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SITXWHS003 – Assessment
SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety
Instructions to Students:
Complete the cover sheet and ensure you accept, sign and date
the student declaration on the Student Learning Management
System (LMS).
Read through and follow all instructions provided.
Complete each assessment task/activity.
Submit your assessment to the Student Learning Management
System (LMS) by the due date.
Ensure your submission identifies your name, unit code and
You are required to:
Plagiarism is ‘a practice that involves the using of another
person’s intellectual output and presenting it as one’s own’.
This includes the presentation of work that has been copied, in
whole or part, from other sources (including other students’
work, published books or periodicals, the Internet, unpublished
works or unauthorised collaboration with other persons),
without due acknowledgement.
A student found to have plagiarised material will be instantly
graded Not Yet Competent (NYC) and may be subject to one or
all of the following:
Referral of the matter to the Academic Coordinator for: an
intervention meeting, issuing of written warning, clarification
regarding assessment re-submission requirements and allocation
of additional assessment tasks.
Referral of the matter to the Director for: official disciplinary
action by Frontier Education and/or suspension from the course.
Student name:
Sandhya Singh Khatri
Unit description
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and
knowledge required to implement predetermined work health
and safety practices designed, at management level, to ensure a
safe workplace. It requires the ability to monitor safe work
practices and coordinate consultative arrangements, risk
assessments, work health and safety training, and the
maintenance of records.
The unit applies to all tourism, travel, hospitality and event
sectors and to any small, medium or large organisation.
For a student’s performance to be deemed satisfactory for the
whole unit of competence, they must demonstrate satisfactory
performance in this assessment.
If part of a task is not satisfactorily completed the assessor will
arrange for the student to complete further assessment to
demonstrate competence. Students are permitted three (3)
attempts to demonstrate competency.
Overall student performance in the unit is to be recorded as
either Competent or Not Yet Competent.
Assessment tasks
In this assessment task students are required to read the
questions and either select the one correct answer from a
number of alternatives or write a response in the space
This assessment contains a series of questions designed to
allow students to demonstrate competence in the unit.
To complete the written assessment, students must successfully
complete the following:
Task A – Short answer
Task B – Project
Written assessment
At the successful completion of this assessment, a Competent
result will be awarded. The overall unit result and feedback are
recorded at the end of this documentation.
Unit outcome
TASK a – Short answer
· You are to answer all questions.
· Read each question carefully.
· Ensure you have provided all required information.
Section 1: Provide information on health, safety and security
Q1: List five (5) examples of the type of health, safety and
security information that you must provide to staff in your
1. Location of first aid kit and emergency evacuation plan
1. Use of hazard identification reporting documents and risk
assessment templates
1. Safety and security policies and procedures
1. Specific regulations and codes of practice
1. WHS training information and updates
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q2: List four (4) things an employer must do in regard to their
duty of care.
1. Provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment
1. Provide and maintain safe plant and work systems
1. Ensure that the use, handling and storage and transport of
plant and substances are safe and without risk to health
1. Provide personal protective equipment such as lifting
harness, back support braces, gloves etc.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q3: What are the employee’s duties and obligations as defined
by law?
The employees’ duties and obligations are to follow the safety
directions as defined by law. The employees ‘must obey the
safety directions and practices given to them by the authorized
person. If any incidents occur without following the safety
direction, then the employee will be liable for the legal action.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q4: List three (3) potential consequences of not following
WHS policies and procedures.
1. As a worker, you might bring the high risk of illness and
injury in the workplace.
1. As an in charge of the company, you might get a heavy fine
and even imprisoned.
1. As the business, it can get heavy fines which leads the
company to huge loss of finance, reputation and the company
might collapse.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q5: List four (4) ways you can make current work health and
safety information readily accessible to staff.
1. Include WHS as a part of your establishment’s induction
1. Make health, safety and security inspection and hazard
identification part of routine housekeeping inspections.
1. Display safety posters and signs and safe operating
procedures near potentially hazardous equipment and
1. Provide WHS training and refresher courses to ensure all
employees have up to date skills and knowledge.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Section 2: Monitor safe work practices
Q6: What three (3) things must you monitor when checking for
staff compliance with WHS matters?
1. Check if the staff using appropriate protective equipment and
1. Check if the staff is keeping cash and cash registers secure
all the time.
1. Check if the staff identify and clear the hazards immediately.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q7: List four (4) WHS policies or procedures commonly used
by organisations to manage work health, safety and security.
1. Incident and accident reporting.
1. Hazard identification and reporting.
1. Risk assessment, risk control and reporting procedures.
1. Security procedures relating to cash, documents, equipment,
keys and people.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q8: List three (3) safe work practices that might apply to
a tour desk attendant.
1. Keep cash and cash registers secure all the time.
1. Use safe posture and movements when sitting, standing and
1. Take short breaks from repetitive tasks to reduce the risk of
repetitive strains.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q9: List four (4) questions you can ask to help you
monitor compliance with safe work practices.
1. Are staff using appropriate personal protective clothing and
equipment for the task being performed?
1. Are staff using safe postures when sitting, standing and
bending and using safe manual handling techniques?
1. Do staff identify and clear hazards from their immediate
work area?
1. Are staff taking designated breaks?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q10: What should you do when you identify an issue of
non-compliance with work health and safety procedures and
safe work practices?
We should go through the staff and provide the importance of
WHS procedures and practices and if any incident occurs then
we should understand the situation and act accordingly.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q11: Why is it important to maintain close contact with day-to-
day operations?
Is it important to maintain close contact with day to day
operations to observe the staff’s performance if they are
following the rules correctly, cross question about the correct
procedures and if necessary providing the trainings.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Section 3: Coordinate consultative arrangements for the
management of health, safety and security issues
Q12: Why is it important to consult with staff about health,
safety and security issues?
It is important to consult with staff about health, safety and
security issues to make sure that all the staff know the
importance and reason behind the health, safety and security
practices to minimize the risk of any kind of accident or
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q13: List five (5) ways you can consult with staff and
provide them the opportunity to contribute their views on
current and future work health and safety management
1. Regular staff meetings that involves WHS discussion
1. A diary, whiteboard or suggestion box used by staff to report
the issues of concern
1. Formal meetings with agendas, minutes and action plans
1. Staff handbook which includes work health and safety
1. Surveys and questionnaires that invite staff feedback on WHS
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q14: List five (5) situations when you are legally required
to take a systematic approach to WHS consultation.
1. Before the premises are used for the first time
1. Before and during the installation or alteration of any new
1. When making decisions about actions to eliminate or control
1. When introducing or altering facilities for the welfare of
1. When any new information relating to health and safety risks
becomes available
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q15: List three (3) roles and responsibilities of an HSC?
1. Develops and re-evaluates policies, procedures and work
1. Ensures employees are informed about rules, standards and
work practices. Monitors to see that these are carried out.
1. Carefully examines any work health and safety issues in the
workplace and makes recommendations for corrective actions.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q16: What is the primary role of an HSR?
The primary role of HSR is to ensure when health and safety
issues arise or when safety information needs to be
communicated to the staff and to ensure an objective
representation of the whole enterprise.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q17: What should you do when a health, safety or security issue
is brought to your attention?
When a health, safety or security issue is brought to our
attention, investigate the main issue and follow the actual
procedure to solve the issue and communicating to the staff to
minimize the risk of future issues.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Section 4: Implement and monitor procedures for identifying
hazards, and assessing and controlling risks
Q18: What are the four (4) steps to risk management?
1. Identify hazards
1. Access risks
1. Control risks
1. Review control measures
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q19: List four (4) situations when you should coordinate
scheduled hazard identification activities.
1. When staring a new business or purchasing a business
1. When changing work practices, procedures and work
1. When purchasing new or used equipment or using new
1. When required by the WHS regulations for specific hazards
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q20: What is a hazard?
Hazard is any kind of situation or thing which leads to any kind
of dangerous incident or accident. It can occur anywhere to
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q21: List three (3) hazards that relate to work practices.
1. Length of time spent in certain task and allocation of breaks
1. Opening and closing procedures
1. Performing manual tasks that require a person to lift, lower,
push, pull, carry and restrain any object, animal or person
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q22: List three (3) List three security hazards.
1. Storage of cash, documents and keys
1. Theft and robbery
1. Customers behaviour such as aggressive, drunk, disorderly
and disturbed customers
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q23: List three (3) psychosocial hazards.
1. Bullying and harassment
1. Work related mental stress
1. Poor leadership, lack of motivation, poor job design, no
procedures and systems in place
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q24: What should you do whenever a hazard is brought to your
attention by another worker?
Whenever a hazard is brought to our attention by another
worker, we should identify the issue, decide what action to take
and take prompt action.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q25: What is a risk assessment?
A risk assessment is the process which helps us to decide the
severity of risk, the effectiveness of existing control measures,
action you should take to control the risk and the urgency to
take action.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q26: The code of practice for managing WHS risks
recommends you undertake a risk assessment in certain
situations. List two (2) of these situations.
1. When there is uncertainty about how a hazard may result in
injury or illness
1. When the task involves several different hazards and you are
not sure how the hazards impact on each other to produce new
or greater risk
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q27: Why is it important to involve others when coordinating
and participating in risk assessments?
It is important to involve others when coordinating and
participating in risk assessments because it is more likely that
the other person is more aware and experience of different kinds
of hazards and its consequences and might be helpful for the
solution and minimizing the further incidents.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q28: What is risk control?
Risk control is the process where you identify, make plans and
take actions to minimize any kind of future accident or injury.
The process includes reviewing the effectiveness of the actions.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q29: What is the hierarchy of risk control from most to least
The hierarchy of risk control from most to least effective are
eliminate, substitute, isolate, engineering, administration and
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q30: Who should take action to implement risk control
Higher level of staff or more experienced or alternatively, to an
external consultant or service provider should take action to
implement risk control methods.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q31: List two (2) reasons why it’s important to
monitor and review the effectiveness of control measures.
1. You need to determine if existing controls are working to
prevent injuries and minimize risk
1. Equipment may become damaged or faulty and protective
clothing worn out
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q32: What should you do if you identify any inadequacies in
control measures?
If you identify any inadequacies in control measures, you
should keep a record of all the incidents including where the
stock or equipment has been damaged, analyse and plan the
effective solution and when needed report to the authorized
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Section 5: Implement and monitor health, safety and security
Q33: How can you identify WHS training needs for your team?
We can identify if WHS training needs for our team by the skill
gaps and following up the staff’s knowledge in any work
practices for example manual handling techniques, cautions for
any exposed electrical items or slippery floors etc.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q34: You are organising health and safety training for your
kitchen staff as you have noticed an increase in burn
accidents. You have organised a one-day session at an
external training provider specialising in health and safety
in a commercial kitchen. What arrangements do you need to
make to ensure the training happens?
We need to book the first aid training class for the staff where
they can learn and practice the prevention and cure of the
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q35: The kitchen staff have all attended the health and safety
training in kitchen safety. How will you monitor if the training
was effective?
We can monitor if the training was effective by close
observation of the staff performance and following up with
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q36: You have noticed that the apprentice chef is still having
some issues following the safety procedures to prevent burns.
What do you do to ensure he follows these procedures?
To ensure that he follows these procedures, we can talk with the
apprentice chef, find the issue why it is hard for him to follow
the procedures and if possible, train him in a way that he
understands the process.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Section 6: Maintain WHS records and reports
Q37: When completing a WHS incident report or risk
identification, what procedures do you need to follow?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q38: What information can you refer to in order to provide
reliable and timely management of workplace health, safety
and security issues?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q39: List three (3) ways you can minimise waste when
creating and maintaining WHS records and reports?
1. Reduce
1. Reuse
1. Recycle
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
TASK b – project
Learner assessment guide and evidence
This assessment requires you to:
Complete a risk assessment.
Implement and monitor adherence to workplace health and
safety procedures.
Coordinate consultative processes.
Coordinate WHS training and the maintenance of records.
Demonstrate management practices that must be implemented
for compliance with WHS.
You are required to do the following:
Complete tasks 1-11.
Organise a team meeting on WHS procedures.
Answer all the questions.
Task 1: Complete a risk assessment
You are required to complete a risk assessment in your
workplace or a simulated workplace.
You are required to identify risks in the workplace related to the
following situations:
Evacuation of staff and customers.
Security management of cash, documents, equipment, keys or
Handling chemicals and hazardous substances.
Workplace accidents.
Hazard identification and reporting.
You are then required to complete a risk assessment matrix
based on these risks to assess the risks from most important to
least important to address.
Place the risks you identified on the risk assessment matrix and
prioritise at least three (3) of these in order from most
important to least important to address.
SITXWHS003 – Assessment
Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1
Last Reviewed: January 2019
Risk Assessment Template
Potential hazard
Who is at risk?
Existing control measures
Preventative measures
Drinks spill on the floor
All staff and customers
Wet floor sign, mop bucket
Being careful with handling any drinks or liquid
Rashmi Subba
Pallet jack running over foot
A staff using pallet jack
First aid
Giving strict trainings to use the machine
Eden Shawn Cameron
Loosing store keys
Manager and the whole store
Keeping store key in a keyring with your other keys
Making sure to handout keys to the right person who is knows
the risk of losing store keys
Suman KC
Risk matrix
Very high severity
Loosing store keys
High severity
Pallet jacks running over foot
Drinks spill on the floor
Medium severity
Low severity
Low likelihood
Medium likelihood
High likelihood
Very high likelihood
Risk rating template
Risk assessment equation
Risk rating
1. Drinks spill on the floor
3 * 3
1. Pallet jack running over foot
2 * 3
1. Losing store keys
2 * 4
SITXWHS003 – Assessment
Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1
Last Reviewed: January 2019
Task 2: Question and answer
Q1: What tasks do you complete when organising a risk
We complete a risk assessment template which records potential
hazards, affected people, existing control measures,
preventative measures, responsibilities and we compare the
risks from most important to least important to address.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q2: What steps are involved in a risk assessment according to
your organisation’s procedures?
Step 1: Identify hazards
Step 2: Access risks
Step 3: Control measures
Step 4: Review control measures
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q3: Who is involved in a risk assessment in your organisation?
In our organisation, managers, trainee manager, team leader and
team members are involved.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q4: Explain any new preventative measures that you would
implement for the three areas you identified in your risk
I would like to give them training about proper process and
tricks of handling drinks, few hours practice on using jack
pallet before shift and would be more careful to handout the
keys to responsible person.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Task 3: Action plan
You are to create three (3) new workplace health and safety
procedures based on the risk assessment you completed in Task
These need to be related to:
evacuation of staff and customers
security management of cash, documents, equipment, keys or
handling chemicals and hazardous substances
workplace accidents
hazard identification and reporting
You need to complete an action plan for the three new WHS
You need to include information about:
the new procedure
who is responsible for implementation
areas and team members involved
timeframe for roll-out of new procedures
any training to educate team members on the new procedures
when the new procedures will be reviewed for effectiveness
Complete the templates provided.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
SITXWHS003 – Assessment
Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1
Last Reviewed: January 2019
Action plan TEMPLATE
Date of plan:
Name of person completing plan:
New WHS procedure
Who is responsible for implementation?
Include anyone who will need to assist and their job role.
Areas and team members involved
Timeframe for roll-out
When will new procedures need to be fully rolled out?
Provide a description and timeline for WHS training.
When will the new procedure be reviewed for effectiveness?
1. Training for drinks handlings procedure
Rashmi Subba
Front area and involved just herself
Immediately on her nest shift
Training her proper process of closing cup lids and handing out
for her next 2 shifts
On her third shift
2. Training to use a jack pallet
Eden Shawn Cameron
Loading dock and involved just himself
When he is fully recovered
Training him how to handle and move the machine with the
right body posture 1 hour for 1 week
3. Beforehand keys handout
Suman KC
The whole store and involved him and the store manager
on his next shift
Will try to realise his responsibilities towards the store
after handing out keys again
SITXWHS003 – Assessment
Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1
Last Reviewed: January 2019
Task 4: Communicate new procedures
You are to run a team meeting outlining the three (3) new
procedures you identified in Task 3.
You will organise a suitable time for the meeting with your
assessor and your team members.
During the meeting you must include the following:
Explanation of new WHS procedures.
Any changes to WHS policies as a result of this.
Any changes to hazard identification, risk assessment or
Ask for input from team members about the new WHS
Outline how the team’s ideas can be applied to the new WHS
Outline when and how the new procedures will be rolled out to
all team members.
Explanation of how the new procedures comply with WHS
legislation or hospitality industry safety codes of
Explanation of where documents of the new procedures can be
Explanation of any training that will be provided to team
You need to organise a meeting agenda and meeting invitations
(as required in your organisation).
You need to use appropriate tools and documentation during the
meeting, for example, a PowerPoint presentation, technological
equipment (laptop, projector, etc.), handouts.
Copies of the agenda, PowerPoint presentations and handouts
are to be given to the assessor prior to the meeting.
Conduct your team meeting.
