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                         MADRASAH ALIYAH NEGERI 1 JEMBER
                       Jalan Imam Bonjol 50, Telp. 0331-485109, Faks. 0331-484651, PO Box 168 Jember

                   NAMA SEKOLAH                  : MAN JEMBER 1
                   MATA PELAJARAN                : BAHASA INGGRIS
                   KLS/ SEMESTER                 : XI/ I
                   MATERI PKOK                   : EXPRESSING SATISFACTION
                   ALOKASI WAKTU                 : 4 x 45 menit

     Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan
     berlanjut (sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

     Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan
     berlanjut (sustained) dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat lancar dan
     berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-haridan melibatkan tindak tutur : menyatakan
     perasaan puas, menyatakan perasaan tidak puas.

     1.           Melakukan       dialog   transaksional    dengan     menggunakan        Expressing
          Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction,
     2.           Melengkapi percakapan sederhana pada dialog yang tersedia,
     3.           Membuat      dialog dengan menggunakan Expressing Satisfaction                  and
     4.           Mempraktikan dialog tersebut dengan teman.

     Pada akhir pembelajaran, diharapkan siswa dapat :
     5.           Mengungkapkan Expressing Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction secara lisan,
     6.           Membuat dialog dengan Expressing Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction dengan

     The expressing satisfaction are :
     -                       Great
     -                       Terrific !

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Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
-                     Fantastic
     -                     I like it.
     -                     I’m very satisfied.
     -                     I’m so happy about this.
     -                     It’s gives me great satisfaction, etc.
     The expressing of dissatisfaction are :
     -                     Oh, no !
     -                     It’s terrible !
     -                     What an awful !
     -                     I can’t satand doing it.
     -                     I;m not satisfied with…
     -                     I;m verry dissatisfied with…, etc.

     Tanya Jawab, Role Play

1.                                PENDAHULUAN
     a.                                      Apersepsi
          -                Guru memeberi salam kepada siswa,
          -                Guru mengabsen kehadiran siswa.
     b.                                      Motivasi
          -                Guru memulai pelajaran dengan memeperlihatkan gambar-gambar
              kepada siswa,
          -                Guru membuat pertanyaan yang mengarah kepada ungkapan-
              ungkapan rasa puas dan tidak puas,
          -                Guru meminta siswa untuk menebak materi apa yang akan
              disampaikan pada hari itu,
          -                Guru memeberikan ‘reward’ terhadap respon siswa.
     c.                                      Membacakan Tujuan Pembelajara Kepada Siswa
1.                                Kegiatan Inti
     -                     Guru membagikan LKS kepada siswa,
     -                     Siswa melengkapi percakapan sederhana yang tekah tersedia,
     -                     Guru memilih dua siswa untuk mebacakan dialog tentang
          Expressing Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction di depan kelas
     -                     Siswa mempraktikan Expressing Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction
          dengan guru,
     -                     Guru memberikan penegasan tentang materi Expressing Satisfaction
          and Dissatisfaction.
3.               Penutup
     -                     Guru menyimpulkan hasil kegiatan pembelajaran dengan melakukan
          tanya jawab kepada siswa

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-                     Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat dialog bebas tentang
         Expressing    Satisfaction     and       Dissatisfaction   secara   berpasangan   dan
         mempraktekkannya minggu depan.
2.              Evaluasi
     -                     Test lisan- Speaking
     -                     Penilaian sikap (Assesment Of Performance)
     -                     Gambar-gambar,
     -                     Hand out materi pembelajaran
     -                     A contextual approach to learning english for senior high school by
         Yulia Mufarichah, ganeca exact.

                Mengetahui,                                    Jember, Juli 2009
           Kepala MAN Jember 1                               Guru Bahasa Inggris

         DRS. M. ANWARI SY, MA                            FEBRI HIDAYATI, S.Pd
         NIP. 19550808 198103 1003                       NIP. 19710213 199601 2001

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                                           STUDENT’S TASK
I.                    Study the dialogue, then answer the following question !
Dialogue 1
Fikky           : Where did you go last holiday?
Fikka           : I went to Bali and I had a verry great time.
Fikky           : Really ? where did you go ?
Fikka           : I went to Kuta Beach, Sanur Beach and Nusa Dua.
                 These tourist place really gives me great satisfaction.
Fikky           : There are beautiful places. By the way where did you stay when you are in
                  Bali ?
Fikka           : Well, I stayed in five star hotel.
                 It was verry comfortable. I’m verry pleased with the hotels’ service
1.                Who went to Bali Island ?
2.                What tourist resort did she visit ?
3.                Where did she stay ?
4.                How was the service of the hotel ?
5.                What didi Fikka say to express her satisfaction ?
6.                Find another expressions of satisfaction in the dialogue above !

Dialogue 2
Nana            : You look unhappy. What’s wrong with you Mir ?
Mira            : Yes, I’m not happy. I’m verry dissatisfied with such kind of condition.
Nana            : Which condition do you mean ?
Mira            : Most audiences ignored our dramma performance last night. Therefore, Mr.
                  Budi was angry with me.
                 I’m verry dissappointed with our performance.
Nana            : The patient friend ! I’m sure our grup will get good chance next year.

Questions !!
      1. Who look unhappy ?
      2. What makes her dissatisfied ?
      3. Mnetion ythe expression of dissatisfaction started in the dialogue !
II.                   Complete these simple dialogue using your expressions !
      1. Ronny        : Iknow that you idol football player is Ronaldo. How is she now?
         Sonny        : ………………
      3. Hari     : How is your test, Den ? ( satisfaction)
         Deny         : ………………
      4. Tanny : What do you yhink about our drama performance last night ?

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Eka          : ………………
       5. Ardy : Tika, you saw my speech contest performance last night, did’n you ?
            Tika         : …………….
III.                     Make a simple dialogue of expressing satisfaction or dissatisfaction in
       pairs then practise it in front of class next meeting !

                                           ANSWER’S KEY

I.          Dialogue 1
       1.           Fikka did.
       2.           She visited Kuta Beach, Sanur Beach, and Nusa Dua
       3.           She stayed in Five- Star Hotel.
       4.           The service of the hotel was very comfortable.
       5.           Another expression of Satisfaction are :
            -                 These tourism places really gives me great satisfaction.
            -                 I’m very pleased with the hotel’s service
       Dialogue 2
                1. Mira does, because she is very dissatisfied.
                2. With such kind of condition.
                3. The ezpressions of dissatsifaction in the dialogue above are :
                          -   I’m very dissappointed with our performance
                          -   I’m very dissatisfied with such kind of condition
 II.        The answer are based on students’ answer.
III.        The answer depend on studets’ answer

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Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
                      MADRASAH ALIYAH NEGERI 1 JEMBER
                    Jalan Imam Bonjol 50, Telp. 0331-485109, Faks. 0331-484651, PO Box 168 Jember

                                        ( READING )
                   NAMA SEKOLAH               : MAN JEMBER 1
                   MATA PELAJARAN             : BAHASA INGGRIS
                   KLS/ SEMESTER              : XI/ I
                   MATERI PKOK                : REPORT TEXT
                   ALOKASI WAKTU              : 4 x 45 menit

   Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei berbentuk report, narrative dan
   analytical exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu
   Merespon makna dalam langkah retorika dalam esei yang menggunakan ragam bahasa
   tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk
   mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk : report, narrative dan analytical
   1. Menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan pada bacaan yang tersedia
   2. Menentukan ide utama dan pendukung
   3. Mengidentifikasi jenis teks dan menemukan Generic Structure dari bacaan Report.
   Pada akhir pembelajaran diharapkan siswa dapat :
   1. Menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berdasarkan isi bacaan
   2. Mengembengkan ketrampilan membaca dan pemahaman jenis teks Report dalam
        menentukan ide utama, ide pendukung
   3. Menentukan Generic Structure dari Report Text
   c.                                           MATERI PEMBELAJARAN
                                      REPORT TEXT
   A Report is a text that describes the way things are, with reference to a range of natural,
   manmade and social phenomenon in our environment.
   Generic Structure :
   - General classification     : describes phenomenon in general
   - Description                : describes the phenomenon in details, in terms of : part,
                                qualities, habits or behaviours.

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Example :
             Bees are insect. There are about 20000 apecies or kinds of bees. They live every
   where in the world except on high mountains, in the Avtic and Antartic , and on some
   small islands in the ocean.
             Some bees are as small as 0,08 inches (4 centimetres). Bees come in many colours;
   black, gray, yellow, red, green, or blue. Most bees live alone. They are called solitary
   bees. Meanwhile, some bees live in groups called collonies. They are social bees.
             Bees have three pairs of leg and four wings. Llke all insects, they have a had, chest
   and abdomen. They have mouthparts and tongue for collecting nectar. They earry nectar
   in an organ called a honey stomach.
             Moroeever, bees has special wings that let them fly like helicopter. They can fly
   backward, forward, sideways, or stay in one place in the air.
             In addition, bees have three reguler eyesand two compound eyes. Their compound
   eyes have many lenses. Furthermore, bees can sees colours and patterns. This help them
   find flowers.
   - Discussion, tanya jawab
   1.         PENDAHULUAN
        a.            Apersepsi
              -             Guru memberi salam kepada siswa
              -             Guru mengabsen kehadiran siswa
        b.            Motivasi
              -             Guru membacaka reading tentang ”Mamalia”.
              -             Guru meminta siswa untuk menebak termasuk jenis teks apakah
                  bacaan “Mamalia” tersebut.
              -             Guru memberikan reward kepada siswa yang bisa menjawab.
        c.            Membacakan tujuan pembelajaran kepada siswa
   2.         KEGIATAN INTI
        -                   Guru membagikan work sheet kepada siswa.
        -                   Siswa membentuk kelompok yang terdiri dari enam orang tiap
        -                   Setiap siswa yang pandai disebar ke tiap-tiap kelompok agar terjadi
              “Peer Tutoring”,
        -                   Setiap kelompok harus ada ketua dan sekretaris utnuk mencatat hasil
              kerja kelompok,
        -                   Siswa menerima LKS dari guru kemudian tiap-tiap kelompok
              melakukan Cooperative-Learning utnuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang
              ada di LKS,

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-                Guru memberikan motivasi dan bertindak sebagai fasilitator selam
            proses pembelajaran,
        -                Siswa (wakil tiap kelompok) mempresentasikan hasil kerja
            kelompok di depan kelas.
   3.       PENUTUP
        -                Guru mrmberikan tanggapan/ koreksi dan sedikit penjelasan dari
            kegiatan presentasi siswa,
        -                Guru membuat kesimpulan bersama siswa tentang “Report Text”.
                     -   Test tertulis
                     -   Penilaian sikap (Assesment of Performace).
   1.                                    LKS
   2.                                    Hand out materi pembelajaran
   3.                                    A contextual approach to learnig English fo Senior
        High Scool by Yulia Mufarichah, Ganeca Exact

                Mengetahui,                                Jember, Juli 2009
            Kepala MAN Jember 1                           Guru Bahasa Inggris

        DRS. M. ANWARI SY, MA                           FEBRI HIDAYATI, S.Pd
        NIP. 19550808 198103 1003                      NIP. 19710213 199601 2001

Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10
Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011

   6.           QUESTION
        1.                     Do you know a large bird in Australia tha can’t fly ?
        2.                     How about Kakadu National Park ? Have you know it ?
             Text 1
                                        Odd Australian Creatuers
          The amus are large birds but they cannot fly. They live all over Australia in a
   grassland area. The amus eat grass, leaves and small insect. They weigh arroun 36
   kliograms but some weigh as much as 50 kilograms.
          These bird have three toes on their feet and very long legs. They can run very fast
   up to 50 kilomters per hour.
          The female emus usually lay about 20 eggs. The eggs sre large and dark green
   coloured. Meanwhile yhe male emus sit on the eggs in the large until the eggs hatch.
   They sit on the eggs for around 7-8 weeks. They do not leave the nest for this time.
   Whwn rhe egss hatch, the male amus look after the babies for about six months.
   Therefore, the female emus do not care the babies.
             Text 2
                                         Kakadu National Park
          Kakadu National Park is on the World Heritage List. It is on of the few sitesin the
   world included for both outstanding cultural and natural atrraction. The park is located
   in the tropical north of Australia. 120 kilometres east of Darwin. It covers a total area of
   19,804 square kilometres.
          Kakadu contain features of great natural beautyand sweeping landscapes. Its most
   outstanding landforms included extensive wetlands and spectacular ‘walls of rock’.
          Moroever, Kakadu Natinal Park contains a wide range of flora and fauna. There are
   more than 60 species of mammals, 289 species of birds, 132 species of reptiles, 25
   species of frogs, 55 species of freshwater fish and over 10,000 species of insect. Besides,
   eucalyptus forests, woodlans grasslands cover much of the lowland area in Kakadu
   National Park. There are even small areas of monsoon rainforest. During the wet season,
   rivers and creeksflood and spread out over the broad floodplains to form fast wetlands,
   wher ducks, geese and wading birds abound.
Question :
   1. What is the first text about ?
   2. Does is describe something in general or in specific ?
   3. What are emus ?
   4. Who take care of the baby emus ?
   5. What is the second text abuot ?
   6. Where can we find it ?
   7. Can we find it somewhere else ? Why ?

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8. What is Kakadu National Park ?
Question :
      9. What are the similarities of two texts above ?
      10. What are the differences beetwen the first and the second text ?
      11. What is genre of the first text ?
      12. What is the genre of the second text ?
a.                                                                 ENRICHMENT OR PORTO-
  -                          Make a report about a particular plant or thing or animals then
          submit the result next-week.

                                           ANSWER KEY

1.                                         The first text is about the emus are large birds which
      can‘t fly lives in all over Australia in a grassland area.
2.                                         Yes, it describes something in specific.
3.                                         Emus area large birds which can’t fly.
4.                                         The male emus lokk after the baby.
5.                                         The second text is about Kakadu National Park is on
      the world Heritage List.
6.                                         We can find it in the tropical north of Australia
7.                                         ………
8.                                         Kakadu National Park is is on the world Heritage List .
      It is on of the few sites in the world icluded for both outstanding cultural and natural
9.                                         The similarities of those two text above are both of
      them describe about something.
10.                                        The differences beetwen the first and the second text :
      -                      The second text describe about particular object (Kakadu National
      -                      The first text describes about emus in general and specific details
           (gives report about emus)
11. The genre of the first text is report.
13.        The genre of the first text is Descriptive text.

