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Lesson Plan – Gardner’s Survey of Multiple of Intelligences


The students will be complete a “Multiple Intelligence” inventory and identify their greatest strength.


    •    Complete Multiple of Intelligences inventory

    •    Identify greatest strength

    •    Discuss strength with group

    •    Generate a list of preferred learning methods/activities


    •    Multiple Intelligences Background


    •    Multiple Intelligences Summary


    •    Multiple Intelligences Inventory


    •    Multiple Intelligences Signs

    •    Printer or Poster sized paper


    1. Distribute Multiple Intelligences inventories (or allow students to complete the quiz online) – 10

    2. While students are completing the ‘Multiple Intelligences inventories’, hang up the Multiple
       Intelligences signs around classroom.

    3. Instruct students to calculate results of inventory, provide assistance as needed – 2 minutes

    4. Show students where each intelligence is grouped and where the signs are posted. Instruct
       students to sit in area that is labeled with the intelligence that they received the highest score in
       – 3 minutes

    5. Give students five minutes to discuss the survey and what they think their greatest strengths
are. They should document their answers on a printer paper – 5 minutes

    6. Discuss each intelligence and review examples of learning methods and activities that relate to
       each method – 10 minutes

Resources: , ,

                          Place a check in all boxes that best describe you.
_____ I really enjoy books
_____ I hear words in my head before I write, read or speak them
_____ I remember more when I listen to the radio or an audiocassette than from television or films
_____ I enjoy word games such as crossword puzzles, Scrabble, anagrams, or Password
_____ I like puns, tongue twisters, nonsense rhymes, and double meanings
_____ English, Social Studies, and History are easier subjects for me than Science and Math
_____ When I’m in the car I like to read the billboards and signs, and notice them more than the
       scenery along the road.
_____ I often refer to things I have read or heard in conversations
_____ People often ask me the meaning of words
_____ I have written something recently that I was proud of, or that was published or recognized
                 ________ Total Linguistic boxes checked

_____ I can quickly and easily compute numbers in my head (example: double or triple a cooking
      recipe or carpentry measurement without having to write it on paper)
_____ I enjoy Math and Science in school
_____ I like solving brainteasers, logical games and other strategy games such as chess/checkers
_____ I like to set up "what if" experiments (example: "What if I fertilized my plants twice as often?"
_____ I look for structure, patterns, sequences, or logical order
_____ I wonder about how some things work and keep up-to-date on new scientific developments
      and discoveries
_____ I believe that there is a rational explanation for almost everything
_____ I can think in abstract, clear, imageless concepts
_____ I can find logical flows in things people say and do at school or home
_____ I feel more comfortable when things have been quantified, measured, categorized, or analyzed
      in some way.

            ________ Total Logical boxes checked
_____    When I close my eyes, I can see clear visual images
_____    I’m responsive to color
_____    I often use a camcorder or camera to record my surroundings
_____    I enjoy visual puzzles such as mazes, jigsaw puzzles, 3-D images
_____    I have vivid dreams at night
_____    I navigate well in unfamiliar places
_____    I often draw or doodle
_____    Geometry was easier than Algebra
_____    I can imagine what something would look like from a bird’s eye view
_____    I prefer reading books, newspapers, magazines, etc. that have many illustrations
               ________ Total Spatial boxes checked

_____ I take Part in at least one sport or physical activity regularly
_____ I find it difficult to sit still for long periods of time
_____ I like working with my hands (for example, sewing weaving, carving, carpentry, mechanics
_____ I frequently get insights or ideas when I am involved in physical activities, such as walking,
      swimming, or jogging
_____ I enjoy spending my free time outside
_____ I tend to use gestures and other body language when engaged in conversations
_____ I need to touch or hold objects to learn more about them
_____ I enjoy dare-devil activities such as parachuting, bungee jumping, and thrilling amusement rides
_____ I am well-coordinated
_____ To learn new skills, I need to practice them rather than simply read about them or watch them
      being performed

                  ________ Total Bodily-Kinesthetic boxes checked
_____    I have a nice singing voice
_____    I know when musical notes are off-key
_____    I often listen to musical selections on radio, records, tapes, CDs, etc.
_____    I play an instrument
_____    My life would be less dynamic without music
_____    I often have a tune running through my mind during the day
_____    I can keep time to a piece of music
_____    I know the melodies of many songs or musical pieces
_____    If I hear a musical piece once or twice, I can easily repeat it
_____    I often tap, whistle, hum or sing when engaged in a task
                  ________ Total Musical boxes checked
_____ People often come to me to seek advice or counsel
_____ I prefer team and group sports to individual sports
_____ When I have problems, I prefer to seek help form other people rather than work it out alone
_____ I have at least three close friends
_____ I enjoy social pastimes like board games and charades more than individual ones such as video
      games and solitaire
_____ I like the challenge of teaching other people what I know how to do
_____ I have been called a leader and consider myself one
_____ I am comfortable in a crowd of people
_____ I am involved in local school, neighborhood, church and community activities
_____ I would rather spend a Saturday night at a party than spend it at home alone

                  ________ Total Interpersonal boxes checked

_____ I regularly spend time reflecting, meditating or thinking about important life questions
_____ I have attended classes, seminars and workshops to gain insight about myself and experience
      personal growth
_____ My opinions and views distinguish me from others
_____ I have a hobby, pastime or special activity that I do alone
_____ I have specific goals in life that I think about regularly
_____ I have a realistic view of my own strengths and weaknesses backed up by accurate feedback
      from others
_____ I would rather spend a weekend in a cabin or hide-away than at a large resort with lots of
_____ I am independent-minded and strong willed
_____ I keep a journal or diary to record the events of my inner life
_____ I am self-employed or have seriously considered starting my own business

                  ________ Total Intrapersonal boxes checked

The array of competencies found in each intelligence. Place your totals for each on the line
Formal Speech
Journal/Diary Keeping
Creative Writing
Verbal Debate
Impromptu Speaking
Folk/Creative Dance
Role Playing
Physical Gestures
Drama¨ Martial Arts
Body Language
Physical Exercise
Mime¨ Inventing
Sports Games
Musical/Rhythmic_____                                 Sculpture
Rhythmic Patterns
Vocal Sounds/Tones
Music Composition/creation
Percussion Vibrations
Humming¨ Environmental Sounds
Instrumental Sounds
Tonal Patterns
                                                      Interpersonal _____
Music Performance
                                                      Giving Feedback
                                                      Understanding Others Feelings
                                                      Cooperative Learning Strategies
Abstract Symbols/Formulas                             Person-to-Person Communication
Outlining¨ Graphic Organizers                         Empathy Practices
Number Sequences                                      Division of Labor
Calculation                                           Collaborative Skills
Deciphering Codes                                     Receiving Feedback
Forcing Relationships                                 Sensing Others Motives
Syllogisms                                            Group Projects
Problem Solving
Pattern Games
                                                      Silent Reflection Methods
                                                      Metacognition Techniques
Guided Imagery                                        Thinking Strategies
Active Imagination                                    Emotional Processing
Color Schemes                                         "Know Thyself" Procedures
Patterns/Designs                                      Mindfulness Practices
Painting                                              Focusing/Concentration Skills
Drawing                                               Higher-Order Reasoning
Mind-Mapping                                          Complex Guided Imagery
Pretending                                            "Centering" Practices

Taken from:
Background of Multiple Intelligences

                  Multiple Intelligences: A Theory for Everyone
Article by Anne Guignon
Education World®
Copyright © 2010 Education World
Being intelligent does not always mean that someone tests well -- a problem with
which teachers and school administrators have struggled since the earliest days of organized
education. Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences helps educators think
differently about "IQ," and about what being "smart" means. The theory is changing the
way some teachers teach.
When Howard Gardner's book, Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences (Basic
Books, 1983) burst on the scene, it seemed to answer many questions for experienced teachers.
We all had students who didn't fit the mold; we knew the students were bright, but they didn't
excel on tests. Gardner's claim that there are several different kinds of intelligence gave us and
others involved with teaching and learning a way of beginning to understand those students. We
would look at what they could do well, instead of what they could not do.
Later Gardner books, such as The Unschooled Mind: How Children Think and How Schools
Should Teach (Basic Books, 1991) and Multiple Intelligences: The Theory in Practice (Basic
Books, 1993) helped us understand how multiple intelligences could help us teach and evaluate
our students in new and better ways.

Howard Gardner, Ph.D. is a professor at Harvard University and the author of many books and
articles. His theory of multiple intelligences has challenged long-held assumptions about
intelligence -- especially about a single measure of intelligence. Dr. Gardner also co-directs
Harvard's Project Zero.

Howard Gardner first identified and introduced to us seven different kinds of intelligence in
Frames of Mind.
   •   Linguistic intelligence: a sensitivity to the meaning and order of words.
   •   Logical-mathematical intelligence: ability in mathematics and other complex logical
   •   Musical intelligence: the ability to understand and create music. Musicians, composers
and dancers show a heightened musical intelligence.
   •   Spatial intelligence: the ability to "think in pictures," to perceive the visual world
       accurately, and recreate (or alter) it in the mind or on paper. Spatial intelligence is highly
       developed in artists, architects, designers and sculptors.
   •   Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence: the ability to use one's body in a skilled way, for self-
       expression or toward a goal. Mimes, dancers, basketball players, and actors are among
       those who display bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.
   •   Interpersonal intelligence: an ability to perceive and understand other individuals --
       their moods, desires, and motivations. Political and religious leaders, skilled parents and
       teachers, and therapists use this intelligence.
   •   Intrapersonal intelligence: an understanding of one's own emotions. Some novelists and
       or counselors use their own experience to guide others.
Then, Gardner identified an eighth intelligence, the naturalist intelligence.

