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Module 3
Prof. Krishnananda L
Department of ECE
Python Dictionary
in python is an unordered/ordered collection of data values, which
are mutable.
Created using curly braces; elements are comma separated values
Dictionary is a python object with data type <‘dict’>
More generally known as Associative array
 Python Dictionary is used to store the data in a key-value pair format. Associates
a ‘key’ with a value
 Dictionary is a collection of key-value pairs where the value can be any Python
object (ex: list, tuple, integer, string etc). In contrast, the keys must be immutable
Python object, i.e., Numbers, string, or tuple
Dictionaries store a mapping between a set of keys and a set of values.
: D={“LK”: “Python”, “Branch” : “ECE”}.
Creating a Dictionary
 The dictionary can be created by using multiple key-value pairs enclosed with
the curly brackets {}, and each key is separated from its value by the colon (:)
 Values in a dictionary can be of any data type and can be duplicated, whereas
keys can’t be repeated and must be immutable.
 Dictionary Keys are “case sensitive” and unique
 Dictionary can also be created by the built in function . An empty
dictionary can be created by just placing two curly braces .
thisdict = {
"brand": "Suzuki",
"model": "Swift",
"year": 2020
{'brand': 'Suzuki', 'model': 'Swift', 'year': 2020}
employee= { "Name":"Abhishek",
"Designation":"System Engineer", "Salary": 40000,
print ("Employee details")
print (employee)
Employee details
{'Name': 'Abhishek', 'Designation': 'System Engineer',
'Salary': 40000, 'Company': 'Microsoft'}
# Creating a Dictionary
# with Integer Keys
Dict = {1: "Digital communication", 2: "Embedded System", 3: "Microwave and
print("Dictionary with the use of Integer Keys:n ")
Dictionary with the use of Integer Keys:
{1: 'Digital communication', 2: 'Embedded System', 3: 'Microwave and Antennas', 4: 'Python'}
<class 'dict'>
# with Mixed keys
Dict = {"A":1,"B":2,3.14:"Pi"}
print("Dictionary with the use of Mixed Keys:n ")
Dictionary with the use of Mixed Keys:
{'A': 1, 'B': 2, 3.14: 'Pi'}
## string keys and different data types for values
>>> print (d1)
{'Shape': 'circle', 'color': ['red', 'blue'], 'size': 4}
## integer keys and values of different data type
>>> d2={1:"hello", 2:(34,56), 3:[23.45, 67,88], 4:True}
>>> print (d2)
{1: 'hello', 2: (34, 56), 3: [23.45, 67, 88], 4: True}
Note: We can define, modify, view, lookup, and delete
the key-value pairs in the dictionary
# Creating an empty Dictionary
Dict = {}
print("Empty Dictionary: ", Dict)
Empty Dictionary: {}
# Creating a Dictionary with dict() method
Dict = dict({1: "India", 2: "America", 3:"China"})
print("Dictionary with the use of dict(): ",Dict)
Dictionary with the use of dict(): {1: 'India', 2: 'America', 3: 'China'}
# Creating a Dictionary with each item as a Pair
Dict = dict([(1, "India"), (2, "America"), (3,"China")])
print("nDictionary with each item as a pair: ")
Dictionary with each item as a pair:
{1: 'India', 2: 'America', 3: 'China'}
### illustrating mutability
>>> d2={1:"hello", 2:(34,56), 3:[23.45, 67,88], 4:True}
>>> d2[1]='welcome‘ ## change value at key 1
>>> print (d2)
{1: 'welcome', 2: (34, 56), 3: [23.45, 67, 88], 4: True}
## value can be duplicated i.e., more keys can have same value
>>> d2={1:"hello", 2:(34,56), 3:[23.45, 67,88], 4:True}
>>> d2[2]='hello'
>>> print (d2)
{1: 'hello', 2: 'hello', 3: [23.45, 67, 88], 4: True}
Accessing elements from a Dictionary
# Creating a Dictionary
Dict = {'Name': 'Abhi', 'USN': '1SK18EC001', 'class':
'ECE', 6 : 'Sem'}
# accessing a element using key
print("Accessing a element using key:")
# accessing a element using key
print("Accessing a element using key:")
# accessing a element using get method
print("Accessing a element using get:")
 In order to access the items of a dictionary, refer to its key name. Key can be used inside square
 There is method that will also help in accessing the element from a dictionary
Accessing a element using key:
Accessing a element using key:
Accessing a element using get:
#### employee data
Employee ={
"Name": “Manasa", "salary":50000,
print("printing Employee data .... ")
## accessing value using Key
print("Name : %s" %Employee["Name"])
print("Salary : %d" %Employee["salary"])
print("Company : %s" %Employee["Company"])
<class 'dict'>
printing Employee data ....
Name : Manasa
Salary : 50000
Company : GOOGLE 7
>>> d = {'user':'krishna', 'pwd':1234}
>>> d['user'] ## access value using key
>>> d['pwd']
>>> d['krishna'] ## invalid access
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#5>", line 1, in <module>
KeyError: 'krishna‘
>>> d['id']=25 ## appending new key-value pair
>>> print (d)
{'user': 'krishna', 'pwd': 1234, 'id': 25}
>>> d['salary']=50000
>>> print (d)
{'user': 'krishna', 'pwd': 1234, 'id': 25, 'salary': 50000}
>>> d['user']='anusha‘ ## changing value using key
>>> print (d)
{'user': 'anusha', 'pwd': 1234, 'id': 25, 'salary': 50000}
# Creating a Nested Dictionary
# as shown in the image
Dict = { 1 : "Python",2 :
"Programming", 3 : { "A" :
"Welcome", "B" : "to",
"C" : "Python"}}
print (Dict)
{1: 'Python', 2: 'Programming', 3:
{'A': 'Welcome', 'B': 'to', 'C':
### class details nested dictionaries
# create a dictionary ‘myclass’ that contains
# 3 student dictionaries
myclass = { "student1" : { "name" : "abhishek",
"marks" : 700 },
"student2" : { "name" : "Vinay",
"marks" : 640 },
"student3" : { "name" : "Varidhi",
"marks" : 680 }
print ("student info:")
print (myclass)
student info:
{'student1': {'name': 'abhishek', 'marks': 700}, 'student2': {'name':
'Vinay', 'marks': 640}, 'student3': {'name': 'Varidhi', 'marks': 680}}
### nested dictionaries
## create 3 dictionaries first
## add these 3 to a new dictionary
student1 = { "name" : "abhishek", "marks" : 700 }
student2 = { "name" : "Vinay", "marks" : 640 }
student3 = { "name" : "Varidhi", "marks" : 680 }
# new dictionary
myclass={ "student1":student1,
print ("student info:")
print (myclass)
student info:
{'student1': {'name': 'abhishek', 'marks': 700}, 'student2':
{'name': 'Vinay', 'marks': 640}, 'student3': {'name': 'Varidhi',
'marks': 680}}
Adding elements to a Dictionary
 In Python Dictionary, new elements can be inserted in multiple ways.
 One value at a time can be added to a Dictionary by defining value along with the key: Ex:
Dict[key]= ‘value’
 Updating an existing value in a Dictionary can be done by using the built-in method.
Nested key values can also be added to an existing
# Creating an empty Dictionary
Dict = {}
print("Empty Dictionary: ")
# Adding elements one at a time
Dict[0] = 'Abhi'
Dict[1] = 'Vinay'
Dict[2] = 'Govind'
Dict[3] = ‘Akshata’
print("nDictionary after adding 4 elements: ")
Empty Dictionary:
Dictionary after adding 4 elements:
{0: 'Abhi', 1: 'Vinay', 2: 'Govind', 3: 'Akshata'}
# Adding set of values to a single Key
car= {"brand":"Marutisuzuki", "model":"Swift",
"year": 2020 }
print("original dictionary elements")
print (car)
print (car)
# Adding (appending) to the existing dictionary
>>> d2={1:"hello", 2:(34,56), 3:[23.45, 67,88], 4:True}
>>> d2[5]=35 ## key 5 is added at the end
>>> print (d2)
{1: 'hello', 2: (34, 56), 3: [23.45, 67, 88], 4: True, 5: 35}
# Updating existing Key's Value
print ("after updating values")
print (Dict)
after updating values
{0: 45, 1: 67, 2: 'Govind', 3: 'Akshata'}
# Adding Nested Key value to Dictionary
Dict[4]={'Nested':{'abhi':‘python', 'vinay':‘HDL',
print("nAdding a Nested Key: ")
Adding a Nested Key:
{0: 'Abhishek', 1: 'Vinay', 2: 'Govind', 3: ‘Akshata’,
4: {'Nested': {'abhi': 'python', 'vinay': ‘HDL',
'Govind': ‘datascience'}}}
{'brand': 'Marutisuzuki', 'model': 'Swift', 'year': 2020, 'price': (50000, 60000)}
#### employee data
### illustrating user input to update the existing
Employee ={"Name": "Manasa",
print("printing Employee data .... ")
print("Name : %s" %Employee["Name"])
print("Salary : %d" %Employee["salary"])
print("Company : %s" %Employee["Company"])
print("Enter the details of the new employee....");
Employee["Name"] = input("Name: ");
Employee["salary"] = int(input("Salary: "));
Employee["Company"]= input("Company:");
print("printing the new data");
printing Employee data ....
Name : Manasa
Salary : 50000
Company : GOOGLE
Enter the details of the new employee....
Name: Sahana
Salary: 40000
printing the new data
{'Name': 'Sahana', 'salary': 40000, 'Company': 'Wipro'}
# Adding (appending) key-vlaue pair
car = {"brand":"Marutisuzuki", "model":"Swift",
"year": 2020 }
print("original dictionary elements")
print (car)
print ("dictionary after appending")
print (car)
dictionary after appending
{'brand': 'Marutisuzuki', 'model': 'Swift', 'year': 2020, 'color': 'red'}
Accessing element of a nested dictionary
Dict = {'LK': {'food': 'Ice Cream'},
'Arun': {'food': 'dessert'},
'Rahul':{'food': 'Noodles'}
# Accessing element using key and [ ]
print("details of LK:")
print (" LK likes:")
print (" Arun likes:")
print (" Rahul likes:")
details of LK:
{'food': 'Ice Cream'}
LK likes:
Ice Cream
Arun likes:
Rahul likes:
in operator & Looping in Dictionary
##To check whether ‘key’is present in a dictionary,
#We use ‘in’operator
cardict = {
"brand": "Maruti",
"model": "Celerio",
"year": 2015
if "model" in cardict:
print("Yes, 'model' is one of the keys in the
print ("No, 'model' is not a key in this dictionary")
Yes, 'model' is one of the keys in the dictionary
When looping through a dictionary, the return value are
the keys of the dictionary, by default
cardict = {
"brand": "Maruti",
"model": "Celerio",
"year": 2015
for x in cardict:
print (x)
### Print all key names in the
dictionary, one by one:
### Print all values in the dictionary, one by one:
cardict = {
"brand": "Maruti",
"model": "Celerio",
"year": 2015
for x in cardict:
print (cardict[x])
Copying Dictionaries
 You cannot copy a dictionary simply by typing dict2 = dict1, because: dict2 will only be
a reference to dict1, and changes made in dict1 will automatically also be made in dict2.
 One way is to use the built-in Dictionary method copy()
 Another method is to make a copy of a dictionary with the dict() function
## copying dictionary
car= {"brand":"Marutisuzuki",
"year": 2020
print("original dictionary ")
print (car)
mycar=car.copy() ## using method
print ("copied using copy() method")
print (mycar)
print ("copied using dict() function")
yourcar=dict(car) ## using function
print (yourcar)
original dictionary
{'brand': 'Marutisuzuki', 'model': 'Swift', 'year':
copied using copy() method
{'brand': 'Marutisuzuki', 'model': 'Swift', 'year':
copied using dict() function
{'brand': 'Marutisuzuki', 'model': 'Swift', 'year':
>>> mycar==yourcar
>>> mycar is yourcar
Dictionary Methods
1. copy ()- They copy() method returns a copy of the dictionary.
2. clear()-The clear() method removes all items from the dictionary.
3. keys () – returns a list containing keys of the dictionary
4. values()- returns a list of all values of the dictionary
5. items() – returns all key-value pairs of dictionary as tuple
6. fromkeys()- Returns a new dictionary with the specified key and value
7.update() – updates the dictionary using the given key-value pair. The argument
must be a dictionary, or an iterable object with key:value pairs.
8. setdefault()- Returns the value of specified key. If key does not exist, insert the
key with the specified value
9. get() – returns the value of a given key
10. pop () - Removes and returns an element from a dictionary having the given
11.popitem()- Removes the last inserted key-value pair from the dictionary and
returns it as tuple.
Removing Elements from Dictionary
1) using keyword
In Python Dictionary, deletion of keys can be done by using the del
keyword. Using del keyword, specific values from a dictionary as well as whole
dictionary can be deleted. Items in a Nested dictionary can also be deleted by
providing specific nested key
will delete the entire dictionary
2) Using pop() method – deletes the value of the key specified
3) Using popitem() method- removes an arbitrary element/last element
4) Using clear() method- deletes all the elements of the dictionary
## Illustration of Item deletion from dictionary
## using del keyword
subject={1:"Python", 2:"Java", 3:"OpenCV", 4:"Ruby"}
print("id of dictionary is ", id(subject))
print("size of dictionary is:", len(subject))
print ("original items in dictionary are")
print ("deleting some items using del")
del subject[2]
print ("dictionary after deleting one item")
print (subject)
print("id of modified dictionary is ", id(subject))
print("size of modified dictionary is:", len(subject))
print ("deleting entire dictionary")
del (subject)
print ("after deleting dictionary if we try to access, we
print (subject)
id of dictionary is 67065768
size of dictionary is: 4
original items in dictionary are
{1: 'Python', 2: 'Java', 3: 'OpenCV', 4: 'Ruby'}
deleting some items using del
dictionary after deleting one item
{1: 'Python', 3: 'OpenCV', 4: 'Ruby'}
id of modified dictionary is 67065768
size of modified dictionary is: 3
deleting entire dictionary
after deleting dictionary if we try to access, we get
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:/18EC646/LK-MODULE 3/", line 17,
in <module>
print (subject)
NameError: name 'subject' is not defined
## Illustration of Item deletion from dictionary
## using pop() method
## takes key as argument
subject={1:"Python", 2:"Java", 3:"OpenCV",
print("id of dictionary is ", id(subject))
print("size of dictionary is:", len(subject))
print ("original items in dictionary are")
print ("removing item using pop() method")
print ("dictionary after removing item")
print (subject)
id of dictionary is 55982272
size of dictionary is: 4
original items in dictionary are
{1: 'Python', 2: 'Java', 3: 'OpenCV', 4: 'Ruby'}
removing item using pop() method
dictionary after removing one item
{1: 'Python', 2: 'Java', 4: 'Ruby'}
Note: with pop() method, one value with
the given key is removed from the
## Illustration of Item deletion from dictionary
## using popitem() method
## takes no argument
## removes the last item
subject={1:"Python", 2:"Java", 3:"OpenCV",
print("id of dictionary is ", id(subject))
print("size of dictionary is:", len(subject))
print ("original items in dictionary are")
print ("removing item using popitem() method")
print ("dictionary after removing one item")
print (subject)
id of dictionary is 57296848
size of dictionary is: 4
original items in dictionary are
{1: 'Python', 2: 'Java', 3: 'OpenCV', 4:
removing item using popitem() method
dictionary after removing one item
{1: 'Python', 2: 'Java', 3: 'OpenCV'}
Note: popitem() removes the last element
## Illustration of Item deletion from dictionary
## using clear() method
subject={1:"Python", 2:"Java", 3:"OpenCV", 4:"Ruby"}
print("id of dictionary is ", id(subject))
print("size of dictionary is:", len(subject))
print ("original items in dictionary are")
print (" deleting using clear() method")
print ("deletes all items and returns empty dictionary")
print ("dictionary after deleting")
print (subject)
id of dictionary is 60905384
size of dictionary is: 4
original items in dictionary are
{1: 'Python', 2: 'Java', 3: 'OpenCV', 4: 'Ruby'}
deleting using clear() method
deletes all items and returns empty dictionary
dictionary after deleting
{} 22
Dictionary Methods example
## illustration of different Dictionary methods
employee= {"Name":"Harsh", "Salary": 40000,
"Dept":"R&D", "company":"Accenture"}
print ("employee details are:")
print (employee)
print ("accessing element using get() method")
print ("employee name is: ", a)
print ("getting all the keys using keys() method")
print (b)
print ("getting all the values using values() method")
print (c)
print ("getting all key-value pairs using items() method")
print (d)
print("adding an element using update() method")
employee.update({"Location": "Bangalore"})
print("Dictionary after updation is:")
employee details are:
{'Name': 'Harsh', 'Salary': 40000, 'Dept': 'R&D', 'company':
accessing element using get() method
employee name is: Harsh
getting all the keys using keys() method
dict_keys(['Name', 'Salary', 'Dept', 'company'])
getting all the values using values() method
dict_values(['Harsh', 40000, 'R&D', 'Accenture'])
getting all key-value pairs using items() method
dict_items([('Name', 'Harsh'), ('Salary', 40000), ('Dept', 'R&D')
('company', 'Accenture')])
addingan element usingupdate() method
Dictionary after updation is:
{'Name': 'Harsh', 'Salary': 40000, 'Dept': 'R&D', 'company':
'Accenture', 'Location': 'Bangalore'}
### using methods to print dictionary details
employee= {"Name":"Harsh", "Salary": 40000, "Dept":"R&D",
print ("employee details are:")
print (employee)
## keys() method to return the keys of a dictionary:
print ("keys of the dictionary are:")
for x in employee.keys():
### values() method to return values of a dictionary:
print ("values of the dictionary are:")
for x in employee.values():
##Loop through both keys and values, by using the items()
print ("keys and values of the dictionary are:")
for x, y in employee.items():
print(x, y)
employee details are:
{'Name': 'Harsh', 'Salary': 40000, 'Dept': 'R&D',
'company': 'Accenture'}
keys of the dictionary are:
values of the dictionary are:
keys and values of the dictionary are:
Name Harsh
Salary 40000
Dept R&D
Strings Lists Tuples Dictionaries Sets
Immutable, ordered Mutable, ordered Immutable, ordered Mutable Mutable, unordered
Slicing can be done Slicing can be done Slicing can be done Slicing can’t be done Slicing can’t be done
Duplicates allowed Duplicates allowed Duplicates allowed Duplicate keys not
Duplicates NOT
They are enclosed in
single, double or triple
They are enclosed in
square braces [ ]
They are enclosed in
parenthesis ( )
They are enclosed in
curly braces { }
They are enclosed in
curly braces { }
Elements can be
numbers, tuples,
alphabets etc, all
treated as set of
Elements can be
numbers, strings,
tuples etc
Elements can be
numbers, strings, lists
Keys must be
immutable objects.
Values can be of any
Elements can be
numbers, strings, lists,
tuples etc
Elements are accessed
by indexing
Elements are accessed
by indexing
Elements are accessed
by indexing
Values are accessed
by using keys
Elements cant be
accessed using
Str = “Hello” List = [1, ‘hi’, (3,4)] Tuple = (‘hi’, 1, [2, 3]) Dict = {‘hi’:123,
S = {‘hello’, (2,3),
[4,5], 88}
Comparison of Python Data Structures
Nested Dictionary Example
# Creating a nested dictionary
Dict = {"America" : "Statue of Liberty", "France" : "Eiffel Tower", "India" : {1 : "Taj Mahal", 2 : "India
Gate", 3 : "Hampi"} }
{'America': 'Statue of Liberty', 'France': 'Eiffel Tower', 'India': {1: 'Taj Mahal', 2: 'India Gate', 3:
# Adding Nested Key value to Dictionary
Dict() = {'Nested' :{'DC':'18EC61', 'ES':'18EC62', 'PAP':'18EC646'}}
print("nAdding a Nested Key: ")
Adding a Nested Key:
{'America': 'Statue of Liberty', 'France': 'Eiffel Tower', 'India': {1: 'Taj Mahal', 2: 'India Gate', 3:
'Hampi'}}, {'Nested': {'DC': '18EC61', 'ES': '18ec62', 'PAP': '18ec646'}}}
WAP to create a dictionary of set of living and non-living beings. Accept a key from the
user and print whether it’s a living or a non-living being.
Dict = {"cat" : "Living", "car" : "non living", "human" : "living", "chair" : "non living", "whale":
"living", "tiger" : "living", "star" : "non living" }
being=input("Enter the keyn")
1. 2.
