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Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in
the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we
live, what is happening” - Coco Chanel. (Fashion Icon)
“Fashion is about something that comes from WITHIN you”
– Ralph Lauren. (Fashion Icon).
MBA 509
Fashion Retailing Industry
in Bangladesh
Submitted to:
ALA Scholar.
Submitted on: March 31st 2015.
Submitted By:
Farabi Ahmed
ID: 121-121-8
Fashion Retail Industry in Bangladesh.
Produced by:
Farabi Ahmed
ID: 121-121-8
Submitted to:
ALA Scholar
Professor, School of Business
Independent University, Bangladesh
Spring 2015.
Dated: 31st March, 2015
Letter of Transmittal
The report is regarding the Fashion retailing industry of Bangladesh and is required for
Human Resource Management, the final report for completion of Masters in Business
Administration course MBA 509. This work is guided by our honorary faculty DR. M.
NAZMUL AMIN MOJUMDAR. The focus points include job analysis, roles played by human
resource manager, fashion retail industry in Bangladesh and its effect in the Bangladesh
economy. The report highlights the key areas of human resources and fellow readers should
be able to understand the facilities whichever is captured in the report. Finally, I would like
to thank our faculty for giving the opportunity to write and submit the report.
Farabi Ahmed
Executive Summary
This report is about the fashion retailing industry in Bangladesh. This report contains critical
analysis about the roles played by human resource management in fashion retail industry of
Bangladesh, from selection process to job analysis. Bangladesh, is an upcoming in industry in
the fashion world, which was massively brought into effect by Bibi Russell, a pioneer for the
fashion industry of the country. Although, Bangladesh has strong position at garments and textile
sector but due to its lack of knowledge and hiring procedures, job security, compensation and
benefits, it remains a silent player in fashion industry. The report critically discusses about
different steps needed to be taken for improving performances in this industry. It also discusses
the necessary government, which are expected to boost this fashion retail industry in Bangladesh.
Table of Contents
Name of the Topic Page
1 Introduction 1
2 History of Fashion 1
3 Fashion in Bangladesh 1
4 Underlying problems of Fashion industry 2
5 Assumptions & Limitations 2
6 Response & Arguments 2
7 Topics of Discussion 2
8 Body of the Report 3
9 Harvard HRM framework for fashion industry 3
10 Wheel of HRM for Fashion Retail Industry in Bangladesh 3
11 Apparel Market around the World 4
12 Contribution of Textiles in Bangladesh 5
13 Arguments & Facts 5
14 Fashion schools & HR personnel training 6
15 Competitors’ performances in fashion industry at other countries 7
16 Literacy issue at fashion industry 8
17 Job Analysis for fashion retail industry in Bangladesh 8
18 Recruitment process in fashion retail industry 9
19 The selection process 10
20 Job design & Roles of Human Resource Manager 10
21 Recommendations 11
22 Conclusions 11
23 References 12
“Fashion is architecture: it is a matter of proportions‖. (Chanel, C.).Fashion is a complex art, a
different language, which helps to indiscriminate people, besides of culture, religion or anyof those factors. It is a
voice on its own. It is not only about clothing and/or footwear, but it is the way, by which someone presents
themselves. It often refers to a distinctive and often habitual trend in the style with which a person
dresses, as well as to prevailing styles in behavior. Fashion also refers to the newest creations of
textile designers. Currently, the world recognizes four major fashion capitals - Paris, Milan, New
York City, and London, which are recognized as the headquarters of the greatest fashion
companies and are renowned for their major influence on global fashion.
The fashion industry is an exciting, fast paced and demanding work environment which attracts
thousands of prospective employees each year to a spectrum of roles. Finding a job in
fashion does not exclusively mean working for a designer - and industry opportunities include
exciting positions in publishing, marketing, buying, journalism and retail. Fashion is a general
term for a popular style or practice, especially in clothing, footwear, accessories, makeup, body
piercing, or furniture. Fashion refers to a distinctive and often habitual trend in the style with
which a person dresses, as well as to prevailing styles in behavior. Fashion also refers to the
newest creations of textile designers (Ahmed, J.). ―Fashion is not something that exists in
dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live,
what is happening” (Chanel, C.).
History of fashion:
“At the beginning of the career is important for a designer to present his most representative
pieces” (Dolce, D.). Fashion refers to the development of the fashion industry which designs
clothing and accessories. The modern industry, fashion houses run by individual designers,
started during 19th century with Charles Frederick Worth, the first designer to have label sewn
into the garments. He is usually known as the first designer, with a large business employing
many tailors and seamstresses, his success lies in his dictation of fashion. He was Empress
Eugénie's primary designer where Worth used his royal connections for recognition and clients.
In February 1, 1853 Napolón III ruled about using formal dress in his court, where Worth gained
popularity for his stylish gowns, ornately decorated and constructed with finest materials. His
gowns were famous for their 'Crinolines', cage-like metal structures that held the dress out in a
stylish shape. (Lori, M.).
Fashion in Bangladesh:
Bibi Rusell is often considered as the pioneer of fashion industries in Bangladesh. During late
1990s, she started emerging the fashion industries in Bangladesh, bringing renaissance to fashion
industrial growth in the country. It was her ideas to bring the nation together and promote the
fashions retailing emerge in the country. It was her idea to revolutionize the art of fashion in
Bandladesh. Since she was a fashion icon by herself, she took the fashion retail to next level
working alongside Aarong, nurturing the fashion industry by herself, bringing a new voice in the
country, the art of fashion. She partnered with UNESCO and brought in over thousands of
weavers and artisans and raise the voice of fashion in the country (Rusell, B.).
Underlying problems of fashion industry:
Fashion industry is a highly competitive industry in Bangladesh and around the world. Demand
in fashion very often, making it very risky area (s) for business. Although, many companies have
strengthen their business in this industry but they have to constantly focus about changing
designs, looks, focus and keep customizing their product to continue fashion business.
