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Presented by:
Keshab Raj Joshi
Lumbini medical college
Pravas, Tansen, Palpa
Major pathway for Carbohydrate metabolism:
1) Glycolysis
2) TCA cycle
3) Gluconeogenesis
4) Glycogenesis
5) Glycogenolysis
6) Hexose monophosphate pathway
Major pathway for Carbohydrate metabolism:
1) Glycolysis:-
īƒ˜ Glycolysis is defined as the sequence of reaction converting
glucose to pyruvate under aerobic condition and lactate under
anaerobic condition with the production of ATP.
2) TCA Cycle:
īƒ˜ The oxidation of acetyl Co-A to Co2.
īƒ˜ Kreb’s cycle is the final oxidative pathway for carbohydrate, fat,
or amino acids through acetyl Co-A.
3) Gluconeogenesis:
īƒ˜ The synthesis of glucose from non-carbohydrate precursor.
eg: amino acids, glycerol
4) Glycogenesis:
> The formation of glycogen from glucose
ī‚— Metabolism is all the chemical reactions that occur in an
ī‚— Cellular metabolism
ī‚— Cells break down excess carbohydrates first, then lipids, finally
amino acids if energy needs are not metabolized by
carbohydrates and fat
ī‚— Nutrients not used for energy are used to build up structure, are
stored, or they are excreted
ī‚— 40% of the energy released in catabolism is captured in ATP,
the rest is released as heat
ī‚— Performance of structural maintenance and
ī‚— Support of growth
ī‚— Production of secretions
ī‚— Building of nutrient reserves
ī‚— Breakdown of nutrients to provide energy (in
the form of ATP) for body processes
ī‚— Nutrients directly absorbed
ī‚— Stored nutrients
ī‚— Cells provide small organic molecules to
ī‚— Mitochondria produce ATP used to
perform cellular functions
Cells and Mitochondria
Carbohydrate Metabolism
ī‚— Primarily glucose
ī‚— Fructose and galactose enter the pathways at various
ī‚— All cells can utilize glucose for energy production
ī‚— Glucose uptake from blood to cells usually mediated by
insulin and transporters
ī‚— Liver is central site for carbohydrate metabolism
ī‚— Glucose uptake independent of insulin
ī‚— The only exporter of glucose
Fates of Glucose
ī‚— Fed state
ī‚— Storage as glycogen
ī‚— Liver
ī‚— Skeletal muscle
ī‚— Storage as lipids
ī‚— Adipose tissue
ī‚— Fasted state
ī‚— Metabolized for energy
ī‚— New glucose synthesized
High Blood Glucose
Glucose absorbed
Glucose absorbed
Glucose absorbed
immediately after eating a mealâ€Ļ
Glucose Metabolism
ī‚— Four major metabolic pathways
ī‚— Energy status (ATP) of body regulates which
pathway gets energy
ī‚§ Immediate source of energy
ī‚§ Pentophosphate pathway
ī‚§ Glycogen synthesis in liver/muscle
Fate of Absorbed Glucose
ī‚— 1st Priority: glycogen storage
ī‚— Stored in muscle and liver
ī‚— 2nd Priority: provide energy
ī‚— Oxidized to ATP
ī‚— 3rd Priority: stored as fat
ī‚— Only excess glucose
ī‚— Stored as triglycerides in adipose
ī‚— Glycolysis oxidation of glucose energy
ī‚— It can function either aerobically or anaerobically
pyruvate lactate
ī‚— Occurs in the cytosol of all cell
Pyruvate Mitochondria oxidized to Acetyl
CoA Kreb’s Cycle
CO2 + H2O + ATP
Glucose Utilization
Glucose Utilization
ī‚— Sequence of reactions that converts glucose into
ī‚§ Relatively small amount of energy produced
ī‚§ Glycolysis reactions occur in cytoplasm
ī‚§ Does not require oxygen
Glucose → 2 Pyruvate
Lactate (anaerobic)
Acetyl-CoA (TCA cycle)
Major pathway for Carbohydrate metabolism:
1) Glycolysis:-
īƒ˜ Also called as embden-meyerhof pathway( E.M pathway)
Glycolysis is defined as the sequence of reaction converting
glucose to pyruvate under aerobic condition and lactate under
anaerobic condition with the production of ATP.
īƒ˜ Location:
site: liver, cornea of eye, RBC’s, striated muscle.
