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playnotes                                                                                                                January 2011

                                                                                                             Early Years Outdoors

                                                                                                 children opportunities to be excited, feel
                                                                                                 anxious, to make new discoveries about
                                                                                                 themselves, develop physically and to
                                                                                                 anticipate what might happen as a
                                                                                                 result of their actions, building on their
                                                                                                 knowledge. Adventures help children gain
                                                                                                 confidence, giving a sense of achievement
                                                                                                 and motivation to try again.
                                                                                                     For boys, the power of adventure may
                                                                                                 be especially relevant. Some research
                                                                                                 suggests that they develop concepts of
                                                                                                 movement and space first, so it makes
                                                                                                 sense for learning to take place in an
                                                                                                 environment such as the outdoors that
                                                                                                 allow these concepts to become concrete
                                                                                                 (see ‘Further resources’).

                                                                                                 enabling adventurous play
                                                                                                 Adventure for children transports them into
                                                                                                 another world. Enabling adventure is not
                                                                                                 necessarily about each day planning for
                                                                                                 special activities but instead supporting
                                                                                                 their interests. Observing children outdoors
                                                                                                 will help give you the best idea of what
                                                                                                 stimulates them. Supporting their interests
                                                                                                 may then involve reassessing the design,
                                                                                                 use and resourcing of your space.
                                                                                                 Reassessing your space
                                                                                                 Look at ways of redesigning your space or
                                                                                                 developing existing features to offer new
                                                                                                 possibilities for adventurous play.
                                                                                                 • Whether climbing up, jumping over
                                                                                                   or crawling through, children want to
                                                                                                   experiment and try physical activities
                                                                                                   beyond their capabilities. Outdoor spaces
                                                                                                   in early years settings, however, are often

Adventurous play
                                                                                                   topographically dull – flat, mainly mown
                                                                                                   grass and tarmac. Incorporating mounds,
                                                                                                   banks and changing gradients may
                                                                                                   involve taking professional advice, but
                                                                                                   once you have clear designs the physical
If someone said to you the word ‘adventure’      • how to tackle risk and adventurous play         work could easily be carried out by
what image or memories would it conjure          • the role of the adult.                          volunteer staff and parents. Height,
up? Climbing trees? Standing on top of
a hill, thinking about running down it?
Making a camp fire? Exploring woods
                                                 What do we mean by
or playing unsupervised?                         ‘adventure’?
    Children need challenging play               Adventurous play doesn’t have to be
but, according to early childhood expert         adrenaline-packed or large scale. After all,
Jennie Lindon (see ‘Further resources’),         a four year old, hiding in the undergrowth,
the risk-averse culture that many of our         is on an adventure. You are having an
children live in today is damaging their         adventure when you are challenging
ability to grow physically, intellectually and   yourself, pushing your own boundaries,
emotionally. Well-designed and well-used         being slightly the other side of your comfort
outdoor spaces can, however, offer children      zone. More commonly termed as the ‘stretch
the space and freedom to experience              zone’ this sits between comfort and panic,
adventurous play with appropriate risk.          where challenge is at the forefront.
    This Playnotes looks at:                         Channelled sympathetically, adventures
• what we mean by adventure                      can set children off on a journey that
• enabling adventurous play                      enriches their learning. They can offer

                                                                                                            Learning through Landscapes
playnotes • january 2011

    for example, can transform play, giving
    children a different perspective on the
    world, while banks, slopes and hills can
    help develop children’s large motor
    skills. Opportunities should be given to
    children who have physical disabilities
    to access heights through using
    bridges, aerial walkways and tree

• Many settings already have walls of
    varying height. These can be used
    for balancing along and jumping off
    providing great opportunities for
    challenge and developing a sense of
    achievement. They can also be adapted
    into traversing walls encouraging
    children to learn about their own body
    strength, and to estimate how far they
    need to stretch their body to move
    along it.

• Nooks and crannies are vital for young
    children, offering a place to initiate
    adventurous pretend play – being lost,
                                               Supporting adventurous activities                challenge’ and that through play children
                                               Providing opportunities for adventure            ‘can take risks and make mistakes’.
    and then being found, being in danger,
                                               doesn’t mean having to change your                  An outdoor environment that is safe
    then being rescued – that is secure yet
                                               whole space.                                     enough is not one devoid of risks and
    secret. Fences can be used to attach
                                                                                                challenges, so it is important to have written
    material or tarpaulin to and create        • Simply allowing for free – rather than         policies, such as a health and safety policy
    spaces and dens for children to hide in.     prescriptive – play can make being
    Wild spaces – from a huddle of bushes        outdoors unpredictable, exciting and           and an outdoor play policy, to support
    to an area of unmown grass – are also        challenging. Free play can unsettle            staff in encouraging this type of play.
    valuable areas for attracting children       practitioners as it lacks structure and
    in search of adventurous play.               adult involvement, but you can still set
                                                 boundaries. Introduce resources such
                                                 as water, logs, crates, tyres and large
                                                 pebbles – all useful, non-prescriptive,
adventurous activities                           open-ended items that encourage
• Moving through tall grasses                    exciting free-play.
• Hiding in bushes, hedges, play houses        • Small world play allows children to act
• Climbing on logs/boulders/ladders              out their miniature adventures. If you
• Dressing up                                    only have tarmac outdoors, fill shallow
• Experiencing cooking outdoors                  trays with grass and water to offer more
• Making dens                                    varied small world environments.
• Using small world resources in sand,
    grass, mud                                 • Some activities that excite young
•   Using open-ended resources                   children have to be adult-led – such
•   Stories that inspire the imagination         as cooking over a fire. Try chocolate
•   Swinging on tyres on a rope attached         buttons in bananas wrapped in foil on
    to a tree                                    a barbecue. This experience will provide
•   Playing in rock pools, puddles               opportunities for discussion, feeding
                                                                                                Assessing risk
•   Going on outings                             into children’s imagination around
                                                                                                Well-designed and well-used outdoor spaces
                                                 adventurous play.
                                                                                                can readily offer children the space and
                                                                                                freedom to experience physical challenges
                                               how to tackle risk and                           with appropriate risk. The key is to approach
                                               adventure                                        risk assessment with a positive attitude – with
                                                                                                young children recognised as competent
                                               Children want to experiment and try
                                                                                                learners, so they can learn how to stay safe
                                               activities beyond their capabilities – it’s in
                                                                                                without being limited. One of the best ways
                                               their nature, and it’s essential that they do
                                               so. Only then can they build knowledge           to feel confident about providing risky play
                                               and skills through experience. In defining       at your setting is to carry out a ‘risk-benefit
                                               play the EYFS (2007) says that ‘providing        analysis’ (see ‘Further resources’) in which
                                               well-planned experiences based on                the emphasis is placed on enabling children
                                               children’s spontaneous play, both indoors        to take risks safely. In addition:
                                               and outdoors, is an important way in             • have conversations with your colleagues
                                               which practitioners support young                  about how the space is being used, to
                                               children to learn with enjoyment and               check you haven’t overlooked anything.

adVenturous pLay
case study                                                                                                playnotes • january 2011
Sticky Fingers Day Nursery is a
privately-owned nursery in London sharing
its space with the local scouts group. Keen
to offer more adventurous activities –
especially secret, sensory experiences –
the setting, which has developed a positive
relationship with the scouts over the years
– was able to agree an area that they
could develop to offer these experiences.
The new area is the result of hard work
by the staff and parents. It includes
boulders and logs for stepping along and
climbing over, a bridge-style walk way,
and planting with textured and aromatic
shrubs providing secret, sensory areas.
    The staff have noticed how the
children use their imagination a lot
more, and develop ways of assessing risk
for themselves – working out different
ways to get across the bridge, sliding,
jumping and climbing round it, for
example. They can experience different
heights and perspectives – the eucalyptus
tree, for example, has a branch that helps
the children stand on the boulder – and
there are nooks and crannies where they
can appear hidden, reflect and work
out their next move.
    Although the committee were wary
of the changes to the outdoor space, they
have seen the benefits an adventurous
space like this can bring to the children.

• check accident records often to see if        existing safety measures are adequate         positive lesson for the children.
  there are regularly incidents in specific     or if additional precautions need to be
  areas or with specific equipment.             put in place.
                                                                                              • keep calm about the incident, discuss
                                                                                                with the children what happened and
                                                                                                encourage them to ask questions.
• consider the range of abilities of          Dealing with accidents
  children who will be using the different
  outdoor areas, making decisions based
                                              It is inevitable that accidents will happen –
                                              children need to experience, for example,
                                                                                              • point out the dangers and ask the
                                                                                                children for solutions to stay safe.
  on what is developmentally appropriate      falling over if they are to learn to balance
  rather than on the children’s ages. Use     or navigate uneven surfaces. How you deal       • reinforce boundaries.
  your judgement to decide whether the        with accidents can, however, provide a
                                                                                              • treat incidents as mistakes that children
                                                                                                can learn from by using a ‘no blame’

                                                                                              • comfort a child if they are upset and
                                                                                                listen to them if they want to talk.

                                                                                              • reflect on the accident in future
                                                                                                planning if appropriate.

                                                                                              the role of the practitioner
                                                                                              Observing children at play allows the
                                                                                              practitioner to build up knowledge of
                                                                                              the children in their care. If an activity is
                                                                                              beyond an individual child’s mobility skills
                                                                                              or level of understanding, then there is
                                                                                              potential for a risk or challenge to become
                                                                                              a genuine hazard or danger. However,
                                                                                              giving children opportunities to try,
                                                                                              maybe to fail, and to try again until they
                                                                                              learn a new skill or technique (and then
                                                                                              celebrating their success with them)
                                                                                              will not only boost a child’s physical
                                                                                              capabilities but their confidence too.
                                                                                                  As a practitioner, you will also know

                                                                                                                       adVenturous pLay
playnotes • january 2011

case study
When Children’s Place, an early years
setting in Halifax, decided to develop
their grounds in order to encourage
adventurous play, they had to work
closely with parents and other early years
specialists to ensure they developed a safe
garden space, offering children the
opportunity for risk and challenge.
    To help put their ideas in place the
nursery received Quality and Access
funding from their local authority. As
members of LTL they were then able to
research ideas for outdoor play before
setting up a consultation process which
included a parents’ forum. Staff also
visited other settings, encouraged the
children to draw pictures showing what
they like to do outdoors, and everyone
experienced a forest school day, which
involved lighting fires and climbing trees.
    Following the consultation process it
was decided that installing a number of        rocks and boulders in two areas would            challenge while making the whole outdoor
                                               offer the type of physical challenge and         space more manageable for staff.
                                               adventure the children needed. The staff            The development of their outdoor space
                                               managed the new space by gradually               has highlighted to staff the importance of
                                               introducing the children to it, devising a       taking children’s ages and abilities into
                                               one-way system to avoid them colliding           consideration when planning how to
                                               with each other, and developing outdoor          manage change. The setting recently
                                               rules such as ‘we must take turns’.              held a parents’ forum during which the
                                                   Despite the setting’s best efforts, one of   development of an outdoor play policy
                                               the children at the nursery did injure herself   was discussed using outdoor play policy
                                               following a fall. This forced the setting to     guidance from Learning through
                                               reflect on how and why the incident              Landscapes. A draft policy is now in
                                               occurred and how best to progress. The           process, working in partnership with
                                               issue was discussed with parents, advice         parents, children, staff and the setting’s
                                               was sought from LTL, and with everyone           local authority early years consultants.
                                               in agreement the rocks in one area of the        This helps to inform new parents that
                                               outdoor site were replaced with low wooden       outdoor risk and challenge is an
                                               posts offering a different type of physical      important part of its ethos.

which children can acquire new skills easily   Further resources
and those who will need support. Set
boundaries and be specific about safety        • Playnotes Up, over and under (July
rules around using new resources:                2009), Boys and the outdoors (November
                                                 2008), Nooks and crannies (September
• break activities down into manageable          2010), Curriculum support Risk
    steps by telling them what you are
    doing.                                       Assessments. All available to members
                                                 to download for free from our website
• let children watch as you explain the
    safety aspects.
                                               • Too Safe for Their Own Good by Jennie
•   encourage them to ask questions about        Lindon (National Children’s Bureau,
    the equipment. Show pictures or written      2003)
    instructions for the activity.                                                              © This resource was originally
                                                                                                created as part of the Early Years
• let them try the activity with your                                                           Outdoors membership scheme from
                                                                                                the national school grounds charity
• gradually allow the child some                                                                Learning through Landscapes
                                                                                                operating in Scotland as
    independence to have a go.
                                                                                                Grounds for Learning
• at times some activities/actions are only                                                     (registered charity no. in England and Wales
    appropriate for adults. You need to                                                         803270 and in Scotland SCO38890).

    explain why this is to the children.                                                        To find out more about
                                                                                                membership call 01962 845811
• allow children to try and try again.                                                          or visit

adVenturous pLay

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Adventurous Play: Early Years Outdoors Learning

  • 1. playnotes January 2011 Early Years Outdoors children opportunities to be excited, feel anxious, to make new discoveries about themselves, develop physically and to anticipate what might happen as a result of their actions, building on their knowledge. Adventures help children gain confidence, giving a sense of achievement and motivation to try again. For boys, the power of adventure may be especially relevant. Some research suggests that they develop concepts of movement and space first, so it makes sense for learning to take place in an environment such as the outdoors that allow these concepts to become concrete (see ‘Further resources’). enabling adventurous play Adventure for children transports them into another world. Enabling adventure is not necessarily about each day planning for special activities but instead supporting their interests. Observing children outdoors will help give you the best idea of what stimulates them. Supporting their interests may then involve reassessing the design, use and resourcing of your space. Reassessing your space Look at ways of redesigning your space or developing existing features to offer new possibilities for adventurous play. • Whether climbing up, jumping over or crawling through, children want to experiment and try physical activities beyond their capabilities. Outdoor spaces in early years settings, however, are often Adventurous play topographically dull – flat, mainly mown grass and tarmac. Incorporating mounds, banks and changing gradients may involve taking professional advice, but once you have clear designs the physical If someone said to you the word ‘adventure’ • how to tackle risk and adventurous play work could easily be carried out by what image or memories would it conjure • the role of the adult. volunteer staff and parents. Height, up? Climbing trees? Standing on top of a hill, thinking about running down it? Making a camp fire? Exploring woods What do we mean by or playing unsupervised? ‘adventure’? Children need challenging play Adventurous play doesn’t have to be but, according to early childhood expert adrenaline-packed or large scale. After all, Jennie Lindon (see ‘Further resources’), a four year old, hiding in the undergrowth, the risk-averse culture that many of our is on an adventure. You are having an children live in today is damaging their adventure when you are challenging ability to grow physically, intellectually and yourself, pushing your own boundaries, emotionally. Well-designed and well-used being slightly the other side of your comfort outdoor spaces can, however, offer children zone. More commonly termed as the ‘stretch the space and freedom to experience zone’ this sits between comfort and panic, adventurous play with appropriate risk. where challenge is at the forefront. This Playnotes looks at: Channelled sympathetically, adventures • what we mean by adventure can set children off on a journey that • enabling adventurous play enriches their learning. They can offer Learning through Landscapes
  • 2. playnotes • january 2011 for example, can transform play, giving children a different perspective on the world, while banks, slopes and hills can help develop children’s large motor skills. Opportunities should be given to children who have physical disabilities to access heights through using bridges, aerial walkways and tree houses. • Many settings already have walls of varying height. These can be used for balancing along and jumping off providing great opportunities for challenge and developing a sense of achievement. They can also be adapted into traversing walls encouraging children to learn about their own body strength, and to estimate how far they need to stretch their body to move along it. • Nooks and crannies are vital for young children, offering a place to initiate adventurous pretend play – being lost, Supporting adventurous activities challenge’ and that through play children Providing opportunities for adventure ‘can take risks and make mistakes’. and then being found, being in danger, doesn’t mean having to change your An outdoor environment that is safe then being rescued – that is secure yet whole space. enough is not one devoid of risks and secret. Fences can be used to attach challenges, so it is important to have written material or tarpaulin to and create • Simply allowing for free – rather than policies, such as a health and safety policy spaces and dens for children to hide in. prescriptive – play can make being Wild spaces – from a huddle of bushes outdoors unpredictable, exciting and and an outdoor play policy, to support to an area of unmown grass – are also challenging. Free play can unsettle staff in encouraging this type of play. valuable areas for attracting children practitioners as it lacks structure and in search of adventurous play. adult involvement, but you can still set boundaries. Introduce resources such as water, logs, crates, tyres and large pebbles – all useful, non-prescriptive, adventurous activities open-ended items that encourage • Moving through tall grasses exciting free-play. • Hiding in bushes, hedges, play houses • Small world play allows children to act • Climbing on logs/boulders/ladders out their miniature adventures. If you • Dressing up only have tarmac outdoors, fill shallow • Experiencing cooking outdoors trays with grass and water to offer more • Making dens varied small world environments. • Using small world resources in sand, grass, mud • Some activities that excite young • Using open-ended resources children have to be adult-led – such • Stories that inspire the imagination as cooking over a fire. Try chocolate • Swinging on tyres on a rope attached buttons in bananas wrapped in foil on to a tree a barbecue. This experience will provide • Playing in rock pools, puddles opportunities for discussion, feeding Assessing risk • Going on outings into children’s imagination around Well-designed and well-used outdoor spaces adventurous play. can readily offer children the space and freedom to experience physical challenges how to tackle risk and with appropriate risk. The key is to approach adventure risk assessment with a positive attitude – with young children recognised as competent Children want to experiment and try learners, so they can learn how to stay safe activities beyond their capabilities – it’s in without being limited. One of the best ways their nature, and it’s essential that they do so. Only then can they build knowledge to feel confident about providing risky play and skills through experience. In defining at your setting is to carry out a ‘risk-benefit play the EYFS (2007) says that ‘providing analysis’ (see ‘Further resources’) in which well-planned experiences based on the emphasis is placed on enabling children children’s spontaneous play, both indoors to take risks safely. In addition: and outdoors, is an important way in • have conversations with your colleagues which practitioners support young about how the space is being used, to children to learn with enjoyment and check you haven’t overlooked anything. adVenturous pLay
  • 3. case study playnotes • january 2011 Sticky Fingers Day Nursery is a privately-owned nursery in London sharing its space with the local scouts group. Keen to offer more adventurous activities – especially secret, sensory experiences – the setting, which has developed a positive relationship with the scouts over the years – was able to agree an area that they could develop to offer these experiences. The new area is the result of hard work by the staff and parents. It includes boulders and logs for stepping along and climbing over, a bridge-style walk way, and planting with textured and aromatic shrubs providing secret, sensory areas. The staff have noticed how the children use their imagination a lot more, and develop ways of assessing risk for themselves – working out different ways to get across the bridge, sliding, jumping and climbing round it, for example. They can experience different heights and perspectives – the eucalyptus tree, for example, has a branch that helps the children stand on the boulder – and there are nooks and crannies where they can appear hidden, reflect and work out their next move. Although the committee were wary of the changes to the outdoor space, they have seen the benefits an adventurous space like this can bring to the children. • check accident records often to see if existing safety measures are adequate positive lesson for the children. there are regularly incidents in specific or if additional precautions need to be areas or with specific equipment. put in place. • keep calm about the incident, discuss with the children what happened and encourage them to ask questions. • consider the range of abilities of Dealing with accidents children who will be using the different outdoor areas, making decisions based It is inevitable that accidents will happen – children need to experience, for example, • point out the dangers and ask the children for solutions to stay safe. on what is developmentally appropriate falling over if they are to learn to balance rather than on the children’s ages. Use or navigate uneven surfaces. How you deal • reinforce boundaries. your judgement to decide whether the with accidents can, however, provide a • treat incidents as mistakes that children can learn from by using a ‘no blame’ approach. • comfort a child if they are upset and listen to them if they want to talk. • reflect on the accident in future planning if appropriate. the role of the practitioner Observing children at play allows the practitioner to build up knowledge of the children in their care. If an activity is beyond an individual child’s mobility skills or level of understanding, then there is potential for a risk or challenge to become a genuine hazard or danger. However, giving children opportunities to try, maybe to fail, and to try again until they learn a new skill or technique (and then celebrating their success with them) will not only boost a child’s physical capabilities but their confidence too. As a practitioner, you will also know adVenturous pLay
  • 4. playnotes • january 2011 case study When Children’s Place, an early years setting in Halifax, decided to develop their grounds in order to encourage adventurous play, they had to work closely with parents and other early years specialists to ensure they developed a safe garden space, offering children the opportunity for risk and challenge. To help put their ideas in place the nursery received Quality and Access funding from their local authority. As members of LTL they were then able to research ideas for outdoor play before setting up a consultation process which included a parents’ forum. Staff also visited other settings, encouraged the children to draw pictures showing what they like to do outdoors, and everyone experienced a forest school day, which involved lighting fires and climbing trees. Following the consultation process it was decided that installing a number of rocks and boulders in two areas would challenge while making the whole outdoor offer the type of physical challenge and space more manageable for staff. adventure the children needed. The staff The development of their outdoor space managed the new space by gradually has highlighted to staff the importance of introducing the children to it, devising a taking children’s ages and abilities into one-way system to avoid them colliding consideration when planning how to with each other, and developing outdoor manage change. The setting recently rules such as ‘we must take turns’. held a parents’ forum during which the Despite the setting’s best efforts, one of development of an outdoor play policy the children at the nursery did injure herself was discussed using outdoor play policy following a fall. This forced the setting to guidance from Learning through reflect on how and why the incident Landscapes. A draft policy is now in occurred and how best to progress. The process, working in partnership with issue was discussed with parents, advice parents, children, staff and the setting’s was sought from LTL, and with everyone local authority early years consultants. in agreement the rocks in one area of the This helps to inform new parents that outdoor site were replaced with low wooden outdoor risk and challenge is an posts offering a different type of physical important part of its ethos. which children can acquire new skills easily Further resources and those who will need support. Set boundaries and be specific about safety • Playnotes Up, over and under (July rules around using new resources: 2009), Boys and the outdoors (November 2008), Nooks and crannies (September • break activities down into manageable 2010), Curriculum support Risk steps by telling them what you are doing. Assessments. All available to members to download for free from our website • let children watch as you explain the safety aspects. • Too Safe for Their Own Good by Jennie • encourage them to ask questions about Lindon (National Children’s Bureau, the equipment. Show pictures or written 2003) instructions for the activity. © This resource was originally created as part of the Early Years • let them try the activity with your Outdoors membership scheme from support. the national school grounds charity • gradually allow the child some Learning through Landscapes operating in Scotland as independence to have a go. Grounds for Learning • at times some activities/actions are only (registered charity no. in England and Wales appropriate for adults. You need to 803270 and in Scotland SCO38890). explain why this is to the children. To find out more about membership call 01962 845811 • allow children to try and try again. or visit adVenturous pLay