Gardner discussed the "eighth intelligence" with Kathy Checkley, in an interview for Educational
Leadership, "The First Seven... and the Eighth." Gardner said, "The naturalist intelligence refers
to the ability to recognize and classify plants, minerals, and animals, including rocks and grass
and all variety of flora and fauna. The ability to recognize cultural artifacts like cars or sneakers
may also depend on the naturalist intelligence. (S)ome people from an early age are extremely
good at recognizing and classifying artifacts. For example, we all know kids who, at 3 or 4, are
better at recognizing dinosaurs than most adults."
Gardner identified Charles Darwin as a prime example of this type of intelligence.
The naturalist intelligence meshed with Gardner's definition of intelligence as "the human ability
to solve problems or to make something that is valued in one or more cultures." And the
naturalist intelligence met Gardner's specific criteria:
   •   "Is there a particular representation in the brain for the ability?
   •   "Are there populations that are especially good or especially impaired in an intelligence?
   •   "And, can an evolutionary history of the intelligence be seen in animals other than human

When asked how educators should implement the theory of multiple intelligences, Gardner says,
"(I)t's very important that a teacher take individual differences among kids very seriously The
bottom line is a deep interest in children and how their minds are different from one another, and
in helping them use their minds well."
An awareness of multiple-intelligence theory has stimulated teachers to find more ways of
helping all students in their classes. Some schools do this by adapting curriculum. In "Variations
on a Theme: How Teachers Interpret MI Theory," (Educational Leadership, September 1997),
Linda Campbell describes five approaches to curriculum change:
   •   Lesson design. Some schools focus on lesson design. This might involve team teaching
       ("teachers focusing on their own intelligence strengths"), using all or several of the
       intelligences in their lessons, or asking student opinions about the best way to teach and
       learn certain topics.
   •   Interdisciplinary units. Secondary schools often include interdisciplinary units.
   •   Student projects. Students can learn to "initiate and manage complex projects" when
       they are creating student projects.
   •   Assessments. Assessments are devised which allow students to show what they have
       learned. Sometimes this takes the form of allowing each student to devise the way he or
       she will be assessed, while meeting the teacher's criteria for quality.
   •   Apprenticeships. Apprenticeships can allow students to "gain mastery of a valued skill
       gradually, with effort and discipline over time." Gardner feels that apprenticeships
       "should take up about one-third of a student's schooling experience."
With an understanding of Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, teachers, school
administrators, and parents can better understand the learners in their midst. They can allow
students to safely explore and learn in many ways, and they can help students direct their own
learning. Adults can help students understand and appreciate their strengths, and identify real-
world activities that will stimulate more learning.
Background of Multiple Intelligences (part 2)

    Multiple Intelligences: It's Not How Smart You Are, It's How You're
Article by Walter McKenzie
Education World®
Copyright © 2010 Education World

Howard Gardner's multiple intelligence theory has asked educators to take a fresh look at our
assumptions about children and learning. Teachers around the world are rethinking lessons
and units -- and their entire approaches to teaching -- based on his research. Whether you're
just learning the ropes or looking for a more in-depth study of M.I. applications, there's
material on the Web for you! Included: A wealth of information on multiple intelligence
theory, from articles and interviews to lessons, projects, and activities!
Consider one 17-year-old boy who twice failed grade 10. This student's IQ score, at barely 100,
allowed him to squeak into the public school's regular program, but his school's testing practice
prevented the boy from rising past the bottom scores in his class. For a while, in spite of his
difficulties to pass most tests, the student desperately tried to succeed at school. Life on a farm
taught him the value of hard consistent work, and the boy's easy-going nature splashed color on
classroom activities. His infectious laughter made him a sought-after friend to both peers and
staff. The shop teacher told how he frequently hung around to help out after class, and how,
when volunteers were requested, he was first to respond.
Although the boy mastered few skills championed in traditional Western curricula, he clearly
possessed his own unique array of talents. While he showed higher than average inter-
communication ability, however, he withdrew and often grew noticeably quiet when tests were
handed back...
"One principal suggested that the boy came to school with the 'wrong abilities.' Other educators,
like his science and music teachers, suggested that the school issued this student the 'wrong tests.'
Unfortunately, however, the boy failed grade 10. Already stung by two previous failures and
rather than repeat again, eventually he simply dropped out of the high-school system."
How many teachers recognize a student like the one so eloquently described above in this
excerpt from A Portrait Of A Student Failed (New Horizons for Learning Electronic Journal,
Spring 1992)? In that story, author Patricia Weber goes on to make a case for the work of
Howard Gardner, father of the theory of multiple intelligences. Writes Weber, "Educator and
researcher Howard Gardner argues that the educational system's narrow view of intelligence
must be replaced with an attempt to mobilize the student's full range of human intelligences."
The majority of teachers were fortunate to have successful experiences as students; they were
able to master the requirements of a language arts-mathematics based curriculum and the
narrowly designed methods used to measure progress. But what about those students, such as the
boy described by Weber, who weren't able to demonstrate their abilities in traditionally rote
ways? How have we penalized those students over the years?
Howard Gardner's multiple intelligence theory (hereafter referred to as M.I.) transcends the
boundaries of how we have traditionally looked at learning. And it couldn't have happened at a
more important moment in our history. The citizens of the 21st century will not thrive by simply
mastering literacy and computation; they will need to be real-world problem solvers who
understand how to access and manipulate all kinds of information in incredibly flexible ways in
order to be productive. M.I. provides us with the tools to meet this challenge today.

"Intelligence is the ability to find and solve problems and create products of value in one's own
"How can our knowledge, given the intelligences, help us learn to think like a historian, like a
scientist, and so on? If we don't change the way people think about those things, then school is a
waste of time after elementary school."
-- Dr. Howard Gardner, Harvard University
M.I. theory is so holistic that the best place to start is with the big picture -- What is this theory
and what are its implications for the classroom? The Theory Of Multiple Intelligences gives a
nice overview of the underpinnings of Gardner's theory. You might also take a look at It's Not
How Smart You Are -- It's How You Are Smart (click Overview ), which explores all the
intelligences in layman's terms.

So you might be able to buy into the theory, but you need to see how M.I. translates into
classroom teaching. Thomas Armstrong's Multiple Intelligences presents the theory and its
implications for teachers, while The Gardner School page demonstrates the possibilities of
implementing M.I. in the curriculum.

Still looking for something to truly get you off and running with Gardner's view of intelligence?
I highly recommend Mrs. Young's Page on Multiple Intelligences. This is one of the best M.I.
pages out there for teachers who are ready to begin working M.I. theory into their instruction.
Millions of teachers are adopting Howard Gardner's view of children and learning -- and many of
those teachers are finding helpful M.I. resources on the Internet. Using a multiple intelligence
approach to teaching can energize a classroom and help every child achieve success, M.I.
proponents say. No matter the grade level or subject, Gardner's theory can have a profound
impact on teachers and students.
Verbal -


Verbal-Linguistic   Use written and spoken language to express complex
                        •   The capacity to use language, your native language,
                            and perhaps other languages, to express what's on
                            your mind and to understand other people
                        •   Poets really specialize in linguistic intelligence, but any
                            kind of writer, orator, speaker, lawyer, or a person for
   (Word Smart)             whom language is an important stock in trade,
                            highlights linguistic intelligence
                        •   Well-developed verbal skills and sensitivity to the
People Examples:
                            sounds, meanings and rhythms of words
                        •   Occurs through written and spoken words, such as in
Agatha Christie
                            essays, speeches, books, informal conversation,
Margery Williams
                            debates, and jokes
Maya Angelou
Hemingway            This intelligence involves the knowing that comes through the
Longfellow           language, through reading, writing, and speaking. It involves
Louisa May Alcott    understanding the order and meaning of words in both speech and
Robert Frost         writing and how to properly use the language. It involves
Mark Twain           understanding the socio-cultural nuances of a language, including
Mary Higgins Clark   idioms, plays on words, and linguistically based humor.
Steinbeck            If this is a strong intelligence for you, you have highly developed
J. K. Rowlings       skills for reading, speaking, and writing, and you tend to think in
Elizabeth Barrett    words. You probably like various kinds of literature, playing word
    Browning         games, making up poetry and stories, getting into involved
                     discussions with other people, debating, working crossword puzzles,
                     formal speaking, creative writing, and the remembering of and art of
                     telling jokes. You are likely precise in expressing yourself and
                     irritated when others are not. You love learning new words, you do
                     well with written assignments, and your comprehension of anything
                     you read is high.

                     Poets, public speakers, journalists, writers (authors,
                     advertising, script and speech writers), speech pathologists,
                     lawyers, secretaries, editors, proofreaders, comedians,
                     debaters, archivists, translators, TV and radio newscasters,
                     commentators, announcers
                     BENEFITS to you when you strengthen your WordSmarts include:
                        •   Enhanced capacities for communicating your ideas, thoughts,
                            and feelings
                        •   A greater appreciation of humor based on words, such as
                            puns, jokes, limericks, and so on
                        •   Improved abilities and confidence for expressing yourself
                            through any kind of writing
•   New abilities for persuading others to take a certain course of
   •   Strengthened skills at leading meetings
Teaching Resources
   •   Diary entries
   •   Government documents
   •   Personal narratives
   •   Historical documents
   •   Letters
Basic MI Activities - Teaching Activities
   •   Compose essays
   •   Poetry, etc. for publishing on web page
   •   Critique written resources through an annotated bibliography
Instructional Strategies - Teaching Activities
   •   Discussion
   •   Narration
   •   Advanced organizers
   •   Writing activities
Linguistic-verbal intelligence is that ability to use words effectively
either orally or in writing, that is, the ability to exhibit language
development in its fullest form, in short, the overall structure of
language. This way of knowing and comprehending the real world is
the ability to use language to achieve a goal and enhance
understanding. A core component of this traditional IQ-type
intelligence is sensitivity to the meanings, rhythms, and sounds of
words ... in short, sensitivity to the different functions of language.

   •   Young children with this dominance often demand story after
       story around bedtime. When they enter school, they have
       highly developed verbal skills, enjoy developing rhymes, and
       often pun. In short, they tend to think in words. They like
       oral and silent reading exercises, playing word games,
       enjoying a variety of reading and writing materials at learning
       centers, making up poetry and stories, getting into involved
       discussions, debates, formal speaking, creative writing, and
       telling complicated jokes.

   •   Older children possess strong vocabularies, and, at times,
       can get so lost in a thick book that they almost forget about
       their dinner. At this age, they may subscribe to their favorite
magazines, or use a word processing application to keep a
    personal diary or secret journal.

•   Adults tend to be precise in expressing themselves; they love
    verbalizing and writing well. Also, their understanding of
    what they have read tends to be well above the norm.
Mathematical-    Discern logical or numerical patterns; deductive reasoning
    Logical           •   Ability to think conceptually and abstractly, and capacity
                          to discern logical or numerical patterns
                      •   People with highly developed logical/mathematical
                          intelligences understand the underlying principles of
                          some kind of a causal system, the way a scientist or a
                          logician does
(Math Smart)          •   Can manipulate numbers, quantities, and operations,
                          the way a mathematician does
                      •   Uses numbers, logic, scientific reasoning, and
People Examples:          calculating to help solve problems and meet challenges
Archimedies        This intelligence uses numbers, math, and logic to find and
                   understand the various patterns that occur in our lives:
Sir Isaac Newton
                   thought patterns, number patterns, visual patterns, and color
Galileo            patterns. It begins with concrete patterns in the real world but
Copernicus         gets increasingly abstract as we try to understand
Einstein           relationships among patterns.
Pythagoras         If you happen to be a logical-mathematically inclined person,
Euclid             you think more conceptually and abstractly and are often able
Kepler             to see patterns and relationships that others miss. You
                   probably like to conduct experiments, solve puzzles and other
                   problems, ask cosmic questions, and analyze circumstances
                   and people's behavior. You most likely enjoy working with
                   numbers and mathematical formulas and operations, and you
                   love the challenge of a complex problem to solve. You are
                   probably systematic and organized, and you likely always
                   have a logical rationale or argument for what you are doing or
                   thinking at any given time.
                   Computer technicians and programmers, underwriters,
                   accountants, statisticians, poll takers, stock brokers, auditors,
                   actuaries, purchasing agents, bankers, accountants,
                   professional debaters, math teachers, attorneys, scientific
                   researchers, arbitrators, underwriters, medical professionals,
                   data analysts, logicians
                   BENEFITS of developing LogicSmarts include:
                      •   Becoming a better problem-solver
                      •   Increasing organization and clarity of your thoughts
                          and ideas
                      •   Learning to apply different thinking methods to different
                      •   Gaining enhanced skills for seeing how to apply or use
                          information you read or learn in your life
                      •   Becoming better at reasoning and figuring out solutions
to challenges which come into your life

