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Unit 4- learningaimA
Sources of finance
Corporate finance
A corporate finance is whencompanyare dealingwiththe financialandinvestmentdecision,where
it istendto be a wayto associate with increasingcapital inordertogrow or investfurther withthe
business. Intermof inmedia,corporate finance iswhenmoneyare raisedbycorporationsandthat
theywill investmoneyintotheirupcomingfilmthatthose businesswillbe expectingareturnback.
For example some productioncompanies have longtermrelationshipwithHollywoodstudiosthat
publishtheirfilmsaswell asgivingsupport. However,Hollywoodisbigcompaniesthatwill have big
budgetenable themtoinvestorfinance inanotherfilmproducerwhichtheynormallyuse the
earlierproductionsprofitstoreinvest. Onthe otherhand,investorswill needtoconsidermakinga
planthat will identifyandshowhowthe filmtheyare investinginwill ensurethatitcan make a
revenue,whichmanyinvestorwill normallyalreadyhave muchknowledge aboutfilmandthe way
the industrywork.
The avengersendgamesisone of a goodexample of acorporate finance film, whichwere produced
by marvel studiosthatownbyDisneyanddistributedbyWaltDisneystudios.Theydidnothave to
spendanymoneyintomakingthisfilmasitwas investedwiththe profitthatperviousoranyfilm
that the marvel andDisneyhadmade.Yet,not everyinvestmentonfilmwill leadtoaprofitmaking
for businesses,anexample of the filmjohncarterwhere itwasproducedby WaltDisneypicture and
distributedbyWaltDisneystudios.The grossbudgetthatwasspentinthe filmwas$306.6 million
and netbudgetof $263.7 millionwhichtheiroverall box office wasonly$284.1 million,whichthe
businesshaslostaround100 million,howeveritwill notmake ahuge impacton Walt Disneystudios,
as theyare alreadyknownasmakingmanysuccessful filmsand isone of the Hollywood’smajorfilm
studios. Accordingtothe researchthe Disneystudioswaspoweredlargelybythree marvel filmsthat
theyhave investinwhichare blackpanther,avengers:infinitywarandant-man& the wasp,those
are filmsthatmade overbillionsof box office,andwiththose profitmakingitallow WaltDisneyto
corporate finance anothernewfilm.
Distribution right
Distributionrightisthe copyrightof the ownertodistribute the copiesof theiroriginal workto
anotherbusinesses. Infilmdistributionright,itiswhenaproduceror businesshave finished
producinga filmwhichtheyhave tostart a nextprocesswhichisgettingitto the audience andthey
will sell the contentrightsthattheyowntoa distributororfilmdistributioncompany.However,
once the distributionrighthave beensoldtoadistributor,the distributorownsthe rightanditwill
have nothingtodo withthemanymore. Withthe specificrightsthatthe distributorhave,theycan
than publishthe contenttothe public,yetif the distributorwantedtoextentorchange the territory
or timeframe theywillhave toensure thattheyrenew the contract.
The way that movie distributionworkisatfirstsomeone will have anideafora movie andcreate the
outline anduse itto promote interestinthe ideaanda studioorindependentinvestorwill
purchasesthe rightto the filmideawhich theythenwill make the filmbyhiringorusingcurrent
screenwriter,producer,director,castandcrew to make the film.Once the filmisfinishedthe studio
will make alicense agreementwithadistributioncompanyandthe distributioncompanywill decide
howmany copiesof the filmtomake and showsthe movie toprospective buyersrepresentingthe
theatres.The buyerswill thanspeaktothe distributioncompanyaboutwhichmovie theywantto
lease andthe termsof lease agreementwhichthe moviewillbe senttothe theatresfew daysbefore
the openingdayandthe theatre will showsthe movieforaspecificnumberof daysor weeks. Thisis
whenaudience canbuyticketstowatch the movie. The distributionisall aboutacquiringlegal rights
to showa filmandreleasingandsustainfilminthe marketplace. Moreover,the keyplayersinfilm
distributionwill alwaysthe bigcompaniesthathave controlsof the industry,whichhave control of
the distributionof theirownproductsaswell asothers.However,there are twotypesof distribution
whichismajor usstudioand independentproducer.The majorusstudioiswhere theyhave their
owndistributionofficesinall majorterritoriesandthe independentproduceris where theyhave to
see theirfilmstodifferentdistributorsineachterritory.
An example of filmdistributionrightthathappensare the movie “28 dayslater” whichwasmade by
DannyBoyle and productionbyDNA filmswhichthantheyhave soldthe distributionrightincluding
all rightsworldwide inall formatof cinema,dvdandtvto the 20th
centuryfox andusedthe feesto
fundanotherproductionandthisisthe way how theycouldhave made profitout of the filmthey
A sponsorship isaformof promotionwhere abusiness providessupportforanevent,venture,
organisation,personorcharitybyprovidingmoneyoritcan be other resourcesinorderto increase
the positive publicity. There are commercial sponsorshipthatoftensee infilm andtelevision where
the name or logo of the business will be shownsomehowandoftenafterthe advertisementbreak,
howeverthiswill happenbecausethose companieshave sponsoracertainamountof moneyinto
that filmortelevision.
Sponsorshipisalwaysseenasagreat wayfor firsttime producerandmore experiencedproducerto
finance amovie,asfindingasponsorstheywill needtoprovide tothe sponsorof the benefitthat
theirengagementwill be. The value thatasponsorwill getfroma movie projectisthe wayitcan be
usedas a meanfor communication,networkingandbrandassociationwhichall relate tothe public.
In the UK there are manytelevisionthatshowsacorporate sponsorshipwhere exceptforBBCwhich
isa non-commercial sponsorship. Forexample the Cadburysponsorthe coronationstreet which
Cadburyworldwasthe firstsponsorof the coronationstreetfromthe beginningwithepisode 4062
on 6th
September1996 where in2006 coronationstreetstoppedthe sponsorshipdue tosuspected
salmonellacontaminationandinlate 2006 the Cadburydidnotrenew theircontract buthave
agreedto carry on sponsoringthe shownuntil theyhave foundanew sponsor. Anotherexample are
the sponsorshipinlove islandwhichare byx factor and Superdrug,
It isimportantthat gettingthe rightandsuitable sponsorshipin TV programme,asitcan alsobe
dependingonwhatthe brandwantedtomarketas whichtheywill be more likelytolookforfilmor
showthat have the relevanttargetaudience asthem. Ashavingasimilartargetaudience itmeans
that whenviewingthe certainfilmorshow itismore likelyforthatbusinesstobe gettingattention
and notifyingabouttheirbrandandthisiswhatsponsorwant.
Productplacementcanbe knownas embeddedmarketing,where aspecificbrandandproduct are
beingshowninanotherwaylike infilmortelevisionwithapromotiongoal.Thishappenwhena
companyispayinga TV channel or programmarker or movie makertoinclude theirproductsduring
the time whenitisbeingshowntothe public,asthiscan helpthe companyto increase theirbrand
and productawarenessaswell as attractingthe people whoreallyaddictedtothe programor film
that theyare willingtopurchasesthose productbecause aspecificactorinthe movie or tv usesas
well,whichthisisagood wayto attract customers. However,notonlyproductcanbe a product
placement,whereafashioncompanycanpay a presentertoweartheirclothesduringaprogramme
or filmwhichisanotherwayto promote theirbusinessproductasdifferentbusinessormanufacture
have differentsuitablewaytouse productplacementinmedia.Asacar manufacture canpay for a
specificcharacterinthe scene duringa drama or movie tomentiononof theircar name whichalso
can be knownasa productplacementpromotion.
Some example of productplacementthathappensontelevisionare where uncle bensponsor
Jamie’s15 minutesmealsprogramme whichthe ideaof thatis forthe businesstoincrease salesas
well asto inspire those whohave abusylifestyle tocookfood. Inthe serieshave cover80 of Jamie’s
recipeswhere there will be acertainnumberthatwill containuncle ben’srice product?Accordingto
the researchJamie Oliverwasusedtobe the Sainsburybrandambassadorand thisiswill itwas
incorporatedwithuncle ben’srice andyeovalleynatural yoghurtinthe varietyof recipesthatwas
showninthe program.
Furthermore,there are alsoproductplacementhappeninginfilms forexample inthe filmfightclub
where Starbuckshasplaysa role as an itemof product placement,whichthere isaStarbuckscup
placedwithineveryframe of the movie accordingtothe directorDavidFincher. Anotherproduct
placementthatare seenina verypopularmovie isironman where inthe ironmantrilogy,tony
stark whoplaysas a scientistthatspenttime creatingnew technologyforthe ironmansuit,and
throughoutthe filmAudi wasinvolveinthe technologyaswell astonythe character cars. Whichthis
showa relevantchoice of productplacement,as the whole contrastof the filmare relatedto
technologywhere the brandAudi are quietsuitable tobe investduringthe film, asthiswill notmake
the whole filmof sponsortooobviousthatthisisa sponsor,rathertheyhave chosenthe correct
brand thatcan be relate tothe movie idea. The majorityreasonwhybusinesshave product
placementinfilmare toincrease saleswhichone of asuccessful outcome of productplacementwas
showninthe brand of Reese’sPiecesof the Hersheycompanywhichwasshown inthe verypopular
filmof 1982, E.T. the extra-terrestrial.The productplacementhashelpthe businessincrease their
salesbyas large as 300% whichhas certainlyincrease more brandtouse productplacementinfilms.
Manufacturingproductthat are relatedtospecificfilmare be expensive,where filmproducershas
decide togive permission andlicensetootherbusinessallowingthemtohave the righttosell and
make productrelatingtothe film,whichthisisanotherwayforfilmproducerorstudioto earn
money.Asfilmproducerwill have the righttoreceive acertainpercentage of the grossrevenue
fromthe productsales. However,franchisingcanbe a riskythingtodo as it have to ensure thatthe
filmtheyare franchisinghave acertainattractionand populationasitreallydependsonthe
popularityof the movie andyetthose productwill oftenhave ashortlife spansasnew moviesare
Fast foodcompaniesare seenasthe mostexample of filmsmechanisingwith,McDonaldisone of
the bestexample of fastfoodfranchise thatoftencreate productbase onthe latestand trending
filmswhichattractkidsto ask theirparentto buya happymeal.For example McDonaldlauncheda
happymeal base on star wars where the packagingandtoyincludedare relatedtostar warswhich
duringthe movie releasingtime,itwasthe besttime whentheyhadastar war theme inthe happy
meals,howeverwhenMcDonaldare makingthose producttheyhave tomake sure thatthe
copyrightandhow theylogoor character isbeingpromotedare beingconsideredwherethere
shouldnotcontainany changingideaof the filmconcept.
Crowdfundingisafinancingmethodthatisdone byaskinga large numberof people forasmall
amountof money, whichisnormallyusingthe wayof internetsuchassocial mediato talkto a wide
range of audience. Thisiswhenabusinessorindividual will talkaboutthe goalsoraimof whatthey
wantedtodo and try attract people tocontribute moneytowardwhattheyare aimingfor.Infilm
crowdfundingaudience are tosee whethertheywanttodonate thatmoneyintothe exactfilmthat
theyare interestedinseeingsothat’swhytheyare willingtodonate andallow producertoturn the
ideaintoa filmor to increase the qualityof the film. Asthose fundingnormallywill goestoward
thingslike sound,colourandeffectortravel expenseswhichallowingthe producingandeditingof
the filmtobecome evenbetter. However,togetcrowdfundingfilmproducerwill ensure thattheir
aimof usingthose moneyare relevantandunderstandabletothe audience asthiswill attractmore
funderratherthan havingaimthat will notnecessaryhappen.
Usingonline siteslike‘Kickstarter’ whichisrisingmoneyfromindividual notinvestorasthisiswhere
the funderwill have noprofitreturnbackcompare to investor,aswhattheywill getbackis to see
the productionof the filmor videothattheymightbe interestinginseeinginthe publicinthe
future. AsKickstarteris a greatway for people tomentionthe purposeandtargetof what theyare
makingandhow can it possible togive abenefitbacktothose whoare willingtofundinthe specific
project. Moreover,crowdfundingcannotonlybe a wayfor people orbusinesstostart a new
productproductionbutalsoa wayto reopenor renew acertainshow or film.Forexample the
veronicamarsTV showwas cancelled atfirstbutthe Kickstartercampaignhasraisedenoughmoney
to make a filmbasedonthe TV show,whichithas raisedaround$5,702,153 to help bringthe
projectback to life,whichisnowone of the mostfundedprojectof all time.
Anotherexampleof crowdfundingmoviethatwasdone byKickstarterare “wishI was here”in2013,
where ZachBraff the director,producerand writerof thismovie decidedtolaunchacrowdfunding
afterseeingthe successof veronicamars.The campaignhas overall raisedupto$3,105,473 to help
the movie tobe produced. Yet,noteveryone canuse Kickstartertolauncha crowdfunding,asthe
movie “Gosnell Movie”wasfirstrejectedbyKickstarterwhichthe prodderteamturntoIndiegogoto
start theircrowdfundingcampaign,thatithashit$2,241,043, whichshowsa successful of
Private financing
Private financingcanbe forindividual orgrouporevenbusinessitselftoborrow moneyfromthe
bankin orderto produce whattheywant or operatingafilm. A private finance initiative isawayof
providingmoneyforcapital investment,where the private companywill handle the up-comingcost
insteadof havingthe governmenttobe involves. Private finance canenhance afirm’scapital
structure,save oncosts and improve the management,whichthe reasonforbusinesstouse private
financingcanbe because those private investormayinfuse the companywithmore capital thanit
will be availableinpublicfinancing. However,companiescangofrom publictoprivate where there
are manycompaniesthathas startedoutprivatelyandthere are situationthata publictraded
companybecomesprivatelyacquired,thismeansagroupof investorshaspurchasesthe outstanding
share of the companyso that the companythan turn intoprivatelyfinanced.
Publicfinance canbe a small numberof firmsare made bypublicbodies,whereBBCfilmsownby
BBC whichisa publicownedservice. Itcanmeansthat theycollecttaxesfrompeople whohave
benefitfromthe provisionof the publicgoodsbythe government. Anexample of mediafirmsthat
receive publicfinance are channel 4that isa publicservice televisionbroadcasterwhichalsoowns
film4 and manyotherdifferentchannel. Accordingtosome researchpublicbroadcasting hasa
primarydutyof publicservice,therefore the fundingcomesfromgovernmentandthroughannual
feesthatchargedon receivers. Where there ismanyBritishmovie thatare producedwiththe
fundingfromBFI(BritishFilmsInstitute),whichtosupportthe UKfilmmakerthe BFI dousesthe
national lotteryfundenablethemtoruntheirorganisation. Example of filmsfundedbythe FBIare
“underthe skin”,“great expectation”,“invisiblewoman”and“’71” etc. In the BFI the fundingthat
theyinclude inafilmcouldreceive involvedevelopment,production,distribution,exhibitionand
Costs & Funding
Before makingamovie,itisimportantandnecessarytounderstandwhere the costisgoingin a film,
inthe cost analysingandplan itinclude three segmentthatwill neededtobe coveredwhichisthe
budgetinginpre-production,productionandpost production. Yet,inthe budget productioncosts it
includesthe crew,actors,producersanddirector that will be participating, andthe directproduction
cost wouldbe the set,propsand differentequipmentdependinghow bigthe movie isgoingtobe. In
the post productioncostithas the overall editing,visual effect,musicandmerchandise.
On the otherhand,cost of the movie canbe dependingonthe storyline orthe targetaudience it
mightbe aimingfor.If the filmare developingastorylinebase on a bookor game that alreadyexist
it can be expensive andmore time consuming,astheywill needtogetintouch withthe authoror
writerof the book to gettheirpermissionandcopyright,howeveritalwaysdependonthe
popularityandsalesof the bookto see whatthe cost to have permission touse the ideainthe book,
lookingintothe researchitshowsthatI mightcost from$300,000 to $600.00 and evenover$1
million. Inthe movie spiderman2whichis basedona comicbooksuperherocreatedbyStanLee,
theirbudgetforthe story rightare around$20 million andthisshowsthatmakingafilmcan be
expensive withall the differenttype of costcomingdowntogether.
SpiderMan 2 isone of the mostpopularsuperhero,action,adventure andscience fictionfilmthat
was outin 2004. They hadbudgetof around $200 million,whichinbelow Iwillbe talkingaboutthe
differentsectionandamountof costthat were spendinthe productionof spiderman2 and the
progressof the production.Aswell asexplainhow moneyisspentinfilmproduction.
Script& development
The script and developmentsectiontake animportantpartinany filmproduction,asscriptinginthe
rightway and suitable waycanbe difficulttofindasyouwill needtoensure youhave hiredor made
the right decisionof usingthe specificascriptwriterforyour filmandthat the scriptis relatedtothe
ideabeinginyourmovie asthe script iskindof somethingthatwill deliverthe storylinewhichfor
audience tounderstanditisveryimportantconsiderationwhenchoosingthe correctscript.
In the scriptand developmentbudgetplan forspiderman2 it wasestimatedspending$10 million
whichthe scriptbudgetwas 5% of the total budgetwhere SonyentertainmenthashiredSamRaimi
to directthe spidermanand spiderman2 as well asspiderman3, whichSonyhas promise the 2 %
of grossreceiptsonce the studiohadrecoupedcost,andeach writer forspidermanhad at least
producedone scriptfor Sonyinthe past fouryears.However,the scriptwriteralsoknownasthe
screenplayforspiderman2 are AlvinSargent,whereinHollywoodscriptwriterare knownasthe
bottomline inthe foodchain,withthe minimumpaymentof $35,079. Accordingtothe research
Raimi have go throughthe perviousdraftof spiderman2 byGough, Millar,KoeppandChabon,and
at the endhe pickedAlvinSargent. Thisshowshavingtocarry on makinga nextseasonof a
successful movie (spiderman) intothe secondseasoncanbe time consumingandneedmany
differentdrafttoenable themtopickthe beston and produce the mostsuitable movie tothe
Everymovie have differentlicensingordon’thave licensingasthisisdependonif youare usinga
storyor ideabasedona existingbookorgame,which some movie mightnotuse the whole storyline
of the bookbut itis still aconsiderationtohave licensingasyouare still usingsome partof the story
ideathat the writerhave theircopyright. The opportunitiesof knowingmovie will needtopaya fee
for the licence have made abenefittothe bookwriterorgame developerastheycansellstheir
ideasor storyto any productionfirmswhichsure theywouldearnalotfromit.
The licensinginspiderman2 wasspendaround$20 million. The Sonyhasbought the movie right
fromMarvel whofirstwonthe SpiderMan character, whichMarvel was unhappyhow Sonywaskind
of disassociate the characterinsome of the movie Sonyproduced. StanLee whichisthe co-creator
of spidermancharacter andbecause of the successthat the character has bringto the firm, the
Marvel pay aroundan annual salaryof $1 million,butbecause Marvel have sharedthe license with
SonyStan Lee has threatenthe Marvel forsuingthemdue to the share of profitfromlicensing.
It isnecessarytohave one or more producerina filmproduction,astheyhave manyresponsibilities
for the productionanditis the keyof the successina movie.Inthe UK the salariesforassistant
producerscan be around from£18,000 to £25,000 and producerwhohave experience itcanreach
to £40,000 to £55,000.
