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Thoracic & Abdomen
This region is where most of the internal organs of the body
Organs of RegionHollow Organs of Region – define what each
organ does in the body.
StomachIntestinesUrinary BladderTubes and VesselsLungs
Organs of RegionSolid Organs of Region – define what each
organ does in the body.
LiverKidneySpleenGall Bladder
Organs of RegionMixed Organs of Region – define what each
organ does in the body.
HeartMale Reproductive OrgansFemale Reproductive Organs
Injuries to OrgansWhich type of organ – HOLLOW or SOLID is
more prone to injury?
Solid or Hollow Organ Filled with material.
Injuries to the RegionContusionsMuscle StrainsHernia –
protrusion of viscera through the abdominal
Injuries to the RegionStitch in the SideConstipationIntestinal
gasOvereatingDistended spleenFaulty breathingOut of shape
Injuries to the RegionRuptured SpleenFall or direct blow to the
areaInfectious monoSigns of ruptured spleenHistory of severe
blowSigns of shock : abdominal rigidity; nausea,
vomitingKehr’s Sign
Injuries to the RegionLiver Contusion – rareKidney Contusion –
frequentBlood in UrineNausea/VomitingUrinary Bladder
InfectionsScrotal ContusionsIndigestion
Injuries or IllnessesAsthmaInfluenzaBronchitis
HyperventilationRupture of Pectoralis Muscle
Unusual Injuries to AreaMyocardial Infarction – abnormal
rhythmCardiac Contusion – bruising to the heartPneumothorax –
air outside lung spaceHemothorax – blood in lung
spacePulmonary Contusion – bruise to lung
Rib Fractures and Separations
One More IllnessShingles – adult chicken pox
Brought on by stressReduced immune systemNeurological
disorderFollows a dermatome
Extremely Painful
Biohazardous Issues
There are times when athletic trainers come into contact with
substances that are harmful.
Biohazardous IssuesThe federal government has passed certain
laws that protect workers. This group of laws fall under the
group known as
Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
Biohazardous IssuesOSHAOccupational Safety and Health
OSHA Regulation 1910.1030Occupational Exposure to
Bloodborne Pathogens
OSHA 1910.1030Scope – who is coveredExposure control
planMethod of ComplianceVaccinations and medical
evaluationsInformation and trainingRecordkeepingSchedule of
Procedures in Waste ManagementPut on glovesAbsorb fluids
with paper towelsSaturate with bleach solutionScrub the area –
bleach and soapy waterRinse the areaBiohazard bagWash hands
after disposal
Exposures in Athletic TrainingFortunately, there are not too
many times when athletic trainers will come into contact with
needles and other contaminated materials, but open wounds are
one of those exposures that athletic trainers deal with on a
regular basis.
Types of Wound ManagementYou should be able to define each
of the following types of wounds that are typically seen in the
athletic setting:
Initial and Follow Up Care
Shoulder Complex
Structurally it is a very complex joint. Highly Mobile and
Highly Unstable!
Basic AnatomyBones of the Region – these bones make up the
shoulder complex
Clavicle – collar boneScapula – shoulder bladeHumerus - upper
arm boneSternum – breast bone
Basic AnatomyJoints of the Region
Acromioclavicular – AC Joint (most commonly
injured)Sternoclavicular – SC JointGlenohumeral – GH
JointOnly moveable joint
Basic AnatomyHighly mobile – but unstable joint
Movements of the Shoulder ComplexDefine these two and the
following movements
Basic AnatomyMovements of the Shoulder Complex – define
these movements
Basic AnatomyMovements of the Shoulder Complex – define
these movements
Inward RotationOutward RotationHorizontal
AbductionHorizontal Adduction
Basic AnatomyMuscles of the Shoulder Complex – what do each
of these muscles do in the movement of this complex?
TrapeziusSerratus AnteriorRhomboidsPectoralis
MajorPectoralis Minor
Basic AnatomyMuscles of the Shoulder Complex – what do each
of these muscles do in the movement of this complex joint?
