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Lesson Plan No. ( 1 )
Candidate teacher’s
Tasneem Al Tubi
School: Aisha Al Arasibiya
Unit title: Writers and
Lesson 1
SB 14- CB 11PP.--
/October/2018thDate:7 Task(s): 1
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Remember types of writing they have already studied.
2. Familiarize themselves with class book content
3. Revise vocabulary with the meaning
Warm up Show some scenes of different type of stories
Ask students to determine what they are.
Task 1 Analysis
Class book/ p.11
How the zebra got its stripes?
( Zulu/ Myth)
The lion and the Mouse is ?
( Aesop/ Fable)
Sindbad the Sailor is?
(Legend- Fiction)
The life of Marco Polo is?
( biography/ autobiography)
Show these questions on the board via Proxima.
Ask students to discuss the answers with their groups.
quick as they canStudents try to determine the answers as
Get the answers from each group orally.
Give a point for each correct answers.
Determine the winning group
Activate prior knowledge-
Share information with their mates.-
(E.g. Legend, fable, poem. So on….)
Skill to be
-The ability of students to remember pervious knowledge
about different type of writing.
Group work-
Task 2 Analysis
Skills book/ activity 1/ p. 14
How many words do we see inside the books on activity 1 p
What kind of words are they?
Who can read the instructions?
Whole class open p 14
Ask each students to work individually to do task 1
e first six students who have finishedMark for th
Then ask students to swap their books with their mates to
correct for each other.
Elicit the answers orally
Ss will familiarize themselves with the content of the unit.
Vocabulary (Speech, longer, dream, writings….)
Skill to be
Assess students individually to skim the content quickly to find
words and determine their categories.
Task 3 Analysis
Givens skill book/ task 2/p. 14
Which words did you know before?
What did they mean?
Could you put some of them on sentences?
All of students are directed to open page 14
Work on group to fill the words on Crosswords game
Ask them to work accurately and fast.
Give three places for the first three group who have finished
Show the Crosswords via Proxima
Elicit the answers of group alternatively.
Ss will learn new vocabs related to the unit
Meaning of new vocabs
Skill to be
Words and meaning
Assess group work to find the meaning of words
Closing of
Ask students to tell the best story they have read and
determine the type of that story.
extension of
Practice the new vocab of the today lesson
OR success
- The proxima does not work on class nine /two
( ask students to come to English club)
-The students may be will mix between different type of
(provide them with different examples )
Post Teaching reflections:
Thoughts on students' learning
The lesson was interesting for students; they liked the way of starting
lesson. What was not predicted that the students face a problem in saying
the name of stories in English. They keep saying that we knew them in
Arabic name. For that, I asked them to discuss in-group to help each other.
Then the task went smoothly.
For the new vocab, they mixed a lot among words. I provided them with
examples, and then ask them to provide their own examples.
Lesson Plan No. ( 2 )
Candidate teacher’s
Tasneem Al Tubi
School: Aisha Al Arasibiya
Unit title: Writers and
Lesson 2
CB 12-13PP.--
/October/2018th8Date: Task(s): 1
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
Ss read for general information
Ss scan texts for specific information
Ss present orally about different writers
Warm up Show some pictures of some writers..
Ask students to know, who are these?
Task 1 Analysis
Class book/ p.12-13
How many texts do we see?
What kind of writings are these?
Who are these writers?
What are the type of paragraphs?
Have you ever read anything for any writers of
If yes, tell us about what have you read?
23 in class book-Ss open p 12
Ss will skim the three texts
Ss will answer focus questions before specific reading
Ss will share the answers
Ss can skim for general information about writers-
Skimming general information
Skill to be
-The ability of students to skim general information-
Task 2 Analysis
Skills book 105/ class book p. 12-13
Who is the blind writer?
Who is the female writer?
What is the nationality of the third writer?
All students cut out page 105 of SB
Ask Ss to scan it saliently
to read the instruction orallyAsk one students
Divide the three writers for the six group
Give Ss time to answers with their group
Ss will scan for specific information
Scanning for specific information
Skill to be
Assess students in group to find specific information
Task 3 Analysis
Givens Class book p 12-13
Which writer did you scan the information about?
Who can present about him/her?
Choose three students from each group
Each students will present part of information about the
The rest of the class will complete the table.
Ss will speak about a specific writer
Informing the class about writer they have found information
Skill to be
Assess individual student to present information about writers
Coherence, pronunciation, grammar, ability to speak
Closing of
Ask students to tell the best writers they liked.
extension of
Ask students to search more information that they mostly
admire, and then write it on the notebook.
OR success
Time consuming
I think students will take long time to complete the cut out
( draw reinforcement table on the board )
(tell them that we will see which group will cooperate with
each other and will finish first)
Teaching reflections:Post
Thoughts on students' learning
As I predicted they took more time to finish the table, even I used the
reinforcement table, they did not finish fast. For that, I walked around the
groups and saw that they did not divide the work equally among the
members of the group. I stopped them and asked them to do so.
They then did it and went faster than before. Therefore, they finished on
In addition, I noticed that, they did not pronounce the foreign names of
writers accurately. Therefore, I said loudly and asked them to repeat them
again after me, until they got used.
Lesson Plan No. ( 3)
Candidate teacher’s
Tasneem Al Tubi
School: Aisha Al Arasibiya
Unit title: Writers and
Lesson 2
CB 12-13PP.--
/October/2018th9Date: Task(s): 1
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
Ss identify relative pronoun and relative clauses
Ss listen for specific information to check the order of the
Ss write description for pictures including relative clauses.
Warm up Bring different items. E.g., pen. Book
Ask students to describe this item via using that, which..
Task 1 Analysis
Class book/ p.12-13
Paper form
What is relative pronoun?
How to highlight the relative clauses?
What are the types of relative clauses?
Ss read examples
boy who plays the football is my neighbor.)(The
( I bought that blue car)
(the company which I worked on, is located at Muscat)
Ss underline the relative pronouns
highlight the relative clausesSs
identify different types of relative pronounsSs
Ss identify relative pronouns
Relative clauses
Skill to be
Ss be able to identify relative pronouns from different examples
Individual activity
Task 2 Analysis
Givens SB /2. P.15
What are the relative pronouns?
What do we use for people?
What do we use for things?
Ss open page 15 activity 2
Read the instruction saliently
Ask Ss to skim the statements
Ss listen for the first time
Ss listen for the second time
Ss share the answers orally
Ss listen for specific information
listen for specific information
Skill to be
Assess students' ability to listen for specific information to use relative
Task 3 Analysis
Givens skill book p 105
How many pictures do we see in this page?
What do you think about these pictures?
group Ss write description for pictures use relative clauses-In
Ss write their descriptions on 3A card.
Swap paper with next group.
Ss write description by using relative pronouns
Description writing
Skill to be
Assess Ss in writing a description via using relative pronoun accurately
Closing of
Write three sentences using relative pronouns
extension of
Activity 1 p15 in SB
Ss could mix between different types of relative pronouns
OR success
Post Teaching reflections:
Thoughts on students' learning
The tape recorder did not work in class nine one, so I read the passage from
the book for saving time.
The students in grade nine two needs more practice in relative clauses
For that I gave them more examples until they understood
Then I asked them to produce sentences by their selves.
Lesson Plan No. ( 4)
Candidate teacher’s
Tasneem Al Tubi
School: Aisha Al Arasibiya
Unit title: Writers and
Lesson 4
/October/2018th10Date: Task(s): 1
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
Listen to definition containing relative clauses.
Skim the texts for general information.
Listen for specific information.
Warm up Game: Ask students to writes relative clauses sentences as
much as they can through two minutes.
Task 1 Analysis
Tape recorders
Papers form
Who are the people in the story?
Who are the people who write the story?
What we call the events in the story?
What is the piece of paper that has rhythm?
What was the name of the blind author?
All group participate on a competition.
They listen to the tape recorder
They write the answers for each question that they heard
puss three seconds after each questionThe tape recorder will
Each group swap the paper to next group
Groups correct the answers after hearing the answers from
tape recorder.
Count the points for each group
Congratulate the winner group
Ss remember previous lesson's vocabs
Ss listen for general information
Vocabulary (author, setting, characters …and so on...)
Skill to be
Asses students in remembering previous lesson's vocabs
Their abilities to write these words correctly
Asses students group work
Task 2 Analysis
Class book p 14-25
Which texts are poems?
Which texts are stories?
Who wrote the story?
What is the topic of the poems?
Which part of story is this?
Who wrote the poems?
15 (Class book)-Students are directed to open page 14
Ask Ss to skim the texts silently for two mints.
