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•Dr.Wahid Helmi
•Pediatric consultant
•Zarka hospital (Demiate).
Sites of hematopoiesis
physiologic anemia of infancy
• Normal HB (g/dl) at birth = 14-20 gm/dl
• After birth →↑blood Oxygen saturation → ↓erythropiotine
production → hemoglobin decline to reach at about 8-12
weeks of age :-
1. a nadir of 10-11 gm/dl in fullterm .
2. a nadir (7-9 gm/dl in preterm)
3. Then restimulation of erythropiotine release ..
• Hemoglobin Nadir is reached earlier in preterm due to:
- Decreased RBCs survival.
- Rapid rate of growth.
-Vitamin E deficiency.
• Why does the physiologic anemia of infancy occur?
Hemoglobin (Hb) composition
switch from HbF to HbA
– switch from HbF to HbA
• HbF decreases about 3% per week
• at 6 mo. HbF represents only 2% of total Hb
• switch to HbA provides for greater unloading of
oxygen to tissues d/t lower oxygen affinity of HbA
relative to HbF.
– seldom produces symptoms
– not altered by nutritional supplements.
Normal Hemopoiesis
– (RBCs).
– Thrombopoietin → (platelets) .
– . Cytokines → WBCs:-
e,g (G- CSF: granulocyte colony-
stimulating factor).
– B12&folic acide for all cells .
The causes of a hypochromic microcytic
colony-forming unit (CFU or cfu)
Normal blood smear showing,
red cells (R), aneutrophil (N), a lymphocyte (L), eosinophil (E),
basophil (B), monocyte (M), and platelets (P)
Variations in size and shape of red cells:-
• (A) Microcytic hypochromic red cells in iron deficiency
• (B) Oval macrocytes and a hypersegmented neutrophil in
megaloblastic anemia;
• (C) Sickle cells in sickle cell anemia;
Variations in size and shape of red cells:-
• (D) Spherocytes in hereditary spherocytosis;
• (E) schistocytes (Helmet cell ) as in patient with cardiac valve
replacement .
• (F) Target cells (e.g., in patients with iron deficiency or
thalassemia trait).
• (G) Burr cells in chronic renal failure;
• (H) Tear drop red cells in myelofibrosis;
• (I) Bite cells and (J) Blister cell in glucose-6-
phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
WBCs, facts and figures
•Total Leukocyte Count-
• At birth: 10,000-26000/μl.
• 1 year: 6,000-16,000/μl.
• 6-12 years: 5,000-13,000/μl
• Adults: 4000-11,000/μl.
• CRITICAL VALUESTotal leukocyte count<
2000/μl or > 50000/μl.
leukemoid reaction
• - Acute leukaemia → (↑total leucocytic count mostly exceed
100,000+ Blast cells in peripheral blood +↓platelets +↓RBCs )
• leukemoid reaction (like = oid ) → ↑total leucocytic count more
than 50,000 (rarely exceed 50,000+ no blast cells + Bandeamia
+normal platelets + normal RBCs ) .
• Normal leucocytes secrete leucocytic alkaline phosphatase but in
leukemic leucocytes never secrete so in leukemoid reaction
alkalinephosphatase is very ↑ ↑↑.
• leukoerythroblastic reaction :- leucocytes & RBCs blasts appear
on Peripheral blood due to bone marrow infiltration (lymphoma -
leukaemia , lymphoma , T.B. , myeloma) .
- 10 year old boy ,with
- fever, fatigue, sore throat, and swollen lymph glands.
-Mild hepato-splenomegaly .
-CBC, HBG 13 ,platlets 200,ooo,WBCs 35,0000 with atypical lymphocytosis.
- Infectious mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr virus ) .
- increase of white blood cells that are mononuclear (with a single nucleus) "Mono" .
value of Bone marrow examination
• bone marrow examination is diagnostic and confirmatory .
• Not only diagnostic but bone marrow examination is mandatory .
• All these diseases need bone marrow examination :-
1- multiple myeloma(plasma cell myeloma ) → plasma cells inside bone
marrow .
2- myelofibrosis → fibrous tissues inside bone marrow .
3- A leukaemic leukaemia → blasts not in peripheral blood blood but
highly infiltrating bonemarrow.
4- aplastic anaemia .
5 - sidroblastic anaemia .
6- I.T.P . why ? inspite of being easily diagnosed .Baby may be Aleukaemic
Seven RBC parameters
Packed Cell Volume
Measurement Normal Range
A. RBC count 5 million 4 to 6
B. Hemoglobin 15 g% 12 to 17
C. Hematocrit45 38 to 50
- A x 3 = B x 3 = C - This is the rule of thumb .
- Check whether this holds good in given results
- If not -indicates micro or macrocytosis or hypochro .
Juvenile red cells
In the Neonates, Count is 2 – 6/
Falls to <1 in the first week of life.
corrected reticulocyte count or Reticulocyte Production
Index (RPI)
• Maturation of reticulocytes to erythrocytes takes 24-48 hours.
• indicates whether the bone marrow is responding appropriately to the
• The corrected “retic count” should be elevated if the bone marrow is
working properly and has all the right nutrients for making RBCs,
including iron, folate, and vitamin B12.
• an RPI > 3 suggests increased production and implies
either hemolysis or blood loss.
• an RPI < 2 suggests decreased production or ineffective
production for the degree of anemia.
• To be useful the reticulocyte count must be adjusted for
the patient's hematocrit.
• Corrected retic. = Patients retic. x (Patients Hct/45)
• Reticulocyte index (RPI) = corrected retic. count/Maturation time
( Maturation time = 1 for Hct=45%,
Maturation time = 1.5 for Hct=35%,
Maturation time = 2 for 25%,
and Maturation time = 2.5 for Hct=15%.)
• Absolute reticulocyte count = retic x RBC number.
Red Cell Indices
- Size of red cells (from 2-10 years) (MCV) :-
− Microcytic (MCV < 70 + age) .
− Normocytic (MCV > 70 + age and < 100) .
− Macrocytic (MCV > 100)
- Normal MCV is 80-100 fl.
- Causes of Increased MCV :-
• Megaloblastic anemia
• Non-megaloblastic macrocytosis as in liver disease,
hypothyroidism, reticulocytosis .
• Newborns ( 90-118 fl) .
• help provide a quick screen of the possible causes of anemia
What is a quick rule of thumb for approximating MCV?
- Causes of Low MCV :-
• Microcytic hypochromic anemia .
-MCV is normal in normocytic normochromic anemia ,
(acute blood loss, hemolysis, aplastic anemia).
-In the presence of large number of abnormal red cells
like sickle cells, and in dimorphic anemia (e.g. mixed
normocytic and microcytic).
- MCV may be normal (since it is an average value) and
thus unreliable for morphological classification .
-Mentzer index
- is derived by dividing MCV with red cell count.
-Ratio of less than 13 is seen in thalassemia while ratio is more
than 13 in iron deficiency anemia.
What is the Mentzer index?
-This is one of the formulas that is used to distinguish the
hypochromic, microcytic anemias of the thalassemia trait
from iron deficiency.
-As a general rule, iron deficiency causes alterations in
RBCs that tend to be variable, whereas thalassemia
generally results in more uniformly smaller cells.
-In patients with the b-thalassemia trait, the Mentzer index is
usually less than 13.
- in patients with iron deficiency, it is usually greater than 13.
Thalasemia trait
• Peripheral smear in beta- thalassemia minor
showing microcytes (M), target cells (T), and
the overall sizes and shapes of the RBC's
are less uniform (increased anisocytosis
and poikilocytosis).
Calculation of the Mentzer index
• MCH is the average amount of hemoglobin in
a single red cell.
• It is obtained by dividing hemoglobin value
by red cell count.
•1 picogram = 1.0 × 10-12
•More sensitive than MCV
It is important in diagnosis of congenital Spherocytosis (MCHC > 35)
red cell distribution width (RDW)
• RDW = anisocytosis .
• The RDW is a quantification of anisocytosis (variation in RBC
• In children, normal values range from about 11.5% to
14.5% but can vary among instruments.
• When elevated in a patient with microcytosis, it suggests that
iron deficiency is a more likely cause of anemia than the
thalassemia trait.
• Children with the thalassemia trait tend to have values that
overlap with normal RDW values.
-RDW is low in thalassemia trait .
- RDW is high in iron deficiency anemia.
- RDW is normal in anemia of chronic disease.
• MCV: 80-100 fl
• MCH: 27-32 pg
• MCHC: 30-35 g/dl
• RDW: 11.5% -14.5
Components of Blood
• White Blood Cells (Leukocytes)
– Margination
– Phagocytosis
The macrophage is using its internal
cytoskeleton to envelop cells of the fungus
Candida albicans.
Components of Blood
• Leukocytes (cont.)
– White Blood Cell Count
– Leukopoiesis
• Granulocytes
– Neutrophil
– Basophil
– Eosinophil
• Monocytes
• Lymphocytes Human Neutrophil:
Phagocytosis of Strep pyogenes
Acute leukaemia
Acute leukaemia
• A 5-year-old white female has multiple bruises on her lower
extremities and oral mucosal bleeding of 3 days’ duration.
• -Two weeks before these signs, she had a mild respiratory tract
• Physical examination reveals multiple ecchymoses and
• no lymphadenopathy or hepatosplenomegaly is noted.
• - CBC
WBC 6500/μL (4000-11,000/μL)
Hemoglobin 14.5 g/dL (13.5-17.5 g/dL)
Platelets 44,000/μL (150,000-400,000/μL)
Case 1 A
• (ITP) is an acute process that often follows an
upper respiratory tract infection.
• Leukemia is always a worrisome possibility
but is extremely unusual in the absence of
anemia, leukopenia or blasts,
lymphadenopathy, or hepatosplenomegaly.
• An 18-month-old male appears hungry; in fact, he drinks a
quart of whole milk a day and also eats dirt “picky eaters.”.
• Intake of solid foods is sporadic .
• Physical examination reveals mild pallor of the conjunctivae.
• He has no hepatosplenomegaly, and the rest of the
examination findings are normal.
• CBC :-↓↓ MCV + ↓↓ MCH + Normal Reticulocytic count
Case 2 A
• - This is a classic case of iron-deficiency anemia
- Iron therapy →Reticulocytosis peaks at 5—7 days.
- when the hemoglobin and hematocrit return to
normal , Continue iron for 4—8 weeks because
Stores of iron need to be repleted, and 4—8 weeks is
- If the patient does not experience improvement in
his anemia , Gastrointestinal blood loss , Thalassemia
& Cow's milk protein allergy (CMPA) should be
explored .
Case 3
Case 4
-A 22 month old boy presents to your office with a chief
complaint of pallor.
- CBC:-
WBC 6,100, Hgb 6.2 g/dl, Hct 19.8%, Plt 589,000,
MCV 54 fL, RDW 17%. Reticulocyte count is 1.8%.
- The lab reports microcytosis, hypochromia, mild anisocytosis
and polychromasia.
Case4 answer
• Anemia occurs when the red blood cell mass or hemoglobin
content is too low to meet a person's physiologic demands. In
• "normal" levels vary with age, gender, and geographic
location (height above sea level).
Case 5
• A 12-month-old female is found to have Hgb 8 and
mean corpuscular volume (MCV) 65 on routine
complete blood (cell) count (CBC) screen. What is
the likely cause of these abnormal laboratory values?
Case5 ,Answer
• iron deficiency anemia is the most common
type of anemia in children, especially in
children 6-months to 3-years-old.
• in this age group, it is commonly caused by
inadequate nutritional intake.
• This child’s diet likely consists of only milk,
which would not supply adequate iron.
• A thalassemia disorder may also be
considered in this patient.
• An 8-month-old boy is found to have low
hemoglobin and low MCV on a routine CBC.
He is treated with iron supplementation for 5
months, but on repeat CBC, he is still anemic.
What is the likely cause of his anemia?.
Case6 ,Answer
• One option for his continued anemia is
noncompliance with medications
• if the child was not given his iron supplements, we
would not expect his anemia to improve.
• However, assuming he had good compliance with his
medications, he likely has alpha or beta thalassemia
trait in addition to a treated iron deficiency anemia,
diagnosed by hemoglobin electrophoresis.
• A 4-year-old boy is noted to be more pale and less
active over the past week.
• On physical exam you notice petechiae and bruising.
His mother denies recent episodes of epistaxis or gum
• CBC shows :-
1-WBC 8, Hgb 7.9, MCV 81, Plt 29K. Retic 1.5%.
2-Differential: 12 N, 75 L, 6 M, 2 E, 5 atypical
• What is in your differential diagnosis?
Case7 ,Answer
• The patient is anemic, thrombocytopenic, and
• Possible etiologies include aplastic anemia,
leukemia, and viral suppression.
• Given the five atypical cells on the differential,
leukemia should be strongly considered.
Thank You
Cbc- Dr.Wahid Helmi Pediatric consultant Zarka hospital (Demiate).

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Cbc- Dr.Wahid Helmi Pediatric consultant Zarka hospital (Demiate).

  • 3. physiologic anemia of infancy • Normal HB (g/dl) at birth = 14-20 gm/dl • After birth →↑blood Oxygen saturation → ↓erythropiotine production → hemoglobin decline to reach at about 8-12 weeks of age :- 1. a nadir of 10-11 gm/dl in fullterm . 2. a nadir (7-9 gm/dl in preterm) 3. Then restimulation of erythropiotine release .. • Hemoglobin Nadir is reached earlier in preterm due to: - Decreased RBCs survival. - Rapid rate of growth. -Vitamin E deficiency. • Why does the physiologic anemia of infancy occur?
  • 5. switch from HbF to HbA – switch from HbF to HbA • HbF decreases about 3% per week • at 6 mo. HbF represents only 2% of total Hb • switch to HbA provides for greater unloading of oxygen to tissues d/t lower oxygen affinity of HbA relative to HbF. – seldom produces symptoms – not altered by nutritional supplements.
  • 7. FACTORS REGULATINGFACTORS REGULATING Hemopoiesis – (RBCs). IRON ,“TISSUE O2” & ERYTHROPOIETIN. – Thrombopoietin → (platelets) . – . Cytokines → WBCs:- e,g (G- CSF: granulocyte colony- stimulating factor). – B12&folic acide for all cells .
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10. The causes of a hypochromic microcytic anaemia.
  • 12. Normal blood smear showing, red cells (R), aneutrophil (N), a lymphocyte (L), eosinophil (E), basophil (B), monocyte (M), and platelets (P)
  • 13. Variations in size and shape of red cells:- • (A) Microcytic hypochromic red cells in iron deficiency anemia; • (B) Oval macrocytes and a hypersegmented neutrophil in megaloblastic anemia; • (C) Sickle cells in sickle cell anemia;
  • 14. Variations in size and shape of red cells:- • (D) Spherocytes in hereditary spherocytosis; • (E) schistocytes (Helmet cell ) as in patient with cardiac valve replacement . • (F) Target cells (e.g., in patients with iron deficiency or thalassemia trait).
  • 15. • (G) Burr cells in chronic renal failure; • (H) Tear drop red cells in myelofibrosis; • (I) Bite cells and (J) Blister cell in glucose-6- phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
  • 16.
  • 17. WBCs, facts and figures
  • 18. WBCs •Total Leukocyte Count- REFERENCE RANGES• • At birth: 10,000-26000/μl. • 1 year: 6,000-16,000/μl. • 6-12 years: 5,000-13,000/μl • Adults: 4000-11,000/μl. • CRITICAL VALUESTotal leukocyte count< 2000/μl or > 50000/μl.
  • 19. leukemoid reaction • - Acute leukaemia → (↑total leucocytic count mostly exceed 100,000+ Blast cells in peripheral blood +↓platelets +↓RBCs ) • leukemoid reaction (like = oid ) → ↑total leucocytic count more than 50,000 (rarely exceed 50,000+ no blast cells + Bandeamia +normal platelets + normal RBCs ) . • Normal leucocytes secrete leucocytic alkaline phosphatase but in leukemic leucocytes never secrete so in leukemoid reaction alkalinephosphatase is very ↑ ↑↑. • leukoerythroblastic reaction :- leucocytes & RBCs blasts appear on Peripheral blood due to bone marrow infiltration (lymphoma - leukaemia , lymphoma , T.B. , myeloma) .
  • 20. - 10 year old boy ,with - fever, fatigue, sore throat, and swollen lymph glands. -Mild hepato-splenomegaly . -CBC, HBG 13 ,platlets 200,ooo,WBCs 35,0000 with atypical lymphocytosis.
  • 21. - Infectious mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr virus ) . - increase of white blood cells that are mononuclear (with a single nucleus) "Mono" .
  • 22. WBCs
  • 23. WBCs
  • 24. WBCs
  • 25. WBCs
  • 26. WBCs
  • 27. value of Bone marrow examination • bone marrow examination is diagnostic and confirmatory . • Not only diagnostic but bone marrow examination is mandatory . • All these diseases need bone marrow examination :- 1- multiple myeloma(plasma cell myeloma ) → plasma cells inside bone marrow . 2- myelofibrosis → fibrous tissues inside bone marrow . 3- A leukaemic leukaemia → blasts not in peripheral blood blood but highly infiltrating bonemarrow. 4- aplastic anaemia . 5 - sidroblastic anaemia . 6- I.T.P . why ? inspite of being easily diagnosed .Baby may be Aleukaemic leukaemia
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  • 33. PCV
  • 34. Measurement Normal Range A. RBC count 5 million 4 to 6 B. Hemoglobin 15 g% 12 to 17 C. Hematocrit45 38 to 50 - A x 3 = B x 3 = C - This is the rule of thumb . - Check whether this holds good in given results - If not -indicates micro or macrocytosis or hypochro .
  • 35. Juvenile red cells In the Neonates, Count is 2 – 6/ Falls to <1 in the first week of life.
  • 36. corrected reticulocyte count or Reticulocyte Production Index (RPI) • Maturation of reticulocytes to erythrocytes takes 24-48 hours. • indicates whether the bone marrow is responding appropriately to the anemia. • The corrected “retic count” should be elevated if the bone marrow is working properly and has all the right nutrients for making RBCs, including iron, folate, and vitamin B12. • an RPI > 3 suggests increased production and implies either hemolysis or blood loss. • an RPI < 2 suggests decreased production or ineffective production for the degree of anemia.
  • 37. • To be useful the reticulocyte count must be adjusted for the patient's hematocrit. Thus: • Corrected retic. = Patients retic. x (Patients Hct/45) • Reticulocyte index (RPI) = corrected retic. count/Maturation time ( Maturation time = 1 for Hct=45%, Maturation time = 1.5 for Hct=35%, Maturation time = 2 for 25%, and Maturation time = 2.5 for Hct=15%.) • Absolute reticulocyte count = retic x RBC number.
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  • 41. MEAN CELL VOLUME - Size of red cells (from 2-10 years) (MCV) :- − Microcytic (MCV < 70 + age) . − Normocytic (MCV > 70 + age and < 100) . − Macrocytic (MCV > 100) - Normal MCV is 80-100 fl. - Causes of Increased MCV :- • Megaloblastic anemia • Non-megaloblastic macrocytosis as in liver disease, hypothyroidism, reticulocytosis . • Newborns ( 90-118 fl) .
  • 42. MCV • help provide a quick screen of the possible causes of anemia What is a quick rule of thumb for approximating MCV?
  • 43. - Causes of Low MCV :- • Microcytic hypochromic anemia . -MCV is normal in normocytic normochromic anemia , (acute blood loss, hemolysis, aplastic anemia). -In the presence of large number of abnormal red cells like sickle cells, and in dimorphic anemia (e.g. mixed normocytic and microcytic). - MCV may be normal (since it is an average value) and thus unreliable for morphological classification . -Mentzer index - is derived by dividing MCV with red cell count. -Ratio of less than 13 is seen in thalassemia while ratio is more than 13 in iron deficiency anemia.
  • 44. What is the Mentzer index? • MCV/RBC. -This is one of the formulas that is used to distinguish the hypochromic, microcytic anemias of the thalassemia trait from iron deficiency. -As a general rule, iron deficiency causes alterations in RBCs that tend to be variable, whereas thalassemia generally results in more uniformly smaller cells. -In patients with the b-thalassemia trait, the Mentzer index is usually less than 13. - in patients with iron deficiency, it is usually greater than 13.
  • 45. Thalasemia trait • Peripheral smear in beta- thalassemia minor showing microcytes (M), target cells (T), and poikilocytes.
  • 46. the overall sizes and shapes of the RBC's are less uniform (increased anisocytosis and poikilocytosis).
  • 47. Calculation of the Mentzer index
  • 48. MEAN CELL HEMOGLOBIN (MCH) • MCH is the average amount of hemoglobin in a single red cell. • It is obtained by dividing hemoglobin value by red cell count. •1 picogram = 1.0 × 10-12 grams •More sensitive than MCV
  • 49. MCHC It is important in diagnosis of congenital Spherocytosis (MCHC > 35)
  • 50.
  • 51. red cell distribution width (RDW) • RDW = anisocytosis . • The RDW is a quantification of anisocytosis (variation in RBC size). • In children, normal values range from about 11.5% to 14.5% but can vary among instruments. • When elevated in a patient with microcytosis, it suggests that iron deficiency is a more likely cause of anemia than the thalassemia trait. • Children with the thalassemia trait tend to have values that overlap with normal RDW values. -RDW is low in thalassemia trait . - RDW is high in iron deficiency anemia. - RDW is normal in anemia of chronic disease.
  • 52. REFERENCE RANGES • MCV: 80-100 fl • MCH: 27-32 pg • MCHC: 30-35 g/dl • RDW: 11.5% -14.5
  • 53.
  • 54. RBCs
  • 55. Components of Blood • White Blood Cells (Leukocytes) – Margination – Phagocytosis The macrophage is using its internal cytoskeleton to envelop cells of the fungus Candida albicans.
  • 56. Components of Blood • Leukocytes (cont.) – White Blood Cell Count – Leukopoiesis • Granulocytes – Neutrophil – Basophil – Eosinophil • Monocytes • Lymphocytes Human Neutrophil: Phagocytosis of Strep pyogenes
  • 59. • A 5-year-old white female has multiple bruises on her lower extremities and oral mucosal bleeding of 3 days’ duration. • -Two weeks before these signs, she had a mild respiratory tract infection. • Physical examination reveals multiple ecchymoses and petechiae. • no lymphadenopathy or hepatosplenomegaly is noted. • - CBC WBC 6500/μL (4000-11,000/μL) Hemoglobin 14.5 g/dL (13.5-17.5 g/dL) Platelets 44,000/μL (150,000-400,000/μL) Case1
  • 60. Case 1 A • (ITP) is an acute process that often follows an upper respiratory tract infection. • Leukemia is always a worrisome possibility but is extremely unusual in the absence of anemia, leukopenia or blasts, lymphadenopathy, or hepatosplenomegaly.
  • 61. • An 18-month-old male appears hungry; in fact, he drinks a quart of whole milk a day and also eats dirt “picky eaters.”. • Intake of solid foods is sporadic . • Physical examination reveals mild pallor of the conjunctivae. • He has no hepatosplenomegaly, and the rest of the examination findings are normal. • CBC :-↓↓ MCV + ↓↓ MCH + Normal Reticulocytic count Case2
  • 62. Case 2 A • - This is a classic case of iron-deficiency anemia - Iron therapy →Reticulocytosis peaks at 5—7 days. - when the hemoglobin and hematocrit return to normal , Continue iron for 4—8 weeks because Stores of iron need to be repleted, and 4—8 weeks is required. - If the patient does not experience improvement in his anemia , Gastrointestinal blood loss , Thalassemia & Cow's milk protein allergy (CMPA) should be explored .
  • 65. Case 4 -A 22 month old boy presents to your office with a chief complaint of pallor. - CBC:- WBC 6,100, Hgb 6.2 g/dl, Hct 19.8%, Plt 589,000, MCV 54 fL, RDW 17%. Reticulocyte count is 1.8%. - The lab reports microcytosis, hypochromia, mild anisocytosis and polychromasia.
  • 66. Case4 answer • Anemia occurs when the red blood cell mass or hemoglobin content is too low to meet a person's physiologic demands. In children, • "normal" levels vary with age, gender, and geographic location (height above sea level).
  • 67. Case 5 • A 12-month-old female is found to have Hgb 8 and mean corpuscular volume (MCV) 65 on routine complete blood (cell) count (CBC) screen. What is the likely cause of these abnormal laboratory values?
  • 68. Case5 ,Answer • iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia in children, especially in children 6-months to 3-years-old. • in this age group, it is commonly caused by inadequate nutritional intake. • This child’s diet likely consists of only milk, which would not supply adequate iron. • A thalassemia disorder may also be considered in this patient.
  • 69. Case6 • An 8-month-old boy is found to have low hemoglobin and low MCV on a routine CBC. He is treated with iron supplementation for 5 months, but on repeat CBC, he is still anemic. What is the likely cause of his anemia?.
  • 70. Case6 ,Answer • One option for his continued anemia is noncompliance with medications • if the child was not given his iron supplements, we would not expect his anemia to improve. • However, assuming he had good compliance with his medications, he likely has alpha or beta thalassemia trait in addition to a treated iron deficiency anemia, diagnosed by hemoglobin electrophoresis.
  • 71. Case7 • A 4-year-old boy is noted to be more pale and less active over the past week. • On physical exam you notice petechiae and bruising. His mother denies recent episodes of epistaxis or gum bleeding. • CBC shows :- 1-WBC 8, Hgb 7.9, MCV 81, Plt 29K. Retic 1.5%. 2-Differential: 12 N, 75 L, 6 M, 2 E, 5 atypical lymphocytes. • What is in your differential diagnosis?
  • 72. Case7 ,Answer • The patient is anemic, thrombocytopenic, and neutropenic. • Possible etiologies include aplastic anemia, leukemia, and viral suppression. • Given the five atypical cells on the differential, leukemia should be strongly considered.
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