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IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 3, Issue 10, 2015 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613
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Identifying the Performance Efficiency of Attribute Based Encryption
with Secured Resource in Cloud
Assistant Professor
Department of Information Engineering 4
Department of MCA
Veltech Hightech Dr.Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala Engg. College, Chennai India
Abstract— Attribute-based encryption (ABE) can be used
for the encryption of data with attributes and logs. Instead of
encrypting each part of a log with the keys of all recipients,
it is possible to encrypt the log only with attributes which
match recipient’s attributes. This primitive can also be used
for broadcast encryption in order to decrease the number of
keys used. Here the access control will be given with the
keys and the attributes. The outsourcing computation cost
will be comparatively less when compared to the existing
system. The data will be shared between the two users if and
only if the key matches. In addition, for the first time, we
propose an outsourced ABE construction which provides
check ability of the outsourced computation results in an
efficient way. The performance analysis has been proven
this method to be more secured.
Key words: Attribute-based encryption, access control,
outsourcing computation, key issuing, check ability
Attribute-based encryption (ABE) has created much
intention between the cloud users. For the first time in ABE
it has been introduced with a secured key sharing. Generally
in ABE system, user will have its private keys and
ciphertext along with its descriptive attributes only it
matches with the other user it reveals the data. Until now,
there are two kinds of ABE having been proposed: key-
policy attribute-based encryption (KP-ABE) and ciphertext-
policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE).
In KP-ABE, the sharing and the access policy is
assigned with the keys whereas, in CP-ABE, it is assigned
with ciphertext. Nowadays, security is being an obstacle to
the cloud services. Thus ABE will be the best policy to
securely outsource the data and will recover the data leaking
or sharing by the un trusted third party.
Nevertheless, one of the main efficiency drawbacks
of ABE is that the computational cost during decryption
phase grows with the complexity of the access formula.
Thus, before widely deployed, there is an increasing need to
improve the efficiency of ABE. To address this problem,
outsourced ABE, which provides a way to outsource
intensive computing task during decryption to CSP without
revealing data or private keys, was introduced [1], [2]. It has
a wide range of applications. For example, in the mobile
cloud computing consisting of mobile devices or sensors as
information collection nodes, user terminal (e.g., mobile
device) has limited computation ability to independently
complete basic encryption or decryption to protect sensitive
data residing in public cloud. Outsourced ABE allows user
to perform heavy decryption through ‘‘bor-rowing’’ the
computation resources from CSP. Therefore, in this
paradigm, the computation/storage intensive tasks can be
performed even by resource-constrained users.
Beyond the heavy decryption outsourced, we
observe that the attribute authority has to deal with a lot of
heavy computation in a scalable system. More precisely, the
attri-bute authority has to issue private keys to all users, but
yet generation of private key typically requires large
modular exponentiation computation, which grows linearly
with the complexity of the predicate formula. When a large
number of users call for their private keys, it may overload
the at-tribute authority. Moreover, key management
mechanism, key revocation in particular, is necessary in a
secure and scalable ABE system. In most of existing ABE
schemes, the revocation of any single private key requires
key-update at attribute authority for the remaining
unrevoked keys which share common attributes with the one
to be re-voked. All of these heavy tasks centralized at
authority side would make it an efficiency bottleneck in the
access control system.
Aiming at eliminating the most overhead computation at
both the attribute authority and the user sides, we propose an
outsourced ABE scheme not only supporting out-sourced
decryption but also enabling delegating key generation. In
this construction, we introduce a trivial policy controlled by
a default attribute and use an AND gate connecting the
trivial policy and user’s policy.
During key-issuing, attribute authority can
outsource computation through delegating the task of
generating partial private key for user’s policy to a key
generation service provider (KGSP) to reduce local
overhead. Moreover, the outsourced decryption is realized
by utilizing the idea of key blinding. More precisely, user
can send the blinded private key to a decryption service
provider (DSP) to perform partial decryption and do the
complete decryption at local. Following our technique,
constant efficiency is achieved at both attribute authority
and user sides.
