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Creative Teacher Development /
  Empowerment in the Asian

     Paul Doyon (BA, MAT, MA)
     Mae Fah Luang University
         Thai TESOL 2009
        Bangkok, Thailand
          August 9th, 2009
Synopsis of Presentation
What is Empowerment?
What is Development?
Engagement and Empowerment
Responses to Control: Compliance and Defiance
Control. Initiative. Shyness.
Learned Helplessness
Self-Efficacy Theory
Intrinsic Motivation
Psychoacademic Needs
The Need for Autonomy
Self Efficacy & Groupthink
Levels of Conscientization
Change Agency
Democracy in Education
Power To and Power With Versus Power Over
The Teacher as Professional
Action Research
The Experiential Learning Cycle
Optimal Teacher Development
What is Empowerment?

- to invest with power, especially legal
   power or official authority.
- to equip or supply with an ability;
The Free Dictionary by Farlex
What is Empowerment?

to empower is…
    …to equip or supply with an ability;
    …to enable
The Free Dictionary by Farlex
What is Empowerment?
Social Empowerment is a process by
which people reclaim their power, the
power to shape their own lives and to
influence the course of events around
them. They use their power against
oppression and exclusion, and for
participation, peace and human rights.
Julia Kraft, “Power-with, not “Power-over.” Peace News. June-
August 2000. p. 35
What is Empowerment?
Empowerment processes work on three levels, the
personal (power within), the collective/group
(power-with), the social (power in-relation-to-certain
ends, and power-against-certain-social forces).
These levels are not separate. Personal power often
comes from a sense of connectedness, or
membership of a group with like-minded people.

Julia Kraft, “Power-with, not “Power-over.” Peace News. June-
August 2000. p. 35
What is Development?

to develop is…
    …to improve by expanding or
     enlarging or refining;
    …to pass by degrees to a different
     stage (especially a more advanced
     or mature stage);
The Free Dictionary by Farlex
What is Development?

to develop is
     - …to pass by degrees to a different
      stage (especially a more advanced
      or mature stage);
The Free Dictionary by Farlex
What is Development?

Teacher development … usually
refers to professional learning by
teachers already engaged in
professional practice, usually through
reflective discussion sessions based on
current classroom experience.

Penny Ur 1997 “Teacher Training and Teacher Development: A
Useful Dichotomy?” The Language Teacher.
Development =
TRAINING                               DEVELOPMENT
Imposed from "above“                   Initiated by "self“
Pre-determined course structure        Structure determined through process
Not based on personal experience       Based on personal experience
Externally determined syllabus         Syllabus determined by participants
External evaluation                    Self-evaluation
Input from "experts“                   Input from participants
Unthinking acceptance of information   Personal construction of knowledge
Cognitive, cerebral                    Cognitive and affective, "whole person“
Isolated                               Collaborative
Stresses professional skills           Stresses personal development
Disempowers individual teacher         Empowers individual teacher

Penny Ur 1997 “Teacher Training and Teacher Development: A
Useful Dichotomy?” The Language Teacher.
Engagement &
  If we look at very young children engaged in the
  learning process, one thing most salient is the fact
  that it is a very empowering process for them. Every
  time they learn something new, it empowers them to
  do something more.
  We see the act of learning in itself as an empowering
  process as long as the student is engaged in the
  learning process as an act of his or her own volition.
  However, when a child starts school, very
  often, something negative happens to this natural
  learning process -- what might be called a process of

Doyon (2002). “Enhancing Value Perception in the Japanese
EFL Classroom.” Asian EFL Journal.
The Response to Control:
Defiance or Compliance?
To the extent that a behavior is not autonomous, it is
controlled, and there are two types of controlled

The first type is compliance, and it is compliance that
authoritarian solutions hope to accomplish. Compliance
means doing what you are told to do because you are
told to do it….

The other response to control is defiance, which means
you do the opposite of what you are expected to do just
because you are expected to do it. Compliance and
defiance exist in an unstable partnership representing
the complementary responses to control.
Deci, 1995, Why We Do What We Do: Understanding Self-
Motivation. NY, NY: Penguin Books.
Control. Initiative. Shyness.

Zimbardo (1981) defines shyness in depth
    a mental attitude that predisposes people to
    be extremely concerned about the social
    evaluation [italics added] of them by others.
    As such, it creates a keen sensitivity to cues
    of being rejected. There is a readiness to
    avoid people and situations that hold any
    potential for criticism of the shy person's
    appearance or conduct. It involves keeping
    a low profile by holding back from initiating
    [italics added] actions that might call
    attention to one's self. (p. 9)

  Zimbardo, P. The Shy Child. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Control. Initiative. Shyness.