Subcellular site: cytoplasm.
īƒ˜Glycolysis takes place in all cells of body.
īƒ˜Glycolysis occurs in aerobic as well as anaerobic
īƒ˜It is emergency energy-yielding pathway for cells
in absence of oxygen.
īƒ˜Glycolysis is a major pathway for ATP synthesis in
tissue lacking mitochondria.
eg: RBC, Cornea, lens etc
Glucose + 2 ADP + 2 Pi
2 Pyruvate + 2 ATP + 2 H2O
Production of ATP in glycolysis:
Enzyme reaction ATP
generated used
1) hexokinase G-īƒ  G-6-p 1
2) Phosphofructokinase Fructose-6-p--> 1
Fructose 1,6 biphosphate
3) Glyceraldehyde-3-P DH glyceraldehyde-3-Pīƒ  2x3=6
Production of ATP in glycolysis:
Enzyme reaction ATP
generated used
4) Phosphoglycerate 1,3-biphosphoglycerate-īƒ  1x2 = 2
kinase 3-phosphoglycerate
5) Pyruvate kinase phosphoenol pyruvate-īƒ  1x2 = 2
Total energy 10 2
So, the total no. of ATP generated in glycolysis is 8.
Pyruvate Metabolism
ī‚— Three fates of pyruvate:
ī‚§ Conversion to lactate (anaerobic)
ī‚§ Conversion to alanine (amino acid)
ī‚§ Entry into the TCA cycle via pyruvate
dehydrogenase pathway (create ATP)
Anaerobic Metabolism of Pyruvate
ī‚— Solution:
ī‚— Turn NADH back to NAD+ by making lactate (lactic acid)
Lactate dehydrogenase
(oxidized) (reduced)
Anaerobic Metabolism of Pyruvate:
ī‚— ATP yield
ī‚— Two ATPs (net) are produced in the
anaerobic breakdown of one glucose
ī‚— The 2 NADHs are used to reduce 2 pyruvate
to 2 lactate
ī‚— Reaction is fast and doesn’t require oxygen
Pyruvate Metabolism -
Pyruvate Lactate
Lactate Dehydrogenase
ī‚§ Lactate can be transported by blood to liver and
used in gluconeogenesis
Cori Cycle
Lactate is converted to pyruvate
in the liver
TCA Cycle
ī‚— In aerobic conditions TCA cycle links pyruvate to
oxidative phosphorylation
ī‚— Occurs in mitochondria
ī‚— Generates 90% of energy released from feed
ī‚— Oxidize acetyl-CoA to CO2 and capture potential
energy as NADH (or FADH2) and some ATP
īƒ˜ Metabolizes carbohydrate, protein, and fat
TCA Cycle
īƒ˜The Citric acid cycle is the most important
metabolic pathway for the energy supply to the body.
īƒ˜About 65-70% of the ATP is synthesized from kreb
īƒ˜This cell utilized about 2/3rd of total oxygen
function of TCA Cycle
īƒ˜It is the final oxidative pathway that oxidises acetyl
Co-A to CO2.
īƒ˜It is the sources of reduced co-enzymes that
provides the substrate for respiratory chain.
īƒ˜It has both anabolic and catabolic role ( Amphibolic
īƒ˜It provides the precursor for the synthesis of Amino
acids and Nucleotides
Enzyme reaction ATP
generated used
1) Isocitrate DH Isocitrateīƒ  Alfa-KG 3x2=6
2) Alfa-KG DH alfa-KGīƒ  Succinyl Co-A 3x2=6
3) Succinate Thiokinase Succinyl CoA-Succinate 1x2=2
4) Succinate DH Succinate-īƒ  Fumarate 2x2=4
5) MDH Malate -īƒ  oxaloacetate 3x2=6
Total 24 ATP/cycle.
Significance of TCA cycle:
1) Common oxidation of acetyl Co-A.
2) ATP generation
3) Final common oxidative pathway.
4) Amphibolic pathway
5) Integration of major metabolic pathways.
6) Many amino acids after transamination enter the TCA
Eg: Glutamic acids --------------īƒ  Alfa-KG
Aspartate --------------------īƒ  oxaloacetate
Regulatory enzyme of TCA cycle
1) Citrate Synthase:-
īƒ˜ It is inhibited by ATP, NADH, Acyl CoA and Succinyl CoA.