Assumptions & Limitations:
Bangladesh has population of around 1,600 million, and fashion retailing industry is a voice on
its own. It is an art, which is catered by every single person residing in this global village. The
industry is flourishing and creating more competition within the south Asia, looking forward for
global Bangladeshi fashion movement as years to come.
It is difficult to produce human resource report within three months making Time as one of the
key limitations for the report. Fashion renaissance started during mid-90‘s in Bangladesh,
journalists cater very little on this sector, henceforth Lack of articles and journals, is another
key factor of limitations for the report.
Response & Arguments:
Since the tragedy of Rana Plaza and Tazrin Garments, this sector was in jeopardy, public
reaction on this sector was very much negative and as an aftermath the stakeholders had to take
many decisions, which were later on covered by major Medias of the country. As covered in
Daily Star, Mostafizur Rahman quotes "Major stakeholders have taken many steps which I think
will prove effective in medium to long term" (Mobarok F. et al.)
Topics of Discussions:
 Discuss the Human Resources Management problems and issues regarding fashion
retailing industry in Bangladesh.
 Focuses about types of Human Resource Management approaches needed for ensuring
ongoing strategic competitive advantages.
 Critical discussion and arguments faced by fashion industries in the 21st
Body of Report:
The journey of fashion is a long one. An arduous and a treacherous path has been treaded upon
by our fashion designers to reach this point of glory and success that today marks Bangladesh's
fashion culture. It is not just a matter of beauty now, fashion -- the word on the street is that it is
the thing that sets you apart from the crowd. Although we have taken baby steps at a time, today
the scene boasts something different altogether.
Harvard HRM framework for fashion industry:
The figure above shows the Harvard framework of human resources management in the fashion
industry. Fashion industry is a very interested area for everyone, hence it contains many different
types of stakeholders and interested individuals. So the human resources in this industry has
policy on its own, whereby they select the key areas of person(s) from location analysts to
model, makeup person(s) to designers. Because it‘s a highly competitive and demanding
industry, the outcomes needs to be prolific, to motivate individuals for the success of the
product(s). The consequences in the fashion is very long term, any issue with the product and / or
changes in people taste may stricter the sales of the company for that particular product. Tim
Ford, one time famous product was shut down due to failure to cater people‘s demands, hence it
was discontinuing it in the UK. (Guardian Fashion).
Wheel of HRM for Fashion Retail Industry in Bangladesh:
The wheel of human resource management for fashion retail industry in Bangladesh, as given
below shows the various aspects which are expected to be met for better performances for
employees, plays suitable role for motivation theory and growth of any industry including
fashion retailing industry. The fashion retailing industry in Bangladesh is trying to set up its own
infrastructure, they provides training and development for every single employees, selects right
staffs for suitable roles, does research for rightful models‘ information both personal and any
other related factors. They are ready for building the organizational development, supports
readiness for change in fashion in Bangladesh
Interests Human
Long Term
Apparel market around the world:
 The global apparel market was valued at US$1.7 trillion in 2012 and employs
approximately 75 million people.
 Apparel and textile are among of the world‘s largest industries. Total Global apparel
exports are worth approximately USD 412 billion (2011) and global textile exports USD
294 billion. (Fashion United ©).
Because the companies aims for higher profit, they try to slip-out some of the factors. They do
not realize some of the key areas that may help for the motivation of their employees to increase
efficiency which helps to increase productivity. They do not provide employee benefits &
compensation, has no links for unions, but only a few has labor relations personnel, the most
important factor, where they face difficulty is at the quality work life of its employees. Because
of the fact that many individuals over-look at this industry, the companies try to skip some of the
above areas. The people related to fashion industry in Bangladesh faces immense pressure from
many parts of the societies. Hence it is an important factor for the companies to provide
supporting and related attitude for the benefit of their people, which may boost the industry
Human Resource Areas:
 Quality work Life
 Productivity
 Readiness for
Contribution of Textiles in Bangladesh:
 Over 5.0 million employment.
 80% are women.
 40% industrial value addition comes from textile.
 Over 81% of export earnings comes from this industry.
 Value addition in woven RMG is over 40%
 Knit RMG around 70%.
 Contributes 13% to GDP.
 Provides 0.2 million jobs at waste recycle industry relates to RMG.
 Around 32 fashion houses. (Source: Newspaper Bangladeshi).
The fashion houses is a product of the modern age. Prior to the most clothing was custom made.
It was handmade for individuals, either as home production or on order from dressmakers and
tailors. By the beginning with the rise of new technologies such as the sewing machine, the rise
of global capitalism and the development of the system of production, and the proliferation of
retail outlets such as department stores—clothing had increasingly come to be mass-produced in
standard sizes and sold at fixed prices.
According to the data above, we can clearly understand our textile and garments industry are
performing well, but we have very numbers of fashion houses and needs huge improvements to
choose the correct candidate for this sector. Bangladesh has huge potentiality for emerging at
fashion world but provides to cater more seriously to strengthen the fashion retailing industry.
Fashion Marketing works by using current trends in fashion to analyze, develop, and implement
sales strategies. Fashion marketing investigates the relationship between fashion design and
marketing including the development, promotion, advertising, and retailing aspects of the billion
dollar fashion industry. Successful fashion marketers understand that recognizing consumer
trends, strong branding, and a desirable product image are all essential elements to building an
effective and meaningful campaign.
Arguments & Facts:
It was handmade for individuals, either as home production or on order from dressmakers and
tailors. By the beginning of the 20th century — with the rise of new technologies such as the
sewing machine, the rise of global capitalism the fashion house is a product of the modern age.
Prior to the mid-19th century, most clothing and the development of the factory system of
production, and the proliferation of retail outlets such as department stores — clothing had
increasingly come to be mass-produced in standard sizes and sold at fixed prices.
The fashion house consists of four levels: the production of raw materials, principally fibers and
textiles but also leather and fur; the production of fashion goods by designers, manufacturers,
contractors, and others; retail sales; and various forms of advertising and promotion. Since the
industry is so competitive, fashion companies want to attract the best possible candidates and
will use interviews, in the first instance, to select their employees. Like any professional
interview, fashion industry employers will expect candidates to have an attractive Curriculum
vitae, arrive ahead of time and be dressed appropriately. The job hunters are their own
Designers and other creative roles, candidates should demonstrate their suitability to the style
and character of their brand through their portfolio and their knowledge of wider fashion trends.
Buyers and merchandising roles will require quick thinking and numeracy skills - so it is worth
brushing up on current events and math know-how ahead of the interview. In some cases, the
final stage of a recruitment process involves a visit to an assessment center. At this stage, the
number of potential employees will have been narrowed down substantially and gathered
together to take part in a range of tests and exercises.
Because of the diverse nature of the fashion industry, assessments center experiences can vary
greatly. Candidates may be expected to carry out professional tasks and role-play scenarios or
put together presentations relevant to the role for which they are applying.
Since you will be expected to work both individually and as part of a team, it is important to be
able to stand out from the crowd without being overbearing or discourteous. Keep in mind the
qualities most valued by your company and remember you are not necessarily in direct
competition with fellow candidates: if everyone is of a sufficient standard, more than one job
may be offered.
People applying for fashion industry are always expected to produce some extra background to
present themselves. This might take the form of a portfolio, periods of work experience or even
maintaining a fashion blog online. Companies are constantly looking for dedicated and driven
candidates to reinforce their ranks - and, by immersing yourself in the professional world you are
seeking to enter, you will be making yourself a much more attractive - and employable -
―The main issue in premium apparel sourcing is that the traditional manufacturing clusters have
disappeared or lost their competitive edge, 95% of the fabric we use in tailored women’s wear
comes from Italy, but the number of factories has reduced massively in recent years‖ (Ravasio,
Fashion schools & HR personnel training:
A leading designer of Bangladesh Mumu Maria has urged young designers to join the growing
fashion troops while Chondona Dewan emphasized the importance of accessorizing. Biplob
Shaha urged the media -- both print and electronic -- to showcase the fashion industry in a
positive light and Lipi Khandaker addressed the history and culture of Jamdani, nakshi kantha
and other cherished traditions of Bengal. Shaibal Shaha focused on the need for globalisation
where local products are highlighted and a market is created for these products whilst Emdad
Hoque briefly explained the need for FDCB. There are also talks of a Bangladesh Fashion Week
in the coming years. The FDCB starts its journey with a promise of improving the fashion
industry and bridging the gap among designers ensuring increased exposure to new and
emerging trends (Chowdhury R. Ahmed). BGMEA has recently introduced its own fashion
schools alongside FDCB along with others to increase the demand of upcoming fashion retail
industry in Bangladesh.
99 Pickets, in collaboration with Bangladeshi photojournalist Ismail Ferdous and filmmaker
Nathan Fitch, began demonstrating outside of New York Fashion Week to demand that brands
whose clothing was made at Rana Plaza or Tazreen pay full and fair compensation to the workers
who were injured and to the families of workers who were killed.
The Rana Plaza factory collapse killed at least 1,135 workers in April 2013 in Dhaka,
Bangladesh. The Tazreen factory fire killed at least 112 in November 2012 in Savar,
Bangladesh. Among the brands which have failed to compensate victims are: Children‘s Place,
Walmart, JC Penney, and Mango. The group will also call on all apparel companies that have not
yet signed onto the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh to sign immediately.
Among the companies that have not signed on to the Accord are VF Corporation – the largest
apparel company in the world – and Gap Inc., which owns the brands Banana Republic, Old
Navy, and Athleta. The protest includes a public, visual component outside of the Lincoln Center
followed by a march to several area retailers. Ferdous and Fitch‘s documentary work records the
Rana Plaza tragedy and its aftermath (BDReports24).
It is almost six months to the day that 1,133 people were killed and over 2,500 people were
injured when the Rana Plaza factory complex collapsed in Dhaka, Bangladesh. To mark the
anniversary of the disaster, Fashion Revolution Day will be held on April 24 2014, with a series
of events leading up to it that we can all take part in, to try to make us think about who made the
clothes we are wearing, and in what sort of conditions. The fashion supply chain - from cotton
farmer to machinist to factory packer - is a complex one. We would all like to think that our
clothes were made by somebody who was paid a fair wage and who was not at risk of death or
injury every time they sit at their sewing machine. Fashion Revolution Day is your way to take
part in real change in the industry, to try to prevent future catastrophes from happening again.
Fashion Revolution Day was the brainchild of Carry Somers, who is the founder of Pachacuti,
the successful Fair Trade hat company. She has gathered over 30 key figures from the fashion
industry, charities and beyond to launch a global campaign that she hopes will lead to positive
action. "We have been inundated with fashion industry leaders, consumers, celebrities, media all
wanting to mark the occasion and revolutionize the industry. It represents a really exciting
opportunity to reconnect fashion-lovers with the people who made their clothes," says Somers.
This year's Fashion Revolution Day will simply ask, Who Made Your Clothes? "We want
everybody to show their support for better connections and transparency across the fashion
supply chain," explains Somers (Blanchard, T.).
Competitors’ performances in fashion industry at other countries:
Many countries like China, India has recently emphasized to improve their own fashion industry.
Japan has already began branding its own fashionable items at many parts of the world, like
Uniqlo, which has received many positive criticism around the world. Bangladesh fashion
retailing industry needs to be more flexible, because it is highly creative and artistic industry and
holds multi-talented rooms for improvements, they need to be guided for improving the sector.
Literacy issue at fashion industry:
Fashion is a unique voice, hence it requires guidance to flourish the insight knowledge. It needs
exploration of human minds, which needs to be focused in our country. Every person in the face
of planet earth has unique knowledge about designs, hence the possibility of improvement in
Bangladesh is huge, which is already by various upcoming designers. We need to study about
how other countries has developed this sector, which mentions that HR policies of giants are
long lasting, consistent and participate holding more fashion shows inviting foreign guests,
which should work as key to build this industry as multinational, strengthen our macro-economic
sectors at overall areas.
Job analysis for fashion retail industry in Bangladesh:
Job analysis consists of two parts job description and job specifications. It explains that the
industry should have written documents about getting the work done in prolific manner and any
Job analysis
Recruiting and
Job evaluation:
Compensation &
Job description &
Job specification
socio-cultural factors, which may get effected due to joining this industry should closely studied.
It also mentions relevant skills, knowledge, abilities and any other demands and relevant
characteristics should be closely studied. The companies related to fashion industry has well set
recruitment teams but needs to focus further at evaluating job compensations and benefits for its
employees. Our fashion industry should provide adequate training and performance appraisals as
a tool of motivation and increasing productivity.
In fashion retail industry, the companies need to identify the duties & responsibilities, create
necessary job demands, use more knowledgeable tools to show the new talents about the industry
and how it works and follow relevant performance standards as a whole, thus increasing
demands for prospective applicants to enter in this industry. The physical working conditions
should be compromised especially for females, who are eager the join the industry, set flexible
working hours, as it is an industry which requires high flexibility of working hours just like
entertainment world, employ relevant human resource personnel with whom other employees
can interact and boost their enthusiasm. The requirements for joining these industry needs to be
closely justified, look into individuals‘ skills, knowledge, creativity and provide relevant
suggestions and feedbacks.
Recruitment process in fashion retail industry:
In fashion industry the job recruitment process is
typically different from other industries. In these
industry the fashion companies can do talent hunts.
They can search for upcoming talents who are
interested to join the industry.
But the interested applicants need to be closely
studied using the usual selection techniques. Whilst
doing talents hunts the selection committee can
consider to perform an interview process, produce
questionnairrres for selecting the right candidate,
and observe them whilst they continue to grow in this
industry. They can try and motivate others by using
observational research, instead of following the typical
job selection methods. Hereby, the HR personnel may watch, justify
Content of the Job Context of the Job Human Requirements
Job Analysis
Job Recruitment
Talent hunt
Observation method
Questionnaire method
Training &
Interview process
and select the rightful person(s), provide training, and motivate them
to bring out their skills and knowledge and utilize it within the industry.
The selection process:
The selection process in fashion retail industry is very challenging and demanding task. In terms
searching for the right talent, the human resource manager needs to understand the company
mission and vision. In other words, they are responsible to meet the company targets, hence, they
have to make the right choice and select the right person(s). In terms of questionnaires for the
candidates, they have to understand about selecting right and correct questionnaires for different
departments. Whilst choosing the actor(s), they have to understand if the required person(s) can
meet the demand of the company, and if the audiences will accept the character.
If the person(s) is/are not well enough, they need to train them accordingly, to meet the role(s) of
the company. They might have to select multi-talented individual(s), depending on their tasks.
They have to choose person(s), based on their talents, knowledge and many other factors as
required by the company.
Job design & Roles of Human Resource Manager:
In this area we will closely discuss job designing process and the roles of human resource
managers, blend both the sectors together under one job designing diagram. The human resource
manager plays a huge role in the fashion retail industry. His responsible is to maintain
authenticity, ensure to complete the tasks and has many duties in the industry. He needs to
understand job analysis in detail, he requires to have adequate knowledge of fashion industry,
and he needs skills and should have the abilities to improve the employees of the organizations.
 Human resource planning
 Recruitment
 Selection
 Training & Development
 Performance Appraisal
 Compensation & Benefits
 Health & Safety
 Employee & Labor
 Legal Considerations
 Job Analysis for Teams
Job Specifications
Job Description
Job Analysis
His key strengths requires understanding human resource planning, recruiting the right person
for the job, selecting the correct individual(s) for the benefit of the company.
He needs select the correct training and development for employees, take deep note about their
performance appraisals without being emotionally attached with any employees. He is in charge
of setting correct compensations and benefits for the employees, suit the best possible health and
safety especially for women, who plays a vital role in the fashion industry. The employee and
labor relations are also under his responsibility, set up correct legal considerations for the benefit
of the industry and the employees, analyze the job tasks for the correct teams, to get the optimum
output from them.
Although fashion retailing industry in Bangladesh is growing, but it seems that it requires more
attention. The media moguls of Bangladesh need to focus more in this area. The companies
related to this industry needs to focus further, get more professional human resource managers,
look at the giants like – GAP Inc., Levi‘s, etc. The fashion industrialists needs to cater for more
fashion designers, invest more to motivate people in this area. The government of Bangladesh
should invest more in this sector. Industrialists should create more opportunities for upcoming
stars to cater in this field. More motivation, creativity, fashion awareness and fashion schools are
needed. The medias should organize more talent hunts, training and courses in this upcoming
field, immense amount of fashion shows are necessary. Everyone and every individuals needs to
understand about its growth and its positive effect in the society.
Bangladesh has huge potential for improving its fashion industries, it has huge investments in
textile and garments sector employing more than 5.0 million people and about 80% of them are
women. Parliamentary laws and legislations will motivate many individuals to join in this sector,
triggering the fashion retailing industry at its best. With the potential, it holds, it may boost the
real GDP, improving the HDI of the economy. The industrialists, however, need strengthening
their human resource departments, motivate more professionalism, regularize the irregularities.
The HR personnel should create more vacancies in these field, so that models like Asif Azim,
designers like Bibi Russell and new upcoming stars, stay within the country instead of leaving
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“Be sure what you want and be sure about yourself. Fashion is not just
beauty, it's about good attitude. You have to believe in yourself and be
strong.” - Adriana Lima. (Brazilian Model).

