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without the BS
Hillary Miller

About me
           •  Only child
           •  Moved 10 times before 8th grade
           •  Went to college to be Medieval/
              Renaissance History Professor
           •  6 jobs before Wunderman
           •  Been to all 50 states and their
              capitals by 17 (OK, all the
              Canadian Provinces too)
           •  I’ve been described as:
                –  “Doggedly optimistic”
                –  “Broadband”
                –  “Iron fist, velvet glove”
§ Me
§ You

  – Format:
        –  name (duh)
        – What you do (e.g. company, role)
        – Fun fact
Shared Context
§ How would you define the term
without the BS
Hillary Miller
Start with your destination
A few disclaimers
Ask. Interrupt. Challenge.
1.    Introductions
2.    Why we need Strategy (don’t we?)
3.    Definitions: Strategy, Insight
4.    Guest Speaker: Creative & Strategy
5.    Tools for Finding Insights
6.    Making Strategy Actionable
7.    Flavors of Strategy
What you’ll get out of today
§ How do define a Strategy
  – How to generate them
§ How to define an Insight
  – How to find them
§ How to use these in the real world
§ A little networking on the side
Strategy in context:
§  Objective: what you are trying to accomplish
§  Strategy: an evidence-based approach to achieving your
    objective that is based on an understanding of
    opportunities and obstacles (social, attitudinal, systems-
§  Tactics: the activities to be undertaken that are a
    manifestation of the strategy

§  Outputs: measurable accomplishment of tactics
§  Outcomes: measurable accomplishment of your
Another way of framing
Objective              Goal                   Strategy               Tactic
A marketing            A marketing goal is    A marketing strategy   Tactics are defined
objective is a         defined as a desired   is defined as your     as specific and
mission or purpose     result or specific     game plan to           discrete actions
in which all           and measurable         achieve your           (implementation
marketing plans will   achievement            objectives             steps) that will be
be based upon,                                                       taken in support of
broader in scope                                                     the strategies
than goals
Why do we need
strategy in the first
Did you ever notice…
§ There is no antonym for Strategy
There are many strategies to get your
A few tenets on Strategy
Look before
you leap
Ask hard
“really?” a lot
Asking why
before what
Connect the dots
Defining Strategy
 and Insights
Origin of Strategy
                "στρατηγία" (strategia)
               office of general, command, generalship

               “στρατηγός" (strategos)
               leader or commander of an army, general

       "στρατός" (stratos)             + "ἀγός" (agos)
            army, host                          leader, chief
What is strategy?

            "All men can see
            these tactics
            whereby I conquer,
            but what none can see
            is the strategy
            out of which victory
            is evolved."

             Sun Tzu, ‘The Art of War’
In military usage
§ Strategy is the utilization of all of a nation's
   forces through large-scale, long-range
   planning and development, to ensure
   security or victory.
§ Tactics deal with the use and deployment
   of troops in actual combat.
 §  Goal:
          –  Win the war.
 §  Strategy:
          –  “Divide and conquer.” (vs. “Nuke ‘Em.”)
 §  Tactics:
          –  CIA spies gather intelligence.
          –  Navy Seals knock out enemy communications while paratroopers
             secure the airports.
          –  Armored Divisions race in and divide the opposing army’s forces.
          –  Drone attacks take out the enemy leadership.
          –  An overwhelming force of infantry invade.

Think of it this way
§ A strategy is an idea… A
  conceptualization of how the goal
  could be achieved.
§ Therefore a strategy is conceptual.
  – A tactic isn’t. Usually.
Another way to think of it
§ Strategy is
  – WHAT you are going to do
§ Tactics are
  – HOW you are going to do it
An example
§  Goal: Increase lagging Baking Soda sales.
§  Strategy: Devise new reasons for their current customers
    to pick up that yellow box at the supermarket. Specifically,
    sell Arm & Hammer as a deodorizer for the fridge, use it in
    your cat litter, and my favorite – dump it down the sink to
    ‘sweeten the drain’ after it’s been in the fridge.
§  Tactics: TV advertising. Magazine ads. Infomercials.
    Retail promotions. Website and user-generated content.
strategy & goals
are not synonymous
§ Here are a few examples of misguided
  – “Create awareness”
  – “Overcome objections”
  – “Boost consumer confidence”
§ These are NOT strategies, they’re goals.
   (And not even very good goals.)
   Remember, it’s not a strategy unless
   there’s an idea behind it.
Strategy should come from
§ There is always more than one right
§ HBR:“Bringing Science to the Art of
  – “generate possibilities”
  – Status quo can be one of those
  – Three to five distinct choices
In short…
§ A tactic is an action you take to
  execute the strategy.
What is our definition of a
    “Our Game Plan to achieve
          our Objectives”
Strategy in context:
§  Objective: what you are trying to accomplish
§  Strategy: an evidence-based approach to achieving your
    objective that is based on an understanding of
    opportunities and obstacles (social, attitudinal, systems-
§  Tactics: the activities to be undertaken that are a
    manifestation of the strategy
§  Outputs: measurable accomplishment of tactics
§  Outcomes: measurable accomplishment of objective
Where Strategy fits
Objective              Goal                   Strategy               Tactic
A marketing            A marketing goal is    A marketing strategy   Tactics are defined
objective is a         defined as a desired   is defined as your     as specific and
mission or purpose     result or specific     game plan to           discrete actions
in which all           and measurable         achieve your           (implementation
marketing plans will   achievement            objectives             steps) that will be
be based upon,                                                       taken in support of
broader in scope                                                     the strategies
than goals
T-Mobile example…
Objective                Goal                       Strategy               Tactic
A marketing              A marketing goal is        A marketing strategy   Tactics are defined
objective is a           defined as a desired       is defined as your     as specific and
mission or purpose       result or specific         game plan to           discrete actions
in which all             and measurable             achieve your           (implementation
marketing plans will     achievement                objectives             steps) that will be
be based upon,                                                             taken in support of
broader in scope                                                           the strategies
than goals

