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Asst. Prof. Dr. Salaheddin Sabri.
Group 2
Prepared by
Aya Ahmed: 20161692 ; Imran Khan Mohammad: 20156471
Subject Slide No
1. Introduction ……………………………………………… 4
1.1 Background …..………………………………………… 6
2. Materials …………………………...………………… 11
2.1 Nano Cement Particles ………………………………………….. 16
2.2. Nano Silica ……………………………………………. 24
2.3. Carbon Nano Tubes ……………………………………………. 32
2.4. Polycarboxylates ……………………………………………. 35
2.5. Titanium Oxide ……………………………………………. 38
3. Mix Design ……………………………………………. 42
Subject Slide No
4. Properties ….……………………………………… 50
4.1 Workability ……………………………………….. 50
4.2 Strength ………………………………………… 57
4.3 Durability ……………………………………….. 59
5. Application ………………………………………..… 65
6. Cost Analysis ..……………………………………….. 69
7. Advantages & Disadvantage …………………………. 71
8. Conclusion ………………………………………….. 77
9. References ………………………………………….. 78
1. Introduction
“Nano concrete made with High-Energy Mixing (HEM) is indeed
real Nano concrete because this method builds up C-S-H gel
starting from Nano particles and spreading them over full volume
of concrete for 3-5 min of HEM. Thus it is the “Bottom-up”
approach in nanotechnology of concrete” [1]
Where HEM is a kind of reactor designed to give a functional design
to dry particles using a mechano chemical process. The particles
are brought into contact with each other in such a way that stable
coatings, compound particles or changes to the particle shape
come into being. [2]
1. Introduction
 A concrete made with Portland cement particles that are less than
50mm as a cementing agent. When matter is controlled at the
Nano scale, the following fundamental properties can change:
Mechanical; Thermal; Electrical; Magnetic; Chemical reactivity.
 Currently cement particle sizes range from a few Nano-meters to a
maximum of about 100 micro meters.
 A reaction between the cement and water yields calcium silicate
hydrate, which gives concrete strength.
Much analysis of concrete is being done at the Nano-level in order to
understand its structure. Such analysis uses various techniques
developed for study at that scale such as Atomic Force Microscopy
(AFM), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Focused Ion
Beam (FIB).
Concrete ills such as alkali-silica reactivity (ASR) and delayed
stringier formation, the bane of concrete highways and bridges,
are being explored at the molecular level using neutron-scattering
technology and other processes.
1.1 Background
For the Development of Nano Structures, It should be able:
A. To understand the interactions in Nano scale.
B. To see the structures in Nano scale.
C. To form, process, and combine the Nano structure.
Nano engineering of concrete can take place in one or more of the
three locations such as (a) in the solid phases, (b) in the liquid
phases, or (c) at the interfaces between liquid–solid and solid–
solid (Garboczi, 2009)
Fig No 1: Biggest risks and barriers to Nanotechnology in construction
1.1 Background
Overall ROI
Lack of
Research going
1.1 Background
Current State:
• R&D surging: Global Nano R&D
~$6-9 Billion
• Nano patents in the U.S. to date:
4,000 (nearly 50% of the world)
• Over $50 Billion in Nano-
products sold in 2006
Near Future:
• Estimated Market: $2.6 Trillion
by 2014 .
• By 2015 15% of global
manufacturing will use Nano.
Fig 2 & 3: showing R & D Growth.
There are two different approaches in Nano scale process:
 The first one is to form Nano scale structure by reducing the size
of the structure. Top-down approach
 The other one is to form the desired material by starting from
atom and molecule. Bottom-up approach. The techniques for
analysis of concrete at nano scale are:
A. AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy).
B. SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy).
C. FIB (Focused Ion Beam). [3]
Fig No 4: Approaches Nano Scale.
The addition of nano fine particles can improve the properties of concrete
due to the effect increased surface area has on reactivity and through
filling the nano pores of the cement paste.
Types of materials used in Nano Concrete are listed below:
 Nano Cement Particles.
 Nano Silica (nano-SiO2).
 Carbon Nano tubes.
 Polycarboxylates.
 Titanium oxide (nano-TiO2).
 Nano-silica and nano-titanium dioxide are probably the most
reported additives used in Nano-modified concrete. Nano-
materials can improve the compressive strength and ductility of
concrete. Carbon nano-tubes or nano-fibers (CNT-CNF) have also
been used to modify strength, modulus and ductility of concretes.
 CNFs can act as bridges across voids and cracks that ensure load
transfer in tension. Ultra high-performance concretes (UHPC)
used in current practice and has mainly been developed using
some type of nano-modification or the use of an admixture
developed using nanotechnology methods.
Some of the ways nanotechnology can be used to affect concrete
include modifying the cement properties through nano-
modification, modifying the cement paste itself through
admixtures, or affecting the concrete mixture using nano-porous
thin film (NPTF) coatings for the aggregates themselves.
Durability of concretes can also be improved through reduced
permeability and improved shrinkage properties. These effects can
be accomplished through nano-modified cements or the use of
nano-developed additives to the paste.
Mechanical Properties
Nano-scale particles are characterized by a high surface area-to-
volume ratio and many are highly reactive (Figure 5). Most of the
concrete-related research to date has been conducted with nano-
silica (nano-SiO2)[Bjornstrom et al., 2004; Kuo, 2006].
Nanotitanium oxide (nano-TiO2) (Li, 2006, 2007). A few studies
on incorporation of nano-iron (nano-Fe2O3) (Li, 2004), nano-
alumina (nano-Al2O3) (Li, 2006), and nano-clay particles (Chang,
2007; Kuo, 2006) have also been reported.
2. Materials
Fig No 5: Particle size and specific surface area related to concrete material.
2. 1 Nano Cement Particles
Measuring of mechanical properties of cementitious materials at the nanoscale
is still an emerging science. Considering the sizes of ITZ and capillary pores, a
spatial resolution of about 1 μm, which was thought to be the minimum for
nanoindentation, is required (Kim et al., 2010). Ultrasonic AFM (AFAM) was
used to characterize the cement paste in order to achieve this
Manufacture of nano-sized cement particles and the development of nano-
binders (Lee, 2005; Sobolev, 2005) is another area where limited numbers of
investigations have been carried out (Figure 6).
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micro structural studies of mortar
specimens with and without nano-particles have revealed the mechanisms for
improved performance with nano-SiO2.
When a small quantity of nano-particles is uniformly dispersed in a cement
paste, the hydrated products of cement deposit on the nano-particles due to
their higher surface energy
2. 1 Nano Cement Particles
Figure 6 : Representing spherical nano-SiO2 particles of uniform distribution observed using
TEM (Sanchez and Sobolev, 2010).
2. 1 Nano Cement Particles
Nucleation of hydration products on nano-particles further promotes and
accelerates cement hydration (Bjornstrom et al., 2004; Lin, 2008). The addition
of colloidal silica resulted acceleration of C3S dissolution and rapid formation
of C-S-H phase in cement paste.
The other mechanisms of improved performance are that: (a) nano articles fill
the nano size pores of the cement paste, and (b) nano-SiO2 reacts with
Ca(OH)2 (i.e., pozzolanic reaction) and generates additional C-S-H (Sobolev,
2005; Jo, 2007). Both processes are influenced by the particle size and the
proper dispersion of the nano-particles within the cement paste, with colloidal
dispersions being more effective than the powder (Gaitero et al., 2010). A
reduction in Ca(OH)2 content and increase in C-S-H content in cement
mortar as a result of nano-SiO2 addition was noticed through tests.
2. 1 Nano Cement Particles
With the addition of 3% (by weight) of nano-SiO2, significant improvement of
early-age interfacial transition zone (ITZ) structure with respect to reduction
in content, crystal orientation degree, and crystal size of portlandite crystals
was reported by (Qing et al., 2003).
