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Kham thảo miễn phí – Kết bạn Zalo/Tele mình 0917.193.864
Education level: Bachelor's Degree
Major: English Language
Student ID: ……………
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Kham thảo miễn phí – Kết bạn Zalo/Tele mình 0917.193.864
INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................1
1. Rational..............................................................................................................................1
2. Report objectives ...............................................................................................................2
3. Scope of the report.............................................................................................................3
4. Report structure..................................................................................................................3
1.1. Literature Review............................................................................................................4
1.1.1. Concept of Vocabulary ............................................................................................4
1.1.2. Overview of Business...............................................................................................5
1.1.3. Business English Vocabulary...................................................................................5
1.2. Implementation Methodology.........................................................................................8
2.1. Expected product ..........................................................................................................10
2.1.1. Commonly abbreviated Business English Vocabulary ..........................................10
2.1.2. Business English vocabulary in meeting usage .....................................................11
2.1.3. Business English vocabulary for business majors.................................................12
2.2. Implementation plan .....................................................................................................13
2.2.1. Planning requirements when using business English vocabularies ......................13
2.2.2. Methods to learn Business English vocabularies to use effectively.......................16
2.2.3. Usage examples for some business English vocabularies .....................................19
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................25
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1. Rational
Vocabulary is a collection of familiar words in a person's language. Vocabulary
usually develops with age. It is a useful and basic tool for communicating and acquiring
knowledge. Mastering a wide vocabulary is one of the biggest challenges in learning a
second language.
The first major change is that when evaluating word knowledge, it is necessary
to distinguish whether knowledge is generated (also known as realization) or acquired
(also known as acquisition); Even in those opposing categories, there is usually no
obvious difference. Words that can usually be understood when listening, reading or
seeing constitute a person's receptive vocabulary. These words can range from well-
known to almost unknown (see the level of knowledge below). A person's acceptable
vocabulary is usually the larger of the two. For example, while a young child may not
be able to speak, write or sign yet, he may follow simple commands and seem to
understand a large part of the language they are exposed to. In this case, the child's
receptive vocabulary may be dozens, if not hundreds, but his active vocabulary is zero.
However, when a child learns to speak or sign his name, his positive vocabulary begins
to increase. Useful vocabulary may also be larger than acquired vocabulary. For
example, second language learners learn vocabulary through learning rather than
contact, which can produce vocabulary, but it is difficult to recognize it in conversation
(Coady, 1997).
Therefore, effective words usually refer to words that can be produced in an
appropriate context and conform to the intention of the speaker or signatory. However,
like receptive vocabulary, a particular word can be regarded as a part of active
vocabulary on many levels. Knowing how to pronounce, sign or write a word does not
necessarily mean that the word correctly and accurately reflects the information about
the intention; but it reflects a very small amount of valid knowledge.
Business English is a part of English for Specific Purposes, which can be used
as a major in English learning and teaching, and also as a variant of International
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English. Many non-native English speakers learn this subject to do business with
English-speaking countries or with companies outside the English-speaking world that
still use English as the common or common language. In business circles around the
world, most English communication takes place between non-native speakers. Business
English has different meanings for different people. For some, it focuses on vocabulary
and themes used in business, trade, finance and international relations. For others, it
refers to communication skills used at work and focuses on the language and skills
required for typical business communication, such as presentations, negotiations,
meetings, small talk, socializing, communication, report writing, and systems
approaches (Lee, 2003).
Vocabulary and grammar are your two most basic and important tools. If you
want to communicate effectively in business English, your English grammar is
absolutely necessary. You should know how each tense is constructed and how and
when it should be used. You need to know how to (1) make affirmative statements, (2)
make negative statements, (3) ask questions and rhetorical questions, and (4) make
questions with all tenses, including affirmative and negative. For example, this is the
simple present tense, which shows all four forms. However, isolated sentences often
fail to provide a complete concept of verb usage. Only a good grammar book and a lot
of practice can do this! You need to be able to use these four forms together with all
tenses in English.
Mastering English tenses and knowing when to use them is very important to
cultivate your communicative competence. Remember, good grammar is one of your
most important tools in business and management. Due to mastering business English
vocabulary is extremely important, so I chose "100 common Business English
vocabularies and their usages" as the topic of my graduation project.
2. Report objectives
My purpose in this report is to be able to apply the knowledge and usages to
common Business English vocabularies and their usages. And more importantly, By
listing more than 100 business English words, the planning report performs an analysis
of the use cases of these words in a business environment, helping learners to know how
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to use English vocabulary. In fact, when going to work and interacting with the business
world, one must know that the communication relationship in this field is completely
different from the normal life environment and other fields.
3. Scope of the report
The scope of this report is limited to the framework of 100 common Business
English vocabularies and their usages. From there, it shows situations and limits to use
business vocabularies appropriately and effectively.
4. Report structure
In addition to the Introduction, Conclusion and References, the content of the
report is divided into two specific chapters as follows:
Chapter 1: Literature Review and Implementation Methodology
Chapter 2: Expected Product and Implementation Plan.
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1.1. Literature Review
1.1.1. Concept of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is defined as a collection of words used or understood by a specific
person, class, occupation, etc. But what is understanding? Full knowledge and
understanding of something, such as the meaning of a word. What does "understand a
word" mean? Can you recognize one? Manage, that is, use one? Sometimes, when
people, even some experts, talk about knowing a word, they mean knowing its
definition. However, knowing a definition is not the same as being able to manage the
word, use it in speech and text, or understand the text in which the word appears.
Perhaps the lengthy answer is that when students really recognize a word, they know
not only the definition of the word, but also how the word works in different contexts.
As Juel and Deffes (2004) say, knowing a word includes knowing how it is pronounced,
how it is written, how it is used as a part of speech, and many of its meanings. Or as
Stahl (2005, p. 55) put it, Lexical knowledge is knowledge; Understanding a word
means not only a definition, but also how the word fits into the world.
Looking at one of the directions of this relationship, vocabulary has been
understood as one of the main predictors of reading success. "If you don't understand
the vocabulary of the text, you can't understand the text, whether in your mother tongue
or foreign language" (Laufer, 1997, p. 20). A large number of studies have shown that
there is a close relationship between various vocabulary and reading comprehension in
both foreign language (Anderson & Freebody, 1981) and second language context
(Laufer, 1991). When considering the influence of vocabulary knowledge on reading,
one of the most important issues is the vocabulary required for successful reading.
Successful comprehension obviously depends on the purpose of reading, that is,
whether it is important to read, whether it is specific to read, and so on. In the native
language context, we can assume that the reader has the necessary vocabulary, as long
as the reading conforms to the grade. However, since we cannot make such assumptions
for second language readers, vocabulary reading becomes particularly important in the
second language context. So, how many words do you need to read a second language?
The answer to this question depends on two main points: FI RST, which is the
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percentage of words in a particular text that we need to know in order to get a
comprehensive and successful understanding ("vocabulary coverage"); Secondly, in
order to achieve such vocabulary coverage, we need to know the vocabulary-that is, the
number of word families.
At first, some people thought that in order to read successfully, students needed
to know about 95% of the words in the text (Laufer, 1989). 95% vocabulary coverage
means that for every 20 words run in the text, there will be one unknown word. This
basic coverage figure has been extended to a wide range of learners and learning
conditions and has lasted for more than a decade. However, recent research shows that
95% coverage is not enough to ensure successful understanding, while 98% coverage
is a better and more realistic figure needed to understand the text (Hu & Nation, 2000).
With 98% coverage, readers can not only better understand the text, but also guess any
unfamiliar words. However, other and even more recent studies show that there is no
clear threshold, but linear progress, and greater coverage leads to better understanding
(Schmidt, Jiang, Grabe). Therefore, no single percentage is necessary for successful
reading comprehension, but it seems to be between 95% and 98%.
1.1.2. Overview of Business
Business refers to the activity of making a living or making money by producing
or trading products (such as goods and services) (American Heritage Dictionary, 2019).
To put it simply, it is "any activity or business for profit" (Burton, 2007). Owning a
business name does not separate the main body of the business from the owner, which
means that the owner must bear the responsibility and compensation liability for the
debts incurred by the business. If the enterprise receives debts, creditors can take back
the owner's personal property. Business structure that does not allow corporate tax rate.
Individual owners must tax all their business income.
This word is also often used colloquially (but not lawyers or civil servants) to
refer to companies. On the other hand, the company is an independent legal person,
which stipulates limited liability and corporate tax rate. The structure of the company
is more complex and it is more expensive to set up, but it provides more protection and
benefits for the owners.
1.1.3. Business English Vocabulary
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Is there any difference between understanding general vocabulary and
understanding business vocabulary? We believe that in order to fully learn a word and
its connotation, students need to contact the word repeatedly in different reading
contexts. Whether a word is part of a general vocabulary or a business vocabulary, "as
Starr put it, word meaning is not just irrelevant information, but part of a larger
knowledge structure." (Stahl, 1999). Now is the time to make a short but valuable
digression: We will define some terms that distinguish between general vocabulary and
English teaching (ELT), business vocabulary and ESP. Common vocabulary includes
all words in a language, that is, vocabulary. Barcroft, Sandman and Schmidt (2011, p.
