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Essay Water Crisis
Writing an essay on the topic of the water crisis can be quite challenging due to the multifaceted
nature of the issue. The water crisis encompasses a wide range of aspects, including scarcity,
pollution, access to clean water, and the socio-economic implications of water mismanagement.
Crafting a comprehensive and coherent essay requires delving into scientific, environmental,
economic, and humanitarian dimensions, which can be intellectually demanding.
One of the difficulties lies in navigating through the plethora of information available on the
subject. The water crisis is a global concern, and various regions face distinct challenges. It
requires meticulous research to gather relevant data and statistics to support the arguments
effectively. Moreover, understanding the interconnectedness of different factors influencing the
water crisis demands a comprehensive grasp of both local and global perspectives.
Expressing these complex ideas in a clear and concise manner poses another hurdle. Striking a
balance between providing in-depth information and maintaining the essay's readability is
essential. Developing a coherent structure that logically presents the causes, consequences, and
potential solutions to the water crisis is a task that demands careful thought and organization.
Furthermore, addressing the emotional and ethical dimensions of the water crisis adds a layer of
complexity. Discussing the human impact, the disparity in water access, and the urgency of
finding sustainable solutions requires a thoughtful and empathetic approach. It is challenging to
convey the severity of the issue without overwhelming the reader or resorting to a simplistic
In conclusion, writing an essay on the water crisis requires a deep understanding of the various
facets of the problem, extensive research, and effective communication skills. It is not just an
intellectual exercise but a call to action, demanding a careful balance between presenting facts
and evoking empathy. Nevertheless, by tackling this challenging topic head-on, one contributes
to raising awareness and promoting meaningful discussions surrounding this critical global issue.
For assistance with similar essays and more, consider exploring the services available at
Essay Water CrisisEssay Water Crisis
Shamanism and the Indigenous Peoples of Siberia Essays
Shamanism and the Indigenous Peoples of Siberia
Shamanism plays a role within most tribal communities of the indigenous peoples of
Siberia. Within the community the shaman has many roles; one of his[1][1] main
roles is that of a healer. The function of the shaman is closely related to the spirit
world (Eliade 71). A shamanuses ecstatic trance to communicate with spirits. Spirits
are integral to a shaman s ability to heal within his community.
Shamanic activity is generally a public function (Grim 11 12). Shamans are highly
respected members of the community. Shamans are of the elect ; recognition of a
shaman can only be bestowed by the entire community (Eliade 7, 17). Without the
community, a shaman is not a shaman ... Show more content on ...
The gods created man, and he lived happily until the time when the evils spirits
spread sickness and death over the earth. The gods decided to give mankind a
shaman to combat disease and death, and they sent the eagle. (Eliade 69)
Many tribes, other than the Buryat, consider the eagle, sent by the Supreme Being,
to be the creator of the first shaman . These peoples include the Yakut of Turkhansk,
Yenisei Ostyak, the Teleut, and the Orochon. Therefore according to this legend, the
shaman s initial purpose was to exterminate the evil spirits of sickness and death that
plagued the people; in other words, one of the shaman s first purposes was to heal
(Eliade 69 71).
As a healer, the shaman puts energy into the community. The shaman dramatizes and
makes visible the incomprehensible mystery of all existence. . . . The shaman s
ritual assures the flow of such vital energy into the community . . . [with the idea
that] no man can succeed in life alone, and he cannot get the help he needs from men
(Vilmos Dioszegi qtd. in Grim 13). An individual needs this assistance from the
higher powers of the sacred and the profane in the spirit world; this assistance can
only be achieved with the guidance of the shaman.
The shaman allows the community to perceive holiness of higher powers by
experiencing and absorbing sustaining, healing power and communicating this power
to his community. This power has a transformative quality to it that is
Asa Branca
1.)Asa Branca is a song that was written by Luiz Gonzaga and Humberto Teixeira
in the 40 s in Brazil. Luiz Gonzaga was a famous musician and created the music
genre of baiao. Baiao is a genre of music native to Northeastern Brazil, but has
influences from many other cultures including the indigenous, mestizo, African
and European musics. It is a rural music that was avoided by the upper class for a
long time in Brazil. However, Luiz Gonzaga popularized the music around the
1940 s, when this song was written. Through usage of the radio, he was able to
become a so called pop star in Brazil with this song. This song takes many
characteristics of the baiao style such as a heavy use of the accordion and zambomba
to create the rhythm and melody of the song. Listeners can hear some of the
indigenous influences in the beginning of the song when Luiz is humming the
melody. There is also a large emphasis on the downbeat of the music, done with the
zambomba. This is another characteristic of baiao music. The title of the song means
the white wing of the picazuro pigeon (a native of... Show more content on ...
They both have origins in Cuba, and more specifically Havana. They both have
major influences of African traditions and were created by people that have a rich
heritage from West Africa and Slavery. They also share very similar
instrumentations and very similar beats since Son Cubano borrowed its clave
from traditional rumba clave. However, Son Cubano was a style of music and
dance that was more for everybody whereas Cuban Rumba was specifically made
for poor Afro Cuban workers. Son Cubano also had greater popularity in other parts
of the world and was even incorrectly regarded as Rumba. Cuban Rumba proved to
be the stronger style that has weathered time and is now a key genre of music from
Cuba. Both styles are important to the history of Cuba and both give excellent insight
into the history of Afro Cubans and their
The Staffing Community Of Arkanite
To begin with, I feel I should take part in the staffing community of Arkanite
because I ensure a large portion of qualified time as well as extreme experiences
and a sincere inclination in moderating over the chat and providing the necessary
satisfaction to players in need of any particular assistance. I am a person who
shares a natural obligation and heavy dedication to those in need of a correct
moderation. I will be there to help them with confusion/questions for hours worth
of time as well! My highest priority when it comes to staffing is that I focus on
most is moderating over servers. I am not really a person who wants to dedicate
themselves to formulating new structures or residing to head to head combat. I find
it more intriguing to supply players with a jubilant sense of feeling from my overall
performance. I would be sure to keep dissonance from progressing to ghastly
circumstances. I would basically focus on the whole idea of my existence to staffing
within this community, which is simply stated by pursuing a largely said portion of
time spent on the server, encompassing the chat within a correctly moderated state,
assuring the prosperity of attentiveness to answer all questions to my highest
potential, keeping in touch with other fellow staffabout suggestions/ideas/answers,
and securing the server from all egregious irrelevancy.I am also special and
different in lots of ways. First off, my mentality is basically to work hard and play
later. I do everything with
Essay on Blinded
It is the year 2513, fifty years after we have evolved into a dystopian land. There are
no longer countries or states, only the capital and other land. The capital is based on
what used to be known as the European continent. Years ago, in the times the
superiors loathe, the worlds population was focused primarily on beauty. No one ever
paid attention to what they should have, only on appearance. But fifty years ago, the
superiors came into action. They completely overruled everyone, gaining much
notoriety. New mandates were made to change things. The main rule, though, is the
one that says each individual must be made legally blind at the age of eighteen years.
From the very beginning, the elite class has sewn together the lesser... Show more
content on ...
She thought about how seldom it is for women to be allowed to do what they
request, but are sent to be things like child bearers. She had always feared this job,
ever since she was a child when her grandmother would tell her stories of how she
was made to have at least ten children and at most twenty, yet she was not allowed
to keep one. Every child born is sent home with a random family, to be treated as if
the child was actually theirs. Though all of the news was deeply saddening, the
date at the bottom scarred her the most. In only two days she would have to go
into the prepping room before having her eyes sewn shut by a surgeon. As the next
day went by, she enjoyed everything she could see, taking in memories of what
everything looked like. What she once took as a normal thing felt like a blessing
to her. She spent every last second with a family member or Shaggy. When the day
came, she refused to let it happen. At three in the morning she packed a bag and ran
to Shaggy s house. He was packed as well and they left. They ran far into the
unfathomed land before finding food and shelter for the night. Veronica thought
that this would be the rest of her life, but Shaggy had other plans. Veronica was
awoken by the sound of heavy feet on dry leaves. She opened her eyes to see the
back of Shaggy. After trying to stand several times she realized that
My Profession Of Counseling Psychology
As a child first it was I was going to be a police officer and no one could tell me
otherwise, then it was I m going to be second grade teacher but by mid junior high
going into high school there were no more changes my mind was set on being a
psychologist. It was my eleventh grade that I knew which one specifically I wanted
to be, a counseling psychologist and my grandma always telling me that people is
my job suit. My value, strengths and interests all rely on building relationships and
caring for others and their feelings. As a result, when I fulfill these needs I feel so
greatly accomplished and beyond satisfied.
Everyone should have values they stand for one hundred percent. My values are
relationships, independence, and support. Achievement and recognition fall into my
academic values meaning I like to use my best abilities and see results vastly,
however, in my profession of counseling psychology you have to work towards
something to make progress or see your patient put effort. With that being said, I
wouldn t really need recognition I would feel I accomplished my job if we make
progress and my patient don t come out as they came. Relationships and support are
two big factors I will need to build a relationship with my patient on trust and if they
feel my support in order for us to communicate properly. When looking into a
practice I plan to look for good working conditions suiting my personal work style
and working independently, and security. These values go, hand
Tecumseh Leadership
Tecumseh: Great Leader of the Great Plains Indians
A. Introduction
B. Early life
1. Birth and influences
2. American Events
C. Plan For an Indian Confederation
D. Forming the Confederation
1. Religious Support
2. Campaigning throughout the frontier
3. Treaty of Fort Wayne
E. Battle of Tippecanoe
F. Weakening of the Confederation
G. Looking for British support
H. War of 1812
1. Allying with the British
2. Asisiting the British war effort
3. Campaigning with the Upper Creeks
4. Retreating from the front and Tecumseh s death
I. Conclusion
Throughout the comparatively recent history of the United States, there have been
many obstacles that the relatively young nation has had to overcome. Even before the
nation had ... Show more content on ...
And even though the Indians were much less advanced in technology and warfare, the
American frontier men found a major obstacle in the Shawnee leader, Tecumseh.
Tecumseh wielded more power than any other North American Indian before him,
and no other Indian after him would ever come close to his political domination. His
power was not a military power, directly threatening the United States, but rather the
potential to unite a large confederation of Indian tribes to resist against the westward
growing nation. Tecumseh was a major obstruction in the American westward
movement because not only did he attempt to establish a vast Indian Confederation,
which could have stopped the push westward to the Pacific, but also because he
became allies with the British in the War of 1812, which was also a core barrier in
the American obtaining of frontier lands.
Tecumseh was born in 1768, and was the son of Puckeshinwau, a chief of the
Kispapocoke or Kiskopoke clan and Methoataske, whom belonged to the Creek tribe.
Tecumseh s early life was full of mixed feelings towards the Americans.
Puckeshinwau was usually friendly with the Americans; Thus, Tecumseh learned to
act peaceful towards the new white settlers. However, when Puckeshinwau died at the
hands of Americans, his view of the European colonists changed dramatically. After
his father s death, it is unclear who raised the young Shawnee, whether his brother,
his mother, or Blackfish, another chief.
Why Women Betray Other Women At Work
Affirmative Action programs were set in place to stop any discrimination in the
workplace, making companies hire a certain percentage of minorities to fulfill their
quotas. While this may seem like a positive, it has circumstantially brought along
tremendous repercussions. As seen in chapter 8 of Nan Mooney s book I Can t
Believe She Did That. Why Women Betray Other Women at Work an African
American female, Sasha holds a well ranked position in a white maleoperated
company. The company ended up having to lay off 80% of their workers, and
Sasha s coworker told her she had nothing to worry about, because she was black
and the company would not fire one of their only black workers. The two workers
relationship immediately changed, and in
Women Today Compared With Women Of The 18th
Century Essay
Women vs. Women
Women in the 18th century are similar yet different from the women of today. In
the time era of the 1800 s appearance was very essential to women as it is in the
present times. Fashion, skin care, and mouth hygiene was and is the three most
important forms of appearance and hygiene. Firstly, Fashion in the 1800 s consisted
of high necked, long sleeve dresses with a corset underneath. A Corset is a lace up
shirt generally bought one or two inches smaller than the woman waist size to make
the wearer look skinnier. Corsets often were so tight that the woman wearing one
would pass out from lack of oxygen. In the 1800 s woman literally died to be thin.
Today, woman act the same way; however, the women do not wear... Show more
content on ...
Women back then were told to cut a hole in the middle of a lemon, fill the hole
with candy, burn it, squeeze the juice out, and proceed to rub the lemon juice on
their faces. It was expected to clear and clean out the pores on the woman s face.
Today, women have products made for them. From lotion to acne cream, the women
of today indulge in beauty products to make their skin look healthier, shinier, and
clearer. Thirdly, who cares for shiny skin, if bad breathe overpowers a person s
looks? Women in the 18th century were persuaded by society, three times a day, six
times a week to drink a mixture of spring water, lemon juice, ten drops of
hydrochloric acid, and sugar. In the 20th century, society has breath mints and tooth
paste to prevent unpleasant breath. Neither proves harmful to the body contrasted to
hydrochloric acid, which has been confirmed to cause cancer. In closing, looking
great today, in the 20th century, may not cost a woman anything but money, but
women in the 18th century usually paid with their lives. Although, not all women
died in that time frame, it was ridiculous and irresponsible for women to care so
much about their appearance; however, they are not alone in their actions. The
women of today also act irresponsible and ridiculous in their actions. Paying to look
skinner with a life or with money is very childish. In many ways, women in the 18th
century differ from the 20th century women, but though out history, human nature
manages to bind
Managed Care Case Study
Health care management is the profession that provides direction to organization that
delivers personal health services and leadership. It refers to a system of managing
the health needs of health care seekers taking into consideration, the cost of accessing
health as well as the wide range of factors that can generate improvement in the scope
of health care. Health care management is based on the fact that health care is
imperative yet expensive.
The cost of health care is one aspect of managed care as it plays a significant role in
the health care delivery system. It is one major factor considered in the evaluation of
health ... Show more content on ...
Generally a fixed premium per enrollee which includes all health care services is
provided for in a contract after a negotiated premium between the employers and
MCO. As an employee, my company has such an arrangement with a managed Care
Organization to finance my dependents health care and myself. This has helped to
curb the incidents of staying away from work as a result of not having available
funds to seek medical attention. It makes it easy and less stressful knowing that my
health needs are being taken care of at a time where I may not have enough time
when I face health
Asberg Depression Case Study
This assignment is based on a 32 year old Hispanic male that is suffering from
severe depression in accordance to the Montgomery Asberg Depression Rating
Scale. Depression is identified as a mood disorder that can have a detrimental impact
on an individual s life if not abruptly treated. Symptoms of depression is noticeable
by peers when the individual have loud outbursts, irritability, sleep disturbance,
trouble concentrating, or reduced appetite. According to Pae et al. (2008), Significant
unmet medical need remains in the treatment of depressive and anxiety disorders.
Only about 25 35% of patients with major depressive disorder(MDD) and s quality of
life. For this reason, clinicians must be aware of these side effects, and are advised...
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An ethical concern is that older people are more susceptible to adverse reaction when
prescribed antidepressants. Little is known about more serious adverse effects of
antidepressants, particularly in older people, in whom adverse drug events may be
more common in the treatment of depression compared with younger groups because
of higher levels of comorbidity, age related physiological changes, and polypharmacy
Coupland (2011). Provider must keep this ethical consideration in mind when
prescribing antidepressants to other people. Another ethical concern is that Hispanics
usually consult traditional healers. In this case, it is important to inform clients that
all herbs and medications taken should be shared with the provider to prevent
adverse reactions. There are pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics considerations
in the elderly population. Reduced elimination and prolonged half life are most
commonly observed pharmacokinetic changes in older patients whereas altered
sensitivity to drugs and change in receptor affinity are major pharmacodynamic
changes. These potential changes should be considered in designing dosage regimen
to elderly population during clinical and pharmaceutical development as well as
prescription Mukker et al. (2016). Elderly patients should be started on a lower dose
when prescribing
Blandin Adalid Case Study Datavast Inc Essay
Case Study
Datavast Inc. By Winston Hao
Blandin Adalid
Princ. of Marketing
Dr. Moses.
Executive Summary
Winston Hao, the owner of Datavast Inc., is operating at a loss and needs to find
out a way to be profitable this year. Datavast Inc. sells Data Security Boxes to big
and small companies in China who are new to the concept of cloud storage. Winston
Hao needs to dial in his target market, but the real issue is not enough sales. Hao is
certain to segment to try to emphasis deep in order for him to build up his company.
One of the issues that affect Datavast would be that either the market is behind in
data storage or none at all. It s also in lack of protection to face bankruptcy. Hao
wants to target either small companies ... Show more content on ...
The other target Hao is looking into is Large companies. Large companies would not
buy Hao s products constantly and allowed much higher unit contributions. The larger
businesses would always stick to the same supplier and want the same solution.
Another reason Datavast wasn t growing was because not many companies new
about the many products Hao provided. Because of China businesses feared data
leakage, bankruptcy and exposing their data, companies didn t trust anyone with
storing their company information with providers.
Data Analysis and Alternatives Analysis
Winston Hao is the founder of the company Datavast Inc. Hao had several decisions
to make for his business. Even though, Hao had already made numerous adjustments
to his original product, he still didn t know to whom he was going to distribute his
new product. His main targets were small to medium enterprise or larger companies.
Five years ago Hao worked hard in building his company and designing the cloud
storage product. The purpose was to offer their services not only to North America
but also moving into China. Datavast partnered with China Telecom hoping it would
give them credibility.
Datavast needs to decide if it would be a good idea to sell to small to medium
enterprise (SME s), but the companies knows that if they sell to SME s they will be
facing several challenges. For example most of SME s
The Resilience Of Southern Ndebele Culture
In the seventeenth century, the Southern Ndebele culture was originated from the
Nguni culture. During the seventeenth century, evolving of different culture
continuously even till society today. For Ndebele s, after their king Msi s death, the
Ndebele people has split to two branches, Northern and Southern Ndebele, thus the
two factions has been led to the people to a different life of living. Northern
disappear completely, however the Southern Ndebele has integrating with the trend of
globalisation and synthesise its new cultural identity to give rise of Southern Ndebele
today, although did not retain certain aspect of its former self. It has selectively
evolved in parts of traditions with the times in order to maintain and preserve
Ndebele culturefoundation, thus its resilience and integrating it as a unique culture in
a modern South Africa. Being resilience of the Ndebele is dependent on change:
subtle changes in... Show more content on ...
While the Southern Ndebele still live in homesteads, the design of the buildings
within these homestead have changed since the time they immigrated to South
Africa. Originally, the Nguni (Ndebele ancestors) styled houses with circular wall
huts with an archway opening. The first change was the introduction of clay walls
around the hut by the Ndebele. However the rectangular nature of beds and tables
did not suit the circular shape so the second change was derived from the Boer farm
style housing and incorporated a rectangular floor plan for the home as opposed to a
circular one. This appropriation led way to the third change which was the change
from traditional roofing to that of corrugated iron roofing in order to make the
roofing easier and more endurable when encounter different weather. This final
change was appropriated from city dwellers. We can then see that the surrounding
cultures and the modern time has influenced the Southern Ndebele. (From the
The Assembly and Components of the Boeing 727 Essay
There are thousands of jobs performed on the Queen of the sky, the Boeing 747
also called as the jumbo jet, for its final assembly. 747 is an advanced long range
airliner, it is a product of complex, demanding collaborative design process. 747 is
an icon of the modern age. It is the longest airliner in the world. This system is
comprised of components which are complex, independent and interacts to achieve a
common goal.