An increase of chemically combined water content and heat of hydration and a
decrease of CH content in presence of nanometer-sized SiO2 powder was
reported by Lu et al. (2006). The micro structural studies by NMR, BET, and
MIP indicated that portland cement composites with nano-silica produce more
solid, dense, and stable bonding framework (Shih et al.,2006). In another study
(Dolado et al., 2005), it is reported that the improvement in strength due to
nano-silica addition was not related to pozzolanic reaction, but due to the
formation of denser microstructures through growth of silica chains in C-S-H.
2. 1 Nano Cement Particles
Silica nano particles modify the ITZ of cement mortar in four
different ways, i.e., (a) acting as nucleation site, (b) generating
more C-S-H through pozzolanic reaction that is also more
dispersed through a nucleation effect, (c) controlling
crystallization, and (d) improving the micro filling effect (Hosseini
et al., 2010). The effect of nano particles at early ages (especially in
the first 3 days) is more noticeable than with other curing ages.
The ultra high reactivity of nano silica particles contributes to the
promotion of hydration reaction and also expedites the pozzolanic
2. 1 Nano Cement Particles
A combined effect of the above mechanisms produces a uniform dense
microstructure with improvement not only in the cement paste but also
in the ITZ.
A few studies have shown that nano-TiO2 can accelerate the early-age
hydration of portland cement (Jayapalan et al., 2010), improve
compressive and flexural strengths (Li H et al., 2007).
Conduction calorimeter based test results (Sato and Diallo, 2010)
indicated that the addition of nano-CaCO3 significantly accelerated the
rate of heat development and shortened the induction period of C3S
hydration. It was proposed that nano-CaCO3 either broke down the
protective layer on C3S grains during hydration to shorten the
induction period, or accelerated C-S-H nucleation (i.e., seeding effect).
2. 1 Nano Cement Particles
Compressive strength of the concrete increased with increasing
specific surface area of nano fume (20 m2/g to 130 m2/g). Nano
fume with a specific surface area between 30 m2/g to and 50 m2/g
was recommended for the preparation of a concrete with
compressive strength of 120 MPa.
NanoAl2O3 was found to be very effective in increasing the
modulus of elasticity of cement mortar. With 5% of nanoAl2O3
(approximately 150 nm average particle size), the elastic modulus
increased by 143% at 28 days, whereas the increase of compressive
strength was not very obvious (Zhenhua et al., 2006).
2. 1 Nano Cement Particles
The effect of synthetic nano-ZrO2 powder addition in cement on
the strength development of portland cement paste was studied by
Fan et al.(2004). Reduction in porosity and permeability,
enhancement in compressive strength, and improvement in
microstructure of cement paste were observed due to the addition
of nano-ZrO2 powder in cement. Both pore filling and bridging
action were identified as possible mechanisms for improvement.
2.2 Nano Silica
2.2. Nano Silica: It is the first Nano product that has replaced Micro-
Silica. Advancement made by the study of concrete at Nano scale
have proved Nano Silica much better than silica used in
conventional concrete.
Fig 7. Nano-SiO2 particles of uniform distribution observed using TEM
2. 2 Nano Silica
Silicon dioxide nano particles, also known as silica nano particles or
nano-silica, are the basis for a great deal of biomedical research due to
their stability, low toxicity and ability to be functionalized with a range
of molecules and polymers.
Nano-silica particles are divided into P-type and S-type according to
their structure. The P-type particles are characterized by numerous
nano pores having a pore rate of 0.61 ml/g. The S-type particles have a
comparatively smaller surface area. The P-type nano-silica particles
exhibit a higher ultraviolet reflectivity when compared to the S-type.
Silicon belongs to Block P, Period 3 while oxygen belongs to Block P,
Period 2 of the periodic table.
2.2. Nano Silica
Properties of Nano Silica:
 High compressive strengths concretes ( 15 MPa and 75 MPa at 1
day; 40 MPa and 90 MPa at 28 days and 48 MPa and 120 MPa at
120 days.)
 High workability with reduced water/cement ratio.
 Fills up all the micro pores and micro spaces.
 Cement saving up to 35-45 %.
 Increases Viscosity of fluid phase.
 Reacts with calcium hydroxide = CSH all mechanical properties
are controlled by CSH which is Nano-structured material.
 Improves Hydration process.
2.2. Nano Silica
Fig 1: Shows Chemical Data of Nano Silica
Fig 2: Shows Chemical composition of Nano Silica
2.2. Nano Silica
Physical Properties
Silicon dioxide nano particles appear in the form of a white powder.
The table below provides the physical properties of these nano
Fig 3: Shows Physical Properties of Nano Silica [Source: AZoNano]
2.2. Nano Silica
Table 4: Shows Physical Properties of Nano Silica
The Physical Properties of Nano silica: Grey in color with specific gravity of 2.2
2.3 Carbon Nano Tubes
2.3 Carbon Nano tubes: Carbon Nano tubes are molecular-scale
tubes of graphitic carbon with outstanding properties. They can be
several millimeters in length and can have one “layer” or wall
(single walled Nano tube) or more than one wall (multi walled
Nano tube).
Fig 8: Single walled Carbon Nano Tube.
Fig 9: Multi walled Carbon Nano Tube. Fig 10 Carbon Nano tube structure.
2. 3. Carbon Nano Tubes
The economic impact of carbon nano tube/cement composite materials is
restricted by the high expense of the carbon nano tubes. Even at very low rates
of addition, current prices of carbon nano tubes are high enough that the
production of significant composite structures is cost prohibitive.
2. 3. Carbon Nano Tubes
Properties of Carbon Nano Tubes:
 Carbon Nano Tubes are highly flexible.
 Mechanically carbon Nano tubes appear to be the strongest material.
 The smaller Diameter.
 Stiffest and Strongest fibers.
 Reduces porosity of the CSH phase resulting increase in Young’s
 Increase Flexural strength.
 Increase in compressive Strength and durability.
 Autogenously shrinkage.
2. 3. Carbon Nano Tubes
Mechanical Properties of Concrete
Concrete is a brittle material with a cement paste binder having a
pore structure that contains micro (200 MPa ultimate strength),
but is generally weak in tension and flexure.
The results of mechanical testing of OPC/CNT composites have
been highly variable, with some tests producing significant
improvements in compressive strength, Young’s modulus and
hardness, while others giving inconsequential changes in
compressive strength or significant decreases in Young’s modulus.
2. 3. Carbon Nano Tubes
The best observed performances include a 50% increase in
compressive strength in a MWCNT sample, over 600%
improvement in Vickers’s hardness at early ages of hydration for a
SWCNT sample [69] and a 227% increase in Young’s modulus for
a MWCNT composite sample. Results to date have not
convincingly shown improved flexural strength, with those
samples showing improvements having too short an aspect ratio to
give purely flexural behavior.
2. 4. Polycarboxylates
2.3 Polycarboxylates: Polycarboxylates or polymer based concrete
admixtures are High Range Water Reducing admixture (HRWR).
low dosage-reduce water as much as high dosage of conventional
admixtures. Higher dosage-produce Self Compacting Concrete
(SCC). This admixture type is very suitable for underwater anti-
washout concrete.
Fig 11: Polycarboxylates
2. 4. Polycarboxylates
Properties of Polycarboxylates: Resistance to compression - 40 to 90MPa in
one day. Resistance to compression from 70 a 100 MPa (or more) in 28
 Produces high resistance even with low addition (1 to 1.5 % of the
cements weight) and gives self compacting characteristics with higher
proportions (2.5 %).
 Meets the norms of environmental protection.
 70% less use of additives as traditional silica, super plasticizers or
traditional fibres.
2. 4. Polycarboxylates
Table 5. Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Polycarboxylate
2. 5. Titanium Oxide
2.4 Titanium oxide: The use of this material initiated as a white
pigment in the early 20th century due to its high refractive index,
replacing toxic lead oxides.
