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No 122 (2023)
Sciences of Europe
(Praha, Czech Republic)
ISSN 3162-2364
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Frequency: 24 issues per year.
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Chief editor: Petr Bohacek
Managing editor: Michal Hudecek
• Jiří Pospíšil (Organic and Medicinal Chemistry) Zentiva
• Jaroslav Fähnrich (Organic Chemistry) Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
• Smirnova Oksana K., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department of History
(Moscow, Russia);
• Rasa Boháček – Ph.D. člen Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze
• Naumov Jaroslav S., MD, Ph.D., assistant professor of history of medicine and the social
sciences and humanities. (Kiev, Ukraine)
• Viktor Pour – Ph.D. člen Univerzita Pardubice
• Petrenko Svyatoslav, PhD in geography, lecturer in social and economic geography.
(Kharkov, Ukraine)
• Karel Schwaninger – Ph.D. člen Vysoká škola báňská – Technická univerzita Ostrava
• Kozachenko Artem Leonidovich, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department
of History (Moscow, Russia);
• Václav Pittner -Ph.D. člen Technická univerzita v Liberci
• Dudnik Oleg Arturovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, De-
partment of Physical and Mathematical management methods. (Chernivtsi, Ukraine)
• Konovalov Artem Nikolaevich, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Chair of General Psy-
chology and Pedagogy. (Minsk, Belarus)
«Sciences of Europe» -
Editorial office: Křižíkova 384/101 Karlín, 186 00 Praha
Gaziyev A.
CLASSES Eucalyptus Sideroxylon A. Gunn, PLANTS IN
ABSHERON PENINSULA...............................................3
Sultanov M.
INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS ........................................8
Ersay B., Aliyeva G.
Garlitska N.
HORBACHEVSKY TNMU.............................................18
Kolumbet A.
ON PHYSICAL CULTURE AND SPORT..........................22
Mykolaiko V.
EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS .......................................26
Dobroskok S.
COMMUNICATIVE TOLERANCE.................................30
Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023) 3
Eucalyptus Sideroxylon A. Gunn, PLANTS IN ABSHERON PENINSULA
Gaziyev A.,
Doctor of Philosophy of Biology, head of the laboratory,
Orcid id: 0000-0002-8636-2832
Hasanova M.,
Doctor of Philosophy of Biology, head of the laboratory
Mirjalalli I.,
distinguished scientific worker
Alakbarov R.,
Doctor of Philosophy of Biology, head of the laboratory,
Orcid 0000-0002-4411-5112
Babayev M.,
Md., Senior scientific worker
Gurbanova D.
Senior scientific worker
The Dendrology Institution of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8213826
This study aimed to investigate the photosynthesis rates of Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. leaves over a
year using the Plant Photosynthesis Meter 3051C. The photosynthesis rates of juvenile, mature, and aged leaves
were measured at least three times a month during mid-morning. The results showed that there was a significant
difference in photosynthesis rates among the different age classes, with aged leaves exhibiting the highest photo-
synthesis rate and mature leaves exhibiting the lowest. The study found that there were seasonal patterns in pho-
tosynthesis rates, with the highest rates observed during summer and the lowest during winter. These findings
suggest that environmental factors such as temperature and geography of area may play role in determining the
photosynthesis rates of Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. leaves. Overall, this study provides important insights
into the factors that influence the photosynthesis rates of this species and could be useful in informing future
research and management strategies.
Keywords: Photosynthesis, plant physiology, Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn., infrared gas analysis, age-
class differences.
Photosynthesis is a vital process that enables
plants to convert sunlight into energy-rich organic com-
pounds, providing the foundation for nearly all life on
Earth [5,7]. Eucalyptus trees are among the most im-
portant sources of biomass and wood products in the
world [8,10], and their ability to perform photosynthe-
sis efficiently has significant ecological and economic
implications. In this study, we measured the photosyn-
thesis rates of Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. leaves
over the course of a year using a plant photosynthesis
meter 3051C. Our goal was to better understand how
the photosynthetic capacity of this species changes over
time and to identify any seasonal patterns in photosyn-
thesis rates. By gaining a more complete understanding
of photosynthesis in Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn.,
we can develop strategies for improving their growth
and productivity, which has important implications for
forestry and carbon sequestration efforts.
Material and Methods
The Plant Photosynthesis Meter 3051C is a porta-
ble instrument used to measure the rate of photosynthe-
sis in plants. [1] It operates on the principle of infrared
gas analysis, which involves measuring the exchange
of carbon dioxide and water vapor between the leaf and
the surrounding atmosphere. The 3051C features a
small, handheld chamber that is placed over a leaf to
measure the exchange of gases in real-time. The instru-
ment records the concentration of carbon dioxide and
water vapor in the chamber and calculates the rate of
photosynthesis based on the change in these concentra-
tions over time [3,4].
In our study, we used the Plant Photosynthesis
Meter 3051C to measure the photosynthesis rates of
Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. leaves over the course
of a year. We selected one individual juvenile, mature
and aged Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. trees grow-
ing in the same area and measured the photosynthesis
rates of one fully-expanded leaf from each tree at least
three times a month over the course of a year. We took
measurements at mid-morning, when photosynthesis
rate is typically highest. To ensure consistency, we used
the same instrument operator and followed a standard-
ized protocol for placing the chamber over the leaf and
collecting the data.
The data collected by the 3051C allowed us to
quantify the rate of photosynthesis in Eucalyptus side-
oxylon A. Gunn. leaves over time and to identify any
seasonal patterns in photosynthesis rates. By using this
instrument to track changes in photosynthesis rates
over a year, we are able to gain a comprehensive under-
standing of how this species responds to variations in
light, temperature, and other environmental factors.
The study was conducted in the Absheron Penin-
sula, where a population of Eucalyptus sideroxylon A.
4 Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023)
Gunn. plants was chosen as the focal species [12]. A
suitable study site was selected based on the presence
of a diverse range of age classes within the population.
The site provided a representative sample of the spe-
cies’ growth and allowed for accurate classification of
different age groups [12].
Height or size-based classification: To classify the
Eucalyptus sideroxylonn A. Gunn. plants into different
age classes, a height or size-based approach was
adopted. This method leveraged the correlation be-
tween the plant’s height or size and its age, considering
that younger trees tend to be shorter or have smaller
trunk diameters compared to older individuals. The
height was recorded as the vertical distance from the
ground level to the highest point of the tree, excluding
any branches and foliage. In addition to height, the
trunk diameter or circumference was measured using a
measuring tape. The measurement was taken at a stand-
ardized height from the ground, typically 1.3 meters
above the base of the tree.
Based on the height and size measurements, the
Eucalyptus sideroxlyon A. Gunn. plants were catego-
rized into three age classes: juvenile, mature, and aged.
The specific criteria for each age class were established
prior to data collection, considering the expected
growth patterns and age ranges observed in previous
studies or literature on the species [12,13].
Over the course of the year, we measured the pho-
tosynthesis rates of Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn.
leaves using Plant Photosynthesis Meter 3051C. To ex-
amine potential differences in photosynthesis rates
among different age classes of Eucalyptus sideroxylon
A. Gunn., we measured photosynthesis rates in leaves
from juvenile, mature, and aged trees. Our data re-
vealed a wide range of photosynthesis rates.
Graph 1: Mean photosynthesis dynamics for Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. leaves in Winter
During the winter season, the mean photosynthe-
sis rate of juvenile Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn.
leaves was 7.6 µmol CO2/m2
/s, while for mature leaves
it was -5.9 µmol CO2/m2
/s, and for aged leaves it was
16.6 µmol CO2/m2
/s. This indicates that there is a sig-
nificant difference in photosynthesis rates among the
different age classes, with aged leaves exhibiting the
highest photosynthesis rate and mature leaves exhibit-
ing the lowest. (Graph 1.). These results are not con-
sistent with previous studies that have found that juve-
nile leaves generally have higher photosynthesis rates
than mature and aged leaves. The lower photosynthesis
rate in mature and juvenile leaves could be due to a
range of factors, including temperature, geography of
area and etc.
Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. (juvenile)
Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. (mature)
Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. (aged)
Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023) 5
Graph 2: Mean photosynthesis dynamics for Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. leaves in spring.
During spring season, the mean photosynthesis
rate of juvenile Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. leaves
was -3.9 CO2/m2
/s, while for mature leaves it was -1.3
/s, and for aged leaves it was 5 CO2/m2
/s. This
indicates that there is a significant difference in photo-
synthesis rates among the different age classes, with
aged leaves exhibiting the highest photosynthesis rate
and juvenile leaves exhibiting the lowest (Graph 2.).
These results are not consistent with previous studies
that have found that juvenile leaves generally have
higher photosynthesis rates than mature and aged
leaves. The lower photosynthesis rate in mature and ju-
venile leaves could be due to a range of factors, includ-
ing temperature, geography of area and etc.
Graph 3: Mean photosynthesis dynamics for Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. leaves in Summer
Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. (juvenile)
Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. (mature)
Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. (juvenile)
Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. (mature)
Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. (aged)
6 Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023)
During the summer season, the mean photosynthe-
sis rate of juvenile Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn.
leaves was 6 CO2/m2
/s, while for mature leaves it was
5.6 CO2/m2
/s, and for aged leaves it was 3.5 CO2/m2
This indicates that there is a significant difference in
photosynthesis rates among the different age classes,
with juvenile leaves exhibiting the highest photosyn-
thesis rate and aged leaves exhibiting the lowest. These
results are consistent with previous studies that have
found that juvenile leaves generally have higher photo-
synthesis rates than mature and aged leaves. The higher
photosynthesis rates in juvenile leaves could be due to
a number of factors, including higher chlorophyll con-
tent, increased leaf surface area and etc.
Graph 4: Mean photosynthesis dynamics for Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. leaves in Autumn
During the autumn season, the mean photosynthe-
sis rate of juvenile Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn.
leaves was 0,7 CO2/m2
/s, while for mature leaves it was
-2.3 CO2/m2
/s, and for aged leaves it was 3.8 CO2/m2
This indicates that there is a significant difference in
photosynthesis rate among the different age classes,
with aged leaves exhibiting the highest photosynthesis
rate and mature leaves exhibiting the lowest. These re-
sults are not consistent with previous studies that have
found that juvenile leaves generally have higher photo-
synthesis rates than mature and aged leaves. The lower
photosynthesis rates in juvenile and mature leaves
could be due to a range of factors, including tempera-
ture, geography of area and etc.
Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use
light energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into
glucose and oxygen [5]. It is a vital process for all
plants, as it provides the energy they need to grow and
survive. Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn., commonly
known as mugga ironbark, is a species of eucalyptus
tree that is native to Australia [1]. Like all plants, Eu-
calyptus sideoxylon A. Gunn. relies on photosynthesis
to produce the energy it needs to survive and grow. Nu-
merous studies have investigated the photosynthesis
rates of Eucalyptus sideoxylon A. Gunn. leaves, and
have found that they are influenced by variety of fac-
tors, including temperature, light intensity, and leaf age
[1, 2, 3, 5]. In particular, leaf age has been shown to be
a significant factor in determining photosynthesis rates,
with juvenile leaves generally exhibiting higher rates
than mature and aged leaves.
In this study, we utilized the Plant Photosynthesis
Meter 3051C to measure the photosynthesis rates of
Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. leaves over the course
of a year. Our measurements included one individual
juvenile, mature and aged tree from the same area, with
photosynthesis rates of one fully-expanded leaf from
each tree being taken at least three times a month. Our
data was collected at mid-morning to ensure con-
sistency, and we followed a standardized protocol for
placing the chamber over the leaf and collecting the
data [1,8,11].
Using the data collected by the 3051C, we were
able to identify any seasonal patterns in photosynthesis
rates for Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. By tracking
changes in photosynthesis rates over a year, we gained
a comprehensive understanding of how this species re-
sponds to variations in light, temperature, and other en-
vironmental factors. Our results indicated a wide range
of photosynthesis rates among different age classes,
with aged leaves exhibiting the highest photosynthesis
rates and mature leaves exhibiting lowest.
During the winter season, there was a significant
difference in photosynthesis rates among the different
age classes, with aged leaves exhibiting the highest
Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. (juvenile)
Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. (mature)
Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. (aged)
Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023) 7
photosynthesis rate and mature leaves exhibiting the
lowest. These results are not consistent with previous
studies that have found that juvenile leaves generally
have higher photosynthesis rates than mature and aged
leaves. The lower photosynthesis rates in mature and
juvenile leaves could be due to a range of factors, in-
cluding temperature and geography of the area.
In the spring season, there was also a significant
difference in photosynthesis rates among the different
age classes, with aged leaves exhibiting the highest
photosynthesis rate and juvenile leaves exhibiting the
lowest. These results are not consistent with previous
studies that have found that juvenile leaves generally
have higher photosynthesis rates than mature and aged
leaves. The lower photosynthesis rates in mature and
juvenile leaves could be due to a range of factors, in-
cluding temperature and geography of the area.
During the summer season, the results were con-
sistent with previous studies that have found that juve-
nile leaves generally have higher photosynthesis rate
than mature and aged leaves., with juvenile leaves ex-
hibiting the highest photosynthesis rate and aged leaves
exhibiting the lowest. The higher photosynthesis rates
in juvenile leaves could be due to a number of factors,
including higher chlorophyll content and increased leaf
surface area.
Finally, during the autumn season, there was a sig-
nificant difference in photosynthesis rates among the
different age classes, with aged leaves exhibiting the
highest photosynthesis rate and mature leaves exhibit-
ing the lowest. These results are not consistent with pre-
vious studies that have found that juvenile leaves gen-
erally have higher photosynthesis rates in juvenile and
mature leaves could be due to a range of factors, includ-
ing temperature and geography of the area.
Negative Pn in Plant Photosynthesis Meter 3051C
refers to the decrease or consumption of CO2 during
plant respiration, which results in a reduction in the net
rate of photosynthesis [9]. The negative value of Pn in-
dicates that the rate of CO2 uptake by the plant is less
than the rate of CO2 release through respiration. This
phenomenon can be observed in conditions where the
rate of respiration in the plant exceeds the rate of pho-
tosynthesis or in situations where environmental factors
such as low light intensity or high temperature nega-
tively impact photosynthesis. Accurate measurements
of Pn are critical for evaluating the photosynthetic per-
formance of plants and understanding their response to
changing environmental conditions [9].
Overall, our study provides valuable insights into
the photosynthesis rates of Eucalyptus sideroxylon A.
Gunn. and their response to seasonal variations in envi-
ronmental factors. These findings could potentially in-
form future studies on plant physiology and could have
implications for ecosystem management and conserva-
tion efforts.
In conclusion. The Plant Photosynthesis Meter
3051C is a useful tool for measuring the rate of photo-
synthesis in plants, allowing researchers to quantify
changes in photosynthesis rates over time and identify
seasonal patterns. In this study, the 3051C was used to
measure the photosynthesis rates of Eucalyptus sider-
oxylon A. Gunn. leaves from different age classes over
the course of a year. The results showed that there were
significant differences in photosynthesis rates among
the age classes, with juvenile leaves exhibiting the
highest photosynthesis rates during summer and aged
leaves exhibiting the highest rates during winter and au-
tumn. These findings provide valuable insights into the
physiological responses of Eucalyptus sideroxylon A.
Gunn. to environmental variations and may have impli-
cations for forest management and conservation efforts.
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8 Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023)
Sultanov M.
PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Accounting.
Tashkent State University of Economics. Tashkent
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8213832
The activities of banks were systematically studied as institutional investors in the securities market in the
article. In the article, since commercial banks operating in our country are supposed to gradually increase the
minimum amount of authorized capital to five hundred billion soums until 2025 in accordance with the current
legislation, the tasks that Uzbekistan needs to implement within the framework of the banking system reform
strategy and the development strategy have been researched. In order to improve the investment activity of banks,
the shares issued as issuers in the securities market, their share among institutional investors, and the current situ-
ation of the contribution of large joint-stock companies are studied in the article. It was studied the strategy for
reforming the banking system of Uzbekistan with the support of international financial institutions, the provision
of gradual privatization of State shares in “Uzsanoatqurilishbank”, “Asaka” “Ipoteka-Bank”, “Alaqabank”, “Qish-
loq qurilish bank” and “Turonbank”, which are considered large banks in Uzbekistan in terms of the amount of
capital and assets, the volume of credit and deposit portfolios.
Keywords: stock market, institutional investor, banks, commercial bank, investment banks, investment
funds, ordinary share, preferred share, "Tashkent" RFB. deposits, capitalization.