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Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
                         MADRASAH ALIYAH NEGERI 1 JEMBER
                       Jalan Imam Bonjol 50, Telp. 0331-485109, Faks. 0331-484651, PO Box 168 Jember

                   NAMA SEKOLAH                  : MAN JEMBER 1
                   MATA PELAJARAN                : BAHASA INGGRIS
                   KLS/ SEMESTER                 : XI/ I
                   MATERI PKOK                   : LISTENIG TO REPORT TEXT
                   ALOKASI WAKTU                 : 2 x 45 menit

     c.                                            STANDAR KOMPETENSI
     Memahami makna text fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk Report, Narrative and
     Annalytical exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
     d.                                            KOMPETENSI DASAR
     Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut
     (sustained) secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan
     dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari serta meliatkan tindak tutur : menyampaikan
     pendapat, meminta pendapat, menyatakan puas dab menyatakan tidak puas.
     e.                                            INDIKATOR
     1. Melengkapi text monolog report dari kaset yang diperdengarkan,
     6.           Menjwab pertanyaan-pertanyaan dari report yang sudah dilengkapi,
D.                             TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN
     Pada akhir pembelajaran, diharapkan siswa dapat :
     1.                                  Melengkapi text report yang diperdengarkan,
     2.                                  Menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan dari report text yang
          sudah dilengkapi.
E.                             MATERI PEMBELAJARAN
     Text report, contohnya sebagai berikut :
     Bees are…(1)…There are about 20,000 speciesor ….(2)…They….(3)… in the world
     except on high mountains, in the Arctic and Antartic and…(4)…in the ocean.
F.                             METODE PEMBELAJARAN

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G.                             LANGKA-LANGKAH PEMBELAJARAN
         a.                                   Apersepsi
              -            Guru memberi salam kepada siswa
              -            Guru mengabsen jehadiran siswa
         b.                                   Motivasi
              -            Guru memberikan pertanyaan yang mengarah
         c.                                   Membacakan tujuan pembelajaran kepada
         -                 Siswa mendapatkan penjelasan tentang text monolog lisan report,
         -                 Siswa mendengarkan text monolog report dengan bantuan audio,
         -                 Siswa melengkapi text monolog report,
         -                 Siswa mendiskusikan isi jawaban mereka
         -                 Siswa menjawab pertanyaan tex t report yang sudah lengkap,
         -                 Guru membahas jawaban bersama text report yang sudah lengkap,
         -                 Guru membahas bersama jawaban text report lisan.
     3. PENUTUP
              -            Sisw   membuat       ringkasan    “Topik”   dari   text   report   yang
                  diperdengarkan retelling,
              -            Guru menutup pembelajaran dengan membuat kesimpulan bersama
         -                 Tes listenig
         -                 Penilaian sikap(Assesment of Performance)
H.                             MEDIA/ SUMBER PEMBELAJARAN
     -                     LKS
     -                     Tape recorder dan kaset
     -                     English text book 2 by Ganeca

                  Mengetahui,                                  Jember, Juli 2009
              Kepala MAN Jember 1                            Guru Bahasa Inggris

         DRS. M. ANWARI SY, MA                              FEBRI HIDAYATI, S.Pd
         NIP. 19550808 198103 1003                        NIP. 19710213 199601 2001

Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10
Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011

I.                               Listen and complete the following report !
      Whales are ….1…mammals. They therefore ..2.. aur with their lungsbut caanot…3…...
      ….4…. are very large inded and the blue whale, which can exceed 30 m in length, …5…
      to have lived on earth. Superficially , the whales …6…., but there are important
      differences in its external structure, …7…a pair of broad, flat horizontal paddles (the tail
      of the fish is vertical) and….8…on top of its large, broad head …9…and beneath it lies a
      layer of fat (blubber). This is up to 30 m in thickness and serves to….10.
II. Answer the questions, aftre you completing text report above !
      1. What kind animals does it belong to ?
      2. How does it beneath ?
      3. What does it look like ?
      4. Where can you find it ?
      5. Find the generic Structure of report text above ?

                                         ANSWER’S KEY
      1. Sea-living
      2. Breathe
      3. Survive on land
      4. Some species
      5. Is the largest animal
      6. Looks rather like a fish
      7. Its tail consist of
      8. It has single nostril
      9. The skin is smooth and shiny
      10. Conserve heat and body fluids
      1. It is a sea living mammals.
      2. It breathes air with their lungs.
      3. It looks rather like a fish.
      4. We can find it in the sea of course.
      5. The Generic Structur :
          Title                              : Whales
          Generic Classification             : Whales are sea living mammals
          Description                        : Kalimat berikutnya

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Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
                         MADRASAH ALIYAH NEGERI 1 JEMBER
                       Jalan Imam Bonjol 50, Telp. 0331-485109, Faks. 0331-484651, PO Box 168 Jember

                    NAMA SEKOLAH                 : MAN JEMBER 1
                    MATA PELAJARAN               : BAHASA INGGRIS
                    KLS/ SEMESTER                : XI/ I
                    MATERI PKOK                  : NOUN PHRASE
                    ALOKASI WAKTU                : 4 x 45 menit

     Mengungkapkan makna dalam text esei berbentuk report, narrative dan analytical
     exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
     Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei dengan menggunakan ragam
     bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
     dalam text berbentuk : report, narrative dan analytical exposition.
     -                     Mengidentifikasi noun phrase
     -                     Membuat kalimat yang terdiri dari noun phrase
     -                     Membuat karangan dalam bentuk report text dengan menerapkan
     Pada pembelajaran ini diharapkan siswa dapat :
     -                     Mengidentifikasi kalimat yang terdiri dari Noun-Phrase
     -                     Membuat kalimat yang terdiri dari Noun-Phrase
     -                     Membuat karangan dalam bentuk Report Text dengan menerapkan
         Noun Phrase
     Noun Phrase
     -                  She is a girl.
        S    P O
     -                  She is a beautiful girl.
        S    P         O
     -                  She is a beautiful tall girl.
        S    P         O
     -                  She is a beautiful tall young javanese girl.
        S    P                  O
        The objectof the above sentece s have the same meaning, wich is the girl, but they
         have different modifiers. This kind of arrangement is called “Noun Phrase” in which
         the noun (girl) is modified with adjectives.

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     Menjelaskan, tanya jawab
i.                                                                   LANGKAH-
     2.            PENDAHULUAN
          a.                                Apersepsi
               -           Guru memberi salam kepada siswa
               -           Guru mengabsen jehadiran siswa
          b.                                Motivasi
               -           Guru menggali pengetahuan awal siswa dengan bemeberi pre-test
                   lisan yang mengarah pada pembahasan “Noun Phrase”
               -           Guru memotivasi siswa untuk memusatkan perhatiannya pada
                   pelajaran writing yang berkaitan dengan “Noun Phrase”.
          c.                                Membacakan tujuan pembelajaran kepada
          -                Siswa mendapatkan penjelasan tentang materi Noun Phrase,
          -                Guru membagikan “worksheet” kepada siswa untuk dikerjakan,
          -                Guru dan siswa membahas bersama jawaban yang tepat dari work
          -                Guru memberikan penegasan kembali tentang materi “Noun Phrase”
               kepada siswa
     3. PENUTUP
          -                Guru mrnyimpulkan hasil kegiatan pembelajaran bersama-sama
               dengan siswa,
          -                Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat karangan dalam bentuk
               “Report” text dengan menerapkan Noun Phrase
          -                Tes tertulis
          -                Laporan work sheet

     -                     LKS
     -                     Hand out materi pembelajaran
     -                     A Contextual Approach to Learnig English for Senior High School
          by Yulia Mufrichach, Ganeca Exact.

Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10
Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
Mengetahui,                                    Jember, Juli 2009
              Kepala MAN Jember 1                            Guru Bahasa Inggris

         DRS. M. ANWARI SY, MA                            FEBRI HIDAYATI, S.Pd
         NIP. 19550808 198103 1003                       NIP. 19710213 199601 2001

                                        STUDENTS’ TASK
 I. Make a new sentences containing noun phrase based on the following sentences. Number
 one has been done for you !
 1.              The car is red. It is beautiful.
 2.              Tina has a dog. It si cute
 3.              Mr. Arman has just bought a house. It is expensive
 4.              Nirina is agood presenter. She is still young.
 5.              I did a test yesterday. It was very difficult
II. Arrange the following adjektives in the correct order !
 1.                                      The man was (young-dancer-beautiful-a-sundenese-
 2.                                      The rich man has just bought (small-expensive-an-car-
 3.                                      The (big-expensive-dimond-circular) was shown in the
 4.                                      The house is full of ( flowers-beautiful-small)
 5.                                      The man has (smart-some-small-young-dogs-brown)
 6.                                      He buys (long-a-black-nice-belt)
 7.                                      My father makes (tble-a-small-wooden)
 8.                                      My mother has (blue-big-beautiful-round-vase-
 9.                                      He belongs to (big-a-family-well known-javanese)
 10.                                     My brother buys (car-a-new-japanese-interesting)
 11.                                     I saw a girl sitting on (chair-the-brown-small)
 12.                                     She is looking for (young-tall-man-a-Asian-athletic)
 13.                                     (new-an-blue-attractive-birds) flew south.
 14.                                     The prize will be (old-a-vase-crystal-beautiful)
 15.                                     My (cat-black-beautiful-small) was died last night.

                                         ANSWER’S KEY

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           1. It is acute dog.
           2. It is an expensive house.
           7.         She is a good young presenter
           8.         It was very difficult test.
           1. A beautiful slim young Sundanese dancer.
           2. An expensive small red car.
           3. Expensive big circular diamond.
           4. Beautiful small white flowers.
           5. Some smart small young brown dogs.
           6. A nice long black belt.
           7. A small wooden table.
           8. A beautiful big round blue chinese vase.
           9. A well-known big Javanese family.
           10. A new interesting Japanese car.
           11. The small brown chair.
           12. A tall young athletic Asian man.
           13. An attractive new blue birds.
           14. A beautiful old crystal vase.
           15. Beautiful amall black cat.

     Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10
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                         MADRASAH ALIYAH NEGERI 1 JEMBER
                       Jalan Imam Bonjol 50, Telp. 0331-485109, Faks. 0331-484651, PO Box 168 Jember

                   NAMA SEKOLAH                  : MAN JEMBER 1
                   MATA PELAJARAN                : BAHASA INGGRIS
                   KLS/ SEMESTER                 : XI/ I
                   MATERI PKOK                   : EXPRESSING PERMISSION
                   ALOKASI WAKTU                 : 2 x 45 menit

     Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan
     berlanjut (sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
     Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan
     berlanjut (sustained) dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan
     berterima dalam konteks kehidpan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur : menasihati,
     memperingatkan, meluluskan permintaan, serta menyatakan perasaan Relief Pain dan
     -                     Melakukan dialog transaksional dengan mengungkapkan Expressing
     -                     Membuat      percakapan         tentang   Expressing    Permission     dan
         mempraktikakannya dengan teman.

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     Pada akhir pembelajaran, diharapkan siswa dapat :
     -                        Mengungkapkan Expressing Permission secara lisan dan tertulis.
     -                        Membuat dialog dengan Expressing Permission secara individu.
     -                        Mempraktikkan Expressing Permission, baik dengan guru atau
     The Expression of Permission
     Asking for Permission
     -                        Excuse me …..
     -                        Can I ….?
     -                        May I ….?
     -                        Do you mind if …?
     -                        Is it all right if ….?
     Giving permission
     -                        Sure
     -                        Of course I do
     -                        Yes, please
     -                        Certainly
     -                        By all means
     Rejecting permission
     -                        Sorry, but…
     -                        I’d rather, you didn’t do that
     -                        I’m afraid you may not
     Tanya jawab, Role Play
     1.                                      PENDAHULUAN
          a.       Apresiasi
               -              Guru memberi salam kepada siswa
               -              Guru mengabsen kehadiran siswa
          b.       Motivasi
               -              Guru membuka pelajaran dengan bertanya pada siswa dengan
                   menggunakan Expressing Permission
               -              Dari pertanyaan-prtanyaan yang disampaikan guru, siswa diminta
                   untuk menebak kira-kira materi apa yang akan dibahas pada pertemuan ini.
               -              Siswa yang bisa menjawab diberi hadiah atau reward.
          c.       Guru membacakan tujuan pembelajaran kepada siswa.
     7.            KEGIATAN INTI
          -                   Guru membagikan LKS pada siswa
          -                   Secara individu siswa mnganalisa dan menemukan Expressing

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-                  Guru meminta dua orang siswa untuk membacakan dialog
               Expressing Permission di depan kelas.
          -                  Siswa mempraktikkan Expressing Permission dengan guru (guru
               memberikan bimbingan dan checking sebagai feedback)
          -                  Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat dialog dengan Expressing
               Permission secara berpasangan dan mempraktikkannya di depan kelas.
     8.            PENUTUP
          - Guru menyimpulkan hasil kegiatan pembelajaran dengan melakukan tanya-jawab
              kepada siswa
     9.            EVALUASI/ PENILAIAN
          -                  Tes lisan/ speaking
          -                  Penilaian sikap (Assessment of Performance)
     -                       LKS
     -                       Hand out Materi Pembelajaran
     -                       Bahasa Inggris untuk SMU kelas XI oleh Indra, S.Pd terbitan Tim
          Kreatif HAKA MJ.

                   Mengetahui,                               Jember, Juli 2009
              Kepala MAN Jember 1                           Guru Bahasa Inggris

          DRS. M. ANWARI SY, MA                         FEBRI HIDAYATI, S.Pd
          NIP. 19550808 198103 1003                     NIP. 19710213 199601 2001

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Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011

I. Study the following dialogues and answer the questions below !
 a. Lia               : Do you think I could borrow your camera?
      Dony            : Yes, of course.
 b. Tedy              : Do you minfd if I smike here ?
      Sony            : That’s all right !
 c. Passenger         : May I leave my luggage here ?
      Porter          : I am afraid you can’t.
 d. Edy               : Can I stay here while you are away ?
      Joni            : Sorry, you can’t. It is too risky for you.
 e. Young Lady        : Would be all right if a left my bag here ?
      Security man    : Well, I would rather you didn’t.

 From the above dialogues which expression used to :
 1.                                    ask for permission ?
 2.                                    give for permission ?
 3.                                    refuse for permission ?
II. In pairs make conversations based on the situation below !
 1.                     You are in a friend’s house. You want to borrow his new compact
 2.                     You are at a party. You want to have some fresh water.
 3.                     You want to leave the class because you have a stomachache.
 4.                     You want to borrow your friend’s dictionary.
 5.                     Ask your fried’s mother’s permission because you want to go a
       movie wth her daughter.

                                      ANSWER’S KEY
I. 1. The expressions wich are used to ask for permission are :
       -                Do you think I could borrow your camera ?
       -                Do you mind if I smoke here ?
       -                My I leave my luggage here ?
       -                Can I stay here while you are away ?
       -                Would it be all right if I left my bag here ?
 2.                               The expressions wich are used to give permissiosn are :
       -                Yes, of course.
       -                That’s all right.
 3.                               The expressions wich are used to refuse permission are :
       -                I am afraid you can’t
       -                Sorry, you can’t. It is too risky for you.
       -                Well, I would rather you didn’t

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II. The answers depend on student’s answer.
                                         KEMENTERIAN AGAMA
                        MADRASAH ALIYAH NEGERI 1 JEMBER
                      Jalan Imam Bonjol 50, Telp. 0331-485109, Faks. 0331-484651, PO Box 168 Jember

                    NAMA SEKOLAH                : MAN JEMBER 1
                    MATA PELAJARAN              : BAHASA INGGRIS
                    KLS/ SEMESTER               : XI/ I
                    MATERI PKOK                 : ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION TEXTS
                    ALOKASI WAKTU               : 2 x 45 menit

A.                 STANDAR KOMPETENSI
     Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei berbentuk report dan narrative
     exposition dalama konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu
B.                 KOMPETENSI DASAR
     Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei yang menggunakanragam bahasa tulis
     secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk
     mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk : report, narrative dan analytical
C.                 INDIKATOR
     -                    Menjawab       pertanyaan-pertanyaan        berdasrkan      teks     untuk
         menemukan informasi secara umum.
     -                    Menentukanm ide utama dan pendukung pada bacaan.
     -                    Mengidentifikasi jenis teks dan menentukan generic structure dari
         bacaan Analytical Exposition.
D.                 TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN
     Pada akhir pembelajaran, diharapkan siswa dapat :
     -                    Menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berdasarkan isi bacaan.
     -                    Mengembangkan ketrampilan membaca dan pemahaman jenis teks
         Analytical Expositiondalam menentukan ide utama dan ide pendukung
     -                    Menentukan Generic Structure dari Analytical Exposition teks.
E.                 MATERI PEMBELAJARAN
     Analytical Exposition Text :
     Is a text that persuades the reader or listener that something is the case.
     The Generic Structure
     -                    Thesis : introduces topic and indicates writer’s position
     -                    Argument-argument

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-                      Reiteration : restates writer;’s position or conclusion
     Example :
                                       Forest towards Our Life
            Forest play a vital role in manitaining ia the continuity of the earth’s natural
     resources and suppoorting life on earth. This is so far a number of reasons.
     ( Thesis)
            First, forest are the supplier of valuable products. Forest contain resources that are
     use full for food, medicine, fibers, fuels, industrial material and others.
     ( Argument 1)
            Second, in forest, we still may find the basic life balance of animal life and food
     growth. The knowledge of such “system” is used to improve crops and livestock, and to
     stimulate industrial research and natural drug development.
     ( Argument 2)
            Third, forests also have ecological functions. Forests prevent waste shed,erosion,
     and flooding. They also regulate local and regional climate conditions.
     ( Argument 3)
            For the reasons listed above, we must take part in the forest preservation. We have
     to save our forests.
     ( Conclusion)
     Question :
     1.                     What does the text tell you about ?
          Answer : ………………………………………………………………………..
     2.                     What is the main idea of paragraph 2 ?
          Answer : ………………………………………………………………………..
     3.                     What is the main idea of paragraph 3 ?
          Answer : ………………………………………………………………………..
     4.                     What is the main idea of paragraph 4 ?
          Answer : ………………………………………………………………………..
     5.                     What advantages can we take from the basic life in forests ?
          Answer : ………………………………………………………………………..
F.                 METODE PEMBELAJARAN
     Diskusi, tanya jawab

     1.                     PENDAHULUAN
          a.                                 Apersepsi
               -            Guru memberi salam kepada siswa
               -            Guru mengabsen kehadiran siswa
          b.                                 Motivasi
               -            Guru memotivasi siswa untuk memfokuskan perhatiannya pada
                   “Reading” yang berkaitan dengan pemahaman jenis teks.

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-              Guru melakukan pre-test lisan pada Pre-Reading sebelum pelajaran
          c.                                  Guru membacakan tujuan pebelajaran pada
     2.                       KEGIATAN INTI
          -                   Siswa membentuk kelompok terdiri dari 6 orang tiqp kelompok.
          -                   Siswa yang pandai disebar ke tiap-tiap kelompok agar tejdi Peer
          -                   Tiap kelompok harus ada ketua dan sekretaris untuk mencatat hasil
               kerja kelompok.
          -                   Siswa menerima bacaan dari guru, kemudian tiap-tipa kelompok
               melakukan Cooperative Learnig sesuai dengan tugas yang diberikan yaitu
               menentukan ide pendukung , menjawab pertanyaan –pertany
          -                   aan pada bacaan dan mengidentifikasi jenis teks.
          -                   Guru memfasilitasi keja kelompok sambil melakukan penagamatan
               pencatatan hal-hal yang penting selama pelaksanaan diskusi.
          -                   Siswa (wakil tiap kelompok) mempresentasikan hasil kerja
               kelompok di depan kelas.
     3.                       PENUTUP
          -                   Guru memberikan tanggapan/ koreksi serta sedikit membrikan
               penjelasan dari kegiatan presentasi siswa.
          -                   Guru menutup pelajaran dengan membuat kesimpulan bersam-sama
     4.                       EVALUASI/ PENILAIAN
          -                   Tes tulis
          -                   Tugas porto folio
     -                        LKS
     -                        Hand Out materi pembelajaran
     -                        A Contextual Approach To Learning English For Senior High
          School By Yulia Mufarichah, Ganeca Exat

                   Mengetahui,                                  Jember, Juli 2009
               Kepala MAN Jember 1                            Guru Bahasa Inggris

          DRS. M. ANWARI SY, MA                             FEBRI HIDAYATI, S.Pd
          NIP. 19550808 198103 1003                         NIP. 19710213 199601 2001

Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10
Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
I. Read the textand identify the structure of the text !
                                     Traceller’s Cheque

       Today people often use traveller’s cheques when they must go from one city or mone
 country to anoyher. They prefer traveller cheque to cash because of some resons.
       First, cheque can be replaced if they are lost or stolen. It means they who have the
 cheque should not be worried if the cheque is lost because they will gwt another.
       Second, it is safer than taking cash. There is no need to be afraid if someone steal it.
 You won’t lost your money since he won’t be able to cash. To cash it, it requires your
 signature on the cheque.
       Third, traveller’s cheque is acceptable in all banks all over the world. You can cash it
 in any banks, no matter you are In United States, Eropa, or Africa.
       Based on the reasons above, we find out why most travellers like to use traveller’s
 Answer the questions based on the text above !
 1.                     When do people use traveller’s cheques ?
       Answer : …………………………………………………………………………
 2.                     What does the word “they” in first sentence refer to ?
       Answer : …………………………………………………………………………
 3.                     What is the main idea of paragarph 2 ?
       Answer : …………………………………………………………………………
 4.                     What is the main idea of paragarph 3 ?
       Answer : …………………………………………………………………………
 5.                     What is the main idea of paragarph 4 ?
       Answer : …………………………………………………………………………
 6.                     What willpeople feel when thwy travel using traveller’s cheque ?
       Answer : …………………………………………………………………………
 7.                     If you want to cash your traveller’s cheques, what must you give ?
       Answer : …………………………………………………………………………
 8.                     Where do you can cash the traveller’s cheque ?
       Answer : …………………………………………………………………………
 9.                     What is the purpose of the text ?
       Answer : …………………………………………………………………………
 10.                    What type is the text ?
       Answer : …………………………………………………………………………

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II. Read and notice the structure of the text, then, answer the questions that follow !
            Students,…how many of yoyu like reading ? Now, why do you like reading ? Can
     anyone tell me? Okay, I’ll tell you there are many reasons why reading is important.
     Some of them are …
            First, reading books give us unlimited information. You must remember the words
     hmm ….books is the window of the world. Througs books, we get knowledge in any
     fields, suhc as science, economics, and others.
            Then, reading, especially comics or novels, is usefull for our minds. It makes our
     minds relax after hard thinking of our problems or jobs. When we rae sad, reading
     comics will entertain us and the sadness soon will fade away.
            Another reasons is sometimes hmm …we can find solutions for our problems. It
     helps us to lift our burdens.
            Therefore, studets, ket me give you an advice. Spend your leisure time by reading
     for the reasons above. Okay ?
     Questions :
     1. What is the maion idea of paragraph 2?
        Answer : …………………………………………………………………………
     2. What is the maion idea of paragraph 3?
        Answer : …………………………………………………………………………
     3. What is the maion idea of paragraph 4?
        Answer : …………………………………………………………………………
     4. What kind of books can make us laugh?
        Answer : …………………………………………………………………………
     5. What sugestion do you find in the text?
        Answer : …………………………………………………………………………

                                        ANSWERS’ KEY
     1. People use traveller’s cheques when they must go from one city or noe country to
     2. “They” in first sentence refers to people.
     3. The cheques can be replaced if they are lost or stolen.
     4. Cheques is sfer than taking cash.
     5. Traveller’s cheques is acceptable in all banks all over the world.
     6. - They will feel safer than taking cash.
        -                  They wont’t feel worried if the cheque is lost because they will get
     7. You must give your signature on the cheque.
     8. You can cash the traveller’s cheque in any banks.
     9. The purpose of the text is : To persuade the reader or listener that traveller’s
        cheques is important or the cash.
     10. The text belongs to analytical exposition text.

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      1.                                 The main idea of paragrah 2 is : Reading books give us
           unlimited information.
      2.                                The main idea of paragrah 3 is : Reading especially
         comics or novels, is usefull for our mind.
      3.                                The main idea of paragraph 4 is : By reading, we can
         find solutions for our problems.
      4.                                Comics or novels.
      5.                                Spend our leisure time by reading for the reasons
                                          KEMENTERIAN AGAMA
                         MADRASAH ALIYAH NEGERI 1 JEMBER
                       Jalan Imam Bonjol 50, Telp. 0331-485109, Faks. 0331-484651, PO Box 168 Jember

                            PELAKSANAAN PEMEBELAJARAN
                    NAMA SEKOLAH                 : MAN JEMBER 1
                    MATA PELAJARAN               : BAHASA INGGRIS
                    KLS/ SEMESTER                : XI/ I
                    MATERI PKOK                  : LISTEN TO HOW TO EXPRESS ADVICE
                                                   OR SUGGESTION AND ANALYTICAL
                    ALOKASI WAKTU                : 2 x 45 menit

A.                ATNDAR KOMPETENSI
      Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk report, narrative, dan
      analytical exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

B.                KOMPETENSI DASAR
      Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlajut
      secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan dalam
      konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutr : menasehati, memperingatkan,
      meluluskan permintaan serta menyatakan perasaan relief, pain dan pleasure.

C.                INDIKATOR
      -                    Melengkapi kata-kata yang hilang dari dialog yang diperdengarkan.
      -                    Melengkapi kata-kata atau frase yang hilang dari bacaan Analytical
           Exposition yang diperdengarkan.

      Pada akir pembelajaran, diharapkan siswa dapat :
      -                    Melengkapi kata-kata yang hilang dari dialog yang diperdengarkan.
      -                    Melengkapi kata-kata atau frase yang hilang dari bacaan Analytical
           Exposition yang diperdengarkan.

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E.                 MATERI PEMBELAJARAN
     Listening section !
     Listen tto the cassete. Coplete the missing word !
     Mario                  : Let’s go …..(1)
     Maria                  : Not now, Mario.
     Mario                  : Why ?
     Maria                  : A have to write a …..(2)
                             About Australian government. I haven’t found any ……(3) for my
                             writing etc.

F.                 METODE PEMBELAJARAN

     1.                                         PENDAHULUAN
          a.                   Apresiasi
               -               Guru memberi salam kepada siswa
               -               Guru mengabsen kehadiran siswa
          b.                   Motivasi
               -               Sebelum memulai pelajaran, guru memperdengarkan beberapa
                   ungkapan bahasa lisan tentang How to Express Advice or Suggestion.
               -               Guru menggali pengetahuan awal siswa dengan memeberikab
                   pertanyaan yang mengarah pada materi “How to Express Advice or
          c.                   Membacakan tujuan pembelajaran kepada siswa

          -                    Siswa menyimak penjelasan guru tentang stategi menjawab soal-soal
          -                    Siswa menerima soal-soal listening untuk dipahami sebelum kaset
          -                    Siswa    nendengarkan     kaset   dengan   penuh   konsentrasi   dan
               melengkapi dialog-dialog dari soal listening.
          -                    Kaset diputar 3x agar siswa bisa melengkapi dialog dengan benar.
          -                    Siswa menukar pekerjaannya dengan siswa lain untuk dikoreksi
               bersama dengan panduan guru.
          -                    Siswa menuliskan jumlah jawaban yang benar dan salah.
          -                    Guru menilai pekerjaan siswa.

     3. PENUTUP
          -                    Siswa mebuat ringkasan “topic” dari dialog yang diperdengarkan.

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-               Siswa membuat “Retelling” dari bacaan analytical exposition yang
       -               Guru membuat kesimpulan bersama-sama dengan siswa.

       -               Test listening
       -               Penlilaian sikap (Assessment of Performace)

                   -   CD, cassete dan Tape Recorder
                   -   LKS
                   -   A Conditional Approach to Learning English for Senior High School
                       by Yulia Mufarichah, Ganeca Exact.

               Mengetahui,                              Jember, Juli 2009
           Kepala MAN Jember 1                         Guru Bahasa Inggris

       DRS. M. ANWARI SY, MA                       FEBRI HIDAYATI, S.Pd
       NIP. 19550808 198103 1003                  NIP. 19710213 199601 2001

Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10
Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10
Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
I. Listen to the cassete and complete the missing words, then practise the dialogue with your
   Listen tto the cassete. Coplete the missing word !
   Mario            : Let’s go …..(1)
   Maria            : Not now, Mario.
   Mario            : Why ?
   Maria            : A have to write a …..(2)
                       About Australian government. I haven’t found any ……(3) for my
   Mario            : Why don’t you try to find the sources in the .(4) or in the internet ?
   Maria            : That’s a great idea, Mario. Let’s go then.

   The answers are in the appendix.

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                           MADRASAH ALIYAH NEGERI 1 JEMBER
                       Jalan Imam Bonjol 50, Telp. 0331-485109, Faks. 0331-484651, PO Box 168 Jember

                   NAMA SEKOLAH                  : MAN JEMBER 1
                   MATA PELAJARAN                : BAHASA INGGRIS
                   KLS/ SEMESTER                 : XI/ I
                   MATERI PKOK                   : CONDITIONAL SENTENCE
                   ALOKASI WAKTU                 : 4 x 45 menit

A.                                STANDAR KOMPETENSI
     Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks esei berbentuk report narrative dan analytical
     exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
B.                                KOMPETENSI DASAR
     Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam eseu dengan menggunakan ragam
     bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
     dalam teks berbentuk report, narrative, dan analytical exposition.
C.                                INDIKATOR
     -                     Mengidentifikasi conditional sentence.
     -                     Membuat kalimat dengan conditional sentence tipe II.
     -                     Membuat karangan Analytical Exposition dengan menerapkan
          conditional sentence.
D.                                TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN
     Pada pembelajaran ini diharapkan siswa dapat :
     -                     Mengidentifikasi Conditional Sentence secara tepat.
     -                     Memebuat kalimat dengan Conditional Sentence Type II.
     -                     Membuat karangan Analytical Exposition dengan menerapkan
          Conditional Sentence.
E.                                MATERI PEMBELAJARAN
     Conditional Sentence Type II/ Present Coditional Sentence.
     Have you ever imagined something ?, if you have,
     How do you express it ? in english, you can use conditional form (If – Clause). When we
     use “If-Clause”, we express something which is country to the fact.
     Study the pattern :
     S + would V-1 + O + If + S + V-2 + O
     Ex     : I would go home if a had time.
     Fact : I don’t go home because I don’t have time, etc.
F.                                METODE PEMBELAJARAN

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Menjelaskan, tanya jawab.
G.                                   LANGKAH-LANGKAH PEMBELAJARAN
     1.                                    PENDAHULUAN
          a.       Apresiasi
               -              Guru memberi salam kepada siswa.
               -              Guru mengabsen keadiran siswa
          b.       Motivasi
               -              Guru menggali pengetahuan awal siswa dengan memberi pre-test
                   lisan yang mengarah pada pembahasan.
               -              Guru memberikan reward atas jawaban siswa.
          c.       Guru membacakan tujuan pembelajaran
     2.            KEGIATAN INTI
          -                   Siswa menerima penjelasan guru tentang “Conditional Sentence
               Type II”.
          -                   Guru membagikan “work-sheet” kepada siswa untuk dikerjakan.
          -                   Guru dan siswa membahas bersama jawaban yang tepat dari tugas-
               tugas yang dikerjakan.
          -                   Guru memberikan penegasan kembali tentang materi “Conditional
               Sentence” kepada siswa.
     3.            PENUTUP
          -                   Guru    meminta   siswa untuk    membuat      karangan   Analytical
               Exposition text dengan menerapkan Conditional Sentence.
          -                   Guru menyimpulkan hasil kegiatan pembelajaran dengan melakukan
               tanya jawab kepada siswa.
     9.            EVALUASI/ PENILAIAN
          -                   Test tulis
          -                   Laporan work-sheet.
          -                   Penilaian sikap (Assessment of Performance)

H.                                   MEDIA DAN SUMBER PEMBELAJARAN
     -                        LKS
     -                        Hand out Materi Pembelajaran
     -                        Functional English for Senior High School by Bambang Sugeng,
          Noor Zaimah, Tiga Serangkai.

Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10
Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
Mengetahui,              Jember, Juli 2009
        Kepala MAN Jember 1         Guru Bahasa Inggris

      NIP. 19550808 198103 1003   NIP. 19710213 199601 2001

Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10
Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
       Study the following sentences
       a.                      I would go to the party if you picked me up.
       b.                      I would buy a car if I had money.
       c.                      You would be happy if you went to Yogyakarta.
       1.                      The first sentence, is called …..
       2.                      Second sentences preceded by if is called ….
       3.                      The pattern of these sentence are …..
       4.                      So, we are called these sentences ….
II.                                     REINFORCEMENT
       Put the verb in the brackets with the correct form of present conditional sentences !
       1.                                   I (lend) you my computer if you (promise) to tae care
             of it.
       2.                                   I (telephone) you at once if I (find) your wallet.
       3.                                   He (not Make) so many mistakes if he (work) more
       4.                                   The ship (not be) sunk if the captain (be) more careful.
       5.                                   The thiefs (not do) so much damage if you (not lock)
             all the drawer.
       6.                                   Anita (buy) the phone cell if he she (get) her first
       7.                                   The man (be) a rich man if he (sell) his antique car.
       8.                                   Susan (sing) on your birthday party if you (invite) her.
       9.                                   He (happy) the job if he (pass) the examnination.
       10.                                  I (go) to other town if you (ask) me to do it.
III.                                     APPLICATION
       Write the fact of the sentence above correctly !
       From number 1-10

                                            ANSWERS’ KEY

       1. Main clause
       2. sub clause
       3. S + would + V1 + O if S + V2
       4. conditional centence
       1. would lend; promised
       2. would telephone; found
       3. would not make; workwd

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4. would not be sunk; were
       5. would not do; didn’t lock
       6. would buy; got
       7. would be; sold
       8. would sing; invited
       9. would apply; passed
       10. would go; asked
       1. I don’t lend you may computer because you don’t promise to take care of it.
       2. I don’t telephone you at once because I don’t find your wallet.
       3. He makes so many mistakes because he doesn’t work more carefully.
       4. The ship it sunk because the captain isn’t careful.
       5. The thiefs do so much damage because you lock all the drawer.
       6. Anita doesn’t buy the phone cell because she doesn’t get her first salary.
       7. The man is not a rich man because he doesn’t sell ….
       8. Susan doesn’t sing …. because you don’t invite her.
       9. He doesn’t apply the job because he doesn’t pass.
       10. I don’t go the other town because you don’t ask …

Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10
Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
                            MADRASAH ALIYAH NEGERI 1 JEMBER
                          Jalan Imam Bonjol 50, Telp. 0331-485109, Faks. 0331-484651, PO Box 168 Jember

                   NAMA SEKOLAH                     : MAN JEMBER 1
                   MATA PELAJARAN                   : BAHASA INGGRIS
                   KLS/ SEMESTER                    : XI/ I
                   MATERI PKOK                      : EXPRESSING PLEASURE AND
                   ALOKASI WAKTU                    : 4 x 45 menit

     Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan
     berlanjut (sustaned) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
     Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan
     berlanjut dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima
     dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur : menasehati,
     memperingatkan, meluluskan permintaan, serta menyatakan relief, pain dan pleasure.
C.               INDIKATOR
     -                        Melakukan dialog transaksional dengan mengungkapkan Expressing
          Pleasure and Displeasure.
     -                        Melengkapi percakapan sederhana pada dialog ynag tersedia.
     -                        Membuat percakapan dengan Expressing Pleasure and Displeasure
          serta mempraktekkan percakapan tersebut dengan teman.
     Pada akhir pembelajaran diharapkan siswa dapt :
     1.                                     Mengungkapkan Expressing Pleasure and Displeasure
          secara lisan.
     2.                                     Membuat dialog dengan Expressing Pleasure and
     3.                                     Mempraktekan Expressing Pleasure and Displeasure
          dengan teman.
     The Expressing Pleasure and Displeasure.

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a.                     Expressing Pleasure
          -                 I’m pleased with ….
          -                 It’s good
          -                 Great !
          -                 Fntastic !
          -                 Super
          -                 I’m glad ….
          -                 I’m so happy for ….
          -                 I’m delighted ……etc.
     b.                     Expressing Displeasure
          -                 I’m displeased with ….
          -                 It’s disgusting
          -                 It’s horrible
          -                 I’m very ennoyed
          -                 I’m too miserable etc.
F.                 METODE PEMBELAJARAN
     Tanya jawab, Role Play
     1.                                     PENDAHULUAN
          a.                Apresepsi
               -            Guru memberi salam kepada siswa.
               -            Guru mengabsen kehadiran siswa
          b.                Motivasi
               -            Guru memulai pelajaran dengan memperlihatkan gambar-gambar
                   kepada siswa.
               -            Guru menanyakan hal-hal yang mengarah pada ungkapan Pleasure
                   and Displeasure.
          c.                Guru mrmbacakan tujuan pembelajaran kepada siswa
          -                 Guru membacakan LKS kepada siswa.
          -                 Guru memilih dua siswa untuk untuk membacakan dialog
               Expressing Pleasure and Displeasure di depan kelas.
          -                 Siswa melengkapi percakapan sedehana yang telah tersdia.
          -                 Siswa mempraktekkan Expressing Pleasure and Displeasure dengan
          -                 Guru memberikan penegasan materi tentang Expressing Pleasure
               and Displeasure.
     3. PENUTUP
          -                 Guru menyimpulkan hasil kegiatan pembelajaran dengan melakukan
               tanya jawab kepada siswa.

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-               Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat dialog bebas tentang
           Expressing Pleasure and Displeasure secara berpasangan dan mempraktekkan
           dialog tersebut minggu depan.
       -               Tes lisan (speaking)
       -               Penilaian sikap (Assessment of Performance)
   -                   Gambar-gambar
   -                   Hand out materi pembelajaran
   -                   Functional English for Senior High School by Bambang Sugeng,
       Noor Zaimah, Tiga Serangkai.

               Mengetahui,                             Jember, Juli 2009
           Kepala MAN Jember 1                        Guru Bahasa Inggris

       DRS. M. ANWARI SY, MA                      FEBRI HIDAYATI, S.Pd
       NIP. 19550808 198103 1003                  NIP. 19710213 199601 2001

Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10
Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
I. Study this dialogue, then answer the following questions !
     Mrs. Wahyudi is cooking in her kitchen. Mrs. Anton comes by and has a chat with her.
     Mrs. Anton       : So, you bought the rice cooker advertised on TV ? Is it good?
     Mrs. Wahyudi : Yes, I’m very pleased with it. It’s more practical than cooking on yhe
                         stove. Besides, the heat stays longer, so you don’t have to warm your
                         food before serving.
     Mrs. Anton       :That’s good.
     Mrs. Wahyudi : I heard that you bought a new sports equipment. How is it ? Has is
                         improved your body ?
     Mrs. Anton       : It’s horrible. It has been almost a month. I started exercise with the
                         equipment, but you see I’m not even a pound lighter and I have to buy
                         bigger clothes.
     Questions !
     1. Where are Mrs. Wahyudi and Mrs. Anton ?
     2. What did Mrs. Wahyudi buy ?
     3. Is she pleased with it ?
     4. What does she say ?
     5. What did Mrs. Anton buy ?
     6. Is she pleased with it ?
     7. What does she say ?
II. Response the following phrase using the expressions of pleasure and displeasure.
     1. Tyo           : I heard tha you have just bought a new handphone costing two millions
                         ruphias. It must be very good. (pleasure)
       Faya           : …………………….
     2. Ira           : Congratulations ! You are the winner of the car race. How do you feel ?
       Joe            : …………………….
     3. Siti          : I’m so sorry to hear that you lost the painting competition last week.
                         How do you feel about it ? (displeasure)
       Joko           : ……………………
     4. Rizal         : This movie is not good! (displeasure)
       Widodo         : …………………..
III. Make a dialogue of expressing pleasure or displeasure in pairs. Then practise it in front
       of the class next meeting.

                                           ANSWERS’ KEY
       1. They aer in the kitchen.
       2. She bought a rice cooker.
       3. Yes, she is.
       4. I’m very pleased with it (the rice cooker)

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5. She bought a new sports equipments.
   6. No, she isn’t.
   7. It’s horrible.
II. The answers depend on student’s answer.
III. The answers depend on student’s answer.

Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10
Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
                      MADRASAH ALIYAH NEGERI 1 JEMBER
                    Jalan Imam Bonjol 50, Telp. 0331-485109, Faks. 0331-484651, PO Box 168 Jember

                 NAMA SEKOLAH                  : MAN JEMBER I
                 MATA PELAJARAN                : BAHASA INGGRIS
                 KELAS/ SEMESTER               : XI/ I
                 MATERI POKOK                  : NARRATIVE TEXT
                 ALOKASI WAKTU                 : 4 x 45 menit

   Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei berbentuk report, narrative dan
   analytical exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu

   Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esai yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis
   secara akurat, lancar, dan diterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk
   mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk: report, narrative, dan analytical


   -   Menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan pada bacaan yang tersedia.

   -   Menentukan ide utama dan pendukung dari bacaan.

   -   Mengidentifikasi jenis teks dan menemukan genre structure dari bacaan narrative

       Pada akhir pembelajaran, diharapkan siswa dapat:

   -   Menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berdasarkan isi bacaan.

   -   Mengembangkan ketrampilan membaca dan pemahaman jenis teks narrative dalam
       menentukan ide utama, ide pendukung.
   -   Menentukan generic structure dari narrative teks



   The purpose is to entertain or to tell the story. Three main parts of narrative text are:
   orientation, complication, and resolution

Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10
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                                          The Rats and the Elephants

                  Once upon a time three lived a group of rats under the three in peace.
                  However, a group of elephants crossing the jungle unknowingly destroyed the
                  homs of all the rats. Many of them were even crushed to death.

                  Then, the king of rats decided to approach the elephant chief and requested
                  him to guide his herd through another route. And so the lives of the rats were

                  One day elephant-hunters came to the jungle and trapped a group of elephant
                  in huge nets. Then, elephant king suddenly remembered the king of the rats.

Complicatio       He summoned one of the elephants of his herd, which had not been trapped,
     n            to go seek help from teh king of rats. The elephant went to the rats king and
                  told him about the trapped elephants.

                  The rat king immediately took entire group of rats and they cut and opened
Resolution        nets which had trapped the elephants herd. The elephant herd was totally set
                  free. They danced with joy and thanked the rats.

   Tanya-jawab, diskusi.
         a. Apresiasi

              -   Guru memberi salam kepada siswa.

              -   Guru mengabsen kehadiran siswa.

         b. Motivasi

              -   Guru memulai pelajaran dengan bercerita tentang kisah cinta Siti Nur Baya.

              -   Guru meminta siswa untuk menebak termasuk jenis teks apakahkisah cinta
                  Siti Nur Baya tersebut.

              -   Guru memberi reward kepada siswa yang bisa menjawab.

              c. Membacakan Tujuan Pembelajaran Kepada Siswa

         -    Guru membagikan work’sheat kepada siswa

         -    Membentuk kelompok terdiri dari 6 orang tiap kelompok.

         -    Siswa yang pandai disebar ke tiap-tiap kelompokagar terjadi pear tutoring.

         -    Tiap kelompok harus ada ketua dan sekretaris untuk mencatat hasil kerja

         -    Siswa menerima LKS dari guru, kemudian tiap-tiap kelompok melakukan
              cooperative learning untuk menjawabpertanyaan-pertanyaan yang ada di LKS.

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-   Guru memberikan motivasi dan bertindak sebagai fasilitator selama proses

      -   Siswa (wakil tiap kelompok) mempresentasikan hasil kerja kelompok di depan

      -   Guru memberikan tanggapan/koreksi dan sedikit penjelasandari kegiatan
          presentasi siswa.

      -   Guru membuat kesimpulan bersama siswa tentang narrative text dan generic


      -   Test tertulis.

      -   Penilaian sikap (assessment of performance).

   1. LKS.
   2. Hand out materi pembelajaran.
   3. A contextual approach to learning english for senior high school by Yulia
      Mufarichah, Ganeca exact.

              Mengetahui,                              Jember, Juli 2009
          Kepala MAN Jember 1                         Guru Bahasa Inggris

      DRS. M. ANWARI SY, MA                         FEBRI HIDAYATI, S.Pd
      NIP. 19550808 198103 1003                    NIP. 19710213 199601 2001

Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10
Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
   1. Have you ever read “The Story of R.A. Kartini”? or the legend of Reog Ponorogo?
   2. What type of genre is it!
      In order to know further information. Please pay attention to the following text!
                                   Raden Ajeng Kartini
      Every year on the 21st of April, we celebrate the Kartini Day. We do it to
   commemorate the birthday and the live of a great lady, Raden ajeng Kartini. Her ideals
   have inspired Indonesian woman to strunggle for emancipation and together with their
   male compatriots, to build the nation.
      Raden Ajeng kartini, a daughter of Jepara regent, was born in 1879, in Mayong,
   Central Java. She passed away soon after giving birth to a son, at the age of 25. As a
   daughter or regent, she could study at the only Dutch elementary school in Jepara. The
   customs at that time made it impossible for her to continue her studies. Although she had
   only an elementary school education, she developed a mature view, through her great
   love of reading.
      During her teens Kartini liked to write letters to her friends in the Netherlands. In
   those letters she gave smar expression to her anti colonial sentiments. The family of
   Kartini’s dutch friend, to whom she sent her letter regularly, published a collection of her
   letter seven years after her death, under the title Door Duisternis tot licht, The Dawn is
   Rising from Darkness.
      In the era of independence, Kartini was decared as a national heroine in honour of her
   laudable and patriotic deeds. Though she is so no more in this world, the flame of her
   ideals and spirit stays alive through generations. Indonesian women have never forgotten
   Kartini’s vision. Today they have Kartini’s dreams of a better Indonesia for all citizens
   women and men alike, come true.
   a. Mark Right (R) or, Wrong (W), then correct it for the wrong statement!
      1.           Raden Ajeng Kartini was born in Jogjakarta on 21st of april 1879.
      2.           Raden Ajeng Kartinidied after giving birth to a son.
      3.       Raden Ajeng Kartini’s friend who published a collection of her letters after
           her death came from England.
      4.       Raden Ajeng Kartini was a daughter of a governor.
      5.       The Dawn is Rising from Darkness is the title of her book.
   b. Answer the question correctly!
      1. When and where was R.A. Kartini born?
      2. Who published the collection of her letters?
      3. What is the title of the book in Indonesia?
      4. Why do we commemorate the Kartini day?
      5. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10
Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
6. What the mai idea of the second paragraph?
      7. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
      Identify the Generic Structure of the text above individualy!
      1. Make “a Narrative text” based on your own idea individually. If can be a legend,
            a story or biography or then identify the Generic Structure of your composition
                                       ANSWERS’ KEY
                     ANSWER                                           SCORE
       1. Yes, I have                                     2
       2. Narrative text                                  2
                          ANSWER                                      SCORE
       1. T                                                3
       2. T                                                3
       3. He camp from Dutch                               3
       4. T                                                3
       5. F She is daughter of Jepara regent               3

                                  ANSWER                                          SCORE
      1.    R.A. Kartini was born in Mayong.                                      4
      2.    The family of Kartini’s Dutch friend.                                 4
      3.    Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang.                                         4
      4.    Because she is one of hero who has inspired Indonesian                4
            woman to struggle for emancipation to build nation.
      5. The Celebration of Kartini’s Day ever 21st April.                        5
      6. R.A. Kartini as a daughter of the Jepara regent.                         5
      7. R.A. Kartini was declared as a national heroine in Indonesia.            5

                              ANSWER                                              SCORE
   Paragraph 1                  Orientation                              15
   Paragraph 2, 3                 Complication
   Paragraph 4                    Resolution

                    ANSWER                                              SCORE
   It depends on student’s answer                   35

                                        KEMENTERIAN AGAMA
                         MADRASAH ALIYAH NEGERI 1 JEMBER
                     Jalan Imam Bonjol 50, Telp. 0331-485109, Faks. 0331-484651, PO Box 168 Jember


Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10
Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
NAMA SEKOLAH                        : MAN JEMBER I
                  MATA PELAJARAN                      : BAHASA INGGRIS
                  KELAS/SEMESTER:                     XI / I
                  MATERI POKOK                        : LISTENING TO NARRATIVE
                  ALOKASI WAKTU                       : 2 X 45 menit

   Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk reports, narrative dan
   analytical exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari – hari.
   Merespon makna dalam teks yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat,
   lancar, dan diterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: report,
   narrative, dan analytical exposition.
   -   Melengkapi teks monolog narrative dari kaset yang diperdengarkan.
   -   Menjawab pertanyaan – pertanyaan dari narrative text yang sudah dilengkapi.
   -   Mengidentifikasi generic structure dari teks monolog narrative.
   Pada akhir pembelajaran, diharapkan siswa dapat:
   -   Melengkapi teks narrative yang diperdengarkan.
   -   Menjawab pertanyaan – pertanyaan dari narrative text yang sudah dilengkapi.
   -   Mengidentifikasi generic structure dari text narrative.
   Narrative text, contohnya sebagai berikut:
                                  The Legend Of Keong Emas
          The legend of Keong Emas is one of Cerita Panji,....... in East Java and Central
   Java. ....... describes the romance, ........... ............ of Raden Panji Asmoro Bangun and
   Dewi Sekartaji.

       a. Apersepsi
              -   Guru memberi salam kepada siswa.
              -   Guru mengabsen kehadiran siswa.
       b. Motivasi
              -   Guru memberikan pertanyaan yang mengarah pada narrative text.
       c. Membacakan tujuan pembelajaran kepada siswa

Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10
Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
       -   Siswa mendapatkan penjelasan tentang narrative text secara lisan.
       -   Siswa mendengarkan text monolog narrative dengan bantuan audio.
       -   Siswa melengkapi text monolog narrative.
       -   Siswa mendiskusikan isi jawaban mereka.
       -   Siswa menjawab pertanyaan teks narrative yang sudah lengkap.
       -   Guru membahas bersama jawaban text narrative lisan.
       -   Guru bersama – sama dengan siswa mengidentifikasigeneric structure dari text
       -   Guru menutup pelajaran dengan membuat kesimpulan bersama siswa.
       -   Tes listening.
       -   Penilaian sikap (Assessment of Performance).
   -   LKS.
   -   Tape recorder.
   -   English text book 2 by ganexa.
               Mengetahui,                                Jember, Juli 2009
           Kepala MAN Jember 1                         Guru Bahasa Inggris

       DRS. M. ANWARI SY, MA                          FEBRI HIDAYATI, S.Pd
       NIP. 19550808 198103 1003                    NIP. 19710213 199601 2001

Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10
Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
Complete the text with the correct vocabulary by listening the story!
            This is the legend of Keong Emas or golden snail. It belongs to one of popular
(1) ...... in East an Central Java. The legend tells the romance and the (2) ....... of the Raden
Panji Asmorobangun and Dewi Sekartaji.
            It started when the King of Antah Brantah (3) ........ to make DewiS kartaji his wife.
Therefore, he kidnapped her. Fortunately, the god Narada (4) ........ her by turning her into (5)
            One day, ano= old poor widow, Mbok Rondo Dadapan found a golden snail in the
river and took it home. She put the golden snail in a jar. She took good (6) ....... of it.
Suddenly, unexpected good things happend to Mbok Rondo’s live. Every time she went
home fishing, she would find (7) ......... dishes on the table. As well, her house looked so
clean. She (8) ........ who had done all these. This went on for several days.
            She could not resist the temptation to (9) ....... who was the person. So, one day,
instead of fishing, she spied on through a hole in the wall of her house. To her amazement,
she saw a beautiful (10) ........ coming out of the jar and starting to clean the house an
preparing a meal.
            The next day the similar thing happend. Suddenly, Mbok Rondo (11) ....... into the
house and smashed the jar. “Homeless” Dewi Sekartaji could not (12) ........ into a snail. She
was then ( 13) ....... by Mbok Rondo.
            At the same time, Raden Panji Asmorobangun (14) ....... for his wife from one village
to another. He finally reached Dadapan village and found his beloved wife. With happiness
and (15) ...... , they went back to their palace, taking along good Mbok Rondo.
  1.       Folktales                                9. Find out
  2.       Reunion                                  10. Princess
  3.       Wished                                   11. Rushed
  4.       Saved                                    12. Turn
  5.       A golden snail                           13. Adopted
  6.       Care                                     14. Searched
  7.       Delicious                                15. Lov
  8.       Wondered

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Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
                 Jalan Imam Bonjol 50, Telp. 0331-485109, Faks. 0331-484651, PO Box 168 Jember

                  NAMA SEKOLAH : MAN JEMBER I
                  MATA PELAJARAN                : BAHASA INGGRIS
                  KELAS/SEMESTER                : XI/I
                  MATERI POKOK                  : ADJECTIVE CLAUSE
                  ALOKASI WAKTU                 : 4 X 45 menit

A.                                              STANDAR KOMPETENSI
     Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks esai berbrntuk report, narrative dan analytical
     exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari – hari.
B.                  KOMPETENSI DASAR
     Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esai dengan menggunakan
     ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan diterima dalam konteks kehidupan
     sehari – hari dalam teks berbentuk report, narrative dan analytical exposition.
C.                  INDIKATOR
     -   Menidentifikasi Adjective – Clause.
     -   Membuat kalimat dengan Adjective – Clause.
     -   Membuat kalimat karangan narrative dengan menerapkan Adjective – Clause.
     Pada pembelajaran ini diharapkan siswa dapat:
     -   Mengidentifikasi Adjective – Clause dengan tepat.
     -   Membuat kalimat dengan Adjective – Clause.
     -   Membuat karangan narrative dengan menerapkan Adjective – Clause.
     Adjective – Clause
     1. The man is rich.
         The man is my teacher.

Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10
Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
The man who is rich is my teacher.
        Jika yang sama “people” / subject           kata gantinya who.
     2. The man is rich.
        His house is on Jl. Merbabu.
          The man whose house is on Jl. Merbabu is rich.
        Jika menyatakan milik / possesive pronoun     kata gantinya whose.
     Menjelaskan, tanya – jawab.
          a. Apersepsi
             -    Guru memberi salam kepada siswa.
             -    Guru mengabsen kehadiran siswa.
          b. Motivasi
             - Guru memberikan pertanyaan – pertanyaan yang mengarah pada
                 materi adjective – clause.
             - Guru memberikan reward atas jawaban siswa.
          c. Guru Memberikan Tujuan Pembelajaran kepada Siswa
          a. Siswa menerima penjelasan guru tentang materi “Adjective Clause”.
          b. Guru memberikan “work – sheet” kepada siswa untuk dikerjakan.
          c. Guru dan siswa membahas bersama jawaban yang tepat dari tugas yang
          d. Guru memberikan penegasan kembeli tentang materi “Adjective Clause”
              kepada siswa.
      3. PENUTUP
          a. Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat karangan narrative dengan
              menerapkan “Adjective Clause”.
          b. Guru menyimpulkan hasil kegiatan pembelajaran denagn melakukan
              tanya – jawab kepada siswa.
       4. EVALUSI
          a. Tes tulis.
          b. Laporan work sheet.

Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10
Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
c. Penilaian sikap (assessment of performance
     -   LKS
     -   Hand out mater pembelajaran.
     -   Functional English for Senior High School by Bambang Sugeng, Noor Zainah,
         Tiga Serangkai

                Mengetahui,                            Jember, Juli 2009
          Kepala MAN Jember 1                        Guru Bahasa Inggris

         DRS. M. ANWARI SY, MA                     FEBRI HIDAYATI, S.Pd
         NIP. 19550808 198103 1003                NIP. 19710213 199601 2001

Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10
Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
Rpp semester 1
Rpp semester 1

