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I. Intro
II. Architecture
III. Install
IV. Test
- MySQL slowquery logging
- MySQL processlist logging
- Load test
V. To do
VI. Reference
I. Intro
II. Architecture
III. Install
IV. Test
- MySQL slowquery logging
- MySQL processlist logging
- Load test
V. To do
VI. Reference
Intro 4
• 1,500 persons
• 20,000,000,000 yen
Collect DB
1st Devleopement
2nd Devleopement
3nd Devleopement
MySS architecture
Intro 5
• 1,500 persons
• 20,000,000,000 yen
3nd Development ???
(real time slow query)
Intro 6
• 1,500 persons
• 20,000,000,000 yen
Intro 7
Before fluentd
Duplicated codes for error logic
Complex codes for retry logic
Intro 8
After fluentd
Integrated log collector
Intro 9
• 1,500 persons
• 20,000,000,000 yen
Intro 10
강조점 유연성 / 상호운용성 단순함 / 안정성
구현언어 J 루비(Jruby) C루비(Cruby)
입력방법 많음 적음
플러그인 많음 매우 많음
플러그인 설치 쉬움 (jar 배포) 쉬움 (gem 설치)
신뢰성 메시지 loss 가능성 있음 메시지 loss 없음
I. Intro
II. Architecture
III. Install
IV. Test
- MySQL slowquery logging
- MySQL processlist logging
- Load test
V. To do
VI. Reference
Intro 12
Internal Architecture
Input Output
Intro 13
Mysql : slow query
Input Output
| sql_text |
| SET timestamp=1441820542; select sleep(1); |
| SET timestamp=1441820574; select sleep(1); |
Intro 14
Mysql : slow query + LINE
Input Output
| hostname |
| localhost.localdomain |
| localhost.localdomain |
| localhost.localdomain |
| localhost.localdomain |
| sql_text |
| select sleep(1) |
| select sleep(1) |
| select sleep(1) |
| select sleep(1) |
Intro 15
Mysql : process list
Input Output
Intro 16
493 plugins
I. Intro
II. Architecture
III. Install
IV. Test
- MySQL slowquery logging
- MySQL processlist logging
- Load test
V. To do
VI. Reference
Install 18
1. Install
> curl -L | sh
2. Start demon
> service td-agent start
Starting td-agent: [ OK ]
> service td-agent status
td-agent (pid 2567) is running
> service td-agent restart
> service td-agent stop
> td-agent --version
td-agent 0.12.12
3. Transfer Sample Log
> curl -X POST -d 'json={"json":"message"}' http://localhost:8888/debug.test.test
> tail -n 1 /var/log/td-agent/td-agent.log
2015-09-10 00:26:31 +0900 debug.test.test: {"json":"message"}
I. Intro
II. Architecture
III. Install
IV. Test
- MySQL slowquery logging
- MySQL processlist logging
- Load test
V. To do
VI. Reference
Test 20
MySQL : slow query
type mysql_slow_query
path /mysql/logs/slow_query.log
pos_file /mysql/logs/slow_query.pos
tag raw.collect.mysql_slow
<match raw.collect.mysql_slow>
type parser
remove_prefix raw
format /^SET timestamp=(?<time_stamp>[^;]*); (?<sql>[^;]*);$/
time_format %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z
key_name sql
reserve_data yes
<match collect.mysql_slow>
type hostname
key_name hostname
add_prefix filtered
<match filtered.collect.mysql_slow>
type copy
type stdout
type mysql_bulk
port 3306
database DBPart
username root
password rex
table t_mysql_slow
flush_interval 5s
Test 21
MySQL : slow query
* Tail Log
* MySQL Data
Test 22
MySQL : slow query
# Server
1. Create Log table in Collector Server
mysql -u root -p
use DBPart;
drop table if exists DBPart.t_mysql_slow;
create table DBPart.t_mysql_slow (
seq bigint auto_increment
, hostname varchar(30)
, log_date datetime
, db varchar(100)
, user varchar(100)
, host varchar(100)
, host_ip varchar(20)
, query_time decimal(20,10)
, lock_time decimal(20,10)
, rows_sent bigint
, rows_examined bigint
, sql_text varchar(10000)
, primary key(seq)
, key(log_date)
Test 23
MySQL : slow query
# Client
1. fluentd plugin install
* fluent-plugin-mysqlslowquery / fluent-plugin-mysql / fluent-plugin-mysql-bulk
> yum -y install ruby-rdoc ruby-devel rubygems
> find / -name fluent-gem
> /opt/td-agent/embedded/bin/fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-mysqlslowquery
> /opt/td-agent/embedded/bin/fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-mysql-bulk
2. config
> vi /etc/init.d/td-agent
Test 24
MySQL : slow query
> vi /etc/td-agent/td-agent.conf
type mysql_slow_query
path /mysql/logs/slow_query.log
tag collect.mysql_slow
<match collect.mysql_slow>
type copy
type stdout
type mysql_bulk
port 3306
database DBPart
username root
password rex
column_names user,host,host_ip,query_time,lock_time,rows_sent,rows_examined,sql_text
key_names user,host,host_ip,query_time,lock_time,rows_sent,rows_examined,sql
table t_mysql_slow
flush_interval 5s
Test 25
MySQL : slow query
3. td-agent restart
service td-agent stop
Shutting down td-agent: [ OK ]
service td-agent start
Starting td-agent: [ OK ]
4. press slow query
mysql -u root -p
use mysql;
select sleep(1);
select sleep(1);
[root@localhost ~]# tail -f /var/log/td-agent/td-agent.log
2015-09-10 12:06:31 +0900 collect.mysql_slow:
d":0,"sql":"SET timestamp=1441854391; select sleep(1);","db":"mysql"}
2015-09-10 12:06:33 +0900 collect.mysql_slow:
d":0,"sql":"SET timestamp=1441854393; select sleep(1);","db":"mysql"}
2015-09-10 12:24:16 +0900 [info]: bulk insert values size => 2
mysql> select * from t_mysql_slow;
| log_date | user | host | host_ip | query_time | lock_time | rows_sent | rows_examined | sql_text | hostname |
| 2015-09-10 07:03:45 | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0008600000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441820542; select sleep(1); | NULL |
| 2015-09-10 07:04:15 | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0010030000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441820574; select sleep(1); | NULL |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
I. Intro
II. Architecture
III. Install
IV. Test
- MySQL slowquery logging
- MySQL processlist logging
- Load test
V. To do
VI. Reference
Test 27
MySQL : show processlist
type mysql_query
port 3306
database DBPart
username root
password rex
interval 10s
tag client.processlist
query show full processlist;
record_hostname yes
nest_result no
nest_key data
<match client.processlist>
type rename_key
remove_tag_prefix client.