Enter the key Enter the key
star whale
non living living

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Python dictionaries

  • 1. PYTHON APPLICATION PROGRAMMING - 18EC646 Module 3 DICTIONARY Prof. Krishnananda L Department of ECE Govt SKSJTI Bengaluru
  • 2. Python Dictionary in python is an unordered/ordered collection of data values, which are mutable. Created using curly braces; elements are comma separated values Dictionary is a python object with data type <‘dict’> More generally known as Associative array  Python Dictionary is used to store the data in a key-value pair format. Associates a ‘key’ with a value  Dictionary is a collection of key-value pairs where the value can be any Python object (ex: list, tuple, integer, string etc). In contrast, the keys must be immutable Python object, i.e., Numbers, string, or tuple Dictionaries store a mapping between a set of keys and a set of values. : D={“LK”: “Python”, “Branch” : “ECE”}. 2
  • 3. Creating a Dictionary  The dictionary can be created by using multiple key-value pairs enclosed with the curly brackets {}, and each key is separated from its value by the colon (:)  Values in a dictionary can be of any data type and can be duplicated, whereas keys can’t be repeated and must be immutable.  Dictionary Keys are “case sensitive” and unique  Dictionary can also be created by the built in function . An empty dictionary can be created by just placing two curly braces . thisdict = { "brand": "Suzuki", "model": "Swift", "year": 2020 } print(thisdict) Output: {'brand': 'Suzuki', 'model': 'Swift', 'year': 2020} employee= { "Name":"Abhishek", "Designation":"System Engineer", "Salary": 40000, "Company":"Microsoft" } print ("Employee details") print (employee) Output: Employee details {'Name': 'Abhishek', 'Designation': 'System Engineer', 'Salary': 40000, 'Company': 'Microsoft'} 3
  • 4. # Creating a Dictionary # with Integer Keys Dict = {1: "Digital communication", 2: "Embedded System", 3: "Microwave and Antennas",4:"Python"} print("Dictionary with the use of Integer Keys:n ") print(Dict) print(type(Dict)) Output: Dictionary with the use of Integer Keys: {1: 'Digital communication', 2: 'Embedded System', 3: 'Microwave and Antennas', 4: 'Python'} <class 'dict'> # with Mixed keys Dict = {"A":1,"B":2,3.14:"Pi"} print("Dictionary with the use of Mixed Keys:n ") print(Dict) Output: Dictionary with the use of Mixed Keys: {'A': 1, 'B': 2, 3.14: 'Pi'} ## string keys and different data types for values >>>d1={"Shape":"circle","color":["red",”blue"],"size":4} >>> print (d1) {'Shape': 'circle', 'color': ['red', 'blue'], 'size': 4} ## integer keys and values of different data type >>> d2={1:"hello", 2:(34,56), 3:[23.45, 67,88], 4:True} >>> print (d2) {1: 'hello', 2: (34, 56), 3: [23.45, 67, 88], 4: True} 4 Note: We can define, modify, view, lookup, and delete the key-value pairs in the dictionary
  • 5. # Creating an empty Dictionary Dict = {} print("Empty Dictionary: ", Dict) Output: Empty Dictionary: {} # Creating a Dictionary with dict() method Dict = dict({1: "India", 2: "America", 3:"China"}) print("Dictionary with the use of dict(): ",Dict) Output: Dictionary with the use of dict(): {1: 'India', 2: 'America', 3: 'China'} # Creating a Dictionary with each item as a Pair Dict = dict([(1, "India"), (2, "America"), (3,"China")]) print("nDictionary with each item as a pair: ") print(Dict) Output: Dictionary with each item as a pair: {1: 'India', 2: 'America', 3: 'China'} ### illustrating mutability >>> d2={1:"hello", 2:(34,56), 3:[23.45, 67,88], 4:True} >>> d2[1]='welcome‘ ## change value at key 1 >>> print (d2) {1: 'welcome', 2: (34, 56), 3: [23.45, 67, 88], 4: True} ## value can be duplicated i.e., more keys can have same value >>> d2={1:"hello", 2:(34,56), 3:[23.45, 67,88], 4:True} >>> d2[2]='hello' >>> print (d2) {1: 'hello', 2: 'hello', 3: [23.45, 67, 88], 4: True} 5
  • 6. Accessing elements from a Dictionary # Creating a Dictionary Dict = {'Name': 'Abhi', 'USN': '1SK18EC001', 'class': 'ECE', 6 : 'Sem'} # accessing a element using key print("Accessing a element using key:") print(Dict['Name']) print(Dict['USN']) # accessing a element using key print("Accessing a element using key:") print(Dict.[6]) # accessing a element using get method print("Accessing a element using get:") print(Dict.get('class'))  In order to access the items of a dictionary, refer to its key name. Key can be used inside square brackets.  There is method that will also help in accessing the element from a dictionary Output: Accessing a element using key: Abhi 1SK18EC001 Accessing a element using key: Sem Accessing a element using get: ECE 6
  • 7. #### employee data Employee ={ "Name": “Manasa", "salary":50000, "Company":"GOOGLE"} print(type(Employee)) print("printing Employee data .... ") ## accessing value using Key print("Name : %s" %Employee["Name"]) print("Salary : %d" %Employee["salary"]) print("Company : %s" %Employee["Company"]) Output: <class 'dict'> printing Employee data .... Name : Manasa Salary : 50000 Company : GOOGLE 7 >>> d = {'user':'krishna', 'pwd':1234} >>> d['user'] ## access value using key 'krishna' >>> d['pwd'] 1234 >>> d['krishna'] ## invalid access Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#5>", line 1, in <module> d['krishna'] KeyError: 'krishna‘ >>> d['id']=25 ## appending new key-value pair >>> print (d) {'user': 'krishna', 'pwd': 1234, 'id': 25} >>> d['salary']=50000 >>> print (d) {'user': 'krishna', 'pwd': 1234, 'id': 25, 'salary': 50000} >>> d['user']='anusha‘ ## changing value using key >>> print (d) {'user': 'anusha', 'pwd': 1234, 'id': 25, 'salary': 50000}
