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The storm is here...
Who are or who is your Lord ?
From the Annunakis to the divine ruler ship of Earth.
The descendants of Anunnakis and the current rulers of the world Part 2.
Text transcript :
Since the beginning of this affair as your Leader I have been a victim of many kinds of abuses
coming from various religious groups, among them firstly the religion not formed by Christ but
just bearing his name and secondly the religion of Salam but which accumulates human rights
All those religious groups including the ones I have mentioned have acted with the idea that
what they have been doing globally at the macrocosm level against the people for centuries,
which is called mind control and terrorism, could be performed against me, your Leader at the
microcosm level.
Mind control and terrorism.
But no one in the world can indoctrinate the individual who is in touch with the origin of all their
beliefs which have been corrupted.
They can not indoctrinate the one who bears the truth within the deepest core of his own being.
They can never achieve it.
Today as your Leader in virtue of the powers vested in me, in the name of the Truth and in the
name of the universal Laws :
1- I officially challenge the legitimacy of the books used by many of those religious groups
around the world.
2-I officially challenge all the laws which have been formed out of all those books used by many
of those religions around the world.
3-I officially challenge all the institutions who have been erected through the centuries based on
those books used by many of those religions all around the world.
All those books who have been used to perform what can be legally qualified as organized
fraud, deception, duress, coercion, embezzlement, abuses of power and abuses of position in
order to obtain money, goods or chattels.
All those books have been used to perform what can be legally qualified as murders, tortures,
genocides, enslavement, grave forms of sexual abuses, persecutions, enforced disappearance
of persons.
There have been too many victims of those frauds… the number is actually in the billions and
the charges are countless…
Those falsehoods and forgeries then serve only to fatten the few at the head of the clergy and
their associates at the expense of the servitude of the many.
A few number of victims is already enough in order to investigate what qualifies as a crime
against humanity … The investigations must go through all the archives of those institutions to
stop those crimes against humanity and this is the instigation we are beginning to perform today
and that we are going to finish together.
As your Leader in virtue of the powers vested in me, in the name of the Truth and in the name of
the universal Laws...
My religion is one which values the respect of human rights and the rights of every creatures of
God either human or not.
My religion is one which has the potential to be totally and unconditionally open concerning the
corruption which has been plaguing this world in the past and which seeks to make our world
evolving beyond this past.
My religion is one which has the means and structure already in place in order to fulfill its
mission or has the potential to manifest them easily.
My religion is one which has the potential to easily reform itself where it is needed or if not has
the potential to easily create branches out of itself.
My religion is one possessing at its core something of rare value to offer to mankind, something
making that religion worth to exist, or has the potential to do so.
My religion is one which is based on the truth and facts.
My religion is one i am the head of.
My religion is one who will finish the Job we have begun today together.
My religion and the religion of the future of mankind is none of your frauds.
Is this religion self made ? We will see.
It is the herald of a new age which has been prophesied by previous civilizations.
“When the world falls in degradation then the Lord will appear.”
According to history tell me who are or who is your Lord ?
Childhood ends.
For the records all the sources of literature from which my materials are inspired have books
available on amazon at the following links and those authors can also be contacted on their
respective websites.
No matter your religious background if you are the type of individual who is honest with himself
and seek for the truth, you will therefore read those materials… before listening again to any of
your religious leaders.
If you don’t do that therefore when going to your temples you are not going there for the truth,
you are just going there for comfort in the face of the global unknown which is growing right in
front of your eyes but wish to deny.
That’s a fact.
-Author 1 Leo Lyon Zagami :
Amazon :
Website :
-Author 2 Mark Passio :
Website :
-Author 3 Jordan Maxwell :
Amazon :
-Author 4 David Icke :
Amazon :
Website :
-Author 5 Michael Tsarion :
Amazon :
Website :
-Author 6 Dan Winter :
Amazon :
Website :
-Author 7 Laurence Gardner :
Amazon :
And many more sources are available for our investigations.
Section 1: Beliefs at the highest level.
Introduction :
Here we begin again our investigation concerning the reality of inter-dimensional beings and
their lineages in our world.
As your Leader, you have heard the authorities call me a lizard, a dragon, a crocodile and many
other things relating to it.
Today we are going to talk about what the lizards they refer to might be.
So far you have seen enough to be able to connect the different events you have witnessed and
the facts that are presented to you here and thus validate all of those things that the authors that
I have carefully selected reveal to you after their decades of research and evidence collected.
The next time someone mentions lizard, crocodile or snake you will know what they are talking
Until proven otherwise, I am not asserting in any way that these ideas about me mentioned are
true, I am only telling you what these ideas refer to for your personal education.
They have exposed a reality by their own selves and put me under the spotlights... as your
Leader I am only investigating this reality. No one can make me liable for that and I believe we
have a threshold in our civilization that must be crossed.
This is a new age.
The high authorities of this world have the deepest belief and fanaticism for the influence on
humanity of extra-dimensional beings having the appearance of lizards and they make you
uninitiated members believe that these inter-dimensional beings are just ancient myths…
My personal case is the proof for those who still have doubts.
I respect any form of life on Earth and all through the various dimensions of the cosmos, there
exist good, evil and personal interests in every races mankind society is no exception. In my
world I will welcome them because we live within a cosmos full of opportunities waiting to be
acknowledged and seized.
I would like to point out that the views and experiences of the authors mentioned here vary
concerning the ability of these senior members of secret societies to morph into those inter
dimensional entities that they worship and interact with.
I remain impartial on this matter and disclose to you all the various experiences of those
Together we will gradually and continuously move forward in our knowledge of the Creator.
-Presentation of the author Leo Lyon Zagami.
Leo Lyon Zagami is a Italian writer, researcher, and creator of a popular blog concerning his
direct involvement with the New World Order. Leo Zagami is a former high ranking member of
numerous powerful Illuminati networks, who decided to speak out by exposing the spiritual
corruption from the inside. Those networks include freemasonry, the Ordo Templis Orientis, the
argentinum astrum, the rosicrucian order and many more in which he has held high level
The reason why he was able to access those positions was partly because of his bloodline.
Leo Lyon Zagami has published several books available on amazon, the most popular series of
books that he published are his Confessions of an Illuminati series which I recommend you.
Find Leo Lyon Zagami work at the following link :
-Presentation of the authors Cathy Obrien and Mark Phillips.
Cathy O'Brien is an American conspiracy theorist and author who claims to have been a victim
of a government mind control program called "Project Monarch", which she alleges was part of
the CIA's Project MKUltra. O'Brien made these assertions in the book Trance Formation of
America in1995 and the book Access Denied: For Reasons of National Security in 2004, both of
which she co-authored and self-published with her husband, Mark Phillips.
In 2017 she published the book PTSD: Time to Heal sharing the techniques she and her
husband Mark Phillips used to overcome the mind control she has been the victim of.
Find Cathy O'brien and Mark Phillips work at the following link :
-Presentation of the author David Icke.
David Icke is an English author, researcher and public speaker and also a former footballer and
sports broadcaster. He has written over 20 books and spoken in over 25 countries. Icke
combines New Age philosophical discussion about the universe and consciousness with
conspiracy theories about public figures being reptilian humanoids and paedophiles. He argues
in favour of reincarnation; a collective consciousness that has intentionality; modal realism ,
stating that other possible worlds exist alongside ours, and the so-called law of attraction,
arguing that good and bad thoughts can attract experiences.
In his book The Biggest Secret, he introduced the idea that many prominent figures derive from
the Anunnaki, a reptilian race from the Draco constellation.
Find David Icke work at the following link :
-Presentation of the author Dan Winter.
Dan Winter is a prolific writer and much of his work is available on the Internet.
His background spans a broad spectrum of disciplines around the topics of science, spirituality,
the history of mankind, its evolution and relationship with other interdimensional species.
He graduated with honors at the Jesuit University of Detroit, pursued graduate studies in
psychophysiology, and the origins of languages.
Dan Winter has worked as a Systems Analyst with IBM, an industrial metallurgist and a
crystallographer among dozens of other positions he has held in various companies and
organizations he founded. His knowledge an experience allowed him to develop a series of
devices available to the public.
