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Probability Concepts
in Eng·ineering·
Planning· and Desig·n
Professor ofCiL·il Engineering
Unh·ersity ofIllinois at Urbana-Champaign
Professpr ofCivil Engineering
University oflllinois at Urbana-Champaign.
New York • Chichester Brisbane Toronto Singapore
s ·
Dedicated to Myrtle and Bernadette
Copyright l!:l 1984 by John Wiley & Sons. Inc.
All righis reserved. Published simultaneousi)· in Canada.
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the Permissions Department. John Wiley & Sons.
Librtzry ofconxrtss cllttzloxinx in Publictztion DIIUI:
!Revised for volume 2)
Ans. Alfredo Hua-Sin~;. 193(}-
Probability concepts in engineering planninl! and
Includes bibliographical references and in~exes.
Contentl: ,.. I. Basic principles-v. ::!. Decision.
risl.:. and reliability.
I. Engineering-Statistical methods. !!. Probabilities.
I. Tang. Wilson H.
TA340.AS 620..00422"01519::! 75-589.:::
Printed in the Republic of Sinppore
10 9 8 7 6 s 4 3 2
preface. _
Like Volume I, this volume emphasizes the applications ofprobabilityand statistics
in engineering. It is built on the basic principles contained in Volume I but
additional more advanced tools are developed. including statistical decision
analysis. Markov and queueing models. the statistics of extreme values, Monte
Carlo simulation. and system reliability. Again, the necessary concepts are
introduced and illustrated within the context ofengineering problems. Indeed, the
developrr.ent of the logical concepts and the illustration of established principles
in engineering applications are·the main objectives of the volume. The tools
provided should form the quantitative bases for risk evaluation, control, and
management, and intelligent decision making under uncertainty.
In some instances. problems in several diverse areas are used to illustrate the
same or similar principles. This was purposely done to demonstrate the universal
application of the pertinent concepts and also to provide readers with wider
choices of illustrative appii~ations.
Much of the mathematica(material is, ofcourse, available in the literature and
some of it is in text form: for example, Gumbel (1958) on extreme value statistics;
Rubinstein (1981) on Monte Carlo simulation; Raiffa (1970) and Schlaifer (1969)
on statistical decision analysis: and Parzen (1962) and Saaty (1961) on Markov
and queueing processes. However, the concepts that are especially useful for
engineering planning and design are emphasized: moreover, these are presented
purposely in the context of engineering significance and in terms that are more
easily comprehensible to engineers (supplemented with numerous illustrative
examples). Much of the material in Chapters 6 and 7 on basic and systems relia-
bility is. for the most part, only currently available in scientific and technical
journals-in this regard. only typical references to the available literature are cited. .
as there is no intention to be exhaustive.
The material is suitable for two advanced undergraduate or graduate lrvel
courses. Onewouldcoverengineeringdecision and risk analysis, based on Chapters
2. 3, and 5 of the present volume supplemented by Chapter 8 of Volume I; the
other would focus on system reliability and design and may be developed·using
the material contained in Chapters 4, 6. and 7. Both courses would require a pre-
requisite.background in introductory applied probability and statistics, such as the
material in Volume I.
During the preparation a:nd development of the material for this volume, the
authors are indebted in many ways to colleagues and students-to former students
who had· to endure imperfect and incomplete versions of the material; to our
colleague Professor Y. K. Wen for numerous discussions and suggestions over
the years; and to Professors A. der Kiureghian, M. Shinozuka, E. Vanmarcke,
and J. T. P. Yao forconstructivesuggestions and incisivereviews ofthe manuscript.
A number of former graduate students also contributed to the development ·or
some of the material including numerical calculations of the examples; in par-
ticular. the contributions and assis.tance of R. M. Bennett, C. T. Chu, H. Pearce,
J. Pires, I. Sidi, M. Yamamoto, and A. Zerva are greatly appreciated. Finally, our
thanks to Claudia Cook for her patience and expert typing of several versions of
the manuscript material, and to R. Winburn for his professional artwork of the
A. H-S. Ang AND W. H. Tang
l. Introduction
1.1 Aims and Scope of Volume II
1.2 Essence and Emphasis
1.2.1 Decision Analysis
1.2.2 Markov, Queueing, and Availability Models
1.2.3 Statistical Theory of Extremes
1.2.4 Monte Carlo Simulation
1.2.5 Reliability and Reliability-Based Design
1.2.6 Systems Reliability
2. Decision AJIO:lysis
2.1 Introduction 5
2.1.1 Simple Risk-Decision Problems 5
2.1.2 Characteristics of a General Decision Problem 9
2.2 The Decision Model 10
2.2.1 Decision Tree 10
2.2.2 Decision Criteria 13
2.2.3 Decision Based on Exis~ing Information-Prior Analysis 16
2.2.4 Decision with Additio'nal Information-Terminal Analysis 25
2,.2.5 Preposterior Analysis 28
2~.6 Value of Information 30
2.2.7 Sensitivity of Decision to Error in Probability Estimation 32
2.2.8 More Examples 33
2.3 Applications in Sampling and Estimation 47
2.3.1 Bayes Point Estimator 47
2.3.2 Optimal Sample Siz~ 50
2.4 Elementary Concepts of Utility Theory 56
2.4.1 Axioms of Utility Theory 56
2.4.2 Utility Function 57
2.4.3 Determination of Utility Values 60
2.4.4 Utility Function of Monetary Value 63
2.4.5 Utility Function of Other Variables 66.
2.4.6 Maximum Expected Utility 67
2.4.7 Common Types of Utility Functions 70
2.4.8 _ ~nsitivity of Expected Utility to Form of Utility Function 73
2.5 Assessment of Probability Values 74
2.5.1 Bases of Probability Estimation 74
2.5.2 Subjective Probability 75
'2.5.3 ~ubjective Distribution ofa Random Variable 76
2.6 Decisions with Multiple Objectives 77
2.6.1 Weighted Objective Decision Analysis 78
2.6.2 Multiattribute Utility Approach 84
Problems for Chapter 2 96
3. . Markov, Queueing, ~nd Availability Models 112
3.1 The Markm· Chain 112

3.1.1 Introduction 112
3.1.2 The Basic Model 112
3.1.3 State Probabilities 113
3.1.4 Steady State Probabilities 118
3.1.5 First Passage Probabilities li2
3.1.6 Recurrent, Tran~ient, and Absorbing States 125
3.1.7 Random Time Between Stages 136
... 3.1.8 Continuous Parameter Markov Chain 138
3.2 Queueing Models 140
3.2.1 Introduction 140
3.2.2 Poisson Process Arrivals and Depanures 140
3.2.3 Poisson Arrivals and Arbitrarily Distributed Service Time 149
3.2.4 Distribution of Waiting Time 154
3.3 Availability Problems 156
3.3.1 Introduction 156
3.3.2 Continuous Inspection-Repair Process 156
3.3.3 Inspection and Repairs at Regular Intervals 166
3.3.4. Deteriorating Systems 176
Problems for Chapter 3 . 178
4. Statistics ofExtremes 186
4.1 Introduction 186
4.1.1 Engineering Significance of Extreme Values 186
4.1.2 Objective and Coverage 187
4.2 Probability Distribution of Extremes 187
4.2.1 Exact Distributions 187'
4.2..2 Asymptotic Distributions 194
4.2.3 The Symmetry Principle .:!04
4.3 The Three Asymptotic Forms 206
4.3.1 Gumbel's Classification 206
4.3.2 The Type I Asymptotic Form 207
4.3.3 The Type II Asymptotic Form 216
4.3.4 The Type III Asymptotic Form 222
4.3.5 Convergence Criteria 228
4.4 Extremal Probability Papers 235
4.4.1 The Gumbel Extremal Probability Paper 235
4.4.2 The Logarithmic Extremal Probability Paper 238
4.5 Exceedance Probability 246
4.5.1 Distribution-Free Probability 246
4.5.2 Significance of Probability Distribution 249
4.6 Estimation of Extremal Parameters 255
4.6.1 Remarks on Extreme Value Estimation 255
4.6.2 The Method of Moments
4.6.3 The Method of Order Statistics 256
4.6•.£ Parameters of Other Asymptotic Distributions 261
4.6.5 Graphical Method 266
Problems for Chapter 4 268
5. Mont~ Carlo Simulation 274
 5.1 Introduction 274
5.1.1 An Example of Monte Carlo Simulation 275
5.2 Generation of Random Numbers 278
5.2.1 Random Numbers with Standard Uniform Distribution · 279
5.2.2 Continuous Random Variables 281
5.2.3 Discrete Random Variables 288
5.2.4 Generation of Jointly Distributed Random Numbers 290
5.2.5 Error Associated with Sample Size 291
5.3 Variance Reduction Techniques 292
5.3.1 Antithetic Variates 292
5.3.2 Correlated Sampling 296
5.3.3 Control Variates 298
5.4 Application Examples ' 301
Problems for Chapter 5 326
6. Reliability and Reliability-Based Design 333
6.1 Reliability of Engineered Systems 333
6.2 Analysis and Assessment of Reliability 334
6.2.1 Basic Problem 334
6.2.2 Second-Moment Formulation 340
6.2.3 Linear Perforniance Functions 347
6.2.4 Nonlinear Performance"
Functions 359
6.3 Modeling and Analysis:ofUncertainty 383
6.3.1 Sources and Types of Uncertainty 384
6.3.2 Quantification ofUncertainty Measures 387
6.3.3 Analysis ofUncertainty · 390
6.3.4 An Alternative Representation of Uncenaimy 406
6.4 hobability-Based Design·Criteria 412
6.4.1 On Design and Design Criteria. 412
6.4.2 Second-Mc;>ment Criteria 414
Prob_lems for Chapter 6 ·< . 434
7. Systems Reliability 448
7.1 Introduction 448
7.2 Multiple Failure Modes 448
7.2.1 Probability Bounds 450
7.3 Redundant and Nonredundant Systems 471
7.3.1 Series Systems 473
7.3.2 Parallel Systems · 474
7.3.3 Combined Series-Parallel Systems 478
7.4 Fault Tree, Event Tree Analyses 485
7.4.1 The Fault Tree Diagram 486
7.4.2 Probability Evaluation 495
7.4.3 Event Tree Analysis 498
7.5 Approximate Methods 504
7.5.1 The PNET Method 505
Problems for Chapter 1 517
Appendix A-Tables 531
Table A."I Values ofthe Gamma Function 532
Table A.2 CDF of the Standard Extremal VariateS 533
Table A.3 The Three Types of Asymptotic Extremal Distributions 537
Table A.4. Weights a1 and b1 for Leiblein's Order Statistics Estimator 538
Table A.S Relations Among Parameters of the T)i:,e III Asymptotic
Distribution 539
Appendix B-TransforTTUJtion ofNonir.orrnal Variates
to Independent Normal Variates 540
B.l The Rosenb_latt Transformation
B.2 Determination·of Safety Index
1. Introduction
The principal aims of the present volume parallel those of Volume I; namely, the
modeling of engineering problems containing uncertainties and the analysis of
their effects on system performance, and the development of bases for design and
decision making under conditions of uncertainty.
The basic principles and elementary tools introduced in Volume I are supple-
mented here with additional advanced tools and concepts, including statistical
decision theory, Markov and queueing processes, and the statistical theory of
extreme values. The discussion of numerical tools for probability calculations
would not be complete without mention ofthe Monte Carlo simulation methods;
one chapter summarizes the elements of this calculathnal procedure. One of the
most important applications ·of probability concepts in engineering is in the
evaluation ofthe safety and reliability ofengineering systems, and the formulation
ofassociated design criteria. Recent developments for these purposes are the topics
of the final two chapters, with the last chapter devoted specifically to the analysis
of the reliability of technological systems.
The role of judgment is emphasized when dealing with practical problems;
engineering judgments are often necessary irrespective of theoretical sophistica-
tion. However, the proper place and role for judgments are delineated within the
overall analysis of uncertainty and of its effects on decision, risk, and reliability.
Moreover,consistent witha probabilisticapproach,judgments haveto be expressed
in probability or statistical terms; wherever expert judgments are expressed in
conventional or det'erministic terms (which is often the case), they have to be
translated into appropriate probabilistic terms. Methods for these purposes are
suggested. ·
The main thrust and emphasis in each ofthe ensuing chapters may be summarized
as follows.
1.2.1. Decision Analysis (Chapter 2)
The goal of most engineering analysis is to provide information or the basis for
decision making. Engineering decision making could range from simply selecting
the size ofa column in a structure, to selecting the site for a major dam, to deciding
whether nuclear power is a viable energy s~urce. Unfortunately, uncertainties are
invariably present in practically all facets of engineering decision making. In this
light, some measure of risk is unavoidable in any decision made (i.e., alternative
selected) during the planning and design of an engineering system. A systematic
framework for decisionanalysis underuncertainty,in which thefeasiblealternatives
. are identified and the respective consequences evaluated, could be very useful. The
tools for such decision analysis are the subject of Chapter2 ·
· The decision tree model is introducedto identify the necessary components ofa
decision problem, consisting of the feasible alternatives, the possible outcomes
associated with each alternative and respective probabilities, and the potential
consequences associated with each alternative. In short, the decision tree provides
an organizedoutlineofall the information relevant to a systematicdecisionanalysis.
.Various engineering examples are used to illustrate the concepts involved in
formal decision analysis. The concept of value of informarion is discussed with
respect to whether ornot additional i~onnation should begathered beforemaking
a final decision. The probiem assOciated with sampling, riamely, determining the
parameter estimates ·for design, and the development of optimal sampling plans
may also be formulated as a decision problem. ,
Elementary concepts ofutility theory are introduCed a~ a generalizi:d measure of
value, on the basis of which the relative significance of various potential conse-
quencesofa decision may be evaluated. Specificc:ase studies ofcomplexengineering
decision problems are discussed, including those itivolving multiple objectives.
l.l.2_i- Markov, Queueing, and Availability Models (Chapter 3)
1be ,performance characteristics of an engineering system may frequently be
classified into different discrete states. For example, the potential effects of an
eartbquake on a structure may be classified under several states corresponding to
di:>tinct damage levels; the financial status (e.g., _
in terms of cash flow) of an
engineering contractor may represent the various states; including bankruptcy;
. and the number of vehicles waiting (queu,e length) at a toll booth could represent
a state ofa toll system. The conditions ofthese systems may change or move from
one state to another in accordance with some probability law. The probability
that the system will be in a particular state after a given number ofmoves may then
be of interest.
The Markov chain is a probability model specifically designed to analyze a
system with multiple states. The basic concepts of the discrete parameter homo-
geneous Markov chain model are first introduced. Queueing models are then
shown to be examples of a continuous parameter Markov chain. Steady state
queue length probabilities are derived for specific queueing systems with Poisson
The performance ofan engineering system may often be divided into two states;
for example, safe and unsafe states, or operating and nonoperating states. The
study ofthe transient behavior ofthis two-state system is known as the availability
problem. Problems of system availability (system in a safe state) ·may include a
maintenance program, that is, inspection and repair at regular intervals, in which
case the renewal theory is a useful model. Availability problems of interest in
engineering would include the availability at a given time for a system with or
without maintenance. ·
A number of engineering applications of the Markov process, including the
queueing and availability models. are illustrated in Chapter 3.
1.2.3 Statistical Theory of Extremes (Chapter 4)
Extreme values or extremal conditions of physical phenomena are of special
interest in many engineering problems. especially in those concerned with the
safety and reliability of engineering systems, and/or involving natural hazards.
The statistical theory of extreme values. therefore; is of special significance in
engineering problems concerned with risk and reliability.
Much ofthe theory ofstatistical extremes is available in the literature; however,
the available material is primarily ofa mathematical nature and is hardlyaccessible
to many engineers. One .Jfthe purposes ofChapter 4is to summarize and h,ighlight
the essential concepts of statistical extremes, and to emphasize the practical
significanceoftheseconcepts inengineeringproblems. In particular, theasymptotic
property of the statistics of extremes enhances the significance of the extremal
theory; understanding this concept is essential for many applications. The asymp-
totic property and its associated concepts are, therefore, stressed throughout the
chapter, and illustrated with numerous examples of engineering problems.
1.2.4 Monte Carlo Simularloo~Cbapter 5)
As the complexity ofan engineeringsystem increases, the required analytical model
may become extremely difficult to formulate mathematically unless gross idealiza-
tion and simplifications are invoked; moreover, in some cases even ifa formulation
is possible, the required solution may be analytically intractable. In these'instances,
a probabilistic solution may be obtained through Monte Carlo simulations. Monte
Carlo simulation is simply a repeated process ofgenerating deterministic solutions
to a given problem; each solution corresponds to a set ofdeterministic values ofthe
underlying random variables. The· main element of a Monte Carlo simulation
procedure is the generation .of random numbers from a specified distribution;
systematic and efficient methods for generatingsuch'random numbers from several
common probability distributions are summarized and illustrated. ·
Because a Monte Carlo solution generally requires a large number ofrepetitions,
particularly for problems i.tivolving very rare events, its application to complex ·
problems could be costly. There is, therefore, good reason to use the Monte Carlo
approach with some.caution;_
generally, it should be used only as a last re5ort, that
is, when analytical or approximate methods are unavailable or inadequate. Often,
Monte Carlo solutions may be_the only means for checking or validating an.
approximate method of probability calculations. ··
A number of case study problems are illustrated, to demonstrate the simulation
procedure as well as the type of information·that may be derived from a Monte
Carlo calculation.,
1.2.5 Reliability_
aiid Reliability-Based De5ign (Chapter 6)
. .
The safety and/or performance ofan engineering system is invariably the principal
technical objective ofan engineering design. In order to achieve some desired level
of reliability, proper methods fo_r its evaluation are, of course, required. As this
must invariably be done in the presence of uncertainty, the proper measure of
reliability or safety may only be stated in the context of probability. Indeed,
consistent levels of safety and reliability may be achieved only if the criteria for
desigri are based on such probabilistic measures of reliability.
· Engineering reliability and its .significance in engineering design is a -rapidly
growing field; the most recent and practically useful developments are presented
in this chapter. Applications in the various fields of engineering are illustrated
with emphasis on civil engineering. It goes without saying that problems of safety
and reliability arise because of uncertainty in design. The quantification and
analysis of uncertainty are, therefore, central.issues in the evaluation of reliability
and thedevelopment ofassociated reliability-based design. Thestatistical basesand
methods for these purposes are widely illustrated in this chapter.
1.2.6 Systems Reliability ((:bapter 7) ·..
. .
Although the reliability ofthe total systemis ofprincipal concern, system reliability
is nonetheless a function of.the reliabilities of it!' constituent components ithat are
covered in Chapter 6); that is, the determination of system reliability must in-
variably be based on reliability information for the components. Moreov~.
engineering designs are invariably performed at the component level, from which
the reliability of the system. is evaluated through analysis; techniques for this
purpose are presented in Chapter 7.
From a reliability standpoint, a system is characterized by multiple modes of
failure, in which each ofthe potential failure modes may becomposed ofcomponent
failureevents that are in series orin·parallel, or combinations thereof(especially for
a redilndant system). In the case ofa general redundant system, the redundancy may
be of;the standbyoractive type. Depending on whether the redundancies are active
• ·. ~.nriby, the reliability of the system as well.~!:~ its analysis will be different.
- In the case of complex systems, the identification of the potential modes of
failure may be quite involved, requiring a systematic procedure for identification,
such as the fault tree model. Moreover, the potential consequences of a failure
(or initiating event) ofa system may vary, depending on the subsequent events that
follow the particular initiating event. The event rree model may be used to facilitate
the systematic identification ofall potential consequencr-~. The applications ofthe
fault tree and event treemodels areillustrated with a variety o(engineeringexamples
in this final chapter.
···' ....
2. Decision Analysis·
Making technical decisions is a .necessary part of~~gineering planning and design:
in fact, the primary responsibility of an engineer is to make decisions. Often, such
decisions have to be based on predictions and information that invariably contain
uncertainty. Under such conditions, risk is virtually unavoidable. Through.
probabilistic modeling and analysis, uncertainties may be modeled and assessed
properly, and their effects on a given decision accounted for systematically. In
this manner, the risk associated with each decision alternative may be delineated
and, if desired or necessary, measures taken to control or minimize the corres-
ponding possible consequences.
Decision problems in engineering planning and design often also require the
consideration of nontechriidi.l:factors, such as social preference or acceptance.
environmental impact, and sometimes even political implications. In these latter
cases, the selection ofthe" decision alternative ~annot be governed solely by
technical considerations. A systematic framework that will permit the considera-
tion ofall facets ofa decision problem is the decision 11UJdel.
The elements of the decision model and the analyses involved in a decision
problem are developed in this chapter. Both single- and multiple-objective
engineering decision problems are discussed and illustrated.
2.1.1 Simple Risk-Decision Problems 
In any decision analysis, the set of decision (or design) variables should first be
identified and defined. For example, in the design of storm sewers, the engineer
may select a pipe diameter to provide a desired Bow capacity. Because ofvariability
in the future storm runoff; there is a probability that the ftow capacity of this pipe
may not be sufficient. Since this probability is related to the pipe size, the proba-
bility level may also be the decision variable instead ofthe pipe diameter.
In order to rank various designs, an objective function is usually defined in
terms of the decision variables. This function is frequently-expressed in monetary
units representing total benefit or total cost. It is obvious that the optimal design
will be determined by the values of the decision _variables that will maximize the
benefit or minimize the loss function. In some cases, in which the objective function
is a continuous function ofthe decision variables, thecalculus ofmaximization and
minimization provides a convenient tool for optimization. Formally, if
X 1, X2 , ••• , XN denote the set of decision variables, the optimal design will be
given by values of the decision variables satisfying the following set of equations:
oF(Xl, ... ,X.)=O·
ax, •
i = 1, 2, ... , n (2.1)
where F(X~o ••• , X.) is the objective function. The second partial derivatives may
be examined to determine whether Eq. 2.1 yields the maximum or minimum
objective function. The procedure is illustrated in the following examples.
EXAMPLE 2J (excerptedfrom Shuler,1967)
A contractoris preparinga bid fora constructionproject. Based onexperience,itishisjudgment
that the probability of winning a bid depends on his bid ratio. R, as follows:
- . p = f.6 - R; 0.6 ~ R ~ ·t.6
. .. ' . .
in which R is the ratio oflris !;lid.price to the total estimated cost (Fig. E2.1).
bviously. th~ decision ,·arlable here is the bid price B that the contract~r will submit The
corresponding objective function may be the expected profh from the project;
 X = (B - C)p + 0 · (I - p)
= (R -._l)pC
= (-Rz + 26R- 1.6)C; for0.6 ~ R S 1.6
'where C is the estimated cost o(construction. The optimal decision requires the maximization
:or.x with respect to R; thus, setting
· dX
dR = C(-2R + 2.6) =0
we obtain R = 1.3. Since dlX fdR2
< 0 at R = i.3,'ihe bid 'f'atio of 1.3 will maximize X.
Therefore, the optimal bid for the contractor should be 1.3 times the cstiinated cost.
The above solution assumes that there is no monetary gain or loss ifthe contractordoes not
win the job. Suppose that the construction crew would be idle and the contractor will be
operating at a loss L if he fails to win ~is job. ln such a Case, the objective function should
include an expected loss; suppose L = O.lC. Then, the expected overall gain would be
X = (R - l)pC- (l - p)L
= [(R - 1)(1.6- R)- (R - 0.6) x O.l)C
= [-R' + 2SR- 1.54)C
p = l6- R
0.6 QB • lO 1.2 1.6 ,: R, • .
Figur~ £2.1 Probability of winning versus bid'ratio.
- = -2R + 2.5 =0
yields R = 1.25. Hence, the optimal bid becomes 1.25 times the estimated cost. A lower bid is
required here so that the contractor will increase his chance ofwinning the bid, thus reducing
the chance of idling his construction crew.
