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Dr. Arti Parab
School of Allied Healthcare & Sciences, Jain Deemed-to-be University, Bangalore
• Operating Systems and Software Application:
• Operating Systems:
• Functions, types, popular operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux),
user interfaces (GUI).
• File Management:
• File systems, directory structures, file operations (create, delete, copy,
move, rename).
• Software Applications:
• Word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, and database
management software.
• Functions
• Types
• Popular operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux)
• User interface (GUI)
What is an operating system?
An operating system (OS) is a software program that manages computer
hardware and software resources and provides essential services for
computer programs. It acts as an intermediary between the user and the
computer hardware, facilitating the execution of applications and
providing a user-friendly interface.
Why Use an Operating System?
 The operating system helps in improving the computer software as well as
hardware. Without OS, it became very difficult for any application to be user-
 Operating System provides a user with an interface that makes any application
attractive and user-friendly.
 The operating System comes with a large number of device drivers that makes
OS services reachable to the hardware environment.
 The operating system works as a communication channel between system
hardware and system software.
 The operating system helps interact an application with the hardware part without
knowing about the actual hardware configuration.
 It is one of the most important parts of the system and hence it is present in every
device, whether large or small device.
1. Process management: It manages the execution of programs and processes, scheduling them for execution
and allocating system resources such as CPU time, memory, and input/output devices.
2. Memory management: It controls and organizes the allocation and deallocation of memory resources to
different processes, ensuring efficient memory utilization and preventing conflicts.
3. File system management: It manages the organization, storage, and retrieval of files on storage devices such
as hard drives, solid-state drives, and optical disks. It provides file access, file security, and directory management.
4. Device management: It controls the interaction between the computer and its peripheral devices, such as
printers, scanners, keyboards, and network devices. It handles device drivers, input/output operations, and device
5. User interface: It provides a way for users to interact with the computer system, presenting information and
receiving input through graphical user interfaces (GUIs), command-line interfaces (CLIs), or other user interface
6. Security and protection: It ensures the security of the computer system by implementing access control
mechanisms, authentication, and data encryption. It protects the system and user data from unauthorized access
and malware attacks.
• Batch Operating System: A Batch Operating System is a type of operating system that does not interact with the computer directly. There is
an operator who takes similar jobs having the same requirements and groups them into batches.
• Time-sharing Operating System: Time-sharing Operating System is a type of operating system that allows many users to share computer
resources (maximum utilization of the resources).
• Distributed Operating System: Distributed Operating System is a type of operating system that manages a group of different computers and
makes appear to be a single computer. These operating systems are designed to operate on a network of computers. They allow multiple
users to access shared resources and communicate with each other over the network. Examples include Microsoft Windows Serverand
various distributions of Linux designed for servers.
• Network Operating System: Network Operating System is a type of operating system that runs on a server and provides the capability to
manage data, users, groups, security, applications, and other networking functions.
• Real-time Operating System: Real-time Operating System is a type of operating system that serves a real-time system and the time interval
required to process and respond to inputs is very small. These operating systems are designed to respond to events in real time. They are
used in applications that require quick and deterministic responses, such as embedded systems, industrial control systems, and robotics.
• Multiprocessing Operating System: Multiprocessor Operating Systems are used in operating systems to boost the performance of multiple
CPUs within a single computer system. Multiple CPUs are linked together so that a job can be divided and executed more quickly.
• Single-User Operating Systems: Single-User Operating Systems are designed to support a single user at a time. Examples include Microsoft
Windows for personal computers and Apple macOS.
• Multi-User Operating Systems: Multi-User Operating Systems are designed to support multiple users simultaneously. Examples include
Linux and Unix.
• Embedded Operating Systems: Embedded Operating Systems are designed to run on devices with limited resources, such as smartphones,
wearable devices, and household appliances. Examples include Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS.
1. Windows: Developed by Microsoft, Windows is one of the most widely used operating systems for personal computers.
It offers a graphical user interface (GUI) and supports a wide range of applications. Different versions of Windows, such as
Windows 10, Windows 8, and Windows 7, have been released over the years, each with its own features and
2. macOS: Developed by Apple, macOS is the operating system used on Apple Macintosh computers. It is known for its
sleek design, user-friendly interface, and seamless integration with other Apple devices. macOS offers a range of built-in
software applications and supports a wide variety of professional and creative software.
3. Linux: Linux is an open-source operating system based on the Unix operating system. It is known for its stability, security,
and flexibility. Linux is widely used in server environments and is also popular among developers and enthusiasts. There
are various Linux distributions available, such as Ubuntu, Fedora, and Debian, each offering its own set of features and
software packages.
4. Android: Developed by Google, Android is an operating system designed for mobile devices such as smartphones and
tablets. It is based on the Linux kernel and offers a rich ecosystem of applications through the Google Play Store. Android
is known for its customization options, multitasking capabilities, and integration with Google services.
5. iOS: Developed by Apple, iOS is the operating system used on iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touch devices. It is known for its
smooth performance, intuitive user interface, and tight integration with other Apple devices and services. iOS offers a
curated App Store with a wide range of applications designed specifically for Apple's mobile devices.
6. Chrome OS: Developed by Google, Chrome OS is a lightweight operating system designed primarily for web browsing
and cloud-based applications. It powers Chromebooks, which are budget-friendly laptops that rely heavily on web-based
• Windows:
• User-friendly interface: Windows provides a graphical user interface (GUI)
that is designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate.
• Broad software compatibility: Windows supports a wide range of software
applications, making it suitable for various purposes and industries.
• Extensive hardware support: Windows is compatible with a wide range of
hardware devices, allowing users to choose from a diverse selection of
computer systems.
• macOS:
• Seamless integration with Apple ecosystem: macOS is designed to work
seamlessly with other Apple devices and services, enabling smooth
synchronization and sharing of data.
