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Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------
Training Needs Analysis ---------------------------------------------
Training Design -------------------------------------------------------
Training Objectives ---------------------------------------------------
Training Methods -----------------------------------------------------
Training Development ------------------------------------------------
Training Evaluation ---------------------------------------------------
Appendix I -------------------------------------------------------------
References -------------------------------------------------------------
In contrast to Walmart’s ability in maintaining leadership as a
multinational retail aiming sustainability,
corporate philanthropy and employment opportunity, the
company is falling behind in terms of customer
service satisfaction. Despite to the effort of Walmart’s
executives throughout these years, in building a better
relationship with their customers, it seems they remain still
unsuccessful. This can be measured as their
satisfaction rating levels are still extremely low when compared
to other businesses in the same industry. Per
the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) annual
ranking for 2016, Walmart, “still between one of
the 10 companies with the worst customer satisfaction”. (Tim
Denman-March 01, 2016)
Since we all recognize the crucial importance that represents to
any business keeping their customers happy,
not only with the price of the product but most important with
the service provided. I will create a training
plan mainly focused in the delivery of effective customer
service practices for all Walmart customer services
associates. This training program will provide to all Walmart’s
new hires and current associates the
opportunity of not only learning, but also expanding,
reinforcing and creating consistency of their knowledge
on how to deal with customers in different situations. How to
improve happiness for the customers while
shopping and how to improve the associate’s customer service
attitude and efficiency with the goal of
offering an outstanding service. Ultimately, to achieve
delivering an enjoyable shopping experience to all
Walmart’s clients. This training will be presented in five
different modules; each module will represent a
fundamental aspect inside of customer service job in order to
make the associates to succeed in their daily
tasks. Additionally, the training in general will align company
vision/mission with employees’ individual
goal within the organization. After completing this training
employees will be knowledgeable about the
company culture and the importance from the company in
providing a good service to all customers.
Employees will understand how influential their positive or
negative behavior impact on the success of the
organization at reaching targets. This will be an excellent
opportunity for additionally develop and improve
the employee level of satisfaction and shows them that their
executives are investing in their overall success.
It may inspire them to view their employment within the
organization as a career and an opportunity to grow
in the retail industry.
The importance of customer service within a company can have
a major effect on the general perception of
the way of doing business. Nowadays, with high competition in
the market, most customers are likely to
disapprove a bad customer service experience, especially since
the competitor can offer the same product or
service with no hassle. Therefore, demonstrating to your
employees the impact that they have in their
customer experience is significant in encouraging them to
provide great customer service. Customer service
is vital for the survival of the company due to the high level in
competition these days. If a company has an
effective action plan for providing excellent customer service to
its customers, this will greatly improve their
shopping experience. The increase in customer service can have
a positive impact to the brand, loyalty, and
internal benefits. This training will be conducted on-side and it
will be provided by one of the company
appointed instructor. All customer service employees will take
their training at their current store. Company
will make a year refresher for everyone within the customer
services department.
Utility of Training
With the goal of guaranteeing an extraordinary customer
satisfaction that aligns and support the company
objectives, this training will be addressed to all floor managers
as well as all new and current customer
services associates. New hires will take their training within
their first week with the organization. However,
current employees and floor managers are going to be scheduled
in accordance with the department they are
assigned to. Through role-playing scenarios, the training will
show the appropriate behavior, reaction and
responses the company expect from all associates when
providing customer service. The training will include
five different modules. Modules on how to effectively
communicate with customers, how to interact
positively and creating a relationship with customers and among
employees as well, and to dealing with
disgruntling customers are going to teach, reinforce, and
illustrate the importance of good customer service
for the organization. This training will give the employee the
necessary knowledge not only to provide
customers with a positive and memorable shopping experience,
but also to develop a long-lasting and loyalty
relationship with them.
This training will add value to the organization and increase
employee’s motivation and self-confidence by
demonstrating them how to excel on their jobs. Employees will
understand better the company products and
strategies and the organization commitment in satisfying the
needs of their customers in a prompt, generous
and efficient manner. This training ensures a greater
consistency by communicating all associates the same
essential message about the real purpose and core of the
company and how approaching clients well.
Effect on the Organization
The training will benefit the organization by increasing
employee’s loyalty, better working environment, and
commitment with the business. This program will provide the
necessary tools to all customer service
associates to exceed in their daily tasks and meet company’s
expectation. This training will provide
interactive exercise of everyday scenarios that a company’s
associate comes across on a daily basis painting
a vivid picture of what is expected from every employee at
Walmart to ensure they are successful on their
History and Strategy
Walmart is currently the largest retail company in the world in
terms of revenues and number of employees.
As of today, the company employs approximately 2.4 million
employees worldwide. Walmart sells a wide
variety of products, such as: family apparel, automotive
products, health and beauty aids, home furnishings,
electronics, hardware, toys, sporting goods, lawn and garden
items, pet supplies, jewelry, and housewares
( Walmart separates itself from its competitors
by focusing on strong distribution, inventory
management, differentiated pricing, cost leadership strategies
coupled with a strong usage of IT and
innovations in developing its strategies (Ferguson, 2017), which
has put them on the top of the retail industry
in the world. Executives at Walmart emphasizes the company’s
role in helping associates and customers to
live better. Walmart success is based on the effective
application of strategies to reach the company’s vision
and mission.
Organizational Mission and Vision Statement
Mission Statement
Walmart strategic decisions are a direct expression of its
mission. Walmart’s mission statement is “saving
people money so they can live better” (Ferguson, 2017). By
providing people more competitive prices than
any other retailer store in the industry, Walmart’s executives
believe that consumers will live better.
Vision Statement
Walmart’s vision statement is based on the ideals of its founder,
Sam Walton. “To be the best retailer in the
hearts and minds of consumers and employees” (Ferguson,
2017). Their vision indicates that Walmart’s low
prices influence positively in their consumers’ mind since they
are saving money.
Walmart’s logistics and low prices are without doubts exclusive
competences that have made their business
very competitive. Walmart helps people around the globe every
day by offering lower prices and a wide
range of quality products than any other retailer in the same
• Capital Resources: In 2016 Walmart reported worldwide net
sales of approximately $478.71 billion US
(estimate by
• Human Resources: Training will be available for all new hires
as well as current associates. New Hires
will be required to take their training within their first week
with the company. Current employees will be
required to take training within the first 60 days once training is
implemented. The human resources team
will assist in facilitating the trainings needed to their
Barriers in the Internal Environment
• Lack of Motivation- Motivating your employees in sharing the
same vision as of your business and
performing at high levels is the main ambition for any
organization. At Walmart, most employees feel
that their tasks are huge and their payoff is small. Based on a
former employee on Glassdoor, many of
Walmart employees are not inspired and therefore are tent to
show a very low level of commitment
because there is no sort of recognition on what they do or
incentive from their managers.
• Schedule- Employees schedule varies based on the department
needs. Based on the experiences of a
former employee on Glassdoor, “Walmart doesn’t provide
enough income to support the basic needs of
a single adult” due to the fact the total of weekly working hours
permitted to each hourly employee is not
sufficient to fulfill or satisfy their basic needs as a household. A
full-time employee schedules
approximately 34 hours per week while a part-time employee
roughly schedules about 20 hours per week.
Moreover, no benefits are offered to part timers.
• High Turnover- Staff turnover affect a business drastically.
Every time an employee decides to
voluntarily leave the company, the employer will need to invest
time and resources in hiring and training
a new person. Although Walmart has implemented numerous
strategies to maximize employee retention
and minimize financial losses, their turnover is still high.
