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ARCH A4845
Generative design
Session A - review
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Elements of generative design
1. Generate - create a ‘design space’ of all possible designs
2. Evaluate - develop measures to judge each design’s performance
3. Evolve - search through design space to find unique high-performing designs
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Design space model
Design parameters
Design geometry
Design measures
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Session B - design optimization
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Optimization frameworkNature-Insp
ired Metaheuristi
ond Edition (20
Xin-She Yang
c Luniver Press
tain objectives or to optimize something such as profit, quality and time.
As resources, time and money are always limited in real-world applica-
tions, we have to find solutions to optimally use these valuable resources
under various constraints. Mathematical optimization or programming is
the study of such planning and design problems using mathematical tools.
Nowadays, computer simulations become an indispensable tool for solving
such optimization problems with various efficient search algorithms.
Mathematically speaking, it is possible to write most optimization problems
in the generic form
x∈ n fi(x), (i = 1, 2, ..., M), (1.1)
subject to hj(x) = 0, (j = 1, 2, ..., J), (1.2)
gk(x) ≤ 0, (k = 1, 2, ..., K), (1.3)
where fi(x), hj(x) and gk(x) are functions of the design vector
x = (x1, x2, ..., xn)T
. (1.4)
Here the components xi of x are called design or decision variables, and
they can be real continuous, discrete or the mixed of these two.
The functions fi(x) where i = 1, 2, ..., M are called the objective func-
tions or simply cost functions, and in the case of M = 1, there is only a
single objective. The space spanned by the decision variables is called the
design space or search space n
, while the space formed by the objective
function values is called the solution space or response space. The equali-
ties for hj and inequalities for gk are called constraints. It is worth pointing
Xin-She Yang. Nature-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithms (2008) Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Optimization framework - components
1. Input parameters - set of variables that can be adjusted
•	 discrete / categorical - whole number
•	 continuous - decimal number
•	 permutation / ordering - whole number sequence
2. Objectives - functions representing goals of the problem
•	 minimize value
•	 maximize value
3. Constraints - functions representing conditions that make a valid solution
•	 must be equal to certain value
•	 must be smaller than or greater than certain value
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
How do we optimize?
A. Deterministic methods
1. Direct analysis - linear and quadratic programming
2. Gradient descent
3. Exhaustive search
4. Heuristic
B. Stochastic methods
5. Monte Carlo (MC) - completely random
6. Metaheuristic
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
1. Direct analysis
Solution of optimization problem by linear programming
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
2. Gradient descent
X (input)
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
2. Gradient descent
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
2. Gradient descent
y1 slope of curve
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
2. Gradient descent
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
2. Gradient descent
y2 slope of curve
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
... xn
yn slope of curve = 0 (local optimum)
2. Gradient descent
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
2. Gradient descent
y = f(x1
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
2. Gradient descent
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
local optimumglobal optimum
2. Gradient descent
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Given a list of cities and the
distances between each pair of
cities, what is the shortest
possible route that visits each
city exactly once and returns to
the origin city?
Travelling salesman problem (TSP)
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
3. Exhaustive search
n = number of cities
number of solutions = (n-1)!
10! = 10 * 9 * 8 * 7 * 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 3,628,800
20! = 2.432902e+18
30! = 2.652529e+32
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Heuristic solution:
Choose closest city each time
4. Heuristic
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Heuristic solution:
Choose closest city each time
4. Heuristic
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Heuristic solution:
Choose closest city each time
4. Heuristic
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Heuristic solution:
Choose closest city each time
4. Heuristic
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Heuristic solution:
Choose closest city each time
4. Heuristic
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Heuristic solution:
Choose closest city each time
4. Heuristic
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Heuristic solution:
Choose closest city each time
4. Heuristic
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Heuristic solution:
Choose closest city each time
4. Heuristic
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Heuristic solution:
Choose closest city each time
4. Heuristic
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Heuristic solution:
Choose closest city each time
4. Heuristic
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Heuristic solution:
Choose closest city each time
length = 1615
4. Heuristic
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Optimal solution:
length = 1344
4. Heuristic
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
6. Metaheuristic search
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
6. Metaheuristic search
The Shortest Route Between All the Pubs in the UK
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Metaheuristic search algorithms
Preface to the Second Edition v
Preface to the First Edition vi
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Optimization 1
1.2 Search for Optimality 2
1.3 Nature-Inspired Metaheuristics 4
1.4 A Brief History of Metaheuristics 5
2 Random Walks and L´evy Flights 11
2.1 Random Variables 11
2.2 Random Walks 12
2.3 L´evy Distribution and L´evy Flights 14
2.4 Optimization as Markov Chains 17
3 Simulated Annealing 21
3.1 Annealing and Boltzmann Distribution 21
3.2 Parameters 22
3.3 SA Algorithm 23
3.4 Unconstrained Optimization 24
3.5 Stochastic Tunneling 26
4 How to Deal With Constraints 29
4.1 Method of Lagrange Multipliers 29
4.2 Penalty Method 32
4.3 Step Size in Random Walks 33
4.4 Welded Beam Design 34
4.5 SA Implementation 35
5 Genetic Algorithms 41
5.1 Introduction 41
5.2 Genetic Algorithms 42
5.3 Choice of Parameters 43
6 Differential Evolution 47
6.1 Introduction 47
6.2 Differential Evolution 47
6.3 Variants 50
6.4 Implementation 50
7 Ant and Bee Algorithms 53
7.1 Ant Algorithms 53
7.1.1 Behaviour of Ants 53
7.1.2 Ant Colony Optimization 54
7.1.3 Double Bridge Problem 56
7.1.4 Virtual Ant Algorithm 57
7.2 Bee-inspired Algorithms 57
7.2.1 Behavior of Honeybees 57
7.2.2 Bee Algorithms 58
7.2.3 Honeybee Algorithm 59
7.2.4 Virtual Bee Algorithm 60
7.2.5 Artificial Bee Colony Optimization 61
Xin-She Yang. Nature-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithms (2008) Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Genetic Algorithm (GA)
Alan Turing (1950)
Computing Machinery and Intelligence
John Holland (1975)
Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
32 :
33 : !
34 : "
35 : #
36 : $
37 : %
38 : &
39 : '
40 : (
41 : )
42 : *
43 : +
44 : ,
45 : -
46 : .
47 : /
o b e o r n o t t o b e
48 : 0
49 : 1
50 : 2
51 : 3
52 : 4
53 : 5
54 : 6
55 : 7
56 : 8
57 : 9
58 : :
59 : ;
60 : <
61 : =
62 : >
63 : ?
64 : @
65 : A
66 : B
67 : C
68 : D
69 : E
70 : F
71 : G
72 : H
73 : I
74 : J
75 : K
76 : L
77 : M
78 : N
79 : O
80 : P
81 : Q
82 : R
83 : S
84 : T
85 : U
86 : V
87 : W
88 : X
89 : Y
90 : Z
91 : [
92 : 
93 : ]
94 : ^
95 : _
96 : `
97 : a
98 : b
99 : c
100 : d
101 : e
102 : f
103 : g
104 : h
105 : i
106 : j
107 : k
108 : l
109 : m
110 : n
111 : o
112 : p
113 : q
114 : r
115 : s
116 : t
117 : u
118 : v
119 : w
120 : x
121 : y
122 : z
123 : {
124 : |
125 : }
126 : ~
127 :
Genetic Algorithm (GA)
Daniel Shiffman - The Nature of Code, Chapter 9: The Evolution of Code (2012) Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
96 possibilities ^ 18 places
= 			479,603,335,372,621,236,652,373,132,533,825,536
= 			 4.796 x 10^35 or 479.6 decillion possibilities
Genetic Algorithm (GA)
Daniel Shiffman - The Nature of Code, Chapter 9: The Evolution of Code (2012) Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
With a basic Genetic Algorithm (GA)...
38 generations
1,000 designs / generation
38,000 designs computed
= 		 32 seconds
Daniel Shiffman - The Nature of Code, Chapter 9: The Evolution of Code (2012)
Genetic Algorithm (GA)
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Genetic Algorithm (GA)
A Genetic Algorithm creates “generations” of solutions in such a way that
the solutions get better over time
1.	 Generate initial population of solutions
2.	 Rank solutions based on their performance in objectives and constraints
3.	 Generate next generation by applying elitism, crossover, and mutation to
current generation
4.	 Repeat until termination criteria is met
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
1. Generation
Input types:
1.	Discrete
2.	Continuous
3.	Permutation
Sampling method:
1.	Random
2.	Ordered (SOBOL)
gen 01
An initial set of designs is sampled from the design space, forming the first generation.
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
2. Ranking (single objective)
rV:^st”#U. u`]f5i
target =
to be or not to be
“the mating pool”
All designs in the generation are evaluated based on the objectives and constraints of the
problem and sorted based on their performance.
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
“the mating pool”
3. Elitism
A certain portion of top-performing designs is carried over directly to the next generation.
This ensure that their genetic information is not lost in the next generation.
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
“the mating pool”
parent A
parent B
4. Crossover
Pairs of high-performing designs are selected and their genetic information is combined to
create new children designs for the next generation.
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
5. Mutation
The genes of a small number of randomly selected child designs are randomly mutated to
introduce new genetic information into the next generation.
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
gen 01 gen 02the mating pool
Genetic Algorithm (GA)
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
gen 01 gen 38
Genetic Algorithm (GA)
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
“Hill climbing”
Single objective optimization
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Radius 1 [0-5]
Volume [max]
Surface area [min]
Radius 2 [0-5]
Radius 3 [0-5]
Multi-objective optimization
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
“Pill problem”
Multi-objective optimization
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
‘pareto optimal front’
‘utopia point’
“Pill problem”
Multi-objective optimization
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
In multi-objective optimization, a design’s relative performance is based on its:
1.	dominance rank
2.	crowding distance
3.	feasibility
Multi-objective optimization
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
A. Konak, D. W. Coit, A. E. Smith - Multi-Objective Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms: A Tutorial (2006)
Dominance principle
A solution A dominates another solution B if A performs at least as well as B in every
objective, and better than B in at least one objective.
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
b dominates h (it performs better in
both objectives)
b does not dominate a (it performs
better only in objective y2
A. Konak, D. W. Coit, A. E. Smith - Multi-Objective Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms: A Tutorial (2006)
A solution A dominates another solution B if A performs at least as well as B in every
objective, and better than B in at least one objective.
Dominance principle
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
(1) optimal rank
A. Konak, D. W. Coit, A. E. Smith - Multi-Objective Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms: A Tutorial (2006)
The Pareto optimal set is the collection of solutions which are not dominated by any other
solution in the set. Solutions in this set are assigned a rank of 1.
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
(1) optimal rank
A. Konak, D. W. Coit, A. E. Smith - Multi-Objective Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms: A Tutorial (2006)
By temporarily ignoringW the first optimal set, a second optimal set can be formed.
Solutions in this set are assigned a rank of 2.
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
(1) optimal rank
A. Konak, D. W. Coit, A. E. Smith - Multi-Objective Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms: A Tutorial (2006)
This procedure can be repeated to generate the ranking of all solutions.
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
(2) crowding distance
Kalyanmoy Deb, et al. - A Fast and Elitist Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm: NSGA-II (2002)
To increase diversity in the population, solutions are also assigned a crowding distance
based on the distance between the two adjacent solutions in the same rank across all
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
(2) crowding distance
Solutions with a larger crowding distance are preferred because they represent less
explored areas of the design space.
b has a larger crowding distance
than d
Kalyanmoy Deb, et al. - A Fast and Elitist Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm: NSGA-II (2002)
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
(3) feasibility
Solutions are deemed not feasible if they break the conditions of one or more constraints.
c, g, and k are not feasible designs
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Solutions are selected for crossover by participating in a tournament where the best of
two randomly chosen designs is selected according to the following rules:
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Between b and i, which would be chosen?
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
b is chosen because it has the higher rank.
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Between c and h, which would be chosen?
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
h is chosen because it is feasible.
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Between b and d, which would be chosen?
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
b is chosen because it has a bigger crowding distance.
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Galapagos Octopus Discover
Multiple inputs X X X
Input type: float X X X
Input type: integer X
Input type: permutation X
Multiple objectives X X
Crowding distance - X
Constraints X
Optimization software feature comparison
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Design optimization test problems
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Nagy, et al. - Mining the Evolutionary Optimization Process to Discover Novel Design Strategies (2017)
Multi-objective optimization
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Nagy, et al. - Mining the Evolutionary Optimization Process to Discover Novel Design Strategies (2017)
Multi-objective optimization
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Nagy, et al. - Mining the Evolutionary Optimization Process to Discover Novel Design Strategies (2017)
Multi-objective optimization
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Nagy, et al. - Mining the Evolutionary Optimization Process to Discover Novel Design Strategies (2017)
Multi-objective optimization
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
Nagy, et al. - Mining the Evolutionary Optimization Process to Discover Novel Design Strategies (2017)
Multi-objective optimization
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design
ARCH A4845
Generative design
Columbia University GSAPP
ARCH A4845: Generative design

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SP18 Generative Design - Week 8 - Optimization

  • 2. Session A - review Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 3. Elements of generative design 1. Generate - create a ‘design space’ of all possible designs 2. Evaluate - develop measures to judge each design’s performance 3. Evolve - search through design space to find unique high-performing designs Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 4. Design space model OPTIMIZATION Design parameters (genotype) Design geometry (morphogenesis) Design measures (phenotype) Optimization (evolution) Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 5. Session B - design optimization Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 6. Optimization frameworkNature-Insp ired Metaheuristi cAlgorithms Sec ond Edition (20 10) Xin-She Yang c Luniver Press tain objectives or to optimize something such as profit, quality and time. As resources, time and money are always limited in real-world applica- tions, we have to find solutions to optimally use these valuable resources under various constraints. Mathematical optimization or programming is the study of such planning and design problems using mathematical tools. Nowadays, computer simulations become an indispensable tool for solving such optimization problems with various efficient search algorithms. 1.1 OPTIMIZATION Mathematically speaking, it is possible to write most optimization problems in the generic form minimize x∈ n fi(x), (i = 1, 2, ..., M), (1.1) subject to hj(x) = 0, (j = 1, 2, ..., J), (1.2) gk(x) ≤ 0, (k = 1, 2, ..., K), (1.3) where fi(x), hj(x) and gk(x) are functions of the design vector x = (x1, x2, ..., xn)T . (1.4) Here the components xi of x are called design or decision variables, and they can be real continuous, discrete or the mixed of these two. The functions fi(x) where i = 1, 2, ..., M are called the objective func- tions or simply cost functions, and in the case of M = 1, there is only a single objective. The space spanned by the decision variables is called the design space or search space n , while the space formed by the objective function values is called the solution space or response space. The equali- ties for hj and inequalities for gk are called constraints. It is worth pointing Xin-She Yang. Nature-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithms (2008) Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 7. Optimization framework - components 1. Input parameters - set of variables that can be adjusted • discrete / categorical - whole number • continuous - decimal number • permutation / ordering - whole number sequence 2. Objectives - functions representing goals of the problem • minimize value • maximize value 3. Constraints - functions representing conditions that make a valid solution • must be equal to certain value • must be smaller than or greater than certain value Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 8. How do we optimize? A. Deterministic methods 1. Direct analysis - linear and quadratic programming 2. Gradient descent 3. Exhaustive search 4. Heuristic B. Stochastic methods 5. Monte Carlo (MC) - completely random 6. Metaheuristic Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 9. 1. Direct analysis Solution of optimization problem by linear programming Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 10. 2. Gradient descent X (input) Y(objective) Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 11. 2. Gradient descent x1 y1 Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 12. 2. Gradient descent x1 y1 slope of curve Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 13. 2. Gradient descent x1 x2 y1 y2 Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 14. 2. Gradient descent x1 x2 y1 y2 slope of curve Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 15. x1 x2 ... xn y1 y2 yn slope of curve = 0 (local optimum) 2. Gradient descent Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 16. 2. Gradient descent x1 x2 y = f(x1 ,x2 ) Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 17. x1 y1 2. Gradient descent Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 18. x1 local optimumglobal optimum y1 xn yn 2. Gradient descent Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 19. Given a list of cities and the distances between each pair of cities, what is the shortest possible route that visits each city exactly once and returns to the origin city? Travelling salesman problem (TSP) Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 20. 3. Exhaustive search n = number of cities number of solutions = (n-1)! 10! = 10 * 9 * 8 * 7 * 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 3,628,800 20! = 2.432902e+18 30! = 2.652529e+32 Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 21. Heuristic solution: Choose closest city each time 4. Heuristic Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 22. Heuristic solution: Choose closest city each time 4. Heuristic Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 23. Heuristic solution: Choose closest city each time 4. Heuristic Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 24. Heuristic solution: Choose closest city each time 4. Heuristic Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 25. Heuristic solution: Choose closest city each time 4. Heuristic Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 26. Heuristic solution: Choose closest city each time 4. Heuristic Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 27. Heuristic solution: Choose closest city each time 4. Heuristic Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 28. Heuristic solution: Choose closest city each time 4. Heuristic Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 29. Heuristic solution: Choose closest city each time 4. Heuristic Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 30. Heuristic solution: Choose closest city each time 4. Heuristic Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 31. Heuristic solution: Choose closest city each time length = 1615 4. Heuristic Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 32. Optimal solution: length = 1344 4. Heuristic Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 33. 6. Metaheuristic search Generation Pathlength Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 34. 6. Metaheuristic search The Shortest Route Between All the Pubs in the UK [] Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 35. Metaheuristic search algorithms CONTENTS Preface to the Second Edition v Preface to the First Edition vi 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Optimization 1 1.2 Search for Optimality 2 1.3 Nature-Inspired Metaheuristics 4 1.4 A Brief History of Metaheuristics 5 2 Random Walks and L´evy Flights 11 2.1 Random Variables 11 2.2 Random Walks 12 2.3 L´evy Distribution and L´evy Flights 14 2.4 Optimization as Markov Chains 17 i ii CONTENTS 3 Simulated Annealing 21 3.1 Annealing and Boltzmann Distribution 21 3.2 Parameters 22 3.3 SA Algorithm 23 3.4 Unconstrained Optimization 24 3.5 Stochastic Tunneling 26 4 How to Deal With Constraints 29 4.1 Method of Lagrange Multipliers 29 4.2 Penalty Method 32 4.3 Step Size in Random Walks 33 4.4 Welded Beam Design 34 4.5 SA Implementation 35 5 Genetic Algorithms 41 5.1 Introduction 41 5.2 Genetic Algorithms 42 5.3 Choice of Parameters 43 6 Differential Evolution 47 6.1 Introduction 47 6.2 Differential Evolution 47 6.3 Variants 50 6.4 Implementation 50 7 Ant and Bee Algorithms 53 7.1 Ant Algorithms 53 7.1.1 Behaviour of Ants 53 7.1.2 Ant Colony Optimization 54 7.1.3 Double Bridge Problem 56 7.1.4 Virtual Ant Algorithm 57 7.2 Bee-inspired Algorithms 57 7.2.1 Behavior of Honeybees 57 7.2.2 Bee Algorithms 58 7.2.3 Honeybee Algorithm 59 7.2.4 Virtual Bee Algorithm 60 7.2.5 Artificial Bee Colony Optimization 61 Xin-She Yang. Nature-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithms (2008) Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 36. Genetic Algorithm (GA) Alan Turing (1950) Computing Machinery and Intelligence John Holland (1975) Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 37. t 32 : 33 : ! 34 : " 35 : # 36 : $ 37 : % 38 : & 39 : ' 40 : ( 41 : ) 42 : * 43 : + 44 : , 45 : - 46 : . 47 : / o b e o r n o t t o b e 48 : 0 49 : 1 50 : 2 51 : 3 52 : 4 53 : 5 54 : 6 55 : 7 56 : 8 57 : 9 58 : : 59 : ; 60 : < 61 : = 62 : > 63 : ? 64 : @ 65 : A 66 : B 67 : C 68 : D 69 : E 70 : F 71 : G 72 : H 73 : I 74 : J 75 : K 76 : L 77 : M 78 : N 79 : O 80 : P 81 : Q 82 : R 83 : S 84 : T 85 : U 86 : V 87 : W 88 : X 89 : Y 90 : Z 91 : [ 92 : 93 : ] 94 : ^ 95 : _ 96 : ` 97 : a 98 : b 99 : c 100 : d 101 : e 102 : f 103 : g 104 : h 105 : i 106 : j 107 : k 108 : l 109 : m 110 : n 111 : o 112 : p 113 : q 114 : r 115 : s 116 : t 117 : u 118 : v 119 : w 120 : x 121 : y 122 : z 123 : { 124 : | 125 : } 126 : ~ 127 : Genetic Algorithm (GA) Daniel Shiffman - The Nature of Code, Chapter 9: The Evolution of Code (2012) Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 38. 96 possibilities ^ 18 places = 479,603,335,372,621,236,652,373,132,533,825,536 = 4.796 x 10^35 or 479.6 decillion possibilities Genetic Algorithm (GA) Daniel Shiffman - The Nature of Code, Chapter 9: The Evolution of Code (2012) Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 39. With a basic Genetic Algorithm (GA)... 38 generations 1,000 designs / generation 38,000 designs computed = 32 seconds Daniel Shiffman - The Nature of Code, Chapter 9: The Evolution of Code (2012) Genetic Algorithm (GA) Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 40. Genetic Algorithm (GA) A Genetic Algorithm creates “generations” of solutions in such a way that the solutions get better over time Steps: 1. Generate initial population of solutions 2. Rank solutions based on their performance in objectives and constraints 3. Generate next generation by applying elitism, crossover, and mutation to current generation 4. Repeat until termination criteria is met Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 41. 1. Generation Input types: 1. Discrete 2. Continuous 3. Permutation Sampling method: 1. Random 2. Ordered (SOBOL) gen 01 An initial set of designs is sampled from the design space, forming the first generation. Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 42. 2. Ranking (single objective) GW%M9{,vy-3{dZoUA⌂ rV:^st”#U. u`]f5i Lg7]4#5ADB;GNfa}u| 0”{8c^h$S1BJ)=omy ‘ -gI^HoMRIN$YV%O KoMQ%25”zHnGt1whXY target = to be or not to be GW%M9{,vy-3{dZoUA⌂ 0”{8c^h$S1BJ)=omy KoMQ%25”zHnGt1whXY “the mating pool” All designs in the generation are evaluated based on the objectives and constraints of the problem and sorted based on their performance. Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 43. GW%M9{,vy-3{dZoUA⌂ 0”{8c^h$S1BJ)=omy KoMQ%25”zHnGt1whXY GW%M9{,vy-3{dZoUA⌂ “the mating pool” 3. Elitism child A certain portion of top-performing designs is carried over directly to the next generation. This ensure that their genetic information is not lost in the next generation. Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 44. GW%M9{,vy-3{dZoUA⌂ 0”{8c^h$S1BJ)=omy KoMQ%25”zHnGt1whXY GW%M9{,vy-3{dZoUA⌂ KoMQ%25”zHnGt1whXY GW%M925”zHnGt1whXY “the mating pool” child parent A parent B 4. Crossover Pairs of high-performing designs are selected and their genetic information is combined to create new children designs for the next generation. Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 45. GW%M925”zHnGt1whXY GW%Mi25”zHnGt1whXY child 5. Mutation The genes of a small number of randomly selected child designs are randomly mutated to introduce new genetic information into the next generation. Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 46. gen 01 gen 02the mating pool Genetic Algorithm (GA) Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 47. gen 01 gen 38 Genetic Algorithm (GA) Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 48. “Hill climbing” Single objective optimization Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 49. INPUTS OUTPUTS Radius 1 [0-5] Volume [max] Surface area [min] Radius 2 [0-5] Radius 3 [0-5] Multi-objective optimization Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 50. “Pill problem” Multi-objective optimization Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 51. ‘pareto optimal front’ ‘utopia point’ “Pill problem” Multi-objective optimization Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 52. In multi-objective optimization, a design’s relative performance is based on its: 1. dominance rank 2. crowding distance 3. feasibility Multi-objective optimization Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 53. y2 y1 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n A. Konak, D. W. Coit, A. E. Smith - Multi-Objective Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms: A Tutorial (2006) Dominance principle A solution A dominates another solution B if A performs at least as well as B in every objective, and better than B in at least one objective. Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 54. b dominates h (it performs better in both objectives) b does not dominate a (it performs better only in objective y2 ) y2 y1 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n A. Konak, D. W. Coit, A. E. Smith - Multi-Objective Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms: A Tutorial (2006) A solution A dominates another solution B if A performs at least as well as B in every objective, and better than B in at least one objective. Dominance principle Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 55. y2 y1 F1 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n (1) optimal rank A. Konak, D. W. Coit, A. E. Smith - Multi-Objective Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms: A Tutorial (2006) The Pareto optimal set is the collection of solutions which are not dominated by any other solution in the set. Solutions in this set are assigned a rank of 1. Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 56. y2 y1 F2 F1 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n (1) optimal rank A. Konak, D. W. Coit, A. E. Smith - Multi-Objective Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms: A Tutorial (2006) By temporarily ignoringW the first optimal set, a second optimal set can be formed. Solutions in this set are assigned a rank of 2. Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 57. y2 y1 F3 F4 F2 F1 a b c d e f g h i j k l n m (1) optimal rank A. Konak, D. W. Coit, A. E. Smith - Multi-Objective Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms: A Tutorial (2006) This procedure can be repeated to generate the ranking of all solutions. Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 58. y2 y1 F1 i+1 i-1 i a b c d e (2) crowding distance Kalyanmoy Deb, et al. - A Fast and Elitist Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm: NSGA-II (2002) To increase diversity in the population, solutions are also assigned a crowding distance based on the distance between the two adjacent solutions in the same rank across all objectives. Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 59. y2 y1 F1 i-1 i+1 i a b c d e (2) crowding distance Solutions with a larger crowding distance are preferred because they represent less explored areas of the design space. b has a larger crowding distance than d Kalyanmoy Deb, et al. - A Fast and Elitist Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm: NSGA-II (2002) Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 60. y2 y1 F3 F4 F2 F1 a b c d e f g h i j k l n m (3) feasibility Solutions are deemed not feasible if they break the conditions of one or more constraints. c, g, and k are not feasible designs Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 61. Selection Solutions are selected for crossover by participating in a tournament where the best of two randomly chosen designs is selected according to the following rules: Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 62. y2 y1 F3 F4 F2 F1 a b c d e f g h i j k l n m Between b and i, which would be chosen? Selection Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 63. y2 y1 F3 F4 F2 F1 a b c d e f g h i j k l n m b is chosen because it has the higher rank. Selection Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 64. y2 y1 F3 F4 F2 F1 a b c d e f g h i j k l n m Between c and h, which would be chosen? Selection Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 65. y2 y1 F3 F4 F2 F1 a b c d e f g h i j k l n m h is chosen because it is feasible. Selection Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 66. y2 y1 F3 F4 F2 F1 a b c d e f g h i j k l n m Between b and d, which would be chosen? Selection Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 67. y2 y1 F3 F4 F2 F1 a b c d e f g h i j k l n m b is chosen because it has a bigger crowding distance. Selection Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 68. Galapagos Octopus Discover Multiple inputs X X X Input type: float X X X Input type: integer X Input type: permutation X Multiple objectives X X Crowding distance - X Constraints X Optimization software feature comparison Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 70. Nagy, et al. - Mining the Evolutionary Optimization Process to Discover Novel Design Strategies (2017) Multi-objective optimization Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 71. Nagy, et al. - Mining the Evolutionary Optimization Process to Discover Novel Design Strategies (2017) Multi-objective optimization Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 72. Nagy, et al. - Mining the Evolutionary Optimization Process to Discover Novel Design Strategies (2017) Multi-objective optimization Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 73. Nagy, et al. - Mining the Evolutionary Optimization Process to Discover Novel Design Strategies (2017) Multi-objective optimization Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 74. Nagy, et al. - Mining the Evolutionary Optimization Process to Discover Novel Design Strategies (2017) Multi-objective optimization Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design
  • 75. ARCH A4845 Generative design Columbia University GSAPP ARCH A4845: Generative design