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Lessons of Life Essay
All through life, we experience various occasions when decision–making become necessary. A
number of them present themselves in difficult forms and at crucial points. Most of the verdict
we take will eventually figure and describe our track of lives. These are what we refer to as lessons
of life. Choices never present themselves in an easy way. In some instance we are always forced to
pay a price to achieve something. This implies that we are trading for an outcome we are seeking.
Period, actions and situation can help us learn a lot about our environment, ourselves and people in
general. They give us an opportunity to face our reliability, integrity, accountability and skills of
dealing with life result. In the beginning, people more content...
However, Life can then be said to be the conditional value of human affairs or individual's manner
of living, it is the admiration of one's condition, personality and behaviour. It can be the measured
by the collective value of each affair in distinctive class or type, and considering whichever way or
the nature of living one indulges in, either at the low–level or high level or the good or evil etiquette
of living. According to Timothy Titcomb in his book "Lessons in life" he noted that there are so
many outrageous things that have been practiced in the family and moods are the excuses being
given for such action, because, moods are the most indefensible things generally (Titcomb, 6).
Additionally, Titcomb stated that Living creatures can thus in a level become the masters of their
mood (Titcomb, 7).
John Cleese once quoted that "We all work in two contrasting modes, which might be described as
open and closed". In view of this, he expatiated that "the open mode is more relaxed, more receptive,
more democratic, more playful and more humorous. While, the closed mode is tighter, more rigid,
hierarchical, and more tunnel–vision. He further elaborated that most people spend most of their time
in the closed mode"
Consequently, each person at some point in life asks some question about life. Some ask if they
actually want to live the kind of life they are experiencing, while some will ask other questions like
"who am I" or "The importance of their
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Life Or Death Essay
We are all aware of death, and we know it will come to us all. To many of us death brings a chill
down our spine ridden with fear, but to others it is ridden with strength and satisfaction of
accomplishment. Fortunately or unfortunately we are all condemned to death. However no one
knows when exactly the inevitable will approach, but we all know it is inescapable. But what
makes death seem more realistic to us and those in denial of it is the lucid pictures of people
suffering, in pain and those on their death bed before many of us can be rationale and accept the
truth. Someone once said, “Life is about 50–70 years of pain. One is born through the
mother’s pain and die leaving others in pain.'; How do we accept more
This increase of love allows our mind to feel some sort of satisfaction that good can come out of
praying and if one was to die, our faith would tell us that we did our best. In other words, our love
towards our faith tends to be one of the strongest lifelines we can posses to reduce the guilt and pain
of those around us who are suffering.
For many of us who are in a relationship either by marriage or simply as mates can relate to the
feelings they are exhibited within and around one when they are with or simply thinking about
our mates. This feeling of security and belonging tends to increase our love towards each other,
especially during times of pain and death. We begin to see the world of insecurity and being
alone, a world of being abandoned and feeling useless. There are those who don’t
posses a “soul mate';, and nonetheless they too feel an increase of love; the love of
having a mate of being wanted and loved, and the feeling of not being alone.
As parents or parents to be, whether within months or years, we all as humans strive for one goal
at the end; to raise our children the best we can and the best they can be. If and when the time
comes for us as parents and humans to pass on, and if we leave our children here, without a sense of
accomplishment and
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Essay on The Meaning of Life
The Meaning of Life
My few years on this planet have been a bit confusing. I have learned of many aspects of life from
which one can draw meaning, if indeed such meaning can be drawn. I have also learned that there
can be no singular meaning of life to stand for us all, or even any one of us. What I have learned
above all is that trying to put words to the meaning of life is a task of absolute absurdity. This is not
to be confused with the idea that life has no meaning, for life certainly has meaning. However, there
is no single meaning of life to be defined – life is different for us all. Therefore, rather than define
life for an entire planet, I shall try to explain what life means as I perceive it, and why it means so. more content...
Life is a complicated twist of suffering, laughing, and learning all merging to tell a great story – or
great many stories. Based on this view, "it is not the end goal or outcome of life that gives life
meaning but rather the quality of the story, the quality with which one lives out and develops his or
her role."
At the time, this event seemed rather insignificant and did not merit remembrance. However, its
catastrophic effects on my attitude that evening may have helped to mold me into the person I have
become. I learned that suffering through such an event, as childish as it was, is quite necessary in
any life. Such pains are part of an interminable cycle and only generate balance in one's life (p. 62,
'Life as Suffering'). Despite my horrid time spent that evening, the laughter brought since the incident
is a worthy tradeoff. Laughter is an all too necessary function of life, just as suffering and the wide
range of other emotions. "Some thinkers would emphasize the importance of sophistication in
humor, but others would say that laughter itself is what is important." Whatever the case may be,
laughter is an important ingredient in life, and must not be taken for granted nor ignored.
