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Ngawi, 19 Maret 2021
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Available online at ScienceDirect
Procedia - Social and Behavioral
Sciences 180 ( 2015 ) 1569 – 1573
The 6th International Conference Edu World 2014 “Education Facing
Contemporary World Issues”, 7th - 9th November
Some Daoist ideas – Background for Contemporary Teaching and Education in
Maria Butucea*
Teachers Training Department, Technical University of Civil
Engineering, Bucharest, Lacul Tei B-dv, No 124, cod. 020396 ,
The academic point of view is that in China ancient and modern philosophers
were focused on moral rather than in ontology or theory of knowledge. But
we can figure out that Chinese philosophers, like Lao Zi, create also a theory
of ultimate existence and made a theory of knowledge. Their style of making
philosophy is different than ours, because their point of view is a holistic one.
Trying to have a good explanation of differences in contemporary teaching
and school behavior, we found some elements of Daoism.
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article
under the CC BY-NC-ND license © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier
( under responsibility of The
Association “).Education for tomorrow” / [Asociatia “Educatie pentru maine”].
Peer-review under responsibility of The Association “Education for tomorrow” /
[Asociatia “Educatie pentru maine”].
Keywords: Chinese philosophy, theory of knowledge, education
1. Introduction
Is Daoism a philosophy or a religion? The question is important to separate theory
of knowledge by ethical advices. Wing-Tsit Chan claims that Daoism as religion
is a degeneration of Daoism as philosophy and it was arising from the time of the
Celestial Masters in the late Han period. He’s point of view was that Daoist
philosophy (daojia) and
* Corresponding author.
Tel: +400734048286 e-
1877-0428 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of The Association “Education for tomorrow” /
[Asociatia “Educatie pentru maine”].
doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.02.308
1570 Maria Butucea / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 180 ( 2015 )
1569 – 1573
Daoist religion (daojiao) are entirely different traditions. (Chan, 1967) Our
interest is not to separate philosophy and religion. To separate philosophy
from religion is only a western point of view and it doesn’t work for Chinese
thinking. Daoshi (Daoist masters) offered insights we might call
philosophical aphorism. (Bokenkamp, 1997) But they also practiced
meditation and physical exercises, studied nature for diet and remedy,
practiced rituals. (Robinet, 1997) The agenda that provoked Westerners to
separate philosophy and religion, dating at least to the classical Greek period
of philosophy, was not part of the preoccupation of Daoists.
The question if Daoism is a philosophy or a religion is not one we can ask
without imposing a set of understandings, presuppositions, and qualifications
that do not apply to Daoism. But this is not a reason to discount the
importance of Daoist thought. (Chan, 1991) Quite to the contrary, it may be
one of the most significant ideas that classical Daoism can contribute to the
study of philosophical background of different culture and education in the
present age. So, it is hard to separate ethical concepts from epistemological
ones. Even so, and accepting the connection of them we can work out and
find more. What we claim here is that we can study the cultural background
for education at hidden level of Chinese mind. Nowadays is well known the
role of cultural background for a integrative education and globalization.
(Nisbett 2003/2004; Carje. 2012) Richard Nisbett in “The Geography of
Though. How Asian and Westerns Think Differently and...Why?” has cited
authors like Stich, Riegel and Basseches who had introduce the concept of de
reflective equilibrium. (Nisbett 2003/2004) Our claim in this paper is to
realize this kind reflective equilibrium following the diversity of way of
thinking and after that to make the future integrative education.
2. Epistemology and Fundamental Concepts in Daoism
European philosophy has long been dominated by questions of epistemology:
What do we know? How do we know it? How can we justify our claims to
knowledge? (Aristotel, 1961; Penrose, 1994) Chinese philosophy has been
dominated instead by questions of change: why is there change rather than
stability? What is the relationship between change and human action? Are
there patterns of change that we can detect and use to our advantage?
(Henricks, 1989, LaFargue, 1992)
The concept of Dao means “road” is the ultimate reality and is often
translated as “the way.” It might be used also the term of method. Is it a
method for what? It is for understanding the world as it is or for moral
purpose? It is well known that scholars agreed that moral is the main topic of
Chinese philosophy, (Fried, 2012; Creel, 1970; Granet, 2006), but if Daoism
asks some requirement for the sages’ behavior that must be at first something
to be known or understand by them. It must be the structure of the Universe
and after that the method, the way of understanding. (Hansen, 1992) So,
according to Daoism, Dao is the process of reality itself, the way that things
come together, while still transforming. Reality is a process. All this reflects
the deep seated Chinese belief that not the stability, but the change is the
most basic character of things. Dao, therefore, does not “do” anything, but,
similar to gravity, it provides the context out of which potentiality actualizes
from formless to form, from non-experienced to the experienced. The
patterns of this change are symbolized by Yin and Yang as relations of
correlative forces. Dao is the alteration of these qualitative forces. Yet, reality
is not ordering into one unified whole. It is the 10,000 things (wanwu). There
is the Dao, but not “the World” or “the Cosmos” in a Western sense. (Lin,
The book Dao De Jing, written by Lao Zi, teaches that humans cannot
fathom the Dao, because any name we give to it cannot capture it. It is
beyond what we can conceive (ch.1). Those who wu wei may become one
with Dao, and thus “obtain the Dao”. ”Wu wei”, traditional rendering of it as
“non-action” or “no action” is incorrect. Wu wei means something like “act
naturally”, “effortless action,” or “non-willful action”. The ideal person, the
sage (sheng ren), the real person (zhen ren) in the Dao De Jing, always wu
wei. Let review some ideas of this book, necessary to make a scheme for
theory of knowledge and father more the linking to education.
x A central theme of the Dao De Jing is that correlatives are the
expressions of the movement of Dao. Correlatives in Chinese
philosophy are not opposites, mutually excluding each other. They
represent the web and flow of the forces of reality: yin/yang, male/female;
excess/defect; leading/following; active/passive. As one approaches the
fullness of Yin or Yang, the other begins to horizon and emerges. x
Internal alchemy or reflexive mind. Sages concentrate their internal
energies (qi).They clean their vision (ch. 10). They manifest plainness and
become like not carved wood (pu). (ch. 19) Sages know the value of
Maria Butucea / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 180 ( 2015 ) 1569 –
1573 1571
emptiness, nonmaterial things as illustrated by how emptiness is used
in a bowl, door, window, valley or canyon (ch. 11).
x Us conscious and unconscious mind, rational and irrational mind,
deduction and intuition as well, heart-mind (xin). They preserve the
female (Yin), meaning that they know how to be receptive and are not
unbalanced favoring assertion and action, the masculine (Yang) (ch. 28).
They shoulder Yin and embrace Yang, blend internal energies (qi) and
thereby attain harmony (he) (ch. 42). Those who are following the Dao
use their heart-mind (xin) to “solve” or “figure out” life’s apparent knots
and entanglements (ch. 55). x Respect the nature (like water). Neverdo
nothing by force, but only following the flows of processes. Indeed, the
Dao De Jing cautions that those who would try to do something with the
world will fail, they will actually ruin it (ch. 29).
x Sages do not engage in disputes and arguing, or try to prove their
point (chs. 22, 81). They are like water (ch. 8), finding their own
place, overcoming the hard and strong by suppleness (ch. 36).
x Sages act with no expectation of reward (chs. 2, 51) and live in
harmony. They put themselves last and yet come first (ch. 7). They
never make a display of themselves, (chs. 72, 22). They create peace
(ch. 32). Creatures do not harm them (chs. 50, 55). Soldiers do not kill
them (ch. 50).
3. Chinese Language
Ii is important to talk about language because Chinese language is a mind
organizer. (Butucea, 2009) Is Chinese language more appropriate to express
and capture the flow of events? Chinese is quite different in structure and
grammar then westerner languages. In this language words have a dynamic
meaning. Words express more action than stable things. The Truth (Zhen) is
not a correspondence with an event, but the dynamic concept about how
things are changing in time and in space. The concept of “Nature” is Ziran
(something developing without any cause!) In Chinese any noun can become
a verb. By example, Dao become sometimes daoing (the action to seek the
truth, being on the road!) And there are many other words which can make
the mind able to observe connections and relations in the World’s net.
(Girardot, 1983)
So far, they can observe better the relationships then isolation, they can
accept community as a unity, they are less egoistic and much more modest
and they accept to work hard and have rest like Yin and Yang. It is seams that
Chinese Language has a daoist structure and makes understandable new
knowledge in term of process and relation.
4. Philosophical background for a Theory of Education
Some teachings of Dao De Jing have educational implication. One of the
most fundamental teachings is that human discriminations, such as true or
false in knowledge as also in morality (good, bad) and aesthetics (beauty,
ugly) generate the troubles and moral problems (ch. 3a). So, ethic is an
extinction of epistemology. Knowledge of natural lows are previous to
human and social lows. It is best to practice wu-wei in all endeavors, to act
naturally and not willfully try to oppose or tamper with how reality is
moving. The flow of event is the true knowledge, but not the stability. The
main core of a possible theory of education are the following sentences:
x Learning about relation and have dynamic point of view is the correct
educational attitude.
x Sages always think that everything is hard, so they work diligently in order
to have achievements.
x Mind as rational mind only cannot design the real world and description
is always lacking the true of the reality because that is changing
forever. We need an integrative view regarding the whole.
x Mankind must work with modesty in the vast creation of the Universe.