Your assessor will use the provided checklist to assess your
performance during the meeting.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Create a meeting
Meeting name:
Safety first
Meeting purpose:
for safer work environment
Participant name
Reason for participation
Amit Roy
Sandhya Singh Khatri
Rashmi Subba
Eden Shawn Cameron
Meeting agenda
Meeting name:
Safety First
Level 5/188 collins street, Hobart TAS 7000
Purpose statement:
Our purpose is to create more safe environment in the
workplace by respecting the WHS law and policies.
Welcome statement:
Acceptance of previous minutes
Agenda item
Presented by
Name of agenda item.
Name of person who will present agenda item.
Assigned length of presentation and discussion.
General business
Next meeting:
Learner practical checklist
To be completed by the learner.
This is a tool to assist you when submitting your assessment
You must complete the following tasks for this assessment
Completion status
Organised and distributed agenda.
Explained three new WHS procedures.
Used oral communication skills to explain WHS procedures and
information on safe work practices.
Consulted with staff about new WHS procedures.
Listened to and used team feedback to identify ways to improve
WHS procedures.
Provided an opportunity for staff members to contribute their
views on current and future WHS management practices.
Outlined how and when the new WHS procedures would be
rolled out.
Explained how the new procedures comply with WHS
legislation or industry codes of practice/standards.
Explained any training that team members will undergo for the
new procedures.
Task 5: Question and answer
Q1: Did your team have any concerns or issues with the new
WHS procedures you are implementing? Briefly explain.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q2: How could these issues be overcome?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q3: What legislation or industry standards do your new
procedures comply with?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q4: What issues did you identify during the consultation
process and what action did you take to resolve the issues?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q5: Describe any feedback you’ve provided to management
during or after the completion of your consultation
activities in Task 4.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q6: Did you have to alter your plan to accommodate changing
needs of the workplace or employees? If so, describe how.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q7: Were the consultative processes effective in
identifying issues and communicating with staff? What
improvements would you make for the future?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Task 6: Monitor WHS procedures
Implement the three WHS procedures that you identified in
Task 3.
Monitor work operations and the use of the three new
procedures in your area of responsibility over a one-week
Report on issues of non-compliance with the new WHS
procedures and work health and safety legislation, procedures
and safe work practices.
Document any action you intend to take as a result of your
observations (hazards identified through staff processes, who
you will notify or consult with, training needs identified,
reports to be completed, etc.)
Briefly comment on the effectiveness of existing procedures in
maintaining the health, safety and security of personnel and any
recommendations for change.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
SITXWHS003 – Assessment
Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1
Last Reviewed: January 2019
Issue identified
Intended action
How do the existing procedures maintain the health, safety and
security of team members?
Are there any recommendations for change?
SITXWHS003 – Assessment
Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1
Last Reviewed: January 2019
Task 7: Question and answer
Q1: What action do you need to take as a result of your
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q2: How will you implement these actions? Include
information about timelines.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q3: Is there another area of WHS that you are concerned about
after completing your monitoring activities? Explain. How will
you respond to this?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q4: How do you monitor the day-to-day effectiveness of WHS
practices in maintaining the health, safety and security of
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Task 8: Training evaluation
Select an area in relation to work health and safety.
Observe, monitor and analyse an employee’s proficiency in
completing the required tasks over a week.
Document your observations in a training needs analysis and
make recommendations for further training required.
Organise and implement the appropriate training.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
SITXWHS003 – Assessment
Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1
Last Reviewed: January 2019
Training Needs Analysis
Employee: ___________________________________
Job role: ___________________________________
Task breakdown or skills/knowledge required to perform task
Employee skills/knowledge displayed
Competency demonstrated in this task?
Further training required?
(Include details)
SITXWHS003 – Assessment
Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1
Last Reviewed: January 2019
Task 9: Question and answer
Q1: Research two (2) possible providers for the training needs
you identify. Include information on training costs and
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q2: How long does it take to arrange and complete the training
from the time the training need was identified?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q3: Has training improved the employee’s work practices? If
so, explain what you have observed. If not, describe what action
you plan to take.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Task 10: Compliance
Source and collect the following completed documentation in
your workplace. If you are unable to source them in your
workplace, complete research online and locate them.
WHS consultation form
Hazard identification form
WHS incident/accident notification form
Risk control forms
Training action plans
Your assessor will ask you about the purpose that each one is
used for.
Present these to your assessor during a meeting or save and
submit them to the LMS.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Task 11: Question and answer
Q1: Explain the conventions you should follow to complete
these forms.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q2: Which WHS legislation or codes of practice did you need
to refer to or comply with when implementing and monitoring
the WHS procedure in Tasks 3, 4 and 6? Explain.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q3: What data can you collect in your workplace to see the
effectiveness of WHS procedures?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q4: How often should WHS documents be referred to, to check
the effectiveness of WHS procedures?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q5: You notice that some team members are not stacking the
shelves correctly and according to work safety procedures in the
storeroom. You have just seen some heavy items stored on top.
What is your response? When would you deal with this issue?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q6: You are looking through the WHS incident reports and
notice that many of the forms are difficult to read due to the
illegibility of the handwriting. It is really important for anyone
to be able to read these documents in order to analyse the
information in them. How and when would you deal with this
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q7: What action can you take to minimise the use of printed
materials and reduce waste when organising WHS
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q8: Explain the scheduled hazard identification activities that
are required to be completed in your workplace according to
workplace legislation.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q9: WHS legislation specifies that hazard identification should
occur in which situations? List four (4).
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Practical checklist
To be completed by the assessor.
Learner’s name:
Did the learner successfully demonstrate evidence of their
ability to do the following?
Explained relevant WHS information to personnel.
Coordinated the consultative processes.
Provided opportunity for staff members to contribute their
views on current and future WHS management practices.
Participated in risk assessments.
Implemented workplace health and safety procedures in three
real or simulated situations.
Monitored adherence to three workplace health and safety
Completed a risk assessment.
Identified WHS training needs based on staff monitoring.
Coordinated risk assessments, WHS training and the
maintenance of records in relation to three situations specified.
Monitored the effectiveness of the WHS system and identified:
· Required adjustments staff training needs.
Demonstrated management practices that must be implemented
for compliance with state or territory occupational health and
safety (OHS) or WHS legislation during the three situations.
Knows the purpose of data and reports to provide reliable and
timely input into the management of workplace health, safety
and security.
Assessment result:
Task A – Short answer: Satisfactory ☐
Unsatisfactory ☐
Task B – Project: Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Overall Outcome:
Not Yet Competent
Assessor’s feedback or additional comments to the learner:
Assessor signature:
Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1
Last Reviewed: January 2019
SITXWHS003 – Assessment
SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety
Instructions to Students:
Complete the cover sheet and ensure you accept, sign and date
the student declaration on the Student Learning Management
System (LMS).
Read through and follow all instructions provided.
Complete each assessment task/activity.
Submit your assessment to the Student Learning Management
System (LMS) by the due date.
Ensure your submission identifies your name, unit code and
You are required to:
Plagiarism is ‘a practice that involves the using of another
person’s intellectual output and presenting it as one’s own’.
This includes the presentation of work that has been copied, in
whole or part, from other sources (including other students’
work, published books or periodicals, the Internet, unpublished
works or unauthorised collaboration with other persons),
without due acknowledgement.
A student found to have plagiarised material will be instantly
graded Not Yet Competent (NYC) and may be subject to one or
all of the following:
Referral of the matter to the Academic Coordinator for: an
intervention meeting, issuing of written warning, clarification
regarding assessment re-submission requirements and allocation
of additional assessment tasks.
Referral of the matter to the Director for: official disciplinary
action by Frontier Education and/or suspension from the course.
Student name:
Sandhya Singh Khatri
Unit description
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and
knowledge required to implement predetermined work health
and safety practices designed, at management level, to ensure a
safe workplace. It requires the ability to monitor safe work
practices and coordinate consultative arrangements, risk
assessments, work health and safety training, and the
maintenance of records.
The unit applies to all tourism, travel, hospitality and event
sectors and to any small, medium or large organisation.
For a student’s performance to be deemed satisfactory for the
whole unit of competence, they must demonstrate satisfactory
performance in this assessment.
If part of a task is not satisfactorily completed the assessor will
arrange for the student to complete further assessment to
demonstrate competence. Students are permitted three (3)
attempts to demonstrate competency.
Overall student performance in the unit is to be recorded as
either Competent or Not Yet Competent.
Assessment tasks
In this assessment task students are required to read the
questions and either select the one correct answer from a
number of alternatives or write a response in the space
This assessment contains a series of questions designed to
allow students to demonstrate competence in the unit.
To complete the written assessment, students must successfully
complete the following:
Task A – Short answer
Task B – Project
Written assessment
At the successful completion of this assessment, a Competent
result will be awarded. The overall unit result and feedback are
recorded at the end of this documentation.
Unit outcome
TASK a – Short answer
· You are to answer all questions.
· Read each question carefully.
· Ensure you have provided all required information.
Section 1: Provide information on health, safety and security
Q1: List five (5) examples of the type of health, safety and
security information that you must provide to staff in your
1. Location of first aid kit and emergency evacuation plan
1. Use of hazard identification reporting documents and risk
assessment templates
1. Safety and security policies and procedures
1. Specific regulations and codes of practice
1. WHS training information and updates
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q2: List four (4) things an employer must do in regard to their
duty of care.
1. Provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment
1. Provide and maintain safe plant and work systems
1. Ensure that the use, handling and storage and transport of
plant and substances are safe and without risk to health
1. Provide personal protective equipment such as lifting
harness, back support braces, gloves etc.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q3: What are the employee’s duties and obligations as defined
by law?
The employees’ duties and obligations are to follow the safety
directions as defined by law. The employees ‘must obey the
safety directions and practices given to them by the authorized
person. If any incidents occur without following the safety
direction, then the employee will be liable for the legal action.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q4: List three (3) potential consequences of not following
WHS policies and procedures.
1. As a worker, you might bring the high risk of illness and
injury in the workplace.
1. As an in charge of the company, you might get a heavy fine
and even imprisoned.
1. As the business, it can get heavy fines which leads the
company to huge loss of finance, reputation and the company
might collapse.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q5: List four (4) ways you can make current work health and
safety information readily accessible to staff.
1. Include WHS as a part of your establishment’s induction
1. Make health, safety and security inspection and hazard
identification part of routine housekeeping inspections.
1. Display safety posters and signs and safe operating
procedures near potentially hazardous equipment and
1. Provide WHS training and refresher courses to ensure all
employees have up to date skills and knowledge.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Section 2: Monitor safe work practices
Q6: What three (3) things must you monitor when checking for
staff compliance with WHS matters?
1. Check if the staff using appropriate protective equipment and
1. Check if the staff is keeping cash and cash registers secure
all the time.
1. Check if the staff identify and clear the hazards immediately.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q7: List four (4) WHS policies or procedures commonly used
by organisations to manage work health, safety and security.
1. Incident and accident reporting.
1. Hazard identification and reporting.
1. Risk assessment, risk control and reporting procedures.
1. Security procedures relating to cash, documents, equipment,
keys and people.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q8: List three (3) safe work practices that might apply to
a tour desk attendant.
1. Keep cash and cash registers secure all the time.
1. Use safe posture and movements when sitting, standing and
1. Take short breaks from repetitive tasks to reduce the risk of
repetitive strains.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q9: List four (4) questions you can ask to help you
monitor compliance with safe work practices.
1. Are staff using appropriate personal protective clothing and
equipment for the task being performed?
1. Are staff using safe postures when sitting, standing and
bending and using safe manual handling techniques?
1. Do staff identify and clear hazards from their immediate
work area?
1. Are staff taking designated breaks?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q10: What should you do when you identify an issue of
non-compliance with work health and safety procedures and
safe work practices?
We should go through the staff and provide the importance of
WHS procedures and practices and if any incident occurs then
we should understand the situation and act accordingly.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q11: Why is it important to maintain close contact with day-to-
day operations?
Is it important to maintain close contact with day to day
operations to observe the staff’s performance if they are
following the rules correctly, cross question about the correct
procedures and if necessary providing the trainings.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Section 3: Coordinate consultative arrangements for the
management of health, safety and security issues
Q12: Why is it important to consult with staff about health,
safety and security issues?
It is important to consult with staff about health, safety and
security issues to make sure that all the staff know the
importance and reason behind the health, safety and security
practices to minimize the risk of any kind of accident or
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q13: List five (5) ways you can consult with staff and
provide them the opportunity to contribute their views on
current and future work health and safety management
1. Regular staff meetings that involves WHS discussion
1. A diary, whiteboard or suggestion box used by staff to report
the issues of concern
1. Formal meetings with agendas, minutes and action plans
1. Staff handbook which includes work health and safety
1. Surveys and questionnaires that invite staff feedback on WHS
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q14: List five (5) situations when you are legally required
to take a systematic approach to WHS consultation.
1. Before the premises are used for the first time
1. Before and during the installation or alteration of any new
1. When making decisions about actions to eliminate or control
1. When introducing or altering facilities for the welfare of
1. When any new information relating to health and safety risks
becomes available
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q15: List three (3) roles and responsibilities of an HSC?
1. Develops and re-evaluates policies, procedures and work
1. Ensures employees are informed about rules, standards and
work practices. Monitors to see that these are carried out.
1. Carefully examines any work health and safety issues in the
workplace and makes recommendations for corrective actions.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q16: What is the primary role of an HSR?
The primary role of HSR is to ensure when health and safety
issues arise or when safety information needs to be
communicated to the staff and to ensure an objective
representation of the whole enterprise.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q17: What should you do when a health, safety or security issue
is brought to your attention?
When a health, safety or security issue is brought to our
attention, investigate the main issue and follow the actual
procedure to solve the issue and communicating to the staff to
minimize the risk of future issues.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Section 4: Implement and monitor procedures for identifying
hazards, and assessing and controlling risks
Q18: What are the four (4) steps to risk management?
1. Identify hazards
1. Access risks
1. Control risks
1. Review control measures
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q19: List four (4) situations when you should coordinate
scheduled hazard identification activities.
1. When staring a new business or purchasing a business
1. When changing work practices, procedures and work
1. When purchasing new or used equipment or using new
1. When required by the WHS regulations for specific hazards
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q20: What is a hazard?
Hazard is any kind of situation or thing which leads to any kind
of dangerous incident or accident. It can occur anywhere to
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q21: List three (3) hazards that relate to work practices.
1. Length of time spent in certain task and allocation of breaks
1. Opening and closing procedures
1. Performing manual tasks that require a person to lift, lower,
push, pull, carry and restrain any object, animal or person
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q22: List three (3) List three security hazards.
1. Storage of cash, documents and keys
1. Theft and robbery
1. Customers behaviour such as aggressive, drunk, disorderly
and disturbed customers
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q23: List three (3) psychosocial hazards.
1. Bullying and harassment
1. Work related mental stress
1. Poor leadership, lack of motivation, poor job design, no
procedures and systems in place
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q24: What should you do whenever a hazard is brought to your
attention by another worker?
Whenever a hazard is brought to our attention by another
worker, we should identify the issue, decide what action to take
and take prompt action.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q25: What is a risk assessment?
A risk assessment is the process which helps us to decide the
severity of risk, the effectiveness of existing control measures,
action you should take to control the risk and the urgency to
take action.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q26: The code of practice for managing WHS risks
recommends you undertake a risk assessment in certain
situations. List two (2) of these situations.
1. When there is uncertainty about how a hazard may result in
injury or illness
1. When the task involves several different hazards and you are
not sure how the hazards impact on each other to produce new
or greater risk
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q27: Why is it important to involve others when coordinating
and participating in risk assessments?
It is important to involve others when coordinating and
participating in risk assessments because it is more likely that
the other person is more aware and experience of different kinds
of hazards and its consequences and might be helpful for the
solution and minimizing the further incidents.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q28: What is risk control?
Risk control is the process where you identify, make plans and
take actions to minimize any kind of future accident or injury.
The process includes reviewing the effectiveness of the actions.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q29: What is the hierarchy of risk control from most to least
The hierarchy of risk control from most to least effective are
eliminate, substitute, isolate, engineering, administration and
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q30: Who should take action to implement risk control
Higher level of staff or more experienced or alternatively, to an
external consultant or service provider should take action to
implement risk control methods.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q31: List two (2) reasons why it’s important to
monitor and review the effectiveness of control measures.
1. You need to determine if existing controls are working to
prevent injuries and minimize risk
1. Equipment may become damaged or faulty and protective
clothing worn out
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q32: What should you do if you identify any inadequacies in
control measures?
If you identify any inadequacies in control measures, you
should keep a record of all the incidents including where the
stock or equipment has been damaged, analyse and plan the
effective solution and when needed report to the authorized
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Section 5: Implement and monitor health, safety and security
Q33: How can you identify WHS training needs for your team?
We can identify if WHS training needs for our team by the skill
gaps and following up the staff’s knowledge in any work
practices for example manual handling techniques, cautions for
any exposed electrical items or slippery floors etc.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q34: You are organising health and safety training for your
kitchen staff as you have noticed an increase in burn
accidents. You have organised a one-day session at an
external training provider specialising in health and safety
in a commercial kitchen. What arrangements do you need to
make to ensure the training happens?