  • 9. # Creating a Nested Dictionary # as shown in the image Dict = { 1 : "Python",2 : "Programming", 3 : { "A" : "Welcome", "B" : "to", "C" : "Python"}} print (Dict) Output: {1: 'Python', 2: 'Programming', 3: {'A': 'Welcome', 'B': 'to', 'C': 'Python'}} ### class details nested dictionaries # create a dictionary ‘myclass’ that contains # 3 student dictionaries myclass = { "student1" : { "name" : "abhishek", "marks" : 700 }, "student2" : { "name" : "Vinay", "marks" : 640 }, "student3" : { "name" : "Varidhi", "marks" : 680 } } print ("student info:") print (myclass) Output: student info: {'student1': {'name': 'abhishek', 'marks': 700}, 'student2': {'name': 'Vinay', 'marks': 640}, 'student3': {'name': 'Varidhi', 'marks': 680}} 9
  • 10. Contd.. ### nested dictionaries ## create 3 dictionaries first ## add these 3 to a new dictionary student1 = { "name" : "abhishek", "marks" : 700 } student2 = { "name" : "Vinay", "marks" : 640 } student3 = { "name" : "Varidhi", "marks" : 680 } # new dictionary myclass={ "student1":student1, "student2":student2, "student3":student3 } print ("student info:") print (myclass) Output: student info: {'student1': {'name': 'abhishek', 'marks': 700}, 'student2': {'name': 'Vinay', 'marks': 640}, 'student3': {'name': 'Varidhi', 'marks': 680}} 10
  • 11. Adding elements to a Dictionary  In Python Dictionary, new elements can be inserted in multiple ways.  One value at a time can be added to a Dictionary by defining value along with the key: Ex: Dict[key]= ‘value’  Updating an existing value in a Dictionary can be done by using the built-in method. Nested key values can also be added to an existing # Creating an empty Dictionary Dict = {} print("Empty Dictionary: ") print(Dict) # Adding elements one at a time Dict[0] = 'Abhi' Dict[1] = 'Vinay' Dict[2] = 'Govind' Dict[3] = ‘Akshata’ print("nDictionary after adding 4 elements: ") print(Dict) Output: Empty Dictionary: {} Dictionary after adding 4 elements: {0: 'Abhi', 1: 'Vinay', 2: 'Govind', 3: 'Akshata'} 11
  • 12. # Adding set of values to a single Key car= {"brand":"Marutisuzuki", "model":"Swift", "year": 2020 } print("original dictionary elements") print (car) car['price']=50000,60000 print (car) # Adding (appending) to the existing dictionary >>> d2={1:"hello", 2:(34,56), 3:[23.45, 67,88], 4:True} >>> d2[5]=35 ## key 5 is added at the end >>> print (d2) {1: 'hello', 2: (34, 56), 3: [23.45, 67, 88], 4: True, 5: 35} # Updating existing Key's Value Dict[0]=45 Dict[1]=67 print ("after updating values") print (Dict) Output: after updating values {0: 45, 1: 67, 2: 'Govind', 3: 'Akshata'} 12 # Adding Nested Key value to Dictionary Dict[4]={'Nested':{'abhi':‘python', 'vinay':‘HDL', 'Govind':‘datascience'}} print("nAdding a Nested Key: ") print(Dict) Output: Adding a Nested Key: {0: 'Abhishek', 1: 'Vinay', 2: 'Govind', 3: ‘Akshata’, 4: {'Nested': {'abhi': 'python', 'vinay': ‘HDL', 'Govind': ‘datascience'}}} Output: {'brand': 'Marutisuzuki', 'model': 'Swift', 'year': 2020, 'price': (50000, 60000)}
  • 13. #### employee data ### illustrating user input to update the existing values Employee ={"Name": "Manasa", "salary":50000,"Company":"GOOGLE"} print("printing Employee data .... ") print("Name : %s" %Employee["Name"]) print("Salary : %d" %Employee["salary"]) print("Company : %s" %Employee["Company"]) print("Enter the details of the new employee...."); Employee["Name"] = input("Name: "); Employee["salary"] = int(input("Salary: ")); Employee["Company"]= input("Company:"); print("printing the new data"); print(Employee) Output: printing Employee data .... Name : Manasa Salary : 50000 Company : GOOGLE Enter the details of the new employee.... Name: Sahana Salary: 40000 Company:Wipro printing the new data {'Name': 'Sahana', 'salary': 40000, 'Company': 'Wipro'} 13 # Adding (appending) key-vlaue pair car = {"brand":"Marutisuzuki", "model":"Swift", "year": 2020 } print("original dictionary elements") print (car) print ("dictionary after appending") car['color']='red' print (car) Output: dictionary after appending {'brand': 'Marutisuzuki', 'model': 'Swift', 'year': 2020, 'color': 'red'}
  • 14. Accessing element of a nested dictionary Dict = {'LK': {'food': 'Ice Cream'}, 'Arun': {'food': 'dessert'}, 'Rahul':{'food': 'Noodles'} } # Accessing element using key and [ ] print("details of LK:") print(Dict['LK']) print (" LK likes:") print(Dict['LK']['food']) print (" Arun likes:") print(Dict['Arun']['food']) print (" Rahul likes:") print(Dict['Rahul']['food']) Output: details of LK: {'food': 'Ice Cream'} LK likes: Ice Cream Arun likes: dessert Rahul likes: Noodles 14
  • 15. in operator & Looping in Dictionary ##To check whether ‘key’is present in a dictionary, #We use ‘in’operator cardict = { "brand": "Maruti", "model": "Celerio", "year": 2015 } if "model" in cardict: print("Yes, 'model' is one of the keys in the dictionary") else: print ("No, 'model' is not a key in this dictionary") Output: Yes, 'model' is one of the keys in the dictionary When looping through a dictionary, the return value are the keys of the dictionary, by default cardict = { "brand": "Maruti", "model": "Celerio", "year": 2015 } for x in cardict: print (x) Output: brand model year ### Print all key names in the dictionary, one by one: ### Print all values in the dictionary, one by one: cardict = { "brand": "Maruti", "model": "Celerio", "year": 2015 } for x in cardict: print (cardict[x]) Output: Maruti Celerio 2015 15
