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Arun Umrao
Atom A particle of matter indivisi-
ble by chemical means. It is the funda-
mental building block of molecules. It
consists of a positively charged nucleus
and orbiting electrons. The number of
electrons is the same as the number of
protons in the nucleus.
Absolute Zero It is the mini-
mum possible temperature of the uni-
verse. At absolute temperature, en-
ergy (transnational, oscillational, cir-
cular and potential) of a particle be-
comes purely zero. Absolute zero is 0K
or −273◦
Acceleration Acceleration deter-
mines that how fast motion of a body is
changing. It is a vector quantity. Sim-
ply acceleration defined as the rate of
change of the velocity vector with time.
a =
Activity Activity of a radioactive
material is particle disintegration in
one second. Activity does not depend
on the environmental conditions. It de-
pends on type of material rather than
quantity of the material.
Alpha Decay A radioactive ele-
ment losses its atomic number by 2 and
atomic mass by 4 when single parti-
cle is emitted then it is said that there
is an alpha decay. Alpha decay trans-
forms heavy atoms into lighter, more
stable element.
→ Z−2NA−4
+ α
Alpha Particle A particle, which
consists of two protons, two neutrons
and no electrons. It is identical to
the nucleus of a helium atom and is
ejected by heavy particles undergoing
alpha decay. An atom ejects alpha par-
ticle losses its atomic number by ‘2’
and mass number by ‘4’.
Amplitude Amplitude is the max-
imum displacement of the oscillator
from its equilibrium position. Ampli-
tude tells how far an oscillator is swing-
ing back and forth. Energy of oscillat-
ing object depends on the amplitude
value. Energy-Amplitude relation is
E ∝ a2
Angle Of Incidence When a light
strikes on semi-transparent surface,
separating two different media, it suf-
fers partial reflection and partial re-
fraction. For reflected ray, medium
does not change hence angle of reflec-
tion does not change and it is equal
to angle of incidence. For refracted
ray, medium changes hence angle of
refraction is not equal to angle of in-
cidence. A line, perpendicular to the
inter-medium boundary and passing
through the point of strike by incident
ray is called normal. The angle of inci-
dence is the angle between the incident
ray and the normal.
Angle Of Reflection The angle be-
tween a reflected ray and the line nor-
mal to the surface.
Angle Of Refraction The angle be-
tween a refracted ray and the line nor-
mal to the surface.
Angular Acceleration A vector
quantity, equal to the rate of change of
the angular velocity vector with time.
It is typically given in units of rad/s2
Relation between instantaneous linear
acceleration (a) and angular accelera-
tion (α) is
a = rα
Angular Displacement The net
change, in a point’s angular position.
It is a scalar quantity.
Angular Frequency A frequency, f,
defined as the number of revolutions a
rigid body makes in a given time inter-
val. It is a scalar quantity commonly
denoted in units of Hertz (Hz) or s−1
Angular Momentum A vector
quantity, L, that is the rotational ana-
logue of linear momentum. The angu-
lar momentum is the vector product of
the body’s moment of inertia, I and its
angular velocity ω
L = I × ~
Angular momentum can also be ex-
pressed as vector product of linear mo-
mentum, m~
v, its position from the ori-
gin, ~
L = ~
r × m~
Angular Period The time, T , re-
quired for a rigid body to complete one
revolution. Angular period is recipro-
cal to the angular frequency.
Angular Position Position of a par-
ticle in polar coordinate system. In
polar coordinate system, there are two
angle used as reference for angular po-
sition. These two angle are angle of in-
clination (θ) and angle of azimuth (φ).
Angle of inclination is measured with
respect to perpendicular axis and angle
of azimuth is measured with respect to
x − axis along the horizontal plane.
Angular Velocity A vector quan-
tity, that reflects the change of angular
displacement with time.
ω =
Unit of angular velocity is rad/s.
Anti-node & Nodes When two or
more waves travel in same medium si-
multaneously, they interfere with each
other. Waves, not only travel in the
medium but they also transport me-
chanical energy. This mechanical en-
ergy is proportional to the square of
the amplitude (I ∝ A2
). The angle
value in wave equation (I = A sin θ),
determines the distribution of energy
of the wave in 2π range. Energy dis-
tribution pattern of all waves is differ-
ent to each other due to different val-
ues of angle, θ. When these two en-
ergy distributions meet at different an-
gle (say θ1 and θ2), they suffer inter-
ference. Intensity of interfered energy
depends on phase angle (φ = θ1 − θ2).
If both waves meet at right opposite
angle, (φ = π), then resultant inten-
sity of two waves is zero. The point,
where interference energy is zero, are
called nodes. When two waves meet in
same angle at a point (φ = 0), resul-
tant intensity is maximum. This point
of highest energy is called anti-node.
Atom Atom is the smallest entity
of any matter. It consists protons &
neutrons in its nucleus and electrons
in its external orbits. Atom is electri-
cally neutral as number of protons and
electrons are equal. Number of pro-
tons in an atom represents its atomic
number and sum of masses of all con-
stituting particles represents its atomic
mass. There may be atoms, who have
equal numbers of protons but differ-
ent numbers of neutrons. These types
of atom are known as isotopes collec-
tively. Atoms having atomic number
more than 82 are called radioactive
atoms and the material is known as ra-
dioactive material.
Atomic Number A number, Z, as-
sociated with the number of protons in
the nucleus of an atom.
Axis Of Rotation The line that ev-
ery particle in the rotating rigid body
circles about. Axis of rotation may or
may not be inside the object.
Barrier Potential
Background Radiation The radia-
tion found in the natural environment
originating primarily from the natu-
rally radioactive elements of Earth and
from cosmic rays. The term may also
mean radiation extraneous to an ex-
Biasing of Diode When a diode
is connected with external DC source,
then it is known as biasing of the diode.
p n
Big Bang Beginning of the uni-
verse; a transition from conditions of
unimaginable density and temperature
to conditions of lower density and tem-
Black-body Radiation Radiation
emitted by a blackbody is called black-
body radiation.
E = σT 4
Black Hole An object so dense that
light cannot escape from it.
Bernoulli’s Theorem A non-
compressible liquid flowing streamline
in a pipe of varying area of cross sec-
tion. According to the Bernoulli’s the-
orem, total energy of liquid at every
cross section in the pipe is constant.
Flowing water has three types of en-
ergies. (i) Pressure energy, (ii) gravi-
tational potential energy and (iii) ki-
netic energy. Mathematically, for unit
volume of liquid
P + ρgh +
= C
Beats When two waves of slightly
different frequencies interfere with one
another, they produce a “beating” in-
terference pattern that alternates be-
tween constructive (in-phase) and de-
structive (out-of-phase). Frequency of
the beats, f, is equal to the difference
in the frequencies of the two interfering
f = f1 ∼ f2
Beta Decay A particle, identical
to an electron, emits from nucleus of
a radioactive atom. The emission of
beta particle from a radioactive atom
is called beta decay. When beta de-
cay occurs, atomic mass of atom does
not change but its atomic number is
increased by one and atom losses mass
Beta Particle A particle, identi-
cal to an electron. Beta particles are
ejected from an atom in the process of
beta decay.
Bohr Atomic Model In 1913, Niels
Bohr state that, electrons revolve in
fixed orbits called ground state orbits.
Energy of electrons in their parental
orbit is called ground state energy.
Electrons can change their orbits by
absorbing or emitting energy. When
an electron, absorbs energy, it excited
to higher energy state and jumps to
higher energy orbit. After 10 nano sec-
ond, it emits energy in form of pho-
ton and returns to its original orbit
(ground state orbit).
b b
b b
b b
b b
b b
b b
Brewster Angle From transparent
intermedium boundaries, at brewster
angle of incident, intensity of partially
reflected light is zero due to its plane
polarisation. The condition for brew-
ster angle is
tan θB =
Where light is entering into medium of
coefficient of refractive index n2 from
medium of coefficient of refractive in-
dex n1.
Bohr Radius The Bohr radius is a
physical constant, approximately equal
to the most probable distance between
the proton and electron in a hydrogen
atom in its ground state. Its value is
m. Bohr’s radius formula
a0 =
Boiling Point The temperature at
which a material will change phase
from liquid to gas or gas to liquid.
Boyle’s Law It states that at con-
stant temperature, volume is directly
proportional to the scale of absolute
temperature. Mathematically
PV = C
1 2 3
Bulk Modulus A coefficient (γ)
that tells how much the volume of a
solid will change when it is compressed.
δV = γP
Circuit Elements In a circuit their
are three types of elements, resistive,
inductive and capacitive. These ele-
ments forms the impedance of the cir-
cuit cumulatively.
Capacitor Capacitor is an electri-
cal device that can store charge for
long time period. Parallel plate capac-
itor has capacitance of
C =
Unit of capacitance of the capacitor is
“farad”. ǫ is the relative permittivity
of the medium inside the capacitor.
Capillary Effect When a thin pipe
whose diameter is negligible in respect
of its length is called capillary. When
it is partially immerged into the liq-
uid, consequent of the surface tension
of liquid, liquid rises inside the capil-
lary above its level outside the capil-
lary. Height of liquid rises or falls de-
pends on the angle of contact and it is
given by
h =
2T cos θ
Cyclotron Circular accelerator in
which the particle is bent in traveling
through a magnetic field, and an os-
cillating potential difference causes the
particles to gain energy.
Cyclotron Frequency Frequency at
which the electric field is switched in
order to accelerate the particles in the
cyclotron. The frequency is related to
the mass and charge of the particle to
be accelerated.
Curie (Ci) The original unit used
to describe the intensity of radioactiv-
ity in a sample of material. One curie
equals thirty-seven billion disintegra-
tions per second, or approximately the
radioactivity of one gram of radium.
This unit is no longer recognized as
part of the International System of
units. It has been replaced by the bec-
Current Mobility In semiconduc-
tors, holes and electrons are the charge
carriers and carrier mobility is electron
and hole mobility. Current mobility is
the consequent of the carrier mobility
and is given by
i = nAevd
and drift velocity, vd is vd = µE.
Current Density Current density
is the ratio of the current to the area
of cross-section of the conducting wire.
Its unit is ampere per square meter.
J =
Calorie The amount of heat re-
quired to raise the temperature of one
gram of water by one degree Cel-
sius mainly in the range of 14.5◦
C to
C. One calorie is equal to 4.2
Celsius A scale for measuring
temperature, defined such that water
freezes at 0◦
C and boils at 100◦
C. One
degree Celsius is equal to one Kelvin in
absolute temperature scale.
Center Of Curvature A spherical
mirror is formed by carving out a sec-
tion from a spherical shell. The cen-
ter of this spherical shell whose part
the mirror is called center of curvature,
(C). All of the normal pass through it.
b b
Center Of Mass In motion, each
body is assumed as a point mass but
actual it is not a point mass. Veloc-
ity, acceleration etc are measured with
respect to this point mass. If a body
is not a point mass then we assume a
point, either inside the body mass or
outside the body mass, where whole
mass of the finite size body is con-
centrated. The velocity and accelera-
tion of this point is same as the veloc-
ity and acceleration of the whose body
then this point is center of mass point.
Mathematically, if mass particles, m1,
m2, . . ., mn of finite size body of mass
M are placed at distances ~
r1, ~
r2, . . ., ~
respectively from the origin (0, 0) then
the position of center of mass is given
r =
r1 + m2~
r2 + . . . + mn~
Center of mass is synonymous to the
center of gravity.
Centripetal Acceleration The ac-
celeration of a body experiencing uni-
form circular motion. This accelera-
tion is always directed toward the cen-
ter of the circle. At equilibrium, a cen-
tripetal force is required to maintain
the circular motion of the body. This
force on a body mass m, in a uniform
circular motion, in a circle of radius r
Fc = m
Comparing it with F = ma, a = v2
and it is known as centripetal accel-
eration. Centripetal acceleration is
not only restricted to circular paths
but also measured in elliptical and
parabolic paths. Centripetal acceler-
ation in elliptic and hyperbolic paths
is measured using Kepler’s law for mo-
tion of celestial objects.
Centripetal Force The force nec-
essary to maintain a body in uniform
circular motion. This force is always
directed radially toward the center of
the circle. Mathematically
Fc = m
Chain Reaction The particles and
energy released by the fission or fusion
of one atom may trigger the fission or
fusion of further atoms. In a chain
reaction, fission or fusion is rapidly
transferred to a large number of atoms,
releasing tremendous amounts of en-
Charles’s Law For a gas held at
constant pressure, temperature and
volume are directly proportional.
Vp ∝ T
1 2 3
Color Dispersion The separation of
light or other radiation into individual
components, usually according to fre-
quency and wavelength. When a beam
of white light passes through a prism
dispersion causes it to separate into the
seven colors of the rainbow.
Coefficient of Viscosity Viscosity
is property of fluid when it is in mo-
tion. Two different layers of fluid flow-
ing against each other experience a re-
tarding force.
F = ηA
Where η is the coefficient of viscosity
of fluid.
Coefficient Of Kinetic Friction
Friction is resistance force between two
layer under relative motion. The ratio
between applied force and normal force
to the surfaces is call coefficient of fric-
F = µR
Here F is applied force, R normal force
between two layers and µ is coefficient
of friction for the pair of two layers. It
is always a number between zero and
one. There are three coefficients of fric-
tion, (i) coefficient of static friction, (ii)
coefficient of terminal friction and (iii)
coefficient of kinetic friction.
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
A object heated it expands along its
dimensions. Change in its dimension
is proportional to its initial value and
change in temperature. For example
δl = αl0 δT
Here α is coefficient of thermal expan-
Coefficient Of Static Friction The
coefficient of static friction, for two ma-
terials is the constant of proportional-
ity between the normal force and the
maximum force of static friction. It is
always a number between zero and one.
Fs = µsR
Coherent Light A coherent light
has all associated waves of the same
wavelength and phase. To produce two
sources of coherent light, they are il-
luminated with single source of light.
Coherent light is used in the observa-
tion of interference in Young’s double
slit experiment.
Collision When objects collide,
each object feels a force for a short
amount of time. This force imparts an
impulse, or changes the momentum of
each of the colliding objects. The mo-
mentum of a system is conserved in all
kinds of collisions. Kinetic energy is
conserved in elastic collisions, but not
in plastic collisions. In a perfectly plas-
tic collision, the colliding objects stick
together after they collide.
Coherent Light A light beam that
is defined by the individual waves vi-
brating in the same phase, but not nec-
essarily in the same plane. In order
to maintain the same phase relation-
ship over long distances, coherent light
waves must be monochromatic (have
the same wavelength). For example,
laser light is highly coherent, almost
monochromatic, and usually linearly
Common Base Biasing
Common Base Characteristics
Common Emitter Biasing
Common Emitter Characteristics
Common Collector Biasing
Common Collector Characteristics
Component Any vector can be ex-
pressed as the sum of two mutually
perpendicular component vectors. For
example in two dimensional plane
A = xî + yĵ
Here î and ĵ are the unit vectors along
the x−axis and y−axis.
Compression An area of high air
pressure that acts as the wave crest
for sound waves. The spacing between
successive compressions is the wave-
length of sound, and the number of
successive areas of compression that
arrive at the ear per second is the fre-
quency, or pitch, of the sound.
Concave Lens Concave lens is also
called a diverging lens. A diverging
lens is thinner in the middle region
than the edges. Concave lenses re-
fract light away from a focal point and
reduce the intensity of light. Image
formation by the concave lens is take
place according to the relation
Here u and v are the distances of ob-
ject and image from the optical point
of the lens.
Concave Mirror A mirror that is
curved such that its center is farther
from the viewer than the edges, such
as the front of a spoon. Concave mir-
rors reflect light through a focal point.
Image formation relation for this mir-
ror is
Conduction There are three ways
of heat transfer. Conduction, convenc-
tion and radiation. Heat transfer by
molecular collisions is called conduc-
Conservation of Angular Momen-
tum If the net torque acting on a rigid
body is zero, then the angular momen-
tum of the body is constant or con-
△L = 0
Conservation Of Momentum The
principle stating that for any isolated
system, linear momentum is constant
with time. In case of collision either
elastic or plastic, linear momentum re-
mains conserved. Mathematically, for
conserve linear momentum mv = k,
mv = 0
and for collision
m1v1 = m2v2
Constructive Interference The am-
plification of one wave by another,
identical wave of the same sign. Two
constructively interfering waves are
said to be on phase.
Convection Heat transfer via the
mass movement of molecules. Gasses
and liquids transfer heat by this
Convex Lens It is also called con-
verging lens. A lens is thicker in
the middle than at the edges. Con-
vex lenses refract light through a focal
point. The image formed by convex
lens is real except that if object is not
placed between optical point and focal
point of the convex lens. Converging
lenses are used to intensify the distant
objects and curing of distant vision of
defected eye. Image formation by con-
vex lens is
Convex Mirror A mirror that is
curved such that its center is closer
to the viewer than the edges. Convex
mirrors reflect light away from a focal
point. Image formation by convex mir-
ror is given by
Cosine The cosine of an angle in a
right triangle is equal to the length of
the side adjacent to the angle divided
by the length of the hypotenuse.
Crest Oscillatory motion of
medium particles during the propa-
gation of transverse waves is normal
to the motion of wave. The points
of maximum displacement of these os-
cillating particles is called crest. In
standing waves, a crest is also known
as anti-node. The minimum displace-
ment of oscillating particle is called
Critical Angle For two given me-
dia, the smallest angle of incidence at
which total internal reflection occurs.
Total internal reflection occurs if
sin C >
Cross Product A form of vector
multiplication, where two vectors are
multiplied to produce a third vector.
The cross product of two vectors, ~
and ~
B, separated by an angle, θ is
A × ~
B = | ~
A| | ~
B| cos θn̂
where n̂ is a unit vector perpendicu-
lar to both ~
A and ~
B. Right-hand rule
is used to get the direction of cross
product. Mathematically, cross prod-
uct also given by
C = ~
A × ~
B =
î ĵ k̂
a1 a2 a3
b1 b2 b3
Cycle In oscillation, a cycle occurs
when an object undergoing oscillatory
motion completes a “round-trip”. For
instance, a pendulum bob released at
angle has completed one cycle when it
swings to and then back to again. In
period motion, a cycle is the sequence
through which a system once during
each oscillation. A cycle can consist
of one trip up and down for a piece
of stretched string, or of a compression
followed by a rarefaction of air pressure
for sound waves.
De Broglie Wavelength A con-
stant that defines the speed at which
a radioactive element undergoes decay.
The greater λ is, the faster the element
decays. Decay constant does not de-
pends on the environmental factors but
it depends on the atomic number of ra-
dioactive material as well as its concen-
λ =
Here p is momentun of the object.
Decibel A logorithmic unit for
measuring the volume of sound. The
volume of sound is the square of the
amplitude of sound waves.
Depletion Region After diffu-
sion, majority charge carriers migrated
to opposite region leaving minority
charge carriers behind them. This
causes the reversal of the charge den-
sity about the junction. The region,
deep both side the junction where ma-
jority carriers are in minority is known
as depletion region or depletion layer.
Deposition The process by which a
gas turns directly into a solid because
it cannot exist as a liquid at certain
Destructive Interference When
two or more waves travel in same
medium simultaneously, they start in-
teract with each other and produce a
resultant wave. Due to difference in in-
teraction angle, the resultant wave has
different amplitude and oscillating cy-
cle to the parent waves. If phase differ-
ence at any point of interaction of two
waves is 180 degree then they cancel
to each other and resultant amplitude
at this point is zero. It is known as
Destructive Interference. Despite the
name of this phenomenon, nothing is
destroyed by this interference-the two
waves emerge intact once they have
passed each other.
Dichroic Material Materials which
have different absorption for perpen-
dicular incident planes for light are
said to be dichroic. The mineral tour-
maline is the best known of natural
materials. Tourmaline refers to a class
of boron silicates. A tourmaline crystal
has a unique optic axis, and any elec-
tric field vector which is perpendicular
to that axis is strongly absorbed. Po-
laroid is strongly dichroic and therefore
an effective polarizer. If the transmis-
sion axes of ideal polarizers are perpen-
dicular, no light is transmitted. The
light tranmitted at other angles follows
the Law of Malus.
Dimension of Unit Dimension of
unit is relationships between differ-
ent physical quantities by identifying
their fundamental dimensions such as
length, mass, time, and electric charge.
For a physical quantity, there may be
one or more SI unit but every SI unit
of a physical quantity has only one di-
Diode Diode is a device that con-
verts an alternate current into direct
current and acts as rectifiers. A diode
is a p-n junction diode that exhibits
low resistance in forward bias and very
high resistance in reverse bias.
Diffusion Current Diffusion cur-
rent is a current in a semiconductor
caused by the diffusion of charge carri-
Diffraction The bending of light at
the corners of objects or as it passes
through narrow slits or apertures.
Diffraction Grating A sheet, film,
or screen with a pattern of equally
spaced slits. Typically the width of the
slits and space between them is chosen
to generate a particular diffraction pat-
Direction The property of a vector
that distinguishes it from a scalar.
Directly Proportional Two quanti-
ties are directly proportional if an in-
crease in one results in a proportional
increase in the other, and a decrease in
one results in a proportional decrease
in the other. In a formula defining
a certain quantity, those quantities to
which it’s directly proportional will ap-
pear in the numerator.
Dispersion The separation of dif-
ferent color light via refraction. Red
color light has lowest dispersion while
blue color has highest dispersion in vis-
ible range.
Displacement A vector quantity,
commonly denoted by the vector s,
which reflects an object’s change in
spatial position. The displacement
vector points from the object’s start-
ing position to the object’s current po-
sition in space. If an object is moved
from point A to point B in space along
path AB, the magnitude of the ob-
ject’s displacement is the separation of
points A and B. Note that the path
an object takes to get from point A to
point B does not figure when defining
Distance If an object is moved
from point A to point B in space along
path AB, the distance that the object
has traveled is the length of the path
AB. Distance is to be contrasted with
displacement, which is simply a mea-
sure of the distance between points A
and B, and doesn’t take into account
the path followed between A and B. It
is a scalar quantity.
Drift Velocity The drift velocity is
the flow velocity that a particle attains
due to an electric field. Drift velocity
of an electron in a conductor of length
l and applied voltage V is given by
vd =
eV τ
Drift Current Drift current is the
electric current, or movement of charge
carriers, which is due to the applied
electric field, often stated as the elec-
tromotive force over a given distance.
Doppler Shift Waves produced by
a source that is moving with respect to
the observer will seem to have a higher
frequency and smaller wavelength if
the motion is towards the observer,
and a lower frequency and longer wave-
length if the motion is away from the
observer. The speed of the waves is in-
dependent of the motion of the source.
Dot Product A form of vector mul-
tiplication, where two vectors are mul-
tiplied to produce a scalar. The dot
product of two vectors, A and B, is ex-
pressed by the equation ~
A · ~
A · ~
B = x1x2 + y1y2 + z1z2
Dynamics The application of kine-
matics to understand why objects
move the way they do. More precisely,
dynamics is the study of how forces
cause motion.
Dynamic Resistance Dynamic re-
sistance of a transistor is ratio of the
emitter base potential to the emitter
current in common base configuration.
It is given by
rd =
Escape Velocity It is the minimum
velocity of an object at the earth sur-
face from where it is thrown never re-
turns to the surface. Escape velocity
is independent of the mass of the ob-
ject. For Earth, its value is 11.2km per
Effluent Velocity Effluent velocity
is the velocity of the liquid from a hole
at depth of h from the liquid level. It
is given by
v =
Efficiency The ratio of work done
by an engine to the heat taken by it.
Efficiency of a heat engine is never 100
Elastic Collision A collision in
which both kinetic energy and momen-
tum are conserved.
Electrical Resonance Electrical
resonance of a circuit (mainly LCR cir-
cuit) is a phenomenon at which the cir-
cuit shows peak response to the applied
electric source of a suitable frequency.
At resonance, the circuit is purely re-
sistive and effective impedance of the
circuit does not contain the impedance
contribution of inductor and capacitor.
Figure 1: A LCR circuit.
Electrical Resonance Frequency At
resonance, impedance of the circuit
does not contain the impedance con-
tribution of inductor and capacitor.
XL − XC = 0
Figure 2: A LCR circuit at resonance.
XL − XC = 0
This relation gives
f =
Electrical Resonance Power Power
of a resonance circuit is given by
P = P0 cos φ
where φ is phase factor of the resonat-
ing circuit. Here P0 is power supplied
to the circuit in state of resonance.
cos φ for a LCR circuit is
cos φ =
and Z =
R2 + (XL ∼ XC)2.
Electric Field A charge in rest
or motion, emits electric field around
its space where another charge experi-
ences electric force, F = qE. Electric
field of charge +q at a distance of r
from it is given by
E =
Direction of electric field is always from
positive charge to negative charge.
Electric Generator A device that
converts mechanical energy to electri-
cal energy by rotating a coil in a mag-
netic field. It is also called as dynamo.
Induced emf in the electric generator is
given by
e = −
Electromagnetic Induction The
property by which a charge moving in a
magnetic field creates an electric field.
Electromagnetic Spectrum The
spectrum containing all the different
kinds of electromagnetic waves, rang-
ing in wavelength and frequency.
Electromagnetic Wave A trans-
verse traveling wave created by the
oscillations of an electric field and a
magnetic field. Electromagnetic waves
travel at the speed of light, 3 ×
Electron A negatively charged par-
ticle that orbits the nucleus of the
atom. Its mass is 9.1 × 10−31
kg and
has charge −1.6 × 10−19
Electronvolt A unit of measure-
ment for energy on atomic levels. It
is denoted by 1eV. Its value in joule
unit is 1.6 × 10−19
Energy A conserved scalar quan-
tity associated with the state or con-
dition of an object or system of ob-
jects. We can roughly define energy
as the capacity for an object or sys-
tem to do work. There are many dif-
ferent types of energy, such as kinetic
energy, potential energy, thermal en-
ergy, chemical energy, mechanical en-
ergy, and electrical energy.
Entropy It is the disorder of a sys-
tem. Entropy increases with increase
of chaos in the system.
Euquations of Linear Motion In
linear motion, height of moving object
remains constant throughout its mo-
tion. There are three equations of lin-
ear motion. These are
v = u + at
s = ut +
= u2
+ 2as
Where all symbols are in their usual
Equilibrium The state of a non-
rotating object upon whom the net
torque acting is zero.
Equilibrium Position The stable
position of a system where the net force
acting on the object is zero.
Errors in Measurement During
the measurement of physical quantity,
there may be some errors arises due
to the defects in instruments, environ-
mental changes and wrong methods
of observations etc. These errors are
known as errors in measurement.
Electric Dipole Moment The prod-
uct of charge and distance of separa-
tion for an electric dipole. Electric
dipole moment of an electric dipole is
given by
p = q × 2l
Where q is magnitude of any of the two
charges of the dipole and 2l is length
of axis.
Electromagnetic Radiation Radia-
tion consisting of electric and magnetic
fields that travel at the speed of light.
