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Michael Jordan Essay
In Jim Naughton's book Taking To The Air, the main character is Michael Jordan. The book is
Jordan's life and talents. Michael Jeffrey Jordan was born February 17, 1963, in Brooklyn, New
York. He was the fourth child and the youngest of three boys. Michael Jordan is by any measure, the
most popular athlete in America and perhaps the best–known figure in the world. I have chosen to
use Maslow's Theory of Hierarchy of Need to analysis Jordan's personality. I will do my analysis by
focusing on Jordan's healthy personality, which is marked by his continued personal growth.
Michael Jordan's parents are James and Deloris Jordan. James began work as a forklift operator for
General Electric, rose to dispatcher and retired as a supervisor. ... Show more content on ...
That same summer, after the Bulls had been bounced from the playoffs, Jordan took his Father,
Shiver, Whitfield and Kearns on a 10–day cross–country trip, which was paid by Jordan.
"Once you are friends with him he really works at keeping that friendship and nursing
that friendship," Higgins says.
Michael is a talented person that has achieved many dreams that he might have thought was
impossible. Jordan's goal is to buy a basketball team when he retires from basketball this year.
Jordan along with Master P, wants to buy the Charlotte Hornets but this is still uncertain. Jordan not
only is a talented athlete but he is a scholar. Jordan graduated from North Carolina State University
with a degree in a Cultural Geography. It seemed almost useful field of studies for a young man who
sensed that he might soon be touring the country or at least its airport, arenas and hotels, as a
professional ballplayer.
Jordan is a friendly and outgoing person. The reason I say this is because as far as the way he
interacts with others Deloris Jordan says, "He was the most outgoing of her children, the
one who liked people more." Fred Whitfield, a friend of Jordan states, "He's
easy to talk to, easy to laugh and joke around with.
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Syrian Civil War Essay
ECPSC– 2013
1. The Syrian civil war also commonly known as the Syrian uprising is an ongoing armed conflict in
Syria between forces loyal to the Syrian Baath Party government and those seeking to oust it. The
conflict began on 15 March 2011, with popular demonstrations that grew nationwide by April 2011.
These demonstrations were part of the wider Middle Eastern protest movement known as the Arab
Spring. Protesters demanded the resignation of President Bashar al–Assad, whose family has held
the presidency in Syria since 1971, as well as the end to over four decades of Baath Party rule. In
April 2011, the Syrian Army was deployed to quell the uprising. After months of military sieges, the
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5. The Assad family comes from the minority Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shiite Islam that
comprises an estimated 12 percent of the total Syrian population generating resentment among some
Sunni Muslims, a sect that makes up about three quarters of Syria's population.
World Opinion
6. The Arab League, United States, European Union, Arab States of the Persian Gulf, and other
countries condemned the use of violence against the protesters. The Arab League suspended Syria's
membership because of the government's response to the crisis, but granted the Syrian National
Coalition, Syria's seat on 6 March 2013. The Arab League also sent an observer mission in
December 2011, as part of its proposal for peaceful resolution of the crisis.
7. A further attempt to resolve the crisis was made through the appointment of Kofi Annan as a
special envoy. On 15 July 2012, the International Committee of the Red Cross assessed the Syrian
conflict as a "non–international armed conflict" (the ICRC's legal term for civil war), thus applying
international humanitarian law under the Geneva Conventions to Syria.
Current Situation
8. On 2 January 2013, the United Nations stated that the war's death toll had exceeded 60,000; on 12
February, this figure was updated to 70,000. According to various opposition activist groups,
between 62,550 and 74,470 people have been killed, of which about half were civilians, and also
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United States And The Refugees Of Afghanistan
Corinne Archambault World History
7/21/15 Ms. Sara Shelley 2nd Semester Outcast United To the townspeople of Clarkston, Georgia,
home meant small houses with white picket fences. . To the refugees of Afghanistan, Burundi,
Congo, Liberia, and Sudan to name a few, home had meant small wooden shacks and dirt roads;
until civil wars destroyed their villages and towns. All of a sudden, home to the refugees now meant
small bare–walled apartments in Clarkston, Georgia. Warren St. John's Outcasts United, illustrates
the struggles of both the refugees and the townspeople as they adapt to the changes in Clarkston. In
particular, St. John focuses on a refugee soccer team led by a Jordanian woman named Luma
Mufleh. While the soccer team helped refugee families adjust to American Lifestyle, it prompted
changes in the community that the townspeople of Clarkston were not ready to acknowledge. The
Clarkston residents had to alter their lifestyle economically, religiously, and culturally to
accommodate for the changes the refugees brought.
The townspeople needed to change the way they ran their businesses in order to attract customer.
Bill Mehlinger was the owner of Thriftown, a grocery store in the middle of Clarkston. In 1990,
when Mehlinger bought the grocery store he had a customer base of half black half white. To cater
to his customers, Mehlinger made sure the store had all American choices (173). The store was
doing well until Clarkston's population began
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British Diplomacy in Palestine Essay
I believe that British diplomacy in Palestine was consistently indecisive and hypocritical but at the
same time the British wanted to keep their hands in Palestine's economy and goods. The reasoning
behind this statement is because of the events that played out during the Hussein–McMahon
correspondence, the Sykes–Picot agreement, and the Balfour declaration.
First, the Hussein–McMahon correspondence was a long–drawn–out exchange of letters between
the Sharif of Mecca Hussein bin Ali and British High Commissioner Sir Henry McMahon dealing
with the future political status of the Ottoman Empire. The Arab's were planning on revolting
against the Ottoman Empire because of the promise that after the war was over Britain would
recognize the ... Show more content on ...
The Sykes–Picot agreement was a secret agreement between Britain and the French with the
Russians in agreement of the arrangement. The agreement would separate areas of influence
between France England, and Russia over West Asia and parts of the Middle East. Britain was given
control of territories of Jordan and coastal land touching the Mediterranean allowing access to more
trade and influence. France was allowed parts of Syria, Lebanon and parts of Iraq. Britain's
negotiator was Sir Mark Sykes, a member or parliament, and France's representative was Francois–
Georges Picot a French diplomat who had served as consul general in Beirut. Part of the agreement
would supposedly allow Arab nations to rule themselves with sovereignty; however, probable
imperialist intentions in the west left Arab leaders highly skeptical that the agreement would allow
true autonomy to Arab states.
Third, the Balfour declaration was a letter from the Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour and the
letter clearly stated by the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland and it said that Palestine
was the national home of the Jewish people and not of the Palestinian people. Nevertheless, the
declaration did state that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of
existing non–Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews
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The Attacks On Saudi Embassy
The meeting discussed the brutal attacks on the Saudi embassy in Tehran where Al–Jubeir noted that
the attacks were clear violations of the international conventions, laws, and treaties. According to
the sanctity of these international agreements, the Iranian government has a responsibility to protect
the diplomatic missions on their soil. Further, he confirmed that the attacks on Saudi diplomats were
highly condemned by other countries, as well as regional and international organizations such as UN
Security Council, the Arab League, and Gulf Cooperation Council. He asserted that OIC needed to
issue a strict stance to Iran from its principles and other international conventions and laws.
Additionally, he concluded that Saudi Arabia was more concerned with better relations, mutual
respect, non– interference and good principles of neighborliness with Iran but the latter failed to
adhere to these basic rules.
As noted before, the Iranian aggressive policies date back to the 1979 revolution, after which the
country has continued to instigate cases of sedition, unrest, and chaos among the countries in the
Gulf region. This is thought to have been a long–term effort by Iran to undermine security and
spread instability in the region completely disregarding the moral principles, international
conventions, and treaties. However, despite the numerous consequences caused by continued Iranian
interference, Saudi has maintained a policy of restraint to prevent any major outburst. The
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The Islamic State Of Iraq And Al Sham
The Islamic State, otherwise called the Islamic State of Iraq and al–Sham (ISIS), takes after an
unmistakable assortment of Islam whose convictions about the way to the Day of Judgment matter
to its system, and can help the West know its adversary and foresee its conduct. Its ascent to power
is less like the triumph of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt (a gathering whose pioneers the Islamic
State considers faithless people) than like the acknowledgment of a tragic substitute reality.
The White House has reliably said that it means to annihilate the Islamic State. For over a year,
constrained U.S. airstrikes have jabbed at the terrorist gathering without much of any result. ISIS
still controls half of Syria and almost 33% of Iraq and has as of late embraced emotional assaults
against real targets – Hezbollah in Beirut, Russia in Egypt, and the French somewhere down in their
capital city – outside the geographic region it controls.
We have misjudged the way of the Islamic State in no less than two ways. To begin with, we tend to
consider jihadism to be solid, and to apply the rationale of al‑Qaeda to an association that has
conclusively overshadowed it. The Islamic State supporters I talked with still allude to Osama
canister Laden as "Sheik Osama," a title of honor. In any case, jihadism has advanced since al–
Qaeda 's prime, from around 1998 to 2003, and numerous jihadists abhor the gathering 's needs and
current administration. Container Laden saw his terrorism as an
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The Bombing Of The Islamic Government Of Iran
From the recent massacres happening in Iraq and Syria, we can gather that Washington has trampled
on a path which has been seen as a way to redefine the war in Iraq, an effective scheme to bring the
command of Assad to its crumbling demises and to recalibrate an inclusive plan to collapse the
Islamic Government of Iran. Immediately coinciding with the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq, an
organized string of deadly explosions gripped Iraq, leading to the massacre of dozens of civilians.
Multiple bomb explosions happening simultaneously in Baghdad, claiming the lives of countless
innocent civilians. Another series of explosions targeted Shia Muslims killing at least 71 people.
Most of the explosions which targeted the Shia Muslims are maliciously meant to inspire the feeling
and doubt that it is a matter of sectarian violence, a plot devised by the US and its allies to justify
that the Iraqi politicians are intent to provoke a communal bloodletting which is gradually tearing
the country apart. Washington began to capitalize on tension in the country and playing the religious
card on one hand and sending a message that Iraq is not capable of maintaining security and stability
in the country on the other.
As the situation stands, Washington is redefining the war in Iraq by provoking chaos and commotion
in the ravaged country with three apparent motivations.. One, to create the impression that the
withdrawal of US troops was a mistake and that the country is diving into
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Background Information On The Sykes Picot Agreement
Background Information on the Sykes–Picot Agreement After the war broke out in the summer of
1914, the Allies–Britain, France and Russia–held many discussions regarding the future of the
Ottoman Empire, now fighting on the side of Germany and the Central Powers, and its vast expanse
of territory in the Middle East, Arabia and southern–central Europe. In March 1915, Britain signed a
secret agreement with Russia, whose designs on the empire's territory had led the Turks to join
forces with Germany and Austria–Hungary in 1914. By its terms, Russia would annex the Ottoman
capital of Constantinople and retain control of the Dardanelles (the crucially important strait
connecting the Black Sea with the Mediterranean) and the Gallipoli peninsula, ... Show more
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On May 19, 1916 representatives of Great Britain and France secretly reach an accord, known as the
Sykes–Picot agreement. "The Sykes–Picot Agreement", officially known as the "Asia Minor
Agreement" was a secret agreement between the governments of the United Kingdom(Britain) and
France, with the assent aid of Russia, defining their biased proposed spheres of influence that
provide them with an advantage of gaining control in the Middle East should the Triple Entente
succeeded in dethroning the mighty Ottoman Empire during the first World War back in early 1919.
The negotiation of this treaty/agreement occurred between November of 1915 and March of the year
1916. The agreement finally came to a close on the 19th of May 1916.
The agreement effectively used, implied and put into action the famous imperialistic tactic of the
Europeans: "Divide and Rule". This agreement divided the Arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire
outside the Arabian peninsula into areas of future British and French colonization using their
advantage in control and/or influence. Under Sykes–Picot, the Syrian coast and much of modern–
day Lebanon went to France; Britain would take direct control over central and southern
Mesopotamia, around the Baghdad and Basra provinces. Palestine would have an international
administration, as other Christian powers, namely Russia, held an interest in this region. The rest of
the territory in question–a huge area
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How Has Realism Theory Played a Key Role in Israeli and...
For many centuries, Judaic and Arabian societies have engaged in one of the most complicated and
lengthy conflicts known to mankind, the makings of a highly difficult peace process. Unfortunately
for all the world's peacemakers the Arab–Israeli conflict, particularly the war between Israel and the
Palestinian Territories, is rooted in far more then ethnic tensions. Instead of drawing attention
towards high–ranking officials of the Israeli government and Hamas, focus needs to be diverted
towards the more suspect and subtle international relations theory of realism which, has imposed
more problems than solutions.
Throughout the course of this paper, I seek to explore the use of realism theory to both explain and
account for ... Show more content on ...
The Background of the Arab –Israeli Conflict
The Arab–Israeli Conflict, and the struggle for a religious homeland, is a complex and somewhat
mystified conflict. The tensions between the Palestinian and Israeli peoples can be traced back to
Biblical times, when Abraham allocated for one of his sons, Isaac, to lay claim to Judea or modern
day Israel. Muslims claimed that the elder son Ishmael had been allocated the region in the Qur'an.
Although many historians believe otherwise, these claims are still the more popular historical
context amongst monotheistic practitioners. Despite the Arab–Israeli conflict being overshadowed
by the countless episodes of war, the middle ages brought with it limited prosperity. The period prior
to the first crusades saw an age of enlightment for the Arabs and the Jews, who would share their
culture with one another and attempt to co–exist within Jerusalem. During this time, both cultures
would make important literary and medical advancements. However, the glory was short lived and
soon the crusades opened the floodgates and brought back with it war and tension. The end of the
19th century brought with it the rise of Arab nationalism and Zionism, which called for the existence
of a permanent Jewish State. Herzl's 1896 manifesto "The Jewish State", popularized the idea of
Isaac's promised land and influenced the Jewish peoples of Eastern Europe and Russia to proclaim
Israel their own. The Jewish people took their first steps
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Sociolinguistics and Development of Israel’s Arab Minority
The objective of this report is to give a concise study regarding the Arab minority in Israel. It will
trace some significant issues that have impacted the overall linguistic reality, nevertheless the
marginalization of Arabs in that small but complex country. It will track the language policy adopted
in that country, the educational, political,practical,social,ideological reasons that have lead to the
Arabic status in Israel. Spolsky and shohamy(1999a:41)suggest an obvious difference among three
things, language practices language ideology and language policy.