Give each group cards containing focus questions.
find the answers within theirAsk them to skim the texts to
Ask students to read questions orally with the answers
Check the answers with them.
Ss skim different texts of writings.
Skimming for general information
Skill to be
Assess group work to skim texts
Task 3 Analysis
Tape recorder
SB/ 3, P.16
What the texts about?
Which type of story is it?
What are the main characters?
What is the summery of the plot of story?
All students read instruction of activity 3 on SB p.16
Each student skim the statements of (T/F)
Ss listen to the story from tape recorders
Ss determine the truthful of statements
Tape recorder plays twice
Share the answers orally from students.
Ss listen for specific information of story.
Listening for specific information
Skill to be
Individual assessment for students to test their ability of
listening for specific information
Closing of
Draw mind map for what learnt from today's lesson
extension of
SB, 2 P.24
OR success
Ss could face problem to spell out the answers on first task.
Post Teaching reflections:
Thoughts on students' learning
Students listened very well for the completion
They almost got the answers
But they did not get the spelling correctly
They almost got 3 out of 7
For that I asked them to practice the words and plan for spelling test for
those words next lesson
Lesson Plan No. ( 3)
Candidate teacher’s
Tasneem Al Tubi
School: Aisha Al Arasibiya
Unit title: Writers and
Lesson 2
/October/2018th11Date: Task(s): 1
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
Guess the meaning of new vocabulary by reading context
Notice the role of speech marks in a written piece of text.
Insert speech marks in to sentences.
Warm up Provide this sentence for them " work hard, until you get your
dreams" Jone Powl
Ask students what they get from the sentence
Then get students attention to the speech mark
Task 1 Analysis
CB P.14
SB P 17
Who can read the instructions for activity 1
Who is the main character?
Who can read the words?
How we can get the meaning of the words
without using dictionary?
Post Teaching reflections:
Thoughts on students' learning
Ss were inspired by famous saying .they shared their opinion about the
saying. Then they got easily to the lesson.
They applied speech mark perfectly. However, there was some noise on the
class since they feel exciting about the lesson. Therefore, I used mark for
groups, and then they become active and calm.
The students shared some famous saying they already knew.
Lesson Plan No. ( 6 )
Unit title: Money
By the end of this lesson students will:
Listen for specific information related to Money unit
Read for specific information by matching key sentences.
Express their own opinions about money.
Tasks and
Warm up;
Ask students if you manage home budgets. How you will do
Task 1; SB P26 Activity 1
Ss listen for specific information to fill blankets
Task 2; matching activity ( match topics with key sentences)
Task 3; express personal opinion about money.
Task 1 Analysis
SB, ACT 1, P.26
Who many missing words are they?
What the topics about?
What kind of text is it?
Listen for specific information
Vocabulary ( save, spend, rich)
Skill to be
Ss are directed to open p 26 ACT 1
Ss read the instructions silently
Ss read the passage orally
Ss listen to tape recorder
Ss fill the gaps
Ss choose the words from the cards
Ss stick them to the board
Ss familiarize with new vocabs about money
Formative questioning
Ss will find it easy topic
Ss may not get words' spelling correctly
The students didn’t get the idea of budget correctly
. They kept saying that they would buy things for themselves. Then I
explain for them that this word means the plan to use money. Then
they got the ideas and started sharing their ideas as well. For
example, one of students say; I will put 50 OR for buying food for
home, 30 OR for electricity and water …. And so one
They did well, not as I expected from them. They spell the words
correctly .
Lesson Plan No. ( 7 )
Unit title: Writing and Writers
By the end of this lesson students will:
Identify different words for "said"
Listen for attitude by identifying the way that people say things
Write different ways to express things
Tasks and
Warm up:
Show pictures included facial expressions, ask students to
imagine what these people could say.
Task 1; ACT 1, CB, P.14
Ss read different sentence, they be able to find different way to
say things.
Task 2; Learning strategy, SB P.18
SS Listen to different words replace "SAY"
Task 3; Exercise notebook, Ss write sentence via using
different words for say.
Task 1 Analysis
CB, ACT, 1 P.14
and learners
Who can read the sentences respectively?
What is the different among these sentences?
Underline the different way to replace say, what are they?
Use different words express "say"
Skill to be
Ss directed to open CB p14
Ss read the sentences
Ss notice different way to express "SAY"
Ss underline the words which replace "SAY"
Ask students within their group to act these words.
Ss identify different ways to replace word ''Say''
Assess students by questioning (formative"
comments I predict that Ss will enjoy the lesson.
They could mix between some words.
As it was expected, students liked the lesson. They were very excited
and enjoyed the lesson very much. They liked to act these words.
However, at the beginning, they little mixed between some words.
For example, some student mixed between " murmured, whispered".
For that, I provide them with example with showing facial
expressions to let them notice the differences more. Then asked them
to provide their examples. Moreover, I showed them some emoji's of
Watsapp, and asked them to create their sentences, which reflect that
Lesson Plan No. (8 )
Unit title: Money
By the end of this lesson students will:
Read for specific information about money.
Listen for general information about money.
Interview each other about money.
Tasks and
Warm up;
Watch short video about how did they raise money.
Ask them to take notes and discuss with them.
Ss read three texts about how ITC members raise money. They
answer focus questions.
Listen for three ITC members talking how they raise money.
Work on group to determine who is talking now.
Interviewing each other. They ask their partner how they raised
Task 1 Analysis
Papers form
-How many people do we have?
Ok what are their names?
-Who raise his money by charity?
-How did Yasser raise his money?
-How much did Mauna raise so for?
Scanning for specific information.
Skill to be Reading
Ss are directed to open page 22 of CB
They looked at three texts and read them saliently.
Give each group focus question cards
They discussed with their group
Sharing their answers orally
Giving points for group who answers correctly.
Ss be able to read for specific information.
Group work
Informative way by questioning randomly any girls of groups.
I think this will be an interesting topic for them. Moreover, I predict
that the lesson will move smoothly. However, students could face
little issues in listening part.
As it was predicted. The lesson was very interesting for them. They
liked the first part of warm up activities. They shared gratifying
points and notes. For example, one of students stated that, she got
good idea about how teenagers raise money and she learnt new
methods to do so. Another student said that she liked the idea of
raising money through charity work. These ideas encouraged her to
do so. However, as it was predicted, they could not define the
characters who was speaking that time. For that, I paused the tape
recorder after each speech and repeated twice for them.
Lesson Plan No. (10 )
Unit title: Money
By the end of this lesson students will:
Listen for specific information about shopping.
Write formal letter about complaint.
Act a role-play about shopping complaint.
Tasks and
Warm up;
Spelling test for five words ( Money- Shopaholic- Spend –
Deposit –Cash)
Listen for dialogue in shopping center.
Exercise note-book
Write formal complaint letter.
Act a role-play about shipping complaint.
Task 1 Analysis
Tape recorder
Papers form
Have you ever complained against shopping center?
Ok if yes!
What did you do?
Did you satisfy with the result?
Listening for specific information
Vocabulary (money. Address... so on…)
Skill to be
Ss open page 25.
Ss read instruction.
Ss listen for the first time.
Ss listen for the second time.
Ss share the answers orally
Ss write the answers on the board.
Ss be able to ;
Listen for specific information.
Spell words correctly.
Assess students' ability to spell the words correctly.
Ss could face a difficulty on spelling during the listening.
Ss will interest in role-play part
The students liked the lesson. They enjoyed role play- part.
Moreover, they finished quickly from the first part of five words
spelling since they had memorized them before. However, most of
the students did not get the correct spelling of listening. For example,
they misspelt "Address". They wrote it "Adress" and some of them
wrote like it as "Adrese". For that, I asked them to rewrite it ten times
Lesson Plan No. (9 )
Unit title: Money
By the end of this lesson students will:
Read for specific information about strange attitude of spending money.
Write Ss' opinion about Crazy Cash Money.
Express their opinion about Crazy Cash Money.
Tasks and
Warm up;
View pictures about Strange Crazy Cash Money
Ask them to take notes and discuss with them.
Ss read four texts about crazy cash money. They answer focus questions.
Exercise note-book
Write their opinions about crazy cash money facts.
Ss express their opinion about crazy fact about cash money facts and what
are their opinions about people's way of spending money orally.
Task 3 Analysis
Papers form
-How many facts do we have?
Ok ! is it ecepectable to find people like this?
Now tell me what does OREO strategy mean?
Think about them..
What do you think?
Express their opinion.
Skill to be
Ss see different pictures abut crazy facts of spending money.
Ss revise OREO strategy.
Ss think about these facts
Ss share their opinion by using OREO strategy.
Ss be able to e express their opinion about facts.
t plan
Students ability to express their opinion orally
I think this will be great topic for students.
They will express their own opinion about the topics.
The students liked the lesson. They enjoyed expressing their opinion orally.
However, some of them did not get the idea of expressing their ideas very well.
They try to do so by using Arabic. I stopped them, and try to give them hints or
directed them to use simple language to express their ideas. Moreover, I tried to
pay their attention about that this is bad attitudes from people to waste their
money in that ways. I asked them to think for some example to use money on a
good way.
Lesson Plan No. (11 )
Unit title: Money
By the end of this lesson students will:
Read for comprehension questions.
Listen for different tones' way.
Revise second conditional form.
Tasks and
Warm up;
Short video about SC role.
T/F activity for comprehension reading.
Activity of listening to different tones to determine who is
talking and what is tone's speaker.
Ss practice second conditional role through SB activity.
Task 3 Analysis
Papers form
-What is the role of second conditional?
What is the form of second conditional
Who can provide us with some examples?
Who can read the instruction of SB P, 30?
Use second conditional form
Skill to be
Ss revise the role of second conditional.
Ss open SB- ACT 1 / P. 30
Ss discuss the answers with their groups.
Ss share the answers respectively.
Ss write the answers on the board.
Ss be able to use Second Conditional.
Ss individually, answer short exercise about second conditional
Name……….. Grade 9/….
Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type II) by putting the verbs
into the correct form. Use conditional I with would in the main
1.If we (have) a yacht, we (sail) the
seven seas.
2.If he (have) more time, he (learn)
3.If they (tell) their father, he (be)
very angry.
4.She (spend) a year in the USA if it (be)
easier to get a green card.
5.If I (live) on a lonely island, I (run)
around naked all day.
6.We (help) you if we (know)
7.My brother (buy) a sports car if he (have)
the money.
8.If I (feel) better, I (go) to the
cinema with you.
9.If you (go) by bike more often, you (be / not)
so flabby.
Ss may miss use second conditional.
Ss will like listening part since they will hear different type of tones.
Students liked the lesson. They mostly interested in the third part.
They engaged with listening and excited to predict who was
speaking. They listened for different type of tones. However, they
was side talking between them because they had a math exam before
English period. For that, they kept talking. I changed the plan a little
pet. I swapped the steps to attract their attention. Then they forgot
about the exam and focused through the lesson.
Lesson Plan No. (12 )
Unit title: Money
By the end of this lesson students will:
Read for general information about money.
Decide the topics of the different texts.
Predict the meaning from the context.
Tasks and
activities Task1;
Answers the focus questions, to find general information.
Group work activity deciding topics of texts.
ACTIVITY that students get the meaning from the content.
Task 3 Analysis
Papers form
-How many texts do we have?
What do you think the topics will be about?
How we can decide the topics?
What are the frequents words in these texts?
What are all about?
Deciding the topics of texts.
Skill to be
Ss work on group.
They discuss with group about the different texts.
They open SB activity 2, p29.
Each group will work on six texts out of sixteen.
They try to get the topics of these texts.
Then get the answers orally
Ss be able to decide the topics of texts.
Students' ability to deal with reading texts through group work.
I predict that Ss may face some obstacles in the second step, which
is about deciding the topic.
They thought at the beginning that the lesson is too heavy and boring
when they saw the sixteen information in the full page. I kept as a
teacher encouraging them and directed them towards positive side.
For example, one girl said: Oh, I do not know the answer. I smiled
and asked her to try. Then she did it and gave the correct answer.
Moreover, they did not get the idea of deciding what the topics are
about. For that, I stopped them for a while and provide them with
example. After that, everything went smoothly. However, they
applied the part of meaning very well, since it was not their first time
to answer such activities.
Lesson Plan No. (13 )
Unit title: Teen Time
Objectives By the end of this lesson students will:
Brainstorm the adjectives, which describe personality.
Get the meaning of adjectives, which describe personality.
Write a description by using the adjectives, which describe
personality. .
Tasks and
Warm up
Show them pictures ask them to describe what they see.
Note book
Ss brainstorm to get as much as they can to describe personality.
Note book
Ss get the meaning of adjectives, which describe personality.
Note book
Ss write a description by using adjectives, which describe
Task 2 Analysis
Papers form
-How many pictures do you see?
Is they show appearance or personality?
Ok! What are the adjectives that describe these personalities?
What do they mean?
Describe the personalities (calm, active, angry…so on. )
Using dictionary
Skill to be
Ss work on group.
Ask them to describe pictures.
Revise some adjectives about personality.
They open dictionary and search for meaning of 3 words for each
Then get the answers orally
They write it on the board.
Ss be able to get the meaning of personality adjectives.
Group work activity to get meaning by using dictionary.
I think student may mix between appearance and personality
That lesson was full of interest. They ask me to add an activity. The
idea was they want to work with peer and describe the personality of
each other within the classroom. For example, one of them describes
her partner as a kind, smart and calm girl. However, most of them
face a problem in the third part, which was writing a description for
what they see. They did not know how to spell all of words
accurately. Then I asked them to search for the correct spelling of
these words.
Lesson Plan No. (14 )
Unit title: Teen Time
By the end of this lesson students will:
Brainstorm the adjectives, which describe appearances.
Get the meaning of adjectives, which describe appearances.
Write a description by using the adjectives, which describe
appearances. .
Tasks and
Warm up
Show them pictures ask them to describe what they see.
Note book
Ss brainstorm to get as much as they can to describe appearances.
Note book
Ss get the meaning of adjectives, which describe appearances.
Note book
Ss write a description by using adjectives, which describe.
Task 2 Analysis
Papers form
-How many pictures do you see?
Is they show appearance or personality?
Ok! What are the adjectives that describe these appearances?
What do they mean?
Describe the appearance (tall, hairy, slim…so on. )
Using dictionary
Skill to be
Ss work on group.
Ask them to describe pictures.
Revise some adjectives about appearance.
They open dictionary and search for meaning of 3 words for each
Then get the answers orally
They write it on the board.
Ss be able to get the meaning of appearance adjectives.
Group work activity to get meaning by using dictionary.
I think student may mix between appearance and appearance
As it was expected, they started mixing between appearance and
personality adjectives. For that, I repeated the differences between
two of them. Then I asked them to describe a volunteer from the
class. For that, at appearance part they said she is tall and for
personality, she is mean as they were kidding with her. Then they get
the idea better.
Lesson Plan No. (15 )
Unit title: Teen Time
By the end of this lesson students will:
Understand possessive pronouns.
Use possessive pronouns in writing.
Speak by using possessive pronouns within short time.
Tasks and
Focus questions
To find possessive pronouns
Activity 2 to write sentences with possessive pronouns.
Speak by using possessive pronouns within short period.
Task 2 Analysis
Papers form
What is the tittle?
Who many texts do we have?
What are the words which written in bold?
-whose this bag for?
Whom these books belong?
Who is these shirts belong to?
Use possessive pronouns ( MINE, HERS, ITS…SO ON)
Skill to be
Ss open page 6 on the SB
Ss underline the possessive pronouns from the texts.
Ss answer the questions about to whom these refer.
Ss work on group to answer activity 2 of SB P6.
Ss share the answers orally.
Ss write the answers on the boards.
Ss be able to use possessive pronouns.
Answer these questions (informative assessment)
Complete the gabs with correct possessive pronouns.
1...This bag is …… . I bought yesterday.
2.. That was Mona's house. Its…..
3.. Which one is……..
4.. These books belong to Ali and Hammed. They…..
I think student may mix between possessive pronouns and subject
Well, the lesson was good. They did all tasks on time. However, as it
was predicted. At the beginning, they mixed between possessive
pronouns and subject pronouns. For example instead of saying
"mine" they kept saying "I". Then when we practiced more, they got
the idea clearly. In addition, what I was noticing that for formative
assessment the four statements that I provided them, were not enough
to determine whether they understood or did not. I determine for
next time to provide more examples for them to be sure they get
enough practice.
Lesson Plan No. (16 )
Unit title: Space
By the end of this lesson students will:
Understand the meaning of fiction story.
Understand the meaning of science fiction .
Revise the elements of fiction story.
Tasks and
Warm up
Watch video about space fiction story
Show video students take note about fiction story.
By using dictionary, they search for the meaning of science fiction.
Via reading cards, students elicit the story elements.
Task 2 Analysis
Givens Proxima
Papers form
Reading cards
What is the tittle?
What are the types of story?
What are the difference s between the two types?
What are the main topics of science fiction story?
What does it mean?
Use dictionary to find understand ( Science fiction )
Skill to be
Ss underline the word of science fiction.
Ss work on group to find the meaning of the word.