• Enhanced security and privacy: macOS incorporates robust security
features to protect user data and defend against potential threats.
• Optimized for creative tasks: macOS is widely used in creative industries
due to its strong support for multimedia applications and professional
• Linux:
• Open-source nature: Linux is open-source, which means the source code
is freely available for users to view, modify, and distribute. This promotes
collaboration and community-driven development.
• Stability and reliability: Linux is known for its stability and reliability,
making it suitable for critical server environments and mission-critical
• Customizability and flexibility: Linux offers a high degree of customization,
allowing users to tailor the operating system to their specific needs and
• Android:
• Mobile-focused: Android is specifically designed for mobile devices,
offering features optimized for smartphones and tablets.
• Vast app ecosystem: Android has a large and diverse collection of
applications available through the Google Play Store, providing users with
a wide range of options for productivity, entertainment, and more.
• Customizability: Android allows users to customize their devices with
widgets, wallpapers, and other personalization options.
• iOS:
• Tight integration with Apple ecosystem: iOS seamlessly integrates with
other Apple devices and services, enabling features like iCloud syncing and
AirDrop file sharing.
• High level of performance and optimization: iOS is optimized to deliver
smooth and responsive performance, ensuring a consistent user
experience across Apple devices.
• Emphasis on security and privacy: iOS prioritizes security measures to
protect user data and enhance privacy.
• Chrome OS:
• Cloud-centric approach: Chrome OS is designed to leverage cloud-based
applications and storage, allowing users to access their files and data from
anywhere with an internet connection.
• Fast boot times: Chrome OS boots up quickly, allowing users to start using
their devices almost instantly.
• Simplified and streamlined interface: Chrome OS offers a simple and
straightforward interface, focusing on essential web browsing and
application functions.
• Display Management: The OS handles the management of the display output, ensuring that graphical elements such as windows,
icons, menus, and buttons are properly rendered on the screen. It coordinates with the graphics hardware and drivers to provide a
visually appealing and interactive user interface.
• Input Handling: The OS receives and processes user input from various input devices like keyboards, mice, touchscreens, and
styluses. It translates these inputs into appropriate commands and actions within the GUI, enabling users to interact with the
graphical elements.
• Window Management: The OS manages the creation, positioning, resizing, and closing of windows in the GUI. It handles the stacking
order of windows, allowing users to switch between different applications and arrange windows as desired. The OS also provides
features like window title bars, borders, and controls for user interaction.
• Event Handling: The OS manages events generated by user actions or system processes within the GUI. It captures and processes
these events, such as mouse clicks, keyboard inputs, and system notifications, and directs them to the relevant applicationsor
• Resource Allocation: The OS allocates system resources, such as memory, processing power, and input/output devices, to different
GUI components and applications. It ensures fair distribution of resources, optimizes performance, and prevents conflicts among
multiple applications running in the GUI.
• User Account and Access Control: The OS manages user accounts, authentication, and access control within the GUI. It enforces
security measures by defining user privileges and permissions, restricting unauthorized access to sensitive information or system
• System Integration: The OS provides APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and frameworks that allow software developers to
create GUI-based applications. It provides the necessary tools, libraries, and services for application development, enabling
developers to leverage the underlying GUI infrastructure.
• Question 1. The Operating System is which type of software?
• (A) System software
• (B) Application software
• (C) Both a and b
• (D) None of the above
The correct option is A, i.e., System software
• Question 2. Which of the following is not an example of an Operating System?
• (A) Windows
• (B) Linux
• (C) Mac OS
• (D) MS-Word
The correct option is D, i.e., MS-Word
• Windows, Linux, Mac OS, all 3 are examples of operating system whereas MS-Word is an
example of application software.
• Question 3. Which characteristic property prevents unauthorized access to programs and
• (A) Security
• (B) Data Management
• (C) Device management
• (D) Control of system performance
The correct option is A, i.e, Security
• Security prevents unauthorized access to programs and data by means of passwords or some
kind of protection technique.
• File systems
• Directory structures
• File operations (create, delete, copy, move, rename).
1. File Organization: The file system organizes files and directories in a hierarchical structure, typically
represented as a tree-like directory structure. Files can be organized into directories, which can further
contain subdirectories and files.
2. File Naming: File systems provide mechanisms for naming files, such as using a combination of
alphanumeric characters, extensions, and file types. File names are used to uniquely identify and locate
files within the file system.
3. File Storage: File systems allocate space on storage devices to store files. They manage the allocation and
deallocation of storage space, ensuring efficient utilization of available disk space and preventing data
4. File Access and Permissions: File systems enforce access control mechanisms to regulate how files can
be accessed and manipulated. They manage file permissions, such as read, write, and execute
permissions, and support authentication and authorization mechanisms to ensure data security.
5. File Metadata: Each file in a file system is associated with metadata, which includes information about the
file, such as its size, creation date, modification date, and access permissions. File systems store and
manage this metadata to provide information and control over files.
6. File Operations: File systems provide a set of operations to perform on files, such as creating, opening,
closing, reading, writing, copying, moving, and deleting files. These operations are typically exposed
through system calls or APIs for programs and users to interact with files.
7. File System Recovery: File systems often incorporate mechanisms for data recovery and fault tolerance.
They may include features such as journaling, file system checkpoints, and backup/restore capabilities to
ensure data integrity and recoverability in case of system failures or errors.
• It is also known as a file system hierarchy, it is a way of organizing and structuring directories and files within a file system. It
provides a logical and hierarchical organization of files, enabling users and applications to navigate and locate files efficiently.
1. Root Directory: At the top level of a directory structure is the root directory. It serves as the starting point and contains all other directories
and files in the file system. In most operating systems, the root directory is represented by a forward slash (/) or a drive letter (such as C:
in Windows).
2. Subdirectories: Directories within a file system can be further organized into subdirectories. Subdirectories can contain files and
additional subdirectories, forming a hierarchical structure. This hierarchical arrangement allows for logical grouping and organization of
related files and directories.
3. Path: A path is a string of directory names that represents the location of a file or directory within the directory structure. It specifies the
sequence of directories starting from the root directory and leading to the target file or directory. Paths can be absolute, starting from the
root directory, or relative, starting from the current directory.
4. Current Directory: The current directory refers to the directory that a user or application is currently working in. When a file or directory is
referenced without a specific path, it is assumed to be within the current directory.
5. Parent Directory: Each directory (except for the root directory) has a parent directory, which is the directory that contains it. The parent
directory is denoted by a special directory name, such as ".." (dot-dot).
6. Directory Separator: The directory separator is a character or symbol used to separate directory names in a path. In most operating
systems, the forward slash (/) is used as the directory separator in Unix-like systems, while the backslash () is used in Windows systems.
7. Directory Operations: Directory structures support various operations, such as creating new directories, renaming directories, deleting
directories, moving directories, and listing the contents of a directory. These operations allow users and applications to manage and
navigate through the directory structure.
8. Directory Permissions: Directories, like files, can have permissions associated with them. Permissions control who can access, modify,
or execute files and directories within the directory structure. Directory permissions are typically set to allow or restrict certain actions for
different users or groups.
1. Create: This operation is used to create a new file in the file system. When a file is created, it is assigned a name and stored in a
specific directory location.
2. Open: Opening a file allows users or applications to access its contents and perform various operations on it. Opening a file
typically involves specifying the file name and the desired mode of access (e.g., read-only, write-only, or read-write).
3. Read: The read operation is used to retrieve the contents of a file. It allows users or applications to access and read the data
stored within a file. The read operation can be performed sequentially or randomly, depending on the needs of the application.
4. Write: The write operation enables users or applications to modify the contents of a file or append new data to it. It allows for the
storage of new information or the modification of existing data within the file.
5. Append: The append operation is specifically used to add data to the end of an existing file without modifying the existing
contents. This is useful when you want to add new data without overwriting the existing data.
6. Close: Closing a file terminates the connection between the file and the application or user. It ensures that any changes made to
the file are saved and that system resources associated with the file are released.
7. Delete: The delete operation removes a file from the file system. Once a file is deleted, its contents are no longer accessible, and
the space it occupied becomes available for reuse.
8. Rename: The rename operation allows users or applications to change the name of a file. This can be useful for organizing files,
updating file names, or avoiding naming conflicts.
9. Copy: The copy operation is used to duplicate a file. It creates a new file with the same contents as the original file, allowing users
or applications to have multiple copies of a file.
10. Move: The move operation involves transferring a file from one location to another within the file system. It changes the directory
or folder association of the file while preserving its contents.
• Word Processing
• Spreadsheet
• Presentation
• Database Management Software
• Word processing is a software
application used for creating,
editing, formatting, and printing
documents. It provides a user-
friendly interface that allows users
to compose and manipulate text,
apply formatting styles, insert
images and other multimedia
elements, and collaborate with
others on document creation.
• Some popular word processing
applications include Microsoft
Word, Google Docs, and Apple
1. Document Creation: Word processing software allows users to create new documents from scratch or start from pre-designed templates.
Users can specify the document's layout, such as page size, margins, and orientation.
2. Text Editing and Formatting: Users can enter and edit text within the document. Word processing software offers various formatting options,
including font styles, sizes, colors, alignment, and paragraph spacing. Users can also apply styles and formatting presets to enhance the visual
appearance of the document.
3. Spell Checking and Grammar Checking: Word processing applications typically include built-in spell checkers that can detect and highlight
misspelled words. Some software also provides grammar checking capabilities to help users identify and correct grammatical errors in their
4. AutoCorrect and AutoComplete: These features automatically correct common spelling mistakes or complete frequently used words or
phrases as the user types, improving typing speed and accuracy.
5. Collaboration and Track Changes: Word processing software often supports collaboration features, allowing multiple users to work on a
document simultaneously. Users can track changes made by others, add comments, and accept or reject edits.
6. Insertion of Images and Multimedia: Users can insert images, charts, tables, and other visual elements into their documents. Word
processing software also supports the embedding or linking of multimedia content, such as audio or video files.
7. Page Layout and Design: Users can control the layout of their documents, including page numbering, headers and footers, section breaks,
and table of contents. They can also apply different page styles or templates for different sections of the document.
8. Printing and Publishing: Word processing applications provide options for printing documents on paper or saving them in various file formats,
such as PDF, to be shared or published electronically.
9. Mail Merge: This feature allows users to merge a document with a data source, such as a spreadsheet or a database, to generate personalized
letters, envelopes, or labels.
10. Document Management: Word processing software includes features for organizing and managing documents, such as file naming, folder
organization, search functionality, and document versioning.
• A spreadsheet is a software
application used for organizing,
analyzing, and manipulating
numerical data in a tabular
format. It consists of rows and
columns, with each intersection
forming a cell that can contain
data, formulas, or functions.
Spreadsheets are commonly
used for tasks such as
budgeting, financial analysis,
data management, and project
1. Data Organization: Spreadsheets provide a grid-based interface for organizing data in rows and columns. Users can input and format data in
individual cells, making it easy to organize and structure information.
2. Formulas and Functions: Spreadsheets offer a wide range of built-in mathematical, statistical, and logical functions that allow users to
perform calculations and manipulate data. Formulas can be written using operators, references to cells, and functions to automate calculations
and perform complex data analysis.
3. Data Visualization: Spreadsheets enable users to create charts and graphs to visualize data trends, patterns, and relationships. Users can
choose from various chart types, customize colors and styles, and update the charts dynamically as the data changes.
4. Data Analysis: Spreadsheets provide tools for data analysis, including sorting, filtering, and pivot tables. These features allow users to extract
valuable insights from large datasets, identify patterns, and summarize data in a concise and meaningful way.
5. Data Validation: Users can set validation rules to ensure data integrity and accuracy. Data validation allows for the creation of drop-down lists,
input restrictions, and error alerts to maintain data consistency and quality.
6. Collaboration and Sharing: Many spreadsheet applications support real-time collaboration, allowing multiple users to work on the same
spreadsheet simultaneously. Users can track changes made by others, leave comments, and share spreadsheets with others via email or
cloud-based storage platforms.
7. What-If Analysis: Spreadsheets facilitate what-if analysis by allowing users to modify input values and instantly see the impact on calculations
and results. This feature is particularly useful for scenario planning, forecasting, and decision-making processes.
8. Conditional Formatting: Users can apply conditional formatting rules to highlight specific data based on predefined conditions. This feature
helps users identify trends, outliers, or important data points at a glance.
9. Data Import and Export: Spreadsheets support the import and export of data from various file formats, such as CSV, Excel, and text files.
This enables users to integrate data from different sources and share data with other applications.
10. Macros and Automation: Advanced spreadsheet applications allow users to automate repetitive tasks using macros. Macros are recorded
sequences of actions that can be played back to perform complex operations automatically.
• Presentation software refers to
computer applications
specifically designed for
creating and delivering visual
presentations. These
applications offer a range of
features and tools to design
slides, add multimedia
elements, and present
information in an engaging and
interactive manner.
1. Slide Design: Presentation software allows users to create visually appealing slides by providing a wide range of design templates,
themes, and formatting options.
2. Multimedia Integration: Users can add multimedia elements such as images, videos, audio clips, and animations to their slides to
enhance the visual appeal and engagement of the presentation.
3. Slide Transitions and Animations: Presentation software offers various slide transition effects and animations that can be applied to
individual slides or slide elements to create dynamic and professional-looking presentations.
4. Text Formatting and Styling: Users can customize the font styles, sizes, colors, and alignments of text on their slides to make the
content more readable and visually appealing.
5. Collaboration and Sharing: Many presentation software applications allow multiple users to collaborate on a presentation
simultaneously, enabling real-time editing, commenting, and feedback. Users can also easily share their presentations with others
through email, cloud storage, or sharing links.
6. Presentation Delivery: Presentation software includes features for presenting the slides in various modes, such as full-screen mode,
presenter mode with speaker notes, and slideshow mode with timed transitions. It may also provide options for remote presentation
delivery or online broadcasting.
7. Interactive Features: Some presentation software offers interactive features like hyperlinks, clickable buttons, quizzes, and audience
polling, allowing presenters to engage the audience and create interactive experiences.
8. Data Visualization: Presentation software often includes tools for creating charts, graphs, and infographics to visually represent data
and statistics in a clear and concise manner.
9. Presenter Tools: Presentation software may provide additional tools for presenters, such as a built-in timer, laser pointer, on-screen
annotation, and audience response system, to assist in delivering a professional and engaging presentation.
10. Integration with Other Software: Many presentation software applications offer seamless integration with other software tools, such
as word processors, spreadsheet applications, and multimedia editing software, allowing users to import and embed content from
various sources.
• Database Management
Software (DBMS) is a
software application that
allows users to efficiently
manage and organize
data in a structured
1. Data Organization: DBMS provides a structured framework for organizing data into tables, rows, and columns. It enables users to define data
relationships and enforce data integrity rules to maintain consistency and accuracy.
2. Data Storage and Retrieval: DBMS manages the storage and retrieval of data from the underlying database. It provides efficient
mechanisms for storing, indexing, and retrieving data, enabling fast and reliable access to information.
3. Data Manipulation: DBMS allows users to perform various data manipulation operations, such as inserting, updating, and deleting records in
the database. It also supports querying the database using SQL (Structured Query Language) to retrieve specific data based on conditions
and criteria.
4. Data Security: DBMS incorporates security measures to protect sensitive data. It offers features like access control, user authentication, and
data encryption to ensure that only authorized users can access and modify the data.
5. Data Integrity and Consistency: DBMS enforces data integrity by implementing constraints and validation rules to maintain the consistency
and accuracy of data. It prevents data duplication, enforces data dependencies, and ensures referential integrity between related data tables.
6. Concurrent Access and Transaction Management: DBMS allows multiple users to access and modify the database simultaneously without
conflicts. It manages concurrent access through mechanisms like locking and transaction management to ensure data integrity and
7. Backup and Recovery: DBMS provides mechanisms for data backup and recovery to protect against data loss and system failures. It
enables users to create backups of the database and restore it to a previous state in case of data corruption or system crashes.
8. Data Analysis and Reporting: DBMS often includes tools and functionalities for data analysis and reporting. It supports complex queries,
aggregations, and joins to perform data analysis operations. It also provides reporting features to generate customized reports and summaries
based on the data in the database.
9. Scalability and Performance Optimization: DBMS is designed to handle large amounts of data and scale as the data volume grows. It
includes optimization techniques like indexing, query optimization, and caching to improve query performance and enhance the overall system
10. Integration with Other Applications: DBMS can integrate with other applications and systems, allowing seamless data exchange and
interoperability. It supports data import/export, data synchronization, and integration through APIs and connectors.

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Computer OS Types and Features

  • 1. COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Dr. Arti Parab School of Allied Healthcare & Sciences, Jain Deemed-to-be University, Bangalore
  • 2. CONTENTS: MODULE 2 • Operating Systems and Software Application: • Operating Systems: • Functions, types, popular operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux), user interfaces (GUI). • File Management: • File systems, directory structures, file operations (create, delete, copy, move, rename). • Software Applications: • Word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, and database management software.
