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شير كنترل 
• ISA-S75.05: A Control Valve is a power-operated device used to 
modify the fluid flow rate in a process system.
شير كنترل 
همانطور كه از اسم آن بر مي آيد اين شير جهت كنترل جريان سيال درمسير  
عبور آن نصب مي گردد. اين شير به طور اتوماتيك ومعمولاً با فشار هوا كار مي 
كند (در موقع لزوم مي توان آنرا با دست بازوبسته نمود). 
اين شير با توجه به اينكه چه چيزي را بايستي كنترل كند بطور اتوماتيك  
بازوبسته مي شود. به طور مثال اگر قرار باشد فشار را كنترل كند از محل ديگري 
كه فشار آن مورد نظر است به طور مداوم با شير ارتباط برقرار است (سيگنال 
سسننسسوورر)) وو ببااتتغغييييرر ففششاارر آآنن ممححلل،، ششييرر ببااززتترر وويياا ببسستتهه تترر مميي ششوودد تتاا ففششاارر ثثااببتت 
معمولاً اين شير براي كنترل فشار، دبي، دما و يا سطح مايع در يك ظرف  
مورد استفاده قرار مي گيرد و نسبت به تغييرات آنها نيز باز وبسته مي گردد. 
از اين شير نمونه هاي مختلفي وجود دارد كه از لحاظ عملكرد يكي مي باشند  
و فقط از لحاظ ساختمان با يكديگر تفاوت دارند. 
دو نمونه از شيرهاي كنترل عبارتند از: 
Air to open/Fail to Close . - شيرهايي كه با قطع جريان هوا بسته مي شود 
Air to close/Fail to Open . - شيرهايي كه با قطع جريان هوا باز مي شود
شير كنترل 
در گذشته شيرهاي كنترلي با حركت خطي كاربرد بيشتري داشتند اما از سال ۱۹۵۰ تا سال • 
از ۱% به ۵۰ % رسيد. Rotary ۱۹۸۰ رشد شيرهاي كنترلي از نوع 
شير پروانه اي است كه اولين نوع از اين شيرها بود. Rotary معروفترين شير كنترلي نوع • 
شيرهاي ربع گرد از لحاظ هزينه و همچنين عملكرد مزايايي را نسبت به شيرهاي خطي از • 
خود نشان دادند. 
ااننتتخخاابب ششييررههاايي ككننتتررلل ققببلالا ببرر ممببنناايي پپااررااممتتررههاايي ااووللييهه اايي ننظظييرر ففششاارر ققااببلل تتححمملل،، ددااممننهه • 
جريان، افت فشار و ... بود ولي اكنون تاكيد عمده بر هزينه ها مي باشد بنابراين شيرهاي 
كنترل بايد از لحاظ هزينه هاي اوليه و هزينه هاي تعميراتي مناسب باشند ضمن اينكه مي 
بايست خواص كنترلي خوبي داشته باشند. 
پارامترهاي ثانويه در انتخاب شير كنترل شامل نشتي هاي مجاز، خصوصيات جرياني(فلو)، دما، • 
لزجت و سايش مي باشد. 
مواردي نظير نويز، كاويتاسيون، فلاشينگ و .... نيز كه از فاكتورهاي عمومي و مورد تاكيد • 
تمامي شيرها هستند در اينجا نيز مورد توجه قرار مي گيرند.
Inst Air
Control valve in FLOW CONTROL 
Inst Air 
dP Flow measurement
Control valve in LEVEL CONTROL 
Inst Air
Control valve in PRESSURE CONTROL 
Inst Air 
Pressurized vessel
Control valve in Temperature Control 
Inst Air 
Super heated Steam in Hot water out 
Steam out 
Cold water in
meter controller valve 
INPUT SET POINT (commonly from the operator) OUTPUT
معيارهاي كنترل 
پارامتر تحت كنترل 
T, P, flow rate, level, etc. 
ووااسسططهه ككننتتررلليي 
Flow Rate (Opening/Closing Valve) 
پارامتر تحت اندازه گيري 
T, P, flow rate, level, etc.
قسمتهاي اصلي يك شير كنترلي
Control Valve Classification 
Diaphragm Pinch Ball Butterfly Plug 
Angle 3 way
۱- مسير جريان پيچ و خم داراست. 
است (از لحاظ بازيافت فشار). Low Recovery ۲- شير از نوع 
۳- قابليت و بازه كنترلي در درصدهاي پايين بهتر است. 
۴- طرحهاي تريم مي تواند متنوع باشد. 
۵- براي فشارها و دماهاي بالا مناسب ميباشد. 
۶- معمولا به صورت فلنجي يا پيچي ساخته مي شود. 
آن قابل جدا شدن است. Bonnet -۷ 
۱- مسير جريان تقريبا مستقيم است. 
است (از لحاظ بازيافت فشار). High Recovery ۲- شير از نوع 
۳- سايش پكينگ كمتر است. 
۴- طرحهاي تريم مي تواند متنوع باشد. 
۵- سيالهاي ساينده و دوغابي را نيز مي تواند پوشش دهد. 
۶- بازه كنترلي بالايي دارد( از صفر تا صد).
انواع شيرهاي كنترلي خطي 
1. Globe 
1.1. Single Seated 
1.2. Double Seated 
1.3 Three way 
2. Diaphragm 
3. Pinch
Single Seated Globe Valve 
• ويژگيها 
دقت بالا در كنترل o 
نيروي بسيار مورد نياز جهت باز و o 
بست شير 
بباا ننييرروو وو ققددررتت ززيياادديي ببسستتهه مميي ششوودد o 
كاربردهاي سايز پايين o 
• كاربردها 
بازه كاربري بسيار وسيعي داشته و جزء • 
قديميترين شيرهاي كنترلي است.
October 2005 
Unbalanced / Balanced
Double Seated Globe Valve 
• ويژگيها 
دقت بالا در كنترل o 
نيروي كمتر مورد نياز جهت باز و o 
بست شير 
ننششتتيي ننسسببتتاا بباالالا o 
كاربردهاي سايز بالا o 
مقدار عوامل نويز و كاويتاسيون و ... o 
بالاتر است. 
• كاربردها 
فلو و فشار بالا •
Diaphragm Valves 
• ويژگيها 
آب بند از نوع ديافراگمي o 
قابل استفاده در سيالات o 
خوردگي فيزيكي كمتر o 
• كاربردها 
در صنايع بهداشتي و خوراكي •
Pinch Valves 
• ويژگيها 
آب بندي بهتر o 
تله كمتر براي ذرات و سيالات o 
The flexible sleeve allows the 
valve to close drop tight around 
solids , solids that would 
typically be trapped by the seat 
or stuck in crevices in globe, 
diaphragm, butterfly, gate or ball 
• كاربردها 
در صنايع بخار و سيالات با دماي بالا • 
سيالات خورنده •
انواع شيرهاي كنترلي دوراني 
1. Butterfly 
2. Ball 
3. Plug
Ball Valves 
• ويژگيها 
آب بندي بسيار خوب o 
مقاومت بسيار كم در برابر o 
قابليت تحمل فشار و دماي بالا o 
• كاربردها 
بسيار متنوع مخصوصا براي افت • 
فشار كم
Butterfly Valves 
• ويژگيها 
(Ball فلوي بالا(كمتر از شير o 
نشت بند نسبتا خوب o 
• ككااررببررددههاا 
بسيار متنوع مخصوصا براي مايعات • 
و سيالات با ذرات جامد. 
صنايع استيل، شكر و نساجي •
ضريب فلوي شير (ضريب شير) 
Flow Factor/Valve Coefficient/Capacity Coefficient 
Cv - gallons per minute (GPM) of 60oF water with a pressure drop of 1 psi (lb/in2). 
• Cv = Flow coefficient or flow capacity rating of valve. 
• F = Rate of flow (US gallons(3.73liters) per minute). 
• SG = Specific gravity of fluid (Water = 1). 
• ΔP = Pressure drop across valve (psi) @16oC. 
به عبارتي برابر است با مقدار فلوي حجمي عبوري آب از درون يك شير در مدت يك دقيقه به نحوي كه اختلاف • 
1 باشد. psi فشار دوسر شير 
برابر ۵۰۰۰۰۰ است. ، Grove مقدار آن براي يك شير توپي معمولي مجراكامل سايز “ ۵۶ ساخت شركت •
روش اندازه گيري ضريب فلوي شير
ضريب فلوي شير 
Cv Kv 
Cv (Gallon/Min) 1 0.268 
Kv (Liters/Min) 3.73 1
ممققااييسسهه ضضررييبب ففللوويي ششييررههاا
Too small Cv 
Valve undersized 
Starving for fluid 
Buildup of upstream pressure 
Higher backstream pressure damaging equipments 
Cavitation & Flashing 
Too Large Cv 
Large oversized valve is selected 
Cost, size & weight increases 
Higher pressure drops and faster velocity causing 
Cavitation, flashing & corrosion 
Bath tub stopper effect
مشخصه فلو - ۱ 
Flow Characteristic 
Quick Opening: Quick open 
plugs are used for on-off 
applications designed to produce 
maximum flow quickly 
Linear: produces equal changes 
in flow per unit of valve stroke 
regardless of plug position, used 
where valve pressure drop is a 
major portion of the total system 
pressure drop 
Equal Percentage: change in 
flow per unit of valve stroke is 
directly proportional to the flow 
occurring just before the change is 
made, generally used for pressure 
In each angle, pressure differential should be kept constant; then flow 
measurement is done.
مشخصه فلو - ۲ 
Flow Characteristic
ممششخخصصهه ففللوو ددرر ششييررههاا
ااصصلالاحح ممششخخصصهه ففللوو 
يكي از موثرترين روشها براي اصلاح مشخصه فلو، تغيير شكل مجرابند است. 
تغيير شكل قفس مجرابند 
تغيير شكل مجرابند نشستني
ااصصلالاحح ممششخخصصهه ففللوو
Triangle-Shape BALL VALVE 
ببرراايي ككااررببررددههاايي ككننتتررلليي •
DeZurik Operation 
V ported valves: 
October 2005 
Eccentric type:
Common Body Designs; 1 
In-line style bodies feature smooth, streamlined, constant internal area passages with no 
pockets, permitting high capacity with minimum turbulence.
Common Body Designs; 2 
Angle Form 
The angle-style body form for many applications such as handling erosive fluids. The 
angle valve incorporates a selfdraining design. The design also allows for smaller space 
requirements than as globe valve.
Common Body Designs; 3 
Three-Way Form 
Three-way bodies are used for either combining or diverting services. 
A standard globe valve usually, easily converts to three-way service with the addition of 
a three-way adaptor, upper seat ring, two gaskets, a three-way plug, and bonnet flange 
Common Body Designs; 4 
Offset Form 
When inlet and outlet piping can be offset, this design is the simplest, least expensive 
barstock style. It works best in self cleaning applications. Other than the body, the offset 
design is completely interchangeable with the standard globe valve.
Common Body Designs; 5 
Steam Jacketed 
Steam jackets are used to heat 
the fluid passing through the 
control valve. 
Expanded Outlet 
The expanded outlet valve(Reduced Bore), permits the 
installation of a small valve in a larger line without using 
line reducers or expanders. The valve is a standard in-line 
globe valve, except for the body which incorporates 
expanded outlets. Because line expanders and reducers 
are not used, field installation expenses are reduced.
Common Designs 
Designed for most gas and liquid 
applications. The valve’s unique 
construction handles pressures 
from vacuum to 15,000 psi (1034 
Bar) and temperatures from -423 to 
1500F (-253 to 816C). 
High positioning accuracy, 
repeatability, controlled high speed, 
and instant response.
Common Designs 
The ShearStream ball valve features 
a segmented V-notch ball to reduce 
clogging, to improve shearing 
action and to exceed 300:1 
rangeability. The one-piece body 
provides high performance. 
A high performance rotary control valve using an eccentric plug 
which provides high rangeability, zero breakout torque and 
durable trim with a significant increase in valve life. 
Applications from petrochecmical to low content slurry and pulp 
service to severe service. 
The eccentric plug provides rangeability greater than 100:1, 
compared to 50:1 for typical globe valves and 20:1 for most 
butterfly valves. 
The shutoff rating reaches Class IV for metal seats and Class VI for 
soft seats.
Special Designs 
The Offset design is used for installation in offset 
piping configurations. All parts, except the body, 
are identical to the conventional globe type. 
high pressure classes but low sizes 
where fast delivery is required
Special Designs 
The pressure-balanced regulator used primarily 
by the aerospace industry in high temperature 
gas applications. Upstream pressure is delivered 
to a small piston within the diaphragm actuator. 
(This piston has the same area as the plug.) 
Steam Jackets are used to heat the fluid passing 
through the control valve. The steam jacketed 
valve body uses a standard globe-style body with 
oversized, blind flanges for a full jacket or 
standard flanges for a partial jacket. The jacket 
usually is rated for 150 psi and comes equipped 
with 3/4-inch NPT supply and drain connection.
Severe Services 
The trims are designed to eliminate cavitation, reduce high noise levels and 
handle flashing applications often associated with high pressure drop service. 
This cartridge uses specially 
designed channels and intersecting 
holes (plenums) in series to 
prevent single point, large pressure 
recovery which can cause 
cavitation and hydrodynamic noise. 
For less serious cavitation 
applications, use of some retainers 
to minimizes cavitation damage by 
controlling the location of 
imploding vapor bubbles are 
Severe Services
Severe Services 
Attenuator reduces gaseous noise 
levels with staged pressure 
reduction through a series of 
drilled-hole cylinders. 
Above design effectively reduce gaseous and 
hydrodynamic noise more and eliminate the 
damaging effects of cavitation in liquids.
Severe Services
Downstream Devices 
Silencer Plate; upto 15dB 
Installed between raised face flanges 
immediately downstream from the 
valve, the plate incorporates a series of 
stages to control line turbulence and 
absorb the pressure drop. The number 
of stages varies according to the 
Downstream Devices 
Diffuser; upto 30dB 
Diffusers share the high pressure drop 
with the valve. The length of the diffuser 
and the number of holes vary to 
accommodate the flow capacity required.
Downstream Devices 
Vent Element; upto 25dB 
In a blow off or vent system, tremendous 
energy in the form of noise is released at 
the open exit. Vent silencers attenuate 
this noise energy before it is released to 
the outside environment.
زمانيكه يك مايع از ميان يك شير نيمه باز عبور مي كند فشار آن در ناحيه اي كه o 
سرعت افزايش پيدا كرده كاهش مي يابد و به فشار بخار مايع مي رسد. مايع در ناحيه 
كم فشار شروع به بخار شدن مي كند وحفره هارا توسط حبابهاي گاز توليد شده از بخار 
مايع پر مي كنند. وقتي مايع مجدداً به فشار استاتيك برسد، حبابها بطور ناگهاني جمع 
مي شوند. اين پديده كه باعث ايجاد شكاف در شير مي شود را كويتاسيون مي گويند. 
ااگگرر اايينن ععمملل ببططوورر ممررتتبب تتككرراارر ششوودد ددرر ننههااييتت ببااععثث ششككسستتگگيي وواازز ببيينن ررففتتنن ششييرر مميي o 
شود كه البته اين پديده در لوله ها نيز ممكن است اتفاق بيافتد.
ضضررييبب ككووييتتااسسييوونن 
يكي از مشخصه هايي كه براي مصرف كنندگان شير مدنظر مي باشد ضريب o 
كويتاسيون است كه بايستي شدت آن مشخص باشد. اين پارامتر به صورت ذيل بيان 
مي شود: 
ضريب كويتاسيون : C 
فشار بخار مايع :Pv 
فشار در لوله اي كه ۵ برابر قطر لوله متصل به جريان پايين دست شير است. :Pd 
فشار در لوله اي كه برابر قطر لوله متصل به جريان بالادست شير است. :Pu 
را براي شيرهاي گوناگون نشان مي دهد. C نمودارهاي صفحه بعد مقدار
ررووششههاايي ممممااننععتت اازز ككووييتتااسسييوونن 
براي جلوگيري از پديده مي توانيم قطر لوله خروجي از شير را بطور ناگهاني افزايش دهيم 
كه مقدار آن نيز قابل محاسبه مي باشد. 
۵ برابر قطر لوله وطولي معادل ۸ برابر قطر لوله بعد از شير / اگر بتوانيم يك افزايش به قطر ۱ 
بگذاريم خواهيم توانست از كويتاسيون كه در نهايت باعث از بين رفتن شير مي شود 
جلوگيري بعمل آوريم. 
افزايش قطر 
لوله خروجي 
اايينن االلگگووههاا مميي تتوواانننندد سسررععتت وو يياا ااخختتلالافف ففششاارر ننااگگههااننيي رراا ككااههشش ددههنندد.. 
استفاده از 
الگوهاي خاص 
در مسير 
نرسد آنگاه فلاشينگ Pv درصورتي كه هنگام افت فشار در شير، فشار سمت دوم به o 
رخ مي دهد. 
در اين حالت معمولا خوردگي فيزيكي در قسمتهاي پايينتر شير و لوله اتفاق مي افتد. o 
فلاشينگ غالبا چاره اي ندارد جز اصلاح ساختار و ابعاد شير. o
چچوو ؛؛ ششددنن سسررععتت 
در اين حالت گاز در ناحيه اختلاف فشار به حداكثر سرعت خود (معادل سرعت صوت) o 
مي رسد و با شدت تمام به بدنه و قسمتهاي مختلف داخل شير برخورد مي كند و اثري 
مشابه كويتاسيون و فلاشينگ برجاي مي گذارد.
ااففززااييشش ننااگگههااننيي سسررععتت 
اين پديده در محدوده وسيعتري نسبت به كويتاسيون رخ مي دهد و موجب لرزش o 
شير و تاسيسات، جريان سرگردان سيال و نيز نويز صوتي شديد مي شود.
ضضررببهه ققووچچ 
ضربهٴ قوچ افزايش فشار يا موجي است كه در سيالهاي در حال حركت پس از توقف o 
يا تغيير مسير ناگهاني پيش مي آيد. اين افزايش فشار معمولاً هنگامي رخ مي دهد 
كه شير در مسير حركت سيال (آب يا گاز) ناگهان بسته مي شود. 
در اين حالت يك ضربه ناگهاني و قوي به سيستم وارد مي شود كه نويز شديدي نيز o 
ااثثررااتت ممححييططيي 
اين اثرات ممكن است شامل نشتي گاز به محيط، صداهاي آزاردهنده، فضاي اشغالي و o 
... باشد.
Valve Sizing 
1- Flow Capacity; Cv 
The valve sizing coefficient most commonly used as a measure of the capacity of the 
body and trim of a control valve is Cv 
One Cv is defined as one U.S. gallon per minute of 60 degree Fahrenheit water that 
flows through a valve with a one psi pressure drop.
Valve Sizing 
2- Pressure Profile 
Maximum velocity and minimum pressure 
occur immediately downstream from the 
throttling point at the narrowest constriction of 
the fluid stream, known as the vena contracta 
.(انقباض رگ) 
Downstream from the vena contracta, the fluid 
slows and part of the energy (in the form of 
velocity) is converted back to pressure.
Valve Sizing 
3- Allowable Pressure Drop 
The curve departs from a linear 
relationship at the onset of "choking" 
described using the Fi factor. 
The flow rate reaches a maximum, 
qmax, at the fully choked condition due 
to effects of cavitation for liquids or 
sonic velocity for compressible fluids. 
The transition to choked flow may be 
gradual or abrupt, depending on valve 
Valve Sizing 
3- Allowable Pressure Drop 
For liquid ; ANSI/ISA sizing equations use a 
pressure recovery factor, FL, to calculate the 
ΔΔΔΔP at which choked flow is assumed for sizing 
For compressible fluids ; a terminal 
pressure drop ratio, xT, similarly describes the 
choked pressure drop for a specific valve. 
ΔPa : When sizing a control valve, the 
smaller of the actual pressure drop or the 
choked pressure drop is always used to 
determine the correct Cv. 
This pressure drop is known as the allowable 
pressure drop, ΔPa .
Valve Sizing 
4- Cavitation 
In liquids; 
when the pressure anywhere in the liquid 
drops below the vapor pressure of the fluid, 
5- Flashing 
If the downstream pressure is equal to or 
less than the vapor pressure, the vapor 
bubbles created at the vena contracta do not 
vapor bubbles begin to form in the fluid 
As the fluid decelerates there is a resultant 
increase in pressure. If this pressure is higher 
than the vapor pressure, the bubbles 
collapse (or implode) as the vapor returns to 
the liquid phase. 
This two-step mechanism – called 
cavitation – produces noise, vibration, and 
causes erosion damage to the valve and 
downstream piping. 
collapse, resulting in a liquid-gas mixture 
downstream of the valve. This is commonly 
called flashing. 
When flashing of a liquid occurs, the inlet 
fluid is 100 percent liquid which experiences 
pressures in and downstream of the control 
valve which are at or below vapor pressure. 
This two phase (vapor and liquid) fluid at the 
valve outlet and in the downstream piping; the 
velocity of this two phase flow is usually very 
high and results in the possibility for erosion of 
the valve and piping components.
Valve Sizing 
6- Liquid Pressure Recovery Factor, FL 
7- Liquid Critical Pressure Ratio Factor, FF 
The liquid pressure recovery factor, FL, predicts the 
amount of pressure recovery that will occur between the 
vena contracta and the valve outlet. 
The liquid critical pressure 
ratio factor, FF, multiplied by 
the vapor pressure, predicts 
the theoretical vena contracta 
FL is an experimentally determined coefficient that 
accounts for the influence of the valve’s internal 
geometry on the maximum capacity of the valve. It is 
determined from capacity test data. 
High recovery valves such as butterfly and ball valves 
have significantly lower pressures at the vena contracta 
and hence recover much farther for the same pressure 
drop than a globe valve. Thus they tend to choke (or 
cavitate) at smaller pressure drops than globe valves. 
* High recovery valves are valves that lose little energy 
due to little flow turbulence. 
pressure at the maximum 
effective (choked) pressure 
drop across the valve.
Valve Sizing 
8- Chocked Flow 
9- Reynolds Number Factor, FR 
in gases and vapors ; Choked flow occurs when the fluid 
velocity reaches sonic values at any point in the valve body, 
trim, or pipe. As the pressure in the valve or pipe is lowered, 
the specific volume increases to the point where sonic 
velocity is reached. 
The Reynolds Number 
Factor, FR, is used to 
In liquids, vapor formed as the result of cavitation or 
flashing increases the specific volume of the fluid at a faster 
rate than the increase in flow due to pressure differential. 
Lowering the downstream pressure beyond this point in 
either case will not increase the flow rate for a constant 
upstream pressure. The velocity at any point in the valve or 
downstream piping is limited to sonic (Mach = 1). 
As a result, the flow rate will be limited to an amount 
which yields a sonic velocity in the valve trim or the pipe 
under the specified pressure conditions. 
correct the calculated Cv 
for non-turbulent flow 
conditions due to high 
viscosity fluids, very low 
velocities, or very small 
valve Cv .
Valve Sizing 
10- Piping Geometry Factor, FP 
11- Ratio of Specific Heats Factor, Fk 
Valve sizing coefficients are determined from tests run 
with the valve mounted in a straight run of pipe which is 
the same diameter as the valve body. 
If the process piping configurations are different from 
The ratio of specific heats 
factor, Fk, adjusts the 
equation to account for 
the standard test manifold, the apparent valve capacity is 
changed. The effect of reducers and increasers can be 
approximated by the use of the piping geometry factor, FP. 
different behavior of gases 
other than air. 
12- Terminal Pressure Drop Ratio, xT 
The terminal pressure drop ratio for gases, xT, is used to predict the choking point where 
additional pressure drop (by lowering the downstream pressure) will not produce additional 
flow due to the sonic velocity limitation across the vena contracta. 
This factor is a function of the valve geometry and varies similarly to FL, depending on the 
valve type.
Valve Sizing 
13- Expansion Factor, Y 
The expansion factor, Y, accounts for the 
14- Compressibility Factor, Z 
The compressibility factor, Z, is a 
variation of specific weight as the gas passes 
from the valve inlet to the vena contracta. 
It also accounts for the change in cross-sectional 
area of the vena contracta as the 
pressure drop is varied. 
function of the temperature and the 
pressure of a gas. 
It is used to determine the density 
of a gas in relationship to its actual 
temperature and pressure conditions.
Valve Sizing 
15- Velocity 
As a general rule, valve outlet velocities should 
be limited to the following maximum values: 
Gas applications where special noise 
attenuation trim are used should be 
limited to approximately 0.33 Mach. 
In addition, pipe velocities 
downstream from the valve are critical 
The above are guidelines for typical 
applications. In general, smaller sized valves 
handle slightly higher velocities and large valves 
handle lower velocities. 
Special applications have particular velocity 
requirements; a few of which are provided here: 
to the overall noise level. 
Experimentation has shown that 
velocities around 0.5 Mach can create 
substantial noise even in a straight pipe. 
The addition of a control valve to the 
line will increase the turbulence 
downstream, resulting in even higher 
noise levels.
Valve Sizing 
15- Velocity 
Liquid applications – where the fluid 
temperature is close to the saturation point – 
should be limited to 30 feet per second to 
avoid reducing the fluid pressure below the 
vapor pressure. This is also an appropriate limit 
In flashing services, velocities become 
much higher due to the increase in 
volume resulting from vapor formation. 
For most applications, it is important 
to keep velocities below 500 feet per 
second. Expanded outlet style valves 
for applications designed to pass the full flow 
rate with a minimum pressure drop across the 
Valves in cavitating service should also be 
limited to 30 feet per second to minimize 
damage to the downstream piping. This will 
also localize the pressure recovery which 
causes cavitation immediately downstream 
from the vena contracta. 
help to control outlet velocities on such 
Erosion damage can be limited by 
using chrome-moly body material and 
hardened trim. 
On smaller valve applications which 
remain closed for most of the time such 
as heater drain valves higher velocities 
of 800 to 1500 feet per second may be 
acceptable with appropriate materials.
Valve Sizing 
هدف : بدست آوردن مناسبترين(كوچكترين) سايز و ابعاد شير و مشخصات تريم باتوجه به گروه  
محصولات سازنده، با لحاظ كردن پارامترهاي مهم (اقتصادي) : سايز شير مي تواند كمتر از سايز لوله باشد 
اما بزرگتر، نه! انتخاب مشخصه يا ويژگيهاي فيزيكي و ذاتي شيرها در اينجا صورت نمي گيرد. 
سسپپسس ششررااييطط سسررععتت سسيياالل.. غغااللبباا Cv پپااررااممتتررههاايي تتححتت ااننددااززهه گگييرريي ججههتت ننييلل ببهه ههددفف:: ااببتتدداا  
سايز بدنه شير و از روي سرعت سيال، تريم انتخاب مي گردد. Cv ازروي 
در شرايط خاص ممكن است جهت برآوردن نياز و عدم وجود تريم مناسب در سايزي خاص(باتوجه به 
سايز را بالاتر انتخاب كرد. ،(Cv 
درصورتيك از انتخابها راضي نيستيم بايستي به سراغ سازنده ديگر يا گروه شير ديگر برويم. 
داشته ها : مشخصات رده شير مدنظر (نوع و مشخصه فلو، مشخصات هندسي و جداول مربوطه، جدول  
مشخصات سيال و فرآيند از جمله فشار اوليه و ثانويه مجاز. ،(Cv
Calculating Cv for Liquid 
The Equation for the flow coefficient (Cv) in non-laminar liquid flow is:
Calculating Cv for Liquid 
The following steps should be used to compute the correct Cv, body size and trim number: 
Step 1: Calculate Actual Pressure Drop 
The allowable pressure drop, ΔPa, across the valve for calculating Cv, is the smaller of the 
actual ΔP from Equation 3.2 and choked ΔPch from Equation 3.3. (P1 and P2 Should be given. 
فشار مينيمم درخروجی شير است.) p فشار ماکزيمم در ورودی است و 2 p1 
Step 2: Check for Choked Flow 
Use Equation 3.3 to check for choked flow: 
If ΔPch (Equation 3.3) is less than the actual ΔP 
(Equation 3.2) , use ΔPch for ΔPa in Equation 3.1.
Calculating Cv for Liquid
Calculating Cv for Liquid
Calculating Cv for Liquid 
It may also be useful to determine the point at which substantial cavitation begins. The 
following Equation defines the pressure drop at which substantial cavitation begins: 
In high pressure applications, alternate analysis may be required; verify analysis with 
factory if ΔP > ΔP (cavitation)> 300 psi (globe valves) or 100 psi (rotary valves). 
The required Cv for flashing applications is determined by using the appropriate ΔP 
allowable [ΔPch calculated from Equation 3.3].
Calculating Cv for Liquid 
Step 3: Determine Specific Gravity 
Specific gravity is generally available for the flowing fluid at the operating temperature. 
The appendix provides fluid property data for 268 chemical compounds, from which the 
specific gravity, Gf can be calculated. 
Step 4: Calculate Approximate Cv 
Generally the effects of nonturbulent flow can be ignored, provided the valve is not 
operating in a laminar or transitional flow region due to high viscosity, very low 
velocity, or small Cv. In the event there is some question, calculate the Cv, from Equation 
3.1, assuming Fp=1, and then proceed to steps 5-7. If the Reynolds number calculated in 
Equation 3.6a is greater than 40,000, FR can be ignored (proceed to step 8 after step 5.
Sizing Valve using Cv for Liquid 
Step 5: Select Approximate Body Size Based on Cv 
From the Cv tables in section 4, select the smallest body size that will handle the 
calculated Cv. 
Step 6: Calculate Valve Reynolds Number Rev and 
Reynolds Number Factor FR 
Use Equation 3.6a to calculate valve Reynolds Number Factor: 
Use Equation 3.6b to calculate valve Reynolds Number Factor FR if Rev < 40,000, 
otherwise FR = 1.0:
Sizing Valve using Cv for Liquid
Sizing Valve using Cv for Liquid 
Step 7: Calculate the Final Cv 
If the calculated value of FR is less than 0.48, the flow is considered laminar; and the Cv 
is equal to Cvs calculated from Equation 3.6c. If FR is greater than 0.98, turbulent flow 
can be assumed (FR = 1.0); and Cv is calculated from Equation 3.1. Do not use the 
piping geometry factor Fp if FR is less than 0.98. For values of FR between 0.48 and 
0.98, the flow is considered transitional; and the Cv is calculated from Equation 3.6e: 
For laminar and transitional flow, note the ΔP is always taken as P1 - P2 .
Sizing Valve using Cv for Liquid 
Step 8: Calculate Piping Geometry Factor 
If the pipe size is not given, use the approximate body size (from step 5) to choose the 
corresponding pipe size. The pipe diameter is used to calculate the piping geometry factor, 
Fp, which can be determined by Tables 3-III and 3-IV. If the pipe diameter is the same as 
the valve size, FP is 1 and does not affect Cv. 
Step 9: Calculate the Final Cv 
Using the value of FP, calculate the required Cv from Equation 3.1. 
Step 10: Calculate Valve Exit Velocity 
The following Equation is used to calculate entrance or exit velocities for liquids:
Calculating Cv for Liquid
Sizing Valve using Cv for Liquid 
After calculating the exit velocity, compare that number to the acceptable velocity for 
that application. It may be necessary to go to a larger valve size. 
Step 11: Recalculate the Cv if Body Size Changed 
Recalculate Cv if the FP has been changed due to selection of a larger body size.
Sizing Valve using Cv for Liquid 
Step 11: Select Trim Number 
First identify if the valve will be used for on/off or throttling service. Using the Cv tables 
in Section 4, select the appropriate trim number for the calculated Cv and body size 
selected. The trim number and flow characteristic (Section 9) may be affected by how 
the valve will be throttled. When cavitation is indicated, refer to Section 14 to evaluate 
special trims for cavitation protection.
Sizing Valve using Cv for Liquid 
Example1; p1
Sizing Valve using Cv for Liquid 
Example1; p2
Sizing Valve using Cv for Liquid 
Example1; p3
Sizing Valve using Cv for Liquid 
Example1; p4
Sizing Valve using Cv for Liquid 
Example1; p5
Sizing Valve using Cv for Liquid 
Example2; p1
Sizing Valve using Cv for Liquid 
Example2; p2
Sizing Valve using Cv for Liquid 
Example2; p3
Sizing Valve using Cv for Liquid 
Example2; p4
Flashing Liquids Velocity Calculations 
When the valve outlet pressure is lower than or equal to the saturation pressure for the 
fluid temperature, part of the fluid flashes into vapor. When flashing exists, the following 
calculations must be used to determine velocity. Flashing requires special trim designs 
and/or hardened materials. 
Flashing velocity greater than 500 ft/sec requires special body designs. 
If flow rate is in lb/hr: 
if the flow rate is given in gpm, the following 
Equation can be used:
Flashing Liquids Velocity Calculations 
Calculating Percentage Flash 
The % flash (x) can be calculated as follows: 
For water, the enthalpies (hf1, hf2 and hfg2) and specific volumes (vf2 and vg2) can be found 
in the saturation temperature and pressure tables of any set of steam tables.
Flashing Liquids Velocity Calculations 
Example1; p1 
Assume the same conditions exist as in Example1, except that the temperature is 350°F rather 
than 250° F. By referring to the saturated steam temperature tables, you find that the 
saturation pressure of water at 350°F is 134.5 psia, which is greater than the outlet pressure of 
105 psia (90 psia). Therefore, the fluid is flashing. Since a portion of the liquid is flashing, 
Equations 3.9 and 3.10 must be used. x (% flashed) can be determined by using Equation3.10:
Flashing Liquids Velocity Calculations 
Example1; p2 
Therefore, the velocity in a 3-inch valve can be determined by using Equation 3.9: 
Flashing velocity is less than 500 ft/sec, which is acceptable for Mark One bodies. 
Hardened trim and CavControl should also be considered.
Calculating Cv for Gas 
Because of compressibility, gases and vapors expand as the pressure drops at the vena 
contracta, decreasing their specific weight. To account for the change in specific weight, 
an expansion factor, Y, is introduced into the valve sizing formula. The form of the 
equation used is one of the following, depending on the process variables available:
Calculating Cv for Gas 
The following steps should be used to compute the correct Cv, body size and trim number: 
Step 1: Select the Appropriate Equation 
Based on the information available, ”just” select one of the four equations to calculate Cv 
from flow rate: 3.11, 3.12, 3.13 or 3.14. the calculation will be done later(step 5). 
Step 2: Check for Choked Flow 
Determine the terminal pressure drop ratio, xT, for that particular valve by referring to Table 
3-V. Next, determine the ratio of specific heats factor, Fk, by using the Equation below:
Calculating Cv for Gas
Calculating Cv for Gas
Calculating Cv for Gas 
Calculate the ratio of actual pressure drop to absolute inlet pressure, x, by using Equation 3.16: 
Choked flow occurs when x reaches the value of FkxT. Therefore, if x is less than FkxT, the 
flow is not choked. If x is greater, the flow is choked. If flow is choked, then FkxT should be 
used in place of x (whenever it applies)
Calculating Cv for Gas 
Step 3: Calculate the Expansion Factor 
The expansion factor, Y, may be expressed as: 
* (If the flow is choked, use FkxT for x) 
Step 4: Determine the Compressibility Factor 
To obtain the compressibility factor, Z, first calculate the reduced pressure, Pr, and the 
reduced temperature, Tr, Using the factors Pr and T, find Z in Figures 3-4 or 3-5.
Calculating Cv for Gas
Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas 
Step 5: Calculate Cv 
Using the above calculations, use one of the four gas sizing Equations to determine Cv : 
(assuming Fp is 1) 
Step 6: Select Approximate Body Size Based on Cv 
From the Cv tables of valves, select the smallest body size that will handle the calculated Cv. 
Step 7: Calculate Piping Geometry Factor 
If the pipe size is not given, use the approximate body size (from step 6) to choose the 
corresponding pipe size. The pipe size is used to calculate the piping geometry factor, Fp, 
which can be determined by Tables 3-III or 3-IV. If the pipe diameter is the same as the 
valve size, Fp is 1 and is not a factor.
Calculating Cv for Gas
Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas 
Step 8: Calculate the Final Cv 
With the calculation of the Fp, figure out the final Cv. 
Step 9: Calculate Valve Exit Mach Number 
Equations 3.20, 3.21, 3.22 or 3.23 are used to calculate entrance or exit velocities (in 
terms of the approximate Mach number). 
Use Equations 3.20 or 3.21 for gases, Equation 3.22 for air and Equation 3.23 for steam. 
Use downstream temperature if it is known, otherwise use upstream temperature as an 
Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas
Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas 
After calculating the exit velocity, compare that number to the acceptable velocity for that 
application. Select a larger size valve if necessary. Refer to section 13 to predict noise level. 
Caution: Noise levels in excess of 110 dBA may cause vibration in valves/piping resulting in 
equipment damage. 
Step 10: Recalculate Cv if Body Size Changed 
Recalculate Cv if Fp has changed due to the selection of a larger body size. 
Step 11: Select Trim Number 
Identify if the valve is for on/off or throttling service. Using the Cv tables in Section 4, select 
the appropriate trim number for the calculated Cv and body size selected. The trim number 
and flow characteristic (Section 9) may be affected by how the valve is throttled. 
After selecting trim number, calculate the mach number for trim(bore) size for not being 
larger than 1.0. if mach number is greater then select larger trim; if the trim size is 
maximum, you should choose larger body size.
Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas 
* Step 12: Calculate Valve Trim Mach Number 
After selecting trim number, calculate the mach number for trim(bore) size for not being 
larger than 1.0. if mach number is greater then select larger trim; if the trim size is 
maximum, you should choose larger body size. 
Note: it is possible that if you select small trim size in large body size while mach number is 
high, the velocity of gas reaches over the sonic velocity which it is not possible! So you 
should consider the mach number in trim not to be mare than 1.0 .
Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas 
Example1; p1
Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas 
Example1; p2
Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas 
Example1; p3
Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas 
Example1; p4
Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas 
Example1; p5
Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas 
Example1; p6
Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas 
Step 12: by considering the mach number during pass of flow from trim it is clear that if 
the exit velocity is close to 0.5 mach, the square of body size to bore size should not be 
more than 0.5 (i.e. the trim size should be more than 4.6”) . Hence the selected trim no. is 
not suitable and we have to select trim size 5.0 . 
By selecting this trim size, Cv will be large no. which results in lower controllibility.
Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas 
Example2; p1
Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas 
Example2; p2
Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas 
Example2; p3
Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas 
Example2; p4
Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas 
Example2; p5
Noise Prediction 
Control valve noise is generated by turbulence created in the valve and radiated to the 
surroundings by the downstream piping system. Major sources of control valve noise are 
mechanical vibration of the valve components, and hydrodynamic and aerodynamic fluid 
Noise produced by mechanical vibration is usually well below 100 dBA and is described 
as a mechanical rattling. 
Aerodynamic noise levels can be above 100 dBA and reach as high as 150dBA in certain 
Noise Sources :
Noise Prediction 
The predicted noise value can be considered accurate to + 5 dBA when the outlet velocity 
is less than sonic and is correct for single throttling point trims only. 
NOTE: any level below 70 dBA usually does not require low noise trim or other accessories. 
For calculating noise level, these data should be available: 
o Required(not installed) valve sizing coefficient, Cv . 
o Upstream pressure, psia, P1 . 
o Downstream pressure, psia, P2 . 
o Flowing temperature of fluid, T . 
o Flowing fluid, Q . 
o Pipe size and schedule D, sch, 
At the next Slides, the method of calculating(predicting) noise level will be presented. After 
Calculating Noise Level, add below quantities if the corresponding condition is ready: 
1. For a valve installed near a reflective surface (a hard floor or wall), add 3 dBA. 
2. For a valve installed near two reflective surfaces (a hard floor and wall), add 6 dBA. 
3. If the valve is near three reflective surfaces (two hard walls and hard floor), add 9 dBA. 
4. A valve installed in a small room with all reflective walls, floor, and ceiling can easily 
produce noise levels 30 or 40 dBA.
Hydrodynamic Noise Prediction 
1- Hydrodynamic Noise Prediction 
The total sound pressure level is easily found by finding DPs, Cs, Rs, Ks, and Ds from Figures 13-2 
through 13-5 and Tables 13-I and 13-II and then substituting them into the noise equation. 
To obtain DPs and Rs, it is first 
necessary to calculate the pressure 
drop ratio, DPf, where:
Hydrodynamic Noise Prediction 
If DPf calculated is greater than 1, flashing is occurring in the valve and these formulas do 
not apply to flashing service.
Hydrodynamic Noise Prediction
Hydrodynamic Noise Prediction
Hydrodynamic Noise Prediction 
Example1; p1
Hydrodynamic Noise Prediction 
Example1; p2
Aerodynamic Noise Prediction 
2- Aerodynamic Noise Prediction 
The total sound pressure level is easily found by finding Vs, Ps, Es, Ts, Gs, As and Ds from 
Figures 13-6 through 13-9 and Tables 13-I and 13-III and 13-IV then substituting them into 
the noise equation.
Aerodynamic Noise Prediction
Aerodynamic Noise Prediction
Aerodynamic Noise Prediction
Aerodynamic Noise Prediction
Aerodynamic Noise Prediction 
Example1; p1
Aerodynamic Noise Prediction 
Example1; p2
Noise Attenuation 
11. Use Of Special Designs or Equipment
Flow Characteristics 
Inherent flow characteristic 
Installed flow characteristics 
When a constant pressure drop is maintained 
across the valve, the characteristic of the valve 
alone controls the flow; this characteristic is 
referred to as the “inherent flow 
characteristic.” “Installed characteristics” 
include both the valve and pipeline effects. 
The difference can best be understood by 
examining an entire system.
Flow Characteristics 
Quick Review 
Equal Percentage 
Equal percentage is the characteristic most commonly used in process control. The change 
in flow per unit of valve stroke is directly proportional to the flow occurring just before the 
change is made. While the flow characteristic of the valve itself may be equal 
percentage, most control loops will produce an installed characteristic approaching linear 
when the overall system pressure drop is large relative to that across the valve. 
An inherently linear characteristic produces equal changes in flow per unit of valve stroke 
regardless of plug position. Linear plugs are used on those systems where the valve 
pressure drop is a major portion of the total system pressure drop. 
Quick Open 
Quick open plugs are used for on-off applications designed to produce maximum flow 
Flow Characteristics 
Example1; p1 
Effect of other equipments 
A centrifugal pump supplies water to a system in which a control valve is used to maintain the 
downstream pressure at 80 psig. The pump characteristics are shown below:
Flow Characteristics 
Example1; p2 
The maximum flow required is 200 gpm. at which the pump discharge pressure 
(P1) is 100 psig. Piping losses are negligible. Using the ISA liquid sizing formula, 
the flow coefficient, or Cv, can be determined : 
To determine the plug characteristic which should be specified, let us analyze the 
installed flow characteristic of “equal percentage” and “linear” trim in this valve.
Flow Characteristics 
Example1; p3
Flow Characteristics 
Example1; p4
Flow Characteristics 
Example2; p1 
Effect of other equipments 
The previous example was idealized in that the downstream pressure was held constant 
and the pressure drop variation was due to the pump characteristic alone. Now 
consider a more realistic installation where the delivered pressure must be held 
constant after passing Through the valve and with some line restriction, R, in series with 
the valve.
Flow Characteristics 
Example2; p2 
To find the installed characteristics of equal percent and linear trim in a suitably sized 
valve, a pressure drop distribution must be chosen. A suitable choice would be 4 psi 
across the valve at a flow of 200 gpm. The control valve can then be sized for the 
maximum required Cv : 
Since the pressure drop across the restriction will vary with flow in accordance 
with the square root law ( Q = R sqrt(ΔP) ) the available pressure drop across the 
valve at various flowing quantities can be determined, keeping in mind the pump 
characteristic. This is shown in Table 9-II.
Flow Characteristics 
Example2; p3
Flow Characteristics 
Example2; p4
ننششتتيي ممججاازز ششييررههاايي ككننتتررلل -- ۱۱
ننششتتيي ممججاازز ششييررههاايي ككننتتررلل -- ۲۲
Actuator Sizing 
Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim 
In throttling services three questions must be answered: 
1. Will the actuator handle the throttling differential pressure? 
2. Will the actuator provide sufficient thrust to overcome application pressures to open or 
close the valve, and generate enough seat loading for tight shutoff with the given air 
supply pressure? 
3. Will the spring fail the valve in the proper direction? 
With on/off services, only questions 2 and 3 must be answered.
Actuator Sizing 
Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim 
The equations in this section use the following variables:
Actuator Sizing 
Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim 
When an actuator’s stroke length exceeds the longest stroke length shown for that size 
actuator in Table 16-VI, the actuator will not have a spring. For actuators without a spring, 
SE = SR = 0. AR is not used when sizing actuators for valves with standard trim or when 
sizing actuators for Class 150 through 600 MegaStream valves.
