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NHS Application Essay: Total Change
NHS Application Essay October 8, 2015, is the day that my life experienced a total change. My best
friend, who I had known for over ten years, passed away at the age of eighteen after a year–long
battle with cancer. Ryan's struggle and ultimate passing had a profound effect on how I live my
life. He taught me that one does not have to be popular and outgoing to get involved and make a
difference. After his death, I began to break out of my "shell" and try new and important things. I
believe that the best was to carry on his memory is to do this I would have not normally have done
and live like each day is my last. I have always been sort of a shy kid; I kept to myself and did not
interact with other people if I did not have to.
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Nhs Mission Statement Examples
1.Description a.National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS) Mission Statement: Honoring and
inspiring academic excellence with engaged citizenship for a lifetime. Number of members:
E–board– 8; Overall Members– about 110 Web Address: b.President A typical
day as the President for NSCS is occasionally busy. The E–board meets every other week, to discuss
different topics. The topics can range from volunteering opportunities, to member engagement. As
the president, my job is to check in with everyone and make sure they've complete led the task they
were assigned. The delegating of task is what makes my position run smoothly. When everyone does
what they are supposed to do our days/ meetings go smoothly. Unfortunately, there are some times
that everything doesn't get done and we can become frustrated. NSCS is an all year–round
organization. Although we do not hold meetings during the summer, I still plan for the semester to
come. more content...
The two values that best describe NSCS would be, people and teamwork. According to the slides
"people" means fairness, supportiveness, and respecting individuals. People best fits NSCS because
we respect each other's suggestions and ideas. Also, the voting system we have in place ensures
"fairness" for everyone. Team work is the second value which NSCS demonstrates. According to the
slides, teamwork means collaboration and cooperation. The E–board collaborates on many different
topics whether it be general body meeting ideas or the committees we want to implement into the
organization. I believe the family oriented attitude we have makes it easier for everyone to
cooperate and listen to one another. People and team work complement one another because
without people there isn't team work. Cooperation and respect within a group of people can make a
big difference when decisions need to be made. The collaboration of people can take an idea from
something that was just said to an actual thing or
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Nhs Application Essay Sample
1. Why do you feel that you would be a strong candidate for the MaCS Program? I feel that I will
be a strong candidate for the MaCS program due to my interest and previous studies in the subjects
that are enriched in the MaCS program (math, science and English). I frequently work on grade
10–11 math and science. At the time of writing, I'm studying quadratic relations, and anatomy
/ physiology. Furthermore, at the information night, upon learning about the various clubs offered
at WLM, my interest in the school was piqued. If I was to be accepted and thus attend WLM, I
know that I would become a contributor to the school. At the information night, I learnt about three
or four different clubs that I hope to become a part of. Aside from extracurriculars, I also will be
beneficial to the academics of the school, as I am an earnest, studious student. In both sixth and
seventh grade, I was on the honour roll, along with the academic more content...
Provide details of leadership and extracurricular activities that you have been involved with in the
past two years. Activities may include, but are not limited to, school and community involvement.
Include approx. hours/week for each item. Use the summary sheet provided. At the time of writing,
I am involved in Student Council, Office helpers, morning announcements, Eco Club and Senior
Band at my school. Outside of school, I am a swimmer, and am in RCM level 7 for piano. In the
school, I frequently help out. such as with the grade sevens in music, who were new to their
instruments. I also helped out at our school's parent–teacher interviews last week by guiding them
around to where they needed to
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Nhs Application Essay Sample
My academic background is unique coming from the Pharmaceutical Sciences Program and the
Campuswide Honors Program at UCI. Very few students have completed both rigorous programs.
The CHP is the best honors program in the UC system and the Pharm Sci curriculum is designed to
give students exceptional preparation for pharmacy school. This has pushed me to be one of the most
well–rounded Pharmaceutical Sciences students at UCI. I believe this gives me unique preparation
for new and challenging curriculum in pharmacy school. It has also nurtured my love for learning
in all disciplines and exposed me to topics outside of my major. Never have I been satisfied with
completing the minimum requirements. I have always been the type of student that pushes myself
to improve and consider new possibilities I have spent more time than most of my peers developing more content...
To me, being a leader is not just about innovation, but about being an optimist and being supportive
of those around you. When I am leading a group I always have a plan, a back–up plan, and a smile
on my face. My hope is to be the type of person that others will look forward to working with. I am
very open about my strengths and weaknesses because I think it makes me a better team member.
In my time as a dancer, I learned to take criticism well and apply it to my actions in a timely
manner. I think this is important when working in a team. Dance also taught me that your
weaknesses are what you need to spend the most time addressing even though it may be
uncomfortable. That willingness to step out of my comfort zone is always valuable when I face new
challenges. When I work independently, I have initiative and self–discipline. This means I am
confident in my decisions and hold myself accountable when I make goals. Many people make
goals and lose accountability somewhere along the way. I always follow–up and this makes me
reliable even when I do not have close
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NHS Application Essay Sample
Dear Midwestern University – Downers Grove Campus,
I am one of the applicants who had the pleasure of interviewing at your phenomenal institution on
March 14 and would like to thank you for considering me as a potential candidate to join the
upcoming class for your Doctor of Dental Medicine program. Additionally, I would like to send this
update to include onto the experiences I already listed on my application in hopes that the admission
committee will arrive at an admission decision that best reflects my current compentency and
repetoire as an applicant.
CDA Cares
My participation with CDA Cares is described on my main AADSAS application. I am still
volunteering with CDA Cares by going to the event at Stockton, CA on October 14–16
more content...
The description of this experience is nearly the same, but I would like to add that this is a private
office that work closely with the patient to practice preventive dentistry through patient education.
This office showed me that one on one counseling with the patient often results in a change of the
patient's lifestyle to prevent recurrence of the oral health disorder such as cavity or gingivitis.
Ultimately, this dental office taught me the importance of providing dental education to patients.
AADSAS listed hours: 12. Total current hours: approximately 30
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Examples Of Nhs Application Essay
The opportunities that NHS provides and would provide me if I was to be accepted are vast.
NHS would provide me an extra element I would be able to add to my transcript to help me get
into a university that I would like to join. I believe that if I were to join NHS it would greatly
help me get into that college and that program. NHS would not only help me get into college but it
would also recognize the effort I put into my school work and my sports. I have always taken the
hardest and the most rigorous courses and excelled at them as well.
