15 reset = 1'b0;
#180 reset = 1'b1;
#10 reset = 1'b0;
#20 $finish;
initial // Monitor the outputs
$monitor($time, " Output q = %d", q);
Simulation results and Output Waves
0 Output q = 0
20 Output q = 1
30 Output q = 2
40 Output q = 3
50 Output q = 4
60 Output q = 5
70 Output q = 6
80 Output q = 7
90 Output q = 8
100 Output q = 9
110 Output q = 10
120 Output q = 11
130 Output q = 12
140 Output q = 13
150 Output q = 14
160 Output q = 15
170 Output q = 0
180 Output q = 1
190 Output q = 2
195 Output q = 0
210 Output q = 1
220 Output q= 2
1. The Process of creating object from a modue template is called
2. The functionality of the design block can be tested by applying stimulus
and checking results.
3. Modules are the basic building blocks in Verilog.
4. A module can be implemented in terms of the design algorithm without
concern for the hardware implementation is a Behavioual level modeling.
Questions & Answers
Hierarchical Names
Students should be able understand how to define, declare and connect the
ports for a module in verilog.
MODULE-IV: Modules and Ports
Basic component in Verilog for describing/defining a hardware
module <module_name> (<module_terminal_list>);
<I/O declaration>
<parameter declaration>
<module internals>
Components of Modules
Variables Declaration
Dataflow Statement
Module Instantiation
Behavior Statement
Tasks and Functions
Components of Modules
Module Name,
Port List, Port Declarations (is ports present)
Parameters (optional)
Declarations of wires,
regs and other variables
Data flow statements
Instantiation of lower
level modules
always and intial blocks
All behavioral statements
Tasks and Functions
endmodule statement
I/O Interface used to communicate with external module
“No” port declaration if do not need to communicate with other module, such
as Top module
module fulladd4 has five ports while top has no port.
a, b, and c_in are input ports and sum and c_out are output ports.
module fulladd4(sum, c_out, a, b, c_in);//module with a list of ports
module Top; //no port list as Top is the top-level module in simulation
Port Declaration
Three types
Verilog Keyword Type of Port
input Input port
output Output port
inout Bidirectional port
Port Declaration
module FA4(sum, c_out, a, b, c_in);
//begin port declarations
output [3:0] sum;
output c_cout;
input [3:0] a, b;
input c_in;
//end port declarations section
<module internals>
ANSI C Port Declaration
module FA4(output reg [3:0] sum,
output reg c_cout, input [3:0] a, b, input
//wire by default
<module internals>
Port Connection Rules
Input Port
Internal view- viewed as “a wire/net”
External view- can be connected to a reg or wire
Output Port
Internal view-declared as a reg or wire
External view-only be connected to a wire
Inout Port
viewed as a wire/net regardless of internal or external module
Port Connection Rules
Mismatch of internal and external port connections
Simulation should issue a warning for this condition
Floating of port connection
Fulladd4 fa0(sum, , a, b, c_in); // c_out floating
Illegal connection of internal and external ports
Connecting Ports to External Signals
Connecting ports by module declaration sequence
Connecting ports by name
Connecting Ports by Name
Fulladd4 fa_byname(.c_out(c_out), .sum(sum), .b(b), .c_in(c_in), .a(a));
Fulladd4 fa_byname(.sum(sum), ,.b(b), .c_in(c_in), .a(a));
Port Connection Rules
Connecting Ports by Module Declaration Sequence
module Top;
reg [3:0] A, B;
reg C_IN;
wire [3:0] SUM;
wire C_OUT;
//instantiate fulladd4 where signals are connected in order i.e., by position
fulladd4 fa_ordered(SUM, C_OUT, A, B, C_IN);
module fulladd4(sum, c_out, a, b, c_in);
output [3:0] sum;
output c_out;
input [3:0] a, b;
input c_in;
…<module internals>…
Port Connection Rules
Named each instance, variables and signals in hierarchical design
Root module
Never be referenced by other modules, such as stimulus
Hierarchical instances are separated by dot sign “.”
$display (“%m”)
display hierarchical level of that module
(root level)
q, qbar
set, reset
Q, Qbar
S, R
n1(nand ) n2(nand )
1. Ports provides he interface by which a module can communicate with its
2. Inout ports must always be of the type net.
3. Connection between signals specified in the module instantiation and the
ports in module definition is done by ordered list or by name.
4. Hierarchical name allows to denote every identifier with a unique name.
Questions & Answers
Gate Type
Gate Delays
Students should be able to
•Identify and understands how to construct a logic gate primitives provided in
•Describe delays in the gate level design
MODULE-V: Gate-level Modeling
Gate Type
And/Or Gate Primitive
Two Types of Basic Primitives
•And/Or gate
•Buf/Not gate
Gate Type
Using Gate Primitive
wire OUT, IN1, IN2;
//basic gate instantiations
and a1(OUT, IN1, In2);
nand na1(OUT, IN1, IN2);
or or1(OUT, In1, In2);
nor nor1(OUT, IN1, IN2);
xor xor1(OUT, In1, In2);
xnor xnor1(OUT, IN1, IN2);
//more than two inputs
nand na1_3ip(OUT, IN1, IN2, IN3)l
//gate instantiation without specifying instance name
and (OUT, IN1, IN2);
Gate Type
Buf/Not Gate Primitive
//basic gate instantiations
buf b1(OUT1, IN);
not n1(OUT1, IN);
//more than two outputs
buf b1_2ops(OUT1, OUT2, IN);
//gate instantiation without instance name
not (OUT1, IN);
Gate Type
Bufif/Notif Gate Primitive
//instantiation of bufif gates
bufif1 b1(out, in, ctrl1);
bufif0 b0(out, in, ctrl1);
//instantiation of notif gates
notif1 n1(out, in, ctrl1);
notif0 n0(out, in, ctrl1);
Gate Type
Array of Instances
Avoid repetition of gate instantition
wire [7:0] OUT, IN1, IN2;
nand n_gate [7:0] (OUT, IN1, IN2);
//this is equivalent to the following 8 instantiations
nand n_gate0 (OUT[0], IN1[0], IN2[0]);
nand n_gate1 (OUT[1], IN1[1], IN2[1]);
nand n_gate2 (OUT[2], IN1[2], IN2[2]);
nand n_gate3 (OUT[3], IN1[3], IN2[3]);
nand n_gate4 (OUT[4], IN1[4], IN2[4]);
nand n_gate5 (OUT[5], IN1[5], IN2[5]);
nand n_gate6 (OUT[6], IN1[6], IN2[6]);
nand n_gate7 (OUT[7], IN1[7], IN2[7]);
Gate Delays
Rise delay
The delay that an output rises a logic 1
Fall delay
The delay that an output falls to a logic 0
Trun-off delay
The delay that an output turns to be a z
0, x or z
1, x or z
Gate Delays
//delay of delay_time for all transactions
and #(delay_time) a1(out, i1, i2);
//Rise and Fall delay specification
and #(rise_val, fall_val) a2(out, i1, i2);
//Rise, Fall, and Turn-off delay specification
bufif0 #(rise_val, fall_val, turnoff_val) b1(out, in, control);
and #5 a1(out, i1, i2); //delay of 5 for all transactions
and #(4, 6) a2(out, i1, i2);// Rise=4, Fall=6
bufif0 #(3, 4, 5) b1(out, in, control);//Rise=3, Fall=4, Turn_off=5
Gate Delays
Min/Typ/Max Delay Values
Each rise, fall and turn-off delays have three types of values
Min: The expected minimum delay
Typ: The expected typical delay
Max: The expected maximum delay
Use +maxdelays, +typdelays (default), or +mindelays to choose delay values
when execution
//if +mindelays, delay=4, +typ delays, delay=5, +maxdelays, delay=6
and #(4:5:6) a1(out, i1, i2); //one delay
//if +mindelays, rise=3, fall=5, turn_off=min(3,5)
//if +typdelays, rise=4, fall=6, turn_of==min(4,6)
//if +maxdelays, rise=5, fall=7, turn_off=min(5,7)
and #(3:4:5, 5:6:7) a2(out, i1, i2); //two delays
//if +mindelays, rise=2, fall=3, turn_off=4
//if +typdelays, rise=3, fall=4, turn_off=5
//if +maxdelays, rise=4, fall=5, turn_off=66
and #(2:3:4, 4:5:6, 5:6:7) a3(out, i1, i2); //three delays
Gate Delays
Define Delay Value in Verilog Compilation
//invoke simulation with maximum delay
> verilog test.v +maxdelays
//invoke simulation with minimum delay
> verilog test.v +mindelays
//invoke simulation with typical delay
> verilog test.v +typdelays
Delay Example
module D (out, a, b, c);
// I/O port declarations
output out;
input a, b, c;
//Internal nets
wire e;
//Instantiate primitive gates to build the circuit
and #(5) a1(e, a, b); //delay of 5 timeunits on gate a1
or #(4) o1(out, e, c); //delay of 4 time units on gate o1
Out = (a • b) + c
Delay Example
module stimulus;
//declare variables
reg A, B, C;
wire OUT;
//instantiate the module D
D d1(OUT, A, B);
//stimulate the inputs. Finish the simulation at 40 time units
A=1´b0; B=1´b0; C=1´b0;
#10 A=1´b1; B=1´b1; C=1´b1;
#10 A=1´b1; B=1´b0; C=1´b0;
#20 $finish;
end module
Simulation Results:
1. Min, typ, max values can be chosen at verilog run time.
2. Verilog supports basic logic gates as predefined primitives.
3. Setup time is the minimum time the data cannot change after active clock
4. Turn off delay means, gate output transition to Z.
Questions & Answers
Continuous Assignments
Expressions, Operators and Operands
Operator Types
Student will able to use dataflow constructs to model practical digital
circuits in verilog.
MODULE-VI: Dataflow Modeling
Continuous Assignments
Assign a logic value to a wire/net
•Continuous_assign::= assign [drive_strength] [delay] list_of_assignments;
•list_of_net_assignments::=net_assignment{, net_assignment}
•net_assignment::=net_lvalue = expression
•Default drive_strength: strong1 or strong0
•Delay: propagation time from inputs to output
•LHS of assignment (=) must be scalar net or vector net (rather than reg
or vector reg)
•Once the value of RHS expression changes, the value of assigned wire
also changes accordingly
•The expression of RHS can be reg, wire or function
•Delay controls the update time of LHS when the value of RHS has
changed like gate delay
Continuous Assignments
//continuous assignment. out is a net, i1 and i2 are nets
assign out=i1 & i2;
/* continuous assign for vector nets. addr is a 16-bit vector net addr1 and
addr2 are 16-bit vector registers */
assign addr[15:0]=addr1_bits[15_0]^addr2_bits[15:0];
//concatenation. LHS is the concatenation of a scalar net and a vector net
assign {c_out, sum[3:0]}=a[3:0]+b[3:0]+c_in;
Implicit Continuous Assignment
Perform a wire assignment when declaring the wire
wire out;
assign out = in1 & in2; (equals the following)
wire out = in1 & in2;
Implicit Net Declaration
Perform assignment for an un-declared wire
•wire i1, i2;
assign out = i1 & i2; // wire out has not been declared
Regular Assignment Delay
assign #10 out = in1 & in2;
Implicit Continuous Assignment Delay
•wire #10 out = in1 & in2; (equals the following)
•wire out;
assign #10 out = in1 & in2;
Net Declaration Delay
•wire #10 out;
assign out = in1 & in2; (equals the following)
•wire out;
assign #10 out = in1 & in2;
Expressions, Operators and Operands
Combine operator and operand to output a result
a^b, addr1[20:17] + addr2[20:17], in1 | in2
•Data type - constants, integers, real, nets, registers, times, bit-select, part-
select, memory or function calls
•Integer count, final_count;
final_count = count + 1;
•real a, b, c;
c = a – b;
•reg [15:0] reg1, reg2;
reg [3:0] reg_out;
reg_out = reg1[3:0] ^ reg2[3:0];
•reg ret_value;
ret_value = calculate_parity(A, B);
Perform an operation on operands
•d1 && d2 // && operates on operands d1 and d2
Operation Types
Operator Type Operator
Number of
Arithmetic *
Logical !