The construction ofa bridge pierrequires the installation ofa cofferdam in a·river. Suppose the
occurrence offloods follows a Poisson distribution with a mean occurrence rate of 1.5 times per
year, and the elevation ofeach flood is exponentially distributed with a mean of 5 feet above
normal water leveL Each time the cofferdam is ovcrtoppcd,"the expected loss resulting from a
possible delay in construction and pumping cost is estimated to be $25,000. Since the flood
elevation can be predicted sufficiently ahead of time to·effect the evacuation of personnel
working inside the cofferdam, the possibility of loss due !O workmen being trapPed may be
neglected. Suppose that the construction cost of the cofferdam is given by
c. = c. + 3000h
where c. includes the cost of a colfcrdam foundation and ncccssary construction to dam the
river to nonnal water level, arid"h is the height of the cofferdam (in feet) above normal water
level. Determine the optimal height ofthe cofferdam ifit is expected to be used over a two-year
A convenient choice ofthe objective function here is the expected monetary loss Cr. which
would consist of the construction cost and the expected total Joss from the flooding of the
cofferdam during the two years of service. The expected loss in each flood is
C = E(lossIovertopping)P(overtopping)
Hence, the expected total loss from all floods during the two-year period {the time value of
money neglected) is
C1 = l:E(lossli floods)P(i floods in 2years)
"' 31
= L:i·(25,000e-1115
) - -
1•0 I!
., Jle-J
= zs;oroe-111' L:i - .,-
1•0 I .
= 75,000e-1115
The total expected monetary loss becomes
Cr= C.+ C1
= c.+ 3000h + 75,000e~lll'
Clearly,histheonlydeCiSion variable;whereas a constantindependentofh. Differentiating
Cr with respect to h, we obtain the optimal cofferdam heigh~ as foUows:-
d~r = 3000 + 75,000e-1115
( -!) =0
Cost, Cc
Pumpino + Oetoy
Cost, Ct
0 2 3 'I 5 6 7 B 9 10 II
h (in feet)
Figur~ £2.1 Costs as functions ofcofferdam elevation above normal water level.
h.,.. = 5 In (5) = 8.05 ft
Therefore.the optimal height ofthecofferdam should beapproximately8 feet above the normal
wat~ level of.the river. Figure E22 shows the various cost components as functions of the
decision variable h. It may be observed that as h increases, the construction cost increases;
whctcas the expected flood Joss decreases. The total expected loss takes on a minimum when
the slopes of these two functions arc equal but of opposite signs. At this point, the marginal
increase in Cc is balanced by the marginal decreaseinC1,)be value ofc.,which was assumed
to be S40,000 in Fig. E2.2;simply adds a constant value to the ordinate at each value ofh, and
does not affect the determination of the optimal value ofh. The probability that a cofferdam
with h = 8.05 It will be overtopped in a flood is given by
- . .. 1 . .
P(flood level > 8.05') = J. Se-;tJ' dx = 0.2
Alternatively,the objectivefunction maybeformulated using the probabilityofovertopping,
p, as the decision variable. Since the construction cost is a function ofh, we need to express h in
terms ofthe overtopping probability p. Based on the exponential distnbution assumed for the:
flood level it can be shown that
p = -e-~" dx
• 5
· h·= -5 Inp
Hence, the total expected cost becomes
CT = c.+ 3000(- 5 In p) + 3(25.000)p
=c.- 15,000 In p +·15,000p
Differentiating CT with respect to p, we obtain the optimal probability as follows:
. .
dC 1 .
T = -15,000 '- + 75,000 = 0 I I .
p p
from which
p.;_. ·= 0.2
which is the same as obtained earlier. Based on this value of p.... the corresponding optimal
elevation of the cofferdam (above normal water level) is determined as
h.,.= -5 In p.,..
= - 5 In (0.2) , ·
= 8.05 ft
The first approach described above directly gives the optimal value of the design variable,
whereas the second formulation directly yields the optimal probability level In cases involving
several cofferdams, each subject to a different distribution of floods, expressing the.overall
objective function iD. terms of a common rislt level could simplify the optimization process. In
any case, the two methods should lead to identical optimal designs, provided there is a cor-
respondence between the design variables and the probability of overtopping.
2.1.2 Characteristics of a General Decision Problem
The applicability ofthe optimization procedure presented above, based on calculus,
is limited; first' of all; the p~jective function must be expressed as a continuous
function ofthe decision variables. Unfortunately, this may not be the case for many
engineering decision problems. Consider a dam that has been proposed as a:
possible solution for flood control in a certain drainage basin. Its elevation may be
a decision variable; the darn site may also need to be determined. Moreover, other
forms of flood control strategies such as diversion channels, levees, multiple
reservoirs may be possible alternatives to be considered in the decision analysis.
Thus, it will be difficult, ifnot impossible, to obtain a continuous objective function
in terms of all the decision variables. ·
Sometimes, a decision may not be based solely on the available information. If
time permits, additional information may be collected prior to the final selection
among the feasible design alternatives. In engineering problems, additional data
could take the form oflaboratory or field tests, or further research. Since there could
be a variety of such schemes for collecting additional information, this would
further expand the spectrum of alternatives.
In short, in more general decision problems, a framework for systematic analysis
is required. Specifically, the decision analysis should at least include the-following
(1) A list of all feasible alternatives, including the acquisition of additional in-
formation, if appropriate.
(2) A list of all possible outcomes associated with each alternative.
(3) An estimation of the probability associated with each possible outcome.
(4) An evaluation of the.consequences associated with each combination of
alternative and outcome.
(5) The criterion for decision.
(6) A systematic evaluation of all alternatives.
A decision model that considers all these basic components is presented in
l.l.l Decision Tree·
The various components of a decision problem may be integrated into a formal
Iayout in the form ofa decisiontree,consistingofthesequenceofdecisions-namely,
a listoffeasible alternatives;thepossibleoutcomesassociatedwitheach alternative;
the corresponding probability assignments; monetary consequences and utility
evaluations(seeSection2.4).1n otherwords, thedecision tree integrates the relevant
components of the decision analysis in a systematic manner suitable for an
analytical evaluation ofthe optimal alternative. Probability models ofengineering
analysis and design may be used to estimate the relative likelihoods of the possible
outcomes,and appropriate value or utility models evaluate the relative desirability
of each consequence. . .
Figure 2.1 shows a generic example of a decision tree with three ahernatives, in
which the third alternative involves performing an experiment to gather additional
information prior to any final decision. The word "experiment" should be" inter-
preted in a broad sense; covering any method of gathering additional data. The
. following notations are used in Fig. 21:.
a1 = Alternative i. .··
(Ji = Outcomej. ·
"""' · e1 = Experiment k designed to gather additional information.
z, = Experimental outcome l.
u(-ri'1, 8) = Utility value corresponding tci alternative a1 and outcome 81; if the
·:: utility depends pn experiment e1 and the corresponding experimental
~- outcome z, it will be denoted as u(e1 , z" a;. 81). ·
• Oecisoon Node •
o Chonu Node
_,;..:..:...;...:=..::.:..!..::.:..!~:.... u(e1,11,o2 .6,l
'-"--<~.:;c~:.r..:..:::.!.!;:.!.!;=._ u(e1,1 1,o2 ,621
'-"'"~'-'-'..a..:.-'-'-'"'"""- ule1,z2, o1,62l
• I, '
Figure 2•.1 A generic decision tree.
The decision tree in Fig. 2.1 begins with a square node, called a decision node. at
which point there are alternatives at> a 2 , and a 3 • With each alternative, there may
be several possible outcomes. shown as branches originating from a circular node.
called a chance nocle. At each chance node, nature controls what will occur sub-
sequently. In this example, 81 , (}2 are the two possible outcomes associated with
alternatives a 1 and a2 • These outcomes may or may not depend on the preceding
alternative; in general their probabilities are conditional on the preceding alter-
natives; for example, P(811a1). Alternative a 3 is followed by experimental outcomes,
whose probabilities will generally depend on the experiment. Hence, the .prob-
abilities of (z1
) are also conditional on et; that is, P(zd e.J. Another decision node
follows each experimental outcome, denoting that a decision between alternatives
a 1 and a 2 will be required after observing the specific additional information. The
probability of 81 in the subsequent branches would be updated based on the
particularexperimental outcome. Hence, in general. this probability is expressed as
P(81lz1, et, aJ.
The outcomes from a chance r.ode are mutually exclusive and collectively
exhaustive; thus, the sum of the conditional probabilities at each chance node
shouldadd up to unity. Sometimes there may bea continuousspectrumofoutcomes
originating from a chance node, such as those given by the values of a continuous
random variable. In such cases;the PDF of the random variable will be used to
denote the relative likelihoods ofthese branches.Thedesirability oftheconsequence
ofeach sequence or path in the tree is measured by its ..utility value" recorded at
the end of the sequence, such as u(a1, 81) or u(et, z., a~o 8).
The following examples illustrate the application of the decision tree model in
engineering. In Section 22.8, several in-depth examples of complete decision
analysis further illustrate the decisi~n tree model.
Two alternative designs arc considered for the structural scheme of a building. Design A is
based on a conventional procedure, whose probability ofsatisfactory performanceis 99 ~
costs$1.5 million. Design Bisbased onmodem conceptsandwillreducethe costofthe building
to Sl million.ThereliabilityofdesignB isnot known;however,thestructuralengineerestimates
that if his assumptions .arc correct, the reliability of satisfactory performance will be 0.99;
whereas, ifhis assumptioll5 arc not valid, the reliability is only 0.9. According to his judgment,
he is only 50% sure of the validity ofhis assumptions. Suppose the cost of unsatisfactory per-
formance isSlO million. The decision treewould be as shown in Fig. E23; the utilities, in terms
of losses_
in million S. arc indicated for each sequence ofthe tree.
In order to preventorminimizethermal pollution from the operationofa nuclearpowerplant,
cooling lakes arc commonly used to allow the heat from the plant to dissipate through a
natural process. Atone location, the dikes for the lakewereconstructedona relatively pervious
ground where waterseepageispossibli:.Suchseepagecancausea lossofwateraswellas become
a nuisance to the surrounding a.rca.. As a remedy, pumps may be installed on the downstream
slopeto pump backthewater to thecoolinglalcc,asshownschematicallyinFig.E24a. Basedon
a theoretical seepage model and soil data from the site. the ftow of water is estimated, for
simplicity,to beeitherQ1 = 100 gal/minorQl = 120 gal/min,withrelativelikelihoodsof9to 1.
A • Conventional Oesion
B s New Desion
V = Assumptions Valid
V • Anumptions Invalid
S • Sotisfottory· Performonte
S" • Unsatisfactory Performance
(In Million $)
Figur~ ~.3 Decision tree for structural design problem.
• ..-4" •
.. _......_
Thereare two pump system capacities that theengineermay order. namely pump system A with
100 gal/min or pump system B with 120 galjmin. which cost 17 and 20 units (I unit = S100),
respectively. Ifpumpsystem A isinsuffieient,anadditionalsmallpumpsystem C with20 galfmin
will be..Drdered and the overall. additional expense. i11cluding inconvenience and temporary
disruption ofperformance, is estimated to be 8 units. Over the expected serviceperiod,the total
operatiOnal (OMR) cost. including maimcnance and repair costs. discounted to present values
are 22. 21. and 5 units for pump systems B. A, and c;resJ)ccthely. Two units ofthe OMR cost
of pump B could be discounted if the flow Q is actually 100 gal/niin.
Another feasible alternative is to install a barrier ofbentonite seal beneath the upstream end
oftheembankment.Thetotal materialand installation cost ofthe seal will be41 units,and there
are negligible maintenance costs over the years.
The decision tree for this example is shown in Fig. E2.4b.The costs associated with each path
of the decision tree are clearly dependent on the particular alternative and the associated
outcome. ·
Coolino Loke
Pump System
Figure E2.4a Cross-section of embankm.ent.
Worth of
Initial Operat111g Total
Cost Cost Cost
·17 -21 -38
Pump System A Add
02(01) Pump System C
-25 -26 -51
-20 -20 -40
Pump System 8
-20 -22 -42
:S::.:e:.::o~l_ _______ _____ -41
0 -41
Figur~ El.Jb Decision tree for seepage problem.
EXAMPLE 2.5 (excerptedfrom Haefner and Mor/ok, 1971)
Improving the Safety·of a short section of a rural road with a complex alignment through geo-
metric design changes is proposed:For simplicity, only one improvement scheme is considered:
namely, to improve the alignment and profile and install a median barrier. The decision alterna-
tives are simply whether to adopt this improvement scheme or to make no improvemeiu. The
decision tree is shown in Fig. E2.5 (following the branch indicating ~No Prediction Model").
The outcome is described by the various states of accic!ent and fatality rate encountered. To
simplify the problem, accident and fatality rates are assumed to be either high or low, thus
leading to four possible combinations of outcomes-namely, H.•H, (high accident rate. high
fatality rate), HAL,, LA H ,, and L..L,. The probabilities for each of these outcomes (as shown
in Fig. E2.5) have been assessed with existing information. The total cost associati:d with each
path consists of the road improvement cost, if any, and the accident and fatality losses.
It is common in highway engineering-to employ a prediction model, such as the K.ihlberg
and Tharp m6del or the Mann and Dart (Louisiana) model, to predict accident rates for a given
design alternative. The models pr~vide information on whether or not the proposed road
improvement will result in a significant reduction in total accidents and fatalities.
There are two stages in the decision process. The first decision is to select the particular
prediction model. Based on the model prediction result, namely H~H', or H~L',, or L~H', or
L~ L',, a decision is then made whetheror not to improve the road condition. A representative
path of the decision tree for tbe Tharp model is shown in Fig. E25.
Observe that the probabilities associated with various fatality and accident combinations
do not change if no improvement is adopted. The Tharp model applies only to the prediction
associated with the improved.scheme. Depending on the model prediction, the updated prob-
ability for e:u:h fatality and accident combination will be different (see Problem 2.11). The cost
for performing the prediction model is also included in the total cost for appropriate paths.
2.2.2 Decision Criteria
The objective of decision analysis is to make the "best" decision. Only in rare
occasions would a decision maker be comparing alternatives whose monetary
values are known deterministically. In this case, he would obviously choose the
alternative with the highest value. However, most decisions are made under con-
ditions of uncertainty, in which the possible utility values of u1, u2 , ••• , u~ of a
given alternative may be stated only in terms of respective probabilities
P~o p2 , .._: ._ ~~· Also, depending on the temperament, experience, and degree of
. ::.L.
· ~·
IModel · I
PrediCiive Prediction
MocleI Results
HAHF (0.3)
(0.2) "
Actuol Result
Total Cost
(In~ Dollars)
Figur~ E2.5 Decision tree for geometric ?esign in road i~provemcnt.
risk-aversiveness of the decision maker; the "best" decision may mean different
things to different people·and at different times. Nevertheless, some general criteria
for a decision can be identified. ..
Consider a simple decision problem, in which an owner has an option to install
an emergency electrical power system to guard against potential utility power
failure. The additional cost for the system will be $2000 per year; whereas ifpower
failure occurs and no emergency power supply is available, he could incur a loss
of $10.000. Based on his experience and judgment, he believes that the annual
probability of power failure is only 10%. Assume that the chance ofmore than one
power failure in a year is negligible. The decision tree for this example is shown in
Fig. 2.2 Ifthe owner installs the emergency system, he would have to spend $2000;
n: No
Emergency System
Power Failure (0.1)
No Power Failure (0.9)
Power Failure (O.Il
No Power Failure (0.9)
Figure 2.2 Decision tree for installation of emergency power system.
if he does not, he has a 90% chance of not spending any money but also a 10%
chance of losing $10,000. · ·
Ifthe owner is extremely pessimistic (believing that nature always works against
him), he would try to minimize his loss by installing the emergency system, because
the maximum loss in this alternative is only $2000, relative to $10,000 for the other
alternative. On the other hand, if he is an extremely optimistic person (believing
that luck is always on his side), he would not install the emergency power system,
since this alternative will yield the maximum gain·; namely, it may cost the owner
nothing compared to S2000 for the other alterruiiive. The first basis of selecting
the optimal alternative is called·the mini-max criterion, in which the decision maker
selects the alternative that minimizes the maximum loss. In the. latter case, he tries
to maximize his maximum possible gain among the alternatives, referred to as the
maxi-max criterion.
Neither of these two criteria are practical in the long run. If the mini-max
decision maker consistently follows this criterion, he will never venture into a
decision that may result in substantial gain as long as there is a finite (though small)
chance that he may be incurring a loss, whereas the maxi-max decision maker will
never choose the realistic alternative provided that there is a finite chance for a
more attractive outcome. Any rational decision maker should consider the relative
likelihood associated with the gain or loss in each alternative, rather than strictly
following these criteria.
Mtuimum EzpectedMonetfl1'y Value Criterion When the consequences associated
with each alternative in a decision analysis can be expressed in terms of monetary
values, a widely used criterion for decision is the maximum expected monetary gain.
Suppose d11 denotes the monetary value of the jth consequence associated with
alternative i, and p11 is the corresponding probability; then the expected monetary
value of the ith alternative is · ·
E(a,) = LP1A1
J .
. (2.2)
The optimal alternative according to this max EMV criterion is the one wh~se
expected monetary value· "is
Suppose the owner referred to in Section 2.2.2 follows the max EMV decision criterion. He
would compute the EMV of the two alternatives as (see the decision tree in Fig. 2.2):
. E(I) = 0.1 X (-2000) + 0.9 X ( -2000)
= - 2000 dollars
· and
E(ID = 0.1 X ( -10;000) + 0.9 X (0)
= -1ooo dollars
Comparing the two expected monetary values, the owner should not install the emergency
power supply system.
Both the maxi-maxand mini-max criteriaignore the probabilities ofthe possible
outcomes of an alternative. The available information is, therefore, not fully
utilized in the decision analysis. With the maximum EMV criterion, a decision
maker is systematically weighing the value of each outcome by the corresponding
It is conceivable that an event with an occurrence probability of 99.99% may
still fail to occur, in spite of the extreme odd. Nevertheless, if a decision maker
consistently bases his decisions on the max EMV criterion, the total monetary
vaiJ~: obtained from all his decisions (in the long run) will be maximum ·
~other common decision criterion known as the maximum expecred uriliry
criterion is presented in Section 2.4.6.
2.2~ Decision Based on Existing Information-Prior Analysis
Once the decision tree has been established, with th: probabilities of the possible
outcomesat thechancenodes and theconsequencesofall respective pathsevaluated
based on existing information, the expected monetary value of each alternative
may be computed according to Eq. 22. A decision analysis ~ased entirely on
available prior information is called prior analysis; if this analysis is updated sub-
sequently with additional new information, the latter is called rerminal analysis
(described in Section 224).
Sometimes a given alternative mayinvolve a series ohubsequent chance nodes
such as that shown in Fig. 2.3. Suppose. at chance node A, the outcomes are the
possible values of a discrete random variable X; whereas at chance.node B, the
outcomes involve a continuous random variable Y.
The expected value calculation for alternative a; starts at the last chance node;
namely, the chance node B in Fig. 23. At node B, the expected value ofalternative
a;, given X = x,, is
E(adx1; · = f:~E(adx1; y)fr(J') dy
_ · = J~.,·d~x,, y,arlfr(Y~dy
. . . :
d l•j, y, a;)
Figuu lJ Decision tree with series of chance nodes.
where fr(Y) is the PDF of Y. Subsequently, at node A.
E(a,) = L E(atl.-cJ)PJ
where p1 is the·PMF of X. Sometimes the complete probability distribution of the
random variable may not be necessary to calculatethe expected value. For instance,
if the cost function is quadratic in y, namely
2 . • ·'
d(x1, y, a1) = ay +by + c
then, at node B,
x!) = J~"' (ay
+by+ c)f~(y)dy
. ... ~ -
= aE(Y2
) + bE(Y) + c
= a[Var(Y) + E2
(Y)] + bE(Y) + c
indicating that only the mean and variance of Y are required to compute the
expected cost at node B.
A new waste treatment process is designed for installation in '!- local community. Because the
proposed waste treatment process is based on a completely _r:1ew concept, its efficiency is yet
unknown. The project engi.necr has a choice qr designing a small unit A. or a larger unit B.
Assume that the efficiency could be classified irfo two levels: namely, EH and EL for high an?
low efficiencies, respectively. If the efficiency is actually high, unit A will be the appropriate
design, whereas unit B is basically designcd·for low efficiency. The engineer estimates a prob-
ability of 70% that the efficiency of the proposed treatment process will be high. The decision
tree is shown in Fig. E27, in which the relative monetary loss (in SIOOO) for 1=ach the tree
has been evaluated. · ··
Relative Monetary
Value ($1,0001
EH (0.7)
EL (0.3)
EH (0.7)
EL (0.3)
Figarr E2.7 Decision tree for waste treatment system.
'!he expected monetary value for the two designs arc
E(A) = 0.7 X 0 + 0.3 X (-100) = -30
E(B) = 0.7 X (-SO)+ 0.3 X (-20) = -41
' With thegiven information,design A should beselectedastheproposeddesign; thecorrespond-
ing expected monetary loss is $30,000. ·
EXAMPLE 2.8 (Sensitivity to Loss Functions)
After feasibility studies on the possible sites for a propOsed earth dam, two locations (sites A
and B) remain for ·final consideration. From a cost-benefit analysis ofthe project, it is shown
that locatingthedamat site A will yield an overall returnofS22 million,whereas thedam at site
B will-·give an overall return of.S20 million. However, the eartbdams at these sites are also
susceptible to earthquake damages. From a seismic study of the area (that takes into account
the existing fault lines, geological .conditions; and available earthquake Tecords), the annual
mean occurrence rate ofearthquakes with damaging intensity A is estimated to be O.Ql
or 0.02 with equal likelihood, and the corresponding occurrence rate for site B is 0.005 or 0.01
per year with equal likelihood. The occurrence ofan earthquake may be modeled by a Poisson
process. Assume that earthquake damages to the dam will be repaired after eacfi earthquake
and the dam restored to its original condition. Let X be the number ofearthquakes occurring
in the life of the dam, assumed to be 50 years. ·
Determine the expected earthquake loss for each of the following cases. All losses are
measured in terms of million dollars.
The earthquake damage function is
L= 5X
The expected Joss given that site A is selected with a mean rate ofearthquake occurrence v1is
Cit" - • •••
E[LIA, v1] = I 5x ·Pr[xlv.J
= 5E(XIv.J
= 5(50vJ)
= 250v1
E[I,.IA] = I_E[LIA, ''j]P[,•1i.A]
J• l
'""' (250 X 0.01}(0.5) + (250 X 0.02){0.5)
= $3.75 million
£[LIB)= .LE[LIB, ·,·.JP[v11B]
= (250 X 0.005}(0.5) + (250 X 0.01)(0.5)
= $1.875 million
Suppose the earthquake damage function is
Hence, in this case,
L = 5X2
E[LjA, v1] = L5x2Px[.,;iv1]
= 5E[X2
= 5[Var(Xjv1) + E1
= 5[(50v1) + (5<iv1)
= 250v1 + 12,500vj
E[LIA] = L(250v1 + 12.500vJ)P[v1!A]
= (250 x o.ot + 12,500 x-·&.011
)(0.5) + (250 x om + "12.500 x o.o21
. .
= $6.875 million · ·· · -
E[LIB] = (250 X 0.005 + 12,500 X 0.0051
)(0.5) + (250 X 0.01 + 12.500 X 0.011
=S1.fi56 million
Finally, if the earthquake damage function follows an exponentia1loss function,
. L=~
 in which c = 3. Observe that L = 1when X = 0; the small loss here could denote the mainten-
.ance cost through the years. Then,
E(LIA) = O.Se'o,o.olxl-lf + 0.5e'o(o.o1M3-Il
= 0.5e + 0.5e1
= $5.06 million
E(LIB);,. O.Se'Oio.oo'K1l + 0.5e'OIO.OIM1l
= O.Se0
·' + 0.5e
= $2.186 million
The decision tree is shown in Fig. E2.8.
Average Total Earthquake Damage
CoM I Case II cosem
5X 5X2 ~X
l = 0
0 0
x • I
5 5 3
10 20 9
1 z 0
0 0 I
x=l - 5 5 3
.• z 0
0 · 0 I
x = I
5 5 ~
• z ('
0 0
,. • QOI (0.5) x =I
5 5 3
'' '--------
Figur~ £2.8 Decision tree for dam site selection.
Table E2.8 summarizes the expected benefit and damage for the three cases considered.
Depending on the specific loss function, A orB may be the optimal site for the dam.
Table E2.8 Expected Benefits and Damages for the Dam Sites
Damage Cost Net Benefit
Site Location Benefit Case I Case 2-··case 3 ·Case 1 Case2 Case3
A 22 3.75 6.875 5.06 18.25' 15.125 16.94
B 20 1.875 2.656 2.186 18.125 17.344' 17.814'
•tndicates optimal alternative.
Supposeat acertainstageofconstruction,there areonly 30days left before a project's scheduled
completion date. Because of bad weatber in the first phase ofthe project, construction has not
been proceeding at the anticipated rate. Based on the contractor'sjudgment, the project could
still meet the deadline if exceptionally good weather (condition G) prevails in the next 30days.
Heestimatesthatthismayoccurwith20%probability. However,ifnormalweather(N)prevails.
completion will be delayed With. a mean delay of 5 days and a standard deviation of 3 days
beyond the scheduled completion date; if bad weather (B) continues. the corresponding mean
and standard deviation ofdelay will be 15and 5days,-respcctively. Assumethat normal and bad
weather conditions are equally likely to occur in the remaining time required and the cost of
delay is (0.lx2
+ x) in thousands of dollars, where x is the length ofdelay in days. This cost
function implies that the loss per day of delay increases as the delay becomes longer.
The contractor has an option to launch a crash at an additional cost of $)0,000.
With this crash program. heestimatesthat hecan improvethechancesofcompletingthe project
on schedule in the: events ofnormal (N) and bad (B) weather to 90 •~and 70 ~~. rc:spc:ctivc:ly. Also.
if a delay does occur. its mean and standard deviation will both be: reduced to I dav under
normal weather: and 5 and 2 days, respectively, under bad weather. •
Should the contractor launch the crash program based on the maximum EMV criterion?
From the decision tree shown in Fig. E2.9, the expected loss if no crash program is launched is
. . .
E[LIC] = E[LiCG]P(G) + E[LICN]P(N) + E[LiCB]P(B)
= 0 X 0.2 + E[LICN] X 0:4 + E[LICB] X 0.4
E[LICN] = E[(O.IX1
+ X)/CN]
=0.1{Var[XjCN].+ E1
[XiCN]) + E[XiCN]
=0.1{9 + 25} + 5
= $8.4 thousand
E[LICB] = 0.1{25 + 225} + IS= S40 thousand
E[LI C] = 0 + 0.4 x 8.4 + 0.4 + 40 d$19.36 thousand
Similarly, for the: crash altemarive- -
E[LI CG] = $10 thousand
E[LiCN] = 0.9 x 10 + 0.1{10 + O.l[Var{X/CN).+ E:(X/CN)] + E(XIC.V)}
= 0.9 X 10 + 0.1{10 + 0.1(1 +I)+ I}
= $10.12 thousand
E[LICB] = 0.7 X 10 + 0.3{10 + 0.1(4 + 25) + 5}
= $12.37 thousand
Good Weather G (0.2) • =0
Normal Weather N (Q4l
x: =5,c:r=3
Bad Weather B {Q4l
(0.9) X =0
x: :z(,O":r.l
(0.7) x=O
x: =5,cr=2
O.lx2 +x
O.lx2 + x .
IO+O.Ix2 +x
10 .
Figure E2.9 Decision tree for completing construction project.
E(LIC]- 0.2 X 10 + 0.4 X 10.12 + 0.4 X 12.37
= $11.00 thousand
The criterion of max~g the expected monetary value is equivalent to that of minimizing
the expected monetary loss. According to this analysis, the contractor should launch a crash
program to complete the construction project on-schedule.
A distance AB is to be measured. With instrument.(I), the surveyor mustmeasure 10 separate
segments. The error in each segment is random with mean zero and standard deviation u1 ;
u1 is estimated to havea mean oft inch and c.o.v. of50%-Another instrument (II) is available,
whic;h onlyrequires S'sCpar-ati:.segmentsto measure thedistance AB; the error in each segment
has mean zero and standard deviation 112 with a mean of3 inchesand c.o.v. of60%.The cost of
j:lerforming.the required measurements arc $150 and S100 with instruments (I) and (II),
respectively~ The penalty ofinaccurate measurement is proportional to the square ofthe total
error, or
 L = k(X1 + X 2 + ··· + X.)2
where k = 2, and X 1 is the measurement error (inch) in segment i. Which of the instruments
should thf' surveyor usc based on the ~aximum EMV criterion?
The expected loss from inaccurate measurement based on theabove quadratic penalty function
can be expressed in terms ofthe standard deviation of the error in each segment as
£(Lju) = E[k(X, + X2 + ··· + X.)
~ {~E(X?lu) + ~..t£(X1X1lu)]
Ifeach me~surement is assumed to be statisticall~ j;;d~dent and ide1)tically distributed,
£(Ljo-) = kn£(X2
= knu2
£(L).=. f}nu2
f(a) do- . :
= kn£(u2)
= kn[Varlo-) + £ 2
For instrument (I),.the expected toial cost, including operating and inaccuracy costs, is
£(C,) ':" 150 + 2 X 10[0.52
+ 11
= $175
The corresponding total cost for instrument.(II) is
£(C0 ) =100 + 2 x 5[1.82
+ 32
Therefore, on the basis ofthe maximum EMV criterion, thesurveyor should usc instrument (I).
EXAMPLE 2.1I (e:xcerptedfrom Revell, 1973)
(a) The existing Grapefruit Dam· on the Grapefruit Ri_
ver is a multipurpose project
including water supply. power supply; m:reation. and ftood control.
After a detailed economic analysis. the cost of the damage as a function of the discharge
le,·el of the river is tabulated in Table E2lla. Determine the expected annual cost ofdamage.
Table El.lla Damage Cost at Given Discharge
Discharge (I000 cfs) ··
Cost of Damage in S!OOO
101 .
The annual cost ofdamage depends on the level of maximum discharge in that year. Since the
level of maximum discharge is a random variable (denoted as X below), the expected annual
cost of damage is
E(C) = r..,c(x)fx{x) dx
Since the damage cost (Table E2lla) is given only for discrete levels ofdischarge, theexpected
annual cost ofdamage may be computed approximately as follows:
:! 2!)0
§• 200
E(C) = ~ c(x.) +lc(xl+ ,) P(x1< X~ xt+ 1
10 100 1000 '10.000
Averaqe Return Interval , years .
Figure £2.11 Flow-frequency, Grapefruit River at Podunk.
where x 1 and x,.. 1 represent two successive discretized discharge levels. From tbe flow fre-
quency curve ofFig. E2.11, the probability that each tabulated discharge value will be exceeded
in a year can be obtained. Table E2.11b summarizes the computations for the expected cost;
these; results yield the expected annual damage cost of$32,810 for the existing Grapefruit Dam.
In the next part of this eximiple (see below). other alternatives for improving the spillway
·capacityareconsidered.Theexpected11Jlnualdamagecostfor eachalternativeisalsocomputed
using the same technique.
~ . .. . ;,
Table El.llb Summary of Computations of Expected Annual Risk Cost
Dis· . Damage ~ • Return Probability
Damage Annual
charge Cost Period of Cost Risk Cost
(1000 cfs) (in SJOOO) (in'years) Exceedence P(x1 < x < x,+t) (in $1000) (in $1000)
60 o· : .- 150 0.00667
0.00267 0.5 0
80 I 250 0.00400
100 IOJ 500 0.00200
0.00200 51.0 0.10
0.00075 2650.5 1.99
124 5200 800 0.00125
0.00025 6417.5 1.60
132 7635 1000 0.00100
0.00050 12,317.5 6.16
170 17,000 2000 0.00050
0.00017 20,750 3.53
1!!5 24,500 3000 . 0:00033 •
0.00013 • 32,340 4.20
222 40.180 .5000 0.00020
240 59.500 7000 0.00014
0.00006 49,840 2.99
:!55 92.125 10,000 0.00010
0.00004 75,812 3.03
0.00010 92,125 9.21
>:!55 92.125 a: · 0.0
I:= 32.81.
EXAMPLE 2.11 (Continued)
(b) It is feared that theexistingspillwaycapacii'y'oftite Grapefruit Dam may be inadequate
to handle theflood discharge. To improve thecapacity.threealternativedesigns are considered:
a1 : Lengthening the spillway. ,
a2 : Lengthening the spillway, lowering the crest, and installing flashboard.
aJ: Lengthening the spillway, considerable crest lowering. and installing radial gates.
The capital costs required in the three alternatives arc S1.04, 1.3, and 3.9 million, respectively.
Alternatives a2 and a3 would require annual operation and maintenance costs of$2000 anc:!
SlO.OOO, respectively. Each alternative desitm is expected to have a 50-year service life, and the
annual interest rate is assumed to be 6%. ·
The total annual expected damage cost, including losses· in recreation, structural and
propertydamages, lossofpower revenue, human injuriesand deaths, etc.,for alternativesa.,a2 ,
and aJ are S5.56, 1.95, 297 thousand, respectively: whereas, the damage cost for the existing
design (a0 ) is $32.81 thousand:· ·
· Determine the best alternative based on the minimum expected cost criterion.
The equivalent annual cost for the initial investment ofeach alternative design can be obtained
by multiplying thecapital recoveryfactor correspondingto·a service life of50yearsat an annual
interest rate of 6%. which is 0.0634. Table compares the annual costs for the various
alternatives. Ti)c existing design is as59(:iated with.the minimum total annual cost; hence, no
improvement should be implemented on the existing structure.
THE DECIS/0, . .HODEL 25 °
Table Summary of Annual Costs (in Dollars)
Average Annual Total Annual Total
Equivalent Operation and Expected Annual
Alternatives Capital Cost Maintenance Cost Risk Cost Cost
uo 0 0 32.810 32.810
at 66.oo0 0 5560 71.56(
al 82.000 2000 1950 85.950
UJ 2..7.000 10.000 2970 259.970
· 2.2.4 Decision with Additional Information-Terminal Analysis
In order to improve the existing state of information or to reduce the levels of
uncertainty. it is common in engineering to conduct research studies or perform
laboratory or field tests before a final decision is made. This occurs especially when
a decision involves unusual and innovative design concepts. or when time is
available for collecting additional information. The acquisition of additional ·
information. of. course. will require the expense of_
time. energy, and financial
resources; in spite ofthese added.costs. the additionaiinformation may be valuable
and will generally improve the chance of making a better decision. The added cost
for this new information should be included or reflected in the decision analysis.
In general. the additional information would not eliminate all the uncertainties
ina decision problem. At best. based on the experimental outcome, the probabilities
in the decision tree would be updated by applying Bayes' Theorem (see Chapters
2 and 8, Vol. 1). A decision analysis with additional information (commonly
ref~:rred to as terminal analysis) is similar to the prior analysis, except that the
updated probabilities (probabilities conditional on the experimental outcome) are
used in the computation of the expected monetary value or utilily. The following
examples illustrate the terminal decision analysis.
Suppose the engineer in Example 2.7 feels that it istoo adopt the smallerdesign, that is,
unit A; whereas choosing the conversativedesign. unit B, would mean a large initial inv.;stment
that may bewasted iftheefficiency actually turns out to behigh. Afterconferringwith·his client,
the engineer decided to find out more about the proposed waste treatment process before
adopting a specific design. The engineer ordered the construction of a laboratory model to
simulate the proposed waste treatment process. The cost of constructing the experiment is
SIO,OOO, and the reliability of the experimental 'results is as follows: if tbe efficiency of tbe
proposed treatment process is actually high (EH), the probability that the experimental results
will indicate a high efficiency rating is 0.8, and the corresponding probabilities for medium and
low efficiency ratings are 0.15 and 0.05, respectively. On the other hand, if tbe efficiency ofthe
process is actually low, the probabilities that the experimental results will show high, medium,
. and low efficiencyratings are0.1,0.2 and 0.7,respectively.Inshort,theconditional probabilities
are as follows: . .
P(HRIEJi)';.._~.s;·P(MRIE~ = 0.15, P(LRIEH) =0.05 .
P(HRIEL) = 0.1, P(MRIEL) = 0.2. P(LRIEL) = 0.7
where HR, ~~· and LR denote events ofhigh. medium. and lowefficiency ratings,respectively.
Relative Monetary
Value ($1000)
EH (0.951
El (Q05l
Test HR
EH (0.95)
. B
El (0.05)
Figrue £2.1211 Terminal analysis for HR test outcome.
Suppose ~be experiment·was performed and the results indicated a high rating. In such a case,
the updl!.ted probability ofEH is given by Bayes' Theorem as (see Example 2 7 for prior prob-
abilities): ·
0.8 X 0.7·
0.8 X 0.7 + 0.1 X 0.3
brother words, the probability that the process will actually have high efficiency is increased
from 0.7 to 0.95. The corresponding updated probability ofEL is 0.05.
:x_The decision tree for this terminal analysis is shown in Fig. E212a, where the probabilities
for.aU the paths arc revised in accordance with the HR test outcome. .
; n.e expected monetary value of the two alternative desi!!Jls arc, respectively,
E<AIHR) =o.95 x <-IO) + o.Os"x "(-110) =.-t5
E(BIHR) = 0.95 X (-60) + 0.05 X (-30) =- 58.5
. .
· Hence, if the test results indicate a high efficiency rating. design A should·be chosen. It is
interesting to observe that the expected monetary loss is oilly $15,000, including the cost ofthe
. experiment (compare this with a $30,000 loss ifno experiment is performed). ·
Similarly. if the test outcome indicates a medium rating (MR), the updated probabilities of
· E!f and EL arc, respectively, 0.637 and 0.363 as indicated in Fig. E212b. The corresponding
Reiative Monetary
EH (Q637l
El (Q363l
Test MR
"EHIQ637l .
EL 10.363)
Figurt £2J2b Terminal analysis for MR test ?utco_
Relative Monetary
EH (0.143)
- 1
EL (0.857)
Test LR
EH (0.143)
Figure E2.12c Terminal analysis for LR test outcome.
revised expected monetary values for the two designs will be:
£(.41 MR) = 0.637 X ( -10) + 0.363 x (-110) = -46.3
E(BIMR) = 0.637 X (-60) + 0.363 X (-30) = -49.11
Although design A is still slightly preferable to design B, theexpected loss ofS46.300exceeds the
expected loss with no experiment. In this case, the experimental evidence is not very useful; the
test results fall ina fuz:zy region. Of.course, the chanceofthis occurringmay be reducedifa more
discriminating experiment is performed.
Finally, in Fig. E2.12c. ifthe test indicates a low rating (LR), the updated probabilities ofEH
and EL will be0.143 and 0.857, respectively; in such a case. design B should be chosen, with an
expected loss of $34,300. ·
In Example 28,supposethat additionald!ita wereobtained revealing thatovera 20-yearperiod.
one earthquake of damaging intensity had occurred in site A, whereas no earthquakes were
recorded at site B. Would the decision on the optimal dam site·be different given this new piece
drinfo·rmation? · · · ·· · .
Assume that the average earthquake damage costs are 5X (million dollars}, where X is the
number ofearthquake occurrences (i.e., Case I in Example 2.8).
First, the prior·probabilities on the mean rate ofquake occurrences at sites A and B, namely
YA, Y•• should be updated with rio5pect to the additional earthquake data. For site A.
P"(vA = 0.01) = P(v,. = O.OliX = 1 in 20 yr)
P(X- 1 in 20 yrjv,..- 0.01)P'(v,.- 0.01)
P(X =- 1 in20yr!v..t = 0,01)P'(v,. = 0.01) + P(X = 1 in20yrlv..t =- 0.02)P'(v,. '""0.02)
(0.01 X 20ll'-O.l
· - · - X 0.5
- (O.Ql X .20)1!'-0 ·1 · .(0.02 x 20)1e-0•4
1! x0.5+
! ·· . x_O.S
0.08187 + 0.134o6' .•
= 0.378
P"(vA = 9·~~) = 1 - 0.378 = 0.622
Similarly Cor site B,
P"(l'.a - 0.005}
PCX - 0 in 20yrlv.a.;, 0.005)P'(v.a = 0.005)
P(X ""0 in 20 yrfv.a = O
.OOS)P'(v.a ""0.005)+ P(X ""0 in 20 yrl".a-= O.Ol)P'(v1 = 0.01)
· (0.005 X 20)01!-o. t .
..:..__--:-,.....;---- X 0.5
0! .
= 0.524
P"(l·a.= 0.01) = I - 0.524 = 0.476
. The expected seismic damage..loss for each alternative is now computed based on these
updated probabilities. For site A•
. 2 .
E"(LIA) = :[E(LIA, 1'j)P"('·JIA)
= (25Q X 0.01)(0.378) + (250 X 0.02)(0.622)
= $4.055 million
Similarly, for site B,
E"(LIB) = (250 X 0.00~)(0.524) + (250 X 0.01)(0.476)
=$1.845 million
Combining the benefit data in Example 28. the net expected benefits for site A and site B are,
respectively. $17.945 and $18.155 mtllion. Therefore, with the additional information, site B
becomes the preferred location for the dam.
2.2.5 Preposterior Analysis
In a terminal analysis. the analysis assumes that the additional information (or
.experimental outcome)lsavailable. However,ofequal orgreater interestmay bethe
question: ''Should additional information be obtained'r Of course, additional
information, such as performing an experiment, involves the added cost of time
and money: therefore, t~e answer to this question depends.on Jhe benefit of the
new infonnation relative ~o the·add!=ci cost. The add<;d cost rnay be justified if it
eliminates a significant part of the uncertainty, thus leading to a lower expected
loss. Decisions involving whether additional information acquired calls
for preposrerior ono"/ysis.
Figure 2.4 shows a typical decision tree for preposterior analysis. A two-stage
decision problem is involved. At stage A, a decision on whether or not to proceed
with an experiment is required; that is, a choice between an experiment (a3) and no
.experiment (a1• o2 ). If alternative o3 (experiment) i$.chosen, another decision at
stage B is needed, depending on the particular experimental outcome ZJ. A sub-
tree may be constructed for each experimental outcome zi at stage B, as shown in
Fig. 2.4.
In a preposterior analysis. terminal analyses are first .performed on each of the
subtrees as indicated in Fig. 2.4. The optimal alternative of each subtree is first
No Experiment
a3 (Experiment)
Staqe A
Figure 2.~ Decision tree for preposterior analysis.
~--- ~ -
identified as marked in the figure. The maximum ·expected monetary value associ-
ated with the optimal alternative of each subtree, namely dt, is then.used to
compute the EMV of the experiment alternative; thus,
E(a3 , experiment) = I dt P(z1)
in which P(z1
) may be obtained thro_
P(z1) = I P(z,l 91)P'(91) I= 1, 2, ...
.• j
where P'(9} is the prior probability of outcome (Jj (i.e.• before the experimental
outcome is observed). Comparing the expected utilities of ah a1 with that'of a3
(experiment), the opt4rial alternative at stage A can be selected. If the alternative
a3 is selected, the decision maker must wait until a specific experimental outcome
is obtained; at this point the corresponding optimal alternative (as indicated by an
asterisk) is selected. ·
For the decision problem of Example 2.12, should the experiment be condudtcd iri 'the first
place? ·
The decision tree for a prcposterior analysis is shown in Fig. E2.14. The probabilities that the
test will indicate HR. MR. and LR are computed by applying Eq. 2.5. For example,
= 0.15 X 0.7 + 0.2 X 0.J
= 0.165
Relative Monetary
Value ($ 1000)
"El (0.3)
-30 .
I El(O.B57)
Stage A Stage B . -....._
Fig•m£2.14 Decision tree for preposterior analysis:·
The subtrees following the respective test outcomes are also shown in Fig. E214. In each of
the subtrees, the optimal alternative is denoted by the asterisk and the corresponding optimal
monetary value is shown;for example, the EMV for the subtree with outcome HR is -15.The
expected monetary value of the test alternative is thus
£(Test) = 0.59 X ( -15) + 0.165 X ( -46.3) + 0.245 X ( -34.3)
= -24.86
Comparing this with the expected monetary values ofalternatives A and B assuming no test is
perfonned. namely - ~0 and ~41, ~:espectively (from Example2 7), the engineer should opt for
the experiment.Then,dependingonthe A-orB maybeselected accordingly,
as indicated in Fig. E214.
. ..
2.2.6 Value oflnformation
In purely expected monetary te~s, the value ~fan experiment may bemeasured by
where E(T) is the EMV of a test alternative excluding the cost of the experiment
and a• is the optimal alternative if the- test was not performed. Hence, if VI exceeds
the experimental cost, the test' aitemative should be selected. The value of the
additional information, however, is bounded by a limit referred to as the ..value
of perfect information" (VPI). VPI is simply the difference between E(a*) and
the expected monetary value of a "perfect test"; that is, a test with 100% reliability.
VPI = E(PT) - E(a*) (2.7)
Therefore, VPI represents the maximum ca'st that the decision maker should allow
for acquiring any additionaJ information.
Consider the waste treatment process design in Example 214. Suppose a perfect test is available
that will definitely tell whether the efficiency of the treatment process is high or low. The cor-
responding subtree is shown in Fig. E215; the cost ofconducting the perfect test is not included.
The events EH0 , EL0 represent the possible perfect test results; accordingly, the subsequent
conditional probabilities ofEH and EL are either one or zero. The expected monetary value for
the perfect test is thus·
and Eq. 2.7 yields
E(PT) =0.7 X 0 1- 0.3 X ( -20)
= -6
VPI = -6- (-30)
= 24
Therefore, the cost ofacquiring any additional information should not exceed $24,000. For the
specific test program studied in Example 2.14, the value of information from that test can be
shown as
VI= E(D- E(a*~
= (-24.86 + 10)- (-30)
= 15.14
Relative Monetary
Value <11000)
Perfect EL(Ol
ELa (0.31 1-zol
EL (I)
Figure £2.15 Subtree of a perfect test.
Sina: that test program costs only 510,000, which is less than its value ofinformation, namely
$15,140. the test should be performed. Observe that the value of this test is still considerably
less thlJ.II the value of perfect information. Hence, more sophisticated test programs could be
considered for reducing the uncertainties of the-efficiency of the treatment process, as long
. • as such test programs cost less than·s24,000. Otherwise, the amount oTsaving resulting from .
TCductions in expected loss through such additional information will not be sufficient to pay
for the cost of acquiring such_information in the !ifst place.
2.1.7 Sensitivity of Decision to ~or in Proba~bility Estimation
The prior probabilities in a decision analysis·are often based on or supplemented
by the subjective judgments of the decision maker. Errors in the estimated proba-
bilities, therefore, are unavoidable. The effects of these errors on a decision are
naturally of interest. In particular, the sensitivity ofthe optimal alternative to the
values of the calculated probabilities is of interest. For instance, if the probability
estimates are off by 10'Y.,. will this alter the op.timal alternative? The following
example illustrates the nature of this problem and shows how asensitivity analysis
may be performed. 
Consider the decision problem of Example 27 again. Instead of assigning 0.7 as the prior
probabihty of high efficiency, let this probability be p. Pte corresponding probability of low
efficiency is (I - p). Based on the decision tree ofFig. E2.7 (expressed interms ofp), the EMV
for the two alternative designs are
E(A) = p(O) +(I - p)( -100) = -100(1 - p)
E(B) = p(-50) +(I- p)(-20) = -(20 + 30p)
Figure. E2.16 shows a plot of these two EMV a:; functions of p. It can be observed that for
p < 0.61. E<B) > E(A). hence. design B is the preferrc:d.alternative. On the other hand. for
p > 0.62. design A would be preferred.Therefore.according to this analysis,design A should be
selected if p > 0.62; it is not necessary that p be determined very precisely.
