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Obfuscation, Golfing and Secret Operators in Perl
              Perl Golf


How do I impress my friends
 who don’t know much Perl
     with obfuscation?

With simple things

$:?do{exit&&exit}:printquot;Just another Perl hacker,quot;

$:?do{exit||exit}:printquot;Just another Perl hacker,quot;

Spaces? What spaces?

 $:?do{exit&&exit}:printquot;Just another Perl

Use newlines...

$:? do {exit &&
exit } : print
“Just another”.
“ Perl hacker,”

As many as you can...

exit }
“t a”.
“ Pe”.
“rl “.

Forget about indentation

if($var)   {
$var = 0   }
else       {
$var = 1   }

Or at least use it wrongly

    if($var) {
$var = 0 }
    else     {
$var = 1 }

Semicolons: use wrongly

  print quot;Hello quot;
;print quot;Worldquot;

Semicolons: use plenty

;;print quot;Hello Worldquot;;;

;;s;;print quot;Hello Worldquot;;e;;

Semicolons: use alternatives

  $a++ ; $b--
$a++ , $b--
$a++ . $b--
$a++ .. $b--

Use things indirectly

 s//Just another Perl hacker,/ ; print

Bend the rules

s/ / /;
y/ / /;

Bend the rules

s; ; ; ;
s { }[ ]
s s s s
y ; ; ;;
y y y y

And use unneeded things

;   s ; ; ; ;
{   };s{ }[ ]
s   s s s s
;   y ; ; ; ;

Mix them together

y s y s y s
s y s y s y

Mix things up


Mix things up

1 ? s::: : 0

Is it code?

y//No, it is not/;

Is it a comment?

s##No, it is not#;

Is it a comment?

s##we want to print quot;Just another Perl hacker,quot;##

Is it a comment?

 ##we want to print quot;Just another Perl hacker,quot;##

Is it a comment?

##we want to print quot;Just another Perl hacker,quot;##

Is it a comment?

##we want to print quot;Just another Perl hacker,quot;##

Is it a comment?

##we want to print quot;Just another Perl hacker,quot;##

Are those brackets closed?



$ perl -le ‘print “All digits!” if 0x20 =~ /^d+z/’
All digits!

$ perl -le ‘print 0x20


print   quot;No underscores!quot;    if   1_234_567_890 !~ /_/;
print   quot;No e!quot;              if   1e6 !~ /e/;
print   quot;There is an e!quot;     if   6666666666666666 =~ /e/;
print   quot;There is a plus!quot;   if   1e15 =~ /+/;
print   quot;No dot!quot;            if   0.00 !~ /./;

Hexadecimal or... whatever

eval quot;x70x72x69x6ex74quot;;

eval quot;160x72151x6e164quot;;

quot;14108032104097099107101114046quot;;s;...;print chr$&;eg

Variable names


Variable names: and behold

$   ;
$   :
$   _
$   ^
@   ^

Variable names: mix them

1 ? s : $ s : : : 0

Variable names: cleverly

1 ? s : s $ s : s $ s : : 0

Variable names: calculate

print ${1+1}

Variable names: store them

print ${$_}

Special variables


$,=” another Perl “;print(“Just”,”hacker”);

Behind human capabilities


Use uncommon things


Use uncommon things

print “a” | “c”;
print ~0 & 2 ;
print 1 ^ 2 ;
print ~0;

so you can do clever things

sub _ { “something tricky” }

or don’t name it at all

$_ = sub _ { “something tricky” }

And be inventive


And be *very* inventive


And be *VERY* inventive




print quot;Just another Perl hacker,quot;


print quot;Just quot;, quot;another quot;, quot;Perl quot;, quot;hacker,quot;


$, = quot; quot;;
print quot;Justquot;, quot;anotherquot;, quot;Perlquot;, quot;hacker,quot;


$, = quot; quot;;
print reverse quot;hacker,quot;, quot;Perlquot;, quot;anotherquot;, quot;Justquot;


$, = quot; quot;;
print reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,quot;Justquot;


$, = quot; quot;;
push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”;

print @_


$, = $quot; ;
push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”;

print @_


$, =+$quot; ;
push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”;

print @_


+$,=+$quot; ;
push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”;

print @_


+$,=+$quot; ;
push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”;
    join$,,@_ ;
print $_


+$,=+$quot; ;
push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”;
s //join$,,@_/e;
print $_


+$,=+$quot; ;
push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”;
s //”join”.’$,,@_’/ee;
print $_


+$,=+$quot; ;
push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”;
s //quot;x6ax6fx69x6equot;.’$,,@_’/ee;
print $_


+$,=+$quot; ;
push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”;
s //quot;x6ax6fx69x6equot;.’$,,@,’/ee;
print $_


+$,=+$quot; ;
push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”;
s //quot;x6ax6fx69x6equot;.’$,,@,’/ee;


+$,=+$quot; ;
push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”;


+$,=+$quot; ;
push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”;


+$,=+$quot; ;
push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”;
s{};quot;print x6ax6fx69x6equot;.’$,,@,’;ee;


+$,=+$quot; ;
push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”;
s{};quot;print x6ax6fx69x6equot;.’$,,@,’;eee


+$,=+$quot; ;
push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”;
s{};quot;160162151156164 x6ax6fx69x6equot;.’$,,@,’;eee


push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”;
s{};quot;160162151156164 x6ax6fx69x6equot;.’$,,@,’;eee


(+$,=+$quot;).#s# most people # think # this is a comment #
push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”;
s{};quot;160162151156164 x6ax6fx69x6equot;.’$,,@,’;eee


Don’t you ever, ever, ever, run
 obfuscated code you don’t
understand and cannot trust

Random code on the web

; y; -/:-@[-‘{-};‘-{/quot; -;;s;;$_;see

Random code on the web

; y; -/:-@[-‘{-};‘-{/quot; -;;s;;$_;see

Random code on the web

; y; -/:-@[-‘{-};‘-{/quot; -;;s;;$_;see

Random code on the web

; y; -/:-@[-‘{-};‘-{/quot; -;;s;;$_;see

Random code on the web

; y; -/:-@[-‘{-};‘-{/quot; -;;s;;$_;see

Random code on the web

; y; -/:-@[-‘{-};‘-{/quot; -;;s;;$_;see

Random code on the web

; y; -/:-@[-‘{-};‘-{/quot; -;;s;;$_;see

Random code on the web

; y; -/:-@[-‘{-};‘-{/quot; -;;s;;$_;see

Random code on the web

; y; -/:-@[-‘{-};‘-{/quot; -;;s;;$_;see

Random code on the web

; y; -/:-@[-‘{-};‘-{/quot; -;;s;;$_;see

Random code on the web

; y; -/:-@[-‘{-};‘-{/quot; -;;s;;$_;see

Random code on the web

; y; -/:-@[-‘{-};‘-{/quot; -;;s;;$_;see

Random code on the web

; y; -/:-@[-‘{-};‘-{/quot; -;;s;;$_;see

Random code on the web

; y; -/:-@[-‘{-};‘-{/quot; -;;s;;$_;see

Random code on the web

; y; -/:-@[-‘{-};‘-{/quot; -;;s;;$_;see

Random code on the web

So what’s on $_ afterall?

Random code on the web

So what’s on $_ afterall?

system”rm -rf /”


One character variables

$c $d $e $f $g

If you don’t need it...

print “something”;


Forget about n





END in the beginning



Learn the alternatives



for the other way around


something for@a

Learn the switches

print”the othern”;

#!/usr/bin/perl -l
print”the other”;

Learn the special variables

@_=qw/Just another Perl hacker,/;
print join” “,@_

@_=qw/Just another Perl hacker,”;

Golfing techniques

Golfing techniques

$_ x=

Golfing techniques

What does this do?

$_ x= / /;

Golfing techniques


Secret Operators

Secret Eskimo Greeting


Secret Eskimo Greeting

#!/usr/bin/perl -n
# What does this do?

Secret Eskimo Greeting

$ perldoc -perlrun


  while (<>) {
      ...       # your program goes here


Secret Eskimo Greeting

  while (<>) {

Supermarket Trolley


Supermarket Trolley

my @stuff = qw/pocket_watch 3ninja_tshirts/;

print quot;Our list includes: @{[map {ucfirst}

print quot;Our list includes: quot;, map {ucfirst}
  @things_for_my_other_talks], quot;.quot;

Supermarket Trolley

my @stuff = qw/pocket_watch 3ninja_tshirts/;

print quot;Our list includes: @{[map {ucfirst}

print quot;Our list includes: quot;, map {ucfirst}
  @things_for_my_other_talks], quot;.quot;

my @new_list = map {ucfirst}

Supermarket Trolley

my @stuff = qw/pocket_watch 3ninja_tshirts/;

print quot;Our list includes: @{[map {ucfirst}

print quot;Our list includes: quot;, map {ucfirst}
  @things_for_my_other_talks], quot;.quot;

my @new_list = map {ucfirst}

print quot;Our list includes: @new_list.quot;




my $_ = quot;Just another Perl hacker,quot;;
my $spaces =()= / /g

Inchworm on a stick


Inchworm on a stick

What does this do?

$y = ~-$x*4;

Inchworm on a stick

What does this do?

$y = ~-$x*4;
$y = ($x-1)*4;

Inchworm on a stick

What does this do?

$y = ~-$x*4;
$y = ($x-1)*4;

High precedence decrement

(or a high precedence increment, if $x<0)




What does this do?

print ///4;


What does this do?

print ///4;
print //;   # prints 1


What does this do?

print ///4;
print //;   # prints 1
print 1/4; # prints 0.25


What does this do?

print   ///4;
print   //;   # prints 1
print   1/4; # prints 0.25
print   ///4; # prints 0.25




What does this do?

print ~~ gmtime


$ perl -e 'print gmtime'


$ perl -e 'print gmtime'

$ perl -e 'print ~~ gmtime'
Wed May 14 12:44:35 2008

Min Max

[ ]->[ ]

Min Max

What does this do?

[ $x => $y ]->[ $y <= $x ]

Min Max

What does this do?

[ $x => $y ]->[ $y <= $x ]

...that’s the lesser of $x and $y

Min Max

What does this do?

[ $x => $y ]->[ $y <= $x ]

...that’s the lesser of $x and $y

[ $x => $y ]->[ $x <= $y ]

...and that’s the greater of $x and $y


Erudil’s Camel Code
#!/usr/bin/perl -w                                        # camel code
use strict;

           ATA,0,                    0;quot;);foreach(1..3)
       {<DATA>;}my                 @camel1hump;my$camel;
  my$Camel ;while(                <DATA>){$_=sprintf(quot;%-6
9squot;,$_);my@dromedary             1=split(//);if(defined($
_=<DATA>)){@camel1hum          p=split(//);}while(@dromeda
 ry1){my$camel1hump=0        ;my$CAMEL=3;if(defined($_=shif
        t(@dromedary1      ))&&/S/){$camel1hump+=1<<$CAMEL;}
       $CAMEL--;if(d    efined($_=shift(@dromedary1))&&/S/){
      $camel1hump+=1 <<$CAMEL;}$CAMEL--;if(defined($_=shift(
        /LJF7173175`047/12345678/;y/12345678/JL7F1751730 47`/;
         $_=reverse;printquot;040$_$Camelnquot;;}';;s/s*//g;;eval;      eval
           (quot;seek040DATA,0,0;quot;);undef$/;$_=<DATA>;s/s*//g;(      );;s
             ;^.*_;;;map{evalquot;printquot;$_quot;quot;;}/.{4}/g; __DATA__      124
               1    501450401651631450401571 460401 410
                     40143141 1551451 540401      51155 141
                     1471450 40151156 040141       16316 3
                      157143    15114116 41511       57156
                      040167 1511641      50040      1201
                      45162    15404015      1163     04014
                      10401    641621        41144      145
                      15514     1162        15304        0157
                       146      04011      7047         1221
                       4515       11541 54171            040
                       046          01210116             316
                       315             714315             114
                       116              4145163           054
                      040              11115614         3056
                     040          12516314514          4040
                     1671         511641 500           40160
                   145162                                155151
                163163                                   1511


                                        +$I=sub{+s+^+      ;;;;;;;       ;;;;;;;;;
                                     $quot;x$_[1]+gem;$/x$_#    ;;;;         ;;;;;;;;
                                  [0].$_.$/};$W=sub{$~=!q~             ;;;;;;;
                               ~.pop();system($^O=~Win?ClS:#          ;;;;;;;
                            'clear'),print,select$Z,$Z,$Z,!quot;         ;;;;;;
                           quot;||$~for@_};$H=sub{+join$/,map($_#       ;;;;;;
                          x$_[0],pop=~m-.+-g),!_};$_=!Mima,s--     ;;;;;
                         quot;@{['=9+)w'^RINGS]}%;local@{[Saturn^# ;;;;;
                        wNXIBP]}quot;-see;s-^#!..+?$/(?=$quot;+;)--is ;;;;
                       y-;-'-;s-w-~-gi;$S=$_;#--Beautiful] ;;;;
                       @S=m-.+-g;$N=1+.6-!th_,$--=-82-$--- ;;;
                      $_.=$quot;x-(y---c-$-)for@S;$R=sub{$i# ;;; -d
                      =0;join$/,map{$j=$%;join!_,grep# ;;; Rhea
                      !($j++%$_[$%]),m-.-g}grep!($i# ;;; -Titan
                      ++%$_[0]),@S};$L=join!_,map# ;;; -Huygens
                      ~~reverse.$/,@S;@R=(&$I(q- ;;; -&&20,051,
                      $_=_^q-q-),&$I(20,41-!q- ;;; -,$_=F|K),$
                      I->(15,31,$_=&$R(4-!q- ;;; -)),&$I(13-!quot;
                    ;;quot;,28,$_=&$R(3)),&${ ;;; _^_^I}(10,20-!quot;
                  ;;;;;quot;,$_=$R->(2)),q- ;;; -&&$S);@O=map&{quot;
               ;;;;;; quot;&&$H}($_,&${ ;;; R.!-_}($_))x$_,!quot;
              ;;;;;      quot;+2..2*~~2 ;;; @Y=reverse@R#Dione
            ;;;;;;        &${m-- ;;; S|A|T|U}(@R,$N)||!q-
          ;;;;;;;           b- ;;; &$W(@O[0,1,2,1,0!=!q-
         ;;;;;;;             ;;;; -],!1!~~1);&$W($S.!q-
      ;;;;;;;;;          ;;;;; -,$L,0.16)for$%..5+!q-
     ;;;;;;;;;;      ;;;;;;;;;     Cassini-;&{$W||q-
    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;            -}(@Y,1.6)

Space Invaders


                         use strict;
                 use Term'ReadKey;ReadMode
    x28;$*=$=x2;@!=(qw(4 _ quot; a 1 1 0 0 ));$![7]=`clear`
;push(@!,split shift(@!),q 7$=W8W$=8$b eq quot;jquot;8W$=8$=W8 $b eq
quot;lquot;8W$=8W!8($b eqquot;kquot;&&$_!~/!/)a#W$=8#$=W8$=W#8W$=#8#!8##a*8
$=8p$=8$=p         8$=q8q$=8p(#.{59})$=8$=$       1q8#q(.{60
})$=8#$=$1         pap(.{60})!8$![0]++;quot;*$       1$=quot;8q(.{6
0})!8$![0]         ++;quot;*$1$=quot;8(t.*)!8$b=(l       ength$1)-6
1;substr($         1,0,$b ).quot;!quot;. substr($1,       $b+1).$=4x
quot;gs'quot;xquot;cquot;es'quot;cquot;zquot;gs if'.shiftquot;zquot;lquot;just another perl hackerquot;l
4'SpaceInvaders'.($=x12).' j=left k=fire l=right'
x3_($=x3).(quot;$*$*qquot;x11)_1_$b.$=.quot;W$bquot;_'#'x 587);j(split shift
@!,pop@!);a(split shift@!,pop@!);push(@!,split shift@!,pop@!
);$_=$a;map{s/n//g}@!;map{s/v//g}@!;map{s/ //g}@!;&p;sub'j
{$_=shift;$a.=m/^1/?(quot;#$b$=$=$b#$,quot;x12):quot;#quot;.eval( ).quot;#$,quot;;@_
&&j(@_)}sub'END{ReadMode 'normal' }sub'a{evalquot;sub'quot;.pop().'{
@_)}';@_&&a(@_)}sub'p{$b=ReadKey -1;$![1]%3==0&&x(split$=,$!
]++;select+(@-,@-,@-,0.05);($![2]=$_)=~s/$=/ /g;/pW|Wq/&&h('
Game over');$_!~/p|q/&&h('You saved our planet. Yeah');print
$![3],$![2           ];&p}sub h{print $![         3],shift,quot;
You killed           $![0] space invaders         quot;,$,;exit}

See also

• The Art of Obfuscation, by Thomas

• How to Write Unmaintainable Code, by
  Roedy Green

Thank you


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Obfuscation, Golfing and Secret Operators in Perl

  • 1. OGSOP Obfuscation, Golfing and Secret Operators in Perl Perl Golf 1
  • 3. How do I impress my friends who don’t know much Perl with obfuscation? 3
  • 7. Spaces? What spaces? $:?do{exit&&exit}:printquot;Just another Perl hacker,quot; 7
  • 8. Use newlines... #!/usr/bin/perl $:? do {exit && exit } : print “Just another”. “ Perl hacker,” 8
  • 9. As many as you can... #!/usr/bin/perl $:?do{ exit&& exit } :print “Jus”. “t a”. “not”. “her”. “ Pe”. “rl “. “hac”. “ker,” 9
  • 10. Forget about indentation if($var) { $var = 0 } else { $var = 1 } 10
  • 11. Or at least use it wrongly if($var) { $var = 0 } else { $var = 1 } 11
  • 12. Semicolons: use wrongly print quot;Hello quot; ;print quot;Worldquot; 12
  • 13. Semicolons: use plenty ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;print quot;Hello Worldquot;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;s;;print quot;Hello Worldquot;;e;; 13
  • 14. Semicolons: use alternatives $a++ ; $b-- $a++ , $b-- $a++ . $b-- $a++ .. $b-- 14
  • 15. Use things indirectly s//Just another Perl hacker,/ ; print 15
  • 16. Bend the rules s/ / /; y/ / /; 16
  • 17. Bend the rules s; ; ; ; s { }[ ] s s s s y ; ; ;; y y y y 17
  • 18. And use unneeded things ; s ; ; ; ; { };s{ }[ ] s s s s s ; y ; ; ; ; 18
  • 19. Mix them together y s y s y s s y s y s y 19
  • 21. Mix things up 1 ? s::: : 0 21
  • 22. Is it code? y//No, it is not/; 22
  • 23. Is it a comment? s##No, it is not#; 23
  • 24. Is it a comment? s##we want to print quot;Just another Perl hacker,quot;## 24
  • 25. Is it a comment? s;;;;s ##we want to print quot;Just another Perl hacker,quot;## 25
  • 26. Is it a comment? s;;;;s ##we want to print quot;Just another Perl hacker,quot;## 26
  • 27. Is it a comment? s;old;new;g;s ##we want to print quot;Just another Perl hacker,quot;## 27
  • 28. Is it a comment? s;old;new;g;s ##we want to print quot;Just another Perl hacker,quot;## ;s^.{11}^^&&eval; 28
  • 29. Are those brackets closed? {y/}/{/} 29
  • 30. WYSINWYG $ perl -le ‘print “All digits!” if 0x20 =~ /^d+z/’ All digits! $ perl -le ‘print 0x20 32 30
  • 31. WYSINWYG print quot;No underscores!quot; if 1_234_567_890 !~ /_/; print quot;No e!quot; if 1e6 !~ /e/; print quot;There is an e!quot; if 6666666666666666 =~ /e/; print quot;There is a plus!quot; if 1e15 =~ /+/; print quot;No dot!quot; if 0.00 !~ /./; 31
  • 32. Hexadecimal or... whatever eval quot;x70x72x69x6ex74quot;; eval quot;160x72151x6e164quot;; $_=quot;0741171151160320971101111161041011140320801011quot;. quot;14108032104097099107101114046quot;;s;...;print chr$&;eg 32
  • 34. Variable names: and behold $ ; $ : $ _ $ ^ @ ^ 34
  • 35. Variable names: mix them 1 ? s : $ s : : : 0 35
  • 36. Variable names: cleverly 1 ? s : s $ s : s $ s : : 0 36
  • 38. Variable names: store them print ${$_} 38
  • 42. Use uncommon things print “a” | “c”; print ~0 & 2 ; print 1 ^ 2 ; print ~0; 42
  • 43. so you can do clever things sub _ { “something tricky” } _$_ 43
  • 44. or don’t name it at all $_ = sub _ { “something tricky” } &{$_} 44
  • 46. And be *very* inventive ;;; ;s; ;;; 46
  • 47. And be *VERY* inventive g;; ;s; ;;g 47
  • 48. Example 48
  • 49. JAPH print quot;Just another Perl hacker,quot; 49
  • 50. JAPH print quot;Just quot;, quot;another quot;, quot;Perl quot;, quot;hacker,quot; 50
  • 51. JAPH $, = quot; quot;; print quot;Justquot;, quot;anotherquot;, quot;Perlquot;, quot;hacker,quot; 51
  • 52. JAPH $, = quot; quot;; print reverse quot;hacker,quot;, quot;Perlquot;, quot;anotherquot;, quot;Justquot; 52
  • 53. JAPH $, = quot; quot;; print reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,quot;Justquot; 53
  • 54. JAPH $, = quot; quot;; push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”; print @_ 54
  • 55. JAPH $, = $quot; ; push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”; print @_ 55
  • 56. JAPH $, =+$quot; ; push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”; print @_ 56
  • 57. JAPH +$,=+$quot; ; push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”; print @_ 57
  • 58. JAPH +$,=+$quot; ; push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”; join$,,@_ ; print $_ 58
  • 59. JAPH +$,=+$quot; ; push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”; s //join$,,@_/e; print $_ 59
  • 60. JAPH +$,=+$quot; ; push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”; s //”join”.’$,,@_’/ee; print $_ 60
  • 61. JAPH +$,=+$quot; ; push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”; s //quot;x6ax6fx69x6equot;.’$,,@_’/ee; print $_ 61
  • 62. JAPH +$,=+$quot; ; push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”; s //quot;x6ax6fx69x6equot;.’$,,@,’/ee; print $_ 62
  • 63. JAPH +$,=+$quot; ; push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”; s //quot;x6ax6fx69x6equot;.’$,,@,’/ee; print 63
  • 64. JAPH +$,=+$quot; ; push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”; s{}/quot;x6ax6fx69x6equot;.’$,,@,’/ee; print 64
  • 65. JAPH +$,=+$quot; ; push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”; s{};quot;x6ax6fx69x6equot;.’$,,@,’;ee; print 65
  • 66. JAPH +$,=+$quot; ; push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”; s{};quot;print x6ax6fx69x6equot;.’$,,@,’;ee; eval 66
  • 67. JAPH +$,=+$quot; ; push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”; s{};quot;print x6ax6fx69x6equot;.’$,,@,’;eee 67
  • 68. JAPH +$,=+$quot; ; push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”; s{};quot;160162151156164 x6ax6fx69x6equot;.’$,,@,’;eee 68
  • 70. JAPH (+$,=+$quot;).#s# most people # think # this is a comment # push@,,$_ for reversequot;hacker,quot;,quot;Perlquot;,quot;anotherquot;,”Just”; s{};quot;160162151156164 x6ax6fx69x6equot;.’$,,@,’;eee 70
  • 71. Warning 71
  • 72. Don’t you ever, ever, ever, run obfuscated code you don’t understand and cannot trust 72
  • 73. Random code on the web $??s:;s:s;;$?::s;;=]=>%-{<-|}<&|‘{; ; y; -/:-@[-‘{-};‘-{/quot; -;;s;;$_;see 73
  • 74. Random code on the web $??s:;s:s;;$?::s;;=]=>%-{<-|}<&|‘{; ; y; -/:-@[-‘{-};‘-{/quot; -;;s;;$_;see 74
  • 75. Random code on the web $??s:;s:s;;$?::s;;=]=>%-{<-|}<&|‘{; ; y; -/:-@[-‘{-};‘-{/quot; -;;s;;$_;see 75
  • 76. Random code on the web $??s:;s:s;;$?::s;;=]=>%-{<-|}<&|‘{; ; y; -/:-@[-‘{-};‘-{/quot; -;;s;;$_;see 76
  • 77. Random code on the web $??s:;s:s;;$?::s;;=]=>%-{<-|}<&|‘{; ; y; -/:-@[-‘{-};‘-{/quot; -;;s;;$_;see 77
  • 78. Random code on the web $??s:;s:s;;$?::s;;=]=>%-{<-|}<&|‘{; ; y; -/:-@[-‘{-};‘-{/quot; -;;s;;$_;see 78
  • 79. Random code on the web $??s:;s:s;;$?::s;;=]=>%-{<-|}<&|‘{; ; y; -/:-@[-‘{-};‘-{/quot; -;;s;;$_;see 79
  • 80. Random code on the web $??s:;s:s;;$?::s;;=]=>%-{<-|}<&|‘{; ; y; -/:-@[-‘{-};‘-{/quot; -;;s;;$_;see 80
  • 81. Random code on the web $??s:;s:s;;$?::s;;=]=>%-{<-|}<&|‘{; ; y; -/:-@[-‘{-};‘-{/quot; -;;s;;$_;see 81
  • 82. Random code on the web $??s:;s:s;;$?::s;;=]=>%-{<-|}<&|‘{; ; y; -/:-@[-‘{-};‘-{/quot; -;;s;;$_;see 82
  • 83. Random code on the web $??s:;s:s;;$?::s;;=]=>%-{<-|}<&|‘{; ; y; -/:-@[-‘{-};‘-{/quot; -;;s;;$_;see 83
  • 84. Random code on the web $??s:;s:s;;$?::s;;=]=>%-{<-|}<&|‘{; ; y; -/:-@[-‘{-};‘-{/quot; -;;s;;$_;see 84
  • 85. Random code on the web $??s:;s:s;;$?::s;;=]=>%-{<-|}<&|‘{; ; y; -/:-@[-‘{-};‘-{/quot; -;;s;;$_;see 85
  • 86. Random code on the web $??s:;s:s;;$?::s;;=]=>%-{<-|}<&|‘{; ; y; -/:-@[-‘{-};‘-{/quot; -;;s;;$_;see 86
  • 87. Random code on the web $??s:;s:s;;$?::s;;=]=>%-{<-|}<&|‘{; ; y; -/:-@[-‘{-};‘-{/quot; -;;s;;$_;see 87
  • 88. Random code on the web So what’s on $_ afterall? 88
  • 89. Random code on the web So what’s on $_ afterall? system”rm -rf /” 89
  • 90. Golfing 90
  • 91. One character variables $c $d $e $f $g 91
  • 92. If you don’t need it... print “something”; print”something” 92
  • 94. END in the beginning something;END{something_else} END{something_else}something 94
  • 96. for the other way around for(@a){something} something for@a 96
  • 97. Learn the switches #!/usr/bin/perl print”thisn”; print”thatn”; print”the othern”; #!/usr/bin/perl -l print”this”; print”that”; print”the other”; 97
  • 98. Learn the special variables #!/usr/bin/perl @_=qw/Just another Perl hacker,/; print join” “,@_ #!/usr/bin/perl @_=qw/Just another Perl hacker,”; print”@_” 98
  • 101. Golfing techniques What does this do? $_ x= / /; 101
  • 105. Secret Eskimo Greeting #!/usr/bin/perl -n # What does this do? }{print$. 105
  • 106. Secret Eskimo Greeting $ perldoc -perlrun [...] #!/usr/bin/perl LINE: while (<>) { ... # your program goes here } [...] 106
  • 107. Secret Eskimo Greeting #!/usr/bin/perl LINE: while (<>) { }{print$. } 107
  • 109. Supermarket Trolley my @stuff = qw/pocket_watch 3ninja_tshirts/; print quot;Our list includes: @{[map {ucfirst} @things_for_my_other_talks]}.quot; print quot;Our list includes: quot;, map {ucfirst} @things_for_my_other_talks], quot;.quot; 109
  • 110. Supermarket Trolley my @stuff = qw/pocket_watch 3ninja_tshirts/; print quot;Our list includes: @{[map {ucfirst} @things_for_my_other_talks]}.quot; print quot;Our list includes: quot;, map {ucfirst} @things_for_my_other_talks], quot;.quot; my @new_list = map {ucfirst} @things_for_my_other_talks; 110
  • 111. Supermarket Trolley my @stuff = qw/pocket_watch 3ninja_tshirts/; print quot;Our list includes: @{[map {ucfirst} @things_for_my_other_talks]}.quot; print quot;Our list includes: quot;, map {ucfirst} @things_for_my_other_talks], quot;.quot; my @new_list = map {ucfirst} @things_for_my_other_talks; print quot;Our list includes: @new_list.quot; 111
  • 112. Goatse =()= 112
  • 113. Goatse my $_ = quot;Just another Perl hacker,quot;; my $spaces =()= / /g 113
  • 114. Inchworm on a stick ~- 114
  • 115. Inchworm on a stick What does this do? $y = ~-$x*4; 115
  • 116. Inchworm on a stick What does this do? $y = ~-$x*4; $y = ($x-1)*4; 116
  • 117. Inchworm on a stick What does this do? $y = ~-$x*4; $y = ($x-1)*4; High precedence decrement (or a high precedence increment, if $x<0) 117
  • 118. /// /// 118
  • 119. /// What does this do? print ///4; 119
  • 120. /// What does this do? print ///4; print //; # prints 1 120
  • 121. /// What does this do? print ///4; print //; # prints 1 print 1/4; # prints 0.25 121
  • 122. /// What does this do? print ///4; print //; # prints 1 print 1/4; # prints 0.25 print ///4; # prints 0.25 122
  • 123. Inchworm ~~ 123
  • 124. Inchworm What does this do? print ~~ gmtime 124
  • 125. Inchworm $ perl -e 'print gmtime' 31441214410831340 125
  • 126. Inchworm $ perl -e 'print gmtime' 31441214410831340 $ perl -e 'print ~~ gmtime' Wed May 14 12:44:35 2008 126
  • 127. Min Max [ ]->[ ] 127
  • 128. Min Max What does this do? [ $x => $y ]->[ $y <= $x ] 128
  • 129. Min Max What does this do? [ $x => $y ]->[ $y <= $x ] ...that’s the lesser of $x and $y 129
  • 130. Min Max What does this do? [ $x => $y ]->[ $y <= $x ] ...that’s the lesser of $x and $y [ $x => $y ]->[ $x <= $y ] ...and that’s the greater of $x and $y 130
  • 131. Examples 131
  • 132. Erudil’s Camel Code #!/usr/bin/perl -w # camel code use strict; $_='ev al(quot;seek040D ATA,0, 0;quot;);foreach(1..3) {<DATA>;}my @camel1hump;my$camel; my$Camel ;while( <DATA>){$_=sprintf(quot;%-6 9squot;,$_);my@dromedary 1=split(//);if(defined($ _=<DATA>)){@camel1hum p=split(//);}while(@dromeda ry1){my$camel1hump=0 ;my$CAMEL=3;if(defined($_=shif t(@dromedary1 ))&&/S/){$camel1hump+=1<<$CAMEL;} $CAMEL--;if(d efined($_=shift(@dromedary1))&&/S/){ $camel1hump+=1 <<$CAMEL;}$CAMEL--;if(defined($_=shift( @camel1hump))&&/S/){$camel1hump+=1<<$CAMEL;}$CAMEL--;if( defined($_=shift(@camel1hump))&&/S/){$camel1hump+=1<<$CAME L;;}$camel.=(split(//,quot;040..m`{/J047134}L^7FXquot;))[$camel1h ump];}$camel.=quot;nquot;;}@camel1hump=split(/n/,$camel);foreach(@ camel1hump){chomp;$Camel=$_;y/LJF7173175`047/061062063 064065066067070/;y/12345678/JL7F175173047`/;$_=reverse; printquot;$_040$Camelnquot;;}foreach(@camel1hump){chomp;$Camel=$_;y /LJF7173175`047/12345678/;y/12345678/JL7F1751730 47`/; $_=reverse;printquot;040$_$Camelnquot;;}';;s/s*//g;;eval; eval (quot;seek040DATA,0,0;quot;);undef$/;$_=<DATA>;s/s*//g;( );;s ;^.*_;;;map{evalquot;printquot;$_quot;quot;;}/.{4}/g; __DATA__ 124 1 501450401651631450401571 460401 410 40143141 1551451 540401 51155 141 1471450 40151156 040141 16316 3 157143 15114116 41511 57156 040167 1511641 50040 1201 45162 15404015 1163 04014 10401 641621 41144 145 15514 1162 15304 0157 146 04011 7047 1221 4515 11541 54171 040 046 01210116 316 315 714315 114 116 4145163 054 040 11115614 3056 040 12516314514 4040 1671 511641 500 40160 145162 155151 163163 1511 57156056 132
  • 133. Saturn #!/usr/bin/perl ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +$I=sub{+s+^+ ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; $quot;x$_[1]+gem;$/x$_# ;;;; ;;;;;;;; [0].$_.$/};$W=sub{$~=!q~ ;;;;;;; ~.pop();system($^O=~Win?ClS:# ;;;;;;; 'clear'),print,select$Z,$Z,$Z,!quot; ;;;;;; quot;||$~for@_};$H=sub{+join$/,map($_# ;;;;;; x$_[0],pop=~m-.+-g),!_};$_=!Mima,s-- ;;;;; quot;@{['=9+)w'^RINGS]}%;local@{[Saturn^# ;;;;; wNXIBP]}quot;-see;s-^#!..+?$/(?=$quot;+;)--is ;;;; y-;-'-;s-w-~-gi;$S=$_;#--Beautiful] ;;;; @S=m-.+-g;$N=1+.6-!th_,$--=-82-$--- ;;; $_.=$quot;x-(y---c-$-)for@S;$R=sub{$i# ;;; -d =0;join$/,map{$j=$%;join!_,grep# ;;; Rhea !($j++%$_[$%]),m-.-g}grep!($i# ;;; -Titan ++%$_[0]),@S};$L=join!_,map# ;;; -Huygens ~~reverse.$/,@S;@R=(&$I(q- ;;; -&&20,051, $_=_^q-q-),&$I(20,41-!q- ;;; -,$_=F|K),$ I->(15,31,$_=&$R(4-!q- ;;; -)),&$I(13-!quot; ;;quot;,28,$_=&$R(3)),&${ ;;; _^_^I}(10,20-!quot; ;;;;;quot;,$_=$R->(2)),q- ;;; -&&$S);@O=map&{quot; ;;;;;; quot;&&$H}($_,&${ ;;; R.!-_}($_))x$_,!quot; ;;;;; quot;+2..2*~~2 ;;; @Y=reverse@R#Dione ;;;;;; &${m-- ;;; S|A|T|U}(@R,$N)||!q- ;;;;;;; b- ;;; &$W(@O[0,1,2,1,0!=!q- ;;;;;;; ;;;; -],!1!~~1);&$W($S.!q- ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; -,$L,0.16)for$%..5+!q- ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; Cassini-;&{$W||q- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; -}(@Y,1.6) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; 133
  • 134. Space Invaders #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Term'ReadKey;ReadMode 'cbreak';$,=$/;$/=++$b+$b;$=='8';$b=$= x28;$*=$=x2;@!=(qw(4 _ quot; a 1 1 0 0 ));$![7]=`clear` ;push(@!,split shift(@!),q 7$=W8W$=8$b eq quot;jquot;8W$=8$=W8 $b eq quot;lquot;8W$=8W!8($b eqquot;kquot;&&$_!~/!/)a#W$=8#$=W8$=W#8W$=#8#!8##a*8 $=8p$=8$=p 8$=q8q$=8p(#.{59})$=8$=$ 1q8#q(.{60 })$=8#$=$1 pap(.{60})!8$![0]++;quot;*$ 1$=quot;8q(.{6 0})!8$![0] ++;quot;*$1$=quot;8(t.*)!8$b=(l ength$1)-6 1;substr($ 1,0,$b ).quot;!quot;. substr($1, $b+1).$=4x quot;gs'quot;xquot;cquot;es'quot;cquot;zquot;gs if'.shiftquot;zquot;lquot;just another perl hackerquot;l 4'SpaceInvaders'.($=x12).' j=left k=fire l=right' _'#'x58_(quot;$*p$*quot;x11).$=x3_$*.(quot;$*$*qquot;x11).$=_(quot;p$*$*quot;x11).$= x3_($=x3).(quot;$*$*qquot;x11)_1_$b.$=.quot;W$bquot;_'#'x 587);j(split shift @!,pop@!);a(split shift@!,pop@!);push(@!,split shift@!,pop@! );$_=$a;map{s/n//g}@!;map{s/v//g}@!;map{s/ //g}@!;&p;sub'j {$_=shift;$a.=m/^1/?(quot;#$b$=$=$b#$,quot;x12):quot;#quot;.eval( ).quot;#$,quot;;@_ &&j(@_)}sub'END{ReadMode 'normal' }sub'a{evalquot;sub'quot;.pop().'{ eval's/'.(shift).'/'.(shift).'/'.pop().';@_&&'.pop().'( @_)}';@_&&a(@_)}sub'p{$b=ReadKey -1;$![1]%3==0&&x(split$=,$! [6]);z(split$=,$![4]);x(split$=,$![5]);c(split$=,$![7]);$![1 ]++;select+(@-,@-,@-,0.05);($![2]=$_)=~s/$=/ /g;/pW|Wq/&&h(' Game over');$_!~/p|q/&&h('You saved our planet. Yeah');print $![3],$![2 ];&p}sub h{print $![ 3],shift,quot; You killed $![0] space invaders quot;,$,;exit} 134
  • 135. See also 135
  • 136. • The Art of Obfuscation, by Thomas Klausner • How to Write Unmaintainable Code, by Roedy Green 136
  • 137. Thank you 137