Find Dan Winter work at the following link :
1-Excerpt from the book "Access Denied on National Security Grounds". By the authors Cathy
O'Brien and Mark Phillips concerning the potential ability of the senior members of secret
societies to shape shift.
" TRANCE was written for Congress," Mark reminded him. "Congress already knows about the
holographic generators that produce such an image. Testimony has already been provided to
Congress regarding the equipment used by Bush to perpetuate the snake morphing illusion."
2-Excerpt from the book "Implosion: the secret science of ecstasy and immortality" concerning
the potential ability of the senior members of secret societies to shape shift.
"Wives of important military leaders and media personalities have several times independently
reported seeing their husband's bodies taken over by reptilian types. The shape-shifting is hard
to see."
3-Excerpt From the book "Confessions of an Illuminati". By the author Leo Zagami concerning
the potential ability of the senior members of secret societies to shape shift.
"On this theory I diverge a bit with Icke, or at least used to diverge until recently - when David
Icke finally adopted the extra-dimensional view of extraterrestrial reality to define the so-called
'reptilians'. I think this is a much more credible position, because personally, I don't change
shape or have a tail."
4-Series of 3 excerpts from the book "Trance formation of America" and "Access denied for
national security reasons" concerning the potential ability of the senior members of secret
societies to shape shift.
Excerpt 1-
"Bush's most effective example of "You are what you read" in his book About Face occurred
while reading the page describing lizard-like "aliens" from a "deep, distant place in space,"
Pretending to me to be an alien himself, Bush apparently activated a lizard-like hologram of the
"alien" that provided the illusion of Bush transforming like a chameleon before my eyes."
Excerpt 2-
"This video created for "his Royal Lizardy" as President of Mexico De la Madrid was called, was
one of many enigmatic lizard themes that NASA used in its Mexican operations. All of my
scheduled roles in Mexico involved the prolific, local lizards and iguanas.
De la Madrid had told me the "iguana legend", explaining that lizard-like aliens had descended
upon the Maya. The Mayan pyramids, their advanced astronomical technology, including the
sacrifice of virgins, would have been inspired by those alien lizards. He told me that when the
aliens interbred with the Mayans to produce a life form they could inhabit, they fluctuated
between a human appearance and an iguana appearance through chameleon-like abilities. "A
perfect vehicle for becoming world leaders." De la Madrid claimed to have Mayan/alien ancestry
in his blood, whereby he transformed "into an Iguana at will.
De la Madrid produced a hologram similar to the one Bush did in his You Are What You Read
Initiation. His hologram of a lizard-like tongue and eyes produced the illusion that he was turning
into an iguana.
While in Mexico, I was always instructed to wait by the rocks where the abundant iguanas
sunned themselves before being "transported" to my scheduled meetings with "his Royal
Lizardry," President De la Madrid also called the Lizard of Ahs. "
Excerpt 3-
"As the drugs caught up with me, I listened intently to what Leahy was saying. "God forgive this
one," Leahy said, referring to both my role in NAFTA and his pedophilic abuse of my daughter.
"Of course, God is not the one you have to worry about. He is a passive God, the One who has
passed on and lives only in a Bible. The God you have to worry about is the all-seeing, all
knowing God. That great, great Eye in the sky. He sees all, records all, and transmits
information where it is needed. Let me give you some sound advice. Keep your mouth shut and
none of this needs to be known. anywhere. Only your Vice President (Bush) will know for sure,
and he has been keeping secrets all his life. I am not suggesting that George Bush is God. Oh
no, he is much more than that. He is a semi-God, which means he straddles the heavenly and
earthly planes so that he acts on what he sees with his ever-watchful Eye In The Sky."
Excerpt 4-
"Early the next morning, deep underground in the mind control lab at NASA's Goddard Space
Flight Center near D.C., Bill Bennett began preparing me for the program. NASA uses various
"CIA designer drugs" to chemically alter the brain and create exactly the state of mind required
at the time, in Huntsville, Alabama, NASA drug of choice, "Trainquility," created a sense of
absolute, peaceful conformity and a feeling of walking on air. The drug administered this time
was similar enough to Tranquility to create total compliance. The mistreatment I had endured
the night before had rendered me helpless, anyway, and I could barely crawl on the cold, metal
lab table while the medication took effect.
In the darkness around him, I could hear Bill Bennett speaking, "This is my brother, Bob. He and
I work as one unit. We are alien to this dimension, two beings from another plane." The screen
of high-tech light swirling around me convinced me that I was transforming dimensions with
them, a laser of light struck the black wall in front of me, which seemed to explode into a
panoramic view of a White House cocktail party as if I had transformed dimensions and stood
among them.
Not recognizing anyone, I frantically asked, "Who are these people?".
"They're not people, and it's not a spaceship," Bennett said.
As he spoke, the holographic scene changed slightly until the people looked like lizard-like
aliens. "Welcome to the second basement level. This Level is a simple (mirror) reflection of the
first, an alien dimension. We come from a trans-dimensional plane that extends and
encompasses all dimensions." "Infinite dimensions," injected Bob, "Infinite dimensions extended
simultaneously," said Bill, "No limitations." Bob softly sang "Let Freedom Ring. " There is really
nowhere to run and nowhere to hide from us. We are the ones looking behind the Eye in the
Sky," Bill continued, "We are watching you," Bob said. He sang a line from the popular rock
song "I'll Be Watching You." "I brought you through my dimension as a way to establish stronger
holds on your mind than the earth plane allows," Bill Bennett said. "Being an outsider, I simply
make my thoughts your thoughts by projecting them into your mind. My Thoughts are your
Section 2: The case of the royal affiliation of the whistle-blower Leo Zagami.
We continue our investigation concerning the reality of inter-dimensional beings and their
lineages in our world using the case of the whistle-blower Leo Lyon Zagami. He has allegedly a
royal affiliation and therefore blood ties with those old lineages of extra-dimensional beings.
As you will see in the following excerpts the beliefs in the Deities of preceding civilizations and
in their human descendants play a predominant role in the assignment of positions and
privileges within the highest secret societies. So do the zodiac sign, the date of birth and
meaning of the name of the individual.
-Series of 9 excerpts from the book "Confessions of an Illuminati" Volume 1 to 7. By the
author Leo Zagami concerning the connection between royalty and the bloodline of the
Excerpt 1 -
"For Mystic Masonry, the religions and myths of the past are a clear trace left to us by
extradimensional beings capable of traveling the cosmos from ancient times, joining the human
race in secret rituals orchestrated by the Illuminati and Illuminists, for both evil and good deeds,
to operate on humanity, in order to establish religions and civilizations, sometimes even
demanding human sacrifices."
Excerpt 2 -
"This mysterious A∴A∴, officially a spiritual organization, is an offshoot of the Golden Dawn, a
secret organization of initiate bodies created by Crowley before he joined the O.T.O. Connected
to the star Sirius, it is an ultra-secret sect of powerful telepaths, known as the Argentium Astrum
among other names, created by Aleister Crowley and his associates at the beginning of the last
century, mainly to connect with this stellar current of great importance (i.e. Sirius), simply
because it is linked to the very origins of our species: the Annunaki."
Excerpt 3 -
“The author, having also been a member of some of these organizations, makes the readers
aware of their progress, development and goals that have been set in secret and otherwise
inaccessible environments. He speaks of Invisible Masters and Secret Chiefs, both spiritual and
material, and of so-called "contactists" who supposedly know access to multidimensional
doorways where they can enter psychically or physically, "what is above and what is below.”
Excerpt 4-
"It's possible they {implying the Gods} helped me climb the ladder into the world of the Illuminati
and Freemasonry."
Excerpt 5-
"In 2008, Her Majesty the Queen of England allowed one of her Crown Estate buildings in The
Mall, the main road leading to Buckingham Palace, to house a statue of Pazuzu, which
represents the first effigy of evil from ancient Iraq.