Moreover. based on the decision tree in Fig. E2.15, the expected monetary value ofa perfect
test is
E(PT) = p(O) +(I - p)( -20) = -20(1 - p)
which is also plotted in Fig. E:Z:l6. Observe that for p = 0 or 1, 2 perfect test r·nindicate the
same conclusion: hence. a perfect test would be ofneg;ligible value.
. . · The .value ofperfect information(VPI) is given by the <;lifferenc:e in ordinates tween E(PT)
and the max EMV at aJ!ivcn value attains the highest value at p ,.,·0.62 in this elUmlple.
Around p = 0.62, the optimal alternative is quite sensitive top. and any additional information
can significantly increase the EMV of the decision. For the experiment proposed in Example
2.13, the EMV of the test alternative, excluding the experiment cost, is denoted by the curve
£(Tl in Fig. E1.16. In generl!l. thc.EMV of any imperfect test wili not be linear with p and it
should lie between E(PT) and max EMV. that is. within the triangular shaded region shown in
Fig. ~- ~6. The difference in the ordimtes of £(T) and the max .EMV is VI.
In short. if the number of alternatives is few. small errors in the ·estimated
probability may not affect the selection of the optimal alternative, especially if the
probabilitv is not close to the critical value (sucli as 0.62 in Example 2.16). The
sensitivity.analysis illustrated ab~ve can be extended to decision problems with
more alternatives; howc;ver. in such .cases. the'arialysis w~uld naturally be more
complex. ·
EMV ·-.
Figure £2.16 EMV of alternatives as functions of p.
2.2.8 More Examples
EXAMPLE 2.17 (excerpredfrom Howard era/, 1972)
The hurricane has long been a devastating force along the coastal regions.of the United States
around the Gulf of Mexico: the average annual property damage during the 1960s was ap-
proximately $440 million. A decision arialysis was performed to determine the possibility of
mitigating the destructive force of hurricanes by seeding them with silver iodide before a
hurricane hits the coast. The decision tree for the study is shown in Fig. E2.17a.
With the present seeding technology, the effect ofseeding remains uncertain. Based on sub-
jective: judgment and limited data from'the seeding of Hurricane Debbie. the probabilities for
given (discretiZed) changes in wind speed are estimate<~.. It can be observed from these prob-
abilities that wind speed tends to decrease with seeding; however, there is some probability
that the hurricane wind speed may actuaUy increase after seeding. For this reason, the con-
sequence of a seeding decision must include a ~government responsibility cost.~ Ifthe govern-
ment decides not to seed. !hegovernment will no~ be held responsible for damages, since people
will accept hurricanes as natural .disasters. On the other hand, if the governmentshould order
seeding and the hurricane wind ·speed actually grows stronger because· of it, the government
may be subjectto lawsuits for hurricane-induced damages. These costs have been estimated and
included in Fig. E217a. . · . ·
Based on the information the decision tree of Fig. E217a, the expected monetary
value for the seeding and no seeding alternatives are. respectively, · ·
. .
· £(Seed)= 0.038 ~ (-503.95) + 0.143 X (-248.65)
+ 0.392 X ( -105.25) +0.255 X { -46.95) + 0.172 X" ( -16.55)
= -19.15-35.56-41.26- 11.97- 285
= -Sll0.8 million
c11onoe 1n PrapertJ Gcwer..,...llt Total
Ma1imum Damoqe R-sibility Cost
Sustained (Millions Cost l"-rtotit"' (Millions
Wind 5pHd o!Doltanl Pr-rfJ Oamaool of Dallora)
-+.32~ $335.8 +50~ $!503.95
-+16~ . 191.1 - ....-+30 ·:~·~
0 100.0 -+5 10525
-16~ 46.7•• 0 46.95
-32~ 16.3 0 16.55
+32'7. "335.8 335.8
+16~ 191.1 191.1
0 100.0 100.0
-16~ 46.7 46.7

-32~ 16.3 16.3
Figur~ E2.17a Decision tree. for seeding hurricane
E(No Seed)= 0.054 x (-335.8) + 0.206 x (-191.1)
+ 0.48 X (- 100) + 0.2()6 X ( -46.7) + 0.054 X ( -16.3)
= -18.1 - 39.3 - 48 - 9.62 - 0.88
= -SI15.9 million
According to1hisanalysis,seeding should beimplemcntea;in spitc.ofthe potential liability cost
to the t~ovemmcnt, because of the strong likelihood that property damages will be greatly
A third alternative is to perform seeding experiments before deciding on whether or not to
seed.FigureE217bshowsthecorrespondingdecision tree that includestheseedingexperiments
as an alternative. The possible changes in the wind speed resulting from the experiment are
discrctized into five outcomes-namely, +32% + 16%, 0, -16% -32%. Corresponding to
each experimental outcome, the probability of a particular change in wind speed in future
hurricanes will be updated from the previously estimated values. Representative paths or the
decision tree a~e shown in Fig. E2.17b; here the results of the prepostcrior analysis arc also
·summarized. · - · · ·
(a) For the structural design of Example 23, which scheme should be adopted?
(b) Suppose the performance ofdesign B can be inveStigated with a mOdel test at a cost of
S50,000. Ifthe assumptions ofdesign Bare not valid, the model structure will fail in the test with
90% probability; if the assumptions are valid, the failure probability of the model structure is
only 30%. Should the test be performed?
(c) At most how much should be spent to check if the assumptions are valid?
Choice of
Whether To
Do Not
Result of
Decision Outcome
of OoUonl
Figure E2.17b Decision analysis including value of seeding experiment.
(a) The expected monetary loss associated with designs A and B are, respectively,
E(A) = 0.99 _
x 1.5 + 0.01 x 11.5 = Sl.6 million •.
E(i:J) = 0.5 X 0.99 X 1.0 + 0.5 X 0.01 X 11.0 +0.5
. X 0.9 X 1.0 + 0.5 X 0.1 X 11.0 = $1.55 million
Based on the max-EMV criterion, design B should be adopted. _

(b) For the test alternative. the corresponding decision tree is given in Fig. E218a. Observe
that the test result will only a1fcct the probabilities ofwhether the assumptions are valid or nilt,
whereas the probability of satisfactory performance of the actual structure depending on the
validity of the design assumptions are the same as those in part (a). With the given reliability
level of the model test, that is,
P(FI P') =0.9, P(Fi J7) = 0.1, P(Fi Y) = 0.3, P(Fi V) = 0.7
and P(Y) := P(Ji} = 0.5, we._
P(F} = P(FI V}P(V) +P(FI V)P(V)
= 0.3 X 0.5 + 0.9 X 0.5
= 0.6
P(FI V}P(Y) 0.3 X 0.5 025
P(Y = P(F) =~=

F =Test Model Fails
5 (0.99)
,...------<l s(0.01)
,...:-=:=..:...~ S(O.OI)
r------....q s(0.01)
~- s (0.99)
F=Test Model Survives
(In Million I l
Figuu E2.18a Decision tree for test alternative.
and P(Vif) = 0.75. Similarly, P(F} = 0.4.
P(VIF) =P(FIV)P(V) = 0.7 X 0.5 = 0.875
P(F) · - ·9.4 .
and P(ViFJ = 0.125.
Ifit is as~umed that the t~st model failed, the expected losses for thedesigns are, respectively,
E(A IF) = 0.99 x 1.55 + 0.01 x 11.55 = 51.65 million
E(BIF) = 0.25 X (0.99 X 1.05 + O.QI X 11.05) + 0.75 X (0.9 X 1.05 + 0.1 X11.05)
= 0.25 X 1.15 + 0.75 X ·205
= $1.825 million
Hence. A is the better design if the test model failed. On the other hand,
E(A iF) =S!.65 million
E(BiF) =0.875 X 1.15 + 0.125 X 2.05
= $1.2625 million
indicating that B is the better design ifthe test model survives. The expected value ofthe test is
E(T) "" 0.6 X 1.65 + 0.4 X -1.2625 .
= 1.455
Since the expected loss of the test alternative is less than tbat of the optimal design in (a),
namely desip~ B. the test should be performed.
{In Million $)
s (0.99)
s (0.99)
s(0.01) 11.0
s (0.99)
s (0.01)
s (0.9)
s<nn 11.0
Figure E1.18b · Decision tree for perfect test.
(c) The maximum cost of the test that can be justifiably spent may be determined by
considering th~ perfect test. The decision tree for this alternative is shown in Fig. E218b.
Performing the ex~tecfloss calcllll!tion. we have
E(A 1V) = 0.99 x 1.5 + 0.01 x 11.5 =S1.6 million
E(BI V) = 0.99 x 1.0 + 0.01 x 11.0 = Sl.1.million
E(A 1V) = 0.~ x 1.5 + 0.01 x 11.5 = $1.6 million
E(B IV) = 0.9 x 1.0 + 0.1 x 11.0 = S20 million
E(PT) = E(BIV)P(V) + E(AjP)P(V)
= 1.1· X 0.5 + 1.6 X 0.5
= $1.35 million
The value of perfect information is
. VPI = - [E(PT) - E(B)]
= -{1.35- 1.55)
= S0.20 million

Hence. $200.000 is the amount that may be spent for checking the validity of the
The proposed site for a structure overlies a layer of saturated sand (see Fig. E2.19a) that is
vulnerable to liquefaction under earthquake excitation. To estimate the probability of lique-
faction, the following simplified model is suggested. LetS be the maximum earthquake load
over the proposed lifetime of-the structure, S = N(IOO, 40) at a critical point in.the stratum.
Let R be the resistance capacity of the sand against liquefaction, such th~t
R = (t +fo)x
!ipre E2.19a Profile ofproposed site.
where X is N(150, 50) and d is the depth (in feet) ofthe water table below the ground surface.
Liquefaction occurs ifS exceeds R. The present watenable·is at the ground surface. However,
the water table may be lowered by as much as 10 feet to impro~ the soil resistance against
liqu~action. Suppose the cost of lowering the ~at~ table is
C, = O
· (inS million)
and the loss in the event ofliquefaction is $5 million.

(a) Ifthe water table iS to be changed, how much should it be lowered?
As the depth of the water table d increases, the resistance capacity of the sand against
liquefaction increases, thereby reducing its risk of liquefaction during earthquakes; however,
the associated cost oflowering the water table also increases rapidly. The optimal value of a
can be obtained by minimizing the sum ofthecost oflowering the water table and the expected
loss from liquefaction. For a given value of d, the mean and standard deviation of R can be
determined as
JJa = (1 + :o)JJx = 150(1 + :o)
a,.= (1 + io)ax = so(r~ io)
Since RandS may be assumed to be statistically independent, the probability ofliquefaction is
P(S > R) = P(R _ s < O) = 41f0- (JJ,. - JJs)] = 41f_JJs - 150(1 + d/10) J
. L Jai + ai ~~~ + 502
0 + a11W
Substituting the values of JJsand as yields the expected total cost
100- 150(1 + df10) . J.
1600 + 2500(1 + d/10)2
A trial and error solution. asshown below,reveals that CT is minimum with d "" 4 ft. Therefore,
if the water table is to be lowered, 4ft will be the optimal depth. ·
a c, Expected Liquefaction Loss Cr
0 0 1.09 1.09
2 0.04 0.67 0.71
3 0.09 0.54 0.63
4 0.16 0.44 0.60
5 0.25 0.36 0.61
6 0.36 0.29 0.65
Liquefaction (0.218)
No Liquefaction (0.7821
No Liquefaction ( 1.0)
Figure E2.19b Decision tree on excavation.
(b) Upon further investigation, any lowering ofthe water table will not be permitted by a
regulatory agency. However, the saturated sand can be excavated and replaced by material
with a negligiblechanceofliquefaction.The excavation will cost SO.Smillion. Should the soilbe
excavated or left untouched?
The decision tree for this case is shown in Fig. E2.19b. If no excavation is performed, d = 0,
and the probability ofliquefaction is
P(S > R) = ~
100 - ISO ] = 0218
1600 + 2500 .
The corresponding ex~i:ed mone~y value is
EMV(no excavation)= 02l8(-5) ·= -$1.~ million
which is a greater loss than the cost of excavation. Therefore, excavation is the preferred
alternative, at a cost of SO.S million. ·
(c) Suppose the.soil resistance parameter X consists of two components; namely,
X= Y+W
where Y = N(100, 40), W = N(SO, 30), and Y and Ware statistically independent Moreover,
the exact value ofW may be obtained by conducting a test, with which the decision to excavate
or not is then made. Determine the value of this test alternative.
Since the test wiil yi~ld a given val~e of W, the random variable X becomes
which is N(100 + w, _
40). After thetc:St, if no excavation is performed, the probability oflique-
faction becomes · · ·
P(S > R) =«>[100 - (100 + w)J
j1fi:X:J + 1600
The decision tree for the test alternative is shown in Fi~ E219c.
The distribution of W at the chance node A is N(50, 30). The decision analysis starts with
node B, where the expected monetary values of the two alternatives are ·
EMV(no ~~:ti~n) = -s~(~
EMV(cxcavation) = -0.8
No Excavation
Test A
Excovaticn No Liquefaction
:-:-.:.• ' ·•·• -- -.· . -. ·•. (1.0)
: ..:: .
Figuu £2.19~ Decision tree for test alternative.
·Therefore, whether or not to excavate depends"on the·value of,... obtained from the test. The
critical value of w occurs at
(~J .
-,jl--5J = -0.8
... = -40j2~-·e~8)
"'.56.29 .
Ifw is less than .56.29, EMV(excavation) > EMV(no excavation), and the optimal alternative is
to excavate, with a corresponding expected monetary value of -0.8. On the other hand, if w
exceeds .56.29, EMV(excavation) < EMV(no excavation), the preferred alternative is not to
excavate, with a corresponding expected monetary value of- 5C!l(-w;40j2). At node A, the
expected monetary value ofthe tes_
t alternative is thus
EMV(test) = J'6
-0.8 f,.{w) dv.· + f... -Sill( "~fw{w) dw
-• U.l9 40.,.;'21
wheref,.{w) is the PDF of N(.50, 30). After simplification,
.56.29- 50) f"" (' -~:-)··-· 1 --- [ 1 ("'- .50)1]
EMV(test) = -0.8~ - 5 ~ --- ~ exp - _ ; - - dw
30 4!:J.../2 .J1n3(1 2 30
= -0.47 - 0.16
= -0.63
where !he integral has been evaluated numerically. When we compare this with the expected
monetary value ofthe optimal alternative without the test. from part (b).the value of the test in
monetary terms is
VI = -0.63 - (-0.8)
= $0.17 million
EXAMPLE 2.·10 (excerptedfrom Chamberlain, 1970)
The waterqualityin theGreat Lakes isgradually beingdegraded becauseofindustrialpollution.
Three alternatives have been proposed by the Great Lakes Management to improve the situa-
tion; namely:
a1 : Build a new efficient treatment plant for SJO million.
a1: Conduct research to develop a scc<;>ndary pr~cc;ssor: tht; <?Utcome of the research may be
one of the following:
(i) develoPed processor in 2nd year at a cost of $0.5 million with 0.3 probability:
(ii) developed processor in Jrd year at a cost of S0.75 million with 0.4 probability;
(iii) developed processor in 4th year at a .cost of SI.O million with 0.2 probability:
(iv) failure to de·elop processor in 4 years at $1.0 million with 0.1 probability.
a1 : Stock the lakes with robust species of bacteria that arc more resistant to pollution at a
cost of $0.1 million.
A founh alternative. a4 • is to do nothing. Because of uncertainties in the environment, panic-
ularly with respect to the potential sources ofpollutants from industry, the level offuture water
quality prior to treatment may be idealized as either q1 or q2 , where q1 is better 'than q1 . •
The relative likelihoods ofthese two water qualities arc subjectively estimated to be 3 to 2 For
all possible combinations of alternatives and states of water quality prior to treatment. five
levels ofimprovement in water quality arc possible, namely I, II, III, IV, V, in decreasing degree
of improvement.
Suppose the monetary value associated with each of these five levels of water quality are
assessed by a group of planners as follows:
d(I) = .'C
d(II) = 0.9x if the processor is developed in 2nd year
=0.8x if the processor _
is developed in 3rd year
=0.6.'C if the processor is dev.elopcd in 4th year
-~. . . .
d(III) ·= O.Si ifthe processor is developed in 2nd year
= 0.7.'C if the processor is developed·in Jrtfyear
= O.Sx if the processor is developed in 4th year
d(IV) =0.2x
d(V) = O.Oix
where the value of.'C in million dollars remains to be assigned.
Table E2.20 summarizes the conditional probabilities that the alternatives will achieve the
Table E2.20 Conditional Probabilities
Pretreatment Improved Water Quality Level
Alternative Quality II III IV v
a, q, I 0 0 o· 0
qz 0.8 0.2 0 0 0
a1 (with processor q, 0 0.7 0.3 0 0
developed) qz 0 0.5 0.5 0 0
a2 (without q, 0 0 0 0 I
processor) qz 0 0 0 0 I
al , q. 0 0 0 1 0
qz o· 0 0 . 1 0
a,. q, 0 0 0 0 ...
ql. 0 0 0 0
corresponding water quality. For example, P(IIIa1q1) denotes the probability ofachieving level
II in water quality if alternative a1 is chosen and the water quality prior to treatment is q1 ;
P(llla1qz.) =0.2
The complete decision tree is given in Fig. E2.20a, wbere..T is the development time under
alternativea2 .Theexpectedmonetaryvaluesare -10 + 0.992x, -0.75 + 0.677x, -0.1 + 0.2.x,
and 0.01x for alternatives a1, a3 , a3 and a4 , respectively. lt can ·be observed from Fig. E220b
· that each ofthe four alternatives could be the optimal one, depending on the value ofx. For x
less than 0.5,a4 is theoptimal alternative;a3 becomes optimalfor0.5 < x < 1.4; beyond which
a2 becomes optimal. For very large values ofx(> 29.4). a~ will become the optimal alternative,
implying that if water quality is extremely valuable, it would pay to build a new and efficient
treatment plant even at a great cost.
A stream is subject to floods each spring. Because of frequent flood .damages to an adjacent
town, a plan to increase the present levee elevatfon of 10 feet to either 14 or 16 feet is being
investigated. The corresponding costs ofconstruction arc $2 and $25 million,respectively, and
the reconstructed leveewill last 20 years. The average annual damage caused by the inadequate
level ofprotection is $2million.Based onthe datacollected from previousyears,theannual flood
level in the stream can be estimated quite accurately as havinga median of10feet and a c.o.v. of
20%; however, both the normal and Jognonnal distributions appear to fit the data equally well.
Suppose the true distribution could equally likely be normal or lognonnal. Assume a discount
rate of 7% per year.
(a) Determine the optimal decision based on EMV criterion:
(b) How much is it worth to verify the true distribution of the annual flood level?
Figure E2.10b Expected monetary value ofalternatives as function of x.
The decision tree for the levee improvement is shown in Fi'&. E221a. The alternatives are ·
a0 : Levee elevation remains at 10 feet.
a1 : Increase levee to 14 feet. · ·
a2 : Increase levee to 16 feet.

For each alternative the probability distribution of the annual maximum flood level, X, could
ctthcr be lognormal (LN) or normal (N); on these bases, the probability ofin'!-dequatc Hood
protection (event F) may be computed for each alternative as follows:
P(Fiao. LN) = 0.5
P(Fiao, N) = 0.5
. . .. . . {11114 - In 10)
P(Fiat- LN)_= 1.
-ell-: 0.2 = 0.0462
· . · · ,jl4 -·to) ·
P(Flat- N).=. 1 - .... -
- = 0.022~5
In 16 - In 10)
~Fia2 ,LJY) = l .-ell O
.l .. = O.!J0939
. . (16·-10)
P(Fla2 , N) = 1 -ell -
- = 0.00135
Totol PreHn! Cast
!In Millil!n il
F (0.5)
f I0.5l
F 10.5) ..:. •
21.~ ;,
f' I0.5l
F (0.0462)
F' I0.9538l
F (0.02275)
f (0.97725)
F (0.009:39)
f I0.99061l
· F (0.00135)
· F' 1099865l
Figurt! E2.2Ja Decision tr~for levee improvement.
The total present cost ofeach alternative is the sum ofthe initial investment and the equivalent
present value uf the annual damatge cost. The present worth factor for 20 years at 7% interest
is 10.594. As an example, for ~th a0 - LN- F ofFig. E2.2la, the total present cost is
C••-LN-F = 0 + 2 X 10.5.94 :"' $21.188 million
C.,-i.N-F = 2 + 2 X )0.594 = $23.188 million
C-.-LN- 1 = 25 + 0 X 10.594 "".$2.5 million
The expected total present costs for each of the alternatives are:
E(C..,) = 0.25 X 21.2 + 0.25 X 21.2 = 10.594
. E(C.,) = 0.5 X (0.0462 X 23.2 + 0.9538 X 2.0) + 0.5(0.022?5 X 23.2 + 0.97725 X 20)
= 2731
E(C.,) = 0.5 X (0.00939 x.23.7 + 0.99061 X 2.5) +_0.5(0.001~: X :p.7 + 0.99865 X 25)
= 2.614
Therefore. the levee should be increased to 16 feet if the expected total present cost is to be
minimized; the corresponding expected total present cost is $2614 million.
(b) For.perfect information on the probability distribution of the annual flood level. the
corresponding decision tree i$ shown in Fig. Ei2tb. Presumably the true .distribution will be
lognormal or normal with equal likelihood. Given that the distribution is lognormal, the
probabilities Offlooding are 0.5, 0.()462. and 0,00939 for alt.ematives. QO, Q 1, aJ_Jd Q2 1respectively.
The expected total costs for the respective ~ltematives are · .. : . . . .
E(C..ILN) = 0.5 x 21.2 = SI0.6.million · .
E(C~,ILN) = 0.0462 x 23.2 + 0.9538 .x .20 =: S2.9.79 million
E(C.,ILN) = 0.00939 x 23.7 + 0.99061 x 1.5 = $2.699 million
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Ang a H S Probability Concepts in Engineering Planning and Design.pdf

  • 1. Probability Concepts in Eng·ineering· Planning· and Desig·n VOLU1l1E II DECISI01V, RISK, AND RELIABILITY ALFREDO H-S. ANG Professor ofCiL·il Engineering Unh·ersity ofIllinois at Urbana-Champaign WILSON H. TANG Professpr ofCivil Engineering University oflllinois at Urbana-Champaign. JOHN WILEY & SONS New York • Chichester Brisbane Toronto Singapore s · r r f :,
  • 2. Dedicated to Myrtle and Bernadette Copyright l!:l 1984 by John Wiley & Sons. Inc. All righis reserved. Published simultaneousi)· in Canada. Reproduction or translation of any pan " of this worl; beyond that permined by Sectic>ns 107 and 108 of the 1976 United States Copyrij!ht Act without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to the Permissions Department. John Wiley & Sons. Librtzry ofconxrtss cllttzloxinx in Publictztion DIIUI: !Revised for volume 2) Ans. Alfredo Hua-Sin~;. 193(}- Probability concepts in engineering planninl! and design. Includes bibliographical references and in~exes. Contentl: ,.. I. Basic principles-v. ::!. Decision. risl.:. and reliability. I. Engineering-Statistical methods. !!. Probabilities. I. Tang. Wilson H. TA340.AS 620..00422"01519::! 75-589.::: Printed in the Republic of Sinppore 10 9 8 7 6 s 4 3 2
  • 3. preface. _ Like Volume I, this volume emphasizes the applications ofprobabilityand statistics in engineering. It is built on the basic principles contained in Volume I but additional more advanced tools are developed. including statistical decision analysis. Markov and queueing models. the statistics of extreme values, Monte Carlo simulation. and system reliability. Again, the necessary concepts are introduced and illustrated within the context ofengineering problems. Indeed, the developrr.ent of the logical concepts and the illustration of established principles in engineering applications are·the main objectives of the volume. The tools provided should form the quantitative bases for risk evaluation, control, and management, and intelligent decision making under uncertainty. In some instances. problems in several diverse areas are used to illustrate the same or similar principles. This was purposely done to demonstrate the universal application of the pertinent concepts and also to provide readers with wider choices of illustrative appii~ations. Much of the mathematica(material is, ofcourse, available in the literature and some of it is in text form: for example, Gumbel (1958) on extreme value statistics; Rubinstein (1981) on Monte Carlo simulation; Raiffa (1970) and Schlaifer (1969) on statistical decision analysis: and Parzen (1962) and Saaty (1961) on Markov and queueing processes. However, the concepts that are especially useful for engineering planning and design are emphasized: moreover, these are presented purposely in the context of engineering significance and in terms that are more easily comprehensible to engineers (supplemented with numerous illustrative examples). Much of the material in Chapters 6 and 7 on basic and systems relia- bility is. for the most part, only currently available in scientific and technical journals-in this regard. only typical references to the available literature are cited. . as there is no intention to be exhaustive. The material is suitable for two advanced undergraduate or graduate lrvel courses. Onewouldcoverengineeringdecision and risk analysis, based on Chapters 2. 3, and 5 of the present volume supplemented by Chapter 8 of Volume I; the other would focus on system reliability and design and may be developed·using the material contained in Chapters 4, 6. and 7. Both courses would require a pre- requisite.background in introductory applied probability and statistics, such as the material in Volume I. During the preparation a:nd development of the material for this volume, the authors are indebted in many ways to colleagues and students-to former students who had· to endure imperfect and incomplete versions of the material; to our colleague Professor Y. K. Wen for numerous discussions and suggestions over the years; and to Professors A. der Kiureghian, M. Shinozuka, E. Vanmarcke, and J. T. P. Yao forconstructivesuggestions and incisivereviews ofthe manuscript. A number of former graduate students also contributed to the development ·or some of the material including numerical calculations of the examples; in par- ticular. the contributions and assis.tance of R. M. Bennett, C. T. Chu, H. Pearce, v
  • 4. vi PREFACE J. Pires, I. Sidi, M. Yamamoto, and A. Zerva are greatly appreciated. Finally, our thanks to Claudia Cook for her patience and expert typing of several versions of the manuscript material, and to R. Winburn for his professional artwork of the figures. A. H-S. Ang AND W. H. Tang
  • 5. contents l. Introduction 1.1 Aims and Scope of Volume II 1.2 Essence and Emphasis 1.2.1 Decision Analysis 1.2.2 Markov, Queueing, and Availability Models 1.2.3 Statistical Theory of Extremes 1.2.4 Monte Carlo Simulation 1.2.5 Reliability and Reliability-Based Design 1.2.6 Systems Reliability 2. Decision AJIO:lysis ....... I I 2 3 3 3 4 5 2.1 Introduction 5 2.1.1 Simple Risk-Decision Problems 5 2.1.2 Characteristics of a General Decision Problem 9 2.2 The Decision Model 10 2.2.1 Decision Tree 10 2.2.2 Decision Criteria 13 2.2.3 Decision Based on Exis~ing Information-Prior Analysis 16 2.2.4 Decision with Additio'nal Information-Terminal Analysis 25 2,.2.5 Preposterior Analysis 28 2~.6 Value of Information 30 2.2.7 Sensitivity of Decision to Error in Probability Estimation 32 2.2.8 More Examples 33 2.3 Applications in Sampling and Estimation 47 2.3.1 Bayes Point Estimator 47 2.3.2 Optimal Sample Siz~ 50 2.4 Elementary Concepts of Utility Theory 56 2.4.1 Axioms of Utility Theory 56 2.4.2 Utility Function 57 2.4.3 Determination of Utility Values 60 2.4.4 Utility Function of Monetary Value 63 2.4.5 Utility Function of Other Variables 66. 2.4.6 Maximum Expected Utility 67 2.4.7 Common Types of Utility Functions 70 2.4.8 _ ~nsitivity of Expected Utility to Form of Utility Function 73
  • 6. viii CONTENTS 2.5 Assessment of Probability Values 74 2.5.1 Bases of Probability Estimation 74 2.5.2 Subjective Probability 75 '2.5.3 ~ubjective Distribution ofa Random Variable 76 2.6 Decisions with Multiple Objectives 77 2.6.1 Weighted Objective Decision Analysis 78 2.6.2 Multiattribute Utility Approach 84 Problems for Chapter 2 96 3. . Markov, Queueing, ~nd Availability Models 112 3.1 The Markm· Chain 112 3.1.1 Introduction 112 3.1.2 The Basic Model 112 3.1.3 State Probabilities 113 3.1.4 Steady State Probabilities 118 3.1.5 First Passage Probabilities li2 3.1.6 Recurrent, Tran~ient, and Absorbing States 125 3.1.7 Random Time Between Stages 136 ... 3.1.8 Continuous Parameter Markov Chain 138 .. .. 3.2 Queueing Models 140 3.2.1 Introduction 140 3.2.2 Poisson Process Arrivals and Depanures 140 3.2.3 Poisson Arrivals and Arbitrarily Distributed Service Time 149 3.2.4 Distribution of Waiting Time 154 3.3 Availability Problems 156 3.3.1 Introduction 156 3.3.2 Continuous Inspection-Repair Process 156 3.3.3 Inspection and Repairs at Regular Intervals 166 3.3.4. Deteriorating Systems 176 Problems for Chapter 3 . 178 4. Statistics ofExtremes 186 4.1 Introduction 186 4.1.1 Engineering Significance of Extreme Values 186 4.1.2 Objective and Coverage 187 4.2 Probability Distribution of Extremes 187 4.2.1 Exact Distributions 187'
  • 7. COiHENTS _;~ 4.2..2 Asymptotic Distributions 194 4.2.3 The Symmetry Principle .:!04 4.3 The Three Asymptotic Forms 206 4.3.1 Gumbel's Classification 206 4.3.2 The Type I Asymptotic Form 207 4.3.3 The Type II Asymptotic Form 216 4.3.4 The Type III Asymptotic Form 222 4.3.5 Convergence Criteria 228 4.4 Extremal Probability Papers 235 4.4.1 The Gumbel Extremal Probability Paper 235 4.4.2 The Logarithmic Extremal Probability Paper 238 4.5 Exceedance Probability 246 4.5.1 Distribution-Free Probability 246 4.5.2 Significance of Probability Distribution 249 4.6 Estimation of Extremal Parameters 255 4.6.1 Remarks on Extreme Value Estimation 255 4.6.2 The Method of Moments .. 256 4.6.3 The Method of Order Statistics 256 4.6•.£ Parameters of Other Asymptotic Distributions 261 4.6.5 Graphical Method 266 Problems for Chapter 4 268 5. Mont~ Carlo Simulation 274 5.1 Introduction 274 5.1.1 An Example of Monte Carlo Simulation 275 5.2 Generation of Random Numbers 278 5.2.1 Random Numbers with Standard Uniform Distribution · 279 5.2.2 Continuous Random Variables 281 5.2.3 Discrete Random Variables 288 5.2.4 Generation of Jointly Distributed Random Numbers 290 5.2.5 Error Associated with Sample Size 291 5.3 Variance Reduction Techniques 292 5.3.1 Antithetic Variates 292 5.3.2 Correlated Sampling 296 5.3.3 Control Variates 298 5.4 Application Examples ' 301 Problems for Chapter 5 326
  • 8. X CONTENTS 6. Reliability and Reliability-Based Design 333 6.1 Reliability of Engineered Systems 333 6.2 Analysis and Assessment of Reliability 334 6.2.1 Basic Problem 334 6.2.2 Second-Moment Formulation 340 6.2.3 Linear Perforniance Functions 347 6.2.4 Nonlinear Performance" Functions 359 6.3 Modeling and Analysis:ofUncertainty 383 6.3.1 Sources and Types of Uncertainty 384 6.3.2 Quantification ofUncertainty Measures 387 6.3.3 Analysis ofUncertainty · 390 6.3.4 An Alternative Representation of Uncenaimy 406 6.4 hobability-Based Design·Criteria 412 6.4.1 On Design and Design Criteria. 412 6.4.2 Second-Mc;>ment Criteria 414 Prob_lems for Chapter 6 ·< . 434 7. Systems Reliability 448 7.1 Introduction 448 7.2 Multiple Failure Modes 448 7.2.1 Probability Bounds 450 7.3 Redundant and Nonredundant Systems 471 7.3.1 Series Systems 473 7.3.2 Parallel Systems · 474 7.3.3 Combined Series-Parallel Systems 478 7.4 Fault Tree, Event Tree Analyses 485 7.4.1 The Fault Tree Diagram 486 7.4.2 Probability Evaluation 495 7.4.3 Event Tree Analysis 498 7.5 Approximate Methods 504 7.5.1 The PNET Method 505 Problems for Chapter 1 517
  • 9. CONTElVTS xi" Appendix A-Tables 531 Table A."I Values ofthe Gamma Function 532 Table A.2 CDF of the Standard Extremal VariateS 533 ' Table A.3 The Three Types of Asymptotic Extremal Distributions 537 Table A.4. Weights a1 and b1 for Leiblein's Order Statistics Estimator 538 Table A.S Relations Among Parameters of the T)i:,e III Asymptotic Distribution 539 Appendix B-TransforTTUJtion ofNonir.orrnal Variates to Independent Normal Variates 540 B.l The Rosenb_latt Transformation B.2 Determination·of Safety Index References Inde;c 540 544 549 559
  • 11. 1. Introduction 1.1 AIMS AND SCOPE OF VOLUME II The principal aims of the present volume parallel those of Volume I; namely, the modeling of engineering problems containing uncertainties and the analysis of their effects on system performance, and the development of bases for design and decision making under conditions of uncertainty. The basic principles and elementary tools introduced in Volume I are supple- mented here with additional advanced tools and concepts, including statistical decision theory, Markov and queueing processes, and the statistical theory of extreme values. The discussion of numerical tools for probability calculations would not be complete without mention ofthe Monte Carlo simulation methods; one chapter summarizes the elements of this calculathnal procedure. One of the most important applications ·of probability concepts in engineering is in the evaluation ofthe safety and reliability ofengineering systems, and the formulation ofassociated design criteria. Recent developments for these purposes are the topics of the final two chapters, with the last chapter devoted specifically to the analysis of the reliability of technological systems. The role of judgment is emphasized when dealing with practical problems; engineering judgments are often necessary irrespective of theoretical sophistica- tion. However, the proper place and role for judgments are delineated within the overall analysis of uncertainty and of its effects on decision, risk, and reliability. Moreover,consistent witha probabilisticapproach,judgments haveto be expressed in probability or statistical terms; wherever expert judgments are expressed in conventional or det'erministic terms (which is often the case), they have to be translated into appropriate probabilistic terms. Methods for these purposes are suggested. · 1.2 ESSENCE AND EMPHASIS The main thrust and emphasis in each ofthe ensuing chapters may be summarized as follows. 1.2.1. Decision Analysis (Chapter 2) The goal of most engineering analysis is to provide information or the basis for decision making. Engineering decision making could range from simply selecting the size ofa column in a structure, to selecting the site for a major dam, to deciding whether nuclear power is a viable energy s~urce. Unfortunately, uncertainties are invariably present in practically all facets of engineering decision making. In this I
  • 12. 2 INTRODUCTION light, some measure of risk is unavoidable in any decision made (i.e., alternative selected) during the planning and design of an engineering system. A systematic framework for decisionanalysis underuncertainty,in which thefeasiblealternatives . are identified and the respective consequences evaluated, could be very useful. The tools for such decision analysis are the subject of Chapter2 · · The decision tree model is introducedto identify the necessary components ofa decision problem, consisting of the feasible alternatives, the possible outcomes associated with each alternative and respective probabilities, and the potential consequences associated with each alternative. In short, the decision tree provides an organizedoutlineofall the information relevant to a systematicdecisionanalysis. .Various engineering examples are used to illustrate the concepts involved in formal decision analysis. The concept of value of informarion is discussed with respect to whether ornot additional i~onnation should begathered beforemaking a final decision. The probiem assOciated with sampling, riamely, determining the parameter estimates ·for design, and the development of optimal sampling plans may also be formulated as a decision problem. , Elementary concepts ofutility theory are introduCed a~ a generalizi:d measure of value, on the basis of which the relative significance of various potential conse- quencesofa decision may be evaluated. Specificc:ase studies ofcomplexengineering decision problems are discussed, including those itivolving multiple objectives. l.l.2_i- Markov, Queueing, and Availability Models (Chapter 3) 1be ,performance characteristics of an engineering system may frequently be classified into different discrete states. For example, the potential effects of an eartbquake on a structure may be classified under several states corresponding to di:>tinct damage levels; the financial status (e.g., _ in terms of cash flow) of an engineering contractor may represent the various states; including bankruptcy; . and the number of vehicles waiting (queu,e length) at a toll booth could represent a state ofa toll system. The conditions ofthese systems may change or move from one state to another in accordance with some probability law. The probability that the system will be in a particular state after a given number ofmoves may then be of interest. The Markov chain is a probability model specifically designed to analyze a system with multiple states. The basic concepts of the discrete parameter homo- geneous Markov chain model are first introduced. Queueing models are then shown to be examples of a continuous parameter Markov chain. Steady state queue length probabilities are derived for specific queueing systems with Poisson arrivals. The performance ofan engineering system may often be divided into two states; for example, safe and unsafe states, or operating and nonoperating states. The study ofthe transient behavior ofthis two-state system is known as the availability problem. Problems of system availability (system in a safe state) ·may include a maintenance program, that is, inspection and repair at regular intervals, in which case the renewal theory is a useful model. Availability problems of interest in engineering would include the availability at a given time for a system with or without maintenance. ·
  • 13. ESSENCE AND ntPHASIS 3 A number of engineering applications of the Markov process, including the queueing and availability models. are illustrated in Chapter 3. 1.2.3 Statistical Theory of Extremes (Chapter 4) Extreme values or extremal conditions of physical phenomena are of special interest in many engineering problems. especially in those concerned with the safety and reliability of engineering systems, and/or involving natural hazards. The statistical theory of extreme values. therefore; is of special significance in engineering problems concerned with risk and reliability. Much ofthe theory ofstatistical extremes is available in the literature; however, the available material is primarily ofa mathematical nature and is hardlyaccessible to many engineers. One .Jfthe purposes ofChapter 4is to summarize and h,ighlight the essential concepts of statistical extremes, and to emphasize the practical significanceoftheseconcepts inengineeringproblems. In particular, theasymptotic property of the statistics of extremes enhances the significance of the extremal theory; understanding this concept is essential for many applications. The asymp- totic property and its associated concepts are, therefore, stressed throughout the chapter, and illustrated with numerous examples of engineering problems. 1.2.4 Monte Carlo Simularloo~Cbapter 5) As the complexity ofan engineeringsystem increases, the required analytical model may become extremely difficult to formulate mathematically unless gross idealiza- tion and simplifications are invoked; moreover, in some cases even ifa formulation is possible, the required solution may be analytically intractable. In these'instances, a probabilistic solution may be obtained through Monte Carlo simulations. Monte Carlo simulation is simply a repeated process ofgenerating deterministic solutions to a given problem; each solution corresponds to a set ofdeterministic values ofthe underlying random variables. The· main element of a Monte Carlo simulation procedure is the generation .of random numbers from a specified distribution; systematic and efficient methods for generatingsuch'random numbers from several common probability distributions are summarized and illustrated. · Because a Monte Carlo solution generally requires a large number ofrepetitions, particularly for problems i.tivolving very rare events, its application to complex · problems could be costly. There is, therefore, good reason to use the Monte Carlo approach with some.caution;_ generally, it should be used only as a last re5ort, that is, when analytical or approximate methods are unavailable or inadequate. Often, Monte Carlo solutions may be_the only means for checking or validating an. approximate method of probability calculations. ·· A number of case study problems are illustrated, to demonstrate the simulation procedure as well as the type of information·that may be derived from a Monte Carlo calculation., 1.2.5 Reliability_ aiid Reliability-Based De5ign (Chapter 6) . . The safety and/or performance ofan engineering system is invariably the principal technical objective ofan engineering design. In order to achieve some desired level of reliability, proper methods fo_r its evaluation are, of course, required. As this
  • 14. 4 INTRODUCTION must invariably be done in the presence of uncertainty, the proper measure of reliability or safety may only be stated in the context of probability. Indeed, consistent levels of safety and reliability may be achieved only if the criteria for desigri are based on such probabilistic measures of reliability. · Engineering reliability and its .significance in engineering design is a -rapidly growing field; the most recent and practically useful developments are presented in this chapter. Applications in the various fields of engineering are illustrated with emphasis on civil engineering. It goes without saying that problems of safety and reliability arise because of uncertainty in design. The quantification and analysis of uncertainty are, therefore, central.issues in the evaluation of reliability and thedevelopment ofassociated reliability-based design. Thestatistical basesand methods for these purposes are widely illustrated in this chapter. 1.2.6 Systems Reliability ((:bapter 7) ·.. . . Although the reliability ofthe total systemis ofprincipal concern, system reliability is nonetheless a function of.the reliabilities of it!' constituent components ithat are covered in Chapter 6); that is, the determination of system reliability must in- variably be based on reliability information for the components. Moreov~. engineering designs are invariably performed at the component level, from which the reliability of the system. is evaluated through analysis; techniques for this purpose are presented in Chapter 7. From a reliability standpoint, a system is characterized by multiple modes of failure, in which each ofthe potential failure modes may becomposed ofcomponent failureevents that are in series orin·parallel, or combinations thereof(especially for a redilndant system). In the case ofa general redundant system, the redundancy may be of;the standbyoractive type. Depending on whether the redundancies are active • ·. ~.nriby, the reliability of the system as well.~!:~ its analysis will be different. - In the case of complex systems, the identification of the potential modes of failure may be quite involved, requiring a systematic procedure for identification, such as the fault tree model. Moreover, the potential consequences of a failure (or initiating event) ofa system may vary, depending on the subsequent events that follow the particular initiating event. The event rree model may be used to facilitate the systematic identification ofall potential consequencr-~. The applications ofthe fault tree and event treemodels areillustrated with a variety o(engineeringexamples in this final chapter. ···' ....
  • 15. 2. Decision Analysis· 2.1 INTRODUCTION Making technical decisions is a .necessary part of~~gineering planning and design: in fact, the primary responsibility of an engineer is to make decisions. Often, such decisions have to be based on predictions and information that invariably contain uncertainty. Under such conditions, risk is virtually unavoidable. Through. probabilistic modeling and analysis, uncertainties may be modeled and assessed properly, and their effects on a given decision accounted for systematically. In this manner, the risk associated with each decision alternative may be delineated and, if desired or necessary, measures taken to control or minimize the corres- ponding possible consequences. Decision problems in engineering planning and design often also require the consideration of nontechriidi.l:factors, such as social preference or acceptance. environmental impact, and sometimes even political implications. In these latter cases, the selection ofthe" decision alternative ~annot be governed solely by technical considerations. A systematic framework that will permit the considera- tion ofall facets ofa decision problem is the decision 11UJdel. The elements of the decision model and the analyses involved in a decision problem are developed in this chapter. Both single- and multiple-objective engineering decision problems are discussed and illustrated. 2.1.1 Simple Risk-Decision Problems In any decision analysis, the set of decision (or design) variables should first be identified and defined. For example, in the design of storm sewers, the engineer may select a pipe diameter to provide a desired Bow capacity. Because ofvariability in the future storm runoff; there is a probability that the ftow capacity of this pipe may not be sufficient. Since this probability is related to the pipe size, the proba- bility level may also be the decision variable instead ofthe pipe diameter. In order to rank various designs, an objective function is usually defined in terms of the decision variables. This function is frequently-expressed in monetary units representing total benefit or total cost. It is obvious that the optimal design will be determined by the values of the decision _variables that will maximize the benefit or minimize the loss function. In some cases, in which the objective function is a continuous function ofthe decision variables, thecalculus ofmaximization and minimization provides a convenient tool for optimization. Formally, if X 1, X2 , ••• , XN denote the set of decision variables, the optimal design will be 5
  • 16. 6 DECISION ANALYSIS given by values of the decision variables satisfying the following set of equations: oF(Xl, ... ,X.)=O· ax, • i = 1, 2, ... , n (2.1) where F(X~o ••• , X.) is the objective function. The second partial derivatives may be examined to determine whether Eq. 2.1 yields the maximum or minimum objective function. The procedure is illustrated in the following examples. EXAMPLE 2J (excerptedfrom Shuler,1967) A contractoris preparinga bid fora constructionproject. Based onexperience,itishisjudgment that the probability of winning a bid depends on his bid ratio. R, as follows: - . p = f.6 - R; 0.6 ~ R ~ ·t.6 . .. ' . . in which R is the ratio oflris !;lid.price to the total estimated cost (Fig. E2.1). O_ bviously. th~ decision ,·arlable here is the bid price B that the contract~r will submit The corresponding objective function may be the expected profh from the project; X = (B - C)p + 0 · (I - p) B-C =-c-.pC = (R -._l)pC = (-Rz + 26R- 1.6)C; for0.6 ~ R S 1.6 'where C is the estimated cost o(construction. The optimal decision requires the maximization :or.x with respect to R; thus, setting . .. ~· · dX dR = C(-2R + 2.6) =0 we obtain R = 1.3. Since dlX fdR2 < 0 at R = i.3,'ihe bid 'f'atio of 1.3 will maximize X. Therefore, the optimal bid for the contractor should be 1.3 times the cstiinated cost. The above solution assumes that there is no monetary gain or loss ifthe contractordoes not win the job. Suppose that the construction crew would be idle and the contractor will be operating at a loss L if he fails to win ~is job. ln such a Case, the objective function should include an expected loss; suppose L = O.lC. Then, the expected overall gain would be X = (R - l)pC- (l - p)L = [(R - 1)(1.6- R)- (R - 0.6) x O.l)C = [-R' + 2SR- 1.54)C p 1.0 p = l6- R 0.2 07-~~~--~~--~----~ 0.6 QB • lO 1.2 1.6 ,: R, • . Figur~ £2.1 Probability of winning versus bid'ratio.
  • 17. Then, dX - = -2R + 2.5 =0 dR INTRODUCTION - . 7 yields R = 1.25. Hence, the optimal bid becomes 1.25 times the estimated cost. A lower bid is required here so that the contractor will increase his chance ofwinning the bid, thus reducing the chance of idling his construction crew. EXAMPLE 2.2 The construction ofa bridge pierrequires the installation ofa cofferdam in a·river. Suppose the occurrence offloods follows a Poisson distribution with a mean occurrence rate of 1.5 times per year, and the elevation ofeach flood is exponentially distributed with a mean of 5 feet above normal water leveL Each time the cofferdam is ovcrtoppcd,"the expected loss resulting from a possible delay in construction and pumping cost is estimated to be $25,000. Since the flood elevation can be predicted sufficiently ahead of time to·effect the evacuation of personnel working inside the cofferdam, the possibility of loss due !O workmen being trapPed may be neglected. Suppose that the construction cost of the cofferdam is given by c. = c. + 3000h where c. includes the cost of a colfcrdam foundation and ncccssary construction to dam the river to nonnal water level, arid"h is the height of the cofferdam (in feet) above normal water level. Determine the optimal height ofthe cofferdam ifit is expected to be used over a two-year period. A convenient choice ofthe objective function here is the expected monetary loss Cr. which would consist of the construction cost and the expected total Joss from the flooding of the cofferdam during the two years of service. The expected loss in each flood is C = E(lossIovertopping)P(overtopping) Hence, the expected total loss from all floods during the two-year period {the time value of money neglected) is .. C1 = l:E(lossli floods)P(i floods in 2years) 1•0 "' 31 e-3 = L:i·(25,000e-1115 ) - - 1•0 I! ., Jle-J = zs;oroe-111' L:i - .,- 1•0 I . = 75,000e-1115 The total expected monetary loss becomes Cr= C.+ C1 = c.+ 3000h + 75,000e~lll' Clearly,histheonlydeCiSion variable;whereas a constantindependentofh. Differentiating Cr with respect to h, we obtain the optimal cofferdam heigh~ as foUows:- d~r = 3000 + 75,000e-1115 ( -!) =0
  • 18. 8 DECISION ANALYSIS - E Construction Cost, Cc Pumpino + Oetoy Cost, Ct 0~~~~--~~~--~~~--~~--~ 0 2 3 'I 5 6 7 B 9 10 II h (in feet) Figur~ £2.1 Costs as functions ofcofferdam elevation above normal water level. or Thus, h.,.. = 5 In (5) = 8.05 ft Therefore.the optimal height ofthecofferdam should beapproximately8 feet above the normal wat~ level of.the river. Figure E22 shows the various cost components as functions of the decision variable h. It may be observed that as h increases, the construction cost increases; whctcas the expected flood Joss decreases. The total expected loss takes on a minimum when the slopes of these two functions arc equal but of opposite signs. At this point, the marginal increase in Cc is balanced by the marginal decreaseinC1,)be value ofc.,which was assumed to be S40,000 in Fig. E2.2;simply adds a constant value to the ordinate at each value ofh, and does not affect the determination of the optimal value ofh. The probability that a cofferdam with h = 8.05 It will be overtopped in a flood is given by - . .. 1 . . P(flood level > 8.05') = J. Se-;tJ' dx = 0.2 1.0$ Alternatively,the objectivefunction maybeformulated using the probabilityofovertopping, p, as the decision variable. Since the construction cost is a function ofh, we need to express h in terms ofthe overtopping probability p. Based on the exponential distnbution assumed for the: flood level it can be shown that or J. ..1 p = -e-~" dx • 5 · h·= -5 Inp Hence, the total expected cost becomes CT = c.+ 3000(- 5 In p) + 3(25.000)p =c.- 15,000 In p +·15,000p Differentiating CT with respect to p, we obtain the optimal probability as follows: . . dC 1 . -d T = -15,000 '- + 75,000 = 0 I I . p p
  • 19. INTRODC/CT/Ol'i 9 from which p.;_. ·= 0.2 which is the same as obtained earlier. Based on this value of p.... the corresponding optimal elevation of the cofferdam (above normal water level) is determined as h.,.= -5 In p.,.. = - 5 In (0.2) , · = 8.05 ft The first approach described above directly gives the optimal value of the design variable, whereas the second formulation directly yields the optimal probability level In cases involving several cofferdams, each subject to a different distribution of floods, expressing the.overall objective function iD. terms of a common rislt level could simplify the optimization process. In any case, the two methods should lead to identical optimal designs, provided there is a cor- respondence between the design variables and the probability of overtopping. 2.1.2 Characteristics of a General Decision Problem The applicability ofthe optimization procedure presented above, based on calculus, is limited; first' of all; the p~jective function must be expressed as a continuous function ofthe decision variables. Unfortunately, this may not be the case for many engineering decision problems. Consider a dam that has been proposed as a: possible solution for flood control in a certain drainage basin. Its elevation may be a decision variable; the darn site may also need to be determined. Moreover, other forms of flood control strategies such as diversion channels, levees, multiple reservoirs may be possible alternatives to be considered in the decision analysis. Thus, it will be difficult, ifnot impossible, to obtain a continuous objective function in terms of all the decision variables. · Sometimes, a decision may not be based solely on the available information. If time permits, additional information may be collected prior to the final selection among the feasible design alternatives. In engineering problems, additional data could take the form oflaboratory or field tests, or further research. Since there could be a variety of such schemes for collecting additional information, this would further expand the spectrum of alternatives. In short, in more general decision problems, a framework for systematic analysis is required. Specifically, the decision analysis should at least include the-following components: (1) A list of all feasible alternatives, including the acquisition of additional in- formation, if appropriate. (2) A list of all possible outcomes associated with each alternative. (3) An estimation of the probability associated with each possible outcome. (4) An evaluation of the.consequences associated with each combination of alternative and outcome. (5) The criterion for decision. (6) A systematic evaluation of all alternatives. A decision model that considers all these basic components is presented in Section42
  • 20. 10 DECISION ANALYS/S 2.2 THE DECISION MODEL l.l.l Decision Tree· The various components of a decision problem may be integrated into a formal Iayout in the form ofa decisiontree,consistingofthesequenceofdecisions-namely, a listoffeasible alternatives;thepossibleoutcomesassociatedwitheach alternative; the corresponding probability assignments; monetary consequences and utility evaluations(seeSection2.4).1n otherwords, thedecision tree integrates the relevant components of the decision analysis in a systematic manner suitable for an analytical evaluation ofthe optimal alternative. Probability models ofengineering analysis and design may be used to estimate the relative likelihoods of the possible outcomes,and appropriate value or utility models evaluate the relative desirability of each consequence. . . Figure 2.1 shows a generic example of a decision tree with three ahernatives, in which the third alternative involves performing an experiment to gather additional information prior to any final decision. The word "experiment" should be" inter- preted in a broad sense; covering any method of gathering additional data. The . following notations are used in Fig. 21:. a1 = Alternative i. .·· (Ji = Outcomej. · """' · e1 = Experiment k designed to gather additional information. z, = Experimental outcome l. u(-ri'1, 8) = Utility value corresponding tci alternative a1 and outcome 81; if the ·:: utility depends pn experiment e1 and the corresponding experimental ~- outcome z, it will be denoted as u(e1 , z" a;. 81). · • Oecisoon Node • o Chonu Node _,;..:..:...;...:=..::.:..!..::.:..!~:.... u(e1,11,o2 .6,l '-"--<~.:;c~:.r..:..:::.!.!;:.!.!;=._ u(e1,1 1,o2 ,621 r-"'--<:r---'-'-'-..:..:..:"""-';..:..:..;=-ule1,z2,o1,61l '-"'"~'-'-'..a..:.-'-'-'"'"""- ule1,z2, o1,62l • I, ' Figure 2•.1 A generic decision tree.
  • 21. THE DECISION .~IODEL J1 The decision tree in Fig. 2.1 begins with a square node, called a decision node. at which point there are alternatives at> a 2 , and a 3 • With each alternative, there may be several possible outcomes. shown as branches originating from a circular node. called a chance nocle. At each chance node, nature controls what will occur sub- sequently. In this example, 81 , (}2 are the two possible outcomes associated with alternatives a 1 and a2 • These outcomes may or may not depend on the preceding alternative; in general their probabilities are conditional on the preceding alter- natives; for example, P(811a1). Alternative a 3 is followed by experimental outcomes, whose probabilities will generally depend on the experiment. Hence, the .prob- abilities of (z1 ) are also conditional on et; that is, P(zd e.J. Another decision node follows each experimental outcome, denoting that a decision between alternatives a 1 and a 2 will be required after observing the specific additional information. The probability of 81 in the subsequent branches would be updated based on the particularexperimental outcome. Hence, in general. this probability is expressed as P(81lz1, et, aJ. The outcomes from a chance r.ode are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive; thus, the sum of the conditional probabilities at each chance node shouldadd up to unity. Sometimes there may bea continuousspectrumofoutcomes originating from a chance node, such as those given by the values of a continuous random variable. In such cases;the PDF of the random variable will be used to denote the relative likelihoods ofthese branches.Thedesirability oftheconsequence ofeach sequence or path in the tree is measured by its ..utility value" recorded at the end of the sequence, such as u(a1, 81) or u(et, z., a~o 8). The following examples illustrate the application of the decision tree model in engineering. In Section 22.8, several in-depth examples of complete decision analysis further illustrate the decisi~n tree model. EXAMP~E 2.3 Two alternative designs arc considered for the structural scheme of a building. Design A is based on a conventional procedure, whose probability ofsatisfactory performanceis 99 ~ ..and costs$1.5 million. Design Bisbased onmodem conceptsandwillreducethe costofthe building to Sl million.ThereliabilityofdesignB isnot known;however,thestructuralengineerestimates that if his assumptions .arc correct, the reliability of satisfactory performance will be 0.99; whereas, ifhis assumptioll5 arc not valid, the reliability is only 0.9. According to his judgment, he is only 50% sure of the validity ofhis assumptions. Suppose the cost of unsatisfactory per- formance isSlO million. The decision treewould be as shown in Fig. E23; the utilities, in terms of losses_ in million S. arc indicated for each sequence ofthe tree. EXAMPLE In order to preventorminimizethermal pollution from the operationofa nuclearpowerplant, cooling lakes arc commonly used to allow the heat from the plant to dissipate through a natural process. Atone location, the dikes for the lakewereconstructedona relatively pervious ground where waterseepageispossibli:.Suchseepagecancausea lossofwateraswellas become a nuisance to the surrounding a.rca.. As a remedy, pumps may be installed on the downstream slopeto pump backthewater to thecoolinglalcc,asshownschematicallyinFig.E24a. Basedon a theoretical seepage model and soil data from the site. the ftow of water is estimated, for simplicity,to beeitherQ1 = 100 gal/minorQl = 120 gal/min,withrelativelikelihoodsof9to 1.
  • 22. /2 DECISION ANALYSIS A • Conventional Oesion B s New Desion V = Assumptions Valid V • Anumptions Invalid S • Sotisfottory· Performonte S" • Unsatisfactory Performance (0.99) Loss (In Million $) 1.5 11.5 1.0 11.0 1.0 11.0 Figur~ ~.3 Decision tree for structural design problem. • ..-4" • .. _......_ Thereare two pump system capacities that theengineermay order. namely pump system A with 100 gal/min or pump system B with 120 galjmin. which cost 17 and 20 units (I unit = S100), respectively. Ifpumpsystem A isinsuffieient,anadditionalsmallpumpsystem C with20 galfmin will be..Drdered and the overall. additional expense. i11cluding inconvenience and temporary disruption ofperformance, is estimated to be 8 units. Over the expected serviceperiod,the total operatiOnal (OMR) cost. including maimcnance and repair costs. discounted to present values are 22. 21. and 5 units for pump systems B. A, and c;resJ)ccthely. Two units ofthe OMR cost of pump B could be discounted if the flow Q is actually 100 gal/niin. Another feasible alternative is to install a barrier ofbentonite seal beneath the upstream end oftheembankment.Thetotal materialand installation cost ofthe seal will be41 units,and there are negligible maintenance costs over the years. The decision tree for this example is shown in Fig. E2.4b.The costs associated with each path of the decision tree are clearly dependent on the particular alternative and the associated outcome. · Coolino Loke Pump System Figure E2.4a Cross-section of embankm.ent.
  • 23. THE DECISION .tODEL JJ Present Worth of Initial Operat111g Total Cost Cost Cost o,(0.9l ·17 -21 -38 Pump System A Add 02(01) Pump System C -25 -26 -51 0,(091 -20 -20 -40 Pump System 8 Q2(0.1l -20 -22 -42 :S::.:e:.::o~l_ _______ _____ -41 0 -41 Figur~ El.Jb Decision tree for seepage problem. EXAMPLE 2.5 (excerptedfrom Haefner and Mor/ok, 1971) Improving the Safety·of a short section of a rural road with a complex alignment through geo- metric design changes is proposed:For simplicity, only one improvement scheme is considered: namely, to improve the alignment and profile and install a median barrier. The decision alterna- tives are simply whether to adopt this improvement scheme or to make no improvemeiu. The decision tree is shown in Fig. E2.5 (following the branch indicating ~No Prediction Model"). The outcome is described by the various states of accic!ent and fatality rate encountered. To simplify the problem, accident and fatality rates are assumed to be either high or low, thus leading to four possible combinations of outcomes-namely, H.•H, (high accident rate. high fatality rate), HAL,, LA H ,, and L..L,. The probabilities for each of these outcomes (as shown in Fig. E2.5) have been assessed with existing information. The total cost associati:d with each path consists of the road improvement cost, if any, and the accident and fatality losses. It is common in highway engineering-to employ a prediction model, such as the K.ihlberg and Tharp m6del or the Mann and Dart (Louisiana) model, to predict accident rates for a given design alternative. The models pr~vide information on whether or not the proposed road improvement will result in a significant reduction in total accidents and fatalities. There are two stages in the decision process. The first decision is to select the particular prediction model. Based on the model prediction result, namely H~H', or H~L',, or L~H', or L~ L',, a decision is then made whetheror not to improve the road condition. A representative path of the decision tree for tbe Tharp model is shown in Fig. E25. Observe that the probabilities associated with various fatality and accident combinations do not change if no improvement is adopted. The Tharp model applies only to the prediction associated with the improved.scheme. Depending on the model prediction, the updated prob- ability for e:u:h fatality and accident combination will be different (see Problem 2.11). The cost for performing the prediction model is also included in the total cost for appropriate paths. 2.2.2 Decision Criteria The objective of decision analysis is to make the "best" decision. Only in rare occasions would a decision maker be comparing alternatives whose monetary values are known deterministically. In this case, he would obviously choose the alternative with the highest value. However, most decisions are made under con- ditions of uncertainty, in which the possible utility values of u1, u2 , ••• , u~ of a given alternative may be stated only in terms of respective probabilities P~o p2 , .._: ._ ~~· Also, depending on the temperament, experience, and degree of
  • 24. 14 . ::.L. ~ ...::: · ~· .:::.. -~ . .:....:· DECISION ANALYSIS IModel · I PrediCiive Prediction MocleI Results Alternative Actions HAHF (0.3) (Q3) (0.2) (0.2) (0.5) (0.3) (0.2) (0) (0.22) (0.22) (0.37) (0.19) (0.5) (0.3) (0.2) " (0) Actuol Result Total Cost (In~ Dollars) 19 12 9 6 15 B 5 2 21 14 II B 17 10 7 4 Figur~ E2.5 Decision tree for geometric ?esign in road i~provemcnt. risk-aversiveness of the decision maker; the "best" decision may mean different things to different people·and at different times. Nevertheless, some general criteria for a decision can be identified. .. Consider a simple decision problem, in which an owner has an option to install an emergency electrical power system to guard against potential utility power failure. The additional cost for the system will be $2000 per year; whereas ifpower failure occurs and no emergency power supply is available, he could incur a loss of $10.000. Based on his experience and judgment, he believes that the annual probability of power failure is only 10%. Assume that the chance ofmore than one power failure in a year is negligible. The decision tree for this example is shown in Fig. 2.2 Ifthe owner installs the emergency system, he would have to spend $2000;
  • 25. THE DECISION .HODEL ]5 n: No Emergency System Power Failure (0.1) No Power Failure (0.9) Power Failure (O.Il No Power Failure (0.9) -2000 -2000 -10000 0 Figure 2.2 Decision tree for installation of emergency power system. if he does not, he has a 90% chance of not spending any money but also a 10% chance of losing $10,000. · · Ifthe owner is extremely pessimistic (believing that nature always works against him), he would try to minimize his loss by installing the emergency system, because the maximum loss in this alternative is only $2000, relative to $10,000 for the other alternative. On the other hand, if he is an extremely optimistic person (believing that luck is always on his side), he would not install the emergency power system, since this alternative will yield the maximum gain·; namely, it may cost the owner nothing compared to S2000 for the other alterruiiive. The first basis of selecting the optimal alternative is called·the mini-max criterion, in which the decision maker selects the alternative that minimizes the maximum loss. In the. latter case, he tries to maximize his maximum possible gain among the alternatives, referred to as the maxi-max criterion. Neither of these two criteria are practical in the long run. If the mini-max decision maker consistently follows this criterion, he will never venture into a decision that may result in substantial gain as long as there is a finite (though small) chance that he may be incurring a loss, whereas the maxi-max decision maker will never choose the realistic alternative provided that there is a finite chance for a more attractive outcome. Any rational decision maker should consider the relative likelihood associated with the gain or loss in each alternative, rather than strictly following these criteria. Mtuimum EzpectedMonetfl1'y Value Criterion When the consequences associated with each alternative in a decision analysis can be expressed in terms of monetary values, a widely used criterion for decision is the maximum expected monetary gain. Suppose d11 denotes the monetary value of the jth consequence associated with alternative i, and p11 is the corresponding probability; then the expected monetary value of the ith alternative is · · E(a,) = LP1A1 J . . (2.2) The optimal alternative according to this max EMV criterion is the one wh~se expected monetary value· "is (2.3)
  • 26. 16 DECISION ANALYSIS EXAMPLE 2.6 Suppose the owner referred to in Section 2.2.2 follows the max EMV decision criterion. He would compute the EMV of the two alternatives as (see the decision tree in Fig. 2.2): . E(I) = 0.1 X (-2000) + 0.9 X ( -2000) = - 2000 dollars · and E(ID = 0.1 X ( -10;000) + 0.9 X (0) = -1ooo dollars Comparing the two expected monetary values, the owner should not install the emergency power supply system. Both the maxi-maxand mini-max criteriaignore the probabilities ofthe possible outcomes of an alternative. The available information is, therefore, not fully utilized in the decision analysis. With the maximum EMV criterion, a decision maker is systematically weighing the value of each outcome by the corresponding probability. It is conceivable that an event with an occurrence probability of 99.99% may still fail to occur, in spite of the extreme odd. Nevertheless, if a decision maker consistently bases his decisions on the max EMV criterion, the total monetary vaiJ~: obtained from all his decisions (in the long run) will be maximum · ~other common decision criterion known as the maximum expecred uriliry criterion is presented in Section 2.4.6. 2.2~ Decision Based on Existing Information-Prior Analysis Once the decision tree has been established, with th: probabilities of the possible outcomesat thechancenodes and theconsequencesofall respective pathsevaluated based on existing information, the expected monetary value of each alternative may be computed according to Eq. 22. A decision analysis ~ased entirely on available prior information is called prior analysis; if this analysis is updated sub- sequently with additional new information, the latter is called rerminal analysis (described in Section 224). Sometimes a given alternative mayinvolve a series ohubsequent chance nodes such as that shown in Fig. 2.3. Suppose. at chance node A, the outcomes are the possible values of a discrete random variable X; whereas at chance.node B, the outcomes involve a continuous random variable Y. The expected value calculation for alternative a; starts at the last chance node; namely, the chance node B in Fig. 23. At node B, the expected value ofalternative a;, given X = x,, is E(adx1; · = f:~E(adx1; y)fr(J') dy _ · = J~.,·d~x,, y,arlfr(Y~dy . . . :
  • 27. THE DEC/S/O:V .HODEL 17 d l•j, y, a;) Figuu lJ Decision tree with series of chance nodes. where fr(Y) is the PDF of Y. Subsequently, at node A. E(a,) = L E(atl.-cJ)PJ j where p1 is the·PMF of X. Sometimes the complete probability distribution of the random variable may not be necessary to calculatethe expected value. For instance, if the cost function is quadratic in y, namely 2 . • ·' d(x1, y, a1) = ay +by + c then, at node B, E(ad_ x!) = J~"' (ay 1 +by+ c)f~(y)dy . ... ~ - = aE(Y2 ) + bE(Y) + c = a[Var(Y) + E2 (Y)] + bE(Y) + c indicating that only the mean and variance of Y are required to compute the expected cost at node B. EXAMPLE 2.7 A new waste treatment process is designed for installation in '!- local community. Because the proposed waste treatment process is based on a completely _r:1ew concept, its efficiency is yet unknown. The project engi.necr has a choice qr designing a small unit A. or a larger unit B. Assume that the efficiency could be classified irfo two levels: namely, EH and EL for high an? low efficiencies, respectively. If the efficiency is actually high, unit A will be the appropriate design, whereas unit B is basically designcd·for low efficiency. The engineer estimates a prob- ability of 70% that the efficiency of the proposed treatment process will be high. The decision tree is shown in Fig. E27, in which the relative monetary loss (in SIOOO) for 1=ach the tree has been evaluated. · ·· Relative Monetary Value ($1,0001 EH (0.7) 0 EL (0.3) -100 EH (0.7) -50 EL (0.3) -20 Figarr E2.7 Decision tree for waste treatment system.
  • 28. '!he expected monetary value for the two designs arc E(A) = 0.7 X 0 + 0.3 X (-100) = -30 and E(B) = 0.7 X (-SO)+ 0.3 X (-20) = -41 ' With thegiven information,design A should beselectedastheproposeddesign; thecorrespond- ing expected monetary loss is $30,000. · EXAMPLE 2.8 (Sensitivity to Loss Functions) After feasibility studies on the possible sites for a propOsed earth dam, two locations (sites A and B) remain for ·final consideration. From a cost-benefit analysis ofthe project, it is shown that locatingthedamat site A will yield an overall returnofS22 million,whereas thedam at site B will-·give an overall return of.S20 million. However, the eartbdams at these sites are also susceptible to earthquake damages. From a seismic study of the area (that takes into account the existing fault lines, geological .conditions; and available earthquake Tecords), the annual mean occurrence rate ofearthquakes with damaging intensity A is estimated to be O.Ql or 0.02 with equal likelihood, and the corresponding occurrence rate for site B is 0.005 or 0.01 per year with equal likelihood. The occurrence ofan earthquake may be modeled by a Poisson process. Assume that earthquake damages to the dam will be repaired after eacfi earthquake and the dam restored to its original condition. Let X be the number ofearthquakes occurring in the life of the dam, assumed to be 50 years. · Determine the expected earthquake loss for each of the following cases. All losses are measured in terms of million dollars. Case) The earthquake damage function is L= 5X The expected Joss given that site A is selected with a mean rate ofearthquake occurrence v1is Hence, Similarly. Cit" - • ••• E[LIA, v1] = I 5x ·Pr[xlv.J 2 z•O = 5E(XIv.J = 5(50vJ) = 250v1 E[I,.IA] = I_E[LIA, ''j]P[,•1i.A] J• l '""' (250 X 0.01}(0.5) + (250 X 0.02){0.5) = $3.75 million 2 £[LIB)= .LE[LIB, ·,·.JP[v11B] j•J = (250 X 0.005}(0.5) + (250 X 0.01)(0.5) = $1.875 million
  • 29. THE DEClSlOt'i ."WODEL 19 Ca.se2 Suppose the earthquake damage function is Then. Hence, in this case, 1 L = 5X2 "' E[LjA, v1] = L5x2Px[.,;iv1] z•O = 5E[X2 1vJ = 5[Var(Xjv1) + E1 (X!v1)] = 5[(50v1) + (5<iv1) 1 ] = 250v1 + 12,500vj E[LIA] = L(250v1 + 12.500vJ)P[v1!A] }•I = (250 x o.ot + 12,500 x-·&.011 )(0.5) + (250 x om + "12.500 x o.o21 )(0.5) . . = $6.875 million · ·· · - E[LIB] = (250 X 0.005 + 12,500 X 0.0051 )(0.5) + (250 X 0.01 + 12.500 X 0.011 )(0.5) =S1.fi56 million Case3 Finally, if the earthquake damage function follows an exponentia1loss function, . L=~ in which c = 3. Observe that L = 1when X = 0; the small loss here could denote the mainten- .ance cost through the years. Then, Similarly, E(LIA) = O.Se'o,o.olxl-lf + 0.5e'o(o.o1M3-Il = 0.5e + 0.5e1 = $5.06 million E(LIB);,. O.Se'Oio.oo'K1l + 0.5e'OIO.OIM1l = O.Se0 ·' + 0.5e = $2.186 million The decision tree is shown in Fig. E2.8.