append_tag client
rename_rule1 Time duration_time
<match processlist.client>
type copy
type stdout
type mysql_bulk
port 3306
database DBPart
username root
password rex
table t_mysql_process
flush_interval 5s
Test 28
* Tail Log
* MySQL Data
MySQL : show processlist
Test 29
MySQL : show processlist
# Server
1. Create Log table in Collector Server
mysql -u root -p
use DBPart;
drop table if exists DBPart.t_mysql_process;
create table DBPart.t_mysql_process (
hostname varchar(100)
, log_date datetime default current_timestamp
, id bigint
, user varchar(100)
, host varchar(100)
, db varchar(64)
, command varchar(50)
, duration_time bigint
, state varchar(4000)
, info varchar(10000)
Test 30
MySQL : show processlist
# Client
1. fluentd plugin install
* fluent-plugin-mysql-query / fluent-plugin-rename-key
> yum -y install ruby-rdoc ruby-devel rubygems
> find / -name fluent-gem
> /opt/td-agent/embedded/bin/fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-mysql-query
> /opt/td-agent/embedded/bin/fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-rename-key
2. config
> vi /etc/init.d/td-agent
Test 31
MySQL : show processlist
> vi /etc/td-agent/td-agent.conf
### mysql show processlist
type mysql_query
port 3306
database DBPart
username root
password rex
interval 10s
tag client.processlist
query show full processlist;
record_hostname yes
nest_result no
nest_key data
#row_count yes
#row_count_key row_count
<match client.processlist>
type rename_key
remove_tag_prefix client.
append_tag client
rename_rule1 Time duration_time
<match processlist.client>
type copy
type stdout
type mysql_bulk
port 3306
database DBPart
username root
password rex
table t_mysql_process
flush_interval 5s
Test 32
MySQL : show processlist
3. td-agent restart
service td-agent stop
Shutting down td-agent: [ OK ]
service td-agent start
Starting td-agent: [ OK ]
4. show processlist;
* client
mysql -u root -p
root@localhost:(none) 14:43:47>show processlist;
| Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info |
| 3 | root | localhost | NULL | Sleep | 381 | | NULL |
| 7 | root | localhost | NULL | Query | 0 | init | show processlist |
| 9 | root | | DBPart | Sleep | 43 | | NULL |
| 10 | root | localhost | NULL | Sleep | 3 | | NULL |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
[root@localhost ~]# tail -f /var/log/td-agent/td-agent.log
2015-09-10 14:47:29 +0900 processlist.collect: {"hostname":"localhost.localdomain","Id":"3","User":"root","Host":"localhost","db":null,"Command":"Sleep","duration_time":"578","State":"","Info":null}
2015-09-10 14:47:29 +0900 processlist.collect: {"hostname":"localhost.localdomain","Id":"7","User":"root","Host":"localhost","db":null,"Command":"Sleep","duration_time":"60","State":"","Info":null}
2015-09-10 14:47:29 +0900 processlist.collect:
{"hostname":"localhost.localdomain","Id":"9","User":"root","Host":"","db":"DBPart","Command":"Query","duration_time":"0","State":"init","Info":"show full processlist"}
2015-09-10 14:47:30 +0900 [info]: bulk insert values size => 3
--> Send every 1 minutes
Test 33
MySQL : show processlist
root@localhost:DBPart 15:07:51>select * from t_mysql_process;
| log_date | hostname | id | user | host | db | command | duration_time | state | info |
| 2015-09-10 15:04:49 | localhost.localdomain | 3 | root | localhost | NULL | Sleep | 338 | | NULL |
| 2015-09-10 15:04:49 | localhost.localdomain | 7 | root | localhost | NULL | Sleep | 25 | | NULL |
| 2015-09-10 15:04:49 | localhost.localdomain | 9 | root | | DBPart | Query | 0 | init | show full processlist |
| 2015-09-10 15:05:49 | localhost.localdomain | 3 | root | localhost | NULL | Sleep | 398 | | NULL |
| 2015-09-10 15:05:49 | localhost.localdomain | 7 | root | localhost | NULL | Sleep | 17 | | NULL |
| 2015-09-10 15:05:49 | localhost.localdomain | 9 | root | | DBPart | Query | 0 | init | show full processlist |
| 2015-09-10 15:05:49 | localhost.localdomain | 10 | root | localhost | NULL | Sleep | 20 | | NULL |
| 2015-09-10 15:06:49 | localhost.localdomain | 3 | root | localhost | NULL | Sleep | 458 | | NULL |
| 2015-09-10 15:06:49 | localhost.localdomain | 7 | root | localhost | NULL | Sleep | 16 | | NULL |
| 2015-09-10 15:06:49 | localhost.localdomain | 9 | root | | DBPart | Query | 0 | init | show full processlist |
| 2015-09-10 15:06:49 | localhost.localdomain | 10 | root | localhost | NULL | Sleep | 80 | | NULL |
| 2015-09-10 15:07:49 | localhost.localdomain | 3 | root | localhost | NULL | Sleep | 518 | | NULL |
| 2015-09-10 15:07:49 | localhost.localdomain | 7 | root | localhost | NULL | Sleep | 7 | | NULL |
| 2015-09-10 15:07:49 | localhost.localdomain | 9 | root | | DBPart | Query | 0 | init | show full processlist |
14 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Test 34
Test 35
I. Intro
II. Architecture
III. Install
IV. Test
- MySQL slowquery logging
- MySQL processlist logging
- Error / Load test
V. To do
VI. Reference
Test 37
If client server (mysql)
was down?
Test 38
Error Test
Case. MySQL server down Error
* client
use mysql;
select sleep(1);
select sleep(1);
select sleep(1);
select sleep(1);
select sleep(1);
select sleep(1);
select sleep(1);
select sleep(1);
select sleep(1);
select sleep(1);
select sleep(1); <-- mysql server stop
select sleep(1);
select sleep(1);
select sleep(1);
select sleep(1);
select sleep(1);
select sleep(1);
select sleep(1);
select sleep(1);
select sleep(1);
<-- mysql server start
* server
> select * from t_mysql_slow;
| seq | hostname | log_date | db | user | host | host_ip | query_time | lock_time | rows_sent | rows_examined | sql_text |
| 1 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0015090000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862020; select sleep(1);
| 2 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0004050000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862021; select sleep(1);
| 3 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0004840000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862022; select sleep(1);
| 4 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0004360000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862023; select sleep(1);
| 5 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0011230000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862024; select sleep(1);
| 6 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0007080000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862025; select sleep(1);
| 7 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0012720000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862026; select sleep(1);
| 8 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0004110000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862027; select sleep(1);
| 9 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0003540000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862028; select sleep(1);
| 10 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0003870000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862029; select sleep(1);
| 11 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0005050000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862030; select sleep(1);
| 12 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0005450000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862031; select sleep(1);
| 13 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0002890000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862032; select sleep(1);
| 14 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0011930000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862033; select sleep(1);
| 15 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0010970000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862034; select sleep(1);
| 16 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0012100000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862035; select sleep(1);
| 17 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0012670000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862036; select sleep(1);
| 18 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0007300000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862037; select sleep(1);
| 19 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0007950000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862038; select sleep(1);
| 20 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0010920000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862039; select sleep(1);
20 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Test 39
Is Agent heavy?