The movie have spentaround$15 millioninhiringproducers. The spiderman2 hastwo different
producerswhichare Laura Ziskin,one co-producerandthree executive producers. However,there
was a rumourabout the producerLaura Ziskinhastakenover$30 millionbecause fromthe success
reachingthe targetbox office forspidermanmovie. The average feeforaan independent producer
shouldnormallybe the 2 to 5 percentof the budgetthatwill be spentonthe film, whichrepresent
the higherbudgetcostfor the specificfilmthe higherfee itwouldbe.
Directorhave a responsibilityandrighttocut or reshootanyscene that theythinkisnotin the best
standardand that audience dislikesfromit,whichcanbe annoyingandtime consuming,whichin
spidermantheyspendaround$10 millionondirector.Inthe firstspidermanmovie the directorwas
Sam Raimi whichmade the societyverysurprise,however Samhave the ambitionof hitting anext
level of the US box office aswell askeepingthe linecostdown.
In otherfirmor movie directoritwasrecordedthatthe biggestpaydayfora directoris$20 million
whichwaspaid bythe universal forKingKongto the directorof PeterJacksonandhis writing
partner. In researchfilmdirectorhave the average salaryof $92,220 peryear whichthe bottomten
percentearnedanaverage of $32,010 peryear.
In the spiderman2 there was74 cast who have creditinthe filmand58 have uncredited,and
overall 132 cast inthisfilm. Where havingsomanydifferentcastandalso famousactor the spider
man movie spent$30 milliononcasting.
In 2000 Maguire have signedacontract to be portrayingspiderman,whichhe wasgiventhree film
contract to considerandsign,howeverwhenhe wasfilmingseabiscuitinthe late 2002 he was
announcedthathe have injurieshisbackwhichmeanSonyhave to face the fact aboutthe possibility
of changingthe movie leadandaftertorecast all overagain. The actor Jake Gyllenhaal was
consideredtoreplacedMaguire howeverhe wasrecoveredfromhisinjurywhichabledhimto
returnto the role,whichwiththe salaryof $17 million.
The actor KirstenDunstwasplayedasthe character Mary Jane Watsonwhichthere wasnewsabout
the costs returningforherwas paidaround$5-6 million whichthe restof the cast will estimated
onlypaidwith$3 million,howeverthe new characterOttoOctaviusor Doctor Octopuswhowas
playedbythe actor AlfredMolinawouldhave paidaround$1 million.
Belowthe line
Belowthe line canbe thingsthat have a range cost to put togetherandphysicallythingssuchas
equipment,aswell asthe overall people thatare neededtohire includingthose whomightonlybe
holdingalightingkitora microphone.Thisisstill somethingtotake accountand considerasbudget
of costwill needtobe takenfromit so itneeda detail planorwhat and where the budgetcostsis
Spiderman2 can be seenas a bigfilm,andby spending$45 milliononbelow the line, where the
productiontooklongwithcarful decisionandthe amountof people thatwasneededtohire tomake
thisproductionfinishedinahighquality andgoodstandardat thattime of the year.Thisis where
the physical costsfor the shootingsectionwillbe massiveincludingcrew fees,the equipmentand
gettingandhiringpeople whoiscapable andunderstandhow tooperate andfunctionthose thingas
well as the settingcontaindifferentlocationwhere bookingandconfirmedneedtobe done andthe
feedingarmies.Aseachsectionwill notonlyhave one personhired,whereitmightcome toover10
or 20 people toenable themtoworktogethertofunctionthe progress.
Duringthe filming,itwasstatedthatthe spiderman2 was beenshotoverhundredssetsand
locationswhichshowingthatthe costmustbe expensive,andduringone of the scene inthe movie
aboutspidermanand Doc Ock’sfightinginthe train,where the crew wasacquireda trainof 2200
seriescarsand havingto place six camerafor itto be filmed. Withall those majorsettingitwas
requiredforthe firmto have a bigbudgetineitherspendingonthinglike locationandequipment
put alsospecialisttoplanoutall the things. Inthe filmingprocessnotonlyitisexpensive butalso
time consumingwhere ittook15 weeksforworkerstobuildthe resumesonthe setwhichhave
takenSonystage 30. it was60 feetby120 feetlongand40 feet highwhichthere wasa quarterscale
miniature wasbuiltforthe finale asitwill collapse,whichstartingfrom2002 the filmingwasstill
goingon at the endof 2003.
Furthermore,there wasanewcamera systemthatwasusedand calledthe Spydercamtoallow
enable filmmakertohave explore more andexpressmore inthe waysof the camera movement,
makinga newfeelingtothe audience of the SpiderManworldview,thisallow audience tofeelas
the firstpersoninthe filmandincrease an engagement. The camerasystemwasusedat the time
where itwasdroppingfiftystoriesandwithashotlengthof over2,400 feetinNew Yorkor 3,200
feetinLos Angles,wherethe cameramovementwascontrolledbyamotioncontrol whichiswhyit
was highlycosteffective.
Special effects
Special effectandvisual effectisveryimportant touse inanytype of movie,forexample makinga
horror movie andsuperheromovie itrequiredmanydifferenteffecttoproduce the feelingthat
audience shouldgetfromthose genre,asdifferentgenre have differentuse of special effectto
increase the understandingandvisuallyof the movie. Special effectmeanmakingsomethingthatit
isimpossible foractoror locationtodo,for example actorcannotactuallydamage theirface just
because theircharacterneededto,orlocationandplacesand buildingcannotactuallycollapse or
seton real fire because the storyplotneeded,sothisiswhyspecial effectiscreated. Forexamplein
the movie of the dark knightwhere there wasafamous scene of audience seeingHarveyDentstwo
faced,howeveritwasall done whyspecial effectwhere half of hisface iscompletelydamagedand
can see the bone,bydoingthisspecial effectitrequire toputmarkor dot on the actor face where it
will be putina specificareaof the face allowingthe editortoedithisface andadd those effectin.
Special effectare notonlycan be appliedonactorface or body,butalso manymovie use special
effectforthe locationtheyare in,whichthisdone byfilming inastudioor place where isfull of
greenbackgroundallowingeditortoplace anybackgroundintoitmakingimpossible scene toappear
infront of audience. Some company/firmswanttosave moneyandtheycouldevenusescomputer
to buildaninsane about of extraswhichisanimatedinsteadof havingtohire manyextras.
In the spiderman2 theyspent$65 milliononspecial effect asitwill sure neededformanytypical
scene inthat movie. Webbhasreteamedwiththe firstfilmspecialeffectsupervisorJeromeChen,
whowas popularduringthattime. Howeverthe range wasmuchbiggerthan the lastspider man
where there wasthree villainsandeachrequireddifferentvisual effect,makingthe wholeediting
processlonger. AccordingtoChenthere wasmanythingrequiredforvisual effect,forexample when
Spidermanand Stacy swingthroughthe airtogetherusinghiswebbingandthose doesnotonly
involvedahuge scale of choreographedforthe characterbut alsothe location thattook place for
the specificscene.
Music infilmswill alwaysbe the lowestcostoutof all the others,where itrequired topaya fee
license foranycontemporarymusicwhichcontaincopyright. However,some bigmovie will create
theirownsoundby askingsoundwriter,producerandsingertocreate the music,whichmightcost
more for those movie. Ashavingmusicorsoundtrackinmovie are importance where itcan
representthe scene invarietyof waysandgettingaudience reaction,where itcanbringout
In the spiderman2 theyonlyspent$5 milliononmusicandsoundtrackwhichwaslessthan2% of
the total budget.Where spidermanhave create theirownmusicand soundtrackallowingthe firm
to earnmore moneybylaunchingthe musicalbums tothose whoare a fanof spidermanand the
movie aswell asthe singeror if the song wasattractive enoughforlistenertopurchasesandlisten
to. However,sometimemusicwillbe the reasonwhyaudience rememberthe movie orspecific
scene as itcan be the most memorable andemotional partthatcome inthe movie asmusicisa way
to attract people byadaptinglyricsthatare representingthe situationonthe scene.
Printsand advertising
Printsand advertisingcanbe quietexpensivecostasit isimportantthat enoughadvertisingare
done to getthe societynotice of the new launchof movie andattracting as manyaudience interest
as possible. where trailersisknownasa wayof advertisingwhichitcan be shownas a TV advertor
social medialike YouTube wheremanymovie have beenadvertisingthere byjustshowingashort
Trailersof the movie includingthe date of release. However,printsandadvertisingdonotcountas
one of the liston the budget,asthisisa wayof marketingthe filmandnotto dowithproducingthe
The box office forspidermanreachesto$783.8 million whichhasoverallmade around$500million
of profit,whichadvertisingcanbe one of the factor affectedthe audience whowasgettingaware of
the movie. Where inthe US theyspent$39 milliononpromotionandadvertising. Asafterfinishing
the productionwiththe budgetof $200 milliontheydecidedtospendmore ontargetmarketing
whichtheircore audience where will be those whowasafan of spiderman1 movie andalsothose
whoare interestedinaction,adventure andcomicgenre. The movie alsohadthe 12a signwhere itis
onlysuitable foraged12 or over,orif audience wasunder12 ithave to be accompaniedbyan adult.
In the logisticssectionIwill be lookingatthe “Buffythe vampire slayer- The ‘I’inteam”,the reason
whyI thinkitis suitable forme towrite aboutthisis because Ihave seenthe drama before andas
well asseeingadetailedguidetothe whole pre-productionprocessthatwaspublishedinone of the
official seasonguides.
Ideageneration andwriting
The ideagenerationisalwaysthe firststeptoa pre-production,where youmighthave producer
comingup witha core ideaandthe ideagenerationprocesswill be creatinganddevelopingand
communicatingthe ideas.Youhave more thanone to ideaandtoward the endof the idea
generationyouwouldbe able tocome upwiththe final ideathatyou thinkismostsuitable and
relevanttomake itto the reality.However,the ideagenerationisveryimportantforyoutobe able
to carry on the pre-production,asthisiswhere youcanexpandthe ideaandbeyondthe current
thinkingandyoucan do that bywritingitdownor typingit up in anyformat that ismost
comfortable foryou.
In episode 70of the series,theirideagenerationwascompletewaybefore the episodecame along,
as producerwill needtocome upwiththe ideabefore theyactuallystartplanningforeverything
and recodingthe episode.Buffythe vampireslayerisa longformtelevisiondramawithseven
seasonand144 so far,where there will be ashow runnerwhoisin charge of the overall narrative
shape of the show,asto be able torun for so longthe ideageneration shouldhave beendonein
separate sectionandeachtime isdone inone seasonand whenthe firstseasonisplayingthe writing
teamor producerwouldstart thinkingaboutthe nextseason.There isawritingteamwhichinthe
UK it ismore likelytobe agroup of writerwhoworkindividually,where inthe Statesitmore toward
workingina teamand each sectionthere will be anamedwriterthatwhowasin charge of the
certainscene or episode.Onthe otherhand,forthe writingpartwhere the scriptwill be produced
withthe narrative outline of the episode,inthe UKyouwill normallyhave onscreenwriterto
produce whatthe episode isaboutscene byscene andwhatisdone ineach shot,howeveritin
Statesit will be agroup of screenwriterdiscussingthe certainepisode goingtobe basedonand how
it will meetthe point.Fromthe ideagenerationtothe writingsectionthose thingwill be underthe
ultimate control of the showrunnerandepisode director.
Whenmakingthe pre-productionorthe whole productionprocessthe focusandfinal decisionwill
alwayscome fromthe directororepisode directorwhere whenitcomestothe keyepisode orpartit
mightbe that the showrunnerwill be the episode directorandthe writeras theyhave a much
betterunderstandingof whatandhow the keypointof the episode willbe showntothe audience
and the waythe message andpintof view isdelivered.Aftergeneratingthe ideaandoverseeing
scriptdevelopmentandfinalisation,therewillbe arehearsesforthe cast to allow all different
departmenttocheckif everythingbeingdone inthe correctwayas well ascheckingthe storyboard
sequencesanddiscusswiththe directorof photographyandtheirdepartmenttosee if improvement
Visual ideadevelopment
The visual ideadevelopmentwill be abouthow the episodeandeachscene ispresenttotheir
audience inagood way,as for showlike buffythe vampireslayerthere will be specificdesignissue
where the designof the monsterandcreatureswill be the conceptof art done bythe specialistswho
will alsobe takingpartof makingthe costume to be able forthemto deliverthe message of how
theywantthose certaincharacter to be lookinglike,aswell ascostumerthe prosthetics,propsand
make-updesignwill alsobe incharge bythemto create the monsterfor the show successfully.
Moreover,storyboardcanbe producedaswell toallow the filmingprogressrunmore smoothlyas
directorcan lookback on whatshotis next,yet, noteveryscene willneedastoryboardas
storyboardwill give youaboutthe scene insomuch detail where longTV show like thiswouldbe
use to the conceptof howthe shootingandcamera movementorangle wouldlike toworkwell for
the specificscene,asIcannot findmuchof an evidence thatshowsthere ismanystoryboarding
goingon.For TV drama or showafterthe initial backgroundconceptsisdone andworkwell forthe
whole seriesitwilltake aroundthree weekof turnaround,where weekone will be pre-production
and planning,weektwowill be the shoot,weekthree will be the postproductionandspecial effects
and editingandweekfourwillbe the episodescreens.
In the castingsectionwhere forTV drama that has manyseasonitwill meanthatfindingthe correct
cast are veryimportantas everyseasonwillbe bettertocontainthe same actor actingfor the same
character as well asintroducingnewcharacterindifferentseasonorepisode.The issue thatthey
had incastingwas theyhave to recruitcast memberforthe whole runand forindividual seasons,
howeverthiscanbe time consumingandcharge overtime where the new characterSpike has
arrivedinseasontwoand newcharacter of Tara inseasonfour,andthis iswhensome minor
character will become more importantaseachepisode starttodevelopandmove uptorecurring
statuswhere ithappeninSpike inseasonfour,aswhenyouhavingcharacter movingupyouwill also
have character movingdownandthishappenfora majorcharacter of Oz in seasonfourandGilesin
seasonsix andseven.Castingfornewactorin longTV drama isveryregularwhere everyepisode will
have range of occasional castingdecisionand arange of extras.Inthe casting departmentwhere the
castingdirectorand assistantswill have filesof eachindividual actorswhere contactand
communicatingwill be done throughactoragentsseeingthe time available forthe specificactor
take part in certainepisode orscene.
The costume designwill have all the costume settledinawardrobe thathave the actor namedor
the character name that will be usingthe costume incertainscene where thisisall beendeveloped
withthe director,showrunnerandthe actor involved.They willhave the responsibilityforgetting
the correct numberof costume designforthe character ineach episode,the waythatfeatured
character ina particularepisode are dressedbyworkingwiththe directorandshow runnershowing
whatthe episode isbasedonaboutandwhat dressingrequirementhave forthe certaincharacter.
Andas well asthe way the extrasdressedastheyhave to make sure theyare notstandingout
compare to the maincharacter in that scene,unlesstheyare supposedtobe.
Howeverthe buffythe vampire slayercontainmonsterinthe storyline where the costume designer
will have discussingwiththe effectdepartmentaboutthe costumingof the monstercharacterand
withthe make-upandhairdepartmentabouthow all the thingscan be workedtogethertodevelop
the most suitable monsterforthe drama.There will alsobe a pre-productionof the make-updesign
to see witheritwill lookgoodunderthe lightandcheckanyskinsensitivitytothe actor of the make-
up theywill be using.
Art department,setdesignandsetdressing
The art departmentisresponsiblefordesigninganddressingupthe set,where itcan be the house
or room of certaincharacter where itcan reflectthe personalityandemotionalof the character
whichitis veryimportanttoconsidera detail discussionwiththe directorbefore planningorsetting
out the setfor the character. The setdesignerwill neededtoworkwiththe locationandto findthe
settingwhere theythinkitissuitableforthe scene ortheycouldbe responsiblefordesigningsetfor
the constructiondepartmenttoadaptto the locationor can be builtfromscratch so that it will
matchesstoryline evenbetteroritcan be because theycannotfindthe suitable locationforthe
certainscene.Furthermore,the setdresserhave responsible forall of the detail thatare goingon
whichtheywill be workingwiththe propsdepartmenttogetthe correct propsas well asthe
dangerouspropswill have carryout a riskassessment.The setdresserwill alsowork withthe
cinematographeranddirectortomake sure thinglike crashpas are outof shotor hiddensoit will
not affectthe audience viewforthe scene.
The propertiesare the stuff thatwill be onset forthe characterto handle,pickupor use for specific
reason.Thisiswhere youhave the differenttype of propswhichinclude,setprops,handprops,
personal itempropsandGags/ mechanicalsorspecial effectwhichcanbe propstoo. However,
propsthat are usescan be sourcedas well asmakingit fromscratch that matchesthe requirement
of whatthe props shouldbe looklike andfunctiontobe able togo well withthe scene.Inthe props
room there thingslike gallonbottlesof propblood,ajar of plasticrats' eyes,an Africanmask,the
devices thatlockdemonstothe operatingtables,rope, colorsand,magazines,towels,herbsand
spices,playingcards,cell phones,spectacles,candles,flashlightsetc.
The constructionteamwill have responsibilitytobuildoradaptsetand fittingforsetand props
whichisveryimportantthat if the setis builditissafe and legal tobe used.Ina constructioncrew
there is20 people whohave differentjobrole fromplasterers,electricians,andpainterand
carpenteretc.however,inaTV drama itis normallytohave aroundsix to eightdifferentsettobe
usedineach episode where there maybe alotsof recurringsetthat justneedtobe tweakedfor
differentepisode ordrama.
Accordingto the drama buffythe vampire slayerthe personwhowasincharge of the locationsaid
that theirjobisto read scrips,workout whatwill be shotinthe studioand whatneedstobe shoot
on location,andcome up withdifferentideasandplacestomake it happen.Thissectionalso
containgettingeveryonetowhere theysupposedtobe as well asgettingthinginplace soitcan
start shootingwhichinclude the permits,insurance andcontracts,parkingspaces,catering,fire and
police andmapsetc. itis importantthingisincontrol and plannedsothatif anyaccidenthappened
theywouldhave alreadygotcontrol of it or a plannedtominimisingtonegativityitmightbe
Specialistwasneededinforthe dramabuffythe vampire slayerasthe monstercostume were
designbythe OpticNerve Companythatalsomake the post-productionspecialeffectforbuffy.The
specialistdesignerwillalsobe workingandgettinginvolvewiththe costume,hairandmake-up
departmentaswell asall actors whoare wearingtheircostume orprosthetics,toensure thatif any
resizingare neededtoallowactortofitmore perfectlyandcomfortablyactoutthe scene.
Legal and clearances
It isimportantthat eachcast andextrascontainan employmentcontractas recurringcast will be
settledseries long.The employmentcontractisa legallybindingagreementbetweentwoparties
whichare the employerandthe employeesmeaningthe actorsandthe productionfirms,whichare
designedtogive bothpartiessecurityandprotection if anythinghappens. The reasonforactorto
signan employmentbefore startworkingforthe productionisthatitwill give themasecuritywhen
workingforothersas well asthe productionfirmswill have tostate onthe contract clearlythat
definedthe obligationsandagreementonall termof employment. The clearancesisknownasthe
processof acquiringthe requiredpermissionforall aspectsof the productionwhichcaninclude the
sets,actor/extrasandprogram. The healthandsafetythatinclude inthe dramapre-production
wouldbe the riskassessment,includinganylocationorpropsthat theyare usingcan cause harm or
be dangerousforany cast or crew whichthere will be the needof aplanon how it can be minimising
the potential risk.