Ss share the answers orally.
Ss write the answers on the boards.
Ss be able to understand the word meaning of science fiction
Question ( design your rocket and write what did you learn from the lesson)
The students may spend time in getting the meaning from dictionary.
They will find the video interest to understand the concepts. The design of
rocket and write what did you learn from will break the routine of lesson.
It was one of the loveliest lesson ever for students and for me as a teacher.
The students enjoyed the video, which was about space and fiction story.
They understood the concept of fiction story and science fiction as well.
The method of using video and dictionary mad a good differences in
understanding faster. Moreover, the critical questions thinking about space
and language let students think deeper and these help them to improve their
skills as well. For example, one of students gave a good answer she said
that, language help us to communicate and understand each other as well.
However, it was better to get copies for each students instead of having one
copy for each group.
Lesson Plan No. (17 )
Unit title: Teen Time
By the end of this lesson students will:
Read for general information.
Use conjunctions to give reasons.
Write opinion by using conjunctions to give reasons.
Tasks and
Warm up
Show pictures ask them to find reasons behind these pictures.
Answer focuses questions
Determine the use of some conjunctions to give reasons.
Write opinion by using conjunctions to give reasons.
Task 2 Analysis
Paper form
What are the bold words?
What is the common between them?
When we use;
Which words are suitable for these sentences?
Conjunctions for giving reasons ( because, since, as)
Skill to be
Ss open page 7 on the SB
Ss underline the conjunctions from the texts.
Ss answer the questions to fill the gaps.
Ss work on group to answer activity 2 of SB P7.
Ss share the answers orally.
Ss write the answers on the boards.
Ss understand the use of conjunction for giving reasons.
Complete the following sentences using an appropriate conjunction
or preposition.
1. ………………… I was ill for several months, I lost my job.
Because of
Due to
2. It is raining again, …………………. we will have to cancel the
3. I decided to take a break, ………………. I was feeling tired.
4. We were late ……………….. it rained.
because of
due to
5. The match was cancelled ………………. bad weather.
due to
because of
Ss may need more practice to understand more about
The topic was not very new for them. They familiarized with these
conjunctions. However, they did not know what they called. While
they clearly understood that, we use these words for giving reasons.
They get better understanding for the appropriate use of each one by
the practice exercise. They get the benefit of learning this to prepare
themselves for the writing exam specially opinion type. Moreover,
through group work they practice it better. While for assessment it
was individual to be sure, that, each one can apply them correctly.
Lesson Plan No. (18 )
Unit title: Space
By the end of this lesson students will:
Read large numbers.
Use large numbers in speaking.
Write large numbers to describe planets.
Tasks and
Warm up
Show them some numbers , ask them to read them quickly.
Task to read large numbers.
Use these large numbers to speak in peers.
Write description for planets by using large numbers.
Task 3 Analysis
Paper form
How many numbers do we have?
Who can read the simple one?
Ok! What about this?
Why do we use large numbers with space?
Speak in peer by using large numbers. (10000000,
1000000000… so on)
Skill to be
Ss open page 44 on the SB
Ss underline the large numbers in the texts.
Ss work in a peer.
Ss speak with each other by using large numbers
Elicit some examples from the peers to act in front the class.
Ss use large numbers.
Write numbers literally;
Ss may need more practice to read these large
These skills need for math ability equally to English as
To be honest the lesson was difficult a little pet. They did not interest
in math numbers. They kept asking me to skep this lesson. I explain
the importance of using these numbers in our life. Then I did it as
competition. This encourage them to be fast and cooperated to finish
on time. Then, they enjoyed the lessen. For grade nine one they
completed each steps on time. However, for grade nine two the third
period was short as usual. For that, I asked them to do the last
activity as a homework.
Lesson Plan No. (19 )
Unit title: Space
By the end of this lesson students will:
Determine characters' adjective of the story.
Extract the setting of story.
Predict what will happen in story.
Tasks and
. SB/ACT1/P.38
Activity to sort adjectives, which describe superhero and super
Note book
Reading cards
Extract setting from the story.
Note book
Reading cards
Predict within group what will happen next
Task 1 Analysis
Reading Cards
What are the elements of the story?
What are the main characters in the story?
What are the adjectives of the superhero?
What are the adjectives of the antagonist?
Sort vocabulary describe superhero and antagonist (smart.
Handsome, weak, ugly.. so on)
Skill to be
Ss open page 38 on the SB
Ss read the instruction
Ss sort the adjective
Ss be as a mini teacher
S asks other students to write the answers on the board.
Ss differentiate between characters' adjectives.
SB /ACT7/P49
Ss may spend time in predicting what will happen.
They may miss pronounce "SUPERVILLAIN'.
It surprised me that they very enthused to do all tasks. Moreover,
they kept willing to do all tasks. They were active and interested in
sorting the adjectives. In addition, they liked the idea of being mini
teacher. However, they miss pronounce "super villain" I asked them
to repeated many times loudly. I also, asked them to find a word,
which meant person who wants to know everything. I emphasized
that they have to search for the information.
Lesson Plan No. (20 )
Unit title: Space
By the end of this lesson students will:
Describe pictures .
Deeside elements of story
Write story about school.
Tasks and
. describe the pictures
Note book
Note book
Write story
Task 1 Analysis
Paper form
What are the picture about?
How many pictures do we have?
What verbs has we have to use?
Write story from pictures
Skill to be
Ss see picture
Discuss with groups about story
Try to write with groups
Read their story orally
Ss write a story.
Write story about space.
Ss may mix between tenses of verbs of story.
The students enjoyed writing story. They took all steps seriously.
Since they need it for their final exam. Moreover, they kept asking
some questions. Which sounded very good because that gave me
hints that they willing to learn and enjoy the lesson. For example,
they asked me to fix their sentences. Moreover, they asked for
appropriate tense to use. They were cooperative and active.
Nerveless, they made few mistakes. For example, they use present
verb instead of past tense. I asked them to pay attention to these

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Framing an Appropriate Research Question 6b9b26d93da94caf993c038d9efcdedb.pdfFraming an Appropriate Research Question 6b9b26d93da94caf993c038d9efcdedb.pdf
Framing an Appropriate Research Question 6b9b26d93da94caf993c038d9efcdedb.pdf

Lesson plan 20

  • 1. Lesson Plan No. ( 1 ) General Candidate teacher’s name Tasneem Al Tubi School: Aisha Al Arasibiya Unit title: Writers and writing Lesson 1 SB 14- CB 11PP.-- /October/2018thDate:7 Task(s): 1 Objectives By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: 1. Remember types of writing they have already studied. 2. Familiarize themselves with class book content 3. Revise vocabulary with the meaning Warm up Show some scenes of different type of stories Ask students to determine what they are.
  • 2. Task 1 Analysis Givens Class book/ p.11 Proxima Task- setting questions - How the zebra got its stripes? ( Zulu/ Myth) The lion and the Mouse is ? ( Aesop/ Fable) Sindbad the Sailor is? (Legend- Fiction)
  • 3. The life of Marco Polo is? ( biography/ autobiography)
  • 4. Learner’s procedures Show these questions on the board via Proxima. Ask students to discuss the answers with their groups. quick as they canStudents try to determine the answers as Get the answers from each group orally. Give a point for each correct answers. Determine the winning group Task outcome(s) Activate prior knowledge- Share information with their mates.- Language focus vocabulary (E.g. Legend, fable, poem. So on….) Skill to be improved Recalling Vocabulary Assessment Plan -The ability of students to remember pervious knowledge about different type of writing.
  • 5. Group work- Task 2 Analysis Givens Skills book/ activity 1/ p. 14 Task-setting questions How many words do we see inside the books on activity 1 p 14? What kind of words are they? Who can read the instructions? Learner’s procedures Whole class open p 14 Ask each students to work individually to do task 1 e first six students who have finishedMark for th
  • 6. Then ask students to swap their books with their mates to correct for each other. Elicit the answers orally Task outcome(s) Ss will familiarize themselves with the content of the unit. Language focus Vocabulary (Speech, longer, dream, writings….) Skill to be improved Vocabulary Assessment Plan Assess students individually to skim the content quickly to find words and determine their categories. Task 3 Analysis Givens skill book/ task 2/p. 14
  • 7. Task-setting questions Which words did you know before? What did they mean? Could you put some of them on sentences? Learner’s procedures All of students are directed to open page 14 Work on group to fill the words on Crosswords game Ask them to work accurately and fast. Give three places for the first three group who have finished Show the Crosswords via Proxima Elicit the answers of group alternatively.
  • 8. Task outcome(s) Ss will learn new vocabs related to the unit Language focus Meaning of new vocabs Skill to be improved Words and meaning Assessment Plan Assess group work to find the meaning of words
  • 9. Closing of lesson Ask students to tell the best story they have read and determine the type of that story. Homework/ extension of learning Practice the new vocab of the today lesson Reflective comment/ potential challenges OR success factors - Alternative Plan - The proxima does not work on class nine /two ( ask students to come to English club) -The students may be will mix between different type of stories (provide them with different examples ) Post Teaching reflections: Thoughts on students' learning
  • 10. The lesson was interesting for students; they liked the way of starting lesson. What was not predicted that the students face a problem in saying the name of stories in English. They keep saying that we knew them in Arabic name. For that, I asked them to discuss in-group to help each other. Then the task went smoothly. For the new vocab, they mixed a lot among words. I provided them with examples, and then ask them to provide their own examples. Lesson Plan No. ( 2 ) General Candidate teacher’s name Tasneem Al Tubi School: Aisha Al Arasibiya Unit title: Writers and writing Lesson 2 CB 12-13PP.-- /October/2018th8Date: Task(s): 1
  • 11. Objectives By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: Ss read for general information Ss scan texts for specific information Ss present orally about different writers Warm up Show some pictures of some writers.. Ask students to know, who are these? Task 1 Analysis
  • 12. Givens Class book/ p.12-13 Proxima Task- setting questions How many texts do we see? What kind of writings are these? Who are these writers? What are the type of paragraphs? Have you ever read anything for any writers of them? If yes, tell us about what have you read?
  • 13. Learner’s procedures 23 in class book-Ss open p 12 Ss will skim the three texts Ss will answer focus questions before specific reading Ss will share the answers Task outcome(s) Ss can skim for general information about writers- Language focus Skimming general information Skill to be improved Reading Assessment Plan -The ability of students to skim general information- Task 2 Analysis Givens Skills book 105/ class book p. 12-13
  • 14. Task-setting questions Who is the blind writer? Who is the female writer? What is the nationality of the third writer? Learner’s procedures All students cut out page 105 of SB Ask Ss to scan it saliently to read the instruction orallyAsk one students Divide the three writers for the six group Give Ss time to answers with their group Task outcome(s) Ss will scan for specific information
  • 15. Language focus Scanning for specific information Skill to be improved Reading Assessment Plan Assess students in group to find specific information Task 3 Analysis Givens Class book p 12-13 Task-setting questions Which writer did you scan the information about? Who can present about him/her? Learner’s procedures Choose three students from each group Each students will present part of information about the writer
  • 16. The rest of the class will complete the table. Task outcome(s) Ss will speak about a specific writer Language focus Informing the class about writer they have found information about Skill to be improved speaking Assessment Plan Assess individual student to present information about writers Coherence, pronunciation, grammar, ability to speak Closing of lesson Ask students to tell the best writers they liked. Homework/ extension of learning Ask students to search more information that they mostly admire, and then write it on the notebook.
  • 17. Reflective comment/ potential challenges OR success factors - Alternative Plan Time consuming I think students will take long time to complete the cut out page ( draw reinforcement table on the board ) (tell them that we will see which group will cooperate with each other and will finish first) Teaching reflections:Post Thoughts on students' learning As I predicted they took more time to finish the table, even I used the reinforcement table, they did not finish fast. For that, I walked around the groups and saw that they did not divide the work equally among the members of the group. I stopped them and asked them to do so.
  • 18. They then did it and went faster than before. Therefore, they finished on time. In addition, I noticed that, they did not pronounce the foreign names of writers accurately. Therefore, I said loudly and asked them to repeat them again after me, until they got used. Lesson Plan No. ( 3) General Candidate teacher’s name Tasneem Al Tubi School: Aisha Al Arasibiya Unit title: Writers and writing Lesson 2 CB 12-13PP.-- /October/2018th9Date: Task(s): 1 Objectives By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
  • 19. Ss identify relative pronoun and relative clauses Ss listen for specific information to check the order of the clauses. Ss write description for pictures including relative clauses. Warm up Bring different items. E.g., pen. Book Ask students to describe this item via using that, which.. Task 1 Analysis Givens Class book/ p.12-13 Proxima Paper form Task- setting questions What is relative pronoun? How to highlight the relative clauses? What are the types of relative clauses?
  • 20. Learner’s procedures Ss read examples boy who plays the football is my neighbor.)(The ( I bought that blue car) (the company which I worked on, is located at Muscat) Ss underline the relative pronouns highlight the relative clausesSs identify different types of relative pronounsSs
  • 21. Task outcome(s) Ss identify relative pronouns Language focus Relative clauses Skill to be improved Writing Assessment Plan Ss be able to identify relative pronouns from different examples Individual activity
  • 22. Task 2 Analysis Givens SB /2. P.15 Task-setting questions What are the relative pronouns? What do we use for people? What do we use for things?
  • 23. Learner’s procedures Ss open page 15 activity 2 Read the instruction saliently Ask Ss to skim the statements Ss listen for the first time Ss listen for the second time Ss share the answers orally Task outcome(s) Ss listen for specific information Language focus listen for specific information
  • 24. Skill to be improved Listening Assessment Plan Assess students' ability to listen for specific information to use relative pronouns Task 3 Analysis Givens skill book p 105 Task-setting questions How many pictures do we see in this page? What do you think about these pictures? Learner’s procedures group Ss write description for pictures use relative clauses-In Ss write their descriptions on 3A card. Swap paper with next group.
  • 25. Task outcome(s) Ss write description by using relative pronouns Language focus Description writing Skill to be improved Writing Assessment Plan Assess Ss in writing a description via using relative pronoun accurately Closing of lesson Write three sentences using relative pronouns Homework/ extension of learning Activity 1 p15 in SB Reflective comment/ potential challenges Ss could mix between different types of relative pronouns
  • 26. OR success factors - Alternative Plan Post Teaching reflections: Thoughts on students' learning The tape recorder did not work in class nine one, so I read the passage from the book for saving time. The students in grade nine two needs more practice in relative clauses For that I gave them more examples until they understood Then I asked them to produce sentences by their selves.
  • 27. Lesson Plan No. ( 4) General Candidate teacher’s name Tasneem Al Tubi School: Aisha Al Arasibiya Unit title: Writers and writing Lesson 4 PP.-- /October/2018th10Date: Task(s): 1 Objectives By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: Listen to definition containing relative clauses. Skim the texts for general information. Listen for specific information. Warm up Game: Ask students to writes relative clauses sentences as much as they can through two minutes.
  • 28. Task 1 Analysis Givens Tape recorders Papers form Task- setting questions Who are the people in the story? Who are the people who write the story? What we call the events in the story? What is the piece of paper that has rhythm? What was the name of the blind author?
  • 29. Learner’s procedures All group participate on a competition. They listen to the tape recorder They write the answers for each question that they heard puss three seconds after each questionThe tape recorder will Each group swap the paper to next group Groups correct the answers after hearing the answers from tape recorder. Count the points for each group Congratulate the winner group Task outcome(s) Ss remember previous lesson's vocabs Ss listen for general information Language focus Vocabulary (author, setting, characters …and so on...) Skill to be improved Listening Assessment Plan Asses students in remembering previous lesson's vocabs
  • 30. Their abilities to write these words correctly Asses students group work Task 2 Analysis Givens Class book p 14-25 Cards Task-setting questions Which texts are poems? Which texts are stories? Who wrote the story? What is the topic of the poems? Which part of story is this? Who wrote the poems?
  • 31. Learner’s procedures 15 (Class book)-Students are directed to open page 14 Ask Ss to skim the texts silently for two mints. Give each group cards containing focus questions. find the answers within theirAsk them to skim the texts to group. Ask students to read questions orally with the answers Check the answers with them. Task outcome(s) Ss skim different texts of writings. Language focus Skimming for general information Skill to be improved Reading
  • 32. Assessment Plan Assess group work to skim texts Task 3 Analysis Givens Tape recorder SB/ 3, P.16 Task-setting questions What the texts about? Which type of story is it? What are the main characters? What is the summery of the plot of story? Learner’s procedures All students read instruction of activity 3 on SB p.16 Each student skim the statements of (T/F) Ss listen to the story from tape recorders Ss determine the truthful of statements
  • 33. Tape recorder plays twice Share the answers orally from students. Task outcome(s) Ss listen for specific information of story. Language focus Listening for specific information Skill to be improved listening Assessment Plan Individual assessment for students to test their ability of listening for specific information Closing of lesson Draw mind map for what learnt from today's lesson Homework/ extension of learning SB, 2 P.24
  • 34. Reflective comment/ potential challenges OR success factors - Alternative Plan Ss could face problem to spell out the answers on first task. Post Teaching reflections: Thoughts on students' learning Students listened very well for the completion They almost got the answers But they did not get the spelling correctly They almost got 3 out of 7
  • 35. For that I asked them to practice the words and plan for spelling test for those words next lesson Lesson Plan No. ( 3) General Candidate teacher’s name Tasneem Al Tubi School: Aisha Al Arasibiya Unit title: Writers and writing Lesson 2 PP.-- /October/2018th11Date: Task(s): 1 Objectives By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: Guess the meaning of new vocabulary by reading context Notice the role of speech marks in a written piece of text. Insert speech marks in to sentences.
  • 36. Warm up Provide this sentence for them " work hard, until you get your dreams" Jone Powl Ask students what they get from the sentence Then get students attention to the speech mark Task 1 Analysis Givens Cards CB P.14 SB P 17 Task- setting questions Who can read the instructions for activity 1 p17? Who is the main character? Who can read the words? How we can get the meaning of the words without using dictionary?
  • 37. Post Teaching reflections: Thoughts on students' learning Ss were inspired by famous saying .they shared their opinion about the saying. Then they got easily to the lesson. They applied speech mark perfectly. However, there was some noise on the class since they feel exciting about the lesson. Therefore, I used mark for groups, and then they become active and calm. The students shared some famous saying they already knew. Lesson Plan No. ( 6 ) General Unit title: Money Objectives By the end of this lesson students will: Listen for specific information related to Money unit Read for specific information by matching key sentences. Express their own opinions about money.
  • 38. Tasks and activities Warm up; Ask students if you manage home budgets. How you will do so? Task 1; SB P26 Activity 1 Ss listen for specific information to fill blankets Task 2; matching activity ( match topics with key sentences) Task 3; express personal opinion about money. Task 1 Analysis Givens Cards SB, ACT 1, P.26 Task-setting questions Who many missing words are they? What the topics about? What kind of text is it? Linguistic focus Listen for specific information Vocabulary ( save, spend, rich) Skill to be improved Listening Learner procedures Ss are directed to open p 26 ACT 1 Ss read the instructions silently Ss read the passage orally Ss listen to tape recorder Ss fill the gaps Ss choose the words from the cards Ss stick them to the board
  • 39. Expected outcomes Ss familiarize with new vocabs about money Assessment plan Formative questioning Reflective comments Ss will find it easy topic Ss may not get words' spelling correctly Post- teaching reflection The students didn’t get the idea of budget correctly . They kept saying that they would buy things for themselves. Then I explain for them that this word means the plan to use money. Then they got the ideas and started sharing their ideas as well. For example, one of students say; I will put 50 OR for buying food for home, 30 OR for electricity and water …. And so one They did well, not as I expected from them. They spell the words correctly .
  • 40. Lesson Plan No. ( 7 ) General Unit title: Writing and Writers Objectives By the end of this lesson students will: Identify different words for "said" Listen for attitude by identifying the way that people say things Write different ways to express things Tasks and activities Warm up: Show pictures included facial expressions, ask students to imagine what these people could say. Task 1; ACT 1, CB, P.14 Ss read different sentence, they be able to find different way to say things. Task 2; Learning strategy, SB P.18 SS Listen to different words replace "SAY" Task 3; Exercise notebook, Ss write sentence via using different words for say. Task 1 Analysis Givens Cards CB, ACT, 1 P.14
  • 41. Task-setting questions and learners procedures Who can read the sentences respectively? What is the different among these sentences? Underline the different way to replace say, what are they? Linguistic focus Use different words express "say" Skill to be improved Speaking Writing Reading Learner procedures Ss directed to open CB p14 Ss read the sentences Ss notice different way to express "SAY" Ss underline the words which replace "SAY" Ask students within their group to act these words.
  • 42. Expected outcomes Ss identify different ways to replace word ''Say'' Assessment plan Assess students by questioning (formative" Reflective comments I predict that Ss will enjoy the lesson. They could mix between some words. Post- teaching reflection As it was expected, students liked the lesson. They were very excited and enjoyed the lesson very much. They liked to act these words. However, at the beginning, they little mixed between some words. For example, some student mixed between " murmured, whispered". For that, I provide them with example with showing facial expressions to let them notice the differences more. Then asked them to provide their examples. Moreover, I showed them some emoji's of Watsapp, and asked them to create their sentences, which reflect that faces. Lesson Plan No. (8 ) General Unit title: Money Objectives By the end of this lesson students will: Read for specific information about money. Listen for general information about money. Interview each other about money.
  • 43. Tasks and activities Warm up; Watch short video about how did they raise money. Ask them to take notes and discuss with them. Task1; CB/ACT1/P.22 Ss read three texts about how ITC members raise money. They answer focus questions. Task2; SB/ACT4/P.26 Listen for three ITC members talking how they raise money. Work on group to determine who is talking now. Task3; Interviewing each other. They ask their partner how they raised money. Task 1 Analysis Givens Cards Proxima Papers form CB/ACT1/P.22 Task-setting questions -How many people do we have? Ok what are their names? -Who raise his money by charity? -How did Yasser raise his money? -How much did Mauna raise so for? Linguistic focus Scanning for specific information. Skill to be Reading
  • 44. improved Learner procedures Ss are directed to open page 22 of CB They looked at three texts and read them saliently. Give each group focus question cards They discussed with their group Sharing their answers orally Giving points for group who answers correctly. Expected outcomes Ss be able to read for specific information. Assessment plan Group work Informative way by questioning randomly any girls of groups. Reflective comments I think this will be an interesting topic for them. Moreover, I predict that the lesson will move smoothly. However, students could face little issues in listening part. Post- teaching reflection As it was predicted. The lesson was very interesting for them. They liked the first part of warm up activities. They shared gratifying points and notes. For example, one of students stated that, she got good idea about how teenagers raise money and she learnt new methods to do so. Another student said that she liked the idea of raising money through charity work. These ideas encouraged her to do so. However, as it was predicted, they could not define the characters who was speaking that time. For that, I paused the tape recorder after each speech and repeated twice for them.
  • 45. Lesson Plan No. (10 ) General Unit title: Money Objectives By the end of this lesson students will: Listen for specific information about shopping. Write formal letter about complaint. Act a role-play about shopping complaint. Tasks and activities Warm up; Spelling test for five words ( Money- Shopaholic- Spend – Deposit –Cash) Task1; SB/ACT1/P.29 Listen for dialogue in shopping center. Task2; CB/ACT1/P.25 Exercise note-book Write formal complaint letter. Task3; Act a role-play about shipping complaint. Task 1 Analysis Givens Tape recorder Papers form SB/ACT1/P.25
  • 46. Task-setting questions Have you ever complained against shopping center? Ok if yes! What did you do? Did you satisfy with the result? Linguistic focus Listening for specific information Vocabulary (money. Address... so on…) Skill to be improved Listening Learner procedures Ss open page 25. Ss read instruction. Ss listen for the first time. Ss listen for the second time. Ss share the answers orally Ss write the answers on the board.
  • 47. Expected outcomes Ss be able to ; Listen for specific information. Spell words correctly. Assessment plan Assess students' ability to spell the words correctly. Reflective comments Ss could face a difficulty on spelling during the listening. Ss will interest in role-play part Post- teaching reflection The students liked the lesson. They enjoyed role play- part. Moreover, they finished quickly from the first part of five words spelling since they had memorized them before. However, most of the students did not get the correct spelling of listening. For example, they misspelt "Address". They wrote it "Adress" and some of them wrote like it as "Adrese". For that, I asked them to rewrite it ten times again. Lesson Plan No. (9 ) General Unit title: Money Objectives By the end of this lesson students will: Read for specific information about strange attitude of spending money. Write Ss' opinion about Crazy Cash Money.
  • 48. Express their opinion about Crazy Cash Money. Tasks and activities Warm up; View pictures about Strange Crazy Cash Money Ask them to take notes and discuss with them. Task1; CB/ACT1/P.28-29 Ss read four texts about crazy cash money. They answer focus questions. Task2; CB/ACT1/P.28-29 Exercise note-book Write their opinions about crazy cash money facts. Task3; Ss express their opinion about crazy fact about cash money facts and what are their opinions about people's way of spending money orally. Task 3 Analysis
  • 49. Givens Proxima Papers form CB/ACT1/P.28-12 Task- setting questions -How many facts do we have? Ok ! is it ecepectable to find people like this? Now tell me what does OREO strategy mean? Think about them.. What do you think? Linguistic focus Express their opinion. Skill to be improved Speaking Learner procedure s Ss see different pictures abut crazy facts of spending money. Ss revise OREO strategy. Ss think about these facts Ss share their opinion by using OREO strategy. Expected outcomes Ss be able to e express their opinion about facts. Assessmen t plan Students ability to express their opinion orally
  • 50. Reflective comments I think this will be great topic for students. They will express their own opinion about the topics. Post- teaching reflection The students liked the lesson. They enjoyed expressing their opinion orally. However, some of them did not get the idea of expressing their ideas very well. They try to do so by using Arabic. I stopped them, and try to give them hints or directed them to use simple language to express their ideas. Moreover, I tried to pay their attention about that this is bad attitudes from people to waste their money in that ways. I asked them to think for some example to use money on a good way. Lesson Plan No. (11 ) General Unit title: Money Objectives By the end of this lesson students will: Read for comprehension questions. Listen for different tones' way. Revise second conditional form.
  • 51. Tasks and activities Warm up; Short video about SC role. Task1; SB/ACT3/P.30 T/F activity for comprehension reading. Task2; SB/ACT2/P.30 Activity of listening to different tones to determine who is talking and what is tone's speaker. Task3; SB/ACT1/P.30 Ss practice second conditional role through SB activity. Task 3 Analysis Givens Proxima Papers form SB/ACT1/P.30 Task-setting questions -What is the role of second conditional? What is the form of second conditional Who can provide us with some examples? Who can read the instruction of SB P, 30? Linguistic focus Use second conditional form Skill to be improved Writing Speaking
  • 52. Learner procedures Ss revise the role of second conditional. Ss open SB- ACT 1 / P. 30 Ss discuss the answers with their groups. Ss share the answers respectively. Ss write the answers on the board. Expected outcomes Ss be able to use Second Conditional. Assessment plan Ss individually, answer short exercise about second conditional Name……….. Grade 9/…. Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type II) by putting the verbs into the correct form. Use conditional I with would in the main clause. 1.If we (have) a yacht, we (sail) the seven seas. 2.If he (have) more time, he (learn) karate. 3.If they (tell) their father, he (be) very angry. 4.She (spend) a year in the USA if it (be) easier to get a green card. 5.If I (live) on a lonely island, I (run) around naked all day. 6.We (help) you if we (know) how. 7.My brother (buy) a sports car if he (have) the money. 8.If I (feel) better, I (go) to the cinema with you. 9.If you (go) by bike more often, you (be / not) so flabby.
  • 53. Reflective comments Ss may miss use second conditional. Ss will like listening part since they will hear different type of tones. Post- teaching reflection Students liked the lesson. They mostly interested in the third part. They engaged with listening and excited to predict who was speaking. They listened for different type of tones. However, they was side talking between them because they had a math exam before English period. For that, they kept talking. I changed the plan a little pet. I swapped the steps to attract their attention. Then they forgot about the exam and focused through the lesson. Lesson Plan No. (12 ) General Unit title: Money Objectives By the end of this lesson students will: Read for general information about money. Decide the topics of the different texts. Predict the meaning from the context. Tasks and activities Task1; CB/ACT3/P.26 Answers the focus questions, to find general information. Task2;
  • 54. SB/ACT3/P.29 Group work activity deciding topics of texts. Task3; SB/ACT2/P.29 ACTIVITY that students get the meaning from the content. Task 3 Analysis Givens Proxima Papers form SB/ACT3/P.29 Task-setting questions -How many texts do we have? What do you think the topics will be about? How we can decide the topics? What are the frequents words in these texts? What are all about? Linguistic focus Deciding the topics of texts. Skill to be improved Reading Learner procedures Ss work on group. They discuss with group about the different texts. They open SB activity 2, p29. Each group will work on six texts out of sixteen. They try to get the topics of these texts.
  • 55. Then get the answers orally Expected outcomes Ss be able to decide the topics of texts. Assessment plan Students' ability to deal with reading texts through group work. Reflective comments I predict that Ss may face some obstacles in the second step, which is about deciding the topic. Post- teaching reflection They thought at the beginning that the lesson is too heavy and boring when they saw the sixteen information in the full page. I kept as a teacher encouraging them and directed them towards positive side. For example, one girl said: Oh, I do not know the answer. I smiled and asked her to try. Then she did it and gave the correct answer. Moreover, they did not get the idea of deciding what the topics are about. For that, I stopped them for a while and provide them with example. After that, everything went smoothly. However, they applied the part of meaning very well, since it was not their first time to answer such activities. Lesson Plan No. (13 ) General Unit title: Teen Time Objectives By the end of this lesson students will:
  • 56. Brainstorm the adjectives, which describe personality. Get the meaning of adjectives, which describe personality. Write a description by using the adjectives, which describe personality. . Tasks and activities Warm up Show them pictures ask them to describe what they see. Task1; CB/ACT3/P.3 Note book Ss brainstorm to get as much as they can to describe personality. Task2; CB/ACT3/P.3 Note book Ss get the meaning of adjectives, which describe personality. Task3; CB/ACT2/P.3 Note book Ss write a description by using adjectives, which describe personality. Task 2 Analysis Givens Proxima Papers form Dictionaries SB/ACT2/P.3 Task-setting questions -How many pictures do you see? Is they show appearance or personality? Ok! What are the adjectives that describe these personalities? What do they mean?
  • 57. Linguistic focus Describe the personalities (calm, active, angry…so on. ) Using dictionary Skill to be improved Writing Learner procedures Ss work on group. Ask them to describe pictures. Revise some adjectives about personality. They open dictionary and search for meaning of 3 words for each group. Then get the answers orally They write it on the board. Expected outcomes Ss be able to get the meaning of personality adjectives.
  • 58. Assessment plan Group work activity to get meaning by using dictionary. Reflective comments I think student may mix between appearance and personality adjective. Post- teaching reflection That lesson was full of interest. They ask me to add an activity. The idea was they want to work with peer and describe the personality of each other within the classroom. For example, one of them describes her partner as a kind, smart and calm girl. However, most of them face a problem in the third part, which was writing a description for what they see. They did not know how to spell all of words accurately. Then I asked them to search for the correct spelling of these words. Lesson Plan No. (14 ) General Unit title: Teen Time Objectives By the end of this lesson students will: Brainstorm the adjectives, which describe appearances. Get the meaning of adjectives, which describe appearances. Write a description by using the adjectives, which describe appearances. . Tasks and activities Warm up Show them pictures ask them to describe what they see. Task1; CB/ACT3/P.3 Note book Ss brainstorm to get as much as they can to describe appearances.
  • 59. Task2; CB/ACT3/P.3 Note book Ss get the meaning of adjectives, which describe appearances. Task3; CB/ACT2/P.3 Note book Ss write a description by using adjectives, which describe. appearances Task 2 Analysis Givens Proxima Papers form Dictionaries SB/ACT2/P.3 Task-setting questions -How many pictures do you see? Is they show appearance or personality? Ok! What are the adjectives that describe these appearances? What do they mean?
  • 60. Linguistic focus Describe the appearance (tall, hairy, slim…so on. ) Using dictionary Skill to be improved Writing Learner procedures Ss work on group. Ask them to describe pictures. Revise some adjectives about appearance. They open dictionary and search for meaning of 3 words for each group.
  • 61. Then get the answers orally They write it on the board. Expected outcomes Ss be able to get the meaning of appearance adjectives. Assessment plan Group work activity to get meaning by using dictionary. Reflective comments I think student may mix between appearance and appearance adjective. Post- teaching reflection As it was expected, they started mixing between appearance and personality adjectives. For that, I repeated the differences between two of them. Then I asked them to describe a volunteer from the class. For that, at appearance part they said she is tall and for personality, she is mean as they were kidding with her. Then they get the idea better. Lesson Plan No. (15 ) General Unit title: Teen Time Objectives By the end of this lesson students will: Understand possessive pronouns. Use possessive pronouns in writing. Speak by using possessive pronouns within short time. Tasks and activities Task1; SB/ACT1/P.6 Focus questions To find possessive pronouns Task2;
  • 62. SB/ACT2/P.6 Activity 2 to write sentences with possessive pronouns. Task3; SB/ACT3/P.6 Speak by using possessive pronouns within short period. Task 2 Analysis Givens Proxima Papers form Dictionaries SB/ACT2/P.3 Task-setting questions What is the tittle? Who many texts do we have? What are the words which written in bold? -whose this bag for? Whom these books belong? Who is these shirts belong to? Linguistic focus Use possessive pronouns ( MINE, HERS, ITS…SO ON) Skill to be improved Writing
  • 63. Learner procedures Ss open page 6 on the SB Ss underline the possessive pronouns from the texts. Ss answer the questions about to whom these refer. Ss work on group to answer activity 2 of SB P6. Ss share the answers orally. Ss write the answers on the boards. Expected outcomes Ss be able to use possessive pronouns. Assessment plan Answer these questions (informative assessment) Complete the gabs with correct possessive pronouns. 1...This bag is …… . I bought yesterday. 2.. That was Mona's house. Its….. 3.. Which one is…….. 4.. These books belong to Ali and Hammed. They….. Reflective comments I think student may mix between possessive pronouns and subject pronouns. Post- teaching reflection Well, the lesson was good. They did all tasks on time. However, as it was predicted. At the beginning, they mixed between possessive pronouns and subject pronouns. For example instead of saying "mine" they kept saying "I". Then when we practiced more, they got the idea clearly. In addition, what I was noticing that for formative assessment the four statements that I provided them, were not enough to determine whether they understood or did not. I determine for next time to provide more examples for them to be sure they get enough practice.
  • 64. Lesson Plan No. (16 ) General Unit title: Space Objectives By the end of this lesson students will: Understand the meaning of fiction story. Understand the meaning of science fiction . Revise the elements of fiction story. Tasks and activities Warm up Watch video about space fiction story Task1; Show video students take note about fiction story. Task2; By using dictionary, they search for the meaning of science fiction. Task3; Via reading cards, students elicit the story elements. Task 2 Analysis Givens Proxima
  • 65. Papers form Reading cards Dictionaries Task- setting questions What is the tittle? What are the types of story? What are the difference s between the two types? What are the main topics of science fiction story? What does it mean? Linguistic focus Use dictionary to find understand ( Science fiction ) Skill to be improved Writing Learner procedures Ss underline the word of science fiction. Ss work on group to find the meaning of the word. Ss share the answers orally. Ss write the answers on the boards. Expected outcomes Ss be able to understand the word meaning of science fiction Assessment plan Question ( design your rocket and write what did you learn from the lesson)
  • 66. Reflective comments The students may spend time in getting the meaning from dictionary. They will find the video interest to understand the concepts. The design of rocket and write what did you learn from will break the routine of lesson. Post- teaching reflection It was one of the loveliest lesson ever for students and for me as a teacher. The students enjoyed the video, which was about space and fiction story. They understood the concept of fiction story and science fiction as well. The method of using video and dictionary mad a good differences in understanding faster. Moreover, the critical questions thinking about space and language let students think deeper and these help them to improve their skills as well. For example, one of students gave a good answer she said that, language help us to communicate and understand each other as well. However, it was better to get copies for each students instead of having one copy for each group. Lesson Plan No. (17 ) General Unit title: Teen Time Objectives By the end of this lesson students will: Read for general information. Use conjunctions to give reasons. Write opinion by using conjunctions to give reasons.
  • 67. Tasks and activities Warm up Show pictures ask them to find reasons behind these pictures. Task1; SB/ACT2/P.6 Answer focuses questions Task2; SB/ACT1/P.7 Determine the use of some conjunctions to give reasons. Task3; SB/ACT3/P.7 Write opinion by using conjunctions to give reasons. Task 2 Analysis Givens Cards Paper form SB/ACT3/P.7 Task-setting questions What are the bold words? What is the common between them? When we use; Because.. Since… As…. ? Which words are suitable for these sentences?
  • 68. Linguistic focus Conjunctions for giving reasons ( because, since, as) Skill to be improved Writing Learner procedures Ss open page 7 on the SB Ss underline the conjunctions from the texts. Ss answer the questions to fill the gaps. Ss work on group to answer activity 2 of SB P7. Ss share the answers orally. Ss write the answers on the boards. Expected outcomes Ss understand the use of conjunction for giving reasons. Assessment plan Complete the following sentences using an appropriate conjunction or preposition. 1. ………………… I was ill for several months, I lost my job. Because
  • 69. Because of Due to 2. It is raining again, …………………. we will have to cancel the picnic. so as since 3. I decided to take a break, ………………. I was feeling tired. for because therefore 4. We were late ……………….. it rained. because because of due to 5. The match was cancelled ………………. bad weather. because due to because of Reflective comments Ss may need more practice to understand more about conjunctions.
  • 70. Post- teaching reflection The topic was not very new for them. They familiarized with these conjunctions. However, they did not know what they called. While they clearly understood that, we use these words for giving reasons. They get better understanding for the appropriate use of each one by the practice exercise. They get the benefit of learning this to prepare themselves for the writing exam specially opinion type. Moreover, through group work they practice it better. While for assessment it was individual to be sure, that, each one can apply them correctly. Lesson Plan No. (18 ) General Unit title: Space Objectives By the end of this lesson students will: Read large numbers. Use large numbers in speaking. Write large numbers to describe planets. Tasks and activities Warm up Show them some numbers , ask them to read them quickly. Task1; SB/ACT2/P.44 Task to read large numbers. Task2; SB/ACT1/P.44 Use these large numbers to speak in peers. Task3; SB/ACT3/P.44 Write description for planets by using large numbers. Task 3 Analysis Givens Cards Paper form
  • 71. SB/ACT3/P.44 Task-setting questions How many numbers do we have? Who can read the simple one? Ok! What about this? Why do we use large numbers with space? Linguistic focus Speak in peer by using large numbers. (10000000, 1000000000… so on) Skill to be improved Speaking Learner procedures Ss open page 44 on the SB Ss underline the large numbers in the texts. Ss work in a peer. Ss speak with each other by using large numbers Elicit some examples from the peers to act in front the class. Expected outcomes Ss use large numbers. Assessment plan Write numbers literally; 10000000
  • 72. ……. 246000 ………. 34700003400 …….. 4000080 ……….. 4570000003 …………… Reflective comments Ss may need more practice to read these large numbers. These skills need for math ability equally to English as well. Post- teaching reflection . To be honest the lesson was difficult a little pet. They did not interest in math numbers. They kept asking me to skep this lesson. I explain the importance of using these numbers in our life. Then I did it as competition. This encourage them to be fast and cooperated to finish on time. Then, they enjoyed the lessen. For grade nine one they completed each steps on time. However, for grade nine two the third period was short as usual. For that, I asked them to do the last activity as a homework. Lesson Plan No. (19 )
  • 73. General Unit title: Space Objectives By the end of this lesson students will: Determine characters' adjective of the story. Extract the setting of story. Predict what will happen in story. Tasks and activities Task1; . SB/ACT1/P.38 Activity to sort adjectives, which describe superhero and super villain. Task2; Note book Reading cards Extract setting from the story. Task3; Note book Reading cards Predict within group what will happen next Task 1 Analysis Givens Reading Cards SB/ACT3/P.38
  • 74. Task-setting questions What are the elements of the story? What are the main characters in the story? What are the adjectives of the superhero? What are the adjectives of the antagonist? Linguistic focus Sort vocabulary describe superhero and antagonist (smart. Handsome, weak, ugly.. so on) Skill to be improved Vocabulary Reading Learner procedures Ss open page 38 on the SB Ss read the instruction Ss sort the adjective Ss be as a mini teacher S asks other students to write the answers on the board. Expected outcomes Ss differentiate between characters' adjectives. Assessment plan Homework SB /ACT7/P49
  • 75. Reflective comments Ss may spend time in predicting what will happen. They may miss pronounce "SUPERVILLAIN'. Post- teaching reflection . It surprised me that they very enthused to do all tasks. Moreover, they kept willing to do all tasks. They were active and interested in sorting the adjectives. In addition, they liked the idea of being mini teacher. However, they miss pronounce "super villain" I asked them to repeated many times loudly. I also, asked them to find a word, which meant person who wants to know everything. I emphasized that they have to search for the information. Lesson Plan No. (20 ) General Unit title: Space Objectives By the end of this lesson students will: Describe pictures . Deeside elements of story Write story about school. Tasks and activities Task1; . describe the pictures Note book Task2; Note book
  • 76. Write story Task 1 Analysis Givens Paper form Task-setting questions What are the picture about? How many pictures do we have? What verbs has we have to use? Linguistic focus Write story from pictures Skill to be improved Writing Learner procedures Ss see picture Discuss with groups about story
  • 77. Try to write with groups Read their story orally Expected outcomes Ss write a story. Assessment plan Homework Write story about space. Reflective comments Ss may mix between tenses of verbs of story. Post- teaching reflection . The students enjoyed writing story. They took all steps seriously. Since they need it for their final exam. Moreover, they kept asking some questions. Which sounded very good because that gave me hints that they willing to learn and enjoy the lesson. For example, they asked me to fix their sentences. Moreover, they asked for appropriate tense to use. They were cooperative and active. Nerveless, they made few mistakes. For example, they use present verb instead of past tense. I asked them to pay attention to these mistakes.