Test 40
Load Test
# press bash shell script
> vi
while [ $i -ne $x ]
/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p'rex' -e"select sleep(1);"
i=$(( $i + 1 ))
Test 41
Load Test
Case1. press slow query
* Before press status
- cpu : idle 99~100%
- mem : used 737M
- I/O : read 0K, write 0K
[root@localhost ~]# dstat -c -d -n -p -s -m
----total-cpu-usage---- -dsk/total- -net/total- ---procs--- ----swap--- ------memory-usage-----
usr sys idl wai hiq siq| read writ| recv send|run blk new| used free| used buff cach free
0 0 99 1 0 0| 34k 99k| 0 0 | 0 0 0.3|1118M 930M| 737M 7304k 92.7M 152M
0 0 99 0 0 1| 0 0 | 60B 1082B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 737M 7304k 92.7M 152M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 300B 592B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 737M 7304k 92.7M 152M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 737M 7304k 92.7M 152M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 150B 496B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 737M 7304k 92.7M 152M
0 1 99 0 0 0| 0 0 | 150B 496B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 737M 7304k 92.7M 152M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 332B 1086B| 0 0 1.0|1118M 930M| 737M 7304k 92.7M 152M
0 1 99 0 0 0| 0 0 | 332B 1032B| 0 0 1.0|1118M 930M| 737M 7304k 92.7M 152M
1 0 99 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 737M 7304k 92.7M 152M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 737M 7304k 92.7M 152M
0 0 99 0 0 1| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 737M 7304k 92.7M 152M
0 1 99 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 737M 7304k 92.7M 152M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 737M 7304k 92.7M 152M
Test 42
Load Test
Case1. press slow query
* Pressing status
- cpu : idle 94~100% (used +5%)
- mem : used 741M (used +4M)
- I/O : read 32K~64K, write 12K~32K
[root@localhost ~]# dstat -c -d -n -p -s -m
----total-cpu-usage---- -dsk/total- -net/total- ---procs--- ----swap--- ------memory-usage-----
usr sys idl wai hiq siq| read writ| recv send|run blk new| used free| used buff cach free
1 0 99 0 0 0| 32k 0 | 120B 782B|1.0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 741M 7392k 92.7M 148M
0 1 99 0 0 0| 32k 28k| 120B 1438B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 741M 7400k 92.7M 148M
0 1 99 0 0 0| 64k 0 | 120B 798B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 741M 7400k 92.7M 148M
1 1 97 0 1 0| 64k 0 | 120B 782B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 741M 7400k 92.7M 148M
0 1 99 0 0 0| 32k 0 | 120B 782B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 741M 7400k 92.7M 148M
1 0 99 0 0 0| 96k 0 | 120B 782B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 741M 7400k 92.7M 148M
0 1 99 0 0 0| 32k 16k| 120B 782B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 741M 7408k 92.7M 148M
1 0 99 0 0 0| 64k 0 | 120B 798B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 741M 7408k 92.7M 148M
1 1 98 0 0 0| 64k 0 | 120B 782B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 742M 7408k 92.7M 147M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 32k 0 | 120B 782B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 742M 7408k 92.7M 147M
1 1 97 0 0 1| 64k 0 | 120B 782B|4.0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 742M 7408k 92.7M 147M
0 1 96 3 0 0| 32k 16k| 120B 782B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 742M 7416k 92.7M 147M
0 1 99 0 0 0| 64k 12k| 210B 852B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 742M 7416k 92.7M 147M
1 1 96 2 0 0| 64k 0 | 210B 852B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 742M 7416k 92.7M 147M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 64k 0 | 120B 782B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 742M 7416k 92.7M 147M
1 1 98 0 0 0| 32k 0 | 210B 836B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 742M 7416k 92.7M 147M
0 1 99 0 0 0| 32k 16k| 210B 836B| 0 0 2.0|1113M 935M| 742M 7424k 92.7M 147M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 32k 0 | 120B 798B| 0 0 2.0|1113M 935M| 742M 7424k 92.7M 147M
1 1 93 5 0 0| 64k 0 | 180B 824B| 0 0 2.0|1113M 935M| 742M 7424k 92.7M 147M
0 1 94 5 0 0| 96k 0 | 120B 782B| 0 0 2.0|1113M 935M| 742M 7424k 92.7M 147M
Test 43
Load Test
Case2. press fluentd & slow query
* Before press status
- cpu : idle 99~100%
- mem : used 737M
- I/O : read 0K, write 0K
[root@localhost ~]# dstat -c -d -n -p -s -m
----total-cpu-usage---- -dsk/total- -net/total- ---procs--- ----swap--- ------memory-usage-----
usr sys idl wai hiq siq| read writ| recv send|run blk new| used free| used buff cach free
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 242B 496B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 242B 1242B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 244B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M
0 1 99 0 0 0| 0 0 | 152B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 152B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 244B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 152B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 152B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 244B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M
1 1 98 0 0 0| 0 0 | 152B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 152B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 152B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 244B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 152B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 212B 484B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 244B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M
0 1 99 0 0 0| 0 0 | 152B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 242B 496B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 244B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 152B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M
Test 44
Load Test
Case2. press fluentd & slow query
* service td-agent start
- cpu : idle 99~100%
- mem : used 804M (60M used)
- I/O : read 0K, write 0K
[root@localhost ~]# dstat -c -d -n -p -s -m
----total-cpu-usage---- -dsk/total- -net/total- ---procs--- ----swap--- ------memory-usage-----
usr sys idl wai hiq siq| read writ| recv send|run blk new| used free| used buff cach free
0 0 99 1 0 0| 32k 95k| 0 0 | 0 0 0.3|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 1082B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M
1 0 99 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M
12 24 4 56 2 1|2692k 0 | 226B 670B| 0 1.0 24|1112M 936M| 766M 8004k 95.5M 120M <-- agent start
19 23 0 57 0 1|3444k 0 | 60B 628B|1.0 0 0|1112M 936M| 776M 8856k 98.0M 106M