The unique properties have widened the application of TiO2 to smog
abatement, self-cleaning, biocidal capacities, and indoor air quality
enhancement by volatile organic compounds (VOCs) removal.
Moreover, the use of TiO2 received a great attention due to its
chemical/biological stability, ease of production, relatively low
cost, and being safe for the environment [8].
2.5 Titanium oxide
Titanium oxide properties: TiO2 nano particles decreased the
compressive strength after 28 days of curing; however, the
permeability of concrete was lowered. Moreover, it seems that by
adding TiO2 nano particles up to 4wt% of the cement the
mechanical and physical properties of concrete may improve.
The finished construction can become self-cleaning (in the rain) and
depending on the concentration, the photo catalytic action
can also decompose NOx, VOCs, in atmosphere.
Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) conforming to ASTM C150
standard was used as received. Chemical and physical properties of
used cement are according to the standards.
SiO2 nano particles with average particle size of 30 nm and 45 m2/g
Blaine fineness produced from WINLAB laboratory chemicals, UK
was used as received.
3. Mix Design
With the advent of Nano technology, materials have been developed that
can be applied to high performance concrete mix designs.
Nano-concrete, or Nano modification, of cement-based materials implies
adding Nano-size cement additives in the mixing procedure, to
enhance and control some of the properties of the material, including
hydration, performance, and degradation process. Depending on the
desired final properties, the additives can be classified as Nano-
particles, super plasticizers, or Nano reinforcements.
3. Mix Design
The mix design prescribes, relationships which has been developed
to distinguish the benefits, when using different sizes of Nano
silica in cement paste.
Nano silica reacts with calcium hydroxide (CH) to develop more of
the strength carrying structure of cement: calcium silica hydrate
Through the experiments the heat of hydration of multiple cement
mix designs was measured.
3. Mix design
Crushed limestone aggregates, as well as sand free of alkali-reactive
materials were used to insure producing durable Concretes; the
aggregates were mixed by percentages of 31% for coarse aggregate,
and 35% for fines by volume. A polycarboxylate with a
polyethylene condensate de-foamed based admixture (Glenium
C315 SCC) was used.
Coarse Aggregate
Fine Aggregate
Nano Silica
1% Air-entrained
3. Mix design
Fig No 11: Showing composition of Concrete Mix.
3. Mix design
Table 6: According to ASTM C150 concrete mix design (M40)
3. Mix design
Samples preparation: A total of 20 mixtures were prepared as shown
in table 4. Sets of 6 cubes (15 x 15 x 15 Cm3) were cast to perform
compression strength tests after 7, and 28 days of water curing.
Cubes were consolidated in accordance to ASTM C 192 in three
layers on a vibrating table, where each layer was vibrated for 10
seconds, and then the specimens were de-molded after 24 hours
and cured in normal free water at room temperature until the day
of testing.
3. Mix design
Five SP percentages are used in order to perform the mentioned
investigation; 0%, 0.44%, 0.66%, 0.73%, and 0.88%, while four
NS substitution percentages are used in parallel; 0%, 1%, 2%, and
3%. The constituents of the 20 mixtures are presented in table 3.
Preparation of mixtures was performed in the following sequence: (a)
Weighing components, (b) mixing the solid components inside a
turn tilt mixer for 1 min, (c) adding sonicated nano silica with a
portion of water and mixing for 1 min, (d) adding super plasticizer
into the rest of water for helping dispersing the nano silica, and
(e) finally mechanical mixing for 2.5 min.
3. Mix design
Table 7: mixtures components (kg) per 1 m3.
Where S.P is Super Plasticizer & N.S is Nano Silica
4. Properties
Table 8: Choice of slump according to requirement of construction
4.1 workability
4.1 Workability
Effect of changing SP% on slump of different nano silica concrete mixes:
 Saturation dosage of super plasticizer can be defined as the dosage
beyond which higher contents of super plasticizer do not increase the
slump value significantly.
 Increasing the super plasticizer dosage beyond the saturation point
induced substantial bleeding and segregation for the control, and the
1% nano silica (NS1) mixes, while by increasing the nano silica
addition above 1% (mixes NS2, and NS3), the nano silica acted as anti-
bleeding and neither bleeding nor segregation occurred.
4.1 Workability
 This can be attributed that by increasing nano silica content, more
silica particles got adsorbed on the “ettringite phase” [Ettringite is
a hydrous calcium aluminium sulfate mineral with formula:
Ca6Al2(SO4)3(OH) 12· 26H2O. It is a colorless to yellow mineral
crystallizing in the trigonal system.] of cement hydration and so
more un adsorbed polymers are found free and thus resistance
occurring when two neighboring polymers approach each other,
this resistance increase with the increase of super plasticizer
beyond the saturation point where the un adsorbed polymers
increases thus increasing viscosity. As mentioned by (yamada
4.1 Workability
 At low super plasticizer doses, as the nano silica addition increases the
slump results decreased and this can be attributed to the increase of the
attractive forces that are predominant over the hydrodynamic forces
exerted by the flow field and, therefore, the formation of aggregations
takes place.
 While by increasing the dosage the hydrodynamic forces become
higher and overcome the attractive inter-particle forces leading to
breakdown of aggregations into small particles. Consequently, the
liquid entrapped within aggregations is gradually released, thus
increasing workability.
4.1 Workability
The addition of silica nano-particles has important implications for
the hydration kinetics and the microstructure of the paste such as
(a) an increase in the initial hydration rate, (b) an increase of the
amount of C-S-H gel in the paste through pozzolanic reaction, (c)
reduction of porosity, (d) improvement in the mechanical
properties of the C-S-H gel itself (e.g., greater alumina-content,
longer silicate chains) (Gaitero et al., 2010). Sum of these factors
resulted in pastes with 30% more compressive strength.
4.1 Workability
Samples with nano-silica showed almost twice the amount of high-
stiffness C-S-H as the sample with silica fume. The addition of nano-
silica particles (5 to 70nm, synthesized by using sol-gel method) along
with super plasticizing admixture in portland cement mortar resulted
compressive strength to reach up to 63.9 MPa and 95.9 MPa at the
ages of 1 day and 28 days, respectively (Flores et al., 2010) and flexural
strength of 23.5 MPa at 28 days.
Research showed that the compressive and flexural strengths of cement
mortars containing SiO2 and Fe2O3 nano particles were both higher
than those of plain cement mortar (Li et al.,2004; L. Hui, 2004). The
experimental results show that the compressive strengths of mortars
with nano-silica (NS) were all higher than those of mortars containing
silica fume at 7 and 28 days.
4.1 Workability
An addition of 10% nano-SiO2 with dispersing agents resulted in a
26% increase of 28 day compressive strength whereas the increase
was 10% with 15% silica fume (H. Li et al., 2004) without
dispersing agents. Other research showed that the addition of
small amounts of NS (i.e., 0.25%) caused 10% increase of
compressive strength and 25% increase of flexural strength at 28
days (Sobolev et al., 2009).
4.2 Strength
4.2 Strength: The results conclude that regardless of the nano silica
percentage used, the higher compressive strength results were
reached at, or around saturation dosage (0.66%), this finding was
also mentioned. [13]
The highest compressive strength result of all 20 mixes were reached
using 3% NS, and 0.73% SP. The early and late compressive
strengths were 540 kg/cm2, and 634 kg/cm2 respectively. The use
of 3% NS, and 0.73% SP increased the late compressive strength
by 135% than the non plasticized control mix.
4.2 Strength
 No matter the nano silica % used is the early strength results
proved to be highly correlated to the late strength and the values
exceeding 95% for all mixes as it can be seen using the
 The concrete fresh and hardened behavior cannot be predictable
when SP saturation dosage is exceeded. We can finally conclude
that to ensure adequate concrete fresh and hardened behavior, a
percentage close to super plasticizer's saturation point should be
4.3 Durability
4.3 Durability:
The materials used in this research were cement type I, nano silica 10
- 150 nm, quartz powder in 0.3 - 25.0 Pm, fine sand (quartz of
sand) size of 50 - 650 Pm, coarse aggregate in 5 - 10 mm, and
super plasticizer. The mechanisms are discussed by which the
incorporation of nano materials in concrete enhances durability to
sulfate attack. Application of nanotechnology is an effective way to
reduce environment pollution and improve durability of concrete.