Character is presumably the most important trait that anyone can have. People judge based on
character and it can shape who you are. I believe that I have good character and that I am a good
person. In my opinion being a good person, doing what is right, and doing well in school are the
three main things that shape your character from the beginning of preschool all the more
It takes time out of your day and usually goes unpaid. In my life I have been involved in many
service "projects". One service that I have always participated in and enjoy doing is helping the boys
in sixth grade and below. I have worked many boys basketball tournaments and helped out at these
tournaments. I have also went to the saturday morning boys basketball practices as well as the
camps that have taken place over the years. At these practices and the camps I lead the boys in
drills, help them out, and teach them. I have also helped out at the preschool, the dinners, and
other celebrations at the Landeck Church. I believe that I do posses the qualities of service and that
I always will. For me NHS is a great accomplishment and is something that I have always strived to
be in. Being a possible candidate is an honor, but being able to join NHS would be a very big deal to
me. I hope I will be able to join, be able to say that I am a NHS member, and be able to have it on
my transcript for
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Essay On NHS Application
Originally, I joined NHS out of curiosity. I had an acquaintance in the club who suggested I
apply–however I was perplexed by the two–essay application. I wanted to know if NHS was
selective because it was really great to be a member, or because it was great to say I was one. I also,
quite frankly, wondered if I would be accepted. However, since then I've realized NHS expects
commitment from its members for the sake of commitment– rather than for the sake of membership.
NHS has high expectations of its members, so that they can have high expectations for themselves.
For me, the requirements for NHS both detracted from, and added to, the club. For instance, NHS
requires more hours per member than most other service clubs on campus. This meant I had to
commit to NHS over other organizations; however giving more time to NHS also helped me place
more value in my membership. Similarly, the NHS application both discouraged, and sparked my
interest in joining. I find personally reflective writing–like that requested in the NHS application–
difficult, so for me the application required dedication to the club without the promise of return.
While this was manageable for me as a sophomore, if I had more content...
Since I haven't been to many social events, I can't really say if NHS would benefit from hosting
more of them. However, I remember being slightly intimidated by the socials that were held because
I didn't know many other NHS members well. I found it easier to meet other members through
volunteering because volunteering gave me an excuse to interact–I didn't feel pressure to get to
know people like I might have at a social. If NHS was to have more socials next year, it would be
nice if they were directed around something other than just socializing– bowling, laser tag, a
dinner–something that could bring people together but still provide a crutch to interact
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Nhs Essay Examples
I am deeply honored to be recognized as an eligible candidate for the National Honors Society.
After learning about the National Honor Society, and what the organization represented, I knew it
was something I wanted to participate in. This organization works hard to better educational
opportunities for students across the nation, and that is something I would like to play a part in
to further the outstanding reputation of the NHS. I believe that this is an opportunity I deserve
due to my recognizable hard work. I am aware that the NHS is known for recognizing students
with outstanding grades and commendable characteristics, which is something I believe I have
obtained throughout my years of hard work. I have desirable characteristics that would be
beneficial to the NHS. I am an enthusiastic, strong spirited, and a friendly person who also has
strong work ethics and poise. I am someone who feels strongly about my opinion, but will always
graciously accept criticism. I am a responsible and reliable person who portrays integrity, honesty,
and respect for other people and for the rules. I am someone who greatly treasures school and
everything it has more content...
I hope to prove myself to be a good mentor for those who seek help and guidance. My leadership in
my church played a large role in my life. I have led many activities for the religious youth group at
St. John the Baptist, talent shows, fests, and lock–ins. I currently aid in some activities my school
has to offer. I attend all class meetings, offer ideas to improve events, promote school activities,
donate supplies to any events, decorate for dances and spirit weeks, do photography for the
Science Olympiad team, and help my teachers in any way possible. As I participate in activities
where I am the leader I make sure that I consult with my peers and listen to their ideas in hopes that
we can come together to devise a plan of
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Nhs Application Letter Sample
RE: Messenger, Ref: #47111
Like every other first year student, I too hope to find myself working within BC's healthcare system
in the future. Through BCCSS I yearn to gain insight about the inner workings of the healthcare
system, and seek a fuller understanding of how BCCSS supports BC's health authorities. I believe
that I can provide BCCSS with an ideal Messenger through a mixture of prior experiences and an
willingness to learn.
As noted in my resume I am highly skilled in transporting goods from one place to another, as
being an assistant coach required me to transport equipment to and from games and practices in a
punctual fashion. On top of that, I am familiar with both the BC Cancer Agency's Vancouver
campus as well as the Vancouver General Hospital which will allow me to perform deliveries with more content...
Recently, I acted as the bridge for communication between players and coaching staff; I updated and
reminded players of dates and other important notices, taught and explained drills, and kept the
coaching staff up to date in regards to the team. The result? No incidences of miscommunication and
a smoothly run season. I believe that applying this level of organization and efficiency is essential
for success in any task.
Lastly, I am an avid soccer player and fairly fit. I am able to stand for long periods of time, as well as
push pull or lift whatever needed during the shift.
In closing, I am thrilled at the possibility to be involved with BCCSS and would love the
opportunity to meet with you and discuss the position. I appreciate your consideration and look
forward to hearing from you.
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Nhs Essay Examples
I believe I deserve to be inducted into the National Honors Society because I am a dedicated, hard
working, caring individual. I focus most of my free time on volunteering in the theatre community.
Over the past six years, I have been a very active member in the theatre community. I have
performed in 22 productions, 8 of which were in my high school career. I became a member of the
Alamance Children's Theatre board in 2011. Ever since, I have helped volunteer to paint sets,
promote productions, make playbills, and even act in the shows themselves. At Studio 1, they have
days each month to go out and clean the costume rooms, declutter, move furniture, and make Studio
1 into a better theatre. I volunteer my Saturdays to go clean and more content...
Marks Church, I have participated in numerous Pack–A–Thons with Feed the Hunger to provide
food for people living in poverty. We pack hundreds of bags of food to be shipped to people in
need. I participated in the 30 Hour Famine with Feed the Hunger. We raised about $16,000 for
people living in poverty and did not eat for 30 hours straight. Helping those in need is also a big
part of my life. I like to volunteer my time to help those in need who I may not necessarily know. I
may not know how exactly my volunteering helps them but I know that my work has made an
impact on their life. I think it is important to help those in need even if you do not know them. I
being helping and giving back to the community has helped me become more understanding and
selfless. Creative writing is another major component in my life. Writing has helped me know
my strengths and weaknesses and has helped me become more independent. Independence is a
big part of who I am. I do not feel as though I have to follow the crowd. I do what I feel is right and I
feel as though that makes me a better leader. Although I have strong opinions, I am open to
people opposing my ideas. Part of being a leader is being accepting of all people that may come your
way. Not everyone is going to agree with what you have to say. I am a very accepting person, which
makes me a better
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Why I Chose Pharmacy
I had only a broad idea of the career choice I desired for my future going into college as an
eighteen year old freshman. Prior to beginning my higher education, I would classify myself as a
well rounded student, but there was not a single area that I exceeded in starkly above the others.