  • 16. Copying Dictionaries  You cannot copy a dictionary simply by typing dict2 = dict1, because: dict2 will only be a reference to dict1, and changes made in dict1 will automatically also be made in dict2.  One way is to use the built-in Dictionary method copy()  Another method is to make a copy of a dictionary with the dict() function ## copying dictionary car= {"brand":"Marutisuzuki", "model":"Swift", "year": 2020 } print("original dictionary ") print (car) mycar=car.copy() ## using method print ("copied using copy() method") print (mycar) print ("copied using dict() function") yourcar=dict(car) ## using function print (yourcar) Output: original dictionary {'brand': 'Marutisuzuki', 'model': 'Swift', 'year': 2020} copied using copy() method {'brand': 'Marutisuzuki', 'model': 'Swift', 'year': 2020} copied using dict() function {'brand': 'Marutisuzuki', 'model': 'Swift', 'year': 2020} >>> mycar==yourcar True >>> mycar is yourcar False 16
  • 17. Dictionary Methods 1. copy ()- They copy() method returns a copy of the dictionary. 2. clear()-The clear() method removes all items from the dictionary. 3. keys () – returns a list containing keys of the dictionary 4. values()- returns a list of all values of the dictionary 5. items() – returns all key-value pairs of dictionary as tuple 6. fromkeys()- Returns a new dictionary with the specified key and value 7.update() – updates the dictionary using the given key-value pair. The argument must be a dictionary, or an iterable object with key:value pairs. 8. setdefault()- Returns the value of specified key. If key does not exist, insert the key with the specified value 9. get() – returns the value of a given key 10. pop () - Removes and returns an element from a dictionary having the given key. 11.popitem()- Removes the last inserted key-value pair from the dictionary and returns it as tuple. 17
  • 18. Removing Elements from Dictionary 1) using keyword In Python Dictionary, deletion of keys can be done by using the del keyword. Using del keyword, specific values from a dictionary as well as whole dictionary can be deleted. Items in a Nested dictionary can also be deleted by providing specific nested key will delete the entire dictionary 2) Using pop() method – deletes the value of the key specified 3) Using popitem() method- removes an arbitrary element/last element 4) Using clear() method- deletes all the elements of the dictionary 18
  • 19. Contd.. ## Illustration of Item deletion from dictionary ## using del keyword subject={1:"Python", 2:"Java", 3:"OpenCV", 4:"Ruby"} print("id of dictionary is ", id(subject)) print("size of dictionary is:", len(subject)) print ("original items in dictionary are") print(subject) print ("deleting some items using del") del subject[2] print ("dictionary after deleting one item") print (subject) print("id of modified dictionary is ", id(subject)) print("size of modified dictionary is:", len(subject)) print ("deleting entire dictionary") del (subject) print ("after deleting dictionary if we try to access, we get") print (subject) Output: id of dictionary is 67065768 size of dictionary is: 4 original items in dictionary are {1: 'Python', 2: 'Java', 3: 'OpenCV', 4: 'Ruby'} deleting some items using del dictionary after deleting one item {1: 'Python', 3: 'OpenCV', 4: 'Ruby'} id of modified dictionary is 67065768 size of modified dictionary is: 3 deleting entire dictionary after deleting dictionary if we try to access, we get Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:/18EC646/LK-MODULE 3/", line 17, in <module> print (subject) NameError: name 'subject' is not defined 19
  • 20. Contd.. ## Illustration of Item deletion from dictionary ## using pop() method ## takes key as argument subject={1:"Python", 2:"Java", 3:"OpenCV", 4:"Ruby"} print("id of dictionary is ", id(subject)) print("size of dictionary is:", len(subject)) print ("original items in dictionary are") print(subject) print ("removing item using pop() method") subject.pop(3) print ("dictionary after removing item") print (subject) Output: id of dictionary is 55982272 size of dictionary is: 4 original items in dictionary are {1: 'Python', 2: 'Java', 3: 'OpenCV', 4: 'Ruby'} removing item using pop() method dictionary after removing one item {1: 'Python', 2: 'Java', 4: 'Ruby'} 20 Note: with pop() method, one value with the given key is removed from the dictionary
  • 21. Contd.. ## Illustration of Item deletion from dictionary ## using popitem() method ## takes no argument ## removes the last item subject={1:"Python", 2:"Java", 3:"OpenCV", 4:"Ruby"} print("id of dictionary is ", id(subject)) print("size of dictionary is:", len(subject)) print ("original items in dictionary are") print(subject) print ("removing item using popitem() method") subject.popitem() print ("dictionary after removing one item") print (subject) Output: id of dictionary is 57296848 size of dictionary is: 4 original items in dictionary are {1: 'Python', 2: 'Java', 3: 'OpenCV', 4: 'Ruby'} removing item using popitem() method dictionary after removing one item {1: 'Python', 2: 'Java', 3: 'OpenCV'} 21 Note: popitem() removes the last element