Logical negation
Logical and
Logical or
Relational >
greater than
less than
greater than or
less than or equal
Operation Types
Operator Type Operator
Number of
Equality ==
case equality
case inequality
Bitwise ~
^~ or ~^
bitwise negation
bitwise and
bitwise or
bitwise xor
bitwise xnor
Reduction &
^~ or ~^
reduction and
reduction nand
reduction or
reduction nor
reduction xor
reduction xnor
Operation Types
Operator Type Operator
Number of
Shift >>
right shift
left shift
arithmetic right
arithmetic left
{ }
{ { } }
any number
any number
Conditional ? : conditional three
Operation Types
Arithmetic Operators
Binary Operator (+, -, *, /, **, %)
•in1 = 4’b101x; in2 = 4’b1010;
sum = in1 + in2; // 4’bx
•13 % 3
• 16 % 4
• -7 % 2
• 7 % -2
Unary Operator (+, -)
Logical Operators
&&(logic-and), ||(logic-or), !(logic-not)
A = 3; B = 0;
A && B
A || B
A = 2’0x; B = 2’b10;
A && B
( a == 2) && (b == 3)
Relational Operators (>, <, <=, >=)
A = 4, B = 3, X = 4’b1010, Y = 4’b1101, Z = 4’b1xxx
A <= B
A > B
Y >= X
Y < Z
Operation Types
Equality Operators: Logic Equality (==, !=)
Case Equality (===, !==)
Expression Description Possible Logical value
a==b a equal to b, result unknown if x or z
in a,b
a!=b a not equal to b, result unknown if x
or z in a,b
0, 1, x
a===b a equal to b, including x and z 0,1
a!==b a not equal to b, including x and z 0,1
A = 4, B = 3, X = 4’b1010, Y = 4’b1101, Z = 4’b1xxz, M = 4’b1xxz, N = 4’b1xxx
• A == B // 0
• X != Y // 1
• X == Z // x
• Z === M // 1
• Z === N // 0
• M !=== N // 1
Operation Types
Bitwise Operators
~(Negation), & (and), | (or), ^ (xor), ^~ (xnor)
X = 4’b1010, Y = 4’b1101, Z = 4’b10x1
• ~X // 4’b0101
• X & Y // 4’b1000
• X | Y // 4’b1111
• X ^ Y // 4’b0111
• X ^~ Y // 4’b1000
• X & Z // 4’b10x0
X = 4’b1010, Y = 4’b0000
• X | Y // 4’b1010
• X || Y // 1
Operation Types
Reduction Operator
&, ~&, |, ~|, ^, ~^
X = 4’b1010
• &X // 1’b0
• |X // 1’b1
• ^X // 1’b0, can be used to count even parity
Shift Operator
>>(right shift), <<(left shift), >>>(arithmetic right shift), <<<
X = 4’b1100
• Y = X >> 1; // 4’b0110
• Y = X << 1; // 4’b1000
• Y = X << 2; // 4’b0000
Integer a, b, c;
a = 0;
b = -10;
c = a + (b >>> 3);
Operation Types
Concatenation Operator
{, }
A = 1’b1, B = 2’b00, C = 2’b10, D = 3’b110
• Y = { B, C }
• Y = { A, B, C, D, 3’b001 }
• Y = { A, B[0], C[1] }
Replication Operator
reg A;
reg [1:0] B, C;
reg [2:0] D;
A = 1’b1; B = 2’b00; C = 2’b10; D = 3’b110;
Y = {4{A}}
Y = {4{A}, 2{B}}
Y = {4{A}, 2{B}, C}
Operation Types
Operator Precedence
Operators Operator Symbols Precedence
Multiply, Divide, Modulus
+ - ! ~
* / %
Highest Precedence
Add, Subtract
+ -
<< >>
< <= > >=
== != === !==
&, ~&, |, ~|, ^,~^
&& ||
Conditional ?: Lowest precedence
Conditional Operator
Condition_expr ? ture_expr : false_expr;
•assign addr_bus = drive_enable ? Addr_out : 36’bz;
•assign out = control ? in1 : in0;
•assign out = (A == 3) ? (control ? x : y) : (control ? m : n);
1. The left hand side of procedural continuous assignment can be Register or
concatenation of registers.
2. The "shift right" (>>) operator inserts zeros on the left end of its argument.
3. The two types of "or" operators are "logical" and "bitwise“.
4. The expression of RHS can be reg, wire or function.
5. a === b, including x and z
Questions & Answers
Types of Delay Models
Path Delay Modeling
Timing Checks
Delay Back - Annotation
Student will able to
•Identify types of delay models used in verilog simulation
•Define system task from timing checks
•Understand delay back-annotation
MODULE-VII: Timing and Delays
Delay Models
Distributed Delay
//Gate-level modules
module M (out, a, b, c, d);
output out;
input a, b, c, d;
wire e, f;
//Delay is distributed to each gate.
and #5 a1(e, a, b);
and #7 a2(f, c, d);
and #4 a3(out, e, f);
//Data flow definition of a module
module M (out, a, b, c, d);
output out;
input a, b, c, d;
wire e, f;
//Distributed delay in each expression
assign #5 e = a & b;
assign #7 f = c & d;
assign #4 out = e & f;
Delay Models
Lumped Delay
module M (out, a, b, c, d);
output out;
input a, b, c, d;
wire e, f;
and a1(e, a, b);
and a2(f, c, d);
and #11 a3(out, e, f);
//delay only on the output gate
Pin-to-pin delays
•Also known as path delays
•Delay from any input to any output
•Gate-level, dataflow, and behavioral
delays: Distributed or Lumped
Path a-e-out, delay = 9
Path b-e-out, delay = 9
Path c-f-out, delay = 11
Path d-f-out, delay = 11
Specify Block
Assign pin-to-pin delays
Define specparam constants
Setup timing checks in the design
Path Delay Modeling
module M (out, a, b, c, d);
output out;
input a, b, c, d;
wire e, f;
//Specify block with path delay statements
(a => out) = 9;
(b => out) = 9;
(c => out) = 11;
(d => out) = 11;
//gate instantiations
and a1(e, a, b); and a2(f, c, d); and a3(out, e, f);
Parallel connection
(<src_field> => <dest_field>) = <delay>;
<src_field> and <dest_field> are vectors of equal length
•Unequal lengths, compile-time error
Path Delay Modeling
//bit-to-bit connection. both a and out are single-bit
(a => out) = 9;
//vector connection. both a and out are 4-bit vectors a[3:0], out[3:0]
(a => out) = 9;
(a[0] => out[0]) = 9;
(a[1] => out[1]) = 9;
(a[2] => out[2]) = 9;
(a[3] => out[3]) = 9;
//illegal connection. a[4:0] is a 5-bit vector, out[3:0] is 4-bit.
//Mismatch between bit width of source and destination fields
(a => out) = 9; //bit width does not match.
Full connection
(<src_field> *> <dest_field>) = <delay>;
No need to equal lengths in <src_field> and <dest_field>
Path Delay Modeling
module M (out, a, b, c, d);
output out;
input a, b, c, d;
wire e, f;
//full connection
(a,b *> out) = 9;
(c,d *> out) = 11;
and a1(e, a, b);
and a2(f, c, d);
and a3(out, e, f);
Edge-Sensitive Paths
•An edge-sensitive path construct is used to model the timing of input to
output delays, which occurs only when a specified edge occurs at the source
•(posedge clock => (out +: in)) = (10 : 8);
Path Delay Modeling
specparam constants
•Similar to parameter, but only inside specify block
•Recommended to be used instead of hard-coded delay numbers
//Specify parameters using specparam statement
//define parameters inside the specify block
specparam d_to_q = 9;
specparam clk_to_q = 11;
(d => q) = d_to_q;
(clk => q) = clk_to_q;
Path Delay Modeling
Conditional path delays
•Delay depends on signal values
•Also called State-Dependent Path Delay (SDPD)
module M (out, a, b, c, d);
output out; input a, b, c, d; wire e, f;
if (a) (a => out) = 9;
if (~a) (a => out) = 10;
//Conditional expression contains two signals b , c.
//If b & c is true, delay = 9,
//Conditional Path Delays
if (b & c) (b => out) = 9;
if (~(b & c)) (b => out) = 13;
//Use concatenation operator & Use Full connection
if ({c,d} == 2'b01) (c,d *> out) = 11;
if ({c,d} != 2'b01) (c,d *> out) = 13;
and a1(e, a, b); and a2(f, c, d); and a3(out, e, f);
Path Delay Modeling
Rise, fall, and turn-off delays
//Specify one delay only. Used for all transitions.
specparam t_delay = 11;
(clk => q) = t_delay;
//Specify two delays, rise and fall
specparam t_rise = 9, t_fall = 13; (clk => q) = (t_rise, t_fall);
//Specify three delays, rise, fall, and turn-off
specparam t_rise = 9, t_fall = 13, t_turnoff = 11;
(clk => q) = (t_rise, t_fall, t_turnoff);
//specify six delays.
specparam t_01 = 9, t_10 = 13, t_0z = 11;
specparam t_z1 = 9, t_1z = 11, t_z0 = 13;
(clk => q) = (t_01, t_10, t_0z, t_z1, t_1z, t_z0);
//specify twelve delays.
specparam t_01 = 9, t_10 = 13, t_0z = 11;
specparam t_z1 = 9, t_1z = 11, t_z0 = 13;
specparam t_0x = 4, t_x1 = 13, t_1x = 5;
specparam t_x0 = 9, t_xz = 11, t_zx = 7;
(clk => q) = (t_01, t_10, t_0z, t_z1, t_1z, t_z0, t_0x, t_x1, t_1x, t_x0, t_xz, t_zx );
Path Delay Modeling
Min, max, and typical delays
• Any delay value can also be specified as (min:typ:max)
t_rise = 8:9:10, t_fall = 12:13:14, t_turnoff = 10:11:12;
(clk => q) = (t_rise, t_fall, t_turnoff);
Handling x transitions
•Pessimistic approach
Transition to x: minimum possible time
Transition from x: maximum possible time
specparam t_01 = 9, t_10 = 13, t_0z = 11;
specparam t_z1 = 9, t_1z = 11, t_z0 = 13;
(clk => q) = (t_01, t_10, t_0z, t_z1, t_1z, t_z0);
Transition Delay Value
0->x min(t_01, t_0z)
1->x min(t_10, t_1z)
z->x min(t_z0, t_z1) = 9
x->0 max(t_10, t_z0)
x->1 max(t_01, t_z1)
x->z max(t_1z, t_0z) = 11
Timing Checks
A number of system tasks defined for this:
$setup: checks setup-time of a signal before an event
$hold: checks hold-time of a signal after an event
$width: checks width of pulses
$setup check
$setup(data_event, reference_event, limit);
//Setup check is set.
//clock is the reference
//data is being checked for violations
//Violation reported
if Tposedge_clk - Tdata < 3
$setup(data, posedge clock, 3);
Timing Checks
$hold check
$hold(reference_event, data_event, limit);
if Tdata - Tposedge_clk < 5
$hold(posedge clock, data, 5);
$width check
$width(reference_event, limit);
if Tdata - Tclk < 6
$width(posedge clock, 6);
Delay Back-annotation
1. Surface mobility depends on effective gate voltage.
2. A fast circuit requires high gm.
3. Switching speed of a MOS device depends on
a) gate voltage above a threshold
b) carrier mobility
c) length channel
4. Increasing the substrate bias voltage Vsb, increases the threshold voltage.
5. The work function difference is negative for silicon substrate &
polysilicon gate.
Questions & Answers
Linking and Invocation
Accesses Routines
Utility Routines
Student will able to learn how PLI is represented conceptually inside a
verilog simulator.
MODULE-VIII: Programming Language Interface
Programming Language Interface
Uses of PLI
 Define additional system tasks and functions
• e.g. monitoring tasks , stimulus tasks , …
 Extract design information such as hierarchy, connectivity, fanout, and
number of logic elements of a certain type.
 Write special-purpose or customized output display routines.
 General Verilog-based application software can be written with PLI
• This software will work with all Verilog simulators because of the
uniform access provided by the PLI
A simple PLI Task
#include "veriuser.h" /*include the file provided in release dir */
int hello_verilog()
io_printf("Hello Verilog Worldn");
 The io_printf is a PLI library routine that works exactly like printf.
Programming Language Interface
Linking PLI Tasks
 Whenever the task $hello_verilog is invoked in the Verilog code, the C
routine hello_verilog must be executed.
 The simulator needs to be aware that a new system task called
$hello_verilog exists and is linked to the C routine hello_verilog
• This process is called linking the PLI routines into the Verilog
• Different simulators provide different mechanisms to link PLI routines.
Invoking PLI Tasks
 Once the user-defined task has been linked into the Verilog simulator, it can
be invoked like any Verilog system task by the keyword $hello_verilog:
module hello_top;
//Invoke the user-defined task hello_verilog
Programming Language Interface
Access Routines
 Access routines can read information about objects in the design.
 Objects can be one of the following types:
oModule instances, module ports, module pin-to-pin paths, intermodule paths,
Top-level modules, Primitive instances, primitive terminals, Nets, registers,
parameters, specparams, Integer, time, and real variables, Timing checks,
Named events
Mechanics of access routines
 Access routines always start with the prefix acc_.
 A user-defined C routine that uses access routines must first initialize the
environment by calling the routine acc_initialize().
 When exiting, the user-defined C routine must call acc_close().
 #include "acc_user.h"
 Access routines use the concept of a handle to access an object.
• Handles are predefined data types that point to specific objects in the
• handle top_handle;
Programming Language Interface
Types of access routines
 Handle routines: They return handles to objects in the design. “acc_handle_”.
 Next routines : They return the handle to the next object in the set of a
given object type in a design. “acc_next_”
 Value Change Link (VCL) routines : They allow the user system task to add
and delete objects from the list of objects that are monitored. “acc_vcl_”
 Fetch routines : They can extract a variety of information about objects (e.g.
hierarchical path name, relative name) “acc_fetch_”
Utility Routines popularly called "tf" routines
 Utility routines are miscellaneous PLI routines that pass data in both
directions across the Verilog/user C routine boundary.
• Do long arithmetic, Display messages, Halt, terminate, save, and
restore simulation
 Always start with the prefix tf_.
 #include "veriuser.h"
1. General Verilog-based application software can be written with PLI
2. The io_printf is a PLI library routine that works exactly like printf.
3. Access routines can read information about objects in the design.
4. Utility routines pass data in both directions across the Verilog.
Questions & Answers
4 bit Full adder
4 bit Full adder cum Subtractor
Carry look a head adder
BCD adder
BCD adder cum Subtractor
Student will able to design and test a digital circuits in gatelevel and dataflow
MODULE-IX: Design of Arithmetic Circuits
using Gate level/ Data flow modeling:
Design 4-bit Full Adder
4-bit Full Adder
1-bit Full Adder
module fa(sum, c_out, a, b, c_in);
output sum, c_out;
input a, b, c_in;
wire s1, c1, c2;
and (c1, a, b);
xor (sum, a, b, c_in);
and (c2, s1, c_in);
xor(c_out, c1, c1);
Gate-level Modeling
module fa4(sum, c_out, a, b, c_in);
output [3:0] sum; output c_out;
input [3:0] a, b; input c_in;
wire c1, c2, c3;
fa fa0(sum[0], c1, a[0], b[0], c_in);
fa fa1(sum[1], c2, a[1], b[1], c1);
fa fa2(sum[2], c3, a[2], b[2], c2);
fa fa3(sum[3], c_out, a[3], b[3], c3);
Data Modeling using Addition and Concatenation Operator
module fulladd4(sum, c_out, a, b, c_in);
output [3:0] sum;
output c_out;
input[3:0] a, b;
input c_in;
assign {c_out, sum} = a + b + c_in;
Testbench – 4-bit Full Adder
module stimulus;
reg [3:0] A, B;
reg C_IN;
wire [3:0] SUM;
wire C_OUT;
fa4 FA1_4(SUM, C_OUT, A, B, C_IN);
$monitor($time, “A=%b, B=%b, C_IN=%b, C_OUT=%b, SUM=
%bn”, A, B, C_IN, C_OUT, SUM);
A=4´d3; B=4´d0; C_IN=1´b0;
#5 A=4´d3; B=4´d4;
#5 A=4´d2; B=4´d5;
#5 A=4´d9; B=4´d9;
#5 A=4´d10; B=4´d15;
#5 A=4´d10; B=4´d5;C_IN=1´1;
Simulation Results:
4-bit Full Adder Cum Subtractor
4-bit Full Adder Cum Subtractor
Data flow Modelling:
module addsub4bit(
A, B, cin, sum,cout);
input [3:0] A,B;
input cin;
output [3:0] sum;
output cout;
wire [3:0]x;
assign x[0]=B[0]^cin,
assign {cout, sum}=A+x+cin;
Structural Modelling:
module addsub4bit(A, B, cin, sum,cout);
input [3:0] A,B;
input cin;
output [3:0] sum;
output cout;
wire [3:0]x;
wire [3:1]c;
fa4 u0(A[0],x[0], cin, sum[0],c[1]);
fa4 u1(A[1],x[1],c[1], sum[1],c[2]);
fa4 u2(A[2],x[2],c[2], sum[2],c[3]);
fa4 u3(A[3],x[3],c[3], sum[3],cout);
Carry Look Ahead Full Adder
Carry Look Ahead Full Adder
Gate-level Modeling
module carrylook(a, b, cin, sum, cout);
input [3:0] a,b; input cin;
output [3:0] sum; output cout;
wire [3:0]p,g,x; wire [4:1]c;
halfadder h1(a[0], b[0], p[0], g[0]); halfadder h2(a[1], b[1], p[1], g[1]);
halfadder h3(a[2], b[2], p[2], g[2]); halfadder h4(a[3], b[3], p[3], g[3]);
and (x[0], p[0], cin); and (x[1], p[1], c[1]);
and (x[2], p[2], c[2]); and (x[3], p[3], c[3]);
or (c[1], g[0], x[0]); or (c[2], g[1], x[1]);
or (c[3], g[2], x[2]); or (c[4], g[3], x[3]);
xor (sum[0], p[0], cin); xor (sum[1], p[1], c[1]);
xor (sum[2], p[2], c[2]); xor (sum[3], p[3], c[3]);
assign cout = c[4];
Carry Look Ahead Full Adder
Dataflow Modeling
module fulladd4(sum, c_out, a, b, c_in);
output [3:0] sum;
output c_out;
input [3:0] a,b;
input c_in;
wire p0,g0, p1,g1, p2,g2, p3,g3;
wire c4, c3, c2, c1;
assign p0 = a[0] ^ b[0], p1 = a[1] ^ b[1], p2 = a[2] ^ b[2], p3 = a[3] ^ b[3];
assign g0 = a[0] & b[0], g1 = a[1] & b[1], g2 = a[2] & b[2], g3 = a[3] & b[3];
assign c1 = g0 | (p0 & c_in),
c2 = g1 | (p1 & g0) | (p1 & p0 & c_in),
c3 = g2 | (p2 & g1) | (p2 & p1 & g0) | (p2 & p1 & p0 & c_in),
c4 = g3 | (p3 & g2) | (p3 & p2 & g1) | (p3 & p2 & p1 & g0) | (p3 & p2 & p1
& p0 & c_in);
assign sum[0] = p0 ^ c_in, sum[1] = p1 ^ c1, sum[2] = p2 ^ c2, sum[3] = p3 ^ c3;
assign c_out = c4;
BCD Adder
Design BCD Adder
Data flow Modelling:
module bcdadder( A, B, cin, sum,
input [3:0] A,B;
input cin;
output [3:0] sum;
output cout;
wire [3:0]Z;
wire K,X1,X2;
assign {K, Z}=A+B+cin;
assign X1=Z[3]&Z[2],
assign {cout, sum} =
Structural Modelling:
module bcdadder(A, B, cin, sum, cout);
input [3:0] A,B;
input cin;
output [3:0] sum;
output cout;
wire [3:0]Z;
wire K,X1,X2;
fa4 f1(A, B, cin, Z, K);
and (X1, Z[3], Z[2]);
and (X2, Z[3], Z[1]);
or(Y, K, X1, X2);
fa4 f2({1’b0,Y,Y,1’b0}, Z, 1’b0, sum, cout);
BCD Adder cum Subtractor
X3 = B3’B2’B1’M+B3M’
X2 = B2B1’+B2M’+B2’B1M
X1 = B1
X0 = B0M’+B0’M
Design BCD Adder Cum Subtractor
module complimenter9( input [3:0] b, input m, output [3:0] x);
assign x[3]=(~b[3]&~b[2]&~b[1]&m) | (b[3]&~m),
x[2]=(b[2]&~b[1]) | (b[2]&~m) | (~b[2]&b[1]&m),
Structural Modelling:
module add_sub(A, B, CIN, M, F, COUT);
input [3:0]A,B;
input CIN,M;
output [3:0]F;
output COUT;
wire [3:0]X;
complementer9 c0(B,M,X);
bcdadder b0(A, X, CIN, F, COUT);
Data flow Modelling:
module comparator4bit(a,b,
aeb, agb, alb);
output aeb ,agtb ,altb;
input [3:0] a, b ;
assign aeb=(a==b);
assign agtb=(a>b);
assign altb=(a<b);
module compare1 (a, b, aeb,
agb, alb);
input a,b;
output aeb, agb, alb;
assign aeb = (a & b) | (~a & ~b);
assign agb = (a & ~b);
assign alb = (~a & b);
Structural Modelling:
module Compare4(a, b, aeb, agb, alb);
input [3:0] a, b;
output aeb, agb, alb;
wire [3:0]e, g, l;
compare1 cp0 (a[0], b[0], e[0], g[0], l[0]);
compare1 cp1 (a[1], b[1], e[1], g[1], l[1]);
compare1 cp2 (a[2], b[2], e[2], g[2], l[2]);
compare1 cp3 (a[3], b[3], e[3], g[3], l[3]);
and(aeb, e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3]);
assign agb = (g[3] | (g[2] & e[3]) | (g[1] &
e[3] & e[2]) | (g[0] & e[3] & e[2] & e[1]));
assign alb = (~agb & ~aeb);
1. A carry look-ahead adder reduces the propagation delay by introducing
more complex hardware.
2. The BCD Adder is used in the computers and the calculators that perform
arithmetic operation directly in the decimal number system.
3. In ripple carry adder each carry bit gets rippled into the next stage.
4. Full Adder is the adder which adds three inputs and produces two
Questions & Answers
Functional verification
Simulation types
Design of stimulus block
Student will able to verify the functionality of the digital circuits.
MODULE-X: Verification
Functional Verification
Identical stimulus is run with the original RTL and synthesized gate-level
descriptions of the design. The output is compared to find any mismatches.
module stimulus;
reg [3:0] a,b;
wire aeb, alb, agb;
//Instantiate the magnitude comparator
comp4 uut (.a(a),.b(b), .aeb(aeb), .alb(alb), .agb(agb));
$monitor($time," A = %b, B = %b, A_GT_B = %b, A_LT_B = %b, A_EQ_B = %b",
a, b, agb, alb, aeb);
//stimulate the magnitude comparator.
a = 4'b1010; b = 4'b1001;
#10 a = 4'b1110; b = 4'b1111;
#10 a = 4'b1110; b = 4'b1110;
Simulation types
Simulators are usually divided into the following categories or simulation
modes :
•Behavioral simulation
•Functional simulation
•Static timing analysis
•Gate-level simulation
•Switch-level simulation
•Transistor-level or circuit-level simulation
Design of stimulus block
Test bench - Stimulus Block
Stimulus generation
Output checking
Stimulus Block – I
Instantiate a design under test (dut)
(Design Block)
Ripple Carry Counter
clk reset
(Stimulus Block)
Stimulus Block – II
Additional top module instantiating
stimulus and design block
Top-level Block
1. A multiplexer is also known as a data selector.
2. A Multiplexers (MUX) is a combinational logic component that has several
inputs and only one output.
3. Decoder is a combinational circuit that has 'n' input lines and maximum of
2^n output lines.
4. A decoder is a circuit that changes a code into a set of signals.
Questions & Answers
4 to 1 Multiplexer
2 X 4 Decoder
Student will able to design and test a digital circuits in gatelevel
and dataflow modeling.