Be quite is a virtue of sage, not a sign of stupidity. Actually, stupid
people are pretending to possess the true and always speak lauder.
x To access the true of Nature (Zi Ran,) we must use quite mind
(meditation, deep reflection as better way then calculation) or
balancing work and relaxation as Yin and Yang.
x And most important teaching of Daoism is do not force anything. Act
accordingly the flow of natural processes, social events or
psychological and physical needs. This is the meaning of controversial
concept ”wu wei”, so much discussed in the literature on this topic.
Might be also view as ecological attitude that we can discover
nowadays (Barry, 2010).
1572 Maria Butucea / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 180 ( 2015 )
1569 – 1573
Compartivists authors (Chan, 1991; Maspero, 1981) emphasized that
Confucius and his followers wanted to change the world and be proactive in
setting things straight. They wanted to tamper, orchestrate, plan, educate,
develop, and propose solutions. Daoists take their hands off of life, and
Confucians want their fingerprints on everything. Imagine this comparison: If
the Daoist goal is to become like a piece of natural wood, authentic sincere,
according to himself, creative, the goal of the Confucians is to become a
carved sculpture. The Daoists put the piece of wood just as it is found, but
the Confucians polish it, shape it, and decorate it. Confucians think they can
engineer reality, understand it, name it, control it. But the Daoists think that
such endeavors are the source of our frustration and fragmentation (chs.
57,72). (Chan, 1991; Maspero, 1981)
In the past Daoism became a complete philosophy of life, reaching into
religion, social action, and individual health and physical well-being.
Nowadays Daoism is not dead. The natural abilities of mind are the some
from century, said the cognitivists, we only add new theory, new languages
which are only mind’s tools. (Miclea, 2003) Might be Daoist theory or
Chinese languages a new tool or instrument for better understanding the
Universe, teach and learn about it?
5. Daoist background as believes and behaviors in Chinese school
Living and teaching in China from some time now, reading and translating
some ancient text, we found, using also observation and interacting for long
time with students and teachers, that they have a deep philosophical
background. I will try to present briefly here some contemporary example
which can be interpreted as Dao philosophy roots for their style of life,
teaching and learning in contemporary schools:
x To be focus on connection more than on things. All examples in
textbooks, experiments are focus in connection of things and
evolution. When they are teaching about relationships they are
focused on examples like family, community, brotherhood and so on.
x Modesty of student and teacher. Chinese students are quite in the
classrooms and avoid to express them self. To be modest is considered a
Buddhist, Confucians advice, but it is repeated again and again in Dao De
Jing and in everyday life by parents and teachers. “Those who know don’t
speak, and those who don’t know speak lauder”. Therefore, the student
waits very quietly to be asked by teacher and after that give the answer,
doesn’t matter the topic. The arrogance, self-expression is blamed by
mats and by authorities. x Chinese students, children, teachers are very
diligent and practice again and again their tasks. Make effort is the key
point of their success. Lao Zi elucidated those concepts clearly in the 41st
Verse of the Dao De Jing: “When the best student hears of the Dao/he
strives with great effort to know it“. Practice means not only
memorization but is also applications, studies in different situation. They
work hard, following diligently every step, in details and never complain.
They never say “I am the best”, like westerner when have success, they
only say “I try to do this”. Diligent practice is the path to knowledge.
x Making a balance between work and rest and respect Yin Yang
processing. Language require semantic memory, so they more able to
recognize in context shapes, names and the meaning of a connection.
Yin and Yang expresses the balance in every school activity they must
do. They practice sport and martial art (see in Modern Curriculum)
and also meditation and music for relaxation.
6. Integrative vision
To be focus in connection, not only in separation is very important as attitude
in the process of knowledge in many subjects, so we can assume in our
theory of teaching and learning as well. We can improve the self-image of
students by sayings: Be yourself! Express yourself! in an American way, but
also we can assume that not all student can verbalize in the classroom, not all
of them work in team or assume the same principals of life style.
We should try to understand individuality before integrate in an universal
educational theory and design requirements. The hedonist vision in school is
not totally motivating state of mind for knowledge, therefore you assume that
working hard and take responsibility can led our students to achievements. It
might be many other possible points that we can learn from Chinese style of
thinking and from their philosophical background.
