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Dr. Mihret A.
Nervous Physiology
 The nervous system allows the animal to quickly detect,
communicate and co-ordinate information about its
external and internal environment so it can make efficient
appropriate responses for survival and/or reproduction
 The two major parts of nervous system are:
 Central nervous system (CNS)- brain and spinal cord
 Peripheral nervous system (PNS)- cranial nerves, spinal
nerves and ganglia
 Neurons are the basic unit of the nervous system. They carry
information or impulses as electrical signals from one place to
another in the body
Structure of Neurons
 A neuron consists of three main parts:
A. Cell body- the largest part, contains the nucleus and much of
the cytoplasm, where most of the metabolic activity of the cell
including the generation of ATP and synthesis of protein occurs
B. Dendrites- short branch extensions spreading out from the cell
 Dendrites receive stimulus (action potentials) and carry impulses
from the environment or from other neurons and carry them
toward the cell body
C. Axon- a long fiber that carries impulses away from the cell body
and ends in a series of small swellings called axon terminals at
which the neuron may make contact with the dendrites of
another neuron, with a receptor/an effector
 Each neuron has only one axon or nerve fiber
 Axons of most neurons are covered with a lipid layer known as
the myelin sheath which insulates and speeds up transmission of
action potentials through the axon
 In peripheral nervous system, myelin is produced by
Schwann cells & in CNS by Oligodendrocytes which surround
the axon
 Gaps (nodes) in myelin sheath along the length of axon are
nodes of Ranvier and they allow impulses to travel faster
than if they travelled along the entire length of neuron
This structure reflects functional subdivision of neurons into
receiving, integrating and transmitting compartments
Neurons and some other excitable cells in mammals send
messages electrochemically, i.e. chemicals in the body (are
electrically-charged) cause an electrical signal
Resting Membrane Potentials
 Cell membrane of all cells is permeable only to certain ions
(e.g., K+), these forces create a potential difference across
their plasma membrane i.e. the potential or chemical charge
inside of the cell is different to that of the solution outside of
the cell. This potential difference is referred to as the resting
membrane potential
 [Potential means a separation of charge. In this case the
separation is across the membrane. Resting means that no
current is flowing across the membrane.]
 The RMP of a cell is the electrochemical state (membrane
permeability) of a cell (neuron) at rest, at which there is
no net movement of a particular ion across the cell
 It is the potential that would be maintained if there were
no action potentials, synaptic potentials, or other active
changes in the membrane potential
 For most animal cells, potassium ions (K+) are the most
important for the resting potential
Value of RMP
 Value of the RMP varies from cell to cell; depending on
the cell type & ranges from -20 mV to -100 mV
 E.g. it is -70 mV in a typical neuron, -90 mV in a typical
skeletal muscle cell, and around -50 mV in most other
mammalian cells
 In most cells, the RMP is negative (i.e., inside of the cell is
negative with respect the outside, which serves as the
 E.g. the RMP of a neuron has the inside of the neuron 70mV
more negative than the extracellular space
 Changes in the resting membrane potential is the basis of
electrical signaling in cells.
 In non-excitable cells, such as epithelial cells and adipose
cells, the resting membrane potential does not change
appreciably over time.
 In excitable cells (such as neurons, muscle cells, some
endocrine cells, and some other cells in the body), however,
upon stimulation of the cell, the membrane potential can
change dramatically for short periods of time (milliseconds).
 Therefore, in excitable cells the MP is not always at the
RMP in which deviations away from it are extremely
important to the physiological function of these cells.
 All cell membranes produce electrical signals by ion
movements, but trans-membrane potential is particularly
important to neurons, b/c rapid changes in MP of neurons
bring about nervous impulse, w/c is the basis of neuronal
 Changes in the MP bring about contraction in muscle cells
and release of hormones in endocrine cells
Importance of RMP
 Cells’ ability to fire an action potential is due to their ability to
maintain cellular RMP at approximately –70 mV (for a neuron)
 The basic signaling properties of neurons are determined by
changes in the RMP which is the basis of cell to cell
How are RMPs determined/created?
 Electricity (flow of current) requires 2 things: charged particles-
neurons use ions (charged particle) & separation of charge-
created by neural membrane
 Potential difference occurs at the level of the cell membrane
because biological membranes can act to allow separation of
electrical charge, by separating solutions in two compartments
by the very short-distance, non-conducting, hydrophobic core of
the membrane (=3nm)
 Charge separation across the membrane leads to an electric
field across the membrane which rise to the measured
membrane potential
 Neurons (and other cells) make use of several ions to create
electric currents- Na+, Cl-, K+ and proteins (negatively
 The RMP is created by the concentrations of the ions in the
fluids on both sides of the cell membrane and the ion transport
proteins that are in the cell membrane. How?
 For determination of membrane potentials, the two most
important types of membrane ion transport proteins are ion
channels and ion pumps
 Ion channels- ion channel proteins create paths across cell
membranes through which ions can pass and they have
selectivity for certain ions, thus, there are potassium, chloride
and sodium-selective ion channels
 Different cells and even different parts of one cell
(dendrites, cell bodies, nodes of Ranvier) have different
amounts of various ion transport proteins. Typically, the
amount of certain K+ channels is most important for
control of the RMP
 Can be: non-gated channels which are always open. E. g.
plasma membrane has many more K+ non-gated channels
than Na+ non-gated channels, thus membrane
permeability to K+ is higher
 Gated channels- open or close in response to stimuli such as
voltage, chemicals, mechanical pressure…
 Ion pumps- some of them like Na+/K+ ATPase are
electrogenic, i.e. they produce charge imbalance across the cell
membrane and can also contribute to the membrane potential
 MPs are established primarily by three factors which act on
1) Concentration of ions on the inside and outside of the cell,
and their asymmetric distribution across the membrane to
form a concentration gradient (Na+, K+)
2) Selective permeability of cell membrane to those ions (i.e.,
ion conductance or electrical force) through specific ion
channels (K+ channels and Na+ channels) and
3) Activity of electrogenic pumps (Na+/K+- ATPase and Ca++
transport pumps)
Principles to create the RMP:
 Concentration gradient moves ions from high to low
concentration (Na+ intracellularly and K+ extracellularly)
 Electrical force moves ions with same charge away from
each other and ions with opposite charge towards each
other. E. g. Na+ & K+ driven to proteins (A-)
 Na+/K+ pump moves Na+ to the EC space. It can't get
back in b/c the membrane is impermeable to Na+
 The membrane is permeable to K+ (it flows either way)
 Large negatively charged proteins (A-) are stuck inside the
neuron 19
Action potentials
 Membrane potentials are used to convey signals
 Generally, there are two types of signals:
 Graded potentials (short distance signals)- are short lived
local changes in membrane potential. They can be either
depolarizations or hyperpolarizations
 Current flow decreases with the distance traveled
 Depolarization- a reduction in membrane potential. Here,
the inside of the cell becomes less negative (closer to zero)
than the resting potential
 On this occasion, membrane potential can reverse and
become greater than zero. Generally, this increases the
probability of producing an impulse
 Hyperpolarization- membrane potential increases
(becomes more negative) than the resting potential. This
decreases the probability of producing an impulse
 Action potentials/impulse/fire/spike (long distance signals)-
are found in cells with excitable membranes such as neurons
and muscle cells
 Are how electrical messages are transmitted within a neuron
 During an action potential, the cell membrane becomes more
permeable to Na+, which increases sodium entry into the
cell through sodium channels. Ca++ diffuses into the cell
through calcium channels
 There is:
1. Resting phase: all Na+ and K+ gates are closed
2. Depolarizing phase: Na+ gates open
3. Repolarizing phase: Na+ gates closing, K+ gates opening
4. Undershoot (hyperpolarization): K+ gates still open, Na+
gates closed, Na+ inactivation gate is opening
 There is a complete reversal of membrane potential with a
total change of 100 mV (from -70 mV to 30 mV). This
happens in a few milliseconds and, unlike graded potentials,
does not decrease over distance
 In response to the appropriate stimulus, the cell membrane
of a nerve cell goes through a sequence of depolarization
from its rest state followed by repolarization to that rest
state. In the sequence, it actually reverses its normal polarity
for a brief period before re-establishing the rest potential
 The action potential sequence is essential for neural
communication. The simplest action in response to
thought requires many such action potentials for its
communication and performance
 The process involves several steps:
1. A stimulus is received by the dendrites of a nerve cell.
This causes the Na+ channels to open. If the opening is
sufficient to drive the interior potential from -70 mV up
to -55 mV, the process continues
2. Having reached the action threshold, more Na+ channels
(sometimes called voltage-gated channels) open. The Na+
influx drives the interior of the cell membrane up to about
+30 mV. The process to this point is called depolarization
3. The Na+ channels close and the K+ channels open. Since
the K+ channels are much slower to open, the
depolarization has time to be completed. Having both Na+
and K+ channels open at the same time would drive the
system toward neutrality and prevent the creation of the
action potential
4. With the K+ channels open, the membrane begins to repolarize
back toward its rest potential
5. The repolarization typically overshoots the rest potential to
about -90 mV & called hyperpolarization which seems to be
counterproductive, but it is actually important in the
transmission of information.
 It prevents the neuron from receiving another stimulus during
this time (stage) triggering another action potential in the
opposite direction, or at least raises the threshold for any new
stimulus. In other words, it assures that the signal is
proceeding in one direction
6. After hyperpolarization, the Na+/K+ pump eventually brings
the membrane back to its resting state of -70 mV
AP is an all/none phenomenon & dependent upon strength
& duration of stimulus. Once initiated all APs are alike
Not all local depolarizations produce action potentials. The
depolarization must reach threshold levels if the axon is to
“fire”. This is due to an exchange of Na+ and K+ ions
across the cell membrane and occurs when the outward
current carried by K+ is exactly equal to the inward current
of Na+. Usually, this is seen when membrane has a
depolarization change of 15-20 mV
Refractory periods
o Absolute refractory period- the period from the opening of
the voltage gated Na+ channels to the closing of the sodium
inactivation gates
 No new action potential can be generated during this time
o Relative refractory period- sodium gates are closed and most
have returned to their resting state
 Potassium gates are open and repolarization is occurring
Conduction Velocities (CV): CV of neurons vary greatly and are
usually associated with the axon’s anatomical function
 Where speed is essential (postural reflexes), fast conduction
neurons exist. Slow conducting neurons are generally found in
areas where speed is not essential, such as in the gut, glands, &
blood vessels
 Conduction velocity generally depends on two factors:
1. Axon diameter- the larger the axon diameter, the faster the
conduction velocities
2. Myelination- the presence of a myelin sheath greatly increases
the rate of impulse propagation because myelin acts as an
insulator to prevent almost all leakage of charge from the axon
to EC space
Synapses and synaptic transmission
 Incoming signals enter to neuron through synapses
located mostly on neuronal dendrites, but also on cell
 For different types of neurons, there may be only a few
hundred or as many as 200,000 such synaptic connections
from input fibers. Conversely, the output signal travels by
way of a single axon leaving the neuron
 Synapses- a junction where axon or some other portion
of one cell (presynaptic cell) terminates on dendrites,
soma/axon of another neuron (post synaptic cell)
 If the target cell is another neuron, the swelling of axon
terminal is called a bouton, and the specialized contact is
called a synapse. If the target is a muscle fiber, the
bouton is often called a motor endplate and the synapse is
referred to as a neuromuscular junction
 Synapses mediate information transfer from one neuron to
another neuron or to an effector cell
 Types of synapses
 Axodendritic- synapses between the axon of one neuron and
the dendrite of another
 Axosomatic- synapses between the axon of one neuron and the
soma of another
 Other types of synapses include: axoaxonic (axon to axon),
dendrodendritic (dendrite to dendrite) and dendrosomatic
(dendrites to soma)
 Synapses have synaptic cleft (the space between the axon
terminal and sarcolemma) and synaptic knobs (presynaptic
 Presynaptic neuron conducts impulse towards synapse
while postsynaptic neuron transmits impulses away from
the synapse
 Presynaptic nerve terminal contains mitochondria which
provides ATP and numerous vesicles that contain signal
molecules or neurotransmitter (Ach in NMJ, different
neurotransmitters like GABA in synapses)
 Vesicles fuse with presynaptic membrane → action
potential reach the nerve terminal → depolarization of the
membrane → voltage gated Ca++ channels opened →
Ca++ flow into the nerve terminal (Ca+ influx) from ECF
→ causes synaptic vesicles to empty their transmitter
content into synaptic cleft by exocytosis → the transmitter
molecules diffuse across synaptic cleft and bind to receptors
on ion channels in post synaptic membrane → binding opens
ligand-gated ion channels → Na+ and K+ ions influx →
depolarization will occur & elicit action potential in muscle
cell → contraction of muscle cell
 Depolarization of postsynaptic membrane lasts as long as
the neurotransmitters (Ach) remain bound to their receptors
 Synaptic cleft contains acetylcholinesterase enzyme which
hydrolyzes Ach into acetate and choline (taken by the
transport proteins of presynaptic membrane into nerve
terminal for Ach synthesis)
 Synapse differ from neuromuscular junctions in that:
 Individual neurons receive synaptic input from many
other neurons
 Signal transmission is either excitatory or inhibitory
 Different neurotransmitters involve
Functional types of synapses
A. Chemical synapse
 Almost all synapses used for signal transmission in the CNS are
chemical synapses. i.e. first neuron secretes a chemical
substance (neurotransmitter) at the synapse to act on receptor
on the next neuron to excite it, inhibit or modify its sensitivity
B. Electrical Synapses
 Membranes of the pre- and post-synaptic neurons come close
together and gap junctions forms → low membrane borders
which allow passage of ions
 Are less common than chemical synapses
 Correspond to gap junctions found in other cell types
C. Conjoint synapse: both electrical and chemical
Action of the transmitter substance on post-synaptic neuron፡
 At the synapse, the membrane of post-synaptic neuron
contains large number of receptor proteins.
 Binding of the neurotransmitter to its receptor will result in
inhibition or excitation of the postsynaptic membrane
depending on the type of the neurotransmitter i.e. excitatory
or inhibitory
 These receptors have two components
1. Binding site that face the cleft to bind the neurotransmitter
2. Ionophore: passes all the way through the membrane to
the interior. It is of two types
o Ion channels
 Cation channels: Na+ (most common), K+, Ca++
 Opening of Na+ channels → MP in positive direction
toward threshold level of excitation → (+) neuron
 Anion channels: Cl¯ (mainly)
 Opening of Cl¯ channels → diffusion of negative
charges into the membrane → ↓ MP making it more
negative → away from threshold level → (-) neuron
o 2nd messenger system in the post-synaptic membrane: is
important where prolonged post-synaptic changes are
needed to stay for days, months or years (memory).
