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Analysing an Advert Essay
Analysing an Advert The first thing my eye is drawn to in the Fujifilm advertisement is the girl.
The fact that she is staring out at you with her blue eyes, red lipstick and bright coloured clothes
draw my eye to her. Her stare portrays her as being confident and direct. Her facial expression
implies that she is pleased and knowing as if we are with her on the joke and it shows that she is
in control. She is a pretty girl that seems sophisticated and smart from the way she glows with
radiance. She looks as though she cares for herself in a way every woman should. She is wearing
a bright orange top with a printed picture of a cartoon girl. The girl on the top is shown as sporty
and more content...
This is shown as to be sexually related and a joke due to part of his bottom being revealed and
also makes the man seem vulnerable. These two people are a young sexy couple that are
aspirational and are people that the audience could imagine knowing. They are white, middle
class and fairly affluent. They are young and fashionable but also stereotypical of other people.
However I feel that the girl should be in the kitchen where she belongs but was plucked on to the
sumptuous sofa with the luxurious cushions and box of chocolates which therefore implies that
Fujifilm is accessible to all. The third thing that my eye is drawn to is the visual text. The
Fujifilm logo consists of white writing and a green background in a box which is dominant. It is
rather retro in a post modern way. It is positioned in a sexually suggested place. However the
slogan is in white which doesn't stand out that much except for the word 'Pop' which is bolder than
the rest of the words and also implies that the word is literally popping out. Furthermore 'Pops your
shutter' has undertones of sex and sexiness and the informal language appeals more to younger
people. It is bland and innuendo which is almost like a carry–on–film or a dirty joke from the shop
on the end of
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Ad Analysis Essay
Ad Analysis
The Ads for the Sonicare toothbrush use three main appeals. They seem repeated all over the ads
which are the appeals of aesthetic sensations, appeals of the need for prominence, and appeals to the
need to achieve. Sonicare target the middle and higher class and the middle age. The Sonicare
electronic toothbrush is used to clean teeth and gums, it does a better job than the manual brushes. It
has a timer to ensure cleaning well in each quarter of the mouth.Through the frequent use of appeals
to the need to achieve and appeals for prominence, and using a character with straight, bright teeth to
demonstrate the benefit of using Sonicare tooth brush, Sonicare seems to target middle age and
middle, upper class and people looking for whiter and healthier more content...
She throws the old manual brush and use the electronic one. Then another woman and man are
dancing on to the music, and they move in time with the electric brush. It is clear how much
movement the electronic tooth can make. In the ad it says "up to 62,000 movement per minute"
with beautiful pictures of Sonicare". The purpose of this ad is to persuade the audience to buy
the electronic tooth brush. The intended audience in this ad is the middle aged. The image of the
white teeth for these young people demonstrates the benefit of using this toothbrush: healthy teeth
and gums. Furthermore this ad is aimed at the middle and upper class .The women is wearing an
expensive dress. This can mean why this type of brush is called the diamond brush. It is for the
upper class. In addition, this ad implies these people are looking for good looks, good hygiene
and good heathy teeth, because on the top of the ad there is text saying: for healthier gum in just
two weeks. This ad gives an emotion feeling by saying "if you use Philips Sonicare, you will get the
indescribable feeling." EXPAND HERE REGARDING SATISFY
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Evaluation of an Advertisement Essay
Evaluation of an Advertisement
Advertising is to persuade people to buy their product or in this case encouraging people to send
money to help its charity. However to persuade people isn't that easy, you have to use the correct
wording, and things such as power of three, alliteration in order to persuade that customer/person. In
this advertisement many of these things are used. They really make you want to send a donation.
They make you feel really sorry for those children in Africa, Kenya and Uganda.
In the 1st paragraph they use of three "poverty, hunger and malnutrition" these three words a
summary of what is East Africa. "You might think nothing will change", this is short sentence more content...
They make you think about how fortunate we are. They make you feel guilty in some way.
Livestock development leads to people development and passing on the gift is all about how we
can help. They simply say that sending animals and other helpful things can really make a
difference to these people lives, and this is what generous people want to do. It say's " To be able
to help where once you could only receive it restores dignity, a sense of self worth, and a
fundamental change in your perspective on life itself". It is persuading by making think that if
we support the cause we will feel good inside because you helping deprived people. In Education
and Development they are putting the reader into the position of someone in Africa. They are
asking us how would you feel. This really makes you think about those people that have no
choice. "In what we call the 'developed world' we have so much choice set out before us". They
make us realize that they are absolutely wright. "Goods ranging from food to computers, that we
hardly imagine what it is like to have no choice".
"If you are poor, you have no choice"
"If you are poor, your future looks bleak"
"If you are poor, you may lose hope"
These phrases are very strong and really hurt us inside, they have several example of "If you are
poor….." because this shows that if you are poor you lose a lot
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Advertisement Analysis Report
This is a report prepared for MKT337 course on advertising analysis. The purpose of this report on
Advertisement analysis is to thorough analyze of electronic, print, outdoor and direct mail ads and
look for elements that tell the reader something about that specific product or service of the ads.
The report is focused on these basics in order to present a clear argument on how these
advertisements can influence people's attitudes towards a certain object or idea, and then analyze
them carefully to discover if the message implied is successful or not. An important fact to keep in
mind developing this report is the appeal of the ads. The appeal refers to the argument that, in this
case, the advertisement is presenting about a more content...
At the top of every billboards there is the message, Change The Game. My Findings and
comments: After analyzing all the ads I found that Pepsi has actually developed a very good IMC
campaign which can ultimately increase their sales. In the time of the world Cup fever, every
people would love to drink a Pepsi and think that I am in the part of changing the game. Moreover,
the TVC message matches the positioning of the Brand and it has convincingly contributed to
match the Brand Image with the Brand Positioning. In essence, the ad perfectly hit the need of
the target audience. By drinking a Pepsi, every fan would think that they are drinking a beverage
which Shakib used to drink. Thus they partially fulfill their esteem need. Maggi masala: Maggi
masala is a new product of Maggi Company, before magi masala there were ads of Maggi noodles
and soup. Here we are going to discuss about the ad of Maggi masala. TV commercial: The TVC
shows that a little boy gets scholarship and journalists of many newspapers come to their home to
take photographs of that boy with his parents. Then his mother said about the secret of her son's
merit that she cooks with Maggi masala full of various types of vitamins. The objective of the
commercial is to inform audience and customers about their new product. The features the model
talked about in the ad are various vitamins included iron, vitamin B etc. She informs audiences that
to make sure the
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Example Of An Advertisement Analysis
The advertisement shows a pregnant nun who has a tub of ice–cream in one hand and a spoon in the
other while bringing the spoon closer to her mouth, she is lustfully staring at the tub of ice–cream,
next to the tub there are the words immaculately conceived. In the background one sees a church. In
the bottom right hand corner, we see another tub of ice–cream but this time with the company name
more visible. This is obviously an advertisement for ice–cream made by the company Antonio
The main colours used are black, white, brown. It is said that black may be used symbolise power,
authority, elegance along with strength where as white is known to symbolise virginity, innocence,
goodness including purity. Brown is said to symbolise steadfastness, simplicity, friendliness,
dependability. We see white on the seemingly pregnant nun's clothes together with thevanilla ice
cream she is eating, which gives us the message that she is untouched together with being sinless.
They probably chose for her to be eating vanilla ice cream to show that is pure, righteous and sweet
We see black on the nun's clothes, this sends us the message that not only is she innocent and
faithful, but she is also elegant and more content...
They probably chose the chocolate because brown stands for simplicity in addition chocolate is a
classic and simple flavour that many people like, not only that but also because it stimulates the
appetite. When we look at the fonts of the writing on the poster we see that it is either written in
cursive letters, a fancy font or bold normal letters. The first two fonts tie into the theme of elegance
and beauty because cursive could be considered a very fancy way of writing as well as the fact that
it looks very 'artistic' which makes it makes it look beautiful. The other font that is used looks quite
extravagant in addition to beautiful with lots of flowing
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Analysis of Commercial Advertisement
Television commercials are television programming produced by any organisation to provide
message in the market about their product or services. It is one of the most popular methods to
attract customer and provide them information about their products or services.
Here we would be analysing TV commercial to understand it and its effects and whether it is
proving for what it are made.
We have heard a very common slogan named as "RedBulls Gives You Wings". It is the very popular
television advertisement of RedBulls energy drink with many advertisement prints and different
characters. We have seen the advertisement in which a bird pisses on a man and after that man took
out a RedBull energy drink more content...
Red Bull Origin :: Energy Drink :: Red Bull.")
Market share and strategy – RedBull had dominated the market of energy drinks all over the world.
Its main mission is to provide an energy drink made with natural ingredients which provide energy
to man, women or children in their day to day life. It provides instant energy which helps college
students or working people to maintain their energy and keep doing their work with full
enthusiastic way.The Red Bull brand had created a great impact on the mind of its customers by its
product results and pricing strategies which make it a larger energy drink on the market.("The Top
15 Energy Drink Brands.") RedBull is also different from other energy drinks that it uses half the
quantity of caffeine and sugar than any other competitors energy drink. RedBull had produced many
advertisementsas TV commercials and also increases their sales with the help of magazines, internet
and billboard advertising. Advertisements in magazines are limited because there are only few
magazines which suits to publish RedBull advertisements in them. Internet advertising will gain the
response of the particular audience as it truly depends on people using online services. Billboard
advertising is also a very good method for attracting customers, but it should be placed at the places
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Advertisement Analysis Essay
Advertisement Analysis
Expenditure on UK television advertising in 2002 was ВЈ3.7 billion. This comes as no surprise
considering the overwhelming effect advertising can have on its audience. Adverts can have an
effect on our subconscious by using different techniques such as offering us not just a product, but
a lifestyle. They give us motivation to buy a product: Wearing this perfume will make you more
attractive, eating this food will make you funnier, your children will love you more if you buy
them this toy. Every one of our emotions is played on so that we will feel obligated to buy the
Personally, I think that the actual effect that advertising can have on society more content...
This brings me to my chosen adverts for comparison. 'LancГґme Paris Teint RГЁnergie Lift', 'Yves
Saint Laurant–Eau de toilette', and 'Chanel'.
The first, 'LancГґme Paris Teint RГЁnergie Lift', is a foundation which claims to firm and reduce
lines on your skin. It uses some copy but generally, the effect of the advert comes from the picture
which takes up about two thirds of the A4 sized advert. The picture is of a woman tying the
foundation to a rose with a piece of gossamer fabric. This picture is extremely persuasive and each
object shown implies something different about the product.
The woman pictured has very subdued make–up, the advert's intention is not to make her look
exciting and full of personality like many make–up adverts, but to make her fresh faced and young to
appeal to the correct target market– slightly older women perhaps entering their forties. The advert
also uses a certain level of sophistication to reach this market. The woman is looking directly at her
audience, her expression is confident and engaging to draw us in to the advert.
The rose carries with it many connotations. The rose is generally associated with love and beauty. It
implies youth and has a very powerful impact. It being tied to the foundation shows its closeness
and similarity to the product and so the connotations are carried through. The colour of the rose is
also very
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Ad Analysis Essay
On October 31st of 2013 in Ads of the World, Pepsi released a print ad that went viral on the
occasion of Halloween. The print is an ambush on Coca–Cola, the rival of Pepsi in the soft drinks
industry. The ad is created by an advertising agency named Buzz in the Box from Belgium. This
essay intricately analyzes the ad, the purpose of it, the strategy behind it, and all other creative
elements such as art direction and copy, which are designed to reach Pepsi's target demographic of
18 to 50 years old. The print ad is a clever ambush by Pepsi on Coca–Cola. The ad is released on
October 31st, 2013 on the occasion of Halloween (Ads of the World, "Pepsi: Halloween"). The ad
tries to communicate that on Halloween night; Pepsi puts on a Coca–Cola cape and frightens all its
customers. Halloween nights are yearly celebrations marked in many countries and on that night
people are supposed to dress up themselves in the most possible scary costumes. In the ad, Pepsi is
dressed up with a Coca–Cola cape and communicates the point that Coca–Cola frightens many
people through the copy in the ad 'We wish you a scary Halloween'. Although, some people might
think that the cape seemed like a dress of a super hero and made Coca–Cola look as one. The ad
created a lot of buzz and went viral on the web. In fact, this more content...
The overall tone of the picture is blue. The colors make the ad look frightening, which contributed
for the artwork to be as frightening. The ad is absolutely a colorful ad. Each object is of different
color and the background tone is bluish with a bit of a fading effect. The color plays a very
crucial role in this ad. Since the theme is Halloween, the visuals are supposed to be in scary,
gloomy tone and the color used precisely fits the needs. Colorful ads usually attract the views eye
and make the complete look of the ad very trendy (Ciotte
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Advertisement Analysis: Red Bull
There are many different advertisements out their in the world today. From buses and billboards to
You Tube, Face book, and Twitter, they surround us and are scene every day. There are also so many
different kinds of advertisements that are for cars, drinks, foods, restaurants, schools, sports, music,
and etc. But the advertisements that gets my attention the most is Red Bull. The reason for that is
because they have so much action in their commercials and so many different kinds of sports that
you would never actually realize how hard it is. Red Bull also sponsors people's favorite athletes
that they are today like Rajon Rondo, Blake Griffin, and Ryan Sheckler. The commercials make you
want to go out and buy a Red Bull. more content...
In terms of market share, Red Bull is the most popular energy drink in the world, with 114.5 billion
cans sold each year." Also Red Bull has so many different kinds of sports that are sponsored by them.
The have action sports, adventure sports,aerial sports, athletic sports, and motors sports.
Action sports are BMX, surfing, skateboarding, wake boarding, FMX, skiing, snowboarding, and
mountain biking. Then adventure sports are like hiking and diving. Then aerial sports is an
example of when Felix Baumgrtner "jumped from 128,100 feet above the Earth for the Red Bull
Stratos mission, Felix Baumgartner broke the speed of sound after 34 seconds of free fall,
ultimately accelerating to as high as 833.9 mph, or mach 1.24."(Felix Baumgartner, Red,
Aerial Sports) Then athletic sports are basketball, baseball, football, lacrosse and etc. Then the last
kind of sports are the motocross sports and that's like NASCAR, car or truck racing, four wheeling,
ski mobilising and etc. This just shows how many different kinds of sports are sponsored by Red
Bull and how much money and successful they are.
While there are so many advertisement 's out there in the world today only some are actually
successful. There are some that are better than others, its just about what kind of people the
advertisement is trying to get its intention. You will never see a guy looking at girls lotion
advertisements. Also you will never see a girl look throw a guys body wash advertisement.
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Ad Analysis Essay Examples
Ad #1: What he Believes | Hillary Clinton ( The
first political advertisement is an anti–Trump ad paid for by Hillary for America. The ad starts off by
showing old video clips of Donald Trump saying things like, "Putting a wife to work is a very
dangerous thing," and "When I come and dinner's not ready, I go through the roof." In between the
clips are short phrases on a black background expressing disbelief at Trump's comments. The color
scheme is dark and there is dramatic music in the background, which gives the viewer a negative
impression of Trump's remarks. The video clips continue in which Trump says degrading things
about women and the commentary states that Trump's behavior is more content...
Trump For President, INC, the narrator emphasizes how Hillary Clinton's plan for America
would be detrimental to the US and how Donald Trump is a chance to bring prosperity and
change to America. The first part of the ad states that Hillary Clinton's election would lead to
"fewer jobs", "rising crime", and "America [being] diminished at home and abroad." This plays on
American's fears. Next, Donald Trump is introduced. There is a clip of him at a rally with hundreds
of supporters mixed with inspiring music in the background. The narrator states Trump will bring
"change" compared to Clinton's "stagnation." Then, there is a series of positive words linked with
Donald Trump: "better", "stronger", "more prosperous." Meanwhile, images of Trump speaking at
ralleys and meeting with ordinary Americans plays in the background ("Choice– Trump World Series
Ad"). In this ad, Donald Trump is successful in painting himself as a gateway to change and
prosperity. He attempts to give hope to Americans who have fallen on bad times in the past few
years and link that hope to himself. Conversely, he links Clinton with an unfavorable past and a
pessimistic future. This ad was played during the world series, so Trump was trying to reach
ordinary Americans and convince them that he is a better choice than Hillary Clinton. The
optimistic ending to the advertisement and wise timing of the ad helped Trump achieve his
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Who We Are Ad Analysis Examples
The 2016 Clinton "Who We Are" ad, has brought in major publicity to the presidential campaign
race. This ad demonstrates the process and goals, Senator Clinton wants to take in order to bring
everyone strong and together. In the textbook, it mentions that there are five parts to the dramatistic
pentad: act, scene, agent, agency, and purpose. In the commercial the act, is the underlying action of
what is going on. The ad demonstrates this by showing Clinton shaking hands with the men and
woman, and hugging small children. She interacts with them to gain their trust, in hopes that they
will value her determination and willingness. As this action is in play, Clinton uses a voice over to
state that we must, "Give every man, women, and child the God given right to their potential" (The
Living Room Candidate). Her offset dialogue matches the action that has taken place, creating an
audible and visual story. Then there is the scene, the scene in the ad is associated with background
setting that determines when and where it has more content...
The dominate term that's the most significant is the purpose, the purpose of this ad is to tell a
story that the American people deserve an economy that is beneficial to all, instead of those who
are already on top. Building a better economy that is more sufficient that can help everyday people
lives is the main priority. The act in this ad, demonstrates Clinton visiting local men, women, and
children. As she interacts with them, and listen to their stories. She can form better solutions in
making the economy better. This act is being done based on Clinton's main purpose, which is
building a better economy. However, in the ad, there is a least dominate pentad, which is the
agency. The agency lacks in underlying step by step on how to accomplish each goal. Instead, they
announce hidden cues that they say will make a change, but with no step by process on
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Rhetorical Analysis Of Shampoo Advertising
Shampoo advertisements use Visual Rhetorical appeals to convince consumers to buy a certain
shampoo. The Fantastic Four exemplify the way that these shampoo ads use rhetorical appeals to
sell products. The Fantastic Four made it apparent that Shampoo commercials bundle a set of
values and false hopes with their product which allows them to be successful. They made appeals
by using characters, setting, and actions these ads successfully appealed to ethos, pathos, and logos,
revealing why shampoo ads are successful. There are two different ads, a L'Oreal commercial and a
Head and Shoulders commercial, with two major distinctions. In the L'Oreal commercial the person
narrating the ad is a woman and the character that appears is a woman. In the Head and Shoulders
ad both the character and narrator is a man. The L'Oreal d shows a L'Oreal shampoo bottle sitting by
a pool. It then cuts to the shampoo being squirted into a hand and ends with the bottle being held by
a happy consumer. Throughout the L'Oreal commercial a woman's voice explains all of the benefits
that come with using L'Oreal. The Head and Shoulders shows a man holding a Head and Shoulders
shampoo bottle followed by the same man catching the bottle multiple times. The imagery ends with
the shampoo placed on the edge of a bathtub. The Head and Shoulders ad is fully narrated by a man.
The narrator repeatedly says that the shampoo cannot be dropped. The first defining element that
both ads used were characters. The
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A Comparison of Two Advertisements
Advertising is a way of publicizing a product that you want to sell. There are many of different
things to advertise, such as clothes, shoes, cars, watches etc. Advertising promotes the latest goods
that are out in the shops. Advertising effects me everyday because every time I see a advertisement
it attracts me to the product and I think about buying it or saving up to buy it.
In this assignment, I will be talking about two different car advertisements; one car advertisement, the
Fiat Stilo advert comes from FHM magazine, a publication aimed at young men aged sixteen and
over. The other car, the Rover Streetwise advert comes from the Radio Times which more
The Rover streetwise advert has pictures of daily life things such as coffee, donuts, a football,
children's Wellingtons boots and a shopping trolley with groceries inside the trolley. This
indicates that the car is a family car and is aimed at married women mainly but can also be used
by a family man to drive to and from work. The slogan for the advert "shrugs of life's little
challenges" is related to the pictures for example the child's muddy Wellington boot. The donut
would represent the father who is hungry on the way home or to work, the shopping trolley
would represent that the car is useful for a family shopping spree. The advert also uses the word
'Bump' which is saying that even if a heavy load is in the car it can still go over speed bumps. I
like the way the advert creates an image of characters in the readers mind, although you cannot
see a physical person (image) but the pictures imply their existence. For example, like when I saw
the picture of the Wellingtons, an image of a little boy was the first thing I thought of. The advert
tells stories of different family lives because each picture relates to many things in everyday life.
I wouldn't buy this car because it's Rover, and I don't like rovers I don't think they are good quality
cars. However the way this car is designed is nice, it is an attractive car and I wouldn't mind driving
it. I appreciate this
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Political Ad Analysis Examples
You have seen them on TV around election time political ads, one after another, bombarding you
with the accomplishments of one candidate and the dirt on another. Knowing what to believe and
what to dismiss as mere drivel can be difficult. It is easy to believe thing that are stated as fact. For
example, in a recent television political ads, supporters of Superintendent Thornton Campbell
suggested that he should be elected superintendent of Lowrence County. The political ad offered
support by reviewing campbell's past record as superintendent of neighboring Downs county.
Apparently, test scores in this county went up by 43%. The ad suggest, then that if Campbell were
elected superintendent of Lowrence county, their test score would improves as well. Although the ad
state a positive statistic, it does not provide enough more content...
The ad assume that the improvement in test scores is a direct result of Campbell's efforts; however
there are other factors that could have played a vital role in the higher scores. For example, perhaps
the test has changed. Standardized test are under continual revision. Revision over a number of years
could result in higher scores as under adapt to the test. This improvement could have coincidently
corresponded with Campbell's term as superintendent of Down's county school making it seem as
though it was a result of Campbell's service as superintendent.
Even if the ad did prove that the improved test scores at Downs county were a direct result of
Campbell's work, it assume that he can duplicate the result in a different county. The most
significant element of any county is its people. There is no mention of the population that makes up
each county. For example, suppose Lawrence county is more ethnically diverse thn Downs county.
Campbell's strengths may not lie in dealing with a diverse student body and work staff; he may not
be as successful in such a
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Ad Analysis Essay Examples
Think is makes you pretty? One question was in my head when analyzing this ad: why is it a girl
who is portrayed and not a boy saying ' Think it makes you handsome?' In this Lipstick print ad,
the main goal is to get people to stop smoking cigarettes and promote the dangerous effect smoking
has on people. The ad shows a young, pretty girl using a cigarette as lipstick. This visual, along with
the written words, persuades the targeted audience very convincingly. Especially, the image;
representing the younger generation and how such a pretty woman can change her whole
appearance with one cigarette. On the other hand, the text of the ad says " Think it makes you
pretty?" in a neon pink bubble. This phrase can be interpreated differently depending on the persons more content...
The ad was published in September 2008 in Russia by the agency BBDO Moscow, with the brand
name CSI. BBDO is a worldwide advertising company that advertise's, not only anti–tobacco, but
many other products such as Band–Aid brand and Snickers; mainly sticking with current events.
This is where the credibilty lies, BBDO seems to advertise a lot of products, but not about many
issues/causes such as anti–tobacco. However, this group has earned many recognitions such as,
"Most effectice network in the world" and many "Network of the year" 's. As well as "Most
awarded agency network in the world", therefore this leads me to believe their ethos is pretty good.
But, i am not sure how committed the agency is to anti–tobacco campaigns since they also have
other products being advertised and do not take donations nor really contribute to the community (
other than creating and publishing the ads). I do believe the ads are making an impact in many
countries; such as Algeria and Pakistan and many other regions of the world. Otherwise the agency
wouldn't have recieved that many awards/recognitions, especially the ones with "world"
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Ad Analysis Essay Sample
The advertisement is by an organization called the Lighthouse Guild. The advertisement includes an
image of an elderly woman most likely around mid–60s or mid–70s. She has red hair and is wearing
a blue shirt. She is holding tightly onto a little girl in an affectionate way. She has a smile on her
face. The little girl she is holding has blonde hair and looks to be around one year old. She has
glaring blue eyes. She along with the woman also is smiling and there is a baby's bottle blurred
from the image. The little girl is not wearing a shirt. The camera angle of the image is mainly
focused on the connection between the elderly woman and the little girl. The camera takes a side
view of the elderly woman and more of a focus on the little more content...
It shows the logo of the Lighthouse Guild which is a shining lighthouse with yellow light and a blue
background. The name of the organization called Light house Guild is in all caps and below the
name it says "Vision+Health" denoting that those are the services provided by the organization. The
telephone number of the organization is 800–284–422 and the website is The
message of the advertisement does not have unrealistic expectations for people because it expresses
a sense of help and optimism instead of just making guarantees. The advertisement sticks to an
overall tone of positivity and
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Advertisement Analysis Advertisement
Advertisement Analysis Essay Throughout our lives, we're constantly coming upon
advertisements. As you watch TV, listen to the radio, or scroll up and down on social media
you're more than likely to come upon advertisements that involve athletics. Sports and ads are two
things that most likely could be heard or seen. Most people relate to these as well. Normally, an
advertisements purpose is to give away a message as well as promote what they are wanting you
to buy. My first advertisement is a Nike commercial. It is called "This Is Us". It is promoting
their Nike clothing products. The audience of this ad is targeted towards women athletes. It talks
about how girls aren't just for the stereotypical things people picturing them doing. For example,
they say we have "delicate hands" or how we're just supposed to smile pretty and not be heard.
The implied argument is that girls can accomplish things just like men can. This advertisement
shows women can do more than what has been expected of them since the olden days. This ad
helps to persuade the people watching because it shows many different parts of what people put us
out to be, and what girls really can be. For example, in this ad one of the first parts shown is a woman
dressed up, it says "you know us, we smile pretty". It then goes to show that same girl standing up
and smiling for the camera and training in the gym for a boxing match. The next part shows a
woman using her hands to cook she says, "our hands are fine
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Analyzing an Advertisement Essay
Analyzing an Advertisement
Advertising is one of the world's foremost businesses. Companies use this media to communicate
their ideas, products and messages to the general public. This is one type of advert, which is used to
draw people to donate to a cause. It is called an appeal.
This appeal is from Help The Aged, a fairly large charity, dedicated to helping the older and less
able people. This particular advert is for the SeniorLink pendant, a small telephone pendant that helps
people when they get into trouble where they can't reach the phone, because they are immobilised.
I will analyse this form of the appeal and elaborate the techniques and tricks used to convince people
to part more content...
The caption or 'title' of the leaflet is in large, white, bold, capitalised text, which is mapped on a
black background. This is to make the text stand out considerably, as there is no bigger contrast than
black and white.
At the end of the text is an ellipsis. This adds to the beckoning feel of the text that makes the
audience want to read on.
The second part of the advert or "Middle of the leaflet" is a transcript of the conversation between
Lyn, a SeniorLink operator, and Vera Smith, an old woman in distress. The sheet is in four parts:
A quotation, used as a title
An introduction to the transcript
The telephone conversation, recorded as a transcript
And an epilogue to the piece.
The quotation to the page is in a similar style to the original caption, in the first part. It shares the
same bold, white on black style, however it is not all in capitals. This is because it is a quotation
from Vera, presumably from after her ordeal. This is to show again that she recovered and that she
owes her life to the SeniorLink pendant.
Next is an introduction to the transcript. It starts with an introductory sentence that uses simple
adjectives and sentence structure to describe the characters. Next comes the setting of the scene,
where Vera's predicament takes shape. One sentence is underlined, this sentence: 'To
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Ad Analysis Essay examples
Effects of an Ad Advertising is the marketing of an idea in ways that encourages and persuades
audiences to take some sort of action. In most cases, the action would be to buy a product or
service while other are simply to raise awareness. Whatever the case may be, money is poured into
advertising every day. Marketing agencies try various ways to convince people to buy their products
using different persuasion techniques. After first examining an advertisement, one could analyze
how each detail in the ad was specifically designed to affect its audience in a way that convinces
them that they need what is being advertised. One would also be able to notice the values and
important aspects of a culture through its advertisements. more content...
Words like "help," "feel," and "faster," are used in this ad to subtly make readers believe that NyQuil
will cure Mom's illness quickly when, in fact, they really only say that the products might make her
symptoms briefly subside quicker than another indistinct method of treatment. This subtle method of
advertisement is actually very common in all types of ads. Another technique used to attract
attention of audiences is the adorable image of a mother and daughter playing dress up together.
When someone sees this image, they are expected to feel strong, loving emotion for the seemingly
deep mother–daughter connection in the photo. This mode of persuasion, pathos, is used to play on
the emotions of viewers who see this ad. By using pathos in advertising, advertisers are also showing
the main values of a culture. This NyQuil ad illustrates that one major value of American culture is
a strong family bond. The heartfelt image of a mother and daughter cheerfully playing dress up
together, the bold words, "Don't let a cold take away dress up Mommy," and the direct addressing of
"helping Mom," in the descriptions are all contributing to one major ideal. This entire ad is created
on the basis that most Americans place strong value on a deep, loving connection between mothers
and their daughters. In conclusion, various methods of advertising
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Corporate Advertisement: An Analysis Of Petronas
Malaysia is known as a multiracial country with variety of ethnicities and religions which leads to a
diverse range of festive celebrations throughout the year. Despite the diversity in ethnicity and
language, National Day is a celebration where all Malaysians unite as one. In 2007, corporate giant
such as Petronas has taken steps to launch television commercials which contain a local touch when
greeting their customers through the media. Petroliam Nasional Berhad, or more famously known as
Petronas, is a Malaysian oil and gas company, fully owned by the government of Malaysia and is
famous for its advertisements and TV commercials which often touch the hearts of the audiences
although there were some that sparked certain controversies too.
A corporate advertisement is an advertisements which advertises the brand, and image od an
organization rather than the products sold. The main objective of advertising is to create a positive
attitude towards a brand (Burton, Kreer & Gray 1972; Rothschild 1987; Starch 1914). The
corporate advertisement that is chosen for our research is Petronas' corporate advertisement titled
"The Boat". It was made for the 50th anniversary of Independence Day of Malaysia in 2007 and
was produced and directed by the late Yasmin Ahmad when she was still the Creative Director at Leo
Burnett more content...
Then, the fourth question tests the relativity of the advertisement with the advertiser while fifth
question serves as a supplementary question which allows the interviewee to specify his or her
interpretation of Petronas' intention of the advertisement in conjunction with National Day. The
sixth question is the last question for the interviewee to discuss about the reflection of the
community in Malaysia in the
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Advertisement Analysis Essay Example

  • 1. Analysing an Advert Essay Analysing an Advert The first thing my eye is drawn to in the Fujifilm advertisement is the girl. The fact that she is staring out at you with her blue eyes, red lipstick and bright coloured clothes draw my eye to her. Her stare portrays her as being confident and direct. Her facial expression implies that she is pleased and knowing as if we are with her on the joke and it shows that she is in control. She is a pretty girl that seems sophisticated and smart from the way she glows with radiance. She looks as though she cares for herself in a way every woman should. She is wearing a bright orange top with a printed picture of a cartoon girl. The girl on the top is shown as sporty and more content... This is shown as to be sexually related and a joke due to part of his bottom being revealed and also makes the man seem vulnerable. These two people are a young sexy couple that are aspirational and are people that the audience could imagine knowing. They are white, middle class and fairly affluent. They are young and fashionable but also stereotypical of other people. However I feel that the girl should be in the kitchen where she belongs but was plucked on to the sumptuous sofa with the luxurious cushions and box of chocolates which therefore implies that Fujifilm is accessible to all. The third thing that my eye is drawn to is the visual text. The Fujifilm logo consists of white writing and a green background in a box which is dominant. It is rather retro in a post modern way. It is positioned in a sexually suggested place. However the slogan is in white which doesn't stand out that much except for the word 'Pop' which is bolder than the rest of the words and also implies that the word is literally popping out. Furthermore 'Pops your shutter' has undertones of sex and sexiness and the informal language appeals more to younger people. It is bland and innuendo which is almost like a carry–on–film or a dirty joke from the shop on the end of Get more content on
  • 2. Ad Analysis Essay Ad Analysis The Ads for the Sonicare toothbrush use three main appeals. They seem repeated all over the ads which are the appeals of aesthetic sensations, appeals of the need for prominence, and appeals to the need to achieve. Sonicare target the middle and higher class and the middle age. The Sonicare electronic toothbrush is used to clean teeth and gums, it does a better job than the manual brushes. It has a timer to ensure cleaning well in each quarter of the mouth.Through the frequent use of appeals to the need to achieve and appeals for prominence, and using a character with straight, bright teeth to demonstrate the benefit of using Sonicare tooth brush, Sonicare seems to target middle age and middle, upper class and people looking for whiter and healthier more content... She throws the old manual brush and use the electronic one. Then another woman and man are dancing on to the music, and they move in time with the electric brush. It is clear how much movement the electronic tooth can make. In the ad it says "up to 62,000 movement per minute" with beautiful pictures of Sonicare". The purpose of this ad is to persuade the audience to buy the electronic tooth brush. The intended audience in this ad is the middle aged. The image of the white teeth for these young people demonstrates the benefit of using this toothbrush: healthy teeth and gums. Furthermore this ad is aimed at the middle and upper class .The women is wearing an expensive dress. This can mean why this type of brush is called the diamond brush. It is for the upper class. In addition, this ad implies these people are looking for good looks, good hygiene and good heathy teeth, because on the top of the ad there is text saying: for healthier gum in just two weeks. This ad gives an emotion feeling by saying "if you use Philips Sonicare, you will get the indescribable feeling." EXPAND HERE REGARDING SATISFY Get more content on
  • 3. Evaluation of an Advertisement Essay Evaluation of an Advertisement Advertising is to persuade people to buy their product or in this case encouraging people to send money to help its charity. However to persuade people isn't that easy, you have to use the correct wording, and things such as power of three, alliteration in order to persuade that customer/person. In this advertisement many of these things are used. They really make you want to send a donation. They make you feel really sorry for those children in Africa, Kenya and Uganda. In the 1st paragraph they use of three "poverty, hunger and malnutrition" these three words a summary of what is East Africa. "You might think nothing will change", this is short sentence more content... They make you think about how fortunate we are. They make you feel guilty in some way. Livestock development leads to people development and passing on the gift is all about how we can help. They simply say that sending animals and other helpful things can really make a difference to these people lives, and this is what generous people want to do. It say's " To be able to help where once you could only receive it restores dignity, a sense of self worth, and a fundamental change in your perspective on life itself". It is persuading by making think that if we support the cause we will feel good inside because you helping deprived people. In Education and Development they are putting the reader into the position of someone in Africa. They are asking us how would you feel. This really makes you think about those people that have no choice. "In what we call the 'developed world' we have so much choice set out before us". They make us realize that they are absolutely wright. "Goods ranging from food to computers, that we hardly imagine what it is like to have no choice". "If you are poor, you have no choice" "If you are poor, your future looks bleak" "If you are poor, you may lose hope" These phrases are very strong and really hurt us inside, they have several example of "If you are poor….." because this shows that if you are poor you lose a lot Get more content on
  • 4. Advertisement Analysis Report This is a report prepared for MKT337 course on advertising analysis. The purpose of this report on Advertisement analysis is to thorough analyze of electronic, print, outdoor and direct mail ads and look for elements that tell the reader something about that specific product or service of the ads. The report is focused on these basics in order to present a clear argument on how these advertisements can influence people's attitudes towards a certain object or idea, and then analyze them carefully to discover if the message implied is successful or not. An important fact to keep in mind developing this report is the appeal of the ads. The appeal refers to the argument that, in this case, the advertisement is presenting about a more content... At the top of every billboards there is the message, Change The Game. My Findings and comments: After analyzing all the ads I found that Pepsi has actually developed a very good IMC campaign which can ultimately increase their sales. In the time of the world Cup fever, every people would love to drink a Pepsi and think that I am in the part of changing the game. Moreover, the TVC message matches the positioning of the Brand and it has convincingly contributed to match the Brand Image with the Brand Positioning. In essence, the ad perfectly hit the need of the target audience. By drinking a Pepsi, every fan would think that they are drinking a beverage which Shakib used to drink. Thus they partially fulfill their esteem need. Maggi masala: Maggi masala is a new product of Maggi Company, before magi masala there were ads of Maggi noodles and soup. Here we are going to discuss about the ad of Maggi masala. TV commercial: The TVC shows that a little boy gets scholarship and journalists of many newspapers come to their home to take photographs of that boy with his parents. Then his mother said about the secret of her son's merit that she cooks with Maggi masala full of various types of vitamins. The objective of the commercial is to inform audience and customers about their new product. The features the model talked about in the ad are various vitamins included iron, vitamin B etc. She informs audiences that to make sure the Get more content on
  • 5. Example Of An Advertisement Analysis The advertisement shows a pregnant nun who has a tub of ice–cream in one hand and a spoon in the other while bringing the spoon closer to her mouth, she is lustfully staring at the tub of ice–cream, next to the tub there are the words immaculately conceived. In the background one sees a church. In the bottom right hand corner, we see another tub of ice–cream but this time with the company name more visible. This is obviously an advertisement for ice–cream made by the company Antonio Federici. The main colours used are black, white, brown. It is said that black may be used symbolise power, authority, elegance along with strength where as white is known to symbolise virginity, innocence, goodness including purity. Brown is said to symbolise steadfastness, simplicity, friendliness, dependability. We see white on the seemingly pregnant nun's clothes together with thevanilla ice cream she is eating, which gives us the message that she is untouched together with being sinless. They probably chose for her to be eating vanilla ice cream to show that is pure, righteous and sweet We see black on the nun's clothes, this sends us the message that not only is she innocent and faithful, but she is also elegant and more content... They probably chose the chocolate because brown stands for simplicity in addition chocolate is a classic and simple flavour that many people like, not only that but also because it stimulates the appetite. When we look at the fonts of the writing on the poster we see that it is either written in cursive letters, a fancy font or bold normal letters. The first two fonts tie into the theme of elegance and beauty because cursive could be considered a very fancy way of writing as well as the fact that it looks very 'artistic' which makes it makes it look beautiful. The other font that is used looks quite extravagant in addition to beautiful with lots of flowing Get more content on
  • 6. Analysis of Commercial Advertisement Television commercials are television programming produced by any organisation to provide message in the market about their product or services. It is one of the most popular methods to attract customer and provide them information about their products or services. Here we would be analysing TV commercial to understand it and its effects and whether it is proving for what it are made. We have heard a very common slogan named as "RedBulls Gives You Wings". It is the very popular television advertisement of RedBulls energy drink with many advertisement prints and different characters. We have seen the advertisement in which a bird pisses on a man and after that man took out a RedBull energy drink more content... Red Bull Origin :: Energy Drink :: Red Bull.") Market share and strategy – RedBull had dominated the market of energy drinks all over the world. Its main mission is to provide an energy drink made with natural ingredients which provide energy to man, women or children in their day to day life. It provides instant energy which helps college students or working people to maintain their energy and keep doing their work with full enthusiastic way.The Red Bull brand had created a great impact on the mind of its customers by its product results and pricing strategies which make it a larger energy drink on the market.("The Top 15 Energy Drink Brands.") RedBull is also different from other energy drinks that it uses half the quantity of caffeine and sugar than any other competitors energy drink. RedBull had produced many advertisementsas TV commercials and also increases their sales with the help of magazines, internet and billboard advertising. Advertisements in magazines are limited because there are only few magazines which suits to publish RedBull advertisements in them. Internet advertising will gain the response of the particular audience as it truly depends on people using online services. Billboard advertising is also a very good method for attracting customers, but it should be placed at the places Get more content on
  • 7. Advertisement Analysis Essay Advertisement Analysis Expenditure on UK television advertising in 2002 was ВЈ3.7 billion. This comes as no surprise considering the overwhelming effect advertising can have on its audience. Adverts can have an effect on our subconscious by using different techniques such as offering us not just a product, but a lifestyle. They give us motivation to buy a product: Wearing this perfume will make you more attractive, eating this food will make you funnier, your children will love you more if you buy them this toy. Every one of our emotions is played on so that we will feel obligated to buy the product. Personally, I think that the actual effect that advertising can have on society more content... This brings me to my chosen adverts for comparison. 'LancГґme Paris Teint RГЁnergie Lift', 'Yves Saint Laurant–Eau de toilette', and 'Chanel'. The first, 'LancГґme Paris Teint RГЁnergie Lift', is a foundation which claims to firm and reduce lines on your skin. It uses some copy but generally, the effect of the advert comes from the picture which takes up about two thirds of the A4 sized advert. The picture is of a woman tying the foundation to a rose with a piece of gossamer fabric. This picture is extremely persuasive and each object shown implies something different about the product. The woman pictured has very subdued make–up, the advert's intention is not to make her look exciting and full of personality like many make–up adverts, but to make her fresh faced and young to appeal to the correct target market– slightly older women perhaps entering their forties. The advert also uses a certain level of sophistication to reach this market. The woman is looking directly at her audience, her expression is confident and engaging to draw us in to the advert. The rose carries with it many connotations. The rose is generally associated with love and beauty. It implies youth and has a very powerful impact. It being tied to the foundation shows its closeness and similarity to the product and so the connotations are carried through. The colour of the rose is also very Get more content on
  • 8. Ad Analysis Essay On October 31st of 2013 in Ads of the World, Pepsi released a print ad that went viral on the occasion of Halloween. The print is an ambush on Coca–Cola, the rival of Pepsi in the soft drinks industry. The ad is created by an advertising agency named Buzz in the Box from Belgium. This essay intricately analyzes the ad, the purpose of it, the strategy behind it, and all other creative elements such as art direction and copy, which are designed to reach Pepsi's target demographic of 18 to 50 years old. The print ad is a clever ambush by Pepsi on Coca–Cola. The ad is released on October 31st, 2013 on the occasion of Halloween (Ads of the World, "Pepsi: Halloween"). The ad tries to communicate that on Halloween night; Pepsi puts on a Coca–Cola cape and frightens all its customers. Halloween nights are yearly celebrations marked in many countries and on that night people are supposed to dress up themselves in the most possible scary costumes. In the ad, Pepsi is dressed up with a Coca–Cola cape and communicates the point that Coca–Cola frightens many people through the copy in the ad 'We wish you a scary Halloween'. Although, some people might think that the cape seemed like a dress of a super hero and made Coca–Cola look as one. The ad created a lot of buzz and went viral on the web. In fact, this more content... The overall tone of the picture is blue. The colors make the ad look frightening, which contributed for the artwork to be as frightening. The ad is absolutely a colorful ad. Each object is of different color and the background tone is bluish with a bit of a fading effect. The color plays a very crucial role in this ad. Since the theme is Halloween, the visuals are supposed to be in scary, gloomy tone and the color used precisely fits the needs. Colorful ads usually attract the views eye and make the complete look of the ad very trendy (Ciotte Get more content on
  • 9. Advertisement Analysis: Red Bull There are many different advertisements out their in the world today. From buses and billboards to You Tube, Face book, and Twitter, they surround us and are scene every day. There are also so many different kinds of advertisements that are for cars, drinks, foods, restaurants, schools, sports, music, and etc. But the advertisements that gets my attention the most is Red Bull. The reason for that is because they have so much action in their commercials and so many different kinds of sports that you would never actually realize how hard it is. Red Bull also sponsors people's favorite athletes that they are today like Rajon Rondo, Blake Griffin, and Ryan Sheckler. The commercials make you want to go out and buy a Red Bull. more content... In terms of market share, Red Bull is the most popular energy drink in the world, with 114.5 billion cans sold each year." Also Red Bull has so many different kinds of sports that are sponsored by them. The have action sports, adventure sports,aerial sports, athletic sports, and motors sports. Action sports are BMX, surfing, skateboarding, wake boarding, FMX, skiing, snowboarding, and mountain biking. Then adventure sports are like hiking and diving. Then aerial sports is an example of when Felix Baumgrtner "jumped from 128,100 feet above the Earth for the Red Bull Stratos mission, Felix Baumgartner broke the speed of sound after 34 seconds of free fall, ultimately accelerating to as high as 833.9 mph, or mach 1.24."(Felix Baumgartner, Red, Aerial Sports) Then athletic sports are basketball, baseball, football, lacrosse and etc. Then the last kind of sports are the motocross sports and that's like NASCAR, car or truck racing, four wheeling, ski mobilising and etc. This just shows how many different kinds of sports are sponsored by Red Bull and how much money and successful they are. While there are so many advertisement 's out there in the world today only some are actually successful. There are some that are better than others, its just about what kind of people the advertisement is trying to get its intention. You will never see a guy looking at girls lotion advertisements. Also you will never see a girl look throw a guys body wash advertisement. Get more content on
  • 10. Ad Analysis Essay Examples Ad #1: What he Believes | Hillary Clinton ( The first political advertisement is an anti–Trump ad paid for by Hillary for America. The ad starts off by showing old video clips of Donald Trump saying things like, "Putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing," and "When I come and dinner's not ready, I go through the roof." In between the clips are short phrases on a black background expressing disbelief at Trump's comments. The color scheme is dark and there is dramatic music in the background, which gives the viewer a negative impression of Trump's remarks. The video clips continue in which Trump says degrading things about women and the commentary states that Trump's behavior is more content... Trump For President, INC, the narrator emphasizes how Hillary Clinton's plan for America would be detrimental to the US and how Donald Trump is a chance to bring prosperity and change to America. The first part of the ad states that Hillary Clinton's election would lead to "fewer jobs", "rising crime", and "America [being] diminished at home and abroad." This plays on American's fears. Next, Donald Trump is introduced. There is a clip of him at a rally with hundreds of supporters mixed with inspiring music in the background. The narrator states Trump will bring "change" compared to Clinton's "stagnation." Then, there is a series of positive words linked with Donald Trump: "better", "stronger", "more prosperous." Meanwhile, images of Trump speaking at ralleys and meeting with ordinary Americans plays in the background ("Choice– Trump World Series Ad"). In this ad, Donald Trump is successful in painting himself as a gateway to change and prosperity. He attempts to give hope to Americans who have fallen on bad times in the past few years and link that hope to himself. Conversely, he links Clinton with an unfavorable past and a pessimistic future. This ad was played during the world series, so Trump was trying to reach ordinary Americans and convince them that he is a better choice than Hillary Clinton. The optimistic ending to the advertisement and wise timing of the ad helped Trump achieve his Get more content on
  • 11. Who We Are Ad Analysis Examples The 2016 Clinton "Who We Are" ad, has brought in major publicity to the presidential campaign race. This ad demonstrates the process and goals, Senator Clinton wants to take in order to bring everyone strong and together. In the textbook, it mentions that there are five parts to the dramatistic pentad: act, scene, agent, agency, and purpose. In the commercial the act, is the underlying action of what is going on. The ad demonstrates this by showing Clinton shaking hands with the men and woman, and hugging small children. She interacts with them to gain their trust, in hopes that they will value her determination and willingness. As this action is in play, Clinton uses a voice over to state that we must, "Give every man, women, and child the God given right to their potential" (The Living Room Candidate). Her offset dialogue matches the action that has taken place, creating an audible and visual story. Then there is the scene, the scene in the ad is associated with background setting that determines when and where it has more content... The dominate term that's the most significant is the purpose, the purpose of this ad is to tell a story that the American people deserve an economy that is beneficial to all, instead of those who are already on top. Building a better economy that is more sufficient that can help everyday people lives is the main priority. The act in this ad, demonstrates Clinton visiting local men, women, and children. As she interacts with them, and listen to their stories. She can form better solutions in making the economy better. This act is being done based on Clinton's main purpose, which is building a better economy. However, in the ad, there is a least dominate pentad, which is the agency. The agency lacks in underlying step by step on how to accomplish each goal. Instead, they announce hidden cues that they say will make a change, but with no step by process on Get more content on
  • 12. Rhetorical Analysis Of Shampoo Advertising Shampoo advertisements use Visual Rhetorical appeals to convince consumers to buy a certain shampoo. The Fantastic Four exemplify the way that these shampoo ads use rhetorical appeals to sell products. The Fantastic Four made it apparent that Shampoo commercials bundle a set of values and false hopes with their product which allows them to be successful. They made appeals by using characters, setting, and actions these ads successfully appealed to ethos, pathos, and logos, revealing why shampoo ads are successful. There are two different ads, a L'Oreal commercial and a Head and Shoulders commercial, with two major distinctions. In the L'Oreal commercial the person narrating the ad is a woman and the character that appears is a woman. In the Head and Shoulders ad both the character and narrator is a man. The L'Oreal d shows a L'Oreal shampoo bottle sitting by a pool. It then cuts to the shampoo being squirted into a hand and ends with the bottle being held by a happy consumer. Throughout the L'Oreal commercial a woman's voice explains all of the benefits that come with using L'Oreal. The Head and Shoulders shows a man holding a Head and Shoulders shampoo bottle followed by the same man catching the bottle multiple times. The imagery ends with the shampoo placed on the edge of a bathtub. The Head and Shoulders ad is fully narrated by a man. The narrator repeatedly says that the shampoo cannot be dropped. The first defining element that both ads used were characters. The Get more content on
  • 13. A Comparison of Two Advertisements Advertising is a way of publicizing a product that you want to sell. There are many of different things to advertise, such as clothes, shoes, cars, watches etc. Advertising promotes the latest goods that are out in the shops. Advertising effects me everyday because every time I see a advertisement it attracts me to the product and I think about buying it or saving up to buy it. In this assignment, I will be talking about two different car advertisements; one car advertisement, the Fiat Stilo advert comes from FHM magazine, a publication aimed at young men aged sixteen and over. The other car, the Rover Streetwise advert comes from the Radio Times which more content... The Rover streetwise advert has pictures of daily life things such as coffee, donuts, a football, children's Wellingtons boots and a shopping trolley with groceries inside the trolley. This indicates that the car is a family car and is aimed at married women mainly but can also be used by a family man to drive to and from work. The slogan for the advert "shrugs of life's little challenges" is related to the pictures for example the child's muddy Wellington boot. The donut would represent the father who is hungry on the way home or to work, the shopping trolley would represent that the car is useful for a family shopping spree. The advert also uses the word 'Bump' which is saying that even if a heavy load is in the car it can still go over speed bumps. I like the way the advert creates an image of characters in the readers mind, although you cannot see a physical person (image) but the pictures imply their existence. For example, like when I saw the picture of the Wellingtons, an image of a little boy was the first thing I thought of. The advert tells stories of different family lives because each picture relates to many things in everyday life. I wouldn't buy this car because it's Rover, and I don't like rovers I don't think they are good quality cars. However the way this car is designed is nice, it is an attractive car and I wouldn't mind driving it. I appreciate this Get more content on
  • 14. Political Ad Analysis Examples You have seen them on TV around election time political ads, one after another, bombarding you with the accomplishments of one candidate and the dirt on another. Knowing what to believe and what to dismiss as mere drivel can be difficult. It is easy to believe thing that are stated as fact. For example, in a recent television political ads, supporters of Superintendent Thornton Campbell suggested that he should be elected superintendent of Lowrence County. The political ad offered support by reviewing campbell's past record as superintendent of neighboring Downs county. Apparently, test scores in this county went up by 43%. The ad suggest, then that if Campbell were elected superintendent of Lowrence county, their test score would improves as well. Although the ad state a positive statistic, it does not provide enough more content... The ad assume that the improvement in test scores is a direct result of Campbell's efforts; however there are other factors that could have played a vital role in the higher scores. For example, perhaps the test has changed. Standardized test are under continual revision. Revision over a number of years could result in higher scores as under adapt to the test. This improvement could have coincidently corresponded with Campbell's term as superintendent of Down's county school making it seem as though it was a result of Campbell's service as superintendent. Even if the ad did prove that the improved test scores at Downs county were a direct result of Campbell's work, it assume that he can duplicate the result in a different county. The most significant element of any county is its people. There is no mention of the population that makes up each county. For example, suppose Lawrence county is more ethnically diverse thn Downs county. Campbell's strengths may not lie in dealing with a diverse student body and work staff; he may not be as successful in such a Get more content on
  • 15. Ad Analysis Essay Examples Think is makes you pretty? One question was in my head when analyzing this ad: why is it a girl who is portrayed and not a boy saying ' Think it makes you handsome?' In this Lipstick print ad, the main goal is to get people to stop smoking cigarettes and promote the dangerous effect smoking has on people. The ad shows a young, pretty girl using a cigarette as lipstick. This visual, along with the written words, persuades the targeted audience very convincingly. Especially, the image; representing the younger generation and how such a pretty woman can change her whole appearance with one cigarette. On the other hand, the text of the ad says " Think it makes you pretty?" in a neon pink bubble. This phrase can be interpreated differently depending on the persons more content... The ad was published in September 2008 in Russia by the agency BBDO Moscow, with the brand name CSI. BBDO is a worldwide advertising company that advertise's, not only anti–tobacco, but many other products such as Band–Aid brand and Snickers; mainly sticking with current events. This is where the credibilty lies, BBDO seems to advertise a lot of products, but not about many issues/causes such as anti–tobacco. However, this group has earned many recognitions such as, "Most effectice network in the world" and many "Network of the year" 's. As well as "Most awarded agency network in the world", therefore this leads me to believe their ethos is pretty good. But, i am not sure how committed the agency is to anti–tobacco campaigns since they also have other products being advertised and do not take donations nor really contribute to the community ( other than creating and publishing the ads). I do believe the ads are making an impact in many countries; such as Algeria and Pakistan and many other regions of the world. Otherwise the agency wouldn't have recieved that many awards/recognitions, especially the ones with "world" Get more content on
  • 16. Ad Analysis Essay Sample The advertisement is by an organization called the Lighthouse Guild. The advertisement includes an image of an elderly woman most likely around mid–60s or mid–70s. She has red hair and is wearing a blue shirt. She is holding tightly onto a little girl in an affectionate way. She has a smile on her face. The little girl she is holding has blonde hair and looks to be around one year old. She has glaring blue eyes. She along with the woman also is smiling and there is a baby's bottle blurred from the image. The little girl is not wearing a shirt. The camera angle of the image is mainly focused on the connection between the elderly woman and the little girl. The camera takes a side view of the elderly woman and more of a focus on the little more content... It shows the logo of the Lighthouse Guild which is a shining lighthouse with yellow light and a blue background. The name of the organization called Light house Guild is in all caps and below the name it says "Vision+Health" denoting that those are the services provided by the organization. The telephone number of the organization is 800–284–422 and the website is The message of the advertisement does not have unrealistic expectations for people because it expresses a sense of help and optimism instead of just making guarantees. The advertisement sticks to an overall tone of positivity and Get more content on
  • 17. Advertisement Analysis Advertisement Advertisement Analysis Essay Throughout our lives, we're constantly coming upon advertisements. As you watch TV, listen to the radio, or scroll up and down on social media you're more than likely to come upon advertisements that involve athletics. Sports and ads are two things that most likely could be heard or seen. Most people relate to these as well. Normally, an advertisements purpose is to give away a message as well as promote what they are wanting you to buy. My first advertisement is a Nike commercial. It is called "This Is Us". It is promoting their Nike clothing products. The audience of this ad is targeted towards women athletes. It talks about how girls aren't just for the stereotypical things people picturing them doing. For example, they say we have "delicate hands" or how we're just supposed to smile pretty and not be heard. The implied argument is that girls can accomplish things just like men can. This advertisement shows women can do more than what has been expected of them since the olden days. This ad helps to persuade the people watching because it shows many different parts of what people put us out to be, and what girls really can be. For example, in this ad one of the first parts shown is a woman dressed up, it says "you know us, we smile pretty". It then goes to show that same girl standing up and smiling for the camera and training in the gym for a boxing match. The next part shows a woman using her hands to cook she says, "our hands are fine Get more content on
  • 18. Analyzing an Advertisement Essay Analyzing an Advertisement Advertising is one of the world's foremost businesses. Companies use this media to communicate their ideas, products and messages to the general public. This is one type of advert, which is used to draw people to donate to a cause. It is called an appeal. This appeal is from Help The Aged, a fairly large charity, dedicated to helping the older and less able people. This particular advert is for the SeniorLink pendant, a small telephone pendant that helps people when they get into trouble where they can't reach the phone, because they are immobilised. I will analyse this form of the appeal and elaborate the techniques and tricks used to convince people to part more content... The caption or 'title' of the leaflet is in large, white, bold, capitalised text, which is mapped on a black background. This is to make the text stand out considerably, as there is no bigger contrast than black and white. At the end of the text is an ellipsis. This adds to the beckoning feel of the text that makes the audience want to read on. The second part of the advert or "Middle of the leaflet" is a transcript of the conversation between Lyn, a SeniorLink operator, and Vera Smith, an old woman in distress. The sheet is in four parts: A quotation, used as a title An introduction to the transcript The telephone conversation, recorded as a transcript And an epilogue to the piece. The quotation to the page is in a similar style to the original caption, in the first part. It shares the same bold, white on black style, however it is not all in capitals. This is because it is a quotation from Vera, presumably from after her ordeal. This is to show again that she recovered and that she owes her life to the SeniorLink pendant. Next is an introduction to the transcript. It starts with an introductory sentence that uses simple adjectives and sentence structure to describe the characters. Next comes the setting of the scene, where Vera's predicament takes shape. One sentence is underlined, this sentence: 'To
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  • 20. Ad Analysis Essay examples Effects of an Ad Advertising is the marketing of an idea in ways that encourages and persuades audiences to take some sort of action. In most cases, the action would be to buy a product or service while other are simply to raise awareness. Whatever the case may be, money is poured into advertising every day. Marketing agencies try various ways to convince people to buy their products using different persuasion techniques. After first examining an advertisement, one could analyze how each detail in the ad was specifically designed to affect its audience in a way that convinces them that they need what is being advertised. One would also be able to notice the values and important aspects of a culture through its advertisements. more content... Words like "help," "feel," and "faster," are used in this ad to subtly make readers believe that NyQuil will cure Mom's illness quickly when, in fact, they really only say that the products might make her symptoms briefly subside quicker than another indistinct method of treatment. This subtle method of advertisement is actually very common in all types of ads. Another technique used to attract attention of audiences is the adorable image of a mother and daughter playing dress up together. When someone sees this image, they are expected to feel strong, loving emotion for the seemingly deep mother–daughter connection in the photo. This mode of persuasion, pathos, is used to play on the emotions of viewers who see this ad. By using pathos in advertising, advertisers are also showing the main values of a culture. This NyQuil ad illustrates that one major value of American culture is a strong family bond. The heartfelt image of a mother and daughter cheerfully playing dress up together, the bold words, "Don't let a cold take away dress up Mommy," and the direct addressing of "helping Mom," in the descriptions are all contributing to one major ideal. This entire ad is created on the basis that most Americans place strong value on a deep, loving connection between mothers and their daughters. In conclusion, various methods of advertising Get more content on
  • 21. Corporate Advertisement: An Analysis Of Petronas 1.Introduction Malaysia is known as a multiracial country with variety of ethnicities and religions which leads to a diverse range of festive celebrations throughout the year. Despite the diversity in ethnicity and language, National Day is a celebration where all Malaysians unite as one. In 2007, corporate giant such as Petronas has taken steps to launch television commercials which contain a local touch when greeting their customers through the media. Petroliam Nasional Berhad, or more famously known as Petronas, is a Malaysian oil and gas company, fully owned by the government of Malaysia and is famous for its advertisements and TV commercials which often touch the hearts of the audiences although there were some that sparked certain controversies too. A corporate advertisement is an advertisements which advertises the brand, and image od an organization rather than the products sold. The main objective of advertising is to create a positive attitude towards a brand (Burton, Kreer & Gray 1972; Rothschild 1987; Starch 1914). The corporate advertisement that is chosen for our research is Petronas' corporate advertisement titled "The Boat". It was made for the 50th anniversary of Independence Day of Malaysia in 2007 and was produced and directed by the late Yasmin Ahmad when she was still the Creative Director at Leo Burnett more content... Then, the fourth question tests the relativity of the advertisement with the advertiser while fifth question serves as a supplementary question which allows the interviewee to specify his or her interpretation of Petronas' intention of the advertisement in conjunction with National Day. The sixth question is the last question for the interviewee to discuss about the reflection of the community in Malaysia in the Get more content on