Actuator Sizing 
Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim
Actuator Sizing 
Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim 
• Step 1: Determine Actuator’s Maximum Allowable 
Throttling Pressure Drop 
Determine the maximum allowable throttling pressure drop (ΔPa) that the selected 
actuator can handle by using equations (16.7) and (16.8):
Actuator Sizing 
Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim 
Compare the maximum allowable throttling pressure drop to the actual pressure drop. 
If the actual throttling drop is less than ΔPa, the selected actuator is sufficient. 
However, if the actual throttling drop is greater than ΔPa, the next larger actuator size 
should be chosen and the above calculation should be repeated.
Actuator Sizing 
Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim
Actuator Sizing 
Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim
Actuator Sizing 
Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim
Actuator Sizing 
Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim
Actuator Sizing 
Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim 
Step 2: Determine Actuator’s Size For Actuation Thrust 
Calculate the actuator cylinder areas required by using the applicable group of equations 
in the following tables. Compare the calculated areas to the corresponding areas for the 
actuator size selected in Step 1. Actuator areas are listed in Table 16-III. If the calculated 
areas are less than or equal to the corresponding areas for the selected actuator, the 
actuator size is adequate. If the calculated areas are larger, an actuator with cylinder 
areas larger than the calculated areas must be selected. 
When determining the required actuator size, various service conditions should be 
considered. For each sizing equation, the conditions to be considered for that equation 
are listed with the equation. Each equation should be evaluated for each listed condition 
that will actually occur. The condition numbers refer to the following list.
Actuator Sizing 
Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim 
Service Conditions to be considered: 
1. P1 and P2 for flow conditions. If more than one flow condition will occur, each should 
be evaluated. 
2. P1 and P2 at shutoff. If more than one set of pressures will occur during shutoff, each 
set of pressures should be evaluated. The possibility of P2 dropping to atmospheric 
pressure (0 psig) should be considered. Pressures used to bench test the 
valve should also be considered. 
3. P1 and P2 equal to the maximum value of P. This condition may occur if the pipeline is 
pressurized and the pipe downstream from the valve is blocked. For this condition, set 
RSL = 0 in the sizing equations. 
4. P1 and P2 equal to 0. This condition will occur if the pipeline is depressurized. This 
condition will also occur during bench testing of the valve. For this condition, set RSL= 0 
in the sizing equations.
Actuator Sizing 
Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim 
Step 2: Determine Actuator’s Size For Actuation Thrust 
1. On valves larger than 24-inch, the weight of the plug may need to be accounted for; 
contact factory. 
2. A negative number calculated for AL or AU indicates that the smallest available 
actuator will work for the condition being evaluated. 
3. For valves with a trim number smaller than the plug stem diameter, AS-Astem will be a 
negative number. In this case, the negative sign must be retained during the sizing 
Actuator Sizing 
Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim
Actuator Sizing 
Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim
Actuator Sizing 
Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim
Actuator Sizing 
Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim 
Step 3: Determine Spring Size 
If it will be necessary for the valve to stroke open or closed upon loss of air supply 
pressure, the fail-safe spring must be sized. The required spring force is calculated by 
using the applicable equations in the following tables. Each sizing equation should be 
evaluated for the listed conditions that will actually occur. The condition numbers refer to 
the service conditions listed in step 2. 
After the required spring force is calculated, it must be compared to the standard spring 
force for the actuator selected in steps 1 and 2. This spring force is listed in Table 16-VI. 
If the required spring force is less than the standard spring force of the selected actuator, 
a standard spring will be sufficient. If the required spring force is greater than that of a 
standard spring force, compare the required spring with the dual (or heavy-duty) spring 
force for the same size actuator (see Table 16-VI). If the dual spring force is larger than 
the required spring force, the dual spring should be used. If the dual spring force is not 
large enough, a volume tank or larger actuator will be required. Section 19 contains 
volume tank sizing information. If the spring or actuator size selected to provide sufficient 
spring force is different from that used during step2, the calculations of step 2 must be 
verified using the New spring or actuator information.
Actuator Sizing 
Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim
Actuator Sizing 
Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim
Emergency Conditions 
• HandWheel: 
To bypass Control Valve 
• By pass Valves
Positioning is based on a balance of two forces: 
one proportional to the instrument signal and the other proportional to the stem position.
Linearity – Independent 
Performance Data 
Hysteresis - Maximum position error for the same value of input when 
approached from opposite directions. 
Dead Band - Maximum change in input required to cause a reversal in valve stem 
Response Level - Maximum change in input required to cause a change in valve 
stem position in one direction. 
Resolution - Smallest possible change in valve stem position. 
Repeatability - Maximum variation in position for the same value of input when 
approached from same direction.
Steady State Air Consumption 
Performance Data 
Supply Pressure Effect - Position change for 10 psi supply pressure change. 
“Open-loop” Gain - Ratio of output pressure unbalance to instrument pressure 
change with locked stem @60 psi. 
Maximum Flow Capacity 
Frequency Response 
Stroking Speed : Closed to open ; Open to closed
Positioners are instruments that help improve control by accurately 
positioning a control valve actuator in response to a control signal 
Positioners receive an input signal either pneumatically or 
electronically and provide output power to an actuator 
Reasons To use Positioners 
• Increase control system resolution i.e)fine resolution. 
• Allow use of characteristic cams. 
• Minimize packing friction effects. 
• Allow Split Ranging. 
• Overcome seating friction in rotary valves. 
• Facilitate operation when the higher number in the bench-set range is greater than 1ksc 
• Permit use of piston actuators. 
• Allow distance between controller and control valve using the advantage of 
4-20ma signal.
A device attached to an actuator that receives An electronic or pneumatic signals from 
the controller And compares this signal to the actuator’s position. 
3-way positioners 
Send and exhaust air to only one side of a Single acting actuator that is opposed by a 
range Spring. 
4-way positioners 
Send and exhaust air to both sides of an actuator which is required for double acting 
Valve Positioners 
• Pneumatic valve positioners are the most commonly used valve accessories. 
• A valve positioner is a device which will accurately position a control valve in 
accordance with the pneumatic control signal. 
• The control signal is routed to the positioner where comparison of the valve 
position (actual) to the control signal (desired) is used to develop an output 
pneumatic signal which operates the valve actuator. 
• The positioner compares the control signal (the requested valve position) 
with the actual valve position through the mechanical feedback linkage. 
• If the valve position is incorrect, the positioner will either load or exhaust air 
from the valve actuator until the correct valve position is obtained. 
• A positioner requires both a control signal and an instrument supply air for 
normal operation. 
• Most positioners come equipped with three gauges to indicate supply air 
pressure, control signal pressure and actuator diaphragm signal (output) air 
ERT 212/3 Process Engineering 
Valve Positioners
Valve Positioners 
ERT 212/3 Process Engineering 
Valve Positioners 
• Advantages of the valve positioner include: 
1) Minimizing the effect of friction, hysteresis and 
deadband on the valve stem. With a high pressure 
system, tighter valve stem packing is needed to 
prevent leakage and a high frictional force is 
generated. With a positioner valve stem movements 
of as little as 25 µm are possible. 
2) Enables signal range change. A positioner can 
amplify the incoming control signal when a greater 
actuating force is needed. A 20-100 kPa control 
signal can be amplified to 40-200 kPa before being 
applied to the actuator. 
ERT 212/3 Process Engineering 
Valve Positioners 
3) Allows signal reversal. A positioner can operate in 
either direct or reverse acting mode. For example, in 
reverse acting mode, an increase in control signal 
pressure causes a decrease in positioner output air 
pressure. For example, in reverse mode, a 100 - 20 
kPa actuator signal would correspond to a 20 - 100 
kPa control signal from the I/P transducer. 
4) Increases the speed of response of the actuator. 
The speed of response of the valve actuator depends 
(a) the actuator volume, and 
(b) the flow rate of the control signal air. 
ERT 212/3 Process Engineering 
Valve Positioners 
Allows valve flow characteristic to be changed. 
Most valve positioners employ a rotating cam in the 
feedback system. This cam can be changed to 
simulate different valve flow characteristics. A linear 
globe valve can be used to respond in an equal 
percentage manner. 
Allows split range operation. In a split range control 
loop, one controller is used to drive two control 
ERT 212/3 Process Engineering 
Valve Positioners 
• A positioner ensures that there is a linear relationship 
between the signal input pressure from the control 
system and the position of the control valve. 
• This means that for a given input signal, the valve will 
always attempt to maintain the same position regardless 
of changes in valve differential pressure, stem friction, 
diaphragm hysteresis and so on. 
ERT 212/3 Process Engineering 
Valve Positioners 
• A positioner may be used as a signal amplifier or booster. 
• It accepts a low pressure air control signal and, by using 
its own higher pressure input, multiplies this to provide a 
higher pressure output air signal to the actuator 
diaphragm, if required, to ensure that the valve reaches 
the desired position. 
• Some positioners incorporate an electropneumatic converter 
so that an electrical input (typically 4 - 20 mA) can be used to 
control a pneumatic valve. 
• Some positioners can also act as basic controllers, 
accepting input from sensors. 
ERT 212/3 Process Engineering 
Positioner Working 
Some of the mechanisms 
i. Force Balance Positioners 
ii. Motion balance Positioners 
iii. Electronic Positioners 
Force Balance Positioners 
Motion balance Positioners; 1 
Motion balance Positioners; 2 
Electronic Positioners 
Sensor to detect valve position 
Micro-Processor Error = Position - Signal 
DeZurik Operation 
Rotary Control Valves 
October 2005
پارامترهای موثر در انتخاب شير کنترلی 
هزينه •
The purpose of the valve actuator is to accurately locate the 
valve plug in a position dictated by the control signal 
Types of Actuators 
Pneumatic Valve Actuators: Adjust the position of the valve 
by converting air pressure into rotary motion or linear motion. 
Piston and Diaphragm Actuators are examples of Pneumatic 
Electric Valve Actuators: An electric actuator is powered by 
motor that converts electrical energy to mechanical torque 
Hydraulic actuator: Consists of a cylinder or fluid motor that 
uses hydraulic power to facilitate mechanical operation. The 
mechanical motion gives an output in terms of linear, rotary or 
oscillatory motion 
Types of Actuators Operation 
Multi-turn actuator 
gives torque for at least one full 
Part-turn actuator 
gives torque for less than one full 
Linear actuator 
opens and closes valves that can be 
operated via linear force 
Electric Actuators 
• Electric actuators use an electric motor 
with voltage requirements in the 
following range: 230 Vac, 110 Vac, 24 Vac 
and 24 Vdc. 
• There are two types of electrical actuator 
1. VMD (Valve Motor Drive) 
2. Modulating.
VMD ( Valve Motor Drive ) 
• This basic version of the 
electric actuator has three 
I. Driving the valve open. 
II. Driving the valve closed. 
III. No movement 
• The controller positions the 
valve by driving the valve 
open or closed for a certain 
time, to ensure that it 
reaches the desired 
position, Valve position 
feedback may be used with 
some controllers.
• In order to position the control valve in 
response to the system requirements a 
modulating actuator can be used. These 
units may have higher rated motors (Step 
Motor) and may have built-in electronics. 
• A positioning circuit may be included in 
the modulating actuator which accepts an 
analogue control signal (typically 0-10 V or 
4-20 mA). The actuator then interprets 
this control signal, as the valve position 
between the limit switches. 
• To achieve this, the actuator has a position 
sensor (usually a potentiometer), which 
feeds the actual valve position back to the 
positioning circuit. In this way the actuator 
can be positioned along its stroke in 
proportion to the control signal.
Pneumatic Actuators 
They are basically of two types 
1. Piston actuator 
2. Diaphragm actuator
Piston Actuator 
• They can withstand higher input pressures. 
• Can offer small cylinder volumes. 
• They are generally used where the stroke of a diaphragm 
actuator would be too short or the thrust is too small.
Diaphragm Actuators 
• They have 
compressed air applied 
to a flexible membrane 
called the diaphragm 
• They are single acting 
i.e. air is supplied from 
single side of the 
Classification of control valve on the basis of actuator action
Classification of control valve on the basis of valve action
Failure mode 
Valve body 
Control valve 
Failure mode Valve Color 
Direct Direct Air to close FAIL OPEN Green 
Direct Reverse Air to open FAIL CLOSE Red 
Reverse Direct Air to open FAIL CLOSE Red 
Reverse Reverse Air to close FAIL OPEN Green
Diaphragm Actuators
Air To Close Valve 
Δ P FLOW =P1-P2 
2. Methods to increase Δ P SHUTOFF 
1. Increase PLOAD 
2. Increase ADiaphragm 
3. Reduce FSpring 
4. Reduce ζ Packing 
ΣFup = ΣFdown 
P1 * APort+ FSpring+ 
ζPacking=PLOAD* ADiaphragm+ 
P2 * APlug 
Note: Inlet Pressure tends to push 
open plug
Air To Open Valve 
Δ P FLOW =P1-P2 
2. Methods to increase Δ P SHUTOFF 
1. Decrease PLOAD 
2. Increase ADiaphragm 
3. Increase FSpring 
4. Reduce ζζ Packing 
ΣFup = ΣFdown 
P1 * APort+PLOAD* ADiaphragm + 
ζPacking= FSpring +P2 * APlug 
Note: Inlet Pressure tends to push 
open plug
• Positioners ; pneumatic input 3-15 psi 
Electro-pneumatic 4-20 ma (HART, 
Fieldbus, Profibus) 
• Limit switches 
• Position feedback 
• a standard, pneumatic positioners use 3-15, 3-9, 9-15, 
• 3-7, 7-11 and 11-15 psi input signals; electro-pneumatic 
• positioners use 4-20, 4-12, 12-20 and 10-50 mA input 
• signals. Other non-standard signals, such as 6-30 psi, 
• are also available.
Valve Sizing 
What is Valve Sizing? 
Flasing; Cavitation; Noise 
October 2005
Generic Control Valve Types 
Features Comparison 
Double Single Bal. Split Eccentric 
Key Features Seat Seat Trim Angle Y Pattern 3-Way Body Ball Butterfly Plug 
Capacity 1 1 1.2 1 to 2 1.5 0.7 1 3 3.2 1.3 
Shut Off % Rated Cv 0.5 <0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 N/A 0.01 0 0 or1 0.01 
Cv Ratio 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 25 100 
Cavitation G S G S P S S P P S 
Noise G S G S P S S P P S 
High Pressure/High DP G S V.G. S S P S P P S 
High Temp/Low Temp S S V.G. S G S S P P G 
Erosion/Slurry S S P G S S G S P G 
Corrosion S G P S S S G S S G 
Maintenance S G S S S S V.G. G G G 
Cost 1.25 1 1.12 1.2 1.5 1.8 0.97 0.73 0.4-0.7 0.83
ساخت. در نوع اول double act يا single عمل كننده شيرهاي كنترلي را مي توان بصورت 
د شير كنترلي مشخص است اما در ساختار دوم، (تغذيه) fail حالت پيش فرض يا وضعيت 
كند در همان حال باقي مي ماند. بدليل حساسيت شيرهاي كنترلي fail شير در هر وضعيتي 
ساخته single act در آنها مشخص باشد غالبا بصورت fail و اينكه معمولا بايستي حالت 
مي شود. 
