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BE, Sem-3 (GTU) Subject: ETC Faculty: Ashok Pandya
1. Telephone etiquettes
2. Etiquettes for foreign business trips
3. Etiquettes for small talks
4. Respecting privacy
5. Learning to say NO
6. Time management
1. What are Telephone etiquettes?
Telephone etiquette means being respectful to the
person you are talking with, showing consideration
for the other person's limitations, allowing that
person time to speak, communicating clearly and
much, much more. Your voice must create a
pleasant visual impression over the telephone.
These are Telephone etiquettes.
1. Greeting
Just like a face to face conversation, the other
party in the telephonic conversation expects
you to open the conversation with a nice
It is suggested that you begin the phone call with an appropriate greeting like Good
morning/Afternoon depending on which time of the day you are calling.
Do not answer by using words such as "yeah" or "yes."
BE, Sem-3 (GTU) Subject: ETC Faculty: Ashok Pandya
2. Take permission and be polite
A polite word or two always helps in bringing warmth into the conversation.
While it is very important to take permission to speak to the person you have intended to call,
one should always remember to use a polite tone.
Use phrase like "May I please speak with___________".
Remember to be sensitive to the tone of your voice.
Do not sound overly aggressive or pushy.
It is important your tone conveys authority and confidence.
Do not lean back in your chair when speaking on the telephone.
Try to record your own conversations. You will then hear how your sound to others.
3. Identify self and the organisation
The most common mistake that people make during a phone is call not identifying oneself.
It is considered inappropriate and can also lead to miscommunication, always introduce
yourself before getting into any conversation; telephonic or face to face -- that's the thumb
4. Clarity
The good old 7Cs of communication will always have an impact on how you converse with
people, very important to remember and include the first "C" i.e being clear.
Do not use broken phrases.
Always use a clear, crisp and simple language.
5. Purpose of the call
Before making a phone call, be sure of the purpose of the call.
Think through exactly what you plan to say and practice before you place the call.
Jotting down the items you want to discuss and questions you want answered can help in
making a smooth conversation
BE, Sem-3 (GTU) Subject: ETC Faculty: Ashok Pandya
6. Know your timeline and keep it short
While speaking on phone, you are not in front of the other party; hence it is very important
to ask if the receiver has enough time to speak to you.
Respect the person's time and ensure that the conversation gets completed within the given
7. Avoid fillers and keep it interesting
Filler words -- like um and uh -- are never written into a speech, and add nothing when a
speaker utters them.
During a telephonic conversation, a filler word sends a signal to the other person which says
"I'm still thinking, and I'm not willing to pass the conversation back to you just yet."
This only conveys that you are confused and still thinking of what to say next.
8. Smile through the phone
Keep a 'smile in your voice.'
Sound upbeat and enthusiastic about the chance to speak with the caller.
Adults pay more attention to the tone of your voice than they do to the words you use.
9. Find some quiet place
Communicating over the telephone is much more effective when both parties can hear each
other clearly without background noise.
Plan to make your call, whether it's for work or just to catch up with an old friend, at a time
in which you are not required to attend to any other business and ensure that there is no
disturbance around.
Blaring noises, such as the television or road traffic can interfere with both your listening and
communication skills, making it difficult for a conversation.
10. Summarise, paraphrase and close
There are various benefits of summarising and paraphrasing, it helps you to reaffirm what
was discussed during the phone call.
So if there is any information which needs to be changed or altered, the other party has an
opportunity to add on.
BE, Sem-3 (GTU) Subject: ETC Faculty: Ashok Pandya
Always end the call with a pleasantry like -- "It was pleasure speaking with you" or "You have
a nice day."
Telephone is an important device with the help of which people separated by distance can
easily interact and exchange their ideas. Got a brilliant idea and want to convey it to your
friend staying out of the country, use the telephone. Telephone is one of the easiest and
cheapest modes of communication.
2. Discuss Visits of foreign counterparts
"Respect and know the differences that each place 'works' with socially - it's more important
than your product or service."
To succeed in the world of business, it becomes mandatory to understand the business of
the world. While you might be a champion in business in your home country, there are a
few things one must remember when taking your business international. A few etiquettes
can take you a long way but a slight misreading of actions can cost your business a fortune
Firstly, if you’re visiting a
prospective affiliate or anyone
for that matter, bringing a gift
is not only appreciable but
also mandatory. Moreover,
the gift you offer will be
refused a couple of times
before it is actually accepted.
Showing eagerness for a
present is considered a bad
BE, Sem-3 (GTU) Subject: ETC Faculty: Ashok Pandya
Shaking hands is the acceptable way of greeting. A hug or kiss, quite common practice
in Western World, might be taken as offense. Also, once the meeting has ended, you
are expected to allow your affiliates to leave first.
Patience is an extremely important virtue among
Russians; punctuality is not. While you might be
expected to be on time, your counterpart might
arrive (fashionably) late. This, however, is
compensated by their patience. A meeting
could last for hours and one must be
prepared to sit till the end, as there is no such
thing as leaving fashionably early.
Alcohol is very much a part of these meeting (to
everyone’s delight) and denying taking a drink could be taken as
offence. So is talking with your hands in pocket.
Japanese take business cards very seriously. On
you first meeting with your Japanese
counterpart, remember to bring loads of
business cards, printed both in
English and Japanese. These
business card represent your
business, therefore any form of
disrespect to them, is disrespect to
the business. DO NOT fold, tear,
play or write on the card.
Another very important thing is how
you greet them. Not every person will be
comfortable with a handshake on the first
meeting. To play it safe, learn the Japanese bow. If the handshake is
initiated from the other end, only then should you go for it.
Hierarchy is an important part of Japanese culture and the same is followed when seated.
Generally, the eldest person will lead the meeting, so follow their lead. Do not sit until directed
or when everyone else is standing. It’s rude and might lead to them forming the wrong
impression about your organization.
BE, Sem-3 (GTU) Subject: ETC Faculty: Ashok Pandya
Germans are not known for
their humour and pulling the
same in the interview might
go unappreciated. Joking in a
business meeting is less
likely to be taken as funny,
but more offensive. It is a
measure of seriousness you
have for your business.
