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Volume 4, Issue 10, October – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IJISRT19OCT2009 261
Patriotism with Decision Product Local
Arbiansyah, T.P.T 1,
Faculty Psychology
University Persada Indonesia Y. A. I.
Salemba Raya, Jakarta Pusat
Himmatul I. A2,
Faculty Psychology
University Mercubuana
Jakarta, Indonesia
Abstract:- Research seeks to reveal student's perception
of patriotism with decision local shoe products. The
study of patriotism with decision to local products is still
not widely researched by consumer psychology. Research
participants are male and female student’s from various
ethnic Java, Sunda, Batak, Ambon and many others
accumulated 371 participants. Data presented in
quantitative form accompanied by interpretation of
research results using SPSS program. Participants assess
that there are several things that may reduce decision to
buy local products compared with foreign products and
financial aspects of each individual in purchasing
Keywords:- Patriotism, Decision Local Product.
Local shoe products vendors in Indonesia must be able
to compete in marketing their products through social media
(online). Increasingly growing trade in network caused public
to get goods he wanted, both from domestic and foreign
sellers (Pradesta, 2014). Through store in merchant network
will be easier to market product, other than that cost of
marketing will be cheaper. Store sales in current network are
promising. This is in accordance with research of General
Manager of Research Institute of Office World Panel
Indonesia (Venu Madhav) said, Indonesia offers a very
promising store market in network (e-commerce). Population
of Indonesia is 250 million and under 30 years old has been
very well versed with world of shops in network, so products
in form of shoes local and international products is easy to
do depending on consumer to choose.
This research purpose is to see perception patriotism
with decision to local shoe products because of many
imported products that are cheap, but quality in imported
products has less durability good. Consumer perception and
attitudes are very important to marketing of local made shoe
products. Need for a better understanding of factors that
determine consumer choice of domestic products are
selections and shoe variants. Netemeyer (1991), Orth and
Firbasova (2003). Decision on purchase of products born
from process of accepting, interpreting, studying,
remembering and thinking about information product
(Hermawan, 2013). According Tjiptono (2004) variables
affecting interest in purchasing local products is attitude of
patriotism. Attitude of patriotism is a tendency to choose
products from country of origin where individual lives and
seeks to avoid products of foreign countries (Ramadania,
2013) because patriotism is attitude love domestic products
with a sense of love in domestic products then, every
individual can produce with both quality of production and
add jobs to domestic industry factories, because foreign
production is mainly. Import shoes will threaten survival of
domestic shoe factory, which can not compete will cause a
new problem that is many unemployment and a little job field
because of absence ( attitude). Patriotism in love buying
domestic products. Attitude patriotism according in
dictionary Indonesia laguage (KBBI) is attitude of
individuals are willing to sacrifice everything both soul, body
and material for success and prosperity of homeland. In
other words patriotism is spirit love of homeland, namely
loving nation itself by loving products domestic versus
international product shoes.
Study used buying decision gauge, which was designed
according to dimensions of Kotler (2009). Purpose of
buying products, processing information to get selection of
brands, stability on one product, providing recommendations
to other individuals and making repurchase. Furthermore,
research instrument used to measure patriotism is
development of patriotic and constructive. Schatz, Staub and
Lavine (1999)
One component as establishment of personal
characteristics is patriotism (Balabanis, 2001). Consumers
become patriotism, assuming negative purchase of imported
goods and be more proud of homemade products.
Individuals believe that imported products can harm national
economy, cause unemployment and not be patriotic. In
addition to factors that affect individual to buy local
products namely because of concern for local traders,
quality of Indonesian products that are not less good with
foreign products, such as local shoe products have been many
in exports too and most importantly if it is not from
Indonesian society who else is wearing and advancing local
products in Indonesia. Value embodied in patriotism
encompasses proud attitudes of nation's achievements,
proud of nation's culture, desire to nurture nation's traits and
background of nation's culture. Rashid (2004) patriotism
aspects : loyalty, courage, sacrifice, and love for nation. In
this study, two fundamental aspects of perception
patriotism are faithfulness and willingness of sacrifice.