Excited State The state of an atom
or nucleus when it possesses more than
its normal energy. Typically, the ex-
cess energy is released as a gamma
Extrinsic Semiconductor Pure
semiconductor is insulator at room
temperature and conductor to certain
degree when temperature rises. To
made it conductor, external impurities
are added into it. This semiconductor
is known as extrinsic semiconductor.
Fermion A particle having a spin
that is an odd integer multiple of ℏ/2.
Fictive Temperature We know
that the density of a substance
changes/fluctuates with change in the
temperature of the substance. Fictive
temperature represents to the temper-
ature at which the density fluctuations
are “frozen” in the material.
Faraday’s Electro-magnetic Law
Faraday’s electromagnetic law states
that (a) there is an induced electro-
motive force (emf) if there is relative
motion between coil and magnet. (b)
The induced emf (e) is rate of change
of linked flux (φ) through the coil, ie
e = −
F Faraday’s constant. Its nu-
merical value is 96000 coulomb (F). If
one coulomb charge is passed through
a electrolyte solution having mono-
valent ions then at electrode one mole
of the ionic substance is deposited. To
deposit one mole material of valancy n,
charge required is nF.
First Law Of Thermodynamics Es-
sentially a restatement of energy con-
servation, it states that the change in
the internal energy of a system is equal
to the heat added plus the work done
on the system., Mathematically
Q = U + W
Focal Length The distance be-
tween the focal point and the vertex of
a mirror or lens. For concave mirrors
and convex lenses, this number is pos-
itive. For convex mirrors and concave
lenses, this number is negative.
Focal Point The point of a mir-
ror or lens where all light that runs
parallel to the principal axis will be
focused. Concave mirrors and convex
lenses are designed to focus light into
the focal point. Convex mirrors and
concave lenses focus light away from
the focal point.
Force A push or a pull that causes
an object to accelerate. Mass acceler-
ation relation for force is given by
F = m × a
Forward Biasing In forward bias-
ing, p-region of the diode is connected
with positive terminal of DC source
and n-region is connected with nega-
tive terminal. In forward biasing, the
deplation region is narrowed and junc-
tion offers negligible resistance.
p n
Forward Current Characteristics
Forward biasing characteristic is the
graphical relation between forward po-
tential and forward current. In forward
biasing, depletion region is shortened
and there is normal forward current.
When forward potential is in-
creased, the forward current is in-
creases at first and then remains con-
stant. This constant current is known
as saturation current.
Free-body Diagram Free body di-
agram illustrates all the forces acting
on an object. These forces are drawn
as vectors originating from the center
of the object.
Frequency It is the number of cy-
cles executed by a system in one sec-
ond. Frequency (f) is inverse of the pe-
riod, T . In terms of angular frequency,
ω = 2πf.
Frictional Force A force caused
by the roughness of two materials in
contact, deformations in the materials,
and a molecular attraction between the
materials. Frictional forces are always
parallel to the plane of contact between
two surfaces and opposite the direc-
tion that the object is being pushed or
Fundamental The standing wave
with the lowest frequency that is sup-
ported by a string with both ends tied
down is called the fundamental, or res-
onance, of the string. The wavelength
of the fundamental is twice the length
of the string.
Gain (Transistor)
Gravity Gravity is phenomenon of
force of attraction between two masses.
For example, a ball fall from the height
on the surface of the earth is phe-
nomenon of gravity. The gravitational
force, consequent of gravity acts along
the central axes of the mass.
Gravitational Field Gravitational
field of a heavy mass, M, at distance
of r from the center of heavy mass is
the strength of gravity by which it at-
tracts to unit mass placed at distant r.
For earth it is denoted by g and math-
ematically given by
g = G
Gravitational Potential Gravita-
tional potential of a heavy mass, M,
placed at point of distance r from the
center of the heavy mass, is the work
done on unit mass when it is brought
from infinity to that point. Mathemat-
ically given by
V = G
Graded Index Fiber In some types
of optical fiber refractive index is made
of vary as a function of the radial dis-
tance from the center of the fiber.
Gamma Decay A form of radioac-
tivity where an excited atom releases
a photon of gamma radiation, thereby
returning to a lower energy state. The
atomic structure itself does not change
in the course of gamma radiation.
Gamma Ray An electromagnetic
wave of very high frequency. The pen-
etration power of gamma rays is largest
among all the radiation waves emitted
in radioactive decays.
Gold Foil Experiment Gold foil ex-
periment was carried out by Ernest
Rutherford popularly known as alpha
particle scattering. This experiment
proved for the first time that atoms
have nuclei.
Gravitational Constant The con-
stant of proportionality in Newton’s
Law of Gravitation. It reflects the pro-
portion of the gravitational force and
the product of two particles’ masses di-
vided by the square of the bodies’ sep-
F = G
Gravitational Potential Energy
The energy associated with the con-
figuration of bodies attracted to each
other by the gravitational force. It is a
measure of the amount of work neces-
sary to get the two bodies from a cho-
sen point of reference to their present
position. This point of reference is usu-
ally chosen to be a point of infinite dis-
tance, giving the equation. Objects of
mass m that is at a height of h above
the surface of the earth have a gravita-
tional potential energy, mgh.
Ground State In the Bohr model of
the atom, the state in which an elec-
tron has the least energy and orbits
closest to the nucleus.
Half-life The amount of time it
takes for one-half of a radioactive sam-
ple to decay.
t1/2 =
N = N0

Where n is number of half years.
Harmonic Series The series of
standing waves supported by a string
with both ends tied down. The first
member of the series, called the fun-
damental, has two nodes at the ends
and one anti-node in the middle. The
higher harmonics are generated by
placing an integral number of nodes at
even intervals over the length of the
string. The harmonic series is very im-
portant in music.
Heat A transfer of thermal energy.
We don’t speak about systems having
heat, but about their transferring heat,
much in the way that dynamical sys-
tems don’t have work, but rather for
Heat Engine A machine that oper-
ates by taking heat from a hot place,
doing some work with that heat, and
then exhausting the rest of the heat
into a cool place. The internal com-
bustion engine of a car is an example
of a heat engine.
Heat Transfer A transfer of ther-
mal energy from one system to an-
other. There are three methods of heat
transfer. (i) conduction, (ii) convec-
tion and (iii) radiation. In heat trans-
fer, conduction and convection requires
medium while radiation does not re-
quire medium for heat transfer.
Hertz (Hz) It is unit of frequency.
Its dimension is the inverse of the
Holes Holes are the majority
charge carriers in p-type extrinsic
semiconductor. The motion of holes
is opposite to the direction of electric
field. In semiconductor, holes behave
like proton and its equivalent charge is
equal to the magnitude of the charge
of electron.
Hooke’s Law For an oscillating
spring, the restoring force exerted by
the spring is directly proportional to
the displacement.
F ∝ −x
That is, the more the spring is dis-
placed, the stronger the force that will
pull toward the equilibrium position.
The applied fource should be within
elastic limits of the spring otherwise
spring will be set to the permanent ex-
Hypotenuse The longest side of a
right triangle, opposite to the right an-
gle. Hypotenuse (h) is related with
base (b) and height (l) as
= l2
+ b2
Hydrogen Spectrum Hydrogen
spectrum is series of electromagnetic
waves emitted or absorbed by an elec-
tron undergoing energy level transi-
tions. The wavelength of emitted or
absorbed electromagnetic wave is given
= Z2


Where Z is atomic number of atom.
There are many spectrum series ac-
cording to the level of transitions.
First five series are the most promi-
nent and they are named as Lyman,
Balmer, Paschen, Bracket and Funds.
Ideal Gas Law A gas law from
which the volume of gas becomes zero
when temperature is zero kelvin at con-
stant pressure. It is
PV = µRT
Impulse A vector quantity defined
as the product of the force acting on
a body multiplied by the time interval
over which the force is exerted.
I = F × t
Incident Ray When dealing with
reflection or refraction, the incident
ray is the ray of light before it strikes
the reflecting or refracting surface.
Inclined Plane A wedge or a slide.
The dynamics of objects sliding down
inclined planes is a popular topic on
SAT II Physics.
Index Of Refraction Index of re-
fraction of medium B, in respect of
medium A is the ratio of the veloci-
ties of light in medium A to medium
AnB =
velocity of light in medium A
velocity of light in medium B
Intrinsic Semiconductor A semi-
conductor material is insulator in its
purest form at room temperature. Its
conductivity increases with increase of
the temperature. This type of conduc-
tive semiconductors are known as in-
trinsic semiconductor.
Inductor Inductor is a coil with or
without metallic core. Inductors offer
impedance to their circuits due to their
inductive properties. Inductance of in-
ductors depends on the varying mag-
netic flux. This is why inductors do
not offer impedance to the circuit in
direct current.
Induced Current The current in-
duced in a circuit by a change in mag-
netic flux. Induced current is given by
I × Z = −
Here Z is impedance of the circuit.
Inelastic Collision A collision in
which momentum is conserved but ki-
netic energy is not.
Inertia The tendency of an object
to remain at a constant velocity, or its
resistance to being accelerated. New-
ton’s First Law is alternatively called
the Law of Inertia because it describes
this tendency. Inertia of an object is
given by
I =
dm x2
Where dm is mass of the element at
distance x from the axis of rotation.
Inertial Reference Frame A refer-
ence frame in which Newton’s First
Law is true. Two inertial reference
frames move at a constant velocity rel-
ative to one another. According to the
first postulate of Einstein’s theory of
special relativity, the laws of physics
are the same in all inertial reference
Instantaneous Velocity Instanta-
neous velocity of an object is the ve-
locity at any given instant in time. In
contrast to it average velocity is a mea-
sure of the change in displacement over
a given time interval.
Internal Energy The energy stored
in a thermodynamic system. Internal
energy mainly depends on the temper-
ature of the system. It is given by
dQ = dU + dW
Where dU is change in internal energy
due to change of small charge dQ.
Inversely Proportional Two quan-
tities are inversely proportional if an
increase in one results in a proportional
decrease in the other, and a decrease in
one results in a proportional increase in
the other. In a formula defining a cer-
tain quantity, those quantities to which
it’s inversely proportional will appear
in the denominator.
Islanding Islanding refers to the
condition in which a distributed gen-
erator continues to power a location
even though electrical grid power from
the electric utility is no longer present.
Islanding can be dangerous to utility
workers, who may not realize that a
circuit is still powered, and it may
prevent automatic re-connection of de-
vices. For that reason, distributed gen-
erators must detect islanding and im-
mediately stop producing power; this
is referred to as anti-islanding.
Isolated System A system that no
external net force acts upon. Objects
within the system may exert forces
upon one another, but they cannot re-
ceive any impulse from outside forces.
Momentum is conserved in isolated
Isotope Atoms of the same el-
ement may have different numbers
of neutrons and therefore different
masses. Atoms of the same element
but with different numbers of neutrons
are called isotopes of the same ele-
Joule The joule (J) is the unit of
work and energy. One calorie is equal
to 4.2 Joule.
Kelvin A scale for measuring tem-
perature, defined such that 0K is the
lowest theoretical temperature a ma-
terial can have.
Kepler’s First Law The path of
each planet around the sun is an ellipse
with the sun at one focus.
Kepler’s Second Law If a line is
drawn from the sun to the planet, then
the area swept out by this line in a
given time interval is constant.
Kepler’s Third Law According this
law, the square of the orbital time
period is directly proportional to the
cube of the semi-major axis of the or-
bit of revolving planet.
T 2
∝ a3
Kinematic Equations The five
equations used to solve problems in
kinematics in one dimension with uni-
form acceleration.
Kinematics Kinematics is the
study and description of the motion of
Kinetic Energy Energy associated
with the state of motion. The trans-
lational kinetic energy of an object is
given by the equation
KE =
Kinetic Friction The force between
two surfaces moving relative to one an-
other. The frictional force is parallel to
the plane of contact between the two
objects and in the opposite direction
of the sliding object’s motion. If nor-
mal force between the two surfaces is
F then friction force Ff is given by
Ff = µkF
Here µk is coefficient of kinetic fric-
Kinetic Theory Of Gases A rough
approximation of how gases work, that
is quite accurate in everyday condi-
tions. According to the kinetic the-
ory, gases are made up of tiny, round
molecules that move about in accor-
dance with Newton’s Laws, and col-
lide with one another and other objects
elastically. We can derive the ideal gas
law from the kinetic theory.
Laminar Flow Laminar flow (or
streamline flow) occurs when a fluid
flows in parallel layers, with no disrup-
tion between the layers. At low veloci-
ties, the fluid tends to flow without lat-
eral mixing, and adjacent layers slide
past one another like playing cards.
Latent Heat Of Fusion The
amount of heat necessary to transform
a solid at a given temperature into a
liquid of the same temperature, or the
amount of heat needed to be removed
from a liquid of a given temperature
to transform it into a solid of the same
temperature. It is
Hf = m × l
Where l latent headt of fusion.
Latent Heat Of Sublimation The
amount of heat necessary for a mate-
rial undergoing sublimation to make a
phase change from gas to solid or solid
to gas, without a change in tempera-
Latent Heat Of Transformation
The amount heat necessary to cause
a substance to undergo a phase tran-
Latent Heat Of Vaporisation The
amount of heat necessary to transform
a liquid at a given temperature into a
gas of the same temperature, or the
amount of heat needed to be taken
away from a gas of a given tempera-
ture to transform it into a liquid of the
same temperature.
Hv = m × l
Where l latent heat of vaporisation.
Law of Floatation An object will
float or not depends on the weights
of object (wo) and medium (wm). If
wo  wm then object will float par-
tially at the surface of the mdium. If
wo = wm then object may float at any
layer of the medium. And if wo  wm
then object will settle down at the bot-
tom of the container of the medium.
Law Of Conservation Of Energy
Energy cannot be made or destroyed.
Energy can only be changed from one
place to another or from one form to
another. According the law of conser-
vation of energy for vertical plane mo-
tion of an object of mass m under the
gravitational field at any given height,
= mgh
Here v is instantaneous velocity of the
object at height h.
Law Of Reflection For a reflected
light ray. In other words, a ray of light
reflects of a surface in the same plane
as the incident ray and the normal, and
at an angle to the normal that is equal
to the angle between the incident ray
and the normal.
Legs The two shorter sides of a
right triangle that meet at the right
Lenz’s Law States that the cur-
rent induced in a circuit by a change
in magnetic flux is in the direction that
will oppose that change in flux. Using
the right-hand rule, point your thumb
in the opposite direction of the change
in magnetic flux. The direction your
fingers curl into a fist indicates the di-
rection of the current.
Linear Velocity An object moving
in linear path is said to be in linear mo-
tion and its velocity at any instant of
time is knwon as linear velocity. It is
given by
v =
Linear Acceleration Linear acceler-
ation of the object is the rate of change
of velocity at any instant of time.
a =

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Dictionary of physics

  • 2. 2 Atom A particle of matter indivisi- ble by chemical means. It is the funda- mental building block of molecules. It consists of a positively charged nucleus and orbiting electrons. The number of electrons is the same as the number of protons in the nucleus. Absolute Zero It is the mini- mum possible temperature of the uni- verse. At absolute temperature, en- ergy (transnational, oscillational, cir- cular and potential) of a particle be- comes purely zero. Absolute zero is 0K or −273◦ C. 100 200 300 100 −100 −200 −300 ◦ C K b −273.15◦ C b 273.15K Acceleration Acceleration deter- mines that how fast motion of a body is changing. It is a vector quantity. Sim- ply acceleration defined as the rate of change of the velocity vector with time. d~ a = d~ v dt Activity Activity of a radioactive material is particle disintegration in one second. Activity does not depend on the environmental conditions. It de- pends on type of material rather than quantity of the material. Alpha Decay A radioactive ele- ment losses its atomic number by 2 and atomic mass by 4 when single parti- cle is emitted then it is said that there is an alpha decay. Alpha decay trans- forms heavy atoms into lighter, more stable element. ZMA → Z−2NA−4 + α Alpha Particle A particle, which consists of two protons, two neutrons and no electrons. It is identical to the nucleus of a helium atom and is ejected by heavy particles undergoing alpha decay. An atom ejects alpha par- ticle losses its atomic number by ‘2’ and mass number by ‘4’. Amplitude Amplitude is the max- imum displacement of the oscillator from its equilibrium position. Ampli- tude tells how far an oscillator is swing- ing back and forth. Energy of oscillat- ing object depends on the amplitude value. Energy-Amplitude relation is E ∝ a2 Angle Of Incidence When a light strikes on semi-transparent surface, separating two different media, it suf- fers partial reflection and partial re- fraction. For reflected ray, medium does not change hence angle of reflec- tion does not change and it is equal to angle of incidence. For refracted ray, medium changes hence angle of refraction is not equal to angle of in- cidence. A line, perpendicular to the inter-medium boundary and passing through the point of strike by incident ray is called normal. The angle of inci- dence is the angle between the incident ray and the normal. Angle Of Reflection The angle be- tween a reflected ray and the line nor- mal to the surface. Angle Of Refraction The angle be- tween a refracted ray and the line nor- mal to the surface. Angular Acceleration A vector quantity, equal to the rate of change of the angular velocity vector with time. It is typically given in units of rad/s2 . Relation between instantaneous linear acceleration (a) and angular accelera- tion (α) is a = rα
  • 3. 3 Angular Displacement The net change, in a point’s angular position. It is a scalar quantity. Angular Frequency A frequency, f, defined as the number of revolutions a rigid body makes in a given time inter- val. It is a scalar quantity commonly denoted in units of Hertz (Hz) or s−1 . Angular Momentum A vector quantity, L, that is the rotational ana- logue of linear momentum. The angu- lar momentum is the vector product of the body’s moment of inertia, I and its angular velocity ω ~ L = I × ~ ω Angular momentum can also be ex- pressed as vector product of linear mo- mentum, m~ v, its position from the ori- gin, ~ r. ~ L = ~ r × m~ v Angular Period The time, T , re- quired for a rigid body to complete one revolution. Angular period is recipro- cal to the angular frequency. Angular Position Position of a par- ticle in polar coordinate system. In polar coordinate system, there are two angle used as reference for angular po- sition. These two angle are angle of in- clination (θ) and angle of azimuth (φ). Angle of inclination is measured with respect to perpendicular axis and angle of azimuth is measured with respect to x − axis along the horizontal plane. Angular Velocity A vector quan- tity, that reflects the change of angular displacement with time. ω = dφ dt Unit of angular velocity is rad/s. Anti-node & Nodes When two or more waves travel in same medium si- multaneously, they interfere with each other. Waves, not only travel in the medium but they also transport me- chanical energy. This mechanical en- ergy is proportional to the square of the amplitude (I ∝ A2 ). The angle value in wave equation (I = A sin θ), determines the distribution of energy of the wave in 2π range. Energy dis- tribution pattern of all waves is differ- ent to each other due to different val- ues of angle, θ. When these two en- ergy distributions meet at different an- gle (say θ1 and θ2), they suffer inter- ference. Intensity of interfered energy depends on phase angle (φ = θ1 − θ2). If both waves meet at right opposite angle, (φ = π), then resultant inten- sity of two waves is zero. The point, where interference energy is zero, are called nodes. When two waves meet in same angle at a point (φ = 0), resul- tant intensity is maximum. This point of highest energy is called anti-node. Atom Atom is the smallest entity of any matter. It consists protons & neutrons in its nucleus and electrons in its external orbits. Atom is electri- cally neutral as number of protons and electrons are equal. Number of pro- tons in an atom represents its atomic number and sum of masses of all con- stituting particles represents its atomic mass. There may be atoms, who have equal numbers of protons but differ- ent numbers of neutrons. These types of atom are known as isotopes collec- tively. Atoms having atomic number more than 82 are called radioactive atoms and the material is known as ra- dioactive material. Atomic Number A number, Z, as- sociated with the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom. Axis Of Rotation The line that ev- ery particle in the rotating rigid body circles about. Axis of rotation may or may not be inside the object.
  • 4. 4 x y ω Barrier Potential Background Radiation The radia- tion found in the natural environment originating primarily from the natu- rally radioactive elements of Earth and from cosmic rays. The term may also mean radiation extraneous to an ex- periment. Biasing of Diode When a diode is connected with external DC source, then it is known as biasing of the diode. p n V D1 V Big Bang Beginning of the uni- verse; a transition from conditions of unimaginable density and temperature to conditions of lower density and tem- perature. Black-body Radiation Radiation emitted by a blackbody is called black- body radiation. E = σT 4 Black Hole An object so dense that light cannot escape from it. Bernoulli’s Theorem A non- compressible liquid flowing streamline in a pipe of varying area of cross sec- tion. According to the Bernoulli’s the- orem, total energy of liquid at every cross section in the pipe is constant. Flowing water has three types of en- ergies. (i) Pressure energy, (ii) gravi- tational potential energy and (iii) ki- netic energy. Mathematically, for unit volume of liquid P + ρgh + 1 2 ρv2 = C Beats When two waves of slightly different frequencies interfere with one another, they produce a “beating” in- terference pattern that alternates be- tween constructive (in-phase) and de- structive (out-of-phase). Frequency of the beats, f, is equal to the difference in the frequencies of the two interfering waves. f = f1 ∼ f2 Beta Decay A particle, identical to an electron, emits from nucleus of a radioactive atom. The emission of beta particle from a radioactive atom is called beta decay. When beta de- cay occurs, atomic mass of atom does not change but its atomic number is increased by one and atom losses mass slightly. Beta Particle A particle, identi- cal to an electron. Beta particles are ejected from an atom in the process of beta decay. Bohr Atomic Model In 1913, Niels Bohr state that, electrons revolve in fixed orbits called ground state orbits. Energy of electrons in their parental orbit is called ground state energy. Electrons can change their orbits by absorbing or emitting energy. When an electron, absorbs energy, it excited to higher energy state and jumps to higher energy orbit. After 10 nano sec- ond, it emits energy in form of pho- ton and returns to its original orbit (ground state orbit). b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b K L M
  • 5. 5 Brewster Angle From transparent intermedium boundaries, at brewster angle of incident, intensity of partially reflected light is zero due to its plane polarisation. The condition for brew- ster angle is tan θB = n2 n1 Where light is entering into medium of coefficient of refractive index n2 from medium of coefficient of refractive in- dex n1. Bohr Radius The Bohr radius is a physical constant, approximately equal to the most probable distance between the proton and electron in a hydrogen atom in its ground state. Its value is 5.291×10−11 m. Bohr’s radius formula is a0 = 4πε0~2 mee2 Boiling Point The temperature at which a material will change phase from liquid to gas or gas to liquid. Boyle’s Law It states that at con- stant temperature, volume is directly proportional to the scale of absolute temperature. Mathematically PV = C 1 2 3 1 2 3 P V Bulk Modulus A coefficient (γ) that tells how much the volume of a solid will change when it is compressed. δV = γP Circuit Elements In a circuit their are three types of elements, resistive, inductive and capacitive. These ele- ments forms the impedance of the cir- cuit cumulatively. Capacitor Capacitor is an electri- cal device that can store charge for long time period. Parallel plate capac- itor has capacitance of C = ǫA d Unit of capacitance of the capacitor is “farad”. ǫ is the relative permittivity of the medium inside the capacitor. Capillary Effect When a thin pipe whose diameter is negligible in respect of its length is called capillary. When it is partially immerged into the liq- uid, consequent of the surface tension of liquid, liquid rises inside the capil- lary above its level outside the capil- lary. Height of liquid rises or falls de- pends on the angle of contact and it is given by h = 2T cos θ ρgr Cyclotron Circular accelerator in which the particle is bent in traveling through a magnetic field, and an os- cillating potential difference causes the particles to gain energy. Cyclotron Frequency Frequency at which the electric field is switched in order to accelerate the particles in the cyclotron. The frequency is related to the mass and charge of the particle to be accelerated. Curie (Ci) The original unit used to describe the intensity of radioactiv- ity in a sample of material. One curie equals thirty-seven billion disintegra- tions per second, or approximately the radioactivity of one gram of radium. This unit is no longer recognized as part of the International System of units. It has been replaced by the bec- querel.
  • 6. 6 Current Mobility In semiconduc- tors, holes and electrons are the charge carriers and carrier mobility is electron and hole mobility. Current mobility is the consequent of the carrier mobility and is given by i = nAevd and drift velocity, vd is vd = µE. Current Density Current density is the ratio of the current to the area of cross-section of the conducting wire. Its unit is ampere per square meter. J = I A Calorie The amount of heat re- quired to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Cel- sius mainly in the range of 14.5◦ C to 15.5◦ C. One calorie is equal to 4.2 joule. Celsius A scale for measuring temperature, defined such that water freezes at 0◦ C and boils at 100◦ C. One degree Celsius is equal to one Kelvin in absolute temperature scale. Center Of Curvature A spherical mirror is formed by carving out a sec- tion from a spherical shell. The cen- ter of this spherical shell whose part the mirror is called center of curvature, (C). All of the normal pass through it. b b C Center Of Mass In motion, each body is assumed as a point mass but actual it is not a point mass. Veloc- ity, acceleration etc are measured with respect to this point mass. If a body is not a point mass then we assume a point, either inside the body mass or outside the body mass, where whole mass of the finite size body is con- centrated. The velocity and accelera- tion of this point is same as the veloc- ity and acceleration of the whose body then this point is center of mass point. Mathematically, if mass particles, m1, m2, . . ., mn of finite size body of mass M are placed at distances ~ r1, ~ r2, . . ., ~ rn respectively from the origin (0, 0) then the position of center of mass is given by ~ r = m1~ r1 + m2~ r2 + . . . + mn~ rn M Center of mass is synonymous to the center of gravity. Centripetal Acceleration The ac- celeration of a body experiencing uni- form circular motion. This accelera- tion is always directed toward the cen- ter of the circle. At equilibrium, a cen- tripetal force is required to maintain the circular motion of the body. This force on a body mass m, in a uniform circular motion, in a circle of radius r is Fc = m v2 r Comparing it with F = ma, a = v2 /r and it is known as centripetal accel- eration. Centripetal acceleration is not only restricted to circular paths but also measured in elliptical and parabolic paths. Centripetal acceler- ation in elliptic and hyperbolic paths is measured using Kepler’s law for mo- tion of celestial objects. Centripetal Force The force nec- essary to maintain a body in uniform circular motion. This force is always directed radially toward the center of the circle. Mathematically Fc = m v2 r Chain Reaction The particles and energy released by the fission or fusion of one atom may trigger the fission or
  • 7. 7 fusion of further atoms. In a chain reaction, fission or fusion is rapidly transferred to a large number of atoms, releasing tremendous amounts of en- ergy. Charles’s Law For a gas held at constant pressure, temperature and volume are directly proportional. Vp ∝ T 1 1 2 3 T V Color Dispersion The separation of light or other radiation into individual components, usually according to fre- quency and wavelength. When a beam of white light passes through a prism dispersion causes it to separate into the seven colors of the rainbow. Coefficient of Viscosity Viscosity is property of fluid when it is in mo- tion. Two different layers of fluid flow- ing against each other experience a re- tarding force. F = ηA dv dx Where η is the coefficient of viscosity of fluid. Coefficient Of Kinetic Friction Friction is resistance force between two layer under relative motion. The ratio between applied force and normal force to the surfaces is call coefficient of fric- tion. F = µR Here F is applied force, R normal force between two layers and µ is coefficient of friction for the pair of two layers. It is always a number between zero and one. There are three coefficients of fric- tion, (i) coefficient of static friction, (ii) coefficient of terminal friction and (iii) coefficient of kinetic friction. Coefficient of Thermal Expansion A object heated it expands along its dimensions. Change in its dimension is proportional to its initial value and change in temperature. For example δl = αl0 δT Here α is coefficient of thermal expan- sion. Coefficient Of Static Friction The coefficient of static friction, for two ma- terials is the constant of proportional- ity between the normal force and the maximum force of static friction. It is always a number between zero and one. Fs = µsR Coherent Light A coherent light has all associated waves of the same wavelength and phase. To produce two sources of coherent light, they are il- luminated with single source of light. Coherent light is used in the observa- tion of interference in Young’s double slit experiment. Collision When objects collide, each object feels a force for a short amount of time. This force imparts an impulse, or changes the momentum of each of the colliding objects. The mo- mentum of a system is conserved in all kinds of collisions. Kinetic energy is conserved in elastic collisions, but not in plastic collisions. In a perfectly plas- tic collision, the colliding objects stick together after they collide. Coherent Light A light beam that is defined by the individual waves vi- brating in the same phase, but not nec- essarily in the same plane. In order to maintain the same phase relation- ship over long distances, coherent light waves must be monochromatic (have the same wavelength). For example, laser light is highly coherent, almost
  • 8. 8 monochromatic, and usually linearly polarized. Common Base Biasing Common Base Characteristics Common Emitter Biasing Common Emitter Characteristics Common Collector Biasing Common Collector Characteristics Component Any vector can be ex- pressed as the sum of two mutually perpendicular component vectors. For example in two dimensional plane ~ A = xî + yĵ Here î and ĵ are the unit vectors along the x−axis and y−axis. Compression An area of high air pressure that acts as the wave crest for sound waves. The spacing between successive compressions is the wave- length of sound, and the number of successive areas of compression that arrive at the ear per second is the fre- quency, or pitch, of the sound. Concave Lens Concave lens is also called a diverging lens. A diverging lens is thinner in the middle region than the edges. Concave lenses re- fract light away from a focal point and reduce the intensity of light. Image formation by the concave lens is take place according to the relation 1 v − 1 u = 1 f Here u and v are the distances of ob- ject and image from the optical point of the lens. Concave Mirror A mirror that is curved such that its center is farther from the viewer than the edges, such as the front of a spoon. Concave mir- rors reflect light through a focal point. Image formation relation for this mir- ror is 1 v + 1 u = 1 f Conduction There are three ways of heat transfer. Conduction, convenc- tion and radiation. Heat transfer by molecular collisions is called conduc- tion. Conservation of Angular Momen- tum If the net torque acting on a rigid body is zero, then the angular momen- tum of the body is constant or con- served. △L = 0 Conservation Of Momentum The principle stating that for any isolated system, linear momentum is constant with time. In case of collision either elastic or plastic, linear momentum re- mains conserved. Mathematically, for conserve linear momentum mv = k, d dt mv = 0 and for collision m1v1 = m2v2 Constructive Interference The am- plification of one wave by another, identical wave of the same sign. Two constructively interfering waves are said to be on phase. Convection Heat transfer via the mass movement of molecules. Gasses and liquids transfer heat by this method. Convex Lens It is also called con- verging lens. A lens is thicker in the middle than at the edges. Con- vex lenses refract light through a focal point. The image formed by convex lens is real except that if object is not placed between optical point and focal point of the convex lens. Converging lenses are used to intensify the distant objects and curing of distant vision of defected eye. Image formation by con- vex lens is 1 v − 1 u = 1 f
  • 9. 9 Convex Mirror A mirror that is curved such that its center is closer to the viewer than the edges. Convex mirrors reflect light away from a focal point. Image formation by convex mir- ror is given by 1 v + 1 u = 1 f Cosine The cosine of an angle in a right triangle is equal to the length of the side adjacent to the angle divided by the length of the hypotenuse. Crest Oscillatory motion of medium particles during the propa- gation of transverse waves is normal to the motion of wave. The points of maximum displacement of these os- cillating particles is called crest. In standing waves, a crest is also known as anti-node. The minimum displace- ment of oscillating particle is called trough. Critical Angle For two given me- dia, the smallest angle of incidence at which total internal reflection occurs. Total internal reflection occurs if sin C > 1 µ Cross Product A form of vector multiplication, where two vectors are multiplied to produce a third vector. The cross product of two vectors, ~ A and ~ B, separated by an angle, θ is ~ A × ~ B = | ~ A| | ~ B| cos θn̂ where n̂ is a unit vector perpendicu- lar to both ~ A and ~ B. Right-hand rule is used to get the direction of cross product. Mathematically, cross prod- uct also given by ~ C = ~ A × ~ B =
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  • 15. î ĵ k̂ a1 a2 a3 b1 b2 b3
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  • 21. Cycle In oscillation, a cycle occurs when an object undergoing oscillatory motion completes a “round-trip”. For instance, a pendulum bob released at angle has completed one cycle when it swings to and then back to again. In period motion, a cycle is the sequence through which a system once during each oscillation. A cycle can consist of one trip up and down for a piece of stretched string, or of a compression followed by a rarefaction of air pressure for sound waves. De Broglie Wavelength A con- stant that defines the speed at which a radioactive element undergoes decay. The greater λ is, the faster the element decays. Decay constant does not de- pends on the environmental factors but it depends on the atomic number of ra- dioactive material as well as its concen- tration. λ = h p Here p is momentun of the object. Decibel A logorithmic unit for measuring the volume of sound. The volume of sound is the square of the amplitude of sound waves. Depletion Region After diffu- sion, majority charge carriers migrated to opposite region leaving minority charge carriers behind them. This causes the reversal of the charge den- sity about the junction. The region, deep both side the junction where ma- jority carriers are in minority is known as depletion region or depletion layer. Deposition The process by which a gas turns directly into a solid because it cannot exist as a liquid at certain pressures. Destructive Interference When two or more waves travel in same medium simultaneously, they start in- teract with each other and produce a resultant wave. Due to difference in in- teraction angle, the resultant wave has different amplitude and oscillating cy- cle to the parent waves. If phase differ-
  • 22. 10 ence at any point of interaction of two waves is 180 degree then they cancel to each other and resultant amplitude at this point is zero. It is known as Destructive Interference. Despite the name of this phenomenon, nothing is destroyed by this interference-the two waves emerge intact once they have passed each other. Dichroic Material Materials which have different absorption for perpen- dicular incident planes for light are said to be dichroic. The mineral tour- maline is the best known of natural materials. Tourmaline refers to a class of boron silicates. A tourmaline crystal has a unique optic axis, and any elec- tric field vector which is perpendicular to that axis is strongly absorbed. Po- laroid is strongly dichroic and therefore an effective polarizer. If the transmis- sion axes of ideal polarizers are perpen- dicular, no light is transmitted. The light tranmitted at other angles follows the Law of Malus. Dimension of Unit Dimension of unit is relationships between differ- ent physical quantities by identifying their fundamental dimensions such as length, mass, time, and electric charge. For a physical quantity, there may be one or more SI unit but every SI unit of a physical quantity has only one di- mension. Diode Diode is a device that con- verts an alternate current into direct current and acts as rectifiers. A diode is a p-n junction diode that exhibits low resistance in forward bias and very high resistance in reverse bias. Diffusion Current Diffusion cur- rent is a current in a semiconductor caused by the diffusion of charge carri- ers. Diffraction The bending of light at the corners of objects or as it passes through narrow slits or apertures. Diffraction Grating A sheet, film, or screen with a pattern of equally spaced slits. Typically the width of the slits and space between them is chosen to generate a particular diffraction pat- tern. Direction The property of a vector that distinguishes it from a scalar. Directly Proportional Two quanti- ties are directly proportional if an in- crease in one results in a proportional increase in the other, and a decrease in one results in a proportional decrease in the other. In a formula defining a certain quantity, those quantities to which it’s directly proportional will ap- pear in the numerator. Dispersion The separation of dif- ferent color light via refraction. Red color light has lowest dispersion while blue color has highest dispersion in vis- ible range. Displacement A vector quantity, commonly denoted by the vector s, which reflects an object’s change in spatial position. The displacement vector points from the object’s start- ing position to the object’s current po- sition in space. If an object is moved from point A to point B in space along path AB, the magnitude of the ob- ject’s displacement is the separation of points A and B. Note that the path an object takes to get from point A to point B does not figure when defining displacement. Distance If an object is moved from point A to point B in space along path AB, the distance that the object has traveled is the length of the path AB. Distance is to be contrasted with displacement, which is simply a mea- sure of the distance between points A and B, and doesn’t take into account the path followed between A and B. It is a scalar quantity. Drift Velocity The drift velocity is the flow velocity that a particle attains due to an electric field. Drift velocity of an electron in a conductor of length l and applied voltage V is given by vd = eV τ lm
  • 23. 11 Drift Current Drift current is the electric current, or movement of charge carriers, which is due to the applied electric field, often stated as the elec- tromotive force over a given distance. Doppler Shift Waves produced by a source that is moving with respect to the observer will seem to have a higher frequency and smaller wavelength if the motion is towards the observer, and a lower frequency and longer wave- length if the motion is away from the observer. The speed of the waves is in- dependent of the motion of the source. Dot Product A form of vector mul- tiplication, where two vectors are mul- tiplied to produce a scalar. The dot product of two vectors, A and B, is ex- pressed by the equation ~ A · ~ B. ~ A · ~ B = x1x2 + y1y2 + z1z2 Dynamics The application of kine- matics to understand why objects move the way they do. More precisely, dynamics is the study of how forces cause motion. Dynamic Resistance Dynamic re- sistance of a transistor is ratio of the emitter base potential to the emitter current in common base configuration. It is given by rd = VEB iE Escape Velocity It is the minimum velocity of an object at the earth sur- face from where it is thrown never re- turns to the surface. Escape velocity is independent of the mass of the ob- ject. For Earth, its value is 11.2km per second. Effluent Velocity Effluent velocity is the velocity of the liquid from a hole at depth of h from the liquid level. It is given by v = p 2gh Efficiency The ratio of work done by an engine to the heat taken by it. Efficiency of a heat engine is never 100 Elastic Collision A collision in which both kinetic energy and momen- tum are conserved. Electrical Resonance Electrical resonance of a circuit (mainly LCR cir- cuit) is a phenomenon at which the cir- cuit shows peak response to the applied electric source of a suitable frequency. At resonance, the circuit is purely re- sistive and effective impedance of the circuit does not contain the impedance contribution of inductor and capacitor. E L C R Figure 1: A LCR circuit. Electrical Resonance Frequency At resonance, impedance of the circuit does not contain the impedance con- tribution of inductor and capacitor. Hence E L C R XL − XC = 0 Figure 2: A LCR circuit at resonance. XL − XC = 0 This relation gives f = 1 2π 1 √ LC
  • 24. 12 Electrical Resonance Power Power of a resonance circuit is given by P = P0 cos φ where φ is phase factor of the resonat- ing circuit. Here P0 is power supplied to the circuit in state of resonance. cos φ for a LCR circuit is cos φ = R Z and Z = p R2 + (XL ∼ XC)2. Electric Field A charge in rest or motion, emits electric field around its space where another charge experi- ences electric force, F = qE. Electric field of charge +q at a distance of r from it is given by ~ E = 1 4πǫ0 × q r2 Direction of electric field is always from positive charge to negative charge. Electric Generator A device that converts mechanical energy to electri- cal energy by rotating a coil in a mag- netic field. It is also called as dynamo. Induced emf in the electric generator is given by e = − dφ dt Electromagnetic Induction The property by which a charge moving in a magnetic field creates an electric field. Electromagnetic Spectrum The spectrum containing all the different kinds of electromagnetic waves, rang- ing in wavelength and frequency. Electromagnetic Wave A trans- verse traveling wave created by the oscillations of an electric field and a magnetic field. Electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light, 3 × 108 m/s. Electron A negatively charged par- ticle that orbits the nucleus of the atom. Its mass is 9.1 × 10−31 kg and has charge −1.6 × 10−19 C. Electronvolt A unit of measure- ment for energy on atomic levels. It is denoted by 1eV. Its value in joule unit is 1.6 × 10−19 joule. Energy A conserved scalar quan- tity associated with the state or con- dition of an object or system of ob- jects. We can roughly define energy as the capacity for an object or sys- tem to do work. There are many dif- ferent types of energy, such as kinetic energy, potential energy, thermal en- ergy, chemical energy, mechanical en- ergy, and electrical energy. Entropy It is the disorder of a sys- tem. Entropy increases with increase of chaos in the system. Euquations of Linear Motion In linear motion, height of moving object remains constant throughout its mo- tion. There are three equations of lin- ear motion. These are v = u + at s = ut + 1 2 at2 and v2 = u2 + 2as Where all symbols are in their usual meaning. Equilibrium The state of a non- rotating object upon whom the net torque acting is zero. Equilibrium Position The stable position of a system where the net force acting on the object is zero. Errors in Measurement During the measurement of physical quantity, there may be some errors arises due to the defects in instruments, environ- mental changes and wrong methods of observations etc. These errors are known as errors in measurement. Electric Dipole Moment The prod- uct of charge and distance of separa- tion for an electric dipole. Electric
  • 25. 13 dipole moment of an electric dipole is given by p = q × 2l Where q is magnitude of any of the two charges of the dipole and 2l is length of axis. Electromagnetic Radiation Radia- tion consisting of electric and magnetic fields that travel at the speed of light. Excited State The state of an atom or nucleus when it possesses more than its normal energy. Typically, the ex- cess energy is released as a gamma ray. Extrinsic Semiconductor Pure semiconductor is insulator at room temperature and conductor to certain degree when temperature rises. To made it conductor, external impurities are added into it. This semiconductor is known as extrinsic semiconductor. Fermion A particle having a spin that is an odd integer multiple of ℏ/2. Fictive Temperature We know that the density of a substance changes/fluctuates with change in the temperature of the substance. Fictive temperature represents to the temper- ature at which the density fluctuations are “frozen” in the material. Faraday’s Electro-magnetic Law Faraday’s electromagnetic law states that (a) there is an induced electro- motive force (emf) if there is relative motion between coil and magnet. (b) The induced emf (e) is rate of change of linked flux (φ) through the coil, ie e = − d dt φ F Faraday’s constant. Its nu- merical value is 96000 coulomb (F). If one coulomb charge is passed through a electrolyte solution having mono- valent ions then at electrode one mole of the ionic substance is deposited. To deposit one mole material of valancy n, charge required is nF. First Law Of Thermodynamics Es- sentially a restatement of energy con- servation, it states that the change in the internal energy of a system is equal to the heat added plus the work done on the system., Mathematically Q = U + W Focal Length The distance be- tween the focal point and the vertex of a mirror or lens. For concave mirrors and convex lenses, this number is pos- itive. For convex mirrors and concave lenses, this number is negative. Focal Point The point of a mir- ror or lens where all light that runs parallel to the principal axis will be focused. Concave mirrors and convex lenses are designed to focus light into the focal point. Convex mirrors and concave lenses focus light away from the focal point. Force A push or a pull that causes an object to accelerate. Mass acceler- ation relation for force is given by F = m × a Forward Biasing In forward bias- ing, p-region of the diode is connected with positive terminal of DC source and n-region is connected with nega- tive terminal. In forward biasing, the deplation region is narrowed and junc- tion offers negligible resistance. p n V D1 V Forward Current Characteristics Forward biasing characteristic is the graphical relation between forward po- tential and forward current. In forward biasing, depletion region is shortened and there is normal forward current.
  • 26. 14 V I bc Vknee When forward potential is in- creased, the forward current is in- creases at first and then remains con- stant. This constant current is known as saturation current. Free-body Diagram Free body di- agram illustrates all the forces acting on an object. These forces are drawn as vectors originating from the center of the object. Frequency It is the number of cy- cles executed by a system in one sec- ond. Frequency (f) is inverse of the pe- riod, T . In terms of angular frequency, ω = 2πf. Frictional Force A force caused by the roughness of two materials in contact, deformations in the materials, and a molecular attraction between the materials. Frictional forces are always parallel to the plane of contact between two surfaces and opposite the direc- tion that the object is being pushed or pulled. Fundamental The standing wave with the lowest frequency that is sup- ported by a string with both ends tied down is called the fundamental, or res- onance, of the string. The wavelength of the fundamental is twice the length of the string. Gain (Transistor) Gravity Gravity is phenomenon of force of attraction between two masses. For example, a ball fall from the height on the surface of the earth is phe- nomenon of gravity. The gravitational force, consequent of gravity acts along the central axes of the mass. Gravitational Field Gravitational field of a heavy mass, M, at distance of r from the center of heavy mass is the strength of gravity by which it at- tracts to unit mass placed at distant r. For earth it is denoted by g and math- ematically given by g = G M r2 Gravitational Potential Gravita- tional potential of a heavy mass, M, placed at point of distance r from the center of the heavy mass, is the work done on unit mass when it is brought from infinity to that point. Mathemat- ically given by V = G M r Graded Index Fiber In some types of optical fiber refractive index is made of vary as a function of the radial dis- tance from the center of the fiber. Gamma Decay A form of radioac- tivity where an excited atom releases a photon of gamma radiation, thereby returning to a lower energy state. The atomic structure itself does not change in the course of gamma radiation. Gamma Ray An electromagnetic wave of very high frequency. The pen- etration power of gamma rays is largest among all the radiation waves emitted in radioactive decays. Gold Foil Experiment Gold foil ex- periment was carried out by Ernest Rutherford popularly known as alpha particle scattering. This experiment proved for the first time that atoms have nuclei. Gravitational Constant The con- stant of proportionality in Newton’s Law of Gravitation. It reflects the pro- portion of the gravitational force and the product of two particles’ masses di-
  • 27. 15 vided by the square of the bodies’ sep- aration. F = G mM r2 Gravitational Potential Energy The energy associated with the con- figuration of bodies attracted to each other by the gravitational force. It is a measure of the amount of work neces- sary to get the two bodies from a cho- sen point of reference to their present position. This point of reference is usu- ally chosen to be a point of infinite dis- tance, giving the equation. Objects of mass m that is at a height of h above the surface of the earth have a gravita- tional potential energy, mgh. Ground State In the Bohr model of the atom, the state in which an elec- tron has the least energy and orbits closest to the nucleus. Half-life The amount of time it takes for one-half of a radioactive sam- ple to decay. t1/2 = 0.693 k Or N = N0 1 2 n Where n is number of half years. Harmonic Series The series of standing waves supported by a string with both ends tied down. The first member of the series, called the fun- damental, has two nodes at the ends and one anti-node in the middle. The higher harmonics are generated by placing an integral number of nodes at even intervals over the length of the string. The harmonic series is very im- portant in music. Heat A transfer of thermal energy. We don’t speak about systems having heat, but about their transferring heat, much in the way that dynamical sys- tems don’t have work, but rather for work. Heat Engine A machine that oper- ates by taking heat from a hot place, doing some work with that heat, and then exhausting the rest of the heat into a cool place. The internal com- bustion engine of a car is an example of a heat engine. Heat Transfer A transfer of ther- mal energy from one system to an- other. There are three methods of heat transfer. (i) conduction, (ii) convec- tion and (iii) radiation. In heat trans- fer, conduction and convection requires medium while radiation does not re- quire medium for heat transfer. Hertz (Hz) It is unit of frequency. Its dimension is the inverse of the time. Holes Holes are the majority charge carriers in p-type extrinsic semiconductor. The motion of holes is opposite to the direction of electric field. In semiconductor, holes behave like proton and its equivalent charge is equal to the magnitude of the charge of electron. Hooke’s Law For an oscillating spring, the restoring force exerted by the spring is directly proportional to the displacement. F ∝ −x That is, the more the spring is dis- placed, the stronger the force that will pull toward the equilibrium position. The applied fource should be within elastic limits of the spring otherwise spring will be set to the permanent ex- tension. Hypotenuse The longest side of a right triangle, opposite to the right an- gle. Hypotenuse (h) is related with base (b) and height (l) as h2 = l2 + b2 Hydrogen Spectrum Hydrogen spectrum is series of electromagnetic
  • 28. 16 waves emitted or absorbed by an elec- tron undergoing energy level transi- tions. The wavelength of emitted or absorbed electromagnetic wave is given by 1 λ = Z2 R 1 n2 1 − 1 n2 2 Where Z is atomic number of atom. There are many spectrum series ac- cording to the level of transitions. First five series are the most promi- nent and they are named as Lyman, Balmer, Paschen, Bracket and Funds. Ideal Gas Law A gas law from which the volume of gas becomes zero when temperature is zero kelvin at con- stant pressure. It is PV = µRT Impulse A vector quantity defined as the product of the force acting on a body multiplied by the time interval over which the force is exerted. I = F × t Incident Ray When dealing with reflection or refraction, the incident ray is the ray of light before it strikes the reflecting or refracting surface. Inclined Plane A wedge or a slide. The dynamics of objects sliding down inclined planes is a popular topic on SAT II Physics. Index Of Refraction Index of re- fraction of medium B, in respect of medium A is the ratio of the veloci- ties of light in medium A to medium B. AnB = velocity of light in medium A velocity of light in medium B Intrinsic Semiconductor A semi- conductor material is insulator in its purest form at room temperature. Its conductivity increases with increase of the temperature. This type of conduc- tive semiconductors are known as in- trinsic semiconductor. Inductor Inductor is a coil with or without metallic core. Inductors offer impedance to their circuits due to their inductive properties. Inductance of in- ductors depends on the varying mag- netic flux. This is why inductors do not offer impedance to the circuit in direct current. Induced Current The current in- duced in a circuit by a change in mag- netic flux. Induced current is given by I × Z = − d dt φ Here Z is impedance of the circuit. Inelastic Collision A collision in which momentum is conserved but ki- netic energy is not. Inertia The tendency of an object to remain at a constant velocity, or its resistance to being accelerated. New- ton’s First Law is alternatively called the Law of Inertia because it describes this tendency. Inertia of an object is given by I = Z dm x2 Where dm is mass of the element at distance x from the axis of rotation. Inertial Reference Frame A refer- ence frame in which Newton’s First Law is true. Two inertial reference frames move at a constant velocity rel- ative to one another. According to the first postulate of Einstein’s theory of special relativity, the laws of physics are the same in all inertial reference frames. Instantaneous Velocity Instanta- neous velocity of an object is the ve- locity at any given instant in time. In contrast to it average velocity is a mea- sure of the change in displacement over a given time interval. Internal Energy The energy stored in a thermodynamic system. Internal
  • 29. 17 energy mainly depends on the temper- ature of the system. It is given by dQ = dU + dW Where dU is change in internal energy due to change of small charge dQ. Inversely Proportional Two quan- tities are inversely proportional if an increase in one results in a proportional decrease in the other, and a decrease in one results in a proportional increase in the other. In a formula defining a cer- tain quantity, those quantities to which it’s inversely proportional will appear in the denominator. Islanding Islanding refers to the condition in which a distributed gen- erator continues to power a location even though electrical grid power from the electric utility is no longer present. Islanding can be dangerous to utility workers, who may not realize that a circuit is still powered, and it may prevent automatic re-connection of de- vices. For that reason, distributed gen- erators must detect islanding and im- mediately stop producing power; this is referred to as anti-islanding. Isolated System A system that no external net force acts upon. Objects within the system may exert forces upon one another, but they cannot re- ceive any impulse from outside forces. Momentum is conserved in isolated systems. Isotope Atoms of the same el- ement may have different numbers of neutrons and therefore different masses. Atoms of the same element but with different numbers of neutrons are called isotopes of the same ele- ment. Joule The joule (J) is the unit of work and energy. One calorie is equal to 4.2 Joule. Kelvin A scale for measuring tem- perature, defined such that 0K is the lowest theoretical temperature a ma- terial can have. Kepler’s First Law The path of each planet around the sun is an ellipse with the sun at one focus. Kepler’s Second Law If a line is drawn from the sun to the planet, then the area swept out by this line in a given time interval is constant. Kepler’s Third Law According this law, the square of the orbital time period is directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of the or- bit of revolving planet. T 2 ∝ a3 Kinematic Equations The five equations used to solve problems in kinematics in one dimension with uni- form acceleration. Kinematics Kinematics is the study and description of the motion of objects. Kinetic Energy Energy associated with the state of motion. The trans- lational kinetic energy of an object is given by the equation KE = 1 2 mv2 Kinetic Friction The force between two surfaces moving relative to one an- other. The frictional force is parallel to the plane of contact between the two objects and in the opposite direction of the sliding object’s motion. If nor- mal force between the two surfaces is F then friction force Ff is given by Ff = µkF Here µk is coefficient of kinetic fric- tion. Kinetic Theory Of Gases A rough approximation of how gases work, that is quite accurate in everyday condi- tions. According to the kinetic the- ory, gases are made up of tiny, round molecules that move about in accor- dance with Newton’s Laws, and col- lide with one another and other objects
  • 30. 18 elastically. We can derive the ideal gas law from the kinetic theory. Laminar Flow Laminar flow (or streamline flow) occurs when a fluid flows in parallel layers, with no disrup- tion between the layers. At low veloci- ties, the fluid tends to flow without lat- eral mixing, and adjacent layers slide past one another like playing cards. Latent Heat Of Fusion The amount of heat necessary to transform a solid at a given temperature into a liquid of the same temperature, or the amount of heat needed to be removed from a liquid of a given temperature to transform it into a solid of the same temperature. It is Hf = m × l Where l latent headt of fusion. Latent Heat Of Sublimation The amount of heat necessary for a mate- rial undergoing sublimation to make a phase change from gas to solid or solid to gas, without a change in tempera- ture. Latent Heat Of Transformation The amount heat necessary to cause a substance to undergo a phase tran- sition. Latent Heat Of Vaporisation The amount of heat necessary to transform a liquid at a given temperature into a gas of the same temperature, or the amount of heat needed to be taken away from a gas of a given tempera- ture to transform it into a liquid of the same temperature. Hv = m × l Where l latent heat of vaporisation. Law of Floatation An object will float or not depends on the weights of object (wo) and medium (wm). If wo wm then object will float par- tially at the surface of the mdium. If wo = wm then object may float at any layer of the medium. And if wo wm then object will settle down at the bot- tom of the container of the medium. Law Of Conservation Of Energy Energy cannot be made or destroyed. Energy can only be changed from one place to another or from one form to another. According the law of conser- vation of energy for vertical plane mo- tion of an object of mass m under the gravitational field at any given height, h 1 2 mv2 = mgh Here v is instantaneous velocity of the object at height h. Law Of Reflection For a reflected light ray. In other words, a ray of light reflects of a surface in the same plane as the incident ray and the normal, and at an angle to the normal that is equal to the angle between the incident ray and the normal. Legs The two shorter sides of a right triangle that meet at the right angle. Lenz’s Law States that the cur- rent induced in a circuit by a change in magnetic flux is in the direction that will oppose that change in flux. Using the right-hand rule, point your thumb in the opposite direction of the change in magnetic flux. The direction your fingers curl into a fist indicates the di- rection of the current. Linear Velocity An object moving in linear path is said to be in linear mo- tion and its velocity at any instant of time is knwon as linear velocity. It is given by v = dx dt Linear Acceleration Linear acceler- ation of the object is the rate of change of velocity at any instant of time. a = dv dt
  • 31. 19 Linear Momentum A moving ob- ject has momentum energy that re- mains conserved until-unless external force is not applied. Momentum of an object is given by p = mv Logic Gate A logic gate is a spe- cial form of amplifier circuit designed to input and output logic level volt- ages. Gates are represented by their own symbols rather than their transis- tors and resistors constituents. The in- puts of logic gates are symbolised into logic levels ‘0’ and ‘1’. Output of logic gates are also measured into these logic levels. Longitudinal Waves Waves that oscillate in the same direction as the propagation of the wave. Sound is car- ried by longitudinal waves, since the air molecules move back and forth in the same direction the sound travels. Loudness The square of the am- plitude of a sound wave is called the sound’s loudness, or volume. Magnetic Field A moving charge produces magnetic field in its field space where another current carrying conductor experiences magnetic force. From Biot-Savart law d ~ B = µ0 4π I d~ l r2 sin θ Magnetising Intensity Magnetic Susceptibility The mag- netic susceptibility is a dimensionless proportionality constant that indicates the degree of magnetization of a mate- rial in response to an applied magnetic field. M = χvH Magnetic Flux The dot product of the area and the magnetic field passing through it. Graphically, it is a measure of the number and length of magnetic field lines passing through that area. It is measured in Webers (Wb). φ = ~ B · ~ A Magnification The ratio of the size of the image produced by a mirror or lens to the size of the original object. This number is negative if the image is upside-down. Magnitude A property common to both vectors and scalars. In the graph- ical representation of a vector, the vec- tor’s magnitude is equal to the length of the arrow. Magnetic Dipole Moment The product of pole strength and distance of separation of poles of the magnet. Magnetic dipole moment of a magnet is given by M = m × 2l Where m is magnetic strength of any of the two poles of the magnet and 2l is length of magnet. Malus Law Malus law gives the in- tensity of light when it passes through two polarisation plates. If θ is angle between the axes of two polariods then intensity of emerging light is Iθ = I0 cos θ Margin Of Error The amount of error that’s possible in a given mea- surement. Mass A measurement of a body’s inertia, or resistance to being acceler- ated. Mass Defect The mass difference between a nucleus and the sum of the masses of the constituent protons and neutrons. Mass Number The mass number, A, is the sum of the number of protons and neutrons in a nucleus. It is very close to the weight of that nucleus in atomic mass units.
  • 32. 20 Maxima In an interference or diffraction pattern, the places where there is the most light. Mechanical Energy The sum of a system’s potential and kinetic en- ergy. In many systems, including pro- jectiles, pulleys, pendulums, and mo- tion on frictionless surfaces, mechani- cal energy is conserved. One important type of problem in which mechanical energy is not conserved is the class of problems involving friction. Medium The substance that is dis- placed as a wave propagates through it. Air is the medium for sound waves, the string is the medium of transverse waves on a string, and water is the medium for ocean waves. Note that even if the waves in a given medium travel great distances, the medium it- self remains more or less in the same place. Melting Point The temperature at which a material will change phase from solid to liquid or liquid to solid. Meson A class of elementary par- ticle whose mass is between that of a proton and that of an electron. A com- mon kind of meson is the pion. Microscope Michelson-Morley Experiment An experiment in 1879 that showed that the speed of light is constant to all ob- servers. Einstein used the results of this experiment as support for his the- ory of special relativity. Minima In an interference or diffraction pattern, the places where there is the least light. Two light waves produces minima if their phase differ- ence is even multiple of π. Correspond- ing path difference should be odd mul- tiple of λ/2. Mole Mole is unit of chemical mass measurement. One mole is equivalent to moles = Mass in gram Molar mass One mole has fixed volume and num- ber of molecules at STP. It occupy 22.4lt volume and have 6.23 × 1023 molecules. Moment Of Inertia The moment of inertia for a single particle is MR2 , where M is the mass of the rigid body and R is the distance to the rotation axis. For rigid bodies, moment of iner- tia is given by I = mk2 Where k is radius of gyration. Momentum Linear momentum, p, commonly called momentum for short, is a vector quantity defined as the product of an object’s mass, m, and its velocity, v. Motor Electric motor is a device that works in direct current as well as alternate current. Electric motor con- verts electrical energy into mechanical energy. The power delivered by the motor is measured in torque. Power of the motor is given by P = 2πfτ Motional Emf The emf created by the motion of a charge through a mag- netic field. Mutual Induction The property by which a changing current in one coil of wire induces an emf in another. If L1 and L2 are the individual self induc- tion of the two coils then their mutual induction M is given by M = p L1L2 Neutrino An almost massless par- ticle of neutral charge that is released along with a beta particle in beta de- cay. Neutron A neutrally charged par- ticle that, along with protons, consti- tutes the nucleus of an atom. Neutron Number The number, N, of neutrons in an atomic nucleus. Newton A unit of force represented by N. On newton unit is equal to the
  • 33. 21 product of 1kg mass and its unit accel- eration. Newton’s First Law An object at rest remains at rest, unless acted upon by a net force. An object in motion remains in motion, unless acted upon by a net force. Newton’s Law Of Universal Grav- itation The force of gravity, F, be- tween two particles of mass and , sepa- rated by a distance r, has a magnitude of , where G is the gravitational con- stant. The force is directed along the line joining the two particles. Newton’s Second Law Newton sec- ond law is product of mass and its ac- celeration. F = ma Newton’s Third Law To every ac- tion, there is an equal and opposite re- action. If an object A exerts a force on another object B, B will exert on A a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force exerted by A. Node The points on a standing wave where total destructive interfer- ence causes the medium to remain fixed at its equilibrium position. Normal The line perpendicular to a surface. There is only one normal for any given surface. Normal Force The reaction force of the ground, a table, etc., when an object is placed upon it. The normal force is a direct consequence of New- ton’s Third Law. Nuclear Fission A nuclear reac- tion in which a high-energy neutron bombards a heavy, unstable atomic nucleus, causing it to split into two smaller nuclei, and releasing some neu- trons and a vast amount of energy at the same time. Nuclear Fusion A nuclear reaction that takes place only at very high tem- peratures. Two light atoms, often hy- drogen, fuse together to form a larger single atom, releasing a vast amount of energy in the process. Nucleus The center of an atom, where the protons and neutrons reside. Electrons then orbit this nucleus. Optical Path Optical path, in the optics, is the path traveled by a light between two points. The effective length of optical path for a light ray depends on the medium in which it is traveling. Optics It is branch of the sci- ence in which properties of visible light are studies. Electromagnetic spec- trum with wavelengths between 360 and 780nm is called visible light. Orbit When an object is held in circular motion about a massive body, like a planet or a sun, due to the force of gravity, that object is said to be in orbit. Objects in orbit are in perpetual free fall, and so are therefore weight- less. Oscillation A back-and-forth movement about an equilibrium po- sition. Springs, pendulums, and other oscillators experience harmonic mo- tion. Pascals The unit for measuring pressure. One Pascal is equal to one Newton per meter squared. Ohm’s Law Ohm’s law states that current in a circuit is directly propor- tional to the voltage across it. Hence i = GV Here G is conductance of the conduc- tor. Its reciprocal is resistance. And V = iR Pendulum A pendulum consists of a bob connected to a rod or rope. At small angles, a pendulum’s motion ap- proximates simple harmonic motion as it swings back and forth without fric- tion. Pendulum, Torsional Perfectly Non-elastic Collision A collision in which the colliding parti- cles stick together.
  • 34. 22 Permeability Permeability, µ, is the measure of the ability of a ma- terial to support the formation of a magnetic field within itself. Hence, it is the degree of magnetization that a material obtains in response to an ap- plied magnetic field. In SI unit, µ0 = 4π × 10−7 H/m. Period The time required by an os- cillating object to complete one cycle is time period of the oscillating object. Phase Two oscillators that have the same frequency and amplitude, but reach their maximum displacements at different times, are said to have differ- ent phases. Similarly, two waves are in phase if their crests and troughs line up exactly, and they are out of phase if the crests of one wave line up with the troughs of the other. Phase (△φ) (△x) path differences are related with each other as △φ = 2π λ × △x Phase Change When a solid, liq- uid, or gas changes into another phase of matter, it is said that substance un- dergoes phase change. Phaser Diagram Photoelectric Effect When elec- tromagnetic radiation shines upon a metal, the surface of the metal re- leases energized electrons. The way in which these electrons are released contradicts classical theories of electro- magnetic radiation and supports the quantum view according to which elec- tromagnetic waves are treated as par- ticles. Photoelectron The name of an electron released from the surface of a metal due to the photoelectric effect. Photon A small particle-like bun- dle of electromagnetic radiation. Rest mass of photon is zero while its kinetic mass is not. Energy associated with photon is hν, where ν is frequency of the photon’s wave. Photon energy is quantised hence energy magnitude of photon can not further divided into sub-parts. Pitch Pitch is a perceptual prop- erty of sounds that allows their or- dering on a frequency-related scale, or more commonly, pitch is the qual- ity that makes it possible to judge sounds as “higher” and “lower” in the sense associated with musical melodies. Pitch can only be deter- mined in sounds that have a frequency that is clear and stable enough to be distinguishable from noise. Pitch is a major auditory attribute of musical tones, along with duration, loudness, and timbre. Planck’s Constant The Planck con- stant, h, is the proportionality con- stant for the relation of energy and frequency ν of an oscillating quantum particle. E = hν Its numerical value is 6.63 × 10−34 Js. Polarization A process that aligns a wave of light to oscillate in one di- mension rather than two. Polarisation by Reflection Inten- sity of partially reflected light from the inter-medium surface is changes from maximum to minimum when angle of incident increases from zero to Brew- ster angle. Intensity of the reflected light is minimum to plane polarisa- tion of the reflected light. This phe- nomenon is known as polarisation of light by reflection. Potential Energy Energy associ- ated with an object’s position in space, or configuration in relation to other ob- jects. This is a latent form of energy, where the amount of potential energy reflects the amount of energy that po- tentially could be released as kinetic energy or energy of some other form. Power Defined as the rate at which work is done, or the rate at which en- ergy is transformed. P is measured in joules per second (J/s), or watts (W).
  • 35. 23 Pressure Pressure is normal force on per square unit area. It is measured in N/m2 or ‘Pa’. Prism A bounded medium between two square planes is known as prism. Prism generates a spectrum of white light by dispersion phenomenon called rainbow. Principal Axis The straight line that runs through the focal point and the vertex of a mirror or lens. Projectile An object moving in ver- tical plane under the gravitational ef- fect is known as projectile. Function of projectile is a function of velocity and angular direction, ie f(v, θ). Ve- locity of projectile has two component, one is horizontal component and other is vertical component. Horizontal ve- locity remains constant throughout the motion while vertical velocity changes with time. Proton A positively charged parti- cle that, along with the neutron, occu- pies the nucleus of the atom. Pulley A pulley is a simple ma- chine that consists of a rope that slides around a disk or block. Quark The building blocks of all matter, quarks are the con- stituent parts of protons, neutrons, and mesons. Quantisation Any physical quan- tity will said to be quantised if it is in- teger multiple of smallest known value. This phenomenon is known as quan- tisation. For example, charge in any body is integer multiple of magnitude of charge on electron, ie 1.6 × 10−19 coulomb. Hence charge on any object is given by Q = ne where n is number of excess or deficient electrons in that object. Radian A unit for measuring an- gles. It is given by θr = arc radius Relation between radian and degree is given by θr = π 180 × θd Radial Acceleration in Circular Motion Radiation Radiation is method of transfer of heat in form of radiation. Heat transfer from this method is pos- sible in vacuum also. Radioactive Decay The process by which unstable nuclei spontaneously release particles and/or energy so as to come to a more stable arrangement. The most common forms of radioactive decay are alpha decay, beta decay, and gamma decay. Radioactivity An object is called radioactive if it undergoes radioactive decay. Radius Of Curvature With spheri- cal mirrors, the radius of the sphere of which the mirror is a part. Rarefaction An area of high air pressure that acts as the wave trough for sound waves. The spacing be- tween successive rarefaction is the wavelength of sound, and the number of successive areas of rarefaction that arrive at the ear per second is the fre- quency, or pitch, of the sound. Arrangement of Resistances In a circuit, resistances may be arranged in parallel or series arrangement. In par- allel and series arrangements, equiva- lent resistance is given by respectively : 1 R = 1 R1 + 1 R2 + 1 R3 and R = R1 + R2 + R3 Recombination When charge car- riers passes from p-type to n-type re- gion or vice-versa, holes and electrons neutralised to each other. This phe- nomenon is known as recombination.
  • 36. 24 Real Image An image created by a mirror or lens in such a way that light does actually come from where the im- age appears to be. If you place a screen in front of a real image, the image will be projected onto the screen. Reflect A wave on a string that is tied to a pole at one end will re- flect back toward its source, producing a wave that is the mirror-image of the original and which travels in the oppo- site direction. Reflected Ray The ray of light that is reflected from a mirror or other re- flecting surface. Reflection The phenomenon of light bouncing off a surface, such as a mirror. Reflection can occurs from any surface except it should not be a black body. When light reflects from shining surface then it is consider as reflection while reflection of the light from the rough surface is called diffused reflec- tion. Refracted Ray The ray of light that is refracted through a surface into a dif- ferent medium. Refraction bending of light as it passes from one medium to another. Light refracts toward the normal when going from a less dense medium into a denser medium and away from the nor- mal when going from a denser medium into a less dense medium. Voltage Regulation The variation of the dc output as a function of dc load current is called voltage regula- tion. It is given by % regulation = Vno load − Vload Vload × 100 Here, Vno load is dc output voltage when there is no current. Vload is dc output voltage when there is normal load current. Relaxation Time Resistor Any material of any shape and size offers opposition to the flow of current through themselves. This op- position is referred as resistance of the material. From Ohm’s law R = V I Resistance of the material is due to the collision of the charge carriers with rigid atoms or ions. Based on the shape and size R = ρ l A where ρ is specific resistance of the ma- terial. Resonance Electrical circuit hav- ing resistor, inductor and capacitor is called resonant circuit. Resonant circuit has its own natural frequency given by f = 1 2π × 1 √ LC The circuit is said to be in resonance when external source has frequency of integer multiple of natural frequency of the circuit. At resonance, a LCR cir- cuit becomes purely resistible circuit. Restoring Force The force that causes simple harmonic motion. The restoring force is always directed to- ward an object’s equilibrium position. Reverse Biasing In reverse biasing, p-region of the diode is connected with negative terminal of DC source and n- region is connected with positive ter- minal. In reverse biasing, the depla- tion region is widened and junction of- fers very high resistance. p n V D1 V Reverse Biasing Characteristics Reverse biasing characteristic is the graphical relation between reverse po- tential and reverse current. In re- verse biasing, depletion region is widen and there is no normal current while
  • 37. 25 there is a weak reverse current due to thermionic hole-electron generation. V I V break When reverse potential is very large, above breakdown potential, diode experiences avalanche break- down and a very steep reverse current is observed. Right-hand Rule A means of defin- ing the direction of the cross prod- uct vector. To find the direction, first three fingers of the right hand are placed mutually normal. If index and middle finger pointed to the direction of the vectors then thumb is in the di- rection of the cross product of the vec- tors. Rigid Body An object that retains its overall shape, meaning that the par- ticles that make up the rigid body stay in the same position relative to one an- other. Rotational Kinetic Energy The en- ergy of a particle rotating around an axis. Rotational kinetic energy is given by Er = Iω2 Rotational Motion Occurs when every point in the rigid body moves in a circular path around a line called the axis of rotation. Rutherford Nuclear Model The model of the atom according to which negatively charged electrons orbit a positively charged nucleus. This model was developed by Ernest Rutherford in light of the results from his gold foil ex- periment. Satellite Motion Motion of a satel- lite orbiting around the earth. Binding energy of the satellite came from the Newton’s force of gravitation. Orbits of a revolving satellite may be circular or elliptical. Saturation Current The maximum collector current in a transistor that does not change when emitter-base current is increases is called saturation current. For different collector poten- tial, the saturation current level is dif- ferent. Satellite Velocity It is the velocity of the satellite revolving its near circu- lar orbits around the earth. v = r G Me r Here r is distance of satellite from the earth having mass Me. Satellite Time Period Time re- quired by a satellite to make one com- plete revolution in its orbital path around the earth is called time period of the satellite. Time period of the satellite is ratio of the orbital perimeter to the orbital velocity of the satellite. T = 2πr vo Time period of the satellite varies from few hours to 24 hours. Step Index Fiber Refractive in- dex of core of optical fiber is uniform throughout and undergoes an abrupt change at cladding boundary. This is called step-index fiber. Stoke’s Law Stokes law explains the dragging or viscous force on an object moving in homogeneous liquid with instantaneous velocity v. F = 6πηrv Here η is dynamic viscosity, r is radius of the spherical object. Stopping Potential in Photoelectric Effect In photoelectric phenomenon, ejected electrons are negative in na- ture. If we applied a negative electric field in the region in which electron is
  • 38. 26 being ejected then electron does not leave the surface. The corresponding potential of this electric field is known as threshold potential. Energy of elec- tron in potential V is eV and it should be equal to eV = hν − hν′ Scalar A quantity that possesses a magnitude but not a direction. Mass and length are common examples. Second Law Of Thermodynamics There are a few versions of this law. One is that heat flows spontaneously from hot to cold, but not in the reverse direction. Another is that there is no such thing as a 100% efficient heat en- gine. A third states that the entropy, or disorder, of a system may increase but will never decrease spontaneously. Semiconductors Materials which are insulator at low temperature and conductor at higher temperature are called semiconductors. The energy band gap of semiconductors is less than metals and more than insulators. Significant Digits The number of digits that have been accurately mea- sured. When combining several mea- surements in a formula, the resulting calculation can only have as many sig- nificant digits as the measurement that has the smallest number of significant digits. Simple Harmonic Oscillator An ob- ject that moves about a stable equi- librium point and experiences a restor- ing force that is directly proportional to the oscillator’s displacement. Sine In a right triangle, the sine of a given angle is the length of the side opposite the angle divided by the length of the hypotenuse. Snell’s Law When light enters into dense medium from rare medium, it deviates towards normal to surface. Snell’s law gives relation between an- gle of incidence, i to the angle of re- fraction, r as µ = sin i sin r Here µ is refractive index of dense medium with respect to rare medium. Sound Waves carried by variations in air pressure. The speed of sound waves in air at room temperature and pressure is roughly 343m/s. Specific Heat The amount of heat of a material required to raise the tem- perature of either one kilogram or one gram of that material by one degree Celsius. Q = m s △t Specific Resistivity It is the prop- erty of a material and resistance of a conductor is directly proportional to the specific resistivity of the material of conductor and the shape of conduc- tor. Now R = ρ l A Here ρ is specific resistivity. Specific Conductivity Reciprocal of specific resistivity is specific conduc- tivity of the material. Spectroscope A device that breaks incoming light down into spectral rays, so that one can see the exact wave- length constituents of the light. Speed A scalar quantity that tells us how fast an object is moving. It measures the rate of change in distance over time. Speed is to be contrasted with velocity in that there is no direc- tion associated with speed. Spring Objects that experience os- cillatory or simple harmonic motion when distorted. Their motion is de- scribed by Hooke’s Law. Spring Constant The spring con- stant, k, is the constant of proportion- ality between the restoring force ex- erted by the spring, and the spring’s displacement from equilibrium. F = −kx
  • 39. 27 The greater the value of k, more resis- tant the spring is to being displaced. Standing Wave A wave that inter- feres with its own reflection so as to produce oscillations which stand still, rather than traveling down the length of the medium. Standing waves on a string with both ends tied down make up the harmonic series. Static Friction The force between two surfaces that are not moving rela- tive to one another. The force of static friction is parallel to the plane of con- tact between the two objects and re- sists the force pushing or pulling on the object. Streak Flow Strong Nuclear Force The force that binds protons and neutrons to- gether in the atomic nucleus. Surface Tension Surface tension is the elastic tendency of liquids which makes them acquire the least surface area possible. Surface tension is given by force per unit length. T = F l Surface Energy Surface energy is the work per unit area done by the force that creates the new surface. W = T × A Sublimation The process by which a solid turns directly into gas, because it cannot exist as a liquid at a certain pressure. Superposition The principle by which the displacements from different waves traveling in the same medium add up. y = y1 + y2 + y3 + . . . Super- position is the basis for interference. System A body or set of bodies that we choose to analyze as a group. Turbulant Flow In turbulent flow, liquid particles moves in random layers when move from higher to lower sur- face level. Tail In the graphical representa- tion of vectors, the tail of the arrow is the blunt end. Tangent In a right triangle, the tangent of a given angle is the length of the side opposite the angle divided by the length of the side adjacent to the triangle. Tangential Acceleration in Circular Motion Telescope An optical device used to observe distant objects. It ap- parently brought distant objects near to the observer by its magnification times. Temperature A measure of the av- erage kinetic energy of the molecules in a system. Temperature is related to heat by the specific heat of a given substance. Tension Force The force transmit- ted along a rope. Its value is approx- imately equal to the force applied on the rope. Theory of Continuity Theory of continuity is based on the principle of volume in and volume out of non- compressible fluid through a pipe are always equals. Mathematically Av = K Where A and v are the area of cross section and velocity of the fluid at any point of cross section of the pipe. Thermal Energy The energy of the molecules that make up an object. It is related to heat, which is the amount of energy transferred from one object to another object that is a different tem- perature. Thermal Equilibrium Two materi- als are in thermal equilibrium if they are at the same temperature. Third Law Of Thermodynamics An object cannot be cooled to absolute zero. Threshold Frequency A property of a metal, the minimum frequency of electromagnetic radiation that is nec- essary to release photoelectrons from
  • 40. 28 that metal. Threshold energy is given by hν′ . If a photon of energy hν falls on the surface then kinetic energy of ejected electron is the difference of the energy of photon and threshold energy. KEe = hν − hν′ Tip In the graphical representation of vectors, the tip of the arrow is the pointy end. Torque The effect of force on ro- tational motion. If force ~ F is applied on a rotational object at distance of ~ r from the axis of rotation then torque is given by ~ τ = ~ F × ~ r Its SI unit is Nm. Total Internal Reflection The phe- nomenon by which light traveling from a high n to a low n material will reflect from the optical interface if the inci- dent angle is greater than the critical angle. Trajectory Trajectory is traverse path of projectile. Geometrically it is parabolic in shape. Transistors Transistor is a device of two junction diodes in which one type of semiconductor wafer is sand- wiched between two other type of the semiconductor material. A transistor has three terminals known as emitter, base and collector. To operate the transistor, its emitter must be forward bias while its collector must be in re- verse bias. E B C Ie Ic Ib Figure 3: Structure of a PNP transis- tor. Transformer A device made of two coils, which converts current of one voltage into current of another volt- age. In a step-up transformer, the primary coil has fewer turns than the secondary, thus increasing the voltage. In a step-down transformer, the sec- ondary coil has fewer turns than the primary, thus decreasing the voltage. For transformer N1 N2 = V1 V2 Translational Motion The move- ment of a rigid body’s center of mass in space. Transverse Waves Waves in which the medium moves in the direction per- pendicular to the propagation of the wave. Waves on a stretched string, wa- ter waves, and electromagnetic waves are all examples of transverse waves. Traveling Waves A wave with wave crests that propagate down the length of the medium, in contrast to station- ary standing waves. The velocity at which a crest propagates is called the wave speed. Trough The points of maximum negative displacement along a wave. They are the opposite of wave crests. Truth Table Truth table consits outputs of the a logic gate correspond- ing all possible inputs. The truth ta- ble is different for different logic gates. The truth table of OR gate is given be- low. A B Y=A+B 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 Uncertainty Principle A principle derived by Werner Heisenberg in 1927 that tells us that we can never know both the position and the momentum of a particle at any given time.
  • 41. 29 Uniform Circular Motion The mo- tion of a body moving in circular path is with constant speed. In uniform cir- cular motion, centripetal force is bal- anced by tension in the string of length R. F = mv2 R Unit Vector A unit vector is a vec- tor with length ‘1’. In two dimension, a unit vector is given by â = î + ĵ Universal Gas Constant It is rep- resented by R. Its numerical value is 8.314J/(Kmol). Vector A vector quantity, or vec- tor, is an object possessing, and fully described by, a magnitude and a direc- tion. Graphically a vector is depicted as an arrow with its magnitude given by the length of the arrow and its direc- tion given by where the arrow is point- ing. Velocity A vector quantity defined as the rate of change of the displace- ment vector with time. It is to be con- trasted with speed, which is a scalar quantity for which no direction is spec- ified. Vertex The center of a mirror or lens. Viscosity Viscosity is property of fluid and related with the fluid- ity. Fluid that flow slowly is said to be more viscous than the fluid flows speedily. Viscosity restricts the flow of fluid. It is directly related with tem- perature and its value decreases when temperature increases. Virtual Image An image created by a mirror or lens in such a way that light does not actually come from where the image appears to be. Young’s Modulus A coefficient that tells how much a material will ex- pand or contract lengthwise when it is stretched or compressed. The relation is given by strain = Y × stress Here Y is coefficient of Young’s modu- lus. Wave A system with many parts in periodic, or repetitive, motion. The os- cillations in one part cause vibrations in nearby parts. Wave Speed The speed at which a wave crest or trough propagates. Note that this is not the speed at which the actual medium moves. Wavelength The distance between successive wave crests, or troughs. Wavelength is measured in meters and is related to frequency and wave speed by Weak Nuclear Force The force in- volved in beta decay that changes a proton to a neutron and releases an electron and a neutrino. Weak Interaction The interaction responsible for all processes in which flavor changes, hence for the instabil- ity of heavy quarks and leptons, and particles that contain them. Weak in- teractions that do not change flavor (or charge) have also been observed. Weber The unit of magnetic flux. Weight The gravitational force ex- erted on a given mass. Weight of the object is multiple of mass and gravity. Weightlessness The experience of being in free fall. If you are in a satel- lite, elevator, or other free-falling ob- ject, then you have a weight of zero Newtons relative to that object. Work Done when energy is trans- ferred by a force. The work done by a force ‘F’ in displacing an object by ‘s’ is ‘W’. W = F · s Work Function The amount of en- ergy that metal must absorb before it can release a photo-electron from the metal.
  • 42. 30 Work-energy Theorem States that the net work done on an object is equal to the object’s change in kinetic en- ergy. Zeroth Law Of Thermodynamics If two systems, A and B, are in thermal equilibrium separately with C, then systems A and C are necessarily in thermal equilibrium.