Introduction. Institutional investors operate in
the stock market of economically developed countries,
and their services are mainly used by banks, insurance
companies, pension and investment funds. In this case,
commercial banks can also participate as an issuer by
issuing securities, as an investment intermediary in the
formation of acceptable categories of equity investment
(mainly mutual) funds in stock market trading, and as
an investor in stock market trading. By supporting the
technical and technological renewal of the economy of
our republic, sharply increasing its competitiveness, in-
creasing the export potential, establishing new enter-
prises based on innovative and energy-saving technol-
ogies, and financing enterprises producing new types of
products in demand in the world market, the banking
system is responsible for the consistent implementation
of the state investment policy making a decent contri-
The stock market also creates an opportunity for
commercial banks to attract additional capital. They
can attract authorized capital from the issue of securi-
ties, and money for the formation of credit resources.
Commercial banks operating in our country today, in
accordance with the current legislation [1], the mini-
mum amount of bank charter capital will be one hun-
dred billion soums from September 1, 2023. In the fu-
ture, it is proposed to make additions to Article 13 of
the Law "On Banks and Banking Activities" in order to
increase the minimum amount of bank charter capital
to five hundred billion soums by 2025. At the same
time, it is established that the authorized capital of the
bank will be formed in the national currency of the Re-
public of Uzbekistan, and it will be formed from the
money contributed by the founders and shareholders of
the bank or from the state's securities. This indicates
that commercial banks are not only involved in the for-
mation of authorized capital, but also accelerate their
activities in the securities market as institutional inves-
Literature review on the topic: It is possible to
emphasize the emergence of new financial institutions
as a legitimate and objective result of the development
of market relations. Commercial banks actively partic-
ipating in the transformation of savings into invest-
ments can be recognized among such financial institu-
tions. In international practice, the interpretation of the
activity of institutional investors as an integral part of
the stock market, according to U. Sharp, one of the
leading economists in the world economy, "when dis-
cussing the increasing importance of institutional in-
vestors in the American stock market, the main atten-
tion is paid by pension funds, insurance companies, and
trust operations departments of banks focused on the
investments to be made. The total share of these organ-
izations is more than half of the share capital issued by
American corporations»[4]. This definition is specific
to countries with developed economies, where alterna-
tive resources necessary for activity are attracted
through financial market instruments. This indicates
that the necessary funds for economic entities in devel-
oped countries are attracted through the activities of in-
stitutional investors such as commercial banks in the
securities market.
In studies specific to commercial banks as institu-
tional investors, according to scientists and experts, the
perfect definition is Recommended by V.N Kolesni-
kov: He mentioned that it means "Various financial in-
stitutions (commercial and investment banks, insurance
companies, pension funds) that carry out operations
with securities"[5]. This approach is based on the idea
that many of these institutions combine the funds of
various investors (individuals and legal entities) to
form commercial banks that seek the opportunity to in-
vest them in valuable securities that bring income.
Uzbek economist-scientist A.T. Uzokov also in-
terprets the investment activities of insurance compa-
nies as follows: "Institutional investors are specialists
who are paid for managing someone's money. They are
Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023) 9
employed by financial institutions, for example, banks,
insurance companies, mutual and pension funds, as
well as financial corporations, and in special cases - pri-
vate (individual) individuals»[6]. In this definition, pri-
vatization investment funds, which acted as investment
intermediaries in the privatization and expropriation of
state property, were ignored. This indicates that due to
the lack of research on the activities of commercial
banks as institutional investors in the stock market in
the economy of Uzbekistan, its scientific-theoretical
foundations have not been studied in the financial liter-
Analysis and results.
Measures to expand the size of the stock market of
our republic with the participation of institutional in-
vestors, that is, in the decree "On the new development
strategy of Uzbekistan for 2022-2026", "gradual liber-
alization of capital movement in our country and pri-
vatization of large enterprises and their shares (shares),
including through the stock exchange and State by the
end of 2026, the share of the private sector in bank as-
sets will be completed to 60%" and other actions rele-
vant to the stock market, "in order to increase financial
resources in the economy, the turnover of the stock
market will increase from 200 million US dollars to 7
billion US dollars in the next 5 years»[2] is important
in the analysis of increasing activity of commercial
banks as institutional investors in the securities market.
Commercial banks operating as institutional in-
vestors (issuers) in Uzbekistan have a value of 60.3 tril-
lion soums, equal to 33.7% of the total shares issued by
joint-stock companies (JSC) of our country, and 96.7%
of the total shares issued by institutional institutions.
This situation is evaluated by the fact that commercial
banks as institutional investors - issuers in our country
have reached the monopoly level in the securities mar-
ket, and the high impact of the country's financial po-
tential on stable economic growth rates. However,
comparing the weight of the total shares issued by the
financial sector with joint stock companies (JSC) oper-
ating in the economy of our republic, this share is
35.3%. This means that, as we mentioned above, most
of the shares issued on the stock market of our country
correspond to the share of the non-financial sector of
the economy.
The main goal of the reforms in the banking sector
of our republic is to meet the demand of the population
for modern financial services and to increase the capi-
talization of commercial banks. The strategy of reform-
ing the banking system of Uzbekistan in 2020-2025
adopted on the basis of the decree of the President of
May 12, 2020[3] is of great importance in this regard.
Based on it, with the support of international financial
institutions, "Ipoteka-bank", "Uzsanoatqurilishbank",
"Asaka", "Aloqabank", the state shares in "Qishloq
Qurilish Bank" and "Turonbank" are supposed to be
gradually privatized. Among these banks, "Uzsano-
atqurilishbank" and "Asaka" banks are the second and
third largest banks in Uzbekistan in terms of capital and
assets, loan and deposit portfolios. Also, financial
transactions carried out by banks through "issuing, pur-
chasing, selling securities, keeping their accounts and
keeping them, managing securities according to the
contract concluded with the client, performing other
operations with them"[1], banks are chartered the stock
market (Tashkent RFB) plays an important role in the
gradual increase of the minimum amount of capital, the
issuing of additional shares and maintaining the quota-
tion of shares.
Figure 1. As of April 1, 2023, shares issued by institutional investors of Uzbekistan and the contribution1 of
large joint-stock commercial banks, in percent.
1 Ma'lumotlari.
«Agrobank» АТБ
«O'zbekiston Respublikasi AT Xalq Banki»
«Asakabank» АЖ
Бошқа банклар
Banks Investment funds Insurance companies
10 Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023)
Figure 1 shows the analysis of shares issued by the
banks of our republic as issuers in the securities market,
their share among institutional investors, and the share
of large joint-stock companies within banks.
As shown in Figure 1, as of April 1, 2023, 62.4
trillion soums worth of shares were put into circulation
by the institutional investors of our republic, of which
96.4% or 60.3 trillion soums belonged to banks. This
situation occurred due to the requirement to increase
the authorized capital of commercial banks. Also, if we
analyze the data of banks with a high share of shares
issued in our Republic, the joint-stock commercial bank
"Agrobank" has the highest share with 14.19%, having
issued shares worth 8.6 trillion soums. In the next
places, the volume of shares issued by "O'zbekiston
Respublikasi aksiyadorlik tijorat Xalq Banki" is equal
to 7.4 trillion soums and a 12.19% share, and "Asa-
kabank" joint-stock company has 5.9 trillion soums and
a 9.72% share, respectively. Although the remaining 31
joint-stock companies have put into circulation 38.4
billion soums worth of shares, their share in the total
share is equal to 63.6%.
Investment funds that have a high position in the
world stock market have little influence on our national
economy, they only put into circulation 2.32 billion
soums of shares, and the share of institutional investors
is close to 0.01%, while the remaining 3.95% or more
than 2.1 trillion soums belong to insurance companies.
This indicates that the number of insurance companies
as issuers was only 9 at the beginning of 2019, and now
their number has reached 48, and the amount of shares
issued by them has increased accordingly. Also, the
main goal of the investment policy of commercial
banks is to ensure the profitability of their funds, like
other institutional investors.
The activity of "Tashkent" RFB in sales by the
banks of our republic can be evaluated differently. In
our republic, as well as banks of economically devel-
oped countries, in order to increase bank capitalization,
they use stock market trading to maintain the quotation
price of their ordinary and preferred shares. Therefore,
we will consider the change in the price of shares of
joint-stock commercial banks actively participating in
RFB trades of our country "Tashkent" through their
comparative analysis.
Table 1
As of May 22, 2023, a comparative analysis of the price of shares of joint-stock commercial banks (ATB) that
actively participating in "Tashkent" RFB trading.
№ Name of banks
Nominal price of
shares, in soums
Quotation price of shares,
in soums
The difference between
share prices,%
A common
A common
1 Hamkorbank ATB 5,0 5,0 125,01 75,35 25 EQ 15 EQ
1 068,0 1 068,0 1 067,99 10 000,0 99,9 9,4 EQ
Qishloq Qurilish
Bank ATB
119,25 119,25 112,42 5 100,0 94,3 42,8 EQ
4 Ipotekabank ATB 1,0 1,0 0,91 3,49 91,0 3,5 EQ
atqurilishbank ATB
19,0 19,0 10,1 38,0 53,2 2 EQ
6 Garantbank AJ 100,0 100,0 209,9 - 2 EQ -
7 Aloqabank AT 121,0 121,0 82,0 550,0 67,8 4,5 EQ
8 Agrobank ATB 1 168,0 1 168,0 577,0 72 000,0 49,4 61,6 EQ
9 Universalbank ATB 5 000,0 - 13 390 - 2,7 EQ -
10 Turonbank ATB 1 700,0 1 700,0 1 329,99 2 500,0 82,4 1,5 EQ
According to this table, as of May 22, 2023,
mainly 10 banks actively participated in "Tashkent"
RFB sales. The minimum nominal value of their ordi-
nary shares was set at 1.0 soums (ATIB "Ipo-
tekabank"), and the maximum nominal value was 5,000
soums (ATB "Universalbank"). If we pay attention to
the sales of shares of "Tashkent" RFB by these issuers,
the highest increase was recorded by ATB "Ham-
korbank". That is, it indicates that the shares put into
circulation by ATB "Hamkorbank" with a nominal
value of 5 soums reached 125.01 soums by quoting at
"Tashkent" RFB trades or increased 25 times as a result
of capitalization. This may have been influenced by the
announcement by the issuer that the dividend amount
for the results of 2022 has been set at 30% compared to
the nominal value. If the preferential share of this issue
was put into circulation at a nominal value of 5 soums,
as a result of being quoted in the "Tashkent" RFB
trades, the selling price reached 75 soums 35 tithes, or
its capitalization increased up to 15 times. The increase
in the value of these 2 types of shares in the stock mar-
ket is due to the fact that ATB "Hamkorbank" has at-
tracted additional financial resources important for its
activities, on the one hand, the activity of commercial
banks of our Republic as institutional investors in the
trades of "Tashkent" RFB is increasing, on the other
hand, as defined in the development strategy, financial
in the economy in order to increase resources, it indi-
cates that it participates in increasing the turnover of the
stock market.
If we analyze the stock quotation of ATB
"Mikrokreditbank" shares in the "Tashkent" RFB trad-
ing, although the value of ordinary shares has not
changed (99.9%), the price of its preferred shares has
Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023) 11
increased by 9.4 times to 10,000.0 soums. It is known
that the dividend on ordinary shares is determined by
the general meeting of shareholders, and its relatively
low refinancing rate and almost unchanged quotation
price may weaken investors' interest in these shares. On
the contrary, the interest in preferred shares may be
caused by the fact that their dividend is fixed and higher
than the interest earned on bank deposits. However, ac-
cording to the information on the ATB "Mikrokredit-
bank" website, in the following years, dividends on or-
dinary and preferred shares were not paid out of the net
profit at the end of the year.
If we analyze the participation of ATB "Qishloq
Qurilish Bank" in the stock exchange trading, the mar-
ket price of ordinary shares with a nominal value of
119.25 soums decreased by 94.3% to 112.42 soums,
compared to the nominal price of preferred shares, the
market price is 42.8 doubled to 5,100 soums. Accord-
ing to the issuer's 2022 reports, no dividend was paid to
the owners of ordinary shares, and 25.0% dividend was
reported for preferred shares.
ATIB "Ipotekabank" nominal value of common
and preferred shares was set at 1 soum, while its ordi-
nary share fell to 91 tithes in the stock market, while
the quotation of its preferred share increased by almost
3.5 times and rose to 3 soum 47 tyyennes. According to
the 2022 reports of this issuer, no dividend was paid to
the owners of ordinary shares, and information was
provided on the payment of 25.0% dividend on pre-
ferred shares.
ATB "Uzsanoatqurilishbank" is the second joint-
stock bank in Uzbekistan in terms of capital and assets,
loan and deposit portfolios, and its shares are put into
circulation at the nominal value of 19.0 soums. Quota-
tion of ordinary shares fell to 10.1 soums or 53.2% in
stock market trading, on the contrary, the price of pre-
ferred shares increased by 2 times to 38 soums. In the
reports of ATB "Uzsanoatqurilishbank" for 2022, even
in this bank, no dividend was paid to the owners of or-
dinary shares, but 23.0% dividend payment is provided
for preferred shares.
"Garantbank" joint-stock company (JSC), differ-
ent from other banks, put into circulation only ordinary
shares with a nominal value of 100 soums. The market
price of this issuer's share is currently 209 soums or
more than 2 times higher than the nominal value. The
reason for saying this is that the share price can change
(fluctuate) during the day based on supply and demand.
That is, during the research period-day, the shares of
this issuer were sold in the range of 192-209 soums. In
the 2022 reports of "Garantbank" JSC, the payment of
30% of the nominal dividend to ordinary share holders
can also be considered as a beneficial investment for
If we analyze the stock quotation of "Aloqabank"
shares in the "Tashkent" RFB sales, from shares with a
nominal price of 121.0 soums, the value of its ordinary
shares fell to 82.0 soums or 67.8%. the price increased
by 4.5 times to 550.0 soums. According to the infor-
mation on the website of AT "Aloqabank", in the next
2020-2022, dividends on ordinary and preferred shares
have not been paid out of the net profit at the end of the
year. Taking into account that preferred shares in banks
are placed mainly among employees, the overquotation
of shares may be related to the bank's strategy.
If the nominal value of ordinary and preferred
shares of ATB “Agrobank " is set at 1168.0 soums, its
ordinary share in exchange trading has fallen to 577.0
soums or 49.4%, then the quotation of preferential
shares has increased by almost 61.6 times and reached
72 00 soums. Also according to the 2022 reports of this
issuer, ordinary stock holders are provided with a divi-
dend payment of 292.0% on non-dividend shares (in
soums per share) or 25.0% on preferred shares (in per-
centage per share face value). For the period 2009-
2021, the bank has regularly paid 25% dividend to pre-
ferred stock holders. It is possible that this factor can
cause the quotation of preferred shares to increase by
up to 61.6 times.
ATB "Universalbank", just like "Garantbank"
JSC, put into circulation only ordinary shares with a
nominal value of 5,000 soums. The market price of this
issuer's share is currently 13,390 soums or 2.7 times
higher than the nominal value. In the reports of ATB
"Universalbank" for 2022, the payment of 30% of the
nominal dividend to the holders of ordinary shares can
be considered as a beneficial investment for investors.
The bank's information on important facts of the open- site provides information on the payment of
a dividend of 7.8% or 392.0 soums on preferred shares
for 2022 (as a percentage of the nominal value of one
share). Just as every bank has its own investment strat-
egy, ATB Universalbank also has its own dividend pol-
At the end of our research, we will analyze the ac-
tivity of ATB "Turonbank" in the stock market. The
nominal price of shares of this bank is 1,700 soums.
ATB "Turonbank" ordinary share fell to 1,329.99
soums or 82.4% in stock market trading, while the quo-
tation of its preferred share increased by almost 1.5
times and reached 2,500 soums. According to the re-
ports of this issuer for 2009-2020, if it paid dividends
to the owners of ordinary shares in the range of 0-30%
(in some years it was not paid at all), the bank regularly
pays dividends to the owners of preferred shares in the
amount of 20.0-43.0%. The dividend policy of this
bank is unique among the banks of our republic.
We consider that the following conclusions and
suggestions are appropriate for improving the activity
of commercial banks of Uzbekistan as investment in-
We believe that the following conclusions and
suggestions are appropriate for improving the activity
of commercial banks of Uzbekistan as investment in-
1. The analysis of the investment activities of
ATB "Khamkorbank" in the securities market shows
that the activity of this bank as an institutional investor
in "Tashkent" RFB trades has increased, and the quota-
tion price of its shares has increased by 15-25 times
compared to the nominal price. If such a practice is used
in other banks, not only the capitalization of the stock
market of our country will increase, as defined in the
development strategy, but also the possibility of attract-
ing additional financial resources necessary for the
bank's activities will be created.
12 Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023)
2. It is known that in the banks of a country with
a developing economy like Uzbekistan, in most cases,
the conclusion on the payment of income per common
share is adopted based on their founding documents,
based on the decision of the general meeting of share-
holders in order to increase the bank's capitalization.
