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The Character Development Of Bilbo, A Hobbit
The "Classification of Fantasy among Other Genres" handout from class defines a fantastical protagonist to be "a person of royal/noble blood of a
magician of great power, but often an ordinary–seeming person with some unknown or special qualities (and) may also possess some sort of special
weapon." When we first meet Bilbo Baggins he is nothing more than a homely Hobbit. He does not possess any powers nor he does he have
special powers. But even in the first chapter, Gandalf knows what qualities he possesses saying, "If I say he is a Burglar, a Burglar he is, or will be
when the time comes. There is a lot more in him than you guess, and a deal more than he has any idea of himself." This quotation is especially
important foreshadowing the character development of Bilbo, and the reoccurring theme of the heroism he shows.... Show more content on ...
Bilbo is to use his burglar skills to steal from the trolls. While Gandalf must prolong an argument until the Trolls turn to stone to save Bilbo and
the dwarves, Bilbo does accomplish his goal by picking up a key to the trolls secret cave where he receives a sword he can use later on. The group
is then captured, this time by goblins. Gandalf again is the savior, but at this time Bilbo gets separated from the group. This leads him to Gollum and
the ring. Even though Gandalf saved the dwarves, outsmarting Gollum and using the ring to escape from Gollum and the goblins, shows Bilbo has
the skills to be a real hero. Moving on, the dwarves then get captured by spiders after entering the forest. With Gandalf being absent, Bilbo must take
his rightful spot as the hero. He slays the spider and rescues the dwarves. It's mentioned that Bilbo starts to feel different about himself. This shows he
is growing and becoming more self–aware. AT this point he names his sword, as many strong heroes do with their
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Bilbo Leadership
Being a leader means to be the person who helps everyone with everything, keeps everyone out of danger, and is the head of the group. Gandalf was
away for most of the trip, and and someone needed to take over and be a leader. The person who did that task, Bilbo, could not have been better for the
job. Bilbo proved to be a leader in many different ways throughout the entire expedition. Bilbo proved to be a leader when a dwarf falls into water. The
water is magical and harms the dwarf. Insisting on staying, Bilbo says the dwarves should stay for a little longer. This proved that Bilbo was a good
leader when Gandalf was away because Bilbo made sure everyone was safe, which is one main key parts to being a leader. Late at night, Bilbo was...
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Since Bilbo got himself out and started looking for them, he found them in the spider's web, but there were over one–hundred spiders then he had to
kill. Since Bilbo is a good leader, he helped the rest of his group, get out of all the trouble they were in.
Some people think that Bilbo Baggins did not prove to be a good leader while Gandalf was away. It may be true that Bilbo did get the dwarves in
some awful situations, but Bilbo always helped the dwarves get out of the awful situations. Bilbo helped get the dwarves out of more trouble than he
got the dwarves into. Since Bilbo was more help than harm, I would say that Bilbo was still a good leader while Gandalf was away.
Bilbo proved in many ways to be a very good leader when Gandalf was away. Even if Gandalf was there for the whole expedition, I think Bilbo still
would have been the best leader on the expedition. If Bilbo did not come on the trip, the whole trip would have been very different and the dwarves
may have never found a great leader to lead them to
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The Hobbit Book Comparison
From the author of The Lord of The Rings trilogy, J. R. R. Tolkien, and the same crew behind their film adaptations, Peter Jackson and his writing
team, The Battle of the Five Armies is the final instalment in a trilogy of films based on the classic fantasy novel, The Hobbit.
Picking up from The Desolation of Smaug, this final third follows on with the dwarves as they attempt to reclaim their homeland of Erebor, as the
titular battle ensues on The Lonely Mountain, with the Goblins and the Wargs fighting against the Men of Lake–town, the Elves, the Dwarves and
The following post is a review of the film adaptation in comparison to the book. You can read my review of the book on its own here.
Film Review:
Stretching The Hobbit into ... Show more content on ...
There are a few scenes missed out of the film at this point. First: Bard gives Bilbo two chests, one filled with gold and one filled with silver. Second:
Bilbo gives a silver and pearl necklace to the elven king. And third: Bilbo, Gandalf, and Beorn travel around the north of Mirkwood and stay with
Beorn for a while. before departing from Rivendell.
Bilbo is shown carrying a chest when he says goodbye to Gandalf in the film, but it is not shown that he and Gandalf dig up chest they found in the
Troll cave. In the book, they split the treasure, placing it in bags on their horses.
When Gandalf visits Bilbo at the end of the film, Balin also joins them in the book.
Overall Verdict:
The first two instalments were also very different from the book, using characters we know from The Lord of The Rings trilogy that didn't actually
appear in The Hobbit, and additional plots to bulk the adaptations out with Jackson making extensive use of the appendices published in the back of
The Return of the King, but it all felt necessary beforehand and filled the story out quite well. A lot of what happens in this film, however, is
completely unnecessary and only ends the franchise on a sour
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The Hobbit: Book vs. Movie
The Hobbit (There and Back Again) is an absolutely wonderful classical book. In fact, it has been made into a three part movie series, two of which
have already been released. The two movies that have been released will be what I am covering in this report. Although the movies are a beautiful
remake of the original book, there a quite a few distinct differences between the two. These differences can be very simple: like the fact that Gollum
only has six teeth in the book and nine in the movie, or very complex: like the fact that whole new characters were added to the movie that were not
originally in the book. The elves Legolas, Tauriel, and Galadriel played very prominent roles in the book in helping the dwarves and hobbit on their
journey, yet they ceased to exist in the original text. Another substantial difference between the book and movies is that in the book, the dwarves and
hobbit weren't aware of Smaug leaving (or being killed for that matter) until they were alerted of this news by the crows. However, in the movie, a
pretty large battle took place between the dwarves and Smaug. As far as smaller differences go, in the book the keyhole to get into Smaug's
chamber was lit by the sunset, whereas in the movie the keyhole was lit by the light of the moon; the movie showed Bard's children and the book
didn't; and in the book it talks of Gandalf throwing pinecones lit with fires of many color, but in the book they were all one color; and the movie
featured an attack
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Examples Of The Villain In The Hobbit
Smaug the Smug Dragon
There are many types of villains; the cunning, the crazy, the prideful and even the heroic villain, but there is also the standard villain. Smaug the
dragon is the antagonist in The Hobbit and he is a standard villain; a stereotypical one, but even he has some certain traits that differentiate him from
the basic villains. He is terrible, merciless and evil, with only one weakness, isolated in his castle full of gold.
Villain are mostly portrayed as big and powerful, making them in no need of anyone's help, and Smaug is so. "A vast red–golden dragon" with "a huge
coiled tail" Smaug was described as, showing that he could easily crush living beings and destroy houses (Tolkien 233). "Smaug lay, with wings folded
like an immeasurable bat, turned partly on one side, so that the hobbit could see his underparts and his long pale belly crusted with gems and fragments
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Smaug the dragon is very good in his role as the main villain with no warmth in his dark heart, as he never even doubts himself when attacking
Lake Town without thought and sneaking up on Bilbo and the dwarves, trying to crush them beneath the mountain rocks, nor does he regret what
he did to the old citizens of Dale. However it would also be appreciated if he would have had a chance to become good, whether he would accept
the chance or not would be up to the author. If he were to decline the chance, it would only strengthen the idea of his purely evil nature. If he were to
accept it, it would teach a lesson to the audience that no matter how bad someone is or how many bad things they have done, one can always change.
However, Smaug "was a most especially greedy, strong, and wicked worm" and forever he shall stay, alongside his enormous ego, no matter how many
flaws he
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The Hobbit Themes
The Hobbit is a fantasy novel written by English author J. R. R. Tolkien and it was published on 21 September 1937. The novel is about quest and
adventures of Bilbo Baggins through to the Lonely Mountain. The book still remains popular in children's literature. The story is told in a heroic way
and basically is about Bilbo gaining new level of maturity, wisdom and losing his innocence. Themes are pretty much personal growth, heroism and
war. Tolkien had four children and he used to write stories for his kids to enjoy. Then he collected these stories and created whole new world in the
In order to understand plot and what's going in that universe, I will give brief information about characters first. Bilbo Baggins is our protagonist and
by far the most important character of the novel. The plot is shaped around his actions and feelings. He is a hobbit. Hobbits are small people, even
smaller than dwarfs. They live in a ... Show more content on ...
Biblo gets in and steals a heavy two–handed cup from the dragon's vast hoard of treasure and returns to the dwarfs. In the meantime Bilbo sees the
weak point of Smaug. He has a weak point on his chest where he has no armor. Then Smaug notices that cup is missing and he realizes that lake–man
of Esgaroth mush have helped them. Smaug flew above and attacked lake–town Dale and destroyed the whole city. But there is an archer in that city,
Bard. He takes his great bow and Black Arrow hit Smaug in the weak spot and kills him. Tidings are spreading all over the world that Smaug is
dead. So creatures from everywhere arrive to the Mountain to get some piece of from the treasure. Then goblins and Wargs appear. Elves, dwarfs and
the humans becomes one against another enemy. They fight together and barely win. Thorin dies at the end of the war. Then everyone goes home. The
end. Here is brief summary of the
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My Values vs the Values of Bilbo Baggins Essay
In the Hobbit there are fourteen main characters as well as many other characters that help along the way. The characters are Gandalf the Wizard, Mr.
Bilbo Baggins, Throrin Oakensheild, Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Gloin, Fili, Kili, Bombur, Bifur, Bofur, Dwalin, and Balin. Gandalf is a wizard that helps
the dwarves in their various journeys. He knows more than he reveals to the dwarves and everyone else and he knows that the hobbit can help the
dwarves in their quest. That hobbit is Mr. Bilbo Baggins.
Bilbo lives a quiet and comfortable life in his hobbit hole in Bag end and he almost never leaves home. But the wizard knows that there is more to
Bilbo that meets the eye and he has certain powers that can help the dwarves in their journey to ... Show more content on ...
Along the way they encounter great dangers and various characters such as wood–elves, goblins, mystical creatures, trolls, humans, etc. And they have
to fight their way through the many conflicts that they come upon. And Bilbo must find a way to help them overcome the complications that they face
in their quest. The hobbit uses his common sense and his magical ring to get the gang out of sticky situations. But as well as the disputes that they
endure, they also gained many friends and aid throughout their journeys through the forests. And with the help of their friends they were able to make
it through the entire journey.Each character had their own special value that was important to them. Bilbo valued his hobbit hole, privacy, and space
the most. He loved his hobbit hole more than anything else. Gandalf the wizard valued his powers and motives and he kept them hidden unless they
were needed the most. Thorin Oakenshield valued his inheritance, his culture, and his power and he fought very hard to get it all back. He also
valued serving people who helped him. Like Thorin the other Dwarves also valued serving people that helped them but they all had their own
particular values as well. Bombur valued food and sleep while Fili and Kili valued their being young and active. But of all the values of all the
dwarves, they all valued their long
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The Hobbit Movie Essay
During the winter vacation, I watched a movie, which is quiet impressed me.
It is called The Hobbit. It tells an exciting story.It also teach me something when I watch it.The movie really give me a shock.
In my opinion. The Hobbit is the best movie I have seen. Its world background is very palatial. It tells a story that happen in a land , which is
named Middle Earth. For example, there are different races in this world,such as human,dwarf, eidolon , Orcs and dragon. Human is a normal
character in many movies, they are usually in weak position but they are goodness and hard working. Dwarf is a very belligerent race, they govern
the world and their king like golden in crazy. Eidolon is a race, which like peace, they do not like war. So they... Show more content on
Just like Bilbo, he is shorter and weaker ,maybe he is little timid,but when his companion in danger, he always can throw himself into breach. This
is brave. Timid do not present you don't have brave. On the contrary, when your friends are in danger ,you help them without any delay,you are
brave. When we are facing dangerous, maybe one person power is small,but if we are united and together work out the dangerous,the power is
stronger. Any difficulty can not stop our forward steps. So, like dwarfs ,when one of them was fund by orcs, he was in weak position and then he
was grasped.However, while his companion came to save him, they unite together and beat the orcs. This movie also teach me that we shouf not be
consumed by desire. Thorin was consumed by desire,so he gradually become different from before, he did not trust anyone anymore.At the end,he
came to his sense.So when we are facing the temptation of desire, we should firm our own will and resist the desire.
The Hobbit is the best movie I have seen, I am shocked by its palatial world background. With the story begin, I see some excited plots, its ups and
downs of plots make everyone feel surprised. Last but not least ,we can learn something from the movie, such as ,brave,united and do not be consumed
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The Hobbit Character Analysis
The Hobbit is a fantasy novel, by J.R.R. Tolkien that tells the story of an unexpected story. Rather than being about a main character who is brave and
noble, this story is about Bilbo Baggins, a predictable, mild–mannered hobbit. He lives in his cozy home and avoids anything out of the ordinary until
he is presented with the opportunity of an adventure with Gandalf the wizard along with 13 dwarves. The goal is to take back the homeland of the
dwarves from the dragon, Smaug, who has attacked and taken over. The journey entails mountains, forests, and creatures such as trolls, goblins, elves,
and more. And even though no one sees much potential in the seemingly weak hobbit, Gandalf sees traits of a hero within Bilbo. This journey results in
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At this point in the novel, the narrator describes, "On they went, Gollum flip–flapping ahead, hissing and cursing; Bilbo behind going as softly as a
hobbit can" (85). Once Gollum gets angry, Bilbo slips on the ring and becomes aware of its power invisibility. He takes advantage of this and
follows Gollum until navigates his way back to the dwarves. This demonstrates Bilbo's cleverness because it shows his ability to quickly read a
situation. He has to think on his feet and independently if he is to return to the others. Bilbo has never been put in a situation where he has to
quickly think on his own quite like this, so clearly, he has exhibited cleverness which has commenced his transformation. Through his experience in
Mirkwood, Bilbo exhibits selflessness, which continues his transformation. In this episode, Bilbo and the dwarves enter the dark forest of
Mirkwood and encounter giant spiders they have to fight off. The spiders entrap the dwarves in their silk, leaving Bilbo (with the ring) to find a
way to save everyone. Bilbo shows his selflessness at this point when the novel says, "Bilbo saw that the moment had come when he must do
something. (159)" and then later continues to say, "In this way, [Bilbo and Fili, who he had just rescued] rescued Kili, Bifur, Bofur, Dori, and Nori"
(162). This shows Bilbo's selflessness because he's so determined to rescue the other dwarves and he once again has to think
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Conflict In The Hobbit
"In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit" (Tolkien, 7). With those great words we were introduced to the greatest saga of high fantasy known to
man. The Hobbit, by J. R. R. Tolkien, narrates the adventure of the simple hobbit Bilbo Baggins who is recruited by Gandalf, a wizard, to help a
group of dwarves defeat the dragon Smaug and restore the Lonely Mountain to Thorin Oakenshield, the leader of the dwarves and rightful heir to the
kingdom. The territory in question, the Lonely Mountain, was once the richest kingdom in Middle–earth until a fire breathing dragon reeked havoc on
the mountain, killed most of the dwarves, and stole the dwarves treasure. Although defeating the dragon may seem like the chief difficulty in their
travel, the true conflict in The Hobbit is the struggle between the dwarves and their inner greed. In order to reacquire the Lonely Mountain, the dwarves
must overcome their inherent lure towards richness. Dwarves came to be by AГјle the Smith, one of the ... Show more content on ...