The specialistsneededinfilmproduction
In a filmproductionitcanbe dividedintomanydifferentsectionandeachsectionhave theirown
jobsand specialisttoenable the filmtoproduce inhigheffective way.Those specialistcanbe from
sound,location/set,costume,props,cameraandlightingtoactor whois physicallyshowninthe
Producer- the producerisknownas the groupleaderwhere ithasall the responsible formanaging
throughoutthe whole productionfromstarttofinish.The thingthatproducerneedtodo include
developingthe initial ideaof the filmandmakingsure scriptare finalisedandthenhelpfinancing
and managingthe productionteamthatwill be neededinthe filmproductiontimeandthat
everythingare sortedbeforecamerastartrollingandthat budgetandschedule willnotbe delayor
damage by anyone whoisincludedinthe project.
Director- the directorare responsible foroverlookingandsupervisethe shootingof eachshotand
scene.Theywill needtomake sure thatthe componentof the filmingare runningsmoothly,which
include doingarole inwhere theyneedtosayhow the scene unfoldandwhattype of propsare
goingto be usedina specificshotandwhatcharacter shouldbe inthe certainpart and how theywill
look.However,directorhave toneed toworkwithothersectionindividuallywhichinclude people
whoare incharge or lighting,sceneryandwritingensure thatduringproductiontimethingwillrun
wellyandthatall elementwill workwellandcome together.
Productionmanager- the productionmanagerhave aresponsibilityforthe planningandorganising
of the schedulesforthe filmproduction,whichtheywill havethe assessingtothe projectand
resource requirementthatwill have tolookintoandtake considerationof.Aswellashaving to
estimate the budget,timescalewiththe clientsandmanagertoensure everythingandeveryone will
be available duringthe neededdate.Ensuringthe healthandsafetyandmeetingthe regulationis
somethingthatproductionmanagerwill needtoconsider doingastheyare incharge of many
productionthingneeded,whichalsoinclude organisingrelevanttrainingsessionandsupervisingthe
workfrom juniorstaff.
Actor- the actors are responsibleforplayingthe partof the character in the film, where theywill
workcloselywiththe filmdirectorandcinematographertoenable tooutcome withthe bestresultin
actingand the way it lookinshot.Theyare someone whowillneedtounderstandthe screenplayin
orderto act like the characteristicof the characterto make the whole filminlife.
Costume designer- costume representthe characteristicof the characterand the emotionof the
scene,whicheachcharacter/actor will have theirowncostume designerwhere the costume
designerwillhave tobreakdown the scriptsscene byscene inorderto work outwhat costume are
requiredforthe specificdate.However,costumerdesignernotonlysimplydecidewhatactorneed
to wear,but have todevelopacostume plotsforeach character,where itwill ensure thatthe style
and colourof the costume donot mimiceachotherin the same scene.
Editor- Editorwill be neededaftershootingbegins,astheywill needtostartorganisingthe footage
and arrange any individualshotsintosequence.The editorhoweverneedto have anunderstanding
of the scripsand storyline andcollaboratingwiththe directorandproducerinordertomeetthe film
requirement.Theycomplete theireditingtaskwithdigital equipmentandsoftware thatare to
create a highqualityof soundandeffectandputtingeveryshottogetherandcompletethe project
intothe final stage.
Cameraoperator- camera operatorwill needtobe aware andhave an understandingof the
storyboardand screenplaytoenable themtorecordthe shotas how it wantedbythe producerand
director.Theyare responsibleforthe assemble processof all equipmentthatare related,sothey
will have tocommunicate withthe directoraswell asthe othertechnical staff suchas lighting.Yet,
the camera operatorwill have toplan,prepare andrehearse the scenestoenable afasterand
correct outcome of the shot whenitcomesto real recording.
Soundmixer- the soundmixerhave responsibilityforensuringthe dialoguerecordduringthe filming
productionare clear,as changingdifferentlocationcanaffectthe soundmixerinprovidingaclear
soundas there are oftenunwantednoisestodeal with.Torecordthe soundthe productionwill
needsoundmixer,boomoperatorandsoundassistantworktogetherusingmultiple microphone
and digital audiotape orhard diskrecorderstorecord the actor dialogue.
Screenwriter-the screenwriterare the one whowill have toworkcloselywiththe directorand
producerto enable themtoproduce a scriptsforthe film, whichscreenwriterare responsiblefor
developingaunderstandable andsuitable scriptfromtheirownideaorexistingideaof the film.
Whenwritingthe scripttheyhave to be sure that it describe the storyincludinganyenvironment
and moods/emotional of the character.
The paperworkanddocumentneededinfilmproduction
Script- the scriptis a documentthatare writtenbythe screenwriterwhowillhave aclear
understandingof the ideaof the whole film, andthe scriptwill providethe sequence of the story
and allowotherstaff tounderstandwhichcharacter,costumer,propsandlocationwill neededit
that specificshotorscene.
Filmbudgeting- the filmingbudgetnormallygetprepare bythe producerorproductionmanager,
whichthe documentwill refertothe financing thatwill neededforthe whole project,andthe
budgetformwill needtodivide intodifferentsectionwhere youmighthave directproductioncost,
post- productioncostsuch as editing,visualandeffectandothercostwhichcan be insurance and
completionbondetc.however,the budgetpaperworkcanbe more thanhundredpageswhere there
will be lotsof draftsincludedastheywill needtoensure thatthe budgetare relevantandsuitableof
whattheyneededtoproduce andthat no othersmoneycanbe wastedandto do that theywill need
to cut downthe budget.
Storyboard- storyboardare usedinall productionplanwhere itrequire tovisualisationof every
scene,ina filmproductionthe storyboardwillneedtooutlinethe filmorsectionof the filmfromthe
creative pointof viewtobe usedbythe cinematographersothatwhenit comesto filmingdayor
specificshotthere will be noproblemormajorproblemoccur,whichallow the filmproductionrun
smoothly.The storyboardisknownasa graphic that representhow the filmorvideowill unfoldshot
by shot,whichitis made upof numbersof square that involvesillustrationorpicturesstandingfor
each shotand can be combinedwiththe scriptknowingwhatwill be saidduringeachshotorscene.
Yet,storyboardcan be a longprocessbut once youput the storyboardtogetheritwill save youtime
inthe revisionlater,whichcanbe handywhenfilmingthe videoasitmake sure that theywon’t
forgetaboutthe scene and helpthe filmingtoputtogether.
Riskassessment- the riskassessmentisanexaminationof whatcouldcause harmduringspecific
locationor shot,sothat producerwill needtoconsiderthe measure andcontrol are to preventharm
and minimisingittothe lowestaspossible.The documentwillneedtostartedaboutwhatthe
hazard couldbe,and whoitis at riskat, the control itwill have forit,the chance andtype of injury
mightcause,the type of riskcan it be low or highand the additional control measure where refera
backupfor the controlsit alreadytookplace.
Contributor’srelease form- the contributionreleaseformwillneedtobe signedbythe crew and
actor ensuringthattheyknowand are willingtotake contributionintothe filmproduction.
However,actorunder18 will needtoget the contributionformsignbytheirparentor guidance
whichtheyhave responsible foranythingthatmighthappenduringthe filmproductiontime. The
contributionrelease formwillinorderpeopletolegallytake partinthe productionandto prevent
any frighteningpotential circumstance,suchasif the filmhave useda coffee shopasone of the
locationandthe coffee shopmightdecide theydon’twanttobe inthe filmanymore whichthe
contributionformwill take accountthattheycan’tdo that, as well asconfirmingthattheyare not
breachinganothercontractby participatinginyourfilm.
Bookingform- the bookingformare neededtoinformanylocationorstudiothatyou will be using
duringthe filmingprocesssothatitshowsthe evidence thatthe firmhave payand bookedthe
specifictime forthe specificlocationorstudio.However,dependingonhow bigthe projectis
otherwise forbigfirmsormovie makerstheywill alreadyhave theirownequipmentthatwill need
duringthe production,butfor smallerfirmorproductioncrew there maybe a considerationon
havinga bookingequipmentformaswell.
EDL (editdecisionlist)- the editdecisionlistwill be able tocutdownthe progresstime forthe editing
as thisis a documentthatwill take place afterthe filmingare done andtoitemisedthe video
footage anddecidingwhichshotwill be use andnotinthe film.Inthe editdecisionlistitrequire to
containthe listof reel and timecode datathatare workto eitherinthe final editprocess.The reason
whyEDL are neededistomake sure thatthe personwhoismakingdecisionof the listare neededto
relate topeople whoeditthe videosothatthe filmproductionwillrunandcombinedtogether
Codes of practice and regulation
The meaningof copyrightisbasicallyhavingthe righttocopy,copyingrepresentusingsome else
ideaswithoutthemknowingorhavingpermissionthisiswhere copyrightcame outforthose owner
of theiroriginal ideatohave alegal rightwhich are preventingothersfromcopying.Thismeanthe
original ownerare the one andonlypersonwhocan give permissiontosomeoneelseusingthe idea
whichtheyare not allowedtoshare to the othereither.A copyrightiscreatedstraightafterthe
personcreatedthe copyrightable workif itinclude asoftware wherethere isnoneedtoregisteras
theyhave an automaticcopyrightonthe resultingwork,howeveritcanbe registerif youlike.The
copyrightappliestoaverywide range of thingincluding;writingof anytype,website contents,
computerprograms,motionpictures,music,artisticworkandoriginal architecturaldesigns.
The UK copyrightlawiscontrol by the copyrightdesignsandpatentsact1988 whichinclude the
basisof copyrightlawincludingthe performingrightsinthe UKwhichbefore thatthe UK copyright
lawwas incontrol by the copyrightact 1956, as time go pastnew rules,law andregulationwill
change due to the societysoundandgivinga betterbenefitgotthose original workowner. Backto
the time where itwasstill runby the copyrightact 1911 and 1956 it still have affectiontothe UK
copyrightlawnowa days whichitlimitedthe circumstances.
For soundrecordingsandfilmscopyright,itcanlastfor 50 yearswhichit will startrightafterthe
recordingor filmare publishandreleasedtothe publicaudience,howeveritcan be 70 yearsafter
the deathof the directoror authorof the film.One of the popularstoryand illustrationof peterpan
had a copyrightsetby the authorJ.M Barrie where 50 years laterafterhisdeathwasthe first
expiredof the copyrightandbyfollowingthe EU legislationbyextendingthe terminto70 yearshas
ledto the final expiredtime on31st
December2007 inthe UK, witha whole lotof storyand confirm
behindsince the PeterPanreleasedbackinthe dayswhere in1929 the streethospital forchildren
has statedthat theyhadthe copyrightof perterpanwhowas confirmedinJ.MBarrie will.
Afterthe copyrightexpirationismeansthe contentthatwasprotectedbythat law and regulation
are nowable to be sharedintothe publicdomain.Ascopyrightwill notlastforeverasthere is
nothingthatwill lastforeversothisiswhydifferentcontenthave differentsettime andwill be
dependingonthe lawatthat time.Havinga copyrightinyouroriginal workmeanyouhave the
control of whatyou wantto do withit,where the governmentofferalicense forownertosell their
copyrightwhichmanybookauthor dofrom a longtime ago to filmproduceras manyfilmsthatare
successful andpopularare some to dowithstory inexistingbook.Tosell ortransferyourcopyright,
youwill needtowrite andsigna documentto displaythatthe sellingandtransferringprocessare
done.Yet,there are moral right inthat can be providedinthe licensewhichare tobe identifiedas
the author of the work,objecttohowthe workisbeingpresentedandobjecttochangesthatmight
made inyour work.
There isa reasonforhavingcopyrightlaw where if youbroke the law there will be consequences
that may occur to you.The copyrightinfringementinthe UKcan leadto maximumof 6 months
incarcerationandfine upto £50,000. One of the mostfamouscase of infringementcopyrightare
where the photographerRodgershasafamouspicture of a couple holdingaline of puppieswhere it
was soldtobe usedas greetingcardhoweveranartistcalledJeff Koonhascreatedsomething
similartoRogersworkwhichRodgershas suedJeff Koonforinfringementcopyright.Whichthe
resultwasJeff Koonwashavingto paya monetarysettlementtoRodgers.
Health and safety
People thatare shownina filmandevena small part andfrom far behindinthe backgroundwill still
have to signa contributionform,where itisimportantwhenfilminginpublicthe people thatmight
walkpast infrontof the camera will have tosignthe formtoo, as showingapersoninshotthat
didn’tsignthe formcan resultinthe personturningdownand suingthe producerfornot havingthe
rightto showsomeone else face inthe publicwithoutgettingpermissionwhichwillleadtobig
trouble forthe productionfirmandhavingto take downthe certainscene.However,childrenunder
18 that are showninthe filmwill needtheirparentorguardianto signthe contributionformwhich
theyare givingpermissiontothe prouderthattheirchildare happyand welcome tobe shown
duringthe film.singingthe contributionformmeantheyhave understandingof the thingtheyneed
to do and the riskassessmentwill be shownandtakentoeachactor or extrathat mightcontain
dangerousmovementorfilminginlocationthatmighthave ahighrisk.For example whenactorare
neededtouse dangerouspropssuchas knivesshouldbe carryingouta clearriskassessmentand
makingsure actor understandinghowtopreventanyaccidentfromhappeningduringthe recording.
Buildinginthe UKhave copyrighttoo,but publicdisplayisnotinfringedbymakingfilmortaking
photographof it.Howeverthere issome private buildingorlandownersuchas house ownerwill
have copyright,where thiscontainaconsentfromthe landlordorownerhave to agree youto do so.
Yet,there ismany private landoutside whereitisopentothe publicforspecificreasonbutthis
doesn’tmeanitinclude filming.Whenfilminginoldbuildingorshootingsomethingcontain
dangerousmovementsuchasa scene where the characterwill have tojumpof the building,issome
healthandsafetythatneedto be sure to take account. Where actor will needtomake sure wiredis
on and itis safe andsecure to preventanyaccidentfromhappening.
Everyproductionshouldhave liabilityinsurancetoenable the processtobe started.The media
liabilityinsurance canalsobe callederrorsandomissions(E&O) whichthisisall toprotectfor
negligenceinyourmediacontent.The Publicliabilityinsurance are somethingthatwill showsthe
responsibilityof anythingthatmighthappenduringthe production,whichcanbe injuryordamage
to equipmentorbuilding.
Childrenperformance license
Childrenperformance licenseissettobe made safeguardchildrenwhere there willbe acertain
timingandworkof performance thatchildrenactorcan onlydo.On 15th
December2014, the
secretaryof state for educationhasmade the childrenregulations2014 for the UK children
performance andactivitieswhichthiswasreplace fromthe childrenregulation1968. The licensing
requirementare thatit mustbe made forthe childrenbeforetakingpartany performance,which
include anyperformance foracharge ismade,performance onsellingalcohol live broadcast,
performance recodedwitheritisfora filmor advertisementwhichitisuse inthe publicwill needa
licenses.The rule inthe license will onlyappliedtothose childrenthatperformance fourdaysor
more in the six monthperiodwhere lessthanthree dayswillnotneedalicence forperformance,yet
the rule exemptionisrelieduponwhere some case andconditionwill still applytohave alicense.
Differentactorhave differentwages,where filmproductioncompanyissure have tofollow the
national minimumwage regulationandnational livingwage rate,aseveryoneshouldbe paidequal
dependingontheirjobposition.However,actorswhoisolderthan25 yearsoldwill be paidbythe
national UK livingwage whichis50#5 higherthan national minimumwage.Tohave the minimum
wage inthe UK it have to be 16 yearsold.
BBFC (BritishBoardof FilmClassification)
The BBFC is to helpeveryonetochoose the correctage appropriate forfilms,videoandwebsites.As
everyfilmwillbe decidedcarefullyandjudge bythe BBFCto see whichspecificage range should
appliedtothe specificfilm,where BBFCwillsure listentowhatpeople have tosay across the UK by
usingsurveyandfocusgroup to identifywhatthe majorityadultsinthe UKthinkisappropriate for
the childrennowa days.TheyBBFC will constantlyworkclose withthe filmindustryinorderto
outcome the bestresultof whataudience canchoose fromwatchingat the same time asnot
affectingthemwithinappropriate content.The BBFChave startedgivingratingtofilmsbackto the
1912 whichhave manyexperience andgive audience trustworthywithertheyunderstandif the film
are suitable tothemornot.
Age ratings
U- The U stand for universal whichmeanissuitable foreveryone,where those Ufilmswillalwaysbe
containingpositive frameworkwithnoviolence,threatorhorror.As if it containbadbehaviour
youngchildrenmightnot understandwhetherthe situationandbehaviourispositiveornegative,
whichmightleadtoaudience followingtheiractionafterward.ItisalsoimportantthatU filmsdoes
not containanydiscriminationlanguage unlessitisclearlydisapprovedof.
PG- the PG standfor Parental Guidance whichage undereightwill needparentstobe withwhile
watchingthe filmotherwiseitwill notbe allowedasthere mightbe contentcanupsettingthe
childrenwhichatthe same time childrenundereightare recommendednotwatchingit.Howeverin
thisPG rate isit allowedtohave some mildbadlanguage,butfrequentuse of itcan leadto putting
ina higherage rating.Frighteningscenecanbe shownbutnot intenselyandviolence will onlybe
mildinPG films.
12a/12- thismeanit issuitable for12 yearsor overhoweverthe 12a representingchildrenyounger
than 12 shouldbe accompaniedbytheirparentsoradultwhichtheywill have responsibilityfor
takingcare of them.In those filmitmightcontainmoderate badlanguage,wheresome filmmight
getpermittedtocontainsome stronglanguage whichisall dependingonthe manneritsbeing
15- Thismeanit isonlysuitable for15 yearsor over andno youngerthan15 are allow tobuy or
attendto the cinemaforthat specificrate films.Where some dangerousbehaviourshouldnotbe
shownindetail suchas suicide,self-harmingandasphyxiation.However,drugtakingare lesslikelyto
be shownat thisage rate filmasit couldaffectteenagerthinkingwhichwill be highlyconsiderfor
BBFC whensettingthe rate.The language usedcanbe strong andsome verystrong mightget
permitteddependonthe manneritshowsandthreatand horror can also be acceptable.
18- Thisissuitable onlyforadultsmeaningnoyoungerthan18 yearsold,thisis because the BBFC
thinksthatadulthave free to choose theirownentertainmentastheyare oldenoughtodecide
whattheythinkissuitable forthemor not.
R18- the R18 shouldonlybe showninlicensedcinemasoritwill onlysupplied inlicensedsexshops
whichonlyadultare appropriate topurchases.Asthiscategoryis special andlegally-restricted
classificationandR18videowill notallowedorsuppliedbymail order.