The fact that the dividend for preferred shares is fixed
and higher than the interest from bank deposits can be
considered as a factor influencing the investment of
funds by the population (investor). The data obtained
during the research period, except for banks such as
ATB "Mikrokreditbank" and ATB Aloqabank, unlike
ordinary joint-stock companies, dividends on preferred
shares were paid between 20-40 percent. Due to this
reason, the market price of their preferred shares in-
creased from 2 times to 61.6 times in "Tashkent" RFB
3. Investors have long-term goals, so they need
to rely on the database to protect themselves from mar-
ket volatility and confusion, and to avoid dispersing
their holdings even when activity in the stock markets
slows down. Today in the information of
the site about the important facts related to banks, the
information about the bank's financial capabilities is
not enough to fully imagine and make an investment
decision. Therefore, it is necessary to create a daily in-
formation and analysis magazine (newspaper) or an in-
ternet site in our Republic, as in developed countries, in
order to be aware of the situation of investors in the
stock market trading, as well as the quotations and their
analytical conclusions of the trading of bank shares.
1. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Banks
and Banking Activities" No. ORQ-580 (new edition).
Tashkent city, November 5, 2019.
2. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uz-
bekistan dated January 28, 2022 No. PF-60 "On the
new development strategy of Uzbekistan for 2022-
3. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uz-
bekistan "On the strategy of reforming the banking sys-
tem of Uzbekistan in 2020-2025". May 12, 2020.
4. Sharp W.F. etc. Investments: Textbook / U.F.
Sharp, G.J. Alexander, J. Bailey, trans. from English. -
M.: INFRA-M, 2001. - XII, 1028 p.
5. Kolesnikov V.N., Torkanovskiy V.S. Securi-
ties: Textbook. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2003. –
6. Uzokov A., Kenjaev N. Organization and fi-
nancing of investments. Study guide. - T.: Economics
and Finance, 2008. 22-25 pp
Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023) 13
Эрсай Б.
Университет Национальной Обороны Азербайджанской Республики,
научный сотрудник
Алиева Г.
Университет Национальной Обороны Азербайджанской Республики
Научная сотрудница
Ersay B.,
National Defence University of the Republic of Azerbaijan, scientist researcher
Aliyeva G.
National Defence University of the Republic of Azerbaijan, scientist researcher
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8213862
В статье анализируется история создания первой национальной военной школы в Азербайджане –
Школы Подпрапорщиков. Основы этой школы были заложены еще до объявления независимости Азер-
байджанской Демократической Республики. А после приобретения независимости создалось более благо-
приятные условия для функционирования данной школы. В конце октября 1918 года завершился учебный
процесс и юнкера Школы Подпрапорщиков успешно сдав выпускные экзамены влились в строй Армии
Азербайджанской Демократической Республики.
The article analyzes the history of the foundation of the first national military school in Azerbaijan - the
School of Podpraporshiks. The foundations of that school were laid before the declaration of independence of the
Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. And after independence, a more favorable condition was laid out for the func-
tioning of that military institution. At the end of October 1918, the training process was completed and the cadets
of the Podpraporshik School successfully passed the final exams and joined the army of the Azerbaijan Democratic
Ключевые слова: Мусульманский корпус, военная школа, военное образование, независимость,
младший командирский состав.
Keywords: Muslim corps, military school, military education, independence, junior commanders.
Большевистский переворот, произошедший в
России 25 октября 1917 г., открыл путь к серьезным
общественно-политическим изменениям в жизни
народа страны. Таким образом, народы края, в том
числе и народы, проживающие на Южном Кавказе,
не приняли этот переворот. Поэтому во многих ре-
гионах страны, в том числе и на Южном Кавказе,
стали возникать независимые от России правитель-
ства. Представители ведущих политических партий
этого региона собрались в Тбилиси 11 ноября 1917
г. и объявили о создании правительства под назва-
нием Закавказский комиссариат (1, с. 57).
Основу этого правительства составляли пред-
ставители азербайджанского, грузинского и армян-
ского народов. Это новое правительство на Южном
Кавказе, хотя и недостаточно сильное, решило про-
вести определенные реформы. Одна из таких ре-
форм касалась армии. Таким образом, Закавказский
комиссариат начал работу по созданию на террито-
рии Южного Кавказа национальных корпусов, в
том числе мусульманского корпуса, состоящего из
азербайджанцев. Решение Закавказского комисса-
риата было принято 11 декабря 1917 года. Предпо-
лагалось, что рядовой состав вновь созданного кор-
пуса будет состоять в основном из азербайджанцев
и мусульманских жителей региона. Поскольку для
формирования офицерского состава корпуса офи-
церов азербайджанской национальности не хва-
тало, считалось возможным набирать офицеров
другой национальности. Во времена царской Рос-
сии существовали определенные ограничения на
прием азербайджанцев в военные училища страны.
Такое ограничение действительно существовало и
в отношении рядового состава. Потому что азер-
байджанцев не призывали на службу в армию цар-
ской России. По новым воинским уставам, вступив-
шим в силу в России в 1874 году, мусульманское
население России, в том числе и азербайджанцы, не
подлежало призыву на военную службу. С 1887 г.
мусульманское население России, в том числе и
азербайджанцы, стали платить особый налог в об-
мен на не призыв к службе в русской армии (3).
Для преодоления этих трудностей командова-
ние мусульманского корпуса приняло решение от-
крыть военное училище для азербайджанской мо-
лодежи для получения военного образования и под-
готовки их в качестве военнослужащих.
14 Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023)
1. Организация первой национальной воен-
ной школы Азербайджана
С целью обучения азербайджанских военно-
служащих командование Мусульманского корпуса
обратилось с письмом в Закавказский комиссариат.
В этом письме говорилось о необходимости орга-
низации военного училища для обеспечения Му-
сульманского корпуса младшими военными кад-
рами. Эту школу планировалось открыть в Баку.
Согласно вновь созданному военному училищу,
приоритет должен быть отдан обучению азербай-
джанской молодежи. Желающие поступить в воен-
ное училище должны были иметь не менее четырех
классов начального образования. Предполагалось,
что в эту школу будут принимать молодых людей в
возрасте 18-25 лет. Если число молодых азербай-
джанцев, желающих поступить в военное училище
было бы недостаточным то и русским проживаю-
щим на Южном Кавказе, будет разрешено посту-
пать в эту школу. В военное училище должны были
принять 100 физически здоровых молодых людей.
Тех, кто учился в этой школе, называли «юнке-
рами». Курсанты должны были учиться три месяца
по утвержденной программе, а по окончании срока
обучения сдавать зачет. Сдавшие экзамены должны
были быть обеспечены военным обмундированием,
оружием и стипендией в размере 50 (пятидесяти)
рублей (5, с. 26).
Через некоторое время Закавказский комисса-
риат разрешил открытие первой военной школы,
предназначенной для азербайджанцев, при мусуль-
манском корпусе. 1 марта 1918 г. был назначен ди-
ректор этой школы и началась организация обуче-
ния в школе (6, с. 183).
Первое военное училище, организованное для
азербайджанцев, называлось «Мусульманская
школа подпрапорщиков». В мусульманском кор-
пусе сохранялась система воинских званий армии
царской России. По этой системе воинское звание
«подпрапорщик» было основным офицерским зва-
нием. Тем, кто окончил национальное военное учи-
лище, не присваивалось звание подпрапорщика, ко-
торое является офицерским званием. После оконча-
ния военного училища их нужно было направить на
службу в войска и через 8 месяцев службы им
можно было присвоить начальное офицерское зва-
В последние дни марта 1918 года, после акти-
визации сил, противостоявших национально-осво-
бодительному движению азербайджанского народа
под руководством большевиков, и массовых рас-
прав над азербайджанским населением в городе
Баку, деятельность Мусульманской Школы под-
прапорщиков в этом городе стало невозможным.
Поэтому 2 апреля 1918 г. весь состав Националь-
ного военного училища переехало в Гянджу, а 8
числа того же месяца поселился в Художественном
училище в центре Гянджи (6, с. 183).
Однако полноценного функционирования Му-
сульманской Школы подпрапорщиков удалось до-
биться после провозглашения Азербайджаном не-
зависимости. Таким образом, 28 мая 1918 года было
объявлено о создании Азербайджанской Демокра-
тической Республики. Азербайджанский народ
встал на путь независимости, и, как и во всех реги-
онах страны, в области армейского строительства
были предприняты самостоятельные шаги. Одним
из предпринятых в этом направлении дел было пол-
ное восстановление деятельности Мусульманской
Школы подпрапорщиков, а в начале июня 1918 г.
Военная школа продолжило свою деятельность в
здании художественной школы расположенной в
центре Гянджи (2, т. 48, 53, 57).
К организации деятельности школы были при-
влечены опытные офицеры, так же был назначен
новый начальник. Была подготовлена новая ин-
струкция образовательного центра. В этой инструк-
ции указывалось, что цель обучения, проводимого
в школе, состоит в том, чтобы дать учащимся зна-
ния для выполнения обязанностей командира
взвода, подготовить их к управлению подразделе-
нием, привить навыки организации обучения под-
чиненного персонала. Планировалось, что занятия
в школе продлятся 5-6 месяцев. В то время препо-
давание пришлось разделить на три периода. По
окончании обучения слушатели должны обладать
следующими квалификациями:
- приобрести необходимые навыки военной
подготовки для ведения новой войны;
- выполнять задачи как в одном строю, так и
рассредоточенно в отделении и взводе, иметь уме-
ние управлять подразделениями в боевых условиях
и демонстрировать это собственной активностью;
- Организовывать деятельность личного со-
става части в одном строю и разбросанно по мест-
ности и в разных боевых условиях, наблюдать за от-
крытием боя мотострелкового батальона отдельно
и в составе полка, в связи с этим быть готовым к
выполнению поставленных задач;
- Проводить боевые стрельбы из оружия в
строю, отделении и взводе и знать возможности
оружия, используемого личным составом. Знаком-
ство с правилами стрельбы, изучение правил
стрельбы, знание правил обращения с пулеметом и
приобретение навыков его применения в бою (4, т.
Три периода, в течении которых должно про-
ходить обучение, были указаны в руководстве как
периоды А, В и С. Для каждого из этих периодов
знания, которые должны были быть переданы уча-
щимся, были отражены в инструкции. В течение пе-
риода обучения студенты должны были иметь сле-
дующие знания:
- Положение воина в строю, направление, по-
вороты на месте, марши на разные расстояния, по-
клоны и правила порядка, снаряжение воина, за-
щита этого снаряжения и его использование, коле-
нопреклонение, официальные поклоны,
применение оружия;
- упражнения по штыковому бою, прикрепле-
ние штыка к оружию, с применением кинжала;
- уметь преодолевать всевозможные препят-
ствия, взбираться на высоту, прыгать (с сумкой и
без нее), уметь плавать в воде;
Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023) 15
- различные прицельные ситуации, прицелива-
ние из-за щитов и других предметов, упражнения
по огневой подготовке;
Кроме того, обучение, проводившееся в пе-
риод А, требовало от учащихся хорошего знания
местности, умения умело пользоваться находящи-
мися на ней предметами, научиться складываться и
раскладываться в различных формах, двигаться
назад и в стороны под стрельбу из пушек и другого
оружия, как и где применять противогаз, знать об-
щие обязанности воина в наступательных и оборо-
нительных боях, правила поведения, сигналы связи
и пользования телефоном, устройство винтовки,
его разборка и сборка, использование сумок и пала-
ток. При обучении, проводившемся в первый пе-
риод, главной целью была подготовка студентов
как военнослужащий и защитник родины. С этим
же были связаны и задачи, поставленные в руковод-
стве. В этом смысле от курсантов требовалось знать
применение всех видов оружия, которые могут
применяться на поле боя, выбор правильной пози-
ции в различных боевых условиях, а также обязан-
ности и возможности родов войск, участвующих в
сражении. В то же время учащимся необходимо
было прививать навыки действия в поздних усло-
виях, перемещения, заряжания оружия, перемеще-
ния в определенную точку (4, т.1-86, 1-87).
В период обучения Б, знания учащихся
должны быть дополнительно расширены. В тече-
ние этого периода учащиеся должны были овладеть
знания на уровне отделения и взвода. Молодые
люди, окончившие военную школу, должны были
уметь организовать деятельность отделения и
взвода во время службы. Конкретно учащиеся
должны научиться организовывать отделение и
взвод в различных условиях, их развертывание, од-
новременные обязанности, нахождение в атаке и на
марше, оборону отделения от различных видов ору-
жия, организацию движения под огнем различных
оружий на земле и на суше, организации выполне-
ния боевых задач в различных географических
условиях, они должны были уметь вести разведку,
устанавливать связь, организовывать охрану воен-
ных объектов, задачи, которые должен был выпол-
нять взвод при наступлении и обороне, организация
боя в ночных условиях, выполнение обязанностей
В последний период обучения знания, уча-
щихся охватывали широкие и всесторонние знания.
В этот период уделялось больше внимания знанию
выполнения боевых задач в части. Место отделения
и взвода в составе части, особенности и характер
задач которые они будут выполнять, способы более
эффективного налаживания взаимоотношений и
другие вопросы должны были преподаваться сту-
дентам. Предполагалось, что теоретические и прак-
тические знания дополняют друг друга в период
обучения. Для этого в программе обучения были за-
планированы различные практические занятия.
Например, учения по метанию бомб, заряжание
оружия, учения по правильному прицеливанию и
стрельбе, учения на местности, отработка боевых
приемов, учения с противогазам, ночные учения,
практические занятия по установлению связи и т. д.
(4, т.1-91).
Курс подготовки сержантов был также открыт
в школе унтер-офицеров. Курс кандидатов в офи-
церы запаса. На этих курсах должны были обу-
чаться младшие командиры.
Также было подготовлено пособие по курсу
подготовки младших командиров. Это пособие
называлось «Учебное пособие для кандидатов в
офицеры запаса Азербайджана». Согласно этой ин-
струкции, основной целью открытия упомянутой
школы была подготовка младших командиров для
войск. В то время больше внимания уделялось под-
готовке младших командиров пехотных войск. По-
сле получения теоретических знаний юноши, обу-
чающиеся в школе, должны быть распределены по
разным полкам, где они должны пройти практику.
Преподавание и обучение велось по различным
специальностям, в том числе пехотной, артилле-
рийской, тяжелой артиллерийской, кавалерийской,
фортификационной, пулемётной, гранатомётной, а
также подготовка по техническим специальностям
используемым в армии –штурман поезда, вождение
автомобиля, телеграф, телефонная связь, авиация,
химия, инженер и т.д. Следует отметить, что дея-
тельность указанного учебного центра достаточно
изучена в научно-исторической литературе. Ясно
только то, что выпуск в этой школе произошел
раньше времени, и в связи с большой потребностью
в младших офицерах в Азербайджанском корпусе,
который перестраивался, срок обучения был не-
сколько сокращен приказом Нуру-Паши (7, стр.
Газета «Азербайджан», официальный орган
печати Азербайджанской Демократической Рес-
публики, писала о создании и деятельности этой во-
енной школы следующее: «Азербайджанское пра-
вительство открыло в Гяндже школу подпрапорши-
ков. В этой школе обучаются свыше 250 человек
молодежи. По окончании курса оттуда выходят
подпрапоршиками, которые по истечении 6 меся-
цев производятся в офицеры. Школа функциони-
рует всего около 4 месяцев и достигла значитель-
ных успехов.
Гянджинская школа подпрапоршиков осно-
вана в то время, когда Баку находился в руках вра-
гов и почти одновременно с образованием нынеш-
него азербайджанского правительства, и находи-
лась тогда в ведении Кавказской Мусульманской
Армии. Оборудование школы и постановка учеб-
ной части были поручены известному офицеру-пе-
дагогу Атиф бею, который, собственно и является
ее фактическим истинным создателем. Несмотря на
то, что призыв в войска еще не состоялся, мусуль-
манская молодежь с большой охотой устремилась в
эту школу. День и ночь в школе кипела работа, мо-
лодежь постепенно втянулась в дело» (10).
2. Первый выпуск первого национального
военного училища Азербайджана.
Выпуск Мусульманской Школы подпрапор-
щиков состоялся 26-27 октября 1918 года в городе
Гянджа. Некоторые источники утверждают, что эту
16 Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023)
школу закончили 200 человек. Однако проведен-
ные исследования показывают, что Азербайджан-
ское национальное военное училище первого вы-
пуска окончили 156 человек (9, с. 768-773).