  • 30. ·; 20 DECISION ANALYSIS Average Total Earthquake Damage CoM I Case II cosem 5X 5X2 ~X l = 0 0 0 x • I .. 5 5 3 ••2 10 20 9 1 z 0 0 0 I x=l - 5 5 3 .• z 0 0 · 0 I x = I 5 5 ~ • z (' 0 0 ,. • QOI (0.5) x =I 5 5 3 '' '-------- Figur~ £2.8 Decision tree for dam site selection. Table E2.8 summarizes the expected benefit and damage for the three cases considered. Depending on the specific loss function, A orB may be the optimal site for the dam. Table E2.8 Expected Benefits and Damages for the Dam Sites Damage Cost Net Benefit Site Location Benefit Case I Case 2-··case 3 ·Case 1 Case2 Case3 A 22 3.75 6.875 5.06 18.25' 15.125 16.94 B 20 1.875 2.656 2.186 18.125 17.344' 17.814' •tndicates optimal alternative. EXAMPLE 2.9 Supposeat acertainstageofconstruction,there areonly 30days left before a project's scheduled completion date. Because of bad weatber in the first phase ofthe project, construction has not been proceeding at the anticipated rate. Based on the contractor'sjudgment, the project could still meet the deadline if exceptionally good weather (condition G) prevails in the next 30days. Heestimatesthatthismayoccurwith20%probability. However,ifnormalweather(N)prevails. completion will be delayed With. a mean delay of 5 days and a standard deviation of 3 days beyond the scheduled completion date; if bad weather (B) continues. the corresponding mean and standard deviation ofdelay will be 15and 5days,-respcctively. Assumethat normal and bad weather conditions are equally likely to occur in the remaining time required and the cost of delay is (0.lx2 + x) in thousands of dollars, where x is the length ofdelay in days. This cost function implies that the loss per day of delay increases as the delay becomes longer. The contractor has an option to launch a crash at an additional cost of $)0,000. With this crash program. heestimatesthat hecan improvethechancesofcompletingthe project
  • 31. THE DECISION .~IODEI. 21 on schedule in the: events ofnormal (N) and bad (B) weather to 90 •~and 70 ~~. rc:spc:ctivc:ly. Also. if a delay does occur. its mean and standard deviation will both be: reduced to I dav under normal weather: and 5 and 2 days, respectively, under bad weather. • Should the contractor launch the crash program based on the maximum EMV criterion? Solution From the decision tree shown in Fig. E2.9, the expected loss if no crash program is launched is where Hence, . . . E[LIC] = E[LiCG]P(G) + E[LICN]P(N) + E[LiCB]P(B) = 0 X 0.2 + E[LICN] X 0:4 + E[LICB] X 0.4 E[LICN] = E[(O.IX1 + X)/CN] =0.1{Var[XjCN].+ E1 [XiCN]) + E[XiCN] =0.1{9 + 25} + 5 = $8.4 thousand E[LICB] = 0.1{25 + 225} + IS= S40 thousand E[LI C] = 0 + 0.4 x 8.4 + 0.4 + 40 d$19.36 thousand Similarly, for the: crash altemarive- - E[LI CG] = $10 thousand E[LiCN] = 0.9 x 10 + 0.1{10 + O.l[Var{X/CN).+ E:(X/CN)] + E(XIC.V)} = 0.9 X 10 + 0.1{10 + 0.1(1 +I)+ I} = $10.12 thousand E[LICB] = 0.7 X 10 + 0.3{10 + 0.1(4 + 25) + 5} = $12.37 thousand Delay Good Weather G (0.2) • =0 Normal Weather N (Q4l x: =5,c:r=3 Bad Weather B {Q4l =15,c:r•5 X: x=O (0.9) X =0 (0.1) x: :z(,O":r.l (0.7) x=O --c--- (0.3) x: =5,cr=2 ~ 0 O.lx2 +x O.lx2 + x . 10 10 IO+O.Ix2 +x 10 . iO+x+O.Ix2 Figure E2.9 Decision tree for completing construction project.
  • 32. 22 DECISION ANALYSIS and E(LIC]- 0.2 X 10 + 0.4 X 10.12 + 0.4 X 12.37 = $11.00 thousand The criterion of max~g the expected monetary value is equivalent to that of minimizing the expected monetary loss. According to this analysis, the contractor should launch a crash program to complete the construction project on-schedule. EXAMPLE 2.10 A distance AB is to be measured. With instrument.(I), the surveyor mustmeasure 10 separate segments. The error in each segment is random with mean zero and standard deviation u1 ; u1 is estimated to havea mean oft inch and c.o.v. of50%-Another instrument (II) is available, whic;h onlyrequires S'sCpar-ati:.segmentsto measure thedistance AB; the error in each segment has mean zero and standard deviation 112 with a mean of3 inchesand c.o.v. of60%.The cost of j:lerforming.the required measurements arc $150 and S100 with instruments (I) and (II), respectively~ The penalty ofinaccurate measurement is proportional to the square ofthe total error, or L = k(X1 + X 2 + ··· + X.)2 where k = 2, and X 1 is the measurement error (inch) in segment i. Which of the instruments should thf' surveyor usc based on the ~aximum EMV criterion? Solution The expected loss from inaccurate measurement based on theabove quadratic penalty function can be expressed in terms ofthe standard deviation of the error in each segment as £(Lju) = E[k(X, + X2 + ··· + X.) 2 lo-] ~ {~E(X?lu) + ~..t£(X1X1lu)] Ifeach me~surement is assumed to be statisticall~ j;;d~dent and ide1)tically distributed, £(Ljo-) = kn£(X2 lu) and = knu2 £(L).=. f}nu2 f(a) do- . : = kn£(u2) = kn[Varlo-) + £ 2 (o-)] For instrument (I),.the expected toial cost, including operating and inaccuracy costs, is £(C,) ':" 150 + 2 X 10[0.52 + 11 ] = $175 The corresponding total cost for instrument.(II) is £(C0 ) =100 + 2 x 5[1.82 + 32 ] =$2.22.5 Therefore, on the basis ofthe maximum EMV criterion, thesurveyor should usc instrument (I).
  • 33. THE DECISION MODEL 23 EXAMPLE 2.1I (e:xcerptedfrom Revell, 1973) (a) The existing Grapefruit Dam· on the Grapefruit Ri_ ver is a multipurpose project including water supply. power supply; m:reation. and ftood control. After a detailed economic analysis. the cost of the damage as a function of the discharge le,·el of the river is tabulated in Table E2lla. Determine the expected annual cost ofdamage. Solution Table El.lla Damage Cost at Given Discharge Level Discharge (I000 cfs) ·· 60 80 100 124 132 170 185 222 240 ~55 >255 Cost of Damage in S!OOO 0 1 101 . 5200 7635 17,000 24,500 40,180 59,500 92,125 92,125 The annual cost ofdamage depends on the level of maximum discharge in that year. Since the level of maximum discharge is a random variable (denoted as X below), the expected annual cost of damage is E(C) = r..,c(x)fx{x) dx Since the damage cost (Table E2lla) is given only for discrete levels ofdischarge, theexpected annual cost ofdamage may be computed approximately as follows: 300 :! 2!)0 .... §• 200 ... c: " & < .. !'!' 0 .<:: .... .. i5 I!)() 100 !10 0 3 E(C) = ~ c(x.) +lc(xl+ ,) P(x1< X~ xt+ 1 ) / / I / v ,......v ~~ ~..... 10 100 1000 '10.000 Averaqe Return Interval , years . Figure £2.11 Flow-frequency, Grapefruit River at Podunk.
  • 34. "" .24 DECISION ANALYSIS where x 1 and x,.. 1 represent two successive discretized discharge levels. From tbe flow fre- quency curve ofFig. E2.11, the probability that each tabulated discharge value will be exceeded in a year can be obtained. Table E2.11b summarizes the computations for the expected cost; these; results yield the expected annual damage cost of$32,810 for the existing Grapefruit Dam. In the next part of this eximiple (see below). other alternatives for improving the spillway ·capacityareconsidered.Theexpected11Jlnualdamagecostfor eachalternativeisalsocomputed using the same technique. ~ . .. . ;, Table El.llb Summary of Computations of Expected Annual Risk Cost Dis· . Damage ~ • Return Probability Average Damage Annual charge Cost Period of Cost Risk Cost (1000 cfs) (in SJOOO) (in'years) Exceedence P(x1 < x < x,+t) (in $1000) (in $1000) 60 o· : .- 150 0.00667 0.00267 0.5 0 80 I 250 0.00400 100 IOJ 500 0.00200 0.00200 51.0 0.10 0.00075 2650.5 1.99 124 5200 800 0.00125 0.00025 6417.5 1.60 132 7635 1000 0.00100 0.00050 12,317.5 6.16 170 17,000 2000 0.00050 0.00017 20,750 3.53 1!!5 24,500 3000 . 0:00033 • 0.00013 • 32,340 4.20 222 40.180 .5000 0.00020 240 59.500 7000 0.00014 0.00006 49,840 2.99 :!55 92.125 10,000 0.00010 0.00004 75,812 3.03 0.00010 92,125 9.21 >:!55 92.125 a: · 0.0 I:= 32.81. EXAMPLE 2.11 (Continued) (b) It is feared that theexistingspillwaycapacii'y'oftite Grapefruit Dam may be inadequate to handle theflood discharge. To improve thecapacity.threealternativedesigns are considered: a1 : Lengthening the spillway. , a2 : Lengthening the spillway, lowering the crest, and installing flashboard. aJ: Lengthening the spillway, considerable crest lowering. and installing radial gates. The capital costs required in the three alternatives arc S1.04, 1.3, and 3.9 million, respectively. Alternatives a2 and a3 would require annual operation and maintenance costs of$2000 anc:! SlO.OOO, respectively. Each alternative desitm is expected to have a 50-year service life, and the annual interest rate is assumed to be 6%. · The total annual expected damage cost, including losses· in recreation, structural and propertydamages, lossofpower revenue, human injuriesand deaths, etc.,for alternativesa.,a2 , and aJ are S5.56, 1.95, 297 thousand, respectively: whereas, the damage cost for the existing design (a0 ) is $32.81 thousand:· · · Determine the best alternative based on the minimum expected cost criterion. Solution The equivalent annual cost for the initial investment ofeach alternative design can be obtained by multiplying thecapital recoveryfactor correspondingto·a service life of50yearsat an annual interest rate of 6%. which is 0.0634. Table compares the annual costs for the various alternatives. Ti)c existing design is as59(:iated with.the minimum total annual cost; hence, no improvement should be implemented on the existing structure.
  • 35. THE DECIS/0, . .HODEL 25 ° Table Summary of Annual Costs (in Dollars) Annual Average Annual Total Annual Total Equivalent Operation and Expected Annual Alternatives Capital Cost Maintenance Cost Risk Cost Cost uo 0 0 32.810 32.810 at 66.oo0 0 5560 71.56( al 82.000 2000 1950 85.950 UJ 2..7.000 10.000 2970 259.970 · 2.2.4 Decision with Additional Information-Terminal Analysis In order to improve the existing state of information or to reduce the levels of uncertainty. it is common in engineering to conduct research studies or perform laboratory or field tests before a final decision is made. This occurs especially when a decision involves unusual and innovative design concepts. or when time is available for collecting additional information. The acquisition of additional · information. of. course. will require the expense of_ time. energy, and financial resources; in spite ofthese added.costs. the additionaiinformation may be valuable and will generally improve the chance of making a better decision. The added cost for this new information should be included or reflected in the decision analysis. In general. the additional information would not eliminate all the uncertainties ina decision problem. At best. based on the experimental outcome, the probabilities in the decision tree would be updated by applying Bayes' Theorem (see Chapters 2 and 8, Vol. 1). A decision analysis with additional information (commonly ref~:rred to as terminal analysis) is similar to the prior analysis, except that the updated probabilities (probabilities conditional on the experimental outcome) are used in the computation of the expected monetary value or utilily. The following examples illustrate the terminal decision analysis. EXAMPLE 2./2 Suppose the engineer in Example 2.7 feels that it istoo adopt the smallerdesign, that is, unit A; whereas choosing the conversativedesign. unit B, would mean a large initial inv.;stment that may bewasted iftheefficiency actually turns out to behigh. Afterconferringwith·his client, the engineer decided to find out more about the proposed waste treatment process before adopting a specific design. The engineer ordered the construction of a laboratory model to simulate the proposed waste treatment process. The cost of constructing the experiment is SIO,OOO, and the reliability of the experimental 'results is as follows: if tbe efficiency of tbe proposed treatment process is actually high (EH), the probability that the experimental results will indicate a high efficiency rating is 0.8, and the corresponding probabilities for medium and low efficiency ratings are 0.15 and 0.05, respectively. On the other hand, if tbe efficiency ofthe process is actually low, the probabilities that the experimental results will show high, medium, . and low efficiencyratings are0.1,0.2 and 0.7,respectively.Inshort,theconditional probabilities are as follows: . . P(HRIEJi)';.._~.s;·P(MRIE~ = 0.15, P(LRIEH) =0.05 . P(HRIEL) = 0.1, P(MRIEL) = 0.2. P(LRIEL) = 0.7 where HR, ~~· and LR denote events ofhigh. medium. and lowefficiency ratings,respectively.
  • 36. 26 DECISION ANALYSIS Relative Monetary Value ($1000) EH (0.951 -10 A El (Q05l -110 Test HR EH (0.95) -60 . B El (0.05) -30 Figrue £2.1211 Terminal analysis for HR test outcome. Suppose ~be experiment·was performed and the results indicated a high rating. In such a case, the updl!.ted probability ofEH is given by Bayes' Theorem as (see Example 2 7 for prior prob- abilities): · F(EH) = P(EHIHR) P(HR IEH)P'(EH) P(HR IEH)P'(EH) + P(HR!EL)P'(EL) 0.8 X 0.7· 0.8 X 0.7 + 0.1 X 0.3 =0.95 brother words, the probability that the process will actually have high efficiency is increased from 0.7 to 0.95. The corresponding updated probability ofEL is 0.05. :x_The decision tree for this terminal analysis is shown in Fig. E212a, where the probabilities for.aU the paths arc revised in accordance with the HR test outcome. . ; n.e expected monetary value of the two alternative desi!!Jls arc, respectively, E<AIHR) =o.95 x <-IO) + o.Os"x "(-110) =.-t5 E(BIHR) = 0.95 X (-60) + 0.05 X (-30) =- 58.5 . . · Hence, if the test results indicate a high efficiency rating. design A should·be chosen. It is interesting to observe that the expected monetary loss is oilly $15,000, including the cost ofthe . experiment (compare this with a $30,000 loss ifno experiment is performed). · Similarly. if the test outcome indicates a medium rating (MR), the updated probabilities of · E!f and EL arc, respectively, 0.637 and 0.363 as indicated in Fig. E212b. The corresponding Reiative Monetary Value IS IOOOJ EH (Q637l -10 A El (Q363l Test MR -110 "EHIQ637l . -60 B· EL 10.363) -.30 Figurt £2J2b Terminal analysis for MR test ?utco_ mc..
  • 37. THE DECIS/OiV .HODEL Relative Monetary Value ISIOOOl EH (0.143) - 1 0 A EL (0.857) -110 Test LR EH (0.143) -60 8 EL<0.857l -30 Figure E2.12c Terminal analysis for LR test outcome. revised expected monetary values for the two designs will be: £(.41 MR) = 0.637 X ( -10) + 0.363 x (-110) = -46.3 E(BIMR) = 0.637 X (-60) + 0.363 X (-30) = -49.11 2i Although design A is still slightly preferable to design B, theexpected loss ofS46.300exceeds the expected loss with no experiment. In this case, the experimental evidence is not very useful; the test results fall ina fuz:zy region. Of.course, the chanceofthis occurringmay be reducedifa more discriminating experiment is performed. Finally, in Fig. E2.12c. ifthe test indicates a low rating (LR), the updated probabilities ofEH and EL will be0.143 and 0.857, respectively; in such a case. design B should be chosen, with an expected loss of $34,300. · EXAMI'LE 2.13 In Example 28,supposethat additionald!ita wereobtained revealing thatovera 20-yearperiod. one earthquake of damaging intensity had occurred in site A, whereas no earthquakes were recorded at site B. Would the decision on the optimal dam site·be different given this new piece drinfo·rmation? · · · ·· · . Assume that the average earthquake damage costs are 5X (million dollars}, where X is the number ofearthquake occurrences (i.e., Case I in Example 2.8). First, the prior·probabilities on the mean rate ofquake occurrences at sites A and B, namely YA, Y•• should be updated with rio5pect to the additional earthquake data. For site A. P"(vA = 0.01) = P(v,. = O.OliX = 1 in 20 yr) P(X- 1 in 20 yrjv,..- 0.01)P'(v,.- 0.01) P(X =- 1 in20yr!v..t = 0,01)P'(v,. = 0.01) + P(X = 1 in20yrlv..t =- 0.02)P'(v,. '""0.02) (0.01 X 20ll'-O.l ~---...:.'.c.. · - · - X 0.5 I! - (O.Ql X .20)1!'-0 ·1 · .(0.02 x 20)1e-0•4 1! x0.5+ 1 ! ·· . x_O.S 0.08187 0.08187 + 0.134o6' .• = 0.378 P"(vA = 9·~~) = 1 - 0.378 = 0.622
  • 38. 28 DECISION ANALYSIS Similarly Cor site B, P"(l'.a - 0.005} PCX - 0 in 20yrlv.a.;, 0.005)P'(v.a = 0.005) P(X ""0 in 20 yrfv.a = O .OOS)P'(v.a ""0.005)+ P(X ""0 in 20 yrl".a-= O.Ol)P'(v1 = 0.01) · (0.005 X 20)01!-o. t . ..:..__--:-,.....;---- X 0.5 0! . = 0.524 P"(l·a.= 0.01) = I - 0.524 = 0.476 . The expected seismic damage..loss for each alternative is now computed based on these updated probabilities. For site A• . 2 . E"(LIA) = :[E(LIA, 1'j)P"('·JIA) j•t = (25Q X 0.01)(0.378) + (250 X 0.02)(0.622) = $4.055 million Similarly, for site B, E"(LIB) = (250 X 0.00~)(0.524) + (250 X 0.01)(0.476) =$1.845 million Combining the benefit data in Example 28. the net expected benefits for site A and site B are, respectively. $17.945 and $18.155 mtllion. Therefore, with the additional information, site B becomes the preferred location for the dam. ........... 2.2.5 Preposterior Analysis In a terminal analysis. the analysis assumes that the additional information (or .experimental outcome)lsavailable. However,ofequal orgreater interestmay bethe question: ''Should additional information be obtained'r Of course, additional information, such as performing an experiment, involves the added cost of time and money: therefore, t~e answer to this question depends.on Jhe benefit of the new infonnation relative ~o the·add!=ci cost. The add<;d cost rnay be justified if it eliminates a significant part of the uncertainty, thus leading to a lower expected loss. Decisions involving whether additional information acquired calls for preposrerior ono"/ysis. Figure 2.4 shows a typical decision tree for preposterior analysis. A two-stage decision problem is involved. At stage A, a decision on whether or not to proceed with an experiment is required; that is, a choice between an experiment (a3) and no .experiment (a1• o2 ). If alternative o3 (experiment) i$.chosen, another decision at stage B is needed, depending on the particular experimental outcome ZJ. A sub- tree may be constructed for each experimental outcome zi at stage B, as shown in Fig. 2.4. In a preposterior analysis. terminal analyses are first .performed on each of the subtrees as indicated in Fig. 2.4. The optimal alternative of each subtree is first
  • 39. THE DECTSIO:V .HODEL 19 No Experiment a3 (Experiment) Staqe A Figure 2.~ Decision tree for preposterior analysis. ~--- ~ - identified as marked in the figure. The maximum ·expected monetary value associ- ated with the optimal alternative of each subtree, namely dt, is then.used to compute the EMV of the experiment alternative; thus, E(a3 , experiment) = I dt P(z1) I in which P(z1 ) may be obtained thro_ ugh P(z1) = I P(z,l 91)P'(91) I= 1, 2, ... .• j (2.4) (25) where P'(9} is the prior probability of outcome (Jj (i.e.• before the experimental outcome is observed). Comparing the expected utilities of ah a1 with that'of a3 (experiment), the opt4rial alternative at stage A can be selected. If the alternative a3 is selected, the decision maker must wait until a specific experimental outcome is obtained; at this point the corresponding optimal alternative (as indicated by an asterisk) is selected. · EXAMPLE 1.14 For the decision problem of Example 2.12, should the experiment be condudtcd iri 'the first place? · The decision tree for a prcposterior analysis is shown in Fig. E2.14. The probabilities that the test will indicate HR. MR. and LR are computed by applying Eq. 2.5. For example, .P(MR)=' P(MRIEH)P.(EH) + P(MRIEL)P'(EL) = 0.15 X 0.7 + 0.2 X 0.J = 0.165
  • 40. . 30 DECISION ANALYSIS Relative Monetary Value ($ 1000) EH{0.7) 0 "El (0.3) -100 -50 -20 -10 -110 -60 -30 . -10 -110 -60 -30 -10 -110 EH(0.143l -60 I El(O.B57) -30 I I I Stage A Stage B . -....._ Fig•m£2.14 Decision tree for preposterior analysis:· The subtrees following the respective test outcomes are also shown in Fig. E214. In each of the subtrees, the optimal alternative is denoted by the asterisk and the corresponding optimal monetary value is shown;for example, the EMV for the subtree with outcome HR is -15.The expected monetary value of the test alternative is thus £(Test) = 0.59 X ( -15) + 0.165 X ( -46.3) + 0.245 X ( -34.3) = -24.86 Comparing this with the expected monetary values ofalternatives A and B assuming no test is perfonned. namely - ~0 and ~41, ~:espectively (from Example2 7), the engineer should opt for the experiment.Then,dependingonthe A-orB maybeselected accordingly, as indicated in Fig. E214. . .. 2.2.6 Value oflnformation In purely expected monetary te~s, the value ~fan experiment may bemeasured by (2.6) where E(T) is the EMV of a test alternative excluding the cost of the experiment
  • 41. THE DECISION .HODEL 31 and a• is the optimal alternative if the- test was not performed. Hence, if VI exceeds the experimental cost, the test' aitemative should be selected. The value of the additional information, however, is bounded by a limit referred to as the ..value of perfect information" (VPI). VPI is simply the difference between E(a*) and the expected monetary value of a "perfect test"; that is, a test with 100% reliability. Hence, VPI = E(PT) - E(a*) (2.7) Therefore, VPI represents the maximum ca'st that the decision maker should allow for acquiring any additionaJ information. EXAMPLE 2.15 Consider the waste treatment process design in Example 214. Suppose a perfect test is available that will definitely tell whether the efficiency of the treatment process is high or low. The cor- responding subtree is shown in Fig. E215; the cost ofconducting the perfect test is not included. The events EH0 , EL0 represent the possible perfect test results; accordingly, the subsequent conditional probabilities ofEH and EL are either one or zero. The expected monetary value for the perfect test is thus· and Eq. 2.7 yields E(PT) =0.7 X 0 1- 0.3 X ( -20) = -6 VPI = -6- (-30) = 24 Therefore, the cost ofacquiring any additional information should not exceed $24,000. For the specific test program studied in Example 2.14, the value of information from that test can be shown as VI= E(D- E(a*~ = (-24.86 + 10)- (-30) = 15.14 Relative Monetary Value <11000) EH(I) 0 EL(Ol -100 EH(I) -50 Perfect EL(Ol -20 Test EH!Ol 0 ELa (0.31 1-zol EL(I) -100 EH(Ol -50 EL (I) -20 Figure £2.15 Subtree of a perfect test.