 Effects: intracellular enzymes activation, gene
transcription, etc…
Synaptic properties
1. One-way conduction
 Synapses generally permit conduction of impulses in one-way
i.e. from pre-synaptic to post-synaptic neuron
2. Synaptic delay- is the minimum time required for transmission
across the synapse (0.5 ms)
 This time is taken by: discharge of transmitter substance by
pre-synaptic terminal, diffusion of transmitter to post-synaptic
membrane, action of transmitter on its receptor, action of
transmitter to ↑ membrane permeability, increased diffusion of
Na+ to ↑ post-synaptic potential
3. Synaptic inhibition
A. Direct inhibition: occurs when an inhibitory neuron (releasing
inhibitory substance) acts on a post-synaptic neuron leading
to → its hyperpolarization due to opening of Cl¯ and/or K+
B. Indirect inhibition (Pre-synaptic inhibition): happens when an
inhibitory synaptic knob lie directly on the termination of a
pre-synaptic excitatory fiber
 The inhibitory synaptic knob release a transmitter which
inhibits the release of excitatory transmitter from the pre-
synaptic fiber
C. Reciprocal inhibition
 Inhibition of antagonist activity is initiated in the spindle in
the agonist muscle. Impulses pass directly to the motor
neurons supplying the same muscle and via branches to
inhibitory inter-neurons that end on motor neurons of
antagonist muscle
D. Inhibitory interneuron (Renshaw cells)
 Negative feedback inhibitory interneuron of a spinal motor
4. Summation
• Graded potentials (EPSPs and IPSPs) are summed to
either depolarize or hyperpolarize a postsynaptic neuron
a. Spatial summation: when EPSP occurs in more than one
synaptic knob at the same time
b. Temporal summation: if EPSPs in a pre-synaptic knob are
successively repeated without significant delay so the
effect of the previous stimulus is summated to the next
5. Convergence and divergence
 Convergence: when many pre-synaptic neurons converge on
any single post-synaptic neuron.
 Divergence: axons of pre-synaptic neurons divide into many
branches that diverge to end on many post-synaptic neurons
6. Fatigue: is due to exhaustion of neurotransmitter
 If the pre synaptic neurons are continuously stimulated,
there may be an exhaustion of the neurotransmitter resulting
in stoppage of synaptic transmission
Factors affecting synaptic transmission:
o Alkalosis: greatly increases neuronal excitability
 E.g. a rise in arterial blood pH from 7.4 to 7.8 - 8.0 often
causes cerebral epileptic seizures b/c of increased
excitability of some/all of the cerebral neurons
o Acidosis: greatly depresses neuronal activity
 A fall in pH from 7.4 to below 7.0 usually causes a
comatose state. E.g. in very severe diabetic or uremic
acidosis, coma virtually always develops
o Drugs: are known to increase and decrease the excitability
of neurons
 E.g. Caffeine found in coffee & tea, increases neuronal
excitability, by reducing the threshold for excitation of
 Strychnine: increase excitability of neurons in by inhibiting
the action of some inhibitory transmitter substances
(glycine in the spinal cord)
o Hypoxia: causes depression of neurons
• Are the brain chemicals that communicate information
• They relay signals between nerve cells, our brain and body
• Stress, poor diet, neurotoxins, genetic predisposition, drugs
(prescription and recreational), alcohol and caffeine usage
can cause their levels to be out of optimal range
• There are two kinds of neurotransmitters
 Excitatory neurotransmitters- are not necessarily exciting –
they are what stimulate the brain like catecholamines
 Inhibitory neurotransmitters- are those that calm the brain and
help create balance. They balance mood and are easily
depleted when the excitatory neurotransmitters are overactive.
E.g. serotonin, GABA…
Fate of a neurotransmitter
 After a transmitter substance is released at a synapse, it must
be removed by:-
 Diffusion out of synaptic cleft into surrounding fluid
 Enzymatic destruction e.g. Ach esterase for Ach
 Active transport back into pre-synaptic terminal itself e.g. nor-
Organization of the Nervous System
 The basic structural and functional unit of the nervous
system is the nerve cell or NEURON
 Neurons come in all sizes and shapes, but the basic
functions of all neurons are more or less similar: they
receive (and integrate) inputs, and relay their output, in
the form of an action potential, to some other target cell
 The NS also contains cells which are not neurons and
which do not DIRECTLY participate in the task of sending
and receiving electrical signals. These supporting cells are
called GLIA
 Ganglion: are clusters of cell bodies in the periphery
 Nerve: a bundle of axons traveling together in the
periphery. If the nerve contains sensory axons only, it is
called a sensory nerve. If it contains motor axons (going
to muscles) only, it is called a motor nerve. Virtually all
nerves in the body contain both sensory and motor axons
and are therefore called mixed nerves
 A connective tissue envelope wrapping individual axons is
endoneurium, wrapping bundles or fascicles of axons is
perineurium and the nerve as a whole is enveloped by
 The nervous system consists of two major subdivisions:
1. CNS- consists of the brain housed entirely within cranial
cavity and spinal cord housed within vertebral canal
2. PNS- consists of cranial and spinal nerves to connect
neurons receiving sensory information, receptors which
relay sensory input to the CNS and the muscles to be
 Consists of many parts that function as an integrated whole
 The major parts are the medulla, pons and midbrain
(collectively called the brain stem), the cerebellum, the
hypothalamus, the thalamus, and the cerebrum
 Are four cavities within the brain: two lateral ventricles, the
third ventricle, and the fourth ventricle. Each ventricle
contains a capillary network called a choroid plexus, which
forms cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from blood plasma
Medulla oblongata
 Extends from the spinal cord to the pons and is anterior to
the cerebellum
 Contains cardiac centers that regulate heart rate, vasomotor
centers that regulate the diameter of blood vessels and,
thereby, blood pressure, and respiratory centers that
regulate breathing
 Bulges anteriorly from the upper part of the medulla
 Are important relay station b/n cerebral & cerebellar cortex
 Extends from the pons to the hypothalamus and encloses
the cerebral aqueduct, a tunnel that connects the third
and fourth ventricles
 Has large bundles of nerve fibers connecting the spinal
cord and brainstem to the cerebral hemispheres
 Is separated from the medulla and pons by the fourth
ventricle and is inferior to the occipital lobes of the
 Critical to accurate timing and execution of movements; it
acts to smooth and coordinate muscle activity
 Located superior to the pituitary gland and inferior to the
thalamus. It is a small area of the brain with many diverse
1. Production of releasing hormones (also called releasing
factors) that stimulate the secretion of hormones by the
anterior pituitary gland
2. Regulation of body temperature by promoting responses
such as sweating in a warm environment or shivering in a
cold environment
3. Regulation of food intake
4. Integration of the functioning of the autonomic nervous
5. Stimulation of visceral responses during emotional
6. Regulation of body rhythms such as secretion of hormones,
sleep cycles, changes in mood, or mental alertness
 Is superior to the hypothalamus and inferior to the
 Many of the functions of the thalamus are concerned with
sensation in which it integrates the impulses from the
cutaneous receptors and from the cerebellum
 Parts of the thalamus are also involved in alertness and
awareness and others contribute to memory
 Is the largest part of brain which consists of two
hemispheres separated by longitudinal fissure at the base
of which there is corpus callosum that connects the right
and left hemispheres and enables each of them to know
the activity of the other
 The surface of the cerebrum is gray matter called the
cerebral cortex consisting of cell bodies of neurons, which
carry out the many functions of the cerebrum
 Cerebral cortex has folds which are called convolutions/gyri
and the grooves b/n them are fissures or sulci
 The folding permits the presence of millions more neurons in
the cerebral cortex enabling humans to read, speak, do long
division, write poetry, songs…
 The cerebral cortex is divided into lobes
Frontal Lobes
 Have motor areas that generate the impulses for voluntary
 The left motor area controls movement on the right side of
the body, and the right motor area controls the left side of
the body
 Anterior to the motor areas are the premotor areas, which
are concerned with learned motor skills that require a
sequence of movements
 The parts of the frontal lobes just behind the eyes are the
prefrontal or orbitofrontal cortex which is concerned with
things such as keeping emotional responses appropriate to
the situation, realizing that there are standards of
behavior (laws or rules of a game) and following them,
and anticipating and planning for the future
Parietal Lobes
 Have general sensory areas which receive impulses from
receptors in the skin and feel and interpret the cutaneous
sensations. They also receive impulses from stretch
receptors in muscles for conscious muscle sense
 The left area is for the right side of the body and vice
 The taste areas, which overlap the parietal and temporal
lobes, receive impulses from taste buds on the tongue and
elsewhere in the oral cavity
Temporal Lobes
 Have olfactory areas which receive impulses from receptors in
the nasal cavities for the sense of smell
 The auditory areas receive impulses from receptors in the inner
ear for hearing
Occipital Lobes
 Have visual areas to which impulses from the retinas of the
eyes travel along the optic nerves
 Other parts of the occipital lobes are concerned with spatial
relationships; things such as judging distance and seeing in
three dimensions…
 The cerebral cortex has the characteristic of neural plasticity,
the ability to adapt to changing needs, to recruit different
neurons for certain functions, as may occur during childhood
or recovery from a stroke
 Association Areas- many parts of the cerebral cortex which
are not concerned with movement or a particular sensation
and give us the ability to reason and use logic, learning and
memory (involve the hippocampus of the temporal lobe)
 Basal ganglia- are paired masses of gray matter within the
white matter of the cerebral hemispheres
Meninges and Cerebrospinal Fluid
 The connective tissue membranes that cover the brain and
spinal cord are called Meninges
 The thick outermost layer, made of fibrous connective tissue,
is the dura mater which lines the skull and vertebral canal
 The middle arachnoid membrane (arachnids are spiders) is
made of web-like strands of connective tissue
 The innermost pia is a very thin membrane on the surface of
the spinal cord and brain
 Between the arachnoid and the pia mater is the
subarachnoid space, which contains cerebrospinal fluid
(CSF), the tissue fluid of the central nervous system
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
 Formed by the choroid plexus from blood plasma and
circulates in and around the CNS
 It flows from the lateral and third ventricles through the
fourth ventricle, then to the central canal of the spinal
cord, and to the spinal and cranial subarachnoid spaces
 From the cranial subarachnoid space, cerebrospinal fluid is
reabsorbed through arachnoid villi into the blood in cranial
venous sinuses (large veins within the double-layered cranial
dura mater)
 The CSF becomes blood plasma again, and the rate of
reabsorption normally equals the rate of production
 Functions of CSF:
 Bring nutrients to CNS neurons and to remove waste
products to the blood as the fluid is reabsorbed
 Act as a cushion for the central nervous system
 Transmits impulses to and from the brain and is the integrating
center for the spinal cord reflexes
 Extends from the foramen magnum of the occipital bone to the
disc between the first and second lumbar vertebrae
 Has internal gray matter consisting of cell bodies of motor
neurons and interneurons; and external white matter made of
myelinated axons and dendrites of interneurons
 Has ascending & descending tracts carrying sensory impulses to
brain & motor impulses away from brain, respectively; & central
canal (contains CSF and is continuous with brain cavities)
Peripheral Nervious System/PNS
 Is a collection of neurons and their processes which relay
information from the periphery to the CNS, in which case
they are afferent or sensory; or from the CNS to the
periphery, in which case they are efferent or motor
Cranial Nerves
 Are the nerves which connect the brain with the periphery
(mainly in the head and neck)
 There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves which leave the brain
on its underside then exit the cranial cavity by a series of
holes in the base of the skull, called foramina 78
 Many of them do carry impulses for functions involving the
head. Some, however, have more far-reaching destinations
 The impulses for the senses of smell, taste, sight, hearing,
and equilibrium are all carried by cranial nerves to their
respective sensory areas in the brain
 Some cranial nerves are almost purely sensory; such as
those which mediate smell, vision, and hearing
 Others are almost purely motor, such as those which move
the eyes and tongue. Others are mixed
Synopsis of cranial nerves
Spinal Nerves
 Are the nerves linking the spinal cord and the periphery,
and they are responsible for sensory and motor
innervations of the body outside of the head and neck
 The spinal nerves exit the vertebral canal by way of
spaces between adjacent vertebrae, known as
intervertebral foramina
 Are 31 pairs emerging from the spinal cord
 Are named according to their respective vertebrae: 8
cervical pairs, 12 thoracic pairs, 5 lumbar pairs, 5 sacral
pairs, and 1 very small coccygeal pair
 The cervical nerves supply the back of the head, neck,
shoulders, arms, and diaphragm (the phrenic nerves)
 The first thoracic nerve also contributes to nerves in the
arms. The remaining thoracic nerves supply the trunk of
the body
 The lumbar and sacral nerves supply the hips, pelvic cavity,
and legs. They hang below the end of the spinal cord and
called Cauda equina
 Each spinal nerve has two roots, which are neurons
entering or leaving the spinal cord
a) Dorsal root- is made of sensory neurons that carry
impulses into the spinal cord. It has an enlarged part that
contains cell bodies of sensory neurons- dorsal root
b) Ventral root- is made of axons of motor neurons carrying
impulses from spinal cord to muscles or glands
The Autonomic Nervous System
 Is actually part of the PNS in that it consists of motor
portions of some cranial and spinal nerves
 Made up by visceral motor neurons to smooth muscle,
cardiac muscle, and glands- visceral effectors
 The autonomic nerve pathway from the CNS to a visceral
effector consists of two motor neurons that synapse in a
ganglion outside the CNS
 The first neuron is called preganglionic neuron, from the
CNS to ganglion (cell bodies of postganglionic neurons)
 The second neuron is called the postganglionic neuron, from
the ganglion to the visceral effector
 ANS has two divisions which function in opposition to each
1. Sympathetic (Thoracolumbar) Division/SNS
 Their cell bodies are in the thoracic segments and some of the
lumbar segments of the spinal cord
 Their axons extend to the sympathetic ganglia, most of which
are located outside the spinal column
 Within the ganglia are the synapses between preganglionic and
postganglionic neurons
 Postganglionic axons then go to the visceral effectors
 One preganglionic neuron often synapses with many
postganglionic neurons to many effectors i.e brings about
widespread responses in many organs
 SNS is dominant in stressful situations, which include anger,
fear, or anxiety, as well as exercise. E.g. increasing heart
rate, vasodilation, bronchodilation during exercise
2. Parasympathetic (Craniosacral) Division/PSNS
 The cell bodies of PNS neurons are in the brain stem and the
sacral segments of the spinal cord
 Their axons are in cranial nerve pairs 3, 7, 9, and 10 and in
some sacral nerves and extend to the parasympathetic
 These ganglia are very close to or actually in the visceral
effector and contain the postganglionic cell bodies, with very
short axons to the cells of the effector
 In the parasympathetic division, one preganglionic neuron
synapses with just a few postganglionic neurons to only one
effector i.e. very localized (one organ) responses are
 PSNS dominates in relaxed (non-stress) situations to promote
normal functioning of several organ systems. E.g. digestion,
defecation and urination
When an organ receives both sympathetic and parasympathetic
impulses, the responses are opposites
For the somatic portion of the nervous system, there are two
major types of nerve cells which connect the spinal cord to the
 These are:
 Primary sensory neurons (afferent neurons)- relay input from
the periphery to the spinal cord & sit in dorsal horn
 Have peripheral processes in the skin or muscles and
their central processes enter the spinal cord where they
make synapses with other neurons
 Spinal cord motor neurons (efferent neurons)- convey
motor outflow from the spinal cord to the periphery and
sit in the ventral horn
 Axons of spinal cord motor neurons pass to the
periphery to innervate striated muscle

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1 Sem Chap-3 Neuromuscular phys..pptx

  • 2. Nervous Physiology  The nervous system allows the animal to quickly detect, communicate and co-ordinate information about its external and internal environment so it can make efficient appropriate responses for survival and/or reproduction  The two major parts of nervous system are:  Central nervous system (CNS)- brain and spinal cord  Peripheral nervous system (PNS)- cranial nerves, spinal nerves and ganglia 2