В газете «Азербайджан» он дал обширную ин-
формацию о первом выпуске первой военной
школы Азербайджана. По данным той же газеты,
офицерского звания в этой школе не давали. Тех,
кто успешно окончил школу, следует направить на
службу в воинские части, и если они хорошо про-
служили определенный период времени, им сле-
дует присвоить звание подпрапорщика, которое яв-
ляется начальным офицерским званием в азербай-
джанской армии. А в армию они должны были идти
в звании подпрапорщика, между чином сержанта и
офицерским чином. 18 ноября 1918 года выпускни-
кам Национальной военной школы было присвоено
звание подполковника. До середины 1919 г. всем
им было присвоено офицерское звание (9, с. 768). В
результате Азербайджанская Армия имела 156
офицеров, в которых остро нуждалась в начале ее
Первый выпуск первой национальной военной
школы, созданного в Азербайджане, стал важным
событием в военной истории Азербайджанской Де-
мократической Республики, а также Азербайджана.
Поэтому церемония вручения дипломов была отме-
чена как событие государственной важности. Как
сообщает газета «Азербайджан», в первом выпуске
приняли участие государственные деятели, чинов-
ники, военнослужащие, а также общественность го-
рода Гянджи. В том числе министр образования
Азербайджана Насиб бей Юсифбейли, государ-
ственный министр Муса бей Рафиев, представитель
МВД Мехди бей Гаджинский, командир Азербай-
джанского корпуса генерал-лейтенант Алиага
Шихлинский, командир 2-й Азербайджанской пе-
хотной дивизии полковник Назим бей. В церемо-
нии приняли участие полковник Сейфулла Мирза
Гаджар, полковник Гамид Мамедов и другие офи-
циальные лица. В церемонии также приняли уча-
стие губернатор Гянджи Ибрагим Ага Вакилов,
глава муниципалитета Гянджи Алескер бей Хасма-
медов и комендант Гянджи Салман Фатхи бей.
Второй тур выпускных экзаменов прошел 27
октября. Экзамены проходили на полигоне на окра-
ине города. Интерес к этим экзаменам был
настолько велик, что, кроме приглашенных гостей,
на окраину города выехала большая группа жите-
лей города, чтобы посмотреть экзамены.
На этом этапе проверялись в основном практи-
ческие навыки, а по данным газеты «Азербайджан»,
юнкеров проверяли по следующим вопросам:
1. Представление начальствующим лицам. 2.
Строевое учение на месте. 3. Быстрота действий
при военных операциях. 4. Штыковой бой. 5.
Стрельба на разных расстояниях; прицельно. 6. От-
ражение неприятельского наступления. 7. Бомбо-
метание. 8. Военная гимнастика. 9. Метание бомб
из окопов. 10. Метание заряженных бомб по при-
ближающемуся неприятелю. 11. Уничтожение про-
волочных заграждений бомбами и ножницами. 12.
Отражение частичного отряда с пулеметами, при-
ведение окопа в боевую готовность и мешочное за-
граждение. 13. Охотничьи команды. 14. Сигнализа-
ция флагами. 15. Расположение частей в окопах и в
открытом поле. 16. Разборка и сборка оружия и ам-
муниции. 17. Рапортование. 18. Маневрирование
(8, с. 29).
Чтобы пройти эти испытания, «юнкеры» про-
демонстрировали свое мастерство на полигоне. Га-
зета «Азербайджан» на своей странице так высоко
оценила курсантов первой национальной военной
школы, сдавших экзамен: “Начались маневры; осо-
бенный эффект произвело метание ручных бомб.
Густой дым заволок все небо. Грохот бросаемых
бомб заглушал все. На много верст кругом чувство-
валось сотрясение и слышались взрывы. Обста-
новка сильно напоминало последний бой под Баку.
Затем было произведено разрушение бомбами фу-
гасов и проволочных заграждений, а также следую-
щее за этим продвижение вперед и разрезание
оставшихся в целости проволок специальными
ножницами, за этим было произведено укрепление
взятых окопов» (8, с. 29).
Все эти действия тщательно контролировались
и оценивались экзаменационной комиссией. Все
курсанты успешно сдали экзамены и стали солда-
тами, окончившими первую военную школу Азер-
байджана. Этот успех кадетов вызвал огромную ра-
дость у представителей власти, пришедших по-
смотреть на экзамены. После экзаменов успешно
окончивших школу поздравили официальные лица.
С речью выступил командир 2-й Азербайджанской
пехотной дивизии полковник Назим бей, который
передал присутствующим свои сердечные слова:
“Господа, сегодня самый счастливый день в жизни
Азербайджана. Мы, ваши братья, преклоняемся пе-
ред вашими способностями и поздравляем вас не
столько с настоящим моментом, сколько с заслу-
женными вами блестящим будущим. Я лично не
сторонник войны, но «если хочешь мира, готовься
к войне». Потому что если страна сильна и готова к
войне, то никто не рискует на нее напасть. Я очень
рад, что вы, господа, изучили военное дело, и наде-
юсь, что вы явитесь доблестными и трудолюби-
выми офицерами Азербайджана и сумеете отсто-
ять, когда нужно, интересы нашей страны. Для
этого требуется сильная армия и, я надеюсь, что вы
не пожалеете сил для ее создания. Я еще раз по-
здравляю страну с первым выпуском офицеров и
уверен, что в будущем вы станете гордостью вашей
Родины” (11).
Затем перед молодыми воинами выступил ми-
нистр образования Азербайджана Насиб бек
Юсифбейли. Насиб бек, не скрывавший своей радо-
сти по поводу этого исторического события, по-
здравил юных воинов. Насиб бек Юсифбейли ска-
зал: “Дети мои, правительство уполномочило меня
приветствовать вас и передать вам несколько слов,
чем и ограничусь. По мнению правительства, буду-
щее Азербайджана и нации находится в ваших ру-
ках. Если вы сумеете создать сильную армию, то
будущее нации будет обеспечено. То, что я видел
сегодня, меня убеждает и дает мне право донести
Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023) 17
пославшему меня сюда правительству, что оно мо-
жет быть спокойно за будущее страны. Успехи сде-
ланное вами за такой короткий промежуток вре-
мени, вряд ли могли быть достигнуты сынами са-
мых культурных и способных народов. Мы очень
довольны вами. Вы не обманули возложенных на
вас надежд как со стороны правительства, так и
наших братьев. Живите долгие годы, чтобы нация,
вами защищаемая, могла жить» (11).
Таким образом, в конце октября 1918 года со-
стоялся первый выпуск первого национального во-
енного училища Азербайджана. В организованной
в связи с этим в церемонии приняли участие пред-
ставители правительства Азербайджана и предста-
вители общественности. Первый выпуск первой во-
енной школы широко освещался в газете «Азербай-
джан», официальном печатном органе
правительства Азербайджана. Молодежь, успешно
закончившая военное училище, сразу же направля-
лась в части национальной армии на службу, и та-
ким образом частично решалась потребность в
национальных военных кадрах. Первая националь-
ная военная школа Азербайджана впоследствии
много раз меняла свой статус и продолжает свою
деятельность до сегодняшнего дня. История Выс-
шего военного института имени Гейдара Алиева,
который в настоящее время считается центром под-
готовки офицеров для Армии Азербайджанской
Республики, берет свое начало в школе подпрапор-
1. Азербайджанская Республика (1918-1920).
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18 Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023)
Garlitska N.
PhD, Associate Professor, Department of General Chemistry,
I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ukraine
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8213888
The article presents the experience of using multimedia technologies as a mean of forming professional
knowledge among medical students. The main types of multimedia types, which are used to organize the study of
educational materials in medical chemistry, are highlighted. The most common multimedia hardware (computer,
multimedia projector) and software (Moodle, ACS, MS Teams) technical tools used in teaching medical chemistry
to students of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University.
Keywords: multimedia technologies, educational process, medical education.
Introduction. The rapid development of infor-
mation technology and the increasing maturity of com-
puter network technology have made medical educa-
tion more modernized, and the application of multime-
dia technology is one of the important symbols of
medical education modernization [5].
The use of computer technologies significantly ex-
pands the possibilities that contribute to the assimila-
tion of information and the activation of the cognitive
activity of students [4]. They diversify traditional forms
of education and increase motivation to study, which
ultimately leads to obtaining thorough knowledge in
the field of medicine [3]. The acquired skills lead to the
formation of relevant competencies, which are an im-
portant factor in establishing the profession of a doctor.
The main aim of education for students of medical
educational institutions is the acquisition of qualified
and relevant knowledge. According to literary sources
[1], about 80 % of information a person receives
through the organs of vision, therefore, multimedia
means are an actual supply of the educational material.
An important condition for the introduction of
multimedia technologies into the educational process in
the training of future doctors is the presence of specially
equipped study rooms with a multimedia projector and
a computer for the teacher, a screen or a multimedia
board and an environment in which the educational
process takes place.
Organizing training sessions using multimedia
technologies can save time by activating the presenta-
tion of learning materials by using multimedia tools
available to any student. It can create a visualized col-
orful learning and play environment that has a truly rev-
olutionary impact on students' perception of the subject
throughout the training session [7].
Pedagogical aspects of the use of multimedia
technologies and mobile applications in education are
highlighted in the scientific works of S.S. Ryzhenko,
YuChang Hsu, Yu-Hui Ching, Attewell J., Savill-Smith
C., Douch R., Parker G, Traxler J., Thompson A.,
Kearney M., Schuck S., Burden K., Aubusson P and
other [1, 8]. This demonstrates the unconditional
interest of practicing teachers in finding other ways of
more effective use of multimedia technologies. It has
been demonstrated, by research on using multimedia
for learning, that there are more positive results ob-
served in students who combine picture and words than
those who use words only [2]. Furthermore, according
to Guan et al. [4], several studies have established the
importance of multimedia technologies to education
and the widespread adoption of multimedia tools.
The objective of the study was to analyze the use
of multimedia technologies as a mean of forming pro-
fessional knowledge of medical students in the process
of teaching medical chemistry; to describe the main
types of information and communication technologies
that are used in practical classes in medical chemistry
at I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical Univer-
Statement of the topic. Multimedia learning tools
are a set of hardware and software tools that allow a
student to communicate with a computer using
graphics, sound, animation, video. Multimedia technol-
ogy has some characteristics like integration, diversity
and interaction that enable people to communicate in-
formation or ideas with digital and print elements. Mul-
timedia has the potential for flexibility, interactivity,
and integration of different multimedia educational in-
formation. Therefore, multimedia is a very useful and
effective educational technology [7].
The study of a course "Medical Chemistry" at
TNMU takes place in accordance to the Standard of
Higher Education of Ukraine of the second (master)
level of higher education, branch of knowledge 22
Health Care, specialty 222 Medicine and 221 Dentistry.
Multimedia technologies in the process of teaching
medical chemistry include material prepared inde-
pendently by the teacher, presentation of information
using the Power Point program, a video method, e-mail,
electronic interactive boards, and others.
The following types of multimedia courses are
used to organize the study of educational materials in
medical chemistry: multimedia lectures, video lectures,
interactive videos and electronic textbooks.
Multimedia lecture. An integral component of
multimedia technologies in higher education is a multi-
media lecture, which includes elements of the latest in-
formation technologies [1-2]. In the practical teaching
work of the "Medical Chemistry" course, lectures-
Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023) 19
presentations created using the Microsoft Power Point
program are used.
When teaching the "Medical Chemistry" course,
the teacher uses the following educational
• by the use of multimedia elements (visual,
textual, combined);
• by the educational aim (presentation-
demonstration, presentation-control);
• by direction (communicative with lexical
• by the form of work (individual, group);
• by origin (prepared by a teacher, prepared by a
For example, a teacher uses presentation-control
when giving a final lecture on medical chemistry. This
type of presentation makes it possible to systematize
the knowledge of medical students and prepare them
for the final inspection. A multimedia communicative
lecture is demonstrated to students when teaching top-
ics such as: "Solutions", "Fundamentals of titrimetric
method analysis", "Dispersed systems".
The advantages of an educational presentation in
the process of studying medical chemistry are:
• activation of students' attention and educational
and cognitive activity;
• the teacher paying special attention to the logic
of the presentation of educational materials, which has
a positive effect on the level of students' knowledge;
• involvement of various databases (texts, tables,
diagrams, video and audio fragments), which makes it
possible to trace the development of a certain chemical
• increasing the quality level of the use of
visualization, which helps students learn the topic more
quickly and effectively;
• increasing the productivity of the lecture session;
• establishment of interdisciplinary connections.
Video lecture. The teacher records the lecture in
Bandicam Portable/MS Teams/Power Point. Using the
method of non-linear editing, it can be supplemented
with multimedia applications that illustrate the
presentation of the lecture. Such additions not only
enrich the content of the lecture, but also make its
presentation more attractive for students.
Figure 1. View of the video lecture "Dispersed systems" page in the Moodle system
The advantage of this method of the educational
materials presentation is the possibility to listen to the
lecture at any convenient time, repeatedly referring to
the most difficult places. The teacher of the general
chemistry department posts video lectures on the
university portal, in the Moodle system.
Interactive video. Interactive video is a flexible
technology, which combines text, audio, graphics, still
pictures and motion pictures in one easy-to-use system
that maintains learners’ attention, require their partici-
pation and engages them in activities [1]. It is also a
practical method for individualizing and personalizing
instruction. Interactive video is a valuable learning sys-
tem for tasks that must be shown rather than simply
told, and a powerful active resource, especially for the
educational situations in which the learner needs to in-
teract with the instruction.
The use of interactive videos in the process of
training future doctors helps to increase the level of in-
dependent assimilation of educational information, suc-
cess and professional communication of students.
Electronic textbook. It is important to note that
gadgets have become convenient tools for studying of
medical chemistry materials. Students can download e-
textbooks, dictionaries, case studies, etc [6]. Teachers
provide students with a list of links to electronic text-
books on medical chemistry according to the academic
program. Electronic textbooks on medical chemistry
provide mastery of the subject area due to easy access
to the necessary information, quick search for the nec-
essary information by keywords, viewing of animation
and video fragments.
Multimedia technical tools implement multimedia
technology and they are divided into hardware (com-
puter, multimedia projector with built-in stereo speak-
ers, TV tuners and sound cards) and software (pro-
grams and problem-oriented programming languages).
The most common multimedia hardware and technical
tools in teaching medical chemistry are a computer and
a multimedia projector.
Computer. Medical chemistry study rooms are
equipped with modern computers connected to a TV
screen. This enables the teacher to have free access to
the Internet, to demonstrate various chemical experi-
ments and educational videos on the TV screen.
Multimedia projector. Modern technical tools
make it possible to use a multimedia projector, which
displays an image with a diagonal of up to 2 m on the
20 Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023)
screen. This technological technique allows you to in-
crease the quality of the use of visualization in practical
and lecture classes on medical chemistry.
When teaching the "Medical Chemistry" course,
teachers use not only multimedia hardware and tech-
nical tools, but also software tools (Moodle, ACS, MS
Moodle. The page of the educational course
"Medical Chemistry" contains the entire range of
educational materials that the student needs (syllabus,
training program, thematic plans, lecture presentations,
learning materials and resources, methodical guidelines
to the training sessions, links to video lectures, audio
and video materials, test control, etc). The Moodle
system provides convenient tools for medical chemistry
teachers, in particular: it allows to ensure individual
work of the teacher with each student; evaluates the
educational achievements of students; creates and saves
the portfolio of each student; allows you to develop an
author's course.
Creating a medical chemistry page in the Moodle
system contributes to the independent study of the
course and the implementation of cognitive activities
for students:
• providing the student with educational infor-
mation and ensuring its awareness;
• comprehension of perceived materials, formation
of concepts, formation of generalizations, assimilation
of laws;
• consolidation and improvement of acquired
knowledge, formation of abilities and skills;
• application of knowledge, skills and abilities;
• checking and evaluating the results of cognitive
Figure 2. View of the Medicinal Chemistry page in the Moodle system
АCS. The result of the introduction of multimedia
technologies into the learning process at I.
Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
was the creation of an ACS system. The main aim of
creating this system is to ensure the transparency of the
educational process at the university. The ACS system
provides a number of opportunities: access to the
schedule of students, teachers, courses and exams;
availability of an electronic journal of success; to
register a student for practice; creates a personal
Sciences of Europe No 122 (2023)
Sciences of Europe No 122 (2023)
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Sciences of Europe No 122 (2023)
Sciences of Europe No 122 (2023)
Sciences of Europe No 122 (2023)
Sciences of Europe No 122 (2023)
Sciences of Europe No 122 (2023)
Sciences of Europe No 122 (2023)
Sciences of Europe No 122 (2023)
Sciences of Europe No 122 (2023)
Sciences of Europe No 122 (2023)
Sciences of Europe No 122 (2023)
Sciences of Europe No 122 (2023)
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Sciences of Europe No 122 (2023)

  • 1. No 122 (2023) Sciences of Europe (Praha, Czech Republic) ISSN 3162-2364 The journal is registered and published in Czech Republic. Articles in all spheres of sciences are published in the journal. Journal is published in Czech, English, Polish, Russian, Chinese, German and French, Ukrainian. Articles are accepted each month. Frequency: 24 issues per year. Format - A4 All articles are reviewed Free access to the electronic version of journal Edition of journal does not carry responsibility for the materials published in a journal. Sending the article to the editorial the author confirms it’s uniqueness and takes full responsibility for possible consequences for breaking copyright laws. Chief editor: Petr Bohacek Managing editor: Michal Hudecek • Jiří Pospíšil (Organic and Medicinal Chemistry) Zentiva • Jaroslav Fähnrich (Organic Chemistry) Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic • Smirnova Oksana K., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department of History (Moscow, Russia); • Rasa Boháček – Ph.D. člen Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze • Naumov Jaroslav S., MD, Ph.D., assistant professor of history of medicine and the social sciences and humanities. (Kiev, Ukraine) • Viktor Pour – Ph.D. člen Univerzita Pardubice • Petrenko Svyatoslav, PhD in geography, lecturer in social and economic geography. (Kharkov, Ukraine) • Karel Schwaninger – Ph.D. člen Vysoká škola báňská – Technická univerzita Ostrava • Kozachenko Artem Leonidovich, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department of History (Moscow, Russia); • Václav Pittner -Ph.D. člen Technická univerzita v Liberci • Dudnik Oleg Arturovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, De- partment of Physical and Mathematical management methods. (Chernivtsi, Ukraine) • Konovalov Artem Nikolaevich, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Chair of General Psy- chology and Pedagogy. (Minsk, Belarus) «Sciences of Europe» - Editorial office: Křižíkova 384/101 Karlín, 186 00 Praha E-mail: Web:
  • 3. Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023) 3 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES PHOTOSYNTHESIS RATE COMPARISON BETWEEN AGE CLASSES Eucalyptus Sideroxylon A. Gunn, PLANTS IN ABSHERON PENINSULA Gaziyev A., Doctor of Philosophy of Biology, head of the laboratory, Orcid id: 0000-0002-8636-2832 Hasanova M., Doctor of Philosophy of Biology, head of the laboratory Mirjalalli I., distinguished scientific worker Alakbarov R., Doctor of Philosophy of Biology, head of the laboratory, Orcid 0000-0002-4411-5112 Babayev M., Md., Senior scientific worker Gurbanova D. Senior scientific worker The Dendrology Institution of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8213826 ABSTRACT This study aimed to investigate the photosynthesis rates of Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. leaves over a year using the Plant Photosynthesis Meter 3051C. The photosynthesis rates of juvenile, mature, and aged leaves were measured at least three times a month during mid-morning. The results showed that there was a significant difference in photosynthesis rates among the different age classes, with aged leaves exhibiting the highest photo- synthesis rate and mature leaves exhibiting the lowest. The study found that there were seasonal patterns in pho- tosynthesis rates, with the highest rates observed during summer and the lowest during winter. These findings suggest that environmental factors such as temperature and geography of area may play role in determining the photosynthesis rates of Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. leaves. Overall, this study provides important insights into the factors that influence the photosynthesis rates of this species and could be useful in informing future research and management strategies. Keywords: Photosynthesis, plant physiology, Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn., infrared gas analysis, age- class differences. Introduction Photosynthesis is a vital process that enables plants to convert sunlight into energy-rich organic com- pounds, providing the foundation for nearly all life on Earth [5,7]. Eucalyptus trees are among the most im- portant sources of biomass and wood products in the world [8,10], and their ability to perform photosynthe- sis efficiently has significant ecological and economic implications. In this study, we measured the photosyn- thesis rates of Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. leaves over the course of a year using a plant photosynthesis meter 3051C. Our goal was to better understand how the photosynthetic capacity of this species changes over time and to identify any seasonal patterns in photosyn- thesis rates. By gaining a more complete understanding of photosynthesis in Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn., we can develop strategies for improving their growth and productivity, which has important implications for forestry and carbon sequestration efforts. Material and Methods The Plant Photosynthesis Meter 3051C is a porta- ble instrument used to measure the rate of photosynthe- sis in plants. [1] It operates on the principle of infrared gas analysis, which involves measuring the exchange of carbon dioxide and water vapor between the leaf and the surrounding atmosphere. The 3051C features a small, handheld chamber that is placed over a leaf to measure the exchange of gases in real-time. The instru- ment records the concentration of carbon dioxide and water vapor in the chamber and calculates the rate of photosynthesis based on the change in these concentra- tions over time [3,4]. In our study, we used the Plant Photosynthesis Meter 3051C to measure the photosynthesis rates of Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. leaves over the course of a year. We selected one individual juvenile, mature and aged Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. trees grow- ing in the same area and measured the photosynthesis rates of one fully-expanded leaf from each tree at least three times a month over the course of a year. We took measurements at mid-morning, when photosynthesis rate is typically highest. To ensure consistency, we used the same instrument operator and followed a standard- ized protocol for placing the chamber over the leaf and collecting the data. The data collected by the 3051C allowed us to quantify the rate of photosynthesis in Eucalyptus side- oxylon A. Gunn. leaves over time and to identify any seasonal patterns in photosynthesis rates. By using this instrument to track changes in photosynthesis rates over a year, we are able to gain a comprehensive under- standing of how this species responds to variations in light, temperature, and other environmental factors. The study was conducted in the Absheron Penin- sula, where a population of Eucalyptus sideroxylon A.
  • 4. 4 Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023) Gunn. plants was chosen as the focal species [12]. A suitable study site was selected based on the presence of a diverse range of age classes within the population. The site provided a representative sample of the spe- cies’ growth and allowed for accurate classification of different age groups [12]. Height or size-based classification: To classify the Eucalyptus sideroxylonn A. Gunn. plants into different age classes, a height or size-based approach was adopted. This method leveraged the correlation be- tween the plant’s height or size and its age, considering that younger trees tend to be shorter or have smaller trunk diameters compared to older individuals. The height was recorded as the vertical distance from the ground level to the highest point of the tree, excluding any branches and foliage. In addition to height, the trunk diameter or circumference was measured using a measuring tape. The measurement was taken at a stand- ardized height from the ground, typically 1.3 meters above the base of the tree. Based on the height and size measurements, the Eucalyptus sideroxlyon A. Gunn. plants were catego- rized into three age classes: juvenile, mature, and aged. The specific criteria for each age class were established prior to data collection, considering the expected growth patterns and age ranges observed in previous studies or literature on the species [12,13]. Results Over the course of the year, we measured the pho- tosynthesis rates of Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. leaves using Plant Photosynthesis Meter 3051C. To ex- amine potential differences in photosynthesis rates among different age classes of Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn., we measured photosynthesis rates in leaves from juvenile, mature, and aged trees. Our data re- vealed a wide range of photosynthesis rates. Graph 1: Mean photosynthesis dynamics for Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. leaves in Winter During the winter season, the mean photosynthe- sis rate of juvenile Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. leaves was 7.6 µmol CO2/m2 /s, while for mature leaves it was -5.9 µmol CO2/m2 /s, and for aged leaves it was 16.6 µmol CO2/m2 /s. This indicates that there is a sig- nificant difference in photosynthesis rates among the different age classes, with aged leaves exhibiting the highest photosynthesis rate and mature leaves exhibit- ing the lowest. (Graph 1.). These results are not con- sistent with previous studies that have found that juve- nile leaves generally have higher photosynthesis rates than mature and aged leaves. The lower photosynthesis rate in mature and juvenile leaves could be due to a range of factors, including temperature, geography of area and etc. -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 WINTER Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. (juvenile) Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. (mature) Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. (aged)
  • 5. Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023) 5 Graph 2: Mean photosynthesis dynamics for Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. leaves in spring. During spring season, the mean photosynthesis rate of juvenile Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. leaves was -3.9 CO2/m2 /s, while for mature leaves it was -1.3 CO2/m2 /s, and for aged leaves it was 5 CO2/m2 /s. This indicates that there is a significant difference in photo- synthesis rates among the different age classes, with aged leaves exhibiting the highest photosynthesis rate and juvenile leaves exhibiting the lowest (Graph 2.). These results are not consistent with previous studies that have found that juvenile leaves generally have higher photosynthesis rates than mature and aged leaves. The lower photosynthesis rate in mature and ju- venile leaves could be due to a range of factors, includ- ing temperature, geography of area and etc. Graph 3: Mean photosynthesis dynamics for Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. leaves in Summer -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 SPRING Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. (juvenile) Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. (mature) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 SUMMER Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. (juvenile) Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. (mature) Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. (aged)
  • 6. 6 Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023) During the summer season, the mean photosynthe- sis rate of juvenile Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. leaves was 6 CO2/m2 /s, while for mature leaves it was 5.6 CO2/m2 /s, and for aged leaves it was 3.5 CO2/m2 /s. This indicates that there is a significant difference in photosynthesis rates among the different age classes, with juvenile leaves exhibiting the highest photosyn- thesis rate and aged leaves exhibiting the lowest. These results are consistent with previous studies that have found that juvenile leaves generally have higher photo- synthesis rates than mature and aged leaves. The higher photosynthesis rates in juvenile leaves could be due to a number of factors, including higher chlorophyll con- tent, increased leaf surface area and etc. Graph 4: Mean photosynthesis dynamics for Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. leaves in Autumn During the autumn season, the mean photosynthe- sis rate of juvenile Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. leaves was 0,7 CO2/m2 /s, while for mature leaves it was -2.3 CO2/m2 /s, and for aged leaves it was 3.8 CO2/m2 /s. This indicates that there is a significant difference in photosynthesis rate among the different age classes, with aged leaves exhibiting the highest photosynthesis rate and mature leaves exhibiting the lowest. These re- sults are not consistent with previous studies that have found that juvenile leaves generally have higher photo- synthesis rates than mature and aged leaves. The lower photosynthesis rates in juvenile and mature leaves could be due to a range of factors, including tempera- ture, geography of area and etc. Discussion Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use light energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen [5]. It is a vital process for all plants, as it provides the energy they need to grow and survive. Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn., commonly known as mugga ironbark, is a species of eucalyptus tree that is native to Australia [1]. Like all plants, Eu- calyptus sideoxylon A. Gunn. relies on photosynthesis to produce the energy it needs to survive and grow. Nu- merous studies have investigated the photosynthesis rates of Eucalyptus sideoxylon A. Gunn. leaves, and have found that they are influenced by variety of fac- tors, including temperature, light intensity, and leaf age [1, 2, 3, 5]. In particular, leaf age has been shown to be a significant factor in determining photosynthesis rates, with juvenile leaves generally exhibiting higher rates than mature and aged leaves. In this study, we utilized the Plant Photosynthesis Meter 3051C to measure the photosynthesis rates of Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. leaves over the course of a year. Our measurements included one individual juvenile, mature and aged tree from the same area, with photosynthesis rates of one fully-expanded leaf from each tree being taken at least three times a month. Our data was collected at mid-morning to ensure con- sistency, and we followed a standardized protocol for placing the chamber over the leaf and collecting the data [1,8,11]. Using the data collected by the 3051C, we were able to identify any seasonal patterns in photosynthesis rates for Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. By tracking changes in photosynthesis rates over a year, we gained a comprehensive understanding of how this species re- sponds to variations in light, temperature, and other en- vironmental factors. Our results indicated a wide range of photosynthesis rates among different age classes, with aged leaves exhibiting the highest photosynthesis rates and mature leaves exhibiting lowest. During the winter season, there was a significant difference in photosynthesis rates among the different age classes, with aged leaves exhibiting the highest -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 AUTUMN Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. (juvenile) Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. (mature) Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. (aged)
  • 7. Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023) 7 photosynthesis rate and mature leaves exhibiting the lowest. These results are not consistent with previous studies that have found that juvenile leaves generally have higher photosynthesis rates than mature and aged leaves. The lower photosynthesis rates in mature and juvenile leaves could be due to a range of factors, in- cluding temperature and geography of the area. In the spring season, there was also a significant difference in photosynthesis rates among the different age classes, with aged leaves exhibiting the highest photosynthesis rate and juvenile leaves exhibiting the lowest. These results are not consistent with previous studies that have found that juvenile leaves generally have higher photosynthesis rates than mature and aged leaves. The lower photosynthesis rates in mature and juvenile leaves could be due to a range of factors, in- cluding temperature and geography of the area. During the summer season, the results were con- sistent with previous studies that have found that juve- nile leaves generally have higher photosynthesis rate than mature and aged leaves., with juvenile leaves ex- hibiting the highest photosynthesis rate and aged leaves exhibiting the lowest. The higher photosynthesis rates in juvenile leaves could be due to a number of factors, including higher chlorophyll content and increased leaf surface area. Finally, during the autumn season, there was a sig- nificant difference in photosynthesis rates among the different age classes, with aged leaves exhibiting the highest photosynthesis rate and mature leaves exhibit- ing the lowest. These results are not consistent with pre- vious studies that have found that juvenile leaves gen- erally have higher photosynthesis rates in juvenile and mature leaves could be due to a range of factors, includ- ing temperature and geography of the area. Negative Pn in Plant Photosynthesis Meter 3051C refers to the decrease or consumption of CO2 during plant respiration, which results in a reduction in the net rate of photosynthesis [9]. The negative value of Pn in- dicates that the rate of CO2 uptake by the plant is less than the rate of CO2 release through respiration. This phenomenon can be observed in conditions where the rate of respiration in the plant exceeds the rate of pho- tosynthesis or in situations where environmental factors such as low light intensity or high temperature nega- tively impact photosynthesis. Accurate measurements of Pn are critical for evaluating the photosynthetic per- formance of plants and understanding their response to changing environmental conditions [9]. Overall, our study provides valuable insights into the photosynthesis rates of Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. and their response to seasonal variations in envi- ronmental factors. These findings could potentially in- form future studies on plant physiology and could have implications for ecosystem management and conserva- tion efforts. Conclusion In conclusion. The Plant Photosynthesis Meter 3051C is a useful tool for measuring the rate of photo- synthesis in plants, allowing researchers to quantify changes in photosynthesis rates over time and identify seasonal patterns. In this study, the 3051C was used to measure the photosynthesis rates of Eucalyptus sider- oxylon A. Gunn. leaves from different age classes over the course of a year. The results showed that there were significant differences in photosynthesis rates among the age classes, with juvenile leaves exhibiting the highest photosynthesis rates during summer and aged leaves exhibiting the highest rates during winter and au- tumn. These findings provide valuable insights into the physiological responses of Eucalyptus sideroxylon A. Gunn. to environmental variations and may have impli- cations for forest management and conservation efforts. References 1.Bellasio, C., & Beerling, D.J. (2013). Leaf traits and photosynthetic responses of Eucalyptus species to a climate warming and drying trend. Annals of Botany, 112(2), 335-349. 2.Flexas, J., Diaz-Espejo, A., Conesa, M. A., Coopman, R. E., & Douthe, C. (2016). Photosynthetic limitations in Mediterranean plants: a review. Environ- mental and Experimental Botany, 103, 12-23. 3.Hikosaka, K. (2016). Importance of leaf anat- omy in determining mesophyll diffusion conductance to CO2 across species: quantitative limitations and scaling up by models. Journal of Experimental Botany, 67(16), 5109-5118. 4.Javot, H., Pumplin, N., & Harrison, M. J. (2007). Phosphate in the arbuscular mycorrhizal sym- biosis: transport properties and regulatory roles. Plant, Cell & Environment, 30(3), 310-322 5.Loreto, F., & Sharkey, T. D. (2019). Photosyn- thesis: physiology and metabolism. 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  • 8. 8 Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023) ECONOMIC SCIENCES UZBEK COMMERCIAL BANKS ACTIVITY AS INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS Sultanov M. PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Accounting. Tashkent State University of Economics. Tashkent DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8213832 ABSTRACT The activities of banks were systematically studied as institutional investors in the securities market in the article. In the article, since commercial banks operating in our country are supposed to gradually increase the minimum amount of authorized capital to five hundred billion soums until 2025 in accordance with the current legislation, the tasks that Uzbekistan needs to implement within the framework of the banking system reform strategy and the development strategy have been researched. In order to improve the investment activity of banks, the shares issued as issuers in the securities market, their share among institutional investors, and the current situ- ation of the contribution of large joint-stock companies are studied in the article. It was studied the strategy for reforming the banking system of Uzbekistan with the support of international financial institutions, the provision of gradual privatization of State shares in “Uzsanoatqurilishbank”, “Asaka” “Ipoteka-Bank”, “Alaqabank”, “Qish- loq qurilish bank” and “Turonbank”, which are considered large banks in Uzbekistan in terms of the amount of capital and assets, the volume of credit and deposit portfolios. Keywords: stock market, institutional investor, banks, commercial bank, investment banks, investment funds, ordinary share, preferred share, "Tashkent" RFB. deposits, capitalization. Introduction. Institutional investors operate in the stock market of economically developed countries, and their services are mainly used by banks, insurance companies, pension and investment funds. In this case, commercial banks can also participate as an issuer by issuing securities, as an investment intermediary in the formation of acceptable categories of equity investment (mainly mutual) funds in stock market trading, and as an investor in stock market trading. By supporting the technical and technological renewal of the economy of our republic, sharply increasing its competitiveness, in- creasing the export potential, establishing new enter- prises based on innovative and energy-saving technol- ogies, and financing enterprises producing new types of products in demand in the world market, the banking system is responsible for the consistent implementation of the state investment policy making a decent contri- bution. The stock market also creates an opportunity for commercial banks to attract additional capital. They can attract authorized capital from the issue of securi- ties, and money for the formation of credit resources. Commercial banks operating in our country today, in accordance with the current legislation [1], the mini- mum amount of bank charter capital will be one hun- dred billion soums from September 1, 2023. In the fu- ture, it is proposed to make additions to Article 13 of the Law "On Banks and Banking Activities" in order to increase the minimum amount of bank charter capital to five hundred billion soums by 2025. At the same time, it is established that the authorized capital of the bank will be formed in the national currency of the Re- public of Uzbekistan, and it will be formed from the money contributed by the founders and shareholders of the bank or from the state's securities. This indicates that commercial banks are not only involved in the for- mation of authorized capital, but also accelerate their activities in the securities market as institutional inves- tors. Literature review on the topic: It is possible to emphasize the emergence of new financial institutions as a legitimate and objective result of the development of market relations. Commercial banks actively partic- ipating in the transformation of savings into invest- ments can be recognized among such financial institu- tions. In international practice, the interpretation of the activity of institutional investors as an integral part of the stock market, according to U. Sharp, one of the leading economists in the world economy, "when dis- cussing the increasing importance of institutional in- vestors in the American stock market, the main atten- tion is paid by pension funds, insurance companies, and trust operations departments of banks focused on the investments to be made. The total share of these organ- izations is more than half of the share capital issued by American corporations»[4]. This definition is specific to countries with developed economies, where alterna- tive resources necessary for activity are attracted through financial market instruments. This indicates that the necessary funds for economic entities in devel- oped countries are attracted through the activities of in- stitutional investors such as commercial banks in the securities market. In studies specific to commercial banks as institu- tional investors, according to scientists and experts, the perfect definition is Recommended by V.N Kolesni- kov: He mentioned that it means "Various financial in- stitutions (commercial and investment banks, insurance companies, pension funds) that carry out operations with securities"[5]. This approach is based on the idea that many of these institutions combine the funds of various investors (individuals and legal entities) to form commercial banks that seek the opportunity to in- vest them in valuable securities that bring income. Uzbek economist-scientist A.T. Uzokov also in- terprets the investment activities of insurance compa- nies as follows: "Institutional investors are specialists who are paid for managing someone's money. They are
  • 9. Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023) 9 employed by financial institutions, for example, banks, insurance companies, mutual and pension funds, as well as financial corporations, and in special cases - pri- vate (individual) individuals»[6]. In this definition, pri- vatization investment funds, which acted as investment intermediaries in the privatization and expropriation of state property, were ignored. This indicates that due to the lack of research on the activities of commercial banks as institutional investors in the stock market in the economy of Uzbekistan, its scientific-theoretical foundations have not been studied in the financial liter- ature. Analysis and results. Measures to expand the size of the stock market of our republic with the participation of institutional in- vestors, that is, in the decree "On the new development strategy of Uzbekistan for 2022-2026", "gradual liber- alization of capital movement in our country and pri- vatization of large enterprises and their shares (shares), including through the stock exchange and State by the end of 2026, the share of the private sector in bank as- sets will be completed to 60%" and other actions rele- vant to the stock market, "in order to increase financial resources in the economy, the turnover of the stock market will increase from 200 million US dollars to 7 billion US dollars in the next 5 years»[2] is important in the analysis of increasing activity of commercial banks as institutional investors in the securities market. Commercial banks operating as institutional in- vestors (issuers) in Uzbekistan have a value of 60.3 tril- lion soums, equal to 33.7% of the total shares issued by joint-stock companies (JSC) of our country, and 96.7% of the total shares issued by institutional institutions. This situation is evaluated by the fact that commercial banks as institutional investors - issuers in our country have reached the monopoly level in the securities mar- ket, and the high impact of the country's financial po- tential on stable economic growth rates. However, comparing the weight of the total shares issued by the financial sector with joint stock companies (JSC) oper- ating in the economy of our republic, this share is 35.3%. This means that, as we mentioned above, most of the shares issued on the stock market of our country correspond to the share of the non-financial sector of the economy. The main goal of the reforms in the banking sector of our republic is to meet the demand of the population for modern financial services and to increase the capi- talization of commercial banks. The strategy of reform- ing the banking system of Uzbekistan in 2020-2025 adopted on the basis of the decree of the President of May 12, 2020[3] is of great importance in this regard. Based on it, with the support of international financial institutions, "Ipoteka-bank", "Uzsanoatqurilishbank", "Asaka", "Aloqabank", the state shares in "Qishloq Qurilish Bank" and "Turonbank" are supposed to be gradually privatized. Among these banks, "Uzsano- atqurilishbank" and "Asaka" banks are the second and third largest banks in Uzbekistan in terms of capital and assets, loan and deposit portfolios. Also, financial transactions carried out by banks through "issuing, pur- chasing, selling securities, keeping their accounts and keeping them, managing securities according to the contract concluded with the client, performing other operations with them"[1], banks are chartered the stock market (Tashkent RFB) plays an important role in the gradual increase of the minimum amount of capital, the issuing of additional shares and maintaining the quota- tion of shares. Figure 1. As of April 1, 2023, shares issued by institutional investors of Uzbekistan and the contribution1 of large joint-stock commercial banks, in percent. 1 Ma'lumotlari. 3,95 0,01 14,19 12,19 9,72 63,89 96,4 «Agrobank» АТБ «O'zbekiston Respublikasi AT Xalq Banki» «Asakabank» АЖ Бошқа банклар Banks Investment funds Insurance companies
  • 10. 10 Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023) Figure 1 shows the analysis of shares issued by the banks of our republic as issuers in the securities market, their share among institutional investors, and the share of large joint-stock companies within banks. As shown in Figure 1, as of April 1, 2023, 62.4 trillion soums worth of shares were put into circulation by the institutional investors of our republic, of which 96.4% or 60.3 trillion soums belonged to banks. This situation occurred due to the requirement to increase the authorized capital of commercial banks. Also, if we analyze the data of banks with a high share of shares issued in our Republic, the joint-stock commercial bank "Agrobank" has the highest share with 14.19%, having issued shares worth 8.6 trillion soums. In the next places, the volume of shares issued by "O'zbekiston Respublikasi aksiyadorlik tijorat Xalq Banki" is equal to 7.4 trillion soums and a 12.19% share, and "Asa- kabank" joint-stock company has 5.9 trillion soums and a 9.72% share, respectively. Although the remaining 31 joint-stock companies have put into circulation 38.4 billion soums worth of shares, their share in the total share is equal to 63.6%. Investment funds that have a high position in the world stock market have little influence on our national economy, they only put into circulation 2.32 billion soums of shares, and the share of institutional investors is close to 0.01%, while the remaining 3.95% or more than 2.1 trillion soums belong to insurance companies. This indicates that the number of insurance companies as issuers was only 9 at the beginning of 2019, and now their number has reached 48, and the amount of shares issued by them has increased accordingly. Also, the main goal of the investment policy of commercial banks is to ensure the profitability of their funds, like other institutional investors. The activity of "Tashkent" RFB in sales by the banks of our republic can be evaluated differently. In our republic, as well as banks of economically devel- oped countries, in order to increase bank capitalization, they use stock market trading to maintain the quotation price of their ordinary and preferred shares. Therefore, we will consider the change in the price of shares of joint-stock commercial banks actively participating in RFB trades of our country "Tashkent" through their comparative analysis. Table 1 As of May 22, 2023, a comparative analysis of the price of shares of joint-stock commercial banks (ATB) that actively participating in "Tashkent" RFB trading. № Name of banks Nominal price of shares, in soums Quotation price of shares, in soums The difference between share prices,% A common stock Preferred stock A common stock Preferred stock A common stock Preferred stock 1 Hamkorbank ATB 5,0 5,0 125,01 75,35 25 EQ 15 EQ 2 Mikrokreditbank ATB 1 068,0 1 068,0 1 067,99 10 000,0 99,9 9,4 EQ 3 Qishloq Qurilish Bank ATB 119,25 119,25 112,42 5 100,0 94,3 42,8 EQ 4 Ipotekabank ATB 1,0 1,0 0,91 3,49 91,0 3,5 EQ 5 O’zsano- atqurilishbank ATB 19,0 19,0 10,1 38,0 53,2 2 EQ 6 Garantbank AJ 100,0 100,0 209,9 - 2 EQ - 7 Aloqabank AT 121,0 121,0 82,0 550,0 67,8 4,5 EQ 8 Agrobank ATB 1 168,0 1 168,0 577,0 72 000,0 49,4 61,6 EQ 9 Universalbank ATB 5 000,0 - 13 390 - 2,7 EQ - 10 Turonbank ATB 1 700,0 1 700,0 1 329,99 2 500,0 82,4 1,5 EQ According to this table, as of May 22, 2023, mainly 10 banks actively participated in "Tashkent" RFB sales. The minimum nominal value of their ordi- nary shares was set at 1.0 soums (ATIB "Ipo- tekabank"), and the maximum nominal value was 5,000 soums (ATB "Universalbank"). If we pay attention to the sales of shares of "Tashkent" RFB by these issuers, the highest increase was recorded by ATB "Ham- korbank". That is, it indicates that the shares put into circulation by ATB "Hamkorbank" with a nominal value of 5 soums reached 125.01 soums by quoting at "Tashkent" RFB trades or increased 25 times as a result of capitalization. This may have been influenced by the announcement by the issuer that the dividend amount for the results of 2022 has been set at 30% compared to the nominal value. If the preferential share of this issue was put into circulation at a nominal value of 5 soums, as a result of being quoted in the "Tashkent" RFB trades, the selling price reached 75 soums 35 tithes, or its capitalization increased up to 15 times. The increase in the value of these 2 types of shares in the stock mar- ket is due to the fact that ATB "Hamkorbank" has at- tracted additional financial resources important for its activities, on the one hand, the activity of commercial banks of our Republic as institutional investors in the trades of "Tashkent" RFB is increasing, on the other hand, as defined in the development strategy, financial in the economy in order to increase resources, it indi- cates that it participates in increasing the turnover of the stock market. If we analyze the stock quotation of ATB "Mikrokreditbank" shares in the "Tashkent" RFB trad- ing, although the value of ordinary shares has not changed (99.9%), the price of its preferred shares has
  • 11. Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023) 11 increased by 9.4 times to 10,000.0 soums. It is known that the dividend on ordinary shares is determined by the general meeting of shareholders, and its relatively low refinancing rate and almost unchanged quotation price may weaken investors' interest in these shares. On the contrary, the interest in preferred shares may be caused by the fact that their dividend is fixed and higher than the interest earned on bank deposits. However, ac- cording to the information on the ATB "Mikrokredit- bank" website, in the following years, dividends on or- dinary and preferred shares were not paid out of the net profit at the end of the year. If we analyze the participation of ATB "Qishloq Qurilish Bank" in the stock exchange trading, the mar- ket price of ordinary shares with a nominal value of 119.25 soums decreased by 94.3% to 112.42 soums, compared to the nominal price of preferred shares, the market price is 42.8 doubled to 5,100 soums. Accord- ing to the issuer's 2022 reports, no dividend was paid to the owners of ordinary shares, and 25.0% dividend was reported for preferred shares. ATIB "Ipotekabank" nominal value of common and preferred shares was set at 1 soum, while its ordi- nary share fell to 91 tithes in the stock market, while the quotation of its preferred share increased by almost 3.5 times and rose to 3 soum 47 tyyennes. According to the 2022 reports of this issuer, no dividend was paid to the owners of ordinary shares, and information was provided on the payment of 25.0% dividend on pre- ferred shares. ATB "Uzsanoatqurilishbank" is the second joint- stock bank in Uzbekistan in terms of capital and assets, loan and deposit portfolios, and its shares are put into circulation at the nominal value of 19.0 soums. Quota- tion of ordinary shares fell to 10.1 soums or 53.2% in stock market trading, on the contrary, the price of pre- ferred shares increased by 2 times to 38 soums. In the reports of ATB "Uzsanoatqurilishbank" for 2022, even in this bank, no dividend was paid to the owners of or- dinary shares, but 23.0% dividend payment is provided for preferred shares. "Garantbank" joint-stock company (JSC), differ- ent from other banks, put into circulation only ordinary shares with a nominal value of 100 soums. The market price of this issuer's share is currently 209 soums or more than 2 times higher than the nominal value. The reason for saying this is that the share price can change (fluctuate) during the day based on supply and demand. That is, during the research period-day, the shares of this issuer were sold in the range of 192-209 soums. In the 2022 reports of "Garantbank" JSC, the payment of 30% of the nominal dividend to ordinary share holders can also be considered as a beneficial investment for investors. If we analyze the stock quotation of "Aloqabank" shares in the "Tashkent" RFB sales, from shares with a nominal price of 121.0 soums, the value of its ordinary shares fell to 82.0 soums or 67.8%. the price increased by 4.5 times to 550.0 soums. According to the infor- mation on the website of AT "Aloqabank", in the next 2020-2022, dividends on ordinary and preferred shares have not been paid out of the net profit at the end of the year. Taking into account that preferred shares in banks are placed mainly among employees, the overquotation of shares may be related to the bank's strategy. If the nominal value of ordinary and preferred shares of ATB “Agrobank " is set at 1168.0 soums, its ordinary share in exchange trading has fallen to 577.0 soums or 49.4%, then the quotation of preferential shares has increased by almost 61.6 times and reached 72 00 soums. Also according to the 2022 reports of this issuer, ordinary stock holders are provided with a divi- dend payment of 292.0% on non-dividend shares (in soums per share) or 25.0% on preferred shares (in per- centage per share face value). For the period 2009- 2021, the bank has regularly paid 25% dividend to pre- ferred stock holders. It is possible that this factor can cause the quotation of preferred shares to increase by up to 61.6 times. ATB "Universalbank", just like "Garantbank" JSC, put into circulation only ordinary shares with a nominal value of 5,000 soums. The market price of this issuer's share is currently 13,390 soums or 2.7 times higher than the nominal value. In the reports of ATB "Universalbank" for 2022, the payment of 30% of the nominal dividend to the holders of ordinary shares can be considered as a beneficial investment for investors. The bank's information on important facts of the open- site provides information on the payment of a dividend of 7.8% or 392.0 soums on preferred shares for 2022 (as a percentage of the nominal value of one share). Just as every bank has its own investment strat- egy, ATB Universalbank also has its own dividend pol- icy. At the end of our research, we will analyze the ac- tivity of ATB "Turonbank" in the stock market. The nominal price of shares of this bank is 1,700 soums. ATB "Turonbank" ordinary share fell to 1,329.99 soums or 82.4% in stock market trading, while the quo- tation of its preferred share increased by almost 1.5 times and reached 2,500 soums. According to the re- ports of this issuer for 2009-2020, if it paid dividends to the owners of ordinary shares in the range of 0-30% (in some years it was not paid at all), the bank regularly pays dividends to the owners of preferred shares in the amount of 20.0-43.0%. The dividend policy of this bank is unique among the banks of our republic. We consider that the following conclusions and suggestions are appropriate for improving the activity of commercial banks of Uzbekistan as investment in- vestors: We believe that the following conclusions and suggestions are appropriate for improving the activity of commercial banks of Uzbekistan as investment in- vestors: 1. The analysis of the investment activities of ATB "Khamkorbank" in the securities market shows that the activity of this bank as an institutional investor in "Tashkent" RFB trades has increased, and the quota- tion price of its shares has increased by 15-25 times compared to the nominal price. If such a practice is used in other banks, not only the capitalization of the stock market of our country will increase, as defined in the development strategy, but also the possibility of attract- ing additional financial resources necessary for the bank's activities will be created.
