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Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?)
Dr.-Ing. Mathias Magdowski
Chair of Electromagnetic Compatibility
Institute for Medical Technology
Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg
Contribution to the event “AI Tools at OVGU”
License: cb CC BY 4.0 (Attribution-ShareAlike)
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 1
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Background of this talk
Photo: Christiane Hedtmann,
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 2
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 3
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Discussion status from a year ago
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 4
Use in an electrical engineering online test in the
winter semester 2022/2023
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Survey on ChatGPT usage in an online test in January 2023
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 6
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Question about the nodal conductance matrix
Die Knotenspannungsanalyse ist ein Netzwerkberechnungsverfahren, bei der das
Verhalten der Schaltung durch ein Gleichungssystem beschrieben wird, das in
Matrixform geschrieben werden kann. Dabei ergibt die Knotenleitwertmatrix
multipliziert mit dem Spaltenvektor der unbekannten Knotenspannungen den
Spaltenvektor der Stromquellen. Jeder Widerstand in der Schaltung hat dabei
verschiedene Einträge in Form eines Leitwerts in der Knotenleitwertmatrix.
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 7
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Question about the nodal conductance matrix
Die Knotenspannungsanalyse ist ein Netzwerkberechnungsverfahren, bei der das
Verhalten der Schaltung durch ein Gleichungssystem beschrieben wird, das in
Matrixform geschrieben werden kann. Dabei ergibt die Knotenleitwertmatrix
multipliziert mit dem Spaltenvektor der unbekannten Knotenspannungen den
Spaltenvektor der Stromquellen. Jeder Widerstand in der Schaltung hat dabei
verschiedene Einträge in Form eines Leitwerts in der Knotenleitwertmatrix.
Wie oft kann ein zu einem Widerstand zugehöriger Leitwert maximal auf der
Hauptdiagonale der Knotenleitwertmatrix auftauchen? Man antworte und
begründe die Antwort in Satzform.
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 7
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Dialog with ChatGPT for the nodal analysis task
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 8
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Dialog with ChatGPT for the nodal analysis task
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 8
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Dialog with ChatGPT for the nodal analysis task
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 9
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Dialog with ChatGPT for the nodal analysis task
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 10
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Dialog with ChatGPT for the nodal analysis task
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 11
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Dialog with ChatGPT for the nodal analysis task
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 12
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Can ChatGPT solve our electrical engineering online test?
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 13
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
How does Google Bard compare?
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 14
Use in an exercise on electromagnetic compatibility
in the summer semester 2023
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Calculation in dB
In der Elektrotechnik und speziell auf dem Gebiet der elektromagnetischen
Verträglichkeit werden Messwerte oft als Pegel in dB angegeben. Für einen
Leistungspegel L gilt die einfache Definition
= 10 · log10


dB , (1)
wobei P die Nennleistung und P0 die Bezugsleistung ist.
a) Geben Sie die Leistung 100 W als Leistungspegel in dB (mW) an.
b) Geben Sie die Spannung 50 nV als Spannungspegel in dB (µV) an.
c) Geben Sie den Leistungspegel −20 dB (mW) als eine Leistung in nW an.
d) Wie groß ist der Gesamtleistungspegel, wenn zwei Leistungen mit einem
Pegel von 30 dB (mW) und 30 dB (mW) kombiniert werden?
e) Diskutieren Sie die Vor- und Nachteile der Angabe von Messgrößen in dB.
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 16
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Subtask a)
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 17
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Subtask a)
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 17
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Subtask a) (other numerical value)
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 18
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Subtask a) (other numerical value)
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 18
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Subtask b)
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 19
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Subtask b)
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 19
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Subtask c)
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 20
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Subtask c)
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 20
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Subtask d)
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 21
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Subtask d)
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 21
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Subtask e) Advantages
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 22
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Subtask e) Advantages
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 22
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Subtask e) Disadvantages
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 23
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Subtask e) Disadvantages
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 23
Prospective use in an electrical engineering exam
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Task 12 – Current and charge
Die skizzierte Zeitabhängigkeit des Stromes ist durch Gleichungen
abschnittsweise zu beschreiben. Ausgehend von Q = 0 bei t = 0 sind dann die
zugehörigen Gleichungen für die Ladung Q(t) durch Integration zu errechnen und
grafisch darzustellen.
1 2 3 5 6
4 Zeit, t in s
Strom, i(t) in A
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 25
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Tempting promise
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 26
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You gonna give something to get something!
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 27
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The future is now!
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 28
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ChatGPT solution of task 12
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 29
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
ChatGPT solution of task 12
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 29
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
ChatGPT solution of task 12
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 30
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ChatGPT solution of task 12
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 30
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Task 16 – Current density
Ein Blechstreifen variabler Breite b und konstanter Dicke s wird in x=Richtung von
einem Strom durchflossen. Der Strom tritt in Fläche 1 ein und aus Fläche 2 aus.
Man berechne mit b1 = 3 · b2 die Stromdichte in Abhängigkeit von der
Ortskoordinate x, d. h. J = f(x). Die Stromdichte ist in normierter Form J(x)
grafisch darzustellen.
b1 b2
x = 0 x = l
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 31
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ChatGPT solution of task 16
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 32
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
ChatGPT solution of task 16
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 32
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
ChatGPT solution of task 16
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 33
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
ChatGPT solution of task 16
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 33
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
What about other tasks?
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 34
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Back to the beginning
▶ What should the students learn?
What skills should they develop?
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 36
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Back to the beginning
▶ What should the students learn?
What skills should they develop?
▶ Which methods and processes are suitable for imparting the necessary
How can students be well supported in acquiring their own skills?
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 36
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Back to the beginning
▶ What should the students learn?
What skills should they develop?
▶ Which methods and processes are suitable for imparting the necessary
How can students be well supported in acquiring their own skills?
▶ How can learning progress and skills be assessed (formative and
What false incentives result from this?
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 36
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Wanted: “AI control competence”
Sources:; und
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 37
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Specific idea
Students solve (examination) tasks with the help of ChatGPT and . . .
▶ mark correct and incorrect solution steps
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 38
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Specific idea
Students solve (examination) tasks with the help of ChatGPT and . . .
▶ mark correct and incorrect solution steps
▶ correct and improve the solution
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 38
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Specific idea
Students solve (examination) tasks with the help of ChatGPT and . . .
▶ mark correct and incorrect solution steps
▶ correct and improve the solution
▶ present the correct solution in a technically correct way
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 38
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Specific idea
Students solve (examination) tasks with the help of ChatGPT and . . .
▶ mark correct and incorrect solution steps
▶ correct and improve the solution
▶ present the correct solution in a technically correct way
▶ discuss alternative solutions
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 38
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Specific idea
Students solve (examination) tasks with the help of ChatGPT and . . .
▶ mark correct and incorrect solution steps
▶ correct and improve the solution
▶ present the correct solution in a technically correct way
▶ discuss alternative solutions
▶ use expert knowledge and “high” competence levels of Bloom’s taxonomy
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 38
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Specific idea
Students solve (examination) tasks with the help of ChatGPT and . . .
▶ mark correct and incorrect solution steps
▶ correct and improve the solution
▶ present the correct solution in a technically correct way
▶ discuss alternative solutions
▶ use expert knowledge and “high” competence levels of Bloom’s taxonomy
▶ analyze
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 38
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Specific idea
Students solve (examination) tasks with the help of ChatGPT and . . .
▶ mark correct and incorrect solution steps
▶ correct and improve the solution
▶ present the correct solution in a technically correct way
▶ discuss alternative solutions
▶ use expert knowledge and “high” competence levels of Bloom’s taxonomy
▶ analyze
▶ evaluate and assess
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 38
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Specific idea
Students solve (examination) tasks with the help of ChatGPT and . . .
▶ mark correct and incorrect solution steps
▶ correct and improve the solution
▶ present the correct solution in a technically correct way
▶ discuss alternative solutions
▶ use expert knowledge and “high” competence levels of Bloom’s taxonomy
▶ analyze
▶ evaluate and assess
▶ create
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 38
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
ChatGPT won’t save us either!
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 39
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
ChatGPT may help us after all
I have found a wonderful function of ChatGPT. The program gives me
very good mnemonics from my point of view. If I put the phrase “explain
as if I were a child” after the word I don’t understand, very entertaining
stories come out. For example, the program explains oscillating circuits
by saying that capacitors and coils can only dance to their own rhythms.
The frequency at which the two imaginary parts of the impedances bal-
ance each other out is therefore the rhythm at which both components
can dance. Even if the technical aspects are perhaps not completely cor-
rect, the whole thing conjures up a wonderful image in my head.
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 40
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Lots of open questions about the usage:
▶ License costs
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 41
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Lots of open questions about the usage:
▶ License costs
▶ Digital divide
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 41
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Lots of open questions about the usage:
▶ License costs
▶ Digital divide
▶ Matthew effect of accumulated advantage
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 41
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Lots of open questions about the usage:
▶ License costs
▶ Digital divide
▶ Matthew effect of accumulated advantage
▶ Data protection and privacy issues
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 41
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Lots of open questions about the usage:
▶ License costs
▶ Digital divide
▶ Matthew effect of accumulated advantage
▶ Data protection and privacy issues
▶ Voluntary vs. mandatory use
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 41
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Lots of open questions about the usage:
▶ License costs
▶ Digital divide
▶ Matthew effect of accumulated advantage
▶ Data protection and privacy issues
▶ Voluntary vs. mandatory use
▶ “Depersonalization” of teaching as a social process
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 41
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Lots of open questions about the usage:
▶ License costs
▶ Digital divide
▶ Matthew effect of accumulated advantage
▶ Data protection and privacy issues
▶ Voluntary vs. mandatory use
▶ “Depersonalization” of teaching as a social process
▶ Can AI create motivation?
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 41
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Lots of open questions about the usage:
▶ License costs
▶ Digital divide
▶ Matthew effect of accumulated advantage
▶ Data protection and privacy issues
▶ Voluntary vs. mandatory use
▶ “Depersonalization” of teaching as a social process
▶ Can AI create motivation?
▶ What is the purpose of learning?
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 41
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Lots of open questions about the usage:
▶ License costs
▶ Digital divide
▶ Matthew effect of accumulated advantage
▶ Data protection and privacy issues
▶ Voluntary vs. mandatory use
▶ “Depersonalization” of teaching as a social process
▶ Can AI create motivation?
▶ What is the purpose of learning?
▶ Resource consumption
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 41
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
We need to question processes
Source: Kevin Cannon,
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 42
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
What to do next?
Three biggest to-do’s:
1. Qualifying university lecturers, highlighting benefits and risks for their own
2. Create transparency and rules for use to avoid uncertainty, and create
participatory spaces for discourse
3. Proactively try out use and involve students
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 43
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Does an AI really only recognize patterns?
Chihuahua or muffin?
Source: https:
Sloth or chocolate roll?
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 44
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Does an AI really only recognize patterns?
Hot dogs or legs?
Shar-Pei or croissant?
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 45
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Or does an AI understand, and if so, how much?
Tricky request:
Source: https:
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 46
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Or does an AI understand, and if so, how much?
Tricky request:
Source: https:
Self-test (in German):
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 46
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Or does an AI understand, and if so, how much?
Self-test (in English):
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 47
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Or does an AI understand, and if so, how much?
Self-test (in English): Finally the penguin:
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 47
Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing
Thank you for your attention!
Are there any further
Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 48

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Calculation of conversion factors for the RVC method in accordance with CISPR...
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Chancen und Herausforderungen von ChatGPT in der ingenieurwissenschaftlichen ...
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Wie kann mir ChatGPT helfen, meine Elektrotechnik-Prüfung zu bestehen?
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Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) - Contribution to the event "AI Tools at OVGU"

  • 1. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) Dr.-Ing. Mathias Magdowski Chair of Electromagnetic Compatibility Institute for Medical Technology Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg Contribution to the event “AI Tools at OVGU” License: cb CC BY 4.0 (Attribution-ShareAlike) Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 1
  • 2. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Background of this talk Photo: Christiane Hedtmann, Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 2
  • 3. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Disclaimer Source: Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 3
  • 4. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Discussion status from a year ago Source: Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 4
  • 5. Use in an electrical engineering online test in the winter semester 2022/2023
  • 6. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Survey on ChatGPT usage in an online test in January 2023 Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 6
  • 7. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Question about the nodal conductance matrix Statement: Die Knotenspannungsanalyse ist ein Netzwerkberechnungsverfahren, bei der das Verhalten der Schaltung durch ein Gleichungssystem beschrieben wird, das in Matrixform geschrieben werden kann. Dabei ergibt die Knotenleitwertmatrix multipliziert mit dem Spaltenvektor der unbekannten Knotenspannungen den Spaltenvektor der Stromquellen. Jeder Widerstand in der Schaltung hat dabei verschiedene Einträge in Form eines Leitwerts in der Knotenleitwertmatrix. Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 7
  • 8. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Question about the nodal conductance matrix Statement: Die Knotenspannungsanalyse ist ein Netzwerkberechnungsverfahren, bei der das Verhalten der Schaltung durch ein Gleichungssystem beschrieben wird, das in Matrixform geschrieben werden kann. Dabei ergibt die Knotenleitwertmatrix multipliziert mit dem Spaltenvektor der unbekannten Knotenspannungen den Spaltenvektor der Stromquellen. Jeder Widerstand in der Schaltung hat dabei verschiedene Einträge in Form eines Leitwerts in der Knotenleitwertmatrix. Question: Wie oft kann ein zu einem Widerstand zugehöriger Leitwert maximal auf der Hauptdiagonale der Knotenleitwertmatrix auftauchen? Man antworte und begründe die Antwort in Satzform. Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 7
  • 9. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Dialog with ChatGPT for the nodal analysis task Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 8
  • 10. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Dialog with ChatGPT for the nodal analysis task Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 8
  • 11. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Dialog with ChatGPT for the nodal analysis task Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 9
  • 12. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Dialog with ChatGPT for the nodal analysis task Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 10
  • 13. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Dialog with ChatGPT for the nodal analysis task Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 11
  • 14. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Dialog with ChatGPT for the nodal analysis task Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 12
  • 15. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Can ChatGPT solve our electrical engineering online test? Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 13
  • 16. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing How does Google Bard compare? Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 14
  • 17. Use in an exercise on electromagnetic compatibility in the summer semester 2023
  • 18. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Calculation in dB In der Elektrotechnik und speziell auf dem Gebiet der elektromagnetischen Verträglichkeit werden Messwerte oft als Pegel in dB angegeben. Für einen Leistungspegel L gilt die einfache Definition LP/P0 = 10 · log10 P P0 dB , (1) wobei P die Nennleistung und P0 die Bezugsleistung ist. a) Geben Sie die Leistung 100 W als Leistungspegel in dB (mW) an. b) Geben Sie die Spannung 50 nV als Spannungspegel in dB (µV) an. c) Geben Sie den Leistungspegel −20 dB (mW) als eine Leistung in nW an. d) Wie groß ist der Gesamtleistungspegel, wenn zwei Leistungen mit einem Pegel von 30 dB (mW) und 30 dB (mW) kombiniert werden? e) Diskutieren Sie die Vor- und Nachteile der Angabe von Messgrößen in dB. Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 16
  • 19. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Subtask a) Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 17
  • 20. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Subtask a) Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 17
  • 21. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Subtask a) (other numerical value) Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 18
  • 22. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Subtask a) (other numerical value) Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 18
  • 23. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Subtask b) Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 19
  • 24. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Subtask b) Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 19
  • 25. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Subtask c) Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 20
  • 26. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Subtask c) Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 20
  • 27. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Subtask d) Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 21
  • 28. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Subtask d) Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 21
  • 29. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Subtask e) Advantages Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 22
  • 30. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Subtask e) Advantages Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 22
  • 31. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Subtask e) Disadvantages Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 23