2) Iso-citrate Dehydrogenase:-
īƒ˜ It is activated by ADP and Inhibited by ATP and NADH
3) Alfa-keto glutarate dehydrogenase:-
īƒ˜ It is inhibited by Succinyl coA and NADH.
4) Availability of ADP:-
īƒ˜ It is very imp. For the TCA cycle to proceed.
īƒ˜ If ADP are unsufficient than oxidation of NADH and
FADH2 through ETC stops.
īƒ˜ Than accumulation of NADH and FADH2 lead inhibition
of enzyme.
īƒ˜ Also need to supply the NAD and FAD essential for TCA
cycle to proceeds. 34
Gluco = Glucose
Neo =New
Genesis = synthesis
īƒ˜The process by which the glucose molecule are
synthesized from non-carbohydrate precursors/
compounds is called Gluconeogenesis.
īƒ˜The major precursor are:
a) Lactate b) Pyruvate c) Glycerol
d) Glucogenic amino acids. 35
a) Alanine, serine, Cysteine, Glycine, threonine, and
b) Aspartate and Aspargine
c) Arginine, Glutamate, Glutamine, Histidine,Proline
Alfa-Ketoglutarate 36
d) Isoleucine, Methionine,Valine
Succinyl Co-A
e) Phenyl alanine, Tyrosine
a) Liver ( 60-70%)
b) Renal Cortex
Subcellular site:
a) Cytoplasm
b) Mitochondria
c) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Pathways that responsible for converting
noncarbohydrate precursors to glucose or glycogen
In mammals occurs in liver and kidney
Major substrate :
1. Lactic acid from muscle, erythrocyte
2. Glycerol from TG hydrolysis
3.Glucogenic amino acid
4. Propionic acid in ruminant
Why do we produce glucose?
īĩ Need to maintain glucose levels
within a narrow range in blood.
īĩ Brain, erythrocytes, and muscles in
exertion use glucose at a rapid rate
and require glucose between meals,
especially after several hours.
īĩ What is the major precursor?
The major precursor for glucose
biosynthesis is pyruvate.
īƒ˜Gluconeogenesis meets the needs of the body for glucose when
carbohydrate is not available from the diet or from glycogenolysis
īƒ˜A supply of glucose is necessary especially for nervous system
and erythrocytes.
The key enzymes are :
1. Pyruvate carboxylase
2. Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxikinase
3. Fructose 1,6-biphosphatase
4. Glucose-6-phosphatase
Phosphoglycerate Kinase
PEP Carboxykinase
+ Pi
Phosphoglycerate Mutase
Pi + ADP
Pyruvate Carboxylase
Summary of
s Pathway:
s enzyme names
in red.
enzyme names
in blue.
glucose Gluconeogenesis
Phosphoglucose Isomerase
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate + dihydroxyacetone-phosphate
Cori cycle
Importance of Gluconeogenesis:
īƒ˜During starvation gluconeogenesis maintain the blood glucose
īƒ˜The stored glycogen is depleted within the first 12-18hrs of
īƒ˜On prolonged starvation the gluconeogenesis is speeded up
and protein catabolism provide the substrate namely
glucogenic amino acids.
īƒ˜Brain alone require 120gm/day of glucose out of 160 gm/day
needed by the entire body so during starvation,
gluconeogenesis is reponsible for providing glucose to brain.
īƒ˜Gluconeogenesis and Glycolysis are reciprocally regulated so
that one pathway is relatively inactive when the other is active.
īƒ˜Gluconeogenesis occurs during fasting, also stumulated during
prolonged exercise and high protein intake and under
condition of stress:
a) Availability of substrate:
īƒ˜Gluconeogenesis is stimulated by the flow of it’s major
substrate from the peripheral tissue to the liver.
i) Lactate: - elevated during exercise
ii) Amino acids:- elevated when insulin is low and cortisol is
elevated also elevated when protein intake is high. 50
b) Hormonal:
Starvation-------īƒ  Hypoglycemia--------īƒ increased Glycogen
c) Covalent modification of pyruvate kinase:
d) Regulatory enzyme of gluconeogenesis are:
i) Pyruvate Carboxylase
ii) Phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase
iii) Fructise 1,6-bisphosphatase
iv) glucose-6-phosphatase. 51
d) Regulatory enzyme of gluconeogenesis are:
i) Pyruvate Carboxylase:-
īƒ˜This is the key enzyme in gluconeogenetic pathways.