  • 12. 12 Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023) 2. It is known that in the banks of a country with a developing economy like Uzbekistan, in most cases, the conclusion on the payment of income per common share is adopted based on their founding documents, based on the decision of the general meeting of share- holders in order to increase the bank's capitalization. The fact that the dividend for preferred shares is fixed and higher than the interest from bank deposits can be considered as a factor influencing the investment of funds by the population (investor). The data obtained during the research period, except for banks such as ATB "Mikrokreditbank" and ATB Aloqabank, unlike ordinary joint-stock companies, dividends on preferred shares were paid between 20-40 percent. Due to this reason, the market price of their preferred shares in- creased from 2 times to 61.6 times in "Tashkent" RFB sales. 3. Investors have long-term goals, so they need to rely on the database to protect themselves from mar- ket volatility and confusion, and to avoid dispersing their holdings even when activity in the stock markets slows down. Today in the information of the site about the important facts related to banks, the information about the bank's financial capabilities is not enough to fully imagine and make an investment decision. Therefore, it is necessary to create a daily in- formation and analysis magazine (newspaper) or an in- ternet site in our Republic, as in developed countries, in order to be aware of the situation of investors in the stock market trading, as well as the quotations and their analytical conclusions of the trading of bank shares. References 1. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Banks and Banking Activities" No. ORQ-580 (new edition). Tashkent city, November 5, 2019. 2. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uz- bekistan dated January 28, 2022 No. PF-60 "On the new development strategy of Uzbekistan for 2022- 2026". 3. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uz- bekistan "On the strategy of reforming the banking sys- tem of Uzbekistan in 2020-2025". May 12, 2020. 4. Sharp W.F. etc. Investments: Textbook / U.F. Sharp, G.J. Alexander, J. Bailey, trans. from English. - M.: INFRA-M, 2001. - XII, 1028 p. 5. Kolesnikov V.N., Torkanovskiy V.S. Securi- ties: Textbook. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2003. – 447p 6. Uzokov A., Kenjaev N. Organization and fi- nancing of investments. Study guide. - T.: Economics and Finance, 2008. 22-25 pp
  • 13. Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023) 13 MILITARY SCIENCES О ПЕРВОМ ВЫПУСКЕ НАЦИОНАЛЬНОЙ ВОЕННОЙ ШКОЛЫ АЗЕРБАЙДЖАНА Эрсай Б. Университет Национальной Обороны Азербайджанской Республики, научный сотрудник Алиева Г. Университет Национальной Обороны Азербайджанской Республики Научная сотрудница THE FIRST NATIONAL MILITARY SCHOOL IN AZERBAIJAN AND ITS FIRST GRADUATION Ersay B., National Defence University of the Republic of Azerbaijan, scientist researcher Aliyeva G. National Defence University of the Republic of Azerbaijan, scientist researcher DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8213862 АННОТАЦИЯ В статье анализируется история создания первой национальной военной школы в Азербайджане – Школы Подпрапорщиков. Основы этой школы были заложены еще до объявления независимости Азер- байджанской Демократической Республики. А после приобретения независимости создалось более благо- приятные условия для функционирования данной школы. В конце октября 1918 года завершился учебный процесс и юнкера Школы Подпрапорщиков успешно сдав выпускные экзамены влились в строй Армии Азербайджанской Демократической Республики. ABSTRACT The article analyzes the history of the foundation of the first national military school in Azerbaijan - the School of Podpraporshiks. The foundations of that school were laid before the declaration of independence of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. And after independence, a more favorable condition was laid out for the func- tioning of that military institution. At the end of October 1918, the training process was completed and the cadets of the Podpraporshik School successfully passed the final exams and joined the army of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. Ключевые слова: Мусульманский корпус, военная школа, военное образование, независимость, младший командирский состав. Keywords: Muslim corps, military school, military education, independence, junior commanders. Введение Большевистский переворот, произошедший в России 25 октября 1917 г., открыл путь к серьезным общественно-политическим изменениям в жизни народа страны. Таким образом, народы края, в том числе и народы, проживающие на Южном Кавказе, не приняли этот переворот. Поэтому во многих ре- гионах страны, в том числе и на Южном Кавказе, стали возникать независимые от России правитель- ства. Представители ведущих политических партий этого региона собрались в Тбилиси 11 ноября 1917 г. и объявили о создании правительства под назва- нием Закавказский комиссариат (1, с. 57). Основу этого правительства составляли пред- ставители азербайджанского, грузинского и армян- ского народов. Это новое правительство на Южном Кавказе, хотя и недостаточно сильное, решило про- вести определенные реформы. Одна из таких ре- форм касалась армии. Таким образом, Закавказский комиссариат начал работу по созданию на террито- рии Южного Кавказа национальных корпусов, в том числе мусульманского корпуса, состоящего из азербайджанцев. Решение Закавказского комисса- риата было принято 11 декабря 1917 года. Предпо- лагалось, что рядовой состав вновь созданного кор- пуса будет состоять в основном из азербайджанцев и мусульманских жителей региона. Поскольку для формирования офицерского состава корпуса офи- церов азербайджанской национальности не хва- тало, считалось возможным набирать офицеров другой национальности. Во времена царской Рос- сии существовали определенные ограничения на прием азербайджанцев в военные училища страны. Такое ограничение действительно существовало и в отношении рядового состава. Потому что азер- байджанцев не призывали на службу в армию цар- ской России. По новым воинским уставам, вступив- шим в силу в России в 1874 году, мусульманское население России, в том числе и азербайджанцы, не подлежало призыву на военную службу. С 1887 г. мусульманское население России, в том числе и азербайджанцы, стали платить особый налог в об- мен на не призыв к службе в русской армии (3). Для преодоления этих трудностей командова- ние мусульманского корпуса приняло решение от- крыть военное училище для азербайджанской мо- лодежи для получения военного образования и под- готовки их в качестве военнослужащих.
  • 14. 14 Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023) 1. Организация первой национальной воен- ной школы Азербайджана С целью обучения азербайджанских военно- служащих командование Мусульманского корпуса обратилось с письмом в Закавказский комиссариат. В этом письме говорилось о необходимости орга- низации военного училища для обеспечения Му- сульманского корпуса младшими военными кад- рами. Эту школу планировалось открыть в Баку. Согласно вновь созданному военному училищу, приоритет должен быть отдан обучению азербай- джанской молодежи. Желающие поступить в воен- ное училище должны были иметь не менее четырех классов начального образования. Предполагалось, что в эту школу будут принимать молодых людей в возрасте 18-25 лет. Если число молодых азербай- джанцев, желающих поступить в военное училище было бы недостаточным то и русским проживаю- щим на Южном Кавказе, будет разрешено посту- пать в эту школу. В военное училище должны были принять 100 физически здоровых молодых людей. Тех, кто учился в этой школе, называли «юнке- рами». Курсанты должны были учиться три месяца по утвержденной программе, а по окончании срока обучения сдавать зачет. Сдавшие экзамены должны были быть обеспечены военным обмундированием, оружием и стипендией в размере 50 (пятидесяти) рублей (5, с. 26). Через некоторое время Закавказский комисса- риат разрешил открытие первой военной школы, предназначенной для азербайджанцев, при мусуль- манском корпусе. 1 марта 1918 г. был назначен ди- ректор этой школы и началась организация обуче- ния в школе (6, с. 183). Первое военное училище, организованное для азербайджанцев, называлось «Мусульманская школа подпрапорщиков». В мусульманском кор- пусе сохранялась система воинских званий армии царской России. По этой системе воинское звание «подпрапорщик» было основным офицерским зва- нием. Тем, кто окончил национальное военное учи- лище, не присваивалось звание подпрапорщика, ко- торое является офицерским званием. После оконча- ния военного училища их нужно было направить на службу в войска и через 8 месяцев службы им можно было присвоить начальное офицерское зва- ние. В последние дни марта 1918 года, после акти- визации сил, противостоявших национально-осво- бодительному движению азербайджанского народа под руководством большевиков, и массовых рас- прав над азербайджанским населением в городе Баку, деятельность Мусульманской Школы под- прапорщиков в этом городе стало невозможным. Поэтому 2 апреля 1918 г. весь состав Националь- ного военного училища переехало в Гянджу, а 8 числа того же месяца поселился в Художественном училище в центре Гянджи (6, с. 183). Однако полноценного функционирования Му- сульманской Школы подпрапорщиков удалось до- биться после провозглашения Азербайджаном не- зависимости. Таким образом, 28 мая 1918 года было объявлено о создании Азербайджанской Демокра- тической Республики. Азербайджанский народ встал на путь независимости, и, как и во всех реги- онах страны, в области армейского строительства были предприняты самостоятельные шаги. Одним из предпринятых в этом направлении дел было пол- ное восстановление деятельности Мусульманской Школы подпрапорщиков, а в начале июня 1918 г. Военная школа продолжило свою деятельность в здании художественной школы расположенной в центре Гянджи (2, т. 48, 53, 57). К организации деятельности школы были при- влечены опытные офицеры, так же был назначен новый начальник. Была подготовлена новая ин- струкция образовательного центра. В этой инструк- ции указывалось, что цель обучения, проводимого в школе, состоит в том, чтобы дать учащимся зна- ния для выполнения обязанностей командира взвода, подготовить их к управлению подразделе- нием, привить навыки организации обучения под- чиненного персонала. Планировалось, что занятия в школе продлятся 5-6 месяцев. В то время препо- давание пришлось разделить на три периода. По окончании обучения слушатели должны обладать следующими квалификациями: - приобрести необходимые навыки военной подготовки для ведения новой войны; - выполнять задачи как в одном строю, так и рассредоточенно в отделении и взводе, иметь уме- ние управлять подразделениями в боевых условиях и демонстрировать это собственной активностью; - Организовывать деятельность личного со- става части в одном строю и разбросанно по мест- ности и в разных боевых условиях, наблюдать за от- крытием боя мотострелкового батальона отдельно и в составе полка, в связи с этим быть готовым к выполнению поставленных задач; - Проводить боевые стрельбы из оружия в строю, отделении и взводе и знать возможности оружия, используемого личным составом. Знаком- ство с правилами стрельбы, изучение правил стрельбы, знание правил обращения с пулеметом и приобретение навыков его применения в бою (4, т. 1-86). Три периода, в течении которых должно про- ходить обучение, были указаны в руководстве как периоды А, В и С. Для каждого из этих периодов знания, которые должны были быть переданы уча- щимся, были отражены в инструкции. В течение пе- риода обучения студенты должны были иметь сле- дующие знания: - Положение воина в строю, направление, по- вороты на месте, марши на разные расстояния, по- клоны и правила порядка, снаряжение воина, за- щита этого снаряжения и его использование, коле- нопреклонение, официальные поклоны, применение оружия; - упражнения по штыковому бою, прикрепле- ние штыка к оружию, с применением кинжала; - уметь преодолевать всевозможные препят- ствия, взбираться на высоту, прыгать (с сумкой и без нее), уметь плавать в воде;
  • 15. Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023) 15 - различные прицельные ситуации, прицелива- ние из-за щитов и других предметов, упражнения по огневой подготовке; Кроме того, обучение, проводившееся в пе- риод А, требовало от учащихся хорошего знания местности, умения умело пользоваться находящи- мися на ней предметами, научиться складываться и раскладываться в различных формах, двигаться назад и в стороны под стрельбу из пушек и другого оружия, как и где применять противогаз, знать об- щие обязанности воина в наступательных и оборо- нительных боях, правила поведения, сигналы связи и пользования телефоном, устройство винтовки, его разборка и сборка, использование сумок и пала- ток. При обучении, проводившемся в первый пе- риод, главной целью была подготовка студентов как военнослужащий и защитник родины. С этим же были связаны и задачи, поставленные в руковод- стве. В этом смысле от курсантов требовалось знать применение всех видов оружия, которые могут применяться на поле боя, выбор правильной пози- ции в различных боевых условиях, а также обязан- ности и возможности родов войск, участвующих в сражении. В то же время учащимся необходимо было прививать навыки действия в поздних усло- виях, перемещения, заряжания оружия, перемеще- ния в определенную точку (4, т.1-86, 1-87). В период обучения Б, знания учащихся должны быть дополнительно расширены. В тече- ние этого периода учащиеся должны были овладеть знания на уровне отделения и взвода. Молодые люди, окончившие военную школу, должны были уметь организовать деятельность отделения и взвода во время службы. Конкретно учащиеся должны научиться организовывать отделение и взвод в различных условиях, их развертывание, од- новременные обязанности, нахождение в атаке и на марше, оборону отделения от различных видов ору- жия, организацию движения под огнем различных оружий на земле и на суше, организации выполне- ния боевых задач в различных географических условиях, они должны были уметь вести разведку, устанавливать связь, организовывать охрану воен- ных объектов, задачи, которые должен был выпол- нять взвод при наступлении и обороне, организация боя в ночных условиях, выполнение обязанностей караула. В последний период обучения знания, уча- щихся охватывали широкие и всесторонние знания. В этот период уделялось больше внимания знанию выполнения боевых задач в части. Место отделения и взвода в составе части, особенности и характер задач которые они будут выполнять, способы более эффективного налаживания взаимоотношений и другие вопросы должны были преподаваться сту- дентам. Предполагалось, что теоретические и прак- тические знания дополняют друг друга в период обучения. Для этого в программе обучения были за- планированы различные практические занятия. Например, учения по метанию бомб, заряжание оружия, учения по правильному прицеливанию и стрельбе, учения на местности, отработка боевых приемов, учения с противогазам, ночные учения, практические занятия по установлению связи и т. д. (4, т.1-91). Курс подготовки сержантов был также открыт в школе унтер-офицеров. Курс кандидатов в офи- церы запаса. На этих курсах должны были обу- чаться младшие командиры. Также было подготовлено пособие по курсу подготовки младших командиров. Это пособие называлось «Учебное пособие для кандидатов в офицеры запаса Азербайджана». Согласно этой ин- струкции, основной целью открытия упомянутой школы была подготовка младших командиров для войск. В то время больше внимания уделялось под- готовке младших командиров пехотных войск. По- сле получения теоретических знаний юноши, обу- чающиеся в школе, должны быть распределены по разным полкам, где они должны пройти практику. Преподавание и обучение велось по различным специальностям, в том числе пехотной, артилле- рийской, тяжелой артиллерийской, кавалерийской, фортификационной, пулемётной, гранатомётной, а также подготовка по техническим специальностям используемым в армии –штурман поезда, вождение автомобиля, телеграф, телефонная связь, авиация, химия, инженер и т.д. Следует отметить, что дея- тельность указанного учебного центра достаточно изучена в научно-исторической литературе. Ясно только то, что выпуск в этой школе произошел раньше времени, и в связи с большой потребностью в младших офицерах в Азербайджанском корпусе, который перестраивался, срок обучения был не- сколько сокращен приказом Нуру-Паши (7, стр. 149-153). Газета «Азербайджан», официальный орган печати Азербайджанской Демократической Рес- публики, писала о создании и деятельности этой во- енной школы следующее: «Азербайджанское пра- вительство открыло в Гяндже школу подпрапорши- ков. В этой школе обучаются свыше 250 человек молодежи. По окончании курса оттуда выходят подпрапоршиками, которые по истечении 6 меся- цев производятся в офицеры. Школа функциони- рует всего около 4 месяцев и достигла значитель- ных успехов. Гянджинская школа подпрапоршиков осно- вана в то время, когда Баку находился в руках вра- гов и почти одновременно с образованием нынеш- него азербайджанского правительства, и находи- лась тогда в ведении Кавказской Мусульманской Армии. Оборудование школы и постановка учеб- ной части были поручены известному офицеру-пе- дагогу Атиф бею, который, собственно и является ее фактическим истинным создателем. Несмотря на то, что призыв в войска еще не состоялся, мусуль- манская молодежь с большой охотой устремилась в эту школу. День и ночь в школе кипела работа, мо- лодежь постепенно втянулась в дело» (10). 2. Первый выпуск первого национального военного училища Азербайджана. Выпуск Мусульманской Школы подпрапор- щиков состоялся 26-27 октября 1918 года в городе Гянджа. Некоторые источники утверждают, что эту
  • 16. 16 Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023) школу закончили 200 человек. Однако проведен- ные исследования показывают, что Азербайджан- ское национальное военное училище первого вы- пуска окончили 156 человек (9, с. 768-773). В газете «Азербайджан» он дал обширную ин- формацию о первом выпуске первой военной школы Азербайджана. По данным той же газеты, офицерского звания в этой школе не давали. Тех, кто успешно окончил школу, следует направить на службу в воинские части, и если они хорошо про- служили определенный период времени, им сле- дует присвоить звание подпрапорщика, которое яв- ляется начальным офицерским званием в азербай- джанской армии. А в армию они должны были идти в звании подпрапорщика, между чином сержанта и офицерским чином. 18 ноября 1918 года выпускни- кам Национальной военной школы было присвоено звание подполковника. До середины 1919 г. всем им было присвоено офицерское звание (9, с. 768). В результате Азербайджанская Армия имела 156 офицеров, в которых остро нуждалась в начале ее формирования. Первый выпуск первой национальной военной школы, созданного в Азербайджане, стал важным событием в военной истории Азербайджанской Де- мократической Республики, а также Азербайджана. Поэтому церемония вручения дипломов была отме- чена как событие государственной важности. Как сообщает газета «Азербайджан», в первом выпуске приняли участие государственные деятели, чинов- ники, военнослужащие, а также общественность го- рода Гянджи. В том числе министр образования Азербайджана Насиб бей Юсифбейли, государ- ственный министр Муса бей Рафиев, представитель МВД Мехди бей Гаджинский, командир Азербай- джанского корпуса генерал-лейтенант Алиага Шихлинский, командир 2-й Азербайджанской пе- хотной дивизии полковник Назим бей. В церемо- нии приняли участие полковник Сейфулла Мирза Гаджар, полковник Гамид Мамедов и другие офи- циальные лица. В церемонии также приняли уча- стие губернатор Гянджи Ибрагим Ага Вакилов, глава муниципалитета Гянджи Алескер бей Хасма- медов и комендант Гянджи Салман Фатхи бей. Второй тур выпускных экзаменов прошел 27 октября. Экзамены проходили на полигоне на окра- ине города. Интерес к этим экзаменам был настолько велик, что, кроме приглашенных гостей, на окраину города выехала большая группа жите- лей города, чтобы посмотреть экзамены. На этом этапе проверялись в основном практи- ческие навыки, а по данным газеты «Азербайджан», юнкеров проверяли по следующим вопросам: 1. Представление начальствующим лицам. 2. Строевое учение на месте. 3. Быстрота действий при военных операциях. 4. Штыковой бой. 5. Стрельба на разных расстояниях; прицельно. 6. От- ражение неприятельского наступления. 7. Бомбо- метание. 8. Военная гимнастика. 9. Метание бомб из окопов. 10. Метание заряженных бомб по при- ближающемуся неприятелю. 11. Уничтожение про- волочных заграждений бомбами и ножницами. 12. Отражение частичного отряда с пулеметами, при- ведение окопа в боевую готовность и мешочное за- граждение. 13. Охотничьи команды. 14. Сигнализа- ция флагами. 15. Расположение частей в окопах и в открытом поле. 16. Разборка и сборка оружия и ам- муниции. 17. Рапортование. 18. Маневрирование (8, с. 29). Чтобы пройти эти испытания, «юнкеры» про- демонстрировали свое мастерство на полигоне. Га- зета «Азербайджан» на своей странице так высоко оценила курсантов первой национальной военной школы, сдавших экзамен: “Начались маневры; осо- бенный эффект произвело метание ручных бомб. Густой дым заволок все небо. Грохот бросаемых бомб заглушал все. На много верст кругом чувство- валось сотрясение и слышались взрывы. Обста- новка сильно напоминало последний бой под Баку. Затем было произведено разрушение бомбами фу- гасов и проволочных заграждений, а также следую- щее за этим продвижение вперед и разрезание оставшихся в целости проволок специальными ножницами, за этим было произведено укрепление взятых окопов» (8, с. 29). Все эти действия тщательно контролировались и оценивались экзаменационной комиссией. Все курсанты успешно сдали экзамены и стали солда- тами, окончившими первую военную школу Азер- байджана. Этот успех кадетов вызвал огромную ра- дость у представителей власти, пришедших по- смотреть на экзамены. После экзаменов успешно окончивших школу поздравили официальные лица. С речью выступил командир 2-й Азербайджанской пехотной дивизии полковник Назим бей, который передал присутствующим свои сердечные слова: “Господа, сегодня самый счастливый день в жизни Азербайджана. Мы, ваши братья, преклоняемся пе- ред вашими способностями и поздравляем вас не столько с настоящим моментом, сколько с заслу- женными вами блестящим будущим. Я лично не сторонник войны, но «если хочешь мира, готовься к войне». Потому что если страна сильна и готова к войне, то никто не рискует на нее напасть. Я очень рад, что вы, господа, изучили военное дело, и наде- юсь, что вы явитесь доблестными и трудолюби- выми офицерами Азербайджана и сумеете отсто- ять, когда нужно, интересы нашей страны. Для этого требуется сильная армия и, я надеюсь, что вы не пожалеете сил для ее создания. Я еще раз по- здравляю страну с первым выпуском офицеров и уверен, что в будущем вы станете гордостью вашей Родины” (11). Затем перед молодыми воинами выступил ми- нистр образования Азербайджана Насиб бек Юсифбейли. Насиб бек, не скрывавший своей радо- сти по поводу этого исторического события, по- здравил юных воинов. Насиб бек Юсифбейли ска- зал: “Дети мои, правительство уполномочило меня приветствовать вас и передать вам несколько слов, чем и ограничусь. По мнению правительства, буду- щее Азербайджана и нации находится в ваших ру- ках. Если вы сумеете создать сильную армию, то будущее нации будет обеспечено. То, что я видел сегодня, меня убеждает и дает мне право донести
  • 17. Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023) 17 пославшему меня сюда правительству, что оно мо- жет быть спокойно за будущее страны. Успехи сде- ланное вами за такой короткий промежуток вре- мени, вряд ли могли быть достигнуты сынами са- мых культурных и способных народов. Мы очень довольны вами. Вы не обманули возложенных на вас надежд как со стороны правительства, так и наших братьев. Живите долгие годы, чтобы нация, вами защищаемая, могла жить» (11). Таким образом, в конце октября 1918 года со- стоялся первый выпуск первого национального во- енного училища Азербайджана. В организованной в связи с этим в церемонии приняли участие пред- ставители правительства Азербайджана и предста- вители общественности. Первый выпуск первой во- енной школы широко освещался в газете «Азербай- джан», официальном печатном органе правительства Азербайджана. Молодежь, успешно закончившая военное училище, сразу же направля- лась в части национальной армии на службу, и та- ким образом частично решалась потребность в национальных военных кадрах. Первая националь- ная военная школа Азербайджана впоследствии много раз меняла свой статус и продолжает свою деятельность до сегодняшнего дня. История Выс- шего военного института имени Гейдара Алиева, который в настоящее время считается центром под- готовки офицеров для Армии Азербайджанской Республики, берет свое начало в школе подпрапор- щиков. Литература 1. Азербайджанская Республика (1918-1920). Баку, Эльм, 1998 г. 2. Государственный архив Азербайджанской Республики, фонд 2918, оп. 1, дело 3. 3. Нефляшева Н. Как солдаты-мусульмане слу- жили в армии Российской империи Почему мусульман не призывали в царскую армию musulman-ne-prizyvali-v-carskuiu-armiiu- 5da9a42d34808200b1aaee25 4. Президентский архив военной истории и стратегических исследований, класс 3821, д.16. 5. Сулейманов М. Первое национальное воен- ное училище в Азербайджане. Баку, Военное изда- тельство, 2000, стр. 26 6. Сулейманов М. История Азербайджанской Армии. Том I. Баку, издательство «Маариф», 2018г. 7. Сулейманов М. Кавказская исламская армия и Азербайджан. Баку, Военное издательство, 1999г. 8. Статья в газете «Азербайджан» о первом вы- пуске гянджинской школы подпрапоршиков / Азер- байджанская Демократическая Республика (1918- 1920). Армия. (Документы и материалы). Баку, из- дательство «Азербайджан», 1998, с.27-33 9. Шахбазов А. Офицеры и военные служащие Армии Азербайджанской Демократической Рес- публики. Баку, издательство Маариф, 2020 г. 10. Эльчи. Церемония смотра и допроса народ- ного офицера в Гяндже // Газета «Азербайджан», № 29, 3 ноября 1918 г. 11. Эльчи. Церемония смотра и допроса народ- ного офицера в Гяндже // Газета «Азербайджан», № 31, 5 ноября 1918 г.
  • 18. 18 Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023) PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES THE USE OF MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGIES IN TEACHING MEDICAL CHEMISTRY TO STUDENTS OF I. HORBACHEVSKY TNMU Garlitska N. PhD, Associate Professor, Department of General Chemistry, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ukraine DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8213888 ABSTRACT The article presents the experience of using multimedia technologies as a mean of forming professional knowledge among medical students. The main types of multimedia types, which are used to organize the study of educational materials in medical chemistry, are highlighted. The most common multimedia hardware (computer, multimedia projector) and software (Moodle, ACS, MS Teams) technical tools used in teaching medical chemistry to students of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University. Keywords: multimedia technologies, educational process, medical education. Introduction. The rapid development of infor- mation technology and the increasing maturity of com- puter network technology have made medical educa- tion more modernized, and the application of multime- dia technology is one of the important symbols of medical education modernization [5]. The use of computer technologies significantly ex- pands the possibilities that contribute to the assimila- tion of information and the activation of the cognitive activity of students [4]. They diversify traditional forms of education and increase motivation to study, which ultimately leads to obtaining thorough knowledge in the field of medicine [3]. The acquired skills lead to the formation of relevant competencies, which are an im- portant factor in establishing the profession of a doctor. The main aim of education for students of medical educational institutions is the acquisition of qualified and relevant knowledge. According to literary sources [1], about 80 % of information a person receives through the organs of vision, therefore, multimedia means are an actual supply of the educational material. An important condition for the introduction of multimedia technologies into the educational process in the training of future doctors is the presence of specially equipped study rooms with a multimedia projector and a computer for the teacher, a screen or a multimedia board and an environment in which the educational process takes place. Organizing training sessions using multimedia technologies can save time by activating the presenta- tion of learning materials by using multimedia tools available to any student. It can create a visualized col- orful learning and play environment that has a truly rev- olutionary impact on students' perception of the subject throughout the training session [7]. Pedagogical aspects of the use of multimedia technologies and mobile applications in education are highlighted in the scientific works of S.S. Ryzhenko, YuChang Hsu, Yu-Hui Ching, Attewell J., Savill-Smith C., Douch R., Parker G, Traxler J., Thompson A., Kearney M., Schuck S., Burden K., Aubusson P and other [1, 8]. This demonstrates the unconditional interest of practicing teachers in finding other ways of more effective use of multimedia technologies. It has been demonstrated, by research on using multimedia for learning, that there are more positive results ob- served in students who combine picture and words than those who use words only [2]. Furthermore, according to Guan et al. [4], several studies have established the importance of multimedia technologies to education and the widespread adoption of multimedia tools. The objective of the study was to analyze the use of multimedia technologies as a mean of forming pro- fessional knowledge of medical students in the process of teaching medical chemistry; to describe the main types of information and communication technologies that are used in practical classes in medical chemistry at I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical Univer- sity. Statement of the topic. Multimedia learning tools are a set of hardware and software tools that allow a student to communicate with a computer using graphics, sound, animation, video. Multimedia technol- ogy has some characteristics like integration, diversity and interaction that enable people to communicate in- formation or ideas with digital and print elements. Mul- timedia has the potential for flexibility, interactivity, and integration of different multimedia educational in- formation. Therefore, multimedia is a very useful and effective educational technology [7]. The study of a course "Medical Chemistry" at TNMU takes place in accordance to the Standard of Higher Education of Ukraine of the second (master) level of higher education, branch of knowledge 22 Health Care, specialty 222 Medicine and 221 Dentistry. Multimedia technologies in the process of teaching medical chemistry include material prepared inde- pendently by the teacher, presentation of information using the Power Point program, a video method, e-mail, electronic interactive boards, and others. The following types of multimedia courses are used to organize the study of educational materials in medical chemistry: multimedia lectures, video lectures, interactive videos and electronic textbooks. Multimedia lecture. An integral component of multimedia technologies in higher education is a multi- media lecture, which includes elements of the latest in- formation technologies [1-2]. In the practical teaching work of the "Medical Chemistry" course, lectures-
  • 19. Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023) 19 presentations created using the Microsoft Power Point program are used. When teaching the "Medical Chemistry" course, the teacher uses the following educational presentations: • by the use of multimedia elements (visual, textual, combined); • by the educational aim (presentation- demonstration, presentation-control); • by direction (communicative with lexical dominant); • by the form of work (individual, group); • by origin (prepared by a teacher, prepared by a student). For example, a teacher uses presentation-control when giving a final lecture on medical chemistry. This type of presentation makes it possible to systematize the knowledge of medical students and prepare them for the final inspection. A multimedia communicative lecture is demonstrated to students when teaching top- ics such as: "Solutions", "Fundamentals of titrimetric method analysis", "Dispersed systems". The advantages of an educational presentation in the process of studying medical chemistry are: • activation of students' attention and educational and cognitive activity; • the teacher paying special attention to the logic of the presentation of educational materials, which has a positive effect on the level of students' knowledge; • involvement of various databases (texts, tables, diagrams, video and audio fragments), which makes it possible to trace the development of a certain chemical phenomenon; • increasing the quality level of the use of visualization, which helps students learn the topic more quickly and effectively; • increasing the productivity of the lecture session; • establishment of interdisciplinary connections. Video lecture. The teacher records the lecture in Bandicam Portable/MS Teams/Power Point. Using the method of non-linear editing, it can be supplemented with multimedia applications that illustrate the presentation of the lecture. Such additions not only enrich the content of the lecture, but also make its presentation more attractive for students. Figure 1. View of the video lecture "Dispersed systems" page in the Moodle system The advantage of this method of the educational materials presentation is the possibility to listen to the lecture at any convenient time, repeatedly referring to the most difficult places. The teacher of the general chemistry department posts video lectures on the university portal, in the Moodle system. Interactive video. Interactive video is a flexible technology, which combines text, audio, graphics, still pictures and motion pictures in one easy-to-use system that maintains learners’ attention, require their partici- pation and engages them in activities [1]. It is also a practical method for individualizing and personalizing instruction. Interactive video is a valuable learning sys- tem for tasks that must be shown rather than simply told, and a powerful active resource, especially for the educational situations in which the learner needs to in- teract with the instruction. The use of interactive videos in the process of training future doctors helps to increase the level of in- dependent assimilation of educational information, suc- cess and professional communication of students. Electronic textbook. It is important to note that gadgets have become convenient tools for studying of medical chemistry materials. Students can download e- textbooks, dictionaries, case studies, etc [6]. Teachers provide students with a list of links to electronic text- books on medical chemistry according to the academic program. Electronic textbooks on medical chemistry provide mastery of the subject area due to easy access to the necessary information, quick search for the nec- essary information by keywords, viewing of animation and video fragments. Multimedia technical tools implement multimedia technology and they are divided into hardware (com- puter, multimedia projector with built-in stereo speak- ers, TV tuners and sound cards) and software (pro- grams and problem-oriented programming languages). The most common multimedia hardware and technical tools in teaching medical chemistry are a computer and a multimedia projector. Computer. Medical chemistry study rooms are equipped with modern computers connected to a TV screen. This enables the teacher to have free access to the Internet, to demonstrate various chemical experi- ments and educational videos on the TV screen. Multimedia projector. Modern technical tools make it possible to use a multimedia projector, which displays an image with a diagonal of up to 2 m on the
  • 20. 20 Sciences of Europe # 122, (2023) screen. This technological technique allows you to in- crease the quality of the use of visualization in practical and lecture classes on medical chemistry. When teaching the "Medical Chemistry" course, teachers use not only multimedia hardware and tech- nical tools, but also software tools (Moodle, ACS, MS Teams). Moodle. The page of the educational course "Medical Chemistry" contains the entire range of educational materials that the student needs (syllabus, training program, thematic plans, lecture presentations, learning materials and resources, methodical guidelines to the training sessions, links to video lectures, audio and video materials, test control, etc). The Moodle system provides convenient tools for medical chemistry teachers, in particular: it allows to ensure individual work of the teacher with each student; evaluates the educational achievements of students; creates and saves the portfolio of each student; allows you to develop an author's course. Creating a medical chemistry page in the Moodle system contributes to the independent study of the course and the implementation of cognitive activities for students: • providing the student with educational infor- mation and ensuring its awareness; • comprehension of perceived materials, formation of concepts, formation of generalizations, assimilation of laws; • consolidation and improvement of acquired knowledge, formation of abilities and skills; • application of knowledge, skills and abilities; • checking and evaluating the results of cognitive activity. Figure 2. View of the Medicinal Chemistry page in the Moodle system АCS. The result of the introduction of multimedia technologies into the learning process at I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University was the creation of an ACS system. The main aim of creating this system is to ensure the transparency of the educational process at the university. The ACS system provides a number of opportunities: access to the schedule of students, teachers, courses and exams; availability of an electronic journal of success; to register a student for practice; creates a personal account.