7 54 0 36 1 1| 872k 6532k| 180B 2072B|1.0 0 9.0|1118M 930M| 827M 6988k 90.6M 64.6M
11 14 51 24 0 0|2448k 48k|1921B 5230B| 0 0 9.0|1118M 930M| 804M 7244k 84.8M 93.2M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 458B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 804M 7244k 84.8M 93.2M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 804M 7244k 84.8M 93.2M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 804M 7244k 84.8M 93.2M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 804M 7244k 84.8M 93.2M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 150B 496B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 804M 7252k 84.8M 93.2M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 804M 7252k 84.8M 93.2M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 240B 550B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 804M 7252k 84.8M 93.2M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 804M 7252k 84.8M 93.2M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 804M 7252k 84.8M 93.2M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 804M 7252k 84.8M 93.2M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 804M 7252k 84.8M 93.2M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 804M 7252k 84.8M 93.2M
Test 45
Load Test
Case2. press fluentd & slow query
* Pressing status
- cpu : idle 95~100% (used +4%)
- mem : used 809M (used +4M)
- I/O : read 32K~64K, write 16K~36K
[root@localhost ~]# dstat -c -d -n -p -s -m
----total-cpu-usage---- -dsk/total- -net/total- ---procs--- ----swap--- ------memory-usage-----
usr sys idl wai hiq siq| read writ| recv send|run blk new| used free| used buff cach free
1 0 98 1 0 0| 32k 24k| 180B 1112B|1.0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 807M 7360k 84.9M 89.8M
0 1 97 2 0 0| 64k 24k| 240B 1810B| 0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 807M 7360k 84.9M 89.6M
1 1 97 1 0 0| 64k 0 | 818B 2602B| 0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 807M 7360k 84.9M 89.7M
1 1 95 3 0 0| 64k 0 | 180B 1112B| 0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 807M 7360k 84.9M 89.4M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 64k 0 | 180B 1218B| 0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 807M 7360k 84.9M 89.6M
1 1 96 2 0 0| 32k 16k| 180B 1112B| 0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 807M 7368k 84.9M 89.4M
0 0 100 0 0 0| 32k 0 | 180B 1128B| 0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 807M 7368k 84.9M 89.4M
1 1 98 0 0 0| 64k 0 | 818B 2587B| 0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 808M 7368k 84.9M 89.3M
0 1 99 0 0 0| 32k 0 | 180B 1112B| 0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 808M 7368k 84.9M 89.2M
1 1 98 0 0 0| 64k 0 | 180B 1112B|1.0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 808M 7368k 84.9M 89.3M
0 0 99 1 0 0| 64k 16k| 180B 1112B| 0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 808M 7376k 84.9M 89.1M
1 1 96 2 0 0| 64k 4096B| 180B 1128B| 0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 808M 7376k 84.9M 89.1M
0 1 93 6 0 0| 64k 0 | 818B 2602B| 0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 808M 7376k 84.9M 89.1M
1 0 98 1 0 0| 32k 0 | 180B 1112B| 0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 808M 7376k 84.9M 89.0M
1 1 95 3 0 0| 64k 0 | 180B 1112B| 0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 808M 7376k 84.9M 89.0M
0 1 96 3 0 0| 64k 32k| 180B 1112B| 0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 808M 7384k 84.9M 88.8M
1 1 96 2 0 0| 64k 8192B| 360B 1236B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 808M 7384k 84.9M 88.8M
0 1 95 2 1 1| 64k 0 | 818B 2603B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 808M 7384k 84.9M 88.7M
1 0 99 0 0 0| 0 0 | 210B 1166B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 808M 7384k 84.9M 88.7M
0 1 99 0 0 0| 32k 0 | 270B 1166B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 808M 7384k 84.9M 88.7M
Test 46
Load Test
### Conclusion
* Case1 : no fluentd agent press
- cpu : idle 94~100% (used +5%)
- mem : used 741M (used +4M)
- I/O : read 32K~64K, write 12K~32K
* Case2 : Fluentd agent press
- cpu : idle 95~100% (used +4%)
- mem : used 809M (used +4M)
- I/O : read 32K~64K, write 16K~36K
>>> the load is not at all due to the agent. (only 60M)
* 800,000 p/s logging
I. Intro
II. Architecture
III. Install
IV. Test
- MySQL slowquery logging
- MySQL processlist logging
- Load test
V. To do
VI. Reference
To do 48
• MySQL : slow query log
• MySQL : process list
• MySQL : show global status
• Apache : web log
• Linux : Syslog
• Linux : df command
• Linux : dstat command . . . . .
To do 49
• 1,500 persons
• 20,000,000,000 yen
Collect DB
1st Devleopement
2nd Devleopement
3nd Devleopement
3nd Development ???
To do 50
To do 51
master slave
master slave
master slave
type mysql_query
host rex
port 3306
database test
username root
password rex
interval 10s
tag rex.log_game_play
query select * from test.log_game_play where log_dat
e between date_sub(now(), interval 10 minute) and now
record_hostname yes
nest_result no
nest_key data
<match rex.log_game_play>
type copy
type stdout
type mysql_bulk
host rex
port 3306
database test
username root
password rex
key_names log_date,useridx,play_time,char_type,result
table log_game_play
on_duplicate_key_update true
on_duplicate_update_keys log_date,useridx
flush_interval 15s
To do
To do 53
MySS 6S or MySS 7
I. Intro
II. Architecture
III. Install
IV. Test
- MySQL slowquery logging
- MySQL processlist logging
- Load test
V. To do
VI. Reference
Reference 55
Reference 56
# RubyConf 2014
Build the Unified Logging Layer with Fluentd and Ruby by Kiyoto Tamura
# Fluentd로 apache log를 MongoDB에 저장하기
# Big Data入門に見せかけたFluentd入門
# fluentd Plugins List✓&q=fluent-plugin+parser&type=Repositories&ref=searchresults
# Fluentd - Pluggable log collector
# Fluentd를 이용하여 모니터링도구 만들기
# kibana
thank you

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Fluentd 20150918 no_demo_public

  • 2. I. Intro II. Architecture III. Install IV. Test - MySQL slowquery logging - MySQL processlist logging - Load test V. To do VI. Reference INDEX Agenda 2
  • 3. I. Intro II. Architecture III. Install IV. Test - MySQL slowquery logging - MySQL processlist logging - Load test V. To do VI. Reference INDEX Agenda 3
  • 4. Intro 4 • 1,500 persons • 20,000,000,000 yen slow_query Collect DB WEB VIEWER 1st Devleopement 2nd Devleopement 3nd Devleopement MySS architecture
  • 5. Intro 5 • 1,500 persons • 20,000,000,000 yen 3nd Development ??? (real time slow query)
  • 6. Intro 6 • 1,500 persons • 20,000,000,000 yen
  • 7. Intro 7 Before fluentd Duplicated codes for error logic Complex codes for retry logic
  • 9. Intro 9 • 1,500 persons • 20,000,000,000 yen Scribe Flume Fluentd logstash