Teaching Resources
   •   Charts
   •   Diagrams
   •   Government reports
   •   Statistical demographic and population data
Basic MI Activities - Teaching Activities
   •   Analyze statistical historical data
   •   Create graphic representations of historical data
   •   Create hyper-linked timeline
Instructional Strategies - Teaching Activities
   •   Problem solving
   •   Investigation
   •   Experimentation
   •   Questioning
Logical mathematical intelligence is all about using numbers
effectively, improving inductive and deductive reasoning skills, and
being able to appreciate, recognize, and use abstract patterns in
problem solving situations. Many mainstream psychologists
continue to consider this intelligence, in conjunction with Gardner's
linguistic-verbal intelligence, as the only form of smarts. This (Jean)
Piagetian-type ability that intellectual quotient (IQ) tests purport to
measure, deals with inductive and deductive thinking, numbers, and
   •   Young children are always asking how things work; they
       learn to count easily. They enjoy working with manipulative,
       puzzles, categorizing activities, and working on timelines.
       Over the years, I have had many such learners in my
       classes. They think conceptually and abstractly, and are
       often able to see patterns and relationships that ordinary
       students miss. They like to experiment, solve puzzles and
       other problems, ask cosmic questions; in short, they tend to
       be the classroom thinkers. They generally enjoy working
       with numbers, mathematical formulae and operations,
       continuously appreciating the challenge of a complex
       problem to solve. They tend to be systematic and analytical,
       and they always have a logical rationale or argument for
       what they are doing or thinking.

   •   Older children often become quite skilled at many areas of
       mathematics, calculus, and science, perhaps even creating a
       hypothesis for the development of a new invention. Students
at this age also enjoy puzzles and recognize patterns in the
       world around them.
Adults are best able to use and appreciate abstract relationships.
Produce and appreciate forms of musical expressiveness
Musical Rhythmic
                      •   Ability to produce and appreciate rhythm, pitch and timber

                      •   The capacity to think in music, to be able to hear patterns,
                          recognize them, and perhaps manipulate them

                      •   People don't just remember music easily - they can't get it
                          out of their minds, it's so omnipresent
(Music /Sound         •   Learns through sounds, rhythms, tones, beats, music
Smart)                    produced by other people or present in the environment
                   This is the knowing that happens through sound and vibration. This
                   intelligence is not limited to music and rhythm. Some refer to this
                   intelligence as auditory-vibrational, for it deals with the whole realm
People Examples:   of sound, tones, beats, and vibrational patterns as well as music.
                   If you are strong in this intelligence area, you likely have a love of
Mozart             music and rhythmic patterns. You are probably very sensitive to
Bach               sounds in the environment; the chirp of a cricket, rain on he roof,
Beethoven          varying traffic patterns. You may study and work better with music
                   in the background. You can often reproduce a melody or rhythmic
                   pattern after hearing it only once. Various sounds, tones, and
Gershwin           rhythms may have a visible effect on you-- others can often see a
Haydn              change in facial expression, body movement, or emotional
Tchaikovsky        response. You probably like to create music and enjoy listening to a
                   wide variety of music. You may be skilled at mimicking sounds,
                   language accents, and others' speech patterns, and you can
Scott Joplin       probably readily recognize different musical instruments in a
John Lennon        composition.
Stevie Wonder      Careers:
                   Music therapist, advertising professionals, motion picture soundtrack
Burt Bacharach
                   creators, music teachers, piano tuners, music studio directors and
Carole King        recorders, song writers, music performers, conductors, sound
John Williams      engineers, music copyists
Carlos Santana     BENEFITS to you of developing and enhancing your Sound Smarts
                   intelligence include:
                      •   Knowledge of how to lower stress through music and rhythm

                      •   Enhanced abilities to promote greater creativity in yourself
                          and others

                      •   Discovering your hidden capacities for learning and for
                          remembering information, people’s names, a shopping list,
                          and so on

                      •   Discovering how to use music, rhythm, and sound to shift
                          moods to more optimal states of being

                      •   Knowledge of how to use music and sound to deepen
                          personal relationships with others
                   Teaching Resources
                      •   Lyrics or audio files of patriotic protest

                      •   Period and other historical music
                   Basic MI Activities - Teaching Activities
•   Analysis of song lyrics

   •   Composition of song lyrics

   •   Design and publish PowerPoint presentations which
       incorporate music and visual elements
Instructional Strategies - Teaching Activities
   •   Simulations

   •   Song analysis

   •   Creative song writing

   •   Performances
Musical intelligence is that special ability to recognize tonal patterns,
rhythm and beat. In other words, it is the ability to understand and
express well numerous musical forms. Such learners are most
sensitive to environmental sounds, the human voice and musical
instruments. In short, they possess a strong ear for music. Unlike
the average person, rhythms, musical patterns, tones, and various
sounds often have a more visible effect on them, in that you can
easily detect a change in their facial expressions, emotional
responses, and/or specific body movements. As a music teacher
once said to me, they have music constantly 'swimming' in their
heads. They are sensitive to rhythm, pitch and melody, including
sounds in the environment such as rain on a roof, various traffic
patterns, even the chirp of a cricket.
   •   Young children can often be heard banging on pots and/or
       singing nonsense songs to themselves in the bathtub.
       Children with a dominant musical intelligence may enjoy a
       hum and easily turn sounds into rhythms; they retain
       melodies and lyrics well.

   •   Older children acquire good memories for lyrics, perhaps
       even emitting the odd wince here and there when their
       parents sing "Happy Birthday" off key. Such children often
       play an instrument quite well. They are often quite skilled at
       mimicking language accents, sounds, the speech patterns of
       others, and recognizing different musical instruments in a
Adults enjoy creating, singing and listening to a wide variety of
music, in short, they love music and its various rhythmical patterns.
They can often reproduce a melody or rhythmic pattern after hearing
it only once.
Visual-Spatial    Perceive the visual world accurately; Create mental images;
                    Capacity to think in images and pictures, to visualize
                    accurately and abstractly

                       •   The ability to represent the spatial world internally in
                           your mind – the way a sailor or airplane pilot navigates
                           the large spatial world, or the way a chess player or
(Image Smart)              sculptor represents a more circumscribed spatial world

People Examples:       •   Can be used in the arts or in the sciences. If you are
                           spatially intelligent and oriented toward the arts, you are
Michelangelo               more likely to become a painter or sculptor or architect
Leonardo Da Vinci          than, say a musician or a writer. Similarly, certain
                           sciences like anatomy or topology emphasize spatial
Van Gogh
Monet                  •   Uses the sense of sight and being able to imagine and
Mary Cassatt               visualize an object, including making mental images
Rembrandt                  inside our head
Diane Arbus         We often say, "A picture is worth a thousand words," or "Seeing is
                    believing." Visual-spatial intelligence represents the knowing that
Grandma Moses
                    occurs through the shapes, images, patterns, designs, and textures
I.M. Pei            we see with our external eyes, but it also includes the images we
Frank Lloyd         are able to conjure inside our heads.
Wright              If you are strong in this intelligence you tend to think in images and
                    pictures. You are likely very aware of objects, shapes, colors,
Meryl Streep
                    textures, and patterns in the environment around you. You probably
Annie Liebovitz     like to draw, paint, make interesting designs and patters, and work
Steven Spielberg    with clay, colored markers, construction paper and fabric. Many
Georgia O'Keefe     who are strong in visual-spatial intelligence love to work jigsaw
                    puzzles, read maps, and find their way around new places. You
                    probably have definite opinions about colors that go together well,
                    textures that are appropriate and leasing, and how a room should be
                    decorated. You also are probably excellent at performing tasks that
                    require seeing with the mind's eyes, such as visualizing, pretending,
                    imaging, and forming mental images.
                    Interior decorators, graphic design artists, cartographers,
                    photographers, architects, airline pilots, surgeons, painters,
                    sculptors, chefs (with their food presentations), quilters, needle point
                    embroiders, landscapers, theater set designers, professional drivers,
                    cinematographers, book illustrators, tour guides, jewelry and
                    clothing designers
                    BENEFITS to you of strengthening your Image Smarts intelligence
                       •   Being able to visualize what you want in your life and make it

                       •   Gaining the ability to express your ideas and make them
                           clearer through visual representation

                       •   Discovering powerful aids to memory–our brains naturally
think in images and pictures before we have words

   •   Teaching yourself to "think outside the box"

   •   Accessing your own deep sources of inner wisdom and
Teaching Resources
   •   Map

   •   Diagrams

   •   Illustrations

   •   Battlefield representations

   •   Historical timelines
Basic MI Activities - Teaching Activities
   •   Construct thematic web pages that include various visual
       images (e.g., posters, political cartoons, broadsides, photos,

   •   Construct hyperlinked timelines and maps
Instructional Strategies - Teaching Activities
   •   Imagery

   •   Map analysis

   •   Observation activities

   •   Construction of dioramas or posters
Visual spatial intelligence makes it possible for us to perceive visual
and spatial data, to transform such data, as well as being able to
recreate visual images from memory. In other words, it is an ability
to form a cerebral model of a spatial world by relying on the sense of
sight. This way of understanding the world includes the ability to
create mental images and to use ones imagination.
   •   Young children might build cities out of blocks and create
       impromptu murals on the kitchen and bedroom walls. They
       like to draw, paint, make interesting designs and patterns
       from fabric, colored construction paper, and clay. As well,
       they love putting together jigsaw puzzles.

   •   Older children tend to be good at reading maps and finding
       their way around new places, daydreaming, creating
       accurate drawings; they may find it easier to learn
       information that is presented in images rather than just by
       words. Put a slightly different way, a strength here often
       means one does well at visualizing things.
Adults think in images and pictures. They are often very aware of
objects, colors, shapes and patterns in the environment. They
possess strong opinions about such things as colors that go
together, textures that are pleasing and appropriate, and
decorating. To sum, they are excellent at performing tasks that
                require seeing with the mind's eye (visualizing, forming mental
                images, imagining, and pretending).