Maria Butucea / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 180 ( 2015 ) 1569 –
1573 1573
In short, after all we found and presented above, Chinese mind had a daoist
background; even they pretend and claim they have Confucian conception of
life or that are teaching, learning and behaving in a modern contemporary
style like western. Even they accept and learn English and western style of
life or whatever from western culture they still had a secret. They deeply
assumed a daoism. To make sense to themselves the western points of view,
they transform all western teaching and sciences in their own way of
understanding the word, accordingly to their ancestral tacit philosophy.
The reverse of the coin is also available: let’s start to better understand their
tacit hidden philosophy and exchange ideas about knowledge and education.
Daoism even mixed, absorbed in Confucianism or Buddhism is still alive.
Maybe this unconscious process at the hidden level of Chinese mind is less
studied by scholars and we must make some efforts using more appropriate
tools than observation and deduction in order to discover it.
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Miclea, M; Curşeu, P. ( 2003). Modele Neurocognitive, Editura ASCR, Cluj-
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Practical Approach. Published online: 20 January 2012 # Springer
Science+BusinessMedia B.V.
Judul Some Daoist Ideas-Background for
Contemporary Teaching and Education in
Pengarang Maria Butucea
Nama Jurnal Journal of the Philosophy of Sport
Volume, Issue,
Tahun, Halaman
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 180 (2015)
1569-1573. © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier
Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-
ND license.
Tujuan Penelitian Untuk mengetahui bahwa filsuf Cina, seperti Lao Zi, juga
menciptakan teori keberadaan tertinggi dan membuat teori
Metode Penelitian Membuat teori pengetahuan dengan nasihat etis.
Hasil dan
1) Wing-Tsit Chan mengklaim bahwa Taoisme sebagai
agama adalah kemunduran Taoisme sebagai filsafat dan itu
muncul sejak zaman para Guru Surgawi di akhir periode.
2) Untuk memisahkan filsafat dari agama hanyalah sudut
pandang barat dan tidak berhasil untuk pemikiran Cina.
3) Memprovokasi orang Barat untuk memisahkan filsafat
dan agama, setidaknya berasal dari periode filsafat Yunani
klasik, bukanlah bagian dari keasyikan Taois.
4) Dapat mempelajari latar belakang budaya untuk
pendidikan pada tingkat tersembunyi dari pikiran orang
Kesimpulan Mereka melestarikan perempuan (Yin), yang berarti bahwa
mereka tahu bagaimana menjadi reseptif dan tidak
seimbang mendukung pernyataan dan tindakan.
Keunggulan Penelitian berupa data lapangan yang diperoleh langsung
oleh dari sampel.
Kekurangan Menggunakan durasi waktu yang terlalu lama
Analisa yang cukup rumit
Jurnal diatas membahas serta mendekripsikan bahwa Wing-Tsit Chan
mengklaim bahwa Taoisme sebagai agama adalah kemunduran Taoisme sebagai
filsafat dan itu muncul sejak zaman para Guru Surgawi di akhir periode Han.
Taoisme adalah sebuah filsafat atau agama bukanlah sesuatu yang dapat kita
tanyakan tanpa memaksakan seperangkat pemahaman, prasangka, dan kualifikasi
yang tidak berlaku untuk Taoisme.
Sebagai penulis saya menyadari bahwa masih banyak kekurangan di dalam
makalah ini. Untuk kedepannya penulis akan menjelaskan secara detail dari sumber
yang lebih banyak.

