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The Case: The scatter-brained mother whose daughter has
ADHD, like
mother, like daughter
The Question: How often does ADHD run in families?
The Dilemma: When you see a child with ADHD should you
evaluate the parents and siblings?
Pretest Self Assessment Question (answer at the end of the
Patients with comorbid ADHD and anxiety should in general not
prescribed stimulants
A. True
B. False
Patient Intake
• 26-year-old woman
• Has a daughter with ADHD
• Psychiatrist noted symptoms in the mother and suggested she
in for her own evaluation
• See the previous Case 13, p 133 for presentation of the
Psychiatric History
• During interviews with the patient’s daughter (also attended
by the
patient) over the past several months, it was not only noted that
daughter has ADHD with comorbid ODD, but that the mother
exhibited multiple symptoms consistent with lifelong and
ADHD including
– Mother misses appointments or is late for appointments
– Often appears disorganized
– Did not fi ll out her child’s forms on time
– Did not deliver forms to her child’s teacher, forgot, lost them
– Admits being very disorganized since her second child
– Feels overwhelmed by two children and her life
– Could also have some signs of depression
– Can’t get organized to take her child to CBT
– Has a hard time keeping a regular schedule and also keeping
daughter on a regular schedule of going to bed and waking up
– Was unable to remember to remove the daughter’s skin patch
unless she set a cell phone alarm
– All these suggest further evaluation of the mother is
since ADHD commonly runs in families and has a very high
genetic contribution
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• Has always done poorly academically
• Has always felt intimidated by any type of testing
• In addition, reports that she has always been worried about the
and fi nancial stability of her family
• Says she sometimes mentally “freezes when it gets to be too
• When her eight year old daughter was diagnosed with ADHD,
suddenly realized that she had similar problems as a child
• The psychiatrist explained to her that ADHD was highly
heritable and
that there was a 75% chance of having a child with ADHD if
parents have ADHD and thus was asked to fi ll out an Adult
screening form
Social and Personal History
• High school drop out, age 17 after getting pregnant
• Married age 17, divorced 2 years later
• Two children, ages 8 and 6
• Smoker
• No drug or alcohol abuse
• Single mother works full time in retail
• Father not much involved with his children
Medical History
• None notable
• BP normal
• BMI normal
• Normal lab tests
Family History
• 8-year-old daughter: recently diagnosed with ADHD
• Other family history unknown as the patient was adopted
• See the previous Case 13, p 133 for presentation of the
Patient Intake
• The last time the patient brought her child to see the
psychiatrist, the
mother was asked to fi ll out her own checklist, the Adult
Report Scale Symptom Checklist
– She endorsed many items, mostly inattentive but not really
hyperactive or impulsive such as:
– Having trouble wrapping up the fi nal details of a project
the challenging parts have been done
– Diffi culty getting things in order
– Diffi culty remembering appointments or obligations
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– Making careless mistakes on diffi cult projects
– Diffi culty keeping attention on repetitive work
– Misplacing things at home and work
– Distracted by activity around her
– Diffi culty unwinding and relaxing when having time to
– Diffi culty focusing/listening during conversations
• Earlier, the mother was also requested to obtain copies of her
cards from fi rst and second grade
– Her own mother had kept these in storage
– Showed grades that were quite low
– Her teachers had commented on some of the problems
in the adult ADHD checklist that she continues to experience as
• Asked how these problems affect her life, she states that:
– They cause great diffi culty managing family matters
– She used to be unable to stay focused in conversations with
ex-husband, which made him feel she did not care about him
• Additional complaints include:
– Constantly feeling overwhelmed with taking care of the two
children while working fulltime
– Blaming herself for her daughter’s academic diffi culties
– Feeling very emotional and overwhelmed
– “I’m sorry, doctor, but two kids are just too much for this
• Having diffi culty sleeping and being irritable with the
children at night,
which she regrets later on
• Has many worries, about fi nances, about the future, about her
children’s futures, about getting a better job, about getting her
education, about fi nding a new partner
Based on just what you have been told so far about this
patient’s history
and symptoms, what do you think is her diagnosis?
• Appropriate response to her circumstances with her severe
psychosocial stressors
• Mostly just stress and anxiety
• ADHD and stress
• Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
• Major depressive episode
• ADHD and GAD
• Other
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Attending Physician’s Mental Notes: Initial Psychiatric
• Here is a case that indeed is ADHD, but her symptoms also
that she suffers from GAD
– Constant worry
– Feeling on edge
– Fatigue
– Diffi culty concentrating and her mind going blank
– Irritability
– Trouble sleeping
• Most adults with ADHD are comorbid for a second psychiatric
disorder, and the most common is GAD
• Also, this patient is a smoker which may be related to her
since a disproportionate number of ADHD patients smoke,
because of the therapeutic effects of nicotine on ADHD
How would you treat her?