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Fashion Retail Industry in Bangladesh.

  • 1. Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening” - Coco Chanel. (Fashion Icon)
  • 2. “Fashion is about something that comes from WITHIN you” – Ralph Lauren. (Fashion Icon). MBA 509 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Fashion Retailing Industry in Bangladesh Submitted to: DR. M. NAZMUL AMIN MOJUMDAR ALA Scholar. Submitted on: March 31st 2015. Submitted By: Farabi Ahmed ID: 121-121-8
  • 3. i Fashion Retail Industry in Bangladesh. Produced by: Farabi Ahmed ID: 121-121-8 Submitted to: DR. M. NAZMUL AMIN MOJUMDAR ALA Scholar Professor, School of Business Independent University, Bangladesh Spring 2015. Dated: 31st March, 2015 Letter of Transmittal The report is regarding the Fashion retailing industry of Bangladesh and is required for Human Resource Management, the final report for completion of Masters in Business Administration course MBA 509. This work is guided by our honorary faculty DR. M. NAZMUL AMIN MOJUMDAR. The focus points include job analysis, roles played by human resource manager, fashion retail industry in Bangladesh and its effect in the Bangladesh economy. The report highlights the key areas of human resources and fellow readers should be able to understand the facilities whichever is captured in the report. Finally, I would like to thank our faculty for giving the opportunity to write and submit the report. Farabi Ahmed
  • 4. ii Executive Summary This report is about the fashion retailing industry in Bangladesh. This report contains critical analysis about the roles played by human resource management in fashion retail industry of Bangladesh, from selection process to job analysis. Bangladesh, is an upcoming in industry in the fashion world, which was massively brought into effect by Bibi Russell, a pioneer for the fashion industry of the country. Although, Bangladesh has strong position at garments and textile sector but due to its lack of knowledge and hiring procedures, job security, compensation and benefits, it remains a silent player in fashion industry. The report critically discusses about different steps needed to be taken for improving performances in this industry. It also discusses the necessary government, which are expected to boost this fashion retail industry in Bangladesh.
  • 5. Table of Contents Serial Number Name of the Topic Page Number 1 Introduction 1 2 History of Fashion 1 3 Fashion in Bangladesh 1 4 Underlying problems of Fashion industry 2 5 Assumptions & Limitations 2 6 Response & Arguments 2 7 Topics of Discussion 2 8 Body of the Report 3 9 Harvard HRM framework for fashion industry 3 10 Wheel of HRM for Fashion Retail Industry in Bangladesh 3 11 Apparel Market around the World 4 12 Contribution of Textiles in Bangladesh 5 13 Arguments & Facts 5 14 Fashion schools & HR personnel training 6 15 Competitors’ performances in fashion industry at other countries 7 16 Literacy issue at fashion industry 8 17 Job Analysis for fashion retail industry in Bangladesh 8 18 Recruitment process in fashion retail industry 9 19 The selection process 10 20 Job design & Roles of Human Resource Manager 10 21 Recommendations 11 22 Conclusions 11 23 References 12
  • 6. 1 Introduction: “Fashion is architecture: it is a matter of proportions‖. (Chanel, C.).Fashion is a complex art, a different language, which helps to indiscriminate people, besides of culture, religion or anyof those factors. It is a voice on its own. It is not only about clothing and/or footwear, but it is the way, by which someone presents themselves. It often refers to a distinctive and often habitual trend in the style with which a person dresses, as well as to prevailing styles in behavior. Fashion also refers to the newest creations of textile designers. Currently, the world recognizes four major fashion capitals - Paris, Milan, New York City, and London, which are recognized as the headquarters of the greatest fashion companies and are renowned for their major influence on global fashion. The fashion industry is an exciting, fast paced and demanding work environment which attracts thousands of prospective employees each year to a spectrum of roles. Finding a job in fashion does not exclusively mean working for a designer - and industry opportunities include exciting positions in publishing, marketing, buying, journalism and retail. Fashion is a general term for a popular style or practice, especially in clothing, footwear, accessories, makeup, body piercing, or furniture. Fashion refers to a distinctive and often habitual trend in the style with which a person dresses, as well as to prevailing styles in behavior. Fashion also refers to the newest creations of textile designers (Ahmed, J.). ―Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening” (Chanel, C.). History of fashion: “At the beginning of the career is important for a designer to present his most representative pieces” (Dolce, D.). Fashion refers to the development of the fashion industry which designs clothing and accessories. The modern industry, fashion houses run by individual designers, started during 19th century with Charles Frederick Worth, the first designer to have label sewn into the garments. He is usually known as the first designer, with a large business employing many tailors and seamstresses, his success lies in his dictation of fashion. He was Empress Eugénie's primary designer where Worth used his royal connections for recognition and clients. In February 1, 1853 Napolón III ruled about using formal dress in his court, where Worth gained popularity for his stylish gowns, ornately decorated and constructed with finest materials. His gowns were famous for their 'Crinolines', cage-like metal structures that held the dress out in a stylish shape. (Lori, M.). Fashion in Bangladesh: Bibi Rusell is often considered as the pioneer of fashion industries in Bangladesh. During late 1990s, she started emerging the fashion industries in Bangladesh, bringing renaissance to fashion industrial growth in the country. It was her ideas to bring the nation together and promote the fashions retailing emerge in the country. It was her idea to revolutionize the art of fashion in Bandladesh. Since she was a fashion icon by herself, she took the fashion retail to next level working alongside Aarong, nurturing the fashion industry by herself, bringing a new voice in the country, the art of fashion. She partnered with UNESCO and brought in over thousands of weavers and artisans and raise the voice of fashion in the country (Rusell, B.).
  • 7. 2 Underlying problems of fashion industry: Fashion industry is a highly competitive industry in Bangladesh and around the world. Demand in fashion very often, making it very risky area (s) for business. Although, many companies have strengthen their business in this industry but they have to constantly focus about changing designs, looks, focus and keep customizing their product to continue fashion business. Assumptions & Limitations: Bangladesh has population of around 1,600 million, and fashion retailing industry is a voice on its own. It is an art, which is catered by every single person residing in this global village. The industry is flourishing and creating more competition within the south Asia, looking forward for global Bangladeshi fashion movement as years to come. It is difficult to produce human resource report within three months making Time as one of the key limitations for the report. Fashion renaissance started during mid-90‘s in Bangladesh, journalists cater very little on this sector, henceforth Lack of articles and journals, is another key factor of limitations for the report. Response & Arguments: Since the tragedy of Rana Plaza and Tazrin Garments, this sector was in jeopardy, public reaction on this sector was very much negative and as an aftermath the stakeholders had to take many decisions, which were later on covered by major Medias of the country. As covered in Daily Star, Mostafizur Rahman quotes "Major stakeholders have taken many steps which I think will prove effective in medium to long term" (Mobarok F. et al.) Topics of Discussions:  Discuss the Human Resources Management problems and issues regarding fashion retailing industry in Bangladesh.  Focuses about types of Human Resource Management approaches needed for ensuring ongoing strategic competitive advantages.  Critical discussion and arguments faced by fashion industries in the 21st century.
  • 8. 3 Body of Report: The journey of fashion is a long one. An arduous and a treacherous path has been treaded upon by our fashion designers to reach this point of glory and success that today marks Bangladesh's fashion culture. It is not just a matter of beauty now, fashion -- the word on the street is that it is the thing that sets you apart from the crowd. Although we have taken baby steps at a time, today the scene boasts something different altogether. Harvard HRM framework for fashion industry: The figure above shows the Harvard framework of human resources management in the fashion industry. Fashion industry is a very interested area for everyone, hence it contains many different types of stakeholders and interested individuals. So the human resources in this industry has policy on its own, whereby they select the key areas of person(s) from location analysts to model, makeup person(s) to designers. Because it‘s a highly competitive and demanding industry, the outcomes needs to be prolific, to motivate individuals for the success of the product(s). The consequences in the fashion is very long term, any issue with the product and / or changes in people taste may stricter the sales of the company for that particular product. Tim Ford, one time famous product was shut down due to failure to cater people‘s demands, hence it was discontinuing it in the UK. (Guardian Fashion). Wheel of HRM for Fashion Retail Industry in Bangladesh: The wheel of human resource management for fashion retail industry in Bangladesh, as given below shows the various aspects which are expected to be met for better performances for employees, plays suitable role for motivation theory and growth of any industry including fashion retailing industry. The fashion retailing industry in Bangladesh is trying to set up its own infrastructure, they provides training and development for every single employees, selects right staffs for suitable roles, does research for rightful models‘ information both personal and any other related factors. They are ready for building the organizational development, supports readiness for change in fashion in Bangladesh Situational Factors Stakeholders Interests Human Resource Policy Choices Human Resources Outcomes Long Term Consequences
  • 9. 4 Apparel market around the world:  The global apparel market was valued at US$1.7 trillion in 2012 and employs approximately 75 million people.  Apparel and textile are among of the world‘s largest industries. Total Global apparel exports are worth approximately USD 412 billion (2011) and global textile exports USD 294 billion. (Fashion United ©). Because the companies aims for higher profit, they try to slip-out some of the factors. They do not realize some of the key areas that may help for the motivation of their employees to increase efficiency which helps to increase productivity. They do not provide employee benefits & compensation, has no links for unions, but only a few has labor relations personnel, the most important factor, where they face difficulty is at the quality work life of its employees. Because of the fact that many individuals over-look at this industry, the companies try to skip some of the above areas. The people related to fashion industry in Bangladesh faces immense pressure from many parts of the societies. Hence it is an important factor for the companies to provide supporting and related attitude for the benefit of their people, which may boost the industry further. Human Resource Areas: Objects:  Quality work Life  Productivity  Readiness for Change Organization/ JobDesign Training& Development
  • 10. 5 Contribution of Textiles in Bangladesh:  Over 5.0 million employment.  80% are women.  40% industrial value addition comes from textile.  Over 81% of export earnings comes from this industry.  Value addition in woven RMG is over 40%  Knit RMG around 70%.  Contributes 13% to GDP.  Provides 0.2 million jobs at waste recycle industry relates to RMG. (BTMA).  Around 32 fashion houses. (Source: Newspaper Bangladeshi). The fashion houses is a product of the modern age. Prior to the most clothing was custom made. It was handmade for individuals, either as home production or on order from dressmakers and tailors. By the beginning with the rise of new technologies such as the sewing machine, the rise of global capitalism and the development of the system of production, and the proliferation of retail outlets such as department stores—clothing had increasingly come to be mass-produced in standard sizes and sold at fixed prices. According to the data above, we can clearly understand our textile and garments industry are performing well, but we have very numbers of fashion houses and needs huge improvements to choose the correct candidate for this sector. Bangladesh has huge potentiality for emerging at fashion world but provides to cater more seriously to strengthen the fashion retailing industry. Fashion Marketing works by using current trends in fashion to analyze, develop, and implement sales strategies. Fashion marketing investigates the relationship between fashion design and marketing including the development, promotion, advertising, and retailing aspects of the billion dollar fashion industry. Successful fashion marketers understand that recognizing consumer trends, strong branding, and a desirable product image are all essential elements to building an effective and meaningful campaign. Arguments & Facts: It was handmade for individuals, either as home production or on order from dressmakers and tailors. By the beginning of the 20th century — with the rise of new technologies such as the sewing machine, the rise of global capitalism the fashion house is a product of the modern age. Prior to the mid-19th century, most clothing and the development of the factory system of production, and the proliferation of retail outlets such as department stores — clothing had increasingly come to be mass-produced in standard sizes and sold at fixed prices. The fashion house consists of four levels: the production of raw materials, principally fibers and textiles but also leather and fur; the production of fashion goods by designers, manufacturers,
  • 11. 6 contractors, and others; retail sales; and various forms of advertising and promotion. Since the industry is so competitive, fashion companies want to attract the best possible candidates and will use interviews, in the first instance, to select their employees. Like any professional interview, fashion industry employers will expect candidates to have an attractive Curriculum vitae, arrive ahead of time and be dressed appropriately. The job hunters are their own representatives. Designers and other creative roles, candidates should demonstrate their suitability to the style and character of their brand through their portfolio and their knowledge of wider fashion trends. Buyers and merchandising roles will require quick thinking and numeracy skills - so it is worth brushing up on current events and math know-how ahead of the interview. In some cases, the final stage of a recruitment process involves a visit to an assessment center. At this stage, the number of potential employees will have been narrowed down substantially and gathered together to take part in a range of tests and exercises. Because of the diverse nature of the fashion industry, assessments center experiences can vary greatly. Candidates may be expected to carry out professional tasks and role-play scenarios or put together presentations relevant to the role for which they are applying. Since you will be expected to work both individually and as part of a team, it is important to be able to stand out from the crowd without being overbearing or discourteous. Keep in mind the qualities most valued by your company and remember you are not necessarily in direct competition with fellow candidates: if everyone is of a sufficient standard, more than one job may be offered. People applying for fashion industry are always expected to produce some extra background to present themselves. This might take the form of a portfolio, periods of work experience or even maintaining a fashion blog online. Companies are constantly looking for dedicated and driven candidates to reinforce their ranks - and, by immersing yourself in the professional world you are seeking to enter, you will be making yourself a much more attractive - and employable - prospect. ―The main issue in premium apparel sourcing is that the traditional manufacturing clusters have disappeared or lost their competitive edge, 95% of the fabric we use in tailored women’s wear comes from Italy, but the number of factories has reduced massively in recent years‖ (Ravasio, P.). Fashion schools & HR personnel training: A leading designer of Bangladesh Mumu Maria has urged young designers to join the growing fashion troops while Chondona Dewan emphasized the importance of accessorizing. Biplob Shaha urged the media -- both print and electronic -- to showcase the fashion industry in a positive light and Lipi Khandaker addressed the history and culture of Jamdani, nakshi kantha
  • 12. 7 and other cherished traditions of Bengal. Shaibal Shaha focused on the need for globalisation where local products are highlighted and a market is created for these products whilst Emdad Hoque briefly explained the need for FDCB. There are also talks of a Bangladesh Fashion Week in the coming years. The FDCB starts its journey with a promise of improving the fashion industry and bridging the gap among designers ensuring increased exposure to new and emerging trends (Chowdhury R. Ahmed). BGMEA has recently introduced its own fashion schools alongside FDCB along with others to increase the demand of upcoming fashion retail industry in Bangladesh. 99 Pickets, in collaboration with Bangladeshi photojournalist Ismail Ferdous and filmmaker Nathan Fitch, began demonstrating outside of New York Fashion Week to demand that brands whose clothing was made at Rana Plaza or Tazreen pay full and fair compensation to the workers who were injured and to the families of workers who were killed. The Rana Plaza factory collapse killed at least 1,135 workers in April 2013 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The Tazreen factory fire killed at least 112 in November 2012 in Savar, Bangladesh. Among the brands which have failed to compensate victims are: Children‘s Place, Walmart, JC Penney, and Mango. The group will also call on all apparel companies that have not yet signed onto the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh to sign immediately. Among the companies that have not signed on to the Accord are VF Corporation – the largest apparel company in the world – and Gap Inc., which owns the brands Banana Republic, Old Navy, and Athleta. The protest includes a public, visual component outside of the Lincoln Center followed by a march to several area retailers. Ferdous and Fitch‘s documentary work records the Rana Plaza tragedy and its aftermath (BDReports24). It is almost six months to the day that 1,133 people were killed and over 2,500 people were injured when the Rana Plaza factory complex collapsed in Dhaka, Bangladesh. To mark the anniversary of the disaster, Fashion Revolution Day will be held on April 24 2014, with a series of events leading up to it that we can all take part in, to try to make us think about who made the clothes we are wearing, and in what sort of conditions. The fashion supply chain - from cotton farmer to machinist to factory packer - is a complex one. We would all like to think that our clothes were made by somebody who was paid a fair wage and who was not at risk of death or injury every time they sit at their sewing machine. Fashion Revolution Day is your way to take part in real change in the industry, to try to prevent future catastrophes from happening again. Fashion Revolution Day was the brainchild of Carry Somers, who is the founder of Pachacuti, the successful Fair Trade hat company. She has gathered over 30 key figures from the fashion industry, charities and beyond to launch a global campaign that she hopes will lead to positive action. "We have been inundated with fashion industry leaders, consumers, celebrities, media all wanting to mark the occasion and revolutionize the industry. It represents a really exciting opportunity to reconnect fashion-lovers with the people who made their clothes," says Somers. This year's Fashion Revolution Day will simply ask, Who Made Your Clothes? "We want everybody to show their support for better connections and transparency across the fashion supply chain," explains Somers (Blanchard, T.).
  • 13. 8 Competitors’ performances in fashion industry at other countries: Many countries like China, India has recently emphasized to improve their own fashion industry. Japan has already began branding its own fashionable items at many parts of the world, like Uniqlo, which has received many positive criticism around the world. Bangladesh fashion retailing industry needs to be more flexible, because it is highly creative and artistic industry and holds multi-talented rooms for improvements, they need to be guided for improving the sector. Literacy issue at fashion industry: Fashion is a unique voice, hence it requires guidance to flourish the insight knowledge. It needs exploration of human minds, which needs to be focused in our country. Every person in the face of planet earth has unique knowledge about designs, hence the possibility of improvement in Bangladesh is huge, which is already by various upcoming designers. We need to study about how other countries has developed this sector, which mentions that HR policies of giants are long lasting, consistent and participate holding more fashion shows inviting foreign guests, which should work as key to build this industry as multinational, strengthen our macro-economic sectors at overall areas. Job analysis for fashion retail industry in Bangladesh: Job analysis consists of two parts job description and job specifications. It explains that the industry should have written documents about getting the work done in prolific manner and any Job analysis Recruiting and selection decisions Job evaluation: Compensation & Benefits Training requirements Job description & Job specification Performance appraisal
  • 14. 9 socio-cultural factors, which may get effected due to joining this industry should closely studied. It also mentions relevant skills, knowledge, abilities and any other demands and relevant characteristics should be closely studied. The companies related to fashion industry has well set recruitment teams but needs to focus further at evaluating job compensations and benefits for its employees. Our fashion industry should provide adequate training and performance appraisals as a tool of motivation and increasing productivity. In fashion retail industry, the companies need to identify the duties & responsibilities, create necessary job demands, use more knowledgeable tools to show the new talents about the industry and how it works and follow relevant performance standards as a whole, thus increasing demands for prospective applicants to enter in this industry. The physical working conditions should be compromised especially for females, who are eager the join the industry, set flexible working hours, as it is an industry which requires high flexibility of working hours just like entertainment world, employ relevant human resource personnel with whom other employees can interact and boost their enthusiasm. The requirements for joining these industry needs to be closely justified, look into individuals‘ skills, knowledge, creativity and provide relevant suggestions and feedbacks. Recruitment process in fashion retail industry: In fashion industry the job recruitment process is typically different from other industries. In these industry the fashion companies can do talent hunts. They can search for upcoming talents who are interested to join the industry. . But the interested applicants need to be closely studied using the usual selection techniques. Whilst doing talents hunts the selection committee can consider to perform an interview process, produce questionnairrres for selecting the right candidate, and observe them whilst they continue to grow in this industry. They can try and motivate others by using observational research, instead of following the typical job selection methods. Hereby, the HR personnel may watch, justify Content of the Job Context of the Job Human Requirements Job Analysis Job Recruitment method Talent hunt Observation method Questionnaire method Observational research Training & Development Interview process
  • 15. 10 and select the rightful person(s), provide training, and motivate them to bring out their skills and knowledge and utilize it within the industry. The selection process: The selection process in fashion retail industry is very challenging and demanding task. In terms searching for the right talent, the human resource manager needs to understand the company mission and vision. In other words, they are responsible to meet the company targets, hence, they have to make the right choice and select the right person(s). In terms of questionnaires for the candidates, they have to understand about selecting right and correct questionnaires for different departments. Whilst choosing the actor(s), they have to understand if the required person(s) can meet the demand of the company, and if the audiences will accept the character. If the person(s) is/are not well enough, they need to train them accordingly, to meet the role(s) of the company. They might have to select multi-talented individual(s), depending on their tasks. They have to choose person(s), based on their talents, knowledge and many other factors as required by the company. Job design & Roles of Human Resource Manager: In this area we will closely discuss job designing process and the roles of human resource managers, blend both the sectors together under one job designing diagram. The human resource manager plays a huge role in the fashion retail industry. His responsible is to maintain authenticity, ensure to complete the tasks and has many duties in the industry. He needs to understand job analysis in detail, he requires to have adequate knowledge of fashion industry, and he needs skills and should have the abilities to improve the employees of the organizations.  Human resource planning  Recruitment  Selection  Training & Development  Performance Appraisal  Compensation & Benefits  Health & Safety  Employee & Labor Relations  Legal Considerations  Job Analysis for Teams Tasks Knowledge Job Specifications Skills Responsibilities Abilities Job Description Job Analysis Duties
  • 16. 11 His key strengths requires understanding human resource planning, recruiting the right person for the job, selecting the correct individual(s) for the benefit of the company. He needs select the correct training and development for employees, take deep note about their performance appraisals without being emotionally attached with any employees. He is in charge of setting correct compensations and benefits for the employees, suit the best possible health and safety especially for women, who plays a vital role in the fashion industry. The employee and labor relations are also under his responsibility, set up correct legal considerations for the benefit of the industry and the employees, analyze the job tasks for the correct teams, to get the optimum output from them. Recommendations: Although fashion retailing industry in Bangladesh is growing, but it seems that it requires more attention. The media moguls of Bangladesh need to focus more in this area. The companies related to this industry needs to focus further, get more professional human resource managers, look at the giants like – GAP Inc., Levi‘s, etc. The fashion industrialists needs to cater for more fashion designers, invest more to motivate people in this area. The government of Bangladesh should invest more in this sector. Industrialists should create more opportunities for upcoming stars to cater in this field. More motivation, creativity, fashion awareness and fashion schools are needed. The medias should organize more talent hunts, training and courses in this upcoming field, immense amount of fashion shows are necessary. Everyone and every individuals needs to understand about its growth and its positive effect in the society. Conclusions: Bangladesh has huge potential for improving its fashion industries, it has huge investments in textile and garments sector employing more than 5.0 million people and about 80% of them are women. Parliamentary laws and legislations will motivate many individuals to join in this sector, triggering the fashion retailing industry at its best. With the potential, it holds, it may boost the real GDP, improving the HDI of the economy. The industrialists, however, need strengthening their human resource departments, motivate more professionalism, regularize the irregularities. The HR personnel should create more vacancies in these field, so that models like Asif Azim, designers like Bibi Russell and new upcoming stars, stay within the country instead of leaving Bangladesh.
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  • 20. “Be sure what you want and be sure about yourself. Fashion is not just beauty, it's about good attitude. You have to believe in yourself and be strong.” - Adriana Lima. (Brazilian Model).