  • 10. Intro 10 구분 강조점 유연성 / 상호운용성 단순함 / 안정성 구현언어 J 루비(Jruby) C루비(Cruby) 입력방법 많음 적음 플러그인 많음 매우 많음 플러그인 설치 쉬움 (jar 배포) 쉬움 (gem 설치) 신뢰성 메시지 loss 가능성 있음 메시지 loss 없음
  • 11. I. Intro II. Architecture III. Install IV. Test - MySQL slowquery logging - MySQL processlist logging - Load test V. To do VI. Reference INDEX Agenda 11
  • 13. Intro 13 Mysql : slow query Input Output +--------------------------------------------+ | sql_text | +--------------------------------------------+ | SET timestamp=1441820542; select sleep(1); | | SET timestamp=1441820574; select sleep(1); | +--------------------------------------------+
  • 14. Intro 14 Mysql : slow query + LINE Input Output Parser parser Filter hostname +------------------+ | hostname | +------------------+ | localhost.localdomain | | localhost.localdomain | | localhost.localdomain | | localhost.localdomain | +-----------------------+ +-------------+ | sql_text | +-------------+ | select sleep(1) | | select sleep(1) | | select sleep(1) | | select sleep(1) | +-------------+
  • 15. Intro 15 Mysql : process list Input Output
  • 17. I. Intro II. Architecture III. Install IV. Test - MySQL slowquery logging - MySQL processlist logging - Load test V. To do VI. Reference INDEX Agenda 17
  • 18. Install 18 1. Install > curl -L | sh 2. Start demon > service td-agent start Starting td-agent: [ OK ] > service td-agent status td-agent (pid 2567) is running > service td-agent restart > service td-agent stop > td-agent --version td-agent 0.12.12 3. Transfer Sample Log > curl -X POST -d 'json={"json":"message"}' http://localhost:8888/debug.test.test > tail -n 1 /var/log/td-agent/td-agent.log 2015-09-10 00:26:31 +0900 debug.test.test: {"json":"message"}
  • 19. I. Intro II. Architecture III. Install IV. Test - MySQL slowquery logging - MySQL processlist logging - Load test V. To do VI. Reference INDEX Agenda 19
  • 20. Test 20 MySQL : slow query <source> type mysql_slow_query path /mysql/logs/slow_query.log pos_file /mysql/logs/slow_query.pos tag raw.collect.mysql_slow </source> <match raw.collect.mysql_slow> type parser remove_prefix raw format /^SET timestamp=(?<time_stamp>[^;]*); (?<sql>[^;]*);$/ time_format %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z key_name sql reserve_data yes </match> <match collect.mysql_slow> type hostname key_name hostname add_prefix filtered </match> <match filtered.collect.mysql_slow> type copy <store> type stdout </store> <store> type mysql_bulk host port 3306 database DBPart username root password rex column_names hostname,user,host,db,query_time,lock_time,rows_sent,rows_examined,ti me_stamp,sql_text key_names hostname,user,host,db,query_time,lock_time,rows_sent,rows_examined,ti me_stamp,sql table t_mysql_slow flush_interval 5s </store> </match>
  • 21. Test 21 MySQL : slow query * Tail Log * MySQL Data
  • 22. Test 22 MySQL : slow query # Server 1. Create Log table in Collector Server mysql -u root -p use DBPart; drop table if exists DBPart.t_mysql_slow; create table DBPart.t_mysql_slow ( seq bigint auto_increment , hostname varchar(30) , log_date datetime , db varchar(100) , user varchar(100) , host varchar(100) , host_ip varchar(20) , query_time decimal(20,10) , lock_time decimal(20,10) , rows_sent bigint , rows_examined bigint , sql_text varchar(10000) , primary key(seq) , key(log_date) );
  • 23. Test 23 MySQL : slow query # Client 1. fluentd plugin install * fluent-plugin-mysqlslowquery / fluent-plugin-mysql / fluent-plugin-mysql-bulk > yum -y install ruby-rdoc ruby-devel rubygems > find / -name fluent-gem /opt/td-agent/embedded/bin/fluent-gem /opt/td-agent/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/fluentd-0.12.12/bin/fluent-gem > /opt/td-agent/embedded/bin/fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-mysqlslowquery > /opt/td-agent/embedded/bin/fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-mysql-bulk 2. config > vi /etc/init.d/td-agent #TD_AGENT_USER=td-agent TD_AGENT_USER=root
  • 24. Test 24 MySQL : slow query > vi /etc/td-agent/td-agent.conf ========================================================= ... <source> type mysql_slow_query path /mysql/logs/slow_query.log tag collect.mysql_slow </source> <match collect.mysql_slow> type copy <store> type stdout </store> <store> type mysql_bulk host port 3306 database DBPart username root password rex column_names user,host,host_ip,query_time,lock_time,rows_sent,rows_examined,sql_text key_names user,host,host_ip,query_time,lock_time,rows_sent,rows_examined,sql table t_mysql_slow flush_interval 5s </store> </match> =========================================================
  • 25. Test 25 MySQL : slow query 3. td-agent restart service td-agent stop Shutting down td-agent: [ OK ] service td-agent start Starting td-agent: [ OK ] 4. press slow query mysql -u root -p use mysql; select sleep(1); select sleep(1); [root@localhost ~]# tail -f /var/log/td-agent/td-agent.log 2015-09-10 12:06:31 +0900 collect.mysql_slow: {"user":"root[root]","host":"localhost","host_ip":"","query_time":1.000855,"lock_time":0.0,"rows_sent":1,"rows_examine d":0,"sql":"SET timestamp=1441854391; select sleep(1);","db":"mysql"} 2015-09-10 12:06:33 +0900 collect.mysql_slow: {"user":"root[root]","host":"localhost","host_ip":"","query_time":1.000862,"lock_time":0.0,"rows_sent":1,"rows_examine d":0,"sql":"SET timestamp=1441854393; select sleep(1);","db":"mysql"} 2015-09-10 12:24:16 +0900 [info]: bulk insert values size => 2 * SERVER mysql> select * from t_mysql_slow; +---------------------+------------+-----------+---------+--------------+--------------+-----------+---------------+--------------------------------------------+----------+ | log_date | user | host | host_ip | query_time | lock_time | rows_sent | rows_examined | sql_text | hostname | +---------------------+------------+-----------+---------+--------------+--------------+-----------+---------------+--------------------------------------------+----------+ | 2015-09-10 07:03:45 | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0008600000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441820542; select sleep(1); | NULL | | 2015-09-10 07:04:15 | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0010030000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441820574; select sleep(1); | NULL | +---------------------+------------+-----------+---------+--------------+--------------+-----------+---------------+--------------------------------------------+----------+ 8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  • 26. I. Intro II. Architecture III. Install IV. Test - MySQL slowquery logging - MySQL processlist logging - Load test V. To do VI. Reference INDEX Agenda 26
