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Insect pests of Guava and their management
Dr M Thippaiah
Department of Entomology
University of Agricultural Sciences
GKVK, Bangalore- 65
Guava commonly referred as poor man’s apple
About 80 species of insects have been recorded on guava trees,
affecting yield and quality of fruits
Of these less than 20 species occupy the status of major potential and
minor pests, rests of them are casual feeders
Guava kajji bug,
Fruit flies,
bark-eating caterpillars and
coccids ( Scale insects and mealy bugs)
are considered as major pests of guava
While aphids, whiteflies, thrips, cockchafers, stem borers and
fruit borers etc., are minor pests
Dr. M. Thippaiah
The major insect pests guava are classified as
I. Sap feeders
Tea mosquito bug Helopeltis antonii Miridae Hemiptera
Spiraling whitefly Aleurodicus dispersus Aleyrodidae Hemiptera
Scale insects Chloropulivinaria psidii Coccidae Hemiptera
Mealy bug Ferrisia varigata Psuedococcidae Hemiptera
Mango mealy bug Drosicha mangiferae Margarodidae Hemiptera
II. Borer pests
Fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis Tephritidae Diptera
Pomegranate butter fly Deudorix isocrates Lycaenidae Lepidoptera
Castor capsule borer Conogethes punctiferalis pyralidae Lepidoptera
Bark eating caterpillar Indarbela tetraonis Metarbelidae Lepidoptera
III. Non insect pest
Scarlet Mite Brevipalpus phoenicus Tenuipalpidae Acarina
Dr. M. Thippaiah
I. Sap feeders
Dr. M. Thippaiah
Tea moquito bug / Guava kajji bug : Helopeltis antonii
( Miridae : Hemiptera )
Adult is slightly bigger than mosquito and reddish brown in colour with long
legs and antennae
Black coloured head and red coloured thorax
A white band is seen on the lower surface of the abdomen
A peg like projection on the dorsal side of the scutellum
A peg like
 It is distributed in South India, Srilanka, South- east Asia
 It is a major pest of guava and widely distributed in Karnataka, Goa, MH, and TN
Alternate hosts : Cashew, Tea, Cocoa, Rose, Tamarind, Apple
Dr. M. Thippaiah
Eggs: Female can lay 500 eggs that are insert into
the epidermis of tender shoots, axis of inflorescence,
the flower buds, tissues of twigs, midribs of leaves
and where scars may be seen I.P – 6-7 days
Nymphs : There are five nymphal
The nymphs are small, reddish
brown ant like and second instars
they develops the horn on the
scutellum. N.P – 14-16 days
Adult bug
The life cycle is completed in 22 days
Dr. M. Thippaiah
 The adults and nymphs suck the sap from tender shoots and
fruit of all sizes
 When they suck the sap from fruits, the pierced area develops in
to a raised corky scab or kajji appearance
 They suck the sap from tender fruit the spots may coalesce and
finally develops into a blisters or scab like areas on the fruit surface,
 such fruit are inferior in quality and become unmarketable
Nature of damage
Dr. M. Thippaiah
Nymphs and adults make punctures on petiole, tender shoots and fruits
 Elongate streaks and patches develop on shoots
 The affected leaves and shoots are dry up
Dr. M. Thippaiah
A blisters or corky scab formation on the fruit surface
Dr. M. Thippaiah
Critical stages of pest attack
 New flush formation stage
 Production of new fruits
If not taken care in these stages fruits will drop off
Favourable conditions
 They prefer shady area
 Thick canopy
They active during morning and evening hours
Dr. M. Thippaiah
Management practices
To prune the branches or to regulate the shade to facilitate proper penetration
of sunlight inside the canopy.
When new flush arises spray the crop with contact insecticides like
Monocrotophos 36 WSC @ 2.5 lit. in 1500 – 2000 lit. water per ha
Spray malathion @ 2 lit in 1500 – 2000 lit. water per ha + Urea 3% at
flower initiation
and again at
fruiting time.
Dr. M. Thippaiah
Spiraling white fly :: Aleurodicus dispersus
( Aleyrodidae : Hemiptera )
Adults are larger in size, body yellowish hyaline with white waxy powder
on the body.
It is an introduced polyphagous pest of vegetables, fruit trees, ornamentals and
shade trees.
It is native of the Caribbean Islands and Central America.
It is widely distributed in almost all countries due to rapid dispersal and adaptability
Eggs: are laid in a spiraling pattern (concentric circles) on the undersurface
of leaves. Egg period lasts for 5-8 days.
Nymphs : Nymphal period is 22-30 days.
Adult longevity is for 13-21 days.
Total life cycle is completed in 40-50 days.
Dr. M. Thippaiah
Nature of damage
Both nymphs and adults suck the sap on the lower surface of the
leaves in colonies.
This leads to chlorosis and early senescence of leaves ( become old ),
Honey dew supports the sooty mould fungus. As a result the vigour
and vitality of the plant reduced and photosynthetic activity also affected.
Dr. M. Thippaiah
Integrated Pest Management
Remove and destroy damaged leaves along with life stages.
Remove and destroy weed plants like Abutilon, Acalypha, Euphorbia, etc.,
in the nearby vicinity as these plants are alternate hosts.
Use yellow sticky traps at 15 / ha to attract and kill the adults
Release Chrysoperla zastrowii predators at 10000/ha to kill all life stages
Encourage the activity of predators such as Coccinellids,
Chilocorus nigritus, Cheilomenus sexmaculatus, etc.
Conserve spiraling whitefly parasitoids, Encarsia haitiensis and E. guadeloupae.
Spray Fish oil rosin soap (FORS) @ 25g/lit.
NSKE @ 5%
neem oil 0.03% i.e. 1ml / lit
phosalone 35 EC @ 3 lit.
triazophos 40 EC @ 3 lit.
acephate 75 SP @ 1.5 kg in 1500 -2000 lit. per ha. and spray two to three times
based on the incidence.
Avoid using synthetic pyrethroids and extending crop growth. Dr. M. Thippaiah
Scale insects : Chloropulvinaria psidii
( Coccidae : Hemiptera )
It is a major pest of Guava in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu. AP, MH, UP and Punjab
Alternate hosts : Apart from Guava, the scale insects feeds on Coffee, Tea, Citrus,
Mango, Jack fruit, Sapota etc.,
Adults are ovoid, green to yellow in colour, and covered with a white powdery wax.
The eyes are black in colour..
Adult females and nymphs green to yellowish in colour broadly oval shaped and
flat and measures 3mm in body length
Eggs : are laid beneath the body of mature female in a prominent ovisac / egg sac
later female dies.
Males are small with one pair of wings and harm less
First instar nymphs are crawlers are the active dispersive phase responsible for
starting new infestation
Nature of damage
Nymphs after hatching feed on leaves and shoots, the attack of these insects are more
common in summer Dr. M. Thippaiah
Management practices
1. Prune the affected parts and burn at the early stage of infestation
during non fruiting stage
In case of severe infestation, prune the affected parts and spray during
non fruiting or early fruiting season with monocrotophos @ 2 ml / lit.
quinalphos @ 2ml / lit.
2. After two weeks, release 20 adults beetles of Cryptlaemus montouzieri
/ plant in the month Jan or Feb.
This beetle prefer to feed on the ovisac of the scale insect than other
A total 400 eggs can be consumed by a single beetle grub during the
development ( 10 grubs / tree )
other natural enemies – Chrysoperla zastrowii, Spalgis epius
Parasitoid – Aenasius advena
3.Sticky substance or Alkathene bands to the base of the plant to prevent
movement of ants and pest Dr. M. Thippaiah
Mealy bugs : Ferrisia virgata
( Pseudococcidae : Hemiptera )
 These are persistent pests
 They suck the sap from twigs and leaves, some times
they thickly infests on these parts including fruits
 As a result curling and twisting of twigs and in poor
developed fruits
Bugs are small reddish, the posterior part covered with white cottony material
which serves as ovisac for egg and young ones
Dr. M. Thippaiah
Infested fruits will have uneven shapes, poor quality, and are susceptible to
secondary infections by pathogens.
Favourable condition:
 The maximum temperature had significant positive correlation with the build-up
of population of mealy bugs
while high humidity had significant negative correlation.
 The other meteorological parameters, i.e. minimum temperature, relative morning
humidity and rain, had no significant influence on the incidence of the pests.
 A major pest of several vegetables, ornamental plants, tropical orchard trees
and was observed feeding on 76 species of plants belonging to 33 families.
Dr. M. Thippaiah
Management practices
Debark the vines and swab with methylparathion @ 1 ml / lit. to minimize
the population
Spray dichlorvas 1.0 lit.
chlorpyriphos 1.25 lit.
buprofezin 25 SC 1.0-1.5 lit. in 500 lit. water/ha
Spray the crop with neem oil upto 4 % or Honge oil 400ml + 50ml of liquid soap
in 10lit. of water
Release Australian lady bird beetle, Cryptoleamus montrouzieri @
2500 – 3750 per ha
Conserve coccinellid beetle, Scymnus coccivora and lepidopteran predator
Spalgis epius
Encarsia advena – 50 % parasitisation takes place in natural condition
Avoid spraying methyl parathion, monocrotophos, dimethoate,
methyldemeton, quinalphos, malathion etc., as they are toxic to predators.
Dr. M. Thippaiah
Mango mealy bug : Drosicha mangiferae
( Margarodidae : Hemiptera)
 Incidence of mango mealy bug, Drosicha mangiferae has been noticed in winter
season crop
 The nymphs suck the sap from leaves, shoots and fruits
 Development of sooty mould takes place on the honey dew excreted by these
insects on the affected parts
Dr. M. Thippaiah
The infested fruits drop prematurely and mature fruits loose their market value
Infestation of mango mealy bug on fruits
Excessive de-sapping results in yellowing, withering, drying and shedding of leaves,
drying young shoots and dropping of affected fruits
Secondary infection of sooty mould takes place on honey dew, excreted by these
insects, hindering the photosynthetic activity of the plant Dr. M. Thippaiah
Management practices for mealy bugs
 The affected leaves and young shoots may be pruned and destroyed alonging
with the pest in early fruiting or non fruiting season
It helps in brining down the initial pest population and prevent further spread
 Overlapping and overcrowding branches may also be pruned to check spread
of these pests in the orchards
 In case of heavy infestation of F. virgata
Spray the crop with 0.1 % buprofezin
0.045% dimethoate in early fruiting or non fruiting season
Spray may be repeated at fortnightly intervals depending on the severity of attack
 For prevention and control of mango mealy bug ( D. mangiferae)
alkathane banding ( 400 gauge 25 cm wide ) may be tied with the help of thread on
tree trunk
In case of heavy infestation – 1.5 % chlorpyriphos dust @ 250gm / tree may be
applied by raking the soil around the tree trunk
This may be done particularly when guava orchards are located in the vicinity of
mango orchards
 Releasing of Cryptolaemus montrouzieri @ 3000 / ha before fruiting seasons
Dr. M. Thippaiah
II. Borer pests
Dr. M. Thippaiah
Fruit fly : Bactrocera dorsalis
( Tephritidae : Diptera )
Adults are brown or dark brown coloured flies with hyaline or transparent wings
and yellow coloured legs. A little bigger than the house fly.
 It is the common one frequently effects the guava orchards all over the
Country they become active during spring season.
 The fly population dwindles (less) in summer and raises during the rainy
months March – June and September –November.
Dr. M. Thippaiah
Egg: Under optimum conditions, a female can lay more than 3,000 eggs during her
lifetime, but under field conditions from 1,200 to 1,500 eggs per female is
considered to be the usual production. Development from egg to adult under
summer conditions requires about 16 days.
Larva: The mature larva emerges from the fruit, drops to the ground, and forms a tan
to dark brown puparium.
Pupa: Pupation occurs in the soil. About nine days are required for attainment of
sexual maturity after the adult fly emerges.
Dr. M. Thippaiah
When ever crop having semi ripe fruits to over maturity fruits, the
females they lay eggs on the fruits i.e. ovipositional punctures on
the fruits
Maggots feed on inner content/ pulp of the fruit and convert the pulp in to
bad smelling
Finally the maggot fall down to the ground and under go pupation inside the soil
Nature of damage
Dr. M. Thippaiah
Maggots feed on inner content of the fruit
Ovipositional damage in the form of minute depression may be seen from out side
Fruits are soften at site of infestation
The affected fruits rot and drop pre-maturely
Ovipositional aperture leads to secondary infection by several pathogens
Dr. M. Thippaiah
Management practices
To maintain sanitation in Orchard including removal of fallen fruits regularly
Use methyl eugenol traps to keep fruit fly population under check
( see under mango)
Summer ploughing to expose pupa and hibernating larvae are destroyed by
natural enemies
Bait spray combing molasses or jaggery @ 10 gm / lit. and one of the insecticides
 fenthion 100EC @ 1 ml / lit.
 dimethoate 30 EC @ 1 ml / lit.
 malathion 50 Ec @ 2 ml / lit.
Two rounds at fortnight intervals before ripening of fruits
Dr. M. Thippaiah
Fruit flies with ovipositional
Fruit flies attracted to drop of
methyl eugenol
Dr. M. Thippaiah
Anar butterfly : Deudorix (= Virachola)isocrates
( Lycaenidae : Lepidoptera )
Adult - bluish brown butterfly, Female – V shaped patch on the forewing
Fruit borers:
 The pomegranate butter fly is a major pest of pomegranate, but recently infestation
of this pest has been reported increasing in guava growing regions in UP, and other
place in North India
 The attack of this pest occurs in fruiting season both in rainy and winter seasons
Dr. M. Thippaiah
Eggs: Eggs are laid singly on calyx of flowers and fruits , stalks and
flower buds.
Larvae - Dark brown, short and stout, covered with short hairs,
larval period lasts for 18-47 days.
Pupa: Development occurs either inside the damaged fruits or on the
stalk of the fruit
Pupal period lasts for 7-34 days.
Total life cycle is completed in 1 to 2 months.
Dr. M. Thippaiah
Nature of damage
 Caterpillar / larva bores into young fruits.
 Feeds on internal contents (pulp and seeds) making the fruit
hollow from inside.
 Fruit rotting and dropping
 Infestation of this pest results in fruit loss
 The entry and exit holes of the larvae are the way for secondary
infection by different pathogens Dr. M. Thippaiah
Fruits damaged by D. Isocrates Larvae inside the damaged fruits
Adult is a Yellow colored moth with black dots.
Castor capsule borer : Conogethes puntiferalis
( Pyralidae : Lepidoptera)
This borer is the another polyphagous insect, larvae of which damage fruits of guava
 It is a primarily a pest of castor but also attacks guava and other fruits and forest trees
and occasionally cause serious damage
Dr. M. Thippaiah
Egg: Pink colored eggs laid singly on flower buds, or young capsules.
Larva: Pale reddish brown in colour with black blotches and tubercles
on body.
Pupa : Pupates on plants in stem or capsule.
Nature of damage
 Stem dries up as larva bores in to stem and then damages the
young fruits
 Caterpillar bores into young fruits but they may also bore buds and
tender shoots.
 Feeds on internal contents (pulp and seeds)
 Infected fruits dry up and fall off without ripening
Dr. M. Thippaiah
 The affected fruits are generally deformed at the point of entry of larvae.
 Larval faeces may be seen exuding out of the borer hole. Such fruits weaken,
rot and drop down.
Control measures
 Cultivation of pomegranate should be discouraged close to guava as this is the
most preferred host
 Regular collection of infested fruits and their destruction to check the further spread
and carry over the population
 To prevent the infestation of pest, spray the crop with ethophenoprox @ 0.05 % at
the beginning of fruiting season and before ripening of fruits
At least 15 days waiting period should be observed before beginning of harvest
Dr. M. Thippaiah
Fruits damaged by Conogethes punctiferalis
Barking eating caterpillar : Indarbela tetraonis
( Metarbelidae : Lepidoptera )
 Adult is stout yellowish brown coloured moth with grey wavy
markings on thewings
 Males are smaller than the female
Alternate hosts : the bark eating caterpillars feeds on Citrus, Mango,
Guava, Mulberry, Pomegranate, Drumstick etc.,
Dr. M. Thippaiah
Nature of damage
The infestation of this pest may be identified by the presence of
irregular tunnels and patches covered with silken web consisting
of excreta and chewed up wood particles on the shoots, branches,
stem and main trunk
Shelter holes may also be seen particularly at the joints of shoots and
The young shoots dry and die away giving sickly look to the plant
Dr. M. Thippaiah
Damage of bark eating
caterpillar on trunk
Infestation of bark eating
caterpillar on twigs
Dr. M. Thippaiah
Management practices
Keep the orchard clean and healthy to prevent the infestation of
this pest
Remove alternate hosts, silk cotton and other hosts
Detect early infestation by periodically looking out drying young
Swab coal tar + kerosene @ 1 : 2 on the basal portion of the trunk
up to 3 feet height
Scraping the loose bark to prevent ovipostion by adult beetle
If infestations are severe then apply the copper oxychloride paste on
the trunk of the tree
Apply carbofuran 3G 5 gm / hole and plug with mud
Apply monocrotophaos @ 10 to 20 ml / hole
Dr. M. Thippaiah
III. Non insect pest
Dr. M. Thippaiah
Scarlet Mite: Brevipalpus phoenicus
(Tenuipalpidae: Acari)
Mite lays eggs on stalks of fruits, calyx and leaves.
Both nymphs and adults suck the cell sap from fruits which results
in browning of nodal regions and appearance of brown patches on
calyx and surface of fruits.
In severe infestation, these symptoms cover the entire surface of fruits
leading to splitting of fruits. Life cycle completed in 22 days.
Management practices
Collect and destroy the damaged plant parts.
Spray wettable sulphur 3 kg or dicofol 2 lit. in 1500 – 2000 lit.
of water per ha.
Dr. M. Thippaiah
Thank you

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Insect pests of guava and control

  • 1. Insect pests of Guava and their management Dr M Thippaiah Professor Department of Entomology University of Agricultural Sciences GKVK, Bangalore- 65
  • 2. Guava commonly referred as poor man’s apple About 80 species of insects have been recorded on guava trees, affecting yield and quality of fruits Of these less than 20 species occupy the status of major potential and minor pests, rests of them are casual feeders Guava kajji bug, Fruit flies, bark-eating caterpillars and coccids ( Scale insects and mealy bugs) are considered as major pests of guava While aphids, whiteflies, thrips, cockchafers, stem borers and fruit borers etc., are minor pests Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 3. The major insect pests guava are classified as I. Sap feeders Tea mosquito bug Helopeltis antonii Miridae Hemiptera Spiraling whitefly Aleurodicus dispersus Aleyrodidae Hemiptera Scale insects Chloropulivinaria psidii Coccidae Hemiptera Mealy bug Ferrisia varigata Psuedococcidae Hemiptera Mango mealy bug Drosicha mangiferae Margarodidae Hemiptera II. Borer pests Fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis Tephritidae Diptera Pomegranate butter fly Deudorix isocrates Lycaenidae Lepidoptera Castor capsule borer Conogethes punctiferalis pyralidae Lepidoptera Bark eating caterpillar Indarbela tetraonis Metarbelidae Lepidoptera III. Non insect pest Scarlet Mite Brevipalpus phoenicus Tenuipalpidae Acarina Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 4. I. Sap feeders Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 5. Tea moquito bug / Guava kajji bug : Helopeltis antonii ( Miridae : Hemiptera ) Adult is slightly bigger than mosquito and reddish brown in colour with long legs and antennae Black coloured head and red coloured thorax A white band is seen on the lower surface of the abdomen A peg like projection on the dorsal side of the scutellum A peg like projection  It is distributed in South India, Srilanka, South- east Asia  It is a major pest of guava and widely distributed in Karnataka, Goa, MH, and TN Alternate hosts : Cashew, Tea, Cocoa, Rose, Tamarind, Apple Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 6. Eggs: Female can lay 500 eggs that are insert into the epidermis of tender shoots, axis of inflorescence, the flower buds, tissues of twigs, midribs of leaves and where scars may be seen I.P – 6-7 days Nymphs : There are five nymphal instar The nymphs are small, reddish brown ant like and second instars they develops the horn on the scutellum. N.P – 14-16 days Adult bug The life cycle is completed in 22 days Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 7.  The adults and nymphs suck the sap from tender shoots and fruit of all sizes  When they suck the sap from fruits, the pierced area develops in to a raised corky scab or kajji appearance  They suck the sap from tender fruit the spots may coalesce and finally develops into a blisters or scab like areas on the fruit surface,  such fruit are inferior in quality and become unmarketable Nature of damage Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 8. Nymphs and adults make punctures on petiole, tender shoots and fruits  Elongate streaks and patches develop on shoots  The affected leaves and shoots are dry up Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 9. A blisters or corky scab formation on the fruit surface Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 10. Critical stages of pest attack  New flush formation stage  Production of new fruits If not taken care in these stages fruits will drop off Favourable conditions  They prefer shady area  Thick canopy They active during morning and evening hours Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 11. Management practices To prune the branches or to regulate the shade to facilitate proper penetration of sunlight inside the canopy. When new flush arises spray the crop with contact insecticides like Monocrotophos 36 WSC @ 2.5 lit. in 1500 – 2000 lit. water per ha Spray malathion @ 2 lit in 1500 – 2000 lit. water per ha + Urea 3% at flower initiation and again at fruiting time. Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 12. Spiraling white fly :: Aleurodicus dispersus ( Aleyrodidae : Hemiptera ) Adults are larger in size, body yellowish hyaline with white waxy powder on the body. It is an introduced polyphagous pest of vegetables, fruit trees, ornamentals and shade trees. It is native of the Caribbean Islands and Central America. It is widely distributed in almost all countries due to rapid dispersal and adaptability Eggs: are laid in a spiraling pattern (concentric circles) on the undersurface of leaves. Egg period lasts for 5-8 days. Nymphs : Nymphal period is 22-30 days. Adult longevity is for 13-21 days. Total life cycle is completed in 40-50 days. Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 13. Nature of damage Both nymphs and adults suck the sap on the lower surface of the leaves in colonies. This leads to chlorosis and early senescence of leaves ( become old ), Honey dew supports the sooty mould fungus. As a result the vigour and vitality of the plant reduced and photosynthetic activity also affected. Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 14. Integrated Pest Management Remove and destroy damaged leaves along with life stages. Remove and destroy weed plants like Abutilon, Acalypha, Euphorbia, etc., in the nearby vicinity as these plants are alternate hosts. Use yellow sticky traps at 15 / ha to attract and kill the adults Release Chrysoperla zastrowii predators at 10000/ha to kill all life stages Encourage the activity of predators such as Coccinellids, Chilocorus nigritus, Cheilomenus sexmaculatus, etc. Conserve spiraling whitefly parasitoids, Encarsia haitiensis and E. guadeloupae. Spray Fish oil rosin soap (FORS) @ 25g/lit. or NSKE @ 5% or neem oil 0.03% i.e. 1ml / lit or phosalone 35 EC @ 3 lit. or triazophos 40 EC @ 3 lit. or acephate 75 SP @ 1.5 kg in 1500 -2000 lit. per ha. and spray two to three times based on the incidence. Avoid using synthetic pyrethroids and extending crop growth. Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 15. Scale insects : Chloropulvinaria psidii ( Coccidae : Hemiptera ) It is a major pest of Guava in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu. AP, MH, UP and Punjab Alternate hosts : Apart from Guava, the scale insects feeds on Coffee, Tea, Citrus, Mango, Jack fruit, Sapota etc., Adults are ovoid, green to yellow in colour, and covered with a white powdery wax. The eyes are black in colour.. Adult females and nymphs green to yellowish in colour broadly oval shaped and flat and measures 3mm in body length Eggs : are laid beneath the body of mature female in a prominent ovisac / egg sac later female dies. Males are small with one pair of wings and harm less First instar nymphs are crawlers are the active dispersive phase responsible for starting new infestation Nature of damage Nymphs after hatching feed on leaves and shoots, the attack of these insects are more common in summer Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 16. Management practices 1. Prune the affected parts and burn at the early stage of infestation during non fruiting stage In case of severe infestation, prune the affected parts and spray during non fruiting or early fruiting season with monocrotophos @ 2 ml / lit. or quinalphos @ 2ml / lit. 2. After two weeks, release 20 adults beetles of Cryptlaemus montouzieri / plant in the month Jan or Feb. This beetle prefer to feed on the ovisac of the scale insect than other stages. A total 400 eggs can be consumed by a single beetle grub during the development ( 10 grubs / tree ) other natural enemies – Chrysoperla zastrowii, Spalgis epius Parasitoid – Aenasius advena 3.Sticky substance or Alkathene bands to the base of the plant to prevent movement of ants and pest Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 17. Mealy bugs : Ferrisia virgata ( Pseudococcidae : Hemiptera )  These are persistent pests  They suck the sap from twigs and leaves, some times they thickly infests on these parts including fruits  As a result curling and twisting of twigs and in poor developed fruits Bugs are small reddish, the posterior part covered with white cottony material which serves as ovisac for egg and young ones Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 18. Infested fruits will have uneven shapes, poor quality, and are susceptible to secondary infections by pathogens. Favourable condition:  The maximum temperature had significant positive correlation with the build-up of population of mealy bugs while high humidity had significant negative correlation.  The other meteorological parameters, i.e. minimum temperature, relative morning humidity and rain, had no significant influence on the incidence of the pests.  A major pest of several vegetables, ornamental plants, tropical orchard trees and was observed feeding on 76 species of plants belonging to 33 families. Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 19. Management practices Debark the vines and swab with methylparathion @ 1 ml / lit. to minimize the population Spray dichlorvas 1.0 lit. or chlorpyriphos 1.25 lit. or buprofezin 25 SC 1.0-1.5 lit. in 500 lit. water/ha Spray the crop with neem oil upto 4 % or Honge oil 400ml + 50ml of liquid soap in 10lit. of water Release Australian lady bird beetle, Cryptoleamus montrouzieri @ 2500 – 3750 per ha Conserve coccinellid beetle, Scymnus coccivora and lepidopteran predator Spalgis epius Encarsia advena – 50 % parasitisation takes place in natural condition Avoid spraying methyl parathion, monocrotophos, dimethoate, methyldemeton, quinalphos, malathion etc., as they are toxic to predators. Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 20. Mango mealy bug : Drosicha mangiferae ( Margarodidae : Hemiptera)  Incidence of mango mealy bug, Drosicha mangiferae has been noticed in winter season crop  The nymphs suck the sap from leaves, shoots and fruits  Development of sooty mould takes place on the honey dew excreted by these insects on the affected parts Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 21. The infested fruits drop prematurely and mature fruits loose their market value Infestation of mango mealy bug on fruits Symptoms Excessive de-sapping results in yellowing, withering, drying and shedding of leaves, drying young shoots and dropping of affected fruits Secondary infection of sooty mould takes place on honey dew, excreted by these insects, hindering the photosynthetic activity of the plant Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 22. Management practices for mealy bugs  The affected leaves and young shoots may be pruned and destroyed alonging with the pest in early fruiting or non fruiting season It helps in brining down the initial pest population and prevent further spread  Overlapping and overcrowding branches may also be pruned to check spread of these pests in the orchards  In case of heavy infestation of F. virgata Spray the crop with 0.1 % buprofezin or 0.045% dimethoate in early fruiting or non fruiting season Spray may be repeated at fortnightly intervals depending on the severity of attack  For prevention and control of mango mealy bug ( D. mangiferae) alkathane banding ( 400 gauge 25 cm wide ) may be tied with the help of thread on tree trunk In case of heavy infestation – 1.5 % chlorpyriphos dust @ 250gm / tree may be applied by raking the soil around the tree trunk This may be done particularly when guava orchards are located in the vicinity of mango orchards  Releasing of Cryptolaemus montrouzieri @ 3000 / ha before fruiting seasons Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 23. II. Borer pests Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 24. Fruit fly : Bactrocera dorsalis ( Tephritidae : Diptera ) Adults are brown or dark brown coloured flies with hyaline or transparent wings and yellow coloured legs. A little bigger than the house fly.  It is the common one frequently effects the guava orchards all over the Country they become active during spring season.  The fly population dwindles (less) in summer and raises during the rainy months March – June and September –November. Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 25. Egg: Under optimum conditions, a female can lay more than 3,000 eggs during her lifetime, but under field conditions from 1,200 to 1,500 eggs per female is considered to be the usual production. Development from egg to adult under summer conditions requires about 16 days. Larva: The mature larva emerges from the fruit, drops to the ground, and forms a tan to dark brown puparium. Pupa: Pupation occurs in the soil. About nine days are required for attainment of sexual maturity after the adult fly emerges. Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 26. When ever crop having semi ripe fruits to over maturity fruits, the females they lay eggs on the fruits i.e. ovipositional punctures on the fruits Maggots feed on inner content/ pulp of the fruit and convert the pulp in to bad smelling Finally the maggot fall down to the ground and under go pupation inside the soil Nature of damage Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 27. Maggots feed on inner content of the fruit Symptoms Ovipositional damage in the form of minute depression may be seen from out side Fruits are soften at site of infestation The affected fruits rot and drop pre-maturely Ovipositional aperture leads to secondary infection by several pathogens Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 28. Management practices To maintain sanitation in Orchard including removal of fallen fruits regularly Use methyl eugenol traps to keep fruit fly population under check ( see under mango) Summer ploughing to expose pupa and hibernating larvae are destroyed by natural enemies Bait spray combing molasses or jaggery @ 10 gm / lit. and one of the insecticides  fenthion 100EC @ 1 ml / lit.  dimethoate 30 EC @ 1 ml / lit.  malathion 50 Ec @ 2 ml / lit. Two rounds at fortnight intervals before ripening of fruits Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 29. Fruit flies with ovipositional damage Fruit flies attracted to drop of methyl eugenol Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 30. Anar butterfly : Deudorix (= Virachola)isocrates ( Lycaenidae : Lepidoptera ) Adult - bluish brown butterfly, Female – V shaped patch on the forewing Fruit borers:  The pomegranate butter fly is a major pest of pomegranate, but recently infestation of this pest has been reported increasing in guava growing regions in UP, and other place in North India  The attack of this pest occurs in fruiting season both in rainy and winter seasons Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 31. Eggs: Eggs are laid singly on calyx of flowers and fruits , stalks and flower buds. Larvae - Dark brown, short and stout, covered with short hairs, larval period lasts for 18-47 days. Pupa: Development occurs either inside the damaged fruits or on the stalk of the fruit Pupal period lasts for 7-34 days. Total life cycle is completed in 1 to 2 months. Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 32. Nature of damage  Caterpillar / larva bores into young fruits.  Feeds on internal contents (pulp and seeds) making the fruit hollow from inside.  Fruit rotting and dropping  Infestation of this pest results in fruit loss  The entry and exit holes of the larvae are the way for secondary infection by different pathogens Dr. M. Thippaiah Fruits damaged by D. Isocrates Larvae inside the damaged fruits
  • 33. Adult is a Yellow colored moth with black dots. Castor capsule borer : Conogethes puntiferalis ( Pyralidae : Lepidoptera) This borer is the another polyphagous insect, larvae of which damage fruits of guava  It is a primarily a pest of castor but also attacks guava and other fruits and forest trees and occasionally cause serious damage Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 34. Egg: Pink colored eggs laid singly on flower buds, or young capsules. Larva: Pale reddish brown in colour with black blotches and tubercles on body. Pupa : Pupates on plants in stem or capsule. Nature of damage  Stem dries up as larva bores in to stem and then damages the young fruits  Caterpillar bores into young fruits but they may also bore buds and tender shoots.  Feeds on internal contents (pulp and seeds)  Infected fruits dry up and fall off without ripening Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 35.  The affected fruits are generally deformed at the point of entry of larvae.  Larval faeces may be seen exuding out of the borer hole. Such fruits weaken, rot and drop down. Control measures  Cultivation of pomegranate should be discouraged close to guava as this is the most preferred host  Regular collection of infested fruits and their destruction to check the further spread and carry over the population  To prevent the infestation of pest, spray the crop with ethophenoprox @ 0.05 % at the beginning of fruiting season and before ripening of fruits At least 15 days waiting period should be observed before beginning of harvest Dr. M. Thippaiah Fruits damaged by Conogethes punctiferalis
  • 36. Barking eating caterpillar : Indarbela tetraonis ( Metarbelidae : Lepidoptera )  Adult is stout yellowish brown coloured moth with grey wavy markings on thewings  Males are smaller than the female Alternate hosts : the bark eating caterpillars feeds on Citrus, Mango, Guava, Mulberry, Pomegranate, Drumstick etc., Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 37. Nature of damage The infestation of this pest may be identified by the presence of irregular tunnels and patches covered with silken web consisting of excreta and chewed up wood particles on the shoots, branches, stem and main trunk Shelter holes may also be seen particularly at the joints of shoots and branches The young shoots dry and die away giving sickly look to the plant Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 38. Damage of bark eating caterpillar on trunk Infestation of bark eating caterpillar on twigs Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 39. Management practices Keep the orchard clean and healthy to prevent the infestation of this pest Remove alternate hosts, silk cotton and other hosts Detect early infestation by periodically looking out drying young shoots Swab coal tar + kerosene @ 1 : 2 on the basal portion of the trunk up to 3 feet height Scraping the loose bark to prevent ovipostion by adult beetle If infestations are severe then apply the copper oxychloride paste on the trunk of the tree Apply carbofuran 3G 5 gm / hole and plug with mud or Apply monocrotophaos @ 10 to 20 ml / hole Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 40. III. Non insect pest Dr. M. Thippaiah
  • 41. Scarlet Mite: Brevipalpus phoenicus (Tenuipalpidae: Acari) Mite lays eggs on stalks of fruits, calyx and leaves. Both nymphs and adults suck the cell sap from fruits which results in browning of nodal regions and appearance of brown patches on calyx and surface of fruits. In severe infestation, these symptoms cover the entire surface of fruits leading to splitting of fruits. Life cycle completed in 22 days. Management practices Collect and destroy the damaged plant parts. Spray wettable sulphur 3 kg or dicofol 2 lit. in 1500 – 2000 lit. of water per ha. Dr. M. Thippaiah