īƒ˜The enzyme is activated allosterically by acetyl Co-A.
īƒ˜It bind with the allosteric site of the enzyme, bring about
conformational change at tertiary level so that the affinity of
the enzyme for Co2 increases.
ii) Phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase:-
> The enzyme is induced by Glucagon, during starvation, thus
increasing gluconeogenesis.
iii) Fructise 1,6-bisphosphatase:
īƒ˜This enzyme is strongly and allosterically inhibited by AMP,
but is activated by citrates. Hence Gluconeogenesis is
increased when there is increased ATP and citrate levels.
īƒ˜Gluconeogenesis is decreased by inhibition of this enzyme
when liver cells are rich in AMP and low in citrate
iv) Glucose-6-phosphatase:-
> This enzyme is induced by the hormones Glucagon and
Glucocorticoids, which are secreted during starvation thus
enhancing gluconeogenesis. Insulin repress the enzyme.
Glycogen: a highly
branched polymer
of glucose. Chains
have glycosidic
links Îą 1īƒ’4.
Branches are
linked Îą 1īƒ’6.
īĩGlucose stored in polymeric form as
glycogen mostly in the liver and
skeletal muscle.
īĩ Glucose can be rapidly delivered to
the blood stream when needed upon
degradation of glycogen.
= glycogenolysis
īĩ Enough glucose and energy triggers
synthesis of glycogen.
= glycogenesis
Good luck!! Thank you

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carbohydrate metabolism new.ppt

  • 1. 1 Presented by: Keshab Raj Joshi Lumbini medical college Pravas, Tansen, Palpa CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM
  • 2. 2 Major pathway for Carbohydrate metabolism: 1) Glycolysis 2) TCA cycle 3) Gluconeogenesis 4) Glycogenesis 5) Glycogenolysis 6) Hexose monophosphate pathway
  • 3. 3 Major pathway for Carbohydrate metabolism: 1) Glycolysis:- īƒ˜ Glycolysis is defined as the sequence of reaction converting glucose to pyruvate under aerobic condition and lactate under anaerobic condition with the production of ATP. 2) TCA Cycle: īƒ˜ The oxidation of acetyl Co-A to Co2. īƒ˜ Kreb’s cycle is the final oxidative pathway for carbohydrate, fat, or amino acids through acetyl Co-A.
  • 4. 3) Gluconeogenesis: īƒ˜ The synthesis of glucose from non-carbohydrate precursor. eg: amino acids, glycerol 4) Glycogenesis: > The formation of glycogen from glucose 4
  • 5. ī‚— Metabolism is all the chemical reactions that occur in an organism ī‚— Cellular metabolism ī‚— Cells break down excess carbohydrates first, then lipids, finally amino acids if energy needs are not metabolized by carbohydrates and fat ī‚— Nutrients not used for energy are used to build up structure, are stored, or they are excreted ī‚— 40% of the energy released in catabolism is captured in ATP, the rest is released as heat Metabolism
  • 6. ī‚— Performance of structural maintenance and repairs ī‚— Support of growth ī‚— Production of secretions ī‚— Building of nutrient reserves Anabolism
  • 7. ī‚— Breakdown of nutrients to provide energy (in the form of ATP) for body processes ī‚— Nutrients directly absorbed ī‚— Stored nutrients Catabolism
  • 8. ī‚— Cells provide small organic molecules to mitochondria ī‚— Mitochondria produce ATP used to perform cellular functions Cells and Mitochondria
  • 9. Carbohydrate Metabolism ī‚— Primarily glucose ī‚— Fructose and galactose enter the pathways at various points ī‚— All cells can utilize glucose for energy production ī‚— Glucose uptake from blood to cells usually mediated by insulin and transporters ī‚— Liver is central site for carbohydrate metabolism ī‚— Glucose uptake independent of insulin ī‚— The only exporter of glucose
  • 10. Fates of Glucose ī‚— Fed state ī‚— Storage as glycogen ī‚— Liver ī‚— Skeletal muscle ī‚— Storage as lipids ī‚— Adipose tissue ī‚— Fasted state ī‚— Metabolized for energy ī‚— New glucose synthesized
  • 11. High Blood Glucose Glucose absorbed Insulin Pancreas Muscle Adipose Cells Glycogen Glucose absorbed Glucose absorbed immediately after eating a mealâ€Ļ
  • 12. Glucose Metabolism ī‚— Four major metabolic pathways ī‚— Energy status (ATP) of body regulates which pathway gets energy ī‚§ Immediate source of energy ī‚§ Pentophosphate pathway ī‚§ Glycogen synthesis in liver/muscle
  • 13. Fate of Absorbed Glucose ī‚— 1st Priority: glycogen storage ī‚— Stored in muscle and liver ī‚— 2nd Priority: provide energy ī‚— Oxidized to ATP ī‚— 3rd Priority: stored as fat ī‚— Only excess glucose ī‚— Stored as triglycerides in adipose
  • 14. GLYCOLISIS ī‚— Glycolysis oxidation of glucose energy ī‚— It can function either aerobically or anaerobically pyruvate lactate ī‚— Occurs in the cytosol of all cell ī‚— AEROBICALLY GLYCOLYSIS : Pyruvate Mitochondria oxidized to Acetyl CoA Kreb’s Cycle CO2 + H2O + ATP
  • 17. Glycolysis ī‚— Sequence of reactions that converts glucose into pyruvate ī‚§ Relatively small amount of energy produced ī‚§ Glycolysis reactions occur in cytoplasm ī‚§ Does not require oxygen Glucose → 2 Pyruvate Lactate (anaerobic) Acetyl-CoA (TCA cycle)
  • 18. 18 Major pathway for Carbohydrate metabolism: 1) Glycolysis:- īƒ˜ Also called as embden-meyerhof pathway( E.M pathway) Defination: Glycolysis is defined as the sequence of reaction converting glucose to pyruvate under aerobic condition and lactate under anaerobic condition with the production of ATP. īƒ˜ Location: site: liver, cornea of eye, RBC’s, striated muscle. Subcellular site: cytoplasm.
  • 19. 19 FEATURE OF GLYCOLYSIS: īƒ˜Glycolysis takes place in all cells of body. īƒ˜Glycolysis occurs in aerobic as well as anaerobic condition. īƒ˜It is emergency energy-yielding pathway for cells in absence of oxygen. īƒ˜Glycolysis is a major pathway for ATP synthesis in tissue lacking mitochondria. eg: RBC, Cornea, lens etc
  • 20. Glycolysis Glucose + 2 ADP + 2 Pi 2 Pyruvate + 2 ATP + 2 H2O
  • 21. 21 Production of ATP in glycolysis: Enzyme reaction ATP generated used 1) hexokinase G-īƒ  G-6-p 1 2) Phosphofructokinase Fructose-6-p--> 1 Fructose 1,6 biphosphate 3) Glyceraldehyde-3-P DH glyceraldehyde-3-Pīƒ  2x3=6 1,3-biphosphoglycerate
  • 22. 22 Production of ATP in glycolysis: Enzyme reaction ATP generated used 4) Phosphoglycerate 1,3-biphosphoglycerate-īƒ  1x2 = 2 kinase 3-phosphoglycerate 5) Pyruvate kinase phosphoenol pyruvate-īƒ  1x2 = 2 pyruvate Total energy 10 2 So, the total no. of ATP generated in glycolysis is 8.
  • 23. Pyruvate Metabolism ī‚— Three fates of pyruvate: ī‚§ Conversion to lactate (anaerobic) ī‚§ Conversion to alanine (amino acid) ī‚§ Entry into the TCA cycle via pyruvate dehydrogenase pathway (create ATP)
  • 24. Anaerobic Metabolism of Pyruvate ī‚— Solution: ī‚— Turn NADH back to NAD+ by making lactate (lactic acid) COO– C O CH3 COO– HC OH CH3 Lactate Pyruvate Lactate dehydrogenase NADH + H+ NAD+ (oxidized) (reduced) (oxidized (reduced
  • 25. Anaerobic Metabolism of Pyruvate: ī‚— ATP yield ī‚— Two ATPs (net) are produced in the anaerobic breakdown of one glucose ī‚— The 2 NADHs are used to reduce 2 pyruvate to 2 lactate ī‚— Reaction is fast and doesn’t require oxygen
  • 26. Pyruvate Metabolism - Anaerobic Pyruvate Lactate NADH NAD+ Lactate Dehydrogenase ī‚§ Lactate can be transported by blood to liver and used in gluconeogenesis
  • 27. Cori Cycle Lactate is converted to pyruvate in the liver
  • 28. TCA Cycle ī‚— In aerobic conditions TCA cycle links pyruvate to oxidative phosphorylation ī‚— Occurs in mitochondria ī‚— Generates 90% of energy released from feed ī‚— Oxidize acetyl-CoA to CO2 and capture potential energy as NADH (or FADH2) and some ATP īƒ˜ Metabolizes carbohydrate, protein, and fat
  • 29. TCA Cycle īƒ˜The Citric acid cycle is the most important metabolic pathway for the energy supply to the body. īƒ˜About 65-70% of the ATP is synthesized from kreb cycle. īƒ˜This cell utilized about 2/3rd of total oxygen consumed.