  • 3.  Neurons are the basic unit of the nervous system. They carry information or impulses as electrical signals from one place to another in the body Structure of Neurons  A neuron consists of three main parts: A. Cell body- the largest part, contains the nucleus and much of the cytoplasm, where most of the metabolic activity of the cell including the generation of ATP and synthesis of protein occurs B. Dendrites- short branch extensions spreading out from the cell body 3
  • 4.  Dendrites receive stimulus (action potentials) and carry impulses from the environment or from other neurons and carry them toward the cell body C. Axon- a long fiber that carries impulses away from the cell body and ends in a series of small swellings called axon terminals at which the neuron may make contact with the dendrites of another neuron, with a receptor/an effector  Each neuron has only one axon or nerve fiber  Axons of most neurons are covered with a lipid layer known as the myelin sheath which insulates and speeds up transmission of action potentials through the axon 4
  • 5. 5
  • 6.  In peripheral nervous system, myelin is produced by Schwann cells & in CNS by Oligodendrocytes which surround the axon  Gaps (nodes) in myelin sheath along the length of axon are nodes of Ranvier and they allow impulses to travel faster than if they travelled along the entire length of neuron This structure reflects functional subdivision of neurons into receiving, integrating and transmitting compartments Neurons and some other excitable cells in mammals send messages electrochemically, i.e. chemicals in the body (are electrically-charged) cause an electrical signal 6
  • 7. Resting Membrane Potentials  Cell membrane of all cells is permeable only to certain ions (e.g., K+), these forces create a potential difference across their plasma membrane i.e. the potential or chemical charge inside of the cell is different to that of the solution outside of the cell. This potential difference is referred to as the resting membrane potential  [Potential means a separation of charge. In this case the separation is across the membrane. Resting means that no current is flowing across the membrane.] 7
  • 8.  The RMP of a cell is the electrochemical state (membrane permeability) of a cell (neuron) at rest, at which there is no net movement of a particular ion across the cell membrane  It is the potential that would be maintained if there were no action potentials, synaptic potentials, or other active changes in the membrane potential  For most animal cells, potassium ions (K+) are the most important for the resting potential 8
  • 9. 9
  • 10. Value of RMP  Value of the RMP varies from cell to cell; depending on the cell type & ranges from -20 mV to -100 mV  E.g. it is -70 mV in a typical neuron, -90 mV in a typical skeletal muscle cell, and around -50 mV in most other mammalian cells  In most cells, the RMP is negative (i.e., inside of the cell is negative with respect the outside, which serves as the reference)  E.g. the RMP of a neuron has the inside of the neuron 70mV more negative than the extracellular space 10
  • 11.  Changes in the resting membrane potential is the basis of electrical signaling in cells.  In non-excitable cells, such as epithelial cells and adipose cells, the resting membrane potential does not change appreciably over time.  In excitable cells (such as neurons, muscle cells, some endocrine cells, and some other cells in the body), however, upon stimulation of the cell, the membrane potential can change dramatically for short periods of time (milliseconds). 11
  • 12.  Therefore, in excitable cells the MP is not always at the RMP in which deviations away from it are extremely important to the physiological function of these cells.  All cell membranes produce electrical signals by ion movements, but trans-membrane potential is particularly important to neurons, b/c rapid changes in MP of neurons bring about nervous impulse, w/c is the basis of neuronal signaling.  Changes in the MP bring about contraction in muscle cells and release of hormones in endocrine cells 12
  • 13. Importance of RMP  Cells’ ability to fire an action potential is due to their ability to maintain cellular RMP at approximately –70 mV (for a neuron)  The basic signaling properties of neurons are determined by changes in the RMP which is the basis of cell to cell communication How are RMPs determined/created?  Electricity (flow of current) requires 2 things: charged particles- neurons use ions (charged particle) & separation of charge- created by neural membrane 13
  • 14.  Potential difference occurs at the level of the cell membrane because biological membranes can act to allow separation of electrical charge, by separating solutions in two compartments by the very short-distance, non-conducting, hydrophobic core of the membrane (=3nm)  Charge separation across the membrane leads to an electric field across the membrane which rise to the measured membrane potential  Neurons (and other cells) make use of several ions to create electric currents- Na+, Cl-, K+ and proteins (negatively charged) 14
  • 15.  The RMP is created by the concentrations of the ions in the fluids on both sides of the cell membrane and the ion transport proteins that are in the cell membrane. How?  For determination of membrane potentials, the two most important types of membrane ion transport proteins are ion channels and ion pumps  Ion channels- ion channel proteins create paths across cell membranes through which ions can pass and they have selectivity for certain ions, thus, there are potassium, chloride and sodium-selective ion channels 15
  • 16.  Different cells and even different parts of one cell (dendrites, cell bodies, nodes of Ranvier) have different amounts of various ion transport proteins. Typically, the amount of certain K+ channels is most important for control of the RMP  Can be: non-gated channels which are always open. E. g. plasma membrane has many more K+ non-gated channels than Na+ non-gated channels, thus membrane permeability to K+ is higher 16
  • 17.  Gated channels- open or close in response to stimuli such as voltage, chemicals, mechanical pressure…  Ion pumps- some of them like Na+/K+ ATPase are electrogenic, i.e. they produce charge imbalance across the cell membrane and can also contribute to the membrane potential 17
  • 18.  MPs are established primarily by three factors which act on ions: 1) Concentration of ions on the inside and outside of the cell, and their asymmetric distribution across the membrane to form a concentration gradient (Na+, K+) 2) Selective permeability of cell membrane to those ions (i.e., ion conductance or electrical force) through specific ion channels (K+ channels and Na+ channels) and 3) Activity of electrogenic pumps (Na+/K+- ATPase and Ca++ transport pumps) 18
  • 19. Principles to create the RMP:  Concentration gradient moves ions from high to low concentration (Na+ intracellularly and K+ extracellularly)  Electrical force moves ions with same charge away from each other and ions with opposite charge towards each other. E. g. Na+ & K+ driven to proteins (A-)  Na+/K+ pump moves Na+ to the EC space. It can't get back in b/c the membrane is impermeable to Na+  The membrane is permeable to K+ (it flows either way)  Large negatively charged proteins (A-) are stuck inside the neuron 19
  • 20. 20
  • 21. Action potentials  Membrane potentials are used to convey signals  Generally, there are two types of signals:  Graded potentials (short distance signals)- are short lived local changes in membrane potential. They can be either depolarizations or hyperpolarizations  Current flow decreases with the distance traveled  Depolarization- a reduction in membrane potential. Here, the inside of the cell becomes less negative (closer to zero) than the resting potential 21
  • 22.  On this occasion, membrane potential can reverse and become greater than zero. Generally, this increases the probability of producing an impulse  Hyperpolarization- membrane potential increases (becomes more negative) than the resting potential. This decreases the probability of producing an impulse  Action potentials/impulse/fire/spike (long distance signals)- are found in cells with excitable membranes such as neurons and muscle cells  Are how electrical messages are transmitted within a neuron 22
  • 23.  During an action potential, the cell membrane becomes more permeable to Na+, which increases sodium entry into the cell through sodium channels. Ca++ diffuses into the cell through calcium channels  There is: 1. Resting phase: all Na+ and K+ gates are closed 2. Depolarizing phase: Na+ gates open 3. Repolarizing phase: Na+ gates closing, K+ gates opening 4. Undershoot (hyperpolarization): K+ gates still open, Na+ gates closed, Na+ inactivation gate is opening 23
  • 24.  There is a complete reversal of membrane potential with a total change of 100 mV (from -70 mV to 30 mV). This happens in a few milliseconds and, unlike graded potentials, does not decrease over distance  In response to the appropriate stimulus, the cell membrane of a nerve cell goes through a sequence of depolarization from its rest state followed by repolarization to that rest state. In the sequence, it actually reverses its normal polarity for a brief period before re-establishing the rest potential 24
  • 25. 25
  • 26.  The action potential sequence is essential for neural communication. The simplest action in response to thought requires many such action potentials for its communication and performance  The process involves several steps: 1. A stimulus is received by the dendrites of a nerve cell. This causes the Na+ channels to open. If the opening is sufficient to drive the interior potential from -70 mV up to -55 mV, the process continues 26
  • 27. 2. Having reached the action threshold, more Na+ channels (sometimes called voltage-gated channels) open. The Na+ influx drives the interior of the cell membrane up to about +30 mV. The process to this point is called depolarization 3. The Na+ channels close and the K+ channels open. Since the K+ channels are much slower to open, the depolarization has time to be completed. Having both Na+ and K+ channels open at the same time would drive the system toward neutrality and prevent the creation of the action potential 27
  • 28. 4. With the K+ channels open, the membrane begins to repolarize back toward its rest potential 5. The repolarization typically overshoots the rest potential to about -90 mV & called hyperpolarization which seems to be counterproductive, but it is actually important in the transmission of information.  It prevents the neuron from receiving another stimulus during this time (stage) triggering another action potential in the opposite direction, or at least raises the threshold for any new stimulus. In other words, it assures that the signal is proceeding in one direction 28
  • 29. 6. After hyperpolarization, the Na+/K+ pump eventually brings the membrane back to its resting state of -70 mV AP is an all/none phenomenon & dependent upon strength & duration of stimulus. Once initiated all APs are alike Not all local depolarizations produce action potentials. The depolarization must reach threshold levels if the axon is to “fire”. This is due to an exchange of Na+ and K+ ions across the cell membrane and occurs when the outward current carried by K+ is exactly equal to the inward current of Na+. Usually, this is seen when membrane has a depolarization change of 15-20 mV 29
  • 30. Refractory periods o Absolute refractory period- the period from the opening of the voltage gated Na+ channels to the closing of the sodium inactivation gates  No new action potential can be generated during this time o Relative refractory period- sodium gates are closed and most have returned to their resting state  Potassium gates are open and repolarization is occurring Conduction Velocities (CV): CV of neurons vary greatly and are usually associated with the axon’s anatomical function 30
  • 31.  Where speed is essential (postural reflexes), fast conduction neurons exist. Slow conducting neurons are generally found in areas where speed is not essential, such as in the gut, glands, & blood vessels  Conduction velocity generally depends on two factors: 1. Axon diameter- the larger the axon diameter, the faster the conduction velocities 2. Myelination- the presence of a myelin sheath greatly increases the rate of impulse propagation because myelin acts as an insulator to prevent almost all leakage of charge from the axon to EC space 31
  • 32. Synapses and synaptic transmission  Incoming signals enter to neuron through synapses located mostly on neuronal dendrites, but also on cell body  For different types of neurons, there may be only a few hundred or as many as 200,000 such synaptic connections from input fibers. Conversely, the output signal travels by way of a single axon leaving the neuron  Synapses- a junction where axon or some other portion of one cell (presynaptic cell) terminates on dendrites, soma/axon of another neuron (post synaptic cell) 32
  • 33.  If the target cell is another neuron, the swelling of axon terminal is called a bouton, and the specialized contact is called a synapse. If the target is a muscle fiber, the bouton is often called a motor endplate and the synapse is referred to as a neuromuscular junction  Synapses mediate information transfer from one neuron to another neuron or to an effector cell 33
  • 34. 34
  • 35. 35
  • 36.  Types of synapses  Axodendritic- synapses between the axon of one neuron and the dendrite of another  Axosomatic- synapses between the axon of one neuron and the soma of another  Other types of synapses include: axoaxonic (axon to axon), dendrodendritic (dendrite to dendrite) and dendrosomatic (dendrites to soma)  Synapses have synaptic cleft (the space between the axon terminal and sarcolemma) and synaptic knobs (presynaptic terminal) 36
  • 37.  Presynaptic neuron conducts impulse towards synapse while postsynaptic neuron transmits impulses away from the synapse  Presynaptic nerve terminal contains mitochondria which provides ATP and numerous vesicles that contain signal molecules or neurotransmitter (Ach in NMJ, different neurotransmitters like GABA in synapses)  Vesicles fuse with presynaptic membrane → action potential reach the nerve terminal → depolarization of the membrane → voltage gated Ca++ channels opened → Ca++ flow into the nerve terminal (Ca+ influx) from ECF 37
  • 38. 38
  • 39. → causes synaptic vesicles to empty their transmitter content into synaptic cleft by exocytosis → the transmitter molecules diffuse across synaptic cleft and bind to receptors on ion channels in post synaptic membrane → binding opens ligand-gated ion channels → Na+ and K+ ions influx → depolarization will occur & elicit action potential in muscle cell → contraction of muscle cell  Depolarization of postsynaptic membrane lasts as long as the neurotransmitters (Ach) remain bound to their receptors 39
  • 40.  Synaptic cleft contains acetylcholinesterase enzyme which hydrolyzes Ach into acetate and choline (taken by the transport proteins of presynaptic membrane into nerve terminal for Ach synthesis)  Synapse differ from neuromuscular junctions in that:  Individual neurons receive synaptic input from many other neurons  Signal transmission is either excitatory or inhibitory  Different neurotransmitters involve 40
  • 41. Functional types of synapses A. Chemical synapse  Almost all synapses used for signal transmission in the CNS are chemical synapses. i.e. first neuron secretes a chemical substance (neurotransmitter) at the synapse to act on receptor on the next neuron to excite it, inhibit or modify its sensitivity B. Electrical Synapses  Membranes of the pre- and post-synaptic neurons come close together and gap junctions forms → low membrane borders which allow passage of ions 41
  • 42.  Are less common than chemical synapses  Correspond to gap junctions found in other cell types C. Conjoint synapse: both electrical and chemical Action of the transmitter substance on post-synaptic neuron፡  At the synapse, the membrane of post-synaptic neuron contains large number of receptor proteins.  Binding of the neurotransmitter to its receptor will result in inhibition or excitation of the postsynaptic membrane depending on the type of the neurotransmitter i.e. excitatory or inhibitory 42
  • 43.  These receptors have two components 1. Binding site that face the cleft to bind the neurotransmitter 2. Ionophore: passes all the way through the membrane to the interior. It is of two types o Ion channels  Cation channels: Na+ (most common), K+, Ca++  Opening of Na+ channels → MP in positive direction toward threshold level of excitation → (+) neuron  Anion channels: Cl¯ (mainly) 43
  • 44.  Opening of Cl¯ channels → diffusion of negative charges into the membrane → ↓ MP making it more negative → away from threshold level → (-) neuron o 2nd messenger system in the post-synaptic membrane: is important where prolonged post-synaptic changes are needed to stay for days, months or years (memory).  Effects: intracellular enzymes activation, gene transcription, etc… 44
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  • 46. Synaptic properties 1. One-way conduction  Synapses generally permit conduction of impulses in one-way i.e. from pre-synaptic to post-synaptic neuron 2. Synaptic delay- is the minimum time required for transmission across the synapse (0.5 ms)  This time is taken by: discharge of transmitter substance by pre-synaptic terminal, diffusion of transmitter to post-synaptic membrane, action of transmitter on its receptor, action of transmitter to ↑ membrane permeability, increased diffusion of Na+ to ↑ post-synaptic potential 46