Improve customer         Improve perception of      Establish a new        • Create a coverage
perception of T-Mobile   T-Mobile’s network         conversation by          hub on website
                         coverage as measured       sidestepping the map   • Communicate network
                         in customer satisfaction   and statistics wars,     updates via email
                         tracking by 2              focusing on              newsletter
                         percentage points          continuous network     • Dropped call
                                                    innovation and value     submission tool
How do I know it’s a strategy?
§ Litmus test
    – Go back to definitions
    – Is it a goal, objective or tactic
      disguised as a Strategy?
The “What-if We”Test
§ “What if we came up with a bunch of new
   uses for baking soda?”
  – That’s a strategy.
§ “What if we search engine” doesn’t make
  – Must be a tactic.
§ “What if we increase market share?”
  – No idea, must be a goal.
§ Practice makes better
  – (nobody’s perfect)
§ Deconstruct these ads
  – What’s the:
    – Objective
    – Goal
    – Strategy
    – Tactic
Practice: Apple 1984
Practice: Surface
§ Hard?
§ What was obvious?
§ What surprised you?
Where Insights fit


                INSIGHT   IDEA

Where did ‘Insight’ come from?
§ c.1200
    – innsihht
    – “sight with the eyes of the
§ "mental vision"
    – Get it? in + sight
§ By 1580s:
    – "penetrating understanding
     into character or hidden
What is our definition of an
   “A truth hiding in plain sight”
Examples of Insights
§ Old Spice –body wash is a product
  women buy for men but never discuss
  with them
§ Folgers – coffee’s smell (not taste)
  wakes people up first
§ Jif – moms worry they’re inadequate
§ Milk – no one appreciates milk until
  there’s none around
Insights can be based on:
§ Real or perceived weakness in
  competitive product performance or
§ Attitudinal or perceived barrier in the
  minds of customers
§ Untapped or compelling belief or
Insights are most effective
when they are:
§ Unexpected
§ Create a disequilibrium
§ Change momentum
§ Exploited via a benefit or point of
  difference that your brand can deliver
How to judge an Insight
              IS          ISN’T
 § Based on a       § Obvious
   simple human      § Universal
   truth             § Complicated
 § Specific to an   § Something a
   Audience            consumer would
 § Simple             say (too obvious)
 § Evocative        § Arbitrary
 § Inextricable
Judging your Insight
        Will people ‘get it’?

       Is it something new?

       Is it simple enough?

       Can you support it?

       Will it effect change?
Exercise (again)!
§ Practice makes better
  – (again)
§ Deconstruct this ad
  – What was the insight?
I hate Mondays
That’s crazy
Asking Amy
Here’s to taste
§ Was there more than one insight?
§ No insight, just tactics?
Phone, emails, etc.
Chris Elliott
4. Guest Speaker
Why Strategy Matters to
Insights – how to
find them
5. Tools that don’t cost six figures
How do you find Insights?
1.  Research Roadmap
2.  Qualitative Tools & Methods
3.  Quantitative Tools
Start at the beginning


                INSIGHT   IDEA

Look before you leap
What do you already know?
Create Your Wish List
Is it common sense?
Decide – which is it?

What kind of research
should you do?
What’s the difference?
    Qualitative                 Quantitative
•  Deals with descriptions •  Deals with numbers
•  Data can be observed •  Data which can be measured
   but not measured         •  Length, height, area, volume,
•  Colors, textures, smells, weight, speed, time,
   tastes, appearance,         temperature, humidity, sound
   beauty                      levels, cost, members, ages
•  Qualitative → Quality •  Quantitative → Quantity
Example: UW freshmen class
     Qualitative                  Quantitative
§  friendly demeanors       §  672 students
§  civic minded             §  394 women, 278 men
§  Environmentalists        §  68% on honor roll
§  positive school spirit   §  150 students accelerated
Typical Qualitative Methods
§ In-Depth-Interviews (IDIs)
§ Man on the Street
§ Focus Groups
§ Imagine a free tool that you could talk
  to hundreds of your target audience –
  any target!
  – and either observe them without
  interference or interact with them!
Free Social Tools

Social Media Monitoring Wiki
Survey Monkey
Google Trends
Google Real Time Insights
What Do You Love?
The Futures Company
Summary: The best insights
§ Come from a mix of both
§ Typically Quantitative first
    – Know who, what, how many?
§ Fine tune with Qualitative
    – Why?
Making Strategy
Strategic Tools
1.  60 Minute Strategic Plan
2.  Input Brief
The 60 Minute Strategic Plan
§ One way of putting plan to paper
§ Can be distilled in one hour on one
§ Works for any size of project
§ ‘Franchise-able’ – teachable &
The 60 Minute Strategic Plan

       Strategic           Tactical

 1.    Issue           7.  Obstacles
 2.    Assumptions     8.  Vital Signs
 3.    Values          9.  SWO(t)
 4.    Vision          10. Strategies
 5.    Customer        11. Actions
       Benefits        12. Name it
 6.    Beneficiaries
Six strategic steps
1) Identify the Issue
§ An opportunity for, or obstacle to,
    – Choose the issue of highest priority
     or where you will see the most
Issue thought-starters:
§  If I were a competitor, how would I put myself out of business?
§  What changes would obsolete our products/services?
§  If a good customer were to leave, what would be their reasons?
§  How would we cope with losing several key employees?
§  How could we double industry financial norms?
§  If I had a magic wand and could change something in my
    organization, what would it be?
§  Where am I personally holding the company back?
2) Create Assumptions
Reasons why the issue is important
§  Every strategic plan is built on a set of assumptions:
    those things you believe to be true.
§  Worst-and best-case scenarios if issue is unsolved or
§  Declare your reasons to finish regardless of obstacles.
§  Also need to make an assumption about how the issue
    will impact your revenue to rationalize ROI for plan.
3) Identify Values
Beliefs/behaviors that drive success
§  Specific to your issue. Not all your values.
§  Pick the one that can be relied upon to successfully
    implement your strategy.
§  Don’t attempt something that is counter to culture.

§  Examples: integrity, adaptability, initiative, accountability
    or teamwork.
§  Test: what are the values your people will need to resolve
    this particular issue?
4) Define a Vision
Best imaginable outcome for issue
§  Establishes frame of reference for entire plan.
§  Create AB FAB BHAGS (Absolutely Fabulous Big Hairy
    Audacious Goals) with no thought as to how you will
    accomplish them.
§  ‘the best imaginable outcomes for the issue selected’
§  A good vision creates ‘strategic tension’
§  Attach metrics
      –  quantification clarifies the interpretation of your
         visionary intentions
A Vague Vision is a Weak
                                 Specific &
        Vague                   Quantifiable
1.  Have happy         1.  Reduce employee turnover
    employees              by 50% within two years
                       2.  Reduce fixed costs by 15%
                           in one year and reduce
2.  Reduce expenses
                           variable costs 20% in two
3.  Increase revenue   3.  Double sales force
                           productivity in three years
                           from $200K to $400K, gross
                           margin no lower than 50%
5) Identify Customer Benefits
Payoff from the vision
§  You do not make money, you provide products and
    services; the customer supplies the money.
§  In effect, the customer is the venture capitalist for your
§  Your vision must address customers’ needs.
§  Quantify the benefit
      –  Examples:
          – Internet ordering saves 15% in customers’ admin
          – Just in time delivery saves an average of $25K in
            customers’ inventory cost
Customer Benefit thought-
§  How do my customers make and lose money and how do
    we contribute to both sides of that equation?
§  What aspect of my customers’ lives will be improved by
    my product or service?
§  How do the outcomes measurably contribute to my
    customers’ success?
6) Identify Beneficiaries
Others who will benefit from your vision
§  You will need help from others to implement your vision.
§  Could include employees, vendors, alliance partners,
    family, elves.
§  Think ‘WII-FM’ – What’s In It For Me?
§  List either by name, department or category.
§  Quantify how they will benefit.
Beneficiaries examples
§  Employees will add one new verifiable skill within 18
    months qualifying them for a 10% bonus
§  Shareholders will see their financial equity increased by
§  Vendors will increase the volume of business they do
    with us on average 35% per year at 50% higher margins
Six tactical steps
7) Identify Obstacles
Obstructions to the vision
§  By definition, vision is currently impossible; otherwise,
    you’d be doing it.
§  When you created your vision, you created a
    performance gap. The gap is the distance from current
    reality to the vision and is full of obstacles.
§  You must identify and examine all of your obstacles so
    you know what is facing you and what is needed to
    overcome these obstacles.
§  Phrase obstacles in “How to” (or H2) statements to make
    them challenges instead of problems.
The power of H2
        Obstacle            H2

   § Lack of       § H2 create a
      urgency          sense of
   § Risk averse   § H2 reduce fear
                       of failure
   § Inadequate    § H2 stimulate
      sales &          customer
      marketing        demand
8) Create Vital Signs
Measurements to track and adjust your
§  This step is about identifying what key indicators you will
§  Measure two each from Values, Vision, Customer
    Benefits, and Other Beneficiaries (steps 3, 4, 5, and 6).
§  The measurements that matter most are those that
    reinforce the accomplishment of the vision for the issue.
9) Identify S, W & O
What you have going for and against the

§  Strengths you can build on.
§  Weaknesses you need to correct or finesse.
§  Opportunities you can leverage.
10) Create your Strategies
Performance gaps that need to be closed
§  Here is where you decide which performance gaps to
    attack with strategy.
§  Select up to three gaps to close from Obstacles and
§  For each gap, describe strategic transition from current
    state to desired state (that is, from “as-is” to “want to
11) List the Actions
Activities necessary to close the
performance gaps
§  Describe all of the actions needed to accomplish your
    vision to go from current status (From) to desired status
§  Prioritize actions.
12) Name that Plan
Distill the Vision into 3 to 5 words
§  Gives the project identity.
§  Makes it easier to communicate about the plan.
§  Is a rallying cry.

§  Examples:
     –  Acquired in 2 years
     –  6 million sq. ft. by 2014
     –  Same-day turnaround
Why Strategic Plans Fail
§ Tactics trump strategy
§ The tyranny of the urgent
§ Just not getting it done
    – Inaction
    – Indecision
    – Infighting
The Input Document
Why we need an Input Brief

We love paperwork?   We like to add to your   We need to cover
                           workload?            our asses?
Why we need an Input Brief

        Better work          Save time and money                       Judge the	

• Ensures alignment with   • Lack of a brief or incomplete        • Removes subjectivity
  objectives                 briefs are faster, but only in the
• More effective             short term
• More “creative”
What the brief is

       §  The brief is a working document
          – For the marketing owner to define his needs and his
           thought process
          – For the agency to better meet the needs and
           expectations of the marketing owner
What the brief is

       §  The Brief is the very first creative step of a
          – This is where the agency will understand the level of
           ambition that is given to the campaign by the
           marketing owner
What the brief is
       §  To Brief means to choose, engage, take a risk
          – The brief formalizes the reasons why they want to
           communicate and the results they want to achieve
          – The brief reflects strong directions that will lead to the
           creation of:
             – a strong message
             – a single goal
             – a clear audience
             – the expected results
What the brief is not

       §  A Specifications list
           – It is not a detailed description of the actions to
            achieve, but a document with a business issue

       § An exhaustive information bible
           – The brief is not a library of information about a
            product, but a document that shows a selection of the
            information that the Marketing owner wants to
What the brief is not

       §  A document reusable for each campaign
          – Each campaign addresses a specific problem: the
           brief should provide the understanding of this issue
       §  A piece of Administrative proceedings
          – The brief is not a contractual document, but a
           document that gives a comprehensive understanding
           of the campaign
A good input brief
1.  Focuses on ONE clearly defined communications goal, one that
   is clearly tied to a strategic business objective
2.  Is “brief”
3.  Is not the longest or most detailed, it’s the one with clarity and
4.  Flows logically, leading from one section to the next, building a
5.  Is not cut and paste from other documents
6.  Does not tell the agency what to do, but can tell us why
7.  Clearly indicates what success is and how it will be measured
key components
of the input brief
The key components of the
input brief
              The context              objectives

    The product &           The target &             The market &
        offer               their insights            competition

                                       The budget

                                       The Unique
                    The value
The Context
   § Gives the agency a clear understanding of its
      mission, the reasons for the briefing, the need
      and the ambition

   § Traps to avoid
       – Information unrelated to the operation
       – Too many details
The Objectives
   §  Define the expected results in a explicit & clear way
        – Be as factual as possible and detailed with figures
        – Be consistent with the available budget
           – avoid "I have 8k$ to create brand awareness“
        – they can be strategic (product launch, install a brand,
         generate leads ...), tactical (develop a campaign, follow
         a time to market, adapt an international campaign ...) or
         even personal (to sell an idea to my direction, find an
         innovative idea ...)

   §  It should not be a description of how to implement or a list
       of deliverables
The Budget

     § This is key information for the agency
 $      when recommending the best
        communication strategy and the
        associated means and deliverables
The Product and Offer
   § Must be described in factual terms
     (characteristics, features)
   § Also essential to describe it in
     terms of consumer benefits
   § Highlight the benefits which
     constitute strategic advantage
The Target
   § The cohesive group of people we want
      to target in order to change their
      opinion and behavior
        – Behavioral / attitudinal descriptions
        – Don’t only give a factual description
        – Rather describe their mindset, or
         behavioral and attitudinal aspects
        – Don’t undermine or caricature
The Target’s Insights
   § The insight is an opinion, a belief, a
      thought, an expectation or an experience
      of the target
   § The goal is not to create needs through
      communication but to prove that the
      brand meets an existing and relevant
      need or concern
        – It is useless to rely on an insight which
          the product does not answer
   § It is as much coming from psychology as
      from marketing research.
The Value Proposition
   § The value proposition is the raw material for
      the creative concept.
   § It is how the communication is going to echo
      the needs of the target with a relevant and
      attractive response.
   § To write it, try to find the best pair of Insight
      to product benefit among all possible
Write the Value Proposition
   §  The value proposition reflects a strong strategic
      –  It selects one or more product benefits to a single
         resonance insight, so it needs to be carefully selected,
         otherwise the communication will be irrelevant and will
         sound false.
   §  The value proposition should be written as much as
       possible in close partnership between the agency and
       the client:
      –  The marketing owner knows his product, its benefits on the
         market and its target, the agency brings him a new way to
         think about it.
      –  A value proposition jointly written creates a consensus
         ahead of the creation presentation
Write the Unique Selling Prop
   §  The USP is adapted from the value proposition
   §  It enriches the value proposition in order to inspire the
       creative teams and help them find the idea
   §  It is not a slogan or a signature, don’t try to give an
       advertising tone
Value Proposition Example:
   § The fastest copier in terms of copies per
   § What they hate is when employees lose
      time doing useless stuff

   § Value Proposition:
    –  The new Xerox copier will allow your employees to work faster
The USP Example:

   § USP :
     –  With the new Xerox, your employees will not spend
        anymore time waiting at the photocopier
Eurostar Example
                                                                25-35 adults,
                                                                living in Paris,
                                            TARGET              who loves city

   Eurostar is the
      fastest and                                               London is the
cheapest solution    PRODUCT
                                            INSIGHT             capital city of
    from Paris to    BENEFIT                                    showbiz

                                 VALUE       With Eurostar, you can access the
                               PROPOSITIO    capital of showbiz for an unbeatable

                                             Accessing the capital of showbiz
                                  USP        with Eurostar is so cheap that you
                                             will ask yourself if it’s true!
The work
discounted. Paris-
London return
ticket: 75 €
The work
  London discounted.
  Paris-London return ticket: 75 €
The work
return ticket: 75 €
           G.B. Shaw
Flavors of
How many?
What I look for in a
Q&A and
Sources &
§ The difference between Strategy and
§ Free Research from Sapient Nitro
§ Inspiration from
§ Tom Fishburne cartoons
§ Word clouds
§ Prezi
§ Creative Commons
The Seattle Wunderman Network

  Who we are and how
  We create action
193 | Seattle Wunderman Network: Who we are

#1                                     Digital Agency Network in the World
                                       CRM/Direct Agency in the World
194 | Seattle Wunderman Network: Who we are

Since 2005
the Seattle Wunderman Network has been connecting
products and services to consumers around the world.
195 | Seattle Wunderman Network: Who we are

likesshares opens

s      trials
196 | Seattle Wunderman Network: Who we are

We create action
By being direct
And using the industry fundamentals established by our founder.
197 | Seattle Wunderman Network: Who we are
198 | Seattle Wunderman Network: Action in black, white and purple

Our actions create
measurable impact
Lots of impact….

                                                                     8M 1 % 4X
200 | Seattle Wunderman Network: Who we are
201 | Seattle Wunderman Network: Who we are
202 | Seattle Wunderman Network: Who we are
203 | Seattle Wunderman Network: Who we are
204 | Seattle Wunderman Network: Actions building relationships

   Actions that build
205 | Seattle Wunderman Network: Actions building relationships

We convert consumers
into customers for some of the world’s leading brands.
206 | Seattle Wunderman Network: Actions building relationships

Evolving relationships
between customers and some of the region’s most customer-facing brands.
207 | Seattle Wunderman Network: Actions building relationships

Finding connections
where conversations can begin.