However, I have always held a greater appreciation for the natural sciences more so than other
subjects. This led me to choose Stony Brook University as the school I would attend as an
undergraduate, as this institution has choice science programs. The education I have received at
Stony Brook University is one that I value very greatly. My coursework at Stony Brook University
has been quite intense, effectively preparing me for the rigors of pharmacy school.
I believe my experience outside of the academic setting bolsters my standing as a competitive
candidate. The part time jobs I have worked in the past beginning at the age of fifteen have all
involved working in tandem with a team of others as well as the general public. Cooperation in a
group is something I believe is vital in any setting, especially the workplace such as a pharmacy, and
I believe myself to be more content...
I have formed great relationships with all of the staff pharmacists that I work with. I have spoken
with them about their career choices, and their insight has only reaffirmed my decisions. I have
worked closely with many common medications, become familiar with processing third party
insurances, and become familiar with the setting a pharmacist works in, and I can definitely see
myself in the role of a pharmacist. I understand the work of a pharmacist is extremely important, the
health of a patient relies on pharmacist's competence. My parents have both been on multiple
medications and a pharmacist has verified that the prescriptions they are taking are not interacting
with each other, ensuring their
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Comparing Radiography And Nursing Careers
There are many career options in the health field to choose from with each one being very unique
in their own way. One field that everyone has heard of and seen portrayed is nursing. It has been
depicted in everything from television shows, movies, novels, and just about anything else that
comes to mind. They are the people in the hospitals and doctor's office that spend time with the
patients and do practically all the duties of a doctor and more, with the exception of having the
ability to diagnose and prescribe prescriptions and treatments. All of this is done without the eight
years of pre–med and medical school that doctors are required to attend. Radiography on the other
hand is a lesser known field, being a more silent, independent career more content...
Everyone knows what x–rays are and what they are used for, but rarely is it's importance spoken of
or credit deservingly given to the one who has to meticulously position a patient in order to acquire
the best possible image, whether it be a screaming child or an uncooperative, elderly man. Both
nursing and radiography are all about helping people to heal and get their health back up on it's feet
but beyond that are as different as day and night. From education, salary, and employment positions
to dangers, demands, and history, these careers demonstrate that they are nothing alike. Although
nursing and radiography are both in the health field, there are many differences between them with
nursing proving to be a better and more practical career
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Nhs Application Speech Sample
Thank you for your help in my application process for the National Honors Society. I really
appreciate you taking the time out of your day to not only fill out the non–teacher evaluation, but to
also come over and ensure that you would cover every important detail in the comment section.
Your extra notes for my resumГ© have also been very helpful in giving it a better structure so that it
is no longer a list, but a sort of story about my life's accomplishments. Thank you again for all of
your help and generosity, I am very
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NHS Application Essay
My goal in attending a United States Service Academy and becoming an officer in the military is
to provide myself ample opportunities to reach my established life goals. I plan to pursue a career
in aerospace engineering, and developing that career through one of the academies will help me to
achieve the dreams I had as a child. I have many strengths that will help me stand out in the
application process, but at the same time, I have challenges to overcome. However, these obstacles
will not hinder me from from pursuing my passion. I decided early on in High School that my goal
was to attend college for a degree in aerospace engineering, moving on to work as an engineer or
technician working on and designing aircraft. When I was very young, more content...
I recently completed my Eagle Scout rank, achieving the highest honor in Boy Scouts, and I am also
a brotherhood member of scouting's honor society, the Order of the Arrow. I served a six month
term as Senior Patrol Leader, the most senior scout leader within my troop, as well as serving as
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader for one term. Before that, I did three six month terms as Troop
Guide, a position in which I acclimated first year scouts to the troop, teaching them the ways of
scouting. My experience in Boy Scouts has presented an abundance of opportunities for me to
develop my leadership skills, giving me a competitive advantage over other candidates. Among
these strengths, I have some weaknesses and challenges I will need to overcome. Foremost
among these is the physical side of the Service Academy lifestyle. I lack upper body strength, and
I seldom hold myself to any rigid or intense training regimen. Because of this, I will have to
overcome the physical barriers presented by the candidate fitness assessment and daily physical
training at an Academy. To prepare myself for this, I have begun working out almost daily at home,
focusing on my own personal weaknesses and striving to overcome the challenges they
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Nhs Application Essay Examples
"The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves," according to Ray
Kroc. As a senior about to embark on the next journey of my life I hold myself to an extremely
high standard. I strive for excellence and being an example for others. Although, when I fall short I
take those moments to improve myself and to come closer to those standards the next day. I value
being a leader in my community and school. I strive to be a respected leader by my peers, and
emulate others possessing strong leadership qualities.
For the duration of my high school I have been a leader for my younger peers by volunteering with
Shallowater's Middle School One Act Play program. Throughout the past four years I have dedicate
over 400 volunteer hours into this program and treasured every moment. I have held the position of
High School Assistant Director for two years and the opportunity influence and guide these young
students has been extraordinary. Seeing the growth of the students over the course of the season,
and realizing that I have made an impact on their life is the greatest reward I could ever to gain
from an more content...
I am fortunate to have been given an opportunity to participate in prestigious organizations that have
helped me develop my leadership skills. Throughout junior year I participated in New Century
Leadership with the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce. I was blessed to connect with students from
various schools in the area and visit organizations across Lubbock County that makes West Texas
unique. Being able to gain knowledge about the components of Lubbock that do not receive the
receive they deserve provided me with a new appreciation for my
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Nhs Application Essay Examples
What makes you passionate about this role? Personally, I feel like possessing a passion for this
role means possessing a passion for leadership, for being a voice, for making a difference, for
representing others and for creating a better community in which everyone has a say and in
which everyone is comfortable. Those are things I'm passionate about. I want to have the ability
to make a change and to make others feel like their opinions and ideas really do matter. I enjoy
representing people and I want people to know that they can come and talk to me, that I can get
their suggestions across to others. Also, SRC executive is one of the leadership positions for my
year level and being a leader is one of the few things that I have a natural talent for. It's something I
know that if given the opportunity I can more content...