In A Way and Ways (1980), Earl Stevick strikingly
employs the same terms of evaluation and
initiative in describing the alienation felt by
students in many EFL classrooms:

     But the teacher's own urge to become "an object of
     primacy in a world of meaningful action" can lead her
     to carry any of these five legitimate functions to
     undesirable excess. Cognitive primacy may become
     an assertion of infallibility; the responsibility for
     structuring time may lead to a demand of
     omnipotence, and also to excessive defining of
     goals. Together, they are the principle ingredients of
     the evaluative manner that is so effective in stifling
     the initiative of students. [italics added] (p. 21)
Learned Helplessness
  Learned Helplessness is “an apathetic attitude
  stemming from the conviction that one's actions do not
  have the power to affect one's situation” (Gale
  Encyclopedia of Psychology, 2001 p. 1). Dr. Martin
  Seligman, of the University of Pennsylvania, originally
  found that rats, upon repeated exposure to unavoidable
  electric shocks, became “unable to act in subsequent
  situations where avoidance or escape was possible”
  (p. 1). In extending these findings to the human
  population, Seligman found that one’s lack of control
  over his or her environment also undermines one’s
  “motivation to initiate [italics added] responses” (p. 1).
  Thus, students’ beliefs in their own powerlessness, not
  only undermine their ability to act in a learning
  situation, but also color how they perceive that learning
Doyon (2002). “Enhancing Value Perception in the Japanese
EFL Classroom.” Asian EFL Journal.
Self-Efficacy Theory
A theory of situation-specific self-confidence that
proposes that self-efficacy is fundamental to
initiating certain behaviour necessary for
competent performance.
According to the theory, self-efficacy is enhanced
by four factors: successful performances, vicarious
experiences, verbal persuasion, and emotional
arousal. Successful performance, which can be
achieved by participatory modeling, is regarded as
the most important factor.

“There is an emphasis on
reciprocation, that is, the importance
of the learner reciprocating the
intentions of the mediator or teacher.
This means that the learner is ready
and willing to carry out the task
presented, and that there is an
agreement as to what should be
(Williams and Burden. 1997. Psychology for Language
Teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.)

From Talk A Lot, by David Martin
Intrinsic Motivation
Raffini (1996), an educational psychologist at the
University of Wisconsin, defines intrinsic
motivation as:

   “…choosing to do an activity for no
   compelling reason, beyond the
   satisfaction derived from the activity
   itself -- it’s what motivates us to do
   something when we don’t have to do
150 Ways to Increase Motivation in the Classroom. Boston:
Allyn and Bacon.
Psychoacademic Needs
Raffini (1996) goes on to state that intrinsic motivation is
fueled by five psychoacademic needs:

   The Need for Autonomy (e.g. Choices)
   The Need for Competence
   (e.g. Vygotsky’s ZPD)
   The Need for Belonging and Relatedness
    (e.g. Cooperative Learning)
   The Need for Self-Esteem / Dignity
   (e.g. Unconditional Positive Regard / Respect)
   The Need for Involvement and Enjoyment
 150 Ways to Increase Motivation in the Classroom. Boston:
 Allyn and Bacon.
The Need for Autonomy
Individuals seek a quality of human
functioning that has at its core the desire to
determine their own behavior; they have an
innate need to feel autonomous and to
have control over their lives. This need for
self-determination is satisfied when
individuals are free to behave of their own
volition – to behave in activities because
they want to, not because they have to. At
its core is the freedom to choose and have
choices, rather than being forced or
coerced to behave according to the desires
of another. (Raffini, 1996, pp. 3-4)
…is a type of thought exhibited by group members who try to
minimize conflict and reach consensus without critically testing,
analyzing, and evaluating ideas. Individual creativity, uniqueness,
and independent thinking are lost in the pursuit of group
cohesiveness, as are the advantages of reasonable balance in
choice and thought that might normally be obtained by making
decisions as a group.[1] During groupthink, members of the group
avoid promoting viewpoints outside the comfort zone of consensus
thinking. A variety of motives for this may exist such as a desire
to avoid being seen as foolish, or a desire to avoid embarrassing or
angering other members of the group. Groupthink may cause
groups to make hasty, irrational decisions, where individual doubts
are set aside, for fear of upsetting the group’s balance.

Wikipedia: Groupthink.
Causes of GroupThink
  …Highly  cohesive groups are much more likely to engage in groupthink, because
  their cohesiveness often correlates with unspoken understanding and the ability to
  work together with minimal explanations…

  James Surowieckii warns against loss of the "cognitive diversity" that comes from
  having team members whose educational and occupational backgrounds differ.
  The closer group members are in outlook, the less likely they are to raise questions
  that might break their cohesion.

  Group cohesion as the most important antecedent – but not absolutely necessary –
  to groupthink, and is promoted by the following:
       Structural faults in the organization: insulation of the group, lack of tradition of impartial
       leadership, lack of norms requiring methodological procedures, homogeneity of members'
       social background and ideology.
       Provocative situational context: high stress from external threats, recent failures, excessive
       difficulties on the decision-making task, moral dilemmas.

  Social psychologist Clark McCauley’s three conditions under which groupthink
       Directive leadership.
       Homogeneity of members' social background and ideology.
       Isolation of the group from outside sources of information and analysis.

Wikipedia: Groupthink.
Self Efficacy & GroupThink
  Similarly, low self efficacy amplifies Janis’s
  prior consideration of this factor. The one major
  shift is that the ubiquity model assumes that
  when combined, social identification, salient
  norms and low self efficacy are both necessary
  and sufficient to evoke “groupthink reactions.”
  Such reactions include Janis’s array of defective
  decision processes as well as suppressed
  dissent, selective focus on shared
  viewpoints, polarization of attitude and action
  and heightened confidence in such polarized
  views. Note that such elevated confidence will
  often evoke the feelings of in-group moral
  superiority and invulnerability alluded to by
Wikipedia: Groupthink.
Levels of Conscientization
(1) Intransitive Consciousness - the individual
accepts reality, disbelieves personal
change, shows passivity, has a limited sphere of

(2) Transitive Naive - ingenuous: the person
offers simple interpretation of social
problems, presents weak arguments, is open to
stimuli, is awakened to cause/effect
relationships, is anguished about social situation;

(3) Transitive Critical - the individual sees link
between problems and reality, argues for social
and political responsibility, is confident about
reasoning through dialogue, has new attitudes
toward the world, becomes involved in
transformative action.
Change Agency
   The skills to be achieved were intended to
   help an individual function in the role of
   “change agent”. A change agent was
   thought to be instrumental in facilitating
   communication and useful feedback
   among participants. He was also to be a
   paragon who was aware of the need for
   change, could diagnose the problems
   involved, and could plan for
   change, implement the plans, and evaluate
   the results. To become an effective change
   agent, an understanding of the dynamics of
   groups was believed necessary.
Reid (1981: 153) Character Building to Social Treatment. The
history of the use of groups in social work, Westpoint, Conn.:
Greenwood Press.
Democracy in Education:
Kurt Lewin and John Dewey
  Democracy and groups
  Gordon W. Allport, in his introduction to Resolving Social Conflicts
  (Lewin 1948: xi) argues that there is striking kinship between the
  work of Kurt Lewin and that of John Dewey.
  Both agree that democracy must be learned anew in each
  generation, and that it is a far more difficult form of social structure
  to attain and to maintain than is autocracy. Both see the intimate
  dependence of democracy upon social science. Without knowledge
  of, and obedience to, the laws of human nature in group
  settings, democracy cannot succeed. And without freedom for
  research and theory as provided only in a democratic
  environment, social science will surely fail. Dewey, we might say, is
  the outstanding philosophical exponent of democracy, Lewin is its
  outstanding psychological exponent. More clearly than anyone else
  has he shown us in concrete, operational terms what it means to be
  a democratic leader, and to create democratic group structure.
Democracy in Education:
     Leadership Styles
   They looked to three classic group
   leadership models - democratic, autocratic
   and laissez-faire – and concluded that
   there was more originality, group-
   mindedness and friendliness in democratic
   groups. In contrast, there was more
   aggression, hostility, scapegoating and
   discontent in laissez-faire and autocratic
   groups (Reid 1981: 115)
Democracy in Education:
  Effect on Children
There have been few experiences for me
as impressive as seeing the expression in
children’s faces change during the first day
of autocracy. The friendly, open, and co-
operative group, full of life, became within a
short half-hour a rather apathetic looking
gathering without initiative. The
change from autocracy to democracy
seemed to take somewhat more time than
from democracy to autocracy. Autocracy is
imposed upon the individual. Democracy
he has to learn. (Lewin 1948: 82)
“Power with” & Power to”
     versus “Power Over”
This power is not “power-over”, or domination, but the power to
be and to do, “power-with” others that can be used to change
oppressive or disempowering circumstances. This power stands
against political repression, repression by institutions and also
against the social patterns that pervade within society and
which diminish the quality of peoples’ lives. Power and influence
within society needs to be redistributed. As people become
empowered they people a critical consciousness about the
unequal distribution of goods, opportunities and knowledge
within society, and how this social reality can be changed.
Empowerment is also about locating our own resources,
discovering what other resources are available, and learning to
use them.

Julia Kraft, “Power-with, not “Power-over.” Peace News. June-
   August 2000. p. 35
The Teacher As Professional

  Teacher empowerment means that the teacher is
  seen as an autonomous professional, responsible
  for, and an authority on, professional learning and
  practice, rather than subordinate to external
  authority and expertise. The concept
  "professional" may be clarified by contrasting it
  with opposing ones such as "lay." "amateur."
  "technician." and "academic"

Penny Ur 1997 “Teacher Training and Teacher Development: A
Useful Dichotomy?” The Language Teacher.
Action research
   …is a reflective process of progressive problem solving led by
   individuals working with others in teams or as part of a "community
   of practice" to improve the way they address issues and solve
   problems. Action research can also be undertaken by larger
   organizations or institutions, assisted or guided by professional
   researchers, with the aim of improving their
   strategies, practices, and knowledge of the environments within
   which they practice. As designers and stakeholders, researchers
   work with others to propose a new course of action to help their
   community improve its work practices. Kurt Lewin, then a professor
   at MIT, first coined the term “action research” in about 1944, and it
   appears in his 1946 paper “Action Research and Minority
   Problems”. In that paper, he described action research as “a
   comparative research on the conditions and effects of various forms
   of social action and research leading to social action” that uses “a
   spiral of steps, each of which is composed of a circle of
   planning, action, and fact-finding about the result of the action”.

Wikipedia: Action Research –
The Experiential Learning Cycle

                          Concrete Experience

Testing Implications                                   Observation
of Concepts in New                                    and Reflection

                          Formation of Abstract
                       Concepts and Generalizations
The Experiential Learning Cycle


              Teachers         Artists,

    Active                                    Reflective
Experimentation                              Observation


                  Engineers         Scientists

                   Formations of
                  Abstract Concepts
                  & Generalizations


Two Ways of Knowing:
       Apprehension & Comprehension

The prehension dimension refers to the way in which the
individual grasps experience. This dimension can be seen
as two modes of knowing, ranging from what Kolb calls
grasping via “apprehension” to what he calls grasping via
“comprehension.” Apprehension is instant intuitive
knowledge without a need for rational inquiry or
analytical confirmation. The other end of the dimension,
grasping via comprehension, on the other hand,
emphasizes the role of conscious learning, whereby
comprehension introduces order and predictability to the
flow of unconscious sensations. This dimension is thus
concerned with the ways of grasping reality through the
varying degrees of emphasis on unconscious and
conscious learning.

(Kohonen, Experiential language learning: second language
learning as cooperative learner education. 1992, p. 16)
       “reflection and action upon the world
              in order to transform it.”
                                  Paulo Freire

Action                Praxis                Reflection
(Activism)                                  (Verbalism)
Models of Teacher Learning

One "way in" to this distinction which I have found helpful is to define it in terms of
Wallace's (1991) three models of teacher learning: the applied science, craft, and reflective
models. According to the applied science model, teachers learn to be teachers by being
taught research-based theories, and then applying them in practice: The implication is that
the most important professional knowledge is generalizable theory. The craft model means
learning teaching in the way apprentices learn crafts like shoemaking or carpentry: The
novice watches and imitates a master teacher, and obeys the latter's directions for
improvement. Here the implication is that teaching is mainly a practical skill. Finally we
have the reflection model, according to which teachers learn by reflecting on their own
experience and applying what they have learned in order to develop their professional
abilities further.
Penny Ur 1997 “Teacher Training and Teacher Development: A
Useful Dichotomy?” The Language Teacher.
Ur’s Optimal Teaching &
         Expert Practice                  Learning Model
         Anecdote, etc.             (in the Vygotskian sense)

The Outside World             Concrete

        Active                                  Reflective
    Experimentation                            Observation
                             The Learner


                                                   Abstract Concepts
Optimal Teacher Development

…to learn only from oneself is limited: One needs also to take
advantage of the enormous amount of … knowledge and
expertise “out there” waiting to be tapped. Your own experience
can be enriched by hearing, seeing, or reading about the
experiences of others: your reflections on your own or other’s
performance can be enriched by other people’s critical
observations; you can discover some beautiful theories through
reading the literature or listening to lecturers that help you
understand what you are doing; you can supplement your own
experimentation by finding out about the experiments of
researchers. Such knowledge cannot be taken on board simply
through reading or hearing about it. In order for it to function as
real knowledge and not just as inert items of information, you
need to process it through your own
experience, reflection, conceptualization, and experimentation
and to construct your own understanding of it.
Penny Ur 1997 “Teacher Training and Teacher Development: A
Useful Dichotomy?” The Language Teacher.
The End

     Thank you

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Creative teacher empowerment in the asian context (2)

  • 1. Creative Teacher Development / Empowerment in the Asian Context Paul Doyon (BA, MAT, MA) Mae Fah Luang University Thai TESOL 2009 Bangkok, Thailand August 9th, 2009
  • 2. Synopsis of Presentation What is Empowerment? What is Development? Engagement and Empowerment Responses to Control: Compliance and Defiance Control. Initiative. Shyness. Learned Helplessness Self-Efficacy Theory Reciprocity Resistance Intrinsic Motivation Psychoacademic Needs The Need for Autonomy Groupthink Self Efficacy & Groupthink Levels of Conscientization Change Agency Democracy in Education Power To and Power With Versus Power Over The Teacher as Professional Action Research The Experiential Learning Cycle Optimal Teacher Development
  • 3. What is Empowerment? em¡pow¡er - to invest with power, especially legal power or official authority. - to equip or supply with an ability; enable The Free Dictionary by Farlex
  • 4. What is Empowerment? to empower is… …to equip or supply with an ability; …to enable The Free Dictionary by Farlex
  • 5. What is Empowerment? Social Empowerment is a process by which people reclaim their power, the power to shape their own lives and to influence the course of events around them. They use their power against oppression and exclusion, and for participation, peace and human rights. Julia Kraft, “Power-with, not “Power-over.” Peace News. June- August 2000. p. 35
  • 6. What is Empowerment? Empowerment processes work on three levels, the personal (power within), the collective/group (power-with), the social (power in-relation-to-certain ends, and power-against-certain-social forces). These levels are not separate. Personal power often comes from a sense of connectedness, or membership of a group with like-minded people. Julia Kraft, “Power-with, not “Power-over.” Peace News. June- August 2000. p. 35
  • 7. What is Development? to develop is… …to improve by expanding or enlarging or refining; …to pass by degrees to a different stage (especially a more advanced or mature stage); The Free Dictionary by Farlex
  • 8. What is Development? to develop is - …to pass by degrees to a different stage (especially a more advanced or mature stage); The Free Dictionary by Farlex
  • 9. What is Development? Teacher development … usually refers to professional learning by teachers already engaged in professional practice, usually through reflective discussion sessions based on current classroom experience. Penny Ur 1997 “Teacher Training and Teacher Development: A Useful Dichotomy?” The Language Teacher.
  • 10. Development = Empowerment TRAINING DEVELOPMENT Imposed from "above“ Initiated by "self“ Pre-determined course structure Structure determined through process Not based on personal experience Based on personal experience Externally determined syllabus Syllabus determined by participants External evaluation Self-evaluation Input from "experts“ Input from participants Unthinking acceptance of information Personal construction of knowledge Cognitive, cerebral Cognitive and affective, "whole person“ Isolated Collaborative Stresses professional skills Stresses personal development Disempowers individual teacher Empowers individual teacher Penny Ur 1997 “Teacher Training and Teacher Development: A Useful Dichotomy?” The Language Teacher.
  • 11. Engagement & Empowerment If we look at very young children engaged in the learning process, one thing most salient is the fact that it is a very empowering process for them. Every time they learn something new, it empowers them to do something more. We see the act of learning in itself as an empowering process as long as the student is engaged in the learning process as an act of his or her own volition. However, when a child starts school, very often, something negative happens to this natural learning process -- what might be called a process of disempowerment. Doyon (2002). “Enhancing Value Perception in the Japanese EFL Classroom.” Asian EFL Journal.
  • 12. The Response to Control: Defiance or Compliance? To the extent that a behavior is not autonomous, it is controlled, and there are two types of controlled behavior. The first type is compliance, and it is compliance that authoritarian solutions hope to accomplish. Compliance means doing what you are told to do because you are told to do it…. The other response to control is defiance, which means you do the opposite of what you are expected to do just because you are expected to do it. Compliance and defiance exist in an unstable partnership representing the complementary responses to control. Deci, 1995, Why We Do What We Do: Understanding Self- Motivation. NY, NY: Penguin Books.
  • 13. Control. Initiative. Shyness. Zimbardo (1981) defines shyness in depth as a mental attitude that predisposes people to be extremely concerned about the social evaluation [italics added] of them by others. As such, it creates a keen sensitivity to cues of being rejected. There is a readiness to avoid people and situations that hold any potential for criticism of the shy person's appearance or conduct. It involves keeping a low profile by holding back from initiating [italics added] actions that might call attention to one's self. (p. 9) Zimbardo, P. The Shy Child. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • 14. Control. Initiative. Shyness. In A Way and Ways (1980), Earl Stevick strikingly employs the same terms of evaluation and initiative in describing the alienation felt by students in many EFL classrooms: But the teacher's own urge to become "an object of primacy in a world of meaningful action" can lead her to carry any of these five legitimate functions to undesirable excess. Cognitive primacy may become an assertion of infallibility; the responsibility for structuring time may lead to a demand of omnipotence, and also to excessive defining of goals. Together, they are the principle ingredients of the evaluative manner that is so effective in stifling the initiative of students. [italics added] (p. 21)
  • 15. Learned Helplessness Learned Helplessness is “an apathetic attitude stemming from the conviction that one's actions do not have the power to affect one's situation” (Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology, 2001 p. 1). Dr. Martin Seligman, of the University of Pennsylvania, originally found that rats, upon repeated exposure to unavoidable electric shocks, became “unable to act in subsequent situations where avoidance or escape was possible” (p. 1). In extending these findings to the human population, Seligman found that one’s lack of control over his or her environment also undermines one’s “motivation to initiate [italics added] responses” (p. 1). Thus, students’ beliefs in their own powerlessness, not only undermine their ability to act in a learning situation, but also color how they perceive that learning situation. Doyon (2002). “Enhancing Value Perception in the Japanese EFL Classroom.” Asian EFL Journal.
  • 16. Self-Efficacy Theory A theory of situation-specific self-confidence that proposes that self-efficacy is fundamental to initiating certain behaviour necessary for competent performance. According to the theory, self-efficacy is enhanced by four factors: successful performances, vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion, and emotional arousal. Successful performance, which can be achieved by participatory modeling, is regarded as the most important factor. efficacy-theory
  • 17. Reciprocity “There is an emphasis on reciprocation, that is, the importance of the learner reciprocating the intentions of the mediator or teacher. This means that the learner is ready and willing to carry out the task presented, and that there is an agreement as to what should be done” (Williams and Burden. 1997. Psychology for Language Teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.)
  • 18. Resistance! From Talk A Lot, by David Martin
  • 19. Intrinsic Motivation Raffini (1996), an educational psychologist at the University of Wisconsin, defines intrinsic motivation as: “…choosing to do an activity for no compelling reason, beyond the satisfaction derived from the activity itself -- it’s what motivates us to do something when we don’t have to do anything.” 150 Ways to Increase Motivation in the Classroom. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
  • 20. Psychoacademic Needs Raffini (1996) goes on to state that intrinsic motivation is fueled by five psychoacademic needs: The Need for Autonomy (e.g. Choices) The Need for Competence (e.g. Vygotsky’s ZPD) The Need for Belonging and Relatedness (e.g. Cooperative Learning) The Need for Self-Esteem / Dignity (e.g. Unconditional Positive Regard / Respect) The Need for Involvement and Enjoyment 150 Ways to Increase Motivation in the Classroom. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
  • 21. The Need for Autonomy Individuals seek a quality of human functioning that has at its core the desire to determine their own behavior; they have an innate need to feel autonomous and to have control over their lives. This need for self-determination is satisfied when individuals are free to behave of their own volition – to behave in activities because they want to, not because they have to. At its core is the freedom to choose and have choices, rather than being forced or coerced to behave according to the desires of another. (Raffini, 1996, pp. 3-4)
  • 22. GroupThink …is a type of thought exhibited by group members who try to minimize conflict and reach consensus without critically testing, analyzing, and evaluating ideas. Individual creativity, uniqueness, and independent thinking are lost in the pursuit of group cohesiveness, as are the advantages of reasonable balance in choice and thought that might normally be obtained by making decisions as a group.[1] During groupthink, members of the group avoid promoting viewpoints outside the comfort zone of consensus thinking. A variety of motives for this may exist such as a desire to avoid being seen as foolish, or a desire to avoid embarrassing or angering other members of the group. Groupthink may cause groups to make hasty, irrational decisions, where individual doubts are set aside, for fear of upsetting the group’s balance. Wikipedia: Groupthink.
  • 23. Causes of GroupThink …Highly cohesive groups are much more likely to engage in groupthink, because their cohesiveness often correlates with unspoken understanding and the ability to work together with minimal explanations… James Surowieckii warns against loss of the "cognitive diversity" that comes from having team members whose educational and occupational backgrounds differ. The closer group members are in outlook, the less likely they are to raise questions that might break their cohesion. Group cohesion as the most important antecedent – but not absolutely necessary – to groupthink, and is promoted by the following: Structural faults in the organization: insulation of the group, lack of tradition of impartial leadership, lack of norms requiring methodological procedures, homogeneity of members' social background and ideology. Provocative situational context: high stress from external threats, recent failures, excessive difficulties on the decision-making task, moral dilemmas. Social psychologist Clark McCauley’s three conditions under which groupthink occurs: Directive leadership. Homogeneity of members' social background and ideology. Isolation of the group from outside sources of information and analysis. Wikipedia: Groupthink.
  • 24. Self Efficacy & GroupThink Similarly, low self efficacy amplifies Janis’s prior consideration of this factor. The one major shift is that the ubiquity model assumes that when combined, social identification, salient norms and low self efficacy are both necessary and sufficient to evoke “groupthink reactions.” Such reactions include Janis’s array of defective decision processes as well as suppressed dissent, selective focus on shared viewpoints, polarization of attitude and action and heightened confidence in such polarized views. Note that such elevated confidence will often evoke the feelings of in-group moral superiority and invulnerability alluded to by Janis. Wikipedia: Groupthink.
  • 25. Levels of Conscientization (1) Intransitive Consciousness - the individual accepts reality, disbelieves personal change, shows passivity, has a limited sphere of apprehension; (2) Transitive Naive - ingenuous: the person offers simple interpretation of social problems, presents weak arguments, is open to stimuli, is awakened to cause/effect relationships, is anguished about social situation; and (3) Transitive Critical - the individual sees link between problems and reality, argues for social and political responsibility, is confident about reasoning through dialogue, has new attitudes toward the world, becomes involved in transformative action.
  • 26. Change Agency The skills to be achieved were intended to help an individual function in the role of “change agent”. A change agent was thought to be instrumental in facilitating communication and useful feedback among participants. He was also to be a paragon who was aware of the need for change, could diagnose the problems involved, and could plan for change, implement the plans, and evaluate the results. To become an effective change agent, an understanding of the dynamics of groups was believed necessary. Reid (1981: 153) Character Building to Social Treatment. The history of the use of groups in social work, Westpoint, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
  • 27. Democracy in Education: Kurt Lewin and John Dewey Democracy and groups Gordon W. Allport, in his introduction to Resolving Social Conflicts (Lewin 1948: xi) argues that there is striking kinship between the work of Kurt Lewin and that of John Dewey. Both agree that democracy must be learned anew in each generation, and that it is a far more difficult form of social structure to attain and to maintain than is autocracy. Both see the intimate dependence of democracy upon social science. Without knowledge of, and obedience to, the laws of human nature in group settings, democracy cannot succeed. And without freedom for research and theory as provided only in a democratic environment, social science will surely fail. Dewey, we might say, is the outstanding philosophical exponent of democracy, Lewin is its outstanding psychological exponent. More clearly than anyone else has he shown us in concrete, operational terms what it means to be a democratic leader, and to create democratic group structure.
  • 28. Democracy in Education: Leadership Styles They looked to three classic group leadership models - democratic, autocratic and laissez-faire – and concluded that there was more originality, group- mindedness and friendliness in democratic groups. In contrast, there was more aggression, hostility, scapegoating and discontent in laissez-faire and autocratic groups (Reid 1981: 115)
  • 29. Democracy in Education: Effect on Children There have been few experiences for me as impressive as seeing the expression in children’s faces change during the first day of autocracy. The friendly, open, and co- operative group, full of life, became within a short half-hour a rather apathetic looking gathering without initiative. The change from autocracy to democracy seemed to take somewhat more time than from democracy to autocracy. Autocracy is imposed upon the individual. Democracy he has to learn. (Lewin 1948: 82)
  • 30. “Power with” & Power to” versus “Power Over” This power is not “power-over”, or domination, but the power to be and to do, “power-with” others that can be used to change oppressive or disempowering circumstances. This power stands against political repression, repression by institutions and also against the social patterns that pervade within society and which diminish the quality of peoples’ lives. Power and influence within society needs to be redistributed. As people become empowered they people a critical consciousness about the unequal distribution of goods, opportunities and knowledge within society, and how this social reality can be changed. Empowerment is also about locating our own resources, discovering what other resources are available, and learning to use them. Julia Kraft, “Power-with, not “Power-over.” Peace News. June- August 2000. p. 35
  • 31. The Teacher As Professional Teacher empowerment means that the teacher is seen as an autonomous professional, responsible for, and an authority on, professional learning and practice, rather than subordinate to external authority and expertise. The concept "professional" may be clarified by contrasting it with opposing ones such as "lay." "amateur." "technician." and "academic" Penny Ur 1997 “Teacher Training and Teacher Development: A Useful Dichotomy?” The Language Teacher.
  • 32. Action research …is a reflective process of progressive problem solving led by individuals working with others in teams or as part of a "community of practice" to improve the way they address issues and solve problems. Action research can also be undertaken by larger organizations or institutions, assisted or guided by professional researchers, with the aim of improving their strategies, practices, and knowledge of the environments within which they practice. As designers and stakeholders, researchers work with others to propose a new course of action to help their community improve its work practices. Kurt Lewin, then a professor at MIT, first coined the term “action research” in about 1944, and it appears in his 1946 paper “Action Research and Minority Problems”. In that paper, he described action research as “a comparative research on the conditions and effects of various forms of social action and research leading to social action” that uses “a spiral of steps, each of which is composed of a circle of planning, action, and fact-finding about the result of the action”. Wikipedia: Action Research –
  • 33. The Experiential Learning Cycle Concrete Experience Testing Implications Observation of Concepts in New and Reflection Situations (Experimentation) Formation of Abstract Concepts and Generalizations
  • 34. The Experiential Learning Cycle Concrete Experience Teachers Artists, Musicians, Psychologists Businesspeople Active Reflective Experimentation Observation Sociologists Anthropologists Engineers Scientists Formations of Abstract Concepts & Generalizations
  • 35. Feeling Perception Apprehensi on -prehension Thinking Conception Comprehension
  • 36. Two Ways of Knowing: Apprehension & Comprehension The prehension dimension refers to the way in which the individual grasps experience. This dimension can be seen as two modes of knowing, ranging from what Kolb calls grasping via “apprehension” to what he calls grasping via “comprehension.” Apprehension is instant intuitive knowledge without a need for rational inquiry or analytical confirmation. The other end of the dimension, grasping via comprehension, on the other hand, emphasizes the role of conscious learning, whereby comprehension introduces order and predictability to the flow of unconscious sensations. This dimension is thus concerned with the ways of grasping reality through the varying degrees of emphasis on unconscious and conscious learning. (Kohonen, Experiential language learning: second language learning as cooperative learner education. 1992, p. 16)
  • 37. Praxis “reflection and action upon the world in order to transform it.” Paulo Freire Action Praxis Reflection (Activism) (Verbalism)
  • 38. Models of Teacher Learning One "way in" to this distinction which I have found helpful is to define it in terms of Wallace's (1991) three models of teacher learning: the applied science, craft, and reflective models. According to the applied science model, teachers learn to be teachers by being taught research-based theories, and then applying them in practice: The implication is that the most important professional knowledge is generalizable theory. The craft model means learning teaching in the way apprentices learn crafts like shoemaking or carpentry: The novice watches and imitates a master teacher, and obeys the latter's directions for improvement. Here the implication is that teaching is mainly a practical skill. Finally we have the reflection model, according to which teachers learn by reflecting on their own experience and applying what they have learned in order to develop their professional abilities further. Penny Ur 1997 “Teacher Training and Teacher Development: A Useful Dichotomy?” The Language Teacher.
  • 39. Ur’s Optimal Teaching & Expert Practice Learning Model Anecdote, etc. (in the Vygotskian sense) The Outside World Concrete Experience Critical Observation Active Reflective Experimentation Observation The Learner Research, Experiment Abstract Conceptualization Theories, Abstract Concepts
  • 40. Optimal Teacher Development …to learn only from oneself is limited: One needs also to take advantage of the enormous amount of … knowledge and expertise “out there” waiting to be tapped. Your own experience can be enriched by hearing, seeing, or reading about the experiences of others: your reflections on your own or other’s performance can be enriched by other people’s critical observations; you can discover some beautiful theories through reading the literature or listening to lecturers that help you understand what you are doing; you can supplement your own experimentation by finding out about the experiments of researchers. Such knowledge cannot be taken on board simply through reading or hearing about it. In order for it to function as real knowledge and not just as inert items of information, you need to process it through your own experience, reflection, conceptualization, and experimentation and to construct your own understanding of it. Penny Ur 1997 “Teacher Training and Teacher Development: A Useful Dichotomy?” The Language Teacher.
  • 41. The End Thank you