The birth of the Jumbo jet in the late 1960 s heralded the modern intercontinental
mass transportation. It represents the impressive results of an intensive engineering,
design process and also the spirit of its era, a time when belief in progress, including
access to air travel, was a phenomenal ... Show more content on ...
A number of other governments also use 747 as a VIP transport.
Military and security: YAL 1, C 33, Evergreen 747, 747 CMCA supertanker are
military versions of 747. YAL 1, C 33, Evergreen 747, 747 CMCA supertanker are
military versions of 747.
Scientific: SOFIA (Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy) is used in the
joint venture of NASA and DLR for scientific research.
Commercial: There are a number of airliners dealing with Boeing 747 commercially
for transporting passengers across the world like
a)Pan Am,b) Qantas Freight,c) Air China,
d) Air France,e) Lufthansa,f) Air Atlantic,
g) Air India,h) All Nippon Airways,i) Kenya airways,
j) Asiana Airlines,k) Korean Airlines,l) Cargolux,
m) Fly Emirates,n) Singapore Airlines,o) EVA Air,
p) Thai Airways,q) Etihad Airways,r) British Airways,
s) Atlas Air,t) Kalitta Air,u) Southern Air.
Context Diagram:
Interface Matrix:
Systems and Sub systems:
Seating Arrangement
Rest Room
Air Lift
Flight Control
Main Panel
Overhead Panel
AFT Isle Stand
Flight Management Computer
Emergency Exit
Life Vest
First Aid
Seat Belt
Oxygen Mask
High Freq Radar
Weather Condition
I Do Not Own Thundercats Created By Tobin Wolf
Disclaimer: I do not own Thundercats created by Tobin Wolf Brotherly love When
are you going to grow up and learn technology is a myth? asked Tygra. Technology
is real. said Lion O. Then where s the proof? If technology is real then how come
no one has brought it to our attention? asked Tygra. Because it s right in front of
you if you would just listen to me. said Lion O. You mean all that junk you have in
your room. You can find that anywhere. said Tygra. It s not junk. said Lion O.
Right. said Tygra walking away. That night. He needs to learn to grow up and act
his age. I bet he s still playing with that hunk of junk he calls technology. thought
Tygra as he headed for his brother s room. Once... Show more content on ...
The surprise attack caused Tygra drop his sword. Lion O took that opportunity to
tackle him to the ground, pinning him. Like that? asked Lion O grins. Tygra
shifted their position to break free. Before Lion O could move Tygra had his knees
on Lion O s forearms. More like this. said Tygra crossing his arms. Lion O
struggled, but couldn t break free. He tried not to think of the how the bulge in
Tygra s pants was in his face. Okay you win now get off of me. said Lion O. Tygra
moved to let Lion O up. You re getting better, but you still need to learn to think
before you act. said Tygra walking off. What do you mean by that? asked Lion O
going after him. You could have won, but you left too many openings for me to
break free. said Tygra. They headed to the bath. Lion O turned to leave. I think I ll
wait until you re done. said Lion O. Nonsense. There enough room for about ten
more people. The two of us are not going to take up that much room. said Tygra. As
they got in the bath Lion O tried to avoid looking at his equally naked brother. The
smell of soothing herbs and warm water soon lulled Tygra to sleep. Lion O took
notice of this as he started to move closer. Tygra? said Lion O. When Tygra didn t
give a response Lion O kept moving forward until he was next to Tygra. He waved a
hand in front of his brother s face. When Tygra didn t give a response
Stereotypes Against African Americans And Ballet
In my opinion, the stereotypes held against African Americans and ballet are
ridiculous. African Americans has a vast history with dance, so they could easily
master the art of ballet. On the other hand, I am not surprised these prejudices were
made due to the multitude of stereotypes towards African Americans in general.
Thankfully, there are multiple successful African Americanballet dancers to disprove
these stereotypes. Even today, there are modern day ballerinas like Misty Copeland
and Michaela DePrince disproving these stereotypes.
One stereotype used against African Americans and ballet is that African Americans
were too docile for the demands of ballet techniques. There is evidence to refute this
claim. A piece of evidence is shown
The Dangers Of Complacency In The Military
The Dangers of Complacency Complacency is a common theme throughout life
whether it be civilian or military. Merriam Webster defines complacency as a
feeling of being satisfied with how things are and not wanting to try to make them
better: a complacent feeling or condition (Merriam Webster s online dictionary,
n.d.). This state or feeling can be as simple as wanting to maintain the status quo.
While it is important in civilian careers to battle complacency, it is of the utmost
important to remain vigilant against complacency for military members because so
many lives are at stake. This is why it is important for military members, not just
leaders, to identify the dangers of and the ever growing status of complacency
while implementing strategies to prevent and correct complacency. Complacency
Causes Facing the Army One of the most frequent causes of complacency is over
confidence. This can be seen in individuals and units after becoming comfortable
with the operational tempo. One way this is manifested is by skipping Pre Combat
Checks (PCCs) and Pre Combat Inspections (PCIs) because everyone is experienced
and gear no longer needs to be... Show more content on ...
Standards are the first line defense and when followed will ensure that individuals
and units are capable and prepared to function in the rigors of combat. Moreover,
keeping Soldiers proactively engaged can reduce complacency. Too much down time
commonly results in not wanting to do anything. By keeping Soldiers active and
engaged with the unit, Soldiers remain motivated and goal oriented. Finally, it is
imperative to continue training. This includes conducting refresher training to ensure
skills are always fresh, but also conducting training that focuses on new or unexpected
events. This type of training encourages individuals and units to constantly prepare
for the unexpected and never settle for what seems adequate at the
Jurassic Park Similarities
On planet earth there are great numbers of different species that share similarities in
appearance, structure, and behavior. Dinosaurs the creatures from a past time, are
considered by many to be quite fascinating. They have often been compared to
several species from the animal kingdom. There were correlations between dinosaurs
and other predators, lizards, and most interestingly birds. The book, Jurassic Park, by
the author Michael Crichton, speaks about a company that has discovered a way to
extract and clone dinosaurDNA. In the book Crichton talks about the astonishing
similarities between the birds and the dinosaurs. Although the book is fiction, the
subject concerning the two specieswas based on real paleontologists research. They...
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Some dinosaurs were considered to be very intelligent, and some were very fast.
What make this important, is the fact that some birds have that same
characteristic. Birds were used to explain the dinosaurs level of intelligence.
Crichton s interpretation was, Think of them as birds... some new studies show
that a gray parrot has as much symbolic intelligence as a chimpanzee... their
intelligence is unquestioned (Crichton, Jurassic Park, Pg.423). A bird s
intelligence is analyzed to try and comprehend the dinosaur s mental capacity.
Many of the birdlike dinosaurs also shared their intelligence. This also goes to
show the close connection the two species have. What made dinosaurs dangerous
was there connection to birds. According to the author, these velociraptors look
like reptiles, with the skin and general appearance of reptiles, but they move like
birds, with the speed and predatory intelligence of birds (Crichton, Jurassic Park,
Pg.132). Everything about dinosaurs from bone structure to intellect is what makes
these creatures fast. It helps them hunt like birds. Birds are coordinated and the
book shows that dinosaurs are as well. The animals despite their size were built for
speed just as birds were. One could say that birds have evolved from dinosaurs to
become less dangerous in the modern times. The idea of a relationship between and
dinosaurs and birds is
Aboriginal People Stereotypes
the false stereotypical views towards Australian Indigenous people. It is evident that
this topic is one to have a vast majority of individuals have strong opinions and
valid concerns about, but please have a positive outlook throughout the following
words. Be aware that personal opinions and views on this topic are logical and valid
but reassess where you stand at the end of the following letter.
Since the European colonisation of Australia in the year of 1788, Indigenous people
have been tormented in a world that is seen as unnatural to their existence prior to
these changes occurring. Although it is believed that Aboriginal people have lived
throughout Australia for up to 60,000 years (Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet,
2017) it is still ... Show more content on ...
The ultimate goal was to eradicate all Aboriginal people as a distinct cultural
society (Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet, 2017). Blanket Babies were
covered by nurses with a blanket creating no opportunity for the mother to see their
newborn, before he/she was taken. The children were taken and placed into
dormitories, non Indigenous foster homes and or were adopted by non Indigenous
families. Once the child was the age of eighteen they were released into society. If
a child was caught talking in Aboriginal language they would be punished. No
education was offered instead the girls were taught to be servants and boys to be
stockmen (Creative Spirits, 2018). In June of 2017, it was established that there was
an estimated number of 786,689 Australians identifying as Aboriginal, a number that
had increased by 17.4% from the year of 2011 (The Conversation, 2017). It has also
been acknowledged that it will take until the year of 2021 for the population figures
to recover.
The occurrence of the Stolen Generations has resulted and contributed significantly to
the many challenges faced by Australian Indigenous people and still to this day, the
Stolen Generations are still continually searching for their parents/ family
Food Security In Canada
Food security is an issue in Canada that people from different ages may experience.
Furthermore, food security is an international topic we all need to take a stand on, as
it will affect the future of our people, our agriculture, our economy, and our overall
lifestyle. Some people in Canada cannot achieve food securitydue to a chain reaction
that is hard to stop when it begins. Agriculture plays a huge role in foodinsecurity
because the outcome of floods, droughts, and other natural disasters is famine. This is
when extreme food scarcity becomes a problem. Canadians will not have enough
food for themselves and their families, and malnutrition becomes an issue. Moreover,
these agricultural factors causes a loss in income especially for farmers,
Compare And Contrast West Side Story And West Side
West Side Story is the iconic American musical that is a 1957 Broadway
production choreographed by Jerome Robbins. Arthur Laurents is the author of
the original book with the setting taking place in the upper west side New York
city in a blue collar neighborhood during the mid 1950s. (The Broadway) Because
West Side Story is a movie musical, it will be a lot of narrative conveyed through
the song. The movie West Side Story and Romeo and Juliet have many similarities
and differences consider their plot, their character and their setting. The major plot
of the musical is about a rivalry between two different ethnic group gangs, the Sharks
and Jets. The Sharks are Puerto Rican and the Jets are white. Leonard Bernstein
composed the dynamic and influential music. In the mix of the conflict between the
two gangs, a former member of the Jets, Tony, falls in love with the leader of the
Sharks sister, Maria. Shakespeare s Romeo and Juliet clearly influenced this movie,
and there are parallel characteristics. For instance, Romeo and Tony, Juliet and
Maria, Mercutio and Riff, Tybalt and Bernardo all have similar characteristics. As for
the specific film, I decided to watch the 1961 version.
2. Film Response
In the opening scene with the jets, the orchestral background music painted the
picture of the jets being spontaneous and unpredictable. The music especially
designed their personalities well with the random loud burst of accented notes from
the brass. The mood definitely changes
Clockwork Orange Analysis
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess takes up many themes throughout the
novel. It is known for its candor with violence and its expressive nature regarding
it. The novel is narrated by Alex, a fifteen year old boy, who tells the story of his
ultra violent acts and journey through reformation by the state. Alex belongs to a
violent subculture created by teenagers and lurks the night with his droogs (gang
members) in effort to rape, steal, assault, and abuse drugs. In the novel, Burgess
argues that the existence of good and evil cannot be modified through force and
deprivation of free will, using imagery, metaphors, and satirical devices of
communism, youth, and other elements to support his claim. The very first scene
in the novel portrays Alex and his droogs in a milk bar getting ready for the night s
violent activities. In this dystopian future, it is common for teenagers to drink milk
and is seen as the drink of choice for them. This milk can be what is called milkplus
and include amphetamine and hallucinogenic like drugs which the boys rely on to
prepare them for ultraviolence. Taking a look at milk symbolically, it represents the
mother and the infant. Milk is the drink given to a young and innocent child by a
loving mother. In fact, teenagers are the only characters seen drinking milk in the
novel. Adults tend to drink scotch, or alcohol in general. This separates the young
from the old, or the violent from the nonviolent. On top of this, the milk represents
Alex and
The Notebook Alzheimer s Analysis
The movie The Notebook is the love story of Noah and Ally, an elderly couple,
who is living out the rest of their days in a retirement home. Though Noah s health
doesn t necessarily require the need of this retirement home, he chooses to stay
there anyway so he can be close to his love, Ally all of the time. Each day Noah reads
to Ally out of his journal a story of two young lovers. However, this story is the
story of Noah and Ally when they first met and fell in love. Noah reads out of this
journal in hopes that it will trigger something in Ally s memory and she will
remember him again. Even through Ally s Alzheimer s prevent her from
remembering this, she enjoys hearing Noah read it to her and looks forward to
hearing the next section every day. How accurate is this example of Ally s
Alzheimer s though? Does this disease truly work the way that they show in this
movie?... Show more content on ...
Alzheimer s is the most common cause of dementia, and is a progressive disease that
destroys the memory and other important mental functions. According to The
most common early symptom of Alzheimer s is difficulty remembering newly
learned information because Alzheimer s changes typically begin in the part of the
brain that affects learning. As Alzheimer s advances through the brain it leads to
increasingly severe symptoms, including disorientation, mood and behavior changes;
deepening confusion about events, time and place; unfounded suspicions about
family, friends and professional caregivers; more serious memory loss and behavior
changes; and difficulty speaking, swallowing and walking. With that being said,
Ally would have been less likely to remember all of the staff members that worked
with her and the newly formed memories made with them, and more likely to
remember things like Noah or how they met. This is one area of the disease that was
inaccurately depicted in this
Roman Kinship Societies
Kinship societies are those in which family is the basic and most important guideline
for the way people live. The authors of The Words of Our Ancestors: Kinship,
Tradition, and Moral Codes differentiate between kinship and non kinship
relationships as not only in the amount of cooperation one is likely to observe
(Palmer and Steadman 1997), but in the duration of the relationship (Coe and Palmer,
4). As mentioned in the text, in kinshipsocieties, families maintain traditions,
connections, and values throughout generations. At the time of Rome s
establishment in 753 B.C. kinship societies dominated most of the world. Rome
consisted of many outsiders from different ethnic groups and societies coming
together, which is why it may seem strange... Show more content on
Rome was a pivotal moment as it went through a cultural revolution. Plutarch s
novel The Life of Cato the Elder displays many of these changes from early Roman
life. To fully understand these cultural changes, it helps best to understand Cato s
life. He was a wealthy farmer, but he lived a minimalist lifestyle. He would eat the
same food and drink the same wine as his servants and even work on his farm. This
lifestyle choice set him apart from others as he was a wealthy man with land and
servants, doing manual labor. In early Rome, Romans favored those who came
from noble or aristocratic families for public office and senate. The Romans used to
call men who had no family distinction, but were coming into public notice through
their own achievements, new men, and such they called Cato (Plutarch, 303). Cato
changed this way of thinking. He first gained public recognition through his
neighbor Valerius Flaccus. Flaccus persuaded him to go into public office. The
beginning of Cato s public career showed another cultural change in Rome,
imperialism in the Punic wars. Imperialism in Greece lead to the spread of Greek
language and philosophy. Maybe one of the biggest changes of this time was the
introduction of Greek philosophy. Cato took the more traditional stance and even
spoke in Latin to Athenians even though he could speak Greek. He even mocked at
those who were lost in admiration of anything that was Greek. 5 For instance, he
poked fun at
Portfolio Analysis
chapter two
INTRODUCTION Organizations market a mix of products or services or both.
These constitute the offering that is made through the strategic window. Central to
the success or failure of a business is the health of its product (or service) mix. A
starting point is the product life cycle concept. This is a useful conceptual framework
within which to study how firms can vary their marketing strategies though of course
as we shall see in later chapters they do have to take other factors into account. There
seems to be little doubt, however, that at different stages in the product life cycle
certain marketing strategies seem to be more appropriate than others. The life cycle
concept also points to the different ... Show more content on ...
One problem that has been found in trying to make use of the product life cycle
concept as a management tool is that many products do not appear to perform in the
market place as it suggests. They seem to bypass some stages while getting stuck at
other stages. Moreover, they may even come into vogue again after a period of going
out of fashion. These observations have brought about criticisms of the product life
cycle as a useful planning tool.
PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE CONCEPT Swansea Engineering makes wire for
industrial uses. Applications range from wire for cables to carry high voltage
electricity to wire for winding on small electric motors for incorporation in both
industrial and domestic products. The firm has tried to use the life cycle concept to
explain generic sales in the market and sales of its own products. Difficulties
encountered include the defining of product markets and the separation from natural
growth and decline in the market and the effects of recession. Indeed in recent years
it has proved extremely difficult to assess exactly where many products and markets
are in relationship to their anticipated life cycles. Ironing out the fluctuations caused
by economic recessions and mini booms causes one of the major problems. In
The Synthesis Of 13 Butadienes
2.1 Synthesis of 1,3 butadienes
Dienes can be synthesised from aldehydes and ketones using the Wittig reaction. The
Wittig reaction facilitates the synthesis of new carbon carbon double bonds at
specific locations in aldehydes and ketones (Bernard Ford, 1983). The overall
reaction mechanism is shown in Figure 1.
Protocols for synthesising 1,3 butadienes from aldehydes and ketones have been
established in the literature. The synthesis protocol proposed by Greatrex et al.
(2014) was used and reactions using several aldehydes (cinnamaldehyde,
piperonaldehyde, and 2 chloro benzaldehyde) were successfully performed to
synthesise the required butadienes 1, 2, and 3, Scheme 2.
The general approach involved transforming the aldehydes at the site of the carbonyl
group. Use of an appropriate triphenylphosphonium halide (methyl for
cinnamaldehyde, and allyl for piperonal and 2 chloro benzaldehyde) afforded the
correct 1,3 butadiene. Deprotonation of the triphenylphosphonium halide was
achieved using potassium tert butoxide reacted under an atmosphere of nitrogen. An
observable colour change was observed on addition of the triphenylphosphonium
halide to the solvent, and subsequently on the addition of an aldehyde. Reactions were
followed by thin liquid chromatography (TLC), and the butadienes were purified via
chromatography (1 and 2 via column chromatography, and 3 via dry flash
chromatography). Both the e and z isomers of the butadienes
Dehumanization In 1984 By George Orwell
George Orwell utilizes his novel 1984 to pass on that individuals, as a species, are
greatly vulnerable to dehumanization and abuse in the public arena. Orwell shows
how an administration s control of innovation, dialect, media, and history can
persecute and debase its subjects. In 1984 the political control of innovation
persecutes the general population of Oceania and prompts the defeat of independence
and of the qualities that characterize mankind. Telescreens and the Internet are
utilized not for diversion purposes but rather to screen individuals lives.