  • 42. 32 DECJSJON ANALYSIS Sina: that test program costs only 510,000, which is less than its value ofinformation, namely $15,140. the test should be performed. Observe that the value of this test is still considerably less thlJ.II the value of perfect information. Hence, more sophisticated test programs could be considered for reducing the uncertainties of the-efficiency of the treatment process, as long . • as such test programs cost less than·s24,000. Otherwise, the amount oTsaving resulting from . TCductions in expected loss through such additional information will not be sufficient to pay for the cost of acquiring such_information in the !ifst place. 2.1.7 Sensitivity of Decision to ~or in Proba~bility Estimation The prior probabilities in a decision analysis·are often based on or supplemented by the subjective judgments of the decision maker. Errors in the estimated proba- bilities, therefore, are unavoidable. The effects of these errors on a decision are naturally of interest. In particular, the sensitivity ofthe optimal alternative to the values of the calculated probabilities is of interest. For instance, if the probability estimates are off by 10'Y.,. will this alter the op.timal alternative? The following example illustrates the nature of this problem and shows how asensitivity analysis may be performed. EXAMPLE 2.16 Consider the decision problem of Example 27 again. Instead of assigning 0.7 as the prior probabihty of high efficiency, let this probability be p. Pte corresponding probability of low efficiency is (I - p). Based on the decision tree ofFig. E2.7 (expressed interms ofp), the EMV for the two alternative designs are E(A) = p(O) +(I - p)( -100) = -100(1 - p) E(B) = p(-50) +(I- p)(-20) = -(20 + 30p) Figure. E2.16 shows a plot of these two EMV a:; functions of p. It can be observed that for p < 0.61. E<B) > E(A). hence. design B is the preferrc:d.alternative. On the other hand. for p > 0.62. design A would be preferred.Therefore.according to this analysis,design A should be selected if p > 0.62; it is not necessary that p be determined very precisely. Moreover. based on the decision tree in Fig. E2.15, the expected monetary value ofa perfect test is E(PT) = p(O) +(I - p)( -20) = -20(1 - p) which is also plotted in Fig. E:Z:l6. Observe that for p = 0 or 1, 2 perfect test r·nindicate the same conclusion: hence. a perfect test would be ofneg;ligible value. . . · The .value ofperfect information(VPI) is given by the <;lifferenc:e in ordinates tween E(PT) and the max EMV at aJ!ivcn value attains the highest value at p ,.,·0.62 in this elUmlple. Around p = 0.62, the optimal alternative is quite sensitive top. and any additional information can significantly increase the EMV of the decision. For the experiment proposed in Example 2.13, the EMV of the test alternative, excluding the experiment cost, is denoted by the curve £(Tl in Fig. E1.16. In generl!l. thc.EMV of any imperfect test wili not be linear with p and it should lie between E(PT) and max EMV. that is. within the triangular shaded region shown in Fig. ~- ~6. The difference in the ordimtes of £(T) and the max .EMV is VI. In short. if the number of alternatives is few. small errors in the ·estimated probability may not affect the selection of the optimal alternative, especially if the probabilitv is not close to the critical value (sucli as 0.62 in Example 2.16). The sensitivity.analysis illustrated ab~ve can be extended to decision problems with more alternatives; howc;ver. in such .cases. the'arialysis w~uld naturally be more complex. ·
  • 43. THE DECIS/0." .HODEL 13 EMV ·-. Figure £2.16 EMV of alternatives as functions of p. 2.2.8 More Examples EXAMPLE 2.17 (excerpredfrom Howard era/, 1972) The hurricane has long been a devastating force along the coastal regions.of the United States around the Gulf of Mexico: the average annual property damage during the 1960s was ap- proximately $440 million. A decision arialysis was performed to determine the possibility of mitigating the destructive force of hurricanes by seeding them with silver iodide before a hurricane hits the coast. The decision tree for the study is shown in Fig. E2.17a. With the present seeding technology, the effect ofseeding remains uncertain. Based on sub- jective: judgment and limited data from'the seeding of Hurricane Debbie. the probabilities for given (discretiZed) changes in wind speed are estimate<~.. It can be observed from these prob- abilities that wind speed tends to decrease with seeding; however, there is some probability that the hurricane wind speed may actuaUy increase after seeding. For this reason, the con- sequence of a seeding decision must include a ~government responsibility cost.~ Ifthe govern- ment decides not to seed. !hegovernment will no~ be held responsible for damages, since people will accept hurricanes as natural .disasters. On the other hand, if the governmentshould order seeding and the hurricane wind ·speed actually grows stronger because· of it, the government may be subjectto lawsuits for hurricane-induced damages. These costs have been estimated and included in Fig. E217a. . · . · Based on the information the decision tree of Fig. E217a, the expected monetary value for the seeding and no seeding alternatives are. respectively, · · . . · £(Seed)= 0.038 ~ (-503.95) + 0.143 X (-248.65) + 0.392 X ( -105.25) +0.255 X { -46.95) + 0.172 X" ( -16.55) = -19.15-35.56-41.26- 11.97- 285 = -Sll0.8 million
  • 44. 34 DECISION ANALYSIS c11onoe 1n PrapertJ Gcwer..,...llt Total Ma1imum Damoqe R-sibility Cost Sustained (Millions Cost l"-rtotit"' (Millions Wind 5pHd o!Doltanl Pr-rfJ Oamaool of Dallora) -+.32~ $335.8 +50~ $!503.95 ...... -+16~ . 191.1 - ....-+30 ·:~·~ 248.65 - 0 100.0 -+5 10525 -16~ 46.7•• 0 46.95 -32~ 16.3 0 16.55 +32'7. "335.8 335.8 +16~ 191.1 191.1 0 100.0 100.0 -16~ 46.7 46.7 -32~ 16.3 16.3 Figur~ E2.17a Decision tree. for seeding hurricane E(No Seed)= 0.054 x (-335.8) + 0.206 x (-191.1) + 0.48 X (- 100) + 0.2()6 X ( -46.7) + 0.054 X ( -16.3) = -18.1 - 39.3 - 48 - 9.62 - 0.88 = -SI15.9 million According to1hisanalysis,seeding should beimplemcntea;in spitc.ofthe potential liability cost to the t~ovemmcnt, because of the strong likelihood that property damages will be greatly reduced. A third alternative is to perform seeding experiments before deciding on whether or not to seed.FigureE217bshowsthecorrespondingdecision tree that includestheseedingexperiments as an alternative. The possible changes in the wind speed resulting from the experiment are discrctized into five outcomes-namely, +32% + 16%, 0, -16% -32%. Corresponding to each experimental outcome, the probability of a particular change in wind speed in future hurricanes will be updated from the previously estimated values. Representative paths or the decision tree a~e shown in Fig. E2.17b; here the results of the prepostcrior analysis arc also ·summarized. · - · · · EXAMPLE 2.18 (a) For the structural design of Example 23, which scheme should be adopted? (b) Suppose the performance ofdesign B can be inveStigated with a mOdel test at a cost of S50,000. Ifthe assumptions ofdesign Bare not valid, the model structure will fail in the test with 90% probability; if the assumptions are valid, the failure probability of the model structure is only 30%. Should the test be performed? (c) At most how much should be spent to check if the assumptions are valid?
  • 45. THE DECJSIOiV MODEL 35- Choice of Whether To Perform Ex~Mrimet~t Do Not Perform Experiment Result of Experim.nt Operati<nll Seedinq Decision Outcome +32"'· +16 0 -16 -32 +32"· +16 0 -16 -32 +32.,.. +16 0 -J6 -32 +32.,.. +16 ,0 -16 -32 Total Cost (MilliCHII of OoUonl 5503.7 248.4 10!1.0 46.7 16.3 503.7 248.4 10!10 46.7 16_.3 503.7 248.4 10!1.0 46.7 16.3 503.7 248.4 10!1.0 46.7 16.3 Figure E2.17b Decision analysis including value of seeding experiment. Solutions (a) The expected monetary loss associated with designs A and B are, respectively, E(A) = 0.99 _ x 1.5 + 0.01 x 11.5 = Sl.6 million •. E(i:J) = 0.5 X 0.99 X 1.0 + 0.5 X 0.01 X 11.0 +0.5 . X 0.9 X 1.0 + 0.5 X 0.1 X 11.0 = $1.55 million Based on the max-EMV criterion, design B should be adopted. _ (b) For the test alternative. the corresponding decision tree is given in Fig. E218a. Observe that the test result will only a1fcct the probabilities ofwhether the assumptions are valid or nilt, whereas the probability of satisfactory performance of the actual structure depending on the validity of the design assumptions are the same as those in part (a). With the given reliability level of the model test, that is, P(FI P') =0.9, P(Fi J7) = 0.1, P(Fi Y) = 0.3, P(Fi V) = 0.7 and P(Y) := P(Ji} = 0.5, we._ have P(F} = P(FI V}P(V) +P(FI V)P(V) = 0.3 X 0.5 + 0.9 X 0.5 = 0.6 IF) P(FI V}P(Y) 0.3 X 0.5 025 P(Y = P(F) =~=
  • 46. 36 DECISION ANALYSIS Test F =Test Model Fails A 5 (0.99) ,...------<l s(0.01) 5(099) ,...:-=:=..:...~ S(O.OI) 5(0.99) r------....q s(0.01) ~- s (0.99) s10.01) 5(0.9) F=Test Model Survives Lass (In Million I l U55 11.55 1.05 11.05 1.05 11.05 1.55 11.55 1.05 11.05 1.05 11.05 Figuu E2.18a Decision tree for test alternative. and P(Vif) = 0.75. Similarly, P(F} = 0.4. P(VIF) =P(FIV)P(V) = 0.7 X 0.5 = 0.875 P(F) · - ·9.4 . and P(ViFJ = 0.125. Ifit is as~umed that the t~st model failed, the expected losses for thedesigns are, respectively, E(A IF) = 0.99 x 1.55 + 0.01 x 11.55 = 51.65 million E(BIF) = 0.25 X (0.99 X 1.05 + O.QI X 11.05) + 0.75 X (0.9 X 1.05 + 0.1 X11.05) = 0.25 X 1.15 + 0.75 X ·205 = $1.825 million Hence. A is the better design if the test model failed. On the other hand, E(A iF) =S!.65 million E(BiF) =0.875 X 1.15 + 0.125 X 2.05 = $1.2625 million indicating that B is the better design ifthe test model survives. The expected value ofthe test is E(T) "" 0.6 X 1.65 + 0.4 X -1.2625 . = 1.455 Since the expected loss of the test alternative is less than tbat of the optimal design in (a), namely desip~ B. the test should be performed.
  • 47. THE DECISION .HODEL Ji Perfect Test Loss {In Million $) s (0.99) 1.5 s(0.01) 11.5 s (0.99) 1.0 s(0.01) 11.0 s (0.99) 1.5 s (0.01) 11.5 s (0.9) 1.0 s<nn 11.0 Figure E1.18b · Decision tree for perfect test. (c) The maximum cost of the test that can be justifiably spent may be determined by considering th~ perfect test. The decision tree for this alternative is shown in Fig. E218b. Performing the ex~tecfloss calcllll!tion. we have Therefore. E(A 1V) = 0.99 x 1.5 + 0.01 x 11.5 =S1.6 million E(BI V) = 0.99 x 1.0 + 0.01 x 11.0 = Sl.1.million E(A 1V) = 0.~ x 1.5 + 0.01 x 11.5 = $1.6 million E(B IV) = 0.9 x 1.0 + 0.1 x 11.0 = S20 million E(PT) = E(BIV)P(V) + E(AjP)P(V) = 1.1· X 0.5 + 1.6 X 0.5 = $1.35 million The value of perfect information is . VPI = - [E(PT) - E(B)] = -{1.35- 1.55) = S0.20 million Hence. $200.000 is the amount that may be spent for checking the validity of the assumptions. EXAMPLE 2.19 The proposed site for a structure overlies a layer of saturated sand (see Fig. E2.19a) that is vulnerable to liquefaction under earthquake excitation. To estimate the probability of lique- faction, the following simplified model is suggested. LetS be the maximum earthquake load over the proposed lifetime of-the structure, S = N(IOO, 40) at a critical point in.the stratum. Let R be the resistance capacity of the sand against liquefaction, such th~t R = (t +fo)x
  • 48. 38 DECISION ANALYSIS Structure -· !ipre E2.19a Profile ofproposed site. where X is N(150, 50) and d is the depth (in feet) ofthe water table below the ground surface. Liquefaction occurs ifS exceeds R. The present watenable·is at the ground surface. However, the water table may be lowered by as much as 10 feet to impro~ the soil resistance against liqu~action. Suppose the cost of lowering the ~at~ table is C, = O .Ola1 · (inS million) and the loss in the event ofliquefaction is $5 million. (a) Ifthe water table iS to be changed, how much should it be lowered? As the depth of the water table d increases, the resistance capacity of the sand against liquefaction increases, thereby reducing its risk of liquefaction during earthquakes; however, the associated cost oflowering the water table also increases rapidly. The optimal value of a can be obtained by minimizing the sum ofthecost oflowering the water table and the expected loss from liquefaction. For a given value of d, the mean and standard deviation of R can be determined as JJa = (1 + :o)JJx = 150(1 + :o) a,.= (1 + io)ax = so(r~ io) Since RandS may be assumed to be statistically independent, the probability ofliquefaction is P(S > R) = P(R _ s < O) = 41f0- (JJ,. - JJs)] = 41f_JJs - 150(1 + d/10) J . L Jai + ai ~~~ + 502 0 + a11W Substituting the values of JJsand as yields the expected total cost 100- 150(1 + df10) . J. 1600 + 2500(1 + d/10)2 A trial and error solution. asshown below,reveals that CT is minimum with d "" 4 ft. Therefore, if the water table is to be lowered, 4ft will be the optimal depth. · a c, Expected Liquefaction Loss Cr 0 0 1.09 1.09 2 0.04 0.67 0.71 3 0.09 0.54 0.63 4 0.16 0.44 0.60 5 0.25 0.36 0.61 6 0.36 0.29 0.65
  • 49. THE DECISION :WODEL -39 Liquefaction (0.218) No Liquefaction (0.7821 0 No Liquefaction ( 1.0) -QB Figure E2.19b Decision tree on excavation. (b) Upon further investigation, any lowering ofthe water table will not be permitted by a regulatory agency. However, the saturated sand can be excavated and replaced by material with a negligiblechanceofliquefaction.The excavation will cost SO.Smillion. Should the soilbe excavated or left untouched? The decision tree for this case is shown in Fig. E2.19b. If no excavation is performed, d = 0, and the probability ofliquefaction is P(S > R) = ~ 100 - ISO ] = 0218 1600 + 2500 . The corresponding ex~i:ed mone~y value is EMV(no excavation)= 02l8(-5) ·= -$1.~ million which is a greater loss than the cost of excavation. Therefore, excavation is the preferred alternative, at a cost of SO.S million. · (c) Suppose the.soil resistance parameter X consists of two components; namely, X= Y+W where Y = N(100, 40), W = N(SO, 30), and Y and Ware statistically independent Moreover, the exact value ofW may be obtained by conducting a test, with which the decision to excavate or not is then made. Determine the value of this test alternative. Since the test wiil yi~ld a given val~e of W, the random variable X becomes X==Y+w which is N(100 + w, _ 40). After thetc:St, if no excavation is performed, the probability oflique- faction becomes · · · P(S > R) =«>[100 - (100 + w)J j1fi:X:J + 1600 The decision tree for the test alternative is shown in Fi~ E219c. The distribution of W at the chance node A is N(50, 30). The decision analysis starts with node B, where the expected monetary values of the two alternatives are · EMV(no ~~:ti~n) = -s~(~ and EMV(cxcavation) = -0.8
  • 50. 40 DECISION ANALYSIS No Excavation 0 Test A Excovaticn No Liquefaction :-:-.:.• ' ·•·• -- -.· . -. ·•. (1.0) -0.8 : ..:: . Figuu £2.19~ Decision tree for test alternative. ·Therefore, whether or not to excavate depends"on the·value of,... obtained from the test. The critical value of w occurs at (~J . -,jl--5J = -0.8 or ... = -40j2~-·e~8) "'.56.29 . Ifw is less than .56.29, EMV(excavation) > EMV(no excavation), and the optimal alternative is to excavate, with a corresponding expected monetary value of -0.8. On the other hand, if w exceeds .56.29, EMV(excavation) < EMV(no excavation), the preferred alternative is not to excavate, with a corresponding expected monetary value of- 5C!l(-w;40j2). At node A, the expected monetary value ofthe tes_ t alternative is thus EMV(test) = J'6 - 19 -0.8 f,.{w) dv.· + f... -Sill( "~fw{w) dw -• U.l9 40.,.;'21 wheref,.{w) is the PDF of N(.50, 30). After simplification, ( .56.29- 50) f"" (' -~:-)··-· 1 --- [ 1 ("'- .50)1] EMV(test) = -0.8~ - 5 ~ --- ~ exp - _ ; - - dw 30 4!:J.../2 .J1n3(1 2 30 = -0.47 - 0.16 = -0.63 where !he integral has been evaluated numerically. When we compare this with the expected monetary value ofthe optimal alternative without the test. from part (b).the value of the test in monetary terms is VI = -0.63 - (-0.8) = $0.17 million EXAMPLE 2.·10 (excerptedfrom Chamberlain, 1970) The waterqualityin theGreat Lakes isgradually beingdegraded becauseofindustrialpollution. Three alternatives have been proposed by the Great Lakes Management to improve the situa- tion; namely: a1 : Build a new efficient treatment plant for SJO million. a1: Conduct research to develop a scc<;>ndary pr~cc;ssor: tht; <?Utcome of the research may be one of the following:
  • 51. THE DECISION .HODEL _41 (i) develoPed processor in 2nd year at a cost of $0.5 million with 0.3 probability: (ii) developed processor in Jrd year at a cost of S0.75 million with 0.4 probability; (iii) developed processor in 4th year at a .cost of SI.O million with 0.2 probability: (iv) failure to de·elop processor in 4 years at $1.0 million with 0.1 probability. a1 : Stock the lakes with robust species of bacteria that arc more resistant to pollution at a cost of $0.1 million. A founh alternative. a4 • is to do nothing. Because of uncertainties in the environment, panic- ularly with respect to the potential sources ofpollutants from industry, the level offuture water quality prior to treatment may be idealized as either q1 or q2 , where q1 is better 'than q1 . • The relative likelihoods ofthese two water qualities arc subjectively estimated to be 3 to 2 For all possible combinations of alternatives and states of water quality prior to treatment. five levels ofimprovement in water quality arc possible, namely I, II, III, IV, V, in decreasing degree of improvement. Suppose the monetary value associated with each of these five levels of water quality are assessed by a group of planners as follows: d(I) = .'C d(II) = 0.9x if the processor is developed in 2nd year =0.8x if the processor _ is developed in 3rd year =0.6.'C if the processor is dev.elopcd in 4th year -~. . . . d(III) ·= O.Si ifthe processor is developed in 2nd year = 0.7.'C if the processor is developed·in Jrtfyear = O.Sx if the processor is developed in 4th year d(IV) =0.2x d(V) = O.Oix where the value of.'C in million dollars remains to be assigned. Table E2.20 summarizes the conditional probabilities that the alternatives will achieve the Table E2.20 Conditional Probabilities Pretreatment Improved Water Quality Level Water Alternative Quality II III IV v a, q, I 0 0 o· 0 qz 0.8 0.2 0 0 0 a1 (with processor q, 0 0.7 0.3 0 0 developed) qz 0 0.5 0.5 0 0 a2 (without q, 0 0 0 0 I processor) qz 0 0 0 0 I al , q. 0 0 0 1 0 qz o· 0 0 . 1 0 a,. q, 0 0 0 0 ... ql. 0 0 0 0 corresponding water quality. For example, P(IIIa1q1) denotes the probability ofachieving level II in water quality if alternative a1 is chosen and the water quality prior to treatment is q1 ; P(llla1qz.) =0.2
  • 52. The complete decision tree is given in Fig. E2.20a, wbere..T is the development time under alternativea2 .Theexpectedmonetaryvaluesare -10 + 0.992x, -0.75 + 0.677x, -0.1 + 0.2.x, and 0.01x for alternatives a1, a3 , a3 and a4 , respectively. lt can ·be observed from Fig. E220b · that each ofthe four alternatives could be the optimal one, depending on the value ofx. For x less than 0.5,a4 is theoptimal alternative;a3 becomes optimalfor0.5 < x < 1.4; beyond which a2 becomes optimal. For very large values ofx(> 29.4). a~ will become the optimal alternative, implying that if water quality is extremely valuable, it would pay to build a new and efficient treatment plant even at a great cost. EXAMPLE 2.21 A stream is subject to floods each spring. Because of frequent flood .damages to an adjacent town, a plan to increase the present levee elevatfon of 10 feet to either 14 or 16 feet is being investigated. The corresponding costs ofconstruction arc $2 and $25 million,respectively, and the reconstructed leveewill last 20 years. The average annual damage caused by the inadequate level ofprotection is $2million.Based onthe datacollected from previousyears,theannual flood level in the stream can be estimated quite accurately as havinga median of10feet and a c.o.v. of 20%; however, both the normal and Jognonnal distributions appear to fit the data equally well. Suppose the true distribution could equally likely be normal or lognonnal. Assume a discount rate of 7% per year. (a) Determine the optimal decision based on EMV criterion: (b) How much is it worth to verify the true distribution of the annual flood level?
  • 53. THE DECISION MODEL - 43 Figure E2.10b Expected monetary value ofalternatives as function of x. Solution The decision tree for the levee improvement is shown in Fi'&. E221a. The alternatives are · .. a0 : Levee elevation remains at 10 feet. a1 : Increase levee to 14 feet. · · a2 : Increase levee to 16 feet. For each alternative the probability distribution of the annual maximum flood level, X, could ctthcr be lognormal (LN) or normal (N); on these bases, the probability ofin'!-dequatc Hood protection (event F) may be computed for each alternative as follows: P(Fiao. LN) = 0.5 P(Fiao, N) = 0.5 . . .. . . {11114 - In 10) P(Fiat- LN)_= 1. -ell-: 0.2 = 0.0462 · . · · ,jl4 -·to) · P(Flat- N).=. 1 - .... - 2 - = 0.022~5 ( In 16 - In 10) ~Fia2 ,LJY) = l .-ell O .l .. = O.!J0939 . . (16·-10) P(Fla2 , N) = 1 -ell - 2 - = 0.00135
  • 54. 44 DECISION ANALYSIS Totol PreHn! Cast !In Millil!n il F (0.5) 21.2 f I0.5l 0 F 10.5) ..:. • 21.~ ;, f' I0.5l 0 F (0.0462) 2:3.2 F' I0.9538l 2.0 F (0.02275) 23.2 f (0.97725) 2.0 F (0.009:39) 2:3.7 f I0.99061l 2.5 · F (0.00135) 23.7 · F' 1099865l Z.5 Figurt! E2.2Ja Decision tr~for levee improvement. The total present cost ofeach alternative is the sum ofthe initial investment and the equivalent present value uf the annual damatge cost. The present worth factor for 20 years at 7% interest is 10.594. As an example, for ~th a0 - LN- F ofFig. E2.2la, the total present cost is C••-LN-F = 0 + 2 X 10.5.94 :"' $21.188 million whereas C.,-i.N-F = 2 + 2 X )0.594 = $23.188 million C-.-LN- 1 = 25 + 0 X 10.594 "".$2.5 million The expected total present costs for each of the alternatives are: E(C..,) = 0.25 X 21.2 + 0.25 X 21.2 = 10.594 . E(C.,) = 0.5 X (0.0462 X 23.2 + 0.9538 X 2.0) + 0.5(0.022?5 X 23.2 + 0.97725 X 20) = 2731 E(C.,) = 0.5 X (0.00939 x.23.7 + 0.99061 X 2.5) +_0.5(0.001~: X :p.7 + 0.99865 X 25) = 2.614 Therefore. the levee should be increased to 16 feet if the expected total present cost is to be minimized; the corresponding expected total present cost is $2614 million. (b) For.perfect information on the probability distribution of the annual flood level. the corresponding decision tree i$ shown in Fig. Ei2tb. Presumably the true .distribution will be lognormal or normal with equal likelihood. Given that the distribution is lognormal, the probabilities Offlooding are 0.5, 0.()462. and 0,00939 for alt.ematives. QO, Q 1, aJ_Jd Q2 1respectively. The expected total costs for the respective ~ltematives are · .. : . . . . E(C..ILN) = 0.5 x 21.2 = SI0.6.million · . E(C~,ILN) = 0.0462 x 23.2 + 0.9538 .x .20 =: S2.9.79 million E(C.,ILN) = 0.00939 x 23.7 + 0.99061 x 1.5 = $2.699 million