Among the reasons why hourly employees
decide leaving the company are due to their low wages as well
as short hours’ schedule. Additionally,
many associates do not see opportunities to growth within the
company. Therefore, as soon as they find
a higher paying job they quickly leave the company.
Expected Performance
Company expects that all employees remain committed to
satisfying and exceeding customer needs and
expectations. Additionally, Walmart expects that all employees
conduct themselves with grace and
performing with excellence. Therefore, Walmart encourage each
employee to observe the highest standards
of charisma and professionalism at all times. Also, it is
expected that all associates working on the floor get
familiarized not only with his/her particular department, but
also with all the departments in the store. In this
way, such associate will be able to provide an exceptional
service to his/her customers.
Actual Performance
Although the employees receive orientation about the
importance for the business in providing a positive and
excellent customer service not always they show interest in
practicing what they learned. Many times,
customer service associates do not know the location of the
products in their stores. In other occasions, they
do not show any level of commitment in satisfying the needs of
their customers. In addition, not always a
typical employee understands how impactful his/her behavior
can be for the level of sales. It could be
beneficial or detrimental based on his/her attitude towards the
Performance Discrepancies
• Employees must be trained on the impact, financially and
morale, their poor customers service behavior
may cause the company every time they provide a careless
• New hires will receive a proper training in the system,
understanding the store layout, and the product
• All customer service associates will require cross-training in
different departments therefore they are
exposed not only to their own department.
At Walmart stores, associates training may vary in contrast to
managers training. Walmart stores’ associates
training will consist of five training modules offered to all new
hires during their first week of employment
with the company. Training will be conducted by an assigned
manager at the same store the associate will
be employed. While completing their training modules, new
associates will be assigned to shadow another
employee with more tenure with the company for a period of
thirty days. During their on-the-job training,
new associates will learn about their task duties and
responsibilities as a customer service associate. They
will learn the store’s layout, the services, the operations, and
process the company products, as well on how
to properly identify item locations. They will learn how to
operate a cash register machine and price scanners.
Additionally; the new associates will also learn about the
company standards and requirements when
providing customer service to the clients. They will learn how
to create a positive engagement with customer,
how to demonstrate confidence when addressing questions from
customers and how to properly greeting
every customer at their store. Additional training and couching
will be received from the associates assigned
manager during this period and after, if necessary. However,
floor manager training will differ from the
associates training since managers will receive a more formal
and intense training. Managers will be assigned
to a four week of training and this will not be necessary at the
store they will be employed. During their
training, they will discuss additional topics such as loss-
prevention, product training, reach target, time
management, and leadership development. Like associates,
managers are also assigned to the one month on-
the-job training shadowing another floor manager with his/her
same responsibilities. This exercise will make
the new manager feel more confident after his/her training
Expected Performance
Expectation from employees holding a manager position at
Walmart are included but not limited to: meeting
their sales goals by training, motivating, mentoring and
providing feedback to the associates under their
supervision. Additionally, Managers are expected to become
outstanding examples of good behavior and
high performance as well they are expected to demonstrate their
employees how to deliver great customer
service to ensure a high level of customer satisfaction.
Actual Performance
During the analysis, it was found that in many occasions
managers needing to complete their associates
training within their first week of hiring, as stipulated in the
employee handbook, are sometimes too busy
resulting in rushing or delaying the training for trying assisting
or covert other needs in the department. The
same situation occurs with the shadowing training program. As
a result, the company ends up with an
employee with inconsistent trained skills lacking good job
Performance Discrepancies
• Managers are not to establishing priorities. They are not
providing the necessary time or resources needed
to properly training new associates.
• Lack of consistency in the shadowing portion of the training
to all new customer service associates.
The customer service associates are meant to be the face of the
company. Therefore, it is important that the
organization provides the essential resources to all associates in
obtaining the necessary KSA’s for them to
successfully perform at their position. At the same time, it is
important that managers continually monitor
the behavior of their associates to ensure that they are properly
applying what they learned during their
training for the daily job.
Walmart customer service associates must possess the following
KSA’s in order to perform the customer
service job effectively:
• Active listening- Ability to giving customers full attention and
actively listening and responding to their
concerns as well as asking appropriate questions.
• Critical thinking- Ability to use their logic and reasoning to
create alternative solutions and identify their
strengths and weaknesses.
• Oral comprehension and expressions- Ability to listen,
understand, and communicate information and
ideas both presented to and by you.
• Problem sensitivity- Ability to tell when something is wrong
or likely to go wrong and recognizing the
problem at hand.
• Communicating- Ability to communicate clearly and
candidly; avoiding vagueness, ambiguity, and
mixed messages. Contributing to an enthusiastic, positive work
climate; energizing others.
• Consistency- Ability to constantly provide an outstanding
level of customer service to all consumers.
• Maximizing Resources- Ability to work collaboratively with
people in their group and in other
departments of the organization.
Expected Performance
Motivation, efficiency, desire to learn new skills, the
understanding of company products and strategies and
the desire to provide a superior customer service is expected
from all the customer service associates. Be the
best retailer in the hearts and minds of consumers” (Ferguson E.
Jan 2017) by providing the unique service
experience is also expected from Walmart customer service
Actual Performance
Lack of motivation and commitment within the customer
services associates is notable at Walmart stores.
For some, associates low wages and not enough working hours
are related to this lack of motivation, others
simply see the job as something temporary since they are either
millennials, finishing their college, or baby
boomers, already retired or close to retire, so they do not find
themselves investing in a long career with
Walmart. Perhaps, this is one of the reason they may not getting
motivated in obtaining additional KSA’s
neither applying their own skills on the job as a customer
service associate.
Performance Discrepancies
• Associates lacking of motivation to obtain the necessary
KSA’s to effectively perform at their job.
• Associates lacking of motivation and proper understanding
and supporting the organization’s vision and
• Indifference in having a successful career at the retail
Summary of Performance discrepancies
• Employees must be trained on the impact, financially and
morale, their poor customers service behavior
may cause the company every time they provide a careless
• New hires will receive a proper training in the system,
understanding the store layout, and the product
• All customer service associates will require cross-training in
different departments therefore they are
exposed not only to their own department.
• Managers are not to establishing priorities. They are not
providing the necessary time or resources needed
to properly training new associates.
• Lack of consistency in the shadowing portion of the training
to all new customer service associates.
• Associates lacking of motivation to obtain the necessary
KSA’s to effectively perform at their job.
• Associates lacking of motivation and proper understanding
and supporting the organization’s vision and
• Indifference in having a successful career at the retail
What can be addressed through training?
• How associates can work together to achieve customer
satisfaction and become better at their job.
• Improve the level of confidence among employees when
approaching customers.
• Lack of knowledge of store items location and products sold.
• How to present a professional appearance and attitude at all
• How to manage disgruntling customers.
• How to properly handle customer complaints.
What cannot be addressed through training?
• Snap assumptions about performance problems cannot be
• Personal matters cannot be addressed.
• Salary or financial issues should not be addressed during
• Indifference or lack of interest toward the company products.
How will the training be administered?
Module Method Learning Objective
Module 1- Introduction to Customer Service and
Company Standard
-Overview of the company’s customer service culture
-Personal and organizational benefits of a good C.S
-Identification of store items location and products sold
-The negative cost of a bad customer service
- Lecture/Discussion
- PPT, Handout & Video
- (as supplemental tool)
- Quiz
Motivate employees to create a
positive engagement with customer
service culture within the
organization, and grow customer
service satisfaction.
Module 2- Effective Communication
-Active listening
-Steps for an effective communication with customers
-How to keep your customers happy/ Tips
- Lecture/Discussion
- PPT and Handout (as a
supplemental tool)
- Interactive Comp-Based
- Quiz
Improve the level of confidence
among employees when
approaching customers, resulting
in a better and healthier customer
and employee satisfaction.
Module 3- Relationship Building
- Improve interrelation among managers/associates to
achieve customer satisfaction
- How to interact positively with customers
-Create positive memorable experiences for all customers
- Create loyal customers
- Lecturette/Discussion
- PPT and Handout (as a
supplemental tool)
- Role Play
- Quiz
Will develop associates comfort
level to apply effective C.S
techniques previously learned.
Additionally, it will be increased a
long-lasting customer/ company
relationship, company profits
and moral.
Module 4- Dealing with Disgruntling Customers
- Complaint resolution.
-Your mood should not dictate your manners.
-Dealing with angry or rude customers effectively.
- PPT and Handout
- Role Play
- Quiz
Build confidence to effectively
solve difficult situations with
customer whenever they arise.
Module 5- On- the-Job-Training
- Role Playing
- Role Playing
- Shadow an experienced
employee to observe
- training-on-the-job
This will help the employees to
increase confidence with customer
services techniques, and will help
the store to achieve a high level of
customer service satisfaction.
Time Allocation
Module Day Duration & Time Allocation
Module1- Introduction to Customer Service and
Company Standard
Tuesday 6 ½ hours session (8.30am-4.30pm), Includes:2- 15
min coffee break- morning and afternoon and 1hour
lunch 12pm-1.00pm)
Module 2- Relationship Building Wednesday 3½ hours session
(8.30am-11.45pm) -10min
coffee break.
Module 3- Relationship Building Wednesday 3½ hours session
10min coffee break.
Module 4- Dealing with Disgruntling Customers Thursday
4hours session (8.30am-12.00pm)
10min coffee break.
Module 5 – On- the- Job Training First 30 days of
employment after receiving the training
Number of training
The training program will consist of five training sessions
offered Tuesday through Thursday. It will be
provided initially to the 75 current customers service associates
in one of our stores located in Coral Spring,
Florida. In order for associates to receive the appropriate level
of training, the training session will have an
availability for a maximum of 15 trainees per session. Training
will be available for a period of five
consecutive weeks for current employees. Training will be
scheduled for new customer services associates
on a monthly basis within their first week of employment.
Based on availability, trainees will be able to
choose their preferred week to attend to the training. In order to
successfully complete the program, trainees
will must attend to all four sessions.
Voluntary or Mandatory Training
The training will be mandatory for all current and new hire
customer service associates. Associates will be
scheduled during their normal work schedule for training.
According to the company standards, all associates
are required to provide an outstanding customer service,
therefore training is essential for them to perform
successfully their job. Certification of accomplishment will be
issued after successful completion of the four
training modules.
On or Off-Site Training
Training will be conducted on-site by a company appointed
instructor. The training room be assigned at one
of the conference rooms available from each store. All customer
service employees will take their training at
their current store.
Trainee Reaction Objectives
• Increase motivation among employees to create a positive
engagement with customer service culture
within the organization.
• Will commit to grow customer service satisfaction.
• Build the excitement for being a part of one of the 500 fortune
• Demonstrating the expectations for delivering outstanding
customer service
• Improve the level of confidence among employees when
assisting customers.
• Develop associates comfort level to apply effective CS
techniques previously learned.
• Build confidence to effectively solve difficult situations with
customer whenever they arise.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of training, Walmart’s new hire and current
customer service associates:
• Will be able to correctly list the basic rules of customer
service etiquette when interacting with costumers.
• Will be able to correctly identify some of the active listening
techniques mentioned throughout the
training and match them with appropriate scenarios.
• Will be able, after reading a scenario of a poor/ unsatisfied
customer service, to identify orally what is
wrong in the scenario, and explain how to surpass the service.
• Will be proficient with store operations, items location and
products sold.
• Will be able to recognize the impact their service have on the
store’s image and sales.
Transfer of Training Objectives
Upon completion of training, trainees:
• Will be able to successfully apply the skills learned through
training modules.
• Will be able to provide customers with a positive and
memorable shopping experience.
• Will display confidence whenever they are asked questions by
• Will be knowledgeable to properly handle customer
• Will develop long- lasting and loyalty relationship with
• Will be proficient in systems used, store layout, operations
and products sold.
Organizational Objectives
Upon completion of the effective delivering of a customer
service training, the organization will benefit from:
• Three months after training there will be a 70% drop in
customer complaints.
• Increasing associate’s self-confidence.
• Increasing store sales and percentage of customer’s
• Increasing employee’s loyalty, better working environment,
and commitment with the organization.
• Align company vision/mission with employees’ individual
goal within the organization.
In order to effectively change trainees attitude, motivate, and
help them to acquire the necessary knowledge
and skills from the training to efficiently increase their
productivity and perform more successfully in their
job, a combination of training techniques will be used for this
customer service program.
Lecture/ Lecturette
Lectures will be used to introduce the training material to the
trainees, to create understanding of each
module, and to influence attitudes related to the topic within
each module. The lecture will begin with an
introduction that will lay out purposes, objectives, agenda of
the lecture, and the order in which each topic
will be covered. Throughout each module the presenter will
emphasize the importance for the company on
performing an outstanding customer service, as well as the
benefits and the values of the training, in general.
Open discussions will be used during and after the lecturette in
each module. Discussions will generate
participation among the trainees. It will allow an interactive and
engaging training. It will also allow
reinforcement of the learned information from the lecturette.
Employees will have the opportunity to interact
with the trainer, they will be able to express their concerns,
asking questions, and discussing past experience
with other trainees. The trainer will be able to find out what
trainees think or have learned and how these
learned skills are working for them on the job.
PowerPoint Presentation
The PowerPoint will be used in conjunction with the lecturette
method. Making the training more interesting
by using PowerPoint as a visual aid for what it will be orally
covered within each module will help improving
the employee's focus on the modules content. Power Point will
be used through each module with the purpose
of providing the associates greater visual impact and a better
support for the understanding of each subject
within the module.
Printed handout will be additionally provided for each module
to enhance the lecturette method. The handout
will be use as a learning reinforcement of the information
provided during the lecture session, also it will
facilitate trainees the opportunity to takes notes, if they want to,
and more important, it will remain as a good
source for the participants to review it for future references.
Computer-Based -Training
The training will incorporate Interactive CBT’s - Using the
integration of visual and auditory stimuli, videos
as a part of the CBT can present different types of information
quickly while giving the chance for employees
to easily review it. Narrative instructional videos help
employees to understand the concepts and ideas related
to customer service, the importance for the company of
providing a good service and the behavior expected
when employees performing services in the store. The CBT’s
contains programmed instruction and
interactive media components. Each associate will have access
to the e-learning portal only accessible on
company’s computers. The learning management system will
keep track of which activities are completed
and which still are pending.
Through spontaneous role-plays, the trainees will be asked to
model different scenarios that they may
encounter later in their future as a customer service
representative. Role playing will be use with the purpose
of emphasizing how the trainees need to perform in their job.
For instance, trainer may be asked to a voluntary
trainee to role-playing on how to effectively deliver a good
service to a disgruntling customer. Simulating
the situation with their peers provides a very easy way for
associates to asking questions and practicing their
interpersonal skills while honing customer service skills.
Feedbacks from the trainer as well as from
observers will assist in making sure that the role-play scenario
is being handled professionally and
On-the-job-training will allow the trainees to enhance the
retention of the learned material and to apply the
knowledges acquired from the training modules to their real job.
The new associate will be assigned to
shadow an assigned on-the-job instructor, which in this case
will be an experienced associate, most likely
rated as a role model in evaluations or someone in a position
leading to management. The trainees will be
applying the learned procedures, techniques and behaviors
discussed during the training with store’s
customers, while the on-the-job instructor will be observing
their interaction with the customers and
providing feedbacks to strengthen the positive behavior. On-
the-job training represents a great opportunity
for hands on learning, transferring of knowledge form the
modules in to the training, and the opportunity for
role models to train others.
All customer service training will be taking place within the
retail location where the associate works. The
room will be configured in U-shape layout. This arrangement
will encourage collaboration and participation
from all trainees. Additionally, it will be the best arrangement
to view the audio-visual presentation
supporting the training material. Furthermore, it will perfectly
work for the role playing and other physical
activities incorporated in the training modules. The training
room will be equipped with the IT infrastructure
necessary to incorporate media and administer CBT’s session
for each module.
Training Room Diagram Configuration
The training will be conducted by an experienced training
manager from the corresponding facility who will
not only possess an extensive knowledge of the company, but
also has succeeded in constantly motivating
the employees to effectively providing good customer service,
regardless of the circumstances.
• Computer, LCD projector and projection screen for
PowerPoint’s presentations.
• Wireless and Internet access.
• Electronic devices such as laptops for all trainees in the room
to perform the CBT session of the
• Instruction sheet.
• Handouts with information and activities provided throughout
the training.
• Office supplies (pen, pencil, markets, staplers, notepads).
• Snack and refreshment will be offered to participants.
Effectiveness of Training
In order to ensure that your training remains aligned with your
business objectives you will need to measure
its output in some way. Training evaluation is an essential
technique of gathering feedback and information
on what participants thought of the training, how they
performed in the assessments that were part of the
training and how they will subsequently be able to transfer what
they learned in the training into the
workplace. Role-playing as well as questionnaire will be used to
determine the effectiveness of the training
program. The feedback gathered from the training evaluation
will be used in order to ensure that the training
remains aligned with the desired business objectives or if any
change is necessary to be made.
Measuring Transfer of Knowledge
Reaction- At the end of each module, reaction questionnaires
will be taken to evaluate trainees’ attitude,
perception and reaction regarding the relevance of the training,
the training facilities, the training equipment,
and the trainer’s actions. (See Appendix I)
Learning- Trainee’s will demonstrate grasping their learning
knowledge from the different modules
discussed in the training through their result on the quizzes
taken after each module, and their abilities to
effectively demonstrate the learned material in the role-playing
Transfer- The trainees will demonstrate their abilities to
effectively communicate with the customers at the
store. Immediately after training completion, employees will be
applying the knowledges acquired from the
training to their job. They will be confidently asking open-end
questions to the customer, suggesting product
to the clients if they are asked for it, and properly handling
difficult situations whenever they arrive.
Organizational- Organizational objective will be measured by:
• Drop percentage in customer complaints
• Increase in customer’s satisfaction
• Increase in store sales and profits
• Increase in associate’s self-confidence/morale/
Appendix I
Training Evaluation Survey
Thank you for attending our recent training class. We would
like to hear your feedbacks about the training, so that
we can continually improve the training experience for future
Instructions: Please check the appropriate box below based on
your level of satisfaction with the statement listed
from 1- 4.
Overall how would you rate the training class?
1. � Excellent
2. � Good
3. � Fair
4. � Poor
Please rate the following aspects of the trainer
Excellent Good Fair Poor N/A
Did your trainer have a thorough grasp of the subject
Did your trainer actively invite questions
Did your trainer clearly answer any questions
Was the trainer prepared for the class
Was the trainer professional
Did the trainer stay focused on the material he/she was teaching
Was the trainer knowledgeable of the content being presented
How would you rate the overall skill of the trainer
Please check the appropriate box for the training evaluation.
Excellent Good Fair Poor N/A
Did this training meet your expectations
Were objectives of the training clearly defined
Were the material support distributed informative and helpful
Was the levels of instruction appropriate
Was the length of the modules appropriate
Was the content organized and easy to follow
Did your training begin on time
What is your overall level of satisfaction with this training
Please add any additional comments that you would like to
share to help us improve our trainings.
Demman, T. (2016, March 01). 10 Retailers with the Worst
Customer Satisfaction. Retrieved January 27,
2017, from
Walmart. (n.d.). Retrieved January 27, 2017, from
Company Facts. (n.d.). Retrieved January 27, 2017, from
Ferguson, E. (2015, August 12)- Updated Jan 7,2017. Walmart’s
vision, mission, generic & intensive
strategies - Panmore institute. Retrieved February 12, 2017,
from Business,
Blanchard, P. N., & Thacker, J. W. (2013). Effective training:
systems, strategies, and practices (p.237-
238). Boston: Pearson.
MAN 6359
Effective Training Plan Template
• This document is to be used as a template for both:
o The end of the semester Training Program.
o The Team Training you will be conducting in class.
• You must ensure that you cover all sections included in this
• Full credit on this project will depend on both the
completeness and
comprehensiveness of your training program in following this
• This template parallels the chapters in your text.
o References and information needed to accurately complete
these sections
can be found in the text and will be facilitated during our
lecture sessions
and team break out sessions
• It is the student’s ultimate responsibility to ensure that they
are well read
and informed of all the text-based content and information
needed in order
to complete both projects.
1. Introduction
a. A two-page introduction that informs the reader as to why
you chose the
specific subject matter you did?
i. Why is the training important?
ii. What is the utility of the training?
iii. What impact will it have on the firm?
b. What applied effect and consequence will it have for both the
and your own personal development?
c. Simply stated, who, what, where, when, and why you are
doing the
2. Training Needs Analysis
a. Inputs
i. Organizational Analysis
1. Data Sources
2. AP-EP→ PD
3. Measured and expressed at each variable.
ii. Operational Analysis
1. Data Sources
2. AP-EP→ PD
3. Measured and expressed at each variable.
iii. Person Analysis
1. Data Sources
2. AP-EP→ PD
3. Measured and expressed at each variable.
b. Summary of Identified Performance Discrepancies
i. Based on your analysis of the above three levels within the
ii. What were the discrepancies apparent between the actual and
expected performance at each level?
c. Decide what are the training needs
i. What can be addressed through training? What cannot?
3. Training design
a. Design Table
i. Three columns
1. Modules
2. Methods / Delivery
3. Objectives from 4 level objectives
b. Design
i. Method of training to be used
1. Creating a link through theory and support as to why your
chosen methodology suits your training.
ii. Time allocation
iii. How will the training be administered and allocated to allow
the best outcome possible (considering restraints as well)
iv. Number of trainees
v. Voluntary or Mandatory training
vi. On or off-site training
c. Training objectives
i. Trainee reaction objectives
1. Affect / Motivation / Need / Attitude
ii. Learning objectives
1. Pre and Post Training Retention and Effectiveness
2. What do you want the trainees to learn?
iii. Transfer of training objectives
1. Future oriented / Job related transfer of training to the
actual job behavior.
2. What do you want the trainees to do change/do on the job?
iv. Organizational objectives
1. Aggregated effects of training in overall organizational
2. How is your training going to impact the firm as a whole?
4. Training method
a. Which method best suits your goals and why?
i. Lectures, discussions, and demonstrations
ii. Computer based training
iii. Simulations
iv. On-the-job training
b. Whatever choices you make have to be supported with theory
and utility.
c. Specificity and linkage to your actual training is required and
crucial here.
5. Training development
a. How do you put it all together?
i. Facilities
ii. Trainer
iii. Equipment
b. How do you best combine method and development to create
an effective
training intervention?
6. Training Evaluation
a. How will the training intervention be evaluated?
i. Effectiveness?
ii. Transfer?
iii. Across all 4 levels of the training
1. Reaction
2. Learning
3. Transfer
4. Organizational
iv. You must use the objectives from your design section as
metrics to
ensure proper evaluation.
b. What metrics will you use effectively and accurately measure

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Presiding Officer Training module 2024 lok sabha elections
Presiding Officer Training module 2024 lok sabha electionsPresiding Officer Training module 2024 lok sabha elections
Presiding Officer Training module 2024 lok sabha elections


  • 1. CUSTOMER SERVICE- TRAINIG PROGRAM 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------3 Training Needs Analysis --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------4 Training Design ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------9 Training Objectives --------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------10 Training Methods ----------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------11 Training Development ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------13
  • 2. Training Evaluation --------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------14 Appendix I ------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------16 References ------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------17 3 INTRODUCTION Background In contrast to Walmart’s ability in maintaining leadership as a multinational retail aiming sustainability, corporate philanthropy and employment opportunity, the company is falling behind in terms of customer service satisfaction. Despite to the effort of Walmart’s executives throughout these years, in building a better relationship with their customers, it seems they remain still unsuccessful. This can be measured as their satisfaction rating levels are still extremely low when compared to other businesses in the same industry. Per the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) annual ranking for 2016, Walmart, “still between one of the 10 companies with the worst customer satisfaction”. (Tim Denman-March 01, 2016) Since we all recognize the crucial importance that represents to any business keeping their customers happy, not only with the price of the product but most important with
  • 3. the service provided. I will create a training plan mainly focused in the delivery of effective customer service practices for all Walmart customer services associates. This training program will provide to all Walmart’s new hires and current associates the opportunity of not only learning, but also expanding, reinforcing and creating consistency of their knowledge on how to deal with customers in different situations. How to improve happiness for the customers while shopping and how to improve the associate’s customer service attitude and efficiency with the goal of offering an outstanding service. Ultimately, to achieve delivering an enjoyable shopping experience to all Walmart’s clients. This training will be presented in five different modules; each module will represent a fundamental aspect inside of customer service job in order to make the associates to succeed in their daily tasks. Additionally, the training in general will align company vision/mission with employees’ individual goal within the organization. After completing this training employees will be knowledgeable about the company culture and the importance from the company in providing a good service to all customers. Employees will understand how influential their positive or negative behavior impact on the success of the organization at reaching targets. This will be an excellent opportunity for additionally develop and improve the employee level of satisfaction and shows them that their executives are investing in their overall success. It may inspire them to view their employment within the organization as a career and an opportunity to grow in the retail industry. Significance The importance of customer service within a company can have a major effect on the general perception of
  • 4. the way of doing business. Nowadays, with high competition in the market, most customers are likely to disapprove a bad customer service experience, especially since the competitor can offer the same product or service with no hassle. Therefore, demonstrating to your employees the impact that they have in their customer experience is significant in encouraging them to provide great customer service. Customer service is vital for the survival of the company due to the high level in competition these days. If a company has an effective action plan for providing excellent customer service to its customers, this will greatly improve their shopping experience. The increase in customer service can have a positive impact to the brand, loyalty, and internal benefits. This training will be conducted on-side and it will be provided by one of the company appointed instructor. All customer service employees will take their training at their current store. Company will make a year refresher for everyone within the customer services department. 4 Utility of Training With the goal of guaranteeing an extraordinary customer satisfaction that aligns and support the company objectives, this training will be addressed to all floor managers as well as all new and current customer services associates. New hires will take their training within their first week with the organization. However, current employees and floor managers are going to be scheduled
  • 5. in accordance with the department they are assigned to. Through role-playing scenarios, the training will show the appropriate behavior, reaction and responses the company expect from all associates when providing customer service. The training will include five different modules. Modules on how to effectively communicate with customers, how to interact positively and creating a relationship with customers and among employees as well, and to dealing with disgruntling customers are going to teach, reinforce, and illustrate the importance of good customer service for the organization. This training will give the employee the necessary knowledge not only to provide customers with a positive and memorable shopping experience, but also to develop a long-lasting and loyalty relationship with them. Impact This training will add value to the organization and increase employee’s motivation and self-confidence by demonstrating them how to excel on their jobs. Employees will understand better the company products and strategies and the organization commitment in satisfying the needs of their customers in a prompt, generous and efficient manner. This training ensures a greater consistency by communicating all associates the same essential message about the real purpose and core of the company and how approaching clients well. Effect on the Organization The training will benefit the organization by increasing employee’s loyalty, better working environment, and commitment with the business. This program will provide the necessary tools to all customer service associates to exceed in their daily tasks and meet company’s expectation. This training will provide
  • 6. interactive exercise of everyday scenarios that a company’s associate comes across on a daily basis painting a vivid picture of what is expected from every employee at Walmart to ensure they are successful on their job. TRAINING NEEDS ANALYSIS ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS History and Strategy Walmart is currently the largest retail company in the world in terms of revenues and number of employees. As of today, the company employs approximately 2.4 million employees worldwide. Walmart sells a wide variety of products, such as: family apparel, automotive products, health and beauty aids, home furnishings, electronics, hardware, toys, sporting goods, lawn and garden items, pet supplies, jewelry, and housewares ( Walmart separates itself from its competitors by focusing on strong distribution, inventory management, differentiated pricing, cost leadership strategies coupled with a strong usage of IT and innovations in developing its strategies (Ferguson, 2017), which has put them on the top of the retail industry in the world. Executives at Walmart emphasizes the company’s role in helping associates and customers to live better. Walmart success is based on the effective application of strategies to reach the company’s vision and mission. 5
  • 7. Organizational Mission and Vision Statement Mission Statement Walmart strategic decisions are a direct expression of its mission. Walmart’s mission statement is “saving people money so they can live better” (Ferguson, 2017). By providing people more competitive prices than any other retailer store in the industry, Walmart’s executives believe that consumers will live better. Vision Statement Walmart’s vision statement is based on the ideals of its founder, Sam Walton. “To be the best retailer in the hearts and minds of consumers and employees” (Ferguson, 2017). Their vision indicates that Walmart’s low prices influence positively in their consumers’ mind since they are saving money. Resources Walmart’s logistics and low prices are without doubts exclusive competences that have made their business very competitive. Walmart helps people around the globe every day by offering lower prices and a wide range of quality products than any other retailer in the same business. • Capital Resources: In 2016 Walmart reported worldwide net sales of approximately $478.71 billion US (estimate by • Human Resources: Training will be available for all new hires as well as current associates. New Hires will be required to take their training within their first week with the company. Current employees will be
  • 8. required to take training within the first 60 days once training is implemented. The human resources team will assist in facilitating the trainings needed to their employees. Barriers in the Internal Environment • Lack of Motivation- Motivating your employees in sharing the same vision as of your business and performing at high levels is the main ambition for any organization. At Walmart, most employees feel that their tasks are huge and their payoff is small. Based on a former employee on Glassdoor, many of Walmart employees are not inspired and therefore are tent to show a very low level of commitment because there is no sort of recognition on what they do or incentive from their managers. • Schedule- Employees schedule varies based on the department needs. Based on the experiences of a former employee on Glassdoor, “Walmart doesn’t provide enough income to support the basic needs of a single adult” due to the fact the total of weekly working hours permitted to each hourly employee is not sufficient to fulfill or satisfy their basic needs as a household. A full-time employee schedules approximately 34 hours per week while a part-time employee roughly schedules about 20 hours per week. Moreover, no benefits are offered to part timers. • High Turnover- Staff turnover affect a business drastically. Every time an employee decides to voluntarily leave the company, the employer will need to invest
  • 9. time and resources in hiring and training a new person. Although Walmart has implemented numerous strategies to maximize employee retention and minimize financial losses, their turnover is still high. Among the reasons why hourly employees decide leaving the company are due to their low wages as well as short hours’ schedule. Additionally, many associates do not see opportunities to growth within the company. Therefore, as soon as they find a higher paying job they quickly leave the company. 6 Expected Performance Company expects that all employees remain committed to satisfying and exceeding customer needs and expectations. Additionally, Walmart expects that all employees conduct themselves with grace and performing with excellence. Therefore, Walmart encourage each employee to observe the highest standards of charisma and professionalism at all times. Also, it is expected that all associates working on the floor get familiarized not only with his/her particular department, but also with all the departments in the store. In this way, such associate will be able to provide an exceptional service to his/her customers. Actual Performance Although the employees receive orientation about the importance for the business in providing a positive and excellent customer service not always they show interest in practicing what they learned. Many times, customer service associates do not know the location of the products in their stores. In other occasions, they
  • 10. do not show any level of commitment in satisfying the needs of their customers. In addition, not always a typical employee understands how impactful his/her behavior can be for the level of sales. It could be beneficial or detrimental based on his/her attitude towards the customers. Performance Discrepancies • Employees must be trained on the impact, financially and morale, their poor customers service behavior may cause the company every time they provide a careless service. • New hires will receive a proper training in the system, understanding the store layout, and the product sales. • All customer service associates will require cross-training in different departments therefore they are exposed not only to their own department. OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS At Walmart stores, associates training may vary in contrast to managers training. Walmart stores’ associates training will consist of five training modules offered to all new hires during their first week of employment with the company. Training will be conducted by an assigned manager at the same store the associate will be employed. While completing their training modules, new associates will be assigned to shadow another employee with more tenure with the company for a period of thirty days. During their on-the-job training,
  • 11. new associates will learn about their task duties and responsibilities as a customer service associate. They will learn the store’s layout, the services, the operations, and process the company products, as well on how to properly identify item locations. They will learn how to operate a cash register machine and price scanners. Additionally; the new associates will also learn about the company standards and requirements when providing customer service to the clients. They will learn how to create a positive engagement with customer, how to demonstrate confidence when addressing questions from customers and how to properly greeting every customer at their store. Additional training and couching will be received from the associates assigned manager during this period and after, if necessary. However, floor manager training will differ from the associates training since managers will receive a more formal and intense training. Managers will be assigned to a four week of training and this will not be necessary at the store they will be employed. During their training, they will discuss additional topics such as loss- prevention, product training, reach target, time management, and leadership development. Like associates, managers are also assigned to the one month on- the-job training shadowing another floor manager with his/her same responsibilities. This exercise will make the new manager feel more confident after his/her training period. 7 Expected Performance Expectation from employees holding a manager position at Walmart are included but not limited to: meeting
  • 12. their sales goals by training, motivating, mentoring and providing feedback to the associates under their supervision. Additionally, Managers are expected to become outstanding examples of good behavior and high performance as well they are expected to demonstrate their employees how to deliver great customer service to ensure a high level of customer satisfaction. Actual Performance During the analysis, it was found that in many occasions managers needing to complete their associates training within their first week of hiring, as stipulated in the employee handbook, are sometimes too busy resulting in rushing or delaying the training for trying assisting or covert other needs in the department. The same situation occurs with the shadowing training program. As a result, the company ends up with an employee with inconsistent trained skills lacking good job performance. Performance Discrepancies • Managers are not to establishing priorities. They are not providing the necessary time or resources needed to properly training new associates. • Lack of consistency in the shadowing portion of the training to all new customer service associates. PERSON ANALYSIS The customer service associates are meant to be the face of the company. Therefore, it is important that the organization provides the essential resources to all associates in obtaining the necessary KSA’s for them to successfully perform at their position. At the same time, it is
  • 13. important that managers continually monitor the behavior of their associates to ensure that they are properly applying what they learned during their training for the daily job. Walmart customer service associates must possess the following KSA’s in order to perform the customer service job effectively: • Active listening- Ability to giving customers full attention and actively listening and responding to their concerns as well as asking appropriate questions. • Critical thinking- Ability to use their logic and reasoning to create alternative solutions and identify their strengths and weaknesses. • Oral comprehension and expressions- Ability to listen, understand, and communicate information and ideas both presented to and by you. • Problem sensitivity- Ability to tell when something is wrong or likely to go wrong and recognizing the problem at hand. • Communicating- Ability to communicate clearly and candidly; avoiding vagueness, ambiguity, and mixed messages. Contributing to an enthusiastic, positive work climate; energizing others. • Consistency- Ability to constantly provide an outstanding level of customer service to all consumers. • Maximizing Resources- Ability to work collaboratively with people in their group and in other departments of the organization.
  • 14. 8 Expected Performance Motivation, efficiency, desire to learn new skills, the understanding of company products and strategies and the desire to provide a superior customer service is expected from all the customer service associates. Be the best retailer in the hearts and minds of consumers” (Ferguson E. Jan 2017) by providing the unique service experience is also expected from Walmart customer service associates. Actual Performance Lack of motivation and commitment within the customer services associates is notable at Walmart stores. For some, associates low wages and not enough working hours are related to this lack of motivation, others simply see the job as something temporary since they are either millennials, finishing their college, or baby boomers, already retired or close to retire, so they do not find themselves investing in a long career with Walmart. Perhaps, this is one of the reason they may not getting motivated in obtaining additional KSA’s neither applying their own skills on the job as a customer service associate. Performance Discrepancies • Associates lacking of motivation to obtain the necessary KSA’s to effectively perform at their job. • Associates lacking of motivation and proper understanding and supporting the organization’s vision and
  • 15. purpose. • Indifference in having a successful career at the retail industry. TRAINING NEEDS Summary of Performance discrepancies • Employees must be trained on the impact, financially and morale, their poor customers service behavior may cause the company every time they provide a careless service. • New hires will receive a proper training in the system, understanding the store layout, and the product sales. • All customer service associates will require cross-training in different departments therefore they are exposed not only to their own department. • Managers are not to establishing priorities. They are not providing the necessary time or resources needed to properly training new associates. • Lack of consistency in the shadowing portion of the training to all new customer service associates. • Associates lacking of motivation to obtain the necessary KSA’s to effectively perform at their job. • Associates lacking of motivation and proper understanding and supporting the organization’s vision and
  • 16. purpose. • Indifference in having a successful career at the retail industry. What can be addressed through training? • How associates can work together to achieve customer satisfaction and become better at their job. • Improve the level of confidence among employees when approaching customers. • Lack of knowledge of store items location and products sold. • How to present a professional appearance and attitude at all time. • How to manage disgruntling customers. • How to properly handle customer complaints. 9 What cannot be addressed through training? • Snap assumptions about performance problems cannot be made. • Personal matters cannot be addressed. • Salary or financial issues should not be addressed during training. • Indifference or lack of interest toward the company products. TRAINING DESIGN How will the training be administered? Module Method Learning Objective Module 1- Introduction to Customer Service and
  • 17. Company Standard -Overview of the company’s customer service culture -Personal and organizational benefits of a good C.S -Identification of store items location and products sold -The negative cost of a bad customer service - Lecture/Discussion - PPT, Handout & Video - (as supplemental tool) - Quiz Motivate employees to create a positive engagement with customer service culture within the organization, and grow customer service satisfaction. Module 2- Effective Communication -Active listening -Steps for an effective communication with customers -How to keep your customers happy/ Tips - Lecture/Discussion - PPT and Handout (as a supplemental tool) - Interactive Comp-Based - Quiz Improve the level of confidence among employees when approaching customers, resulting in a better and healthier customer
  • 18. and employee satisfaction. Module 3- Relationship Building - Improve interrelation among managers/associates to achieve customer satisfaction - How to interact positively with customers -Create positive memorable experiences for all customers - Create loyal customers - Lecturette/Discussion - PPT and Handout (as a supplemental tool) - Role Play - Quiz Will develop associates comfort level to apply effective C.S techniques previously learned. Additionally, it will be increased a long-lasting customer/ company relationship, company profits and moral. Module 4- Dealing with Disgruntling Customers - Complaint resolution. -Your mood should not dictate your manners. -Dealing with angry or rude customers effectively. - PPT and Handout - Role Play - Quiz
  • 19. Build confidence to effectively solve difficult situations with customer whenever they arise. Module 5- On- the-Job-Training - Role Playing - Role Playing - Shadow an experienced employee to observe - training-on-the-job This will help the employees to increase confidence with customer services techniques, and will help the store to achieve a high level of customer service satisfaction. 10 Time Allocation Module Day Duration & Time Allocation Module1- Introduction to Customer Service and Company Standard Tuesday 6 ½ hours session (8.30am-4.30pm), Includes:2- 15 min coffee break- morning and afternoon and 1hour lunch 12pm-1.00pm)
  • 20. Module 2- Relationship Building Wednesday 3½ hours session (8.30am-11.45pm) -10min coffee break. Module 3- Relationship Building Wednesday 3½ hours session 1.00pm-4.30pm) 10min coffee break. Module 4- Dealing with Disgruntling Customers Thursday 4hours session (8.30am-12.00pm) 10min coffee break. Module 5 – On- the- Job Training First 30 days of employment after receiving the training Number of training The training program will consist of five training sessions offered Tuesday through Thursday. It will be provided initially to the 75 current customers service associates in one of our stores located in Coral Spring, Florida. In order for associates to receive the appropriate level of training, the training session will have an availability for a maximum of 15 trainees per session. Training will be available for a period of five consecutive weeks for current employees. Training will be scheduled for new customer services associates on a monthly basis within their first week of employment. Based on availability, trainees will be able to choose their preferred week to attend to the training. In order to successfully complete the program, trainees will must attend to all four sessions. Voluntary or Mandatory Training
  • 21. The training will be mandatory for all current and new hire customer service associates. Associates will be scheduled during their normal work schedule for training. According to the company standards, all associates are required to provide an outstanding customer service, therefore training is essential for them to perform successfully their job. Certification of accomplishment will be issued after successful completion of the four training modules. On or Off-Site Training Training will be conducted on-site by a company appointed instructor. The training room be assigned at one of the conference rooms available from each store. All customer service employees will take their training at their current store. Trainee Reaction Objectives • Increase motivation among employees to create a positive engagement with customer service culture within the organization. • Will commit to grow customer service satisfaction. • Build the excitement for being a part of one of the 500 fortune company. • Demonstrating the expectations for delivering outstanding customer service • Improve the level of confidence among employees when assisting customers. • Develop associates comfort level to apply effective CS techniques previously learned. • Build confidence to effectively solve difficult situations with customer whenever they arise.
  • 22. 11 Learning Objectives Upon completion of training, Walmart’s new hire and current customer service associates: • Will be able to correctly list the basic rules of customer service etiquette when interacting with costumers. • Will be able to correctly identify some of the active listening techniques mentioned throughout the training and match them with appropriate scenarios. • Will be able, after reading a scenario of a poor/ unsatisfied customer service, to identify orally what is wrong in the scenario, and explain how to surpass the service. • Will be proficient with store operations, items location and products sold. • Will be able to recognize the impact their service have on the store’s image and sales. Transfer of Training Objectives Upon completion of training, trainees: • Will be able to successfully apply the skills learned through training modules. • Will be able to provide customers with a positive and memorable shopping experience. • Will display confidence whenever they are asked questions by customers. • Will be knowledgeable to properly handle customer complaints. • Will develop long- lasting and loyalty relationship with
  • 23. customers. • Will be proficient in systems used, store layout, operations and products sold. Organizational Objectives Upon completion of the effective delivering of a customer service training, the organization will benefit from: • Three months after training there will be a 70% drop in customer complaints. • Increasing associate’s self-confidence. • Increasing store sales and percentage of customer’s satisfaction. • Increasing employee’s loyalty, better working environment, and commitment with the organization. • Align company vision/mission with employees’ individual goal within the organization. TRAINING METHOD In order to effectively change trainees attitude, motivate, and help them to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills from the training to efficiently increase their productivity and perform more successfully in their job, a combination of training techniques will be used for this customer service program. Lecture/ Lecturette Lectures will be used to introduce the training material to the trainees, to create understanding of each module, and to influence attitudes related to the topic within each module. The lecture will begin with an introduction that will lay out purposes, objectives, agenda of the lecture, and the order in which each topic
  • 24. will be covered. Throughout each module the presenter will emphasize the importance for the company on performing an outstanding customer service, as well as the benefits and the values of the training, in general. 12 Discussions Open discussions will be used during and after the lecturette in each module. Discussions will generate participation among the trainees. It will allow an interactive and engaging training. It will also allow reinforcement of the learned information from the lecturette. Employees will have the opportunity to interact with the trainer, they will be able to express their concerns, asking questions, and discussing past experience with other trainees. The trainer will be able to find out what trainees think or have learned and how these learned skills are working for them on the job. PowerPoint Presentation The PowerPoint will be used in conjunction with the lecturette method. Making the training more interesting by using PowerPoint as a visual aid for what it will be orally covered within each module will help improving the employee's focus on the modules content. Power Point will be used through each module with the purpose of providing the associates greater visual impact and a better support for the understanding of each subject
  • 25. within the module. Handouts Printed handout will be additionally provided for each module to enhance the lecturette method. The handout will be use as a learning reinforcement of the information provided during the lecture session, also it will facilitate trainees the opportunity to takes notes, if they want to, and more important, it will remain as a good source for the participants to review it for future references. Computer-Based -Training The training will incorporate Interactive CBT’s - Using the integration of visual and auditory stimuli, videos as a part of the CBT can present different types of information quickly while giving the chance for employees to easily review it. Narrative instructional videos help employees to understand the concepts and ideas related to customer service, the importance for the company of providing a good service and the behavior expected when employees performing services in the store. The CBT’s contains programmed instruction and interactive media components. Each associate will have access to the e-learning portal only accessible on company’s computers. The learning management system will keep track of which activities are completed and which still are pending. Role-Play Through spontaneous role-plays, the trainees will be asked to model different scenarios that they may encounter later in their future as a customer service representative. Role playing will be use with the purpose of emphasizing how the trainees need to perform in their job. For instance, trainer may be asked to a voluntary trainee to role-playing on how to effectively deliver a good
  • 26. service to a disgruntling customer. Simulating the situation with their peers provides a very easy way for associates to asking questions and practicing their interpersonal skills while honing customer service skills. Feedbacks from the trainer as well as from observers will assist in making sure that the role-play scenario is being handled professionally and effectively. 13 On-The-Job-Training On-the-job-training will allow the trainees to enhance the retention of the learned material and to apply the knowledges acquired from the training modules to their real job. The new associate will be assigned to shadow an assigned on-the-job instructor, which in this case will be an experienced associate, most likely rated as a role model in evaluations or someone in a position leading to management. The trainees will be applying the learned procedures, techniques and behaviors discussed during the training with store’s customers, while the on-the-job instructor will be observing their interaction with the customers and providing feedbacks to strengthen the positive behavior. On- the-job training represents a great opportunity for hands on learning, transferring of knowledge form the modules in to the training, and the opportunity for
  • 27. role models to train others. TRAINING DEVELOPMENT Facilities All customer service training will be taking place within the retail location where the associate works. The room will be configured in U-shape layout. This arrangement will encourage collaboration and participation from all trainees. Additionally, it will be the best arrangement to view the audio-visual presentation supporting the training material. Furthermore, it will perfectly work for the role playing and other physical activities incorporated in the training modules. The training room will be equipped with the IT infrastructure necessary to incorporate media and administer CBT’s session for each module. Training Room Diagram Configuration
  • 28. 14 Trainer The training will be conducted by an experienced training manager from the corresponding facility who will not only possess an extensive knowledge of the company, but also has succeeded in constantly motivating the employees to effectively providing good customer service, regardless of the circumstances. Equipment • Computer, LCD projector and projection screen for PowerPoint’s presentations. • Wireless and Internet access. • Electronic devices such as laptops for all trainees in the room to perform the CBT session of the training. • Instruction sheet. • Handouts with information and activities provided throughout the training. • Office supplies (pen, pencil, markets, staplers, notepads). • Snack and refreshment will be offered to participants. TRAINING EVALUATION Effectiveness of Training In order to ensure that your training remains aligned with your business objectives you will need to measure its output in some way. Training evaluation is an essential technique of gathering feedback and information on what participants thought of the training, how they performed in the assessments that were part of the
  • 29. training and how they will subsequently be able to transfer what they learned in the training into the workplace. Role-playing as well as questionnaire will be used to determine the effectiveness of the training program. The feedback gathered from the training evaluation will be used in order to ensure that the training remains aligned with the desired business objectives or if any change is necessary to be made. Measuring Transfer of Knowledge Reaction- At the end of each module, reaction questionnaires will be taken to evaluate trainees’ attitude, perception and reaction regarding the relevance of the training, the training facilities, the training equipment, and the trainer’s actions. (See Appendix I) Learning- Trainee’s will demonstrate grasping their learning knowledge from the different modules discussed in the training through their result on the quizzes taken after each module, and their abilities to effectively demonstrate the learned material in the role-playing demonstration. Transfer- The trainees will demonstrate their abilities to effectively communicate with the customers at the store. Immediately after training completion, employees will be applying the knowledges acquired from the training to their job. They will be confidently asking open-end questions to the customer, suggesting product to the clients if they are asked for it, and properly handling difficult situations whenever they arrive.
  • 30. 15 Organizational- Organizational objective will be measured by: • Drop percentage in customer complaints • Increase in customer’s satisfaction • Increase in store sales and profits • Increase in associate’s self-confidence/morale/ satisfaction/loyalty/commitment/turnover 16 Appendix I Training Evaluation Survey Thank you for attending our recent training class. We would like to hear your feedbacks about the training, so that we can continually improve the training experience for future attendees. Instructions: Please check the appropriate box below based on your level of satisfaction with the statement listed from 1- 4.
  • 31. Overall how would you rate the training class? 1. � Excellent 2. � Good 3. � Fair 4. � Poor Please rate the following aspects of the trainer Excellent Good Fair Poor N/A Did your trainer have a thorough grasp of the subject Did your trainer actively invite questions Did your trainer clearly answer any questions Was the trainer prepared for the class Was the trainer professional Did the trainer stay focused on the material he/she was teaching Was the trainer knowledgeable of the content being presented How would you rate the overall skill of the trainer Please check the appropriate box for the training evaluation. Excellent Good Fair Poor N/A Did this training meet your expectations Were objectives of the training clearly defined Were the material support distributed informative and helpful Was the levels of instruction appropriate Was the length of the modules appropriate Was the content organized and easy to follow Did your training begin on time What is your overall level of satisfaction with this training
  • 32. Please add any additional comments that you would like to share to help us improve our trainings. _____________________________________________________ _________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _________________________________________ 17 REFERENCES Demman, T. (2016, March 01). 10 Retailers with the Worst Customer Satisfaction. Retrieved January 27, 2017, from with-the-Worst-Customer- Satisfaction104659 Walmart. (n.d.). Retrieved January 27, 2017, from Company Facts. (n.d.). Retrieved January 27, 2017, from
  • 33. Ferguson, E. (2015, August 12)- Updated Jan 7,2017. Walmart’s vision, mission, generic & intensive strategies - Panmore institute. Retrieved February 12, 2017, from Business, vision-mission-statement-intensive-generic-strategies Blanchard, P. N., & Thacker, J. W. (2013). Effective training: systems, strategies, and practices (p.237- 238). Boston: Pearson. MAN 6359 Effective Training Plan Template Directions • This document is to be used as a template for both: o The end of the semester Training Program. o The Team Training you will be conducting in class. • You must ensure that you cover all sections included in this template. • Full credit on this project will depend on both the completeness and comprehensiveness of your training program in following this
  • 34. template. • This template parallels the chapters in your text. o References and information needed to accurately complete these sections can be found in the text and will be facilitated during our lecture sessions and team break out sessions • It is the student’s ultimate responsibility to ensure that they are well read and informed of all the text-based content and information needed in order to complete both projects. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- Sections 1. Introduction a. A two-page introduction that informs the reader as to why you chose the specific subject matter you did? i. Why is the training important? ii. What is the utility of the training? iii. What impact will it have on the firm? b. What applied effect and consequence will it have for both the organization
  • 35. and your own personal development? c. Simply stated, who, what, where, when, and why you are doing the training. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- 2. Training Needs Analysis a. Inputs i. Organizational Analysis 1. Data Sources 2. AP-EP→ PD 3. Measured and expressed at each variable. ii. Operational Analysis 1. Data Sources 2. AP-EP→ PD 3. Measured and expressed at each variable. iii. Person Analysis 1. Data Sources 2. AP-EP→ PD 3. Measured and expressed at each variable. b. Summary of Identified Performance Discrepancies i. Based on your analysis of the above three levels within the organization… ii. What were the discrepancies apparent between the actual and expected performance at each level? c. Decide what are the training needs
  • 36. i. What can be addressed through training? What cannot? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- 3. Training design a. Design Table i. Three columns 1. Modules 2. Methods / Delivery 3. Objectives from 4 level objectives b. Design i. Method of training to be used 1. Creating a link through theory and support as to why your chosen methodology suits your training. ii. Time allocation iii. How will the training be administered and allocated to allow for the best outcome possible (considering restraints as well) iv. Number of trainees v. Voluntary or Mandatory training vi. On or off-site training c. Training objectives i. Trainee reaction objectives 1. Affect / Motivation / Need / Attitude
  • 37. ii. Learning objectives 1. Pre and Post Training Retention and Effectiveness 2. What do you want the trainees to learn? iii. Transfer of training objectives 1. Future oriented / Job related transfer of training to the actual job behavior. 2. What do you want the trainees to do change/do on the job? iv. Organizational objectives 1. Aggregated effects of training in overall organizational outcomes 2. How is your training going to impact the firm as a whole? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- 4. Training method a. Which method best suits your goals and why? i. Lectures, discussions, and demonstrations ii. Computer based training iii. Simulations iv. On-the-job training b. Whatever choices you make have to be supported with theory and utility. c. Specificity and linkage to your actual training is required and crucial here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
  • 38. 5. Training development a. How do you put it all together? i. Facilities ii. Trainer iii. Equipment b. How do you best combine method and development to create an effective training intervention? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- 6. Training Evaluation a. How will the training intervention be evaluated? i. Effectiveness? ii. Transfer? iii. Across all 4 levels of the training 1. Reaction 2. Learning 3. Transfer 4. Organizational iv. You must use the objectives from your design section as metrics to ensure proper evaluation. b. What metrics will you use effectively and accurately measure outcomes?