208 | Seattle Wunderman Network: Actions building relationships

Each solution is unique
And starts where our clients’ customers are.
Campaigns, websites, apps, events, print, search, data, retail …

                       Thank you.
Objective              Goal                   Strategy               Tactic
A marketing            A marketing goal is    A marketing strategy   Tactics are defined
objective is a         defined as a desired   is defined as your     as specific and
mission or purpose     result or specific     game plan to           discrete actions
in which all           and measurable         achieve your           (implementation
marketing plans will   achievement            objectives             steps) that will be
be based upon,                                                       taken in support of
broader in scope                                                     the strategies
than goals

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Strategy Without the B.S.

  • 2. Welcome! Logistics & Introductions
  • 3. About me •  Only child •  Moved 10 times before 8th grade •  Went to college to be Medieval/ Renaissance History Professor •  6 jobs before Wunderman •  Been to all 50 states and their capitals by 17 (OK, all the Canadian Provinces too) •  I’ve been described as: –  “Doggedly optimistic” –  “Broadband” –  “Iron fist, velvet glove”
  • 4. Introductions § Me § You – Format: –  name (duh) – What you do (e.g. company, role) – Fun fact
  • 5. Shared Context § How would you define the term Strategy?
  • 8. Start with your destination
  • 13. Today 1.  Introductions 2.  Why we need Strategy (don’t we?) 3.  Definitions: Strategy, Insight 4.  Guest Speaker: Creative & Strategy 5.  Tools for Finding Insights 6.  Making Strategy Actionable 7.  Flavors of Strategy
  • 14. What you’ll get out of today (hopefully) § How do define a Strategy – How to generate them § How to define an Insight – How to find them § How to use these in the real world § A little networking on the side
  • 15. Strategy in context: §  Objective: what you are trying to accomplish §  Strategy: an evidence-based approach to achieving your objective that is based on an understanding of opportunities and obstacles (social, attitudinal, systems- based) §  Tactics: the activities to be undertaken that are a manifestation of the strategy §  Outputs: measurable accomplishment of tactics §  Outcomes: measurable accomplishment of your objective
  • 16. Another way of framing Objective Goal Strategy Tactic A marketing A marketing goal is A marketing strategy Tactics are defined objective is a defined as a desired is defined as your as specific and mission or purpose result or specific game plan to discrete actions in which all and measurable achieve your (implementation marketing plans will achievement objectives steps) that will be be based upon, taken in support of broader in scope the strategies than goals
  • 17. Why do we need strategy in the first place? 2.
  • 18.
  • 19. Did you ever notice… § There is no antonym for Strategy
  • 20. There are many strategies to get your destination
  • 21. A few tenets on Strategy
  • 22.
  • 24.
  • 26.
  • 28.
  • 30.
  • 32.
  • 34.
  • 36. Defining Strategy and Insights 3.
  • 38. Origin of Strategy "στρατηγία" (strategia) office of general, command, generalship “στρατηγός" (strategos) leader or commander of an army, general "στρατός" (stratos) + "ἀγός" (agos) army, host leader, chief
  • 39. What is strategy? "All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved." Sun Tzu, ‘The Art of War’
  • 41. In military usage § Strategy is the utilization of all of a nation's forces through large-scale, long-range planning and development, to ensure security or victory.
  • 43. Therefore… § Tactics deal with the use and deployment of troops in actual combat.
  • 44. War §  Goal: –  Win the war. §  Strategy: –  “Divide and conquer.” (vs. “Nuke ‘Em.”) §  Tactics: –  CIA spies gather intelligence. –  Navy Seals knock out enemy communications while paratroopers secure the airports. –  Armored Divisions race in and divide the opposing army’s forces. –  Drone attacks take out the enemy leadership. –  An overwhelming force of infantry invade. Source:
  • 45. Think of it this way § A strategy is an idea… A conceptualization of how the goal could be achieved. § Therefore a strategy is conceptual. – A tactic isn’t. Usually.
  • 46. Another way to think of it § Strategy is – WHAT you are going to do § Tactics are – HOW you are going to do it
  • 47. An example §  Goal: Increase lagging Baking Soda sales. §  Strategy: Devise new reasons for their current customers to pick up that yellow box at the supermarket. Specifically, sell Arm & Hammer as a deodorizer for the fridge, use it in your cat litter, and my favorite – dump it down the sink to ‘sweeten the drain’ after it’s been in the fridge. §  Tactics: TV advertising. Magazine ads. Infomercials. Retail promotions. Website and user-generated content.
  • 48. strategy & goals are not synonymous § Here are a few examples of misguided strategies: – “Create awareness” – “Overcome objections” – “Boost consumer confidence” § These are NOT strategies, they’re goals. (And not even very good goals.) Remember, it’s not a strategy unless there’s an idea behind it.
  • 49. Strategy should come from Strategies § There is always more than one right answer § HBR:“Bringing Science to the Art of Strategy”: – “generate possibilities” – Status quo can be one of those – Three to five distinct choices
  • 50. In short… § A tactic is an action you take to execute the strategy.
  • 51. What is our definition of a Strategy?       “Our Game Plan to achieve our Objectives”
  • 52. Strategy in context: §  Objective: what you are trying to accomplish §  Strategy: an evidence-based approach to achieving your objective that is based on an understanding of opportunities and obstacles (social, attitudinal, systems- based) §  Tactics: the activities to be undertaken that are a manifestation of the strategy §  Outputs: measurable accomplishment of tactics §  Outcomes: measurable accomplishment of objective
  • 53. Where Strategy fits Objective Goal Strategy Tactic A marketing A marketing goal is A marketing strategy Tactics are defined objective is a defined as a desired is defined as your as specific and mission or purpose result or specific game plan to discrete actions in which all and measurable achieve your (implementation marketing plans will achievement objectives steps) that will be be based upon, taken in support of broader in scope the strategies than goals