  • 47. 3. Synaptic inhibition A. Direct inhibition: occurs when an inhibitory neuron (releasing inhibitory substance) acts on a post-synaptic neuron leading to → its hyperpolarization due to opening of Cl¯ and/or K+ channels B. Indirect inhibition (Pre-synaptic inhibition): happens when an inhibitory synaptic knob lie directly on the termination of a pre-synaptic excitatory fiber  The inhibitory synaptic knob release a transmitter which inhibits the release of excitatory transmitter from the pre- synaptic fiber 47
  • 48. C. Reciprocal inhibition  Inhibition of antagonist activity is initiated in the spindle in the agonist muscle. Impulses pass directly to the motor neurons supplying the same muscle and via branches to inhibitory inter-neurons that end on motor neurons of antagonist muscle D. Inhibitory interneuron (Renshaw cells)  Negative feedback inhibitory interneuron of a spinal motor neuron 48
  • 49. 4. Summation • Graded potentials (EPSPs and IPSPs) are summed to either depolarize or hyperpolarize a postsynaptic neuron a. Spatial summation: when EPSP occurs in more than one synaptic knob at the same time b. Temporal summation: if EPSPs in a pre-synaptic knob are successively repeated without significant delay so the effect of the previous stimulus is summated to the next 49
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  • 51. 5. Convergence and divergence  Convergence: when many pre-synaptic neurons converge on any single post-synaptic neuron.  Divergence: axons of pre-synaptic neurons divide into many branches that diverge to end on many post-synaptic neurons 6. Fatigue: is due to exhaustion of neurotransmitter  If the pre synaptic neurons are continuously stimulated, there may be an exhaustion of the neurotransmitter resulting in stoppage of synaptic transmission 51
  • 52. Factors affecting synaptic transmission: o Alkalosis: greatly increases neuronal excitability  E.g. a rise in arterial blood pH from 7.4 to 7.8 - 8.0 often causes cerebral epileptic seizures b/c of increased excitability of some/all of the cerebral neurons o Acidosis: greatly depresses neuronal activity  A fall in pH from 7.4 to below 7.0 usually causes a comatose state. E.g. in very severe diabetic or uremic acidosis, coma virtually always develops 52
  • 53. o Drugs: are known to increase and decrease the excitability of neurons  E.g. Caffeine found in coffee & tea, increases neuronal excitability, by reducing the threshold for excitation of neurons  Strychnine: increase excitability of neurons in by inhibiting the action of some inhibitory transmitter substances (glycine in the spinal cord) o Hypoxia: causes depression of neurons 53
  • 54. NEUROTRANSMITTERS • Are the brain chemicals that communicate information throughout • They relay signals between nerve cells, our brain and body • Stress, poor diet, neurotoxins, genetic predisposition, drugs (prescription and recreational), alcohol and caffeine usage can cause their levels to be out of optimal range • There are two kinds of neurotransmitters  Excitatory neurotransmitters- are not necessarily exciting – they are what stimulate the brain like catecholamines 54
  • 55.  Inhibitory neurotransmitters- are those that calm the brain and help create balance. They balance mood and are easily depleted when the excitatory neurotransmitters are overactive. E.g. serotonin, GABA… Fate of a neurotransmitter  After a transmitter substance is released at a synapse, it must be removed by:-  Diffusion out of synaptic cleft into surrounding fluid  Enzymatic destruction e.g. Ach esterase for Ach  Active transport back into pre-synaptic terminal itself e.g. nor- epinephrine 55
  • 56. Organization of the Nervous System  The basic structural and functional unit of the nervous system is the nerve cell or NEURON  Neurons come in all sizes and shapes, but the basic functions of all neurons are more or less similar: they receive (and integrate) inputs, and relay their output, in the form of an action potential, to some other target cell  The NS also contains cells which are not neurons and which do not DIRECTLY participate in the task of sending and receiving electrical signals. These supporting cells are called GLIA 56
  • 57.  Ganglion: are clusters of cell bodies in the periphery  Nerve: a bundle of axons traveling together in the periphery. If the nerve contains sensory axons only, it is called a sensory nerve. If it contains motor axons (going to muscles) only, it is called a motor nerve. Virtually all nerves in the body contain both sensory and motor axons and are therefore called mixed nerves  A connective tissue envelope wrapping individual axons is endoneurium, wrapping bundles or fascicles of axons is perineurium and the nerve as a whole is enveloped by epineurium 57
  • 58.  The nervous system consists of two major subdivisions: 1. CNS- consists of the brain housed entirely within cranial cavity and spinal cord housed within vertebral canal 2. PNS- consists of cranial and spinal nerves to connect neurons receiving sensory information, receptors which relay sensory input to the CNS and the muscles to be controlled 58
  • 59. THE BRAIN  Consists of many parts that function as an integrated whole  The major parts are the medulla, pons and midbrain (collectively called the brain stem), the cerebellum, the hypothalamus, the thalamus, and the cerebrum Ventricles  Are four cavities within the brain: two lateral ventricles, the third ventricle, and the fourth ventricle. Each ventricle contains a capillary network called a choroid plexus, which forms cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from blood plasma 59
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  • 62. Medulla oblongata  Extends from the spinal cord to the pons and is anterior to the cerebellum  Contains cardiac centers that regulate heart rate, vasomotor centers that regulate the diameter of blood vessels and, thereby, blood pressure, and respiratory centers that regulate breathing Pons  Bulges anteriorly from the upper part of the medulla  Are important relay station b/n cerebral & cerebellar cortex 62
  • 63. Midbrain  Extends from the pons to the hypothalamus and encloses the cerebral aqueduct, a tunnel that connects the third and fourth ventricles  Has large bundles of nerve fibers connecting the spinal cord and brainstem to the cerebral hemispheres Cerebellum  Is separated from the medulla and pons by the fourth ventricle and is inferior to the occipital lobes of the cerebrum 63
  • 64.  Critical to accurate timing and execution of movements; it acts to smooth and coordinate muscle activity Hypothalamus  Located superior to the pituitary gland and inferior to the thalamus. It is a small area of the brain with many diverse functions: 1. Production of releasing hormones (also called releasing factors) that stimulate the secretion of hormones by the anterior pituitary gland 64
  • 65. 2. Regulation of body temperature by promoting responses such as sweating in a warm environment or shivering in a cold environment 3. Regulation of food intake 4. Integration of the functioning of the autonomic nervous system 5. Stimulation of visceral responses during emotional situations 6. Regulation of body rhythms such as secretion of hormones, sleep cycles, changes in mood, or mental alertness 65
  • 66. Thalamus  Is superior to the hypothalamus and inferior to the cerebrum  Many of the functions of the thalamus are concerned with sensation in which it integrates the impulses from the cutaneous receptors and from the cerebellum  Parts of the thalamus are also involved in alertness and awareness and others contribute to memory 66
  • 67. Cerebrum  Is the largest part of brain which consists of two hemispheres separated by longitudinal fissure at the base of which there is corpus callosum that connects the right and left hemispheres and enables each of them to know the activity of the other  The surface of the cerebrum is gray matter called the cerebral cortex consisting of cell bodies of neurons, which carry out the many functions of the cerebrum  Cerebral cortex has folds which are called convolutions/gyri and the grooves b/n them are fissures or sulci 67
  • 68.  The folding permits the presence of millions more neurons in the cerebral cortex enabling humans to read, speak, do long division, write poetry, songs…  The cerebral cortex is divided into lobes Frontal Lobes  Have motor areas that generate the impulses for voluntary movement  The left motor area controls movement on the right side of the body, and the right motor area controls the left side of the body 68
  • 69.  Anterior to the motor areas are the premotor areas, which are concerned with learned motor skills that require a sequence of movements  The parts of the frontal lobes just behind the eyes are the prefrontal or orbitofrontal cortex which is concerned with things such as keeping emotional responses appropriate to the situation, realizing that there are standards of behavior (laws or rules of a game) and following them, and anticipating and planning for the future 69
  • 70. Parietal Lobes  Have general sensory areas which receive impulses from receptors in the skin and feel and interpret the cutaneous sensations. They also receive impulses from stretch receptors in muscles for conscious muscle sense  The left area is for the right side of the body and vice versa  The taste areas, which overlap the parietal and temporal lobes, receive impulses from taste buds on the tongue and elsewhere in the oral cavity 70
  • 71. Temporal Lobes  Have olfactory areas which receive impulses from receptors in the nasal cavities for the sense of smell  The auditory areas receive impulses from receptors in the inner ear for hearing Occipital Lobes  Have visual areas to which impulses from the retinas of the eyes travel along the optic nerves  Other parts of the occipital lobes are concerned with spatial relationships; things such as judging distance and seeing in three dimensions… 71
  • 72.  The cerebral cortex has the characteristic of neural plasticity, the ability to adapt to changing needs, to recruit different neurons for certain functions, as may occur during childhood or recovery from a stroke  Association Areas- many parts of the cerebral cortex which are not concerned with movement or a particular sensation and give us the ability to reason and use logic, learning and memory (involve the hippocampus of the temporal lobe)  Basal ganglia- are paired masses of gray matter within the white matter of the cerebral hemispheres 72
  • 73. Meninges and Cerebrospinal Fluid  The connective tissue membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord are called Meninges  The thick outermost layer, made of fibrous connective tissue, is the dura mater which lines the skull and vertebral canal  The middle arachnoid membrane (arachnids are spiders) is made of web-like strands of connective tissue  The innermost pia is a very thin membrane on the surface of the spinal cord and brain 73
  • 74.  Between the arachnoid and the pia mater is the subarachnoid space, which contains cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), the tissue fluid of the central nervous system Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)  Formed by the choroid plexus from blood plasma and circulates in and around the CNS  It flows from the lateral and third ventricles through the fourth ventricle, then to the central canal of the spinal cord, and to the spinal and cranial subarachnoid spaces 74
  • 75.  From the cranial subarachnoid space, cerebrospinal fluid is reabsorbed through arachnoid villi into the blood in cranial venous sinuses (large veins within the double-layered cranial dura mater)  The CSF becomes blood plasma again, and the rate of reabsorption normally equals the rate of production  Functions of CSF:  Bring nutrients to CNS neurons and to remove waste products to the blood as the fluid is reabsorbed  Act as a cushion for the central nervous system 75
  • 76. THE SPINAL CORD  Transmits impulses to and from the brain and is the integrating center for the spinal cord reflexes  Extends from the foramen magnum of the occipital bone to the disc between the first and second lumbar vertebrae  Has internal gray matter consisting of cell bodies of motor neurons and interneurons; and external white matter made of myelinated axons and dendrites of interneurons  Has ascending & descending tracts carrying sensory impulses to brain & motor impulses away from brain, respectively; & central canal (contains CSF and is continuous with brain cavities) 76
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  • 78. Peripheral Nervious System/PNS  Is a collection of neurons and their processes which relay information from the periphery to the CNS, in which case they are afferent or sensory; or from the CNS to the periphery, in which case they are efferent or motor Cranial Nerves  Are the nerves which connect the brain with the periphery (mainly in the head and neck)  There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves which leave the brain on its underside then exit the cranial cavity by a series of holes in the base of the skull, called foramina 78
  • 79.  Many of them do carry impulses for functions involving the head. Some, however, have more far-reaching destinations  The impulses for the senses of smell, taste, sight, hearing, and equilibrium are all carried by cranial nerves to their respective sensory areas in the brain  Some cranial nerves are almost purely sensory; such as those which mediate smell, vision, and hearing  Others are almost purely motor, such as those which move the eyes and tongue. Others are mixed 79
  • 80. Synopsis of cranial nerves 80
  • 81. Spinal Nerves  Are the nerves linking the spinal cord and the periphery, and they are responsible for sensory and motor innervations of the body outside of the head and neck  The spinal nerves exit the vertebral canal by way of spaces between adjacent vertebrae, known as intervertebral foramina  Are 31 pairs emerging from the spinal cord 81
  • 82.  Are named according to their respective vertebrae: 8 cervical pairs, 12 thoracic pairs, 5 lumbar pairs, 5 sacral pairs, and 1 very small coccygeal pair  The cervical nerves supply the back of the head, neck, shoulders, arms, and diaphragm (the phrenic nerves)  The first thoracic nerve also contributes to nerves in the arms. The remaining thoracic nerves supply the trunk of the body 82
  • 83.  The lumbar and sacral nerves supply the hips, pelvic cavity, and legs. They hang below the end of the spinal cord and called Cauda equina  Each spinal nerve has two roots, which are neurons entering or leaving the spinal cord a) Dorsal root- is made of sensory neurons that carry impulses into the spinal cord. It has an enlarged part that contains cell bodies of sensory neurons- dorsal root ganglion b) Ventral root- is made of axons of motor neurons carrying impulses from spinal cord to muscles or glands 83
  • 84. The Autonomic Nervous System  Is actually part of the PNS in that it consists of motor portions of some cranial and spinal nerves  Made up by visceral motor neurons to smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands- visceral effectors  The autonomic nerve pathway from the CNS to a visceral effector consists of two motor neurons that synapse in a ganglion outside the CNS  The first neuron is called preganglionic neuron, from the CNS to ganglion (cell bodies of postganglionic neurons) 84
  • 85.  The second neuron is called the postganglionic neuron, from the ganglion to the visceral effector  ANS has two divisions which function in opposition to each other 1. Sympathetic (Thoracolumbar) Division/SNS  Their cell bodies are in the thoracic segments and some of the lumbar segments of the spinal cord  Their axons extend to the sympathetic ganglia, most of which are located outside the spinal column  Within the ganglia are the synapses between preganglionic and postganglionic neurons 85
  • 86.  Postganglionic axons then go to the visceral effectors  One preganglionic neuron often synapses with many postganglionic neurons to many effectors i.e brings about widespread responses in many organs  SNS is dominant in stressful situations, which include anger, fear, or anxiety, as well as exercise. E.g. increasing heart rate, vasodilation, bronchodilation during exercise 2. Parasympathetic (Craniosacral) Division/PSNS  The cell bodies of PNS neurons are in the brain stem and the sacral segments of the spinal cord 86
  • 87.  Their axons are in cranial nerve pairs 3, 7, 9, and 10 and in some sacral nerves and extend to the parasympathetic ganglia  These ganglia are very close to or actually in the visceral effector and contain the postganglionic cell bodies, with very short axons to the cells of the effector  In the parasympathetic division, one preganglionic neuron synapses with just a few postganglionic neurons to only one effector i.e. very localized (one organ) responses are possible 87
  • 88.  PSNS dominates in relaxed (non-stress) situations to promote normal functioning of several organ systems. E.g. digestion, defecation and urination When an organ receives both sympathetic and parasympathetic impulses, the responses are opposites For the somatic portion of the nervous system, there are two major types of nerve cells which connect the spinal cord to the periphery  These are:  Primary sensory neurons (afferent neurons)- relay input from the periphery to the spinal cord & sit in dorsal horn 88
  • 89.  Have peripheral processes in the skin or muscles and their central processes enter the spinal cord where they make synapses with other neurons  Spinal cord motor neurons (efferent neurons)- convey motor outflow from the spinal cord to the periphery and sit in the ventral horn  Axons of spinal cord motor neurons pass to the periphery to innervate striated muscle 89