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20 d 043_varendra daffa p_review jurnal 5

  • 2. i KATA PENGANTAR Puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah memberikan rahmat dan hidayah- Nya sehingga saya dapat menyelesaikan tugas makalah yang berjudul “Review Jurnal Internasional” ini tepat pada waktunya. Saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Bapak Dr. Made Pramono, M.Hum selaku dosen mata kuliah Filsafat dan Sejarah Olahraga yang telah memberikan tugas ini sehingga dapat menambah pengetahuan dan wawasan sesuai dengan bidang studi yang saya tekuni. Saya juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah membagi sebagian pengetahuannya sehingga saya dapat menyelesaikan makalah ini. Saya menyadari makalah yang saya tulis ini masih jauh dari kata sempurna. Oleh karena itu, kritik dan saran yang membangun akan saya harapkan demi kesempurnaan makalah ini. Ngawi, 19 Maret 2021 VARENDRA DAFFA PRATAMA
  • 3. ii DAFTAR ISI SAMPUL KATA PENGANTAR...............................................................................................i DAFTAR ISI.............................................................................................................ii BAB I.........................................................................................................................1 JURNAL....................................................................................................................1 BAB II........................................................................................................................10 REVIEW JURNAL..................................................................................................10 BAB III......................................................................................................................12 KESIMPULAN DAN SARAN ................................................................................12 DAFTAR PUSTAKA................................................................................................13
  • 4. 1 BAB I JURNAL Available online at ScienceDirect Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 180 ( 2015 ) 1569 – 1573 The 6th International Conference Edu World 2014 “Education Facing Contemporary World Issues”, 7th - 9th November 2014 Some Daoist ideas – Background for Contemporary Teaching and Education in China Maria Butucea* Teachers Training Department, Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest, Lacul Tei B-dv, No 124, cod. 020396 , Bucharest Abstract The academic point of view is that in China ancient and modern philosophers were focused on moral rather than in ontology or theory of knowledge. But we can figure out that Chinese philosophers, like Lao Zi, create also a theory of ultimate existence and made a theory of knowledge. Their style of making philosophy is different than ours, because their point of view is a holistic one. Trying to have a good explanation of differences in contemporary teaching and school behavior, we found some elements of Daoism. © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. ( under responsibility of The Association “).Education for tomorrow” / [Asociatia “Educatie pentru maine”]. Peer-review under responsibility of The Association “Education for tomorrow” / [Asociatia “Educatie pentru maine”]. Keywords: Chinese philosophy, theory of knowledge, education
  • 5. 2 1. Introduction Is Daoism a philosophy or a religion? The question is important to separate theory of knowledge by ethical advices. Wing-Tsit Chan claims that Daoism as religion is a degeneration of Daoism as philosophy and it was arising from the time of the Celestial Masters in the late Han period. He’s point of view was that Daoist philosophy (daojia) and * Corresponding author. Tel: +400734048286 e- mail: 1877-0428 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( nc-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of The Association “Education for tomorrow” / [Asociatia “Educatie pentru maine”]. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.02.308 1570 Maria Butucea / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 180 ( 2015 ) 1569 – 1573 Daoist religion (daojiao) are entirely different traditions. (Chan, 1967) Our interest is not to separate philosophy and religion. To separate philosophy from religion is only a western point of view and it doesn’t work for Chinese thinking. Daoshi (Daoist masters) offered insights we might call philosophical aphorism. (Bokenkamp, 1997) But they also practiced meditation and physical exercises, studied nature for diet and remedy, practiced rituals. (Robinet, 1997) The agenda that provoked Westerners to separate philosophy and religion, dating at least to the classical Greek period of philosophy, was not part of the preoccupation of Daoists. The question if Daoism is a philosophy or a religion is not one we can ask without imposing a set of understandings, presuppositions, and qualifications that do not apply to Daoism. But this is not a reason to discount the
  • 6. 3 importance of Daoist thought. (Chan, 1991) Quite to the contrary, it may be one of the most significant ideas that classical Daoism can contribute to the study of philosophical background of different culture and education in the present age. So, it is hard to separate ethical concepts from epistemological ones. Even so, and accepting the connection of them we can work out and find more. What we claim here is that we can study the cultural background for education at hidden level of Chinese mind. Nowadays is well known the role of cultural background for a integrative education and globalization. (Nisbett 2003/2004; Carje. 2012) Richard Nisbett in “The Geography of Though. How Asian and Westerns Think Differently and...Why?” has cited authors like Stich, Riegel and Basseches who had introduce the concept of de reflective equilibrium. (Nisbett 2003/2004) Our claim in this paper is to realize this kind reflective equilibrium following the diversity of way of thinking and after that to make the future integrative education. 2. Epistemology and Fundamental Concepts in Daoism European philosophy has long been dominated by questions of epistemology: What do we know? How do we know it? How can we justify our claims to knowledge? (Aristotel, 1961; Penrose, 1994) Chinese philosophy has been dominated instead by questions of change: why is there change rather than stability? What is the relationship between change and human action? Are there patterns of change that we can detect and use to our advantage? (Henricks, 1989, LaFargue, 1992) The concept of Dao means “road” is the ultimate reality and is often translated as “the way.” It might be used also the term of method. Is it a method for what? It is for understanding the world as it is or for moral purpose? It is well known that scholars agreed that moral is the main topic of Chinese philosophy, (Fried, 2012; Creel, 1970; Granet, 2006), but if Daoism asks some requirement for the sages’ behavior that must be at first something to be known or understand by them. It must be the structure of the Universe and after that the method, the way of understanding. (Hansen, 1992) So, according to Daoism, Dao is the process of reality itself, the way that things come together, while still transforming. Reality is a process. All this reflects the deep seated Chinese belief that not the stability, but the change is the most basic character of things. Dao, therefore, does not “do” anything, but, similar to gravity, it provides the context out of which potentiality actualizes from formless to form, from non-experienced to the experienced. The patterns of this change are symbolized by Yin and Yang as relations of correlative forces. Dao is the alteration of these qualitative forces. Yet, reality is not ordering into one unified whole. It is the 10,000 things (wanwu). There is the Dao, but not “the World” or “the Cosmos” in a Western sense. (Lin, 1977)
  • 7. 4 The book Dao De Jing, written by Lao Zi, teaches that humans cannot fathom the Dao, because any name we give to it cannot capture it. It is beyond what we can conceive (ch.1). Those who wu wei may become one with Dao, and thus “obtain the Dao”. ”Wu wei”, traditional rendering of it as “non-action” or “no action” is incorrect. Wu wei means something like “act naturally”, “effortless action,” or “non-willful action”. The ideal person, the sage (sheng ren), the real person (zhen ren) in the Dao De Jing, always wu wei. Let review some ideas of this book, necessary to make a scheme for theory of knowledge and father more the linking to education. x A central theme of the Dao De Jing is that correlatives are the expressions of the movement of Dao. Correlatives in Chinese philosophy are not opposites, mutually excluding each other. They represent the web and flow of the forces of reality: yin/yang, male/female; excess/defect; leading/following; active/passive. As one approaches the fullness of Yin or Yang, the other begins to horizon and emerges. x Internal alchemy or reflexive mind. Sages concentrate their internal energies (qi).They clean their vision (ch. 10). They manifest plainness and become like not carved wood (pu). (ch. 19) Sages know the value of Maria Butucea / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 180 ( 2015 ) 1569 – 1573 1571 emptiness, nonmaterial things as illustrated by how emptiness is used in a bowl, door, window, valley or canyon (ch. 11). x Us conscious and unconscious mind, rational and irrational mind, deduction and intuition as well, heart-mind (xin). They preserve the female (Yin), meaning that they know how to be receptive and are not unbalanced favoring assertion and action, the masculine (Yang) (ch. 28). They shoulder Yin and embrace Yang, blend internal energies (qi) and thereby attain harmony (he) (ch. 42). Those who are following the Dao use their heart-mind (xin) to “solve” or “figure out” life’s apparent knots and entanglements (ch. 55). x Respect the nature (like water). Neverdo nothing by force, but only following the flows of processes. Indeed, the Dao De Jing cautions that those who would try to do something with the world will fail, they will actually ruin it (ch. 29). x Sages do not engage in disputes and arguing, or try to prove their point (chs. 22, 81). They are like water (ch. 8), finding their own place, overcoming the hard and strong by suppleness (ch. 36). x Sages act with no expectation of reward (chs. 2, 51) and live in harmony. They put themselves last and yet come first (ch. 7). They never make a display of themselves, (chs. 72, 22). They create peace (ch. 32). Creatures do not harm them (chs. 50, 55). Soldiers do not kill them (ch. 50).
  • 8. 5 3. Chinese Language Ii is important to talk about language because Chinese language is a mind organizer. (Butucea, 2009) Is Chinese language more appropriate to express and capture the flow of events? Chinese is quite different in structure and grammar then westerner languages. In this language words have a dynamic meaning. Words express more action than stable things. The Truth (Zhen) is not a correspondence with an event, but the dynamic concept about how things are changing in time and in space. The concept of “Nature” is Ziran (something developing without any cause!) In Chinese any noun can become a verb. By example, Dao become sometimes daoing (the action to seek the truth, being on the road!) And there are many other words which can make the mind able to observe connections and relations in the World’s net. (Girardot, 1983) So far, they can observe better the relationships then isolation, they can accept community as a unity, they are less egoistic and much more modest and they accept to work hard and have rest like Yin and Yang. It is seams that Chinese Language has a daoist structure and makes understandable new knowledge in term of process and relation. 4. Philosophical background for a Theory of Education Some teachings of Dao De Jing have educational implication. One of the most fundamental teachings is that human discriminations, such as true or false in knowledge as also in morality (good, bad) and aesthetics (beauty, ugly) generate the troubles and moral problems (ch. 3a). So, ethic is an extinction of epistemology. Knowledge of natural lows are previous to human and social lows. It is best to practice wu-wei in all endeavors, to act naturally and not willfully try to oppose or tamper with how reality is moving. The flow of event is the true knowledge, but not the stability. The main core of a possible theory of education are the following sentences: x Learning about relation and have dynamic point of view is the correct educational attitude. x Sages always think that everything is hard, so they work diligently in order to have achievements. x Mind as rational mind only cannot design the real world and description is always lacking the true of the reality because that is changing forever. We need an integrative view regarding the whole. x Mankind must work with modesty in the vast creation of the Universe. Be quite is a virtue of sage, not a sign of stupidity. Actually, stupid people are pretending to possess the true and always speak lauder.
  • 9. 6 x To access the true of Nature (Zi Ran,) we must use quite mind (meditation, deep reflection as better way then calculation) or balancing work and relaxation as Yin and Yang. x And most important teaching of Daoism is do not force anything. Act accordingly the flow of natural processes, social events or psychological and physical needs. This is the meaning of controversial concept ”wu wei”, so much discussed in the literature on this topic. Might be also view as ecological attitude that we can discover nowadays (Barry, 2010). 1572 Maria Butucea / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 180 ( 2015 ) 1569 – 1573 Compartivists authors (Chan, 1991; Maspero, 1981) emphasized that Confucius and his followers wanted to change the world and be proactive in setting things straight. They wanted to tamper, orchestrate, plan, educate, develop, and propose solutions. Daoists take their hands off of life, and Confucians want their fingerprints on everything. Imagine this comparison: If the Daoist goal is to become like a piece of natural wood, authentic sincere, according to himself, creative, the goal of the Confucians is to become a carved sculpture. The Daoists put the piece of wood just as it is found, but the Confucians polish it, shape it, and decorate it. Confucians think they can engineer reality, understand it, name it, control it. But the Daoists think that such endeavors are the source of our frustration and fragmentation (chs. 57,72). (Chan, 1991; Maspero, 1981) In the past Daoism became a complete philosophy of life, reaching into religion, social action, and individual health and physical well-being. Nowadays Daoism is not dead. The natural abilities of mind are the some from century, said the cognitivists, we only add new theory, new languages which are only mind’s tools. (Miclea, 2003) Might be Daoist theory or Chinese languages a new tool or instrument for better understanding the Universe, teach and learn about it? 5. Daoist background as believes and behaviors in Chinese school Living and teaching in China from some time now, reading and translating some ancient text, we found, using also observation and interacting for long time with students and teachers, that they have a deep philosophical background. I will try to present briefly here some contemporary example which can be interpreted as Dao philosophy roots for their style of life, teaching and learning in contemporary schools: x To be focus on connection more than on things. All examples in textbooks, experiments are focus in connection of things and
  • 10. 7 evolution. When they are teaching about relationships they are focused on examples like family, community, brotherhood and so on. x Modesty of student and teacher. Chinese students are quite in the classrooms and avoid to express them self. To be modest is considered a Buddhist, Confucians advice, but it is repeated again and again in Dao De Jing and in everyday life by parents and teachers. “Those who know don’t speak, and those who don’t know speak lauder”. Therefore, the student waits very quietly to be asked by teacher and after that give the answer, doesn’t matter the topic. The arrogance, self-expression is blamed by mats and by authorities. x Chinese students, children, teachers are very diligent and practice again and again their tasks. Make effort is the key point of their success. Lao Zi elucidated those concepts clearly in the 41st Verse of the Dao De Jing: “When the best student hears of the Dao/he strives with great effort to know it“. Practice means not only memorization but is also applications, studies in different situation. They work hard, following diligently every step, in details and never complain. They never say “I am the best”, like westerner when have success, they only say “I try to do this”. Diligent practice is the path to knowledge. x Making a balance between work and rest and respect Yin Yang processing. Language require semantic memory, so they more able to recognize in context shapes, names and the meaning of a connection. Yin and Yang expresses the balance in every school activity they must do. They practice sport and martial art (see in Modern Curriculum) and also meditation and music for relaxation. 6. Integrative vision To be focus in connection, not only in separation is very important as attitude in the process of knowledge in many subjects, so we can assume in our theory of teaching and learning as well. We can improve the self-image of students by sayings: Be yourself! Express yourself! in an American way, but also we can assume that not all student can verbalize in the classroom, not all of them work in team or assume the same principals of life style. We should try to understand individuality before integrate in an universal educational theory and design requirements. The hedonist vision in school is not totally motivating state of mind for knowledge, therefore you assume that working hard and take responsibility can led our students to achievements. It might be many other possible points that we can learn from Chinese style of thinking and from their philosophical background. Maria Butucea / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 180 ( 2015 ) 1569 – 1573 1573