Unlike dwarves, "dragons were greedy, cunning, seductive and malicious, probably a creation by Morgoth out of fire and sorcery sometime in the
First Age" (Dragons). The looting of the Lonely Mountain by Smaug was merely part of his nature. Unlike the dragons, the dwarves were naturally
kindhearted folk whose greed was not large and excessive. The dwarves came to Bag End with some absurd hope that they would return to the Lonely
Mountain with the help of the burglar Bilbo. As they progressed through the forest and regions, their hopes only increased and the thought that the
King under the Mountain would be reestablished became more tangible; but with that their lust for richness increased with the looting of the troll's
hideout, and the killing of the goblin king. Smaug was indeed a great obstacle, greater than the goblins or spiders, yet his slaying and the
reestablishment of the King under the Mountain was still building up to the war and Thorin's
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The Hobbit, By John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
Love, an unrelenting potency, which has an impetuous cogency on one's will to act, leading them to the peak of incertitude, and educing one's
neurosis. "This is the very ecstasy of love" (2.1.101). Literature throughout the ages has allegorized love in many antithetic contexts, whether it be:
dear benevolence or quixotic love to amorous romance. Love can be descried, as the inception of perturbed emotions, and inconceivable incentives.
However, it is not egregious in literature to delineate of the dismal satire of love. Be it love for another person; for satisfaction; or one's aptitude and
self–fortitude, this stimulus can motivate one to achieve even the most insurmountable of things. For instance, in John Ronald Reuel Tolkien's... Show
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These two texts have both consonant and disparate concepts that surely contrast and compare to each other astutely, which consist of their respective
plots, the personas of the main protagonists, and the edifying influence of their themes. The Hobbit takes place in a bantam encampment, which resides
near the outer periphery of the eccentric continent of Middle–Earth. This diminutive settlement is indwelled by its inhabitants, the Hobbits, a race
which are kindred to human beings, they savor food; they listen to harmonious music, and are fond of inhabiting their "hole in the ground....Not a nasty,
dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy was a hobbit–hole, and that means comfort."(Tolkien, 1) On the outskirts of Bag
End, near the edge of Bagshot Row in Hobbiton, lived a geriatric wizard named Gandalf, who was on the pursuance of being chaperoned with a valiant
Hobbit on an adventure. He concurred to recruit Bilbo Baggins, a scion of the 'Took' family, a lineage of gallant Hobbits, who went on precarious
adventures to the 'Misty Mountains', situated near the fringes of Hobbiton. Once, when Gandalf visited Bag End, he sojourned Biblo, for his first time.
However, when discerning the incentive of Gandalf's visit, Bilbo timorously declined to his request, in spite of Gandalf remaining persistent. The next
day, Gandalf
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The Negative Motive In J. R. Tolkien's The Ho
The Negative Motive in J.R.R Tolkien's The Hobbit
Have you ever been motivated by greed? In J.R.R Tolkien's The Hobbit, 13 dwarves, one hobbit, and one wizard commence on a journey. Throughout
the journey the group endures many challenges, mentally and physically. The main character is a hobbit, who overcomes fears and self–doubt
throughout the journey. The main goal of the journey is to reach The Lonely Mountain which holds a great horde of gold, which once belonged to all
of the dwarves and was stolen by a dragon names Smaug. Thorin Oakenshield, a dwarf, is the leader throughout the entire journey and leads the group
to The Lonely Mountain. The group risk their lives and face many foes, all to reach The Lonely Mountain and retrieve the
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J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit Essay example
Bilbo Baggins, a respectable and unadventurous hobbit, is paid a visit by Gandalf, a wizard, who offers him the chance to go on an adventure.
Bilbo, in trying to get rid of the wizard, inadvertently invites him to tea the next evening. The next day, Bilbo is flustered to find that in addition to
Gandalf, he seems to have invited thirteen dwarves to tea as well. As he serves the dwarves and Gandalf tea and then supper, Bilbo learns that
Gandalf has advertised him to the dwarves as a burglar. The dwarves wish him to help them on their quest to the Lonely Mountain, where they hope to
recover treasure from Smaug the dragon, who destroyed their ancestral home under the mountain. Though at first Bilbo quakes at the suggestion of
meeting a ... Show more content on ...
As Bilbo wanders about, scared and nervous, he finds and pockets a small silver ring. A little later he comes to a lake. There he meets a strange
creature, Gollum, the previous owner of the ring, who challenges him to a riddle game. Gollum figures out that Bilbo has the ring and tries to attack
Bilbo, at which point Bilbo discovers that the ring makes its wearer invisible. With the help of the ring, he escapes from the tunnels and is reunited
with his companions, who are surprised to find him alive.
Soon after their reunion, they are caught and treed by Wargs, evil wolves who are allies of the goblins. Gandalf tries to rescue them by throwing
burning pinecones at them, but the goblins soon arrive and set fire to the trees. At the last minute, they are rescued by a flock of eagles, which carry
them to a safe spot. The next day, the eagles carry them a little further along on their journey to a spot in the wilderness. In need of rest and provisions,
the group seeks shelter with Beorn, a man–bear who can take on either form.
After spending a couple of days with Beorn, the company moves on to the outskirts of Mirkwood, where Gandalf leaves them. The dwarves and Bilbo
have been warned repeatedly by
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The Hobbit Character Analysis
The Hobbit (Summary Essay)
The main character of "The Hobbit" is Mr. Bilbo Baggins who is a Hobbit himself. A hobbit is a small person roughly half the size of humans with
round bellies and hairy feet that have a love for good food, comfort and security. The opening scene of "The Hobbit" tells that a certain wizard
(Gandalf) visits Bilbo and invites him to accompany him on an adventure. Bilbo, kindly refuses and instead invites Gandalf to tea so as not to seem
impolite. After a bit of arguing, Bilbo closes the door in Gandalf's face. The next evening Bilbo's supper is disrupted by many dwarves (including
Gandalf). They all assume Bilbo is accompanying them on their adventure to recover their stolen treasure from Smaug, the dragon. It is then that Bilbo
realizes that Gandalf portrayed him as a burglar to the dwarves. Bilbo, in a fit of bravery, agrees but the next day his doubts return and he again
declines the invitation. Gandalf, however, encourages him to reconsider, which he does, and off they go– a party of fifteen. Bilbo, will however think
again of his hobbit–hole more often than not and regret going off with them. This party of fifteen include; Thorin, Balin, Dwalin, Oin, Gloin, Bombur,
Bofur, Bifur, Dori, Ori, Nori, Fili, Kili, Gandalf and Bilbo. As the beginning of their journey lengthens, their food becomes scarce. Gandalf has
disappeared at this time and when they see a light in the distance they send Bilbo to investigate who finds Trolls. In the confusion that followed, Bilbo
escapes and the dwarves are captured. Gandalf, then happens to return at that moment and rescues the dwarves. They then find the trolls cave where
they kept their supplies such as weapons and food, and take them. When that food is gone they make a pit–stop at The Last Homely House where they
meet Elrond, who gives them advice on their journey, then continue on. When it starts raining and pouring the dwarves and Bilbo find a cave to rest
for the night. Bilbo awakens just in time to see their horses disappear through a crack in the wall. He yells and alerts the goblins who come back and
capture Bilbo and the dwarves. Bilbo's yell however had alerted Gandalf much quicker than the other dwarves, so that he escaped. Gandalf then
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Compare And Contrast Bilbo Baggins And The Hobbit
Compare and Contrast Essay
When somebody mentions the word, "hero," we think of someone dressed in shining armour holding a sword, slaying the terrible dragon guarding a
hoard of gold. In The Hobbit, there is indeed a heinous dragon guarding a hoard of treasure and a hero who embarks on a journey to defeat said
dragon and reclaim his stolen birthright. However, we do not just have one hero. We have two: the traditional and non–traditional hero. There is Bilbo
Baggins, a shrewd hobbit who contrasts greatly from the typical hero, and Thorin Oakenshield, a strong–minded dwarf who resembles the traditional
hero. By the end of the story, both characters have established that they're capable of conquering obstacles and adversities with their ... Show more
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When he attempted to steal from the trolls' pockets (#43), he would have most likely been successful if the pocket didn't talk. His failure was mostly
as a result of poor luck. It's stated on #41 that " any rate, hobbits can move quietly in woods, absolutely quietly." Furthermore, his stealth had roped
him and the Company out of dire situations. When the wood–elves had taken the Company hostage, it was Bilbo who snuck in and freed the dwarves
from the dungeon (#208). He managed to successfully evade the notice of the elvenking's guards for over a week (#203), which is no easy feat.
The spiders never noticed Bilbo's presence until he threw stones at them (#182). His small stature, his natural affinity towards stealth, and his ring
of invisibility are all factors that contribute to Bilbo's stealth. Finally, it is Bilbo's ability to lead that was one of his strongest assets. He was not
much of a leader as we began the story, but as we delved deeper, we learned that Bilbo is a leader. "...and they [the dwarves] all trusted Bilbo. Just
what Gandalf had said would happen, you see. Perhaps that was part of his reason for going off and leaving." (#204) This quote demonstrates that
Bilbo is a leader. A leader is someone that you can rely on; somebody that you can trust and a person that inspires. "For Thorin had taken heart again
hearing how the hobbit had rescued his companions from the spiders, and was determined once more not to ransom himself
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Examples Of Bilbo In The Hobbit
The Hero's Journey; The Hobbit A hobbit is a very small human like creature whose daily activities consist of running from humans and going about
what would be a stereotypical normal human day. A hobbits' hole is his sanctuary; his safe haven. They go there to be alone and live comfortably
throughout their small lives. In a small town consisting of hobbit holes lives Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo is the hero figure of this mystical fantasy; The Hobbit
. In the beginning Bilbo does not show very promising traits as a hero figure. At least not until thirteen dwarves and one wizard pull him from his
peace to drag him into a journey that would forever change his perspective on life and his identity. A short little thing, smaller than a hobbit, appeared...
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The dwarves encounter a few intelligently absent goblins at misty mountains, a pass through the journey, where the dwarves are separated when in
capture of the goblins where Gandalf had managed escape and Bilbo was departed from the rest of the group. During Bilbo's separation he
encounters Gollum who hammers him down with numerous riddles where Bilbo` then manages to get away with the ring that provides invisibility.
Gandalf later disappears while during his absence the dwarves and hobbit are taken by trolls where Bilbo then has the ring to help escape. Gandalf
returns and the captives manage to escape but peace is no longer with them as they walk on the tips of their toes through the forest where they again
encounter mystical creatures such as trolls, spiders and Wood–elves where they enter a building and find an escape through a river. They come
eventually to a place known as Lake–town where the Lake–men are welcoming and the hidden path to Smaug, the deadly dragon is found by the
curious Bilbo baggins. The key begins to becomes to be in much use when the sealed cave doow is found. The secret key hole takes long to find until
Darwin's day, the day where the secret door finally becomes opened and Bilbo Baggins enters this cave called the Lonely mountain. He darts quietly
inside with
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The Hobbit Essay
The Hobbit
I. Information about the book
a. The title of my book is "The Hobbit". The book is about a hobbit and 13 dwarves. This hobbit's name is Bilbo Baggins, and he lives in Hobbiton.
b. Copyright © 1966; Published by Ballantine Publishing Group.
c. The author of "The Hobbit" is John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. Tolkien was born on January 3, 1892, in Bloemfontein, South Africa. After serving in the
First World War, he decided to take up an academic career. He studied Anglo
–Saxon at Oxford, Pembroke College, and Merton College and retired in
1959. He also wrote "Lord of the Rings". Tolkien died on September 2, 1973 at the age of 81.
II. Description of the genre of the book
a. The genre of my book is a ... Show more content on ...
b. Elrond: is a wise old friend of Gandalf. He replenishes the travelers' stocks and helps them decipher the moon runes of their map.
c. The Elvenking: holds Thorin and the other dwarves prisoner.
d. Dwarves who accompany Bilbo: Fili, Kili, Dori, Gloin, Nori, Oin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Balin, Dwalin, and Ori. Thorin is also included.
e. Gollum: is a creature that Bilbo encounters in the caverns of the Goblins. Gollum has lost his birthday–present, the ring which Bilbo found. He is by
far the strangest character because he doesn't talk to people, he talks as though there were other people in the room. He also refers to himself in the
third person.
f. The Lord of the Eagles: rescues the dwarves in and saves the same dwarves in the final battle.
g. Roac: is a wise bird who can communicate with certain creatures; he seeks to avoid war but also aids in death of Smaug.
V. Summary of the plot
a. The Hobbit is the story of Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit who lives in Hobbiton. He is interrupted by a surprise visit by the wizard Gandalf while outside
his home. Gandalf has invited himself to tea and when he arrives, he comes with 12 of dwarves led by Thorin. They are planning on a journey to
recover lost treasure that is guarded by the dragon Smaug, at the Lonely Mountain. Gandalf has decided, for Bilbo, that the hobbit will make an
excellent addition to the team and Bilbo is going to be a burglar.
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How Is Bilbo A Hero
Many authors communicate to the reader through fictional stories known as myths. These myths, set in a fictional place or time, are able to identify
problems with society today. The popular novel The Hobbit is a great example of a myth criticizing society today. Although it takes place in a fantasy
land and has creatures that do not exist, it criticizes how we as humans should live our lives as well as telling us what it means to be a hero. The Hobbit
tells us that we should take risks and experience new paths to make us have a better character. Ahobbit is a peaceful creature that likes to live in holes
in the ground; not dirty ones, but clean and organized ones. Bilbo was a common hobbit from the Bagginses family. People considered... Show more
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One specific instance is when he meets the trolls. Bilbo is referred to as "the burglar". Since Bilbo is the burglar, he must go and pickpocket the
trolls. He is extremely cautious on how he goes about it because he has never done any task like this before; however, he does end up getting caught.
And when he gets caught, he is afraid. When asked who he was, Bilbo replied, "shaking all over, and wondering how to make owl–noises before they
throttled him (pg. 34)". Having never experienced this kind of event before, it was no surprise he was scared. Bilbo was able to talk his way out,
although he was scared the whole time. A little while later, Bilbo is in the caves by the goblins where he gets trapped and lost in the dark cavern. He
was approached by a small, creepy creature called Gollum, but this time he was not as scared as before. Bilbo was still a little frightened for when he
heard Gollum, for, "The hobbit nearly jumped out of his skin (pg. 69)." Bilbo did pull a sword on him, but instead sheathed it shortly after. He
exchanged riddles with Gollum to survive, and was able think clearly because he was not as afraid as he was before. This was the first challenge
Bilbo had stood up to meet. The two events show how Bilbo is starting to gain more confidence and have more bravery. The instance with the trolls
had Bilbo acting afraid, but when faced with Gollum, he was able to be brave to think and talk his
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Analysis Of Bilbo Baggins 's ' The Hobbit '
The word "hero," might conjure an image of somebody dressed in shining armour holding a sword and slaying the terrible dragon guarding a hoard
of gold. In The Hobbit, there is indeed a heinous dragon guarding a hoard of treasure, and a hero who embarks on a journey to defeat the dragon and
reclaim his stolen birthright. However, there is not just one hero, but two: Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit who plays the role of the non–traditional hero, and
Thorin Oakenshield, a strong–minded dwarf who represents the traditional hero. By the end of the story, both characters have established that they're
capable of conquering obstacles and adversities with their individual set of skills that they've either acquired or already had: Bilbo with his ... Show
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His failure was a result of poor luck. It's stated on #41 that: " any rate, hobbits can move quietly in woods, absolutely quietly." Furthermore, his
stealth had roped him and the Company out of dire situations. When the wood–elves had taken the Company hostage, it was Bilbo who snuck in and
evaded the guards' notice for over a week (#203), and then freed the dwarves from the dungeon (#208). His small stature and his ring of invisibility
are all factors that contribute to Bilbo's stealth. And of course, it is Bilbo's ability to lead that was one of his greatest assets. He was not much of a
leader at first, but as we delved deeper, we soon learned that he is indeed worthy of being deemed a leader. There are two quotes that prove this,
found on page 204: "...and they [the dwarves] all trusted Bilbo. Just what Gandalf had said would happen, you see. Perhaps that was part of his reason
for going off and leaving," and, "...Thorin had taken heart again hearing how the hobbit had rescued his companions from the spider..." Bilbo inspired
Thorin to not give up, gained the trust of the dwarves, earned their respect, and proved his abilities to the mentor, like a true leader. The reason
Tolkien had Bilbo developed these skills was to prepare him for the supreme ordeal (Smaug), and his journey back. It was necessary for Tolkien to
carefully plan Bilbo's character development in order for him to realistically face these obstacles. Despite his small size,
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Who Is The Hero Of The Hobbit
1.Who is the hero of The Hobbit?