Commitment, organisation and professionalism are three of the qualities that I possess which
make me very suitable for this role. My slight obsessiveness with planning and organisation is
definitely something that most people don't have but it's also a quality that makes sure I get
everything that I need to do, done. You will rarely find that I haven't done my work or fulfilled
my responsibilities. I also like to be thorough and make sure that I've achieved as much as I can.
For example, I actually read through the whole 'How to write an Application' document that was
attached to the email sent to us. This was a way for me to ensure that I've done everything that I
could do to make sure I met the application criteria. The other thing I believe makes me stand out
from other applicants is the amount of experience I've had with positions that require some similar
qualities as this role does like house captain, student ambassador, src representative and assembly
team member. What is your vision for next year with respect to this
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Nhs Application Essay Examples
Obviously, humans are enabled genetically to inherit a collection of traits from our parents such
as hair color, hand dominance, eye color, et cetera. We are also able to obtain more significant
attributes like the unfailing love of Mexican food, the compelling desire to pet every pup that trots
by, and the exceptional need to make everyone's day a little bit brighter. Fortunately for me, I have
also acquired a much stronger bedrock of character: the respect of honor, courage, and commitment
and a passion for leaving a positive impact on everyone I meet by valuing their needs before my own.
My father, a former United States Marine, developed mental, moral, and physical strength through
training and in the line of duty. By way of stories in combat and lessons he learned, he empowers
me to exemplify, to the full measure, my intentional morale and my tenacious essence as I am
confident that it will serve me well throughout my future endeavors. I have witnessed him exude a
steadfast pride in his country and in past, present, and future men and women in uniform and it has
inspired me to do the same. He was deployed from Camp Lejeune in North Carolina to Kuwait
where he contributed to Operation Desert Storm more content...
She has taught me to cherish people and to admire all of their attributes. My mother has shaped me in
a way that I become people's biggest cheerleader and I value their uniqueness, because I know
everyone is capable of being the best possible version of themselves and I want to encourage them
to get there. This nurturing spirit that I have attained benefits building my relationships and allows
me to find and treasure the best in people. My mother has equipped me to properly handle my
successes as well as my weaknesses with an admirable and gentle approach, and for that I am forever
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Nursing Application Essay Examples
The opportunity to challenge myself in UCLA's School of nursing, in addition to my own personal
experiences and traits, supply me with a fierce determination to succeed in my academics, in my
nursing career, and in fulfilling my aspirations as a whole.
Foremost, I am drawn to nursing from experiencing the lack of quality healthcare available
throughout society, often to the people who need it the most. Growing up in rural China, I have
witnessed the negative effects of a faulty healthcare system on children, adults, and even a whole
community. I find it appalling that people are suffering and dying from preventable diseases, due to
a lack of access to medical facilities, or when individuals are unable to seek adequate health care
because more content...
Coming from a family that struggles financially, my parents were frequently absent for work, and
often left me in charge to take care of my sister and brother. From my siblings' birth in January
2006 and May 2008 respectively, I was tasked with feeding, teaching, and caring for them while
my parents were working, on top of managing my own schoolwork. However, I am fulfilled by the
sense of gratitude I receive when I began caring for those who could not care for themselves. In
addition to teaching me patience, this also impels me towards a nursing career where I can fully
utilize my strengths. Furthermore, I gained exposure in healthcare through my internship at
Chapa–De as a dental assistant that began in early November 2016. By working clinically for over
12 hours a week, I gain invaluable exposure and experience by working with a variety of patients
each day. The skills I develop, such as time management, infection control, and patient comfort are
beneficial tools I will wield into my nursing education and career. Although my internship is focused
on the dental aspect of healthcare, I desire to transfer my skills and experience into nursing because
of the higher variety and more holistic aspects of patient care that enthralls me and my neverending
curiosity. Nonetheless, the opportunity to learn each day in this field of healthcare is fascinating,
and only further motivates me
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Examples Of Nursing Application Essay
Greetings and salutations fellow virtual aviator!
I'd first like to thank you for your interest in the team. We are always excited when we receive
applications. Our application process may span the course of multiple months. It is this span of time
that helps us determine whether or not an applicant is the right fit for the team. It is important that you
fill out our application with detail and honesty.
As an applicant of our team, we expect that you understand and emulate the four core values that
allow are our team remain successful and reputable.
Our demonstration is not easy––for any position on the team. Every flight, practice, performance, or
otherwise that we carry out requires a remarkable amount of accuracy and a keen sense for detail.
Every member of the team trains for hours in an effort to make our display appear the best that it
can be. more content...
It requires hundreds of hours of studying, practicing, and refining the demonstration. Sometimes it
gets difficult and to a point where it doesn't seem worth it. Being able to push through the hard
times and keep a focus on the end goal of the team is something we look for in all of our team
Every member of the team is part of different organizations in the flight simulation community, such
as The Sky Lounge, msFlights, MaldAir, and beyond. Being in the public eye quite often, it is
expected that our members all display themselves in a professional and mature manner. It is one
thing to have fun, but it is quite another to display yourself as immature.
Being able to take and learn from criticism is what allows the team to progress and succeed in the
long run. Taking the time to understand how the demonstration works, what you are doing
incorrectly, and taking the steps to fix it is imperative to making the team's demonstration appear as
flawlessly as
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Nhs Application Essay Examples
1.In addition to working full time and attending school as a full time student, I shadowed a
Dosimetrist and a Radiation Therapist at Gamma West Cancer Services for approximately 30
hours over a one month period. This job shadow included participation in the care of cancer
patients and use of computed tomography. I have had multiple opportunities to serve the people in
my community and in other communities near me. I have had the privilege to volunteer with the
Boy Scouts of America for two years. This has allowed me to mentor and aid young men in
learning life skills, service, leadership, overcoming obstacles, and the power of hard work. I have
been able to participate in multiple Eagle Scout projects including helping collect and package more content...