  • 32. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Subtask e) Disadvantages Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 23
  • 33. Prospective use in an electrical engineering exam
  • 34. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Task 12 – Current and charge Die skizzierte Zeitabhängigkeit des Stromes ist durch Gleichungen abschnittsweise zu beschreiben. Ausgehend von Q = 0 bei t = 0 sind dann die zugehörigen Gleichungen für die Ladung Q(t) durch Integration zu errechnen und grafisch darzustellen. 1 2 3 5 6 −2 −1 1 2 4 Zeit, t in s Strom, i(t) in A Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 25
  • 35. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Tempting promise Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 26
  • 36. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing You gonna give something to get something! Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 27
  • 37. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing The future is now! Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 28
  • 38. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing ChatGPT solution of task 12 Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 29
  • 39. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing ChatGPT solution of task 12 Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 29
  • 40. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing ChatGPT solution of task 12 Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 30
  • 41. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing ChatGPT solution of task 12 Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 30
  • 42. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Task 16 – Current density Ein Blechstreifen variabler Breite b und konstanter Dicke s wird in x=Richtung von einem Strom durchflossen. Der Strom tritt in Fläche 1 ein und aus Fläche 2 aus. Man berechne mit b1 = 3 · b2 die Stromdichte in Abhängigkeit von der Ortskoordinate x, d. h. J = f(x). Die Stromdichte ist in normierter Form J(x) J(0) grafisch darzustellen. b1 b2 s x = 0 x = l Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 31
  • 43. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing ChatGPT solution of task 16 Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 32
  • 44. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing ChatGPT solution of task 16 Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 32
  • 45. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing ChatGPT solution of task 16 Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 33
  • 46. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing ChatGPT solution of task 16 Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 33
  • 47. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing What about other tasks? Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 34
  • 49. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Back to the beginning ▶ What should the students learn? What skills should they develop? Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 36
  • 50. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Back to the beginning ▶ What should the students learn? What skills should they develop? ▶ Which methods and processes are suitable for imparting the necessary knowledge? How can students be well supported in acquiring their own skills? Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 36
  • 51. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Back to the beginning ▶ What should the students learn? What skills should they develop? ▶ Which methods and processes are suitable for imparting the necessary knowledge? How can students be well supported in acquiring their own skills? ▶ How can learning progress and skills be assessed (formative and summative)? What false incentives result from this? Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 36
  • 52. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Wanted: “AI control competence” Sources:; und Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 37
  • 53. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Specific idea Students solve (examination) tasks with the help of ChatGPT and . . . ▶ mark correct and incorrect solution steps Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 38
  • 54. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Specific idea Students solve (examination) tasks with the help of ChatGPT and . . . ▶ mark correct and incorrect solution steps ▶ correct and improve the solution Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 38
  • 55. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Specific idea Students solve (examination) tasks with the help of ChatGPT and . . . ▶ mark correct and incorrect solution steps ▶ correct and improve the solution ▶ present the correct solution in a technically correct way Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 38
  • 56. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Specific idea Students solve (examination) tasks with the help of ChatGPT and . . . ▶ mark correct and incorrect solution steps ▶ correct and improve the solution ▶ present the correct solution in a technically correct way ▶ discuss alternative solutions Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 38
  • 57. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Specific idea Students solve (examination) tasks with the help of ChatGPT and . . . ▶ mark correct and incorrect solution steps ▶ correct and improve the solution ▶ present the correct solution in a technically correct way ▶ discuss alternative solutions ▶ use expert knowledge and “high” competence levels of Bloom’s taxonomy Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 38
  • 58. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Specific idea Students solve (examination) tasks with the help of ChatGPT and . . . ▶ mark correct and incorrect solution steps ▶ correct and improve the solution ▶ present the correct solution in a technically correct way ▶ discuss alternative solutions ▶ use expert knowledge and “high” competence levels of Bloom’s taxonomy ▶ analyze Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 38
  • 59. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Specific idea Students solve (examination) tasks with the help of ChatGPT and . . . ▶ mark correct and incorrect solution steps ▶ correct and improve the solution ▶ present the correct solution in a technically correct way ▶ discuss alternative solutions ▶ use expert knowledge and “high” competence levels of Bloom’s taxonomy ▶ analyze ▶ evaluate and assess Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 38
  • 60. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Specific idea Students solve (examination) tasks with the help of ChatGPT and . . . ▶ mark correct and incorrect solution steps ▶ correct and improve the solution ▶ present the correct solution in a technically correct way ▶ discuss alternative solutions ▶ use expert knowledge and “high” competence levels of Bloom’s taxonomy ▶ analyze ▶ evaluate and assess ▶ create Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 38
  • 61. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing ChatGPT won’t save us either! Source: Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 39
  • 62. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing ChatGPT may help us after all I have found a wonderful function of ChatGPT. The program gives me very good mnemonics from my point of view. If I put the phrase “explain as if I were a child” after the word I don’t understand, very entertaining stories come out. For example, the program explains oscillating circuits by saying that capacitors and coils can only dance to their own rhythms. The frequency at which the two imaginary parts of the impedances bal- ance each other out is therefore the rhythm at which both components can dance. Even if the technical aspects are perhaps not completely cor- rect, the whole thing conjures up a wonderful image in my head. Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 40
  • 63. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing But! Lots of open questions about the usage: ▶ License costs Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 41
  • 64. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing But! Lots of open questions about the usage: ▶ License costs ▶ Digital divide Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 41
  • 65. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing But! Lots of open questions about the usage: ▶ License costs ▶ Digital divide ▶ Matthew effect of accumulated advantage Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 41
  • 66. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing But! Lots of open questions about the usage: ▶ License costs ▶ Digital divide ▶ Matthew effect of accumulated advantage ▶ Data protection and privacy issues Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 41
  • 67. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing But! Lots of open questions about the usage: ▶ License costs ▶ Digital divide ▶ Matthew effect of accumulated advantage ▶ Data protection and privacy issues ▶ Voluntary vs. mandatory use Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 41
  • 68. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing But! Lots of open questions about the usage: ▶ License costs ▶ Digital divide ▶ Matthew effect of accumulated advantage ▶ Data protection and privacy issues ▶ Voluntary vs. mandatory use ▶ “Depersonalization” of teaching as a social process Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 41
  • 69. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing But! Lots of open questions about the usage: ▶ License costs ▶ Digital divide ▶ Matthew effect of accumulated advantage ▶ Data protection and privacy issues ▶ Voluntary vs. mandatory use ▶ “Depersonalization” of teaching as a social process ▶ Can AI create motivation? Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 41
  • 70. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing But! Lots of open questions about the usage: ▶ License costs ▶ Digital divide ▶ Matthew effect of accumulated advantage ▶ Data protection and privacy issues ▶ Voluntary vs. mandatory use ▶ “Depersonalization” of teaching as a social process ▶ Can AI create motivation? ▶ What is the purpose of learning? Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 41
  • 71. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing But! Lots of open questions about the usage: ▶ License costs ▶ Digital divide ▶ Matthew effect of accumulated advantage ▶ Data protection and privacy issues ▶ Voluntary vs. mandatory use ▶ “Depersonalization” of teaching as a social process ▶ Can AI create motivation? ▶ What is the purpose of learning? ▶ Resource consumption Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 41
  • 72. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing We need to question processes Source: Kevin Cannon, Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 42
  • 73. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing What to do next? Three biggest to-do’s: 1. Qualifying university lecturers, highlighting benefits and risks for their own work 2. Create transparency and rules for use to avoid uncertainty, and create participatory spaces for discourse 3. Proactively try out use and involve students Source: Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 43
  • 74. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Does an AI really only recognize patterns? Chihuahua or muffin? Source: https: // Sloth or chocolate roll? Source: 1370122409605468168 Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 44
  • 75. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Does an AI really only recognize patterns? Hot dogs or legs? Source: 1370122409605468168 Shar-Pei or croissant? Source: 1634568045992587269 Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 45
  • 76. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Or does an AI understand, and if so, how much? Tricky request: Source: https: // Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 46
  • 77. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Or does an AI understand, and if so, how much? Tricky request: Source: https: // Self-test (in German): Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 46
  • 78. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Or does an AI understand, and if so, how much? Self-test (in English): Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 47
  • 79. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Or does an AI understand, and if so, how much? Self-test (in English): Finally the penguin: Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 47
  • 80. Use in an online test Use in an EMC exercise Use in an exam Closing Thank you for your attention! Are there any further questions? Use ChatGPT in Electrical Engineering (!?) 48