Despite such emotional ties to life, I have also learned that life is not only about emotions. Those
emotions are generated from the chain reactions created endlessly in
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Essay on A Day in My Life
A Day in My Life
My alarm clock starts beeping at 7:15 exactly and I groan and try to imagine that it isn't there.
When the noise doesn't stop I roll over and hurl the unlucky object across the room. It invariably
hits a precariously balanced pile of books or CD's and they invariably come crashing down, adding
to the scene of devastation that is my bedroom floor. I then slowly drift off to sleep again; until,
twenty minuets later, I am rudely awakened by my mum's voice shouting: "Danny you'll be late for
I turn over looking for my alarm clock and, realising that it's no longer a foot away from my right ear
but at the other side of the room, I slowly climb out of my bed and more content...
After we have walked the length of the school twice we sit down to 15 minutes of tutor time.
While I franticly finish the History homework due in five minutes time everyone else enjoys some
time taunting Michael or Ashley about one thing or another.
As Ben leaves the tutor room I shout after him "Ben! What we got now?"
The reply comes: "Science. Mr Smith."
"OK" I shout as I hurry after him.
First lesson, despite being science, goes past in a dream.
I have decided that however much I may look awake at nine o'clock in the morning I actually do
not wake up until ten. Therefore, during first period (science or not) I am still fast asleep. This
means that, except under special circumstances (i.e. a test), the amount of work completed in this
lesson is fairly small.
Second period, I am usually more awake (unless, of course, it is R.E, in which case I remain a deep
sleep throughout, even if it's last lesson.).
I.T with Mr. Wisson is almost never enjoyable.
Despite my love of computers I cannot ever manage to squeeze even the slightest bit of satisfaction
from an hours typing numbers, letters and mathematical equations into Excel or some such
program. The teacher seems to think that because we are not doing IT long course we are all
computer illiterate fools who find it hard to use Microsoft Word.
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Essay on Lifelong Learning
Lifelong learning
Lifelong learning is the continuous building of skills and knowledge throughout the life of an
individual. The first characteristic of lifelong learning is that it encompasses both formal and
non–formal/informal types of education and training. Formal learning includes the hierarchically
structured school system that runs from primary school through the university and organized
school–like programs created in business for technical and professional training. Whereas informal
learning describes a lifelong process whereby individuals acquire attitudes, values, skills and
knowledge from daily experience and the educational influences and resources in his or her
environment, from family and neighbors, from work and play, more content...
The computer industry is a growing field that will never stay the same as it was when it started.
We will always need additional learning to be able to keep our jobs or move up on the corporate
ladder. We can learn about these changes by going back to school, going to workshops, or on the
job training if it is available. These opportunities are tools that will help you learn more about your
job. The skills that you learn at one job will help you advance in that position or get you another
position with that company or another company. For example,
If you we are tired of being at that same died end job make that change and go back to school to get
that additional education to pursue your dream that you have. Working a job and having a career
are two different things. After spend some years in the work force I decided to further my
education. I wanted a career that I can advance in and learn more.
The process of designing a lifelong learning plan begins with putting it in writing. This plan,
sometimes called a learning contract, must be a dynamic process intended to provide structure in an
unstructured environment – known as everyday life.
Lifelong learning exists within this world, allowing learners the freedom to enroll in formal
continuing education programs or self–directed learning such as learning how to garden or play an
instrument, as examples. A personal learning plan or learning contract should focus on the following
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Essay about My Life
My Life
I was born in San Jose, Costa Rica, and moved to California when I was very young. Before I moved
to California my dad traveled back and forth for 2 or 3 yrs from California and back to Costa Rica.
He spent most of his time working in the Fresno area, in the cities of Tulare, and Visalia. He says
he spent his time working in any available job including some farm labor jobs and went back to Costa
Rica to spend time with us. After the second time he left Costa Rica to come and work he did not
go back. At that time, amnesty was given to immigrants in California, and he moved up north to the
Bay area to find a steady job. That is when he saved enough money for my mother, my two siblings,
and I to join him in California.
My more content...
I was in ESL programs until I entered junior high school. Learning the language, and trying to keep
up with the class work was a challenge for me. Having friends who spoke my language, and the
English language as well was an advantage I had. Having that extra help and support really made my
school experience challenging, but exciting as well.
Remembering the support I received from those friends creates a need in me to do the same for other
people. I don't only believe that the support that I can give to migrant students as a Mini–Corps
student will help them in succeeding in school, but I believe that an appreciation for school can
be gained as well, and hopefully bring insight for continuing their studies beyond high school. As
I improved in my English I also grew an interest in writing. I enjoyed my English classes, along
with my math classes too. My interest grew and grew, and I joined summer girl programs. After
participating two year, I became a mentor to those new peers coming into the program. I worked
with teachers in Science, and in Math classes. I also participated in the volleyball activities, and
group activities. This is when I realized I wanted to work with youth my whole life. My interest in
English, and my interest in being a role model to youth made me decide to become an English
teacher, especially working with students whose first language is not English.
Now, I am a college student. I first went to UC Santa Barbara, where I dealt with more
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The Value of A Life Essay
Value of life
The life given by god has a very special meaning a value in which people sometimes forget to
thank or either regret. Many students/adults believe that they are going to be popular if they have
money and a good job buy forget that people are influenced by those who have learned something.
Also a lot fail to remember, to earn value you must earn it.In today's economy the government
creates a value on the person by looking at the position they are held for. If you look at it from the
society's point of view they believe people should be given value according to what they do and
what position they are. From an individual's perspective they judge themselves on what they
accomplish and achieve.The value of the individual more content...
Each individual has their own perspective on how they want their life to be. As Steve Jobs
mentioned in his inaugural speech " Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your inner
voice"(89). The meaning of this quote is just do what you love and do not let anyone else tell you
what to do. In life you just have to be your own self and believe that you can and will achieve.
Your life will only be worth it if you actually accomplish something you wanted to do not what
others want you to do. Several high school students tend to find a job while attending school and
stay with it for the rest of their life. However, what they do not realize is that they are missing out
on what they actually wanted to do in life not make money with the job they hate doing. The value
of life has to be interpreted throughout high school as well as college because if you do not figure it
out then you will end up doing something you will regret in the future.
In many cases the society would make their decision based on what the person did and who the
person was. For example, in the late 18th–19th century when there was slavery the people made their
decision based on who had the most money not the one who worked. If you look at it today it is
kind of similar because say a teacher gets injured and a professional athlete the value would be
based on who
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What is Life on Earth? Essay
Life People have been looking towards the sky for as long as they have been on the Earth. It
seems only natural that civilizations would begin to wonder if life on Earth is the only life in the
universe. Understanding what makes life on Earth is the first step to examining the possibility of
life elsewhere. What is Life? Trying to define life is difficult. There is no clear–cut, basic definition
of what life is. It is easier to identify the properties of life and decide whether or not something falls
into the life or nonlife category based on if it includes these properties. The six properties of life are
order, reproduction, growth and development, energy utilization, homeostasis, and evolutionary
adaptation. Order is " more content...
This process results in the more advantageous traits being passed on through the generations as
the less valuable traits are lost. Life on Earth Life on Earth is dependent on three factors: a source
of nutrients, a source of energy, and liquid water (Bennett, 2012, p. 510). If one of these three
requirements was not present on Earth, life could not continue. Nutrients, atoms and molecules,
are the necessities for building living cells (Bennett, 2012, p. 510). Energy can come from many
sources including the Sun, chemical reactions, and the natural heat from the Earth (Bennett,
2012, p. 510). This energy is the fuel for all life. Liquid water, something found in abundance on
Earth, is the last needed factor. History of Life on Earth Life on Earth has existed for a relatively
long time when compared to the age of the Earth. Life likely first began about 3.8 billion years
ago, less than a billion years after the Earth was formed. The first life was single–cell prokaryotic
life, like bacteria (History of life on Earth, 2014). Modern–day organisms found at the bottom of the
ocean floor, surrounding volcanic vents, appear to be some of the evolutionary oldest organisms on
Earth (Bennett, 2012). This suggests that life on Earth began in this type of extreme environment.
From these earliest life forms, the Earth gained the oxygen necessary for
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Life's Problems Essay
Life's Problems Life is full of problems, but how we approach those problems often determines
whether we're happy or miserable. Bob Maynard says, "Problems are opportunities in disguise." If
we approach problems with Maynard's attitude, we see that problems are really opportunities to
learn about others and ourselves. They enable us to live happier and more fulfilling lives. Maynard's
quote applies to all kinds of problems. I faced a problem just last week when our family's kitchen
sink developed a serious leak. There was water all over our kitchen floor and piles of dishes to be
washed. But our landlord was out of town for the week. I come from a big family–I have six
brothers and sisters–so we couldn't afford to wait more content...
Whatever kind of situation we face, problems give us the chance to learn and grow, both physically
and mentally. For example, when I had a problem with my car and couldn't the repairs right away,
my problem become an opportunity to get some exercise–something I'd been waiting to do anyway. I
had to walk a mile each day to get to the bus stop and back. But in the meantime, I got the chance
to start getting back in shape, and I saved a lot on gas. I've come to realize that problems are
really part of what makes life worth living. Problems challenge us and give us the opportunity to
do things we've never done before, to learn things we never knew before. They give us the chance
to surprise ourselves. Just the word "problem" can send some of us into a panic. But problems
can be good things, too. Problems are situations that make us think and force us to be creative and
resourceful. They can also teach us things we didn't know before. For example, I had a problem in
school a few years ago when I couldn't understand my math class. I started failing my quizzes and
homework assignments. I wasn't sure what to so, so finally I went to the teacher and asked for help.
She said she would arrange for me to be tutored by another student who was her best student. In
return, though, I'd have to help that student around school. I wasn't sure what she
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Essay about What is life?
"What is life?" The question has been asked innumerable times but has been answered to the
satisfaction of few. Science is based on the experience that nature gives intelligent answers to
intelligent questions. To senseless questions, nature gives senseless answers – or no answers at all. If
nature has never provided an answer to this question, perhaps something is wrong with the question.
The question is wrong indeed. It has no sense, for life in itself does not exist. No one has seen or
measured life. Life is always linked to material systems; what man sees and measures are living
systems of matter. Life is not a thing to be studied; rather, "being alive" is a quality of some
physical systems.
A look at the living world reveals more content...
The more complex the system, the more complex its qualities. Organs may be built from cells; from
organs may come an individual organism, such as a human being. Individuals in turn may be
combined to form societies or populations, which again have their own rules. At each level of
complexity are new qualities not present in the simpler levels. The study of each level yields new
information for the biologist.
The history of biology has been marked by a penetration into ever smaller dimensions. In the
sixteenth century, Vesalius was dependent on his unaided eyesight for his study of the human body.
In the following century, the optical microscope led to the discovery of many new details of
structure. Marcello Malpighi observed the capillary vessels that complete the cycle of blood
circulation and showed that even such tiny insects as the silkworm have an intricate internal
structure. Anton van Leeuwenhoek described blood cells and the compound eyes of insects. Robert
Hooke described the cellular structure of plants.
As microscopes were improved, more and more details of structure were described. By the
nineteenth century, it was becoming clear that all complex organisms are composed of
semi–independent units called cells. The major structural features of cells were established. Bacteria
were discovered and studied.
In this century, the electron microscope has taken the scientist down to molecular dimensions, and
he has learned to observe with x–rays as
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Life Is But A Choice Essay
Life Is But A Choice
Beginning with the time of birth until the time of death, people have to make choices everyday on
how to achieve the goals in their lives. One can imagine life as a long winding road with millions
of other roads branching off in many directions. The only problem is that life is too short to explore
every single road. In addition, the essence of time will not allow anyone to go back to a road that
was passed. Everyone must choose his/her own roads through life regardless of what other people
might think. Robert Frost wrote in The Road Not
Taken, " I took the one less traveled by And that has made all the difference
"(Frost 423). By managing ones time efficiently and making clear rational
choices, more content...
Everyone is different and that is what makes our world so interesting.
Another important choice in life is having a healthy body. The key to achieving a healthy body is
diet, exercise, and rest. In the world today, doctors are constantly reminding us to watch our body fat,
cholesterol, and nutritional intake. In addition, eating a well balance diet can greatly reduce risk of
disease and live longer lives.. Also, doctors tell us that smoking and excessive drinking of alcoholic
beverages can be extremely harmful to our health.
Making a choice to exercise is very important also. Doctors tell us that exercising at least thirty
minutes a day will reduce the risk of a stroke and heart disease. Not to mention, exercising is a
great way to cope with the stress of everyday life. The most important way to stay healthy is to get
plenty of rest. The body needs a break to the mind and replenish cells in the body so the body can
function properly. Without rest, one is more likely to make mistakes and even have a higher level of
One more important choice in life is spirituality. Everyone has to question what is this world we
live in, why are we here on earth, is there life elsewhere, and is there a god. These questions have
been around since man began walking the earth. Over the centuries since the bible was written, many
different schools of thought have been
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Essay on The Purpose of Life
Life is defined in the dictionary as "the quality that makes living animals and plants different from
dead organisms and inorganic matter. Its functions include the ability to take in food, adapt to
the environment, grow, and reproduce." But, what is it, really? What purpose in the grandest
scheme of things does life serve? We have such a small effect on the universe, and it was just fine
for billions of years before we came along. Philosophers around the world have been asking these
questions for as long as humans could think logically. Some would say that the purpose of life is
to please a God, while others would say that it is to be happy in the world. These many varying
views and opinions about how we should live our lives more content...
I want to meet the Dalai Lama, or even shake his hand. When I stop to think about it, there's so
much that I could do. My entire life waits before me, like the coastline of the homeland of a
homesick sailor. My only limit to what I can do is the length of my lifetime. Something else I like
to believe in is that everyone on this Earth has a calling. There is some activity that everyone has
a natural affinity to. I've always had an interest in computers and website design, but recently I
have discovered that the logic and physics of Chemistry have made sense to me, and I am
exceptionally good within that class to the point of considering that I may want to pursue it as a
career. I have seen people in my arts classes create things that are incredibly stunning, and I would
love to see if they pursue their great talents further on in their lives. On the other hand, if someone
is forced to cope with a job or class that they just have no passion for or talent in, all they are doing
is torturing themselves and nothing good can come out of such a situation. Outside of the purpose
of life, I also believe that everyone and everything in the world can coexist. Call me a reincarnated
Taoist. I believe that since we all came from the same place, we can at least get along with one
another, regardless of the differences in the ideas in our heads. Anger and hate directed at other
people grates on
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Essay For Life

  • 1. Lessons of Life Essay All through life, we experience various occasions when decision–making become necessary. A number of them present themselves in difficult forms and at crucial points. Most of the verdict we take will eventually figure and describe our track of lives. These are what we refer to as lessons of life. Choices never present themselves in an easy way. In some instance we are always forced to pay a price to achieve something. This implies that we are trading for an outcome we are seeking. Period, actions and situation can help us learn a lot about our environment, ourselves and people in general. They give us an opportunity to face our reliability, integrity, accountability and skills of dealing with life result. In the beginning, people more content... However, Life can then be said to be the conditional value of human affairs or individual's manner of living, it is the admiration of one's condition, personality and behaviour. It can be the measured by the collective value of each affair in distinctive class or type, and considering whichever way or the nature of living one indulges in, either at the low–level or high level or the good or evil etiquette of living. According to Timothy Titcomb in his book "Lessons in life" he noted that there are so many outrageous things that have been practiced in the family and moods are the excuses being given for such action, because, moods are the most indefensible things generally (Titcomb, 6). Additionally, Titcomb stated that Living creatures can thus in a level become the masters of their mood (Titcomb, 7). John Cleese once quoted that "We all work in two contrasting modes, which might be described as open and closed". In view of this, he expatiated that "the open mode is more relaxed, more receptive, more democratic, more playful and more humorous. While, the closed mode is tighter, more rigid, hierarchical, and more tunnel–vision. He further elaborated that most people spend most of their time in the closed mode" Consequently, each person at some point in life asks some question about life. Some ask if they actually want to live the kind of life they are experiencing, while some will ask other questions like "who am I" or "The importance of their Get more content on
  • 2. Life Or Death Essay We are all aware of death, and we know it will come to us all. To many of us death brings a chill down our spine ridden with fear, but to others it is ridden with strength and satisfaction of accomplishment. Fortunately or unfortunately we are all condemned to death. However no one knows when exactly the inevitable will approach, but we all know it is inescapable. But what makes death seem more realistic to us and those in denial of it is the lucid pictures of people suffering, in pain and those on their death bed before many of us can be rationale and accept the truth. Someone once said, “Life is about 50–70 years of pain. One is born through the mother’s pain and die leaving others in pain.'; How do we accept more content... This increase of love allows our mind to feel some sort of satisfaction that good can come out of praying and if one was to die, our faith would tell us that we did our best. In other words, our love towards our faith tends to be one of the strongest lifelines we can posses to reduce the guilt and pain of those around us who are suffering. For many of us who are in a relationship either by marriage or simply as mates can relate to the feelings they are exhibited within and around one when they are with or simply thinking about our mates. This feeling of security and belonging tends to increase our love towards each other, especially during times of pain and death. We begin to see the world of insecurity and being alone, a world of being abandoned and feeling useless. There are those who don’t posses a “soul mate';, and nonetheless they too feel an increase of love; the love of having a mate of being wanted and loved, and the feeling of not being alone. As parents or parents to be, whether within months or years, we all as humans strive for one goal at the end; to raise our children the best we can and the best they can be. If and when the time comes for us as parents and humans to pass on, and if we leave our children here, without a sense of accomplishment and Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on The Meaning of Life The Meaning of Life My few years on this planet have been a bit confusing. I have learned of many aspects of life from which one can draw meaning, if indeed such meaning can be drawn. I have also learned that there can be no singular meaning of life to stand for us all, or even any one of us. What I have learned above all is that trying to put words to the meaning of life is a task of absolute absurdity. This is not to be confused with the idea that life has no meaning, for life certainly has meaning. However, there is no single meaning of life to be defined – life is different for us all. Therefore, rather than define life for an entire planet, I shall try to explain what life means as I perceive it, and why it means so. more content... Life is a complicated twist of suffering, laughing, and learning all merging to tell a great story – or great many stories. Based on this view, "it is not the end goal or outcome of life that gives life meaning but rather the quality of the story, the quality with which one lives out and develops his or her role." At the time, this event seemed rather insignificant and did not merit remembrance. However, its catastrophic effects on my attitude that evening may have helped to mold me into the person I have become. I learned that suffering through such an event, as childish as it was, is quite necessary in any life. Such pains are part of an interminable cycle and only generate balance in one's life (p. 62, 'Life as Suffering'). Despite my horrid time spent that evening, the laughter brought since the incident is a worthy tradeoff. Laughter is an all too necessary function of life, just as suffering and the wide range of other emotions. "Some thinkers would emphasize the importance of sophistication in humor, but others would say that laughter itself is what is important." Whatever the case may be, laughter is an important ingredient in life, and must not be taken for granted nor ignored. Despite such emotional ties to life, I have also learned that life is not only about emotions. Those emotions are generated from the chain reactions created endlessly in Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on A Day in My Life A Day in My Life My alarm clock starts beeping at 7:15 exactly and I groan and try to imagine that it isn't there. When the noise doesn't stop I roll over and hurl the unlucky object across the room. It invariably hits a precariously balanced pile of books or CD's and they invariably come crashing down, adding to the scene of devastation that is my bedroom floor. I then slowly drift off to sleep again; until, twenty minuets later, I am rudely awakened by my mum's voice shouting: "Danny you'll be late for school!". I turn over looking for my alarm clock and, realising that it's no longer a foot away from my right ear but at the other side of the room, I slowly climb out of my bed and more content... After we have walked the length of the school twice we sit down to 15 minutes of tutor time. While I franticly finish the History homework due in five minutes time everyone else enjoys some time taunting Michael or Ashley about one thing or another. As Ben leaves the tutor room I shout after him "Ben! What we got now?" The reply comes: "Science. Mr Smith." "OK" I shout as I hurry after him. First lesson, despite being science, goes past in a dream. I have decided that however much I may look awake at nine o'clock in the morning I actually do not wake up until ten. Therefore, during first period (science or not) I am still fast asleep. This means that, except under special circumstances (i.e. a test), the amount of work completed in this lesson is fairly small. Second period, I am usually more awake (unless, of course, it is R.E, in which case I remain a deep sleep throughout, even if it's last lesson.). I.T with Mr. Wisson is almost never enjoyable. Despite my love of computers I cannot ever manage to squeeze even the slightest bit of satisfaction from an hours typing numbers, letters and mathematical equations into Excel or some such program. The teacher seems to think that because we are not doing IT long course we are all computer illiterate fools who find it hard to use Microsoft Word.
  • 5. Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Lifelong Learning Lifelong learning Lifelong learning is the continuous building of skills and knowledge throughout the life of an individual. The first characteristic of lifelong learning is that it encompasses both formal and non–formal/informal types of education and training. Formal learning includes the hierarchically structured school system that runs from primary school through the university and organized school–like programs created in business for technical and professional training. Whereas informal learning describes a lifelong process whereby individuals acquire attitudes, values, skills and knowledge from daily experience and the educational influences and resources in his or her environment, from family and neighbors, from work and play, more content... The computer industry is a growing field that will never stay the same as it was when it started. We will always need additional learning to be able to keep our jobs or move up on the corporate ladder. We can learn about these changes by going back to school, going to workshops, or on the job training if it is available. These opportunities are tools that will help you learn more about your job. The skills that you learn at one job will help you advance in that position or get you another position with that company or another company. For example, If you we are tired of being at that same died end job make that change and go back to school to get that additional education to pursue your dream that you have. Working a job and having a career are two different things. After spend some years in the work force I decided to further my education. I wanted a career that I can advance in and learn more. The process of designing a lifelong learning plan begins with putting it in writing. This plan, sometimes called a learning contract, must be a dynamic process intended to provide structure in an unstructured environment – known as everyday life. Lifelong learning exists within this world, allowing learners the freedom to enroll in formal continuing education programs or self–directed learning such as learning how to garden or play an instrument, as examples. A personal learning plan or learning contract should focus on the following four Get more content on
  • 7. Essay about My Life My Life I was born in San Jose, Costa Rica, and moved to California when I was very young. Before I moved to California my dad traveled back and forth for 2 or 3 yrs from California and back to Costa Rica. He spent most of his time working in the Fresno area, in the cities of Tulare, and Visalia. He says he spent his time working in any available job including some farm labor jobs and went back to Costa Rica to spend time with us. After the second time he left Costa Rica to come and work he did not go back. At that time, amnesty was given to immigrants in California, and he moved up north to the Bay area to find a steady job. That is when he saved enough money for my mother, my two siblings, and I to join him in California. My more content... I was in ESL programs until I entered junior high school. Learning the language, and trying to keep up with the class work was a challenge for me. Having friends who spoke my language, and the English language as well was an advantage I had. Having that extra help and support really made my school experience challenging, but exciting as well. Remembering the support I received from those friends creates a need in me to do the same for other people. I don't only believe that the support that I can give to migrant students as a Mini–Corps student will help them in succeeding in school, but I believe that an appreciation for school can be gained as well, and hopefully bring insight for continuing their studies beyond high school. As I improved in my English I also grew an interest in writing. I enjoyed my English classes, along with my math classes too. My interest grew and grew, and I joined summer girl programs. After participating two year, I became a mentor to those new peers coming into the program. I worked with teachers in Science, and in Math classes. I also participated in the volleyball activities, and group activities. This is when I realized I wanted to work with youth my whole life. My interest in English, and my interest in being a role model to youth made me decide to become an English teacher, especially working with students whose first language is not English. Now, I am a college student. I first went to UC Santa Barbara, where I dealt with more Get more content on
  • 8. The Value of A Life Essay Value of life The life given by god has a very special meaning a value in which people sometimes forget to thank or either regret. Many students/adults believe that they are going to be popular if they have money and a good job buy forget that people are influenced by those who have learned something. Also a lot fail to remember, to earn value you must earn it.In today's economy the government creates a value on the person by looking at the position they are held for. If you look at it from the society's point of view they believe people should be given value according to what they do and what position they are. From an individual's perspective they judge themselves on what they accomplish and achieve.The value of the individual more content... Each individual has their own perspective on how they want their life to be. As Steve Jobs mentioned in his inaugural speech " Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your inner voice"(89). The meaning of this quote is just do what you love and do not let anyone else tell you what to do. In life you just have to be your own self and believe that you can and will achieve. Your life will only be worth it if you actually accomplish something you wanted to do not what others want you to do. Several high school students tend to find a job while attending school and stay with it for the rest of their life. However, what they do not realize is that they are missing out on what they actually wanted to do in life not make money with the job they hate doing. The value of life has to be interpreted throughout high school as well as college because if you do not figure it out then you will end up doing something you will regret in the future. In many cases the society would make their decision based on what the person did and who the person was. For example, in the late 18th–19th century when there was slavery the people made their decision based on who had the most money not the one who worked. If you look at it today it is kind of similar because say a teacher gets injured and a professional athlete the value would be based on who Get more content on
  • 9. What is Life on Earth? Essay Life People have been looking towards the sky for as long as they have been on the Earth. It seems only natural that civilizations would begin to wonder if life on Earth is the only life in the universe. Understanding what makes life on Earth is the first step to examining the possibility of life elsewhere. What is Life? Trying to define life is difficult. There is no clear–cut, basic definition of what life is. It is easier to identify the properties of life and decide whether or not something falls into the life or nonlife category based on if it includes these properties. The six properties of life are order, reproduction, growth and development, energy utilization, homeostasis, and evolutionary adaptation. Order is " more content... This process results in the more advantageous traits being passed on through the generations as the less valuable traits are lost. Life on Earth Life on Earth is dependent on three factors: a source of nutrients, a source of energy, and liquid water (Bennett, 2012, p. 510). If one of these three requirements was not present on Earth, life could not continue. Nutrients, atoms and molecules, are the necessities for building living cells (Bennett, 2012, p. 510). Energy can come from many sources including the Sun, chemical reactions, and the natural heat from the Earth (Bennett, 2012, p. 510). This energy is the fuel for all life. Liquid water, something found in abundance on Earth, is the last needed factor. History of Life on Earth Life on Earth has existed for a relatively long time when compared to the age of the Earth. Life likely first began about 3.8 billion years ago, less than a billion years after the Earth was formed. The first life was single–cell prokaryotic life, like bacteria (History of life on Earth, 2014). Modern–day organisms found at the bottom of the ocean floor, surrounding volcanic vents, appear to be some of the evolutionary oldest organisms on Earth (Bennett, 2012). This suggests that life on Earth began in this type of extreme environment. From these earliest life forms, the Earth gained the oxygen necessary for Get more content on
  • 10. Life's Problems Essay Life's Problems Life is full of problems, but how we approach those problems often determines whether we're happy or miserable. Bob Maynard says, "Problems are opportunities in disguise." If we approach problems with Maynard's attitude, we see that problems are really opportunities to learn about others and ourselves. They enable us to live happier and more fulfilling lives. Maynard's quote applies to all kinds of problems. I faced a problem just last week when our family's kitchen sink developed a serious leak. There was water all over our kitchen floor and piles of dishes to be washed. But our landlord was out of town for the week. I come from a big family–I have six brothers and sisters–so we couldn't afford to wait more content... Whatever kind of situation we face, problems give us the chance to learn and grow, both physically and mentally. For example, when I had a problem with my car and couldn't the repairs right away, my problem become an opportunity to get some exercise–something I'd been waiting to do anyway. I had to walk a mile each day to get to the bus stop and back. But in the meantime, I got the chance to start getting back in shape, and I saved a lot on gas. I've come to realize that problems are really part of what makes life worth living. Problems challenge us and give us the opportunity to do things we've never done before, to learn things we never knew before. They give us the chance to surprise ourselves. Just the word "problem" can send some of us into a panic. But problems can be good things, too. Problems are situations that make us think and force us to be creative and resourceful. They can also teach us things we didn't know before. For example, I had a problem in school a few years ago when I couldn't understand my math class. I started failing my quizzes and homework assignments. I wasn't sure what to so, so finally I went to the teacher and asked for help. She said she would arrange for me to be tutored by another student who was her best student. In return, though, I'd have to help that student around school. I wasn't sure what she Get more content on
  • 11. Essay about What is life? "What is life?" The question has been asked innumerable times but has been answered to the satisfaction of few. Science is based on the experience that nature gives intelligent answers to intelligent questions. To senseless questions, nature gives senseless answers – or no answers at all. If nature has never provided an answer to this question, perhaps something is wrong with the question. The question is wrong indeed. It has no sense, for life in itself does not exist. No one has seen or measured life. Life is always linked to material systems; what man sees and measures are living systems of matter. Life is not a thing to be studied; rather, "being alive" is a quality of some physical systems. A look at the living world reveals more content... The more complex the system, the more complex its qualities. Organs may be built from cells; from organs may come an individual organism, such as a human being. Individuals in turn may be combined to form societies or populations, which again have their own rules. At each level of complexity are new qualities not present in the simpler levels. The study of each level yields new information for the biologist. The history of biology has been marked by a penetration into ever smaller dimensions. In the sixteenth century, Vesalius was dependent on his unaided eyesight for his study of the human body. In the following century, the optical microscope led to the discovery of many new details of structure. Marcello Malpighi observed the capillary vessels that complete the cycle of blood circulation and showed that even such tiny insects as the silkworm have an intricate internal structure. Anton van Leeuwenhoek described blood cells and the compound eyes of insects. Robert Hooke described the cellular structure of plants. As microscopes were improved, more and more details of structure were described. By the nineteenth century, it was becoming clear that all complex organisms are composed of semi–independent units called cells. The major structural features of cells were established. Bacteria were discovered and studied. In this century, the electron microscope has taken the scientist down to molecular dimensions, and he has learned to observe with x–rays as Get more content on
  • 12. Life Is But A Choice Essay Life Is But A Choice Beginning with the time of birth until the time of death, people have to make choices everyday on how to achieve the goals in their lives. One can imagine life as a long winding road with millions of other roads branching off in many directions. The only problem is that life is too short to explore every single road. In addition, the essence of time will not allow anyone to go back to a road that was passed. Everyone must choose his/her own roads through life regardless of what other people might think. Robert Frost wrote in The Road Not Taken, " I took the one less traveled by And that has made all the difference "(Frost 423). By managing ones time efficiently and making clear rational choices, more content... Everyone is different and that is what makes our world so interesting. Another important choice in life is having a healthy body. The key to achieving a healthy body is diet, exercise, and rest. In the world today, doctors are constantly reminding us to watch our body fat, cholesterol, and nutritional intake. In addition, eating a well balance diet can greatly reduce risk of disease and live longer lives.. Also, doctors tell us that smoking and excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages can be extremely harmful to our health. Making a choice to exercise is very important also. Doctors tell us that exercising at least thirty minutes a day will reduce the risk of a stroke and heart disease. Not to mention, exercising is a great way to cope with the stress of everyday life. The most important way to stay healthy is to get plenty of rest. The body needs a break to the mind and replenish cells in the body so the body can function properly. Without rest, one is more likely to make mistakes and even have a higher level of stress. One more important choice in life is spirituality. Everyone has to question what is this world we live in, why are we here on earth, is there life elsewhere, and is there a god. These questions have been around since man began walking the earth. Over the centuries since the bible was written, many different schools of thought have been Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on The Purpose of Life Life is defined in the dictionary as "the quality that makes living animals and plants different from dead organisms and inorganic matter. Its functions include the ability to take in food, adapt to the environment, grow, and reproduce." But, what is it, really? What purpose in the grandest scheme of things does life serve? We have such a small effect on the universe, and it was just fine for billions of years before we came along. Philosophers around the world have been asking these questions for as long as humans could think logically. Some would say that the purpose of life is to please a God, while others would say that it is to be happy in the world. These many varying views and opinions about how we should live our lives more content... I want to meet the Dalai Lama, or even shake his hand. When I stop to think about it, there's so much that I could do. My entire life waits before me, like the coastline of the homeland of a homesick sailor. My only limit to what I can do is the length of my lifetime. Something else I like to believe in is that everyone on this Earth has a calling. There is some activity that everyone has a natural affinity to. I've always had an interest in computers and website design, but recently I have discovered that the logic and physics of Chemistry have made sense to me, and I am exceptionally good within that class to the point of considering that I may want to pursue it as a career. I have seen people in my arts classes create things that are incredibly stunning, and I would love to see if they pursue their great talents further on in their lives. On the other hand, if someone is forced to cope with a job or class that they just have no passion for or talent in, all they are doing is torturing themselves and nothing good can come out of such a situation. Outside of the purpose of life, I also believe that everyone and everything in the world can coexist. Call me a reincarnated Taoist. I believe that since we all came from the same place, we can at least get along with one another, regardless of the differences in the ideas in our heads. Anger and hate directed at other people grates on Get more content on