با استفاده از چهار گيج مي توان فشار double با استفاده از ۳ گيج و در نوع single در نوع 
ننققااطط ممخختتللفف ععمملل ككننننددهه رراا تتححتت ننظظرر ددااششتت.. 
معمولا سايز شيرهاي كنترلي يك رده كوچكتر از سايز خطي است كه برروي آن نصب مي شوند. 
عمل كننده نوع ديافراگمي را اگر بصورت عمودي قرار دهيم ميتواند براي شيرهاي ربع گرد 
استفاده گردد.
A device mounted on a valve that in response to a Signal, automatically moves the valve to 
the required position using an outside power source. The addition Of an actuator to a 
throttling valve is called a 
Pneumatic Electronic motor Electro hydraulic 
Diaphragm Piston
Air is relatively inexpensive, 90% of the Industries employ these actuators. 
Exceptional stiffness & high thrust’ are required, Fast stroking speeds. Hydraulic fluid 
above and below a piston to position the valve. 
Self contained hydraulic system, electrical Signal feeds to an internal pumps, which 
uses hydraulic fluid from a reservoir to feed hydraulic fluid above or below the 
Pros – Exceptionally stiff because of the incompressibility of liquids. 
Cons – Expensive and Bulky
Valve Actuators 
• The diameter of the diaphragm plate determines the 
force that will be applied to the actuator stem. 
• For example, if the maximum input signal pressure is 100 
kPa and the plate diameter is 30 cm, then: 
Force applied to stem = Pressure x Plate Area 
= 100 kPa x 3.14 x (0. 15)2 m2 
= 7.07 KN (1590 lb) 
ERT 212/3 Process Engineering 
Forms( (سفارش 
Selection criteria

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Control Valves: Optimizing Flow and Pressure

  • 2. شير كنترل CONTROL VALVE • ISA-S75.05: A Control Valve is a power-operated device used to modify the fluid flow rate in a process system.
  • 3. شير كنترل CONTROL VALVE همانطور كه از اسم آن بر مي آيد اين شير جهت كنترل جريان سيال درمسير  عبور آن نصب مي گردد. اين شير به طور اتوماتيك ومعمولاً با فشار هوا كار مي كند (در موقع لزوم مي توان آنرا با دست بازوبسته نمود). اين شير با توجه به اينكه چه چيزي را بايستي كنترل كند بطور اتوماتيك  بازوبسته مي شود. به طور مثال اگر قرار باشد فشار را كنترل كند از محل ديگري كه فشار آن مورد نظر است به طور مداوم با شير ارتباط برقرار است (سيگنال سسننسسوورر)) وو ببااتتغغييييرر ففششاارر آآنن ممححلل،، ششييرر ببااززتترر وويياا ببسستتهه تترر مميي ششوودد تتاا ففششاارر ثثااببتت بماند. معمولاً اين شير براي كنترل فشار، دبي، دما و يا سطح مايع در يك ظرف  مورد استفاده قرار مي گيرد و نسبت به تغييرات آنها نيز باز وبسته مي گردد. از اين شير نمونه هاي مختلفي وجود دارد كه از لحاظ عملكرد يكي مي باشند  و فقط از لحاظ ساختمان با يكديگر تفاوت دارند. دو نمونه از شيرهاي كنترل عبارتند از: Air to open/Fail to Close . - شيرهايي كه با قطع جريان هوا بسته مي شود Air to close/Fail to Open . - شيرهايي كه با قطع جريان هوا باز مي شود
  • 4. شير كنترل در گذشته شيرهاي كنترلي با حركت خطي كاربرد بيشتري داشتند اما از سال ۱۹۵۰ تا سال • از ۱% به ۵۰ % رسيد. Rotary ۱۹۸۰ رشد شيرهاي كنترلي از نوع شير پروانه اي است كه اولين نوع از اين شيرها بود. Rotary معروفترين شير كنترلي نوع • شيرهاي ربع گرد از لحاظ هزينه و همچنين عملكرد مزايايي را نسبت به شيرهاي خطي از • خود نشان دادند. ااننتتخخاابب ششييررههاايي ككننتتررلل ققببلالا ببرر ممببنناايي پپااررااممتتررههاايي ااووللييهه اايي ننظظييرر ففششاارر ققااببلل تتححمملل،، ددااممننهه • جريان، افت فشار و ... بود ولي اكنون تاكيد عمده بر هزينه ها مي باشد بنابراين شيرهاي كنترل بايد از لحاظ هزينه هاي اوليه و هزينه هاي تعميراتي مناسب باشند ضمن اينكه مي بايست خواص كنترلي خوبي داشته باشند. پارامترهاي ثانويه در انتخاب شير كنترل شامل نشتي هاي مجاز، خصوصيات جرياني(فلو)، دما، • لزجت و سايش مي باشد. مواردي نظير نويز، كاويتاسيون، فلاشينگ و .... نيز كه از فاكتورهاي عمومي و مورد تاكيد • تمامي شيرها هستند در اينجا نيز مورد توجه قرار مي گيرند.
  • 6. Control valve in FLOW CONTROL controller Inst Air dP Flow measurement
  • 7. Control valve in LEVEL CONTROL controller Inst Air
  • 8. Control valve in PRESSURE CONTROL controller Inst Air Pressurized vessel
  • 9. Control valve in Temperature Control controller Inst Air Super heated Steam in Hot water out Steam out Cold water in
  • 10. Controller meter controller valve INPUT SET POINT (commonly from the operator) OUTPUT
  • 11. معيارهاي كنترل پارامتر تحت كنترل T, P, flow rate, level, etc. ووااسسططهه ككننتتررلليي Flow Rate (Opening/Closing Valve) پارامتر تحت اندازه گيري T, P, flow rate, level, etc.
  • 12. قسمتهاي اصلي يك شير كنترلي
  • 13. Control Valve Classification Control Valve Linear Motion Rotary Motion Globe Globe Single Seated Double Seated Diaphragm Pinch Ball Butterfly Plug Angle 3 way
  • 14. ۱- مسير جريان پيچ و خم داراست. است (از لحاظ بازيافت فشار). Low Recovery ۲- شير از نوع ۳- قابليت و بازه كنترلي در درصدهاي پايين بهتر است. ۴- طرحهاي تريم مي تواند متنوع باشد. ۵- براي فشارها و دماهاي بالا مناسب ميباشد. ۶- معمولا به صورت فلنجي يا پيچي ساخته مي شود. آن قابل جدا شدن است. Bonnet -۷ ممققااييسسهه ۱- مسير جريان تقريبا مستقيم است. است (از لحاظ بازيافت فشار). High Recovery ۲- شير از نوع ۳- سايش پكينگ كمتر است. ۴- طرحهاي تريم مي تواند متنوع باشد. ۵- سيالهاي ساينده و دوغابي را نيز مي تواند پوشش دهد. ۶- بازه كنترلي بالايي دارد( از صفر تا صد).
  • 15. انواع شيرهاي كنترلي خطي 1. Globe 1.1. Single Seated 1.2. Double Seated 1.3 Three way 2. Diaphragm 3. Pinch
  • 16. Single Seated Globe Valve • ويژگيها دقت بالا در كنترل o نيروي بسيار مورد نياز جهت باز و o بست شير بباا ننييرروو وو ققددررتت ززيياادديي ببسستتهه مميي ششوودد o كاربردهاي سايز پايين o • كاربردها بازه كاربري بسيار وسيعي داشته و جزء • قديميترين شيرهاي كنترلي است.
  • 18. Double Seated Globe Valve • ويژگيها دقت بالا در كنترل o نيروي كمتر مورد نياز جهت باز و o بست شير ننششتتيي ننسسببتتاا بباالالا o كاربردهاي سايز بالا o مقدار عوامل نويز و كاويتاسيون و ... o بالاتر است. • كاربردها فلو و فشار بالا •
  • 19. Diaphragm Valves • ويژگيها آب بند از نوع ديافراگمي o قابل استفاده در سيالات o خخووررننددهه خوردگي فيزيكي كمتر o • كاربردها در صنايع بهداشتي و خوراكي •
  • 20. Pinch Valves • ويژگيها آب بندي بهتر o تله كمتر براي ذرات و سيالات o The flexible sleeve allows the valve to close drop tight around solids , solids that would typically be trapped by the seat or stuck in crevices in globe, diaphragm, butterfly, gate or ball valves. • كاربردها در صنايع بخار و سيالات با دماي بالا • سيالات خورنده •
  • 21. انواع شيرهاي كنترلي دوراني 1. Butterfly 2. Ball 3. Plug
  • 22. Ball Valves • ويژگيها آب بندي بسيار خوب o مقاومت بسيار كم در برابر o سسيياالل قابليت تحمل فشار و دماي بالا o • كاربردها بسيار متنوع مخصوصا براي افت • فشار كم
  • 23. Butterfly Valves • ويژگيها (Ball فلوي بالا(كمتر از شير o نشت بند نسبتا خوب o • ككااررببررددههاا بسيار متنوع مخصوصا براي مايعات • و سيالات با ذرات جامد. صنايع استيل، شكر و نساجي •
  • 24. 24
  • 25.
  • 26. ضريب فلوي شير (ضريب شير) Flow Factor/Valve Coefficient/Capacity Coefficient Cv Cv - gallons per minute (GPM) of 60oF water with a pressure drop of 1 psi (lb/in2). • Cv = Flow coefficient or flow capacity rating of valve. • F = Rate of flow (US gallons(3.73liters) per minute). • SG = Specific gravity of fluid (Water = 1). • ΔP = Pressure drop across valve (psi) @16oC. به عبارتي برابر است با مقدار فلوي حجمي عبوري آب از درون يك شير در مدت يك دقيقه به نحوي كه اختلاف • 1 باشد. psi فشار دوسر شير برابر ۵۰۰۰۰۰ است. ، Grove مقدار آن براي يك شير توپي معمولي مجراكامل سايز “ ۵۶ ساخت شركت •
  • 27. روش اندازه گيري ضريب فلوي شير
  • 28. ضريب فلوي شير Cv Kv Cv (Gallon/Min) 1 0.268 Kv (Liters/Min) 3.73 1
  • 30. Too small Cv Valve undersized Starving for fluid Buildup of upstream pressure Higher backstream pressure damaging equipments Cavitation & Flashing Too Large Cv Large oversized valve is selected Cost, size & weight increases Higher pressure drops and faster velocity causing Cavitation, flashing & corrosion Bath tub stopper effect
  • 31. مشخصه فلو - ۱ Flow Characteristic Quick Opening: Quick open plugs are used for on-off applications designed to produce maximum flow quickly Linear: produces equal changes in flow per unit of valve stroke regardless of plug position, used where valve pressure drop is a major portion of the total system pressure drop Equal Percentage: change in flow per unit of valve stroke is directly proportional to the flow occurring just before the change is made, generally used for pressure control In each angle, pressure differential should be kept constant; then flow measurement is done.
  • 32. مشخصه فلو - ۲ Flow Characteristic
  • 34.
  • 35. ااصصلالاحح ممششخخصصهه ففللوو يكي از موثرترين روشها براي اصلاح مشخصه فلو، تغيير شكل مجرابند است. تغيير شكل قفس مجرابند تغيير شكل مجرابند نشستني
  • 38. Triangle-Shape BALL VALVE ببرراايي ككااررببررددههاايي ككننتتررلليي •
  • 39. DeZurik Operation V ported valves: October 2005 Eccentric type:
  • 40. Common Body Designs; 1 In-Line In-line style bodies feature smooth, streamlined, constant internal area passages with no pockets, permitting high capacity with minimum turbulence.
  • 41. Common Body Designs; 2 Angle Form The angle-style body form for many applications such as handling erosive fluids. The angle valve incorporates a selfdraining design. The design also allows for smaller space requirements than as globe valve.
  • 42. Common Body Designs; 3 Three-Way Form Three-way bodies are used for either combining or diverting services. A standard globe valve usually, easily converts to three-way service with the addition of a three-way adaptor, upper seat ring, two gaskets, a three-way plug, and bonnet flange bolting.
  • 43. Common Body Designs; 4 Offset Form When inlet and outlet piping can be offset, this design is the simplest, least expensive barstock style. It works best in self cleaning applications. Other than the body, the offset design is completely interchangeable with the standard globe valve.
  • 44. Common Body Designs; 5 Steam Jacketed Steam jackets are used to heat the fluid passing through the control valve. Expanded Outlet The expanded outlet valve(Reduced Bore), permits the installation of a small valve in a larger line without using line reducers or expanders. The valve is a standard in-line globe valve, except for the body which incorporates expanded outlets. Because line expanders and reducers are not used, field installation expenses are reduced.
  • 45. Common Designs Designed for most gas and liquid applications. The valve’s unique construction handles pressures from vacuum to 15,000 psi (1034 Bar) and temperatures from -423 to 1500F (-253 to 816C). High positioning accuracy, repeatability, controlled high speed, and instant response.
  • 46. Common Designs The ShearStream ball valve features a segmented V-notch ball to reduce clogging, to improve shearing action and to exceed 300:1 rangeability. The one-piece body provides high performance. A high performance rotary control valve using an eccentric plug which provides high rangeability, zero breakout torque and durable trim with a significant increase in valve life. Applications from petrochecmical to low content slurry and pulp service to severe service. The eccentric plug provides rangeability greater than 100:1, compared to 50:1 for typical globe valves and 20:1 for most butterfly valves. The shutoff rating reaches Class IV for metal seats and Class VI for soft seats.
  • 47. Special Designs The Offset design is used for installation in offset piping configurations. All parts, except the body, are identical to the conventional globe type. high pressure classes but low sizes where fast delivery is required
  • 48. Special Designs The pressure-balanced regulator used primarily by the aerospace industry in high temperature gas applications. Upstream pressure is delivered to a small piston within the diaphragm actuator. (This piston has the same area as the plug.) Steam Jackets are used to heat the fluid passing through the control valve. The steam jacketed valve body uses a standard globe-style body with oversized, blind flanges for a full jacket or standard flanges for a partial jacket. The jacket usually is rated for 150 psi and comes equipped with 3/4-inch NPT supply and drain connection.
  • 49. Severe Services The trims are designed to eliminate cavitation, reduce high noise levels and handle flashing applications often associated with high pressure drop service. This cartridge uses specially designed channels and intersecting holes (plenums) in series to prevent single point, large pressure recovery which can cause cavitation and hydrodynamic noise. For less serious cavitation applications, use of some retainers to minimizes cavitation damage by controlling the location of imploding vapor bubbles are offered.
  • 51. Severe Services Attenuator reduces gaseous noise levels with staged pressure reduction through a series of drilled-hole cylinders. Above design effectively reduce gaseous and hydrodynamic noise more and eliminate the damaging effects of cavitation in liquids.
  • 53. Downstream Devices Silencer Plate; upto 15dB Installed between raised face flanges immediately downstream from the valve, the plate incorporates a series of stages to control line turbulence and absorb the pressure drop. The number of stages varies according to the application.
  • 54. Downstream Devices Diffuser; upto 30dB Diffusers share the high pressure drop with the valve. The length of the diffuser and the number of holes vary to accommodate the flow capacity required.