Factors is a form of concern for local/ domestic traders to
reduce level of enrichation and defend country economics,
Volume 4, Issue 10, October – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IJISRT19OCT2009 262
want to help and enrich local traders, as a form to advance
community surrounding. In this regard community is equal
to advancing nation and country. Attitude in assisting local
traders in marketing and local products with goal of
improving community, advancing country can be named
with attitude of patriotism. Influence of nearby individuals
also strongly affects consumers in making product buying
Kotler (2009), consumer in deciding to purchase a
product is influenced by: 1) Introduction goods product
needs, purchase decision making process begins with
presence of problems needs of products triggered by
stimulus both internal and external psychological, 2)
information search, individuals are moved to search for
information about products to buy and reviews that have
purchased those products, 3) evaluation and product
selection, after conducting information search, further
consumers do research on alternatives to determine , 4)
Buying decisions, consumers have received decision to buy
most liked product. 5) post purchase behavior, consumer
experience in consuming products purchased. At this stage, a
satisfaction response or dissatisfaction will appear on product
that has been purchased.
Research Kotler (2005), reveals individuals affect
consumers in making a decision : 1) individual cultures, i.e.
value, society's norms, perception of individual view
points, preferences of liking on product and behaviour . 2)
Social level of group that affects members/ communities in
making decisions on purchase of goods. 3) technology
includes online sales and easy access to purchase such items
with consideration of time and expense incurred by each
individual. 4) Individual personal consumption differs
from other individuals due to personal factors,i.e, age,
occupation, condition, lifestyle, personality and self
concept. 5) Psychological that consists of motivation,
perception, belief and behavior is psychiatric determinant/
psychology that affects individual in making decision to
buy goods especially local shoe products.
Kotler and Keller (2007), brand image is an
individual's perception and belief in selecting its products,
as reflected in individual's memory on every purchase of
goods. Important activities that connect individual
consumers with group, situation and influence of
marketing perception. According Kotler (2007),
perception is process of how individuals choose, organize,
and interpretation input of information to create a picture
of what it will buy. Perception covers all processes that
individuals do in understanding information about their
Patriotism is engagement an individual to his group
(tribe, nation, political, etc.) (Staub, 1999). Engagement
include willingness of individuals to identify themselves in
social group (engagement) to be loyal foster a sense of
loyalty, so that individual should try a local product that is
not less good with imported products.
Patriotism and decision products are very important
role, because with attitude of patriotism then individual will
prefer local product by local people from his own country.
Consumer’ s have a patriotism attitude will have principles
and values that want to advance local products, help market
and will buy and use local products. Instilling attitude of
patriotism for all Indonesian people, especially student’s are
very important, so people will be more concerned about
domestic products. Now a days many Indonesian people are
less concerned about products of Indonesian shoes, because
community has been following lifestyle that wants to show
that identity and able to buy products imported shoes, will
be seen when individual use product imports that look more
luxurious. It is very clear that will make spirit of patriotism
in Indonesian society slowly and gradually fade away and
lost time. If, still left as such, local shoe products owned by
domestic producers especially Indonesian countries will
slowly disappear easily as well as a decrease in patriotism
that is supposed to be owned by all Indonesian people.
Respecting and loving domestic products is one of tangible
manifestation of patriotism that is possessed by individuals
to nations and their countries.
Method of research is quantitative korelational
because this research is related to patriotism phenomenon
and decision to buy domestic products especially domestic
shoes. The study used buying decision gauge, which was
designed from Kotler's dimensions (2009). This tool has five
dimensions that is purpose of buy products, processing
information to get selection of brands to buy, stability on
product, provide recommendations to other individuals and
make repurchase. Furthermore, research instrument used to
measure patriotism is development of Schatz, Staub and
Lavine (1999), which is aspect patriotic and constructive.
Data retrieval with likert scale, patriotism variable and
decision buy local shoe products.
A. Participants
Sampling on random basis, taking samples at
Mercubuana University student’s consisting of men and
women. From various ethnic Java, Sunda, Batak, Ambon
and many more, number of respondents acquired and
successfully collected as many as 371 students.
B. Design
Research design used is a corelational quantitative
research method because this research will reveal existing
phenomenon of patriotism with decision of buying local
shoe products. Sample selection is probability sampling
technique using random sample techniques i.e. sampling of
population members is randomly and get equal
opportunities to be sampled or to represent its population.
