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combined central and peripheralcombined central and peripheral
Dr. E. Tack
AZ Nikolaas
DC, Sept 2003:DC, Sept 2003:
 16 jarig meisje (° 31/12/1986) : sedert jaren klachten van beven, vnl. bij positionering. Geen
tremor bij directe familieleden.
 KNO: normaal. Normale oogfundus. Geen duidelijke tremor opgemerkt. Enkel bij schrijven en
tekenen lichte tremulerende component in de lijn.
 EEG is normaal.
Sept 2004:Sept 2004:
 toenemende bewegingsstoornissen
 slechtere coördinatie, meer houterig geworden. Fijne motorische vaardigheden zijn sterk
vertraagd (typen).
 schoolresultaten duidelijk verminderd
 praten gebeurt minder vlot
 ook af en toe voosheid en tintelingen in de voetzolen
 Oogfundus normaal.
 Normale hersenzenuwen.
 De spraak is niet vloeiend. Geen opmerkelijke dysartrie of dysfonie.
 Gang duidelijk houterig, dystone houding bij het stappen thv. de rechter hand
 Reflexen: normaal - VZR beiderzijds volgens Babinski.
 Sensibiliteit: sterke daling van het vibratiegevoel in de benen beiderzijds, links meer uitgesproken
patient 1patient 1
- verdwenen SNAP's zowel thv. de OL als BL
- Verlengde distale motorische latenties CMAP’s OL en BL.
- Vermindering MCV’s OL: tibialis: 21 m/s links, 28 m/s rechts – thv BL
- OL: proximale geleidingsvertraging
- temporele dispersie
- geen conductiebloks
- MEPMEP: centrale motorische geleiding is verlengd
- Myogram: enkel verminderde recrutering, afname contracties
Chronische demyeliniserende polyneuropathie
- BERA: verlengde interlatentie III-V rechts.  
- VEP: bilaterale verlenging van de P100 - diffuse geleidingsstoornissen
over de visuele banen.
- SSEP: bilateraal licht verlengde centrale sensibele conductie.
LABO:LABO: routine lab no.
Eiwit LV: 57.5 mg/dl (15.0-45.0)
Glucose LV: 65 mg/dl (40-70)
Geen cellen.
IgG Index: 0.6 (0.2-0.8)
Electrofor. LV beoordeling: normaal electroforesepatroon. Geen extra
bandjes in de gammaglobulinenfraktie.
Uitgebreide maar symmetrische
signaalafwijkingen in de
supratentoriële witte stof
beiderzijds. Atrofie van het
corpus callosum met ook centraal
signaalafwijkingen. Relatief
graciel hersenstam.
cerebroside β-galactosidase : 5.4 nmol/mg/17u - ref 5.0 - 27.9
Arylsulfatase AArylsulfatase A : <0.06 nmol/mg/min - ref 0.5 - 2.0
Besluit : arylsulfatase A deficiëntie.
-> Metachromatische leucodystrofieMetachromatische leucodystrofie
Nadien bevestigd op moleculaire DNA-analyse
Arylsulfatase A (of cerebroside-sulfatase): enzym dat de sulfaatgroep uit
sulfaatbevattende vetten knipt (bv. cerebroside 3-sulfaat).
•eerste stap in de afbraak van deze sulfaatbevattende vetten
•tekort leidt tot een ophoping van deze sulfatiden (zoals cerebroside
sulfaat) en deficiënte myelineproductie
•gen op chromosoom 22q
Metachromatische leukodystrofie (MLD, Arylsulfatase A deficiëntie)
-lysosomale stapelingsziekte (leukodystrofieën)
Oorzaken van chronische myeloneuropathie
Nutritionele deficiënties: vit B12, foliumzuur, vit E, Cu, N²O toxiciteit met
gestoord B12 metabolisme, AIDS-geassociëerde myelopathie met gestoord
B12 metabolisme
Infecties: HTLV-1, HIV, syfilis
Inflammatoir: Sjögren, neurosarcoïdosis
Geografisch-toxisch: cassava, lathyrisme, fluorosis, subacute myelo-
opticoneuropathie, tropische myeloneuropathieën
Toxisch: chemotherapie (cisplatine, cytarabine, intrathecale therapie),
met metabole afwijkingen: adrenomyeloneuropathie, Krabbe (cerebroside
β-galactosidase), metachromatische leukodystrofie, cerebrotendineuze
xanthomatosis, familiale vit E deficiëntie, abetalipoproteinemie, cobalamine
en foliumzuur metabolisme defecten, respiratoire keten defecten,
polyglucan body disease
zonder metabole afwijkingen: hereditaire spastische paraplegie,
spinocerebellaire ataxieën
I.N. °30-10-1980:I.N. °30-10-1980:
- meisje 16 j
- aug 1996: volledige VII paralyse links met zware axonale degeneratie.
NMR-scan was normaal. ENG: voll. blok. Onvolledige recuperatie.
- 1999: episode met verminderde visus rechts, 1 week gestoorde
gevoeligheid in de beide voeten (retrospectief)
- sept 2000: recidief VII parese rechts, onvolledig.
- CSF: volledig normaal incl. agargelelectroforese
- VEP: verlengde latentie rechts.
- ENG, MEP facialis en BL:
- conductieblok thv canalis facialis
- MEP: bilateraal verlengde CMCT thv. BL
- MRI schedel: talrijke supratentoriële witte stof letsels vnl diep periventriculair
bilateraal, suggestief voor MS, geen letsels in pontiene tegmentum
- okt 2000: episodes van vertigo, paroxysmale ataxie.
- Start β-interferon 1a (Rebif).
- mei 2008: natalizumab (Tysabri) na ontwikkeling van groot cervicaal
medullair letsel. Sedertdien stabiel.
patient 2patient 2
Facial palsy in multiple sclerosis. Fukazawa T, ea. J Neurol. 1997 Oct;244(10):631-3.
Facial palsy as the first syndrome of multiple sclerosis in 16 year old girl. Topolska MM, ea. Otolaryngol Pol
From recurrent peripheral facial palsy to multiple sclerosis. Ivanković M, ea. Acta Clin Croat. 2011 Sep;50(3):419-21.
MRI sept 2015
VDH A, febr 2014:VDH A, febr 2014:
- man 52 jaar (°15/11/1962)
- >1 jaar, af en toe, dropvoet links, paresthesieën voeten
- KNO:
- Nervi craniales, onderzoek BL normaal.
- OL: normale KPR, APR afwezig. Babinski links
- Sensibiliteit: panmodaal verminderd, vnl. voor de proprioceptieve gevoeligheid, vnl.
distaal, vrij symmetrisch.
- Motoriek: lichte extensie-parese van de voet links. Extensieparese bilateraal tenen.
patient 3patient 3
- OL:
- motore geleidingstudies: verlengde distale motore latenties, gedaalde amplitudes voor de
CMAP's, distaal vnl. gedaalde geleidingssnelheden
- F-waves zijn ofwel niet opwekbaar, ofwel verlaat en sterk gedesynchroniseerd
- afwezige SNAP voor de suralis links, de rechter suralis is verlaagd in amplitude.
- myogram: geen tekenen van actieve denervatie op het myogram, noch
fasciculatiepotentialen. Insertie is duidelijk verminderd in de distale voetrugspieren. Amplitude
MUAP's verhoogd, polyfasische MUAP's, sterke vertraging van de recrutering, vnl. distaal
- BL:
- motore geleidingsstudies:
- algemene lichte daling van de perifere geleidingssnelheden
- daling van de CMAP amplitudes
- ampl SNAP's van de ulnaris en de medianus gedaald
- F-latenties zijn ofwel afwezig, ofwel gedesynchroniseerd, ofwel sterk verlengd.
- myogram: vertraagde neurogene recrutering, no MUAP’s, geen act denervatie
- MEP BL: CMCT-M: R: 6,1 ms, L: 7,0 ms (no < 8,8 ms) = no
Multi-focale polyneuropathie met vnl. demyeliniserende kenmerken vnl proximaal
- PBO, foliumzuur, vitamine B12, leverenzymes, nierparameters, CRP,
eiwitten, immunoelectroforese, complement, TSH, 25-OH-Vitamine D,
vitamine E, lange vetzuurketens C26: normaal
- ANF negatief, HIV antistoffen negatief
CSVCSV: cellen normaal, glucose normaal, eiwit 37 mg/dL
- IgG albumine index 1.62 < 0.65
- Isofocalisatie + blotting: inthrathecale IgG-synthese: 26-tal extra
oligoclonale banden in CSV, geen in serum.
EEG en VEP:EEG en VEP: normaalnormaal
- xx
patient 2patient 2
MRI schedel:MRI schedel:
Multipele focaal confluerende witte stofletsels beiderzijds supratentorieel, vooral subcorticaal / periventriculair
gelegen. Klein juxtacorticaal letsel rechts prerolandisch. Eveneens enkele kleine letsels infratentorieel, meest
opvallend links cerebellair. MRI beeld kan passen bij demyelinisatie. Geen duidelijke doorbraak van
patient 2patient 2
combinatie centrale en perifere demyeliniserende aandoening,
-enerzijds compatibel met MS (oligoclonale fractionatie
gammaglobulines bij iso-electrofocusing, NMR met zowel witte
stofletsels thv ruggenmerg (?) als hersenen).
-anderzijds beeld van chronische inflammatoire demyeliniserende
polyneuropathie (CIDP).
MSMS?? McDonald criteria:McDonald criteria:
Clinical Presentation Additional Data Needed
* ≥ 2 episodes
* objectief klinisch bewijs voor ≥2 laesies
* objectief klinisch bewijs voor 1 laesie én op basis van anamnese zeer
aannemelijke eerdere episode
* ≥ 2 episodes
* objectief klinisch bewijs voor 1 laesie
Dissociatie in plaats aangetoond met
* MRI of
* nieuwe klinische episode met andere lokalisatie
* 1 episode
* objectief klinisch bewijs voor ≥2 laesies.
Dissociatie in tijd, aangetoond met
* MRI of
* tweede klinische episode
* 1 episode
* objectief klinisch bewijs voor 1 laesie
(‘clinically isolated syndrome')
Dissociatie in plaats, aangetoond met
* MRI of
* nieuwe klinische episode met andere lokalisatie
Dissociatie in tijd, aangetoond met
* MRI of
* tweede klinische episode
Sluipende neurologische progressie suggestief voor MS (primair
progressieve MS)
Minstens één jaar progressief ziektebeloop (retrospectief of
prospectief vastgesteld)
2 van de 3 volgende criteria:
A. ≥1 T2 laesie in ten minste één karakteristiek gebied
(periventriculair, juxtacorticaal, infratentorieel)
B. ≥2 T2 laesies in het ruggenmerg
C. Positieve liquor (oligoclonale bandjes en/of verhoogde IgG
CIDPCIDP?? criteria:criteria:
Nov 2015:Nov 2015:
- Electroneuromyografisch: geen verbetering.
- Klinisch ook geen verdere verbetering (aanvankelijk wel met Medrol)
- Bijwerkingen Medrol (32 mg /2d). Associatie Endoxan 3 x 50 mg /d
- actueel onder intraveneuze immunoglobulinetherapie
Combined central and peripheral myelinopathyCombined central and peripheral myelinopathy
Michael Rubin, ea - Neurology August 1987 vol. 37 no. 8 1287Michael Rubin, ea - Neurology August 1987 vol. 37 no. 8 1287
- 2 ptn met ernstige centrale en perifere demyelinisatie
- 5 andere reports
- perifere neuropathie bij MS zonder klinische weerslag
Evidence for central nervous system demyelination in chronic inflammatoryEvidence for central nervous system demyelination in chronic inflammatory
demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathydemyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy
J. R. Mendell, ea - Neurology August 1987 vol. 37 no. 8 1291J. R. Mendell, ea - Neurology August 1987 vol. 37 no. 8 1291
- MS en CIPD: coincidentie of pathogenetisch gerelateerd?
- 16 ptn met CIDPCIDP kregenkregen MRIMRI:
- 6/16 periventriculaire, subcorticale, en hersenstam witte stof lesies, aspect typisch voor MS
- 3/6: definite clinical and laboratory evidence of MS
- Bestaan van een centraal-perifeer inflammatoir demyeliniserend syndroom
- In spectrum tussen MS en CIDP of afzonderlijke pathogenetische entiteit?
Gecombineerde centrale en perifere demyelinisatieGecombineerde centrale en perifere demyelinisatie
Peripheral nervous system involvement in multiple sclerosisPeripheral nervous system involvement in multiple sclerosis
P.C. Zee, eaP.C. Zee, ea
Neurology March 1991 41:3 457-457Neurology March 1991 41:3 457-457
retrospectieve studie van 150 patiënten met ‘clinically definite MSclinically definite MS’:
11% manifestaties van ofwel radiculopathie of perifere neuropathie (niet
verklaard door andere oorzaken)
– 8% radiculopathie (lumbosacraal 77% of cervicaal 23%). In 3 ptn eerste
symptoom leidend tot de diagnose van MS
 frequentie radiculopathie gelijkaardig als die van trigeminus neuropathie of perifere
facilialisparese in MS
– 3% perifere neuropathie (initiële abnormaliteit in 2/4 ptn).
 1 met n.thoracicus long parese, beantwoorden aan therapie met steroiden
 2de met progressieve diffuse demyel. polyneuropathie met gestegen CSF proteïne en +
 3de met neurogene atrofie op spierbiopt
 Alle 4 klinisch en op EMG evidentie voor polyneuropathie
Peripheral neuropathy in multiple sclerosis: a clinical andPeripheral neuropathy in multiple sclerosis: a clinical and
electrophysiologic study.electrophysiologic study.
Sarova-Pinhas I ea
Acta Neurol Scand. 1995 Apr;91(4):234-8.
-22 mildly disabled MS patients with sensory complaints for evidence of neuropathy
-EMG abnormalities were found in 33 of 244 nerves examined (14.7%) and occurred
in 10 patients (45.5%) – demyelinating type of PNP
-Age, disease duration, disease course and neurologic disability as evaluated by the
Kurtzke EDSS, were not associated with the presence of neuropathy.
-findings indicate a high frequency of sensory-motor neuropathy in a selected group
of MS patients.
Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol. 2003 Sep;43(6):349-51.
Peripheral sensory and motor abnormalities in patients with multiple sclerosis.
Anlar O
Neurol Neurochir Pol. 2004 Jul-Aug;38(4):257-64.
Subclinical lesions of peripheral nervous system in multiple sclerosis patients
Pogorzelski R
perifeer neurogeen lijden in MS ?
– door gevorderde ziekte en immobilisatie?
 geen associatie met leeftijd, ziekteverloop en -duur, Kurtzke EDSS in
verschillende studies, soms is PNP de 1ste manifestatie
– Veelal subklinisch of aanzien als symptoom van centrale
 mogelijk is frequentie nog hoger
– radiculopathie op basis van ‘root entry zone’ lesies en/of plaques?
 geen verklaring voor de perifere neuropathie
– Diermodel: bij experimentele allergische chronische relapsing
encephalomyelitis is er ook perifere demyelinisatie
– overlappend syndroom van gecombineerde centrale en perifere
Gecombineerde centrale en perifere demyelinisatieGecombineerde centrale en perifere demyelinisatie
frequent start demyelinisatie in het CNS, gevolgd door PNS aantasting, soms
3 mogelijke mechanismen:
 gemeenschappelijke auto-immuun reactiviteit tegen myeline antigenen of
epitopen zowel in CNS als PNS
 personen met hogere vatbaarheid voor auto-immuun ziekten, mogelijk
veroorzaakt of uitgelokt door immunomodulerende behandeling, vb β-
 puur toevallig
overlappend en continu klinisch spectrum van Fisher syndroom en Bickerstaff
hersenstam encefalitis
Autoimmune disorders affecting both the central and peripheral nervous system.
Kamm C
Autoimmun Rev. 2012 Jan;11(3):196-202.
Contrasting effects of IFNβ and IVIG in children with central andContrasting effects of IFNβ and IVIG in children with central and
peripheral demyelinationperipheral demyelination
I. Pirko, ea
Neurology May 27, 2003 vol. 60 no. 10 1697-1699
 3 kinderen met MS met zeer goede respons op interferon-β (IFNβ)
 tijdens de therapie ontwikkeling van CIDP met respons op IV-IG.
 2 observaties:
1. IFNβ behandeling voorkwam niet de ontwikkeling van CIDP
2. CIDP in de context van MS verbeterde met IV-IG, zonder therapeutisch
effect op de centrale demyeliniserende aandoening
Suggereren een verschillend pathogenetisch mechanisme en geen
gemeenschappelijk antigen
The local differentiation of myelinated axons at nodes of Ranvier
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 4, 968-980 (December 2003) | doi:10.1038/nrn1253
The local differentiation of myelinated axons at nodes of Ranvier
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 4, 968-980 (December 2003) | doi:10.1038/nrn1253
components at the
node of Ranvier
Ranvier revisited: novel
nodal antigens stimulate
interest in GBS
Hugh Willison and Steven S.
Neurology July 8, 2014 vol. 83
no. 2 106-108
common antigens
are shared by both
peripheral and
central myelin:
 myelin-associated
glycoprotein (MAG)
 myelin basic protein
(MBP) antibodies
 neutral glycolipid
 neurofascin
Neurofascin as a novel target for autoantibody-mediated axonal
JEM, 2007; 204 (10): 2363
Mathey et al.
Novel forms of neurofascin 155 in the central nervous system:
alterations in paranodal disruption models and multiple sclerosis
Anthony D. Pomicter, ea
Brain, febr 2010.
Neurofascin as a target for autoantibodies in peripheral
Judy King Man Ng, ea
Neurology December 4, 2012 vol. 79 no. 23 2241-2248
– autoantibodies to NF by ELISA in 4% of patients with AIDP and CIDP,
but not in controls
Anti-neurofascin antibody in patients with combined central and peripheralAnti-neurofascin antibody in patients with combined central and peripheral
Nobutoshi Kawamura, ea - Neurology August 20, 2013 vol. 81 no. 8 714-722
Anti-neurofascin antibody positivity rates:
•86% in patients with CCPD (7 ptn) – 2/2 ook positief in CSF
•25% in patients with CIDP (16)
•15% in patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome (20)
•10% in patients with multiple sclerosis (20)
•0% in patients with other neuropathies (21) and healthy controls (23).
-cell-based assay detected serum anti-neurofascin antibody in 5 of 7 patients with CCPD
In anti-neurofascin antibody–positive CCPD patients, including those with a limited response to
corticosteroids, IV immunoglobulin or plasma exchange alleviated the symptoms.
Figure 4 Neuroimaging and electrophysiologic findings in representative patients with
CCPD(A–D) MRIs for patient 1.
Nobutoshi Kawamura et al. Neurology 2013;81:714-722
© 2013 American Academy of Neurology
Anti-neurofascin antibody in combined central and peripheral
Clinical and Experimental Neuroimmunology Vol 4, 28 NOV 2013
Ryo Yamasaki
Neurofascine (NF) = cell adhesion molecule zowel in CNS als PNS
– onderhoud en ontwikkeling van neurale structuren
– verschillende subtypes (NF155, 166, 180 en 186)
NF155 is zowel op de oligodendroglia (CNS) als op Schwannceloppervlak
(PNS) aanwezig op de paranodi; verbindt contactin en caspr op axonaal
oppervlak, stabilisator vd knopen van Ranvier.
NF186 op axonaal oppervlak, thv de voltage-gated Na channels (Nav),
verankerd dmv ankyrin G.
CCPD: anti-NF155 antilichamen (cell-based assay, enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay, en western blot) zowel in serum als CSF in hoge
frequenties, niet bij patiënten met andere neurologische aandoeningen of
Anti-neurofascin antibody in combined central and peripheral
Clinical and Experimental Neuroimmunology Vol 4, 28 NOV 2013
Ryo Yamasaki
7 ptn
Anti-NF155 antibody
– ELISA (serum) 6/7 (85.7%)
– CBA (serum) 5/7 (71.4%)
– CBA (CSF) 3/3 (100%)
CSF oligoclonal IgG bands 1/7 (14.3%)
MRI abnormality (brain) 7/7 (100%)
– Multifocal: diffuse 6: 1
MRI abnormality (spinal cord) 4/7 (57.1%)
NCS (fulfilled criteria for CIDPa) 6/7 (85.7%)
VEP abnormality 4/5 (80%)
Anti neurofascin antibody in combined central and peripheral demyelination‐Anti neurofascin antibody in combined central and peripheral demyelination‐
Clinical and Experimental Neuroimmunology
pages 68-75, 28 NOV 2013 DOI: 10.1111/cen3.12061
A nationwide survey of combined central and peripheral demyelination in Japan.A nationwide survey of combined central and peripheral demyelination in Japan.
Ogata H ea
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2016 Jan;87(1):29-36
definitie CCPD:
MRI met T2 high-signal intensity lesies in hersenen, n.opticus of medulla spinalis
en/of gestoorde VEP
demyeliniserende PNP met vertraagde conductie, conductie-blocks, temporale
dispersie of F-wave abnormaliteiten
exclusie van secundaire oorzaken van demyelinisatie
40 CCPD cases (29 vrouwen)
beginleeftijd: 31.7 ± 14.1 j (mean±SD)
sensoriële stoornissen: 94.9%
motorische zwakte: 92.5%
gangstoornissen: 79.5%
CSF proteïne gestegen: 82.5%
gestegen IgG-index: 18.5%
oligoclonale IgG bandjes: 7.4%
abnormale VEP: 71.4%
Neurofascine-155 antibodies: + in 5/11 (45.5%)
Therapie: verbetering met
plasmaferesis: 87.5%
corticosteroiden: 83.3%
IV immunoglobulines: 66.7%
interferon-ß: 10%
CCPD - prognose: mogelijk 2 groepen
bij ptn met vrijwel gelijktijdige aantasting perifeer en centraal:
– meer invaliditeit
– minder relapses
– meer frequent extensieve lesies cerebraal en spinaal op MRI
bij ptn met tijdelijke geïsoleerde aantasting perifeer of centraal:
– meer optische neuritis
Neurofascin-155 IgG4 in chronic inflammatory demyelinating
Jérôme J. Devaux, ea - Neurology, online before print February 3, 2016
533 patiënten met CIDPCIDP: anti-NF155 IgG4 antibodies
dmv ELISA (centrale en perifere zenuwvezels)
Anti-NF155 IgG4 antibodies in 38/533 ptn (7%) met
geen bij controle ptn (200 met MS en GBS) of
jongere beginleeftijd itt seronegatieve CIDP (<20)
28/38 (74%) begin met sensoriële ataxie
16/38 (42%) met tremor* (int/posturaal)
5/38 (13%) met cerebellaire ataxia, dysarthrie en
3/38 (8%) met centrale demyelinisatie (progn.ind)
20/25 (80%) slechte respons op IV
immunoglobulines (prednis.)
klinische verschillen significant tov de seronegatieve
CIDP (n = 100)
* Neurofascin IgG4 antibodies in CIDP associate with disabling tremor and poor response to IVIg.
Querol L, et al. - Neurology 2014;82:879–886.
CCPD – het spectrum
Inflammatoire demyeliniserende aandoeningen verondersteld als
auto-immuun ziekten:
 neuromyelitis optica (NMO) - anti-AQP-4 antilichamen
 Guillain–Barré syndroom (GBS) - antiganglioside antilichamen
 Miller Fisher syndroom (MFS) - GQ1b, GT1a antilichamen
 chronische inflammatoire demyeliniserende polyradiculoneuropathie (CIDP)…
 multipele sclerosis (MS) …
Sommige auto-antilichamen worden gezien als causaal.
Mechanisme met multipele stappen:
- antigen presentatie door dendrietencellen
→ neuronale en myeline beschadiging door cellulaire en humorale factoren
(T-cellen, macrofagen, auto-antilichamen en complement)
→ vrijstelling van nieuwe antigenen door massieve destructie en
verspreiding van inter- en intramoleculaire epitopen
→ ontstaan van nieuwe auto-antilichamen in een meer chronisch verloop
(vb neurofascine-AL)
Anti-neurofascin antibody in combined central and peripheral demyelination
Clinical and Experimental Neuroimmunology Vol 4, 28 NOV 2013 - Ryo Yamasaki
Auto-antilichamen in MS
– rol van het immuunsysteem, zeker tijdens de relapsing-remitting
fase, van beide armen: succes van de therapieën gericht op T- en
– moleculaire targets van auto-immuun respons nog grotendeels
– T-cellen zijn moeilijk te bestuderen op hun antigen specificiteit
– B-cellen zijn in theorie makkelijker gezien de oplosbare antigen
– de aanwezigheid van intrathecale IgG-synthese en oligoclonale IgG-
banden in het CSF van patiënten met MS suggereert CSF IgG als
ideaal om autoantilichamen te onderzoeken
 maar: IgG concentratie in CSF is laag
 CSF IgG van MS-patiënten heeft een lage affiniteit voor verschillende antigenen
(van gebruikelijke virussen)
– Recente vooruitgang in de detectie van autoantilichamen in
inflammatoire CNS ziekten in de eerste plaats uit studies van serum
ipv CSF
Hunting for autoantibodies in multiple sclerosis
Bernhard Hemmer, ea. Neurology September 10, 2013 vol. 81 no. 11 944-945
-Aparte klinische entiteit?
-Auto-immuun pathologie
-Vorming vanuit een centrale demyeliniserende pathologie of
-Voorkomen van gelijktijdige perifere en centrale aantasting
vermoedelijk zeldzaam
-Consequenties voor MS? CIDP?
- Verbeterde kennis van antigenen, neuro-immunologische mechanismen,
structuur van de centrale en perifere niet gelamelleerde myeline thv de
- Detectie vroegtijdig van subgroepen
- Behandeling d.m.v. immunomodulerende en immunosuppressieve

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  • 1. combined central and peripheralcombined central and peripheral demyelinationdemyelination CCPDCCPD Dr. E. Tack AZ Nikolaas
  • 2. DC, Sept 2003:DC, Sept 2003:  16 jarig meisje (° 31/12/1986) : sedert jaren klachten van beven, vnl. bij positionering. Geen tremor bij directe familieleden.  KNO: normaal. Normale oogfundus. Geen duidelijke tremor opgemerkt. Enkel bij schrijven en tekenen lichte tremulerende component in de lijn.  EEG is normaal. Sept 2004:Sept 2004:  toenemende bewegingsstoornissen  slechtere coördinatie, meer houterig geworden. Fijne motorische vaardigheden zijn sterk vertraagd (typen).  schoolresultaten duidelijk verminderd  praten gebeurt minder vlot  ook af en toe voosheid en tintelingen in de voetzolen  KNOKNO:  Oogfundus normaal.  Normale hersenzenuwen.  De spraak is niet vloeiend. Geen opmerkelijke dysartrie of dysfonie.  Gang duidelijk houterig, dystone houding bij het stappen thv. de rechter hand  Reflexen: normaal - VZR beiderzijds volgens Babinski.  Sensibiliteit: sterke daling van het vibratiegevoel in de benen beiderzijds, links meer uitgesproken patient 1patient 1
  • 3. ENMGENMG: - verdwenen SNAP's zowel thv. de OL als BL - Verlengde distale motorische latenties CMAP’s OL en BL. - Vermindering MCV’s OL: tibialis: 21 m/s links, 28 m/s rechts – thv BL normaal - OL: proximale geleidingsvertraging - temporele dispersie - geen conductiebloks - MEPMEP: centrale motorische geleiding is verlengd - Myogram: enkel verminderde recrutering, afname contracties Chronische demyeliniserende polyneuropathie
  • 4. EP’sEP’s: - BERA: verlengde interlatentie III-V rechts.   - VEP: bilaterale verlenging van de P100 - diffuse geleidingsstoornissen over de visuele banen. - SSEP: bilateraal licht verlengde centrale sensibele conductie. LABO:LABO: routine lab no. LUMBAAL VOCHTLUMBAAL VOCHT Eiwit LV: 57.5 mg/dl (15.0-45.0) Glucose LV: 65 mg/dl (40-70) Geen cellen. IgG Index: 0.6 (0.2-0.8) Electrofor. LV beoordeling: normaal electroforesepatroon. Geen extra bandjes in de gammaglobulinenfraktie.
  • 5. Uitgebreide maar symmetrische signaalafwijkingen in de supratentoriële witte stof beiderzijds. Atrofie van het corpus callosum met ook centraal signaalafwijkingen. Relatief graciel hersenstam.
  • 6. cerebroside β-galactosidase : 5.4 nmol/mg/17u - ref 5.0 - 27.9 Arylsulfatase AArylsulfatase A : <0.06 nmol/mg/min - ref 0.5 - 2.0 Besluit : arylsulfatase A deficiëntie. -> Metachromatische leucodystrofieMetachromatische leucodystrofie Nadien bevestigd op moleculaire DNA-analyse
  • 7. Arylsulfatase A (of cerebroside-sulfatase): enzym dat de sulfaatgroep uit sulfaatbevattende vetten knipt (bv. cerebroside 3-sulfaat). •eerste stap in de afbraak van deze sulfaatbevattende vetten •tekort leidt tot een ophoping van deze sulfatiden (zoals cerebroside sulfaat) en deficiënte myelineproductie •gen op chromosoom 22q Metachromatische leukodystrofie (MLD, Arylsulfatase A deficiëntie) -lysosomale stapelingsziekte (leukodystrofieën)
  • 8. Oorzaken van chronische myeloneuropathie VerworvenVerworven: Nutritionele deficiënties: vit B12, foliumzuur, vit E, Cu, N²O toxiciteit met gestoord B12 metabolisme, AIDS-geassociëerde myelopathie met gestoord B12 metabolisme Infecties: HTLV-1, HIV, syfilis Inflammatoir: Sjögren, neurosarcoïdosis Geografisch-toxisch: cassava, lathyrisme, fluorosis, subacute myelo- opticoneuropathie, tropische myeloneuropathieën Toxisch: chemotherapie (cisplatine, cytarabine, intrathecale therapie), organofosfaten GenetischGenetisch: met metabole afwijkingen: adrenomyeloneuropathie, Krabbe (cerebroside β-galactosidase), metachromatische leukodystrofie, cerebrotendineuze xanthomatosis, familiale vit E deficiëntie, abetalipoproteinemie, cobalamine en foliumzuur metabolisme defecten, respiratoire keten defecten, polyglucan body disease zonder metabole afwijkingen: hereditaire spastische paraplegie, spinocerebellaire ataxieën
  • 9. I.N. °30-10-1980:I.N. °30-10-1980: - meisje 16 j - aug 1996: volledige VII paralyse links met zware axonale degeneratie. NMR-scan was normaal. ENG: voll. blok. Onvolledige recuperatie. - 1999: episode met verminderde visus rechts, 1 week gestoorde gevoeligheid in de beide voeten (retrospectief) - sept 2000: recidief VII parese rechts, onvolledig. - CSF: volledig normaal incl. agargelelectroforese - VEP: verlengde latentie rechts. - ENG, MEP facialis en BL: - conductieblok thv canalis facialis - MEP: bilateraal verlengde CMCT thv. BL - MRI schedel: talrijke supratentoriële witte stof letsels vnl diep periventriculair bilateraal, suggestief voor MS, geen letsels in pontiene tegmentum - okt 2000: episodes van vertigo, paroxysmale ataxie. - Start β-interferon 1a (Rebif). - mei 2008: natalizumab (Tysabri) na ontwikkeling van groot cervicaal medullair letsel. Sedertdien stabiel. patient 2patient 2
  • 10. Facial palsy in multiple sclerosis. Fukazawa T, ea. J Neurol. 1997 Oct;244(10):631-3. Facial palsy as the first syndrome of multiple sclerosis in 16 year old girl. Topolska MM, ea. Otolaryngol Pol 2006;60:439-42. From recurrent peripheral facial palsy to multiple sclerosis. Ivanković M, ea. Acta Clin Croat. 2011 Sep;50(3):419-21. MRI sept 2015
  • 11. VDH A, febr 2014:VDH A, febr 2014: - man 52 jaar (°15/11/1962) - >1 jaar, af en toe, dropvoet links, paresthesieën voeten - KNO: - Nervi craniales, onderzoek BL normaal. - OL: normale KPR, APR afwezig. Babinski links - Sensibiliteit: panmodaal verminderd, vnl. voor de proprioceptieve gevoeligheid, vnl. distaal, vrij symmetrisch. - Motoriek: lichte extensie-parese van de voet links. Extensieparese bilateraal tenen. patient 3patient 3
  • 12. ENMG:ENMG: - OL: - motore geleidingstudies: verlengde distale motore latenties, gedaalde amplitudes voor de CMAP's, distaal vnl. gedaalde geleidingssnelheden - F-waves zijn ofwel niet opwekbaar, ofwel verlaat en sterk gedesynchroniseerd - afwezige SNAP voor de suralis links, de rechter suralis is verlaagd in amplitude. - myogram: geen tekenen van actieve denervatie op het myogram, noch fasciculatiepotentialen. Insertie is duidelijk verminderd in de distale voetrugspieren. Amplitude MUAP's verhoogd, polyfasische MUAP's, sterke vertraging van de recrutering, vnl. distaal - BL: - motore geleidingsstudies: - algemene lichte daling van de perifere geleidingssnelheden - daling van de CMAP amplitudes - ampl SNAP's van de ulnaris en de medianus gedaald - F-latenties zijn ofwel afwezig, ofwel gedesynchroniseerd, ofwel sterk verlengd. - myogram: vertraagde neurogene recrutering, no MUAP’s, geen act denervatie - MEP BL: CMCT-M: R: 6,1 ms, L: 7,0 ms (no < 8,8 ms) = no Multi-focale polyneuropathie met vnl. demyeliniserende kenmerken vnl proximaal
  • 13.
  • 14. Labo:Labo: - PBO, foliumzuur, vitamine B12, leverenzymes, nierparameters, CRP, eiwitten, immunoelectroforese, complement, TSH, 25-OH-Vitamine D, vitamine E, lange vetzuurketens C26: normaal - ANF negatief, HIV antistoffen negatief CSVCSV: cellen normaal, glucose normaal, eiwit 37 mg/dL - IgG albumine index 1.62 < 0.65 - Isofocalisatie + blotting: inthrathecale IgG-synthese: 26-tal extra oligoclonale banden in CSV, geen in serum. EEG en VEP:EEG en VEP: normaalnormaal
  • 16. MRI schedel:MRI schedel: Multipele focaal confluerende witte stofletsels beiderzijds supratentorieel, vooral subcorticaal / periventriculair gelegen. Klein juxtacorticaal letsel rechts prerolandisch. Eveneens enkele kleine letsels infratentorieel, meest opvallend links cerebellair. MRI beeld kan passen bij demyelinisatie. Geen duidelijke doorbraak van bloedhersenbarrière. patient 2patient 2
  • 17. Diagnose?Diagnose? combinatie centrale en perifere demyeliniserende aandoening, -enerzijds compatibel met MS (oligoclonale fractionatie gammaglobulines bij iso-electrofocusing, NMR met zowel witte stofletsels thv ruggenmerg (?) als hersenen). -anderzijds beeld van chronische inflammatoire demyeliniserende polyneuropathie (CIDP).
  • 18. MSMS?? McDonald criteria:McDonald criteria: Clinical Presentation Additional Data Needed * ≥ 2 episodes * objectief klinisch bewijs voor ≥2 laesies * objectief klinisch bewijs voor 1 laesie én op basis van anamnese zeer aannemelijke eerdere episode Geen * ≥ 2 episodes * objectief klinisch bewijs voor 1 laesie Dissociatie in plaats aangetoond met * MRI of * nieuwe klinische episode met andere lokalisatie * 1 episode * objectief klinisch bewijs voor ≥2 laesies. Dissociatie in tijd, aangetoond met * MRI of * tweede klinische episode * 1 episode * objectief klinisch bewijs voor 1 laesie (‘clinically isolated syndrome') Dissociatie in plaats, aangetoond met * MRI of * nieuwe klinische episode met andere lokalisatie en Dissociatie in tijd, aangetoond met * MRI of * tweede klinische episode Sluipende neurologische progressie suggestief voor MS (primair progressieve MS) Minstens één jaar progressief ziektebeloop (retrospectief of prospectief vastgesteld) plus 2 van de 3 volgende criteria: A. ≥1 T2 laesie in ten minste één karakteristiek gebied (periventriculair, juxtacorticaal, infratentorieel) B. ≥2 T2 laesies in het ruggenmerg C. Positieve liquor (oligoclonale bandjes en/of verhoogde IgG index)
  • 20. Nov 2015:Nov 2015: - Electroneuromyografisch: geen verbetering. - Klinisch ook geen verdere verbetering (aanvankelijk wel met Medrol) - Bijwerkingen Medrol (32 mg /2d). Associatie Endoxan 3 x 50 mg /d - actueel onder intraveneuze immunoglobulinetherapie
  • 21. Combined central and peripheral myelinopathyCombined central and peripheral myelinopathy Michael Rubin, ea - Neurology August 1987 vol. 37 no. 8 1287Michael Rubin, ea - Neurology August 1987 vol. 37 no. 8 1287 - 2 ptn met ernstige centrale en perifere demyelinisatie - 5 andere reports - perifere neuropathie bij MS zonder klinische weerslag Evidence for central nervous system demyelination in chronic inflammatoryEvidence for central nervous system demyelination in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathydemyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy J. R. Mendell, ea - Neurology August 1987 vol. 37 no. 8 1291J. R. Mendell, ea - Neurology August 1987 vol. 37 no. 8 1291 - MS en CIPD: coincidentie of pathogenetisch gerelateerd? - 16 ptn met CIDPCIDP kregenkregen MRIMRI: - 6/16 periventriculaire, subcorticale, en hersenstam witte stof lesies, aspect typisch voor MS - 3/6: definite clinical and laboratory evidence of MS - Bestaan van een centraal-perifeer inflammatoir demyeliniserend syndroom - In spectrum tussen MS en CIDP of afzonderlijke pathogenetische entiteit? Gecombineerde centrale en perifere demyelinisatieGecombineerde centrale en perifere demyelinisatie
  • 22. Peripheral nervous system involvement in multiple sclerosisPeripheral nervous system involvement in multiple sclerosis P.C. Zee, eaP.C. Zee, ea Neurology March 1991 41:3 457-457Neurology March 1991 41:3 457-457 retrospectieve studie van 150 patiënten met ‘clinically definite MSclinically definite MS’: 11% manifestaties van ofwel radiculopathie of perifere neuropathie (niet verklaard door andere oorzaken) – 8% radiculopathie (lumbosacraal 77% of cervicaal 23%). In 3 ptn eerste symptoom leidend tot de diagnose van MS  frequentie radiculopathie gelijkaardig als die van trigeminus neuropathie of perifere facilialisparese in MS – 3% perifere neuropathie (initiële abnormaliteit in 2/4 ptn).  1 met n.thoracicus long parese, beantwoorden aan therapie met steroiden  2de met progressieve diffuse demyel. polyneuropathie met gestegen CSF proteïne en + zenuwbiopsie  3de met neurogene atrofie op spierbiopt  Alle 4 klinisch en op EMG evidentie voor polyneuropathie
  • 23. Peripheral neuropathy in multiple sclerosis: a clinical andPeripheral neuropathy in multiple sclerosis: a clinical and electrophysiologic study.electrophysiologic study. Sarova-Pinhas I ea Acta Neurol Scand. 1995 Apr;91(4):234-8. -22 mildly disabled MS patients with sensory complaints for evidence of neuropathy -EMG abnormalities were found in 33 of 244 nerves examined (14.7%) and occurred in 10 patients (45.5%) – demyelinating type of PNP -Age, disease duration, disease course and neurologic disability as evaluated by the Kurtzke EDSS, were not associated with the presence of neuropathy. -findings indicate a high frequency of sensory-motor neuropathy in a selected group of MS patients. Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol. 2003 Sep;43(6):349-51. Peripheral sensory and motor abnormalities in patients with multiple sclerosis. Anlar O Neurol Neurochir Pol. 2004 Jul-Aug;38(4):257-64. Subclinical lesions of peripheral nervous system in multiple sclerosis patients Pogorzelski R
  • 24. perifeer neurogeen lijden in MS ? – door gevorderde ziekte en immobilisatie?  geen associatie met leeftijd, ziekteverloop en -duur, Kurtzke EDSS in verschillende studies, soms is PNP de 1ste manifestatie – Veelal subklinisch of aanzien als symptoom van centrale demyelinisatie  mogelijk is frequentie nog hoger – radiculopathie op basis van ‘root entry zone’ lesies en/of plaques?  geen verklaring voor de perifere neuropathie – Diermodel: bij experimentele allergische chronische relapsing encephalomyelitis is er ook perifere demyelinisatie – overlappend syndroom van gecombineerde centrale en perifere demyelinisatie? Gecombineerde centrale en perifere demyelinisatieGecombineerde centrale en perifere demyelinisatie
  • 25. frequent start demyelinisatie in het CNS, gevolgd door PNS aantasting, soms relapsing-remitting 3 mogelijke mechanismen:  gemeenschappelijke auto-immuun reactiviteit tegen myeline antigenen of epitopen zowel in CNS als PNS  personen met hogere vatbaarheid voor auto-immuun ziekten, mogelijk veroorzaakt of uitgelokt door immunomodulerende behandeling, vb β- interferon  puur toevallig overlappend en continu klinisch spectrum van Fisher syndroom en Bickerstaff hersenstam encefalitis Autoimmune disorders affecting both the central and peripheral nervous system. Kamm C Autoimmun Rev. 2012 Jan;11(3):196-202.
  • 26. Contrasting effects of IFNβ and IVIG in children with central andContrasting effects of IFNβ and IVIG in children with central and peripheral demyelinationperipheral demyelination I. Pirko, ea Neurology May 27, 2003 vol. 60 no. 10 1697-1699  3 kinderen met MS met zeer goede respons op interferon-β (IFNβ)  tijdens de therapie ontwikkeling van CIDP met respons op IV-IG.  2 observaties: 1. IFNβ behandeling voorkwam niet de ontwikkeling van CIDP 2. CIDP in de context van MS verbeterde met IV-IG, zonder therapeutisch effect op de centrale demyeliniserende aandoening Suggereren een verschillend pathogenetisch mechanisme en geen gemeenschappelijk antigen
  • 27. ***
  • 28. The local differentiation of myelinated axons at nodes of Ranvier Nature Reviews Neuroscience 4, 968-980 (December 2003) | doi:10.1038/nrn1253
  • 29. The local differentiation of myelinated axons at nodes of Ranvier Nature Reviews Neuroscience 4, 968-980 (December 2003) | doi:10.1038/nrn1253
  • 30. Molecular components at the node of Ranvier Ranvier revisited: novel nodal antigens stimulate interest in GBS pathogenesis Hugh Willison and Steven S. Scherer Neurology July 8, 2014 vol. 83 no. 2 106-108
  • 31. AMANAMAN – GM1 & GD1a AIDP / CIDPAIDP / CIDPAIDP / CIDPAIDP / CIDP AIDP / CIDPAIDP / CIDP AIDP / CIDPAIDP / CIDP common antigens are shared by both peripheral and central myelin:  myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) antibodies  myelin basic protein (MBP) antibodies  neutral glycolipid antibodies  neurofascin antibodies
  • 32. Neurofascin as a novel target for autoantibody-mediated axonal injury JEM, 2007; 204 (10): 2363 Mathey et al. Novel forms of neurofascin 155 in the central nervous system: alterations in paranodal disruption models and multiple sclerosis Anthony D. Pomicter, ea Brain, febr 2010. Neurofascin as a target for autoantibodies in peripheral neuropathies Judy King Man Ng, ea Neurology December 4, 2012 vol. 79 no. 23 2241-2248 – autoantibodies to NF by ELISA in 4% of patients with AIDP and CIDP, but not in controls
  • 33. Anti-neurofascin antibody in patients with combined central and peripheralAnti-neurofascin antibody in patients with combined central and peripheral demyelinationdemyelination Nobutoshi Kawamura, ea - Neurology August 20, 2013 vol. 81 no. 8 714-722 Anti-neurofascin antibody positivity rates: •86% in patients with CCPD (7 ptn) – 2/2 ook positief in CSF •25% in patients with CIDP (16) •15% in patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome (20) •10% in patients with multiple sclerosis (20) •0% in patients with other neuropathies (21) and healthy controls (23). Method: -cell-based assay detected serum anti-neurofascin antibody in 5 of 7 patients with CCPD -ELISA In anti-neurofascin antibody–positive CCPD patients, including those with a limited response to corticosteroids, IV immunoglobulin or plasma exchange alleviated the symptoms.
  • 34. Figure 4 Neuroimaging and electrophysiologic findings in representative patients with CCPD(A–D) MRIs for patient 1. Nobutoshi Kawamura et al. Neurology 2013;81:714-722 © 2013 American Academy of Neurology
  • 35. Anti-neurofascin antibody in combined central and peripheral demyelination Clinical and Experimental Neuroimmunology Vol 4, 28 NOV 2013 Ryo Yamasaki Neurofascine (NF) = cell adhesion molecule zowel in CNS als PNS – onderhoud en ontwikkeling van neurale structuren – verschillende subtypes (NF155, 166, 180 en 186) NF155 is zowel op de oligodendroglia (CNS) als op Schwannceloppervlak (PNS) aanwezig op de paranodi; verbindt contactin en caspr op axonaal oppervlak, stabilisator vd knopen van Ranvier. NF186 op axonaal oppervlak, thv de voltage-gated Na channels (Nav), verankerd dmv ankyrin G. CCPD: anti-NF155 antilichamen (cell-based assay, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, en western blot) zowel in serum als CSF in hoge frequenties, niet bij patiënten met andere neurologische aandoeningen of gezonden.
  • 36. Anti-neurofascin antibody in combined central and peripheral demyelination Clinical and Experimental Neuroimmunology Vol 4, 28 NOV 2013 Ryo Yamasaki 7 ptn Anti-NF155 antibody – ELISA (serum) 6/7 (85.7%) – CBA (serum) 5/7 (71.4%) – CBA (CSF) 3/3 (100%) CSF oligoclonal IgG bands 1/7 (14.3%) MRI abnormality (brain) 7/7 (100%) – Multifocal: diffuse 6: 1 MRI abnormality (spinal cord) 4/7 (57.1%) NCS (fulfilled criteria for CIDPa) 6/7 (85.7%) VEP abnormality 4/5 (80%)
  • 37. Anti neurofascin antibody in combined central and peripheral demyelination‐Anti neurofascin antibody in combined central and peripheral demyelination‐ Clinical and Experimental Neuroimmunology pages 68-75, 28 NOV 2013 DOI: 10.1111/cen3.12061
  • 38. A nationwide survey of combined central and peripheral demyelination in Japan.A nationwide survey of combined central and peripheral demyelination in Japan. Ogata H ea J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2016 Jan;87(1):29-36 definitie CCPD: MRI met T2 high-signal intensity lesies in hersenen, n.opticus of medulla spinalis en/of gestoorde VEP demyeliniserende PNP met vertraagde conductie, conductie-blocks, temporale dispersie of F-wave abnormaliteiten exclusie van secundaire oorzaken van demyelinisatie
  • 39. 40 CCPD cases (29 vrouwen) beginleeftijd: 31.7 ± 14.1 j (mean±SD) sensoriële stoornissen: 94.9% motorische zwakte: 92.5% gangstoornissen: 79.5% CSF proteïne gestegen: 82.5% gestegen IgG-index: 18.5% oligoclonale IgG bandjes: 7.4% abnormale VEP: 71.4% Neurofascine-155 antibodies: + in 5/11 (45.5%) Therapie: verbetering met plasmaferesis: 87.5% corticosteroiden: 83.3% IV immunoglobulines: 66.7% interferon-ß: 10%
  • 40. CCPD - prognose: mogelijk 2 groepen bij ptn met vrijwel gelijktijdige aantasting perifeer en centraal: – meer invaliditeit – minder relapses – meer frequent extensieve lesies cerebraal en spinaal op MRI bij ptn met tijdelijke geïsoleerde aantasting perifeer of centraal: – meer optische neuritis
  • 41. Neurofascin-155 IgG4 in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy Jérôme J. Devaux, ea - Neurology, online before print February 3, 2016 533 patiënten met CIDPCIDP: anti-NF155 IgG4 antibodies dmv ELISA (centrale en perifere zenuwvezels) Anti-NF155 IgG4 antibodies in 38/533 ptn (7%) met CIDP geen bij controle ptn (200 met MS en GBS) of gezonden jongere beginleeftijd itt seronegatieve CIDP (<20) 28/38 (74%) begin met sensoriële ataxie 16/38 (42%) met tremor* (int/posturaal) 5/38 (13%) met cerebellaire ataxia, dysarthrie en nystagmus 3/38 (8%) met centrale demyelinisatie (progn.ind) 20/25 (80%) slechte respons op IV immunoglobulines (prednis.) klinische verschillen significant tov de seronegatieve CIDP (n = 100) * Neurofascin IgG4 antibodies in CIDP associate with disabling tremor and poor response to IVIg. Querol L, et al. - Neurology 2014;82:879–886.
  • 42. CCPD – het spectrum Inflammatoire demyeliniserende aandoeningen verondersteld als auto-immuun ziekten:  neuromyelitis optica (NMO) - anti-AQP-4 antilichamen  Guillain–Barré syndroom (GBS) - antiganglioside antilichamen  Miller Fisher syndroom (MFS) - GQ1b, GT1a antilichamen  chronische inflammatoire demyeliniserende polyradiculoneuropathie (CIDP)…  multipele sclerosis (MS) … Sommige auto-antilichamen worden gezien als causaal. Mechanisme met multipele stappen: - antigen presentatie door dendrietencellen → neuronale en myeline beschadiging door cellulaire en humorale factoren (T-cellen, macrofagen, auto-antilichamen en complement) → vrijstelling van nieuwe antigenen door massieve destructie en verspreiding van inter- en intramoleculaire epitopen → ontstaan van nieuwe auto-antilichamen in een meer chronisch verloop (vb neurofascine-AL) Anti-neurofascin antibody in combined central and peripheral demyelination Clinical and Experimental Neuroimmunology Vol 4, 28 NOV 2013 - Ryo Yamasaki
  • 43. Auto-antilichamen in MS – rol van het immuunsysteem, zeker tijdens de relapsing-remitting fase, van beide armen: succes van de therapieën gericht op T- en B-cellen – moleculaire targets van auto-immuun respons nog grotendeels ongekend – T-cellen zijn moeilijk te bestuderen op hun antigen specificiteit – B-cellen zijn in theorie makkelijker gezien de oplosbare antigen receptor – de aanwezigheid van intrathecale IgG-synthese en oligoclonale IgG- banden in het CSF van patiënten met MS suggereert CSF IgG als ideaal om autoantilichamen te onderzoeken  maar: IgG concentratie in CSF is laag  CSF IgG van MS-patiënten heeft een lage affiniteit voor verschillende antigenen (van gebruikelijke virussen) – Recente vooruitgang in de detectie van autoantilichamen in inflammatoire CNS ziekten in de eerste plaats uit studies van serum ipv CSF Hunting for autoantibodies in multiple sclerosis Bernhard Hemmer, ea. Neurology September 10, 2013 vol. 81 no. 11 944-945
  • 44. CCPD -Aparte klinische entiteit? -Auto-immuun pathologie -Vorming vanuit een centrale demyeliniserende pathologie of perifeer -Voorkomen van gelijktijdige perifere en centrale aantasting vermoedelijk zeldzaam -Consequenties voor MS? CIDP? -Toekomst? - Verbeterde kennis van antigenen, neuro-immunologische mechanismen, structuur van de centrale en perifere niet gelamelleerde myeline thv de (para-)nodi - Detectie vroegtijdig van subgroepen - Behandeling d.m.v. immunomodulerende en immunosuppressieve agentia

Editor's Notes

  1. Carriers: 7% van de populatie
  2. Tropical spastic paraparesis (TSP) door HTLV-1 virus Cassava wortels (Afrika): lage niveau’s van cyanide; lathyrisme (erwten: neurotoxin ODAP); SMON door Clioquinol; ;; organophosphate-induced delayed polyneuropathy (OPIDP), and chronic organophosphate-induced neuropsychiatric disorder (COPIND)
  3. Acta Clin Croat. 2011 Sep;50(3):419-21. From recurrent peripheral facial palsy to multiple sclerosis. Ivanković M1, Demarin V. Author information 1Department of Neurology, Dubrovnik General Hospital, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Abstract Peripheral facial palsy is a clinical entity, which may be presented as the first symptom of multiple sclerosis (MS). Although MS is mostly a multifocal chronic inflammation of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system can also be involved. Isolated cranial nerve palsies are rare and occur in 1.6% of MS patients. In this report, a case is presented of a 35-year-old woman who developed isolated seventh nerve palsy that was misdiagnosed as Bell&amp;apos;s palsy. Despite recurrent peripheral facial palsy, positive cerebrospinal fluid finding and magnetic resonance imaging, the diagnosis of MS could only be confirmed when the patient developed other neurologic symptoms and when the criteria for dissemination in space were satisfied. In clinical presentation, the patient had only cranial nerve involvement, with complete recovery.
  4. Isolated cranial nerve palsies are rare and occur in 1.6% of MS patients Facial palsy in multiple sclerosis. Fukazawa T Facial palsy occurred in 21 (19.6%) of 107 Japanese patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) during a mean follow-up period of 4.3 years. We observed residual signs of facial palsy in five other patients in whom acute onset was confirmed from medical records. Facial palsy began on average 7.6 years after the onset of MS but in five patients (4.7%) was the first symptom of MS, preceding the next MS symptom by 0.5-3 years. Facial palsy was usually associated with other brainstem signs, while two patients showed only facial palsy 1 and 3 years after the onset of MS. Twenty-one (84.0%) of the 25 patients who underwent brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed brainstem lesions in the pontine tegmentum ipsilateral to the facial palsy. However, the two patients without other symptoms or signs had no apparent causal lesion on MRI, which suggests difficulty in differentiating idiopathic Bell&amp;apos;s palsy from MS- associated facial palsy by MRI, although it has an excellent capacity to detect causal lesions of facial palsy associated with MS.
  5. MR WERVELKOLOM CERVICAAL: • Multisegmentair degeneratief discuslijden met multipele discusprotrusies. Multipele degeneratieve foraminale vernauwingen. • Medullair letsel links C7-Th1. Letsel in de pons rechts.
  6. MR HERSENEN Multipele focaal confluerende witte stofletsels beiderzijds supratentorieel, vooral subcorticaal / periventriculair gelegen. Klein juxtacorticaal letsel rechts prerolandisch. Eveneens enkele kleine letsels infratentorieel, meest opvallend links cerebellair. MRI beeld kan passen bij demyelinisatie; cfr. strikte follow-up. Geen duidelijke doorbraak van bloedhersenbarrière.
  7. NMR hersenen: multipele confluerende witte stofletsels vooral periventriculair, meest bi-occipitaal. Duidelijke corpus callosum aantasting met Dawson fingers. Erg confluerende letsels tov. klassieke MS. Geen manifeste contrastcaptatie.
  8. Combined central and peripheral myelinopathy Michael Rubin, ea Neurology August 1987 vol. 37 no. 8 1287 Abstract We studied clinical, electrophysiologic, and nerve biopsy findings in two men with evidence of severe central and peripheral demyelinating disease. These patients may be rare examples of MS with associated severe, chronic, clinically evident peripheral demyelinating neuropathy. Alternatively, they may be cases of some other form of combined central-peripheral myelinopathy or fortuitous coincidence of MS with idiopathic inflammatory-demyelinating neuropathy. There have been only five other reports of clinically evident combined central-peripheral myelinopathy, but there have also been reports of only electrophysiologic or nerve biopsy evidence (without clinical manifestation) of peripheral neuropathy in MS patients. Evidence for central nervous system demyelination in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy J. R. Mendell, ea Neurology August 1987 vol. 37 no. 8 1291 Abstract It is unclear whether sporadic reports of concurrent multiple sclerosis (MS) and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) represent coincidence or whether these two demyelinating disorden are pathogenically related. We utilized the sensitivity of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in detecting central nervous system (CNS) lesions to investigate 16 patients with CIDP. Six of the 16 had periventricular, subcortical, and brainstem white matter lesions indistinguishable from those seen in MS. Three of these patients had definite clinical and laboratory evidence of MS; three others with abnormal MRIs had no findings indicative of CNS disease. Previous reports have indicated that a significant number of MS patients have peripheral nerve demyelination. Our study suggests that many CIDP patients have concurrent CNS demyelination. Taken together, these observations support the existence of a central-peripheral inflammatory demyelinating syndrome. Whether this combined demyelinating syndrome lies on a spectrum between MS and CIDP or is a separate pathogenic entity will require further investigation.
  9. Peripheral neuropathy in multiple sclerosis: a clinical and electrophysiologic study. Sarova-Pinhas I ea Acta Neurol Scand. 1995 Apr;91(4):234-8. Abstract Peripheral nerve abnormalities are uncommon in multiple sclerosis (MS). When present, they are usually attributed to factors associated with advanced disease, such as malnutrition or cytotoxic drugs. We prospectively evaluated 22 mildly disabled MS patients with sensory complaints for evidence of neuropathy using the Neuropathy Symptom Score (NSS), clinical examination, and electrophysiologic studies of peripheral nerves. Distal latency, F-wave response, and nerve conduction velocity (NCV) and amplitude in the ulnar, median, tibial, peroneal and sural nerves were examined. Neuropathy was recorded if electrophysiologic abnormalities were detected in at least two peripheral nerves in the same patient. The most frequent electrophysiologic abnormalities noted were prolonged F-wave response and low motor amplitude in the peroneal nerve, slow sensory conduction velocities of the ulnar and sural nerves, and prolonged distal latencies in the sensory ulnar and sural nerves. Electrophysiologic abnormalities were found in 33 of 244 nerves examined (14.7%) and occurred in 10 patients (45.5%). Neuropathic symptoms were mild and did not correlate with electrophysiologic abnormalities. Age, disease duration, disease course and neurologic disability as evaluated by the Kurtzke Expanded Disability Status Scale, were not associated with the presence of neuropathy. Our findings indicate a high frequency of sensory-motor neuropathy in a selected group of MS patients.
  10. Autoimmun Rev. 2012 Jan;11(3):196-202. doi: 10.1016/j.autrev.2011.05.012. Epub 2011 May 18. Autoimmune disorders affecting both the central and peripheral nervous system. Kamm C1, Zettl UK. Author information 1Department of Neurology, University of Rostock, Germany. Abstract Various case series of patients with autoimmune demyelinating disease affecting both the central and peripheral nervous system (CNS and PNS), either sequentially or simultaneously, have been reported for decades, but their frequency is considerably lower than that of the &amp;quot;classical&amp;quot; neurological autoimmune diseases affecting only either CNS or PNS, such as multiple sclerosis (MS), chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) or Guillain-Barré-Syndrome (GBS), and attempts to define or even recognize the former as a clinical entity have remained elusive. Frequently, demyelination started with CNS involvement with subsequent PNS pathology, in some cases with a relapsing-remitting course. Three potential mechanisms for the autoimmune etiology of these conditions can be discussed: (I) They could be caused by a common autoimmunological reactivity against myelin antigens or epitopes present in both the central and peripheral nervous system; (II) They could be due to a higher general susceptibility to autoimmune disease, which in some cases may have been caused or exacerbated by immunomodulatory treatment, e.g. b-interferon; (III) Their co-occurrence might be coincidental. Another example of an autoimmune disease variably involving the central or peripheral nervous system or both is the overlapping and continuous clinical spectrum of Fisher syndrome (FS), as a variant of GBS, and Bickerstaff brainstem encephalitis (BBE). Recent data from larger patient cohorts with demonstration of common autoantibodies, antecedent infections, and results of detailed clinical, neuroimaging and neurophysiological investigations suggest that these three conditions are not separate disorders, but rather form a continuous spectrum with variable central and peripheral nervous system involvement. We herein review clinical and paraclinical data and therapeutic options of these disorders and discuss potential underlying common vs. divergent immunopathogenic mechanisms.
  11. all three children had severe relapsing demyelinating disease, which responded remarkably to IFNβ. Second, while on IFNβ, the patients developed CIDP documented by lower motor neuron findings, nerve conduction/EMG abnormalities, and inflammatory/demyelinating changes in one sural nerve biopsy. IFNβ did not prevent the development of peripheral demyelinating disease. One could consider the possibility that IFNβ treatment somehow contributed to the development of CIDP. This hypothesis is supported by recent reports documenting the onset of CIDP in patients receiving type I IFN.8,10⇓ Third, IVIG was not effective in the treatment of the central demyelinating process, even though it was clearly effective in the treatment of peripheral demyelinating disease. This consideration is well supported by the literature showing only minimal effects of IVIG on childhood MS,4,5⇓ whereas there is ample evidence of its effects on CIDP.6 These cases support the hypothesis that the pathogenic mechanism of central and peripheral demyelinating disease may be distinct. This is underlined by the distinct response to IVIG and IFNβ in the same patient. If these disorders are autoimmune diseases against a shared antigen,1,9⇓ then the immune response leading to injury appears to be different in the central vs the peripheral nervous system.
  12. a | Myelinating glial cells, oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system (CNS) or Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system (PNS), form the myelin sheath by enwrapping their membrane several times around the axon. Myelin covers the axon at intervals (internodes), leaving bare gaps — the nodes of Ranvier. Oligodendrocytes can myelinate different axons and several internodes per axon, whereas Schwann cells myelinate a single internode in a single axon. Although freeze fracture studies have revealed that the nodal axolemma in both the CNS and PNS is enriched in intra-membranous particles (IMPs) compared to the internode; however, there are some structural differences reflecting their cellular constituents. In the PNS, specialized microvilli project from the outer collar of Schwann cells and come very close to nodal axolemma of large fibers. The projections of the Schwann cells are perpendicular to the node and are radiating from the central axons. However, in the CNS, one or more of the astrocytic processes come in close vicinity of the nodes. Researchers declare that these processes stem from multi-functional astrocytes, as opposed to from a population of astrocytes dedicated to contacting the node. On the other hand, in the PNS, the basal lamina that surrounds the Schwann cells is continuous across the node. Nodes of Ranvier are interruptions in the myelin sheath (My) of nerves. The successive layering of the Schwann cell(Sc) membranes forms a compact tube over most of the internodal areas. Near the node, some Schwann cell cytoplasm remains in the extended margins of the sheath layers and occupies a series of liplike folds (X), which envelop the fiber. In the region of the node itself, only fingerlike process (Pr) of neighboring Schwann cells interdigitate and cover the nodal area. A basement membrane (BM) and connective tissue fibers (CT) of the endonerium complete with wrappings of the fiber. Mitochondria (M),endoplasmic reticulum (ER), neurofilaments (Nf). (sciatic nerve, mouse)
  13. b | Schematic longitudinal cut of a myelinated fibre around the node of Ranvier showing a heminode. The node, paranode, juxtaparanode (JXP) and internode are labelled. The node is contacted by Schwann cell microvilli in the PNS or by processes from perinodal astrocytes in the CNS. Myelinated fibres in the PNS are covered by a basal lamina. The paranodal loops form a septate-like junction (SpJ) with the axon. The juxtaparanodal region resides beneath the compact myelin next to the paranode (PN). The internode extends from the juxtaparanodes and lies under the compact myelin. c | Schematic cross-section of a myelinated nerve depicting the inner and outer mesaxons (IMA and OMA, respectively). d | Drawing of the specializations found along the internodes. A strand composed of paranodal molecules (Caspr, Contactin; red line) flanked by juxtaparanodal proteins (Caspr2, K+ channels and TAG-1; blue lines) extends along the internodal region (the juxtamesaxon) and below the Schmidt–Lanterman incisures (the juxtaincisure). In addition, Nf155 and ezrin–radixin–moesin proteins, as well as connexins 29 and 32 are found at the glial side, opposite these axonal strands.
  14. Molecular components at the node of Ranvier Schematic drawing shows some of the molecular components of the peripheral nervous system nodal region, which can be divided into the node, paranode, and juxtaparanode. At the node, gliomedin, Nr-CAM, and neurofascin (NF) 186 link the Schwann cell microvilli to the nodal axolemma. In the paranode, NF155 interacts with Caspr and contactin heterodimers to link the glial and axonal membranes. In the juxtaparanode, TAG-1 homodimers link the adaxonal Schwann cell membrane to the axonal membrane. In the internodal region, Necl4 interacts with Necl1, and myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) has several potential axonal ligands, including Nogo-66 receptor and gangliosides (not shown). The lipid bilayers of the axonal and glial plasma membranes of the different nodal regions contain ganglioside- and glycolipid-enriched microdomains that interact with and likely stabilize nodal protein domains. The precise molecular organization of these lipids at a molecular level is largely unknown and for simplicity they are not included in the cartoon. PSD = postsynaptic density. Ranvier revisited: novel nodal antigens stimulate interest in GBS pathogenesis Hugh Willison and Steven S. Scherer Neurology July 8, 2014 vol. 83 no. 2 106-108
  15. Moesin is a possible target molecule for cytomegalovirus-related Guillain-Barré syndrome Neurology July 8, 2014 vol. 83 no. 2 113-117 AIDP= acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; AMAN= acute motor axonal neuropathy epitopes of AMAN are gangliosides GM1 and GD1a expressed on the motor axolemma,2 the target molecules in AIDP are still unknown
  16. Anti-neurofascin antibody in patients with combined central and peripheral demyelination Nobutoshi Kawamura, ea Neurology August 20, 2013 vol. 81 no. 8 714-722 Abstract Objectives: We aimed to identify the target antigens for combined central and peripheral demyelination (CCPD). Methods: We screened target antigens by immunohistochemistry and immunoblotting using peripheral nerve tissues to identify target antigens recognized by serum antibodies from selected CCPD and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) cases. We then measured the level of antibody to the relevant antigen in 7 patients with CCPD, 16 patients with CIDP, 20 patients with multiple sclerosis, 20 patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome, 21 patients with other neuropathies, and 23 healthy controls (HC) by ELISA and cell-based assays using HEK293 cells. Results: At the initial screening, sera from 2 patients with CCPD showed cross-like binding to sciatic nerve sections at fixed intervals, with nearly perfect colocalization with neurofascin immunostaining at the node and paranode. ELISA with recombinant neurofascin revealed significantly higher mean optical density values in the CCPD group than in other disease groups and HC. Anti-neurofascin antibody positivity rates were 86% in patients with CCPD, 10% in patients with multiple sclerosis, 25% in patients with CIDP, 15% in patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome, and 0% in patients with other neuropathies and HC. The cell-based assay detected serum anti-neurofascin antibody in 5 of 7 patients with CCPD; all others were negative. CSF samples examined from 2 patients with CCPD were both positive. In anti-neurofascin antibody–positive CCPD patients, including those with a limited response to corticosteroids, IV immunoglobulin or plasma exchange alleviated the symptoms. Conclusion: Anti-neurofascin antibody is frequently present in patients with CCPD. Recognition of this antibody may be important, because patients with CCPD who are antibody positive respond well to IV immunoglobulin or plasma exchange.
  17. Neuroimaging and electrophysiologic findings in representative patients with CCPD(A–D) MRIs for patient 1. (A, B) Brain MRI fluid-attenuated inversion recovery images showing MS-like lesions in juxtaventricular regions. (C) The cauda equina is contrast-enhanced (gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted image). (D) Enlarged cauda equina (T2-weighted image). (E) Brain MRI (fluid-attenuated inversion recovery image) for patient 2. Diffuse white matter lesions are seen. (F, G) Nerve conduction study findings for patients 1 (F) and 2 (G). Severe conduction blocks with reduced amplitudes and temporal dispersions are evident in these patients with CCPD. CCPD = combined central and peripheral demyelination; MS = multiple sclerosis.
  18. Anti-neurofascin antibody in combined central and peripheral demyelination Ryo Yamasaki Neurofascin (NF), a cell adhesion molecule expressed in both the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS), plays important roles in developing and maintaining neural structures. There are several subtypes of NF resulting from post-translational modifications: NF155, 166, 180 and 186. Among them, NF155 and NF186 are expressed in the mature CNS/PNS. NF155 is present on the oligodendroglial cell surface in the CNS and on the Schwann cell surface in the PNS at paranodes, where it tightly connects with contactin and caspr on the axonal surface of the paranode, and acts as a stabilizer of the nodes of Ranvier. NF186 exists on the axonal surface at the nodes of Ranvier. NF186 is associated with voltage-gated Na channels (Nav), whereas both NF186 and Nav are anchored by ankyrin G. NF186 contributes to the clustering of Nav at the node. Combined central and peripheral demyelination (CCPD) is an inflammatory demyelinating disorder affecting both the CNS and PNS tissues. Distinct mechanisms including multiple sclerosis and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy have been hypothesized to play a role in this condition on the basis of distinctive clinical and laboratory findings. We detected anti-NF155 antibody by cell-based assay, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and western blot in both the sera and cerebrospinal fluids of CCPD patients at high frequencies, but did not detect it in patients with other neurological disease or healthy controls. Herein, basic aspects and the clinical significance of NF as indispensable regulators and autoimmune target molecules are summarized.
  19. Representative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images of a combined central and peripheral demyelination (CCPD) patient. (a–e) MRI images of a 16‐year‐old female CCPD patient with high‐titer anti‐NF155 antibody. (a,b,d,e): Brain MRI (fluid attenuated inversion recovery [FLAIR]) images. Note the multiple ovoid lesions in the white matter indicated by the arrowheads. (c) Magnetic resonance neurography of cervical roots and brachial plexus based on maximum intensity projection (MIP) images. Arrows indicate bilateral hypertrophic C3 roots. C4–7 roots and bilateral brachial plexuses are also hypertrophic. (f,g) Brain MRI (FLAIR) images of a 25‐year‐old male CCPD patient. (f) Diffuse white matter lesions are observed (arrows). (g) After treatment with plasma exchange (PE) and intravenous immunoglobulin, the white matter lesions show partial recovery in accordance with the resolution of his symptoms.
  20. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2016;87:29-36 doi:10.1136/jnnp-2014-309831 Neuro-inflammation Research paper A nationwide survey of combined central and peripheral demyelination in Japan Hidenori Ogata1, Published Online First 11 February 2015 Abstract Objectives To clarify the clinical features of combined central and peripheral demyelination (CCPD) via a nationwide survey. Methods The following characteristics were used to define CCPD: T2 high-signal intensity lesions in the brain, optic nerves or spinal cord on MRI, or abnormalities on visual-evoked potentials; conduction delay, conduction block, temporal dispersion or F-wave abnormalities suggesting demyelinating neuropathy based on nerve conduction studies; exclusion of secondary demyelination. We conducted a nationwide survey in 2012, sending questionnaires to 1332 adult and paediatric neurology institutions in Japan. Results We collated 40 CCPD cases, including 29 women. Age at onset was 31.7±14.1 years (mean±SD). Sensory disturbance (94.9%), motor weakness (92.5%) and gait disturbance (79.5%) were common. Although cerebrospinal fluid protein levels were increased in 82.5%, oligoclonal IgG bands and elevated IgG indices were detected in 7.4% and 18.5% of cases, respectively. Fifteen of 21 patients (71.4%) had abnormal visual-evoked potentials. Antineurofascin 155 antibodies were positive in 5/11 (45.5%). Corticosteroids, intravenous immunoglobulins and plasmapheresis resulted in an 83.3%, 66.7% and 87.5% improvement, respectively, whereas interferon-β was effective in only 10% of cases. CCPD cases with simultaneous onset of central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS) involvement exhibited greater disability, but less recurrence and more frequent extensive cerebral and spinal cord MRI lesions compared to those with temporarily separated onset, whereas optic nerve involvement was more common in the latter. Conclusions CCPD shows different characteristics from classical demyelinating diseases, and distinctive features exist between cases with simultaneous and temporarily separated onset of CNS and PNS involvement.
  21. antiNF155 antibodies may demonstrate similar antigen blocking effect and inhibit the interaction between NF155 IgG4 antibodies do not bind C1q and have low affinity to Fcreceptors. One of the major mechanisms of IVIg is the inhibition of complement pathway, so the poor response in anti-NF155 IgG4-positive patients to IVIg is not unexpected. (A)Diffusion-weightedimages in patient 10 showed signalabnormalities in the splenium of the corpus callosum.F luid-attenuatedinversionrecoveryimages in patients 10 and 31 showed multiple sclerosis–like lesions in the juxtaventricular regions. (B) Median nerve motor conduction studies showed prolonged distal latencies and reduced conduction velocities with reduced amplitude and probable conduction block. (C) These are transverse sections of sural nerve biopsies stained with toluidine blue. Sural nerve biopsies revealed a moderate decrease in the number of large- and small-diameter fibers, some demyelinating changes, and axonal degeneration, but no cellular infiltration or onion-bulb formation. Scale bars 5 50 mm
  22. Als een abnormale auto-immuun respons tegen een gedeeld antigen zowel MS (CNS demyelinisatie) als CIPD (PNS demyelinisatie) veroorzaakt, dan zou men de beide aandoeningen tegelijk verwachten de perifere neuropathie ontstaat soms meer dan 10 jaar na de MS-diagnose MS (CNS demyelinisatie) en CIPD (PNS demyelinisatie) ontstaan niet door een T-cel reactie specifiek voor een gedeeld antigen perifere demyeliniserende neuropathie eerder door verspreiding van een T-cel reactie van een CNS myeline antigen naar een PNS myeline antigen epitoop