For Orwell s situation, Pynchon refers to media advancements, for example,
intelligent level screen TVs and the Internet as instruments of observation (Deery).
The effect of ... Show more content on ...
In 1984 government officials intentionally control ideas and thoughts. This
incapacitates the human capacity to express sentiments and feelings, which is
precisely what the totalitarian government wants. We might pound you down to the
point from which there is no returning. Things will transpire from which you couldn
t recoup, on the off chance that you carried on a thousand years. Never again will
you be equipped for standard human feeling. Everything will be dead inside you.
Never again will you be equipped for adoration, or companionship, or delight of
living, or chuckling, or interest, or boldness, or trustworthiness.
You will be empty. We might press you exhaust, and afterward we should fill you
with ourselves (Orwell 148). By controlling dialect the Party replaces singular feeling
with Party purposeful publicity. To communicate their dehumanizing purposeful
publicity, the legislature in 1984 controls the media and introduction to it. Individuals
can t shape their own particular conclusions and subsequently should depend on the
media to do as such for them. The general population of Oceania can t think
basically, for instance, about open figures. In any case, what was weird was that
despite the fact that
The Hr Issues Related On The Migration Failure Essay
In order to understand the HR issues involved in HPs migration failure, I started by
looking at the company s corporate culture from origins to date. I needed to
determine what had changed as Hewlett Packard already had numerous successful
implementations previously given their vast experience in the computer industry
and there long established relationship with software provider SAP. The current
study identified that the founders of HP, Bill Hewlett Dave Packard created an
effective management style which contained a set of values that defined how they
wanted the company and its workforce to perform. This was known as the HP way
. The main emphasis was on innovation through creating new quality products that
added value to their customers requirements and secondly to create a supportive
corporate culture as HPs employees where seen as the company s biggest resource
who together their capabilities accomplished something for the greater good of the
organisation. HPs employees where seen as the company s biggest asset and in turn
they were given the opportunity to share in the company s success through profit
sharing plans, they were given tuition to upskill, and the company offered flexi time
and job sharing programs to its employees. Having researched the concept of the HP
way I have discovered that many companies have also adopted this approach into
their own business practices the following points are my understanding of Hewlett
Packard s core values
Essay On Sylvia Plath Morning Song
As is true of a number of 20th century poets, Sylvia Plath tends to create rhythms
and structures all her own. She is typically emphatic in her poetry, and there is a
sense of almost a deliberate disregard for traditional form. At the same time, Plath
very much relies on a standard component of classic poetry: musicality. If she plays
with or ignores meter, she nonetheless creates what may be called a chant in many
of her verses, and it is a kind of musicality unique to her. Plath s stanzas are
consistently declarative, and often each line has a meter contrasting the next. This in
turn is emphasized by shades of anger or unrest in her meaning and imagery. These
elements considered, it is then possible to construct an Ars Poetica of the poet that
actually defies Ars Poetica. As the following examinations of Morning Song and
Daddy reveal, Sylvia Plath employs poetic forms simultaneously musical and
removed from reliance on traditional meter and structure, these forms reflect the
unique quality of each poem, and the only Ars Poetica to be defined in her work is
that of non conformity.
Morning Song ... Show more content on ...
In poem after poem, she departs from the expected perspectives of a woman, and this
is certainly a part of her form. Content and structure, in plain terms, are not mutually
exclusive properties in poetry; each informs the other, and Plath very much
represents this powerful connection. It is then valid, if not necessary, to look into
Plath s meaning as shaping her form and construction. For example, Morning Song
simultaneously moves away from classical form and even more dramatically defies
standard ideas of a woman s role and nature. Moreover, Plath chooses as her subject
what may be the most consistently idealized aspect of a woman s being: motherhood.
This is in itself ironic, in terms of Ars
Modern Warfare Research Papers
Modern Warfare 2 the best game ever published? There has been no valid
arguments posed towards the king of all games, even if an argument arose it would
immediately be proven in valid. Modern Warfare 2 was immersed in a large, diverse,
and competitive community of people. The community surrounding Modern Warfare
2 was composed of wonderful people, yes trash talking is ubiquitous, but its all in
good fun.
Another outstanding aspect of Modern Warfare 2, perhaps the most important of a
game in its genre. The gun play was absolutely outstanding. Some, if not most would
say that the gunplay was flawless. All the weapons were balanced and had their
specific strong suits, as well as their weaknesses. Hands down the best aspect of the
gunplay was ... Show more content on ...
Players required basically no skill to do decent, a players success was granted to
them by ridiculously over powered guns, and also over powered perks that made a
player almost unstoppable. The weapons grew to need zero skill they also grew
more and more accurate and the weapons were also granted ridiculous rates of fire,
so any player could do good. Then the most recent Call of Duties accelerated
movement speed which some players enjoy a lot, but in the grand scheme of things
it just declined the amount of skill required in order to do good. The one on one
fast paced heart pounding action is no longer a part of the Call of Duty series.
Instead Call of Duty evolved into a game that is based on pure chaos, no
organization, and a very undiversified community.
Over all Call of Duty has had an extremely successful career, but if they continue on
the path they are on they are in store for a bitter end. If Activision needs an
example of a game to follow they need to look back on previous successes they
have had, and also they must utilize the K.I.S.S. method not everything has to be a
complex, fancy, and flashy. Modern Warfare 2 Embodies all of the necessary
qualities of a exemplary
Summary Of The Girl On The Train By Paula Hawkins
Paula Hawkins is a British author born on 26th August 1972 in Zimbabwe. Around
the year 2009, Hawkins started her career by writing intimate sitcom dramas. She
did not want to reveal her identity so she took to the pen name Amy Silver. She has
written four books, one of them being Confessions of a Reluctant Recessionista. She
was not very popular, so she decided to challenge herself by writing a novelwhich is
more darker and more serious than her previous works. Her best known known till
date is The Girl on the Train. It is a complicated mental thriller. It mainly deals with
the subject of alcohol, drug abuse and domestic violence. This novel had been
adapted into a movie under the same name which had
Emily Blunt as the protagonist in the year 2016. Some notable works by Paula
Hawkins are:
Confessions of a Reluctant Recessionista, All I Want for Christmas, One Minute to
The Reunion, The Girl on the Train and Into the Water. The Girl on the Train is
been narrated from the perspectives of three different women: Anna, Megan and
Rachel. It is a one figure tale. In the opening scene of the novel we see that Rachel
Watson the protagonist is a 32 year old woman. She is a drunkard and is unhappy
because her husband Tom divorced her for another woman named Anna Watson.
Rachel drinks habitually and has trouble in recalling her past due to which she
eventually loses her job. During this state, she nags Tom, her ex husband in person or
on the phone.
Forrest Gump Quotes
Eliyah Bazile
Kourtney Hake
English 101
Run Forrest, Run! Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you re
going to get This quote perfectly describes the theme/thesis of the film and was
Forrest s motto. Life will take you so far from where you are from, so there is no
point in worrying about it (Kartha). Forrest Gump is carried by faith, wit, finesse,
ignorance, and love throughout the plot. Forrest Gump may have not understood
his place in those events, but he did have an impact on the society around him. At
the basis of the movie, it is a love story, between Forest and Jenny. While he spends
nearly the whole movie mooning over Jenny, she spends the whole movie trying to
escape that love until the end. To her, love is sick and twisted because all she s
ever known is her father s abusive version of it. But eventually, Forrest s unchanging
love (and a tragic encounter with AIDS) transformed Jenny. There is plenty of
examples in the film, of how gump uses his wit or just goes with the flow and the
results of it each time it occurs. Throughout the novel Forrest Gump the main
character, Forrest, is made out to look like a slow, dim witted individual by his peers
but perhaps he may not be as unintelligent as everyone thinks. ... Show more content
on ...
Forrest Gump begins his narrative with him in the doctor s office getting a new
pair of shoes. A pair of leg braces designed to straighten his back. This sets the tone
of his character for the movie because you realize that he is not a normal child. Since
the beginning of organized culture in the United States, people with disabilities were
considered meager, tragic, pitiful individuals unfit and unable to contribute to society,
except to serve as ridiculed objects of entertainment in circuses and exhibitions. They
were assumed to be abnormal and feeble minded, and numerous persons were forced
to undergo
Marilyn Monroe Conspiracy Theory
Many theories have been circulating the internet about how Marilyn Monroe really
died on the early morning of August 5th, 1962. Conspiracies and supposedly
researched statistics can be found on almost every biography about her, but the
question was never really answered how did she really die? Even after a thorough
investigation by the police, which proved that Marilyn Monroes deathwas suicide,
other theories report evidence of a murder by a CIA agent or one of the Kennedys.
Despite conspiracy theorists constant attempt to convince the public otherwise,
Marilyn Monroe s death was in fact a suicide. On the morning that Monroe died,
the Los Angeles Police Department did a thorough investigation of her apartment,
and ultimately decided that the evidence did in fact indicate suicide. According to
a LAPD officer, caused by a self administered overdose of sedative drugs and that
the mode of death is probable suicide ( Staff). Marilyn was found in her
room, facedown on her bed, with an empty bottle of sleeping pills found on her bed,
as well as a phone in her hand. No other evidence was found at the time, ruling as
most likely a suicide.... Show more content on ...
The death of her close friend Clark Gable was very hard on her, especially when his
pregnant wife blamed his death on her, saying that the stress of filming with Monroe
and the constant exposure to the heat ultimately lead to his heart attack. Upon the
thought of thinking that she was the reason her idol since childhood died, she could
no longer bear it, letting the depression take over. After this incident, and during the
last few months of her life, Marilyn was under the constant care of a psychiatrist,
spending most of her time inside avoiding most other
Pros And Cons Of Indus Motor Company
ce of Toyota which is in Japan. Indus Motor Company Limited (IMC) was
incorporated in 1989 as a result of a joint venture agreement among some
companies of House of Habib of Pakistan, Toyota Motor Corporation and Toyota
Tsusho Corporation of Japan. The Company manufactures and markets Toyota brand
vehicles in Pakistan. The main product offerings include several variants of the
flagship Corolla in the passenger cars category, Hilux in the light commercial
vehicles segment and the Fortuner Sports Utility Vehicle. The manufacturing facility
and offices are located at a 105 acre site in Port Qasim, Karachi, while the product is
delivered to end customers nationwide through a strong network of 43 independent
3S Dealerships spread across the... Show more content on ...
Suppliers are integral elements of Toyota. They are geographically located within
56 miles radius. A security of guaranteed order is given which enables them to
produce the best quality raw materials at cheapest cost achieving economies of
scale. Toyota does not believe in choosing supplier as a lowest bidder. But it
believes in gradual mutual improvement. It believes in vendor creation and
development . As an initiative in this direction it trains its suppliers as per required.
Packaging is also given a great importance with respect to transportation efficiency.
Packaging is done in medium box size and small pallets. There is a dedicated
transport service. Consistent daily route and periodic route revision is provided so
as to cater to even smaller
Academic Motivation And Career Development
Academic motivation and skills: As they explore their career interests and options,
youth increase their understanding of the value and relevance of formal education to
pursuing their career goals. This increases their academic motivation and engagement
which leads to increased academic skills.
Leadership skills: Youthdevelop leadership by taking the lead in their personal career
development process.
Social skills and positive relationships: By working with their family, school or youth
program staff, counselors, mentors, and other significant adults, youth practice
communicating and other interpersonal skills while building a support network.
Work readiness skills: Youth receive training and opportunities to practice a wide...
Show more content on ...
Learning how to find and analyze the information one needs to make his or her own
decisions enhances a young person s agency and sense of autonomy. Career
planning and management skills, overall, help young people become more self
determined, enhancing their ability to make decisions, plan how to achieve goals,
and carry out as well as revise their plan. This builds confidence, self esteem, and a
sense of responsibility.
Engaging Youth with Disabilities
As your organization assists all youth to develop their career development skills, it is
essential to take into consideration and address additional needs of youth with
disabilities. Whether their disabilities are apparent or not, all youth programs serve
some youth with disabilities. While the presence of physical and intellectual
disabilities may be obvious to staff, other youth may have learning disabilities, mental
health disabilities, or chronic health conditions that aren t readily visible but still
warrant consideration. Youth with any type of disabilitymay require or benefit from
accommodations or support to participate in youth programs. Youth development and
leadership programs need to be physically and cognitively accessible for youth with
disabilities. Ensuring that programs are cognitively accessible means ensuring that
youth with learning and intellectual disabilities, as well as those with lower literacy
skills, can understand what s being communicated verbally, nonverbally, and
Advantage Of Polished Concrete Floor
Concrete Floor
Concrete floor is one of the most durable materials in the world. It can be made with
waste products which help to reduce the consumption of valuable materials. It also
can be made from fly ash, slag cement, and silica fume, all waste byproducts from
steel mills, power plants and other manufacturing facilities.
There are the several types of concrete floor styles that can be stamped, stained and
polished. But the choice for the employee locker room will be a polished concrete
floor. For my opinion, polished floor will be suitable because it is economical,
durable, versatile, affordable, low maintenance and is a long lasting floor as show
in figure 1 (Ref.1). Polished concrete floor is made from an aggregate (rocks, river
stones and granite chips) which is mixed with a cement binder such as limestone,
calcium, sulphate and water.
Figure 1: Employee Locker Room Polished Concrete Floor
Benefits of a polished concrete floor:
Its hold up well even in high traffic areas. A polished concrete floor will not stain,
chip or discolor and it also eliminates the need for messy waxing or frequent
Easy and low maintenance
If any ... Show more content on ...
All that will be required to keep it clean is just to be mop regularly. It is really
convenient for maintenance as we do not need to clean the floor with a vacuum
cleaner and mop it once again like carpet. Furthermore, there s an advantage worth
noting, laminate floor is a scratch proof floor product. But unfortunately, it has an
awful reputation because of the products on the market that have been fabricated by
low price point. If you want to avoid the risk that you might buy the cheap rubbish
flooring, laminate floor is definitely good and very hard wearing. It is hard to damage
the surface of floor and people should expect it to come with a lasting shelf life of 20
Personal Narrative Poem
It opens to the protagonists bed room a alarm on his phone beeping annoyingly on
the deck side of his bed. He reaches for it to turn it off.
After he gets ready for school he goes to the door to open mom I m going to school
pro yeild. he gets on his bike and starts to ride to school And when he hits a
intersection While he was waiting his friend come up hay A.
Hay Pro. So did you hear what happened a, with a faces that something is on his mind
what Pro reprise.
I will tell you when we get to school A said back.
What happened pro insisted. I don t want to talk about it right now A said with a
fice like something bad happened. The ride to school was long and slow. When they
get to school people were crying
so what is wrong ... Show more content on ...
then it s interrupted with a going of line. s am going your house Pro said rushing
out of his room. When he is run out hit the bag and the idome inside he grabs it .
He gets on his bike and start riding he looks at his house from a corner. then a van
pulls up and people break into his house. He rushes as fast as he can to s s house.
Crap I hope I can get there in time, when he was on the street the van comes out of
a corner. Pro trys to beat the car to the house but then it passes him. He see them
stop at his friend s house then when they get inside he hears three gunshots BANG
BANG BANG!!!! crap I m going to kill them Pro said When he gets there he pull
the thing in the bag hoping it is loaded. A gun drops into his hand. He rushes into the
house. A man with a gun comes out of a room
there you are we looked for you pro lifted his gun then he yelled
shut up you creep . BANG BANG the first hitting his shoulder then hitting his head.
Then he hears a car starting. He goes outside and the van stars to leave with a
glimpse of his friend behind the window he got on his bike and chased after it he
almost lost the van but he got on a street with a lot of traffic he stops at the window
and BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG click He angrily shouts
until the clip runs out of bullets. Then he feels something poke his neck. He he get
something of his heck it a small needle his vision goes blurry and he
Examples Of The Salem Witch Trials And The Salem Witch
Public relations consultant Edward L. Bernays once stated, The conscious and
intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an
important element in democratic society. In American history, there have been
numerous examples in which an individual or group spread mass hysteria and
employed groupthink to make people believe in a cause or carry out actions,
regardless of the consequences. Both the Salem Witch Trials and the Stanford Prison
Experiment are examples of mass hysteria and groupthink in American society.
During early 1692, the Salem Witch Trials was triggered by a group of young girls
in Salem, Massachusetts, who claimed to be possessed by the devil, and then began
accusing several local women of witchcraft. In January 1692, when Elizabeth Parris,
Abigail Williams, and Ann Putnam began to have fits of uncontrollable outbursts of
screaming, a local doctor was called and diagnosed the girls with bewitchment. After
this incident, more girls in the community began to portray similar symptoms to
first three, claiming that the devil possessed them, and accused several other local
women of witchcraft. Salem had a Puritan based population that held strong beliefs
in divine power specifically in the Devil s ability to give humans the power to hurt
others, in exchange for loyalty. These people, loyal to the devil, appeared to the town
as witches. The Salem Witch Trials resulted in the villagers suspicions and grudges
toward their neighbors,
The Differences Between Chinese Family and American
The differences between Chinese family and American family
AbstractпјљFamily is the basic miniature of the social economic activity, and it is
the basic unit that constitutes the society. The values of the society rely on people s
family values in a large degree. However, due to the difference of geographical and
historical background, religion and belief, different nations have their own family
values.A clear and direct contrast between Chinese and American family values can
bridge over their communication gap.The paper first introduced the Definitions of
FamiliesпјЋIt thenпјЊfocuses on the difierent types of families in China and
AmericaпјЋIn the following sectionпјЊthe paper proceeds to elaborate the extension
of family to social ... Show more content on ...
Any kind of life philosophy, if not pay attention to this fundamental relationship, can
not be considered as an appropriate philosophy. American family members pay great
attention to the concepts of individual equality, independence, individual right and
family relationship, among which the most prominent concepts are independence and
equality. Chinese families focus more on seniority relation,
The Importance Of Music On Music
Studies have shown that music helps improve memory, increase focus, helps you
become more creative, reduces stress, increases your IQ, and stimulates both left and
right brain while studying. Music has been proven scientifically to have beneficial
effects on mental development. The Dana Foundation studied the impact of listening
to music while taking a test and the scores improved when students were listening
to music. While music can help you focus it can also impact and regulate your
mood and the best mood to take a test in is a relaxed mood. The four music types
we are doing our project on are classical, rock, country, and pop. Studies have shown
that Baroque music is the best for stimulating learning, research and work. Baroque
music is a type of classical music and is known as the best music to listen to when
learning and working as said before. The most important is the type of noise and
music. We have found that music you enjoy listening to increases focus and music
you don t enjoy listening to impedes focus.
The first type of music that we researched is classical music. We found that people
who listen to classical music have a high self esteem and can focus more when
testing at any time. Classical music is known for helping you calm down and relax
your nerves while it also helps you focus. We have two attention systems that are the
complete opposite of each other. One is called the conscious side and it helps us
direct our focus towards things such as tests,
The Importance Of Being Earnest Lying Essay
The play The Importance of Being Earnest , by Oscar Wilde, has the two main
characters, Jack and Algernon, lie about their true identity. Besides creating comedic
shenanigans for everyone involved, this lie communicates to us as the audience core
concepts that can still be applied today. One concept is that lovecan be vain. A second
conceptis that lying will catch up to you. Finally, the third concept is that everything
works out in the end if you tell the truth.
The first concept, love can be vain, is shown through the characters Gwendolen and
Cecily. During his proposal to Gwendolen, Jack doesn t tell her that his true name is
Jack, but continues to use his brother s name Ernest. After a brief conversation,
Gwendolen admits to Jack that she couldn t love him if his name wasn t Ernest.
Thus, Jack continues with the lie and makes no attempt to reveal the truth to
Gwendolen. Algernon goes through something similar during his visit to Jack s
country house. Algernon decides to pose as Ernest to meet with Cecily, they decide
they like each other, but Cecily also says that she couldn t love Algernon if his name
wasn t ... Show more content on ...
Throughout the play, Jack and Algernon lie about their identities. This all comes to
a head when Gwendolen and Cecily find out they have both been proposed to by
the same Ernest , Jack s younger brother, but then realize that it is Jack and
Algernon both assuming the name and identity of Ernest separately. The lesson
being shown here comes in Cecily s and Gwendolen s actions after this revelation.
They get up and leave. Given that this is a comedy, this is played for laughs.
However, the underlying message is a very serious one. If you tell a lie and stick
with it, eventually you will be found out, and you may lose something you care
deeply about. This part of Act Two serves as a cautionary tale against lying, while
still being light hearted enough to make us
A List of Differences Between the Pride and Prejudice
There is a big difference between the book and the series or movie. We did a little
research and came out with these differences. The story of the book takes place in
1813, the time when the book was first published. The time frame of the movie is
the late 18th century. In the book Elizabeth, one of the Bennet sisters is a sweet,
good mannered and intelligent girl with good humor. She and her sister, Jane, are
very open and share every detail of their lives. In contrast to the film were
Elizabeth is often rude and petulant. And where Jane and Elizabeth have a lot of
secrets for each other. Originally Mrs. Bennet simply hears something from Mrs.
Long about the arrival of Bingley. In the film Darcy and Bingley come to see
Netherfield on horseback while they express their opinions about the region. Mrs.
Bennet is in the movie very hard for her girls, she says in front of them that she
wishes she had had sons. This is never mentioned in the book. Charlotte, a friend of
Elizabeth, gives her friends information about the newcomers. In the book the entire
neighborhood is aware of everything about Bingley but there was not written that
everyone knew it from Charlotte. In the movie Darcy belittles Elizabeth during the
ball, but she doesn t care. She says to her mother and father that if he would ask her
to dance later, she would say no on the spur of the moment. The story that Jane Austin
wrote, only tells that Mrs. Bennet explains Darcy s insult to Mr. Bennet but
What Makes The Great Migration
Spencer R. Crew wanted the readers to understand why the Great Migration
happened. Also what the migrants faced in terms of discrimination in south and in
the north. He states that Without the increase in job opportunities caused by World
War 1, the Great migration might never have occurred . Better job opportunities
was a big part of why so many migrated to the north along with the freedom that Jim
Crow had denied them their whole lives. Though many found jobs in the north they
were typically unskilled and least desirable jobs, like in the meat packing companies,
on railroads, servants, and janitors. Those jobs paid more than they could get in the
south but was offset by the higher cost of living in the north they had to pay higher
A Brief Note On The Front Of The Eye
What is Blood in the Front of the Eye in Cats?
Blood in the anterior chamber, or front chamber, of the cat s eye is a condition
known as hyphema. Hyphema isn t a disease in and of itself but is rather a symptom
of a systemic or ophthalmic disease. The condition can range from mild to severe,
with mild cases presenting with a light pink color in the fluid in front of the eye.
Severe hyphema typically presents with the entire chamber filled with blood, blinding
the cat.
Identifying the disease that is causing hyphema is essential in order to save the cat s
eyesight. Noting any other symptoms that the cat is displaying is helpful in
diagnosing the correct disease. Symptoms of Blood in the Front of the Eye in Cats
Symptoms of hyphema are dependent on the extent that bleeding has occurred and
the location from where the bleeding began.
Red or pink colored fluid in the eye between the area of the cornea and the pupil/iris
Swelling of the cornea
Corneal lesions
Cuts or bruises around the eye area
Eye discharge
Pain or irritation in the eye, which may cause the cat to squint or close the affected eye
Blindness or decreased vision in affected eye
Causes of Blood in the Front of the Eye in Cats
There are several diseases or conditions that can cause hyphema to occur. These
conditions include:
Injury or trauma to the eye or head
Severe uveitis
Severe retinal detachment or tearing
Blood clotting disorders
Chronic glaucoma
Parasite infection
The Fairness Doctrine Essay
The United States Federal Communications Commission, also known as the FCC,
introduced the Fairness Doctrine to make broadcasters report controversial issues of
public importance in a manner that was equally balanced, honest, and fair.
Broadcasting companies were required to provide a certain amount of airtime
reporting accurate and fair information both for and against public issues.
Broadcasters were not required to provide equal time for opposing views, but were
required to present opposing viewpoints. Broadcasters were received broader
boundaries as how to how they were to provide those opposing views. Because under
the constitutional right of free speech, the government wanted to insure that
broadcasting companies provided both... Show more content on ...
They also were required to offer the affected party a reasonable amount of air time to
voice their opinions and defend themselves against the situation. The government also
attempted to control political bashing of any government representatives.
Broadcasting stations were allowed endorse or oppose whomever they desired, but
they had to notify the opposite political parties and provide them with the information
that had been aired and allow them an equal opportunity to respond in their defense.
With the continually changing methods of reporting information, such as the internet,
regulators struggled with monitoring and controlling the information that people were
providing. On August 12, 2008, FCC Commissioner Robert M. McDowell stated that
the reinstitution of the Fairness Doctrine could be intertwined with the debate over
network neutrality, a proposal to classify network operators as common carriers
required to admit all Internet services applications and devices on equal terms,
presenting a potential danger that net neutrality and Fairness Doctrine advocates
could try to expand content controls on the Internet.(AuBuchon) The has always been
mixed emotions with the public s opinions on this issue, but with rapid increase in
technologies it would possible that any viewpoint could be aired through the many
types of communication available to everyone, and go
Corruption Of Youth In George Orwell s 1984
Corruption of the youth reflects the future. In George Orwell s 1984, he displays a
political, social science, and utopian and dystopian fiction through a totalitarianism
theme. Young children are not aware of their surroundings and fall easy into
influence. They only have the perception of good and evil, such as, integrity and
morals, of what the Youth group deems are those principles. Into adulthood, these
properties carry over, restarting the cycle. The corruption taught young children to
grow up with the same evil mindset because that is all they know. In Orwell s 1984,
the children of INGSOC reflect the Party s war effort through their behavior, loyalty,
and submission. This relates to real life events in Nazi Germany. The children prove
their loyalty to the Party by watching over all the citizens regardless of who they
are. In 1984, Winston is thinking about how the children are used, With those
children, he thought, that wretched woman must lead a life of terror. Another year,
two years, and they would be watching her night and day for symptoms of
unorthodoxy. Nearly all children nowadays were horrible[.....]as the spies they
were systematically turned into ungovernable little savages, and yet this produced
in them no tendency whatever to rebel against the discipline of the Party (Orwell,
24). The Party seeks to maintain power by severing private loyalties, replacing
them with loyalty to the Party. The children are the future of the Party as they
begin at an early age, and the Party knows their beliefs and legacy will live on
through the children on INGSOC. The success of the Party is assisted as they
have the children for extra surveillance, or in other words an extra set of eyes.
While Winston was in the Ministry of Love, he had a conversation with Parsons as
to why he is in there, Who denounced you? said Winston. It was my daughter, said
Parsons with a sort of doleful pride. She listened at the keyhole. Heard what I was
saying, and nipped off the patrols the very next day[.....]In fact, I m proud of her. It
shows I brought her up in the right spirit, anyway (Orwell, 233). This quote signifies
the children s loyalty to the Party regardless of who the person they are denouncing is.
The Real Estate Industry Is A Very Demanding Field
The real estate industry is a very demanding field. You have to truly be passionate
about real estate in order to be successful. A real estate agent needs to be willing to
go the extra mile and step out of their comfort zone in order to make their business
grow. Local knowledge, attention to detail, and tenacity are also essential qualities
in order to be a successful agent. This past summer I had the opportunity to intern at
Keller Williams Realty in Waco, Texas. During the eleven weeks that I was there I
learned a lot about what this career field requires and what it takes to be successful
in real estate.
Keller Williams Realty is a company which provides the training and consulting that
lead towards productivity and profitability. This... Show more content on ...
During my time at Keller Williams, I was able to get a glimpse of what being a
real estate agent is really like. It is not just all about going out and showing houses,
there is a whole process that leads up to actually having clients to go show
properties to. One of my first assignments was to read The Millionaire Real Estate
Agent by Gary Keller, who is the co founder of Keller Williams Realty. One of the
main concepts in the book that is emphasized at this office is the concept of the
three l s of the millionaire real estate agent. The three l s are leads, listings, and
leverage. By concentrating on leads, listings, and leverage, you are focusing on the
key activities that will yield the best return for your business.
The first of the three l s stands for lead generation. To have a successful business,
you must have client leads. Perspective buyers and sellers are the most important
part of a sales career. Some agents tend to miss how important this part of the
business is and end up spending their time on other less financially awarding
activities. To be perfectly clear, no leads means no sales, which means no income.
The agents at Keller Williams dedicate a lot of time to lead generation and they do it
in a variety of ways.
One of the most popular ways to lead generate is going door knocking around
popular neighborhoods asking owners if they have considered moving and listing
their house. Doing this may get agents both selling and buying
Star Wars Mise En Scene
Analysis Of Star Wars This essay will be analysing the opening sequence of Star
Wars. It will be focusing on camera angles, binary opposition and codes and
conventions. This film is a typical example of sci fi, we can tell this by the use of
visual codes and convention. The film is set in space and Spaceships are in
conflict with each other, there are lazers being fired, robots are running around and
there is a clear divide between good and evil. At the beginning of the sequence there
are words scrolling back into the distance telling a story. This sets the scene and lets
the audience know what is happening. When the last of the words have faded the
camera tilts down to reveal the... Show more content on ...
R2D2 is coloured very differently, he is not a metallic colour but pure colours,
mainly white with parts of blue. The other characters we can connect to are the
rebels. This is because the audience can feel their sense of fear, as they have to
fight against the Storm Troopers. The rebels have no armour; the only things they
have to protect them are their weapons. When the rebels know the Storm Troopers
are going to forcefully enter the ship they line up along the walls that are facing
the entrances. There is a long shot of a man crouching in an alcove of a corridor.
He has his gun aimed at the door and is ready to fight, and in the foreground there
is the back of another Rebel s head. He also has his gun aimed at the door ready to
fire. When all the Rebels are in their places, there is a noise that sounds like a
clamp being attached to the ships hull. There is a far shot of all the rebels looking
up and listening, wondering what will happen next. As they all recompose
themselves the audience makes eye contacted with a man. His facial expressions
show he is slightly confused and scared. The camera now focuses on the door, a
sound comes from the other side of it and each rebel raises his gun ready to fire. As
the door is broken down a large cloud of smoke forms, Storm Troopers appear out of
the cloud, and start shooting almost instantly. The Rebel the audience made eye
Hp Cisco Essay
What are the challenges facing Jim Heal and Mike Thomas? Jim Heal of Hewlett
Packard, Inc (HP) and Mike Thomas of Cisco Systems, Inc (Cisco) were both
leaders of strategic alliance management teams that were formed in early 1997.
Both teams were created to help facilitate the strategic alliance that was formed
between HP and Cisco. As with all alliances, a wide variety of issues and
challenges emerged that had be to be resolved and it was the purpose of the alliance
teams to solve such issues. Beginning in February 2002, a formal contract to expand
the HP and Cisco alliance was being negotiated and it was during this time that
several important challenges emerged that would require the full attention of Mr.
Heal and Mr. Thomas. One... Show more content on ...
Therefore Mr. Heal and Mr. Thomas will need to develop a joint business plan
whereby both firms can leverage the alliance without impeding on creativity, future
development, or current product offerings. A third challenge facing Mr. Heal and
Mr. Thomas is the issue of a sales force that is properly setup to accommodate the
strategic alliance. On page six of the case, we learn that the HP Microsoft and IBM
Cisco alliances both utilized dedicated sales staff. We also learn that in Europe, HP
used a specialized, dedicated sales force for selling HP services bundled with Cisco
products. (Page 6) In fact, Elias Stephan, who was then HP services group s global
alliance director, noted that In Europe, the relationship with the field is much
better. (Page 6) If both HP and Cisco were used to utilizing dedicated sales staff
with strategic alliances, what incentive was there for both firms to break the trend
when dealing with an HP Cisco alliance? Page eight of the case begins to outline
some of the challenges that the HP Cisco alliance had already faced concerning the
sale of joint products. For example, we learn that at HP, Cisco products did not
count towards a sales representative s quota and this resulted in a decline in sales of
Cisco equipment by HP sales representatives. Further, if HP or Cisco sales staff had
to master not only their parent company product line,
Causes And Treatments Of Thyroid Cancer
My topic of choice is thyroid cancer. Recently my mother was diagnosed with this
cancer so doing research can help me better understand what it is, what causes its
occurrence, and what lifestyle changes it will bring. Having taken anatomy
physiology I know the importance of this gland. This is a gland that has functions to
many other organs including the heart, brain, liver, and more. Going into the DMS
program I can learn to identify spots on the thyroid and use the knowledge of this
cancer to in my career. Also since this disease can be passed down genetically it can
help me stay alert because I do fall in the age range of a potential target.
The thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland located in base of the front of your neck, just
below the Adams apple. It is responsible for manufacturing several hormones that are
essential to maintaining your body natural level of homeostasis. This is probably one
of the most vital glands that your body has to offer as it produces two main hormones
thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Thyroid cells once released into the blood
stream function to remove all the iodine that comes into the body. These cells are
the only cells that are capable of doing so. Thyroid cells merge the iodine collected
with the amino acid tyrosine to create T3 and T4. T3 is responsible for most of the
body s biological effects however T3 and T4 once its released into the blood stream
they are transported to every are of the body and
Metaphors In Catch 22
Major works: Yossarian was cold, too, and shivering uncontrollably. He felt goose
pimples clacking all over him as he gazed down despondently at the grim secret
Snowden had spilled all over the messy floor. It was easy to read the message in
his entrails. Man was matter, that was Snowden s secret. Drop him out a window
and he ll fall. Set fire to him and he ll burn. Bury him and he ll rot, like other kinds
of garbage. That was Snowden s secret. Ripeness was all. Explanation: One theme
found in Catch 22 is religion, this quote is when Snowden is dying and all of his
entrails spill out of his stomach onto the floor. Yossarian begins to realize that man is
just matter without life and spirit. Yossarian begins to see his own death in the mess...
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PowerPoint Yossarian was cold, too, and shivering uncontrollably. He felt goose
pimples clacking all over him as he gazed down despondently at the grim secret
Snowden had spilled all over the messy floor. It was easy to read the message in
his entrails. Man was matter, that was Snowden s secret. Drop him out a window
and he ll fall. Set fire to him and he ll burn. Bury him and he ll rot, like other kinds
of garbage. That was Snowden s secret. Ripeness was all. Significance: This quote
is significant to Catch 22 because this questions life and god. This quote is when
Snowden is dying and all of his entrails spill out of his stomach onto the floor.
Yossarian begins to realize that man is just matter without life and spirit. Yossarian
begins to see his own death in the mess of Snowdens entrails on the floor. This is
when Yossarian begins to question his life and if this is what he should be doing.
People knew a lot more about dying inside the hospital and made a much neater,
more orderly job of it. They couldn t dominate death, . . . but they certainly made her
behave. They had taught her some manners. They couldn t keep death out, but while
she was in she had to act like a
The Miller s Tale
It is easy to agree, at first glance that the Millers tale provides little insight into love.
With a joke within every line, Chaucer provides a read that could have no
intellectual depth for some. However to others the further in to the tale they read,
the more it have to say about issues such as love, sex and gender roles. Chaucer
provides a light hearted tale about a love triangle, using cause and effect style
stories, by the pilgrim narrators, to enhance the humour. The use of comedy
provides a bawdy feel due to the topic, with lines like This Nicholas anon leet fle a
fart, as greet as it had been a thunder dent. The humorous tone allows the tale to be
taken with a pinch of salt and require little thought into the deeper meanings for...
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She was ful moore blissful on the see. Chaucer s choice of two characters who are
very superficial in their appearances is interesting because they are the only two
who do not ever have a relationship. Although they appear they would have the
perfect personalities for one another, alisoun has no interest in Absolon, instead
she spends her time trying to be alone with Nicholas. Nicholas is a key character in
the love triangle between Alisoun, John and himself. It s clear that Alisoun and
her husband John don t have a great relationship, due to a large age gap and
personality gap. Chaucer finds it a key point within the tale to note that this gap
has left an unequal love between the pair as he describes it within the very being
of the tale as: Jaous he was, and heeld hire narwe in cage For she was wylde and
yong, and he was old. Although it can be said that John truly does love his wife
throughout the tale, stating This carpenter hadde wedded newe a wyf, Which that
he lovede moore than his lyf at the very beginning and also thinking of her when he
is tolf of the great flood that is due Allas, my wyf...allas myn Alisoun! For sorwe of
this he fel almost adoun Its clear from this that the love Chaucer describes is true
from a man to his wife however the same cannot be said for his wife to him. Alisoun
tries everything along with Nicholas to get her husband out of the way so she can be
Examples Of Greed In Pedro PГЎramo
Greed was the main force of corruption in Juan Rulfo s Pedro PГЎramo; it has
corrupted men throughout the novel. Damasio El Tilcuate , who was to guard the
town from revolutionaries, has been corrupted. Fulgor Sedano, the right hand of the
PГЎramos, had dedicated his life to carry out the dirty deeds of the rich: he has been
corrupted. Father RenterГa, the town s priest, was a hypocrite, he hated the
PГЎramos and the rich, though he accepted bribes from them, granted them
absolution and neglected the poor since they couldn t pay him: he has been corrupted.
The main character, Pedro PГЎramo was the most immoral man in the novel. He had
to lie, kill, and bribe to earn his reputation of Comala s cacique: he has been
corrupted. Greed corrupted everyone,... Show more content on ...
Greed blinded him and turned him into such a corrupt and unjust man that he turned
out to be like Pedro PГЎramo. Although he hated the rich and the fact that he was
under their thumb, he turned to the poor and controlled them just like Pedro did to
him. He was such a corrupt man that not even the neighboring town s priest would
pardon his sins. Contla s priest claimed Father RenterГa was responsible for the town
s spiritual death, he had pardoned too many guilty people and not the innocent,
poor souls of the commoners. In addition to his lying and interest based actions
caused by greed, he was also a hypocrite. He hated being under the control of the
rich, but he accepted their money (which showed his greed) and turned to control the
poor people s souls, only because he was more powerful than them. Instead of simply
pardoning them, he told them to put their hope in the prayers and in God, which
basically meant they were damned. This desire for money had not only led Father
RenterГa to pardon the guilty and condemn the poor and lie to cover up his unjust
actions, but to control the lives of the poor. This had corrupted the ideals of the
priest. His greed had caused the spiritual death of the whole town. The root of all the
corruption laid in the town s most powerful and wealthy man: the
Emily Dickinson As A Pre-Romanticist Poet In American
Emily Dickinson is considered a powerful and persistent pre modernist poet in
American culture. Emily Elizabeth Dickinson was born on December 10, 1830 in
Amherst, Massachusetts on the family homestead ( Emily Dickinson ). Her mother
and father were Emily and Edward Dickinson: she had a sister, Lavinia Dickinson,
and a brother, William Austin Dickinson. Dickinson began attending Amherst
Academy with her sister in 1840 and graduated in 1847. After graduating, she began
Mount Holyoke Female Seminary in South Hadley. While she attended Mount
Holyoke, she started a pattern that would continue through out her life (Brand 15).
She would attach herself to an older man and confide in him. Sending frequent
letters and poems was how she communicated with him; Dickinson referred to
whoever this man was at the time in her life as master or preceptor . Benjamin
Newton, one of her father s law students, visited the Dickinson home frequently. He
and Dickinson met through this habit of his and he became her first master .
Benjamin influenced Dickinson s writing greatly; he introduced her to Ralph Waldo
Emerson and encouraged her to write. After only a year at Mount Holyoke, she left
the school. The reasons for her departure have been never agreed upon. Dickinson
slowly submerged herself in a life of seclusion after her school years communicating
mostly through letters. She traveled with her father and sister to Washington, the
furthest from home she would ever
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Essay Water Crisis

  • 1. Essay Water Crisis Writing an essay on the topic of the water crisis can be quite challenging due to the multifaceted nature of the issue. The water crisis encompasses a wide range of aspects, including scarcity, pollution, access to clean water, and the socio-economic implications of water mismanagement. Crafting a comprehensive and coherent essay requires delving into scientific, environmental, economic, and humanitarian dimensions, which can be intellectually demanding. One of the difficulties lies in navigating through the plethora of information available on the subject. The water crisis is a global concern, and various regions face distinct challenges. It requires meticulous research to gather relevant data and statistics to support the arguments effectively. Moreover, understanding the interconnectedness of different factors influencing the water crisis demands a comprehensive grasp of both local and global perspectives. Expressing these complex ideas in a clear and concise manner poses another hurdle. Striking a balance between providing in-depth information and maintaining the essay's readability is essential. Developing a coherent structure that logically presents the causes, consequences, and potential solutions to the water crisis is a task that demands careful thought and organization. Furthermore, addressing the emotional and ethical dimensions of the water crisis adds a layer of complexity. Discussing the human impact, the disparity in water access, and the urgency of finding sustainable solutions requires a thoughtful and empathetic approach. It is challenging to convey the severity of the issue without overwhelming the reader or resorting to a simplistic narrative. In conclusion, writing an essay on the water crisis requires a deep understanding of the various facets of the problem, extensive research, and effective communication skills. It is not just an intellectual exercise but a call to action, demanding a careful balance between presenting facts and evoking empathy. Nevertheless, by tackling this challenging topic head-on, one contributes to raising awareness and promoting meaningful discussions surrounding this critical global issue. For assistance with similar essays and more, consider exploring the services available at Essay Water CrisisEssay Water Crisis
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  • 3. Asa Branca 1.)Asa Branca is a song that was written by Luiz Gonzaga and Humberto Teixeira in the 40 s in Brazil. Luiz Gonzaga was a famous musician and created the music genre of baiao. Baiao is a genre of music native to Northeastern Brazil, but has influences from many other cultures including the indigenous, mestizo, African and European musics. It is a rural music that was avoided by the upper class for a long time in Brazil. However, Luiz Gonzaga popularized the music around the 1940 s, when this song was written. Through usage of the radio, he was able to become a so called pop star in Brazil with this song. This song takes many characteristics of the baiao style such as a heavy use of the accordion and zambomba to create the rhythm and melody of the song. Listeners can hear some of the indigenous influences in the beginning of the song when Luiz is humming the melody. There is also a large emphasis on the downbeat of the music, done with the zambomba. This is another characteristic of baiao music. The title of the song means the white wing of the picazuro pigeon (a native of... Show more content on ... They both have origins in Cuba, and more specifically Havana. They both have major influences of African traditions and were created by people that have a rich heritage from West Africa and Slavery. They also share very similar instrumentations and very similar beats since Son Cubano borrowed its clave from traditional rumba clave. However, Son Cubano was a style of music and dance that was more for everybody whereas Cuban Rumba was specifically made for poor Afro Cuban workers. Son Cubano also had greater popularity in other parts of the world and was even incorrectly regarded as Rumba. Cuban Rumba proved to be the stronger style that has weathered time and is now a key genre of music from Cuba. Both styles are important to the history of Cuba and both give excellent insight into the history of Afro Cubans and their
  • 4. The Staffing Community Of Arkanite To begin with, I feel I should take part in the staffing community of Arkanite because I ensure a large portion of qualified time as well as extreme experiences and a sincere inclination in moderating over the chat and providing the necessary satisfaction to players in need of any particular assistance. I am a person who shares a natural obligation and heavy dedication to those in need of a correct moderation. I will be there to help them with confusion/questions for hours worth of time as well! My highest priority when it comes to staffing is that I focus on most is moderating over servers. I am not really a person who wants to dedicate themselves to formulating new structures or residing to head to head combat. I find it more intriguing to supply players with a jubilant sense of feeling from my overall performance. I would be sure to keep dissonance from progressing to ghastly circumstances. I would basically focus on the whole idea of my existence to staffing within this community, which is simply stated by pursuing a largely said portion of time spent on the server, encompassing the chat within a correctly moderated state, assuring the prosperity of attentiveness to answer all questions to my highest potential, keeping in touch with other fellow staffabout suggestions/ideas/answers, and securing the server from all egregious irrelevancy.I am also special and different in lots of ways. First off, my mentality is basically to work hard and play later. I do everything with
  • 5. Essay on Blinded It is the year 2513, fifty years after we have evolved into a dystopian land. There are no longer countries or states, only the capital and other land. The capital is based on what used to be known as the European continent. Years ago, in the times the superiors loathe, the worlds population was focused primarily on beauty. No one ever paid attention to what they should have, only on appearance. But fifty years ago, the superiors came into action. They completely overruled everyone, gaining much notoriety. New mandates were made to change things. The main rule, though, is the one that says each individual must be made legally blind at the age of eighteen years. From the very beginning, the elite class has sewn together the lesser... Show more content on ... She thought about how seldom it is for women to be allowed to do what they request, but are sent to be things like child bearers. She had always feared this job, ever since she was a child when her grandmother would tell her stories of how she was made to have at least ten children and at most twenty, yet she was not allowed to keep one. Every child born is sent home with a random family, to be treated as if the child was actually theirs. Though all of the news was deeply saddening, the date at the bottom scarred her the most. In only two days she would have to go into the prepping room before having her eyes sewn shut by a surgeon. As the next day went by, she enjoyed everything she could see, taking in memories of what everything looked like. What she once took as a normal thing felt like a blessing to her. She spent every last second with a family member or Shaggy. When the day came, she refused to let it happen. At three in the morning she packed a bag and ran to Shaggy s house. He was packed as well and they left. They ran far into the unfathomed land before finding food and shelter for the night. Veronica thought that this would be the rest of her life, but Shaggy had other plans. Veronica was awoken by the sound of heavy feet on dry leaves. She opened her eyes to see the back of Shaggy. After trying to stand several times she realized that
  • 6. My Profession Of Counseling Psychology As a child first it was I was going to be a police officer and no one could tell me otherwise, then it was I m going to be second grade teacher but by mid junior high going into high school there were no more changes my mind was set on being a psychologist. It was my eleventh grade that I knew which one specifically I wanted to be, a counseling psychologist and my grandma always telling me that people is my job suit. My value, strengths and interests all rely on building relationships and caring for others and their feelings. As a result, when I fulfill these needs I feel so greatly accomplished and beyond satisfied. Everyone should have values they stand for one hundred percent. My values are relationships, independence, and support. Achievement and recognition fall into my academic values meaning I like to use my best abilities and see results vastly, however, in my profession of counseling psychology you have to work towards something to make progress or see your patient put effort. With that being said, I wouldn t really need recognition I would feel I accomplished my job if we make progress and my patient don t come out as they came. Relationships and support are two big factors I will need to build a relationship with my patient on trust and if they feel my support in order for us to communicate properly. When looking into a practice I plan to look for good working conditions suiting my personal work style and working independently, and security. These values go, hand
  • 7. Tecumseh Leadership Tecumseh: Great Leader of the Great Plains Indians A. Introduction B. Early life 1. Birth and influences 2. American Events C. Plan For an Indian Confederation D. Forming the Confederation 1. Religious Support 2. Campaigning throughout the frontier 3. Treaty of Fort Wayne E. Battle of Tippecanoe F. Weakening of the Confederation G. Looking for British support H. War of 1812 1. Allying with the British 2. Asisiting the British war effort 3. Campaigning with the Upper Creeks 4. Retreating from the front and Tecumseh s death I. Conclusion Throughout the comparatively recent history of the United States, there have been many obstacles that the relatively young nation has had to overcome. Even before the nation had ... Show more content on ... And even though the Indians were much less advanced in technology and warfare, the American frontier men found a major obstacle in the Shawnee leader, Tecumseh. Tecumseh wielded more power than any other North American Indian before him, and no other Indian after him would ever come close to his political domination. His power was not a military power, directly threatening the United States, but rather the potential to unite a large confederation of Indian tribes to resist against the westward growing nation. Tecumseh was a major obstruction in the American westward movement because not only did he attempt to establish a vast Indian Confederation, which could have stopped the push westward to the Pacific, but also because he became allies with the British in the War of 1812, which was also a core barrier in the American obtaining of frontier lands. Tecumseh was born in 1768, and was the son of Puckeshinwau, a chief of the Kispapocoke or Kiskopoke clan and Methoataske, whom belonged to the Creek tribe. Tecumseh s early life was full of mixed feelings towards the Americans. Puckeshinwau was usually friendly with the Americans; Thus, Tecumseh learned to act peaceful towards the new white settlers. However, when Puckeshinwau died at the hands of Americans, his view of the European colonists changed dramatically. After his father s death, it is unclear who raised the young Shawnee, whether his brother, his mother, or Blackfish, another chief.
  • 8. Why Women Betray Other Women At Work Affirmative Action programs were set in place to stop any discrimination in the workplace, making companies hire a certain percentage of minorities to fulfill their quotas. While this may seem like a positive, it has circumstantially brought along tremendous repercussions. As seen in chapter 8 of Nan Mooney s book I Can t Believe She Did That. Why Women Betray Other Women at Work an African American female, Sasha holds a well ranked position in a white maleoperated company. The company ended up having to lay off 80% of their workers, and Sasha s coworker told her she had nothing to worry about, because she was black and the company would not fire one of their only black workers. The two workers relationship immediately changed, and in
  • 9. Women Today Compared With Women Of The 18th Century Essay Women vs. Women Women in the 18th century are similar yet different from the women of today. In the time era of the 1800 s appearance was very essential to women as it is in the present times. Fashion, skin care, and mouth hygiene was and is the three most important forms of appearance and hygiene. Firstly, Fashion in the 1800 s consisted of high necked, long sleeve dresses with a corset underneath. A Corset is a lace up shirt generally bought one or two inches smaller than the woman waist size to make the wearer look skinnier. Corsets often were so tight that the woman wearing one would pass out from lack of oxygen. In the 1800 s woman literally died to be thin. Today, woman act the same way; however, the women do not wear... Show more content on ... Women back then were told to cut a hole in the middle of a lemon, fill the hole with candy, burn it, squeeze the juice out, and proceed to rub the lemon juice on their faces. It was expected to clear and clean out the pores on the woman s face. Today, women have products made for them. From lotion to acne cream, the women of today indulge in beauty products to make their skin look healthier, shinier, and clearer. Thirdly, who cares for shiny skin, if bad breathe overpowers a person s looks? Women in the 18th century were persuaded by society, three times a day, six times a week to drink a mixture of spring water, lemon juice, ten drops of hydrochloric acid, and sugar. In the 20th century, society has breath mints and tooth paste to prevent unpleasant breath. Neither proves harmful to the body contrasted to hydrochloric acid, which has been confirmed to cause cancer. In closing, looking great today, in the 20th century, may not cost a woman anything but money, but women in the 18th century usually paid with their lives. Although, not all women died in that time frame, it was ridiculous and irresponsible for women to care so much about their appearance; however, they are not alone in their actions. The women of today also act irresponsible and ridiculous in their actions. Paying to look skinner with a life or with money is very childish. In many ways, women in the 18th century differ from the 20th century women, but though out history, human nature manages to bind
  • 10. Managed Care Case Study DISCUSS THE SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTIONS THE MANAGED CARE HAS MADE ON TODAY S HEALTH CARE INDUSTRY IN THE UNITED STATES Health care management is the profession that provides direction to organization that delivers personal health services and leadership. It refers to a system of managing the health needs of health care seekers taking into consideration, the cost of accessing health as well as the wide range of factors that can generate improvement in the scope of health care. Health care management is based on the fact that health care is imperative yet expensive. The cost of health care is one aspect of managed care as it plays a significant role in the health care delivery system. It is one major factor considered in the evaluation of health ... Show more content on ... Generally a fixed premium per enrollee which includes all health care services is provided for in a contract after a negotiated premium between the employers and MCO. As an employee, my company has such an arrangement with a managed Care Organization to finance my dependents health care and myself. This has helped to curb the incidents of staying away from work as a result of not having available funds to seek medical attention. It makes it easy and less stressful knowing that my health needs are being taken care of at a time where I may not have enough time when I face health
  • 11. Asberg Depression Case Study This assignment is based on a 32 year old Hispanic male that is suffering from severe depression in accordance to the Montgomery Asberg Depression Rating Scale. Depression is identified as a mood disorder that can have a detrimental impact on an individual s life if not abruptly treated. Symptoms of depression is noticeable by peers when the individual have loud outbursts, irritability, sleep disturbance, trouble concentrating, or reduced appetite. According to Pae et al. (2008), Significant unmet medical need remains in the treatment of depressive and anxiety disorders. Only about 25 35% of patients with major depressive disorder(MDD) and s quality of life. For this reason, clinicians must be aware of these side effects, and are advised... Show more content on ... An ethical concern is that older people are more susceptible to adverse reaction when prescribed antidepressants. Little is known about more serious adverse effects of antidepressants, particularly in older people, in whom adverse drug events may be more common in the treatment of depression compared with younger groups because of higher levels of comorbidity, age related physiological changes, and polypharmacy Coupland (2011). Provider must keep this ethical consideration in mind when prescribing antidepressants to other people. Another ethical concern is that Hispanics usually consult traditional healers. In this case, it is important to inform clients that all herbs and medications taken should be shared with the provider to prevent adverse reactions. There are pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics considerations in the elderly population. Reduced elimination and prolonged half life are most commonly observed pharmacokinetic changes in older patients whereas altered sensitivity to drugs and change in receptor affinity are major pharmacodynamic changes. These potential changes should be considered in designing dosage regimen to elderly population during clinical and pharmaceutical development as well as prescription Mukker et al. (2016). Elderly patients should be started on a lower dose when prescribing
  • 12. Blandin Adalid Case Study Datavast Inc Essay Case Study Datavast Inc. By Winston Hao Blandin Adalid Princ. of Marketing Dr. Moses. Executive Summary Winston Hao, the owner of Datavast Inc., is operating at a loss and needs to find out a way to be profitable this year. Datavast Inc. sells Data Security Boxes to big and small companies in China who are new to the concept of cloud storage. Winston Hao needs to dial in his target market, but the real issue is not enough sales. Hao is certain to segment to try to emphasis deep in order for him to build up his company. One of the issues that affect Datavast would be that either the market is behind in data storage or none at all. It s also in lack of protection to face bankruptcy. Hao wants to target either small companies ... Show more content on ... The other target Hao is looking into is Large companies. Large companies would not buy Hao s products constantly and allowed much higher unit contributions. The larger businesses would always stick to the same supplier and want the same solution. Another reason Datavast wasn t growing was because not many companies new about the many products Hao provided. Because of China businesses feared data leakage, bankruptcy and exposing their data, companies didn t trust anyone with storing their company information with providers. Data Analysis and Alternatives Analysis Winston Hao is the founder of the company Datavast Inc. Hao had several decisions to make for his business. Even though, Hao had already made numerous adjustments to his original product, he still didn t know to whom he was going to distribute his new product. His main targets were small to medium enterprise or larger companies. Five years ago Hao worked hard in building his company and designing the cloud storage product. The purpose was to offer their services not only to North America but also moving into China. Datavast partnered with China Telecom hoping it would give them credibility. Datavast needs to decide if it would be a good idea to sell to small to medium enterprise (SME s), but the companies knows that if they sell to SME s they will be facing several challenges. For example most of SME s
  • 13. The Resilience Of Southern Ndebele Culture In the seventeenth century, the Southern Ndebele culture was originated from the Nguni culture. During the seventeenth century, evolving of different culture continuously even till society today. For Ndebele s, after their king Msi s death, the Ndebele people has split to two branches, Northern and Southern Ndebele, thus the two factions has been led to the people to a different life of living. Northern disappear completely, however the Southern Ndebele has integrating with the trend of globalisation and synthesise its new cultural identity to give rise of Southern Ndebele today, although did not retain certain aspect of its former self. It has selectively evolved in parts of traditions with the times in order to maintain and preserve Ndebele culturefoundation, thus its resilience and integrating it as a unique culture in a modern South Africa. Being resilience of the Ndebele is dependent on change: subtle changes in... Show more content on ... While the Southern Ndebele still live in homesteads, the design of the buildings within these homestead have changed since the time they immigrated to South Africa. Originally, the Nguni (Ndebele ancestors) styled houses with circular wall huts with an archway opening. The first change was the introduction of clay walls around the hut by the Ndebele. However the rectangular nature of beds and tables did not suit the circular shape so the second change was derived from the Boer farm style housing and incorporated a rectangular floor plan for the home as opposed to a circular one. This appropriation led way to the third change which was the change from traditional roofing to that of corrugated iron roofing in order to make the roofing easier and more endurable when encounter different weather. This final change was appropriated from city dwellers. We can then see that the surrounding cultures and the modern time has influenced the Southern Ndebele. (From the
  • 14. The Assembly and Components of the Boeing 727 Essay Objectives: There are thousands of jobs performed on the Queen of the sky, the Boeing 747 also called as the jumbo jet, for its final assembly. 747 is an advanced long range airliner, it is a product of complex, demanding collaborative design process. 747 is an icon of the modern age. It is the longest airliner in the world. This system is comprised of components which are complex, independent and interacts to achieve a common goal. Introduction: The birth of the Jumbo jet in the late 1960 s heralded the modern intercontinental mass transportation. It represents the impressive results of an intensive engineering, design process and also the spirit of its era, a time when belief in progress, including access to air travel, was a phenomenal ... Show more content on ... A number of other governments also use 747 as a VIP transport. Military and security: YAL 1, C 33, Evergreen 747, 747 CMCA supertanker are military versions of 747. YAL 1, C 33, Evergreen 747, 747 CMCA supertanker are military versions of 747. Scientific: SOFIA (Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy) is used in the joint venture of NASA and DLR for scientific research. Commercial: There are a number of airliners dealing with Boeing 747 commercially for transporting passengers across the world like a)Pan Am,b) Qantas Freight,c) Air China, d) Air France,e) Lufthansa,f) Air Atlantic, g) Air India,h) All Nippon Airways,i) Kenya airways, j) Asiana Airlines,k) Korean Airlines,l) Cargolux, m) Fly Emirates,n) Singapore Airlines,o) EVA Air, p) Thai Airways,q) Etihad Airways,r) British Airways, s) Atlas Air,t) Kalitta Air,u) Southern Air. Context Diagram: Interface Matrix: Systems and Sub systems: Fuselage: AC Entertainment Seating Arrangement Audio Video Telephone Cargo Lights Dining Rest Room
  • 15. Propulsion: Propeller Thrust Air Lift Flight Control Main Panel Overhead Panel Pedestal AFT Isle Stand Flight Management Computer Sensors Safety: Emergency Exit Life Vest First Aid Seat Belt Oxygen Mask Electrical: Generators Wiring Loads Navigation: High Freq Radar Communication Weather Condition Altitude
  • 16. I Do Not Own Thundercats Created By Tobin Wolf Disclaimer: I do not own Thundercats created by Tobin Wolf Brotherly love When are you going to grow up and learn technology is a myth? asked Tygra. Technology is real. said Lion O. Then where s the proof? If technology is real then how come no one has brought it to our attention? asked Tygra. Because it s right in front of you if you would just listen to me. said Lion O. You mean all that junk you have in your room. You can find that anywhere. said Tygra. It s not junk. said Lion O. Right. said Tygra walking away. That night. He needs to learn to grow up and act his age. I bet he s still playing with that hunk of junk he calls technology. thought Tygra as he headed for his brother s room. Once... Show more content on ... The surprise attack caused Tygra drop his sword. Lion O took that opportunity to tackle him to the ground, pinning him. Like that? asked Lion O grins. Tygra shifted their position to break free. Before Lion O could move Tygra had his knees on Lion O s forearms. More like this. said Tygra crossing his arms. Lion O struggled, but couldn t break free. He tried not to think of the how the bulge in Tygra s pants was in his face. Okay you win now get off of me. said Lion O. Tygra moved to let Lion O up. You re getting better, but you still need to learn to think before you act. said Tygra walking off. What do you mean by that? asked Lion O going after him. You could have won, but you left too many openings for me to break free. said Tygra. They headed to the bath. Lion O turned to leave. I think I ll wait until you re done. said Lion O. Nonsense. There enough room for about ten more people. The two of us are not going to take up that much room. said Tygra. As they got in the bath Lion O tried to avoid looking at his equally naked brother. The smell of soothing herbs and warm water soon lulled Tygra to sleep. Lion O took notice of this as he started to move closer. Tygra? said Lion O. When Tygra didn t give a response Lion O kept moving forward until he was next to Tygra. He waved a hand in front of his brother s face. When Tygra didn t give a response
  • 17. Stereotypes Against African Americans And Ballet In my opinion, the stereotypes held against African Americans and ballet are ridiculous. African Americans has a vast history with dance, so they could easily master the art of ballet. On the other hand, I am not surprised these prejudices were made due to the multitude of stereotypes towards African Americans in general. Thankfully, there are multiple successful African Americanballet dancers to disprove these stereotypes. Even today, there are modern day ballerinas like Misty Copeland and Michaela DePrince disproving these stereotypes. One stereotype used against African Americans and ballet is that African Americans were too docile for the demands of ballet techniques. There is evidence to refute this claim. A piece of evidence is shown
  • 18. The Dangers Of Complacency In The Military The Dangers of Complacency Complacency is a common theme throughout life whether it be civilian or military. Merriam Webster defines complacency as a feeling of being satisfied with how things are and not wanting to try to make them better: a complacent feeling or condition (Merriam Webster s online dictionary, n.d.). This state or feeling can be as simple as wanting to maintain the status quo. While it is important in civilian careers to battle complacency, it is of the utmost important to remain vigilant against complacency for military members because so many lives are at stake. This is why it is important for military members, not just leaders, to identify the dangers of and the ever growing status of complacency while implementing strategies to prevent and correct complacency. Complacency Causes Facing the Army One of the most frequent causes of complacency is over confidence. This can be seen in individuals and units after becoming comfortable with the operational tempo. One way this is manifested is by skipping Pre Combat Checks (PCCs) and Pre Combat Inspections (PCIs) because everyone is experienced and gear no longer needs to be... Show more content on ... Standards are the first line defense and when followed will ensure that individuals and units are capable and prepared to function in the rigors of combat. Moreover, keeping Soldiers proactively engaged can reduce complacency. Too much down time commonly results in not wanting to do anything. By keeping Soldiers active and engaged with the unit, Soldiers remain motivated and goal oriented. Finally, it is imperative to continue training. This includes conducting refresher training to ensure skills are always fresh, but also conducting training that focuses on new or unexpected events. This type of training encourages individuals and units to constantly prepare for the unexpected and never settle for what seems adequate at the
  • 19. Jurassic Park Similarities On planet earth there are great numbers of different species that share similarities in appearance, structure, and behavior. Dinosaurs the creatures from a past time, are considered by many to be quite fascinating. They have often been compared to several species from the animal kingdom. There were correlations between dinosaurs and other predators, lizards, and most interestingly birds. The book, Jurassic Park, by the author Michael Crichton, speaks about a company that has discovered a way to extract and clone dinosaurDNA. In the book Crichton talks about the astonishing similarities between the birds and the dinosaurs. Although the book is fiction, the subject concerning the two specieswas based on real paleontologists research. They... Show more content on ... Some dinosaurs were considered to be very intelligent, and some were very fast. What make this important, is the fact that some birds have that same characteristic. Birds were used to explain the dinosaurs level of intelligence. Crichton s interpretation was, Think of them as birds... some new studies show that a gray parrot has as much symbolic intelligence as a chimpanzee... their intelligence is unquestioned (Crichton, Jurassic Park, Pg.423). A bird s intelligence is analyzed to try and comprehend the dinosaur s mental capacity. Many of the birdlike dinosaurs also shared their intelligence. This also goes to show the close connection the two species have. What made dinosaurs dangerous was there connection to birds. According to the author, these velociraptors look like reptiles, with the skin and general appearance of reptiles, but they move like birds, with the speed and predatory intelligence of birds (Crichton, Jurassic Park, Pg.132). Everything about dinosaurs from bone structure to intellect is what makes these creatures fast. It helps them hunt like birds. Birds are coordinated and the book shows that dinosaurs are as well. The animals despite their size were built for speed just as birds were. One could say that birds have evolved from dinosaurs to become less dangerous in the modern times. The idea of a relationship between and dinosaurs and birds is
  • 20. Aboriginal People Stereotypes the false stereotypical views towards Australian Indigenous people. It is evident that this topic is one to have a vast majority of individuals have strong opinions and valid concerns about, but please have a positive outlook throughout the following words. Be aware that personal opinions and views on this topic are logical and valid but reassess where you stand at the end of the following letter. Since the European colonisation of Australia in the year of 1788, Indigenous people have been tormented in a world that is seen as unnatural to their existence prior to these changes occurring. Although it is believed that Aboriginal people have lived throughout Australia for up to 60,000 years (Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet, 2017) it is still ... Show more content on ... The ultimate goal was to eradicate all Aboriginal people as a distinct cultural society (Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet, 2017). Blanket Babies were covered by nurses with a blanket creating no opportunity for the mother to see their newborn, before he/she was taken. The children were taken and placed into dormitories, non Indigenous foster homes and or were adopted by non Indigenous families. Once the child was the age of eighteen they were released into society. If a child was caught talking in Aboriginal language they would be punished. No education was offered instead the girls were taught to be servants and boys to be stockmen (Creative Spirits, 2018). In June of 2017, it was established that there was an estimated number of 786,689 Australians identifying as Aboriginal, a number that had increased by 17.4% from the year of 2011 (The Conversation, 2017). It has also been acknowledged that it will take until the year of 2021 for the population figures to recover. The occurrence of the Stolen Generations has resulted and contributed significantly to the many challenges faced by Australian Indigenous people and still to this day, the Stolen Generations are still continually searching for their parents/ family
  • 21. Food Security In Canada Food security is an issue in Canada that people from different ages may experience. Furthermore, food security is an international topic we all need to take a stand on, as it will affect the future of our people, our agriculture, our economy, and our overall lifestyle. Some people in Canada cannot achieve food securitydue to a chain reaction that is hard to stop when it begins. Agriculture plays a huge role in foodinsecurity because the outcome of floods, droughts, and other natural disasters is famine. This is when extreme food scarcity becomes a problem. Canadians will not have enough food for themselves and their families, and malnutrition becomes an issue. Moreover, these agricultural factors causes a loss in income especially for farmers,
  • 22. Compare And Contrast West Side Story And West Side Story West Side Story is the iconic American musical that is a 1957 Broadway production choreographed by Jerome Robbins. Arthur Laurents is the author of the original book with the setting taking place in the upper west side New York city in a blue collar neighborhood during the mid 1950s. (The Broadway) Because West Side Story is a movie musical, it will be a lot of narrative conveyed through the song. The movie West Side Story and Romeo and Juliet have many similarities and differences consider their plot, their character and their setting. The major plot of the musical is about a rivalry between two different ethnic group gangs, the Sharks and Jets. The Sharks are Puerto Rican and the Jets are white. Leonard Bernstein composed the dynamic and influential music. In the mix of the conflict between the two gangs, a former member of the Jets, Tony, falls in love with the leader of the Sharks sister, Maria. Shakespeare s Romeo and Juliet clearly influenced this movie, and there are parallel characteristics. For instance, Romeo and Tony, Juliet and Maria, Mercutio and Riff, Tybalt and Bernardo all have similar characteristics. As for the specific film, I decided to watch the 1961 version. 2. Film Response In the opening scene with the jets, the orchestral background music painted the picture of the jets being spontaneous and unpredictable. The music especially designed their personalities well with the random loud burst of accented notes from the brass. The mood definitely changes
  • 23. Clockwork Orange Analysis A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess takes up many themes throughout the novel. It is known for its candor with violence and its expressive nature regarding it. The novel is narrated by Alex, a fifteen year old boy, who tells the story of his ultra violent acts and journey through reformation by the state. Alex belongs to a violent subculture created by teenagers and lurks the night with his droogs (gang members) in effort to rape, steal, assault, and abuse drugs. In the novel, Burgess argues that the existence of good and evil cannot be modified through force and deprivation of free will, using imagery, metaphors, and satirical devices of communism, youth, and other elements to support his claim. The very first scene in the novel portrays Alex and his droogs in a milk bar getting ready for the night s violent activities. In this dystopian future, it is common for teenagers to drink milk and is seen as the drink of choice for them. This milk can be what is called milkplus and include amphetamine and hallucinogenic like drugs which the boys rely on to prepare them for ultraviolence. Taking a look at milk symbolically, it represents the mother and the infant. Milk is the drink given to a young and innocent child by a loving mother. In fact, teenagers are the only characters seen drinking milk in the novel. Adults tend to drink scotch, or alcohol in general. This separates the young from the old, or the violent from the nonviolent. On top of this, the milk represents Alex and
  • 24. The Notebook Alzheimer s Analysis The movie The Notebook is the love story of Noah and Ally, an elderly couple, who is living out the rest of their days in a retirement home. Though Noah s health doesn t necessarily require the need of this retirement home, he chooses to stay there anyway so he can be close to his love, Ally all of the time. Each day Noah reads to Ally out of his journal a story of two young lovers. However, this story is the story of Noah and Ally when they first met and fell in love. Noah reads out of this journal in hopes that it will trigger something in Ally s memory and she will remember him again. Even through Ally s Alzheimer s prevent her from remembering this, she enjoys hearing Noah read it to her and looks forward to hearing the next section every day. How accurate is this example of Ally s Alzheimer s though? Does this disease truly work the way that they show in this movie?... Show more content on ... Alzheimer s is the most common cause of dementia, and is a progressive disease that destroys the memory and other important mental functions. According to The most common early symptom of Alzheimer s is difficulty remembering newly learned information because Alzheimer s changes typically begin in the part of the brain that affects learning. As Alzheimer s advances through the brain it leads to increasingly severe symptoms, including disorientation, mood and behavior changes; deepening confusion about events, time and place; unfounded suspicions about family, friends and professional caregivers; more serious memory loss and behavior changes; and difficulty speaking, swallowing and walking. With that being said, Ally would have been less likely to remember all of the staff members that worked with her and the newly formed memories made with them, and more likely to remember things like Noah or how they met. This is one area of the disease that was inaccurately depicted in this
  • 25. Roman Kinship Societies Kinship societies are those in which family is the basic and most important guideline for the way people live. The authors of The Words of Our Ancestors: Kinship, Tradition, and Moral Codes differentiate between kinship and non kinship relationships as not only in the amount of cooperation one is likely to observe (Palmer and Steadman 1997), but in the duration of the relationship (Coe and Palmer, 4). As mentioned in the text, in kinshipsocieties, families maintain traditions, connections, and values throughout generations. At the time of Rome s establishment in 753 B.C. kinship societies dominated most of the world. Rome consisted of many outsiders from different ethnic groups and societies coming together, which is why it may seem strange... Show more content on ... Rome was a pivotal moment as it went through a cultural revolution. Plutarch s novel The Life of Cato the Elder displays many of these changes from early Roman life. To fully understand these cultural changes, it helps best to understand Cato s life. He was a wealthy farmer, but he lived a minimalist lifestyle. He would eat the same food and drink the same wine as his servants and even work on his farm. This lifestyle choice set him apart from others as he was a wealthy man with land and servants, doing manual labor. In early Rome, Romans favored those who came from noble or aristocratic families for public office and senate. The Romans used to call men who had no family distinction, but were coming into public notice through their own achievements, new men, and such they called Cato (Plutarch, 303). Cato changed this way of thinking. He first gained public recognition through his neighbor Valerius Flaccus. Flaccus persuaded him to go into public office. The beginning of Cato s public career showed another cultural change in Rome, imperialism in the Punic wars. Imperialism in Greece lead to the spread of Greek language and philosophy. Maybe one of the biggest changes of this time was the introduction of Greek philosophy. Cato took the more traditional stance and even spoke in Latin to Athenians even though he could speak Greek. He even mocked at those who were lost in admiration of anything that was Greek. 5 For instance, he poked fun at
  • 26. Portfolio Analysis chapter two PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION Organizations market a mix of products or services or both. These constitute the offering that is made through the strategic window. Central to the success or failure of a business is the health of its product (or service) mix. A starting point is the product life cycle concept. This is a useful conceptual framework within which to study how firms can vary their marketing strategies though of course as we shall see in later chapters they do have to take other factors into account. There seems to be little doubt, however, that at different stages in the product life cycle certain marketing strategies seem to be more appropriate than others. The life cycle concept also points to the different ... Show more content on ... One problem that has been found in trying to make use of the product life cycle concept as a management tool is that many products do not appear to perform in the market place as it suggests. They seem to bypass some stages while getting stuck at other stages. Moreover, they may even come into vogue again after a period of going out of fashion. These observations have brought about criticisms of the product life cycle as a useful planning tool. EXHIBIT 2.1 SWANSEA ENGINEERING DIFFICULTIES IN USING THE PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE CONCEPT Swansea Engineering makes wire for industrial uses. Applications range from wire for cables to carry high voltage electricity to wire for winding on small electric motors for incorporation in both industrial and domestic products. The firm has tried to use the life cycle concept to explain generic sales in the market and sales of its own products. Difficulties encountered include the defining of product markets and the separation from natural growth and decline in the market and the effects of recession. Indeed in recent years it has proved extremely difficult to assess exactly where many products and markets are in relationship to their anticipated life cycles. Ironing out the fluctuations caused by economic recessions and mini booms causes one of the major problems. In
  • 27. The Synthesis Of 13 Butadienes CHAPTER TWO RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 2.1 Synthesis of 1,3 butadienes Dienes can be synthesised from aldehydes and ketones using the Wittig reaction. The Wittig reaction facilitates the synthesis of new carbon carbon double bonds at specific locations in aldehydes and ketones (Bernard Ford, 1983). The overall reaction mechanism is shown in Figure 1. Protocols for synthesising 1,3 butadienes from aldehydes and ketones have been established in the literature. The synthesis protocol proposed by Greatrex et al. (2014) was used and reactions using several aldehydes (cinnamaldehyde, piperonaldehyde, and 2 chloro benzaldehyde) were successfully performed to synthesise the required butadienes 1, 2, and 3, Scheme 2. The general approach involved transforming the aldehydes at the site of the carbonyl group. Use of an appropriate triphenylphosphonium halide (methyl for cinnamaldehyde, and allyl for piperonal and 2 chloro benzaldehyde) afforded the correct 1,3 butadiene. Deprotonation of the triphenylphosphonium halide was achieved using potassium tert butoxide reacted under an atmosphere of nitrogen. An observable colour change was observed on addition of the triphenylphosphonium halide to the solvent, and subsequently on the addition of an aldehyde. Reactions were followed by thin liquid chromatography (TLC), and the butadienes were purified via chromatography (1 and 2 via column chromatography, and 3 via dry flash chromatography). Both the e and z isomers of the butadienes
  • 28. Dehumanization In 1984 By George Orwell George Orwell utilizes his novel 1984 to pass on that individuals, as a species, are greatly vulnerable to dehumanization and abuse in the public arena. Orwell shows how an administration s control of innovation, dialect, media, and history can persecute and debase its subjects. In 1984 the political control of innovation persecutes the general population of Oceania and prompts the defeat of independence and of the qualities that characterize mankind. Telescreens and the Internet are utilized not for diversion purposes but rather to screen individuals lives. For Orwell s situation, Pynchon refers to media advancements, for example, intelligent level screen TVs and the Internet as instruments of observation (Deery). The effect of ... Show more content on ... In 1984 government officials intentionally control ideas and thoughts. This incapacitates the human capacity to express sentiments and feelings, which is precisely what the totalitarian government wants. We might pound you down to the point from which there is no returning. Things will transpire from which you couldn t recoup, on the off chance that you carried on a thousand years. Never again will you be equipped for standard human feeling. Everything will be dead inside you. Never again will you be equipped for adoration, or companionship, or delight of living, or chuckling, or interest, or boldness, or trustworthiness. You will be empty. We might press you exhaust, and afterward we should fill you with ourselves (Orwell 148). By controlling dialect the Party replaces singular feeling with Party purposeful publicity. To communicate their dehumanizing purposeful publicity, the legislature in 1984 controls the media and introduction to it. Individuals can t shape their own particular conclusions and subsequently should depend on the media to do as such for them. The general population of Oceania can t think basically, for instance, about open figures. In any case, what was weird was that despite the fact that
  • 29. The Hr Issues Related On The Migration Failure Essay In order to understand the HR issues involved in HPs migration failure, I started by looking at the company s corporate culture from origins to date. I needed to determine what had changed as Hewlett Packard already had numerous successful implementations previously given their vast experience in the computer industry and there long established relationship with software provider SAP. The current study identified that the founders of HP, Bill Hewlett Dave Packard created an effective management style which contained a set of values that defined how they wanted the company and its workforce to perform. This was known as the HP way . The main emphasis was on innovation through creating new quality products that added value to their customers requirements and secondly to create a supportive corporate culture as HPs employees where seen as the company s biggest resource who together their capabilities accomplished something for the greater good of the organisation. HPs employees where seen as the company s biggest asset and in turn they were given the opportunity to share in the company s success through profit sharing plans, they were given tuition to upskill, and the company offered flexi time and job sharing programs to its employees. Having researched the concept of the HP way I have discovered that many companies have also adopted this approach into their own business practices the following points are my understanding of Hewlett Packard s core values
  • 30. Essay On Sylvia Plath Morning Song As is true of a number of 20th century poets, Sylvia Plath tends to create rhythms and structures all her own. She is typically emphatic in her poetry, and there is a sense of almost a deliberate disregard for traditional form. At the same time, Plath very much relies on a standard component of classic poetry: musicality. If she plays with or ignores meter, she nonetheless creates what may be called a chant in many of her verses, and it is a kind of musicality unique to her. Plath s stanzas are consistently declarative, and often each line has a meter contrasting the next. This in turn is emphasized by shades of anger or unrest in her meaning and imagery. These elements considered, it is then possible to construct an Ars Poetica of the poet that actually defies Ars Poetica. As the following examinations of Morning Song and Daddy reveal, Sylvia Plath employs poetic forms simultaneously musical and removed from reliance on traditional meter and structure, these forms reflect the unique quality of each poem, and the only Ars Poetica to be defined in her work is that of non conformity. Morning Song ... Show more content on ... In poem after poem, she departs from the expected perspectives of a woman, and this is certainly a part of her form. Content and structure, in plain terms, are not mutually exclusive properties in poetry; each informs the other, and Plath very much represents this powerful connection. It is then valid, if not necessary, to look into Plath s meaning as shaping her form and construction. For example, Morning Song simultaneously moves away from classical form and even more dramatically defies standard ideas of a woman s role and nature. Moreover, Plath chooses as her subject what may be the most consistently idealized aspect of a woman s being: motherhood. This is in itself ironic, in terms of Ars
  • 31. Modern Warfare Research Papers Modern Warfare 2 the best game ever published? There has been no valid arguments posed towards the king of all games, even if an argument arose it would immediately be proven in valid. Modern Warfare 2 was immersed in a large, diverse, and competitive community of people. The community surrounding Modern Warfare 2 was composed of wonderful people, yes trash talking is ubiquitous, but its all in good fun. Another outstanding aspect of Modern Warfare 2, perhaps the most important of a game in its genre. The gun play was absolutely outstanding. Some, if not most would say that the gunplay was flawless. All the weapons were balanced and had their specific strong suits, as well as their weaknesses. Hands down the best aspect of the gunplay was ... Show more content on ... Players required basically no skill to do decent, a players success was granted to them by ridiculously over powered guns, and also over powered perks that made a player almost unstoppable. The weapons grew to need zero skill they also grew more and more accurate and the weapons were also granted ridiculous rates of fire, so any player could do good. Then the most recent Call of Duties accelerated movement speed which some players enjoy a lot, but in the grand scheme of things it just declined the amount of skill required in order to do good. The one on one fast paced heart pounding action is no longer a part of the Call of Duty series. Instead Call of Duty evolved into a game that is based on pure chaos, no organization, and a very undiversified community. Over all Call of Duty has had an extremely successful career, but if they continue on the path they are on they are in store for a bitter end. If Activision needs an example of a game to follow they need to look back on previous successes they have had, and also they must utilize the K.I.S.S. method not everything has to be a complex, fancy, and flashy. Modern Warfare 2 Embodies all of the necessary qualities of a exemplary
  • 32. Summary Of The Girl On The Train By Paula Hawkins Paula Hawkins is a British author born on 26th August 1972 in Zimbabwe. Around the year 2009, Hawkins started her career by writing intimate sitcom dramas. She did not want to reveal her identity so she took to the pen name Amy Silver. She has written four books, one of them being Confessions of a Reluctant Recessionista. She was not very popular, so she decided to challenge herself by writing a novelwhich is more darker and more serious than her previous works. Her best known known till date is The Girl on the Train. It is a complicated mental thriller. It mainly deals with the subject of alcohol, drug abuse and domestic violence. This novel had been adapted into a movie under the same name which had Emily Blunt as the protagonist in the year 2016. Some notable works by Paula Hawkins are: Confessions of a Reluctant Recessionista, All I Want for Christmas, One Minute to Midnight, The Reunion, The Girl on the Train and Into the Water. The Girl on the Train is been narrated from the perspectives of three different women: Anna, Megan and Rachel. It is a one figure tale. In the opening scene of the novel we see that Rachel Watson the protagonist is a 32 year old woman. She is a drunkard and is unhappy because her husband Tom divorced her for another woman named Anna Watson. Rachel drinks habitually and has trouble in recalling her past due to which she eventually loses her job. During this state, she nags Tom, her ex husband in person or on the phone.
  • 33. Forrest Gump Quotes Eliyah Bazile Kourtney Hake English 101 4/24/2018 Run Forrest, Run! Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you re going to get This quote perfectly describes the theme/thesis of the film and was Forrest s motto. Life will take you so far from where you are from, so there is no point in worrying about it (Kartha). Forrest Gump is carried by faith, wit, finesse, ignorance, and love throughout the plot. Forrest Gump may have not understood his place in those events, but he did have an impact on the society around him. At the basis of the movie, it is a love story, between Forest and Jenny. While he spends nearly the whole movie mooning over Jenny, she spends the whole movie trying to escape that love until the end. To her, love is sick and twisted because all she s ever known is her father s abusive version of it. But eventually, Forrest s unchanging love (and a tragic encounter with AIDS) transformed Jenny. There is plenty of examples in the film, of how gump uses his wit or just goes with the flow and the results of it each time it occurs. Throughout the novel Forrest Gump the main character, Forrest, is made out to look like a slow, dim witted individual by his peers but perhaps he may not be as unintelligent as everyone thinks. ... Show more content on ... Forrest Gump begins his narrative with him in the doctor s office getting a new pair of shoes. A pair of leg braces designed to straighten his back. This sets the tone of his character for the movie because you realize that he is not a normal child. Since the beginning of organized culture in the United States, people with disabilities were considered meager, tragic, pitiful individuals unfit and unable to contribute to society, except to serve as ridiculed objects of entertainment in circuses and exhibitions. They were assumed to be abnormal and feeble minded, and numerous persons were forced to undergo
  • 34. Marilyn Monroe Conspiracy Theory Many theories have been circulating the internet about how Marilyn Monroe really died on the early morning of August 5th, 1962. Conspiracies and supposedly researched statistics can be found on almost every biography about her, but the question was never really answered how did she really die? Even after a thorough investigation by the police, which proved that Marilyn Monroes deathwas suicide, other theories report evidence of a murder by a CIA agent or one of the Kennedys. Despite conspiracy theorists constant attempt to convince the public otherwise, Marilyn Monroe s death was in fact a suicide. On the morning that Monroe died, the Los Angeles Police Department did a thorough investigation of her apartment, and ultimately decided that the evidence did in fact indicate suicide. According to a LAPD officer, caused by a self administered overdose of sedative drugs and that the mode of death is probable suicide ( Staff). Marilyn was found in her room, facedown on her bed, with an empty bottle of sleeping pills found on her bed, as well as a phone in her hand. No other evidence was found at the time, ruling as most likely a suicide.... Show more content on ... The death of her close friend Clark Gable was very hard on her, especially when his pregnant wife blamed his death on her, saying that the stress of filming with Monroe and the constant exposure to the heat ultimately lead to his heart attack. Upon the thought of thinking that she was the reason her idol since childhood died, she could no longer bear it, letting the depression take over. After this incident, and during the last few months of her life, Marilyn was under the constant care of a psychiatrist, spending most of her time inside avoiding most other
  • 35. Pros And Cons Of Indus Motor Company ce of Toyota which is in Japan. Indus Motor Company Limited (IMC) was incorporated in 1989 as a result of a joint venture agreement among some companies of House of Habib of Pakistan, Toyota Motor Corporation and Toyota Tsusho Corporation of Japan. The Company manufactures and markets Toyota brand vehicles in Pakistan. The main product offerings include several variants of the flagship Corolla in the passenger cars category, Hilux in the light commercial vehicles segment and the Fortuner Sports Utility Vehicle. The manufacturing facility and offices are located at a 105 acre site in Port Qasim, Karachi, while the product is delivered to end customers nationwide through a strong network of 43 independent 3S Dealerships spread across the... Show more content on ... Suppliers are integral elements of Toyota. They are geographically located within 56 miles radius. A security of guaranteed order is given which enables them to produce the best quality raw materials at cheapest cost achieving economies of scale. Toyota does not believe in choosing supplier as a lowest bidder. But it believes in gradual mutual improvement. It believes in vendor creation and development . As an initiative in this direction it trains its suppliers as per required. Packaging is also given a great importance with respect to transportation efficiency. Packaging is done in medium box size and small pallets. There is a dedicated transport service. Consistent daily route and periodic route revision is provided so as to cater to even smaller
  • 36. Academic Motivation And Career Development Academic motivation and skills: As they explore their career interests and options, youth increase their understanding of the value and relevance of formal education to pursuing their career goals. This increases their academic motivation and engagement which leads to increased academic skills. Leadership skills: Youthdevelop leadership by taking the lead in their personal career development process. Social skills and positive relationships: By working with their family, school or youth program staff, counselors, mentors, and other significant adults, youth practice communicating and other interpersonal skills while building a support network. Work readiness skills: Youth receive training and opportunities to practice a wide... Show more content on ... Learning how to find and analyze the information one needs to make his or her own decisions enhances a young person s agency and sense of autonomy. Career planning and management skills, overall, help young people become more self determined, enhancing their ability to make decisions, plan how to achieve goals, and carry out as well as revise their plan. This builds confidence, self esteem, and a sense of responsibility. Engaging Youth with Disabilities As your organization assists all youth to develop their career development skills, it is essential to take into consideration and address additional needs of youth with disabilities. Whether their disabilities are apparent or not, all youth programs serve some youth with disabilities. While the presence of physical and intellectual disabilities may be obvious to staff, other youth may have learning disabilities, mental health disabilities, or chronic health conditions that aren t readily visible but still warrant consideration. Youth with any type of disabilitymay require or benefit from accommodations or support to participate in youth programs. Youth development and leadership programs need to be physically and cognitively accessible for youth with disabilities. Ensuring that programs are cognitively accessible means ensuring that youth with learning and intellectual disabilities, as well as those with lower literacy skills, can understand what s being communicated verbally, nonverbally, and
  • 37. Advantage Of Polished Concrete Floor Concrete Floor Concrete floor is one of the most durable materials in the world. It can be made with waste products which help to reduce the consumption of valuable materials. It also can be made from fly ash, slag cement, and silica fume, all waste byproducts from steel mills, power plants and other manufacturing facilities. There are the several types of concrete floor styles that can be stamped, stained and polished. But the choice for the employee locker room will be a polished concrete floor. For my opinion, polished floor will be suitable because it is economical, durable, versatile, affordable, low maintenance and is a long lasting floor as show in figure 1 (Ref.1). Polished concrete floor is made from an aggregate (rocks, river stones and granite chips) which is mixed with a cement binder such as limestone, calcium, sulphate and water. Figure 1: Employee Locker Room Polished Concrete Floor Benefits of a polished concrete floor: Durability Its hold up well even in high traffic areas. A polished concrete floor will not stain, chip or discolor and it also eliminates the need for messy waxing or frequent resurfacing. Easy and low maintenance If any ... Show more content on ... All that will be required to keep it clean is just to be mop regularly. It is really convenient for maintenance as we do not need to clean the floor with a vacuum cleaner and mop it once again like carpet. Furthermore, there s an advantage worth noting, laminate floor is a scratch proof floor product. But unfortunately, it has an awful reputation because of the products on the market that have been fabricated by low price point. If you want to avoid the risk that you might buy the cheap rubbish flooring, laminate floor is definitely good and very hard wearing. It is hard to damage the surface of floor and people should expect it to come with a lasting shelf life of 20 years
  • 38. Personal Narrative Poem It opens to the protagonists bed room a alarm on his phone beeping annoyingly on the deck side of his bed. He reaches for it to turn it off. After he gets ready for school he goes to the door to open mom I m going to school pro yeild. he gets on his bike and starts to ride to school And when he hits a intersection While he was waiting his friend come up hay A. Hay Pro. So did you hear what happened a, with a faces that something is on his mind what Pro reprise. I will tell you when we get to school A said back. What happened pro insisted. I don t want to talk about it right now A said with a fice like something bad happened. The ride to school was long and slow. When they get to school people were crying so what is wrong ... Show more content on ... then it s interrupted with a going of line. s am going your house Pro said rushing out of his room. When he is run out hit the bag and the idome inside he grabs it . He gets on his bike and start riding he looks at his house from a corner. then a van pulls up and people break into his house. He rushes as fast as he can to s s house. Crap I hope I can get there in time, when he was on the street the van comes out of a corner. Pro trys to beat the car to the house but then it passes him. He see them stop at his friend s house then when they get inside he hears three gunshots BANG BANG BANG!!!! crap I m going to kill them Pro said When he gets there he pull the thing in the bag hoping it is loaded. A gun drops into his hand. He rushes into the house. A man with a gun comes out of a room there you are we looked for you pro lifted his gun then he yelled shut up you creep . BANG BANG the first hitting his shoulder then hitting his head. Then he hears a car starting. He goes outside and the van stars to leave with a glimpse of his friend behind the window he got on his bike and chased after it he almost lost the van but he got on a street with a lot of traffic he stops at the window and BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG click He angrily shouts until the clip runs out of bullets. Then he feels something poke his neck. He he get something of his heck it a small needle his vision goes blurry and he
  • 39. Examples Of The Salem Witch Trials And The Salem Witch Trials Public relations consultant Edward L. Bernays once stated, The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. In American history, there have been numerous examples in which an individual or group spread mass hysteria and employed groupthink to make people believe in a cause or carry out actions, regardless of the consequences. Both the Salem Witch Trials and the Stanford Prison Experiment are examples of mass hysteria and groupthink in American society. During early 1692, the Salem Witch Trials was triggered by a group of young girls in Salem, Massachusetts, who claimed to be possessed by the devil, and then began accusing several local women of witchcraft. In January 1692, when Elizabeth Parris, Abigail Williams, and Ann Putnam began to have fits of uncontrollable outbursts of screaming, a local doctor was called and diagnosed the girls with bewitchment. After this incident, more girls in the community began to portray similar symptoms to first three, claiming that the devil possessed them, and accused several other local women of witchcraft. Salem had a Puritan based population that held strong beliefs in divine power specifically in the Devil s ability to give humans the power to hurt others, in exchange for loyalty. These people, loyal to the devil, appeared to the town as witches. The Salem Witch Trials resulted in the villagers suspicions and grudges toward their neighbors,
  • 40. The Differences Between Chinese Family and American Family The differences between Chinese family and American family AbstractпјљFamily is the basic miniature of the social economic activity, and it is the basic unit that constitutes the society. The values of the society rely on people s family values in a large degree. However, due to the difference of geographical and historical background, religion and belief, different nations have their own family values.A clear and direct contrast between Chinese and American family values can bridge over their communication gap.The paper first introduced the Definitions of FamiliesпјЋIt thenпјЊfocuses on the difierent types of families in China and AmericaпјЋIn the following sectionпјЊthe paper proceeds to elaborate the extension of family to social ... Show more content on ... Any kind of life philosophy, if not pay attention to this fundamental relationship, can not be considered as an appropriate philosophy. American family members pay great attention to the concepts of individual equality, independence, individual right and family relationship, among which the most prominent concepts are independence and equality. Chinese families focus more on seniority relation,
  • 41. The Importance Of Music On Music Kelsey Studies have shown that music helps improve memory, increase focus, helps you become more creative, reduces stress, increases your IQ, and stimulates both left and right brain while studying. Music has been proven scientifically to have beneficial effects on mental development. The Dana Foundation studied the impact of listening to music while taking a test and the scores improved when students were listening to music. While music can help you focus it can also impact and regulate your mood and the best mood to take a test in is a relaxed mood. The four music types we are doing our project on are classical, rock, country, and pop. Studies have shown that Baroque music is the best for stimulating learning, research and work. Baroque music is a type of classical music and is known as the best music to listen to when learning and working as said before. The most important is the type of noise and music. We have found that music you enjoy listening to increases focus and music you don t enjoy listening to impedes focus. The first type of music that we researched is classical music. We found that people who listen to classical music have a high self esteem and can focus more when testing at any time. Classical music is known for helping you calm down and relax your nerves while it also helps you focus. We have two attention systems that are the complete opposite of each other. One is called the conscious side and it helps us direct our focus towards things such as tests,
  • 42. The Importance Of Being Earnest Lying Essay The play The Importance of Being Earnest , by Oscar Wilde, has the two main characters, Jack and Algernon, lie about their true identity. Besides creating comedic shenanigans for everyone involved, this lie communicates to us as the audience core concepts that can still be applied today. One concept is that lovecan be vain. A second conceptis that lying will catch up to you. Finally, the third concept is that everything works out in the end if you tell the truth. The first concept, love can be vain, is shown through the characters Gwendolen and Cecily. During his proposal to Gwendolen, Jack doesn t tell her that his true name is Jack, but continues to use his brother s name Ernest. After a brief conversation, Gwendolen admits to Jack that she couldn t love him if his name wasn t Ernest. Thus, Jack continues with the lie and makes no attempt to reveal the truth to Gwendolen. Algernon goes through something similar during his visit to Jack s country house. Algernon decides to pose as Ernest to meet with Cecily, they decide they like each other, but Cecily also says that she couldn t love Algernon if his name wasn t ... Show more content on ... Throughout the play, Jack and Algernon lie about their identities. This all comes to a head when Gwendolen and Cecily find out they have both been proposed to by the same Ernest , Jack s younger brother, but then realize that it is Jack and Algernon both assuming the name and identity of Ernest separately. The lesson being shown here comes in Cecily s and Gwendolen s actions after this revelation. They get up and leave. Given that this is a comedy, this is played for laughs. However, the underlying message is a very serious one. If you tell a lie and stick with it, eventually you will be found out, and you may lose something you care deeply about. This part of Act Two serves as a cautionary tale against lying, while still being light hearted enough to make us
  • 43. A List of Differences Between the Pride and Prejudice Book... There is a big difference between the book and the series or movie. We did a little research and came out with these differences. The story of the book takes place in 1813, the time when the book was first published. The time frame of the movie is the late 18th century. In the book Elizabeth, one of the Bennet sisters is a sweet, good mannered and intelligent girl with good humor. She and her sister, Jane, are very open and share every detail of their lives. In contrast to the film were Elizabeth is often rude and petulant. And where Jane and Elizabeth have a lot of secrets for each other. Originally Mrs. Bennet simply hears something from Mrs. Long about the arrival of Bingley. In the film Darcy and Bingley come to see Netherfield on horseback while they express their opinions about the region. Mrs. Bennet is in the movie very hard for her girls, she says in front of them that she wishes she had had sons. This is never mentioned in the book. Charlotte, a friend of Elizabeth, gives her friends information about the newcomers. In the book the entire neighborhood is aware of everything about Bingley but there was not written that everyone knew it from Charlotte. In the movie Darcy belittles Elizabeth during the ball, but she doesn t care. She says to her mother and father that if he would ask her to dance later, she would say no on the spur of the moment. The story that Jane Austin wrote, only tells that Mrs. Bennet explains Darcy s insult to Mr. Bennet but
  • 44. What Makes The Great Migration Spencer R. Crew wanted the readers to understand why the Great Migration happened. Also what the migrants faced in terms of discrimination in south and in the north. He states that Without the increase in job opportunities caused by World War 1, the Great migration might never have occurred . Better job opportunities was a big part of why so many migrated to the north along with the freedom that Jim Crow had denied them their whole lives. Though many found jobs in the north they were typically unskilled and least desirable jobs, like in the meat packing companies, on railroads, servants, and janitors. Those jobs paid more than they could get in the south but was offset by the higher cost of living in the north they had to pay higher prices
  • 45. A Brief Note On The Front Of The Eye What is Blood in the Front of the Eye in Cats? Blood in the anterior chamber, or front chamber, of the cat s eye is a condition known as hyphema. Hyphema isn t a disease in and of itself but is rather a symptom of a systemic or ophthalmic disease. The condition can range from mild to severe, with mild cases presenting with a light pink color in the fluid in front of the eye. Severe hyphema typically presents with the entire chamber filled with blood, blinding the cat. Identifying the disease that is causing hyphema is essential in order to save the cat s eyesight. Noting any other symptoms that the cat is displaying is helpful in diagnosing the correct disease. Symptoms of Blood in the Front of the Eye in Cats Symptoms of hyphema are dependent on the extent that bleeding has occurred and the location from where the bleeding began. Red or pink colored fluid in the eye between the area of the cornea and the pupil/iris Swelling of the cornea Corneal lesions Cuts or bruises around the eye area Eye discharge Pain or irritation in the eye, which may cause the cat to squint or close the affected eye Blindness or decreased vision in affected eye Causes of Blood in the Front of the Eye in Cats There are several diseases or conditions that can cause hyphema to occur. These conditions include: Injury or trauma to the eye or head Severe uveitis Severe retinal detachment or tearing Blood clotting disorders Hypertension Hyperthyroidism Chronic glaucoma Parasite infection
  • 46. The Fairness Doctrine Essay The United States Federal Communications Commission, also known as the FCC, introduced the Fairness Doctrine to make broadcasters report controversial issues of public importance in a manner that was equally balanced, honest, and fair. Broadcasting companies were required to provide a certain amount of airtime reporting accurate and fair information both for and against public issues. Broadcasters were not required to provide equal time for opposing views, but were required to present opposing viewpoints. Broadcasters were received broader boundaries as how to how they were to provide those opposing views. Because under the constitutional right of free speech, the government wanted to insure that broadcasting companies provided both... Show more content on ... They also were required to offer the affected party a reasonable amount of air time to voice their opinions and defend themselves against the situation. The government also attempted to control political bashing of any government representatives. Broadcasting stations were allowed endorse or oppose whomever they desired, but they had to notify the opposite political parties and provide them with the information that had been aired and allow them an equal opportunity to respond in their defense. With the continually changing methods of reporting information, such as the internet, regulators struggled with monitoring and controlling the information that people were providing. On August 12, 2008, FCC Commissioner Robert M. McDowell stated that the reinstitution of the Fairness Doctrine could be intertwined with the debate over network neutrality, a proposal to classify network operators as common carriers required to admit all Internet services applications and devices on equal terms, presenting a potential danger that net neutrality and Fairness Doctrine advocates could try to expand content controls on the Internet.(AuBuchon) The has always been mixed emotions with the public s opinions on this issue, but with rapid increase in technologies it would possible that any viewpoint could be aired through the many types of communication available to everyone, and go
  • 47. Corruption Of Youth In George Orwell s 1984 Corruption of the youth reflects the future. In George Orwell s 1984, he displays a political, social science, and utopian and dystopian fiction through a totalitarianism theme. Young children are not aware of their surroundings and fall easy into influence. They only have the perception of good and evil, such as, integrity and morals, of what the Youth group deems are those principles. Into adulthood, these properties carry over, restarting the cycle. The corruption taught young children to grow up with the same evil mindset because that is all they know. In Orwell s 1984, the children of INGSOC reflect the Party s war effort through their behavior, loyalty, and submission. This relates to real life events in Nazi Germany. The children prove their loyalty to the Party by watching over all the citizens regardless of who they are. In 1984, Winston is thinking about how the children are used, With those children, he thought, that wretched woman must lead a life of terror. Another year, two years, and they would be watching her night and day for symptoms of unorthodoxy. Nearly all children nowadays were horrible[.....]as the spies they were systematically turned into ungovernable little savages, and yet this produced in them no tendency whatever to rebel against the discipline of the Party (Orwell, 24). The Party seeks to maintain power by severing private loyalties, replacing them with loyalty to the Party. The children are the future of the Party as they begin at an early age, and the Party knows their beliefs and legacy will live on through the children on INGSOC. The success of the Party is assisted as they have the children for extra surveillance, or in other words an extra set of eyes. While Winston was in the Ministry of Love, he had a conversation with Parsons as to why he is in there, Who denounced you? said Winston. It was my daughter, said Parsons with a sort of doleful pride. She listened at the keyhole. Heard what I was saying, and nipped off the patrols the very next day[.....]In fact, I m proud of her. It shows I brought her up in the right spirit, anyway (Orwell, 233). This quote signifies the children s loyalty to the Party regardless of who the person they are denouncing is.
  • 48. The Real Estate Industry Is A Very Demanding Field The real estate industry is a very demanding field. You have to truly be passionate about real estate in order to be successful. A real estate agent needs to be willing to go the extra mile and step out of their comfort zone in order to make their business grow. Local knowledge, attention to detail, and tenacity are also essential qualities in order to be a successful agent. This past summer I had the opportunity to intern at Keller Williams Realty in Waco, Texas. During the eleven weeks that I was there I learned a lot about what this career field requires and what it takes to be successful in real estate. Keller Williams Realty is a company which provides the training and consulting that lead towards productivity and profitability. This... Show more content on ... During my time at Keller Williams, I was able to get a glimpse of what being a real estate agent is really like. It is not just all about going out and showing houses, there is a whole process that leads up to actually having clients to go show properties to. One of my first assignments was to read The Millionaire Real Estate Agent by Gary Keller, who is the co founder of Keller Williams Realty. One of the main concepts in the book that is emphasized at this office is the concept of the three l s of the millionaire real estate agent. The three l s are leads, listings, and leverage. By concentrating on leads, listings, and leverage, you are focusing on the key activities that will yield the best return for your business. The first of the three l s stands for lead generation. To have a successful business, you must have client leads. Perspective buyers and sellers are the most important part of a sales career. Some agents tend to miss how important this part of the business is and end up spending their time on other less financially awarding activities. To be perfectly clear, no leads means no sales, which means no income. The agents at Keller Williams dedicate a lot of time to lead generation and they do it in a variety of ways. One of the most popular ways to lead generate is going door knocking around popular neighborhoods asking owners if they have considered moving and listing their house. Doing this may get agents both selling and buying
  • 49. Star Wars Mise En Scene Analysis Of Star Wars This essay will be analysing the opening sequence of Star Wars. It will be focusing on camera angles, binary opposition and codes and conventions. This film is a typical example of sci fi, we can tell this by the use of visual codes and convention. The film is set in space and Spaceships are in conflict with each other, there are lazers being fired, robots are running around and there is a clear divide between good and evil. At the beginning of the sequence there are words scrolling back into the distance telling a story. This sets the scene and lets the audience know what is happening. When the last of the words have faded the camera tilts down to reveal the... Show more content on ... R2D2 is coloured very differently, he is not a metallic colour but pure colours, mainly white with parts of blue. The other characters we can connect to are the rebels. This is because the audience can feel their sense of fear, as they have to fight against the Storm Troopers. The rebels have no armour; the only things they have to protect them are their weapons. When the rebels know the Storm Troopers are going to forcefully enter the ship they line up along the walls that are facing the entrances. There is a long shot of a man crouching in an alcove of a corridor. He has his gun aimed at the door and is ready to fight, and in the foreground there is the back of another Rebel s head. He also has his gun aimed at the door ready to fire. When all the Rebels are in their places, there is a noise that sounds like a clamp being attached to the ships hull. There is a far shot of all the rebels looking up and listening, wondering what will happen next. As they all recompose themselves the audience makes eye contacted with a man. His facial expressions show he is slightly confused and scared. The camera now focuses on the door, a sound comes from the other side of it and each rebel raises his gun ready to fire. As the door is broken down a large cloud of smoke forms, Storm Troopers appear out of the cloud, and start shooting almost instantly. The Rebel the audience made eye
  • 50. Hp Cisco Essay What are the challenges facing Jim Heal and Mike Thomas? Jim Heal of Hewlett Packard, Inc (HP) and Mike Thomas of Cisco Systems, Inc (Cisco) were both leaders of strategic alliance management teams that were formed in early 1997. Both teams were created to help facilitate the strategic alliance that was formed between HP and Cisco. As with all alliances, a wide variety of issues and challenges emerged that had be to be resolved and it was the purpose of the alliance teams to solve such issues. Beginning in February 2002, a formal contract to expand the HP and Cisco alliance was being negotiated and it was during this time that several important challenges emerged that would require the full attention of Mr. Heal and Mr. Thomas. One... Show more content on ... Therefore Mr. Heal and Mr. Thomas will need to develop a joint business plan whereby both firms can leverage the alliance without impeding on creativity, future development, or current product offerings. A third challenge facing Mr. Heal and Mr. Thomas is the issue of a sales force that is properly setup to accommodate the strategic alliance. On page six of the case, we learn that the HP Microsoft and IBM Cisco alliances both utilized dedicated sales staff. We also learn that in Europe, HP used a specialized, dedicated sales force for selling HP services bundled with Cisco products. (Page 6) In fact, Elias Stephan, who was then HP services group s global alliance director, noted that In Europe, the relationship with the field is much better. (Page 6) If both HP and Cisco were used to utilizing dedicated sales staff with strategic alliances, what incentive was there for both firms to break the trend when dealing with an HP Cisco alliance? Page eight of the case begins to outline some of the challenges that the HP Cisco alliance had already faced concerning the sale of joint products. For example, we learn that at HP, Cisco products did not count towards a sales representative s quota and this resulted in a decline in sales of Cisco equipment by HP sales representatives. Further, if HP or Cisco sales staff had to master not only their parent company product line,
  • 51. Causes And Treatments Of Thyroid Cancer INTRODUCTION: My topic of choice is thyroid cancer. Recently my mother was diagnosed with this cancer so doing research can help me better understand what it is, what causes its occurrence, and what lifestyle changes it will bring. Having taken anatomy physiology I know the importance of this gland. This is a gland that has functions to many other organs including the heart, brain, liver, and more. Going into the DMS program I can learn to identify spots on the thyroid and use the knowledge of this cancer to in my career. Also since this disease can be passed down genetically it can help me stay alert because I do fall in the age range of a potential target. BACKGROUND: The thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland located in base of the front of your neck, just below the Adams apple. It is responsible for manufacturing several hormones that are essential to maintaining your body natural level of homeostasis. This is probably one of the most vital glands that your body has to offer as it produces two main hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Thyroid cells once released into the blood stream function to remove all the iodine that comes into the body. These cells are the only cells that are capable of doing so. Thyroid cells merge the iodine collected with the amino acid tyrosine to create T3 and T4. T3 is responsible for most of the body s biological effects however T3 and T4 once its released into the blood stream they are transported to every are of the body and
  • 52. Metaphors In Catch 22 Major works: Yossarian was cold, too, and shivering uncontrollably. He felt goose pimples clacking all over him as he gazed down despondently at the grim secret Snowden had spilled all over the messy floor. It was easy to read the message in his entrails. Man was matter, that was Snowden s secret. Drop him out a window and he ll fall. Set fire to him and he ll burn. Bury him and he ll rot, like other kinds of garbage. That was Snowden s secret. Ripeness was all. Explanation: One theme found in Catch 22 is religion, this quote is when Snowden is dying and all of his entrails spill out of his stomach onto the floor. Yossarian begins to realize that man is just matter without life and spirit. Yossarian begins to see his own death in the mess... Show more content on ... PowerPoint Yossarian was cold, too, and shivering uncontrollably. He felt goose pimples clacking all over him as he gazed down despondently at the grim secret Snowden had spilled all over the messy floor. It was easy to read the message in his entrails. Man was matter, that was Snowden s secret. Drop him out a window and he ll fall. Set fire to him and he ll burn. Bury him and he ll rot, like other kinds of garbage. That was Snowden s secret. Ripeness was all. Significance: This quote is significant to Catch 22 because this questions life and god. This quote is when Snowden is dying and all of his entrails spill out of his stomach onto the floor. Yossarian begins to realize that man is just matter without life and spirit. Yossarian begins to see his own death in the mess of Snowdens entrails on the floor. This is when Yossarian begins to question his life and if this is what he should be doing. People knew a lot more about dying inside the hospital and made a much neater, more orderly job of it. They couldn t dominate death, . . . but they certainly made her behave. They had taught her some manners. They couldn t keep death out, but while she was in she had to act like a
  • 53. The Miller s Tale It is easy to agree, at first glance that the Millers tale provides little insight into love. With a joke within every line, Chaucer provides a read that could have no intellectual depth for some. However to others the further in to the tale they read, the more it have to say about issues such as love, sex and gender roles. Chaucer provides a light hearted tale about a love triangle, using cause and effect style stories, by the pilgrim narrators, to enhance the humour. The use of comedy provides a bawdy feel due to the topic, with lines like This Nicholas anon leet fle a fart, as greet as it had been a thunder dent. The humorous tone allows the tale to be taken with a pinch of salt and require little thought into the deeper meanings for... Show more content on ... She was ful moore blissful on the see. Chaucer s choice of two characters who are very superficial in their appearances is interesting because they are the only two who do not ever have a relationship. Although they appear they would have the perfect personalities for one another, alisoun has no interest in Absolon, instead she spends her time trying to be alone with Nicholas. Nicholas is a key character in the love triangle between Alisoun, John and himself. It s clear that Alisoun and her husband John don t have a great relationship, due to a large age gap and personality gap. Chaucer finds it a key point within the tale to note that this gap has left an unequal love between the pair as he describes it within the very being of the tale as: Jaous he was, and heeld hire narwe in cage For she was wylde and yong, and he was old. Although it can be said that John truly does love his wife throughout the tale, stating This carpenter hadde wedded newe a wyf, Which that he lovede moore than his lyf at the very beginning and also thinking of her when he is tolf of the great flood that is due Allas, my wyf...allas myn Alisoun! For sorwe of this he fel almost adoun Its clear from this that the love Chaucer describes is true from a man to his wife however the same cannot be said for his wife to him. Alisoun tries everything along with Nicholas to get her husband out of the way so she can be with
  • 54. Examples Of Greed In Pedro PГЎramo Greed was the main force of corruption in Juan Rulfo s Pedro PГЎramo; it has corrupted men throughout the novel. Damasio El Tilcuate , who was to guard the town from revolutionaries, has been corrupted. Fulgor Sedano, the right hand of the PГЎramos, had dedicated his life to carry out the dirty deeds of the rich: he has been corrupted. Father RenterГa, the town s priest, was a hypocrite, he hated the PГЎramos and the rich, though he accepted bribes from them, granted them absolution and neglected the poor since they couldn t pay him: he has been corrupted. The main character, Pedro PГЎramo was the most immoral man in the novel. He had to lie, kill, and bribe to earn his reputation of Comala s cacique: he has been corrupted. Greed corrupted everyone,... Show more content on ... Greed blinded him and turned him into such a corrupt and unjust man that he turned out to be like Pedro PГЎramo. Although he hated the rich and the fact that he was under their thumb, he turned to the poor and controlled them just like Pedro did to him. He was such a corrupt man that not even the neighboring town s priest would pardon his sins. Contla s priest claimed Father RenterГa was responsible for the town s spiritual death, he had pardoned too many guilty people and not the innocent, poor souls of the commoners. In addition to his lying and interest based actions caused by greed, he was also a hypocrite. He hated being under the control of the rich, but he accepted their money (which showed his greed) and turned to control the poor people s souls, only because he was more powerful than them. Instead of simply pardoning them, he told them to put their hope in the prayers and in God, which basically meant they were damned. This desire for money had not only led Father RenterГa to pardon the guilty and condemn the poor and lie to cover up his unjust actions, but to control the lives of the poor. This had corrupted the ideals of the priest. His greed had caused the spiritual death of the whole town. The root of all the corruption laid in the town s most powerful and wealthy man: the
  • 55. Emily Dickinson As A Pre-Romanticist Poet In American Culture Emily Dickinson is considered a powerful and persistent pre modernist poet in American culture. Emily Elizabeth Dickinson was born on December 10, 1830 in Amherst, Massachusetts on the family homestead ( Emily Dickinson ). Her mother and father were Emily and Edward Dickinson: she had a sister, Lavinia Dickinson, and a brother, William Austin Dickinson. Dickinson began attending Amherst Academy with her sister in 1840 and graduated in 1847. After graduating, she began Mount Holyoke Female Seminary in South Hadley. While she attended Mount Holyoke, she started a pattern that would continue through out her life (Brand 15). She would attach herself to an older man and confide in him. Sending frequent letters and poems was how she communicated with him; Dickinson referred to whoever this man was at the time in her life as master or preceptor . Benjamin Newton, one of her father s law students, visited the Dickinson home frequently. He and Dickinson met through this habit of his and he became her first master . Benjamin influenced Dickinson s writing greatly; he introduced her to Ralph Waldo Emerson and encouraged her to write. After only a year at Mount Holyoke, she left the school. The reasons for her departure have been never agreed upon. Dickinson slowly submerged herself in a life of seclusion after her school years communicating mostly through letters. She traveled with her father and sister to Washington, the furthest from home she would ever