  • 55. Downstream Devices Vent Element; upto 25dB In a blow off or vent system, tremendous energy in the form of noise is released at the open exit. Vent silencers attenuate this noise energy before it is released to the outside environment.
  • 56. ككووييتتااسسييوونن زمانيكه يك مايع از ميان يك شير نيمه باز عبور مي كند فشار آن در ناحيه اي كه o سرعت افزايش پيدا كرده كاهش مي يابد و به فشار بخار مايع مي رسد. مايع در ناحيه كم فشار شروع به بخار شدن مي كند وحفره هارا توسط حبابهاي گاز توليد شده از بخار مايع پر مي كنند. وقتي مايع مجدداً به فشار استاتيك برسد، حبابها بطور ناگهاني جمع مي شوند. اين پديده كه باعث ايجاد شكاف در شير مي شود را كويتاسيون مي گويند. ااگگرر اايينن ععمملل ببططوورر ممررتتبب تتككرراارر ششوودد ددرر ننههااييتت ببااععثث ششككسستتگگيي وواازز ببيينن ررففتتنن ششييرر مميي o شود كه البته اين پديده در لوله ها نيز ممكن است اتفاق بيافتد.
  • 57. ضضررييبب ككووييتتااسسييوونن يكي از مشخصه هايي كه براي مصرف كنندگان شير مدنظر مي باشد ضريب o كويتاسيون است كه بايستي شدت آن مشخص باشد. اين پارامتر به صورت ذيل بيان مي شود: ضريب كويتاسيون : C فشار بخار مايع :Pv فشار در لوله اي كه ۵ برابر قطر لوله متصل به جريان پايين دست شير است. :Pd فشار در لوله اي كه برابر قطر لوله متصل به جريان بالادست شير است. :Pu را براي شيرهاي گوناگون نشان مي دهد. C نمودارهاي صفحه بعد مقدار
  • 58.
  • 59. ررووششههاايي ممممااننععتت اازز ككووييتتااسسييوونن براي جلوگيري از پديده مي توانيم قطر لوله خروجي از شير را بطور ناگهاني افزايش دهيم كه مقدار آن نيز قابل محاسبه مي باشد. ۵ برابر قطر لوله وطولي معادل ۸ برابر قطر لوله بعد از شير / اگر بتوانيم يك افزايش به قطر ۱ بگذاريم خواهيم توانست از كويتاسيون كه در نهايت باعث از بين رفتن شير مي شود جلوگيري بعمل آوريم. افزايش قطر لوله خروجي ۱ اايينن االلگگووههاا مميي تتوواانننندد سسررععتت وو يياا ااخختتلالافف ففششاارر ننااگگههااننيي رراا ككااههشش ددههنندد.. استفاده از الگوهاي خاص در مسير جريان ۲
  • 60. ففلالاششييننگگ نرسد آنگاه فلاشينگ Pv درصورتي كه هنگام افت فشار در شير، فشار سمت دوم به o رخ مي دهد. در اين حالت معمولا خوردگي فيزيكي در قسمتهاي پايينتر شير و لوله اتفاق مي افتد. o فلاشينگ غالبا چاره اي ندارد جز اصلاح ساختار و ابعاد شير. o
  • 61. چچوو ؛؛ ششددنن سسررععتت در اين حالت گاز در ناحيه اختلاف فشار به حداكثر سرعت خود (معادل سرعت صوت) o مي رسد و با شدت تمام به بدنه و قسمتهاي مختلف داخل شير برخورد مي كند و اثري مشابه كويتاسيون و فلاشينگ برجاي مي گذارد.
  • 62. ااففززااييشش ننااگگههااننيي سسررععتت اين پديده در محدوده وسيعتري نسبت به كويتاسيون رخ مي دهد و موجب لرزش o شير و تاسيسات، جريان سرگردان سيال و نيز نويز صوتي شديد مي شود.
  • 63. ضضررببهه ققووچچ ضربهٴ قوچ افزايش فشار يا موجي است كه در سيالهاي در حال حركت پس از توقف o يا تغيير مسير ناگهاني پيش مي آيد. اين افزايش فشار معمولاً هنگامي رخ مي دهد كه شير در مسير حركت سيال (آب يا گاز) ناگهان بسته مي شود. در اين حالت يك ضربه ناگهاني و قوي به سيستم وارد مي شود كه نويز شديدي نيز o دداارردد..
  • 65. ااثثررااتت ممححييططيي اين اثرات ممكن است شامل نشتي گاز به محيط، صداهاي آزاردهنده، فضاي اشغالي و o ... باشد.
  • 66. Valve Sizing 1- Flow Capacity; Cv The valve sizing coefficient most commonly used as a measure of the capacity of the body and trim of a control valve is Cv One Cv is defined as one U.S. gallon per minute of 60 degree Fahrenheit water that flows through a valve with a one psi pressure drop.
  • 67. Valve Sizing 2- Pressure Profile Maximum velocity and minimum pressure occur immediately downstream from the throttling point at the narrowest constriction of the fluid stream, known as the vena contracta .(انقباض رگ) Downstream from the vena contracta, the fluid slows and part of the energy (in the form of velocity) is converted back to pressure.
  • 68. Valve Sizing 3- Allowable Pressure Drop The curve departs from a linear relationship at the onset of "choking" described using the Fi factor. The flow rate reaches a maximum, qmax, at the fully choked condition due to effects of cavitation for liquids or sonic velocity for compressible fluids. The transition to choked flow may be gradual or abrupt, depending on valve design.
  • 69. Valve Sizing 3- Allowable Pressure Drop For liquid ; ANSI/ISA sizing equations use a pressure recovery factor, FL, to calculate the ΔΔΔΔP at which choked flow is assumed for sizing purposes. For compressible fluids ; a terminal pressure drop ratio, xT, similarly describes the choked pressure drop for a specific valve. ΔPa : When sizing a control valve, the smaller of the actual pressure drop or the choked pressure drop is always used to determine the correct Cv. This pressure drop is known as the allowable pressure drop, ΔPa .
  • 70. Valve Sizing 4- Cavitation In liquids; when the pressure anywhere in the liquid drops below the vapor pressure of the fluid, 5- Flashing If the downstream pressure is equal to or less than the vapor pressure, the vapor bubbles created at the vena contracta do not vapor bubbles begin to form in the fluid stream. As the fluid decelerates there is a resultant increase in pressure. If this pressure is higher than the vapor pressure, the bubbles collapse (or implode) as the vapor returns to the liquid phase. This two-step mechanism – called cavitation – produces noise, vibration, and causes erosion damage to the valve and downstream piping. collapse, resulting in a liquid-gas mixture downstream of the valve. This is commonly called flashing. When flashing of a liquid occurs, the inlet fluid is 100 percent liquid which experiences pressures in and downstream of the control valve which are at or below vapor pressure. This two phase (vapor and liquid) fluid at the valve outlet and in the downstream piping; the velocity of this two phase flow is usually very high and results in the possibility for erosion of the valve and piping components.
  • 71. Valve Sizing 6- Liquid Pressure Recovery Factor, FL 7- Liquid Critical Pressure Ratio Factor, FF The liquid pressure recovery factor, FL, predicts the amount of pressure recovery that will occur between the vena contracta and the valve outlet. The liquid critical pressure ratio factor, FF, multiplied by the vapor pressure, predicts the theoretical vena contracta FL is an experimentally determined coefficient that accounts for the influence of the valve’s internal geometry on the maximum capacity of the valve. It is determined from capacity test data. High recovery valves such as butterfly and ball valves have significantly lower pressures at the vena contracta and hence recover much farther for the same pressure drop than a globe valve. Thus they tend to choke (or cavitate) at smaller pressure drops than globe valves. * High recovery valves are valves that lose little energy due to little flow turbulence. pressure at the maximum effective (choked) pressure drop across the valve.
  • 72. Valve Sizing 8- Chocked Flow 9- Reynolds Number Factor, FR in gases and vapors ; Choked flow occurs when the fluid velocity reaches sonic values at any point in the valve body, trim, or pipe. As the pressure in the valve or pipe is lowered, the specific volume increases to the point where sonic velocity is reached. The Reynolds Number Factor, FR, is used to In liquids, vapor formed as the result of cavitation or flashing increases the specific volume of the fluid at a faster rate than the increase in flow due to pressure differential. Lowering the downstream pressure beyond this point in either case will not increase the flow rate for a constant upstream pressure. The velocity at any point in the valve or downstream piping is limited to sonic (Mach = 1). As a result, the flow rate will be limited to an amount which yields a sonic velocity in the valve trim or the pipe under the specified pressure conditions. correct the calculated Cv for non-turbulent flow conditions due to high viscosity fluids, very low velocities, or very small valve Cv .
  • 73. Valve Sizing 10- Piping Geometry Factor, FP 11- Ratio of Specific Heats Factor, Fk Valve sizing coefficients are determined from tests run with the valve mounted in a straight run of pipe which is the same diameter as the valve body. If the process piping configurations are different from The ratio of specific heats factor, Fk, adjusts the equation to account for the standard test manifold, the apparent valve capacity is changed. The effect of reducers and increasers can be approximated by the use of the piping geometry factor, FP. different behavior of gases other than air. 12- Terminal Pressure Drop Ratio, xT The terminal pressure drop ratio for gases, xT, is used to predict the choking point where additional pressure drop (by lowering the downstream pressure) will not produce additional flow due to the sonic velocity limitation across the vena contracta. This factor is a function of the valve geometry and varies similarly to FL, depending on the valve type.
  • 74. Valve Sizing 13- Expansion Factor, Y The expansion factor, Y, accounts for the 14- Compressibility Factor, Z The compressibility factor, Z, is a variation of specific weight as the gas passes from the valve inlet to the vena contracta. It also accounts for the change in cross-sectional area of the vena contracta as the pressure drop is varied. function of the temperature and the pressure of a gas. It is used to determine the density of a gas in relationship to its actual temperature and pressure conditions.
  • 75. Valve Sizing 15- Velocity As a general rule, valve outlet velocities should be limited to the following maximum values: Gas applications where special noise attenuation trim are used should be limited to approximately 0.33 Mach. In addition, pipe velocities downstream from the valve are critical The above are guidelines for typical applications. In general, smaller sized valves handle slightly higher velocities and large valves handle lower velocities. Special applications have particular velocity requirements; a few of which are provided here: to the overall noise level. Experimentation has shown that velocities around 0.5 Mach can create substantial noise even in a straight pipe. The addition of a control valve to the line will increase the turbulence downstream, resulting in even higher noise levels.
  • 76. Valve Sizing 15- Velocity Liquid applications – where the fluid temperature is close to the saturation point – should be limited to 30 feet per second to avoid reducing the fluid pressure below the vapor pressure. This is also an appropriate limit In flashing services, velocities become much higher due to the increase in volume resulting from vapor formation. For most applications, it is important to keep velocities below 500 feet per second. Expanded outlet style valves for applications designed to pass the full flow rate with a minimum pressure drop across the valve. Valves in cavitating service should also be limited to 30 feet per second to minimize damage to the downstream piping. This will also localize the pressure recovery which causes cavitation immediately downstream from the vena contracta. help to control outlet velocities on such applications. Erosion damage can be limited by using chrome-moly body material and hardened trim. On smaller valve applications which remain closed for most of the time such as heater drain valves higher velocities of 800 to 1500 feet per second may be acceptable with appropriate materials.
  • 77. Valve Sizing هدف : بدست آوردن مناسبترين(كوچكترين) سايز و ابعاد شير و مشخصات تريم باتوجه به گروه  محصولات سازنده، با لحاظ كردن پارامترهاي مهم (اقتصادي) : سايز شير مي تواند كمتر از سايز لوله باشد اما بزرگتر، نه! انتخاب مشخصه يا ويژگيهاي فيزيكي و ذاتي شيرها در اينجا صورت نمي گيرد. سسپپسس ششررااييطط سسررععتت سسيياالل.. غغااللبباا Cv پپااررااممتتررههاايي تتححتت ااننددااززهه گگييرريي ججههتت ننييلل ببهه ههددفف:: ااببتتدداا  سايز بدنه شير و از روي سرعت سيال، تريم انتخاب مي گردد. Cv ازروي در شرايط خاص ممكن است جهت برآوردن نياز و عدم وجود تريم مناسب در سايزي خاص(باتوجه به سايز را بالاتر انتخاب كرد. ،(Cv درصورتيك از انتخابها راضي نيستيم بايستي به سراغ سازنده ديگر يا گروه شير ديگر برويم. داشته ها : مشخصات رده شير مدنظر (نوع و مشخصه فلو، مشخصات هندسي و جداول مربوطه، جدول  مشخصات سيال و فرآيند از جمله فشار اوليه و ثانويه مجاز. ،(Cv
  • 78. Calculating Cv for Liquid The Equation for the flow coefficient (Cv) in non-laminar liquid flow is:
  • 79. Calculating Cv for Liquid The following steps should be used to compute the correct Cv, body size and trim number: Step 1: Calculate Actual Pressure Drop The allowable pressure drop, ΔPa, across the valve for calculating Cv, is the smaller of the actual ΔP from Equation 3.2 and choked ΔPch from Equation 3.3. (P1 and P2 Should be given. فشار مينيمم درخروجی شير است.) p فشار ماکزيمم در ورودی است و 2 p1 Step 2: Check for Choked Flow Use Equation 3.3 to check for choked flow: If ΔPch (Equation 3.3) is less than the actual ΔP (Equation 3.2) , use ΔPch for ΔPa in Equation 3.1.
  • 82. Calculating Cv for Liquid It may also be useful to determine the point at which substantial cavitation begins. The following Equation defines the pressure drop at which substantial cavitation begins: In high pressure applications, alternate analysis may be required; verify analysis with factory if ΔP > ΔP (cavitation)> 300 psi (globe valves) or 100 psi (rotary valves). The required Cv for flashing applications is determined by using the appropriate ΔP allowable [ΔPch calculated from Equation 3.3].
  • 83. Calculating Cv for Liquid Step 3: Determine Specific Gravity Specific gravity is generally available for the flowing fluid at the operating temperature. The appendix provides fluid property data for 268 chemical compounds, from which the specific gravity, Gf can be calculated. Step 4: Calculate Approximate Cv Generally the effects of nonturbulent flow can be ignored, provided the valve is not operating in a laminar or transitional flow region due to high viscosity, very low velocity, or small Cv. In the event there is some question, calculate the Cv, from Equation 3.1, assuming Fp=1, and then proceed to steps 5-7. If the Reynolds number calculated in Equation 3.6a is greater than 40,000, FR can be ignored (proceed to step 8 after step 5.
  • 84. Sizing Valve using Cv for Liquid Step 5: Select Approximate Body Size Based on Cv From the Cv tables in section 4, select the smallest body size that will handle the calculated Cv. Step 6: Calculate Valve Reynolds Number Rev and Reynolds Number Factor FR Use Equation 3.6a to calculate valve Reynolds Number Factor: Use Equation 3.6b to calculate valve Reynolds Number Factor FR if Rev < 40,000, otherwise FR = 1.0:
  • 85. Sizing Valve using Cv for Liquid
  • 86. Sizing Valve using Cv for Liquid Step 7: Calculate the Final Cv If the calculated value of FR is less than 0.48, the flow is considered laminar; and the Cv is equal to Cvs calculated from Equation 3.6c. If FR is greater than 0.98, turbulent flow can be assumed (FR = 1.0); and Cv is calculated from Equation 3.1. Do not use the piping geometry factor Fp if FR is less than 0.98. For values of FR between 0.48 and 0.98, the flow is considered transitional; and the Cv is calculated from Equation 3.6e: For laminar and transitional flow, note the ΔP is always taken as P1 - P2 .