• Stimulant for her ADHD
• SSRI/SNRI for her GAD
• Benzodiazepine as need for GAD and insomnia
• Stimulant plus an SSRI/SNRI or benzo for both ADHD and
• CBT for both ADHD and GAD
• Other
Attending Physician’s Mental Notes, Initial Psychiatric
Evaluation, Continued
• It seems as though the primary disorder is ADHD and it will
simplest if this is treated fi rst, with a single drug, probably a
• An SSRI/SNRI and/or benzodiazepine can be added at a later
once the actions of the stimulant are evident
• Even though patients with GAD alone or even normal controls
may be
“over stimulated” by a stimulant, in many cases of ADHD
with GAD, the stimulant is paradoxically calming and well
and even works for GAD symptoms as well as ADHD symptoms
without having to prescribe a second medication for the GAD
• Any stimulant could be chosen but not all are explicitly
approved for
treatment of ADHD in adults
• She was started on mixed salts d,l amphetamine XR (Adderall
• She was referred to a local mental health training program
where she
could possibly get CBT for free or for a reduced rate from a
receiving supervision
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Case Outcome: First, Second, and Third Interim Followup
Visits, Weeks 4, 8 and 12
• Due to scheduling issues, by the time the patient had her fi rst
session, she had already been titrated to 20 mg of mixed salts of
d,l –
amphetamine XR
• She thought that the medication had already started to help her
in fact that she would not have been able to cooperate with the
assignments had she not been on the medication
• Because of lack of side effects but continuing ADHD and
symptoms, the dose of d,l-amphetamine XR increased to 30 mg
label since the maximum approved dosage for adults is 20 mg)
• Her BP and pulse were stable on the 30 mg dose but she felt
particularly in the morning and around noon; she also felt very
about her job situation and being able to provide for her family
• Dose lowered to 25 mg, but the jitteriness persisted so the
was further lowerd to 20 mg
• The jitteriness abated but her ADHD symptoms were not well
controlled on the 20 mg dose anymore
• Instructed to stay on 20 mg for two more weeks as she is
going on
vacation and not to change the dose until after her vacation and
retry the 25 mg dose again
• Complained of feeling overwhelmed and irritable
• For most patients, a week between dosing adjustments for a
being used to treat ADHD is quite adequate
• Weekly intervals give patients and clinicians a chance to see
the way
that the dosage is working though the spectrum of challenges
occur in a typical week
• As vacations do not represent typical activities for a week,
consideration must be given to the effectiveness of medication
changes that are done while a patient is on vacation
– Many adults with ADHD may relax on vacation and not
themselves with cognitive loads and multitasking so may appear
to be better even without a medication change
– Other adults with ADHD, especially women with young
may actually fi nd vacation more challenging
– For example, a parent with ADHD taking a family vacation
several children in tow may fi nd the planning and organization
the trip more taxing than anything encountered at work or
the normal routine at home
– It can also be diffi cult to manage timing the medication
appropriately when traveling to different time zones
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Case Outcome: Fourth Interim Followup, Week 16
• “Glad to be back from vacation”
• “I don’t think I could have even got through our vacation
without my
medication, but I still have a hard time holding things together”
• On at least 20 mg/day dosage of d,l-amphetamine XR
combined with
CBT for 12 weeks, including a couple of weeks back from
the patient still has problems with
– Organizing her day
– Procrastinating
– Following instructions
– Losing items such as her keys which make her late for
• On the few days that the patient missed, and thus skipped, her
medication inadvertently she realized that the medication was
helping her concentrate and get through the day even though she
remains symptomatic
• Knowing that she could achieve better functioning on
medication she
asked if other medications might accomplish this without the
and anxious feelings
• While other medication options were discussed, the CBT was
continued which was slightly less helpful
How would you treat her now?
• Start lisdexamfetamine 30 mg once in the morning and titrate
dosage by 20 mg each week until an optimal dosage is achieved
• Start d-methylphenidate XR 10 mg once in the morning and
titrate the
dosage by 10 mg each week until an optimal dosage is achieved
• Start OROS methylphenidate 18 mg once in the morning and
the dosage by 18 mg each week until an optimal dose is
• Start atomoxetine 40 mg a day and increase to 80 mg after one
Attending Physician’s Mental Notes: Fourth Interim Followup,
Week 16
• Lisdexamfetamine, d-methylphenidate XR, OROS
and atomoxetine are all FDA-approved for the treatment of
adults with
• On the one hand, the patient found her amphetamine-based
to be very effective, and thus another long-acting stimulant
would be
• On the other hand, she had jitteriness with the stimulant, and
thus a
non-stimulant would be equally reasonable
• After explaining the options, the patient elected to try another
acting stimulant
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• d-methylphenidate uses a bead-based technology similar to the
salts amphetamine XR in that 50 percent of the beads are
release and 50 percent delayed-released
• Methylphenidate LA and d-methylphenidate XR employ the
patented SODAS technology in their delivery systems, but other
acting forms of stimulants with beaded delivery systems vary
due to
proprietary differences in their manufacturing processes
• For instance, one formulation of methylphenidate utilizes a
that contains a ratio of 30 percent immediate-release beads and
percent delayed-released beads
• Although the different technologies used in beaded forms of
stimulants can have clinical implications in individual cases,
they all
follow a similar design scheme:
– A bolus of stimulant medication becomes bioavailable rather
quickly as the immediate-release beads dissolve
– Over time, the coating on the delayed-release beads
allowing the stimulant contained within the bead to be released
