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Introduction to Computer
Computerisan electronicmachine whichtakesdataas inputandproduce outputthroughsetof
programs.It isa combinationof hardware andsoftware.The machine ishardware andthe dataand
instructionsare software.
History of computer:
Computerwasinventedby CharlesBabbage between1833 and 1871. He is alsoknownas Father of
Generations of Computer:
SSr.No. Generationand Description
First Generation
The periodof firstgeneration:1946-1959. Vacuumtube based.
The periodof secondgeneration:1959-1965. Transistorbased.
Third Generation
The periodof thirdgeneration:1965-1971. IntegratedCircuitbased.
Fourth Generation
The periodof fourthgeneration:1971-1980. VLSImicroprocessorbased.
The periodof fifthgeneration:1980-onwards.ULSImicroprocessorbased
Components of computer:
There are followingcomponentsof computer.
 CPU (Central ProcessingUnit)
 Motherboard
 Processor
 Memory(RAM)
 Case/chassis
 Powersupply
 Floppydrive
 Hard disk
 CD-ROM, CD-RW,or DVD-ROMdrive
 Keyboard
 Mouse
 Videocard
 Monitor(display)
 Soundcard
 Speakers
 Modem
Central Processing Unit (CPU):
The CPU (Central ProcessingUnit) isthe partof a computersystemthatis commonlyreferredtoas
the "brains"of a computer.The CPU isalso knownasthe processorormicroprocessor.The CPU is
responsible forexecutingasequenceof storedinstructionscalleda program.Thisprogramwill take
inputsfroman inputdevice,processthe inputinsome wayandoutputthe resultstoan output
CPUitselfhas followingthree components
 Memoryor Storage Unit
 Control Unit
 ALU(ArithmeticLogicUnit)
Computer refers to mainly two major elements which are as following:
1. Hardware
2. Software
All physical devicesusedincomputerwhichwe cansee andtouchare knownas hardware.Forexample
like monitor,mouse,keyboardetc.
Computers are connected with two types of devices:
1. InputDevices
2. OutputDevices
Input Devices:
Those deviceswhichare usedforgivinginstructionsinformof data to computersare knownasInput
Devices.Some of inputdevicesare asfollowing:
1. Keyboard:
2. Mouse:
3. Scanner:
4. Microphone:
5. Touchscreen:
6. Light Pen:
Output Devices:
Devicesusedtodisplaythe resultsorinformationare knownas OutputDevices.Some of outputdevices
are as following:
1. Monitor:
2. Printer:
3. Speaker:
Software isa collectionof dataor computerinstructions whichtellsthe computerhow toworkthe help
of hardware.
 SystemSoftware
 ApplicationSoftware
Systems software
The systemsoftware iscollectionof programsdesignedtooperate,control,andextendthe
processingcapabilitiesof the computeritself.Systemsoftwareare generallypreparedbycomputer
manufactures.These softwareproductscomprise of programswritten inlow-level languageswhich
interactwiththe hardware at a verybasic level.Systemsoftware servesasthe interface between
hardware and the endusers.
The most basic typesof system software are:
1. BIOS and device firmware – theyprovide basicfunctionalitytooperate andcontrol the hardware
connectedtoor builtintothe computer.
2. Operating System– IT allowsthe partsof a computerto worktogetherbyperformingtaskslike
providesaplatformtorun high-level systemsoftware andapplicationsoftware.
3. Utilitysoftware – It helpsinanalyzing,configuring,optimizingandmaintainingthe computer.
Application Software
Applicationsoftware products are designedtosatisfyaparticularneedof a particularenvironment.
All software applicationspreparedinthe computerlabcancome underthe categoryof Application
Applicationsoftware mayconsistof asingle program, suchas a Microsoft's notepadforwritingand
editingsimpletext.Itmayalsoconsistof a collectionof programs,oftencalledasoftware package,
whichworktogethertoaccomplisha task,such as a spreadsheetpackage.
Examplesof Applicationsoftwareare following
 Payroll Software
 StudentRecordSoftware
 InventoryManagementSoftware
 Income Tax Software
 RailwaysReservationSoftware
 MicrosoftOffice Suite Software
 MicrosoftWord
 MicrosoftExcel
 MicrosoftPowerPoint
Programming Languages
A vocabularyand setof grammatical rulesforinstructingacomputerto performspecifictasks.The
termprogramminglanguage usuallyreferstohigh-level languages,suchasBASIC,C, C++, COBOL,
FORTRAN,Ada,andPascal.Each language hasa unique setof keywords(wordsthatitunderstands)
and a special syntax fororganizingprograminstructions.
Concept of Data processing
Data processing,Manipulationof databy a computer.Itincludesthe conversionof raw data to
machine-readableform,flowof datathroughthe CPU and memorytooutputdevices,and
formattingortransformationof output.Anyuse of computerstoperformdefinedoperationson
data can be includedunderdataprocessing.Inthe commercial world,dataprocessingreferstothe
processingof datarequiredto run organizationsandbusinesses.
Stages of the Data ProcessingCycle
1) Collectionisthe firststage of the cycle,andis verycrucial,since the qualityof datacollectedwill
impactheavilyonthe output.The collectionprocessneedstoensure thatthe datagatheredare
bothdefinedandaccurate,sothat subsequentdecisionsbasedonthe findingsare valid.This
stage providesboththe baselinefromwhichtomeasure,andatarget on whatto improve.Some
typesof data collectioninclude census,sample survey,andadministrative by-product.
2) Preparation isthe manipulationof dataintoa form suitable forfurtheranalysisandprocessing.
Raw data cannotbe processedandmustbe checkedforaccuracy. Preparationisabout
constructinga datasetfromone or more data sourcestobe usedforfurtherexplorationand
processing.Analyzingdatathathas notbeencarefullyscreenedforproblemscanproduce highly
misleadingresultsthatare heavilydependentonthe qualityof dataprepared.
3) Input is the taskwhere verifieddataiscodedor convertedintomachine readable formsothatit
can be processedthroughacomputer.Data entryisdone throughthe use of a keyboard,digitizer,
scanner,or data entryfroman existingsource.Thistime-consumingprocessrequiresspeedand
accuracy. Most data needto follow aformal andstrict syntax since agreat deal of processing
powerisrequiredtobreakdownthe complexdataat thisstage.Due to the costs, manybusinesses
are resortingtooutsource thisstage.
4) Processingis whenthe datais subjectedtovariousmeansandmethodsof manipulation,the
pointwhere acomputerprogram isbeingexecuted,anditcontainsthe programcode andits
currentactivity.The processmay be made up of multiple threadsof executionthatsimultaneously
execute instructions,dependingonthe operatingsystem.While acomputerprogramisa passive
collectionof instructions,aprocessisthe actual executionof those instructions.Manysoftware
programsare available forprocessinglarge volumesof datawithinveryshortperiods.
5) Output and interpretation isthe stage where processedinformationisnow transmittedtothe
user.Outputispresentedtousersinvariousreportformatslike printedreport,audio,video,oron
monitor.Outputneedtobe interpretedsothatitcan provide meaningful informationthatwill
guide future decisionsof the company.
6) Storage is the laststage in the data processingcycle,where data,instructionandinformationare
heldforfuture use.The importance of thiscycle isthat it allowsquickaccessandretrieval of the
processedinformation,allowingittobe passedonto the nextstage directly,whenneeded.Every
computerusesstorage to holdsystemandapplicationsoftware.
Applications of IECT
IECT or Information,ElectronicsandCommunicationTechnologyisusedinvarioussectors.IECTcan
be usedto generate qualitymanpower.Example of some of the sectorsisgivenbelow.
Governance referstothe exercise of political, economicandadministrative authorityinthe
managementof a country’saffairs,includingcitizens’articulationof theirinterestsandexerciseof
theirlegal rightsandobligations.
E-administration– It referstoimprovinggovernmentprocessesandthe internal workingof public
E-services– It referstoimproveddeliveryof publicservicestocitizens.Someexamplesof
Interactive servicesare – requestsforpublicdocuments,requestsforlegal documentsand
E-democracy – It impliesgreaterandmore active citizenparticipationandinvolvementenabledby
ICTs inthe decision-makingprocess.
Multimedia and Entertainment
In today’selectroniceracomputershave invadedalmosteveryfieldof ourlife andentertainmentisno
exception.Withadvancementincomputerhardware andwidespreadreachof Internet,computerhas
become a useful tool inentertainment.Usingcomputer,youcanlistentomusic,watchmoviesand
DVDs,playgamesand evenhookupyour cable connection. All thishasbeenpossibledue to
advancementinmultimediaconceptof computersandaccompanyingprogressincomputerhardware.
Multimediaisacombinationof pictures,audio,video,animation,and textforimprovingcontent
displayedbythe computer.E.g.usingMicrosoftWindowsXPMediaCenterEdition,youcanrun almost
anything(DVD,MP3, iPad,home theatre system, etc.) youwantusingyourcomputerasthe hub.
Introduction to Operating System
Introduction to operating system
An operatingsystemisaSystemsoftware whichperformsall requiredtasktorun a computer and
managesall processesof a system. The operatingsystemprovidesaninterface betweenanapplication
program andthe computerhardware.
Common desktop operating systems:
1. Windows
2. Linux / UNIX
3. Mac
Functions performed by operating systems:
1. Processor management– Assignmentof processortodifferenttasksbeingperformedbythe
2. Memory management– Allocationof mainmemoryandotherstorage areasto the system
programsas well asuser programsand data.
3. Input/output management– Co-ordinationandassignmentof the differentoutputandinput
deviceswhileone ormore programsare beingexecuted.
4. File management– Storage of filesof variousstorage devices.Italsoallowsall filestobe easily
changedand modifiedthroughthe use of texteditorsorsome otherfilesmanipulationroutines.
5. Prioritization– Establishmentandenforcementof aprioritysystem.Thatis,the OSdetermines
and maintainsthe scheduleinwhichjobsare tobe executedinthe computersystem.
6. Automatic transition fromone jobto anotherjob as directedbyspecial control statements.
7. Interpretationof commandsandinstructions.
8. Resource Allocation– Coordinationandassignmentof compilers,assemblers,utilityprograms,
and othersoftware tothe varioususersof the computersystem.
Facilitieseasycommunicationbetweenthe computersystemandthe computeroperator
(human).Italsoestablishes datasecurityandintegrity.
User Interface in Operating System:
Graphical User Interface hasa visual environmentusingwindows,buttons,andicons.AsMicrosoft
Windowsoperatingsystemisthe mostpopular,we will discussthe differentfeaturesof aGUI based
operatingsystemswiththe helpof Windowsoperatingsystem.
Interface maybe one the followingtype:
1. Graphical User Interface (GUI):Graphical basedoperatingsystemsprovideGUIto interactwith
computer.Graphical Iconsare providedonthe screen.Withthe helpof variousinputdevicesthese
iconscan be usedtoquicklygive instructionstocomputerandalsoto start variousprograms.
MicrosoftWindows,Macintoshetc.are popularexamplesof Graphical UserInterface based
2. Command Line Interface
A commandline operatingsystemprovidesacommandprompton the computerscreen.The
commandsare giventothe computerby typingonthe keyboard.The commandsare typed
accordingto the predefinedformat.The usershave tomemorizecommandsandrulesof writing
these commands.Itisnot an easywayto interface withthe computer.MSDOS and LINUX provide
textbasedinterface topassinstructiontocomputer.
There are followinguserinterfacesinoperating system.
 Task Bar
 Icons
 Start Menu
 RunninganApplication
Settings of an operating system:
 ChangingDisplayProperties
 To Add or Remove aWindowsComponent
 ChangingMouse Properties
 AddingandremovingPrinters
File and Directory Management
Withthe clickof mouse buttonusercan create,delete,andrename afile orfolder.Folderscanbe
sharedso that these are usedbyothers.Movinga file issimple draganddropoperationof mouse in
WindowsExplorer.Forthe textprocessingrequirements of the usersNotepadandWordPadare
given.Utilitieslike Gamesandmultimediacanbe usedto entertainthe users.Systemperformance
can be increasedwithsystemtool
In WindowsExplorerormycomputer,one can see bothhierarchyof foldersonthe computersand
all the filesandfoldersineachselectedfolder.Thisisespeciallyuseful forcopyingandmovingfiles
Creatingand Renamingof Filesand Directories
A file object providesarepresentationof aresource thatcan be managedbythe I/O system.Like
otherobjects,theyenable sharingof the resources,theyhave names,theyare protectedbyobject-
basedsecurity,andtheysupportsynchronization.The I/Osystemalsoenablesreadingfromor
writingtothe resource.
A directory isa hierarchical collectionof directoriesandfiles.The onlyconstraintonthe numberof
filesthatcan be containedina single directoryisthe physical sizeof the diskonwhichthe directory
Creatingnew filesor folders
Followthese stepstocreate newfolders:
1. OpenWindowsExplorer,navigate tothe drive orfolderinwhichyouwantto create your new
2. Rightclickanywhere inthe white space andhoverthe mouse overnew.
3. Clickon folderfromthe sub-menuthatappears.
4. You will thenbe promptedtoname the folder,simplytype inthe name andthenpressenter
(return) key.
The same procedure maybe followedforcreatingfiles.
RenamingFilesand folders
Followthese stepstorename filesandfolders:
1. Rightclickon the folderor file whichyouwanttorename.
2. Thenclickon the sub-menuRename.
3. Filename getshighlighted.Write the name of the file orfolderyouwantandpressEnter.
Elements of Word Processing
Word Processing:
A wordprocessorissoftware or a device thatallowsuserstocreate,edit,andprintdocuments.It
enablesyoutowrite text,store itelectronically,displayitona screen,modifyitbyenteringcommands
and charactersfrom the keyboard,andprintit.
1. Clickon the Start button.
2. In the menuthat appearsselectAll Programs→MicrosoftOffice→MicrosoftOfficeWord. This
will openthe MicrosoftWordscreenonthe monitor.
If you are familiarwith previousversionsof Word,whenyoubegintoexplore Word,youwill notice
a significantchange inthe menustructure,lookandfeel.The featuresinWorddisplayasvarious
tabs suchas Home,Insert,Page Layout,Referencesetc.
Shortcut Menus
Thisfeature allowyoutoaccess variousWordcommandsfasterthan usingthe optionsonthe menu
bar. Whenthe menuisexpanded,the shortcutmenuisdisplayedwithshort-cutcommandoption
for eachof the short-cutmenuitem.
Usingthe Help
Click the MicrosoftOffice Help button inthe upperrightor pressthe F1 keyon yourkeyboardto
openHelponyour computer.The firsttime youuse the Helpfeature inMicrosoftOffice programs,
the online Helpwindowappearsinadefaultlocationandsize on yourscreen.
Add a command to the Quick AccessToolbar
On the ribbon,clickthe appropriate tabor groupto displaythe commandthat youwantto add to
the QuickAccessToolbar. Right-clickthe command,andthenclick Addto QuickAccessToolbaron
the shortcut menu.
Openexistingdocuments,andsave documentsinWord.
Save and Save as
Whenit isneededthe documenttostore inthe internal memoryof the computer,inorderto
preserve the documentforfuture use,youmust save itonthe disk,to do so.
Selectthe save optionfromthe File menu.The Save asdialogbox getsinvokedasdisplayedinfigure
Page Setup
Page setupcan be usedto change page orientation,setleft,top,bottommargins,pagessizesetc.To
change page size and orientation
 Selectthe Page Setupoptionof the File menu.The Page Setupdialogbox getsinvokedas
 Selectthe marginslab.
 Enter the measurementinthe Top,Bottom, Leftand Rightboxes.
Print Preview
Previewingadocumentmeansviewingascreenrepresentationof one ormore pagesbefore you
printthem.To printpreviewadocument,the stepsare:
Printingof Documents
To printa document,followthesesteps:
 Selectthe Print optionfromthe File menu.Alternatively,clickonthe Printtoolbarbuttonof the
standardtoolbar.If printerisinstalledonthe computer,Printdialogbox getsinvokedas
displayedinthe givenfigure.
 In the Name box,selected the printeronwhichyourdocumentgetsprinted.If printeryouuse
has options,youcanaccess themby clickingonthe Propertiesoptionfromthe File menu.
 Clickon the Printto file checkbox toprintthe documentto a file onthe disk.
 Enter the Numberof copiestobe printed inthe Copiesarea.
 To printa range of pages,specifythe portionof the documentyouwanttoprintinthe Page
Range box.
 Clickon the Pagesradiobuttonto include the page numbersorthe page range,or the page
numbersorthe page range,or both.
 To printa complete copyof the document,copyof the documentbefore the firstpage of the
nextcopyis printed,clickonthe Collate checkbox.
 If you wantto printall the copiesof the firstpage and thenprintall the copiesof subsequent
pages,clearthe Collate checkbox.
 Clickon the OKbuttonto sendthe copiesto the printer.
Save a New/ExistingDocument
To save a new/existingdocumentthatisopened,follow one of the followingmethods:
1. Clickthe Save buttonon the menubar.
2. PressCTRL+S keyson the keyboard.
Cut, Copy and Paste
Textand objectssuchas picturesandtablescan be rearrangedinyour Word documentusingthe
cut, copyand paste commands.
Cut and Paste
Cuttingandpastingmovesthe textor object.Whenyoucut somethingitisremovedfromits
locationandplacedon a clipboard(atemporarystorage area).It can thenbe pastedto another
Selectthe textor objectyou want to cut
Clickthe Home tab on the Ribbonandthenthe Cutbuttonin the Clipboardgroup,orpressCtrl + X
Selectthe destinationareaof the documentandclickthe Paste buttonin the Clipboardgroup,or
pressCtrl + V.
Copy and Paste
Copyingandpastingcopiesthe textorobject.Whenyoucopy somethingitremainsinitslocation
and isplacedon a clipboard.Itcan thenbe pastedto anotherlocation.
Font and Size selection
Clickthe Home tab to findthe Fontgroup.
Justto the rightof the Fontbox is the Size box,whichshowsthe fontsize.
Displaythe fontsize list.
Selectafont size from thislist.
To centertext,clickthe Centerbutton.Yourtextisnow linedupinthe centerof the page (along
the vertical axis).
To move the textso itis alignedwiththe rightmargin,highlightthe textyouwanttomove,andclick
the AlignRightbutton. Your textisnow alignedtothe rightmargin.
To make the textstretch outso it takesupwhole lines,highlightthe textyouwanttomove,and
clickon Justify.Yourtextisnowfullyjustified(spreadout) acrossthe page sothat boththe leftand
rightsidesof the paragraph are straightinsteadof beingjagged.
Bulletsand Numbering
Lists:One level ormany levels
Make a listwithjustone level,ormake amultilevel listtoshow listswithinalist.
Whenyoucreate a bulletedornumberedlist,youcandoany of the following:
 Use the convenientBulletandNumberinglibraries
 Use the defaultbulletand numberingformatsforlists,customizethe lists,orselectotherformats
fromthe BulletandNumberinglibraries.
Add bulletsor numberingto a list
1. Selectthe itemsthatyouwant toadd bulletsornumberingto.
2. On the Home tab, inthe Paragraph group,click BulletsorNumbering.
 You can finddifferentbulletstylesandnumberingformatsbyclickingthe arrow next
to BulletsorNumberingonthe Home tab,inthe Paragraphgroup.
 You can move an entire listtothe leftorthe right.Click a bulletornumberinthe list,anddrag it
to a newlocation.The entire listmovesasyoudrag.The numberinglevelsdonotchange.
1. Selectthe textthatyouwant to change the case of.
2. On the Home tab, inthe Font group,click Change Case (as showninthe diagrambelow),
and thenclickthe capitalizationoptionthatyouwant.
 To capitalize the firstletterof asentence andleave all otherlettersaslowercase,click Sentence
 To exclude capital lettersfromyourtext, clicklowercase.
 To capitalize all of the letters,click UPPERCASE.
 To capitalize the firstletterof eachwordandleave the otherletterslowercase,click Capitalize
Each Word.
 To shiftbetweentwocase views(forexample,toshiftbetween Capitalize EachWordand the
opposite,cAPITALIZEeACHwORD),click tOGGLEcASE.
 To applythe small capital (Small Caps) letterformattingtoyourtext,see the note anddiagram
Table Manipulation
Tablesare usedto displaydataina table format.
Draw Table
In MicrosoftOffice Wordyoucan inserta table bychoosingfroma selectionof preformatted
tables — complete withsample data— orby selectingthe numberof rowsandcolumnsthatyou
want.You can inserta table intoa document,oryou can insertone table intoanothertable to
create a more complex table.
1. Clickwhere youwantto inserta table.
2. On the Inserttab,in the Tablesgroup,click Table,pointto QuickTables,andthenclickthe
template thatyouwant.
Use the Table menu
1. Clickwhere youwantto inserta table.
2. On the Inserttab,in the Tablesgroup,click Table,andthen,underInsertTable,dragto select
the numberof rows and columnsthatyouwant.
Use the InsertTable command
You can use the InsertTable commandto choose the table dimensionsandformatbefore youinsert
the table intoa document.
1. Clickwhere youwantto inserta table.
2. On the Inserttab,in the Tablesgroup,click Table,andthenclick InsertTable
3. Under Table size,enterthe numberof columnsandrows.
4. Under AutoFitbehavior,choose optionstoadjustthe table size.
Create a table
You can create a table bydrawingthe rowsand columnsthatyou wantor byconvertingtexttoa
Draw a table
You can draw a complex table — forexample,one thatcontains cellsof differentheightsora
varyingnumberof columnsperrow.
1. Clickwhere youwantto create the table.
2. On the Inserttab,in the Tablesgroup,click Table,andthenclick Draw Table.
AlignmentofText in cell
Aligna table ona page
Right aligned
1. Clickthe table,andthen clickthe Table Layout tab.
2. Under Settings,click Properties.
3. Clickthe Table tab, andthenunderAlignment,selectthe optionthatyouwant.
TIP: To indentaleft-alignedtable,enteranumberinthe Indentfromleft box.
1. Selectone ormore cellsinthe table,andthenclickthe Table Layouttab.
2. Under Alignment,click Align,andthenselectthe optionthatyouwant.
Delete / Insertionof row and column
Delete a row
1. Selectthe rowthat youwant to delete byclickingitsleftedge.
2. Under Table Tools,clickthe Layouttab.
3. In the Rows& Columns group,click Delete,andthenclick Delete Rows.
Delete a column
1. Selectthe columnthat youwant to delete byclickingitstopgridline ortopborder.
2. Under Table Tools,clickthe Layouttab.
3. In the Rows& Columns group,click Delete,andthenclick Delete Columns.
Border and shading
1. From the Ribbon,selectthe Home commandtab
Withinthe Paragraphsection,the ShadingandBorderoptionsare available.
2. Selectthe paragraph(s) towhichyouwantto add shadingand/orborder(s)
3. To add a border,click BORDERS » selectthe desiredborderoption
4. To add shading, clickthe nexttoSHADING » selectthe desiredshadingoption
RemovingBorders and Shading
1. Selectthe paragraphcontainingthe borderorshadingyouwant to remove
2. To remove the border,click BORDERS » selectNoBorder
3. To remove the shading,clickthe nexttoSHADING » selectNoColor
ModifyingBorders and Shading
1. Selectthe paragraphcontainingthe borderorshadingyouwant to modify
2. To modifythe border,click BORDERS » selectthe desiredborderoption
3. To modify the shading, click the next to SHADING » select the desired shading
Borders and Shading Options:Dialog Box Option
To viewthe BordersandShadingdialogbox:
1. Selectthe paragraph(s) towhichyouwantto add shading and/orborder(s)
2. From the Ribbon,selectthe Home commandtab
3. Withinthe Paragraphsection,click BORDERS » selectBordersand shading.
The Bordersand Shading dialogbox appears.
Spreadsheetisusedtodoworkwithdata for whichwe needtodo mathematical calculations,create
charts, graphs,etc.MicrosoftExcel is the electronicspreadsheetprogramthatwe will learninthis
ElementsofElectronic Spreadsheet
Most of the Excel screenisdevotedtothe displayof the spreadsheet.A spreadsheetismade of
intersectingrowsandcolumns.The intersectionof arow and columnisa rectangulararea calleda
Excel displaysanewworkbookwhenitis opened.Allthe cellsare emptyindefaultspreadsheetof
thisnewworkbook.A cell isactive whenthe borderishighlighted.Whenyouenterinformation,the
informationisstoredinthe active cell.
Addressingof Cells
As toldearlier,acell ismade byintersectionof arow and a column.Eachrow has a number
associatedwithitandeach columnhasan alphabetassociatedwithit.Sothe cell formedby
intersectionof arowand a columnhas boththe number(of the row) andalphabet(of the column)
as cell address.E.g.,a cell formedbyintersectionof columnDand row 32 has the cell addressD32.
Whena cell isselected,itsaddressisshowninthe addressbox.
Printingof Spreadsheet
PrintAll Pages
To printa worksheet,followthesesteps:
Clickon File Printtoopenthe “Print”dialogbox.
Click‘All’from‘PrintRange’andClick‘Active Sheet’radio.
Print of Spread Sheet
To printselectedpagesof aworksheet,follow thesesteps:
Clickon File →Printtoopenthe “Print”dialogbox.
Click‘Pages’andtype start page numberinto‘From’ andendpage numberin‘To’box from ‘Print
Click‘Active Sheet’radio.