MODULE-XI: Additional Topic
4-to-1 Multiplexer
Gate-level Modeling – 4-to-1 Mux
//module 4-to-1 multiplexer
module mux4_to_1(out, i0, i1, i2, i3, s1, s0);
//port declarations
output out;
input i0, i1, i2, i3, s1, s0;
//internal wire declarations
wire s1n, s0n;
wire y0, y1, y2, y3;
//Gate instantiations
not (s1n, s0);
not s0n, s0); //not gate instantiations
and (y0, i0, s1n, s0n);
and (y1, i1, s1n, s0);
and (y2, i2, s1, s0n); //3-input and gate instantiations
and (y3, i3, s1, s0);
or (out, y0, y1, y2, y3); //4-input or gate instantiation
end module
Dataflow Modeling – 4-to-1 Multiplexer
Using Logic Equations
module mux4_to_1 (out, i0, i1, i2, i3, s1, s0);
output out;
input i0, i1, i2, i3;
input s1, s0;
assign out =(~s1 & ~s0 & i0)|(~s1 & s0 & i1) |(s1 & ~s0 & i2) |(s1 & s0 & i3) ;
Using Conditional Operators
module multiplexer4_to_1 (out, i0, i1, i2, i3, s1, s0);
output out;
input i0, i1, i2, i3;
input s1, s0;
assign out = s1 ? ( s0 ? i3 : i2) : (s0 ? i1 : i0) ;
Testbench – 4-to-1 Mux
module stimulus;
reg IN0, IN1, IN2, IN3;
reg S0, S1;
wire OUTPUT;
mux4_to_1 mymux(OUTPUT, IN0, IN1, IN2, IN3, S1, S0);
IN0=1; IN1=0; IN2=1; IN3=0;
$display(“IN0=%b, IN1=%b, IN2=%b, IN3=%bn”, IN0, IN1, IN2, IN3);
S1=0; S0=0;
#1 $display(“S1=%b, S0=%b, OUTPUT=%bn”, S1, S0, OUTPUT);
S1=0; S0=1;
#1 $display(“S1=%b, S0=%b, OUTPUT=%bn”, S1, S0, OUTPUT);
S1=1; S0=0;
#1 $display(“S1=%b, S0=%b, OUTPUT=%bn”, S1, S0, OUTPUT);
S1=1; S0=1;
#1 $display(“S1=%b, S0=%b, OUTPUT=%bn”, S1, S0, OUTPUT);
Simulation Results:
2 X 4 Decoder
2 X 4 Decoder
module decoder24(A,B,en,Y);
input A, B;
input en;
output [3:0]Y;
assign Y[3] = A& B& en;
assign Y[2] =B& ~A& en;
assign Y[1] = ~B & A& en;
assign Y[0] = ~A& ~B& en;
Gate level
module decoder24(A,B,en,Y);
input A, B;
input en;
output [3:0]Y;
wire Ab,Bb;
not (Ab,A);
and (Y[3], A, B, en);
and (Y [2], Ab, B, en);
and (Y [1], A, Bb, en);
and (Y [0], Ab,Bb, en);
Testbench – 2 X 4 Decoder
module stimulus;
reg A,B,en;
wire Y;
decoder24 d(A,B,en,Y);
A=0; B=0;
#1 $display (“En=%b, A=%b, B=%b, Y=%bn”, en,A,B,Y);
A=0; B=1;
#1 $display (“En=%b, A=%b, B=%b, Y=%bn”, en,A,B,Y);
A=1; B=0;
#1 $display (“En=%b, A=%b, B=%b, Y=%bn”, en,A,B,Y);
A=1; B=1;
#1 $display(“En=%b, A=%b, B=%b, Y=%bn”, en,A,B,Y);
1. A carry look-ahead adder reduces the propagation delay by introducing
more complex hardware.
2. A Multiplexers (MUX) is a combinational logic component that has several
inputs and only one output.
3. In ripple carry adder each carry bit gets rippled into the next stage.
4. Full Adder is the adder which adds three inputs and produces two
Questions & Answers
Question Bank
Short Answer Question
S.No Question
1 What is the difference between module instantiation and gate
L2 CO1
2 What is the difference between net data type and register data type? L2 CO1
3 Write a verilog code for 1 bit FA in structural model. L1 CO1
4 What is the diference between $display and $monitor? L2 CO1
5 Write the Verilog program for 2 bit comparator in gate model? L1 CO1
6 What are the advantages of verilog HDL over C-programming language? L1 CO1
7 Write the verilog description for the full subtractor module. L1 CO1
8 What is a test bench? What is its relevance in Verilog? L1 CO1
9 Write about continuous assignment structures. L1 CO1
10 What are compiler directives ? Are they works in similar in C
programing language.
L1 CO1
11 Write a verilog program for three input EXOR logic gate in dataflow
L1 CO1
12 Explain simulation and synthesis with differences. L2 CO1
Question Bank
Long Answer Question
S.No Question
1 Draw and explain typical design flow for VLSI IC circuit. L2 CO1
2 Describe in detail the top-down and bottom-up design
L5 CO1
3 Write a verilog program for 16x1 multiplexer using 4x1
L1 CO1
4 Write a verilog code for the following function.
F(A,B,C,D)= ∑m((0,3,4,5,11,12,13,15)+d(2,6,8) in gate level
model and write test bench to verify its functionality.
L4 CO1
5 Write verilog module for 8-bit comparator with test bench. L1 CO1
6 Explain programming language interface. L2 CO1
7 Write a verilog program for 4x1 Mux in dataflow modeling
using conditional operator.
L1 CO1
8 Explain Delay models in detail. L2 CO1
9 Write short notes on functional verification. L1 CO1
10 Design & write Verilog code for BCD adder along with test
bench to verify its functionality.
L5 CO1
Assignment Questions
1. Explain about different system tasks and complier directives in verilog
with syntax.
2. What are data types which are used in verilog?
3. Write a verilog code for the following function. F(A,B,C,D)=
∑m(0,5,7,8,9,10,12,13)+ ∑d(1,6,11,14) in gate level model and write test
bench to verify its functionality.
4. Design & write Verilog code for Ripple carry adder cum subtractor along
with test bench to verify its functionality.
5. Write a verilog program for 8x1 Mux in dataflow modeling using
conditional operator and verify its functionality.

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Digital System Design-Gatelevel and Dataflow Modeling

  • 2. INTRODUCTION: This unit is intended to provide a thorough coverage of verilog HDL concepts based on fundamental principles of digital design. This is the basic fundamental concept for the programming of the digital electronics. UNIT-I OUTCOMES: After successful completion of this Unit , students should be able to 1. Understand the importance of HDL (Hardware Descriptive Language) 2. Apply the knowledge of Boolean algebra to design and development digital systems. 3. Learn conventional structural modeling of digital systems. 4. Learn Hierarchical digital system building. 5. Continuous assignment operator based model construction will be learnt. MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE
  • 3. CONTENTS: Overview of Digital Design with Verilog HDL Evolution of computer aided digital circuit design Emergence of HDLs Typical design flow OUTCOMES: Students will be able to know about introduction of Hardware descriptive languages. MODULE-I: Introduction to HDLs MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE
  • 4. Digital circuits were designed with: 1. Vacuum tubes 2. Transistors 3. Integrated circuits (ICs) SSI : tens of gates MSI : hundreds of gates LSI : thousands of gates VLSI : more than 100,000 transistors ULSI : Ultra Large Scale Integration Hardware Description Language (HDL) •Allowed designed to model the concurrency of processes found in hardware elements •Verilog HDL originated in 1983 •VHDL was developed under contract from DARPA •Could be used to describe digital circuits at a register transfer level (RTL) Overview of Digital Design with Verilog MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE
  • 5. Design Flow MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Design Specification Behavioral Description RTL Description (HDL) Functional Verification and Testing Logic Synthesis/ Timing Verification Gate-Level Netlist Logical Verification and Testing Floor Planning Automatic Place and Route Physical Layout Layout Verification Implementation
  • 6. 1. The full form of HDL is Hardware Description Language 2. VHDL is being used for Ans: a) Documentation b) Verification c) Synthesis of large digital design 3. Verilog is standardised as IEEE 1364 4. The Verilog is less flexible compared to the VHDL 5. Verilog provide more features for transistor-level descriptions compared to VHDL. Questions & Answers MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE
  • 7. CONTENTS: Lexical Conventions Data types System tasks and Compiler Directives OUTCOMES: Students will be able to know the •Knowledge of language constructs •Pertaining to Semantic and syntactical errors in programming using HDL MODULE-II: Basic Concepts MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE
  • 8. Lexical Conventions MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Whitespace Blank space (b) Tabs (t) Newlines (n) Comments //: single line /* … */ : multiple line Operators Unary: ~、! Binary: +、-、&& Ternary: a = b ? c : d; String “Hello Verilog World” “a/b” Identifiers and Keywords reg value; input clk; Number Specification •Sized numbers: <size>’<base format><number> 4’b1111 12’habc 16’d255 •Unsized numbers 23456 ‘hc3 ‘o21 •X (unknown) and Z (high impedance) 12’h13x 6’hx 32’bz •Negative numbers -8’d3 •Underscore characters and Question marks 12’b1111_0000_1010 equals to 12’b111100001010 4’b10?? equals to 4’b10zz
  • 9. Data Types MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Value Set and Strength Value level Condition in Hardware Circuits 0 0, False 1 1, True x Unknown z High impedance, floating state Strength Level Type Degree supply Driving strongest Weakest strong Driving pull Driving large Storage weak Driving medium Storage small Storage highz High Impedance
  • 10. Data Types MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Net Used to represent connections between hardware elements Keyword: wire, wand, wor, tri, trior, trireg wire a; wire b, c; wire d = 1’b0; Register Storage element for data not same as “hardware register” Similar to variables in C reg reset; initial begin reset = 1’b1; #100 reset = 1’b0; end
  • 11. Data Types MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Vectors •wire and register can be defined as “vector” form format [high#:low#] or [low#:high#] •Subset of vector: Partial bits of vector •Fixed width subset: [<starting_bit>+:width] or [<starting_bit>-:width] wire a; wire [7:0] bus; wire [31:0] busA, busB, busC; reg clock; reg [0:40] virtual_addr; bus A[7] bus[2:0] virtual_addr[0:1] reg [255:0] data1; reg [0:255] data2; reg [7:0] byte; byte = data1[31-:8]; // data1[31:24] byte = data1[24+:8]; // data1[31:24] byte = data2[31-:8]; // data2[24:31] byte = data2[24+:8]; // data2[24:31] for (j=0; j<=31; j=j+1) // [7:0], [15:8]…[255:248] byte = data[(j*8)+:8]; data1[(byteNum*8)+:8] = 8’b0;
  • 12. Data Types MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Integer, Real, and Time Register Data Integer: can represent “signed” number Real: Time: Storing simulation time integer counter; initial counter = -1; real delta; initial begin delta = 4e10; delta = 2.13; end integer i; initial i = delta; // rounded value of 2.13 time save_sim_time; initial save_sim_time = $time;
  • 13. Data Types MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Arrays •Type: integer, register, time, real, or vector. •Dimension: no limit, but dimension must be constant •Format: <array_name>[<subscript>] •Assignment of values to array elements integer count[0:7]; reg bool[31:0]; time chk_point[1:100]; reg [4:0] port_id[0:7]; integer matrix[4:0][0:255]; reg [63:0] array_4d [15:0][7:0][7:0][255:0]; wire [7:0] w_array2 [5:0]; wire w_array1[7:0][5:0]; count[5] = 0; chk_point[100] = 0; port_id[3] = 0; matrix[1][0] = 33559; araay_4d[0][0][0][0][15:0] = 0;fff port_id = 0; // error usage matrix[1] = 0; // error usage
  • 14. Data Types MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Memories Array of registers reg mem1bit [0:1023]; reg [7:0] membyte [0:1023]; membyte[511] Parameters Define a constant •Can be re-defined at higher level using “defparam” •localparam (Verilog 2001 new feature) Can not be re-defined by “defparam” parameter port_id = 5; parameter cache_line_width = 256; parameter signed [15:0] WIDTH;
  • 15. Data Types MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Strings Can be assigned to register Escaped Characters Character Displayed n new line t tab % % ” “ ooo Character written in 1-3 octal digits
  • 16. System Tasks MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Displaying information $display (p1, p2, p3,…, pn); Format specification list Format Display %d or %D decimal value %b or %B binary value %s or %S String %h or %H Hexadecimal value %c or %C ASCII character %m or %M hierarchical name %v or %V strength of a variable %o or %O octal value %t or %T current time format %e or %E real number in scientific format (e.g., 3e10) %f or %F real number in decimal format (e.g., 2.13) %g or %G real number in shorter format, decimal or scientific
  • 17. System Tasks MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Displaying information //Include the string to be displayed within quotes $display (“Hello World”); //to display current simulation time $display($time); //to display 41-bit virtual address at current time reg [0:40] virtual_addr; $display(“At time %d, the virtual address is %h”,$time, virtual_addr); /*Special Characters*/ //to display special characters, multiline and %sign $display(“This is a n multiline string with a %% sign”); //output This is a multiline string with a % sign
  • 18. System Tasks MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Monitoring Information $monitor(p1,p2,…, pn); Monitor signal change and output the change initial begin $monitor($time, “value of signals clock=%b reset=%b”, clock, reset); end 0 value of signals clock=0 reset=1 5 value of signals clock=1 reset=1 10 value of signals clock=0 reset=0 Stopping and finishing $stop: stop simulation and enter interactive mode to debug $finish: end of simulation initial begin clock=0; reset=1; #100 $stop; //stop at time 100 in the simulation and examine the results #900 $finish; //finish at simulation time 1000 end
  • 19. Compiler Directives MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE `define: Define text macro, like #define in C `include: Include the context of another file, like #include in C  //define a text macro that defines the word size `define WORD_SIZE 32  /*define an alias such that $stop is substituted whenever `S appears*/ `define S $stop;  /*define a frequently used text string which can then be used as 32-bit register `WORD_REG reg32; */ `define WORD_REG reg [31:0];  /*include the header file header.v which contains declarations in the main verilog file design.v*/ `include header.v … <verilog code in file design.v> …
  • 20. 1. $stop system task to suspend simulation. 2. Unary operator which precedes the operand. 3. X is the default value for register data type. 4. Parameter value can be overridden at module instance by `define. 5. #40 $finish indicates end of simulation at 40 time units. Questions & Answers MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE
  • 21. CONTENTS: Design Methodologies Modules Instances Components of a Simulation OUTCOMES: Students should be able to •Understand design methodologies for digital design •Define a stimulus block and design block MODULE-III: Hierarchical Modeling Concepts MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE
  • 22. Top-down Design Methodology Define the final (top) module Analyze the components which are composed of top module step by step Design Methodology MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Bottom-up Design Methodology Design the basic components Assemble basic components to larger design until the top design is completed
  • 23. Hierarchy of 4-bit Ripple Carry Counter MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Top-down Bottom-up
  • 24. Basic component in verilog for describing/defining a hardware Modules MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE module <module_name> (<module_terminal_list>); … <module internals> … … endmodule A module for T F.F. module T_FF (q, clock , reset); … … <functionality of T-flipflop> … … endmodule
  • 25. Levels of functionality MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Different Levels of Abstraction  Behavioral / Architecture / Algorithm Level Describe the functionality (behavior) of a circuit  Dataflow / Register Transfer Logic (RTL) Level Describe the data flow of a circuit  Gate Level Describe the connectivity (structure) of a circuit  Switch Level
  • 26. Instances MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Individual object of module Module is similar to “function declaration” in C, and instance likes the concept of “function call” Instantiation A procedure of constructing an instance using module // Define Top-level block called ripple carry counter. module ripple_carry_counter(q, clk, reset); output [3:0] q; input clk, reset; //4 instances of the module T_FF are created. T_FF tff0(q[0],clk, reset); T_FF tff1(q[1],q[0], reset); T_FF tff2(q[2],q[1], reset); T_FF tff3(q[3],q[2], reset); endmodule
  • 27. Instances MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE //Module T-FF instantiates a D- flipflop module TFF(q, clk, reset); output q; input clk, reset; wire d; DFF dff0(q, d, clk, reset); //Instantiate D_FF. Call it dff0 not n1(d, q); //not gate is a verilog primitive endmodule //Module of a D-flipflop module D_FF (q, d, clk, reset); output q; input d, clk, reset; reg q; always @ (posedge reset or negedge clk) if (reset) q<=1´b0; else q<=d; endmodule T_FF is instantated within ripple_carry_counter D_FF and not are instantiated within T_FF Structural interconnect is established through instantiation
  • 28. Components of a Simulation MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Design Under Test (DUT) - Design Block Test bench - Stimulus Block Stimulus generation Output checking Stimulus Block – I Instantiate a design under test (dut) (Design Block) Ripple Carry Counter clk reset (Stimulus Block) q Stimulus Block – II Additional top module instantiating stimulus and design block Stimulus Block d_clk d_reset c_q Design Block clk reset q Top-level Block
  • 29. Stimulus Block (Test bench) MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE module stimulus; reg clk; reg reset; wire[3:0] q; ripple_carry_counter r1(q, clk, reset); // instantiate the design block initial clk = 1'b0; // Control the clock always #5 clk = ~clk; initial // Control the reset begin reset = 1'b1; #15 reset = 1'b0; #180 reset = 1'b1; #10 reset = 1'b0; #20 $finish; end initial // Monitor the outputs $monitor($time, " Output q = %d", q); endmodule
  • 30. Simulation results and Output Waves MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE 0 Output q = 0 20 Output q = 1 30 Output q = 2 40 Output q = 3 50 Output q = 4 60 Output q = 5 70 Output q = 6 80 Output q = 7 90 Output q = 8 100 Output q = 9 110 Output q = 10 120 Output q = 11 130 Output q = 12 140 Output q = 13 150 Output q = 14 160 Output q = 15 170 Output q = 0 180 Output q = 1 190 Output q = 2 195 Output q = 0 210 Output q = 1 220 Output q= 2
  • 31. 1. The Process of creating object from a modue template is called instantiation. 2. The functionality of the design block can be tested by applying stimulus and checking results. 3. Modules are the basic building blocks in Verilog. 4. A module can be implemented in terms of the design algorithm without concern for the hardware implementation is a Behavioual level modeling. Questions & Answers MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE
  • 32. CONTENTS: Modules Ports Hierarchical Names OUTCOMES: Students should be able understand how to define, declare and connect the ports for a module in verilog. MODULE-IV: Modules and Ports MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE
  • 33. Modules MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Basic component in Verilog for describing/defining a hardware module <module_name> (<module_terminal_list>); <I/O declaration> <parameter declaration> … <module internals> … … endmodule Components of Modules Variables Declaration Dataflow Statement Module Instantiation Behavior Statement Tasks and Functions
  • 34. Components of Modules MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Module Name, Port List, Port Declarations (is ports present) Parameters (optional) Declarations of wires, regs and other variables Data flow statements (assign) Instantiation of lower level modules always and intial blocks All behavioral statements Tasks and Functions endmodule statement
  • 35. Ports MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE I/O Interface used to communicate with external module “No” port declaration if do not need to communicate with other module, such as Top module module fulladd4 has five ports while top has no port. a, b, and c_in are input ports and sum and c_out are output ports. module fulladd4(sum, c_out, a, b, c_in);//module with a list of ports module Top; //no port list as Top is the top-level module in simulation
  • 36. Port Declaration MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Three types input output inout Verilog Keyword Type of Port input Input port output Output port inout Bidirectional port Port Declaration module FA4(sum, c_out, a, b, c_in); //begin port declarations output [3:0] sum; output c_cout; input [3:0] a, b; input c_in; //end port declarations section <module internals> … endmodule ANSI C Port Declaration module FA4(output reg [3:0] sum, output reg c_cout, input [3:0] a, b, input c_in); //wire by default … <module internals> … endmodule
  • 37. Port Connection Rules MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Input Port Internal view- viewed as “a wire/net” External view- can be connected to a reg or wire Output Port Internal view-declared as a reg or wire External view-only be connected to a wire Inout Port viewed as a wire/net regardless of internal or external module
  • 38. Port Connection Rules MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Mismatch of internal and external port connections Simulation should issue a warning for this condition Floating of port connection Fulladd4 fa0(sum, , a, b, c_in); // c_out floating Illegal connection of internal and external ports Connecting Ports to External Signals Connecting ports by module declaration sequence Connecting ports by name Connecting Ports by Name Fulladd4 fa_byname(.c_out(c_out), .sum(sum), .b(b), .c_in(c_in), .a(a)); Fulladd4 fa_byname(.sum(sum), ,.b(b), .c_in(c_in), .a(a));
  • 39. Port Connection Rules MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Connecting Ports by Module Declaration Sequence module Top; reg [3:0] A, B; reg C_IN; wire [3:0] SUM; wire C_OUT; //instantiate fulladd4 where signals are connected in order i.e., by position fulladd4 fa_ordered(SUM, C_OUT, A, B, C_IN); … <stimulus> … endmodule module fulladd4(sum, c_out, a, b, c_in); output [3:0] sum; output c_out; input [3:0] a, b; input c_in; …<module internals>… endmodule
  • 40. Port Connection Rules MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Named each instance, variables and signals in hierarchical design Root module Never be referenced by other modules, such as stimulus Hierarchical instances are separated by dot sign “.” $display (“%m”) display hierarchical level of that module stimulus (root level) m1 (SR_latch) q, qbar set, reset (variables) Q, Qbar S, R (signals) n1(nand ) n2(nand )
  • 41. 1. Ports provides he interface by which a module can communicate with its environment. 2. Inout ports must always be of the type net. 3. Connection between signals specified in the module instantiation and the ports in module definition is done by ordered list or by name. 4. Hierarchical name allows to denote every identifier with a unique name. Questions & Answers MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE
  • 42. CONTENTS: Gate Type Gate Delays OUTCOMES: Students should be able to •Identify and understands how to construct a logic gate primitives provided in verilog •Describe delays in the gate level design MODULE-V: Gate-level Modeling MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE
  • 43. Gate Type MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE And/Or Gate Primitive Two Types of Basic Primitives •And/Or gate •Buf/Not gate
  • 44. Gate Type MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Using Gate Primitive wire OUT, IN1, IN2; //basic gate instantiations and a1(OUT, IN1, In2); nand na1(OUT, IN1, IN2); or or1(OUT, In1, In2); nor nor1(OUT, IN1, IN2); xor xor1(OUT, In1, In2); xnor xnor1(OUT, IN1, IN2); //more than two inputs nand na1_3ip(OUT, IN1, IN2, IN3)l //gate instantiation without specifying instance name and (OUT, IN1, IN2);
  • 45. Gate Type MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Buf/Not Gate Primitive •buf •not •bufif •notif //basic gate instantiations buf b1(OUT1, IN); not n1(OUT1, IN); //more than two outputs buf b1_2ops(OUT1, OUT2, IN); //gate instantiation without instance name not (OUT1, IN);
  • 46. Gate Type MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Bufif/Notif Gate Primitive //instantiation of bufif gates bufif1 b1(out, in, ctrl1); bufif0 b0(out, in, ctrl1); //instantiation of notif gates notif1 n1(out, in, ctrl1); notif0 n0(out, in, ctrl1);
  • 47. Gate Type MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Array of Instances Avoid repetition of gate instantition wire [7:0] OUT, IN1, IN2; nand n_gate [7:0] (OUT, IN1, IN2); //this is equivalent to the following 8 instantiations nand n_gate0 (OUT[0], IN1[0], IN2[0]); nand n_gate1 (OUT[1], IN1[1], IN2[1]); nand n_gate2 (OUT[2], IN1[2], IN2[2]); nand n_gate3 (OUT[3], IN1[3], IN2[3]); nand n_gate4 (OUT[4], IN1[4], IN2[4]); nand n_gate5 (OUT[5], IN1[5], IN2[5]); nand n_gate6 (OUT[6], IN1[6], IN2[6]); nand n_gate7 (OUT[7], IN1[7], IN2[7]);
  • 48. Gate Delays MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Rise delay The delay that an output rises a logic 1 Fall delay The delay that an output falls to a logic 0 Trun-off delay The delay that an output turns to be a z t_rise 0, x or z 1 t_fall 1, x or z 0
  • 49. Gate Delays MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE //delay of delay_time for all transactions and #(delay_time) a1(out, i1, i2); //Rise and Fall delay specification and #(rise_val, fall_val) a2(out, i1, i2); //Rise, Fall, and Turn-off delay specification bufif0 #(rise_val, fall_val, turnoff_val) b1(out, in, control); Examples: and #5 a1(out, i1, i2); //delay of 5 for all transactions and #(4, 6) a2(out, i1, i2);// Rise=4, Fall=6 bufif0 #(3, 4, 5) b1(out, in, control);//Rise=3, Fall=4, Turn_off=5
  • 50. Gate Delays MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Min/Typ/Max Delay Values Each rise, fall and turn-off delays have three types of values Min: The expected minimum delay Typ: The expected typical delay Max: The expected maximum delay Use +maxdelays, +typdelays (default), or +mindelays to choose delay values when execution //if +mindelays, delay=4, +typ delays, delay=5, +maxdelays, delay=6 and #(4:5:6) a1(out, i1, i2); //one delay //if +mindelays, rise=3, fall=5, turn_off=min(3,5) //if +typdelays, rise=4, fall=6, turn_of==min(4,6) //if +maxdelays, rise=5, fall=7, turn_off=min(5,7) and #(3:4:5, 5:6:7) a2(out, i1, i2); //two delays //if +mindelays, rise=2, fall=3, turn_off=4 //if +typdelays, rise=3, fall=4, turn_off=5 //if +maxdelays, rise=4, fall=5, turn_off=66 and #(2:3:4, 4:5:6, 5:6:7) a3(out, i1, i2); //three delays
  • 51. Gate Delays MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Define Delay Value in Verilog Compilation //invoke simulation with maximum delay > verilog test.v +maxdelays //invoke simulation with minimum delay > verilog test.v +mindelays //invoke simulation with typical delay > verilog test.v +typdelays
  • 52. Delay Example MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE module D (out, a, b, c); // I/O port declarations output out; input a, b, c; //Internal nets wire e; //Instantiate primitive gates to build the circuit and #(5) a1(e, a, b); //delay of 5 timeunits on gate a1 or #(4) o1(out, e, c); //delay of 4 time units on gate o1 endmodule Out = (a • b) + c
  • 53. Delay Example MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE module stimulus; //declare variables reg A, B, C; wire OUT; //instantiate the module D D d1(OUT, A, B); //stimulate the inputs. Finish the simulation at 40 time units initial begin A=1´b0; B=1´b0; C=1´b0; #10 A=1´b1; B=1´b1; C=1´b1; #10 A=1´b1; B=1´b0; C=1´b0; #20 $finish; end end module Simulation Results:
  • 54. 1. Min, typ, max values can be chosen at verilog run time. 2. Verilog supports basic logic gates as predefined primitives. 3. Setup time is the minimum time the data cannot change after active clock edge. 4. Turn off delay means, gate output transition to Z. Questions & Answers MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE
  • 55. CONTENTS: Continuous Assignments Delays Expressions, Operators and Operands Operator Types OUTCOMES: Student will able to use dataflow constructs to model practical digital circuits in verilog. MODULE-VI: Dataflow Modeling MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE
  • 56. Continuous Assignments MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Assign a logic value to a wire/net Syntax •Continuous_assign::= assign [drive_strength] [delay] list_of_assignments; •list_of_net_assignments::=net_assignment{, net_assignment} •net_assignment::=net_lvalue = expression •Default drive_strength: strong1 or strong0 •Delay: propagation time from inputs to output Constraints •LHS of assignment (=) must be scalar net or vector net (rather than reg or vector reg) •Once the value of RHS expression changes, the value of assigned wire also changes accordingly •The expression of RHS can be reg, wire or function •Delay controls the update time of LHS when the value of RHS has changed like gate delay
  • 57. Continuous Assignments MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Example: //continuous assignment. out is a net, i1 and i2 are nets assign out=i1 & i2; /* continuous assign for vector nets. addr is a 16-bit vector net addr1 and addr2 are 16-bit vector registers */ assign addr[15:0]=addr1_bits[15_0]^addr2_bits[15:0]; //concatenation. LHS is the concatenation of a scalar net and a vector net assign {c_out, sum[3:0]}=a[3:0]+b[3:0]+c_in; Implicit Continuous Assignment Perform a wire assignment when declaring the wire wire out; assign out = in1 & in2; (equals the following) wire out = in1 & in2; Implicit Net Declaration Perform assignment for an un-declared wire •wire i1, i2; assign out = i1 & i2; // wire out has not been declared
  • 58. Delays MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Regular Assignment Delay assign #10 out = in1 & in2; Implicit Continuous Assignment Delay •wire #10 out = in1 & in2; (equals the following) •wire out; assign #10 out = in1 & in2; Net Declaration Delay •wire #10 out; assign out = in1 & in2; (equals the following) •wire out; assign #10 out = in1 & in2;
  • 59. Expressions, Operators and Operands MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Expressions Combine operator and operand to output a result a^b, addr1[20:17] + addr2[20:17], in1 | in2 Operands •Data type - constants, integers, real, nets, registers, times, bit-select, part- select, memory or function calls •Integer count, final_count; final_count = count + 1; •real a, b, c; c = a – b; •reg [15:0] reg1, reg2; reg [3:0] reg_out; reg_out = reg1[3:0] ^ reg2[3:0]; •reg ret_value; ret_value = calculate_parity(A, B); Operators Perform an operation on operands •d1 && d2 // && operates on operands d1 and d2 •!a[0] •B1>>1
  • 60. Operation Types MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Operator Type Operator Symbol Operation Performed Number of operands Arithmetic * / + - % ** Multiply Divide Add Subtract Modulus exponent two two two two two two Logical ! && || Logical negation Logical and Logical or one two two Relational > < >= <= greater than less than greater than or equal less than or equal two two two two
  • 61. Operation Types MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Operator Type Operator Symbol Operation Performed Number of operands Equality == != === !== equality inequality case equality case inequality two two two two Bitwise ~ & | ^ ^~ or ~^ bitwise negation bitwise and bitwise or bitwise xor bitwise xnor one two two two two Reduction & ~& | ~| ^ ^~ or ~^ reduction and reduction nand reduction or reduction nor reduction xor reduction xnor one one one one one one
  • 62. Operation Types MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Operator Type Operator Symbol Operation Performed Number of operands Shift >> << >>> <<< right shift left shift arithmetic right shift arithmetic left shift two two two two Concatenation Replication { } { { } } concatenation Replication any number any number Conditional ? : conditional three
  • 63. Operation Types MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Arithmetic Operators Binary Operator (+, -, *, /, **, %) •in1 = 4’b101x; in2 = 4’b1010; sum = in1 + in2; // 4’bx •13 % 3 • 16 % 4 • -7 % 2 • 7 % -2 Unary Operator (+, -) •-4 •+5 Logical Operators &&(logic-and), ||(logic-or), !(logic-not) A = 3; B = 0; A && B A || B !A !B A = 2’0x; B = 2’b10; A && B ( a == 2) && (b == 3) Relational Operators (>, <, <=, >=) A = 4, B = 3, X = 4’b1010, Y = 4’b1101, Z = 4’b1xxx A <= B A > B Y >= X Y < Z
  • 64. Operation Types MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Equality Operators: Logic Equality (==, !=) Case Equality (===, !==) Expression Description Possible Logical value a==b a equal to b, result unknown if x or z in a,b 0,1,x a!=b a not equal to b, result unknown if x or z in a,b 0, 1, x a===b a equal to b, including x and z 0,1 a!==b a not equal to b, including x and z 0,1 A = 4, B = 3, X = 4’b1010, Y = 4’b1101, Z = 4’b1xxz, M = 4’b1xxz, N = 4’b1xxx • A == B // 0 • X != Y // 1 • X == Z // x • Z === M // 1 • Z === N // 0 • M !=== N // 1
  • 65. Operation Types MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Bitwise Operators ~(Negation), & (and), | (or), ^ (xor), ^~ (xnor) X = 4’b1010, Y = 4’b1101, Z = 4’b10x1 • ~X // 4’b0101 • X & Y // 4’b1000 • X | Y // 4’b1111 • X ^ Y // 4’b0111 • X ^~ Y // 4’b1000 • X & Z // 4’b10x0 X = 4’b1010, Y = 4’b0000 • X | Y // 4’b1010 • X || Y // 1
  • 66. Operation Types MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Reduction Operator &, ~&, |, ~|, ^, ~^ X = 4’b1010 • &X // 1’b0 • |X // 1’b1 • ^X // 1’b0, can be used to count even parity Shift Operator >>(right shift), <<(left shift), >>>(arithmetic right shift), <<< X = 4’b1100 • Y = X >> 1; // 4’b0110 • Y = X << 1; // 4’b1000 • Y = X << 2; // 4’b0000 Integer a, b, c; a = 0; b = -10; c = a + (b >>> 3);
  • 67. Operation Types MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Concatenation Operator {, } A = 1’b1, B = 2’b00, C = 2’b10, D = 3’b110 • Y = { B, C } • Y = { A, B, C, D, 3’b001 } • Y = { A, B[0], C[1] } Replication Operator reg A; reg [1:0] B, C; reg [2:0] D; A = 1’b1; B = 2’b00; C = 2’b10; D = 3’b110; Y = {4{A}} Y = {4{A}, 2{B}} Y = {4{A}, 2{B}, C}
  • 68. Operation Types MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Operator Precedence Operators Operator Symbols Precedence Unary Multiply, Divide, Modulus + - ! ~ * / % Highest Precedence Add, Subtract Shift + - << >> Relational Equality < <= > >= == != === !== Reduction Logical &, ~&, |, ~|, ^,~^ && || Conditional ?: Lowest precedence Conditional Operator Condition_expr ? ture_expr : false_expr; •assign addr_bus = drive_enable ? Addr_out : 36’bz; •assign out = control ? in1 : in0; •assign out = (A == 3) ? (control ? x : y) : (control ? m : n);
  • 69. 1. The left hand side of procedural continuous assignment can be Register or concatenation of registers. 2. The "shift right" (>>) operator inserts zeros on the left end of its argument. 3. The two types of "or" operators are "logical" and "bitwise“. 4. The expression of RHS can be reg, wire or function. 5. a === b, including x and z Questions & Answers MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE
  • 70. CONTENTS: Types of Delay Models Path Delay Modeling Timing Checks Delay Back - Annotation OUTCOMES: Student will able to •Identify types of delay models used in verilog simulation •Define system task from timing checks •Understand delay back-annotation MODULE-VII: Timing and Delays MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE
  • 71. Delay Models MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Distributed Delay //Gate-level modules module M (out, a, b, c, d); output out; input a, b, c, d; wire e, f; //Delay is distributed to each gate. and #5 a1(e, a, b); and #7 a2(f, c, d); and #4 a3(out, e, f); endmodule //Data flow definition of a module module M (out, a, b, c, d); output out; input a, b, c, d; wire e, f; //Distributed delay in each expression assign #5 e = a & b; assign #7 f = c & d; assign #4 out = e & f; endmodule
  • 72. Delay Models MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Lumped Delay module M (out, a, b, c, d); output out; input a, b, c, d; wire e, f; and a1(e, a, b); and a2(f, c, d); and #11 a3(out, e, f); //delay only on the output gate endmodule Pin-to-pin delays •Also known as path delays •Delay from any input to any output port •Gate-level, dataflow, and behavioral delays: Distributed or Lumped Path a-e-out, delay = 9 Path b-e-out, delay = 9 Path c-f-out, delay = 11 Path d-f-out, delay = 11
  • 73. Specify Block Assign pin-to-pin delays Define specparam constants Setup timing checks in the design Path Delay Modeling MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE module M (out, a, b, c, d); output out; input a, b, c, d; wire e, f; //Specify block with path delay statements specify (a => out) = 9; (b => out) = 9; (c => out) = 11; (d => out) = 11; endspecify //gate instantiations and a1(e, a, b); and a2(f, c, d); and a3(out, e, f); endmodule
  • 74. Parallel connection Syntax: specify (<src_field> => <dest_field>) = <delay>; endspecify <src_field> and <dest_field> are vectors of equal length •Unequal lengths, compile-time error Path Delay Modeling MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE //bit-to-bit connection. both a and out are single-bit (a => out) = 9; //vector connection. both a and out are 4-bit vectors a[3:0], out[3:0] (a => out) = 9; (or) (a[0] => out[0]) = 9; (a[1] => out[1]) = 9; (a[2] => out[2]) = 9; (a[3] => out[3]) = 9; //illegal connection. a[4:0] is a 5-bit vector, out[3:0] is 4-bit. //Mismatch between bit width of source and destination fields (a => out) = 9; //bit width does not match.
  • 75. Full connection Syntax: specify (<src_field> *> <dest_field>) = <delay>; endspecify No need to equal lengths in <src_field> and <dest_field> Path Delay Modeling MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE module M (out, a, b, c, d); output out; input a, b, c, d; wire e, f; //full connection specify (a,b *> out) = 9; (c,d *> out) = 11; endspecify and a1(e, a, b); and a2(f, c, d); and a3(out, e, f); endmodule
  • 76. Edge-Sensitive Paths •An edge-sensitive path construct is used to model the timing of input to output delays, which occurs only when a specified edge occurs at the source signal. •(posedge clock => (out +: in)) = (10 : 8); Path Delay Modeling MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE specparam constants •Similar to parameter, but only inside specify block •Recommended to be used instead of hard-coded delay numbers //Specify parameters using specparam statement specify //define parameters inside the specify block specparam d_to_q = 9; specparam clk_to_q = 11; (d => q) = d_to_q; (clk => q) = clk_to_q; endspecify
  • 77. Path Delay Modeling MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Conditional path delays •Delay depends on signal values •Also called State-Dependent Path Delay (SDPD) module M (out, a, b, c, d); output out; input a, b, c, d; wire e, f; specify if (a) (a => out) = 9; if (~a) (a => out) = 10; //Conditional expression contains two signals b , c. //If b & c is true, delay = 9, //Conditional Path Delays if (b & c) (b => out) = 9; if (~(b & c)) (b => out) = 13; //Use concatenation operator & Use Full connection if ({c,d} == 2'b01) (c,d *> out) = 11; if ({c,d} != 2'b01) (c,d *> out) = 13; endspecify and a1(e, a, b); and a2(f, c, d); and a3(out, e, f); endmodule
  • 78. Path Delay Modeling MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Rise, fall, and turn-off delays //Specify one delay only. Used for all transitions. specparam t_delay = 11; (clk => q) = t_delay; //Specify two delays, rise and fall specparam t_rise = 9, t_fall = 13; (clk => q) = (t_rise, t_fall); //Specify three delays, rise, fall, and turn-off specparam t_rise = 9, t_fall = 13, t_turnoff = 11; (clk => q) = (t_rise, t_fall, t_turnoff); //specify six delays. specparam t_01 = 9, t_10 = 13, t_0z = 11; specparam t_z1 = 9, t_1z = 11, t_z0 = 13; (clk => q) = (t_01, t_10, t_0z, t_z1, t_1z, t_z0); //specify twelve delays. specparam t_01 = 9, t_10 = 13, t_0z = 11; specparam t_z1 = 9, t_1z = 11, t_z0 = 13; specparam t_0x = 4, t_x1 = 13, t_1x = 5; specparam t_x0 = 9, t_xz = 11, t_zx = 7; (clk => q) = (t_01, t_10, t_0z, t_z1, t_1z, t_z0, t_0x, t_x1, t_1x, t_x0, t_xz, t_zx );
  • 79. Path Delay Modeling MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Min, max, and typical delays • Any delay value can also be specified as (min:typ:max) t_rise = 8:9:10, t_fall = 12:13:14, t_turnoff = 10:11:12; (clk => q) = (t_rise, t_fall, t_turnoff); Handling x transitions •Pessimistic approach Transition to x: minimum possible time Transition from x: maximum possible time specparam t_01 = 9, t_10 = 13, t_0z = 11; specparam t_z1 = 9, t_1z = 11, t_z0 = 13; (clk => q) = (t_01, t_10, t_0z, t_z1, t_1z, t_z0); Transition Delay Value 0->x min(t_01, t_0z) 1->x min(t_10, t_1z) z->x min(t_z0, t_z1) = 9 x->0 max(t_10, t_z0) x->1 max(t_01, t_z1) x->z max(t_1z, t_0z) = 11
  • 80. Timing Checks MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE A number of system tasks defined for this: $setup: checks setup-time of a signal before an event $hold: checks hold-time of a signal after an event $width: checks width of pulses $setup check Syntax: $setup(data_event, reference_event, limit); //Setup check is set. //clock is the reference //data is being checked for violations //Violation reported if Tposedge_clk - Tdata < 3 specify $setup(data, posedge clock, 3); endspecify
  • 81. Timing Checks MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE $hold check Syntax: $hold(reference_event, data_event, limit); if Tdata - Tposedge_clk < 5 specify $hold(posedge clock, data, 5); endspecify $width check Syntax: $width(reference_event, limit); if Tdata - Tclk < 6 specify $width(posedge clock, 6); endspecify
  • 83. 1. Surface mobility depends on effective gate voltage. 2. A fast circuit requires high gm. 3. Switching speed of a MOS device depends on a) gate voltage above a threshold b) carrier mobility c) length channel 4. Increasing the substrate bias voltage Vsb, increases the threshold voltage. 5. The work function difference is negative for silicon substrate & polysilicon gate. Questions & Answers MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE
  • 84. CONTENTS: Uses Linking and Invocation Accesses Routines Utility Routines OUTCOMES: Student will able to learn how PLI is represented conceptually inside a verilog simulator. MODULE-VIII: Programming Language Interface MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE
  • 85. Programming Language Interface MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Uses of PLI  Define additional system tasks and functions • e.g. monitoring tasks , stimulus tasks , …  Extract design information such as hierarchy, connectivity, fanout, and number of logic elements of a certain type.  Write special-purpose or customized output display routines.  General Verilog-based application software can be written with PLI routines. • This software will work with all Verilog simulators because of the uniform access provided by the PLI A simple PLI Task #include "veriuser.h" /*include the file provided in release dir */ int hello_verilog() { io_printf("Hello Verilog Worldn"); }  The io_printf is a PLI library routine that works exactly like printf.
  • 86. Programming Language Interface MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Linking PLI Tasks  Whenever the task $hello_verilog is invoked in the Verilog code, the C routine hello_verilog must be executed.  The simulator needs to be aware that a new system task called $hello_verilog exists and is linked to the C routine hello_verilog • This process is called linking the PLI routines into the Verilog simulator. • Different simulators provide different mechanisms to link PLI routines. Invoking PLI Tasks  Once the user-defined task has been linked into the Verilog simulator, it can be invoked like any Verilog system task by the keyword $hello_verilog: module hello_top; $hello_verilog; //Invoke the user-defined task hello_verilog endmodule
  • 87. Programming Language Interface MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Access Routines  Access routines can read information about objects in the design.  Objects can be one of the following types: oModule instances, module ports, module pin-to-pin paths, intermodule paths, Top-level modules, Primitive instances, primitive terminals, Nets, registers, parameters, specparams, Integer, time, and real variables, Timing checks, Named events Mechanics of access routines  Access routines always start with the prefix acc_.  A user-defined C routine that uses access routines must first initialize the environment by calling the routine acc_initialize().  When exiting, the user-defined C routine must call acc_close().  #include "acc_user.h"  Access routines use the concept of a handle to access an object. • Handles are predefined data types that point to specific objects in the design. • handle top_handle;
  • 88. Programming Language Interface MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Types of access routines  Handle routines: They return handles to objects in the design. “acc_handle_”.  Next routines : They return the handle to the next object in the set of a given object type in a design. “acc_next_”  Value Change Link (VCL) routines : They allow the user system task to add and delete objects from the list of objects that are monitored. “acc_vcl_”  Fetch routines : They can extract a variety of information about objects (e.g. hierarchical path name, relative name) “acc_fetch_” Utility Routines popularly called "tf" routines  Utility routines are miscellaneous PLI routines that pass data in both directions across the Verilog/user C routine boundary. • Do long arithmetic, Display messages, Halt, terminate, save, and restore simulation  Always start with the prefix tf_.  #include "veriuser.h"
  • 89. 1. General Verilog-based application software can be written with PLI routines. 2. The io_printf is a PLI library routine that works exactly like printf. 3. Access routines can read information about objects in the design. 4. Utility routines pass data in both directions across the Verilog. Questions & Answers MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE
  • 90. CONTENTS: 4 bit Full adder 4 bit Full adder cum Subtractor Carry look a head adder BCD adder BCD adder cum Subtractor Comparator OUTCOMES: Student will able to design and test a digital circuits in gatelevel and dataflow modeling. MODULE-IX: Design of Arithmetic Circuits using Gate level/ Data flow modeling: MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE
  • 91. Design 4-bit Full Adder MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE
  • 92. 4-bit Full Adder MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE 1-bit Full Adder module fa(sum, c_out, a, b, c_in); output sum, c_out; input a, b, c_in; wire s1, c1, c2; and (c1, a, b); xor (sum, a, b, c_in); and (c2, s1, c_in); xor(c_out, c1, c1); endmodule Gate-level Modeling module fa4(sum, c_out, a, b, c_in); output [3:0] sum; output c_out; input [3:0] a, b; input c_in; wire c1, c2, c3; fa fa0(sum[0], c1, a[0], b[0], c_in); fa fa1(sum[1], c2, a[1], b[1], c1); fa fa2(sum[2], c3, a[2], b[2], c2); fa fa3(sum[3], c_out, a[3], b[3], c3); endmodule Data Modeling using Addition and Concatenation Operator module fulladd4(sum, c_out, a, b, c_in); output [3:0] sum; output c_out; input[3:0] a, b; input c_in; assign {c_out, sum} = a + b + c_in; endmodule
  • 93. Testbench – 4-bit Full Adder MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE module stimulus; reg [3:0] A, B; reg C_IN; wire [3:0] SUM; wire C_OUT; fa4 FA1_4(SUM, C_OUT, A, B, C_IN); initial begin $monitor($time, “A=%b, B=%b, C_IN=%b, C_OUT=%b, SUM= %bn”, A, B, C_IN, C_OUT, SUM); A=4´d3; B=4´d0; C_IN=1´b0; #5 A=4´d3; B=4´d4; #5 A=4´d2; B=4´d5; #5 A=4´d9; B=4´d9; #5 A=4´d10; B=4´d15; #5 A=4´d10; B=4´d5;C_IN=1´1; end endmodule Simulation Results:
  • 94. 4-bit Full Adder Cum Subtractor MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE
  • 95. 4-bit Full Adder Cum Subtractor MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Data flow Modelling: module addsub4bit( A, B, cin, sum,cout); input [3:0] A,B; input cin; output [3:0] sum; output cout; wire [3:0]x; assign x[0]=B[0]^cin, x[1]=B[1]^cin, x[2]=B[2]^cin, x[3]=B[3]^cin; assign {cout, sum}=A+x+cin; endmodule Structural Modelling: module addsub4bit(A, B, cin, sum,cout); input [3:0] A,B; input cin; output [3:0] sum; output cout; wire [3:0]x; wire [3:1]c; xor(x[0],B[0],cin); xor(x[1],B[1],cin); xor(x[2],B[2],cin); xor(x[3],B[3],cin); fa4 u0(A[0],x[0], cin, sum[0],c[1]); fa4 u1(A[1],x[1],c[1], sum[1],c[2]); fa4 u2(A[2],x[2],c[2], sum[2],c[3]); fa4 u3(A[3],x[3],c[3], sum[3],cout); endmodule
  • 96. Carry Look Ahead Full Adder MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE
  • 97. Carry Look Ahead Full Adder MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Gate-level Modeling module carrylook(a, b, cin, sum, cout); input [3:0] a,b; input cin; output [3:0] sum; output cout; wire [3:0]p,g,x; wire [4:1]c; halfadder h1(a[0], b[0], p[0], g[0]); halfadder h2(a[1], b[1], p[1], g[1]); halfadder h3(a[2], b[2], p[2], g[2]); halfadder h4(a[3], b[3], p[3], g[3]); and (x[0], p[0], cin); and (x[1], p[1], c[1]); and (x[2], p[2], c[2]); and (x[3], p[3], c[3]); or (c[1], g[0], x[0]); or (c[2], g[1], x[1]); or (c[3], g[2], x[2]); or (c[4], g[3], x[3]); xor (sum[0], p[0], cin); xor (sum[1], p[1], c[1]); xor (sum[2], p[2], c[2]); xor (sum[3], p[3], c[3]); assign cout = c[4]; endmodule
  • 98. Carry Look Ahead Full Adder MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Dataflow Modeling module fulladd4(sum, c_out, a, b, c_in); output [3:0] sum; output c_out; input [3:0] a,b; input c_in; wire p0,g0, p1,g1, p2,g2, p3,g3; wire c4, c3, c2, c1; assign p0 = a[0] ^ b[0], p1 = a[1] ^ b[1], p2 = a[2] ^ b[2], p3 = a[3] ^ b[3]; assign g0 = a[0] & b[0], g1 = a[1] & b[1], g2 = a[2] & b[2], g3 = a[3] & b[3]; assign c1 = g0 | (p0 & c_in), c2 = g1 | (p1 & g0) | (p1 & p0 & c_in), c3 = g2 | (p2 & g1) | (p2 & p1 & g0) | (p2 & p1 & p0 & c_in), c4 = g3 | (p3 & g2) | (p3 & p2 & g1) | (p3 & p2 & p1 & g0) | (p3 & p2 & p1 & p0 & c_in); assign sum[0] = p0 ^ c_in, sum[1] = p1 ^ c1, sum[2] = p2 ^ c2, sum[3] = p3 ^ c3; assign c_out = c4; endmodule
  • 100. Design BCD Adder MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Data flow Modelling: module bcdadder( A, B, cin, sum, cout); input [3:0] A,B; input cin; output [3:0] sum; output cout; wire [3:0]Z; wire K,X1,X2; assign {K, Z}=A+B+cin; assign X1=Z[3]&Z[2], X2=Z[3]&Z[1], Y=K|X1|X2; assign {cout, sum} = {1’b0,Y,Y,1’b0}+Z+1’b0; endmodule Structural Modelling: module bcdadder(A, B, cin, sum, cout); input [3:0] A,B; input cin; output [3:0] sum; output cout; wire [3:0]Z; wire K,X1,X2; fa4 f1(A, B, cin, Z, K); and (X1, Z[3], Z[2]); and (X2, Z[3], Z[1]); or(Y, K, X1, X2); fa4 f2({1’b0,Y,Y,1’b0}, Z, 1’b0, sum, cout); endmodule
  • 101. BCD Adder cum Subtractor MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE X3 = B3’B2’B1’M+B3M’ X2 = B2B1’+B2M’+B2’B1M X1 = B1 X0 = B0M’+B0’M
  • 102. Design BCD Adder Cum Subtractor MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE 9’S COMPLIMENTER module complimenter9( input [3:0] b, input m, output [3:0] x); assign x[3]=(~b[3]&~b[2]&~b[1]&m) | (b[3]&~m), x[2]=(b[2]&~b[1]) | (b[2]&~m) | (~b[2]&b[1]&m), x[1]=b[1], x[0]=b[0]^m; endmodule Structural Modelling: module add_sub(A, B, CIN, M, F, COUT); input [3:0]A,B; input CIN,M; output [3:0]F; output COUT; wire [3:0]X; complementer9 c0(B,M,X); bcdadder b0(A, X, CIN, F, COUT); endmodule
  • 104. 4-BIT COMPARATOR MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Data flow Modelling: module comparator4bit(a,b, aeb, agb, alb); output aeb ,agtb ,altb; input [3:0] a, b ; assign aeb=(a==b); assign agtb=(a>b); assign altb=(a<b); endmodule module compare1 (a, b, aeb, agb, alb); input a,b; output aeb, agb, alb; assign aeb = (a & b) | (~a & ~b); assign agb = (a & ~b); assign alb = (~a & b); endmodule Structural Modelling: module Compare4(a, b, aeb, agb, alb); input [3:0] a, b; output aeb, agb, alb; wire [3:0]e, g, l; compare1 cp0 (a[0], b[0], e[0], g[0], l[0]); compare1 cp1 (a[1], b[1], e[1], g[1], l[1]); compare1 cp2 (a[2], b[2], e[2], g[2], l[2]); compare1 cp3 (a[3], b[3], e[3], g[3], l[3]); and(aeb, e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3]); assign agb = (g[3] | (g[2] & e[3]) | (g[1] & e[3] & e[2]) | (g[0] & e[3] & e[2] & e[1])); assign alb = (~agb & ~aeb); endmodule
  • 105. 1. A carry look-ahead adder reduces the propagation delay by introducing more complex hardware. 2. The BCD Adder is used in the computers and the calculators that perform arithmetic operation directly in the decimal number system. 3. In ripple carry adder each carry bit gets rippled into the next stage. 4. Full Adder is the adder which adds three inputs and produces two outputs. Questions & Answers MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE
  • 106. CONTENTS: Functional verification Simulation types Design of stimulus block OUTCOMES: Student will able to verify the functionality of the digital circuits. MODULE-X: Verification MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE
  • 107. Functional Verification MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Identical stimulus is run with the original RTL and synthesized gate-level descriptions of the design. The output is compared to find any mismatches. module stimulus; reg [3:0] a,b; wire aeb, alb, agb; //Instantiate the magnitude comparator comp4 uut (.a(a),.b(b), .aeb(aeb), .alb(alb), .agb(agb)); initial $monitor($time," A = %b, B = %b, A_GT_B = %b, A_LT_B = %b, A_EQ_B = %b", a, b, agb, alb, aeb); //stimulate the magnitude comparator. initial begin a = 4'b1010; b = 4'b1001; #10 a = 4'b1110; b = 4'b1111; #10 a = 4'b1110; b = 4'b1110; end endmodule
  • 108. Simulation types MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Simulators are usually divided into the following categories or simulation modes : •Behavioral simulation •Functional simulation •Static timing analysis •Gate-level simulation •Switch-level simulation •Transistor-level or circuit-level simulation
  • 109. Design of stimulus block MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Test bench - Stimulus Block Stimulus generation Output checking Stimulus Block – I Instantiate a design under test (dut) (Design Block) Ripple Carry Counter clk reset (Stimulus Block) q Stimulus Block – II Additional top module instantiating stimulus and design block Stimulus Block d_clk d_reset c_q Design Block clk reset q Top-level Block
  • 110. 1. A multiplexer is also known as a data selector. 2. A Multiplexers (MUX) is a combinational logic component that has several inputs and only one output. 3. Decoder is a combinational circuit that has 'n' input lines and maximum of 2^n output lines. 4. A decoder is a circuit that changes a code into a set of signals. Questions & Answers MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE
  • 111. CONTENTS: 4 to 1 Multiplexer 2 X 4 Decoder OUTCOMES: Student will able to design and test a digital circuits in gatelevel and dataflow modeling. MODULE-XI: Additional Topic MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE
  • 113. Gate-level Modeling – 4-to-1 Mux MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE //module 4-to-1 multiplexer module mux4_to_1(out, i0, i1, i2, i3, s1, s0); //port declarations output out; input i0, i1, i2, i3, s1, s0; //internal wire declarations wire s1n, s0n; wire y0, y1, y2, y3; //Gate instantiations not (s1n, s0); not s0n, s0); //not gate instantiations and (y0, i0, s1n, s0n); and (y1, i1, s1n, s0); and (y2, i2, s1, s0n); //3-input and gate instantiations and (y3, i3, s1, s0); or (out, y0, y1, y2, y3); //4-input or gate instantiation end module
  • 114. Dataflow Modeling – 4-to-1 Multiplexer MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Using Logic Equations module mux4_to_1 (out, i0, i1, i2, i3, s1, s0); output out; input i0, i1, i2, i3; input s1, s0; assign out =(~s1 & ~s0 & i0)|(~s1 & s0 & i1) |(s1 & ~s0 & i2) |(s1 & s0 & i3) ; endmodule Using Conditional Operators module multiplexer4_to_1 (out, i0, i1, i2, i3, s1, s0); output out; input i0, i1, i2, i3; input s1, s0; assign out = s1 ? ( s0 ? i3 : i2) : (s0 ? i1 : i0) ; endmodule
  • 115. Testbench – 4-to-1 Mux MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE module stimulus; reg IN0, IN1, IN2, IN3; reg S0, S1; wire OUTPUT; mux4_to_1 mymux(OUTPUT, IN0, IN1, IN2, IN3, S1, S0); initial begin IN0=1; IN1=0; IN2=1; IN3=0; $display(“IN0=%b, IN1=%b, IN2=%b, IN3=%bn”, IN0, IN1, IN2, IN3); S1=0; S0=0; #1 $display(“S1=%b, S0=%b, OUTPUT=%bn”, S1, S0, OUTPUT); S1=0; S0=1; #1 $display(“S1=%b, S0=%b, OUTPUT=%bn”, S1, S0, OUTPUT); S1=1; S0=0; #1 $display(“S1=%b, S0=%b, OUTPUT=%bn”, S1, S0, OUTPUT); S1=1; S0=1; #1 $display(“S1=%b, S0=%b, OUTPUT=%bn”, S1, S0, OUTPUT); end endmodule Simulation Results:
  • 117. 2 X 4 Decoder MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Dataflow module decoder24(A,B,en,Y); input A, B; input en; output [3:0]Y; assign Y[3] = A& B& en; assign Y[2] =B& ~A& en; assign Y[1] = ~B & A& en; assign Y[0] = ~A& ~B& en; endmodule Gate level module decoder24(A,B,en,Y); input A, B; input en; output [3:0]Y; wire Ab,Bb; not (Ab,A); not(Bb,B) and (Y[3], A, B, en); and (Y [2], Ab, B, en); and (Y [1], A, Bb, en); and (Y [0], Ab,Bb, en); endmodule
  • 118. Testbench – 2 X 4 Decoder MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE module stimulus; reg A,B,en; wire Y; decoder24 d(A,B,en,Y); initial begin en=1; A=0; B=0; #1 $display (“En=%b, A=%b, B=%b, Y=%bn”, en,A,B,Y); A=0; B=1; #1 $display (“En=%b, A=%b, B=%b, Y=%bn”, en,A,B,Y); A=1; B=0; #1 $display (“En=%b, A=%b, B=%b, Y=%bn”, en,A,B,Y); A=1; B=1; #1 $display(“En=%b, A=%b, B=%b, Y=%bn”, en,A,B,Y); end endmodule
  • 119. 1. A carry look-ahead adder reduces the propagation delay by introducing more complex hardware. 2. A Multiplexers (MUX) is a combinational logic component that has several inputs and only one output. 3. In ripple carry adder each carry bit gets rippled into the next stage. 4. Full Adder is the adder which adds three inputs and produces two outputs. Questions & Answers MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE
  • 120. Question Bank MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Short Answer Question S.No Question Blooms Taxonomy Level Course Outcome 1 What is the difference between module instantiation and gate instantiation? L2 CO1 2 What is the difference between net data type and register data type? L2 CO1 3 Write a verilog code for 1 bit FA in structural model. L1 CO1 4 What is the diference between $display and $monitor? L2 CO1 5 Write the Verilog program for 2 bit comparator in gate model? L1 CO1 6 What are the advantages of verilog HDL over C-programming language? L1 CO1 7 Write the verilog description for the full subtractor module. L1 CO1 8 What is a test bench? What is its relevance in Verilog? L1 CO1 9 Write about continuous assignment structures. L1 CO1 10 What are compiler directives ? Are they works in similar in C programing language. L1 CO1 11 Write a verilog program for three input EXOR logic gate in dataflow modeling. L1 CO1 12 Explain simulation and synthesis with differences. L2 CO1
  • 121. Question Bank MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Long Answer Question S.No Question Blooms Taxonomy Level Course Outcom e 1 Draw and explain typical design flow for VLSI IC circuit. L2 CO1 2 Describe in detail the top-down and bottom-up design methodologies. L5 CO1 3 Write a verilog program for 16x1 multiplexer using 4x1 multiplexer. L1 CO1 4 Write a verilog code for the following function. F(A,B,C,D)= ∑m((0,3,4,5,11,12,13,15)+d(2,6,8) in gate level model and write test bench to verify its functionality. L4 CO1 5 Write verilog module for 8-bit comparator with test bench. L1 CO1 6 Explain programming language interface. L2 CO1 7 Write a verilog program for 4x1 Mux in dataflow modeling using conditional operator. L1 CO1 8 Explain Delay models in detail. L2 CO1 9 Write short notes on functional verification. L1 CO1 10 Design & write Verilog code for BCD adder along with test bench to verify its functionality. L5 CO1
  • 122. Assignment Questions MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE 1. Explain about different system tasks and complier directives in verilog with syntax. 2. What are data types which are used in verilog? 3. Write a verilog code for the following function. F(A,B,C,D)= ∑m(0,5,7,8,9,10,12,13)+ ∑d(1,6,11,14) in gate level model and write test bench to verify its functionality. 4. Design & write Verilog code for Ripple carry adder cum subtractor along with test bench to verify its functionality. 5. Write a verilog program for 8x1 Mux in dataflow modeling using conditional operator and verify its functionality.