In addition, we observe that when experiencing
com-mercial cloud computing services, the CSPs may be
selfish in order to save its computation or bandwidth, which
may cause results returned incorrectly. In order to deal with
this problem, we consider to realize checkability on results
returned from both KGSP and DSP, and provide a security
and functionality enhanced construction, which is provable
secure under the recent formulized refereed delegation of
computation (RDoC) model.
Out technique is to make a secret sharing on the
outsourcing key for KGSP and let k parallel KGSPs utilize
their individual share to generate partial private keys. After
that an additional key combina-tion phase is performed at
authority side to avoid malicious collaboration between at
most k _ 1 KGSPs and users. Moreover, we use the idea of
‘‘ringer’’ [3] and appending redundancy to fight against the
Identifying the Performance Efficiency of Attribute Based Encryption with Secured Resource in Cloud
(IJSRD/Vol. 3/Issue 10/2015/067)
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dishonest actions of KGSPs and DSP. As far as we know,
this is the first time considering the checkability of
outsourced ABE.
The notion of ABE, which was introduced as fuzzy identity-
based encryption in [1]., Two different and complementary
notions of ABE were defined in : KP-ABE and CP-ABE. A
construction of KP-ABE was provided in the same paper
[4], while the first CP-APE construction supporting tree-
based structure in generic group model is presented in [5].
Accordingly, several constructions support-ing for any kinds
of access structures were provided [6], [7] for practical
applications [8]. Concerning revocation of ABE, a
delegatable revocation is proposed in to achieve scalable
and fine-grained access control.
To reduce the load at local, it always desires to
deliver expensive computational tasks outside. Actually, the
problem that how to securely outsource different kinds of
expensive computations has drew considerable attention
from theoretical computer science community. [3] Presented
a framework for secure outsourcing of scientific
computations such as matrix multiplication and quadrature.
Nevertheless, the solution used the disguise technique and
thus leaded to leakage of private informa-tion. Atallah and
Li investigated the problem of computing the edit distance
between two sequences and presented an efficient protocol
to securely outsource se-quence comparison with two
servers. Furthermore, Benjamin and Atallah addressed the
problem of secure outsourcing for widely applicable linear
algebraic compu-tations. Nevertheless, the proposed
protocols required the expensive operations of
homomorphic encryption. In [9] further studied this problem
and gave improved protocols based on the so-called weak
secret hiding assumption. Recently, [7] presented efficient
mechanisms for secure outsourcing of linear programming
We note that though several schemes have been
intro-duced to securely outsource kinds of expensive
computa-tions, they are not suitable for reliving ABE
computational overhead of exponentiation at user side. To
achieve this goal, the traditional approach is to utilize
server-aided techniques [8], [9], [2]. However, previous
work are oriented to accelerating the speed of
exponentiation using untrusted servers. Directly utilizing
these techniques in ABE will not work efficiently. Another
approach might be to leverage recent general outsourcing
technique or del-egating computation [1] based on fully
homomorphic encryption, or interactive proof sys-tem.
However, Gentry [5] has shown that even for weak security
parameters on ‘‘bootstrapping’’ operation of the
homomorphic encryption, it would take at least 30 seconds
on a high performance machine. Therefore, even if the
privacy of the input and output can be preserved by uti-
lizing these general techniques, the computational over-head
is still huge and impractical.
Another several related work similar to us are [4],
[6], [3], [7]. In [3], a novel paradigm for outsourcing the
decryption of ABE is provided while in [4], [6] the authors
presented the ABE schemes which allow to securely
outsource both decryption and encryption to third party
service providers. Compared with our work, the two lack of
the consideration on the eliminating the overhead
computation at attribute authority. Additionally, we con-
sider a security and functionality enhanced construction
enabling checkability on returned results from CSPs.
Recently [8] proposed a concrete construction for ABE with
verifiable decryption, which achieves both security and
verifiability without random oracles. Their work appends a
redundancy with ciphertext and uses this redundancy for
correctness checking. We emphasize that compared with our
scheme their construction does not consider to offload the
overhead computation at authority by outsourcing key-
The existing Outsourced ABE solutions are able to offload
some intensive computing tasks to a third party the
verifiability of results returned from the third party has yet
to be addressed. The one of the main efficiency drawbacks
of ABE is that the computational cost during decryption
phase grows with the complexity of the access formula.