Factors that affect classification of films
Context,theme,tone andimpact
There are manyreasonwhyfilmhave specificage rate aseach sectionorpart inany filmcanbe the
reasonwhyclassificationinfilmsare impacted.The contextwhichisthe whole situationduringthe
filmisone of the maincategoryto be lookedat,as the BBFC will needtohave a clearunderstandof
the general contextthatwill be shownduringthe film, toenablethemtodecide whichratingare
relevanttobe submit.The theme of the filmscanbe classifyordependonthe genre itself,where
horror movie isthe mostcommongenre that will be setas15, as the genre horror alreadyshowsto
the audience thatitwill containsome frighteningpartwhichchildrenwillnotbe suitable.Whichthe
theme isalsoa factor of considerationandimpactionof the classificationof filmsforexample even
adventure genre willbe carefullyconsideredandmake a clearand reasonable decisioncause
adventure theme filmcanbe containpart where characterare indanger.On the otherhand,the
tone of the film will be affectingthe overall classificationwhere the tone canbe somethingscene
that impactor influence the audience whichBBFCwill considerwitherthe scene orcertainpart will
easilytoinfluence audience whichthe classificationwillbe muchhigherastheyunderstandthat
olderaudience have abetterunderstandingof whatitisrightand wrongto do or witherthe
The discriminationcanbe containwithoffensivecontentwhichcanbe relatingtorace,gender,
religion,disabilityorsexuality.Eachof those factorwill be considerate verycarefullytosee if itis
suitable tobe publishtothe societywhere strongdiscriminationcancause a huge implicationtothe
audience review/commentandfeedbackof the film, where the worstitcouldhappenisputting
downthe filmdue tothe negativityitmightcause tothe society.However,the age ratingdecision
will be takingaccountof anystrengthand impactof the inclusion,where dangerousbehaviourthat
mightshowinthe filmwill be considerinthe detail andtype itshowsforexample somefilmmight
The drugs containinginfilmshasalwaysbeenasbig considerationforBBFCto setthe classification
of age rate,as showingdrugtakingcanbe seenasan influence toaudienceandleadingtothe
misuse of drug.Thisrepresentif filmcontainanypartor evena small sectionthatrelatedtodrugit
will still have ahighchance of receivingahigherclassification,asdrugwill cause harmtopeople
bodyand isa serioussituationtobe showninrealitytoaudience.yet,drugtakingwill notallow to
be shownas a way of promotingor encouragingaudience totryitout,as everyone knowsthatevery
filmswill alwayshave awayto impact of influence onaudience,where filmprodderwill needto
understandthatnegative promotingandinfluence are somethingtoconsiderandaimingtoshown
to the audience ina directway.AsBBFC have statedthat the use of illegal druginfilmsmaycause
harm to publichealthandmoralsandevenat the adult18 level.
Presentationof the differentbehaviourwill be dependingonwhatitisshowingandbe put inthe
relevantclassificationlevel.Asbador dangerousbehaviourwill receive highrate because of the
imitable behaviourwhichchildrenoryoungteenagersmightcopyandleadtoa badsituation
happening.AsBBFCwill take accountof the detailedportrayal of anyviolenttechniquethatare used
duringthe movie aswell asthe use of weaponsuchas knives,whichage decisionwill alsodependon
that. However,notonlydangerousbehaviourwill be consideredforthe classificationalsoanyanti-
social behavingwilltake infor example bullyingare likelytoonlybe shownincertainage toensure
that audience youngerthanaspecificage will notbe able tohave a chance of gettinginfluencedby
those actionand mightcause themcopying.Promotingof those behaviourare alsounlikelytobe
allowedwhere mostendingshouldconsiderawayof sortingoutthe situationorhappyendingsoit
will be more relevantforsome age of teenagertowatchas theywill understanditbetterinthe
positive way.
The use of language will be dependingonhow strongitis and setina relevantclassification.Asthe
publicalwayshave ahighsensitive inthe wayof language isbeingshown,howeversome use of
stronglanguage are allowedtobe shownina specificage rate butit will be focusingonhow the
mannerit isbeingproduced.AsBBFChave ensure thatlanguage doesnotexceedaudience
expectationsandforthe juniorratinganyoffensive wordmightbe saidwill be mutedorremoved.
In some specificclassificationnuditywill be acceptable but have toensure thatnosexual context,as
filmsthatcontainnuditywill sure receive ahighclassificationwhere if some sexual contextare
involvedwill receivedanevenhigherlevel.Wherethe contextitisshowingshouldnotbe shownin
an educational waytothose filmthathas a lowerclassificationhoweverfilmsthatare 18 or R18 are
allowedtocontainnuditycontextorsexual contextwhere itmustbe inthe adultcategories.
Filmscontainingsexual contextwillbe categoriesinthe classificationdependingonthe level of the
stages,butmostlyfilmthatinclude sexualcontextwill be classifiedin15or higher,where below the
classificationof 15will lesslikelytohave those context.Asinthe age ratingof 15 there isa possible
of sexual contextbutithave tobe sure thatno form of strong sexual activityorsexual violence asit
will be unacceptable.However,there isfilmsthatcanreceive R18 whichisimportantthat cinema
have licence andcan onlybe purchasesfromlicense sex shop.AsBBFC understandthatadultwhois
olderthan18 have theirownresponsibilityandfreedomof whattheydecide towatch.
filmthatinclude threatwhichisscene thatmightbe scary and affectaudience emotionalwillbe
considerinhighclassification,asthe use of soundtrackandmusicwill alsobe categoriesasa way of
showingthe scene ina threateningway.Whichthreatandhorrorthat are shownandset ina
classificationwillbe dependingonthe level of detailasthere issome horrorfilmswhere maybe
evenmore significantthananyviolence scene.
Containingviolence infilmsare alwayssetinahighclassificationthisisbecause violence that
happeninrealitycanbe a highsituationandcause the societya badimpact.The BBFC will take in
account of the factorand level of violence dependingonthe overall attitude of the filmtowardthe
violence andif there isanydramaticcontextof the violence andthe wayitis beingportrayal which
some harmful violentwill containadeepconsiderationonthe classification.Astheymustconsider
potential effectthatmightdesensitisationorfearas well asa change of encouragingthe wayof
violence behaviour.
Purpose of classifyingfilms
The purpose of classifyingfilmcanbe to allow filmindustrytoproduce differentgenre,theme,
storyline of filmthatcanhave differentrepresentationinpositive ornegativehappeningthatallow
audience tohave more choose fromas classificationwill allow audiencetoknow whichare suitable
and notfor them,itis alsogivingequal righttoeveryone aboutwhattheycanwatch as well as
offeringfilmsthatallowyoungchildrentowatchwithparentsare givingthe opportunitiesforparent
or adultto have the right to decide withertheywanttheirchildtowitnessanyfilmsthatmaynotbe
as suitable forthem.
NotonlyBBFC have classification forfilms,butalsodifferentorganisationhave certainregulate for
whatis beingshowedinthe internetandtechnologyworld.The Ofcomisa regulatorfor
communicationserviceswhichofferregulatoronTV and radio inthe UK, whichtheymake sure
people won’tgetscammedandprotectedfrombadpractices,whichtheylookintothe complaints
fromaudience andprovide advice andinformationtopeople.The Ofcomare makingsure people
across the UK are happywiththat theysee onTV and hearon radio,making a betterenvironmentin
the UK.
Type of document
The ideagenerationiswhere youwrite downall yourdifferentideasyouhave forthe movie suchas
the brief summaryof what the storyplotare and can include whatthe type of character are inthere,
thisdocumentor paperworkwill helpyoutoidentifywhichof those ideasare the bestandyou
prefer.Forthisideagenerationyoucando itin anyformat thatyou prefer,butthe mostpopular
wayof doingitis byspiderdiagram,where many people finditmucheasiertoidentifywhichidea
will be mostrelevantatthe end.Whole of thisdocumentationwill be the firststeptodofor the pre-
productionwhere ideaisgettinggenerated.The purpose of havinganideagenerationisnotonlyto
identifywhichideaisthe bestoutof all the ideayoumighthave develop,buttoalsorealise if any
ideacan be put togethertomake a betterstoryplotor to see if the ideaisactuallyrelevantand
capable of producingitintoa film.
The proposal isa documentthatshouldinclude the titleof the movie,the producersname,the main
genre anda plotsynopsiswhichyouneedtosummarise whatitisabout.Alsoinformationaboutthe
core audience tosee if itworthto spenda large amount of budgettocreate the filmthat mightnot
have much interesttoaudience,sothe core audience are whothe movie aimingfor,forexample in
the genre ishorror it can onlybe aimedat certainagedgroup andmaybe onlyhorror fanwouldbe
interestedandalsoalistof equipmentandresourcesaswell asthe personnel(actor) thatyouare
consideringusinginthe movie.
A scriptis a documentthatcarriedout all the character line andpositionandlocationanduse of
propsin the film,whichiswrittenbyascreenwritershoweverscriptcannot onlybe usedinfilmsbut
alsoprogram and videogame.Itisshowingthe emotional,expression,movementanduse of
language thatactor shouldbe playingasthe character.
Storyboard isto outliningthe storyline andshotof eachscene inthe filmwhichisshouldshow in
sequence andstoryboardcanbe veryuseful forthe whole pre-productionplanningwhere director
or producercan lookin detail of the waythat scene shouldbe shotif theyhave forgottenandhelpin
the editingprocessaboutwhichshotshouldbe linkthe eachother,whichthiscanall increasesthe
Lightingplanisusedinpre-productiontoallow producertoestimate andunderstandwhichtype of
angle of lightwill be mostsuitable inspecificshot.Asthere ismanydifferenttype of lightingandsize
and brightnessof itwhichisdependingonthe expressionyouwantinthe filmsandwhateffectitis
tryingto bringout.The type of lightshouldbe considerare three pointlighting,fill light,keylight,
highkeylight,lowkeylight,highandlow keycombinationbacklightingandfourpointlighting,also
top lighting,backgroundlightingunderlighting,discussinglighting,softandharshlight.Itis
importantthe plansuggestthe relevantlightingtomatchesthe scene inthe filmaswhenitcomesto
filmingdaythere shouldnotbe time wastedindecidingwhatlightingtouse.
Productionscheduleare puttingthe processinplace and arrangingeverydetail of the production
together.Whichinclude planningforhumanresourcessowhichactoror crew memberare
specificallyneededforthe certaindate andtime as well asthe machineryresourcessuchaswhere
camera are placedand usedbyhighlightthe anglesandmovementforthe specificscene andactors.
Where well timinginthe productionscheduleare importantasitwill helpestimatedhow longthe
filmproductionwilllastforandaccountingdate for backupplansif any accidentoccurs.
Locationrecce isusedto planout whichsettingandlocationorstudiowill be neededinthe film,
whichwill needtodetermine tosee if itsuitable tousedandnotcausinganytrouble to publicor
others.To understandandfindout whichlocationismore suitable forthe storyline matchingthe
effectitwant,itmeansthat produceror directorwill needtotake time outto physicallyvisitthe
place where canbe more than the one theyare actuallyusingastheywill needtodecide onwhich
out of a range a more appropriate forthe scene.
A riskassessmentisadocumentidentifyinganypotentialhazardthatmay causingduringthe filming
productionandhowit can be minimize tothe lowest,whichlocationandparticularshootwill need
to be analysedindetail of whothe riskat and the controlsas well asan additional control measure
for backups.Dangerouspropsthatare usedwill neededtobe seeninthe riskassessmentaswell
where actor andcrew whowill be intouchwithit have to understandthe harmitcan cause if any
Budgetdocumentisto organise the moneybeingspentindifferentpartof the productionandit
needtobe estimatedtothe mostrelevantcosttosetup the film.Thisprocesswill be done bythe
producerwhichhave responsibilityformostthingswhichtheywill have the bestunderstandingof
howcertainthingwill be neededandthe mostrelevantcostshouldtake outforit.The budgetplan
isdividedintofourdifferentsectionwhere youhave above the line,below the line,postproduction
and otherwhichisthe insurance andcompletioncostsetc.
Call sheet
The call sheetwill have detail aboutthe time date andlocationof whatcrew and actor that needed
for that time and howlongit will take andisto informpeople forthe particulardayof filmingsothat
no delayorlate shouldoccurs duringthe filmingandensuringeverythingwillbe done ontime.
Briningthe rightdocumentandrightequipmentisimportantandthisis whycall sheetare here to
allowcrewmembertogetnotice before the shootingday.
The bookingformisto allowspecificlocation,studio,propsorevenequipmenttobe bookedforthe
filmingandinorderto have everythingpreparedright before shootingstart.The formwill show the
evidence thatthe certainthingare bookedsonoturningaroundcan occurs.Bookingformare
neededbecause locationandstudioandotherthingscanbe usedby otherfilmingteamwhich
selectinghowmanydaysneededare importantastheywill needtoensure thatall the shotfor that
locationwill needtobe done bythe deadlineof booking.
Contributionrelease forms
Contributionrelease formisalegal formthatall actor shouldbe signedwiththe understanding of
whattheywill needtododuringthe productiontime andactor under18 will needtobe signedoff
by theirparent.Assigningthisformmeansactorare willingtotake partin the filmandif theyturn
downsayingtheydon’twantto be involvedanymore whichlegal actionwill be takentothemas
theyhave signedacontract that saidtheyare willingto.Whichfirmwill needtoensure thatthey
have provide enoughanddetailedinformationaboutwhateachindividual actorwill be doingand
whatcharacter theyare representingsothateverythingwill runsmoothly.
Evaluation of documentation
Pre-productiontake averyimportantpartof the successful of afilmmaking,asnothavinga good or
detailedof apre-productionincanleadtonegative resultandusingpre-productionwillsure
increase the chance of a filmbeingsuccessandatleastthe processof filmmakingwillsure run
smoothly.Beingorganiseandplanningeverythingfromsmall parttobigpart can be time consuming
howeverthose planandorganisationwill show alesschance of thinggettingdelaysorwrong
location,propsor equipmentbeingbookedaswell ashiringanotverysuitable actorfor specific
character. Withall the documentworkincludedinthe pre-productionitwillsure same time inthe
actual filmingdayandcrewmemberandstaff will alreadyknow whichcameraangle andequipment
or props will be neededwhereitmakeseverythingrunsmoothlyandcreatingalesserchance of
problemoccurring.Withthe understandingof costneededforthe budgetandthe planningthatit
containinthe use of cost showsthat organisingeverythingfrombelow the lineandabove the line it
allowproducertounderstandandstatedthe correct and relevantbudgettobe operatedforthe film
productiontobe ruined.
Comingto the copyrightandhealthandsafetywhere there will be abigconsiderationof gettinga
copyrightor permissionandlicense of usinganyideaorstorybasedon existingbookorvideogame,
as usingideawithoutgettingalicense forthe filmcanleadtolegal actionbeingtakenwhichgive a
bad reparationof the productionfirmaswell asthe filmingindustry.Forthe healthandsafety
regulationthisiswhyriskassessmentshouldbe considerinanyfilmproductionasitwill identifythe
potential hazardandhowto minimise tothe lowestriskaspossible whereitwill containanylocation
or equipmentthatmightbe usedandwill cause aharm intothe crew and actor where theyneedto
be aware of.For the regulationwhere the BBFChave takencharge of the classificationof the filmsin
the UK beingsetinthe relevantandsuitable age rate sothat parentwill have reliable ontheir
childrenwatchingfilmsthattheyknowitwill be appropriate forthemaswell asallow filmindustry
to produce a wide range of filmtype thatallow differentage towatchand givingthe freedomand
chance for adultwhichispeople over18 to choose whattheycan see,compare to the younger
people.Those regulationwilloverallhelpthe UKfilmindustrytobecome andprovide abetter
environmenttothe audience asrestrictingclassificationare importantandreasonableaswe don’t
wantany bad behaviourornegativityinfilmstoaffectthe youngerchildrenwhichparentdohave
responsibilitywhenseeingfilmsthatallow childrenunderthatsuitableage towatch withan adults.
Overall,Ithinkpre-productionhave ahuge impactandaffectiontothe productionandit is
importantthateach part of the pre-productionare done andcomplete inaclearanddetail way
before the productiontoleadtoa successful result.
BECTU isthe UK mediaandentertainmentwhichtheyprovide supportinrolesinbroadcasting,film
and cinema,digital media,independentproduction,leisure,ITandtelecomsandtheatre andthe
arts. Whichtheiraimsare to protectjobs,increase membership,winnew recognitionagreement
and improve payandconditionof service.The BECTUprovide:
Recommendedrate- the recommendedrate providedbythe BECTU are to allow individualto
understandthe UK paymentrate andavoidbeingunderpaidwhicheveryone have the righttopay
equally.Those rate are determinedbythe collective bargainingagreementwiththe societyof
Londontheatre andUK theatre whichhave tooka deepunderstandingof the UKeconomicand
filmingindustrytoprovide the bestoutcome of recommendedrate aswell asensuringeverystaff
and memberfromcast,crew or individual involveinthe productionare paidinthe relevantand
Publicliability- the publicliabilityisaninsurance provide coverforclaimsupto£10 million.Thereis
a range of insurance elementthatitcoverthisinclude,buildingandcontents,all riskonspecified
indemnityandpersonal accident.However,forthe filmproductionitoffersanythingthatis
preventingthe productionprogressforhappeningandthisinsurance documentare neededfor
everycast andcrew membertosignoff,whichtheywill have tounderstandthe consequence and
anythingthingthathappento them,theywill have theirownresponsibility.
One to one support- the one to one supportthat BECTU provide are givingsupporttoindividual that
needhelporunderstandingaboutanythingtheyare concernaboutwhichwill be aboutthingsthat
BECTU do provide suchashelpor advice insettingupan organisation.
Collectiveagreement-the BECTU collectiveagreementoffersupportandhelpwiththe agreement
that the coverrated of any pay and conditionforindividualdependingontheirjobrole andworking
hoursthat theythinktheyare beingunderpaid,whichthisorganisationwill lookdeeplyinto
providingthe bestoutcome resulttotheirclient.
Tax and national insurance-the BECTU tax guide isfor freelancerswhichtheyorganisationwill
provide adetail guidingaboutthe UKtax and national insurance makingsure theyhave the correct
message deliveredtothemwhichthe guide covers:Adviceontax status,Acceptedself-employed
grades,The 7 day rule,Self-employmentvPAYE,The Lorimerletter,Expenses,VAT,Personalservice
companiesandNational insurance,all those guide andinformationwillallow BECTUclienttohave to
bestresultontheirdecisionandunderstandingof whatTax and national insurance are like.
Networking-the BECTU are usingthe advantagesof internetandtechnologybyofferingawayin
networkingsopeoplecansignup as a membertojoinanydiscussionthattheyare interestedinasin
filmindustrypeople can be boughttogethercanshare any skillsorlatestinformationinthe market,
as well asBECTU are offeringmembertomeetupinsetlocationwhichtheycanhave a chance to
face to face talking,creatingabetterengagement.However,the benefitof signingupasa member
isthat theywill have achance to be call in to jobwhichrelate totheirspecialist,asBECTU will put
out anyadvertise andofferforpeople togetnotify.