Saving Workbook
To save a worksheet,followthesesteps:
1. Clickon File →Save toopenthe “Save”dialogbox.
2. Type filename inthe ‘File Name’box.
3. Clickon ‘Save’button.
Manipulationof Cells
Excel has some goodfacilitiesfordatamanipulation,especiallyitsfiltersforselectingsubsets,and
itsabilitytotransformand lookupdata valuesusingfunctionswithinformulas.
EnteringText, Numbersand Dates
To entertext,followthese steps:
1. Selectacell by clickingonit,and enter‘Excel isfun’withoutquotes.
2. Observe thatyourtextisdisplayedintwoareas.Textisdisplayedinthe active cell withinthe
workbookandit isalsodisplayedinthe formula bar. The formulabar isactivatedas soonas you
begintypingina cell.
To enternumber,follow these steps:
1. Selectacell by clickingonit.
2. Enter 789.
3. Observe thatyournumberisdisplayedintwoareas.Numberisdisplayedinthe active cell
withinthe workbookanditisalsodisplayedinthe formula bar.
To enterDate,followthese steps:
1. Selectacell by clickingonit.
2. Enter 29/09/2010 usingformatdd/mm/yyyy.The defaultdate formatismm/dd/yyyy.
CreatingText, Numberand Date Series
CreatingText Series
To create a textseries,follow these steps:
1. Selectanyblankcell fromworksheetandtype anyalphanumericvalue.
2. Choose ‘Fill’optionfromEditmenu.
3. Choose SeriesfromFill submenuandappear‘Series’dialogue box.
4. Type stepvalue of seriesinto‘StepValue’box andtype lastvalue of listinto‘StopValue’box.
5. Clickon ‘OK’button.
CreatingNumber Series
To create a numberseries,follow these steps:
1. Selectanyblankcell fromworksheetandtype anynumber.
2. Choose ‘Fill’optionfromEditmenu.
3. Choose SeriesfromFill submenuandappear‘Series’dialogue box.
4. Type stepvalue of seriesinto‘StepValue’box andtype lastvalue of listinto‘StopValue’box.
5. Clickon ‘OK’button.
CreatingDate Series
To create a date series,followthesesteps:
1. Selectanyblankcell fromworksheetandtype anydate.
2. Choose ‘Fill’optionfromEditmenu.
3. Choose SeriesfromFill submenuandappear‘Series’dialogue box.
4. Type stepvalue of seriesinto‘StepValue’box andtype lastdate of listinto‘StopValue’box.
5. Clickon ‘OK’button.
If you wantto editthe data you enteredintoacell,followthese steps:
1. Selectdesiredcellanddouble clickoncell orpress F2 key
2. Nowtype the changeddata.
3. Clickon Enterbutton.
Insert and DeletingRows and Column
To inserta column,followthesesteps:
1. Highlightcolumn Abyclickingthe columnheading.
2. Choose Columnsfromthe Insertmenu.
3. ColumnA shouldbe a blankcolumnnow.
To insert a row, followthese steps:
1. Highlightrow 1 by clickinginthe Row number.
2. Choose Rowsfromthe Insertmenu.
3. Column1 shouldbe a blankrow now.
To delete a column,followthese steps:
1. Highlightcolumn Abyclickinginthe columnheading.
2. Choose Delete fromthe Editmenu.
3. ColumnA shouldbe removednow andColumnBchangedto A.
To delete a row, followthese steps:
1. HighlightRow2 by clickinginthe Row number.
2. Choose Delete fromthe Editmenu.
3. Row2 shouldbe removednowandRow 3 changedto Row 2.
ChangingCell Height and Width
To change cell widthof columnD, follow these steps:
1. Positionthe pointerbetweenthe columnheadingsforcolumnDandcolumnE.
2. The pointershouldchange shape toshow a double arrow as youpositionthe pointerbetween
the two columnheadings.Whenthe pointerchangesshape,youcanchange the widthof the
columnbydraggingto the rightor left.
3. Pressthe mouse buttonanddrag to the rightuntil the desiredwidthisreached.The cell height
can be changedbyrepeatingthe above stepswithrows.
Function and Charts
In MicrosoftExcel,youcan representnumbersinachart. Onthe Inserttab, youcan choose froma
varietyof chart types,includingcolumn,line,pie,bar,area,andscatter. The basicprocedure for
creatinga chart isthe same no matterwhat type of chart youchoose.
Formulaisusedto do mathematical calculationsonasetof data. Functionsare usedtoform all or
part of a formula.A typical formulainexcel lookslike this:
=functionname(range of cells)
The formulaalwaysstartswithan equal to sign,otherwiseexcel takesitassimple textvalue.
Functionname isthe name of the mathematical orlogical functionsthatyouare using.The function
isappliedtovaluesenteredincells.Range of cellsdefinesthatsetof cellswhere those valuesare
Some of the commonfunctionsof Excel are explainedbelow inbrief:
 SUM() – Thisfunctionaddsthe givennumbers
 MIN() – Thisfunctionfindsthe smallestnumberof a givensetof numbers
 MAX() – This functionfindsthe biggestnumberof agivensetof numbers
 AVERAGE() – Thisfunctionfindsthe average of agivensetof numbers
 COUNT() – This functioncountsthe numberof cellscontainingnumericvalue inthe givenrange
 of cells
 COUNTIF() – Thisfunctioncountsthe numberof cellsinthe givenrange of cellsdependingona
A simple chartinExcel can say more than a sheetfull of numbers.Asyou'll see,creatingchartsis
Create a Chart
To create a line chart,execute the followingsteps.
1. Selectthe range A1:C6.
2. On the Inserttab, inthe Chartsgroup,choose Line,andselectLine withMarkers.
Change Chart Type
You can easilychange toa differenttype of chartat any time.
1. Selectthe chart.
2. On the Inserttab, inthe Chartsgroup,choose Column,andselectClusteredColumn.
Switch Row/Column
If you wantthe animals,displayedonthe vertical axis,tobe displayedonthe horizontal axisinstead,
execute the followingsteps.
1. Selectthe chart. The Chart Toolscontextual tabactivates.
2. On the Designtab,click SwitchRow/Column.
Chart Title
To add a chart title,execute the followingsteps.
1. Selectthe chart. The Chart Toolscontextual tab activates.
2. On the Layout tab, clickChart Title,Above Chart.
Enter a title.For example,Population.
The Internetcan be definedasanetworkof globallyconnectedcomputersthatisdecentralizedby
design.A networkisa collectionof inter-connectedcomputers.The Internetcanalsobe referredto
as a networkbecause itisa collectionof millionsof computers.These computersmaybe situatedin
any part of the world.Whenwe saythat the Internethasa decentralizeddesign,we meanthat
there isno centralizedbodythatcontrolsthe wayinwhichthe Internetfunctions.Eachcomputer
connectedtothe Internetiscalledahost.The operator/userof a particularhostcan choose from
the millionsof available Internetservicesandcanalso make servicesavailablethroughthe Internet.
Basics of Computer Network
A networkismade of two or more computersconnectedtoeachother.Dependingonthe size of the
network,i.e. the numberof computersconnectedandthe average distance betweenthem, there
can be twotypesof network:
1. Local AreaNetwork(LAN)
2. Wide AreaNetwork(WAN)
Local Area Network (LAN)
It connectsnetworkdevicesoverarelativelyshortdistance likeina single buildingorcampus.LANs
are typicallyowned,controlledandmanagedbyasingle personandorganization.
Wide Area Network(WAN)
A WAN provideslongdistance transmissionof data,voice,image andvideoinformationoverlarge
geographical areasthatmay comprise acountry,continent,oreventhe whole world.
TCP/IP Protocol Layers
Like mostnetworkingsoftware,TCP/IPismodeledinlayers.Thislayeredrepresentationleadstothe
termprotocol stack, whichreferstothe stack of layersinthe protocol suite.Bydividingthe
communicationsoftware intolayers,the protocol stackallowsinease of implementationandcode
testing,andthe abilitytodevelopalternative layerimplementations.Layerscommunicate with
those above andbelowviaconcise interfaces.Inthisregard,a layerprovidesaservice forthe layer
directlyabove itandmakesuse of servicesprovidedbythe layerdirectlybelow it.These layers
1. ApplicationLayer: The applicationlayerisprovidedbythe programthat usesTCP/IPfor
differenthost.Examplesof applicationsinclude Telnetandthe File TransferProtocol (FTP).
2. Transport Layer: The transportlayerprovidesend-to-enddatatransferbydeliveringdatafroman
applicationtoitsremote peer.Multipleapplicationscanbe supportedsimultaneously.The most
usedtransportlayerprotocol isthe TransmissionControl Protocol (TCP),whichprovidesconnection-
3. InternetworkLayer: The internetworklayer,alsocalledthe internetlayerorthe networklayer,
providesthe “virtual network”image of aninternet(thislayershieldsthe higherlevelsfromthe
physical network).InternetProtocol (IP) isthe mostimportantprotocol inthislayer.IPprovidesa
routingfunctionthatattemptstodelivertransmittedmessagestotheirdestination.A message unit
inan IP networkiscalledanIP datagram.Thisis the basicunitof informationtransmittedacross
4. Network Interface Layer: The networkinterface layer,alsocalledthe linklayerorthe data-link
layer,isthe interface tothe actual networkhardware.Infact,TCP/IPdoesnotspecifyanyprotocol
here,butcan use almostany networkinterface available.
Applicationsof Internet
Internetenablesustoconnectto differenttypesof informationnetworksandexchange
information.Some of the applicationsof Internetare:
 Communicationviae-mail,chatandInstantMessaging(IM) tools
 Research
 JobSearches
 Shopping
 Entertainment
 Tutorialsandstudymaterials
 BusinessDevelopment
Connecting to the Internet
To connectto the internet,youmusthave accesstothe followingresources:
1. ComputerSystem – A Processorwith400 MHz or fasterspeedisrecommended,WithWindows
95/98 at least48 MB of RAM andmore will helpincrease the computer’sspeedforfaster
Internetcruising.A SoundCardand Speakersalsoare recommendedsoone canhear the audio
informationonthe Internet.
2. Modem– Computerandotherelectronicdevicesworkwithdigitalsignal whilethe cable used
for networkingusesanalogsignal.Modemconvertsdigital signaltoanalogandvice-versa.
3. InternetService Provider(ISP) – ISPsare organizationsthatallow userstodial intoISP
computers(fora fee) toconnectto the ISP’sInternetlink.ISPsgenerallyprovide anInternet
connectionandan e-mail address.
4. Software – The software orapplicationneededtoaccessinternetiscalledweb browseror
Losingaccessto one’se-mail andfavorite Websitescanbe as frustratingaspickingupa dead
telephonereceiver.Althoughthe problemmaylie withthe ISP,it'sworthknowinghow to
troubleshootuser’sownendof the line,too.
1. Make sure that the cable is correctlyconnectedtobotha phone line anduser’smodemand
that, whenuserisusinganexternal modem, it'sconnectedtothe PC.
2. If modemisinternal,skipthisstep.Unplugthe powercordfrommodemandshut downuser’s
computer.Plugthe modembackinand restart the computer.
ConnectionRefusal by ISP
1. Make sure regardingthatusername andpasswordare correct. These are usuallyentered
througha connectionprogramprovidedbythe ISP.
2. Checkwhetherthe hostname anddomainname informationare correctlyenteredinthe TCP/IP
settings.Thisinformationwill be suppliedbyISP.
Problemsin Loading WebPagesor SendingE-mail
1. Call ISP'ssupportnumberto findoutif the user hasbeenaffectedbyaservice outage.
2. Unplugthe powerfrommodemfor at least10 seconds,shutdownthe computer,plugthe
modembackin and restartthe computer.
Basics of Internet Architecture:
The internetarchitecture canbe broadlyclassifiedintothree layers.The veryfirstlayerconsistsof
InternetBackbonesandveryhighspeednetworklines.The National Science Foundation (NSF)
createdthe firsthigh-speedbackbone in1987 calledNSFNET,itwasa T1 line thatconnected170
smallernetworkstogetherandoperatedat1.544 Mbps (million bitspersecond).IBM,MCIand
Merit workedwithNSFtocreate the backbone and developed aT3 (45Mbps) backbone the
followingyear.Backbonesare typicallyfiberoptictrunk lines.The trunkline hasmultiplefiberoptic
cablescombinedtogethertoincrease the capacity.Fiberopticcablesare designatedOC-48can
transmit2,488 Mbps (2.488 Gbps).The nodesare knownas NetworkAccessPoint(NAPs).The
secondlayerisusuallyknownasInternetServiceProvider(ISP).The ISPsare connectedtothe
Backbonesat NAP’swithhighspeedlines.
The end userswhichare part of thirdlayerare connectedtoISPsby dial up or leasedlinesand
modems.The speedof communicationisusually1400 bpsto 2048 kbps.
Inthe real Internet,dozensof large InternetprovidersinterconnectatNAPsin variouscities,and
trillionsof bytesof dataflowbetweenthe individual networksatthese points.The Internetisa
collectionof huge corporate networksinterconnectedwithone otheratthe NAPs,backbonesand
routersto talkto each other.A message can leave one computerandtravel halfwayacrossthe
worldthroughseveral differentnetworksandarrive atanothercomputerina fractionof a second.
The routersdetermine wheretosendinformationfromone computertoanother.Routersare
specializedcomputersthatsendmessagestotheirdestinationsalongthousandsof pathways.It
joinstwonetworks,passinginformationfromone tothe other.
Services on Internet
 WWW (WorldWide Web)
 ElectronicMail (E-mail)
 FTP (File TransferProtocol)
 IRC (InternetRelayChat)
 Telnet
 Voice /VideoCommunication - Skype
 Social networks
 SearchEngines
 Web-Hosting(DATACENTER)
WorldWide Weband Websites
It integratesall the informationfromthe Internetinone bigweb.Itisthe mostuser-friendly service.
It isthe mostuser- friendlyservice.Itallowsconnectingtoanycomputerhavinginformation.It
offersthe capabilitytolinkswithsites.WebServersare software thatrunonthe Internetservers
and provide informationtothe Webusersandother servers.Internet serversstore informationon
the Internetare eitherservers orclients.The machinesthatprovideservicestoothermachinesare
servers.The machinesthatare usedto connectto those servicesare clients.There are Webservers,
e-mail servers,FTPserversetc.servingthe needsof Internetusersall overthe world.
The informationonthe webserveriscompiledinHyperTextMarkupLanguage (HTML). It hasuseful
textand imageslinkedtodifferentdocuments.HTMLprovides2-Deffect.Buttohave 3-D effectof
the imagesandto have soundeffectetc., Virtual RealityModelingLanguage ( VRML) can be used
veryefficiently.Webbrowserissoftware,whichprovidesinterfacetoWWW. Thissoftware runson
user’smachine.Webbrowseris availablein twoformats:Graphical formatandTextformat.Once a
clienthasconnectedto a service ona particularport, itaccessesthe service usingaspecific
protocol.Protocolsare rulesthatdescribe how the clientandserverwill have theirconversation.
EveryWeb serveronthe Internetconformstothe HypertextTransferProtocol (HTTP).
Communicationon Internet
Communicationisthe mostpopularuse of the Internet,withemailtoppingthe listof all the
technologiesused.Some of the typesof communicationtechnologiesusedalsoinclude email
discussiongroups,Usenetnews,chatgroups,andIRC. These are unique tonetworkedcomputer
environmentsandhave come intowide popularitybecauseof the Internet.Othertechnologies,
includingvideoandaudioconferencingandInternettelephony,are alsoavailableonthe Internet.
Theyrequire more multimediacapabilitiesof computersystemsandare more taxingof network
resourcesthanthe others.Theyalsoare adaptationsof othertechnologiestothe Internet.
Most of the technologiesthatare unique tothe Internetrequire communication tobe done in
time,exceptininformal communications,touse correctgrammar, spelling,andpunctuationand
writinganappropriate message.Whenreplyingtoa message include the pertinentpartsof the
message anduse an appropriate andinterestingsubjectheaderinanycase.
Whenyou’re communicatingonthe Internettake specialcare notto give outpersonal information
to strangersand to treatotherswithrespect.Be aware of the risksinvolvedincommunicatingwith
people youcannotsee andmay nevermeetinperson.Take time toconsiderwhatyouwrite to
others,andbe careful toavoidhumorand sarcasm exceptwiththe bestof friends.Youcan’tassume
that yourmessagesare private,sobe careful aboutwhat youwrite.
Several issuesrelatedtoethical andlegal considerationsarise fromusingthe Internetfor
communication.The mannerinwhichcommunicationisimplementedonthe Internetmakesit
susceptibletomonitoring.Youcan’tassume thatcommunicationsare private.Some believe that
sendingemail islikesendingamessage ona postcard.Some lawshave beenenactedtohelpprotect
privacyduringelectroniccommunications.These,however,have beendifficulttoenforce andare
rarelyapplied.One waytoprotectprivacyisto encryptor code a message.A commonwayof
encryptingmessagesisthroughthe use of publicandprivate keys.Althoughsoftware forencryption
Anotherareaof concernisdealingwithabusive oroffensive communications.Lawsthatapplyto
libel,harassment,andabuse have beenappliedtocaseswhere the offendingbehaviorhasoccurred
on the Internet.Unsolicitedemail orotherformsof communicationiscalledspam.Itdefinitelyisan
annoyance,butalsoquite costlytothe people whoreceive the junkemail orothercommunications.
It’srelativelyinexpensivetoproduce,because mostof the costof transportingthe email isshiftedto
the receiverandall people thatuse the networkssupportingthe Internet.
Internet Services
Typesof InternetServices
WorldWide Web:
WWW is a graphical hypertextwayof usingthe Internetusingthe HTTPprotocol fortransmitting
Webpagesand otherinformationoverthe Internet,inprinciple,betweenthe serverandthe user's
computer.Webpagesare writteninHTML (HypertextMarkupLanguage) language,andrecognizes
themfor thispurpose designedbrowser(InternetExplorer, Firefox...)
Telnet:The Telnet'Terminal Emulation'software support,whichtocommunicate withacomputer
connectedviaa TCP / IPstack.
ElectronicMail: The ideathatin a few minutesyoucandeliver,text,image,audioorvideorecording
of anypersonon the planetwasunfeasible untilrecently,butnow,thankslargelytothe rapid
expansionof the numberof Internetusersandthe increasingspeedof communication,wasto
become realityof businessandsocial communication.
FTP - File Transfer Protocol
Before the WorldWide Weband FTPwas the onlyway to transferlarge filesbetweencomputersof
Internetusers.Allowsaccesstoa computeronthe Internet(if it'spublicoravailable tothe
password),previewcontentonitsharddisk,findingthe necessaryfilesandcopyonitsowndisk.
Thisservice allowsthe Internettoone or more of Internetuserswhoare hookedto the same
channel at the same time see the textthatyou type onyour computer,andthe textsof otheractive
Social networks
Social networksare a newerphenomenonanddonotbelongina separate categorybecause they
containalmostall of the previouslymentionedservices,unifiedtoworkinan easy,friendlyway.
PreparingComputer for InternetAccess
Requirementstomake yourcomputera part of the internet-
 Internetconnection
 Modem
 Telephone line
 Program whichcontrolsthe communicationof dataoverthe hardware component.
ISPs and examples(Broadband/Dialup/WiFi)
An Internetserviceprovider (ISP) isanorganizationthatprovidesservicesforaccessing,using,or
participatinginthe Internet.Internetservice providersmaybe organizedinvariousforms,suchas
commercial,community-owned,non-profit,orotherwise privatelyowned.
InternetservicestypicallyprovidedbyISPsincludeInternetaccess,Internettransit,domain name
registration,webhosting,Usenetservice, andcolocation.
Some of the ISP'sare:
 VSNL(VideshSancharNigamLimited)
 MTNL(Mahanagar Telephone NigamLimited)
 Mantra Online
 Satyam
 Tata-indicom
 Airtel
Choosingan Internet service
Dial-up:Dial-upisgenerallythe slowesttype of Internetconnection,andyoushouldprobablyavoid
it unlessitisthe onlyservice available inyourarea.Like aphone call,a dial-upmodemwill connect
youto the Internetbydialinganumber,anditwill disconnectwhenyouare done surfingthe Web.
Unlessyouhave multiple phonelines,youwill notbe able touse yourlandline andthe Internetat
the same time witha dial-upconnection.
DSL: DSL service usesabroadbandconnection,whichmakesitmuchfasterthandial-up.However,it
isunavailable inmanylocations,soyou'll needtocontactyour local ISPfor informationaboutyour
area.DSL connectsto the Internetviaphone line butdoesnotrequire youtohave aland line at
home.Unlike dial-up,itwill alwaysbe ononce itssetup, andyou'll be able to use the Internetand
your phone line simultaneously.
3G and 4G: 3G and4G service ismostcommonlyusedwithmobilephonesandtablet computers,
and itconnectswirelessly throughyourISP'snetwork.If youhave adevice that's3G or 4G enabled,
you'll be able touse it to access the Internetawayfromhome,evenwhenthere isnoWi-Fi
connection.However,youmayhave topay per device touse a 3G or 4G connection,anditmay not
be as fast as DSL or cable.
A home networkcanbe wired(usingEthernetcables) orwireless(usingWi-Fi).Itmayalsobe a
mixture of the two,withsome devicesconnectingwithEthernetandothersconnectingwirelessly.
InternetAccess Techniques
There are several waysof connectingtothe Internet.We candivide the methodsintotwomain
types- FixedandMobile.
Home Internet
Fixedaccessisusuallymuchfasterandreliable thanmobile andis usedforconnecting
homes/offices.The mainAccessmechanismsare:
 ADSL overtraditional Phone Lines(mostcommon).
 Cable (limitedtocable TV areas)
 Fiberbroadband – CurrentlybeingRolledout
Mobile Internet
Whentravellingawayfromthe fixedlocation mobile accessisused.The mainaccessmechanisms
 Mobile broadbandover3G Network(commonbutslow) or4G
 Public/Private Wii-FI(common)
Popular WebBrowsing Software
Google Chrome
Google Chrome isa freeware webbrowserdevelopedbyGoogle.Itusedthe WebKitlayoutengine
until version27and withthe exceptionof itsiOSreleases,fromversion28 andbeyondusesthe
NCSA Mosaic
Mosaic was the firstfull-colorgraphical browserandwasinstrumental inmakingthe webaspopular
as it istoday.Mosaic was developedbyNCSA atthe Universityof Illinois,withseveral supported
commercial versionsavailable fromcompaniessuchasSpry and Spyglass.NCSA Mosaicisfree for
personal use andcomesinversionsforWindows,MacintoshandUNIX.Each versioniscalled
WinMosaic,MacMosaic and Xmosaicrespectively.
Netscape Navigator
It isalso knownasNetscape andisavailable forWindows, Macintosh,andformanydifferent
versionsof UNIXrunningthe Xwindowssystem.Itiswell supportedandprovidesuptothe minute
featuresincludinganintegratednewsandmail reader,supportforJavaapplets,andthe abilityto
handle “plug-ins”formore newandinterestingfeaturesyettobe developed.
MicrosoftInternet Explorer
MicrosoftInternetExplorer(IE) enablesyoutoconnecttothe Internettogainaccessto the vast
storesof informationonthese computers.Subscribe toyourfavorite sites sothatthe contentis
downloadupdatedWebPagesorentire sitesinthe backgroundwhile youdootherworkonyour
computer.Youcan adda Webpage to your listof favoritesforeasyaccessfromthe Favorite menu
or Explorerbar.With AutoComplete,whenyoustarttypinga frequentlyusedURLinthe Address
bar, InternetExplorercompletesthe addressforyou.Usingsecurityzones,youcansetdifferent
levelsof securityfordifferentareasof the Webto protectyour computer.WithContentAdvisor,
youcan screenoutobjectionable oroffensivecontent.IEisavailablefree.
It isa fast,full-featuredwebbrowserthatmakesbrowsingveryefficient.Firefox includespop-up
coveryour tracks more effectively.A streamlinedbrowserwindow showsyoumore of the page than
any otherbrowser.Thisisalsoavailable free.
Opera Mini
OperaMini is a webbrowserdesignedprimarilyformobile phones,smartphonesandpersonal
digital assistants.Until version4itusedthe Java ME platform, requiringthe mobiledevice torun
Java ME applications.Fromversion5it isalsoavailable asa native applicationforAndroid,iOS,
SymbianOS,andWindowsMobile.OperaMini isofferedfreeof charge,supportedmainlythrough
dealswithmobile operatorstohave OperaMini pre-installedinphones,andothersourcesof
revenue such assearch advertisingdeals,licensingandpaidbookmarksandSpeedDial placement.
ConfiguringYourWebBrowsertoAllow Pop-upWindows Mostwebbrowsersinclude afeature to
blockpop-upwindows.While thismayeliminate unwantedorbothersomepop-upwindows,the
feature sometimescanimpede the functionalityof legitimateoruseful websites.
Chrome (Windows/OSX)
1. OpenChrome,thengoto the webpage that you wantto allow pop-ups.
2. In Chrome'sURL window,highlightthe entirewebaddressof the currentpage,thenchoose
the Copycommand fromthe Edit menu.