– The medication within the delayed-release bead becomes
bioavailable about four hours after the patient swallows the
• Lisdexamfetamine is the only stimulant preparation that is a
– In its prodrug form, a lysine molecule is attached to
– Dextroamphetamine will not be active until the lysine is
from it
– Cleaved lysine is an amino acid that does not contribute to
clinical effi cacy of this medication
• Lisdexamfetamine could be a good choice for multiple
– It uses a different delivery system that appears to have a
consistent interval to maximum concentration (Cmax)
• It is conceivable that the jitteriness this patient was
experiencing was
related more to the l-isomer than to the d-isomer
• A nonstimulant such as atomoxetine may be particularly useful
in a
patient who has stimulant related side effects, because
does not cause these side effects
• Also, atomoxetine may be particularly useful in patients with
comorbid anxiety
Case Outcome: Fourth Interim Followup, Week 16, Continued
• In the end, the patient and the attending physician agreed upon
a trial
of OROS methylphenidate (Concerta)
• Main reasons for this choice:
– To be able to compare the benefi ts the patient experienced
an amphetamine preparation with those of a methylphenidate
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preparation since patients may experience differing
tolerabilities as
well as effi cacies on methylphenidate versus amphetamine
– To be able to test the uniqueness of the OROS delivery
system in
terms of attained effi cacy with better tolerability
• OROS methylphenidate uses a delivery system that is quite
from beaded delivery systems:
– Coating of OROS methylphenidate contains 32 percent of the
– Remainder of medication is contained within a permeable
membrane that allows water from the gut to enter once the
of methylphenidate dissolves away
– Different concentrations of methylphenidate in gel form are
contained in two compartments
– A push compartment absorbs water and expands like a sponge
does, pushing the methylphenidate gel out of the hole at the
opposite end
Case Outcome: Fifth Interim Followup, Week 20
• The patient’s dose was titrated from 18 mg to 72 mg over the
of four weeks
• Although she did not feel jittery, OROS methylphenidate 72
mg once a
day did not seem to work as well as the mixed salts
amphetamine at
30 mg a day
• She voiced concerns that the dosage was more than double that
the mixed salts amphetamine dosage that was tried
• The psychiatrist explained that methylphenidate compounds
are half
as potent as amphetamine ones, and that 72 mg/day is an
dose in adults
• She was reminded that her blood pressure and pulse had
in the normal range throughout the titration, and she was told
some of the methylphenidate gel may remain inside the delivery
system and not be bioavailable (inherent proper ties of OROS
• After documenting that information about off-label use was
to the patient, the psychiatrist recommended to further increase
dose of OROS methylphenidate to 90 mg
Case Outcome: Sixth Interim Followup, Week 24
• The patient felt that 90 mg of OROS methylphenidate worked
at least as
well as 30 mg of the mixed salts of d,l amphetamine XR
• Her blood pressure and pulse increased a bit from baseline,
but they
were still in the middle of the normal range
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• She still has some problems with organization and losing
items, but
she indicates she would continue CBT to address these
• Similar to when she was on the amphetamine compound, once
ADHD symptoms abated, her anxious feelings became more
– “It’s like now that I can concentrate on my daily tasks, I also
much more anxious about the fi nancial security of my children,
and I often feel my throat tighten when I think about the fi
impact of the girls going to college”
– “The thought of losing my job or getting sick frightens me . .
what would happen to the girls?”
– She has trouble falling asleep at night, as her mind does not
ADHD is often comorbid with other psychiatric disorders and
disorder can mask the symptoms of another. In the present case,
patient exhibits symptoms of anxiety, probably generalized
disorder, especially more prominent every time her ADHD
abate. How would you address the patient’s anxiety at this
• Augment with a benzodiazepine
• Augment with buspirone
• Augment with a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)
• Incorporate techniques to resolve anxiety into ongoing CBT
Case Outcome: Seventh and Eighth Interim Followup, Weeks
24 and 36
• Incorporating techniques to resolve anxiety into the patient’s
CBT would likely be most appropriate, prior to attempting to
add a
• A letter was sent suggesting this to the CBT therapist, but
after 12
weeks, this led to limited benefi t, and thus medication
was considered
• Benzodiazepines, buspirone, and SSRIs/SNRIs can all be used
treat generalized anxiety disorder and are not contraindicated
• After discussion of the options, paroxetine was prescribed to
her stimulant and her CTB
Case Outcome: Ninth Interim Followup, Week 48
• After three months on OROS methylphenidate and paroxetine,
continuing her CBT, at fi rst the patient stated that she “had her
life back”
• Then, after thinking back over the past year of treatment, and
to how
she had been since childhood she stated, “No, I don’t have my
back – I fi nally have a life!”
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Case Debrief
• It took a long time to get both the ADHD and GAD recognized
• It took over a year of trial and error and combination
treatment to
attain a remission of symptoms
• Real remission will come when sustained improvement of
leads to better functional outcomes, not only less subjective
but now perhaps the chance for an education, a better job, and
enough emotional reserve to develop another relationship
• Stopping smoking might be a goal to tackle in the next year as
Take-Home Points
• ADHD is highly heritable
• It is not uncommon for adults with previously undiagnosed
recognize their own symptoms once their child is diagnosed
• A multigenerational approach should be considered for parents
have ADHD and who care for children with ADHD
• In the patient’s case, by addressing her own ADHD issues, she
felt she could be a better parent to her daughter with ADHD
Performance in Practice: Confessions of a
• What could have been done better here?