Education- the BECTU is offeringtraininganddifferentcourse forthose whoare interestedinthe
creative industrywhichyouhave,repscourses,project,careerdevelopmentcourses,creative
industriessafetypassport,emergencyfirstaid,editingcourses,3daysC&G accreditedtemporary
electrical systemand1day conversionC&Gaccreditedtemporary.Thishelppeople todeveloptheir
understandingandskillsinthe specificcourse ortrainingthattheyare lookingforwardtostepinto
inthe future.

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Unit 4 learning aim a

  • 1. ChelseaYu Unit 4- learningaimA Sources of finance Corporate finance A corporate finance is whencompanyare dealingwiththe financialandinvestmentdecision,where it istendto be a wayto associate with increasingcapital inordertogrow or investfurther withthe business. Intermof inmedia,corporate finance iswhenmoneyare raisedbycorporationsandthat theywill investmoneyintotheirupcomingfilmthatthose businesswillbe expectingareturnback. For example some productioncompanies have longtermrelationshipwithHollywoodstudiosthat publishtheirfilmsaswell asgivingsupport. However,Hollywoodisbigcompaniesthatwill have big budgetenable themtoinvestorfinance inanotherfilmproducerwhichtheynormallyuse the earlierproductionsprofitstoreinvest. Onthe otherhand,investorswill needtoconsidermakinga planthat will identifyandshowhowthe filmtheyare investinginwill ensurethatitcan make a revenue,whichmanyinvestorwill normallyalreadyhave muchknowledge aboutfilmandthe way the industrywork. The avengersendgamesisone of a goodexample of acorporate finance film, whichwere produced by marvel studiosthatownbyDisneyanddistributedbyWaltDisneystudios.Theydidnothave to spendanymoneyintomakingthisfilmasitwas investedwiththe profitthatperviousoranyfilm that the marvel andDisneyhadmade.Yet,not everyinvestmentonfilmwill leadtoaprofitmaking for businesses,anexample of the filmjohncarterwhere itwasproducedby WaltDisneypicture and distributedbyWaltDisneystudios.The grossbudgetthatwasspentinthe filmwas$306.6 million and netbudgetof $263.7 millionwhichtheiroverall box office wasonly$284.1 million,whichthe businesshaslostaround100 million,howeveritwill notmake ahuge impacton Walt Disneystudios, as theyare alreadyknownasmakingmanysuccessful filmsand isone of the Hollywood’smajorfilm studios. Accordingtothe researchthe Disneystudioswaspoweredlargelybythree marvel filmsthat theyhave investinwhichare blackpanther,avengers:infinitywarandant-man& the wasp,those are filmsthatmade overbillionsof box office,andwiththose profitmakingitallow WaltDisneyto corporate finance anothernewfilm. Distribution right Distributionrightisthe copyrightof the ownertodistribute the copiesof theiroriginal workto anotherbusinesses. Infilmdistributionright,itiswhenaproduceror businesshave finished producinga filmwhichtheyhave tostart a nextprocesswhichisgettingitto the audience andthey will sell the contentrightsthattheyowntoa distributororfilmdistributioncompany.However, once the distributionrighthave beensoldtoadistributor,the distributorownsthe rightanditwill have nothingtodo withthemanymore. Withthe specificrightsthatthe distributorhave,theycan than publishthe contenttothe public,yetif the distributorwantedtoextentorchange the territory or timeframe theywillhave toensure thattheyrenew the contract. The way that movie distributionworkisatfirstsomeone will have anideafora movie andcreate the outline anduse itto promote interestinthe ideaanda studioorindependentinvestorwill purchasesthe rightto the filmideawhich theythenwill make the filmbyhiringorusingcurrent screenwriter,producer,director,castandcrew to make the film.Once the filmisfinishedthe studio will make alicense agreementwithadistributioncompanyandthe distributioncompanywill decide howmany copiesof the filmtomake and showsthe movie toprospective buyersrepresentingthe
  • 2. ChelseaYu theatres.The buyerswill thanspeaktothe distributioncompanyaboutwhichmovie theywantto lease andthe termsof lease agreementwhichthe moviewillbe senttothe theatresfew daysbefore the openingdayandthe theatre will showsthe movieforaspecificnumberof daysor weeks. Thisis whenaudience canbuyticketstowatch the movie. The distributionisall aboutacquiringlegal rights to showa filmandreleasingandsustainfilminthe marketplace. Moreover,the keyplayersinfilm distributionwill alwaysthe bigcompaniesthathave controlsof the industry,whichhave control of the distributionof theirownproductsaswell asothers.However,there are twotypesof distribution whichismajor usstudioand independentproducer.The majorusstudioiswhere theyhave their owndistributionofficesinall majorterritoriesandthe independentproduceris where theyhave to see theirfilmstodifferentdistributorsineachterritory. An example of filmdistributionrightthathappensare the movie “28 dayslater” whichwasmade by DannyBoyle and productionbyDNA filmswhichthantheyhave soldthe distributionrightincluding all rightsworldwide inall formatof cinema,dvdandtvto the 20th centuryfox andusedthe feesto fundanotherproductionandthisisthe way how theycouldhave made profitout of the filmthey made. Sponsorship A sponsorship isaformof promotionwhere abusiness providessupportforanevent,venture, organisation,personorcharitybyprovidingmoneyoritcan be other resourcesinorderto increase the positive publicity. There are commercial sponsorshipthatoftensee infilm andtelevision where the name or logo of the business will be shownsomehowandoftenafterthe advertisementbreak, howeverthiswill happenbecausethose companieshave sponsoracertainamountof moneyinto that filmortelevision. Sponsorshipisalwaysseenasagreat wayfor firsttime producerandmore experiencedproducerto finance amovie,asfindingasponsorstheywill needtoprovide tothe sponsorof the benefitthat theirengagementwill be. The value thatasponsorwill getfroma movie projectisthe wayitcan be usedas a meanfor communication,networkingandbrandassociationwhichall relate tothe public. In the UK there are manytelevisionthatshowsacorporate sponsorshipwhere exceptforBBCwhich isa non-commercial sponsorship. Forexample the Cadburysponsorthe coronationstreet which Cadburyworldwasthe firstsponsorof the coronationstreetfromthe beginningwithepisode 4062 on 6th September1996 where in2006 coronationstreetstoppedthe sponsorshipdue tosuspected salmonellacontaminationandinlate 2006 the Cadburydidnotrenew theircontract buthave agreedto carry on sponsoringthe shownuntil theyhave foundanew sponsor. Anotherexample are the sponsorshipinlove islandwhichare byx factor and Superdrug, It isimportantthat gettingthe rightandsuitable sponsorshipin TV programme,asitcan alsobe dependingonwhatthe brandwantedtomarketas whichtheywill be more likelytolookforfilmor showthat have the relevanttargetaudience asthem. Ashavingasimilartargetaudience itmeans that whenviewingthe certainfilmorshow itismore likelyforthatbusinesstobe gettingattention and notifyingabouttheirbrandandthisiswhatsponsorwant. Productplacement Productplacementcanbe knownas embeddedmarketing,where aspecificbrandandproduct are beingshowninanotherwaylike infilmortelevisionwithapromotiongoal.Thishappenwhena
  • 3. ChelseaYu companyispayinga TV channel or programmarker or movie makertoinclude theirproductsduring the time whenitisbeingshowntothe public,asthiscan helpthe companyto increase theirbrand and productawarenessaswell as attractingthe people whoreallyaddictedtothe programor film that theyare willingtopurchasesthose productbecause aspecificactorinthe movie or tv usesas well,whichthisisagood wayto attract customers. However,notonlyproductcanbe a product placement,whereafashioncompanycanpay a presentertoweartheirclothesduringaprogramme or filmwhichisanotherwayto promote theirbusinessproductasdifferentbusinessormanufacture have differentsuitablewaytouse productplacementinmedia.Asacar manufacture canpay for a specificcharacterinthe scene duringa drama or movie tomentiononof theircar name whichalso can be knownasa productplacementpromotion. Some example of productplacementthathappensontelevisionare where uncle bensponsor Jamie’s15 minutesmealsprogramme whichthe ideaof thatis forthe businesstoincrease salesas well asto inspire those whohave abusylifestyle tocookfood. Inthe serieshave cover80 of Jamie’s recipeswhere there will be acertainnumberthatwill containuncle ben’srice product?Accordingto the researchJamie Oliverwasusedtobe the Sainsburybrandambassadorand thisiswill itwas incorporatedwithuncle ben’srice andyeovalleynatural yoghurtinthe varietyof recipesthatwas showninthe program. Furthermore,there are alsoproductplacementhappeninginfilms forexample inthe filmfightclub where Starbuckshasplaysa role as an itemof product placement,whichthere isaStarbuckscup placedwithineveryframe of the movie accordingtothe directorDavidFincher. Anotherproduct placementthatare seenina verypopularmovie isironman where inthe ironmantrilogy,tony stark whoplaysas a scientistthatspenttime creatingnew technologyforthe ironmansuit,and throughoutthe filmAudi wasinvolveinthe technologyaswell astonythe character cars. Whichthis showa relevantchoice of productplacement,as the whole contrastof the filmare relatedto technologywhere the brandAudi are quietsuitable tobe investduringthe film, asthiswill notmake the whole filmof sponsortooobviousthatthisisa sponsor,rathertheyhave chosenthe correct brand thatcan be relate tothe movie idea. The majorityreasonwhybusinesshave product placementinfilmare toincrease saleswhichone of asuccessful outcome of productplacementwas showninthe brand of Reese’sPiecesof the Hersheycompanywhichwasshown inthe verypopular filmof 1982, E.T. the extra-terrestrial.The productplacementhashelpthe businessincrease their salesbyas large as 300% whichhas certainlyincrease more brandtouse productplacementinfilms. Franchising Manufacturingproductthat are relatedtospecificfilmare be expensive,where filmproducershas decide togive permission andlicensetootherbusinessallowingthemtohave the righttosell and make productrelatingtothe film,whichthisisanotherwayforfilmproducerorstudioto earn money.Asfilmproducerwill have the righttoreceive acertainpercentage of the grossrevenue fromthe productsales. However,franchisingcanbe a riskythingtodo as it have to ensure thatthe filmtheyare franchisinghave acertainattractionand populationasitreallydependsonthe popularityof the movie andyetthose productwill oftenhave ashortlife spansasnew moviesare published. Fast foodcompaniesare seenasthe mostexample of filmsmechanisingwith,McDonaldisone of the bestexample of fastfoodfranchise thatoftencreate productbase onthe latestand trending filmswhichattractkidsto ask theirparentto buya happymeal.For example McDonaldlauncheda
  • 4. ChelseaYu happymeal base on star wars where the packagingandtoyincludedare relatedtostar warswhich duringthe movie releasingtime,itwasthe besttime whentheyhadastar war theme inthe happy meals,howeverwhenMcDonaldare makingthose producttheyhave tomake sure thatthe copyrightandhow theylogoor character isbeingpromotedare beingconsideredwherethere shouldnotcontainany changingideaof the filmconcept. Crowdfunding Crowdfundingisafinancingmethodthatisdone byaskinga large numberof people forasmall amountof money, whichisnormallyusingthe wayof internetsuchassocial mediato talkto a wide range of audience. Thisiswhenabusinessorindividual will talkaboutthe goalsoraimof whatthey wantedtodo and try attract people tocontribute moneytowardwhattheyare aimingfor.Infilm crowdfundingaudience are tosee whethertheywanttodonate thatmoneyintothe exactfilmthat theyare interestedinseeingsothat’swhytheyare willingtodonate andallow producertoturn the ideaintoa filmor to increase the qualityof the film. Asthose fundingnormallywill goestoward thingslike sound,colourandeffectortravel expenseswhichallowingthe producingandeditingof the filmtobecome evenbetter. However,togetcrowdfundingfilmproducerwill ensure thattheir aimof usingthose moneyare relevantandunderstandabletothe audience asthiswill attractmore funderratherthan havingaimthat will notnecessaryhappen. Usingonline siteslike‘Kickstarter’ whichisrisingmoneyfromindividual notinvestorasthisiswhere the funderwill have noprofitreturnbackcompare to investor,aswhattheywill getbackis to see the productionof the filmor videothattheymightbe interestinginseeinginthe publicinthe future. AsKickstarteris a greatway for people tomentionthe purposeandtargetof what theyare makingandhow can it possible togive abenefitbacktothose whoare willingtofundinthe specific project. Moreover,crowdfundingcannotonlybe a wayfor people orbusinesstostart a new productproductionbutalsoa wayto reopenor renew acertainshow or film.Forexample the veronicamarsTV showwas cancelled atfirstbutthe Kickstartercampaignhasraisedenoughmoney to make a filmbasedonthe TV show,whichithas raisedaround$5,702,153 to help bringthe projectback to life,whichisnowone of the mostfundedprojectof all time. Anotherexampleof crowdfundingmoviethatwasdone byKickstarterare “wishI was here”in2013, where ZachBraff the director,producerand writerof thismovie decidedtolaunchacrowdfunding afterseeingthe successof veronicamars.The campaignhas overall raisedupto$3,105,473 to help the movie tobe produced. Yet,noteveryone canuse Kickstartertolauncha crowdfunding,asthe movie “Gosnell Movie”wasfirstrejectedbyKickstarterwhichthe prodderteamturntoIndiegogoto start theircrowdfundingcampaign,thatithashit$2,241,043, whichshowsa successful of crowdfundinginIndiegogo. Private financing Private financingcanbe forindividual orgrouporevenbusinessitselftoborrow moneyfromthe bankin orderto produce whattheywant or operatingafilm. A private finance initiative isawayof providingmoneyforcapital investment,where the private companywill handle the up-comingcost insteadof havingthe governmenttobe involves. Private finance canenhance afirm’scapital structure,save oncosts and improve the management,whichthe reasonforbusinesstouse private financingcanbe because those private investormayinfuse the companywithmore capital thanit
  • 5. ChelseaYu will be availableinpublicfinancing. However,companiescangofrom publictoprivate where there are manycompaniesthathas startedoutprivatelyandthere are situationthata publictraded companybecomesprivatelyacquired,thismeansagroupof investorshaspurchasesthe outstanding share of the companyso that the companythan turn intoprivatelyfinanced. Publicfinance Publicfinance canbe a small numberof firmsare made bypublicbodies,whereBBCfilmsownby BBC whichisa publicownedservice. Itcanmeansthat theycollecttaxesfrompeople whohave benefitfromthe provisionof the publicgoodsbythe government. Anexample of mediafirmsthat receive publicfinance are channel 4that isa publicservice televisionbroadcasterwhichalsoowns film4 and manyotherdifferentchannel. Accordingtosome researchpublicbroadcasting hasa primarydutyof publicservice,therefore the fundingcomesfromgovernmentandthroughannual feesthatchargedon receivers. Where there ismanyBritishmovie thatare producedwiththe fundingfromBFI(BritishFilmsInstitute),whichtosupportthe UKfilmmakerthe BFI dousesthe national lotteryfundenablethemtoruntheirorganisation. Example of filmsfundedbythe FBIare “underthe skin”,“great expectation”,“invisiblewoman”and“’71” etc. In the BFI the fundingthat theyinclude inafilmcouldreceive involvedevelopment,production,distribution,exhibitionand exportworldwide. Costs & Funding Before makingamovie,itisimportantandnecessarytounderstandwhere the costisgoingin a film, inthe cost analysingandplan itinclude three segmentthatwill neededtobe coveredwhichisthe budgetinginpre-production,productionandpost production. Yet,inthe budget productioncosts it includesthe crew,actors,producersanddirector that will be participating, andthe directproduction cost wouldbe the set,propsand differentequipmentdependinghow bigthe movie isgoingtobe. In the post productioncostithas the overall editing,visual effect,musicandmerchandise. On the otherhand,cost of the movie canbe dependingonthe storyline orthe targetaudience it mightbe aimingfor.If the filmare developingastorylinebase on a bookor game that alreadyexist it can be expensive andmore time consuming,astheywill needtogetintouch withthe authoror writerof the book to gettheirpermissionandcopyright,howeveritalwaysdependonthe popularityandsalesof the bookto see whatthe cost to have permission touse the ideainthe book, lookingintothe researchitshowsthatI mightcost from$300,000 to $600.00 and evenover$1 million. Inthe movie spiderman2whichis basedona comicbooksuperherocreatedbyStanLee, theirbudgetforthe story rightare around$20 million andthisshowsthatmakingafilmcan be expensive withall the differenttype of costcomingdowntogether. SpiderMan 2 isone of the mostpopularsuperhero,action,adventure andscience fictionfilmthat was outin 2004. They hadbudgetof around $200 million,whichinbelow Iwillbe talkingaboutthe differentsectionandamountof costthat were spendinthe productionof spiderman2 and the progressof the production.Aswell asexplainhow moneyisspentinfilmproduction. Script& development The script and developmentsectiontake animportantpartinany filmproduction,asscriptinginthe rightway and suitable waycanbe difficulttofindasyouwill needtoensure youhave hiredor made the right decisionof usingthe specificascriptwriterforyour filmandthat the scriptis relatedtothe
  • 6. ChelseaYu ideabeinginyourmovie asthe script iskindof somethingthatwill deliverthe storylinewhichfor audience tounderstanditisveryimportantconsiderationwhenchoosingthe correctscript. In the scriptand developmentbudgetplan forspiderman2 it wasestimatedspending$10 million whichthe scriptbudgetwas 5% of the total budgetwhere SonyentertainmenthashiredSamRaimi to directthe spidermanand spiderman2 as well asspiderman3, whichSonyhas promise the 2 % of grossreceiptsonce the studiohadrecoupedcost,andeach writer forspidermanhad at least producedone scriptfor Sonyinthe past fouryears.However,the scriptwriteralsoknownasthe screenplayforspiderman2 are AlvinSargent,whereinHollywoodscriptwriterare knownasthe bottomline inthe foodchain,withthe minimumpaymentof $35,079. Accordingtothe research Raimi have go throughthe perviousdraftof spiderman2 byGough, Millar,KoeppandChabon,and at the endhe pickedAlvinSargent. Thisshowshavingtocarry on makinga nextseasonof a successful movie (spiderman) intothe secondseasoncanbe time consumingandneedmany differentdrafttoenable themtopickthe beston and produce the mostsuitable movie tothe audience. Licensing Everymovie have differentlicensingordon’thave licensingasthisisdependonif youare usinga storyor ideabasedona existingbookorgame,which some movie mightnotuse the whole storyline of the bookbut itis still aconsiderationtohave licensingasyouare still usingsome partof the story ideathat the writerhave theircopyright. The opportunitiesof knowingmovie will needtopaya fee for the licence have made abenefittothe bookwriterorgame developerastheycansellstheir ideasor storyto any productionfirmswhichsure theywouldearnalotfromit. The licensinginspiderman2 wasspendaround$20 million. The Sonyhasbought the movie right fromMarvel whofirstwonthe SpiderMan character, whichMarvel was unhappyhow Sonywaskind of disassociate the characterinsome of the movie Sonyproduced. StanLee whichisthe co-creator of spidermancharacter andbecause of the successthat the character has bringto the firm, the Marvel pay aroundan annual salaryof $1 million,butbecause Marvel have sharedthe license with SonyStan Lee has threatenthe Marvel forsuingthemdue to the share of profitfromlicensing. Producers It isnecessarytohave one or more producerina filmproduction,astheyhave manyresponsibilities for the productionanditis the keyof the successina movie.Inthe UK the salariesforassistant producerscan be around from£18,000 to £25,000 and producerwhohave experience itcanreach to £40,000 to £55,000. The movie have spentaround$15 millioninhiringproducers. The spiderman2 hastwo different producerswhichare Laura Ziskin,one co-producerandthree executive producers. However,there was a rumourabout the producerLaura Ziskinhastakenover$30 millionbecause fromthe success reachingthe targetbox office forspidermanmovie. The average feeforaan independent producer shouldnormallybe the 2 to 5 percentof the budgetthatwill be spentonthe film, whichrepresent the higherbudgetcostfor the specificfilmthe higherfee itwouldbe. Director Directorhave a responsibilityandrighttocut or reshootanyscene that theythinkisnotin the best standardand that audience dislikesfromit,whichcanbe annoyingandtime consuming,whichin spidermantheyspendaround$10 millionondirector.Inthe firstspidermanmovie the directorwas
  • 7. ChelseaYu Sam Raimi whichmade the societyverysurprise,however Samhave the ambitionof hitting anext level of the US box office aswell askeepingthe linecostdown. In otherfirmor movie directoritwasrecordedthatthe biggestpaydayfora directoris$20 million whichwaspaid bythe universal forKingKongto the directorof PeterJacksonandhis writing partner. In researchfilmdirectorhave the average salaryof $92,220 peryear whichthe bottomten percentearnedanaverage of $32,010 peryear. Cast In the spiderman2 there was74 cast who have creditinthe filmand58 have uncredited,and overall 132 cast inthisfilm. Where havingsomanydifferentcastandalso famousactor the spider man movie spent$30 milliononcasting. In 2000 Maguire have signedacontract to be portrayingspiderman,whichhe wasgiventhree film contract to considerandsign,howeverwhenhe wasfilmingseabiscuitinthe late 2002 he was announcedthathe have injurieshisbackwhichmeanSonyhave to face the fact aboutthe possibility of changingthe movie leadandaftertorecast all overagain. The actor Jake Gyllenhaal was consideredtoreplacedMaguire howeverhe wasrecoveredfromhisinjurywhichabledhimto returnto the role,whichwiththe salaryof $17 million. The actor KirstenDunstwasplayedasthe character Mary Jane Watsonwhichthere wasnewsabout the costs returningforherwas paidaround$5-6 million whichthe restof the cast will estimated onlypaidwith$3 million,howeverthe new characterOttoOctaviusor Doctor Octopuswhowas playedbythe actor AlfredMolinawouldhave paidaround$1 million. Belowthe line Belowthe line canbe thingsthat have a range cost to put togetherandphysicallythingssuchas equipment,aswell asthe overall people thatare neededtohire includingthose whomightonlybe holdingalightingkitora microphone.Thisisstill somethingtotake accountand considerasbudget of costwill needtobe takenfromit so itneeda detail planorwhat and where the budgetcostsis beingused. Spiderman2 can be seenas a bigfilm,andby spending$45 milliononbelow the line, where the productiontooklongwithcarful decisionandthe amountof people thatwasneededtohire tomake thisproductionfinishedinahighquality andgoodstandardat thattime of the year.Thisis where the physical costsfor the shootingsectionwillbe massiveincludingcrew fees,the equipmentand gettingandhiringpeople whoiscapable andunderstandhow tooperate andfunctionthose thingas well as the settingcontaindifferentlocationwhere bookingandconfirmedneedtobe done andthe feedingarmies.Aseachsectionwill notonlyhave one personhired,whereitmightcome toover10 or 20 people toenable themtoworktogethertofunctionthe progress. Duringthe filming,itwasstatedthatthe spiderman2 was beenshotoverhundredssetsand locationswhichshowingthatthe costmustbe expensive,andduringone of the scene inthe movie aboutspidermanand Doc Ock’sfightinginthe train,where the crew wasacquireda trainof 2200 seriescarsand havingto place six camerafor itto be filmed. Withall those majorsettingitwas requiredforthe firmto have a bigbudgetineitherspendingonthinglike locationandequipment put alsospecialisttoplanoutall the things. Inthe filmingprocessnotonlyitisexpensive butalso time consumingwhere ittook15 weeksforworkerstobuildthe resumesonthe setwhichhave takenSonystage 30. it was60 feetby120 feetlongand40 feet highwhichthere wasa quarterscale
  • 8. ChelseaYu miniature wasbuiltforthe finale asitwill collapse,whichstartingfrom2002 the filmingwasstill goingon at the endof 2003. Furthermore,there wasanewcamera systemthatwasusedand calledthe Spydercamtoallow enable filmmakertohave explore more andexpressmore inthe waysof the camera movement, makinga newfeelingtothe audience of the SpiderManworldview,thisallow audience tofeelas the firstpersoninthe filmandincrease an engagement. The camerasystemwasusedat the time where itwasdroppingfiftystoriesandwithashotlengthof over2,400 feetinNew Yorkor 3,200 feetinLos Angles,wherethe cameramovementwascontrolledbyamotioncontrol whichiswhyit was highlycosteffective. Special effects Special effectandvisual effectisveryimportant touse inanytype of movie,forexample makinga horror movie andsuperheromovie itrequiredmanydifferenteffecttoproduce the feelingthat audience shouldgetfromthose genre,asdifferentgenre have differentuse of special effectto increase the understandingandvisuallyof the movie. Special effectmeanmakingsomethingthatit isimpossible foractoror locationtodo,for example actorcannotactuallydamage theirface just because theircharacterneededto,orlocationandplacesand buildingcannotactuallycollapse or seton real fire because the storyplotneeded,sothisiswhyspecial effectiscreated. Forexamplein the movie of the dark knightwhere there wasafamous scene of audience seeingHarveyDentstwo faced,howeveritwasall done whyspecial effectwhere half of hisface iscompletelydamagedand can see the bone,bydoingthisspecial effectitrequire toputmarkor dot on the actor face where it will be putina specificareaof the face allowingthe editortoedithisface andadd those effectin. Special effectare notonlycan be appliedonactorface or body,butalso manymovie use special effectforthe locationtheyare in,whichthisdone byfilming inastudioor place where isfull of greenbackgroundallowingeditortoplace anybackgroundintoitmakingimpossible scene toappear infront of audience. Some company/firmswanttosave moneyandtheycouldevenusescomputer to buildaninsane about of extraswhichisanimatedinsteadof havingtohire manyextras. In the spiderman2 theyspent$65 milliononspecial effect asitwill sure neededformanytypical scene inthat movie. Webbhasreteamedwiththe firstfilmspecialeffectsupervisorJeromeChen, whowas popularduringthattime. Howeverthe range wasmuchbiggerthan the lastspider man where there wasthree villainsandeachrequireddifferentvisual effect,makingthe wholeediting processlonger. AccordingtoChenthere wasmanythingrequiredforvisual effect,forexample when Spidermanand Stacy swingthroughthe airtogetherusinghiswebbingandthose doesnotonly involvedahuge scale of choreographedforthe characterbut alsothe location thattook place for the specificscene. Music Music infilmswill alwaysbe the lowestcostoutof all the others,where itrequired topaya fee license foranycontemporarymusicwhichcontaincopyright. However,some bigmovie will create theirownsoundby askingsoundwriter,producerandsingertocreate the music,whichmightcost more for those movie. Ashavingmusicorsoundtrackinmovie are importance where itcan representthe scene invarietyof waysandgettingaudience reaction,where itcanbringout differentemotionsuchassadness,joy,happinessorterrifying. In the spiderman2 theyonlyspent$5 milliononmusicandsoundtrackwhichwaslessthan2% of the total budget.Where spidermanhave create theirownmusicand soundtrackallowingthe firm to earnmore moneybylaunchingthe musicalbums tothose whoare a fanof spidermanand the
  • 9. ChelseaYu movie aswell asthe singeror if the song wasattractive enoughforlistenertopurchasesandlisten to. However,sometimemusicwillbe the reasonwhyaudience rememberthe movie orspecific scene as itcan be the most memorable andemotional partthatcome inthe movie asmusicisa way to attract people byadaptinglyricsthatare representingthe situationonthe scene. Printsand advertising Printsand advertisingcanbe quietexpensivecostasit isimportantthat enoughadvertisingare done to getthe societynotice of the new launchof movie andattracting as manyaudience interest as possible. where trailersisknownasa wayof advertisingwhichitcan be shownas a TV advertor social medialike YouTube wheremanymovie have beenadvertisingthere byjustshowingashort Trailersof the movie includingthe date of release. However,printsandadvertisingdonotcountas one of the liston the budget,asthisisa wayof marketingthe filmandnotto dowithproducingthe film. The box office forspidermanreachesto$783.8 million whichhasoverallmade around$500million of profit,whichadvertisingcanbe one of the factor affectedthe audience whowasgettingaware of the movie. Where inthe US theyspent$39 milliononpromotionandadvertising. Asafterfinishing the productionwiththe budgetof $200 milliontheydecidedtospendmore ontargetmarketing whichtheircore audience where will be those whowasafan of spiderman1 movie andalsothose whoare interestedinaction,adventure andcomicgenre. The movie alsohadthe 12a signwhere itis onlysuitable foraged12 or over,orif audience wasunder12 ithave to be accompaniedbyan adult. Logistics In the logisticssectionIwill be lookingatthe “Buffythe vampire slayer- The ‘I’inteam”,the reason whyI thinkitis suitable forme towrite aboutthisis because Ihave seenthe drama before andas well asseeingadetailedguidetothe whole pre-productionprocessthatwaspublishedinone of the official seasonguides. Ideageneration andwriting The ideagenerationisalwaysthe firststeptoa pre-production,where youmighthave producer comingup witha core ideaandthe ideagenerationprocesswill be creatinganddevelopingand communicatingthe ideas.Youhave more thanone to ideaandtoward the endof the idea generationyouwouldbe able tocome upwiththe final ideathatyou thinkismostsuitable and relevanttomake itto the reality.However,the ideagenerationisveryimportantforyoutobe able to carry on the pre-production,asthisiswhere youcanexpandthe ideaandbeyondthe current thinkingandyoucan do that bywritingitdownor typingit up in anyformat that ismost comfortable foryou. In episode 70of the series,theirideagenerationwascompletewaybefore the episodecame along, as producerwill needtocome upwiththe ideabefore theyactuallystartplanningforeverything and recodingthe episode.Buffythe vampireslayerisa longformtelevisiondramawithseven seasonand144 so far,where there will be ashow runnerwhoisin charge of the overall narrative shape of the show,asto be able torun for so longthe ideageneration shouldhave beendonein separate sectionandeachtime isdone inone seasonand whenthe firstseasonisplayingthe writing teamor producerwouldstart thinkingaboutthe nextseason.There isawritingteamwhichinthe UK it ismore likelytobe agroup of writerwhoworkindividually,where inthe Statesitmore toward workingina teamand each sectionthere will be anamedwriterthatwhowasin charge of the
  • 10. ChelseaYu certainscene or episode.Onthe otherhand,forthe writingpartwhere the scriptwill be produced withthe narrative outline of the episode,inthe UKyouwill normallyhave onscreenwriterto produce whatthe episode isaboutscene byscene andwhatisdone ineach shot,howeveritin Statesit will be agroup of screenwriterdiscussingthe certainepisode goingtobe basedonand how it will meetthe point.Fromthe ideagenerationtothe writingsectionthose thingwill be underthe ultimate control of the showrunnerandepisode director. Showrunner,directorandwriter Whenmakingthe pre-productionorthe whole productionprocessthe focusandfinal decisionwill alwayscome fromthe directororepisode directorwhere whenitcomestothe keyepisode orpartit mightbe that the showrunnerwill be the episode directorandthe writeras theyhave a much betterunderstandingof whatandhow the keypointof the episode willbe showntothe audience and the waythe message andpintof view isdelivered.Aftergeneratingthe ideaandoverseeing scriptdevelopmentandfinalisation,therewillbe arehearsesforthe cast to allow all different departmenttocheckif everythingbeingdone inthe correctwayas well ascheckingthe storyboard sequencesanddiscusswiththe directorof photographyandtheirdepartmenttosee if improvement needmaking. Visual ideadevelopment The visual ideadevelopmentwill be abouthow the episodeandeachscene ispresenttotheir audience inagood way,as for showlike buffythe vampireslayerthere will be specificdesignissue where the designof the monsterandcreatureswill be the conceptof art done bythe specialistswho will alsobe takingpartof makingthe costume to be able forthemto deliverthe message of how theywantthose certaincharacter to be lookinglike,aswell ascostumerthe prosthetics,propsand make-updesignwill alsobe incharge bythemto create the monsterfor the show successfully. Moreover,storyboardcanbe producedaswell toallow the filmingprogressrunmore smoothlyas directorcan lookback on whatshotis next,yet, noteveryscene willneedastoryboardas storyboardwill give youaboutthe scene insomuch detail where longTV show like thiswouldbe use to the conceptof howthe shootingandcamera movementorangle wouldlike toworkwell for the specificscene,asIcannot findmuchof an evidence thatshowsthere ismanystoryboarding goingon.For TV drama or showafterthe initial backgroundconceptsisdone andworkwell forthe whole seriesitwilltake aroundthree weekof turnaround,where weekone will be pre-production and planning,weektwowill be the shoot,weekthree will be the postproductionandspecial effects and editingandweekfourwillbe the episodescreens. Casting In the castingsectionwhere forTV drama that has manyseasonitwill meanthatfindingthe correct cast are veryimportantas everyseasonwillbe bettertocontainthe same actor actingfor the same character as well asintroducingnewcharacterindifferentseasonorepisode.The issue thatthey had incastingwas theyhave to recruitcast memberforthe whole runand forindividual seasons, howeverthiscanbe time consumingandcharge overtime where the new characterSpike has arrivedinseasontwoand newcharacter of Tara inseasonfour,andthis iswhensome minor character will become more importantaseachepisode starttodevelopandmove uptorecurring statuswhere ithappeninSpike inseasonfour,aswhenyouhavingcharacter movingupyouwill also have character movingdownandthishappenfora majorcharacter of Oz in seasonfourandGilesin seasonsix andseven.Castingfornewactorin longTV drama isveryregularwhere everyepisode will have range of occasional castingdecisionand arange of extras.Inthe casting departmentwhere the
  • 11. ChelseaYu castingdirectorand assistantswill have filesof eachindividual actorswhere contactand communicatingwill be done throughactoragentsseeingthe time available forthe specificactor take part in certainepisode orscene. Costume The costume designwill have all the costume settledinawardrobe thathave the actor namedor the character name that will be usingthe costume incertainscene where thisisall beendeveloped withthe director,showrunnerandthe actor involved.They willhave the responsibilityforgetting the correct numberof costume designforthe character ineach episode,the waythatfeatured character ina particularepisode are dressedbyworkingwiththe directorandshow runnershowing whatthe episode isbasedonaboutandwhat dressingrequirementhave forthe certaincharacter. Andas well asthe way the extrasdressedastheyhave to make sure theyare notstandingout compare to the maincharacter in that scene,unlesstheyare supposedtobe. Howeverthe buffythe vampire slayercontainmonsterinthe storyline where the costume designer will have discussingwiththe effectdepartmentaboutthe costumingof the monstercharacterand withthe make-upandhairdepartmentabouthow all the thingscan be workedtogethertodevelop the most suitable monsterforthe drama.There will alsobe a pre-productionof the make-updesign to see witheritwill lookgoodunderthe lightandcheckanyskinsensitivitytothe actor of the make- up theywill be using. Art department,setdesignandsetdressing The art departmentisresponsiblefordesigninganddressingupthe set,where itcan be the house or room of certaincharacter where itcan reflectthe personalityandemotionalof the character whichitis veryimportanttoconsidera detail discussionwiththe directorbefore planningorsetting out the setfor the character. The setdesignerwill neededtoworkwiththe locationandto findthe settingwhere theythinkitissuitableforthe scene ortheycouldbe responsiblefordesigningsetfor the constructiondepartmenttoadaptto the locationor can be builtfromscratch so that it will matchesstoryline evenbetteroritcan be because theycannotfindthe suitable locationforthe certainscene.Furthermore,the setdresserhave responsible forall of the detail thatare goingon whichtheywill be workingwiththe propsdepartmenttogetthe correct propsas well asthe dangerouspropswill have carryout a riskassessment.The setdresserwill alsowork withthe cinematographeranddirectortomake sure thinglike crashpas are outof shotor hiddensoit will not affectthe audience viewforthe scene. Props The propertiesare the stuff thatwill be onset forthe characterto handle,pickupor use for specific reason.Thisiswhere youhave the differenttype of propswhichinclude,setprops,handprops, personal itempropsandGags/ mechanicalsorspecial effectwhichcanbe propstoo. However, propsthat are usescan be sourcedas well asmakingit fromscratch that matchesthe requirement of whatthe props shouldbe looklike andfunctiontobe able togo well withthe scene.Inthe props room there thingslike gallonbottlesof propblood,ajar of plasticrats' eyes,an Africanmask,the devices thatlockdemonstothe operatingtables,rope, colorsand,magazines,towels,herbsand spices,playingcards,cell phones,spectacles,candles,flashlightsetc.
  • 12. ChelseaYu Construction The constructionteamwill have responsibilitytobuildoradaptsetand fittingforsetand props whichisveryimportantthat if the setis builditissafe and legal tobe used.Ina constructioncrew there is20 people whohave differentjobrole fromplasterers,electricians,andpainterand carpenteretc.however,inaTV drama itis normallytohave aroundsix to eightdifferentsettobe usedineach episode where there maybe alotsof recurringsetthat justneedtobe tweakedfor differentepisode ordrama. Location Accordingto the drama buffythe vampire slayerthe personwhowasincharge of the locationsaid that theirjobisto read scrips,workout whatwill be shotinthe studioand whatneedstobe shoot on location,andcome up withdifferentideasandplacestomake it happen.Thissectionalso containgettingeveryonetowhere theysupposedtobe as well asgettingthinginplace soitcan start shootingwhichinclude the permits,insurance andcontracts,parkingspaces,catering,fire and police andmapsetc. itis importantthingisincontrol and plannedsothatif anyaccidenthappened theywouldhave alreadygotcontrol of it or a plannedtominimisingtonegativityitmightbe happening. Specialistdesign Specialistwasneededinforthe dramabuffythe vampire slayerasthe monstercostume were designbythe OpticNerve Companythatalsomake the post-productionspecialeffectforbuffy.The specialistdesignerwillalsobe workingandgettinginvolvewiththe costume,hairandmake-up departmentaswell asall actors whoare wearingtheircostume orprosthetics,toensure thatif any resizingare neededtoallowactortofitmore perfectlyandcomfortablyactoutthe scene. Legal and clearances It isimportantthat eachcast andextrascontainan employmentcontractas recurringcast will be settledseries long.The employmentcontractisa legallybindingagreementbetweentwoparties whichare the employerandthe employeesmeaningthe actorsandthe productionfirms,whichare designedtogive bothpartiessecurityandprotection if anythinghappens. The reasonforactorto signan employmentbefore startworkingforthe productionisthatitwill give themasecuritywhen workingforothersas well asthe productionfirmswill have tostate onthe contract clearlythat definedthe obligationsandagreementonall termof employment. The clearancesisknownasthe processof acquiringthe requiredpermissionforall aspectsof the productionwhichcaninclude the sets,actor/extrasandprogram. The healthandsafetythatinclude inthe dramapre-production wouldbe the riskassessment,includinganylocationorpropsthat theyare usingcan cause harm or be dangerousforany cast or crew whichthere will be the needof aplanon how it can be minimising the potential risk. The specialistsneededinfilmproduction In a filmproductionitcanbe dividedintomanydifferentsectionandeachsectionhave theirown jobsand specialisttoenable the filmtoproduce inhigheffective way.Those specialistcanbe from sound,location/set,costume,props,cameraandlightingtoactor whois physicallyshowninthe film.
  • 13. ChelseaYu Producer- the producerisknownas the groupleaderwhere ithasall the responsible formanaging throughoutthe whole productionfromstarttofinish.The thingthatproducerneedtodo include developingthe initial ideaof the filmandmakingsure scriptare finalisedandthenhelpfinancing and managingthe productionteamthatwill be neededinthe filmproductiontimeandthat everythingare sortedbeforecamerastartrollingandthat budgetandschedule willnotbe delayor damage by anyone whoisincludedinthe project. Director- the directorare responsible foroverlookingandsupervisethe shootingof eachshotand scene.Theywill needtomake sure thatthe componentof the filmingare runningsmoothly,which include doingarole inwhere theyneedtosayhow the scene unfoldandwhattype of propsare goingto be usedina specificshotandwhatcharacter shouldbe inthe certainpart and how theywill look.However,directorhave toneed toworkwithothersectionindividuallywhichinclude people whoare incharge or lighting,sceneryandwritingensure thatduringproductiontimethingwillrun wellyandthatall elementwill workwellandcome together. Productionmanager- the productionmanagerhave aresponsibilityforthe planningandorganising of the schedulesforthe filmproduction,whichtheywill havethe assessingtothe projectand resource requirementthatwill have tolookintoandtake considerationof.Aswellashaving to estimate the budget,timescalewiththe clientsandmanagertoensure everythingandeveryone will be available duringthe neededdate.Ensuringthe healthandsafetyandmeetingthe regulationis somethingthatproductionmanagerwill needtoconsider doingastheyare incharge of many productionthingneeded,whichalsoinclude organisingrelevanttrainingsessionandsupervisingthe workfrom juniorstaff. Actor- the actors are responsibleforplayingthe partof the character in the film, where theywill workcloselywiththe filmdirectorandcinematographertoenable tooutcome withthe bestresultin actingand the way it lookinshot.Theyare someone whowillneedtounderstandthe screenplayin orderto act like the characteristicof the characterto make the whole filminlife. Costume designer- costume representthe characteristicof the characterand the emotionof the scene,whicheachcharacter/actor will have theirowncostume designerwhere the costume designerwillhave tobreakdown the scriptsscene byscene inorderto work outwhat costume are requiredforthe specificdate.However,costumerdesignernotonlysimplydecidewhatactorneed to wear,but have todevelopacostume plotsforeach character,where itwill ensure thatthe style and colourof the costume donot mimiceachotherin the same scene. Editor- Editorwill be neededaftershootingbegins,astheywill needtostartorganisingthe footage and arrange any individualshotsintosequence.The editorhoweverneedto have anunderstanding of the scripsand storyline andcollaboratingwiththe directorandproducerinordertomeetthe film requirement.Theycomplete theireditingtaskwithdigital equipmentandsoftware thatare to create a highqualityof soundandeffectandputtingeveryshottogetherandcompletethe project intothe final stage. Cameraoperator- camera operatorwill needtobe aware andhave an understandingof the storyboardand screenplaytoenable themtorecordthe shotas how it wantedbythe producerand director.Theyare responsibleforthe assemble processof all equipmentthatare related,sothey will have tocommunicate withthe directoraswell asthe othertechnical staff suchas lighting.Yet, the camera operatorwill have toplan,prepare andrehearse the scenestoenable afasterand correct outcome of the shot whenitcomesto real recording.
  • 14. ChelseaYu Soundmixer- the soundmixerhave responsibilityforensuringthe dialoguerecordduringthe filming productionare clear,as changingdifferentlocationcanaffectthe soundmixerinprovidingaclear soundas there are oftenunwantednoisestodeal with.Torecordthe soundthe productionwill needsoundmixer,boomoperatorandsoundassistantworktogetherusingmultiple microphone and digital audiotape orhard diskrecorderstorecord the actor dialogue. Screenwriter-the screenwriterare the one whowill have toworkcloselywiththe directorand producerto enable themtoproduce a scriptsforthe film, whichscreenwriterare responsiblefor developingaunderstandable andsuitable scriptfromtheirownideaorexistingideaof the film. Whenwritingthe scripttheyhave to be sure that it describe the storyincludinganyenvironment and moods/emotional of the character. The paperworkanddocumentneededinfilmproduction Script- the scriptis a documentthatare writtenbythe screenwriterwhowillhave aclear understandingof the ideaof the whole film, andthe scriptwill providethe sequence of the story and allowotherstaff tounderstandwhichcharacter,costumer,propsandlocationwill neededit that specificshotorscene. Filmbudgeting- the filmingbudgetnormallygetprepare bythe producerorproductionmanager, whichthe documentwill refertothe financing thatwill neededforthe whole project,andthe budgetformwill needtodivide intodifferentsectionwhere youmighthave directproductioncost, post- productioncostsuch as editing,visualandeffectandothercostwhichcan be insurance and completionbondetc.however,the budgetpaperworkcanbe more thanhundredpageswhere there will be lotsof draftsincludedastheywill needtoensure thatthe budgetare relevantandsuitableof whattheyneededtoproduce andthat no othersmoneycanbe wastedandto do that theywill need to cut downthe budget. Storyboard- storyboardare usedinall productionplanwhere itrequire tovisualisationof every scene,ina filmproductionthe storyboardwillneedtooutlinethe filmorsectionof the filmfromthe creative pointof viewtobe usedbythe cinematographersothatwhenit comesto filmingdayor specificshotthere will be noproblemormajorproblemoccur,whichallow the filmproductionrun smoothly.The storyboardisknownasa graphic that representhow the filmorvideowill unfoldshot by shot,whichitis made upof numbersof square that involvesillustrationorpicturesstandingfor each shotand can be combinedwiththe scriptknowingwhatwill be saidduringeachshotorscene. Yet,storyboardcan be a longprocessbut once youput the storyboardtogetheritwill save youtime inthe revisionlater,whichcanbe handywhenfilmingthe videoasitmake sure that theywon’t forgetaboutthe scene and helpthe filmingtoputtogether. Riskassessment- the riskassessmentisanexaminationof whatcouldcause harmduringspecific locationor shot,sothat producerwill needtoconsiderthe measure andcontrol are to preventharm and minimisingittothe lowestaspossible.The documentwillneedtostartedaboutwhatthe hazard couldbe,and whoitis at riskat, the control itwill have forit,the chance andtype of injury mightcause,the type of riskcan it be low or highand the additional control measure where refera backupfor the controlsit alreadytookplace. Contributor’srelease form- the contributionreleaseformwillneedtobe signedbythe crew and actor ensuringthattheyknowand are willingtotake contributionintothe filmproduction. However,actorunder18 will needtoget the contributionformsignbytheirparentor guidance
  • 15. ChelseaYu whichtheyhave responsible foranythingthatmighthappenduringthe filmproductiontime. The contributionrelease formwillinorderpeopletolegallytake partinthe productionandto prevent any frighteningpotential circumstance,suchasif the filmhave useda coffee shopasone of the locationandthe coffee shopmightdecide theydon’twanttobe inthe filmanymore whichthe contributionformwill take accountthattheycan’tdo that, as well asconfirmingthattheyare not breachinganothercontractby participatinginyourfilm. Bookingform- the bookingformare neededtoinformanylocationorstudiothatyou will be using duringthe filmingprocesssothatitshowsthe evidence thatthe firmhave payand bookedthe specifictime forthe specificlocationorstudio.However,dependingonhow bigthe projectis otherwise forbigfirmsormovie makerstheywill alreadyhave theirownequipmentthatwill need duringthe production,butfor smallerfirmorproductioncrew there maybe a considerationon havinga bookingequipmentformaswell. EDL (editdecisionlist)- the editdecisionlistwill be able tocutdownthe progresstime forthe editing as thisis a documentthatwill take place afterthe filmingare done andtoitemisedthe video footage anddecidingwhichshotwill be use andnotinthe film.Inthe editdecisionlistitrequire to containthe listof reel and timecode datathatare workto eitherinthe final editprocess.The reason whyEDL are neededistomake sure thatthe personwhoismakingdecisionof the listare neededto relate topeople whoeditthe videosothatthe filmproductionwillrunandcombinedtogether smoothly. Codes of practice and regulation Copyright The meaningof copyrightisbasicallyhavingthe righttocopy,copyingrepresentusingsome else ideaswithoutthemknowingorhavingpermissionthisiswhere copyrightcame outforthose owner of theiroriginal ideatohave alegal rightwhich are preventingothersfromcopying.Thismeanthe original ownerare the one andonlypersonwhocan give permissiontosomeoneelseusingthe idea whichtheyare not allowedtoshare to the othereither.A copyrightiscreatedstraightafterthe personcreatedthe copyrightable workif itinclude asoftware wherethere isnoneedtoregisteras theyhave an automaticcopyrightonthe resultingwork,howeveritcanbe registerif youlike.The copyrightappliestoaverywide range of thingincluding;writingof anytype,website contents, computerprograms,motionpictures,music,artisticworkandoriginal architecturaldesigns. The UK copyrightlawiscontrol by the copyrightdesignsandpatentsact1988 whichinclude the basisof copyrightlawincludingthe performingrightsinthe UKwhichbefore thatthe UK copyright lawwas incontrol by the copyrightact 1956, as time go pastnew rules,law andregulationwill change due to the societysoundandgivinga betterbenefitgotthose original workowner. Backto the time where itwasstill runby the copyrightact 1911 and 1956 it still have affectiontothe UK copyrightlawnowa days whichitlimitedthe circumstances. For soundrecordingsandfilmscopyright,itcanlastfor 50 yearswhichit will startrightafterthe recordingor filmare publishandreleasedtothe publicaudience,howeveritcan be 70 yearsafter the deathof the directoror authorof the film.One of the popularstoryand illustrationof peterpan had a copyrightsetby the authorJ.M Barrie where 50 years laterafterhisdeathwasthe first expiredof the copyrightandbyfollowingthe EU legislationbyextendingthe terminto70 yearshas ledto the final expiredtime on31st December2007 inthe UK, witha whole lotof storyand confirm
  • 16. ChelseaYu behindsince the PeterPanreleasedbackinthe dayswhere in1929 the streethospital forchildren has statedthat theyhadthe copyrightof perterpanwhowas confirmedinJ.MBarrie will. Afterthe copyrightexpirationismeansthe contentthatwasprotectedbythat law and regulation are nowable to be sharedintothe publicdomain.Ascopyrightwill notlastforeverasthere is nothingthatwill lastforeversothisiswhydifferentcontenthave differentsettime andwill be dependingonthe lawatthat time.Havinga copyrightinyouroriginal workmeanyouhave the control of whatyou wantto do withit,where the governmentofferalicense forownertosell their copyrightwhichmanybookauthor dofrom a longtime ago to filmproduceras manyfilmsthatare successful andpopularare some to dowithstory inexistingbook.Tosell ortransferyourcopyright, youwill needtowrite andsigna documentto displaythatthe sellingandtransferringprocessare done.Yet,there are moral right inthat can be providedinthe licensewhichare tobe identifiedas the author of the work,objecttohowthe workisbeingpresentedandobjecttochangesthatmight made inyour work. There isa reasonforhavingcopyrightlaw where if youbroke the law there will be consequences that may occur to you.The copyrightinfringementinthe UKcan leadto maximumof 6 months incarcerationandfine upto £50,000. One of the mostfamouscase of infringementcopyrightare where the photographerRodgershasafamouspicture of a couple holdingaline of puppieswhere it was soldtobe usedas greetingcardhoweveranartistcalledJeff Koonhascreatedsomething similartoRogersworkwhichRodgershas suedJeff Koonforinfringementcopyright.Whichthe resultwasJeff Koonwashavingto paya monetarysettlementtoRodgers. Health and safety Filmingpeople People thatare shownina filmandevena small part andfrom far behindinthe backgroundwill still have to signa contributionform,where itisimportantwhenfilminginpublicthe people thatmight walkpast infrontof the camera will have tosignthe formtoo, as showingapersoninshotthat didn’tsignthe formcan resultinthe personturningdownand suingthe producerfornot havingthe rightto showsomeone else face inthe publicwithoutgettingpermissionwhichwillleadtobig trouble forthe productionfirmandhavingto take downthe certainscene.However,childrenunder 18 that are showninthe filmwill needtheirparentorguardianto signthe contributionformwhich theyare givingpermissiontothe prouderthattheirchildare happyand welcome tobe shown duringthe film.singingthe contributionformmeantheyhave understandingof the thingtheyneed to do and the riskassessmentwill be shownandtakentoeachactor or extrathat mightcontain dangerousmovementorfilminginlocationthatmighthave ahighrisk.For example whenactorare neededtouse dangerouspropssuchas knivesshouldbe carryingouta clearriskassessmentand makingsure actor understandinghowtopreventanyaccidentfromhappeningduringthe recording. Filmingbuilding Buildinginthe UKhave copyrighttoo,but publicdisplayisnotinfringedbymakingfilmortaking photographof it.Howeverthere issome private buildingorlandownersuchas house ownerwill have copyright,where thiscontainaconsentfromthe landlordorownerhave to agree youto do so. Yet,there ismany private landoutside whereitisopentothe publicforspecificreasonbutthis doesn’tmeanitinclude filming.Whenfilminginoldbuildingorshootingsomethingcontain dangerousmovementsuchasa scene where the characterwill have tojumpof the building,issome
  • 17. ChelseaYu healthandsafetythatneedto be sure to take account. Where actor will needtomake sure wiredis on and itis safe andsecure to preventanyaccidentfromhappening. Mediainsurance Everyproductionshouldhave liabilityinsurancetoenable the processtobe started.The media liabilityinsurance canalsobe callederrorsandomissions(E&O) whichthisisall toprotectfor negligenceinyourmediacontent.The Publicliabilityinsurance are somethingthatwill showsthe responsibilityof anythingthatmighthappenduringthe production,whichcanbe injuryordamage to equipmentorbuilding. Childrenperformance license Childrenperformance licenseissettobe made safeguardchildrenwhere there willbe acertain timingandworkof performance thatchildrenactorcan onlydo.On 15th December2014, the secretaryof state for educationhasmade the childrenregulations2014 for the UK children performance andactivitieswhichthiswasreplace fromthe childrenregulation1968. The licensing requirementare thatit mustbe made forthe childrenbeforetakingpartany performance,which include anyperformance foracharge ismade,performance onsellingalcohol live broadcast, performance recodedwitheritisfora filmor advertisementwhichitisuse inthe publicwill needa licenses.The rule inthe license will onlyappliedtothose childrenthatperformance fourdaysor more in the six monthperiodwhere lessthanthree dayswillnotneedalicence forperformance,yet the rule exemptionisrelieduponwhere some case andconditionwill still applytohave alicense. Minimumwage Differentactorhave differentwages,where filmproductioncompanyissure have tofollow the national minimumwage regulationandnational livingwage rate,aseveryoneshouldbe paidequal dependingontheirjobposition.However,actorswhoisolderthan25 yearsoldwill be paidbythe national UK livingwage whichis50#5 higherthan national minimumwage.Tohave the minimum wage inthe UK it have to be 16 yearsold. Regulation BBFC (BritishBoardof FilmClassification) The BBFC is to helpeveryonetochoose the correctage appropriate forfilms,videoandwebsites.As everyfilmwillbe decidedcarefullyandjudge bythe BBFCto see whichspecificage range should appliedtothe specificfilm,where BBFCwillsure listentowhatpeople have tosay across the UK by usingsurveyandfocusgroup to identifywhatthe majorityadultsinthe UKthinkisappropriate for the childrennowa days.TheyBBFC will constantlyworkclose withthe filmindustryinorderto outcome the bestresultof whataudience canchoose fromwatchingat the same time asnot affectingthemwithinappropriate content.The BBFChave startedgivingratingtofilmsbackto the 1912 whichhave manyexperience andgive audience trustworthywithertheyunderstandif the film are suitable tothemornot. Age ratings U- The U stand for universal whichmeanissuitable foreveryone,where those Ufilmswillalwaysbe containingpositive frameworkwithnoviolence,threatorhorror.As if it containbadbehaviour youngchildrenmightnot understandwhetherthe situationandbehaviourispositiveornegative,
  • 18. ChelseaYu whichmightleadtoaudience followingtheiractionafterward.ItisalsoimportantthatU filmsdoes not containanydiscriminationlanguage unlessitisclearlydisapprovedof. PG- the PG standfor Parental Guidance whichage undereightwill needparentstobe withwhile watchingthe filmotherwiseitwill notbe allowedasthere mightbe contentcanupsettingthe childrenwhichatthe same time childrenundereightare recommendednotwatchingit.Howeverin thisPG rate isit allowedtohave some mildbadlanguage,butfrequentuse of itcan leadto putting ina higherage rating.Frighteningscenecanbe shownbutnot intenselyandviolence will onlybe mildinPG films. 12a/12- thismeanit issuitable for12 yearsor overhoweverthe 12a representingchildrenyounger than 12 shouldbe accompaniedbytheirparentsoradultwhichtheywill have responsibilityfor takingcare of them.In those filmitmightcontainmoderate badlanguage,wheresome filmmight getpermittedtocontainsome stronglanguage whichisall dependingonthe manneritsbeing shown. 15- Thismeanit isonlysuitable for15 yearsor over andno youngerthan15 are allow tobuy or attendto the cinemaforthat specificrate films.Where some dangerousbehaviourshouldnotbe shownindetail suchas suicide,self-harmingandasphyxiation.However,drugtakingare lesslikelyto be shownat thisage rate filmasit couldaffectteenagerthinkingwhichwill be highlyconsiderfor BBFC whensettingthe rate.The language usedcanbe strong andsome verystrong mightget permitteddependonthe manneritshowsandthreatand horror can also be acceptable. 18- Thisissuitable onlyforadultsmeaningnoyoungerthan18 yearsold,thisis because the BBFC thinksthatadulthave free to choose theirownentertainmentastheyare oldenoughtodecide whattheythinkissuitable forthemor not. R18- the R18 shouldonlybe showninlicensedcinemasoritwill onlysupplied inlicensedsexshops whichonlyadultare appropriate topurchases.Asthiscategoryis special andlegally-restricted classificationandR18videowill notallowedorsuppliedbymail order. Factors that affect classification of films Context,theme,tone andimpact There are manyreasonwhyfilmhave specificage rate aseach sectionorpart inany filmcanbe the reasonwhyclassificationinfilmsare impacted.The contextwhichisthe whole situationduringthe filmisone of the maincategoryto be lookedat,as the BBFC will needtohave a clearunderstandof the general contextthatwill be shownduringthe film, toenablethemtodecide whichratingare relevanttobe submit.The theme of the filmscanbe classifyordependonthe genre itself,where horror movie isthe mostcommongenre that will be setas15, as the genre horror alreadyshowsto the audience thatitwill containsome frighteningpartwhichchildrenwillnotbe suitable.Whichthe theme isalsoa factor of considerationandimpactionof the classificationof filmsforexample even adventure genre willbe carefullyconsideredandmake a clearand reasonable decisioncause adventure theme filmcanbe containpart where characterare indanger.On the otherhand,the tone of the film will be affectingthe overall classificationwhere the tone canbe somethingscene that impactor influence the audience whichBBFCwill considerwitherthe scene orcertainpart will easilytoinfluence audience whichthe classificationwillbe muchhigherastheyunderstandthat olderaudience have abetterunderstandingof whatitisrightand wrongto do or witherthe situationisactuallyfake.
  • 19. ChelseaYu Discrimination,drugs,behaviour,language,nudity,sex,threatandviolence The discriminationcanbe containwithoffensivecontentwhichcanbe relatingtorace,gender, religion,disabilityorsexuality.Eachof those factorwill be considerate verycarefullytosee if itis suitable tobe publishtothe societywhere strongdiscriminationcancause a huge implicationtothe audience review/commentandfeedbackof the film, where the worstitcouldhappenisputting downthe filmdue tothe negativityitmightcause tothe society.However,the age ratingdecision will be takingaccountof anystrengthand impactof the inclusion,where dangerousbehaviourthat mightshowinthe filmwill be considerinthe detail andtype itshowsforexample somefilmmight containsuicide,self-harmingandasphyxiation. The drugs containinginfilmshasalwaysbeenasbig considerationforBBFCto setthe classification of age rate,as showingdrugtakingcanbe seenasan influence toaudienceandleadingtothe misuse of drug.Thisrepresentif filmcontainanypartor evena small sectionthatrelatedtodrugit will still have ahighchance of receivingahigherclassification,asdrugwill cause harmtopeople bodyand isa serioussituationtobe showninrealitytoaudience.yet,drugtakingwill notallow to be shownas a way of promotingor encouragingaudience totryitout,as everyone knowsthatevery filmswill alwayshave awayto impact of influence onaudience,where filmprodderwill needto understandthatnegative promotingandinfluence are somethingtoconsiderandaimingtoshown to the audience ina directway.AsBBFC have statedthat the use of illegal druginfilmsmaycause harm to publichealthandmoralsandevenat the adult18 level. Presentationof the differentbehaviourwill be dependingonwhatitisshowingandbe put inthe relevantclassificationlevel.Asbador dangerousbehaviourwill receive highrate because of the imitable behaviourwhichchildrenoryoungteenagersmightcopyandleadtoa badsituation happening.AsBBFCwill take accountof the detailedportrayal of anyviolenttechniquethatare used duringthe movie aswell asthe use of weaponsuchas knives,whichage decisionwill alsodependon that. However,notonlydangerousbehaviourwill be consideredforthe classificationalsoanyanti- social behavingwilltake infor example bullyingare likelytoonlybe shownincertainage toensure that audience youngerthanaspecificage will notbe able tohave a chance of gettinginfluencedby those actionand mightcause themcopying.Promotingof those behaviourare alsounlikelytobe allowedwhere mostendingshouldconsiderawayof sortingoutthe situationorhappyendingsoit will be more relevantforsome age of teenagertowatchas theywill understanditbetterinthe positive way. The use of language will be dependingonhow strongitis and setina relevantclassification.Asthe publicalwayshave ahighsensitive inthe wayof language isbeingshown,howeversome use of stronglanguage are allowedtobe shownina specificage rate butit will be focusingonhow the mannerit isbeingproduced.AsBBFChave ensure thatlanguage doesnotexceedaudience expectationsandforthe juniorratinganyoffensive wordmightbe saidwill be mutedorremoved. In some specificclassificationnuditywill be acceptable but have toensure thatnosexual context,as filmsthatcontainnuditywill sure receive ahighclassificationwhere if some sexual contextare involvedwill receivedanevenhigherlevel.Wherethe contextitisshowingshouldnotbe shownin an educational waytothose filmthathas a lowerclassificationhoweverfilmsthatare 18 or R18 are allowedtocontainnuditycontextorsexual contextwhere itmustbe inthe adultcategories. Filmscontainingsexual contextwillbe categoriesinthe classificationdependingonthe level of the stages,butmostlyfilmthatinclude sexualcontextwill be classifiedin15or higher,where below the classificationof 15will lesslikelytohave those context.Asinthe age ratingof 15 there isa possible
  • 20. ChelseaYu of sexual contextbutithave tobe sure thatno form of strong sexual activityorsexual violence asit will be unacceptable.However,there isfilmsthatcanreceive R18 whichisimportantthat cinema have licence andcan onlybe purchasesfromlicense sex shop.AsBBFC understandthatadultwhois olderthan18 have theirownresponsibilityandfreedomof whattheydecide towatch. filmthatinclude threatwhichisscene thatmightbe scary and affectaudience emotionalwillbe considerinhighclassification,asthe use of soundtrackandmusicwill alsobe categoriesasa way of showingthe scene ina threateningway.Whichthreatandhorrorthat are shownandset ina classificationwillbe dependingonthe level of detailasthere issome horrorfilmswhere maybe evenmore significantthananyviolence scene. Containingviolence infilmsare alwayssetinahighclassificationthisisbecause violence that happeninrealitycanbe a highsituationandcause the societya badimpact.The BBFC will take in account of the factorand level of violence dependingonthe overall attitude of the filmtowardthe violence andif there isanydramaticcontextof the violence andthe wayitis beingportrayal which some harmful violentwill containadeepconsiderationonthe classification.Astheymustconsider potential effectthatmightdesensitisationorfearas well asa change of encouragingthe wayof violence behaviour. Purpose of classifyingfilms The purpose of classifyingfilmcanbe to allow filmindustrytoproduce differentgenre,theme, storyline of filmthatcanhave differentrepresentationinpositive ornegativehappeningthatallow audience tohave more choose fromas classificationwill allow audiencetoknow whichare suitable and notfor them,itis alsogivingequal righttoeveryone aboutwhattheycanwatch as well as protectingyoungchildrenfromseeingfilmsthatmaycontainnegativityandbadbehaviour.Yet,by offeringfilmsthatallowyoungchildrentowatchwithparentsare givingthe opportunitiesforparent or adultto have the right to decide withertheywanttheirchildtowitnessanyfilmsthatmaynotbe as suitable forthem. Regulators NotonlyBBFC have classification forfilms,butalsodifferentorganisationhave certainregulate for whatis beingshowedinthe internetandtechnologyworld.The Ofcomisa regulatorfor communicationserviceswhichofferregulatoronTV and radio inthe UK, whichtheymake sure people won’tgetscammedandprotectedfrombadpractices,whichtheylookintothe complaints fromaudience andprovide advice andinformationtopeople.The Ofcomare makingsure people across the UK are happywiththat theysee onTV and hearon radio,making a betterenvironmentin the UK. Type of document Ideasgeneration The ideagenerationiswhere youwrite downall yourdifferentideasyouhave forthe movie suchas the brief summaryof what the storyplotare and can include whatthe type of character are inthere, thisdocumentor paperworkwill helpyoutoidentifywhichof those ideasare the bestandyou prefer.Forthisideagenerationyoucando itin anyformat thatyou prefer,butthe mostpopular wayof doingitis byspiderdiagram,where many people finditmucheasiertoidentifywhichidea will be mostrelevantatthe end.Whole of thisdocumentationwill be the firststeptodofor the pre-
  • 21. ChelseaYu productionwhere ideaisgettinggenerated.The purpose of havinganideagenerationisnotonlyto identifywhichideaisthe bestoutof all the ideayoumighthave develop,buttoalsorealise if any ideacan be put togethertomake a betterstoryplotor to see if the ideaisactuallyrelevantand capable of producingitintoa film. Proposal The proposal isa documentthatshouldinclude the titleof the movie,the producersname,the main genre anda plotsynopsiswhichyouneedtosummarise whatitisabout.Alsoinformationaboutthe core audience tosee if itworthto spenda large amount of budgettocreate the filmthat mightnot have much interesttoaudience,sothe core audience are whothe movie aimingfor,forexample in the genre ishorror it can onlybe aimedat certainagedgroup andmaybe onlyhorror fanwouldbe interestedandalsoalistof equipmentandresourcesaswell asthe personnel(actor) thatyouare consideringusinginthe movie. Script A scriptis a documentthatcarriedout all the character line andpositionandlocationanduse of propsin the film,whichiswrittenbyascreenwritershoweverscriptcannot onlybe usedinfilmsbut alsoprogram and videogame.Itisshowingthe emotional,expression,movementanduse of language thatactor shouldbe playingasthe character. Storyboard Storyboard isto outliningthe storyline andshotof eachscene inthe filmwhichisshouldshow in sequence andstoryboardcanbe veryuseful forthe whole pre-productionplanningwhere director or producercan lookin detail of the waythat scene shouldbe shotif theyhave forgottenandhelpin the editingprocessaboutwhichshotshouldbe linkthe eachother,whichthiscanall increasesthe progresstiming. Lightingplans Lightingplanisusedinpre-productiontoallow producertoestimate andunderstandwhichtype of angle of lightwill be mostsuitable inspecificshot.Asthere ismanydifferenttype of lightingandsize and brightnessof itwhichisdependingonthe expressionyouwantinthe filmsandwhateffectitis tryingto bringout.The type of lightshouldbe considerare three pointlighting,fill light,keylight, highkeylight,lowkeylight,highandlow keycombinationbacklightingandfourpointlighting,also top lighting,backgroundlightingunderlighting,discussinglighting,softandharshlight.Itis importantthe plansuggestthe relevantlightingtomatchesthe scene inthe filmaswhenitcomesto filmingdaythere shouldnotbe time wastedindecidingwhatlightingtouse. Productionschedule Productionscheduleare puttingthe processinplace and arrangingeverydetail of the production together.Whichinclude planningforhumanresourcessowhichactoror crew memberare specificallyneededforthe certaindate andtime as well asthe machineryresourcessuchaswhere camera are placedand usedbyhighlightthe anglesandmovementforthe specificscene andactors. Where well timinginthe productionscheduleare importantasitwill helpestimatedhow longthe filmproductionwilllastforandaccountingdate for backupplansif any accidentoccurs.
  • 22. ChelseaYu Locationrecce Locationrecce isusedto planout whichsettingandlocationorstudiowill be neededinthe film, whichwill needtodetermine tosee if itsuitable tousedandnotcausinganytrouble to publicor others.To understandandfindout whichlocationismore suitable forthe storyline matchingthe effectitwant,itmeansthat produceror directorwill needtotake time outto physicallyvisitthe place where canbe more than the one theyare actuallyusingastheywill needtodecide onwhich out of a range a more appropriate forthe scene. Riskassessment A riskassessmentisadocumentidentifyinganypotentialhazardthatmay causingduringthe filming productionandhowit can be minimize tothe lowest,whichlocationandparticularshootwill need to be analysedindetail of whothe riskat and the controlsas well asan additional control measure for backups.Dangerouspropsthatare usedwill neededtobe seeninthe riskassessmentaswell where actor andcrew whowill be intouchwithit have to understandthe harmitcan cause if any accidenthappens. Budget Budgetdocumentisto organise the moneybeingspentindifferentpartof the productionandit needtobe estimatedtothe mostrelevantcosttosetup the film.Thisprocesswill be done bythe producerwhichhave responsibilityformostthingswhichtheywill have the bestunderstandingof howcertainthingwill be neededandthe mostrelevantcostshouldtake outforit.The budgetplan isdividedintofourdifferentsectionwhere youhave above the line,below the line,postproduction and otherwhichisthe insurance andcompletioncostsetc. Call sheet The call sheetwill have detail aboutthe time date andlocationof whatcrew and actor that needed for that time and howlongit will take andisto informpeople forthe particulardayof filmingsothat no delayorlate shouldoccurs duringthe filmingandensuringeverythingwillbe done ontime. Briningthe rightdocumentandrightequipmentisimportantandthisis whycall sheetare here to allowcrewmembertogetnotice before the shootingday. Bookingform The bookingformisto allowspecificlocation,studio,propsorevenequipmenttobe bookedforthe filmingandinorderto have everythingpreparedright before shootingstart.The formwill show the evidence thatthe certainthingare bookedsonoturningaroundcan occurs.Bookingformare neededbecause locationandstudioandotherthingscanbe usedby otherfilmingteamwhich selectinghowmanydaysneededare importantastheywill needtoensure thatall the shotfor that locationwill needtobe done bythe deadlineof booking. Contributionrelease forms Contributionrelease formisalegal formthatall actor shouldbe signedwiththe understanding of whattheywill needtododuringthe productiontime andactor under18 will needtobe signedoff by theirparent.Assigningthisformmeansactorare willingtotake partin the filmandif theyturn downsayingtheydon’twantto be involvedanymore whichlegal actionwill be takentothemas theyhave signedacontract that saidtheyare willingto.Whichfirmwill needtoensure thatthey have provide enoughanddetailedinformationaboutwhateachindividual actorwill be doingand whatcharacter theyare representingsothateverythingwill runsmoothly.
  • 23. ChelseaYu Evaluation of documentation Pre-productiontake averyimportantpartof the successful of afilmmaking,asnothavinga good or detailedof apre-productionincanleadtonegative resultandusingpre-productionwillsure increase the chance of a filmbeingsuccessandatleastthe processof filmmakingwillsure run smoothly.Beingorganiseandplanningeverythingfromsmall parttobigpart can be time consuming howeverthose planandorganisationwill show alesschance of thinggettingdelaysorwrong location,propsor equipmentbeingbookedaswell ashiringanotverysuitable actorfor specific character. Withall the documentworkincludedinthe pre-productionitwillsure same time inthe actual filmingdayandcrewmemberandstaff will alreadyknow whichcameraangle andequipment or props will be neededwhereitmakeseverythingrunsmoothlyandcreatingalesserchance of problemoccurring.Withthe understandingof costneededforthe budgetandthe planningthatit containinthe use of cost showsthat organisingeverythingfrombelow the lineandabove the line it allowproducertounderstandandstatedthe correct and relevantbudgettobe operatedforthe film productiontobe ruined. Comingto the copyrightandhealthandsafetywhere there will be abigconsiderationof gettinga copyrightor permissionandlicense of usinganyideaorstorybasedon existingbookorvideogame, as usingideawithoutgettingalicense forthe filmcanleadtolegal actionbeingtakenwhichgive a bad reparationof the productionfirmaswell asthe filmingindustry.Forthe healthandsafety regulationthisiswhyriskassessmentshouldbe considerinanyfilmproductionasitwill identifythe potential hazardandhowto minimise tothe lowestriskaspossible whereitwill containanylocation or equipmentthatmightbe usedandwill cause aharm intothe crew and actor where theyneedto be aware of.For the regulationwhere the BBFChave takencharge of the classificationof the filmsin the UK beingsetinthe relevantandsuitable age rate sothat parentwill have reliable ontheir childrenwatchingfilmsthattheyknowitwill be appropriate forthemaswell asallow filmindustry to produce a wide range of filmtype thatallow differentage towatchand givingthe freedomand chance for adultwhichispeople over18 to choose whattheycan see,compare to the younger people.Those regulationwilloverallhelpthe UKfilmindustrytobecome andprovide abetter environmenttothe audience asrestrictingclassificationare importantandreasonableaswe don’t wantany bad behaviourornegativityinfilmstoaffectthe youngerchildrenwhichparentdohave responsibilitywhenseeingfilmsthatallow childrenunderthatsuitableage towatch withan adults. Overall,Ithinkpre-productionhave ahuge impactandaffectiontothe productionandit is importantthateach part of the pre-productionare done andcomplete inaclearanddetail way before the productiontoleadtoa successful result. BECTU BECTU isthe UK mediaandentertainmentwhichtheyprovide supportinrolesinbroadcasting,film and cinema,digital media,independentproduction,leisure,ITandtelecomsandtheatre andthe arts. Whichtheiraimsare to protectjobs,increase membership,winnew recognitionagreement and improve payandconditionof service.The BECTUprovide: Recommendedrate- the recommendedrate providedbythe BECTU are to allow individualto understandthe UK paymentrate andavoidbeingunderpaidwhicheveryone have the righttopay equally.Those rate are determinedbythe collective bargainingagreementwiththe societyof Londontheatre andUK theatre whichhave tooka deepunderstandingof the UKeconomicand filmingindustrytoprovide the bestoutcome of recommendedrate aswell asensuringeverystaff and memberfromcast,crew or individual involveinthe productionare paidinthe relevantand measuredamount.
  • 24. ChelseaYu Publicliability- the publicliabilityisaninsurance provide coverforclaimsupto£10 million.Thereis a range of insurance elementthatitcoverthisinclude,buildingandcontents,all riskonspecified items,businessinterruption,employerliability,publiclability,productliability,professional indemnityandpersonal accident.However,forthe filmproductionitoffersanythingthatis preventingthe productionprogressforhappeningandthisinsurance documentare neededfor everycast andcrew membertosignoff,whichtheywill have tounderstandthe consequence and anythingthingthathappento them,theywill have theirownresponsibility. One to one support- the one to one supportthat BECTU provide are givingsupporttoindividual that needhelporunderstandingaboutanythingtheyare concernaboutwhichwill be aboutthingsthat BECTU do provide suchashelpor advice insettingupan organisation. Collectiveagreement-the BECTU collectiveagreementoffersupportandhelpwiththe agreement that the coverrated of any pay and conditionforindividualdependingontheirjobrole andworking hoursthat theythinktheyare beingunderpaid,whichthisorganisationwill lookdeeplyinto providingthe bestoutcome resulttotheirclient. Tax and national insurance-the BECTU tax guide isfor freelancerswhichtheyorganisationwill provide adetail guidingaboutthe UKtax and national insurance makingsure theyhave the correct message deliveredtothemwhichthe guide covers:Adviceontax status,Acceptedself-employed grades,The 7 day rule,Self-employmentvPAYE,The Lorimerletter,Expenses,VAT,Personalservice companiesandNational insurance,all those guide andinformationwillallow BECTUclienttohave to bestresultontheirdecisionandunderstandingof whatTax and national insurance are like. Networking-the BECTU are usingthe advantagesof internetandtechnologybyofferingawayin networkingsopeoplecansignup as a membertojoinanydiscussionthattheyare interestedinasin filmindustrypeople can be boughttogethercanshare any skillsorlatestinformationinthe market, as well asBECTU are offeringmembertomeetupinsetlocationwhichtheycanhave a chance to face to face talking,creatingabetterengagement.However,the benefitof signingupasa member isthat theywill have achance to be call in to jobwhichrelate totheirspecialist,asBECTU will put out anyadvertise andofferforpeople togetnotify. Education- the BECTU is offeringtraininganddifferentcourse forthose whoare interestedinthe creative industrywhichyouhave,repscourses,project,careerdevelopmentcourses,creative industriessafetypassport,emergencyfirstaid,editingcourses,3daysC&G accreditedtemporary electrical systemand1day conversionC&Gaccreditedtemporary.Thishelppeople todeveloptheir understandingandskillsinthe specificcourse ortrainingthattheyare lookingforwardtostepinto inthe future.