The sculpture of the god Pazuzu by Italian artist Roberto Cuoghi has been hoisted onto the roof
of the Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) in London. The statue was placed on the roof of
Nash House, a building that is part of Carlton House Terrace, built by John Nash, who was also
responsible for Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square and Marble Arch to name a few, and
houses the Institute of Contemporary Arts.
The whole building is of course the personal property of the monarchy, so this monstrosity
obviously had to have royal backing."
Excerpt 6-
“In the movie The Exorcist, the power is derived from a relic related to the ancient Babylonian
Assyrian demon called Pazuzu, the king of the air, and in some religious sects was interpreted
as Satan. Pazuzu is depicted as a man with a monstrous face in the shape of a jackal with
Pazuzu was invoked to protect pregnant women from evil spirits, such as Lamashtu, his eternal
rival, who is the origin of the biblical Lilith, a child kidnapper. But it is also the demon of the wind,
which brings death by hypothermia and destruction by the wind.
Pazuzu's face is scary, Chinese dragons also have the same snarling face, but this does not
necessarily mean that they are cruel. The role of Pazuzu is however negative. It was believed
that the air, along with the wind, often brought diseases, which were once believed to be the
work of evil spirits, and therefore even death.
Many deities associated with storms are also associated with fertility and change, and not just
through destruction."
Excerpt 7-
“The presence of air creatures is not lacking even in classical Greek culture. In this context, this
element does not actively intervene in the creation of man, but, like all other elemental forces is
represented by a god, who personifies and dominates it.
In this case, it is Aeolus, the legendary son of Poseidon and Arne (or Melanippa) who was
charged by Zeus to keep control of the winds, which were released in the past causing the
detachment of Sicily from the continent.
Aeolus was kept safe in a bottle hidden in a cave of Lipari, an island that is part of a volcanic
archipelago, composed of seven islands placed in front of the upper part of Sicily. The same
Lipari, Vulcano, Stromboli, Panarea, Salina, Alicudi and Filicudi. A group of islands called
Aeolian, from which the god Aeolus took his name, and where part of my family comes from.
The Zagami of Lipari, like the other inhabitants of these magical islands, are said to be
descended from the same god Aeolus, who gave his descendants the gift of manipulating the
winds by secretly using prayers transmitted from father to son. Aeolus, like Pazuzu, is a god of a
divine race, a race originating from the extraterrestrial and extradimensional realm, with special
powers over the elements. Last but not least, Pazuzu is a member of the Annunaki, a race
worshipped not only by the Sumerians, but by the Illuminati elite, who are bound by a blood
affinity to these gods, which over the centuries and millennia have become a kind of karmic and
spiritual affinity. It's possible that they helped me climb the ladder in the world of the Illuminati
and Freemasonry."
Excerpt 8-
“I was told that it was no coincidence that my late father's name was Elio, and my name is Leo.
Basically, our names put together in Latin describe the period known in English as the Dog
Days, the hottest and most sweltering days of summer. These are 40 days, beginning on July 3
and ending on August 11, that coincide with the heliacal rising of the dog star, Sirius. For the
ancient Egyptians, Sirius appeared just before the flood season of the Nile, so they used the
star as an indicator of the flood. Since its rising also coincided with a period of extreme heat, the
link to hot, sweltering weather was established. This period also coincides with the Sun in Leo,
among other things. Four years after this important event in my life in 1997, the same character,
the initiator who had initiated me into the secrets of this brotherhood of the A∴A∴ (which I
wrote about in depth in Volume I), gave me a mysterious text to read written by someone who,
he said, would help me understand certain things about t he true state of the world."
Excerpt 9-
"An interesting revelation for the author of this book, a descendant of the Lyon (now
BowesLyon) family Earls of Strathmore and descendants of the King of Scotland who
traditionally held a terrible secret that was only revealed to male descendants on their twenty No
one knows what the secret is or how old it is, because the tradition eventually died out, but
when a former gardener to the 14th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne was asked about it by the
Earl's granddaughter, he simply replied: "you're lucky you don't have it know, and you will never
know, because otherwise you would be the most unhappy of women. For the first time in 1904,
XIII Count Claude Bowes-Lyon, at the age of twenty-one, publicly confessed the existence of a
terrible secret to his friend, saying: "If you only knew the nature of our secret, it would bring you
to your knees. and you would thank God that you were immune. So what was this secret?
Perhaps the fact that they were descended from the Annunaki, and Tutankhamun's sister
named Meritaten whose nickname was "Scotland" might be the answer."
-Section 3: The occult roots of Hollywood.
Introduction :
We continue our investigation concerning the reality of inter-dimensional beings and their
lineages in our world by observing the presence of the Anunnaki worship within the scene of
Hollywood and all its implications.
The culture of the occult societies is intertwined with the culture of the external world and those
two worlds operate in a discrete interaction that can be observed through the media and
Here the Whistleblower Leo Zagami demonstrates this interaction in Hollywood by his
experience as an insider of the highest secret societies.
In the following photo the Whistleblower Leo Zagami points to the Babylonian gate in the center
of the Hollywood & Highland Center, located between Hollywood Boulevard and North Highland
Avenue in Los Angeles.
1-Series of 3 Excerpts from the book "Confessions of an Illuminati" Volume 1 to 7.
Excerpt 1-
"In the back entrance of the Kodak Theatre (now known as the Dolby Theatre), where the
famous Academy Awards ceremony is held each year, there is a huge symbolic secret placed
there by the Illuminati elite for all to see.
The Dolby is a giant auditorium for concerts and events, and is located in a huge shopping and
entertainment center called The Hollywood & Highland Center, located between Hollywood
Boulevard and North Highland Avenue in Hollywood, Los Angeles.
The opening of the center took place on November 9, 2001, an event that went almost
unnoticed by most people, as it occurred only two months after the tragic events of September
11, which had catalyzed international media attention.
It is the first permanent home of the film industry's most important annual award, the Oscars. As
you can easily imagine, this is a place of great enormous strategic importance for the various
Illuminati sects and their vampiric Egregore.
At the Dolby Theatre, which could be defined as the Vatican of cinema, the meetings of what is
considered the most influential Masonic lodge in Hollywood takes place.
Most of the key locations in this Hollywood Babylon, including the Masonic Temple across the
street, now known as the El Capitan Entertainment Center (which was purchased a few years
ago by Walt Disney), were created by Freemason and Worshipful Master, Charles E.
That said, I honestly didn't expect to find all this Illuminati symbolism splashed right in front of
my eyes in the middle of Hollywood.
A large-scale Babylonia gate oversees the whole thing, positioned right in the center of the huge
shopping and entertainment center, where every year the red carpet is rolled out to welcome the
Hollywood elite and the rich and famous. Most of the tourists who visit this place every day are
unaware of its symbolic importance, although they constantly feed their energies to the
Hollywood egregore and its propaganda. David Icke made an interesting analysis some years
ago in his book Children of the Matrix, where he states:
"I cannot stress enough that to understand what we call the present, we must understand the
past, and that is why the Anunnaki-Illuminati have focused so much effort on rewriting history.
Even Hollywood is an example.
The Druids worshiped trees, especially the oak. The holly was their most sacred symbol
because it was sacred to Mother Holle or Hel, the goddess of the underworld.
Thus we have Holle or Holly-wood (Hel-wood), the "place of magic" and the home of the
Illuminati mass propaganda and conditioning machine in California.
Holly wood was a favorite source of magic wands.
Well said David. Unfortunately, when he wrote the above statement, the monstrosity I described
above had not yet been created, so don't ask me what Icke is going to write about Hollywood
now, as an Anunnaki is clearly visible at the top of this huge monument.
On the left are images of the god known in Sumerian mythology as Enki, later known in
Babylonian times as Ea, and defined by the famous scholar Zecharia Sitchin as the commander
in-chief of the Anunnaki, and on the right, the god Nisroch, the ancient Assyrian god of
Enki is presented in his classic role as a water carrier, as he was well known in ancient times.
Some researchers say that this is the basis of the extraterrestrial "bloodlines" that rule our
planet, the same ones that David Icke calls the Reptilians.