  • 27. Test 27 MySQL : show processlist <source> type mysql_query host port 3306 database DBPart username root password rex interval 10s tag client.processlist query show full processlist; record_hostname yes nest_result no nest_key data </source> <match client.processlist> type rename_key remove_tag_prefix client. append_tag client rename_rule1 Time duration_time </match> <match processlist.client> type copy <store> type stdout </store> <store> type mysql_bulk host port 3306 database DBPart username root password rex column_names hostname,Id,User,Host,db,Command,State,Info,duration_time key_names hostname,Id,User,Host,db,Command,State,Info,duration_time table t_mysql_process flush_interval 5s </store> </match>
  • 28. Test 28 * Tail Log * MySQL Data MySQL : show processlist
  • 29. Test 29 MySQL : show processlist # Server 1. Create Log table in Collector Server mysql -u root -p use DBPart; drop table if exists DBPart.t_mysql_process; create table DBPart.t_mysql_process ( hostname varchar(100) , log_date datetime default current_timestamp , id bigint , user varchar(100) , host varchar(100) , db varchar(64) , command varchar(50) , duration_time bigint , state varchar(4000) , info varchar(10000) );
  • 30. Test 30 MySQL : show processlist # Client 1. fluentd plugin install * fluent-plugin-mysql-query / fluent-plugin-rename-key > yum -y install ruby-rdoc ruby-devel rubygems > find / -name fluent-gem /opt/td-agent/embedded/bin/fluent-gem /opt/td-agent/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/fluentd-0.12.12/bin/fluent-gem > /opt/td-agent/embedded/bin/fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-mysql-query > /opt/td-agent/embedded/bin/fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-rename-key 2. config > vi /etc/init.d/td-agent #TD_AGENT_USER=td-agent TD_AGENT_USER=root
  • 31. Test 31 MySQL : show processlist > vi /etc/td-agent/td-agent.conf ========================================= ... ### mysql show processlist <source> type mysql_query host port 3306 database DBPart username root password rex interval 10s tag client.processlist query show full processlist; record_hostname yes nest_result no nest_key data #row_count yes #row_count_key row_count </source> <match client.processlist> type rename_key remove_tag_prefix client. append_tag client rename_rule1 Time duration_time </match> <match processlist.client> type copy <store> type stdout </store> <store> type mysql_bulk host port 3306 database DBPart username root password rex column_names hostname,Id,User,Host,db,Command,State,Info,duratio n_time key_names hostname,Id,User,Host,db,Command,State,Info,duratio n_time table t_mysql_process flush_interval 5s </store> </match> =========================================
  • 32. Test 32 MySQL : show processlist 3. td-agent restart service td-agent stop Shutting down td-agent: [ OK ] service td-agent start Starting td-agent: [ OK ] 4. show processlist; * client mysql -u root -p root@localhost:(none) 14:43:47>show processlist; +----+------+----------------------+--------+---------+------+-------+------------------+ | Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info | +----+------+----------------------+--------+---------+------+-------+------------------+ | 3 | root | localhost | NULL | Sleep | 381 | | NULL | | 7 | root | localhost | NULL | Query | 0 | init | show processlist | | 9 | root | | DBPart | Sleep | 43 | | NULL | | 10 | root | localhost | NULL | Sleep | 3 | | NULL | +----+------+----------------------+--------+---------+------+-------+------------------+ 4 rows in set (0.00 sec) [root@localhost ~]# tail -f /var/log/td-agent/td-agent.log … 2015-09-10 14:47:29 +0900 processlist.collect: {"hostname":"localhost.localdomain","Id":"3","User":"root","Host":"localhost","db":null,"Command":"Sleep","duration_time":"578","State":"","Info":null} 2015-09-10 14:47:29 +0900 processlist.collect: {"hostname":"localhost.localdomain","Id":"7","User":"root","Host":"localhost","db":null,"Command":"Sleep","duration_time":"60","State":"","Info":null} 2015-09-10 14:47:29 +0900 processlist.collect: {"hostname":"localhost.localdomain","Id":"9","User":"root","Host":"","db":"DBPart","Command":"Query","duration_time":"0","State":"init","Info":"show full processlist"} 2015-09-10 14:47:30 +0900 [info]: bulk insert values size => 3 --> Send every 1 minutes
  • 33. Test 33 MySQL : show processlist * SERVER root@localhost:DBPart 15:07:51>select * from t_mysql_process; +---------------------+-----------------------+------+------+----------------------+--------+---------+---------------+-------+-----------------------+ | log_date | hostname | id | user | host | db | command | duration_time | state | info | +---------------------+-----------------------+------+------+----------------------+--------+---------+---------------+-------+-----------------------+ | 2015-09-10 15:04:49 | localhost.localdomain | 3 | root | localhost | NULL | Sleep | 338 | | NULL | | 2015-09-10 15:04:49 | localhost.localdomain | 7 | root | localhost | NULL | Sleep | 25 | | NULL | | 2015-09-10 15:04:49 | localhost.localdomain | 9 | root | | DBPart | Query | 0 | init | show full processlist | | 2015-09-10 15:05:49 | localhost.localdomain | 3 | root | localhost | NULL | Sleep | 398 | | NULL | | 2015-09-10 15:05:49 | localhost.localdomain | 7 | root | localhost | NULL | Sleep | 17 | | NULL | | 2015-09-10 15:05:49 | localhost.localdomain | 9 | root | | DBPart | Query | 0 | init | show full processlist | | 2015-09-10 15:05:49 | localhost.localdomain | 10 | root | localhost | NULL | Sleep | 20 | | NULL | | 2015-09-10 15:06:49 | localhost.localdomain | 3 | root | localhost | NULL | Sleep | 458 | | NULL | | 2015-09-10 15:06:49 | localhost.localdomain | 7 | root | localhost | NULL | Sleep | 16 | | NULL | | 2015-09-10 15:06:49 | localhost.localdomain | 9 | root | | DBPart | Query | 0 | init | show full processlist | | 2015-09-10 15:06:49 | localhost.localdomain | 10 | root | localhost | NULL | Sleep | 80 | | NULL | | 2015-09-10 15:07:49 | localhost.localdomain | 3 | root | localhost | NULL | Sleep | 518 | | NULL | | 2015-09-10 15:07:49 | localhost.localdomain | 7 | root | localhost | NULL | Sleep | 7 | | NULL | | 2015-09-10 15:07:49 | localhost.localdomain | 9 | root | | DBPart | Query | 0 | init | show full processlist | +---------------------+-----------------------+------+------+----------------------+--------+---------+---------------+-------+-----------------------+ 14 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  • 36. I. Intro II. Architecture III. Install IV. Test - MySQL slowquery logging - MySQL processlist logging - Error / Load test V. To do VI. Reference INDEX Agenda 36
  • 37. Test 37 If client server (mysql) was down?