   Bodily-     Ability to control body movements and handle objects
 Kinesthetic   skillfully
                  •   The capacity to use your whole body or parts of your
                      body: (your hands, your fingers, your arms), to solve
                      a problem, make something, or put on some kind of

(Body Smart)      •   The most evident examples are people in athletics or
                      the performing arts, particularly when dancing or
Examples:            •   Uses physical movement and performance (a.k.a.
                         learning by doing) to understand
Cathy Rigby       We often talk about learning by doing. This way of knowing
                  happens through physical movement and through the
Tiger Woods
                  "knowings" of our physical body.. The body knows a great
Michael Jordan    deal that is not necessarily known by the conscious, logical
David             mind, such as how to ride a bike, parallel park a car, dance
Copperfield       the waltz, catch a thrown object, maintain balance while
Marcel Marceau    walking, and type on a computer keyboard.
Charlie Chaplin
                  If you are strong in this intelligence area, you tend to have a
Harry Houdini     keen sense of body awareness. You like physical
Mia Hamm          movement--dancing, making and inventing with your hands,
                  and role-playing. You probably communicate well through
                  body language and other physical gestures. You can often
                  perform a task much better after seeing someone else do it
                  first and then mimicking those actions. You probably like
                  physical games of all kinds. and you like to demonstrate how
                  to do something for someone else. You may find it difficult
                  to sit still for long periods of time and are easily bored or
                  distracted if you are not actively involved in what is going on
                  around you.
                  Gymnasts, physical therapists, models, mechanics,
                  choreographers, actors, recreation directors, crafts persons,
                  athletes, invertors, builders, dancers, circus artists,
                  bodybuilders, doctors, nurses, exercise instructors, sport
                  coaches, law enforcement personnel
                  BENEFITS to you when you strengthen Body Smarts in your life

                     •   Improving over-all functioning of your body and your physical

                     •   Strengthening connections between the mind and body–we
                         know they profoundly effect each other

                     •   Gaining greater awareness of your "body language" and how to
                         use your body to become a better communicator with others

                     •   Discovering the innate abilities to train the body to "multi-track"
                         or to perform a variety of tasks at the same time

                     •   Gaining an awareness of how to reduce stress in various regions
                         of the body
                  Teaching Resources
                     •   Illustrations and descriptions of historical costumes

                     •   Cooking
•   Dance

                   •   Role playing or simulation
                Basic MI Activities - Teaching Activities
                   •   Internet based simulations

                   •   Cooperative web searches or web quests

                   •   Role playing activities that incorporate Web resources

                   •   Classroom presentations
                Instructional Strategies - Teaching Activities
                   •   Simulations

                   •   Modeling

                   •   Role playing

                   •   Analyzing manipulative

                Bodily kinesthetic intelligence is related to physical movement and
                the knowledge of the body and how it functions; it includes the
                ability to use many parts of the body to express emotion, to play a
                game, and to interpret and invoke effective "body" language.
                Those "at promise" in this domain enjoy and learn best from
                activities that use the body and involve movement, such as
                dance, crafts, mime, sports, acting and using manipulatives.

                   •   Young children who demonstrate a strong bodily
                       kinesthetic intelligence are highly coordinated and often
                       quite tactile. They enjoy all sorts of athletics and would
                       rather be a participant than a spectator. Also, this way of
                       understanding the world is most evident in young children
                       who have a hard time sitting still and are well coordinated.

                   •   Older children who demonstrate this type of intelligence
                       may be good dancers or athletes, or particularly good at
                       mimicking the classroom teacher.

                   •   Adults have a keen body awareness. They enjoy physical
                       movement, dancing, hugging, making and inventing things
                       with their hands, including role playing. They are easily
                       bored if they are not actively involved in what is going on
                       around them. They communicate well through body
                       language and similar physical gestures. In general, those
                       who are "at promise" in this intelligence like physical
                       games of all kinds and demonstrating how to do things. In
                       fact, they can often perform a task after seeing it done.

Interpersonal   Understand others; discern verbal and non-verbal cues;
                Capacity to detect and respond appropriately to the moods,
                motivations and desires of others
                   •   Understanding other people
•   An ability we all need, but is at a premium if you are a
                        teacher, clinician, salesperson, or a politician.
                        Anybody who deals with other people has to be
                        skilled in the interpersonal sphere

(People Smart)      •   Uses person-to-person relating, communication,
     People             teamwork, and collaboration with others
  Examples:      This is the person-to-person way of knowing. It is the
   Abraham       knowing that happens when we work with and relate to other
  Lincoln        people, often as part of a team. This way of knowing also
    George       requires developing a whole range of social skills that are
Washington       needed for effective person-to-person communication and
     Ghandi      relating.
   Dr. Joyce     If this person-to-person way knowing is more developed in
 Brothers        you, you learn through personal interactions. You probably
     Oprah       have lots of friends show a great deal of empathy for other
  Winfrey        people, and exhibit a deep understand of others points of
     Jesse       view. You probably love team activities of all kinds and are
    Jackson      a good team member--you pull your own weight and often
Martin Luther    much more. You are sensitive to other people's feelings and
   King          ideas and are good at piggybacking your ideas on others'
   Rev. Billy    thoughts. You are also likely skilled drawing others out in a
   Graham        discussion and you probably are skilled in conflict resolution,
                 mediation, and finding compromise when people are in
                 radical opposition to each other.
                 Teachers, administrators, arbitrators, anthropologists,
                 organization leaders (presidents and CEOs), sociologists,
                 talk show hosts, politicians, public relations or customer
                 service personnel, salespersons, travel agents, consultants,
                 social affairs directors
                 BENEFITS to you of developing People Smarts include:
                    •   Developing the ability to understand other people,
                        their perspectives, and their motivations
                    •   Having deeper and more satisfying relationships with
                    •   Gaining a genuine empathy for others
                    •   Enhanced leadership skills, including becoming a
                        better communicator
                    •   Enhanced quality of the time you spend and
                        relationship you have with your family
                 Teaching Resources
                    •   All of the above resources that might be used in
                        cooperative MI activities
                 Basic MI Activities - Teaching Activities
•   All of the above activities that might be designed to
       incorporate cooperative learning groups
Instructional Strategies - Teaching Activities
   •   Cooperative learning
   •   Peer teaching
   •   Brainstorming
   •   Shared inquiry
Interpersonal intelligence is the capacity to value,
understand, and respond appropriately to the motivations,
moods, and feelings of others. Or more simply put, these
people learn best through person-to-person interaction.
They usually have many friends, show a considerable
degree of empathy and are able to understand viewpoints of
others. They appreciate differences in their neighborhoods
and around the world and they recognize and make
distinctions among others' feelings and intentions very
   •   Young children with interpersonal intelligence enjoy
       playing with other children; they hate to be left alone.
       They love team activities of all kinds and are very
       good team members, pulling their own weight, often
       much more.
   •   Older children then to become natural leaders,
       picking up on subtle social cues and knowing how to
       put others at ease. In short, they work well within
       groups and often end up in leadership role.
   •   Adults are sensitive to the ideas and feelings of
       others and are adept at drawing others out in a
       discussion. When individuals are in radical
       opposition to each other, these are the ones who are
       often quite skillful in conflict resolution.
Intrapersonal   Understand oneself; Engage in self-reflection &
                      metacognition; Capacity to be self-aware and in tune
                      with inner feelings, values, beliefs and thinking
                         •   Having an understanding of yourself, of knowing
                             who you are, what you can do, what you want to
                             do, how you react to things, which things to
      (Self Smart)           avoid, and which things to gravitate toward
People Examples:         •   We are drawn to people who have a good
                             understanding of themselves because those
NEIL ARMSTRONG               people tend not to screw up. They tend to know
HELEN KELLER                 what they can do, what they can’t do, and they
COLUMBUS                     tend to know where to go if they need help
JOAN OF ARC              •   The knowing which comes from introspection,
CLARA BARTON                 self-reflection, and raising questions about life’s
CLEOPATRA                    meaning and purpose
SIR EDMOND HIlLARY    At the heart of this intelligence are our human self-reflective
                      abilities by which we can step outside of ourselves and think
                      about our own lives. This is the introspective intelligence. It
                      involves our uniquely human propensity to want to know the
                      meaning, purpose , and significance life. It involves our
                      awareness of the inner world of the self, emotions, values,
                      beliefs, and our various quests for genuine spirituality.
                      If this intelligence is one of your strong points, you may like
                      to work alone and sometimes you may shy away for others.
                      You are probably self-reflective n self-aware, and thus you
                      tend to be in tune with your inner feelings, values, beliefs,
                      and thinking processes. You are frequently a bearer of
                      creative wisdom and insight, you are highly intuitive, and
                      you are inwardly motivated rather than needing external
                      rewards to keep you going. You are often strong willed,
                      self-confident, and have definite, well=though-out opinions
                      on almost any issue. Other people will often come to you
                      for advice and counsel.
                      Therapists, psychologists, human potential researchers,
                      philosophers, religious leaders (pastors and priests), social
                      workers, mediation guides, counselors, self-help advisors,
                      cognitive pattern researchers, mental health professionals
                              BENEFITS of developing Self Smarts include:
                         •   Clarity about your life and where you are headed
                         •   Control of your destiny and the directions in which you
                             want your life to move
•   Improved self-confidence and self esteem
                        •   A deeper understanding of your core values and how to
                            make them the center of all you do
                        •   Getting in touch with your "inner self" and learning
                            how to trust it
                     Teaching Resources
                        •   All of the above resources that might be used in
                            reflective, individual MI activities
                     Basic MI Activities - Teaching Activities
                        •   All of the above activities that might be completed
                            through reflective individual projects
                     Instructional Strategies - Teaching Activities
                        •   Decision making
                        •   Journal writing
                        •   Self-discovery
                        •   Independent learning projects
                     Intrapersonal intelligence deals with the development and
                     understanding of the self and using this knowledge to live
                     well; it includes personal goals, feelings, anxieties and
                     strengths and subsequently drawing from that awareness to
                     guide personal behavior. These people often enjoy working
                     alone, sometimes even shying away from others and off
                     quietly by themselves. They are often strong willed, self-
                     confident, and possess definite, well-thought-out opinions
                     on various issues.
                        •   Young children can be left on their own to play
                            happily, and may be a bit shy or stubborn.
                        •   Older children may keep journals or logs, express
                            strong emotions and well developed opinions, and
                            seem blithely unconcerned by other kids' notions of
                            what's "in" and what's "out."
                        •   Adults are self-reflective and self-aware, thus they
                            often tend to be in tune with their inner feelings,
                            beliefs, thinking processes, and values. They are
                            frequent bearers of creative wisdom and insight, are
                            highly intuitive, and are inwardly motivated rather
                            than requiring external rewards to keep them going.

Naturalist   Ability to recognize and categorize plants, animals and other
objects in nature
                     •   Weather conditions of the natural world
                     •   Recognize patterns and distinctions in the natural world
                  This intelligence involves understanding the natural world of
                  plants and animals, noticing their characteristics, and
                  categorizing them; it generally involves keen observation and the
 (Nature Smart)   ability to classify other things as well. It may be exercised by
                  exploring nature, making collections of objects, studying them,
                  and grouping them.
                  Forest rangers, nature guides, animal trainers, zoo keepers,
Rachael Carson
                  landscape designers, gardeners, scientists investigating the
John Audubon
                  biological and physical worlds, bird watchers, veterinarians,
Lewis & Clark
                  farmers, people involved in scouting and camping, botanists,
Jane Goodall
                  horticulturists, florists, meteorologists, conservations
Jacques Costeau
Diana Fossey      BENEFITS of developing and strengthening Nature Smarts include:
John Muir
 Sacajawea           •   Gaining an awareness of how nature effects and shapes who
                         you are as a person
                     •   Developing a respect for other creatures which inhabit our world
                     •   Acquiring a greater sensitivity to larger patterns in the
                         environment, such as the weather, changing seasons, phases of
                         the moon, etc.
                     •   Nurturing the ability to grow things
                     •   Caring for and conserving the natural environment
                  Teaching Resources
                     •   Illustrations
                     •   Paintings
                     •   Maps
                     •   Personal narratives and photographs of historical
                     •   Contemporary environments
                  Basic MI Activities - Teaching Activities
                     •   Design virtual landscapes
                     •   Analyze computer simulated topographic battlefields, cities,
                         maps, etc.
                  Instructional Strategies - Teaching Activities
                     •   Recognize and classify cultural and natural artifacts
•   Data gathering in natural setting
                        Naturalist intelligence is the ability to recognize and classify
                        elements of the natural world. That is, this intelligence enables
                        us to classify, understand, and explain the elements of nature.
                        Those "at promise" in this domain have an understanding of the
                        environment; they learn well through outdoor activities, including
                        those that involve interacting with natural and environmental
                        materials and concepts.
                           •   Young children may be fascinated by all kinds of
                               creatures, including the ants crawling along a picnic
                           •   Older children love to learn the names of trees and
                               flowers, and have a good eye for the differences between
                               them. They spend hours compiling science reports on
                               their favorite animals and exotic plants.
                           •   Adults tend to be aware of the subtleties in appearance,
                               texture, and sounds that those weaker in this intelligence
                               may not grasp. Stated a slightly different way, this
                               intelligence has to do with observing, understanding and
                               organizing patterns in the natural environment.

Multiple Intelligences Information was taken from:

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Lesson plan multiple intelligences.revised

  • 1. Lesson Plan – Gardner’s Survey of Multiple of Intelligences Objective: The students will be complete a “Multiple Intelligence” inventory and identify their greatest strength. Goals: • Complete Multiple of Intelligences inventory • Identify greatest strength • Discuss strength with group • Generate a list of preferred learning methods/activities Materials: • Multiple Intelligences Background Online: • Multiple Intelligences Summary Online: • Multiple Intelligences Inventory Online: • Multiple Intelligences Signs • Printer or Poster sized paper Description: 1. Distribute Multiple Intelligences inventories (or allow students to complete the quiz online) – 10 minutes 2. While students are completing the ‘Multiple Intelligences inventories’, hang up the Multiple Intelligences signs around classroom. 3. Instruct students to calculate results of inventory, provide assistance as needed – 2 minutes 4. Show students where each intelligence is grouped and where the signs are posted. Instruct students to sit in area that is labeled with the intelligence that they received the highest score in – 3 minutes 5. Give students five minutes to discuss the survey and what they think their greatest strengths
  • 2. are. They should document their answers on a printer paper – 5 minutes 6. Discuss each intelligence and review examples of learning methods and activities that relate to each method – 10 minutes Resources: , , MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES TEACHER INVENTORY Place a check in all boxes that best describe you. LINGUISTIC _____ I really enjoy books _____ I hear words in my head before I write, read or speak them _____ I remember more when I listen to the radio or an audiocassette than from television or films _____ I enjoy word games such as crossword puzzles, Scrabble, anagrams, or Password _____ I like puns, tongue twisters, nonsense rhymes, and double meanings _____ English, Social Studies, and History are easier subjects for me than Science and Math _____ When I’m in the car I like to read the billboards and signs, and notice them more than the scenery along the road. _____ I often refer to things I have read or heard in conversations _____ People often ask me the meaning of words _____ I have written something recently that I was proud of, or that was published or recognized ________ Total Linguistic boxes checked LOGICAL _____ I can quickly and easily compute numbers in my head (example: double or triple a cooking recipe or carpentry measurement without having to write it on paper) _____ I enjoy Math and Science in school _____ I like solving brainteasers, logical games and other strategy games such as chess/checkers _____ I like to set up "what if" experiments (example: "What if I fertilized my plants twice as often?" _____ I look for structure, patterns, sequences, or logical order _____ I wonder about how some things work and keep up-to-date on new scientific developments and discoveries _____ I believe that there is a rational explanation for almost everything _____ I can think in abstract, clear, imageless concepts _____ I can find logical flows in things people say and do at school or home _____ I feel more comfortable when things have been quantified, measured, categorized, or analyzed in some way. ________ Total Logical boxes checked SPATIAL _____ When I close my eyes, I can see clear visual images _____ I’m responsive to color _____ I often use a camcorder or camera to record my surroundings
  • 3. _____ I enjoy visual puzzles such as mazes, jigsaw puzzles, 3-D images _____ I have vivid dreams at night _____ I navigate well in unfamiliar places _____ I often draw or doodle _____ Geometry was easier than Algebra _____ I can imagine what something would look like from a bird’s eye view _____ I prefer reading books, newspapers, magazines, etc. that have many illustrations ________ Total Spatial boxes checked BODILY-KINESTHETIC _____ I take Part in at least one sport or physical activity regularly _____ I find it difficult to sit still for long periods of time _____ I like working with my hands (for example, sewing weaving, carving, carpentry, mechanics model-building) _____ I frequently get insights or ideas when I am involved in physical activities, such as walking, swimming, or jogging _____ I enjoy spending my free time outside _____ I tend to use gestures and other body language when engaged in conversations _____ I need to touch or hold objects to learn more about them _____ I enjoy dare-devil activities such as parachuting, bungee jumping, and thrilling amusement rides _____ I am well-coordinated _____ To learn new skills, I need to practice them rather than simply read about them or watch them being performed ________ Total Bodily-Kinesthetic boxes checked MUSICAL _____ I have a nice singing voice _____ I know when musical notes are off-key _____ I often listen to musical selections on radio, records, tapes, CDs, etc. _____ I play an instrument _____ My life would be less dynamic without music _____ I often have a tune running through my mind during the day _____ I can keep time to a piece of music _____ I know the melodies of many songs or musical pieces _____ If I hear a musical piece once or twice, I can easily repeat it _____ I often tap, whistle, hum or sing when engaged in a task ________ Total Musical boxes checked INTERPERSONAL _____ People often come to me to seek advice or counsel _____ I prefer team and group sports to individual sports _____ When I have problems, I prefer to seek help form other people rather than work it out alone _____ I have at least three close friends _____ I enjoy social pastimes like board games and charades more than individual ones such as video games and solitaire _____ I like the challenge of teaching other people what I know how to do _____ I have been called a leader and consider myself one _____ I am comfortable in a crowd of people
  • 4. _____ I am involved in local school, neighborhood, church and community activities _____ I would rather spend a Saturday night at a party than spend it at home alone ________ Total Interpersonal boxes checked INTRAPERSONAL _____ I regularly spend time reflecting, meditating or thinking about important life questions _____ I have attended classes, seminars and workshops to gain insight about myself and experience personal growth _____ My opinions and views distinguish me from others _____ I have a hobby, pastime or special activity that I do alone _____ I have specific goals in life that I think about regularly _____ I have a realistic view of my own strengths and weaknesses backed up by accurate feedback from others _____ I would rather spend a weekend in a cabin or hide-away than at a large resort with lots of people _____ I am independent-minded and strong willed _____ I keep a journal or diary to record the events of my inner life _____ I am self-employed or have seriously considered starting my own business ________ Total Intrapersonal boxes checked MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES PALETTE The array of competencies found in each intelligence. Place your totals for each on the line provided. Verbal/Linguistic_____ Reading Vocabulary Formal Speech Journal/Diary Keeping Creative Writing Poetry Verbal Debate Impromptu Speaking Storytelling Bodily/Kinesthetic_____ Folk/Creative Dance Role Playing Physical Gestures Drama¨ Martial Arts Body Language Physical Exercise Mime¨ Inventing Sports Games
  • 5. Musical/Rhythmic_____ Sculpture Pictures Rhythmic Patterns Vocal Sounds/Tones Music Composition/creation Percussion Vibrations Humming¨ Environmental Sounds Instrumental Sounds Singing Tonal Patterns Interpersonal _____ Music Performance Giving Feedback Understanding Others Feelings Logical/Mathematical_____ Cooperative Learning Strategies Abstract Symbols/Formulas Person-to-Person Communication Outlining¨ Graphic Organizers Empathy Practices Number Sequences Division of Labor Calculation Collaborative Skills Deciphering Codes Receiving Feedback Forcing Relationships Sensing Others Motives Syllogisms Group Projects Problem Solving Intrapersonal_____ Pattern Games Silent Reflection Methods Visual/Spatial_____ Metacognition Techniques Guided Imagery Thinking Strategies Active Imagination Emotional Processing Color Schemes "Know Thyself" Procedures Patterns/Designs Mindfulness Practices Painting Focusing/Concentration Skills Drawing Higher-Order Reasoning Mind-Mapping Complex Guided Imagery Pretending "Centering" Practices Taken from:
  • 6. Background of Multiple Intelligences Multiple Intelligences: A Theory for Everyone Article by Anne Guignon Education World® Copyright © 2010 Education World Being intelligent does not always mean that someone tests well -- a problem with which teachers and school administrators have struggled since the earliest days of organized education. Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences helps educators think differently about "IQ," and about what being "smart" means. The theory is changing the way some teachers teach. When Howard Gardner's book, Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences (Basic Books, 1983) burst on the scene, it seemed to answer many questions for experienced teachers. We all had students who didn't fit the mold; we knew the students were bright, but they didn't excel on tests. Gardner's claim that there are several different kinds of intelligence gave us and others involved with teaching and learning a way of beginning to understand those students. We would look at what they could do well, instead of what they could not do. Later Gardner books, such as The Unschooled Mind: How Children Think and How Schools Should Teach (Basic Books, 1991) and Multiple Intelligences: The Theory in Practice (Basic Books, 1993) helped us understand how multiple intelligences could help us teach and evaluate our students in new and better ways. WHO IS HOWARD GARDNER? Howard Gardner, Ph.D. is a professor at Harvard University and the author of many books and articles. His theory of multiple intelligences has challenged long-held assumptions about intelligence -- especially about a single measure of intelligence. Dr. Gardner also co-directs Harvard's Project Zero. THE ORIGINAL SEVEN INTELLIGENCES Howard Gardner first identified and introduced to us seven different kinds of intelligence in Frames of Mind. • Linguistic intelligence: a sensitivity to the meaning and order of words. • Logical-mathematical intelligence: ability in mathematics and other complex logical systems. • Musical intelligence: the ability to understand and create music. Musicians, composers
  • 7. and dancers show a heightened musical intelligence. • Spatial intelligence: the ability to "think in pictures," to perceive the visual world accurately, and recreate (or alter) it in the mind or on paper. Spatial intelligence is highly developed in artists, architects, designers and sculptors. • Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence: the ability to use one's body in a skilled way, for self- expression or toward a goal. Mimes, dancers, basketball players, and actors are among those who display bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. • Interpersonal intelligence: an ability to perceive and understand other individuals -- their moods, desires, and motivations. Political and religious leaders, skilled parents and teachers, and therapists use this intelligence. • Intrapersonal intelligence: an understanding of one's own emotions. Some novelists and or counselors use their own experience to guide others. Then, Gardner identified an eighth intelligence, the naturalist intelligence. HOWARD GARDNER TALKS ABOUT AN EIGHTH INTELLIGENCE Gardner discussed the "eighth intelligence" with Kathy Checkley, in an interview for Educational Leadership, "The First Seven... and the Eighth." Gardner said, "The naturalist intelligence refers to the ability to recognize and classify plants, minerals, and animals, including rocks and grass and all variety of flora and fauna. The ability to recognize cultural artifacts like cars or sneakers may also depend on the naturalist intelligence. (S)ome people from an early age are extremely good at recognizing and classifying artifacts. For example, we all know kids who, at 3 or 4, are better at recognizing dinosaurs than most adults." Gardner identified Charles Darwin as a prime example of this type of intelligence. The naturalist intelligence meshed with Gardner's definition of intelligence as "the human ability to solve problems or to make something that is valued in one or more cultures." And the naturalist intelligence met Gardner's specific criteria: • "Is there a particular representation in the brain for the ability? • "Are there populations that are especially good or especially impaired in an intelligence? • "And, can an evolutionary history of the intelligence be seen in animals other than human beings?" IMPLEMENTING GARDNER'S THEORY IN THE CLASSROOM When asked how educators should implement the theory of multiple intelligences, Gardner says, "(I)t's very important that a teacher take individual differences among kids very seriously The bottom line is a deep interest in children and how their minds are different from one another, and in helping them use their minds well."
  • 8. An awareness of multiple-intelligence theory has stimulated teachers to find more ways of helping all students in their classes. Some schools do this by adapting curriculum. In "Variations on a Theme: How Teachers Interpret MI Theory," (Educational Leadership, September 1997), Linda Campbell describes five approaches to curriculum change: • Lesson design. Some schools focus on lesson design. This might involve team teaching ("teachers focusing on their own intelligence strengths"), using all or several of the intelligences in their lessons, or asking student opinions about the best way to teach and learn certain topics. • Interdisciplinary units. Secondary schools often include interdisciplinary units. • Student projects. Students can learn to "initiate and manage complex projects" when they are creating student projects. • Assessments. Assessments are devised which allow students to show what they have learned. Sometimes this takes the form of allowing each student to devise the way he or she will be assessed, while meeting the teacher's criteria for quality. • Apprenticeships. Apprenticeships can allow students to "gain mastery of a valued skill gradually, with effort and discipline over time." Gardner feels that apprenticeships "should take up about one-third of a student's schooling experience." With an understanding of Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, teachers, school administrators, and parents can better understand the learners in their midst. They can allow students to safely explore and learn in many ways, and they can help students direct their own learning. Adults can help students understand and appreciate their strengths, and identify real- world activities that will stimulate more learning.
  • 9. Background of Multiple Intelligences (part 2) Multiple Intelligences: It's Not How Smart You Are, It's How You're Smart! Article by Walter McKenzie Education World® Copyright © 2010 Education World Howard Gardner's multiple intelligence theory has asked educators to take a fresh look at our assumptions about children and learning. Teachers around the world are rethinking lessons and units -- and their entire approaches to teaching -- based on his research. Whether you're just learning the ropes or looking for a more in-depth study of M.I. applications, there's material on the Web for you! Included: A wealth of information on multiple intelligence theory, from articles and interviews to lessons, projects, and activities! Consider one 17-year-old boy who twice failed grade 10. This student's IQ score, at barely 100, allowed him to squeak into the public school's regular program, but his school's testing practice prevented the boy from rising past the bottom scores in his class. For a while, in spite of his difficulties to pass most tests, the student desperately tried to succeed at school. Life on a farm taught him the value of hard consistent work, and the boy's easy-going nature splashed color on classroom activities. His infectious laughter made him a sought-after friend to both peers and staff. The shop teacher told how he frequently hung around to help out after class, and how, when volunteers were requested, he was first to respond. Although the boy mastered few skills championed in traditional Western curricula, he clearly possessed his own unique array of talents. While he showed higher than average inter- communication ability, however, he withdrew and often grew noticeably quiet when tests were handed back... "One principal suggested that the boy came to school with the 'wrong abilities.' Other educators, like his science and music teachers, suggested that the school issued this student the 'wrong tests.' Unfortunately, however, the boy failed grade 10. Already stung by two previous failures and rather than repeat again, eventually he simply dropped out of the high-school system." How many teachers recognize a student like the one so eloquently described above in this excerpt from A Portrait Of A Student Failed (New Horizons for Learning Electronic Journal, Spring 1992)? In that story, author Patricia Weber goes on to make a case for the work of Howard Gardner, father of the theory of multiple intelligences. Writes Weber, "Educator and researcher Howard Gardner argues that the educational system's narrow view of intelligence must be replaced with an attempt to mobilize the student's full range of human intelligences." The majority of teachers were fortunate to have successful experiences as students; they were able to master the requirements of a language arts-mathematics based curriculum and the narrowly designed methods used to measure progress. But what about those students, such as the boy described by Weber, who weren't able to demonstrate their abilities in traditionally rote ways? How have we penalized those students over the years?
  • 10. Howard Gardner's multiple intelligence theory (hereafter referred to as M.I.) transcends the boundaries of how we have traditionally looked at learning. And it couldn't have happened at a more important moment in our history. The citizens of the 21st century will not thrive by simply mastering literacy and computation; they will need to be real-world problem solvers who understand how to access and manipulate all kinds of information in incredibly flexible ways in order to be productive. M.I. provides us with the tools to meet this challenge today. THE GARDNER DID IT! "Intelligence is the ability to find and solve problems and create products of value in one's own culture." "How can our knowledge, given the intelligences, help us learn to think like a historian, like a scientist, and so on? If we don't change the way people think about those things, then school is a waste of time after elementary school." -- Dr. Howard Gardner, Harvard University M.I. theory is so holistic that the best place to start is with the big picture -- What is this theory and what are its implications for the classroom? The Theory Of Multiple Intelligences gives a nice overview of the underpinnings of Gardner's theory. You might also take a look at It's Not How Smart You Are -- It's How You Are Smart (click Overview ), which explores all the intelligences in layman's terms. IMPLICATIONS AND APPLICATIONS So you might be able to buy into the theory, but you need to see how M.I. translates into classroom teaching. Thomas Armstrong's Multiple Intelligences presents the theory and its implications for teachers, while The Gardner School page demonstrates the possibilities of implementing M.I. in the curriculum. HIT THE GROUND RUNNING! Still looking for something to truly get you off and running with Gardner's view of intelligence? I highly recommend Mrs. Young's Page on Multiple Intelligences. This is one of the best M.I. pages out there for teachers who are ready to begin working M.I. theory into their instruction. Millions of teachers are adopting Howard Gardner's view of children and learning -- and many of those teachers are finding helpful M.I. resources on the Internet. Using a multiple intelligence approach to teaching can energize a classroom and help every child achieve success, M.I. proponents say. No matter the grade level or subject, Gardner's theory can have a profound impact on teachers and students.
  • 17.
  • 18. Verbal-Linguistic Use written and spoken language to express complex meaning • The capacity to use language, your native language, and perhaps other languages, to express what's on your mind and to understand other people • Poets really specialize in linguistic intelligence, but any kind of writer, orator, speaker, lawyer, or a person for (Word Smart) whom language is an important stock in trade, highlights linguistic intelligence • Well-developed verbal skills and sensitivity to the People Examples: sounds, meanings and rhythms of words Shakespeare • Occurs through written and spoken words, such as in Agatha Christie essays, speeches, books, informal conversation, Margery Williams debates, and jokes Maya Angelou Hemingway This intelligence involves the knowing that comes through the Longfellow language, through reading, writing, and speaking. It involves Louisa May Alcott understanding the order and meaning of words in both speech and Robert Frost writing and how to properly use the language. It involves Mark Twain understanding the socio-cultural nuances of a language, including Mary Higgins Clark idioms, plays on words, and linguistically based humor. Steinbeck If this is a strong intelligence for you, you have highly developed J. K. Rowlings skills for reading, speaking, and writing, and you tend to think in Elizabeth Barrett words. You probably like various kinds of literature, playing word Browning games, making up poetry and stories, getting into involved discussions with other people, debating, working crossword puzzles, formal speaking, creative writing, and the remembering of and art of telling jokes. You are likely precise in expressing yourself and irritated when others are not. You love learning new words, you do well with written assignments, and your comprehension of anything you read is high. Careers: Poets, public speakers, journalists, writers (authors, advertising, script and speech writers), speech pathologists, lawyers, secretaries, editors, proofreaders, comedians, debaters, archivists, translators, TV and radio newscasters, commentators, announcers BENEFITS to you when you strengthen your WordSmarts include: • Enhanced capacities for communicating your ideas, thoughts, and feelings • A greater appreciation of humor based on words, such as puns, jokes, limericks, and so on • Improved abilities and confidence for expressing yourself through any kind of writing
  • 19. New abilities for persuading others to take a certain course of action • Strengthened skills at leading meetings Teaching Resources • Diary entries • Government documents • Personal narratives • Historical documents • Letters Basic MI Activities - Teaching Activities • Compose essays • Poetry, etc. for publishing on web page • Critique written resources through an annotated bibliography (hypertext) Instructional Strategies - Teaching Activities • Discussion • Narration • Advanced organizers • Writing activities Linguistic-verbal intelligence is that ability to use words effectively either orally or in writing, that is, the ability to exhibit language development in its fullest form, in short, the overall structure of language. This way of knowing and comprehending the real world is the ability to use language to achieve a goal and enhance understanding. A core component of this traditional IQ-type intelligence is sensitivity to the meanings, rhythms, and sounds of words ... in short, sensitivity to the different functions of language. • Young children with this dominance often demand story after story around bedtime. When they enter school, they have highly developed verbal skills, enjoy developing rhymes, and often pun. In short, they tend to think in words. They like oral and silent reading exercises, playing word games, enjoying a variety of reading and writing materials at learning centers, making up poetry and stories, getting into involved discussions, debates, formal speaking, creative writing, and telling complicated jokes. • Older children possess strong vocabularies, and, at times, can get so lost in a thick book that they almost forget about their dinner. At this age, they may subscribe to their favorite
  • 20. magazines, or use a word processing application to keep a personal diary or secret journal. • Adults tend to be precise in expressing themselves; they love verbalizing and writing well. Also, their understanding of what they have read tends to be well above the norm.
  • 21. Mathematical- Discern logical or numerical patterns; deductive reasoning Logical • Ability to think conceptually and abstractly, and capacity to discern logical or numerical patterns • People with highly developed logical/mathematical intelligences understand the underlying principles of some kind of a causal system, the way a scientist or a logician does (Math Smart) • Can manipulate numbers, quantities, and operations, the way a mathematician does • Uses numbers, logic, scientific reasoning, and People Examples: calculating to help solve problems and meet challenges Archimedies This intelligence uses numbers, math, and logic to find and understand the various patterns that occur in our lives: Sir Isaac Newton thought patterns, number patterns, visual patterns, and color Galileo patterns. It begins with concrete patterns in the real world but Copernicus gets increasingly abstract as we try to understand Einstein relationships among patterns. Pythagoras If you happen to be a logical-mathematically inclined person, Euclid you think more conceptually and abstractly and are often able Kepler to see patterns and relationships that others miss. You probably like to conduct experiments, solve puzzles and other Pascal problems, ask cosmic questions, and analyze circumstances and people's behavior. You most likely enjoy working with numbers and mathematical formulas and operations, and you love the challenge of a complex problem to solve. You are probably systematic and organized, and you likely always have a logical rationale or argument for what you are doing or thinking at any given time. Careers: Computer technicians and programmers, underwriters, accountants, statisticians, poll takers, stock brokers, auditors, actuaries, purchasing agents, bankers, accountants, professional debaters, math teachers, attorneys, scientific researchers, arbitrators, underwriters, medical professionals, data analysts, logicians BENEFITS of developing LogicSmarts include: • Becoming a better problem-solver • Increasing organization and clarity of your thoughts and ideas • Learning to apply different thinking methods to different situations • Gaining enhanced skills for seeing how to apply or use information you read or learn in your life • Becoming better at reasoning and figuring out solutions
  • 22. to challenges which come into your life Teaching Resources • Charts • Diagrams • Government reports • Statistical demographic and population data Basic MI Activities - Teaching Activities • Analyze statistical historical data • Create graphic representations of historical data • Create hyper-linked timeline Instructional Strategies - Teaching Activities • Problem solving • Investigation • Experimentation • Questioning Logical mathematical intelligence is all about using numbers effectively, improving inductive and deductive reasoning skills, and being able to appreciate, recognize, and use abstract patterns in problem solving situations. Many mainstream psychologists continue to consider this intelligence, in conjunction with Gardner's linguistic-verbal intelligence, as the only form of smarts. This (Jean) Piagetian-type ability that intellectual quotient (IQ) tests purport to measure, deals with inductive and deductive thinking, numbers, and patterns. • Young children are always asking how things work; they learn to count easily. They enjoy working with manipulative, puzzles, categorizing activities, and working on timelines. Over the years, I have had many such learners in my classes. They think conceptually and abstractly, and are often able to see patterns and relationships that ordinary students miss. They like to experiment, solve puzzles and other problems, ask cosmic questions; in short, they tend to be the classroom thinkers. They generally enjoy working with numbers, mathematical formulae and operations, continuously appreciating the challenge of a complex problem to solve. They tend to be systematic and analytical, and they always have a logical rationale or argument for what they are doing or thinking. • Older children often become quite skilled at many areas of mathematics, calculus, and science, perhaps even creating a hypothesis for the development of a new invention. Students
  • 23. at this age also enjoy puzzles and recognize patterns in the world around them. Adults are best able to use and appreciate abstract relationships.
  • 24. Produce and appreciate forms of musical expressiveness Musical Rhythmic • Ability to produce and appreciate rhythm, pitch and timber • The capacity to think in music, to be able to hear patterns, recognize them, and perhaps manipulate them • People don't just remember music easily - they can't get it out of their minds, it's so omnipresent (Music /Sound • Learns through sounds, rhythms, tones, beats, music Smart) produced by other people or present in the environment This is the knowing that happens through sound and vibration. This intelligence is not limited to music and rhythm. Some refer to this intelligence as auditory-vibrational, for it deals with the whole realm People Examples: of sound, tones, beats, and vibrational patterns as well as music. If you are strong in this intelligence area, you likely have a love of Mozart music and rhythmic patterns. You are probably very sensitive to Bach sounds in the environment; the chirp of a cricket, rain on he roof, Beethoven varying traffic patterns. You may study and work better with music in the background. You can often reproduce a melody or rhythmic Debussy pattern after hearing it only once. Various sounds, tones, and Gershwin rhythms may have a visible effect on you-- others can often see a Haydn change in facial expression, body movement, or emotional Tchaikovsky response. You probably like to create music and enjoy listening to a wide variety of music. You may be skilled at mimicking sounds, Chopin language accents, and others' speech patterns, and you can Scott Joplin probably readily recognize different musical instruments in a John Lennon composition. Stevie Wonder Careers: Music therapist, advertising professionals, motion picture soundtrack Burt Bacharach creators, music teachers, piano tuners, music studio directors and Carole King recorders, song writers, music performers, conductors, sound John Williams engineers, music copyists Carlos Santana BENEFITS to you of developing and enhancing your Sound Smarts intelligence include: • Knowledge of how to lower stress through music and rhythm • Enhanced abilities to promote greater creativity in yourself and others • Discovering your hidden capacities for learning and for remembering information, people’s names, a shopping list, and so on • Discovering how to use music, rhythm, and sound to shift moods to more optimal states of being • Knowledge of how to use music and sound to deepen personal relationships with others Teaching Resources • Lyrics or audio files of patriotic protest • Period and other historical music Basic MI Activities - Teaching Activities
  • 25. Analysis of song lyrics • Composition of song lyrics • Design and publish PowerPoint presentations which incorporate music and visual elements Instructional Strategies - Teaching Activities • Simulations • Song analysis • Creative song writing • Performances Musical intelligence is that special ability to recognize tonal patterns, rhythm and beat. In other words, it is the ability to understand and express well numerous musical forms. Such learners are most sensitive to environmental sounds, the human voice and musical instruments. In short, they possess a strong ear for music. Unlike the average person, rhythms, musical patterns, tones, and various sounds often have a more visible effect on them, in that you can easily detect a change in their facial expressions, emotional responses, and/or specific body movements. As a music teacher once said to me, they have music constantly 'swimming' in their heads. They are sensitive to rhythm, pitch and melody, including sounds in the environment such as rain on a roof, various traffic patterns, even the chirp of a cricket. • Young children can often be heard banging on pots and/or singing nonsense songs to themselves in the bathtub. Children with a dominant musical intelligence may enjoy a hum and easily turn sounds into rhythms; they retain melodies and lyrics well. • Older children acquire good memories for lyrics, perhaps even emitting the odd wince here and there when their parents sing "Happy Birthday" off key. Such children often play an instrument quite well. They are often quite skilled at mimicking language accents, sounds, the speech patterns of others, and recognizing different musical instruments in a composition. Adults enjoy creating, singing and listening to a wide variety of music, in short, they love music and its various rhythmical patterns. They can often reproduce a melody or rhythmic pattern after hearing it only once.
  • 26. Visual-Spatial Perceive the visual world accurately; Create mental images; Capacity to think in images and pictures, to visualize accurately and abstractly • The ability to represent the spatial world internally in your mind – the way a sailor or airplane pilot navigates the large spatial world, or the way a chess player or (Image Smart) sculptor represents a more circumscribed spatial world People Examples: • Can be used in the arts or in the sciences. If you are spatially intelligent and oriented toward the arts, you are Michelangelo more likely to become a painter or sculptor or architect Leonardo Da Vinci than, say a musician or a writer. Similarly, certain sciences like anatomy or topology emphasize spatial Picasso intelligence Van Gogh Monet • Uses the sense of sight and being able to imagine and Mary Cassatt visualize an object, including making mental images Rembrandt inside our head Diane Arbus We often say, "A picture is worth a thousand words," or "Seeing is believing." Visual-spatial intelligence represents the knowing that Grandma Moses occurs through the shapes, images, patterns, designs, and textures I.M. Pei we see with our external eyes, but it also includes the images we Frank Lloyd are able to conjure inside our heads. Wright If you are strong in this intelligence you tend to think in images and pictures. You are likely very aware of objects, shapes, colors, Meryl Streep textures, and patterns in the environment around you. You probably Annie Liebovitz like to draw, paint, make interesting designs and patters, and work Steven Spielberg with clay, colored markers, construction paper and fabric. Many Georgia O'Keefe who are strong in visual-spatial intelligence love to work jigsaw puzzles, read maps, and find their way around new places. You probably have definite opinions about colors that go together well, textures that are appropriate and leasing, and how a room should be decorated. You also are probably excellent at performing tasks that require seeing with the mind's eyes, such as visualizing, pretending, imaging, and forming mental images. Careers: Interior decorators, graphic design artists, cartographers, photographers, architects, airline pilots, surgeons, painters, sculptors, chefs (with their food presentations), quilters, needle point embroiders, landscapers, theater set designers, professional drivers, cinematographers, book illustrators, tour guides, jewelry and clothing designers BENEFITS to you of strengthening your Image Smarts intelligence include: • Being able to visualize what you want in your life and make it happen • Gaining the ability to express your ideas and make them clearer through visual representation • Discovering powerful aids to memory–our brains naturally
  • 27. think in images and pictures before we have words • Teaching yourself to "think outside the box" • Accessing your own deep sources of inner wisdom and guidance Teaching Resources • Map • Diagrams • Illustrations • Battlefield representations • Historical timelines Basic MI Activities - Teaching Activities • Construct thematic web pages that include various visual images (e.g., posters, political cartoons, broadsides, photos, illustrations) • Construct hyperlinked timelines and maps Instructional Strategies - Teaching Activities • Imagery • Map analysis • Observation activities • Construction of dioramas or posters Visual spatial intelligence makes it possible for us to perceive visual and spatial data, to transform such data, as well as being able to recreate visual images from memory. In other words, it is an ability to form a cerebral model of a spatial world by relying on the sense of sight. This way of understanding the world includes the ability to create mental images and to use ones imagination. • Young children might build cities out of blocks and create impromptu murals on the kitchen and bedroom walls. They like to draw, paint, make interesting designs and patterns from fabric, colored construction paper, and clay. As well, they love putting together jigsaw puzzles. • Older children tend to be good at reading maps and finding their way around new places, daydreaming, creating accurate drawings; they may find it easier to learn information that is presented in images rather than just by words. Put a slightly different way, a strength here often means one does well at visualizing things. Adults think in images and pictures. They are often very aware of objects, colors, shapes and patterns in the environment. They possess strong opinions about such things as colors that go together, textures that are pleasing and appropriate, and
  • 28. decorating. To sum, they are excellent at performing tasks that require seeing with the mind's eye (visualizing, forming mental images, imagining, and pretending). Bodily- Ability to control body movements and handle objects Kinesthetic skillfully • The capacity to use your whole body or parts of your body: (your hands, your fingers, your arms), to solve a problem, make something, or put on some kind of production (Body Smart) • The most evident examples are people in athletics or the performing arts, particularly when dancing or acting People
  • 29. Examples: • Uses physical movement and performance (a.k.a. learning by doing) to understand Barishnakov Cathy Rigby We often talk about learning by doing. This way of knowing happens through physical movement and through the Tiger Woods "knowings" of our physical body.. The body knows a great Michael Jordan deal that is not necessarily known by the conscious, logical David mind, such as how to ride a bike, parallel park a car, dance Copperfield the waltz, catch a thrown object, maintain balance while Marcel Marceau walking, and type on a computer keyboard. Charlie Chaplin If you are strong in this intelligence area, you tend to have a Harry Houdini keen sense of body awareness. You like physical Mia Hamm movement--dancing, making and inventing with your hands, and role-playing. You probably communicate well through body language and other physical gestures. You can often perform a task much better after seeing someone else do it first and then mimicking those actions. You probably like physical games of all kinds. and you like to demonstrate how to do something for someone else. You may find it difficult to sit still for long periods of time and are easily bored or distracted if you are not actively involved in what is going on around you. Careers: Gymnasts, physical therapists, models, mechanics, choreographers, actors, recreation directors, crafts persons, athletes, invertors, builders, dancers, circus artists, bodybuilders, doctors, nurses, exercise instructors, sport coaches, law enforcement personnel BENEFITS to you when you strengthen Body Smarts in your life include: • Improving over-all functioning of your body and your physical movements • Strengthening connections between the mind and body–we know they profoundly effect each other • Gaining greater awareness of your "body language" and how to use your body to become a better communicator with others • Discovering the innate abilities to train the body to "multi-track" or to perform a variety of tasks at the same time • Gaining an awareness of how to reduce stress in various regions of the body Teaching Resources • Illustrations and descriptions of historical costumes • Cooking
  • 30. Dance • Role playing or simulation Basic MI Activities - Teaching Activities • Internet based simulations • Cooperative web searches or web quests • Role playing activities that incorporate Web resources • Classroom presentations Instructional Strategies - Teaching Activities • Simulations • Modeling • Role playing • Analyzing manipulative Bodily kinesthetic intelligence is related to physical movement and the knowledge of the body and how it functions; it includes the ability to use many parts of the body to express emotion, to play a game, and to interpret and invoke effective "body" language. Those "at promise" in this domain enjoy and learn best from activities that use the body and involve movement, such as dance, crafts, mime, sports, acting and using manipulatives. • Young children who demonstrate a strong bodily kinesthetic intelligence are highly coordinated and often quite tactile. They enjoy all sorts of athletics and would rather be a participant than a spectator. Also, this way of understanding the world is most evident in young children who have a hard time sitting still and are well coordinated. • Older children who demonstrate this type of intelligence may be good dancers or athletes, or particularly good at mimicking the classroom teacher. • Adults have a keen body awareness. They enjoy physical movement, dancing, hugging, making and inventing things with their hands, including role playing. They are easily bored if they are not actively involved in what is going on around them. They communicate well through body language and similar physical gestures. In general, those who are "at promise" in this intelligence like physical games of all kinds and demonstrating how to do things. In fact, they can often perform a task after seeing it done. Interpersonal Understand others; discern verbal and non-verbal cues; Capacity to detect and respond appropriately to the moods, motivations and desires of others • Understanding other people
  • 31. An ability we all need, but is at a premium if you are a teacher, clinician, salesperson, or a politician. Anybody who deals with other people has to be skilled in the interpersonal sphere (People Smart) • Uses person-to-person relating, communication, People teamwork, and collaboration with others Examples: This is the person-to-person way of knowing. It is the Abraham knowing that happens when we work with and relate to other Lincoln people, often as part of a team. This way of knowing also George requires developing a whole range of social skills that are Washington needed for effective person-to-person communication and Ghandi relating. Dr. Joyce If this person-to-person way knowing is more developed in Brothers you, you learn through personal interactions. You probably Oprah have lots of friends show a great deal of empathy for other Winfrey people, and exhibit a deep understand of others points of Jesse view. You probably love team activities of all kinds and are Jackson a good team member--you pull your own weight and often Martin Luther much more. You are sensitive to other people's feelings and King ideas and are good at piggybacking your ideas on others' Rev. Billy thoughts. You are also likely skilled drawing others out in a Graham discussion and you probably are skilled in conflict resolution, mediation, and finding compromise when people are in radical opposition to each other. Careers: Teachers, administrators, arbitrators, anthropologists, organization leaders (presidents and CEOs), sociologists, talk show hosts, politicians, public relations or customer service personnel, salespersons, travel agents, consultants, social affairs directors BENEFITS to you of developing People Smarts include: • Developing the ability to understand other people, their perspectives, and their motivations • Having deeper and more satisfying relationships with others • Gaining a genuine empathy for others • Enhanced leadership skills, including becoming a better communicator • Enhanced quality of the time you spend and relationship you have with your family Teaching Resources • All of the above resources that might be used in cooperative MI activities Basic MI Activities - Teaching Activities
  • 32. All of the above activities that might be designed to incorporate cooperative learning groups Instructional Strategies - Teaching Activities • Cooperative learning • Peer teaching • Brainstorming • Shared inquiry Interpersonal intelligence is the capacity to value, understand, and respond appropriately to the motivations, moods, and feelings of others. Or more simply put, these people learn best through person-to-person interaction. They usually have many friends, show a considerable degree of empathy and are able to understand viewpoints of others. They appreciate differences in their neighborhoods and around the world and they recognize and make distinctions among others' feelings and intentions very easily. • Young children with interpersonal intelligence enjoy playing with other children; they hate to be left alone. They love team activities of all kinds and are very good team members, pulling their own weight, often much more. • Older children then to become natural leaders, picking up on subtle social cues and knowing how to put others at ease. In short, they work well within groups and often end up in leadership role. • Adults are sensitive to the ideas and feelings of others and are adept at drawing others out in a discussion. When individuals are in radical opposition to each other, these are the ones who are often quite skillful in conflict resolution.
  • 33. Intrapersonal Understand oneself; Engage in self-reflection & metacognition; Capacity to be self-aware and in tune with inner feelings, values, beliefs and thinking processes • Having an understanding of yourself, of knowing who you are, what you can do, what you want to do, how you react to things, which things to (Self Smart) avoid, and which things to gravitate toward People Examples: • We are drawn to people who have a good understanding of themselves because those NEIL ARMSTRONG people tend not to screw up. They tend to know HELEN KELLER what they can do, what they can’t do, and they COLUMBUS tend to know where to go if they need help CHARLES LINDBERGH JOAN OF ARC • The knowing which comes from introspection, CLARA BARTON self-reflection, and raising questions about life’s CLEOPATRA meaning and purpose LEIF ERICSSON SIR EDMOND HIlLARY At the heart of this intelligence are our human self-reflective abilities by which we can step outside of ourselves and think about our own lives. This is the introspective intelligence. It involves our uniquely human propensity to want to know the meaning, purpose , and significance life. It involves our awareness of the inner world of the self, emotions, values, beliefs, and our various quests for genuine spirituality. If this intelligence is one of your strong points, you may like to work alone and sometimes you may shy away for others. You are probably self-reflective n self-aware, and thus you tend to be in tune with your inner feelings, values, beliefs, and thinking processes. You are frequently a bearer of creative wisdom and insight, you are highly intuitive, and you are inwardly motivated rather than needing external rewards to keep you going. You are often strong willed, self-confident, and have definite, well=though-out opinions on almost any issue. Other people will often come to you for advice and counsel. Careers: Therapists, psychologists, human potential researchers, philosophers, religious leaders (pastors and priests), social workers, mediation guides, counselors, self-help advisors, cognitive pattern researchers, mental health professionals BENEFITS of developing Self Smarts include: • Clarity about your life and where you are headed • Control of your destiny and the directions in which you want your life to move
  • 34. Improved self-confidence and self esteem • A deeper understanding of your core values and how to make them the center of all you do • Getting in touch with your "inner self" and learning how to trust it Teaching Resources • All of the above resources that might be used in reflective, individual MI activities Basic MI Activities - Teaching Activities • All of the above activities that might be completed through reflective individual projects Instructional Strategies - Teaching Activities • Decision making • Journal writing • Self-discovery • Independent learning projects Intrapersonal intelligence deals with the development and understanding of the self and using this knowledge to live well; it includes personal goals, feelings, anxieties and strengths and subsequently drawing from that awareness to guide personal behavior. These people often enjoy working alone, sometimes even shying away from others and off quietly by themselves. They are often strong willed, self- confident, and possess definite, well-thought-out opinions on various issues. • Young children can be left on their own to play happily, and may be a bit shy or stubborn. • Older children may keep journals or logs, express strong emotions and well developed opinions, and seem blithely unconcerned by other kids' notions of what's "in" and what's "out." • Adults are self-reflective and self-aware, thus they often tend to be in tune with their inner feelings, beliefs, thinking processes, and values. They are frequent bearers of creative wisdom and insight, are highly intuitive, and are inwardly motivated rather than requiring external rewards to keep them going. Naturalist Ability to recognize and categorize plants, animals and other
  • 35. objects in nature • Weather conditions of the natural world • Recognize patterns and distinctions in the natural world This intelligence involves understanding the natural world of plants and animals, noticing their characteristics, and categorizing them; it generally involves keen observation and the (Nature Smart) ability to classify other things as well. It may be exercised by exploring nature, making collections of objects, studying them, People and grouping them. Examples: Careers: Galileo Forest rangers, nature guides, animal trainers, zoo keepers, Rachael Carson landscape designers, gardeners, scientists investigating the John Audubon biological and physical worlds, bird watchers, veterinarians, Lewis & Clark farmers, people involved in scouting and camping, botanists, Jane Goodall horticulturists, florists, meteorologists, conservations Jacques Costeau Diana Fossey BENEFITS of developing and strengthening Nature Smarts include: John Muir Sacajawea • Gaining an awareness of how nature effects and shapes who you are as a person • Developing a respect for other creatures which inhabit our world • Acquiring a greater sensitivity to larger patterns in the environment, such as the weather, changing seasons, phases of the moon, etc. • Nurturing the ability to grow things • Caring for and conserving the natural environment Teaching Resources • Illustrations • Paintings • Maps • Personal narratives and photographs of historical • Contemporary environments Basic MI Activities - Teaching Activities • Design virtual landscapes • Analyze computer simulated topographic battlefields, cities, maps, etc. Instructional Strategies - Teaching Activities • Recognize and classify cultural and natural artifacts
  • 36. Data gathering in natural setting Naturalist intelligence is the ability to recognize and classify elements of the natural world. That is, this intelligence enables us to classify, understand, and explain the elements of nature. Those "at promise" in this domain have an understanding of the environment; they learn well through outdoor activities, including those that involve interacting with natural and environmental materials and concepts. • Young children may be fascinated by all kinds of creatures, including the ants crawling along a picnic blanket. • Older children love to learn the names of trees and flowers, and have a good eye for the differences between them. They spend hours compiling science reports on their favorite animals and exotic plants. • Adults tend to be aware of the subtleties in appearance, texture, and sounds that those weaker in this intelligence may not grasp. Stated a slightly different way, this intelligence has to do with observing, understanding and organizing patterns in the natural environment. Multiple Intelligences Information was taken from: