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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
Vol.10, No.1, February2020, pp. 316~322
ISSN: 2088-8708, DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v10i1.pp316-322  316
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Node clone detection using a stable overlay network
Balika J. Chelliah, M. S. Antony Vigil, M. S. Bennet Praba
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India
Article Info ABSTRACT
Article history:
ReceivedApr20, 2019
Revised Aug16, 2019
Accepted Aug29, 2019
Wireless sensor networks consist of number of sensor nodes widely
distributed in particular region to communicate and sharing the
environmental information and also these data‟s are stored in central location
for further data prediction. Such nodes are susceptible to cloning attack
where the adversary captures a node, replicates with the same identity as that
of the captured node and deploys the clone back into the network, causing
severe harm to the network. Hence to thwart such attacks, a distributed
detection protocol is used with initiator-observer-inspector roles assigned
randomly for the nodes to witness the clone and thereby broadcast the
evidence through a balanced overlay network. Use of such balanced network
provides high security level and reduces the communication cost when
compared to other overlay networks with a reasonably less storage
Clone detection
Distributed detection
Overlay network
Copyright © 2020Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science.
All rights reserved.
Corresponding Author:
Balika J. Chelliah,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
SRM Institute of Science and Technology,
Chennai, India.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is a network of spatially distributed sensors that monitor
physical and environmental conditions and collectively pass the data to a centre location through the network
[1, 2]. Such networks bring in a vast improvement in a wide spectrum of technologies ranging from health
care to surveillance in military. Each wireless network can scale from tens to hundreds of nodes and
seamlessly integrate with existing wired measurement and control systems. These networks are deployed in
hostile environments where the opponents are equally intelligent to cause various types of attacks like routing
attacks, denial of Service attacks, node subversion, node malfunction, node replication, node outage, passive
information gathering etc. In a node replication attack, an adversary captures the identity of an existing node,
replicates the node and places the replica back into the sensor network. This replicated node can severely
disrupt the network‟s performance by mis-routing packets, dropping the packets leading to distorted sensor
Wireless sensor networks can be static or dynamic. To implement a network service that is not
originally available in the existing network, an overlay network is used. An overlay network is a virtual
network of nodes and logical links built on top of physical network to effectively maintain and distribute
among the nodes [3]. Internet is the basis for many overlaid networks that can be constructed in order to
allow routing of messages to destinations that are not specified by an IP address. Distributed Hash Tables
(DHTs) can be used to route messages to a node having a specific logical address, whose IP address is not
known in advance. A DHT [4] is a decentralized key-based caching and checking system for key- value
pairs. Any participating node can effectively retrieve a value for a given key. They can scale up to a plethora
of nodes and are strongly unaffected by node joins, departures and failures. Several DHT mechanisms like
Chord, CAN, Tapestry are rapidly becoming popular.
Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708 
Node clone detection using a stable overlay network (Balika J. Chelliah)
For any key k, each node either has a node ID that owns k or has a link to a node whose node ID
is closer to k, in terms of the keyspace distance defined. At each step, forward the message to the neighbor
whose ID is closest to k. When there is no such neighbor, then we must have arrived at the closest node,
which is the owner of k. This style of routing is referred to as key-based routing [5] followed in distributed
hash tables. It must be guaranteed that the maximum number of hops in any route is low, so that requests
complete quickly.
Many distributed hash table mechanisms can be employed to catch the replicated nodes effectively.
Such systems incur a significantly high communication cost in some scenarios. Chord lookup protocol is
based on a clockwise lookup, hence causes a high delay when communicating with nodes in anti-clockwise
direction. The average path length between two random node varies from to O(log n) to O(√n ) dependent on
underlying sensor networks and the average chord hop length is log n. Hence the distributed hash table
employed on a chord ring leads to high communication cost ranging from log²n to √n log n. Chord must
update the routing information when a node joins or leaves the network; a join or leave requires log²n
messages. Chord lacks a cache mechanism to preserve useful information for future session establishment.
To overcome the above drawbacks, a balanced overlay network becomes indispensable. A balanced
network is self-adjusting to data skew and is height balanced. Because the height is balanced, the routing
information is maintained both horizontally and vertically for effective search. We make use of a distributed
binary balanced tree structure where each node has links to its parent, children, adjacent nodes and selected
neighbor nodes at the same level maintained by a left and right routing table. This mechanism alleviates the
delay incurred if the node is located anti-clockwise by maintaining both left and right routing tables. The
average path length in such bigreedy search is log n / 2 - √log(n / 2π) + 1 which is way less than the
traditional chord systems. Maintenance of a cache in every node can bring down the communication cost to
as low as O(1), so that the next time a source knows the destination, it directly retrieves the destination‟s IP
address. Node join and leave operations always take only log n steps as opposed to log²n in Chord.
2.1. Centralized techniques
The detection of node replication attack in static wireless sensor networks are categorized mainly
into two types, centralized and distributed techniques. In centralized techniques, base station is considered to
be a powerful center which is responsible for collating information and decision making. In this process of
detection every node in the network sends its location claim (ID, Location Information) to a base station
through its neighboring nodes. Upon receiving the entire location claims, the base station checks the node
Identities along with their location and time, and if it finds two different locations with the same ID, it alarms
about the clone node.
Random Key Predistribution [6, 7] is a centralized technique where the keys employed by this
scheme should follow a certain pattern and those keys whose usage exceeds a defined threshold can be
adjudged to have been cloned. SET [8] is yet another technique in which the network is randomly divided
into mutually exclusive subsets. There is a designated subset leader in each of the subsets, and the subset
members are one hop away from their subset leader. Each subset leader collates its members information and
forwards it to the root of the subtree. On every root of the subtree a SET intersection operation is executed to
detect the cloned nodes.
Albeit the existence of several centralized techniques, they do not go well with applications that may
not use base stations. They may be exposed to a single point failure where the vandalization of the base
station will result in the failure of the entire network. Also, the nodes near the base station get exhausted
easily because the number of messages that pass through them will be drastically high.
2.2. Distributed techniques
In distributed techniques, there is no central authority and claimer-reporter-witness mechanism is
provided in which the detection is performed by locally distributed node sending the location claim not to
the base station but to a randomly selected node called witness node. Deterministic Multicast protocol [9] is
a claimer-reporter-witness framework. The claimer node locally broadcasts its location claim to its neighbors,
each neighbor serving as a reporter, and employing a function to map the claimer ID to a witness.
Then the neighbor node forwards the claim to the witness, which can possibly receive two different location
claims for the same node ID if the adversary has cloned a node. Randomized Multicast (RM) [10, 11] scatters
the location claims to a randomly selected set of witness nodes. Line-Selected Multicast (LSM) [12], exploits
the routing topology of the network to select witnesses for a node location and utilizes geometric probability
to detect replicated nodes.
 ISSN:2088-8708
Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 10, No. 1, February 2020 : 316 - 322
Randomized, Efficient, and Distributed protocol [13] called RED is executed at fixed intervals of
time and occurs in two steps. In first step, a random value is shared between all the nodes through base
station. In the second step, i.e detection phase, each node broadcasts its claim (ID and location) to its
neighboring nodes. Every node in the path (from claiming node to the witness destination) forwards
the message to its neighbor which is nearest to the destination. Hence, the replicated nodes will be detected in
each detection phase.
In two other distributed protocols called Single Deterministic Cell (SDC) [14] and Parallel Multiple
Probabilistic Cells (P-MPC) the entire sensor network is divided into grid cells to form a geographic grid.
Such distributed protocols incur a high communication overhead, while having an implication that every
node must be aware of all other nodes with an adequate geographic knowledge. Distributed Hash tables can
also be employed over a chord overlay network as suggested by Zhijun Li et al., [15] where
the communication cost would be as high as log n to n log n because of the chord ring structure though it
provides high security and performance. Chord ring also has several shortcomings which we try to alleviate
by a balanced overlay structure.
The system model makes use of a decentralized key-based distributed dectection protocol that
operates over a balanced tree overlay network.
3.1. Distributed detection protocol
A key based caching [16] and checking system is used which sends a message along with a key over
the network to a destination that is entirely decided based on the key. The key is generated based on
a random seed sent by a trusted initiator. Each node A is assigned a public and private key, where Ka is the
public key, which identifies the node uniquely, and could be the IP address or MAC address of the node, Ka
is the private key assigned to a node by a trusted third party. Clone is detected by the occurrence of nodes
with same identity, but located at a reasonably distant place at a designated time. As shown in Figure 1,
the model primarily involves an initiator which is a trusted node that starts a round of detection by
broadcasting an action message to all other nodes in the network. Every node on reception of the action
message, stores the random seed that appeared in the message and becomes an observer to generate
a claiming message for all of its neighbors. A claiming message is the message that provides the identity and
the location of a neighbor node which is the examinee of the observer. The observer sends this claiming
message over the overlay network attached with a key, which is the hash of the identity of the examinee
concatenated with the random seed [17].
Figure 1. A round of detection
Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708 
Node clone detection using a stable overlay network (Balika J. Chelliah)
The destination to which this message must be sent is decided based on the key valued attached.
Once the message reaches the destination, the destination node maintains a cache that stores the {Id,
Location} of the examinee, where Id is the identity of the examinee and Location is the location of
the examinee that is determined by some secure localization protocol. As the number of detection rounds
increases, if the destination node, which is the inspector of the claiming message finds in its cache that for
the same identity Ida there exist two different locations Loca and Loca‟ then the inspector becomes a witness
of the clone and broadcasts an evidence containing the claiming messages to the entire network. All the valid
nodes verify this evidence message and stop communicating with the replicated node. Each node also
maintains a revocation list of the compromised nodes‟ identities.
3.2. Balanced overlay network
A balanced overlay network [18-20] is constructed with the nodes in the network such that at each
level L, nodes are numbered from 1 to 2L
. Thus the level and the number determine the location of
the node in the binary tree. Each node has links to its parent, children, adjacent nodes and selected neighbor
nodes at the same level. Links to the selected neighbor nodes are preserved in a left and right routing table.
Each of these two routing tables contains links to the nodes at the same level with numbers that are less or
greater than the number of the source node by a power of 2.
Definition 1: A routing table is considered full if all of the valid links are not null.
Definition 2: A tree is a balanced tree if every node in the tree that has a child, also has both its left and right
routing tables full.
Definition 3: The traversal of the tree is inorder, where the left subtree is traversed recursively followed by
the root and then the right subtree.
Given a node x, the node immediately prior to it in traversal is the left adjacent to it and the node
immediately after x is right adjacent to it.
In Figure 2, for the node M, left routing table contains 3 entries which are at the 2i
positions from
the node, where i>=0 till the no. of nodes available in the level. L is at 20
, node K is at 21
position and node I
is at 22
. The left and the right child of L are null and node‟s lower and upper bound values are recorded.
The left and right child of K are not null, K has left child as P and right child as Q. The node I also doesn‟t
have children and hence both left and right child values are null.
In the same way the right routing table is also constructed. In the right routing table, we have two
entries, one for node Nwhich is at the 20
position from M and the other for node O which is at 21
The left and right child of N are both null, while the left and right child of O are S and T respectively.
The parent node of M is F, left child is null, right child is R, left adjacent node is F and right adjacent
nodeis R.
Figure 2. A binary balanced tree
 ISSN:2088-8708
Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 10, No. 1, February 2020 : 316 - 322
4.1. Generation of action message and key
Initiator uses a broadcast scheme to release an action message as in (1) including a monotonously
increasing nonce, a random round seed, and an action time.
Mact = nonce, seed, time, { nonce || seed || time } key-1
initiator (1)
On receiving this action message, every observer constructs a claiming message for each of its
neighbor and sends the message with a key as in (2) which is the hash of the concatenation of seed sent along
with action message and the examinee ID. Examinee is the neighbor of the observer for which the claiming
message is constructed and the observer becomes the examiner.
Key = Hash ( seed || Idexaminee) (2)
4.2. Generation of claiming message
Upon receiving the action message, each node updates the nonce and stores the seed. The node „a‟
then operates as an observer that generates a claiming message as in (3) for each neighbor „b‟ (examinee) and
transmits the message through the overlay network with the message containing the identity of the observer
IDa, identity of the examinee IDb and location of the observer La and the location of the examinee Lb
encrypted by the private key of the observer key-1
a. Ma4b is the claiming message of „a‟ constructed for „b‟.
Ma4b = IDb, Lb, IDa, La, {IDb || Lb || IDa || La || nonce }key-1
a (3)
4.3. Routing through the overlay network
This claim along with key which is Hash [21] (seed || IDb) is sent through the balanced overlay
network. For a key issued or received at node x, the node will first check its own range of values,
i.e the upper and the lower bound values assigned to the node when the tree was constructed. If key is within
the current range, the local index is searched for the value, and the search stops. Otherwise, x routes the key
to the destination node.
Figure 3 indicates that if we route a message from H with a key 73 , H refers to its right routing
table and routes the message to L which is the farthest node whose lower bound is less than or equal to 73.
L then routes to M by the same logic and M to R which is the right child of M. R again routes the message to
C which is the right adjacent node of R.
Figure 3. Routing through network
Algorithm: search(node n, message Ma4b, value v)
If ((v >= LowerBound(n)) and (v <= UpperBound(n)))
Inspect Ma4b
If (v >UpperBound(n))
If (there exists such an f)
Forward m to f
Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708 
Node clone detection using a stable overlay network (Balika J. Chelliah)
If (RightChild(n)!=null)
Forward m to RightChild(n)
Forward m to RightAdjacentNode(n)
End If
End If
//A similar process is followed towards the left
End If
End If
4.4. Inspection of the claim
The destination which acts as an Inspector buffers and checks messages for detection. Inspector
checks whether there exists two messages Ma4b and M‟a4b with same ID IDb but different locations Lb and Lb‟.
If it detects a clone, inspector becomes witness and broadcasts the evidence which contains the two messages
with same IDs, but different locations to notify the whole network. All uncompromising nodes verify
the evidence message and stop communicating with the cloned nodes.
Algorithm: Inspect(Ma4b)
Verify the signature of Ma4b
If IDbis found in cache
If IDbhas two distinct locations
Broadcast evidence
Store IDband Lbin cache
Communication cost refers to the average number of messages sent per node. The average path
length between two random node varies from to O(log n) to O(√n) dependent on underlying sensor networks.
Chord hop length provides an additional log n and hence overall communication cost ranges from log²n to √n
log n. When compared with chord overlay network, our proposed balanced network for clone detection
alleviates the delay incurred if the node is located anti-clockwise by maintaining both left and right routing
tables. The average path length in a bidirectional search is log n / 2 [22] and the average path length in
a bigreedy search is log n / 2 - √log(n / 2π) + 1 [12] which is significantly less than the communication cost
using a chord overlay[23].
The representation of two results, first chart Figure 4 (Number of nodes Vs overlay hop length)
indicates how balanced overlay network performs better than traditional chord overlay network in terms of
hop length. Second graph Figure 5 (Number of nodes Vs Communication cost) is an indication of the impact
of hop length on the communication cost. Maintenance of a cache in every node can bring down
the communication cost to as low as O(1), so that the next time a source knows the destination, it directly
retrieves the destination‟s IP address [24]. Nodejoin and leave operations always take only log n steps as
opposed to log²n in Chord [25].
Figure 4. No. of nodes Vs Overlay hop length Figure 5. No. of nodes Vs Communication cost
 ISSN:2088-8708
Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 10, No. 1, February 2020 : 316 - 322
Wireless sensor networks are susceptible to node replication attacks [26] and hence a decentralized
key based caching system is used to identify the clones with the presumption that nodes that have same
identity but are geographically distant are considered clones. It is inferred that the use of a balanced network
for node clone detection reduces the delay and communication cost when compared to the other overlay
networks. This protocol provides high security level with reduced communication cost and minimal storage
consumption. As a future work, we can design the overlay based on the physical location and geographic
co-ordinates [27] so that the overhead in communication because of the physical network being different
from logical network can be solved.
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Node clone detection using a stable overlay network

  • 1. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Vol.10, No.1, February2020, pp. 316~322 ISSN: 2088-8708, DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v10i1.pp316-322  316 Journal homepage: Node clone detection using a stable overlay network Balika J. Chelliah, M. S. Antony Vigil, M. S. Bennet Praba Department of Computer Science & Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India Article Info ABSTRACT Article history: ReceivedApr20, 2019 Revised Aug16, 2019 Accepted Aug29, 2019 Wireless sensor networks consist of number of sensor nodes widely distributed in particular region to communicate and sharing the environmental information and also these data‟s are stored in central location for further data prediction. Such nodes are susceptible to cloning attack where the adversary captures a node, replicates with the same identity as that of the captured node and deploys the clone back into the network, causing severe harm to the network. Hence to thwart such attacks, a distributed detection protocol is used with initiator-observer-inspector roles assigned randomly for the nodes to witness the clone and thereby broadcast the evidence through a balanced overlay network. Use of such balanced network provides high security level and reduces the communication cost when compared to other overlay networks with a reasonably less storage consumption. Keywords: Clone detection Distributed detection Overlay network Copyright © 2020Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved. Corresponding Author: Balika J. Chelliah, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India. Email: 1. INTRODUCTION Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is a network of spatially distributed sensors that monitor physical and environmental conditions and collectively pass the data to a centre location through the network [1, 2]. Such networks bring in a vast improvement in a wide spectrum of technologies ranging from health care to surveillance in military. Each wireless network can scale from tens to hundreds of nodes and seamlessly integrate with existing wired measurement and control systems. These networks are deployed in hostile environments where the opponents are equally intelligent to cause various types of attacks like routing attacks, denial of Service attacks, node subversion, node malfunction, node replication, node outage, passive information gathering etc. In a node replication attack, an adversary captures the identity of an existing node, replicates the node and places the replica back into the sensor network. This replicated node can severely disrupt the network‟s performance by mis-routing packets, dropping the packets leading to distorted sensor readings. Wireless sensor networks can be static or dynamic. To implement a network service that is not originally available in the existing network, an overlay network is used. An overlay network is a virtual network of nodes and logical links built on top of physical network to effectively maintain and distribute among the nodes [3]. Internet is the basis for many overlaid networks that can be constructed in order to allow routing of messages to destinations that are not specified by an IP address. Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) can be used to route messages to a node having a specific logical address, whose IP address is not known in advance. A DHT [4] is a decentralized key-based caching and checking system for key- value pairs. Any participating node can effectively retrieve a value for a given key. They can scale up to a plethora of nodes and are strongly unaffected by node joins, departures and failures. Several DHT mechanisms like Chord, CAN, Tapestry are rapidly becoming popular.
  • 2. Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708  Node clone detection using a stable overlay network (Balika J. Chelliah) 317 For any key k, each node either has a node ID that owns k or has a link to a node whose node ID is closer to k, in terms of the keyspace distance defined. At each step, forward the message to the neighbor whose ID is closest to k. When there is no such neighbor, then we must have arrived at the closest node, which is the owner of k. This style of routing is referred to as key-based routing [5] followed in distributed hash tables. It must be guaranteed that the maximum number of hops in any route is low, so that requests complete quickly. Many distributed hash table mechanisms can be employed to catch the replicated nodes effectively. Such systems incur a significantly high communication cost in some scenarios. Chord lookup protocol is based on a clockwise lookup, hence causes a high delay when communicating with nodes in anti-clockwise direction. The average path length between two random node varies from to O(log n) to O(√n ) dependent on underlying sensor networks and the average chord hop length is log n. Hence the distributed hash table employed on a chord ring leads to high communication cost ranging from log²n to √n log n. Chord must update the routing information when a node joins or leaves the network; a join or leave requires log²n messages. Chord lacks a cache mechanism to preserve useful information for future session establishment. To overcome the above drawbacks, a balanced overlay network becomes indispensable. A balanced network is self-adjusting to data skew and is height balanced. Because the height is balanced, the routing information is maintained both horizontally and vertically for effective search. We make use of a distributed binary balanced tree structure where each node has links to its parent, children, adjacent nodes and selected neighbor nodes at the same level maintained by a left and right routing table. This mechanism alleviates the delay incurred if the node is located anti-clockwise by maintaining both left and right routing tables. The average path length in such bigreedy search is log n / 2 - √log(n / 2π) + 1 which is way less than the traditional chord systems. Maintenance of a cache in every node can bring down the communication cost to as low as O(1), so that the next time a source knows the destination, it directly retrieves the destination‟s IP address. Node join and leave operations always take only log n steps as opposed to log²n in Chord. 2. RELATED WORK 2.1. Centralized techniques The detection of node replication attack in static wireless sensor networks are categorized mainly into two types, centralized and distributed techniques. In centralized techniques, base station is considered to be a powerful center which is responsible for collating information and decision making. In this process of detection every node in the network sends its location claim (ID, Location Information) to a base station through its neighboring nodes. Upon receiving the entire location claims, the base station checks the node Identities along with their location and time, and if it finds two different locations with the same ID, it alarms about the clone node. Random Key Predistribution [6, 7] is a centralized technique where the keys employed by this scheme should follow a certain pattern and those keys whose usage exceeds a defined threshold can be adjudged to have been cloned. SET [8] is yet another technique in which the network is randomly divided into mutually exclusive subsets. There is a designated subset leader in each of the subsets, and the subset members are one hop away from their subset leader. Each subset leader collates its members information and forwards it to the root of the subtree. On every root of the subtree a SET intersection operation is executed to detect the cloned nodes. Albeit the existence of several centralized techniques, they do not go well with applications that may not use base stations. They may be exposed to a single point failure where the vandalization of the base station will result in the failure of the entire network. Also, the nodes near the base station get exhausted easily because the number of messages that pass through them will be drastically high. 2.2. Distributed techniques In distributed techniques, there is no central authority and claimer-reporter-witness mechanism is provided in which the detection is performed by locally distributed node sending the location claim not to the base station but to a randomly selected node called witness node. Deterministic Multicast protocol [9] is a claimer-reporter-witness framework. The claimer node locally broadcasts its location claim to its neighbors, each neighbor serving as a reporter, and employing a function to map the claimer ID to a witness. Then the neighbor node forwards the claim to the witness, which can possibly receive two different location claims for the same node ID if the adversary has cloned a node. Randomized Multicast (RM) [10, 11] scatters the location claims to a randomly selected set of witness nodes. Line-Selected Multicast (LSM) [12], exploits the routing topology of the network to select witnesses for a node location and utilizes geometric probability to detect replicated nodes.
  • 3.  ISSN:2088-8708 Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 10, No. 1, February 2020 : 316 - 322 318 Randomized, Efficient, and Distributed protocol [13] called RED is executed at fixed intervals of time and occurs in two steps. In first step, a random value is shared between all the nodes through base station. In the second step, i.e detection phase, each node broadcasts its claim (ID and location) to its neighboring nodes. Every node in the path (from claiming node to the witness destination) forwards the message to its neighbor which is nearest to the destination. Hence, the replicated nodes will be detected in each detection phase. In two other distributed protocols called Single Deterministic Cell (SDC) [14] and Parallel Multiple Probabilistic Cells (P-MPC) the entire sensor network is divided into grid cells to form a geographic grid. Such distributed protocols incur a high communication overhead, while having an implication that every node must be aware of all other nodes with an adequate geographic knowledge. Distributed Hash tables can also be employed over a chord overlay network as suggested by Zhijun Li et al., [15] where the communication cost would be as high as log n to n log n because of the chord ring structure though it provides high security and performance. Chord ring also has several shortcomings which we try to alleviate by a balanced overlay structure. 3. SYSTEM MODEL The system model makes use of a decentralized key-based distributed dectection protocol that operates over a balanced tree overlay network. 3.1. Distributed detection protocol A key based caching [16] and checking system is used which sends a message along with a key over the network to a destination that is entirely decided based on the key. The key is generated based on a random seed sent by a trusted initiator. Each node A is assigned a public and private key, where Ka is the public key, which identifies the node uniquely, and could be the IP address or MAC address of the node, Ka -1 is the private key assigned to a node by a trusted third party. Clone is detected by the occurrence of nodes with same identity, but located at a reasonably distant place at a designated time. As shown in Figure 1, the model primarily involves an initiator which is a trusted node that starts a round of detection by broadcasting an action message to all other nodes in the network. Every node on reception of the action message, stores the random seed that appeared in the message and becomes an observer to generate a claiming message for all of its neighbors. A claiming message is the message that provides the identity and the location of a neighbor node which is the examinee of the observer. The observer sends this claiming message over the overlay network attached with a key, which is the hash of the identity of the examinee concatenated with the random seed [17]. Figure 1. A round of detection
  • 4. Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708  Node clone detection using a stable overlay network (Balika J. Chelliah) 319 The destination to which this message must be sent is decided based on the key valued attached. Once the message reaches the destination, the destination node maintains a cache that stores the {Id, Location} of the examinee, where Id is the identity of the examinee and Location is the location of the examinee that is determined by some secure localization protocol. As the number of detection rounds increases, if the destination node, which is the inspector of the claiming message finds in its cache that for the same identity Ida there exist two different locations Loca and Loca‟ then the inspector becomes a witness of the clone and broadcasts an evidence containing the claiming messages to the entire network. All the valid nodes verify this evidence message and stop communicating with the replicated node. Each node also maintains a revocation list of the compromised nodes‟ identities. 3.2. Balanced overlay network A balanced overlay network [18-20] is constructed with the nodes in the network such that at each level L, nodes are numbered from 1 to 2L . Thus the level and the number determine the location of the node in the binary tree. Each node has links to its parent, children, adjacent nodes and selected neighbor nodes at the same level. Links to the selected neighbor nodes are preserved in a left and right routing table. Each of these two routing tables contains links to the nodes at the same level with numbers that are less or greater than the number of the source node by a power of 2. Definition 1: A routing table is considered full if all of the valid links are not null. Definition 2: A tree is a balanced tree if every node in the tree that has a child, also has both its left and right routing tables full. Definition 3: The traversal of the tree is inorder, where the left subtree is traversed recursively followed by the root and then the right subtree. Given a node x, the node immediately prior to it in traversal is the left adjacent to it and the node immediately after x is right adjacent to it. In Figure 2, for the node M, left routing table contains 3 entries which are at the 2i positions from the node, where i>=0 till the no. of nodes available in the level. L is at 20 , node K is at 21 position and node I is at 22 . The left and the right child of L are null and node‟s lower and upper bound values are recorded. The left and right child of K are not null, K has left child as P and right child as Q. The node I also doesn‟t have children and hence both left and right child values are null. In the same way the right routing table is also constructed. In the right routing table, we have two entries, one for node Nwhich is at the 20 position from M and the other for node O which is at 21 position. The left and right child of N are both null, while the left and right child of O are S and T respectively. The parent node of M is F, left child is null, right child is R, left adjacent node is F and right adjacent nodeis R. Figure 2. A binary balanced tree
  • 5.  ISSN:2088-8708 Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 10, No. 1, February 2020 : 316 - 322 320 4. PROTOCOL DETAILS 4.1. Generation of action message and key Initiator uses a broadcast scheme to release an action message as in (1) including a monotonously increasing nonce, a random round seed, and an action time. Mact = nonce, seed, time, { nonce || seed || time } key-1 initiator (1) On receiving this action message, every observer constructs a claiming message for each of its neighbor and sends the message with a key as in (2) which is the hash of the concatenation of seed sent along with action message and the examinee ID. Examinee is the neighbor of the observer for which the claiming message is constructed and the observer becomes the examiner. Key = Hash ( seed || Idexaminee) (2) 4.2. Generation of claiming message Upon receiving the action message, each node updates the nonce and stores the seed. The node „a‟ then operates as an observer that generates a claiming message as in (3) for each neighbor „b‟ (examinee) and transmits the message through the overlay network with the message containing the identity of the observer IDa, identity of the examinee IDb and location of the observer La and the location of the examinee Lb encrypted by the private key of the observer key-1 a. Ma4b is the claiming message of „a‟ constructed for „b‟. Ma4b = IDb, Lb, IDa, La, {IDb || Lb || IDa || La || nonce }key-1 a (3) 4.3. Routing through the overlay network This claim along with key which is Hash [21] (seed || IDb) is sent through the balanced overlay network. For a key issued or received at node x, the node will first check its own range of values, i.e the upper and the lower bound values assigned to the node when the tree was constructed. If key is within the current range, the local index is searched for the value, and the search stops. Otherwise, x routes the key to the destination node. Figure 3 indicates that if we route a message from H with a key 73 , H refers to its right routing table and routes the message to L which is the farthest node whose lower bound is less than or equal to 73. L then routes to M by the same logic and M to R which is the right child of M. R again routes the message to C which is the right adjacent node of R. Figure 3. Routing through network Algorithm: search(node n, message Ma4b, value v) If ((v >= LowerBound(n)) and (v <= UpperBound(n))) Inspect Ma4b Else If (v >UpperBound(n)) f=TheFarthestNodeHaving(v>=LowerBound(f)) If (there exists such an f) Forward m to f Else
  • 6. Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708  Node clone detection using a stable overlay network (Balika J. Chelliah) 321 If (RightChild(n)!=null) Forward m to RightChild(n) Else Forward m to RightAdjacentNode(n) End If End If Else //A similar process is followed towards the left End If End If 4.4. Inspection of the claim The destination which acts as an Inspector buffers and checks messages for detection. Inspector checks whether there exists two messages Ma4b and M‟a4b with same ID IDb but different locations Lb and Lb‟. If it detects a clone, inspector becomes witness and broadcasts the evidence which contains the two messages with same IDs, but different locations to notify the whole network. All uncompromising nodes verify the evidence message and stop communicating with the cloned nodes. Algorithm: Inspect(Ma4b) Verify the signature of Ma4b If IDbis found in cache If IDbhas two distinct locations Broadcast evidence Else Store IDband Lbin cache 5. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Communication cost refers to the average number of messages sent per node. The average path length between two random node varies from to O(log n) to O(√n) dependent on underlying sensor networks. Chord hop length provides an additional log n and hence overall communication cost ranges from log²n to √n log n. When compared with chord overlay network, our proposed balanced network for clone detection alleviates the delay incurred if the node is located anti-clockwise by maintaining both left and right routing tables. The average path length in a bidirectional search is log n / 2 [22] and the average path length in a bigreedy search is log n / 2 - √log(n / 2π) + 1 [12] which is significantly less than the communication cost using a chord overlay[23]. The representation of two results, first chart Figure 4 (Number of nodes Vs overlay hop length) indicates how balanced overlay network performs better than traditional chord overlay network in terms of hop length. Second graph Figure 5 (Number of nodes Vs Communication cost) is an indication of the impact of hop length on the communication cost. Maintenance of a cache in every node can bring down the communication cost to as low as O(1), so that the next time a source knows the destination, it directly retrieves the destination‟s IP address [24]. Nodejoin and leave operations always take only log n steps as opposed to log²n in Chord [25]. Figure 4. No. of nodes Vs Overlay hop length Figure 5. No. of nodes Vs Communication cost
  • 7.  ISSN:2088-8708 Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 10, No. 1, February 2020 : 316 - 322 322 6. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK Wireless sensor networks are susceptible to node replication attacks [26] and hence a decentralized key based caching system is used to identify the clones with the presumption that nodes that have same identity but are geographically distant are considered clones. It is inferred that the use of a balanced network for node clone detection reduces the delay and communication cost when compared to the other overlay networks. This protocol provides high security level with reduced communication cost and minimal storage consumption. As a future work, we can design the overlay based on the physical location and geographic co-ordinates [27] so that the overhead in communication because of the physical network being different from logical network can be solved. REFERENCES [1] M. 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