The historian Benito CA declared in his well-known thesis of 1969: "With Enki we observe an
interesting change in the symbolism of the sexes, the fertilizing agent is also the water, in
Sumerian 'a' or 'Ab' that means, however, also sperm.
In a passage from a Sumerian hymn, Enki lingers on empty river beds and fills them with his
In the center of the two deities is a representation of the Tree of Life of the Kabbalah, which
symbolizes the laws of the universe.
The two representations on this "Hollywood Babylonian door" show impressive images of the
early civilizations of Mesopotamia - at the center of what is effectively the main temple of the
world's factory of illusions within our civilization.
There are also two gigantic elephants, placed on two huge columns, which are symbols of the
Babylonian god Ishtar (also known as Sumerian Inanna, or Egyptian Isis).
The complete story of the impact of the Anunnaki (as they call these deities) on human
civilization has been partially revised and told in recent times by Zecharia Sitchin in his works,
and in particular, in his book The Earth Chronicles. Many traditional historians have never
accepted his interpretations, with its paleo astronautical flavor, and have remained in line with
the religious beliefs of the Illuminati sects; who like the fact that they may be descendants of
those ancient deities who, according to Zecharia Sitchin, came to this planet from another about
445,000 years ago.
The Anunnaki (according to Sitchin) came to Earth in search of gold and assumed the role of
gods, transmitting civilization to mankind and teaching men to worship them, becoming, as
David Icke also teaches, the ancestors of the current royal families who guide and control the
world and the power system of the Illuminati network of secret societies. According to the
eccentric English author Icke, many royal families are part of the Anunnaki lineage, and the
former Queen Mother, Elizabeth of England (1900-2002), was seen to change from reptilian to
human several times while she was still alive.
On this theory, I differ a bit with Icke, or at least we used to differ until recently - when David Icke
finally adopted the extra-dimensional view of extraterrestrial reality to define the so-called
"reptilians. I think this is a much more credible position, because I personally don't shape-shift or
have a tail.”
Excerpt 2-
“Not surprisingly, the first public celebration of the Gnostic Mass designed by Aleister Crowley
for the O.T.O. took place in Hollywood in March 1933, at 1746 Winona Boulevard, right next to
the much better known Hollywood Boulevard, where the Dolby Theatre is located, which is
placed on an important telluric line according to writer and investigator Bret Lueder in his book,
Song in Your Heart: The Story for the Search for the Lost Note.
There is a telluric line that runs from Hollywood to northeastern California, through Hollywood
Hill's Forest Lawn Memorial Park, the famous cemetery of the stars, and on to Disney Studios in
The term "telluric line" was originally coined by Sir Alfred Watkins.
The current definition of a telluric line according to Wikipedia is: "Telluric lines are hypothetical
alignments of a number of places of geographical interest, such as ancient monuments and
Their existence was suggested in 1921 by amateur archaeologist Alfred Watkins, whose book
The Old Straight Track brought the line to the attention of the general public.”
Excerpt 3-
“I find it interesting that this new Babylonian monument was placed next to the Dolby Theatre on
this important telluric line in 2001, exactly ten years after the famous English gay filmmaker
Nigel Finch released an hour-long documentary called Kenneth Anger's |”Hollywood Babylon"
Excerpt 4-
“Babylon comes from the Sumerian, "KA.DINGIR.RA" which in the Akkadian translation of
Bab-ilani, means: "The gate of the gods. "
2-Excerpts from the book "Implosion the Secret Science of Ecstasy and Immortality". By the
author Dan Winter.
Excerpt 1-
"It is helpful to understand a bit of the alien history of DNA and blood - to understand the context
of immortality and Sirius - at that time. The 2 sons that caused the most troubles were the
product of a genetic problem.
The 2 sons -Enlil and Enki also called Yalweh and Adonia or Michael and Lucifer have become
the problem of the East of Eden, the problem of the War in Heaven which today we call the
Middle East War.
This problem was the LOSS OF IMMORTALITY of the Anunnakis therefore requiring
MACHINES to keep them immortal. This was the "FALL" of their blood brilliance also called
NEPHILIM in the Bible. They lost the natural biology to form BLISS and ECSTACY, so the DNA
in their blood ceased to SHINE with CHARGE."
Excerpt 2-
"The 2 sons had the same father - (Antu - Biki) who was from Sirius but had different
Enki, also called throughout history as Atun - Lucifer- RA – Hermes – Thoth - Akhanaton
-Tut – Ptah - PtaTaal had a mother called Aide who was a member of a type of Draco species
which are winged, also called Ciakar. She was probably from Rigel having the Orion blue blood.
Enlil, the other brother also called through history as Amun, Yalweh, Michael, the encoder in the
biblical code had a mother called Urash who was only part Reptile."
Excerpt 3-
"The problem with the Brother Enlil, was his inability to understand this passion that fires the
DNA" contrary to his brother Enki.
-Section 4 : Guardians - Serpent, lizards and crocodiles all around the world.
Introduction :
We continue our investigation concerning the reality of inter-dimensional beings and their
lineages in our world analyzing the presence of the snake, worm and dragon worship all around
the world.
For the Illuminati, the "Guardians" are those who originally came to Earth to tend to creation,
symbolized by the Garden of Eden, as well as for creating our previous forms of civilization. This
is where the ancient Illuminati mystery schools were actually established, which later gave rise
to Freemasonry.
This process was born in the mists of time with the ancient heavenly Fathers, the "Elohim"
which means "the Powers".
In this belief system, the Elohim are the gods who created us, at the time those who, the
Sumerians, and later the Assyrians-Babylonians, called the Anunnaki, will become our
They are linked to our DNA and they determine our future.
Their offspring are the aristocracy and royalty of our planets, and they have the responsibility to
rule through their bloodlines, by divine power, and they are commonly referred to as "blue blood.
Beyond the secret societies the Anunnakis are described around the world in terms such
as: reptilian, reptilian humanoid ,saurian, lizard man, Homo saurus, and of course, lizard
The Hopi Native American tribe speaks of the existence of a race of reptilian men who live
underground called SHETI or "Snake Brothers".
In pre-Columbian mythology, the primordial Eve named Bachue can transform into a large
serpent, and is called "the serpent of Paradise."
There are also many other examples that suggest that something "reptilian" has been going on
in elite communities since antiquity.
The first legendary king of Athens, Cecrops, was half-man and half-serpent.
In Greek mythology, Titans had servant snakes and Giants were sometimes represented with
legs formed by serpentine endings.
In Indian scriptures and legends, the Nagas are snake-like beings who are supposed to live
underground, while they maintain contact with man.
In some versions, it was reported that these reptoid beings lived on a continent that would
eventually sink into the Indian Ocean, (another Atlantis or Atlantis itself?).
Indian texts also refer to another race of men called Sarpa, the Sanskrit term for snake/serpent.
In Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean and Japanese cultures, there are legends of the Long (Yong in
Korean, Ryu in Japanese) or dragons, halfway between the physical and the astral, but they are
rarely described in humanoid form, having human form with reptilian characteristics.
The Japanese told stories about Kappa, a mythological race of humanoid reptilians.
In China, Korea and Japan, the underwater kingdoms are populated by mythological dragon
kings, and their descendants are considered human descendants of a dragon race.
Such "reptilian" lineage is often claimed by Asian emperors, who were supposed to be able to
voluntarily change from human form to dragon form, which is considered, in some Asian
traditions, to be no better than the form of the devil.
In the Middle East, snake-men and dragons, spoken of since ancient times, are known as jinn.
In the iconography of Western art there are many representations that are in line with the
"reptilian myth", and we often find a woman with a snake tail, sometimes even a reptilian foot, as
in The Last Judgment, a famous triptych by Hieronymus Bosch, created after 1482.
In the Middle Ages, the Devil was often represented with reptilian characteristics, as well as the
various demons represented in the iconography of the Middle Ages.
In Africa, the ancient Egyptian god Sobek is considered a man with the head of a crocodile.
In Mali, Africa, there is a population called the Dogon, who have a founding myth that includes a
reptilian man.
The Dogon say they are descended from the god Amma, who came from the star Po Tolo
(Sirius B).

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  • 1. The storm is here... Who are or who is your Lord ? From the Annunakis to the divine ruler ship of Earth. The descendants of Anunnakis and the current rulers of the world Part 2. Text transcript : ?usp=sharing Since the beginning of this affair as your Leader I have been a victim of many kinds of abuses coming from various religious groups, among them firstly the religion not formed by Christ but just bearing his name and secondly the religion of Salam but which accumulates human rights abuses. All those religious groups including the ones I have mentioned have acted with the idea that what they have been doing globally at the macrocosm level against the people for centuries, which is called mind control and terrorism, could be performed against me, your Leader at the microcosm level. Mind control and terrorism. But no one in the world can indoctrinate the individual who is in touch with the origin of all their beliefs which have been corrupted. They can not indoctrinate the one who bears the truth within the deepest core of his own being. They can never achieve it. Today as your Leader in virtue of the powers vested in me, in the name of the Truth and in the name of the universal Laws : 1- I officially challenge the legitimacy of the books used by many of those religious groups around the world. 2-I officially challenge all the laws which have been formed out of all those books used by many of those religions around the world. 3-I officially challenge all the institutions who have been erected through the centuries based on those books used by many of those religions all around the world. All those books who have been used to perform what can be legally qualified as organized fraud, deception, duress, coercion, embezzlement, abuses of power and abuses of position in order to obtain money, goods or chattels. All those books have been used to perform what can be legally qualified as murders, tortures, genocides, enslavement, grave forms of sexual abuses, persecutions, enforced disappearance of persons.
  • 2. There have been too many victims of those frauds… the number is actually in the billions and the charges are countless… Those falsehoods and forgeries then serve only to fatten the few at the head of the clergy and their associates at the expense of the servitude of the many. A few number of victims is already enough in order to investigate what qualifies as a crime against humanity … The investigations must go through all the archives of those institutions to stop those crimes against humanity and this is the instigation we are beginning to perform today and that we are going to finish together. YOU HAVE TRIGGERED THE WIND FOR YEARS … THE STORM IS HERE. ALL AROUND THE WORLD STOP THE FORGERIES, STOP THE FRAUDS, STOP THE MURDERS, STOP THE THEFT OF OUR MONEY, STOP THE CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, STOP THE BREACHES OF TRUST. As your Leader in virtue of the powers vested in me, in the name of the Truth and in the name of the universal Laws... My religion is one which values the respect of human rights and the rights of every creatures of God either human or not. My religion is one which has the potential to be totally and unconditionally open concerning the corruption which has been plaguing this world in the past and which seeks to make our world evolving beyond this past. My religion is one which has the means and structure already in place in order to fulfill its mission or has the potential to manifest them easily. My religion is one which has the potential to easily reform itself where it is needed or if not has the potential to easily create branches out of itself. My religion is one possessing at its core something of rare value to offer to mankind, something making that religion worth to exist, or has the potential to do so. My religion is one which is based on the truth and facts. My religion is one i am the head of. My religion is one who will finish the Job we have begun today together. My religion and the religion of the future of mankind is none of your frauds. YOU HAVE TRIGGERED THE WIND FOR YEARS … THE STORM IS HERE. Is this religion self made ? We will see. It is the herald of a new age which has been prophesied by previous civilizations. “When the world falls in degradation then the Lord will appear.”
  • 3. According to history tell me who are or who is your Lord ? Childhood ends. For the records all the sources of literature from which my materials are inspired have books available on amazon at the following links and those authors can also be contacted on their respective websites. No matter your religious background if you are the type of individual who is honest with himself and seek for the truth, you will therefore read those materials… before listening again to any of your religious leaders. If you don’t do that therefore when going to your temples you are not going there for the truth, you are just going there for comfort in the face of the global unknown which is growing right in front of your eyes but wish to deny. That’s a fact. -Author 1 Leo Lyon Zagami : Amazon : Website : -Author 2 Mark Passio : Website : -Author 3 Jordan Maxwell : Amazon : 4a-45e7-b6db-3c3f9f30c79a&store_ref=ap_rdr&ref_=ap_rdr -Author 4 David Icke : Amazon : a0-4d0d-9884-65bd5facdbf8&store_ref=ap_rdr&ref_=ap_rdr
  • 4. Website : -Author 5 Michael Tsarion : Amazon : Website : -Author 6 Dan Winter : Amazon : Website : -Author 7 Laurence Gardner : Amazon : 1a-4f92-9964-6b6884d7bf56&store_ref=ap_rdr&ref_=ap_rdr And many more sources are available for our investigations.
  • 5. Section 1: Beliefs at the highest level. Introduction : Here we begin again our investigation concerning the reality of inter-dimensional beings and their lineages in our world. As your Leader, you have heard the authorities call me a lizard, a dragon, a crocodile and many other things relating to it. Today we are going to talk about what the lizards they refer to might be. So far you have seen enough to be able to connect the different events you have witnessed and the facts that are presented to you here and thus validate all of those things that the authors that I have carefully selected reveal to you after their decades of research and evidence collected. The next time someone mentions lizard, crocodile or snake you will know what they are talking about. Until proven otherwise, I am not asserting in any way that these ideas about me mentioned are true, I am only telling you what these ideas refer to for your personal education. They have exposed a reality by their own selves and put me under the spotlights... as your Leader I am only investigating this reality. No one can make me liable for that and I believe we have a threshold in our civilization that must be crossed. This is a new age. The high authorities of this world have the deepest belief and fanaticism for the influence on humanity of extra-dimensional beings having the appearance of lizards and they make you uninitiated members believe that these inter-dimensional beings are just ancient myths… My personal case is the proof for those who still have doubts.
  • 6. I respect any form of life on Earth and all through the various dimensions of the cosmos, there exist good, evil and personal interests in every races mankind society is no exception. In my world I will welcome them because we live within a cosmos full of opportunities waiting to be acknowledged and seized. I would like to point out that the views and experiences of the authors mentioned here vary concerning the ability of these senior members of secret societies to morph into those inter dimensional entities that they worship and interact with. I remain impartial on this matter and disclose to you all the various experiences of those authors. Together we will gradually and continuously move forward in our knowledge of the Creator. -Presentation of the author Leo Lyon Zagami. Leo Lyon Zagami is a Italian writer, researcher, and creator of a popular blog concerning his direct involvement with the New World Order. Leo Zagami is a former high ranking member of numerous powerful Illuminati networks, who decided to speak out by exposing the spiritual corruption from the inside. Those networks include freemasonry, the Ordo Templis Orientis, the argentinum astrum, the rosicrucian order and many more in which he has held high level positions. The reason why he was able to access those positions was partly because of his bloodline. Leo Lyon Zagami has published several books available on amazon, the most popular series of books that he published are his Confessions of an Illuminati series which I recommend you. Find Leo Lyon Zagami work at the following link : 0-4bfa-adbd-35d4a5cbee05&store_ref=ap_rdr&ref_=ap_rdr -Presentation of the authors Cathy Obrien and Mark Phillips. Cathy O'Brien is an American conspiracy theorist and author who claims to have been a victim of a government mind control program called "Project Monarch", which she alleges was part of the CIA's Project MKUltra. O'Brien made these assertions in the book Trance Formation of America in1995 and the book Access Denied: For Reasons of National Security in 2004, both of which she co-authored and self-published with her husband, Mark Phillips. In 2017 she published the book PTSD: Time to Heal sharing the techniques she and her husband Mark Phillips used to overcome the mind control she has been the victim of. Find Cathy O'brien and Mark Phillips work at the following link : rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
  • 7. -Presentation of the author David Icke. David Icke is an English author, researcher and public speaker and also a former footballer and sports broadcaster. He has written over 20 books and spoken in over 25 countries. Icke combines New Age philosophical discussion about the universe and consciousness with conspiracy theories about public figures being reptilian humanoids and paedophiles. He argues in favour of reincarnation; a collective consciousness that has intentionality; modal realism , stating that other possible worlds exist alongside ours, and the so-called law of attraction, arguing that good and bad thoughts can attract experiences. In his book The Biggest Secret, he introduced the idea that many prominent figures derive from the Anunnaki, a reptilian race from the Draco constellation. Find David Icke work at the following link : =1-1 -Presentation of the author Dan Winter. Dan Winter is a prolific writer and much of his work is available on the Internet. His background spans a broad spectrum of disciplines around the topics of science, spirituality, the history of mankind, its evolution and relationship with other interdimensional species. He graduated with honors at the Jesuit University of Detroit, pursued graduate studies in psychophysiology, and the origins of languages. Dan Winter has worked as a Systems Analyst with IBM, an industrial metallurgist and a crystallographer among dozens of other positions he has held in various companies and organizations he founded. His knowledge an experience allowed him to develop a series of devices available to the public. Find Dan Winter work at the following link : e1-49bd-a0c1-f51e345acc19 1-Excerpt from the book "Access Denied on National Security Grounds". By the authors Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips concerning the potential ability of the senior members of secret societies to shape shift. " TRANCE was written for Congress," Mark reminded him. "Congress already knows about the holographic generators that produce such an image. Testimony has already been provided to Congress regarding the equipment used by Bush to perpetuate the snake morphing illusion." 2-Excerpt from the book "Implosion: the secret science of ecstasy and immortality" concerning the potential ability of the senior members of secret societies to shape shift.
  • 8. "Wives of important military leaders and media personalities have several times independently reported seeing their husband's bodies taken over by reptilian types. The shape-shifting is hard to see." 3-Excerpt From the book "Confessions of an Illuminati". By the author Leo Zagami concerning the potential ability of the senior members of secret societies to shape shift. "On this theory I diverge a bit with Icke, or at least used to diverge until recently - when David Icke finally adopted the extra-dimensional view of extraterrestrial reality to define the so-called 'reptilians'. I think this is a much more credible position, because personally, I don't change shape or have a tail." 4-Series of 3 excerpts from the book "Trance formation of America" and "Access denied for national security reasons" concerning the potential ability of the senior members of secret societies to shape shift. Excerpt 1- "Bush's most effective example of "You are what you read" in his book About Face occurred while reading the page describing lizard-like "aliens" from a "deep, distant place in space," Pretending to me to be an alien himself, Bush apparently activated a lizard-like hologram of the "alien" that provided the illusion of Bush transforming like a chameleon before my eyes." Excerpt 2- "This video created for "his Royal Lizardy" as President of Mexico De la Madrid was called, was one of many enigmatic lizard themes that NASA used in its Mexican operations. All of my scheduled roles in Mexico involved the prolific, local lizards and iguanas. De la Madrid had told me the "iguana legend", explaining that lizard-like aliens had descended upon the Maya. The Mayan pyramids, their advanced astronomical technology, including the sacrifice of virgins, would have been inspired by those alien lizards. He told me that when the aliens interbred with the Mayans to produce a life form they could inhabit, they fluctuated between a human appearance and an iguana appearance through chameleon-like abilities. "A perfect vehicle for becoming world leaders." De la Madrid claimed to have Mayan/alien ancestry in his blood, whereby he transformed "into an Iguana at will. De la Madrid produced a hologram similar to the one Bush did in his You Are What You Read Initiation. His hologram of a lizard-like tongue and eyes produced the illusion that he was turning into an iguana. While in Mexico, I was always instructed to wait by the rocks where the abundant iguanas sunned themselves before being "transported" to my scheduled meetings with "his Royal Lizardry," President De la Madrid also called the Lizard of Ahs. " Excerpt 3- "As the drugs caught up with me, I listened intently to what Leahy was saying. "God forgive this one," Leahy said, referring to both my role in NAFTA and his pedophilic abuse of my daughter. "Of course, God is not the one you have to worry about. He is a passive God, the One who has
  • 9. passed on and lives only in a Bible. The God you have to worry about is the all-seeing, all knowing God. That great, great Eye in the sky. He sees all, records all, and transmits information where it is needed. Let me give you some sound advice. Keep your mouth shut and none of this needs to be known. anywhere. Only your Vice President (Bush) will know for sure, and he has been keeping secrets all his life. I am not suggesting that George Bush is God. Oh no, he is much more than that. He is a semi-God, which means he straddles the heavenly and earthly planes so that he acts on what he sees with his ever-watchful Eye In The Sky." Excerpt 4- "Early the next morning, deep underground in the mind control lab at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center near D.C., Bill Bennett began preparing me for the program. NASA uses various "CIA designer drugs" to chemically alter the brain and create exactly the state of mind required at the time, in Huntsville, Alabama, NASA drug of choice, "Trainquility," created a sense of absolute, peaceful conformity and a feeling of walking on air. The drug administered this time was similar enough to Tranquility to create total compliance. The mistreatment I had endured the night before had rendered me helpless, anyway, and I could barely crawl on the cold, metal lab table while the medication took effect. In the darkness around him, I could hear Bill Bennett speaking, "This is my brother, Bob. He and I work as one unit. We are alien to this dimension, two beings from another plane." The screen of high-tech light swirling around me convinced me that I was transforming dimensions with them, a laser of light struck the black wall in front of me, which seemed to explode into a panoramic view of a White House cocktail party as if I had transformed dimensions and stood among them. Not recognizing anyone, I frantically asked, "Who are these people?". "They're not people, and it's not a spaceship," Bennett said. As he spoke, the holographic scene changed slightly until the people looked like lizard-like aliens. "Welcome to the second basement level. This Level is a simple (mirror) reflection of the first, an alien dimension. We come from a trans-dimensional plane that extends and encompasses all dimensions." "Infinite dimensions," injected Bob, "Infinite dimensions extended simultaneously," said Bill, "No limitations." Bob softly sang "Let Freedom Ring. " There is really nowhere to run and nowhere to hide from us. We are the ones looking behind the Eye in the Sky," Bill continued, "We are watching you," Bob said. He sang a line from the popular rock song "I'll Be Watching You." "I brought you through my dimension as a way to establish stronger holds on your mind than the earth plane allows," Bill Bennett said. "Being an outsider, I simply make my thoughts your thoughts by projecting them into your mind. My Thoughts are your thoughts."
  • 10. Section 2: The case of the royal affiliation of the whistle-blower Leo Zagami. Introduction: We continue our investigation concerning the reality of inter-dimensional beings and their lineages in our world using the case of the whistle-blower Leo Lyon Zagami. He has allegedly a royal affiliation and therefore blood ties with those old lineages of extra-dimensional beings. As you will see in the following excerpts the beliefs in the Deities of preceding civilizations and in their human descendants play a predominant role in the assignment of positions and privileges within the highest secret societies. So do the zodiac sign, the date of birth and meaning of the name of the individual. -Series of 9 excerpts from the book "Confessions of an Illuminati" Volume 1 to 7. By the author Leo Zagami concerning the connection between royalty and the bloodline of the Gods. Excerpt 1 - "For Mystic Masonry, the religions and myths of the past are a clear trace left to us by extradimensional beings capable of traveling the cosmos from ancient times, joining the human race in secret rituals orchestrated by the Illuminati and Illuminists, for both evil and good deeds, to operate on humanity, in order to establish religions and civilizations, sometimes even demanding human sacrifices."
  • 11. Excerpt 2 - "This mysterious A∴A∴, officially a spiritual organization, is an offshoot of the Golden Dawn, a secret organization of initiate bodies created by Crowley before he joined the O.T.O. Connected to the star Sirius, it is an ultra-secret sect of powerful telepaths, known as the Argentium Astrum among other names, created by Aleister Crowley and his associates at the beginning of the last century, mainly to connect with this stellar current of great importance (i.e. Sirius), simply because it is linked to the very origins of our species: the Annunaki." Excerpt 3 - “The author, having also been a member of some of these organizations, makes the readers aware of their progress, development and goals that have been set in secret and otherwise inaccessible environments. He speaks of Invisible Masters and Secret Chiefs, both spiritual and material, and of so-called "contactists" who supposedly know access to multidimensional doorways where they can enter psychically or physically, "what is above and what is below.” Excerpt 4- "It's possible they {implying the Gods} helped me climb the ladder into the world of the Illuminati and Freemasonry." Excerpt 5- "In 2008, Her Majesty the Queen of England allowed one of her Crown Estate buildings in The Mall, the main road leading to Buckingham Palace, to house a statue of Pazuzu, which represents the first effigy of evil from ancient Iraq. The sculpture of the god Pazuzu by Italian artist Roberto Cuoghi has been hoisted onto the roof of the Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) in London. The statue was placed on the roof of Nash House, a building that is part of Carlton House Terrace, built by John Nash, who was also responsible for Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square and Marble Arch to name a few, and houses the Institute of Contemporary Arts. The whole building is of course the personal property of the monarchy, so this monstrosity obviously had to have royal backing." Excerpt 6- “In the movie The Exorcist, the power is derived from a relic related to the ancient Babylonian Assyrian demon called Pazuzu, the king of the air, and in some religious sects was interpreted as Satan. Pazuzu is depicted as a man with a monstrous face in the shape of a jackal with wings. Pazuzu was invoked to protect pregnant women from evil spirits, such as Lamashtu, his eternal rival, who is the origin of the biblical Lilith, a child kidnapper. But it is also the demon of the wind, which brings death by hypothermia and destruction by the wind.
  • 12. Pazuzu's face is scary, Chinese dragons also have the same snarling face, but this does not necessarily mean that they are cruel. The role of Pazuzu is however negative. It was believed that the air, along with the wind, often brought diseases, which were once believed to be the work of evil spirits, and therefore even death. Many deities associated with storms are also associated with fertility and change, and not just through destruction." Excerpt 7- “The presence of air creatures is not lacking even in classical Greek culture. In this context, this element does not actively intervene in the creation of man, but, like all other elemental forces is represented by a god, who personifies and dominates it. In this case, it is Aeolus, the legendary son of Poseidon and Arne (or Melanippa) who was charged by Zeus to keep control of the winds, which were released in the past causing the detachment of Sicily from the continent. Aeolus was kept safe in a bottle hidden in a cave of Lipari, an island that is part of a volcanic archipelago, composed of seven islands placed in front of the upper part of Sicily. The same Lipari, Vulcano, Stromboli, Panarea, Salina, Alicudi and Filicudi. A group of islands called Aeolian, from which the god Aeolus took his name, and where part of my family comes from. The Zagami of Lipari, like the other inhabitants of these magical islands, are said to be descended from the same god Aeolus, who gave his descendants the gift of manipulating the winds by secretly using prayers transmitted from father to son. Aeolus, like Pazuzu, is a god of a divine race, a race originating from the extraterrestrial and extradimensional realm, with special powers over the elements. Last but not least, Pazuzu is a member of the Annunaki, a race worshipped not only by the Sumerians, but by the Illuminati elite, who are bound by a blood affinity to these gods, which over the centuries and millennia have become a kind of karmic and spiritual affinity. It's possible that they helped me climb the ladder in the world of the Illuminati and Freemasonry." Excerpt 8- “I was told that it was no coincidence that my late father's name was Elio, and my name is Leo. Basically, our names put together in Latin describe the period known in English as the Dog Days, the hottest and most sweltering days of summer. These are 40 days, beginning on July 3 and ending on August 11, that coincide with the heliacal rising of the dog star, Sirius. For the ancient Egyptians, Sirius appeared just before the flood season of the Nile, so they used the star as an indicator of the flood. Since its rising also coincided with a period of extreme heat, the link to hot, sweltering weather was established. This period also coincides with the Sun in Leo, among other things. Four years after this important event in my life in 1997, the same character, the initiator who had initiated me into the secrets of this brotherhood of the A∴A∴ (which I wrote about in depth in Volume I), gave me a mysterious text to read written by someone who, he said, would help me understand certain things about t he true state of the world." Excerpt 9-
  • 13. "An interesting revelation for the author of this book, a descendant of the Lyon (now BowesLyon) family Earls of Strathmore and descendants of the King of Scotland who traditionally held a terrible secret that was only revealed to male descendants on their twenty No one knows what the secret is or how old it is, because the tradition eventually died out, but when a former gardener to the 14th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne was asked about it by the Earl's granddaughter, he simply replied: "you're lucky you don't have it know, and you will never know, because otherwise you would be the most unhappy of women. For the first time in 1904, XIII Count Claude Bowes-Lyon, at the age of twenty-one, publicly confessed the existence of a terrible secret to his friend, saying: "If you only knew the nature of our secret, it would bring you to your knees. and you would thank God that you were immune. So what was this secret? Perhaps the fact that they were descended from the Annunaki, and Tutankhamun's sister named Meritaten whose nickname was "Scotland" might be the answer." -Section 3: The occult roots of Hollywood. Introduction : We continue our investigation concerning the reality of inter-dimensional beings and their lineages in our world by observing the presence of the Anunnaki worship within the scene of Hollywood and all its implications. The culture of the occult societies is intertwined with the culture of the external world and those two worlds operate in a discrete interaction that can be observed through the media and infrastructures. Here the Whistleblower Leo Zagami demonstrates this interaction in Hollywood by his experience as an insider of the highest secret societies.
  • 14. In the following photo the Whistleblower Leo Zagami points to the Babylonian gate in the center of the Hollywood & Highland Center, located between Hollywood Boulevard and North Highland Avenue in Los Angeles. 1-Series of 3 Excerpts from the book "Confessions of an Illuminati" Volume 1 to 7. Excerpt 1- "In the back entrance of the Kodak Theatre (now known as the Dolby Theatre), where the famous Academy Awards ceremony is held each year, there is a huge symbolic secret placed there by the Illuminati elite for all to see. The Dolby is a giant auditorium for concerts and events, and is located in a huge shopping and entertainment center called The Hollywood & Highland Center, located between Hollywood Boulevard and North Highland Avenue in Hollywood, Los Angeles. The opening of the center took place on November 9, 2001, an event that went almost unnoticed by most people, as it occurred only two months after the tragic events of September 11, which had catalyzed international media attention. It is the first permanent home of the film industry's most important annual award, the Oscars. As you can easily imagine, this is a place of great enormous strategic importance for the various Illuminati sects and their vampiric Egregore. At the Dolby Theatre, which could be defined as the Vatican of cinema, the meetings of what is considered the most influential Masonic lodge in Hollywood takes place. Most of the key locations in this Hollywood Babylon, including the Masonic Temple across the street, now known as the El Capitan Entertainment Center (which was purchased a few years ago by Walt Disney), were created by Freemason and Worshipful Master, Charles E. Tobermann. That said, I honestly didn't expect to find all this Illuminati symbolism splashed right in front of my eyes in the middle of Hollywood. A large-scale Babylonia gate oversees the whole thing, positioned right in the center of the huge shopping and entertainment center, where every year the red carpet is rolled out to welcome the Hollywood elite and the rich and famous. Most of the tourists who visit this place every day are unaware of its symbolic importance, although they constantly feed their energies to the Hollywood egregore and its propaganda. David Icke made an interesting analysis some years ago in his book Children of the Matrix, where he states: "I cannot stress enough that to understand what we call the present, we must understand the past, and that is why the Anunnaki-Illuminati have focused so much effort on rewriting history. Even Hollywood is an example. The Druids worshiped trees, especially the oak. The holly was their most sacred symbol because it was sacred to Mother Holle or Hel, the goddess of the underworld.
  • 15. Thus we have Holle or Holly-wood (Hel-wood), the "place of magic" and the home of the Illuminati mass propaganda and conditioning machine in California. Holly wood was a favorite source of magic wands. Well said David. Unfortunately, when he wrote the above statement, the monstrosity I described above had not yet been created, so don't ask me what Icke is going to write about Hollywood now, as an Anunnaki is clearly visible at the top of this huge monument. On the left are images of the god known in Sumerian mythology as Enki, later known in Babylonian times as Ea, and defined by the famous scholar Zecharia Sitchin as the commander in-chief of the Anunnaki, and on the right, the god Nisroch, the ancient Assyrian god of agriculture. Enki is presented in his classic role as a water carrier, as he was well known in ancient times. Some researchers say that this is the basis of the extraterrestrial "bloodlines" that rule our planet, the same ones that David Icke calls the Reptilians. The historian Benito CA declared in his well-known thesis of 1969: "With Enki we observe an interesting change in the symbolism of the sexes, the fertilizing agent is also the water, in Sumerian 'a' or 'Ab' that means, however, also sperm. In a passage from a Sumerian hymn, Enki lingers on empty river beds and fills them with his water. In the center of the two deities is a representation of the Tree of Life of the Kabbalah, which symbolizes the laws of the universe. The two representations on this "Hollywood Babylonian door" show impressive images of the early civilizations of Mesopotamia - at the center of what is effectively the main temple of the world's factory of illusions within our civilization. There are also two gigantic elephants, placed on two huge columns, which are symbols of the Babylonian god Ishtar (also known as Sumerian Inanna, or Egyptian Isis). The complete story of the impact of the Anunnaki (as they call these deities) on human civilization has been partially revised and told in recent times by Zecharia Sitchin in his works, and in particular, in his book The Earth Chronicles. Many traditional historians have never accepted his interpretations, with its paleo astronautical flavor, and have remained in line with the religious beliefs of the Illuminati sects; who like the fact that they may be descendants of those ancient deities who, according to Zecharia Sitchin, came to this planet from another about 445,000 years ago. The Anunnaki (according to Sitchin) came to Earth in search of gold and assumed the role of gods, transmitting civilization to mankind and teaching men to worship them, becoming, as David Icke also teaches, the ancestors of the current royal families who guide and control the world and the power system of the Illuminati network of secret societies. According to the eccentric English author Icke, many royal families are part of the Anunnaki lineage, and the former Queen Mother, Elizabeth of England (1900-2002), was seen to change from reptilian to human several times while she was still alive. On this theory, I differ a bit with Icke, or at least we used to differ until recently - when David Icke finally adopted the extra-dimensional view of extraterrestrial reality to define the so-called "reptilians. I think this is a much more credible position, because I personally don't shape-shift or have a tail.”
  • 16. Excerpt 2- “Not surprisingly, the first public celebration of the Gnostic Mass designed by Aleister Crowley for the O.T.O. took place in Hollywood in March 1933, at 1746 Winona Boulevard, right next to the much better known Hollywood Boulevard, where the Dolby Theatre is located, which is placed on an important telluric line according to writer and investigator Bret Lueder in his book, Song in Your Heart: The Story for the Search for the Lost Note. There is a telluric line that runs from Hollywood to northeastern California, through Hollywood Hill's Forest Lawn Memorial Park, the famous cemetery of the stars, and on to Disney Studios in Pasadena. The term "telluric line" was originally coined by Sir Alfred Watkins. The current definition of a telluric line according to Wikipedia is: "Telluric lines are hypothetical alignments of a number of places of geographical interest, such as ancient monuments and megaliths. Their existence was suggested in 1921 by amateur archaeologist Alfred Watkins, whose book The Old Straight Track brought the line to the attention of the general public.” Excerpt 3- “I find it interesting that this new Babylonian monument was placed next to the Dolby Theatre on this important telluric line in 2001, exactly ten years after the famous English gay filmmaker Nigel Finch released an hour-long documentary called Kenneth Anger's |”Hollywood Babylon" (1991).” Excerpt 4- “Babylon comes from the Sumerian, "KA.DINGIR.RA" which in the Akkadian translation of Bab-ilani, means: "The gate of the gods. " 2-Excerpts from the book "Implosion the Secret Science of Ecstasy and Immortality". By the author Dan Winter. Excerpt 1- "It is helpful to understand a bit of the alien history of DNA and blood - to understand the context of immortality and Sirius - at that time. The 2 sons that caused the most troubles were the product of a genetic problem. The 2 sons -Enlil and Enki also called Yalweh and Adonia or Michael and Lucifer have become the problem of the East of Eden, the problem of the War in Heaven which today we call the Middle East War. This problem was the LOSS OF IMMORTALITY of the Anunnakis therefore requiring MACHINES to keep them immortal. This was the "FALL" of their blood brilliance also called NEPHILIM in the Bible. They lost the natural biology to form BLISS and ECSTACY, so the DNA in their blood ceased to SHINE with CHARGE."
  • 17. Excerpt 2- "The 2 sons had the same father - (Antu - Biki) who was from Sirius but had different mothers. Enki, also called throughout history as Atun - Lucifer- RA – Hermes – Thoth - Akhanaton -Tut – Ptah - PtaTaal had a mother called Aide who was a member of a type of Draco species which are winged, also called Ciakar. She was probably from Rigel having the Orion blue blood. Enlil, the other brother also called through history as Amun, Yalweh, Michael, the encoder in the biblical code had a mother called Urash who was only part Reptile." Excerpt 3- "The problem with the Brother Enlil, was his inability to understand this passion that fires the DNA" contrary to his brother Enki. -Section 4 : Guardians - Serpent, lizards and crocodiles all around the world. Introduction : We continue our investigation concerning the reality of inter-dimensional beings and their lineages in our world analyzing the presence of the snake, worm and dragon worship all around the world. For the Illuminati, the "Guardians" are those who originally came to Earth to tend to creation, symbolized by the Garden of Eden, as well as for creating our previous forms of civilization. This
  • 18. is where the ancient Illuminati mystery schools were actually established, which later gave rise to Freemasonry. This process was born in the mists of time with the ancient heavenly Fathers, the "Elohim" which means "the Powers". In this belief system, the Elohim are the gods who created us, at the time those who, the Sumerians, and later the Assyrians-Babylonians, called the Anunnaki, will become our "Guardians". They are linked to our DNA and they determine our future. Their offspring are the aristocracy and royalty of our planets, and they have the responsibility to rule through their bloodlines, by divine power, and they are commonly referred to as "blue blood. " Beyond the secret societies the Anunnakis are described around the world in terms such as: reptilian, reptilian humanoid ,saurian, lizard man, Homo saurus, and of course, lizard people." The Hopi Native American tribe speaks of the existence of a race of reptilian men who live underground called SHETI or "Snake Brothers". In pre-Columbian mythology, the primordial Eve named Bachue can transform into a large serpent, and is called "the serpent of Paradise." There are also many other examples that suggest that something "reptilian" has been going on in elite communities since antiquity. The first legendary king of Athens, Cecrops, was half-man and half-serpent. In Greek mythology, Titans had servant snakes and Giants were sometimes represented with legs formed by serpentine endings. In Indian scriptures and legends, the Nagas are snake-like beings who are supposed to live underground, while they maintain contact with man. In some versions, it was reported that these reptoid beings lived on a continent that would eventually sink into the Indian Ocean, (another Atlantis or Atlantis itself?). Indian texts also refer to another race of men called Sarpa, the Sanskrit term for snake/serpent. In Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean and Japanese cultures, there are legends of the Long (Yong in Korean, Ryu in Japanese) or dragons, halfway between the physical and the astral, but they are rarely described in humanoid form, having human form with reptilian characteristics. The Japanese told stories about Kappa, a mythological race of humanoid reptilians. In China, Korea and Japan, the underwater kingdoms are populated by mythological dragon kings, and their descendants are considered human descendants of a dragon race. Such "reptilian" lineage is often claimed by Asian emperors, who were supposed to be able to voluntarily change from human form to dragon form, which is considered, in some Asian traditions, to be no better than the form of the devil. In the Middle East, snake-men and dragons, spoken of since ancient times, are known as jinn. In the iconography of Western art there are many representations that are in line with the "reptilian myth", and we often find a woman with a snake tail, sometimes even a reptilian foot, as in The Last Judgment, a famous triptych by Hieronymus Bosch, created after 1482. In the Middle Ages, the Devil was often represented with reptilian characteristics, as well as the various demons represented in the iconography of the Middle Ages. In Africa, the ancient Egyptian god Sobek is considered a man with the head of a crocodile.
  • 19. In Mali, Africa, there is a population called the Dogon, who have a founding myth that includes a reptilian man. The Dogon say they are descended from the god Amma, who came from the star Po Tolo (Sirius B).