3. Clickthe wrenchiconon the browsertoolbar.
4. SelectSettings.
5. ClickShowadvancedsettings.
6. In the Privacysection,clickContentsettings.The Contentsettingswindow appears.
7. In the Pop-upssection,clickManage exceptions.
Enable Java in webbrowser
Enter about:plugins inthe searchfield.
In the Plug-inslist,lookforJavaandcheck whetherJavaisenabled(if the Disable linkappears,Java
isalready enabled)
Clickon the Enable link(if available)
(Optional) Checkthe Alwaysallowedbox tostopadditional Chrome warningswhenrunningJava
Search Engine
A searchengine isa programwhichlooksthroughitsdatabase for informationthatmatches your
request.Informationinthe database are aboutwebsitesandtheircontents.Examplesof search
enginesare Google,AltaVista,YahooSearch,Bing,MSN,HotBot,etc.The effectivenessof search
engine canbe measuredbytwomainparameters:
 Exhaustive indexing
 Specificterms
Indexingisthe processingof adocumentrepresentationbyassigningcontentdescriptionsorterms
to the document.InIndexingthe webdocumentsare characterizedbyrecall (ratioof the numberof
relevantdocumentsretrievedtothe total numberof documentsretrieved).Automaticindexing
includessingletermindexing,statistical methods,aswell asinformationtheoretical and
phrase indexing.Since the Internetisavast collectionof information,itisdifficulttofindspecific
informationyouactuallyneed.Therefore,the searchfeature inawebbrowsersuchas the Internet
Explorerprovidesaneasyaccesstoa special facilitycalledsearchengine.Search enginesscanthe
Internetforthe wordsor topicsyou are lookingfor.Webcrawlerisa programthat crawlsthrough
the weband collectsinformationregardingthe websites.Thisinformationisputintothe database
of a searchengine.
Popular Search Engines/Searchfor content
There are manysearchenginesavailable onthe web.Mostof the searchenginesprovidewebsite
reviewsandhomepage services,inadditiontokey-wordsearches.Some of the popularsearch
 Google
 Yahoo!
 AltaVista
To access a webbrowser,youneedtodo the following:
 Install webbrowsersoftware like InternetExplorer,MozillaFirefoxonanyotherinyour
 Double clickthe browsericontoopenthe webbrowser.
 Provide anaddressof a page whichyouwantto see inthe addressbarand pressEnter
If you wantto save a webpage thatyouwantto come back to later,youcan add itto “Favorites”
folder.It'sa great systemfororganizingyoursearcheffortsin manageablefolders.Follow these
stepsto create a favorite inInternetExplorer:
 Whenyouare on a webpage you wantto save,clickon the "Favorites"iconinthe Internet
 You'll see eitheradrop downmenuora side screenwindow pop up.
 SelectAddtoFavoritestoopenthe AddFavoritesdialogbox.
 Change the filename and/orfoldername asyouwantand clickOK.
To downloadawebpage you needtodo the following:
 ClickToolsFile Save Astoopenthe Save Webpage dialogbox.
 Enter the locationwhere youwanttosave the page and name withwhichyouwantto save it.
 ClickSave to save the webpage.
To printa webpage youneedtodo the following:
 ClickToolsPrintto openthe Printdialogbox.
 Choose youroptions(especiallyAll/Selection/Pagesoptionisimportant),setprintpreferences
and clickprint.
Basics of Email
Email,or electronicmail,isaquickwayto sendand receive messages. Andmanypeople even
choose to receive theirmonthlybillsandbankstatementselectronically,insteadof throughthe
What is Email?
Email standsfor electronicmail.Itconsistsof twocomponents –headerandbody.The message
headercontainscontrol information,including,sender'semailaddressandone ormore recipient
addresses.Usuallyadditionalinformationisadded,suchasa subjectheaderfield.Internete-mail
messagesconsistof followingtwomajorsections:
 Header — It has manycomponentslike summary,sender,receiver,andotherinformationabout
the e-mail.Some of the componentsare:
 From: The e-mail address,andoptionallythe name of the author(s).Inmanye-mail client
settingisnotchangeable exceptthroughchangingaccountsettings.
 To: The e-mail addresses,andoptionallyname(s) of the message'srecipient(s).Indicates
 Bcc: BlindCarbonCopy;addressesaddedtothe SMTP deliverylistbutnot(usually)listedinthe
message data,remaininginvisibletootherrecipients.
 Cc: Carbon copy;many e-mail clientswill marke-mailinyourinbox differentlydependingon
whetheryouare inthe To: or Cc: list.
 Subject:A brief summaryof the topicof the message.Certainabbreviationsare commonlyused
inthe subject,including"RE:"and"FW:"
 Body — The message itself isunstructuredtext;sometimescontainingasignature blockatthe
end.Thisisexactlythe same as the bodyof a regularletter.
Email address: Email addressesuse astandardformula.Theyare alwaysseparatedintotwopartsby
the @ symbol. The firstpartof the email addressusuallyidentifiesyouin some way.Youmighthave
your real name forthe firstpart of your email address,oryoucoulduse a handle ora nickname that
your friendsandfamilywill recognize. The secondpartof an email addressusuallycomesfromyour
webmail providerorthe internetserviceprovideryouuse.If you're emailingsomeone andthey,or
theirbusinesshasawebsite,you'llsee thatthe secondpartof theiremail addressusespartof their
website address.
Thisgivesa standardformulaforall email addresseswhichwill looksomethinglike
Benefits of Using E-mail
E-mail hasfollowingbenefits:
 Easy to use:E-mail helpsusto manage ourcontacts, sendmailsquickly, andmaintain ourmail
 Speed:The e-mail isdeliveredinstantly,anywhereacrossthe globe.Nootherservice matches
the e-mail intermsof speed.
 Easy to prioritize:Since the mailshave subjectlines,itiseasytoprioritize themandignore
 Reliable and secure:Constanteffortsare beingtakentoimprove the securityinelectronicmails,
thusmakingit one of the securedwaysof communication.
 Automated e-mails:Itispossible tosendautomatede-mailsusingspecial programslike the
auto responders.The autorespondersreplybacktothe senderwithgeneralizedpre-written
ConfiguringEmail Client
Here are some email clientMicrosoftOutlook,MozillaThunderbirdandmanymore.
Here we see some stepstoconfigure email client...
1. OpenOutlook.SelectAccountSettings...fromthe Toolsmenu.
2. On the E-mail tab, clickNew.
3. Select"Manuallyconfigure serversettingsoradditional servertypes"andclick next>.
4. SelectInternetE-mail andclick next
5. Enterthe followinginformationforE-mail Accounts.
Your Name: Enterthe name you wishrecipientstosee whentheyreceive yourmessage.
Email Address:Thisis the addressthat yourcontacts' email programwill replytoyourmessages.
Thisis alsothe addressthat will getrecordedinyourcontacts'addressbookif theyadd you as a
Account Type: POP3
Incoming mail server:
Outgoingmail server (SMTP)
UserName: Enteryour full e-mail address
Password: If youwishforOutlooktosave your password,checkthe box labeledRemember
Passwordandenteryourpasswordinthe textfield.
6. Clickon the Outgoing Servertab,andcheck the box labeled myoutgoingserver(SMTP) requires
authentication.Thenchoose toUse same settingsasmyincomingmail server
7. Clickon the Advancedtab.
Under IncomingServer(POP3),the portnumbershouldbe setto110.
Under OutgoingServer(SMTP),the portnumbershouldbe setto587.
8. ClickOK
9. ClickNext.ClickFinish.
Workingwith email
Email islike sendingaletter,onlyyousendthe message overthe internetanditgetsto the other
person'semail accountwithinseconds.
If you have an email address,youcanemail anyone else whohasanemail address,including
governmentagenciesandlotsof differentkindsof businesses.
Openingan email account
If you do nothave your ownemail address,here are some websiteswhichprovide freeemail
 google
 yahoo
 msn
Each free email site hasitsownsign-onproceduresthatyouneedtofollow.Whenyouare done you
will have aninstantemail accountandyou shouldcheckyourmail.The firstmessage isusuallya
welcome mail fromthe mail service.
Mail Box: Inboxand Out-Box
The "in box"containsthe mail senttoyou, available now toread,answer,store,ordelete.The out
box (or sentbox) showsmail youhave alreadysent.
Creatingand SendingNewEmail
Followthese stepstocreate anewemail message andsendit:
 In the To box,type the e-mail addressof atleastone recipient.If you're sendingthe messageto
multiple recipients,type asemicolon(;) betweene-mail addresses.
 If required,type e-mailaddressesinCcandBCc boxesaswell.
 In the Subjectbox,type atitle foryour message.
 In the message box,type yourmessage.
 To attach a file tothe message,clickthe AttachFile toMessage buttononthe toolbar(located
justbelowthe menubar).Locate the file,selectit,andthenclickOpen.The file now appearsin
the Attach box inthe message header.
 To sendthe message,clickthe Sendbutton.
Replyingto email messages
You can replyto a message byclickingon“Reply”linkinthe message.A new compose message
windowopenswhere sender’semailaddressisputinthe “To” field,subjectisrepeatedwith“RE:”
prefixedandmessageisrepeatedinthe body.
Email forwarding
Email forwardingreferstothe operationof re-sendinganemail message deliveredtoone mail
addressto one or more differentemail addresses.Youcanclick on“Forward” linktodo that.
Sorting and Searching mails
All mail providers(like gmail,yahoo,etc.) givesearchbox onthe topor lefthandbar of the inbox.
You can search the e-mailsonthe basisof sendername,message subjectoranyotherword(s).
Document collaboration
Collaborationof documentsisverycrucial inabusinessoranyinstitutionsince itallowspeople
withinthe establishmenttoworkonthe same documentinpiecestoproduce a single document.It
involvesfile exchangeof workdone throughremovablemediaorbyemail,throughfileserver,
informationportalsorSharePointandWikis.Withdocumentcollaboration,the contributorshave
the abilitytoadd,editand evenremove the textinthe systemif deemedappropriate.
Sendingdocumentby E-mail
You can senddocumentsviaemail tobe sentto someone youwant.
Here are the procedurestoattach a documentviaemail..
1. ClickNewEmail
2. Clickto attach file
3. In the insertfile dialogbox,browsetoandselectthe file thatyouwantto attach, and thenclick
Activating Spell checking
To check forspellingandgrammarmistakes,MicrosoftOutlookprogramprovidestoolsthatcanhelp
youcorrect these mistakesfaster.Youdecide if youwanttosetup the MicrosoftOutlookprogram
so that youcan easilysee potential mistakeswhileyoucompose email;or,if youfindthe wavyred
and greenlinesdistracting,youcanjustcheckyour textarea whenyouare readyto finishit.
 Goto ToolsMenu
 ClickOption->SpellingTabinthe Dialog.
 Clickthe checkbox Alwayscheckspellingbeforesending.
 ClickApplybuttonthenOKbutton.
You can use the AddressBookto lookup andselectnamesanddistributionlistswhenyou address
messages.Whenyoutype aname in the To, Cc, or Bcc boxesif ane-mail message,Microsoft
OutlookOutlookautomaticallycheckstosee if the name thatyoutypedmatchesa name in the
AddressBook.If there isa match, the name isresolved,thatisthe displayname ande-mail address
isfilledin,allowingyoutosendthe message.
Here are the stepsto navigate anaddressbookinMicrosoft Outlook..
 ClickTools->AddressBook.
 On the StandardToolbar,clickAddressBook
 In the AddressBooklist,clickthe Addressbookinwhichyouwantto searchfor names.
 In the searchbox,type the name,or part of a name,that youare searchingfor.
Addinga newcontactto Addressbook:
 ClickTools->AddressBook.
 In the dialog.clickfile->NewEntry;or
 Clickfile menuandpointtoNewandselectContact.
 Here'sthe windowbelowtoadda new contact to your AddressBook.
SendingSoftcopy as attachment
You can senda softcopy viaemail to be sentto someone youwant.
Here are the procedurestoattach a softcopyvia email..
 ClickFile ->New,andthenclickMail Message;or
 Goto to InsertTab Andclickto Attach filesunderInclude group;or
 On the Message Tab, inthe Include group,clickAttachFile.
 In the InsertFile dialogbox ,browsertoand selectthe file thatyouwantto attach,and then
Instant Messagingand Collaboration
Instant messaging(IM)
Instantmessaging(IM) isa formof communicationbetweentwoormore people basedontyped
text.The textisconveyedviacomputersconnectedoveranetworksuchas the Internet.Instant
messagingrequiresaninstantmessagingclientthatconnectstoan instantmessagingservice.
involves additional features,whichmake itevenmore popular,i.e.tosee the otherpartyby using
web-camsorto talkdirectlyforfree overthe internet.
Instant messagingproviders
Some of the popularInstantMessengersare YahooMessenger,MSN Messenger,RediffBol,Google
Talk andSkype.
Addingnewsmileys,iconsandlogostoAutoCorrect.Inthe example aboveI’ve usedanemoticon
fromthe Skype webpage.
1. Create a newmessage.
2. Insertthe image or symbol of choice eitherfromdisk,the webor froma symbol fontsuchas
Wingdings.(See the bottomof thisguide formore infoonthis.)
3. Selectthe insertedimage orsymbol.
4. Openthe AutoCorrectoptionsdialog;
 Outlook
Office logoatthe top leftcorner->EditorOptions->Proofing->buttonAutoCorrect
 Outlook2010, Outlook2013 and Outlook2016
5. Selectthe AutoCorrecttab.
6. Type your charactersthat shouldconvertintothisimage inthe “Replace”field.
For instance :-) or :-P.
7. Verifythatthe “With”optionisset to“Formattedtext”.You maynot see yourimage inthe box
belowit(thisisa small buginOutlook).
8. Clickthe buttonAddor Replace (incase the entryalreadyexists).
9. In the listbelow,you’ll nowsee anentryforyourtypedcharacters.The asterisk(*) indicates
that itwill be replacedwithanimage.
10. PressOKuntil you’ve returnedtoyourmessage.
Etiquette isthe practice of goodmanners - beingpolite andhelpful,beingkindandnotaggressive,
and beingmindfulof the factthat othersmay see thingsdifferentlythanone.Netiquetteisetiquette
to be followedwhileusingthe Internet.Some commonnetiquettesinclude:
 You shouldbehave withothersthe wayyou wantthemtobehave withyou.
 Do not be abusive.
 Don’tcopy informationsharedbyothersblindly.
PowerPointisapowerful presentationprogramfromMicrosoft.Itgivesyouthe facilitytocreate
presentationsthatincorporate video,audio,pictures,tables,graphs,animations,etc.Thisprogram
iswidelyusedinbusinessandclassroomsandisan effective tool fortrainingpurposes.Manyfree
add-onsandtemplatesare availableonline fromMicrosoftanda hostof otherwebsites.Inaddition
to an on screenslide show,PowerPointhasprintingoptionsthatallow the presentertoprovide
handoutsandoutlinesforthe audience aswell asnotespagesforthe speakertorefertoduringthe
presentation.PowerPointisa"one-stop-shop"tocreate successful presentationsforthe business
world,the classroomor justforyour ownpersonal use.
In thischapterwe will learn:
 Basicsof MicrosoftPowerPoint
 How to create a presentation?
 How to prepare slides
 Making slide show
 Takingprintouts/handoutsof apresentation
PowerPointisthe presentationgraphicssoftware inthe MicrosoftOffice suite.WithPowerPoint,
youcan use itseasy-to-usepredefinedlayouts,themes,andtemplatestocreate dynamicand
PowerPointincludesall of the featuresyouneedtoproduce professional-lookingpresentations.
Whenyoucreate a PowerPointpresentation,itismade upof a seriesof slides.The slidescontain
the informationyouwanttocommunicate withyouraudience.Thisinformationcaninclude text,
Before youbeginadding informationtoslides,you'llneedtoknow the basicsof workingwithslides.
In thislesson,you'll learnhowtostart a new presentation,insertnew slides,modifyalayout,move
and copyslides,use placeholders,andsave yourpresentation.
 If Office PowerPointisalreadyrunning,save andclose anyopenpresentations,andthenexit
and restartPowerPoint.
 If Office PowerPointisn'talreadyrunning,startitnow.
Whenyoustart PowerPoint,itopensinthe view calledNormal view,where youcreate and
workon slides.
1. In the Slide pane,youcanworkdirectlyonindividualslides.
2. Dottedbordersidentifyplaceholders,where youcantype textor insertpictures,charts,and
3. The Slides tabshowsa thumbnail versionof each full sizeslideshowninthe Slidepane.After
youadd otherslides,youcanclicka thumbnail onthe Slides tabtomake the slide appearin
the Slide pane.Oryoucan drag thumbnailstorearrange the slidesinyourpresentation.Youcan
alsoadd or delete slidesonthe Slidestab.
4. In the Notespane,youcan type notesaboutthe current slide.Youcanhand outyour notesto
your audience orrefertoyournotesin Presenterview whenyougive yourpresentation.
Openinga PowerPointPresentation
To openan existingPowerPointPresentation,follow these steps:
To openPowerPointinWindows,clickonthe
Start button --> Programs --> MicrosoftPowerPoint
Double-clickonthe PowerPointicononthe desktop
WhenPowerPointisopened,ablank Title slideappearsbydefaultasthe firstslide inyournew
presentation.Youcanstart a newpresentationwhenyoufirstopenPowerPointorafterPowerPoint
To change the layoutof an openslide,clickonthe Layoutbuttoninthe Home tab.
A blankpresentationisthe recommendedstartingpointinthistutorial.PowerPointletsyouchange
the appearance,layoutandcontentof your presentationatanytime.Startingwithablank
presentationletsyouexperimentmore easilywiththe manyfeaturesthisprogramoffers.
On the otherhand,some people prefertoestablishthe designfromthe outsetsothattheysee its
effectsastheycreate theirpresentation.Asyoubecome more familiarwithPowerPoint,youwill
If you wouldlike tolearnhowtoselector designatheme foran openslide,goonto the tutorial on
Themes.If youwouldlike tolearnhow toselecta theme whenstartinganew presentation,
continue below.
To start a newpresentation,clickonthe Office button onthe topleftcornerof the screenand
The NewPresentation windowwill appear.Here youcanselectfroma varietyof themesand
templatesbylookingunder InstalledThemes and InstalledTemplates.Fromhere youcanalso
searchMicrosoft Online formore themesandtemplates.
Saving a Presentation
To save a PowerPointPresentation,followthese steps:
1. In Office PowerPoint,openthe presentationthatyouwantto save as a PowerPointfile.
2. Clickthe MicrosoftOffice Button pointto the arrow nextto Save As, andthen
The Save As dialogbox appears.
3. In the File name box,enteraname for yourpresentation,ordonothingtoaccept the suggested
file name.
4. In the Save inlist,selectthe locationthatyouwantto save your presentationto,ordonothing
to accept the suggestedlocation.
5. ClickSave.
Creatinga Presentation
There are manywaysto create a presentation.Here we are listingsome of the ways:
1. From a blankpresentation
2. From an existingpresentation
3. UsingPowerPointWizard
4. Usingin-builtdesigntemplates
Creatinga PresentationUsinga Template
You can reuse andapplyexistingtemplatestogive youa jump-startonyournextpresentationor
otherdocument.There are manywaysthat you mightcome across a template thatyoulike and
wantto reuse.
1. Clickthe MicrosoftOffice Button ,andthenclick New.
2. In the NewPresentation dialogbox,doone of the following:
Under Templates,doone of the following:
 To applya template thatyou've recentlyused,click Blankandrecent,clickthe templatethatyou
want,and thenclick Create.
 To applya template thatyou've installedtoyourlocal hard drive,click InstalledTemplates,and
thenclick Create.
 To create (and apply) anewtemplate basedonanothertemplate thatinstalledonyourlocal
hard drive,click Newfromexisting,andthenclick Create New.
 To applya template thatyou've savedtoC:ProgramFilesMicrosoftOfficeTemplates,click My
templates,selectacustomtemplate,andthenclick OK.
 To downloadandapplya template fromOffice Online,under MicrosoftOffice Online,clicka
template category,selectatemplate,andthenclick Download.
Creatinga Blank Presentation
MicrosoftOffice Button clickNew,click Blankand recentunderTemplates,andthendouble-
clickBlankPresentation underBlankandrecent.
Afteryouopenthe BlankPresentationtemplate,onlyasmall portionof the Notespane isvisible.To
see a largerportionof the Notespane sothat youhave more room to type init, dothe following:
1. Pointto the top borderof the Notespane.
2. Whenthe pointerbecomesa , drag the borderup to make a little more roomforyour speaker
notes,asshownin the followingillustration.
Notice thatthe slide inthe Slide pane resizesautomaticallytofitthe availablespace.
Enteringand EditingText
The most commonway to addtextto a slide isto type itdirectlyintoanyplaceholderonthe slide.
However,if youare usinga blankslide orif youwant to entertextoutside placeholders,youcanuse
a textbox.
Addingtext to a placeholder
As soonas youselecta slide layoutthe new slideappearswithdummytext(suchas"Clicktoadd
title") inthe placeholders.Whenyouclickinside aplaceholder,the dummytextdisappears,the
cursor becomesablinkingline (|)andyoucan start typing.
Addingtext to a textbox
1. Clickon TextBox or on the textbox iconon the drawingtoolbar.
2. Take your mouse tothe slide;the mouse pointerchangestoa dagger.
3. Clickand holddownthe leftmouse buttonwhile youdragthe mouse todraw a textbox.When
the box is the size youwantit, release the mouse button.
4. Clickinside the textbox andstarttyping.
Insertingand DeletingSlidesina Presentation
The single slide thatisprovidedautomaticallyinyourpresentationhastwoplaceholders,one
formattedfora title andthe other formattedfora subtitle.The arrangementof placeholdersona
slide iscalledalayout.Office PowerPointalsoprovidesothertypesof placeholders,suchasthose
for picturesandSmartArtgraphics.
Whenyouadd a slide toyourpresentation,youcando the followingtochoose a layoutforthe new
slide atthe same time:
2. On the Slidestab,clickjustbelow the singleslidethatalreadyappearsthere.
3. On the Home tab, inthe Slidesgroup,clickthe arrow nextto New Slide.
Pointerrestingonarrownextto New Slide button
A galleryappears,showingthumbnailsof the variousslide layoutsthatare available.
Galleryof available slide layouts
1. The name identifiesthe contentthateachlayoutisdesignedfor.
2. Placeholdersthatdisplaycolorediconscancontaintext,butyoucan also clickthe iconsto
Clickthe layoutthat youwantfor your new slide.
The newslide nowappearsbothonthe Slidestab,where itishighlightedasthe currentslide,andin
the Slide pane.Repeatthisprocedure foreachnew slidethatyouwantto add.
If you wantyour newslide tohave the same layoutthatthe precedingslide has,youcanjustclick
NewSlide insteadof clickingthe arrow nexttoit.
Copy a slide
If you wantto create twoslidesthatare similarincontentandlayout,youcan save work bycreating
one slide thathas all of the formattingandcontentthat bothslideswill share andthenmakinga
copy of that slide before youaddthe final,individualtouchestoeach.
1. On the Slidestab,right-clickthe slide thatyouwantto copy,and thenclickCopyon the shortcut
2. Still onthe Slidestab,right-clickwhere youwanttoadd the new copyof the slide,andthenclick
Paste on the shortcutmenu.
You can alsoinserta copy of a slide fromone presentationinto anotherpresentation.
Rearrange the order of slides
 On the Slidestab,clickthe slide thatyouwantto move,andthendrag it to the locationthatyou
 To selectmultipleslides,clickaslide thatyouwantto move,andthenpressand holdCTRL while
youclick eachof the otherslidesthatyouwantto move.
Delete a slide
On the Slidestab,right-clickthe slide thatyouwantto delete,andthenclickDelete Slide onthe
Preparation of Slides
As we discussedatthe beginningof the chapter,the advantage of usingPowerPointtocreate
presentationsisthatwe canput data inthe formof text,table,pictures,video,etc.atone place.In
thissectionwe will learnhowtodoso.
InsertingWord Table or Excel Worksheet
To insertWord Table
In PowerPoint,tablesallowthe presentationof datainan organizedandprofessional format. Any
of the Contenttype slide layoutscanbe usedto create a table.
Clickthe Home Tab: SlidesGroup:NewSlide button
 Selectthe preferredlayoutfromthe gallery
 To start the table,clickthe iconrepresentingaTable
 In the InsertTable box,enterthe numberof columnsandrowsyou withwhichyouwantto start
the table
 Enter yourcontentintoeachcell,pressingTabto move tothe nextcell
 If you pressTab inthe lastcell of the table,a new row will appear
Insert Table button
AddingClip Art Pictures
To InsertPicture fromClipArtfollowthese steps:
1. ClickInsert:Clip Art.
2. A newpane showing ClipArtgalleryopensonthe rightside of yourwindow.
3. Selectthe ClipArtyouwant to insert.
4. ClickOKor double-clickthe picture.
InsertingOther Objects
OtherObjectscan be insertedfromthe InsertMenu.Choose Insert ->Object.A numberof objects
are available,like:
 Adobe AcrobatDocument
 BitmapImage
 MicrosoftExcel Chart
 MicrosoftWord Document
 MicrosoftExcel Worksheet
Resizingand Scaling an Object
Drawing Object
Unlike mostotherPowerPointfunctions,some drawingfunctionsare accessibleonlyviathe Drawing
toolbaron the bottomof the PowerPointscreen.If youdon'tsee the Drawingtoolbar,activate itby
selectingView→ Toolbars→ Drawing.
DrawinginPowerPointisparticularlyeasydue tothe wide selectionof AutoShapesthatthe
program providesforyourconvenience.Followthese stepstoinsertanautoshape:
1. Pull upthe AutoShapesmenubyclickingonthe arrow.
2. From the pull-upmenu,choosethe desiredshape.
3. As soonas youhave selectedashape,yourcursor will become acrosshair(+) whenyoumove it
overthe slide.
4. Pressand drag the cursor until the objectreachesthe desiredsize(youcanalwaysformatthe
size later).
Formatting a drawing
Clickon the drawingtoselectit(until yousee the 'handles'aroundit) andthenuse eitherthe
Format menu→ AutoShape dialogtoformatit(a right-clickonthe objectwill alsoworkinPC) orthe
1. Resize andmove a drawingbyclickingon its“handles",inthe same wayusedto formattext
2. Clickon the arrow nexttothe paintbuckettool to change the drawing'sfill color.Experiment
withthe 'Fill Effects'optionsonthe paintbucketmenutocreate artisticcolor combinations
3. Clickon the line coloriconto change the color of the object'sborder,andon the three style
iconsto change the style of the borderand/orthe arrows.
Office PowerPointprovidesawide varietyof designthemesthatmake it easytochange the overall
lookof your presentation.A theme isaset of designelementsthatprovidesaspecific,unified
appearance forall of yourOffice documentsbyusingparticularcombinationsof colors,fonts,and
Enhancing Text Presentation
Office PowerPointautomaticallyappliesthe Office theme topresentationsthatare createdbyusing
the BlankPresentationtemplate,butyoucan easilychange the lookof yourpresentationatany
time byapplyingadifferenttheme.
Applya differenttheme toyourpresentation
On the Designtab,inthe Themesgroup,clickthe documenttheme thatyouwantto apply.
To previewhowthe currentslide lookswithaparticulartheme applied,restyourpointeronthe
thumbnail of thattheme.
To see thumbnailsof additional themes,clickthe arrowsnexttothe row of thumbnails.
Unlessyouspecifyotherwise,Office PowerPointappliesthemestothe entire presentation.To
change the appearance of onlyselectedslides,onthe Slidestab,pressandholdCTRL while youclick
each slide thatyouwantto change.Whenall of the slidesare selected,right-clickthe theme that
youwant to applyto them,andthenclick ApplytoSelectedSlides onthe shortcutmenu.
Convertslide text to a SmartArt graphic
A SmartArtgraphic isa visual representationof yourinformationthatyoucan fullycustomize.
Convertingyourtexttoa SmartArt graphicisa quickwayto convertexistingslidestoprofessionally
designedillustrations.Forexample,withone click,youcanconvert anAgendaslide toa SmartArt
You can choose frommany built-inlayoutstocommunicate yourmessage orideaseffectively.
To convert existingtextto a SmartArt graphic:
1. Clickthe placeholderthatcontainsthe textthatyou wantto convert.
2. On the Home tab, inthe Paragraph group,click Convertto SmartArtGraphic .
3. In the gallery,tosee howa SmartArtgraphic lookswithyourtext,restyourpointeroverthe
thumbnail forthatSmartArtgraphic. The gallerycontainslayoutsforSmartArtgraphicsthat
workbestwithbulletedlists.Toview the entire setof layouts,click More SmartArtGraphics.
Workingwith Color and Line Style
1. Selectthe line thatyouwantto change.
If you wantto change multiplelines,selectthe firstline,andthenpress andholdCTRLwhile you
selectthe otherlines.Formore informationaboutselectinglines,see Selectashape orother object.
2. Under DrawingTools,onthe Format tab,in the Shape Styles group,clickthe arrow next
to Shape Outline,andthenclickthe colorthatyou want.
If you do notsee the DrawingTools or Format tabs,double-clickthe line tomake sure thatyou
To change to a colorthat isn'tin the theme colors,click More Outline Colors,andtheneitherclick
the color that youwanton the Standard tab,or mix yourowncolor onthe Customtab.Custom
colorsand colorson the Standardtab are not updatedif youlaterchange the documenttheme.
AddingMovie and Sound
A PowerPointpresentationcanconveyalotof informationinashorttime.Thatinformationis
usuallyinthe formof text,graphics,charts,and tables,butit mightalso consistof audiocontent.
You can easilyincorporate soundsintoslide transitions.Youcanalsoinsertthe followingtypesof
 Audiofiles.Youcaninsertanaudiofile—forexample,aspeechorinterview—byclicking
the Sound buttonin the MediaClips groupon the Inserttab,and thenselectingthe file.
 Soundclips.The soundclipsthatshipwithPowerPointinclude applauseanda ringing
telephone.Youinsertasoundclipbyclickingthe Soundarrow in the MediaClipsgroupon
the Inserttab, andthenclickingSoundfromClipOrganizer todisplaythe ClipArttaskpane,
where youselectthe soundyouwant.If youare connectedtothe Internet,clickingthe ClipArt
On Office Online linkinthe taskpane takesyoutothe ClipArt and Mediapage of the Office
Online Website,fromwhichyoucandownloadhundredsof clipartimages,photos,sounds,and
 CD audiotracks. You can insertmusictracksor otheraudiotracks froma CD intoa slide.After
insertingthe CDinyour CD-ROMdrive,youclickthe Soundarrow in the MediaClips groupand
thenclick PlayCD Audio Track to displaythe InsertCDAudio dialogbox.Youthenenterthe
startingand endingtracknumbers.Youcan specifythatthe selectionbe repeated,andyoucan
setthe volume.Toplaythe tracks duringa slide show,the CDmustbe in the CD-ROMdrive.
 Recordedsounds.Youcan recorda soundor narrationand attach itto a slide,all fromwithin
While insertingasound,youcan specifywhetheritshouldplayautomaticallywhenthe slide
containingitappearsor onlywhenyouclickitsicon.The soundobjectappearson the slide
representedbyaniconindicatingthe type of sound.Youcan change the appearance andsize of the
iconand move itto meetyourneeds.
Whenthe soundobjectisselected,PowerPointaddsFormatandOptionscontextual tabstothe
Ribbon.Youcan format the iconrepresentingthe soundinmuchthe same waythat youwould
formata picture.Youcan adjustitssize,position, andvolume;specifywhetherthe iconisdisplayed
on the slide;andspecifyhowthe soundisactivated.
To playa sound,youmusthave a soundcard andspeakersinstalled.InNormal view,youcantest
the soundassociatedwithaparticularslide bydouble-clickingthe soundicon,orbyselectingthe
iconand clickingthe Preview button inthe Playgrouponthe Optionscontextualtab.InSlide Show
view,the soundplayseitherautomaticallyorwhenyouclickitsicon,dependingonyour
AddingHeaders and Footers
On the Inserttab,in the Textgroup,clickHeader& Footer.
In the Headerand Footerdialogbox,onthe Slide tab,selectthe Footercheckbox,andthentype the
textthat youwant to appearinthe centerbottomof the slide.
Do one of the following:
 To displayfooterinformationonthe selectedslide only,clickApply.
 To displayfooterinformationonall of the slidesinyourpresentation,clickApplytoAll.
Adda header,footer,orbothto a handoutor notespage
 On the Inserttab,in the Textgroup,clickHeader& Footer.
 In the Headerand Footerdialogbox,onthe NotesandHandoutstab, selectthe Headeror
Footercheckbox,or both,and thentype the textthat youwant to appearinthe centertop
(header) orcenterbottom(footer) of eachnotespage orhandout.
 ClickApplytoall.
A slide showcanbe a valuable tool forteaching,sharingandlearning.PowerPointpresentationsare
useful nomatterwhatthe topic andhelpcommunicate ideastoanaudience.
Viewinga Presentation
You can viewyourpresentationinanyof the followingviews:
1. Normal View:Till nowyouhave beenworkinginthe normal view where yousee yourlistof
slidesinthe leftpane andcurrentslide inthe middle pane.
2. Slide Sorter View:Inthe slide sorterview youcanview all yourslidestogetherinasingle
window.Youcan adjustthe size of eachslide.Thisview isusedtoarrange the slidesinthe
3. Outline View:Inthe outline view,the textcontainedoneachslide isdisplayedinthe leftpane.
7.6.2 Choosinga Setup for Presentation
To choose a setupfor a Presentation
SelectSlide Show ->SetUp Show.
From Here the variousOptionsavailable are:
1. ShowType
2. ShowOptions
3. ShowSlides
From the ShowSlidesoptions,we canselectonlythose slideswhichwe wanttoshow in the slide
PrintingSlidesand Handouts
PowerPointallowsyoutoprintyourpresentationasslides,notes,handouts,oreven outlines.
Choose File → Printfromthe menubar.This will bringupthe "Print"dialogbox.
1. In the "Printwhat"pull-downmenu,choose the itemyouwouldlike toprint.
2. If you choose "printslides",whatyouwill getisone slideperpage.
3. If you choose "printhandouts",youhave the optiontochoose the numberof slidesyouwantto
printon eachpage.
4. If you choose "printoutline view"youwillgetonlythe textof yourslides(asitappearsinoutline
view) butnone of the graphicsor animation.
Slide Show
A slide showisapresentationof aseriesof still imagesonaprojectionscreenorelectronicdisplay
device,typicallyinaprearrangedsequence.The changesmaybe automaticandat regularintervals
or theymay be manuallycontrolledbya presenterorthe viewer.Slideshowsoriginallyconsistedof
a seriesof individual photographicslidesprojectedontoascreenwithaslide projector.When
referringtothe videoorcomputer-basedvisual equivalent,inwhichthe slidesare notindividual
physical objects,the termisoftenwrittenasone word,slideshow.
Running a Slide Show
There are at leastthree waystostart a slide show:
1. SelectViewmenu→SlideShow
2. Clickthe projectorbuttononthe lowerleftpartof the screen
3. Pressthe F5 Key
Transition and Slide Timings
Animatingtext and objects
There are twowaysto animate textandobjects:PresetAnimationandCustomAnimation.Although
PresetAnimationisrelativelysimpler,we stronglyrecommendCustomAnimationbecause itallows
more control overanimation.The instructionsbelow pertainto CustomAnimationonly:
1. Clickon the slide thatyouwishtoanimate and selectSlide Show → CustomAnimation.
2. In the CustomAnimationdialogbox,eachobjectisidentifiedinthe Checktoanimate slide
3. If you don't rememberwhataparticularobjectis,clickthe object'sname inthe list;that object
appearsselectedinthe previewwindow.Clickinthe object'scheckbox toanimate thatobject.
4. On the Effectstab make yourentryanimationandsoundselections.Youmayalsochoose to dim
an objectafteranimation.
5. On the Orderand Timingtab arrange the objectsinthe order that youwantthemto appear.
6. You may alsochoose the objectstoappearon mouse clickor automatically.
Slide transitions
Transitionsdetermine the effectsappliedwhenyoumove fromone slide toanotherduringanon-
screenpresentation.Followthesestepstoapplyslide transitiontoyourslides:
1. To choose a transitioneffect,selectSlide Show → SlideTransition.
2. Selectatransitioneffectfromthe dropdownmenu.
3. Choose the desiredtransitionspeed.
4. Choose a soundto accompanythe transitionif required.
5. Advance optiondetermineswhenthe currentslideproceedstothe next.
6. Automaticallyafterxx seconds,makesthe transitionxx secondsafterthe precedingtransition
7. Choose apply orApplyto all,dependingonwhetheryouwanttoapplythe effecttocurrent slide
or all slides.
Automating a Slide Show
Followthese stepstoautomate yourslide show:
1. SelectSlide Show ->Slide Transition.
Selectthe AutomaticallyAfteroptionandprovide the time.
Application of Digital Financial Services
To developawarenessandcompetence inthe emerginginformationtechnologyrequirementsand
solutions,necessarywithinthe fastchangingFinancialServicesSector,inparticularthose neededto
meetitsunique,missioncritical requirements.
Why Savings are needed?
If you have enoughtopay for everythingyouneed,whyshouldyouworryaboutputtinganyaside
each month?There are a varietyof reasonsto beginsavingmoney.Differentpeople save for
differentreasons.Youcanstart by savingtenpercentof your income eachmonth.Here are some
reasonsthat youmay considersavingyourmoney.
It isimportantto have an emergencyfundsetaside tocoverunexpectedexpenses.Thiscouldcover
an unexpectedcarrepair,youremergencyappendectomyorasuddenjobloss.Ideallyyour
emergencyfundshouldbe aboutthree tosix monthsof your expenses.
Future Needs
By savingmoneyyousave yourself worrying!It’ssimple!The factthatyoucan grow oldknowing
that youworkeditout and youknow whatyou will endupwithandyou know thatyou will be
comfortable issuchan amazingfeeling.
Large expenses
The bank won’tlendyoumoneytobuya house unlessyouhave adownpayment,andyouare not
allowedtoborrowa downpayment.Youmusthave thismoneysavedupor have someone give itto
you—andnotlenditto you.Your downpaymentneedsto be at least5% of the purchase price of
the house,andthenthe bank will considerlendingyouthe other95%.There are all sorts of other
costs andfeesthatyou needtopay whenyoubuya home,soyouwill needanadditional 5% justfor
those costs.Savingsiswhatwill openthe doorto owninga home.
Drawbacks of keepingCashat home
Storingall yourmoneyincash at home justisn'tsafe.Yourhome couldbe burglarized,flood,or
catch on fire.Inthe eventof a burglary,mostof those placesyouthoughtwere greatforhidingyour
moneywill probablybe found.If youburyyourmoneyinthe back yard, the containeryouputit in
couldbecome damagedorstart decomposinganddestroyyourmoney.Lessdramatically,youcould
simplyforgetaboutall the placesyou've stashedmoney,orsomeone else wholivesinorvisitsyour
householdcouldfinditandtake it.
Keepingcashathome justisn't safe due to flood,orcatch on fire or itcan be lostdue to some other
Loss of Growth Opportunity
Once you have enoughmoneyyou'll wanttogobeyonda checkingaccountand start savingand
investingyourmoneytooptimizeyourfuture financial situation.Yousimplycan'ttake advantage of
the opportunitytoearnmoneyinthe stock marketor earn interestondepositsif you're notwilling
to keepyourcash anywhere exceptyourmattress.
No CreditEligibility
If moneyiskeptat home,thennocrediteligibilityisgained.
Why Bank is needed?
A bankis a financial institutionlicensedasa receiverof deposits.There are twotypesof banks:
commercial/retail banksandinvestmentbanks.Inmostcountries,banksare regulatedbythe
national governmentorcentral bank.
Secure Money,Earn Interest,GetLoan
There are manyadvantagestousinga bank. Whetheryou’re usingone foryourpersonal,small
businessorcorporate needs,yourfinancial well-beingdependsonproperlymanagingyourfunds.
Bankscan helpyoudothisby providingsavingsandcheckingaccountsthatyieldinterestthrough
bankrates. Anotherbenefitthatbanksprovide istheirabilitytofacilitate cashflow through
Inculcate habit ofsaving
The earlieryoustart a savingsaccount,the more moneythatsavingsaccountwill accumulate over
time.Yoursavingsaccount will earninterest,whichcancoverthe costs of keepingmoneyinyour
account,because the fundsare thenusedby institutionstomake loanstoothercustomers.CDsare
usedforthe same purposesandofferevenhigherinterestrates,howeveryouare unable to
withdrawwithoutpenaltyforacertainamountof time.
Remittancesusing Cheque DemandDraft
Apart fromacceptingdepositsandlendingmoney,Banksalsocarryout, on behalf of theircustomers
the act of transferof money - bothdomesticandforeign. - Fromone place to another.Thisactivityis
knownas "remittance business".Banksissue DemandDrafts,Banker'sCheques, andMoney Orders
etc.for transferringthe money.Banksalsohave the facilityof quicktransferof moneyalsoknownas
TelegraphicTransferorTele CashOrders.
In Remittance business,Bank'A'at a place 'a' acceptsmoneyfromcustomer'C' and makes
arrangementforpaymentof the same amountof moneytoeitherthe customer'C' or his"order"i.e.
a personor entity,designatedby'C'as the recipient,througheitheraBranch of Bank'A' or any
otherentityat place 'b'. Inreturn forhavingrenderedthisservice,the Bankscharge a pre-decided
sumknownas exchange orcommissionorservice charge.Thissumcan differfrombankto bank.
Thisalsodiffersdependinguponthe mode of transferandthe time available foreffectingthe
transferof money.Fasterthe mode of transfer,higherthe charges.
Avoid risk ofchit funds
Chitfundsare indigenoussavingmechanismthatisunorganizedandrunbetweenfriends,families
and knownpersons.Chitfundsare easytojoinas there isverylittle paperworktobe submittedand
the entire setupis basedontrust. Theyhave beenaround forover1000 yearsand are presentin
othercountriestoowhere theyare popularlyknownasRotatingSavingsandCreditAssociations.
Chitfundfraudshave become a majorissue andhappenforvariousreasons,suchas:
 The foreman/fundmanagerdisappearswiththe corpusamount.
 A membercoulddefaultininstallmentpaymentordisappearafterwinningthe firstbid.
 The discountrate mightbe riggedanda desperate membermightenduppayingahigher
Banking Products
BankingSectorofferedinnovativeproductstoredefine bankingconvenience.Withexpertise,you
can rest assuredthatyour wealthisprotectedandnurturedatthe same time.
Types of Accounts and Deposit
TraditionallybanksinIndiahave fourtypesof depositaccounts,namelyCurrentAccounts,Saving
 These depositsaccountsare one of the most populardepositsforindividual accounts.
 These accountsnot onlyprovide Chequefacilitybutalsohave lotof flexibilityfordepositsand
withdrawal of fundsfromthe account.
 Most of the bankshave rulesforthe maximumnumberof withdrawalsinaperiodandthe
maximumamountof withdrawal,buthardlyanybankenforcesthese.
 However,bankshave everyrighttoenforce suchrestrictionsif itisfeltthatthe accountis being
misusedasa currentaccount.
 CurrentAccountsare basicallymeantforbusinessmenandare neverusedforthe purpose of
 These depositsare the mostliquiddepositsandthere are nolimitsfornumberof transactions
or the amount of transactionsina day.
 Most of the currentaccount are openedinthe namesof firm/ companyaccounts.
 Cheque bookfacilityisprovidedandthe accountholdercandepositall typesof the Cheques
and draftsintheirname or endorsedintheir favorbythirdparties.
 No interestispaidby bankson these accounts. On the otherhand,banks charges certain
service charges,onsuchaccounts.
 These are popularlyknownasRD accounts andare special kindof TermDepositsandare
suitable forpeople whodonothave lumpsumamountof savings,butare readyto save a small
 Normally,suchdepositsearninterestonthe amountalreadydeposited(throughmonthly
installments) atthe same ratesas are applicable forFixedDeposits/TermDeposits. These are
bestif you wishtocreate a fundforyour child'seducationor marriage of your daughterorbuy a
car withoutloansorsave for the future.
 Under these type of deposits,the personhastousuallydepositafixedamountof moneyevery
month(usuallyaminimumof Rs,100/- p.m.). Any defaultinpaymentwithinthe monthattracts
a small penalty.
 However,some BanksbesidesofferingafixedinstallmentRD,have alsointroducedaflexible /
variable RD.Underthese flexibleRDsthe personisallowedtodepositevenhigheramountof
installments,withanupperlimitfixedforthe same e.g.10 timesof the minimumamount
 RecurringDepositaccountsare normallyallowedformaturitiesrangingfrom6 monthsto 120
months.A Passbookisusuallyissuedwhereinthe personcangetthe entriesforall the deposits
made by him/ herand the interestearned.
 In case instalmentisdelayed,the interestpayable inthe accountwill be reducedandsome
nominal penaltychargedfordefaultinregularpayments.Premature withdrawalof accumulated
amountpermittedisusually allowed(however,penaltymaybe imposedforearlywithdrawals).
These accountscan be openedinsingle orjointnames.Nominationfacilityisalsoavailable.
 The RD interestratespaidbybanksinIndiaare usuallythe same aspayable onFixedDeposits,
exceptwhenspecificratesonFDsare paidfor particularnumberof dayse.g.500 days,555 days,
1111 days etc.i.e.these are notendingina quarter.
All BanksinIndia(includingSBI,PNB,BoB,BoI,Canara Bank,ICICIBank,Yes Bank etc.) Offerfixed
depositsschemeswithawide range of tenuresforperiodsfrom7 daysto 10 years.These are also
popularlyknownasFD accounts.However,insome other countriestheseare knownas"Term
Deposits"orevencalled"Bond". The term"fixed"inFixedDeposits(FD) denotesthe periodof
maturityor tenor.Therefore,the depositorsare supposedtocontinue suchFixedDepositsforthe
lengthof time forwhichthe depositordecidestokeepthe moneywiththe bank.
 However,incase of need,the depositorcanaskfor closing(orbreaking) the fixeddeposit
prematurelybypayingapenalty(usuallyof 1%,butsome bankseithercharge lessor no
 Some banksintroducedvariable interestfixeddeposits. The rate of interestonsuchdeposits
keepsonvaryingwiththe prevalentmarketratesi.e.itwillgoupif marketinterestratesgoes
and itwill come downif the marketratesfall. However,suchtype of fixeddepositshasnot
beenpopulartill date.
 The rate of interestforFixedDepositsdiffersfrombanktobank(unlike earlierwhenthe same
were regulatedbyRBIand all banksusedto have the same interestrate structure.
 Usuallya bankFD is paidin lumpsum onthe date of maturity.
 Besidesabove fourtraditional accounts,there are some otheraccountswithsame featuresbut
a fewdifferentfeatures.
Types ofLoan and Overdrafts
A bank overdraft isa limitonborrowingona bankcurrent account. With an overdraftthe amount
of borrowingmayvaryon a dailybasis.
A bank loan is a fixedamountfora fixedtermwithregularfixedrepayments.The interestonaloan
tendsto be lowerthanan overdraft.
Fillingupof Cheques,DemandDrafts
A Cheque isanimportantbankdocumentwhichisusedtomake paymentsandexchange funds
betweenpeopleandtwodifferentaccounts.A Cheque bookisissuedbyabankto a validaccount
holder.A Cheque bookusuallycontains5,10 or 20 leaves.Cheque booksthese daysalreadyhave
the importantdetails,suchasthe name of the Bank,branch address,IFSCcode,Accountholder’s
name and AccountNumberprintedoneachleaf.Thishasmade fillingoutaCheque,evenmore
Followthese stepstocorrectlyfill upacheque.
1. Fill inthe date.This iscalledthe date of issue. Mentionthe correctdate in the top rightcolumn.It
isday, monthand yearinfigures. A cheque once issuedisvalidforthe next3months.
2. Write the name of the person/company(Payee) youwanttoaddressthe cheque to. Make sure
youspell the name inthe same way as itappearson the beneficiary’saccount.
3. It isadvisable tostrike out‘orbearer’at the endof the ‘payee’line. Thiswill ensure thatthe
cheque isencashedonlyto the personitisaddressedtoand notto just anyone whoholdsit.
4. Write the amountto be paidin wordsalongthe ‘Rupees’column.Strikealine afteryoufill inthe
amountin orderto preventanyalteration.
5. Rewrite the exactsame amountinfigures withinthe adjacentbox.
6. Put your signature above yourname toauthorize the transaction.Thisshouldbe the same or
closestlikenessof the signature specimenyouhave submittedtoyourbankwhile openingyour
7. Sometimes,inordertosecure a cheque,youmaymark outtwo parallel lineswith‘AccountPayee
only’writteninthe middle,onthe topleftcornerof the cheque.Thisiscalled‘Crossingouta
Cheque’.Thismeansyourcheque will be paidintothe accountof the personbeingpaidand not to
the personholdingthe cheque forpaymentatthe counter.
8. To cancel a cheque mark‘CANCEL’inboldacross the face of the cheque andif possible,inform
the bank officialsormake anote of the cheque numberandrecordit as cancelled
A correctly filledoutcheque wouldlooklike the image below.
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Ccc study material

  • 1. 1 UNIT-I Introduction to Computer Computer: Computerisan electronicmachine whichtakesdataas inputandproduce outputthroughsetof programs.It isa combinationof hardware andsoftware.The machine ishardware andthe dataand instructionsare software. History of computer: Computerwasinventedby CharlesBabbage between1833 and 1871. He is alsoknownas Father of Computer. Generations of Computer: SSr.No. Generationand Description 1 First Generation The periodof firstgeneration:1946-1959. Vacuumtube based. 2 SecondGeneration The periodof secondgeneration:1959-1965. Transistorbased. 3 Third Generation The periodof thirdgeneration:1965-1971. IntegratedCircuitbased. 4 Fourth Generation The periodof fourthgeneration:1971-1980. VLSImicroprocessorbased. 5 FifthGeneration The periodof fifthgeneration:1980-onwards.ULSImicroprocessorbased
  • 2. 2 Components of computer: There are followingcomponentsof computer.  CPU (Central ProcessingUnit)  Motherboard  Processor  Memory(RAM)  Case/chassis  Powersupply  Floppydrive  Hard disk  CD-ROM, CD-RW,or DVD-ROMdrive  Keyboard  Mouse  Videocard  Monitor(display)  Soundcard  Speakers  Modem Central Processing Unit (CPU): The CPU (Central ProcessingUnit) isthe partof a computersystemthatis commonlyreferredtoas the "brains"of a computer.The CPU isalso knownasthe processorormicroprocessor.The CPU is responsible forexecutingasequenceof storedinstructionscalleda program.Thisprogramwill take inputsfroman inputdevice,processthe inputinsome wayandoutputthe resultstoan output device. CPUitselfhas followingthree components  Memoryor Storage Unit  Control Unit  ALU(ArithmeticLogicUnit)
  • 3. 3 Computer refers to mainly two major elements which are as following: 1. Hardware 2. Software Hardware: All physical devicesusedincomputerwhichwe cansee andtouchare knownas hardware.Forexample like monitor,mouse,keyboardetc. Computers are connected with two types of devices: 1. InputDevices 2. OutputDevices Input Devices: Those deviceswhichare usedforgivinginstructionsinformof data to computersare knownasInput Devices.Some of inputdevicesare asfollowing: 1. Keyboard: 2. Mouse:
  • 4. 4 3. Scanner: 4. Microphone: 5. Touchscreen: 6. Light Pen:
  • 5. 5 Output Devices: Devicesusedtodisplaythe resultsorinformationare knownas OutputDevices.Some of outputdevices are as following: 1. Monitor: 2. Printer: 3. Speaker:
  • 6. 6 Software: Software isa collectionof dataor computerinstructions whichtellsthe computerhow toworkthe help of hardware.  SystemSoftware  ApplicationSoftware Systems software The systemsoftware iscollectionof programsdesignedtooperate,control,andextendthe processingcapabilitiesof the computeritself.Systemsoftwareare generallypreparedbycomputer manufactures.These softwareproductscomprise of programswritten inlow-level languageswhich interactwiththe hardware at a verybasic level.Systemsoftware servesasthe interface between hardware and the endusers. The most basic typesof system software are: 1. BIOS and device firmware – theyprovide basicfunctionalitytooperate andcontrol the hardware connectedtoor builtintothe computer. 2. Operating System– IT allowsthe partsof a computerto worktogetherbyperformingtaskslike transferringdatabetweenmemoryanddisksorrenderingoutputontoadisplaydevice.Italso providesaplatformtorun high-level systemsoftware andapplicationsoftware. 3. Utilitysoftware – It helpsinanalyzing,configuring,optimizingandmaintainingthe computer. Application Software Applicationsoftware products are designedtosatisfyaparticularneedof a particularenvironment. All software applicationspreparedinthe computerlabcancome underthe categoryof Application software. Applicationsoftware mayconsistof asingle program, suchas a Microsoft's notepadforwritingand editingsimpletext.Itmayalsoconsistof a collectionof programs,oftencalledasoftware package, whichworktogethertoaccomplisha task,such as a spreadsheetpackage. Examplesof Applicationsoftwareare following  Payroll Software  StudentRecordSoftware  InventoryManagementSoftware  Income Tax Software  RailwaysReservationSoftware  MicrosoftOffice Suite Software  MicrosoftWord  MicrosoftExcel
  • 7. 7  MicrosoftPowerPoint Programming Languages A vocabularyand setof grammatical rulesforinstructingacomputerto performspecifictasks.The termprogramminglanguage usuallyreferstohigh-level languages,suchasBASIC,C, C++, COBOL, FORTRAN,Ada,andPascal.Each language hasa unique setof keywords(wordsthatitunderstands) and a special syntax fororganizingprograminstructions. Concept of Data processing Data processing,Manipulationof databy a computer.Itincludesthe conversionof raw data to machine-readableform,flowof datathroughthe CPU and memorytooutputdevices,and formattingortransformationof output.Anyuse of computerstoperformdefinedoperationson data can be includedunderdataprocessing.Inthe commercial world,dataprocessingreferstothe processingof datarequiredto run organizationsandbusinesses. Stages of the Data ProcessingCycle 1) Collectionisthe firststage of the cycle,andis verycrucial,since the qualityof datacollectedwill impactheavilyonthe output.The collectionprocessneedstoensure thatthe datagatheredare bothdefinedandaccurate,sothat subsequentdecisionsbasedonthe findingsare valid.This stage providesboththe baselinefromwhichtomeasure,andatarget on whatto improve.Some typesof data collectioninclude census,sample survey,andadministrative by-product. 2) Preparation isthe manipulationof dataintoa form suitable forfurtheranalysisandprocessing. Raw data cannotbe processedandmustbe checkedforaccuracy. Preparationisabout constructinga datasetfromone or more data sourcestobe usedforfurtherexplorationand processing.Analyzingdatathathas notbeencarefullyscreenedforproblemscanproduce highly misleadingresultsthatare heavilydependentonthe qualityof dataprepared. 3) Input is the taskwhere verifieddataiscodedor convertedintomachine readable formsothatit can be processedthroughacomputer.Data entryisdone throughthe use of a keyboard,digitizer, scanner,or data entryfroman existingsource.Thistime-consumingprocessrequiresspeedand accuracy. Most data needto follow aformal andstrict syntax since agreat deal of processing powerisrequiredtobreakdownthe complexdataat thisstage.Due to the costs, manybusinesses are resortingtooutsource thisstage. 4) Processingis whenthe datais subjectedtovariousmeansandmethodsof manipulation,the pointwhere acomputerprogram isbeingexecuted,anditcontainsthe programcode andits currentactivity.The processmay be made up of multiple threadsof executionthatsimultaneously execute instructions,dependingonthe operatingsystem.While acomputerprogramisa passive collectionof instructions,aprocessisthe actual executionof those instructions.Manysoftware programsare available forprocessinglarge volumesof datawithinveryshortperiods.
  • 8. 8 5) Output and interpretation isthe stage where processedinformationisnow transmittedtothe user.Outputispresentedtousersinvariousreportformatslike printedreport,audio,video,oron monitor.Outputneedtobe interpretedsothatitcan provide meaningful informationthatwill guide future decisionsof the company. 6) Storage is the laststage in the data processingcycle,where data,instructionandinformationare heldforfuture use.The importance of thiscycle isthat it allowsquickaccessandretrieval of the processedinformation,allowingittobe passedonto the nextstage directly,whenneeded.Every computerusesstorage to holdsystemandapplicationsoftware. Applications of IECT IECT or Information,ElectronicsandCommunicationTechnologyisusedinvarioussectors.IECTcan be usedto generate qualitymanpower.Example of some of the sectorsisgivenbelow. E-governance Governance referstothe exercise of political, economicandadministrative authorityinthe managementof a country’saffairs,includingcitizens’articulationof theirinterestsandexerciseof theirlegal rightsandobligations. E-administration– It referstoimprovinggovernmentprocessesandthe internal workingof public sectorwithnewICT-executedinformationprocesses. E-services– It referstoimproveddeliveryof publicservicestocitizens.Someexamplesof Interactive servicesare – requestsforpublicdocuments,requestsforlegal documentsand Certificates,issuingpermitsandlicenses. E-democracy – It impliesgreaterandmore active citizenparticipationandinvolvementenabledby ICTs inthe decision-makingprocess. Multimedia and Entertainment In today’selectroniceracomputershave invadedalmosteveryfieldof ourlife andentertainmentisno exception.Withadvancementincomputerhardware andwidespreadreachof Internet,computerhas become a useful tool inentertainment.Usingcomputer,youcanlistentomusic,watchmoviesand DVDs,playgamesand evenhookupyour cable connection. All thishasbeenpossibledue to advancementinmultimediaconceptof computersandaccompanyingprogressincomputerhardware. Multimediaisacombinationof pictures,audio,video,animation,and textforimprovingcontent displayedbythe computer.E.g.usingMicrosoftWindowsXPMediaCenterEdition,youcanrun almost anything(DVD,MP3, iPad,home theatre system, etc.) youwantusingyourcomputerasthe hub.
  • 9. 9 UNIT-II Introduction to Operating System Introduction to operating system An operatingsystemisaSystemsoftware whichperformsall requiredtasktorun a computer and managesall processesof a system. The operatingsystemprovidesaninterface betweenanapplication program andthe computerhardware. Common desktop operating systems: 1. Windows 2. Linux / UNIX 3. Mac Functions performed by operating systems: 1. Processor management– Assignmentof processortodifferenttasksbeingperformedbythe computersystem. 2. Memory management– Allocationof mainmemoryandotherstorage areasto the system programsas well asuser programsand data. 3. Input/output management– Co-ordinationandassignmentof the differentoutputandinput deviceswhileone ormore programsare beingexecuted. 4. File management– Storage of filesof variousstorage devices.Italsoallowsall filestobe easily changedand modifiedthroughthe use of texteditorsorsome otherfilesmanipulationroutines. 5. Prioritization– Establishmentandenforcementof aprioritysystem.Thatis,the OSdetermines and maintainsthe scheduleinwhichjobsare tobe executedinthe computersystem. 6. Automatic transition fromone jobto anotherjob as directedbyspecial control statements. 7. Interpretationof commandsandinstructions. 8. Resource Allocation– Coordinationandassignmentof compilers,assemblers,utilityprograms, and othersoftware tothe varioususersof the computersystem. Facilitieseasycommunicationbetweenthe computersystemandthe computeroperator (human).Italsoestablishes datasecurityandintegrity. User Interface in Operating System: Graphical User Interface hasa visual environmentusingwindows,buttons,andicons.AsMicrosoft Windowsoperatingsystemisthe mostpopular,we will discussthe differentfeaturesof aGUI based operatingsystemswiththe helpof Windowsoperatingsystem. Interface maybe one the followingtype: 1. Graphical User Interface (GUI):Graphical basedoperatingsystemsprovideGUIto interactwith computer.Graphical Iconsare providedonthe screen.Withthe helpof variousinputdevicesthese
  • 10. 10 iconscan be usedtoquicklygive instructionstocomputerandalsoto start variousprograms. MicrosoftWindows,Macintoshetc.are popularexamplesof Graphical UserInterface based OperatingSystems. 2. Command Line Interface A commandline operatingsystemprovidesacommandprompton the computerscreen.The commandsare giventothe computerby typingonthe keyboard.The commandsare typed accordingto the predefinedformat.The usershave tomemorizecommandsandrulesof writing these commands.Itisnot an easywayto interface withthe computer.MSDOS and LINUX provide textbasedinterface topassinstructiontocomputer.
  • 11. 11 There are followinguserinterfacesinoperating system.  Task Bar  Icons  Start Menu  RunninganApplication
  • 12. 12 Settings of an operating system:  ChangingDisplayProperties  To Add or Remove aWindowsComponent  ChangingMouse Properties  AddingandremovingPrinters File and Directory Management Withthe clickof mouse buttonusercan create,delete,andrename afile orfolder.Folderscanbe sharedso that these are usedbyothers.Movinga file issimple draganddropoperationof mouse in WindowsExplorer.Forthe textprocessingrequirements of the usersNotepadandWordPadare given.Utilitieslike Gamesandmultimediacanbe usedto entertainthe users.Systemperformance can be increasedwithsystemtool In WindowsExplorerormycomputer,one can see bothhierarchyof foldersonthe computersand all the filesandfoldersineachselectedfolder.Thisisespeciallyuseful forcopyingandmovingfiles Creatingand Renamingof Filesand Directories A file object providesarepresentationof aresource thatcan be managedbythe I/O system.Like otherobjects,theyenable sharingof the resources,theyhave names,theyare protectedbyobject- basedsecurity,andtheysupportsynchronization.The I/Osystemalsoenablesreadingfromor writingtothe resource. A directory isa hierarchical collectionof directoriesandfiles.The onlyconstraintonthe numberof filesthatcan be containedina single directoryisthe physical sizeof the diskonwhichthe directory islocated.
  • 13. 13 Creatingnew filesor folders Followthese stepstocreate newfolders: 1. OpenWindowsExplorer,navigate tothe drive orfolderinwhichyouwantto create your new folder. 2. Rightclickanywhere inthe white space andhoverthe mouse overnew. 3. Clickon folderfromthe sub-menuthatappears. 4. You will thenbe promptedtoname the folder,simplytype inthe name andthenpressenter (return) key. The same procedure maybe followedforcreatingfiles. RenamingFilesand folders Followthese stepstorename filesandfolders: 1. Rightclickon the folderor file whichyouwanttorename. 2. Thenclickon the sub-menuRename. 3. Filename getshighlighted.Write the name of the file orfolderyouwantandpressEnter.
  • 14. 14 UNIT-III Elements of Word Processing Word Processing: A wordprocessorissoftware or a device thatallowsuserstocreate,edit,andprintdocuments.It enablesyoutowrite text,store itelectronically,displayitona screen,modifyitbyenteringcommands and charactersfrom the keyboard,andprintit. OpeningWordProcessingPackage 1. Clickon the Start button. 2. In the menuthat appearsselectAll Programs→MicrosoftOffice→MicrosoftOfficeWord. This will openthe MicrosoftWordscreenonthe monitor. MenuBar If you are familiarwith previousversionsof Word,whenyoubegintoexplore Word,youwill notice a significantchange inthe menustructure,lookandfeel.The featuresinWorddisplayasvarious tabs suchas Home,Insert,Page Layout,Referencesetc. Shortcut Menus Thisfeature allowyoutoaccess variousWordcommandsfasterthan usingthe optionsonthe menu bar. Whenthe menuisexpanded,the shortcutmenuisdisplayedwithshort-cutcommandoption for eachof the short-cutmenuitem.
  • 15. 15 Usingthe Help Click the MicrosoftOffice Help button inthe upperrightor pressthe F1 keyon yourkeyboardto openHelponyour computer.The firsttime youuse the Helpfeature inMicrosoftOffice programs, the online Helpwindowappearsinadefaultlocationandsize on yourscreen. Add a command to the Quick AccessToolbar On the ribbon,clickthe appropriate tabor groupto displaythe commandthat youwantto add to the QuickAccessToolbar. Right-clickthe command,andthenclick Addto QuickAccessToolbaron the shortcut menu. OpeningDocuments Openexistingdocuments,andsave documentsinWord.
  • 16. 16 Save and Save as Whenit isneededthe documenttostore inthe internal memoryof the computer,inorderto preserve the documentforfuture use,youmust save itonthe disk,to do so. Selectthe save optionfromthe File menu.The Save asdialogbox getsinvokedasdisplayedinfigure below: Page Setup Page setupcan be usedto change page orientation,setleft,top,bottommargins,pagessizesetc.To change page size and orientation
  • 17. 17 SettingMargins  Selectthe Page Setupoptionof the File menu.The Page Setupdialogbox getsinvokedas displayedinfigurebelow  Selectthe marginslab.  Enter the measurementinthe Top,Bottom, Leftand Rightboxes. Print Preview Previewingadocumentmeansviewingascreenrepresentationof one ormore pagesbefore you printthem.To printpreviewadocument,the stepsare: Printingof Documents To printa document,followthesesteps:  Selectthe Print optionfromthe File menu.Alternatively,clickonthe Printtoolbarbuttonof the standardtoolbar.If printerisinstalledonthe computer,Printdialogbox getsinvokedas displayedinthe givenfigure.
  • 18. 18  In the Name box,selected the printeronwhichyourdocumentgetsprinted.If printeryouuse has options,youcanaccess themby clickingonthe Propertiesoptionfromthe File menu.  Clickon the Printto file checkbox toprintthe documentto a file onthe disk.  Enter the Numberof copiestobe printed inthe Copiesarea.  To printa range of pages,specifythe portionof the documentyouwanttoprintinthe Page Range box.  Clickon the Pagesradiobuttonto include the page numbersorthe page range,or the page numbersorthe page range,or both.  To printa complete copyof the document,copyof the documentbefore the firstpage of the nextcopyis printed,clickonthe Collate checkbox.  If you wantto printall the copiesof the firstpage and thenprintall the copiesof subsequent pages,clearthe Collate checkbox.  Clickon the OKbuttonto sendthe copiesto the printer. Save a New/ExistingDocument To save a new/existingdocumentthatisopened,follow one of the followingmethods: 1. Clickthe Save buttonon the menubar. 2. PressCTRL+S keyson the keyboard.
  • 19. 19 Cut, Copy and Paste Textand objectssuchas picturesandtablescan be rearrangedinyour Word documentusingthe cut, copyand paste commands. Cut and Paste Cuttingandpastingmovesthe textor object.Whenyoucut somethingitisremovedfromits locationandplacedon a clipboard(atemporarystorage area).It can thenbe pastedto another location. Selectthe textor objectyou want to cut Clickthe Home tab on the Ribbonandthenthe Cutbuttonin the Clipboardgroup,orpressCtrl + X Selectthe destinationareaof the documentandclickthe Paste buttonin the Clipboardgroup,or pressCtrl + V. Copy and Paste Copyingandpastingcopiesthe textorobject.Whenyoucopy somethingitremainsinitslocation and isplacedon a clipboard.Itcan thenbe pastedto anotherlocation. Font and Size selection Clickthe Home tab to findthe Fontgroup. Justto the rightof the Fontbox is the Size box,whichshowsthe fontsize.
  • 20. 20 Displaythe fontsize list. Selectafont size from thislist. AlignmentofText To centertext,clickthe Centerbutton.Yourtextisnow linedupinthe centerof the page (along the vertical axis). To move the textso itis alignedwiththe rightmargin,highlightthe textyouwanttomove,andclick the AlignRightbutton. Your textisnow alignedtothe rightmargin. AlignLeft
  • 21. 21 To make the textstretch outso it takesupwhole lines,highlightthe textyouwanttomove,and clickon Justify.Yourtextisnowfullyjustified(spreadout) acrossthe page sothat boththe leftand rightsidesof the paragraph are straightinsteadof beingjagged. Bulletsand Numbering Lists:One level ormany levels Make a listwithjustone level,ormake amultilevel listtoshow listswithinalist. Whenyoucreate a bulletedornumberedlist,youcandoany of the following:  Use the convenientBulletandNumberinglibraries  Use the defaultbulletand numberingformatsforlists,customizethe lists,orselectotherformats fromthe BulletandNumberinglibraries. Add bulletsor numberingto a list 1. Selectthe itemsthatyouwant toadd bulletsornumberingto. 2. On the Home tab, inthe Paragraph group,click BulletsorNumbering.  You can finddifferentbulletstylesandnumberingformatsbyclickingthe arrow next to BulletsorNumberingonthe Home tab,inthe Paragraphgroup.
  • 22. 22  You can move an entire listtothe leftorthe right.Click a bulletornumberinthe list,anddrag it to a newlocation.The entire listmovesasyoudrag.The numberinglevelsdonotchange. Changingcase 1. Selectthe textthatyouwant to change the case of. 2. On the Home tab, inthe Font group,click Change Case (as showninthe diagrambelow), and thenclickthe capitalizationoptionthatyouwant.  To capitalize the firstletterof asentence andleave all otherlettersaslowercase,click Sentence case.  To exclude capital lettersfromyourtext, clicklowercase.  To capitalize all of the letters,click UPPERCASE.  To capitalize the firstletterof eachwordandleave the otherletterslowercase,click Capitalize Each Word.  To shiftbetweentwocase views(forexample,toshiftbetween Capitalize EachWordand the opposite,cAPITALIZEeACHwORD),click tOGGLEcASE.  To applythe small capital (Small Caps) letterformattingtoyourtext,see the note anddiagram below. Table Manipulation Tablesare usedto displaydataina table format. Draw Table In MicrosoftOffice Wordyoucan inserta table bychoosingfroma selectionof preformatted tables — complete withsample data— orby selectingthe numberof rowsandcolumnsthatyou want.You can inserta table intoa document,oryou can insertone table intoanothertable to create a more complex table. 1. Clickwhere youwantto inserta table. 2. On the Inserttab,in the Tablesgroup,click Table,pointto QuickTables,andthenclickthe template thatyouwant.
  • 23. 23 Use the Table menu 1. Clickwhere youwantto inserta table. 2. On the Inserttab,in the Tablesgroup,click Table,andthen,underInsertTable,dragto select the numberof rows and columnsthatyouwant. Use the InsertTable command You can use the InsertTable commandto choose the table dimensionsandformatbefore youinsert the table intoa document. 1. Clickwhere youwantto inserta table. 2. On the Inserttab,in the Tablesgroup,click Table,andthenclick InsertTable 3. Under Table size,enterthe numberof columnsandrows. 4. Under AutoFitbehavior,choose optionstoadjustthe table size. Create a table
  • 24. 24 You can create a table bydrawingthe rowsand columnsthatyou wantor byconvertingtexttoa table. Draw a table You can draw a complex table — forexample,one thatcontains cellsof differentheightsora varyingnumberof columnsperrow. 1. Clickwhere youwantto create the table. 2. On the Inserttab,in the Tablesgroup,click Table,andthenclick Draw Table. AlignmentofText in cell Aligna table ona page Leftaligned Centered Right aligned Leftalignedwithindent 1. Clickthe table,andthen clickthe Table Layout tab. 2. Under Settings,click Properties.
  • 25. 25 3. Clickthe Table tab, andthenunderAlignment,selectthe optionthatyouwant. TIP: To indentaleft-alignedtable,enteranumberinthe Indentfromleft box. Aligntextwithinatable 1. Selectone ormore cellsinthe table,andthenclickthe Table Layouttab. 2. Under Alignment,click Align,andthenselectthe optionthatyouwant. Delete / Insertionof row and column Delete a row 1. Selectthe rowthat youwant to delete byclickingitsleftedge. 2. Under Table Tools,clickthe Layouttab. 3. In the Rows& Columns group,click Delete,andthenclick Delete Rows. Delete a column 1. Selectthe columnthat youwant to delete byclickingitstopgridline ortopborder. 2. Under Table Tools,clickthe Layouttab. 3. In the Rows& Columns group,click Delete,andthenclick Delete Columns. Border and shading AddingBordersandShading 1. From the Ribbon,selectthe Home commandtab Withinthe Paragraphsection,the ShadingandBorderoptionsare available.
  • 26. 26 2. Selectthe paragraph(s) towhichyouwantto add shadingand/orborder(s) 3. To add a border,click BORDERS » selectthe desiredborderoption 4. To add shading, clickthe nexttoSHADING » selectthe desiredshadingoption RemovingBorders and Shading 1. Selectthe paragraphcontainingthe borderorshadingyouwant to remove 2. To remove the border,click BORDERS » selectNoBorder 3. To remove the shading,clickthe nexttoSHADING » selectNoColor ModifyingBorders and Shading 1. Selectthe paragraphcontainingthe borderorshadingyouwant to modify 2. To modifythe border,click BORDERS » selectthe desiredborderoption 3. To modify the shading, click the next to SHADING » select the desired shading option Borders and Shading Options:Dialog Box Option To viewthe BordersandShadingdialogbox: 1. Selectthe paragraph(s) towhichyouwantto add shading and/orborder(s) 2. From the Ribbon,selectthe Home commandtab 3. Withinthe Paragraphsection,click BORDERS » selectBordersand shading. The Bordersand Shading dialogbox appears.
  • 27. 27
  • 28. 28 UNIT IV SPREAD SHEET Introduction: Spreadsheetisusedtodoworkwithdata for whichwe needtodo mathematical calculations,create charts, graphs,etc.MicrosoftExcel is the electronicspreadsheetprogramthatwe will learninthis chapter. ElementsofElectronic Spreadsheet Most of the Excel screenisdevotedtothe displayof the spreadsheet.A spreadsheetismade of intersectingrowsandcolumns.The intersectionof arow and columnisa rectangulararea calleda cell. OpeningSpreadsheet Excel displaysanewworkbookwhenitis opened.Allthe cellsare emptyindefaultspreadsheetof thisnewworkbook.A cell isactive whenthe borderishighlighted.Whenyouenterinformation,the informationisstoredinthe active cell. Addressingof Cells As toldearlier,acell ismade byintersectionof arow and a column.Eachrow has a number associatedwithitandeach columnhasan alphabetassociatedwithit.Sothe cell formedby intersectionof arowand a columnhas boththe number(of the row) andalphabet(of the column)
  • 29. 29 as cell address.E.g.,a cell formedbyintersectionof columnDand row 32 has the cell addressD32. Whena cell isselected,itsaddressisshowninthe addressbox. Printingof Spreadsheet PrintAll Pages To printa worksheet,followthesesteps: Clickon File Printtoopenthe “Print”dialogbox. Click‘All’from‘PrintRange’andClick‘Active Sheet’radio. Nowclick‘OK’Button. Print of Spread Sheet To printselectedpagesof aworksheet,follow thesesteps: Clickon File →Printtoopenthe “Print”dialogbox. Click‘Pages’andtype start page numberinto‘From’ andendpage numberin‘To’box from ‘Print Range.’ Click‘Active Sheet’radio. Nowclick‘OK’Button. Saving Workbook To save a worksheet,followthesesteps: 1. Clickon File →Save toopenthe “Save”dialogbox. 2. Type filename inthe ‘File Name’box. 3. Clickon ‘Save’button. Manipulationof Cells Excel has some goodfacilitiesfordatamanipulation,especiallyitsfiltersforselectingsubsets,and itsabilitytotransformand lookupdata valuesusingfunctionswithinformulas. EnteringText, Numbersand Dates To entertext,followthese steps: 1. Selectacell by clickingonit,and enter‘Excel isfun’withoutquotes. 2. Observe thatyourtextisdisplayedintwoareas.Textisdisplayedinthe active cell withinthe workbookandit isalsodisplayedinthe formula bar. The formulabar isactivatedas soonas you begintypingina cell. To enternumber,follow these steps: 1. Selectacell by clickingonit. 2. Enter 789.
  • 30. 30 3. Observe thatyournumberisdisplayedintwoareas.Numberisdisplayedinthe active cell withinthe workbookanditisalsodisplayedinthe formula bar. To enterDate,followthese steps: 1. Selectacell by clickingonit. 2. Enter 29/09/2010 usingformatdd/mm/yyyy.The defaultdate formatismm/dd/yyyy. CreatingText, Numberand Date Series CreatingText Series To create a textseries,follow these steps: 1. Selectanyblankcell fromworksheetandtype anyalphanumericvalue. 2. Choose ‘Fill’optionfromEditmenu. 3. Choose SeriesfromFill submenuandappear‘Series’dialogue box. 4. Type stepvalue of seriesinto‘StepValue’box andtype lastvalue of listinto‘StopValue’box. 5. Clickon ‘OK’button. CreatingNumber Series To create a numberseries,follow these steps: 1. Selectanyblankcell fromworksheetandtype anynumber. 2. Choose ‘Fill’optionfromEditmenu. 3. Choose SeriesfromFill submenuandappear‘Series’dialogue box. 4. Type stepvalue of seriesinto‘StepValue’box andtype lastvalue of listinto‘StopValue’box. 5. Clickon ‘OK’button. CreatingDate Series To create a date series,followthesesteps: 1. Selectanyblankcell fromworksheetandtype anydate. 2. Choose ‘Fill’optionfromEditmenu. 3. Choose SeriesfromFill submenuandappear‘Series’dialogue box. 4. Type stepvalue of seriesinto‘StepValue’box andtype lastdate of listinto‘StopValue’box. 5. Clickon ‘OK’button. EditingWorksheetData If you wantto editthe data you enteredintoacell,followthese steps: 1. Selectdesiredcellanddouble clickoncell orpress F2 key 2. Nowtype the changeddata. 3. Clickon Enterbutton.
  • 31. 31 Insert and DeletingRows and Column To inserta column,followthesesteps: 1. Highlightcolumn Abyclickingthe columnheading. 2. Choose Columnsfromthe Insertmenu. 3. ColumnA shouldbe a blankcolumnnow. To insert a row, followthese steps: 1. Highlightrow 1 by clickinginthe Row number. 2. Choose Rowsfromthe Insertmenu. 3. Column1 shouldbe a blankrow now. To delete a column,followthese steps: 1. Highlightcolumn Abyclickinginthe columnheading. 2. Choose Delete fromthe Editmenu. 3. ColumnA shouldbe removednow andColumnBchangedto A. To delete a row, followthese steps: 1. HighlightRow2 by clickinginthe Row number. 2. Choose Delete fromthe Editmenu. 3. Row2 shouldbe removednowandRow 3 changedto Row 2. ChangingCell Height and Width To change cell widthof columnD, follow these steps: 1. Positionthe pointerbetweenthe columnheadingsforcolumnDandcolumnE. 2. The pointershouldchange shape toshow a double arrow as youpositionthe pointerbetween the two columnheadings.Whenthe pointerchangesshape,youcanchange the widthof the columnbydraggingto the rightor left. 3. Pressthe mouse buttonanddrag to the rightuntil the desiredwidthisreached.The cell height can be changedbyrepeatingthe above stepswithrows. Function and Charts In MicrosoftExcel,youcan representnumbersinachart. Onthe Inserttab, youcan choose froma varietyof chart types,includingcolumn,line,pie,bar,area,andscatter. The basicprocedure for creatinga chart isthe same no matterwhat type of chart youchoose. UsingFormulae Formulaisusedto do mathematical calculationsonasetof data. Functionsare usedtoform all or part of a formula.A typical formulainexcel lookslike this:
  • 32. 32 =functionname(range of cells) The formulaalwaysstartswithan equal to sign,otherwiseexcel takesitassimple textvalue. Functionname isthe name of the mathematical orlogical functionsthatyouare using.The function isappliedtovaluesenteredincells.Range of cellsdefinesthatsetof cellswhere those valuesare entered. Functions Some of the commonfunctionsof Excel are explainedbelow inbrief:  SUM() – Thisfunctionaddsthe givennumbers  MIN() – Thisfunctionfindsthe smallestnumberof a givensetof numbers  MAX() – This functionfindsthe biggestnumberof agivensetof numbers  AVERAGE() – Thisfunctionfindsthe average of agivensetof numbers  COUNT() – This functioncountsthe numberof cellscontainingnumericvalue inthe givenrange  of cells  COUNTIF() – Thisfunctioncountsthe numberof cellsinthe givenrange of cellsdependingona statedcriterion Charts A simple chartinExcel can say more than a sheetfull of numbers.Asyou'll see,creatingchartsis veryeasy. Create a Chart To create a line chart,execute the followingsteps. 1. Selectthe range A1:C6. 2. On the Inserttab, inthe Chartsgroup,choose Line,andselectLine withMarkers.
  • 33. 33 Result: Change Chart Type You can easilychange toa differenttype of chartat any time. 1. Selectthe chart. 2. On the Inserttab, inthe Chartsgroup,choose Column,andselectClusteredColumn.
  • 34. 34 Result: Switch Row/Column If you wantthe animals,displayedonthe vertical axis,tobe displayedonthe horizontal axisinstead, execute the followingsteps. 1. Selectthe chart. The Chart Toolscontextual tabactivates. 2. On the Designtab,click SwitchRow/Column. Result:
  • 35. 35 Chart Title To add a chart title,execute the followingsteps. 1. Selectthe chart. The Chart Toolscontextual tab activates. 2. On the Layout tab, clickChart Title,Above Chart. Enter a title.For example,Population. Result:
  • 36. 36 UNIT V INTRODUCTION TO INTERNET, WWW AND WEB BROWSERS Internet The Internetcan be definedasanetworkof globallyconnectedcomputersthatisdecentralizedby design.A networkisa collectionof inter-connectedcomputers.The Internetcanalsobe referredto as a networkbecause itisa collectionof millionsof computers.These computersmaybe situatedin any part of the world.Whenwe saythat the Internethasa decentralizeddesign,we meanthat there isno centralizedbodythatcontrolsthe wayinwhichthe Internetfunctions.Eachcomputer connectedtothe Internetiscalledahost.The operator/userof a particularhostcan choose from the millionsof available Internetservicesandcanalso make servicesavailablethroughthe Internet. Basics of Computer Network A networkismade of two or more computersconnectedtoeachother.Dependingonthe size of the network,i.e. the numberof computersconnectedandthe average distance betweenthem, there can be twotypesof network: 1. Local AreaNetwork(LAN) 2. Wide AreaNetwork(WAN) Local Area Network (LAN) It connectsnetworkdevicesoverarelativelyshortdistance likeina single buildingorcampus.LANs are typicallyowned,controlledandmanagedbyasingle personandorganization. Wide Area Network(WAN) A WAN provideslongdistance transmissionof data,voice,image andvideoinformationoverlarge geographical areasthatmay comprise acountry,continent,oreventhe whole world. TCP/IP Protocol Layers Like mostnetworkingsoftware,TCP/IPismodeledinlayers.Thislayeredrepresentationleadstothe termprotocol stack, whichreferstothe stack of layersinthe protocol suite.Bydividingthe communicationsoftware intolayers,the protocol stackallowsinease of implementationandcode testing,andthe abilitytodevelopalternative layerimplementations.Layerscommunicate with those above andbelowviaconcise interfaces.Inthisregard,a layerprovidesaservice forthe layer directlyabove itandmakesuse of servicesprovidedbythe layerdirectlybelow it.These layers include:
  • 37. 37 1. ApplicationLayer: The applicationlayerisprovidedbythe programthat usesTCP/IPfor communication.Anapplicationisauserprocesscooperatingwithanotherprocessusuallyona differenthost.Examplesof applicationsinclude Telnetandthe File TransferProtocol (FTP). 2. Transport Layer: The transportlayerprovidesend-to-enddatatransferbydeliveringdatafroman applicationtoitsremote peer.Multipleapplicationscanbe supportedsimultaneously.The most usedtransportlayerprotocol isthe TransmissionControl Protocol (TCP),whichprovidesconnection- orientedreliabledatadelivery. 3. InternetworkLayer: The internetworklayer,alsocalledthe internetlayerorthe networklayer, providesthe “virtual network”image of aninternet(thislayershieldsthe higherlevelsfromthe physical network).InternetProtocol (IP) isthe mostimportantprotocol inthislayer.IPprovidesa routingfunctionthatattemptstodelivertransmittedmessagestotheirdestination.A message unit inan IP networkiscalledanIP datagram.Thisis the basicunitof informationtransmittedacross TCP/IPnetworks. 4. Network Interface Layer: The networkinterface layer,alsocalledthe linklayerorthe data-link layer,isthe interface tothe actual networkhardware.Infact,TCP/IPdoesnotspecifyanyprotocol here,butcan use almostany networkinterface available. Applicationsof Internet Internetenablesustoconnectto differenttypesof informationnetworksandexchange information.Some of the applicationsof Internetare:  Communicationviae-mail,chatandInstantMessaging(IM) tools  Research  JobSearches  Shopping  Entertainment  Tutorialsandstudymaterials  BusinessDevelopment
  • 38. 38 Connecting to the Internet To connectto the internet,youmusthave accesstothe followingresources: 1. ComputerSystem – A Processorwith400 MHz or fasterspeedisrecommended,WithWindows 95/98 at least48 MB of RAM andmore will helpincrease the computer’sspeedforfaster Internetcruising.A SoundCardand Speakersalsoare recommendedsoone canhear the audio informationonthe Internet. 2. Modem– Computerandotherelectronicdevicesworkwithdigitalsignal whilethe cable used for networkingusesanalogsignal.Modemconvertsdigital signaltoanalogandvice-versa. 3. InternetService Provider(ISP) – ISPsare organizationsthatallow userstodial intoISP computers(fora fee) toconnectto the ISP’sInternetlink.ISPsgenerallyprovide anInternet connectionandan e-mail address. 4. Software – The software orapplicationneededtoaccessinternetiscalledweb browseror Internetbrowser. Troubleshooting Losingaccessto one’se-mail andfavorite Websitescanbe as frustratingaspickingupa dead telephonereceiver.Althoughthe problemmaylie withthe ISP,it'sworthknowinghow to troubleshootuser’sownendof the line,too. Instructions 1. Make sure that the cable is correctlyconnectedtobotha phone line anduser’smodemand that, whenuserisusinganexternal modem, it'sconnectedtothe PC. 2. If modemisinternal,skipthisstep.Unplugthe powercordfrommodemandshut downuser’s computer.Plugthe modembackinand restart the computer. ConnectionRefusal by ISP 1. Make sure regardingthatusername andpasswordare correct. These are usuallyentered througha connectionprogramprovidedbythe ISP. 2. Checkwhetherthe hostname anddomainname informationare correctlyenteredinthe TCP/IP settings.Thisinformationwill be suppliedbyISP. Problemsin Loading WebPagesor SendingE-mail 1. Call ISP'ssupportnumberto findoutif the user hasbeenaffectedbyaservice outage. 2. Unplugthe powerfrommodemfor at least10 seconds,shutdownthe computer,plugthe modembackin and restartthe computer. Basics of Internet Architecture: The internetarchitecture canbe broadlyclassifiedintothree layers.The veryfirstlayerconsistsof InternetBackbonesandveryhighspeednetworklines.The National Science Foundation (NSF) createdthe firsthigh-speedbackbone in1987 calledNSFNET,itwasa T1 line thatconnected170 smallernetworkstogetherandoperatedat1.544 Mbps (million bitspersecond).IBM,MCIand
  • 39. 39 Merit workedwithNSFtocreate the backbone and developed aT3 (45Mbps) backbone the followingyear.Backbonesare typicallyfiberoptictrunk lines.The trunkline hasmultiplefiberoptic cablescombinedtogethertoincrease the capacity.Fiberopticcablesare designatedOC-48can transmit2,488 Mbps (2.488 Gbps).The nodesare knownas NetworkAccessPoint(NAPs).The secondlayerisusuallyknownasInternetServiceProvider(ISP).The ISPsare connectedtothe Backbonesat NAP’swithhighspeedlines. The end userswhichare part of thirdlayerare connectedtoISPsby dial up or leasedlinesand modems.The speedof communicationisusually1400 bpsto 2048 kbps. Inthe real Internet,dozensof large InternetprovidersinterconnectatNAPsin variouscities,and trillionsof bytesof dataflowbetweenthe individual networksatthese points.The Internetisa collectionof huge corporate networksinterconnectedwithone otheratthe NAPs,backbonesand routersto talkto each other.A message can leave one computerandtravel halfwayacrossthe worldthroughseveral differentnetworksandarrive atanothercomputerina fractionof a second. The routersdetermine wheretosendinformationfromone computertoanother.Routersare specializedcomputersthatsendmessagestotheirdestinationsalongthousandsof pathways.It joinstwonetworks,passinginformationfromone tothe other. Services on Internet  WWW (WorldWide Web)  ElectronicMail (E-mail)  FTP (File TransferProtocol)  IRC (InternetRelayChat)  Telnet  Voice /VideoCommunication - Skype  Social networks  SearchEngines  Web-Hosting(DATACENTER) WorldWide Weband Websites It integratesall the informationfromthe Internetinone bigweb.Itisthe mostuser-friendly service. It isthe mostuser- friendlyservice.Itallowsconnectingtoanycomputerhavinginformation.It offersthe capabilitytolinkswithsites.WebServersare software thatrunonthe Internetservers and provide informationtothe Webusersandother servers.Internet serversstore informationon the Internetare eitherservers orclients.The machinesthatprovideservicestoothermachinesare servers.The machinesthatare usedto connectto those servicesare clients.There are Webservers, e-mail servers,FTPserversetc.servingthe needsof Internetusersall overthe world.
  • 40. 40 The informationonthe webserveriscompiledinHyperTextMarkupLanguage (HTML). It hasuseful textand imageslinkedtodifferentdocuments.HTMLprovides2-Deffect.Buttohave 3-D effectof the imagesandto have soundeffectetc., Virtual RealityModelingLanguage ( VRML) can be used veryefficiently.Webbrowserissoftware,whichprovidesinterfacetoWWW. Thissoftware runson user’smachine.Webbrowseris availablein twoformats:Graphical formatandTextformat.Once a clienthasconnectedto a service ona particularport, itaccessesthe service usingaspecific protocol.Protocolsare rulesthatdescribe how the clientandserverwill have theirconversation. EveryWeb serveronthe Internetconformstothe HypertextTransferProtocol (HTTP). Communicationon Internet Communicationisthe mostpopularuse of the Internet,withemailtoppingthe listof all the technologiesused.Some of the typesof communicationtechnologiesusedalsoinclude email discussiongroups,Usenetnews,chatgroups,andIRC. These are unique tonetworkedcomputer environmentsandhave come intowide popularitybecauseof the Internet.Othertechnologies, includingvideoandaudioconferencingandInternettelephony,are alsoavailableonthe Internet. Theyrequire more multimediacapabilitiesof computersystemsandare more taxingof network resourcesthanthe others.Theyalsoare adaptationsof othertechnologiestothe Internet. Most of the technologiesthatare unique tothe Internetrequire communication tobe done in text—letterswithsomesymbolsandpunctuation.Communicatingeffectivelyinvolvestakingthe time,exceptininformal communications,touse correctgrammar, spelling,andpunctuationand writinganappropriate message.Whenreplyingtoa message include the pertinentpartsof the message anduse an appropriate andinterestingsubjectheaderinanycase.
  • 41. 41 Whenyou’re communicatingonthe Internettake specialcare notto give outpersonal information to strangersand to treatotherswithrespect.Be aware of the risksinvolvedincommunicatingwith people youcannotsee andmay nevermeetinperson.Take time toconsiderwhatyouwrite to others,andbe careful toavoidhumorand sarcasm exceptwiththe bestof friends.Youcan’tassume that yourmessagesare private,sobe careful aboutwhat youwrite. Several issuesrelatedtoethical andlegal considerationsarise fromusingthe Internetfor communication.The mannerinwhichcommunicationisimplementedonthe Internetmakesit susceptibletomonitoring.Youcan’tassume thatcommunicationsare private.Some believe that sendingemail islikesendingamessage ona postcard.Some lawshave beenenactedtohelpprotect privacyduringelectroniccommunications.These,however,have beendifficulttoenforce andare rarelyapplied.One waytoprotectprivacyisto encryptor code a message.A commonwayof encryptingmessagesisthroughthe use of publicandprivate keys.Althoughsoftware forencryption isreadilyavailable,currentpoliciesandlawsprohibititsexport. Anotherareaof concernisdealingwithabusive oroffensive communications.Lawsthatapplyto libel,harassment,andabuse have beenappliedtocaseswhere the offendingbehaviorhasoccurred on the Internet.Unsolicitedemail orotherformsof communicationiscalledspam.Itdefinitelyisan annoyance,butalsoquite costlytothe people whoreceive the junkemail orothercommunications. It’srelativelyinexpensivetoproduce,because mostof the costof transportingthe email isshiftedto the receiverandall people thatuse the networkssupportingthe Internet. Internet Services Typesof InternetServices WorldWide Web: WWW is a graphical hypertextwayof usingthe Internetusingthe HTTPprotocol fortransmitting Webpagesand otherinformationoverthe Internet,inprinciple,betweenthe serverandthe user's computer.Webpagesare writteninHTML (HypertextMarkupLanguage) language,andrecognizes themfor thispurpose designedbrowser(InternetExplorer, Firefox...) Telnet:The Telnet'Terminal Emulation'software support,whichtocommunicate withacomputer connectedviaa TCP / IPstack. ElectronicMail: The ideathatin a few minutesyoucandeliver,text,image,audioorvideorecording of anypersonon the planetwasunfeasible untilrecently,butnow,thankslargelytothe rapid expansionof the numberof Internetusersandthe increasingspeedof communication,wasto become realityof businessandsocial communication.
  • 42. 42 FTP - File Transfer Protocol Before the WorldWide Weband FTPwas the onlyway to transferlarge filesbetweencomputersof Internetusers.Allowsaccesstoa computeronthe Internet(if it'spublicoravailable tothe password),previewcontentonitsharddisk,findingthe necessaryfilesandcopyonitsowndisk. Chat Thisservice allowsthe Internettoone or more of Internetuserswhoare hookedto the same channel at the same time see the textthatyou type onyour computer,andthe textsof otheractive userstypingonhiscomputer. Social networks Social networksare a newerphenomenonanddonotbelongina separate categorybecause they containalmostall of the previouslymentionedservices,unifiedtoworkinan easy,friendlyway. PreparingComputer for InternetAccess Requirementstomake yourcomputera part of the internet-  Internetconnection  Modem  Telephone line  Program whichcontrolsthe communicationof dataoverthe hardware component.
  • 43. 43 ISPs and examples(Broadband/Dialup/WiFi) An Internetserviceprovider (ISP) isanorganizationthatprovidesservicesforaccessing,using,or participatinginthe Internet.Internetservice providersmaybe organizedinvariousforms,suchas commercial,community-owned,non-profit,orotherwise privatelyowned. InternetservicestypicallyprovidedbyISPsincludeInternetaccess,Internettransit,domain name registration,webhosting,Usenetservice, andcolocation. Some of the ISP'sare:  VSNL(VideshSancharNigamLimited)  MTNL(Mahanagar Telephone NigamLimited)  Mantra Online  Satyam  Tata-indicom  Airtel Choosingan Internet service Dial-up:Dial-upisgenerallythe slowesttype of Internetconnection,andyoushouldprobablyavoid it unlessitisthe onlyservice available inyourarea.Like aphone call,a dial-upmodemwill connect youto the Internetbydialinganumber,anditwill disconnectwhenyouare done surfingthe Web. Unlessyouhave multiple phonelines,youwill notbe able touse yourlandline andthe Internetat the same time witha dial-upconnection. DSL: DSL service usesabroadbandconnection,whichmakesitmuchfasterthandial-up.However,it isunavailable inmanylocations,soyou'll needtocontactyour local ISPfor informationaboutyour area.DSL connectsto the Internetviaphone line butdoesnotrequire youtohave aland line at home.Unlike dial-up,itwill alwaysbe ononce itssetup, andyou'll be able to use the Internetand your phone line simultaneously. 3G and 4G: 3G and4G service ismostcommonlyusedwithmobilephonesandtablet computers, and itconnectswirelessly throughyourISP'snetwork.If youhave adevice that's3G or 4G enabled, you'll be able touse it to access the Internetawayfromhome,evenwhenthere isnoWi-Fi connection.However,youmayhave topay per device touse a 3G or 4G connection,anditmay not be as fast as DSL or cable. WirelessNetwork A home networkcanbe wired(usingEthernetcables) orwireless(usingWi-Fi).Itmayalsobe a mixture of the two,withsome devicesconnectingwithEthernetandothersconnectingwirelessly. InternetAccess Techniques There are several waysof connectingtothe Internet.We candivide the methodsintotwomain types- FixedandMobile.
  • 44. 44 Home Internet Fixedaccessisusuallymuchfasterandreliable thanmobile andis usedforconnecting homes/offices.The mainAccessmechanismsare:  ADSL overtraditional Phone Lines(mostcommon).  Cable (limitedtocable TV areas)  Fiberbroadband – CurrentlybeingRolledout Mobile Internet Whentravellingawayfromthe fixedlocation mobile accessisused.The mainaccessmechanisms are:  Mobile broadbandover3G Network(commonbutslow) or4G  Public/Private Wii-FI(common) Popular WebBrowsing Software Google Chrome Google Chrome isa freeware webbrowserdevelopedbyGoogle.Itusedthe WebKitlayoutengine until version27and withthe exceptionof itsiOSreleases,fromversion28 andbeyondusesthe WebKitforkBlink. NCSA Mosaic Mosaic was the firstfull-colorgraphical browserandwasinstrumental inmakingthe webaspopular as it istoday.Mosaic was developedbyNCSA atthe Universityof Illinois,withseveral supported commercial versionsavailable fromcompaniessuchasSpry and Spyglass.NCSA Mosaicisfree for personal use andcomesinversionsforWindows,MacintoshandUNIX.Each versioniscalled WinMosaic,MacMosaic and Xmosaicrespectively. Netscape Navigator It isalso knownasNetscape andisavailable forWindows, Macintosh,andformanydifferent versionsof UNIXrunningthe Xwindowssystem.Itiswell supportedandprovidesuptothe minute featuresincludinganintegratednewsandmail reader,supportforJavaapplets,andthe abilityto handle “plug-ins”formore newandinterestingfeaturesyettobe developed. MicrosoftInternet Explorer MicrosoftInternetExplorer(IE) enablesyoutoconnecttothe Internettogainaccessto the vast storesof informationonthese computers.Subscribe toyourfavorite sites sothatthe contentis automaticallyupdatedwheneveryouwant-daily,weeklyormonthly.InternetExplorercan downloadupdatedWebPagesorentire sitesinthe backgroundwhile youdootherworkonyour computer.Youcan adda Webpage to your listof favoritesforeasyaccessfromthe Favorite menu or Explorerbar.With AutoComplete,whenyoustarttypinga frequentlyusedURLinthe Address bar, InternetExplorercompletesthe addressforyou.Usingsecurityzones,youcansetdifferent levelsof securityfordifferentareasof the Webto protectyour computer.WithContentAdvisor, youcan screenoutobjectionable oroffensivecontent.IEisavailablefree.
  • 45. 45 MozillaFirefox It isa fast,full-featuredwebbrowserthatmakesbrowsingveryefficient.Firefox includespop-up blocking,tabbrowsing,integratedgooglesearchingandsimplifiedprivacycontrolsthatletyou coveryour tracks more effectively.A streamlinedbrowserwindow showsyoumore of the page than any otherbrowser.Thisisalsoavailable free. Opera Mini OperaMini is a webbrowserdesignedprimarilyformobile phones,smartphonesandpersonal digital assistants.Until version4itusedthe Java ME platform, requiringthe mobiledevice torun Java ME applications.Fromversion5it isalsoavailable asa native applicationforAndroid,iOS, SymbianOS,andWindowsMobile.OperaMini isofferedfreeof charge,supportedmainlythrough dealswithmobile operatorstohave OperaMini pre-installedinphones,andothersourcesof revenue such assearch advertisingdeals,licensingandpaidbookmarksandSpeedDial placement. ConfiguringWebBrowser: ConfiguringYourWebBrowsertoAllow Pop-upWindows Mostwebbrowsersinclude afeature to blockpop-upwindows.While thismayeliminate unwantedorbothersomepop-upwindows,the feature sometimescanimpede the functionalityof legitimateoruseful websites. Chrome (Windows/OSX) 1. OpenChrome,thengoto the webpage that you wantto allow pop-ups. 2. In Chrome'sURL window,highlightthe entirewebaddressof the currentpage,thenchoose the Copycommand fromthe Edit menu. 3. Clickthe wrenchiconon the browsertoolbar. 4. SelectSettings. 5. ClickShowadvancedsettings. 6. In the Privacysection,clickContentsettings.The Contentsettingswindow appears. 7. In the Pop-upssection,clickManage exceptions. Enable Java in webbrowser Chrome Enter about:plugins inthe searchfield. In the Plug-inslist,lookforJavaandcheck whetherJavaisenabled(if the Disable linkappears,Java isalready enabled) Clickon the Enable link(if available) (Optional) Checkthe Alwaysallowedbox tostopadditional Chrome warningswhenrunningJava content Search Engine A searchengine isa programwhichlooksthroughitsdatabase for informationthatmatches your request.Informationinthe database are aboutwebsitesandtheircontents.Examplesof search
  • 46. 46 enginesare Google,AltaVista,YahooSearch,Bing,MSN,HotBot,etc.The effectivenessof search engine canbe measuredbytwomainparameters:  Exhaustive indexing  Specificterms Indexingisthe processingof adocumentrepresentationbyassigningcontentdescriptionsorterms to the document.InIndexingthe webdocumentsare characterizedbyrecall (ratioof the numberof relevantdocumentsretrievedtothe total numberof documentsretrieved).Automaticindexing includessingletermindexing,statistical methods,aswell asinformationtheoretical and probabilisticmethods.Inadditiontothisautomatic,indexinguseslinguisticandmulti-termor phrase indexing.Since the Internetisavast collectionof information,itisdifficulttofindspecific informationyouactuallyneed.Therefore,the searchfeature inawebbrowsersuchas the Internet Explorerprovidesaneasyaccesstoa special facilitycalledsearchengine.Search enginesscanthe Internetforthe wordsor topicsyou are lookingfor.Webcrawlerisa programthat crawlsthrough the weband collectsinformationregardingthe websites.Thisinformationisputintothe database of a searchengine. Popular Search Engines/Searchfor content There are manysearchenginesavailable onthe web.Mostof the searchenginesprovidewebsite reviewsandhomepage services,inadditiontokey-wordsearches.Some of the popularsearch enginesare:  Google  Yahoo!  AltaVista  MSN AccessingWebBrowser To access a webbrowser,youneedtodo the following:  Install webbrowsersoftware like InternetExplorer,MozillaFirefoxonanyotherinyour machine.  Double clickthe browsericontoopenthe webbrowser.  Provide anaddressof a page whichyouwantto see inthe addressbarand pressEnter UsingFavoritesFolder If you wantto save a webpage thatyouwantto come back to later,youcan add itto “Favorites” folder.It'sa great systemfororganizingyoursearcheffortsin manageablefolders.Follow these stepsto create a favorite inInternetExplorer:  Whenyouare on a webpage you wantto save,clickon the "Favorites"iconinthe Internet Explorertoolbar.  You'll see eitheradrop downmenuora side screenwindow pop up.  SelectAddtoFavoritestoopenthe AddFavoritesdialogbox.
  • 47. 47  Change the filename and/orfoldername asyouwantand clickOK. DownloadingWebPages To downloadawebpage you needtodo the following:  ClickToolsFile Save Astoopenthe Save Webpage dialogbox.  Enter the locationwhere youwanttosave the page and name withwhichyouwantto save it.  ClickSave to save the webpage. PrintingWebPages To printa webpage youneedtodo the following:  ClickToolsPrintto openthe Printdialogbox.  Choose youroptions(especiallyAll/Selection/Pagesoptionisimportant),setprintpreferences and clickprint.
  • 48. 48 UNIT VI COMMUNICATION AND COLLABORATION Basics of Email Email,or electronicmail,isaquickwayto sendand receive messages. Andmanypeople even choose to receive theirmonthlybillsandbankstatementselectronically,insteadof throughthe mail. What is Email? Email standsfor electronicmail.Itconsistsof twocomponents –headerandbody.The message headercontainscontrol information,including,sender'semailaddressandone ormore recipient addresses.Usuallyadditionalinformationisadded,suchasa subjectheaderfield.Internete-mail messagesconsistof followingtwomajorsections:  Header — It has manycomponentslike summary,sender,receiver,andotherinformationabout the e-mail.Some of the componentsare:  From: The e-mail address,andoptionallythe name of the author(s).Inmanye-mail client settingisnotchangeable exceptthroughchangingaccountsettings.  To: The e-mail addresses,andoptionallyname(s) of the message'srecipient(s).Indicates primaryrecipients.  Bcc: BlindCarbonCopy;addressesaddedtothe SMTP deliverylistbutnot(usually)listedinthe message data,remaininginvisibletootherrecipients.  Cc: Carbon copy;many e-mail clientswill marke-mailinyourinbox differentlydependingon whetheryouare inthe To: or Cc: list.  Subject:A brief summaryof the topicof the message.Certainabbreviationsare commonlyused inthe subject,including"RE:"and"FW:"  Body — The message itself isunstructuredtext;sometimescontainingasignature blockatthe end.Thisisexactlythe same as the bodyof a regularletter. Email address: Email addressesuse astandardformula.Theyare alwaysseparatedintotwopartsby the @ symbol. The firstpartof the email addressusuallyidentifiesyouin some way.Youmighthave your real name forthe firstpart of your email address,oryoucoulduse a handle ora nickname that your friendsandfamilywill recognize. The secondpartof an email addressusuallycomesfromyour webmail providerorthe internetserviceprovideryouuse.If you're emailingsomeone andthey,or theirbusinesshasawebsite,you'llsee thatthe secondpartof theiremail addressusespartof their website address. Thisgivesa standardformulaforall email addresseswhichwill looksomethinglike Benefits of Using E-mail E-mail hasfollowingbenefits:  Easy to use:E-mail helpsusto manage ourcontacts, sendmailsquickly, andmaintain ourmail history.
  • 49. 49  Speed:The e-mail isdeliveredinstantly,anywhereacrossthe globe.Nootherservice matches the e-mail intermsof speed.  Easy to prioritize:Since the mailshave subjectlines,itiseasytoprioritize themandignore unwantedmails.  Reliable and secure:Constanteffortsare beingtakentoimprove the securityinelectronicmails, thusmakingit one of the securedwaysof communication.  Automated e-mails:Itispossible tosendautomatede-mailsusingspecial programslike the auto responders.The autorespondersreplybacktothe senderwithgeneralizedpre-written textmessages. ConfiguringEmail Client Here are some email clientMicrosoftOutlook,MozillaThunderbirdandmanymore. Here we see some stepstoconfigure email client... 1. OpenOutlook.SelectAccountSettings...fromthe Toolsmenu. 2. On the E-mail tab, clickNew.
  • 50. 50 3. Select"Manuallyconfigure serversettingsoradditional servertypes"andclick next>. 4. SelectInternetE-mail andclick next
  • 51. 51 5. Enterthe followinginformationforE-mail Accounts. Your Name: Enterthe name you wishrecipientstosee whentheyreceive yourmessage. Email Address:Thisis the addressthat yourcontacts' email programwill replytoyourmessages. Thisis alsothe addressthat will getrecordedinyourcontacts'addressbookif theyadd you as a contact. Account Type: POP3 Incoming mail server: Outgoingmail server (SMTP) UserName: Enteryour full e-mail address Password: If youwishforOutlooktosave your password,checkthe box labeledRemember Passwordandenteryourpasswordinthe textfield.
  • 52. 52 6. Clickon the Outgoing Servertab,andcheck the box labeled myoutgoingserver(SMTP) requires authentication.Thenchoose toUse same settingsasmyincomingmail server 7. Clickon the Advancedtab. Under IncomingServer(POP3),the portnumbershouldbe setto110. Under OutgoingServer(SMTP),the portnumbershouldbe setto587. 8. ClickOK 9. ClickNext.ClickFinish.
  • 53. 53 Workingwith email Email islike sendingaletter,onlyyousendthe message overthe internetanditgetsto the other person'semail accountwithinseconds. If you have an email address,youcanemail anyone else whohasanemail address,including governmentagenciesandlotsof differentkindsof businesses. Openingan email account If you do nothave your ownemail address,here are some websiteswhichprovide freeemail facility:  google  yahoo  msn Each free email site hasitsownsign-onproceduresthatyouneedtofollow.Whenyouare done you will have aninstantemail accountandyou shouldcheckyourmail.The firstmessage isusuallya welcome mail fromthe mail service. Mail Box: Inboxand Out-Box The "in box"containsthe mail senttoyou, available now toread,answer,store,ordelete.The out box (or sentbox) showsmail youhave alreadysent. Creatingand SendingNewEmail Followthese stepstocreate anewemail message andsendit:  In the To box,type the e-mail addressof atleastone recipient.If you're sendingthe messageto multiple recipients,type asemicolon(;) betweene-mail addresses.  If required,type e-mailaddressesinCcandBCc boxesaswell.  In the Subjectbox,type atitle foryour message.  In the message box,type yourmessage.  To attach a file tothe message,clickthe AttachFile toMessage buttononthe toolbar(located justbelowthe menubar).Locate the file,selectit,andthenclickOpen.The file now appearsin the Attach box inthe message header.  To sendthe message,clickthe Sendbutton. Replyingto email messages You can replyto a message byclickingon“Reply”linkinthe message.A new compose message windowopenswhere sender’semailaddressisputinthe “To” field,subjectisrepeatedwith“RE:” prefixedandmessageisrepeatedinthe body. Email forwarding Email forwardingreferstothe operationof re-sendinganemail message deliveredtoone mail addressto one or more differentemail addresses.Youcanclick on“Forward” linktodo that.
  • 54. 54 Sorting and Searching mails All mail providers(like gmail,yahoo,etc.) givesearchbox onthe topor lefthandbar of the inbox. You can search the e-mailsonthe basisof sendername,message subjectoranyotherword(s). Document collaboration Collaborationof documentsisverycrucial inabusinessoranyinstitutionsince itallowspeople withinthe establishmenttoworkonthe same documentinpiecestoproduce a single document.It involvesfile exchangeof workdone throughremovablemediaorbyemail,throughfileserver, informationportalsorSharePointandWikis.Withdocumentcollaboration,the contributorshave the abilitytoadd,editand evenremove the textinthe systemif deemedappropriate. Sendingdocumentby E-mail You can senddocumentsviaemail tobe sentto someone youwant. Here are the procedurestoattach a documentviaemail.. 1. ClickNewEmail 2. Clickto attach file
  • 55. 55 3. In the insertfile dialogbox,browsetoandselectthe file thatyouwantto attach, and thenclick Insert. Activating Spell checking To check forspellingandgrammarmistakes,MicrosoftOutlookprogramprovidestoolsthatcanhelp youcorrect these mistakesfaster.Youdecide if youwanttosetup the MicrosoftOutlookprogram so that youcan easilysee potential mistakeswhileyoucompose email;or,if youfindthe wavyred and greenlinesdistracting,youcanjustcheckyour textarea whenyouare readyto finishit.  Goto ToolsMenu
  • 56. 56  ClickOption->SpellingTabinthe Dialog.  Clickthe checkbox Alwayscheckspellingbeforesending.  ClickApplybuttonthenOKbutton. UsingAddressbook You can use the AddressBookto lookup andselectnamesanddistributionlistswhenyou address messages.Whenyoutype aname in the To, Cc, or Bcc boxesif ane-mail message,Microsoft OutlookOutlookautomaticallycheckstosee if the name thatyoutypedmatchesa name in the AddressBook.If there isa match, the name isresolved,thatisthe displayname ande-mail address isfilledin,allowingyoutosendthe message. Here are the stepsto navigate anaddressbookinMicrosoft Outlook..  ClickTools->AddressBook.  On the StandardToolbar,clickAddressBook  In the AddressBooklist,clickthe Addressbookinwhichyouwantto searchfor names.  In the searchbox,type the name,or part of a name,that youare searchingfor. Addinga newcontactto Addressbook:  ClickTools->AddressBook.  In the dialog.clickfile->NewEntry;or  Clickfile menuandpointtoNewandselectContact.  Here'sthe windowbelowtoadda new contact to your AddressBook.
  • 57. 57 SendingSoftcopy as attachment You can senda softcopy viaemail to be sentto someone youwant. Here are the procedurestoattach a softcopyvia email..  ClickFile ->New,andthenclickMail Message;or  Goto to InsertTab Andclickto Attach filesunderInclude group;or  On the Message Tab, inthe Include group,clickAttachFile.  In the InsertFile dialogbox ,browsertoand selectthe file thatyouwantto attach,and then clickInsert. Instant Messagingand Collaboration Instant messaging(IM) Instantmessaging(IM) isa formof communicationbetweentwoormore people basedontyped text.The textisconveyedviacomputersconnectedoveranetworksuchas the Internet.Instant messagingrequiresaninstantmessagingclientthatconnectstoan instantmessagingservice. Instantmessagingdiffersfrome-mailinthatconversationshappeninreal-time.IncertaincasesIM involves additional features,whichmake itevenmore popular,i.e.tosee the otherpartyby using web-camsorto talkdirectlyforfree overthe internet. Instant messagingproviders Some of the popularInstantMessengersare YahooMessenger,MSN Messenger,RediffBol,Google Talk andSkype.
  • 58. 58 UsingSmiley Addingnewsmileys,iconsandlogostoAutoCorrect.Inthe example aboveI’ve usedanemoticon fromthe Skype webpage. 1. Create a newmessage. 2. Insertthe image or symbol of choice eitherfromdisk,the webor froma symbol fontsuchas Wingdings.(See the bottomof thisguide formore infoonthis.) 3. Selectthe insertedimage orsymbol. 4. Openthe AutoCorrectoptionsdialog;  Outlook Office logoatthe top leftcorner->EditorOptions->Proofing->buttonAutoCorrect Options…  Outlook2010, Outlook2013 and Outlook2016 File->Options->Mail->button:SpellingandAutocorrect…->button:AutoCorrectOptions… 5. Selectthe AutoCorrecttab. 6. Type your charactersthat shouldconvertintothisimage inthe “Replace”field. For instance :-) or :-P. 7. Verifythatthe “With”optionisset to“Formattedtext”.You maynot see yourimage inthe box belowit(thisisa small buginOutlook). 8. Clickthe buttonAddor Replace (incase the entryalreadyexists). 9. In the listbelow,you’ll nowsee anentryforyourtypedcharacters.The asterisk(*) indicates that itwill be replacedwithanimage. 10. PressOKuntil you’ve returnedtoyourmessage. Internetetiquettes Etiquette isthe practice of goodmanners - beingpolite andhelpful,beingkindandnotaggressive, and beingmindfulof the factthat othersmay see thingsdifferentlythanone.Netiquetteisetiquette to be followedwhileusingthe Internet.Some commonnetiquettesinclude:  You shouldbehave withothersthe wayyou wantthemtobehave withyou.  Do not be abusive.  Don’tcopy informationsharedbyothersblindly.
  • 59. 59 UNIT VII APPLICATION OF PRESENTATIONS Introduction PowerPointisapowerful presentationprogramfromMicrosoft.Itgivesyouthe facilitytocreate presentationsthatincorporate video,audio,pictures,tables,graphs,animations,etc.Thisprogram iswidelyusedinbusinessandclassroomsandisan effective tool fortrainingpurposes.Manyfree add-onsandtemplatesare availableonline fromMicrosoftanda hostof otherwebsites.Inaddition to an on screenslide show,PowerPointhasprintingoptionsthatallow the presentertoprovide handoutsandoutlinesforthe audience aswell asnotespagesforthe speakertorefertoduringthe presentation.PowerPointisa"one-stop-shop"tocreate successful presentationsforthe business world,the classroomor justforyour ownpersonal use. Objectives In thischapterwe will learn:  Basicsof MicrosoftPowerPoint  How to create a presentation?  How to prepare slides  Making slide show  Takingprintouts/handoutsof apresentation Basics PowerPointisthe presentationgraphicssoftware inthe MicrosoftOffice suite.WithPowerPoint, youcan use itseasy-to-usepredefinedlayouts,themes,andtemplatestocreate dynamicand professionalpresentations. PowerPointincludesall of the featuresyouneedtoproduce professional-lookingpresentations. Whenyoucreate a PowerPointpresentation,itismade upof a seriesof slides.The slidescontain the informationyouwanttocommunicate withyouraudience.Thisinformationcaninclude text, pictures,charts,video,sound,andmore. Before youbeginadding informationtoslides,you'llneedtoknow the basicsof workingwithslides. In thislesson,you'll learnhowtostart a new presentation,insertnew slides,modifyalayout,move and copyslides,use placeholders,andsave yourpresentation. UsingPowerPoint  If Office PowerPointisalreadyrunning,save andclose anyopenpresentations,andthenexit and restartPowerPoint.
  • 60. 60  If Office PowerPointisn'talreadyrunning,startitnow. Whenyoustart PowerPoint,itopensinthe view calledNormal view,where youcreate and workon slides. 1. In the Slide pane,youcanworkdirectlyonindividualslides. 2. Dottedbordersidentifyplaceholders,where youcantype textor insertpictures,charts,and otherobjects. 3. The Slides tabshowsa thumbnail versionof each full sizeslideshowninthe Slidepane.After youadd otherslides,youcanclicka thumbnail onthe Slides tabtomake the slide appearin the Slide pane.Oryoucan drag thumbnailstorearrange the slidesinyourpresentation.Youcan alsoadd or delete slidesonthe Slidestab. 4. In the Notespane,youcan type notesaboutthe current slide.Youcanhand outyour notesto your audience orrefertoyournotesin Presenterview whenyougive yourpresentation. Openinga PowerPointPresentation To openan existingPowerPointPresentation,follow these steps: To openPowerPointinWindows,clickonthe Start button --> Programs --> MicrosoftPowerPoint OR Double-clickonthe PowerPointicononthe desktop
  • 61. 61 WhenPowerPointisopened,ablank Title slideappearsbydefaultasthe firstslide inyournew presentation.Youcanstart a newpresentationwhenyoufirstopenPowerPointorafterPowerPoint isalreadyopen. To change the layoutof an openslide,clickonthe Layoutbuttoninthe Home tab. A blankpresentationisthe recommendedstartingpointinthistutorial.PowerPointletsyouchange the appearance,layoutandcontentof your presentationatanytime.Startingwithablank presentationletsyouexperimentmore easilywiththe manyfeaturesthisprogramoffers. On the otherhand,some people prefertoestablishthe designfromthe outsetsothattheysee its effectsastheycreate theirpresentation.Asyoubecome more familiarwithPowerPoint,youwill discoverwhichmethodworksbestforyou. If you wouldlike tolearnhowtoselector designatheme foran openslide,goonto the tutorial on Themes.If youwouldlike tolearnhow toselecta theme whenstartinganew presentation, continue below.
  • 62. 62 PowerPointAlreadyOpen To start a newpresentation,clickonthe Office button onthe topleftcornerof the screenand selectNew: The NewPresentation windowwill appear.Here youcanselectfroma varietyof themesand templatesbylookingunder InstalledThemes and InstalledTemplates.Fromhere youcanalso searchMicrosoft Online formore themesandtemplates. Saving a Presentation To save a PowerPointPresentation,followthese steps: 1. In Office PowerPoint,openthe presentationthatyouwantto save as a PowerPointfile. 2. Clickthe MicrosoftOffice Button pointto the arrow nextto Save As, andthen clickPowerPointPresentation.
  • 63. 63 The Save As dialogbox appears. 3. In the File name box,enteraname for yourpresentation,ordonothingtoaccept the suggested file name. 4. In the Save inlist,selectthe locationthatyouwantto save your presentationto,ordonothing to accept the suggestedlocation. 5. ClickSave. Creatinga Presentation There are manywaysto create a presentation.Here we are listingsome of the ways: 1. From a blankpresentation 2. From an existingpresentation 3. UsingPowerPointWizard 4. Usingin-builtdesigntemplates Creatinga PresentationUsinga Template You can reuse andapplyexistingtemplatestogive youa jump-startonyournextpresentationor otherdocument.There are manywaysthat you mightcome across a template thatyoulike and wantto reuse. 1. Clickthe MicrosoftOffice Button ,andthenclick New. 2. In the NewPresentation dialogbox,doone of the following:
  • 64. 64 Under Templates,doone of the following:  To applya template thatyou've recentlyused,click Blankandrecent,clickthe templatethatyou want,and thenclick Create.  To applya template thatyou've installedtoyourlocal hard drive,click InstalledTemplates,and thenclick Create.  To create (and apply) anewtemplate basedonanothertemplate thatinstalledonyourlocal hard drive,click Newfromexisting,andthenclick Create New.  To applya template thatyou've savedtoC:ProgramFilesMicrosoftOfficeTemplates,click My templates,selectacustomtemplate,andthenclick OK.  To downloadandapplya template fromOffice Online,under MicrosoftOffice Online,clicka template category,selectatemplate,andthenclick Download. Creatinga Blank Presentation MicrosoftOffice Button clickNew,click Blankand recentunderTemplates,andthendouble- clickBlankPresentation underBlankandrecent. Afteryouopenthe BlankPresentationtemplate,onlyasmall portionof the Notespane isvisible.To see a largerportionof the Notespane sothat youhave more room to type init, dothe following: 1. Pointto the top borderof the Notespane. 2. Whenthe pointerbecomesa , drag the borderup to make a little more roomforyour speaker notes,asshownin the followingillustration. Notice thatthe slide inthe Slide pane resizesautomaticallytofitthe availablespace. Enteringand EditingText The most commonway to addtextto a slide isto type itdirectlyintoanyplaceholderonthe slide. However,if youare usinga blankslide orif youwant to entertextoutside placeholders,youcanuse a textbox. Addingtext to a placeholder As soonas youselecta slide layoutthe new slideappearswithdummytext(suchas"Clicktoadd title") inthe placeholders.Whenyouclickinside aplaceholder,the dummytextdisappears,the cursor becomesablinkingline (|)andyoucan start typing. Addingtext to a textbox 1. Clickon TextBox or on the textbox iconon the drawingtoolbar. 2. Take your mouse tothe slide;the mouse pointerchangestoa dagger. 3. Clickand holddownthe leftmouse buttonwhile youdragthe mouse todraw a textbox.When the box is the size youwantit, release the mouse button. 4. Clickinside the textbox andstarttyping.
  • 65. 65 Insertingand DeletingSlidesina Presentation The single slide thatisprovidedautomaticallyinyourpresentationhastwoplaceholders,one formattedfora title andthe other formattedfora subtitle.The arrangementof placeholdersona slide iscalledalayout.Office PowerPointalsoprovidesothertypesof placeholders,suchasthose for picturesandSmartArtgraphics. Whenyouadd a slide toyourpresentation,youcando the followingtochoose a layoutforthe new slide atthe same time: 2. On the Slidestab,clickjustbelow the singleslidethatalreadyappearsthere. 3. On the Home tab, inthe Slidesgroup,clickthe arrow nextto New Slide. Pointerrestingonarrownextto New Slide button A galleryappears,showingthumbnailsof the variousslide layoutsthatare available. Galleryof available slide layouts
  • 66. 66 1. The name identifiesthe contentthateachlayoutisdesignedfor. 2. Placeholdersthatdisplaycolorediconscancontaintext,butyoucan also clickthe iconsto automaticallyinsertobjects,includingSmartArtgraphicsandclipart. Clickthe layoutthat youwantfor your new slide. The newslide nowappearsbothonthe Slidestab,where itishighlightedasthe currentslide,andin the Slide pane.Repeatthisprocedure foreachnew slidethatyouwantto add. If you wantyour newslide tohave the same layoutthatthe precedingslide has,youcanjustclick NewSlide insteadof clickingthe arrow nexttoit. Copy a slide If you wantto create twoslidesthatare similarincontentandlayout,youcan save work bycreating one slide thathas all of the formattingandcontentthat bothslideswill share andthenmakinga copy of that slide before youaddthe final,individualtouchestoeach. 1. On the Slidestab,right-clickthe slide thatyouwantto copy,and thenclickCopyon the shortcut menu. 2. Still onthe Slidestab,right-clickwhere youwanttoadd the new copyof the slide,andthenclick Paste on the shortcutmenu. You can alsoinserta copy of a slide fromone presentationinto anotherpresentation. Rearrange the order of slides  On the Slidestab,clickthe slide thatyouwantto move,andthendrag it to the locationthatyou want.  To selectmultipleslides,clickaslide thatyouwantto move,andthenpressand holdCTRL while youclick eachof the otherslidesthatyouwantto move. Delete a slide On the Slidestab,right-clickthe slide thatyouwantto delete,andthenclickDelete Slide onthe shortcutmenu. Preparation of Slides As we discussedatthe beginningof the chapter,the advantage of usingPowerPointtocreate presentationsisthatwe canput data inthe formof text,table,pictures,video,etc.atone place.In thissectionwe will learnhowtodoso. InsertingWord Table or Excel Worksheet To insertWord Table
  • 67. 67 In PowerPoint,tablesallowthe presentationof datainan organizedandprofessional format. Any of the Contenttype slide layoutscanbe usedto create a table. Clickthe Home Tab: SlidesGroup:NewSlide button  Selectthe preferredlayoutfromthe gallery  To start the table,clickthe iconrepresentingaTable  In the InsertTable box,enterthe numberof columnsandrowsyou withwhichyouwantto start the table  Enter yourcontentintoeachcell,pressingTabto move tothe nextcell  If you pressTab inthe lastcell of the table,a new row will appear USING THE TABLE SLIDE LAYOUT Insert Table button
  • 68. 68 AddingClip Art Pictures To InsertPicture fromClipArtfollowthese steps: 1. ClickInsert:Clip Art. 2. A newpane showing ClipArtgalleryopensonthe rightside of yourwindow. 3. Selectthe ClipArtyouwant to insert. 4. ClickOKor double-clickthe picture. InsertingOther Objects OtherObjectscan be insertedfromthe InsertMenu.Choose Insert ->Object.A numberof objects are available,like:  Adobe AcrobatDocument  BitmapImage  MicrosoftExcel Chart  MicrosoftWord Document  MicrosoftExcel Worksheet Resizingand Scaling an Object Drawing Object Unlike mostotherPowerPointfunctions,some drawingfunctionsare accessibleonlyviathe Drawing toolbaron the bottomof the PowerPointscreen.If youdon'tsee the Drawingtoolbar,activate itby selectingView→ Toolbars→ Drawing. DrawinginPowerPointisparticularlyeasydue tothe wide selectionof AutoShapesthatthe program providesforyourconvenience.Followthese stepstoinsertanautoshape: 1. Pull upthe AutoShapesmenubyclickingonthe arrow. 2. From the pull-upmenu,choosethe desiredshape. 3. As soonas youhave selectedashape,yourcursor will become acrosshair(+) whenyoumove it overthe slide.