Volume 4, Issue 10, October – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IJISRT19OCT2009 263
Sampling is random basis that researchers take samples at
Mercubuana university student’s consisting of men and
women from various ethnic groups and status of student’s at
Mercubuana University.
C. Procedure
Research procedure includes all activities that will be
conducted in study, starting from beginning until end of
implementation of research (Seniati et. al, 2015).
Participants involved in this research must criteria of
participants that have been determined by researcher that
is a student who has 2 years studying at university and
consume local products and further imports whether
student’s, item you bought or moved to another imported
item. Then follow any instructions that start from
determination of research samples, until filling of
questionnaire provided.
A. Analysis
Researchers use quantitative analysis to analyse and
process data on results of questionnaires at University
Mercubuana. Framework of analysis use statistical analysis
with SPSS program. Some of steps researchers have coding
data and analyzing data in form of numbers and finally,
narrative descriptions of results the data coding that has
been conducted.
B. Result
Decision to buy local shoe products is influenced by
confidence, attitude and behavior of individual to help and
develop local shoe products that are not inferior to good
quality with import/ foreign products. Attitude of consumers
to want buy or not, to be product is influenced by stimulus
from outside itself, both stimulation marketing and
stimulation environment. Stimuli received is processed
according to characteristics of individual before making a
product purchase decision. Consumer behaviour is a process
that happens when deciding to buy what to purchase and
how to buy it. Every consumer purchase is created because
needs or wants mixture of both (Kotler, 2005). While
patriotism is attachment of person in his group (tribe, nation,
political , etc.) (Staub, 1999). This engagement includes
willingness of individual to identify itself in a social group
to become loyal. Patriotism is a contributing factor that
causes individual to have a bonding in buying shoes of
local products, if attributed to student’s in Mercubuana
University, which is next generation nation must be
aware and develop local products to promote domestic
products. This research was conducted to see if there is a
patriotism relationship to decision buy local shoe products in
student’s Mercubuana University. Measuring buying
decision on Mercubuana University student’s, using a
buying decision scale. Higher total score shows higher
decision to buy local product shoes in employee class
student’s at Mercubuana University and vice versa if total
score shows low results decision buy turns to be low.
The calculation of analysis data is obtained in female
gender most shopping as many as 230 participants (63%) .
Because women dominate purchasing decisions and
lifestyle for women more than men, for target of most age
is 20-29 years old, because at that age many student’s
often change most popular mode, for special student’ s of
class is most private employees 304 participants (80.9%)
Respondents and most dominant level of income is 4.1
million and above. Because high level of income so
decision to buy can be considered and prioritize quality of
consumption. Gender with most patriotism is women and a
high category 150 participants and decision to buy with
medium category and female gender as many as 123
participants, from results of study can be seen that
dominating in buying shoes products are women as well as in
consideration to buy domestic products especially shoes are
women because women there are some, have a hobby to
collect both artificial shoes from within country and
Foreign countries, while respondents ' age from most
analytical results were 20-29 years old with a high category
209 participants, then with decision to re-buy in a shoe
selection 168 participants.
Based on the results of a hypothesized test that aims to
see if there is a patriotism relationship with the decision to
buy, showing GIS (2-tailed) 0.000 that is in less than 0.050
so that there is a connection to patriotism and the decision to
buy this caused by individual power to purchase local shoe
products with good quality. In Pearson correlation It showed
the results of 0.349, if viewed from the level of the efficiency
of its coefficent was left quite significant. The
perdimensioning relationship through correlation test has
strong enough relationship between patriotism and buying
decision, it can be seen through counting result using SPSS.
The correlation in the dimension of constructive patriotism
with the dimensions-dimesi present in the variable decision
to buy local products, there is an attitude that makes the
individual to support the purchase of local products.
Students have the attitude of patriotism because it is aware of
its status as an Indonesian citizen who wants to see the nation
and its country is developing a better kingdom. Patriotism
relations and buying decisions are quite strong. If, in view of
descriptive results based on variables, the decision to buy
local product shoes at the University of Mercubuana students
is at the right level with the mean empirise to get a value of
52.2021. This indicates that it is sufficient to prove the
buying decision relationship to patriotism. Of every
dimension of buying and patriotism decisions based on SPSS
counting results, each dimension is correlated.
Volume 4, Issue 10, October – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IJISRT19OCT2009 264
A. Conclusion
Patriotism scale is category medium, so students at
University Mercubuana have a sense of patriotism towards
decision to buy domestic products, especially home made
shoes, meaning there are attitudes that build to me local
footwear products in Indonesia. Furthermore, scale of
patriotism has a relationship with decision scale to buy local
shoe products are in category of medium, which has a
connection between perception of patriotism with decision to
buy shoes local products. And also most dominating in terms
of gender characterisitics that women are likely to have a
lifestyle to self maintain and look at lifestyle of their
colleagues, so that decision to buy also on women dominates,
and if respondent feels good and good in product, individual
will love to buy product he has purchased.
B. Suggestion
Author suggests more depth on aspects contained in
patriotism to provide great results for subsequent research.
And in order to examine more detail about relationship
constructive patriotism with buy decisions, especially shoes
of local products, counting correlation between dimensions
has a strong enough relationship. With some limitations in
this study, other researchers are expected to conduct further
similar research by taking more respondents and using more
complex research plans such as experiments and other so that
it can be found more optimal results and can be generalized
in a wider area.
C. Gretting Thanks
Author thank’s Idhamsyah Eka Putra , has been
assisting in providing input in this study.
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Volume 4, Issue 10, October – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IJISRT19OCT2009 265
Gender Frequency Pecentage
Male 141 38%
Female 230 62%
Age Frequency Pecentage
Less than 20 age 18 4.9%
20-29 age 319 86%
30-39 age 29 7.8%
More than 40 age 5 1.3%
Job Frequency Pecentage
Public 28 7,6 %
Private 304 81,9 %
ect 39 10,5 %
Income Frequency Pecentage
<2.000.000 30 8 %
2.100.000-3.000.000 28 7,6 %
3.100.000-4.000.000 109 29,4 %
>4.100.000 204 55 %
Table 1:- Subject Demograph Data
Category Gender Total
Male Female
Very high 35 58 93
High 92 150 242
Moderate 14 20 34
Low 0 2 2
Very Low 0 0 0
Total 141 230 371
Table 2:- Gender by patriotism
Category Gender Total
Male Female
Very high 6 7 13
High 60 95 155
Moderate 68 123 191
Low 6 4 10
Very Low 1 1 2
Total 141 230 371
Table 3:- Gender with decision buy local product
Volume 4, Issue 10, October – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IJISRT19OCT2009 266
Category Age Total
<20 20-29 30-39 >40
Very high 7 81 3 2 93
High 9 208 25 0 242
Moderate 2 28 1 3 34
Low 0 1 0 0 1
Very low 0 1 0 0 1
Total 18 319 29 5 371
Table 4:- Age with patriotism
Category Age Total
<20 20-29 30-39 >40
Very high 1 11 1 0 13
High 7 129 15 4 155
Moderate 10 168 12 0 190
Low 0 9 1 1 11
Very low 0 2 0 0 2
Total 18 319 29 5 371
Table 5:- Age with decision buy local product
N Range Min Max Sum Mean
Total P 371 30,00 18,00 50,00 14414,00 38,8517
Table 6:- Patriotism scale score
N Range Min Max Sum Mean
Total KM 371 31,00 26,00 71,00 18952,00 51,0835
Table 7:- Decision score lokal buy product shoes
Table 8:- Result Correlation test

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  • 1. Volume 4, Issue 10, October – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology ISSN No:-2456-2165 IJISRT19OCT2009 261 Patriotism with Decision Product Local Arbiansyah, T.P.T 1, 1 Faculty Psychology University Persada Indonesia Y. A. I. Salemba Raya, Jakarta Pusat Himmatul I. A2, 2 Faculty Psychology University Mercubuana Jakarta, Indonesia Abstract:- Research seeks to reveal student's perception of patriotism with decision local shoe products. The study of patriotism with decision to local products is still not widely researched by consumer psychology. Research participants are male and female student’s from various ethnic Java, Sunda, Batak, Ambon and many others accumulated 371 participants. Data presented in quantitative form accompanied by interpretation of research results using SPSS program. Participants assess that there are several things that may reduce decision to buy local products compared with foreign products and financial aspects of each individual in purchasing product. Keywords:- Patriotism, Decision Local Product. I. INTRODUCTION Local shoe products vendors in Indonesia must be able to compete in marketing their products through social media (online). Increasingly growing trade in network caused public to get goods he wanted, both from domestic and foreign sellers (Pradesta, 2014). Through store in merchant network will be easier to market product, other than that cost of marketing will be cheaper. Store sales in current network are promising. This is in accordance with research of General Manager of Research Institute of Office World Panel Indonesia (Venu Madhav) said, Indonesia offers a very promising store market in network (e-commerce). Population of Indonesia is 250 million and under 30 years old has been very well versed with world of shops in network, so products in form of shoes local and international products is easy to do depending on consumer to choose. This research purpose is to see perception patriotism with decision to local shoe products because of many imported products that are cheap, but quality in imported products has less durability good. Consumer perception and attitudes are very important to marketing of local made shoe products. Need for a better understanding of factors that determine consumer choice of domestic products are selections and shoe variants. Netemeyer (1991), Orth and Firbasova (2003). Decision on purchase of products born from process of accepting, interpreting, studying, remembering and thinking about information product (Hermawan, 2013). According Tjiptono (2004) variables affecting interest in purchasing local products is attitude of patriotism. Attitude of patriotism is a tendency to choose products from country of origin where individual lives and seeks to avoid products of foreign countries (Ramadania, 2013) because patriotism is attitude love domestic products with a sense of love in domestic products then, every individual can produce with both quality of production and add jobs to domestic industry factories, because foreign production is mainly. Import shoes will threaten survival of domestic shoe factory, which can not compete will cause a new problem that is many unemployment and a little job field because of absence ( attitude). Patriotism in love buying domestic products. Attitude patriotism according in dictionary Indonesia laguage (KBBI) is attitude of individuals are willing to sacrifice everything both soul, body and material for success and prosperity of homeland. In other words patriotism is spirit love of homeland, namely loving nation itself by loving products domestic versus international product shoes. Study used buying decision gauge, which was designed according to dimensions of Kotler (2009). Purpose of buying products, processing information to get selection of brands, stability on one product, providing recommendations to other individuals and making repurchase. Furthermore, research instrument used to measure patriotism is development of patriotic and constructive. Schatz, Staub and Lavine (1999) One component as establishment of personal characteristics is patriotism (Balabanis, 2001). Consumers become patriotism, assuming negative purchase of imported goods and be more proud of homemade products. Individuals believe that imported products can harm national economy, cause unemployment and not be patriotic. In addition to factors that affect individual to buy local products namely because of concern for local traders, quality of Indonesian products that are not less good with foreign products, such as local shoe products have been many in exports too and most importantly if it is not from Indonesian society who else is wearing and advancing local products in Indonesia. Value embodied in patriotism encompasses proud attitudes of nation's achievements, proud of nation's culture, desire to nurture nation's traits and background of nation's culture. Rashid (2004) patriotism aspects : loyalty, courage, sacrifice, and love for nation. In this study, two fundamental aspects of perception patriotism are faithfulness and willingness of sacrifice. Factors is a form of concern for local/ domestic traders to reduce level of enrichation and defend country economics,
  • 2. Volume 4, Issue 10, October – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology ISSN No:-2456-2165 IJISRT19OCT2009 262 want to help and enrich local traders, as a form to advance community surrounding. In this regard community is equal to advancing nation and country. Attitude in assisting local traders in marketing and local products with goal of improving community, advancing country can be named with attitude of patriotism. Influence of nearby individuals also strongly affects consumers in making product buying decisions. Kotler (2009), consumer in deciding to purchase a product is influenced by: 1) Introduction goods product needs, purchase decision making process begins with presence of problems needs of products triggered by stimulus both internal and external psychological, 2) information search, individuals are moved to search for information about products to buy and reviews that have purchased those products, 3) evaluation and product selection, after conducting information search, further consumers do research on alternatives to determine , 4) Buying decisions, consumers have received decision to buy most liked product. 