In 2010 I had the opportunity to serve the people of South America while learning simultaneously
to speak a foreign language fluently. I was able to provide assistance to families that were
struggling financially, physically, and mentally and help them better their circumstances. I had the
opportunity to provide food, shelter, and counsel to families and individuals who could not have
done it on their own. It brought me great satisfaction because I saw life styles change and families
grow closer together. Being able to see people better their situation and improve their lives brought
me overwhelming feeling of satisfaction and joy. 3.In my leisure time I most enjoy spending quality
time with family and friends. Additionally, I enjoy traveling, serving others, participating in sports
and other outdoor activities, and playing musical instruments. 4.I have always desired a career that
would allow me to improve the lives of those around me while caring for a family of my own. I
desire to feel successful through continual learning and challenge. Radiologic Technology will
provide me this with ever changing tasks with different circumstances and challenges that require
problem solving, critical thinking, and determination. Radiologic Technology will allow me to have
interaction on a personal level with patients and their families and provide the opportunity to
improve their lives by searching for the things that don't appear on the
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Nhs Application Essay Example

  • 1. NHS Application Essay: Total Change NHS Application Essay October 8, 2015, is the day that my life experienced a total change. My best friend, who I had known for over ten years, passed away at the age of eighteen after a year–long battle with cancer. Ryan's struggle and ultimate passing had a profound effect on how I live my life. He taught me that one does not have to be popular and outgoing to get involved and make a difference. After his death, I began to break out of my "shell" and try new and important things. I believe that the best was to carry on his memory is to do this I would have not normally have done and live like each day is my last. I have always been sort of a shy kid; I kept to myself and did not interact with other people if I did not have to. Get more content on
  • 2. Nhs Mission Statement Examples 1.Description a.National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS) Mission Statement: Honoring and inspiring academic excellence with engaged citizenship for a lifetime. Number of members: E–board– 8; Overall Members– about 110 Web Address: b.President A typical day as the President for NSCS is occasionally busy. The E–board meets every other week, to discuss different topics. The topics can range from volunteering opportunities, to member engagement. As the president, my job is to check in with everyone and make sure they've complete led the task they were assigned. The delegating of task is what makes my position run smoothly. When everyone does what they are supposed to do our days/ meetings go smoothly. Unfortunately, there are some times that everything doesn't get done and we can become frustrated. NSCS is an all year–round organization. Although we do not hold meetings during the summer, I still plan for the semester to come. more content... The two values that best describe NSCS would be, people and teamwork. According to the slides "people" means fairness, supportiveness, and respecting individuals. People best fits NSCS because we respect each other's suggestions and ideas. Also, the voting system we have in place ensures "fairness" for everyone. Team work is the second value which NSCS demonstrates. According to the slides, teamwork means collaboration and cooperation. The E–board collaborates on many different topics whether it be general body meeting ideas or the committees we want to implement into the organization. I believe the family oriented attitude we have makes it easier for everyone to cooperate and listen to one another. People and team work complement one another because without people there isn't team work. Cooperation and respect within a group of people can make a big difference when decisions need to be made. The collaboration of people can take an idea from something that was just said to an actual thing or Get more content on
  • 3. Nhs Application Essay Sample 1. Why do you feel that you would be a strong candidate for the MaCS Program? I feel that I will be a strong candidate for the MaCS program due to my interest and previous studies in the subjects that are enriched in the MaCS program (math, science and English). I frequently work on grade 10–11 math and science. At the time of writing, I'm studying quadratic relations, and anatomy / physiology. Furthermore, at the information night, upon learning about the various clubs offered at WLM, my interest in the school was piqued. If I was to be accepted and thus attend WLM, I know that I would become a contributor to the school. At the information night, I learnt about three or four different clubs that I hope to become a part of. Aside from extracurriculars, I also will be beneficial to the academics of the school, as I am an earnest, studious student. In both sixth and seventh grade, I was on the honour roll, along with the academic more content... Provide details of leadership and extracurricular activities that you have been involved with in the past two years. Activities may include, but are not limited to, school and community involvement. Include approx. hours/week for each item. Use the summary sheet provided. At the time of writing, I am involved in Student Council, Office helpers, morning announcements, Eco Club and Senior Band at my school. Outside of school, I am a swimmer, and am in RCM level 7 for piano. In the school, I frequently help out. such as with the grade sevens in music, who were new to their instruments. I also helped out at our school's parent–teacher interviews last week by guiding them around to where they needed to Get more content on
  • 4. Nhs Application Essay Sample My academic background is unique coming from the Pharmaceutical Sciences Program and the Campuswide Honors Program at UCI. Very few students have completed both rigorous programs. The CHP is the best honors program in the UC system and the Pharm Sci curriculum is designed to give students exceptional preparation for pharmacy school. This has pushed me to be one of the most well–rounded Pharmaceutical Sciences students at UCI. I believe this gives me unique preparation for new and challenging curriculum in pharmacy school. It has also nurtured my love for learning in all disciplines and exposed me to topics outside of my major. Never have I been satisfied with completing the minimum requirements. I have always been the type of student that pushes myself to improve and consider new possibilities I have spent more time than most of my peers developing more content... To me, being a leader is not just about innovation, but about being an optimist and being supportive of those around you. When I am leading a group I always have a plan, a back–up plan, and a smile on my face. My hope is to be the type of person that others will look forward to working with. I am very open about my strengths and weaknesses because I think it makes me a better team member. In my time as a dancer, I learned to take criticism well and apply it to my actions in a timely manner. I think this is important when working in a team. Dance also taught me that your weaknesses are what you need to spend the most time addressing even though it may be uncomfortable. That willingness to step out of my comfort zone is always valuable when I face new challenges. When I work independently, I have initiative and self–discipline. This means I am confident in my decisions and hold myself accountable when I make goals. Many people make goals and lose accountability somewhere along the way. I always follow–up and this makes me reliable even when I do not have close Get more content on
  • 5. NHS Application Essay Sample Dear Midwestern University – Downers Grove Campus, I am one of the applicants who had the pleasure of interviewing at your phenomenal institution on March 14 and would like to thank you for considering me as a potential candidate to join the upcoming class for your Doctor of Dental Medicine program. Additionally, I would like to send this update to include onto the experiences I already listed on my application in hopes that the admission committee will arrive at an admission decision that best reflects my current compentency and repetoire as an applicant. CDA Cares My participation with CDA Cares is described on my main AADSAS application. I am still volunteering with CDA Cares by going to the event at Stockton, CA on October 14–16 more content... The description of this experience is nearly the same, but I would like to add that this is a private office that work closely with the patient to practice preventive dentistry through patient education. This office showed me that one on one counseling with the patient often results in a change of the patient's lifestyle to prevent recurrence of the oral health disorder such as cavity or gingivitis. Ultimately, this dental office taught me the importance of providing dental education to patients. AADSAS listed hours: 12. Total current hours: approximately 30 Get more content on
  • 6. Examples Of Nhs Application Essay The opportunities that NHS provides and would provide me if I was to be accepted are vast. NHS would provide me an extra element I would be able to add to my transcript to help me get into a university that I would like to join. I believe that if I were to join NHS it would greatly help me get into that college and that program. NHS would not only help me get into college but it would also recognize the effort I put into my school work and my sports. I have always taken the hardest and the most rigorous courses and excelled at them as well. Character is presumably the most important trait that anyone can have. People judge based on character and it can shape who you are. I believe that I have good character and that I am a good person. In my opinion being a good person, doing what is right, and doing well in school are the three main things that shape your character from the beginning of preschool all the more content... It takes time out of your day and usually goes unpaid. In my life I have been involved in many service "projects". One service that I have always participated in and enjoy doing is helping the boys in sixth grade and below. I have worked many boys basketball tournaments and helped out at these tournaments. I have also went to the saturday morning boys basketball practices as well as the camps that have taken place over the years. At these practices and the camps I lead the boys in drills, help them out, and teach them. I have also helped out at the preschool, the dinners, and other celebrations at the Landeck Church. I believe that I do posses the qualities of service and that I always will. For me NHS is a great accomplishment and is something that I have always strived to be in. Being a possible candidate is an honor, but being able to join NHS would be a very big deal to me. I hope I will be able to join, be able to say that I am a NHS member, and be able to have it on my transcript for Get more content on
  • 7. Essay On NHS Application Originally, I joined NHS out of curiosity. I had an acquaintance in the club who suggested I apply–however I was perplexed by the two–essay application. I wanted to know if NHS was selective because it was really great to be a member, or because it was great to say I was one. I also, quite frankly, wondered if I would be accepted. However, since then I've realized NHS expects commitment from its members for the sake of commitment– rather than for the sake of membership. NHS has high expectations of its members, so that they can have high expectations for themselves. For me, the requirements for NHS both detracted from, and added to, the club. For instance, NHS requires more hours per member than most other service clubs on campus. This meant I had to commit to NHS over other organizations; however giving more time to NHS also helped me place more value in my membership. Similarly, the NHS application both discouraged, and sparked my interest in joining. I find personally reflective writing–like that requested in the NHS application– difficult, so for me the application required dedication to the club without the promise of return. While this was manageable for me as a sophomore, if I had more content... Since I haven't been to many social events, I can't really say if NHS would benefit from hosting more of them. However, I remember being slightly intimidated by the socials that were held because I didn't know many other NHS members well. I found it easier to meet other members through volunteering because volunteering gave me an excuse to interact–I didn't feel pressure to get to know people like I might have at a social. If NHS was to have more socials next year, it would be nice if they were directed around something other than just socializing– bowling, laser tag, a dinner–something that could bring people together but still provide a crutch to interact Get more content on
  • 8. Nhs Essay Examples I am deeply honored to be recognized as an eligible candidate for the National Honors Society. After learning about the National Honor Society, and what the organization represented, I knew it was something I wanted to participate in. This organization works hard to better educational opportunities for students across the nation, and that is something I would like to play a part in to further the outstanding reputation of the NHS. I believe that this is an opportunity I deserve due to my recognizable hard work. I am aware that the NHS is known for recognizing students with outstanding grades and commendable characteristics, which is something I believe I have obtained throughout my years of hard work. I have desirable characteristics that would be beneficial to the NHS. I am an enthusiastic, strong spirited, and a friendly person who also has strong work ethics and poise. I am someone who feels strongly about my opinion, but will always graciously accept criticism. I am a responsible and reliable person who portrays integrity, honesty, and respect for other people and for the rules. I am someone who greatly treasures school and everything it has more content... I hope to prove myself to be a good mentor for those who seek help and guidance. My leadership in my church played a large role in my life. I have led many activities for the religious youth group at St. John the Baptist, talent shows, fests, and lock–ins. I currently aid in some activities my school has to offer. I attend all class meetings, offer ideas to improve events, promote school activities, donate supplies to any events, decorate for dances and spirit weeks, do photography for the Science Olympiad team, and help my teachers in any way possible. As I participate in activities where I am the leader I make sure that I consult with my peers and listen to their ideas in hopes that we can come together to devise a plan of Get more content on
  • 9. Nhs Application Letter Sample RE: Messenger, Ref: #47111 Like every other first year student, I too hope to find myself working within BC's healthcare system in the future. Through BCCSS I yearn to gain insight about the inner workings of the healthcare system, and seek a fuller understanding of how BCCSS supports BC's health authorities. I believe that I can provide BCCSS with an ideal Messenger through a mixture of prior experiences and an willingness to learn. As noted in my resume I am highly skilled in transporting goods from one place to another, as being an assistant coach required me to transport equipment to and from games and practices in a punctual fashion. On top of that, I am familiar with both the BC Cancer Agency's Vancouver campus as well as the Vancouver General Hospital which will allow me to perform deliveries with more content... Recently, I acted as the bridge for communication between players and coaching staff; I updated and reminded players of dates and other important notices, taught and explained drills, and kept the coaching staff up to date in regards to the team. The result? No incidences of miscommunication and a smoothly run season. I believe that applying this level of organization and efficiency is essential for success in any task. Lastly, I am an avid soccer player and fairly fit. I am able to stand for long periods of time, as well as push pull or lift whatever needed during the shift. In closing, I am thrilled at the possibility to be involved with BCCSS and would love the opportunity to meet with you and discuss the position. I appreciate your consideration and look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Jennifer Get more content on
  • 10. Nhs Essay Examples I believe I deserve to be inducted into the National Honors Society because I am a dedicated, hard working, caring individual. I focus most of my free time on volunteering in the theatre community. Over the past six years, I have been a very active member in the theatre community. I have performed in 22 productions, 8 of which were in my high school career. I became a member of the Alamance Children's Theatre board in 2011. Ever since, I have helped volunteer to paint sets, promote productions, make playbills, and even act in the shows themselves. At Studio 1, they have days each month to go out and clean the costume rooms, declutter, move furniture, and make Studio 1 into a better theatre. I volunteer my Saturdays to go clean and more content... Marks Church, I have participated in numerous Pack–A–Thons with Feed the Hunger to provide food for people living in poverty. We pack hundreds of bags of food to be shipped to people in need. I participated in the 30 Hour Famine with Feed the Hunger. We raised about $16,000 for people living in poverty and did not eat for 30 hours straight. Helping those in need is also a big part of my life. I like to volunteer my time to help those in need who I may not necessarily know. I may not know how exactly my volunteering helps them but I know that my work has made an impact on their life. I think it is important to help those in need even if you do not know them. I being helping and giving back to the community has helped me become more understanding and selfless. Creative writing is another major component in my life. Writing has helped me know my strengths and weaknesses and has helped me become more independent. Independence is a big part of who I am. I do not feel as though I have to follow the crowd. I do what I feel is right and I feel as though that makes me a better leader. Although I have strong opinions, I am open to people opposing my ideas. Part of being a leader is being accepting of all people that may come your way. Not everyone is going to agree with what you have to say. I am a very accepting person, which makes me a better Get more content on
  • 11. Why I Chose Pharmacy I had only a broad idea of the career choice I desired for my future going into college as an eighteen year old freshman. Prior to beginning my higher education, I would classify myself as a well rounded student, but there was not a single area that I exceeded in starkly above the others. However, I have always held a greater appreciation for the natural sciences more so than other subjects. This led me to choose Stony Brook University as the school I would attend as an undergraduate, as this institution has choice science programs. The education I have received at Stony Brook University is one that I value very greatly. My coursework at Stony Brook University has been quite intense, effectively preparing me for the rigors of pharmacy school. I believe my experience outside of the academic setting bolsters my standing as a competitive candidate. The part time jobs I have worked in the past beginning at the age of fifteen have all involved working in tandem with a team of others as well as the general public. Cooperation in a group is something I believe is vital in any setting, especially the workplace such as a pharmacy, and I believe myself to be more content... I have formed great relationships with all of the staff pharmacists that I work with. I have spoken with them about their career choices, and their insight has only reaffirmed my decisions. I have worked closely with many common medications, become familiar with processing third party insurances, and become familiar with the setting a pharmacist works in, and I can definitely see myself in the role of a pharmacist. I understand the work of a pharmacist is extremely important, the health of a patient relies on pharmacist's competence. My parents have both been on multiple medications and a pharmacist has verified that the prescriptions they are taking are not interacting with each other, ensuring their Get more content on
  • 12. Comparing Radiography And Nursing Careers There are many career options in the health field to choose from with each one being very unique in their own way. One field that everyone has heard of and seen portrayed is nursing. It has been depicted in everything from television shows, movies, novels, and just about anything else that comes to mind. They are the people in the hospitals and doctor's office that spend time with the patients and do practically all the duties of a doctor and more, with the exception of having the ability to diagnose and prescribe prescriptions and treatments. All of this is done without the eight years of pre–med and medical school that doctors are required to attend. Radiography on the other hand is a lesser known field, being a more silent, independent career more content... Everyone knows what x–rays are and what they are used for, but rarely is it's importance spoken of or credit deservingly given to the one who has to meticulously position a patient in order to acquire the best possible image, whether it be a screaming child or an uncooperative, elderly man. Both nursing and radiography are all about helping people to heal and get their health back up on it's feet but beyond that are as different as day and night. From education, salary, and employment positions to dangers, demands, and history, these careers demonstrate that they are nothing alike. Although nursing and radiography are both in the health field, there are many differences between them with nursing proving to be a better and more practical career Get more content on
  • 13. Nhs Application Speech Sample Thank you for your help in my application process for the National Honors Society. I really appreciate you taking the time out of your day to not only fill out the non–teacher evaluation, but to also come over and ensure that you would cover every important detail in the comment section. Your extra notes for my resumГ© have also been very helpful in giving it a better structure so that it is no longer a list, but a sort of story about my life's accomplishments. Thank you again for all of your help and generosity, I am very Get more content on
  • 14. NHS Application Essay My goal in attending a United States Service Academy and becoming an officer in the military is to provide myself ample opportunities to reach my established life goals. I plan to pursue a career in aerospace engineering, and developing that career through one of the academies will help me to achieve the dreams I had as a child. I have many strengths that will help me stand out in the application process, but at the same time, I have challenges to overcome. However, these obstacles will not hinder me from from pursuing my passion. I decided early on in High School that my goal was to attend college for a degree in aerospace engineering, moving on to work as an engineer or technician working on and designing aircraft. When I was very young, more content... I recently completed my Eagle Scout rank, achieving the highest honor in Boy Scouts, and I am also a brotherhood member of scouting's honor society, the Order of the Arrow. I served a six month term as Senior Patrol Leader, the most senior scout leader within my troop, as well as serving as Assistant Senior Patrol Leader for one term. Before that, I did three six month terms as Troop Guide, a position in which I acclimated first year scouts to the troop, teaching them the ways of scouting. My experience in Boy Scouts has presented an abundance of opportunities for me to develop my leadership skills, giving me a competitive advantage over other candidates. Among these strengths, I have some weaknesses and challenges I will need to overcome. Foremost among these is the physical side of the Service Academy lifestyle. I lack upper body strength, and I seldom hold myself to any rigid or intense training regimen. Because of this, I will have to overcome the physical barriers presented by the candidate fitness assessment and daily physical training at an Academy. To prepare myself for this, I have begun working out almost daily at home, focusing on my own personal weaknesses and striving to overcome the challenges they Get more content on
  • 15. Nhs Application Essay Examples "The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves," according to Ray Kroc. As a senior about to embark on the next journey of my life I hold myself to an extremely high standard. I strive for excellence and being an example for others. Although, when I fall short I take those moments to improve myself and to come closer to those standards the next day. I value being a leader in my community and school. I strive to be a respected leader by my peers, and emulate others possessing strong leadership qualities. For the duration of my high school I have been a leader for my younger peers by volunteering with Shallowater's Middle School One Act Play program. Throughout the past four years I have dedicate over 400 volunteer hours into this program and treasured every moment. I have held the position of High School Assistant Director for two years and the opportunity influence and guide these young students has been extraordinary. Seeing the growth of the students over the course of the season, and realizing that I have made an impact on their life is the greatest reward I could ever to gain from an more content... I am fortunate to have been given an opportunity to participate in prestigious organizations that have helped me develop my leadership skills. Throughout junior year I participated in New Century Leadership with the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce. I was blessed to connect with students from various schools in the area and visit organizations across Lubbock County that makes West Texas unique. Being able to gain knowledge about the components of Lubbock that do not receive the receive they deserve provided me with a new appreciation for my Get more content on
  • 16. Nhs Application Essay Examples What makes you passionate about this role? Personally, I feel like possessing a passion for this role means possessing a passion for leadership, for being a voice, for making a difference, for representing others and for creating a better community in which everyone has a say and in which everyone is comfortable. Those are things I'm passionate about. I want to have the ability to make a change and to make others feel like their opinions and ideas really do matter. I enjoy representing people and I want people to know that they can come and talk to me, that I can get their suggestions across to others. Also, SRC executive is one of the leadership positions for my year level and being a leader is one of the few things that I have a natural talent for. It's something I know that if given the opportunity I can more content... Commitment, organisation and professionalism are three of the qualities that I possess which make me very suitable for this role. My slight obsessiveness with planning and organisation is definitely something that most people don't have but it's also a quality that makes sure I get everything that I need to do, done. You will rarely find that I haven't done my work or fulfilled my responsibilities. I also like to be thorough and make sure that I've achieved as much as I can. For example, I actually read through the whole 'How to write an Application' document that was attached to the email sent to us. This was a way for me to ensure that I've done everything that I could do to make sure I met the application criteria. The other thing I believe makes me stand out from other applicants is the amount of experience I've had with positions that require some similar qualities as this role does like house captain, student ambassador, src representative and assembly team member. What is your vision for next year with respect to this Get more content on
  • 17. Nhs Application Essay Examples Obviously, humans are enabled genetically to inherit a collection of traits from our parents such as hair color, hand dominance, eye color, et cetera. We are also able to obtain more significant attributes like the unfailing love of Mexican food, the compelling desire to pet every pup that trots by, and the exceptional need to make everyone's day a little bit brighter. Fortunately for me, I have also acquired a much stronger bedrock of character: the respect of honor, courage, and commitment and a passion for leaving a positive impact on everyone I meet by valuing their needs before my own. My father, a former United States Marine, developed mental, moral, and physical strength through training and in the line of duty. By way of stories in combat and lessons he learned, he empowers me to exemplify, to the full measure, my intentional morale and my tenacious essence as I am confident that it will serve me well throughout my future endeavors. I have witnessed him exude a steadfast pride in his country and in past, present, and future men and women in uniform and it has inspired me to do the same. He was deployed from Camp Lejeune in North Carolina to Kuwait where he contributed to Operation Desert Storm more content... She has taught me to cherish people and to admire all of their attributes. My mother has shaped me in a way that I become people's biggest cheerleader and I value their uniqueness, because I know everyone is capable of being the best possible version of themselves and I want to encourage them to get there. This nurturing spirit that I have attained benefits building my relationships and allows me to find and treasure the best in people. My mother has equipped me to properly handle my successes as well as my weaknesses with an admirable and gentle approach, and for that I am forever Get more content on
  • 18. Nursing Application Essay Examples The opportunity to challenge myself in UCLA's School of nursing, in addition to my own personal experiences and traits, supply me with a fierce determination to succeed in my academics, in my nursing career, and in fulfilling my aspirations as a whole. Foremost, I am drawn to nursing from experiencing the lack of quality healthcare available throughout society, often to the people who need it the most. Growing up in rural China, I have witnessed the negative effects of a faulty healthcare system on children, adults, and even a whole community. I find it appalling that people are suffering and dying from preventable diseases, due to a lack of access to medical facilities, or when individuals are unable to seek adequate health care because more content... Coming from a family that struggles financially, my parents were frequently absent for work, and often left me in charge to take care of my sister and brother. From my siblings' birth in January 2006 and May 2008 respectively, I was tasked with feeding, teaching, and caring for them while my parents were working, on top of managing my own schoolwork. However, I am fulfilled by the sense of gratitude I receive when I began caring for those who could not care for themselves. In addition to teaching me patience, this also impels me towards a nursing career where I can fully utilize my strengths. Furthermore, I gained exposure in healthcare through my internship at Chapa–De as a dental assistant that began in early November 2016. By working clinically for over 12 hours a week, I gain invaluable exposure and experience by working with a variety of patients each day. The skills I develop, such as time management, infection control, and patient comfort are beneficial tools I will wield into my nursing education and career. Although my internship is focused on the dental aspect of healthcare, I desire to transfer my skills and experience into nursing because of the higher variety and more holistic aspects of patient care that enthralls me and my neverending curiosity. Nonetheless, the opportunity to learn each day in this field of healthcare is fascinating, and only further motivates me Get more content on
  • 19. Examples Of Nursing Application Essay Greetings and salutations fellow virtual aviator! I'd first like to thank you for your interest in the team. We are always excited when we receive applications. Our application process may span the course of multiple months. It is this span of time that helps us determine whether or not an applicant is the right fit for the team. It is important that you fill out our application with detail and honesty. As an applicant of our team, we expect that you understand and emulate the four core values that allow are our team remain successful and reputable. Precision Our demonstration is not easy––for any position on the team. Every flight, practice, performance, or otherwise that we carry out requires a remarkable amount of accuracy and a keen sense for detail. Every member of the team trains for hours in an effort to make our display appear the best that it can be. more content... It requires hundreds of hours of studying, practicing, and refining the demonstration. Sometimes it gets difficult and to a point where it doesn't seem worth it. Being able to push through the hard times and keep a focus on the end goal of the team is something we look for in all of our team members. Professionalism Every member of the team is part of different organizations in the flight simulation community, such as The Sky Lounge, msFlights, MaldAir, and beyond. Being in the public eye quite often, it is expected that our members all display themselves in a professional and mature manner. It is one thing to have fun, but it is quite another to display yourself as immature. Discipline Being able to take and learn from criticism is what allows the team to progress and succeed in the long run. Taking the time to understand how the demonstration works, what you are doing incorrectly, and taking the steps to fix it is imperative to making the team's demonstration appear as flawlessly as Get more content on
  • 20. Nhs Application Essay Examples 1.In addition to working full time and attending school as a full time student, I shadowed a Dosimetrist and a Radiation Therapist at Gamma West Cancer Services for approximately 30 hours over a one month period. This job shadow included participation in the care of cancer patients and use of computed tomography. I have had multiple opportunities to serve the people in my community and in other communities near me. I have had the privilege to volunteer with the Boy Scouts of America for two years. This has allowed me to mentor and aid young men in learning life skills, service, leadership, overcoming obstacles, and the power of hard work. I have been able to participate in multiple Eagle Scout projects including helping collect and package more content... In 2010 I had the opportunity to serve the people of South America while learning simultaneously to speak a foreign language fluently. I was able to provide assistance to families that were struggling financially, physically, and mentally and help them better their circumstances. I had the opportunity to provide food, shelter, and counsel to families and individuals who could not have done it on their own. It brought me great satisfaction because I saw life styles change and families grow closer together. Being able to see people better their situation and improve their lives brought me overwhelming feeling of satisfaction and joy. 3.In my leisure time I most enjoy spending quality time with family and friends. Additionally, I enjoy traveling, serving others, participating in sports and other outdoor activities, and playing musical instruments. 4.I have always desired a career that would allow me to improve the lives of those around me while caring for a family of my own. I desire to feel successful through continual learning and challenge. Radiologic Technology will provide me this with ever changing tasks with different circumstances and challenges that require problem solving, critical thinking, and determination. Radiologic Technology will allow me to have interaction on a personal level with patients and their families and provide the opportunity to improve their lives by searching for the things that don't appear on the Get more content on