J.R.R Tolkien's The Hobbit or There and Back Again implements many forms of heroism; whether it be Bilbo, Bard, Gandalf, or even Thorin and his
dwarves. Relating to this, there is no one hero per se but rather multiple; the heroes face both internal and external challenges. This essay will argue that
the heroes of The Hobbit are Bilbo, Gandalf, Bard and Thorin respectively, in addition, this essay will also analyse the first stage of the hero's journey
structure according to Joseph Campbell regarding Bilbo. Firstly, the main protagonist Bilbo Baggins sets a benchmark to the notion of an archetype
hero. Kennedy, Gioia and Bauerlein describe an archetype as "a recurring symbol, character, landscape, or ... Show more content on ...
Just as Campbell notes, the figure encounters a series of dangers, in this case being the trolls, the goblins, escaping from Gollum and going into
Smaug's lair. With assistance from Gandalf the group is saved from the goblins; however, the dwarves and Bilbo are separated. The interaction
between Gollum and Bilbo demonstrates a quality trait exhibited by a hero and, as a result, Bilbo's actions are seen to outweigh his individual
characteristics. Simultaneously, Bilbo displays wisdom in answering Gollum's riddles and in turn exhibits cunning; "Bilbo seeing what had happened
and having nothing better to ask stuck to his question" (74). In the same way, Bilbo's adventure is seen according to Pearce as a "pilgrimage of grace
in which he grows up" (3). Therefore, Bilbo's main goal of his adventure according to Pearce is to eliminate evil amongst themselves (3); thus,
identifying an internal quest. Particularly after Smaug's death, the corruption of the gold leads the dwarf leader Thorin Oakenshield to suffer from
dragon sickness; "the obsessive possessiveness of dragons" (Pearce 83). The actions of Bilbo and internal qualities such as wisdom and cunning thus
concludes that he is a hero in The Hobbit, however, other characters exhibit heroic qualities.
Gandalf henceforth can also be depicted as the hero of the story, heroism therefore can be determined by actions. Moreover, his role as the
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Singing In The Hobbit
Each of the magical creatures in "The Hobbit" have certain tunes, tones, and styles of singing. Some are joyous and adventurous, others can be sad,
dark, or unsettling. The 3 creatures that have been shown to sing in the first five chapters are Dwarves, Elves, and Goblins. Their singing defines their
characters and what the seek among their journies through their life. Their character will be read like an open book when their songs are listened to
The Dwarves' songs are full of adventurous thoughts of going through the oldest of dungeons and the coldest of mountains. They also enjoy riches
beyond their wildest dreams when they sing about treasures guarded by the dragon, Smaug. They seems to be the certain kind to throw their life ...
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They despise Dwarves and show it by often taunting their beards (They're just jealous they cannot grow one!). They have an a–a–a–a–b–b rhyme
scheme going which is different from the Dwarves' a–a–b–a rhyme scheme. They are fond of visitors as shown by questioning song, "O! Will you be
staying, or will you be flying?". These two song styles are positive feeling, but that is going to change for the next creature tune.
Goblins songs are full of onomatopoeias such as Clap!, Snap!, Grab!, Nab!, etc... The songs also introduce prisoners to their demise, but not in a
good way. Goblins are fond of violence due to the mention of weapons and torture devices such as hammers, knockers, gongs, and (shudders) tongs.
Goblins also enjoy the sounds of victims being tortured by work as the song mentions, "Work, work! Nor dare to shirk, while Goblins quaff, and
Goblins laugh.". Goblins are truly disgusting creatures.
A wise(?) man once said, "There's an awful lot you can tell about someone by their shoes." The same thing can be said about music. Dwarves are
adventurous and money–wanting. Elves are happy and musical. Goblins are torturous, disgusting, and not to mention terrible at singing. Music among
creatures is a powerful element to their culture society, in the process of making their species
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Analysis Of The Book 'The Hobbit'
The Hobbit, a novel by J.R.R Tolkien, was a prequel to The Lord of the Rings series. The Hobbit is also an adventure story that follows the classic,
hero's journey. The protagonist of the novel, Bilbo, is much like the European explorers in the Age of Exploration during the 15th Century. For
example, Christopher Columbus was widely regarded as a hero during his time. Columbus was a Spanish explorer that is known for discovering the
Americas. In 1492, Columbus set sail west in hopes of discovering a new route to the Indies, instead he found America. Like Bilbo, Columbus was an
ordinary person who went on an adventure, faced challenges, and in the end, became a hero. Previously, a hero's journey was mentioned. The pattern
that heroes go through in their journey was discovered by writer Joseph Campbell. Campbell studied many adventure stories and noticed a pattern that
all of the heroes went through. He said that the journey they take happens in seven phases. These stages take the hero out of the environment they are
in, give them conflicts, make them face a big challenge, sends them home, and finally the hero shares their gift to their society. This cycle is
demonstrated in many adventure stories and movies. In fact, many authors study Campbell's work when they are writing stories. Bilbo goes through
this hero's journey and this is shown when he goes through stage one and two, four, and five. First, Bilbo goes through stage one and two of the hero's
journey. Stage one and
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The Hobbit Literary Criticism
Independent Critical Essay The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien is a novel that was published on September 21st, 1937. The novel tells the story of the young
Bilbo Baggins who has been limited to the simple lifestyle of a hobbit. Bilbo Baggins was no different from the average hobbit until Gandalf, the
wizard, shows up unannounced at the hobbit's door. This is the beginning of Bilbo's unexpected journey, in which his physical limitations, bravery,
and courage are put to the test. Along with Gandalf, Bilbo also meets the the twelve dwarves who refer to Bilbo as "the burglar" and are led by
Thorin Oakenshield. These fourteen men embark on a quest to regain power of their homeland which was taken over by Smaug, the dragon, many years
ago. Writer Joseph ... Show more content on ...
Joseph Pulitzer's final criterion is for the writing to be accurate so that the reader "will be guided by its light". In the case of The Hobbit, it is
accurate to it's genre which is fantasy. Fantasy is a fictional genre which contains characters that are often times not human or posses magical powers.
The time period in which these stories take place are often set in the medieval ages and the events that occur are impossible and not limited to the
rules of reality. One particular character that falls directly into the category of fantasy is Gandalf, the wizard. Bilbo's first time meeting Gandalf was
quite unexpected so when Bilbo meets Gandalf he speaks about the amazing feats that Gandalf has
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Bilbo's Transformation In 'The Hobbit'
The Hobbit is about is about Bilbo Baggins going on an adventure and becoming the hero that he needed to be I will be discussing Bilbo Baggins and
how he develops and changes throughout the story. I
Bilbo Baggins is the protagonist of The Hobbit. Bilbo Baggins has curly brown hair and thick leathery feet. He was fat in the stomach and was half
the height of an adult. He likes having multiple meals a day, and snacks. Bilbo also had long clever fingers. Bilbo is a very respectable individual. He
enjoyed staying at home, Bilbo doing something unexpected was unheard of. Before the adventure, he thought highly of his neighbor's opinion about
him. When Gandalf chose Bilbo the other dwarves thought that he was unfit for the job. The dwarves did not ... Show more content on
Him being at his home being comfortable and sitting outside and smoking his pipe at the beginning of the story. The here comes Gandalf with his
long staff, and Bilbo greets him and say good morning to him. Gandalf says "What do you mean? Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it
is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?" Bilbo says all of them and
invites Gandalf to sit down with him. Gandalf says that he does not have time to sit he is looking for someone to go on an adventure. Bilbo tells him
he won't find anyone around these parts. People who live in the Hill are quiet folks they aren't into adventures. The rising action of the Hobbit is when
Gandalf appears and asks Bilbo if he would like to go on an adventure. Bilbo of course at first says no and that hobbit's do not go on adventures.
Bilbo invites Gandalf tea and Gandalf accepts and before he leaves he leaves a sign on Bilbo's front door. The next day Bilbo up and doing the
things he would normally do when he hears a knock at his door. He thought it was Gandalf but it was Dwalin. Then two more dwarves Kili and Fili.
Five more dwarves show up Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, and Gloin. Then Gandalf arrives with four more dwarves Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, and Thorin. They all
start discussing the adventure, the map, and who was going to do what. Bilbo is excited about the adventure but
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Analysis Of The Book ' The Hobbit ' Essay
Novel Paper: The Hobbit When you think of a hero, is the first character to pop in your head a little hobbit named Bilbo Baggins? In most cases,
people think of Superman or Hercules, but in The Hobbit, an unexpected hero emerges and changes the name for all heroes to come. The Hobbit is a
novel about Bilbo Baggins and his journey, with thirteen dwarves and a wizard, seeking the treasure stolen by the dragon, Smaug. While on this
unexpected journey, Bilbo and his companions overcome many obstacles to eventually get to the treasure and retrieve it. Throughout the story, Bilbo
develops into a courageous man, who indeed, is a hero. Richard Tyre wrote an article, "You Can't Teach Tolkien," and he explains his theory in which
he connects multiple story's plot with six elements. The Hobbit, is assuredly a prime example of Tyre's theory because it follows all six steps
throughout the story simultaneously. The six elements are; "(1) those who hunt for treasure, (2) must go alone, (3) at night, (4) and when they find it,
(5) they must leave some of their blood behind, (6) and the treasure is never what they expected" (Tyre 19). These elements are steps in which a
character must take to emerge into a hero in the end. Bilbo Baggins is the hero in The Hobbit, but he doesn't start off as the hero. He has always had
heroic traits but throughout the novel, he pursues those six steps and in the resolution, he is transformed into an actual hero. The first element in Tyre's
theory is "(1)
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Book Report : ' The Hobbit ' Essay
Rachel Pavelka
Quarter 2 Book Report
English 9
The Hobbit
By ~ J.R.R Tolkien
Report written by ~ Rachel Pavelka
The book I am reporting on is The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien. The setting of the story begins in a place called Middle Earth. The story begins in Began
where Mr. Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit lives. Bilbo, thirteen dwarves and a wizard travel to Rivendell, Misty Mountains and finally Mirkwood. The book
was set before the Lord of the Rings but it is unclear exactly when. The story is a fantasy so time is not important.
The historical context of the book is post World War I, and the influence of the war can be felt in the many battles that happen throughout the story, with
good trying to defeat evil.
The narrator of the story is Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo tells the story from his point of view. The story is in third person and is omniscient.
The protagonist of the book is Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo the main character in the book, is a hobbit. He was scared to leave his home town of Bagan.
Bilbo was invited by dwarves to go on an adventure to find treasure that belonged to the them. Little was known about what could happen on this trip,
but still Bilbo was drawn to this adventure with much excitement. It was when he did not have food to eat that he would question why he left his
hobbit hole.
The other characters of the story are Gandalf the wizard, Smaug the dragon, Thorin, Balin, Dwalin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dori, Nori, Ori, Fili, Kili,
Oin, and Gloin, the
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J. R. Tolkien's Prelude To The Lord Of The Rings
Enter the fantastical world of J.R.R Tolkien's prelude to The Lord of the Rings with the LEGO Hobbit in this [retired] Lonely Mountain set. Discover
the secret entrance of Erabor and lead hobbit Bilbo Baggins to the Arkenstone, the beloved King's Jewel bestowing the right to rule on the one who
possesses it.
150 years before beloved characters Bilbo and Frodo Baggins learn the origin of the One Ring, Smaug the Magnificent ascends on Erabor and seizes
the dwarf kingdom from Thror– a gold sick dwarf king.
This set comes complete with 850+ pieces to offer hours of fun for all ages. Whether you're 10 or 110 Hobbit fans will love this interactive brick set.
The LEGO Lonely Mountain offers pulley's, moving parts, and wheels to keep you engaged
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My Book Retell I Have Chosen The Hobbit By J.k. R. Tolkien
For My book retell I have chosen The Hobbit, written by J.R.R. Tolkien. It takes place in the fictional land of Middle Earth, where Elves and
dwarves roamed the lands and much darker creatures too, such as Trolls and Goblins. Our tale starts off like this. "In a hole in the ground, there lives
a Hobbit". Hobbits are a simple folk who rarely wander beyond their little town of Baggend. They are no taller than a human child, but they eat like
giants. They love eating so much, they have seven meals a day. Breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses, luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner and supper. They
have a mop of curly hair on there head and big furry feet. That brings us to the main protagonist, Bilbo Baggins. Throughout the story he is
accompanied by Thirteen dwarves, lead by Thorin Oakenshield, and the wizard, Gandalf the Grey. There are many antagonists in this story including
goblins, trolls, elves, and even humans, but the main conflict is with Smaug, the fire breathing dragon, who has stolen Thorin 's kingdom.
Hobbits in Baggend rarely have anything close to an adventure, since they would have to leave the comfort of their warm hobbit hole. Bilbo
Baggins, never in his wildest dreams, would find himself hunting dragons next to dwarves and wizards. However, one day, while he was smoking
his pipe of tobacco, he heard a knock on his gate. It was Gandalf. He wondered if Bilbo wanted to take part in an adventure. Bilbo quickly urged the
wizard away saying he wanted nothing to do
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A Comparison Of The Hobbit And The Story Of Sigurd
As the English poet Robert Graves said "One gets to the heart of the matter by a series of experiences in the same pattern, but in different colors.
This quote is exemplified in the stories of The Hobbit and "The Story of Sigurd" when they have action and use the same hero's journey pattern to
create a great story. Both authors of the stories use strong and resilient characters in their stories to take down the monsters. In this case, there are two
heroes taking down a greedy dragon. Based on the stories and characters, authors are also able to show their own opinions in the stories. Concluding
that, both the scene with Smaug and Fafnir have similarities in characteristics and outcomes in the story, showing that authors follow the same ... Show
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This asking of questions shows that the dragons can use that information to manipulate the character into thinking about something in a different way.
However, in both stories,the character doesn't give in to the persuasiveness, but Bilbo from The Hobbit does give Smaug just the slightest of information
of where he came from and Smaug used it to cause destruction. From finding all the similarities in the two stories there is enough information to
conclude that Tolkien used "The Story ofSigurd" to gain ideas to create The Hobbit, however both stories are also very different. Of course in every
adventure story, you need a protagonist, and in The Hobbit and "The Story of Sigurd" both show great examples of heroic protagonists. Plus, both
of the heroes kill the huge dragon similarly. A main thing that the two heroes have in common is that they use a special weapon to kill the enemy.
In The Hobbit, Bard uses a rare arrow called a "black arrow'; "Arrow!" said the bowman. "Black arrow! I have saved you to the last. You have never
failed me and always I have recovered you. I had you from my father and he from of old." (Tolkien 251). Sigurd also uses a special sword to kill the
dragon Fafnir; "Then Sigurd went to his mother, and asked for the broken pieces of his father 's blade, and gave them to Regin. And he hammered and
wrought them into a new sword, so sharp that fire seemed to burn along its edges." (Lang).
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Essay about The Hobbit by JRR Tolkein
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien is a story of adventure and danger, and it is a prime example of a romantic plot and fantasy genre. What makes this
story such a great example of a romantic plot? One, the unlikely hero, Mr. Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit that is dragged on an adventure he doesn't wish
to take. Second, there is a great quest with a reward at its end. Third the great teacher figure, Gandalf is a wizard that helps Bilbo to become the great
hero he is destined to be. And lastly the dragon figure, in this story the dragon figure, happened to be a dragon but there are also many miniature dragon
figures through out the tale.
The story begins with our soon to be hero Bilbo Baggins he's smoking his ... Show more content on ...
He failed but you get a glimpse of the hero he is to become.
The quest begins when the group meets at the Green Dragon Inn. From there they venture into the Lone–lands. As heavy rains begin to fall, Bilbo
notices that Gandalf is missing. This is something that is later on considered to be normal because Gandalf comes and goes throughout the duration of
the trip. All through the quest Bilbo ends up saving the party from many dangerous situations. This is something that at first Bilbo finds hard to
believe because he has very low self–esteem. The group always seems to find themselves in worse, and worse problems, but they always overcome
these problems, with the help of Bilbo and some times Gandalf. Some of these problems include: getting caught by trolls, getting captured by
goblins, being attacked by large wolves called Wargs, one of the dwarves falls into a coma from touching black water in the Mirkwood Forest, nearly
dying of starvation, being captured by large spiders and being captured by wood–elves. Although this is all very good action, the real action begins
when the party finally reaches their destination– Lonely Mountain (home of Smaug).
On Lonely Mountain, in order to sneak into Smaug's lair, Bilbo puts on his magic ring, which turns him invisible. He talks to the dragon for a while
and gets the dragon to show him the under side of his stomach. Bilbo manages to get close enough to see the dragon's weakness, which is a missing
scale in his chest. Smaug gets
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Smaug Song Analysis
Movie Music Analysis: Smaug's Theme Smaug's Theme was composed by Howard Shore for 2013's The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug. The genre of
the piece is film fantasy, adventure and has touches of horror mixed in with it. The song fits the style of the majestic dragon that is its namesake, and it
flows wonderfully with the movie, taking in various other relative themes and working with the events that happen in the movie. Smaug's Theme was
written by the award–winning Howard Shore and performed by the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra for the second Hobbit movie, Desolation of
Smaug. Shore, born on 18th October, 1946 in Toronto, studied at the Berklee College of Music. His first big score was Silence of the Lambs, and it
became highly successful,... Show more content on ...
This is an example of how most of the piece has an underlying, faster beat to uphold the feeling of 'fleeing'. Occasionally the underlying ostinato isn't
present because, in those scenes, the dwarves and Bilbo are in a room where the dragon cannot get to them. Smaug's Theme is in 4/4 (simple duple)
time and starts out slow, before an accelerando, eventually hitting 180bpm, which represents the movie's rapid change of pace. This represents the drift
from a conversation, to a dragon hunting down the company to kill them. Through the rhythm and dynamics, it is clear that Howard Shore's Smaug's
Theme has successfully highlighted the style of the film. Smaug is very magnificent and grand, yet treacherous and cunning. In terms of the timbre of
Smaug's Theme, a symphony orchestra is used with the strings and brass being the most prominent, plus a few extra instruments such as an
Indonesian gamelan and finger cymbals. Little woodwind is heard, with flute and clarinet making a few solo appearances. The lower brass,
particularly the tuba and trombone, represent Smaug, and his enormous, powerful, and deceivingly slow manner. The violins play a large range of
pitches and depict the beautiful, yet eerie emptiness of the halls under the mountain and how it has an immense 'dread' feel to it. Gamelan, chimes and
finger cymbals are used to forge an exotic feeling and together, sound like treasure, with the light chinking of coins and gold. The percussion
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The True Magic Of The World Of Faerie
When one thinks of the world of Faerie, they tend to imagine wondrous and fantastical places, however while they make occurrences they are rarely
the bulk of the tale. In order to contrast the wonder and goodness there have to be places where it is absent or darkened and perverted. The true
magic of the stories lies in the consolation, the restoring of these desolations, as J.R.R. Tolkien says in his essay "On Fairy Stories," "I would venture
to assert that all complete fairy–stories must have [the Consolation of the Happy Ending]" ("On Fairy" 85). Throughout the works of J.R.R. Tolkien,
specifically "Leaf by Niggle," "Farmer Giles of Ham," and The Hobbit, both desolations, and the restoration of them are central motifs. "Leaf by
Niggle" is short story, written by Tolkien, about a painter who is obsessed with completing his enormous painting of a tree, titled "Leaf". His main
world is his home and his painting. Before he can finish his painting though he is sent to a Workhouse. The Workhouse in this story is the
desolation. For the majority of his time there he is sick and in the infirmary. The sickness in a way is another form of desolation. It is a figurative
desolation where his physical health is damaged. At the workhouse "poor Niggle got no pleasure out of life" which is one of the clear signs that this
is a desolation ("Leaf" 109). The desolations work in a contrast to both the places of good magic and the home that the character, in this case Niggle, is
used to.
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Music In The Hobbit
Music is featured in many different things, such as films, novels, and television. Music also plays a role in the development of the magical beings from
The Hobbit. In the novel the dwarves, elves, and goblins sing a musical tune. It sets the tone in the chapter they are in ,but it also has different content
and structure.The reader meets the dwarves, elves ,and the goblin that reveals something about each creature.
When the reader learns about the dwarves he knows little about them. Immediately upon hearing their song you know about the day Smaug came and
took over where they lived. The reader can tell that the tone is miserable and hopeful because they remember the details of dale set on fire, their pale
enchanted gold, and that they ran
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Compare And Contrast The Hobbit Book And Movie
Compare and Contrast Informational Paper I read the novel, The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien, afterwards I watched the movie, The Hobbit: An
Unexpected Journey. The Hobbit is about a hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, who is whisked off into an adventure. The adventure is about taking back treasure
from the dragon Smaug for the a group of dwarves. Along the way, he gets a magic ring from a creature called Gollum.The Hobbit and its movie are
similar and different from each other in a variety of ways. The elements and ideas of the book are similar to the movie by in the book and movie
Bilbo is reluctant about adventuring, but gains confidence over the adventure, and the start of the adventure being similar. First, Bilbo starts out
reluctant, but gains confidence and courage over time when told of the adventure in the book and movie. In the book on page 27, "'Don't be a fool,
Bilbo Baggins!' he said to himself, 'thinking of dragons and all that outlandish nonsense at your age!'" The examples display Bilbo being reluctant to
go on the adventure, but then developing courage and confidence by doing more daunting and dangerous tasks which is shown in both the book and
movie. Second, the start of the adventure are both similar in the book and movie. In the book in chapter 1, Gandalf comes to Bilbo's house to leave
the mark on his door, and all of the dwarves come for "An Unexpected Party" where they eventually tell Bilbo that he will be the burglar for the
adventure. At the beginning of the movie, Gandalf also comes to Bilbo's house to chat, leave ... Show more content on ...
I personally liked the book The Hobbit better than the movie. I liked the book better because it provided a more vivid experience, provided more
story, and gave us more of Bilbo's perspective because we could know what he was thinking. Finally, The Hobbit and its movie are similar and
different from each other in a variety of ways such as the start of the adventure, the way Bilbo changed, how backstory is told, and character
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Analysis Of Bilbo 's ' Hobbit '
After beginning his adventure, Bilbo faces one of his most difficult challenges in The Hobbit when Bilbo Baggins faces the Inmost cave stage he
fights with Gollum in the cave. Holmes describes the Inmost Cave as "the abyss. This is the greatest challenge that faces the hero" (Holmes). This
stage is literally in a dark cave, one that provides a morally challenging and terrifying experience for Bilbo. In the cave, he deals with the Gollum and
finds the Ring, changing his character forever. Only once he suffers through his riddle battle with Gollum, he recovers The Ring, a ring that grants
its wearer invisibility as they wear the Ring. Bilbo has to deal with a moral dilemma when he must face Gollum and must decide on whether or not
to kill Gollum. While in the cave with Gollum, Bilbo put on the Ring, which make him invisible and had to deal with what to do about Gollum in
Bilbo's panic and terrified state: "Bilbo almost stopped breathing, and went stiff himself. He was desperate. He must get away, out of this horrible
darkness, while he had any strength left. He must fight. He must stab the foul thing, put its eyes out, kill it. It meant to kill him" (Tolkien 86). He was
forced to lose some of his innocent and face the reality of life and death situations. For this difficult battle in the cave, Dorothy Matthews reported in
The Psychological Journey of Bilbo Baggins, "In this underground scene he must face an important trial; he must make a decision whose outcome will
be a
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The Hero Of The Hobbit
The hero's journey begins with the hero being introduced in their ordinary world. This is where the reader learns about the hero's background, flaws
and strengths. This is so that the reader can establish a bond with the situation, which gives them experience of an adventure through the hero. In
chapter 1 of The Hobbit, Tolkien introducesBilbo Baggins as an ordinary hobbit who lives in an ordinary hobbit hole on the side of The Hill. In this
chapter Tolkien hints towards Bilbo's mother's side, the Took–clan, who 'something was not entirely hobbit like about them' (Page 13).
1)The hero is introduced in his/her ordinary world:
The hero's journey begins with the hero being introduced in their ordinary world. This is where the reader learns about the hero's background, flaws
and strengths. This is so that the reader can establish a bond with the situation, which gives them experience of an adventure through the hero. In
chapter 1 of The Hobbit, Tolkien introduces Bilbo Baggins as an ordinary hobbit who lives in an ordinary hobbit hole on the side of The Hill. In this
chapter Tolkien hints towards Bilbo's mother's side, the Took–clan, who 'something was not entirely hobbit like about them' (Page 13).
The second part of the hero's journey is the call to adventure. Here, the hero is presented with a trial or problem. This call to adventure is "delivered"
by a herald and comes in the form of a message, phone call, dream, or letter. In chapter 1, while Bilbo was smoking an
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Analysis Of The Book ' The Hobbit '
In September 21, 1937, the fantasy–fiction writer J. R. R. Tolkien published the first copy of the Hobbit. The composers of both the film and the novel
employ sophisticated fantasy and adventure elements such as, mythical creatures which resemble human characteristics, fighting in large groups,
singing for hope, quests to reach their main goal. Furthermore the composers of both texts emphasis on the elements of fantasy and adventure in detail
by offering the audience a magical setting, creature like characters and an adventurous plot for the audience to explore and enjoy. Both texts
successfully and distinctively create a mythical world of Middle–Earth for the targeted audience. Like many books, especially classics, the Hobbit novel
was adapted into a film that came out in December 2012. Again, like most books, the story itself underwent numerous modifications/enhancements
before becoming a movie. Therefore a rigorous examination is to be conducted now on comparative analysis.
The genre in both the novel and film are similar in terms of fantasy adventure. Both composers use many techniques to demonstrate both genres in the
hobbit novel and films. Both texts are similar because they both use mythical creatures, fighting in large groups and singing for hope. The composers
use mythical creatures which vary in size and have different strengths and weaknesses like the hobbit. "In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit",
the Hobbit novel page 11. Tolkien
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What Is The Hobbit Real
The Hobbit written by J.R.R. Tolkien, is a famous tale of fantasy. This movie is loved by all different ages. The Hobbit has a bunch of weird
characters and crazy adventures. The Hobbit is about a hobbit named Bilbo Baggins. He goes on a journey with a wizard and thirteen dwarves. There
are many different and crazy things that happen. They all leave their homes to help Thorin get the treasure that was taken over by Smaug, the evil
dragon. Bilbo Baggins is the one who leads the Dwarves to the Lonely Mountain to find their treasure. In all this mess, Bilbo finds inside himself a lot
of strength and courage. Gandalf, a wizard, stops by to have a chat with Bilbo, and he tells him that he is looking for someone to go on an adventure
with him. The ... Show more content on ...
This Teaches us that form ness and giving to others will not only welfare them, but help them in life tale . Their experiences teach that it is wise to
listen to those with more knowledge than us. Even though The Hobbit is fictional, people can learn much about reality and the morals it has. When
Beginning The Hobbit it seems to be very boring and not interesting. When getting into the novel the characters begin to develop quickly and with
great information behind each one. With Mister . Baggins talks about the hobbits and how long they have lived in their hobbit jam . When the
dwarves finally come into the story with the background of all of them the adventure begin. When Bilbo startle out he is a quiet, "leave me alone",
kind of hobbit. Mr. Baggins' failing is his lack of desire to go out and live his life to the fullest. Meanwhile, Thorin display his selfish act of not wanting
to share the riches with the other citizens and showing how greed gets you nothing in the end . Within these weakness' and conflicts with the other
backwash the change of location caused famine, red ink of direction,and uneasiness between the
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The Hobbit Analysis
In the novel, The Hobbit, the author J.R.R. Tolkien, suggests when an individual pushes themselves to explore risk–taking, they take the opportunity to
grow within themselves, and test the extent of their newfound values, which result in the character fostering a stronger sense of self–identity.
Accepting the opportunity to experience risk allows the individual to push themselves, despite the possibility of danger towards oneself. In the Hobbit,
the character Bilbo demonstrates risk–taking most clearly when he attempts to steal a troll's wallet after the dwarves ordered him to investigate a
strange light coming from within the forest (pg. 35). Bilbo concludes that he must prove himself to the dwarves. To show his capability as a burglar,...
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When Bilbo feels pity for Gollum, and decides not to kill him, he takes risks, as leaping over Gollum may fail, causing Bilbo to fall prey to Gollum.
In this situation, Bilbo pushes himself to spare Gollum and make daring decisions, where Bilbo is not aware of the consequences. Therefore Bilbo
signifies risk–taking when sparing Gollum, despite the unpredictable consequences that result from his decisions. Lastly, Bilbo demonstrates pushing
himself to take risks, despite the danger, is during when Bilbo is chosen to survey inside the Lonely Mountain, Smaug's citadel (pg. 198–201). Bilbo
understands that he must uphold his position as a burglar, and be the first to enter the Lonely Mountain, where Smaug inhabits. When Bilbo enters
Smaug's lair, is a primary example of Bilbo's risk–taking, despite the prominent danger. Bilbo exploring Smaug's stronghold is the climax of danger
during The Hobbit. During this situation, Bilbo pushes himself greatly, to explore inside the Lonely Mountain, in order to manifest his capability as a
burglar, Bilbo surpasses his ability to take risks and discovers the extent of his risk–taking abilities. He ultimately finds greater courage within himself,
as a result of pushing himself to take risks. Bilbo knows of Smaug, who represents the great danger within the mountains. He takes this opportunity to
exceed his risk–taking skills. Therefore Bilbo takes risks by upholding his burglar responsibilities, despite facing the
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The Character Development Of Bilbo, A Hobbit

  • 1. The Character Development Of Bilbo, A Hobbit The "Classification of Fantasy among Other Genres" handout from class defines a fantastical protagonist to be "a person of royal/noble blood of a magician of great power, but often an ordinary–seeming person with some unknown or special qualities (and) may also possess some sort of special weapon." When we first meet Bilbo Baggins he is nothing more than a homely Hobbit. He does not possess any powers nor he does he have special powers. But even in the first chapter, Gandalf knows what qualities he possesses saying, "If I say he is a Burglar, a Burglar he is, or will be when the time comes. There is a lot more in him than you guess, and a deal more than he has any idea of himself." This quotation is especially important foreshadowing the character development of Bilbo, and the reoccurring theme of the heroism he shows.... Show more content on ... Bilbo is to use his burglar skills to steal from the trolls. While Gandalf must prolong an argument until the Trolls turn to stone to save Bilbo and the dwarves, Bilbo does accomplish his goal by picking up a key to the trolls secret cave where he receives a sword he can use later on. The group is then captured, this time by goblins. Gandalf again is the savior, but at this time Bilbo gets separated from the group. This leads him to Gollum and the ring. Even though Gandalf saved the dwarves, outsmarting Gollum and using the ring to escape from Gollum and the goblins, shows Bilbo has the skills to be a real hero. Moving on, the dwarves then get captured by spiders after entering the forest. With Gandalf being absent, Bilbo must take his rightful spot as the hero. He slays the spider and rescues the dwarves. It's mentioned that Bilbo starts to feel different about himself. This shows he is growing and becoming more self–aware. AT this point he names his sword, as many strong heroes do with their ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Bilbo Leadership Being a leader means to be the person who helps everyone with everything, keeps everyone out of danger, and is the head of the group. Gandalf was away for most of the trip, and and someone needed to take over and be a leader. The person who did that task, Bilbo, could not have been better for the job. Bilbo proved to be a leader in many different ways throughout the entire expedition. Bilbo proved to be a leader when a dwarf falls into water. The water is magical and harms the dwarf. Insisting on staying, Bilbo says the dwarves should stay for a little longer. This proved that Bilbo was a good leader when Gandalf was away because Bilbo made sure everyone was safe, which is one main key parts to being a leader. Late at night, Bilbo was... Show more content on ... Since Bilbo got himself out and started looking for them, he found them in the spider's web, but there were over one–hundred spiders then he had to kill. Since Bilbo is a good leader, he helped the rest of his group, get out of all the trouble they were in. Some people think that Bilbo Baggins did not prove to be a good leader while Gandalf was away. It may be true that Bilbo did get the dwarves in some awful situations, but Bilbo always helped the dwarves get out of the awful situations. Bilbo helped get the dwarves out of more trouble than he got the dwarves into. Since Bilbo was more help than harm, I would say that Bilbo was still a good leader while Gandalf was away. Bilbo proved in many ways to be a very good leader when Gandalf was away. Even if Gandalf was there for the whole expedition, I think Bilbo still would have been the best leader on the expedition. If Bilbo did not come on the trip, the whole trip would have been very different and the dwarves may have never found a great leader to lead them to ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Hobbit Book Comparison From the author of The Lord of The Rings trilogy, J. R. R. Tolkien, and the same crew behind their film adaptations, Peter Jackson and his writing team, The Battle of the Five Armies is the final instalment in a trilogy of films based on the classic fantasy novel, The Hobbit. Picking up from The Desolation of Smaug, this final third follows on with the dwarves as they attempt to reclaim their homeland of Erebor, as the titular battle ensues on The Lonely Mountain, with the Goblins and the Wargs fighting against the Men of Lake–town, the Elves, the Dwarves and Eagles. The following post is a review of the film adaptation in comparison to the book. You can read my review of the book on its own here. Film Review: Stretching The Hobbit into ... Show more content on ... There are a few scenes missed out of the film at this point. First: Bard gives Bilbo two chests, one filled with gold and one filled with silver. Second: Bilbo gives a silver and pearl necklace to the elven king. And third: Bilbo, Gandalf, and Beorn travel around the north of Mirkwood and stay with Beorn for a while. before departing from Rivendell. Bilbo is shown carrying a chest when he says goodbye to Gandalf in the film, but it is not shown that he and Gandalf dig up chest they found in the Troll cave. In the book, they split the treasure, placing it in bags on their horses. When Gandalf visits Bilbo at the end of the film, Balin also joins them in the book. Overall Verdict: The first two instalments were also very different from the book, using characters we know from The Lord of The Rings trilogy that didn't actually appear in The Hobbit, and additional plots to bulk the adaptations out with Jackson making extensive use of the appendices published in the back of The Return of the King, but it all felt necessary beforehand and filled the story out quite well. A lot of what happens in this film, however, is completely unnecessary and only ends the franchise on a sour
  • 4. ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Hobbit: Book vs. Movie The Hobbit (There and Back Again) is an absolutely wonderful classical book. In fact, it has been made into a three part movie series, two of which have already been released. The two movies that have been released will be what I am covering in this report. Although the movies are a beautiful remake of the original book, there a quite a few distinct differences between the two. These differences can be very simple: like the fact that Gollum only has six teeth in the book and nine in the movie, or very complex: like the fact that whole new characters were added to the movie that were not originally in the book. The elves Legolas, Tauriel, and Galadriel played very prominent roles in the book in helping the dwarves and hobbit on their journey, yet they ceased to exist in the original text. Another substantial difference between the book and movies is that in the book, the dwarves and hobbit weren't aware of Smaug leaving (or being killed for that matter) until they were alerted of this news by the crows. However, in the movie, a pretty large battle took place between the dwarves and Smaug. As far as smaller differences go, in the book the keyhole to get into Smaug's chamber was lit by the sunset, whereas in the movie the keyhole was lit by the light of the moon; the movie showed Bard's children and the book didn't; and in the book it talks of Gandalf throwing pinecones lit with fires of many color, but in the book they were all one color; and the movie featured an attack ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Examples Of The Villain In The Hobbit Smaug the Smug Dragon There are many types of villains; the cunning, the crazy, the prideful and even the heroic villain, but there is also the standard villain. Smaug the dragon is the antagonist in The Hobbit and he is a standard villain; a stereotypical one, but even he has some certain traits that differentiate him from the basic villains. He is terrible, merciless and evil, with only one weakness, isolated in his castle full of gold. Villain are mostly portrayed as big and powerful, making them in no need of anyone's help, and Smaug is so. "A vast red–golden dragon" with "a huge coiled tail" Smaug was described as, showing that he could easily crush living beings and destroy houses (Tolkien 233). "Smaug lay, with wings folded like an immeasurable bat, turned partly on one side, so that the hobbit could see his underparts and his long pale belly crusted with gems and fragments ... Show more content on ... Smaug the dragon is very good in his role as the main villain with no warmth in his dark heart, as he never even doubts himself when attacking Lake Town without thought and sneaking up on Bilbo and the dwarves, trying to crush them beneath the mountain rocks, nor does he regret what he did to the old citizens of Dale. However it would also be appreciated if he would have had a chance to become good, whether he would accept the chance or not would be up to the author. If he were to decline the chance, it would only strengthen the idea of his purely evil nature. If he were to accept it, it would teach a lesson to the audience that no matter how bad someone is or how many bad things they have done, one can always change. However, Smaug "was a most especially greedy, strong, and wicked worm" and forever he shall stay, alongside his enormous ego, no matter how many flaws he ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Hobbit Themes The Hobbit is a fantasy novel written by English author J. R. R. Tolkien and it was published on 21 September 1937. The novel is about quest and adventures of Bilbo Baggins through to the Lonely Mountain. The book still remains popular in children's literature. The story is told in a heroic way and basically is about Bilbo gaining new level of maturity, wisdom and losing his innocence. Themes are pretty much personal growth, heroism and war. Tolkien had four children and he used to write stories for his kids to enjoy. Then he collected these stories and created whole new world in the literature. In order to understand plot and what's going in that universe, I will give brief information about characters first. Bilbo Baggins is our protagonist and by far the most important character of the novel. The plot is shaped around his actions and feelings. He is a hobbit. Hobbits are small people, even smaller than dwarfs. They live in a ... Show more content on ... Biblo gets in and steals a heavy two–handed cup from the dragon's vast hoard of treasure and returns to the dwarfs. In the meantime Bilbo sees the weak point of Smaug. He has a weak point on his chest where he has no armor. Then Smaug notices that cup is missing and he realizes that lake–man of Esgaroth mush have helped them. Smaug flew above and attacked lake–town Dale and destroyed the whole city. But there is an archer in that city, Bard. He takes his great bow and Black Arrow hit Smaug in the weak spot and kills him. Tidings are spreading all over the world that Smaug is dead. So creatures from everywhere arrive to the Mountain to get some piece of from the treasure. Then goblins and Wargs appear. Elves, dwarfs and the humans becomes one against another enemy. They fight together and barely win. Thorin dies at the end of the war. Then everyone goes home. The end. Here is brief summary of the ... Get more on ...
  • 8. My Values vs the Values of Bilbo Baggins Essay In the Hobbit there are fourteen main characters as well as many other characters that help along the way. The characters are Gandalf the Wizard, Mr. Bilbo Baggins, Throrin Oakensheild, Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Gloin, Fili, Kili, Bombur, Bifur, Bofur, Dwalin, and Balin. Gandalf is a wizard that helps the dwarves in their various journeys. He knows more than he reveals to the dwarves and everyone else and he knows that the hobbit can help the dwarves in their quest. That hobbit is Mr. Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo lives a quiet and comfortable life in his hobbit hole in Bag end and he almost never leaves home. But the wizard knows that there is more to Bilbo that meets the eye and he has certain powers that can help the dwarves in their journey to ... Show more content on ... Along the way they encounter great dangers and various characters such as wood–elves, goblins, mystical creatures, trolls, humans, etc. And they have to fight their way through the many conflicts that they come upon. And Bilbo must find a way to help them overcome the complications that they face in their quest. The hobbit uses his common sense and his magical ring to get the gang out of sticky situations. But as well as the disputes that they endure, they also gained many friends and aid throughout their journeys through the forests. And with the help of their friends they were able to make it through the entire journey.Each character had their own special value that was important to them. Bilbo valued his hobbit hole, privacy, and space the most. He loved his hobbit hole more than anything else. Gandalf the wizard valued his powers and motives and he kept them hidden unless they were needed the most. Thorin Oakenshield valued his inheritance, his culture, and his power and he fought very hard to get it all back. He also valued serving people who helped him. Like Thorin the other Dwarves also valued serving people that helped them but they all had their own particular values as well. Bombur valued food and sleep while Fili and Kili valued their being young and active. But of all the values of all the dwarves, they all valued their long ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Hobbit Movie Essay During the winter vacation, I watched a movie, which is quiet impressed me. It is called The Hobbit. It tells an exciting story.It also teach me something when I watch it.The movie really give me a shock. In my opinion. The Hobbit is the best movie I have seen. Its world background is very palatial. It tells a story that happen in a land , which is named Middle Earth. For example, there are different races in this world,such as human,dwarf, eidolon , Orcs and dragon. Human is a normal character in many movies, they are usually in weak position but they are goodness and hard working. Dwarf is a very belligerent race, they govern the world and their king like golden in crazy. Eidolon is a race, which like peace, they do not like war. So they... Show more content on ... Just like Bilbo, he is shorter and weaker ,maybe he is little timid,but when his companion in danger, he always can throw himself into breach. This is brave. Timid do not present you don't have brave. On the contrary, when your friends are in danger ,you help them without any delay,you are brave. When we are facing dangerous, maybe one person power is small,but if we are united and together work out the dangerous,the power is stronger. Any difficulty can not stop our forward steps. So, like dwarfs ,when one of them was fund by orcs, he was in weak position and then he was grasped.However, while his companion came to save him, they unite together and beat the orcs. This movie also teach me that we shouf not be consumed by desire. Thorin was consumed by desire,so he gradually become different from before, he did not trust anyone anymore.At the end,he came to his sense.So when we are facing the temptation of desire, we should firm our own will and resist the desire. The Hobbit is the best movie I have seen, I am shocked by its palatial world background. With the story begin, I see some excited plots, its ups and downs of plots make everyone feel surprised. Last but not least ,we can learn something from the movie, such as ,brave,united and do not be consumed by ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Hobbit Character Analysis The Hobbit is a fantasy novel, by J.R.R. Tolkien that tells the story of an unexpected story. Rather than being about a main character who is brave and noble, this story is about Bilbo Baggins, a predictable, mild–mannered hobbit. He lives in his cozy home and avoids anything out of the ordinary until he is presented with the opportunity of an adventure with Gandalf the wizard along with 13 dwarves. The goal is to take back the homeland of the dwarves from the dragon, Smaug, who has attacked and taken over. The journey entails mountains, forests, and creatures such as trolls, goblins, elves, and more. And even though no one sees much potential in the seemingly weak hobbit, Gandalf sees traits of a hero within Bilbo. This journey results in ... Show more content on ... At this point in the novel, the narrator describes, "On they went, Gollum flip–flapping ahead, hissing and cursing; Bilbo behind going as softly as a hobbit can" (85). Once Gollum gets angry, Bilbo slips on the ring and becomes aware of its power invisibility. He takes advantage of this and follows Gollum until navigates his way back to the dwarves. This demonstrates Bilbo's cleverness because it shows his ability to quickly read a situation. He has to think on his feet and independently if he is to return to the others. Bilbo has never been put in a situation where he has to quickly think on his own quite like this, so clearly, he has exhibited cleverness which has commenced his transformation. Through his experience in Mirkwood, Bilbo exhibits selflessness, which continues his transformation. In this episode, Bilbo and the dwarves enter the dark forest of Mirkwood and encounter giant spiders they have to fight off. The spiders entrap the dwarves in their silk, leaving Bilbo (with the ring) to find a way to save everyone. Bilbo shows his selflessness at this point when the novel says, "Bilbo saw that the moment had come when he must do something. (159)" and then later continues to say, "In this way, [Bilbo and Fili, who he had just rescued] rescued Kili, Bifur, Bofur, Dori, and Nori" (162). This shows Bilbo's selflessness because he's so determined to rescue the other dwarves and he once again has to think ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Conflict In The Hobbit "In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit" (Tolkien, 7). With those great words we were introduced to the greatest saga of high fantasy known to man. The Hobbit, by J. R. R. Tolkien, narrates the adventure of the simple hobbit Bilbo Baggins who is recruited by Gandalf, a wizard, to help a group of dwarves defeat the dragon Smaug and restore the Lonely Mountain to Thorin Oakenshield, the leader of the dwarves and rightful heir to the kingdom. The territory in question, the Lonely Mountain, was once the richest kingdom in Middle–earth until a fire breathing dragon reeked havoc on the mountain, killed most of the dwarves, and stole the dwarves treasure. Although defeating the dragon may seem like the chief difficulty in their travel, the true conflict in The Hobbit is the struggle between the dwarves and their inner greed. In order to reacquire the Lonely Mountain, the dwarves must overcome their inherent lure towards richness. Dwarves came to be by AГјle the Smith, one of the ... Show more content on ... Unlike dwarves, "dragons were greedy, cunning, seductive and malicious, probably a creation by Morgoth out of fire and sorcery sometime in the First Age" (Dragons). The looting of the Lonely Mountain by Smaug was merely part of his nature. Unlike the dragons, the dwarves were naturally kindhearted folk whose greed was not large and excessive. The dwarves came to Bag End with some absurd hope that they would return to the Lonely Mountain with the help of the burglar Bilbo. As they progressed through the forest and regions, their hopes only increased and the thought that the King under the Mountain would be reestablished became more tangible; but with that their lust for richness increased with the looting of the troll's hideout, and the killing of the goblin king. Smaug was indeed a great obstacle, greater than the goblins or spiders, yet his slaying and the reestablishment of the King under the Mountain was still building up to the war and Thorin's ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Hobbit, By John Ronald Reuel Tolkien Love, an unrelenting potency, which has an impetuous cogency on one's will to act, leading them to the peak of incertitude, and educing one's neurosis. "This is the very ecstasy of love" (2.1.101). Literature throughout the ages has allegorized love in many antithetic contexts, whether it be: dear benevolence or quixotic love to amorous romance. Love can be descried, as the inception of perturbed emotions, and inconceivable incentives. However, it is not egregious in literature to delineate of the dismal satire of love. Be it love for another person; for satisfaction; or one's aptitude and self–fortitude, this stimulus can motivate one to achieve even the most insurmountable of things. For instance, in John Ronald Reuel Tolkien's... Show more content on ... These two texts have both consonant and disparate concepts that surely contrast and compare to each other astutely, which consist of their respective plots, the personas of the main protagonists, and the edifying influence of their themes. The Hobbit takes place in a bantam encampment, which resides near the outer periphery of the eccentric continent of Middle–Earth. This diminutive settlement is indwelled by its inhabitants, the Hobbits, a race which are kindred to human beings, they savor food; they listen to harmonious music, and are fond of inhabiting their "hole in the ground....Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy was a hobbit–hole, and that means comfort."(Tolkien, 1) On the outskirts of Bag End, near the edge of Bagshot Row in Hobbiton, lived a geriatric wizard named Gandalf, who was on the pursuance of being chaperoned with a valiant Hobbit on an adventure. He concurred to recruit Bilbo Baggins, a scion of the 'Took' family, a lineage of gallant Hobbits, who went on precarious adventures to the 'Misty Mountains', situated near the fringes of Hobbiton. Once, when Gandalf visited Bag End, he sojourned Biblo, for his first time. However, when discerning the incentive of Gandalf's visit, Bilbo timorously declined to his request, in spite of Gandalf remaining persistent. The next day, Gandalf ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Negative Motive In J. R. Tolkien's The Ho The Negative Motive in J.R.R Tolkien's The Hobbit Have you ever been motivated by greed? In J.R.R Tolkien's The Hobbit, 13 dwarves, one hobbit, and one wizard commence on a journey. Throughout the journey the group endures many challenges, mentally and physically. The main character is a hobbit, who overcomes fears and self–doubt throughout the journey. The main goal of the journey is to reach The Lonely Mountain which holds a great horde of gold, which once belonged to all of the dwarves and was stolen by a dragon names Smaug. Thorin Oakenshield, a dwarf, is the leader throughout the entire journey and leads the group to The Lonely Mountain. The group risk their lives and face many foes, all to reach The Lonely Mountain and retrieve the ... Get more on ...
  • 14. J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit Essay example Bilbo Baggins, a respectable and unadventurous hobbit, is paid a visit by Gandalf, a wizard, who offers him the chance to go on an adventure. Bilbo, in trying to get rid of the wizard, inadvertently invites him to tea the next evening. The next day, Bilbo is flustered to find that in addition to Gandalf, he seems to have invited thirteen dwarves to tea as well. As he serves the dwarves and Gandalf tea and then supper, Bilbo learns that Gandalf has advertised him to the dwarves as a burglar. The dwarves wish him to help them on their quest to the Lonely Mountain, where they hope to recover treasure from Smaug the dragon, who destroyed their ancestral home under the mountain. Though at first Bilbo quakes at the suggestion of meeting a ... Show more content on ... As Bilbo wanders about, scared and nervous, he finds and pockets a small silver ring. A little later he comes to a lake. There he meets a strange creature, Gollum, the previous owner of the ring, who challenges him to a riddle game. Gollum figures out that Bilbo has the ring and tries to attack Bilbo, at which point Bilbo discovers that the ring makes its wearer invisible. With the help of the ring, he escapes from the tunnels and is reunited with his companions, who are surprised to find him alive. Soon after their reunion, they are caught and treed by Wargs, evil wolves who are allies of the goblins. Gandalf tries to rescue them by throwing burning pinecones at them, but the goblins soon arrive and set fire to the trees. At the last minute, they are rescued by a flock of eagles, which carry them to a safe spot. The next day, the eagles carry them a little further along on their journey to a spot in the wilderness. In need of rest and provisions, the group seeks shelter with Beorn, a man–bear who can take on either form. After spending a couple of days with Beorn, the company moves on to the outskirts of Mirkwood, where Gandalf leaves them. The dwarves and Bilbo have been warned repeatedly by ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Hobbit Character Analysis The Hobbit (Summary Essay) The main character of "The Hobbit" is Mr. Bilbo Baggins who is a Hobbit himself. A hobbit is a small person roughly half the size of humans with round bellies and hairy feet that have a love for good food, comfort and security. The opening scene of "The Hobbit" tells that a certain wizard (Gandalf) visits Bilbo and invites him to accompany him on an adventure. Bilbo, kindly refuses and instead invites Gandalf to tea so as not to seem impolite. After a bit of arguing, Bilbo closes the door in Gandalf's face. The next evening Bilbo's supper is disrupted by many dwarves (including Gandalf). They all assume Bilbo is accompanying them on their adventure to recover their stolen treasure from Smaug, the dragon. It is then that Bilbo realizes that Gandalf portrayed him as a burglar to the dwarves. Bilbo, in a fit of bravery, agrees but the next day his doubts return and he again declines the invitation. Gandalf, however, encourages him to reconsider, which he does, and off they go– a party of fifteen. Bilbo, will however think again of his hobbit–hole more often than not and regret going off with them. This party of fifteen include; Thorin, Balin, Dwalin, Oin, Gloin, Bombur, Bofur, Bifur, Dori, Ori, Nori, Fili, Kili, Gandalf and Bilbo. As the beginning of their journey lengthens, their food becomes scarce. Gandalf has disappeared at this time and when they see a light in the distance they send Bilbo to investigate who finds Trolls. In the confusion that followed, Bilbo escapes and the dwarves are captured. Gandalf, then happens to return at that moment and rescues the dwarves. They then find the trolls cave where they kept their supplies such as weapons and food, and take them. When that food is gone they make a pit–stop at The Last Homely House where they meet Elrond, who gives them advice on their journey, then continue on. When it starts raining and pouring the dwarves and Bilbo find a cave to rest for the night. Bilbo awakens just in time to see their horses disappear through a crack in the wall. He yells and alerts the goblins who come back and capture Bilbo and the dwarves. Bilbo's yell however had alerted Gandalf much quicker than the other dwarves, so that he escaped. Gandalf then ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Compare And Contrast Bilbo Baggins And The Hobbit Compare and Contrast Essay When somebody mentions the word, "hero," we think of someone dressed in shining armour holding a sword, slaying the terrible dragon guarding a hoard of gold. In The Hobbit, there is indeed a heinous dragon guarding a hoard of treasure and a hero who embarks on a journey to defeat said dragon and reclaim his stolen birthright. However, we do not just have one hero. We have two: the traditional and non–traditional hero. There is Bilbo Baggins, a shrewd hobbit who contrasts greatly from the typical hero, and Thorin Oakenshield, a strong–minded dwarf who resembles the traditional hero. By the end of the story, both characters have established that they're capable of conquering obstacles and adversities with their ... Show more content on ... When he attempted to steal from the trolls' pockets (#43), he would have most likely been successful if the pocket didn't talk. His failure was mostly as a result of poor luck. It's stated on #41 that " any rate, hobbits can move quietly in woods, absolutely quietly." Furthermore, his stealth had roped him and the Company out of dire situations. When the wood–elves had taken the Company hostage, it was Bilbo who snuck in and freed the dwarves from the dungeon (#208). He managed to successfully evade the notice of the elvenking's guards for over a week (#203), which is no easy feat. The spiders never noticed Bilbo's presence until he threw stones at them (#182). His small stature, his natural affinity towards stealth, and his ring of invisibility are all factors that contribute to Bilbo's stealth. Finally, it is Bilbo's ability to lead that was one of his strongest assets. He was not much of a leader as we began the story, but as we delved deeper, we learned that Bilbo is a leader. "...and they [the dwarves] all trusted Bilbo. Just what Gandalf had said would happen, you see. Perhaps that was part of his reason for going off and leaving." (#204) This quote demonstrates that Bilbo is a leader. A leader is someone that you can rely on; somebody that you can trust and a person that inspires. "For Thorin had taken heart again hearing how the hobbit had rescued his companions from the spiders, and was determined once more not to ransom himself ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Examples Of Bilbo In The Hobbit The Hero's Journey; The Hobbit A hobbit is a very small human like creature whose daily activities consist of running from humans and going about what would be a stereotypical normal human day. A hobbits' hole is his sanctuary; his safe haven. They go there to be alone and live comfortably throughout their small lives. In a small town consisting of hobbit holes lives Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo is the hero figure of this mystical fantasy; The Hobbit . In the beginning Bilbo does not show very promising traits as a hero figure. At least not until thirteen dwarves and one wizard pull him from his peace to drag him into a journey that would forever change his perspective on life and his identity. A short little thing, smaller than a hobbit, appeared... Show more content on ... The dwarves encounter a few intelligently absent goblins at misty mountains, a pass through the journey, where the dwarves are separated when in capture of the goblins where Gandalf had managed escape and Bilbo was departed from the rest of the group. During Bilbo's separation he encounters Gollum who hammers him down with numerous riddles where Bilbo` then manages to get away with the ring that provides invisibility. Gandalf later disappears while during his absence the dwarves and hobbit are taken by trolls where Bilbo then has the ring to help escape. Gandalf returns and the captives manage to escape but peace is no longer with them as they walk on the tips of their toes through the forest where they again encounter mystical creatures such as trolls, spiders and Wood–elves where they enter a building and find an escape through a river. They come eventually to a place known as Lake–town where the Lake–men are welcoming and the hidden path to Smaug, the deadly dragon is found by the curious Bilbo baggins. The key begins to becomes to be in much use when the sealed cave doow is found. The secret key hole takes long to find until Darwin's day, the day where the secret door finally becomes opened and Bilbo Baggins enters this cave called the Lonely mountain. He darts quietly inside with ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Hobbit Essay The Hobbit I. Information about the book a. The title of my book is "The Hobbit". The book is about a hobbit and 13 dwarves. This hobbit's name is Bilbo Baggins, and he lives in Hobbiton. b. Copyright © 1966; Published by Ballantine Publishing Group. c. The author of "The Hobbit" is John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. Tolkien was born on January 3, 1892, in Bloemfontein, South Africa. After serving in the First World War, he decided to take up an academic career. He studied Anglo –Saxon at Oxford, Pembroke College, and Merton College and retired in 1959. He also wrote "Lord of the Rings". Tolkien died on September 2, 1973 at the age of 81. II. Description of the genre of the book a. The genre of my book is a ... Show more content on ... b. Elrond: is a wise old friend of Gandalf. He replenishes the travelers' stocks and helps them decipher the moon runes of their map. c. The Elvenking: holds Thorin and the other dwarves prisoner. d. Dwarves who accompany Bilbo: Fili, Kili, Dori, Gloin, Nori, Oin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Balin, Dwalin, and Ori. Thorin is also included. e. Gollum: is a creature that Bilbo encounters in the caverns of the Goblins. Gollum has lost his birthday–present, the ring which Bilbo found. He is by far the strangest character because he doesn't talk to people, he talks as though there were other people in the room. He also refers to himself in the third person. f. The Lord of the Eagles: rescues the dwarves in and saves the same dwarves in the final battle. g. Roac: is a wise bird who can communicate with certain creatures; he seeks to avoid war but also aids in death of Smaug. V. Summary of the plot a. The Hobbit is the story of Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit who lives in Hobbiton. He is interrupted by a surprise visit by the wizard Gandalf while outside his home. Gandalf has invited himself to tea and when he arrives, he comes with 12 of dwarves led by Thorin. They are planning on a journey to recover lost treasure that is guarded by the dragon Smaug, at the Lonely Mountain. Gandalf has decided, for Bilbo, that the hobbit will make an excellent addition to the team and Bilbo is going to be a burglar.
  • 19. ... Get more on ...
  • 20. How Is Bilbo A Hero Many authors communicate to the reader through fictional stories known as myths. These myths, set in a fictional place or time, are able to identify problems with society today. The popular novel The Hobbit is a great example of a myth criticizing society today. Although it takes place in a fantasy land and has creatures that do not exist, it criticizes how we as humans should live our lives as well as telling us what it means to be a hero. The Hobbit tells us that we should take risks and experience new paths to make us have a better character. Ahobbit is a peaceful creature that likes to live in holes in the ground; not dirty ones, but clean and organized ones. Bilbo was a common hobbit from the Bagginses family. People considered... Show more content on ... One specific instance is when he meets the trolls. Bilbo is referred to as "the burglar". Since Bilbo is the burglar, he must go and pickpocket the trolls. He is extremely cautious on how he goes about it because he has never done any task like this before; however, he does end up getting caught. And when he gets caught, he is afraid. When asked who he was, Bilbo replied, "shaking all over, and wondering how to make owl–noises before they throttled him (pg. 34)". Having never experienced this kind of event before, it was no surprise he was scared. Bilbo was able to talk his way out, although he was scared the whole time. A little while later, Bilbo is in the caves by the goblins where he gets trapped and lost in the dark cavern. He was approached by a small, creepy creature called Gollum, but this time he was not as scared as before. Bilbo was still a little frightened for when he heard Gollum, for, "The hobbit nearly jumped out of his skin (pg. 69)." Bilbo did pull a sword on him, but instead sheathed it shortly after. He exchanged riddles with Gollum to survive, and was able think clearly because he was not as afraid as he was before. This was the first challenge Bilbo had stood up to meet. The two events show how Bilbo is starting to gain more confidence and have more bravery. The instance with the trolls had Bilbo acting afraid, but when faced with Gollum, he was able to be brave to think and talk his ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Analysis Of Bilbo Baggins 's ' The Hobbit ' The word "hero," might conjure an image of somebody dressed in shining armour holding a sword and slaying the terrible dragon guarding a hoard of gold. In The Hobbit, there is indeed a heinous dragon guarding a hoard of treasure, and a hero who embarks on a journey to defeat the dragon and reclaim his stolen birthright. However, there is not just one hero, but two: Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit who plays the role of the non–traditional hero, and Thorin Oakenshield, a strong–minded dwarf who represents the traditional hero. By the end of the story, both characters have established that they're capable of conquering obstacles and adversities with their individual set of skills that they've either acquired or already had: Bilbo with his ... Show more content on ... His failure was a result of poor luck. It's stated on #41 that: " any rate, hobbits can move quietly in woods, absolutely quietly." Furthermore, his stealth had roped him and the Company out of dire situations. When the wood–elves had taken the Company hostage, it was Bilbo who snuck in and evaded the guards' notice for over a week (#203), and then freed the dwarves from the dungeon (#208). His small stature and his ring of invisibility are all factors that contribute to Bilbo's stealth. And of course, it is Bilbo's ability to lead that was one of his greatest assets. He was not much of a leader at first, but as we delved deeper, we soon learned that he is indeed worthy of being deemed a leader. There are two quotes that prove this, found on page 204: "...and they [the dwarves] all trusted Bilbo. Just what Gandalf had said would happen, you see. Perhaps that was part of his reason for going off and leaving," and, "...Thorin had taken heart again hearing how the hobbit had rescued his companions from the spider..." Bilbo inspired Thorin to not give up, gained the trust of the dwarves, earned their respect, and proved his abilities to the mentor, like a true leader. The reason Tolkien had Bilbo developed these skills was to prepare him for the supreme ordeal (Smaug), and his journey back. It was necessary for Tolkien to carefully plan Bilbo's character development in order for him to realistically face these obstacles. Despite his small size, ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Who Is The Hero Of The Hobbit 1.Who is the hero of The Hobbit? J.R.R Tolkien's The Hobbit or There and Back Again implements many forms of heroism; whether it be Bilbo, Bard, Gandalf, or even Thorin and his dwarves. Relating to this, there is no one hero per se but rather multiple; the heroes face both internal and external challenges. This essay will argue that the heroes of The Hobbit are Bilbo, Gandalf, Bard and Thorin respectively, in addition, this essay will also analyse the first stage of the hero's journey structure according to Joseph Campbell regarding Bilbo. Firstly, the main protagonist Bilbo Baggins sets a benchmark to the notion of an archetype hero. Kennedy, Gioia and Bauerlein describe an archetype as "a recurring symbol, character, landscape, or ... Show more content on ... Just as Campbell notes, the figure encounters a series of dangers, in this case being the trolls, the goblins, escaping from Gollum and going into Smaug's lair. With assistance from Gandalf the group is saved from the goblins; however, the dwarves and Bilbo are separated. The interaction between Gollum and Bilbo demonstrates a quality trait exhibited by a hero and, as a result, Bilbo's actions are seen to outweigh his individual characteristics. Simultaneously, Bilbo displays wisdom in answering Gollum's riddles and in turn exhibits cunning; "Bilbo seeing what had happened and having nothing better to ask stuck to his question" (74). In the same way, Bilbo's adventure is seen according to Pearce as a "pilgrimage of grace in which he grows up" (3). Therefore, Bilbo's main goal of his adventure according to Pearce is to eliminate evil amongst themselves (3); thus, identifying an internal quest. Particularly after Smaug's death, the corruption of the gold leads the dwarf leader Thorin Oakenshield to suffer from dragon sickness; "the obsessive possessiveness of dragons" (Pearce 83). The actions of Bilbo and internal qualities such as wisdom and cunning thus concludes that he is a hero in The Hobbit, however, other characters exhibit heroic qualities. Gandalf henceforth can also be depicted as the hero of the story, heroism therefore can be determined by actions. Moreover, his role as the ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Singing In The Hobbit Each of the magical creatures in "The Hobbit" have certain tunes, tones, and styles of singing. Some are joyous and adventurous, others can be sad, dark, or unsettling. The 3 creatures that have been shown to sing in the first five chapters are Dwarves, Elves, and Goblins. Their singing defines their characters and what the seek among their journies through their life. Their character will be read like an open book when their songs are listened to closely. The Dwarves' songs are full of adventurous thoughts of going through the oldest of dungeons and the coldest of mountains. They also enjoy riches beyond their wildest dreams when they sing about treasures guarded by the dragon, Smaug. They seems to be the certain kind to throw their life ... Show more content on ... They despise Dwarves and show it by often taunting their beards (They're just jealous they cannot grow one!). They have an a–a–a–a–b–b rhyme scheme going which is different from the Dwarves' a–a–b–a rhyme scheme. They are fond of visitors as shown by questioning song, "O! Will you be staying, or will you be flying?". These two song styles are positive feeling, but that is going to change for the next creature tune. Goblins songs are full of onomatopoeias such as Clap!, Snap!, Grab!, Nab!, etc... The songs also introduce prisoners to their demise, but not in a good way. Goblins are fond of violence due to the mention of weapons and torture devices such as hammers, knockers, gongs, and (shudders) tongs. Goblins also enjoy the sounds of victims being tortured by work as the song mentions, "Work, work! Nor dare to shirk, while Goblins quaff, and Goblins laugh.". Goblins are truly disgusting creatures. A wise(?) man once said, "There's an awful lot you can tell about someone by their shoes." The same thing can be said about music. Dwarves are adventurous and money–wanting. Elves are happy and musical. Goblins are torturous, disgusting, and not to mention terrible at singing. Music among creatures is a powerful element to their culture society, in the process of making their species ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Analysis Of The Book 'The Hobbit' The Hobbit, a novel by J.R.R Tolkien, was a prequel to The Lord of the Rings series. The Hobbit is also an adventure story that follows the classic, hero's journey. The protagonist of the novel, Bilbo, is much like the European explorers in the Age of Exploration during the 15th Century. For example, Christopher Columbus was widely regarded as a hero during his time. Columbus was a Spanish explorer that is known for discovering the Americas. In 1492, Columbus set sail west in hopes of discovering a new route to the Indies, instead he found America. Like Bilbo, Columbus was an ordinary person who went on an adventure, faced challenges, and in the end, became a hero. Previously, a hero's journey was mentioned. The pattern that heroes go through in their journey was discovered by writer Joseph Campbell. Campbell studied many adventure stories and noticed a pattern that all of the heroes went through. He said that the journey they take happens in seven phases. These stages take the hero out of the environment they are in, give them conflicts, make them face a big challenge, sends them home, and finally the hero shares their gift to their society. This cycle is demonstrated in many adventure stories and movies. In fact, many authors study Campbell's work when they are writing stories. Bilbo goes through this hero's journey and this is shown when he goes through stage one and two, four, and five. First, Bilbo goes through stage one and two of the hero's journey. Stage one and ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Hobbit Literary Criticism Independent Critical Essay The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien is a novel that was published on September 21st, 1937. The novel tells the story of the young Bilbo Baggins who has been limited to the simple lifestyle of a hobbit. Bilbo Baggins was no different from the average hobbit until Gandalf, the wizard, shows up unannounced at the hobbit's door. This is the beginning of Bilbo's unexpected journey, in which his physical limitations, bravery, and courage are put to the test. Along with Gandalf, Bilbo also meets the the twelve dwarves who refer to Bilbo as "the burglar" and are led by Thorin Oakenshield. These fourteen men embark on a quest to regain power of their homeland which was taken over by Smaug, the dragon, many years ago. Writer Joseph ... Show more content on ... Joseph Pulitzer's final criterion is for the writing to be accurate so that the reader "will be guided by its light". In the case of The Hobbit, it is accurate to it's genre which is fantasy. Fantasy is a fictional genre which contains characters that are often times not human or posses magical powers. The time period in which these stories take place are often set in the medieval ages and the events that occur are impossible and not limited to the rules of reality. One particular character that falls directly into the category of fantasy is Gandalf, the wizard. Bilbo's first time meeting Gandalf was quite unexpected so when Bilbo meets Gandalf he speaks about the amazing feats that Gandalf has ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Bilbo's Transformation In 'The Hobbit' The Hobbit is about is about Bilbo Baggins going on an adventure and becoming the hero that he needed to be I will be discussing Bilbo Baggins and how he develops and changes throughout the story. I Bilbo Baggins is the protagonist of The Hobbit. Bilbo Baggins has curly brown hair and thick leathery feet. He was fat in the stomach and was half the height of an adult. He likes having multiple meals a day, and snacks. Bilbo also had long clever fingers. Bilbo is a very respectable individual. He enjoyed staying at home, Bilbo doing something unexpected was unheard of. Before the adventure, he thought highly of his neighbor's opinion about him. When Gandalf chose Bilbo the other dwarves thought that he was unfit for the job. The dwarves did not ... Show more content on ... Him being at his home being comfortable and sitting outside and smoking his pipe at the beginning of the story. The here comes Gandalf with his long staff, and Bilbo greets him and say good morning to him. Gandalf says "What do you mean? Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?" Bilbo says all of them and invites Gandalf to sit down with him. Gandalf says that he does not have time to sit he is looking for someone to go on an adventure. Bilbo tells him he won't find anyone around these parts. People who live in the Hill are quiet folks they aren't into adventures. The rising action of the Hobbit is when Gandalf appears and asks Bilbo if he would like to go on an adventure. Bilbo of course at first says no and that hobbit's do not go on adventures. Bilbo invites Gandalf tea and Gandalf accepts and before he leaves he leaves a sign on Bilbo's front door. The next day Bilbo up and doing the things he would normally do when he hears a knock at his door. He thought it was Gandalf but it was Dwalin. Then two more dwarves Kili and Fili. Five more dwarves show up Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, and Gloin. Then Gandalf arrives with four more dwarves Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, and Thorin. They all start discussing the adventure, the map, and who was going to do what. Bilbo is excited about the adventure but ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Analysis Of The Book ' The Hobbit ' Essay Novel Paper: The Hobbit When you think of a hero, is the first character to pop in your head a little hobbit named Bilbo Baggins? In most cases, people think of Superman or Hercules, but in The Hobbit, an unexpected hero emerges and changes the name for all heroes to come. The Hobbit is a novel about Bilbo Baggins and his journey, with thirteen dwarves and a wizard, seeking the treasure stolen by the dragon, Smaug. While on this unexpected journey, Bilbo and his companions overcome many obstacles to eventually get to the treasure and retrieve it. Throughout the story, Bilbo develops into a courageous man, who indeed, is a hero. Richard Tyre wrote an article, "You Can't Teach Tolkien," and he explains his theory in which he connects multiple story's plot with six elements. The Hobbit, is assuredly a prime example of Tyre's theory because it follows all six steps throughout the story simultaneously. The six elements are; "(1) those who hunt for treasure, (2) must go alone, (3) at night, (4) and when they find it, (5) they must leave some of their blood behind, (6) and the treasure is never what they expected" (Tyre 19). These elements are steps in which a character must take to emerge into a hero in the end. Bilbo Baggins is the hero in The Hobbit, but he doesn't start off as the hero. He has always had heroic traits but throughout the novel, he pursues those six steps and in the resolution, he is transformed into an actual hero. The first element in Tyre's theory is "(1) ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Book Report : ' The Hobbit ' Essay Rachel Pavelka Quarter 2 Book Report English 9 12/15/16 The Hobbit By ~ J.R.R Tolkien Report written by ~ Rachel Pavelka The book I am reporting on is The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien. The setting of the story begins in a place called Middle Earth. The story begins in Began where Mr. Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit lives. Bilbo, thirteen dwarves and a wizard travel to Rivendell, Misty Mountains and finally Mirkwood. The book was set before the Lord of the Rings but it is unclear exactly when. The story is a fantasy so time is not important. The historical context of the book is post World War I, and the influence of the war can be felt in the many battles that happen throughout the story, with good trying to defeat evil. The narrator of the story is Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo tells the story from his point of view. The story is in third person and is omniscient. The protagonist of the book is Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo the main character in the book, is a hobbit. He was scared to leave his home town of Bagan. Bilbo was invited by dwarves to go on an adventure to find treasure that belonged to the them. Little was known about what could happen on this trip, but still Bilbo was drawn to this adventure with much excitement. It was when he did not have food to eat that he would question why he left his hobbit hole. The other characters of the story are Gandalf the wizard, Smaug the dragon, Thorin, Balin, Dwalin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dori, Nori, Ori, Fili, Kili, Oin, and Gloin, the ... Get more on ...
  • 29. J. R. Tolkien's Prelude To The Lord Of The Rings Enter the fantastical world of J.R.R Tolkien's prelude to The Lord of the Rings with the LEGO Hobbit in this [retired] Lonely Mountain set. Discover the secret entrance of Erabor and lead hobbit Bilbo Baggins to the Arkenstone, the beloved King's Jewel bestowing the right to rule on the one who possesses it. 150 years before beloved characters Bilbo and Frodo Baggins learn the origin of the One Ring, Smaug the Magnificent ascends on Erabor and seizes the dwarf kingdom from Thror– a gold sick dwarf king. This set comes complete with 850+ pieces to offer hours of fun for all ages. Whether you're 10 or 110 Hobbit fans will love this interactive brick set. The LEGO Lonely Mountain offers pulley's, moving parts, and wheels to keep you engaged ... Get more on ...
  • 30. My Book Retell I Have Chosen The Hobbit By J.k. R. Tolkien For My book retell I have chosen The Hobbit, written by J.R.R. Tolkien. It takes place in the fictional land of Middle Earth, where Elves and dwarves roamed the lands and much darker creatures too, such as Trolls and Goblins. Our tale starts off like this. "In a hole in the ground, there lives a Hobbit". Hobbits are a simple folk who rarely wander beyond their little town of Baggend. They are no taller than a human child, but they eat like giants. They love eating so much, they have seven meals a day. Breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses, luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner and supper. They have a mop of curly hair on there head and big furry feet. That brings us to the main protagonist, Bilbo Baggins. Throughout the story he is accompanied by Thirteen dwarves, lead by Thorin Oakenshield, and the wizard, Gandalf the Grey. There are many antagonists in this story including goblins, trolls, elves, and even humans, but the main conflict is with Smaug, the fire breathing dragon, who has stolen Thorin 's kingdom. Hobbits in Baggend rarely have anything close to an adventure, since they would have to leave the comfort of their warm hobbit hole. Bilbo Baggins, never in his wildest dreams, would find himself hunting dragons next to dwarves and wizards. However, one day, while he was smoking his pipe of tobacco, he heard a knock on his gate. It was Gandalf. He wondered if Bilbo wanted to take part in an adventure. Bilbo quickly urged the wizard away saying he wanted nothing to do ... Get more on ...