– Perhaps ADHD could have been recognized earlier
– Perhaps CBT could have been implemented earlier
– Perhaps she should have been more actively engaged or have
more serious discussions about smoking cessation already
• Possible action item for improvement in practice
– Make a concerted effort to keep contact with low cost CBT
resources in the community
– Make a more concerted effort to encourage smoking cessation
Tips and Pearls
• Prescribing stimulants to an ADHD patient is very much like
tailoring a
“bespoke” treatment, one case at a time
• That is, some patients respond very differently to
amphetamine than
they do to methylphenidate
• Many patients respond very differently to one controlled
pattern versus another
• Look for comorbidities in adult ADHD, including both anxiety
disorders and substance dependence/abuse (especially smoking)
• True remission means reduction not just in symptoms of
ADHD, but
in the comorbid conditions as well
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Two-Minute Tute: A brief lesson and psychopharmacology
tutorial (tute) with relevant background material for this case
– ADHD rating scales for adults
– Contributions of genetics to ADHD
Table 1: Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS-v1.1) Symptom
Checklist Instructions
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Figure 1: Average Genetic Contribution of ADHD Based on
Twin Studies
ADHD is one of the most genetically loaded medical or
conditions, higher than schizophrenia, asthma or breast cancer.
Posttest Self Assessment Question: Answer
Patients with comorbid ADHD and anxiety should in general not
prescribed stimulants
A True
B False
Answer: B
1. Franke B, Neale BM, and Faraone SV. Genome-wide
studies in ADHD. Hum Genet 2009; 126(1): 13–50
2. Haberstick BC, Timberlake D, Hopfer CJ et al. Genetic and
environmental contributions to retrospectively reported DSM-IV
childhood attention defi cit hyperactivity disorder. Psychol Med
38(7): 1057–66
3. McLoughlin G, Ronald A, Kuntsi J et al. Genetic support for
dual nature of attention defi cit hyperactivity disorder:
genetic overlap between the inattentive and hyperactive-
components. J Abnorm Child Psychol 2007; 35(6): 999–1008
4. Todd RD, Rasmussen ER, Neuman RJ et al. Familiality and
heritability of subtypes of attention defi cit hyperactivity
disorder in
a population sample of adolescent female twins. Am J
2001; 158(11): 1891–8
5. Faraone SV, Advances in the genetics and neurobiology of
defi cit hyperactivity disorder, Biol Psychiatry 2006; 60: 1025–
Twin studies: ADHD is genetic
Hudziak, 2000
Nadder, 1998
Levy, 1997
Sherman, 1997
Silberg, 1996
Gjone, 1996
Thapar, 1995
Schmitz, 1995
Edelbrock, 1992
Gillis, 1992
Goodman, 1989
Willerman, 1973
Breast cancer Asthma Schizophrenia Height
Average genetic contribution of ADHD based on twin studies
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
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6. Stahl SM, Stahl’s Illustrated Attention Defi cit Hyperactivity
Cambridge University Press, New York, 2009
7. Stahl SM, Attention Defi cit Hyperactivity Disorder and its
in Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology, 3rd edition,
University Press, New York, 2008, pp 863–98
8. Stahl SM, Atomoxetine, in Stahl’s Essential
The Prescriber’s Guide, 3rd edition, Cambridge University
New York, 2009, pp 51–5
9. Stahl SM, d,l methylphenidate, in Stahl’s Essential
Psychopharmacology The Prescriber’s Guide, 3rd edition,
Cambridge University Press, New York, 2009, pp 329–35
10. Stahl SM, Mixed Salts of d,l Amphetamine, in Stahl’s
Psychopharmacology The Prescriber’s Guide, 3rd edition,
Cambridge University Press, New York, 2009, pp 39–44
11. Stahl SM, Paroxetine, in Stahl’s Essential
Psychopharmacology The
Prescriber’s Guide, 3rd edition, Cambridge University Press,
York, 2009, pp 409–15
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PATIENT FILE151PATIENT FILEThe Case The scatter-b.docx

  • 1. PATIENT FILE 151 PATIENT FILE The Case: The scatter-brained mother whose daughter has ADHD, like mother, like daughter The Question: How often does ADHD run in families? The Dilemma: When you see a child with ADHD should you also evaluate the parents and siblings? Pretest Self Assessment Question (answer at the end of the case) Patients with comorbid ADHD and anxiety should in general not be prescribed stimulants A. True B. False Patient Intake • 26-year-old woman • Has a daughter with ADHD • Psychiatrist noted symptoms in the mother and suggested she come
  • 2. in for her own evaluation • See the previous Case 13, p 133 for presentation of the daughter’s case Psychiatric History • During interviews with the patient’s daughter (also attended by the patient) over the past several months, it was not only noted that the daughter has ADHD with comorbid ODD, but that the mother also exhibited multiple symptoms consistent with lifelong and undiagnosed ADHD including – Mother misses appointments or is late for appointments – Often appears disorganized – Did not fi ll out her child’s forms on time – Did not deliver forms to her child’s teacher, forgot, lost them – Admits being very disorganized since her second child started school – Feels overwhelmed by two children and her life circumstances – Could also have some signs of depression – Can’t get organized to take her child to CBT – Has a hard time keeping a regular schedule and also keeping her daughter on a regular schedule of going to bed and waking up – Was unable to remember to remove the daughter’s skin patch
  • 3. unless she set a cell phone alarm – All these suggest further evaluation of the mother is indicated since ADHD commonly runs in families and has a very high genetic contribution Downloaded from by IP on Fri Apr 17 14:39:41 UTC 2020 Stahl Online © 2020 Cambridge University Press. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. PATIENT FILE 152 • Has always done poorly academically • Has always felt intimidated by any type of testing • In addition, reports that she has always been worried about the future and fi nancial stability of her family • Says she sometimes mentally “freezes when it gets to be too much” • When her eight year old daughter was diagnosed with ADHD, she suddenly realized that she had similar problems as a child • The psychiatrist explained to her that ADHD was highly heritable and that there was a 75% chance of having a child with ADHD if
  • 4. both parents have ADHD and thus was asked to fi ll out an Adult ADHD screening form Social and Personal History • High school drop out, age 17 after getting pregnant • Married age 17, divorced 2 years later • Two children, ages 8 and 6 • Smoker • No drug or alcohol abuse • Single mother works full time in retail • Father not much involved with his children Medical History • None notable • BP normal • BMI normal • Normal lab tests Family History • 8-year-old daughter: recently diagnosed with ADHD • Other family history unknown as the patient was adopted • See the previous Case 13, p 133 for presentation of the daughter’s case Patient Intake • The last time the patient brought her child to see the psychiatrist, the mother was asked to fi ll out her own checklist, the Adult ADHD Self Report Scale Symptom Checklist
  • 5. – She endorsed many items, mostly inattentive but not really hyperactive or impulsive such as: – Having trouble wrapping up the fi nal details of a project once the challenging parts have been done – Diffi culty getting things in order – Diffi culty remembering appointments or obligations Downloaded from by IP on Fri Apr 17 14:39:41 UTC 2020 Stahl Online © 2020 Cambridge University Press. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. PATIENT FILE 153 – Making careless mistakes on diffi cult projects – Diffi culty keeping attention on repetitive work – Misplacing things at home and work – Distracted by activity around her – Diffi culty unwinding and relaxing when having time to herself – Diffi culty focusing/listening during conversations • Earlier, the mother was also requested to obtain copies of her report cards from fi rst and second grade – Her own mother had kept these in storage – Showed grades that were quite low
  • 6. – Her teachers had commented on some of the problems endorsed in the adult ADHD checklist that she continues to experience as an adult • Asked how these problems affect her life, she states that: – They cause great diffi culty managing family matters – She used to be unable to stay focused in conversations with her ex-husband, which made him feel she did not care about him • Additional complaints include: – Constantly feeling overwhelmed with taking care of the two children while working fulltime – Blaming herself for her daughter’s academic diffi culties – Feeling very emotional and overwhelmed – “I’m sorry, doctor, but two kids are just too much for this single mom” • Having diffi culty sleeping and being irritable with the children at night, which she regrets later on • Has many worries, about fi nances, about the future, about her children’s futures, about getting a better job, about getting her own education, about fi nding a new partner Based on just what you have been told so far about this patient’s history
  • 7. and symptoms, what do you think is her diagnosis? • Appropriate response to her circumstances with her severe psychosocial stressors • Mostly just stress and anxiety • ADHD • ADHD and stress • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) • Major depressive episode • ADHD and GAD • Other Downloaded from by IP on Fri Apr 17 14:39:41 UTC 2020 Stahl Online © 2020 Cambridge University Press. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. PATIENT FILE 154 Attending Physician’s Mental Notes: Initial Psychiatric Evaluation • Here is a case that indeed is ADHD, but her symptoms also suggest that she suffers from GAD – Constant worry – Feeling on edge – Fatigue – Diffi culty concentrating and her mind going blank
  • 8. – Irritability – Trouble sleeping • Most adults with ADHD are comorbid for a second psychiatric disorder, and the most common is GAD • Also, this patient is a smoker which may be related to her ADHD since a disproportionate number of ADHD patients smoke, perhaps because of the therapeutic effects of nicotine on ADHD symptoms How would you treat her? • Stimulant for her ADHD • SSRI/SNRI for her GAD • Benzodiazepine as need for GAD and insomnia • Stimulant plus an SSRI/SNRI or benzo for both ADHD and GAD • CBT for both ADHD and GAD • Other Attending Physician’s Mental Notes, Initial Psychiatric Evaluation, Continued • It seems as though the primary disorder is ADHD and it will be simplest if this is treated fi rst, with a single drug, probably a stimulant • An SSRI/SNRI and/or benzodiazepine can be added at a later time once the actions of the stimulant are evident • Even though patients with GAD alone or even normal controls may be
  • 9. “over stimulated” by a stimulant, in many cases of ADHD comorbid with GAD, the stimulant is paradoxically calming and well tolerated and even works for GAD symptoms as well as ADHD symptoms without having to prescribe a second medication for the GAD • Any stimulant could be chosen but not all are explicitly approved for treatment of ADHD in adults • She was started on mixed salts d,l amphetamine XR (Adderall XR) • She was referred to a local mental health training program where she could possibly get CBT for free or for a reduced rate from a trainee receiving supervision Downloaded from by IP on Fri Apr 17 14:39:41 UTC 2020 Stahl Online © 2020 Cambridge University Press. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. PATIENT FILE 155 Case Outcome: First, Second, and Third Interim Followup Visits, Weeks 4, 8 and 12 • Due to scheduling issues, by the time the patient had her fi rst
  • 10. CBT session, she had already been titrated to 20 mg of mixed salts of d,l – amphetamine XR • She thought that the medication had already started to help her and in fact that she would not have been able to cooperate with the CBT assignments had she not been on the medication • Because of lack of side effects but continuing ADHD and GAD symptoms, the dose of d,l-amphetamine XR increased to 30 mg (off label since the maximum approved dosage for adults is 20 mg) • Her BP and pulse were stable on the 30 mg dose but she felt jittery particularly in the morning and around noon; she also felt very anxious about her job situation and being able to provide for her family • Dose lowered to 25 mg, but the jitteriness persisted so the dosage was further lowerd to 20 mg • The jitteriness abated but her ADHD symptoms were not well controlled on the 20 mg dose anymore • Instructed to stay on 20 mg for two more weeks as she is going on vacation and not to change the dose until after her vacation and then retry the 25 mg dose again
  • 11. • Complained of feeling overwhelmed and irritable • For most patients, a week between dosing adjustments for a stimulant being used to treat ADHD is quite adequate • Weekly intervals give patients and clinicians a chance to see the way that the dosage is working though the spectrum of challenges that occur in a typical week • As vacations do not represent typical activities for a week, special consideration must be given to the effectiveness of medication changes that are done while a patient is on vacation – Many adults with ADHD may relax on vacation and not challenge themselves with cognitive loads and multitasking so may appear to be better even without a medication change – Other adults with ADHD, especially women with young children, may actually fi nd vacation more challenging – For example, a parent with ADHD taking a family vacation with several children in tow may fi nd the planning and organization for the trip more taxing than anything encountered at work or during the normal routine at home – It can also be diffi cult to manage timing the medication
  • 12. appropriately when traveling to different time zones Downloaded from by IP on Fri Apr 17 14:39:41 UTC 2020 Stahl Online © 2020 Cambridge University Press. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. PATIENT FILE 156 Case Outcome: Fourth Interim Followup, Week 16 • “Glad to be back from vacation” • “I don’t think I could have even got through our vacation without my medication, but I still have a hard time holding things together” • On at least 20 mg/day dosage of d,l-amphetamine XR combined with CBT for 12 weeks, including a couple of weeks back from vacation, the patient still has problems with – Organizing her day – Procrastinating – Following instructions – Losing items such as her keys which make her late for appointments/activities • On the few days that the patient missed, and thus skipped, her medication inadvertently she realized that the medication was
  • 13. really helping her concentrate and get through the day even though she remains symptomatic • Knowing that she could achieve better functioning on medication she asked if other medications might accomplish this without the jittery and anxious feelings • While other medication options were discussed, the CBT was continued which was slightly less helpful How would you treat her now? • Start lisdexamfetamine 30 mg once in the morning and titrate the dosage by 20 mg each week until an optimal dosage is achieved • Start d-methylphenidate XR 10 mg once in the morning and titrate the dosage by 10 mg each week until an optimal dosage is achieved • Start OROS methylphenidate 18 mg once in the morning and titrate the dosage by 18 mg each week until an optimal dose is achieved • Start atomoxetine 40 mg a day and increase to 80 mg after one week Attending Physician’s Mental Notes: Fourth Interim Followup, Week 16 • Lisdexamfetamine, d-methylphenidate XR, OROS methylphenidate,
  • 14. and atomoxetine are all FDA-approved for the treatment of adults with ADHD • On the one hand, the patient found her amphetamine-based stimulant to be very effective, and thus another long-acting stimulant would be reasonable • On the other hand, she had jitteriness with the stimulant, and thus a non-stimulant would be equally reasonable • After explaining the options, the patient elected to try another long- acting stimulant Downloaded from by IP on Fri Apr 17 14:39:41 UTC 2020 Stahl Online © 2020 Cambridge University Press. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. PATIENT FILE 157 • d-methylphenidate uses a bead-based technology similar to the mixed salts amphetamine XR in that 50 percent of the beads are immediate- release and 50 percent delayed-released
  • 15. • Methylphenidate LA and d-methylphenidate XR employ the same patented SODAS technology in their delivery systems, but other long- acting forms of stimulants with beaded delivery systems vary due to proprietary differences in their manufacturing processes • For instance, one formulation of methylphenidate utilizes a capsule that contains a ratio of 30 percent immediate-release beads and 70 percent delayed-released beads • Although the different technologies used in beaded forms of stimulants can have clinical implications in individual cases, they all follow a similar design scheme: – A bolus of stimulant medication becomes bioavailable rather quickly as the immediate-release beads dissolve – Over time, the coating on the delayed-release beads deteriorates, allowing the stimulant contained within the bead to be released – The medication within the delayed-release bead becomes bioavailable about four hours after the patient swallows the capsule • Lisdexamfetamine is the only stimulant preparation that is a prodrug: – In its prodrug form, a lysine molecule is attached to dextroamphetamine – Dextroamphetamine will not be active until the lysine is
  • 16. cleaved from it – Cleaved lysine is an amino acid that does not contribute to the clinical effi cacy of this medication • Lisdexamfetamine could be a good choice for multiple reasons: – It uses a different delivery system that appears to have a more consistent interval to maximum concentration (Cmax) • It is conceivable that the jitteriness this patient was experiencing was related more to the l-isomer than to the d-isomer • A nonstimulant such as atomoxetine may be particularly useful in a patient who has stimulant related side effects, because atomoxetine does not cause these side effects • Also, atomoxetine may be particularly useful in patients with comorbid anxiety Case Outcome: Fourth Interim Followup, Week 16, Continued • In the end, the patient and the attending physician agreed upon a trial of OROS methylphenidate (Concerta) • Main reasons for this choice: – To be able to compare the benefi ts the patient experienced on
  • 17. an amphetamine preparation with those of a methylphenidate Downloaded from by IP on Fri Apr 17 14:39:41 UTC 2020 Stahl Online © 2020 Cambridge University Press. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. PATIENT FILE 158 preparation since patients may experience differing tolerabilities as well as effi cacies on methylphenidate versus amphetamine – To be able to test the uniqueness of the OROS delivery system in terms of attained effi cacy with better tolerability • OROS methylphenidate uses a delivery system that is quite different from beaded delivery systems: – Coating of OROS methylphenidate contains 32 percent of the medication – Remainder of medication is contained within a permeable membrane that allows water from the gut to enter once the coating of methylphenidate dissolves away – Different concentrations of methylphenidate in gel form are contained in two compartments
  • 18. – A push compartment absorbs water and expands like a sponge does, pushing the methylphenidate gel out of the hole at the opposite end Case Outcome: Fifth Interim Followup, Week 20 • The patient’s dose was titrated from 18 mg to 72 mg over the course of four weeks • Although she did not feel jittery, OROS methylphenidate 72 mg once a day did not seem to work as well as the mixed salts amphetamine at 30 mg a day • She voiced concerns that the dosage was more than double that of the mixed salts amphetamine dosage that was tried • The psychiatrist explained that methylphenidate compounds are half as potent as amphetamine ones, and that 72 mg/day is an approved dose in adults • She was reminded that her blood pressure and pulse had remained in the normal range throughout the titration, and she was told that some of the methylphenidate gel may remain inside the delivery system and not be bioavailable (inherent proper ties of OROS technology) • After documenting that information about off-label use was
  • 19. given to the patient, the psychiatrist recommended to further increase the dose of OROS methylphenidate to 90 mg Case Outcome: Sixth Interim Followup, Week 24 • The patient felt that 90 mg of OROS methylphenidate worked at least as well as 30 mg of the mixed salts of d,l amphetamine XR • Her blood pressure and pulse increased a bit from baseline, but they were still in the middle of the normal range Downloaded from by IP on Fri Apr 17 14:39:41 UTC 2020 Stahl Online © 2020 Cambridge University Press. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. PATIENT FILE 159 • She still has some problems with organization and losing items, but she indicates she would continue CBT to address these • Similar to when she was on the amphetamine compound, once her ADHD symptoms abated, her anxious feelings became more prominent
  • 20. – “It’s like now that I can concentrate on my daily tasks, I also feel much more anxious about the fi nancial security of my children, and I often feel my throat tighten when I think about the fi nancial impact of the girls going to college” – “The thought of losing my job or getting sick frightens me . . . what would happen to the girls?” – She has trouble falling asleep at night, as her mind does not shut off ADHD is often comorbid with other psychiatric disorders and one disorder can mask the symptoms of another. In the present case, this patient exhibits symptoms of anxiety, probably generalized anxiety disorder, especially more prominent every time her ADHD symptoms abate. How would you address the patient’s anxiety at this point? • Augment with a benzodiazepine • Augment with buspirone • Augment with a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) or SNRI • Incorporate techniques to resolve anxiety into ongoing CBT
  • 21. Case Outcome: Seventh and Eighth Interim Followup, Weeks 24 and 36 • Incorporating techniques to resolve anxiety into the patient’s ongoing CBT would likely be most appropriate, prior to attempting to add a medication • A letter was sent suggesting this to the CBT therapist, but after 12 weeks, this led to limited benefi t, and thus medication augmentation was considered • Benzodiazepines, buspirone, and SSRIs/SNRIs can all be used to treat generalized anxiety disorder and are not contraindicated with stimulants • After discussion of the options, paroxetine was prescribed to augment her stimulant and her CTB Case Outcome: Ninth Interim Followup, Week 48 • After three months on OROS methylphenidate and paroxetine, while continuing her CBT, at fi rst the patient stated that she “had her life back” • Then, after thinking back over the past year of treatment, and to how she had been since childhood she stated, “No, I don’t have my life
  • 22. back – I fi nally have a life!” Downloaded from by IP on Fri Apr 17 14:39:41 UTC 2020 Stahl Online © 2020 Cambridge University Press. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. PATIENT FILE 160 Case Debrief • It took a long time to get both the ADHD and GAD recognized • It took over a year of trial and error and combination treatment to attain a remission of symptoms • Real remission will come when sustained improvement of symptoms leads to better functional outcomes, not only less subjective distress, but now perhaps the chance for an education, a better job, and having enough emotional reserve to develop another relationship • Stopping smoking might be a goal to tackle in the next year as well Take-Home Points • ADHD is highly heritable • It is not uncommon for adults with previously undiagnosed ADHD to
  • 23. recognize their own symptoms once their child is diagnosed • A multigenerational approach should be considered for parents who have ADHD and who care for children with ADHD • In the patient’s case, by addressing her own ADHD issues, she also felt she could be a better parent to her daughter with ADHD Performance in Practice: Confessions of a Psychopharmacologist • What could have been done better here? – Perhaps ADHD could have been recognized earlier – Perhaps CBT could have been implemented earlier – Perhaps she should have been more actively engaged or have had more serious discussions about smoking cessation already • Possible action item for improvement in practice – Make a concerted effort to keep contact with low cost CBT resources in the community – Make a more concerted effort to encourage smoking cessation Tips and Pearls • Prescribing stimulants to an ADHD patient is very much like tailoring a “bespoke” treatment, one case at a time • That is, some patients respond very differently to amphetamine than
  • 24. they do to methylphenidate • Many patients respond very differently to one controlled dosage pattern versus another • Look for comorbidities in adult ADHD, including both anxiety disorders and substance dependence/abuse (especially smoking) • True remission means reduction not just in symptoms of ADHD, but in the comorbid conditions as well Downloaded from by IP on Fri Apr 17 14:39:41 UTC 2020 Stahl Online © 2020 Cambridge University Press. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. PATIENT FILE 161 Two-Minute Tute: A brief lesson and psychopharmacology tutorial (tute) with relevant background material for this case – ADHD rating scales for adults – Contributions of genetics to ADHD Table 1: Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS-v1.1) Symptom Checklist Instructions Downloaded from by IP on Fri Apr 17 14:39:41 UTC 2020 Stahl Online © 2020 Cambridge University Press.
  • 25. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. 162 PATIENT FILE Downloaded from by IP on Fri Apr 17 14:39:41 UTC 2020 Stahl Online © 2020 Cambridge University Press. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. 163 PATIENT FILE Downloaded from by IP on Fri Apr 17 14:39:41 UTC 2020 Stahl Online © 2020 Cambridge University Press. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. PATIENT FILE 164 Figure 1: Average Genetic Contribution of ADHD Based on Twin Studies
  • 26. ADHD is one of the most genetically loaded medical or psychiatric conditions, higher than schizophrenia, asthma or breast cancer. Posttest Self Assessment Question: Answer Patients with comorbid ADHD and anxiety should in general not be prescribed stimulants A True B False Answer: B References 1. Franke B, Neale BM, and Faraone SV. Genome-wide association studies in ADHD. Hum Genet 2009; 126(1): 13–50 2. Haberstick BC, Timberlake D, Hopfer CJ et al. Genetic and environmental contributions to retrospectively reported DSM-IV childhood attention defi cit hyperactivity disorder. Psychol Med 2008; 38(7): 1057–66 3. McLoughlin G, Ronald A, Kuntsi J et al. Genetic support for the dual nature of attention defi cit hyperactivity disorder: substantial genetic overlap between the inattentive and hyperactive- impulsive components. J Abnorm Child Psychol 2007; 35(6): 999–1008 4. Todd RD, Rasmussen ER, Neuman RJ et al. Familiality and
  • 27. heritability of subtypes of attention defi cit hyperactivity disorder in a population sample of adolescent female twins. Am J Psychiatry 2001; 158(11): 1891–8 5. Faraone SV, Advances in the genetics and neurobiology of attention defi cit hyperactivity disorder, Biol Psychiatry 2006; 60: 1025– 7 Twin studies: ADHD is genetic Hudziak, 2000 Nadder, 1998 Levy, 1997 Sherman, 1997 Silberg, 1996 Gjone, 1996 Thapar, 1995 Schmitz, 1995 Edelbrock, 1992 Gillis, 1992 Goodman, 1989 Willerman, 1973 Breast cancer Asthma Schizophrenia Height Average genetic contribution of ADHD based on twin studies ADHD
  • 28. mean 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Downloaded from by IP on Fri Apr 17 14:39:41 UTC 2020 Stahl Online © 2020 Cambridge University Press. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. PATIENT FILE 165 6. Stahl SM, Stahl’s Illustrated Attention Defi cit Hyperactivity Disorder, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2009 7. Stahl SM, Attention Defi cit Hyperactivity Disorder and its Treatment, in Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology, 3rd edition, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2008, pp 863–98 8. Stahl SM, Atomoxetine, in Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology The Prescriber’s Guide, 3rd edition, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2009, pp 51–5 9. Stahl SM, d,l methylphenidate, in Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology The Prescriber’s Guide, 3rd edition, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2009, pp 329–35
  • 29. 10. Stahl SM, Mixed Salts of d,l Amphetamine, in Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology The Prescriber’s Guide, 3rd edition, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2009, pp 39–44 11. Stahl SM, Paroxetine, in Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology The Prescriber’s Guide, 3rd edition, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2009, pp 409–15 Downloaded from by IP on Fri Apr 17 14:39:41 UTC 2020 Stahl Online © 2020 Cambridge University Press. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution.