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osicst Word Learning
Methods with Bangle
,..(K)K JUTW innÿ i*i ...EED*4wn*ÿlPt fowl TO ÿ m'
Hook fTBi, i
Cook ?*-*Tj[t TO1, It*TO1 1
Hook **- ÿts5l i
Look Off,ftrtHTOTt, c*llTOff i
Nook C*W, fÿft,*tara ftp*t*t i
Rook V*- %*T*, W Wi Clt* i
Took lake <w ptTO*/ cetw* *arft»i cwte i
...AINto m ffofe to to jtjp
Main C*t*- «f«TR, i
Pain cÿ- crott *t?*i cto*i/to*i i
Gain cfaj- *t,*TtTOt I
Rain flfrj- ÿ I
Vain C*ÿ-fa**,ft** i
Fain C*t*J- *Htro *W,*t*c* i
...OOSL to tw >f&*4 toft TO TO *?* 1*i
Goose -TOf- «Itoÿ l
Loose *ntt,**,fi>*t i
Noose ÿT* I
Moose -ÿ- *!CTft*fatftPW TO, TOft iftI
Need dOWR, I
Feed %ÿ ItTOfFtf, CTOR *TO*t i
Deed flw- *ft,*fa* i
Heed fÿ-VCTICTtti
Reed fte- ***t*ÿT *T ÿ wrftn »TVt |1;mm
*HTC*t ÿf"l l
Seed %-ftw,"*f* i
Weed lh[-*NW i
Bore <*ft-%toi, ft?1* *?t i
Core C*H|- TJtfpi, to i
Gore cttÿ- wmt> to 1
Fore c*tt[- wt,**51mi
Lore c*tt|- hiR>vbj,ftrrji |
More -
cm-*ran, to*,torm i
Pore -ctft-c*tirj*,ftgi
Sore -c*ft-*t, c*tÿ i
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COO... arc *fl» t4 tnwX to •rj-t I**!
Cook VI i
Cool -yj-
***fcrst i
C oon -yj- 5ÿ? ÿ1% i
Coop -yj- ÿRTl iftfi/ a« •tRblRra OTPPR I
Coot 'ibsifl ÿ fare itcs apn •tiftcv to
HOO... aft ÿ4*kto not >fl> ÿ4f4cft v ÿtjr vt:
Hood -ÿ5- i*St i
Hoof - t*Rt trj i
Hook -ftf- ÿsrtÿJt i
Hoop T5 dwiÿw I
Hoot -*5- cÿRt TO, vsj<a«iÿ i
POO... arei *tw
Pool -rpl- cai«IH ÿtot i
Poor -W- *T%, R4ÿ, i
Poop -Ttt- WTÿJFfl f4ld* ÿ i
Pooh i
Poof -1ÿ- *1Vf4vS <JTO I
...EST ÿ4 fTOft 5Ctr TO T«r !
Best ittofl, i
Jest -CW&- *lffl3J->1, TOH1 |
Lest -crft- •fit! i
Nest d5ÿ- trÿht ÿPtT i
Pest Cft- >rÿs, $*7TT*r*. i
Rest -ortj-ftgr*. -"11% i
Test cflÿC- Rt>l<i vt, •rr vr i
Vest -o&%- CTO?*1 i
...AY JiÿÿTcn
Bay Srom i
Day OS}- fÿ, fro i
Fay <*%- •fit i
Gay Cf}- ÿPf, amm.«fr"t. i
Hay d}- ÿftr «vtrt to i
Lay <«T}- ÿig ÿnsr, to, wim, jtÿst V7 i
May Ct- itw CWT5. tov iw to i
Nay ÿsft <sjfV*¥ i
Pay -d}- CTOÿ uroVI. tor. nrcRTyttfTJiB! ct6tc=i
Ray -«}- *tllTO *P|.f*tR.fow ORT, *P| i
Say -CT}- TO. cw i
...UST aw«tfd
Bust -TO&- HcWt, i
Dust - TO®- «pfT, ÿrt i
Gust -•fPyB- <W1TOTIT, adj.""WC$t I
Lust — it'jfj - iliil,ajb1?} t4l*i Wtt i
Must -irrft- TOf, 4K I
Rust — idftV. I
...OSS are ltditt> ÿ4V? Vfi ttHTjst TOi
Boss -TO *tf4* I
Doss -TO- ft<M/TOT l
Toss -ÿj- iJÿtn orstn, vt i
Joss -VI" TO i
Loss -fÿ-JSPT •fT«tn/ I
Moss C-PSVT, vtt WTrm I
...RKJNGÿ fatten ÿ -mu -d
Larking -»IlRK- c4tÿ vJPR CÿBHT® l
Barking 4"flC*. apR CTWtC® I
Parking •fltÿ *14ÿstx. aPR i
Marking -5nfÿ- TM/fÿ f4t»f apR dmr® i
Harking ÿk- «giR dWTUB i
Sparking -mtfikr Cÿt apR <RtW$ I
...INE aw ÿaucn ifltÿ4wp$ m
*******Dine dT>enn, f4d* «WR •IBI i
Fine VWt, *WT*t l
Line 1
Mine «tft, 1ft*I
Nine Rtÿt- *Pt Tdtt, t» l
Pine —nlA*j - *nÿ?t I
Tine Ufÿf- f4?jtRt "IHI i
Wine -vrfbh''Bp' c«»d m i
...EAR ara ÿTd iff ÿt4 Rdtÿctt mÿ "di
Bear R«l«- VI, Vt I
Gear -Rulÿ- fCV 5WWfl i
Dear R«lÿ-ÿÿ0,W4 i
Near Piÿlv I
Rear —ttmlv g4®, •fVK1Bt1t |
Tear flhffTit- i R4t4vt,HtÿVT cvtt i
Pear -Pt*t4- Wrfft VI I
Sear Pinlÿ- VPHCTt I
Fear v i
Hear R«iv ciBt i
Year -A*I4-
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...UFFER &*4V?fa''*TO TO TOt
Buffer -INN- W*HI INT®frWÿ1N WQ ItfifaITU
Duffer - - CTW ftÿN cm I
Puffer -*mN -ÿ CtW cfllT IT1T5TT «jH«dll l
Suffer - *mN -NTfa •TtSlt, CWTT, ÿ "tHll I
Sorry - ÿ i
Worry — 'oellÿ- fcuwHiii.ÿNt> DS1T I
Lorry —*lfÿ-fit®,Tft, 4® WW Itr I
...EACH 4i®rcn i<ÿ ftci*tiTO ÿ tot
Beach -ft? - iMtnn I
Peach -WN wStv f*T i
Reach -fti?- cfliltil,*iHH *TNNT i
Teach -flhs - ftÿFT CUT, ClIIWl I
...ROW 41 &i<ftcft TO TO ÿ "Wi
Brow -GPÿ- •'•TfC i
Crow -CJtfc- I
Grow - Cfllfc- ClU? "fiJjT i
Prow - CH®- CÿITO WeN H I
Row - cTO- lift,C3ÿt i
HER...41TO >1ft i4fc® ftcft TO Hiifi"Wi
Herb ift- CU& Ngfc® m(iw icra iSftg i
Herd 1Tÿ- UNwn It *TW i
Here 41TCT i
IIcro TO*, fft,T? i
REE... 4* i4ictnTO iflf i<wftcftnTpfNt
Reed *hf- TO, TO?T i
Reef t*- ÿftCN CINT1lIUciINT INI
Reel H»j- lift i
Reck -ftf- i
BOO..,4t l4wni*101 ÿf&'KftcftTOTOl'ptTO!
Boost eft* c&ct c®NT i
Booth -f*p <JilB CTVN/6WT ni
Booze -fl.TOTftft* to 1WU11
Booty TO ÿ **1ftffti i
GOO... 4ÿl4«CTN TO ifl» lÿftCTÿHÿTÿTO!
Good •*- tSwi, ito*n,«T* i
Goof -if- cn*t cm i
Goon -tR}- *Mift cm i
Goop -«*!- cmr cm i
Gook 4ft?N *ftirtf ,
...OUND 411TP1>fl» i<ftcr* to INÿ?=T TO!
Bound - *® i
Found - TOlt I
Hound -If®®-fTOlff ÿRfi i
Mound H®®- ftft,¥*t. TOlft INI
Pound ft®®- ,eircn iM,ÿpjN TO I
Round -H®ij- CTWT»I, iÿT i
Sound - *N i
...OST 4ÿ i4icmÿanct
Host - CITÿJ- <q|ill44|tl, I
Lost - lose 41pp- ciMtc® i
Most - ctpft- iÿrcmr ÿtfm, ciÿT cmtm i
Post - Cttÿ»- 5N#5 I
Cost - ÿo, «rcrc i
....ANK 4ÿl4«CTNÿnCt
Rank urÿ- wi, INi
Hank -Uÿ- mtflvR ÿ®n cÿTT> i
Bank -1Nÿ- ÿÿtl ÿ§N, *RNN i
Tank Will, *rot INNiÿ flat i
Sank TPtÿ- igci cfCl4H ClNhc® |
HI A... lÿBCTN tN 14ÿ fad* HsTJpt -N!
Head Cl%- INT, «NN i
Ileap fh- fnM. ¥*!,!• i
Ileal fh- wv i
Ileal flt»- *111 1
Ilear ÿiTi- CIN1, i
LEA... 4f i*facTN •tot ifl» i4vÿlÿctf iiÿrp-Ni
Lead ffit i
I,ean ÿ"t. m=n i
Leap fbl- ITB CieNt, i
Leaf fN- if4i*rpB7. nmi nrsi i
Leak fig i
PEA...i4®ctnin 14 fgert inin5ÿ5=? n*n
Peat Sfi'* i
Peak f*Nl i
Peal ÿf*l- iÿT »«ÿt i
Pear craff*- "srplÿrfÿs i
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JE...Y Jit iff i
Jelly -miÿ- *c»ni cutwt i
Jemmy -mrfÿ- CBTcaa 5ft mim mam® H® i
Jenny mrfÿ- H«(1,aflat rani 1
Jetty mjff- WÿlCTRt apt *Wjffm< I
Jerry ft* area* tndft 1«tarftsfia* i
HU...Y ««® arc* iff a4faOT$mcaanta$aiimi
Hurry -ÿ- ®TWfÿ mtflat mtflcai i
Hussy 5$m T«iwfl ftnfl® 1
Hubby -mfft- mTff,mtft 1
SPI...E antarcm iff m<ÿ05 ant ant mja »wi
Spite mm® facia 1
Spine -""•llÿ'j- caÿam 1
Spike -—ilVf-ÿShF/ÿWTT 1
Spice ™elft3ÿ- atmt 1
Spire caT5T®T< 1
NO...E Jts aTt® iff a4fac»!$ araant aÿaimi
Node ÿff, areata im 1
None — cmnff at catmtc® 1
Nope -Cÿl«f- at catmtc® aiam® 1
Nose -C*N|- aim, itftmt 1 nosey-cÿÿl c»rr* 1
DOG... Jitareata nor e>-<tff a<f fac»ff UIaÿpt "imi
Dog fish -m*j fÿ- CWfC atwa 1
Dog like -mf ml**-ÿprpni 1
Dog sleep -m*l *w»n T" 1
Dogbiscuit -m*l **caa atmata mat f**t> 1
Dogdays -if d*a|- « cacm iimt»P& maamt1
Dogend if 4*- fftttatSa eta *m 1
Dogfight if rni*&- **a m*1* 1
Dog house if at*aj- **a aNta aa I
Dog age -if i«*m- maa 1
Dog body -if afÿ- mfaama 1
Dogstar -ifffta- amat Rcti 1
Dog trick ifff*- ttatt c/fHi 1
CAT ...jj* afacnta tea o/sff af fact* aa ÿr$a tt1
Cat fish -iff fmf- W?/fÿ Tim 1
Cat like -mff ml**-ftm 1
Cat sleep -mff f*f- mi*lftfagt 1
Catkin -U*frf- mtt *m 1
Cat eye -mi*mt*-£af*aft i
Cat meat -mi*ft*- mfttflimi"*IK»T 1
Cat walk -mi* «at*- mrfKttca tt amt 1
...OO... Jia mrct « tea af ftci* aea "*m *r$a tt1
Cool -*m- %®m, fclH I
Wool fff- tUmla, tta l
Coop *f- maata tfafs/ <sa tfaMff® catmia 1
Hoop 11- mm*ta tj® cii*iwn 1
Woof ÿTftÿl 1
Roof W 1
Nook C*M, iwfl meÿ 1
Rook ÿ 1
Rood 5TS- ire? e *tm, ÿ 4TORI 1
Good -V9- Biifvu."a53t 1
Zoom C.1C1H ttocti fw •
Loom -ÿn- mr® 1
Goon *p}- mrÿTd? <iÿt 1
Boon -Tl- mtHÿPf, m-pt? 1
Coot T®- 5ÿ®i® mÿ lÿr® *toi jtir iiRom ÿ 1
Boot mfwi, m®i 1
Boom mromT. wst'Wi
Zoom otot? H5IWJ fea mrci/ipa <1ÿ 1
Moot ft- "1, ÿ
Soot -ÿ5- ÿ"t, im 1
Room mm 1
...ONEjhj mTct tni -rj-f "tmi
Bone cÿ- 1
Cone ClR 1
Lone Cÿ-adj.- 1ÿfd®.<amT,fÿPtv 1
Pone cÿPj- mfl> 1
Tone <3fPt- mtlÿ,ÿpi 1
Zone mwt, Jimrmt 1
...ALL JiamTW iff ÿ "f*"
Call m*j- mttBcm ®Tmt 1
Ball ÿ1- ÿ 1
Gall -«m-fÿre, fsm 3ÿ1 1
Hall toI ÿfll'fl 1
Mall —Tfj- WW 1>imt mnmt 1
Pall -*!•!- •W,mtWR i
Tall mm, d»®I I
...AVE ji® mtw iff R<.iT rc.ii mn ÿ 1
Cave maj, 1
Gave ciÿ®- give Jra mShs mw 1
Lave cÿlm mat 1
Pave — Ttmi mfilvl ÿNlcÿl, 1
Save cÿ»- «mi mat, al&ltil i
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...UNanmw >1614 14wÿ?ciint mi
Bun - IT3}- ftciiTWT i
Dun - WJ- ÿ11111
Fun - IF}- win,iwi,mnI
Gun -IF}- nÿcm i
Nun -IF}- (CTCTWl) lUTftfll i
Run -1FJ- c4TWT, tlfalItsit I
Sun -IF}-ÿ4, dftg i
...ASS41met ifllTiÿÿlÿwticiiTmpn!
Cass -1PJ-H, i
Lass -IP}- <i|Pi<H, o*tf*PPT i
Mass -HI-lift, w i
Pass - imt i
...ARK mimm iflJi'ffÿpiticiiTinfm!
Bark -ir4- imt,?m I
Dark - ÿsftltl I
Hark -lfÿ- CIFH, 01FTI
Lark - 3|fl,im,cut? nftilnftt,mr® n4t i
Mark -VP4- 16?,ftnÿH i
Nark -1Tÿ- Tlftt-fl l
Park - nttf-4JC1IH1WH, men1TJCFFT C?3| I
....SOMEftnr cm -n i i*nro m?t
Wholesome ciPPtFj- CFi/?Fl6/in[i/5%B-i tz* TT?n
Handsome ureni- $iti,ÿn4n, emu® vfMft i
Lightsome TffftTl- nflflft, i
Lonesome cnFpni- fanicnnÿr*R i
Troublcsome ÿfait /mem i6nam i
Darksome vtiÿiij- nmiT<i
Gladsome ÿ
ÿtrow- nftjft,miftrs i
Quarrelsome cinmi»pm}-
Tiresome TJtiFptF}- mmm,yi%m i
Toothsome 5*p1F}- H1MIW, T*FI l
....SMITH i4ormmcn 8/<t16i416mi3r}p"p?t
Whitesmith cimÿGfvi- itimÿeim i
Blacksmith -UT?fttn- Wtl 1
Silversmith -ftÿHjfttn- ciftlftft i
Goldsmith cilÿPw- i4m i
Locksmith -*r?fttn- witsiFT i
Gunsmith 1l*}fN*j- i5*ÿ mumftft i
Tinsmith RJ-jPv*}- irtflft i
Coppersmith imiftrn-Witi t
Wordsmith -otilÿftil- cW i
......SCOPt iÿwnimcn 8/e16i4ÿftcn SURE i4wmt meno/8 161<mftcn* 1*51nC*
---------ÿ J>Q *... iÿ.
-Stereoscope -CÿJfitoPlWJ- w I
Microscope -llÿCWJW}- HI
Telescope -dJftltWJ- *}itM i
Stethoscope Mcium*}- it I
Periscope -njftn/irii- Sntiih cmti it i
Gyroscope -WÿOPjdT1}- Hi«tfa*®ÿ IJNJTI11
Bioscope -1TC11C?T}- ftwil i
....GONi4wwimrmo/a 16i4np* fan1*51w
Tetragon -cGftiFFj- 
Pentagon -cn$M*j- i
Hexagon -cmPFj- ifcÿt i
Heptagon -C?6W1- *wfÿt i
Octagon ifcq? I
Nonagon -MHtn*}- 11ÿ*i
Decagon -CUFF}- i
....WOODftnt cm mt i iftim*imm
Firewood -ITUlÿS- i
Greenwood -fiFjto- ntiimm mi
Plywood ÿ16 IWtittfciMlHi
Sandalwood ivtMlitfc i
Brushwood -apfto- Cl)6 ciftt i
Closure <3PM1- mFT,Hi
Pleasure cusri- ÿ<f, i
Treasure djWTl- lUrs/ltÿ5 *R i
Leisure -ntwri- nili
Exposure irjt i
Enclosure Clin,nciTl I
Measure -owtl- iftiHi
Composure n?IPW,"tT% I
....LIKE14WIT1meno/8 16i4?U?%l151"Wi
Childlike sftwiHf4nmwit,w 1
Manlike •pmA tbllllÿ 1
Womanlike -«utrniÿ?- cidMut, 1
Godlike 411ÿ11 1
Kinglike -f%til?1- lWf6$,1MT1 1
Soldierlike CTFreimÿ?- 1ÿ5 1
Mothcrlike itcnÿste i
Fatherlike WiTinft?- 1TH1m1
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...LOGIST */B ft*4wfa*to v ÿ
_Analnots! annSi*- ™Mra./*TO«t# . "WARK *WIB*tCT o-«# »W *?=> f>
Analogist •MipPilA*!*!*!#.fat*Tft i
Anthologist >HFnmfW5- *f4*t/1lfÿBT h<ri«i<riJ| i
Anthropologist <W0(IWW%ÿ- ÿ9wtf-
Archaeologist anflfauflp*- «TJFBffa. i
Astrologist uiPffiufWb C*Jlf%9fa l
Biologist 9IWlfy6- *V8ÿw.#*fa I
Cardiologist *!flfaijtW»- i
Chronologist - oWWJlWl- *WTgaFtfa i
Criminologist QfrfawilitfJ- i
Cosmologist i
Ecologist ÿ*ufi}<- 9W9ft*nt orffcw 9TTfc i
Etiologist 4f&oiufi5<- *nrc*ÿ, orm*TOTlft>f I
Eschatologist cÿjfÿÿJ- •ntwwqÿ i
Ethnologist 9W9*t1fc»u.JW» ve'ÿH i
Etymologist IflhCVMlfipt?- -TC*9 *Vlf% "tT*ft*
Gynecologist t1*=rt*!»nfli*>- ft otN/ nÿffcfwrÿt i
Geologist fiwuflj*!- i
Gcmologist cvmrfipt?- (•trntt) trÿ ttw ftwtft i
Gerontologist cweNBitjIW*- 9t4*ift*ir* i
Genealogist fiwiuftrtS- lfa9 orf** 9tf
Hymnologist fÿtpnfipG- C3T3Ht5ffr®l i
Ilardware 9t£«9lT9- 9FF fa* •qHkil 397 1
Software i*f>«9Tt9-'»fu,i®Bifl i*c*1*9into 9fc® cawnr
•nÿoirmt- *u>< fetfÿrfat 1
Pi-roitjuuis- **iT9 £*flt wtr'sn 1
dJ%«irmt- dJfati <uhi® town® 1
STtHTStrrRt- fNl 9Tlfa 9PH, -pfl 9t ÿwf«t
....GRAPH 94&WI9 arret o/stt* ftnr -r*i
Paragraph - UT9WT*- 1
Autograph - ard>Wl*- TWRt l
Lithograph - ftwwi*- nwc99 $19 dm**9T 1
Phonograph - t*IMWI*- Mrrf-t*ffc* 1
Cryptograph -ffcldhm*- *rc**->fl CUT frf 1
Epigraph - mot Mfa 1
Homograph - (AIIVWI*- an* 9MIW9 fegftf* "1* 1
....PROOF 9<fviT9 arret a/<t fl» *f f*tat srjpt -t*i
Fireproof - *t9l«f*- jri/orto 1
Waterproof - *t1f%«rC9tr i
Bulletproof— *f*T <ffJR i
Soundproof -1Tl5*sf*- -f* pPCRt 4T*R (*H) 1
She11proof- Cfpmt ÿcM® iV® 1TC9 <fliR 1
....TOON 4S arret ®fl> 9< f*tot* 99 Rÿpt -nt
Festoon - C*ÿR- g* •tin hIÿImI n$c.® c*T»n RtiT 1
Cartoon — ÿl5*j- 9j*fSai 1
Platoon -•t$!I- 09fl» CRT 111
Pontoon-1$sj- c4t*T 9t C31T 1
....DOMtÿacira arret 0/8 *4 f«tai
Random "mfN. 1
Freedom Tÿrat 1
Condom •ri «Nlfl MM® *11
Wisdom Hf"EHlli®i,f-lwsi 1
Boredom ®M® 1
Dukedom tWÿnj- irtmt/MiMmfit 1
....MARK ÿ4eetra arret 0/8 1U ÿ*t Met srÿr -en
Irudeniark (fiwrÿ. netn nfrtbcjb® ttt.c*f8* ft»> 1
Iandmark nrsnnÿ- erfetr oJtÿ fiÿ 1
Earmark ÿtnttcfiisTrr4- *m #Tet iwietl aiHÿi»ne
Hallmark e»RT4- 1
Remark fttaT¥- #trt 1
Finger mark fÿaiÿn¥- ÿrree orrÿetfl 1
Benchmark «anrt¥- yr*#aiÿettt> wm ft?*
...ENÿ *4awnt orTet t
Whiten - ntN« *911
Weaken — S?wj- 1ÿ1*9t I
Garden — ITCÿI- 9NH 1
Golden -cHlcw- -*4MPf® 1
Awaken arreutc*ÿ- RWt *911
Soften — t •nra *9t 1
Olden — iflltil*09 1
Tighten — *9t *9t.*vgt *fÿ *9t I
Sweeten — 1
Sharpen --tTCÿJ- v8t»*9l, • *HT 1
Strengthen - cÿReR- w W91, -1% catWIHI l
Lessen -CIPR - ora ??ti *9T 1
Lengthen - c-RCR- *ÿtt 1
Heighten — ÿcJ-j- 1
Hasten -9PI<5ÿ- g* *9t/9«9t 1
Burden -9IC*t»«t- *19, C9T*T I
Darken - o)**l9 *?rr/ÿ«9t 1
Broaden - C3TC5R - f*-ÿ5*5T/*oti 1
Lighten -*Tÿdh?- am-irftp* *5T, 971*1*9t 1
Frighten -vtdh]. *9 irÿnr CWBT/ *91 1
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** TO»t toi
Additional -ufa-HI"!- i
Administrational dtrsfStftfilplTO- TORTOFW i
Associational WBtfTOt TOlfifo i
Coalitional -<.TO|Ph«jI"i- TOlltHB-flTO Jluplt¥'® i
Combinational J|"1lf¥va i
Conditional I
Conformational *l«jTOwH"HI»i- *ftaTOlfÿB i
Constitutional 1l»t-r®lTOlflfa i
TOrtJtroTOi- i
-ftmc-RPi- *tÿt ÿT=p% TOlflf® i
-ÿc»niHii- ÿTwnrK i
RPrro i
TOÿlfo* I
CÿllHl*!- *lfeTOlE65 |
--c4l1*tl*I- «fTTO TOlflfo I
—ivn-Hh- i
-ftwVHiq- toTOfaro* i
...MBER >«ÿTcn i/*ff ÿ to rÿtoi
Member -C*fTO- m»it»w TOTI i
Chamber -CFTO- TO, TO i
Limber -PfTO- ip TO TO% i
Timber tÿvptj- i
Number -tNIo- TOtfl, i
Remember -ftlWHj- TO, •srÿ TOt i
....AKF to <stnrt iff 5ÿ to ÿTjpt TOt
Bake iff cfot
Cake <3$ÿ- i
Fake «tTO«TO TO TO»i TO I
Make -ctÿ-b®1%TO I
Rake FTCro to UtFT?TO I
Take iWTO, c®l®R TO I
...GGY TO<srrc*t *ff TO'ÿ'IR!
Doggy W ÿ i
Boggy wm I
Buggy -®lf*l- Clff I
Fuggy -*1%ÿmt TO «J<I
Muggy intt- t«l1IB*ri I
...IGHT to T5TCT iff ftcr* *or to ÿ
Right ffr, ÿTOI l
Sight ÿff, i
Tight T3ffT, TOT i
Fight Tfft? - TOff, to. «tfÿv4het i
Bight - nfÿt tTt, «TT TTftTO 'ifo i
Might ifft>-T%,TOi
Light -rff® - TTCTt i
Night AM, fllQi*l"t i
Eight latff, •ailhj i
...AIL >fl? Ttw
Mail -Otÿ"l-
iff facrS ®r® to tot
®t®, ffft, tort i
OR *1T$t, ItPflWI* I
[JKÿcC mTOT® fftMfl TO, TO CTFT i
ÿ>to i not succeed.
faRpfff, fÿFtrnre, terror? i
- -KtJiitm, TOTTO i
<ÿTO TOT, tv. TOTOtt TOt I
'stnpro *r«t, ctw® i
to% (ntfÿ ®tro mat) i
...AMPÿ ÿSfTTt iff FJB TO fj>i TO!
Camp -ÿ)I~*J- 'TsirTRt w*i) 'ÿTfTSNsTtÿ TOt tor
Damp — CÿSiRC®, TO «tl
Lamp — •ul**ÿ- «i|c»tl CfTO TOI ÿl*tlt*il I
Ramp — 0)1**ÿ- PiTÿjm ÿJÿRt TOTRf ÿIjj fl,
Tamp - RTCT ffl*t m«(l*tl« TO5 TOTCTT
Vamp 1to,TOmvSt mtt,
...ARKY TOÿTW iff ®<ÿfHRIÿÿniTOÿtTO!
Carry — tot, fÿc? TOnn, TO«t toi i
Marry - %tlTOT, win i
Tarry —t5rtÿ- HTO1TOHTO,ÿiTOlTOtl CTOt I
Harry -®jfÿ- ÿtTOT, FTOHTOTi
Parry -m1|- iÿlwi, «a%B 1TTOT i
...ALLOW Jtfl ÿTcn iff ÿfÿrcm to toi
Callow -Wÿt- vtlTOi, ÿrfR i
Hallow - TOt, ÿ35t ÿtRT I
Fallow -viÿl- i
Mallow - cronR, tot TO
Sallow - v«[mt TO/vWPt i
Tallow - thlÿT- CTO ÿsfÿt Ftÿf, (TO i
Wallow TOTPff- CT TOPHI Htlflllt! #trot f*TO
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....ARN ift ÿ4 ftw ÿrp
Tam 1>t4- »1l4wJ CfflLp i
Earn -iK- wl*HI* ÿrt I
CTT»rrw, TO tfTfT* t[H i
Darn ftnTOi
Warn tml4- *i4t CTfft i
....LING ÿanw */sft fare* ÿ5 ÿp
Gosling TtÿPiv Cfft sNÿli i
Duckling ÿT$1/"fKV i
Yeanling -*rifat- TO* i
Firstling WT® f¥H i
Fatling -*Jlfcfav I
Youngling fa*,TO5T, TO* i
Yearling ai* C*tz* 3* s*«u HTO$f trj
...AGE*4«TO*TW 8/<t ft ÿ4 ÿ0? fattl pTO!
Modern age-arsfa *tT*{fa* i
Golden age *4ft,to I
Bronze age <3T* ujij- ÿ5t3 ÿ*1 I
Ironage -TOp refcpI
Stone age -C*p mv"54 i
Ice age -*1*3j pt*pi
Medieval age uqÿf- W pI
...LLLÿK»IRI*TW ift ÿ4 fatf ÿP -re|
Bull p-fpft ÿ
Full -p.«j<,®tn, «««pr i
Pull -*pi- t»H, dSre <?nn i
Cull -*t»j- ytR *tn, (?nn i
Dull -«t»j- *pfa, «i*t i
Gull -414- its®* 4t*t fare* i
....TIMEÿ4*»reH *TW «/8 ftÿfÿÿfara ÿpTO
Pick time -faÿ *im ii4|wv to i
Daytime fare* CTO I
Bedtime -C*5®1*4- cTORt TOJ i
Free time &fa*5- Tÿ/r$fa/TOreT«at i
Overtime -«*«Hftl*n- to* i
Part time 4fl> *1*5- to* i
Work time *T*5- *lc«n to* i
...OOD4**TC4 bft*4*ÿfare* *t**T*itp TO!
Food p»- TOT, 4hh i
Good —tw- wli-il, i
Hood fa**-? i
Mood - p- »ihPfa iwl* i
Rood -*?- &W ft* im
Wood *'i•
LOO... aj**4ereT* nc< >ft *4fare* *t* to toi
Look -44- cro, pren*<rm i
Loot -4*- *9* **1, 4***1 I
Loop fl- 4fa*T 4®T* f»tt> fat* *PT *!•*£•* I
Loom — 45- WJ i
Loon — *j«j- «Hi soil TOfT i
WA... <<« tc« front ÿ ÿTti ÿtp
Wag HlÿlHI i
Wan - «trrR- *np41
War -enrRi- pii
Wax «tarei- ft-oan i
Way -«roi$- -re i
SPOO... *ra
ifl»ÿfÿfÿTÿnfÿ5tp-reiSpoof - i
Spook --p- adj. I
Spool -Tpl- I
Spoon -1ÿH- i
Spoor - - Wt? <3Wt I
...rank ÿforertt,sttre ÿ ÿ "ÿP ÿ
Drank BTf- drink pt fHÿnifire cÿTÿtrc® l
Prank «tÿ- %"i,1®Pÿr»TT i
Rank SJTÿ- TTf%, i
...ABÿrs ÿvim iflf ÿ 70,1
i?P "ÿt
Cab «nt»r retpt *tr$y csntÿt trft i
Dab ®Ttÿ- ÿ311*11® ÿ?TT i
Gab -«mf- tremt, ÿ«r ÿ wint i
Jab «p- cWhn mar i
Lab UTÿ- »n?l*HT»mt i
Nab -ntÿ- ';Si*ntT«J <*SIS iucs ÿTC® ÿtTC® *t?T I
Tab ffc? fttai ttws ÿfrcp i
...UMBLEajfl ÿtcn
ÿnt in> ÿtp -t*Rumble sNs-j- atW5 <« <« -re I
Mumble ÿret ÿret i
Tumble 4»tpÿ- T$T, sfreut i
Jumble wnjp- cvÿi, ÿtucnw nmwi iHumble fpfl, p, t
l-umble ÿrs cÿn i
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tfinrai/ i
nantH,toti $tH**« i
9ttift*fK- fans* i
aifl*j(K- ÿroa i
4** ffiit
HTVCTTvrfii- uraiÿm i
9KtfT%*TO9 I
9ll9l"lfit*TtK- #T9fTOT9f8fKce i
9ifa*ft- yHTOiw i
ii+Pi*ilK- anfttifaww i
cKl*l(K- ttfKi I
4tTO®ft*jfK- «nfotrfa*W9 i
qpilirafovain i
TOftefafor® i
c*nfB*jfK- cÿt9fa5ifa*TO9 i
K«<n>»wmn I
HwW5#lPl- H«CMfo«IM I
CR*T» «rfbT8TW I
t Jut
•UT4*to >1**4 to 9*99*,
9iB- fti, c*99 |
<nt»- 99 i
*iB- c*tB cwt, *rtn i
91B- cidJfl |
*nB- wfttcc *t*i i
...UMI*49 TO9 >1B 94 Of fm* a.ctt to 9ÿ9 99
Bump toi- 19 *w c*T9f*v xid «cr#i toti
TO4- 9iroti. alH ortn t
<roi- <9i9*9if9 c*ro tow i
toj- fiiwt, tifta «jatwi i
TOt- mfa 91 c** fcoat9W9 9* i
9T"*1- C*9ÿ9 I
ÿtT**!- TOt, $*91 I
...UMMY J«t TO9 >1B 94fat* 4ta to 9ÿ9
Tummy Bift- 11*ÿ1,cKB t
Mummy 91ÿ- 9f*t *419FJ9/*n4t9 cmt. t
Rummy TO99 4* *1*1® OPTO TO t
Dummy tsiflt- *jfa*i9 9*9 "ijffc. to?$1 
Gummy 41ÿ1- ÿliicjii t
...EAK 49 *TC9 ifB94«pÿ fi»C9$ 9GJ ®T® ÿTjp «f*n
Beak -ft* -9tfl9 <3ffl i
Leak fKÿ- f«a 91ÿjBi i
Peak fn*- {ÿl, f999 i
Teak -fB*- cwt *rfhi*ri? 91 nr* i
Weak -SB*- lf9, '9r4 i
...OOT 49 TOt >1&9<1*fOT*TO919 9yt991
Soot -KB-yi, c9hn « o®»t *if99 i
Boot -KB-*f®*l.KBÿpat i
Coot KB" 9foT® 91ÿ59 9TE9 499 *1lftc.n<i 919
Root - ÿB- V1, C9? t
Foot — KB" 9TC99 ,$91, 9TTO4 I
Hoot - KB- 9)1dI« *T* I
Loot - KB- KB,ÿ I
Moot - KB" *®T, *H3 '*91 I
Toot $B-f4wi, 9tfatÿ9 9m9 9*¥"tc**i
...OSE 49 TOt ifB9<f fTOlf 9C9 9T9 9ÿ9 «f*!
Hose rtlaf- *5 C9TWT, 99TCTW99 999 9*lt9T*f9 I
Pose 99f«T5 499 *9T. f9t"l*t*H9 99|(H C99T
Rose — CtTOt. ctWTÿt 9« 1
Nose C9Uf- 91*. 9lR*T 1 nosey- CTT* 1
Dose -<ÿR- 9141. nf99i*t *91 1
Lose 9'ftca c**i t
...OW 49*1ÿ9 ifB9< fat*!?. 9C9 919 9ÿ9 -T9!
Row C*l- Hfit, 9ÿ5 BT9T, *1ÿ9 1
-C91«- 999 *91 I
— C9lB- *115 I
-C91$- *TCW f9t9 919 *lBl I
CBlB- c4t*19 «9Bhi I
-C*l®-3*, «jf*Wl I
-91ÿ- «t*TC9, r*vt>!C9 I
,OCK 49 *TC9 i1B9*f f9T9ÿ 9C9 9T9 9ÿ9 "P9t-»rW
**9ÿ- 9T9C99 «9 I
ÿ9ÿ-99C*9 9T9 I
15*- C9T99 I
TOT* WlW9*T99T9T I
99!- TO19* *91, 91? TOW9 *91
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...UFFJra iffÿ4 ffot**nt *nt ÿ hi
Puff -ÿfTÿ-tv.- 1trout,4fan I
Buff vfa™mÿt i
Huff mi
Cuff -ÿ-wmrganftpw farm i
Duff -ÿ-atfft/tnnmTtNtwr ro i
...OIL <«ÿanw ÿ a4ÿ fa***nt arc *rp rot
Foil -¥nt"j- *j4rot i
Boil cvlÿl i Oil WOf- CÿT i
Coil fs# romw
Soil TWJ- ÿiff I
Toil -tftlPI- iffeRrot I
...ON «ncn iff *4ÿfa** ro roi
Son -*PJ- tPV i
Ton a-lfa flTSTTW i
Don -*4- *lfafRrot i
Con -ro- confidence *ff* *dfalV4 I
con manfat® CTO
Non ro-*1, *£* i
...OG*4erc*ra iff fa'ft w jw ro
Bog art- <
Fog -vf- ÿulil i
Jog -w|- rot OTVt/ÿnÿTCTI I
-**- I
Dog M-W3 i
Cog rof- ÿffT/Wtw i
TOg 5*1- ÿtff TpT I
...OOTED*fa*nt anw iff *4fa* ro*$* "ÿ!
Rooted - 3idte- ajfefas i
Booted *T®I *P5T i
Footed -*fdto- 'Sc*fTO nt fa"t* i
Looted >5ÿY* 1
...F.I.L 4* «i4uc»ihi T*TCt iff ÿ4 fa** IT* 5Tjpt "ft
Cell -Ct"I- ÿ iiUPlt ro <TO* Cfff TO I
Bell WJ- *fft, if?faSfe ctTTPmi ro i
Tell d>»i- rot,w&m i
Jell -CTOJ- *tHT 'StTVRf crot I
Hell -Cÿ*I- roÿ, C*TTO i
Dell cs»j- ÿnmr, cntÿs ÿtsjÿt i
Sell H.TJ- ROt- "TOI, (,<1D| |
am •and iff *4 ÿ fa*ff am ro **i
®*- JM1, ipiTH w l
8t*t-3tctn*t ÿtn i
St*- arj, rom, -pti Vf «n«w 
flt*- xÿ *tlÿi i
ÿT*. *m -www i_ff«i- x» sfÿTfl caff ?c=r afa i
8t*- anpro ÿnt* i
**-tpnn •siw? i
...OT **f«t»TT8 ÿ»TW iff ?01 Tim >ni
Cot caff. i
Hot a$- Tja, "ae, 5ÿi i
Rot at>- nts aT«tr, *cti ai«tn i
Pot »ff- •TOJ, '5TO, CaTÿ aHTtl *TTB |
jot -aff- iwhi i
Not *ff- ÿt, »ni i
Ii>t TC- caff H*>. caff *nt '®W im i
Dot aff- faÿ[. cvffi i
L'C ÿhicTta iff ÿ fÿctÿ ÿca ÿto "W i
Dug -WJ- ÿ¥« ÿff i
Bug ÿt*i- antcrw i
Rug flfj- caff itPiat i
Tug t»T*J- ÿ9 h.<pic.« ffptt l
Hug at*j- ÿffitwst ÿt, >TOt cac*t «on i
Mug n*j- ntx ftc-ia (vn) i
Lug *n*j- effect Rbcÿ cwti i
...ER i*wwi c-n-trÿrv i
Teacher ffaTfl- i
Producer atc*rtaf# i
Painter -cffffRt- fBTÿtt i
Publisher -llÿfilim- «jÿT-T-a i
Potter -»ffnt- i
Weaver >®pft i
Farmer VflPm}- i
Hawker ajÿnj- ca«f%«*n»n i
Sweeper T»nÿT!t i
Singer f5mTÿ- *mw i
Cobbler ,
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m J*
Li ÿ1" (,,,) ?n®p' ÿ 1 blowy ÿ
Flow <3ft-(«flftl)«WTq.m*mn. Flow of moneyjlow cn- unfenj 5tci qitiffed i«n i
Slow C*l- («ffe) *rTOT, TTFS I
...C IDE 4? ÿItn 8/<tff iÿ fnc»it inmnjiiti
Coincide naRifa®- rpntfa fact item 1
Homicide cilftnt®- itÿt nut 1
Genocide cnwliltv 1
Matricide VJfljnt®- irpr®n 1
Pesticide ÿ
ctmmra «s* 1
Parricide tjfiNt®- im-fror wAÿrmff 1
Patricide tjffint®- im-Proi®n nww# 1
Regicide enfant*- 1TO n®Jt I
AIT... *tc* iff i4 fadt HI1T1Tft "ft1
Attach 4ffnj- m, hicm 1
Attack 4ffTf,- "tX*TjJ m1
Attain mliiti-mHi,tWtn 1
Attend andhro- HCUl CUT 1
Attest mlilÿi Ctottl 1
Attar mil,m1
Attic 4lfff- WTCT1 "ec*m tiff ltd 1
WHI... 41 tot i16d4vifant mninp "fit
Whig ttrorciiimfaonÿt mmmm 1
Whim «f}- cunt, nfai,nrnft 1
Whip ff**i- n®»t m1
Whit W?- ciffl, 4ijte n1
Whir mji- it® mm"ft 1 tv. mm cnn 1
por... 4* i4«m*rci iff *4fact* himÿ «
Pork cm»- THnil1
Pore CfTtf- fafotitci 1
Port ctff- mt «iimiminit nnjtni mi
Pom •flf- **Jtf*-l HfJlit I
....SHIP 4* WW <?A>t5 i4fadS ictr itmpt "Pf t
Friendship —QF®f"t*J- 1
Leadership - Pr&lijPl*!- C=T®ÿ i
Relationship ficiHHpIt- *i~ÿ4 1
Citizenship ftfUWRprif- imfaH? 1
Ownership *hPi«Fhl 1
Headship CI®H*J- ««Rftm/Plfmil ft 1
Battleship H"ff»!f"f*!- ÿCll wKlw 1
Warship twiÿl-i*!- ÿtll munl
Courtship —cnffT"!"}- *fffa «Jhf*tl, fatfl HTln*u
Judgeship mnfa*!- flFTm ff 1
Fellowship cicrifa"!- nitfbiT, ik»41
Airship 4tlllf"!*l- Stÿinnm 1
Censorship Cfnft*!- tftmw *R it ill1
Championship fan?! 1
BEA... *rci iff i4ÿ05fac»itic!intiÿi"W!
Beat fat?- nunnftfan ntirsnn
Beak faÿ- tlftl cÿrfC 1
Beam -fai}- nf$,nf$ mi1
Bead mR/mnn iff 1
Bean fti,isvm 1
RAC... 4ÿ lÿlCtTfl t« 1*1fircnt 1C1mnpt "tt'
Race ÿ 1
Rack ni»- ntrin n it®i tilrti 1
Racy «W|- 1
REA... 4? l4t»ctn nw iff m HI "Wl
Read fa®- 1
Real fantt- <W<. ÿ »
Reap fa*!- *w nfft/ntHH m I
Rear ff3?]- ttni *1t»H «11
APP... 4? nci iff i"! tnnt hinp "riti
Appeal 4tf*t,(! - *tT4n *lt. Hi l
Appear 4ftn« - l«n.nnHÿ i«it 1
Append 4Ttns» - ninfap® nn.cut ÿ11 1
Apply 41'p'fa - nrcnti *11 1
Apple 4i*t*l - 4l> HWfl Hi i
SYM... 4* i4«mn not iff faint hi nfiftt
Symbol fam- irit'* 
Sympathy faÿttlfa- tlRRfa. 1
Symphony faÿCrift- TP. i
Symptom fai*flri| - (ititim citctl)
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Single minded -PtTT ui*fti, ÿwf&s i
Single hearted-PTTT Tjflto- *T*fa*,iw i
DAY... 4?nri
Single handed -PTTT *Tt?T TfTTTJ TO$1 4* "• Day off
Simple hearted -PfTOT TTftte- ctTTT to?, T?r ÿwnrc Day by day
Simple minded PT'IT Tltro*- TO* TOT, TOT TO? Better days
Evil days
Some days
Day light
Day long
Day after day «rt«rGN C®$- *1? fro
05$ ÿT*- ff&iS far i
06$ TT$ C$t- 1TO? *t? ftr I
CTBJ 05$T- i
-$05T 05$ÿ- <
to est5}- *f?ro* >0*1ÿ i
C®$ 1wt*T?*TCTT I
05$ TV TOT fTO ft? I
Double minded -TO"JTT$tosw- I
Double hearted -TO»J f$TO TO*,*»fl> i
Double barreled -TOT TOTTs- OfMITT 1
Double erown-TO*I $fa TOT? NIGHT ...dJ?TOf!
Night after night -*11$$ *T*$T? T1$$- TOT* TO TO i
Double dealer TOf Ifcrj-TOT?*, Tfr i
Double faced -TO»I c*ÿ*- ÿ *»fl> i
Double edged -TOf Vnfl, 1$fa* TO ftft* i
ANY ...JJt*4«TO ÿfart??ÿ1ÿ!
Anybody -<njf*Hl*- c? c*fc i
Anyone C? C*fc I
Anyplace -ajTfa»PI- c? C*TTO I
Anything C? C*H I
Anyway -*<nfÿTO- C? C*H$TOT i
Anywhere ÿjfaflTj*- C? C*1T TOT I
Inand out ÿf <?TT* TO$$- TOT TOT TOi C?? ?«tt? T®
In for TO- *TTTO ttotTÿTOft i
In with to*T <ir*R i
Ins and outs -$*J TO$$r- TOTO? *TTO? i
The ins anf outs -$5Jÿ TOT far?
In that $ÿ Tjflj- <u$*tto c? i
Out and out iflT® TO5$- ÿCTIÿR, TOI i
Out for -TOW* to- C"fcw c?? ?«TT I
Out with -*rW fc$*f- fa? TOT TTTOT I
Out of TOW? ?t* |
black .
Black art
Night and day TT$$ TO T1$$- TO fa? i
Night bell CTT- TO? CTT* ®T*T? TRI TTTOTT C*
Night bird •?$$ tt£- TO® TO CTÿTOJ TCTO TO* ?lf
Night cap MT$$*ITT- TO* TOfT? TfaTO? TOT $f*T I
Night club-TT$T? *TT- TO TM « TOWIW? TOT TO*? ?T*
Nightfall TT$t> to- faro ct? i
Night flower yr«TO- C? TOÿTC* C*TtC i
Night light -TTÿB TTÿIJ- GtTÿlt? TO ÿTTTCTT ÿ*TCTT 1
Night man -=*$!? TOÿ- TO*? i
— ?Jÿ fTÿJ- *TCTT/Tt%ÿfÿ*TPr*T I
- ?j* otÿT- cttto froor? *? crfTOi
ÿP?T *TTT? I
_ — ?Jÿ vfÿ*? <il>jfÿTTT I
Black coffee -?J* *1ÿ- *ÿ$T *fÿ i
Black market -?T* TO*t>- *TCTT?T*T?, ÿlt?? TITO? i
Blackout - TT* *TT®C- frosfÿtT, ctTTO *?T i
Black sheep ?i* #*}- *rt*TO* ?j1ÿ i
Blacksmith ?j<pPwT- CTTTT? *ÿ*T?, *T?T? i
WHITE ...ÿl?TT!
White ant -CTOrf515 ilTÿ- ÿ CTOT I
White cell -CTOTÿJ CTOJ- CTO I
White flag fffl- ,3TOI TTÿbt? «fSt* i
White lie -CTlfllÿ TTÿ- PnÿT?fTOTT *T11
White paper-C?T?lÿB CTTO - Ct*T3l i
White bear -C?I?lÿt5 fÿt- W*/TOT*TO 1
White heat -C?l?lÿ.? 1ÿ5- TTT TtTT *?T? ?* afro *TT I
White meat - C?l?lÿt5 W- *JC?CTOT anÿt? TOT I
Whitewash «??1- CTOCT? fT*T? I
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Red light — Gre TPT i
Red carpet - GT® c*WTCS-»!!»T itPiei i
Red handed - GW 3TG5 i
Red hat -GT5 »nt i
Red head - OPS cÿs- »TW preumt CTT* i
Red letter day - GTS cWBpt c«$- fÿt i
Red meat - Gi®fit»- i
Red rag — GT6 UttPPI®R«ÿGf jtsh ÿF¥ i
Red tape GTS dff- PtotuHUlH »t1»i
GREEN ...<mt
Green light -4H RRW CTOITU® i
Green belt cs*G-1ÿgri BRMTCf *TC$ c®N fÿBt cs®«
Green boat 4Hc*lt>- OTGRJ cÿfat i
Green fingers -4hjfrwff- ®t)H i
Green fly Jflt- enw i
Green houseÿÿSl®«f- 1WW "HIIWW «HJ ÿtCRt to
Green room -4tÿ «tfacf©lc»r« c*ffafa tÿRt TO/fNF
Green tea -4hjft- 1RTT *»IWI 'sjfaF ®T I
Green wood 4ÿ ®®- i
...FFLE 4*4«fGTO*nw */aft*4wftl* »Ht I
Snaffle -J?fTTOj- tt SGI CTOT, ffilTOT I
Shuffle ITTOl- «tt d»GT ÿ to SCT 4ft i
Snuffle CWTGI CBtTGt *T"fCT TO GRtT/Cÿtt I
Ruffle -*TTOJ- RtTO! i
Riffle -ftroj- TO C*t*TRt TO TOCTO TOift i
Raffle -tmroi- »iftftto tot i
Truffle -fiTTO- TOTJ TO/TO stylwHl TO to*® fro
Baffle TTO-TO/TO»TtlTOfoii*TO i
Duffle TO»J- «Ww GTbfSP* nnftTO® i
*ÿ»wt? «rtcn */oft ÿc® fro srjH n*n
Toggle -S*Tÿ- C¥Td> SJSÿe CTOICTO WW (X I
Gaggle -TO»I- Mensfo, STTO cro* TO i
Straggle -lWJ- aiftafawiw Git® wtt i
Wriggle -fibfj- JtTOWTO wfte® TOT I
Haggle -TO1!- W? TO*ft TO i
Waggle -TOff- ÿtlWlH i
Boggle TO*[- ftw® «|/bgiBTO «&T i
Wiggle &$*!•]- RtWPlTOT/ -nsMt-tl i
Smuggle -tUIIÿ- CSRH/faft® TOSlfii TO i
Goggle -ÿffj- CPN •fRFTGTT/s® S® CPTW "TOtci! i
...BBLE ÿTct */eft ÿt® fact ÿtNp to i
Babble - TOT- tts ÿ»n, sut 
Rubble — uli-i- -iHc«« wlu I
Dabble - ÿH»t- cs»n W>Gt o*tn i
Nibble -ÿt- ÿGt ÿT«nf dwnptt I
Gobble - fs»i- ÿr«tn, ctwtct *tt«tn i
Hobble - P»n i
Rabble -WJ - ÿ5 G3ÿ> c*ii*w cirrus i
Dribble — - cvlEl cviUl *Gt *ry?t i
...DDLE Jit s4otrot met V8 ÿ ÿ '*lriÿ
Straddle — *n i
Muddle - "Jmsf- «nfs»i i
Middle - i
Toddle - d»|i»«i- iitMt® K»t UGt 5»n i
Waddle - tut tw PtT i
Swaddle - ?Ftÿ cptt? ftot wÿtgh i
Cuddle ÿ
ÿrs*]- 13(Rr9 ÿtn, iÿfft i
Riddle -ftvj- ciflllf,fPm l
Twaddle - d>!Wt- ÿTGi <lb!*T5>I ÿ5T i
Paddle -*UMÿ- ÿPet, JrÿtÿGRt i
Coddle -ÿ5»j- »tT»R "ÿ11
...PPLEji s4«gtri ÿtgi V? ÿ i
Dapple «T?*pi- tttGra cnwpRRt onn cm 
Stipple GtSU fTGt Res tWl l
Ripple ftflPl- Cflt Cflt CP® l
Tipple it *tH far/*rtt ÿ«tn i
Supple 'ttlfl- I
Apple JUfJ- C-inlnln ts f<lHi i
Grapple 41ICI- ij? ÿftc® «nn, Ri>c|R|fe ÿffl i
Topple t|f»j- ®pDtfl *ppT i
Nipple ÿifl- VGW c45t i
...TTLE jj ffnGrm «rrm tt fact sÿpt
Cattle «flp tppt i
Battle -tltij- tt*f, ÿi, »rÿt i
Settle Ctt»j- m,fttÿnt SRH i
Rattle ?Ut»i- ,«T5 »T5 i
Tattle -tjt»j- i
Scuttle -"*1t»j- |
Mottle Otlt»i- C¥Hÿt i
Shuttle -*ftt«i- ijif i
Whittle ®ttÿ- VSTGTT, CfCF Ct»rT i
Bottle —ctlt>j- ctP5»i i
Mettle c®*, i
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...ZZLE < rIc*1 ÿ ftwrjpt »r«T t ...tive ftct ÿ'g*
Sizzle -ftvi- C5c»r «iwa ft»i»r«n
Swizzle -CTTflNFT- ÿ tlTCT *Tfifcÿf*r® Tift i
Nuzzle HW*J- *tR ftcu CfWt ÿ1 W i
Guzzle -«nnÿ- ÿ 1?ÿ*ot •fR |
Muzzle -TIPI- ÿPR Wtft i
Puzzle -TW"I- «ft, «trcft*T,WI I
Dazzle C5N qfttat I
Frazzle -3FRFI- ÿ<|(l i
Drizzle ÿft tÿT i
Frizzle -$*n- CWl* Cÿflf PtfaFt ftfatT ft I
...BERRYftnr rpwrwiww 3R RTt* i
Blackberry ÿTCTT WR |
Cranberry -JWIÿjQ- ÿ13 CfltJ »im ÿ i
Strawberry cifl> Rtvtont Wnnt  i
Mulberry ÿT*RF brt ur*ffr ftt"R *TR i
Huckleberry frg* mimfl+nt ur*fl» ftt-R ÿ
Dogberry wr WT*hf ÿ 1
Blueberry -5ÿ- RtRfÿsR «PPR 1
Gooseberry ftffc vrfR <irÿ sRsR r*»j/»r5T i
Rapsberry <RR®T TTPRt <xfiV 1
Roseberry OSRRTft- ctRTHWR 1
...ABLE Rtc«t ftf ÿrjp »R!
Abominable WÿtJ, ÿftl 1
Acceptable PfNJ 1
Accountable -<J¥lW*1ftÿ- til) I
Admirable -•Hiiftll'Fÿ- I
Adorable - JUCeRRÿ- mtPmt RMj 1
Advisable - ft**, ÿRRt CTTtl 1
AfTable - 4RtRTT"I- RÿlTfto,ft* 1
Alterable -R"jfcTnro»l- PTNJ 1
Applicable «fUM1WNJ, ÿsjRWj 1
Appreciable -auflftjR'J- ¥*T 1R 1
Avoidable - 1
Available - »HJ<ei*»iU»i- •ftsw ÿR «itsr, »rsj 1
Bearable -wiil«ta«i- ÿÿht, 1
Breakable <3**H»T- wp 1
Blamable hrwRÿ- flfftfltwfc* 1
Capable -CVfRf- tvii 1
Calculable vjepprRÿ- «H%, *ffapro, Mhmi1
Comparable -ÿIHWJ- 1pr%,tr$»tc 1
Considerable -+rlftmnq- Rwwiwwi 1
Cultivable -FRCTRJ, RRRPtftJ 1
Curable fÿptm- fttPRRRJ, RtCflftI PTfTJ 1
Ablative RTRR
Active iQmI, dIÿ. 1
Additive anfeffr®- PTft ÿ 1
Adjective arrcwÿfS'®- •Affirmative V* 1
Alternative *W 1
Assertive —<aprlfl?v- rj® irsift 1
Attractive -ajofiPPl*®- 1
Additive — TtpnÿT I
Captive <tÿl 1
Collective CTft, •tÿtl* 1
Cooperative -CVTVITPri*ÿ- 1
Competitive ÿvftl*n>ÿ- ajfÿPJlftÿnÿ I
Connective ItWlWf 1
Conservative 1
Constructive ÿFPjSRÿB- 1
Destructive tttw 1
Detective 'WICfl*tl I
Digestive ÿwft, •tftnfB 1
Effective tr <rriR 1
...MENT 4* RTPt ftw 1
mcnt T* 'fRPIt noun
Abutment ftlB, "ft *lilwl
Adjustment ÿÿWjCw-C- TTPJl«H, ÿdft W5T ÿ
Appointment aiJÿfCflÿCiri?- w 1
Argument -RtWBfH?-
Assessment <rcfTCT4>- l
Assignment JJPTlÿÿorC- W?R, 1
Astonishment ft"T5l 1
Attachment -<in*tbprt>- 1
Augment ««{C3rt>- 1
Basement ftft, 1
Cement ft#t ÿftcm 1
Compartment R1»TWT W ÿtl 1
Complement -*»jfttvÿ- 1
Condiment *tRT 3ÿ11
Confinement ,
Consignment ontt, fft*t 1
Element ->DTftprÿ- ÿÿ9fRR 1
Filament f"lW«- ÿ rrs Rft ,
Fundament vtÿsTRM?- tRt, ,
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**ww tsrÿ1
Bashful ctwi- ks i
Iaretul (WI-
Cheerful SrffPMl- r*RRT«.xUÿi i
Doleful ctfwi- ClOTff i
IXwhtful "WHWnd. f*W| ÿ
hauhfui cnwi- fwti*.«r«nin4 <
Fearful wrfl i
F rightful i
Fruitful i
Helpful iwnpntl i
Hopeful • w- lantrÿ i
Painful Clt5***!- CW<*RTr#.'*nptRrrc* i*
Riskful fVR/*fw i
Thoughtful fivrf* 1
Tuneful Ttnÿ, 7jM«n i
Youthful tTPPI- i
...FY «tm»T aj«rtÿ5 c$ "ffowr verb *3 i
Purify fn&ftrft. ÿ m **t i
Mollify iPi«rlV TO **t, ,
Dignify fe'lA*lV tRfm OTHt, oflMfÿs i
Disqualify -liÿtÿlmPupiV 'arctTfi ÿsror ÿrh i
Diversify ÿrr w,ftfat toj ?rjt
Glorify cllftviV ««Wftt Rmhhÿtt, tim-•
Gasify - *nfÿviÿ- Ulÿÿvsÿsr *tt wn i
Justify •Jfsrst/ RRrsi ÿhjt i
Mortify CTlflfvTÿ- fNINÿni
Beautify ynwi
Classify gilft«nV gfftre frare *tn, gtflftro
Certify — iÿsj/RR 1W t
Calcify wPwiV fR ifihr® **l,ÿnr *«tn i
Clarify #Jlfl*lV ÿ *«,
Codify TWTR9 TO TOtR*
'Crucify - aÿPivlV aH R* TOI I
Deify -EW»lV wmw tot, ««TO ifrwtot
Defy-ffcÿ-*"*ÿ crtrt,,3ror tot, *rwn ÿ
Demystify "I. ÿ 1
Magnify UPtRvit- flÿlWl, ÿ TOT, Wÿtn oHIWI I
Modify Rlfc»lV ÿ *lftÿ *n*ÿ 1
...LESS «rt -wt»c»n RtT -src<i
Aimless aitqcnr- TOTfR i
Painless ciÿcn*!- mm?}*. *1vÿt i
Faithless fipfprfÿt i
Ageless aiwcÿPj- *T-re, fs-c** i
Bloodless ÿTSCPJ- «"ÿ»?}*. <*nr«?H i
Careless CÿTTCÿJ- Vft?J*, atm?}* I
Fearless forrflc*™- 'er?T*, "itr?}* i
Cheerless fSCTÿCPJ- -sc*""?}*. t
DcalhldfiP ***?)* i
Doubtless YTSjCPJ- 1C*f«,2R i
Feckless MuTÿfT-t i
Friendless OT$c»pt- **?!*. "wrSTr?}*, tw*?}*
Fruitless ,lf<J*f4?T* i
Guideless nrÿcÿr*?- vvnmrfcSF*
Ciroundless aJiS-S'.*!ÿ- f«f-5 c=tÿ OT, fsfsÿH i
Heartless ÿnr?pt, t
Helpless - i
Hopeless <wjcrÿ- "annrÿ-t. ÿcRTfrfjÿ i
Harmless vj4<yr>j- sFfs?H i
Joyless wÿc»pi- ttpwlp, «ÿrpr?TR i
Listless tsrfn<PT5pt i
...IZE iwnc*it%ÿntc<i
Centralize -cÿililÿs!- cÿhp® ÿrt, cÿca wtÿi ÿri i
Civilize f>tfs»il5w- c«tw ÿulti ÿHl i
Demoralize "T i
Equalize ftH i
Fertilize <5Rn, ÿRfT i
Finalize ttf*f OtTH, 5V® ItfniÿRt
Legalize Rl'IWIÿ-ÿ»T®t onn, >rv® 1
Localize CtTVUÿef- RRt >rRTvnt RRWsfT i
Penalize "tT% <Rfl1, c»ftrT, (RttRI *3
Realize S'mfifi Rcw?i %»R ÿat
Generalize ceRttSPnTtÿ- RMTtR f»Wti CRJt I
Liberalize -PiaWRlÿ- yp ÿtr, W i
Mobilize --CTlfaiftÿ- cÿR frorcna wrj fÿs i
Moralize ÿtn i
Nationalize -RT"RR1ÿf- viRiÿl»n ÿ5 'Bftftu
WvRm <?rat i
Naturalize Hj|bl4|t||ÿ. (Rw%») «rk
Personalize -tltRRRTÿf- |
Signalize fiWRIÿ- Wit/ÿ% C®RT ,
Utilize ÿFTSTW »INTRT i
Individualize ÿ55 ÿn, ÿR] sfei (
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...TIC 8/<tf& *4foot -mi
Acoustic "T* ÿWR, «t*fi CRtt i
Acrostic Hv*t« 41 41 I
Aesthetic •Rtfav. o4bt4 I
Agnostic i~*k4W!H1
ilsilÿC*l i
Antibiotic atifl»*twilfl>ÿ- JftilyiM*. 4Nr*( sifitfltfl i
Apologetic atriwiurtPq- ÿ wrn*. tohnrsÿt* i
Artistic «tllWT4Jÿ- frtHw. vftf ihp» i
Aseptic atwtflff- ÿiwd$fihnÿ» i
Asiatic atftu#ÿ- JBÿtt i
Authentic iCPjflhf- afptlfa*, i
Automatic TOtfiiRt, fttat ru aw i
Antiseptic -#Rtÿ tHo. vacaiH i
Aquatic 4TWTinflÿ - Wtn/«Jt4l fall* t
Caustic iPTTlfa* i
Cinematic fat*nt#ÿ - stiffen fai fant* i
Climatic imaii i
Diagnostic VtlhptWÿ- WW fata T»*tfaa i
Diabetic -aapfii c«W i
Didactic fluifHf- ftÿryt*. i
Domestic *c«Ttn, nrfonifa* t
...FIED*4»wta ÿrcn 8/*1ft*4ÿ faa ?np
Beautified faSflbffotS- ÿntf® i
Classified dÿtcsfaevi
Certified -flffitalt®- CÿHfaf ?F5j/fa*i ws ÿ
ÿatÿwifa® i
Calcified •»jHpi«riY*- JCT ÿifii1®, t
Clarified Wf®, fafl»r3 i
Codified ÿfll *WlOBI*0*101atfa* i
Crucified fas t
Deified ORÿta •tfat® i
Defied fa*1*V ""ifa®, i
Demystified •aruÿ, "41I
Dignified -f4*lP*fou>- iUfnwn, c4fanfro i
Disqualified -IfcjjOFHilPwÿib-ÿWI'll apnfÿ, faRfF®
Diversified tafejj ?Wt, ftffea ?*Jt i
Glorified -otalft*1$5- «Htf*F5,$«nfa® i
Gasified ÿ
1JlA*lÿb- *1JTÿ5 i
Justified tbj/ ?utaJ I
Mortified vffviÿ5- fa#ta/PPfl i
Magnified iltywi, 4ÿfÿ> i
Modified ifiRPfo i
...LOGY *4*otr yrrw fat Rrpt f
Analogy atpptfit- Tnj"fT®i, ®*nn, faH i
Anthology dji*R»nflt- Ti*»H I
Anthropology an-Wimitat- Hfl fowH. I
Apology Jiinnrfit- (*o ÿ < ÿnai«t 4t*Ta t
Archaeology 'aflfasOTita} aTRÿ. *TRfant I
Astrology airtfiyifii- c*rff4Rfatrl i
Biology anmifi?- #afaiit i
Cardiology *tfiS>s»itfii- i
ciuonoiog> QhTCRTnifii- •arnrtiatPvfÿMp i
Criminology f>fawi"utat- wiflRfWt i
( 'osmology *ÿon»utai- i
Doxology %*>mif*- 4tatn qtoui aÿmta «ih i
Ecology t*»utat RNRfam i
Itiologv ÿ4f«t«iiN| «itMR*ttiMtt4Mi1 1
I'schatology i
l-tlinologv ÿvt«tR*Tbaÿj#.r® i
Itymology ÿcw»n1<t tÿ«n« tn i
Gynecology ft c.«TM/ arÿlvaiÿMH t
lieology firat*tit8| i
liemology cwvÿitÿl ,
...LITÿ' 'IWflP1CT Iltv RWtWW Nountpr t
Ability -ÿiiRPilt- TT*rÿT. w*t«t i
Acceptability -atjÿci'iCifilÿlÿ- Jaaÿwini®1 I
Accountabiliu i
Adaptabilit% aurHiiftPiÿ-
Advisability -air«oiÿnRPin»- ®*IWRTSI i
Affability -«qRWftfW- ÿaraifÿsr i
Agility aJilwPilt- f*«P5T t
Availability ÿjwÿiiÿPiIC- •frerst vti iHR. aq-uoi,
Bestiality RfÿarTftflJ- *1llW«l, 1ÿ9 i
Brutality -Tg-UiPilU- ÿrsi i
Calculability «wf*i!RRin»- ,n«RT ÿar jpr ,
Capability ftf ÿaT? *ir®i, -»ir4i i
Civility -f5|f%ÿrf5- ÿ ÿ®r i
Credulity lÿfpt aR«T®t i
Curability i
Desirability "VTHTÿM'lt i
Durability cU*>t> CRPW i
Edibility -atfÿlal*l(U- WtRt RNPSl i
Eligibility -atll*llwRl»lÿ- OTTTST i
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..TURE <>4nt.»il« fl» 44 froiirjpÿ
-«UT*fT5ni- %, |
fe*fT5T5- «IÿH, oti IT'QTri i
5*TÿRI- ÿaiBT I
4*p5t, |
-fi|ÿE>Jfl- fxet=t i
-fiKWÿ- ÿH, #4 |
Conjecture -ÿjcw*FT4- «npiM i
Adventure -an5c®4513- ÿfwtlaji i
vtRbti?- ytmRianR i
-ÿCfTÿ- wstR I
Legislature -ciRtJ|t«lb]fl- i
Literature PldJWbR- tlfÿaj i
Manufacture affA5ÿr?re I
Miniature ftftatspt- ÿfbaj i
-4rtbl4-*fffe i
-J4TbR- ttlÿlÿH I
...AND ...twit* 4TC* AND ÿfTCÿi
Hue and cry ÿ5 are SFrt- 2b i
Black and white -4JT4t are ceWrtC- 1»rfÿ5 i
In and out $•? are ciJTVf « C44 4«4T
Ins and outs
Out and out
Well and good
Cats and dogs
So and so
Old and young
are '3JT®5- ajfsfli I
-nfliStJ are ic.fll'iR I
- «ow are «*&- «t»t i
a)1® A5*pT- ÿ*WlU I
-CTt are c4T- 41%/4q[ I
«re are rtnti- ÿMl*i 1401i
Hard and fast -ÿ5 are TfT*>- 4RT44T, I
Chop and change ÿ are cw»- awPUft *lR<v£w I
Foodand drink are i
Wealth and woe are ÿ _ ?pt 1
...TY 44*On4ÿTOt 8/<tfl> 44ÿ0$Rot=rjp»f*!
Beauty c4Rt4 i
Difficulty <$5, 44471 I
Poverty -<T5T4lff- mfng i
Safety OTÿfS- Rflfrei- * > - * |
ntvbpt- xihF/ÿwn w® fe4«n/43t 1 Validity - ÿRRft>-
Ru*h, i
-nroj fan im
Break out CI** *«ui i
Out break 'aflfct? QMS- aflfrfU I
Come out ÿ era 4<mi t
Out come ÿTW? ¥Tÿ- *tf<wr4 i
Turn out -&t4ÿttW- C4fl wt oroi i
-lantstf t>r4 - «t,nrfir« it i
ÿ «nW- cflwt, 4<n i
otrW ijpf- 4if«j* *jti i
oft twt *wn i
-,anWf oft- «n<w i
Variety -renRajft- ,
COI)... art 4ÿoc»rr<t tco <4Rot en *rp -ffi
Godson ÿroiff- »nf >r*w i
Goddaughter *TVfctJr<f- "rf T*H i
Out turn
Look out
Out look
Set out
C'ry out
Out cry
Fit out
Out lit
Put out
Out put
Let out
( iodmothcr
( iod-feurmg
( iodsend
ÿf!t»Vt8j<t- HC] |
»pf vr«r i
n'feÿfHf<f- >rf f*r«i/iire! i
nÿertnÿ- ntf »r*M i
wfovfat- *t1-5|<f ,
ÿwre- 2hÿj 4« i
Wffr <tif<rÿ*if i
ajÿrt ÿ1?- fiKÿra 4fll i
-ÿtW awX- 2n2b i
Wj ÿanW>- *rmrcHi i
- fprt- 5TW- •tWil I
- «nW- cÿrercHt i
- t(5- ,«?»iA'l'f*P'cn •tt«Ttt I
c»rtt <anttfo. ttÿpi 4<n i
- <rft- «<t 4»<tt« t«t i
FORK... ai? 8/elU Rett en -t*«»i
? Forebear (Wflorajfl- »j4i<rv i
f'orebcHlc OP!<toiN»- irc4!«, -3(t»ttare. «t*»i i
Forecast <W<i*r>C- *jÿWt CHttl. ÿfnniMtAl *<tl i
Forefather OFtflWtfl- H*f«j<rn i
Foreknowledge OM<r*tc»to|- i
Foreman OFf<Ptfl*j- *inH i
Forename OfTflCÿi}- npt i
Forenoon OMfl'ii- *j4te» i
Foretell Ofl<ttlC»|- 4*H, i
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HOUSE ...411*!
House full ifa*Tpj- iwito iftiR i
House breaker C3P»pi- 1* CRT* i
House arrest H*5w 4JUP5- «{toÿI i
Houseboat -Ufc cifl{- tort! cÿln 1
House bound Hfcw1T$*- ihjDhÿiu ÿittoi
House father -IT®**11]- fautwt i
House light -Ufcr*H55- i
House keeper HtwftlW-TO im i
House maid 1t5*Cl5® - iftwftili
House martin UfcwurtTÿ- ittor irfli
House master llfcw itUfll- flm i
House dog -HfcwHJ- ItlMlHHt ÿpu i
toeto *+tto iii iÿei5 ici,to mt? t
Lobby ift- C1l5 frillfiT, ifcfcR i
SOFT ...4*1*!
Soft footed
Soft headed
Soft hearted
Soft nothing
Soft soap
Soft spoken
Soft wood
-1ÿ5 ItsRH 411I
-mf5 cmr/im i
-1ÿ5 Rid»*- C1T11 I
c*rftri imsf i
TOt» cni- t«wwh tot i
iÿ5cirtro- ursrft i
-1ÿ5 5'*- TOC* H5tm411 I
Ditty CflU, UHlfttT ITi i
Nutty nfl>- ititcto to in Sirs i
Fuzzy ifof-*tento. *mt. citirdJ i
I)i//y fefu- 1W1 C1T1TCB1 411, TOafw I
Funny *lf=}- TOW, I
Ninny Pp- 1R1. cmwri i
Gully nrfr- imwiÿl i
Jelly cwf»j- toto to o f5p fici ftsft im5U, c*fi 1
Jenny c*fi- wit,nu«if<nn 1
(ninny HP- ÿir5 1
Gummy *flP- ilfcTCU 1
Rummy tnftt- HCTO CflR m1
Mummy itP- ifiTOt CTO. 1
Mammy Htfl-Pro 11
LLY... LLY... 411TOTTO
Airy-fairy 4*tP CHlft- TOTOHtJi, ofatd?, HTfrl 1
Ban ton -1R5jv HIIRPt® *fell TOi 1
Chop chop -R*JR*I- ift 15, 15 i
Dilly-dally -ftP-HPl- cull CUT* iro 115thi
Ding-dong -ffcv*v-i5hiP,ÿÿs UTTOTW 1
Fuddy-duddy Hfo-HP fÿa cic*ci cm 1
Goody-goody -iffc «ffc- HIilÿPflHC1 1
Hanky-panky *icÿln,ucroHTOlPt 1
Harum-scarum -CTOt*lHi-Wlcitlt 11% 1
Heyday -Cl5 c®5- Rt1THJin1
Higgledy-piggledy ftllft fluffc- TOTOl, PÿtHl
Hilly-billy -PPl-PP llftPiflji wuTOP cjf5
Hotch-potch -15-I5- WTTflÿ, 4C.ilt.nil 1
Hoity-Toity 2lJ5-tBl5 - cmH,mTSf iHETO i
Hocus-pocus -Cÿlÿi-cllHI- eld if* ityHU *•
Hubble-bubble-UTO-1P1-Hicitit, 1
Hub-bub -1F!-TO-ÿ GWltro 1
Hugger-mugger HIT?ltH5 - cilicici,fÿtTOT 1
Hula-hula -HT-HT- ftcn CHttCTO TO fltli
Hurdy-gurdy H*1 tWIWt Pinltil
EN... 45 iliciT? mo-<tf5 11fwctr to to51nt
Enjoy 41*1- itsrnTOt, 5icmtot i
Enclose -4PJUTO- ci*itot, cÿ*5ta fwmf5a cur
Enlarge 4«j»iiÿ - 4ltyWI, C1CF 1T«1T 1
Enrich 4ÿWr- «rir tot, micent 1
Enroll 4«jwl*j- hÿitjhtot i
Ensure 4ifiTO- «P<r5«rc<15|pif,PErotot
Enforce 4icit1- 11/lt*tforrn tot i
Enliven 4TOI5WH- 4RTO TOT 1
Enlist 4iPl»- hMitÿ*TOT/1TOT 1
Enable -414R1- iPritot i
Endorse 41C5TTO- imfTO/igcTOR TOT 1
Entitle 4sj5T5t5i- flwHii tot i
COUNTER ...4111!
Counter attack -HWpt 4i5tÿ- irÿT iwi
Counter balance ODIl- wwi 1
Counter blast it1»- tjfTOTl 1
Counter charge TOf- 1T*5lnf®ww 1
Counter claim n55pt qf5i- nlhIP1
Counter foil 41R cw, CRCTO ÿ
Counter offer n55pt mi*- itUt TOR 1
Counter part 1f5- 1
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DE... nts 8/cz-tT* ÿ4facti i
Debate -fiwlJJ- vtt i
Debase ffa cÿti -*un ospit i
Debark Ctw PPtt, «mvs<h ÿ i
Debauch -fi<ilt>- 5fifara% i
Decamp flftR vn, ÿtlfÿicil Item i
Decant c*nn i
Decline fec*V TORfa "IT® vfl, *u ITercn i
Deface vn i
Decade fc>l+1}b- mt i
Defame fvrn1ÿ- VII, vtt i
Defend -Rx.«r*s- toiÿi vit, vrt i
Deformed fecvm- fÿs, wrastfÿ i
Deflower ftytstipi- $11ÿ vit, vn i
UN... «tw
'srtrtft i
9nff«hB i
- TOWJ, ypfÿB |
- -atlnfilvs i
ÿbfvippfc- i
ctÿl i
-ÿwtRxe, |
_ÿ3tt#S- VW W ÿSjj#5 ÿ |
'snfsm, i
ÿawrsrrfn®, ®n*Pn*
-xarÿfvt?. i
ntfllJSM*,ÿtWR" I
ffcfofK i
-«IH*JlfVW&l, A«H«i I
OVER... ara-N!
Over active aiTÿffrs- i
Over balance «,SR> 3IWJ- ÿbPrm ÿQHT I
Overbid --ersra fÿs - 1
Over eat -'SBta $C- CSIÿR i
Over bold «®Ta iprre- iIrÿI i
Over burden crWI 5Hlt*il i
Over cast ,s,®T3 V$- CTÿfl ÿIÿM. v1»H ÿ!<*M
Over come -'Sÿsm ÿPt- to vn •MIÿs VH i
Over careful «1®Pi tvnÿpj- ,stf& tsÿ i
Over eonfident vrf*usrf>- uife ÿIfWH I
Over charge ÿsÿTfl WN ®Tvit i
Over dose «ÿspi ceps- inan, ÿrsrf*ÿ i
Over dress -'tfsm CTTjpjT I
Over eat - «1®Ta $B- ÿsjfÿ csnr i
Over growth 'QWa GXfN- i
Over greedy "S®TS tslfs- ÿatfs c"Tt®t i
Over ripe ÿsifs *trci i
Over head C5?s- UNT9 i
Over rate oifB- ÿr5if*w i
Over look - 'QBnj CtTW« ÿ |
Over load <NTO- "ÿNT i
Under act • "(1ÿ i
Under cover ÿ«l«- c*tT*R, tMt, u>l«l i
Under ground- JITÿ- "1WI, i
Under line -ÿlwl« tlÿt- %5 C5NT ÿ i
Under pant W5H *0ÿ5- wfwai i
Under pay c*ft- aT 1
Under rate -ÿtol« cÿU- ÿ ?tlat 1
Under sexcd-fTSl <ÿT9T5- H!>eiftw« CKtf VI cnbt
Under world -ÿtbsta ««tÿ- INTt,CifsNN,
a»ni C3WC® 1
FREE... am
Free from
Free agent
Free bom
Free handed
Free lance
Free love
Free man
Free port
Free spoken
TO- Tf& I
& v£JCWFÿ5- ,atf*(Vfl «W 5tliÿ 1
ÿ -ÿtÿbrsm tÿoi vjtcti i
vbn 1
- &»0N- CV1! n1
- "& NT®- CSpt, c«ra
ÿ htfj- Ptfbt"<# 1
ÿ cmtf- ct en# tÿc® ÿ ÿ 1
CNICVj- '3ÿ1 1
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...RllYTIIM... fa®* ncnm met 4Tet nT*nfan
Lobby nft- <*fl»fctfcmtHl i i
Bobby tft- •Funny *lft- twrm, c*bF»1* •
Gunny »iiR- V® 1
Furry cnrtn, c»mr*m i
Fuzzy vft- v*> ÿ ÿ
'Fuzzy mftenm to, Wit, crond* i
Dizzy W- W «T*TC* 4V. TOtf* 1
Nutty *nf&- vncv to nw f». i
Ninny RR-V,crnmrmtt I
Jimmy ftft- OTC1I ft* *ftt.W WW ft* i
Jenny <*R- w»l.4m ntfrmi i
Jerry <*$- faiV?tm nTtS!fa* £®ft mm i
Jetty WTtW C«fl> i
JifTy W- W*.VT, wmmtx i
Gully flft- •twHIÿI i
Gummy *nfa i
Rummy «tR- vrcf ctntm mT* i
Mummy lift-4ft VT cnt i
Jelly cifft-W 14«ftft fatl VtT 3*1, cwft I
MIS... <«4n4«n!m TCI 8/*fl>m4fam*mmp"mi
faianroft*i- nrnnrt cmm i
FX... -4* *4«OTW nt* 8/(tfft *4 fan mm JTf5t "ft!
F.xcept >hbcH?- nrÿte/SFÿT i
Excess amen*}- vfofa* i
Exchange amcst- fafaim mmi 1
Exclude arÿfjr®- mm cmn i
Expand arnnre- mrnfm® mmi i
Expanse tmnjTO- iwrmi i
Explain amci?*- <ijNji *tn/cÿ!WiFnn i
Export amcnllT- mnrSt mmi 1
Expose ajÿeniw- *RH/ tramt cnim i
Express arwwf- 3-®ntft dK nfTOTm mem mm i
Expert aimiml?- i
Expect arwenf- mrnr mmt i
Excuse ainfo5»- **1mmi, (,«*!? c**«in i
Example ai*i®il,,nn- i
Exit cmm *«*r, mfmrn i
Misapply - ftÿannnft- mnmmmRl mm i
Misbehave fajfajT*- menm* mTRH mm i
Misbelieve fajftliTÿ - fafpt, ÿn «mm i
Miscall fajmn- ÿ me* «TB1 1
Misconduct fafrotl- rnnntWH, ÿnfammmm i
Misdate fajc«4B- <yt ÿmfat Ctm i
Misdirect <yt farfn cnm i
Misfire -fapmrnj*- tft m Cffl»T i
Misguide - faptftB- <yt net nfalfasmm i
Mishap ftlUI*!- tftfa,fatf% i
Misinform faitJjm*- vt B«n c*nn i
Misjudge falW- ÿ fat* **1, ÿt tnm mm
Mislead ÿn net &WIM1 i
Mismanage fapntemt- m-mmiu nfamt ÿ*T i
Misname fayc'ftt- met BTm i
Misplace ftÿenÿ- ÿn wrw* mm i
Misprint mnw ÿn, ÿn mmcrn i
Misrule yfpR, i
SEE... t4wn* nc* ifl» fati ÿ »txjt
Seed ÿ6- ttm.ÿTf* i
Seep fn*5- B?n nmeÿ jmem i
Seem - cm* tntn, arJtmtH tear i
Seek ntrR ÿm, crtwt i
BED... nti
Bed time cms pnem* ÿtfat nmi i
Bed room cmsmÿ- enrm* n* i
Bed cloths cms #«?- fmpm* mi
Bed roll cms earn- mrew tfam mat jith fatw i
Bed bugs cms mÿ- wenrmt i
Bed rock cm® mm- mfa fasm fnm i
Bed sore cms emm- 'temm fai ne* vrmrm fads ÿ ms
Bed w ork cms «mr¥- nmcw mmt mni aixrm mm,nm» mm
GAME ...4* nnnem ctmm mnt i
Football ?t»mn enm i
Baseball cmnmn- cmnmn ennt i
Basketball mTcÿttmn- mrcvt? mncnm i
Handball mresfmn- mjremn enm i
Pinball fnmmn- fmrmn enm i
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CROSS... dm ttt
Cross bar-aw TO- ctTO CTOI CtTtt*
Cross beam - apt Itq- tfftTWfl ÿ$11
Cross bones -apt ÿept «rlto i
Cross bow -apt cÿt- i
Cross breed -apt %s- i
Cross check -apt csÿ- nttottiffe i
Cross country apt TOT* wt ortfti tct FtT i
Cross current ÿapt toffivcttbr i
Cross examine apt iU«fB0f3r=?- cwtt TOT i
Cross eyed apjÿ5. (far 1
Cross fire -apt TOfr- to** ft* CTO* «ft tot 1
Cross grained -3Ft *fl?t 1
Cross head -apt t*®- *TO ftoTO! 1
Crossing -afftt- TOTtT* 1
Cross legged apj cttc- tTtra $t* tT ÿ TOt 1
Cross patch -apt tJTF- WW# 1
Cross reference -apt GWTWJ- «ftTFt* «hj
«ftw Rc»ft 1
Crossroads -aÿ e#t*- TOI?
Cross talk -apt frf- ff?TOtfo 1
Hard cash ÿ fit t>T*T i
Hard copy *0ÿ *1*1- *T*W tftit 1
Hard working *l*;TOl1¥v «lfadSl 1
Hard wood tv/ cl»*t$*T3 1
Hard headed *1* «.&%- 1
Hard hearted -*1* TOH*ttt,fttf* 1
Austrian ÿRQ«h- tblft* 1
*WlftilTi- TOTOW tflft* 1
croftroTCTO tTtft* 1
flfrWj- I
ÿrfiÿratj- tUBftmm ni*tfo* 1
-difttftuiH-3Tftrcro iw!5* 1
**ftT*H- **ctt* tttft* 1
TOMlffcflH- *o«|R>«I<b flft* I
Egyptian ftttTO iMQ«* i
Indonesian - tolWHrh ÿWlwftTO tmft*
Korean -c*lfilwl*j- c*Tft*T* TOlft* 1
Malaysian ttroftntft- tTTOSftnn* iMfih* 1
HIGH... totoi
High boon tin*, 1
High class - *1$ ?Tf- cjfo |
High grade *1$ fiiTS- $U5 *TFW, 1
High level - *1$ CTOTO- •rfm1
High life *1?*- ftttroro #toÿnan 1
High minded TO TO«>fc- fcw $3* cftot
High powered TO fTTOT*5- |
Highjump -TO WM- nw 1
High land -TOtlW- tlTO? >fl»n*t 1
High pressure -TO csjtr- Fit 1
High school fttTFra 1
High speed -ÿTOftTC- *ffa Tpfjj 1
High tide - TOTOÿ- CTOT* 1
High rise -TOTO*- 1
High way -TO «WH tt,*T*tt 1
High commissioner -TO Ctt
ttft 1
High court >ad*rh>e 1
High education drscvR- fÿPtT 1
High explosive amctlPw- Sw
Cÿ5- tHffl |
aift 1
ÿat"*] tJWT5- ftFVt,
ftt- ÿwflTt, fS 1
•srttt >ptfÿs, wi*r©iw ftfihs 1
«W»1 1
c«il*fjvBi«i*ilf*l yrfiifs |
«rtnn t<WBTtt 1
«nit fÿs- «!»njiw wairt 1
ÿQltrt t®T I
WELL ...vfl?
Wei head
Wcl water
Wei spoken
Wei advised
Wei balanced
Wei being
Wei built
Wei doing
Wei earned
Wei enougli
Wei fed
Wei founded
Wei known
Wei marked
Wcl timed
Wei wisher
«OT»J ttÿS- ÿnfl, I
«C5»J SflRJ- WBPRfN, I
9 Facebook: Website (?):-
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WEA... jjitw
Weak ÿH. ÿ7 i
Weal S*»i- ÿ7, cÿ»HT i
Wear tttj- ifiNHTRtl i
BU... 47 TOI >fl» 7ÿ ftTR* 717 TPS *rj=? 77I
Bud tiÿ- ymiÿ ti tM i
Bug 7FJ- 7T7C7T7T I
Burn Rfj- 7T7!, faar i
Bun - ttÿ- enn crit* fl» i
Bur 7!ÿ- l»W*ltJ|. 7TC7 7<*1 CRT I
Bus -7PJ- 7PT (Tift) I
Bui -Tlfr- ft* i
Buy 7ft- C¥7t I
STEA ...47 7C7 7*4 7C3 7T7 77
Stead -C®ÿ- vfs TfilTCtf i
Steam -Wÿ- ÿ1, cThn i
Steak »WW 7T7/7TC7 i
Steal ff%RRft i
PA...<*ft tct t4R<.»fttjt TO •rjpt Tfi
Paw -ctj- TTTt, *mmx i
Pad -ITS - Cffrÿ77717ft i
Pan - TP}- 71$,ÿsteTt i
Pay -eft- C7ÿB7, TftTt i
Par -7ft- 7ÿ,TWIT, I
Pat -7ft- i
Pap -7T7- ftn»7t cflHftim trittt ttttt i
PE... 74tK.»ift tct ifl> t4ft(.»ft tcg tto »ftR 771
Pen —C7*J- -fW i
Pep -C77- csw i
Pet -c*ft- ctttt «rÿt i
Peg -Clt- CTTTT/CTIW ftcu TTtrTTRt I
PI...4*t4«717 tw :>fl>74ftt»ft5t7 7ra7<$7 77!
Pig -f*t*(- *ÿWt, CTftlWCT <mI |
Pip -ftt*I_ C7ÿ, R*4«l,7T7HR ittfa I
Pin -fasj- •Pit —f*ft- 7*4, Tv faft I
9 Facebook:
...OK....4$ trz* OHOK
Son of' men tr 7ft OR- vjr wÿb 
Man to nun ttr Jttr- hr wr i
Man at arms Tift 4ft titT*- i
Man of var ttr ar< «tr<- flTef* i
SI II...tT*:*™ Tti <«* 5m mi
Sleep ÿ7- TFtR 1
Sleet ftt?- fTTTRT i
Sleek f5**- 7T7/ift7 777 i
11...RRttttm It? 77 7P5 7C5 7TT 7® !
Elk 4•'7- ztvat ÿSr*t i
Elf -siÿi i
Elm ajwnt- CRRRnW V5 il*iRRf I
CO... nw iflJ
Cob ,
Cod vs- ÿ5 ÿ I
Cog Di»m I
Con ÿFW i
Cot cÿrt»/3wm i
Coy «nÿ« i
ROO... m?
Rood -5®- CR ahC"1 9,ÿaj| «Kt 57, 3F"t
Roof 57- fR, m1
Rook 7Tÿ- *lt<M TTS ÿnR fÿOTS, RPTI C5T7,
WT7t7 CRtÿt I
Room -77- 7C77 7* |
Root -7ÿ- *TR®7 1 C"ftwi "77! 1
QUI...74®ftT7 *0 7C7 7T7 Tÿpf 'ÿCR I
Quit I»,fFRW I
•Quip -ÿ*t-mr7, 1
Quid "ÿ5- •TTÿ, l&ÿlcil<J ÿT7T7 1
RU... «11ÿ74etm *101 7ÿ717 7ÿ717!
Run -atH- oftWT 1
•Rum 7PJ- '7ÿ5 1
Rue -7- 7g®tn 77t 1
Rub 7T7- 77! CRT! I
Rut -Tit;- TTW 77 mi, 77 I
Rug TT*t- Cf!t? TlMÿT I
Website (f):-
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সারা দুনিয়ার নিক্ষাগ্রহি পদ্ধনি বদলাচ্ছে। বই আর খািা যেমি নবট বাইচ্ছট বদচ্ছল োচ্ছে যিমনি বদচ্ছল োচ্ছে নিক্ষা গ্রহচ্ছের
োবিীয় উপায়।উন্নি যদিগুচ্ছলার ছাত্ররা এখি আর আচ্ছের মি বইচ্ছয়র বযােকাাঁচ্ছে নিচ্ছয় গুচ্ছর িা , এখি িাচ্ছদর হাচ্ছি থাচ্ছক
স্মাটটচ্ছ াি, টযাব বা লযাপটপ। যসখাচ্ছি থাচ্ছক প্রচ্ছয়াজিীয় সব বই আর খািা নহসাচ্ছব থাচ্ছক িারনিি।এখি িারা সামািয
সহচ্ছোনেিার জিয িার নিক্ষক যক নবরক্ত কচ্ছর িা কারি িাচ্ছদরকাচ্ছছ আচ্ছছ সবটসমচ্ছয়র নিক্ষক িার স টওয়যার ,আর জ্ঞাচ্ছির
ভাণ্ডাচ্ছরর জিয আচ্ছছ িার ইন্টারচ্ছিট। পৃনথবীচ্ছি আমারা প্রেুনক্তর েি বৃহত্তম প্রসার যদখনছ িার সবই বযবহৃি হচ্ছে এই রূপান্তচ্ছর।
বিটমাচ্ছি যসই প্রভাব আমাচ্ছদর মচ্ছিা যদচ্ছি পড়চ্ছি শুরু কচ্ছরচ্ছছ…………
আিা করনছ একনদি আমাচ্ছদর যদচ্ছির যছচ্ছলরা প্রেুনক্তর সহচ্ছোনেিা নিচ্ছয় , নিচ্ছজচ্ছক ও যদিচ্ছক নবচ্ছের দরবাচ্ছর িিুি রুচ্ছপ হানজর
হচ্ছব। আমার নবোস িারা পারচ্ছব “ কারি যকািরকচ্ছমর প্রেুনক্তর সহচ্ছোনেিা ছাড়া িারা নবেচ্ছক িাক লানেচ্ছয় নদচ্ছে ………আর
প্রেুনক্তর সহচ্ছোনেিা যপচ্ছল িারা নক করচ্ছব িা সৃনিকিটাই জাচ্ছি…। ”
নকন্তু ইন্টারচ্ছিট ছাড়া আমারা এই প্রেুনক্তরসহচ্ছোনেিা কল্পিাও করচ্ছি পানরিা। অথচ এ মুহূচ্ছিট বাাংলাচ্ছদচ্ছি অনেকাাংি
মািুচ্ছেরইন্টারচ্ছিট সুনবো িাই। আর থাকচ্ছলও িা সময় ও পেটাপ্ত জ্ঞাচ্ছির অভাচ্ছব এচ্ছথচ্ছক সচ্ছবটাচ্চ সুনবো নিচ্ছি পারনছ িা ।িাছাড়া
সীমিত ইন্টারনেট প্যানেনের ও নেনটর নলা মিন়ের েেয চাইনেও তার প্রনয়ােেীয় ফাইে ডাউেনোড েরনত প্ারনেে
ো ...। আবার অনেনে বযস্তাতার েেয ডাউেনোড েরার সিয় প্ানেে ো……অথবা যখাাঁজা খুাঁনজ এেটা এেটা েনর
ডাউেনোড েরনত যানের মবরমিের িনে হয় ... তানের েেয সবনচনয় সহে এেমট সিাধাে অর্থাৎ বাাংোনেনের সেে
িােুষনে পেটাপ্ত প্রেুনক্তর সহচ্ছোনেিা নদচ্ছি আমার খুব ক্ষু দ্র একটা প্রয়াস হচ্ছে আমার এই নিনভনি কাচ্ছলকিি …
অথটাৎ আমার সাংগ্রহ করা স টওয়যার, ই-বুক(বই) ও নটউচ্ছটানরয়াল এর নবিাল কাচ্ছলকিচ্ছির মেয যথচ্ছক আপিাচ্ছদর জিয খুভ
ইম্পরটযান্ট নকছু সাংগ্রহ কযাটােনর আকাচ্ছর সানজচ্ছয় আপিাচ্ছদর জিয উপস্থাপি করলাম … আপিাচ্ছদর জিয করা আমারকাচ্ছলকিচ্ছির
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  • 2. Want more Updates  - COO... arc *fl» t4 tnwX to •rj-t I**! Cook VI i Cool -yj- ***fcrst i C oon -yj- 5ÿ? ÿ1% i Coop -yj- ÿRTl iftfi/ a« •tRblRra OTPPR I Coot 'ibsifl ÿ fare itcs apn •tiftcv to HOO... aft ÿ4*kto not >fl> ÿ4f4cft v ÿtjr vt: Hood -ÿ5- i*St i Hoof - t*Rt trj i Hook -ftf- ÿsrtÿJt i Hoop T5 dwiÿw I Hoot -*5- cÿRt TO, vsj<a«iÿ i POO... arei *tw Pool -rpl- cai«IH ÿtot i Poor -W- *T%, R4ÿ, i Poop -Ttt- WTÿJFfl f4ld* ÿ i Pooh i Poof -1ÿ- *1Vf4vS <JTO I ...EST ÿ4 fTOft 5Ctr TO T«r ! Best ittofl, i Jest -CW&- *lffl3J->1, TOH1 | Lest -crft- •fit! i Nest d5ÿ- trÿht ÿPtT i Pest Cft- >rÿs, $*7TT*r*. i Rest -ortj-ftgr*. -"11% i Test cflÿC- Rt>l<i vt, •rr vr i Vest -o&%- CTO?*1 i ...AY JiÿÿTcn Bay Srom i Day OS}- fÿ, fro i Fay <*%- •fit i Gay Cf}- ÿPf, amm.«fr"t. i Hay d}- ÿftr «vtrt to i Lay <«T}- ÿig ÿnsr, to, wim, jtÿst V7 i May Ct- itw CWT5. tov iw to i Nay ÿsft <sjfV*¥ i Pay -d}- CTOÿ uroVI. tor. nrcRTyttfTJiB! ct6tc=i Ray -«}- *tllTO *P|.f*tR.fow ORT, *P| i Say -CT}- TO. cw i ...UST aw«tfd Bust -TO&- HcWt, i Dust - TO®- «pfT, ÿrt i Gust -•fPyB- <W1TOTIT, adj.""WC$t I Lust — it'jfj - iliil,ajb1?} t4l*i Wtt i Must -irrft- TOf, 4K I Rust — idftV. I ...OSS are ltditt> ÿ4V? Vfi ttHTjst TOi Boss -TO *tf4* I Doss -TO- ft<M/TOT l Toss -ÿj- iJÿtn orstn, vt i Joss -VI" TO i Loss -fÿ-JSPT •fT«tn/ I Moss C-PSVT, vtt WTrm I ...RKJNGÿ fatten ÿ -mu -d Larking -»IlRK- c4tÿ vJPR CÿBHT® l Barking 4"flC*. apR CTWtC® I Parking •fltÿ *14ÿstx. aPR i Marking -5nfÿ- TM/fÿ f4t»f apR dmr® i Harking ÿk- «giR dWTUB i Sparking -mtfikr Cÿt apR <RtW$ I ...INE aw ÿaucn ifltÿ4wp$ m *******Dine dT>enn, f4d* «WR •IBI i Fine VWt, *WT*t l Line 1 Mine «tft, 1ft*I Nine Rtÿt- *Pt Tdtt, t» l Pine —nlA*j - *nÿ?t I Tine Ufÿf- f4?jtRt "IHI i Wine -vrfbh''Bp' c«»d m i ...EAR ara ÿTd iff ÿt4 Rdtÿctt mÿ "di Bear R«l«- VI, Vt I Gear -Rulÿ- fCV 5WWfl i Dear R«lÿ-ÿÿ0,W4 i Near Piÿlv I Rear —ttmlv g4®, •fVK1Bt1t | Tear flhffTit- i R4t4vt,HtÿVT cvtt i Pear -Pt*t4- Wrfft VI I Sear Pinlÿ- VPHCTt I Fear v i Hear R«iv ciBt i Year -A*I4- ' 9 Facebook: Website -
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  • 4. Want more Updates  JE...Y Jit iff i Jelly -miÿ- *c»ni cutwt i Jemmy -mrfÿ- CBTcaa 5ft mim mam® H® i Jenny mrfÿ- H«(1,aflat rani 1 Jetty mjff- WÿlCTRt apt *Wjffm< I Jerry ft* area* tndft 1«tarftsfia* i HU...Y ««® arc* iff a4faOT$mcaanta$aiimi Hurry -ÿ- ®TWfÿ mtflat mtflcai i Hussy 5$m T«iwfl ftnfl® 1 Huffy Hubby -mfft- mTff,mtft 1 SPI...E antarcm iff m<ÿ05 ant ant mja »wi Spite mm® facia 1 Spine -""•llÿ'j- caÿam 1 Spike -—ilVf-ÿShF/ÿWTT 1 Spice ™elft3ÿ- atmt 1 Spire caT5T®T< 1 NO...E Jts aTt® iff a4fac»!$ araant aÿaimi Node ÿff, areata im 1 None — cmnff at catmtc® 1 Nope -Cÿl«f- at catmtc® aiam® 1 Nose -C*N|- aim, itftmt 1 nosey-cÿÿl c»rr* 1 DOG... Jitareata nor e>-<tff a<f fac»ff UIaÿpt "imi Dog fish -m*j fÿ- CWfC atwa 1 Dog like -mf ml**-ÿprpni 1 Dog sleep -m*l *w»n T" 1 Dogbiscuit -m*l **caa atmata mat f**t> 1 Dogdays -if d*a|- « cacm iimt»P& maamt1 Dogend if 4*- fftttatSa eta *m 1 Dogfight if rni*&- **a m*1* 1 Dog house if at*aj- **a aNta aa I Dog age -if i«*m- maa 1 Dog body -if afÿ- mfaama 1 Dogstar -ifffta- amat Rcti 1 Dog trick ifff*- ttatt c/fHi 1 CAT ...jj* afacnta tea o/sff af fact* aa ÿr$a tt1 Cat fish -iff fmf- W?/fÿ Tim 1 Cat like -mff ml**-ftm 1 Cat sleep -mff f*f- mi*lftfagt 1 Catkin -U*frf- mtt *m 1 Cat eye -mi*mt*-£af*aft i Cat meat -mi*ft*- mfttflimi"*IK»T 1 Cat walk -mi* «at*- mrfKttca tt amt 1 ...OO... Jia mrct « tea af ftci* aea "*m *r$a tt1 Cool -*m- %®m, fclH I Wool fff- tUmla, tta l Coop *f- maata tfafs/ <sa tfaMff® catmia 1 Hoop 11- mm*ta tj® cii*iwn 1 Woof ÿTftÿl 1 Roof W 1 Nook C*M, iwfl meÿ 1 Rook ÿ 1 Rood 5TS- ire? e *tm, ÿ 4TORI 1 Good -V9- Biifvu."a53t 1 Zoom C.1C1H ttocti fw • Loom -ÿn- mr® 1 Goon *p}- mrÿTd? <iÿt 1 Boon -Tl- mtHÿPf, m-pt? 1 Coot T®- 5ÿ®i® mÿ lÿr® *toi jtir iiRom ÿ 1 Boot mfwi, m®i 1 Boom mromT. wst'Wi Zoom otot? H5IWJ fea mrci/ipa <1ÿ 1 Moot ft- "1, ÿ ' Soot -ÿ5- ÿ"t, im 1 Room mm 1 ...ONEjhj mTct tni -rj-f "tmi Bone cÿ- 1 Cone ClR 1 Lone Cÿ-adj.- 1ÿfd®.<amT,fÿPtv 1 Pone cÿPj- mfl> 1 Tone <3fPt- mtlÿ,ÿpi 1 Zone mwt, Jimrmt 1 ...ALL JiamTW iff ÿ "f*" Call m*j- mttBcm ®Tmt 1 Ball ÿ1- ÿ 1 Gall -«m-fÿre, fsm 3ÿ1 1 Hall toI ÿfll'fl 1 Mall —Tfj- WW 1>imt mnmt 1 Pall -*!•!- •W,mtWR i Tall mm, d»®I I ...AVE ji® mtw iff R<.iT rc.ii mn ÿ 1 Cave maj, 1 Gave ciÿ®- give Jra mShs mw 1 Lave cÿlm mat 1 Pave — Ttmi mfilvl ÿNlcÿl, 1 Save cÿ»- «mi mat, al&ltil i 9 Facebook: Website -
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  • 13. Want more Updates  - RED ...JTC»W! Red light — Gre TPT i Red carpet - GT® c*WTCS-»!!»T itPiei i Red handed - GW 3TG5 i Red hat -GT5 »nt i Red head - OPS cÿs- »TW preumt CTT* i Red letter day - GTS cWBpt c«$- fÿt i Red meat - Gi®fit»- i Red rag — GT6 UttPPI®R«ÿGf jtsh ÿF¥ i Red tape GTS dff- PtotuHUlH »t1»i fÿSTl GREEN ...<mt Green light -4H RRW CTOITU® i Green belt cs*G-1ÿgri BRMTCf *TC$ c®N fÿBt cs®« Green boat 4Hc*lt>- OTGRJ cÿfat i Green fingers -4hjfrwff- ®t)H i Green fly Jflt- enw i Green houseÿÿSl®«f- 1WW "HIIWW «HJ ÿtCRt to Green room -4tÿ «tfacf©lc»r« c*ffafa tÿRt TO/fNF Green tea -4hjft- 1RTT *»IWI 'sjfaF ®T I Green wood 4ÿ ®®- i ...FFLE 4*4«fGTO*nw */aft*4wftl* »Ht I Snaffle -J?fTTOj- tt SGI CTOT, ffilTOT I Shuffle ITTOl- «tt d»GT ÿ to SCT 4ft i Snuffle CWTGI CBtTGt *T"fCT TO GRtT/Cÿtt I Ruffle -*TTOJ- RtTO! i Riffle -ftroj- TO C*t*TRt TO TOCTO TOift i Raffle -tmroi- »iftftto tot i Truffle -fiTTO- TOTJ TO/TO stylwHl TO to*® fro Baffle TTO-TO/TO»TtlTOfoii*TO i Duffle TO»J- «Ww GTbfSP* nnftTO® i ...ggle *ÿ»wt? «rtcn */oft ÿc® fro srjH n*n Toggle -S*Tÿ- C¥Td> SJSÿe CTOICTO WW (X I Gaggle -TO»I- Mensfo, STTO cro* TO i Straggle -lWJ- aiftafawiw Git® wtt i Wriggle -fibfj- JtTOWTO wfte® TOT I Haggle -TO1!- W? TO*ft TO i Waggle -TOff- ÿtlWlH i Boggle TO*[- ftw® «|/bgiBTO «&T i Wiggle &$*!•]- RtWPlTOT/ -nsMt-tl i Smuggle -tUIIÿ- CSRH/faft® TOSlfii TO i Goggle -ÿffj- CPN •fRFTGTT/s® S® CPTW "TOtci! i ...BBLE ÿTct */eft ÿt® fact ÿtNp to i Babble - TOT- tts ÿ»n, sut Rubble — uli-i- -iHc«« wlu I Dabble - ÿH»t- cs»n W>Gt o*tn i Nibble -ÿt- ÿGt ÿT«nf dwnptt I Gobble - fs»i- ÿr«tn, ctwtct *tt«tn i Hobble - P»n i Rabble -WJ - ÿ5 G3ÿ> c*ii*w cirrus i Dribble — - cvlEl cviUl *Gt *ry?t i ...DDLE Jit s4otrot met V8 ÿ ÿ '*lriÿ Straddle — *n i Muddle - "Jmsf- «nfs»i i Middle - i Toddle - d»|i»«i- iitMt® K»t UGt 5»n i Waddle - tut tw PtT i Swaddle - ?Ftÿ cptt? ftot wÿtgh i Cuddle ÿ ÿrs*]- 13(Rr9 ÿtn, iÿfft i Riddle -ftvj- ciflllf,fPm l Twaddle - d>!Wt- ÿTGi <lb!*T5>I ÿ5T i Paddle -*UMÿ- ÿPet, JrÿtÿGRt i Coddle -ÿ5»j- »tT»R "ÿ11 ...PPLEji s4«gtri ÿtgi V? ÿ i Dapple «T?*pi- tttGra cnwpRRt onn cm Stipple GtSU fTGt Res tWl l Ripple ftflPl- Cflt Cflt CP® l Tipple it *tH far/*rtt ÿ«tn i Supple 'ttlfl- I Apple JUfJ- C-inlnln ts f<lHi i Grapple 41ICI- ij? ÿftc® «nn, Ri>c|R|fe ÿffl i Topple t|f»j- ®pDtfl *ppT i Nipple ÿifl- VGW c45t i ...TTLE jj ffnGrm «rrm tt fact sÿpt Cattle «flp tppt i Battle -tltij- tt*f, ÿi, »rÿt i Settle Ctt»j- m,fttÿnt SRH i Rattle ?Ut»i- ,«T5 »T5 i Tattle -tjt»j- i Scuttle -"*1t»j- | Mottle Otlt»i- C¥Hÿt i Shuttle -*ftt«i- ijif i Whittle ®ttÿ- VSTGTT, CfCF Ct»rT i Bottle —ctlt>j- ctP5»i i Mettle c®*, i 9 Facebook: Website ®:-
  • 14. Want more Updates  ...ZZLE < rIc*1 ÿ ftwrjpt »r«T t ...tive ftct ÿ'g* Sizzle -ftvi- C5c»r «iwa ft»i»r«n Swizzle -CTTflNFT- ÿ tlTCT *Tfifcÿf*r® Tift i Nuzzle HW*J- *tR ftcu CfWt ÿ1 W i Guzzle -«nnÿ- ÿ 1?ÿ*ot •fR | Muzzle -TIPI- ÿPR Wtft i Puzzle -TW"I- «ft, «trcft*T,WI I Dazzle C5N qfttat I Frazzle -3FRFI- ÿ<|(l i Drizzle ÿft tÿT i Frizzle -$*n- CWl* Cÿflf PtfaFt ftfatT ft I ...BERRYftnr rpwrwiww 3R RTt* i Blackberry ÿTCTT WR | Cranberry -JWIÿjQ- ÿ13 CfltJ »im ÿ i Strawberry cifl> Rtvtont Wnnt i Mulberry ÿT*RF brt ur*ffr ftt"R *TR i Huckleberry frg* mimfl+nt ur*fl» ftt-R ÿ Dogberry wr WT*hf ÿ 1 Blueberry -5ÿ- RtRfÿsR «PPR 1 Gooseberry ftffc vrfR <irÿ sRsR r*»j/»r5T i Rapsberry <RR®T TTPRt <xfiV 1 Roseberry OSRRTft- ctRTHWR 1 ...ABLE Rtc«t ftf ÿrjp »R! Abominable WÿtJ, ÿftl 1 Acceptable PfNJ 1 Accountable -<J¥lW*1ftÿ- til) I Admirable -•Hiiftll'Fÿ- I Adorable - JUCeRRÿ- mtPmt RMj 1 Advisable - ft**, ÿRRt CTTtl 1 AfTable - 4RtRTT"I- RÿlTfto,ft* 1 Alterable -R"jfcTnro»l- PTNJ 1 Applicable «fUM1WNJ, ÿsjRWj 1 Appreciable -auflftjR'J- ¥*T 1R 1 Avoidable - 1 Available - »HJ<ei*»iU»i- •ftsw ÿR «itsr, »rsj 1 Bearable -wiil«ta«i- ÿÿht, 1 Breakable <3**H»T- wp 1 Blamable hrwRÿ- flfftfltwfc* 1 Capable -CVfRf- tvii 1 Calculable vjepprRÿ- «H%, *ffapro, Mhmi1 Comparable -ÿIHWJ- 1pr%,tr$»tc 1 Considerable -+rlftmnq- Rwwiwwi 1 Cultivable -FRCTRJ, RRRPtftJ 1 Curable fÿptm- fttPRRRJ, RtCflftI PTfTJ 1 Ablative RTRR Active iQmI, dIÿ. 1 Additive anfeffr®- PTft ÿ 1 Adjective arrcwÿfS'®- •Affirmative V* 1 Alternative *W 1 Assertive —<aprlfl?v- rj® irsift 1 Attractive -ajofiPPl*®- 1 Additive — TtpnÿT I Captive <tÿl 1 Collective CTft, •tÿtl* 1 Cooperative -CVTVITPri*ÿ- 1 Competitive ÿvftl*n>ÿ- ajfÿPJlftÿnÿ I Connective ItWlWf 1 Conservative 1 Constructive ÿFPjSRÿB- 1 Defective Destructive tttw 1 Detective 'WICfl*tl I Digestive ÿwft, •tftnfB 1 Effective tr <rriR 1 ...MENT 4* RTPt ftw 1 mcnt T* 'fRPIt noun Abutment ftlB, "ft *lilwl Adjustment ÿÿWjCw-C- TTPJl«H, ÿdft W5T ÿ Appointment aiJÿfCflÿCiri?- w 1 Argument -RtWBfH?- Assessment <rcfTCT4>- l Assignment JJPTlÿÿorC- W?R, 1 Astonishment ft"T5l 1 Attachment -<in*tbprt>- 1 Augment ««{C3rt>- 1 Basement ftft, 1 Cement ft#t ÿftcm 1 Compartment R1»TWT W ÿtl 1 Complement -*»jfttvÿ- 1 Condiment *tRT 3ÿ11 Confinement , Consignment ontt, fft*t 1 Document Element ->DTftprÿ- ÿÿ9fRR 1 Filament f"lW«- ÿ rrs Rft , Fundament vtÿsTRM?- tRt, , 9 Facebook: Website (f):-
  • 15. Want more Updates  - ...lul **ww tsrÿ1 Bashful ctwi- ks i Iaretul (WI- • Cheerful SrffPMl- r*RRT«.xUÿi i Doleful ctfwi- ClOTff i IXwhtful "WHWnd. f*W| ÿ hauhfui cnwi- fwti*.«r«nin4 < Fearful wrfl i F rightful i Fruitful i Helpful iwnpntl i Hopeful • w- lantrÿ i Painful Clt5***!- CW<*RTr#.'*nptRrrc* i* Riskful fVR/*fw i Thoughtful fivrf* 1 Tuneful Ttnÿ, 7jM«n i Youthful tTPPI- i ...FY «tm»T aj«rtÿ5 c$ "ffowr verb *3 i Purify fn&ftrft. ÿ m **t i Mollify iPi«rlV TO **t, , Dignify fe'lA*lV tRfm OTHt, oflMfÿs i Disqualify -liÿtÿlmPupiV 'arctTfi ÿsror ÿrh i Diversify ÿrr w,ftfat toj ?rjt Glorify cllftviV ««Wftt Rmhhÿtt, tim-• Gasify - *nfÿviÿ- Ulÿÿvsÿsr *tt wn i Justify •Jfsrst/ RRrsi ÿhjt i Mortify CTlflfvTÿ- fNINÿni Beautify ynwi Classify gilft«nV gfftre frare *tn, gtflftro Certify — iÿsj/RR 1W t Calcify wPwiV fR ifihr® **l,ÿnr *«tn i Clarify #Jlfl*lV ÿ *«, **i Codify TWTR9 TO TOtR* 'Crucify - aÿPivlV aH R* TOI I Deify -EW»lV wmw tot, ««TO ifrwtot Defy-ffcÿ-*"*ÿ crtrt,,3ror tot, *rwn ÿ Demystify "I. ÿ 1 Magnify UPtRvit- flÿlWl, ÿ TOT, Wÿtn oHIWI I Modify Rlfc»lV ÿ *lftÿ *n*ÿ 1 ...LESS «rt -wt»c»n RtT -src<i Aimless aitqcnr- TOTfR i Painless ciÿcn*!- mm?}*. *1vÿt i Faithless fipfprfÿt i Ageless aiwcÿPj- *T-re, fs-c** i Bloodless ÿTSCPJ- «"ÿ»?}*. <*nr«?H i Careless CÿTTCÿJ- Vft?J*, atm?}* I Fearless forrflc*™- 'er?T*, "itr?}* i Cheerless fSCTÿCPJ- -sc*""?}*. t DcalhldfiP ***?)* i Doubtless YTSjCPJ- 1C*f«,2R i Feckless MuTÿfT-t i Friendless OT$c»pt- **?!*. "wrSTr?}*, tw*?}* Fruitless ,lf<J*f4?T* i Guideless nrÿcÿr*?- vvnmrfcSF* Ciroundless aJiS-S'.*!ÿ- f«f-5 c=tÿ OT, fsfsÿH i Heartless ÿnr?pt, t Helpless - i Hopeless <wjcrÿ- "annrÿ-t. ÿcRTfrfjÿ i Harmless vj4<yr>j- sFfs?H i Joyless wÿc»pi- ttpwlp, «ÿrpr?TR i Listless tsrfn<PT5pt i ...IZE iwnc*it%ÿntc<i Centralize -cÿililÿs!- cÿhp® ÿrt, cÿca wtÿi ÿri i Civilize f>tfs»il5w- c«tw ÿulti ÿHl i Demoralize "T i Equalize ftH i Fertilize <5Rn, ÿRfT i Finalize ttf*f OtTH, 5V® ItfniÿRt Legalize Rl'IWIÿ-ÿ»T®t onn, >rv® 1 Localize CtTVUÿef- RRt >rRTvnt RRWsfT i Penalize "tT% <Rfl1, c»ftrT, (RttRI *3 Realize S'mfifi Rcw?i %»R ÿat Generalize ceRttSPnTtÿ- RMTtR f»Wti CRJt I Liberalize -PiaWRlÿ- yp ÿtr, W i Mobilize --CTlfaiftÿ- cÿR frorcna wrj fÿs i Moralize ÿtn i Nationalize -RT"RR1ÿf- viRiÿl»n ÿ5 'Bftftu WvRm <?rat i Naturalize Hj|bl4|t||ÿ. (Rw%») «rk Personalize -tltRRRTÿf- | Signalize fiWRIÿ- Wit/ÿ% C®RT , Utilize ÿFTSTW »INTRT i Individualize ÿ55 ÿn, ÿR] sfei ( 9 Facebook: Website ®:-
  • 16. Want more Updates  - ...TIC 8/<tf& *4foot -mi Acoustic "T* ÿWR, «t*fi CRtt i Acrostic Hv*t« 41 41 I Aesthetic •Rtfav. o4bt4 I Agnostic i~*k4W!H1 ilsilÿC*l i Antibiotic atifl»*twilfl>ÿ- JftilyiM*. 4Nr*( sifitfltfl i Apologetic atriwiurtPq- ÿ wrn*. tohnrsÿt* i Artistic «tllWT4Jÿ- frtHw. vftf ihp» i Aseptic atwtflff- ÿiwd$fihnÿ» i Asiatic atftu#ÿ- JBÿtt i Authentic iCPjflhf- afptlfa*, i Automatic TOtfiiRt, fttat ru aw i Antiseptic -#Rtÿ tHo. vacaiH i Aquatic 4TWTinflÿ - Wtn/«Jt4l fall* t Caustic iPTTlfa* i Cinematic fat*nt#ÿ - stiffen fai fant* i Climatic imaii i Diagnostic VtlhptWÿ- WW fata T»*tfaa i Diabetic -aapfii c«W i Didactic fluifHf- ftÿryt*. i Domestic *c«Ttn, nrfonifa* t ...FIED*4»wta ÿrcn 8/*1ft*4ÿ faa ?np Beautified faSflbffotS- ÿntf® i Classified dÿtcsfaevi Certified -flffitalt®- CÿHfaf ?F5j/fa*i ws ÿ ÿatÿwifa® i Calcified •»jHpi«riY*- JCT ÿifii1®, t Clarified Wf®, fafl»r3 i Codified ÿfll *WlOBI*0*101atfa* i Crucified fas t Deified ORÿta •tfat® i Defied fa*1*V ""ifa®, i Demystified •aruÿ, "41I Dignified -f4*lP*fou>- iUfnwn, c4fanfro i Disqualified -IfcjjOFHilPwÿib-ÿWI'll apnfÿ, faRfF® Diversified tafejj ?Wt, ftffea ?*Jt i Glorified -otalft*1$5- «Htf*F5,$«nfa® i Gasified ÿ 1JlA*lÿb- *1JTÿ5 i Justified tbj/ ?utaJ I Mortified vffviÿ5- fa#ta/PPfl i Magnified iltywi, 4ÿfÿ> i Modified ifiRPfo i ...LOGY *4*otr yrrw fat Rrpt f Analogy atpptfit- Tnj"fT®i, ®*nn, faH i Anthology dji*R»nflt- Ti*»H I Anthropology an-Wimitat- Hfl fowH. I Apology Jiinnrfit- (*o ÿ < ÿnai«t 4t*Ta t Archaeology 'aflfasOTita} aTRÿ. *TRfant I Astrology airtfiyifii- c*rff4Rfatrl i Biology anmifi?- #afaiit i Cardiology *tfiS>s»itfii- i ciuonoiog> QhTCRTnifii- •arnrtiatPvfÿMp i Criminology f>fawi"utat- wiflRfWt i ( 'osmology *ÿon»utai- i Doxology %*>mif*- 4tatn qtoui aÿmta «ih i Ecology t*»utat RNRfam i Itiologv ÿ4f«t«iiN| «itMR*ttiMtt4Mi1 1 I'schatology i l-tlinologv ÿvt«tR*Tbaÿj#.r® i Itymology ÿcw»n1<t tÿ«n« tn i Gynecology ft c.«TM/ arÿlvaiÿMH t lieology firat*tit8| i liemology cwvÿitÿl , ...LITÿ' 'IWflP1CT Iltv RWtWW Nountpr t Ability -ÿiiRPilt- TT*rÿT. w*t«t i Acceptability -atjÿci'iCifilÿlÿ- Jaaÿwini®1 I Accountabiliu i Adaptabilit% aurHiiftPiÿ- Advisability -air«oiÿnRPin»- ®*IWRTSI i Affability -«qRWftfW- ÿaraifÿsr i Agility aJilwPilt- f*«P5T t Availability ÿjwÿiiÿPiIC- •frerst vti iHR. aq-uoi, Bestiality RfÿarTftflJ- *1llW«l, 1ÿ9 i Brutality -Tg-UiPilU- ÿrsi i Calculability «wf*i!RRin»- ,n«RT ÿar jpr , Capability ftf ÿaT? *ir®i, -»ir4i i Civility -f5|f%ÿrf5- ÿ ÿ®r i Credulity lÿfpt aR«T®t i Curability i Desirability "VTHTÿM'lt i Durability cU*>t> CRPW i Edibility -atfÿlal*l(U- WtRt RNPSl i Eligibility -atll*llwRl»lÿ- OTTTST i 9 Facebook: Website (f):-
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