571) tell us that vocabulary "refers to all the words of a language, all the words of a
Business vocabulary is called "focus vocabulary" by experts because it is a set
of technical terms that are particularly important to a specific group, in this case,
especially for people with specific business experience or activities. Business
vocabulary is a part of Business English, which is a kind of English used in international
trade, business, management, finance, insurance, banking and other business
environments. It includes the expectation of clarity, especially vocabulary. Business
English is a part of English for Specific Purposes (ESP). English for Specific Purposes
(ESP) is a term used to teach or learn English for a particular occupation. Dudley-
Yevans (1997) defined ESP from the perspective of absolute features (ESP is defined
to meet the special needs of learners; It makes use of the basic methods and activities
of the industries it serves; It centers on languages suitable for these activities in terms
of grammar, vocabulary, register, learning skills, discourse and genre) and variable
features (especially languages that may be related to or designed for specific
disciplines); In a specific teaching environment, different teaching methods from
ordinary English can be adopted; Designed for adult learning; It is usually designed for
intermediate or senior students; Most ESP courses assume some basic knowledge of the
language system), which contributes to a better understanding of ESP.
The stylistic variation of Business English vocabulary is an important factor that
must be considered in the teaching of Business English vocabulary. Some formal
vocabulary is mainly used in written writing, while others are mainly used in spoken or
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conversational language. In a number of recent studies, Business English corpus data
has been used to study registry genre and variation (James & Purche, 1996; Curado
Fuentes, 2000). Vocabulary diversity can be found in email text, where words and
phrases resemble conversational input or provide a dimension closer to academic
writing. James and Purche (1996) described a study of vocabulary choice in economics
and business science in university teaching. They analyzed terms borrowed from
professional technical fields and selected keywords based on the frequency and
dispersion of textbook topic-based terms.
The use of business vocabulary in different related business fields has resulted
in a great deal of ambiguity and synonymy in the naming of economic concepts.
Radosavljeviü (2010) discussed the problem of "multi-meaning" in BE vocabulary. This
study suggests that English language teachers and learners should understand the
technical meanings of business terms, understand professional knowledge, and establish
context awareness to eliminate "diversity" and ambiguity. The extensive use of
buzzwords, new words, and a large number of metaphors and idioms in business
discourse is a prominent feature of business discourse, and it also burdens economics
students and their language consultants. In commercial dictionaries, many dictionaries
are called informal dictionaries, but many dictionaries are not limited to spoken contexts
and can also be used in written texts, such as articles about venture capital funding.
The application of metaphor in the field of economics has attracted much
attention. A number of studies attempt to explore conceptual metaphors in specific areas
of business news and identify the conditions under which metaphor awareness is
beneficial for broadening learners' vocabulary. (Boers, 2004, Koller, 2004). According
to Boers and Demecheleer (1997), typical metaphorical themes in economics are
mechanisms and machines (regulating economic growth), animals (guiding of seagulls,
usury), plants and gardening, health and fitness (company doctors, financial pumps),
combat and war (conquer markets), ships and maritime (hit rocks, sway) and sports (in
the extreme positions). Although most linguists believe that metaphors should be
included in the English curriculum, it is not entirely clear which metaphors should be
taught and "how many metaphors are needed to achieve this." long-term benefits in
expanding learners' vocabulary" (Boers, 2004, p. 228). Another notable feature of
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economic terminology and business jargon is the widespread use of various acronyms,
such as acronyms (APR, GDP, PLC), acronyms (analytics), SWOT, ROI), newspaper
clipping (Inc., ad/advert, rep) and mixed words (glocalization, infomercial, flexecutive).
Pop and Sim (2009) attempted an in-depth analysis of some of the acronyms and
abbreviations used in BE. However, given the great difficulties in deciphering and
translating abbreviations commonly used in business English articles, it is important to
teach how to teach abbreviations commonly used in business vocabulary remains to be
English is recognized as the most common language in the world, making it the
most important language in business. Even if you have a good basic English level,
learning Business English will give you the opportunity to show a wider range of
professional vocabulary, which will bring new opportunities to your career.
Learning Business English can help you develop useful English skills in an office
or other business environment. By understanding the communication skills you need at
work, you can gain the confidence to build strong relationships with colleagues and
1.2. Implementation Methodology
]In order to complete the report, a number of research methods were used. First,
the descriptive method is used to describe some of the 100 common Business English
vocabularies. The secondly is that this report uses data synthesis and analysis method.
I have collected secondary data such as the 100 common Business English
vocabularies,... After collecting data, I conduct a review of usages for that common
Business English vocabularies. The research methods have been used flexibly in the
Business English uses a specific language corpus, emphasizes a specific type of
communication in a specific context, and uses a combination of specific content and
general content (Ellis & Johnson, 1994). Business English students need to focus on
learning vocabulary and phrases used in the business world. In addition, they must be
familiar with understanding and writing business letters/emails, memos, invitations,
suggestions and reports, and must be good at preparing and submitting presentations in
a business context.
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At present, there is no exact definition of business English. If you ask the teacher
who teaches this subject, you will get very different answers. Many people think that
learning business English revolves around learning specialized vocabulary. However,
others say it is learning English communication skills in business situations.
Usually, Business English refers to English used in business context, such as
business, international transactions, finance, insurance, banking and other English used
in the office.
In this article, I will make a collection of 100 business English words based on
the criteria of their intended use, divided into steps corresponding to those criteria as
Step 1: Commonly abbreviated Business English Vocabulary: includes 55
Step 2: Business English vocabulary in meeting use: including 29 words;
Step 3: Business English vocabulary for business majors: including 26 words.
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2.1. Expected product
At universities, Business English programs often provide training in theory,
structure, practice of English linguistics, advanced training in English translation and
interpretation in the international business and business environment.
The goal of this learning processes is to provide students with basic knowledge
of advanced practical English skills of listening - speaking - reading, language, culture,
effective writing, and logical thinking about specialized knowledge. However, that is
not to say that only someone who attended a 4-year university can be firm on this
language topic. If you have a desire to switch to commerce or suddenly need to expand
your knowledge, business English vocabulary is still there waiting for you.
Let's refer to some common business English vocabulary below to make it easier
to visualize:
2.1.1. Commonly abbreviated Business English Vocabulary
No. Abbreviations English vocabulary
1. @ at (Usually followed by address, part of an
email address)
2. a/c account
3. admin administration, administrative
4. ad/advert advertisement
5. AGM Annual General Meeting
6. a.m. ante meridiem
7. a/o account of
8. AOB any other business
9. ASAP as soon as possible
10. ATM Automated Teller Machine
11. attn for the attention of
12. approx approximately
13. A.V. Authorized Version
14. bcc blind carbon copy
15. cc carbon copy
16. CEO Chief Executive Officer
17. c/o care of
18. Co company
19. cm centimetre
20. COD Cash On Delivery
21. dept department
22. doc. document
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23. e.g. exempli gratia (for example)
24. EGM Extraordinary General Meeting
25. ETA estimated time of arrival
26. etc et caetera
27. GDP Gross Domestic Product
28. lab. laboratory
29. Ltd limited (company)
30. mo month
31. N/A not applicable
32. NB nota bene (it is important to note)
33. no. number
34. obs. obsolete
35. PA personal assistant
36. p.a. per annum (per year)
37. Plc public limited company
38. pls please
39. p.m. post meridiem (after noon)
40. p.p. per pro (used before signing in a person’s
41. PR public relations
42. p.s. post scriptum
43. PTO please turn over
44. p.w. per week
45. qty quantity
46. R & D research and development
47. re / ref with reference to
48. ROI return on investment
49. RSVP repondez s‘il vous plait (please reply)
50. s.a.e. stamped addressed envelope
51. VAT value added tax
52. VIP very important person
53. vol volume
54. wkly weekly
55. yr year
Contemporary English seems to really like acronyms and acronyms; Read the
sports page and you'll see the NBA, NFL or NHL. Reading international news, you may
see CIA or Interpol. CIA is an acronym because we say the letters separately, while
Interpol is an acronym because we say the letters as one word.
The business community is particularly fond of abbreviations and acronyms,
which can be confusing during meetings. Many English expressions are also used in
business. At international staff meetings, native English speakers often forget that many
employees may not automatically know the meaning of acronyms and abbreviations.
2.1.2. Business English vocabulary in meeting usage
No. English vocabulary
56. Absentee
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57. Agenda (List of issues to be resolved in the meeting)
58. Alternative
59. Attendee (Participants in the meeting)
60. Ballot
61. Casting vote (The chairperson decides when the voting
results are equal)
62. Chairman
(Who chaired the meeting)
63. Clarify
64. Conference
65. Conference call
66. Consensus
67. Deadline
(A fixed time in the future to complete a task)
68. Decision
69. I-conference
70. Interrupt
71. Item (A problem to be solved in the meeting)
72. Main point
73. Minutes
74. Objective
75. Point out
76. Proposal
77. Proxy vote
78. Recommend
79. Show of hands
80. Summary
81. Task
82. Unanimous
83. Video conference
84. Vote
English is the primary language of international business. To remain competitive
in the workplace, individuals need to improve their abilities and fluency. Meetings are
an important part of the modern workplace and individuals need to develop effective
communication skills for them.
In our fast-paced international economy, understanding the right phrases,
language, and conversational tone will help to use the correct phrases, language, and
conversational tone in workplace meetings.
The above has covered basic communication skills for business meetings,
including useful phrases, vocabulary, and terms. You will improve your ability to lead
meetings and publish work reports.
2.1.3. Business English vocabulary for business majors
No. English vocabulary
85. Banknote
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86. Bitcoin
87. Borrow
88. Broke(be broke)
89. Budget
90. Cash
91. Cashier
92. Cheque(US: check)
93. Coin
94. Currency
95. Debt
96. Deposit
97. Donate
98. Exchange rate
99. Fee
100. Instalment
101. Interest
102. Organize
103. Legal tender
104. Guidance
105. Expand
106. Clause
107. Null and void
108. Receipt
109. Refund
110. Competitor
The business manager is responsible for the organizational, management and
operational functions of the company. You may have met business managers known as
Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), General Managers or Chief Operations Officers.