  • 3. OVERVIEW OF OPERATING SYSTEMS • Functions • Types • Popular operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux) • User interface (GUI)
  • 4. What is an operating system?
  • 5. An operating system (OS) is a software program that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides essential services for computer programs. It acts as an intermediary between the user and the computer hardware, facilitating the execution of applications and providing a user-friendly interface.
  • 6. Why Use an Operating System?
  • 7.  The operating system helps in improving the computer software as well as hardware. Without OS, it became very difficult for any application to be user- friendly.  Operating System provides a user with an interface that makes any application attractive and user-friendly.  The operating System comes with a large number of device drivers that makes OS services reachable to the hardware environment.  The operating system works as a communication channel between system hardware and system software.  The operating system helps interact an application with the hardware part without knowing about the actual hardware configuration.  It is one of the most important parts of the system and hence it is present in every device, whether large or small device.
  • 8. THE MAIN FUNCTIONS OF AN OPERATING SYSTEM 1. Process management: It manages the execution of programs and processes, scheduling them for execution and allocating system resources such as CPU time, memory, and input/output devices. 2. Memory management: It controls and organizes the allocation and deallocation of memory resources to different processes, ensuring efficient memory utilization and preventing conflicts. 3. File system management: It manages the organization, storage, and retrieval of files on storage devices such as hard drives, solid-state drives, and optical disks. It provides file access, file security, and directory management. 4. Device management: It controls the interaction between the computer and its peripheral devices, such as printers, scanners, keyboards, and network devices. It handles device drivers, input/output operations, and device allocation. 5. User interface: It provides a way for users to interact with the computer system, presenting information and receiving input through graphical user interfaces (GUIs), command-line interfaces (CLIs), or other user interface methods. 6. Security and protection: It ensures the security of the computer system by implementing access control mechanisms, authentication, and data encryption. It protects the system and user data from unauthorized access and malware attacks.
  • 9. TYPES OF OPERATING SYSTEMS • Batch Operating System: A Batch Operating System is a type of operating system that does not interact with the computer directly. There is an operator who takes similar jobs having the same requirements and groups them into batches. • Time-sharing Operating System: Time-sharing Operating System is a type of operating system that allows many users to share computer resources (maximum utilization of the resources). • Distributed Operating System: Distributed Operating System is a type of operating system that manages a group of different computers and makes appear to be a single computer. These operating systems are designed to operate on a network of computers. They allow multiple users to access shared resources and communicate with each other over the network. Examples include Microsoft Windows Serverand various distributions of Linux designed for servers. • Network Operating System: Network Operating System is a type of operating system that runs on a server and provides the capability to manage data, users, groups, security, applications, and other networking functions. • Real-time Operating System: Real-time Operating System is a type of operating system that serves a real-time system and the time interval required to process and respond to inputs is very small. These operating systems are designed to respond to events in real time. They are used in applications that require quick and deterministic responses, such as embedded systems, industrial control systems, and robotics. • Multiprocessing Operating System: Multiprocessor Operating Systems are used in operating systems to boost the performance of multiple CPUs within a single computer system. Multiple CPUs are linked together so that a job can be divided and executed more quickly. • Single-User Operating Systems: Single-User Operating Systems are designed to support a single user at a time. Examples include Microsoft Windows for personal computers and Apple macOS. • Multi-User Operating Systems: Multi-User Operating Systems are designed to support multiple users simultaneously. Examples include Linux and Unix. • Embedded Operating Systems: Embedded Operating Systems are designed to run on devices with limited resources, such as smartphones, wearable devices, and household appliances. Examples include Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS.
  • 10. POPULAR OPERATING SYSTEMS 1. Windows: Developed by Microsoft, Windows is one of the most widely used operating systems for personal computers. It offers a graphical user interface (GUI) and supports a wide range of applications. Different versions of Windows, such as Windows 10, Windows 8, and Windows 7, have been released over the years, each with its own features and improvements. 2. macOS: Developed by Apple, macOS is the operating system used on Apple Macintosh computers. It is known for its sleek design, user-friendly interface, and seamless integration with other Apple devices. macOS offers a range of built-in software applications and supports a wide variety of professional and creative software. 3. Linux: Linux is an open-source operating system based on the Unix operating system. It is known for its stability, security, and flexibility. Linux is widely used in server environments and is also popular among developers and enthusiasts. There are various Linux distributions available, such as Ubuntu, Fedora, and Debian, each offering its own set of features and software packages. 4. Android: Developed by Google, Android is an operating system designed for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. It is based on the Linux kernel and offers a rich ecosystem of applications through the Google Play Store. Android is known for its customization options, multitasking capabilities, and integration with Google services. 5. iOS: Developed by Apple, iOS is the operating system used on iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touch devices. It is known for its smooth performance, intuitive user interface, and tight integration with other Apple devices and services. iOS offers a curated App Store with a wide range of applications designed specifically for Apple's mobile devices. 6. Chrome OS: Developed by Google, Chrome OS is a lightweight operating system designed primarily for web browsing and cloud-based applications. It powers Chromebooks, which are budget-friendly laptops that rely heavily on web-based
  • 11. SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF TYPES OF OS • Windows: • User-friendly interface: Windows provides a graphical user interface (GUI) that is designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate. • Broad software compatibility: Windows supports a wide range of software applications, making it suitable for various purposes and industries. • Extensive hardware support: Windows is compatible with a wide range of hardware devices, allowing users to choose from a diverse selection of computer systems.
  • 12. SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF TYPES OF OS • macOS: • Seamless integration with Apple ecosystem: macOS is designed to work seamlessly with other Apple devices and services, enabling smooth synchronization and sharing of data. • Enhanced security and privacy: macOS incorporates robust security features to protect user data and defend against potential threats. • Optimized for creative tasks: macOS is widely used in creative industries due to its strong support for multimedia applications and professional software.
  • 13. SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF TYPES OF OS • Linux: • Open-source nature: Linux is open-source, which means the source code is freely available for users to view, modify, and distribute. This promotes collaboration and community-driven development. • Stability and reliability: Linux is known for its stability and reliability, making it suitable for critical server environments and mission-critical systems. • Customizability and flexibility: Linux offers a high degree of customization, allowing users to tailor the operating system to their specific needs and preferences.
  • 14. SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF TYPES OF OS • Android: • Mobile-focused: Android is specifically designed for mobile devices, offering features optimized for smartphones and tablets. • Vast app ecosystem: Android has a large and diverse collection of applications available through the Google Play Store, providing users with a wide range of options for productivity, entertainment, and more. • Customizability: Android allows users to customize their devices with widgets, wallpapers, and other personalization options.
  • 15. SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF TYPES OF OS • iOS: • Tight integration with Apple ecosystem: iOS seamlessly integrates with other Apple devices and services, enabling features like iCloud syncing and AirDrop file sharing. • High level of performance and optimization: iOS is optimized to deliver smooth and responsive performance, ensuring a consistent user experience across Apple devices. • Emphasis on security and privacy: iOS prioritizes security measures to protect user data and enhance privacy.
  • 16. SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF TYPES OF OS • Chrome OS: • Cloud-centric approach: Chrome OS is designed to leverage cloud-based applications and storage, allowing users to access their files and data from anywhere with an internet connection. • Fast boot times: Chrome OS boots up quickly, allowing users to start using their devices almost instantly. • Simplified and streamlined interface: Chrome OS offers a simple and straightforward interface, focusing on essential web browsing and application functions.
  • 17. OS FOR USER INTERFACE (GUI) • Display Management: The OS handles the management of the display output, ensuring that graphical elements such as windows, icons, menus, and buttons are properly rendered on the screen. It coordinates with the graphics hardware and drivers to provide a visually appealing and interactive user interface. • Input Handling: The OS receives and processes user input from various input devices like keyboards, mice, touchscreens, and styluses. It translates these inputs into appropriate commands and actions within the GUI, enabling users to interact with the graphical elements. • Window Management: The OS manages the creation, positioning, resizing, and closing of windows in the GUI. It handles the stacking order of windows, allowing users to switch between different applications and arrange windows as desired. The OS also provides features like window title bars, borders, and controls for user interaction. • Event Handling: The OS manages events generated by user actions or system processes within the GUI. It captures and processes these events, such as mouse clicks, keyboard inputs, and system notifications, and directs them to the relevant applicationsor components. • Resource Allocation: The OS allocates system resources, such as memory, processing power, and input/output devices, to different GUI components and applications. It ensures fair distribution of resources, optimizes performance, and prevents conflicts among multiple applications running in the GUI. • User Account and Access Control: The OS manages user accounts, authentication, and access control within the GUI. It enforces security measures by defining user privileges and permissions, restricting unauthorized access to sensitive information or system settings. • System Integration: The OS provides APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and frameworks that allow software developers to create GUI-based applications. It provides the necessary tools, libraries, and services for application development, enabling developers to leverage the underlying GUI infrastructure.
  • 18. FAQS • Question 1. The Operating System is which type of software? • (A) System software • (B) Application software • (C) Both a and b • (D) None of the above Solution: The correct option is A, i.e., System software
  • 19. FAQS • Question 2. Which of the following is not an example of an Operating System? • (A) Windows • (B) Linux • (C) Mac OS • (D) MS-Word Solution: The correct option is D, i.e., MS-Word • Windows, Linux, Mac OS, all 3 are examples of operating system whereas MS-Word is an example of application software.
  • 20. FAQS • Question 3. Which characteristic property prevents unauthorized access to programs and data? • (A) Security • (B) Data Management • (C) Device management • (D) Control of system performance Solution: The correct option is A, i.e, Security • Security prevents unauthorized access to programs and data by means of passwords or some kind of protection technique.
  • 21. FILE MANAGEMENT • File systems • Directory structures • File operations (create, delete, copy, move, rename).
  • 22. FILE SYSTEMS 1. File Organization: The file system organizes files and directories in a hierarchical structure, typically represented as a tree-like directory structure. Files can be organized into directories, which can further contain subdirectories and files. 2. File Naming: File systems provide mechanisms for naming files, such as using a combination of alphanumeric characters, extensions, and file types. File names are used to uniquely identify and locate files within the file system. 3. File Storage: File systems allocate space on storage devices to store files. They manage the allocation and deallocation of storage space, ensuring efficient utilization of available disk space and preventing data fragmentation. 4. File Access and Permissions: File systems enforce access control mechanisms to regulate how files can be accessed and manipulated. They manage file permissions, such as read, write, and execute permissions, and support authentication and authorization mechanisms to ensure data security. 5. File Metadata: Each file in a file system is associated with metadata, which includes information about the file, such as its size, creation date, modification date, and access permissions. File systems store and manage this metadata to provide information and control over files. 6. File Operations: File systems provide a set of operations to perform on files, such as creating, opening, closing, reading, writing, copying, moving, and deleting files. These operations are typically exposed through system calls or APIs for programs and users to interact with files. 7. File System Recovery: File systems often incorporate mechanisms for data recovery and fault tolerance. They may include features such as journaling, file system checkpoints, and backup/restore capabilities to ensure data integrity and recoverability in case of system failures or errors.
  • 23. DIRECTORY STRUCTURES: KEY CONCEPTS • It is also known as a file system hierarchy, it is a way of organizing and structuring directories and files within a file system. It provides a logical and hierarchical organization of files, enabling users and applications to navigate and locate files efficiently. 1. Root Directory: At the top level of a directory structure is the root directory. It serves as the starting point and contains all other directories and files in the file system. In most operating systems, the root directory is represented by a forward slash (/) or a drive letter (such as C: in Windows). 2. Subdirectories: Directories within a file system can be further organized into subdirectories. Subdirectories can contain files and additional subdirectories, forming a hierarchical structure. This hierarchical arrangement allows for logical grouping and organization of related files and directories. 3. Path: A path is a string of directory names that represents the location of a file or directory within the directory structure. It specifies the sequence of directories starting from the root directory and leading to the target file or directory. Paths can be absolute, starting from the root directory, or relative, starting from the current directory. 4. Current Directory: The current directory refers to the directory that a user or application is currently working in. When a file or directory is referenced without a specific path, it is assumed to be within the current directory. 5. Parent Directory: Each directory (except for the root directory) has a parent directory, which is the directory that contains it. The parent directory is denoted by a special directory name, such as ".." (dot-dot). 6. Directory Separator: The directory separator is a character or symbol used to separate directory names in a path. In most operating systems, the forward slash (/) is used as the directory separator in Unix-like systems, while the backslash () is used in Windows systems. 7. Directory Operations: Directory structures support various operations, such as creating new directories, renaming directories, deleting directories, moving directories, and listing the contents of a directory. These operations allow users and applications to manage and navigate through the directory structure. 8. Directory Permissions: Directories, like files, can have permissions associated with them. Permissions control who can access, modify, or execute files and directories within the directory structure. Directory permissions are typically set to allow or restrict certain actions for different users or groups.
  • 24. FILE OPERATIONS 1. Create: This operation is used to create a new file in the file system. When a file is created, it is assigned a name and stored in a specific directory location. 2. Open: Opening a file allows users or applications to access its contents and perform various operations on it. Opening a file typically involves specifying the file name and the desired mode of access (e.g., read-only, write-only, or read-write). 3. Read: The read operation is used to retrieve the contents of a file. It allows users or applications to access and read the data stored within a file. The read operation can be performed sequentially or randomly, depending on the needs of the application. 4. Write: The write operation enables users or applications to modify the contents of a file or append new data to it. It allows for the storage of new information or the modification of existing data within the file. 5. Append: The append operation is specifically used to add data to the end of an existing file without modifying the existing contents. This is useful when you want to add new data without overwriting the existing data. 6. Close: Closing a file terminates the connection between the file and the application or user. It ensures that any changes made to the file are saved and that system resources associated with the file are released. 7. Delete: The delete operation removes a file from the file system. Once a file is deleted, its contents are no longer accessible, and the space it occupied becomes available for reuse. 8. Rename: The rename operation allows users or applications to change the name of a file. This can be useful for organizing files, updating file names, or avoiding naming conflicts. 9. Copy: The copy operation is used to duplicate a file. It creates a new file with the same contents as the original file, allowing users or applications to have multiple copies of a file. 10. Move: The move operation involves transferring a file from one location to another within the file system. It changes the directory or folder association of the file while preserving its contents.
  • 25. SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS • Word Processing • Spreadsheet • Presentation • Database Management Software
  • 26. WORD PROCESSING • Word processing is a software application used for creating, editing, formatting, and printing documents. It provides a user- friendly interface that allows users to compose and manipulate text, apply formatting styles, insert images and other multimedia elements, and collaborate with others on document creation. • Some popular word processing applications include Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and Apple Pages. studies/form-two/word-processor
  • 27. WORD PROCESSING: KEY FEATURES AND CAPABILITIES 1. Document Creation: Word processing software allows users to create new documents from scratch or start from pre-designed templates. Users can specify the document's layout, such as page size, margins, and orientation. 2. Text Editing and Formatting: Users can enter and edit text within the document. Word processing software offers various formatting options, including font styles, sizes, colors, alignment, and paragraph spacing. Users can also apply styles and formatting presets to enhance the visual appearance of the document. 3. Spell Checking and Grammar Checking: Word processing applications typically include built-in spell checkers that can detect and highlight misspelled words. Some software also provides grammar checking capabilities to help users identify and correct grammatical errors in their writing. 4. AutoCorrect and AutoComplete: These features automatically correct common spelling mistakes or complete frequently used words or phrases as the user types, improving typing speed and accuracy. 5. Collaboration and Track Changes: Word processing software often supports collaboration features, allowing multiple users to work on a document simultaneously. Users can track changes made by others, add comments, and accept or reject edits. 6. Insertion of Images and Multimedia: Users can insert images, charts, tables, and other visual elements into their documents. Word processing software also supports the embedding or linking of multimedia content, such as audio or video files. 7. Page Layout and Design: Users can control the layout of their documents, including page numbering, headers and footers, section breaks, and table of contents. They can also apply different page styles or templates for different sections of the document. 8. Printing and Publishing: Word processing applications provide options for printing documents on paper or saving them in various file formats, such as PDF, to be shared or published electronically. 9. Mail Merge: This feature allows users to merge a document with a data source, such as a spreadsheet or a database, to generate personalized letters, envelopes, or labels. 10. Document Management: Word processing software includes features for organizing and managing documents, such as file naming, folder organization, search functionality, and document versioning.
  • 28. SPREADSHEET • A spreadsheet is a software application used for organizing, analyzing, and manipulating numerical data in a tabular format. It consists of rows and columns, with each intersection forming a cell that can contain data, formulas, or functions. Spreadsheets are commonly used for tasks such as budgeting, financial analysis, data management, and project tracking.
  • 29. SPREADSHEET: KEY FEATURES AND CAPABILITIES 1. Data Organization: Spreadsheets provide a grid-based interface for organizing data in rows and columns. Users can input and format data in individual cells, making it easy to organize and structure information. 2. Formulas and Functions: Spreadsheets offer a wide range of built-in mathematical, statistical, and logical functions that allow users to perform calculations and manipulate data. Formulas can be written using operators, references to cells, and functions to automate calculations and perform complex data analysis. 3. Data Visualization: Spreadsheets enable users to create charts and graphs to visualize data trends, patterns, and relationships. Users can choose from various chart types, customize colors and styles, and update the charts dynamically as the data changes. 4. Data Analysis: Spreadsheets provide tools for data analysis, including sorting, filtering, and pivot tables. These features allow users to extract valuable insights from large datasets, identify patterns, and summarize data in a concise and meaningful way. 5. Data Validation: Users can set validation rules to ensure data integrity and accuracy. Data validation allows for the creation of drop-down lists, input restrictions, and error alerts to maintain data consistency and quality. 6. Collaboration and Sharing: Many spreadsheet applications support real-time collaboration, allowing multiple users to work on the same spreadsheet simultaneously. Users can track changes made by others, leave comments, and share spreadsheets with others via email or cloud-based storage platforms. 7. What-If Analysis: Spreadsheets facilitate what-if analysis by allowing users to modify input values and instantly see the impact on calculations and results. This feature is particularly useful for scenario planning, forecasting, and decision-making processes. 8. Conditional Formatting: Users can apply conditional formatting rules to highlight specific data based on predefined conditions. This feature helps users identify trends, outliers, or important data points at a glance. 9. Data Import and Export: Spreadsheets support the import and export of data from various file formats, such as CSV, Excel, and text files. This enables users to integrate data from different sources and share data with other applications. 10. Macros and Automation: Advanced spreadsheet applications allow users to automate repetitive tasks using macros. Macros are recorded sequences of actions that can be played back to perform complex operations automatically.
  • 30. PRESENTATION • Presentation software refers to computer applications specifically designed for creating and delivering visual presentations. These applications offer a range of features and tools to design slides, add multimedia elements, and present information in an engaging and interactive manner. know-powerpoint/
  • 31. PRESENTATION: KEY FEATURES AND CAPABILITIES 1. Slide Design: Presentation software allows users to create visually appealing slides by providing a wide range of design templates, themes, and formatting options. 2. Multimedia Integration: Users can add multimedia elements such as images, videos, audio clips, and animations to their slides to enhance the visual appeal and engagement of the presentation. 3. Slide Transitions and Animations: Presentation software offers various slide transition effects and animations that can be applied to individual slides or slide elements to create dynamic and professional-looking presentations. 4. Text Formatting and Styling: Users can customize the font styles, sizes, colors, and alignments of text on their slides to make the content more readable and visually appealing. 5. Collaboration and Sharing: Many presentation software applications allow multiple users to collaborate on a presentation simultaneously, enabling real-time editing, commenting, and feedback. Users can also easily share their presentations with others through email, cloud storage, or sharing links. 6. Presentation Delivery: Presentation software includes features for presenting the slides in various modes, such as full-screen mode, presenter mode with speaker notes, and slideshow mode with timed transitions. It may also provide options for remote presentation delivery or online broadcasting. 7. Interactive Features: Some presentation software offers interactive features like hyperlinks, clickable buttons, quizzes, and audience polling, allowing presenters to engage the audience and create interactive experiences. 8. Data Visualization: Presentation software often includes tools for creating charts, graphs, and infographics to visually represent data and statistics in a clear and concise manner. 9. Presenter Tools: Presentation software may provide additional tools for presenters, such as a built-in timer, laser pointer, on-screen annotation, and audience response system, to assist in delivering a professional and engaging presentation. 10. Integration with Other Software: Many presentation software applications offer seamless integration with other software tools, such as word processors, spreadsheet applications, and multimedia editing software, allowing users to import and embed content from various sources.
  • 32. DATABASE MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE • Database Management Software (DBMS) is a software application that allows users to efficiently manage and organize data in a structured manner.
  • 33. DBMS: KEY FEATURES AND CAPABILITIES 1. Data Organization: DBMS provides a structured framework for organizing data into tables, rows, and columns. It enables users to define data relationships and enforce data integrity rules to maintain consistency and accuracy. 2. Data Storage and Retrieval: DBMS manages the storage and retrieval of data from the underlying database. It provides efficient mechanisms for storing, indexing, and retrieving data, enabling fast and reliable access to information. 3. Data Manipulation: DBMS allows users to perform various data manipulation operations, such as inserting, updating, and deleting records in the database. It also supports querying the database using SQL (Structured Query Language) to retrieve specific data based on conditions and criteria. 4. Data Security: DBMS incorporates security measures to protect sensitive data. It offers features like access control, user authentication, and data encryption to ensure that only authorized users can access and modify the data. 5. Data Integrity and Consistency: DBMS enforces data integrity by implementing constraints and validation rules to maintain the consistency and accuracy of data. It prevents data duplication, enforces data dependencies, and ensures referential integrity between related data tables. 6. Concurrent Access and Transaction Management: DBMS allows multiple users to access and modify the database simultaneously without conflicts. It manages concurrent access through mechanisms like locking and transaction management to ensure data integrity and consistency. 7. Backup and Recovery: DBMS provides mechanisms for data backup and recovery to protect against data loss and system failures. It enables users to create backups of the database and restore it to a previous state in case of data corruption or system crashes. 8. Data Analysis and Reporting: DBMS often includes tools and functionalities for data analysis and reporting. It supports complex queries, aggregations, and joins to perform data analysis operations. It also provides reporting features to generate customized reports and summaries based on the data in the database. 9. Scalability and Performance Optimization: DBMS is designed to handle large amounts of data and scale as the data volume grows. It includes optimization techniques like indexing, query optimization, and caching to improve query performance and enhance the overall system scalability. 10. Integration with Other Applications: DBMS can integrate with other applications and systems, allowing seamless data exchange and interoperability. It supports data import/export, data synchronization, and integration through APIs and connectors.