  • 38. Test 38 Error Test Case. MySQL server down Error * client use mysql; select sleep(1); select sleep(1); select sleep(1); select sleep(1); select sleep(1); select sleep(1); select sleep(1); select sleep(1); select sleep(1); select sleep(1); select sleep(1); <-- mysql server stop select sleep(1); select sleep(1); select sleep(1); select sleep(1); select sleep(1); select sleep(1); select sleep(1); select sleep(1); select sleep(1); <-- mysql server start * server > select * from t_mysql_slow; +-----+----------+----------+-------+------------+-----------+---------+--------------+--------------+-----------+------------ ---+--------------------------------------------+ | seq | hostname | log_date | db | user | host | host_ip | query_time | lock_time | rows_sent | rows_examined | sql_text | +-----+----------+----------+-------+------------+-----------+---------+--------------+--------------+-----------+------------ ---+--------------------------------------------+ | 1 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0015090000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862020; select sleep(1); | | 2 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0004050000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862021; select sleep(1); | | 3 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0004840000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862022; select sleep(1); | | 4 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0004360000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862023; select sleep(1); | | 5 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0011230000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862024; select sleep(1); | | 6 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0007080000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862025; select sleep(1); | | 7 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0012720000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862026; select sleep(1); | | 8 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0004110000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862027; select sleep(1); | | 9 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0003540000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862028; select sleep(1); | | 10 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0003870000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862029; select sleep(1); | | 11 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0005050000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862030; select sleep(1); | | 12 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0005450000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862031; select sleep(1); | | 13 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0002890000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862032; select sleep(1); | | 14 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0011930000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862033; select sleep(1); | | 15 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0010970000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862034; select sleep(1); | | 16 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0012100000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862035; select sleep(1); | | 17 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0012670000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862036; select sleep(1); | | 18 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0007300000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862037; select sleep(1); | | 19 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0007950000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862038; select sleep(1); | | 20 | NULL | NULL | mysql | root[root] | localhost | | 1.0010920000 | 0.0000000000 | 1 | 0 | SET timestamp=1441862039; select sleep(1); | +-----+----------+----------+-------+------------+-----------+---------+--------------+--------------+-----------+------------ ---+--------------------------------------------+ 20 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  • 40. Test 40 Load Test # press bash shell script > vi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #!/bin/bash i=0 x=120 while [ $i -ne $x ] do /mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p'rex' -e"select sleep(1);" i=$(( $i + 1 )) done ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 41. Test 41 Load Test Case1. press slow query * Before press status - cpu : idle 99~100% - mem : used 737M - I/O : read 0K, write 0K [root@localhost ~]# dstat -c -d -n -p -s -m ----total-cpu-usage---- -dsk/total- -net/total- ---procs--- ----swap--- ------memory-usage----- usr sys idl wai hiq siq| read writ| recv send|run blk new| used free| used buff cach free 0 0 99 1 0 0| 34k 99k| 0 0 | 0 0 0.3|1118M 930M| 737M 7304k 92.7M 152M 0 0 99 0 0 1| 0 0 | 60B 1082B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 737M 7304k 92.7M 152M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 300B 592B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 737M 7304k 92.7M 152M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 737M 7304k 92.7M 152M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 150B 496B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 737M 7304k 92.7M 152M 0 1 99 0 0 0| 0 0 | 150B 496B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 737M 7304k 92.7M 152M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 332B 1086B| 0 0 1.0|1118M 930M| 737M 7304k 92.7M 152M 0 1 99 0 0 0| 0 0 | 332B 1032B| 0 0 1.0|1118M 930M| 737M 7304k 92.7M 152M 1 0 99 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 737M 7304k 92.7M 152M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 737M 7304k 92.7M 152M 0 0 99 0 0 1| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 737M 7304k 92.7M 152M 0 1 99 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 737M 7304k 92.7M 152M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 737M 7304k 92.7M 152M
  • 42. Test 42 Load Test Case1. press slow query * Pressing status - cpu : idle 94~100% (used +5%) - mem : used 741M (used +4M) - I/O : read 32K~64K, write 12K~32K [root@localhost ~]# dstat -c -d -n -p -s -m ----total-cpu-usage---- -dsk/total- -net/total- ---procs--- ----swap--- ------memory-usage----- usr sys idl wai hiq siq| read writ| recv send|run blk new| used free| used buff cach free 1 0 99 0 0 0| 32k 0 | 120B 782B|1.0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 741M 7392k 92.7M 148M 0 1 99 0 0 0| 32k 28k| 120B 1438B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 741M 7400k 92.7M 148M 0 1 99 0 0 0| 64k 0 | 120B 798B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 741M 7400k 92.7M 148M 1 1 97 0 1 0| 64k 0 | 120B 782B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 741M 7400k 92.7M 148M 0 1 99 0 0 0| 32k 0 | 120B 782B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 741M 7400k 92.7M 148M 1 0 99 0 0 0| 96k 0 | 120B 782B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 741M 7400k 92.7M 148M 0 1 99 0 0 0| 32k 16k| 120B 782B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 741M 7408k 92.7M 148M 1 0 99 0 0 0| 64k 0 | 120B 798B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 741M 7408k 92.7M 148M 1 1 98 0 0 0| 64k 0 | 120B 782B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 742M 7408k 92.7M 147M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 32k 0 | 120B 782B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 742M 7408k 92.7M 147M 1 1 97 0 0 1| 64k 0 | 120B 782B|4.0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 742M 7408k 92.7M 147M 0 1 96 3 0 0| 32k 16k| 120B 782B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 742M 7416k 92.7M 147M 0 1 99 0 0 0| 64k 12k| 210B 852B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 742M 7416k 92.7M 147M 1 1 96 2 0 0| 64k 0 | 210B 852B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 742M 7416k 92.7M 147M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 64k 0 | 120B 782B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 742M 7416k 92.7M 147M 1 1 98 0 0 0| 32k 0 | 210B 836B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 742M 7416k 92.7M 147M 0 1 99 0 0 0| 32k 16k| 210B 836B| 0 0 2.0|1113M 935M| 742M 7424k 92.7M 147M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 32k 0 | 120B 798B| 0 0 2.0|1113M 935M| 742M 7424k 92.7M 147M 1 1 93 5 0 0| 64k 0 | 180B 824B| 0 0 2.0|1113M 935M| 742M 7424k 92.7M 147M 0 1 94 5 0 0| 96k 0 | 120B 782B| 0 0 2.0|1113M 935M| 742M 7424k 92.7M 147M