5) post purchase behavior, consumer experience in consuming products purchased. At this stage, a satisfaction response or dissatisfaction will appear on product that has been purchased. Research Kotler (2005), reveals individuals affect consumers in making a decision : 1) individual cultures, i.e. value, society's norms, perception of individual view points, preferences of liking on product and behaviour . 2) Social level of group that affects members/ communities in making decisions on purchase of goods. 3) technology includes online sales and easy access to purchase such items with consideration of time and expense incurred by each individual. 4) Individual personal consumption differs from other individuals due to personal factors,i.e, age, occupation, condition, lifestyle, personality and self concept. 5) Psychological that consists of motivation, perception, belief and behavior is psychiatric determinant/ psychology that affects individual in making decision to buy goods especially local shoe products. Kotler and Keller (2007), brand image is an individual's perception and belief in selecting its products, as reflected in individual's memory on every purchase of goods. Important activities that connect individual consumers with group, situation and influence of marketing perception. According Kotler (2007), perception is process of how individuals choose, organize, and interpretation input of information to create a picture of what it will buy. Perception covers all processes that individuals do in understanding information about their environment. Patriotism is engagement an individual to his group (tribe, nation, political, etc.) (Staub, 1999). Engagement include willingness of individuals to identify themselves in social group (engagement) to be loyal foster a sense of loyalty, so that individual should try a local product that is not less good with imported products. Patriotism and decision products are very important role, because with attitude of patriotism then individual will prefer local product by local people from his own country. Consumer’ s have a patriotism attitude will have principles and values that want to advance local products, help market and will buy and use local products. Instilling attitude of patriotism for all Indonesian people, especially student’s are very important, so people will be more concerned about domestic products. Now a days many Indonesian people are less concerned about products of Indonesian shoes, because community has been following lifestyle that wants to show that identity and able to buy products imported shoes, will be seen when individual use product imports that look more luxurious. It is very clear that will make spirit of patriotism in Indonesian society slowly and gradually fade away and lost time. If, still left as such, local shoe products owned by domestic producers especially Indonesian countries will slowly disappear easily as well as a decrease in patriotism that is supposed to be owned by all Indonesian people. Respecting and loving domestic products is one of tangible manifestation of patriotism that is possessed by individuals to nations and their countries. II. METHOD Method of research is quantitative korelational because this research is related to patriotism phenomenon and decision to buy domestic products especially domestic shoes. The study used buying decision gauge, which was designed from Kotler's dimensions (2009). This tool has five dimensions that is purpose of buy products, processing information to get selection of brands to buy, stability on product, provide recommendations to other individuals and make repurchase. Furthermore, research instrument used to measure patriotism is development of Schatz, Staub and Lavine (1999), which is aspect patriotic and constructive. Data retrieval with likert scale, patriotism variable and decision buy local shoe products. A. Participants Sampling on random basis, taking samples at Mercubuana University student’s consisting of men and women. From various ethnic Java, Sunda, Batak, Ambon and many more, number of respondents acquired and successfully collected as many as 371 students. B. Design Research design used is a corelational quantitative research method because this research will reveal existing phenomenon of patriotism with decision of buying local shoe products. Sample selection is probability sampling technique using random sample techniques i.e. sampling of population members is randomly and get equal opportunities to be sampled or to represent its population.
  • 3. Volume 4, Issue 10, October – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology ISSN No:-2456-2165 IJISRT19OCT2009 263 Sampling is random basis that researchers take samples at Mercubuana university student’s consisting of men and women from various ethnic groups and status of student’s at Mercubuana University. C. Procedure Research procedure includes all activities that will be conducted in study, starting from beginning until end of implementation of research (Seniati et. al, 2015). Participants involved in this research must criteria of participants that have been determined by researcher that is a student who has 2 years studying at university and consume local products and further imports whether student’s, item you bought or moved to another imported item. Then follow any instructions that start from determination of research samples, until filling of questionnaire provided. III. ANALYSIS AND RESULT A. Analysis Researchers use quantitative analysis to analyse and process data on results of questionnaires at University Mercubuana. Framework of analysis use statistical analysis with SPSS program. Some of steps researchers have coding data and analyzing data in form of numbers and finally, narrative descriptions of results the data coding that has been conducted. B. Result Decision to buy local shoe products is influenced by confidence, attitude and behavior of individual to help and develop local shoe products that are not inferior to good quality with import/ foreign products. Attitude of consumers to want buy or not, to be product is influenced by stimulus from outside itself, both stimulation marketing and stimulation environment. Stimuli received is processed according to characteristics of individual before making a product purchase decision. Consumer behaviour is a process that happens when deciding to buy what to purchase and how to buy it. Every consumer purchase is created because needs or wants mixture of both (Kotler, 2005). While patriotism is attachment of person in his group (tribe, nation, political , etc.) (Staub, 1999). This engagement includes willingness of individual to identify itself in a social group to become loyal. Patriotism is a contributing factor that causes individual to have a bonding in buying shoes of local products, if attributed to student’s in Mercubuana University, which is next generation nation must be aware and develop local products to promote domestic products. This research was conducted to see if there is a patriotism relationship to decision buy local shoe products in student’s Mercubuana University. Measuring buying decision on Mercubuana University student’s, using a buying decision scale. Higher total score shows higher decision to buy local product shoes in employee class student’s at Mercubuana University and vice versa if total score shows low results decision buy turns to be low. The calculation of analysis data is obtained in female gender most shopping as many as 230 participants (63%) . Because women dominate purchasing decisions and lifestyle for women more than men, for target of most age is 20-29 years old, because at that age many student’s often change most popular mode, for special student’ s of class is most private employees 304 participants (80.9%) Respondents and most dominant level of income is 4.1 million and above. Because high level of income so decision to buy can be considered and prioritize quality of consumption. Gender with most patriotism is women and a high category 150 participants and decision to buy with medium category and female gender as many as 123 participants, from results of study can be seen that dominating in buying shoes products are women as well as in consideration to buy domestic products especially shoes are women because women there are some, have a hobby to collect both artificial shoes from within country and Foreign countries, while respondents ' age from most analytical results were 20-29 years old with a high category 209 participants, then with decision to re-buy in a shoe selection 168 participants. Based on the results of a hypothesized test that aims to see if there is a patriotism relationship with the decision to buy, showing GIS (2-tailed) 0.000 that is in less than 0.050 so that there is a connection to patriotism and the decision to buy this caused by individual power to purchase local shoe products with good quality. In Pearson correlation It showed the results of 0.349, if viewed from the level of the efficiency of its coefficent was left quite significant. The perdimensioning relationship through correlation test has strong enough relationship between patriotism and buying decision, it can be seen through counting result using SPSS. The correlation in the dimension of constructive patriotism with the dimensions-dimesi present in the variable decision to buy local products, there is an attitude that makes the individual to support the purchase of local products. Students have the attitude of patriotism because it is aware of its status as an Indonesian citizen who wants to see the nation and its country is developing a better kingdom. Patriotism relations and buying decisions are quite strong. If, in view of descriptive results based on variables, the decision to buy local product shoes at the University of Mercubuana students is at the right level with the mean empirise to get a value of 52.2021. This indicates that it is sufficient to prove the buying decision relationship to patriotism. Of every dimension of buying and patriotism decisions based on SPSS counting results, each dimension is correlated.