Language practices are the actual use of linguistic repertoire, that is, the options among language
varieties and languages accessible to a society. Language ideology is ... Show more content on ...
As a result, this situation of Hebrew becoming the national language has created a linguistic and
social dominance across all domains. This superstratum of Hebrew in Israel can be seen in most of
the domains such as governmental departments and institutions, advertisements, the media, court
procedures and education.
This linguistic reality, has added to the negative social attitudes towards the Arabic minority, the
economic status of a minority language is likely to be a key element in language vitality.
Palestinians in Israel, who constitute an indigenous and national minority, are considered a minority
of low socio–economic status (Smooha, 2005) this in return has created hegemony amongst the
majority towards the Arab minority in the state of Israel (unit glossary)
Furthermore, this linguistic reality, has enforced endogamy, where Arab Israelis, have to create state
of affairs to maintain and develop the Arabic language by encouraging community activities such,
literature events such as poetry, readings, and other literature competitions, further attention to
elementary and secondary school in their towns and villages, and continuous discussions and
debates regarding the Arabic language policy to further improve and relinquish its status..
The social reality mentioned above has contributed towards the negative economic, social and
political status, which in return, has further marginalized and
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Influence of the Superpowers in the Middle East Conflict...
To what extent was the Middle East conflict between 1948 and 1978 fuelled by the interests and
concerns of the superpowers in the region?
During 1948 and 1978 there was massive conflict in the Middle East between Arab Muslim
countries and Jewish Israel. The conflict itself was fuelled by nationalism and religious differences
and other disputes such as the Palestinians refugee problem. During this time the superpowers got
involved in the Middle East because of the cold war. However, the superpowers involvement was
noticeable by their attempts to implement their respected influences in the Middle East to gain
power with respect to their political and economical policies of the world and become "the ultimate
superpower". Thus the superpowers were involved and contributed to the conflict but in a very small
way compared to nationalism and religious differences in the Middle East.
During 1948 and 1978 there was massive conflict in the Middle East between Arab Muslim
countries and Jewish Israel. This conflict was caused by nationalism and religious differences. Israel
was declared a state on the 14 May 1948 this led to the Arab states attacking Israel in attempt to
destroy Israel completely so that it would seize to exist as a state. The attack of the Arab states on
Israel led to the war of 1948, which ended in 1949 with Israel being victorious. This war added even
more fuel to the Middle East conflict as over a million Palestinians became refugees and were
scattered over the
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The Syrian Refugee Crisis Essay
A refugee is defined as an individual who has been forced to leave their country due to political or
religious reasons, or due to threat of war or violence. There were 19.5 million refugees worldwide at
the end of 2014, 14.4 million under the mandate of the United Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees (UNHCR), around 2.9 million more than in 2013. The other 5.1 million Palestinian
refugees are registered with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). With the
displacement of so many people, it is difficult to find countries willing to accept all the refugees.
There are over 125 different countries that currently host refugees, and with this commitment comes
the responsibility of ensuring these refugees have access to ... Show more content on ...
Despite the efforts of parents to keep traditions alive, children are changing, fighting over food,
clothing and anything of any value. Many children feel like they are prisoners in their host countries.
Many are not allowed to leave their homes due to safety concerns and chores that need to be
completed. Twenty–nine percent of Syrian refugees leave their home less than once a week. In many
cases, multiple families are crammed into the same, often one–roomed house. People who held jobs,
and often led successful lives now live off of handouts, or by working odd jobs. Many children have
been out of school for over two years, and there is no opportunity to begin school in their host
country. Last year, over 40% of elementary children dropped out of school due to the civil war and
resulting displacement. With no job and no opportunity of education for their children, there is little
hope for those who have fled Syria. Aside from the difficulty of finding a place within a school,
many children are also expected to work and to help provide for their families, as many parents
cannot find a job. Many go to school all day, and then work night shifts at restaurants or factories.
Many children are often exposed to extremely long working hours, dangerous types of work and
many are exposed to illegal activities. Those that do manage to go to school are faced with harsh
discrimination, and often segregation. The parents of Jordanian and Lebanese
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Trade With Saudi Arabi The Five Dimensions Of Culture
Introduction Saudi Arabia is a country located in South–East Asia and according to the Department
of Commerce, is the "largest economies in the Middle East and North Africa region" (International
Trade Association). The purpose of this paper is to provide details that will assist a US company
with being successful in conducting business in Saudi Arabia.
The Five Dimensions of Culture There are five Dimensions of Culture that Hofstede mentions in
International Business, The Challenge of Global Competition. These include: Individualism–
collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity–femininity and long–term
orientation/Confucian dynamism. Understanding these dimensions will assist a U.S. ... Show more
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It is important that an American trying to do business in Saudi Arabia understand the hierarchy so
they don't offend anybody. Uncertainty Avoidance describes "a society's comfort with uncertainty"
(Ball 100). The Saudi Arabian culture prefers to avoid uncertainty, meaning they feel the "need" to
have strict laws and rules, and expect to have clear procedures to maintain the status quo. (Ball 100).
An American trying to do business in Saudi Arabia will need to remember that change is not
welcomed so innovation may be resisted (The Hofstede Center). Masculinity–femininity dimension
describes the gap between the roles of men and women in the culture (Ball 100). Saudi Arabia is a
masculine society meaning that both men are typically more assertive and competitive. Although
there aren't as many women working in Saudi Arabia, the women that do work are considered to be
assertive and competitive, just like their male counterparts. An American would need to keep this in
mind in regards to management because the culture expects management to be decisive and
assertive (The Hofstede Center). Long–term orientation/Confucian dynamism is explained as the
"level to which people in the culture will persevere to overcome obstacles they cannot overcome
with will or strength" (Ball 101). The culture of Saudi Arabia a short–term–oriented society. This
means that they
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Characteristics Of Idential Killers
Walter Ellis, known as "The Milwaukee North Side Strangler," was sentenced to life in prison after
being convicted of seven counts of murder. Ellis is known as a serial killer– a person who kills three
or more people at separate locations and events with a "cooling off" period in between each and who
usually commits the murders for a psychological thrill or pleasure. The general profile for a serial
killer can be described as, but not limited to, Caucasian, male, and late 20s to early 30s in age, often
killing within his own race, utilizing a "hands–on" method of murder, and selecting victims that
share certain characteristics. However, more specific characteristics of a killer's profile can vary
based on his or her classification as either an organized or disorganized serial killer. Organized
killers are typically very intelligent, meticulous, and charming, while disorganized killers usually
have low IQ's, lack close friends or family, and are extremely antisocial. Sometimes, a serial killer
can be categorized as mixed; a mixed offender shows careful planning in his crime and indicates a
high IQ within this process, but the murder in particular may be messy. Jack the Ripper is a prime
example of a disorganized killer, as he primarily used overwhelming force to suddenly attack
victims and left their bodies in the same place they were attacked. Ted Bundy is an infamous
organized serial killer who was careful in selecting victims and considering the details of his plan to
kill each.
Serial killers not only exhibit similar qualities as adults, but forensic psychologists have discovered
that they also possessed parallel childhood tendencies and family lives. It is common for serial
killers to have grown up with at least one biological parent present; however, family life is often
unstable upon closer look. Other common childhood characteristics of serial killers include being a
bed–wetter late in childhood, pyromaniac, and showing cruelty to animals.
Serial killers generally behave in a way that indicates anger, bitterness, or resentment pre–crime due
to the fact that their series of killings is usually set off by a particular action rather than by
resentment that has built up slowly and gradually over time.
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Saudi Arabia And The Middle East Essay
Although rocky at times the U.S. relationship with Saudi Arabia is extremely important aspect in
U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia is a major power player within the Middle East
due to its massive oil reserves and direct influence on Islam throughout the region. Various culture
aspects of Saudi Arabia, its spread of Wahhabism and allegations of terrorist links has led to Saudi
Arabia being under direct fire on the international stage. Scott Shane, author of the New York times
article Saudi and Extremism: 'Both the Arsonist and the Firefighter' uses the phrases 'arsonist and
firefighter' to draw a connection to the idea that the Saudi's past and present actions are a direct
source to the current problems that the country faces. The Saudi's secular teachings of Islam, alleged
indirect funding of terrorism and spread of anti– western teachings around the Middle East are the
highlighted points to what Shane believes makes the Saudi's arsonist in the region. Moreover, to the
same point the Saudi govt. and high–ranking officials attempt to combat the very things that there
kingdom has either directly or indirectly contributed towards making them 'firefighters'. In contrast
the counter argument that Saudi Arabia is neither the 'arsonist nor firefighter' can be developed due
to the limited direct linkage of Saudi Arabia both abroad and in the Middle East.
Saudi Teachings
Saudi's teaching of Islam focus on a branch called Wahhabism, which is a division of Sunni
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Egypt under Mubarak
Egypt plays an extremely significant role as one of the major powers in the Middle East. Egyptian
force in the Arab world stems from the strength of its cultural life which makes it extremely difficult
to be ignored. The book, "Egypt under Mubarak" features essays from seven different authors,
which examine the causes and consequences of the many crises Egypt has faced. Mubarak comes
into power taking upon himself the previous Egyptian political, sociological, and economic
problems left by Sadat and Nasser. The present administration attempts to fix these problems by
employing Egypt's significant resources in the forming of a distinct and effective international role.
Vice President Hosni Mubarak succeeded Sadat as president. After Sadat ... Show more content on ...
The book touches on topics with a broad range from politics to economy to geography. The book is
solely based on research of the Egyptian government from the time when Mubarak took power,
1981, up until the writing of the book which was in 1989.
Throughout the book, 16 books are cited. Even though the book is based on the government under
Mubarak, the writers refer to events that were held before Mubarak was put into power which helps
the reader understand the important history behind the present. After each chapter, there are
bibliographies as well as endnotes in some chapters listing the sources used in the passage. Except
for the Chapter on the National Debt where his previous statements based on The Central Bank of
Egypt, Cairo contradicts his final assessment of the sum.
The writers of each section always tend to agree with the sources that they have cited. With this
known, I was able to see that the writers in each chapter took into account the other writings of
scholars that wrote on similar topics. Because of the writers many sources, they are able to give an
unbiased look into the history of the Egyptian Government. They examine both the positive and
negative aspects of Mubarak as President specifically laws he passes and actions he takes towards
not only Egyptians, but also the Arab–Israeli relationship, as well as foreign relations with Arab
countries and the western world. Charles Tripp goes into detail about the
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Overview of the Arab Culture Essay
Name of Culture Arab is not a race, but is a group of individuals that are united by their culture and
history (ADC, 2014). There are many different variations commonly based on a particular
individual's country of origin such as Arab Americans. Other variations are based on their social
class, the level of their education, if they live urbanely or rurally, or the time they have spent in the
United States (Lipson & Dubble, 2007). Most Arabs also practice Islamic religion and are Muslim.
When working with an Arab or Muslim client, nurses should ask what the client wishes to be
referred to so as not to offend them in any way (Lipson & Dubble, 2007).
Countries of Origin There are 22 countries in the Middle East and North Africa that ... Show more
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If unsure how to address the patient, the nurse should ask how a friend or distant relative would
address them. Adults and elderly may have other preferences like mother or father, followed by the
first name of their eldest son. When approaching an Arab, it is acceptable to shake their hand, smile,
and offer direct eye contact. Although the patient may avoid these gestures, they are not viewed as
offensive (Lipson & Dubble, 2007).
Historical Background Prompting Immigration Arabs began arriving in the United States in the early
1800s. The first large wave arrived between 1887–1913. Many single, uneducated men were
included in this large wave if immigrants. They were arriving from Greater Syria in search of a
better job and a higher standard of living (Lipson & Dubble, 2007). The next wave of Arab
immigrants came to the United States from 1940–1970. This wave of immigrants was driven by the
political events and wars going on in their home countries; many of these immigrants were refugees.
In 1948 the creation of the State of Israel drastically increased the amount of Arab–Muslim
immigrants (Lipson & Dubble, 2007). The third marked wave of Arab immigrants came from 1970–
2000. This wave was also driven by wars and economic and political circumstances that were
quickly deteriorating. The majority of these immigrants were professions of high education (Lipson
& Dubble, 2007). Between 1982–1989, the amount of Arabs
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The Protests Of The Syrian Uprising Essay
"Security forces opened fire, killing at least four protesters and within days, the protests grew into
rallies that gathered thousands of people." The killings of these four were ultimately regarded by
many as the first deaths of the Syrian uprising. "The community's blunt outrage over the children's
arrests and mistreatment, the government's humiliating and violent reactions to their worries and the
people's refusal to be cowed by security forces embolden and helped spread the Syrian opposition."
This notion demonstrates that the killing of the four protestors was only the first of many deaths to
occur continuing into an on–going war that has: "...triggered nationwide protests demanding
President Assad's resignation." Because of this, the Syrian government decided that in order to
handle the issue they must crush this nationwide dissent. This in return only allowed the protestors
to push harder for a change within the country of Syria, in hopes of it becoming the wonderful
country that it was in the years prior to the war. "Syria's conflict has devolved from peaceful protests
against the government in 2011 to a violent insurgency that has drawn in numerous other countries."
