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prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI
Prof. Maher A. FoudaProf. Maher A. Fouda
Prepared by:- Bilal A.M.Prepared by:- Bilal A.M.
Faculty of dentistry-Mansoura university -Faculty of dentistry-Mansoura university -
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prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI
removable or fixed orthodontic appliances
which use forces generated by Stretching
of muscles, facial and/or periodontium to
alter skeletal and dental relationships
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Conventional orthodontic appliances use mechanical
Force to alter the position of tooth/ teeth into a more favorable
position. However, the scope of these fixed appliances is
Greatly limited by certain morphological conditions which are
caused due to aberrations in the developmental process or the
neuromuscular capsule surrounding the orofacial skeleton. To
over come this limitation, functional appliances came into
being. These appliances are considered to be primarily
orthopedic tools to influence the facial skeleton of the growing
child. The uniqueness of these appliances lies in the fact that
instead of applying active forces,they transmit, eliminate
and guide the natural forces (e.g. muscle activity, growth,
Tooth eruption) to eliminate the morphological aberrations
and try to create conditions for the harmonious
development of the stomatognathic
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Group A-Teeth supported appliances, e.g.
catlans appliance, inclined planes, etc.
Group B-Teeth/tissue supported, e.g.
activator, bionator, etc.
I. Classification put forth by Tom Graber
when functional appliances were removable:
Group C-Vestibular positioned appliances with isolated
support from tooth/tissue, e.g.Frankel appliance, lip
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Fixed functional appliances, e.g. Herbst, Jasper jumper, Churro jumper,
adjustablecorrector,Eureka spring, mandibular anteriorrepositioning appliance,
(MARA), Klappersuper spring, Sabbagh universal spring (SUS).
Removable functionals, e.g. activator, bionator,frankel, etc.e
Semi-fixed functional appliances, e.g. DenHoltz, Bass appliances, etc.
II. With advent of fixed functional appliances,
a new classification evolved:
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Maximizing the success of
functional appliances treatment
mild/moderate skeletal problems
Patient and family cooporation
Patient actively growing
Growth spurt for boys(12-14)
for girls(11-13)
prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI
The difference between growth acceleration in response
to a functional appliance and true growth stimulation
can be represented using a growth chart
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Functional appliances
used in treatment of
CII malocclusion
prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHIRemovable appliances
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Removable appliances
Activator is a loose fitting appliance
which was designed by Andreason
and Haupl to correct retrognathic
Actively growing individual with favorable
Growth pattern are good candidates for
the activator therapy. Various types of
activators have been devised for the
treatment of various conditions like:
• Class II division 1 malocclusion
• Class II division 2 malocclusion
• Class Ill malocclusion
• Class I open bite malocclusion
• Class I deep bite malocclusion
• For post-treatment retention
• Children with decreased facial height
the activator, was independently developed by
Viggo Andresen121 inDenmark in 1908
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Removable appliances
• Cannot be used in correction of
Class I problems of crowded
teeth where there is disharmony
between tooth size and jaw size
• Cannot be used in children with
excess lower facial
• Cannot be given in cases with
lower proclination
• in case of nasal stenosis
• In non-growing individuals
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Removable appliances
A multi-purpose functional
appliance used to correct a Class II
malocclusion. The mandible is
advanced and the maxillary arch is
expanded by the use of expansion
screws. The lower posterior area is
void of acrylic to allow for eruption.
The appliance is primarily used for
night time wear in conjunction with
the Hamilton holding appliance
which is worn in the day time
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Removable appliances
It is an intermaxillary wax
record used to relate
the mandible to the
maxilla. This is done to
improve the skeletal
inter-jaw relationship.
In most cases bite
opening is by 2-3 mm
and advancement is by
4-5 mm.
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Removable appliances
• Uses existing growth
• Minimal oral hygiene
• Appointments usually short
• Requires good patient co-
• Cannot produce precise
detailing and finishing of
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Removable appliances
General considerations for construction bite
1. In case the overjet is too large, forward positioning
is done in 2-3 stages
2. In case of forward positioning of the mandible by
7-8 mm, the vertical opening should be slight to
moderate i.e. 2-4 mm.
3. If the forward positioning is not more than 3-5 mm
then the vertical opening can be 4-6 mm
• Lower construction bite with marked mandibular
forward positioning This kind of construction bite
is characterized by marked forward positioning of
the mandible with minimum vertical opening. As a
rule of the thumb the anterior advancement should
not exceed more than70% of the most protrusive
position, and vertically it should be within the
limits of inter occlusal clearance.
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The patient is demonstrated to place
and remove the appliance in mouth.
The appliance is to be worn 2 to
3hours during the day for the first
week. During the second week the
patient sleeps with the appliance in
mouth and wears it for 1-3 hours
each day.
The appliance is checked during the
third week to evaluate the trimming.
the patient is wearing the appliance
without any difficulty and following
the instructions, checkup
appointments are scheduled every 6
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prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI
prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI
Herman van BeekHeadgear
Effective in Class I, Division 1
open or deep bite cases.
anteriors are covered with
acrylic for torque control.
anteriors are free to move
lingually while acrylic
prevents labial
crown tipping.
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Teuscher Activator
Used in conjunction with
headgear to maintain upper
molar position.
Upper torquing springs are
also featured in this
appliance. This
activator may be worn with
fixed appliances. If desired,
lower lip
pads can be added
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Bruner Headgear Activator
Wire over upper incisors
provides more open space
Screw provides only upper
expansion. Relief on lower
plane allows eruption in lower
posterior area.
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Bass Appliance
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Removable appliances
The bulkiness of the activator and its
limitation to night-time wear was a major
deterrent in its greater use by clinicians
to obtain maximum potential functional
growth guidance. The appliance was too
bulky for day-time wear. Moreover,
during sleep, the function is minimized
or virtually nonexistent.
This led to the development of the
BIONATOR, a less bulky appliance. Its
lower portion is narrow, and its upper
component has only lateral extensions,
with a crosspalatal stabilizing bar. The
palate is free for proprioceptive contact
with the tongue and the buccinator wire
loops hold away the potentially
deforming muscles. The appliance
developed by BALTERS in 1960, can be
worn all the time, except during meals.
in 1960
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Removable appliances
According to Balters, "the equilibrium
between the tongue and the circum
oral muscles is responsible for the
shape of the dental arches and that
the functional space for the tongue
is essential for the normal
development of the orofacial
system" e.g. posterior displacement
of the tongue could cause Class 11
malocclusion. Taking into
consideration the dominant role of
the tongue, Balters designed an
appliance, which could take
advantage of tongue posture.
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Removable appliances
Thus he constructed an appliance
whereby the mandible was
positioned anteriorly, with the
incisors in an edge to edge
position. This forward positioning
brought the dorsum of the tongue
in contact with the soft palate and
helped accomplish lip closure.
Thus the principle of bionator is
not to activate the muscles but to
modulate muscle activity, thereby
enhancing the normal
development of the inherent
growth pattern and eliminate
abnormal and potentially
deforming environmental factors.
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Removable appliances
Three basic constructions are
common in bionator
• Standard appliance.
• Open-bite appliance.
• Class III or reverse bionator.
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Removable appliances
Bionator I
Class II correction, opens
bite (in case of deep bite).
Individual posterior teeth
can be erupted
independently. Midline
expansion screw opens
contact points between
posterior teeth for easier
posterior eruption.
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Removable appliances
Bionator in mouth for CII with deep bite
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Removable appliances
Function regulator appliances were
developed by Rolf Frankel
(Germany). Frankel believed that
the active muscle and tissue mass
i.e., the buccinator mechanism
and the orbicularis oris complex
have a major role in the
development of skeletal and
dentofacial deformities.
Hence he developed function
regulators as orthopedic exercise
devices, to aid in the maturation,
training and reprogramming of the
orofacial neuromuscular system.
was developed by Rolf Frankel in Germany and was introduced in 1966
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Removable appliances
1.. Vestibular area of operation
- Shields of the appliance extend
to the vestibule and this
prevents the abnormal muscle
2. Sagittal correction via tooth
borne maxillary anchorage
- Appliance is fixed on the upper
arch by grooves mesial to the
1st permanent molar and
distal to the canine in the
mixed dentition period.
- Presence of the lingual pad
acts as proprioceptive
stimulus and helps in the
forward posturing of the
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Removable appliances
3. Differential eruption guidance
- Frankel is placed on the upper teeth.
- Mandibular posterior teeth are free to erupt and
their unrestricted upward and forward
movement contributes to both vertical as well
as horizontal correction of the malocclusion.
4. Periosteal pull by buccal shields and lip pad
- Presence of buccal shields and lip pads exert
the periosteal pull which helps in bone
formation and lateral expansion of the maxillary
apical base.
5. Minimal maxillary basal effect
- Downward and forward growth of maxilla
seems to be restricted, even though lateral
maxillary expansion is seen.
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Removable appliances
1. FRl-used for Class I and
Class II, Division 1.
FRla -used for Class I,
moderate crowding and deep
bite. FRlB-used for Class II
Division 1 overjet less
FRlc-used for Class II Division 1
overjet more than7mm.
2. FR Il-used for Class II
Division 2 and Division 1
3. FR Ill-used for Class III
4. FR IV-used for cases with
open bite and bimaxillary
5. FR V-FR with headgear.
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Removable appliances
Fränkel I
Corrects overcrowding in
Class I cases and
reduces the overbite and
overjet in Class II,
Division 1 cases. External
muscle pressure is
eliminated by the
vestibular shields.
Promotes transverse arch
development dentally and
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Removable appliances
Fränkel II
Promotes transverse and
vertical development of
maxillary and
mandibular arches,
corrects Class II,
Division 2 cases and
opens bite. Used after the
maxillary incisors have
been slightly
proclinated by an upper
removable appliance
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Removable appliances
1. Increase in transverse sagittal
- by use of buccal shields and lip pads
2. Increase in vertical direction
- by allowing the lower molar to erupt
freely because appliance is fixed to the
upper arch
3. Muscle adaptation
- The form and extension of the buccal
shields and lip pads along with the
prescribed excercises corrects the
abnormal peri-oral muscle activity
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Removable appliances
- Frankel-full time wear appliance.
- Lips to be closed at all times or keep
a paper between the lips
- Swallowing, speaking, etc. with the
appliance in mouth, itself serves as
an exercise.
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Removable appliances
The best therapeutic effect of the
Frankel appliance is achieved
during the late mixed and
transitional dentition period, when
both the soft and hard tissues are
undergoing their greatest
transitional changes.
Treatment for Class III and open bite
cases should usually start sooner
than for Class Il problems.
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Removable appliances
advantages over other functional
appliances :-
1. The functional mechanism is
very similar to that of the
natural dentition.
2. The occlusal inclined planes
give greater freedom of
movement in lateral and
anterior excursion and cause
less interference with normal
3. Appearance is noticeably
.4. Less bulk, therefore, better
patient compliance.
The twin block appliance was developed by
Clark in 1977
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Removable appliances
5., Can be used in later stages of
growth (late mixed dentition
/early permanent dentition)
6. The appliance can be cemented
in mouth, without disrupting the
normal oral functions, to
improve patient compliance.
7. Absence of lip pads and buccal
shields, allow patient a much
better comfort, however,
modifications containing lip pads
can be incorporated as and
when required.
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Removable appliances
Case selection for clinical use of twin-block
should,display the following criteria:
1. Angle's Class II Division 1malocclusion
with good arch form.
2. A lower arch that is uncrowded or
decrowded and aligned.
3. An upper arch that is aligned or can be
easily aligned.
4. An overjet of 10-12mm and a deep
5. A full unit distal occlusion in the buccal
6. On examination of models in occlusion
with the lower model ad vanced to correct
the increased overjet, the distal occlusion
is also corrected and it can be seen that a
potentially good occlusion of the
buccal teeth will result.
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Removable appliances
7. On clinical examination the profile
should be
noticeably improved when the patient
advances the mandible voluntarily
to correct the over jet
8. To achieve a favorable skeletal
change, during treatment, patient
should be actively growing. Amore
rapid growth response may be
observed when the treatment
coincides with the potential growth
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Removable appliances
initially, inclined planes were at 90° to
occlusal plane.However, adjustment
to this sort of inclined plane was
difficult for a lot of patients.Therefore,
for patient convenience inclined
planes were reduced to 45° but since,
this angulation caused equal vertical
and horizontal movement, the
angulation was further changed to
70°, so that more horizontal vector of
force would beproduced.
Nevertheless, the inclined plane
angulation can vary between 45° and
70° depending upon the patient
comfort levels.
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Removable appliances
Active phase
Average time of treatment 6-9 months to
achieve full reduction of overjet to a normal
incisors relationship and to correct the
distal occlusion.
Support phase
Three to six months for molars to erupt into
occlusion and premolars to erupt after
trimming the blocks.
The objective is to support the corrected
mandibular translation while buccal teeth
settle into occlusion .
Nine months , reducing appliance wear when
the position is stabilized.
An average estimate of treatment time is 18
months, including retention.
Stages of Treatment
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Fixed Appliances
Successful of orthodontic treatment often
relies heavily on the patient’s cooperation in
the wearing of removable appliances,
elastics or headgear .eliminating the need to
use these places the treatment result more
under the control of orthodontist.
This lead to development of fixed appliances
(non compliance)
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Fixed Appliances
Herbest appliances
fixed appliancesfixed appliances
used to treat CIIused to treat CII
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fixed appliances
The maxillary and mandibular arches
are splinted with frameworks that
usually are cemented or bonded but
can be removable, and connected
with a pin-and-tube device that
holds the mandible forward.
Occasionally a modification of this
appliance is superimposed on
traditional fixed appliances Jaw
position is controlled by a pin and
tube apparatus that runs between
the arches.
Herbst appliances
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fixed appliances
1- dental CII
2- skeletal CII due to mandibular
3- deep bite with retroclind
mandibular incisors.
Contra indication
1-Open bite
2-vertical growth with high
maxillomandibular plan angle.
• Appliance is prone to breakage.
• Lateral movement is restricted
Herbst appliances
In 1905 Emil Herbst in Germany
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fixed appliances
The Jasper Jumper (American
consists of a heavy coil spring
encased in vinyl coating .The
flexible springs are attached
to the maxillary 1st
posteriorly and distal to the
mandibular canine,either
directly onto the lower arch
wire or by means of an out-
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fixed appliances
• Dental Class II malocclusion
• Deep bite with retroclined
mandibular incisors.
• Dental and skeletal open bites.
• Minimum buccal vestibular space.
• Vertical growth pattern with
increased lower facial
• Cases prone to root resorption
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fixed appliances
- Ease of insertion and
- Generation of intrusive forces
on molars and
- Frequent breakages
- Compromised oral hygiene
- Externally perceivable bulge in
the cheeks
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fixed appliances
The MARA consists of cams made from
0.060 square wire attached to tubes
(0.062 square) on upper first molar
bands or stainless steel crown. A lower
first molar crown has a 0.059 arm
projecting perpendicular to its buccal
surface, which engages the cam of the
upper molar The appliance is adjusted
so that when patient closes the mouth,
the cam on upper molar guides and
repositions the mandible into a Class I
Its main disadvantage is that temporary
stainless steel crowns are needed on
all first molars.
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fixed appliances
Skeletal Class II with
mandibular deficiency.
Cases prone to root
resorptionDental and
skeletal open bite
Vertical growth pattern.
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fixed appliances
. One of the first inter arch appliances to utilize the
compressive forces.
- Good patient acceptance
- Can be used for Class Il and Class ill correction as
well as in conjunction with extraoral force.
- Possibility of alteration in the amount and direction
of force during treatment.
- Components are available separately
- Significantly less expensive than other appliances.
Technique sensitive insertion procedure
- Frequent breakages of interval spring
- Less force levels than fors us and twin force
- Tissue irritation.
Developed by De-vincenzo in 1996
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fixed appliances
Introduced by Lewis Klapper in
1997. Resembles jasper
jumper except that instead of
coil spring, cable is used. In
1998, the cable was wrapped
with a coil and Klappcr super
spring IT came into being.
- More vertical force vector,
therefore useful for intrusion.
- Unlike, jasper Jumper it enters
the molar tube from
mesial and requires special
molar tube for engagement.
THE KLAPPER SUPER SPRINGIntroduced by Lewis Klapper in 1997.
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The Churro Jumper (Castañon R. et al., 1998)
This is an inexpensive alternative
force system for the anteroposterior
correction of Class II and Class III
malocclusions. The mesial and distal
end of the jumper are circles. The
distal circle is attached to the
maxillary molars by a pin and the
mesial end is placed over the
mandibular arch wire against the
canine bracket. So far, this is the only
flexible functional appliance which
can be made up by the orthodontist in
his lab. The costs are reduced and
the time spent is minimal.
prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI
The appliance consists of:
•Spring module
•L bail pin
•Push rod installation. The push rods are
in following sizes 25, 29, 32 and 35 mm
which are
available for right and left side.
•The L pin with the spring module is attached to
upper first molar after selecting the appropriate push rod.
Its loop is attached to archwire between the cuspid and first bicuspid
and the other end is inserted into the compressed spring module.
•Unequal push rods can be used for midline
•Spring can be reactivated by placing crimp split
ring bushings on push rod
•Relative ease of installation and removal.
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prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI
fixed appliances
It is the latest inter arch compressive spring
to be introduced and has a number of
unique features as:
• - Slotted screw for partial adjustment of
distal aspect of the plunger assembly
(upto 4 mm) The second coil spring
inserted at the time of placement which
in combination with the internal spring
permits a greater active extension of
force than any other appliance.
• Available in one standard link.
• No difference in appliance for the right
and left sides. Lateral mandibular
movement possible.
• - More resistant to fatigue fracture
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fixed appliances
The SUS is a
combination between the Herbst
appliance (as a telescope) and the
Jasper Jumper (as a spring)
aiming to increase the efficacy of the
treatment and to minimize their
- Extraction and surgery cases.
-Heavy forces to the teeth and TMJ
-Patient cooperation
-Treatment time
- Soft tissue impingement
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fixed appliances
•Class II, late growth cases
(rapid class II correction )
•Non-compliant class II patients
•TMD therapy
Dentoalveolar changes:-
- distal movement of the upper molars
- mesial movement of the lower molars
- retrusion of the upper incisors
- protrusion of the lower incisors
- rotation of the occlusion plane in
clockwise direction
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prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI
prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI
prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI
prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI
fixed appliances
- Unsuitability for Class Ill
- Limitations in patients
with maximum opening of
less than 48 mm.
- Increased force levels
- Considerably greater cost
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Functional appliances used in
treatment of CIII malocclusion
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CIII functional appliances
Class III or Reverse Bionator
This type of appliance is used to
encourage the development of
maxilla. The bite is taken in most
possible retruded position, to allow
labial movement of the maxillary
incisors and reciprocally a slight
restrictive effect on the lower arch. The
bite is opened about 2 mm only in
the interincisal region.The palatal bar
configuration rW1Sforward instead
of posteriorly, with the loop extending as
far as thedeciduous 1st molar or
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CIII functional appliances
Fränkel III
Corrects Class III malocclusions
Lip pads are in the maxillary arch
- Labial bow resting against
mandibular teeth.
Protrusion bow is on the upper
teeth and is made
of 0.8 mm wire for forward
movement of maxillary
incisiors if desired.
- The occlusal rest is on the
mandibularmolar unlike
in FR!! where it is on the
maxillary molar
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Functional appliances used in
treatment of open bite
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Open bite functional appliances
- Used for open bite and bimaxillary
- Has no canine loops
- Has no protrusion bow
- Four occlusal rests present i.e, on
deciduous 1st
molar and permanent 1st
molar on each side to prevent eruption
of posterior teeth.
- Palatal bar resembles FR III i.e. it does
not contact the teeth
- The buccal shield in FR IV should be
wafer thin to enable lip closure and
exercise without which the appliance
will be a failure.
Frankel (FR-4)Frankel (FR-4)
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Open bite functional appliances
These are thought to be effective
where the open bite is at least
partly due to faulty postural activity
of the orofacial musculature. The
FR-4 works by allowing vertical
eruption of upper and lower incisors
and retraction of the maxillary
incisors, and some authors have
reported a change in mandibular
rotation from a downward and
backward direction to upwards and
Frankel (FR-4)Frankel (FR-4)
prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI
Open bite functional appliances
Clark’s Twin-BlockClark’s Twin-Block
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Open bite functional appliances
A modified activator is used
treatment of open bite cases.
The intermaxillary acrylic of the
lateral occlusal zones is replaced
by elastic rubber tubes. By
stimulating orthopaedic
gymnastics (chewing gum
effect), the elastic activator
intrudes upper and lower
posterior teeth. A noticeable
counterclockwise rotation of the
mandible was accomplished by a
decrease of the gonial angle.
Elastic ActivatorElastic Activator
British Journal of Orthodontics/Vol. 26/1999/89–92
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Open bite functional appliances
Elastic ActivatorElastic Activator
prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI
Open bite functional appliances
Bionator II
Class II correction, open
bite. Labial bar prevents
anteriors from tipping
labially. Includes midline
expansion screw for
arch development when
necessary. Adams
clasps can be used on
the upper or lower.
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Open bite functional appliances
Fränkel II
Promotes transverse and vertical
development of maxillary
and mandibular arches, corrects
Class II, Division 2 cases and
opens bite. Used after the
maxillary incisors have been
proclinated by an upper
removable appliance
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Open bite functional appliances
The Rapid Molar Intruder
The Rapid Molar Intrusion Appliance
is a modification of the Jasper
Jumper .The Jasper Jumper is an
auxiliary capable of producing
rapid change in occlusal
relationships. It is a flexible fixed
appliance that delivers a light,
continuous force. It can be used
to move single teeth, units of
teeth or an entire arch. It can
deliver functional,bite-jumping
forces, headgear-like forces,
elastic-like forces.
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Open bite functional appliances
Initial clinical experiences with the RMI device
are promising, but a more structured
research project is needed to demonstrate
the long-term stability of the results. This
noncompliance device for molar intrusion
opens new horizons in the complex
treatment of vertical excess. A follow-up
study and future research will contribute
valuable information about stability. In
addition, significant new methods for
retaining treated open bites that have
undergone intrusion of posterior teeth
might also be developed in future
prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI
Open bite functional appliances
The Rapid Molar Intruder
prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI
LOGOprepared by BILAL

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Myofunctional appliances in orthodontic

  • 1. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Prof. Maher A. FoudaProf. Maher A. Fouda Prepared by:- Bilal A.M.Prepared by:- Bilal A.M. Faculty of dentistry-Mansoura university -Faculty of dentistry-Mansoura university - EgyptEgypt
  • 2. LOGOprepared by BILAL
  • 3. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI removable or fixed orthodontic appliances which use forces generated by Stretching of muscles, facial and/or periodontium to alter skeletal and dental relationships
  • 4. LOGO prepared by BILAL Conventional orthodontic appliances use mechanical Force to alter the position of tooth/ teeth into a more favorable position. However, the scope of these fixed appliances is Greatly limited by certain morphological conditions which are caused due to aberrations in the developmental process or the neuromuscular capsule surrounding the orofacial skeleton. To over come this limitation, functional appliances came into being. These appliances are considered to be primarily orthopedic tools to influence the facial skeleton of the growing child. The uniqueness of these appliances lies in the fact that instead of applying active forces,they transmit, eliminate and guide the natural forces (e.g. muscle activity, growth, Tooth eruption) to eliminate the morphological aberrations and try to create conditions for the harmonious development of the stomatognathic system.
  • 5. LOGO prepared by BILAL 1 2 3 Group A-Teeth supported appliances, e.g. catlans appliance, inclined planes, etc. Group B-Teeth/tissue supported, e.g. activator, bionator, etc. I. Classification put forth by Tom Graber when functional appliances were removable: Group C-Vestibular positioned appliances with isolated support from tooth/tissue, e.g.Frankel appliance, lip bumpers.
  • 6. LOGO prepared by BILAL Fixed functional appliances, e.g. Herbst, Jasper jumper, Churro jumper, adjustablecorrector,Eureka spring, mandibular anteriorrepositioning appliance, (MARA), Klappersuper spring, Sabbagh universal spring (SUS). Removable functionals, e.g. activator, bionator,frankel, etc.e Semi-fixed functional appliances, e.g. DenHoltz, Bass appliances, etc. II. With advent of fixed functional appliances, a new classification evolved:
  • 7. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Maximizing the success of functional appliances treatment mild/moderate skeletal problems Patient and family cooporation Patient actively growing Growth spurt for boys(12-14) for girls(11-13)
  • 8. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI The difference between growth acceleration in response to a functional appliance and true growth stimulation can be represented using a growth chart
  • 9. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Functional appliances used in treatment of CII malocclusion
  • 10. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHIRemovable appliances
  • 11. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Removable appliances ACTIVATOR Activator is a loose fitting appliance which was designed by Andreason and Haupl to correct retrognathic mandible. INDICATIONS Actively growing individual with favorable Growth pattern are good candidates for the activator therapy. Various types of activators have been devised for the treatment of various conditions like: • Class II division 1 malocclusion • Class II division 2 malocclusion • Class Ill malocclusion • Class I open bite malocclusion • Class I deep bite malocclusion • For post-treatment retention • Children with decreased facial height the activator, was independently developed by Viggo Andresen121 inDenmark in 1908
  • 12. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Removable appliances CONTRAINDICATIONS • Cannot be used in correction of Class I problems of crowded teeth where there is disharmony between tooth size and jaw size • Cannot be used in children with excess lower facial Height. • Cannot be given in cases with lower proclination • in case of nasal stenosis • In non-growing individuals ACTIVATOR
  • 13. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Removable appliances HamiltonExpansionActivator A multi-purpose functional appliance used to correct a Class II malocclusion. The mandible is advanced and the maxillary arch is expanded by the use of expansion screws. The lower posterior area is void of acrylic to allow for eruption. The appliance is primarily used for night time wear in conjunction with the Hamilton holding appliance which is worn in the day time
  • 14. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Removable appliances It is an intermaxillary wax record used to relate the mandible to the maxilla. This is done to improve the skeletal inter-jaw relationship. In most cases bite opening is by 2-3 mm and advancement is by 4-5 mm. ACTIVATORCONSTRUCTION BITE
  • 15. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Removable appliances ADVANTAGES • Uses existing growth • Minimal oral hygiene problems. • Appointments usually short DISADVANTAGES • Requires good patient co- operation • Cannot produce precise detailing and finishing of occlusion ACTIVATOR
  • 16. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Removable appliances General considerations for construction bite 1. In case the overjet is too large, forward positioning is done in 2-3 stages 2. In case of forward positioning of the mandible by 7-8 mm, the vertical opening should be slight to moderate i.e. 2-4 mm. 3. If the forward positioning is not more than 3-5 mm then the vertical opening can be 4-6 mm • Lower construction bite with marked mandibular forward positioning This kind of construction bite is characterized by marked forward positioning of the mandible with minimum vertical opening. As a rule of the thumb the anterior advancement should not exceed more than70% of the most protrusive position, and vertically it should be within the limits of inter occlusal clearance. ACTIVATOR
  • 17. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI ACTIVATOR
  • 18. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI ACTIVATOR MANAGEMENT OF THE APPLIANCE The patient is demonstrated to place and remove the appliance in mouth. The appliance is to be worn 2 to 3hours during the day for the first week. During the second week the patient sleeps with the appliance in mouth and wears it for 1-3 hours each day. The appliance is checked during the third week to evaluate the trimming. the patient is wearing the appliance without any difficulty and following the instructions, checkup appointments are scheduled every 6 weeks.
  • 19. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI ACTIVATOR
  • 20. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI
  • 21. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Herman van BeekHeadgear Activator Effective in Class I, Division 1 open or deep bite cases. Upper anteriors are covered with acrylic for torque control. Lower anteriors are free to move lingually while acrylic prevents labial crown tipping.
  • 22. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Teuscher Activator Used in conjunction with headgear to maintain upper molar position. Upper torquing springs are also featured in this appliance. This activator may be worn with fixed appliances. If desired, lower lip pads can be added
  • 23. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Bruner Headgear Activator Wire over upper incisors provides more open space anteriorly. Screw provides only upper expansion. Relief on lower occlusal plane allows eruption in lower posterior area.
  • 24. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Bass Appliance
  • 25. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Removable appliances The bulkiness of the activator and its limitation to night-time wear was a major deterrent in its greater use by clinicians to obtain maximum potential functional growth guidance. The appliance was too bulky for day-time wear. Moreover, during sleep, the function is minimized or virtually nonexistent. This led to the development of the BIONATOR, a less bulky appliance. Its lower portion is narrow, and its upper component has only lateral extensions, with a crosspalatal stabilizing bar. The palate is free for proprioceptive contact with the tongue and the buccinator wire loops hold away the potentially deforming muscles. The appliance developed by BALTERS in 1960, can be worn all the time, except during meals. BIONATOR in 1960
  • 26. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Removable appliances According to Balters, "the equilibrium between the tongue and the circum oral muscles is responsible for the shape of the dental arches and that the functional space for the tongue is essential for the normal development of the orofacial system" e.g. posterior displacement of the tongue could cause Class 11 malocclusion. Taking into consideration the dominant role of the tongue, Balters designed an appliance, which could take advantage of tongue posture. BIONATOR PHILOSOPHY OF BIONATOR
  • 27. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Removable appliances Thus he constructed an appliance whereby the mandible was positioned anteriorly, with the incisors in an edge to edge position. This forward positioning brought the dorsum of the tongue in contact with the soft palate and helped accomplish lip closure. Thus the principle of bionator is not to activate the muscles but to modulate muscle activity, thereby enhancing the normal development of the inherent growth pattern and eliminate abnormal and potentially deforming environmental factors.
  • 28. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Removable appliances BIONATOR TYPES Three basic constructions are common in bionator • Standard appliance. • Open-bite appliance. • Class III or reverse bionator. BIONATOR
  • 29. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Removable appliances BIONATOR Bionator I Class II correction, opens bite (in case of deep bite). Individual posterior teeth can be erupted independently. Midline expansion screw opens contact points between posterior teeth for easier posterior eruption.
  • 30. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Removable appliances Bionator in mouth for CII with deep bite
  • 31. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Removable appliances Function regulator appliances were developed by Rolf Frankel (Germany). Frankel believed that the active muscle and tissue mass i.e., the buccinator mechanism and the orbicularis oris complex have a major role in the development of skeletal and dentofacial deformities. Hence he developed function regulators as orthopedic exercise devices, to aid in the maturation, training and reprogramming of the orofacial neuromuscular system. FRANKEL FUNCTION REGULATOR was developed by Rolf Frankel in Germany and was introduced in 1966
  • 32. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Removable appliances 1.. Vestibular area of operation - Shields of the appliance extend to the vestibule and this prevents the abnormal muscle function. 2. Sagittal correction via tooth borne maxillary anchorage - Appliance is fixed on the upper arch by grooves mesial to the 1st permanent molar and distal to the canine in the mixed dentition period. - Presence of the lingual pad acts as proprioceptive stimulus and helps in the forward posturing of the mandible. FRANKEL PHILOSOPHY
  • 33. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Removable appliances 3. Differential eruption guidance - Frankel is placed on the upper teeth. - Mandibular posterior teeth are free to erupt and their unrestricted upward and forward movement contributes to both vertical as well as horizontal correction of the malocclusion. 4. Periosteal pull by buccal shields and lip pad - Presence of buccal shields and lip pads exert the periosteal pull which helps in bone formation and lateral expansion of the maxillary apical base. 5. Minimal maxillary basal effect - Downward and forward growth of maxilla seems to be restricted, even though lateral maxillary expansion is seen. FRANKEL PHILOSOPHY
  • 34. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Removable appliances 1. FRl-used for Class I and Class II, Division 1. FRla -used for Class I, moderate crowding and deep bite. FRlB-used for Class II Division 1 overjet less than7mm. FRlc-used for Class II Division 1 overjet more than7mm. 2. FR Il-used for Class II Division 2 and Division 1 3. FR Ill-used for Class III 4. FR IV-used for cases with open bite and bimaxillary protrusion. 5. FR V-FR with headgear. TYPES OF FUNCTION REGULATORS
  • 35. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Removable appliances Fränkel I Corrects overcrowding in Class I cases and reduces the overbite and overjet in Class II, Division 1 cases. External muscle pressure is eliminated by the vestibular shields. Promotes transverse arch development dentally and skeletally. FRANKEL
  • 36. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Removable appliances Fränkel II Promotes transverse and vertical development of maxillary and mandibular arches, corrects Class II, Division 2 cases and opens bite. Used after the maxillary incisors have been slightly proclinated by an upper removable appliance FRANKEL
  • 37. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Removable appliances FRANKELII MODE OF ACTION OF FR 1. Increase in transverse sagittal direction - by use of buccal shields and lip pads 2. Increase in vertical direction - by allowing the lower molar to erupt freely because appliance is fixed to the upper arch 3. Muscle adaptation - The form and extension of the buccal shields and lip pads along with the prescribed excercises corrects the abnormal peri-oral muscle activity
  • 38. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Removable appliances ORAL EXERCISES WITH FRANKEL - Frankel-full time wear appliance. - Lips to be closed at all times or keep a paper between the lips - Swallowing, speaking, etc. with the appliance in mouth, itself serves as an exercise.
  • 39. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Removable appliances TREATMENT TIMING The best therapeutic effect of the Frankel appliance is achieved during the late mixed and transitional dentition period, when both the soft and hard tissues are undergoing their greatest transitional changes. Treatment for Class III and open bite cases should usually start sooner than for Class Il problems.
  • 40. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Removable appliances advantages over other functional appliances :- 1. The functional mechanism is very similar to that of the natural dentition. 2. The occlusal inclined planes give greater freedom of movement in lateral and anterior excursion and cause less interference with normal function. 3. Appearance is noticeably improved. .4. Less bulk, therefore, better patient compliance. TWIN-BLOCK The twin block appliance was developed by Clark in 1977
  • 41. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Removable appliances 5., Can be used in later stages of growth (late mixed dentition /early permanent dentition) 6. The appliance can be cemented in mouth, without disrupting the normal oral functions, to improve patient compliance. 7. Absence of lip pads and buccal shields, allow patient a much better comfort, however, modifications containing lip pads can be incorporated as and when required. TWIN-BLOCK
  • 42. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Removable appliances Case selection for clinical use of twin-block should,display the following criteria: 1. Angle's Class II Division 1malocclusion with good arch form. 2. A lower arch that is uncrowded or decrowded and aligned. 3. An upper arch that is aligned or can be easily aligned. 4. An overjet of 10-12mm and a deep overbite. 5. A full unit distal occlusion in the buccal segments. 6. On examination of models in occlusion with the lower model ad vanced to correct the increased overjet, the distal occlusion is also corrected and it can be seen that a potentially good occlusion of the buccal teeth will result. CASE SELECTION FOR TWIN-BLOCK APPLIANCE TWIN-BLOCK
  • 43. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Removable appliances 7. On clinical examination the profile should be noticeably improved when the patient advances the mandible voluntarily to correct the over jet 8. To achieve a favorable skeletal change, during treatment, patient should be actively growing. Amore rapid growth response may be observed when the treatment coincides with the potential growth spurt. TWIN-BLOCK
  • 44. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Removable appliances initially, inclined planes were at 90° to occlusal plane.However, adjustment to this sort of inclined plane was difficult for a lot of patients.Therefore, for patient convenience inclined planes were reduced to 45° but since, this angulation caused equal vertical and horizontal movement, the angulation was further changed to 70°, so that more horizontal vector of force would beproduced. Nevertheless, the inclined plane angulation can vary between 45° and 70° depending upon the patient comfort levels. ANGULATION OF THE INCLINED PLANES TWIN-BLOCK
  • 45. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Removable appliances Active phase Average time of treatment 6-9 months to achieve full reduction of overjet to a normal incisors relationship and to correct the distal occlusion. Support phase Three to six months for molars to erupt into occlusion and premolars to erupt after trimming the blocks. The objective is to support the corrected mandibular translation while buccal teeth settle into occlusion . Retention Nine months , reducing appliance wear when the position is stabilized. An average estimate of treatment time is 18 months, including retention. Stages of Treatment
  • 46. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Fixed Appliances Successful of orthodontic treatment often relies heavily on the patient’s cooperation in the wearing of removable appliances, elastics or headgear .eliminating the need to use these places the treatment result more under the control of orthodontist. This lead to development of fixed appliances (non compliance)
  • 47. LOGO prepared by BILAL Fixed Appliances Herbest appliances JASPER JUMPER THE MANDIBULAR ANTERIOR REPOSITIONING APPLIANCE (MARA) EUREKA SPRING THE KLAPPER SUPER SPRING fixed appliancesfixed appliances used to treat CIIused to treat CII malocclusionmalocclusion SABBAGH UNIVERSAL SPRING
  • 48. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI fixed appliances The maxillary and mandibular arches are splinted with frameworks that usually are cemented or bonded but can be removable, and connected with a pin-and-tube device that holds the mandible forward. Occasionally a modification of this appliance is superimposed on traditional fixed appliances Jaw position is controlled by a pin and tube apparatus that runs between the arches. Herbst appliances
  • 49. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI fixed appliances Indications 1- dental CII 2- skeletal CII due to mandibular deficiency 3- deep bite with retroclind mandibular incisors. Contra indication 1-Open bite 2-vertical growth with high maxillomandibular plan angle. Disadvantages • Appliance is prone to breakage. • Lateral movement is restricted Herbst appliances In 1905 Emil Herbst in Germany
  • 50. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI fixed appliances The Jasper Jumper (American Orthodontics) consists of a heavy coil spring encased in vinyl coating .The flexible springs are attached to the maxillary 1st molar posteriorly and distal to the mandibular canine,either directly onto the lower arch wire or by means of an out- rigger. JASPER JUMPER
  • 51. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI fixed appliances Indications • Dental Class II malocclusion • Deep bite with retroclined mandibular incisors. Contraindications • Dental and skeletal open bites. • Minimum buccal vestibular space. • Vertical growth pattern with increased lower facial height. • Cases prone to root resorption JASPER JUMPER
  • 52. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI fixed appliances Advantages - Ease of insertion and activation - Generation of intrusive forces on molars and incisors. Disadvantages - Frequent breakages - Compromised oral hygiene - Externally perceivable bulge in the cheeks JASPER JUMPER
  • 53. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI fixed appliances The MARA consists of cams made from 0.060 square wire attached to tubes (0.062 square) on upper first molar bands or stainless steel crown. A lower first molar crown has a 0.059 arm projecting perpendicular to its buccal surface, which engages the cam of the upper molar The appliance is adjusted so that when patient closes the mouth, the cam on upper molar guides and repositions the mandible into a Class I relationship. Its main disadvantage is that temporary stainless steel crowns are needed on all first molars. THE MANDIBULAR ANTERIOR REPOSITIONING APPLIANCE (MARA)
  • 54. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI fixed appliances Indication Skeletal Class II with mandibular deficiency. Contraindications Cases prone to root resorptionDental and skeletal open bite Vertical growth pattern. THE MANDIBULAR ANTERIOR REPOSITIONING APPLIANCE (MARA)
  • 55. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI fixed appliances . One of the first inter arch appliances to utilize the compressive forces. Advantages - Good patient acceptance - Can be used for Class Il and Class ill correction as well as in conjunction with extraoral force. - Possibility of alteration in the amount and direction of force during treatment. - Components are available separately - Significantly less expensive than other appliances. Disadvantages Technique sensitive insertion procedure - Frequent breakages of interval spring - Less force levels than fors us and twin force corrector. - Tissue irritation. EUREKA SPRING Developed by De-vincenzo in 1996
  • 56. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI fixed appliances Introduced by Lewis Klapper in 1997. Resembles jasper jumper except that instead of coil spring, cable is used. In 1998, the cable was wrapped with a coil and Klappcr super spring IT came into being. Advantages - More vertical force vector, therefore useful for intrusion. Disadvantages - Unlike, jasper Jumper it enters the molar tube from mesial and requires special molar tube for engagement. THE KLAPPER SUPER SPRINGIntroduced by Lewis Klapper in 1997.
  • 57. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI The Churro Jumper (Castañon R. et al., 1998) This is an inexpensive alternative force system for the anteroposterior correction of Class II and Class III malocclusions. The mesial and distal end of the jumper are circles. The distal circle is attached to the maxillary molars by a pin and the mesial end is placed over the mandibular arch wire against the canine bracket. So far, this is the only flexible functional appliance which can be made up by the orthodontist in his lab. The costs are reduced and the time spent is minimal.
  • 58. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI FORSUS FATIGUE RESISTANT DEVICE The appliance consists of: •Spring module •L bail pin •Push rod installation. The push rods are available in following sizes 25, 29, 32 and 35 mm which are available for right and left side. •The L pin with the spring module is attached to upper first molar after selecting the appropriate push rod. Its loop is attached to archwire between the cuspid and first bicuspid and the other end is inserted into the compressed spring module. Advantages •Unequal push rods can be used for midline correction •Spring can be reactivated by placing crimp split ring bushings on push rod •Relative ease of installation and removal.
  • 59. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI
  • 60. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI fixed appliances It is the latest inter arch compressive spring to be introduced and has a number of unique features as: • - Slotted screw for partial adjustment of distal aspect of the plunger assembly (upto 4 mm) The second coil spring inserted at the time of placement which in combination with the internal spring permits a greater active extension of force than any other appliance. • Available in one standard link. • No difference in appliance for the right and left sides. Lateral mandibular movement possible. • - More resistant to fatigue fracture SABBAGH UNIVERSAL SPRING
  • 61. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI fixed appliances The SUS is a combination between the Herbst appliance (as a telescope) and the Jasper Jumper (as a spring) aiming to increase the efficacy of the treatment and to minimize their disadvantages. Benefits Reduces - Extraction and surgery cases. -Heavy forces to the teeth and TMJ -Patient cooperation -Treatment time -Chair-time -Breakage -Discomfort - Soft tissue impingement SABBAGH UNIVERSAL SPRING
  • 62. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI fixed appliances Indication: •Class II, late growth cases (rapid class II correction ) •Non-compliant class II patients •TMD therapy SABBAGH UNIVERSAL SPRING Dentoalveolar changes:- - distal movement of the upper molars - mesial movement of the lower molars - retrusion of the upper incisors - protrusion of the lower incisors - rotation of the occlusion plane in clockwise direction
  • 63. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI
  • 64. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI
  • 65. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI
  • 66. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI
  • 67. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI fixed appliances Disadvantages - Unsuitability for Class Ill treatment - Limitations in patients with maximum opening of less than 48 mm. - Increased force levels - Considerably greater cost SABBAGH UNIVERSAL SPRING
  • 68. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Functional appliances used in treatment of CIII malocclusion
  • 69. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI CIII functional appliances Class III or Reverse Bionator This type of appliance is used to encourage the development of maxilla. The bite is taken in most possible retruded position, to allow labial movement of the maxillary incisors and reciprocally a slight restrictive effect on the lower arch. The bite is opened about 2 mm only in the interincisal region.The palatal bar configuration rW1Sforward instead of posteriorly, with the loop extending as far as thedeciduous 1st molar or premolar.
  • 70. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI CIII functional appliances Fränkel III Corrects Class III malocclusions Lip pads are in the maxillary arch - Labial bow resting against mandibular teeth. Protrusion bow is on the upper teeth and is made of 0.8 mm wire for forward movement of maxillary incisiors if desired. - The occlusal rest is on the mandibularmolar unlike in FR!! where it is on the maxillary molar
  • 71. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Functional appliances used in treatment of open bite
  • 72. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Open bite functional appliances FRIV - Used for open bite and bimaxillary protrusion - Has no canine loops - Has no protrusion bow - Four occlusal rests present i.e, on deciduous 1st molar and permanent 1st molar on each side to prevent eruption of posterior teeth. - Palatal bar resembles FR III i.e. it does not contact the teeth - The buccal shield in FR IV should be wafer thin to enable lip closure and exercise without which the appliance will be a failure. Frankel (FR-4)Frankel (FR-4)
  • 73. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Open bite functional appliances These are thought to be effective where the open bite is at least partly due to faulty postural activity of the orofacial musculature. The FR-4 works by allowing vertical eruption of upper and lower incisors and retraction of the maxillary incisors, and some authors have reported a change in mandibular rotation from a downward and backward direction to upwards and forwards. Frankel (FR-4)Frankel (FR-4)
  • 74. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Open bite functional appliances Clark’s Twin-BlockClark’s Twin-Block
  • 75. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Open bite functional appliances A modified activator is used treatment of open bite cases. The intermaxillary acrylic of the lateral occlusal zones is replaced by elastic rubber tubes. By stimulating orthopaedic gymnastics (chewing gum effect), the elastic activator intrudes upper and lower posterior teeth. A noticeable counterclockwise rotation of the mandible was accomplished by a decrease of the gonial angle. Elastic ActivatorElastic Activator British Journal of Orthodontics/Vol. 26/1999/89–92
  • 76. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Open bite functional appliances Elastic ActivatorElastic Activator
  • 77. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Open bite functional appliances Bionator II Class II correction, open bite. Labial bar prevents anteriors from tipping labially. Includes midline expansion screw for arch development when necessary. Adams clasps can be used on the upper or lower.
  • 78. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Open bite functional appliances Fränkel II Promotes transverse and vertical development of maxillary and mandibular arches, corrects Class II, Division 2 cases and opens bite. Used after the maxillary incisors have been slightly proclinated by an upper removable appliance
  • 79. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Open bite functional appliances The Rapid Molar Intruder The Rapid Molar Intrusion Appliance (RMI) is a modification of the Jasper Jumper .The Jasper Jumper is an auxiliary capable of producing rapid change in occlusal relationships. It is a flexible fixed appliance that delivers a light, continuous force. It can be used to move single teeth, units of teeth or an entire arch. It can deliver functional,bite-jumping forces, headgear-like forces, elastic-like forces.
  • 80. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Open bite functional appliances Initial clinical experiences with the RMI device are promising, but a more structured research project is needed to demonstrate the long-term stability of the results. This noncompliance device for molar intrusion opens new horizons in the complex treatment of vertical excess. A follow-up study and future research will contribute valuable information about stability. In addition, significant new methods for retaining treated open bites that have undergone intrusion of posterior teeth might also be developed in future investigations.
  • 81. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI Open bite functional appliances The Rapid Molar Intruder
  • 82. prepared by BILAL A.M.FALAHI
  • 83. LOGOprepared by BILAL