  • 11. 8 Conclusions In short, after all we found and presented above, Chinese mind had a daoist background; even they pretend and claim they have Confucian conception of life or that are teaching, learning and behaving in a modern contemporary style like western. Even they accept and learn English and western style of life or whatever from western culture they still had a secret. They deeply assumed a daoism. To make sense to themselves the western points of view, they transform all western teaching and sciences in their own way of understanding the word, accordingly to their ancestral tacit philosophy. The reverse of the coin is also available: let’s start to better understand their tacit hidden philosophy and exchange ideas about knowledge and education. Daoism even mixed, absorbed in Confucianism or Buddhism is still alive. Maybe this unconscious process at the hidden level of Chinese mind is less studied by scholars and we must make some efforts using more appropriate tools than observation and deduction in order to discover it. References Aristotel. (1961). Analitica secundă, Organon III, Editura ştiinţifică, Bucureşti. Barry, A. (2010). A Dao of Technology? Published online: 10 April 2010 # Springer Science+Business Media B.V. Bokenkamp, St. R. (1997). Early Daoist Scriptures. Berkeley: University of California Press. Butucea, M. (2009). „How language could work as a "logical organizer" of Chinese thinking style” în „Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi” Ed. Universitatea Tehnică Gh. Asachi, Iaşi - Romania, Socio-Umane 2009. pp. 37. Carje, V. (2012). Cultura si globalizare. Conspress. Bucharest. Chan, A. (1991). Two Visions of the Way: A Translation and Study of the Heshanggong and Wang Bi Commentaries on the Laozi. Albany: State University of New York Press. Chan, W. T. (1967). The story of Chinese philosophy in C. A. Moore (ed.), The Chinese Mind: Essentials of Chinese Philosophy and Culture. East-West Center Press. Honolulu. Fried, D. (2012). What’s in a Dao?: Ontology and Semiotics in Laozi and Zhuangzi. Published online: 27 October 2012 # Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht. Creel, H., G. (1970). What is Taoism? Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Girardot, N., J. (1983). Myth and Meaning in Early Taoism: The Theme of Chaos (hun-tun).Berkeley: University of California Press. Granet, M. (2006). Gândirea Chineză. Editura Herald. Bucureşti. Hansen, C. (1992). A Daoist Theory of Chinese Thought. New York: Oxford University Press. Henricks, R. (1989). Lao-Tzu: Te-Tao Ching. New York: Ballantine.
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  • 13. 10 BAB II REVIEW JURNAL Judul Some Daoist Ideas-Background for Contemporary Teaching and Education in China Pengarang Maria Butucea Nama Jurnal Journal of the Philosophy of Sport Volume, Issue, Tahun, Halaman Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 180 (2015) 1569-1573. © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC- ND license. Tujuan Penelitian Untuk mengetahui bahwa filsuf Cina, seperti Lao Zi, juga menciptakan teori keberadaan tertinggi dan membuat teori pengetahuan. Metode Penelitian Membuat teori pengetahuan dengan nasihat etis. Hasil dan Pembahasan 1) Wing-Tsit Chan mengklaim bahwa Taoisme sebagai agama adalah kemunduran Taoisme sebagai filsafat dan itu muncul sejak zaman para Guru Surgawi di akhir periode. 2) Untuk memisahkan filsafat dari agama hanyalah sudut pandang barat dan tidak berhasil untuk pemikiran Cina. 3) Memprovokasi orang Barat untuk memisahkan filsafat dan agama, setidaknya berasal dari periode filsafat Yunani klasik, bukanlah bagian dari keasyikan Taois. 4) Dapat mempelajari latar belakang budaya untuk pendidikan pada tingkat tersembunyi dari pikiran orang Tionghoa.
  • 14. 11 Kesimpulan Mereka melestarikan perempuan (Yin), yang berarti bahwa mereka tahu bagaimana menjadi reseptif dan tidak seimbang mendukung pernyataan dan tindakan. Keunggulan Penelitian berupa data lapangan yang diperoleh langsung oleh dari sampel. Kekurangan Menggunakan durasi waktu yang terlalu lama Analisa yang cukup rumit
  • 15. 12 BAB III KESIMPULAN DAN SARAN Kesimpulan Jurnal diatas membahas serta mendekripsikan bahwa Wing-Tsit Chan mengklaim bahwa Taoisme sebagai agama adalah kemunduran Taoisme sebagai filsafat dan itu muncul sejak zaman para Guru Surgawi di akhir periode Han. Taoisme adalah sebuah filsafat atau agama bukanlah sesuatu yang dapat kita tanyakan tanpa memaksakan seperangkat pemahaman, prasangka, dan kualifikasi yang tidak berlaku untuk Taoisme. Saran Sebagai penulis saya menyadari bahwa masih banyak kekurangan di dalam makalah ini. Untuk kedepannya penulis akan menjelaskan secara detail dari sumber yang lebih banyak.