  • 30. function of TCA Cycle īƒ˜It is the final oxidative pathway that oxidises acetyl Co-A to CO2. īƒ˜It is the sources of reduced co-enzymes that provides the substrate for respiratory chain. īƒ˜It has both anabolic and catabolic role ( Amphibolic role) īƒ˜It provides the precursor for the synthesis of Amino acids and Nucleotides
  • 31.
  • 32. Energetics:- Enzyme reaction ATP generated used 1) Isocitrate DH Isocitrateīƒ  Alfa-KG 3x2=6 2) Alfa-KG DH alfa-KGīƒ  Succinyl Co-A 3x2=6 3) Succinate Thiokinase Succinyl CoA-Succinate 1x2=2 4) Succinate DH Succinate-īƒ  Fumarate 2x2=4 5) MDH Malate -īƒ  oxaloacetate 3x2=6 Total 24 ATP/cycle.
  • 33. Significance of TCA cycle: 1) Common oxidation of acetyl Co-A. 2) ATP generation 3) Final common oxidative pathway. 4) Amphibolic pathway 5) Integration of major metabolic pathways. 6) Many amino acids after transamination enter the TCA cycle. Eg: Glutamic acids --------------īƒ  Alfa-KG Aspartate --------------------īƒ  oxaloacetate
  • 34. Regulatory enzyme of TCA cycle 1) Citrate Synthase:- īƒ˜ It is inhibited by ATP, NADH, Acyl CoA and Succinyl CoA. 2) Iso-citrate Dehydrogenase:- īƒ˜ It is activated by ADP and Inhibited by ATP and NADH 3) Alfa-keto glutarate dehydrogenase:- īƒ˜ It is inhibited by Succinyl coA and NADH. 4) Availability of ADP:- īƒ˜ It is very imp. For the TCA cycle to proceed. īƒ˜ If ADP are unsufficient than oxidation of NADH and FADH2 through ETC stops. īƒ˜ Than accumulation of NADH and FADH2 lead inhibition of enzyme. īƒ˜ Also need to supply the NAD and FAD essential for TCA cycle to proceeds. 34
  • 35. Gluconeogenesis:- Gluco = Glucose Neo =New Genesis = synthesis Defination: īƒ˜The process by which the glucose molecule are synthesized from non-carbohydrate precursors/ compounds is called Gluconeogenesis. īƒ˜The major precursor are: a) Lactate b) Pyruvate c) Glycerol d) Glucogenic amino acids. 35
  • 36. a) Alanine, serine, Cysteine, Glycine, threonine, and tryptophan. Pyruvate b) Aspartate and Aspargine Oxaloacetate c) Arginine, Glutamate, Glutamine, Histidine,Proline Alfa-Ketoglutarate 36
  • 37. d) Isoleucine, Methionine,Valine Succinyl Co-A e) Phenyl alanine, Tyrosine Fumarate 37
  • 38. Location: Sites: a) Liver ( 60-70%) b) Renal Cortex Subcellular site: a) Cytoplasm b) Mitochondria c) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum 38
  • 39. GLUCONEOGENESIS Pathways that responsible for converting noncarbohydrate precursors to glucose or glycogen In mammals occurs in liver and kidney Major substrate : 1. Lactic acid from muscle, erythrocyte 2. Glycerol from TG hydrolysis 3.Glucogenic amino acid 4. Propionic acid in ruminant
  • 40. Why do we produce glucose? īĩ Need to maintain glucose levels within a narrow range in blood. īĩ Brain, erythrocytes, and muscles in exertion use glucose at a rapid rate and require glucose between meals, especially after several hours.
  • 41. īĩ What is the major precursor? The major precursor for glucose biosynthesis is pyruvate.
  • 42. īƒ˜Gluconeogenesis meets the needs of the body for glucose when carbohydrate is not available from the diet or from glycogenolysis īƒ˜A supply of glucose is necessary especially for nervous system and erythrocytes. The key enzymes are : 1. Pyruvate carboxylase 2. Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxikinase 3. Fructose 1,6-biphosphatase 4. Glucose-6-phosphatase
  • 43. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase Phosphoglycerate Kinase Enolase PEP Carboxykinase glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate NAD+ + Pi NADH + H+ 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate ADP ATP 3-phosphoglycerate Phosphoglycerate Mutase 2-phosphoglycerate H2O phosphoenolpyruvate CO2 + GDP GTP oxaloacetate Pi + ADP HCO3 ī€­ + ATP pyruvate Pyruvate Carboxylase Gluconeogenesis Summary of Gluconeogenesi s Pathway: Gluconeogenesi s enzyme names in red. Glycolysis enzyme names in blue.
  • 49. Importance of Gluconeogenesis: īƒ˜During starvation gluconeogenesis maintain the blood glucose level. īƒ˜The stored glycogen is depleted within the first 12-18hrs of fasting. īƒ˜On prolonged starvation the gluconeogenesis is speeded up and protein catabolism provide the substrate namely glucogenic amino acids. īƒ˜Brain alone require 120gm/day of glucose out of 160 gm/day needed by the entire body so during starvation, gluconeogenesis is reponsible for providing glucose to brain. 49
  • 50. REGULATION OF GLUCONEOGENESIS: īƒ˜Gluconeogenesis and Glycolysis are reciprocally regulated so that one pathway is relatively inactive when the other is active. īƒ˜Gluconeogenesis occurs during fasting, also stumulated during prolonged exercise and high protein intake and under condition of stress: a) Availability of substrate: īƒ˜Gluconeogenesis is stimulated by the flow of it’s major substrate from the peripheral tissue to the liver. i) Lactate: - elevated during exercise ii) Amino acids:- elevated when insulin is low and cortisol is elevated also elevated when protein intake is high. 50
  • 51. REGULATION OF GLUCONEOGENESIS: b) Hormonal: Starvation-------īƒ  Hypoglycemia--------īƒ increased Glycogen Stimulated Gluconeogenesis c) Covalent modification of pyruvate kinase: d) Regulatory enzyme of gluconeogenesis are: i) Pyruvate Carboxylase ii) Phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase iii) Fructise 1,6-bisphosphatase iv) glucose-6-phosphatase. 51
  • 52. REGULATION OF GLUCONEOGENESIS: d) Regulatory enzyme of gluconeogenesis are: i) Pyruvate Carboxylase:- īƒ˜This is the key enzyme in gluconeogenetic pathways. īƒ˜The enzyme is activated allosterically by acetyl Co-A. īƒ˜It bind with the allosteric site of the enzyme, bring about conformational change at tertiary level so that the affinity of the enzyme for Co2 increases. ii) Phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase:- > The enzyme is induced by Glucagon, during starvation, thus increasing gluconeogenesis. 52
  • 53. iii) Fructise 1,6-bisphosphatase: īƒ˜This enzyme is strongly and allosterically inhibited by AMP, but is activated by citrates. Hence Gluconeogenesis is increased when there is increased ATP and citrate levels. īƒ˜Gluconeogenesis is decreased by inhibition of this enzyme when liver cells are rich in AMP and low in citrate concerntration. iv) Glucose-6-phosphatase:- > This enzyme is induced by the hormones Glucagon and Glucocorticoids, which are secreted during starvation thus enhancing gluconeogenesis. Insulin repress the enzyme. 53
  • 54. GLYCOGEN METABOLISM Glycogen: a highly branched polymer of glucose. Chains have glycosidic links Îą 1īƒ’4. Branches are linked Îą 1īƒ’6.
  • 55. īĩGlucose stored in polymeric form as glycogen mostly in the liver and skeletal muscle. īĩ Glucose can be rapidly delivered to the blood stream when needed upon degradation of glycogen. = glycogenolysis īĩ Enough glucose and energy triggers synthesis of glycogen. = glycogenesis