We need to book the first aid training class for the staff where
they can learn and practice the prevention and cure of the
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q35: The kitchen staff have all attended the health and safety
training in kitchen safety. How will you monitor if the training
was effective?
We can monitor if the training was effective by close
observation of the staff performance and following up with
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q36: You have noticed that the apprentice chef is still having
some issues following the safety procedures to prevent burns.
What do you do to ensure he follows these procedures?
To ensure that he follows these procedures, we can talk with the
apprentice chef, find the issue why it is hard for him to follow
the procedures and if possible, train him in a way that he
understands the process.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Section 6: Maintain WHS records and reports
Q37: When completing a WHS incident report or risk
identification, what procedures do you need to follow?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q38: What information can you refer to in order to provide
reliable and timely management of workplace health, safety
and security issues?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q39: List three (3) ways you can minimise waste when
creating and maintaining WHS records and reports?
1. Reduce
1. Reuse
1. Recycle
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
TASK b – project
Learner assessment guide and evidence
This assessment requires you to:
Complete a risk assessment.
Implement and monitor adherence to workplace health and
safety procedures.
Coordinate consultative processes.
Coordinate WHS training and the maintenance of records.
Demonstrate management practices that must be implemented
for compliance with WHS.
You are required to do the following:
Complete tasks 1-11.
Organise a team meeting on WHS procedures.
Answer all the questions.
Task 1: Complete a risk assessment
You are required to complete a risk assessment in your
workplace or a simulated workplace.
You are required to identify risks in the workplace related to the
following situations:
Evacuation of staff and customers.
Security management of cash, documents, equipment, keys or
Handling chemicals and hazardous substances.
Workplace accidents.
Hazard identification and reporting.
You are then required to complete a risk assessment matrix
based on these risks to assess the risks from most important to
least important to address.
Place the risks you identified on the risk assessment matrix and
prioritise at least three (3) of these in order from most
important to least important to address.
SITXWHS003 – Assessment
Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1
Last Reviewed: January 2019
Risk Assessment Template
Potential hazard
Who is at risk?
Existing control measures
Preventative measures
Drinks spill on the floor
All staff and customers
Wet floor sign, mop bucket
Being careful with handling any drinks or liquid
Rashmi Subba
Pallet jack running over foot
A staff using pallet jack
First aid
Giving strict trainings to use the machine
Eden Shawn Cameron
Loosing store keys
Manager and the whole store
Keeping store key in a keyring with your other keys
Making sure to handout keys to the right person who is knows
the risk of losing store keys
Suman KC
Risk matrix
Very high severity
Loosing store keys
High severity
Pallet jacks running over foot
Drinks spill on the floor
Medium severity
Low severity
Low likelihood
Medium likelihood
High likelihood
Very high likelihood
Risk rating template
Risk assessment equation
Risk rating
1. Drinks spill on the floor
3 * 3
1. Pallet jack running over foot
2 * 3
1. Losing store keys
2 * 4
SITXWHS003 – Assessment
Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1
Last Reviewed: January 2019
Task 2: Question and answer
Q1: What tasks do you complete when organising a risk
We complete a risk assessment template which records potential
hazards, affected people, existing control measures,
preventative measures, responsibilities and we compare the
risks from most important to least important to address.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q2: What steps are involved in a risk assessment according to
your organisation’s procedures?
Step 1: Identify hazards
Step 2: Access risks
Step 3: Control measures
Step 4: Review control measures
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q3: Who is involved in a risk assessment in your organisation?
In our organisation, managers, trainee manager, team leader and
team members are involved.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q4: Explain any new preventative measures that you would
implement for the three areas you identified in your risk
I would like to give them training about proper process and
tricks of handling drinks, few hours practice on using jack
pallet before shift and would be more careful to handout the
keys to responsible person.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Task 3: Action plan
You are to create three (3) new workplace health and safety
procedures based on the risk assessment you completed in Task
These need to be related to:
evacuation of staff and customers
security management of cash, documents, equipment, keys or
handling chemicals and hazardous substances
workplace accidents
hazard identification and reporting
You need to complete an action plan for the three new WHS
You need to include information about:
the new procedure
who is responsible for implementation
areas and team members involved
timeframe for roll-out of new procedures
any training to educate team members on the new procedures
when the new procedures will be reviewed for effectiveness
Complete the templates provided.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
SITXWHS003 – Assessment
Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1
Last Reviewed: January 2019
Action plan TEMPLATE
Date of plan:
Name of person completing plan:
New WHS procedure
Who is responsible for implementation?
Include anyone who will need to assist and their job role.
Areas and team members involved
Timeframe for roll-out
When will new procedures need to be fully rolled out?
Provide a description and timeline for WHS training.
When will the new procedure be reviewed for effectiveness?
1. Training for drinks handlings procedure
Rashmi Subba
Front area and involved just herself
Immediately on her nest shift
Training her proper process of closing cup lids and handing out
for her next 2 shifts
On her third shift
2. Training to use a jack pallet
Eden Shawn Cameron
Loading dock and involved just himself
When he is fully recovered
Training him how to handle and move the machine with the
right body posture 1 hour for 1 week
3. Beforehand keys handout
Suman KC
The whole store and involved him and the store manager
on his next shift
Will try to realise his responsibilities towards the store
after handing out keys again
SITXWHS003 – Assessment
Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1
Last Reviewed: January 2019
Task 4: Communicate new procedures
You are to run a team meeting outlining the three (3) new
procedures you identified in Task 3.
You will organise a suitable time for the meeting with your
assessor and your team members.
During the meeting you must include the following:
Explanation of new WHS procedures.
Any changes to WHS policies as a result of this.
Any changes to hazard identification, risk assessment or
Ask for input from team members about the new WHS
Outline how the team’s ideas can be applied to the new WHS
Outline when and how the new procedures will be rolled out to
all team members.
Explanation of how the new procedures comply with WHS
legislation or hospitality industry safety codes of
Explanation of where documents of the new procedures can be
Explanation of any training that will be provided to team
You need to organise a meeting agenda and meeting invitations
(as required in your organisation).
You need to use appropriate tools and documentation during the
meeting, for example, a PowerPoint presentation, technological
equipment (laptop, projector, etc.), handouts.
Copies of the agenda, PowerPoint presentations and handouts
are to be given to the assessor prior to the meeting.
Conduct your team meeting.
Your assessor will use the provided checklist to assess your
performance during the meeting.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Create a meeting
Meeting name:
Safety first
Meeting purpose:
for safer work environment
Participant name
Reason for participation
Amit Roy
Sandhya Singh Khatri
Rashmi Subba
Eden Shawn Cameron
Meeting agenda
Meeting name:
Safety First
Level 5/188 collins street, Hobart TAS 7000
Purpose statement:
Our purpose is to create more safe environment in the
workplace by respecting the WHS law and policies.
Welcome statement:
Acceptance of previous minutes
Agenda item
Presented by
Name of agenda item.
Name of person who will present agenda item.
Assigned length of presentation and discussion.
General business
Next meeting:
Learner practical checklist
To be completed by the learner.
This is a tool to assist you when submitting your assessment
You must complete the following tasks for this assessment
Completion status
Organised and distributed agenda.
Explained three new WHS procedures.
Used oral communication skills to explain WHS procedures and
information on safe work practices.
Consulted with staff about new WHS procedures.
Listened to and used team feedback to identify ways to improve
WHS procedures.
Provided an opportunity for staff members to contribute their
views on current and future WHS management practices.
Outlined how and when the new WHS procedures would be
rolled out.
Explained how the new procedures comply with WHS
legislation or industry codes of practice/standards.
Explained any training that team members will undergo for the
new procedures.
Task 5: Question and answer
Q1: Did your team have any concerns or issues with the new
WHS procedures you are implementing? Briefly explain.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q2: How could these issues be overcome?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q3: What legislation or industry standards do your new
procedures comply with?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q4: What issues did you identify during the consultation
process and what action did you take to resolve the issues?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q5: Describe any feedback you’ve provided to management
during or after the completion of your consultation
activities in Task 4.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q6: Did you have to alter your plan to accommodate changing
needs of the workplace or employees? If so, describe how.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q7: Were the consultative processes effective in
identifying issues and communicating with staff? What
improvements would you make for the future?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Task 6: Monitor WHS procedures
Implement the three WHS procedures that you identified in
Task 3.
Monitor work operations and the use of the three new
procedures in your area of responsibility over a one-week
Report on issues of non-compliance with the new WHS
procedures and work health and safety legislation, procedures
and safe work practices.
Document any action you intend to take as a result of your
observations (hazards identified through staff processes, who
you will notify or consult with, training needs identified,
reports to be completed, etc.)
Briefly comment on the effectiveness of existing procedures in
maintaining the health, safety and security of personnel and any
recommendations for change.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
SITXWHS003 – Assessment
Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1
Last Reviewed: January 2019
Issue identified
Intended action
How do the existing procedures maintain the health, safety and
security of team members?
Are there any recommendations for change?
SITXWHS003 – Assessment
Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1
Last Reviewed: January 2019
Task 7: Question and answer
Q1: What action do you need to take as a result of your
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q2: How will you implement these actions? Include
information about timelines.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q3: Is there another area of WHS that you are concerned about
after completing your monitoring activities? Explain. How will
you respond to this?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q4: How do you monitor the day-to-day effectiveness of WHS
practices in maintaining the health, safety and security of
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Task 8: Training evaluation
Select an area in relation to work health and safety.
Observe, monitor and analyse an employee’s proficiency in
completing the required tasks over a week.
Document your observations in a training needs analysis and
make recommendations for further training required.
Organise and implement the appropriate training.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
SITXWHS003 – Assessment
Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1
Last Reviewed: January 2019
Training Needs Analysis
Employee: ___________________________________
Job role: ___________________________________
Task breakdown or skills/knowledge required to perform task
Employee skills/knowledge displayed
Competency demonstrated in this task?
Further training required?
(Include details)
SITXWHS003 – Assessment
Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1
Last Reviewed: January 2019
Task 9: Question and answer
Q1: Research two (2) possible providers for the training needs
you identify. Include information on training costs and
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q2: How long does it take to arrange and complete the training
from the time the training need was identified?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q3: Has training improved the employee’s work practices? If
so, explain what you have observed. If not, describe what action
you plan to take.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Task 10: Compliance
Source and collect the following completed documentation in
your workplace. If you are unable to source them in your
workplace, complete research online and locate them.
WHS consultation form
Hazard identification form
WHS incident/accident notification form
Risk control forms
Training action plans
Your assessor will ask you about the purpose that each one is
used for.
Present these to your assessor during a meeting or save and
submit them to the LMS.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Task 11: Question and answer
Q1: Explain the conventions you should follow to complete
these forms.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q2: Which WHS legislation or codes of practice did you need
to refer to or comply with when implementing and monitoring
the WHS procedure in Tasks 3, 4 and 6? Explain.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q3: What data can you collect in your workplace to see the
effectiveness of WHS procedures?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q4: How often should WHS documents be referred to, to check
the effectiveness of WHS procedures?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q5: You notice that some team members are not stacking the
shelves correctly and according to work safety procedures in the
storeroom. You have just seen some heavy items stored on top.
What is your response? When would you deal with this issue?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q6: You are looking through the WHS incident reports and
notice that many of the forms are difficult to read due to the
illegibility of the handwriting. It is really important for anyone
to be able to read these documents in order to analyse the
information in them. How and when would you deal with this
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q7: What action can you take to minimise the use of printed
materials and reduce waste when organising WHS
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q8: Explain the scheduled hazard identification activities that
are required to be completed in your workplace according to
workplace legislation.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q9: WHS legislation specifies that hazard identification should
occur in which situations? List four (4).
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Practical checklist
To be completed by the assessor.
Learner’s name:
Did the learner successfully demonstrate evidence of their
ability to do the following?
Explained relevant WHS information to personnel.
Coordinated the consultative processes.
Provided opportunity for staff members to contribute their
views on current and future WHS management practices.
Participated in risk assessments.
Implemented workplace health and safety procedures in three
real or simulated situations.
Monitored adherence to three workplace health and safety
Completed a risk assessment.
Identified WHS training needs based on staff monitoring.
Coordinated risk assessments, WHS training and the
maintenance of records in relation to three situations specified.
Monitored the effectiveness of the WHS system and identified:
· Required adjustments staff training needs.
Demonstrated management practices that must be implemented
for compliance with state or territory occupational health and
safety (OHS) or WHS legislation during the three situations.
Knows the purpose of data and reports to provide reliable and
timely input into the management of workplace health, safety
and security.
Assessment result:
Task A – Short answer: Satisfactory ☐
Unsatisfactory ☐
Task B – Project: Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Overall Outcome:
Not Yet Competent
Assessor’s feedback or additional comments to the learner:
Assessor signature:
Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1
Last Reviewed: January 2019
SITXFIN003 – Assessment
SITXFIN003 Manage finances within a budget
Instructions to Students:
Student name:
Sandhya Singh Khatri
Unit description
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and
knowledge required to take responsibility for budget
management where others may have developed the budget. It
requires the ability to interpret budgetary requirements, allocate
resources, monitor actual income and expenditure, and report on
budgetary deviations.
The skills and knowledge for budget development are covered
in SITXFIN004 Prepare and monitor budgets.
TASK a – Short answer
· You are to answer all questions.
· Read each question carefully.
· Ensure you have provided all required information.
Q1: What is a budget and how does it help a business achieve
its goals?
A budget is estimation of income and expenses for a certain
period. It helps with planning and controlling the financial
affairs in an organization. It is a plan where all the cost,
earnings are estimated which helps an organization to calculate
the actual profit of the business leading it to achieve its goals.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q2: What determines how business funds are divided amongst
different departments and projects?
Business funds are divided amongst different departments and
projects as per the specific needs necessary for the overall
operation of the department.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q3: What is the difference between a fixed (static) and flexible
(variable) budget?
Fixed budget is prepared in the start of the period for an area
which do not have a direct relation to the production and sales
remaining the figures static no matter what changes comes in
income and expenses.
Flexible budget is prepared which allows for adjustment in an
any changing condition. Also used as a tool where initial fixed
budget is adjusted to reflect the events which had a direct effect
on its outcome.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q4: What is a cash flow budget and what is it used for?
Cash flow budget is an estimation of all the in and out of cash
in an organization in certain period. It is used for analysing all
the cash flow, calculation for capital purchase or renovation and
if needed applying for bank loans.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q5: What is a profit and loss budget and what is it used for?
Profit and loss budget are a financial plan to analyse profit and
loss statement of an organization. It is used to calculate the end
profit of certain period as it includes all the incomes and
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q6: What do the following terms mean?
Financial viability
It means the business is making enough profit even after paying
all the expenses of an organization.
It means the ability to earn fair amount of profit after
calculating all the invested amount.
It means the assets which cane be turned into cash for purchase
of goods, services and capital assets.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q7: What is a budget cycle?
A budget cycle is a process from the beginning of budget to an
end of final transactions in a certain period which covers all the
transactions of a year.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q8: What must you do when budget priorities are changed?
Explain why.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q9: Your budget allows only a limited amount of funding
for wages. Who needs to know about these types of
resource decisions? Explain why.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q10: List two (2) ways you can promote awareness of the
importance of budget control.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q11: How does promoting the importance of budget control help
you achieve team or work area goals?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q12: Why is it important to record resource allocation?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q13: Budgets are not the only source of information relating to
where resources are allocated and controlled within a business.
List four (4) other records used to show resource allocation.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q14: Why do we record and compare actual performance figures
with budgeted figures?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q15: How often should you check actual income and
expenditure figures against budgets?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q16: List six (6) types of financial records you can use to check
income and expenditure information.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q17: What is one benefit of using computerised systems to
maintain financial records?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q18: What are financial commitments in a business?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q19: List two (2) examples of financial commitments for a
business in your industry sector.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q20: There are four (4) basic types of expenses you need to
record in financial documents to ensure accurate monitoring.
Describe and give one example for each type.
Fixed costs
Variable costs
Direct costs
Indirect costs
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q21: What are the formulas used to calculate a budget variance
and a budget variance percentage?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q22: Check the figures in the sales budget below.
Actual $
Budget $
Variance $
Public bar meals
Club bar meals
Which department’s figures have been calculated correctly?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q23: Indicate if the following budget results are a favourable or
unfavourable result.
Favourable or Unfavourable
Actual income is above budget
Actual income is below budget
Expenses are above budget
Expenses are below budget
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q24: What are the four (4) main reasons budget deviations
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q25: What factors do you need to consider when deciding
whether or not a budget deviation should be investigated
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q26: List three (3) options you might consider to help
manage budget deviations effectively.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q27: List four (4) types of information about budget targets you
should discuss with staff members.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q28: How does trend analysis help identify areas for
improvement in budget performance?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q29: What are two (2) questions you should be asking when
assessing existing costs and resources?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q30: When identifying new approaches to budget management,
who should you discuss desired budget outcomes with? Give a
generic answer or name the appropriate job role/positions in
your workplace or training environment.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q31: What approaches or possible options can you investigate
further to control and improve the management of expenses in
a business?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q32: What approaches or possible options can you investigate
further to control and improve the management of payroll
expenses in a business?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q33: List three (3) approaches or possible options you can
investigate further to control and improve the management of
accounts payable in a business.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q34: List three (3) main methods businesses use to increase
their profits.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q35: You want to make recommendations for improved budget
management and set new budget targets. List two people (2)
you should present your recommendations to.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q36: The impact of any changes must be considered when
developing new approaches or changes to budget management.
List one potential benefit or disadvantage that may occur when
implementing changes in the following areas.
Customer service
Staff morale
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q37: How should you present your recommendations for
improved budget management?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q38: List three (3) examples of the type of information you
should include when presenting or communicating about
recommendations for budget management.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q39: What information might you need to include when
preparing a statistical or financial report for the supervisors
in a suburban hotel? List five examples.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q40: What information might you need to include when
preparing a formal statistical report for the management
team of a large events or reception centre? List five
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q41: How can you present reports to enable informed decision-
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q42: How do you know when to complete reports?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q43: Explain how the features of accounting software
programs can assist you to manage budgets.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
TASK B – project
Learner assessment guide and evidence
This assessment requires you to manage and report on budgets
over a three-month period.
Create a customer profile.
· Use this profile to provide tailored products and services
You are required to do the following:
· Complete Case Studies 1, 2 and 3.
· Each case study has multiple tasks.
· Read the scenarios and answer the questions.
· Round all dollar values to the nearest whole number when
calculating financial information; for example, $12.55 becomes
$13, $18.22 becomes $18.
· Unless stated otherwise, round all percentages to one decimal
point when calculating financial information; for example,
12.55% becomes $12.6%, 18.22% becomes 18.2%.
· All budget calculations can be completed manually or using
accounting software or computer-based spreadsheet software,
such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.
This unit applies to tourism, travel, hospitality and event
businesses. While the case study scenario is based on a
hospitality business, the principles for managing a budget
demonstrated in this assessment are the same in all types of
Case study 1
The Jackson hotel has a bistro, two bars (public and sports), a
drive-through and walk-in bottle shop and TAB situated beside
the sports bar.
You are the manager of JJ’s Bistro. It seats 210 people and is
open for lunch and dinner, seven days a week. The hotel
promotes a family environment and has a playroom for younger
children and an activity centre for pre-teens containing
electronic and other games. These glass walled areas are within
view of customers seated in the rear section of the bistro.
The hotel’s management team develop an operational budget for
the business based on previous budgets, anticipated business
and any special projects, such as renovations or new products.
Each operational area within the hotel is given a departmental
budget based on organisational goals and their anticipated
revenue and expenses.
Budgets are developed on a quarterly basis. Each department
has quarterly and monthly budget targets. Monthly budgets can
be adjusted during a quarterly cycle if circumstances within the
department change.
The following events have taken place during the April budget
· Prices for meat, fruit and vegetables have increased as a result
of recent drought in some regions and floods or storms in
· Prices for many wines have fallen due to a surplus in the
· Beer prices have risen slightly, again due to the drought
leading to shortages of ingredients and an increase in
government taxes.
· A major wine supplier has been running an in-house
promotional campaign, with staff product knowledge training
provided to help increase sales.
· The bistro menu changes to the new winter menu on May 1st.
Its introduction is being promoted in April throughout the hotel.
Task 1: Monitor budgets
Review the following budgets for the Jackson Hotel - June
quarter. Answer all questions based on the contents and
outcomes of the Jackson Hotel operational budget – June
Jackson Hotel operational budget – June quarter
June quarter
Food sales
Beverage sales
Tab commission
Total revenue
Cost of sales
Food purchases
Beverage purchases
Total cost of sales
Gross profit
Bank charges
Cleaning contractor
Commission credit card
Small equipment replacement
Legal fees
Licence fees & permits
Motor vehicle expenses
Printing & stationery
Rubbish removal
Training & development
Wages & on-costs
Total expenses
Q1: List the hotel’s financial commitments under their
correct cost category. Name at least two (2) commitments
for each category
Variable direct costs
Variable indirect costs
· Small equipment
· Legal fees
Fixed indirect costs
· Rubbish removal
· Cleaning contractor
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q2: Name the top four (4) cost categories the business has
allocated the most funds too in this budget period.
1. Wages and on cost
2. purchase
3. Utilities
4. cost
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q3: Why have significant funds been allocated to these
Discuss their importance to the business and consequences
if inadequate funds are allocated.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q4: Review the Bistro departmental budget – April.
Bistro departmental budget - April
Food sales
Beverage sales
Total sales
Cost of sales
Food purchases
Beverage purchases
Total cost of sales
Gross profit
Cleaning contractor
Small equipment replacement
Printing & stationery
Training & seminars
Wages & on-costs
Total expenses
You are holding a team meeting to discuss the
financial targets provided in the organisational and April
bistro budgets.
What information do you need to communicate to the team
to ensure they understand the targets and goals to be
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q5: What techniques can you use to promote awareness of
methods of controlling costs or increasing sales so you can
achieve budget targets?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Task 2: Calculate variances
Complete the comparative analysis report for the Bistro
departmental budget – April on Page 24 by calculating all
missing dollar value and percentage variances.
Complete the Favourable/Unfavourable column by indicating if
the budget results are favourable (F) or unfavourable (UF) for
the business.
SITXFIN003 – Assessment
Name: SITXFIN003 – Assessment
Version: 2019.2
Last Reviewed: May 2019
Comparative analysis report
Bistro departmental budget – April
NOTE: Don’t forget to round your figures up or down to the
nearest whole number.
Favourable / Unfavourable
June quarter
Food sales
Total sales
Cost of sales
Food purchases
Beverage purchases
Total cost of sales
Gross profit
Cleaning contractor
Small equipment replacement
Printing & stationery
Training & seminars
Wages & on-costs
Total expenses
SITXFIN003 – Assessment
Name: SITXFIN003 – Assessment
Version: 2019.2
Last Reviewed: May 2019
Task 3: Question and answer
Answer all questions based on the budget outcomes in the
completed April budget comparative report in Task 2 and case
study information.
Q1: Are there any significant variances in the sales figures that
you should be concerned about? Explain what the results
indicate and why you are/are not concerned about them.
……. because food sales and beverage are same
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q2: Are there significant variances in any of the expenses
categories that you think should be investigated further? If
yes, discuss which categories and why you think they need
investigation. If no, discuss why the deviations do not
warrant investigation.
…….. (at least 4 or 5 line)
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q3: Based on your responses to questions 1 and 2, what is your
overall evaluation of the budget results? Is the bistro
meeting its financial targets?
Yes, (always think about both income side and expenses side)
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q4: Which expense category has the most funds allocated to it?
Explain why it is important you manage costs in this category
Wages and on cost … ( talk about rostering)
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q5: Using the results and information obtained from the
April comparative report, your answers to the previous
questions and the background information, write a
transcript of the outcomes of your report ready to deliver to
the bistro staff at the next team meeting. The transcript should
include the following information.
· The current status of the budget; is the work area meeting its
budget targets, is it on track to meet June quarter budget
· Which areas are underperforming or performing better than
· What changes, if any, need to be made to help the team meet
next month’s budget targets?
· An outline of budget targets for May.
Organisational factors that contributed to the setting of these
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Case study 2
JJ’s Bistro is located in Jackson’s hotel. It seats 210 people and
is open for lunch and dinner, seven days a week. The hotel
promotes a family environment and has a playroom for younger
children and an activity centre for pre-teens containing
electronic and other games. These glass-walled play areas are
within view of customers seated in the rear section of the bistro.
The following events took place during the May budget period.
· Prices for meat, fruit and vegetables have increased as a result
of recent drought in some regions and floods or storms in
· Prices for many wines have fallen due to a glut in the market.
· Beer prices have risen slightly, again due to the drought
leading to shortages of ingredients and an increase in
government taxes.
· Most utility companies increased prices by 7% at the start of
· The local police started a blitz on drink driving in the middle
of May with increased police presence in local suburbs and
roadside testing of drivers.
· In-house training was provided to key food and beverage staff
in April by a coffee supplier. The aim is to increase sales and
the quality of coffee served. The training was free of charge as
part of a new preferred supplier contract with the coffee
· A major wine supplier has been running an in-house
promotional campaign, with staff training provided to help
increase product knowledge.
· The bistro menu changed to the new winter menu on 1 May
20XX. It was heavily promoted in May throughout the hotel and
in local community newspapers.
Task 1: Interpret budget results
Review the following budgets for the Jackson Hotel - May.
Evaluate the budget outcomes and their impact on the operation
and financial goals of the bistro.
Answer all questions based on the outcomes in the comparative
analysis report, Bistro purchasing budget – May and the case
study information.
Comparative analysis report
Bistro departmental budget – May
Food sales
Beverage sales
Total sales
Cost of sales
Food purchases
Beverage purchases
Total cost of sales
Gross profit
Cleaning contractor
Small equipment replacement
Printing & stationery
Training & seminars
Wages & on-costs
Total expenses
Bistro purchasing budget – May
Food purchases
Fruit & vegetables
Dairy products
Meat & poultry
Fish & seafood
Dry goods – food
Dry goods – other
Total food purchases
Beverage purchases
Beer, ciders – packaged
Beer – keg
Soft drinks, juices – packaged
Post mix
Total beverage purchases
Total cost of sales
Food cost %
Beverage cost %
Cost of sales %
SITXFIN003 – Assessment
Name: SITXFIN003 – Assessment
Version: 2019.2
Last Reviewed: May 2019
Bistro labour budget – June quarter (don’t worry about this
topic for now)
Labour expenses
June Quarter
Total salaries
Total front of house staff
Total kitchen staff
Total wages & salaries
Total labour expenses
Percentage of total sales
Bistro staffing levels
No. staff
Front house
Food Attendant FT
Food Attendant Cas
Bar Attendant FT
Bar Attendant Cas
Bus person Cas
Total rostered
Sous chef
Cooks FT
Apprentices FT
Kitchen hand Cas
Total rostered
Current staffing level
Fulltime employee
Revised staffing level
Casual employee
SITXFIN003 – Assessment
Name: SITXFIN003 – Assessment
Version: 2019.2
Last Reviewed: May 2019
Q1: Discuss how the outcomes food and beverage sales and
costs of sales indicated in the May comparative analysis
report impact the bistro area and the business overall. Consider
the types of deviation (positive or negative) and size of the
deviations in food, beverage and total sales and cost of sales
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q2: What are two possible explanations for the deviations in
food costs and beverage costs? Consider information provided
in the May purchasing budget as well as the comparative report
and case study information.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q3: When preparing the budgets, the hotel forecasted food
costs as 36.7% of food sales and beverage costs as 29.1% of
beverage sales.
Is the bistro meeting organisational goals for cost of
sales? What is the difference between the budget target and
actual results?
Food purchases
4% and no
Beverage purchases
3.4% and not meeting the target
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q4: Should these deviations be reported to management?
Explain why/why not.
Yes , they need to be aware (read section 2 )
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q5: Based on the May purchasing budget, in what categories
are the largest food and beverage cost deviations occurring?
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Task 2: Investigate option to improve performance
The food and beverage manager is very concerned about the
food and beverage purchasing and cost of sales results. They
want the bistro team to make it a priority to meet budget targets
for cost of sales in June. Management then plan to reduce
budget allocations for food and beverage purchases in the
September quarter budget. It is an organisational goal to reduce
cost of sales to below the current percentages of 37% food cost
and 30% beverage cost. To meet June and September quarter
budget targets, new methods of managing costs must be
· Answer all questions based on the outcomes in the
comparative analysis report Bistro departmental budget – May,
Bistro purchasing budget – May and case study information.
Q1: List four (4) options for managing costs that could be
applied to this situation.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q2: You have decided to source new fruit and vegetable and
seafood suppliers. Describe how you would investigate if
changing suppliers is a viable option for reducing your cost of
sales. How will you obtain information to determine if
prices and product quality from alternate suppliers are
appropriate for your operation?
Prices, comparison, quality, reputation, relationship etc…
Methos: quotation, bank statement to compare the quality of
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q3: You need to investigate which current suppliers have
increased prices for products and services, how much prices
have risen and how much of the business’s financial resources
are allocated to existing suppliers.
What organisational financial documentation will provide
this information?
Page 21, write 3 or 4 of them
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q4: Your research has revealed that a number of other
suppliers can supply similar quality items at cheaper prices
than your current supplier. Describe what you would discuss
with your current supplier before making a decision.
Same as Q2
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q5: Who would you consult with before implementing any
changes to the hotel’s suppliers of fruits and vegetable and
seafood products?
Head chef, management or purchasing staff
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Task 3: Improve budget performance
· Read and interpret the information and outcomes contained in
the Bistro labour budget – June quarter.
· Evaluate their impact on the operation and financial goals of
the bistro.
· Answer all questions based on the labour comparative analysis
report, staffing and case study information.
Q1: Complete the table below by inserting the variance
percentage for each category in each month.
Bistro labour budget – variance percentage
June quarter
Front of house
Total labour
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q2: What do these statistics tell you about the bistro’s
performance for the June quarter? Explain what the
variances mean and how this affects the department’s
ability to meet its financial goals.
Front of house and kitchen
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Q3: Management think one reason for high bistro labour
costs is the department is consistently overstaffed; more staff
than necessary are rostered on for most service periods. Rosters
have been reviewed and new staffing levels suggested for
front of house and kitchen areas. The number of customers
served and sales revenue is expected to remain relatively
stable in the near future.
Review the bistro’s current and revised staffing levels in
Bistro staffing levels table.
Discuss the impact these changes could have on customer
service levels, your team and budget targets. Consider both
positive and negative outcomes.
Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
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  • 1. SITXWHS003 – Assessment SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices Assessment Instructions to Students: Complete the cover sheet and ensure you accept, sign and date the student declaration on the Student Learning Management System (LMS). Read through and follow all instructions provided. Complete each assessment task/activity. Submit your assessment to the Student Learning Management System (LMS) by the due date. Ensure your submission identifies your name, unit code and title. You are required to: Plagiarism is ‘a practice that involves the using of another person’s intellectual output and presenting it as one’s own’. This includes the presentation of work that has been copied, in
  • 2. whole or part, from other sources (including other students’ work, published books or periodicals, the Internet, unpublished works or unauthorised collaboration with other persons), without due acknowledgement. PLAGIARISM AND COLLUSION A student found to have plagiarised material will be instantly graded Not Yet Competent (NYC) and may be subject to one or all of the following: Referral of the matter to the Academic Coordinator for: an intervention meeting, issuing of written warning, clarification regarding assessment re-submission requirements and allocation of additional assessment tasks. Referral of the matter to the Director for: official disciplinary action by Frontier Education and/or suspension from the course. CONSEQUENCES OF PLAGIARISM AND COLLUSION Student name: Sandhya Singh Khatri Unit description This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to implement predetermined work health and safety practices designed, at management level, to ensure a safe workplace. It requires the ability to monitor safe work practices and coordinate consultative arrangements, risk assessments, work health and safety training, and the maintenance of records. The unit applies to all tourism, travel, hospitality and event sectors and to any small, medium or large organisation.
  • 3. For a student’s performance to be deemed satisfactory for the whole unit of competence, they must demonstrate satisfactory performance in this assessment. If part of a task is not satisfactorily completed the assessor will arrange for the student to complete further assessment to demonstrate competence. Students are permitted three (3) attempts to demonstrate competency. Overall student performance in the unit is to be recorded as either Competent or Not Yet Competent. Assessment tasks In this assessment task students are required to read the questions and either select the one correct answer from a number of alternatives or write a response in the space provided. This assessment contains a series of questions designed to allow students to demonstrate competence in the unit. To complete the written assessment, students must successfully complete the following: Task A – Short answer Task B – Project Written assessment At the successful completion of this assessment, a Competent result will be awarded. The overall unit result and feedback are recorded at the end of this documentation. Unit outcome TASK a – Short answer INSTRUCTIONS: · You are to answer all questions. · Read each question carefully. · Ensure you have provided all required information.