Thus, before widely deployed, there is an increasing need to
improve the efficiency of ABE. To address this problem,
outsourced ABE, which provides a way to outsource
intensive computing task during decryption to CSP without
revealing data or private keys, was introduced. When a large
number of users call for their private keys, it may overload
the attribute authority. Moreover, key management
mechanism, key revocation in particular, is necessary in a
secure and scalable ABE system. In most of existing ABE
schemes, the revocation of any single private key requires
key-update at attribute authority for the remaining
unrevoked keys which share common attributes with the one
to be re-voked.
Aiming at eliminating the most overhead computation at
both the attribute authority and the user sides, we propose
an outsourced ABE scheme not only supporting outsourced
decryption but also enabling delegating key generation. In
this construction, we introduce a trivial policy controlled by
a default attribute and use an AND gate connecting the
trivial policy and user’s policy. During key-issuing, attribute
authority can outsource computation through delegating the
task of generating partial private key for user’s policy to a
key generation service provider (KGSP) to reduce local
overhead. Moreover, the outsourced decryption is realized
by utilizing the idea of key blinding. More precisely, user
can send the blinded private key to a decryption service
provider (DSP) to perform partial decryption and do the
complete decryption at local. Following our technique,
constant efficiency is achieved at both attribute authority
and user sides. In order to deal with this problem, we
consider to realize checkability on results returned from
both KGSP and DSP, and provide a security and
functionality enhanced construction.
 Registration and authority key generation
 Apply Privilege and KGSP key
 Uploading & Downloading
Identifying the Performance Efficiency of Attribute Based Encryption with Secured Resource in Cloud
(IJSRD/Vol. 3/Issue 10/2015/067)
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A. Registration and Authority Key Generation:
In this module, user will register their details into the cloud
manager. User has to fill all their own personal details,
based on the user attributes only key will be generated. Once
user registered completed, details will be sent to the cloud
for further processing. The Attribute Authority (AA) is to
provide partial key transformation based on users attribute.
Based on the user attributes AA provide key. Here ABE
scheme will be applied for key generation. After AA
generate key, then only user can login and do their further
process without attribute key user can’t login
B. Apply Privilege and KGSP Key:
In this module user has to set the access policy for their own
content. After user got permission from AA they login into
the application for setting privilege. Reason for setting
privilege is, who are all person will seen my uploaded
content. Only the authorized person only can download the
content and use it. For this reason only uploaded user set the
privilege for the content. User set privilege based on their
own attributes and also other attributes that they are not
specified in the registration. Once user applied privilege,
those information must be sent to the key generation service
provider (KGSP). At KGSP, generate a partial
transformation key based on the user’s attribute set. After
KGSP generate key, those key can be stored in the cloud
database. Based on the AA key and KGSP key, cloud
generate a user secret key for encrypt the uploaded content.
So, to outsource private key generation, we utilize a hybrid
key policy Policy=Policy (KGSP)^Policy(AA) where ^ is an
AND gate connecting two sub-policies Policy(KGSP) and
C. Uploading & Downloading:
In this module user upload own content and other
authorized user will download the content. Once user got
private key from cloud, they encrypt the upload content
based on their own private key. Once content encrypted, the
cipher text content must be stored in the cloud database. All
the uploaded files are maintained by cloud manager. If
another user logged into the application they requesting the
file for download. For download user has to enter the correct
attribute set and signature for the particular content. If the
user entered correct attribute set and signature means, cloud
allowed to download the file. Otherwise cloud doesn’t allow
user for download. So every user has to enter the correct
signature and attribute set name for content download.
Signature has been generated by Attribute Authority based
on the attribute partial key. So for any outsource the content
in the cloud means, here we provide the security. For every
outsource here we specified the service provider for check
A. Performance Variation in Keys
B. Key Generations
We provided an ABE system with the secured outsourcing
provided by KGSP and DSP providers. In addition, we
provide a trust-reduced construction with two KGSPs which
is secure under recently formulized RDoC model. Therefore
checkability is supported by this construction. The security
of proposed schemes have been analyzed and given in this
paper. Experimental results demonstrate that our
constructions are efficient and practical
[1] A. Sahai and B. Waters, ‘‘Fuzzy Identity-Based
Encryption,’’ in Proc. Adv. Cryptol.-EUROCRYPT,
LNCS 3494, R. Cramer, Ed., Berlin, Germany, 2005,
pp. 457-473, Springer-Verlag.
[2] D. Zeng, S. Guo, and J. Hu, ‘‘Reliable Bulk-Data
Dissemination in Delay Tolerant Networks,’’ IEEE
Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst.
[3] M. Green, S. Hohenberger, and B. Waters,
‘‘Outsourcing the Decryption of ABE Ciphertexts,’’ in
Proc. 20th USENIX Conf. SEC, 2011, p. 34.
[4] Z. Zhou and D. Huang, ‘‘Efficient and Secure Data
Storage Operations for Mobile Cloud Computing,’’ in
Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2011/185, 2011.
[5] P. Golle and I. Mironov, ‘‘Uncheatable Distributed
Computations,’’ in Proc. Conf. Topics Cryptol., CT-
RSA, 2001, pp. 425-440.
[6] V. Goyal, O. Pandey, A. Sahai, and B. Waters,
‘‘Attribute-Based Encryption for Fine-Grained Access
Identifying the Performance Efficiency of Attribute Based Encryption with Secured Resource in Cloud
(IJSRD/Vol. 3/Issue 10/2015/067)
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Control of Encrypted Data,’’ in Proc. 13th ACM Conf.
Comput. Commun. Security, 2006, pp. 89-98.
[7] J. Bethencourt, A. Sahai, and B. Waters, ‘‘Ciphertext-
Policy Attribute-Based Encryption,’’ in Proc. IEEE
Symp. Security Privacy, May 2007, pp. 321-334.
[8] L. Cheung and C. Newport, ‘‘Provably Secure
Ciphertext Policy ABE,’’ in Proc. 14th ACM Conf.
CCS, 2007, pp. 456-465.
[9] T. Nishide, K. Yoneyama, andK. Ohta, ‘‘Attribute-
Based Encryption with Partially Hidden Encryptor-
Specified Access Structures,’’ in Proc. Appl. Cryptogr.
Netw. Security, LNCS 5037, S. Bellovin, R. Gennaro,
A. Keromytis, and M. Yung, Eds., Berlin, Germany,
2008, pp. 111-129, Springer-Verlag.
[10]F. Han, J. Qin, H. Zhao, and J. Hu, ‘‘A General
Transformation from KP-ABE to Searchable
Encryption,’’ Future Gen. Comput. Syst., vol. 30, pp.
107-115, Jan. 2014.

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Identifying the Performance Efficiency Of Attribute Based Encryption With Secured Resource in Cloud

  • 1. IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 3, Issue 10, 2015 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613 All rights reserved by 278 Identifying the Performance Efficiency of Attribute Based Encryption with Secured Resource in Cloud J.Velmurugan1 C.Chanravathy2 P.Vinothkumar3 S.K.Manigandan4 D.Ramya5 1,2,3,4,5 Assistant Professor 1,2,3,5 Department of Information Engineering 4 Department of MCA 1,2,3,4,5 Veltech Hightech Dr.Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala Engg. College, Chennai India Abstract— Attribute-based encryption (ABE) can be used for the encryption of data with attributes and logs. Instead of encrypting each part of a log with the keys of all recipients, it is possible to encrypt the log only with attributes which match recipient’s attributes. This primitive can also be used for broadcast encryption in order to decrease the number of keys used. Here the access control will be given with the keys and the attributes. The outsourcing computation cost will be comparatively less when compared to the existing system. The data will be shared between the two users if and only if the key matches. In addition, for the first time, we propose an outsourced ABE construction which provides check ability of the outsourced computation results in an efficient way. The performance analysis has been proven this method to be more secured. Key words: Attribute-based encryption, access control, outsourcing computation, key issuing, check ability I. INTRODUCTION Attribute-based encryption (ABE) has created much intention between the cloud users. For the first time in ABE it has been introduced with a secured key sharing. Generally in ABE system, user will have its private keys and ciphertext along with its descriptive attributes only it matches with the other user it reveals the data. Until now, there are two kinds of ABE having been proposed: key- policy attribute-based encryption (KP-ABE) and ciphertext- policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE). In KP-ABE, the sharing and the access policy is assigned with the keys whereas, in CP-ABE, it is assigned with ciphertext. Nowadays, security is being an obstacle to the cloud services. Thus ABE will be the best policy to securely outsource the data and will recover the data leaking or sharing by the un trusted third party. Nevertheless, one of the main efficiency drawbacks of ABE is that the computational cost during decryption phase grows with the complexity of the access formula. Thus, before widely deployed, there is an increasing need to improve the efficiency of ABE. To address this problem, outsourced ABE, which provides a way to outsource intensive computing task during decryption to CSP without revealing data or private keys, was introduced [1], [2]. It has a wide range of applications. For example, in the mobile cloud computing consisting of mobile devices or sensors as information collection nodes, user terminal (e.g., mobile device) has limited computation ability to independently complete basic encryption or decryption to protect sensitive data residing in public cloud. Outsourced ABE allows user to perform heavy decryption through ‘‘bor-rowing’’ the computation resources from CSP. Therefore, in this paradigm, the computation/storage intensive tasks can be performed even by resource-constrained users. Beyond the heavy decryption outsourced, we observe that the attribute authority has to deal with a lot of heavy computation in a scalable system. More precisely, the attri-bute authority has to issue private keys to all users, but yet generation of private key typically requires large modular exponentiation computation, which grows linearly with the complexity of the predicate formula. When a large number of users call for their private keys, it may overload the at-tribute authority. Moreover, key management mechanism, key revocation in particular, is necessary in a secure and scalable ABE system. In most of existing ABE schemes, the revocation of any single private key requires key-update at attribute authority for the remaining unrevoked keys which share common attributes with the one to be re-voked. All of these heavy tasks centralized at authority side would make it an efficiency bottleneck in the access control system. II. CONTRIBUTION Aiming at eliminating the most overhead computation at both the attribute authority and the user sides, we propose an outsourced ABE scheme not only supporting out-sourced decryption but also enabling delegating key generation. In this construction, we introduce a trivial policy controlled by a default attribute and use an AND gate connecting the trivial policy and user’s policy. During key-issuing, attribute authority can outsource computation through delegating the task of generating partial private key for user’s policy to a key generation service provider (KGSP) to reduce local overhead. Moreover, the outsourced decryption is realized by utilizing the idea of key blinding. More precisely, user can send the blinded private key to a decryption service provider (DSP) to perform partial decryption and do the complete decryption at local. Following our technique, constant efficiency is achieved at both attribute authority and user sides. In addition, we observe that when experiencing com-mercial cloud computing services, the CSPs may be selfish in order to save its computation or bandwidth, which may cause results returned incorrectly. In order to deal with this problem, we consider to realize checkability on results returned from both KGSP and DSP, and provide a security and functionality enhanced construction, which is provable secure under the recent formulized refereed delegation of computation (RDoC) model. Out technique is to make a secret sharing on the outsourcing key for KGSP and let k parallel KGSPs utilize their individual share to generate partial private keys. After that an additional key combina-tion phase is performed at authority side to avoid malicious collaboration between at most k _ 1 KGSPs and users. Moreover, we use the idea of ‘‘ringer’’ [3] and appending redundancy to fight against the
  • 2. Identifying the Performance Efficiency of Attribute Based Encryption with Secured Resource in Cloud (IJSRD/Vol. 3/Issue 10/2015/067) All rights reserved by 279 dishonest actions of KGSPs and DSP. As far as we know, this is the first time considering the checkability of outsourced ABE. III. RELATED WORK The notion of ABE, which was introduced as fuzzy identity- based encryption in [1]., Two different and complementary notions of ABE were defined in : KP-ABE and CP-ABE. A construction of KP-ABE was provided in the same paper [4], while the first CP-APE construction supporting tree- based structure in generic group model is presented in [5]. Accordingly, several constructions support-ing for any kinds of access structures were provided [6], [7] for practical applications [8]. Concerning revocation of ABE, a delegatable revocation is proposed in to achieve scalable and fine-grained access control. To reduce the load at local, it always desires to deliver expensive computational tasks outside. Actually, the problem that how to securely outsource different kinds of expensive computations has drew considerable attention from theoretical computer science community. [3] Presented a framework for secure outsourcing of scientific computations such as matrix multiplication and quadrature. Nevertheless, the solution used the disguise technique and thus leaded to leakage of private informa-tion. Atallah and Li investigated the problem of computing the edit distance between two sequences and presented an efficient protocol to securely outsource se-quence comparison with two servers. Furthermore, Benjamin and Atallah addressed the problem of secure outsourcing for widely applicable linear algebraic compu-tations. Nevertheless, the proposed protocols required the expensive operations of homomorphic encryption. In [9] further studied this problem and gave improved protocols based on the so-called weak secret hiding assumption. Recently, [7] presented efficient mechanisms for secure outsourcing of linear programming computation. We note that though several schemes have been intro-duced to securely outsource kinds of expensive computa-tions, they are not suitable for reliving ABE computational overhead of exponentiation at user side. To achieve this goal, the traditional approach is to utilize server-aided techniques [8], [9], [2]. However, previous work are oriented to accelerating the speed of exponentiation using untrusted servers. Directly utilizing these techniques in ABE will not work efficiently. Another approach might be to leverage recent general outsourcing technique or del-egating computation [1] based on fully homomorphic encryption, or interactive proof sys-tem. However, Gentry [5] has shown that even for weak security parameters on ‘‘bootstrapping’’ operation of the homomorphic encryption, it would take at least 30 seconds on a high performance machine. Therefore, even if the privacy of the input and output can be preserved by uti- lizing these general techniques, the computational over-head is still huge and impractical. Another several related work similar to us are [4], [6], [3], [7]. In [3], a novel paradigm for outsourcing the decryption of ABE is provided while in [4], [6] the authors presented the ABE schemes which allow to securely outsource both decryption and encryption to third party service providers. Compared with our work, the two lack of the consideration on the eliminating the overhead computation at attribute authority. Additionally, we con- sider a security and functionality enhanced construction enabling checkability on returned results from CSPs. Recently [8] proposed a concrete construction for ABE with verifiable decryption, which achieves both security and verifiability without random oracles. Their work appends a redundancy with ciphertext and uses this redundancy for correctness checking. We emphasize that compared with our scheme their construction does not consider to offload the overhead computation at authority by outsourcing key- issuing. IV. EXISTING SYSTEM The existing Outsourced ABE solutions are able to offload some intensive computing tasks to a third party the verifiability of results returned from the third party has yet to be addressed. The one of the main efficiency drawbacks of ABE is that the computational cost during decryption phase grows with the complexity of the access formula. Thus, before widely deployed, there is an increasing need to improve the efficiency of ABE. To address this problem, outsourced ABE, which provides a way to outsource intensive computing task during decryption to CSP without revealing data or private keys, was introduced. When a large number of users call for their private keys, it may overload the attribute authority. Moreover, key management mechanism, key revocation in particular, is necessary in a secure and scalable ABE system. In most of existing ABE schemes, the revocation of any single private key requires key-update at attribute authority for the remaining unrevoked keys which share common attributes with the one to be re-voked. V. PROPOSED SYSTEM Aiming at eliminating the most overhead computation at both the attribute authority and the user sides, we propose an outsourced ABE scheme not only supporting outsourced decryption but also enabling delegating key generation. In this construction, we introduce a trivial policy controlled by a default attribute and use an AND gate connecting the trivial policy and user’s policy. During key-issuing, attribute authority can outsource computation through delegating the task of generating partial private key for user’s policy to a key generation service provider (KGSP) to reduce local overhead. Moreover, the outsourced decryption is realized by utilizing the idea of key blinding. More precisely, user can send the blinded private key to a decryption service provider (DSP) to perform partial decryption and do the complete decryption at local. Following our technique, constant efficiency is achieved at both attribute authority and user sides. In order to deal with this problem, we consider to realize checkability on results returned from both KGSP and DSP, and provide a security and functionality enhanced construction. VI. MODULES  Registration and authority key generation  Apply Privilege and KGSP key  Uploading & Downloading
  • 3. Identifying the Performance Efficiency of Attribute Based Encryption with Secured Resource in Cloud (IJSRD/Vol. 3/Issue 10/2015/067) All rights reserved by 280 A. Registration and Authority Key Generation: In this module, user will register their details into the cloud manager. User has to fill all their own personal details, based on the user attributes only key will be generated. Once user registered completed, details will be sent to the cloud for further processing. The Attribute Authority (AA) is to provide partial key transformation based on users attribute. Based on the user attributes AA provide key. Here ABE scheme will be applied for key generation. After AA generate key, then only user can login and do their further process without attribute key user can’t login B. Apply Privilege and KGSP Key: In this module user has to set the access policy for their own content. After user got permission from AA they login into the application for setting privilege. Reason for setting privilege is, who are all person will seen my uploaded content. Only the authorized person only can download the content and use it. For this reason only uploaded user set the privilege for the content. User set privilege based on their own attributes and also other attributes that they are not specified in the registration. Once user applied privilege, those information must be sent to the key generation service provider (KGSP). At KGSP, generate a partial transformation key based on the user’s attribute set. After KGSP generate key, those key can be stored in the cloud database. Based on the AA key and KGSP key, cloud generate a user secret key for encrypt the uploaded content. So, to outsource private key generation, we utilize a hybrid key policy Policy=Policy (KGSP)^Policy(AA) where ^ is an AND gate connecting two sub-policies Policy(KGSP) and Policy(AA). C. Uploading & Downloading: In this module user upload own content and other authorized user will download the content. Once user got private key from cloud, they encrypt the upload content based on their own private key. Once content encrypted, the cipher text content must be stored in the cloud database. All the uploaded files are maintained by cloud manager. If another user logged into the application they requesting the file for download. For download user has to enter the correct attribute set and signature for the particular content. If the user entered correct attribute set and signature means, cloud allowed to download the file. Otherwise cloud doesn’t allow user for download. So every user has to enter the correct signature and attribute set name for content download. Signature has been generated by Attribute Authority based on the attribute partial key. So for any outsource the content in the cloud means, here we provide the security. For every outsource here we specified the service provider for check ability. VII. ARCHITECTURE DIAGRAM VIII. KEY GENERATION GRAPH A. Performance Variation in Keys B. Key Generations IX. CONCLUSION: We provided an ABE system with the secured outsourcing provided by KGSP and DSP providers. In addition, we provide a trust-reduced construction with two KGSPs which is secure under recently formulized RDoC model. Therefore checkability is supported by this construction. The security of proposed schemes have been analyzed and given in this paper. Experimental results demonstrate that our constructions are efficient and practical REFERENCES [1] A. Sahai and B. Waters, ‘‘Fuzzy Identity-Based Encryption,’’ in Proc. Adv. Cryptol.-EUROCRYPT, LNCS 3494, R. Cramer, Ed., Berlin, Germany, 2005, pp. 457-473, Springer-Verlag. [2] D. Zeng, S. Guo, and J. Hu, ‘‘Reliable Bulk-Data Dissemination in Delay Tolerant Networks,’’ IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 221 [3] M. Green, S. Hohenberger, and B. Waters, ‘‘Outsourcing the Decryption of ABE Ciphertexts,’’ in Proc. 20th USENIX Conf. SEC, 2011, p. 34. [4] Z. Zhou and D. Huang, ‘‘Efficient and Secure Data Storage Operations for Mobile Cloud Computing,’’ in Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2011/185, 2011. [5] P. Golle and I. Mironov, ‘‘Uncheatable Distributed Computations,’’ in Proc. Conf. Topics Cryptol., CT- RSA, 2001, pp. 425-440. [6] V. Goyal, O. Pandey, A. Sahai, and B. Waters, ‘‘Attribute-Based Encryption for Fine-Grained Access 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% ATTRIBUTE 1 ATTRIBUTE 2 ATTRIBUTE 3 ATTRIBUTE 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 AA KGSP DSP SSP
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