Expect pure bluntness and no
personal questions. Business
for them is business and
should stay that way.
Globalisation and online work are the fastest ways to grow your business, but cultural
differences result in different sets of business etiquette and ethical practices from
country to country, region to region.
3. Explain Etiquettes for foreign business trips
some business people, etiquette might seem to be a simple case of using your common sense
and showing good manners but to conduct yourself correctly, you need to be watchful and
mindful in all that you do as a lack of regard towards business etiquette can ruin business
relationships and in worse case scenarios, it can actually mean the difference between
obtaining thousands of pounds worth of business or your company being overlooked entirely.
Dress Appropriately At All Times
Business trips can often be a combination of work with the
occasional bit of ‘pleasure and leisure’ thrown in. You
might find yourself in a boardroom of directors in the
morning, followed by an afternoon on the golf course and
attending a lavish ball in the evening. Therefore, in addition
to making sure you have the full lowdown on the trip’s
itinerary, make sure that you pack the appropriate clothes
to accompany each part of the itinerary.
your attire should acknowledge the fact that you are on a
business trip, whether you’re flying to a meeting abroad,
playing golf with business guests or attending a
BE, Sem-3 (GTU) Subject: ETC Faculty: Ashok Pandya
magnificent ball. Remember, all elements of a business trip will have some connection,
however tenuous, to the business at hand.
Even on the golf course, business is likely to be discussed to some degree at some point and
you’re always going to be meeting new people, many of whom may have a direct or indirect
bearing on the success of your business trip so when choosing clothing for each occasion, bear
that in mind as first impressions really do count.
Be Preferably Early & Never Late At All Times
Even for something as relatively informal as a casual business lunch – always try to get there
5 or 10 minutes early. It will not only allow you to familiarise yourself with the surroundings
and to find out those all important things like where and how to order lunch and where the
bathroom is, it will allow you time to compose yourself in readiness to greet your guests.
Never be late, however. This is extremely important as some business people are often very
busy indeed and although you might have perceived the lunch to be more of a casual, social
situation with a bit of business thrown in, your guests might be extremely busy and may only
have half an hour to spare so being late can throw things off course and ruin a business
relationship as well as showing a total disregard towards accepted business etiquette. Of
course, being late might sometimes be unavoidable but if that’s the case, make sure you let
your other guests know immediately.
Maintain a Professional Manner & Watch Your ‘Ps and Qs’
One of the biggest mistakes that are often made when it comes to business etiquette is when
people let down their guard at the more social events. Whilst you may be used to adopting a
professional business-like manner in the boardroom, many people find that they switch off at
things like golf afternoons or at a dinner dance. Therefore, although it’s right and proper to
be friendly, don’t become overfamiliar with people you hardly know.
Things like telling risqué jokes, using bad language, you’ve had one too many alcoholic drinks
can often ruin all of the hard work you’ve put in previously. As long as you remember that
you’re representing the company from the moment you head off on the trip to the moment
you get back to the office, this should stand you in good stead when it comes to proper
Remember, you’re still on your company’s time on a business trip. That means that your
duties and responsibilities are to your employer. Even when you have time off, it can be a
risky strategy to forget this and to be found in places where, perhaps, you should not be
You’re never quite certain who you might bump into on a business trip nor where or when
and in what circumstances and you’d be surprised how news of any misdemeanours or
inappropriate behaviour can get back to the office seemingly at the speed of light so it's
important that you conduct yourself correctly at all times.
There are other articles contained on this website which go into more depth about certain
specifics surrounding business etiquette such as the correct way to conduct yourself at a
BE, Sem-3 (GTU) Subject: ETC Faculty: Ashok Pandya
business lunch to the numerous differences surrounding acceptable business etiquette
abroad when you’re travelling on business overseas where good manners and etiquette can
often be perceived very differently. Improper business etiquette abroad has been responsible
for losing some companies huge amounts of money in lost business.
Therefore, it cannot emphasised highly enough that in addition to good behaviour and
manners you should approach any business trip by doing your homework first and finding out
what’s on the agenda and then ensure that you’re familiar with what you need to do (and not
do) to enhance both your own and your company’s reputation.
4 Write a short note on Etiquettes for small talks
“Small talk isn’t just about being gregarious or entertaining, it is a gesture of respect.” Brett
Nelson, “Forbes”
There is nothing small about small talk. Small talk is an important people skill. It’s an important
executive skill. It’s the first step in connecting with others and forging lasting and meaningful
relationships in business. It is an easy way to get to know someone, create a positive first
impression, and gain self-confidence.
The following ten tips will help you master the art of small talk:
Have approachable body language: open stance, eye contact, and smile. Casual eye contact
and a warm friendly smile demonstrate your interest and desire to communicate.
Take the initiative and be the first to say hello. Be the first to introduce yourself and ask an
open-ended question. This not only demonstrates confidence and shows interest in the other
person, but it gives you an opportunity to guide the conversation.
Begin with statements or questions about the immediate environment, situation, weather,
how the person arrived at your location, et cetera. A compliment is also a great way to start
a conversation.
Be well-informed and prepared. Read newspapers and news magazines to be knowledgeable
about what is going on in the world. Go prepared with topics or experiences to discuss that
you think will be of interest to the persons you will be meeting.
Focus on the other person and less on yourself. This will help you feel less self-conscious, and
make the other person feel important.
Do listen. Control internal and external distractions. Be present; watch the tendency to
daydream. Truly listening to another person is the highest compliment you can pay them.
BE, Sem-3 (GTU) Subject: ETC Faculty: Ashok Pandya
Keep the tone light and positive until you find a topic in which you are both interested.
Discuss general-interest subjects such as movies, theatre, sports, books, movies, food, travel
and hobbies. It demonstrates to others that you are approachable and friendly.
Think before you speak. It makes you appear thoughtful; and it may help you avoid a faux pas,
or saying something that is better left unsaid.
Always close a conversation before walking away from the other person by using a graceful
exit line; don’t simply melt from conversations. “It’s been great talking with you. I really
enjoyed hearing about…”
Avoid these subjects with others you don’t know very well:
Your health or diet habits.
The cost of things.
Personal questions.
Mean gossip.
Off-color jokes.
Controversial issues, such as politics or religion, when you don’t know the others in the
group.There are times when you can't prevent the conversation going toward an
uncomfortable topic, and there are a couple of ways you can handle it. You can quickly change
the subject and hope the person takes the hint. Or you can simply say, "Let's not discuss this
5- Explain Importance of respecting privacy in business
Why does privacy matter? Often courts and commentators struggle to articulate why
privacy is valuable. They see privacy violations as often slight annoyances. But privacy
matters a lot more than that. Here are 10 reasons why privacy matters.
1. Limit on Power
Privacy is a limit on government power, as well as the power of private sector companies.
The more someone knows about us, the more power they can have over us. Personal data is
used to make very important decisions in our lives. Personal data can be used to affect our
reputations; and it can be used to influence our decisions and shape our behavior. It can be
used as a tool to exercise control over us. And in the wrong hands, personal data can be
used to cause us great harm.
BE, Sem-3 (GTU) Subject: ETC Faculty: Ashok Pandya
2. Respect for Individuals
Privacy is about respecting individuals. If a person has a reasonable desire to keep
something private, it is disrespectful to ignore that person’s wishes without a compelling
reason to do so. Of course, the desire for privacy can conflict with important values, so
privacy may not always win out in the balance. Sometimes people’s desires for privacy are
just brushed aside because of a view that the harm in doing so is trivial. Even if this doesn’t
cause major injury, it demonstrates a lack of respect for that person. In a sense it is saying:
“I care about my interests, but I don’t care about yours.”
3. Reputation Management
Privacy enables people to manage their reputations. How we are judged by others affects
our opportunities, friendships, and overall well-being. Although we can’t have complete
control over our reputations, we must have some ability to protect our reputations from
being unfairly harmed. Protecting reputation depends on protecting against not only
falsehoods but also certain truths. Knowing private details about people’s lives doesn’t
necessarily lead to more accurate judgment about people. People judge badly, they judge in
haste, they judge out of context, they judge without hearing the whole story, and they judge
with hypocrisy. Privacy helps people protect themselves from these troublesome
4. Maintaining Appropriate Social Boundaries
People establish boundaries from others in society. These boundaries are both physical and
informational. We need places of solitude to retreat to, places where we are free of the
gaze of others in order to relax and feel at ease. We also establish informational boundaries,
and we have an elaborate set of these boundaries for the many different relationships we
have. Privacy helps people manage these boundaries. Breaches of these boundaries can
create awkward social situations and damage our relationships. Privacy is also helpful to
reduce the social friction we encounter in life. Most people don’t want everybody to know
everything about them – hence the phrase “none of your business.” And sometimes we
don’t want to know everything about other people — hence the phrase “too much
5. Trust
In relationships, whether personal, professional, governmental, or commercial, we depend
upon trusting the other party. Breaches of confidentiality are breaches of that trust. In
professional relationships such as our relationships with doctors and lawyers, this trust is
key to maintaining candor in the relationship. Likewise, we trust other people we interact
with as well as the companies we do business with. When trust is breached in one
relationship, that could make us more reluctant to trust in other relationships.
6. Control Over One’s Life
Personal data is essential to so many decisions made about us, from whether we get a loan,
a license or a job to our personal and professional reputations. Personal data is used to
BE, Sem-3 (GTU) Subject: ETC Faculty: Ashok Pandya
determine whether we are investigated by the government, or searched at the airport, or
denied the ability to fly. Indeed, personal data affects nearly everything, including what
messages and content we see on the Internet. Without having knowledge of what data is
being used, how it is being used, the ability to correct and amend it, we are virtually helpless
in today’s world. Moreover, we are helpless without the ability to have a say in how our
data is used or the ability to object and have legitimate grievances be heard when data uses
can harm us. One of the hallmarks of freedom is having autonomy and control over our
lives, and we can’t have that if so many important decisions about us are being made in
secret without our awareness or participation.
7. Freedom of Thought and Speech
Privacy is key to freedom of thought. A watchful eye over everything we read or watch can
chill us from exploring ideas outside the mainstream. Privacy is also key to protecting
speaking unpopular messages. And privacy doesn’t just protect fringe activities. We may
want to criticize people we know to others yet not share that criticism with the world. A
person might want to explore ideas that their family or friends or colleagues dislike.
8. Freedom of Social and Political Activities
Privacy helps protect our ability to associate with other people and engage in political
activity. A key component of freedom of political association is the ability to do so with
privacy if one chooses. We protect privacy at the ballot because of the concern that failing
to do so would chill people’s voting their true conscience. Privacy of the associations and
activities that lead up to going to the voting booth matters as well, because this is how we
form and discuss our political beliefs. The watchful eye can disrupt and unduly influence
these activities.
9. Ability to Change and Have Second Chances
Many people are not static; they change and grow throughout their lives. There is a great
value in the ability to have a second chance, to be able to move beyond a mistake, to be
able to reinvent oneself. Privacy nurtures this ability. It allows people to grow and mature
without being shackled with all the foolish things they might have done in the past.
Certainly, not all misdeeds should be shielded, but some should be, because we want to
encourage and facilitate growth and improvement.
10. Not Having to Explain or Justify Oneself
An important reason why privacy matters is not having to explain or justify oneself. We may
do a lot of things which, if judged from afar by others lacking complete knowledge or
understanding, may seem odd or embarrassing or worse. It can be a heavy burden if we
constantly have to wonder how everything we do will be perceived by others and have to be
at the ready to explain.
BE, Sem-3 (GTU) Subject: ETC Faculty: Ashok Pandya
5- Explain Importance of saying ‘No’ in corporate.
“When you say ‘yes’ to others, make sure you’re
not saying ‘no’ to yourself.
- Paulo Coelho
Sometimes saying “yes” at work is the way to go.
Yes to that new project, yes to more responsibility,
and yes to that promotion you’ve been eyeing.
But other times, you need to decline. No, you’re too
busy, no you’re not interested, or no, you don’t want
to work until all hours of the night. Of course, how you
phrase your reply makes a big difference. “No, that idea
sucks,” is quite different from, “No, I’d like to take a different approach.”
With that in mind, here are four kinds of people you need to say “no” to at work—and
diplomatic ways to do it.
1. To Your Boss
Your supervisor asks if you’re able to take on a little more work, but the thing is—you can’t.
You’re up to your ears in other projects and you like eating dinner before 9 PM (at your
apartment, not at your desk).
It can be a little intimidating to push back when your boss asks you to do something. Skip
the flat, “no” or an awkward, passive aggressive, “Well, umm, see I would, it’s just you’ve
assigned me so much work in the past two weeks that I’m busy working on everything else
you asked, so I, uhh, don’t think I can.”
Instead, try, “Thank you so much for thinking of me for this, but I was planning to spend this
week working on [name of other projects].”
This approach works for a couple of reasons. First, it’s flattering that your manager thought
of you (after all, you want to be top of mind when new, exciting projects come along!).
Second, if your boss knows this new task is more important, it invites him to say, “Let’s push
those other projects to the backburner,” and make sure you’re on the same page as far as
priorities go.
2. To Your Co-worker
Your co-worker asks you to help her with a pet project that you have very little expertise (or
interest) in. Now, if you have time, you might want to consider helping anyhow, because
BE, Sem-3 (GTU) Subject: ETC Faculty: Ashok Pandya
you’ll strengthen your relationship with your colleague and be seen as someone who’s
willing to pitch in.
But if you’re set on turning the opportunity down, just be sure to skip a fake excuse about
how you would help if only you weren’t so swamped. If you say that, but then take on other
new projects, she’ll know you were uninterested (and lied).
Instead, try something closer to the real reason. It looks like this: “I appreciate you asking
me, Julie. That sounds like an exciting initiative. Unfortunately, I’m terrible with social
media: I have a Twitter page I never use and I can’t even begin to understand Periscope, so
I’m afraid I wouldn’t be much help.”
6- Discuss importance of Time management
Time management can have a huge effect on your
performance and productivity in the workplace.
Not only will it make you a more efficient
employee, but it will also help you meet deadlines,
produce better quality work and develop yourself.
This is hugely important if you want to get yourself
noticed at work and take the next step in your
career. Effective time management skills will make
you a much better employee, so it’s worth
developing these skills early on.
Why Time Management is Important in the Workplace
There are so many reasons why time management is important at work. It is one of the most sought
after qualities for employees to have, and with good reason. Managers need to be able to assess their
workers’ productivity and make sure they are getting the most out of their employees. Not only is it
good for business, but it is also a skill that can be of benefit to the workers themselves.
Time is Money
You’ve heard it before, ‘time is money’ and it’s true. Everyone is given the same amount of time in a
day and it is up to you to make the best use of your time. If you waste time at work, it means you are
getting less work done, which in turn costs the company money. Employers will want to get their
money’s worth out of their workers, so be sure to earn your wage by making the most out of your
working hours.
Set Your Priorities in Order
Effective time management will mean you prioritise your tasks efficiently so that you focus on the
most important and time-pressed tasks first. The last thing you want to do is waste time on things that
don’t matter and then rush the things that do.
Deliver on Time
By focusing on the high priority tasks first you will also ensure that you meet deadlines and deliver
your work on time. If you have agreed to complete a job by a certain time, then you need to ensure
BE, Sem-3 (GTU) Subject: ETC Faculty: Ashok Pandya
that you deliver on that promise. If you don’t, then you can potentially lose out on important clients
or customers, or even lose your job.
Improve Efficiency and Productivity
Having the right time management skills will make you a more efficient and productive worker. That
is because you are not wasting time on menial tasks and are completing your work in the quickest
time possible. That does not mean you rush your work and forego on quality, it just means that you
are making the best use of the time you have been given.
Provide Better Quality Work
Since you are prioritising your tasks effectively and not wasting valuable time, you will be sure to
provide a higher standard of work. This is because you are able to put all of your focus into the task
and give it all the time and attention it requires. As you are not getting distracted by other things, or
stressing about everything that needs to be done, you can produce your best standard possible.
Make Better Decisions
When people are in a rush and are pressured to complete work, they are more likely to make reckless
decisions that haven’t been well thought out. When you manage your time effectively, you also have
more time to consider important decisions that will allow you to make the best choices possible.
Eliminate Procrastination
It’s so easy to get distracted by other things and put off work when it’s something you don’t really
enjoy doing, or when you’re not sure how to confront a certain task. When you have a set schedule
you know you have to stick to, you can help to eliminate procrastination and face the task head on.
Reduce Stress and Anxiety
People often get stressed out when they feel they have too much work to do and not enough time to
do it. Not only will it waste a lot of time, but it can also be detrimental to your health. Health problems
such as heart disease, depression, obesity and autoimmune diseases can be caused or worsened by
the effects of stress. Avoid this by having a system in place that you know will allow you to get the
work completed on time. Having a routine that you know you can trust will make all the difference
and alleviate any anxiety you might otherwise feel.
Improve Your Work/Life Balance
Having good time management skills is not only important at work, but it can also have a positive
effect on your life outside the office. The better you manage your time and work, the more productive
you are, which means you don’t have to stay late to get everything completed on time. That means
you have more time to dedicate to yourself. As you feel calmer and less stressed out, you won’t bring
all that negativity into your household which can have a negative effect on your relationships.
Break Bad Habits
Taking control of your routine and schedule will help you avoid stepping into the same familiar traps
that can have a negative effect on your work. By being more conscious of the time you have and how
long certain tasks should take to complete, you can set yourself achievable targets that will allow you
BE, Sem-3 (GTU) Subject: ETC Faculty: Ashok Pandya
to stay on track. It also means that you are more likely to identify bad habits and break that cycle. This
includes things like wasting time checking your Facebook, or avoiding work you don’t want to do.
Create a Fair Workplace
If you make sure that you are managing your time as best as you can, then you can help create a fair
workplace where everyone is producing the same standard of work and nobody is holding the team
back. Employees tend to harbour resentment towards those they feel are not putting the same
amount of effort into their work as they are. You can avoid this by ensuring that all your workers are
working to the same volume or a time-based target so it is easier to judge how well everyone is
How Can You Improve Time Management?
There are various techniques you can use to improve your time management skills at work. This
includes coming up with a routine and setting targets and deadlines for you to meet. It also means
taking a closer look at how you work and what areas you need to improve. If there are certain steps
or processes you can take out to work more efficiently, then this is something that needs to be
Effective time management can have a hugely positive impact on your work and your life in general.
Taking the time to develop these skills can be a great asset and make you a better employee, so
make sure that you do what you can to improve this.

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  • 1. BE, Sem-3 (GTU) Subject: ETC Faculty: Ashok Pandya Chapter-5 1. Telephone etiquettes 2. Etiquettes for foreign business trips 3. Etiquettes for small talks 4. Respecting privacy 5. Learning to say NO 6. Time management 1. What are Telephone etiquettes? Introduction Telephone etiquette means being respectful to the person you are talking with, showing consideration for the other person's limitations, allowing that person time to speak, communicating clearly and much, much more. Your voice must create a pleasant visual impression over the telephone. These are Telephone etiquettes. 1. Greeting Just like a face to face conversation, the other party in the telephonic conversation expects you to open the conversation with a nice greeting. It is suggested that you begin the phone call with an appropriate greeting like Good morning/Afternoon depending on which time of the day you are calling. Do not answer by using words such as "yeah" or "yes."
  • 2. BE, Sem-3 (GTU) Subject: ETC Faculty: Ashok Pandya 2. Take permission and be polite A polite word or two always helps in bringing warmth into the conversation. While it is very important to take permission to speak to the person you have intended to call, one should always remember to use a polite tone. Use phrase like "May I please speak with___________". Remember to be sensitive to the tone of your voice. Do not sound overly aggressive or pushy. It is important your tone conveys authority and confidence. Do not lean back in your chair when speaking on the telephone. Try to record your own conversations. You will then hear how your sound to others. 3. Identify self and the organisation The most common mistake that people make during a phone is call not identifying oneself. It is considered inappropriate and can also lead to miscommunication, always introduce yourself before getting into any conversation; telephonic or face to face -- that's the thumb rule! 4. Clarity The good old 7Cs of communication will always have an impact on how you converse with people, very important to remember and include the first "C" i.e being clear. Do not use broken phrases. Always use a clear, crisp and simple language. 5. Purpose of the call Before making a phone call, be sure of the purpose of the call. Think through exactly what you plan to say and practice before you place the call. Jotting down the items you want to discuss and questions you want answered can help in making a smooth conversation
  • 3. BE, Sem-3 (GTU) Subject: ETC Faculty: Ashok Pandya 6. Know your timeline and keep it short While speaking on phone, you are not in front of the other party; hence it is very important to ask if the receiver has enough time to speak to you. Respect the person's time and ensure that the conversation gets completed within the given timeline. 7. Avoid fillers and keep it interesting Filler words -- like um and uh -- are never written into a speech, and add nothing when a speaker utters them. During a telephonic conversation, a filler word sends a signal to the other person which says "I'm still thinking, and I'm not willing to pass the conversation back to you just yet." This only conveys that you are confused and still thinking of what to say next. 8. Smile through the phone Keep a 'smile in your voice.' Sound upbeat and enthusiastic about the chance to speak with the caller. Adults pay more attention to the tone of your voice than they do to the words you use. 9. Find some quiet place Communicating over the telephone is much more effective when both parties can hear each other clearly without background noise. Plan to make your call, whether it's for work or just to catch up with an old friend, at a time in which you are not required to attend to any other business and ensure that there is no disturbance around. Blaring noises, such as the television or road traffic can interfere with both your listening and communication skills, making it difficult for a conversation. 10. Summarise, paraphrase and close There are various benefits of summarising and paraphrasing, it helps you to reaffirm what was discussed during the phone call. So if there is any information which needs to be changed or altered, the other party has an opportunity to add on.
  • 4. BE, Sem-3 (GTU) Subject: ETC Faculty: Ashok Pandya Always end the call with a pleasantry like -- "It was pleasure speaking with you" or "You have a nice day." Conclusion Telephone is an important device with the help of which people separated by distance can easily interact and exchange their ideas. Got a brilliant idea and want to convey it to your friend staying out of the country, use the telephone. Telephone is one of the easiest and cheapest modes of communication. 2. Discuss Visits of foreign counterparts Introduction "Respect and know the differences that each place 'works' with socially - it's more important than your product or service." To succeed in the world of business, it becomes mandatory to understand the business of the world. While you might be a champion in business in your home country, there are a few things one must remember when taking your business international. A few etiquettes can take you a long way but a slight misreading of actions can cost your business a fortune too. China Firstly, if you’re visiting a prospective affiliate or anyone for that matter, bringing a gift is not only appreciable but also mandatory. Moreover, the gift you offer will be refused a couple of times before it is actually accepted. Showing eagerness for a present is considered a bad manner.
  • 5. BE, Sem-3 (GTU) Subject: ETC Faculty: Ashok Pandya Shaking hands is the acceptable way of greeting. A hug or kiss, quite common practice in Western World, might be taken as offense. Also, once the meeting has ended, you are expected to allow your affiliates to leave first. Russia Patience is an extremely important virtue among Russians; punctuality is not. While you might be expected to be on time, your counterpart might arrive (fashionably) late. This, however, is compensated by their patience. A meeting could last for hours and one must be prepared to sit till the end, as there is no such thing as leaving fashionably early. Alcohol is very much a part of these meeting (to everyone’s delight) and denying taking a drink could be taken as offence. So is talking with your hands in pocket. Japan Japanese take business cards very seriously. On you first meeting with your Japanese counterpart, remember to bring loads of business cards, printed both in English and Japanese. These business card represent your business, therefore any form of disrespect to them, is disrespect to the business. DO NOT fold, tear, play or write on the card. Another very important thing is how you greet them. Not every person will be comfortable with a handshake on the first meeting. To play it safe, learn the Japanese bow. If the handshake is initiated from the other end, only then should you go for it. Hierarchy is an important part of Japanese culture and the same is followed when seated. Generally, the eldest person will lead the meeting, so follow their lead. Do not sit until directed or when everyone else is standing. It’s rude and might lead to them forming the wrong impression about your organization.
  • 6. BE, Sem-3 (GTU) Subject: ETC Faculty: Ashok Pandya Germany Germans are not known for their humour and pulling the same in the interview might go unappreciated. Joking in a business meeting is less likely to be taken as funny, but more offensive. It is a measure of seriousness you have for your business. Expect pure bluntness and no personal questions. Business for them is business and should stay that way. Conclusion Globalisation and online work are the fastest ways to grow your business, but cultural differences result in different sets of business etiquette and ethical practices from country to country, region to region. 3. Explain Etiquettes for foreign business trips Introduction: some business people, etiquette might seem to be a simple case of using your common sense and showing good manners but to conduct yourself correctly, you need to be watchful and mindful in all that you do as a lack of regard towards business etiquette can ruin business relationships and in worse case scenarios, it can actually mean the difference between obtaining thousands of pounds worth of business or your company being overlooked entirely. Dress Appropriately At All Times Business trips can often be a combination of work with the occasional bit of ‘pleasure and leisure’ thrown in. You might find yourself in a boardroom of directors in the morning, followed by an afternoon on the golf course and attending a lavish ball in the evening. Therefore, in addition to making sure you have the full lowdown on the trip’s itinerary, make sure that you pack the appropriate clothes to accompany each part of the itinerary. your attire should acknowledge the fact that you are on a business trip, whether you’re flying to a meeting abroad, playing golf with business guests or attending a
  • 7. BE, Sem-3 (GTU) Subject: ETC Faculty: Ashok Pandya magnificent ball. Remember, all elements of a business trip will have some connection, however tenuous, to the business at hand. Even on the golf course, business is likely to be discussed to some degree at some point and you’re always going to be meeting new people, many of whom may have a direct or indirect bearing on the success of your business trip so when choosing clothing for each occasion, bear that in mind as first impressions really do count. Be Preferably Early & Never Late At All Times Even for something as relatively informal as a casual business lunch – always try to get there 5 or 10 minutes early. It will not only allow you to familiarise yourself with the surroundings and to find out those all important things like where and how to order lunch and where the bathroom is, it will allow you time to compose yourself in readiness to greet your guests. Never be late, however. This is extremely important as some business people are often very busy indeed and although you might have perceived the lunch to be more of a casual, social situation with a bit of business thrown in, your guests might be extremely busy and may only have half an hour to spare so being late can throw things off course and ruin a business relationship as well as showing a total disregard towards accepted business etiquette. Of course, being late might sometimes be unavoidable but if that’s the case, make sure you let your other guests know immediately. Maintain a Professional Manner & Watch Your ‘Ps and Qs’ One of the biggest mistakes that are often made when it comes to business etiquette is when people let down their guard at the more social events. Whilst you may be used to adopting a professional business-like manner in the boardroom, many people find that they switch off at things like golf afternoons or at a dinner dance. Therefore, although it’s right and proper to be friendly, don’t become overfamiliar with people you hardly know. Things like telling risqué jokes, using bad language, you’ve had one too many alcoholic drinks can often ruin all of the hard work you’ve put in previously. As long as you remember that you’re representing the company from the moment you head off on the trip to the moment you get back to the office, this should stand you in good stead when it comes to proper etiquette. Remember, you’re still on your company’s time on a business trip. That means that your duties and responsibilities are to your employer. Even when you have time off, it can be a risky strategy to forget this and to be found in places where, perhaps, you should not be found. You’re never quite certain who you might bump into on a business trip nor where or when and in what circumstances and you’d be surprised how news of any misdemeanours or inappropriate behaviour can get back to the office seemingly at the speed of light so it's important that you conduct yourself correctly at all times. There are other articles contained on this website which go into more depth about certain specifics surrounding business etiquette such as the correct way to conduct yourself at a
  • 8. BE, Sem-3 (GTU) Subject: ETC Faculty: Ashok Pandya business lunch to the numerous differences surrounding acceptable business etiquette abroad when you’re travelling on business overseas where good manners and etiquette can often be perceived very differently. Improper business etiquette abroad has been responsible for losing some companies huge amounts of money in lost business. Conclusion Therefore, it cannot emphasised highly enough that in addition to good behaviour and manners you should approach any business trip by doing your homework first and finding out what’s on the agenda and then ensure that you’re familiar with what you need to do (and not do) to enhance both your own and your company’s reputation. 4 Write a short note on Etiquettes for small talks Introduction “Small talk isn’t just about being gregarious or entertaining, it is a gesture of respect.” Brett Nelson, “Forbes” There is nothing small about small talk. Small talk is an important people skill. It’s an important executive skill. It’s the first step in connecting with others and forging lasting and meaningful relationships in business. It is an easy way to get to know someone, create a positive first impression, and gain self-confidence. The following ten tips will help you master the art of small talk: Have approachable body language: open stance, eye contact, and smile. Casual eye contact and a warm friendly smile demonstrate your interest and desire to communicate. Take the initiative and be the first to say hello. Be the first to introduce yourself and ask an open-ended question. This not only demonstrates confidence and shows interest in the other person, but it gives you an opportunity to guide the conversation. Begin with statements or questions about the immediate environment, situation, weather, how the person arrived at your location, et cetera. A compliment is also a great way to start a conversation. Be well-informed and prepared. Read newspapers and news magazines to be knowledgeable about what is going on in the world. Go prepared with topics or experiences to discuss that you think will be of interest to the persons you will be meeting. Focus on the other person and less on yourself. This will help you feel less self-conscious, and make the other person feel important. Do listen. Control internal and external distractions. Be present; watch the tendency to daydream. Truly listening to another person is the highest compliment you can pay them.
  • 9. BE, Sem-3 (GTU) Subject: ETC Faculty: Ashok Pandya Keep the tone light and positive until you find a topic in which you are both interested. Discuss general-interest subjects such as movies, theatre, sports, books, movies, food, travel and hobbies. It demonstrates to others that you are approachable and friendly. Think before you speak. It makes you appear thoughtful; and it may help you avoid a faux pas, or saying something that is better left unsaid. Always close a conversation before walking away from the other person by using a graceful exit line; don’t simply melt from conversations. “It’s been great talking with you. I really enjoyed hearing about…” Avoid these subjects with others you don’t know very well: Your health or diet habits. The cost of things. Personal questions. Mean gossip. Off-color jokes. Controversial issues, such as politics or religion, when you don’t know the others in the group.There are times when you can't prevent the conversation going toward an uncomfortable topic, and there are a couple of ways you can handle it. You can quickly change the subject and hope the person takes the hint. Or you can simply say, "Let's not discuss this anymore." 5- Explain Importance of respecting privacy in business Why does privacy matter? Often courts and commentators struggle to articulate why privacy is valuable. They see privacy violations as often slight annoyances. But privacy matters a lot more than that. Here are 10 reasons why privacy matters. 1. Limit on Power Privacy is a limit on government power, as well as the power of private sector companies. The more someone knows about us, the more power they can have over us. Personal data is used to make very important decisions in our lives. Personal data can be used to affect our reputations; and it can be used to influence our decisions and shape our behavior. It can be used as a tool to exercise control over us. And in the wrong hands, personal data can be used to cause us great harm.
  • 10. BE, Sem-3 (GTU) Subject: ETC Faculty: Ashok Pandya 2. Respect for Individuals Privacy is about respecting individuals. If a person has a reasonable desire to keep something private, it is disrespectful to ignore that person’s wishes without a compelling reason to do so. Of course, the desire for privacy can conflict with important values, so privacy may not always win out in the balance. Sometimes people’s desires for privacy are just brushed aside because of a view that the harm in doing so is trivial. Even if this doesn’t cause major injury, it demonstrates a lack of respect for that person. In a sense it is saying: “I care about my interests, but I don’t care about yours.” 3. Reputation Management Privacy enables people to manage their reputations. How we are judged by others affects our opportunities, friendships, and overall well-being. Although we can’t have complete control over our reputations, we must have some ability to protect our reputations from being unfairly harmed. Protecting reputation depends on protecting against not only falsehoods but also certain truths. Knowing private details about people’s lives doesn’t necessarily lead to more accurate judgment about people. People judge badly, they judge in haste, they judge out of context, they judge without hearing the whole story, and they judge with hypocrisy. Privacy helps people protect themselves from these troublesome judgments. 4. Maintaining Appropriate Social Boundaries People establish boundaries from others in society. These boundaries are both physical and informational. We need places of solitude to retreat to, places where we are free of the gaze of others in order to relax and feel at ease. We also establish informational boundaries, and we have an elaborate set of these boundaries for the many different relationships we have. Privacy helps people manage these boundaries. Breaches of these boundaries can create awkward social situations and damage our relationships. Privacy is also helpful to reduce the social friction we encounter in life. Most people don’t want everybody to know everything about them – hence the phrase “none of your business.” And sometimes we don’t want to know everything about other people — hence the phrase “too much information.” 5. Trust In relationships, whether personal, professional, governmental, or commercial, we depend upon trusting the other party. Breaches of confidentiality are breaches of that trust. In professional relationships such as our relationships with doctors and lawyers, this trust is key to maintaining candor in the relationship. Likewise, we trust other people we interact with as well as the companies we do business with. When trust is breached in one relationship, that could make us more reluctant to trust in other relationships. 6. Control Over One’s Life Personal data is essential to so many decisions made about us, from whether we get a loan, a license or a job to our personal and professional reputations. Personal data is used to
  • 11. BE, Sem-3 (GTU) Subject: ETC Faculty: Ashok Pandya determine whether we are investigated by the government, or searched at the airport, or denied the ability to fly. Indeed, personal data affects nearly everything, including what messages and content we see on the Internet. Without having knowledge of what data is being used, how it is being used, the ability to correct and amend it, we are virtually helpless in today’s world. Moreover, we are helpless without the ability to have a say in how our data is used or the ability to object and have legitimate grievances be heard when data uses can harm us. One of the hallmarks of freedom is having autonomy and control over our lives, and we can’t have that if so many important decisions about us are being made in secret without our awareness or participation. 7. Freedom of Thought and Speech Privacy is key to freedom of thought. A watchful eye over everything we read or watch can chill us from exploring ideas outside the mainstream. Privacy is also key to protecting speaking unpopular messages. And privacy doesn’t just protect fringe activities. We may want to criticize people we know to others yet not share that criticism with the world. A person might want to explore ideas that their family or friends or colleagues dislike. 8. Freedom of Social and Political Activities Privacy helps protect our ability to associate with other people and engage in political activity. A key component of freedom of political association is the ability to do so with privacy if one chooses. We protect privacy at the ballot because of the concern that failing to do so would chill people’s voting their true conscience. Privacy of the associations and activities that lead up to going to the voting booth matters as well, because this is how we form and discuss our political beliefs. The watchful eye can disrupt and unduly influence these activities. 9. Ability to Change and Have Second Chances Many people are not static; they change and grow throughout their lives. There is a great value in the ability to have a second chance, to be able to move beyond a mistake, to be able to reinvent oneself. Privacy nurtures this ability. It allows people to grow and mature without being shackled with all the foolish things they might have done in the past. Certainly, not all misdeeds should be shielded, but some should be, because we want to encourage and facilitate growth and improvement. 10. Not Having to Explain or Justify Oneself An important reason why privacy matters is not having to explain or justify oneself. We may do a lot of things which, if judged from afar by others lacking complete knowledge or understanding, may seem odd or embarrassing or worse. It can be a heavy burden if we constantly have to wonder how everything we do will be perceived by others and have to be at the ready to explain. Source:
  • 12. BE, Sem-3 (GTU) Subject: ETC Faculty: Ashok Pandya 5- Explain Importance of saying ‘No’ in corporate. “When you say ‘yes’ to others, make sure you’re not saying ‘no’ to yourself. - Paulo Coelho Sometimes saying “yes” at work is the way to go. Yes to that new project, yes to more responsibility, and yes to that promotion you’ve been eyeing. But other times, you need to decline. No, you’re too busy, no you’re not interested, or no, you don’t want to work until all hours of the night. Of course, how you phrase your reply makes a big difference. “No, that idea sucks,” is quite different from, “No, I’d like to take a different approach.” With that in mind, here are four kinds of people you need to say “no” to at work—and diplomatic ways to do it. 1. To Your Boss Your supervisor asks if you’re able to take on a little more work, but the thing is—you can’t. You’re up to your ears in other projects and you like eating dinner before 9 PM (at your apartment, not at your desk). It can be a little intimidating to push back when your boss asks you to do something. Skip the flat, “no” or an awkward, passive aggressive, “Well, umm, see I would, it’s just you’ve assigned me so much work in the past two weeks that I’m busy working on everything else you asked, so I, uhh, don’t think I can.” Instead, try, “Thank you so much for thinking of me for this, but I was planning to spend this week working on [name of other projects].” This approach works for a couple of reasons. First, it’s flattering that your manager thought of you (after all, you want to be top of mind when new, exciting projects come along!). Second, if your boss knows this new task is more important, it invites him to say, “Let’s push those other projects to the backburner,” and make sure you’re on the same page as far as priorities go. 2. To Your Co-worker Your co-worker asks you to help her with a pet project that you have very little expertise (or interest) in. Now, if you have time, you might want to consider helping anyhow, because
  • 13. BE, Sem-3 (GTU) Subject: ETC Faculty: Ashok Pandya you’ll strengthen your relationship with your colleague and be seen as someone who’s willing to pitch in. But if you’re set on turning the opportunity down, just be sure to skip a fake excuse about how you would help if only you weren’t so swamped. If you say that, but then take on other new projects, she’ll know you were uninterested (and lied). Instead, try something closer to the real reason. It looks like this: “I appreciate you asking me, Julie. That sounds like an exciting initiative. Unfortunately, I’m terrible with social media: I have a Twitter page I never use and I can’t even begin to understand Periscope, so I’m afraid I wouldn’t be much help.” 6- Discuss importance of Time management Time management can have a huge effect on your performance and productivity in the workplace. Not only will it make you a more efficient employee, but it will also help you meet deadlines, produce better quality work and develop yourself. This is hugely important if you want to get yourself noticed at work and take the next step in your career. Effective time management skills will make you a much better employee, so it’s worth developing these skills early on. Why Time Management is Important in the Workplace There are so many reasons why time management is important at work. It is one of the most sought after qualities for employees to have, and with good reason. Managers need to be able to assess their workers’ productivity and make sure they are getting the most out of their employees. Not only is it good for business, but it is also a skill that can be of benefit to the workers themselves. Time is Money You’ve heard it before, ‘time is money’ and it’s true. Everyone is given the same amount of time in a day and it is up to you to make the best use of your time. If you waste time at work, it means you are getting less work done, which in turn costs the company money. Employers will want to get their money’s worth out of their workers, so be sure to earn your wage by making the most out of your working hours. Set Your Priorities in Order Effective time management will mean you prioritise your tasks efficiently so that you focus on the most important and time-pressed tasks first. The last thing you want to do is waste time on things that don’t matter and then rush the things that do. Deliver on Time By focusing on the high priority tasks first you will also ensure that you meet deadlines and deliver your work on time. If you have agreed to complete a job by a certain time, then you need to ensure
  • 14. BE, Sem-3 (GTU) Subject: ETC Faculty: Ashok Pandya that you deliver on that promise. If you don’t, then you can potentially lose out on important clients or customers, or even lose your job. Improve Efficiency and Productivity Having the right time management skills will make you a more efficient and productive worker. That is because you are not wasting time on menial tasks and are completing your work in the quickest time possible. That does not mean you rush your work and forego on quality, it just means that you are making the best use of the time you have been given. Provide Better Quality Work Since you are prioritising your tasks effectively and not wasting valuable time, you will be sure to provide a higher standard of work. This is because you are able to put all of your focus into the task and give it all the time and attention it requires. As you are not getting distracted by other things, or stressing about everything that needs to be done, you can produce your best standard possible. Make Better Decisions When people are in a rush and are pressured to complete work, they are more likely to make reckless decisions that haven’t been well thought out. When you manage your time effectively, you also have more time to consider important decisions that will allow you to make the best choices possible. Eliminate Procrastination Procrastination It’s so easy to get distracted by other things and put off work when it’s something you don’t really enjoy doing, or when you’re not sure how to confront a certain task. When you have a set schedule you know you have to stick to, you can help to eliminate procrastination and face the task head on. Reduce Stress and Anxiety People often get stressed out when they feel they have too much work to do and not enough time to do it. Not only will it waste a lot of time, but it can also be detrimental to your health. Health problems such as heart disease, depression, obesity and autoimmune diseases can be caused or worsened by the effects of stress. Avoid this by having a system in place that you know will allow you to get the work completed on time. Having a routine that you know you can trust will make all the difference and alleviate any anxiety you might otherwise feel. Improve Your Work/Life Balance Having good time management skills is not only important at work, but it can also have a positive effect on your life outside the office. The better you manage your time and work, the more productive you are, which means you don’t have to stay late to get everything completed on time. That means you have more time to dedicate to yourself. As you feel calmer and less stressed out, you won’t bring all that negativity into your household which can have a negative effect on your relationships. Break Bad Habits Taking control of your routine and schedule will help you avoid stepping into the same familiar traps that can have a negative effect on your work. By being more conscious of the time you have and how long certain tasks should take to complete, you can set yourself achievable targets that will allow you
  • 15. BE, Sem-3 (GTU) Subject: ETC Faculty: Ashok Pandya to stay on track. It also means that you are more likely to identify bad habits and break that cycle. This includes things like wasting time checking your Facebook, or avoiding work you don’t want to do. Create a Fair Workplace If you make sure that you are managing your time as best as you can, then you can help create a fair workplace where everyone is producing the same standard of work and nobody is holding the team back. Employees tend to harbour resentment towards those they feel are not putting the same amount of effort into their work as they are. You can avoid this by ensuring that all your workers are working to the same volume or a time-based target so it is easier to judge how well everyone is progressing. How Can You Improve Time Management? There are various techniques you can use to improve your time management skills at work. This includes coming up with a routine and setting targets and deadlines for you to meet. It also means taking a closer look at how you work and what areas you need to improve. If there are certain steps or processes you can take out to work more efficiently, then this is something that needs to be considered. Effective time management can have a hugely positive impact on your work and your life in general. Taking the time to develop these skills can be a great asset and make you a better employee, so make sure that you do what you can to improve this.