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Mathematical Foundations of Quantum
Dr.Randeep N C
Department of Physics
Government Arts & Science College, Kozhikode
May 17-24, 2021
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Matrix Representations
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Matrix Representations
Consider two operator  and X̂ in a vector space V with eigenstates
{|ai i} of  is complete, then
X̂ = 1X̂1 =
|aj i haj | X̂ |ak i hak |
X̂ =
(haj | X̂ |ak i) |aj i hak |
Here there are altogether N2
number of the form haj | X̂ |ak i, where
N is the dimensionality of the ket space.
We can arrange them as N × N square matrix such that the column
and row indices appears as follows
haj |
X̂ |ak i
= X̂jk
is called matrix elements of the operator X̂.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Matrix Representations
Therefore, the operator X̂ is represented by
ha1| X̂ |a1i ha1| X̂ |a2i . . .
ha2| X̂ |a1i ha2| X̂ |a2i . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
haN| X̂ |a1i haN| X̂ |a2i . . .
For a general operator X̂,
haj | X̂ |ak i = hak | X̂†
|aj i
If operator X̂ is Hermitian
haj | X̂ |ak i = hak | X̂ |aj i
Representation of matrix multiplication Ẑ = X̂Ŷ in terms of matrix
elements as
haj | Ẑ |ak i = haj | X̂Ŷ |ak i
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Matrix Representations
haj | Ẑ |ak i =
haj | X̂ |a`i ha`| Ŷ |ak i
Ẑjk =
X̂j`Ŷ`k ,
that is the multiplication rule for matrices.
Consider a ket relation
|γi = X̂ |αi
To represent it by using base ket, find expansion coefficients of |γi
by multiplying haj | on the left,
haj |γi = haj |X̂ |αi =
haj |X̂ |ak i hak | αi
dj =
X̂jk ck
This is same as multiplication rule for multiplying a square matrix
and a column matrix.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Matrix Representations
Therefore, |αi and |γi can be represented by column matrices.
, |γi
Similarly, bra vectors hα| and hγ| can be represented by row matrices

hα|a1i hα|a2i . . .

, hγ|

hγ|a1i hγ|a2i . . .

Therefore inner product hβ|αi can be written as
hβ|αi =
hβ|ai ihai |αi
hβ|αi =

hβ|a1i hβ|a2i . . .

Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Matrix Representations
Suppose |αi =
ci |ai i and |βi =
di |ai i, then the inner product
hβ|αi =

1 d∗
2 . . .

= d∗
1 c1 + d∗
2 c2 + ...
and the outer product
|αi hβ| =

1 d∗
2 . . .

1 c1d∗
2 . . .
1 c2d∗
2 . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Matrix Representations
The matrix representation of observable A in terms of eigen kets of
operator  is
 = 1Â1 =
|aj i haj | Â |ak i hak |
ak |aj i haj | ak i hak | =
ak δjk |aj i hak |
aj |aj i haj |
That is the matrix representation of an operator  will be a diagonal
matrix in its eigen basis.
a1 0 0 . .
0 a2 0 . .
0 0 a3 . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Problem 6: Consider a three dimensional vector space spanned by
an orthonormal basis |1i , |2i , |3i. Kets |αi and |βi are given by
|αi = i |1i − 2 |2i − i |3i , |βi = i |1i + 2 |3i .
Find all nine matrix elements of the operator  = |αihβ|, in this
basis, and construct the matrix A. Is it Hermitian.
 = |αihβ| = (i |1i − 2 |2i − i |3i)(−i h1| + 2 h3|)
= |1i h1| + 2i |1i h3| + 2i |2i h1| − 4 |2i h3| − |3i h1| − 2i |3i h3|
Matrix elements of an operator  are
h1|Â|1i = 1, h1|Â|2i = 0, h1|Â|3i = 2i, h2|Â|1i = 2i, h2|Â|2i = 0,
h2|Â|3i = −4, h3|Â|1i = −1, h3|Â|2i = 0, h3|Â|3i = −2i.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Therefore, A matrix is
A =
1 0 2i
2i 0 −4
−1 0 2i
1 −2i −1
0 0 0
−2i −4 −2i
Here A†
6= A, therefore matrix A is not Hermitian.
Problem 7: For any operator A, i(A†
− A) is
(a) Hermitian, (b) Anti-Hermitan, (c) Unitary, (d) Orthonormal.
Answer: For a Hermitan operator X†
= X,
− A))†
= −i((A†
− A†
) = −i(A − A†
) = i(A†
− A)
=⇒ i(A†
− A) is Hermitian.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Problem 8: If a Hamiltonian H is given as H = (|0i h0| − |1i h1|)
+i(|0i h1| − |1i h0|), where |0i and |1i are orthonormal states. The
eigenvalues of H are [JEST- 2015]
(a) ± 1, (b) ± i, (c) ±
2, (d) ± i
Answer: Hamiltonian in matrix notation is
H =

1 i
−i −1

To find eigenvalues, solve the determinant
|H − λ1| =
1 − λ i
−i −1 − λ
= 0
−(1 − λ)(1 + λ) + i2
= 0
−(1 − λ2
) − 1 = 0
= 2
λ = ±
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Problem 9: The Hamiltonian operator for a two state system is
given by H = α(|1i h1| − |2i h2| + |1i h2| + |2i h1|) where α is a
positive number with the dimension of energy. The energy
eigenstates corresponding to the larger and smaller eigenvalue
respectively are [JEST-2014]
(a) |1i − (
2 + 1) |2i , |1i + (
2 − 1) |2i ,
(b) |1i + (
2 − 1) |2i , |1i − (
2 + 1) |2i ,
(c) |1i + (
2 − 1) |2i , (
2 + 1) |1i − |2i ,
(d) |1i − (
2 + 1) |2i , (
2 − 1) |1i + |2i .
H =

α α
α −α

|H − λ1| =
α − λ α
α −α − λ
= 0
−(α − λ)(α + λ) − α2
= 0
= 2α2
=⇒ λ = ±
That is eigenvalues of H matrix are λ1 = +
2α and λ2 = −
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
To find eigenstate |λ1i corresponding to eigenvalue λ1 = +

α −
2α α
α −α −

= 0
(α −
2α)x + αy = 0
(1 −
2)x + y = 0 =⇒ x = 1, y =
2 − 1
Therefore, |λ1i = |1i + (
2 − 1) |2i
To find eigenstate |λ2i corresponding to eigenvalue λ1 = −

α +
2α α
α −α +

= 0
(α +
2α)x + αy = 0
(1 +
2)x + y = 0 =⇒ x = 1, y = −(
2 + 1)
Therefore, |λ2i = |1i − (
2 + 1) |2i
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Spin 1
2 system
Spin 1/2 system is a two level quantum system, one of the simplest
quantum system we can consider.
The component of spin (S) in different directions are denoted by the
operators Ŝx , Ŝy and Ŝz .
The eigenvalue equations of Ŝz operator are
Ŝz |0i = +
|0i , Ŝz |1i = −
Spin is an observable, then the operator Ŝz is Hermitian and its
eienstates span the 2 dimensional Hilbert space, that is
|0i h0| + |1i h1| = 1 =⇒ Completeness reation
An operator Ŝz in its eigenbasis can be written as
Ŝz =
[|0i h0| − |1i h1|]
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Spin 1
2 system
Consider two non Hermitian operators
S+ = ~(|0i h1|), S− = ~(|1i h0|)
Act these operators in the eigenstates of Ŝz operator
S+ |0i = ~(|0i h1|) |0i = 0, S+ |1i = ~(|0i h1|) |1i = ~ |0i
S− |0i = ~(|1i h0|) |0i = ~ |1i , S− |1i = ~(|1i h0|) |1i = 0
Because of this results, S+ is called raising operator and S− is called
lowering operator.
This Ŝ± can be written as Ŝ± = Ŝx ± iŜy .
Let |0i =


, |1i =


, then
Ŝz =
[|0i h0| − |1i h1|] =

1 0
0 −1

Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Spin 1
2 system
S+ = ~(|0i h1|) = ~

0 1
0 0

, S− = ~(|1i h0|) = ~

0 0
1 0

Ŝx =
S+ + S−

0 1
1 0

, Ŝy =
S+ − S−

0 −i
i 0

That is spin component can be written as
Ŝz =
σ̂z , Ŝx =
σ̂x , Ŝy =
where σ̂x , σ̂y , σ̂z are Pauli spin matrices.
Therefore, eigenvectors of an operator Ŝz are |0i and |1i with
eigenvalues ~
2 and −~
2 respectively.
Also eigenvectors of an operator Ŝx are |+i and |−i with eigenvalues
2 and −~
2 respectively.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Spin 1
2 system
Eigenvalue equations of Ŝz operator can be written in another form,
Ŝz |Sz ; +i =
|Sz ; +i, Ŝz |Sz ; −i = −
|Sz ; −i
|Sz ; +i = |0i =


is an eigenvector with eigenvalue +~
2 .
|Sz ; −i = |1i =


is an eigenvector with eigenvalue −~
2 .
Eigenvalue equations of Ŝx operator are
Ŝx |Sx ; +i =
|Sx ; +i, Ŝx |Sx ; −i = −
|Sx ; −i
|Sx ; +i = |+i = 1


is an eigenvector with eigenvalue +~
2 .
|Sx ; −i = |−i = 1


is an eigenvector with eigenvalue −~
2 .
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Spin 1
2 system
Eigenvalue equations of Ŝy operator are
Ŝy |Sy ; +i =
|Sy ; +i, Ŝy |Sy ; −i = −
|Sy ; −i
|Sy ; +i = 1


is an eigenvector with eigenvalue +~
2 .
|Sy ; −i = 1


is an eigenvector with eigenvalue −~
2 .
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Thank You
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Mathematical Foundations of Quantum
Dr.Randeep N C
Department of Physics
Government Arts  Science College, Kozhikode
May 17-24, 2021
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Linear Vector Space
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Question: How do we specify the state of the system in quantum
mechanics ?
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Question: How do we specify the state of the system in quantum
mechanics ?
State of the system in classical mechanics and thermodynamics.
Phase space
(X, P )
PV diagram
(P, V )
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Question: How do we specify the state of the system in quantum
mechanics ?
Linear Vector Spaces
Inner Product Spaces
Hilbert Spaces
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Linear Vector Space
A linear vector space V is a collection of objects (|αi , |βi , |γi , ....) called
vectors, for which there exists
A definite rule for forming the vector sum, |αi + |βi
A definite rule for multiplication by scalars (a, b, c, ....), a |αi
with following features
1 Closure: |αi + |βi ∈ V
2 Vector addition is commutative: |αi + |βi = |βi + |αi
3 Vector addition is associative: |αi + (|βi + |γi) = (|αi + |βi) + |γi
4 There exists a null vector |0i obeying |αi + |0i = |αi
5 For every vector |αi there exist an inverse under addition |−αi such
that |αi + |−αi = |0i
6 Scalar multiplication is distribute in the vectors:
a(|αi + |βi) = a |αi + a |βi
7 Scalar multiplication is distributive in scalars:
(a + b) |αi = a |αi + b |αi
8 Scalar multiplication is associative: a(b |αi) = ab |αi.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Linear Vector Space
This scalars a, b, c, .... are either real or complex numbers
If scalars are real numbers =⇒ Real vector space
If scalars are complex numbers =⇒ Complex vector space
Set of real numbers is a vector space over real scalars.
1 2 + 3 = 5 ∈ V
2 2 + 3 = 3 + 2
3 2 + (3 + 4) = (2 + 3) + 4
4 2 + 0 = 2
5 2 + (−2) = 0
6 2(3 + 4) = 2 × 3 + 2 × 4
7 (2 + 3)4 = 2 × 4 + 3 × 4
8 2(3 × 4) = (2 × 3)4
Set of complex numbers over real scalars.
Set of complex numbers over complex scalars.
Set of real N × N matrices over real scalars.
Set of real 2 × 1 matrices over real scalars.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Example: Set of real 2 × 1 matrices






∈ V






























Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Example: Set of real 2 × 1 matrices
6 2



= 2


+ 2



2 + 3

= 2


+ 3


8 2 3


2 × 3

Let us denote
|0i =


and |1i =


Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Linear independence
Linear independence: A set of vectors {|α1i , |α2i , ..., |αni} is
said to be linearly independent if
c1 |α1i + c2 |α2i + .... + cn |αni = 0 =⇒ c1, c2, ...., cn = 0.
Consider the set {|0i , |1i}
c1 |0i + c2 |1i = 0


+ c2






=⇒ c1, c2 = 0. Therefore, the set of vectors {|0i , |1i} are linearly
independent and the vector |0i cannot be written in terms of |1i.
Linear dependence: A set of vectors {|α1i , |α2i , ..., |αni} is said
to be linearly dependent if there exist a set of complex numbers
c1, c2, ..., cn with ci 6= 0 for atleast one value of i, such that
c1 |α1i + c2 |α2i + .... + cn |αni = 0.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Basis and Dimension
Span: A collection of vectors is said to span the space if every vector
can be written as a linear combination of the members of this set.
Any arbitrary vector of 2 × 1 matrices can be written as


= a


+ b


= a |0i + b |1i
That is the set of vectors {|0i , |1i} span the space of 2 × 1 real
Basis: A set of linearly independent vectors that span the space is
called a basis.
The set of vectors {|0i , |1i} are linearly independent and span the
space of 2 × 1 real matrices. Therefore, they are basis for the space.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Basis and Dimension
Standard Basis: A standard basis (also called natural basis) is a set
of vectors in which each basis vector has a single nonzero entry with
value 1.
For 2D, standard basis set contain the vectors,




For 3D, 
 ,
 ,
The set of vectors {|e1i , |e2i , ...., |eni} represents the basis for N
dimension space.
Dimension: The number of vectors in any basis is called the
dimension of the vector space.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Dual Space
Dual Space: The dual space of V, is denoted by V∗
, is a space of all
linear functionals on V.
A linear functional is a linear map from V to F,
T : V → F
Suppose {|α1i , |α2i , ...} ∈ V and a ∈ F, then
T(|αi i) → F
this linear functional satisfy the conditions
T(|α1i + |α2i) = T(|α1i) + T(|α2i)
T(a |α1i) = aT(|α1i)
The elements of dual space are denoted by the set of vectors
{hα1| , hα2| , ....}, calling ‘ hα|
as bra vector.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Dual Space
Example: Vector space V is a space of 2 × 1 real matrices with




, ... ∈ V
Then the corresponding dual space V∗
is a space of 1 × 2 real
matrices with elements,

a1 a2


b1 b2

, ....., ∈ V∗
These two sets of vectors satisfy the condition

a1 a2


= a1b1 + a2b2 ∈ F
We can show that dual space V∗
is also a vector space with
The basis for the dual space is represented by the set of bra vectors
{he1| , he2| , ....}.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Dual Correspondence
In quantum mechanics, we are calling the space V as ket space and
its dual space V∗
as bra space.
The elements of ket space are ket vectors and the elements of bra
space are bra vectors.
There exist a one to one correspondence between a ket space and
bra space calling dual correspondence (DC):.
→ hα|
|αi + |βi
→ hα| + hβ|
c |αi
→ c∗
|e1i , |e2i , ...., |eni
→ he1| , he2| , ...., hen|
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Problem:1 Consider a set of three vectors {(1, 1, 1), (1, −1, 1),
(1, 1, −1)}, check whether they are linearly independent or not ?
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Problem:1 Consider a set of three vectors {(1, 1, 1), (1, −1, 1),
(1, 1, −1)}, check whether they are linearly independent or not ?
Let |1i =
 , |2i =
 , |3i =
c1 |1i + c2 |2i + c3 |3i = c1
 + c2
 + c3
 = 0
c1 + c2 + c3
c1 − c2 + c3
c1 + c2 − c3
 =
(c1 − c2 + c3) + (c1 + c2 − c3) = 0 =⇒ 2c1 = 0, c1 = 0
(c1 + c2 + c3) + (c1 + c2 − c3) = 0 =⇒ 2c1 + 2c2 = 0, c2 = 0
c1 = 0, c2 = 0, c1 + c2 + c3 =⇒ c3 = 0
Here c1 = c2 = c3 = 0. Therefore the set of vectors {|1i , |2i , |3i}
are linearly independent.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Another method:
c1 + c2 + c3 = 0
c1 − c2 + c3 = 0
c1 + c2 − c3 = 0
1 1 1
1 −1 1
1 1 −1
 = 0
This equation of the form AX = 0. In this equation,
1 For nontrivial solutions (X 6= 0) exist, |A| = 0 =⇒ the set of
vectors are linearly dependent.
2 Only trivial solution (x = 0) exist, |A| 6= 0 =⇒ the set of vectors
are linearly independent.
|A| =
1 1 1
1 −1 1
1 1 −1
= 1(1 − 1) − 1(−1 − 1) + 1(1 + 1) = 4
Here |A| 6= 0, then the set vectors are linearly independent.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Problem:2 Consider the three vectors ~
V1 = 2î + 3k̂,
V2 = î + 2ĵ + 2k̂ and ~
V3 = 5î + ĵ + αk̂, where î, ĵ and k̂ are the
standard unit vectors in a three dimensional Euclidean space. These
vectors will be linearly dependent if the value of α is
(a) 31/4 (b) 23/4 (c) 27/4 (d) 0 [ NET-June-2018 ]
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Problem:2 Consider the three vectors ~
V1 = 2î + 3k̂,
V2 = î + 2ĵ + 2k̂ and ~
V3 = 5î + ĵ + αk̂, where î, ĵ and k̂ are the
standard unit vectors in a three dimensional Euclidean space. These
vectors will be linearly dependent if the value of α is
(a) 31/4 (b) 23/4 (c) 27/4 (d) 0 [ NET-June-2018 ]
V1 =
 , ~
V2 =
 , ~
V3 =
For a linearly dependent set of vectors |A| = 0,
|A| =
2 1 5
0 2 1
3 2 α
= 0
|A| = 2(2α − 2) + 3(1 − 10) = 4α − 4 − 27 = 4α − 31 = 0
=⇒ α = 31/4
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Problem:3 Check whether the following set of vectors are linearly
independent or not ?
(a) {sin x, cos x, ex
} (b) {sinh x, cosh x, ex
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Problem:3 Check whether the following set of vectors are linearly
independent or not ?
(a) {sin x, cos x, ex
} (b) {sinh x, cosh x, ex
Answer (a):
c1 sin x + c2 cos x + c3ex
= 0
c1 cos x − c2 sin x + c3ex
= 0
−c1 sin x − c2 cos x + c3ex
= 0
|A| =
sin x cos x ex
cos x − sin x ex
− sin x − cos x ex
|A| = sin x(−ex
sin x + ex
cos x) − cos x(ex
cos x + ex
sin x)
+ ex
(− cos2
x − sin2
x) = −ex
− ex
= −2ex
Here |A| 6= 0 =⇒ the set of vectors are linearly independent.
Answer (b): In this problem |A| = 0 =⇒ the set of vectors are
linearly dependent.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Thank You
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Mathematical Foundations of Quantum
Dr.Randeep N C
Department of Physics
Government Arts  Science College, Kozhikode
May 17-24, 2021
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
State of the System
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Inner product space
Inner product: The inner products of two vectors |αi and |βi is a
complex number, denoted by hα|βi, have following properties
1 hα|βi = hβ|αi∗
2 hα|αi ≥ 0 and hα|αi = 0 =⇒ |αi = |0i
3 hα| b |βi + c |γi) = bhα|βi + chα|γi
A Linear Vector Space with inner product defined is called an inner
product space.
Let us take,
|αi =


and |βi =


hα| =

1 1

and hβ| =

1 −i

Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Inner product space
1 hα|βi =

1 1


= 1 + i, hβ|αi =

1 −i


= 1 − i
=⇒ hα|βi = hβ|αi∗
2 hα|αi =

1 1


= 2 ≥ 0,
hβ|βi =

1 −i


= 2 ≥ 0
h0|0i =

0 0


= 0

1 1



+ 3


1 1


+ 3

1 1


That is the set of 2 × 1 matrices is an inner product space.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Inner product space
Norm of the vector: The inner product of any vector with itself is
a non negative real number. Its square root is called norm of the
vector. Norm of the vector |αi is
||α|| =
Normalized ket: A ket |αi with its norm ||α|| = 1 is called a
normalized ket.
If |αi is not normalized, corresponding normalized ket |α̃i is
obtained by
|α̃i =
Orthogonal vectors: Two vectors |αi, |βi whose inner product is
zero are called orthogonal vectors.
hα|βi = 0 =⇒ |αi and |βi are orthogonal vectors.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Orthonormal set of vectors: A collection {|α1i , |α2i , ....} of
mutually orthogonal normalized vectors is called orthonormal set of
hαi |αj i = δij =⇒ {|αi i} are othonormal set of vectors.
Complete: A vector space is said to be complete if every Cauchy
sequence of vectors in the space converges to a limit vector which is
also in the space.
The set of rational number Q is a linear vector space which is not
complete. Since Cauchy sequence like (3, 3.1, 3.14, 3.141, 3.1415, ...)
converges to a limit point π, which is not there in Q.
Every finite dimensional inner product space is complete. But an
infinite dimensional inner product space is not necessarily complete.
Hilbert space: A complete inner product space is called Hilbert
Set of all 2 × 1 real matrices is a complete inner product space, and
therefore a Hilbert space.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Problem 4: Consider a three dimensional vector space spanned by
an orthonormal basis |1i , |2i , |3i. Kets |αi and |βi are given by
|αi = i |1i − 2 |2i − i |3i , |βi = i |1i + 2 |3i
(a) Construct hα| and hβ| (in terms of the dual basis h1| , h2| , h3|).
(b) Find hα|βi and hβ|αi, and confirm that hβ|αi = hα|βi∗
(c) Normalize ket vectors |αi and |βi.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Problem 4: Consider a three dimensional vector space spanned by
an orthonormal basis |1i , |2i , |3i. Kets |αi and |βi are given by
|αi = i |1i − 2 |2i − i |3i , |βi = i |1i + 2 |3i
(a) Construct hα| and hβ| (in terms of the dual basis h1| , h2| , h3|).
(b) Find hα|βi and hβ|αi, and confirm that hβ|αi = hα|βi∗
(c) Normalize ket vectors |αi and |βi.
Answer: (a) hα| = −i h1| − 2 h2| + i h3| , hβ| = −i h1| + 2 h3|
(b) hα|βi = (−i h1| − 2 h2| + i h3|)(i |1i + 2 |3i)
hα|βi = h1|1i − 2ih1|3i − 2ih2|1i − 4h2|3i − h3|1i + 2ih3|3i
hα|βi = 1 + 2i
hβ|αi = (−i h1| + 2 h3|)(i |1i − 2 |2i − i |3i)
hβ|αi = h1|1i − 2ih1|2i − h1|3i + 2ih3|1i − 4h3|2i − 2ih3|3i
hβ|αi = 1 − 2i = hα|βi∗
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
(c) To normalize |αi, take innerproduct hα|αi,
hα|αi = (−i h1| − 2 h2| + i h3|)(i |1i − 2 |2i − i |3i)
hα|αi = 1 + 4 + 1 = 6
Therefore, normalized ket corresponding to |αi is
|α̃i =
|1i −
|2i −
To normalize |βi, take innerproduct hβ|βi,
hβ|βi = (−i h1| + 2 h3|)(i |1i + 2 |3i)
hβ|βi = 1 + 4 = 5
Therefore, normalized ket corresponding to |βi is

|1i +
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Problem 5: Two vectors




are orthonormal if
(a) a = ±1, b = ± 1
, c = ± 1
, (b) a = ±1, b = ±1, c = 0,
(c) a = ±1, b = 0, c = ±1, (d) a = ±1, b = ± 1
, c = 1
[NET-JUNE 2017]
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Problem 5: Two vectors




are orthonormal if
(a) a = ±1, b = ± 1
, c = ± 1
, (b) a = ±1, b = ±1, c = 0,
(c) a = ±1, b = 0, c = ±1, (d) a = ±1, b = ± 1
, c = 1
[NET-JUNE 2017]
Answer: For orthonormal vectors hai |aj i = δij , therefore, we get

a 0


= ab = 0

a 0


= a2
= 1 =⇒ a = ±1
a = ±1, ab = 0 =⇒ b = 0

b c


= b2
+ c2
= 1
+ c2
= 1, b = 0 =⇒ c = ±1
Therefore, the solution is a = ±1, b = 0, c = ±1.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
State of the System
Postulate 1: State of the system
The state of a system at any time t is represented by a vector |ψ(t)i in
the Hilbert space.
The state ket is postulated to contain complete information about
the physical state, everything we are allowed to ask about the state
is contained in the ket.
In quantum mechanics, the state kets |αi and c |αi, with c 6= 0
represent the same physical state.
Superposition principle: If |αi and |βi are possible states of a
system, then their linear combination |γi = c1 |αi + c2 |βi is also a
possible state of the system.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Operator: An operator T̂ is a mapping or a function that acts on an
element in one space V to produce an element in another space V
T̂ : V −→ V
Linear Operator: A linear operator T̂ on a vector space V is a
mapping from V to V with the properties:
1 T̂(|αi + |βi) = T̂(|αi) + T̂(|βi), ∀ |αi , |βi ∈ V
2 T̂(c |αi) = cT̂(|αi), ∀ c ∈ F and |αi ∈ V
Combining above equations, the condition for linear operator as
T̂(c1 |αi+c2 |βi) = c1T̂(|αi)+c2T̂(|βi) ∀ c1, c2 ∈ F and |αi , |βi ∈ V
An operator acting on a ket vector |αi will give another ket |βi.
T̂ |αi = |βi
An operator acting on a bra vector hα| will give another bra hβ|,
hα| T̂ = hβ|
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Eigenvalue equation
An operator acting on a ket vector from left to right, while it act on
a bra vector from right to left.
Dual correspondence
T̂ |αi
→ hα| T̂†
where T̂†
is called Hermitian adjoint of the operator T̂.
Eigenvalue equation: An equation of the form
 |ai i = ai |ai i
is called eigenvalue equation. Where ai is the eigenvalue of an
operator  with corresponding eigen vector |ai i.
For an operator  in n dimension with a set of eigenvalue equations,
 |a1i = a1 |a1i ,  |a2i = a2 |a2i , ....,  |ani = an |ani ,
then {|a1i , |a2i , ..., |ani} = {|ai i} is the set of eigen vectors and
{a1, a2, ..., an} is the set of eigenvalues of the operator Â.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Eigenstates and eigenvalues of an operator ˆ
Consider a Pauli spin matrix ˆ
σz ,
σz =

1 0
0 −1

eigenvalues of ˆ
σz can be obtained using the determinant,
| ˆ
σz − λ| = 0
1 − λ 0
0 −1 − λ
= 0, (1 − λ)(−1 − λ) = 0
Therefore eigenvalues of ˆ
σz are λ1 = +1 and λ2 = −1.
Let |0i be the eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue λ1 = +1

1 − 1 0
0 −1 − 1

= 0
From this, we get
−2y = 0, =⇒ y = 0, x = a constant = 1
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Eigenstates and eigenvalues of an operator ˆ
|0i =


Let |1i be the eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue λ1 = −1

1 + 1 0
0 −1 + 1

= 0
From this, we get
2x = 0, x = 0, y = a constant = 1
|1i =


That is eigenstates of ˆ
σz operator are
|0i =


and |1i =


Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Eigenstates and eigenvalues of an operator ˆ
Consider another Pauli spin matrix ˆ
σx ,
σx =

0 1
1 0

eigenvalues of ˆ
σx can be obtained using
| ˆ
σx − λ| = 0
−λ 1
1 −λ
= 0, (λ2
− 1) = 0
Therefore eigenvalues of ˆ
σx are λ3 = +1 and λ4 = −1.
Let |3i be the eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue λ3 = +1

−1 1
1 −1

= 0
From this, we get
−x + y = 0, y = 1, x = 1
|3i =


Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Eigenstates and eigenvalues of an operator ˆ
Let |4i be the eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue λ4 = −1

1 1
1 1

= 0
From this, we get
x + y = 0, x = 1, y = −1
|4i =


Consider the possible inner products
h3|4i =

1 1


= 0, Orthogonal vectors
h3|3i =

1 1


= 2, Not normalized
h4|4i =

1 −1


= 2, Not normalized
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
These two vectors |3i and |4i are orthogonal vectors, but not normalized.
This can be normalized by defining
|3i = c3 |3i = c3


and |4i = c4 |4i = c4


h+|+i = c∗
3 c3

1 1


= 1 = 2|c3|2
=⇒ c3 =
h−|−i = c∗
4 c4

1 −1


= 1 = 2|c4|2
=⇒ c4 =
Therefore, normalized eigenvectors of the operator ˆ
σx are
|+i =


, |−i =


Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Thank You
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Mathematical Foundations of Quantum
Dr.Randeep N C
Department of Physics
Government Arts  Science College, Kozhikode
May 17-24, 2021
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Hermitian Operator
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Outer product
Multiplication of two vectors in which bra vector coming first and
ket vector after is called an inner product hα|βi, in general a
complex number.
Multiplication in which ket vector coming first and bra vector after is
called Outer product.
The outer product between |αi and hβ| can be written as
X = |αi hβ|
X |γi = (|αi hβ|) |γi = |αi hβ|γi = c |αi , another vector
That is outer product acting on a vector will give another vector.
Therefore outer product is an operator.
Suppose |αi =


and hβ| =

1 −1

, then
X̂ = |αi hβ| =


1 −1


1 −1
1 −1

Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Hermitian Operator
Hermitain adjoint of X̂ = |αi hβ| is
= |βi hα|
Hermitian Operator: Operators that are their own Hermitian
adjoint are called Hermitian operators. That is
= Â
For any arbitrary operator X̂,
hα|X̂|βi = hα|(X̂|βi) = (hα|X̂)|βi = hβ|X̂†
For a Hermitian operator Â,
hα|Â|βi = hβ|Â|αi∗
Postulates 2: Observable and Operator
To every physically measurable quantity A, called observables, there
corresponds a Hermitian operator Â.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Properties of Hermitian operator
Property 1: The eigenvalues of a Hermitian operators are real.
Proof: Let a be an eigenvalue of Â:
 |ai = a |ai , with |ai 6= |0i ,
then for a Hermitian operator
ha|Â|ai = ha|Â|ai∗
aha|ai = a∗
(a − a∗
)ha|ai = 0
But ha|ai 6= 0 =⇒ a − a∗
= 0
That is a = a∗
, hence eigenvalue a is real.
Property 2: The eigen vector of a Hermitian transformation
belonging to distinct eigenvalues are orthogonal.
Proof: Let  |a1i = a1 |a1i and  |a2i = a2 |a2i,
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Properties of Hermitian operator
Then for Hermitian operator
ha1|Â|a2i = ha2|Â|a1i∗
a2ha1|a2i = a∗
1 ha2|a1i∗
a2ha1|a2i = a1ha1|a2i
(a2 − a1)ha1|a2i = 0
Here a2 − a1 6= 0 =⇒ ha1|a2i = 0. Therefore, eigenvector of a
Hermitian transformation belonging to distinct eigenvalues are
Property 3: The set of eigenvectors of a Hermitian operator span
the space.
Proof: A matrix  is said to be normal if
= †
Every normal matrix is diagonalizable, therefore its eigenvectors span
the space.
Since Hermitian matrix is normal matrix, therefore its eigenvectors
also span the space.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Properties of Hermitian operator
Suppose  and B̂ are two Hermitian operators defined in a vector
space V, then
Any arbitrary vector |αi can be expanded in terms of eigenvectors of
 and B̂ as
|αi =
ci |ai i , |αi =
di |bi i
where |ai i is eigenvector of  with expansion coefficient ci and
|bi i is eigenvector of B̂ with expansion coefficient di .
Example: Consider a vector space V of 2 × 1 real matrices
Any arbitrary vector |αi can be expanded in terms of eigenvectors of
σ̂z and σ̂x as
|αi = c0 |0i + c1 |1i , |αi = d0 |+i + d1 |−i
where |0i =


and |1i =


are eigenvectors of σ̂z and
|+i = 1


and |−i = 1


are eigenvectors of σ̂x .
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Properties of Hermitian operator
Expansion coefficients of |αi in the eigenbasis of σ̂z and σ̂x can be
calculated using the inner products
c0 = h0|αi, c1 = h1|αi, d0 = h+|αi, d1 = h−|αi
Suppose |αi =


, then
c0 =

1 0


= α0, c1 =

0 1


= α1,
d0 =

1 1


(α0 + α1),
d1 =

1 −1


(α0 − α1).
That is in the state |αi = α0 |0i + α1 |1i in the σ̂z basis and
|αi =


|+i +


|−i in the σ̂x basis.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Completeness Relation
Any arbitrary vector |αi in the ket space V can be spanned by the
eigenvectors of the Hermitian operator  in same space,
|αi =
ci |ai i
Taking the inner product
haj |αi =
ci haj |ai i =
ci δij = cj =⇒ ci = hai |αi
|αi =
hai |αi |ai i =
|ai i hai |αi =
|ai i hai |

|ai i hai | = 1 is called Completeness relation,
where 1 is the identity operator.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Completeness Relation
Consider innerproduct, hα|αi and insert completeness relation
between bra, hα| and ket, |αi,
hα|αi = hα|
|ai i hai |

|αi =
hα|ai ihai |αi =
hai |αi∗
hai |αi
hα|αi =
|hai |αi|2
|ci |2
If |αi is normalized, then
hα|αi =
|ci |2
= 1
Consider the operator |ai i hai | and operate it on |αi,
(|ai i hai |) |αi = (|ai i hai |)
cj |aj i =
cj |ai i δij = ci |ai i
That is the operator |ai i hai |, select the portion of the ket |αi
parallel to |ai i known as Projection operator and is denoted by Pai ,
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Completeness Relation
= |ai i hai |
Completeness relation is obtained from projection operator as
|ai i hai | =
= 1
Consider eigenstates |0i and |1i of ˆ
σz operator and take following
outer products,
|0i h0| =


1 0


1 0
0 0

|1i h1| =


0 1


0 0
0 1

|ii hi| = |0i h0| + |1i h1| =

1 0
0 1

= 1
That is eigenstates of ˆ
σz operator satisfy completeness relation,
therefore its eigenbasis is complete.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Completeness Relation
Consider eigenstates |+i and |−i of ˆ
σx operator and take following
outer products,
|+i h+| =



1 1


1 1
1 1

|−i h−| =



1 −1


1 −1
−1 1

|ii hi| = |+i h+| + |−i h−| =

1 0
0 1

= 1
That is eigenstates of ˆ
σx operator also satisfy completeness relation,
therefore its eigenbasis is complete.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Thank You
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Mathematical Foundations of Quantum
Dr.Randeep N C
Department of Physics
Government Arts  Science College, Kozhikode
May 17-24, 2021
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Postulate 3: Measurements and Eigenvalues
The only possible result of a measurement is the one of the eigenvalues
of the operator.
That is, if we are measuring the ẑ component of the spin Ŝz in an
arbitrary state, we will get either the result +~
2 or −~
2 .
A quantum mechanical measurement always causes the
system to jump into an eigenstate of the dynamical variable
that is being measured.
That is before a measurement of observable A is made, the system is
assumed to represent by linear combination of eigenstates of the
operator Â:
|αi =
|ai ihai |αi =
ci |ai i
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
When measurement is performed in this state, the system is thrown
into one of the eigenstate |ai i of the operator Â
A measurement
→ |ai i
and the corresponding eigenvalue ai is obtained.
Thus a measurement always changes the state of the system in
quantum mechanics.
If the state of the system is already in one of the eigenstate of the
observable, then
|ai i
A measurement
→ |ai i ,
state will not change.
That is repeated measurement of same observable in succession
yield the same result.
During measurement we do not know in advance into which of the
various |ai i’s the system will thrown as a result of measurement.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Postulate 4: Probabilistic Outcome of a Measurements
In the state |αi =
|ai ihai |αi =
ci |ai i, the probability for jumping
into a particular eigenstate |ai i is given by
P(ai ) = |hai |αi|2
= |ci |2
, provided |αi is normalized.
If |αi is not normalized, then
P(ai ) =
|hai |αi|2
|hai |αi|2
|hai |αi|2
|ci |2
|ci |2
Expectation value: Expectation value is the average of all possible
outcome of a measurement.
Expectation value of an operator  taken with respect to a state |αi
is defined as
hÂi = hα|Â|αi, if |αi is normalized
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
hÂi = hα|Â|αi
hÂi =
hα|ai ihai |Â|aj ihaj |αi =
aj hα|ai ihai |aj ihaj |αi
hÂi =
aj hα|ai iδij haj |αi =
ai hα|ai ihai |αi
hÂi =
ai |hai |αi|2
ai |ci |2
If |αi is not normalized, then
hÂi =
hÂi =
ai |hai |αi|2
|hai |αi|2
ai |ci |2
|ci |2
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Problem 10: The state of the system is given by |ψi = |φ1i + 2 |φ2i
+3 |φ3i, where |φ1i , |φ2i and |φ3i form an orthonormal set. The
probability of finding the system in the state |φ2i is
(a)1/7 (b)1/3 (c)2/7 (d)3/7
P(|φ2i) =
12 + 22 + 32
Problem 11: An electron is in a spin state |φi =

in the
Sz representation. What is the probability of finding the z
component of its spin along the −ẑ direction [GATE-2002]
(a).75 (b).5 (c).35 (d).25
|φi =



+ 1/2


P(−ẑ) =
3/2)2 + (1/2)2
3/4 + 1/4
= 1/4 = .25
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Problem 12: The wavefunction of a particle is given by
ψ = 1/
2φ0 + iφ1, where φ0 and φ1 are normalized eigenfunctions
with energies E0 and E1 corresponding to the ground state and first
excited state respectively. The expectation value of the Hamiltonian
in the state ψ is [NET-JUNE 2011]
2 + E1, (b)E0
2 − E1, (c)E0−2E1
3 , (d)E0+2E1
|ψi =
|φ0i + i |φ1i
hÂi =
ai |hai |αi|2
|hai |αi|2
ai |ci |2
|ci |2
hĤi =
E0 × 1/2 + E1 × 1
1/2 + 1
hĤi =
E0 + 2E1
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Problem 13: A spin 1/2 particle is in a linear superposition
0.8 |0i + 0.6 |1i of spin up and spin down states. If |0i and |1i are
eigenstates of σz then what is the expectation value of the operator
10σz + 5σx .
(a)7.6, (b)10, (c)8.8, (d)1.2
|ψi = 0.8 |0i + 0.6 |1i , Â = 10σz + 5σx
|ψi = .8


+ .6




 = 10

1 0
0 −1

+ 5

0 1
1 0


10 5
5 −10

hÂi = hψ|Â|ψi =

.8 .6

10 5
5 −10

hÂi =

11 −2


= 8.8 − 1.2 = 7.6
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Commutator and Anticommutator
Commutator [ , ] is defined by
[Â, B̂] = ÂB̂ − B̂Â
Anticommutator { , } is defined by
{Â, B̂} = ÂB̂ + B̂Â
Properties of Commutator:
1 [Â, Â] = 0
[Â, Â] = ÂÂ − ÂÂ = 0
2 [Â, B̂] = −[B̂, Â]
[Â, B̂] = ÂB̂ − B̂Â = −(B̂Â − ÂB̂) = −[B̂, Â]
3 [Â, c] = 0, c is a constant
[Â, c] = Âc − c = 0
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Commutator and Anticommutator
4 [Â + B̂, Ĉ] = [Â, Ĉ] + [B̂, Ĉ]
[Â + B̂, Ĉ] = (Â + B̂)Ĉ − Ĉ(Â + B̂) = ÂĈ + B̂Ĉ − ĈÂ − ĈB̂
= ÂĈ − ĈÂ + B̂Ĉ − ĈB̂ = [Â, Ĉ] + [B̂, Ĉ]
5 [Â, B̂Ĉ] = [Â, B̂]Ĉ + B̂[Â, Ĉ]
[Â, B̂]Ĉ + B̂[Â, Ĉ] = (ÂB̂ − B̂Â)Ĉ + B̂(ÂĈ − ĈÂ)
= ÂB̂Ĉ − B̂ÂĈ + B̂ÂĈ − B̂ĈÂ = ÂB̂Ĉ − B̂ĈÂ = [Â, B̂Ĉ]
6 [Â, [B̂, Ĉ]] + [B̂, [Ĉ, Â]] + [Ĉ, [Â, B̂]] = 0
[Â, [B̂, Ĉ]] + [B̂, [Ĉ, Â]] + [Ĉ, [Â, B̂]] = ÂB̂Ĉ − ÂĈB̂ − B̂ĈÂ + ĈB̂Â+
B̂ĈÂ − B̂ÂĈ − ĈÂB̂ + ÂĈB̂ + ĈÂB̂ − ĈB̂Â − ÂB̂Ĉ + B̂ÂĈ = 0
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Compatible and Incompatible
Observables A and B are defined to be compatible when the
corresponding operators commute,
[Â, B̂] = 0 =⇒ A, B are compatible observable
Example: (x, y), (px , py ), (x, py ), (S2
, Sx ), ..
Observables A and B are incompatible when the corresponding
operators do not commute,
[Â, B̂] 6= 0 =⇒ A, B are incompatible observable
Example: (x, Px ), (Sx , Sy ), (Jx , Jy ), ...
Theorem: Suppose that A and B are compatible observables, and
eigenvalues of  are non degenerate. Then the matrix elements
hai |B̂|aj i are all diagonal.
Proof: If A and B are compatible observable, then
[Â, B̂] = 0
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Compatible and Incompatible
hai | [Â, B̂] |aj i = 0
hai | (ÂB̂ − B̂Â) |aj i = 0
(ai − aj ) hai | B̂ |aj i = 0
in this equation hai | B̂ |aj i must vanish unless ai = aj . Therefore,
hai | B̂ |aj i = δij hai | B̂ |ai i
So both  and B̂ can be represented by diagonal matrices with the
same set of base kets.
Another method: If  and B̂ commute, that is
[Â, B̂] = 0 =⇒ ÂB̂ = B̂Â
ÂB̂ |ai i = B̂Â |ai i = ai B̂ |ai i
=⇒ B̂ |ai i is an eigenvector of  with eigenvalue ai .
Since eigenvectors are unique upto a scale. Therefore
B̂ |ai i = bi |ai i
is an eigenvalue equation.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Compatible and Incompatible
Therefore, |ai i is also an eigenvector of B̂ with eigenvalue bi . Then
the simultaneous eigenstates of  and B̂ represented by
|ai i = |bi i = |ai , bi i
In the simultaneous eigenbasis, operators  and B̂ are diagonal
a1 0 0 . .
0 a2 0 . .
0 0 a3 . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
, B̂ =
b1 0 0 . .
0 b2 0 . .
0 0 b3 . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
Degenerate case: Suppose eigenvalues of an operator  are
degenerate, then  in its eigenbasis is of the form
a1 0 0 . .
0 a1 0 . .
0 0 a2 . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Compatible and Incompatible
Here eigenvalue ai of an operator  are mi fold degenerate, then
 |ai , δi = ai |ai , δi , δ = 1, 2, ..mi
where |ai , δi are mi mutually orthogonal eigenket of  with same
eigenvalue ai .
Also {|ai , δi} span the subspace Vmi
i in which eigenvalues of  are
ai ’s.
ÂB̂ |ai , δi = B̂Â |ai , δi , δ = 1, 2, 3..., mi
ÂB̂ |ai , δi = ai B̂ |ai , δi
Which doesn’t means that B̂ |ai , δi = bi |ai , δi, we can say only that
B̂ |ai , δi ∈ Vmi
i . That is B̂ |ai , δi will not go out of the space Vmi
i .
Therefore, the B̂ matrix will be a block diagonal matrix, in which
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Compatible and Incompatible
hai , ζ|aj , δi = δij
In each block, we can diagonalize B̂ matrix independently and
obtain simultaneous eigenstates of  and B̂ as
 |ai , bi i = ai |ai , bi i , B̂ |ai , bi i = bi |ai , bi i
Consider two commuting operators  and B̂ with eigenvalues of Â
are non degenerate,
A measurement
→ |ai , bi i
B measurement
→ |ai , bi i
A measurement
→ |ai , bi i
If eigenvalues of  are degenerate, then
A measurement
|ai , bj i
B measurement
→ |ai , bi i
A measurement
→ |ai , bi i
That is A measurements and B measurement do not interfere, that
is why we are calling it as compatible observables.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Compatible and Incompatible
The incompatible observables do not have a complete set of
simultaneous eigenstates.
Proof: Let us assume that the non commuting operators |Ai and
|Bi have simultaneous eigenket, then
 |ai , bi i = ai |ai , bi i (1)
B̂ |ai , bi i = bi |ai , bi i (2)
B̂ × (1)
B̂Â |ai , bi i = ai B̂ |ai , bi i = ai bi |ai , bi i (3)
Â × (2)
ÂB̂ |ai , bi i = bi  |ai , bi i = ai bi |ai , bi i (4)
RHS of equations (3) and (4) are same, then
ÂB̂ |ai , bi i = B̂Â |ai , bi i
(ÂB̂ − B̂Â) |ai , bi i = 0
here |ai , bi i 6= 0, therefore [Â, B̂] = 0, contradiction to the
assumption, hence the proof.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Thank You
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Mathematical Foundations of Quantum
Dr.Randeep N C
Department of Physics
Government Arts  Science College, Kozhikode
May 17-24, 2021
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
The Uncertainty Relation
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
The Uncertainty Relation
In a quantum state |αi, when we measure an observable A, there
exist a probability distribution of all position outcome of that
Consider a state |αi =
ci |ai i, the probability distribution of all
possible outcomes of an observable A is as shown figure,
The probability distribution is characterized by mean or expectation
value and is given by
hÂi = hα|Â|αi
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
The Uncertainty Relation
Another quantity associated with the probability distribution is
standard deviation, which is a measure the average fluctuation
around the mean, and is defined by
(∆A) = [h(Â − hAi)2
It is the measure of uncertainty of an operator  in the state |αi.
It is also called root mean square deviation.
The expectation value h(Â − hÂi)2
i is called dispersion or variance
or mean square deviation.
The variance,
h(Â − hÂi)2
i = h(Â2
− 2hÂi + hÂi2
= hÂ2
i − h2hÂiÂi + hhÂi2
= hÂ2
i − 2hÂi2
+ hÂi2
h(Â − hÂi)2
i = hÂ2
i − hÂi2
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
The Uncertainty Relation
Therefore, the uncertainty in  is
(∆A) =
hÂ2i − hÂi2
That is the uncertainty of  in the state |αi is the standard deviation
of expansion coefficients ci ’s of the state |αi in the eigenbasis of Â.
Suppose state in question is an eigenstate of an operator, then only
one non zero ci exist and standard deviation (uncertainty) vanishes.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
The Uncertainty Relation
Let A and B be two observable, then for any state we must have the
following inequality,
(∆Â)(∆B̂) ≥
|h[Â, B̂]i|
is called general uncertainty relation
If A and B are two compatible observables, then [Â, B̂] = 0 and
(∆Â)(∆B̂) = 0
that is product of uncertainty vanishes.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Problem 14: Â and B̂ are two quantum mechanical operators. If
[Â, B̂] stands for the commutator of  and B̂, then [[Â, B̂], [B̂, Â]] is
equal to [GATE-2002]
(a)ÂB̂ÂB̂ − B̂ÂB̂Â, (b)Â(ÂB̂ − B̂Â), (c)0, (d)([Â, B̂])2
[[Â, B̂], [B̂, Â]] = −[[Â, B̂], [Â, B̂]] = 0
Problem 15: For the operators P and Q, the commutator [P, Q−1
is [JEST-2016]
[P, Q]Q−1
, (b) − Q−1
[P, Q]Q−1
, (c)Q−1
[P, Q]Q,
(d) − Q[P, Q]Q−1
[P, Q−1
] = PQ−1
− Q−1
[P, Q]Q−1
= Q−1
(PQ − QP)Q−1
= Q−1
− Q−1
[P, Q]Q−1
= Q−1
P − PQ−1
= −[P, Q−1
that is
[P, Q−1
] = −Q−1
[P, Q]Q−1
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
Problem 16: The matrices
A =
0 −1 0
1 0 0
0 0 0
 , B =
0 0 1
0 0 0
0 0 0
 and C =
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
satisfy the commutation relations [NET-JUNE-2014]
(a) [A, B] = B + C, [B, C] = 0, [C, A] = B + C
(b) [A, B] = C, [B, C] = A, [C, A] = B
(c) [A, B] = B, [B, C] = 0, [C, A] = A
(d) [A, B] = C, [B, C] = 0, [C, A] = B
AB =
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
 = C, BA =
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
 = 0, =⇒ [A, B] = C
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
BC =
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
 = 0, CB =
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
 = 0, =⇒ [B, C] = 0
CA =
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
 = 0, AC =
0 0 −1
0 0 0
0 0 0
 = −B, =⇒ [C, A] = B
Problem 17: The operators A and B share all the eigenstates. Then
the least possible value of the product of uncertainties (∆A)(∆B) is
(a) ~, (b) 0, (c) ~/2, (d) |AB| [JEST-2014]
Answer: General uncertainty relation is
(∆A)(∆B) ≥
|h[A, B]i|
If operators A and B share all eigenstates, then [A, B] = 0, then
(∆A)(∆B) ≥ 0
That is least possible product of uncertainties is 0.
Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM

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Mathematics of quantum mechanics bridge course calicut university

  • 1. Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Dr.Randeep N C Department of Physics Government Arts & Science College, Kozhikode May 17-24, 2021 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 2. Matrix Representations Lecture-4 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 3. Matrix Representations Consider two operator  and X̂ in a vector space V with eigenstates {|ai i} of  is complete, then X̂ = 1X̂1 = N X j=1 N X k=1 |aj i haj | X̂ |ak i hak | X̂ = N X j=1 N X k=1 (haj | X̂ |ak i) |aj i hak | Here there are altogether N2 number of the form haj | X̂ |ak i, where N is the dimensionality of the ket space. We can arrange them as N × N square matrix such that the column and row indices appears as follows haj | row X̂ |ak i column = X̂jk is called matrix elements of the operator X̂. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 4. Matrix Representations Therefore, the operator X̂ is represented by X̂ . =       ha1| X̂ |a1i ha1| X̂ |a2i . . . ha2| X̂ |a1i ha2| X̂ |a2i . . . . . . . . . . . . . haN| X̂ |a1i haN| X̂ |a2i . . .       For a general operator X̂, haj | X̂ |ak i = hak | X̂† |aj i ∗ If operator X̂ is Hermitian haj | X̂ |ak i = hak | X̂ |aj i ∗ Representation of matrix multiplication Ẑ = X̂Ŷ in terms of matrix elements as haj | Ẑ |ak i = haj | X̂Ŷ |ak i Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 5. Matrix Representations haj | Ẑ |ak i = X ` haj | X̂ |a`i ha`| Ŷ |ak i Ẑjk = X ` X̂j`Ŷ`k , that is the multiplication rule for matrices. Consider a ket relation |γi = X̂ |αi To represent it by using base ket, find expansion coefficients of |γi by multiplying haj | on the left, haj |γi = haj |X̂ |αi = X k haj |X̂ |ak i hak | αi dj = X k X̂jk ck This is same as multiplication rule for multiplying a square matrix and a column matrix. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 6. Matrix Representations Therefore, |αi and |γi can be represented by column matrices. |αi . =       ha1|αi ha2|αi . . .       , |γi . =       ha1|γi ha2|γi . . .       Similarly, bra vectors hα| and hγ| can be represented by row matrices hα| . = hα|a1i hα|a2i . . . , hγ| . = hγ|a1i hγ|a2i . . . Therefore inner product hβ|αi can be written as hβ|αi = X i hβ|ai ihai |αi hβ|αi = hβ|a1i hβ|a2i . . .       ha1|αi ha2|αi . . .       Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 7. Matrix Representations Suppose |αi = P i ci |ai i and |βi = P i di |ai i, then the inner product hβ|αi = d∗ 1 d∗ 2 . . .       c1 c2 . . .       = d∗ 1 c1 + d∗ 2 c2 + ... and the outer product |αi hβ| =       c1 c2 . . .       d∗ 1 d∗ 2 . . . =       c1d∗ 1 c1d∗ 2 . . . c2d∗ 1 c2d∗ 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 8. Matrix Representations The matrix representation of observable A in terms of eigen kets of operator  is  = 1Â1 = X j X k |aj i haj |  |ak i hak | = X j X k ak |aj i haj | ak i hak | = X j X k ak δjk |aj i hak |  = X j aj |aj i haj | That is the matrix representation of an operator  will be a diagonal matrix in its eigen basis.  =       a1 0 0 . . 0 a2 0 . . 0 0 a3 . . . . . . . . . . . .       Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 9. Problems Problem 6: Consider a three dimensional vector space spanned by an orthonormal basis |1i , |2i , |3i. Kets |αi and |βi are given by |αi = i |1i − 2 |2i − i |3i , |βi = i |1i + 2 |3i . Find all nine matrix elements of the operator  = |αihβ|, in this basis, and construct the matrix A. Is it Hermitian. Answer:  = |αihβ| = (i |1i − 2 |2i − i |3i)(−i h1| + 2 h3|) = |1i h1| + 2i |1i h3| + 2i |2i h1| − 4 |2i h3| − |3i h1| − 2i |3i h3| Matrix elements of an operator  are h1|Â|1i = 1, h1|Â|2i = 0, h1|Â|3i = 2i, h2|Â|1i = 2i, h2|Â|2i = 0, h2|Â|3i = −4, h3|Â|1i = −1, h3|Â|2i = 0, h3|Â|3i = −2i. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 10. Problems Therefore, A matrix is A =   1 0 2i 2i 0 −4 −1 0 2i   then A† =   1 −2i −1 0 0 0 −2i −4 −2i   Here A† 6= A, therefore matrix A is not Hermitian. Problem 7: For any operator A, i(A† − A) is (a) Hermitian, (b) Anti-Hermitan, (c) Unitary, (d) Orthonormal. Answer: For a Hermitan operator X† = X, (i(A† − A))† = −i((A† )† − A† ) = −i(A − A† ) = i(A† − A) =⇒ i(A† − A) is Hermitian. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 11. Problems Problem 8: If a Hamiltonian H is given as H = (|0i h0| − |1i h1|) +i(|0i h1| − |1i h0|), where |0i and |1i are orthonormal states. The eigenvalues of H are [JEST- 2015] (a) ± 1, (b) ± i, (c) ± √ 2, (d) ± i √ 2 Answer: Hamiltonian in matrix notation is H = 1 i −i −1 To find eigenvalues, solve the determinant |H − λ1| =
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15. 1 − λ i −i −1 − λ
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19. = 0 −(1 − λ)(1 + λ) + i2 = 0 −(1 − λ2 ) − 1 = 0 λ2 = 2 λ = ± √ 2 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 20. Problems Problem 9: The Hamiltonian operator for a two state system is given by H = α(|1i h1| − |2i h2| + |1i h2| + |2i h1|) where α is a positive number with the dimension of energy. The energy eigenstates corresponding to the larger and smaller eigenvalue respectively are [JEST-2014] (a) |1i − ( √ 2 + 1) |2i , |1i + ( √ 2 − 1) |2i , (b) |1i + ( √ 2 − 1) |2i , |1i − ( √ 2 + 1) |2i , (c) |1i + ( √ 2 − 1) |2i , ( √ 2 + 1) |1i − |2i , (d) |1i − ( √ 2 + 1) |2i , ( √ 2 − 1) |1i + |2i . Answer: H = α α α −α |H − λ1| =
  • 21.
  • 22.
  • 23.
  • 24. α − λ α α −α − λ
  • 25.
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 28. = 0 −(α − λ)(α + λ) − α2 = 0 λ2 = 2α2 =⇒ λ = ± √ 2α That is eigenvalues of H matrix are λ1 = + √ 2α and λ2 = − √ 2α Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 29. Problems To find eigenstate |λ1i corresponding to eigenvalue λ1 = + √ 2α, α − √ 2α α α −α − √ 2α x y = 0 (α − √ 2α)x + αy = 0 (1 − √ 2)x + y = 0 =⇒ x = 1, y = √ 2 − 1 Therefore, |λ1i = |1i + ( √ 2 − 1) |2i To find eigenstate |λ2i corresponding to eigenvalue λ1 = − √ 2α, α + √ 2α α α −α + √ 2α x y = 0 (α + √ 2α)x + αy = 0 (1 + √ 2)x + y = 0 =⇒ x = 1, y = −( √ 2 + 1) Therefore, |λ2i = |1i − ( √ 2 + 1) |2i Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 30. Spin 1 2 system Spin 1/2 system is a two level quantum system, one of the simplest quantum system we can consider. The component of spin (S) in different directions are denoted by the operators Ŝx , Ŝy and Ŝz . The eigenvalue equations of Ŝz operator are Ŝz |0i = + ~ 2 |0i , Ŝz |1i = − ~ 2 |1i Spin is an observable, then the operator Ŝz is Hermitian and its eienstates span the 2 dimensional Hilbert space, that is |0i h0| + |1i h1| = 1 =⇒ Completeness reation An operator Ŝz in its eigenbasis can be written as Ŝz = ~ 2 [|0i h0| − |1i h1|] Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 31. Spin 1 2 system Consider two non Hermitian operators S+ = ~(|0i h1|), S− = ~(|1i h0|) Act these operators in the eigenstates of Ŝz operator S+ |0i = ~(|0i h1|) |0i = 0, S+ |1i = ~(|0i h1|) |1i = ~ |0i S− |0i = ~(|1i h0|) |0i = ~ |1i , S− |1i = ~(|1i h0|) |1i = 0 Because of this results, S+ is called raising operator and S− is called lowering operator. This Ŝ± can be written as Ŝ± = Ŝx ± iŜy . Let |0i = 1 0 , |1i = 0 1 , then Ŝz = ~ 2 [|0i h0| − |1i h1|] = ~ 2 1 0 0 −1 , Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 32. Spin 1 2 system S+ = ~(|0i h1|) = ~ 0 1 0 0 , S− = ~(|1i h0|) = ~ 0 0 1 0 Therefore, Ŝx = S+ + S− 2 = ~ 2 0 1 1 0 , Ŝy = S+ − S− 2i = ~ 2 0 −i i 0 That is spin component can be written as Ŝz = ~ 2 σ̂z , Ŝx = ~ 2 σ̂x , Ŝy = ~ 2 σ̂y where σ̂x , σ̂y , σ̂z are Pauli spin matrices. Therefore, eigenvectors of an operator Ŝz are |0i and |1i with eigenvalues ~ 2 and −~ 2 respectively. Also eigenvectors of an operator Ŝx are |+i and |−i with eigenvalues ~ 2 and −~ 2 respectively. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 33. Spin 1 2 system Eigenvalue equations of Ŝz operator can be written in another form, Ŝz |Sz ; +i = ~ 2 |Sz ; +i, Ŝz |Sz ; −i = − ~ 2 |Sz ; −i where, |Sz ; +i = |0i = 1 0 is an eigenvector with eigenvalue +~ 2 . |Sz ; −i = |1i = 0 1 is an eigenvector with eigenvalue −~ 2 . Eigenvalue equations of Ŝx operator are Ŝx |Sx ; +i = ~ 2 |Sx ; +i, Ŝx |Sx ; −i = − ~ 2 |Sx ; −i where, |Sx ; +i = |+i = 1 √ 2 1 1 is an eigenvector with eigenvalue +~ 2 . |Sx ; −i = |−i = 1 √ 2 1 −1 is an eigenvector with eigenvalue −~ 2 . Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 34. Spin 1 2 system Eigenvalue equations of Ŝy operator are Ŝy |Sy ; +i = ~ 2 |Sy ; +i, Ŝy |Sy ; −i = − ~ 2 |Sy ; −i where, |Sy ; +i = 1 √ 2 1 i is an eigenvector with eigenvalue +~ 2 . |Sy ; −i = 1 √ 2 1 −i is an eigenvector with eigenvalue −~ 2 . Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 35. Thank You Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 36. Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Dr.Randeep N C Department of Physics Government Arts Science College, Kozhikode May 17-24, 2021 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 37. Linear Vector Space Lecture-1 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 38. Question Question: How do we specify the state of the system in quantum mechanics ? Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 39. Question Question: How do we specify the state of the system in quantum mechanics ? State of the system in classical mechanics and thermodynamics. X P Phase space (X, P ) V P PV diagram (P, V ) Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 40. Question Question: How do we specify the state of the system in quantum mechanics ? Answer:- Linear Vector Spaces Inner Product Spaces Hilbert Spaces |ψi Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 41. Linear Vector Space A linear vector space V is a collection of objects (|αi , |βi , |γi , ....) called vectors, for which there exists A definite rule for forming the vector sum, |αi + |βi A definite rule for multiplication by scalars (a, b, c, ....), a |αi with following features 1 Closure: |αi + |βi ∈ V 2 Vector addition is commutative: |αi + |βi = |βi + |αi 3 Vector addition is associative: |αi + (|βi + |γi) = (|αi + |βi) + |γi 4 There exists a null vector |0i obeying |αi + |0i = |αi 5 For every vector |αi there exist an inverse under addition |−αi such that |αi + |−αi = |0i 6 Scalar multiplication is distribute in the vectors: a(|αi + |βi) = a |αi + a |βi 7 Scalar multiplication is distributive in scalars: (a + b) |αi = a |αi + b |αi 8 Scalar multiplication is associative: a(b |αi) = ab |αi. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 42. Linear Vector Space This scalars a, b, c, .... are either real or complex numbers If scalars are real numbers =⇒ Real vector space If scalars are complex numbers =⇒ Complex vector space Examples:- Set of real numbers is a vector space over real scalars. 1 2 + 3 = 5 ∈ V 2 2 + 3 = 3 + 2 3 2 + (3 + 4) = (2 + 3) + 4 4 2 + 0 = 2 5 2 + (−2) = 0 6 2(3 + 4) = 2 × 3 + 2 × 4 7 (2 + 3)4 = 2 × 4 + 3 × 4 8 2(3 × 4) = (2 × 3)4 Set of complex numbers over real scalars. Set of complex numbers over complex scalars. Set of real N × N matrices over real scalars. Set of real 2 × 1 matrices over real scalars. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 43. Example: Set of real 2 × 1 matrices 1 1 0 + 0 1 = 1 1 ∈ V 2 1 0 + 0 1 = 0 1 + 1 0 3 1 0 + 0 1 + 1 −1 ! = 0 1 + 1 0 ! + 1 −1 4 1 0 + 0 0 = 1 0 5 1 0 + −1 0 = 0 0 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 44. Example: Set of real 2 × 1 matrices 6 2 1 0 + 0 1 ! = 2 1 0 + 2 0 1 7 2 + 3 1 0 = 2 1 0 + 3 1 0 8 2 3 1 0 ! = 2 × 3 1 0 Let us denote |0i = 1 0 and |1i = 0 1 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 45. Linear independence Linear independence: A set of vectors {|α1i , |α2i , ..., |αni} is said to be linearly independent if c1 |α1i + c2 |α2i + .... + cn |αni = 0 =⇒ c1, c2, ...., cn = 0. Consider the set {|0i , |1i} c1 |0i + c2 |1i = 0 c1 1 0 + c2 0 1 = c1 c2 = 0 0 =⇒ c1, c2 = 0. Therefore, the set of vectors {|0i , |1i} are linearly independent and the vector |0i cannot be written in terms of |1i. Linear dependence: A set of vectors {|α1i , |α2i , ..., |αni} is said to be linearly dependent if there exist a set of complex numbers c1, c2, ..., cn with ci 6= 0 for atleast one value of i, such that c1 |α1i + c2 |α2i + .... + cn |αni = 0. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 46. Basis and Dimension Span: A collection of vectors is said to span the space if every vector can be written as a linear combination of the members of this set. Any arbitrary vector of 2 × 1 matrices can be written as a b = a 1 0 + b 0 1 = a |0i + b |1i That is the set of vectors {|0i , |1i} span the space of 2 × 1 real matrices. Basis: A set of linearly independent vectors that span the space is called a basis. The set of vectors {|0i , |1i} are linearly independent and span the space of 2 × 1 real matrices. Therefore, they are basis for the space. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 47. Basis and Dimension Standard Basis: A standard basis (also called natural basis) is a set of vectors in which each basis vector has a single nonzero entry with value 1. For 2D, standard basis set contain the vectors, 1 0 , 0 1 For 3D,   1 0 0   ,   0 1 0   ,   0 0 1   The set of vectors {|e1i , |e2i , ...., |eni} represents the basis for N dimension space. Dimension: The number of vectors in any basis is called the dimension of the vector space. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 48. Dual Space Dual Space: The dual space of V, is denoted by V∗ , is a space of all linear functionals on V. A linear functional is a linear map from V to F, T : V → F Suppose {|α1i , |α2i , ...} ∈ V and a ∈ F, then T(|αi i) → F this linear functional satisfy the conditions T(|α1i + |α2i) = T(|α1i) + T(|α2i) and T(a |α1i) = aT(|α1i) The elements of dual space are denoted by the set of vectors {hα1| , hα2| , ....}, calling ‘ hα| 0 as bra vector. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 49. Dual Space Example: Vector space V is a space of 2 × 1 real matrices with a1 a2 , b1 b2 , ... ∈ V Then the corresponding dual space V∗ is a space of 1 × 2 real matrices with elements, a1 a2 , b1 b2 , ....., ∈ V∗ These two sets of vectors satisfy the condition a1 a2 b1 b2 = a1b1 + a2b2 ∈ F We can show that dual space V∗ is also a vector space with dim(V∗ )=dim(V) The basis for the dual space is represented by the set of bra vectors {he1| , he2| , ....}. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 50. Dual Correspondence In quantum mechanics, we are calling the space V as ket space and its dual space V∗ as bra space. The elements of ket space are ket vectors and the elements of bra space are bra vectors. There exist a one to one correspondence between a ket space and bra space calling dual correspondence (DC):. |αi DC ← → hα| |αi + |βi DC ← → hα| + hβ| c |αi DC ← → c∗ hα| |e1i , |e2i , ...., |eni DC ← → he1| , he2| , ...., hen| Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 51. Problems Problem:1 Consider a set of three vectors {(1, 1, 1), (1, −1, 1), (1, 1, −1)}, check whether they are linearly independent or not ? Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 52. Problems Problem:1 Consider a set of three vectors {(1, 1, 1), (1, −1, 1), (1, 1, −1)}, check whether they are linearly independent or not ? Answer: Let |1i =   1 1 1   , |2i =   1 −1 1   , |3i =   1 1 −1   c1 |1i + c2 |2i + c3 |3i = c1   1 1 1   + c2   1 −1 1   + c3   1 1 −1   = 0   c1 + c2 + c3 c1 − c2 + c3 c1 + c2 − c3   =   0 0 0   (c1 − c2 + c3) + (c1 + c2 − c3) = 0 =⇒ 2c1 = 0, c1 = 0 (c1 + c2 + c3) + (c1 + c2 − c3) = 0 =⇒ 2c1 + 2c2 = 0, c2 = 0 c1 = 0, c2 = 0, c1 + c2 + c3 =⇒ c3 = 0 Here c1 = c2 = c3 = 0. Therefore the set of vectors {|1i , |2i , |3i} are linearly independent. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 53. Problems Another method: c1 + c2 + c3 = 0 c1 − c2 + c3 = 0 c1 + c2 − c3 = 0   1 1 1 1 −1 1 1 1 −1     c1 c2 c3   = 0 This equation of the form AX = 0. In this equation, 1 For nontrivial solutions (X 6= 0) exist, |A| = 0 =⇒ the set of vectors are linearly dependent. 2 Only trivial solution (x = 0) exist, |A| 6= 0 =⇒ the set of vectors are linearly independent. |A| =
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  • 59. 1 1 1 1 −1 1 1 1 −1
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  • 65. = 1(1 − 1) − 1(−1 − 1) + 1(1 + 1) = 4 Here |A| 6= 0, then the set vectors are linearly independent. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 66. Problems Problem:2 Consider the three vectors ~ V1 = 2î + 3k̂, ~ V2 = î + 2ĵ + 2k̂ and ~ V3 = 5î + ĵ + αk̂, where î, ĵ and k̂ are the standard unit vectors in a three dimensional Euclidean space. These vectors will be linearly dependent if the value of α is (a) 31/4 (b) 23/4 (c) 27/4 (d) 0 [ NET-June-2018 ] Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 67. Problems Problem:2 Consider the three vectors ~ V1 = 2î + 3k̂, ~ V2 = î + 2ĵ + 2k̂ and ~ V3 = 5î + ĵ + αk̂, where î, ĵ and k̂ are the standard unit vectors in a three dimensional Euclidean space. These vectors will be linearly dependent if the value of α is (a) 31/4 (b) 23/4 (c) 27/4 (d) 0 [ NET-June-2018 ] Answers: ~ V1 =   2 0 3   , ~ V2 =   1 2 2   , ~ V3 =   5 1 α   For a linearly dependent set of vectors |A| = 0, |A| =
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  • 73. 2 1 5 0 2 1 3 2 α
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  • 79. = 0 |A| = 2(2α − 2) + 3(1 − 10) = 4α − 4 − 27 = 4α − 31 = 0 =⇒ α = 31/4 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 80. Problems Problem:3 Check whether the following set of vectors are linearly independent or not ? (a) {sin x, cos x, ex } (b) {sinh x, cosh x, ex } Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 81. Problems Problem:3 Check whether the following set of vectors are linearly independent or not ? (a) {sin x, cos x, ex } (b) {sinh x, cosh x, ex } Answer (a): c1 sin x + c2 cos x + c3ex = 0 c1 cos x − c2 sin x + c3ex = 0 −c1 sin x − c2 cos x + c3ex = 0 |A| =
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  • 87. sin x cos x ex cos x − sin x ex − sin x − cos x ex
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  • 93. |A| = sin x(−ex sin x + ex cos x) − cos x(ex cos x + ex sin x) + ex (− cos2 x − sin2 x) = −ex − ex = −2ex Here |A| 6= 0 =⇒ the set of vectors are linearly independent. Answer (b): In this problem |A| = 0 =⇒ the set of vectors are linearly dependent. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 94. Thank You Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 95. Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Dr.Randeep N C Department of Physics Government Arts Science College, Kozhikode May 17-24, 2021 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 96. State of the System Lecture-2 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 97. Inner product space Inner product: The inner products of two vectors |αi and |βi is a complex number, denoted by hα|βi, have following properties 1 hα|βi = hβ|αi∗ 2 hα|αi ≥ 0 and hα|αi = 0 =⇒ |αi = |0i 3 hα| b |βi + c |γi) = bhα|βi + chα|γi A Linear Vector Space with inner product defined is called an inner product space. Let us take, |αi = 1 1 and |βi = 1 i and hα| = 1 1 and hβ| = 1 −i . Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 98. Inner product space 1 hα|βi = 1 1 1 i = 1 + i, hβ|αi = 1 −i 1 1 = 1 − i =⇒ hα|βi = hβ|αi∗ 2 hα|αi = 1 1 1 1 = 2 ≥ 0, hβ|βi = 1 −i 1 i = 2 ≥ 0 h0|0i = 0 0 0 0 = 0 3 1 1 2 1 i + 3 1 0 ! = 2 1 1 1 i + 3 1 1 1 0 That is the set of 2 × 1 matrices is an inner product space. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 99. Inner product space Norm of the vector: The inner product of any vector with itself is a non negative real number. Its square root is called norm of the vector. Norm of the vector |αi is ||α|| = p hα|αi Normalized ket: A ket |αi with its norm ||α|| = 1 is called a normalized ket. If |αi is not normalized, corresponding normalized ket |α̃i is obtained by |α̃i = |αi p hα|αi Orthogonal vectors: Two vectors |αi, |βi whose inner product is zero are called orthogonal vectors. hα|βi = 0 =⇒ |αi and |βi are orthogonal vectors. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 100. Complete Orthonormal set of vectors: A collection {|α1i , |α2i , ....} of mutually orthogonal normalized vectors is called orthonormal set of vectors. hαi |αj i = δij =⇒ {|αi i} are othonormal set of vectors. Complete: A vector space is said to be complete if every Cauchy sequence of vectors in the space converges to a limit vector which is also in the space. The set of rational number Q is a linear vector space which is not complete. Since Cauchy sequence like (3, 3.1, 3.14, 3.141, 3.1415, ...) converges to a limit point π, which is not there in Q. Every finite dimensional inner product space is complete. But an infinite dimensional inner product space is not necessarily complete. Hilbert space: A complete inner product space is called Hilbert space. Set of all 2 × 1 real matrices is a complete inner product space, and therefore a Hilbert space. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 101. Problems Problem 4: Consider a three dimensional vector space spanned by an orthonormal basis |1i , |2i , |3i. Kets |αi and |βi are given by |αi = i |1i − 2 |2i − i |3i , |βi = i |1i + 2 |3i (a) Construct hα| and hβ| (in terms of the dual basis h1| , h2| , h3|). (b) Find hα|βi and hβ|αi, and confirm that hβ|αi = hα|βi∗ . (c) Normalize ket vectors |αi and |βi. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 102. Problems Problem 4: Consider a three dimensional vector space spanned by an orthonormal basis |1i , |2i , |3i. Kets |αi and |βi are given by |αi = i |1i − 2 |2i − i |3i , |βi = i |1i + 2 |3i (a) Construct hα| and hβ| (in terms of the dual basis h1| , h2| , h3|). (b) Find hα|βi and hβ|αi, and confirm that hβ|αi = hα|βi∗ . (c) Normalize ket vectors |αi and |βi. Answer: (a) hα| = −i h1| − 2 h2| + i h3| , hβ| = −i h1| + 2 h3| (b) hα|βi = (−i h1| − 2 h2| + i h3|)(i |1i + 2 |3i) hα|βi = h1|1i − 2ih1|3i − 2ih2|1i − 4h2|3i − h3|1i + 2ih3|3i hα|βi = 1 + 2i hβ|αi = (−i h1| + 2 h3|)(i |1i − 2 |2i − i |3i) hβ|αi = h1|1i − 2ih1|2i − h1|3i + 2ih3|1i − 4h3|2i − 2ih3|3i hβ|αi = 1 − 2i = hα|βi∗ Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 103. Problems (c) To normalize |αi, take innerproduct hα|αi, hα|αi = (−i h1| − 2 h2| + i h3|)(i |1i − 2 |2i − i |3i) hα|αi = 1 + 4 + 1 = 6 Therefore, normalized ket corresponding to |αi is |α̃i = |αi p hα|αi = i √ 6 |1i − 2 √ 6 |2i − i √ 6 |3i To normalize |βi, take innerproduct hβ|βi, hβ|βi = (−i h1| + 2 h3|)(i |1i + 2 |3i) hβ|βi = 1 + 4 = 5 Therefore, normalized ket corresponding to |βi is
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  • 106. Problems Problem 5: Two vectors a 0 and b c are orthonormal if (a) a = ±1, b = ± 1 √ 2 , c = ± 1 √ 2 , (b) a = ±1, b = ±1, c = 0, (c) a = ±1, b = 0, c = ±1, (d) a = ±1, b = ± 1 √ 2 , c = 1 2 [NET-JUNE 2017] Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 107. Problems Problem 5: Two vectors a 0 and b c are orthonormal if (a) a = ±1, b = ± 1 √ 2 , c = ± 1 √ 2 , (b) a = ±1, b = ±1, c = 0, (c) a = ±1, b = 0, c = ±1, (d) a = ±1, b = ± 1 √ 2 , c = 1 2 [NET-JUNE 2017] Answer: For orthonormal vectors hai |aj i = δij , therefore, we get a 0 b c = ab = 0 a 0 a 0 = a2 = 1 =⇒ a = ±1 a = ±1, ab = 0 =⇒ b = 0 b c b c = b2 + c2 = 1 b2 + c2 = 1, b = 0 =⇒ c = ±1 Therefore, the solution is a = ±1, b = 0, c = ±1. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 108. State of the System Postulate 1: State of the system The state of a system at any time t is represented by a vector |ψ(t)i in the Hilbert space. The state ket is postulated to contain complete information about the physical state, everything we are allowed to ask about the state is contained in the ket. In quantum mechanics, the state kets |αi and c |αi, with c 6= 0 represent the same physical state. Superposition principle: If |αi and |βi are possible states of a system, then their linear combination |γi = c1 |αi + c2 |βi is also a possible state of the system. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 109. Operator Operator: An operator T̂ is a mapping or a function that acts on an element in one space V to produce an element in another space V 0 . T̂ : V −→ V 0 Linear Operator: A linear operator T̂ on a vector space V is a mapping from V to V with the properties: 1 T̂(|αi + |βi) = T̂(|αi) + T̂(|βi), ∀ |αi , |βi ∈ V 2 T̂(c |αi) = cT̂(|αi), ∀ c ∈ F and |αi ∈ V Combining above equations, the condition for linear operator as T̂(c1 |αi+c2 |βi) = c1T̂(|αi)+c2T̂(|βi) ∀ c1, c2 ∈ F and |αi , |βi ∈ V An operator acting on a ket vector |αi will give another ket |βi. T̂ |αi = |βi An operator acting on a bra vector hα| will give another bra hβ|, hα| T̂ = hβ| Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 110. Eigenvalue equation An operator acting on a ket vector from left to right, while it act on a bra vector from right to left. Dual correspondence T̂ |αi DC ← → hα| T̂† where T̂† is called Hermitian adjoint of the operator T̂. Eigenvalue equation: An equation of the form  |ai i = ai |ai i is called eigenvalue equation. Where ai is the eigenvalue of an operator  with corresponding eigen vector |ai i. For an operator  in n dimension with a set of eigenvalue equations,  |a1i = a1 |a1i ,  |a2i = a2 |a2i , ....,  |ani = an |ani , then {|a1i , |a2i , ..., |ani} = {|ai i} is the set of eigen vectors and {a1, a2, ..., an} is the set of eigenvalues of the operator Â. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 111. Eigenstates and eigenvalues of an operator ˆ σz Consider a Pauli spin matrix ˆ σz , ˆ σz = 1 0 0 −1 eigenvalues of ˆ σz can be obtained using the determinant, | ˆ σz − λ| = 0
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  • 115. 1 − λ 0 0 −1 − λ
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  • 119. = 0, (1 − λ)(−1 − λ) = 0 Therefore eigenvalues of ˆ σz are λ1 = +1 and λ2 = −1. Let |0i be the eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue λ1 = +1 1 − 1 0 0 −1 − 1 x y = 0 From this, we get −2y = 0, =⇒ y = 0, x = a constant = 1 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 120. Eigenstates and eigenvalues of an operator ˆ σz therefore, |0i = 1 0 Let |1i be the eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue λ1 = −1 1 + 1 0 0 −1 + 1 x y = 0 From this, we get 2x = 0, x = 0, y = a constant = 1 therefore, |1i = 0 1 That is eigenstates of ˆ σz operator are |0i = 1 0 and |1i = 0 1 . Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 121. Eigenstates and eigenvalues of an operator ˆ σx Consider another Pauli spin matrix ˆ σx , ˆ σx = 0 1 1 0 eigenvalues of ˆ σx can be obtained using | ˆ σx − λ| = 0
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  • 129. = 0, (λ2 − 1) = 0 Therefore eigenvalues of ˆ σx are λ3 = +1 and λ4 = −1. Let |3i be the eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue λ3 = +1 −1 1 1 −1 x y = 0 From this, we get −x + y = 0, y = 1, x = 1 Then |3i = 1 1 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 130. Eigenstates and eigenvalues of an operator ˆ σx Let |4i be the eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue λ4 = −1 1 1 1 1 x y = 0 From this, we get x + y = 0, x = 1, y = −1 Then |4i = 1 −1 Consider the possible inner products h3|4i = 1 1 1 −1 = 0, Orthogonal vectors h3|3i = 1 1 1 1 = 2, Not normalized h4|4i = 1 −1 1 −1 = 2, Not normalized Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 131. Normalization These two vectors |3i and |4i are orthogonal vectors, but not normalized. This can be normalized by defining |3i = c3 |3i = c3 1 1 and |4i = c4 |4i = c4 1 −1 Then, h+|+i = c∗ 3 c3 1 1 1 1 = 1 = 2|c3|2 =⇒ c3 = 1 √ 2 and h−|−i = c∗ 4 c4 1 −1 1 −1 = 1 = 2|c4|2 =⇒ c4 = 1 √ 2 Therefore, normalized eigenvectors of the operator ˆ σx are |+i = 1 √ 2 1 1 , |−i = 1 √ 2 1 −1 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 132. Thank You Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 133. Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Dr.Randeep N C Department of Physics Government Arts Science College, Kozhikode May 17-24, 2021 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 134. Hermitian Operator Lecture-3 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 135. Outer product Multiplication of two vectors in which bra vector coming first and ket vector after is called an inner product hα|βi, in general a complex number. Multiplication in which ket vector coming first and bra vector after is called Outer product. The outer product between |αi and hβ| can be written as X = |αi hβ| X |γi = (|αi hβ|) |γi = |αi hβ|γi = c |αi , another vector That is outer product acting on a vector will give another vector. Therefore outer product is an operator. Suppose |αi = 1 1 and hβ| = 1 −1 , then X̂ = |αi hβ| = 1 1 1 −1 = 1 −1 1 −1 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 136. Hermitian Operator Hermitain adjoint of X̂ = |αi hβ| is X̂† = |βi hα| Hermitian Operator: Operators that are their own Hermitian adjoint are called Hermitian operators. That is † =  For any arbitrary operator X̂, hα|X̂|βi = hα|(X̂|βi) = (hα|X̂)|βi = hβ|X̂† |αi∗ For a Hermitian operator Â, hα|Â|βi = hβ|Â|αi∗ Postulates 2: Observable and Operator To every physically measurable quantity A, called observables, there corresponds a Hermitian operator Â. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 137. Properties of Hermitian operator Property 1: The eigenvalues of a Hermitian operators are real. Proof: Let a be an eigenvalue of Â:  |ai = a |ai , with |ai 6= |0i , then for a Hermitian operator ha|Â|ai = ha|Â|ai∗ aha|ai = a∗ ha|ai∗ (a − a∗ )ha|ai = 0 But ha|ai 6= 0 =⇒ a − a∗ = 0 That is a = a∗ , hence eigenvalue a is real. Property 2: The eigen vector of a Hermitian transformation belonging to distinct eigenvalues are orthogonal. Proof: Let  |a1i = a1 |a1i and  |a2i = a2 |a2i, Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 138. Properties of Hermitian operator Then for Hermitian operator ha1|Â|a2i = ha2|Â|a1i∗ a2ha1|a2i = a∗ 1 ha2|a1i∗ a2ha1|a2i = a1ha1|a2i (a2 − a1)ha1|a2i = 0 Here a2 − a1 6= 0 =⇒ ha1|a2i = 0. Therefore, eigenvector of a Hermitian transformation belonging to distinct eigenvalues are orthogonal. Property 3: The set of eigenvectors of a Hermitian operator span the space. Proof: A matrix  is said to be normal if † = †  Every normal matrix is diagonalizable, therefore its eigenvectors span the space. Since Hermitian matrix is normal matrix, therefore its eigenvectors also span the space. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 139. Properties of Hermitian operator Suppose  and B̂ are two Hermitian operators defined in a vector space V, then Any arbitrary vector |αi can be expanded in terms of eigenvectors of  and B̂ as |αi = n X i=1 ci |ai i , |αi = n X i=1 di |bi i where |ai i is eigenvector of  with expansion coefficient ci and |bi i is eigenvector of B̂ with expansion coefficient di . Example: Consider a vector space V of 2 × 1 real matrices Any arbitrary vector |αi can be expanded in terms of eigenvectors of σ̂z and σ̂x as |αi = c0 |0i + c1 |1i , |αi = d0 |+i + d1 |−i where |0i = 1 0 and |1i = 0 1 are eigenvectors of σ̂z and |+i = 1 √ 2 1 1 and |−i = 1 √ 2 1 −1 are eigenvectors of σ̂x . Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 140. Properties of Hermitian operator Expansion coefficients of |αi in the eigenbasis of σ̂z and σ̂x can be calculated using the inner products c0 = h0|αi, c1 = h1|αi, d0 = h+|αi, d1 = h−|αi Suppose |αi = α0 α1 , then c0 = 1 0 α0 α1 = α0, c1 = 0 1 α0 α1 = α1, d0 = 1 √ 2 1 1 α0 α1 = 1 √ 2 (α0 + α1), d1 = 1 √ 2 1 −1 α0 α1 = 1 √ 2 (α0 − α1). That is in the state |αi = α0 |0i + α1 |1i in the σ̂z basis and |αi = α0+α1 √ 2 |+i + α0−α1 √ 2 |−i in the σ̂x basis. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 141. Completeness Relation Any arbitrary vector |αi in the ket space V can be spanned by the eigenvectors of the Hermitian operator  in same space, |αi = X i ci |ai i Taking the inner product haj |αi = X i ci haj |ai i = X i ci δij = cj =⇒ ci = hai |αi Therefore, |αi = X i hai |αi |ai i = X i |ai i hai |αi = X i |ai i hai | |αi =⇒ X i |ai i hai | = 1 is called Completeness relation, where 1 is the identity operator. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 142. Completeness Relation Consider innerproduct, hα|αi and insert completeness relation between bra, hα| and ket, |αi, hα|αi = hα| X i |ai i hai | |αi = X i hα|ai ihai |αi = X i hai |αi∗ hai |αi hα|αi = X i |hai |αi|2 = X i |ci |2 If |αi is normalized, then hα|αi = X i |ci |2 = 1 Consider the operator |ai i hai | and operate it on |αi, (|ai i hai |) |αi = (|ai i hai |) X j cj |aj i = X j cj |ai i δij = ci |ai i That is the operator |ai i hai |, select the portion of the ket |αi parallel to |ai i known as Projection operator and is denoted by Pai , Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 143. Completeness Relation Pai = |ai i hai | Completeness relation is obtained from projection operator as X i |ai i hai | = X i Pai = 1 Consider eigenstates |0i and |1i of ˆ σz operator and take following outer products, |0i h0| = 1 0 1 0 = 1 0 0 0 , |1i h1| = 0 1 0 1 = 0 0 0 1 1 X i=0 |ii hi| = |0i h0| + |1i h1| = 1 0 0 1 = 1 That is eigenstates of ˆ σz operator satisfy completeness relation, therefore its eigenbasis is complete. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 144. Completeness Relation Consider eigenstates |+i and |−i of ˆ σx operator and take following outer products, |+i h+| = 1 √ 2 1 1 1 √ 2 1 1 = 1 2 1 1 1 1 , |−i h−| = 1 √ 2 1 −1 1 √ 2 1 −1 = 1 2 1 −1 −1 1 X i |ii hi| = |+i h+| + |−i h−| = 1 0 0 1 = 1 That is eigenstates of ˆ σx operator also satisfy completeness relation, therefore its eigenbasis is complete. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 145. Thank You Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 146. Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Dr.Randeep N C Department of Physics Government Arts Science College, Kozhikode May 17-24, 2021 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 147. Measurements Lecture-5 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 148. Measurements Postulate 3: Measurements and Eigenvalues The only possible result of a measurement is the one of the eigenvalues of the operator. That is, if we are measuring the ẑ component of the spin Ŝz in an arbitrary state, we will get either the result +~ 2 or −~ 2 . A quantum mechanical measurement always causes the system to jump into an eigenstate of the dynamical variable that is being measured. That is before a measurement of observable A is made, the system is assumed to represent by linear combination of eigenstates of the operator Â: |αi = X i |ai ihai |αi = X i ci |ai i Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 149. Measurements When measurement is performed in this state, the system is thrown into one of the eigenstate |ai i of the operator  |αi A measurement − − − − − − − − − → |ai i and the corresponding eigenvalue ai is obtained. Thus a measurement always changes the state of the system in quantum mechanics. If the state of the system is already in one of the eigenstate of the observable, then |ai i A measurement − − − − − − − − − → |ai i , state will not change. That is repeated measurement of same observable in succession yield the same result. During measurement we do not know in advance into which of the various |ai i’s the system will thrown as a result of measurement. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 150. Measurements Postulate 4: Probabilistic Outcome of a Measurements In the state |αi = P i |ai ihai |αi = P i ci |ai i, the probability for jumping into a particular eigenstate |ai i is given by P(ai ) = |hai |αi|2 = |ci |2 , provided |αi is normalized. If |αi is not normalized, then P(ai ) = |hai |αi|2 hα|αi = |hai |αi|2 P i |hai |αi|2 = |ci |2 P i |ci |2 Expectation value: Expectation value is the average of all possible outcome of a measurement. Expectation value of an operator  taken with respect to a state |αi is defined as hÂi = hα|Â|αi, if |αi is normalized Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 151. Measurements hÂi = hα|Â|αi hÂi = X ij hα|ai ihai |Â|aj ihaj |αi = X ij aj hα|ai ihai |aj ihaj |αi hÂi = X ij aj hα|ai iδij haj |αi = X i ai hα|ai ihai |αi hÂi = X i ai |hai |αi|2 = X i ai |ci |2 If |αi is not normalized, then hÂi = hα|Â|αi hα|αi hÂi = P i ai |hai |αi|2 P i |hai |αi|2 = P i ai |ci |2 P i |ci |2 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 152. Problems Problem 10: The state of the system is given by |ψi = |φ1i + 2 |φ2i +3 |φ3i, where |φ1i , |φ2i and |φ3i form an orthonormal set. The probability of finding the system in the state |φ2i is (a)1/7 (b)1/3 (c)2/7 (d)3/7 Answer: P(|φ2i) = 22 12 + 22 + 32 = 4 14 = 2 7 Problem 11: An electron is in a spin state |φi = √ 3/2 1/2 in the Sz representation. What is the probability of finding the z component of its spin along the −ẑ direction [GATE-2002] (a).75 (b).5 (c).35 (d).25 Answer: |φi = √ 3/2 1/2 = √ 3/2 1 0 + 1/2 0 1 P(−ẑ) = (1/2)2 ( √ 3/2)2 + (1/2)2 = 1/4 3/4 + 1/4 = 1/4 = .25 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 153. Problems Problem 12: The wavefunction of a particle is given by ψ = 1/ √ 2φ0 + iφ1, where φ0 and φ1 are normalized eigenfunctions with energies E0 and E1 corresponding to the ground state and first excited state respectively. The expectation value of the Hamiltonian in the state ψ is [NET-JUNE 2011] (a)E0 2 + E1, (b)E0 2 − E1, (c)E0−2E1 3 , (d)E0+2E1 3 Answer: |ψi = 1 √ 2 |φ0i + i |φ1i hÂi = hα|Â|αi hα|αi = P i ai |hai |αi|2 P i |hai |αi|2 = P i ai |ci |2 P i |ci |2 hĤi = E0 × 1/2 + E1 × 1 1/2 + 1 hĤi = E0 + 2E1 3 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 154. Problems Problem 13: A spin 1/2 particle is in a linear superposition 0.8 |0i + 0.6 |1i of spin up and spin down states. If |0i and |1i are eigenstates of σz then what is the expectation value of the operator 10σz + 5σx . (a)7.6, (b)10, (c)8.8, (d)1.2 Answer:Let |ψi = 0.8 |0i + 0.6 |1i , Â = 10σz + 5σx |ψi = .8 1 0 + .6 0 1 = .8 .6 Â = 10 1 0 0 −1 + 5 0 1 1 0 = 10 5 5 −10 hÂi = hψ|Â|ψi = .8 .6 10 5 5 −10 .8 .6 hÂi = 11 −2 .8 .6 = 8.8 − 1.2 = 7.6 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 155. Commutator and Anticommutator Commutator [ , ] is defined by [Â, B̂] = ÂB̂ − B̂ Anticommutator { , } is defined by {Â, B̂} = ÂB̂ + B̂ Properties of Commutator: 1 [Â, Â] = 0 [Â, Â] =  −  = 0 2 [Â, B̂] = −[B̂, Â] [Â, B̂] = ÂB̂ − B̂ = −(B̂ − ÂB̂) = −[B̂, Â] 3 [Â, c] = 0, c is a constant [Â, c] = Âc − c = 0 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 156. Commutator and Anticommutator 4 [Â + B̂, Ĉ] = [Â, Ĉ] + [B̂, Ĉ] [Â + B̂, Ĉ] = (Â + B̂)Ĉ − Ĉ(Â + B̂) = ÂĈ + B̂Ĉ − ĈÂ − ĈB̂ = ÂĈ − ĈÂ + B̂Ĉ − ĈB̂ = [Â, Ĉ] + [B̂, Ĉ] 5 [Â, B̂Ĉ] = [Â, B̂]Ĉ + B̂[Â, Ĉ] [Â, B̂]Ĉ + B̂[Â, Ĉ] = (ÂB̂ − B̂Â)Ĉ + B̂(ÂĈ − ĈÂ) = ÂB̂Ĉ − B̂ÂĈ + B̂ÂĈ − B̂ĈÂ = ÂB̂Ĉ − B̂ĈÂ = [Â, B̂Ĉ] 6 [Â, [B̂, Ĉ]] + [B̂, [Ĉ, Â]] + [Ĉ, [Â, B̂]] = 0 [Â, [B̂, Ĉ]] + [B̂, [Ĉ, Â]] + [Ĉ, [Â, B̂]] = ÂB̂Ĉ − ÂĈB̂ − B̂ĈÂ + ĈB̂Â+ B̂ĈÂ − B̂ÂĈ − ĈÂB̂ + ÂĈB̂ + ĈÂB̂ − ĈB̂Â − ÂB̂Ĉ + B̂ÂĈ = 0 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 157. Compatible and Incompatible Observables A and B are defined to be compatible when the corresponding operators commute, [Â, B̂] = 0 =⇒ A, B are compatible observable Example: (x, y), (px , py ), (x, py ), (S2 , Sx ), .. Observables A and B are incompatible when the corresponding operators do not commute, [Â, B̂] 6= 0 =⇒ A, B are incompatible observable Example: (x, Px ), (Sx , Sy ), (Jx , Jy ), ... Theorem: Suppose that A and B are compatible observables, and eigenvalues of  are non degenerate. Then the matrix elements hai |B̂|aj i are all diagonal. Proof: If A and B are compatible observable, then [Â, B̂] = 0 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 158. Compatible and Incompatible hai | [Â, B̂] |aj i = 0 hai | (ÂB̂ − B̂Â) |aj i = 0 (ai − aj ) hai | B̂ |aj i = 0 in this equation hai | B̂ |aj i must vanish unless ai = aj . Therefore, hai | B̂ |aj i = δij hai | B̂ |ai i So both  and B̂ can be represented by diagonal matrices with the same set of base kets. Another method: If  and B̂ commute, that is [Â, B̂] = 0 =⇒ ÂB̂ = B̂ ÂB̂ |ai i = B̂ |ai i = ai B̂ |ai i =⇒ B̂ |ai i is an eigenvector of  with eigenvalue ai . Since eigenvectors are unique upto a scale. Therefore B̂ |ai i = bi |ai i is an eigenvalue equation. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 159. Compatible and Incompatible Therefore, |ai i is also an eigenvector of B̂ with eigenvalue bi . Then the simultaneous eigenstates of  and B̂ represented by |ai i = |bi i = |ai , bi i In the simultaneous eigenbasis, operators  and B̂ are diagonal matrices,  =       a1 0 0 . . 0 a2 0 . . 0 0 a3 . . . . . . . . . . . .       , B̂ =       b1 0 0 . . 0 b2 0 . . 0 0 b3 . . . . . . . . . . . .       Degenerate case: Suppose eigenvalues of an operator  are degenerate, then  in its eigenbasis is of the form  =       a1 0 0 . . 0 a1 0 . . 0 0 a2 . . . . . . . . . . . .       Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 160. Compatible and Incompatible Here eigenvalue ai of an operator  are mi fold degenerate, then  |ai , δi = ai |ai , δi , δ = 1, 2, ..mi where |ai , δi are mi mutually orthogonal eigenket of  with same eigenvalue ai . Also {|ai , δi} span the subspace Vmi i in which eigenvalues of  are ai ’s. ÂB̂ |ai , δi = B̂ |ai , δi , δ = 1, 2, 3..., mi ÂB̂ |ai , δi = ai B̂ |ai , δi Which doesn’t means that B̂ |ai , δi = bi |ai , δi, we can say only that B̂ |ai , δi ∈ Vmi i . That is B̂ |ai , δi will not go out of the space Vmi i . Therefore, the B̂ matrix will be a block diagonal matrix, in which Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 161. Compatible and Incompatible hai , ζ|aj , δi = δij In each block, we can diagonalize B̂ matrix independently and obtain simultaneous eigenstates of  and B̂ as  |ai , bi i = ai |ai , bi i , B̂ |ai , bi i = bi |ai , bi i Consider two commuting operators  and B̂ with eigenvalues of  are non degenerate, |αi A measurement − − − − − − − − − → |ai , bi i B measurement − − − − − − − − − → |ai , bi i A measurement − − − − − − − − − → |ai , bi i If eigenvalues of  are degenerate, then |αi A measurement − − − − − − − − − → mi X j=1 |ai , bj i B measurement − − − − − − − − − → |ai , bi i A measurement − − − − − − − − − → |ai , bi i That is A measurements and B measurement do not interfere, that is why we are calling it as compatible observables. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 162. Compatible and Incompatible The incompatible observables do not have a complete set of simultaneous eigenstates. Proof: Let us assume that the non commuting operators |Ai and |Bi have simultaneous eigenket, then  |ai , bi i = ai |ai , bi i (1) B̂ |ai , bi i = bi |ai , bi i (2) B̂ × (1) B̂ |ai , bi i = ai B̂ |ai , bi i = ai bi |ai , bi i (3) Â × (2) ÂB̂ |ai , bi i = bi  |ai , bi i = ai bi |ai , bi i (4) RHS of equations (3) and (4) are same, then ÂB̂ |ai , bi i = B̂ |ai , bi i (ÂB̂ − B̂Â) |ai , bi i = 0 here |ai , bi i 6= 0, therefore [Â, B̂] = 0, contradiction to the assumption, hence the proof. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 163. Thank You Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 164. Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Dr.Randeep N C Department of Physics Government Arts Science College, Kozhikode May 17-24, 2021 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 165. The Uncertainty Relation Lecture-6 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 166. The Uncertainty Relation In a quantum state |αi, when we measure an observable A, there exist a probability distribution of all position outcome of that measurement. Consider a state |αi = 6 P i=1 ci |ai i, the probability distribution of all possible outcomes of an observable A is as shown figure, The probability distribution is characterized by mean or expectation value and is given by hÂi = hα|Â|αi Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 167. The Uncertainty Relation Another quantity associated with the probability distribution is standard deviation, which is a measure the average fluctuation around the mean, and is defined by (∆A) = [h( − hAi)2 i]1/2 It is the measure of uncertainty of an operator  in the state |αi. It is also called root mean square deviation. The expectation value h( − hÂi)2 i is called dispersion or variance or mean square deviation. The variance, h( − hÂi)2 i = h(Â2 − 2hÂi + hÂi2 )i = hÂ2 i − h2hÂiÂi + hhÂi2 i = hÂ2 i − 2hÂi2 + hÂi2 h( − hÂi)2 i = hÂ2 i − hÂi2 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 168. The Uncertainty Relation Therefore, the uncertainty in  is (∆A) = q hÂ2i − hÂi2 That is the uncertainty of  in the state |αi is the standard deviation of expansion coefficients ci ’s of the state |αi in the eigenbasis of Â. Suppose state in question is an eigenstate of an operator, then only one non zero ci exist and standard deviation (uncertainty) vanishes. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 169. The Uncertainty Relation Let A and B be two observable, then for any state we must have the following inequality, (∆Â)(∆B̂) ≥ 1 2 |h[Â, B̂]i| is called general uncertainty relation If A and B are two compatible observables, then [Â, B̂] = 0 and (∆Â)(∆B̂) = 0 that is product of uncertainty vanishes. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 170. Problem Problem 14:  and B̂ are two quantum mechanical operators. If [Â, B̂] stands for the commutator of  and B̂, then [[Â, B̂], [B̂, Â]] is equal to [GATE-2002] (a)ÂB̂ÂB̂ − B̂ÂB̂Â, (b)Â(ÂB̂ − B̂Â), (c)0, (d)([Â, B̂])2 Answer: [[Â, B̂], [B̂, Â]] = −[[Â, B̂], [Â, B̂]] = 0 Problem 15: For the operators P and Q, the commutator [P, Q−1 ] is [JEST-2016] (a)Q−1 [P, Q]Q−1 , (b) − Q−1 [P, Q]Q−1 , (c)Q−1 [P, Q]Q, (d) − Q[P, Q]Q−1 Answer: [P, Q−1 ] = PQ−1 − Q−1 P Q−1 [P, Q]Q−1 = Q−1 (PQ − QP)Q−1 = Q−1 PQQ−1 − Q−1 QPQ−1 Q−1 [P, Q]Q−1 = Q−1 P − PQ−1 = −[P, Q−1 ] that is [P, Q−1 ] = −Q−1 [P, Q]Q−1 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 171. Problem Problem 16: The matrices A =   0 −1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0   , B =   0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0   and C =   0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0   satisfy the commutation relations [NET-JUNE-2014] (a) [A, B] = B + C, [B, C] = 0, [C, A] = B + C (b) [A, B] = C, [B, C] = A, [C, A] = B (c) [A, B] = B, [B, C] = 0, [C, A] = A (d) [A, B] = C, [B, C] = 0, [C, A] = B Answer: AB =   0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0   = C, BA =   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0   = 0, =⇒ [A, B] = C Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 172. Problem BC =   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0   = 0, CB =   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0   = 0, =⇒ [B, C] = 0 CA =   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0   = 0, AC =   0 0 −1 0 0 0 0 0 0   = −B, =⇒ [C, A] = B Problem 17: The operators A and B share all the eigenstates. Then the least possible value of the product of uncertainties (∆A)(∆B) is (a) ~, (b) 0, (c) ~/2, (d) |AB| [JEST-2014] Answer: General uncertainty relation is (∆A)(∆B) ≥ 1 2 |h[A, B]i| If operators A and B share all eigenstates, then [A, B] = 0, then (∆A)(∆B) ≥ 0 That is least possible product of uncertainties is 0. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 173. Problem Problem 18: Given that ψ1 and ψ2 are eigenstates of a Hamiltonian with eigenvalues E1 and E2 respectively. What is the uncertainty in the state ψ1 + ψ2 [JEST-2015] (a) − √ E1E2, (b) 1 2 |E1 − E2|, (c)1 2 (E1 + E2), (d) 1 √ 2 |E2 − E1| Answer: Given |ψi = 1 √ 2 (|ψ1i + |ψ1i), Ĥ |ψ1i = E1 |ψ1i , Ĥ |ψ2i = E2 |ψ2i hĤi = 1 2 × E1 + 1 2 × E2 = E1 + E2 2 hĤ2 i = 1 2 × E2 1 + 1 2 × E2 2 = E2 1 + E2 2 2 (∆Ĥ) = q hĤ2i − hĤi2 = r E2 1 + E2 2 2 − E1 + E2 2 2 (∆Ĥ) = r E2 1 + E2 2 − 2E1E2 4 = |E1 − E2| 2 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 174. Change of Basis Suppose we have two incompatible observables A and B, then the ket space in question can be spanned either by the set {|ai i} or by the set {|bi i}. Changing the base ket from one set of basis to another set of basis is called change of basis or change of representation. The basis in which the basekets are given by {|ai i} is called A-representation. Theorem: Given two sets of basekets, both satisfying ortho- normality and completeness, there exist an unitary operator Û (ÛÛ† = Û† Û = 1) such that |b1i = Û |a1i , |b2i = Û |a2i , ........, |bNi = Û |aNi . Proof: Consider the operator Û = X k |bk i hak | Û |a`i = X k |bk i hak | a`i = X k |bk i δk` = |b`i Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 175. Change of Basis To check Û = P k |bk i hak |, a unitary operator, Û† Û = X k X ` |a`i hb`| bk i hak | = X k` |a`i hak | δk` = X k |ak i hak | = 1 That is Û = X k |bk i hak | is a unitary operator transform |a`i → |b`i. The matrix element of the operator Û in the old basis {|ai i} is haj | Û |ak i = haj |bk i That is the matrix elements of the Û operator is the innerproduct of old base bras and new base kets. Then the Û matrix in old basis is Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 176. Change of Basis Û =       ha1|b1i ha1|b2i . . . ha2|b1i ha2|b2i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       which is a transformation matrix from old {|ai i} basis to new {|bi i} basis. Consider an arbitrary ket |αi = X k |ak ihak |αi here hak |αi’s are the expansion coefficients in the old basis. The expansion coefficient in the new basis is obtained by using hbj |αi, hbj |αi = X k hbj |ak ihak |αi = X k haj |Û† |ak ihak |αi Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 177. Change of Basis In matrix notation, the column matrix for |αi in the new basis can be obtained by applying the square matrix Û† to the column matrix for |αi in the old basis. That is (New) = (Û† )(Old) The relationship between the matrix elements in the old basis and new basis is obtained by using hbk |X̂|b`i = X m,n hbk |amiham|X̂|anihan|b`i hbk |X̂|b`i = X m,n hak |Û† |amiham|X̂|anihan|Û|a`i In matrix notation which can be written as X̂ 0 = Û† X̂Û this is well known similarity transformation in matrix algebra. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 178. Change of Basis Trace: The trace of an operator X̂ is defined as the sum of diagonal elements, Tr(X̂) = X i hai |X̂|ai i = X i,j hai |X̂|bj ihbj |ai i = X i,j hbj |ai ihai |X̂|bj i Tr(X̂) = X j hbj |X̂|bj i That is trace of an operator X̂ is independent of the representation. Other Properties: Tr(X̂Ŷ ) = Tr(Ŷ X̂) Tr(Û† X̂Û) = Tr(X̂) Tr(|ai ihaj |) = δij Tr(|bi ihai |) = hai |bi i Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 179. Thank You Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 180. Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Dr.Randeep N C Department of Physics Government Arts Science College, Kozhikode May 17-24, 2021 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 181. The Stern-Gerlach Experiment Lecture-7 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 182. Change of basis: Eigenbasis of Ŝx and Ŝz Consider Ŝz operator with eigenstates {|0i , |1i} and Ŝx with eigenstates {|+i , |−i}. These sets of eigenstates can be transform from one to another by a unitary transformation Û: {|0i , |1i} Û − → {|+i , |−i} where Û = h0 | +i h0 | −i h1 | +i h1 | −i , h0|+i = 1 0 1 √ 2 1 1 = 1 √ 2 , h0|−i = 1 0 1 √ 2 1 −1 = 1 √ 2 h1|+i = 0 1 1 √ 2 1 1 = 1 √ 2 , h1|−i = 0 1 1 √ 2 1 −1 = − 1 √ 2 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 183. Change of basis: Eigenbasis of Ŝx and Ŝz Therefore, Û matrix is Û = h0 | +i h0 | −i h1 | +i h1 | −i = 1 √ 2 1 1 1 −1 Then the state |+i can be expressed in terms |0i , |1i as |+i = 1|+i = (|0i h0|) |+i + (|1i h1|) |+i = |0i × 1 √ 2 + |1i × 1 √ 2 that is |+i = 1 √ 2 [|0i + |1i] The state |−i can be expressed in terms |0i , |1i as |−i = 1|−i = (|0i h0|) |−i + (|1i h1|) |−i = |0i × 1 √ 2 + |1i × − 1 √ 2 |−i = 1 √ 2 [|0i − |1i] Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 184. Change of basis: Eigenbasis of Ŝx and Ŝz The state |0i can be expressed in terms |+i , |−i as |0i = 1|0i = (|+i h+|) |0i + (|−i h−|) |0i = |+i × 1 √ 2 + |−i × 1 √ 2 |0i = 1 √ 2 [|+i + |−i] The state |1i can be expressed in terms |+i , |−i as |1i = 1|1i = (|+i h+|) |1i + (|−i h−|) |1i = |+i × 1 √ 2 + |−i × − 1 √ 2 |1i = 1 √ 2 [|+i − |−i] Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 185. Measurement of ˆ Sz in the eigenstates of ˆ Sx In the state |+i = 1 √ 2 [|0i + |1i] When we measure ˆ Sz , Probability for getting the eigenvalue +~ 2 = |h0|+i|2 = | 1 √ 2 |2 = 1 2 Probability for getting the eigenvalue −~ 2 = |h1|+i|2 = | 1 √ 2 |2 = 1 2 . Also in the state |−i = 1 √ 2 [|0i − |1i] When we measure ˆ Sz , Probability for getting the eigenvalue +~ 2 = |h0|−i|2 = | 1 √ 2 |2 = 1 2 Probability for getting the eigenvalue −~ 2 = |h1|−i|2 = | − 1 √ 2 |2 = 1 2 . Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 186. Measurement of ˆ Sx in the eigenstates of ˆ Sz In the state |0i = 1 √ 2 [|+i + |−i] When we measure ˆ Sx , Probability for getting the eigenvalue +~ 2 = |h+|0i|2 = | 1 √ 2 |2 = 1 2 Probability for getting the eigenvalue −~ 2 = |h−|0i|2 = | 1 √ 2 |2 = 1 2 . Also in the state |1i = 1 √ 2 [|+i − |−i] When we measure ˆ Sx , Probability for getting the eigenvalue +~ 2 = |h+|1i|2 = | 1 √ 2 |2 = 1 2 Probability for getting the eigenvalue −~ 2 = |h−|1i|2 = | − 1 √ 2 |2 = 1 2 . Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 187. Problems Problem 19: Two different set of orthronormal basis vectors n 1 0 , 0 1 o and n 1 √ 2 1 1 , 1 √ 2 1 −1 o are given for a two dimensional real vector space. The matrix representation of a linear operator  in these basis are related by a unitary transformation. The unitary matrix may be chosen to be [NET-JUNE-2015] (a) 0 −1 1 0 , (b) 0 1 1 0 , (c) 1 √ 2 1 1 1 −1 , (d) 1 √ 2 1 0 1 1 Answer: |a1i = 1 0 , |a2i = 0 1 , |b1i = 1 √ 2 1 1 , |b2i = 1 √ 2 1 −1 {|ai i} Û − → {|bi i}, Û = ha1|b1i ha1|b2i ha2|b1i ha2|b2i ha1|b1i = 1 √ 2 × 1 = 1 √ 2 , ha1|b2i = 1 √ 2 × 1 = 1 √ 2 , ha2|b1i = 1 √ 2 × 1 = 1 √ 2 , ha2|b2i = 1 √ 2 × −1 = − 1 √ 2 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 188. Problems Therefore, Û matrix is Û = 1 √ 2 1 1 1 −1 Problem 20: Two different set of orthronormal basis vectors 1 √ 2 1 1 , 1 √ 2 1 −1 and 1 √ 2 1 i , 1 √ 2 1 −i are given for a two dimensional real vector space. The matrix representation of a linear operator  in these basis are related by a unitary transformation. The unitary matrix may be chosen to be (a) 1 √ 2 1 1 1 −1 , (b) 1 √ 2 1 i 1 −i , (c)1 2 1 + i 1 + i 1 − i 1 + i , (d)1 2 1 + i 1 − i 1 − i 1 + i Answer: |a1i = 1 √ 2 1 1 , |a2i = 1 √ 2 1 −1 |b1i = 1 √ 2 1 i , |b2i = 1 √ 2 1 −i Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 189. Problems {|ai i} Û → {|bi i} , Û = ha1 | b1i ha1 | b2i ha2 | b1i ha2 | b2i ha1 | b1i = 1 √ 2 1 1 1 √ 2 1 i = 1 2 (1 + i) ha1 | b2i = 1 √ 2 1 1 1 √ 2 1 −i = 1 2 (1 − i) ha2 | b1i = 1 √ 2 1 −1 1 √ 2 1 i = 1 2 (1 − i) ha2 | b1i = 1 √ 2 1 −1 1 √ 2 1 −i = 1 2 (1 + i) Then U matrix is U = 1 2 1 + i 1 − i 1 − i 1 + 1 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 190. Problems Problem 21: If the eigenvalue of a symmetric 3 × 3 matrix A are 0, 1, 3 and the corresponding eigenvector can be written as   1 1 1   ,   1 0 −1   ,   1 −2 1   respectively, then the matrix A4 is [TIFR-2016] (a)   41 −81 40 −81 0 −81 40 −81 41   , (b)   −82 −81 79 −81 81 −81 79 −81 83   (c)   14 −27 13 −27 54 −27 13 −27 14  , (d)   14 −13 27 −13 54 −13 27 −13 14   Answer: The normalized eigenvectors of operator A are |a1i = 1 √ 3   1 1 1   , |a2i = 1 √ 2   1 0 −1   , |a3i = 1 √ 6   1 −2 1   Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 191. Problems Operator A in the basis {|a1i , |a2i , |a3i} can be written as A =   0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3   Then the standard basis in three dimensions is |b1i =   1 0 0   , |b2i =   0 1 0   , |b3i =   0 0 1   Then U matrix is U =   ha1 | b1i ha1 | b2i ha1 | b3i ha2 | b1i ha2 | b2i ha2| b3i ha3 | b1i ha3 | b2i ha3 | b3i   =   1/ √ 3 1/ √ 3 1/ √ 3 1/ √ 2 0 −1/ √ 2 1/ √ 6 −2/ √ 6 1/ √ 6   Operator A4 in the basis {|a1i , |a2i , |a3i} is of the form A4 =   0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 81   Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 192. Problems A4 in the basis {|b1i , |b2i , |b3i} can be written as (A4 ) 0 = U† (A4 )U (A4 ) 0 =   1/ √ 3 1/ √ 2 1/ √ 6 1/ √ 3 0 −2/ √ 6 1/ √ 3 −1/ √ 1 1/ √ 6     0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 81     1/ √ 3 1/ √ 3 1/ √ 3 1/ √ 2 0 −1/ √ 2 1/ √ 6 −2/ √ 6 1/ √ 6   (A4 ) 0 =   1/ √ 3 1/ √ 2 1/ √ 6 1/ √ 3 0 −2/ √ 6 1/ √ 3 −1/ √ 1 1/ √ 6     0 0 0 1/ √ 2 0 −1/ √ 2 81/ √ 6 −162/ √ 6 81/ √ 6   (A4 ) 0 =   14 −27 13 −27 54 −27 13 −27 81   Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 193. Problems Problem 22: A two state quantum system has has two observables A and B. It is known that the observable A has eigenstates |α1i and |α2i with eigenvalues a1 and a2 respectively, while B has eigenstates |β1i and |β2i with eigenvalues b1 and b2 respectively, and that these eigenstates are related by |β1i = 3 5 |α1i − 4 5 |α2i , |β2i = 4 5 |α1i + 3 5 |α2i Suppose a measurement is made of the observable A and a value a1 is obtained. If the observable B is now measured, the probability of obtaining the value b1 will be [TIFR-2015] (a)0.80, (b)0.64, (c)0.60, (d)0.36 Answer: Given A |α1i = a1 |α1i , A |α2i = a2 |α2i , B |β1i = b1 |β1i , B |β2i = b2|β2i {|αi i} û → {|βi i} , Û = hα1 | β1i hα1 | β2i hα2 | β1i hα2 | β2i Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 194. Problems |β1i = 1 |β1i = 2 X i=1 |αi i hαi | ! |β1i = hα1 | β1i |α1i + hα2 | β1i |α2i |β2i = hα1 | β2i |α1i + hα2 | β2i |α2i Similarly, |α1i = hβ1 | α1i |β1i + hβ2 | α1i |β2i |α2i = hβ1 | α2i |β1i + hβ2 | α2i |β2i Given |β1i = 3 5 |α1i − 4 5 |α2i , |β2i = 4 5 |α1i + 3 5 |α2i, then |α1i = 3 5 |β1i + 4 5 |β2i , |α2i = − 4 5 |β1i + 3 5 |β2i Suppose we get a1, after measuring the observable A, then the system is collapse into state |α1i. Then probability for getting the eigenvalue b1 in this state |α1i = 3 5 |β1i + 4 5 |β2i is P (b1) = (3/5)2 (3/5)2 + (4/5)2 = 9 25 = .36 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 195. Stern-Gerlach Experiment It is an experiment to demonstrate that the spin of an electron is quantized. In which silver (Ag) atoms are heated in an oven. The oven has a small hole through which some of the silver atoms escape. As in figure, the beam goes through a collimator and then subjected to a inhomogeneous magnetic field and finally fall on a detector. 1 1https : // angular momentum.html Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 196. Stern-Gerlach Experiment The silver atoms have 47 electrons, in which 46 electrons can be visualized as forming a spherically symmetrical electron cloud with no net angular momentum. Therefore, atoms as a whole have an angular momentum, which is due to spin of the 47th (5s) electron. Then the magnetic moment of the entire atom is due to spin magnetic moment of the 47th electron. The magnetic moment µ of the atom is proportional to the electron spin S, µ ∝ S The interaction energy of the magnetic moment with the magnetic field B is U = −µ.B Then the corresponding z component of force on the atom is Fz = − ∂U ∂z = ∂ ∂z (µ.B) ≈ µz ∂Bz ∂z Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 197. Stern-Gerlach Experiment If electron is like a classical spinning object, then there is no preferred direction for the orientation of µ and we get values of µz between |µ| and −|µ|. Instead, what we experimentally observed is a two beams on the screen. In other words, the SG apparatus splits the original silver beam from the oven into two distinct components. From this results we can conclude that, this splitting is due to spin S of electron and it has two components in z direction, we call them Sz + and Sz −. Block diagram of Stern-Gerlach experiment Oven SG(ẑ) Sz(+) Sz(−) Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 198. Sequential Stern-Gerlach Experiment Experiment:1 Oven SG(ẑ) Sz(+) Sz(−) SG(ẑ) Sz(+) × Experiment:2 Oven SG(ẑ) Sz(+) Sz(−) SG(x̂) Sx(+) Sx(−) Experiment:3 Oven SG(ẑ) Sz(+) Sz(−) SG(x̂) Sx(+) Sx(−) SG(ẑ) Sz(+) Sz(−) Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 199. Sequential Stern-Gerlach Experiment Experiment:1 Oven SG(ẑ) |0i |1i SG(ẑ) |0i × Experiment:2 Oven SG(ẑ) |0i = 1 √ 2 [|+i + |−i] |1i SG(x̂) |+i |−i Experiment:3 Oven SG(ẑ) |0i = 1 √ 2 [|+i + |−i] |1i SG(x̂) |+i = 1 √ 2 [|0i + |1i] |−i SG(ẑ) |0i |1i Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 200. Thank You Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 201. Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Dr.Randeep N C Department of Physics Government Arts Science College, Kozhikode May 17-24, 2021 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 202. Position and Momentum Representations Lecture-8 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 203. Continuous basis (Example: Position representation) Consider a position operator x̂ in one dimension, then the eigenvalue equation of position operator is given by x̂ |x0 i = x0 |x0 i Orthonormality condition hx0 | x00 i = δ (x0 − x00 ) Completeness relation Z ∞ −∞ |x0 i hx0 | dx0 = 1 Any arbitrary ket, |αi can be expanded in terms of {|x0 i} as |αi = Z ∞ −∞ dx0 |x0 i hx0 | αi Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 204. Continuous basis (Example: Position representation) Measurement of an observable x |αi = Z ∞ −∞ dx0 |x0 i hx0 | αi x-measurement −→ Z x0 + ∆ 2 x0− ∆ 2 dx00 |x00 i hx00 | αi that is after measurement, particle is located between the narrow range (x0 − ∆/2, x0 + ∆/2) In |αi = R ∞ −∞ dx0 |x0 i hx0 | αi, the expansion coefficient hx0 | αi is the probability amplitude of finding the particle at x0 . This inner product hx0 | αi is what we called the wave function Ψα (x0 ) for the state |αi, Ψα (x0 ) = hx0 | αi That is the wave function Ψα (x0 ) is the expansion coefficient of a state |αi in the position representation. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 205. Continuous basis (Example: Position representation) And |Ψ|2 dx = |hx | αi| 2 dx is the probability for a particle to be found in the narrow interval dx around x. Also we get hx0 | αi = Ψα (x0 ) =⇒ hα | x0 i = Ψ∗ α (x0 ) Consider the inner product hβ | αi = Z ∞ −∞ dx0 hβ | x0 i hx0 | αi = Z ∞ −∞ dx0 Ψ∗ β (x0 ) Ψα (x0 ) is the inner product in terms of wave functions. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 206. Continuous basis (Example: Position representation) Normalization in terms of wavefunction hα | αi = 1 hα | αi = Z ∞ −∞ hα | x0 i hx0 | αi dx0 = 1 Z ∞ −∞ Ψ∗ α (x0 ) Ψα (x0 ) dx0 = 1 Consider the inner product hβ|Â|αi, hβ|Â|αi = Z ∞ −∞ dx0 Z ∞ −∞ dx00 hβ | x0 i D x0 |Â|x00 E hx00 | αi hβ|Â|αi = Z ∞ −∞ dx0 Z ∞ −∞ dx00 Ψ∗ β (x0 ) D x0 |Â|x00 E Ψα (x0 ) That is to evaluate hβ|Â|αi, we must know the matrix element D x0 |Â|x00 E . Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 207. Continuous basis (Example: Position representation) Suppose  = x̂2 , then x0
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  • 209. x̂2
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  • 213. x̂2
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  • 215. α = Z ∞ −∞ dx0 Z ∞ −∞ dx00 Ψ∗ β (x0 ) (x00 ) 2 δ (x0 − x00 ) Ψα (x00 ) β
  • 216.
  • 217. x̂2
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  • 219. α = Z ∞ −∞ dx0 Ψ∗ β (x0 ) (x0 ) 2 Ψα (x0 ) In general for a function of x, ˆ f (x) hβ|ˆ f (x)|αi = Z ∞ −∞ dx0 Ψ∗ β (x0 ) f (x0 ) Ψα (x0 ) Then the expectation value of x̂ in the state |αi is given by hα |x̂| αi = Z ∞ −∞ dx0 Ψ∗ α (x0 ) x0 Ψα (x0 ) Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 220. Continuous basis (Example: Position representation) In three dimension, |X0 i = |x0 , y0 , z0 i is the position eigenket. Any arbitrary ket |αi can be expanded in terms of {|X0 i} as |αi = Z d3 x0 |X0 i hX0 | αi This |X0 i = |x0 , y0 , z0 i is the simultaneous eigenket of the observable x, y and z: x̂ |X0 i = x0 |X0 i , ŷ |X0 i = y0 |X0 i , ẑ |X0 i = z0 |X0 i That is the three components of the position vector can be measured simultaneously to arbitrary degree of accuracy. Therefore, [x̂i , x̂j ] = 0, i, j = 1, 2, 3 That is [x̂, ŷ] = [x̂, ẑ] = [ŷ, ẑ] = 0 and [x̂, x̂] = [ŷ, ŷ] = [ẑ, ẑ] = 0 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 221. Continuous basis (Example: Momentum representation) The eigenvalue equation of momentum operator p̂x is given by p̂x |p0 x i = p0 x |p0 x i Orthonormality condition hp0 x | p00 x i = δ (p0 x − p00 x ) Completeness relation Z ∞ −∞ |p0 x i hp0 x | dp0 x = 1 Any arbitrary ket, |αi can be expanded in terms of {|p0 x i} as |αi = Z ∞ −∞ dp0 x |p0 x i hp0 x | αi Here hp0 x | αi = Φα (p0 x ) is called momentum space wave function. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 222. Continuous basis (Example: Momentum representation) Normalization hα | αi = Z ∞ −∞ dp0 x hα | p0 x i hp0 x | αi = Z ∞ −∞ dp0 x Φ∗ α (p0 x ) Φα (p0 x ) = 1 The momentum eigenstates in three dimensions are represented by |P 0 i = |p 0 x , p 0 y , p 0 z i Which is a simultaneous eigenket of the observable px , py and pz : p̂x |P0 i = p0 x |P0 i , p̂y |P0 i = p0 y |P0 i , p̂z |P0 i = p0 z |P0 i That is the three components of the momentum vector can be measured simultaneously to arbitrary degree of accuracy. Therefore, [p̂i , p̂j ] = 0, i, j = 1, 2, 3 That is [p̂x , p̂y ] = [p̂x , p̂z ] = [p̂y , p̂z ] = 0 and [p̂x , p̂x ] = [p̂y , p̂y ] = [p̂z , p̂z ] = 0 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 223. Translation Let |x 0 i be a state well localized around x 0 . And another well localized state around x 0 + dx 0 is denoted by |x 0 + dx 0 i. An Infinitesimal translation operator T̂(dx 0 ) is defined as T̂ (dx0 ) |x0 i = |x0 + dx0 i The effect of infinitesimal translation operator on |αi is T̂ (dx0 ) |αi = T̂ (dx0 ) Z dx0 |x0 i hx0 | αi = Z dx0 |x0 + dx0 i hx0 | αi T̂ (dx0 ) |x0 i = Z dx0 |x0 i hx0 − dx0 | αi Properties of infinitesimal translation operator 1 Infinitesimal translation operator is a unitary operator T̂† (dx0 ) T̂ (dx0 ) = 1 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 224. Translation This property is imposed for demanding the probability conservation. That is |αi and translated ket T̂(dx 0 ) |αi satisfy, D α
  • 225.
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  • 230. α E = hα | αi 2 Successive translation satisfy, T̂ (dx0 ) T̂ (dx00 ) = T̂ (dx0 + dx00 ) 3 Translation in opposite direction is same as the inverse of original translation T̂ (−dx0 ) = T̂−1 (dx0 ) 4 In the limit dx 0 → 0, the translation operator reduces to the identity operator lim dx0→0 T̂ (dx0 ) = 1 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 231. Translation We can take infinitesimal translation operator as T̂ (dx0 ) = 1 − i p̂x ~ dx0 where p̂x is the generator of translation called x component of momentum. To check above four properties, 1 T̂† (dx0 ) T̂ (dx0 ) = 1 + i p̂† x ~ dx0 1 − i p̂x ~ dx0 = 1 + i ~ p̂† x − p̂x dx0 + O dx02 = 1 2 T̂ (dx0 ) T̂ (dx00 ) = 1 − i p̂x ~ dx0 1 − i p̂x ~ dx00 = 1 − i ~ p̂x (dx0 + dx00 ) = T̂ (dx0 + dx00 ) 3 T̂ (−dx0 ) = 1 + i p̂x ~ dx0 = T̂† (dx0 ) = T̂−1 (dx0 ) 4 limdx0→0 T̂ (dx0 ) = limdx0→0 1 − i p̂x ~ dx0 = 1 that is all four properties of translation operators are satisfied. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 232. Thank You Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 233. Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Dr.Randeep N C Department of Physics Government Arts Science College, Kozhikode May 17-24, 2021 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 234. Time Evolution Operator Lecture-9 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 235. Translation Now let us find the commutation relation of x̂ and T̂(dx 0 ), x̂T̂ (dx0 ) |x0 i = x̂ |x0 + dx0 i = (x0 + dx0 ) |x0 + dx0 i T̂ (dx0 ) x̂ |x0 i = x0 T̂ (dx0 ) |x0 i = x0 |x0 + dx0 i From above two equations, we get x̂T̂ (dx0 ) − T̂ (dx0 ) x̂ |x0 i = dx0 |x0 + dx0 i h x̂, T̂ (dx0 ) i |x0 i = dx0 |x0 + dx0 i h x̂, T̂ (dx0 ) i |x0 i ≈ dx0 |x0 i That is the commutation relation between x̂ 0 and T̂(dx 0 ) is h x̂, T̂ (dx0 ) i = dx0 x̂T̂ (dx0 ) − T̂ (dx0 ) x̂ = dx0 x̂ 1 − i p̂x ~ dx0 − 1 − i p̂x ~ dx0 x̂ = dx0 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 236. Translation − i ~ x̂p̂x + i ~ p̂x x̂ dx0 = dx0 − i ~ (x̂p̂x − p̂x x̂) = 1 [x̂, p̂x ] = i~ That is x̂ and p̂x are incompatible observable. Therefore it is impossible to find simultaneous eigenket of x̂ and p̂x . Therefore, position and momentum uncertainty relation is (∆x) (∆px ) ≥ 1 2 |h[x̂, p̂x ]i| (∆x) (∆px ) ≥ ~ 2 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 237. Finite Translation Similarly for other position and momentum components, [ŷ, p̂y ] = i~ =⇒ (∆y) (∆py ) ≥ ~ 2 [ẑ, p̂z ] = i~ =⇒ (∆z) (∆pz ) ≥ ~ 2 Consider a finite translation in the x direction by an amount ∆x 0 : T̂ (∆x0 ) |x0 i = |x0 + ∆x0 i By compounding N infinitesimal translations, each of which is characterized by a spatial displacement ∆x 0 /N in the x direction, and letting N → ∞, we obtain T̂ (∆x0 ) = lim N→∞ 1 − ip̂x ∆x0 N~ N T̂ (∆x0 ) = exp − ip̂x ∆x0 ~ which is the finite translation operator. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 238. Momentum Operator in the Position Basis Consider the action of T̂(∆x 0 ) on |αi T̂ (∆x0 ) |αi = 1 − ip̂x ∆x0 ~ |αi = Z dx0 T̂ (∆x0 ) |x0 i hx0 | αi = Z dx0 |x0 + ∆x0 i hx0 | αi = Z dx0 |x0 i hx0 − ∆x0 | αi After taking Taylor series expansion of hx0 − ∆x0 | αi, we get 1 − ip̂x ∆x0 ~ |αi = Z dx0 |x0 i hx0 | αi − ∆x0 ∂ ∂x0 hx0 | αi |αi − ip̂x ∆x0 ~ |αi = |αi − Z dx0 |x0 i ∆x0 ∂ ∂x0 hx0 | αi p̂x |αi = Z dx0 |x0 i −i~ ∂ ∂x0 hx0 | αi . hx 0 |p̂x |αi = −i~ ∂ ∂x0 hx 0 |αi Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 239. Momentum Operator in the Position Basis After setting |αi = |x 00 i in the above expression, we get hx 0 |p̂x |x 00 i = −i~ ∂ ∂x0 hx 0 |x 00 i hx 0 |p̂x |x 00 i = −i~ ∂ ∂x0 δ(x 0 − x 00 ) To find hx 0 |p̂2 x |x 00 i, first take hx 0 |p̂2 x |αi = Z dx 00 hx 0 |p̂x |x 00 ihx 00 |p̂x |αi = Z dx 00 − i~ ∂ ∂x0 δ(x 0 − x 00 ) − i~ ∂ ∂x0 hx 0 |αi hx 0 |p̂2 x |αi = (−i~)2 ∂2 ∂x02 hx 0 |αi Therefore, hx 0 |p̂2 x |x 00 i = (−i~)2 ∂2 ∂x02 hx 0 |x 00 i = −~2 ∂2 ∂x02 δ(x 0 − x 00 ) Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 240. Momentum Operator in the Position Basis Consider an innerproduct hβ|p̂x |αi = Z ∞ −∞ dx0 Z ∞ −∞ dx00 hβ | x0 i hx0 |p̂x |x00 i hx00 | αi After substituting the result hx 0 |p̂x |x 00 i in the above expression, we get hβ|p̂x |αi = Z ∞ −∞ dx0 Z ∞ −∞ dx00 hβ | x0 i − i~ ∂ ∂x0 δ(x 0 − x 00 ) hx00 | αi hβ|p̂x |αi = Z ∞ −∞ dx0 hβ | x0 i − i~ ∂ ∂x0 hx0 | αi That is hβ|p̂x |αi = Z ∞ −∞ dx0 Ψ∗ β(x 0 ) − i~ ∂ ∂x0 Ψα(x 0 ) Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 241. Momentum Operator in the Position Basis Therefore, the expectation value of an operator p̂x in the state |αi in terms of wavefunction is hp̂x i = hα|p̂x |αi = Z ∞ −∞ dx0 Ψ∗ α(x 0 ) − i~ ∂ ∂x0 Ψα(x 0 ) . Which is the expectation value of momentum in position representation. The expectation value of p̂2 x in the position representation is obtained by hα|p̂2 x |αi = Z ∞ −∞ dx0 Z ∞ −∞ dx00 hα | x0 i x0 |p̂2 x |x00 hx00 | αi hp̂2 x i = hα|p̂2 x |αi = Z ∞ −∞ dx0 Ψ∗ α(x 0 ) − ~2 ∂2 ∂x02 Ψα(x 0 ) . Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 242. Connection between the x-representation and the p-representation The transformation matrix from the old basis {|ai i} to the new basis {|bi i} is given by hai |Û|aj i = hai |bj i Likewise, hx 0 |p 0 x i is the transformation function from x-representation to the p-representation. we know that hx 0 |p̂ 0 x |αi = −i~ ∂ ∂x0 hx 0 |αi Let us take |αi = |p 0 x i, then hx 0 |p̂x |p 0 x i = −i~ ∂ ∂x0 hx 0 |p 0 x i p 0 x hx 0 |p 0 x i = −i~ ∂ ∂x0 hx 0 |p 0 x i i ~ p 0 x dx 0 = dhx 0 |p 0 x i hx0 |p0 x i Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 243. Connection between the x-representation and the p-representation After integrating above equation, we get i ~ p 0 x x 0 = ln hx 0 |p 0 x i + ln C exp i ~ p 0 x x 0 = Chx 0 |p 0 x i hx 0 |p 0 x i = N exp i ~ p 0 x x 0 Which is the wavefunction of the momentum eigenstate |p 0 x i calling momentum eigenfunction. To get the normalization constant N, let us consider hx 0 |x 00 i = Z dp 0 x hx 0 |p 0 x ihp 0 x |x 00 i δ(x 0 − x 00 ) = Z dp 0 x N exp i ~ p 0 x x 0 N∗ exp − i ~ p 0 x x 00 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 244. Connection between the x-representation and the p-representation δ(x 0 − x 00 ) = |N|2 Z dp 0 x exp i ~ p 0 x (x 0 − x 00 ) Using the following Fourier transform result, 1 2π~ Z exp i ~ p 0 x (x 0 − x 00 ) dpx = δ(x 0 − x 00 ) we get 1 2π~ = |N|2 =⇒ N = 1 √ 2π~ Therefore, momentum eigenfunction is hx 0 |p 0 x i = 1 √ 2π~ exp ip 0 x x 0 ~ Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 245. Relation between position space wavefunction and momentum space wavefunction The position wavefunction is given by Ψα(x 0 ) = hx 0 |αi = Z dp 0 x hx 0 |p 0 x ihp 0 x |αi Substituting the expression of hx 0 |p 0 x i , we get position eigenfunction in terms of momentum eigenfunction. That is Ψα(x 0 ) = 1 √ 2π~ Z dp 0 x exp i ~ p 0 x x 0 Φα(p 0 x ) The momentum wavefunction is given by Φα(p 0 x ) = hp 0 x |αi = Z dx 0 hp 0 x |x 0 ihx 0 |αi Substituting the expression of hp 0 x |x 0 i, we get momentum eigen- function in terms of position eigenfunction. That is Φα(p 0 x ) = 1 √ 2π~ Z dx 0 exp − i ~ p 0 x x 0 Ψα(x 0 ) Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 246. Time evolution operator Suppose a physical system at a time t0 is represented by a state ket |αi = |α, t0i At later time, in general the system will not be in the same state |αi Let us denote the state at a time t by |α, t0; ti, (t t0) Which must satisfy lim t→t0 |α, t0; ti = |α, t0; t0i = |α, t0i = |αi Our basic task is to study the time evolution of the state ket: |α, t0i = |αi Time evolution − − − − − − − − → |α, t0; ti This can be achieved by an operator called time evolution operator U(t, t0): |α, t0; ti = Û(t, t0)|α, t0i Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 247. Properties: Time evolution operator 1 Time evolution operators are unitary operators Û† (t, t0)Û(t, t0) = 1 Like translation operator, this property imposed for probability conservation: hα, t0|α, t0i = hα, t0; t|α, t0; ti = 1 Suppose that at time t0 the state ket is expanded in terms of the eigenkets of some observable A as |α, t0i = X i ci (t0)|ai i Likewise, at later time |α, t0; ti = X i ci (t)|ai i In general, the modulus of individual expansion coefficient varying with time |ci (t)| 6= |ci (t0)| Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 248. Properties: Time evolution operator But because of probability conservation, we have X i |ci (t)|2 = X i |ci (t0)|2 2 Composition property Û(t2, t0) = Û(t2, t1)Û(t1, t0), t2 t1 t0 An infinitesimal time evolution operator is defined as |α, t0; t0 + dti = Û(t0 + dt, t0)|α, t0i 3 The infinitesimal time evolution operator reduces to identity as dt → 0, lim dt→0 Û(t0 + dt, t0) = 1 As in the case of translation, the infinite time evolution operator can be written as Û(t0 + dt, t0) = 1 − iĤdt ~ , Ĥ is the Hamiltonian Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 249. Properties: Time evolution operator Using composition property of time evolution operator by letting t1 → t, t2 → t + dt, we get Û(t + dt, t0) = Û(t + dt, t)Û(t, t0) = 1 − iĤdt ~ Û(t, t0) Û(t + dt, t0) − Û(t, t0) = − iĤdt ~ Û(t, t0) i~ Û(t + dt, t0) − Û(t, t0) dt = ĤÛ(t, t0) =⇒ i~ ∂ ∂t Û(t, t0) = ĤÛ(t, t0) (1) is the Schrodinger equation for the time evolution operator. Multiplying both side of the above equation by |α, t0i on the right, we get i~ ∂ ∂t Û(t, t0)|α, t0i = ĤÛ(t, t0)|α, t0i Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 250. Schrodinger equation Therefore, the Schrodinger equation for the state ket is i~ ∂ ∂t |α, t0; ti = Ĥ|α, t0; ti (2) If Ĥ is time independent, then from the equation (5), i~ d dt Û(t, t0) = ĤÛ(t, t0) dÛ(t, t0) Û(t, t0) = − i ~ Ĥdt ln Û(t, t0) + lnC = − i ~ Ĥt =⇒ Û(t, t0) = C exp − i ~ Ĥt When t → t0, Û(t, t0) → 1, then 1 = C exp − i ~ Ĥt0 =⇒ C = exp i ~ Ĥt0 Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 251. Schrodinger equation Therefore, Û(t, t0) = exp − i ~ Ĥ(t − t0) is the time evolution operator when H is time independent. To evaluate the effect of time evolution operator on a general initial ket |αi, expand Û(t, t0) in the eigenbasis of energy. For simplicity consider [Â, Ĥ] = 0, then eigenket of  is also an eigenket of Ĥ: Ĥ|ai i = Ei |ai i Set initial time t0 = 0 in the expression Û(t, t0), then Û(t, 0) = exp − iĤt ~ = X i,j |ai ihai | exp − iĤt ~ |aj ihaj | = X i,j |ai i exp − iEj t ~ hai |aj ihaj | Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 252. Schrodinger equation Therefore, time evolution operator in the eigenbasis of energy is exp − iĤt ~ = X i |ai i exp − iEi t ~ hai | Time evolved state is obtained by using |α, t0 = 0; ti = exp − iĤt ~ |α, t0 = 0i = exp − iĤt ~ |αi |α, t0 = 0; ti = X i |ai ihai |αi exp − iEi t ~ Comparing above result with state ket at time t0 = 0, |α, t0 = 0i = X i |ai ihai |αi = X i ci |ai i we get |α, t0 = 0; ti = X i |ai ici exp − iEi t ~ (3) Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 253. Schrodinger equation Therefore, after a time t, the expansion coefficient changes with time as ci (t = 0) = ci → ci (t) = c(t0 = 0) exp − iEi t ~ with its modulus unchanged. Act hx 0 | on equation (7), we get hx 0 |α, t0 = 0; ti = X i hx 0 |ai ici exp − iEi t ~ Hence, we get time dependent wavefunction as Ψ(x 0 , t) = X i ψi (x)ci exp − iEi t ~ where ψi (x) = hx 0 |ai i is the eigenfunction of energy or observable A. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 254. The time dependent Schrodinger equation The state ket at a time t is represented by |α, t0; ti. Then the wavefunction at a point x 0 at a time t is given by Ψ(x 0 , t) = hx 0 |α, t0 : ti The Hamiltonian operator is Ĥ = p̂2 x 2m + V̂ (x) Multiply |α, t0; ti on the right of Ĥ, we get Ĥ|α, t0 : ti = p̂2 x 2m |α, t0 : ti + V̂ (x)|α, t0; ti Act hx 0 | on the left of above equation, hx 0 |Ĥ|α, t0 : ti = hx 0 | p̂2 x 2m |α, t0; ti + hx 0 |V̂ (x)|α, t0; ti (4) Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 255. The time dependent Schrodinger equation Schrodinger equation for state ket given by equation (6) is i~ ∂ ∂t |α, t0; ti = Ĥ|α, t0; ti Act hx 0 | on the left of above equation hx 0 | i~ ∂ ∂t |α, t0; ti = hx 0 |Ĥ|α, t0; ti LHS of above equation can be written as hx 0 | i~ ∂ ∂t |α, t0; ti = i~hx 0 | ∂ ∂t |α, t0; ti = i~hx 0 | ∂ ∂t Z dx 00 |x 00 ihx 00 |α, t0; ti = i~hx 0 | ∂ ∂t Z dx 00 |x 00 iΨ(x 00 , t) = i~hx 0 | Z dx 00 |x 00 i ∂ ∂t Ψ(x 00 , t) = i~ ∂ ∂t Ψ(x 0 , t) hx 0 | i~ ∂ ∂t |α, t0; ti = i~ ∂ ∂t Ψ(x 0 , t) Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 256. The time dependent Schrodinger equation That is i~ ∂ ∂t Ψ(x 0 , t) = hx 0 |Ĥ|α, t0; ti Replace RHS of above expression by equation (8), we get i~ ∂ ∂t Ψ(x 0 , t) = hx 0 | p̂2 x 2m |α, t0; ti + hx 0 |V̂ (x)|α, t0; ti i~ ∂ ∂t Ψ(x 0 , t) = Z ∞ −∞ dx 00 hx 0 | p̂2 x 2m |x 00 ihx 00 |α, t0; ti+ hx 0 |V̂ (x)|x 00 ihx 00 |α, t0; ti We know that, hx 0 | p̂2 x 2m |x 00 i = (−i~)2 2m ∂2 ∂x002 δ(x 0 − x 00 ) hx 0 |V̂ (x)|x 00 i = V (x 00 )δ(x 0 − x 00 ) Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 257. The time dependent Schrodinger equation Therefore, above equation become i~ ∂ ∂t Ψ(x 0 , t) = Z ∞ −∞ dx 00 (−i~)2 2m ∂2 ∂x002 δ(x 0 − x 00 )Ψ(x 00 , t)+ V (x 00 )δ(x 0 − x 00 )Ψ(x 0 , t) That is i~ ∂ ∂t Ψ(x 0 , t) = −~2 2m ∂2 ∂x02 Ψ(x 0 , t) + V (x 0 )Ψ(x 0 , t) (5) Which is the time dependent Schrodinger equation in one dimension. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 258. Time independent Schrodinger equation Choose simultaneous eigenstates of  and Ĥ as initial state, that is |α, t0i = |ai i Then the corresponding time dependent state is |α, t0; ti = |ai i exp − iEi t ~ Act hx 0 | on the left, we get hx 0 |α, t0; ti = hx 0 |ai i exp − iEi t ~ ψ(x 0 , t) = ψi (x 0 ) exp − iEi t ~ Substitute this in time dependent Schrodinger wave equation (9), i~ ∂ ∂t ψi (x 0 ) exp − iEi t ~ = −~2 2m ∂2 ∂x02 ψi (x 0 ) exp − iEi t ~ + V (x 0 )ψi (x 0 ) exp − iEi t ~ Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 259. Time independent Schrodinger equation i~ψi (x 0 ) × − iEi ~ exp − −iEi t ~ = −~2 2m ∂2 ψi (x 0 ) ∂x02 exp − iEi t ~ + V (x 0 )ψi (x 0 ) exp − iEi t ~ −~2 2m ∂2 ψi (x 0 ) ∂x02 + V (x 0 )ψi (x 0 ) = Ei ψi (x 0 ) is the time independent Schrodinger equation. This equation is of the form Hψi = Ei ψi . Therefore which is an eigenvalue equation. By using appropriate boundary conditions, we can solve time independent Schrodinger equation for different potential problems. Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM
  • 260. Thank You Dr.Randeep N C Mathematical foundations of QM