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Bijesh Mishra*, Buddhi Gyawali
Kentucky Academy of Science
103rd Annual Meeting
Murray State University
Murray, Kentucky
November 3-4, 2017
Outline of Presentation
• Introduction and Literature Review
• Objectives
• Hypothesis
• Methods
• Results
• Conclusions
• References
• Acknowledgements
• Agriculture has been an
important part of Kentucky
• $45.6 billion economic impact
in 2013. (Bollinger et al., 2015;
Burney & Davis, 2015).
Introduction and Literature Review
• US Congress (1990) defined sustainable agriculture as an integrated system
of plant and animal production practices... that will, over the long-term,
satisfy human food and fiber needs, enhance environmental quality…,
sustain economic viability…, and enhance quality of life.
• The interest in sustainable agriculture and food system can be traced back to
1950s-60s environmental degradation (Pretty, 2008) and gained prominence
after the Brundland Report in 1987 (Velten et al., 2015).
• Many researchers identified important roles of socioeconomic,
demographics, farm attributes, awareness, knowledge, skills, etc. in
predicting the adoption of Sustainable Agriculture Practices (SAPs) (Kabii &
Horwitz, 2006; Prokopy et al., 2008; Kornegay et al., 2010; Bertgold et al.,
2012; Carlisle, 2016)
• In contrast, Prokopy et al., (2008) found socioeconomic, demographic,
attitude variables were not significant in major studies conducted in the US
between 1980-2005.
• Adoption of SAPs, its predictors, and adoption barriers in Kentucky are not
Introduction and Literature Review
Statement of Problem
Designing locally accepted alternative and viable food systems requires
understanding of:
• Factors affecting the adoption of SAPs in relation to demographic and
socioeconomic conditions, farm attributes, knowledge, attitudes and
their relationships with SAPs; and
• Adoption barriers of SAPs.
The specific objectives of this research are:
• To identify predictors of adoption of SAPs using farm attributes, farmer
attitudes, socioeconomic, and demographic factors.
• To evaluate barriers to adoption of SAPs among Kentucky farmers.
• The adoption of SAPs among Kentucky farmers has a significant
relationship with farm attributes, farmer attitudes, knowledge,
socioeconomic, and demographic factors.
Method and Materials
• Focus group discussion
• Survey Pretested, feedbacks addressed and Mailed Mail survey
• Double-stratified sampling method for survey distribution
• Post-strata weight was applied before analyzing
• Mapped Variables using KY-Shape file.
• Negative Binomial Regression (with and without agriculture districts)
• Factor Analysis
Survey Responders by Ag-District
Agriculture District
Variables Variable Name Types
with DV
SAPs Number of SAPs adopted by Farmers Count DV
Row Crop Farmers
Yes = 1; Otherwise = 0
Binary +Ve
Vegetable Growing Farmers
Yes = 1; Otherwise = 0
Binary +Ve
Livestock Farmers
Yes = 1; Otherwise = 0
Binary -Ve
Irrigation Facility in Farm
Yes = 1; Otherwise = 0
Binary +Ve
In Favor of Diversifying Farm
Yes = 1; Otherwise = 0
Binary +Ve
Sole Proprietorship
Farm with Sole Proprietorship
Yes = 1, Otherwise = 0
Binary +Ve
Off Farm
Working off Farm
Yes = 1; Otherwise = 0
Binary +Ve
Age Age (Years) Continuous -Ve
Yes = 1; Otherwise = 0
Binary +Ve
Variables Descriptions
DV = Dependent variable, +Ve & -Ve = positive and negative relationship with
dependent variable, respectively.
Variables Variable Name Types
with DV
College Degree
Formal Education: College Degree or above
Yes = 1; Otherwise= 0 Binary
Land Total Land Operated (Acres) Continuous +Ve
Happy attitude (A reason for not adopting SAPs)
Yes = 1; Otherwise = 0 Binary
Perceived difficult of implementation of
Yes = 1; Otherwise = 0
Inadequate Knowledge
A reason for not adopting SAP
Yes = 1; Otherwise = 0
Binary -Ve
The following regional dummy variables represents NASS Agricultural Districts in Kentucky.
AgDIST_1 Agricultural District 10 (Western) Binary N/A
AgDIST_2 Agricultural District 20 (Western) Binary N/A
AgDIST_3 Agricultural District 30 (Central) Binary N/A
AgDIST_4 Agricultural District 40 (Central) Binary N/A
AgDIST_5 Agricultural District 50 (Central) Binary N/A
AgDIST_6 Agricultural District 60 (Eatern) Binary N/A
Variables Descriptions (Cont’d.)
DV = Dependent variable, +Ve & -Ve = positive and negative relationship with
dependent variable, respectively.
Distribution of SAPs among Ag-Districts
Distribution of SAPs among Ag-Districts
Variables β Std.
Wald Chi-
Sig. Exp(β)
95% Wald Confidence
Lower Upper
Constant -0.422 0.397 1.130 0.288 0.656 0.301 1.427
Crops*** 0.830 0.115 52.041 0.000 2.293 1.830 2.874
Veggies 0.038 0.123 0.096 0.756 1.039 0.816 1.324
Livestock 0.014 0.135 0.011 0.918 1.014 0.779 1.320
Irrigation*** 0.921 0.169 29.601 0.000 2.512 1.803 3.500
Diverse*** 0.827 0.098 71.490 0.000 2.287 1.888 2.771
Sole Proprietorship -0.023 0.108 0.045 0.831 0.977 0.791 1.208
Off Farm*** 0.382 0.113 11.361 0.001 1.466 1.174 1.831
Age (Years) -0.002 0.005 0.124 0.724 0.998 0.989 1.008
TBP* 0.180 0.101 3.165 0.075 1.197 0.982 1.459
College Degree*** 0.755 0.125 36.218 0.000 2.127 1.664 2.720
Land** 0.000 0.000 4.734 0.030 1.000 1.000 1.001
Happy 0.051 0.093 0.304 0.581 1.053 0.877 1.263
Implementation Difficulty*** -1.534 0.176 75.832 0.000 4.636 3.283 6.548
Inadequate Knowledge*** -0.842 0.148 32.175 0.000 0.431 0.322 0.576
Result: NBR Model (W/O Ag. Districts)
Single, double and triple asterisks (*) denotes significance of variables at 90%, 95% and 99% confidence
intervals respectively; YELLOW highlighted variables have NEGATIVE signs in the model.
Variables β Std.
Wald Chi-
Square Sig.
95% Wald Confidence
Lower Upper
Constant 0.024 0.423 0.003 0.955 1.024 0.447 2.347
Crops*** 0.830 0.121 47.052 0.000 2.294 1.809 2.908
Veggies*** 0.413 0.136 9.262 0.002 1.511 1.158 1.971
Livestock 0.228 0.143 2.553 0.110 1.257 0.950 1.663
Irrigation*** 0.629 0.171 13.589 0.000 1.876 1.343 2.621
Diverse*** 0.728 0.100 53.242 0.000 2.072 1.704 2.519
Sole Proprietorship -0.084 0.116 0.525 0.469 0.920 0.733 1.154
Off Farm 0.063 0.120 0.278 0.598 1.065 0.843 1.346
Age (Years)** -0.010 0.005 3.892 0.049 0.990 0.980 1.000
TBP** 0.251 0.105 5.739 0.017 1.286 1.047 1.579
College Degree*** 0.740 0.136 29.603 0.000 2.097 1.606 2.738
Land 0.000 0.000 2.611 0.106 1.000 1.000 1.000
Happy 0.004 0.102 0.001 0.972 1.004 0.822 1.226
Implementation Difficulty*** -1.588 0.180 77.703 0.000 4.892 3.437 6.964
Inadequate Knowledge*** -0.631 0.158 15.962 0.000 0.532 0.391 0.725
AgDist_1 0.225 0.194 1.346 0.246 1.253 0.856 1.833
AgDist_2*** 0.855 0.163 27.525 0.000 2.352 1.709 3.237
AgDist_3** -0.392 0.161 5.918 0.015 0.676 0.493 0.927
AgDist_4*** 0.565 0.159 12.642 0.000 1.760 1.289 2.403
AgDist_5** -0.402 0.166 5.867 0.015 0.669 0.483 0.926
Result: NBR Model (With Ag. Districts)
Single, double and triple asterisks (*) denotes significance of variables at 90%, 95% and 99% confidence
intervals respectively; YELLOW highlighted variables have NEGATIVE signs in the model.
Distribution of SAPs Adoption Barriers
12 8 8 7 4 3 7
Adoption Barriers of Sustainable Agriculture Practices
5.22% 3.48%
Result: Adoption Barriers of SAPs
3.48% 3.04% 1.74% 1.30% 3.04%
(Factor loading > 0.8)
Knowledge (Factor
loading > 0.6)
• Row crop growers, farm with irrigation facilities, farmers in favor of farm
diversification, and farmers an education above a college degree are
significant and positive predictors of the adoption of SAPs.
• Age has negative relationship with the adoption of SAPs; young farmers are
important for the sustainability of agriculture in Kentucky.
• Knowledge and market factors are important to increase adoption of SAPs,
which emphasize the importance of extension outreach activities and
networking among farmers.
• The adoption of sustainable agriculture also varies significantly between
agriculture districts. Thus, it is important to consider spatial component in
research to understand the socioeconomic aspects of agriculture of
ReferencesBergtold, J. S., Duffy, P. A., Hite, D., & Raper, R. L. (2012). Demographic and Management Factors Affecting the Adoption and Perceived Yield Benefit of Winter Cover
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Carlisle, L. (2016). Factors influencing farmer adoption of soil health practices in the United States: A narrative review. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems,
40(6), 583-613. doi:10.1080/21683565.2016.1156596
Coxe, S., West, S. G., & Aiken, L. S. (2009). The Analysis of Count Data: A Gentle Introduction to Poisson Regression and Its Alternatives. Journal of Personality
Assessment,91(2), 121-136. doi:10.1080/00223890802634175
Dakers, S. (1992). Sustainable agriculture: future dimensions (BP-290E). Retrieved March 26, 2017, from
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Kabii, T., & Horwitz, P. (2006). A Review of Landholder Motivations and Determinants for Participation in Conservation Covenanting Programmes. Environmental
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Kornegay, J.L., Harwood, R.R., Batie, S.S., Bucks, D., Flora, C.B., Hanson, J., Jackson-Smith, D., Jury, W., Meyer, D., Reganold, J.P., Schumacher, A. Jr., Sehmsdorf, H.,
Shennan, C., Thrupp, L.A., Willis, P. (2010). Towards Sustainable Agriculture System in the 21st Century. National Research Council of The National
Academics. Retrieved March 12, 2016, from
Liaghati, H. (2007). Assessing the Student's Attitudes Towards Sustainable Agriculture. American-Eurasian J. Agriculture and Environment Science,0(0), 1-6. ISSN:
Little, R. J. (2012). Post-Stratification: A Modeler's Perspective. Retrieved March 26, 2017, from
Pretty, J. (2008). Agriculture Sustainability: Concepts, Principles and Evidences. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B, 363, 447 465.
Prokopy, L., Floress, K., Klotthor-Weinkauf, D., & Baumgart-Getz, A. (2008). Determinants of agricultural best management practice adoption: Evidence from the
literature. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 63(5), 300-311. doi:10.2489/63.5.300
US Congress. (1990). Food, Agriculture, Conservation and Trade Act, Public Law 101-624, Title XVI, Subtitle A, Section 1603. Government Printing Office. Washington
DC, 1240. Retrieved in April 15, 2016 from
Velten, S., Leventon, J., Jager, N., & Newig, J. (2015). What is Sustainable Agriculture? A Systematic Review. Sustainability,7(6), 7833-7865. doi:10.3390/su7067833
• Grant: USDA/NIFA- Farm Diversification for Strengthening of Small Farms in
KY- Award # 2014-6800621865.
• Reviewers, Survey Participants.
• College of Agriculture, Food Science and Sustainable Systems, Kentucky State
Disclaimer: Summaries were derived using data collected in the 2014 Kentucky State University Economic Survey by the National Agriculture
Statistics Service, United States Department of Agriculture (NASS). Any interpretations and conclusion derived from the data not necessarily
represents NASS views.
Thank You!!!

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Predicting the Adoption of Sustainable Agriculture Practices Among Kentucky Farmers and Its Barrier

  • 1. Bijesh Mishra*, Buddhi Gyawali Kentucky Academy of Science 103rd Annual Meeting Murray State University Murray, Kentucky November 3-4, 2017 *
  • 2. Outline of Presentation • Introduction and Literature Review • Objectives • Hypothesis • Methods • Results • Conclusions • References • Acknowledgements
  • 3. • Agriculture has been an important part of Kentucky economy. • $45.6 billion economic impact in 2013. (Bollinger et al., 2015; Burney & Davis, 2015).
  • 4. Introduction and Literature Review • US Congress (1990) defined sustainable agriculture as an integrated system of plant and animal production practices... that will, over the long-term, satisfy human food and fiber needs, enhance environmental quality…, sustain economic viability…, and enhance quality of life. • The interest in sustainable agriculture and food system can be traced back to 1950s-60s environmental degradation (Pretty, 2008) and gained prominence after the Brundland Report in 1987 (Velten et al., 2015).
  • 5. • Many researchers identified important roles of socioeconomic, demographics, farm attributes, awareness, knowledge, skills, etc. in predicting the adoption of Sustainable Agriculture Practices (SAPs) (Kabii & Horwitz, 2006; Prokopy et al., 2008; Kornegay et al., 2010; Bertgold et al., 2012; Carlisle, 2016) • In contrast, Prokopy et al., (2008) found socioeconomic, demographic, attitude variables were not significant in major studies conducted in the US between 1980-2005. • Adoption of SAPs, its predictors, and adoption barriers in Kentucky are not well-understood. Introduction and Literature Review
  • 6. Statement of Problem 6 Designing locally accepted alternative and viable food systems requires understanding of: • Factors affecting the adoption of SAPs in relation to demographic and socioeconomic conditions, farm attributes, knowledge, attitudes and their relationships with SAPs; and • Adoption barriers of SAPs.
  • 7. Objectives The specific objectives of this research are: • To identify predictors of adoption of SAPs using farm attributes, farmer attitudes, socioeconomic, and demographic factors. • To evaluate barriers to adoption of SAPs among Kentucky farmers. 7
  • 8. Hypothesis 8 • The adoption of SAPs among Kentucky farmers has a significant relationship with farm attributes, farmer attitudes, knowledge, socioeconomic, and demographic factors.
  • 9. Method and Materials • Focus group discussion • Survey Pretested, feedbacks addressed and Mailed Mail survey • Double-stratified sampling method for survey distribution • Post-strata weight was applied before analyzing • Mapped Variables using KY-Shape file. • Negative Binomial Regression (with and without agriculture districts) • Factor Analysis 9
  • 10. Survey Responders by Ag-District Agriculture District
  • 11. Variables Variable Name Types Relation with DV SAPs Number of SAPs adopted by Farmers Count DV Crops Row Crop Farmers Yes = 1; Otherwise = 0 Binary +Ve Veggies Vegetable Growing Farmers Yes = 1; Otherwise = 0 Binary +Ve Livestock Livestock Farmers Yes = 1; Otherwise = 0 Binary -Ve Irrigation Irrigation Facility in Farm Yes = 1; Otherwise = 0 Binary +Ve Diverse In Favor of Diversifying Farm Yes = 1; Otherwise = 0 Binary +Ve Sole Proprietorship Farm with Sole Proprietorship Yes = 1, Otherwise = 0 Binary +Ve Off Farm Working off Farm Yes = 1; Otherwise = 0 Binary +Ve Age Age (Years) Continuous -Ve TBP Participated Yes = 1; Otherwise = 0 Binary +Ve Variables Descriptions DV = Dependent variable, +Ve & -Ve = positive and negative relationship with dependent variable, respectively.
  • 12. Variables Variable Name Types Relation with DV College Degree Formal Education: College Degree or above Yes = 1; Otherwise= 0 Binary +Ve Land Total Land Operated (Acres) Continuous +Ve Happy Happy attitude (A reason for not adopting SAPs) Yes = 1; Otherwise = 0 Binary -Ve Implementation Difficulty Perceived difficult of implementation of practices Yes = 1; Otherwise = 0 Binary -Ve Inadequate Knowledge A reason for not adopting SAP Yes = 1; Otherwise = 0 Binary -Ve The following regional dummy variables represents NASS Agricultural Districts in Kentucky. AgDIST_1 Agricultural District 10 (Western) Binary N/A AgDIST_2 Agricultural District 20 (Western) Binary N/A AgDIST_3 Agricultural District 30 (Central) Binary N/A AgDIST_4 Agricultural District 40 (Central) Binary N/A AgDIST_5 Agricultural District 50 (Central) Binary N/A AgDIST_6 Agricultural District 60 (Eatern) Binary N/A Variables Descriptions (Cont’d.) DV = Dependent variable, +Ve & -Ve = positive and negative relationship with dependent variable, respectively.
  • 13. Distribution of SAPs among Ag-Districts
  • 14. Distribution of SAPs among Ag-Districts
  • 15. Variables β Std. Error Wald Chi- Square Sig. Exp(β) 95% Wald Confidence [Exp(β)] Lower Upper Constant -0.422 0.397 1.130 0.288 0.656 0.301 1.427 Crops*** 0.830 0.115 52.041 0.000 2.293 1.830 2.874 Veggies 0.038 0.123 0.096 0.756 1.039 0.816 1.324 Livestock 0.014 0.135 0.011 0.918 1.014 0.779 1.320 Irrigation*** 0.921 0.169 29.601 0.000 2.512 1.803 3.500 Diverse*** 0.827 0.098 71.490 0.000 2.287 1.888 2.771 Sole Proprietorship -0.023 0.108 0.045 0.831 0.977 0.791 1.208 Off Farm*** 0.382 0.113 11.361 0.001 1.466 1.174 1.831 Age (Years) -0.002 0.005 0.124 0.724 0.998 0.989 1.008 TBP* 0.180 0.101 3.165 0.075 1.197 0.982 1.459 College Degree*** 0.755 0.125 36.218 0.000 2.127 1.664 2.720 Land** 0.000 0.000 4.734 0.030 1.000 1.000 1.001 Happy 0.051 0.093 0.304 0.581 1.053 0.877 1.263 Implementation Difficulty*** -1.534 0.176 75.832 0.000 4.636 3.283 6.548 Inadequate Knowledge*** -0.842 0.148 32.175 0.000 0.431 0.322 0.576 Result: NBR Model (W/O Ag. Districts) Single, double and triple asterisks (*) denotes significance of variables at 90%, 95% and 99% confidence intervals respectively; YELLOW highlighted variables have NEGATIVE signs in the model.
  • 16. Variables β Std. Error Wald Chi- Square Sig. Exp(β) 95% Wald Confidence [Exp(β)] Lower Upper Constant 0.024 0.423 0.003 0.955 1.024 0.447 2.347 Crops*** 0.830 0.121 47.052 0.000 2.294 1.809 2.908 Veggies*** 0.413 0.136 9.262 0.002 1.511 1.158 1.971 Livestock 0.228 0.143 2.553 0.110 1.257 0.950 1.663 Irrigation*** 0.629 0.171 13.589 0.000 1.876 1.343 2.621 Diverse*** 0.728 0.100 53.242 0.000 2.072 1.704 2.519 Sole Proprietorship -0.084 0.116 0.525 0.469 0.920 0.733 1.154 Off Farm 0.063 0.120 0.278 0.598 1.065 0.843 1.346 Age (Years)** -0.010 0.005 3.892 0.049 0.990 0.980 1.000 TBP** 0.251 0.105 5.739 0.017 1.286 1.047 1.579 College Degree*** 0.740 0.136 29.603 0.000 2.097 1.606 2.738 Land 0.000 0.000 2.611 0.106 1.000 1.000 1.000 Happy 0.004 0.102 0.001 0.972 1.004 0.822 1.226 Implementation Difficulty*** -1.588 0.180 77.703 0.000 4.892 3.437 6.964 Inadequate Knowledge*** -0.631 0.158 15.962 0.000 0.532 0.391 0.725 AgDist_1 0.225 0.194 1.346 0.246 1.253 0.856 1.833 AgDist_2*** 0.855 0.163 27.525 0.000 2.352 1.709 3.237 AgDist_3** -0.392 0.161 5.918 0.015 0.676 0.493 0.927 AgDist_4*** 0.565 0.159 12.642 0.000 1.760 1.289 2.403 AgDist_5** -0.402 0.166 5.867 0.015 0.669 0.483 0.926 Result: NBR Model (With Ag. Districts) Single, double and triple asterisks (*) denotes significance of variables at 90%, 95% and 99% confidence intervals respectively; YELLOW highlighted variables have NEGATIVE signs in the model.
  • 17. Distribution of SAPs Adoption Barriers
  • 18. 35 12 8 8 7 4 3 7 99 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Inadequate Knowledge PerceivedDifficulty ofImplementation LackofAdequate Marketfor AlternativeProduct NegativeAttitude AboutTechnologies LackofAppropriate Technologies PressuretoIncrease Productivity LackofConsumer Acceptancefor AlternativeProduct Others HappyWithWhatI amDoing NumberofFarmers Adoption Barriers of Sustainable Agriculture Practices 5.22% 3.48% Result: Adoption Barriers of SAPs 15.22% 3.48% 3.04% 1.74% 1.30% 3.04% 43.04% Revenue/Market (Factor loading > 0.8) Knowledge (Factor loading > 0.6)
  • 19. Conclusions • Row crop growers, farm with irrigation facilities, farmers in favor of farm diversification, and farmers an education above a college degree are significant and positive predictors of the adoption of SAPs. • Age has negative relationship with the adoption of SAPs; young farmers are important for the sustainability of agriculture in Kentucky. • Knowledge and market factors are important to increase adoption of SAPs, which emphasize the importance of extension outreach activities and networking among farmers. • The adoption of sustainable agriculture also varies significantly between agriculture districts. Thus, it is important to consider spatial component in research to understand the socioeconomic aspects of agriculture of Kentucky. 19
  • 20. ReferencesBergtold, J. S., Duffy, P. A., Hite, D., & Raper, R. L. (2012). Demographic and Management Factors Affecting the Adoption and Perceived Yield Benefit of Winter Cover Crops in the Southeast. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics,44(01), 99-116. doi:10.1017/s1074070800000195 Carlisle, L. (2016). Factors influencing farmer adoption of soil health practices in the United States: A narrative review. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 40(6), 583-613. doi:10.1080/21683565.2016.1156596 Coxe, S., West, S. G., & Aiken, L. S. (2009). The Analysis of Count Data: A Gentle Introduction to Poisson Regression and Its Alternatives. Journal of Personality Assessment,91(2), 121-136. doi:10.1080/00223890802634175 Dakers, S. (1992). Sustainable agriculture: future dimensions (BP-290E). Retrieved March 26, 2017, from e.htm Gold, M. V. (2007). Sustainable Agriculture: Definitions and Terms. Retrieved May 11, 2016, from terms-1#toc2. ISSN 1052-5368 Kabii, T., & Horwitz, P. (2006). A Review of Landholder Motivations and Determinants for Participation in Conservation Covenanting Programmes. Environmental Conservation, 33(01), 11-20. doi:10.1017/s0376892906002761 Knowler, D., & Bradshaw, B. (2007). Farmers’ adoption of conservation agriculture: A review and synthesis of recent research. Food Policy, 32(1), 25-48. doi:10.1016/j.foodpol.2006.01.003 Kornegay, J.L., Harwood, R.R., Batie, S.S., Bucks, D., Flora, C.B., Hanson, J., Jackson-Smith, D., Jury, W., Meyer, D., Reganold, J.P., Schumacher, A. Jr., Sehmsdorf, H., Shennan, C., Thrupp, L.A., Willis, P. (2010). Towards Sustainable Agriculture System in the 21st Century. National Research Council of The National Academics. Retrieved March 12, 2016, from Liaghati, H. (2007). Assessing the Student's Attitudes Towards Sustainable Agriculture. American-Eurasian J. Agriculture and Environment Science,0(0), 1-6. ISSN: 1818-6769 Little, R. J. (2012). Post-Stratification: A Modeler's Perspective. Retrieved March 26, 2017, from Pretty, J. (2008). Agriculture Sustainability: Concepts, Principles and Evidences. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B, 363, 447 465. Prokopy, L., Floress, K., Klotthor-Weinkauf, D., & Baumgart-Getz, A. (2008). Determinants of agricultural best management practice adoption: Evidence from the literature. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 63(5), 300-311. doi:10.2489/63.5.300 US Congress. (1990). Food, Agriculture, Conservation and Trade Act, Public Law 101-624, Title XVI, Subtitle A, Section 1603. Government Printing Office. Washington DC, 1240. Retrieved in April 15, 2016 from Velten, S., Leventon, J., Jager, N., & Newig, J. (2015). What is Sustainable Agriculture? A Systematic Review. Sustainability,7(6), 7833-7865. doi:10.3390/su7067833
  • 21. Acknowledgements • Grant: USDA/NIFA- Farm Diversification for Strengthening of Small Farms in KY- Award # 2014-6800621865. • Reviewers, Survey Participants. • College of Agriculture, Food Science and Sustainable Systems, Kentucky State University. • USDA/NASS. Disclaimer: Summaries were derived using data collected in the 2014 Kentucky State University Economic Survey by the National Agriculture Statistics Service, United States Department of Agriculture (NASS). Any interpretations and conclusion derived from the data not necessarily represents NASS views. 21