  • 54. T-Mobile example… Objective Goal Strategy Tactic A marketing A marketing goal is A marketing strategy Tactics are defined objective is a defined as a desired is defined as your as specific and mission or purpose result or specific game plan to discrete actions in which all and measurable achieve your (implementation marketing plans will achievement objectives steps) that will be be based upon, taken in support of broader in scope the strategies than goals Improve customer Improve perception of Establish a new • Create a coverage perception of T-Mobile T-Mobile’s network conversation by hub on website coverage as measured sidestepping the map • Communicate network in customer satisfaction and statistics wars, updates via email tracking by 2 focusing on newsletter percentage points continuous network • Dropped call innovation and value submission tool
  • 55. How do I know it’s a strategy? § Litmus test – Go back to definitions – Is it a goal, objective or tactic disguised as a Strategy?
  • 56. The “What-if We”Test § “What if we came up with a bunch of new uses for baking soda?” – That’s a strategy. § “What if we search engine” doesn’t make sense. – Must be a tactic. § “What if we increase market share?” – No idea, must be a goal.
  • 57. Exercise! § Practice makes better – (nobody’s perfect) § Deconstruct these ads – What’s the: – Objective – Goal – Strategy – Tactic
  • 63. Where Insights fit Facts Observations INSIGHT IDEA Opinions
  • 64. Where did ‘Insight’ come from? § c.1200 – innsihht – “sight with the eyes of the mind” § "mental vision" – Get it? in + sight § By 1580s: – "penetrating understanding into character or hidden nature"
  • 65. What is our definition of an Insight?       “A truth hiding in plain sight”
  • 66. Examples of Insights § Old Spice –body wash is a product women buy for men but never discuss with them § Folgers – coffee’s smell (not taste) wakes people up first § Jif – moms worry they’re inadequate § Milk – no one appreciates milk until there’s none around
  • 67. Insights can be based on: § Real or perceived weakness in competitive product performance or value § Attitudinal or perceived barrier in the minds of customers § Untapped or compelling belief or practice
  • 68. Insights are most effective when they are: § Unexpected § Create a disequilibrium § Change momentum § Exploited via a benefit or point of difference that your brand can deliver
  • 69. How to judge an Insight IS ISN’T § Based on a § Obvious simple human § Universal truth § Complicated § Specific to an § Something a Audience consumer would § Simple say (too obvious) § Evocative § Arbitrary § Inextricable
  • 70. Judging your Insight Will people ‘get it’? Is it something new? Is it simple enough? Can you support it? Will it effect change?
  • 71. Exercise (again)! § Practice makes better – (again) § Deconstruct this ad – What was the insight?
  • 77. Discuss § Was there more than one insight? § No insight, just tactics?
  • 80.
  • 81. Why Strategy Matters to Creatives
  • 82. Insights – how to find them 5. Tools that don’t cost six figures
  • 83. How do you find Insights? 1.  Research Roadmap 2.  Qualitative Tools & Methods 3.  Quantitative Tools
  • 84. Start at the beginning Facts Observations INSIGHT IDEA Opinions
  • 86. What do you already know?
  • 88. Is it common sense?
  • 89. Decide – which is it? MUST KNOW NICE TO KNOW
  • 90. What kind of research should you do?
  • 91. What’s the difference? Qualitative Quantitative •  Deals with descriptions •  Deals with numbers •  Data can be observed •  Data which can be measured but not measured •  Length, height, area, volume, •  Colors, textures, smells, weight, speed, time, tastes, appearance, temperature, humidity, sound beauty levels, cost, members, ages •  Qualitative → Quality •  Quantitative → Quantity
  • 92. Example: UW freshmen class Qualitative Quantitative §  friendly demeanors §  672 students §  civic minded §  394 women, 278 men §  Environmentalists §  68% on honor roll §  positive school spirit §  150 students accelerated mathematics
  • 94. Typical Qualitative Methods § In-Depth-Interviews (IDIs) § Man on the Street § Focus Groups
  • 95. Qualitative § Imagine a free tool that you could talk to hundreds of your target audience – any target! – and either observe them without interference or interact with them!
  • 96.
  • 108. Google Real Time Insights
  • 109. What Do You Love?
  • 114. AMA
  • 115. DMA
  • 117. Pew
  • 121. Summary: The best insights § Come from a mix of both § Typically Quantitative first – Know who, what, how many? § Fine tune with Qualitative – Why?
  • 123. Strategic Tools 1.  60 Minute Strategic Plan 2.  Input Brief
  • 124. The 60 Minute Strategic Plan § One way of putting plan to paper § Can be distilled in one hour on one page § Works for any size of project § ‘Franchise-able’ – teachable & scalable
  • 125. The 60 Minute Strategic Plan Strategic Tactical 1.  Issue 7.  Obstacles 2.  Assumptions 8.  Vital Signs 3.  Values 9.  SWO(t) 4.  Vision 10. Strategies 5.  Customer 11. Actions Benefits 12. Name it 6.  Beneficiaries
  • 127. 1) Identify the Issue § An opportunity for, or obstacle to, growth – Choose the issue of highest priority or where you will see the most impact.
  • 128. Issue thought-starters: §  If I were a competitor, how would I put myself out of business? §  What changes would obsolete our products/services? §  If a good customer were to leave, what would be their reasons? §  How would we cope with losing several key employees? §  How could we double industry financial norms? §  If I had a magic wand and could change something in my organization, what would it be? §  Where am I personally holding the company back?
  • 129. 2) Create Assumptions Reasons why the issue is important §  Every strategic plan is built on a set of assumptions: those things you believe to be true. §  Worst-and best-case scenarios if issue is unsolved or solved. §  Declare your reasons to finish regardless of obstacles. §  Also need to make an assumption about how the issue will impact your revenue to rationalize ROI for plan.
  • 130. 3) Identify Values Beliefs/behaviors that drive success §  Specific to your issue. Not all your values. §  Pick the one that can be relied upon to successfully implement your strategy. §  Don’t attempt something that is counter to culture. §  Examples: integrity, adaptability, initiative, accountability or teamwork. §  Test: what are the values your people will need to resolve this particular issue?
  • 131. 4) Define a Vision Best imaginable outcome for issue §  Establishes frame of reference for entire plan. §  Create AB FAB BHAGS (Absolutely Fabulous Big Hairy Audacious Goals) with no thought as to how you will accomplish them. §  ‘the best imaginable outcomes for the issue selected’ §  A good vision creates ‘strategic tension’ §  Attach metrics –  quantification clarifies the interpretation of your visionary intentions
  • 132. A Vague Vision is a Weak Vision Specific & Vague Quantifiable 1.  Have happy 1.  Reduce employee turnover employees by 50% within two years 2.  Reduce fixed costs by 15% in one year and reduce 2.  Reduce expenses variable costs 20% in two years 3.  Increase revenue 3.  Double sales force productivity in three years from $200K to $400K, gross margin no lower than 50%
  • 133. 5) Identify Customer Benefits Payoff from the vision §  You do not make money, you provide products and services; the customer supplies the money. §  In effect, the customer is the venture capitalist for your vision. §  Your vision must address customers’ needs. §  Quantify the benefit –  Examples: – Internet ordering saves 15% in customers’ admin costs – Just in time delivery saves an average of $25K in customers’ inventory cost
  • 134. Customer Benefit thought- starters §  How do my customers make and lose money and how do we contribute to both sides of that equation? §  What aspect of my customers’ lives will be improved by my product or service? §  How do the outcomes measurably contribute to my customers’ success?
  • 135. 6) Identify Beneficiaries Others who will benefit from your vision §  You will need help from others to implement your vision. §  Could include employees, vendors, alliance partners, family, elves. §  Think ‘WII-FM’ – What’s In It For Me? §  List either by name, department or category. §  Quantify how they will benefit.
  • 136. Beneficiaries examples §  Employees will add one new verifiable skill within 18 months qualifying them for a 10% bonus §  Shareholders will see their financial equity increased by 20% §  Vendors will increase the volume of business they do with us on average 35% per year at 50% higher margins
  • 138. 7) Identify Obstacles Obstructions to the vision §  By definition, vision is currently impossible; otherwise, you’d be doing it. §  When you created your vision, you created a performance gap. The gap is the distance from current reality to the vision and is full of obstacles. §  You must identify and examine all of your obstacles so you know what is facing you and what is needed to overcome these obstacles. §  Phrase obstacles in “How to” (or H2) statements to make them challenges instead of problems.
  • 139. The power of H2 Obstacle H2 § Lack of § H2 create a urgency sense of urgency § Risk averse § H2 reduce fear of failure § Inadequate § H2 stimulate sales & customer marketing demand
  • 140. 8) Create Vital Signs Measurements to track and adjust your plan §  This step is about identifying what key indicators you will measure. §  Measure two each from Values, Vision, Customer Benefits, and Other Beneficiaries (steps 3, 4, 5, and 6). §  The measurements that matter most are those that reinforce the accomplishment of the vision for the issue.
  • 141. 9) Identify S, W & O What you have going for and against the issue §  Strengths you can build on. §  Weaknesses you need to correct or finesse. §  Opportunities you can leverage.
  • 142. 10) Create your Strategies Performance gaps that need to be closed §  Here is where you decide which performance gaps to attack with strategy. §  Select up to three gaps to close from Obstacles and Weaknesses. §  For each gap, describe strategic transition from current state to desired state (that is, from “as-is” to “want to be.”)
  • 143. 11) List the Actions Activities necessary to close the performance gaps §  Describe all of the actions needed to accomplish your vision to go from current status (From) to desired status (To). §  Prioritize actions.
  • 144. 12) Name that Plan Distill the Vision into 3 to 5 words §  Gives the project identity. §  Makes it easier to communicate about the plan. §  Is a rallying cry. §  Examples: –  Acquired in 2 years –  6 million sq. ft. by 2014 –  Same-day turnaround
  • 145. Why Strategic Plans Fail § Tactics trump strategy § The tyranny of the urgent § Just not getting it done – Inaction – Indecision – Infighting
  • 147. Why we need an Input Brief We love paperwork? We like to add to your We need to cover workload? our asses?
  • 148. Why we need an Input Brief Better work Save time and money Judge the  work easier • Ensures alignment with • Lack of a brief or incomplete • Removes subjectivity objectives briefs are faster, but only in the • More effective short term • More “creative”
  • 149. What the brief is §  The brief is a working document – For the marketing owner to define his needs and his thought process – For the agency to better meet the needs and expectations of the marketing owner
  • 150. What the brief is §  The Brief is the very first creative step of a campaign – This is where the agency will understand the level of ambition that is given to the campaign by the marketing owner
  • 151. What the brief is §  To Brief means to choose, engage, take a risk – The brief formalizes the reasons why they want to communicate and the results they want to achieve – The brief reflects strong directions that will lead to the creation of: – a strong message – a single goal – a clear audience – the expected results
  • 152. What the brief is not §  A Specifications list – It is not a detailed description of the actions to achieve, but a document with a business issue § An exhaustive information bible – The brief is not a library of information about a product, but a document that shows a selection of the information that the Marketing owner wants to highlight
  • 153. What the brief is not §  A document reusable for each campaign – Each campaign addresses a specific problem: the brief should provide the understanding of this issue §  A piece of Administrative proceedings – The brief is not a contractual document, but a document that gives a comprehensive understanding of the campaign
  • 154. A good input brief 1.  Focuses on ONE clearly defined communications goal, one that is clearly tied to a strategic business objective 2.  Is “brief” 3.  Is not the longest or most detailed, it’s the one with clarity and focus 4.  Flows logically, leading from one section to the next, building a framework 5.  Is not cut and paste from other documents 6.  Does not tell the agency what to do, but can tell us why 7.  Clearly indicates what success is and how it will be measured
  • 155. key components of the input brief
  • 156. The key components of the input brief The The context objectives The product & The target & The market & offer their insights competition The The budget constraints The Unique The value Selling proposition Proposition
  • 157. The Context § Gives the agency a clear understanding of its mission, the reasons for the briefing, the need and the ambition § Traps to avoid – Information unrelated to the operation – Too many details
  • 158. The Objectives §  Define the expected results in a explicit & clear way – Be as factual as possible and detailed with figures – Be consistent with the available budget – avoid "I have 8k$ to create brand awareness“ – they can be strategic (product launch, install a brand, generate leads ...), tactical (develop a campaign, follow a time to market, adapt an international campaign ...) or even personal (to sell an idea to my direction, find an innovative idea ...) §  It should not be a description of how to implement or a list of deliverables
  • 159. The Budget § This is key information for the agency $ when recommending the best communication strategy and the associated means and deliverables
  • 160. The Product and Offer § Must be described in factual terms (characteristics, features) § Also essential to describe it in terms of consumer benefits § Highlight the benefits which constitute strategic advantage
  • 161. The Target § The cohesive group of people we want to target in order to change their opinion and behavior – Behavioral / attitudinal descriptions – Don’t only give a factual description – Rather describe their mindset, or behavioral and attitudinal aspects – Don’t undermine or caricature
  • 162. The Target’s Insights § The insight is an opinion, a belief, a thought, an expectation or an experience of the target § The goal is not to create needs through communication but to prove that the brand meets an existing and relevant need or concern – It is useless to rely on an insight which the product does not answer § It is as much coming from psychology as from marketing research.
  • 163. The Value Proposition § The value proposition is the raw material for the creative concept. § It is how the communication is going to echo the needs of the target with a relevant and attractive response. § To write it, try to find the best pair of Insight to product benefit among all possible combinations.
  • 164. Write the Value Proposition §  The value proposition reflects a strong strategic direction –  It selects one or more product benefits to a single resonance insight, so it needs to be carefully selected, otherwise the communication will be irrelevant and will sound false. §  The value proposition should be written as much as possible in close partnership between the agency and the client: –  The marketing owner knows his product, its benefits on the market and its target, the agency brings him a new way to think about it. –  A value proposition jointly written creates a consensus ahead of the creation presentation
  • 165. Write the Unique Selling Prop §  The USP is adapted from the value proposition §  It enriches the value proposition in order to inspire the creative teams and help them find the idea §  It is not a slogan or a signature, don’t try to give an advertising tone
  • 166. Value Proposition Example: Xerox § The fastest copier in terms of copies per minute § What they hate is when employees lose time doing useless stuff § Value Proposition: –  The new Xerox copier will allow your employees to work faster
  • 167. The USP Example: Xerox § USP : –  With the new Xerox, your employees will not spend anymore time waiting at the photocopier
  • 168. Eurostar Example 25-35 adults, living in Paris, TARGET who loves city life Eurostar is the fastest and London is the cheapest solution PRODUCT INSIGHT capital city of from Paris to BENEFIT showbiz London VALUE With Eurostar, you can access the PROPOSITIO capital of showbiz for an unbeatable price N Accessing the capital of showbiz USP with Eurostar is so cheap that you will ask yourself if it’s true!
  • 170. The work London discounted. Paris-London return ticket: 75 €
  • 175.
  • 176. What I look for in a Strategist
  • 177.
  • 178.
  • 179.
  • 180.
  • 181.
  • 182.
  • 183.
  • 184.
  • 186.
  • 189. Souces: § The difference between Strategy and Tactics
  • 191. Resouces: § Free Research from Sapient Nitro § Inspiration from § Tom Fishburne cartoons § Word clouds § Prezi § Creative Commons
  • 192. The Seattle Wunderman Network Who we are and how We create action
  • 193. 193 | Seattle Wunderman Network: Who we are #1 Digital Agency Network in the World CRM/Direct Agency in the World
  • 194. 194 | Seattle Wunderman Network: Who we are Since 2005 the Seattle Wunderman Network has been connecting products and services to consumers around the world.
  • 195. 195 | Seattle Wunderman Network: Who we are clicktweets likesshares opens downloads s trials registrations sales
  • 196. 196 | Seattle Wunderman Network: Who we are We create action By being direct And using the industry fundamentals established by our founder.
  • 197. 197 | Seattle Wunderman Network: Who we are
  • 198. 198 | Seattle Wunderman Network: Action in black, white and purple Our actions create measurable impact Lots of impact…. 8M 1 % 4X 19
  • 199.
  • 200. 200 | Seattle Wunderman Network: Who we are
  • 201. 201 | Seattle Wunderman Network: Who we are
  • 202. 202 | Seattle Wunderman Network: Who we are
  • 203. 203 | Seattle Wunderman Network: Who we are
  • 204. 204 | Seattle Wunderman Network: Actions building relationships Actions that build relationships
  • 205. 205 | Seattle Wunderman Network: Actions building relationships We convert consumers into customers for some of the world’s leading brands.
  • 206. 206 | Seattle Wunderman Network: Actions building relationships Evolving relationships between customers and some of the region’s most customer-facing brands.
  • 207. 207 | Seattle Wunderman Network: Actions building relationships Finding connections where conversations can begin. CLAIRE  
  • 208. 208 | Seattle Wunderman Network: Actions building relationships Each solution is unique And starts where our clients’ customers are. Campaigns, websites, apps, events, print, search, data, retail …
  • 209. 209  |  Seattle  Wunderman  Network:  Who  we  are   Thank you.
  • 210. Worksheet Objective Goal Strategy Tactic A marketing A marketing goal is A marketing strategy Tactics are defined objective is a defined as a desired is defined as your as specific and mission or purpose result or specific game plan to discrete actions in which all and measurable achieve your (implementation marketing plans will achievement objectives steps) that will be be based upon, taken in support of broader in scope the strategies than goals