"With neither side able to inflict a decisive defeat on the other, the international community long ago
concluded that only a political solution could end the conflict in Syria." It is because of the similar
actions that took place within the Palestinian–Israeli conflict that similar issues are beginning
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Refugee Act Of 1980 Analysis
Marco Rubio states, "When was the last time you heard news accounts of a boatload of American
refugees arrive on the shores of another country?" White House's Tanya Somanader describes the
peril of the refugees as, "Your home country is all that you know –– it's where you were raised,
where you've loved, and where you've lived all your years. So what happens when one day, without
warning, or without cause, that sense of security is ripped from you? War, violence, persecution for
who you are or what you believe; your home has become the crucible for your greatest fears, a place
you no longer recognize. You're afraid for your life, for your family –– you don't know where to go
but you know you can't stay. You and your family are forced to flee ... Show more content on ...
The United States is continuing to play a cautious role in this refugee crisis, by providing lots
resources, but in turn, are accepting very little refugees. Currently, many aid groups and at least 14
senators have called on the United States government to take in more refugees. These decisions
were based on after viewing gruesome images of what Amanda Holpuch of The Guardian calls "...a
three–year old boy's body lying face down in the surf of Turkey." This boy, along with his older
brother (5) and his mother died while reaching Europe. The Journeys taken on by these refugees is
very dangerous and treacherous. In a 2014 report by the International Organization for Migration,
which is an intergovernmental group, stated that the Mediterranean Sea is one of the most dangerous
ways to cross a border. It's rough waters has caused hundreds of refugees to be making a risky
journey in suffocating ship holds and
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Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is a military and political organization which is mainly led by
nationals of Iraq and Syria. ISIS has committed crimes of unimaginable cruelty in Syria and Iraq but
the international criminal court (ICC) does not have the power to open a case, according to Fatou
Bensouda. The court was unable to prosecute because neither Syria nor Iraq were members of ICC.
(ICC, 2015) Crimes which have been reported, consist of mass executions, sexual slavery, rape and
other forms of sexual and gender–based violence, torture, mutilation, deployment and forced
recruitment of children and the harassment of ethnic and religious minorities, and the destruction of
cultural property.
ISIS Jihadists originated from Al–Qaeda and claim to be running a caliphate – an Islamic state ruled
by one leader. They want to enforce their view of conservative Islamic traditions. The caliphate
covers IS–controlled areas in northern Syria and North–Western Iraq. ISIS uses social media to
spread fear. ISIS has more than 30,000 fighters known for their brutality and it is said to be raising
more $2 million a day from oil sales, taxes, extortion and smuggling. The U.S. and Arab partners are
launching airstrikes on Syrian targets to degrade and destroy ISIS. (BBC, 2014)
On October 30th, 2015, President Obama authorized boots on ground in Syria to assist in fighting
ISIS. He has approved about less than 50 troops, but more could be sent. The troops will rotate in
and out of Syria
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How Significant Was The Involvement Of The League Of...
Identification and Evaluation of Sources This investigation assesses the question "How significant
was the involvement of the League of Nations/United Nations and Britain in the development of the
Arab–Israeli conflict?" The time period before and after the Arab–Israeli conflict will be the focus of
this investigation. This question was intriguing due to the possibility of the League of Nations
causing tension rather than promoting peace. In order to explore the effect the League of
Nations/United Nations had on the Arab–Israeli conflict, both primary and secondary sources will be
necessary. Primary sources will include diaries, books, and propaganda. Secondary sources such as
history books or reports will be needed for their analysis on the factors involved in the conflict.
Source A Cannon, Martin. 20th Century World History: Course Companion. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2009. Source A is a book titled, 20th Century World History. This book contained
information regarding the League of Nations and their role in the Arab–Israeli conflict. This source
is credible because it is a history book from which students are taught, and the information in the
book is cross checked by multiple authors. The source of origin is valuable because it lays out the
facts and shows the involvement of the League of Nations in the Arab–Israeli conflict. The book
itself is a secondary source, however it includes primary sources, making it valuable for this
investigation. The primary
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Why Canada Is A Multicultural Country
Canada has always been a multicultural country. It is well known as a country that accepts diversity
and depending heavily on immigration for its population growth. The largest groups of immigrants
to Canada are from Asian and Middle Eastern countries. This fact has remained virtually unchanged
since the 2001 census (Potter et al., 2014, p.110). Although Canada demonstrates gender equality to
some degree among the various different cultures it has, however, gender inequality exists among
many countries. Gender inequality exits to a varying extent in all societies and differs over time,
across social and ethnic groups (Mobaraki & Söderfeldt, 2010). In Saudi Arabia, the system of
governance is a monarchy, with its constitution governed by strict interpretation of the Islamic laws
(Mobaraki & Söderfeldt, 2010). In Saudi Arabia, women's roles and rights can be evaluated by
examining the local interpretation of the Islamic laws, through: education, job opportunity, marriage,
polygamy and fertility (Mobaraki & Söderfeldt, 2010).
Statistics shows that about 30% of Saudi women are illiterates, although, presently, there are more
female graduates than males in Saudi Arabia (Mobaraki, & Söderfeldt, 2010). This is so, because,
some parts of Saudi Arabia (where nonreligious education was regarded as unsuitable for girls)
initially opposed the opening of schools for girls ((Mobaraki & Söderfeldt, 2010).In addition to that,
mixed sex education is not allowed in Saudi Arabia (Mobaraki &
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The Difference Between the Arabs and the South and...
The difference between the Arabs and the South and Southeast Asians! The lure of regionalism – a
belief in regional co–operation and integration as a method to advance a region's shared political,
economic or security interests – has had profound effects on the foreign policies of all countries. The
conventional wisdom is that such collaborative efforts will serve as the building blocks of a future
Economic Community, as well as Unions. Many attempts at uniting as a region are informed by the
experiences of the European Union and North America. But the argument is also put forward that
many regional co–operation efforts are 'homegrown', an organic development, given specific
historic, political, ... Show more content on ...
In order to manage emergencies caused by nature and food storage they have established the Food
Bank with the participation of all countries that will provide food security to the people of the
region. They fought corruption by exchanging information on national experience combating
corruption to effectively address this problem. They have given the right for outside countries to
play the role of observers in order to benefit from these external linkages and help its economic
integration with the international community. So many actions were taken in order to sustain
economic development. For example they have trained regional lawyer, judges and magistrates
yearly on the "justice ability" of human rights, in order to provide justice and equality among all the
people. The establishment of the Asian Development Bank to provide financial assistance and
economic stability by helping the countries to: identify and prioritize sub regional projects;
developing action programs; and preparing a needs assessment, including human resource
development, for implementing the action program in the five priority sectors. Improvements in the
region and the constant growth shows us that both associations are trying to achieve their goals and
to obtain a sustained economy., and they are working together for a prosperous
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MERS-CoV: Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
Back in April of 2012, a twenty–five year old man, who had recently traveled to parts of the Middle
East, became ill in Saudi Arabia (WHO). He visited the hospital once he started seeing symptoms of
an flu–like illness (WHO). To figure out what this virus was, doctor and researchers collected nasal
sputum from individuals who were sick with what seemed like a new strain of the flu (WHO). This
is when they discovered that the infectious agent of the illness was actually a coronavirus, which
they called a novel coronavirus (CDPH). However, they renamed the coronavirus Middle East
Respiratory Syndrome, also known as MERS–CoV (CDC). Prior to this occasion in 2012, it had
never been seen in humans before, and it continued to spread from here (WHO). Symptoms of
MERS–CoV include fever, cough, shortness or breath and difficulty breathing. (CDPH). This
symptoms clearly explain why this coronavirus can be mistaken for a type of flu. Some patients may
experience worse symptoms like gastrointestinal problems, diarrhea and kidney failure (WHO).
Also, individuals who are infected but have weak immune systems may have an atypical
presentation (WHO). As of March 2014, MERS–CoV has been seen in various countries, including
Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Oman, Kuwait, Yemen, the U.K, France,
Italy and Tunisia (CDPH). Many of the cases seen in Europe and Tunisia have been related to an
individual who had traveled to parts of the Middle East mentioned above (CDPH). This
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The Middle East Is Clearly Out Of Hand Essay
Jeffrey A. Beery
Professor Carlin Mackie
English 102
9 November 2016
The Middle East is clearly out of hand. Why is this region prone to so much bloodshed? All we need
to do is refer back to our history books. In preparation for the Collapse of the Ottoman Empire and
the end of WW1 the Sykes and Picot agreement was signed, which called for British and French
influence in the region and the creation of states. This agreement was to benefit French and British
interests and had very little concern regarding the ethnic and religious makeup of the region. After
analyzing the region it is evident that the current border situation is ineffective and causing much of
the problems. The current foreign policies the Western world has towards the Middle East need to be
seriously reconsidered.
The Vision of T.E. Lawrence:
The Sykes and Picot agreement was conceptualized as a great idea among western leaders at the
time, however according to Yassamine Mather in his article titled The Fall of the Ottoman Empire
and Current Conflict in the Middle East "even then the agreement had its critics: T.E. Lawrence,
who knew a lot more than Sykes about national and religious differences in the Arab world, warned
of conflicts within the region" (471). Time has proven that T.E. Lawrence made a rather accurate
prediction. Lawrence was a rather popular man regarding this period, and is still very much so
today. In fact, Lawrence's book titled Seven Pillars of Wisdom has become a must
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The Arab Uprisings: Book Review Essay
Budd 1
Liam Budd
POLI 227
TA: Sherif Fouad
The Arab Uprising: The Unfinished Revolutions of the New Middle East
Marc Lynch defines the 2011 Arab uprisings as "an exceptionally rapid, intense, and nearly
simultaneous explosions of popular protest across an Arab world united by shared transnational
media and bound by a common identity" (Lynch, 9). In his book The Arab Uprising: The Unfinished
Revolutions of the New Middle East, he sets out to put the events of the Arab uprising into
perspective and to create a guide for the new Middle East. He does so pragmatically and
theoretically but dismisses popular theories of international relations as outdated for the new Middle
East. Throughout the book, Lynch emphasizes the ... Show more content on ...
By 2006, authoritarian regimes had reasserted their control, however the protests did reveal
Budd 3
"unexpected depths of popular resentment and extraordinary competencies to organize and to
communicate." Having examined recent Arab history, Lynch points out that "we should not be
overly impressed by the novelty of Arab popular mobilization" (Lynch, 64). Also, the unified Arab
media space has always been something that makes the regional dynamics unique. And finally,
occasions of widespread mobilization across the region have ended with deeper entrenchment of
authoritarian regimes. In chapter 4, Lynch discusses the Arab Spring that occurred from December
2010 through to March 2011, during which the protests developed into a regionwide uprising. The
real revolutionary contribution of Tunisia and Egypt "was their rapid and massive diffusion into a
regional tidal wave" (Lynch, 68). The close coverage of the uprisings encouraged other movements.
Common themes emerged as protesters imitated each other's tactics and rhetoric and regimes
responded similarly, insisting that their countries' particularities shielded them from the regional
malaise. What made these protests different was that they succeeded in driving leaders from power,
the traditionally effective authoritarian regime responses backfired, and they framed local acts into a
single coherent regional narrative. Following the Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions came the battles
to claim
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Cultural Challenges Facing Military Operations in Pan Arab...
For this assignment the cultural manifestations I selected to discuss as being important to our Unit's
success are Wasta, Deference to authority, and Tendency to seek compromise. Of course
understanding all of the cultural manifestations are important to our unit's success, but each region
within the Middle East–North African (MENA) region will have their own variations based upon
which branch of Islam is dominant in the region, what that region's experience has been with the
U.S. or a Western presence in general and numerous other factors such as the prevailing socio–
economic factors of the region.
By way of back ground, I thought it would be helpful to point out that the MENA region is a pretty
diverse area comprised of "have's" and ... Show more content on ...
The bottom line for our team however, is to understand that the widespread practice of wasta in the
Middle East is assumed, it is a given. So we must learn the nuances of the practice and use it to our
advantage to be successful in our mission. That means finding the right Wasta to curry influence
with the particular elders you are working with. Originally based upon family loyalty, the family is
still the primary wasta channel, but that familial relationship has expanded to include friends and
acquaintances, as well as private agreements whereby services are provided in exchange for gifts or
specific fees. In the words of one observer, ""Today's wasta is too often a middle–man, seeking fame
and fortune by doing favors." Our job is to find that Middle Man and enter into that relationship
with our eyes wide–open, knowing it isn't going to be a cheap date, but that it will be worth the lives
it will save down the road. Incidentally, the IMF, World Bank and regional economic leaders
consider the "taming" or conversion of wasta as necessary to the MENA Region ultimately
becoming an emerging market leader and engine of world growth, its effect in the regional economy
is that debilitating. So let's do our part to keep it that way! Where's my Wasta!?! Here wasta wasta!
Deference to Authority: As LTC Wunderle describes, Arab culture favors
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Delegation : Democratic Republic Of The Congo Essay
Committee: Moscow Conference
Topic: Peace Efforts in Eastern Europe
Delegation: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Delegates: Maria Lama, Maria Polanco General Russia has agreed to discuss peace efforts and had
formed the present War Cabinet, to address the problems that disturb the peace and stability in the
said place, and as to accomplish this, military proposal are to be presented that gives reliable
measures to confirm the accomplishment of the general objective of the committee. On present
moments an alliance between Russia, China, and the Security Council of the
United Nations has been formed, in the year of 2015. As a consequence to this alliance, it was
permitted that The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO, or also known as the North
Atlantic Alliance, to take place and advance on the counteraction towards the Islamic State of
Iraq and the Levant, ISIS, an extremist military group, or a terrorist group. After the intent of
assassination of the president Bashar al–Assad of Syria, the ISIS advanced on the territory taking
possession of the city of Homs due to the inconsiderable high opposition of the military forces of
Syria and the Free Syrian Army, founded during the Syrian
Civil War on 29 of July 2011. To address this, the United States had come to the agreement to be
involved in the counteractions made towards ISIS. In June 2015, the Islamic State starts offensive
actions against the Iraqi capital. Haider
Al–Abadi, an Iraqi politician, president, calls
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Sports Athlete : Michael Jeffrey Jordan
Sports Athlete: Michael Jeffrey Jordan Height: 1.98 m Weight: 98 kg Age: 53 years old American
basketball player Michael uses muscular endurance and strength to complete a game of basketball.