  • 87. Sizing Valve using Cv for Liquid Step 8: Calculate Piping Geometry Factor If the pipe size is not given, use the approximate body size (from step 5) to choose the corresponding pipe size. The pipe diameter is used to calculate the piping geometry factor, Fp, which can be determined by Tables 3-III and 3-IV. If the pipe diameter is the same as the valve size, FP is 1 and does not affect Cv. Step 9: Calculate the Final Cv Using the value of FP, calculate the required Cv from Equation 3.1. Step 10: Calculate Valve Exit Velocity The following Equation is used to calculate entrance or exit velocities for liquids:
  • 89. Sizing Valve using Cv for Liquid After calculating the exit velocity, compare that number to the acceptable velocity for that application. It may be necessary to go to a larger valve size. Step 11: Recalculate the Cv if Body Size Changed Recalculate Cv if the FP has been changed due to selection of a larger body size.
  • 90. Sizing Valve using Cv for Liquid Step 11: Select Trim Number First identify if the valve will be used for on/off or throttling service. Using the Cv tables in Section 4, select the appropriate trim number for the calculated Cv and body size selected. The trim number and flow characteristic (Section 9) may be affected by how the valve will be throttled. When cavitation is indicated, refer to Section 14 to evaluate special trims for cavitation protection.
  • 91. Sizing Valve using Cv for Liquid Example1; p1
  • 92. Sizing Valve using Cv for Liquid Example1; p2
  • 93. Sizing Valve using Cv for Liquid Example1; p3
  • 94. Sizing Valve using Cv for Liquid Example1; p4
  • 95. Sizing Valve using Cv for Liquid Example1; p5
  • 96. Sizing Valve using Cv for Liquid Example2; p1
  • 97. Sizing Valve using Cv for Liquid Example2; p2
  • 98. Sizing Valve using Cv for Liquid Example2; p3
  • 99. Sizing Valve using Cv for Liquid Example2; p4
  • 100. Flashing Liquids Velocity Calculations When the valve outlet pressure is lower than or equal to the saturation pressure for the fluid temperature, part of the fluid flashes into vapor. When flashing exists, the following calculations must be used to determine velocity. Flashing requires special trim designs and/or hardened materials. Flashing velocity greater than 500 ft/sec requires special body designs. If flow rate is in lb/hr: if the flow rate is given in gpm, the following Equation can be used:
  • 101. Flashing Liquids Velocity Calculations Calculating Percentage Flash The % flash (x) can be calculated as follows: For water, the enthalpies (hf1, hf2 and hfg2) and specific volumes (vf2 and vg2) can be found in the saturation temperature and pressure tables of any set of steam tables.
  • 102. Flashing Liquids Velocity Calculations Example1; p1 Assume the same conditions exist as in Example1, except that the temperature is 350°F rather than 250° F. By referring to the saturated steam temperature tables, you find that the saturation pressure of water at 350°F is 134.5 psia, which is greater than the outlet pressure of 105 psia (90 psia). Therefore, the fluid is flashing. Since a portion of the liquid is flashing, Equations 3.9 and 3.10 must be used. x (% flashed) can be determined by using Equation3.10:
  • 103. Flashing Liquids Velocity Calculations Example1; p2 Therefore, the velocity in a 3-inch valve can be determined by using Equation 3.9: Flashing velocity is less than 500 ft/sec, which is acceptable for Mark One bodies. Hardened trim and CavControl should also be considered.
  • 104. Calculating Cv for Gas Because of compressibility, gases and vapors expand as the pressure drops at the vena contracta, decreasing their specific weight. To account for the change in specific weight, an expansion factor, Y, is introduced into the valve sizing formula. The form of the equation used is one of the following, depending on the process variables available:
  • 105. Calculating Cv for Gas The following steps should be used to compute the correct Cv, body size and trim number: Step 1: Select the Appropriate Equation Based on the information available, ”just” select one of the four equations to calculate Cv from flow rate: 3.11, 3.12, 3.13 or 3.14. the calculation will be done later(step 5). Step 2: Check for Choked Flow Determine the terminal pressure drop ratio, xT, for that particular valve by referring to Table 3-V. Next, determine the ratio of specific heats factor, Fk, by using the Equation below:
  • 108. Calculating Cv for Gas Calculate the ratio of actual pressure drop to absolute inlet pressure, x, by using Equation 3.16: Choked flow occurs when x reaches the value of FkxT. Therefore, if x is less than FkxT, the flow is not choked. If x is greater, the flow is choked. If flow is choked, then FkxT should be used in place of x (whenever it applies)
  • 109. Calculating Cv for Gas Step 3: Calculate the Expansion Factor The expansion factor, Y, may be expressed as: * (If the flow is choked, use FkxT for x) Step 4: Determine the Compressibility Factor To obtain the compressibility factor, Z, first calculate the reduced pressure, Pr, and the reduced temperature, Tr, Using the factors Pr and T, find Z in Figures 3-4 or 3-5.
  • 111. Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas Step 5: Calculate Cv Using the above calculations, use one of the four gas sizing Equations to determine Cv : (assuming Fp is 1) Step 6: Select Approximate Body Size Based on Cv From the Cv tables of valves, select the smallest body size that will handle the calculated Cv. Step 7: Calculate Piping Geometry Factor If the pipe size is not given, use the approximate body size (from step 6) to choose the corresponding pipe size. The pipe size is used to calculate the piping geometry factor, Fp, which can be determined by Tables 3-III or 3-IV. If the pipe diameter is the same as the valve size, Fp is 1 and is not a factor.
  • 113. Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas Step 8: Calculate the Final Cv With the calculation of the Fp, figure out the final Cv. Step 9: Calculate Valve Exit Mach Number Equations 3.20, 3.21, 3.22 or 3.23 are used to calculate entrance or exit velocities (in terms of the approximate Mach number). Use Equations 3.20 or 3.21 for gases, Equation 3.22 for air and Equation 3.23 for steam. Use downstream temperature if it is known, otherwise use upstream temperature as an approximation.
  • 114. Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas
  • 115. Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas After calculating the exit velocity, compare that number to the acceptable velocity for that application. Select a larger size valve if necessary. Refer to section 13 to predict noise level. Caution: Noise levels in excess of 110 dBA may cause vibration in valves/piping resulting in equipment damage. Step 10: Recalculate Cv if Body Size Changed Recalculate Cv if Fp has changed due to the selection of a larger body size. Step 11: Select Trim Number Identify if the valve is for on/off or throttling service. Using the Cv tables in Section 4, select the appropriate trim number for the calculated Cv and body size selected. The trim number and flow characteristic (Section 9) may be affected by how the valve is throttled. After selecting trim number, calculate the mach number for trim(bore) size for not being larger than 1.0. if mach number is greater then select larger trim; if the trim size is maximum, you should choose larger body size.
  • 116. Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas * Step 12: Calculate Valve Trim Mach Number After selecting trim number, calculate the mach number for trim(bore) size for not being larger than 1.0. if mach number is greater then select larger trim; if the trim size is maximum, you should choose larger body size. Note: it is possible that if you select small trim size in large body size while mach number is high, the velocity of gas reaches over the sonic velocity which it is not possible! So you should consider the mach number in trim not to be mare than 1.0 .
  • 117. Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas Example1; p1
  • 118. Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas Example1; p2
  • 119. Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas Example1; p3
  • 120. Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas Example1; p4
  • 121. Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas Example1; p5
  • 122. Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas Example1; p6
  • 123. Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas Step 12: by considering the mach number during pass of flow from trim it is clear that if the exit velocity is close to 0.5 mach, the square of body size to bore size should not be more than 0.5 (i.e. the trim size should be more than 4.6”) . Hence the selected trim no. is not suitable and we have to select trim size 5.0 . By selecting this trim size, Cv will be large no. which results in lower controllibility.
  • 124. Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas Example2; p1
  • 125. Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas Example2; p2
  • 126. Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas Example2; p3
  • 127. Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas Example2; p4
  • 128. Sizing Valve using Cv for Gas Example2; p5
  • 129. Noise Prediction Control valve noise is generated by turbulence created in the valve and radiated to the surroundings by the downstream piping system. Major sources of control valve noise are mechanical vibration of the valve components, and hydrodynamic and aerodynamic fluid noise. Noise produced by mechanical vibration is usually well below 100 dBA and is described as a mechanical rattling. Aerodynamic noise levels can be above 100 dBA and reach as high as 150dBA in certain services. Noise Sources :
  • 130. Noise Prediction The predicted noise value can be considered accurate to + 5 dBA when the outlet velocity is less than sonic and is correct for single throttling point trims only. NOTE: any level below 70 dBA usually does not require low noise trim or other accessories. For calculating noise level, these data should be available: o Required(not installed) valve sizing coefficient, Cv . o Upstream pressure, psia, P1 . o Downstream pressure, psia, P2 . o Flowing temperature of fluid, T . o Flowing fluid, Q . o Pipe size and schedule D, sch, At the next Slides, the method of calculating(predicting) noise level will be presented. After Calculating Noise Level, add below quantities if the corresponding condition is ready: 1. For a valve installed near a reflective surface (a hard floor or wall), add 3 dBA. 2. For a valve installed near two reflective surfaces (a hard floor and wall), add 6 dBA. 3. If the valve is near three reflective surfaces (two hard walls and hard floor), add 9 dBA. 4. A valve installed in a small room with all reflective walls, floor, and ceiling can easily produce noise levels 30 or 40 dBA.
  • 131. Hydrodynamic Noise Prediction 1- Hydrodynamic Noise Prediction The total sound pressure level is easily found by finding DPs, Cs, Rs, Ks, and Ds from Figures 13-2 through 13-5 and Tables 13-I and 13-II and then substituting them into the noise equation. To obtain DPs and Rs, it is first necessary to calculate the pressure drop ratio, DPf, where:
  • 132. Hydrodynamic Noise Prediction If DPf calculated is greater than 1, flashing is occurring in the valve and these formulas do not apply to flashing service.
  • 137. Aerodynamic Noise Prediction 2- Aerodynamic Noise Prediction The total sound pressure level is easily found by finding Vs, Ps, Es, Ts, Gs, As and Ds from Figures 13-6 through 13-9 and Tables 13-I and 13-III and 13-IV then substituting them into the noise equation.
  • 145. Flow Characteristics Inherent flow characteristic Vs. Installed flow characteristics When a constant pressure drop is maintained across the valve, the characteristic of the valve alone controls the flow; this characteristic is referred to as the “inherent flow characteristic.” “Installed characteristics” include both the valve and pipeline effects. The difference can best be understood by examining an entire system.
  • 146. Flow Characteristics Quick Review Equal Percentage Equal percentage is the characteristic most commonly used in process control. The change in flow per unit of valve stroke is directly proportional to the flow occurring just before the change is made. While the flow characteristic of the valve itself may be equal percentage, most control loops will produce an installed characteristic approaching linear when the overall system pressure drop is large relative to that across the valve. Linear An inherently linear characteristic produces equal changes in flow per unit of valve stroke regardless of plug position. Linear plugs are used on those systems where the valve pressure drop is a major portion of the total system pressure drop. Quick Open Quick open plugs are used for on-off applications designed to produce maximum flow quickly.
  • 147. Flow Characteristics Example1; p1 Effect of other equipments A centrifugal pump supplies water to a system in which a control valve is used to maintain the downstream pressure at 80 psig. The pump characteristics are shown below:
  • 148. Flow Characteristics Example1; p2 The maximum flow required is 200 gpm. at which the pump discharge pressure (P1) is 100 psig. Piping losses are negligible. Using the ISA liquid sizing formula, the flow coefficient, or Cv, can be determined : To determine the plug characteristic which should be specified, let us analyze the installed flow characteristic of “equal percentage” and “linear” trim in this valve.
  • 151. Flow Characteristics Example2; p1 Effect of other equipments The previous example was idealized in that the downstream pressure was held constant and the pressure drop variation was due to the pump characteristic alone. Now consider a more realistic installation where the delivered pressure must be held constant after passing Through the valve and with some line restriction, R, in series with the valve.
  • 152. Flow Characteristics Example2; p2 To find the installed characteristics of equal percent and linear trim in a suitably sized valve, a pressure drop distribution must be chosen. A suitable choice would be 4 psi across the valve at a flow of 200 gpm. The control valve can then be sized for the maximum required Cv : Since the pressure drop across the restriction will vary with flow in accordance with the square root law ( Q = R sqrt(ΔP) ) the available pressure drop across the valve at various flowing quantities can be determined, keeping in mind the pump characteristic. This is shown in Table 9-II.
  • 157. Actuator Sizing Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim In throttling services three questions must be answered: 1. Will the actuator handle the throttling differential pressure? 2. Will the actuator provide sufficient thrust to overcome application pressures to open or close the valve, and generate enough seat loading for tight shutoff with the given air supply pressure? 3. Will the spring fail the valve in the proper direction? With on/off services, only questions 2 and 3 must be answered.
  • 158. Actuator Sizing Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim The equations in this section use the following variables:
  • 159. Actuator Sizing Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim When an actuator’s stroke length exceeds the longest stroke length shown for that size actuator in Table 16-VI, the actuator will not have a spring. For actuators without a spring, SE = SR = 0. AR is not used when sizing actuators for valves with standard trim or when sizing actuators for Class 150 through 600 MegaStream valves.
  • 160. Actuator Sizing Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim
  • 161. Actuator Sizing Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim • Step 1: Determine Actuator’s Maximum Allowable Throttling Pressure Drop Determine the maximum allowable throttling pressure drop (ΔPa) that the selected actuator can handle by using equations (16.7) and (16.8):
  • 162. Actuator Sizing Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim Compare the maximum allowable throttling pressure drop to the actual pressure drop. If the actual throttling drop is less than ΔPa, the selected actuator is sufficient. However, if the actual throttling drop is greater than ΔPa, the next larger actuator size should be chosen and the above calculation should be repeated.
  • 163. Actuator Sizing Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim
  • 164. Actuator Sizing Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim
  • 165. Actuator Sizing Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim
  • 166. Actuator Sizing Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim
  • 167. Actuator Sizing Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim Step 2: Determine Actuator’s Size For Actuation Thrust Calculate the actuator cylinder areas required by using the applicable group of equations in the following tables. Compare the calculated areas to the corresponding areas for the actuator size selected in Step 1. Actuator areas are listed in Table 16-III. If the calculated areas are less than or equal to the corresponding areas for the selected actuator, the actuator size is adequate. If the calculated areas are larger, an actuator with cylinder areas larger than the calculated areas must be selected. When determining the required actuator size, various service conditions should be considered. For each sizing equation, the conditions to be considered for that equation are listed with the equation. Each equation should be evaluated for each listed condition that will actually occur. The condition numbers refer to the following list.
  • 168. Actuator Sizing Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim Service Conditions to be considered: 1. P1 and P2 for flow conditions. If more than one flow condition will occur, each should be evaluated. 2. P1 and P2 at shutoff. If more than one set of pressures will occur during shutoff, each set of pressures should be evaluated. The possibility of P2 dropping to atmospheric pressure (0 psig) should be considered. Pressures used to bench test the valve should also be considered. 3. P1 and P2 equal to the maximum value of P. This condition may occur if the pipeline is pressurized and the pipe downstream from the valve is blocked. For this condition, set RSL = 0 in the sizing equations. 4. P1 and P2 equal to 0. This condition will occur if the pipeline is depressurized. This condition will also occur during bench testing of the valve. For this condition, set RSL= 0 in the sizing equations.
  • 169. Actuator Sizing Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim Step 2: Determine Actuator’s Size For Actuation Thrust NOTES: 1. On valves larger than 24-inch, the weight of the plug may need to be accounted for; contact factory. 2. A negative number calculated for AL or AU indicates that the smallest available actuator will work for the condition being evaluated. 3. For valves with a trim number smaller than the plug stem diameter, AS-Astem will be a negative number. In this case, the negative sign must be retained during the sizing calculations.
  • 170. Actuator Sizing Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim
  • 171. Actuator Sizing Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim
  • 172. Actuator Sizing Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim
  • 173. Actuator Sizing Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim Step 3: Determine Spring Size If it will be necessary for the valve to stroke open or closed upon loss of air supply pressure, the fail-safe spring must be sized. The required spring force is calculated by using the applicable equations in the following tables. Each sizing equation should be evaluated for the listed conditions that will actually occur. The condition numbers refer to the service conditions listed in step 2. After the required spring force is calculated, it must be compared to the standard spring force for the actuator selected in steps 1 and 2. This spring force is listed in Table 16-VI. If the required spring force is less than the standard spring force of the selected actuator, a standard spring will be sufficient. If the required spring force is greater than that of a standard spring force, compare the required spring with the dual (or heavy-duty) spring force for the same size actuator (see Table 16-VI). If the dual spring force is larger than the required spring force, the dual spring should be used. If the dual spring force is not large enough, a volume tank or larger actuator will be required. Section 19 contains volume tank sizing information. If the spring or actuator size selected to provide sufficient spring force is different from that used during step2, the calculations of step 2 must be verified using the New spring or actuator information.
  • 174. Actuator Sizing Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim
  • 175. Actuator Sizing Linear Actuator Sizing, Pressure-balanced Trim
  • 177. Emergency Conditions • HandWheel: To bypass Control Valve • By pass Valves
  • 178. Positioners Positioning is based on a balance of two forces: one proportional to the instrument signal and the other proportional to the stem position.
  • 181. Positioners Linearity – Independent Performance Data Hysteresis - Maximum position error for the same value of input when approached from opposite directions. Dead Band - Maximum change in input required to cause a reversal in valve stem movement. Response Level - Maximum change in input required to cause a change in valve stem position in one direction. Resolution - Smallest possible change in valve stem position. Repeatability - Maximum variation in position for the same value of input when approached from same direction.
  • 182. Positioners Steady State Air Consumption Performance Data Supply Pressure Effect - Position change for 10 psi supply pressure change. “Open-loop” Gain - Ratio of output pressure unbalance to instrument pressure change with locked stem @60 psi. Maximum Flow Capacity Frequency Response Stroking Speed : Closed to open ; Open to closed
  • 183. Positioner Positioners are instruments that help improve control by accurately positioning a control valve actuator in response to a control signal Positioners receive an input signal either pneumatically or electronically and provide output power to an actuator 183
  • 184. Reasons To use Positioners • Increase control system resolution i.e)fine resolution. • Allow use of characteristic cams. • Minimize packing friction effects. • Allow Split Ranging. • Overcome seating friction in rotary valves. • Facilitate operation when the higher number in the bench-set range is greater than 1ksc • Permit use of piston actuators. • Allow distance between controller and control valve using the advantage of 4-20ma signal.
  • 185. POSITIONERS A device attached to an actuator that receives An electronic or pneumatic signals from the controller And compares this signal to the actuator’s position. 3-way positioners Send and exhaust air to only one side of a Single acting actuator that is opposed by a range Spring. 4-way positioners Send and exhaust air to both sides of an actuator which is required for double acting actuators.
  • 186. Valve Positioners • Pneumatic valve positioners are the most commonly used valve accessories. • A valve positioner is a device which will accurately position a control valve in accordance with the pneumatic control signal. • The control signal is routed to the positioner where comparison of the valve position (actual) to the control signal (desired) is used to develop an output pneumatic signal which operates the valve actuator. • The positioner compares the control signal (the requested valve position) with the actual valve position through the mechanical feedback linkage. • If the valve position is incorrect, the positioner will either load or exhaust air from the valve actuator until the correct valve position is obtained. • A positioner requires both a control signal and an instrument supply air for normal operation. • Most positioners come equipped with three gauges to indicate supply air pressure, control signal pressure and actuator diaphragm signal (output) air pressure. 186 ERT 212/3 Process Engineering Skills
  • 188. Valve Positioners 188 ERT 212/3 Process Engineering Skills
  • 189. Valve Positioners • Advantages of the valve positioner include: 1) Minimizing the effect of friction, hysteresis and deadband on the valve stem. With a high pressure system, tighter valve stem packing is needed to prevent leakage and a high frictional force is generated. With a positioner valve stem movements of as little as 25 µm are possible. 2) Enables signal range change. A positioner can amplify the incoming control signal when a greater actuating force is needed. A 20-100 kPa control signal can be amplified to 40-200 kPa before being applied to the actuator. 189 ERT 212/3 Process Engineering Skills
  • 190. Valve Positioners 3) Allows signal reversal. A positioner can operate in either direct or reverse acting mode. For example, in reverse acting mode, an increase in control signal pressure causes a decrease in positioner output air pressure. For example, in reverse mode, a 100 - 20 kPa actuator signal would correspond to a 20 - 100 kPa control signal from the I/P transducer. 4) Increases the speed of response of the actuator. The speed of response of the valve actuator depends on: (a) the actuator volume, and (b) the flow rate of the control signal air. 190 ERT 212/3 Process Engineering Skills
  • 191. Valve Positioners Allows valve flow characteristic to be changed. Most valve positioners employ a rotating cam in the feedback system. This cam can be changed to simulate different valve flow characteristics. A linear globe valve can be used to respond in an equal percentage manner. Allows split range operation. In a split range control loop, one controller is used to drive two control valves. 191 ERT 212/3 Process Engineering Skills
  • 192. Valve Positioners • A positioner ensures that there is a linear relationship between the signal input pressure from the control system and the position of the control valve. • This means that for a given input signal, the valve will always attempt to maintain the same position regardless of changes in valve differential pressure, stem friction, diaphragm hysteresis and so on. 192 ERT 212/3 Process Engineering Skills
  • 193. Valve Positioners • A positioner may be used as a signal amplifier or booster. • It accepts a low pressure air control signal and, by using its own higher pressure input, multiplies this to provide a higher pressure output air signal to the actuator diaphragm, if required, to ensure that the valve reaches the desired position. • Some positioners incorporate an electropneumatic converter so that an electrical input (typically 4 - 20 mA) can be used to control a pneumatic valve. • Some positioners can also act as basic controllers, accepting input from sensors. 193 ERT 212/3 Process Engineering Skills
  • 194. Positioner Working Some of the mechanisms i. Force Balance Positioners ii. Motion balance Positioners iii. Electronic Positioners 194
  • 198. Electronic Positioners Sensor to detect valve position Micro-Processor Error = Position - Signal 198
  • 199. DeZurik Operation Rotary Control Valves October 2005
  • 200. پارامترهای موثر در انتخاب شير کنترلی هزينه •
  • 202. Actuator The purpose of the valve actuator is to accurately locate the valve plug in a position dictated by the control signal 202
  • 203. Types of Actuators Pneumatic Valve Actuators: Adjust the position of the valve by converting air pressure into rotary motion or linear motion. Piston and Diaphragm Actuators are examples of Pneumatic Actuators Electric Valve Actuators: An electric actuator is powered by motor that converts electrical energy to mechanical torque Hydraulic actuator: Consists of a cylinder or fluid motor that uses hydraulic power to facilitate mechanical operation. The mechanical motion gives an output in terms of linear, rotary or oscillatory motion 203
  • 204. Types of Actuators Operation Multi-turn actuator gives torque for at least one full Part-turn actuator gives torque for less than one full Linear actuator opens and closes valves that can be operated via linear force 204
  • 205. Electric Actuators • Electric actuators use an electric motor with voltage requirements in the following range: 230 Vac, 110 Vac, 24 Vac and 24 Vdc. • There are two types of electrical actuator 1. VMD (Valve Motor Drive) 2. Modulating.
  • 206. VMD ( Valve Motor Drive ) • This basic version of the electric actuator has three states: I. Driving the valve open. II. Driving the valve closed. III. No movement • The controller positions the valve by driving the valve open or closed for a certain time, to ensure that it reaches the desired position, Valve position feedback may be used with some controllers.
  • 207. Modulating • In order to position the control valve in response to the system requirements a modulating actuator can be used. These units may have higher rated motors (Step Motor) and may have built-in electronics. • A positioning circuit may be included in the modulating actuator which accepts an analogue control signal (typically 0-10 V or 4-20 mA). The actuator then interprets this control signal, as the valve position between the limit switches. • To achieve this, the actuator has a position sensor (usually a potentiometer), which feeds the actual valve position back to the positioning circuit. In this way the actuator can be positioned along its stroke in proportion to the control signal.
  • 208. Pneumatic Actuators They are basically of two types 1. Piston actuator 2. Diaphragm actuator
  • 209. Piston Actuator • They can withstand higher input pressures. • Can offer small cylinder volumes. • They are generally used where the stroke of a diaphragm actuator would be too short or the thrust is too small.
  • 210. Diaphragm Actuators • They have compressed air applied to a flexible membrane called the diaphragm • They are single acting i.e. air is supplied from single side of the diaphragm
  • 211. Classification of control valve on the basis of actuator action
  • 212. Classification of control valve on the basis of valve action
  • 213. Failure mode Actuator action Valve body action Control valve action Failure mode Valve Color Direct Direct Air to close FAIL OPEN Green Direct Reverse Air to open FAIL CLOSE Red Reverse Direct Air to open FAIL CLOSE Red Reverse Reverse Air to close FAIL OPEN Green
  • 214.
  • 216. Air To Close Valve Δ P FLOW =P1-P2 Δ P SHUTOFF =P1-PLOAD 1. USUALLY Δ P SHUTOFF > Δ P FLOW 2. Methods to increase Δ P SHUTOFF 1. Increase PLOAD 2. Increase ADiaphragm 3. Reduce FSpring 4. Reduce ζ Packing ΣFup = ΣFdown P1 * APort+ FSpring+ ζPacking=PLOAD* ADiaphragm+ P2 * APlug Note: Inlet Pressure tends to push open plug
  • 217. Air To Open Valve Δ P FLOW =P1-P2 Δ P SHUTOFF =P1-PLOAD 1. USUALLY Δ P SHUTOFF > Δ P FLOW 2. Methods to increase Δ P SHUTOFF 1. Decrease PLOAD 2. Increase ADiaphragm 3. Increase FSpring 4. Reduce ζζ Packing ΣFup = ΣFdown P1 * APort+PLOAD* ADiaphragm + ζPacking= FSpring +P2 * APlug Note: Inlet Pressure tends to push open plug
  • 218. Accessories • Positioners ; pneumatic input 3-15 psi Electro-pneumatic 4-20 ma (HART, Fieldbus, Profibus) • Limit switches • Position feedback • a standard, pneumatic positioners use 3-15, 3-9, 9-15, • 3-7, 7-11 and 11-15 psi input signals; electro-pneumatic • positioners use 4-20, 4-12, 12-20 and 10-50 mA input • signals. Other non-standard signals, such as 6-30 psi, • are also available.
  • 219. Valve Sizing What is Valve Sizing? Flasing; Cavitation; Noise October 2005
  • 220. Generic Control Valve Types Features Comparison Double Single Bal. Split Eccentric Key Features Seat Seat Trim Angle Y Pattern 3-Way Body Ball Butterfly Plug Capacity 1 1 1.2 1 to 2 1.5 0.7 1 3 3.2 1.3 Shut Off % Rated Cv 0.5 <0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 N/A 0.01 0 0 or1 0.01 Cv Ratio 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 25 100 Cavitation G S G S P S S P P S Noise G S G S P S S P P S High Pressure/High DP G S V.G. S S P S P P S High Temp/Low Temp S S V.G. S G S S P P G Erosion/Slurry S S P G S S G S P G Corrosion S G P S S S G S S G Maintenance S G S S S S V.G. G G G Cost 1.25 1 1.12 1.2 1.5 1.8 0.97 0.73 0.4-0.7 0.83
  • 221. ساخت. در نوع اول double act يا single عمل كننده شيرهاي كنترلي را مي توان بصورت د شير كنترلي مشخص است اما در ساختار دوم، (تغذيه) fail حالت پيش فرض يا وضعيت كند در همان حال باقي مي ماند. بدليل حساسيت شيرهاي كنترلي fail شير در هر وضعيتي ساخته single act در آنها مشخص باشد غالبا بصورت fail و اينكه معمولا بايستي حالت مي شود. با استفاده از چهار گيج مي توان فشار double با استفاده از ۳ گيج و در نوع single در نوع ننققااطط ممخختتللفف ععمملل ككننننددهه رراا تتححتت ننظظرر ددااششتت.. معمولا سايز شيرهاي كنترلي يك رده كوچكتر از سايز خطي است كه برروي آن نصب مي شوند. عمل كننده نوع ديافراگمي را اگر بصورت عمودي قرار دهيم ميتواند براي شيرهاي ربع گرد استفاده گردد.
  • 222.
  • 223. ACTUATORS A device mounted on a valve that in response to a Signal, automatically moves the valve to the required position using an outside power source. The addition Of an actuator to a throttling valve is called a ACTUATORS Pneumatic Electronic motor Electro hydraulic Diaphragm Piston
  • 224. PNEUMATIC ACTUATORS Air is relatively inexpensive, 90% of the Industries employ these actuators. HYDRAULIC ACTUATORS Exceptional stiffness & high thrust’ are required, Fast stroking speeds. Hydraulic fluid above and below a piston to position the valve. ELECTROHYDRAULIC ACTUATOR Self contained hydraulic system, electrical Signal feeds to an internal pumps, which uses hydraulic fluid from a reservoir to feed hydraulic fluid above or below the piston. Pros – Exceptionally stiff because of the incompressibility of liquids. Cons – Expensive and Bulky
  • 226. Valve Actuators • The diameter of the diaphragm plate determines the force that will be applied to the actuator stem. • For example, if the maximum input signal pressure is 100 kPa and the plate diameter is 30 cm, then: Force applied to stem = Pressure x Plate Area = 100 kPa x 3.14 x (0. 15)2 m2 = 7.07 KN (1590 lb) 226 ERT 212/3 Process Engineering Skills
  • 228. CONVAL Emerson ISA Forms( (سفارش Selection criteria