  • 22. Contd.. ## Illustration of Item deletion from dictionary ## using clear() method subject={1:"Python", 2:"Java", 3:"OpenCV", 4:"Ruby"} print("id of dictionary is ", id(subject)) print("size of dictionary is:", len(subject)) print ("original items in dictionary are") print(subject) print (" deleting using clear() method") print ("deletes all items and returns empty dictionary") subject.clear() print ("dictionary after deleting") print (subject) Output: id of dictionary is 60905384 size of dictionary is: 4 original items in dictionary are {1: 'Python', 2: 'Java', 3: 'OpenCV', 4: 'Ruby'} deleting using clear() method deletes all items and returns empty dictionary dictionary after deleting {} 22
  • 23. Dictionary Methods example ## illustration of different Dictionary methods employee= {"Name":"Harsh", "Salary": 40000, "Dept":"R&D", "company":"Accenture"} print ("employee details are:") print (employee) print ("accessing element using get() method") a=employee.get("Name") print ("employee name is: ", a) print ("getting all the keys using keys() method") b=employee.keys() print (b) print ("getting all the values using values() method") c=employee.values() print (c) print ("getting all key-value pairs using items() method") d=employee.items() print (d) print("adding an element using update() method") employee.update({"Location": "Bangalore"}) print("Dictionary after updation is:") Output: employee details are: {'Name': 'Harsh', 'Salary': 40000, 'Dept': 'R&D', 'company': 'Accenture'} accessing element using get() method employee name is: Harsh getting all the keys using keys() method dict_keys(['Name', 'Salary', 'Dept', 'company']) getting all the values using values() method dict_values(['Harsh', 40000, 'R&D', 'Accenture']) getting all key-value pairs using items() method dict_items([('Name', 'Harsh'), ('Salary', 40000), ('Dept', 'R&D') ('company', 'Accenture')]) addingan element usingupdate() method Dictionary after updation is: {'Name': 'Harsh', 'Salary': 40000, 'Dept': 'R&D', 'company': 'Accenture', 'Location': 'Bangalore'} 23
  • 24. Contd.. ### using methods to print dictionary details employee= {"Name":"Harsh", "Salary": 40000, "Dept":"R&D", "company":"Accenture"} print ("employee details are:") print (employee) ## keys() method to return the keys of a dictionary: print ("keys of the dictionary are:") for x in employee.keys(): print(x) ### values() method to return values of a dictionary: print ("values of the dictionary are:") for x in employee.values(): print(x) ##Loop through both keys and values, by using the items() method: print ("keys and values of the dictionary are:") for x, y in employee.items(): print(x, y) Output: employee details are: {'Name': 'Harsh', 'Salary': 40000, 'Dept': 'R&D', 'company': 'Accenture'} keys of the dictionary are: Name Salary Dept company values of the dictionary are: Harsh 40000 R&D Accenture keys and values of the dictionary are: Name Harsh Salary 40000 Dept R&D companyAccenture 24
  • 25. Strings Lists Tuples Dictionaries Sets Immutable, ordered Mutable, ordered Immutable, ordered Mutable Mutable, unordered Slicing can be done Slicing can be done Slicing can be done Slicing can’t be done Slicing can’t be done Duplicates allowed Duplicates allowed Duplicates allowed Duplicate keys not allowed Duplicates NOT allowed They are enclosed in single, double or triple quotes They are enclosed in square braces [ ] They are enclosed in parenthesis ( ) They are enclosed in curly braces { } They are enclosed in curly braces { } Elements can be numbers, tuples, alphabets etc, all treated as set of characters Elements can be numbers, strings, tuples etc Elements can be numbers, strings, lists etc Keys must be immutable objects. Values can be of any type Elements can be numbers, strings, lists, tuples etc Elements are accessed by indexing Elements are accessed by indexing Elements are accessed by indexing Values are accessed by using keys Elements cant be accessed using indexing Str = “Hello” List = [1, ‘hi’, (3,4)] Tuple = (‘hi’, 1, [2, 3]) Dict = {‘hi’:123, ‘set’:456} S = {‘hello’, (2,3), [4,5], 88} Comparison of Python Data Structures 25
  • 26. Nested Dictionary Example # Creating a nested dictionary Dict = {"America" : "Statue of Liberty", "France" : "Eiffel Tower", "India" : {1 : "Taj Mahal", 2 : "India Gate", 3 : "Hampi"} } print(Dict) Output: {'America': 'Statue of Liberty', 'France': 'Eiffel Tower', 'India': {1: 'Taj Mahal', 2: 'India Gate', 3: 'Hampi'}} # Adding Nested Key value to Dictionary Dict() = {'Nested' :{'DC':'18EC61', 'ES':'18EC62', 'PAP':'18EC646'}} print("nAdding a Nested Key: ") print(Dict) Output: Adding a Nested Key: {'America': 'Statue of Liberty', 'France': 'Eiffel Tower', 'India': {1: 'Taj Mahal', 2: 'India Gate', 3: 'Hampi'}}, {'Nested': {'DC': '18EC61', 'ES': '18ec62', 'PAP': '18ec646'}}} 26
  • 27. WAP to create a dictionary of set of living and non-living beings. Accept a key from the user and print whether it’s a living or a non-living being. Dict = {"cat" : "Living", "car" : "non living", "human" : "living", "chair" : "non living", "whale": "living", "tiger" : "living", "star" : "non living" } being=input("Enter the keyn") print(Dict[thing]) Output: 1. 2. Enter the key Enter the key star whale non living living 27