4.3 Durability
Water permeability resistance and 28-days compressive strength of
concrete were improved by using Nano silica, addition of nano-Silica
into high-strength concrete leads to an increase of both short-term
strength and long-term strength.
Nano indentation studies have shown that the volume fraction of the
high stiffness C-S-H gel increased significantly with addition of nano-
silica (Mondal et al., 2010), which significantly improves concrete
It is expected that permeability (with respect to gas, liquid, ionic
movement) of concrete with nano-SiO2 should be low enough to
increase its durability and service life
4.3 Durability
Incorporation of 1.5% of nano-silica with average particle size of
15 nm has caused a decrease in water penetration depth, gas
permeability, and diffusion depth.
The water permeability test showed that the nano-SiO2 concrete
has lower water permeability than the normal concrete.
Use of calcium carbonate particles with surface area ≥10 m2/g in
mortar and concrete to improve hardened properties such as high
permeability to water vapor but low permeability to liquid water
was observed.
4.3 Durability
Nano-clay particles have shown promise in enhancing the mechanical
performance, the resistance to chloride penetration, and the self-
compacting properties of concrete and in reducing permeability.
Nano clay particles have shown promise in reducing shrinkage of
Alkali–aggregate reactions have been studied at nano scale (Bernabeu
et al., 2005). Insitu and ex-situ experiments on the alkali dissolution of
mica have been carried out with an atomic force microscope (AFM).
The cleavage properties of mica make it extremely suitable for nano
scale surface evolution studies. Crystal growth on the basal [001]
surface of muscovite has been quantitatively monitored in order to gain
insights on the kinetics and mechanisms of silicate dissolution and
precipitation reactions in an alkali environment.
4.3 Durability
The moisture and drying resistance of a novel cement-based nano-
composite, polymer intercalated–exfoliated (PIE) cement, has
been studied by Qiao et al. (2006). The effects of the post-
processing treatment procedure and the nano-filler content are
discussed in this study. The experimental results indicate that the
flexure strength of the PIE cement is higher than that of ordinary
portland cements by more than an order of magnitude and is quite
insensitive to the humidity level.
Final Results
The most desirable NS and SP % were determined. The results showed
that regardless of the used NS percentage, the higher compressive
strength results were reached at, or around SP observed saturation
dosage (0.66% by weight cement).
 Nanotechnology might hold the key to a sustainable development.
Nano-TiO2, has photo catalytic properties, which makes it a
promising material in reducing atmospheric harmful nitrogen
oxides as well as volatile organic compounds. This novel
application holds potential as a sustainable development, along
with nano modification of cementitious materials.[2]
Location : Buchanan County, Iowa
Construction year : 2006
Description : Lowa bridge Concrete mix consist of cement, and nano silica (1%
of volume), low water-cement ratio (0.15) mix. Compressive strengths of
18,000 psi to 30,000 psi was be achieved, Beam capacity was verified by flexure
and shear tests on a 71-ft (21.6-m) long prestressed bulb-tee beam that was
tested by the Bridge Engineering Center at Iowa State University.
Fig 12: Buchanan County, Iowa bridge
Name : Jubilee church
Location : Tor Tre Teste, Rome
Construction year : 2003
Description : Three curved shell
walls, or ‘sails, soar to height of
nearly 90 fts above the building.
Tio2 (3% of volume) as
material used in concrete.
Fig 13: Jubilee Church
Fig No 13: Philharmonie de Paris building
Name : Philharmonie de Paris building
Location : Paris
Construction Year : 2015
Description : Perhaps this explains the Nouvel-designed sign age that rises above the
building’s 37 meter's were Nano concrete using Tio2 (3%) mix was used.
6. Cost Analysis
Fig 4: Comparison and cost analysis
Carbon Nano tubes cost analysis
• Heralded as one of the “Top ten advances in
materials science” over the last 50 years, Materials
Today, 2008.
• Sales of carbon nano tubes projected to
exceed $2B, >103 metric tons annually in the next
4 - 7 years.
• Major use – electronics and composites.
• Enhanced strength, stiffness
and toughness without added
• Improved durability
• Increased functionality
• Reduced flammability
Cost Analysis
Fig 14: Carbon Nano Tube
7. Advantages & Disadvantages.
Opportunities for Nano-concrete:
 Material (55% of Initial Cost)
 Labor (45% of Initial Cost)
• Decrease schedules by 20%
Properties :
 Tougher
 Density (Weight)
 Low ductility, weak in tension
 Durability (Cracking)
Environmental load
 CO2 < 10%
Smog eating, reduce pollution by
Fig No15: Showing the Nano Structure
Advantages & Disadvantages
 Low maintenance.
 Reduces the thermal transfer rate.
 Increasing the sound absorption of acoustic absorber.
 Improve segregation resistance.
 Fix micro cracking.
 Corrosion resistance.
 Low life cycle cost.
 Cessation of contamination caused by micro silica solid particles.
 Concrete with good workability.
 Cessation of super plasticizing utilization.
Advantages & Disadvantages
 Accelerates the hydration.
 Better bond between aggregates and cement paste.
 Improves the toughness, shear, tensile strength and flexural
strength of concrete.
 In order to improve material Bulk Properties.
 Ability to control or manipulate materials at the atomic scale.
Nano scale attack on ASR (alkali silicate reactions).
Advantages & Disadvantages
 To obtain thinner final products and faster setting time.
 Lowered levels of environmental contamination.
 This could contribute to sustainability in terms of lower CO2
emissions by ameliorating cement compositions. Nano-sized
cement particles or nano binders have been proposed as one way
of improving cement performance while reducing atmospheric
CO2 emissions during cement production by lowering clinkering
Advantages & Disadvantages
Nano silica and clinker used to
increase densification and hence
mechanical properties and durability
of cementitious materials.
Service life can be doubled through
the use of nano-additive viscosity
enhancers which reduce diffusion of
harmful agents in concrete (patent
Photocatalytic TiO2 added to concrete
to reduce carbon monoxide and NOx
emissions on roadways.
Fig No 15: Showing the Nano Silica mix in
concrete Clinker
Advantages & Disadvantages
Required a lot of energy.
Nano tubes might cause a lung problem.
Corporations’ investment in current equipment – Lack of properly
trained personnel and cost of training – Lack of Understanding
(F.E.A.R – False Expectations Appearing Real)
Cost of Commercialization
The research is in it’s early stage yet.
8. Conclusion
 It is necessary to reduce the size of concrete researches which have
been concentrated on macro-structure at the present time, and to
control the hydration reactions by nanotechnology.
 The properties of concrete are improved by the use of nano
powders, and the behavior of concrete is determined by the
observation of microstructure with the help of some nano
materials which can be defined as nano sensors.
9. References
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5. Lee, B.Y. and K.E. Kurtis, Proposed acceleratory effect of TiO2
nanoparticles on belite hydration: Preliminary results. Journal Of The
American Ceramic Society, 2012. 95(1): p. 365-368.
6. Byungwan Jo, Changhyun Kim, Ghiho Tae & Jongbin Park.
''Characteristics of Cement Mortar with Nanosio2 Particles''.
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Research. Vol. 18, Pp. 351-362, 1988.
Thanks for Your Attention and valuable time.

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Nano Concrete

  • 1. Asst. Prof. Dr. Salaheddin Sabri. Group 2 Prepared by Aya Ahmed: 20161692 ; Imran Khan Mohammad: 20156471 02/12/2016
  • 2. Subject Slide No 1. Introduction ……………………………………………… 4 1.1 Background …..………………………………………… 6 2. Materials …………………………...………………… 11 2.1 Nano Cement Particles ………………………………………….. 16 2.2. Nano Silica ……………………………………………. 24 2.3. Carbon Nano Tubes ……………………………………………. 32 2.4. Polycarboxylates ……………………………………………. 35 2.5. Titanium Oxide ……………………………………………. 38 3. Mix Design ……………………………………………. 42
  • 3. Subject Slide No 4. Properties ….……………………………………… 50 4.1 Workability ……………………………………….. 50 4.2 Strength ………………………………………… 57 4.3 Durability ……………………………………….. 59 5. Application ………………………………………..… 65 6. Cost Analysis ..……………………………………….. 69 7. Advantages & Disadvantage …………………………. 71 8. Conclusion ………………………………………….. 77 9. References ………………………………………….. 78
  • 4. 1. Introduction “Nano concrete made with High-Energy Mixing (HEM) is indeed real Nano concrete because this method builds up C-S-H gel starting from Nano particles and spreading them over full volume of concrete for 3-5 min of HEM. Thus it is the “Bottom-up” approach in nanotechnology of concrete” [1] Where HEM is a kind of reactor designed to give a functional design to dry particles using a mechano chemical process. The particles are brought into contact with each other in such a way that stable coatings, compound particles or changes to the particle shape come into being. [2]
  • 5. 1. Introduction  A concrete made with Portland cement particles that are less than 50mm as a cementing agent. When matter is controlled at the Nano scale, the following fundamental properties can change: Mechanical; Thermal; Electrical; Magnetic; Chemical reactivity.  Currently cement particle sizes range from a few Nano-meters to a maximum of about 100 micro meters.  A reaction between the cement and water yields calcium silicate hydrate, which gives concrete strength.
  • 6. 1.1.Background Much analysis of concrete is being done at the Nano-level in order to understand its structure. Such analysis uses various techniques developed for study at that scale such as Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Focused Ion Beam (FIB). Concrete ills such as alkali-silica reactivity (ASR) and delayed stringier formation, the bane of concrete highways and bridges, are being explored at the molecular level using neutron-scattering technology and other processes.
  • 7. 1.1 Background For the Development of Nano Structures, It should be able: A. To understand the interactions in Nano scale. B. To see the structures in Nano scale. C. To form, process, and combine the Nano structure. Nano engineering of concrete can take place in one or more of the three locations such as (a) in the solid phases, (b) in the liquid phases, or (c) at the interfaces between liquid–solid and solid– solid (Garboczi, 2009)
  • 8. Fig No 1: Biggest risks and barriers to Nanotechnology in construction 1.1 Background Overall ROI 22% Quality/ consistency 14% Volume/Mass production issues 7% Inefficient Technology transfer 11% Lack of awareness 7% Implementation time 18% Research going on 21%
  • 9. 1.1 Background Current State: • R&D surging: Global Nano R&D ~$6-9 Billion • Nano patents in the U.S. to date: 4,000 (nearly 50% of the world) • Over $50 Billion in Nano- products sold in 2006 Near Future: • Estimated Market: $2.6 Trillion by 2014 . • By 2015 15% of global manufacturing will use Nano. Fig 2 & 3: showing R & D Growth.
  • 10. 1.1.Background There are two different approaches in Nano scale process:  The first one is to form Nano scale structure by reducing the size of the structure. Top-down approach  The other one is to form the desired material by starting from atom and molecule. Bottom-up approach. The techniques for analysis of concrete at nano scale are: A. AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy). B. SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy). C. FIB (Focused Ion Beam). [3] Fig No 4: Approaches Nano Scale.
  • 11. 2.Materials The addition of nano fine particles can improve the properties of concrete due to the effect increased surface area has on reactivity and through filling the nano pores of the cement paste. Types of materials used in Nano Concrete are listed below:  Nano Cement Particles.  Nano Silica (nano-SiO2).  Carbon Nano tubes.  Polycarboxylates.  Titanium oxide (nano-TiO2).
  • 12. 2.Materials  Nano-silica and nano-titanium dioxide are probably the most reported additives used in Nano-modified concrete. Nano- materials can improve the compressive strength and ductility of concrete. Carbon nano-tubes or nano-fibers (CNT-CNF) have also been used to modify strength, modulus and ductility of concretes.  CNFs can act as bridges across voids and cracks that ensure load transfer in tension. Ultra high-performance concretes (UHPC) used in current practice and has mainly been developed using some type of nano-modification or the use of an admixture developed using nanotechnology methods.
  • 13. 2.Materials Some of the ways nanotechnology can be used to affect concrete include modifying the cement properties through nano- modification, modifying the cement paste itself through admixtures, or affecting the concrete mixture using nano-porous thin film (NPTF) coatings for the aggregates themselves. Durability of concretes can also be improved through reduced permeability and improved shrinkage properties. These effects can be accomplished through nano-modified cements or the use of nano-developed additives to the paste.
  • 14. 2.Materials Mechanical Properties Nano-scale particles are characterized by a high surface area-to- volume ratio and many are highly reactive (Figure 5). Most of the concrete-related research to date has been conducted with nano- silica (nano-SiO2)[Bjornstrom et al., 2004; Kuo, 2006]. Nanotitanium oxide (nano-TiO2) (Li, 2006, 2007). A few studies on incorporation of nano-iron (nano-Fe2O3) (Li, 2004), nano- alumina (nano-Al2O3) (Li, 2006), and nano-clay particles (Chang, 2007; Kuo, 2006) have also been reported.
  • 15. 2. Materials Fig No 5: Particle size and specific surface area related to concrete material.
  • 16. 2. 1 Nano Cement Particles Measuring of mechanical properties of cementitious materials at the nanoscale is still an emerging science. Considering the sizes of ITZ and capillary pores, a spatial resolution of about 1 μm, which was thought to be the minimum for nanoindentation, is required (Kim et al., 2010). Ultrasonic AFM (AFAM) was used to characterize the cement paste in order to achieve this Manufacture of nano-sized cement particles and the development of nano- binders (Lee, 2005; Sobolev, 2005) is another area where limited numbers of investigations have been carried out (Figure 6). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micro structural studies of mortar specimens with and without nano-particles have revealed the mechanisms for improved performance with nano-SiO2. When a small quantity of nano-particles is uniformly dispersed in a cement paste, the hydrated products of cement deposit on the nano-particles due to their higher surface energy
  • 17. 2. 1 Nano Cement Particles Figure 6 : Representing spherical nano-SiO2 particles of uniform distribution observed using TEM (Sanchez and Sobolev, 2010).
  • 18. 2. 1 Nano Cement Particles Nucleation of hydration products on nano-particles further promotes and accelerates cement hydration (Bjornstrom et al., 2004; Lin, 2008). The addition of colloidal silica resulted acceleration of C3S dissolution and rapid formation of C-S-H phase in cement paste. The other mechanisms of improved performance are that: (a) nano articles fill the nano size pores of the cement paste, and (b) nano-SiO2 reacts with Ca(OH)2 (i.e., pozzolanic reaction) and generates additional C-S-H (Sobolev, 2005; Jo, 2007). Both processes are influenced by the particle size and the proper dispersion of the nano-particles within the cement paste, with colloidal dispersions being more effective than the powder (Gaitero et al., 2010). A reduction in Ca(OH)2 content and increase in C-S-H content in cement mortar as a result of nano-SiO2 addition was noticed through tests.
  • 19. 2. 1 Nano Cement Particles With the addition of 3% (by weight) of nano-SiO2, significant improvement of early-age interfacial transition zone (ITZ) structure with respect to reduction in content, crystal orientation degree, and crystal size of portlandite crystals was reported by (Qing et al., 2003). An increase of chemically combined water content and heat of hydration and a decrease of CH content in presence of nanometer-sized SiO2 powder was reported by Lu et al. (2006). The micro structural studies by NMR, BET, and MIP indicated that portland cement composites with nano-silica produce more solid, dense, and stable bonding framework (Shih et al.,2006). In another study (Dolado et al., 2005), it is reported that the improvement in strength due to nano-silica addition was not related to pozzolanic reaction, but due to the formation of denser microstructures through growth of silica chains in C-S-H.
  • 20. 2. 1 Nano Cement Particles Silica nano particles modify the ITZ of cement mortar in four different ways, i.e., (a) acting as nucleation site, (b) generating more C-S-H through pozzolanic reaction that is also more dispersed through a nucleation effect, (c) controlling crystallization, and (d) improving the micro filling effect (Hosseini et al., 2010). The effect of nano particles at early ages (especially in the first 3 days) is more noticeable than with other curing ages. The ultra high reactivity of nano silica particles contributes to the promotion of hydration reaction and also expedites the pozzolanic reaction.
  • 21. 2. 1 Nano Cement Particles A combined effect of the above mechanisms produces a uniform dense microstructure with improvement not only in the cement paste but also in the ITZ. A few studies have shown that nano-TiO2 can accelerate the early-age hydration of portland cement (Jayapalan et al., 2010), improve compressive and flexural strengths (Li H et al., 2007). Conduction calorimeter based test results (Sato and Diallo, 2010) indicated that the addition of nano-CaCO3 significantly accelerated the rate of heat development and shortened the induction period of C3S hydration. It was proposed that nano-CaCO3 either broke down the protective layer on C3S grains during hydration to shorten the induction period, or accelerated C-S-H nucleation (i.e., seeding effect).
  • 22. 2. 1 Nano Cement Particles Compressive strength of the concrete increased with increasing specific surface area of nano fume (20 m2/g to 130 m2/g). Nano fume with a specific surface area between 30 m2/g to and 50 m2/g was recommended for the preparation of a concrete with compressive strength of 120 MPa. NanoAl2O3 was found to be very effective in increasing the modulus of elasticity of cement mortar. With 5% of nanoAl2O3 (approximately 150 nm average particle size), the elastic modulus increased by 143% at 28 days, whereas the increase of compressive strength was not very obvious (Zhenhua et al., 2006).
  • 23. 2. 1 Nano Cement Particles The effect of synthetic nano-ZrO2 powder addition in cement on the strength development of portland cement paste was studied by Fan et al.(2004). Reduction in porosity and permeability, enhancement in compressive strength, and improvement in microstructure of cement paste were observed due to the addition of nano-ZrO2 powder in cement. Both pore filling and bridging action were identified as possible mechanisms for improvement.
  • 24. 2.2 Nano Silica 2.2. Nano Silica: It is the first Nano product that has replaced Micro- Silica. Advancement made by the study of concrete at Nano scale have proved Nano Silica much better than silica used in conventional concrete. Fig 7. Nano-SiO2 particles of uniform distribution observed using TEM
  • 25. 2. 2 Nano Silica Silicon dioxide nano particles, also known as silica nano particles or nano-silica, are the basis for a great deal of biomedical research due to their stability, low toxicity and ability to be functionalized with a range of molecules and polymers. Nano-silica particles are divided into P-type and S-type according to their structure. The P-type particles are characterized by numerous nano pores having a pore rate of 0.61 ml/g. The S-type particles have a comparatively smaller surface area. The P-type nano-silica particles exhibit a higher ultraviolet reflectivity when compared to the S-type. Silicon belongs to Block P, Period 3 while oxygen belongs to Block P, Period 2 of the periodic table.
  • 26. 2.2. Nano Silica Properties of Nano Silica:  High compressive strengths concretes ( 15 MPa and 75 MPa at 1 day; 40 MPa and 90 MPa at 28 days and 48 MPa and 120 MPa at 120 days.)  High workability with reduced water/cement ratio.  Fills up all the micro pores and micro spaces.  Cement saving up to 35-45 %.  Increases Viscosity of fluid phase.  Reacts with calcium hydroxide = CSH all mechanical properties are controlled by CSH which is Nano-structured material.  Improves Hydration process.
  • 27. 2.2. Nano Silica Fig 1: Shows Chemical Data of Nano Silica Fig 2: Shows Chemical composition of Nano Silica
  • 28. 2.2. Nano Silica Physical Properties Silicon dioxide nano particles appear in the form of a white powder. The table below provides the physical properties of these nano particles. Fig 3: Shows Physical Properties of Nano Silica [Source: AZoNano]
  • 29. 2.2. Nano Silica Table 4: Shows Physical Properties of Nano Silica The Physical Properties of Nano silica: Grey in color with specific gravity of 2.2 (gr/cm3)
  • 30. 2.3 Carbon Nano Tubes 2.3 Carbon Nano tubes: Carbon Nano tubes are molecular-scale tubes of graphitic carbon with outstanding properties. They can be several millimeters in length and can have one “layer” or wall (single walled Nano tube) or more than one wall (multi walled Nano tube). Fig 8: Single walled Carbon Nano Tube.
  • 31. Fig 9: Multi walled Carbon Nano Tube. Fig 10 Carbon Nano tube structure. 2. 3. Carbon Nano Tubes The economic impact of carbon nano tube/cement composite materials is restricted by the high expense of the carbon nano tubes. Even at very low rates of addition, current prices of carbon nano tubes are high enough that the production of significant composite structures is cost prohibitive.
  • 32. 2. 3. Carbon Nano Tubes Properties of Carbon Nano Tubes:  Carbon Nano Tubes are highly flexible.  Mechanically carbon Nano tubes appear to be the strongest material.  The smaller Diameter.  Stiffest and Strongest fibers.  Reduces porosity of the CSH phase resulting increase in Young’s modulus.  Increase Flexural strength.  Increase in compressive Strength and durability.  Autogenously shrinkage.
  • 33. 2. 3. Carbon Nano Tubes Mechanical Properties of Concrete Concrete is a brittle material with a cement paste binder having a pore structure that contains micro (200 MPa ultimate strength), but is generally weak in tension and flexure. The results of mechanical testing of OPC/CNT composites have been highly variable, with some tests producing significant improvements in compressive strength, Young’s modulus and hardness, while others giving inconsequential changes in compressive strength or significant decreases in Young’s modulus.
  • 34. 2. 3. Carbon Nano Tubes The best observed performances include a 50% increase in compressive strength in a MWCNT sample, over 600% improvement in Vickers’s hardness at early ages of hydration for a SWCNT sample [69] and a 227% increase in Young’s modulus for a MWCNT composite sample. Results to date have not convincingly shown improved flexural strength, with those samples showing improvements having too short an aspect ratio to give purely flexural behavior.
  • 35. 2. 4. Polycarboxylates 2.3 Polycarboxylates: Polycarboxylates or polymer based concrete admixtures are High Range Water Reducing admixture (HRWR). low dosage-reduce water as much as high dosage of conventional admixtures. Higher dosage-produce Self Compacting Concrete (SCC). This admixture type is very suitable for underwater anti- washout concrete. Fig 11: Polycarboxylates
  • 36. 2. 4. Polycarboxylates Properties of Polycarboxylates: Resistance to compression - 40 to 90MPa in one day. Resistance to compression from 70 a 100 MPa (or more) in 28 days.  Produces high resistance even with low addition (1 to 1.5 % of the cements weight) and gives self compacting characteristics with higher proportions (2.5 %).  Meets the norms of environmental protection.  70% less use of additives as traditional silica, super plasticizers or traditional fibres.
  • 37. 2. 4. Polycarboxylates Table 5. Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Polycarboxylate
  • 38. 2. 5. Titanium Oxide 2.4 Titanium oxide: The use of this material initiated as a white pigment in the early 20th century due to its high refractive index, replacing toxic lead oxides. The unique properties have widened the application of TiO2 to smog abatement, self-cleaning, biocidal capacities, and indoor air quality enhancement by volatile organic compounds (VOCs) removal. Moreover, the use of TiO2 received a great attention due to its chemical/biological stability, ease of production, relatively low cost, and being safe for the environment [8].
  • 39. 2.5 Titanium oxide Titanium oxide properties: TiO2 nano particles decreased the compressive strength after 28 days of curing; however, the permeability of concrete was lowered. Moreover, it seems that by adding TiO2 nano particles up to 4wt% of the cement the mechanical and physical properties of concrete may improve. The finished construction can become self-cleaning (in the rain) and depending on the concentration, the photo catalytic action can also decompose NOx, VOCs, in atmosphere.
  • 40. Materials Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) conforming to ASTM C150 standard was used as received. Chemical and physical properties of used cement are according to the standards. SiO2 nano particles with average particle size of 30 nm and 45 m2/g Blaine fineness produced from WINLAB laboratory chemicals, UK was used as received.
  • 41.
  • 42. 3. Mix Design With the advent of Nano technology, materials have been developed that can be applied to high performance concrete mix designs. Nano-concrete, or Nano modification, of cement-based materials implies adding Nano-size cement additives in the mixing procedure, to enhance and control some of the properties of the material, including hydration, performance, and degradation process. Depending on the desired final properties, the additives can be classified as Nano- particles, super plasticizers, or Nano reinforcements.
  • 43. 3. Mix Design The mix design prescribes, relationships which has been developed to distinguish the benefits, when using different sizes of Nano silica in cement paste. Nano silica reacts with calcium hydroxide (CH) to develop more of the strength carrying structure of cement: calcium silica hydrate (CSH). Through the experiments the heat of hydration of multiple cement mix designs was measured.
  • 44. 3. Mix design Crushed limestone aggregates, as well as sand free of alkali-reactive materials were used to insure producing durable Concretes; the aggregates were mixed by percentages of 31% for coarse aggregate, and 35% for fines by volume. A polycarboxylate with a polyethylene condensate de-foamed based admixture (Glenium C315 SCC) was used.
  • 45. Coarse Aggregate 31% Fine Aggregate 33% Cement 25% Water 5% Nano Silica 3% Admixture 1% Air-entrained 2% 3. Mix design Fig No 11: Showing composition of Concrete Mix.
  • 46. 3. Mix design Table 6: According to ASTM C150 concrete mix design (M40)
  • 47. 3. Mix design Samples preparation: A total of 20 mixtures were prepared as shown in table 4. Sets of 6 cubes (15 x 15 x 15 Cm3) were cast to perform compression strength tests after 7, and 28 days of water curing. Cubes were consolidated in accordance to ASTM C 192 in three layers on a vibrating table, where each layer was vibrated for 10 seconds, and then the specimens were de-molded after 24 hours and cured in normal free water at room temperature until the day of testing.
  • 48. 3. Mix design Five SP percentages are used in order to perform the mentioned investigation; 0%, 0.44%, 0.66%, 0.73%, and 0.88%, while four NS substitution percentages are used in parallel; 0%, 1%, 2%, and 3%. The constituents of the 20 mixtures are presented in table 3. Preparation of mixtures was performed in the following sequence: (a) Weighing components, (b) mixing the solid components inside a turn tilt mixer for 1 min, (c) adding sonicated nano silica with a portion of water and mixing for 1 min, (d) adding super plasticizer into the rest of water for helping dispersing the nano silica, and (e) finally mechanical mixing for 2.5 min.
  • 49. 3. Mix design Table 7: mixtures components (kg) per 1 m3. Where S.P is Super Plasticizer & N.S is Nano Silica
  • 50. 4. Properties Table 8: Choice of slump according to requirement of construction 4.1 workability
  • 51. 4.1 Workability Effect of changing SP% on slump of different nano silica concrete mixes:  Saturation dosage of super plasticizer can be defined as the dosage beyond which higher contents of super plasticizer do not increase the slump value significantly.  Increasing the super plasticizer dosage beyond the saturation point induced substantial bleeding and segregation for the control, and the 1% nano silica (NS1) mixes, while by increasing the nano silica addition above 1% (mixes NS2, and NS3), the nano silica acted as anti- bleeding and neither bleeding nor segregation occurred.
  • 52. 4.1 Workability  This can be attributed that by increasing nano silica content, more silica particles got adsorbed on the “ettringite phase” [Ettringite is a hydrous calcium aluminium sulfate mineral with formula: Ca6Al2(SO4)3(OH) 12· 26H2O. It is a colorless to yellow mineral crystallizing in the trigonal system.] of cement hydration and so more un adsorbed polymers are found free and thus resistance occurring when two neighboring polymers approach each other, this resistance increase with the increase of super plasticizer beyond the saturation point where the un adsorbed polymers increases thus increasing viscosity. As mentioned by (yamada 1998).
  • 53. 4.1 Workability  At low super plasticizer doses, as the nano silica addition increases the slump results decreased and this can be attributed to the increase of the attractive forces that are predominant over the hydrodynamic forces exerted by the flow field and, therefore, the formation of aggregations takes place.  While by increasing the dosage the hydrodynamic forces become higher and overcome the attractive inter-particle forces leading to breakdown of aggregations into small particles. Consequently, the liquid entrapped within aggregations is gradually released, thus increasing workability.
  • 54. 4.1 Workability The addition of silica nano-particles has important implications for the hydration kinetics and the microstructure of the paste such as (a) an increase in the initial hydration rate, (b) an increase of the amount of C-S-H gel in the paste through pozzolanic reaction, (c) reduction of porosity, (d) improvement in the mechanical properties of the C-S-H gel itself (e.g., greater alumina-content, longer silicate chains) (Gaitero et al., 2010). Sum of these factors resulted in pastes with 30% more compressive strength.
  • 55. 4.1 Workability Samples with nano-silica showed almost twice the amount of high- stiffness C-S-H as the sample with silica fume. The addition of nano- silica particles (5 to 70nm, synthesized by using sol-gel method) along with super plasticizing admixture in portland cement mortar resulted compressive strength to reach up to 63.9 MPa and 95.9 MPa at the ages of 1 day and 28 days, respectively (Flores et al., 2010) and flexural strength of 23.5 MPa at 28 days. Research showed that the compressive and flexural strengths of cement mortars containing SiO2 and Fe2O3 nano particles were both higher than those of plain cement mortar (Li et al.,2004; L. Hui, 2004). The experimental results show that the compressive strengths of mortars with nano-silica (NS) were all higher than those of mortars containing silica fume at 7 and 28 days.
  • 56. 4.1 Workability An addition of 10% nano-SiO2 with dispersing agents resulted in a 26% increase of 28 day compressive strength whereas the increase was 10% with 15% silica fume (H. Li et al., 2004) without dispersing agents. Other research showed that the addition of small amounts of NS (i.e., 0.25%) caused 10% increase of compressive strength and 25% increase of flexural strength at 28 days (Sobolev et al., 2009).
  • 57. 4.2 Strength 4.2 Strength: The results conclude that regardless of the nano silica percentage used, the higher compressive strength results were reached at, or around saturation dosage (0.66%), this finding was also mentioned. [13] The highest compressive strength result of all 20 mixes were reached using 3% NS, and 0.73% SP. The early and late compressive strengths were 540 kg/cm2, and 634 kg/cm2 respectively. The use of 3% NS, and 0.73% SP increased the late compressive strength by 135% than the non plasticized control mix.
  • 58. 4.2 Strength  No matter the nano silica % used is the early strength results proved to be highly correlated to the late strength and the values exceeding 95% for all mixes as it can be seen using the microscope.  The concrete fresh and hardened behavior cannot be predictable when SP saturation dosage is exceeded. We can finally conclude that to ensure adequate concrete fresh and hardened behavior, a percentage close to super plasticizer's saturation point should be used.
  • 59. 4.3 Durability 4.3 Durability: The materials used in this research were cement type I, nano silica 10 - 150 nm, quartz powder in 0.3 - 25.0 Pm, fine sand (quartz of sand) size of 50 - 650 Pm, coarse aggregate in 5 - 10 mm, and super plasticizer. The mechanisms are discussed by which the incorporation of nano materials in concrete enhances durability to sulfate attack. Application of nanotechnology is an effective way to reduce environment pollution and improve durability of concrete.
  • 60. 4.3 Durability Water permeability resistance and 28-days compressive strength of concrete were improved by using Nano silica, addition of nano-Silica into high-strength concrete leads to an increase of both short-term strength and long-term strength. Nano indentation studies have shown that the volume fraction of the high stiffness C-S-H gel increased significantly with addition of nano- silica (Mondal et al., 2010), which significantly improves concrete durability. It is expected that permeability (with respect to gas, liquid, ionic movement) of concrete with nano-SiO2 should be low enough to increase its durability and service life
  • 61. 4.3 Durability Incorporation of 1.5% of nano-silica with average particle size of 15 nm has caused a decrease in water penetration depth, gas permeability, and diffusion depth. The water permeability test showed that the nano-SiO2 concrete has lower water permeability than the normal concrete. Use of calcium carbonate particles with surface area ≥10 m2/g in mortar and concrete to improve hardened properties such as high permeability to water vapor but low permeability to liquid water was observed.
  • 62. 4.3 Durability Nano-clay particles have shown promise in enhancing the mechanical performance, the resistance to chloride penetration, and the self- compacting properties of concrete and in reducing permeability. Nano clay particles have shown promise in reducing shrinkage of concrete. Alkali–aggregate reactions have been studied at nano scale (Bernabeu et al., 2005). Insitu and ex-situ experiments on the alkali dissolution of mica have been carried out with an atomic force microscope (AFM). The cleavage properties of mica make it extremely suitable for nano scale surface evolution studies. Crystal growth on the basal [001] surface of muscovite has been quantitatively monitored in order to gain insights on the kinetics and mechanisms of silicate dissolution and precipitation reactions in an alkali environment.
  • 63. 4.3 Durability The moisture and drying resistance of a novel cement-based nano- composite, polymer intercalated–exfoliated (PIE) cement, has been studied by Qiao et al. (2006). The effects of the post- processing treatment procedure and the nano-filler content are discussed in this study. The experimental results indicate that the flexure strength of the PIE cement is higher than that of ordinary portland cements by more than an order of magnitude and is quite insensitive to the humidity level.
  • 64. Final Results The most desirable NS and SP % were determined. The results showed that regardless of the used NS percentage, the higher compressive strength results were reached at, or around SP observed saturation dosage (0.66% by weight cement).
  • 65. 5.Applications  Nanotechnology might hold the key to a sustainable development. Nano-TiO2, has photo catalytic properties, which makes it a promising material in reducing atmospheric harmful nitrogen oxides as well as volatile organic compounds. This novel application holds potential as a sustainable development, along with nano modification of cementitious materials.[2]
  • 66. Application Location : Buchanan County, Iowa Construction year : 2006 Description : Lowa bridge Concrete mix consist of cement, and nano silica (1% of volume), low water-cement ratio (0.15) mix. Compressive strengths of 18,000 psi to 30,000 psi was be achieved, Beam capacity was verified by flexure and shear tests on a 71-ft (21.6-m) long prestressed bulb-tee beam that was tested by the Bridge Engineering Center at Iowa State University. Fig 12: Buchanan County, Iowa bridge
  • 67. Applications Name : Jubilee church Location : Tor Tre Teste, Rome Construction year : 2003 Description : Three curved shell walls, or ‘sails, soar to height of nearly 90 fts above the building. Tio2 (3% of volume) as material used in concrete. Fig 13: Jubilee Church
  • 68. Application Fig No 13: Philharmonie de Paris building Name : Philharmonie de Paris building Location : Paris Construction Year : 2015 Description : Perhaps this explains the Nouvel-designed sign age that rises above the building’s 37 meter's were Nano concrete using Tio2 (3%) mix was used.
  • 69. 6. Cost Analysis Fig 4: Comparison and cost analysis
  • 70. Carbon Nano tubes cost analysis • Heralded as one of the “Top ten advances in materials science” over the last 50 years, Materials Today, 2008. • Sales of carbon nano tubes projected to exceed $2B, >103 metric tons annually in the next 4 - 7 years. • Major use – electronics and composites. • Enhanced strength, stiffness and toughness without added weight • Improved durability • Increased functionality • Reduced flammability Cost Analysis Fig 14: Carbon Nano Tube
  • 71. 7. Advantages & Disadvantages. Opportunities for Nano-concrete:  Material (55% of Initial Cost)  Labor (45% of Initial Cost) • Decrease schedules by 20% Properties :  Tougher  Density (Weight)  Low ductility, weak in tension  Durability (Cracking) Environmental load  CO2 < 10% Smog eating, reduce pollution by 40% Fig No15: Showing the Nano Structure
  • 72. Advantages & Disadvantages Advantages  Low maintenance.  Reduces the thermal transfer rate.  Increasing the sound absorption of acoustic absorber.  Improve segregation resistance.  Fix micro cracking.  Corrosion resistance.  Low life cycle cost.  Cessation of contamination caused by micro silica solid particles.  Concrete with good workability.  Cessation of super plasticizing utilization.
  • 73. Advantages & Disadvantages  Accelerates the hydration.  Better bond between aggregates and cement paste.  Improves the toughness, shear, tensile strength and flexural strength of concrete.  In order to improve material Bulk Properties.  Ability to control or manipulate materials at the atomic scale. Nano scale attack on ASR (alkali silicate reactions).
  • 74. Advantages & Disadvantages  To obtain thinner final products and faster setting time.  Lowered levels of environmental contamination.  This could contribute to sustainability in terms of lower CO2 emissions by ameliorating cement compositions. Nano-sized cement particles or nano binders have been proposed as one way of improving cement performance while reducing atmospheric CO2 emissions during cement production by lowering clinkering temperature
  • 75. Advantages & Disadvantages Nano silica and clinker used to increase densification and hence mechanical properties and durability of cementitious materials. Service life can be doubled through the use of nano-additive viscosity enhancers which reduce diffusion of harmful agents in concrete (patent pending). Photocatalytic TiO2 added to concrete to reduce carbon monoxide and NOx emissions on roadways. Fig No 15: Showing the Nano Silica mix in concrete Clinker
  • 76. Advantages & Disadvantages Disadvantages: Required a lot of energy. Nano tubes might cause a lung problem. Corporations’ investment in current equipment – Lack of properly trained personnel and cost of training – Lack of Understanding (F.E.A.R – False Expectations Appearing Real) Cost of Commercialization The research is in it’s early stage yet.
  • 77. 8. Conclusion  It is necessary to reduce the size of concrete researches which have been concentrated on macro-structure at the present time, and to control the hydration reactions by nanotechnology.  The properties of concrete are improved by the use of nano powders, and the behavior of concrete is determined by the observation of microstructure with the help of some nano materials which can be defined as nano sensors.
  • 78. 9. References 1. 2. processing/laboratory-technology/picoline/picobond-high-energy- mixer/ 3. Nanotechnology in concrete Materials “ Transportation Research Board of the national academies Number E-C170 December 2012. 4.Scrivener, K.L. and R.J. Kirkpatrick, Innovation in use and research on cementitious material. Cement And Concrete Research, 2008. 38(2): p. 128-136. 5. Lee, B.Y. and K.E. Kurtis, Proposed acceleratory effect of TiO2 nanoparticles on belite hydration: Preliminary results. Journal Of The American Ceramic Society, 2012. 95(1): p. 365-368.
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  • 82. Thanks for Your Attention and valuable time.