If you want to learn more about this line, above we have listed the vocabulary
related to business expertise. Even if you think you are not interested in this field, these
words are still very useful to understand business in general.
2.2. Implementation plan
2.2.1. Planning requirements when using business English vocabularies
The plan to use the above business English terms can be explained as follows:
- Clarity in communication and business texts
Through the 110 business English words listed above, it can be seen that the
obvious difference between the names of Business English and General English.
Business English with Business, which relates to the economic field, is used in the
business environment, rather than the common topic of daily communication.
When using business English, clarity, logic and coherence are extremely necessary
factors. In direct communication, if the communication is not easy to understand, it will
take time, which shows a lack of professionalism. In some cases, it will affect the
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survival decision of enterprises. Especially in contracts or commercial documents, this
factor is more important than ever. Therefore, engaging in this profession is a serious
and unremitting effort.
- Short, direct vocabulary
Because of the clear, coherent and logical nature we mentioned above, you need
to avoid the following mistakes when using Business English:
 Business platitudes, avoid using metaphorical English phrases, which have
many misleading meanings.
For example: lasted an eternity, one man's trash is another man's treasure, at the
speed of light, time heals all wounds...
 Idioms, proverbs
For example: use "consensus" instead of "in chorus.”
Long verbs: replace them with synonymous short verbs.
For example: The early bird gets the worm; he hit a home run with that project!
Phrasal verbs: When you can use a single verb, please avoid using phrasal verbs.
- Simple but effective grammar
In business English, in order to ensure comprehensibility, you should use simple
grammatical structures. Complex grammar is only used for academic English or IELTS.
The tenses that should be used are current application, current continuation, past
application, future application,…
The difficulty of learning business English is not a problem that many of you
intend to choose this major to study. Usually, in the first two years of college, you will
study general subjects. By the third year, this is a very important moment, and you can
choose the major you want. Some industries have received training, such as tourism
English, business English, translation-interpretation, etc. Similar to other English
majors, you need to prepare yourself with certain knowledge and language skills when
learning business English. Before entering a major, English students must improve their
listening-speaking-reading-writing skills above average. Students in this field not only
learn English, but also learn a lot about business and economics. Some of the topics you
need to meet are management, basic marketing, microeconomics, accounting principles,
import and export operations... In addition, there are some subjects where skills are
practiced, such as speaking or thesis writing. All these will be taught in English. This is
not only your daily exposure to this foreign language, but also difficult, because the
course will be very heavy and difficult, requiring you to work harder to understand all
the knowledge that the teacher is imparting.
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In addition, in business communication and negotiation, we will encounter
sentences using the above business English terms, which need to be applied fluently
and in the right context. Some examples of how to use business English vocabulary in
sentences are as follows:
- Could you tell me something about your price?
- I can offer you this goods with attractive price.
- We prepared to give you a quotation based upon the prevailing international
market price.
- The price we quoted is firm for 1 day only.
- We will get another lower offer.
- I assure him that our price is the most favourable.
- According to the quantity of your request, the cost could be negotiable.
- The product has price is $20.
- If he is interested, they will offer as soon as possible.
- We will consider her price request for new products.
- We’d like to order 200 boxes of toys.
- He’s afraid we can’t meet his demand.
- They are your old customers, please give their some priority on supply.
- How many sets of this good do you intend to order?
- Our minimum quantity of an order for this toy is 1000 boxes.
- I’m interested in your cups, so I’s like to order of 200.
- I hope this will be the first of order i placed with you.
- They’ll submit for the orders if this one is completed to their satisfaction.
- You look forward to receiving her acknowledgement as early as possible.
Common business English words like "price," "quantity" etc. used in these
sentences in a very orderly, well-ordered manner. Those are the communication
sentences in the field of commercial business that everyone will experience.
Vocabulary is always a fundamental element and an important knowledge in
learning English, especially business English. You will not be able to communicate with
customers or conduct negotiations with partners if you lack specialized capital, right?
Therefore, cultivating and expanding business English vocabulary is extremely
necessary. You can search for these word lists on Google, or learn through business and
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economic articles. A small tip to remember specialized vocabulary for a long time is
that you can study by topic. Study a little each day, there will be a day when you will
equip yourself with a sufficient vocabulary!
2.2.2. Methods to learn Business English vocabularies to use effectively
In the Business sector, it is very common for you to research and write market
reports. In addition, you also need to have the skills to write emails, draft contracts with
partners,... Therefore, if you don't write in a clear, coherent and commercial style, it's a
disadvantage, isn't it? The most effective trick here is to practice writing regularly. Start
writing short paragraphs with a basic topic first, then delve into specialized topics later.
 Read and watch business news
One of the most important skills of learning and using Business English is to
research and grasp the trends of the Vietnamese market and even the world. To do this
well, you need to have the knowledge and work hard to update the news regularly.
Business newspapers and magazines are extremely useful sources of information that
you cannot ignore, so please read diligently every day to receive useful knowledge.
The sources of magazines and trade newspapers are the most useful documents
if you want to learn English in this field. Through reading newspapers, you will update
current trends quickly and accurately. In addition, reading newspapers also helps you
to expand your specialized vocabulary, very well applied when communicating with
partners or writing reports, emails, ... Some typical ones are:
- The Economist is a famous British economic and trade magazine. Here, you
can find many articles in a variety of topics such as Economics, Finance, Technology,
even Politics, Culture. The weakness of this journal is that the articles are quite
academic, using a lot of specialized vocabulary. Some articles have a rather strange
style, using a lot of metaphorical images, so it is a bit difficult for beginners. In return,
you can learn how to write skillfully and use the author's extremely ingenious
- BBC Learning English has long been a rich source of English language
learning. You can find lessons on phonics, listening practice, grammar,... The website
also has a section dedicated to Business English, which is General & Business English.
This category includes many other subsections such as Talk Business, English at Work,
Work Abroad,... This is a very good source for you to improve your vocabulary,
grammar and comprehensively develop the four skills of Listening - Speaking - Reading
- Writing for English in general and business English in particular.
- Business English Pod: This is really a very useful Business English resource,
especially for those who practice writing business English. With about 65 million
lessons in a variety of topics and skills such as negotiation, presentation, meeting,...,
you will deepen your understanding of vocabulary and communication situations in the
Business English major.
Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 –
- New York Times: Improving your business vocabulary is more than learning
new words. You need to figure out how they work. For advanced learners like you, the
quickest way is to read and watch business news frequently. Subscribing to the New
York Times and trying to read at least one article a day is an easy way to keep abreast
of the latest business news. Their Business Day section includes articles on a variety of
business topics and includes American and international business news. If you want to
pay more attention to business news related to your particular job or field, see if you
can find something suitable for your needs in online magazines.
Starting to learn business English you should start with the vocabulary first. The
in-depth commercial vocabulary in your mind will help you initially eliminate the
confusion when interacting and working in international environments, especially in
reading and understanding specialized documents or translating - interpreting in a
number of events, seminars on economic - trade. However, most of these types of
vocabulary will be quite difficult to learn, so do not ignore the superior vocabulary
memorization methods to help yourself absorb a large amount of specialized
 Set goals for learning new words every day
You can hear new business words around you. Sometimes it's as simple as talking
to people or reading news websites. But don't stop here. In order to learn business
English vocabulary more quickly, set a goal for yourself to learn as many new words as
possible every day. A popular learning option that many learners like is to use flashcards
or flashcard apps. You can find existing business vocabulary templates or flashcards
online to create your own flashcards. Even if you learn four or five new words every
day, it will be very different over time.
 Use the words you’ve learned
Learning new words is a good thing. But it is more important to learn how and
where to use these words. To do this, you need to really use these words in your daily
work. Apply them to different situations and contexts until you are free to use them.
 Forget to translate
Learn to understand business terms directly in English without translating them
in your mind. It may be tempting to test the meaning of a new word in your language,
but try not to do so, because you will create additional obstacles in understanding. And
there is often no ideal translation. In your country, you may use the names of some
subjects to do this, such as computers, internet, budgets, reports and so on. So the next
time you see or hear a new word at work, try to understand its meaning from the context.
If you don't know it yet, you can search for it on the Internet with English definition.
 Create your own mini dictionary
Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 –
Using a small notebook, start creating your own simple business vocabulary
dictionary. You can do this by creating sections related to general business topics. For
 Banknote
 Bitcoin
 Borrow
 Broke
 Budget
 Cash
 Cashier
Every time you encounter a new word or business phrase, add it to the
appropriate part of the manual. Write down your own simple definition next to each
word. It's best to write an example, because it will help to enhance your understanding.
 Start with what you know
When you start learning business vocabulary, you should focus on the business
areas that are most important to you, such as accounting terminology or logistics
terminology. You may already know a lot of English words related to your work, but it
will obviously help you learn more, and you will feel more interested in learning the
language, so you can put it into practice immediately.
 Listen to business conversations
The best way to learn and improve your business vocabulary is to listen to it
used. In our Wall Street English course, video stories include a business script, so you
can listen to and practice business vocabulary from the first level in each class. Learning
Business English is an ideal course because it is well structured and suitable for your
level and needs. Learn more about our Business English course.
You can also hear words related to business English on news websites with
economic or financial news videos. If you don't understand every word they say, don't
worry, just listen to the key words they repeat and emphasize, and try to understand the
general meaning.
 Pay attention to pronunciation
When you learn new business English vocabulary, make sure you focus on
learning the correct pronunciation. This is important not only for your pronunciation,
but also for you to hear others use it. If you learn the wrong pronunciation, you won't
recognize it. Unfortunately, many words in English are written in this way, and
pronunciation is another way, so when you write down a word (in your new little
dictionary!) Write down its pronunciation. For example, a salesman who sells a product
or service/'seilz pur son/.
Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 –
 Fun quizzes
We need to have some interesting interactive quizzes where you can learn and
review vocabulary and many useful terms in business scenarios. Therefore, be sure to
use this information by clicking the practice area of the panel or trying the Quick
English Test below.
2.2.3. Usage examples for some business English vocabularies
Now let's see the 25 advanced Business English words prepared. Many of these
words have general meanings, but in this paper they will be discussed only in the
business context.
1. Organize
The verb to organize means to methodically arrange something (such as a report
or product) or plan a function (eg, a business meetings or events). Illustrative sentence:
Our sales and marketing team will be organize the upcoming Annual Sales
Conference in Las Vegas.
2. Guidance
The guidance of a noun comes from the guidance of the verb that means the way
of leads or leads. Guidance therefore refers to the act of giving direction or help.
Example sentences:
Our manager, Martha, told us to visit her for guidance.
3. Expand
The verb to expand means to increase the size or number of things. In business,
we often talk about expanding a division or a business. Example sentences:
I have heard that your company plans to expand to Europe and China next year.
4. Clause
In business law, the noun clause is a statement or term in a contract. Example
Our legal team has raised some questions about some of the clauses in the
5. Null and void
The term null and void is a contract or clause that is invalid, not binding, or
without legal force. Example sentences:
If we do not renew it now, our lease will null and void within 30 days.
6. Competitor
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The noun competitor for the finger is another business that tries to perform better
than your business and other businesses. You can also call all your competitors
competitors. Example sentences:
Management is concerned about the number of new competitors entering the
market this year.
7. Invoice
The noun invoice is an itemized list showing a list of goods sold or services
offered, prices, and total amount to be paid. Example sentences:
Don't forget that we need to pay within 45 days of receiving the invoice.
8. Counteroffer
Counteroffer is your response to the other party's offer. If you are not satisfied
with the offer someone to you, you can make a counteroffer. Example sentences:
John offered to sell me his used car for $15,000.It's a good car, but that's a little
too expensive.So I'll give him a counteroffer.
9. Trademark
The noun trademark is the official registered name, symbol or mark used to
represent a product or company. A trademark can also be used as a verb.It is similar in
some respects to a copyright or patent, but not identical. Example sentences:
One of the world's most famous trademarks today is the McDonald's symbol,
“Golden Arches.”
10. Consensus
The noun consensus is an idea or opinion that everyone agrees with. Example
After four hours, the committee still cannot consensus, so they will meet again
next week.
11. Public relations
Public relations is the activity used to promote and create a good image of your
public company, enabling people to view it in a positive way. Using an abbreviated PR
is also very common. Example sentence:
I felt that sponsoring the National Fitness program would be a great public
relations initiative.
12. Agenda
The noun agenda is a list of things that are discussed or done at a meeting or at a
business event. Example sentences:
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Are you sure we can do everything on today's agenda in 2 hours?
13. Visual aids
Visual aids include charts, pictures, maps, etc. This makes something easier for
your audience to understand something. If you are using a presentation or attending a
meeting, you usually use visual aids. Example sentences:
Your visual aids really helped me get a better understanding of this complex
construction project.
14. After-sales service
After-sales service is the services you continue to provide such as maintenance
and repair after the customer purchases a product or service. Example sentences:
Our company’s after-sales service is considered one of the best products in the
electronics market.
15. Strategy
The noun strategy in business refer to plans that are carefully put together to
achieve a certain goal. Example sentences:
Our corporate division is developing strategy to make our company at the top of
the tourism industry.
16. Estimate
The noun estimate refers to general concepts about the value, size or cost of
something. Estimates can also be used as a verb, but pronounced a bit different; click
here to hear the difference. Example sentences:
The financial team asked several information technology companies to make
estimates to understand project costs.
17. Equipment
The noun equipment is used to talk about a set of tools or devices that you need
for a special purpose. For example, office equipment may include photocopiers,
cabinets, etc. Example sentences:
My manager believes that we should sell the unused office equipment to create
more space.
18. Branch
The noun branch is the office or store of a corporation. Example sentences:
Our bank will open many new branches in smaller cities next year.
19. Dress code
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The term dress code refers to a set of corporate rules regarding clothing that can
be worn and can not be worn at work. By the way, if you want to do business
internationally, it is definitely a good idea to study some dress codes (including
commercial and informal situations) for the country that you are going to work on. It
can be very formal or strict than it —— some rules may surprise you! Check out some
pictures to see what wedding dresses look like in English speaking countries and
clothing tips for various situations around the world. Example sentences:
Our company has a strict dress code and requires all customer service staff to
wear suits.
20. Guarantee
A verb of guarantee is usually an assurance in writing of the quality of your
product or service. A noun guarantee refers to the guarantee itself. If a security also
involves an entity document, the document is commonly called a security. Example
Don't worry, all of our products are guaranteed to prevent major defects.
21. Market research
The phrase market research refers to the research that you do to gather the
information that your customer needs or likes in a certain product or service. Example
New market research shows that food manufacturing is one of the most
profitable countries in China.
22. Authorization
The noun authorization comes from a verb authorization meaning to give
someone legal or official approval to do something. Authorization is the approval itself.
Example sentences:
A refund of over $500 requires authorization from the manager.
23. Fine
The noun fine is the official punishment for breach of contract, usually through
a fine or other payment. Example sentences:
If you do not pay the supplier on time, you will get a 15% fine.
24. Headquarters
The noun headquarters refers to a headquarters where a company is controlled
or managed. It can be used with either singular or plural verbs. Example sentences:
Apple spent about $5 billion to build its new headquarters in Silicon Valley!
Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 –
25. Commercial
The noun commercial refers to paid ads broadcast on radio or television.
Example sentence:
Our marketing department has a smart idea for our next Super Bowl
Remember, if you want to master there common Business English vocabularies,
you need to practice using them in your daily work. Apply the tips I mentioned and you
will soon add more new advanced words to what you just learned.
Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 –
Thus, by listing more than 100 business English words, it is possible to draw some
conclusions about using business English in daily life as follows: Clarity in
communication and business texts; Short, direct vocabulary; and Simple but effective
grammar. Every day you only need to learn 5-10 English words, remember to learn both
semantics, pronunciation, usage and regular practice. This will help you increase your
vocabulary and be more confident in communication.
Increasing your business vocabulary is the work that you can constantly do to
improve your professional communication.Try the following tips:
 Take a business writing course.
 Read the business-related literature.
 Watch the business news clips.
 Buy or download a set of business flashcards and learn a new word every day.
 Use your business vocabulary in daily conversations and written
Whenever you come across a business word that you are not familiar with, you
should look for it on the web to better understand the term or phrase.Type it into a search
engine and browse through the previous results.Reading in depth on this topic will help
you get a comprehensive understanding of the new vocabulary.
Improving your business vocabulary will enable you to talk intelligently and
eloquently about key topics in the workplace and positioning your positioning for career
Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 –
1. American Heritage Dictionary, Archived 2019-03-31 at the Wayback Machine
"business [:] 1. The activity of buying and selling commodities, products, or
2. Burton, William (2007). Burton's Legal Thesaurus (4 ed.). McGraw-Hill
Education. p. 68.
3. Curado Fuentes, A. (2000). Exploitation and assessment of a Business English
corpus through language learning tasks. [Online] Available:
http// (September 20, 2015).
4. Coady, J. (1997). L2 vocabulary acquisition through extensive reading. In J.
Coady & T. Huckin (Eds.), Second language vocabulary acquisition (pp. 225-
237). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
5. Dudley-Evans, T., St John, M. J. (1998). Developments in English for Specific
Purposes: A multi-disciplinary approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University
6. Hu, M., & Nation, P. (2000). Unknown vocabulary density and reading
comprehension. Reading in a Foreign Language, 13(1), 403–30.
7. Ellis, M., & Johnson, C. (1994). Teaching Business English. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
8. Lee, S. H. (2003). ESL learners’ vocabulary use in writing and the effects of
explicit vocabulary instruction. System, 31, 537-561.
9. Laufer, B. (1989). What percentage of text-lexis is essential for comprehension?
In C. Lauren & M. Nordman (Eds.), Special language: From humans thinking
to thinking machines. Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters.
10.Laufer, B. (1991). How much lexis is necessary for reading comprehension? In
P. J. L. Arnaud & H. Bejoint (Eds.), Vocabulary and applied linguistics (pp.
126–32). Basingstoke, England: Palgrave Macmillan.
11.Laufer, B. (1997). The lexical plight in second language reading: Words you
don’t know, words you think you know, and words you can’t guess. In J. Coady
& T. Huckin (Eds.), Second language vocabulary acquisition (pp. 20–34).
Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
12.Stahl, S. A. (2005). Four problems with teaching word meanings (and what to
do to make vocabulary an integral part of instruction). In Hiebert, E. H. and
Kamil, M. L. (eds.), Teaching and learning vocabulary: Bringing research to
practice, Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
13.Schmitt, N., Jiang, X., & Grabe, W. (2021). The percentage of words known in
a text and reading comprehension. Modern Language Journal, 95 (1), 26-43.
14.Juel, C., & Deffes, R. (2004). Making words stick. In Educational Leadership,
61(6), p. 30- 34.
15.James, G., Putchase, J. (1996). Corpus-based Lexical Analysis of English in
Business Studies and Economics. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University of Science
and Technology.

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100 Common Business English Vocabularies And Their Usages.docx

  • 1. Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 – Kham thảo miễn phí – Kết bạn Zalo/Tele mình 0917.193.864 UNIVERSITY OF THE PACIFIC FACULTY OF LANGUAGES, TOURISM AND CULTURE 100 COMMON BUSINESS ENGLISH VOCABULARIES AND THEIR USAGES Education level: Bachelor's Degree Major: English Language Student ID: ……………
  • 2. Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 – i Kham thảo miễn phí – Kết bạn Zalo/Tele mình 0917.193.864 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................1 1. Rational..............................................................................................................................1 2. Report objectives ...............................................................................................................2 3. Scope of the report.............................................................................................................3 4. Report structure..................................................................................................................3 CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW AND IMPLEMENTATION METHODOLOGY ....4 1.1. Literature Review............................................................................................................4 1.1.1. Concept of Vocabulary ............................................................................................4 1.1.2. Overview of Business...............................................................................................5 1.1.3. Business English Vocabulary...................................................................................5 1.2. Implementation Methodology.........................................................................................8 CHAPTER 2: EXPECTED PRODUCT AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN ........................10 2.1. Expected product ..........................................................................................................10 2.1.1. Commonly abbreviated Business English Vocabulary ..........................................10 2.1.2. Business English vocabulary in meeting usage .....................................................11 2.1.3. Business English vocabulary for business majors.................................................12 2.2. Implementation plan .....................................................................................................13 2.2.1. Planning requirements when using business English vocabularies ......................13 2.2.2. Methods to learn Business English vocabularies to use effectively.......................16 2.2.3. Usage examples for some business English vocabularies .....................................19 CONCLUSION........................................................................................................................24 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................25
  • 3. Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 – 1 INTRODUCTION 1. Rational Vocabulary is a collection of familiar words in a person's language. Vocabulary usually develops with age. It is a useful and basic tool for communicating and acquiring knowledge. Mastering a wide vocabulary is one of the biggest challenges in learning a second language. The first major change is that when evaluating word knowledge, it is necessary to distinguish whether knowledge is generated (also known as realization) or acquired (also known as acquisition); Even in those opposing categories, there is usually no obvious difference. Words that can usually be understood when listening, reading or seeing constitute a person's receptive vocabulary. These words can range from well- known to almost unknown (see the level of knowledge below). A person's acceptable vocabulary is usually the larger of the two. For example, while a young child may not be able to speak, write or sign yet, he may follow simple commands and seem to understand a large part of the language they are exposed to. In this case, the child's receptive vocabulary may be dozens, if not hundreds, but his active vocabulary is zero. However, when a child learns to speak or sign his name, his positive vocabulary begins to increase. Useful vocabulary may also be larger than acquired vocabulary. For example, second language learners learn vocabulary through learning rather than contact, which can produce vocabulary, but it is difficult to recognize it in conversation (Coady, 1997). Therefore, effective words usually refer to words that can be produced in an appropriate context and conform to the intention of the speaker or signatory. However, like receptive vocabulary, a particular word can be regarded as a part of active vocabulary on many levels. Knowing how to pronounce, sign or write a word does not necessarily mean that the word correctly and accurately reflects the information about the intention; but it reflects a very small amount of valid knowledge. Business English is a part of English for Specific Purposes, which can be used as a major in English learning and teaching, and also as a variant of International
  • 4. Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 – 2 English. Many non-native English speakers learn this subject to do business with English-speaking countries or with companies outside the English-speaking world that still use English as the common or common language. In business circles around the world, most English communication takes place between non-native speakers. Business English has different meanings for different people. For some, it focuses on vocabulary and themes used in business, trade, finance and international relations. For others, it refers to communication skills used at work and focuses on the language and skills required for typical business communication, such as presentations, negotiations, meetings, small talk, socializing, communication, report writing, and systems approaches (Lee, 2003). Vocabulary and grammar are your two most basic and important tools. If you want to communicate effectively in business English, your English grammar is absolutely necessary. You should know how each tense is constructed and how and when it should be used. You need to know how to (1) make affirmative statements, (2) make negative statements, (3) ask questions and rhetorical questions, and (4) make questions with all tenses, including affirmative and negative. For example, this is the simple present tense, which shows all four forms. However, isolated sentences often fail to provide a complete concept of verb usage. Only a good grammar book and a lot of practice can do this! You need to be able to use these four forms together with all tenses in English. Mastering English tenses and knowing when to use them is very important to cultivate your communicative competence. Remember, good grammar is one of your most important tools in business and management. Due to mastering business English vocabulary is extremely important, so I chose "100 common Business English vocabularies and their usages" as the topic of my graduation project. 2. Report objectives My purpose in this report is to be able to apply the knowledge and usages to common Business English vocabularies and their usages. And more importantly, By listing more than 100 business English words, the planning report performs an analysis of the use cases of these words in a business environment, helping learners to know how
  • 5. Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 – 3 to use English vocabulary. In fact, when going to work and interacting with the business world, one must know that the communication relationship in this field is completely different from the normal life environment and other fields. 3. Scope of the report The scope of this report is limited to the framework of 100 common Business English vocabularies and their usages. From there, it shows situations and limits to use business vocabularies appropriately and effectively. 4. Report structure In addition to the Introduction, Conclusion and References, the content of the report is divided into two specific chapters as follows: Chapter 1: Literature Review and Implementation Methodology Chapter 2: Expected Product and Implementation Plan.
  • 6. Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 – 4 CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW AND IMPLEMENTATION METHODOLOGY 1.1. Literature Review 1.1.1. Concept of Vocabulary Vocabulary is defined as a collection of words used or understood by a specific person, class, occupation, etc. But what is understanding? Full knowledge and understanding of something, such as the meaning of a word. What does "understand a word" mean? Can you recognize one? Manage, that is, use one? Sometimes, when people, even some experts, talk about knowing a word, they mean knowing its definition. However, knowing a definition is not the same as being able to manage the word, use it in speech and text, or understand the text in which the word appears. Perhaps the lengthy answer is that when students really recognize a word, they know not only the definition of the word, but also how the word works in different contexts. As Juel and Deffes (2004) say, knowing a word includes knowing how it is pronounced, how it is written, how it is used as a part of speech, and many of its meanings. Or as Stahl (2005, p. 55) put it, Lexical knowledge is knowledge; Understanding a word means not only a definition, but also how the word fits into the world. Looking at one of the directions of this relationship, vocabulary has been understood as one of the main predictors of reading success. "If you don't understand the vocabulary of the text, you can't understand the text, whether in your mother tongue or foreign language" (Laufer, 1997, p. 20). A large number of studies have shown that there is a close relationship between various vocabulary and reading comprehension in both foreign language (Anderson & Freebody, 1981) and second language context (Laufer, 1991). When considering the influence of vocabulary knowledge on reading, one of the most important issues is the vocabulary required for successful reading. Successful comprehension obviously depends on the purpose of reading, that is, whether it is important to read, whether it is specific to read, and so on. In the native language context, we can assume that the reader has the necessary vocabulary, as long as the reading conforms to the grade. However, since we cannot make such assumptions for second language readers, vocabulary reading becomes particularly important in the second language context. So, how many words do you need to read a second language? The answer to this question depends on two main points: FI RST, which is the
  • 7. Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 – 5 percentage of words in a particular text that we need to know in order to get a comprehensive and successful understanding ("vocabulary coverage"); Secondly, in order to achieve such vocabulary coverage, we need to know the vocabulary-that is, the number of word families. At first, some people thought that in order to read successfully, students needed to know about 95% of the words in the text (Laufer, 1989). 95% vocabulary coverage means that for every 20 words run in the text, there will be one unknown word. This basic coverage figure has been extended to a wide range of learners and learning conditions and has lasted for more than a decade. However, recent research shows that 95% coverage is not enough to ensure successful understanding, while 98% coverage is a better and more realistic figure needed to understand the text (Hu & Nation, 2000). With 98% coverage, readers can not only better understand the text, but also guess any unfamiliar words. However, other and even more recent studies show that there is no clear threshold, but linear progress, and greater coverage leads to better understanding (Schmidt, Jiang, Grabe). Therefore, no single percentage is necessary for successful reading comprehension, but it seems to be between 95% and 98%. 1.1.2. Overview of Business Business refers to the activity of making a living or making money by producing or trading products (such as goods and services) (American Heritage Dictionary, 2019). To put it simply, it is "any activity or business for profit" (Burton, 2007). Owning a business name does not separate the main body of the business from the owner, which means that the owner must bear the responsibility and compensation liability for the debts incurred by the business. If the enterprise receives debts, creditors can take back the owner's personal property. Business structure that does not allow corporate tax rate. Individual owners must tax all their business income. This word is also often used colloquially (but not lawyers or civil servants) to refer to companies. On the other hand, the company is an independent legal person, which stipulates limited liability and corporate tax rate. The structure of the company is more complex and it is more expensive to set up, but it provides more protection and benefits for the owners. 1.1.3. Business English Vocabulary
  • 8. Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 – 6 Is there any difference between understanding general vocabulary and understanding business vocabulary? We believe that in order to fully learn a word and its connotation, students need to contact the word repeatedly in different reading contexts. Whether a word is part of a general vocabulary or a business vocabulary, "as Starr put it, word meaning is not just irrelevant information, but part of a larger knowledge structure." (Stahl, 1999). Now is the time to make a short but valuable digression: We will define some terms that distinguish between general vocabulary and English teaching (ELT), business vocabulary and ESP. Common vocabulary includes all words in a language, that is, vocabulary. Barcroft, Sandman and Schmidt (2011, p. 571) tell us that vocabulary "refers to all the words of a language, all the words of a language." Business vocabulary is called "focus vocabulary" by experts because it is a set of technical terms that are particularly important to a specific group, in this case, especially for people with specific business experience or activities. Business vocabulary is a part of Business English, which is a kind of English used in international trade, business, management, finance, insurance, banking and other business environments. It includes the expectation of clarity, especially vocabulary. Business English is a part of English for Specific Purposes (ESP). English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is a term used to teach or learn English for a particular occupation. Dudley- Yevans (1997) defined ESP from the perspective of absolute features (ESP is defined to meet the special needs of learners; It makes use of the basic methods and activities of the industries it serves; It centers on languages suitable for these activities in terms of grammar, vocabulary, register, learning skills, discourse and genre) and variable features (especially languages that may be related to or designed for specific disciplines); In a specific teaching environment, different teaching methods from ordinary English can be adopted; Designed for adult learning; It is usually designed for intermediate or senior students; Most ESP courses assume some basic knowledge of the language system), which contributes to a better understanding of ESP. The stylistic variation of Business English vocabulary is an important factor that must be considered in the teaching of Business English vocabulary. Some formal vocabulary is mainly used in written writing, while others are mainly used in spoken or
  • 9. Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 – 7 conversational language. In a number of recent studies, Business English corpus data has been used to study registry genre and variation (James & Purche, 1996; Curado Fuentes, 2000). Vocabulary diversity can be found in email text, where words and phrases resemble conversational input or provide a dimension closer to academic writing. James and Purche (1996) described a study of vocabulary choice in economics and business science in university teaching. They analyzed terms borrowed from professional technical fields and selected keywords based on the frequency and dispersion of textbook topic-based terms. The use of business vocabulary in different related business fields has resulted in a great deal of ambiguity and synonymy in the naming of economic concepts. Radosavljeviü (2010) discussed the problem of "multi-meaning" in BE vocabulary. This study suggests that English language teachers and learners should understand the technical meanings of business terms, understand professional knowledge, and establish context awareness to eliminate "diversity" and ambiguity. The extensive use of buzzwords, new words, and a large number of metaphors and idioms in business discourse is a prominent feature of business discourse, and it also burdens economics students and their language consultants. In commercial dictionaries, many dictionaries are called informal dictionaries, but many dictionaries are not limited to spoken contexts and can also be used in written texts, such as articles about venture capital funding. The application of metaphor in the field of economics has attracted much attention. A number of studies attempt to explore conceptual metaphors in specific areas of business news and identify the conditions under which metaphor awareness is beneficial for broadening learners' vocabulary. (Boers, 2004, Koller, 2004). According to Boers and Demecheleer (1997), typical metaphorical themes in economics are mechanisms and machines (regulating economic growth), animals (guiding of seagulls, usury), plants and gardening, health and fitness (company doctors, financial pumps), combat and war (conquer markets), ships and maritime (hit rocks, sway) and sports (in the extreme positions). Although most linguists believe that metaphors should be included in the English curriculum, it is not entirely clear which metaphors should be taught and "how many metaphors are needed to achieve this." long-term benefits in expanding learners' vocabulary" (Boers, 2004, p. 228). Another notable feature of
  • 10. Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 – 8 economic terminology and business jargon is the widespread use of various acronyms, such as acronyms (APR, GDP, PLC), acronyms (analytics), SWOT, ROI), newspaper clipping (Inc., ad/advert, rep) and mixed words (glocalization, infomercial, flexecutive). Pop and Sim (2009) attempted an in-depth analysis of some of the acronyms and abbreviations used in BE. However, given the great difficulties in deciphering and translating abbreviations commonly used in business English articles, it is important to teach how to teach abbreviations commonly used in business vocabulary remains to be discussed. English is recognized as the most common language in the world, making it the most important language in business. Even if you have a good basic English level, learning Business English will give you the opportunity to show a wider range of professional vocabulary, which will bring new opportunities to your career. Learning Business English can help you develop useful English skills in an office or other business environment. By understanding the communication skills you need at work, you can gain the confidence to build strong relationships with colleagues and customers. 1.2. Implementation Methodology ]In order to complete the report, a number of research methods were used. First, the descriptive method is used to describe some of the 100 common Business English vocabularies. The secondly is that this report uses data synthesis and analysis method. I have collected secondary data such as the 100 common Business English vocabularies,... After collecting data, I conduct a review of usages for that common Business English vocabularies. The research methods have been used flexibly in the report. Business English uses a specific language corpus, emphasizes a specific type of communication in a specific context, and uses a combination of specific content and general content (Ellis & Johnson, 1994). Business English students need to focus on learning vocabulary and phrases used in the business world. In addition, they must be familiar with understanding and writing business letters/emails, memos, invitations, suggestions and reports, and must be good at preparing and submitting presentations in a business context.
  • 11. Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 – 9 At present, there is no exact definition of business English. If you ask the teacher who teaches this subject, you will get very different answers. Many people think that learning business English revolves around learning specialized vocabulary. However, others say it is learning English communication skills in business situations. Usually, Business English refers to English used in business context, such as business, international transactions, finance, insurance, banking and other English used in the office. In this article, I will make a collection of 100 business English words based on the criteria of their intended use, divided into steps corresponding to those criteria as follows: Step 1: Commonly abbreviated Business English Vocabulary: includes 55 words; Step 2: Business English vocabulary in meeting use: including 29 words; Step 3: Business English vocabulary for business majors: including 26 words.
  • 12. Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 – 10 CHAPTER 2: EXPECTED PRODUCT AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 2.1. Expected product At universities, Business English programs often provide training in theory, structure, practice of English linguistics, advanced training in English translation and interpretation in the international business and business environment. The goal of this learning processes is to provide students with basic knowledge of advanced practical English skills of listening - speaking - reading, language, culture, effective writing, and logical thinking about specialized knowledge. However, that is not to say that only someone who attended a 4-year university can be firm on this language topic. If you have a desire to switch to commerce or suddenly need to expand your knowledge, business English vocabulary is still there waiting for you. Let's refer to some common business English vocabulary below to make it easier to visualize: 2.1.1. Commonly abbreviated Business English Vocabulary No. Abbreviations English vocabulary 1. @ at (Usually followed by address, part of an email address) 2. a/c account 3. admin administration, administrative 4. ad/advert advertisement 5. AGM Annual General Meeting 6. a.m. ante meridiem 7. a/o account of 8. AOB any other business 9. ASAP as soon as possible 10. ATM Automated Teller Machine 11. attn for the attention of 12. approx approximately 13. A.V. Authorized Version 14. bcc blind carbon copy 15. cc carbon copy 16. CEO Chief Executive Officer 17. c/o care of 18. Co company 19. cm centimetre 20. COD Cash On Delivery 21. dept department 22. doc. document
  • 13. Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 – 11 23. e.g. exempli gratia (for example) 24. EGM Extraordinary General Meeting 25. ETA estimated time of arrival 26. etc et caetera 27. GDP Gross Domestic Product 28. lab. laboratory 29. Ltd limited (company) 30. mo month 31. N/A not applicable 32. NB nota bene (it is important to note) 33. no. number 34. obs. obsolete 35. PA personal assistant 36. p.a. per annum (per year) 37. Plc public limited company 38. pls please 39. p.m. post meridiem (after noon) 40. p.p. per pro (used before signing in a person’s absence) 41. PR public relations 42. p.s. post scriptum 43. PTO please turn over 44. p.w. per week 45. qty quantity 46. R & D research and development 47. re / ref with reference to 48. ROI return on investment 49. RSVP repondez s‘il vous plait (please reply) 50. s.a.e. stamped addressed envelope 51. VAT value added tax 52. VIP very important person 53. vol volume 54. wkly weekly 55. yr year Contemporary English seems to really like acronyms and acronyms; Read the sports page and you'll see the NBA, NFL or NHL. Reading international news, you may see CIA or Interpol. CIA is an acronym because we say the letters separately, while Interpol is an acronym because we say the letters as one word. The business community is particularly fond of abbreviations and acronyms, which can be confusing during meetings. Many English expressions are also used in business. At international staff meetings, native English speakers often forget that many employees may not automatically know the meaning of acronyms and abbreviations. 2.1.2. Business English vocabulary in meeting usage No. English vocabulary 56. Absentee
  • 14. Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 – 12 57. Agenda (List of issues to be resolved in the meeting) 58. Alternative 59. Attendee (Participants in the meeting) 60. Ballot 61. Casting vote (The chairperson decides when the voting results are equal) 62. Chairman Chairperson (Who chaired the meeting) 63. Clarify 64. Conference 65. Conference call 66. Consensus 67. Deadline (A fixed time in the future to complete a task) 68. Decision 69. I-conference 70. Interrupt 71. Item (A problem to be solved in the meeting) 72. Main point 73. Minutes 74. Objective 75. Point out 76. Proposal 77. Proxy vote 78. Recommend 79. Show of hands 80. Summary 81. Task 82. Unanimous 83. Video conference 84. Vote English is the primary language of international business. To remain competitive in the workplace, individuals need to improve their abilities and fluency. Meetings are an important part of the modern workplace and individuals need to develop effective communication skills for them. In our fast-paced international economy, understanding the right phrases, language, and conversational tone will help to use the correct phrases, language, and conversational tone in workplace meetings. The above has covered basic communication skills for business meetings, including useful phrases, vocabulary, and terms. You will improve your ability to lead meetings and publish work reports. 2.1.3. Business English vocabulary for business majors No. English vocabulary 85. Banknote
  • 15. Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 – 13 86. Bitcoin 87. Borrow 88. Broke(be broke) 89. Budget 90. Cash 91. Cashier 92. Cheque(US: check) 93. Coin 94. Currency 95. Debt 96. Deposit 97. Donate 98. Exchange rate 99. Fee 100. Instalment 101. Interest 102. Organize 103. Legal tender 104. Guidance 105. Expand 106. Clause 107. Null and void 108. Receipt 109. Refund 110. Competitor The business manager is responsible for the organizational, management and operational functions of the company. You may have met business managers known as Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), General Managers or Chief Operations Officers. If you want to learn more about this line, above we have listed the vocabulary related to business expertise. Even if you think you are not interested in this field, these words are still very useful to understand business in general. 2.2. Implementation plan 2.2.1. Planning requirements when using business English vocabularies The plan to use the above business English terms can be explained as follows: - Clarity in communication and business texts Through the 110 business English words listed above, it can be seen that the obvious difference between the names of Business English and General English. Business English with Business, which relates to the economic field, is used in the business environment, rather than the common topic of daily communication. When using business English, clarity, logic and coherence are extremely necessary factors. In direct communication, if the communication is not easy to understand, it will take time, which shows a lack of professionalism. In some cases, it will affect the
  • 16. Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 – 14 survival decision of enterprises. Especially in contracts or commercial documents, this factor is more important than ever. Therefore, engaging in this profession is a serious and unremitting effort. - Short, direct vocabulary Because of the clear, coherent and logical nature we mentioned above, you need to avoid the following mistakes when using Business English:  Business platitudes, avoid using metaphorical English phrases, which have many misleading meanings. For example: lasted an eternity, one man's trash is another man's treasure, at the speed of light, time heals all wounds...  Idioms, proverbs For example: use "consensus" instead of "in chorus.” Long verbs: replace them with synonymous short verbs. For example: The early bird gets the worm; he hit a home run with that project! Phrasal verbs: When you can use a single verb, please avoid using phrasal verbs. - Simple but effective grammar In business English, in order to ensure comprehensibility, you should use simple grammatical structures. Complex grammar is only used for academic English or IELTS. The tenses that should be used are current application, current continuation, past application, future application,… The difficulty of learning business English is not a problem that many of you intend to choose this major to study. Usually, in the first two years of college, you will study general subjects. By the third year, this is a very important moment, and you can choose the major you want. Some industries have received training, such as tourism English, business English, translation-interpretation, etc. Similar to other English majors, you need to prepare yourself with certain knowledge and language skills when learning business English. Before entering a major, English students must improve their listening-speaking-reading-writing skills above average. Students in this field not only learn English, but also learn a lot about business and economics. Some of the topics you need to meet are management, basic marketing, microeconomics, accounting principles, import and export operations... In addition, there are some subjects where skills are practiced, such as speaking or thesis writing. All these will be taught in English. This is not only your daily exposure to this foreign language, but also difficult, because the course will be very heavy and difficult, requiring you to work harder to understand all the knowledge that the teacher is imparting.
  • 17. Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 – 15 In addition, in business communication and negotiation, we will encounter sentences using the above business English terms, which need to be applied fluently and in the right context. Some examples of how to use business English vocabulary in sentences are as follows: - Could you tell me something about your price? - I can offer you this goods with attractive price. - We prepared to give you a quotation based upon the prevailing international market price. - The price we quoted is firm for 1 day only. - We will get another lower offer. - I assure him that our price is the most favourable. - According to the quantity of your request, the cost could be negotiable. - The product has price is $20. - If he is interested, they will offer as soon as possible. - We will consider her price request for new products. - We’d like to order 200 boxes of toys. - He’s afraid we can’t meet his demand. - They are your old customers, please give their some priority on supply. - How many sets of this good do you intend to order? - Our minimum quantity of an order for this toy is 1000 boxes. - I’m interested in your cups, so I’s like to order of 200. - I hope this will be the first of order i placed with you. - They’ll submit for the orders if this one is completed to their satisfaction. - You look forward to receiving her acknowledgement as early as possible. Common business English words like "price," "quantity" etc. used in these sentences in a very orderly, well-ordered manner. Those are the communication sentences in the field of commercial business that everyone will experience. Vocabulary is always a fundamental element and an important knowledge in learning English, especially business English. You will not be able to communicate with customers or conduct negotiations with partners if you lack specialized capital, right? Therefore, cultivating and expanding business English vocabulary is extremely necessary. You can search for these word lists on Google, or learn through business and
  • 18. Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 – 16 economic articles. A small tip to remember specialized vocabulary for a long time is that you can study by topic. Study a little each day, there will be a day when you will equip yourself with a sufficient vocabulary! 2.2.2. Methods to learn Business English vocabularies to use effectively In the Business sector, it is very common for you to research and write market reports. In addition, you also need to have the skills to write emails, draft contracts with partners,... Therefore, if you don't write in a clear, coherent and commercial style, it's a disadvantage, isn't it? The most effective trick here is to practice writing regularly. Start writing short paragraphs with a basic topic first, then delve into specialized topics later.  Read and watch business news One of the most important skills of learning and using Business English is to research and grasp the trends of the Vietnamese market and even the world. To do this well, you need to have the knowledge and work hard to update the news regularly. Business newspapers and magazines are extremely useful sources of information that you cannot ignore, so please read diligently every day to receive useful knowledge. The sources of magazines and trade newspapers are the most useful documents if you want to learn English in this field. Through reading newspapers, you will update current trends quickly and accurately. In addition, reading newspapers also helps you to expand your specialized vocabulary, very well applied when communicating with partners or writing reports, emails, ... Some typical ones are: - The Economist is a famous British economic and trade magazine. Here, you can find many articles in a variety of topics such as Economics, Finance, Technology, even Politics, Culture. The weakness of this journal is that the articles are quite academic, using a lot of specialized vocabulary. Some articles have a rather strange style, using a lot of metaphorical images, so it is a bit difficult for beginners. In return, you can learn how to write skillfully and use the author's extremely ingenious vocabulary. - BBC Learning English has long been a rich source of English language learning. You can find lessons on phonics, listening practice, grammar,... The website also has a section dedicated to Business English, which is General & Business English. This category includes many other subsections such as Talk Business, English at Work, Work Abroad,... This is a very good source for you to improve your vocabulary, grammar and comprehensively develop the four skills of Listening - Speaking - Reading - Writing for English in general and business English in particular. - Business English Pod: This is really a very useful Business English resource, especially for those who practice writing business English. With about 65 million lessons in a variety of topics and skills such as negotiation, presentation, meeting,..., you will deepen your understanding of vocabulary and communication situations in the Business English major.
  • 19. Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 – 17 - New York Times: Improving your business vocabulary is more than learning new words. You need to figure out how they work. For advanced learners like you, the quickest way is to read and watch business news frequently. Subscribing to the New York Times and trying to read at least one article a day is an easy way to keep abreast of the latest business news. Their Business Day section includes articles on a variety of business topics and includes American and international business news. If you want to pay more attention to business news related to your particular job or field, see if you can find something suitable for your needs in online magazines. Starting to learn business English you should start with the vocabulary first. The in-depth commercial vocabulary in your mind will help you initially eliminate the confusion when interacting and working in international environments, especially in reading and understanding specialized documents or translating - interpreting in a number of events, seminars on economic - trade. However, most of these types of vocabulary will be quite difficult to learn, so do not ignore the superior vocabulary memorization methods to help yourself absorb a large amount of specialized vocabulary.  Set goals for learning new words every day You can hear new business words around you. Sometimes it's as simple as talking to people or reading news websites. But don't stop here. In order to learn business English vocabulary more quickly, set a goal for yourself to learn as many new words as possible every day. A popular learning option that many learners like is to use flashcards or flashcard apps. You can find existing business vocabulary templates or flashcards online to create your own flashcards. Even if you learn four or five new words every day, it will be very different over time.  Use the words you’ve learned Learning new words is a good thing. But it is more important to learn how and where to use these words. To do this, you need to really use these words in your daily work. Apply them to different situations and contexts until you are free to use them.  Forget to translate Learn to understand business terms directly in English without translating them in your mind. It may be tempting to test the meaning of a new word in your language, but try not to do so, because you will create additional obstacles in understanding. And there is often no ideal translation. In your country, you may use the names of some subjects to do this, such as computers, internet, budgets, reports and so on. So the next time you see or hear a new word at work, try to understand its meaning from the context. If you don't know it yet, you can search for it on the Internet with English definition.  Create your own mini dictionary
  • 20. Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 – 18 Using a small notebook, start creating your own simple business vocabulary dictionary. You can do this by creating sections related to general business topics. For example:  Banknote  Bitcoin  Borrow  Broke  Budget  Cash  Cashier Every time you encounter a new word or business phrase, add it to the appropriate part of the manual. Write down your own simple definition next to each word. It's best to write an example, because it will help to enhance your understanding.  Start with what you know When you start learning business vocabulary, you should focus on the business areas that are most important to you, such as accounting terminology or logistics terminology. You may already know a lot of English words related to your work, but it will obviously help you learn more, and you will feel more interested in learning the language, so you can put it into practice immediately.  Listen to business conversations The best way to learn and improve your business vocabulary is to listen to it used. In our Wall Street English course, video stories include a business script, so you can listen to and practice business vocabulary from the first level in each class. Learning Business English is an ideal course because it is well structured and suitable for your level and needs. Learn more about our Business English course. You can also hear words related to business English on news websites with economic or financial news videos. If you don't understand every word they say, don't worry, just listen to the key words they repeat and emphasize, and try to understand the general meaning.  Pay attention to pronunciation When you learn new business English vocabulary, make sure you focus on learning the correct pronunciation. This is important not only for your pronunciation, but also for you to hear others use it. If you learn the wrong pronunciation, you won't recognize it. Unfortunately, many words in English are written in this way, and pronunciation is another way, so when you write down a word (in your new little dictionary!) Write down its pronunciation. For example, a salesman who sells a product or service/'seilz pur son/.
  • 21. Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 – 19  Fun quizzes We need to have some interesting interactive quizzes where you can learn and review vocabulary and many useful terms in business scenarios. Therefore, be sure to use this information by clicking the practice area of the panel or trying the Quick English Test below. 2.2.3. Usage examples for some business English vocabularies Now let's see the 25 advanced Business English words prepared. Many of these words have general meanings, but in this paper they will be discussed only in the business context. 1. Organize The verb to organize means to methodically arrange something (such as a report or product) or plan a function (eg, a business meetings or events). Illustrative sentence: Our sales and marketing team will be organize the upcoming Annual Sales Conference in Las Vegas. 2. Guidance The guidance of a noun comes from the guidance of the verb that means the way of leads or leads. Guidance therefore refers to the act of giving direction or help. Example sentences: Our manager, Martha, told us to visit her for guidance. 3. Expand The verb to expand means to increase the size or number of things. In business, we often talk about expanding a division or a business. Example sentences: I have heard that your company plans to expand to Europe and China next year. 4. Clause In business law, the noun clause is a statement or term in a contract. Example sentences: Our legal team has raised some questions about some of the clauses in the contract. 5. Null and void The term null and void is a contract or clause that is invalid, not binding, or without legal force. Example sentences: If we do not renew it now, our lease will null and void within 30 days. 6. Competitor
  • 22. Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 – 20 The noun competitor for the finger is another business that tries to perform better than your business and other businesses. You can also call all your competitors competitors. Example sentences: Management is concerned about the number of new competitors entering the market this year. 7. Invoice The noun invoice is an itemized list showing a list of goods sold or services offered, prices, and total amount to be paid. Example sentences: Don't forget that we need to pay within 45 days of receiving the invoice. 8. Counteroffer Counteroffer is your response to the other party's offer. If you are not satisfied with the offer someone to you, you can make a counteroffer. Example sentences: John offered to sell me his used car for $15,000.It's a good car, but that's a little too expensive.So I'll give him a counteroffer. 9. Trademark The noun trademark is the official registered name, symbol or mark used to represent a product or company. A trademark can also be used as a verb.It is similar in some respects to a copyright or patent, but not identical. Example sentences: One of the world's most famous trademarks today is the McDonald's symbol, “Golden Arches.” 10. Consensus The noun consensus is an idea or opinion that everyone agrees with. Example sentences: After four hours, the committee still cannot consensus, so they will meet again next week. 11. Public relations Public relations is the activity used to promote and create a good image of your public company, enabling people to view it in a positive way. Using an abbreviated PR is also very common. Example sentence: I felt that sponsoring the National Fitness program would be a great public relations initiative. 12. Agenda The noun agenda is a list of things that are discussed or done at a meeting or at a business event. Example sentences:
  • 23. Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 – 21 Are you sure we can do everything on today's agenda in 2 hours? 13. Visual aids Visual aids include charts, pictures, maps, etc. This makes something easier for your audience to understand something. If you are using a presentation or attending a meeting, you usually use visual aids. Example sentences: Your visual aids really helped me get a better understanding of this complex construction project. 14. After-sales service After-sales service is the services you continue to provide such as maintenance and repair after the customer purchases a product or service. Example sentences: Our company’s after-sales service is considered one of the best products in the electronics market. 15. Strategy The noun strategy in business refer to plans that are carefully put together to achieve a certain goal. Example sentences: Our corporate division is developing strategy to make our company at the top of the tourism industry. 16. Estimate The noun estimate refers to general concepts about the value, size or cost of something. Estimates can also be used as a verb, but pronounced a bit different; click here to hear the difference. Example sentences: The financial team asked several information technology companies to make estimates to understand project costs. 17. Equipment The noun equipment is used to talk about a set of tools or devices that you need for a special purpose. For example, office equipment may include photocopiers, cabinets, etc. Example sentences: My manager believes that we should sell the unused office equipment to create more space. 18. Branch The noun branch is the office or store of a corporation. Example sentences: Our bank will open many new branches in smaller cities next year. 19. Dress code
  • 24. Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 – 22 The term dress code refers to a set of corporate rules regarding clothing that can be worn and can not be worn at work. By the way, if you want to do business internationally, it is definitely a good idea to study some dress codes (including commercial and informal situations) for the country that you are going to work on. It can be very formal or strict than it —— some rules may surprise you! Check out some pictures to see what wedding dresses look like in English speaking countries and clothing tips for various situations around the world. Example sentences: Our company has a strict dress code and requires all customer service staff to wear suits. 20. Guarantee A verb of guarantee is usually an assurance in writing of the quality of your product or service. A noun guarantee refers to the guarantee itself. If a security also involves an entity document, the document is commonly called a security. Example sentences: Don't worry, all of our products are guaranteed to prevent major defects. 21. Market research The phrase market research refers to the research that you do to gather the information that your customer needs or likes in a certain product or service. Example sentences: New market research shows that food manufacturing is one of the most profitable countries in China. 22. Authorization The noun authorization comes from a verb authorization meaning to give someone legal or official approval to do something. Authorization is the approval itself. Example sentences: A refund of over $500 requires authorization from the manager. 23. Fine The noun fine is the official punishment for breach of contract, usually through a fine or other payment. Example sentences: If you do not pay the supplier on time, you will get a 15% fine. 24. Headquarters The noun headquarters refers to a headquarters where a company is controlled or managed. It can be used with either singular or plural verbs. Example sentences: Apple spent about $5 billion to build its new headquarters in Silicon Valley!
  • 25. Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 – 23 25. Commercial The noun commercial refers to paid ads broadcast on radio or television. Example sentence: Our marketing department has a smart idea for our next Super Bowl commercial. Remember, if you want to master there common Business English vocabularies, you need to practice using them in your daily work. Apply the tips I mentioned and you will soon add more new advanced words to what you just learned.
  • 26. Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 – 24 CONCLUSION Thus, by listing more than 100 business English words, it is possible to draw some conclusions about using business English in daily life as follows: Clarity in communication and business texts; Short, direct vocabulary; and Simple but effective grammar. Every day you only need to learn 5-10 English words, remember to learn both semantics, pronunciation, usage and regular practice. This will help you increase your vocabulary and be more confident in communication. Increasing your business vocabulary is the work that you can constantly do to improve your professional communication.Try the following tips:  Take a business writing course.  Read the business-related literature.  Watch the business news clips.  Buy or download a set of business flashcards and learn a new word every day.  Use your business vocabulary in daily conversations and written communications. Whenever you come across a business word that you are not familiar with, you should look for it on the web to better understand the term or phrase.Type it into a search engine and browse through the previous results.Reading in depth on this topic will help you get a comprehensive understanding of the new vocabulary. Improving your business vocabulary will enable you to talk intelligently and eloquently about key topics in the workplace and positioning your positioning for career success.
  • 27. Dịch vụ viết thuê đề tài – KB Zalo/Tele 0917.193.864 – 25 REFERENCES 1. American Heritage Dictionary, Archived 2019-03-31 at the Wayback Machine "business [:] 1. The activity of buying and selling commodities, products, or services." 2. Burton, William (2007). Burton's Legal Thesaurus (4 ed.). McGraw-Hill Education. p. 68. 3. Curado Fuentes, A. (2000). Exploitation and assessment of a Business English corpus through language learning tasks. [Online] Available: http// (September 20, 2015). 4. Coady, J. (1997). L2 vocabulary acquisition through extensive reading. In J. Coady & T. Huckin (Eds.), Second language vocabulary acquisition (pp. 225- 237). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 5. Dudley-Evans, T., St John, M. J. (1998). Developments in English for Specific Purposes: A multi-disciplinary approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 6. Hu, M., & Nation, P. (2000). Unknown vocabulary density and reading comprehension. Reading in a Foreign Language, 13(1), 403–30. 7. Ellis, M., & Johnson, C. (1994). Teaching Business English. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 8. Lee, S. H. (2003). ESL learners’ vocabulary use in writing and the effects of explicit vocabulary instruction. System, 31, 537-561. 9. Laufer, B. (1989). What percentage of text-lexis is essential for comprehension? In C. Lauren & M. Nordman (Eds.), Special language: From humans thinking to thinking machines. Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters. 10.Laufer, B. (1991). How much lexis is necessary for reading comprehension? In P. J. L. Arnaud & H. Bejoint (Eds.), Vocabulary and applied linguistics (pp. 126–32). Basingstoke, England: Palgrave Macmillan. 11.Laufer, B. (1997). The lexical plight in second language reading: Words you don’t know, words you think you know, and words you can’t guess. In J. Coady & T. Huckin (Eds.), Second language vocabulary acquisition (pp. 20–34). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. 12.Stahl, S. A. (2005). Four problems with teaching word meanings (and what to do to make vocabulary an integral part of instruction). In Hiebert, E. H. and Kamil, M. L. (eds.), Teaching and learning vocabulary: Bringing research to practice, Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. 13.Schmitt, N., Jiang, X., & Grabe, W. (2021). The percentage of words known in a text and reading comprehension. Modern Language Journal, 95 (1), 26-43. 14.Juel, C., & Deffes, R. (2004). Making words stick. In Educational Leadership, 61(6), p. 30- 34. 15.James, G., Putchase, J. (1996). Corpus-based Lexical Analysis of English in Business Studies and Economics. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.