  • 31. A Comparison Of The Hobbit And The Story Of Sigurd As the English poet Robert Graves said "One gets to the heart of the matter by a series of experiences in the same pattern, but in different colors. This quote is exemplified in the stories of The Hobbit and "The Story of Sigurd" when they have action and use the same hero's journey pattern to create a great story. Both authors of the stories use strong and resilient characters in their stories to take down the monsters. In this case, there are two heroes taking down a greedy dragon. Based on the stories and characters, authors are also able to show their own opinions in the stories. Concluding that, both the scene with Smaug and Fafnir have similarities in characteristics and outcomes in the story, showing that authors follow the same ... Show more content on ... This asking of questions shows that the dragons can use that information to manipulate the character into thinking about something in a different way. However, in both stories,the character doesn't give in to the persuasiveness, but Bilbo from The Hobbit does give Smaug just the slightest of information of where he came from and Smaug used it to cause destruction. From finding all the similarities in the two stories there is enough information to conclude that Tolkien used "The Story ofSigurd" to gain ideas to create The Hobbit, however both stories are also very different. Of course in every adventure story, you need a protagonist, and in The Hobbit and "The Story of Sigurd" both show great examples of heroic protagonists. Plus, both of the heroes kill the huge dragon similarly. A main thing that the two heroes have in common is that they use a special weapon to kill the enemy. In The Hobbit, Bard uses a rare arrow called a "black arrow'; "Arrow!" said the bowman. "Black arrow! I have saved you to the last. You have never failed me and always I have recovered you. I had you from my father and he from of old." (Tolkien 251). Sigurd also uses a special sword to kill the dragon Fafnir; "Then Sigurd went to his mother, and asked for the broken pieces of his father 's blade, and gave them to Regin. And he hammered and wrought them into a new sword, so sharp that fire seemed to burn along its edges." (Lang). ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Essay about The Hobbit by JRR Tolkein THE HOBBIT BY J.R.R. TOLKIEN The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien is a story of adventure and danger, and it is a prime example of a romantic plot and fantasy genre. What makes this story such a great example of a romantic plot? One, the unlikely hero, Mr. Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit that is dragged on an adventure he doesn't wish to take. Second, there is a great quest with a reward at its end. Third the great teacher figure, Gandalf is a wizard that helps Bilbo to become the great hero he is destined to be. And lastly the dragon figure, in this story the dragon figure, happened to be a dragon but there are also many miniature dragon figures through out the tale. The story begins with our soon to be hero Bilbo Baggins he's smoking his ... Show more content on ... He failed but you get a glimpse of the hero he is to become. The quest begins when the group meets at the Green Dragon Inn. From there they venture into the Lone–lands. As heavy rains begin to fall, Bilbo notices that Gandalf is missing. This is something that is later on considered to be normal because Gandalf comes and goes throughout the duration of the trip. All through the quest Bilbo ends up saving the party from many dangerous situations. This is something that at first Bilbo finds hard to believe because he has very low self–esteem. The group always seems to find themselves in worse, and worse problems, but they always overcome these problems, with the help of Bilbo and some times Gandalf. Some of these problems include: getting caught by trolls, getting captured by goblins, being attacked by large wolves called Wargs, one of the dwarves falls into a coma from touching black water in the Mirkwood Forest, nearly dying of starvation, being captured by large spiders and being captured by wood–elves. Although this is all very good action, the real action begins when the party finally reaches their destination– Lonely Mountain (home of Smaug). On Lonely Mountain, in order to sneak into Smaug's lair, Bilbo puts on his magic ring, which turns him invisible. He talks to the dragon for a while and gets the dragon to show him the under side of his stomach. Bilbo manages to get close enough to see the dragon's weakness, which is a missing scale in his chest. Smaug gets ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Smaug Song Analysis Movie Music Analysis: Smaug's Theme Smaug's Theme was composed by Howard Shore for 2013's The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug. The genre of the piece is film fantasy, adventure and has touches of horror mixed in with it. The song fits the style of the majestic dragon that is its namesake, and it flows wonderfully with the movie, taking in various other relative themes and working with the events that happen in the movie. Smaug's Theme was written by the award–winning Howard Shore and performed by the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra for the second Hobbit movie, Desolation of Smaug. Shore, born on 18th October, 1946 in Toronto, studied at the Berklee College of Music. His first big score was Silence of the Lambs, and it became highly successful,... Show more content on ... This is an example of how most of the piece has an underlying, faster beat to uphold the feeling of 'fleeing'. Occasionally the underlying ostinato isn't present because, in those scenes, the dwarves and Bilbo are in a room where the dragon cannot get to them. Smaug's Theme is in 4/4 (simple duple) time and starts out slow, before an accelerando, eventually hitting 180bpm, which represents the movie's rapid change of pace. This represents the drift from a conversation, to a dragon hunting down the company to kill them. Through the rhythm and dynamics, it is clear that Howard Shore's Smaug's Theme has successfully highlighted the style of the film. Smaug is very magnificent and grand, yet treacherous and cunning. In terms of the timbre of Smaug's Theme, a symphony orchestra is used with the strings and brass being the most prominent, plus a few extra instruments such as an Indonesian gamelan and finger cymbals. Little woodwind is heard, with flute and clarinet making a few solo appearances. The lower brass, particularly the tuba and trombone, represent Smaug, and his enormous, powerful, and deceivingly slow manner. The violins play a large range of pitches and depict the beautiful, yet eerie emptiness of the halls under the mountain and how it has an immense 'dread' feel to it. Gamelan, chimes and finger cymbals are used to forge an exotic feeling and together, sound like treasure, with the light chinking of coins and gold. The percussion ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The True Magic Of The World Of Faerie When one thinks of the world of Faerie, they tend to imagine wondrous and fantastical places, however while they make occurrences they are rarely the bulk of the tale. In order to contrast the wonder and goodness there have to be places where it is absent or darkened and perverted. The true magic of the stories lies in the consolation, the restoring of these desolations, as J.R.R. Tolkien says in his essay "On Fairy Stories," "I would venture to assert that all complete fairy–stories must have [the Consolation of the Happy Ending]" ("On Fairy" 85). Throughout the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, specifically "Leaf by Niggle," "Farmer Giles of Ham," and The Hobbit, both desolations, and the restoration of them are central motifs. "Leaf by Niggle" is short story, written by Tolkien, about a painter who is obsessed with completing his enormous painting of a tree, titled "Leaf". His main world is his home and his painting. Before he can finish his painting though he is sent to a Workhouse. The Workhouse in this story is the desolation. For the majority of his time there he is sick and in the infirmary. The sickness in a way is another form of desolation. It is a figurative desolation where his physical health is damaged. At the workhouse "poor Niggle got no pleasure out of life" which is one of the clear signs that this is a desolation ("Leaf" 109). The desolations work in a contrast to both the places of good magic and the home that the character, in this case Niggle, is used to. ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Music In The Hobbit Music is featured in many different things, such as films, novels, and television. Music also plays a role in the development of the magical beings from The Hobbit. In the novel the dwarves, elves, and goblins sing a musical tune. It sets the tone in the chapter they are in ,but it also has different content and structure.The reader meets the dwarves, elves ,and the goblin that reveals something about each creature. When the reader learns about the dwarves he knows little about them. Immediately upon hearing their song you know about the day Smaug came and took over where they lived. The reader can tell that the tone is miserable and hopeful because they remember the details of dale set on fire, their pale enchanted gold, and that they ran ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Compare And Contrast The Hobbit Book And Movie Compare and Contrast Informational Paper I read the novel, The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien, afterwards I watched the movie, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. The Hobbit is about a hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, who is whisked off into an adventure. The adventure is about taking back treasure from the dragon Smaug for the a group of dwarves. Along the way, he gets a magic ring from a creature called Gollum.The Hobbit and its movie are similar and different from each other in a variety of ways. The elements and ideas of the book are similar to the movie by in the book and movie Bilbo is reluctant about adventuring, but gains confidence over the adventure, and the start of the adventure being similar. First, Bilbo starts out reluctant, but gains confidence and courage over time when told of the adventure in the book and movie. In the book on page 27, "'Don't be a fool, Bilbo Baggins!' he said to himself, 'thinking of dragons and all that outlandish nonsense at your age!'" The examples display Bilbo being reluctant to go on the adventure, but then developing courage and confidence by doing more daunting and dangerous tasks which is shown in both the book and movie. Second, the start of the adventure are both similar in the book and movie. In the book in chapter 1, Gandalf comes to Bilbo's house to leave the mark on his door, and all of the dwarves come for "An Unexpected Party" where they eventually tell Bilbo that he will be the burglar for the adventure. At the beginning of the movie, Gandalf also comes to Bilbo's house to chat, leave ... Show more content on ... I personally liked the book The Hobbit better than the movie. I liked the book better because it provided a more vivid experience, provided more story, and gave us more of Bilbo's perspective because we could know what he was thinking. Finally, The Hobbit and its movie are similar and different from each other in a variety of ways such as the start of the adventure, the way Bilbo changed, how backstory is told, and character ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Analysis Of Bilbo 's ' Hobbit ' After beginning his adventure, Bilbo faces one of his most difficult challenges in The Hobbit when Bilbo Baggins faces the Inmost cave stage he fights with Gollum in the cave. Holmes describes the Inmost Cave as "the abyss. This is the greatest challenge that faces the hero" (Holmes). This stage is literally in a dark cave, one that provides a morally challenging and terrifying experience for Bilbo. In the cave, he deals with the Gollum and finds the Ring, changing his character forever. Only once he suffers through his riddle battle with Gollum, he recovers The Ring, a ring that grants its wearer invisibility as they wear the Ring. Bilbo has to deal with a moral dilemma when he must face Gollum and must decide on whether or not to kill Gollum. While in the cave with Gollum, Bilbo put on the Ring, which make him invisible and had to deal with what to do about Gollum in Bilbo's panic and terrified state: "Bilbo almost stopped breathing, and went stiff himself. He was desperate. He must get away, out of this horrible darkness, while he had any strength left. He must fight. He must stab the foul thing, put its eyes out, kill it. It meant to kill him" (Tolkien 86). He was forced to lose some of his innocent and face the reality of life and death situations. For this difficult battle in the cave, Dorothy Matthews reported in The Psychological Journey of Bilbo Baggins, "In this underground scene he must face an important trial; he must make a decision whose outcome will be a ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Hero Of The Hobbit The hero's journey begins with the hero being introduced in their ordinary world. This is where the reader learns about the hero's background, flaws and strengths. This is so that the reader can establish a bond with the situation, which gives them experience of an adventure through the hero. In chapter 1 of The Hobbit, Tolkien introducesBilbo Baggins as an ordinary hobbit who lives in an ordinary hobbit hole on the side of The Hill. In this chapter Tolkien hints towards Bilbo's mother's side, the Took–clan, who 'something was not entirely hobbit like about them' (Page 13). 1)The hero is introduced in his/her ordinary world: The hero's journey begins with the hero being introduced in their ordinary world. This is where the reader learns about the hero's background, flaws and strengths. This is so that the reader can establish a bond with the situation, which gives them experience of an adventure through the hero. In chapter 1 of The Hobbit, Tolkien introduces Bilbo Baggins as an ordinary hobbit who lives in an ordinary hobbit hole on the side of The Hill. In this chapter Tolkien hints towards Bilbo's mother's side, the Took–clan, who 'something was not entirely hobbit like about them' (Page 13). The second part of the hero's journey is the call to adventure. Here, the hero is presented with a trial or problem. This call to adventure is "delivered" by a herald and comes in the form of a message, phone call, dream, or letter. In chapter 1, while Bilbo was smoking an ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Analysis Of The Book ' The Hobbit ' Introduction In September 21, 1937, the fantasy–fiction writer J. R. R. Tolkien published the first copy of the Hobbit. The composers of both the film and the novel employ sophisticated fantasy and adventure elements such as, mythical creatures which resemble human characteristics, fighting in large groups, singing for hope, quests to reach their main goal. Furthermore the composers of both texts emphasis on the elements of fantasy and adventure in detail by offering the audience a magical setting, creature like characters and an adventurous plot for the audience to explore and enjoy. Both texts successfully and distinctively create a mythical world of Middle–Earth for the targeted audience. Like many books, especially classics, the Hobbit novel was adapted into a film that came out in December 2012. Again, like most books, the story itself underwent numerous modifications/enhancements before becoming a movie. Therefore a rigorous examination is to be conducted now on comparative analysis. Genre The genre in both the novel and film are similar in terms of fantasy adventure. Both composers use many techniques to demonstrate both genres in the hobbit novel and films. Both texts are similar because they both use mythical creatures, fighting in large groups and singing for hope. The composers use mythical creatures which vary in size and have different strengths and weaknesses like the hobbit. "In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit", the Hobbit novel page 11. Tolkien ... Get more on ...
  • 40. What Is The Hobbit Real The Hobbit written by J.R.R. Tolkien, is a famous tale of fantasy. This movie is loved by all different ages. The Hobbit has a bunch of weird characters and crazy adventures. The Hobbit is about a hobbit named Bilbo Baggins. He goes on a journey with a wizard and thirteen dwarves. There are many different and crazy things that happen. They all leave their homes to help Thorin get the treasure that was taken over by Smaug, the evil dragon. Bilbo Baggins is the one who leads the Dwarves to the Lonely Mountain to find their treasure. In all this mess, Bilbo finds inside himself a lot of strength and courage. Gandalf, a wizard, stops by to have a chat with Bilbo, and he tells him that he is looking for someone to go on an adventure with him. The ... Show more content on ... This Teaches us that form ness and giving to others will not only welfare them, but help them in life tale . Their experiences teach that it is wise to listen to those with more knowledge than us. Even though The Hobbit is fictional, people can learn much about reality and the morals it has. When Beginning The Hobbit it seems to be very boring and not interesting. When getting into the novel the characters begin to develop quickly and with great information behind each one. With Mister . Baggins talks about the hobbits and how long they have lived in their hobbit jam . When the dwarves finally come into the story with the background of all of them the adventure begin. When Bilbo startle out he is a quiet, "leave me alone", kind of hobbit. Mr. Baggins' failing is his lack of desire to go out and live his life to the fullest. Meanwhile, Thorin display his selfish act of not wanting to share the riches with the other citizens and showing how greed gets you nothing in the end . Within these weakness' and conflicts with the other backwash the change of location caused famine, red ink of direction,and uneasiness between the ... Get more on ...
  • 41. The Hobbit Analysis In the novel, The Hobbit, the author J.R.R. Tolkien, suggests when an individual pushes themselves to explore risk–taking, they take the opportunity to grow within themselves, and test the extent of their newfound values, which result in the character fostering a stronger sense of self–identity. Accepting the opportunity to experience risk allows the individual to push themselves, despite the possibility of danger towards oneself. In the Hobbit, the character Bilbo demonstrates risk–taking most clearly when he attempts to steal a troll's wallet after the dwarves ordered him to investigate a strange light coming from within the forest (pg. 35). Bilbo concludes that he must prove himself to the dwarves. To show his capability as a burglar,... Show more content on ... When Bilbo feels pity for Gollum, and decides not to kill him, he takes risks, as leaping over Gollum may fail, causing Bilbo to fall prey to Gollum. In this situation, Bilbo pushes himself to spare Gollum and make daring decisions, where Bilbo is not aware of the consequences. Therefore Bilbo signifies risk–taking when sparing Gollum, despite the unpredictable consequences that result from his decisions. Lastly, Bilbo demonstrates pushing himself to take risks, despite the danger, is during when Bilbo is chosen to survey inside the Lonely Mountain, Smaug's citadel (pg. 198–201). Bilbo understands that he must uphold his position as a burglar, and be the first to enter the Lonely Mountain, where Smaug inhabits. When Bilbo enters Smaug's lair, is a primary example of Bilbo's risk–taking, despite the prominent danger. Bilbo exploring Smaug's stronghold is the climax of danger during The Hobbit. During this situation, Bilbo pushes himself greatly, to explore inside the Lonely Mountain, in order to manifest his capability as a burglar, Bilbo surpasses his ability to take risks and discovers the extent of his risk–taking abilities. He ultimately finds greater courage within himself, as a result of pushing himself to take risks. Bilbo knows of Smaug, who represents the great danger within the mountains. He takes this opportunity to exceed his risk–taking skills. Therefore Bilbo takes risks by upholding his burglar responsibilities, despite facing the ... Get more on ...