  • 4. Volume 4, Issue 10, October – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology ISSN No:-2456-2165 IJISRT19OCT2009 264 IV. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion Patriotism scale is category medium, so students at University Mercubuana have a sense of patriotism towards decision to buy domestic products, especially home made shoes, meaning there are attitudes that build to me local footwear products in Indonesia. Furthermore, scale of patriotism has a relationship with decision scale to buy local shoe products are in category of medium, which has a connection between perception of patriotism with decision to buy shoes local products. And also most dominating in terms of gender characterisitics that women are likely to have a lifestyle to self maintain and look at lifestyle of their colleagues, so that decision to buy also on women dominates, and if respondent feels good and good in product, individual will love to buy product he has purchased. B. Suggestion Author suggests more depth on aspects contained in patriotism to provide great results for subsequent research. And in order to examine more detail about relationship constructive patriotism with buy decisions, especially shoes of local products, counting correlation between dimensions has a strong enough relationship. With some limitations in this study, other researchers are expected to conduct further similar research by taking more respondents and using more complex research plans such as experiments and other so that it can be found more optimal results and can be generalized in a wider area. C. Gretting Thanks Author thank’s Idhamsyah Eka Putra , has been assisting in providing input in this study. REFERENCES [1]. Aggasari, P. (2013). Influence Ethosentrisme on attitudes, preferences and behaviors of purchasing local and imported fruits. Journal Managmen and Agribusiness. [2]. Arikunto, S. (1998). Research procedure of an approach to practice. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. [3]. Binerus, F. (2017). Role of cultural openness patriotism, conservatism and collectivism with Ethnosentrisme consumer case studies on local brand shoes. Surakarta: Institution Religion Islam Negeri Surakarta. [4]. Cheng, C. H. (2011). Exploring the effects of consumer ethnocentrism on preference of choosing foreign airlines: A perspective of Chinese tourist. African Journal of Business Management. [5]. Evanschitzky, H. W. (2008). Consumer ethnocentrism in the German market . International Marketing Review. [6]. He, J. (2014). Cultural identity and consumer ethnocentrism impacts on preference and purchase of domestic versus import brands: An empirical study in China. Journal of Business Research. [7]. Kotler, P. (2007). Marketing Management Volume 2. Jakarta: PT Indeks. [8]. Nadiri, H. (2010). Influence of Ethnocentrism on Consumers Intention to Buy Domestically Produced Goods: An Empirical Study in North Cyprus. Journal of Business Economics and Management 2010. [9]. Pradesta, R. (2014). Influence ethnocentrism, brand image and product knowledge to purchase decisions of imported apparel products. University Muhammadiyah Surakarta. [10]. Setyawan, E. (2014). Analysis consumer attitudes towards local and imported fashion products. Journal Economy. [11]. Siamagka, N. T. (2010). Extending Consumer Ethnocentrism: Development and Validation of the CEESCALE. Departement of Marketing . University Birmingham. [12]. Vilte Auruskeviciene, V. D. (2012). Comparison of Consumer ethnocentrism behavioral patterns in transitional economies. Transformation in business and economies.
  • 5. Volume 4, Issue 10, October – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology ISSN No:-2456-2165 IJISRT19OCT2009 265 ATTACHMENT Gender Frequency Pecentage Male 141 38% Female 230 62% Age Frequency Pecentage Less than 20 age 18 4.9% 20-29 age 319 86% 30-39 age 29 7.8% More than 40 age 5 1.3% Job Frequency Pecentage Public 28 7,6 % Private 304 81,9 % ect 39 10,5 % Income Frequency Pecentage <2.000.000 30 8 % 2.100.000-3.000.000 28 7,6 % 3.100.000-4.000.000 109 29,4 % >4.100.000 204 55 % Table 1:- Subject Demograph Data RESEARCH DATA ANALYSIS RESULTS Category Gender Total Male Female Very high 35 58 93 High 92 150 242 Moderate 14 20 34 Low 0 2 2 Very Low 0 0 0 Total 141 230 371 Table 2:- Gender by patriotism Category Gender Total Male Female Very high 6 7 13 High 60 95 155 Moderate 68 123 191 Low 6 4 10 Very Low 1 1 2 Total 141 230 371 Table 3:- Gender with decision buy local product
  • 6. Volume 4, Issue 10, October – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology ISSN No:-2456-2165 IJISRT19OCT2009 266 Category Age Total <20 20-29 30-39 >40 Very high 7 81 3 2 93 High 9 208 25 0 242 Moderate 2 28 1 3 34 Low 0 1 0 0 1 Very low 0 1 0 0 1 Total 18 319 29 5 371 Table 4:- Age with patriotism Category Age Total <20 20-29 30-39 >40 Very high 1 11 1 0 13 High 7 129 15 4 155 Moderate 10 168 12 0 190 Low 0 9 1 1 11 Very low 0 2 0 0 2 Total 18 319 29 5 371 Table 5:- Age with decision buy local product N Range Min Max Sum Mean Total P 371 30,00 18,00 50,00 14414,00 38,8517 Table 6:- Patriotism scale score N Range Min Max Sum Mean Total KM 371 31,00 26,00 71,00 18952,00 51,0835 Table 7:- Decision score lokal buy product shoes Table 8:- Result Correlation test