  • 69. 69 4. Pressand drag the cursor until the objectreachesthe desiredsize(youcanalwaysformatthe size later). Formatting a drawing Clickon the drawingtoselectit(until yousee the 'handles'aroundit) andthenuse eitherthe Format menu→ AutoShape dialogtoformatit(a right-clickonthe objectwill alsoworkinPC) orthe drawingtoolbar. 1. Resize andmove a drawingbyclickingon its“handles",inthe same wayusedto formattext boxesandimages. 2. Clickon the arrow nexttothe paintbuckettool to change the drawing'sfill color.Experiment withthe 'Fill Effects'optionsonthe paintbucketmenutocreate artisticcolor combinations 3. Clickon the line coloriconto change the color of the object'sborder,andon the three style iconsto change the style of the borderand/orthe arrows. ProvidingAesthetics Office PowerPointprovidesawide varietyof designthemesthatmake it easytochange the overall lookof your presentation.A theme isaset of designelementsthatprovidesaspecific,unified appearance forall of yourOffice documentsbyusingparticularcombinationsof colors,fonts,and effects. Enhancing Text Presentation Office PowerPointautomaticallyappliesthe Office theme topresentationsthatare createdbyusing the BlankPresentationtemplate,butyoucan easilychange the lookof yourpresentationatany time byapplyingadifferenttheme. Applya differenttheme toyourpresentation On the Designtab,inthe Themesgroup,clickthe documenttheme thatyouwantto apply. To previewhowthe currentslide lookswithaparticulartheme applied,restyourpointeronthe thumbnail of thattheme.
  • 70. 70 To see thumbnailsof additional themes,clickthe arrowsnexttothe row of thumbnails. Unlessyouspecifyotherwise,Office PowerPointappliesthemestothe entire presentation.To change the appearance of onlyselectedslides,onthe Slidestab,pressandholdCTRL while youclick each slide thatyouwantto change.Whenall of the slidesare selected,right-clickthe theme that youwant to applyto them,andthenclick ApplytoSelectedSlides onthe shortcutmenu. Convertslide text to a SmartArt graphic A SmartArtgraphic isa visual representationof yourinformationthatyoucan fullycustomize. Convertingyourtexttoa SmartArt graphicisa quickwayto convertexistingslidestoprofessionally designedillustrations.Forexample,withone click,youcanconvert anAgendaslide toa SmartArt graphic. You can choose frommany built-inlayoutstocommunicate yourmessage orideaseffectively. To convert existingtextto a SmartArt graphic: 1. Clickthe placeholderthatcontainsthe textthatyou wantto convert. 2. On the Home tab, inthe Paragraph group,click Convertto SmartArtGraphic .
  • 71. 71 3. In the gallery,tosee howa SmartArtgraphic lookswithyourtext,restyourpointeroverthe thumbnail forthatSmartArtgraphic. The gallerycontainslayoutsforSmartArtgraphicsthat workbestwithbulletedlists.Toview the entire setof layouts,click More SmartArtGraphics. Workingwith Color and Line Style 1. Selectthe line thatyouwantto change. If you wantto change multiplelines,selectthe firstline,andthenpress andholdCTRLwhile you selectthe otherlines.Formore informationaboutselectinglines,see Selectashape orother object. 2. Under DrawingTools,onthe Format tab,in the Shape Styles group,clickthe arrow next to Shape Outline,andthenclickthe colorthatyou want. If you do notsee the DrawingTools or Format tabs,double-clickthe line tomake sure thatyou selectedit. To change to a colorthat isn'tin the theme colors,click More Outline Colors,andtheneitherclick the color that youwanton the Standard tab,or mix yourowncolor onthe Customtab.Custom colorsand colorson the Standardtab are not updatedif youlaterchange the documenttheme. AddingMovie and Sound A PowerPointpresentationcanconveyalotof informationinashorttime.Thatinformationis usuallyinthe formof text,graphics,charts,and tables,butit mightalso consistof audiocontent. You can easilyincorporate soundsintoslide transitions.Youcanalsoinsertthe followingtypesof soundsonslides:  Audiofiles.Youcaninsertanaudiofile—forexample,aspeechorinterview—byclicking the Sound buttonin the MediaClips groupon the Inserttab,and thenselectingthe file.  Soundclips.The soundclipsthatshipwithPowerPointinclude applauseanda ringing telephone.Youinsertasoundclipbyclickingthe Soundarrow in the MediaClipsgroupon the Inserttab, andthenclickingSoundfromClipOrganizer todisplaythe ClipArttaskpane, where youselectthe soundyouwant.If youare connectedtothe Internet,clickingthe ClipArt On Office Online linkinthe taskpane takesyoutothe ClipArt and Mediapage of the Office Online Website,fromwhichyoucandownloadhundredsof clipartimages,photos,sounds,and videos.
  • 72. 72  CD audiotracks. You can insertmusictracksor otheraudiotracks froma CD intoa slide.After insertingthe CDinyour CD-ROMdrive,youclickthe Soundarrow in the MediaClips groupand thenclick PlayCD Audio Track to displaythe InsertCDAudio dialogbox.Youthenenterthe startingand endingtracknumbers.Youcan specifythatthe selectionbe repeated,andyoucan setthe volume.Toplaythe tracks duringa slide show,the CDmustbe in the CD-ROMdrive.  Recordedsounds.Youcan recorda soundor narrationand attach itto a slide,all fromwithin PowerPoint. While insertingasound,youcan specifywhetheritshouldplayautomaticallywhenthe slide containingitappearsor onlywhenyouclickitsicon.The soundobjectappearson the slide representedbyaniconindicatingthe type of sound.Youcan change the appearance andsize of the iconand move itto meetyourneeds. Whenthe soundobjectisselected,PowerPointaddsFormatandOptionscontextual tabstothe Ribbon.Youcan format the iconrepresentingthe soundinmuchthe same waythat youwould formata picture.Youcan adjustitssize,position, andvolume;specifywhetherthe iconisdisplayed on the slide;andspecifyhowthe soundisactivated. To playa sound,youmusthave a soundcard andspeakersinstalled.InNormal view,youcantest the soundassociatedwithaparticularslide bydouble-clickingthe soundicon,orbyselectingthe iconand clickingthe Preview button inthe Playgrouponthe Optionscontextualtab.InSlide Show view,the soundplayseitherautomaticallyorwhenyouclickitsicon,dependingonyour specifications. AddingHeaders and Footers On the Inserttab,in the Textgroup,clickHeader& Footer. In the Headerand Footerdialogbox,onthe Slide tab,selectthe Footercheckbox,andthentype the textthat youwant to appearinthe centerbottomof the slide.
  • 73. 73 Do one of the following:  To displayfooterinformationonthe selectedslide only,clickApply.  To displayfooterinformationonall of the slidesinyourpresentation,clickApplytoAll. Adda header,footer,orbothto a handoutor notespage  On the Inserttab,in the Textgroup,clickHeader& Footer.  In the Headerand Footerdialogbox,onthe NotesandHandoutstab, selectthe Headeror Footercheckbox,or both,and thentype the textthat youwant to appearinthe centertop (header) orcenterbottom(footer) of eachnotespage orhandout.  ClickApplytoall. PresentationofSlides A slide showcanbe a valuable tool forteaching,sharingandlearning.PowerPointpresentationsare useful nomatterwhatthe topic andhelpcommunicate ideastoanaudience. Viewinga Presentation You can viewyourpresentationinanyof the followingviews: 1. Normal View:Till nowyouhave beenworkinginthe normal view where yousee yourlistof slidesinthe leftpane andcurrentslide inthe middle pane. 2. Slide Sorter View:Inthe slide sorterview youcanview all yourslidestogetherinasingle window.Youcan adjustthe size of eachslide.Thisview isusedtoarrange the slidesinthe desiredorder. 3. Outline View:Inthe outline view,the textcontainedoneachslide isdisplayedinthe leftpane. 7.6.2 Choosinga Setup for Presentation To choose a setupfor a Presentation SelectSlide Show ->SetUp Show. From Here the variousOptionsavailable are: 1. ShowType 2. ShowOptions 3. ShowSlides From the ShowSlidesoptions,we canselectonlythose slideswhichwe wanttoshow in the slide Show. PrintingSlidesand Handouts PowerPointallowsyoutoprintyourpresentationasslides,notes,handouts,oreven outlines. Choose File → Printfromthe menubar.This will bringupthe "Print"dialogbox.
  • 74. 74 1. In the "Printwhat"pull-downmenu,choose the itemyouwouldlike toprint. 2. If you choose "printslides",whatyouwill getisone slideperpage. 3. If you choose "printhandouts",youhave the optiontochoose the numberof slidesyouwantto printon eachpage. 4. If you choose "printoutline view"youwillgetonlythe textof yourslides(asitappearsinoutline view) butnone of the graphicsor animation. Slide Show A slide showisapresentationof aseriesof still imagesonaprojectionscreenorelectronicdisplay device,typicallyinaprearrangedsequence.The changesmaybe automaticandat regularintervals or theymay be manuallycontrolledbya presenterorthe viewer.Slideshowsoriginallyconsistedof a seriesof individual photographicslidesprojectedontoascreenwithaslide projector.When referringtothe videoorcomputer-basedvisual equivalent,inwhichthe slidesare notindividual physical objects,the termisoftenwrittenasone word,slideshow. Running a Slide Show There are at leastthree waystostart a slide show: 1. SelectViewmenu→SlideShow 2. Clickthe projectorbuttononthe lowerleftpartof the screen
  • 75. 75 3. Pressthe F5 Key Transition and Slide Timings Animatingtext and objects There are twowaysto animate textandobjects:PresetAnimationandCustomAnimation.Although PresetAnimationisrelativelysimpler,we stronglyrecommendCustomAnimationbecause itallows more control overanimation.The instructionsbelow pertainto CustomAnimationonly: 1. Clickon the slide thatyouwishtoanimate and selectSlide Show → CustomAnimation. 2. In the CustomAnimationdialogbox,eachobjectisidentifiedinthe Checktoanimate slide objectslist. 3. If you don't rememberwhataparticularobjectis,clickthe object'sname inthe list;that object appearsselectedinthe previewwindow.Clickinthe object'scheckbox toanimate thatobject. 4. On the Effectstab make yourentryanimationandsoundselections.Youmayalsochoose to dim an objectafteranimation. 5. On the Orderand Timingtab arrange the objectsinthe order that youwantthemto appear. 6. You may alsochoose the objectstoappearon mouse clickor automatically. Slide transitions Transitionsdetermine the effectsappliedwhenyoumove fromone slide toanotherduringanon- screenpresentation.Followthesestepstoapplyslide transitiontoyourslides: 1. To choose a transitioneffect,selectSlide Show → SlideTransition. 2. Selectatransitioneffectfromthe dropdownmenu. 3. Choose the desiredtransitionspeed. 4. Choose a soundto accompanythe transitionif required. 5. Advance optiondetermineswhenthe currentslideproceedstothe next. 6. Automaticallyafterxx seconds,makesthe transitionxx secondsafterthe precedingtransition ended.
  • 76. 76 7. Choose apply orApplyto all,dependingonwhetheryouwanttoapplythe effecttocurrent slide or all slides. Automating a Slide Show Followthese stepstoautomate yourslide show: 1. SelectSlide Show ->Slide Transition. Selectthe AutomaticallyAfteroptionandprovide the time.
  • 77. 77 UNIT VIII Application of Digital Financial Services Introduction: To developawarenessandcompetence inthe emerginginformationtechnologyrequirementsand solutions,necessarywithinthe fastchangingFinancialServicesSector,inparticularthose neededto meetitsunique,missioncritical requirements. Why Savings are needed? If you have enoughtopay for everythingyouneed,whyshouldyouworryaboutputtinganyaside each month?There are a varietyof reasonsto beginsavingmoney.Differentpeople save for differentreasons.Youcanstart by savingtenpercentof your income eachmonth.Here are some reasonsthat youmay considersavingyourmoney. Emergencies It isimportantto have an emergencyfundsetaside tocoverunexpectedexpenses.Thiscouldcover an unexpectedcarrepair,youremergencyappendectomyorasuddenjobloss.Ideallyyour emergencyfundshouldbe aboutthree tosix monthsof your expenses. Future Needs By savingmoneyyousave yourself worrying!It’ssimple!The factthatyoucan grow oldknowing that youworkeditout and youknow whatyou will endupwithandyou know thatyou will be comfortable issuchan amazingfeeling. Large expenses The bank won’tlendyoumoneytobuya house unlessyouhave adownpayment,andyouare not allowedtoborrowa downpayment.Youmusthave thismoneysavedupor have someone give itto you—andnotlenditto you.Your downpaymentneedsto be at least5% of the purchase price of the house,andthenthe bank will considerlendingyouthe other95%.There are all sorts of other costs andfeesthatyou needtopay whenyoubuya home,soyouwill needanadditional 5% justfor those costs.Savingsiswhatwill openthe doorto owninga home. Drawbacks of keepingCashat home Storingall yourmoneyincash at home justisn'tsafe.Yourhome couldbe burglarized,flood,or catch on fire.Inthe eventof a burglary,mostof those placesyouthoughtwere greatforhidingyour moneywill probablybe found.If youburyyourmoneyinthe back yard, the containeryouputit in couldbecome damagedorstart decomposinganddestroyyourmoney.Lessdramatically,youcould simplyforgetaboutall the placesyou've stashedmoney,orsomeone else wholivesinorvisitsyour householdcouldfinditandtake it. Unsafe Keepingcashathome justisn't safe due to flood,orcatch on fire or itcan be lostdue to some other reasons.
  • 78. 78 Loss of Growth Opportunity Once you have enoughmoneyyou'll wanttogobeyonda checkingaccountand start savingand investingyourmoneytooptimizeyourfuture financial situation.Yousimplycan'ttake advantage of the opportunitytoearnmoneyinthe stock marketor earn interestondepositsif you're notwilling to keepyourcash anywhere exceptyourmattress. No CreditEligibility If moneyiskeptat home,thennocrediteligibilityisgained. Why Bank is needed? A bankis a financial institutionlicensedasa receiverof deposits.There are twotypesof banks: commercial/retail banksandinvestmentbanks.Inmostcountries,banksare regulatedbythe national governmentorcentral bank. Secure Money,Earn Interest,GetLoan There are manyadvantagestousinga bank. Whetheryou’re usingone foryourpersonal,small businessorcorporate needs,yourfinancial well-beingdependsonproperlymanagingyourfunds. Bankscan helpyoudothisby providingsavingsandcheckingaccountsthatyieldinterestthrough bankrates. Anotherbenefitthatbanksprovide istheirabilitytofacilitate cashflow through transfers,withdrawalsanddeposits. Inculcate habit ofsaving The earlieryoustart a savingsaccount,the more moneythatsavingsaccountwill accumulate over time.Yoursavingsaccount will earninterest,whichcancoverthe costs of keepingmoneyinyour account,because the fundsare thenusedby institutionstomake loanstoothercustomers.CDsare usedforthe same purposesandofferevenhigherinterestrates,howeveryouare unable to withdrawwithoutpenaltyforacertainamountof time. Remittancesusing Cheque DemandDraft Apart fromacceptingdepositsandlendingmoney,Banksalsocarryout, on behalf of theircustomers the act of transferof money - bothdomesticandforeign. - Fromone place to another.Thisactivityis knownas "remittance business".Banksissue DemandDrafts,Banker'sCheques, andMoney Orders etc.for transferringthe money.Banksalsohave the facilityof quicktransferof moneyalsoknownas TelegraphicTransferorTele CashOrders. In Remittance business,Bank'A'at a place 'a' acceptsmoneyfromcustomer'C' and makes arrangementforpaymentof the same amountof moneytoeitherthe customer'C' or his"order"i.e. a personor entity,designatedby'C'as the recipient,througheitheraBranch of Bank'A' or any otherentityat place 'b'. Inreturn forhavingrenderedthisservice,the Bankscharge a pre-decided sumknownas exchange orcommissionorservice charge.Thissumcan differfrombankto bank. Thisalsodiffersdependinguponthe mode of transferandthe time available foreffectingthe transferof money.Fasterthe mode of transfer,higherthe charges. Avoid risk ofchit funds Chitfundsare indigenoussavingmechanismthatisunorganizedandrunbetweenfriends,families and knownpersons.Chitfundsare easytojoinas there isverylittle paperworktobe submittedand
  • 79. 79 the entire setupis basedontrust. Theyhave beenaround forover1000 yearsand are presentin othercountriestoowhere theyare popularlyknownasRotatingSavingsandCreditAssociations. Chitfundfraudshave become a majorissue andhappenforvariousreasons,suchas:  The foreman/fundmanagerdisappearswiththe corpusamount.  A membercoulddefaultininstallmentpaymentordisappearafterwinningthe firstbid.  The discountrate mightbe riggedanda desperate membermightenduppayingahigher discount. Banking Products BankingSectorofferedinnovativeproductstoredefine bankingconvenience.Withexpertise,you can rest assuredthatyour wealthisprotectedandnurturedatthe same time. Types of Accounts and Deposit TraditionallybanksinIndiahave fourtypesof depositaccounts,namelyCurrentAccounts,Saving BankingAccounts,RecurringDepositsand,FixedDeposits 1. SAVING ACCOUNT:  These depositsaccountsare one of the most populardepositsforindividual accounts.  These accountsnot onlyprovide Chequefacilitybutalsohave lotof flexibilityfordepositsand withdrawal of fundsfromthe account.  Most of the bankshave rulesforthe maximumnumberof withdrawalsinaperiodandthe maximumamountof withdrawal,buthardlyanybankenforcesthese.  However,bankshave everyrighttoenforce suchrestrictionsif itisfeltthatthe accountis being misusedasa currentaccount. 2. CURRENT ACCOUNT:  CurrentAccountsare basicallymeantforbusinessmenandare neverusedforthe purpose of investmentorsavings.  These depositsare the mostliquiddepositsandthere are nolimitsfornumberof transactions or the amount of transactionsina day.  Most of the currentaccount are openedinthe namesof firm/ companyaccounts.  Cheque bookfacilityisprovidedandthe accountholdercandepositall typesof the Cheques and draftsintheirname or endorsedintheir favorbythirdparties.  No interestispaidby bankson these accounts. On the otherhand,banks charges certain service charges,onsuchaccounts. 3. RECURRING DEPOSIT ACCOUNT  These are popularlyknownasRD accounts andare special kindof TermDepositsandare suitable forpeople whodonothave lumpsumamountof savings,butare readyto save a small amounteverymonth.
  • 80. 80  Normally,suchdepositsearninterestonthe amountalreadydeposited(throughmonthly installments) atthe same ratesas are applicable forFixedDeposits/TermDeposits. These are bestif you wishtocreate a fundforyour child'seducationor marriage of your daughterorbuy a car withoutloansorsave for the future.  Under these type of deposits,the personhastousuallydepositafixedamountof moneyevery month(usuallyaminimumof Rs,100/- p.m.). Any defaultinpaymentwithinthe monthattracts a small penalty.  However,some BanksbesidesofferingafixedinstallmentRD,have alsointroducedaflexible / variable RD.Underthese flexibleRDsthe personisallowedtodepositevenhigheramountof installments,withanupperlimitfixedforthe same e.g.10 timesof the minimumamount agreedupon.  RecurringDepositaccountsare normallyallowedformaturitiesrangingfrom6 monthsto 120 months.A Passbookisusuallyissuedwhereinthe personcangetthe entriesforall the deposits made by him/ herand the interestearned.  In case instalmentisdelayed,the interestpayable inthe accountwill be reducedandsome nominal penaltychargedfordefaultinregularpayments.Premature withdrawalof accumulated amountpermittedisusually allowed(however,penaltymaybe imposedforearlywithdrawals). These accountscan be openedinsingle orjointnames.Nominationfacilityisalsoavailable.  The RD interestratespaidbybanksinIndiaare usuallythe same aspayable onFixedDeposits, exceptwhenspecificratesonFDsare paidfor particularnumberof dayse.g.500 days,555 days, 1111 days etc.i.e.these are notendingina quarter. 4. FIXED DEPOSITS ACCOUNT: All BanksinIndia(includingSBI,PNB,BoB,BoI,Canara Bank,ICICIBank,Yes Bank etc.) Offerfixed depositsschemeswithawide range of tenuresforperiodsfrom7 daysto 10 years.These are also popularlyknownasFD accounts.However,insome other countriestheseare knownas"Term Deposits"orevencalled"Bond". The term"fixed"inFixedDeposits(FD) denotesthe periodof maturityor tenor.Therefore,the depositorsare supposedtocontinue suchFixedDepositsforthe lengthof time forwhichthe depositordecidestokeepthe moneywiththe bank.  However,incase of need,the depositorcanaskfor closing(orbreaking) the fixeddeposit prematurelybypayingapenalty(usuallyof 1%,butsome bankseithercharge lessor no penalty).  Some banksintroducedvariable interestfixeddeposits. The rate of interestonsuchdeposits keepsonvaryingwiththe prevalentmarketratesi.e.itwillgoupif marketinterestratesgoes and itwill come downif the marketratesfall. However,suchtype of fixeddepositshasnot beenpopulartill date.  The rate of interestforFixedDepositsdiffersfrombanktobank(unlike earlierwhenthe same were regulatedbyRBIand all banksusedto have the same interestrate structure.  Usuallya bankFD is paidin lumpsum onthe date of maturity.  Besidesabove fourtraditional accounts,there are some otheraccountswithsame featuresbut a fewdifferentfeatures.
  • 81. 81 Types ofLoan and Overdrafts A bank overdraft isa limitonborrowingona bankcurrent account. With an overdraftthe amount of borrowingmayvaryon a dailybasis. A bank loan is a fixedamountfora fixedtermwithregularfixedrepayments.The interestonaloan tendsto be lowerthanan overdraft. Fillingupof Cheques,DemandDrafts A Cheque isanimportantbankdocumentwhichisusedtomake paymentsandexchange funds betweenpeopleandtwodifferentaccounts.A Cheque bookisissuedbyabankto a validaccount holder.A Cheque bookusuallycontains5,10 or 20 leaves.Cheque booksthese daysalreadyhave the importantdetails,suchasthe name of the Bank,branch address,IFSCcode,Accountholder’s name and AccountNumberprintedoneachleaf.Thishasmade fillingoutaCheque,evenmore convenient. Followthese stepstocorrectlyfill upacheque. 1. Fill inthe date.This iscalledthe date of issue. Mentionthe correctdate in the top rightcolumn.It isday, monthand yearinfigures. A cheque once issuedisvalidforthe next3months. 2. Write the name of the person/company(Payee) youwanttoaddressthe cheque to. Make sure youspell the name inthe same way as itappearson the beneficiary’saccount. 3. It isadvisable tostrike out‘orbearer’at the endof the ‘payee’line. Thiswill ensure thatthe cheque isencashedonlyto the personitisaddressedtoand notto just anyone whoholdsit. 4. Write the amountto be paidin wordsalongthe ‘Rupees’column.Strikealine afteryoufill inthe amountin orderto preventanyalteration. 5. Rewrite the exactsame amountinfigures withinthe adjacentbox. 6. Put your signature above yourname toauthorize the transaction.Thisshouldbe the same or closestlikenessof the signature specimenyouhave submittedtoyourbankwhile openingyour account. 7. Sometimes,inordertosecure a cheque,youmaymark outtwo parallel lineswith‘AccountPayee only’writteninthe middle,onthe topleftcornerof the cheque.Thisiscalled‘Crossingouta Cheque’.Thismeansyourcheque will be paidintothe accountof the personbeingpaidand not to the personholdingthe cheque forpaymentatthe counter. 8. To cancel a cheque mark‘CANCEL’inboldacross the face of the cheque andif possible,inform the bank officialsormake anote of the cheque numberandrecordit as cancelled A correctly filledoutcheque wouldlooklike the image below.