This is the ability to move his body or an object repeatedly without getting tired. TRAINING AND
DIET: PRE–SEASON – The period of time before the regular season Michael didn 't eat sugar,
carbs, or dairy for 67 straight days this summer. He subsisted on meat, fish, fruits, and vegetables –
and lost a startling amount of weight in the process. It 's a modified version of a paleo diet, the fad
diet in which people eat as humans did thousands of years ago. MID–SEASON – A point part way
through a season, especially a season of the year or a sporting season. Michael follows a 4 week diet
plan after he lost the weight in his pre–season. This 4 week plan is set whilst he trains for a season.
Week One: Zero Carb Breakfast. For the first week, don 't worry about changing your lunch and
dinner habits. Just make breakfast a zero–carb meal – as in, two eggs scrambled in extra–virgin
olive oil, topped with avocado. Or cold leftover chicken. You 'll feel the difference immediately, in
steady energy throughout the morning. Week Two: Pack Lunch. When Dr.Shanahan says baby steps,
she means baby steps. Before you worry about what goes into lunch, just get into the habit of
packing lunch at home and bringing it with you to work. Mid–day restaurant and cafeteria meals are
too often jumbo–sized and
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A Brief Note On Notorious Cases And Implications
IV. Notorious Cases and Implications
a) Belfort case
The leniency in sentencing can be shown by examining a few larger publicized cases of white–collar
crime. One of the most iconic examples of white–collar crime is Jordan Belfort. Belfort started a
business in the 80 's called Stratton Oakmont that was a "Long Island penny–stock boiler room he
ran." However, Belfort's business was not making its money legally. It turns out that they laundered
money and manipulated stock prices. In 2003, Belfort pled guilty to money laundering and securities
fraud. The government has claimed that he defrauded people out of more than $200 million.
However, he only received a four–year sentence, of which he served 22 months. For the amount of
damage that Belfort inflicted, it seems unjust that he received such a short sentence. Belfort stole
$200 million from people, yet, he only spent about a month in jail for every $10 million he stole.
Public perception would interpret his sentencing as indicative of a problem with leniency in white–
collar crime sentencing. However, there were extenuating circumstances. Jordan Belfort made a plea
bargain with the FBI. Plea bargains are "agreements between defendants and prosecutors where
defendants agree to plead guilty to some or all of the charges against them in exchange for
concessions from the prosecutors[...] some plea bargains require defendants to do more than simply
plead guilty." Jordan Belfort received such a light sentence because he
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Civilian Or Isis Member?
Civilian or ISIS Member?
The 2011 Arab Spring act started in Egypt and Tunisia, which later inspired Syrian's to take to the
streets and demonstrate against Assad. Syrians all over voiced their unhappiness with the stagnant
political process and were advocating for new democratic reforms. "A person who has been forced
to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster" (Oxford Dictionary) is
what we call a Refugee, but with the current war on Terrorism/ISIS it is hard to distinguish whether
they are really refugees or working with ISIS undercover. More than four million refugees of the
Syrian Civil war have fled Syria, and left to neighboring countries such as Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq,
Turkey, and some even ended ... Show more content on ...
The movement began as a peaceful demonstration but eventually outside forces joined and began to
use this movement for other purposes – mainly violent ones. The protests turned into massive ones
around March of the same year and thousands of people took the streets of Syria. Later in April
2011, the Syrian government decided to send out the military to subdue the protests. Opposition
groups began to arm themselves and fight back, and they were aided by the Syrian military members
who joined them as well. The government was not happy about these protests and they responded
with extreme measures such as torturing and killing protesters, kidnapping, and mistreatment. The
government troops opened fire on civilians and the civilians fired back in response to this. The result
of this was the Syrian army quickly turning this to an armed conflict. Daily, terrorist groups
sabotage innocents, blow up buildings/infrastructure, bomb roads, and murder civilians in mass
scales. Many communities are destroyed and terrorized, families are displaced and broken apart, and
people are being murdered on the streets – security officials and civilians. These evil acts are being
put through by the Free Syrian Army, as well as some ISIS overlap. With the continuous bombings,
deaths, and uncertainty in these Syrian civilians lives, many began to fled Syria and crossed to
neighboring countries to seek
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Essay about Jabwood International
Mesaab Ismail
International Management 3680
Problem Statement
Jabwood International is contemplating international expansion into new markets specifically, Saudi
Arabia and China to compensate for a decline in revenues.
Problem Causes
The Middle Eastern situation, specifically the uprising in Syria.
The borders between Lebanon and Syria being closed causing the company's main wood supplier
TANITA to expand to other timber companies.
Jabwood's market share and sales volume had a drop of 20 %.
Jabwood does not have any business in Saudi Arabia which has the Biggest Market in the Middle
East for wood products.
Jabwood does not have any business in China which the potential for wood products have increased
every year due to the ... Show more content on ...
Capital can be 100% foreign.
Processed wood products are exempted from import taxes.
Government Stability is at 61 which means it is not likely for the country to go unstable.
Saudi– Arabia is in the Middle East and it also an Islamic country which Jabwood international is
familiar with that market.
Tariffs on lumber are 12%.
28 million population does not compare to the 13 population in China and the citizens who need
homes there.
0% forest areas
1 million CBM to import wood.
82 % of the country are urban areas meaning less places required for wood construction.
$686.00 to import per container.
Sawn timber is not needed.
China Expansion
China is a huge market for wood products, Demand for wood is through the roof. The Chinese wood
industry has been Prospering since 2010. They have become the biggest producer and exporter of
WBP and plywood in the world, they are the second biggest importer of wood products in the world.
A new regulation in Shanghai allows the replacement of sloppy rooftops to be replaced with sawn
timber, this would be a huge market for Jabwood International.
Tariffs on lumber are low.
Only 150 million CBM is produced locally.
The 13 billion population alone makes the demand at an astounding number for wood.
Rural areas are at a higher percentage, meaning more room for building houses.
Cost of imports are at a less cost than in Saudi–Arabia.
Sawn timber is needed.
First years sales are at 2% of the target
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The Problems in the Middle East Essay
The Problems in the Middle East
The land of Israel once belonged to the Jews in 1948, but Diaspora, the Arabs claimed the land.
Since the return of the Jews to their 'homeland' the two races have fought over what they both claim
to be their Holy Land. The conflict between Arab and Jew still rages, with suicide bombings and
militia violence happening every day. Because of the nature and age of the conflict, perhaps a lasting
peace between Arab and Jew is impossible.
Jews believe that their God promised the land to them, and Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, is their
Holy City. Apart from the holy shrines and places of worship, the Arabs and Israelis are fighting
over living space. Since the ... Show more content on ...
Then in the middle Ages, the Jews were expelled form Western Europe and many settled in Russia
and Poland. But they were often persecuted. Almost all Europeans were Christians and they forced
the Jews to live in separate areas. They were not allowed to vote or even to buy their own land. Such
anti – Jewish behaviour is known as anti Semitism.
For hundreds of years Jews dreamt and prayed that they would be able to celebrate 'next year in
Jerusalem '.
In 1917 the British were very keen to bring the United States into the First World War against
Germany. The British believed that the Jews in America could influence third government's actions
and so Britain declared its support for a Jewish home land in Palestine. This declaration was made in
the form of a letter to Lord Rothschild a leading British Jew, in November 1917. It became known
as the 'bal four declaration' because I was signed by the British foreign secretary, Arthur James.
For many centuries the Arabs have lived in the lands which we call the Middle East. They form the
majority of the population and all speak the same language, Arabic. In the seventh century ad most
of the Arabs were converted to the religion of Islam. They become the followers of Mohammed and
now the known as the Muslims. From their homeland in Arabia, they swept across the Middle East
and North Africa in the
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Irregular Warfare Against Isis / Isil
Irregular Warfare against ISIS/ISIL Before I commence to identify some of the Irregular Warfare
(IW) activities seen in this war against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and Islamic State of Iraq
and al–Sham (ISIS/ISIL), I would like to briefly define the term Irregular Warfare and describe what
ISIS/ISIL really is. Irregular Warfare is described as a violent struggle among state and non–state
actors for legitimacy and influence over the relevant population(s). Irregular Warfare is a deviation
from a traditional form of warfare where actors may use non–traditional methods such as guerrilla
warfare, terrorism, sabotage, subversion, criminal activities, and insurgency for control of relevant
populations. Irregular Warfare is considered as strategically important as a traditional warfare
(DODD 3000.07). ISIS/ISIL is an unrecognized state and a Jihadist militant group operating in Iraq
and Syria. The group claims religious authority over all Muslims and aspires to a macro state, which
includes many countries in the Middle East: Cyprus, Jordan, Kuwait, Israel, Lebanon, Palestine, and
part of Syria. ISIS is known for its uncompromising interpretation of Islam. The group is
responsible for brutal violence against Shia Muslims and Christians. They started an attack against
the Iraqi government forces in June of 2014 and many mercenaries joined the group. ISIS has gain
great popularity since last year and has become a big threat to the whole world. The group was
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Withdrawal Of The Syrian Refugee Crisis
This policy memo addresses the current possible U.S. options to the Syrian refugee crisis. I have
identified three different options: Increase Syrian refugee resettlement commitments, establish safe
zones in northern Syria, or seal the Syrian border. As conditions continue to deteriorate in Syria and
the number of refugees continues to increase, it is critical that you strengthen the U.S. position in the
country of Syria. The establishment of safe zones would align our moral, strategic, and diplomatic
interests more than any other possible policy. Half of the electorate or more wants refugees to
establish safe homelands near or in their country, if possible, reducing the perceived risk of
increasing potential terrorism in the United States, the notion grounded in reality or not. Also,
historically, refugees have been allowed safe harbor in United States and we could continue in such
tradition, in the safest possible way.
The conflict in Syria between the government of Bashar al–Assad and various other forces, which
started in the spring of 2011, continues to cause displacement within the country and across the
region. By the end of 2014, approximately 7.6 million people were internally displaced and 3.7
million Syrians had fled the country since the start of the conflict. Over 21.5 million people, or half
of the country's pre–war population, have been displaced. The refugee situation is urgent, and it has
placed an enormous burden on
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Women of the Middle East
The Women of the Middle East have played substantial roles for their corresponding countries since
the advent of colonialism in the region. Middle Eastern women have worked in all types of fields
including medicine, education, agriculture, government, private sector, and even defense. They have
kept roofs over their family's heads while their husbands were away in wars, or even in foreign
countries to work in jobs that they could not find in their own countries. The roles of women in the
countries of Yemen and Oman are no exception, but while they still find ways to contribute to their
country, they care constantly stereotyped, discriminated, and ridiculed by men who are known and
unknown to them. This paper will discuss the individual ... Show more content on ...
Even though these laws and cultural Whabbai Islamic practices are taking place, the Yemeni
government likes to portray the women of their country in a different light, stating that their women
were the first ones in the Arabian Peninsula to vote, have members elected to parliament, appoint a
woman to Minister of Human Rights, and as an ambassador to Holland (Embassy of Yemen, 2010).
No matter how hard the Yemeni government tries to cover up the treatment of their women, it has
been proven that Yemeni women are treated as second class citizens and this treatment will not
change until the society rids themselves of their stereotypes.
Like Yemen, the country of Oman places restrictions on their women, though some Omani laws
work in the favor of the Omani women, then for those of the Yemeni's. However restrictive laws
towards women are still present. According to Mary–Jane Deeb, the Basic Law prohibits
discrimination on the basis of gender, but women may still undergo legal and social discrimination.
(Freedom House, 2010). Some legal and social discriminations in Oman include the fact that women
must have permission from a male family member to leave the country, women foreign workers can
be denied wages and have their passports taken from them, there are no rules against domestic rape
and abuse; women also do not have the
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Syrian Civil War : The Arab Springs
Comparable to past catastrophic events throughout world history, Syria's civil war began as a chain
of significant circumstances which lead to eventual turmoil. Although the Arab Springs, a series of
uprisings against dictators in northern Africa and southwest Asia, was the primary basis for the
Syrian civil war, climate change induced drought was undoubtedly the inception that provoked the
Arab Spring in Syria. Water is essential to human life aiding in agriculture production and livestock
care as well as basic human nourishment. Without this life supporting element, rural people flooded
to the cities in droves seeking their basic human needs. Along with millions of rural Syrians, Iraq
refugees were also flocking to the Syrian cities for comfort and aid. With overcrowded cities,
minimal resources, few jobs, and an oppressive government, Syria was doomed for rebellion and
civil war, especially considering rebellions in neighboring countries was so successful. Peaceful
protests for basic human needs and equal rights were met with aggressive opposition by government
militants, which fueled more protests and more deaths. Ultimately, the record drought of 2006–2011
eventually caused the Arab Spring which lead to the Syrian civil war.
The Land of Syria
Snug within the Fertile Crescent, Syria lies in the Middle East region within the southwest Asian
realm and is encircled by Turkey to the north, Iraq to the southeast, and Jordan on the southern
border, while Lebanon and the
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A Student At The College Of William And Mary
I am writing to you today as a student at the College of William and Mary. I am in an International
Security class and recently we studied the events occurring in Syria. As you are well aware, the
situation in Syria has been dramatically deteriorating in recent months with the rise of the Islamic
State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and the recent entrance of Russia into the conflict. Syria,
meanwhile, has been in the midst of a ravaging civil war since the early spring of 2011. Currently,
the government of Syria is led by President Bashar al–Assad, a member of the Syrian Ba'ath Party, a
branch of the same Ba'ath Party that Saddam Hussein was also a member of. This similarity may
lead some to think that Syria will end up like Iraq, with a ... Show more content on
This led to various sectarian strifes among the countries in the Middle East. Since Russia started
bombing, they have mostly targeted anti–Assad rebels, rather than ISIL which they stated they were
bombing. I propose to include Russia in the current coalition, led by the United States, which also
include Australia, Bahrain, Canada, France, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab
Emirates, United Kingdom. There will have to be negotiations in order to get Russia to cooperate so
they do not go rogue and bomb targets that are supported by the West and other countries in the
coalition. By having Russia in the coalition and working with the United States, there will be a
greater oversight of their operations and more transparency among the nations. This will help with
making strategic attacks so ISIL can be degraded and destroyed and also so the Assad regime will
finally relinquish power to a democratic government. There also must be targeted strikes upon ISIL's
main sources of income: oil reserves. Although this may harm potential future capabilities of Syria
or Iraq to drill for oil, it will severely disrupt the income of ISIL so that they will not be able to buy
the resources necessary to fight against the governments and to maintain the territory which it has
already conquered. Next, in order to quell
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The War of 1948 Essay examples
The War of 1948, also known as the War of Independence, was fought between Israel and its Arab
neighbors. The war began May 15, 1948 when units from the armies of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon,
Jordan, and Iraq invaded Israel launching a war that lasted until December 1948.# The war resulted
in the defeat of the Arab forces and the success of Israel as a newly established state. It is evident
that the Arab forces were not successful in the first Arab–Israeli war because the Arab army lacked
motivation, education, and proper equipment.# Despite the support from Arab states outside of
Palestine, the Arabs were unable to gain enough strength to overcome the Israeli forces. In contrast,
the Israeli army was able to succeed because they had ... Show more content on ...
The Haganah, the Israeli Defense Forces, had more than 35,000 people in the army. More so, the
men and women in the army were trained and were mostly made up of volunteers. By December of
1948 the Israeli army numbered more than 96,000.# Although a large number of soldiers does not
account for Israel's success in the War of 1948, it does play a significant role that cannot be ignored.
A majority of the Arab population in the territory that became Israel, around 700,000 people,
became refugees.# During the first stages of war, many civilians temporarily evacuated from zones
of combat with plans to return once fighting had stopped. However, during the early summer of
1948 Palestinian Arabs began fleeing in mass numbers, leaving behind their homes, businesses, and
land. The Haganah saw the Arab flight as an opportunity to advance, and began encouraging the
evacuation of towns and cities. In April 1948 the Haganah authorized a plan known as Plan D.# The
campaign "provided for the conquest and permanent occupation, or leveling, of the Arab villages
and towns."# The field officers of the Haganah interpreted Plan D as giving them the power to
expunge the Palestinian Arabs living in the area of the Jewish state as well as the Arabs living inside
territory given to the Arab state. Plan D not only intensified
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  • 1. Michael Jordan Essay In Jim Naughton's book Taking To The Air, the main character is Michael Jordan. The book is Jordan's life and talents. Michael Jeffrey Jordan was born February 17, 1963, in Brooklyn, New York. He was the fourth child and the youngest of three boys. Michael Jordan is by any measure, the most popular athlete in America and perhaps the best–known figure in the world. I have chosen to use Maslow's Theory of Hierarchy of Need to analysis Jordan's personality. I will do my analysis by focusing on Jordan's healthy personality, which is marked by his continued personal growth. Michael Jordan's parents are James and Deloris Jordan. James began work as a forklift operator for General Electric, rose to dispatcher and retired as a supervisor. ... Show more content on ... That same summer, after the Bulls had been bounced from the playoffs, Jordan took his Father, Shiver, Whitfield and Kearns on a 10–day cross–country trip, which was paid by Jordan. "Once you are friends with him he really works at keeping that friendship and nursing that friendship," Higgins says. Michael is a talented person that has achieved many dreams that he might have thought was impossible. Jordan's goal is to buy a basketball team when he retires from basketball this year. Jordan along with Master P, wants to buy the Charlotte Hornets but this is still uncertain. Jordan not only is a talented athlete but he is a scholar. Jordan graduated from North Carolina State University with a degree in a Cultural Geography. It seemed almost useful field of studies for a young man who sensed that he might soon be touring the country or at least its airport, arenas and hotels, as a professional ballplayer. Jordan is a friendly and outgoing person. The reason I say this is because as far as the way he interacts with others Deloris Jordan says, "He was the most outgoing of her children, the one who liked people more." Fred Whitfield, a friend of Jordan states, "He's easy to talk to, easy to laugh and joke around with. ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. British Diplomacy in Palestine Essay I believe that British diplomacy in Palestine was consistently indecisive and hypocritical but at the same time the British wanted to keep their hands in Palestine's economy and goods. The reasoning behind this statement is because of the events that played out during the Hussein–McMahon correspondence, the Sykes–Picot agreement, and the Balfour declaration. First, the Hussein–McMahon correspondence was a long–drawn–out exchange of letters between the Sharif of Mecca Hussein bin Ali and British High Commissioner Sir Henry McMahon dealing with the future political status of the Ottoman Empire. The Arab's were planning on revolting against the Ottoman Empire because of the promise that after the war was over Britain would recognize the ... Show more content on ... The Sykes–Picot agreement was a secret agreement between Britain and the French with the Russians in agreement of the arrangement. The agreement would separate areas of influence between France England, and Russia over West Asia and parts of the Middle East. Britain was given control of territories of Jordan and coastal land touching the Mediterranean allowing access to more trade and influence. France was allowed parts of Syria, Lebanon and parts of Iraq. Britain's negotiator was Sir Mark Sykes, a member or parliament, and France's representative was Francois– Georges Picot a French diplomat who had served as consul general in Beirut. Part of the agreement would supposedly allow Arab nations to rule themselves with sovereignty; however, probable imperialist intentions in the west left Arab leaders highly skeptical that the agreement would allow true autonomy to Arab states. Third, the Balfour declaration was a letter from the Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour and the letter clearly stated by the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland and it said that Palestine was the national home of the Jewish people and not of the Palestinian people. Nevertheless, the declaration did state that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non–Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The Attacks On Saudi Embassy The meeting discussed the brutal attacks on the Saudi embassy in Tehran where Al–Jubeir noted that the attacks were clear violations of the international conventions, laws, and treaties. According to the sanctity of these international agreements, the Iranian government has a responsibility to protect the diplomatic missions on their soil. Further, he confirmed that the attacks on Saudi diplomats were highly condemned by other countries, as well as regional and international organizations such as UN Security Council, the Arab League, and Gulf Cooperation Council. He asserted that OIC needed to issue a strict stance to Iran from its principles and other international conventions and laws. Additionally, he concluded that Saudi Arabia was more concerned with better relations, mutual respect, non– interference and good principles of neighborliness with Iran but the latter failed to adhere to these basic rules. As noted before, the Iranian aggressive policies date back to the 1979 revolution, after which the country has continued to instigate cases of sedition, unrest, and chaos among the countries in the Gulf region. This is thought to have been a long–term effort by Iran to undermine security and spread instability in the region completely disregarding the moral principles, international conventions, and treaties. However, despite the numerous consequences caused by continued Iranian interference, Saudi has maintained a policy of restraint to prevent any major outburst. The ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Islamic State Of Iraq And Al Sham The Islamic State, otherwise called the Islamic State of Iraq and al–Sham (ISIS), takes after an unmistakable assortment of Islam whose convictions about the way to the Day of Judgment matter to its system, and can help the West know its adversary and foresee its conduct. Its ascent to power is less like the triumph of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt (a gathering whose pioneers the Islamic State considers faithless people) than like the acknowledgment of a tragic substitute reality. The White House has reliably said that it means to annihilate the Islamic State. For over a year, constrained U.S. airstrikes have jabbed at the terrorist gathering without much of any result. ISIS still controls half of Syria and almost 33% of Iraq and has as of late embraced emotional assaults against real targets – Hezbollah in Beirut, Russia in Egypt, and the French somewhere down in their capital city – outside the geographic region it controls. We have misjudged the way of the Islamic State in no less than two ways. To begin with, we tend to consider jihadism to be solid, and to apply the rationale of al‑Qaeda to an association that has conclusively overshadowed it. The Islamic State supporters I talked with still allude to Osama canister Laden as "Sheik Osama," a title of honor. In any case, jihadism has advanced since al– Qaeda 's prime, from around 1998 to 2003, and numerous jihadists abhor the gathering 's needs and current administration. Container Laden saw his terrorism as an ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Bombing Of The Islamic Government Of Iran From the recent massacres happening in Iraq and Syria, we can gather that Washington has trampled on a path which has been seen as a way to redefine the war in Iraq, an effective scheme to bring the command of Assad to its crumbling demises and to recalibrate an inclusive plan to collapse the Islamic Government of Iran. Immediately coinciding with the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq, an organized string of deadly explosions gripped Iraq, leading to the massacre of dozens of civilians. Multiple bomb explosions happening simultaneously in Baghdad, claiming the lives of countless innocent civilians. Another series of explosions targeted Shia Muslims killing at least 71 people. Most of the explosions which targeted the Shia Muslims are maliciously meant to inspire the feeling and doubt that it is a matter of sectarian violence, a plot devised by the US and its allies to justify that the Iraqi politicians are intent to provoke a communal bloodletting which is gradually tearing the country apart. Washington began to capitalize on tension in the country and playing the religious card on one hand and sending a message that Iraq is not capable of maintaining security and stability in the country on the other. As the situation stands, Washington is redefining the war in Iraq by provoking chaos and commotion in the ravaged country with three apparent motivations.. One, to create the impression that the withdrawal of US troops was a mistake and that the country is diving into ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Background Information On The Sykes Picot Agreement Background Information on the Sykes–Picot Agreement After the war broke out in the summer of 1914, the Allies–Britain, France and Russia–held many discussions regarding the future of the Ottoman Empire, now fighting on the side of Germany and the Central Powers, and its vast expanse of territory in the Middle East, Arabia and southern–central Europe. In March 1915, Britain signed a secret agreement with Russia, whose designs on the empire's territory had led the Turks to join forces with Germany and Austria–Hungary in 1914. By its terms, Russia would annex the Ottoman capital of Constantinople and retain control of the Dardanelles (the crucially important strait connecting the Black Sea with the Mediterranean) and the Gallipoli peninsula, ... Show more content on ... On May 19, 1916 representatives of Great Britain and France secretly reach an accord, known as the Sykes–Picot agreement. "The Sykes–Picot Agreement", officially known as the "Asia Minor Agreement" was a secret agreement between the governments of the United Kingdom(Britain) and France, with the assent aid of Russia, defining their biased proposed spheres of influence that provide them with an advantage of gaining control in the Middle East should the Triple Entente succeeded in dethroning the mighty Ottoman Empire during the first World War back in early 1919. The negotiation of this treaty/agreement occurred between November of 1915 and March of the year 1916. The agreement finally came to a close on the 19th of May 1916. The agreement effectively used, implied and put into action the famous imperialistic tactic of the Europeans: "Divide and Rule". This agreement divided the Arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire outside the Arabian peninsula into areas of future British and French colonization using their advantage in control and/or influence. Under Sykes–Picot, the Syrian coast and much of modern– day Lebanon went to France; Britain would take direct control over central and southern Mesopotamia, around the Baghdad and Basra provinces. Palestine would have an international administration, as other Christian powers, namely Russia, held an interest in this region. The rest of the territory in question–a huge area ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. How Has Realism Theory Played a Key Role in Israeli and... Introduction For many centuries, Judaic and Arabian societies have engaged in one of the most complicated and lengthy conflicts known to mankind, the makings of a highly difficult peace process. Unfortunately for all the world's peacemakers the Arab–Israeli conflict, particularly the war between Israel and the Palestinian Territories, is rooted in far more then ethnic tensions. Instead of drawing attention towards high–ranking officials of the Israeli government and Hamas, focus needs to be diverted towards the more suspect and subtle international relations theory of realism which, has imposed more problems than solutions. Throughout the course of this paper, I seek to explore the use of realism theory to both explain and account for ... Show more content on ... The Background of the Arab –Israeli Conflict The Arab–Israeli Conflict, and the struggle for a religious homeland, is a complex and somewhat mystified conflict. The tensions between the Palestinian and Israeli peoples can be traced back to Biblical times, when Abraham allocated for one of his sons, Isaac, to lay claim to Judea or modern day Israel. Muslims claimed that the elder son Ishmael had been allocated the region in the Qur'an. Although many historians believe otherwise, these claims are still the more popular historical context amongst monotheistic practitioners. Despite the Arab–Israeli conflict being overshadowed by the countless episodes of war, the middle ages brought with it limited prosperity. The period prior to the first crusades saw an age of enlightment for the Arabs and the Jews, who would share their culture with one another and attempt to co–exist within Jerusalem. During this time, both cultures would make important literary and medical advancements. However, the glory was short lived and soon the crusades opened the floodgates and brought back with it war and tension. The end of the 19th century brought with it the rise of Arab nationalism and Zionism, which called for the existence of a permanent Jewish State. Herzl's 1896 manifesto "The Jewish State", popularized the idea of Isaac's promised land and influenced the Jewish peoples of Eastern Europe and Russia to proclaim Israel their own. The Jewish people took their first steps ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Sociolinguistics and Development of Israel’s Arab Minority The objective of this report is to give a concise study regarding the Arab minority in Israel. It will trace some significant issues that have impacted the overall linguistic reality, nevertheless the marginalization of Arabs in that small but complex country. It will track the language policy adopted in that country, the educational, political,practical,social,ideological reasons that have lead to the Arabic status in Israel. Spolsky and shohamy(1999a:41)suggest an obvious difference among three things, language practices language ideology and language policy. Language practices are the actual use of linguistic repertoire, that is, the options among language varieties and languages accessible to a society. Language ideology is ... Show more content on ... As a result, this situation of Hebrew becoming the national language has created a linguistic and social dominance across all domains. This superstratum of Hebrew in Israel can be seen in most of the domains such as governmental departments and institutions, advertisements, the media, court procedures and education. This linguistic reality, has added to the negative social attitudes towards the Arabic minority, the economic status of a minority language is likely to be a key element in language vitality. Palestinians in Israel, who constitute an indigenous and national minority, are considered a minority of low socio–economic status (Smooha, 2005) this in return has created hegemony amongst the majority towards the Arab minority in the state of Israel (unit glossary) Furthermore, this linguistic reality, has enforced endogamy, where Arab Israelis, have to create state of affairs to maintain and develop the Arabic language by encouraging community activities such, literature events such as poetry, readings, and other literature competitions, further attention to elementary and secondary school in their towns and villages, and continuous discussions and debates regarding the Arabic language policy to further improve and relinquish its status.. The social reality mentioned above has contributed towards the negative economic, social and political status, which in return, has further marginalized and ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Influence of the Superpowers in the Middle East Conflict... To what extent was the Middle East conflict between 1948 and 1978 fuelled by the interests and concerns of the superpowers in the region? During 1948 and 1978 there was massive conflict in the Middle East between Arab Muslim countries and Jewish Israel. The conflict itself was fuelled by nationalism and religious differences and other disputes such as the Palestinians refugee problem. During this time the superpowers got involved in the Middle East because of the cold war. However, the superpowers involvement was noticeable by their attempts to implement their respected influences in the Middle East to gain power with respect to their political and economical policies of the world and become "the ultimate superpower". Thus the superpowers were involved and contributed to the conflict but in a very small way compared to nationalism and religious differences in the Middle East. During 1948 and 1978 there was massive conflict in the Middle East between Arab Muslim countries and Jewish Israel. This conflict was caused by nationalism and religious differences. Israel was declared a state on the 14 May 1948 this led to the Arab states attacking Israel in attempt to destroy Israel completely so that it would seize to exist as a state. The attack of the Arab states on Israel led to the war of 1948, which ended in 1949 with Israel being victorious. This war added even more fuel to the Middle East conflict as over a million Palestinians became refugees and were scattered over the ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. The Syrian Refugee Crisis Essay A refugee is defined as an individual who has been forced to leave their country due to political or religious reasons, or due to threat of war or violence. There were 19.5 million refugees worldwide at the end of 2014, 14.4 million under the mandate of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), around 2.9 million more than in 2013. The other 5.1 million Palestinian refugees are registered with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). With the displacement of so many people, it is difficult to find countries willing to accept all the refugees. There are over 125 different countries that currently host refugees, and with this commitment comes the responsibility of ensuring these refugees have access to ... Show more content on ... Despite the efforts of parents to keep traditions alive, children are changing, fighting over food, clothing and anything of any value. Many children feel like they are prisoners in their host countries. Many are not allowed to leave their homes due to safety concerns and chores that need to be completed. Twenty–nine percent of Syrian refugees leave their home less than once a week. In many cases, multiple families are crammed into the same, often one–roomed house. People who held jobs, and often led successful lives now live off of handouts, or by working odd jobs. Many children have been out of school for over two years, and there is no opportunity to begin school in their host country. Last year, over 40% of elementary children dropped out of school due to the civil war and resulting displacement. With no job and no opportunity of education for their children, there is little hope for those who have fled Syria. Aside from the difficulty of finding a place within a school, many children are also expected to work and to help provide for their families, as many parents cannot find a job. Many go to school all day, and then work night shifts at restaurants or factories. Many children are often exposed to extremely long working hours, dangerous types of work and many are exposed to illegal activities. Those that do manage to go to school are faced with harsh discrimination, and often segregation. The parents of Jordanian and Lebanese ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Trade With Saudi Arabi The Five Dimensions Of Culture TRADE WITH SAUDI ARABIA Introduction Saudi Arabia is a country located in South–East Asia and according to the Department of Commerce, is the "largest economies in the Middle East and North Africa region" (International Trade Association). The purpose of this paper is to provide details that will assist a US company with being successful in conducting business in Saudi Arabia. The Five Dimensions of Culture There are five Dimensions of Culture that Hofstede mentions in International Business, The Challenge of Global Competition. These include: Individualism– collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity–femininity and long–term orientation/Confucian dynamism. Understanding these dimensions will assist a U.S. ... Show more content on ... It is important that an American trying to do business in Saudi Arabia understand the hierarchy so they don't offend anybody. Uncertainty Avoidance describes "a society's comfort with uncertainty" (Ball 100). The Saudi Arabian culture prefers to avoid uncertainty, meaning they feel the "need" to have strict laws and rules, and expect to have clear procedures to maintain the status quo. (Ball 100). An American trying to do business in Saudi Arabia will need to remember that change is not welcomed so innovation may be resisted (The Hofstede Center). Masculinity–femininity dimension describes the gap between the roles of men and women in the culture (Ball 100). Saudi Arabia is a masculine society meaning that both men are typically more assertive and competitive. Although there aren't as many women working in Saudi Arabia, the women that do work are considered to be assertive and competitive, just like their male counterparts. An American would need to keep this in mind in regards to management because the culture expects management to be decisive and assertive (The Hofstede Center). Long–term orientation/Confucian dynamism is explained as the "level to which people in the culture will persevere to overcome obstacles they cannot overcome with will or strength" (Ball 101). The culture of Saudi Arabia a short–term–oriented society. This means that they ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Characteristics Of Idential Killers Walter Ellis, known as "The Milwaukee North Side Strangler," was sentenced to life in prison after being convicted of seven counts of murder. Ellis is known as a serial killer– a person who kills three or more people at separate locations and events with a "cooling off" period in between each and who usually commits the murders for a psychological thrill or pleasure. The general profile for a serial killer can be described as, but not limited to, Caucasian, male, and late 20s to early 30s in age, often killing within his own race, utilizing a "hands–on" method of murder, and selecting victims that share certain characteristics. However, more specific characteristics of a killer's profile can vary based on his or her classification as either an organized or disorganized serial killer. Organized killers are typically very intelligent, meticulous, and charming, while disorganized killers usually have low IQ's, lack close friends or family, and are extremely antisocial. Sometimes, a serial killer can be categorized as mixed; a mixed offender shows careful planning in his crime and indicates a high IQ within this process, but the murder in particular may be messy. Jack the Ripper is a prime example of a disorganized killer, as he primarily used overwhelming force to suddenly attack victims and left their bodies in the same place they were attacked. Ted Bundy is an infamous organized serial killer who was careful in selecting victims and considering the details of his plan to kill each. Serial killers not only exhibit similar qualities as adults, but forensic psychologists have discovered that they also possessed parallel childhood tendencies and family lives. It is common for serial killers to have grown up with at least one biological parent present; however, family life is often unstable upon closer look. Other common childhood characteristics of serial killers include being a bed–wetter late in childhood, pyromaniac, and showing cruelty to animals. Serial killers generally behave in a way that indicates anger, bitterness, or resentment pre–crime due to the fact that their series of killings is usually set off by a particular action rather than by resentment that has built up slowly and gradually over time. ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Saudi Arabia And The Middle East Essay Although rocky at times the U.S. relationship with Saudi Arabia is extremely important aspect in U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia is a major power player within the Middle East due to its massive oil reserves and direct influence on Islam throughout the region. Various culture aspects of Saudi Arabia, its spread of Wahhabism and allegations of terrorist links has led to Saudi Arabia being under direct fire on the international stage. Scott Shane, author of the New York times article Saudi and Extremism: 'Both the Arsonist and the Firefighter' uses the phrases 'arsonist and firefighter' to draw a connection to the idea that the Saudi's past and present actions are a direct source to the current problems that the country faces. The Saudi's secular teachings of Islam, alleged indirect funding of terrorism and spread of anti– western teachings around the Middle East are the highlighted points to what Shane believes makes the Saudi's arsonist in the region. Moreover, to the same point the Saudi govt. and high–ranking officials attempt to combat the very things that there kingdom has either directly or indirectly contributed towards making them 'firefighters'. In contrast the counter argument that Saudi Arabia is neither the 'arsonist nor firefighter' can be developed due to the limited direct linkage of Saudi Arabia both abroad and in the Middle East. Saudi Teachings Saudi's teaching of Islam focus on a branch called Wahhabism, which is a division of Sunni ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Egypt under Mubarak Egypt plays an extremely significant role as one of the major powers in the Middle East. Egyptian force in the Arab world stems from the strength of its cultural life which makes it extremely difficult to be ignored. The book, "Egypt under Mubarak" features essays from seven different authors, which examine the causes and consequences of the many crises Egypt has faced. Mubarak comes into power taking upon himself the previous Egyptian political, sociological, and economic problems left by Sadat and Nasser. The present administration attempts to fix these problems by employing Egypt's significant resources in the forming of a distinct and effective international role. Vice President Hosni Mubarak succeeded Sadat as president. After Sadat ... Show more content on ... The book touches on topics with a broad range from politics to economy to geography. The book is solely based on research of the Egyptian government from the time when Mubarak took power, 1981, up until the writing of the book which was in 1989. Throughout the book, 16 books are cited. Even though the book is based on the government under Mubarak, the writers refer to events that were held before Mubarak was put into power which helps the reader understand the important history behind the present. After each chapter, there are bibliographies as well as endnotes in some chapters listing the sources used in the passage. Except for the Chapter on the National Debt where his previous statements based on The Central Bank of Egypt, Cairo contradicts his final assessment of the sum. The writers of each section always tend to agree with the sources that they have cited. With this known, I was able to see that the writers in each chapter took into account the other writings of scholars that wrote on similar topics. Because of the writers many sources, they are able to give an unbiased look into the history of the Egyptian Government. They examine both the positive and negative aspects of Mubarak as President specifically laws he passes and actions he takes towards not only Egyptians, but also the Arab–Israeli relationship, as well as foreign relations with Arab countries and the western world. Charles Tripp goes into detail about the ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Overview of the Arab Culture Essay Name of Culture Arab is not a race, but is a group of individuals that are united by their culture and history (ADC, 2014). There are many different variations commonly based on a particular individual's country of origin such as Arab Americans. Other variations are based on their social class, the level of their education, if they live urbanely or rurally, or the time they have spent in the United States (Lipson & Dubble, 2007). Most Arabs also practice Islamic religion and are Muslim. When working with an Arab or Muslim client, nurses should ask what the client wishes to be referred to so as not to offend them in any way (Lipson & Dubble, 2007). Countries of Origin There are 22 countries in the Middle East and North Africa that ... Show more content on ... If unsure how to address the patient, the nurse should ask how a friend or distant relative would address them. Adults and elderly may have other preferences like mother or father, followed by the first name of their eldest son. When approaching an Arab, it is acceptable to shake their hand, smile, and offer direct eye contact. Although the patient may avoid these gestures, they are not viewed as offensive (Lipson & Dubble, 2007). Historical Background Prompting Immigration Arabs began arriving in the United States in the early 1800s. The first large wave arrived between 1887–1913. Many single, uneducated men were included in this large wave if immigrants. They were arriving from Greater Syria in search of a better job and a higher standard of living (Lipson & Dubble, 2007). The next wave of Arab immigrants came to the United States from 1940–1970. This wave of immigrants was driven by the political events and wars going on in their home countries; many of these immigrants were refugees. In 1948 the creation of the State of Israel drastically increased the amount of Arab–Muslim immigrants (Lipson & Dubble, 2007). The third marked wave of Arab immigrants came from 1970– 2000. This wave was also driven by wars and economic and political circumstances that were quickly deteriorating. The majority of these immigrants were professions of high education (Lipson & Dubble, 2007). Between 1982–1989, the amount of Arabs ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Protests Of The Syrian Uprising Essay "Security forces opened fire, killing at least four protesters and within days, the protests grew into rallies that gathered thousands of people." The killings of these four were ultimately regarded by many as the first deaths of the Syrian uprising. "The community's blunt outrage over the children's arrests and mistreatment, the government's humiliating and violent reactions to their worries and the people's refusal to be cowed by security forces embolden and helped spread the Syrian opposition." This notion demonstrates that the killing of the four protestors was only the first of many deaths to occur continuing into an on–going war that has: "...triggered nationwide protests demanding President Assad's resignation." Because of this, the Syrian government decided that in order to handle the issue they must crush this nationwide dissent. This in return only allowed the protestors to push harder for a change within the country of Syria, in hopes of it becoming the wonderful country that it was in the years prior to the war. "Syria's conflict has devolved from peaceful protests against the government in 2011 to a violent insurgency that has drawn in numerous other countries." "With neither side able to inflict a decisive defeat on the other, the international community long ago concluded that only a political solution could end the conflict in Syria." It is because of the similar actions that took place within the Palestinian–Israeli conflict that similar issues are beginning ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Refugee Act Of 1980 Analysis Marco Rubio states, "When was the last time you heard news accounts of a boatload of American refugees arrive on the shores of another country?" White House's Tanya Somanader describes the peril of the refugees as, "Your home country is all that you know –– it's where you were raised, where you've loved, and where you've lived all your years. So what happens when one day, without warning, or without cause, that sense of security is ripped from you? War, violence, persecution for who you are or what you believe; your home has become the crucible for your greatest fears, a place you no longer recognize. You're afraid for your life, for your family –– you don't know where to go but you know you can't stay. You and your family are forced to flee ... Show more content on ... The United States is continuing to play a cautious role in this refugee crisis, by providing lots resources, but in turn, are accepting very little refugees. Currently, many aid groups and at least 14 senators have called on the United States government to take in more refugees. These decisions were based on after viewing gruesome images of what Amanda Holpuch of The Guardian calls "...a three–year old boy's body lying face down in the surf of Turkey." This boy, along with his older brother (5) and his mother died while reaching Europe. The Journeys taken on by these refugees is very dangerous and treacherous. In a 2014 report by the International Organization for Migration, which is an intergovernmental group, stated that the Mediterranean Sea is one of the most dangerous ways to cross a border. It's rough waters has caused hundreds of refugees to be making a risky journey in suffocating ship holds and ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is a military and political organization which is mainly led by nationals of Iraq and Syria. ISIS has committed crimes of unimaginable cruelty in Syria and Iraq but the international criminal court (ICC) does not have the power to open a case, according to Fatou Bensouda. The court was unable to prosecute because neither Syria nor Iraq were members of ICC. (ICC, 2015) Crimes which have been reported, consist of mass executions, sexual slavery, rape and other forms of sexual and gender–based violence, torture, mutilation, deployment and forced recruitment of children and the harassment of ethnic and religious minorities, and the destruction of cultural property. ISIS Jihadists originated from Al–Qaeda and claim to be running a caliphate – an Islamic state ruled by one leader. They want to enforce their view of conservative Islamic traditions. The caliphate covers IS–controlled areas in northern Syria and North–Western Iraq. ISIS uses social media to spread fear. ISIS has more than 30,000 fighters known for their brutality and it is said to be raising more $2 million a day from oil sales, taxes, extortion and smuggling. The U.S. and Arab partners are launching airstrikes on Syrian targets to degrade and destroy ISIS. (BBC, 2014) On October 30th, 2015, President Obama authorized boots on ground in Syria to assist in fighting ISIS. He has approved about less than 50 troops, but more could be sent. The troops will rotate in and out of Syria ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. How Significant Was The Involvement Of The League Of... Identification and Evaluation of Sources This investigation assesses the question "How significant was the involvement of the League of Nations/United Nations and Britain in the development of the Arab–Israeli conflict?" The time period before and after the Arab–Israeli conflict will be the focus of this investigation. This question was intriguing due to the possibility of the League of Nations causing tension rather than promoting peace. In order to explore the effect the League of Nations/United Nations had on the Arab–Israeli conflict, both primary and secondary sources will be necessary. Primary sources will include diaries, books, and propaganda. Secondary sources such as history books or reports will be needed for their analysis on the factors involved in the conflict. Source A Cannon, Martin. 20th Century World History: Course Companion. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. Source A is a book titled, 20th Century World History. This book contained information regarding the League of Nations and their role in the Arab–Israeli conflict. This source is credible because it is a history book from which students are taught, and the information in the book is cross checked by multiple authors. The source of origin is valuable because it lays out the facts and shows the involvement of the League of Nations in the Arab–Israeli conflict. The book itself is a secondary source, however it includes primary sources, making it valuable for this investigation. The primary ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Why Canada Is A Multicultural Country Canada has always been a multicultural country. It is well known as a country that accepts diversity and depending heavily on immigration for its population growth. The largest groups of immigrants to Canada are from Asian and Middle Eastern countries. This fact has remained virtually unchanged since the 2001 census (Potter et al., 2014, p.110). Although Canada demonstrates gender equality to some degree among the various different cultures it has, however, gender inequality exists among many countries. Gender inequality exits to a varying extent in all societies and differs over time, across social and ethnic groups (Mobaraki & Söderfeldt, 2010). In Saudi Arabia, the system of governance is a monarchy, with its constitution governed by strict interpretation of the Islamic laws (Mobaraki & Söderfeldt, 2010). In Saudi Arabia, women's roles and rights can be evaluated by examining the local interpretation of the Islamic laws, through: education, job opportunity, marriage, polygamy and fertility (Mobaraki & Söderfeldt, 2010). Statistics shows that about 30% of Saudi women are illiterates, although, presently, there are more female graduates than males in Saudi Arabia (Mobaraki, & Söderfeldt, 2010). This is so, because, some parts of Saudi Arabia (where nonreligious education was regarded as unsuitable for girls) initially opposed the opening of schools for girls ((Mobaraki & Söderfeldt, 2010).In addition to that, mixed sex education is not allowed in Saudi Arabia (Mobaraki & ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The Difference Between the Arabs and the South and... The difference between the Arabs and the South and Southeast Asians! The lure of regionalism – a belief in regional co–operation and integration as a method to advance a region's shared political, economic or security interests – has had profound effects on the foreign policies of all countries. The conventional wisdom is that such collaborative efforts will serve as the building blocks of a future Economic Community, as well as Unions. Many attempts at uniting as a region are informed by the experiences of the European Union and North America. But the argument is also put forward that many regional co–operation efforts are 'homegrown', an organic development, given specific historic, political, ... Show more content on ... In order to manage emergencies caused by nature and food storage they have established the Food Bank with the participation of all countries that will provide food security to the people of the region. They fought corruption by exchanging information on national experience combating corruption to effectively address this problem. They have given the right for outside countries to play the role of observers in order to benefit from these external linkages and help its economic integration with the international community. So many actions were taken in order to sustain economic development. For example they have trained regional lawyer, judges and magistrates yearly on the "justice ability" of human rights, in order to provide justice and equality among all the people. The establishment of the Asian Development Bank to provide financial assistance and economic stability by helping the countries to: identify and prioritize sub regional projects; developing action programs; and preparing a needs assessment, including human resource development, for implementing the action program in the five priority sectors. Improvements in the region and the constant growth shows us that both associations are trying to achieve their goals and to obtain a sustained economy., and they are working together for a prosperous ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. MERS-CoV: Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Back in April of 2012, a twenty–five year old man, who had recently traveled to parts of the Middle East, became ill in Saudi Arabia (WHO). He visited the hospital once he started seeing symptoms of an flu–like illness (WHO). To figure out what this virus was, doctor and researchers collected nasal sputum from individuals who were sick with what seemed like a new strain of the flu (WHO). This is when they discovered that the infectious agent of the illness was actually a coronavirus, which they called a novel coronavirus (CDPH). However, they renamed the coronavirus Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, also known as MERS–CoV (CDC). Prior to this occasion in 2012, it had never been seen in humans before, and it continued to spread from here (WHO). Symptoms of MERS–CoV include fever, cough, shortness or breath and difficulty breathing. (CDPH). This symptoms clearly explain why this coronavirus can be mistaken for a type of flu. Some patients may experience worse symptoms like gastrointestinal problems, diarrhea and kidney failure (WHO). Also, individuals who are infected but have weak immune systems may have an atypical presentation (WHO). As of March 2014, MERS–CoV has been seen in various countries, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Oman, Kuwait, Yemen, the U.K, France, Italy and Tunisia (CDPH). Many of the cases seen in Europe and Tunisia have been related to an individual who had traveled to parts of the Middle East mentioned above (CDPH). This ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The Middle East Is Clearly Out Of Hand Essay Jeffrey A. Beery Professor Carlin Mackie English 102 9 November 2016 Introduction: The Middle East is clearly out of hand. Why is this region prone to so much bloodshed? All we need to do is refer back to our history books. In preparation for the Collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the end of WW1 the Sykes and Picot agreement was signed, which called for British and French influence in the region and the creation of states. This agreement was to benefit French and British interests and had very little concern regarding the ethnic and religious makeup of the region. After analyzing the region it is evident that the current border situation is ineffective and causing much of the problems. The current foreign policies the Western world has towards the Middle East need to be seriously reconsidered. The Vision of T.E. Lawrence: The Sykes and Picot agreement was conceptualized as a great idea among western leaders at the time, however according to Yassamine Mather in his article titled The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and Current Conflict in the Middle East "even then the agreement had its critics: T.E. Lawrence, who knew a lot more than Sykes about national and religious differences in the Arab world, warned of conflicts within the region" (471). Time has proven that T.E. Lawrence made a rather accurate prediction. Lawrence was a rather popular man regarding this period, and is still very much so today. In fact, Lawrence's book titled Seven Pillars of Wisdom has become a must ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. The Arab Uprisings: Book Review Essay Budd 1 Liam Budd 260465022 POLI 227 TA: Sherif Fouad The Arab Uprising: The Unfinished Revolutions of the New Middle East Marc Lynch defines the 2011 Arab uprisings as "an exceptionally rapid, intense, and nearly simultaneous explosions of popular protest across an Arab world united by shared transnational media and bound by a common identity" (Lynch, 9). In his book The Arab Uprising: The Unfinished Revolutions of the New Middle East, he sets out to put the events of the Arab uprising into perspective and to create a guide for the new Middle East. He does so pragmatically and theoretically but dismisses popular theories of international relations as outdated for the new Middle East. Throughout the book, Lynch emphasizes the ... Show more content on ... By 2006, authoritarian regimes had reasserted their control, however the protests did reveal Budd 3 "unexpected depths of popular resentment and extraordinary competencies to organize and to communicate." Having examined recent Arab history, Lynch points out that "we should not be overly impressed by the novelty of Arab popular mobilization" (Lynch, 64). Also, the unified Arab media space has always been something that makes the regional dynamics unique. And finally, occasions of widespread mobilization across the region have ended with deeper entrenchment of authoritarian regimes. In chapter 4, Lynch discusses the Arab Spring that occurred from December 2010 through to March 2011, during which the protests developed into a regionwide uprising. The real revolutionary contribution of Tunisia and Egypt "was their rapid and massive diffusion into a regional tidal wave" (Lynch, 68). The close coverage of the uprisings encouraged other movements. Common themes emerged as protesters imitated each other's tactics and rhetoric and regimes responded similarly, insisting that their countries' particularities shielded them from the regional malaise. What made these protests different was that they succeeded in driving leaders from power, the traditionally effective authoritarian regime responses backfired, and they framed local acts into a single coherent regional narrative. Following the Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions came the battles to claim ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Cultural Challenges Facing Military Operations in Pan Arab... For this assignment the cultural manifestations I selected to discuss as being important to our Unit's success are Wasta, Deference to authority, and Tendency to seek compromise. Of course understanding all of the cultural manifestations are important to our unit's success, but each region within the Middle East–North African (MENA) region will have their own variations based upon which branch of Islam is dominant in the region, what that region's experience has been with the U.S. or a Western presence in general and numerous other factors such as the prevailing socio– economic factors of the region. By way of back ground, I thought it would be helpful to point out that the MENA region is a pretty diverse area comprised of "have's" and ... Show more content on ... The bottom line for our team however, is to understand that the widespread practice of wasta in the Middle East is assumed, it is a given. So we must learn the nuances of the practice and use it to our advantage to be successful in our mission. That means finding the right Wasta to curry influence with the particular elders you are working with. Originally based upon family loyalty, the family is still the primary wasta channel, but that familial relationship has expanded to include friends and acquaintances, as well as private agreements whereby services are provided in exchange for gifts or specific fees. In the words of one observer, ""Today's wasta is too often a middle–man, seeking fame and fortune by doing favors." Our job is to find that Middle Man and enter into that relationship with our eyes wide–open, knowing it isn't going to be a cheap date, but that it will be worth the lives it will save down the road. Incidentally, the IMF, World Bank and regional economic leaders consider the "taming" or conversion of wasta as necessary to the MENA Region ultimately becoming an emerging market leader and engine of world growth, its effect in the regional economy is that debilitating. So let's do our part to keep it that way! Where's my Wasta!?! Here wasta wasta! Deference to Authority: As LTC Wunderle describes, Arab culture favors ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Delegation : Democratic Republic Of The Congo Essay Committee: Moscow Conference Topic: Peace Efforts in Eastern Europe Delegation: Democratic Republic of the Congo Delegates: Maria Lama, Maria Polanco General Russia has agreed to discuss peace efforts and had formed the present War Cabinet, to address the problems that disturb the peace and stability in the said place, and as to accomplish this, military proposal are to be presented that gives reliable measures to confirm the accomplishment of the general objective of the committee. On present moments an alliance between Russia, China, and the Security Council of the United Nations has been formed, in the year of 2015. As a consequence to this alliance, it was permitted that The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO, or also known as the North Atlantic Alliance, to take place and advance on the counteraction towards the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, ISIS, an extremist military group, or a terrorist group. After the intent of assassination of the president Bashar al–Assad of Syria, the ISIS advanced on the territory taking possession of the city of Homs due to the inconsiderable high opposition of the military forces of Syria and the Free Syrian Army, founded during the Syrian Civil War on 29 of July 2011. To address this, the United States had come to the agreement to be involved in the counteractions made towards ISIS. In June 2015, the Islamic State starts offensive actions against the Iraqi capital. Haider Al–Abadi, an Iraqi politician, president, calls ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Sports Athlete : Michael Jeffrey Jordan Sports Athlete: Michael Jeffrey Jordan Height: 1.98 m Weight: 98 kg Age: 53 years old American basketball player Michael uses muscular endurance and strength to complete a game of basketball. This is the ability to move his body or an object repeatedly without getting tired. TRAINING AND DIET: PRE–SEASON – The period of time before the regular season Michael didn 't eat sugar, carbs, or dairy for 67 straight days this summer. He subsisted on meat, fish, fruits, and vegetables – and lost a startling amount of weight in the process. It 's a modified version of a paleo diet, the fad diet in which people eat as humans did thousands of years ago. MID–SEASON – A point part way through a season, especially a season of the year or a sporting season. Michael follows a 4 week diet plan after he lost the weight in his pre–season. This 4 week plan is set whilst he trains for a season. Week One: Zero Carb Breakfast. For the first week, don 't worry about changing your lunch and dinner habits. Just make breakfast a zero–carb meal – as in, two eggs scrambled in extra–virgin olive oil, topped with avocado. Or cold leftover chicken. You 'll feel the difference immediately, in steady energy throughout the morning. Week Two: Pack Lunch. When Dr.Shanahan says baby steps, she means baby steps. Before you worry about what goes into lunch, just get into the habit of packing lunch at home and bringing it with you to work. Mid–day restaurant and cafeteria meals are too often jumbo–sized and ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. A Brief Note On Notorious Cases And Implications IV. Notorious Cases and Implications a) Belfort case The leniency in sentencing can be shown by examining a few larger publicized cases of white–collar crime. One of the most iconic examples of white–collar crime is Jordan Belfort. Belfort started a business in the 80 's called Stratton Oakmont that was a "Long Island penny–stock boiler room he ran." However, Belfort's business was not making its money legally. It turns out that they laundered money and manipulated stock prices. In 2003, Belfort pled guilty to money laundering and securities fraud. The government has claimed that he defrauded people out of more than $200 million. However, he only received a four–year sentence, of which he served 22 months. For the amount of damage that Belfort inflicted, it seems unjust that he received such a short sentence. Belfort stole $200 million from people, yet, he only spent about a month in jail for every $10 million he stole. Public perception would interpret his sentencing as indicative of a problem with leniency in white– collar crime sentencing. However, there were extenuating circumstances. Jordan Belfort made a plea bargain with the FBI. Plea bargains are "agreements between defendants and prosecutors where defendants agree to plead guilty to some or all of the charges against them in exchange for concessions from the prosecutors[...] some plea bargains require defendants to do more than simply plead guilty." Jordan Belfort received such a light sentence because he ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Civilian Or Isis Member? Civilian or ISIS Member? The 2011 Arab Spring act started in Egypt and Tunisia, which later inspired Syrian's to take to the streets and demonstrate against Assad. Syrians all over voiced their unhappiness with the stagnant political process and were advocating for new democratic reforms. "A person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster" (Oxford Dictionary) is what we call a Refugee, but with the current war on Terrorism/ISIS it is hard to distinguish whether they are really refugees or working with ISIS undercover. More than four million refugees of the Syrian Civil war have fled Syria, and left to neighboring countries such as Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey, and some even ended ... Show more content on ... The movement began as a peaceful demonstration but eventually outside forces joined and began to use this movement for other purposes – mainly violent ones. The protests turned into massive ones around March of the same year and thousands of people took the streets of Syria. Later in April 2011, the Syrian government decided to send out the military to subdue the protests. Opposition groups began to arm themselves and fight back, and they were aided by the Syrian military members who joined them as well. The government was not happy about these protests and they responded with extreme measures such as torturing and killing protesters, kidnapping, and mistreatment. The government troops opened fire on civilians and the civilians fired back in response to this. The result of this was the Syrian army quickly turning this to an armed conflict. Daily, terrorist groups sabotage innocents, blow up buildings/infrastructure, bomb roads, and murder civilians in mass scales. Many communities are destroyed and terrorized, families are displaced and broken apart, and people are being murdered on the streets – security officials and civilians. These evil acts are being put through by the Free Syrian Army, as well as some ISIS overlap. With the continuous bombings, deaths, and uncertainty in these Syrian civilians lives, many began to fled Syria and crossed to neighboring countries to seek ... Get more on ...
  • 62.
  • 63. Essay about Jabwood International Mesaab Ismail International Management 3680 9/22/14 Problem Statement Jabwood International is contemplating international expansion into new markets specifically, Saudi Arabia and China to compensate for a decline in revenues. Problem Causes The Middle Eastern situation, specifically the uprising in Syria. The borders between Lebanon and Syria being closed causing the company's main wood supplier TANITA to expand to other timber companies. Jabwood's market share and sales volume had a drop of 20 %. Jabwood does not have any business in Saudi Arabia which has the Biggest Market in the Middle East for wood products. Jabwood does not have any business in China which the potential for wood products have increased every year due to the ... Show more content on ... Capital can be 100% foreign. Processed wood products are exempted from import taxes. Government Stability is at 61 which means it is not likely for the country to go unstable. Saudi– Arabia is in the Middle East and it also an Islamic country which Jabwood international is familiar with that market. Cons Tariffs on lumber are 12%. 28 million population does not compare to the 13 population in China and the citizens who need homes there. 0% forest areas 1 million CBM to import wood. 82 % of the country are urban areas meaning less places required for wood construction. $686.00 to import per container. Sawn timber is not needed.
  • 64. China Expansion China is a huge market for wood products, Demand for wood is through the roof. The Chinese wood industry has been Prospering since 2010. They have become the biggest producer and exporter of WBP and plywood in the world, they are the second biggest importer of wood products in the world. Pros A new regulation in Shanghai allows the replacement of sloppy rooftops to be replaced with sawn timber, this would be a huge market for Jabwood International. Tariffs on lumber are low. Only 150 million CBM is produced locally. The 13 billion population alone makes the demand at an astounding number for wood. Rural areas are at a higher percentage, meaning more room for building houses. Cost of imports are at a less cost than in Saudi–Arabia. Sawn timber is needed. Cons First years sales are at 2% of the target ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. The Problems in the Middle East Essay The Problems in the Middle East The land of Israel once belonged to the Jews in 1948, but Diaspora, the Arabs claimed the land. Since the return of the Jews to their 'homeland' the two races have fought over what they both claim to be their Holy Land. The conflict between Arab and Jew still rages, with suicide bombings and militia violence happening every day. Because of the nature and age of the conflict, perhaps a lasting peace between Arab and Jew is impossible. Jews believe that their God promised the land to them, and Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, is their Holy City. Apart from the holy shrines and places of worship, the Arabs and Israelis are fighting over living space. Since the ... Show more content on ... Then in the middle Ages, the Jews were expelled form Western Europe and many settled in Russia and Poland. But they were often persecuted. Almost all Europeans were Christians and they forced the Jews to live in separate areas. They were not allowed to vote or even to buy their own land. Such anti – Jewish behaviour is known as anti Semitism. For hundreds of years Jews dreamt and prayed that they would be able to celebrate 'next year in Jerusalem '. In 1917 the British were very keen to bring the United States into the First World War against Germany. The British believed that the Jews in America could influence third government's actions and so Britain declared its support for a Jewish home land in Palestine. This declaration was made in the form of a letter to Lord Rothschild a leading British Jew, in November 1917. It became known as the 'bal four declaration' because I was signed by the British foreign secretary, Arthur James. For many centuries the Arabs have lived in the lands which we call the Middle East. They form the majority of the population and all speak the same language, Arabic. In the seventh century ad most of the Arabs were converted to the religion of Islam. They become the followers of Mohammed and now the known as the Muslims. From their homeland in Arabia, they swept across the Middle East and North Africa in the ... Get more on ...
  • 67.
  • 68. Irregular Warfare Against Isis / Isil Irregular Warfare against ISIS/ISIL Before I commence to identify some of the Irregular Warfare (IW) activities seen in this war against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and Islamic State of Iraq and al–Sham (ISIS/ISIL), I would like to briefly define the term Irregular Warfare and describe what ISIS/ISIL really is. Irregular Warfare is described as a violent struggle among state and non–state actors for legitimacy and influence over the relevant population(s). Irregular Warfare is a deviation from a traditional form of warfare where actors may use non–traditional methods such as guerrilla warfare, terrorism, sabotage, subversion, criminal activities, and insurgency for control of relevant populations. Irregular Warfare is considered as strategically important as a traditional warfare (DODD 3000.07). ISIS/ISIL is an unrecognized state and a Jihadist militant group operating in Iraq and Syria. The group claims religious authority over all Muslims and aspires to a macro state, which includes many countries in the Middle East: Cyprus, Jordan, Kuwait, Israel, Lebanon, Palestine, and part of Syria. ISIS is known for its uncompromising interpretation of Islam. The group is responsible for brutal violence against Shia Muslims and Christians. They started an attack against the Iraqi government forces in June of 2014 and many mercenaries joined the group. ISIS has gain great popularity since last year and has become a big threat to the whole world. The group was ... Get more on ...
  • 69.
  • 70. Withdrawal Of The Syrian Refugee Crisis EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This policy memo addresses the current possible U.S. options to the Syrian refugee crisis. I have identified three different options: Increase Syrian refugee resettlement commitments, establish safe zones in northern Syria, or seal the Syrian border. As conditions continue to deteriorate in Syria and the number of refugees continues to increase, it is critical that you strengthen the U.S. position in the country of Syria. The establishment of safe zones would align our moral, strategic, and diplomatic interests more than any other possible policy. Half of the electorate or more wants refugees to establish safe homelands near or in their country, if possible, reducing the perceived risk of increasing potential terrorism in the United States, the notion grounded in reality or not. Also, historically, refugees have been allowed safe harbor in United States and we could continue in such tradition, in the safest possible way. BACKGROUND The conflict in Syria between the government of Bashar al–Assad and various other forces, which started in the spring of 2011, continues to cause displacement within the country and across the region. By the end of 2014, approximately 7.6 million people were internally displaced and 3.7 million Syrians had fled the country since the start of the conflict. Over 21.5 million people, or half of the country's pre–war population, have been displaced. The refugee situation is urgent, and it has placed an enormous burden on ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Women of the Middle East The Women of the Middle East have played substantial roles for their corresponding countries since the advent of colonialism in the region. Middle Eastern women have worked in all types of fields including medicine, education, agriculture, government, private sector, and even defense. They have kept roofs over their family's heads while their husbands were away in wars, or even in foreign countries to work in jobs that they could not find in their own countries. The roles of women in the countries of Yemen and Oman are no exception, but while they still find ways to contribute to their country, they care constantly stereotyped, discriminated, and ridiculed by men who are known and unknown to them. This paper will discuss the individual ... Show more content on ... Even though these laws and cultural Whabbai Islamic practices are taking place, the Yemeni government likes to portray the women of their country in a different light, stating that their women were the first ones in the Arabian Peninsula to vote, have members elected to parliament, appoint a woman to Minister of Human Rights, and as an ambassador to Holland (Embassy of Yemen, 2010). No matter how hard the Yemeni government tries to cover up the treatment of their women, it has been proven that Yemeni women are treated as second class citizens and this treatment will not change until the society rids themselves of their stereotypes. Like Yemen, the country of Oman places restrictions on their women, though some Omani laws work in the favor of the Omani women, then for those of the Yemeni's. However restrictive laws towards women are still present. According to Mary–Jane Deeb, the Basic Law prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender, but women may still undergo legal and social discrimination. (Freedom House, 2010). Some legal and social discriminations in Oman include the fact that women must have permission from a male family member to leave the country, women foreign workers can be denied wages and have their passports taken from them, there are no rules against domestic rape and abuse; women also do not have the ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Syrian Civil War : The Arab Springs Comparable to past catastrophic events throughout world history, Syria's civil war began as a chain of significant circumstances which lead to eventual turmoil. Although the Arab Springs, a series of uprisings against dictators in northern Africa and southwest Asia, was the primary basis for the Syrian civil war, climate change induced drought was undoubtedly the inception that provoked the Arab Spring in Syria. Water is essential to human life aiding in agriculture production and livestock care as well as basic human nourishment. Without this life supporting element, rural people flooded to the cities in droves seeking their basic human needs. Along with millions of rural Syrians, Iraq refugees were also flocking to the Syrian cities for comfort and aid. With overcrowded cities, minimal resources, few jobs, and an oppressive government, Syria was doomed for rebellion and civil war, especially considering rebellions in neighboring countries was so successful. Peaceful protests for basic human needs and equal rights were met with aggressive opposition by government militants, which fueled more protests and more deaths. Ultimately, the record drought of 2006–2011 eventually caused the Arab Spring which lead to the Syrian civil war. The Land of Syria Snug within the Fertile Crescent, Syria lies in the Middle East region within the southwest Asian realm and is encircled by Turkey to the north, Iraq to the southeast, and Jordan on the southern border, while Lebanon and the ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. A Student At The College Of William And Mary I am writing to you today as a student at the College of William and Mary. I am in an International Security class and recently we studied the events occurring in Syria. As you are well aware, the situation in Syria has been dramatically deteriorating in recent months with the rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and the recent entrance of Russia into the conflict. Syria, meanwhile, has been in the midst of a ravaging civil war since the early spring of 2011. Currently, the government of Syria is led by President Bashar al–Assad, a member of the Syrian Ba'ath Party, a branch of the same Ba'ath Party that Saddam Hussein was also a member of. This similarity may lead some to think that Syria will end up like Iraq, with a ... Show more content on ... This led to various sectarian strifes among the countries in the Middle East. Since Russia started bombing, they have mostly targeted anti–Assad rebels, rather than ISIL which they stated they were bombing. I propose to include Russia in the current coalition, led by the United States, which also include Australia, Bahrain, Canada, France, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom. There will have to be negotiations in order to get Russia to cooperate so they do not go rogue and bomb targets that are supported by the West and other countries in the coalition. By having Russia in the coalition and working with the United States, there will be a greater oversight of their operations and more transparency among the nations. This will help with making strategic attacks so ISIL can be degraded and destroyed and also so the Assad regime will finally relinquish power to a democratic government. There also must be targeted strikes upon ISIL's main sources of income: oil reserves. Although this may harm potential future capabilities of Syria or Iraq to drill for oil, it will severely disrupt the income of ISIL so that they will not be able to buy the resources necessary to fight against the governments and to maintain the territory which it has already conquered. Next, in order to quell ... Get more on ...
  • 77.
  • 78. The War of 1948 Essay examples The War of 1948, also known as the War of Independence, was fought between Israel and its Arab neighbors. The war began May 15, 1948 when units from the armies of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq invaded Israel launching a war that lasted until December 1948.# The war resulted in the defeat of the Arab forces and the success of Israel as a newly established state. It is evident that the Arab forces were not successful in the first Arab–Israeli war because the Arab army lacked motivation, education, and proper equipment.# Despite the support from Arab states outside of Palestine, the Arabs were unable to gain enough strength to overcome the Israeli forces. In contrast, the Israeli army was able to succeed because they had ... Show more content on ... The Haganah, the Israeli Defense Forces, had more than 35,000 people in the army. More so, the men and women in the army were trained and were mostly made up of volunteers. By December of 1948 the Israeli army numbered more than 96,000.# Although a large number of soldiers does not account for Israel's success in the War of 1948, it does play a significant role that cannot be ignored. A majority of the Arab population in the territory that became Israel, around 700,000 people, became refugees.# During the first stages of war, many civilians temporarily evacuated from zones of combat with plans to return once fighting had stopped. However, during the early summer of 1948 Palestinian Arabs began fleeing in mass numbers, leaving behind their homes, businesses, and land. The Haganah saw the Arab flight as an opportunity to advance, and began encouraging the evacuation of towns and cities. In April 1948 the Haganah authorized a plan known as Plan D.# The campaign "provided for the conquest and permanent occupation, or leveling, of the Arab villages and towns."# The field officers of the Haganah interpreted Plan D as giving them the power to expunge the Palestinian Arabs living in the area of the Jewish state as well as the Arabs living inside territory given to the Arab state. Plan D not only intensified ... Get more on ...