DeltoidLatissimus DorsiRotator Cuff Muscle Group - SITS
Basic AnatomyMuscles of the Shoulder ComplexSITS – Rotator
CuffS = SupraspinatusI = InfraspinatusT = Teres MinorS =
Injuries to the Shoulder
ComplexFracturesDislocationsSeparationsSprains – 1st Degree;
2nd Degree; 3rd DegreeAC SprainMuscular StrainsContusions
Injuries to the Shoulder ComplexBrachial PlexusBurnerStinger
Basic Foot Anatomy
What is the function of the lower extremity? Did you realize
the upper and lower extremity have bony arrangements that are
almost identical?
Basic Foot Anatomy - BonesPhalanges – 14Metatarsals –
5Tarsals –7TalusCalcaneus (heel
bone)NavicularCuboidCuneiform (3)
Bones of the FootThe most commonly fractured bone of the foot
is the 5th metatarsal, at the base where it spreads out at the mid
The calcaneus is probably the hardest bone of the foot to
Basic Anatomy - AnkleBonesTibia – weight bearing boneFibula
– non weight bearing boneTalus
The tibia and fibula articulate with the talus, that is where the
ankle joint is located.
LigamentsThere are more ligaments damaged on the lateral side
of the ankle, since a vast majority of the ankle sprains are
inversion sprains.
Basic Anatomy - AnkleLigamentsLateralMedial
LateralAnterior TalofibularPosterior TalofibularCalcaneofibular
Basic Anatomy - AnkleMedialDeltoid
Arches of FootMedial LongitudinalLateral LongitudinalAnterior
Basic Anatomy – Foot & AnkleMovements – these are the major
movements not all the movements at the ankle joint.
InversionEversionDorsi-flexionPlantar flexion
Injuries to the Foot & AnkleSome injuries are relatively minor,
but that does not make them any less important.
We as athletic trainers spend a huge part of our day taping for
ankle sprains, but remember there are other injuries just as
Injuries to the Foot & AnkleAnkle sprainsFirst degreeSecond
degreeThird degreeBlisters on FeetTreatmentCornsHard and
Injuries to the Foot & AnkleIngrown toenailAthletes
feetCallusHow to preventHow to treatBroken bonesFallen
Injuries to the Foot & AnkleTurf ToeHeel BruiseAchilles
tendon strainAchilles tendon rupture
Special Tests for InjuriesBump TestPreliminary test for fracture
of the ankle
Squeeze TestPreliminary test for fracture of fibula
Thompson TestPreliminary test for rupture to Achilles
RehabilitationRemember – all rehab programs will have
components that are the same, you will just address the
particular injury in a little different fashion.
Rehabilitation for Ankle InjuryStage I – Non Weight Bearing
Stage II – Weight Bearing
Stage III – Sport Specific Work
Rehab Protocol for AnkleTotal Body ConditioningMuscular
Strength & EnduranceFlexibilityProprioceptionBody
MechanicsCardiovascular ConditioningSport Specific Demands
Pre Taping the AnkleThere are a number of steps involved in
getting the ankle ready for taping. The next slide discusses
those steps.
One of the most important things is for you the athletic trainer
to be in good posture to tape the ankle.
Taping An AnkleShave the areaClean the areaSpecial
ConsiderationsAllergies, infections, cuts, etc.Spray
adherentSkin lubricantUnderwrap
The Knee and Upper Leg
Structurally a weak joint.
Basic Anatomy of KneeBones of the Knee JointStructurally
weak jointFemurTibiaFibulaPatella – a sesamoid bone (define)
Anatomy of the KneeBesides the bones of the knee, the
ligaments provide the side to side stability and the front to back
Basic Anatomy of KneeLigaments of the Knee Joint
Medial Collateral (Tibial)Lateral Collateral (Fibular)Anterior
Cruciate (ACL) LigamentPosterior Cruciate (PCL) Ligament –
least important of the ligaments of the knee.
Anatomy of the KneeIn addition to the bones of the knee, the
next couple of slides show the muscles that surround the knee
joint and actually give the joint most of its stability.
Basic Anatomy of KneeMuscles of the Knee Joint
Quadricep Muscle GroupVastus MedialisVastus LateralisRectus
FemorisVastus Intermedius
Basic Anatomy of KneeMuscles of the Knee Joint – continued
Hamstring Muscle GroupBiceps
Basic Anatomy of KneeMuscles of the Knee Joint – continued
Flexor MusclesGastrocnemius, lateral headGastrocnemius,
medial head
Anatomy of the KneeNow, besides the bones, ligaments, and
muscles of the knee joint. There are other structures that are
very important to the function of the knee.
Basic Anatomy of KneeOther StructuresMeniscusLateral – “O”
shaped, not connected to LCLMedial – “C” shaped, connected to
MCLFat PadsBursa Sacs – lubricative fluidSynovial Sacs
Unconscious AthleteInjury Evaluation Format
Primary SurveyConsciousness
LevelAirwayBreathingCirculationCall 911 (MTSU 2424)
Unconscious AthleteInjury Evaluation Format
Secondary SurveyBleedingNose/Ear FluidsSkin
Unconscious AthleteInjury Evaluation Format
Total Body
ReflexesBabinski Test
Conscious AthleteLevel of ConsciousnessAlertKnow Something
is WrongDisoriented
Conscious AthleteNausea/VomitingPainWhereHow
Conscious AthleteExtremity EvaluationUpper Extremity
DermatomesUpper Extremity FractureLower Extremity
DermatomesLower Extremity Fracture
Moving Athlete with ConcussionHave the athlete sit upThen
stand up, no movementThen walk athlete off field, with your
hand on them at all times, in case they become dizzyAt any
time, they become dizzy, get them back on the ground
Evaluation on SidelineLevel of CoordinationFinger to NoseHeel
to KneeHeel to Toe
Romberg Test
Return to PlayAmount of any memory lossSymptoms
clearUnsteadinessPEARL – Pupils Equal And Reactive Light
Physicians call to return to playRefer to advanced care
Keep Them Out of the GameTake their helmet – they will then
steal another players helmetHave them remove their shoesHave
them remove their shoulder padsAssign student athletic trainer
to shadow themMonitor them closely
Sending a Player HomeWhat to tell parents or room mate:
Wake them every hour or soDetermines if condition is
deterioratingThey should not take pain killerYou want to know
if they are in painImmediately go to ER if condition worsens
The Hip and Pelvis
Probably the strongest moveable joint of the body.
Basic Anatomy of Hip and PelvisBones of the
AreaPelvisIliumIschiumPubisSacrum – fused vertebraeCoccyx –
tailboneFemur – upper leg bone
Basic Anatomy of Hip and PelvisMuscle Groups of the Region –
some of the largest and strongest muscles of the body
Gluteal Muscle GroupGluteus MediusGluteus MinimusGluteus
MaximusHip extension; internal & external rotation; abduction
Basic Anatomy of Hip and PelvisMuscle Groups of the Region
Hip Flexor MusclesIliopsoasSartoriusPectineusRectus Femoris
Basic Anatomy of Hip and PelvisMuscle Groups of the Region
Hip Adductor MusclesAdductor LongusAdductor
BrevisAdductor Magnus
Basic Anatomy of Hip and PelvisLigaments of the Region
Iliofemoral LigamentPubofemoral LigamentIschiofemoral
Probably the strongest joint in the body
Injuries to the HipHip PointerContusion to the attachment sites
of muscles along the crest of the Iliac
Bruised or Broken CoccyxContusion or break to the tailbone,
usually resulting from being knocked on your butt.
Head, Neck and Spine
The most important region of the body and with the mind, one
of the least understood
Anatomy of the HeadBones of the Head – none move with the
exception of the mandible.
CraniumSeries of bones that form a protective helmet for the
brainFrontal; parietal; temporal; occipital; sphenoid; ethmoid
Anatomy of the HeadBones of the Head
MandibleJaw bone; only moveable bone of the regionNasal;
zygoma; maxillary; lacrimal; palatine; inferior turbinate; vomer
Neck & SpineThe bones of this region make up a column that
houses the spinal cord, any disruptions in this column can cause
damage that is beyond repair.
Those boney sections are presented in the next slide.
Anatomy of the Neck & SpineBones of the RegionVertebral
ColumnCervical Vertebra = 7Thoracic Vertebra = 12Lumbar
Vertebra = 5Sacral Vertebra = 5 fusedCoccyx Vertebra = 4
Abnormalities to the SpineScoliosisLateral curvature of the
spineLordosisAnterior curvature of the lumbar
spineKyphosisPosterior curvature of the thoracic spine
Injuries to the HeadBecause of the vast network of blood
vessels in the region, a little cut can appear as bleeding beyond
control, typically this is not the case, but there will appear to be
a lot of bleeding.
Injuries to the Head, Neck & FaceLacerationsBroken
NosePerforated Ear DrumContusionsEyeTeethBroken; Knocked
Out; Decayed
Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries – ATHT 3580
Test 3
Multiple Choice:
3 Points Each
Which bone of the shoulder complex is most commonly
a. Clavicle
b. Sternum
c. Scapula
d. Humerus
Which joint of the shoulder complex is most commonly
a. Glenohumeral (GH)
b. Corcoclavicular (CC)
c. Acromioclavicular (AC)
d. Sternoclavicular (SC)
Which muscle is not a member of the rotator cuff group?
a. Supraspinatus
b. Infraspinatus
c. Teres Minor
d. Serratus Anterior
Which ligament in not a part of the elbow?
a. Annular
b. Radial Collateral
c. Humeral Collateral
d. Ulnar Collateral
Which muscle does not work at the elbow joint?
a. Biceps Femoris
b. Triceps Brachii
c. Biceps Brachii
d. Pronator Teres
When flexed, the epicondyles at the elbow and the olecranon
process form what design?
a. Straight Line
b. Triangle
c. Square
d. Nothing
Which ligament does not belong at the wrist/hand region?
a. Anterior Cruciate
b. Transverse Carpal
c. Volar Plate
d. Radial Collateral
Little League pitchers elbow is also known as what?
a. Olecranon bursitis
b. Epicondylitis
c. Gamekeepers’s thumb
d. Mallet Finger Syndrome
The danger with a posterior separation to the sternoclavicular
joint is?
a. Damage to blood vessels
b. Damage to the wind pipe
c. Damage to the nerves
d. All of the above
Which is most closely associated with heat cramps?
a. Heat Exhaustion
b. Heat Syncope
c. Heat Stroke
d. Frostbite
2 Points Each
Pronation/Supination occurs at the elbow joint.
Typically there are 14 phalange bones in each hand.
There are 8 tarsal bones in the wrist.
Opposition occurs when the thumb moves against one of the
other fingers.
Separation is an injury to a moveable joint.
A “stinger” or “burner” is usually a nerve problem in shoulder
Colles’ fracture is to the humerus.
The S.I.T.S. muscles are also known as the rotator cuff muscles.
Supination is when the palm of the hand is exposed (up).
The glenohumeral joint is typically dislocated.
Points per Question
List 6 movements of the shoulder complex. 6 points
What makes a joint either a Distal Inter Phalangeal (DIP) or
Proximal Inter Phalangeal (PIP)? 4 Points
Define each injury: 2 Points Each
Mallet Finger:
Gamekeepers Thumb:
Discuss the rehab process for an upper extremity injury. You
pick a sport and position. Then explain the areas for the rehab
program and then list 4 specific things you would do for the
injury of the upper extremity. 10 Points

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Thoracic & AbdomenThis region is where most of the inter.docx

  • 1. Thoracic & Abdomen This region is where most of the internal organs of the body reside. Organs of RegionHollow Organs of Region – define what each organ does in the body. StomachIntestinesUrinary BladderTubes and VesselsLungs Organs of RegionSolid Organs of Region – define what each organ does in the body. LiverKidneySpleenGall Bladder Organs of RegionMixed Organs of Region – define what each organ does in the body. HeartMale Reproductive OrgansFemale Reproductive Organs Injuries to OrgansWhich type of organ – HOLLOW or SOLID is more prone to injury? Solid or Hollow Organ Filled with material.
  • 2. Injuries to the RegionContusionsMuscle StrainsHernia – protrusion of viscera through the abdominal wallAcquiredCongenital Injuries to the RegionStitch in the SideConstipationIntestinal gasOvereatingDistended spleenFaulty breathingOut of shape Injuries to the RegionRuptured SpleenFall or direct blow to the areaInfectious monoSigns of ruptured spleenHistory of severe blowSigns of shock : abdominal rigidity; nausea, vomitingKehr’s Sign Injuries to the RegionLiver Contusion – rareKidney Contusion – frequentBlood in UrineNausea/VomitingUrinary Bladder InfectionsScrotal ContusionsIndigestion Injuries or IllnessesAsthmaInfluenzaBronchitis HyperventilationRupture of Pectoralis Muscle Unusual Injuries to AreaMyocardial Infarction – abnormal rhythmCardiac Contusion – bruising to the heartPneumothorax – air outside lung spaceHemothorax – blood in lung spacePulmonary Contusion – bruise to lung Rib Fractures and Separations
  • 3. One More IllnessShingles – adult chicken pox Brought on by stressReduced immune systemNeurological disorderFollows a dermatome Extremely Painful Biohazardous Issues There are times when athletic trainers come into contact with substances that are harmful. Biohazardous IssuesThe federal government has passed certain laws that protect workers. This group of laws fall under the group known as Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Biohazardous IssuesOSHAOccupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA Regulation 1910.1030Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens OSHA 1910.1030Scope – who is coveredExposure control planMethod of ComplianceVaccinations and medical evaluationsInformation and trainingRecordkeepingSchedule of implementation
  • 4. Procedures in Waste ManagementPut on glovesAbsorb fluids with paper towelsSaturate with bleach solutionScrub the area – bleach and soapy waterRinse the areaBiohazard bagWash hands after disposal Exposures in Athletic TrainingFortunately, there are not too many times when athletic trainers will come into contact with needles and other contaminated materials, but open wounds are one of those exposures that athletic trainers deal with on a regular basis. Types of Wound ManagementYou should be able to define each of the following types of wounds that are typically seen in the athletic setting: Wound ManagementAbrasionsAvulsionsIncisionsLacerationsPunctures Initial and Follow Up Care Shoulder Complex Structurally it is a very complex joint. Highly Mobile and Highly Unstable!
  • 5. Basic AnatomyBones of the Region – these bones make up the shoulder complex Clavicle – collar boneScapula – shoulder bladeHumerus - upper arm boneSternum – breast bone Basic AnatomyJoints of the Region Acromioclavicular – AC Joint (most commonly injured)Sternoclavicular – SC JointGlenohumeral – GH JointOnly moveable joint Basic AnatomyHighly mobile – but unstable joint Movements of the Shoulder ComplexDefine these two and the following movements FlexionExtension Basic AnatomyMovements of the Shoulder Complex – define these movements ElevationDepressionAbductionAdduction Basic AnatomyMovements of the Shoulder Complex – define these movements Inward RotationOutward RotationHorizontal AbductionHorizontal Adduction Basic AnatomyMuscles of the Shoulder Complex – what do each of these muscles do in the movement of this complex?
  • 6. TrapeziusSerratus AnteriorRhomboidsPectoralis MajorPectoralis Minor Basic AnatomyMuscles of the Shoulder Complex – what do each of these muscles do in the movement of this complex joint? DeltoidLatissimus DorsiRotator Cuff Muscle Group - SITS Basic AnatomyMuscles of the Shoulder ComplexSITS – Rotator CuffS = SupraspinatusI = InfraspinatusT = Teres MinorS = Subscapularis Injuries to the Shoulder ComplexFracturesDislocationsSeparationsSprains – 1st Degree; 2nd Degree; 3rd DegreeAC SprainMuscular StrainsContusions Injuries to the Shoulder ComplexBrachial PlexusBurnerStinger Basic Foot Anatomy What is the function of the lower extremity? Did you realize the upper and lower extremity have bony arrangements that are almost identical?
  • 7. Basic Foot Anatomy - BonesPhalanges – 14Metatarsals – 5Tarsals –7TalusCalcaneus (heel bone)NavicularCuboidCuneiform (3) Bones of the FootThe most commonly fractured bone of the foot is the 5th metatarsal, at the base where it spreads out at the mid foot. The calcaneus is probably the hardest bone of the foot to fracture. Basic Anatomy - AnkleBonesTibia – weight bearing boneFibula – non weight bearing boneTalus The tibia and fibula articulate with the talus, that is where the ankle joint is located. LigamentsThere are more ligaments damaged on the lateral side of the ankle, since a vast majority of the ankle sprains are inversion sprains. Basic Anatomy - AnkleLigamentsLateralMedial LateralAnterior TalofibularPosterior TalofibularCalcaneofibular Basic Anatomy - AnkleMedialDeltoid Arches of FootMedial LongitudinalLateral LongitudinalAnterior MetatarsalTransverse
  • 8. Basic Anatomy – Foot & AnkleMovements – these are the major movements not all the movements at the ankle joint. InversionEversionDorsi-flexionPlantar flexion Injuries to the Foot & AnkleSome injuries are relatively minor, but that does not make them any less important. We as athletic trainers spend a huge part of our day taping for ankle sprains, but remember there are other injuries just as important. Injuries to the Foot & AnkleAnkle sprainsFirst degreeSecond degreeThird degreeBlisters on FeetTreatmentCornsHard and Soft Injuries to the Foot & AnkleIngrown toenailAthletes feetCallusHow to preventHow to treatBroken bonesFallen arches Injuries to the Foot & AnkleTurf ToeHeel BruiseAchilles tendon strainAchilles tendon rupture Special Tests for InjuriesBump TestPreliminary test for fracture of the ankle Squeeze TestPreliminary test for fracture of fibula
  • 9. Thompson TestPreliminary test for rupture to Achilles RehabilitationRemember – all rehab programs will have components that are the same, you will just address the particular injury in a little different fashion. Rehabilitation for Ankle InjuryStage I – Non Weight Bearing Stage II – Weight Bearing Stage III – Sport Specific Work Rehab Protocol for AnkleTotal Body ConditioningMuscular Strength & EnduranceFlexibilityProprioceptionBody MechanicsCardiovascular ConditioningSport Specific Demands Pre Taping the AnkleThere are a number of steps involved in getting the ankle ready for taping. The next slide discusses those steps. One of the most important things is for you the athletic trainer to be in good posture to tape the ankle. Taping An AnkleShave the areaClean the areaSpecial ConsiderationsAllergies, infections, cuts, etc.Spray adherentSkin lubricantUnderwrap
  • 10. The Knee and Upper Leg Structurally a weak joint. Basic Anatomy of KneeBones of the Knee JointStructurally weak jointFemurTibiaFibulaPatella – a sesamoid bone (define) Anatomy of the KneeBesides the bones of the knee, the ligaments provide the side to side stability and the front to back stability. Basic Anatomy of KneeLigaments of the Knee Joint Medial Collateral (Tibial)Lateral Collateral (Fibular)Anterior Cruciate (ACL) LigamentPosterior Cruciate (PCL) Ligament – least important of the ligaments of the knee. Anatomy of the KneeIn addition to the bones of the knee, the next couple of slides show the muscles that surround the knee joint and actually give the joint most of its stability. Basic Anatomy of KneeMuscles of the Knee Joint Quadricep Muscle GroupVastus MedialisVastus LateralisRectus FemorisVastus Intermedius
  • 11. Basic Anatomy of KneeMuscles of the Knee Joint – continued Hamstring Muscle GroupBiceps FemorisSemitendinosusSemimembranosus Basic Anatomy of KneeMuscles of the Knee Joint – continued Flexor MusclesGastrocnemius, lateral headGastrocnemius, medial head Anatomy of the KneeNow, besides the bones, ligaments, and muscles of the knee joint. There are other structures that are very important to the function of the knee. Basic Anatomy of KneeOther StructuresMeniscusLateral – “O” shaped, not connected to LCLMedial – “C” shaped, connected to MCLFat PadsBursa Sacs – lubricative fluidSynovial Sacs Concussions Unconscious AthleteInjury Evaluation Format Primary SurveyConsciousness LevelAirwayBreathingCirculationCall 911 (MTSU 2424)
  • 12. Unconscious AthleteInjury Evaluation Format Secondary SurveyBleedingNose/Ear FluidsSkin Color/TemperaturePupilsDeformity Unconscious AthleteInjury Evaluation Format Total Body EvaluationNeckThoracic/AbdomenExtremitiesNeurological ReflexesBabinski Test Conscious AthleteLevel of ConsciousnessAlertKnow Something is WrongDisoriented HeadacheDizziness Conscious AthleteNausea/VomitingPainWhereHow MuchRadiatingVision Conscious AthleteExtremity EvaluationUpper Extremity DermatomesUpper Extremity FractureLower Extremity DermatomesLower Extremity Fracture Moving Athlete with ConcussionHave the athlete sit upThen stand up, no movementThen walk athlete off field, with your hand on them at all times, in case they become dizzyAt any time, they become dizzy, get them back on the ground
  • 13. Evaluation on SidelineLevel of CoordinationFinger to NoseHeel to KneeHeel to Toe Romberg Test Return to PlayAmount of any memory lossSymptoms clearUnsteadinessPEARL – Pupils Equal And Reactive Light Physicians call to return to playRefer to advanced care Keep Them Out of the GameTake their helmet – they will then steal another players helmetHave them remove their shoesHave them remove their shoulder padsAssign student athletic trainer to shadow themMonitor them closely Sending a Player HomeWhat to tell parents or room mate: Wake them every hour or soDetermines if condition is deterioratingThey should not take pain killerYou want to know if they are in painImmediately go to ER if condition worsens The Hip and Pelvis Probably the strongest moveable joint of the body.
  • 14. Basic Anatomy of Hip and PelvisBones of the AreaPelvisIliumIschiumPubisSacrum – fused vertebraeCoccyx – tailboneFemur – upper leg bone Basic Anatomy of Hip and PelvisMuscle Groups of the Region – some of the largest and strongest muscles of the body Gluteal Muscle GroupGluteus MediusGluteus MinimusGluteus MaximusHip extension; internal & external rotation; abduction Basic Anatomy of Hip and PelvisMuscle Groups of the Region Hip Flexor MusclesIliopsoasSartoriusPectineusRectus Femoris Basic Anatomy of Hip and PelvisMuscle Groups of the Region Hip Adductor MusclesAdductor LongusAdductor BrevisAdductor Magnus Basic Anatomy of Hip and PelvisLigaments of the Region Iliofemoral LigamentPubofemoral LigamentIschiofemoral Ligament Probably the strongest joint in the body Injuries to the HipHip PointerContusion to the attachment sites of muscles along the crest of the Iliac Bruised or Broken CoccyxContusion or break to the tailbone, usually resulting from being knocked on your butt.
  • 15. Head, Neck and Spine The most important region of the body and with the mind, one of the least understood Anatomy of the HeadBones of the Head – none move with the exception of the mandible. CraniumSeries of bones that form a protective helmet for the brainFrontal; parietal; temporal; occipital; sphenoid; ethmoid Anatomy of the HeadBones of the Head MandibleJaw bone; only moveable bone of the regionNasal; zygoma; maxillary; lacrimal; palatine; inferior turbinate; vomer Neck & SpineThe bones of this region make up a column that houses the spinal cord, any disruptions in this column can cause damage that is beyond repair. Those boney sections are presented in the next slide. Anatomy of the Neck & SpineBones of the RegionVertebral ColumnCervical Vertebra = 7Thoracic Vertebra = 12Lumbar Vertebra = 5Sacral Vertebra = 5 fusedCoccyx Vertebra = 4 fused
  • 16. Abnormalities to the SpineScoliosisLateral curvature of the spineLordosisAnterior curvature of the lumbar spineKyphosisPosterior curvature of the thoracic spine Injuries to the HeadBecause of the vast network of blood vessels in the region, a little cut can appear as bleeding beyond control, typically this is not the case, but there will appear to be a lot of bleeding. Injuries to the Head, Neck & FaceLacerationsBroken NosePerforated Ear DrumContusionsEyeTeethBroken; Knocked Out; Decayed Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries – ATHT 3580 Test 3 Name:______________________________________ Score:___________ Multiple Choice: 3 Points Each _____ 1. Which bone of the shoulder complex is most commonly fractured? a. Clavicle b. Sternum
  • 17. c. Scapula d. Humerus _____ 2. Which joint of the shoulder complex is most commonly separated? a. Glenohumeral (GH) b. Corcoclavicular (CC) c. Acromioclavicular (AC) d. Sternoclavicular (SC) _____ 3. Which muscle is not a member of the rotator cuff group? a. Supraspinatus b. Infraspinatus c. Teres Minor d. Serratus Anterior _____ 4. Which ligament in not a part of the elbow? a. Annular
  • 18. b. Radial Collateral c. Humeral Collateral d. Ulnar Collateral _____ 5. Which muscle does not work at the elbow joint? a. Biceps Femoris b. Triceps Brachii c. Biceps Brachii d. Pronator Teres _____ 6. When flexed, the epicondyles at the elbow and the olecranon process form what design? a. Straight Line b. Triangle c. Square d. Nothing _____ 7. Which ligament does not belong at the wrist/hand region? a. Anterior Cruciate
  • 19. b. Transverse Carpal c. Volar Plate d. Radial Collateral _____ 8. Little League pitchers elbow is also known as what? a. Olecranon bursitis b. Epicondylitis c. Gamekeepers’s thumb d. Mallet Finger Syndrome _____ 9. The danger with a posterior separation to the sternoclavicular joint is? a. Damage to blood vessels b. Damage to the wind pipe c. Damage to the nerves d. All of the above _____ 10. Which is most closely associated with heat cramps?
  • 20. a. Heat Exhaustion b. Heat Syncope c. Heat Stroke d. Frostbite True/False: 2 Points Each _____ 1. Pronation/Supination occurs at the elbow joint. _____ 2. Typically there are 14 phalange bones in each hand. _____ 3. There are 8 tarsal bones in the wrist. _____ 4. Opposition occurs when the thumb moves against one of the other fingers. _____ 5. Separation is an injury to a moveable joint. _____ 6. A “stinger” or “burner” is usually a nerve problem in shoulder complex.
  • 21. _____ 7. Colles’ fracture is to the humerus. _____ 8. The S.I.T.S. muscles are also known as the rotator cuff muscles. _____ 9. Supination is when the palm of the hand is exposed (up). _____ 10. The glenohumeral joint is typically dislocated. Listing: Points per Question List 6 movements of the shoulder complex. 6 points A. D. B. E. C.
  • 22. F. What makes a joint either a Distal Inter Phalangeal (DIP) or Proximal Inter Phalangeal (PIP)? 4 Points Define each injury: 2 Points Each Mallet Finger: Gamekeepers Thumb: Discuss the rehab process for an upper extremity injury. You pick a sport and position. Then explain the areas for the rehab program and then list 4 specific things you would do for the injury of the upper extremity. 10 Points