  • 4. Section 1: Provide information on health, safety and security Q1: List five (5) examples of the type of health, safety and security information that you must provide to staff in your workplace. 1. Location of first aid kit and emergency evacuation plan 1. Use of hazard identification reporting documents and risk assessment templates 1. Safety and security policies and procedures 1. Specific regulations and codes of practice 1. WHS training information and updates Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q2: List four (4) things an employer must do in regard to their duty of care. 1. Provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment 1. Provide and maintain safe plant and work systems 1. Ensure that the use, handling and storage and transport of plant and substances are safe and without risk to health 1. Provide personal protective equipment such as lifting harness, back support braces, gloves etc. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q3: What are the employee’s duties and obligations as defined by law? The employees’ duties and obligations are to follow the safety directions as defined by law. The employees ‘must obey the safety directions and practices given to them by the authorized person. If any incidents occur without following the safety direction, then the employee will be liable for the legal action. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q4: List three (3) potential consequences of not following WHS policies and procedures. 1. As a worker, you might bring the high risk of illness and injury in the workplace. 1. As an in charge of the company, you might get a heavy fine
  • 5. and even imprisoned. 1. As the business, it can get heavy fines which leads the company to huge loss of finance, reputation and the company might collapse. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q5: List four (4) ways you can make current work health and safety information readily accessible to staff. 1. Include WHS as a part of your establishment’s induction procedures. 1. Make health, safety and security inspection and hazard identification part of routine housekeeping inspections. 1. Display safety posters and signs and safe operating procedures near potentially hazardous equipment and machinery. 1. Provide WHS training and refresher courses to ensure all employees have up to date skills and knowledge. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Section 2: Monitor safe work practices Q6: What three (3) things must you monitor when checking for staff compliance with WHS matters? 1. Check if the staff using appropriate protective equipment and clothing 1. Check if the staff is keeping cash and cash registers secure all the time. 1. Check if the staff identify and clear the hazards immediately. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q7: List four (4) WHS policies or procedures commonly used by organisations to manage work health, safety and security. 1. Incident and accident reporting. 1. Hazard identification and reporting. 1. Risk assessment, risk control and reporting procedures. 1. Security procedures relating to cash, documents, equipment,
  • 6. keys and people. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q8: List three (3) safe work practices that might apply to a tour desk attendant. 1. Keep cash and cash registers secure all the time. 1. Use safe posture and movements when sitting, standing and bending. 1. Take short breaks from repetitive tasks to reduce the risk of repetitive strains. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q9: List four (4) questions you can ask to help you monitor compliance with safe work practices. 1. Are staff using appropriate personal protective clothing and equipment for the task being performed? 1. Are staff using safe postures when sitting, standing and bending and using safe manual handling techniques? 1. Do staff identify and clear hazards from their immediate work area? 1. Are staff taking designated breaks? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q10: What should you do when you identify an issue of non-compliance with work health and safety procedures and safe work practices? We should go through the staff and provide the importance of WHS procedures and practices and if any incident occurs then we should understand the situation and act accordingly. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q11: Why is it important to maintain close contact with day-to- day operations? Is it important to maintain close contact with day to day
  • 7. operations to observe the staff’s performance if they are following the rules correctly, cross question about the correct procedures and if necessary providing the trainings. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Section 3: Coordinate consultative arrangements for the management of health, safety and security issues Q12: Why is it important to consult with staff about health, safety and security issues? It is important to consult with staff about health, safety and security issues to make sure that all the staff know the importance and reason behind the health, safety and security practices to minimize the risk of any kind of accident or incident. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q13: List five (5) ways you can consult with staff and provide them the opportunity to contribute their views on current and future work health and safety management practices. 1. Regular staff meetings that involves WHS discussion 1. A diary, whiteboard or suggestion box used by staff to report the issues of concern 1. Formal meetings with agendas, minutes and action plans 1. Staff handbook which includes work health and safety information 1. Surveys and questionnaires that invite staff feedback on WHS issues Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q14: List five (5) situations when you are legally required to take a systematic approach to WHS consultation. 1. Before the premises are used for the first time 1. Before and during the installation or alteration of any new
  • 8. plant 1. When making decisions about actions to eliminate or control risk 1. When introducing or altering facilities for the welfare of personnel 1. When any new information relating to health and safety risks becomes available Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q15: List three (3) roles and responsibilities of an HSC? 1. Develops and re-evaluates policies, procedures and work practices. 1. Ensures employees are informed about rules, standards and work practices. Monitors to see that these are carried out. 1. Carefully examines any work health and safety issues in the workplace and makes recommendations for corrective actions. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q16: What is the primary role of an HSR? The primary role of HSR is to ensure when health and safety issues arise or when safety information needs to be communicated to the staff and to ensure an objective representation of the whole enterprise. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q17: What should you do when a health, safety or security issue is brought to your attention? When a health, safety or security issue is brought to our attention, investigate the main issue and follow the actual procedure to solve the issue and communicating to the staff to minimize the risk of future issues. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Section 4: Implement and monitor procedures for identifying hazards, and assessing and controlling risks Q18: What are the four (4) steps to risk management?
  • 9. 1. Identify hazards 1. Access risks 1. Control risks 1. Review control measures Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q19: List four (4) situations when you should coordinate scheduled hazard identification activities. 1. When staring a new business or purchasing a business 1. When changing work practices, procedures and work environment 1. When purchasing new or used equipment or using new substances 1. When required by the WHS regulations for specific hazards Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q20: What is a hazard? Hazard is any kind of situation or thing which leads to any kind of dangerous incident or accident. It can occur anywhere to anyone. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q21: List three (3) hazards that relate to work practices. 1. Length of time spent in certain task and allocation of breaks 1. Opening and closing procedures 1. Performing manual tasks that require a person to lift, lower, push, pull, carry and restrain any object, animal or person Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q22: List three (3) List three security hazards. 1. Storage of cash, documents and keys 1. Theft and robbery 1. Customers behaviour such as aggressive, drunk, disorderly and disturbed customers
  • 10. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q23: List three (3) psychosocial hazards. 1. Bullying and harassment 1. Work related mental stress 1. Poor leadership, lack of motivation, poor job design, no procedures and systems in place Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q24: What should you do whenever a hazard is brought to your attention by another worker? Whenever a hazard is brought to our attention by another worker, we should identify the issue, decide what action to take and take prompt action. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q25: What is a risk assessment? A risk assessment is the process which helps us to decide the severity of risk, the effectiveness of existing control measures, action you should take to control the risk and the urgency to take action. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q26: The code of practice for managing WHS risks recommends you undertake a risk assessment in certain situations. List two (2) of these situations. 1. When there is uncertainty about how a hazard may result in injury or illness 1. When the task involves several different hazards and you are not sure how the hazards impact on each other to produce new or greater risk Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q27: Why is it important to involve others when coordinating and participating in risk assessments? It is important to involve others when coordinating and participating in risk assessments because it is more likely that
  • 11. the other person is more aware and experience of different kinds of hazards and its consequences and might be helpful for the solution and minimizing the further incidents. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q28: What is risk control? Risk control is the process where you identify, make plans and take actions to minimize any kind of future accident or injury. The process includes reviewing the effectiveness of the actions. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q29: What is the hierarchy of risk control from most to least effective? The hierarchy of risk control from most to least effective are eliminate, substitute, isolate, engineering, administration and PPE. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q30: Who should take action to implement risk control methods? Higher level of staff or more experienced or alternatively, to an external consultant or service provider should take action to implement risk control methods. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q31: List two (2) reasons why it’s important to monitor and review the effectiveness of control measures. 1. You need to determine if existing controls are working to prevent injuries and minimize risk 1. Equipment may become damaged or faulty and protective clothing worn out Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q32: What should you do if you identify any inadequacies in control measures? If you identify any inadequacies in control measures, you
  • 12. should keep a record of all the incidents including where the stock or equipment has been damaged, analyse and plan the effective solution and when needed report to the authorized person. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Section 5: Implement and monitor health, safety and security training Q33: How can you identify WHS training needs for your team? We can identify if WHS training needs for our team by the skill gaps and following up the staff’s knowledge in any work practices for example manual handling techniques, cautions for any exposed electrical items or slippery floors etc. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q34: You are organising health and safety training for your kitchen staff as you have noticed an increase in burn accidents. You have organised a one-day session at an external training provider specialising in health and safety in a commercial kitchen. What arrangements do you need to make to ensure the training happens? We need to book the first aid training class for the staff where they can learn and practice the prevention and cure of the incident. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q35: The kitchen staff have all attended the health and safety training in kitchen safety. How will you monitor if the training was effective? We can monitor if the training was effective by close observation of the staff performance and following up with them. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q36: You have noticed that the apprentice chef is still having some issues following the safety procedures to prevent burns.
  • 13. What do you do to ensure he follows these procedures? To ensure that he follows these procedures, we can talk with the apprentice chef, find the issue why it is hard for him to follow the procedures and if possible, train him in a way that he understands the process. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Section 6: Maintain WHS records and reports Q37: When completing a WHS incident report or risk identification, what procedures do you need to follow? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q38: What information can you refer to in order to provide reliable and timely management of workplace health, safety and security issues? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q39: List three (3) ways you can minimise waste when creating and maintaining WHS records and reports? 1. Reduce 1. Reuse 1. Recycle Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ TASK b – project Learner assessment guide and evidence This assessment requires you to: Complete a risk assessment. Implement and monitor adherence to workplace health and
  • 14. safety procedures. Coordinate consultative processes. Coordinate WHS training and the maintenance of records. Demonstrate management practices that must be implemented for compliance with WHS. You are required to do the following: Complete tasks 1-11. Organise a team meeting on WHS procedures. Answer all the questions. Task 1: Complete a risk assessment You are required to complete a risk assessment in your workplace or a simulated workplace. You are required to identify risks in the workplace related to the following situations: Evacuation of staff and customers. Security management of cash, documents, equipment, keys or people. Handling chemicals and hazardous substances. Workplace accidents. Hazard identification and reporting. You are then required to complete a risk assessment matrix based on these risks to assess the risks from most important to least important to address. Place the risks you identified on the risk assessment matrix and prioritise at least three (3) of these in order from most important to least important to address. SITXWHS003 – Assessment
  • 15. Page|1 Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1 Last Reviewed: January 2019 Page|1 Risk Assessment Template Potential hazard Who is at risk? Existing control measures Preventative measures Responsibilities Drinks spill on the floor All staff and customers Wet floor sign, mop bucket Being careful with handling any drinks or liquid Rashmi Subba Pallet jack running over foot A staff using pallet jack First aid Giving strict trainings to use the machine Eden Shawn Cameron Loosing store keys Manager and the whole store Keeping store key in a keyring with your other keys Making sure to handout keys to the right person who is knows the risk of losing store keys Suman KC
  • 16. Risk matrix CONSEQUENCES Very high severity 4 Loosing store keys High severity 3 Pallet jacks running over foot Drinks spill on the floor Medium severity 2
  • 17. Low severity 1 Low likelihood 1 Medium likelihood 2 High likelihood 3 Very high likelihood 4 LIKELIHOOD Risk rating template Risk Risk assessment equation Risk rating 1. Drinks spill on the floor 3 * 3 9 1. Pallet jack running over foot 2 * 3 6 1. Losing store keys 2 * 4 8
  • 18. SITXWHS003 – Assessment Page|1 Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1 Last Reviewed: January 2019 Task 2: Question and answer Q1: What tasks do you complete when organising a risk assessment? We complete a risk assessment template which records potential hazards, affected people, existing control measures, preventative measures, responsibilities and we compare the risks from most important to least important to address. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q2: What steps are involved in a risk assessment according to your organisation’s procedures? Step 1: Identify hazards Step 2: Access risks
  • 19. Step 3: Control measures Step 4: Review control measures Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q3: Who is involved in a risk assessment in your organisation? In our organisation, managers, trainee manager, team leader and team members are involved. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q4: Explain any new preventative measures that you would implement for the three areas you identified in your risk assessment. I would like to give them training about proper process and tricks of handling drinks, few hours practice on using jack pallet before shift and would be more careful to handout the keys to responsible person. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Task 3: Action plan You are to create three (3) new workplace health and safety procedures based on the risk assessment you completed in Task 1. These need to be related to: evacuation of staff and customers security management of cash, documents, equipment, keys or people handling chemicals and hazardous substances workplace accidents hazard identification and reporting You need to complete an action plan for the three new WHS
  • 20. procedures. You need to include information about: the new procedure who is responsible for implementation areas and team members involved timeframe for roll-out of new procedures any training to educate team members on the new procedures when the new procedures will be reviewed for effectiveness Complete the templates provided. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ SITXWHS003 – Assessment Page|1 Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1 Last Reviewed: January 2019 Page|1 Action plan TEMPLATE Date of plan: Name of person completing plan: New WHS procedure Who is responsible for implementation? Include anyone who will need to assist and their job role. Areas and team members involved Timeframe for roll-out When will new procedures need to be fully rolled out? Training Provide a description and timeline for WHS training. Review When will the new procedure be reviewed for effectiveness? 1. Training for drinks handlings procedure
  • 21. Rashmi Subba Front area and involved just herself Immediately on her nest shift Training her proper process of closing cup lids and handing out for her next 2 shifts On her third shift 2. Training to use a jack pallet Eden Shawn Cameron Loading dock and involved just himself When he is fully recovered Training him how to handle and move the machine with the right body posture 1 hour for 1 week everyday 3. Beforehand keys handout Suman KC The whole store and involved him and the store manager on his next shift Will try to realise his responsibilities towards the store after handing out keys again SITXWHS003 – Assessment Page|1 Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1 Last Reviewed: January 2019 Task 4: Communicate new procedures You are to run a team meeting outlining the three (3) new procedures you identified in Task 3. You will organise a suitable time for the meeting with your assessor and your team members. During the meeting you must include the following: Explanation of new WHS procedures. Any changes to WHS policies as a result of this.
  • 22. Any changes to hazard identification, risk assessment or reporting. Ask for input from team members about the new WHS procedures. Outline how the team’s ideas can be applied to the new WHS procedures. Outline when and how the new procedures will be rolled out to all team members. Explanation of how the new procedures comply with WHS legislation or hospitality industry safety codes of practice/standards. Explanation of where documents of the new procedures can be accessed. Explanation of any training that will be provided to team members. You need to organise a meeting agenda and meeting invitations (as required in your organisation). You need to use appropriate tools and documentation during the meeting, for example, a PowerPoint presentation, technological equipment (laptop, projector, etc.), handouts. Copies of the agenda, PowerPoint presentations and handouts are to be given to the assessor prior to the meeting. Conduct your team meeting. Your assessor will use the provided checklist to assess your performance during the meeting. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
  • 23. Create a meeting Meeting name: Safety first Meeting purpose: for safer work environment Participants Participant name Reason for participation Amit Roy Sandhya Singh Khatri Rashmi Subba Eden Shawn Cameron
  • 24. Meeting agenda Date: 21/08/2019 Meeting name: Safety First Location: Level 5/188 collins street, Hobart TAS 7000 Purpose statement: Our purpose is to create more safe environment in the workplace by respecting the WHS law and policies. Welcome statement: Acceptance of previous minutes Agenda item Presented by Duration Name of agenda item. Name of person who will present agenda item. Assigned length of presentation and discussion.
  • 25. General business Next meeting: Learner practical checklist To be completed by the learner. This is a tool to assist you when submitting your assessment tasks. You must complete the following tasks for this assessment Completion status Yes No Organised and distributed agenda. ☐ ☐ Explained three new WHS procedures. ☐ ☐ Used oral communication skills to explain WHS procedures and information on safe work practices. ☐ ☐
  • 26. Consulted with staff about new WHS procedures. ☐ ☐ Listened to and used team feedback to identify ways to improve WHS procedures. ☐ ☐ Provided an opportunity for staff members to contribute their views on current and future WHS management practices. ☐ ☐ Outlined how and when the new WHS procedures would be rolled out. ☐ ☐ Explained how the new procedures comply with WHS legislation or industry codes of practice/standards. ☐ ☐ Explained any training that team members will undergo for the new procedures. ☐ ☐ Task 5: Question and answer Q1: Did your team have any concerns or issues with the new WHS procedures you are implementing? Briefly explain.
  • 27. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q2: How could these issues be overcome? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q3: What legislation or industry standards do your new procedures comply with? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q4: What issues did you identify during the consultation process and what action did you take to resolve the issues? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q5: Describe any feedback you’ve provided to management during or after the completion of your consultation activities in Task 4. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q6: Did you have to alter your plan to accommodate changing needs of the workplace or employees? If so, describe how. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q7: Were the consultative processes effective in identifying issues and communicating with staff? What improvements would you make for the future? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
  • 28. Task 6: Monitor WHS procedures Implement the three WHS procedures that you identified in Task 3. Monitor work operations and the use of the three new procedures in your area of responsibility over a one-week period. Report on issues of non-compliance with the new WHS procedures and work health and safety legislation, procedures and safe work practices. Document any action you intend to take as a result of your observations (hazards identified through staff processes, who you will notify or consult with, training needs identified, reports to be completed, etc.) Briefly comment on the effectiveness of existing procedures in maintaining the health, safety and security of personnel and any recommendations for change. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ SITXWHS003 – Assessment
  • 29. Page|1 Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1 Last Reviewed: January 2019 Page|1 Date Issue identified Intended action Effectiveness? How do the existing procedures maintain the health, safety and security of team members? Recommendations Are there any recommendations for change?
  • 30. SITXWHS003 – Assessment Page|1 Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1 Last Reviewed: January 2019 Task 7: Question and answer Q1: What action do you need to take as a result of your monitoring? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q2: How will you implement these actions? Include information about timelines. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q3: Is there another area of WHS that you are concerned about after completing your monitoring activities? Explain. How will you respond to this? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q4: How do you monitor the day-to-day effectiveness of WHS practices in maintaining the health, safety and security of personnel? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Task 8: Training evaluation
  • 31. Select an area in relation to work health and safety. Observe, monitor and analyse an employee’s proficiency in completing the required tasks over a week. Document your observations in a training needs analysis and make recommendations for further training required. Organise and implement the appropriate training. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ SITXWHS003 – Assessment Page|1 Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1 Last Reviewed: January 2019 Page|1 Training Needs Analysis Employee: ___________________________________ Job role: ___________________________________ Task breakdown or skills/knowledge required to perform task Employee skills/knowledge displayed Competency demonstrated in this task? (Yes/No) Further training required? Yes/No (Include details)
  • 32. SITXWHS003 – Assessment Page|1 Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1 Last Reviewed: January 2019 Task 9: Question and answer Q1: Research two (2) possible providers for the training needs you identify. Include information on training costs and arrangements. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q2: How long does it take to arrange and complete the training from the time the training need was identified? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q3: Has training improved the employee’s work practices? If so, explain what you have observed. If not, describe what action you plan to take. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
  • 33. Task 10: Compliance Source and collect the following completed documentation in your workplace. If you are unable to source them in your workplace, complete research online and locate them. WHS consultation form Hazard identification form WHS incident/accident notification form Risk control forms Training action plans Your assessor will ask you about the purpose that each one is used for. Present these to your assessor during a meeting or save and submit them to the LMS. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Task 11: Question and answer Q1: Explain the conventions you should follow to complete these forms. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q2: Which WHS legislation or codes of practice did you need to refer to or comply with when implementing and monitoring the WHS procedure in Tasks 3, 4 and 6? Explain. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q3: What data can you collect in your workplace to see the effectiveness of WHS procedures? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q4: How often should WHS documents be referred to, to check the effectiveness of WHS procedures?
  • 34. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q5: You notice that some team members are not stacking the shelves correctly and according to work safety procedures in the storeroom. You have just seen some heavy items stored on top. What is your response? When would you deal with this issue? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q6: You are looking through the WHS incident reports and notice that many of the forms are difficult to read due to the illegibility of the handwriting. It is really important for anyone to be able to read these documents in order to analyse the information in them. How and when would you deal with this issue? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q7: What action can you take to minimise the use of printed materials and reduce waste when organising WHS documentation? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q8: Explain the scheduled hazard identification activities that are required to be completed in your workplace according to workplace legislation. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q9: WHS legislation specifies that hazard identification should occur in which situations? List four (4).
  • 35. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Practical checklist To be completed by the assessor. Learner’s name: Did the learner successfully demonstrate evidence of their ability to do the following? Completed Yes No Explained relevant WHS information to personnel. ☐ ☐ Coordinated the consultative processes. ☐ ☐ Provided opportunity for staff members to contribute their views on current and future WHS management practices. ☐ ☐ Participated in risk assessments. ☐ ☐ Implemented workplace health and safety procedures in three
  • 36. real or simulated situations. ☐ ☐ Monitored adherence to three workplace health and safety procedures. ☐ ☐ Completed a risk assessment. ☐ ☐ Identified WHS training needs based on staff monitoring. ☐ ☐ Coordinated risk assessments, WHS training and the maintenance of records in relation to three situations specified. ☐ ☐ Monitored the effectiveness of the WHS system and identified: · Required adjustments staff training needs. ☐ ☐ Demonstrated management practices that must be implemented for compliance with state or territory occupational health and safety (OHS) or WHS legislation during the three situations. ☐ ☐ Knows the purpose of data and reports to provide reliable and timely input into the management of workplace health, safety and security. ☐ ☐ Assessment result: Task A – Short answer: Satisfactory ☐
  • 37. Unsatisfactory ☐ Task B – Project: Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Overall Outcome: Competent ☐ Not Yet Competent ☐ Assessor’s feedback or additional comments to the learner: Assessor signature: Date: Page|1 Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1 Last Reviewed: January 2019 Page|1 SITXWHS003 – Assessment SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices Assessment
  • 38. Instructions to Students: Complete the cover sheet and ensure you accept, sign and date the student declaration on the Student Learning Management System (LMS). Read through and follow all instructions provided. Complete each assessment task/activity. Submit your assessment to the Student Learning Management System (LMS) by the due date. Ensure your submission identifies your name, unit code and title. You are required to: Plagiarism is ‘a practice that involves the using of another person’s intellectual output and presenting it as one’s own’. This includes the presentation of work that has been copied, in whole or part, from other sources (including other students’ work, published books or periodicals, the Internet, unpublished works or unauthorised collaboration with other persons), without due acknowledgement. PLAGIARISM AND COLLUSION A student found to have plagiarised material will be instantly graded Not Yet Competent (NYC) and may be subject to one or all of the following: Referral of the matter to the Academic Coordinator for: an intervention meeting, issuing of written warning, clarification regarding assessment re-submission requirements and allocation of additional assessment tasks. Referral of the matter to the Director for: official disciplinary action by Frontier Education and/or suspension from the course. CONSEQUENCES OF PLAGIARISM AND COLLUSION
  • 39. Student name: Sandhya Singh Khatri Unit description This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to implement predetermined work health and safety practices designed, at management level, to ensure a safe workplace. It requires the ability to monitor safe work practices and coordinate consultative arrangements, risk assessments, work health and safety training, and the maintenance of records. The unit applies to all tourism, travel, hospitality and event sectors and to any small, medium or large organisation. For a student’s performance to be deemed satisfactory for the whole unit of competence, they must demonstrate satisfactory performance in this assessment. If part of a task is not satisfactorily completed the assessor will arrange for the student to complete further assessment to demonstrate competence. Students are permitted three (3) attempts to demonstrate competency. Overall student performance in the unit is to be recorded as either Competent or Not Yet Competent. Assessment tasks In this assessment task students are required to read the questions and either select the one correct answer from a number of alternatives or write a response in the space provided. This assessment contains a series of questions designed to allow students to demonstrate competence in the unit.
  • 40. To complete the written assessment, students must successfully complete the following: Task A – Short answer Task B – Project Written assessment At the successful completion of this assessment, a Competent result will be awarded. The overall unit result and feedback are recorded at the end of this documentation. Unit outcome TASK a – Short answer INSTRUCTIONS: · You are to answer all questions. · Read each question carefully. · Ensure you have provided all required information. Section 1: Provide information on health, safety and security Q1: List five (5) examples of the type of health, safety and security information that you must provide to staff in your workplace. 1. Location of first aid kit and emergency evacuation plan 1. Use of hazard identification reporting documents and risk assessment templates 1. Safety and security policies and procedures 1. Specific regulations and codes of practice 1. WHS training information and updates Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q2: List four (4) things an employer must do in regard to their duty of care. 1. Provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment 1. Provide and maintain safe plant and work systems 1. Ensure that the use, handling and storage and transport of plant and substances are safe and without risk to health
  • 41. 1. Provide personal protective equipment such as lifting harness, back support braces, gloves etc. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q3: What are the employee’s duties and obligations as defined by law? The employees’ duties and obligations are to follow the safety directions as defined by law. The employees ‘must obey the safety directions and practices given to them by the authorized person. If any incidents occur without following the safety direction, then the employee will be liable for the legal action. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q4: List three (3) potential consequences of not following WHS policies and procedures. 1. As a worker, you might bring the high risk of illness and injury in the workplace. 1. As an in charge of the company, you might get a heavy fine and even imprisoned. 1. As the business, it can get heavy fines which leads the company to huge loss of finance, reputation and the company might collapse. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q5: List four (4) ways you can make current work health and safety information readily accessible to staff. 1. Include WHS as a part of your establishment’s induction procedures. 1. Make health, safety and security inspection and hazard identification part of routine housekeeping inspections. 1. Display safety posters and signs and safe operating procedures near potentially hazardous equipment and machinery. 1. Provide WHS training and refresher courses to ensure all employees have up to date skills and knowledge.
  • 42. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Section 2: Monitor safe work practices Q6: What three (3) things must you monitor when checking for staff compliance with WHS matters? 1. Check if the staff using appropriate protective equipment and clothing 1. Check if the staff is keeping cash and cash registers secure all the time. 1. Check if the staff identify and clear the hazards immediately. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q7: List four (4) WHS policies or procedures commonly used by organisations to manage work health, safety and security. 1. Incident and accident reporting. 1. Hazard identification and reporting. 1. Risk assessment, risk control and reporting procedures. 1. Security procedures relating to cash, documents, equipment, keys and people. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q8: List three (3) safe work practices that might apply to a tour desk attendant. 1. Keep cash and cash registers secure all the time. 1. Use safe posture and movements when sitting, standing and bending. 1. Take short breaks from repetitive tasks to reduce the risk of repetitive strains. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q9: List four (4) questions you can ask to help you monitor compliance with safe work practices. 1. Are staff using appropriate personal protective clothing and equipment for the task being performed?
  • 43. 1. Are staff using safe postures when sitting, standing and bending and using safe manual handling techniques? 1. Do staff identify and clear hazards from their immediate work area? 1. Are staff taking designated breaks? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q10: What should you do when you identify an issue of non-compliance with work health and safety procedures and safe work practices? We should go through the staff and provide the importance of WHS procedures and practices and if any incident occurs then we should understand the situation and act accordingly. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q11: Why is it important to maintain close contact with day-to- day operations? Is it important to maintain close contact with day to day operations to observe the staff’s performance if they are following the rules correctly, cross question about the correct procedures and if necessary providing the trainings. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Section 3: Coordinate consultative arrangements for the management of health, safety and security issues Q12: Why is it important to consult with staff about health, safety and security issues? It is important to consult with staff about health, safety and security issues to make sure that all the staff know the importance and reason behind the health, safety and security practices to minimize the risk of any kind of accident or incident. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
  • 44. Q13: List five (5) ways you can consult with staff and provide them the opportunity to contribute their views on current and future work health and safety management practices. 1. Regular staff meetings that involves WHS discussion 1. A diary, whiteboard or suggestion box used by staff to report the issues of concern 1. Formal meetings with agendas, minutes and action plans 1. Staff handbook which includes work health and safety information 1. Surveys and questionnaires that invite staff feedback on WHS issues Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q14: List five (5) situations when you are legally required to take a systematic approach to WHS consultation. 1. Before the premises are used for the first time 1. Before and during the installation or alteration of any new plant 1. When making decisions about actions to eliminate or control risk 1. When introducing or altering facilities for the welfare of personnel 1. When any new information relating to health and safety risks becomes available Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q15: List three (3) roles and responsibilities of an HSC? 1. Develops and re-evaluates policies, procedures and work practices. 1. Ensures employees are informed about rules, standards and work practices. Monitors to see that these are carried out. 1. Carefully examines any work health and safety issues in the workplace and makes recommendations for corrective actions. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
  • 45. Q16: What is the primary role of an HSR? The primary role of HSR is to ensure when health and safety issues arise or when safety information needs to be communicated to the staff and to ensure an objective representation of the whole enterprise. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q17: What should you do when a health, safety or security issue is brought to your attention? When a health, safety or security issue is brought to our attention, investigate the main issue and follow the actual procedure to solve the issue and communicating to the staff to minimize the risk of future issues. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Section 4: Implement and monitor procedures for identifying hazards, and assessing and controlling risks Q18: What are the four (4) steps to risk management? 1. Identify hazards 1. Access risks 1. Control risks 1. Review control measures Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q19: List four (4) situations when you should coordinate scheduled hazard identification activities. 1. When staring a new business or purchasing a business 1. When changing work practices, procedures and work environment 1. When purchasing new or used equipment or using new substances 1. When required by the WHS regulations for specific hazards Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q20: What is a hazard? Hazard is any kind of situation or thing which leads to any kind
  • 46. of dangerous incident or accident. It can occur anywhere to anyone. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q21: List three (3) hazards that relate to work practices. 1. Length of time spent in certain task and allocation of breaks 1. Opening and closing procedures 1. Performing manual tasks that require a person to lift, lower, push, pull, carry and restrain any object, animal or person Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q22: List three (3) List three security hazards. 1. Storage of cash, documents and keys 1. Theft and robbery 1. Customers behaviour such as aggressive, drunk, disorderly and disturbed customers Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q23: List three (3) psychosocial hazards. 1. Bullying and harassment 1. Work related mental stress 1. Poor leadership, lack of motivation, poor job design, no procedures and systems in place Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q24: What should you do whenever a hazard is brought to your attention by another worker? Whenever a hazard is brought to our attention by another worker, we should identify the issue, decide what action to take and take prompt action. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q25: What is a risk assessment? A risk assessment is the process which helps us to decide the severity of risk, the effectiveness of existing control measures,
  • 47. action you should take to control the risk and the urgency to take action. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q26: The code of practice for managing WHS risks recommends you undertake a risk assessment in certain situations. List two (2) of these situations. 1. When there is uncertainty about how a hazard may result in injury or illness 1. When the task involves several different hazards and you are not sure how the hazards impact on each other to produce new or greater risk Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q27: Why is it important to involve others when coordinating and participating in risk assessments? It is important to involve others when coordinating and participating in risk assessments because it is more likely that the other person is more aware and experience of different kinds of hazards and its consequences and might be helpful for the solution and minimizing the further incidents. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q28: What is risk control? Risk control is the process where you identify, make plans and take actions to minimize any kind of future accident or injury. The process includes reviewing the effectiveness of the actions. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q29: What is the hierarchy of risk control from most to least effective? The hierarchy of risk control from most to least effective are eliminate, substitute, isolate, engineering, administration and PPE. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
  • 48. Q30: Who should take action to implement risk control methods? Higher level of staff or more experienced or alternatively, to an external consultant or service provider should take action to implement risk control methods. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q31: List two (2) reasons why it’s important to monitor and review the effectiveness of control measures. 1. You need to determine if existing controls are working to prevent injuries and minimize risk 1. Equipment may become damaged or faulty and protective clothing worn out Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q32: What should you do if you identify any inadequacies in control measures? If you identify any inadequacies in control measures, you should keep a record of all the incidents including where the stock or equipment has been damaged, analyse and plan the effective solution and when needed report to the authorized person. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Section 5: Implement and monitor health, safety and security training Q33: How can you identify WHS training needs for your team? We can identify if WHS training needs for our team by the skill gaps and following up the staff’s knowledge in any work practices for example manual handling techniques, cautions for any exposed electrical items or slippery floors etc. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q34: You are organising health and safety training for your kitchen staff as you have noticed an increase in burn accidents. You have organised a one-day session at an
  • 49. external training provider specialising in health and safety in a commercial kitchen. What arrangements do you need to make to ensure the training happens? We need to book the first aid training class for the staff where they can learn and practice the prevention and cure of the incident. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q35: The kitchen staff have all attended the health and safety training in kitchen safety. How will you monitor if the training was effective? We can monitor if the training was effective by close observation of the staff performance and following up with them. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q36: You have noticed that the apprentice chef is still having some issues following the safety procedures to prevent burns. What do you do to ensure he follows these procedures? To ensure that he follows these procedures, we can talk with the apprentice chef, find the issue why it is hard for him to follow the procedures and if possible, train him in a way that he understands the process. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Section 6: Maintain WHS records and reports Q37: When completing a WHS incident report or risk identification, what procedures do you need to follow? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q38: What information can you refer to in order to provide reliable and timely management of workplace health, safety and security issues?
  • 50. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q39: List three (3) ways you can minimise waste when creating and maintaining WHS records and reports? 1. Reduce 1. Reuse 1. Recycle Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ TASK b – project Learner assessment guide and evidence This assessment requires you to: Complete a risk assessment. Implement and monitor adherence to workplace health and safety procedures. Coordinate consultative processes. Coordinate WHS training and the maintenance of records. Demonstrate management practices that must be implemented for compliance with WHS. You are required to do the following: Complete tasks 1-11. Organise a team meeting on WHS procedures. Answer all the questions. Task 1: Complete a risk assessment You are required to complete a risk assessment in your workplace or a simulated workplace. You are required to identify risks in the workplace related to the following situations:
  • 51. Evacuation of staff and customers. Security management of cash, documents, equipment, keys or people. Handling chemicals and hazardous substances. Workplace accidents. Hazard identification and reporting. You are then required to complete a risk assessment matrix based on these risks to assess the risks from most important to least important to address. Place the risks you identified on the risk assessment matrix and prioritise at least three (3) of these in order from most important to least important to address. SITXWHS003 – Assessment Page|1 Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1 Last Reviewed: January 2019 Page|1 Risk Assessment Template Potential hazard Who is at risk? Existing control measures Preventative measures Responsibilities Drinks spill on the floor All staff and customers Wet floor sign, mop bucket Being careful with handling any drinks or liquid Rashmi Subba Pallet jack running over foot
  • 52. A staff using pallet jack First aid Giving strict trainings to use the machine Eden Shawn Cameron Loosing store keys Manager and the whole store Keeping store key in a keyring with your other keys Making sure to handout keys to the right person who is knows the risk of losing store keys Suman KC Risk matrix CONSEQUENCES Very high severity 4
  • 53. Loosing store keys High severity 3 Pallet jacks running over foot Drinks spill on the floor Medium severity 2 Low severity 1 Low likelihood 1 Medium likelihood 2 High likelihood 3 Very high likelihood 4 LIKELIHOOD
  • 54. Risk rating template Risk Risk assessment equation Risk rating 1. Drinks spill on the floor 3 * 3 9 1. Pallet jack running over foot 2 * 3 6 1. Losing store keys 2 * 4 8 SITXWHS003 – Assessment
  • 55. Page|1 Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1 Last Reviewed: January 2019 Task 2: Question and answer Q1: What tasks do you complete when organising a risk assessment? We complete a risk assessment template which records potential hazards, affected people, existing control measures, preventative measures, responsibilities and we compare the risks from most important to least important to address. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q2: What steps are involved in a risk assessment according to your organisation’s procedures? Step 1: Identify hazards Step 2: Access risks Step 3: Control measures Step 4: Review control measures Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q3: Who is involved in a risk assessment in your organisation? In our organisation, managers, trainee manager, team leader and team members are involved. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q4: Explain any new preventative measures that you would implement for the three areas you identified in your risk assessment. I would like to give them training about proper process and tricks of handling drinks, few hours practice on using jack pallet before shift and would be more careful to handout the keys to responsible person. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
  • 56. Task 3: Action plan You are to create three (3) new workplace health and safety procedures based on the risk assessment you completed in Task 1. These need to be related to: evacuation of staff and customers security management of cash, documents, equipment, keys or people handling chemicals and hazardous substances workplace accidents hazard identification and reporting You need to complete an action plan for the three new WHS procedures. You need to include information about: the new procedure who is responsible for implementation areas and team members involved timeframe for roll-out of new procedures any training to educate team members on the new procedures when the new procedures will be reviewed for effectiveness Complete the templates provided. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ SITXWHS003 – Assessment
  • 57. Page|1 Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1 Last Reviewed: January 2019 Page|1 Action plan TEMPLATE Date of plan: Name of person completing plan: New WHS procedure Who is responsible for implementation? Include anyone who will need to assist and their job role. Areas and team members involved Timeframe for roll-out When will new procedures need to be fully rolled out? Training Provide a description and timeline for WHS training. Review When will the new procedure be reviewed for effectiveness? 1. Training for drinks handlings procedure Rashmi Subba Front area and involved just herself Immediately on her nest shift Training her proper process of closing cup lids and handing out for her next 2 shifts On her third shift 2. Training to use a jack pallet Eden Shawn Cameron Loading dock and involved just himself When he is fully recovered Training him how to handle and move the machine with the right body posture 1 hour for 1 week everyday 3. Beforehand keys handout Suman KC The whole store and involved him and the store manager on his next shift Will try to realise his responsibilities towards the store
  • 58. after handing out keys again SITXWHS003 – Assessment Page|1 Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1 Last Reviewed: January 2019 Task 4: Communicate new procedures You are to run a team meeting outlining the three (3) new procedures you identified in Task 3. You will organise a suitable time for the meeting with your assessor and your team members. During the meeting you must include the following: Explanation of new WHS procedures. Any changes to WHS policies as a result of this. Any changes to hazard identification, risk assessment or reporting. Ask for input from team members about the new WHS procedures. Outline how the team’s ideas can be applied to the new WHS procedures. Outline when and how the new procedures will be rolled out to all team members. Explanation of how the new procedures comply with WHS legislation or hospitality industry safety codes of practice/standards. Explanation of where documents of the new procedures can be accessed. Explanation of any training that will be provided to team members. You need to organise a meeting agenda and meeting invitations (as required in your organisation). You need to use appropriate tools and documentation during the
  • 59. meeting, for example, a PowerPoint presentation, technological equipment (laptop, projector, etc.), handouts. Copies of the agenda, PowerPoint presentations and handouts are to be given to the assessor prior to the meeting. Conduct your team meeting. Your assessor will use the provided checklist to assess your performance during the meeting. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Create a meeting Meeting name: Safety first Meeting purpose: for safer work environment Participants Participant name Reason for participation Amit Roy
  • 60. Sandhya Singh Khatri Rashmi Subba Eden Shawn Cameron Meeting agenda Date: 21/08/2019 Meeting name: Safety First Location: Level 5/188 collins street, Hobart TAS 7000 Purpose statement: Our purpose is to create more safe environment in the
  • 61. workplace by respecting the WHS law and policies. Welcome statement: Acceptance of previous minutes Agenda item Presented by Duration Name of agenda item. Name of person who will present agenda item. Assigned length of presentation and discussion. General business Next meeting: Learner practical checklist To be completed by the learner.
  • 62. This is a tool to assist you when submitting your assessment tasks. You must complete the following tasks for this assessment Completion status Yes No Organised and distributed agenda. ☐ ☐ Explained three new WHS procedures. ☐ ☐ Used oral communication skills to explain WHS procedures and information on safe work practices. ☐ ☐ Consulted with staff about new WHS procedures. ☐ ☐ Listened to and used team feedback to identify ways to improve WHS procedures. ☐ ☐ Provided an opportunity for staff members to contribute their views on current and future WHS management practices. ☐ ☐ Outlined how and when the new WHS procedures would be rolled out. ☐ ☐ Explained how the new procedures comply with WHS legislation or industry codes of practice/standards. ☐
  • 63. ☐ Explained any training that team members will undergo for the new procedures. ☐ ☐ Task 5: Question and answer Q1: Did your team have any concerns or issues with the new WHS procedures you are implementing? Briefly explain. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q2: How could these issues be overcome? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q3: What legislation or industry standards do your new procedures comply with? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q4: What issues did you identify during the consultation process and what action did you take to resolve the issues? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q5: Describe any feedback you’ve provided to management
  • 64. during or after the completion of your consultation activities in Task 4. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q6: Did you have to alter your plan to accommodate changing needs of the workplace or employees? If so, describe how. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q7: Were the consultative processes effective in identifying issues and communicating with staff? What improvements would you make for the future? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Task 6: Monitor WHS procedures Implement the three WHS procedures that you identified in Task 3. Monitor work operations and the use of the three new
  • 65. procedures in your area of responsibility over a one-week period. Report on issues of non-compliance with the new WHS procedures and work health and safety legislation, procedures and safe work practices. Document any action you intend to take as a result of your observations (hazards identified through staff processes, who you will notify or consult with, training needs identified, reports to be completed, etc.) Briefly comment on the effectiveness of existing procedures in maintaining the health, safety and security of personnel and any recommendations for change. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ SITXWHS003 – Assessment Page|1 Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1 Last Reviewed: January 2019 Page|1 Date Issue identified Intended action Effectiveness? How do the existing procedures maintain the health, safety and security of team members? Recommendations Are there any recommendations for change?
  • 66. SITXWHS003 – Assessment Page|1 Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1 Last Reviewed: January 2019 Task 7: Question and answer Q1: What action do you need to take as a result of your monitoring? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
  • 67. Q2: How will you implement these actions? Include information about timelines. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q3: Is there another area of WHS that you are concerned about after completing your monitoring activities? Explain. How will you respond to this? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q4: How do you monitor the day-to-day effectiveness of WHS practices in maintaining the health, safety and security of personnel? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Task 8: Training evaluation Select an area in relation to work health and safety. Observe, monitor and analyse an employee’s proficiency in completing the required tasks over a week. Document your observations in a training needs analysis and make recommendations for further training required. Organise and implement the appropriate training. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ SITXWHS003 – Assessment Page|1 Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1 Last Reviewed: January 2019 Page|1 Training Needs Analysis Employee: ___________________________________ Job role: ___________________________________
  • 68. Task breakdown or skills/knowledge required to perform task Employee skills/knowledge displayed Competency demonstrated in this task? (Yes/No) Further training required? Yes/No (Include details) SITXWHS003 – Assessment Page|1 Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1 Last Reviewed: January 2019 Task 9: Question and answer
  • 69. Q1: Research two (2) possible providers for the training needs you identify. Include information on training costs and arrangements. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q2: How long does it take to arrange and complete the training from the time the training need was identified? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q3: Has training improved the employee’s work practices? If so, explain what you have observed. If not, describe what action you plan to take. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Task 10: Compliance Source and collect the following completed documentation in your workplace. If you are unable to source them in your workplace, complete research online and locate them. WHS consultation form Hazard identification form WHS incident/accident notification form Risk control forms Training action plans Your assessor will ask you about the purpose that each one is used for. Present these to your assessor during a meeting or save and submit them to the LMS. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Task 11: Question and answer Q1: Explain the conventions you should follow to complete these forms.
  • 70. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q2: Which WHS legislation or codes of practice did you need to refer to or comply with when implementing and monitoring the WHS procedure in Tasks 3, 4 and 6? Explain. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q3: What data can you collect in your workplace to see the effectiveness of WHS procedures? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q4: How often should WHS documents be referred to, to check the effectiveness of WHS procedures? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q5: You notice that some team members are not stacking the shelves correctly and according to work safety procedures in the storeroom. You have just seen some heavy items stored on top. What is your response? When would you deal with this issue? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q6: You are looking through the WHS incident reports and notice that many of the forms are difficult to read due to the illegibility of the handwriting. It is really important for anyone to be able to read these documents in order to analyse the information in them. How and when would you deal with this issue? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
  • 71. Q7: What action can you take to minimise the use of printed materials and reduce waste when organising WHS documentation? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q8: Explain the scheduled hazard identification activities that are required to be completed in your workplace according to workplace legislation. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q9: WHS legislation specifies that hazard identification should occur in which situations? List four (4). Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Practical checklist To be completed by the assessor. Learner’s name: Did the learner successfully demonstrate evidence of their ability to do the following?
  • 72. Completed Yes No Explained relevant WHS information to personnel. ☐ ☐ Coordinated the consultative processes. ☐ ☐ Provided opportunity for staff members to contribute their views on current and future WHS management practices. ☐ ☐ Participated in risk assessments. ☐ ☐ Implemented workplace health and safety procedures in three real or simulated situations. ☐ ☐ Monitored adherence to three workplace health and safety procedures. ☐ ☐ Completed a risk assessment. ☐ ☐ Identified WHS training needs based on staff monitoring. ☐ ☐ Coordinated risk assessments, WHS training and the maintenance of records in relation to three situations specified. ☐ ☐ Monitored the effectiveness of the WHS system and identified:
  • 73. · Required adjustments staff training needs. ☐ ☐ Demonstrated management practices that must be implemented for compliance with state or territory occupational health and safety (OHS) or WHS legislation during the three situations. ☐ ☐ Knows the purpose of data and reports to provide reliable and timely input into the management of workplace health, safety and security. ☐ ☐ Assessment result: Task A – Short answer: Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Task B – Project: Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Overall Outcome: Competent ☐ Not Yet Competent ☐ Assessor’s feedback or additional comments to the learner: Assessor signature: Date: Page|1 Name: SITXWHS003 – Assessment Version: V.2019.1 Last Reviewed: January 2019
  • 74. Page|1 SITXFIN003 – Assessment SITXFIN003 Manage finances within a budget Assessment Instructions to Students: Student name: Sandhya Singh Khatri Unit description This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to take responsibility for budget management where others may have developed the budget. It requires the ability to interpret budgetary requirements, allocate
  • 75. resources, monitor actual income and expenditure, and report on budgetary deviations. The skills and knowledge for budget development are covered in SITXFIN004 Prepare and monitor budgets. · TASK a – Short answer Instructions: · You are to answer all questions. · Read each question carefully. · Ensure you have provided all required information. SECTION 1: ALLOCATE BUDGET RESOURCES Q1: What is a budget and how does it help a business achieve its goals? A budget is estimation of income and expenses for a certain period. It helps with planning and controlling the financial affairs in an organization. It is a plan where all the cost, earnings are estimated which helps an organization to calculate the actual profit of the business leading it to achieve its goals. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q2: What determines how business funds are divided amongst different departments and projects? Business funds are divided amongst different departments and projects as per the specific needs necessary for the overall operation of the department. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q3: What is the difference between a fixed (static) and flexible (variable) budget? Fixed budget is prepared in the start of the period for an area which do not have a direct relation to the production and sales remaining the figures static no matter what changes comes in income and expenses.
  • 76. Flexible budget is prepared which allows for adjustment in an any changing condition. Also used as a tool where initial fixed budget is adjusted to reflect the events which had a direct effect on its outcome. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q4: What is a cash flow budget and what is it used for? Cash flow budget is an estimation of all the in and out of cash in an organization in certain period. It is used for analysing all the cash flow, calculation for capital purchase or renovation and if needed applying for bank loans. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q5: What is a profit and loss budget and what is it used for? Profit and loss budget are a financial plan to analyse profit and loss statement of an organization. It is used to calculate the end profit of certain period as it includes all the incomes and expenditures. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q6: What do the following terms mean? Financial viability It means the business is making enough profit even after paying all the expenses of an organization. Profitability It means the ability to earn fair amount of profit after calculating all the invested amount. Liquidity It means the assets which cane be turned into cash for purchase of goods, services and capital assets. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q7: What is a budget cycle? A budget cycle is a process from the beginning of budget to an end of final transactions in a certain period which covers all the transactions of a year. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q8: What must you do when budget priorities are changed? Explain why.
  • 77. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q9: Your budget allows only a limited amount of funding for wages. Who needs to know about these types of resource decisions? Explain why. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q10: List two (2) ways you can promote awareness of the importance of budget control. 1. 2. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q11: How does promoting the importance of budget control help you achieve team or work area goals? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q12: Why is it important to record resource allocation? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q13: Budgets are not the only source of information relating to where resources are allocated and controlled within a business. List four (4) other records used to show resource allocation. 1. 2. 1. 2. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ SECTION 2: MONITOR FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES AGAINST BUDGET Q14: Why do we record and compare actual performance figures with budgeted figures? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q15: How often should you check actual income and expenditure figures against budgets? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
  • 78. Q16: List six (6) types of financial records you can use to check income and expenditure information. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q17: What is one benefit of using computerised systems to maintain financial records? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q18: What are financial commitments in a business? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q19: List two (2) examples of financial commitments for a business in your industry sector. 1. 2. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q20: There are four (4) basic types of expenses you need to record in financial documents to ensure accurate monitoring. Describe and give one example for each type. Fixed costs Variable costs Direct costs Indirect costs Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q21: What are the formulas used to calculate a budget variance and a budget variance percentage?
  • 79. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q22: Check the figures in the sales budget below. Sales Actual $ Budget $ Variance $ % Bistro 35,000 45,000 (10,000) (22.22) Public bar meals 9,000 8,000 1,000 12.25 Club bar meals 8,000 9,000 1,000 11.11 Which department’s figures have been calculated correctly? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q23: Indicate if the following budget results are a favourable or unfavourable result. Favourable or Unfavourable Actual income is above budget
  • 80. Actual income is below budget Expenses are above budget Expenses are below budget Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q24: What are the four (4) main reasons budget deviations occur? 1. 2. 3. 4. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q25: What factors do you need to consider when deciding whether or not a budget deviation should be investigated further? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q26: List three (3) options you might consider to help manage budget deviations effectively. 1. 2. 3. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q27: List four (4) types of information about budget targets you should discuss with staff members. 1. 2. 3. 4. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ SECTION 3: IDENTIFY AND EVALUATE OPTIONS FOR IMPROVED BUDGET PERFORMANCE
  • 81. Q28: How does trend analysis help identify areas for improvement in budget performance? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q29: What are two (2) questions you should be asking when assessing existing costs and resources? 1. 2. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q30: When identifying new approaches to budget management, who should you discuss desired budget outcomes with? Give a generic answer or name the appropriate job role/positions in your workplace or training environment. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q31: What approaches or possible options can you investigate further to control and improve the management of expenses in a business? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q32: What approaches or possible options can you investigate further to control and improve the management of payroll expenses in a business? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q33: List three (3) approaches or possible options you can investigate further to control and improve the management of accounts payable in a business. 1. 2. 3. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q34: List three (3) main methods businesses use to increase their profits. 1. 2.
  • 82. 3. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q35: You want to make recommendations for improved budget management and set new budget targets. List two people (2) you should present your recommendations to. 1. 2. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q36: The impact of any changes must be considered when developing new approaches or changes to budget management. List one potential benefit or disadvantage that may occur when implementing changes in the following areas. Customer service Staff morale Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q37: How should you present your recommendations for improved budget management? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q38: List three (3) examples of the type of information you should include when presenting or communicating about recommendations for budget management. 1. 2. 3. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ SECTION 4: COMPLETE FINANCIAL AND STATISTICAL REPORTS Q39: What information might you need to include when preparing a statistical or financial report for the supervisors in a suburban hotel? List five examples. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q40: What information might you need to include when
  • 83. preparing a formal statistical report for the management team of a large events or reception centre? List five examples. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q41: How can you present reports to enable informed decision- making? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q42: How do you know when to complete reports? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q43: Explain how the features of accounting software programs can assist you to manage budgets. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ TASK B – project Learner assessment guide and evidence This assessment requires you to manage and report on budgets over a three-month period. Create a customer profile. · Use this profile to provide tailored products and services You are required to do the following: · Complete Case Studies 1, 2 and 3. · Each case study has multiple tasks.
  • 84. · Read the scenarios and answer the questions. · Round all dollar values to the nearest whole number when calculating financial information; for example, $12.55 becomes $13, $18.22 becomes $18. · Unless stated otherwise, round all percentages to one decimal point when calculating financial information; for example, 12.55% becomes $12.6%, 18.22% becomes 18.2%. · All budget calculations can be completed manually or using accounting software or computer-based spreadsheet software, such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. This unit applies to tourism, travel, hospitality and event businesses. While the case study scenario is based on a hospitality business, the principles for managing a budget demonstrated in this assessment are the same in all types of businesses. Case study 1 The Jackson hotel has a bistro, two bars (public and sports), a drive-through and walk-in bottle shop and TAB situated beside the sports bar. You are the manager of JJ’s Bistro. It seats 210 people and is open for lunch and dinner, seven days a week. The hotel promotes a family environment and has a playroom for younger children and an activity centre for pre-teens containing electronic and other games. These glass walled areas are within view of customers seated in the rear section of the bistro. The hotel’s management team develop an operational budget for the business based on previous budgets, anticipated business and any special projects, such as renovations or new products. Each operational area within the hotel is given a departmental budget based on organisational goals and their anticipated revenue and expenses. Budgets are developed on a quarterly basis. Each department
  • 85. has quarterly and monthly budget targets. Monthly budgets can be adjusted during a quarterly cycle if circumstances within the department change. The following events have taken place during the April budget period. · Prices for meat, fruit and vegetables have increased as a result of recent drought in some regions and floods or storms in others. · Prices for many wines have fallen due to a surplus in the market. · Beer prices have risen slightly, again due to the drought leading to shortages of ingredients and an increase in government taxes. · A major wine supplier has been running an in-house promotional campaign, with staff product knowledge training provided to help increase sales. · The bistro menu changes to the new winter menu on May 1st. Its introduction is being promoted in April throughout the hotel. Task 1: Monitor budgets Review the following budgets for the Jackson Hotel - June quarter. Answer all questions based on the contents and outcomes of the Jackson Hotel operational budget – June quarter. Jackson Hotel operational budget – June quarter April May June June quarter $ $ $ $ Revenue
  • 86. Food sales 116,800 127,750 120,450 365,000 Beverage sales 240,000 247,500 262,500 750,000 Tab commission 49,300 47,850 47,850 145,000 Total revenue 406,100 423,100 430,800 1,260,000 Cost of sales Food purchases 48,180
  • 87. 49,640 48,180 146,000 Beverage purchases 84,000 86,625 91,875 262,500 Total cost of sales 132,180 136,265 140,055 408,500 Gross profit 273,920 286,835 290,745 851,500 Expenses Accounting 2,700 3,000 4,300 10,000 Advertising/promotions 3,900 4,810
  • 88. 4,290 13,000 Bank charges 7,582 7,359 7,359 22,300 Cleaning contractor 7,451 7,451 7,451 22,354 Commission credit card 767 767 767 2,300 Small equipment replacement 833 833 833 2,500 Insurance 1,833 1,833 1,833 5,500 Laundry 347 357 347 1,050 Legal fees 1,280 360 360
  • 89. 2,000 Licence fees & permits 983 983 983 2,950 Motor vehicle expenses 500 500 500 1,500 Maintenance 4,224 4,352 4,224 12,800 Printing & stationery 800 800 800 2,400 Rubbish removal 500 500 500 1,500 Communication 2,000 2,000 2,000 6,000 Training & development 1,190 1,155 1,155 3,500
  • 90. Wages & on-costs 193,050 198,900 193,050 585,000 Utilities 12,000 11,647 11,647 35,295 Total expenses 241,940 247,607 242,399 731,949 NET PROFIT 31,980 39,228 48,346 119,551 Q1: List the hotel’s financial commitments under their correct cost category. Name at least two (2) commitments for each category Variable direct costs · · Variable indirect costs · Small equipment · Legal fees
  • 91. Fixed indirect costs · Rubbish removal · Cleaning contractor Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q2: Name the top four (4) cost categories the business has allocated the most funds too in this budget period. 1. Wages and on cost 2. purchase 3. Utilities 4. cost Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q3: Why have significant funds been allocated to these categories? Discuss their importance to the business and consequences if inadequate funds are allocated. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q4: Review the Bistro departmental budget – April. Bistro departmental budget - April Budget Actual $ $ Revenue Food sales 105,120 119,837 Beverage sales 89,250 96,390 Total sales 194,370 216,227
  • 92. Cost of sales Food purchases 40,953 45,048 Beverage purchases 27,563 30,043 Total cost of sales 68,516 75,091 Gross profit 125,854 141,136 Expenses Advertising/Promotions 780 624 Cleaning contractor 1,490 1,490 Small equipment replacement 333 393 Laundry 245 232 Maintenance 1,493 1,262 Printing & stationery 160 195 Training & seminars 408 653 Wages & on-costs
  • 93. 85,901 98,771 Utilities 3,441 3,235 Total expenses 94,251 106,855 NET PROFIT 31,603 34,281 You are holding a team meeting to discuss the financial targets provided in the organisational and April bistro budgets. What information do you need to communicate to the team to ensure they understand the targets and goals to be achieved? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q5: What techniques can you use to promote awareness of methods of controlling costs or increasing sales so you can achieve budget targets? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Task 2: Calculate variances Complete the comparative analysis report for the Bistro departmental budget – April on Page 24 by calculating all missing dollar value and percentage variances. Complete the Favourable/Unfavourable column by indicating if the budget results are favourable (F) or unfavourable (UF) for the business.
  • 94. SITXFIN003 – Assessment Page|2 Name: SITXFIN003 – Assessment Version: 2019.2 Last Reviewed: May 2019 Page|1 Comparative analysis report Bistro departmental budget – April NOTE: Don’t forget to round your figures up or down to the nearest whole number. April Favourable / Unfavourable May June quarter Budget Actual Variance Variance Budget Budget $ $ $ % $
  • 96. 27,563 30,043 2,481 9.0% unfav 26,775 78,750 Total cost of sales 68,516 75,091 6,576 unfv 68,969 202,850 Gross profit 125,854 141,136 0.0% fav 137,881 388,150 Expenses Advertising/Promotions 780 624 (156) (20.0%) 962 2,600 Cleaning contractor 1,490 1,490 0
  • 98. Training & seminars 408 653 245 60.0% 396 1,200 Wages & on-costs 85,901 98,771 12870 unfav 89,345 260,763 Utilities 3,441 3,235 (206) (6.0%) 3,494 10,589 Total expenses 94,251 106,855 0.0% 97,918 286,318 NET PROFIT 31,603 34,281
  • 99. 8.5% fav 39,963 101,832 SITXFIN003 – Assessment Page|2 Name: SITXFIN003 – Assessment Version: 2019.2 Last Reviewed: May 2019 Task 3: Question and answer Answer all questions based on the budget outcomes in the completed April budget comparative report in Task 2 and case study information. Q1: Are there any significant variances in the sales figures that you should be concerned about? Explain what the results indicate and why you are/are not concerned about them. ……. because food sales and beverage are same Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q2: Are there significant variances in any of the expenses categories that you think should be investigated further? If yes, discuss which categories and why you think they need investigation. If no, discuss why the deviations do not warrant investigation. …….. (at least 4 or 5 line) Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q3: Based on your responses to questions 1 and 2, what is your overall evaluation of the budget results? Is the bistro meeting its financial targets? Yes, (always think about both income side and expenses side) Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q4: Which expense category has the most funds allocated to it?
  • 100. Explain why it is important you manage costs in this category carefully. Wages and on cost … ( talk about rostering) Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q5: Using the results and information obtained from the April comparative report, your answers to the previous questions and the background information, write a transcript of the outcomes of your report ready to deliver to the bistro staff at the next team meeting. The transcript should include the following information. · The current status of the budget; is the work area meeting its budget targets, is it on track to meet June quarter budget targets? · Which areas are underperforming or performing better than expected? · What changes, if any, need to be made to help the team meet next month’s budget targets? · An outline of budget targets for May. Organisational factors that contributed to the setting of these targets. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Case study 2 JJ’s Bistro is located in Jackson’s hotel. It seats 210 people and is open for lunch and dinner, seven days a week. The hotel promotes a family environment and has a playroom for younger children and an activity centre for pre-teens containing electronic and other games. These glass-walled play areas are within view of customers seated in the rear section of the bistro. The following events took place during the May budget period. · Prices for meat, fruit and vegetables have increased as a result of recent drought in some regions and floods or storms in
  • 101. others. · Prices for many wines have fallen due to a glut in the market. · Beer prices have risen slightly, again due to the drought leading to shortages of ingredients and an increase in government taxes. · Most utility companies increased prices by 7% at the start of May. · The local police started a blitz on drink driving in the middle of May with increased police presence in local suburbs and roadside testing of drivers. · In-house training was provided to key food and beverage staff in April by a coffee supplier. The aim is to increase sales and the quality of coffee served. The training was free of charge as part of a new preferred supplier contract with the coffee supplier. · A major wine supplier has been running an in-house promotional campaign, with staff training provided to help increase product knowledge. · The bistro menu changed to the new winter menu on 1 May 20XX. It was heavily promoted in May throughout the hotel and in local community newspapers. · Task 1: Interpret budget results Review the following budgets for the Jackson Hotel - May. Evaluate the budget outcomes and their impact on the operation and financial goals of the bistro. Answer all questions based on the outcomes in the comparative analysis report, Bistro purchasing budget – May and the case study information. Comparative analysis report Bistro departmental budget – May May
  • 102. Budget Actual Variance Variance $ $ $ % Revenue Food sales 114,975 112,676 (2,299) (2.0) Beverage sales 91,875 90,497 (1,378) (1.5) Total sales 206,850 203,173 (3,677) (1.8) Cost of sales Food purchases 42,194 45,864 3670 8.7 Beverage purchases 26,775 29,399 2624
  • 103. 9.8 Total cost of sales 68,969 75,265 6294 9.1 Gross profit 137,881 127,910 (9,971) (7.2) Expenses Advertising/Promotions 962 981 19 2 Cleaning contractor 1,490 1,490 0 0 Small equipment replacement 333 288 (45) (13.5) Laundry 245 237 (8) (3.3) Maintenance 1,493 1,329 (164)
  • 104. (11) Printing & stationery 160 114 (46) (28.8) Training & seminars 396 713 317 80.1 Wages & on-costs 89,345 103,283 13,938 15.6 Utilities 3,494 3,456 (38) (1.1) Total expenses 97,918 111,891 13,973 14.3 NET PROFIT 39,963 16,019 (23,944) (59.9) Bistro purchasing budget – May May
  • 105. Budget Actual Variance Variance $ $ $ % Food purchases Fruit & vegetables 5,063 5,970 907 17.9 Dairy products 8,439 8,177 (262) (3.1) Meat & poultry 14,768 17,662 2,894 19.6 Fish & seafood 4,219 4,506 287 6.8 Dry goods – food 7,595 7,511 (84) (1.1)
  • 106. Dry goods – other 2,110 2,038 (72) (3.4) Total food purchases 42,194 45,864 3,670 8.7 Beverage purchases Wine 4,820 5,359 539 11.2 Spirits 4,016 4,185 169 4.2 Beer, ciders – packaged 5,891 6,762 871 14.8 Beer – keg 4,552 5,162 610 13.4 Soft drinks, juices – packaged 3,079 3,230 151 4.9
  • 107. Post mix 4,418 4,701 283 6.4 Total beverage purchases 26,776 29,399 2,623 9.8 Total cost of sales 68,970 75,263 6,293 9.1 Food cost % 36.7% 40.7% Beverage cost % 29.1% 32.5% Cost of sales % 33.3% 37% SITXFIN003 – Assessment
  • 108. Page|2 Name: SITXFIN003 – Assessment Version: 2019.2 Last Reviewed: May 2019 Page|1 Bistro labour budget – June quarter (don’t worry about this topic for now) Labour expenses April May June June Quarter Budget Actual Variance Budget Actual Variance Budget Actual Variance Budget Actual Variance $ $ % $ $ % $ $
  • 109. % $ $ % Total salaries 9,780 9,780 0 9,780 9,780 0 9,780 9,780 0 29,340 29,340 0 Total front of house staff 45,053 52,171 15.8 47,382 55,105 16.3 44,804 51,260 14.4 137,239 158,537 15.5 Total kitchen staff 21,864 26,237 20.0 22,610 27,332
  • 110. 20.9 21,770 26,232 20.5 66,244 79,801 20.5 Total wages & salaries 76,697 88,188 15.0 79,772 92,217 15.6 76,354 87,272 14.3 232,823 267,678 15.0 On-costs 9,204 10,583 9,573 11,066 9,162 10,473 27,939 32,121 Total labour expenses 85,901 98,771
  • 111. 15.0 89,345 103,283 15.6 85,516 97,745 14.3 260,762 299,799 15 Percentage of total sales 44.2 45.7 43.2 50.8 45.1 51.5 14.5 16.5 Bistro staffing levels No. staff Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
  • 118. 5 7 7 9 7 11 9 10 9 Glossary Crnt Current staffing level FT Fulltime employee Rvsd Revised staffing level Cas Casual employee SITXFIN003 – Assessment Page|2 Name: SITXFIN003 – Assessment Version: 2019.2 Last Reviewed: May 2019 Q1: Discuss how the outcomes food and beverage sales and costs of sales indicated in the May comparative analysis report impact the bistro area and the business overall. Consider the types of deviation (positive or negative) and size of the
  • 119. deviations in food, beverage and total sales and cost of sales categories. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q2: What are two possible explanations for the deviations in food costs and beverage costs? Consider information provided in the May purchasing budget as well as the comparative report and case study information. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q3: When preparing the budgets, the hotel forecasted food costs as 36.7% of food sales and beverage costs as 29.1% of beverage sales. Is the bistro meeting organisational goals for cost of sales? What is the difference between the budget target and actual results? Food purchases 4% and no Beverage purchases 3.4% and not meeting the target Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q4: Should these deviations be reported to management? Explain why/why not. Yes , they need to be aware (read section 2 ) Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q5: Based on the May purchasing budget, in what categories are the largest food and beverage cost deviations occurring? Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Task 2: Investigate option to improve performance The food and beverage manager is very concerned about the food and beverage purchasing and cost of sales results. They want the bistro team to make it a priority to meet budget targets for cost of sales in June. Management then plan to reduce budget allocations for food and beverage purchases in the September quarter budget. It is an organisational goal to reduce
  • 120. cost of sales to below the current percentages of 37% food cost and 30% beverage cost. To meet June and September quarter budget targets, new methods of managing costs must be investigated. · Answer all questions based on the outcomes in the comparative analysis report Bistro departmental budget – May, Bistro purchasing budget – May and case study information. Q1: List four (4) options for managing costs that could be applied to this situation. 1. 2. 3. 4. Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q2: You have decided to source new fruit and vegetable and seafood suppliers. Describe how you would investigate if changing suppliers is a viable option for reducing your cost of sales. How will you obtain information to determine if prices and product quality from alternate suppliers are appropriate for your operation? Prices, comparison, quality, reputation, relationship etc… Methos: quotation, bank statement to compare the quality of work… Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q3: You need to investigate which current suppliers have increased prices for products and services, how much prices have risen and how much of the business’s financial resources are allocated to existing suppliers. What organisational financial documentation will provide this information? Page 21, write 3 or 4 of them Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q4: Your research has revealed that a number of other suppliers can supply similar quality items at cheaper prices
  • 121. than your current supplier. Describe what you would discuss with your current supplier before making a decision. Same as Q2 Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q5: Who would you consult with before implementing any changes to the hotel’s suppliers of fruits and vegetable and seafood products? Head chef, management or purchasing staff Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Task 3: Improve budget performance · Read and interpret the information and outcomes contained in the Bistro labour budget – June quarter. · Evaluate their impact on the operation and financial goals of the bistro. · Answer all questions based on the labour comparative analysis report, staffing and case study information. Q1: Complete the table below by inserting the variance percentage for each category in each month. Category Bistro labour budget – variance percentage April May June June quarter Salaries Front of house
  • 122. Kitchen Total labour Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q2: What do these statistics tell you about the bistro’s performance for the June quarter? Explain what the variances mean and how this affects the department’s ability to meet its financial goals. Front of house and kitchen Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Q3: Management think one reason for high bistro labour costs is the department is consistently overstaffed; more staff than necessary are rostered on for most service periods. Rosters have been reviewed and new staffing levels suggested for front of house and kitchen areas. The number of customers served and sales revenue is expected to remain relatively stable in the near future. Review the bistro’s current and revised staffing levels in Bistro staffing levels table. Discuss the impact these changes could have on customer service levels, your team and budget targets. Consider both positive and negative outcomes. POSITIVE: LABOUR SAVE NEGATIVE: SLOW SERVICE, LOS OF REGULAR CUSTOMERS, DOWN OF BUSINESS REPUTATION Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