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”Sharing experiences and
  good practices in the
  educational process”
          Revistă de specialitate la nivel international

                 pentru toate ariile curriculare,

  dedicată cadrelor didactice din învăţământul preuniversitar,

     elevilor din învăţământul liceal şi părinţilor elevilor

                        Editura SITECH

                         Craiova, 2012
Coordonatorii revistei:

         Prof. Georgeta Manafu-coordonator proiect

         Prof. Popescu Oana

© 2012 Editura Sitech Craiova

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       Această revistă reuneşte lucrările in limba engleza prezentate de participantii din

Romania, Austria, Spania si Turcia,          în cadrul     Simpozionului Internaţional ”Sharing

experiences and good practices in the educational process” , organizat în              data de

19.03.2012 la Liceul Teoretic “Tudor Arghezi”, în cadrul Parteneriatului          Internaţional

pentru Învăţare Grundtvig “NO MORE TEARS” , având numărul GRU-10-P-LP-25-DJ-TR.

   Obiectivul general al simpozionului este schimbul de opinii, experienta şi bune practici

din procesul instructiv-educativ între ţările participante la proiect: Romania, Spania, Turcia

şi Austria.

       Lucrările din revista au fost prezentate la secţiunile:

   •   eLearning, Software educaţional, prezentări multimedia utilizate în procesul


   •   Relaţia dintre şcoală, părinţi şi comunitatea locală. Exemple de bună practică pentru

       prevenirea şi combaterea violenţei.

   •   Educatia permanentă în societatea cunoaşterii. Diseminări de proiecte şi cursuri


   •   Creativitate si inovatie in procesul instructiv-educativ (exemple de bună practică)

   Revista se adresează, în principal, cadrelor didactice din învăţământul preuniversitar,

elevilor din învăţământul liceal şi părinţilor elevilor.

                                               Coordonator Proiect Grundtvig “No more tears”,

                                                                         prof. Georgeta Manafu


                                                            Teacher coordinator Georgeta Manafu

                                                                         High School "Tudor Arghezi"

       An internal decision has been issued appointing Ms. Georgeta Manafu as the national
coordinating teacher of the project on behalf of the “Tudor Arghezi” Theoretical Highschool. She
established a set of criteria in order to start the implementation team: the staff and the learners’
group. Each member of the implementation team has been given certain assignments.
       We have worked with the project partners to determine how it can be disseminated after
each project meeting and during the activities we have held at a departmental level.
       The project activities we have held until now have been in accordance with those mentioned
in the application form:
•      Each institution has designed a project information board;
•      The members of the implementation teams have been appointed according to different
criteria which have been previously agreed upon by the four participants;
•      Each partner has conceived and applied questionnaires in order to determine the level of
violence in their region and interpreted the results;
•      The participants have made PowerPoint and ProShow slide shows to present their activities,
as well as the traditions, customs and culture of their respective region or country;
•      Ms. Georgeta Manafu deisgned the project blogspot:
       We have attended the first transnational meeting in Turkey, organised courtesy of Seyhan
       Ilce Milli Egitim Mudurlugu. The Romanian team, consisting of three staff members and a
       learner, presented the following inputs:
       •    The project blogspot designed by Ms. Georgeta Manafu and teh way slide shows can be
            posted there;
       •    Multimedia presentations of the „Tudor Arghezi” Theoretical Highschool, Craiova,
            Romania, our customs and traditions and our educational system;
       •    The results of the questionnaires applied to students, teachers and parents related to the
            level of violence in the department of Dolj;
       •    The activities we have held between August and October.
       Each of the four participating institutions has sent its own representatives.

The programme of the activities at the meeting included: the presentation of each
       participating institution, a visit to the Seyhan School Inspectorate and to a state-funded
       faculty, multicultural soirées, and workshops related to the reduction of school and family
       Each partner has been assigned different tasks between November and February;
•      We have disseminated the first transnational meeting in Adana – Turkey;
•      At a local level we have organised the following activities:
           o On the 20th of January – the Inter-county Symposium “Initiation in the ABC of
               democracy. Social responsibility.”
           o On the 17th of February 2011- the County debate “The influence of IT and the media
               on adults’ education”
•      Between the 21st and the 28th of February we attended the second transnational meeting in
Viena, Austria, where we discussed about the following presentations designed by the members of
the Romanian group:
       •   Peer mediation training sessions and a presentation of the standard mediation system,
           along with its steps and the monitoring and control activities which have been
           undertaken so far;
       •   School and family violence;
       •   The activities we had held between November and February: the symposium, the debate,
           and the training and monitoring of the peer mediators;
       •   Tolerance – a European value;
       •   Measures that can be taken for the reducation of school violence;
        The transnational activity was organised by IFMIC, Viena, Austria and was attended by
representatives of all four participating institutions. The Romanian team consisted of three staff
members and two learners.
       Each partner presented the activities held between October and February, we assigned
different tasks to be fulfilled between March and September 2011, we attended different workshops
related to the reduction of school and family violence, and had the chance to get an insight of the
Austrian culture. The activities the hosts organised were of an interactive nature. The work
atmosphere was open and intercultural. Each partner school shared its difficulties in reducing school
and family violence and the measures they have taken in order to achieve this goal. We talked about
ways of posting multimedia presentations, articles and the involvment of the learners on the project
blogspot. During our common activities, each partner has had the opportunity to learn about the
culture and civilisation of the other three partners.

The working environment was very cooperative and flexible despite the international,
multicultural and multilingual nature of the team. Thus the participants have had the opportunity to
develop their personal, cultural, social and civil skills.
•       The transnational meeting in Viena was disseminated in March and April;
•       Between April and June we have organized the following activities:
        •   The county conference – School and family violence, a social issue. Case studies, held
            on the 7th of April 2011
        •   The county workshop – Useful techniques for conflict mediation, held on the 12th of
            May 2011
        •   The round table - Tolerance, a European value, held on the 2nd of June 2011
        •   The county workshop -“ Violence versus tolerance! ”
All activities have been approved by the Teachers’ Body and assessed according to certain quality
    Within our activities we have achieved the following goals:
    1. During the inter-county symposium “Initiation in the ABC of democracy. Social
        responsibility” we have fulfilled the following objectives:
        The acknowledgement of the importance of human and cultural diversity;
        The promotion of examples of good practice in diveristy, democracy and social
        The acquisition and materialisation of various methods and techniques that can be used in
        order to improve the quality of all out-of-school activities related to diversity, democracy and
        social responsibility;
        The identification of ways in which schools can relate to communities in order to ensure
        successful schooling.
    The result of this symposium was the first issue of the “No more tears” magazine.
    2. During the county debate “ The influence of IT and the media on adults’ education” we have
        achieved the following goals:
        Examples of how the activities which have been included in the national curriculum can
        relate to those which have not;
        The acknowledgement of the importance of IT and the media in adults’ education;
        The presentation of new teaching, learning and evaluation methods based on IT which can
        be used in adults’ education;
        The emphasis on the role of E-learning in adults’ education;
    The result of this debate was the second issue of the “No more tears” magazine.

3. During the county conference – School and family violence, a social issue. Case studies’’
       we have achieved the following goals:
       The identification of the main factors which lead to violent behaviour;
       The analysis of the social consequences of a violent kind of behaviour
       The promotion of a set of measures that can be taken in order to prevent school and family
       The consolidation of the relationship between the school, the parents and the local
       The result of the conference was the third issue of the “No more tears” magazine
   4. During the County Workshop - Useful techniques for conflict mediation we have achieved
       the following goals:
       The promotion of the mediation system as a means of preventing and solving conflicts in an
       amicable way
       The stimulation of the civic spirit, of the cooperation and of the responsible, non-aggressive
       behaviour within human relationships in school as well as at home.
       The identification of various mediation techniques and the emphasis on the training of peer
       Role plays to illustrate these techniques
    5. During the County Round Table - Tolerance, a European value we have achieved the
    following goals:
       The identification of the main types of tolerance (religious, political, racial, etc) ;
       The understanding of the concept of ‘’freedom of opinion’’;
       The promotion of intercultural communication in order to help us develop as European
       citizens, and acquire a set of knowledge and skills so as to be able to act within an ever more
       open, complex environment;
       The acknowledgement of the importance of the intercultural approach within the framework
       of formal and nonformal education in nowadays’ international context;
       The acknowledgement of the necessity of developing an active European citizenship, based
       on the respect of cultural diveristy and on common values.
The result of the round table was the fourth issue of the “No more tears” magazine.
   6. During the County Workshop -“ Violence versus tolerance! ” we have achieved the
       following goals:
       The identification of the effects of a violent type of behaviour in school, family and the
       society as a whole;
       The promotion of tolerance, diversity and assertiveness;
The legal aspects of the prevention of family violence;
        The identification of the influence of prejudices and stereotypes in intolerant behaviour;
        The development of social abilities.
        The project was disseminated in all four issues of the “No more tears” magazine, during the
teachers’        meetings,        on        the        website, and on the chat group.
        The project partners used their emails and yahoo messenger ids in order to communicate
between themselves, as well as their own mobile phones before the transnational meetings.
        In order to ensure transparency we posted on the blogspot pictures taken from the activities
we have held, as well as different presentations designed by our learners.
        Due to the activities we have been undertaking we have managed to reduce school violence
this school year.
        We have designed a newsletter after each transnational activity. We therefore have two
newsletters, the first one issued in November, and the latter in March. We have also put together
presentation movies, describing the partnership and the activities that have been undertaken till the
        The beneficiaries of this partnership are the 50 learners at Tudor Arghezi Theoretical
Highschool and the partner schools. An internal decision has been issued to appoint them as
        All activities involved teachers, students and parents, both from our school and from the
other partner institutions.
        During the activities we have shared examples of good practice in the reudcation of school
and family violence


                                                                                Prof. Florea Mihaela
                                                              Grupul Scolar „George Bibescu”, Craiova

            This platform addresses: graduate environmental,
academic, business and government. Implementation of e-learning
platform is undergraduate level: post lessons, bibliography,
homework, assessment and self-knowledge, creation of virtual
classrooms for collaboration between schools, organization of competitions; common virtual
classroom courses, training for high school, challenges between schools, communication and
socialization, development of projects between schools, access to financing from national or
European funds. E-learning platform Moodle Romania provides an environment for socialization
and communication, training and evaluation electronics and enables students to learn together.
Implicitly defined five levels of access within the application:
            • Administrator: full rights on the application
            • Trainer: the right to manage resources and activities for the course you're a trainer
            • Tutor: right to enter and modify classes.
            • Student: rights to participate in a course.
            • Guest: user with limited rights.

                      NEW METHODS OF TEACHING – RESUME

                                                                       Prof. Cojocaru Sorina Virginia
                                                                   Colegiul “Ștefan Odobleja”, Craiova

       Information and Communications Technologies, a subject matter studied by our high school
students thru ninth to twelve degree, helps them using the information to obtain success in their
work. Since citizens across the World live in an informational society, everyone must know how to

use a computer and the Internet. Cultural contents from around the world can be found in digital
format and they are available to anyone, anywhere and anytime.
        Computers allow students to acknowledge information in various forms using multimedia
programs, text processors, data bases, etc. Learning becomes easier when you see or hear
        Online courses are recommended for all who want to improve their existence, and to
develop personal capacities of learning. Oracle Academy is one option in e-learning. Designed for
high schools, technical schools, colleges and universities, Oracle Academy provides software,
training and resources for students from 86 countries, preparing them for success regardless of their
future field of expertise.
        “Participating students develop technical, analytical, and business skills that support the
pursuit of professional careers and advanced study.”


                                                                           Prof. Adina Demetrian
                                                               Colegiul “Ştefan Odobleja”, Craiova
                                                                               Prof. Mia Bouleanu
                                                            Şcoala Nr. 29 “N. Romanescu”, Craiova

        Traditionally, teachers were at the centre of learning with students assuming a receptive role
in their education. With research showing how people learn, traditional curriculum approaches to
instruction where teachers were at the centre gave way to new ways of teaching and learning. Key
amongst these changes is the idea that students actively construct their own learning. Student-
centered learning is focused on the student's needs, abilities, interests, and learning styles with the
teacher as a facilitator of learning.
        Integrating media in the teaching process raises many aspects that need to be taken into
account, including technical support, training the teachers and, most of all, teachers’s attitude
towards modern means and methods.
        When traditional teaching methods fail to attract the students’ participation and interest
towards a certain topic, we can always rely on modern technology to keep the students involved.
They can do individual research, formulate questions and provide possible answers and, mostly, the
students may take part in solving problems and completing rasks.


                                                                               Prof. Voicu Mirela
                                                                               Prof. Predoi Adina
                                       Grupul Şcolar Industrial Transporturi „Căi Ferate”, Craiova

       Since, currently, the computer is an important means of recreation, but also a vast means of
information that can be processed interactively and quickly, it may serve education through
educational software. Because the fields of education today are very different, the software
dedicated to each discipline varies.
       The educational software is a set of computer programs developed in order to facilitate the
transmission and assimilation of knowledge. For effective teaching, learning and assessment
programs we meet the following software: interactive programs, software programs, practising
programs, educational games, software for testing knowledge.
       The classification above reflects the variety of activities in which the use of computers as a
means of education is useful and necessary. Although this kind of software has many advantages, it
is understood that it comes within certain limits. Yet, limits are normal because such a program is
not intended to replace the teacher, but it comes rather as a supplement supporting the education of
an individual.

                               AEL ELEARNING SOLUTION

                                                                      Prof. SĂNDOI CRISTINA
                                                   Colegiul “Ştefan Odobleja Craiova, Judeţul Dolj

       Use platform AEL is marked by a vast expansion of coverage specific to the field of
education: AEL offers such an operating system that is regularly upgraded, modular interactive
lessons dealing with various topics in the curriculum or test and evaluate students, making an
intelligent monitoring depending on the preparedness of each, unlimited access to information via
the Internet or their own databases (such as dictionaries, which displays a simple definition of a
word selection), but AEL achieved and resource management class / school contributing point and
effective global organization of schooling.
       AEL is an integrated teaching / learning and content management, designed to support
teachers / tutors, learners, content developers and others participated in the educational learning
process. Although originally designed for university / distance education, AEL is now used for pre-

university level, is very suitable for study different languages, regions, different levels of study and
types of organizations with educational potential.
       AEL is a complex and integrated eLearning solution that provides facilities management and
presentation of various types of educational content and interactive multimedia material, interactive
guides, exercises, simulations and tests.
       ELearning solutions developed by SIVECO Romania covers a very broad: from the creation
of interactive educational content, the development of eLearning and online learning platforms and
targets a very diverse audience: students, teachers, students, employees, factors decision of the
education system, etc..


                                                                       Prof. Dr.Ec. Doina Buzuloiu
                                                                  C.N.E. “Gheorghe Chitu” Craiova

      A socio-technical phenomenon much publicized at the end of the millennium, the Internet and
any other use of electronic networks are open and have a major impact on society and its future.
Here are some changes on the Internet to promote the company - features and effects:
* Simplification of work processes and communication; * Access to impressive sources of
information; * Working in groups, collective creativity; * The Internet is a set of features desired by
different research communities and especially useful open exchange digitized data via e-mail, file
transfer and distributed computer (and research) information on a global canvas of Web sites;
* Establish links worldwide;
* Reducing costs.Competitiveness in institutions-institutions which today equips on electronic
networks and systematically using the Internet will have a real competitive advantage: increased
efficiency; -- -- Stimulate research, knowledge development, research progresses in direct
proportion ideas and projects on which political consensus today, but are not always practical
thinker realizing technical, administrative or purely human. Interestingly undeniable effect of the
Internet for sustainable development (Sustainable Development)
 - Developing an Information or Info-culture; There is a lack of knowledge of the possibilities
offered by electronic networks, awareness and training for the richness they offer. It requires
preparation of a development plan information culture. Intelligent agents, bots or search engines are
able to almost instantly browse millions of documents.This means awareness and training from the
youngest age to university.


                                                                  Prof.Munteanu Doina Venera
                                                         GRUPUL ȘCOLAR TRAIAN DEMETRESCU

       E-learning is the convergence of the web and learning on all levels, whether it be elementary
school, college or business. Today, knowledge is considered a competitive advantage and a
company’s most important asset. E-learning is made up of several methods of learning, which are
enhanced or facilitated by information and communication technology. Also, online learning is
likely to be the fastest-growing method for delivering education and training. The trends in these
areas such as demographics, technology, globalization, branding, consolidation/privatization and
outsourcing will greatly affect the way we learn.

                      E-LEARNING – MODERN TECHNOLOGIES
                          IN EDUCATION AND RESEARCH

                                                                          Prof. Cepăreanu Adriana
                                                           Grupul Scolar „George Bibescu”, Craiova

       New technologies in education and research involve a large number of promoters to
implement and use it. The specialists in eLearning and all authorities have considered promoting
and integrating new technologies in education and long-term training as well as adapting the
Romanian educational system to the new requests of the European Strategy .
       In order to use e-Learning one needs certain skills, such as observation, attention,
manipulation and problem solving. Although it seems the best way to learn, the methods and
techniques should still be carefully chosen when it addresses to adults. They use e-Learning for
specific purpose as well as to acquire certain information. Different learning styles and strategies
should also have to be considered when implementing e-Learning, not to mention different levels of
age and education.
       In Romania, the most used e-Learning platform is MOODLE. It is a course management
system that allows teachers to teach students and keep track of their learning outcomes. Moodle can
be used with any browser and operating system that supports PHP and the information is recorded
in one large database that can be accessed to analyse different activities that students perform.

                      ASTRONOMY LESSONS

                                                                                Prof. Popescu Cristiana
                                                                  Liceul Teoretic „Traian Vuia” Craiova
                                                                            Prof. Bălună Daniela Elena
                                                                  Liceul Teoretic „Traian Vuia” Craiova

        Computer Aided Training is one way of learning for individual students, through computer
programs (called educational software), which guides student step by step from lack of knowledge to
        Methodological guidelines on use of Information and Communication Technology in different
subjects, are part of the need confirmed by many teachers and education specialists in determining the
benefits and limits the use of new technology applications in the classroom curriculum. Information and
Communication Technology can help improve access to education and attractiveness of education by
completing and diversifying existing resources.
        The understanding Universe is one of the most fascinating and inspiring areas of human knowledge.
Astronomy gives man a global view of the world they live in, it opens your eyes and mind on the
composition of the universe, it helps to understand the place Earth occupies in the Solar System.
        The study of Astronomy involves the comprehension of objects from school curriculum, such as:
Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Geography, Chemistry. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of
Astronomy and the growing interest of students for understanding the mysteries of the Universe, it is useful
that some of their questions to find a response in organized school framework, such as setting circles of
students, or within CDS hours. We will present an educational software that could be used in teaching
concepts related to solar system components, structure of the Sun, planets and their satellites, astronomical
phenomenon and galactic context to which we belong.

                                       ABOUT ELEARNING

                                                                         Prof. Agapie Minodora Luciea
                                                                     Colegiul “Ștefan Odobleja” Craiova

        In today’s world, a new level of commitment is required în order to educate the young
generation and e-learning perhaps emerges as an important tool of imparting knowledge and
information. The challenge, however, is to provide a suitable means to disseminate disparate
information în a dynamic, open and distributed e-learning environment.

Traditional educational systems have a key character – the teacher. E-learning doesn’t
diminish the role of the teacher increasing however the importance of other persons involved in the
educational process.
         An efficient e-learning program needs a sustained team effort and every bit of knowledge
acquired is important. The student has the freedom to establish his own learning journey and to use
the course material at his disposal.
         Learning participation— an integrated part of e-learning— must be user-friendly and easily
accessible . The subject content must be clear with detailed descriptions that can be understood
without difficulty. It should contain updated activities, assignments and assessment data. Including
a help desk and technical support will enhance the user benefit of the system (White & Weight,


                                                                       Prof. PrundeanuLavinia
                                                               Stefan Odobleja College , Craiova

         A type of teaching, as name of '' teaching software'', or eLearning tools and resources for a
wide range of electronic materials (in digital / multimedia support) are developed to support the
education process: maps, dictionaries, encyclopedias, educational videos, presentations in various
digital formats, electronic books (e-books), tests, tutorials, simulations, software forming skills,
practice software, educational games etc.. Computer and electronic materials / media are used to
support teaching, learning, assessment or as a means communications/learning distance, which is
gaining ground every day, is the education via the Internet.
         Actual performance of learners, learn with such means , will be dependent on how the
technology will be seen and used (eg. www) or as a simple information system, or as a learning

                              SUM UP

                                                                 Prof. Paula Maria Constantinescu
                                                                         Colegiul “Ștefan Odobleja”

   Nowadays computers have become an indispensable tool for everyone no matter if they are
doctors, nurses or teachers. The use of computers have become a must in education since school
needs to prepare future employees that keep pace with what is new and what is required today. New
approaches in education replaced the old ones, students are now at the center of education and
computers and computer learning tasks rely on this principle a lot. This type of education has
several advantages including the reduction of costs for hand-outs, immediate feedback since studets
are corrected not only by their teacher but also by various programmes intended to do so and not
least this hepls students with good visual memory learn easier.
   A method that I used durind my class was to have a presentation using the video projector
regarding vitamins and minerals found in fruits and vegetable and subsequently to ask my students
to fill in a table that I realized in order to synthesize the whole information presented before. They
all enjoyed it especially due to the fact that is something new and also because it involves using
computers. I also tried as much as possible to use computers in my activites at school because my
students need to learn how to use them and they can use it better by learning english.

                                  E-LEARNING EXPERIENCES

                                                                                   Prof. Troanţă Nicoleta
                                                              Grupul Scolar ,, Traian Demetrescu”Craiova

      Until a year ago the eLearning term was unknown to me. When I heard about it I tried to find out
more and I discovered that it is a distance learning system or virtual education and it is a planned experience
teaching-learning , organized by an institution which provides material mediated in sequential order and
logic to be assimilated by students in their own way, without forcing attendance or synchronicity.
      An educational software which we used it is iTeach. iTeach propose and implement two views on the
current training activity:
      1. Training of teachers is not confined to attending courses, but is a collegial process that includes
exchange of experience, participation in projects, study visits, collaborative activities, teaching and research
in the field of specialization, experience and reflection on own work teaching, personal work of synthesis
and recovery experience by publishing articles and teaching materials.
      2. Socio-professional online networks can be used successfully as learning communities and the
transfer of ideas, information, resources, values,practices and attitudes.
      On this platform we have covered a range of courses such as:
      ,, Introduction to eTwinning”
      ,,eTwinning: international collaborative educational projects”
      ,,Collaboration in digital class”

                    EDUCATION AND SPORT

                                                                                Pelea Mircea Cristian
                                                            Şcoala cu Clasele I-VIII Nr. 2 Pieleşti, Dolj

        The use of the computer in physical education and sport was made dependent of some of its
features. The richness and diversity of the information contained in contemporary physical
education and sports training, the data from multiple investigations, the testing and specific control
have caused changes in the programming and planning strategies pertaining to the motor sports
        One can find many ways to use the computer in this area including the main highlight:
learning and assessment of theoretical knowledge of students in the educational process. We
highlight the following directions:
        - Statistical and graphical analysis of the data obtained;
        - Learning and assessment of theoretical knowledge of students in the educational process;
        - Assessment of physical and sports training;
        - Preparation and processing of the results in different sports competitions;
        - Control and optimization of the techniques in the sporting activities;
        - Evaluation of the research subjects' physical capacity.


                                                                      Prof. Andreea Lucia Georgescu
                                                                                   Prof. Doina Rotaru
                                                        Colegiul Naţional “Nicolae Titulescu”, Craiova

        The concept of e-learning refers to all education methods using the new information and
communication technologies. In time, one witnessed a growth in the primary sense of the concept,
of instruction through electronic devices, reaching to define a multitude of teaching-learning-
evaluation techniques, which can be accomplished with the computer. The subsequent paper aims at
presenting the nature of the concept of e-learning, discussing the major advantages this type of
instruction has to offer to its beneficiaries, as well as the limitations it presents. The advantages of
using e-learning in adults’ education can be synthesised as follows: reduced costs, flexibility,
ubiquity, integration of a variety of education media, access to a variety of materials, connecting
students with tutors/instructors, integrating students who cannot participate in courses within the
traditional system, enhancing learning in ones own rhythm, in a personal style. Moreover, e-
learning technologies are interactive, allowing a total feedback, in real time, as well as permitting
evaluations by the most qualified evaluators. The limitations of e-learning consist in high costs with
implementing the system, increased efforts in maintaining the system, the required experience of
using a computer, lack of interpersonal relations, limited interactions etc. However, we consider
that the most important failures of e-learning are a result of the difficulties inherent to its
implementation, rather than of some major innate flaws of e-learning per se. On the other hand, it
seems that instruction is more efficient when one combines e-learning with traditional methods of
education, as research has shown that e-learning used alone produces a modest advantage than
conventional classroom education.

                                        GRAPH THEORY

                                                                  Prof. Florentina Hermina POPA
                                                                        Prof. Mihaela Elena PAPA
                                                                Colegiul „Ştefan Odobleja”, Craiova

       The software described is primarily addressed to students of 11 grades, mathematics-
informatics. Developed software accelerates learning of introductory concepts of graph theory.
After completing the lesson, the student is able to assess the knowledge gained by following a quiz
to test possible responses.
       Hardware requirements
       Necessary software: Flash Player (version 8 or higher) or Internet Explorer
How to use it:

   1      2      3   4 5 6          The software is provided with a control bar that will take the
                                    following effects (1) Rewind (Rewind), (2) Play (start), (3) Back
                                    (previous page), (4) Forward (next page), (5) sound (sound /
                                    mute) and (6) exit (exit). To switch from one page to another will
also use the Forward button.
Besides the control bar, quiz has 3 buttons
                                              Delete the checked answer

                                              Skip to the next question

                                              Submit the answer

       Arvunescu Dana Dumitru Cristina, Junea Sanda, Rodica Pintea - Baccalaureate Training Guide, Informatics -
       Intensive, Sigma Publishing, 2008
       G. Streinu-Cercel, N. Simionescu - Elements of Graph Theory (cls. IX, XII-a), Sigma Publishing, 2008
       Anastasiu Doru Popescu, Eugen Andrei Ionita - Combinatorics and Graph Theory, Ed Rhabon,


                                                                                 Prof. Vişan Dimitriu Daniel
                                                                                    Colegiul Ştefan Odobleja
                                                                                     Prof. Procop Marciana
                                                                                    Colegiul Naţional Carol I

       The list is a data structure that consists of a succession of elements. Each element has a
successor (except the last one) and a predecessor (except the first one). There are two methods of
allocating a linear list: the sequential allocation (static) and the linked allocation (dynamic)
       The static implementation of a list implies retaining the elements of the list in a vector.
Elementary operations are reduced to operations applied to the elements of a vector.
   The dynamic implementation of a list implies approaching lists as data structures whose
elements are dynamically allocated. New elements may appear or existent elements may be
removed from the list without alterating the respective structure. The dynamic allocaton uses
pointers. A pointer retains the address of a variable. The elements of a dynamic data structure
contain, beside the proper information, the conjunctive information.
   The linear lists can be:
   General lists: the simply-linked list, the double-linked list and the circular list.
   Restrictive lists: the stack and the queue.
An advantage of the dynamic allocation is represented by the fact that it uses as much memory as it
needs. When an element is deleted, the memory area where the respective element was stored
becomes free, and may store, where appropriate, another element in that area, the items not being
stored in successive locations of memory as in the case of the static allocation. Another benefit is
that at the insertion of a new element, or the deletion of an element, there is no need of displacing
the other elements for providing space for the new element, or covering the space that the deleted
element left. The lists are usually used when it is necessary to organize in a sequential form an
assembly of information.
       Popescu E.. Viţelaru S., Codreş M., Metode de programare, structuri dinamice de date şi grafuri, Editura Else,
       Craiova 2006;
       Tudor Sorin, Tehnici de programare- Manual pentru clasa a XI-a, Editura L&S Infomat 1996;


                                                                      Teacher Popa Daniela Maria
                                                                     High School „Ştefan Odobleja”

   The refreshing of teachers is a very important activity in our educational system because the
development of autonomy of the school is according with the interdependence with local resources.
Therefore, there are many universities, like S.N.S.P.A. Bucharest, which offers by theirs 3
programms on line of master degree, various ways in: projects manager, bussiness management
and educational management and institutional communications, e-learning baseboard representing
an optimal solution for residential course.
   The e-learning baseboard is presented by personal experience, like graduated of the educational
management and institutional communications in 2009. It is structured in a screen with 2 popup
menus left-right with differents options: brief presentation of profiles, the vision, the message, the
parteners, students. Each teacher become student on-line entering the site by
personal account and password with facilities for downloads for courses and tutorials. Also, the
right popup menu contents an area of type scrollbar with interesting news and questions currently
updated. The seminars are workshops on line, with messaging in the editing windows and the
answers are visualised by the others students. The feedback is very active and the modernity of
mark consist in delivering a paper, a project manager, a catalogue, a curriculum adapted for a
specific type of school.


                                                                      CRISTIANA COSOVEANU
                                                                            DANIEL LEOTESCU
                                                              Colegiul National “Carol I” – Craiova

   1. Books & CDs versus Internet technologies
       All of us are familiar with the teaching materials developed for students who are either
studying in further or higher education, taking company training or working on their English
autonomously. References to events, technological devices or procedures manuals quickly become

out of date. The audio resources found on the CD provide needed samples of voices other than the
       Adolescents are generally curious about what's happening in the world today, whether it be
politics and society or feature articles dealing with science and interesting people. Many youngsters
wish they had more time to read magazines or listen to radio or TV reports.
        Internet is, of course, what makes it possible. Most students have a broadband connection
and enjoy surfing on the Net, choosing content according to their mood at the moment. They can
exercise their reading skills, look up words in a dictionary, practice listening with or without
reading along, and draft and submit prose on a forum. With a multi-media e-learning tool, they can
do all of the above and even record their voice and take part in an improvised dialogue.
       2. English Addicts
       English Addictsis an e-learning programme, designed to display corrections and comments
for every item and even provides hints if the learner is unsure of the answer. If you need to develop
all four skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening, English Addicts is a complete package,
which can help you.
       English Addicts can be accessed via the Web and also on mobile phones using a 3G+
smartphone equipped with Windows mobile 6.0.A personal computer, a high-speed internet
connection, loudspeakers or a headset are enough. A multi-media room or space – schools often
have IT equipped rooms for student research and study. Headsets are necessary in this context.

                        The role of educational software in learning process

                                                                         Prof. Ungureanu Mihaela
                                                                                   Grădiniţa nr.40
                                                                         Prof. Vlădulescu Mihaela
                                                                                  Gradinita nr. 51

        Computer aided learning (IAC) is a way of training students through individual computer
programs (called educational software), which guides step by step the student journey from
ignorance to knowledge through theirs own efforts and the pace of learning.
        Educational software has several compelling advantages: provides a large amount of data;
provides individualized instruction; favors completion of complex training sequences by small
steps, adapted to individual learning progress; facilitates the rapid and effective feedback; enables

the simulation of processes difficult or impossible to access directly; stimulates the child's active
involvement in learning.
        Using educational software in the activities will be developed: logical thinking, spirit of
observation, visual memory, voluntary attention, pre-mathematics intellectual operations, working
with computer skills, ability to use information received expanded via educational software.

                              E-LEARNING CHARACTERISTICS

                                                                 prof. Marinescu Cornelia Mariana
                                                     Cluster Highschool ,,Traian Demetrescu”Craiova

      Why is the E-learning form of school so useful and what could be the reasons for someone to
join this kind of learning?
      Distance education is a learning process based on multimedia resources and allowing one or
more persons to form from their home computer.E-Learning is distinguished from other modes of
training, we try to highlight some of the advantages and disadvantages compared to traditional
education. Advantages: access to information and their handling is done remotely without
restriction, regardless of their level of training, age, socio-professional category, race, etc., facilitate
local training, which promotes travel without a successful time, a financial ecomnomie training and
optimal conditions (at home) especially for people with disabilities, a trainer may apply to a large
number of students while ensuring an individualized relationship with each of them, allows
reduction in costs (travel, payment of trainers, etc.,), students can benefit from knowledge and
experience of trainers of international renown, the student is the focus and not the trainer, student
itinerary can be customized and does not generalize the whole group, it is based on interactive
multimedia solutions that highlight the student, encouraging them and interpretation capabilities and
exhort him to concentrate and absorb quickly through the observation and capture, imulations, self-
assessment tests, messaging, creates an interactivity that puts the student, the training center, in an
active state garantees the effficiency of       training, supports creating a sense of freedom and
confidence in himself (embarrassment to colleagues or trainer, if a mistake is dissipates), eliminates
problem of the lack of educational institutions, quality and quantity of information is evolving very
quickly, which does not allow access to their traditional means all.
      Disadvantages of distance learning may be: lack of student physical, emotional cargo,
authority and human expression, technical problems related to training systems: computer failure,
disruption of communication network, terminal or server failure, attacks on electronic documents
being viruses or hacking, etc.
     However, distance education is open to a promising start, with time it may grow by providing
those who wish to find the best information, compiled by the highest information compiled by the
highest international standards, şi scopuri objectives defined structured so that student to orinteze
without difficulty and be able to self-assess.

                         E- LEARNING IN ADULT EDUCATION

                                                                       Apostolache Amalia Mihaela
                                                                       Şcoala cu clasele I-VIII Pleşoi
                                                                           Bâlteanu Dana Veronica
                                                                      Şcoala cu clasele I-VIII Scaieşti

       Moto: The man without education is like a body without soul.
       To define or describe eLearning, it is best to first define learning. Learning is the act of
developing skills or obtaining knowledge. So eLearning just means that you develop skills and
obtain knowledge using electronic means, hence the "e" in "eLearning!"You may have heard terms
such as distance learning, distance education, online learning, or a variety of other terms used to
describe methods of learning outside the traditional classroom-based method.Distance learning
refers to any education that is conducted outside of a traditional classroom setting. Generally
speaking, distance learning follows one of two models: the correspondence course or the online
course.Correspondence course students receive and submit their class materials physically, through
postal delivery. Online students receive their materials electronically, via the Internet.eLearning is a
type of distance learning.
       The term eLearning is used to mean distance learning delivered through information
technology, especially the Internet. Distance learning has become a popular method of teaching and
learning.Online learning has become the most common and popular delivery method of distance
 Convenience is one of the major advantages of e-learning. It allows students to work and learn at
their own pace without the unyielding time restrictions of traditional learning. Because e-learning
provides access to learning materials at any time, students have the flexibility to schedule around
families, jobs and other activities. Another major benefit of e-learning is the accessibility it
provides. Students can learn from anywhere in the world. This is an especially important
consideration for students who wish to study in a different country. In addition, because e-learning

can be done from home, students have less clothing and driving expenses than with traditional

                                         CAMTASIA STUDIO

                                                                               Teacher Georgeta Manafu
                                                                               High School Tudor Arghezi

        Camtasia Studio records any screen motion in real time, and turns it into an animated video
recording. The user will thus benefit from high quality recordings associated with small-sized files.

       Installing the application:

            1. Click on the link below:

            2. Enter a valid email address:

            3. Click on the Start Windows Download button

            4. Double click, run and initialize installation.

            Installation is simple, all it takes is to click on Next and
            choose the corresponding settings in the dialogue boxes.

       Camtasia Studio can be used for:

       -   Recording on-screen motions by using Record the
       - Registering and publishing PowerPoint presentations-
           Record Power Point;
       - Voice recordings - Record voice narration
       - Importing multimedia files - Import media
       In order to record on-screen motion we must take the following steps:

       1. Click on Record the screen.
       2. The following box will open and we
          must press rec.
       3. Recording starts and the box below
          will stay open :

       4. We stop the record by pressing the stop button or the F10 key.
       5. We save the file with Save and Edit.


                                                                             Prof. Viorica Cârstea

                                                        School Group 'Traian Demetrescu "Craiova

       During January-February 2011, the project FORCAD - "Teacher training debut for a
successful career in secondary education" SOP HRD 17/1.3/G/21201, run by the Teacher Training
Dolj in partnership with River and Teachers learning activities took place online over 40 hours,
beneficiaries are a group of junior teachers coming from schools in the county of Olt, teachers with
qualifications in various specialties.
       As guardian of a group of teachers newcomers, Olt county whose specialty is mechanical,
after first meeting them, I posted on a so-called e-learning platform educational material specific
design documents consisting of the teaching process is: planning calendar, unit design, design of
several types of lessons, evaluation of samples containing all items, project guidance and
counseling, and designing a local curriculum development or the school.
       Teachers in the target group entered a specialized website, signed up with personally
identifiable data, access is being accomplished using a username and password own. They searched
the Internet, e-mail, receive and send attachments, writing the main way of communication.
Through her writing and thoughts expressed, and shared their ideas and asked questions. When
online student needed help in understanding a concept, it could ask questions or guardian virtual
classmates. As in a traditional school, online student had to reserve adequate time for study. While
online courses provide maximum flexibility centered on the user (student), it requires self-
discipline and willingness to work independently of the learner.


                                                                        Tch. Claudya Maria Neacşa
                                          National Vocational College ”Nicolae Titulescu”- Slatina,Olt

       In the modern society, e-Learning comprises all forms of electronically supported learning
and teaching. The information and communication systems, serve as specific media to implement
the learning process. E-learning applications and processes include Web-based learning, virtual
education opportunities and digital collaboration.
Moodle-Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment is an online Course
Management System, a software package designed using pedagogical principles made by teachers
for teachers, a flexible environment for learning communities. It is also designed to support a social
constructionist framework of education, an open source, freely available which can easily be
installed on Windows, Mac, Linux servers.
Moodle Supports: small and large communities, e-learning in schools, different learning and
teaching styles, delivery of learning activities and publishing resources, collaboration and
communication, compatibility with different standards and tools, easy customization for users with
different needs.

                    STUDENT ACQUISITIONS

                                                                         Prof.Goanta Constantina
                                                                   COLEGIUL”STEFAN ODOBLEJA

       Today, training methods clots in the more innovative strategies to make every class a way to
access the methods and tools of knowledge. Integrating new technologies in training make methods
and techniques of work with students change.

Using new technologies and ICT tools to improve teaching are needed to develop supply
capacity with modern training methods and evaluation of students, to use digital tools in teaching
effective classroom and standardized assessment of student knowledge.
       E-learning is an organized system of education / training, it includes components of a
teaching approach that is: specific content, methodology, interaction, support, evaluation. The
"Location" where the learning occurs is the so-called "virtual classroom".
   Using Web resources teachers can trigger development of activities / applications. Applications
like eXe learning and Hot Potatoes are highly useful, easy to use for making interactive lessons,
customized by teachers without requiring advanced knowledge of web programming.
The computer becomes a reliable friend for the participants in technical disciplines lessons
(industrial design, technology, etc.). Thus, the lessons taught by a computer :
   -   You can prepare sketches, diagrams, individual or group worksheets for students, these
       materials can stored as files, can be regularly updated, can be printed to the printer and then
       multiplied for all school students;
       With the help of the computer you can designe tests involving grid view question, the
       response alternatives (perhaps the text is accompanied by suggestive images). The
       advantage consists in the interaction between the computer and the student for the answer
       selected (visual and auditory) can be displayed on its own score, the response given the
       current and accumulated up to that point.



                                                                              prof. Nica Augustina
                                                   ” Tudor Arghezi” Theoretical Highschool,Craiova

          School violence seems to be an insufficiently acknowledged issue of the Romanian
educational system or simply an uncomfortable topic.
          School violence can occur in a number of forms, which must be known, addressed and
          Subjective versus objective violence
          Many students are tempted to refer to violence rather in its objective aspects, especially
obvious aggressivity (physical, verbal or non-verbal) than in its subjective aspects, related to values,
relationships or culture. However, what is significant is the fact that over one third of the students
see school as a safeless environment, where they don’t feel protected against violence coming from
their colleagues, their teachers or people from out of school.
          Teachers and even students themselves feel there is such phenomenon as school violence.
Generally speaking, teachers think that boys are more violent than girls. Also, there is a gender
difference regarding the forms violence takes: girls are considered to commit ordinary, tolerable
acts of violence (especially verbal violence), while boys are thought to commit more serious acts of
violence (including physical aggression).

                         AND THE LOCAL COMMUNITY
                              PAPER ABSTRACT

                                                         Prof. înv. primar Popescu-Vieru Manuela
                                                                 Şc. Nr. 29 ”N.Romanescu” Craiova

          In child’s education, the school-family-community relationship has gained new valences, at
the same time with the appearance of the notion of quality assurance in education. Quality increase
in education is a major objective of the efforts for making efficient the compulsory connections
between school, local community and students’ family, these being direct beneficiaries of the
school effort in this respect. A redefinition of the educational balance between the decisions taken
by the school and the initiatives coming from the parents or local factors is necessary. An active
cooperation between school and professors and the other educational factors, family, local
community, mass-media, church, non-governmental organizations, should lead to the achievement
of some viable partnerships, able to approach positively the diverse problems of young students.
       Within the school-family-community relationship there must be relations of respect, mutual
acceptance, reciprocal sympathy and admiration, and not of suspicion, perplexity or annoyance and
provocation. The relations between school, students, their families and community should be based
on understanding and collaboration, on information transmission and presentation of some states of
things, positive influences on students’ behavior, reciprocal feelings and emotions under different
manifestations. For reaching a high quality level in increasing the efficiency of the school-student-
community relationship, a performant management of quality education in any school unit is


                                                                          Teacher Voica Mihaela
                                                             „Henri Coandă” Highschool, Craiova

       Key words: student, school, parents, local community.

       The family and the school are the most important educational factors. The students’
performance in learning depends on their attitude towards learning.

       The key of seeing, feeling and understanding the students’ relationships to others must be
sought first in the family. The child’s feelings of security and insecurity, his/her happiness, the
child’s intellectual and emotional capacity depend on the atmosphere in the family.

       Having in mind life-long learning, the relation between school and family is characterized
by the complementarity of these two main sources necessary to the development and the education
of human personality.

       A partnership has a lot of advantages because it creates relations of cooperation, clarifies
various educational problems, offers a new framework for the development of the student’s
personality. Initiating new educational partnership projects are beneficial both for students and for
all the other factors involved: school, family, local community.

       In the programmes aimed at school support, the parents were invited to get involved in the
cooperation and the support given to some school partnership projects.

                                                                        Prof. Meche Alina Mihaela
                                                                 Grupul Scolar „Traian Demetrescu”

        Human violence is a complex phenomenon, with psychological, social, cultural and
economic determinations. School violence is only one manifestation of daily violence. School is not
an isolated entity anymore, an autonomous social space, unaffected by the complexities and
difficulties facing the society.
        Being an open space to the outside world, it should be seen as a space of causing violence.
In Romanian society, violence in schools was identified as being related with adult violence against
children, making the association between the dysfunctional family and the violent behavior of the
children from this type of family.
        There was always violence in schools. Those who believe that school violence is a recent
phenomenon must be reminded that, historically speaking, school has always been associated with
violence. School violence has a great influence on social perception and values of the present,
contributing to the erosion of traditional and positive image of the school as safe and secure
        Even if the violence among students was recognized as a general phenomenon present in all
schools, the intensity and forms in which it occurs varies from school to school, being determined
by a complex of factors: school climate and school culture, type of school management, quality of
education activity, area of origin of the students, economic conditions, violence image in the media.

                           SAY NO!VIOLENCE IN YOUR SCHOOL

                                                                      Teacher Radu Adriana Laura
                                                                    School Special ,,Sf.Mina’’Craiova

               Motto:’’Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent man!,, (Isaac Asimov)

        It is obvious but not reassuring enough for us, teachers, the school that violence is an
expression of violence in society, but when violence occurs in school, it reduces the chances of
students to fully develop their personality and to acquire an education quality, in accordance with
their fundamental right to education.

        In order to study in depth the phenomena of school violence we applied a questionnaire on
violence in school, a representative group of 40 pupils from secondary school (out of 104 students).
The first task of the students was to tick on a scale from very often the FCC never noticed them in
school behavior: verbal and psychological violence among students (insults, insults, nicknaming,

harassment), damage to the school furniture, physical violence between students, school refusal
duties, injuries, insults, threatening words for teachers, inscriptions, paintings on the walls of the
school or school furniture, drugs, theft among students, noise, lack of discipline in class, smoking.

        Applying this questionnaire, we achieved the following objectives: to assess the dimensions
of the phenomenon of violence in our school, identify the situations of school violence and develop
a typology of the phenomenon, identifying the generating causes of violence in school, developing a
set of recommendations, for students, teachers and parents, in order to improve the phenomenon of
violence in school. After processing student responses, we first identified the main actors in school
violence: violence between students, student violence in front of teachers, teachers' violence in
students, parents - actors of domestic violence and, indirectly, school, close to school violence
(others: neighbors, entourage of students, etc..)

       In the face of strategic interventions, keep in mind: awareness campaigns in the local
community, a system for monitoring school violence phenomena cooperation with other schools in
proximity, youth associations, the Association of parents and other representatives of civil society ,
continuing the regular and the research on violence in school.
       Debarbieux, E., Violence en milieu scolaire On, vol I, ESF, Paris, 1996


                                                                                        Prof. Uta Livia
                                                                                 C.N.E. Gheorghe Chitu

       Family and community partnerships with schools have become central. Supportive families
and social support within communities contribute to students’ success. When children feel valued
they are more likely to develop healthy skills, avoid risky behaviors and remain in school. When
parents are involved, students achieve more, regardless of socio-economic status, ethnic/racial
background, or the parents’ education level. The more extensive the parent involvement, the higher
the student achievement. Negative student behaviors, such as alcohol and substance abuse,
violence, and antisocial behavior decrease as parent involvement increases. Students are less likely
to succeed when communities are economically deprived, disorganized, and lack opportunities for
employment or youth involvement; when families do not set clear expectations, monitor children’s
behavior, or model appropriate behaviors; and when schools present a negative climate and do not
involve students and their families.

       School-community partnerships have contributed to the success of coordinated school health
programs across the country. Communities expect schools and families to prepare students to
become healthy, productive citizens. Communities in turn have a responsibility to join with schools
and families in support of efforts that can help achieve this goal. To be successful, school and
community partnerships must: have clear, concise responsibilities and expectations for each
participant; allow for flexibility in organization and implementation; acknowledge that partnerships
require a time commitment and that initial gains may be small; and provide appropriate training for
teachers, administrators, and community members.


                                                                                 Prof. Ștefan Maria
                                                                Grupul Școlar ͈ Traian Demetrescu ̎
                                                                               Prof. Ștefan Nicolae
                                                             Școala cu clasele I – VIII nr. 2 ͈ Traian ̎

       Violence has become an alarming problem facing society today. There are domestic
violence, school violence, violence on the street. Mass-media, official statistics report a worrying
increase in violence in recent years worldwide, so establish a greater involvement of educational
factors in preventing and combating violence in the family and school and society.
       The main sources of violence are:
       -   Family reasons ( socio-emotional climate, low education level of parents, family
           economic conditions ).
       -   In school ( difficulties of communication between students and teachers, overloaded
           curricula, origin from different social backgrounds, the desire to be more popular ).
       -   Social environment ( entourage, the media, by presentation of reality as a commonplace
           fact by exposing acts of violence, both in news programs, movies ).
Due to the extent that violence was a phenomenon among young people and not only certain
measures to be taken top revent and combat violence:
       -   Early identification of potentially violent students and centering to avoid excessive
       -   Identify potential sources of violence.
       -   Improving communication teacher-student relationship.
       -   A better management of the educational factors in relations in the family.


                                                                                    Prof. Cuna Liliana
                                                                                Sc. Nr.29 N. Romanescu

       Besides school, which provides the greatest communication between generations, family and
community play a significant part in developing a child’s personality. Each human being is born
with a certain genetic inheritance, and afterwards, thanks to the emotional atmosphere in the family,
children become aware of the world around them by means of a constant dialogue with the adults,
start to learn and love, communicate and look up to role models, imitate different actions until they
shape their own values, their own principles about the world, about life.
       The active cooperation between school and teachers and the other educational factors-family,
local community, mass-media, the church, non-profit entities- must lead to the accomplishment of some
viable partnerships, which ensure a positive outlook on the various issues of young learners.
       School must find the best way so that those involved in the educational process can manage
human resources, acquire psychological and pedagogical knowledge and adapt to the fast changes
in our society. However, school is essential, as well as teachers, who through their activities can
instill in their students, rules and moral values, in the current European context.
In this regard, school may take part and interact with the student’s families, may initiate useful
activities, both in school and outside it, support the students so that they get to know themselves and
understand moral and civic values, improve the quality of their lives and their performances, shape
their critical and independent thinking. Family represents the key factor in helping children interact
with other classmates and counsels students concerning extracurricular activities.
       Lessons should have a strong practical content, should be insightful and urge students to get
involved and unleash their mental and spiritual energy. Children will feel like talking more easily
and the joys of their accomplishments will be obvious.
       By presenting role models, as much as possible in a community, you will notice the
improvement of school performances and children will become better human beings. It’s one thing
to talk about the most important authorities in a community (the mayor, the priest, the policeman)
and another to give students the chance to talk to them in person.
       It’s no use talking about customs and traditions to your students if you don’t take part with
them in fairs, workshops and festivals. You will see how proud they will be of their success.
We teach children not to steal, not to hurt, not to lie, but we have never taken them to a police
station to become aware of the consequences of misbehaving. We have told them how to stay
healthy, but we have never shown them a hospital and how painful is to be sick. Not only will you

otice how they will not disregard their hygiene, but also their wish to become the person who saves
lives- the doctor.
                            TO LIVE TOGETHER HARMONY!

                                                                        Prof. Jana Popa Technical
                                                                   College "Dorin Pavel", Alba Iulia

        Undoubtedly, we live in a complicated world, generating aggression and violence that we
create conditions of insecurity, fear, anguish, we vulnerabilizează. We live in multiple social
threats: conflicts, economic crises and political tensions generated by uncertainty in the workplace,
the incompleteness of work, failure of personal and family life. Willy-nilly we refer directly
(through their own experiences) and indirectly (through the experiences of others) to aggression and
        Since prevention of violence is largely a matter of education, that teachers should get
involved in creating and maintaining institutional environment favorable to learning performance,
understanding and cooperation.
        Violence in schools is a form of everyday violence, so that it can not be addressed separately
only to express a fact of life. School violence has a great influence on social perception and values
of this, contribute to the erosion of traditional positive image of school as a safe and secure
        Educators controls increasingly difficult impact that school violence has on school climate
and traditional educational praxis is not enough to practice professional role of teachers, forced
increasingly to assimilate more information on conflict management and use strategies solving the
problems raised in the school space.
        Times we live strongly ask us, we ask for courage, wisdom and especially ask us, to our first
report and then to ourselves and our neighbors, and help them to understand that human
relationships must be based on mutual respect for peace and tolerance.


                                                                     Prof. Mateescu Claudia Ileana,
                                                           G.S. ,,Traian Demetrescu ", Craiova, Dolj

The efficiency of educational and vocational counseling and guidance depends on a tight interaction

and permanent collaboration between school, family, specialized services, and economic agents, the
media, professional organizations.
        School is fit to meet the student's psychological and social needs, to ensure the optimal
condition well, to reduce and prevent disorders of adaptation, especially in conditions where there is
an alarming increase in the number of failures and school dropouts, the delinquent behaviors,
emotional disorders.
        School can and should do more in the direction of prevention and solving problems
faced!Regarding the career orientation, are taken into account certain categories of skills that
schools need to develop a good level and are required by the labor market.Family - family plays an
essential role, along with school, in developing and maintaining wellness, that the bio-psycho-social
balance so necessary to human beings.
        In most cases, the family is the major part in shaping a career option for some children.
Parents are children's primary and most powerful source of learning, emotional support and
security. A particularly important role, often even decisive, family plays in terms of young
professional decision.Conclusion: is that in Romania, counseling and guidance services can be
offered in schools, universities work individually or in groups. Specifically, the places where
activities and provides counseling and educational and vocational guidance are: Centers and Offices
Inter / School Assistance psycho houses Teachers, School Inspectorate, Employment and Training
Agencies, Commissions Medical school orientation and Professional, complex examination
committees, business advice centers, ministries (transport, military), large industrial enterprises and
        Who benefits from these services?
        Students, graduates, employees, unemployed, teachers, parents etc...

                         AMONG PUPILS BY PUPILS

                                                    înv.primar Cruceru Lavinia
                                       Şcoala cu Clasele I-VIII Nr. 36 “Gheorghe Bibescu” Craiova

        Mediation is a process in which neutral persons (mediators) assist those in conflict in order
to handle the arisen problems. Often the mediation process is exactly the opposite of regular
interactions among pupils or between pupils and teachers. In traditional schools the settlement of
the conflict is done on the basis of the approach centered on the stimulation of guilt feeling.
Problems are judged by external factors, without allowing those in conflict to talk to each other in a
structured environment that promotes the finding of a solution agreed by both parties. The goal of
mediation is to solve the conflict and to mould the handling of future conflicting situations. The
participation in mediation is voluntary and if those in conflict do not want to take part, they will
take the consequences in conformity with school regulations.
       The mediation of conflicts among pupils by pupils has two principles as a basis: the school
which offers the pupils a way of handling the conflicts stimulates pupil’s success in various
fields; the pupils formed in the mediation of conflicts help their colleagues better than adults.
       There are several modalities to design a mediation program of school conflicts.
       10-25 pupils are formed and they become mediators. These pupils need to form abilities to
facilitate the communication. Pupils – mediators benefit by a supervisor (usually the one who
formed them) who offers them support or feedback. In order to be successful, the mediation of
conflicts must be voluntary and involves the abidance of confidentiality.
       Stages of the mediation process: presentation, definition of the problem, establishment
of needs, establishment of an understanding, realization of a written understanding,
monitoring of the mediation.
       Jigău, M. (coord.), Prevention and combating of school violence – A practical guide for headmasters and
       teachers”, Institute of Education Sciences, Alpha MDN Publishing House, Buzău, 2006;
       Peer mediation – The manual of the student – A training course for beginners,

                                    VIOLENCE IN SCHOOLS
                                     -SCIENTIFIC STUDY-

                                                                                  Prof. Hoancă Liliana
                                                                      Colegiul Tehnic Energetic Craiova
                                                                            Prof. Constantinescu Oana
                                                                              Colegiul Tehnic Energetic

       School is the most important space for socializing young people. It is the space where
individuals learn to communicate effectively with others to emulate ,working in teams or being in a
constant competition with others.
       The school is therefore an appropiate environment for teaching students to cope with
conflict and to fiind optimal solutions for the benefits of all.Work presented shows that learning to
resolve conflicts creatively can be integrated in many areas of life of our students.
Physical violence is a topical issue among both teachers and among students who learn in Romania
schools .School conflict mediation is a process that consists in solving disputes through

Violence in schools is a grave issue that is often analyzed in terms of individuals' tendencies toward
destructive behavior. While this path of analysis is important, in this article, the author
contextualizes violence within a cultural milieu that alienates students from their fundamental
yearning for significance.
It is argued that violence is a failed epiphany, that is, a heightened moment of awareness emerging
out of the everyday flow of experience that seeks to overcome alienation. Violence fails because it
cannot create a world of sustainable meaning. The nature of productive epiphanies and the worlds
of sustainable meaning that they evoke are discussed in terms of their implication for education and
overcoming violence in schools.
.      Explanations about the causes of school violence tended toward psychological and
developmental explanations about why school-age children become violent and social control
theory about the lack of attachment and involvement by youth in conventional culture.
Corresponding policies to deal with the problem focused on better detection, preemptive
intervention, closer supervision, zero tolerance, and peer mediation. This narrow micro analytical
framing of the issue failed to consider the multiple causal components of this complex problem,
which includes the interrelated role of teachers, school administrators, educational practices and
effective pedagogy, school district policy, cultural framing, gendered educational expectations, and
the changing state of family and community relations in a postmodern “heartless” society.

                    VIOLENCE PHENOMENA

                                                                                prof. Dresca Rodica
                                                                   Grupul Scolar Traian Vuia Craiova

      One of the most important phenomena among the high school students is the violence.
How can we systematically collect reliable, verifiable and extended information about violence?
There are a lot of ways, but we can choose some of them, like the following: questionnaire for
students, individual or group interview, documents analysis;
The student questionnaire(survey) could contain not only the visible forms of violence, also the
hidden forms like daunts, teasing, verbal abuse...This way (Student survey) coul help the
Management Team of your school :
      • To identify the real forms of violence from your school;
      • To measure the frequency of different violence situations;

• To measure how these appear;
      • To know who are the main actors involved into the violence (from inside and outside of the
       • To find the students opinion/thinking about the situations;
Note: It is very important to have short and clearly questions and a dedicated item for their free


                                                                             prof.Căluţoiu Gabriela
                                                                Colegiul "Ştefan Odobleja" , Craiova

   Violence is one of the major problems of the contemporary world. Print or audiovisual work
shall at all times on the various manifestations of this phenomenon. The most aggressive shapes,
such as wars or terrifying crimes, beatings, rapes, thefts, destruction of property, and the least
shocking such as verbal violence, all supported by an abundance of violent images, presented daily
before our eyes. In this context, the emergence of various forms of violence in the school
environment seems almost a fatality and often becomes commonplace, even without the coexist
fellows to seize more danger.
   A form of extremely widespread violence in the school environment is verbal violence. Verbal
violence is not perceived in the same way for students and teachers. Such students a decreases while
the teachers a supraevaluează.
                          The causes of violence in the school environment
    School violence is generally associated with urban areas difficult to the outskirts, where
poverty is at her home. So when you talk about violence in school are known as external factors
favorizante sources: school, family environment, social environment and factors related to the
individual, his personality.
   Family environment are the most important source of disadvantaged students.
In an unstable family environment, instability, conflicts can represent for school student a second
   Not always the teacher manages to solve the problems of the students behavior, situations of
conflict in the classroom through the media should be presented and then work in teams which
include teaching more people: the teacher of the class teacher, teachers, parents, school physician,
psychologists and teachers.
   Violent families originate from the ranks of most children illiterate or dropout.


                                                                                  Prof. Veghea Adela
                                                                            Colegiul "Ştefan Odobleja"

   Conflicts between students
 Productive use of the conflict or resolving its creative is an essential approach of educational
process management. Teacher faces in with all kinds of conflicts. He must be a "peacekeeper" that
uses, however, constructive conflict in order to achieve the educational goals set. Therefore, he
must be, first and foremost, the causes of the conflict appeared complete. These can be:
• competitive Atmosphere. Students have been accustomed to work individually on the basis of
competition, depriving them of a pattern of work in group, confidence in colleagues and teachers.
They do not want than victory over others, and if you don't get, lose their self-esteem.
• the competition appears at all times, even in those in which it is unproductive.
• poor Communication. This represents the most fertile soil for conflict.

   Conflicts between teachers and students
 To avoid this type of conflict, the teacher must not use a discretionary power, in order to highlight
the lack of power of the students. The teacher must manifest a constructive dialogue by creating a
conducive learning environment by maintaining law and order and of what is best in the students.
 Self-monitoring does not mean suppressing emotions, but a positive way to express them. A
summarization of the main options that are necessary and useful to an optimal management of
conflicting situations.


                                                                       Prof. Popescu Carmen Oana
                                                                       Clubul Sportiv Scolar, Craiova

        “ For us, parents or adults who live with a child or accompanied him throughout life, the
challenge is to permit him to act out the most painful way for everyone, to grow and be different.
We permit him to leave, to divide, to depart, to meet the risk and the wonders of life. "(Jacques

Improving the school-family-community relationship is a priority for the Romanian
education. According the conditions that school education is the main pawn for young generation,
but not enough, family education is necessary. Family can be a risk factor or a protective one,
depending on skills they developed, educational and emotional climate.
       The agreement of family for school, means finding a solution that combines children,
families, school and society interests. The way         they are presented, discussed, argued, the
information from the parents, affect the opinions and the attitudes of the children.

                       OF A SOCIAL PARADIGM?

                                                                          Teacher Bulubaşa Cezar
                                                  Theoretical High School ,,Henri Coandă”, Craiova

          Mass-media, official and statistical research report a spectacular developing of the
   phenomenon in the last three decades in several countries of the world, so that overcoming
   violence in schools has become the most notable evolution of formal education. If early
   phases of school education involved frequent violence of teachers over students, education
   democratization has induced a shift of violence towards students, channelling it from students
   to teachers.
          School violence is very often non-fatal, but can cause serious prejudices to personal
   development. There are two types of school violence:
          a. objective violence of legal nature (murders and crimes) implying frontal
          b. subjective violence, subtle, attitude violence which affect school climate. These
   include disdain, humiliation, defiance, discourtesy, absenteeism.
          There are three explanatory theories of aggressive behaviour:
         - aggressiveness is innate. According to Freud, people are born with an aggressive
instinct and nature.
         - aggressiveness is an answer to frustration. Those who sustain this assertion are
   convinced that aggressiveness is determined by exterior factors.
         - aggressiveness is a socially learnt behaviour. According to this theory, aggressive
   behaviour can be learnt in several ways: directly by re-compensating or punishing certain
   behaviours; by observing other models of behaviour, especially that of adults.

When dealing with school violence, there are certain favouring sources such as
   external school factors – the familial factor, the social factor, the individual factor, and an
   internal school factor – school as a source of violence.
           School violence is an expression of society violence; when violence takes place in
   schools, it implies other consequences as well: along with prejudices, victimization, school
   violence reduces students’ chances to fully develop their personality and acquiring a good


                                                                               Teacher Nică Cristina
                                                                  Colegiul “Ştefan Odobleja” Craiova

    It is known that education as social action organized, involves many factors: family, school and
    School and family are the two pillars of strength of education, and between them and the
community, environment and extra-school education, baby swings, extrafamilial object and subject
of education. If these educational media is filled in and claim they provide in a largely smooth
integration of the child into the work of the school and social life in general.
   The school must have contacts with all social institutions concerned direct or tangential to the
education of school age child and to establish relations of cooperation and collaboration. It helps to
spread cultural heritage and facilitates individual and collective learning.
    School counseling is one of the methods adopted by the educational establishment through
which needs specific answers and not only teenagers, she is earning or parents and teachers.


                                                                       Prof. Rosca Camelia Aida
                                                            LICEUL TEORETIC "TUDOR ARGHEZI"

   Democratization of education has train a shift of violence among students. There are several
types of violence to which children are subjected: emotional violence, vulgarity of language
,physical violence, parents aggression, the criticism and sanctions exaggerated of the teachers, street
violence, rape, sexual perversion, pornography. Teachers are also exposed to different attitudes and
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Share good experience

  • 1. ”Sharing experiences and good practices in the educational process” Revistă de specialitate la nivel international pentru toate ariile curriculare, dedicată cadrelor didactice din învăţământul preuniversitar, elevilor din învăţământul liceal şi părinţilor elevilor Editura SITECH Craiova, 2012 1
  • 2. Coordonatorii revistei: Prof. Georgeta Manafu-coordonator proiect Prof. Popescu Oana © 2012 Editura Sitech Craiova Toate drepturile asupra acestei ediţii sunt rezervate editurii. Orice reproducere integrală sau parţială, prin orice procedeu, a unor pagini din această lucrare, efectuate fără autorizaţia editorului este ilicită şi constituie o contrafacere. Sunt acceptate reproduceri strict rezervate utilizării sau citării justificate de interes ştiinţific, cu specificarea respectivei citări. © 2012 Editura Sitech Craiova All rights reserved. This book is protected by copyright. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including photocopying or utilised any information storage and retrieval system without written permision from the copyright owner. Editura SITECH din Craiova este acreditată de C.N.C.S.I.S. din cadrul Ministerului Educaţiei şi Cercetării pentru editare de carte ştiinţifică. Editura SITECH Craiova, România Aleea Teatrului, nr. 2, Bloc T1, parter Tel/fax: 0251/414003 E-mail: 2
  • 3. ARGUMENT Această revistă reuneşte lucrările in limba engleza prezentate de participantii din Romania, Austria, Spania si Turcia, în cadrul Simpozionului Internaţional ”Sharing experiences and good practices in the educational process” , organizat în data de 19.03.2012 la Liceul Teoretic “Tudor Arghezi”, în cadrul Parteneriatului Internaţional pentru Învăţare Grundtvig “NO MORE TEARS” , având numărul GRU-10-P-LP-25-DJ-TR. Obiectivul general al simpozionului este schimbul de opinii, experienta şi bune practici din procesul instructiv-educativ între ţările participante la proiect: Romania, Spania, Turcia şi Austria. Lucrările din revista au fost prezentate la secţiunile: • eLearning, Software educaţional, prezentări multimedia utilizate în procesul instructiv-educativ • Relaţia dintre şcoală, părinţi şi comunitatea locală. Exemple de bună practică pentru prevenirea şi combaterea violenţei. • Educatia permanentă în societatea cunoaşterii. Diseminări de proiecte şi cursuri L.L.P. • Creativitate si inovatie in procesul instructiv-educativ (exemple de bună practică) Revista se adresează, în principal, cadrelor didactice din învăţământul preuniversitar, elevilor din învăţământul liceal şi părinţilor elevilor. Coordonator Proiect Grundtvig “No more tears”, prof. Georgeta Manafu 3
  • 4. INTERNATIONAL GRUNDTVIG PROJECT "NO MORE TEARS" Teacher coordinator Georgeta Manafu High School "Tudor Arghezi" An internal decision has been issued appointing Ms. Georgeta Manafu as the national coordinating teacher of the project on behalf of the “Tudor Arghezi” Theoretical Highschool. She established a set of criteria in order to start the implementation team: the staff and the learners’ group. Each member of the implementation team has been given certain assignments. We have worked with the project partners to determine how it can be disseminated after each project meeting and during the activities we have held at a departmental level. The project activities we have held until now have been in accordance with those mentioned in the application form: • Each institution has designed a project information board; • The members of the implementation teams have been appointed according to different criteria which have been previously agreed upon by the four participants; • Each partner has conceived and applied questionnaires in order to determine the level of violence in their region and interpreted the results; • The participants have made PowerPoint and ProShow slide shows to present their activities, as well as the traditions, customs and culture of their respective region or country; • Ms. Georgeta Manafu deisgned the project blogspot: We have attended the first transnational meeting in Turkey, organised courtesy of Seyhan Ilce Milli Egitim Mudurlugu. The Romanian team, consisting of three staff members and a learner, presented the following inputs: • The project blogspot designed by Ms. Georgeta Manafu and teh way slide shows can be posted there; • Multimedia presentations of the „Tudor Arghezi” Theoretical Highschool, Craiova, Romania, our customs and traditions and our educational system; • The results of the questionnaires applied to students, teachers and parents related to the level of violence in the department of Dolj; • The activities we have held between August and October. Each of the four participating institutions has sent its own representatives. 4
  • 5. The programme of the activities at the meeting included: the presentation of each participating institution, a visit to the Seyhan School Inspectorate and to a state-funded faculty, multicultural soirées, and workshops related to the reduction of school and family violence. Each partner has been assigned different tasks between November and February; • We have disseminated the first transnational meeting in Adana – Turkey; • At a local level we have organised the following activities: o On the 20th of January – the Inter-county Symposium “Initiation in the ABC of democracy. Social responsibility.” o On the 17th of February 2011- the County debate “The influence of IT and the media on adults’ education” • Between the 21st and the 28th of February we attended the second transnational meeting in Viena, Austria, where we discussed about the following presentations designed by the members of the Romanian group: • Peer mediation training sessions and a presentation of the standard mediation system, along with its steps and the monitoring and control activities which have been undertaken so far; • School and family violence; • The activities we had held between November and February: the symposium, the debate, and the training and monitoring of the peer mediators; • Tolerance – a European value; • Measures that can be taken for the reducation of school violence; The transnational activity was organised by IFMIC, Viena, Austria and was attended by representatives of all four participating institutions. The Romanian team consisted of three staff members and two learners. Each partner presented the activities held between October and February, we assigned different tasks to be fulfilled between March and September 2011, we attended different workshops related to the reduction of school and family violence, and had the chance to get an insight of the Austrian culture. The activities the hosts organised were of an interactive nature. The work atmosphere was open and intercultural. Each partner school shared its difficulties in reducing school and family violence and the measures they have taken in order to achieve this goal. We talked about ways of posting multimedia presentations, articles and the involvment of the learners on the project blogspot. During our common activities, each partner has had the opportunity to learn about the culture and civilisation of the other three partners. 5
  • 6. The working environment was very cooperative and flexible despite the international, multicultural and multilingual nature of the team. Thus the participants have had the opportunity to develop their personal, cultural, social and civil skills. • The transnational meeting in Viena was disseminated in March and April; • Between April and June we have organized the following activities: • The county conference – School and family violence, a social issue. Case studies, held on the 7th of April 2011 • The county workshop – Useful techniques for conflict mediation, held on the 12th of May 2011 • The round table - Tolerance, a European value, held on the 2nd of June 2011 • The county workshop -“ Violence versus tolerance! ” All activities have been approved by the Teachers’ Body and assessed according to certain quality questionnaires. Within our activities we have achieved the following goals: 1. During the inter-county symposium “Initiation in the ABC of democracy. Social responsibility” we have fulfilled the following objectives: The acknowledgement of the importance of human and cultural diversity; The promotion of examples of good practice in diveristy, democracy and social responsibility; The acquisition and materialisation of various methods and techniques that can be used in order to improve the quality of all out-of-school activities related to diversity, democracy and social responsibility; The identification of ways in which schools can relate to communities in order to ensure successful schooling. The result of this symposium was the first issue of the “No more tears” magazine. 2. During the county debate “ The influence of IT and the media on adults’ education” we have achieved the following goals: Examples of how the activities which have been included in the national curriculum can relate to those which have not; The acknowledgement of the importance of IT and the media in adults’ education; The presentation of new teaching, learning and evaluation methods based on IT which can be used in adults’ education; The emphasis on the role of E-learning in adults’ education; The result of this debate was the second issue of the “No more tears” magazine. 6
  • 7. 3. During the county conference – School and family violence, a social issue. Case studies’’ we have achieved the following goals: The identification of the main factors which lead to violent behaviour; The analysis of the social consequences of a violent kind of behaviour The promotion of a set of measures that can be taken in order to prevent school and family violence The consolidation of the relationship between the school, the parents and the local community The result of the conference was the third issue of the “No more tears” magazine 4. During the County Workshop - Useful techniques for conflict mediation we have achieved the following goals: The promotion of the mediation system as a means of preventing and solving conflicts in an amicable way The stimulation of the civic spirit, of the cooperation and of the responsible, non-aggressive behaviour within human relationships in school as well as at home. The identification of various mediation techniques and the emphasis on the training of peer mediators Role plays to illustrate these techniques 5. During the County Round Table - Tolerance, a European value we have achieved the following goals: The identification of the main types of tolerance (religious, political, racial, etc) ; The understanding of the concept of ‘’freedom of opinion’’; The promotion of intercultural communication in order to help us develop as European citizens, and acquire a set of knowledge and skills so as to be able to act within an ever more open, complex environment; The acknowledgement of the importance of the intercultural approach within the framework of formal and nonformal education in nowadays’ international context; The acknowledgement of the necessity of developing an active European citizenship, based on the respect of cultural diveristy and on common values. The result of the round table was the fourth issue of the “No more tears” magazine. 6. During the County Workshop -“ Violence versus tolerance! ” we have achieved the following goals: The identification of the effects of a violent type of behaviour in school, family and the society as a whole; The promotion of tolerance, diversity and assertiveness; 7
  • 8. The legal aspects of the prevention of family violence; The identification of the influence of prejudices and stereotypes in intolerant behaviour; The development of social abilities. The project was disseminated in all four issues of the “No more tears” magazine, during the teachers’ meetings, on the website, and on the chat group. The project partners used their emails and yahoo messenger ids in order to communicate between themselves, as well as their own mobile phones before the transnational meetings. In order to ensure transparency we posted on the blogspot pictures taken from the activities we have held, as well as different presentations designed by our learners. Due to the activities we have been undertaking we have managed to reduce school violence this school year. We have designed a newsletter after each transnational activity. We therefore have two newsletters, the first one issued in November, and the latter in March. We have also put together presentation movies, describing the partnership and the activities that have been undertaken till the date. The beneficiaries of this partnership are the 50 learners at Tudor Arghezi Theoretical Highschool and the partner schools. An internal decision has been issued to appoint them as learners. All activities involved teachers, students and parents, both from our school and from the other partner institutions. During the activities we have shared examples of good practice in the reudcation of school and family violence 8
  • 9. SECTIUNEA 1 MOODLE Prof. Florea Mihaela Grupul Scolar „George Bibescu”, Craiova This platform addresses: graduate environmental, academic, business and government. Implementation of e-learning platform is undergraduate level: post lessons, bibliography, homework, assessment and self-knowledge, creation of virtual classrooms for collaboration between schools, organization of competitions; common virtual classroom courses, training for high school, challenges between schools, communication and socialization, development of projects between schools, access to financing from national or European funds. E-learning platform Moodle Romania provides an environment for socialization and communication, training and evaluation electronics and enables students to learn together. Implicitly defined five levels of access within the application: • Administrator: full rights on the application • Trainer: the right to manage resources and activities for the course you're a trainer • Tutor: right to enter and modify classes. • Student: rights to participate in a course. • Guest: user with limited rights. References: • • NEW METHODS OF TEACHING – RESUME Prof. Cojocaru Sorina Virginia Colegiul “Ștefan Odobleja”, Craiova Information and Communications Technologies, a subject matter studied by our high school students thru ninth to twelve degree, helps them using the information to obtain success in their work. Since citizens across the World live in an informational society, everyone must know how to 9
  • 10. use a computer and the Internet. Cultural contents from around the world can be found in digital format and they are available to anyone, anywhere and anytime. Computers allow students to acknowledge information in various forms using multimedia programs, text processors, data bases, etc. Learning becomes easier when you see or hear information. Online courses are recommended for all who want to improve their existence, and to develop personal capacities of learning. Oracle Academy is one option in e-learning. Designed for high schools, technical schools, colleges and universities, Oracle Academy provides software, training and resources for students from 86 countries, preparing them for success regardless of their future field of expertise. “Participating students develop technical, analytical, and business skills that support the pursuit of professional careers and advanced study.” TEACHING AND LEARNING BY USING EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE Prof. Adina Demetrian Colegiul “Ştefan Odobleja”, Craiova Prof. Mia Bouleanu Şcoala Nr. 29 “N. Romanescu”, Craiova Traditionally, teachers were at the centre of learning with students assuming a receptive role in their education. With research showing how people learn, traditional curriculum approaches to instruction where teachers were at the centre gave way to new ways of teaching and learning. Key amongst these changes is the idea that students actively construct their own learning. Student- centered learning is focused on the student's needs, abilities, interests, and learning styles with the teacher as a facilitator of learning. Integrating media in the teaching process raises many aspects that need to be taken into account, including technical support, training the teachers and, most of all, teachers’s attitude towards modern means and methods. When traditional teaching methods fail to attract the students’ participation and interest towards a certain topic, we can always rely on modern technology to keep the students involved. They can do individual research, formulate questions and provide possible answers and, mostly, the students may take part in solving problems and completing rasks. 10
  • 11. THE EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE Prof. Voicu Mirela Prof. Predoi Adina Grupul Şcolar Industrial Transporturi „Căi Ferate”, Craiova Since, currently, the computer is an important means of recreation, but also a vast means of information that can be processed interactively and quickly, it may serve education through educational software. Because the fields of education today are very different, the software dedicated to each discipline varies. The educational software is a set of computer programs developed in order to facilitate the transmission and assimilation of knowledge. For effective teaching, learning and assessment programs we meet the following software: interactive programs, software programs, practising programs, educational games, software for testing knowledge. The classification above reflects the variety of activities in which the use of computers as a means of education is useful and necessary. Although this kind of software has many advantages, it is understood that it comes within certain limits. Yet, limits are normal because such a program is not intended to replace the teacher, but it comes rather as a supplement supporting the education of an individual. AEL ELEARNING SOLUTION Prof. SĂNDOI CRISTINA Colegiul “Ştefan Odobleja Craiova, Judeţul Dolj Use platform AEL is marked by a vast expansion of coverage specific to the field of education: AEL offers such an operating system that is regularly upgraded, modular interactive lessons dealing with various topics in the curriculum or test and evaluate students, making an intelligent monitoring depending on the preparedness of each, unlimited access to information via the Internet or their own databases (such as dictionaries, which displays a simple definition of a word selection), but AEL achieved and resource management class / school contributing point and effective global organization of schooling. AEL is an integrated teaching / learning and content management, designed to support teachers / tutors, learners, content developers and others participated in the educational learning process. Although originally designed for university / distance education, AEL is now used for pre- 11
  • 12. university level, is very suitable for study different languages, regions, different levels of study and types of organizations with educational potential. AEL is a complex and integrated eLearning solution that provides facilities management and presentation of various types of educational content and interactive multimedia material, interactive guides, exercises, simulations and tests. ELearning solutions developed by SIVECO Romania covers a very broad: from the creation of interactive educational content, the development of eLearning and online learning platforms and targets a very diverse audience: students, teachers, students, employees, factors decision of the education system, etc.. E-EDUCATION AND E-CAREER IN THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD OF MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES Prof. Dr.Ec. Doina Buzuloiu C.N.E. “Gheorghe Chitu” Craiova A socio-technical phenomenon much publicized at the end of the millennium, the Internet and any other use of electronic networks are open and have a major impact on society and its future. Here are some changes on the Internet to promote the company - features and effects: * Simplification of work processes and communication; * Access to impressive sources of information; * Working in groups, collective creativity; * The Internet is a set of features desired by different research communities and especially useful open exchange digitized data via e-mail, file transfer and distributed computer (and research) information on a global canvas of Web sites; * Establish links worldwide; * Reducing costs.Competitiveness in institutions-institutions which today equips on electronic networks and systematically using the Internet will have a real competitive advantage: increased efficiency; -- -- Stimulate research, knowledge development, research progresses in direct proportion ideas and projects on which political consensus today, but are not always practical thinker realizing technical, administrative or purely human. Interestingly undeniable effect of the Internet for sustainable development (Sustainable Development) - Developing an Information or Info-culture; There is a lack of knowledge of the possibilities offered by electronic networks, awareness and training for the richness they offer. It requires preparation of a development plan information culture. Intelligent agents, bots or search engines are able to almost instantly browse millions of documents.This means awareness and training from the youngest age to university. 12
  • 13. E-LEARNING THE LESSONS OF ROMANIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Prof.Munteanu Doina Venera GRUPUL ȘCOLAR TRAIAN DEMETRESCU E-learning is the convergence of the web and learning on all levels, whether it be elementary school, college or business. Today, knowledge is considered a competitive advantage and a company’s most important asset. E-learning is made up of several methods of learning, which are enhanced or facilitated by information and communication technology. Also, online learning is likely to be the fastest-growing method for delivering education and training. The trends in these areas such as demographics, technology, globalization, branding, consolidation/privatization and outsourcing will greatly affect the way we learn. E-LEARNING – MODERN TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION AND RESEARCH Prof. Cepăreanu Adriana Grupul Scolar „George Bibescu”, Craiova New technologies in education and research involve a large number of promoters to implement and use it. The specialists in eLearning and all authorities have considered promoting and integrating new technologies in education and long-term training as well as adapting the Romanian educational system to the new requests of the European Strategy . In order to use e-Learning one needs certain skills, such as observation, attention, manipulation and problem solving. Although it seems the best way to learn, the methods and techniques should still be carefully chosen when it addresses to adults. They use e-Learning for specific purpose as well as to acquire certain information. Different learning styles and strategies should also have to be considered when implementing e-Learning, not to mention different levels of age and education. In Romania, the most used e-Learning platform is MOODLE. It is a course management system that allows teachers to teach students and keep track of their learning outcomes. Moodle can be used with any browser and operating system that supports PHP and the information is recorded in one large database that can be accessed to analyse different activities that students perform. 13
  • 14. USE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY IN ASTRONOMY LESSONS Prof. Popescu Cristiana Liceul Teoretic „Traian Vuia” Craiova Prof. Bălună Daniela Elena Liceul Teoretic „Traian Vuia” Craiova Computer Aided Training is one way of learning for individual students, through computer programs (called educational software), which guides student step by step from lack of knowledge to knowledge. Methodological guidelines on use of Information and Communication Technology in different subjects, are part of the need confirmed by many teachers and education specialists in determining the benefits and limits the use of new technology applications in the classroom curriculum. Information and Communication Technology can help improve access to education and attractiveness of education by completing and diversifying existing resources. The understanding Universe is one of the most fascinating and inspiring areas of human knowledge. Astronomy gives man a global view of the world they live in, it opens your eyes and mind on the composition of the universe, it helps to understand the place Earth occupies in the Solar System. The study of Astronomy involves the comprehension of objects from school curriculum, such as: Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Geography, Chemistry. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of Astronomy and the growing interest of students for understanding the mysteries of the Universe, it is useful that some of their questions to find a response in organized school framework, such as setting circles of students, or within CDS hours. We will present an educational software that could be used in teaching concepts related to solar system components, structure of the Sun, planets and their satellites, astronomical phenomenon and galactic context to which we belong. ABOUT ELEARNING Prof. Agapie Minodora Luciea Colegiul “Ștefan Odobleja” Craiova In today’s world, a new level of commitment is required în order to educate the young generation and e-learning perhaps emerges as an important tool of imparting knowledge and information. The challenge, however, is to provide a suitable means to disseminate disparate information în a dynamic, open and distributed e-learning environment. 14
  • 15. Traditional educational systems have a key character – the teacher. E-learning doesn’t diminish the role of the teacher increasing however the importance of other persons involved in the educational process. An efficient e-learning program needs a sustained team effort and every bit of knowledge acquired is important. The student has the freedom to establish his own learning journey and to use the course material at his disposal. Learning participation— an integrated part of e-learning— must be user-friendly and easily accessible . The subject content must be clear with detailed descriptions that can be understood without difficulty. It should contain updated activities, assignments and assessment data. Including a help desk and technical support will enhance the user benefit of the system (White & Weight, 2000). APPLICATIONS OF THE SYSTEM E-LEARNING Prof. PrundeanuLavinia Stefan Odobleja College , Craiova A type of teaching, as name of '' teaching software'', or eLearning tools and resources for a wide range of electronic materials (in digital / multimedia support) are developed to support the education process: maps, dictionaries, encyclopedias, educational videos, presentations in various digital formats, electronic books (e-books), tests, tutorials, simulations, software forming skills, practice software, educational games etc.. Computer and electronic materials / media are used to support teaching, learning, assessment or as a means communications/learning distance, which is gaining ground every day, is the education via the Internet. Actual performance of learners, learn with such means , will be dependent on how the technology will be seen and used (eg. www) or as a simple information system, or as a learning MEANS OF TEACHING ENGLISH BY USING THE COMPUTER SUM UP Prof. Paula Maria Constantinescu Colegiul “Ștefan Odobleja” Nowadays computers have become an indispensable tool for everyone no matter if they are doctors, nurses or teachers. The use of computers have become a must in education since school needs to prepare future employees that keep pace with what is new and what is required today. New 15
  • 16. approaches in education replaced the old ones, students are now at the center of education and computers and computer learning tasks rely on this principle a lot. This type of education has several advantages including the reduction of costs for hand-outs, immediate feedback since studets are corrected not only by their teacher but also by various programmes intended to do so and not least this hepls students with good visual memory learn easier. A method that I used durind my class was to have a presentation using the video projector regarding vitamins and minerals found in fruits and vegetable and subsequently to ask my students to fill in a table that I realized in order to synthesize the whole information presented before. They all enjoyed it especially due to the fact that is something new and also because it involves using computers. I also tried as much as possible to use computers in my activites at school because my students need to learn how to use them and they can use it better by learning english. E-LEARNING EXPERIENCES Prof. Troanţă Nicoleta Grupul Scolar ,, Traian Demetrescu”Craiova Until a year ago the eLearning term was unknown to me. When I heard about it I tried to find out more and I discovered that it is a distance learning system or virtual education and it is a planned experience teaching-learning , organized by an institution which provides material mediated in sequential order and logic to be assimilated by students in their own way, without forcing attendance or synchronicity. An educational software which we used it is iTeach. iTeach propose and implement two views on the current training activity: 1. Training of teachers is not confined to attending courses, but is a collegial process that includes exchange of experience, participation in projects, study visits, collaborative activities, teaching and research in the field of specialization, experience and reflection on own work teaching, personal work of synthesis and recovery experience by publishing articles and teaching materials. 2. Socio-professional online networks can be used successfully as learning communities and the transfer of ideas, information, resources, values,practices and attitudes. On this platform we have covered a range of courses such as: ,, Introduction to eTwinning” ,,eTwinning: international collaborative educational projects” ,,Collaboration in digital class” Bibliografie: 1. 16
  • 17. THE USE OF THE NEW INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT Pelea Mircea Cristian Şcoala cu Clasele I-VIII Nr. 2 Pieleşti, Dolj The use of the computer in physical education and sport was made dependent of some of its features. The richness and diversity of the information contained in contemporary physical education and sports training, the data from multiple investigations, the testing and specific control have caused changes in the programming and planning strategies pertaining to the motor sports activities. One can find many ways to use the computer in this area including the main highlight: learning and assessment of theoretical knowledge of students in the educational process. We highlight the following directions: - Statistical and graphical analysis of the data obtained; - Learning and assessment of theoretical knowledge of students in the educational process; - Assessment of physical and sports training; - Preparation and processing of the results in different sports competitions; - Control and optimization of the techniques in the sporting activities; - Evaluation of the research subjects' physical capacity. E-LEARNING - O ALTERNATIVĂ DE ÎNVĂŢARE Prof. Andreea Lucia Georgescu Prof. Doina Rotaru Colegiul Naţional “Nicolae Titulescu”, Craiova The concept of e-learning refers to all education methods using the new information and communication technologies. In time, one witnessed a growth in the primary sense of the concept, of instruction through electronic devices, reaching to define a multitude of teaching-learning- evaluation techniques, which can be accomplished with the computer. The subsequent paper aims at presenting the nature of the concept of e-learning, discussing the major advantages this type of instruction has to offer to its beneficiaries, as well as the limitations it presents. The advantages of using e-learning in adults’ education can be synthesised as follows: reduced costs, flexibility, ubiquity, integration of a variety of education media, access to a variety of materials, connecting 17
  • 18. students with tutors/instructors, integrating students who cannot participate in courses within the traditional system, enhancing learning in ones own rhythm, in a personal style. Moreover, e- learning technologies are interactive, allowing a total feedback, in real time, as well as permitting evaluations by the most qualified evaluators. The limitations of e-learning consist in high costs with implementing the system, increased efforts in maintaining the system, the required experience of using a computer, lack of interpersonal relations, limited interactions etc. However, we consider that the most important failures of e-learning are a result of the difficulties inherent to its implementation, rather than of some major innate flaws of e-learning per se. On the other hand, it seems that instruction is more efficient when one combines e-learning with traditional methods of education, as research has shown that e-learning used alone produces a modest advantage than conventional classroom education. GRAPH THEORY Prof. Florentina Hermina POPA Prof. Mihaela Elena PAPA Colegiul „Ştefan Odobleja”, Craiova The software described is primarily addressed to students of 11 grades, mathematics- informatics. Developed software accelerates learning of introductory concepts of graph theory. After completing the lesson, the student is able to assess the knowledge gained by following a quiz to test possible responses. Hardware requirements Necessary software: Flash Player (version 8 or higher) or Internet Explorer How to use it: 1 2 3 4 5 6 The software is provided with a control bar that will take the following effects (1) Rewind (Rewind), (2) Play (start), (3) Back (previous page), (4) Forward (next page), (5) sound (sound / mute) and (6) exit (exit). To switch from one page to another will also use the Forward button. Besides the control bar, quiz has 3 buttons Delete the checked answer Skip to the next question Submit the answer 18
  • 19. Bibliography: Arvunescu Dana Dumitru Cristina, Junea Sanda, Rodica Pintea - Baccalaureate Training Guide, Informatics - Intensive, Sigma Publishing, 2008 G. Streinu-Cercel, N. Simionescu - Elements of Graph Theory (cls. IX, XII-a), Sigma Publishing, 2008 Anastasiu Doru Popescu, Eugen Andrei Ionita - Combinatorics and Graph Theory, Ed Rhabon, LISTS Prof. Vişan Dimitriu Daniel Colegiul Ştefan Odobleja Prof. Procop Marciana Colegiul Naţional Carol I The list is a data structure that consists of a succession of elements. Each element has a successor (except the last one) and a predecessor (except the first one). There are two methods of allocating a linear list: the sequential allocation (static) and the linked allocation (dynamic) The static implementation of a list implies retaining the elements of the list in a vector. Elementary operations are reduced to operations applied to the elements of a vector. The dynamic implementation of a list implies approaching lists as data structures whose elements are dynamically allocated. New elements may appear or existent elements may be removed from the list without alterating the respective structure. The dynamic allocaton uses pointers. A pointer retains the address of a variable. The elements of a dynamic data structure contain, beside the proper information, the conjunctive information. The linear lists can be: General lists: the simply-linked list, the double-linked list and the circular list. Restrictive lists: the stack and the queue. An advantage of the dynamic allocation is represented by the fact that it uses as much memory as it needs. When an element is deleted, the memory area where the respective element was stored becomes free, and may store, where appropriate, another element in that area, the items not being stored in successive locations of memory as in the case of the static allocation. Another benefit is that at the insertion of a new element, or the deletion of an element, there is no need of displacing the other elements for providing space for the new element, or covering the space that the deleted element left. The lists are usually used when it is necessary to organize in a sequential form an assembly of information. Bibliography: Popescu E.. Viţelaru S., Codreş M., Metode de programare, structuri dinamice de date şi grafuri, Editura Else, Craiova 2006; Tudor Sorin, Tehnici de programare- Manual pentru clasa a XI-a, Editura L&S Infomat 1996; 19
  • 20. E-LEARNING FOR REFRESHING TEACHERS Teacher Popa Daniela Maria High School „Ştefan Odobleja” The refreshing of teachers is a very important activity in our educational system because the development of autonomy of the school is according with the interdependence with local resources. Therefore, there are many universities, like S.N.S.P.A. Bucharest, which offers by theirs 3 programms on line of master degree, various ways in: projects manager, bussiness management and educational management and institutional communications, e-learning baseboard representing an optimal solution for residential course. The e-learning baseboard is presented by personal experience, like graduated of the educational management and institutional communications in 2009. It is structured in a screen with 2 popup menus left-right with differents options: brief presentation of profiles, the vision, the message, the parteners, students. Each teacher become student on-line entering the site by personal account and password with facilities for downloads for courses and tutorials. Also, the right popup menu contents an area of type scrollbar with interesting news and questions currently updated. The seminars are workshops on line, with messaging in the editing windows and the answers are visualised by the others students. The feedback is very active and the modernity of mark consist in delivering a paper, a project manager, a catalogue, a curriculum adapted for a specific type of school. RESUME TEACHING ENGLISHUSING INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES ENGLISH ADDICTS – A DYNAMIC TEAM & A FOUNDER WITH VISION CRISTIANA COSOVEANU DANIEL LEOTESCU Colegiul National “Carol I” – Craiova 1. Books & CDs versus Internet technologies All of us are familiar with the teaching materials developed for students who are either studying in further or higher education, taking company training or working on their English autonomously. References to events, technological devices or procedures manuals quickly become 20
  • 21. out of date. The audio resources found on the CD provide needed samples of voices other than the teacher's. Adolescents are generally curious about what's happening in the world today, whether it be politics and society or feature articles dealing with science and interesting people. Many youngsters wish they had more time to read magazines or listen to radio or TV reports. Internet is, of course, what makes it possible. Most students have a broadband connection and enjoy surfing on the Net, choosing content according to their mood at the moment. They can exercise their reading skills, look up words in a dictionary, practice listening with or without reading along, and draft and submit prose on a forum. With a multi-media e-learning tool, they can do all of the above and even record their voice and take part in an improvised dialogue. 2. English Addicts English Addictsis an e-learning programme, designed to display corrections and comments for every item and even provides hints if the learner is unsure of the answer. If you need to develop all four skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening, English Addicts is a complete package, which can help you. English Addicts can be accessed via the Web and also on mobile phones using a 3G+ smartphone equipped with Windows mobile 6.0.A personal computer, a high-speed internet connection, loudspeakers or a headset are enough. A multi-media room or space – schools often have IT equipped rooms for student research and study. Headsets are necessary in this context. Bibliography: The role of educational software in learning process Prof. Ungureanu Mihaela Grădiniţa nr.40 Prof. Vlădulescu Mihaela Gradinita nr. 51 Computer aided learning (IAC) is a way of training students through individual computer programs (called educational software), which guides step by step the student journey from ignorance to knowledge through theirs own efforts and the pace of learning. Educational software has several compelling advantages: provides a large amount of data; provides individualized instruction; favors completion of complex training sequences by small steps, adapted to individual learning progress; facilitates the rapid and effective feedback; enables 21
  • 22. the simulation of processes difficult or impossible to access directly; stimulates the child's active involvement in learning. Using educational software in the activities will be developed: logical thinking, spirit of observation, visual memory, voluntary attention, pre-mathematics intellectual operations, working with computer skills, ability to use information received expanded via educational software. E-LEARNING CHARACTERISTICS prof. Marinescu Cornelia Mariana Cluster Highschool ,,Traian Demetrescu”Craiova Why is the E-learning form of school so useful and what could be the reasons for someone to join this kind of learning? Distance education is a learning process based on multimedia resources and allowing one or more persons to form from their home computer.E-Learning is distinguished from other modes of training, we try to highlight some of the advantages and disadvantages compared to traditional education. Advantages: access to information and their handling is done remotely without restriction, regardless of their level of training, age, socio-professional category, race, etc., facilitate local training, which promotes travel without a successful time, a financial ecomnomie training and optimal conditions (at home) especially for people with disabilities, a trainer may apply to a large number of students while ensuring an individualized relationship with each of them, allows reduction in costs (travel, payment of trainers, etc.,), students can benefit from knowledge and experience of trainers of international renown, the student is the focus and not the trainer, student itinerary can be customized and does not generalize the whole group, it is based on interactive multimedia solutions that highlight the student, encouraging them and interpretation capabilities and exhort him to concentrate and absorb quickly through the observation and capture, imulations, self- assessment tests, messaging, creates an interactivity that puts the student, the training center, in an active state garantees the effficiency of training, supports creating a sense of freedom and confidence in himself (embarrassment to colleagues or trainer, if a mistake is dissipates), eliminates problem of the lack of educational institutions, quality and quantity of information is evolving very quickly, which does not allow access to their traditional means all. Disadvantages of distance learning may be: lack of student physical, emotional cargo, authority and human expression, technical problems related to training systems: computer failure, disruption of communication network, terminal or server failure, attacks on electronic documents 22
  • 23. being viruses or hacking, etc. However, distance education is open to a promising start, with time it may grow by providing those who wish to find the best information, compiled by the highest information compiled by the highest international standards, şi scopuri objectives defined structured so that student to orinteze without difficulty and be able to self-assess. E- LEARNING IN ADULT EDUCATION Apostolache Amalia Mihaela Şcoala cu clasele I-VIII Pleşoi Bâlteanu Dana Veronica Şcoala cu clasele I-VIII Scaieşti Moto: The man without education is like a body without soul. To define or describe eLearning, it is best to first define learning. Learning is the act of developing skills or obtaining knowledge. So eLearning just means that you develop skills and obtain knowledge using electronic means, hence the "e" in "eLearning!"You may have heard terms such as distance learning, distance education, online learning, or a variety of other terms used to describe methods of learning outside the traditional classroom-based method.Distance learning refers to any education that is conducted outside of a traditional classroom setting. Generally speaking, distance learning follows one of two models: the correspondence course or the online course.Correspondence course students receive and submit their class materials physically, through postal delivery. Online students receive their materials electronically, via the Internet.eLearning is a type of distance learning. The term eLearning is used to mean distance learning delivered through information technology, especially the Internet. Distance learning has become a popular method of teaching and learning.Online learning has become the most common and popular delivery method of distance learning. Convenience is one of the major advantages of e-learning. It allows students to work and learn at their own pace without the unyielding time restrictions of traditional learning. Because e-learning provides access to learning materials at any time, students have the flexibility to schedule around families, jobs and other activities. Another major benefit of e-learning is the accessibility it provides. Students can learn from anywhere in the world. This is an especially important consideration for students who wish to study in a different country. In addition, because e-learning 23
  • 24. can be done from home, students have less clothing and driving expenses than with traditional learning. CAMTASIA STUDIO Teacher Georgeta Manafu High School Tudor Arghezi Camtasia Studio records any screen motion in real time, and turns it into an animated video recording. The user will thus benefit from high quality recordings associated with small-sized files. Installing the application: 1. Click on the link below: 2. Enter a valid email address: 3. Click on the Start Windows Download button 4. Double click, run and initialize installation. Installation is simple, all it takes is to click on Next and choose the corresponding settings in the dialogue boxes. Camtasia Studio can be used for: - Recording on-screen motions by using Record the screen; - Registering and publishing PowerPoint presentations- Record Power Point; - Voice recordings - Record voice narration - Importing multimedia files - Import media In order to record on-screen motion we must take the following steps: 1. Click on Record the screen. 2. The following box will open and we must press rec. 3. Recording starts and the box below will stay open : 4. We stop the record by pressing the stop button or the F10 key. 5. We save the file with Save and Edit. 24
  • 25. DISTANCE EDUCATION DIGITAL MEDIA ONLINE RESOURCES Prof. Viorica Cârstea School Group 'Traian Demetrescu "Craiova During January-February 2011, the project FORCAD - "Teacher training debut for a successful career in secondary education" SOP HRD 17/1.3/G/21201, run by the Teacher Training Dolj in partnership with River and Teachers learning activities took place online over 40 hours, beneficiaries are a group of junior teachers coming from schools in the county of Olt, teachers with qualifications in various specialties. As guardian of a group of teachers newcomers, Olt county whose specialty is mechanical, after first meeting them, I posted on a so-called e-learning platform educational material specific design documents consisting of the teaching process is: planning calendar, unit design, design of several types of lessons, evaluation of samples containing all items, project guidance and counseling, and designing a local curriculum development or the school. Teachers in the target group entered a specialized website, signed up with personally identifiable data, access is being accomplished using a username and password own. They searched the Internet, e-mail, receive and send attachments, writing the main way of communication. Through her writing and thoughts expressed, and shared their ideas and asked questions. When online student needed help in understanding a concept, it could ask questions or guardian virtual classmates. As in a traditional school, online student had to reserve adequate time for study. While online courses provide maximum flexibility centered on the user (student), it requires self- discipline and willingness to work independently of the learner. 25
  • 26. E-LEARNING IN EDUCATIONAL PROCESS Tch. Claudya Maria Neacşa National Vocational College ”Nicolae Titulescu”- Slatina,Olt In the modern society, e-Learning comprises all forms of electronically supported learning and teaching. The information and communication systems, serve as specific media to implement the learning process. E-learning applications and processes include Web-based learning, virtual education opportunities and digital collaboration. Moodle-Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment is an online Course Management System, a software package designed using pedagogical principles made by teachers for teachers, a flexible environment for learning communities. It is also designed to support a social constructionist framework of education, an open source, freely available which can easily be installed on Windows, Mac, Linux servers. Moodle Supports: small and large communities, e-learning in schools, different learning and teaching styles, delivery of learning activities and publishing resources, collaboration and communication, compatibility with different standards and tools, easy customization for users with different needs. References: MODERN TOOLS FOR DOCUMENTATION AND EVALUATION OF STUDENT ACQUISITIONS Prof.Goanta Constantina COLEGIUL”STEFAN ODOBLEJA Today, training methods clots in the more innovative strategies to make every class a way to access the methods and tools of knowledge. Integrating new technologies in training make methods and techniques of work with students change. 26
  • 27. Using new technologies and ICT tools to improve teaching are needed to develop supply capacity with modern training methods and evaluation of students, to use digital tools in teaching effective classroom and standardized assessment of student knowledge. E-learning is an organized system of education / training, it includes components of a teaching approach that is: specific content, methodology, interaction, support, evaluation. The "Location" where the learning occurs is the so-called "virtual classroom". Using Web resources teachers can trigger development of activities / applications. Applications like eXe learning and Hot Potatoes are highly useful, easy to use for making interactive lessons, customized by teachers without requiring advanced knowledge of web programming. The computer becomes a reliable friend for the participants in technical disciplines lessons (industrial design, technology, etc.). Thus, the lessons taught by a computer : - You can prepare sketches, diagrams, individual or group worksheets for students, these materials can stored as files, can be regularly updated, can be printed to the printer and then multiplied for all school students; - With the help of the computer you can designe tests involving grid view question, the response alternatives (perhaps the text is accompanied by suggestive images). The advantage consists in the interaction between the computer and the student for the answer selected (visual and auditory) can be displayed on its own score, the response given the current and accumulated up to that point. 27
  • 28. SECTIUNEA 2 PREVENTING AND FIGHTING SCHOOL VIOLENCE. TYPES OF VIOLENCE AND GENERATING AFCTORS prof. Nica Augustina ” Tudor Arghezi” Theoretical Highschool,Craiova School violence seems to be an insufficiently acknowledged issue of the Romanian educational system or simply an uncomfortable topic. School violence can occur in a number of forms, which must be known, addressed and solved. Subjective versus objective violence Many students are tempted to refer to violence rather in its objective aspects, especially obvious aggressivity (physical, verbal or non-verbal) than in its subjective aspects, related to values, relationships or culture. However, what is significant is the fact that over one third of the students see school as a safeless environment, where they don’t feel protected against violence coming from their colleagues, their teachers or people from out of school. Teachers and even students themselves feel there is such phenomenon as school violence. Generally speaking, teachers think that boys are more violent than girls. Also, there is a gender difference regarding the forms violence takes: girls are considered to commit ordinary, tolerable acts of violence (especially verbal violence), while boys are thought to commit more serious acts of violence (including physical aggression). RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SCHOOL AND PARENTS AND THE LOCAL COMMUNITY PAPER ABSTRACT Prof. înv. primar Popescu-Vieru Manuela Şc. Nr. 29 ”N.Romanescu” Craiova In child’s education, the school-family-community relationship has gained new valences, at the same time with the appearance of the notion of quality assurance in education. Quality increase in education is a major objective of the efforts for making efficient the compulsory connections between school, local community and students’ family, these being direct beneficiaries of the school effort in this respect. A redefinition of the educational balance between the decisions taken 28
  • 29. by the school and the initiatives coming from the parents or local factors is necessary. An active cooperation between school and professors and the other educational factors, family, local community, mass-media, church, non-governmental organizations, should lead to the achievement of some viable partnerships, able to approach positively the diverse problems of young students. Within the school-family-community relationship there must be relations of respect, mutual acceptance, reciprocal sympathy and admiration, and not of suspicion, perplexity or annoyance and provocation. The relations between school, students, their families and community should be based on understanding and collaboration, on information transmission and presentation of some states of things, positive influences on students’ behavior, reciprocal feelings and emotions under different manifestations. For reaching a high quality level in increasing the efficiency of the school-student- community relationship, a performant management of quality education in any school unit is necessary. THREE FRIENDS: SCHOOL, PARENTS AND THE LOCAL COMMUNITY Teacher Voica Mihaela „Henri Coandă” Highschool, Craiova Key words: student, school, parents, local community. The family and the school are the most important educational factors. The students’ performance in learning depends on their attitude towards learning. The key of seeing, feeling and understanding the students’ relationships to others must be sought first in the family. The child’s feelings of security and insecurity, his/her happiness, the child’s intellectual and emotional capacity depend on the atmosphere in the family. Having in mind life-long learning, the relation between school and family is characterized by the complementarity of these two main sources necessary to the development and the education of human personality. A partnership has a lot of advantages because it creates relations of cooperation, clarifies various educational problems, offers a new framework for the development of the student’s personality. Initiating new educational partnership projects are beneficial both for students and for all the other factors involved: school, family, local community. In the programmes aimed at school support, the parents were invited to get involved in the cooperation and the support given to some school partnership projects. 29
  • 30. STUDY ON THE VIOLENCE IN ROMANIAN SCHOOLS Prof. Meche Alina Mihaela Grupul Scolar „Traian Demetrescu” Human violence is a complex phenomenon, with psychological, social, cultural and economic determinations. School violence is only one manifestation of daily violence. School is not an isolated entity anymore, an autonomous social space, unaffected by the complexities and difficulties facing the society. Being an open space to the outside world, it should be seen as a space of causing violence. In Romanian society, violence in schools was identified as being related with adult violence against children, making the association between the dysfunctional family and the violent behavior of the children from this type of family. There was always violence in schools. Those who believe that school violence is a recent phenomenon must be reminded that, historically speaking, school has always been associated with violence. School violence has a great influence on social perception and values of the present, contributing to the erosion of traditional and positive image of the school as safe and secure institution. Even if the violence among students was recognized as a general phenomenon present in all schools, the intensity and forms in which it occurs varies from school to school, being determined by a complex of factors: school climate and school culture, type of school management, quality of education activity, area of origin of the students, economic conditions, violence image in the media. SAY NO!VIOLENCE IN YOUR SCHOOL Teacher Radu Adriana Laura School Special ,,Sf.Mina’’Craiova Motto:’’Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent man!,, (Isaac Asimov) It is obvious but not reassuring enough for us, teachers, the school that violence is an expression of violence in society, but when violence occurs in school, it reduces the chances of students to fully develop their personality and to acquire an education quality, in accordance with their fundamental right to education. In order to study in depth the phenomena of school violence we applied a questionnaire on violence in school, a representative group of 40 pupils from secondary school (out of 104 students). The first task of the students was to tick on a scale from very often the FCC never noticed them in school behavior: verbal and psychological violence among students (insults, insults, nicknaming, 30
  • 31. harassment), damage to the school furniture, physical violence between students, school refusal duties, injuries, insults, threatening words for teachers, inscriptions, paintings on the walls of the school or school furniture, drugs, theft among students, noise, lack of discipline in class, smoking. Applying this questionnaire, we achieved the following objectives: to assess the dimensions of the phenomenon of violence in our school, identify the situations of school violence and develop a typology of the phenomenon, identifying the generating causes of violence in school, developing a set of recommendations, for students, teachers and parents, in order to improve the phenomenon of violence in school. After processing student responses, we first identified the main actors in school violence: violence between students, student violence in front of teachers, teachers' violence in students, parents - actors of domestic violence and, indirectly, school, close to school violence (others: neighbors, entourage of students, etc..) In the face of strategic interventions, keep in mind: awareness campaigns in the local community, a system for monitoring school violence phenomena cooperation with other schools in proximity, youth associations, the Association of parents and other representatives of civil society , continuing the regular and the research on violence in school. References: Debarbieux, E., Violence en milieu scolaire On, vol I, ESF, Paris, 1996 ACTION STEPS FOR IMPLEMENTING FAMILY AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT IN SCHOOL HEALTH Prof. Uta Livia C.N.E. Gheorghe Chitu Family and community partnerships with schools have become central. Supportive families and social support within communities contribute to students’ success. When children feel valued they are more likely to develop healthy skills, avoid risky behaviors and remain in school. When parents are involved, students achieve more, regardless of socio-economic status, ethnic/racial background, or the parents’ education level. The more extensive the parent involvement, the higher the student achievement. Negative student behaviors, such as alcohol and substance abuse, violence, and antisocial behavior decrease as parent involvement increases. Students are less likely to succeed when communities are economically deprived, disorganized, and lack opportunities for employment or youth involvement; when families do not set clear expectations, monitor children’s behavior, or model appropriate behaviors; and when schools present a negative climate and do not involve students and their families. School-community partnerships have contributed to the success of coordinated school health programs across the country. Communities expect schools and families to prepare students to 31
  • 32. become healthy, productive citizens. Communities in turn have a responsibility to join with schools and families in support of efforts that can help achieve this goal. To be successful, school and community partnerships must: have clear, concise responsibilities and expectations for each participant; allow for flexibility in organization and implementation; acknowledge that partnerships require a time commitment and that initial gains may be small; and provide appropriate training for teachers, administrators, and community members. ROLE OF EDUCATIONAL FACTORS IN PREVENTING AND COMBATING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND SCHOOL Prof. Ștefan Maria Grupul Școlar ͈ Traian Demetrescu ̎ Prof. Ștefan Nicolae Școala cu clasele I – VIII nr. 2 ͈ Traian ̎ Violence has become an alarming problem facing society today. There are domestic violence, school violence, violence on the street. Mass-media, official statistics report a worrying increase in violence in recent years worldwide, so establish a greater involvement of educational factors in preventing and combating violence in the family and school and society. The main sources of violence are: - Family reasons ( socio-emotional climate, low education level of parents, family economic conditions ). - In school ( difficulties of communication between students and teachers, overloaded curricula, origin from different social backgrounds, the desire to be more popular ). - Social environment ( entourage, the media, by presentation of reality as a commonplace fact by exposing acts of violence, both in news programs, movies ). Due to the extent that violence was a phenomenon among young people and not only certain measures to be taken top revent and combat violence: - Early identification of potentially violent students and centering to avoid excessive punishment. - Identify potential sources of violence. - Improving communication teacher-student relationship. - A better management of the educational factors in relations in the family. 32
  • 33. TOGETHER WE SUCCEED-SCHOOL, FAMILY, COMMUNITY Prof. Cuna Liliana Sc. Nr.29 N. Romanescu Besides school, which provides the greatest communication between generations, family and community play a significant part in developing a child’s personality. Each human being is born with a certain genetic inheritance, and afterwards, thanks to the emotional atmosphere in the family, children become aware of the world around them by means of a constant dialogue with the adults, start to learn and love, communicate and look up to role models, imitate different actions until they shape their own values, their own principles about the world, about life. The active cooperation between school and teachers and the other educational factors-family, local community, mass-media, the church, non-profit entities- must lead to the accomplishment of some viable partnerships, which ensure a positive outlook on the various issues of young learners. School must find the best way so that those involved in the educational process can manage human resources, acquire psychological and pedagogical knowledge and adapt to the fast changes in our society. However, school is essential, as well as teachers, who through their activities can instill in their students, rules and moral values, in the current European context. In this regard, school may take part and interact with the student’s families, may initiate useful activities, both in school and outside it, support the students so that they get to know themselves and understand moral and civic values, improve the quality of their lives and their performances, shape their critical and independent thinking. Family represents the key factor in helping children interact with other classmates and counsels students concerning extracurricular activities. Lessons should have a strong practical content, should be insightful and urge students to get involved and unleash their mental and spiritual energy. Children will feel like talking more easily and the joys of their accomplishments will be obvious. By presenting role models, as much as possible in a community, you will notice the improvement of school performances and children will become better human beings. It’s one thing to talk about the most important authorities in a community (the mayor, the priest, the policeman) and another to give students the chance to talk to them in person. It’s no use talking about customs and traditions to your students if you don’t take part with them in fairs, workshops and festivals. You will see how proud they will be of their success. We teach children not to steal, not to hurt, not to lie, but we have never taken them to a police station to become aware of the consequences of misbehaving. We have told them how to stay healthy, but we have never shown them a hospital and how painful is to be sick. Not only will you 33
  • 34. otice how they will not disregard their hygiene, but also their wish to become the person who saves lives- the doctor. TO LIVE TOGETHER HARMONY! Prof. Jana Popa Technical College "Dorin Pavel", Alba Iulia Undoubtedly, we live in a complicated world, generating aggression and violence that we create conditions of insecurity, fear, anguish, we vulnerabilizează. We live in multiple social threats: conflicts, economic crises and political tensions generated by uncertainty in the workplace, the incompleteness of work, failure of personal and family life. Willy-nilly we refer directly (through their own experiences) and indirectly (through the experiences of others) to aggression and violence. Since prevention of violence is largely a matter of education, that teachers should get involved in creating and maintaining institutional environment favorable to learning performance, understanding and cooperation. Violence in schools is a form of everyday violence, so that it can not be addressed separately only to express a fact of life. School violence has a great influence on social perception and values of this, contribute to the erosion of traditional positive image of school as a safe and secure institution. Educators controls increasingly difficult impact that school violence has on school climate and traditional educational praxis is not enough to practice professional role of teachers, forced increasingly to assimilate more information on conflict management and use strategies solving the problems raised in the school space. Times we live strongly ask us, we ask for courage, wisdom and especially ask us, to our first report and then to ourselves and our neighbors, and help them to understand that human relationships must be based on mutual respect for peace and tolerance. FACTORS INVOLVED IN THE PROCESS OF COUNSELING AND GUIDANCE EDUCATIONAL AND VOCATIONAL Prof. Mateescu Claudia Ileana, G.S. ,,Traian Demetrescu ", Craiova, Dolj The efficiency of educational and vocational counseling and guidance depends on a tight interaction 34
  • 35. and permanent collaboration between school, family, specialized services, and economic agents, the media, professional organizations. School is fit to meet the student's psychological and social needs, to ensure the optimal condition well, to reduce and prevent disorders of adaptation, especially in conditions where there is an alarming increase in the number of failures and school dropouts, the delinquent behaviors, emotional disorders. School can and should do more in the direction of prevention and solving problems faced!Regarding the career orientation, are taken into account certain categories of skills that schools need to develop a good level and are required by the labor market.Family - family plays an essential role, along with school, in developing and maintaining wellness, that the bio-psycho-social balance so necessary to human beings. In most cases, the family is the major part in shaping a career option for some children. Parents are children's primary and most powerful source of learning, emotional support and security. A particularly important role, often even decisive, family plays in terms of young professional decision.Conclusion: is that in Romania, counseling and guidance services can be offered in schools, universities work individually or in groups. Specifically, the places where activities and provides counseling and educational and vocational guidance are: Centers and Offices Inter / School Assistance psycho houses Teachers, School Inspectorate, Employment and Training Agencies, Commissions Medical school orientation and Professional, complex examination committees, business advice centers, ministries (transport, military), large industrial enterprises and institutions. Who benefits from these services? Students, graduates, employees, unemployed, teachers, parents etc... PEER MEDIATION – MEDIATION OF CONFLICTS AMONG PUPILS BY PUPILSînv.primar Cruceru Lavinia Şcoala cu Clasele I-VIII Nr. 36 “Gheorghe Bibescu” Craiova Mediation is a process in which neutral persons (mediators) assist those in conflict in order to handle the arisen problems. Often the mediation process is exactly the opposite of regular interactions among pupils or between pupils and teachers. In traditional schools the settlement of the conflict is done on the basis of the approach centered on the stimulation of guilt feeling. Problems are judged by external factors, without allowing those in conflict to talk to each other in a structured environment that promotes the finding of a solution agreed by both parties. The goal of 35
  • 36. mediation is to solve the conflict and to mould the handling of future conflicting situations. The participation in mediation is voluntary and if those in conflict do not want to take part, they will take the consequences in conformity with school regulations. The mediation of conflicts among pupils by pupils has two principles as a basis: the school which offers the pupils a way of handling the conflicts stimulates pupil’s success in various fields; the pupils formed in the mediation of conflicts help their colleagues better than adults. There are several modalities to design a mediation program of school conflicts. 10-25 pupils are formed and they become mediators. These pupils need to form abilities to facilitate the communication. Pupils – mediators benefit by a supervisor (usually the one who formed them) who offers them support or feedback. In order to be successful, the mediation of conflicts must be voluntary and involves the abidance of confidentiality. Stages of the mediation process: presentation, definition of the problem, establishment of needs, establishment of an understanding, realization of a written understanding, monitoring of the mediation. Bibliography: Jigău, M. (coord.), Prevention and combating of school violence – A practical guide for headmasters and teachers”, Institute of Education Sciences, Alpha MDN Publishing House, Buzău, 2006; Peer mediation – The manual of the student – A training course for beginners, VIOLENCE IN SCHOOLS -SCIENTIFIC STUDY- Prof. Hoancă Liliana Colegiul Tehnic Energetic Craiova Prof. Constantinescu Oana Colegiul Tehnic Energetic School is the most important space for socializing young people. It is the space where individuals learn to communicate effectively with others to emulate ,working in teams or being in a constant competition with others. The school is therefore an appropiate environment for teaching students to cope with conflict and to fiind optimal solutions for the benefits of all.Work presented shows that learning to resolve conflicts creatively can be integrated in many areas of life of our students. Physical violence is a topical issue among both teachers and among students who learn in Romania schools .School conflict mediation is a process that consists in solving disputes through 36
  • 37. Violence in schools is a grave issue that is often analyzed in terms of individuals' tendencies toward destructive behavior. While this path of analysis is important, in this article, the author contextualizes violence within a cultural milieu that alienates students from their fundamental yearning for significance. It is argued that violence is a failed epiphany, that is, a heightened moment of awareness emerging out of the everyday flow of experience that seeks to overcome alienation. Violence fails because it cannot create a world of sustainable meaning. The nature of productive epiphanies and the worlds of sustainable meaning that they evoke are discussed in terms of their implication for education and overcoming violence in schools. . Explanations about the causes of school violence tended toward psychological and developmental explanations about why school-age children become violent and social control theory about the lack of attachment and involvement by youth in conventional culture. Corresponding policies to deal with the problem focused on better detection, preemptive intervention, closer supervision, zero tolerance, and peer mediation. This narrow micro analytical framing of the issue failed to consider the multiple causal components of this complex problem, which includes the interrelated role of teachers, school administrators, educational practices and effective pedagogy, school district policy, cultural framing, gendered educational expectations, and the changing state of family and community relations in a postmodern “heartless” society. COLLECTING THE RELEVANT INFORMATION ABOUT SCHOOL VIOLENCE PHENOMENA prof. Dresca Rodica Grupul Scolar Traian Vuia Craiova One of the most important phenomena among the high school students is the violence. How can we systematically collect reliable, verifiable and extended information about violence? There are a lot of ways, but we can choose some of them, like the following: questionnaire for students, individual or group interview, documents analysis; The student questionnaire(survey) could contain not only the visible forms of violence, also the hidden forms like daunts, teasing, verbal abuse...This way (Student survey) coul help the Management Team of your school : • To identify the real forms of violence from your school; • To measure the frequency of different violence situations; 37
  • 38. • To measure how these appear; • To know who are the main actors involved into the violence (from inside and outside of the school); • To find the students opinion/thinking about the situations; Note: It is very important to have short and clearly questions and a dedicated item for their free comments. VIOLENCE IN THE SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT prof.Căluţoiu Gabriela Colegiul "Ştefan Odobleja" , Craiova Violence is one of the major problems of the contemporary world. Print or audiovisual work shall at all times on the various manifestations of this phenomenon. The most aggressive shapes, such as wars or terrifying crimes, beatings, rapes, thefts, destruction of property, and the least shocking such as verbal violence, all supported by an abundance of violent images, presented daily before our eyes. In this context, the emergence of various forms of violence in the school environment seems almost a fatality and often becomes commonplace, even without the coexist fellows to seize more danger. A form of extremely widespread violence in the school environment is verbal violence. Verbal violence is not perceived in the same way for students and teachers. Such students a decreases while the teachers a supraevaluează. The causes of violence in the school environment School violence is generally associated with urban areas difficult to the outskirts, where poverty is at her home. So when you talk about violence in school are known as external factors favorizante sources: school, family environment, social environment and factors related to the individual, his personality. Family environment are the most important source of disadvantaged students. In an unstable family environment, instability, conflicts can represent for school student a second chance. Not always the teacher manages to solve the problems of the students behavior, situations of conflict in the classroom through the media should be presented and then work in teams which include teaching more people: the teacher of the class teacher, teachers, parents, school physician, psychologists and teachers. Violent families originate from the ranks of most children illiterate or dropout. 38
  • 39. CONFLICT RESOLUTION STRATEGIES IN TEACHER-STUDENT RELATIONSHIP Prof. Veghea Adela Colegiul "Ştefan Odobleja" Conflicts between students Productive use of the conflict or resolving its creative is an essential approach of educational process management. Teacher faces in with all kinds of conflicts. He must be a "peacekeeper" that uses, however, constructive conflict in order to achieve the educational goals set. Therefore, he must be, first and foremost, the causes of the conflict appeared complete. These can be: • competitive Atmosphere. Students have been accustomed to work individually on the basis of competition, depriving them of a pattern of work in group, confidence in colleagues and teachers. They do not want than victory over others, and if you don't get, lose their self-esteem. • the competition appears at all times, even in those in which it is unproductive. • poor Communication. This represents the most fertile soil for conflict. Conflicts between teachers and students To avoid this type of conflict, the teacher must not use a discretionary power, in order to highlight the lack of power of the students. The teacher must manifest a constructive dialogue by creating a conducive learning environment by maintaining law and order and of what is best in the students. Self-monitoring does not mean suppressing emotions, but a positive way to express them. A summarization of the main options that are necessary and useful to an optimal management of conflicting situations. SUMMARY Prof. Popescu Carmen Oana Clubul Sportiv Scolar, Craiova “ For us, parents or adults who live with a child or accompanied him throughout life, the challenge is to permit him to act out the most painful way for everyone, to grow and be different. We permit him to leave, to divide, to depart, to meet the risk and the wonders of life. "(Jacques Salome) 39
  • 40. Improving the school-family-community relationship is a priority for the Romanian education. According the conditions that school education is the main pawn for young generation, but not enough, family education is necessary. Family can be a risk factor or a protective one, depending on skills they developed, educational and emotional climate. The agreement of family for school, means finding a solution that combines children, families, school and society interests. The way they are presented, discussed, argued, the information from the parents, affect the opinions and the attitudes of the children. SCHOOL VIOLENCE, ARTIFICIAL CREATION OR REALITY OF A SOCIAL PARADIGM? Teacher Bulubaşa Cezar Theoretical High School ,,Henri Coandă”, Craiova Mass-media, official and statistical research report a spectacular developing of the phenomenon in the last three decades in several countries of the world, so that overcoming violence in schools has become the most notable evolution of formal education. If early phases of school education involved frequent violence of teachers over students, education democratization has induced a shift of violence towards students, channelling it from students to teachers. School violence is very often non-fatal, but can cause serious prejudices to personal development. There are two types of school violence: a. objective violence of legal nature (murders and crimes) implying frontal intervention; b. subjective violence, subtle, attitude violence which affect school climate. These include disdain, humiliation, defiance, discourtesy, absenteeism. There are three explanatory theories of aggressive behaviour: - aggressiveness is innate. According to Freud, people are born with an aggressive instinct and nature. - aggressiveness is an answer to frustration. Those who sustain this assertion are convinced that aggressiveness is determined by exterior factors. - aggressiveness is a socially learnt behaviour. According to this theory, aggressive behaviour can be learnt in several ways: directly by re-compensating or punishing certain behaviours; by observing other models of behaviour, especially that of adults. 40
  • 41. When dealing with school violence, there are certain favouring sources such as external school factors – the familial factor, the social factor, the individual factor, and an internal school factor – school as a source of violence. School violence is an expression of society violence; when violence takes place in schools, it implies other consequences as well: along with prejudices, victimization, school violence reduces students’ chances to fully develop their personality and acquiring a good education. OPTIMISE THE RELATIONSHIP ARISE-FAMILY-COMMUNITY Teacher Nică Cristina Colegiul “Ştefan Odobleja” Craiova It is known that education as social action organized, involves many factors: family, school and community. School and family are the two pillars of strength of education, and between them and the community, environment and extra-school education, baby swings, extrafamilial object and subject of education. If these educational media is filled in and claim they provide in a largely smooth integration of the child into the work of the school and social life in general. The school must have contacts with all social institutions concerned direct or tangential to the education of school age child and to establish relations of cooperation and collaboration. It helps to spread cultural heritage and facilitates individual and collective learning. School counseling is one of the methods adopted by the educational establishment through which needs specific answers and not only teenagers, she is earning or parents and teachers. METHODS TO COMBAT VIOLENCE IN SCHOOL Prof. Rosca Camelia Aida LICEUL TEORETIC "TUDOR ARGHEZI" Democratization of education has train a shift of violence among students. There are several types of violence to which children are subjected: emotional violence, vulgarity of language ,physical violence, parents aggression, the criticism and sanctions exaggerated of the teachers, street violence, rape, sexual perversion, pornography. Teachers are also exposed to different attitudes and 41