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Jews, Israel &
The Middle East

   A History   © 2005 Donald Meissner
Is Peace Possible?
                      Camp David Accords - Peace with Egypt

                      1993             Our Goal: A Just and
                      Oslo Accords     Lasting Peace in the
                                          Middle East.

                      Peace with Jordan
Ongoing U.S. sponsored Peace talks:       2007      Aqaba Jordan: 2003
Appearances:        September 30, 2000

What do you
  see in this
 photograph     ?
What really happened                                           September 30, 2000

       in this picture                                     ?
―Regarding your picture…that Palestinian is
actually my son, Tuvia Grossman,
a Jewish student from Chicago.
He, and two of his friends, were pulled from
their taxicab while traveling in Jerusalem,
by a mob of Palestinian Arabs,
and were severely beaten and stabbed.‖
Dr. Aaron Grossman, Letter to the Editor, New York Times

Media bias remains a major problem
         in the Middle East conflict
2nd Lebanon War: Summer 2007
Tel Aviv   Azrieli Towers
Israeli Technological Contributions
•   Centrino Processor
•   Digital Camera Computer Chips
•   Computer File Formats (.gif and .zip)
•   ‗Smart Chips‘ for Credit Cards
•   3-D Face Recognition Technology
•   Intra-Cardiac Stents
•   1st Internet Firewall
•   TanklessSCUBA
•   First Instant Messaging Software
•   In-Flight Cell Phone Technology
•   Most Effective Current Anti-Parkinson‘s Medication
Israel, West Bank & Gaza
      comprise a very small area


  Israel: 12,906 sq mi
Missouri: 68,886 sq mi
                         < 1/5



From the 10th to the 6th centuries BC
  the Jewish people enjoyed political sovereignty
     over an area very similar to modern Israel

                                                         Herodian Period
                                                         30 BC to 70 AD

Twelve Tribes of Israel   Kingdom of David and Solomon
                                1000 BC - 586 BC
Beginning in the 6th century BC until 1948 AD, this Biblical
    territory was ruled by a series of foreign empires
                                 586-538 BC—Babylonian Conquest
                                 Temple is destroyed
                                 538-333 BC—Persian Period
                                 515 BCE 2nd Temple completed
                                 333-63 BC—Hellenistic Period
                                 142-63 BC Hasmonean Rule
                                 63 BC-313 AD—Roman Rule
                                 2nd Temple destroyed
                                 Romans rename Israel/Judea:
                                 Palestine (Philistia)
                                 313-636—Byzantine Period
                                 636-1095—Muslim Rule
                                 1291-1516—Mamluk Rule
                                 1516-1918—Ottoman Empire
                       Canaan    1918-1948—British Empire
           26 B.C.
263 B.C.

 Judea     Judea
134 B.C.   4 B.C.

67 B.C.     Rome
           79 A.D.
1867 - The

quot;A desolate country whose soil is rich enough but is given over
wholly to weeds. A silent, mournful expanse. We never saw a
human being on the whole route. There was hardly a tree or a
shrub anywhere. Even the olive and the cactus, those fast
friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.quot;
In the late 19th century, Jewish life in Europe
        became increasingly difficult.
                              Fiddler on
                              the Roof

                                           The Protocols of the
                                             Learned Elders
                                                 of Zion:
                                            A Tsarist Calumny
President Benjamin Harrison
                                “By the revival of antisemitic
                                laws, great numbers of those
                                unfortunate people [Jews] have
                                been constrained to abandon
                                their homes…

                                …because of the harsh measures
                                now being enforced against the
                                Hebrews in Russia… It is
                                estimated that over 1,000,000
                                will be forced from Russia
                                within a few years.”

                              December 9, 1891 Letter
                                to Czar Alexander III
Jan 13, 1898

Liberal France displayed overt anti-Semitism   Corporal Dreyfus
Modern Zionism 1882-1948: The national movement
 for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland.
  The return to Zion has been part of Jewish religious
         life since the Babylonian Exile.586 BCE

                       Theodor Herzl
                         in Palestine
                          Early 20th

                                        ―The Jewish State‖ published 1896
President Theodore Roosevelt             Pogrom in Kishinev
                                         April 6-7, 1903
                                        On Easter weekend a pogrom
                                        in Kishinev, Romania left:
                                        49 Jews dead
                                        500+ injured
                                        700 homes looted and destroyed
                                        600 businesses looted
                                        2000 families homeless
―[The USA] should desire eagerly to
give expression to its horror on an
                                      In reaction to this tragedy, American Jewry
occasion like that of the massacre of
the Jews in Kishenef…‖                  became a more tightly knit community.
President Woodrow Wilson
                           ―…there are nine millions of Jews, the
                            great majority of whom are destitute
                            of food, shelter, and clothing; driven
                            from their homes without
                            warning...causing starvation, disease
                            and untold suffering;

                             I, Woodrow Wilson, do proclaim
                             January 27, 1916, as a day upon
                             which to make contributions for the
                             aid of the stricken Jewish people.
                             Contributions may be addressed to
                             the American Red Cross.‖
Balfour Declaration, November 2nd, 1917
―His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment
in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will
use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this
object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done
which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing
non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political
status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.‖
                               U.S. Congress Endorses the Balfour Declaration
                      Public Resolution No. 73, 67th Congress, Second Session, September 21, 1922
International, post-war conferences proposed several options
    for accommodating the various interests in Palestine
Allocated as the region of Jewish National Home
 League of Nations San Remo Conference 1920         Division of the Mandate 1922-1923

area in which the
Jews hoped to
set up their
National Home

Confirmed by the League of Nations on July 24, 1922. Came into operation September 1923.

1929 to 1939: A Dark Decade
• 1929 — Hebron Pogrom
    – Jews leave Hebron after 800 years
• 1933 — Hitler seizes power
• 1938 — Kristallnacht
    – Jewish businesses destroyed                     Jewish Immigration to Palestine
• 1939 — The British White Papers
    – Jewish immigration curtailed
• 1939 — Voyage of S.S. St. Louis
    – 1,000 Jewish refugees returned to Nazis
• 1939 — Germany invades Poland
                                                S.S. St. Louis

8 million Jews trapped in Europe
Nazi Liquidation of Kishinev - 1941

                10,000Jews were slaughtered in
                   the streets and in their homes.
                2,000Jews were subsequently
                   murdered by a unit comprised of
                   men from Einsatzkommandos 11a
                   from Einsatzgruppen D.
                  This unit selected for murder
                  members of the liberal professions
                  (doctors, lawyers, engineers) and
                  Jewish intellectuals.
                  Researcher: Matatias Carp
United Nations Partition Plan

    In 1947, the United Nations
       voted to divide Palestine
                 into two states:

  One for the Jews (orange) and
       one for the Arabs (pink).

The Jews accepted this partition.
Israel‘s Declaration of Independence (excerpt)
                                        May 14, 1948
           will be based on the precepts of liberty,
           justice and peace taught by the Hebrew
           will uphold the full social and political
           equality of all its citizens, without
           distinction of race, creed or sex;
           will guarantee full freedom of conscience,
           worship, education and culture;
           will safeguard the sanctity and inviolability
           of the shrines and Holy Places of all
The War of Independence
                          May 15, 1948

       quot;This will be a war of extermination
       and a momentous massacre which
       will be spoken of like the Mongolian
       massacres and the Crusades.‖
       - Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General
         of the Arab League
Under the armistice agreement, Egypt and Jordan occupied key areas
previously designated for a Palestinian state under the Partition plan
While the 1948 War created a large number of Jewish
 and Arab refugees, they faced very different fates

Approximately 700,000 Jewish
refugees were forced to leave their
ancestral homes in the Arab world
and emigrate to Israel.

A similar number of Arab refugees
left partitioned Palestine during
and after the 1948 war, for various
reasons, and were forced into
refugee camps in Arab countries.
Of the Arab refugees from Palestine,
very few were absorbed into other Arab states
                        Only Jordan offered Arab
                         refugees full rights and
                        Elsewhere in the Arab
                         world, refugees are
                         required to live in
                         refugee camps, are
                         denied political rights,
                         jobs, education and
                         access to proper medical
Arab Violence Before 1967
1920-1921 Anti-Jewish Riots -135 deaths
1929 ―Disturbances‖ Hebron - 67
1936-1939 Husseini‘s Army- 415                               Mufti Husseini

1948 Joint Arab Invasion -      6373
1951-1955 ―Fedayeen‖ terrorist attacks:
     922 Israelis killed - attacks from                Husseini       Hitler
     Jordan, Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon

―There will be no peace on Israel‘s border because
we demand vengeance and vengeance is Israel‘s death.‖
                   Gamal Abdel Nasser - Egypt - August 31, 1955
After a series of Arab summits dominated by
Nasser, the PLO was created by the Arab League in
           The Arab League concluded the time
            was not right to fight a ―war of
            national liberation‖ for Palestine, and
            chose instead to continue raids and
            terrorist attacks.
           Originally based in Jordan, to serve as
            a Palestinian government-in-exile.
           Yasser Arafat elected leader of the
            PLO in 1968.
Excerpts from the PLO Charter
• Article 19: The partition of Palestine in 1947 and the
  establishment of the state of Israel are entirely illegal
• Article 20: Claims of historical or religious ties of Jews with
  Palestine are incompatible with the facts of history
• Article 21: …reject all solutions which are substitutes for
  the total liberation of Palestine…
• Article 22: …destroy the Zionist and imperialist presence…
• Article 23: …require all states to consider Zionism an
  illegitimate movement, to outlaw its existence, and to ban
  its operations…
The 1967 Six-Day War

       Jews return to the
     Western Wall for the
     first time since 1948
          when Jordan
        East Jerusalem
The Arab League Khartoum Resolutions
            September 1, 1967

    No Recognition of Israel
    NoNegotiations with Israel
    NoPeace with Israel
U.N. Security Council Resolution 242
                                                       22 November 1967

―establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East‖
 ―…withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories…‖
―[Israel‘s] right to live in peace within secure and recognized
         boundaries free from threats or acts of force‖
The Yom Kippur War - October 1973
While Israelis were observing Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish
 year, armies of Syria and Egypt, aided by forces from Iraq, Lebanon,
         Saudi Arabia, and other Arab nations, invaded Israel.
The Camp David Accords: 1978-1982

Since 1979, Egypt and Israel have enjoyed the
benefits of normalized relations including
economic cooperation and security.
1st Lebanon War: 1982 - 1985

            Last Israeli tank leaves Lebanon in 1985
Palestinian terrorism (1987 – 1993)
• Terrorism conducted by the PLO with
  assistance and competition from a newly
  formed terrorist group: Hamas
• 3,600 Molotov cocktail attacks
• 100 hand grenade attacks
• 600 assaults with guns or explosives
• 27 Israelis killed
• 1,400+ Israeli civilians injured
• 1,700 Israeli soldiers injured
Oslo Accords —1993
• Provided an interim agreement
over a 5-year transitional period
• Allowed for Palestinian self-
government and elections
• Immediate authority given to
Palestinian officials in major
economic and social areas of
• On security, the PA was
obligated to create a ―strong           In 1996, more than 95%
police force‖ and Israel was        of Palestinian Arabs were living
allowed to defend its ―overall            under the control and
security.‖                                 governance of the
                                         Palestinian Authority.
Peace with Jordan

In 1994, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and King Hussein
     signed a peace treaty between Israel and Jordan.
In the Camp David (2000) and Taba (2001)
negotiations, the Barak government offered Palestinians
   the broadest concessions in the region‘s history:
   Issues       Demand             Israeli Offer
                                    97% of the West
               100% of the West     Bank and Gaza +
 Territories    Bank and Gaza      3% of lands within     While the Israeli
                                                         offer may not have
               Palestinian East     Palestinian East    been perfect, it was
 Jerusalem        Jerusalem            Jerusalem        a genuine attempt to
                                                          solve the conflict
                                       4 options of
                 All 3 million
                                      citizenship to
               refugees will be
  Refugees      able to become
                                    refugees, limited
                                   number will move
                Israeli citizens
                                         to Israel
Recent war of terror
                beginning in September 2000

―[The uprising] had been planned since Chairman Arafat‘s return from
Camp David, when he turned the tables on the former U.S. president
and rejected the American conditions.‖
ImadFaluji - Palestinian Authority Communications Minister - March 3, 2001
Recent war of terror
                                   Dome of the Rock

―I still have not recovered
                                                      Western Wall
from the magnitude of the
missed opportunity that
January. Sixteen hundred
Palestinian dead so far. And
seven hundred Israelis
dead. In my judgment, not
one life of those Israeli and
Palestinians dead is justified.‖

Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia
March 24, 2003
What is the Security Barrier?

A temporary, non-violent   Walled sections shield cars from
    security measure             snipers, comprising
                           approximately 5% of the barrier
While Jewish Towns in the West Bank and Gaza are an
     issue, they are not the major impediment to peace
Settlements have never been an obstacle to peace
   From 1949-1967, when Jews were forbidden to live in the West Bank,
   the Arabs refused to make peace with Israel.
   In 2000, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered to dismantle dozens of settlements,
   but the Palestinians still would not agree to end the conflict.
Unilateral Disengagement
   Ariel Sharon evacuated 8000+ Jews from Gaza and some West Bank outposts.
Peace       Hadassah Medical Organization
Possible       promotes peace in the region.
     • Equal treatment for all people, treating more

?     terror victims than any other medical center.
       • Model of cooperation and coexistence set
         by the mixed staff of people of all faiths.

Is Peace Possible?
Camp David Accords - Peace with Egypt

Oslo Accords
                Israel has actively and
               repeatedly sought peace
Peace with            since 1948.
quot;A desolate country whose soil is rich enough but is given
over wholly to weeds. A silent, mournful expanse.‖ Mark Twain

                                                Tel Aviv 1909
Tel Aviv 2004
Haifa 1931
Haifa 2000
Sand Dunes - Tel Aviv 1909
Leveling Dunes - Tel Aviv 1909
Leveling Dunes - Tel Aviv 1910
New Street - Tel Aviv 1914
New Street - Tel Aviv 2004
21st Century
Protocols of the
Bookstore          Elders of Zion

   in                 The Czarist
                  Michael Moore

                   Che Guevara
 Mein Kampf:
By Adolf Hitler

Ramallah, October 2000
Lynching of two Israeli Soldiers
at Palestinian Authority
Police Station
                                   Indoctrination of Children
Indoctrination of Children
Indoctrination of Children
Jan 1, 2007
Fatah Leader
Abu Shahin
to Al-Qaeda
Iranian President Ahmadinejad
       October 26, 2005         Centrifuges at Natanz Facility 2008
―There is no doubt that the new wave in Palestine will soon
wipe off this disgraceful blot [Israel] from the face of the
Islamic world. Anybody who recognizes Israel will burn in
the fire of the Islamic nation‘s fury.‖
May 13, 2008

     Iranian President Ahmadinejad                  His Blog

     quot;This terrorist and criminal state is backed by foreign powers,
    but this regime would soon be swept away by the Palestinians.quot;
             quot; would be futile to hold a birthday ceremony
                    for something which is already dead.‖
…anniversary celebrations could not save this quot;rotten and stinking corpse.quot;
Ellis Island
Population of Israel, by Origin
―The Hebrew is never
a beggar; he has
always kept the law -
life by toil - often
under severe and
oppressive civil
restrictions. It is also
true that no race, sect,
or class has more fully
cared for its own than
the Hebrew race.…‖
© 2005 Donald Meissner
Thank You

Current Issues Discussion
                    © 2005 Donald Meissner
Jews, Israel, The Middle East: A History

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Jews, Israel, The Middle East: A History

  • 1. Jews, Israel & The Middle East A History © 2005 Donald Meissner
  • 2. Is Peace Possible? 1978-1982 Camp David Accords - Peace with Egypt 1993 Our Goal: A Just and Oslo Accords Lasting Peace in the Middle East. 1994 Peace with Jordan Ongoing U.S. sponsored Peace talks: 2007 Aqaba Jordan: 2003
  • 3. Appearances: September 30, 2000 What do you see in this photograph ?
  • 4. What really happened September 30, 2000 in this picture ? ―Regarding your picture…that Palestinian is actually my son, Tuvia Grossman, a Jewish student from Chicago. He, and two of his friends, were pulled from their taxicab while traveling in Jerusalem, by a mob of Palestinian Arabs, and were severely beaten and stabbed.‖ Dr. Aaron Grossman, Letter to the Editor, New York Times Media bias remains a major problem in the Middle East conflict
  • 5. 2nd Lebanon War: Summer 2007
  • 7. Tel Aviv Azrieli Towers
  • 8. Israeli Technological Contributions • Centrino Processor • Digital Camera Computer Chips • Computer File Formats (.gif and .zip) • ‗Smart Chips‘ for Credit Cards • 3-D Face Recognition Technology • Intra-Cardiac Stents • 1st Internet Firewall • TanklessSCUBA • First Instant Messaging Software • In-Flight Cell Phone Technology • Most Effective Current Anti-Parkinson‘s Medication
  • 9. Israel, West Bank & Gaza comprise a very small area 130 mil es Israel: 12,906 sq mi Missouri: 68,886 sq mi < 1/5
  • 10. 1946 1943 1932 1946 1953 1932
  • 11. From the 10th to the 6th centuries BC the Jewish people enjoyed political sovereignty over an area very similar to modern Israel Herodian Period 30 BC to 70 AD Twelve Tribes of Israel Kingdom of David and Solomon 1000 BC - 586 BC
  • 12. Beginning in the 6th century BC until 1948 AD, this Biblical territory was ruled by a series of foreign empires 586-538 BC—Babylonian Conquest Temple is destroyed 538-333 BC—Persian Period 515 BCE 2nd Temple completed 333-63 BC—Hellenistic Period 142-63 BC Hasmonean Rule 63 BC-313 AD—Roman Rule 2nd Temple destroyed Romans rename Israel/Judea: Palestine (Philistia) 313-636—Byzantine Period 636-1095—Muslim Rule 1095-1291—Crusades 1291-1516—Mamluk Rule 1516-1918—Ottoman Empire Canaan 1918-1948—British Empire
  • 13. Judea Greece 26 B.C. 263 B.C. Judea Judea 134 B.C. 4 B.C. Judea 67 B.C. Rome 79 A.D.
  • 14. 1867 - The Innocents Abroad quot;A desolate country whose soil is rich enough but is given over wholly to weeds. A silent, mournful expanse. We never saw a human being on the whole route. There was hardly a tree or a shrub anywhere. Even the olive and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.quot;
  • 15. In the late 19th century, Jewish life in Europe became increasingly difficult. Fiddler on the Roof The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion: A Tsarist Calumny Shtetl
  • 16. President Benjamin Harrison “By the revival of antisemitic laws, great numbers of those unfortunate people [Jews] have been constrained to abandon their homes… …because of the harsh measures now being enforced against the Hebrews in Russia… It is estimated that over 1,000,000 will be forced from Russia within a few years.” December 9, 1891 Letter to Czar Alexander III
  • 17. Jan 13, 1898 Liberal France displayed overt anti-Semitism Corporal Dreyfus
  • 18. Modern Zionism 1882-1948: The national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland. The return to Zion has been part of Jewish religious life since the Babylonian Exile.586 BCE Theodor Herzl in Palestine Early 20th Century ―The Jewish State‖ published 1896
  • 19. President Theodore Roosevelt Pogrom in Kishinev April 6-7, 1903 On Easter weekend a pogrom in Kishinev, Romania left: 49 Jews dead 500+ injured 700 homes looted and destroyed 600 businesses looted 2000 families homeless ―[The USA] should desire eagerly to give expression to its horror on an In reaction to this tragedy, American Jewry occasion like that of the massacre of the Jews in Kishenef…‖ became a more tightly knit community.
  • 20. 1916 President Woodrow Wilson ―…there are nine millions of Jews, the great majority of whom are destitute of food, shelter, and clothing; driven from their homes without warning...causing starvation, disease and untold suffering; I, Woodrow Wilson, do proclaim January 27, 1916, as a day upon which to make contributions for the aid of the stricken Jewish people. Contributions may be addressed to the American Red Cross.‖
  • 21. Balfour Declaration, November 2nd, 1917 ―His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.‖ U.S. Congress Endorses the Balfour Declaration Public Resolution No. 73, 67th Congress, Second Session, September 21, 1922
  • 22. International, post-war conferences proposed several options for accommodating the various interests in Palestine Allocated as the region of Jewish National Home League of Nations San Remo Conference 1920 Division of the Mandate 1922-1923 Approximate area in which the Jews hoped to set up their National Home Confirmed by the League of Nations on July 24, 1922. Came into operation September 1923.
  • 23. Kristallnacht 1929 to 1939: A Dark Decade • 1929 — Hebron Pogrom – Jews leave Hebron after 800 years • 1933 — Hitler seizes power • 1938 — Kristallnacht – Jewish businesses destroyed Jewish Immigration to Palestine • 1939 — The British White Papers – Jewish immigration curtailed • 1939 — Voyage of S.S. St. Louis – 1,000 Jewish refugees returned to Nazis • 1939 — Germany invades Poland S.S. St. Louis 8 million Jews trapped in Europe
  • 24. Nazi Liquidation of Kishinev - 1941 10,000Jews were slaughtered in the streets and in their homes. 2,000Jews were subsequently murdered by a unit comprised of men from Einsatzkommandos 11a from Einsatzgruppen D. This unit selected for murder members of the liberal professions (doctors, lawyers, engineers) and Jewish intellectuals. Researcher: Matatias Carp
  • 25.
  • 26. United Nations Partition Plan In 1947, the United Nations voted to divide Palestine into two states: One for the Jews (orange) and one for the Arabs (pink). The Jews accepted this partition.
  • 27. Israel‘s Declaration of Independence (excerpt) May 14, 1948 ―THE STATE OF ISRAEL… will be based on the precepts of liberty, justice and peace taught by the Hebrew Prophets; will uphold the full social and political equality of all its citizens, without distinction of race, creed or sex; will guarantee full freedom of conscience, worship, education and culture; will safeguard the sanctity and inviolability of the shrines and Holy Places of all religions.‖
  • 28. The War of Independence May 15, 1948 quot;This will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades.‖ - Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General of the Arab League
  • 29. Under the armistice agreement, Egypt and Jordan occupied key areas previously designated for a Palestinian state under the Partition plan
  • 30. While the 1948 War created a large number of Jewish and Arab refugees, they faced very different fates Approximately 700,000 Jewish refugees were forced to leave their ancestral homes in the Arab world and emigrate to Israel. A similar number of Arab refugees left partitioned Palestine during and after the 1948 war, for various reasons, and were forced into refugee camps in Arab countries.
  • 31.
  • 32. Of the Arab refugees from Palestine, very few were absorbed into other Arab states  Only Jordan offered Arab refugees full rights and citizenship.  Elsewhere in the Arab world, refugees are required to live in refugee camps, are denied political rights, jobs, education and access to proper medical facilities.
  • 33. Arab Violence Before 1967 1920-1921 Anti-Jewish Riots -135 deaths 1929 ―Disturbances‖ Hebron - 67 1936-1939 Husseini‘s Army- 415 Mufti Husseini 1948 Joint Arab Invasion - 6373 1951-1955 ―Fedayeen‖ terrorist attacks: 922 Israelis killed - attacks from Husseini Hitler Jordan, Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon ―There will be no peace on Israel‘s border because we demand vengeance and vengeance is Israel‘s death.‖ Gamal Abdel Nasser - Egypt - August 31, 1955 Nasser
  • 34. After a series of Arab summits dominated by Nasser, the PLO was created by the Arab League in 1964  The Arab League concluded the time was not right to fight a ―war of national liberation‖ for Palestine, and chose instead to continue raids and terrorist attacks.  Originally based in Jordan, to serve as a Palestinian government-in-exile.  Yasser Arafat elected leader of the PLO in 1968.
  • 35. Excerpts from the PLO Charter • Article 19: The partition of Palestine in 1947 and the establishment of the state of Israel are entirely illegal • Article 20: Claims of historical or religious ties of Jews with Palestine are incompatible with the facts of history • Article 21: …reject all solutions which are substitutes for the total liberation of Palestine… • Article 22: …destroy the Zionist and imperialist presence… • Article 23: …require all states to consider Zionism an illegitimate movement, to outlaw its existence, and to ban its operations…
  • 36. The 1967 Six-Day War Jews return to the Western Wall for the first time since 1948 when Jordan occupied East Jerusalem
  • 37. The Arab League Khartoum Resolutions September 1, 1967 No Recognition of Israel NoNegotiations with Israel NoPeace with Israel
  • 38. U.N. Security Council Resolution 242 22 November 1967 ―establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East‖ ―…withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories…‖ ―[Israel‘s] right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force‖
  • 39. The Yom Kippur War - October 1973 While Israelis were observing Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish year, armies of Syria and Egypt, aided by forces from Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and other Arab nations, invaded Israel.
  • 40. The Camp David Accords: 1978-1982 Since 1979, Egypt and Israel have enjoyed the benefits of normalized relations including economic cooperation and security.
  • 41. 1st Lebanon War: 1982 - 1985 Hezbollah Last Israeli tank leaves Lebanon in 1985
  • 42. Palestinian terrorism (1987 – 1993) • Terrorism conducted by the PLO with assistance and competition from a newly formed terrorist group: Hamas • 3,600 Molotov cocktail attacks • 100 hand grenade attacks • 600 assaults with guns or explosives • 27 Israelis killed • 1,400+ Israeli civilians injured • 1,700 Israeli soldiers injured
  • 43. Oslo Accords —1993 • Provided an interim agreement over a 5-year transitional period • Allowed for Palestinian self- government and elections • Immediate authority given to Palestinian officials in major economic and social areas of government • On security, the PA was obligated to create a ―strong In 1996, more than 95% police force‖ and Israel was of Palestinian Arabs were living allowed to defend its ―overall under the control and security.‖ governance of the Palestinian Authority.
  • 44. Peace with Jordan In 1994, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and King Hussein signed a peace treaty between Israel and Jordan.
  • 45. In the Camp David (2000) and Taba (2001) negotiations, the Barak government offered Palestinians the broadest concessions in the region‘s history: Palestinian Issues Demand Israeli Offer 97% of the West 100% of the West Bank and Gaza + Territories Bank and Gaza 3% of lands within While the Israeli Israel offer may not have Palestinian East Palestinian East been perfect, it was Jerusalem Jerusalem Jerusalem a genuine attempt to solve the conflict 4 options of All 3 million citizenship to refugees will be Refugees able to become refugees, limited number will move Israeli citizens to Israel
  • 46. Recent war of terror beginning in September 2000 ―[The uprising] had been planned since Chairman Arafat‘s return from Camp David, when he turned the tables on the former U.S. president and rejected the American conditions.‖ ImadFaluji - Palestinian Authority Communications Minister - March 3, 2001
  • 47. Recent war of terror Dome of the Rock ―I still have not recovered Western Wall from the magnitude of the missed opportunity that January. Sixteen hundred Palestinian dead so far. And seven hundred Israelis dead. In my judgment, not one life of those Israeli and Palestinians dead is justified.‖ Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia March 24, 2003
  • 48. What is the Security Barrier? A temporary, non-violent Walled sections shield cars from security measure snipers, comprising approximately 5% of the barrier
  • 49.
  • 50. While Jewish Towns in the West Bank and Gaza are an issue, they are not the major impediment to peace Settlements have never been an obstacle to peace From 1949-1967, when Jews were forbidden to live in the West Bank, the Arabs refused to make peace with Israel. In 2000, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered to dismantle dozens of settlements, but the Palestinians still would not agree to end the conflict. Unilateral Disengagement Ariel Sharon evacuated 8000+ Jews from Gaza and some West Bank outposts. Shechem/Nablus
  • 51. Is Peace Hadassah Medical Organization Possible promotes peace in the region. • Equal treatment for all people, treating more ? terror victims than any other medical center. • Model of cooperation and coexistence set by the mixed staff of people of all faiths. Yes!
  • 52. Is Peace Possible? 1978-1982 Camp David Accords - Peace with Egypt 1993 Oslo Accords Israel has actively and 1994 repeatedly sought peace Peace with since 1948. Jordan
  • 53. quot;A desolate country whose soil is rich enough but is given over wholly to weeds. A silent, mournful expanse.‖ Mark Twain Tel Aviv 1909
  • 57. Sand Dunes - Tel Aviv 1909
  • 58. Leveling Dunes - Tel Aviv 1909
  • 59. Leveling Dunes - Tel Aviv 1910
  • 60. New Street - Tel Aviv 1914
  • 61. New Street - Tel Aviv 2004
  • 63.
  • 64. Protocols of the Bookstore Elders of Zion in The Czarist Forgery Amman Jordan Michael Moore Che Guevara Mein Kampf: By Adolf Hitler
  • 65.
  • 66.
  • 67. Berlin Ramallah, October 2000 Lynching of two Israeli Soldiers at Palestinian Authority Police Station Indoctrination of Children
  • 70. Jan 1, 2007 Fatah Leader Abu Shahin to Al-Qaeda
  • 71. Iranian President Ahmadinejad October 26, 2005 Centrifuges at Natanz Facility 2008 ―There is no doubt that the new wave in Palestine will soon wipe off this disgraceful blot [Israel] from the face of the Islamic world. Anybody who recognizes Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation‘s fury.‖
  • 72. May 13, 2008 Iranian President Ahmadinejad His Blog quot;This terrorist and criminal state is backed by foreign powers, but this regime would soon be swept away by the Palestinians.quot; quot; would be futile to hold a birthday ceremony for something which is already dead.‖ …anniversary celebrations could not save this quot;rotten and stinking corpse.quot;
  • 74. Population of Israel, by Origin ―The Hebrew is never a beggar; he has always kept the law - life by toil - often under severe and oppressive civil restrictions. It is also true that no race, sect, or class has more fully cared for its own than the Hebrew race.…‖ President Harrison 1891
  • 75. © 2005 Donald Meissner
  • 76. Thank You ??? Current Issues Discussion © 2005 Donald Meissner