  • 43. Test 43 Load Test Case2. press fluentd & slow query * Before press status - cpu : idle 99~100% - mem : used 737M - I/O : read 0K, write 0K [root@localhost ~]# dstat -c -d -n -p -s -m ----total-cpu-usage---- -dsk/total- -net/total- ---procs--- ----swap--- ------memory-usage----- usr sys idl wai hiq siq| read writ| recv send|run blk new| used free| used buff cach free 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 242B 496B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 242B 1242B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 244B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M 0 1 99 0 0 0| 0 0 | 152B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 152B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 244B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 152B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 152B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 244B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M 1 1 98 0 0 0| 0 0 | 152B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 152B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 152B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 244B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 152B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 212B 484B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 244B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M 0 1 99 0 0 0| 0 0 | 152B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 242B 496B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 244B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 152B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M
  • 44. Test 44 Load Test Case2. press fluentd & slow query * service td-agent start - cpu : idle 99~100% - mem : used 804M (60M used) - I/O : read 0K, write 0K [root@localhost ~]# dstat -c -d -n -p -s -m ----total-cpu-usage---- -dsk/total- -net/total- ---procs--- ----swap--- ------memory-usage----- usr sys idl wai hiq siq| read writ| recv send|run blk new| used free| used buff cach free 0 0 99 1 0 0| 32k 95k| 0 0 | 0 0 0.3|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 1082B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M 1 0 99 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1112M 936M| 743M 7652k 93.2M 145M 12 24 4 56 2 1|2692k 0 | 226B 670B| 0 1.0 24|1112M 936M| 766M 8004k 95.5M 120M <-- agent start 19 23 0 57 0 1|3444k 0 | 60B 628B|1.0 0 0|1112M 936M| 776M 8856k 98.0M 106M 7 54 0 36 1 1| 872k 6532k| 180B 2072B|1.0 0 9.0|1118M 930M| 827M 6988k 90.6M 64.6M 11 14 51 24 0 0|2448k 48k|1921B 5230B| 0 0 9.0|1118M 930M| 804M 7244k 84.8M 93.2M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 458B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 804M 7244k 84.8M 93.2M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 804M 7244k 84.8M 93.2M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 804M 7244k 84.8M 93.2M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 804M 7244k 84.8M 93.2M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 150B 496B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 804M 7252k 84.8M 93.2M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 804M 7252k 84.8M 93.2M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 240B 550B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 804M 7252k 84.8M 93.2M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 804M 7252k 84.8M 93.2M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 804M 7252k 84.8M 93.2M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 804M 7252k 84.8M 93.2M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 804M 7252k 84.8M 93.2M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 0 0 | 60B 442B| 0 0 0|1118M 930M| 804M 7252k 84.8M 93.2M
  • 45. Test 45 Load Test Case2. press fluentd & slow query * Pressing status - cpu : idle 95~100% (used +4%) - mem : used 809M (used +4M) - I/O : read 32K~64K, write 16K~36K [root@localhost ~]# dstat -c -d -n -p -s -m ----total-cpu-usage---- -dsk/total- -net/total- ---procs--- ----swap--- ------memory-usage----- usr sys idl wai hiq siq| read writ| recv send|run blk new| used free| used buff cach free 1 0 98 1 0 0| 32k 24k| 180B 1112B|1.0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 807M 7360k 84.9M 89.8M 0 1 97 2 0 0| 64k 24k| 240B 1810B| 0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 807M 7360k 84.9M 89.6M 1 1 97 1 0 0| 64k 0 | 818B 2602B| 0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 807M 7360k 84.9M 89.7M 1 1 95 3 0 0| 64k 0 | 180B 1112B| 0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 807M 7360k 84.9M 89.4M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 64k 0 | 180B 1218B| 0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 807M 7360k 84.9M 89.6M 1 1 96 2 0 0| 32k 16k| 180B 1112B| 0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 807M 7368k 84.9M 89.4M 0 0 100 0 0 0| 32k 0 | 180B 1128B| 0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 807M 7368k 84.9M 89.4M 1 1 98 0 0 0| 64k 0 | 818B 2587B| 0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 808M 7368k 84.9M 89.3M 0 1 99 0 0 0| 32k 0 | 180B 1112B| 0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 808M 7368k 84.9M 89.2M 1 1 98 0 0 0| 64k 0 | 180B 1112B|1.0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 808M 7368k 84.9M 89.3M 0 0 99 1 0 0| 64k 16k| 180B 1112B| 0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 808M 7376k 84.9M 89.1M 1 1 96 2 0 0| 64k 4096B| 180B 1128B| 0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 808M 7376k 84.9M 89.1M 0 1 93 6 0 0| 64k 0 | 818B 2602B| 0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 808M 7376k 84.9M 89.1M 1 0 98 1 0 0| 32k 0 | 180B 1112B| 0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 808M 7376k 84.9M 89.0M 1 1 95 3 0 0| 64k 0 | 180B 1112B| 0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 808M 7376k 84.9M 89.0M 0 1 96 3 0 0| 64k 32k| 180B 1112B| 0 0 2.0|1115M 933M| 808M 7384k 84.9M 88.8M 1 1 96 2 0 0| 64k 8192B| 360B 1236B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 808M 7384k 84.9M 88.8M 0 1 95 2 1 1| 64k 0 | 818B 2603B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 808M 7384k 84.9M 88.7M 1 0 99 0 0 0| 0 0 | 210B 1166B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 808M 7384k 84.9M 88.7M 0 1 99 0 0 0| 32k 0 | 270B 1166B| 0 0 2.0|1114M 934M| 808M 7384k 84.9M 88.7M
  • 46. Test 46 Load Test ### Conclusion * Case1 : no fluentd agent press - cpu : idle 94~100% (used +5%) - mem : used 741M (used +4M) - I/O : read 32K~64K, write 12K~32K * Case2 : Fluentd agent press - cpu : idle 95~100% (used +4%) - mem : used 809M (used +4M) - I/O : read 32K~64K, write 16K~36K >>> the load is not at all due to the agent. (only 60M) * 800,000 p/s logging
  • 47. I. Intro II. Architecture III. Install IV. Test - MySQL slowquery logging - MySQL processlist logging - Load test V. To do VI. Reference INDEX Agenda 47
  • 48. To do 48 • MySQL : slow query log • MySQL : process list • MySQL : show global status • Apache : web log • Linux : Syslog • Linux : df command • Linux : dstat command . . . . .
  • 49. To do 49 • 1,500 persons • 20,000,000,000 yen slow_query Collect DB WEB VIEWER 1st Devleopement 2nd Devleopement 3nd Devleopement 3nd Development ???
  • 51. To do 51 master ETL slave master slave master slave master slave
  • 52. 52 MySQL : ETL <source> type mysql_query host rex port 3306 database test username root password rex interval 10s tag rex.log_game_play query select * from test.log_game_play where log_dat e between date_sub(now(), interval 10 minute) and now (); record_hostname yes nest_result no nest_key data </source> <match rex.log_game_play> type copy <store> type stdout </store> <store> type mysql_bulk host rex port 3306 database test username root password rex column_names log_date,useridx,play_time,char_type,result key_names log_date,useridx,play_time,char_type,result table log_game_play on_duplicate_key_update true on_duplicate_update_keys log_date,useridx flush_interval 15s </store> </match> To do
  • 53. To do 53 MySS 6S or MySS 7
  • 54. I. Intro II. Architecture III. Install IV. Test - MySQL slowquery logging - MySQL processlist logging - Load test V. To do VI. Reference INDEX Agenda 54
  • 56. Reference 56 # RubyConf 2014 Build the Unified Logging Layer with Fluentd and Ruby by Kiyoto Tamura # Fluentd로 apache log를 MongoDB에 저장하기 # Big Data入門に見せかけたFluentd入門 # fluentd Plugins List✓&q=fluent-plugin+parser&type=Repositories&ref=searchresults # Fluentd - Pluggable log collector # Fluentd를 이용하여 모니터링도구 만들기 # kibana