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  • 1. KEMENTERIAN AGAMA MADRASAH ALIYAH NEGERI 1 JEMBER Jalan Imam Bonjol 50, Telp. 0331-485109, Faks. 0331-484651, PO Box 168 Jember E-mail: Website: RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMEBELAJARAN (SPEAKING) NAMA SEKOLAH : MAN JEMBER 1 MATA PELAJARAN : BAHASA INGGRIS KLS/ SEMESTER : XI/ I MATERI PKOK : EXPRESSING SATISFACTION DISSATISFACTION ALOKASI WAKTU : 4 x 45 menit A. STANDAR KOMPETENSI Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. B. KOMPETENSI DASAR Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-haridan melibatkan tindak tutur : menyatakan perasaan puas, menyatakan perasaan tidak puas. A. INDIKATOR 1. Melakukan dialog transaksional dengan menggunakan Expressing Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction, 2. Melengkapi percakapan sederhana pada dialog yang tersedia, 3. Membuat dialog dengan menggunakan Expressing Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction, 4. Mempraktikan dialog tersebut dengan teman. C. TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN Pada akhir pembelajaran, diharapkan siswa dapat : 5. Mengungkapkan Expressing Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction secara lisan, 6. Membuat dialog dengan Expressing Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction dengan teman D. MATERI PEMBELAJARAN The expressing satisfaction are : - Great - Terrific ! Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 2. - Fantastic - I like it. - I’m very satisfied. - I’m so happy about this. - It’s gives me great satisfaction, etc. The expressing of dissatisfaction are : - Oh, no ! - It’s terrible ! - What an awful ! - I can’t satand doing it. - I;m not satisfied with… - I;m verry dissatisfied with…, etc. E. METODE PEMBELAJARAN Tanya Jawab, Role Play B. LANGKA-LANGKAH PEMBELAJARAN 1. PENDAHULUAN a. Apersepsi - Guru memeberi salam kepada siswa, - Guru mengabsen kehadiran siswa. b. Motivasi - Guru memulai pelajaran dengan memeperlihatkan gambar-gambar kepada siswa, - Guru membuat pertanyaan yang mengarah kepada ungkapan- ungkapan rasa puas dan tidak puas, - Guru meminta siswa untuk menebak materi apa yang akan disampaikan pada hari itu, - Guru memeberikan ‘reward’ terhadap respon siswa. c. Membacakan Tujuan Pembelajara Kepada Siswa 1. Kegiatan Inti - Guru membagikan LKS kepada siswa, - Siswa melengkapi percakapan sederhana yang tekah tersedia, - Guru memilih dua siswa untuk mebacakan dialog tentang Expressing Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction di depan kelas - Siswa mempraktikan Expressing Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction dengan guru, - Guru memberikan penegasan tentang materi Expressing Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction. 3. Penutup - Guru menyimpulkan hasil kegiatan pembelajaran dengan melakukan tanya jawab kepada siswa Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 3. - Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat dialog bebas tentang Expressing Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction secara berpasangan dan mempraktekkannya minggu depan. 2. Evaluasi - Test lisan- Speaking - Penilaian sikap (Assesment Of Performance) F. MEDIA DAN SUMBER PEMBELAJARAN - Gambar-gambar, - Hand out materi pembelajaran - A contextual approach to learning english for senior high school by Yulia Mufarichah, ganeca exact. Mengetahui, Jember, Juli 2009 Kepala MAN Jember 1 Guru Bahasa Inggris DRS. M. ANWARI SY, MA FEBRI HIDAYATI, S.Pd NIP. 19550808 198103 1003 NIP. 19710213 199601 2001 Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 4. SOAL-SOAL STUDENT’S TASK I. Study the dialogue, then answer the following question ! Dialogue 1 Fikky : Where did you go last holiday? Fikka : I went to Bali and I had a verry great time. Fikky : Really ? where did you go ? Fikka : I went to Kuta Beach, Sanur Beach and Nusa Dua. These tourist place really gives me great satisfaction. Fikky : There are beautiful places. By the way where did you stay when you are in Bali ? Fikka : Well, I stayed in five star hotel. It was verry comfortable. I’m verry pleased with the hotels’ service Question!! 1. Who went to Bali Island ? 2. What tourist resort did she visit ? 3. Where did she stay ? 4. How was the service of the hotel ? 5. What didi Fikka say to express her satisfaction ? 6. Find another expressions of satisfaction in the dialogue above ! Dialogue 2 Nana : You look unhappy. What’s wrong with you Mir ? Mira : Yes, I’m not happy. I’m verry dissatisfied with such kind of condition. Nana : Which condition do you mean ? Mira : Most audiences ignored our dramma performance last night. Therefore, Mr. Budi was angry with me. I’m verry dissappointed with our performance. Nana : The patient friend ! I’m sure our grup will get good chance next year. Questions !! 1. Who look unhappy ? 2. What makes her dissatisfied ? 3. Mnetion ythe expression of dissatisfaction started in the dialogue ! II. Complete these simple dialogue using your expressions ! 1. Ronny : Iknow that you idol football player is Ronaldo. How is she now? (dissatisfaction) Sonny : ……………… 3. Hari : How is your test, Den ? ( satisfaction) Deny : ……………… 4. Tanny : What do you yhink about our drama performance last night ? (dissatisfaction) Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 5. Eka : ……………… 5. Ardy : Tika, you saw my speech contest performance last night, did’n you ? (satisfaction) Tika : ……………. III. Make a simple dialogue of expressing satisfaction or dissatisfaction in pairs then practise it in front of class next meeting ! ANSWER’S KEY I. Dialogue 1 1. Fikka did. 2. She visited Kuta Beach, Sanur Beach, and Nusa Dua 3. She stayed in Five- Star Hotel. 4. The service of the hotel was very comfortable. 5. Another expression of Satisfaction are : - These tourism places really gives me great satisfaction. - I’m very pleased with the hotel’s service Dialogue 2 1. Mira does, because she is very dissatisfied. 2. With such kind of condition. 3. The ezpressions of dissatsifaction in the dialogue above are : - I’m very dissappointed with our performance - I’m very dissatisfied with such kind of condition II. The answer are based on students’ answer. III. The answer depend on studets’ answer Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 6. KEMENTERIAN AGAMA MADRASAH ALIYAH NEGERI 1 JEMBER Jalan Imam Bonjol 50, Telp. 0331-485109, Faks. 0331-484651, PO Box 168 Jember E-mail: Website: RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMEBELAJARAN ( READING ) NAMA SEKOLAH : MAN JEMBER 1 MATA PELAJARAN : BAHASA INGGRIS KLS/ SEMESTER : XI/ I MATERI PKOK : REPORT TEXT ALOKASI WAKTU : 4 x 45 menit A. STANDAR KOMPETENSI Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei berbentuk report, narrative dan analytical exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan. B. KOMPETENSI DASAR Merespon makna dalam langkah retorika dalam esei yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk : report, narrative dan analytical exposition. C. INDIKATOR 1. Menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan pada bacaan yang tersedia 2. Menentukan ide utama dan pendukung 3. Mengidentifikasi jenis teks dan menemukan Generic Structure dari bacaan Report. D. TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN Pada akhir pembelajaran diharapkan siswa dapat : 1. Menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berdasarkan isi bacaan 2. Mengembengkan ketrampilan membaca dan pemahaman jenis teks Report dalam menentukan ide utama, ide pendukung 3. Menentukan Generic Structure dari Report Text c. MATERI PEMBELAJARAN REPORT TEXT A Report is a text that describes the way things are, with reference to a range of natural, manmade and social phenomenon in our environment. Generic Structure : - General classification : describes phenomenon in general - Description : describes the phenomenon in details, in terms of : part, qualities, habits or behaviours. Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 7. Example : BEES Bees are insect. There are about 20000 apecies or kinds of bees. They live every where in the world except on high mountains, in the Avtic and Antartic , and on some small islands in the ocean. Some bees are as small as 0,08 inches (4 centimetres). Bees come in many colours; black, gray, yellow, red, green, or blue. Most bees live alone. They are called solitary bees. Meanwhile, some bees live in groups called collonies. They are social bees. Bees have three pairs of leg and four wings. Llke all insects, they have a had, chest and abdomen. They have mouthparts and tongue for collecting nectar. They earry nectar in an organ called a honey stomach. Moroeever, bees has special wings that let them fly like helicopter. They can fly backward, forward, sideways, or stay in one place in the air. In addition, bees have three reguler eyesand two compound eyes. Their compound eyes have many lenses. Furthermore, bees can sees colours and patterns. This help them find flowers. E. METODE PEMBELAJARAN - Discussion, tanya jawab F. LANGKAH-LANGKAH PEMBELAJARAN 1. PENDAHULUAN a. Apersepsi - Guru memberi salam kepada siswa - Guru mengabsen kehadiran siswa b. Motivasi - Guru membacaka reading tentang ”Mamalia”. - Guru meminta siswa untuk menebak termasuk jenis teks apakah bacaan “Mamalia” tersebut. - Guru memberikan reward kepada siswa yang bisa menjawab. c. Membacakan tujuan pembelajaran kepada siswa 2. KEGIATAN INTI - Guru membagikan work sheet kepada siswa. - Siswa membentuk kelompok yang terdiri dari enam orang tiap kelompok. - Setiap siswa yang pandai disebar ke tiap-tiap kelompok agar terjadi “Peer Tutoring”, - Setiap kelompok harus ada ketua dan sekretaris utnuk mencatat hasil kerja kelompok, - Siswa menerima LKS dari guru kemudian tiap-tiap kelompok melakukan Cooperative-Learning utnuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang ada di LKS, Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 8. - Guru memberikan motivasi dan bertindak sebagai fasilitator selam proses pembelajaran, - Siswa (wakil tiap kelompok) mempresentasikan hasil kerja kelompok di depan kelas. 3. PENUTUP - Guru mrmberikan tanggapan/ koreksi dan sedikit penjelasan dari kegiatan presentasi siswa, - Guru membuat kesimpulan bersama siswa tentang “Report Text”. 4. EVALUASI/ PENILAIAN - Test tertulis - Penilaian sikap (Assesment of Performace). A. MEDIA / SUMBER PEMBELAJARAN 1. LKS 2. Hand out materi pembelajaran 3. A contextual approach to learnig English fo Senior High Scool by Yulia Mufarichah, Ganeca Exact Mengetahui, Jember, Juli 2009 Kepala MAN Jember 1 Guru Bahasa Inggris DRS. M. ANWARI SY, MA FEBRI HIDAYATI, S.Pd NIP. 19550808 198103 1003 NIP. 19710213 199601 2001 Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 9. STUDENTS TASK G. PRE-READING 6. QUESTION 1. Do you know a large bird in Australia tha can’t fly ? 2. How about Kakadu National Park ? Have you know it ? Text 1 Odd Australian Creatuers The amus are large birds but they cannot fly. They live all over Australia in a grassland area. The amus eat grass, leaves and small insect. They weigh arroun 36 kliograms but some weigh as much as 50 kilograms. These bird have three toes on their feet and very long legs. They can run very fast up to 50 kilomters per hour. The female emus usually lay about 20 eggs. The eggs sre large and dark green coloured. Meanwhile yhe male emus sit on the eggs in the large until the eggs hatch. They sit on the eggs for around 7-8 weeks. They do not leave the nest for this time. Whwn rhe egss hatch, the male amus look after the babies for about six months. Therefore, the female emus do not care the babies. Text 2 Kakadu National Park Kakadu National Park is on the World Heritage List. It is on of the few sitesin the world included for both outstanding cultural and natural atrraction. The park is located in the tropical north of Australia. 120 kilometres east of Darwin. It covers a total area of 19,804 square kilometres. Kakadu contain features of great natural beautyand sweeping landscapes. Its most outstanding landforms included extensive wetlands and spectacular ‘walls of rock’. Moroever, Kakadu Natinal Park contains a wide range of flora and fauna. There are more than 60 species of mammals, 289 species of birds, 132 species of reptiles, 25 species of frogs, 55 species of freshwater fish and over 10,000 species of insect. Besides, eucalyptus forests, woodlans grasslands cover much of the lowland area in Kakadu National Park. There are even small areas of monsoon rainforest. During the wet season, rivers and creeksflood and spread out over the broad floodplains to form fast wetlands, wher ducks, geese and wading birds abound. II. WHILST-READING Question : 1. What is the first text about ? 2. Does is describe something in general or in specific ? 3. What are emus ? 4. Who take care of the baby emus ? 5. What is the second text abuot ? 6. Where can we find it ? 7. Can we find it somewhere else ? Why ? Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 10. 8. What is Kakadu National Park ? III. POST-READING Question : 9. What are the similarities of two texts above ? 10. What are the differences beetwen the first and the second text ? 11. What is genre of the first text ? 12. What is the genre of the second text ? a. ENRICHMENT OR PORTO- FOLIO - Make a report about a particular plant or thing or animals then submit the result next-week. ANSWER KEY 1. The first text is about the emus are large birds which can‘t fly lives in all over Australia in a grassland area. 2. Yes, it describes something in specific. 3. Emus area large birds which can’t fly. 4. The male emus lokk after the baby. 5. The second text is about Kakadu National Park is on the world Heritage List. 6. We can find it in the tropical north of Australia 7. ……… 8. Kakadu National Park is is on the world Heritage List . It is on of the few sites in the world icluded for both outstanding cultural and natural attraction. 9. The similarities of those two text above are both of them describe about something. 10. The differences beetwen the first and the second text : - The second text describe about particular object (Kakadu National Park) - The first text describes about emus in general and specific details (gives report about emus) 11. The genre of the first text is report. 13. The genre of the first text is Descriptive text. Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 11. KEMENTERIAN AGAMA MADRASAH ALIYAH NEGERI 1 JEMBER Jalan Imam Bonjol 50, Telp. 0331-485109, Faks. 0331-484651, PO Box 168 Jember E-mail: Website: RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMEBELAJARAN (SPEAKING) NAMA SEKOLAH : MAN JEMBER 1 MATA PELAJARAN : BAHASA INGGRIS KLS/ SEMESTER : XI/ I MATERI PKOK : LISTENIG TO REPORT TEXT ALOKASI WAKTU : 2 x 45 menit c. STANDAR KOMPETENSI Memahami makna text fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk Report, Narrative and Annalytical exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. d. KOMPETENSI DASAR Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari serta meliatkan tindak tutur : menyampaikan pendapat, meminta pendapat, menyatakan puas dab menyatakan tidak puas. e. INDIKATOR 1. Melengkapi text monolog report dari kaset yang diperdengarkan, 6. Menjwab pertanyaan-pertanyaan dari report yang sudah dilengkapi, D. TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN Pada akhir pembelajaran, diharapkan siswa dapat : 1. Melengkapi text report yang diperdengarkan, 2. Menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan dari report text yang sudah dilengkapi. E. MATERI PEMBELAJARAN Text report, contohnya sebagai berikut : Bees are…(1)…There are about 20,000 speciesor ….(2)…They….(3)… in the world except on high mountains, in the Arctic and Antartic and…(4)…in the ocean. F. METODE PEMBELAJARAN Retelling. Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 12. G. LANGKA-LANGKAH PEMBELAJARAN 1. PENDAHULUAN a. Apersepsi - Guru memberi salam kepada siswa - Guru mengabsen jehadiran siswa b. Motivasi - Guru memberikan pertanyaan yang mengarah c. Membacakan tujuan pembelajaran kepada siswa 2. KEGIATAN INTI - Siswa mendapatkan penjelasan tentang text monolog lisan report, - Siswa mendengarkan text monolog report dengan bantuan audio, - Siswa melengkapi text monolog report, - Siswa mendiskusikan isi jawaban mereka - Siswa menjawab pertanyaan tex t report yang sudah lengkap, - Guru membahas jawaban bersama text report yang sudah lengkap, - Guru membahas bersama jawaban text report lisan. 3. PENUTUP - Sisw membuat ringkasan “Topik” dari text report yang diperdengarkan retelling, - Guru menutup pembelajaran dengan membuat kesimpulan bersama siswa 4. EVALUASI/ PENILAIAN - Tes listenig - Penilaian sikap(Assesment of Performance) H. MEDIA/ SUMBER PEMBELAJARAN - LKS - Tape recorder dan kaset - English text book 2 by Ganeca Mengetahui, Jember, Juli 2009 Kepala MAN Jember 1 Guru Bahasa Inggris DRS. M. ANWARI SY, MA FEBRI HIDAYATI, S.Pd NIP. 19550808 198103 1003 NIP. 19710213 199601 2001 Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 13. STUDEN’S TASK I. Listen and complete the following report ! Whales Whales are ….1…mammals. They therefore ..2.. aur with their lungsbut caanot…3…... ….4…. are very large inded and the blue whale, which can exceed 30 m in length, …5… to have lived on earth. Superficially , the whales …6…., but there are important differences in its external structure, …7…a pair of broad, flat horizontal paddles (the tail of the fish is vertical) and….8…on top of its large, broad head …9…and beneath it lies a layer of fat (blubber). This is up to 30 m in thickness and serves to….10. II. Answer the questions, aftre you completing text report above ! 1. What kind animals does it belong to ? 2. How does it beneath ? 3. What does it look like ? 4. Where can you find it ? 5. Find the generic Structure of report text above ? ANSWER’S KEY I. 1. Sea-living 2. Breathe 3. Survive on land 4. Some species 5. Is the largest animal 6. Looks rather like a fish 7. Its tail consist of 8. It has single nostril 9. The skin is smooth and shiny 10. Conserve heat and body fluids II. 1. It is a sea living mammals. 2. It breathes air with their lungs. 3. It looks rather like a fish. 4. We can find it in the sea of course. 5. The Generic Structur : Title : Whales Generic Classification : Whales are sea living mammals Description : Kalimat berikutnya Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 14. KEMENTERIAN AGAMA MADRASAH ALIYAH NEGERI 1 JEMBER Jalan Imam Bonjol 50, Telp. 0331-485109, Faks. 0331-484651, PO Box 168 Jember E-mail: Website: RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMEBELAJARAN (WRITING) NAMA SEKOLAH : MAN JEMBER 1 MATA PELAJARAN : BAHASA INGGRIS KLS/ SEMESTER : XI/ I MATERI PKOK : NOUN PHRASE ALOKASI WAKTU : 4 x 45 menit A. STANDAR KOMPETENSI Mengungkapkan makna dalam text esei berbentuk report, narrative dan analytical exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. B. KOMPETENSI DASAR Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam text berbentuk : report, narrative dan analytical exposition. C. INDIKATOR - Mengidentifikasi noun phrase - Membuat kalimat yang terdiri dari noun phrase - Membuat karangan dalam bentuk report text dengan menerapkan Noun-Phrase D. TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN Pada pembelajaran ini diharapkan siswa dapat : - Mengidentifikasi kalimat yang terdiri dari Noun-Phrase - Membuat kalimat yang terdiri dari Noun-Phrase - Membuat karangan dalam bentuk Report Text dengan menerapkan Noun Phrase E. MATERI PEMBELAJARAN Noun Phrase - She is a girl. S P O - She is a beautiful girl. S P O - She is a beautiful tall girl. S P O - She is a beautiful tall young javanese girl. S P O The objectof the above sentece s have the same meaning, wich is the girl, but they have different modifiers. This kind of arrangement is called “Noun Phrase” in which the noun (girl) is modified with adjectives. Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 15. F. METODE PEMBELAJARAN Menjelaskan, tanya jawab i. LANGKAH- LANGKAH PEMBELAJARAN 2. PENDAHULUAN a. Apersepsi - Guru memberi salam kepada siswa - Guru mengabsen jehadiran siswa b. Motivasi - Guru menggali pengetahuan awal siswa dengan bemeberi pre-test lisan yang mengarah pada pembahasan “Noun Phrase” - Guru memotivasi siswa untuk memusatkan perhatiannya pada pelajaran writing yang berkaitan dengan “Noun Phrase”. c. Membacakan tujuan pembelajaran kepada siswa 2. KEGIATAN INTI - Siswa mendapatkan penjelasan tentang materi Noun Phrase, - Guru membagikan “worksheet” kepada siswa untuk dikerjakan, - Guru dan siswa membahas bersama jawaban yang tepat dari work sheet, - Guru memberikan penegasan kembali tentang materi “Noun Phrase” kepada siswa 3. PENUTUP - Guru mrnyimpulkan hasil kegiatan pembelajaran bersama-sama dengan siswa, - Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat karangan dalam bentuk “Report” text dengan menerapkan Noun Phrase 4. EVALUASI/ PENILAIAN - Tes tertulis - Laporan work sheet G. MEDIA DAN SUMBER PEMBELAJARAN - LKS - Hand out materi pembelajaran - A Contextual Approach to Learnig English for Senior High School by Yulia Mufrichach, Ganeca Exact. Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 16. Mengetahui, Jember, Juli 2009 Kepala MAN Jember 1 Guru Bahasa Inggris DRS. M. ANWARI SY, MA FEBRI HIDAYATI, S.Pd NIP. 19550808 198103 1003 NIP. 19710213 199601 2001 STUDENTS’ TASK I. Make a new sentences containing noun phrase based on the following sentences. Number one has been done for you ! 1. The car is red. It is beautiful. 2. Tina has a dog. It si cute 3. Mr. Arman has just bought a house. It is expensive 4. Nirina is agood presenter. She is still young. 5. I did a test yesterday. It was very difficult II. Arrange the following adjektives in the correct order ! 1. The man was (young-dancer-beautiful-a-sundenese- slim) 2. The rich man has just bought (small-expensive-an-car- red) 3. The (big-expensive-dimond-circular) was shown in the exhibition. 4. The house is full of ( flowers-beautiful-small) 5. The man has (smart-some-small-young-dogs-brown) 6. He buys (long-a-black-nice-belt) 7. My father makes (tble-a-small-wooden) 8. My mother has (blue-big-beautiful-round-vase- Chinese-a) 9. He belongs to (big-a-family-well known-javanese) 10. My brother buys (car-a-new-japanese-interesting) 11. I saw a girl sitting on (chair-the-brown-small) 12. She is looking for (young-tall-man-a-Asian-athletic) 13. (new-an-blue-attractive-birds) flew south. 14. The prize will be (old-a-vase-crystal-beautiful) 15. My (cat-black-beautiful-small) was died last night. ANSWER’S KEY Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 17. i. 1. It is acute dog. 2. It is an expensive house. 7. She is a good young presenter 8. It was very difficult test. II. 1. A beautiful slim young Sundanese dancer. 2. An expensive small red car. 3. Expensive big circular diamond. 4. Beautiful small white flowers. 5. Some smart small young brown dogs. 6. A nice long black belt. 7. A small wooden table. 8. A beautiful big round blue chinese vase. 9. A well-known big Javanese family. 10. A new interesting Japanese car. 11. The small brown chair. 12. A tall young athletic Asian man. 13. An attractive new blue birds. 14. A beautiful old crystal vase. 15. Beautiful amall black cat. Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 18. KEMENTERIAN AGAMA MADRASAH ALIYAH NEGERI 1 JEMBER Jalan Imam Bonjol 50, Telp. 0331-485109, Faks. 0331-484651, PO Box 168 Jember E-mail: Website: RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMEBELAJARAN (SPEAKING) NAMA SEKOLAH : MAN JEMBER 1 MATA PELAJARAN : BAHASA INGGRIS KLS/ SEMESTER : XI/ I MATERI PKOK : EXPRESSING PERMISSION ALOKASI WAKTU : 2 x 45 menit A. STANDAR KOMPETENSI Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. B. KOMPETENSI DASAR Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidpan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur : menasihati, memperingatkan, meluluskan permintaan, serta menyatakan perasaan Relief Pain dan Pleasure. C. INDIKATOR - Melakukan dialog transaksional dengan mengungkapkan Expressing Permission. - Membuat percakapan tentang Expressing Permission dan mempraktikakannya dengan teman. Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 19. D. TUJUAN PEMEBELAJARAN Pada akhir pembelajaran, diharapkan siswa dapat : - Mengungkapkan Expressing Permission secara lisan dan tertulis. - Membuat dialog dengan Expressing Permission secara individu. - Mempraktikkan Expressing Permission, baik dengan guru atau teman. E. MATERI PEMBELAJARAN The Expression of Permission Asking for Permission - Excuse me ….. - Can I ….? - May I ….? - Do you mind if …? - Is it all right if ….? Giving permission - Sure - Of course I do - Yes, please - Certainly - By all means Rejecting permission - Sorry, but… - I’d rather, you didn’t do that - I’m afraid you may not F. METODE PEMBELAJARAN Tanya jawab, Role Play G. LANGKAH-LANGKAH PEMBELAJARAN 1. PENDAHULUAN a. Apresiasi - Guru memberi salam kepada siswa - Guru mengabsen kehadiran siswa b. Motivasi - Guru membuka pelajaran dengan bertanya pada siswa dengan menggunakan Expressing Permission - Dari pertanyaan-prtanyaan yang disampaikan guru, siswa diminta untuk menebak kira-kira materi apa yang akan dibahas pada pertemuan ini. - Siswa yang bisa menjawab diberi hadiah atau reward. c. Guru membacakan tujuan pembelajaran kepada siswa. 7. KEGIATAN INTI - Guru membagikan LKS pada siswa - Secara individu siswa mnganalisa dan menemukan Expressing Permission Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 20. - Guru meminta dua orang siswa untuk membacakan dialog Expressing Permission di depan kelas. - Siswa mempraktikkan Expressing Permission dengan guru (guru memberikan bimbingan dan checking sebagai feedback) - Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat dialog dengan Expressing Permission secara berpasangan dan mempraktikkannya di depan kelas. 8. PENUTUP - Guru menyimpulkan hasil kegiatan pembelajaran dengan melakukan tanya-jawab kepada siswa 9. EVALUASI/ PENILAIAN - Tes lisan/ speaking - Penilaian sikap (Assessment of Performance) H. MEDIA DAN SUMBER PEMBELAJARAN - LKS - Hand out Materi Pembelajaran - Bahasa Inggris untuk SMU kelas XI oleh Indra, S.Pd terbitan Tim Kreatif HAKA MJ. Mengetahui, Jember, Juli 2009 Kepala MAN Jember 1 Guru Bahasa Inggris DRS. M. ANWARI SY, MA FEBRI HIDAYATI, S.Pd NIP. 19550808 198103 1003 NIP. 19710213 199601 2001 Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 21. STUDETN’S TASK I. Study the following dialogues and answer the questions below ! a. Lia : Do you think I could borrow your camera? Dony : Yes, of course. b. Tedy : Do you minfd if I smike here ? Sony : That’s all right ! c. Passenger : May I leave my luggage here ? Porter : I am afraid you can’t. d. Edy : Can I stay here while you are away ? Joni : Sorry, you can’t. It is too risky for you. e. Young Lady : Would be all right if a left my bag here ? Security man : Well, I would rather you didn’t. QUESTIONS From the above dialogues which expression used to : 1. ask for permission ? 2. give for permission ? 3. refuse for permission ? II. In pairs make conversations based on the situation below ! 1. You are in a friend’s house. You want to borrow his new compact disc. 2. You are at a party. You want to have some fresh water. 3. You want to leave the class because you have a stomachache. 4. You want to borrow your friend’s dictionary. 5. Ask your fried’s mother’s permission because you want to go a movie wth her daughter. ANSWER’S KEY I. 1. The expressions wich are used to ask for permission are : - Do you think I could borrow your camera ? - Do you mind if I smoke here ? - My I leave my luggage here ? - Can I stay here while you are away ? - Would it be all right if I left my bag here ? 2. The expressions wich are used to give permissiosn are : - Yes, of course. - That’s all right. 3. The expressions wich are used to refuse permission are : - I am afraid you can’t - Sorry, you can’t. It is too risky for you. - Well, I would rather you didn’t Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 22. II. The answers depend on student’s answer. KEMENTERIAN AGAMA MADRASAH ALIYAH NEGERI 1 JEMBER Jalan Imam Bonjol 50, Telp. 0331-485109, Faks. 0331-484651, PO Box 168 Jember E-mail: Website: RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMEBELAJARAN (SPEAKING) NAMA SEKOLAH : MAN JEMBER 1 MATA PELAJARAN : BAHASA INGGRIS KLS/ SEMESTER : XI/ I MATERI PKOK : ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION TEXTS ALOKASI WAKTU : 2 x 45 menit A. STANDAR KOMPETENSI Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei berbentuk report dan narrative exposition dalama konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan. B. KOMPETENSI DASAR Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei yang menggunakanragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk : report, narrative dan analytical exposition. C. INDIKATOR - Menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berdasrkan teks untuk menemukan informasi secara umum. - Menentukanm ide utama dan pendukung pada bacaan. - Mengidentifikasi jenis teks dan menentukan generic structure dari bacaan Analytical Exposition. D. TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN Pada akhir pembelajaran, diharapkan siswa dapat : - Menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berdasarkan isi bacaan. - Mengembangkan ketrampilan membaca dan pemahaman jenis teks Analytical Expositiondalam menentukan ide utama dan ide pendukung - Menentukan Generic Structure dari Analytical Exposition teks. E. MATERI PEMBELAJARAN Analytical Exposition Text : Is a text that persuades the reader or listener that something is the case. The Generic Structure - Thesis : introduces topic and indicates writer’s position - Argument-argument Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 23. - Reiteration : restates writer;’s position or conclusion Example : Forest towards Our Life Forest play a vital role in manitaining ia the continuity of the earth’s natural resources and suppoorting life on earth. This is so far a number of reasons. ( Thesis) First, forest are the supplier of valuable products. Forest contain resources that are use full for food, medicine, fibers, fuels, industrial material and others. ( Argument 1) Second, in forest, we still may find the basic life balance of animal life and food growth. The knowledge of such “system” is used to improve crops and livestock, and to stimulate industrial research and natural drug development. ( Argument 2) Third, forests also have ecological functions. Forests prevent waste shed,erosion, and flooding. They also regulate local and regional climate conditions. ( Argument 3) For the reasons listed above, we must take part in the forest preservation. We have to save our forests. ( Conclusion) Question : 1. What does the text tell you about ? Answer : ……………………………………………………………………….. 2. What is the main idea of paragraph 2 ? Answer : ……………………………………………………………………….. 3. What is the main idea of paragraph 3 ? Answer : ……………………………………………………………………….. 4. What is the main idea of paragraph 4 ? Answer : ……………………………………………………………………….. 5. What advantages can we take from the basic life in forests ? Answer : ……………………………………………………………………….. F. METODE PEMBELAJARAN Diskusi, tanya jawab G. LANGKAH-LANGKAH PEMBELAJARAN 1. PENDAHULUAN a. Apersepsi - Guru memberi salam kepada siswa - Guru mengabsen kehadiran siswa b. Motivasi - Guru memotivasi siswa untuk memfokuskan perhatiannya pada “Reading” yang berkaitan dengan pemahaman jenis teks. Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 24. - Guru melakukan pre-test lisan pada Pre-Reading sebelum pelajaran dimulai. c. Guru membacakan tujuan pebelajaran pada siswa 2. KEGIATAN INTI - Siswa membentuk kelompok terdiri dari 6 orang tiqp kelompok. - Siswa yang pandai disebar ke tiap-tiap kelompok agar tejdi Peer tutoring. - Tiap kelompok harus ada ketua dan sekretaris untuk mencatat hasil kerja kelompok. - Siswa menerima bacaan dari guru, kemudian tiap-tipa kelompok melakukan Cooperative Learnig sesuai dengan tugas yang diberikan yaitu menentukan ide pendukung , menjawab pertanyaan –pertany - aan pada bacaan dan mengidentifikasi jenis teks. - Guru memfasilitasi keja kelompok sambil melakukan penagamatan pencatatan hal-hal yang penting selama pelaksanaan diskusi. - Siswa (wakil tiap kelompok) mempresentasikan hasil kerja kelompok di depan kelas. 3. PENUTUP - Guru memberikan tanggapan/ koreksi serta sedikit membrikan penjelasan dari kegiatan presentasi siswa. - Guru menutup pelajaran dengan membuat kesimpulan bersam-sama siswa. 4. EVALUASI/ PENILAIAN - Tes tulis - Tugas porto folio H. MEDIA DAN SUMBER PEMBELAJARAN - LKS - Hand Out materi pembelajaran - A Contextual Approach To Learning English For Senior High School By Yulia Mufarichah, Ganeca Exat Mengetahui, Jember, Juli 2009 Kepala MAN Jember 1 Guru Bahasa Inggris DRS. M. ANWARI SY, MA FEBRI HIDAYATI, S.Pd NIP. 19550808 198103 1003 NIP. 19710213 199601 2001 Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 25. STUDENT’S TASK I. Read the textand identify the structure of the text ! Traceller’s Cheque Today people often use traveller’s cheques when they must go from one city or mone country to anoyher. They prefer traveller cheque to cash because of some resons. First, cheque can be replaced if they are lost or stolen. It means they who have the cheque should not be worried if the cheque is lost because they will gwt another. Second, it is safer than taking cash. There is no need to be afraid if someone steal it. You won’t lost your money since he won’t be able to cash. To cash it, it requires your signature on the cheque. Third, traveller’s cheque is acceptable in all banks all over the world. You can cash it in any banks, no matter you are In United States, Eropa, or Africa. Based on the reasons above, we find out why most travellers like to use traveller’s cheque. Answer the questions based on the text above ! 1. When do people use traveller’s cheques ? Answer : ………………………………………………………………………… 2. What does the word “they” in first sentence refer to ? Answer : ………………………………………………………………………… 3. What is the main idea of paragarph 2 ? Answer : ………………………………………………………………………… 4. What is the main idea of paragarph 3 ? Answer : ………………………………………………………………………… 5. What is the main idea of paragarph 4 ? Answer : ………………………………………………………………………… 6. What willpeople feel when thwy travel using traveller’s cheque ? Answer : ………………………………………………………………………… 7. If you want to cash your traveller’s cheques, what must you give ? Answer : ………………………………………………………………………… 8. Where do you can cash the traveller’s cheque ? Answer : ………………………………………………………………………… 9. What is the purpose of the text ? Answer : ………………………………………………………………………… 10. What type is the text ? Answer : ………………………………………………………………………… Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 26. II. Read and notice the structure of the text, then, answer the questions that follow ! Students,…how many of yoyu like reading ? Now, why do you like reading ? Can anyone tell me? Okay, I’ll tell you there are many reasons why reading is important. Some of them are … First, reading books give us unlimited information. You must remember the words hmm ….books is the window of the world. Througs books, we get knowledge in any fields, suhc as science, economics, and others. Then, reading, especially comics or novels, is usefull for our minds. It makes our minds relax after hard thinking of our problems or jobs. When we rae sad, reading comics will entertain us and the sadness soon will fade away. Another reasons is sometimes hmm …we can find solutions for our problems. It helps us to lift our burdens. Therefore, studets, ket me give you an advice. Spend your leisure time by reading for the reasons above. Okay ? Questions : 1. What is the maion idea of paragraph 2? Answer : ………………………………………………………………………… 2. What is the maion idea of paragraph 3? Answer : ………………………………………………………………………… 3. What is the maion idea of paragraph 4? Answer : ………………………………………………………………………… 4. What kind of books can make us laugh? Answer : ………………………………………………………………………… 5. What sugestion do you find in the text? Answer : ………………………………………………………………………… ANSWERS’ KEY I. 1. People use traveller’s cheques when they must go from one city or noe country to another. 2. “They” in first sentence refers to people. 3. The cheques can be replaced if they are lost or stolen. 4. Cheques is sfer than taking cash. 5. Traveller’s cheques is acceptable in all banks all over the world. 6. - They will feel safer than taking cash. - They wont’t feel worried if the cheque is lost because they will get another. 7. You must give your signature on the cheque. 8. You can cash the traveller’s cheque in any banks. 9. The purpose of the text is : To persuade the reader or listener that traveller’s cheques is important or the cash. 10. The text belongs to analytical exposition text. Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 27. II. 1. The main idea of paragrah 2 is : Reading books give us unlimited information. 2. The main idea of paragrah 3 is : Reading especially comics or novels, is usefull for our mind. 3. The main idea of paragraph 4 is : By reading, we can find solutions for our problems. 4. Comics or novels. 5. Spend our leisure time by reading for the reasons above. KEMENTERIAN AGAMA MADRASAH ALIYAH NEGERI 1 JEMBER Jalan Imam Bonjol 50, Telp. 0331-485109, Faks. 0331-484651, PO Box 168 Jember E-mail: Website: PELAKSANAAN PEMEBELAJARAN (SPEAKING) NAMA SEKOLAH : MAN JEMBER 1 MATA PELAJARAN : BAHASA INGGRIS KLS/ SEMESTER : XI/ I MATERI PKOK : LISTEN TO HOW TO EXPRESS ADVICE OR SUGGESTION AND ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION ALOKASI WAKTU : 2 x 45 menit A. ATNDAR KOMPETENSI Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk report, narrative, dan analytical exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. B. KOMPETENSI DASAR Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlajut secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutr : menasehati, memperingatkan, meluluskan permintaan serta menyatakan perasaan relief, pain dan pleasure. C. INDIKATOR - Melengkapi kata-kata yang hilang dari dialog yang diperdengarkan. - Melengkapi kata-kata atau frase yang hilang dari bacaan Analytical Exposition yang diperdengarkan. D. TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN Pada akir pembelajaran, diharapkan siswa dapat : - Melengkapi kata-kata yang hilang dari dialog yang diperdengarkan. - Melengkapi kata-kata atau frase yang hilang dari bacaan Analytical Exposition yang diperdengarkan. Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 28. E. MATERI PEMBELAJARAN Listening section ! Listen tto the cassete. Coplete the missing word ! Mario : Let’s go …..(1) Maria : Not now, Mario. Mario : Why ? Maria : A have to write a …..(2) About Australian government. I haven’t found any ……(3) for my writing etc. F. METODE PEMBELAJARAN Retelling. G. LANGKAH-LANGKAH PEMBELAJARAN 1. PENDAHULUAN a. Apresiasi - Guru memberi salam kepada siswa - Guru mengabsen kehadiran siswa b. Motivasi - Sebelum memulai pelajaran, guru memperdengarkan beberapa ungkapan bahasa lisan tentang How to Express Advice or Suggestion. - Guru menggali pengetahuan awal siswa dengan memeberikab pertanyaan yang mengarah pada materi “How to Express Advice or Suggestion”. c. Membacakan tujuan pembelajaran kepada siswa 2. KEGIATAN INTI - Siswa menyimak penjelasan guru tentang stategi menjawab soal-soal listennig. - Siswa menerima soal-soal listening untuk dipahami sebelum kaset diputar. - Siswa nendengarkan kaset dengan penuh konsentrasi dan melengkapi dialog-dialog dari soal listening. - Kaset diputar 3x agar siswa bisa melengkapi dialog dengan benar. - Siswa menukar pekerjaannya dengan siswa lain untuk dikoreksi bersama dengan panduan guru. - Siswa menuliskan jumlah jawaban yang benar dan salah. - Guru menilai pekerjaan siswa. 3. PENUTUP - Siswa mebuat ringkasan “topic” dari dialog yang diperdengarkan. Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 29. - Siswa membuat “Retelling” dari bacaan analytical exposition yang diperdengarkan. - Guru membuat kesimpulan bersama-sama dengan siswa. 4. EVALUASI/ PENILAIAN - Test listening - Penlilaian sikap (Assessment of Performace) H. MEDIA DAN SUMBER PEMBELAJARAN - CD, cassete dan Tape Recorder - LKS - A Conditional Approach to Learning English for Senior High School by Yulia Mufarichah, Ganeca Exact. Mengetahui, Jember, Juli 2009 Kepala MAN Jember 1 Guru Bahasa Inggris DRS. M. ANWARI SY, MA FEBRI HIDAYATI, S.Pd NIP. 19550808 198103 1003 NIP. 19710213 199601 2001 Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 30. Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 31. STUDENTS’ TASK I. Listen to the cassete and complete the missing words, then practise the dialogue with your friend Listen tto the cassete. Coplete the missing word ! Mario : Let’s go …..(1) Maria : Not now, Mario. Mario : Why ? Maria : A have to write a …..(2) About Australian government. I haven’t found any ……(3) for my writing. Mario : Why don’t you try to find the sources in the .(4) or in the internet ? Maria : That’s a great idea, Mario. Let’s go then. ANSWER KEY The answers are in the appendix. Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 32. KEMENTERIAN AGAMA MADRASAH ALIYAH NEGERI 1 JEMBER Jalan Imam Bonjol 50, Telp. 0331-485109, Faks. 0331-484651, PO Box 168 Jember E-mail: Website: RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMEBELAJARAN (SPEAKING) NAMA SEKOLAH : MAN JEMBER 1 MATA PELAJARAN : BAHASA INGGRIS KLS/ SEMESTER : XI/ I MATERI PKOK : CONDITIONAL SENTENCE ALOKASI WAKTU : 4 x 45 menit A. STANDAR KOMPETENSI Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks esei berbentuk report narrative dan analytical exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. B. KOMPETENSI DASAR Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam eseu dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk report, narrative, dan analytical exposition. C. INDIKATOR - Mengidentifikasi conditional sentence. - Membuat kalimat dengan conditional sentence tipe II. - Membuat karangan Analytical Exposition dengan menerapkan conditional sentence. D. TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN Pada pembelajaran ini diharapkan siswa dapat : - Mengidentifikasi Conditional Sentence secara tepat. - Memebuat kalimat dengan Conditional Sentence Type II. - Membuat karangan Analytical Exposition dengan menerapkan Conditional Sentence. E. MATERI PEMBELAJARAN Conditional Sentence Type II/ Present Coditional Sentence. Have you ever imagined something ?, if you have, How do you express it ? in english, you can use conditional form (If – Clause). When we use “If-Clause”, we express something which is country to the fact. Study the pattern : S + would V-1 + O + If + S + V-2 + O Ex : I would go home if a had time. Fact : I don’t go home because I don’t have time, etc. F. METODE PEMBELAJARAN Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 33. Menjelaskan, tanya jawab. G. LANGKAH-LANGKAH PEMBELAJARAN 1. PENDAHULUAN a. Apresiasi - Guru memberi salam kepada siswa. - Guru mengabsen keadiran siswa b. Motivasi - Guru menggali pengetahuan awal siswa dengan memberi pre-test lisan yang mengarah pada pembahasan. - Guru memberikan reward atas jawaban siswa. c. Guru membacakan tujuan pembelajaran 2. KEGIATAN INTI - Siswa menerima penjelasan guru tentang “Conditional Sentence Type II”. - Guru membagikan “work-sheet” kepada siswa untuk dikerjakan. - Guru dan siswa membahas bersama jawaban yang tepat dari tugas- tugas yang dikerjakan. - Guru memberikan penegasan kembali tentang materi “Conditional Sentence” kepada siswa. 3. PENUTUP - Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat karangan Analytical Exposition text dengan menerapkan Conditional Sentence. - Guru menyimpulkan hasil kegiatan pembelajaran dengan melakukan tanya jawab kepada siswa. 9. EVALUASI/ PENILAIAN - Test tulis - Laporan work-sheet. - Penilaian sikap (Assessment of Performance) H. MEDIA DAN SUMBER PEMBELAJARAN - LKS - Hand out Materi Pembelajaran - Functional English for Senior High School by Bambang Sugeng, Noor Zaimah, Tiga Serangkai. Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 34. Mengetahui, Jember, Juli 2009 Kepala MAN Jember 1 Guru Bahasa Inggris DRS. M. ANWARI SY, MA FEBRI HIDAYATI, S.Pd NIP. 19550808 198103 1003 NIP. 19710213 199601 2001 Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 35. STUDENTS’ TASK I. EXPERIMENT AND GENERALIZATION Study the following sentences a. I would go to the party if you picked me up. b. I would buy a car if I had money. c. You would be happy if you went to Yogyakarta. Questions 1. The first sentence, is called ….. 2. Second sentences preceded by if is called …. 3. The pattern of these sentence are ….. 4. So, we are called these sentences …. II. REINFORCEMENT Put the verb in the brackets with the correct form of present conditional sentences ! 1. I (lend) you my computer if you (promise) to tae care of it. 2. I (telephone) you at once if I (find) your wallet. 3. He (not Make) so many mistakes if he (work) more carefully. 4. The ship (not be) sunk if the captain (be) more careful. 5. The thiefs (not do) so much damage if you (not lock) all the drawer. 6. Anita (buy) the phone cell if he she (get) her first salary. 7. The man (be) a rich man if he (sell) his antique car. 8. Susan (sing) on your birthday party if you (invite) her. 9. He (happy) the job if he (pass) the examnination. 10. I (go) to other town if you (ask) me to do it. III. APPLICATION Write the fact of the sentence above correctly ! From number 1-10 ANSWERS’ KEY I. 1. Main clause 2. sub clause 3. S + would + V1 + O if S + V2 4. conditional centence II. 1. would lend; promised 2. would telephone; found 3. would not make; workwd Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 36. 4. would not be sunk; were 5. would not do; didn’t lock 6. would buy; got 7. would be; sold 8. would sing; invited 9. would apply; passed 10. would go; asked III. 1. I don’t lend you may computer because you don’t promise to take care of it. 2. I don’t telephone you at once because I don’t find your wallet. 3. He makes so many mistakes because he doesn’t work more carefully. 4. The ship it sunk because the captain isn’t careful. 5. The thiefs do so much damage because you lock all the drawer. 6. Anita doesn’t buy the phone cell because she doesn’t get her first salary. 7. The man is not a rich man because he doesn’t sell …. 8. Susan doesn’t sing …. because you don’t invite her. 9. He doesn’t apply the job because he doesn’t pass. 10. I don’t go the other town because you don’t ask … Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 37. KEMENTERIAN AGAMA MADRASAH ALIYAH NEGERI 1 JEMBER Jalan Imam Bonjol 50, Telp. 0331-485109, Faks. 0331-484651, PO Box 168 Jember E-mail: Website: RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMEBELAJARAN (SPEAKING) NAMA SEKOLAH : MAN JEMBER 1 MATA PELAJARAN : BAHASA INGGRIS KLS/ SEMESTER : XI/ I MATERI PKOK : EXPRESSING PLEASURE AND DISPLEASURE ALOKASI WAKTU : 4 x 45 menit A. STANDAR KOMPETENSI Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut (sustaned) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. B. KOMPETENSI DASAR Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur : menasehati, memperingatkan, meluluskan permintaan, serta menyatakan relief, pain dan pleasure. C. INDIKATOR - Melakukan dialog transaksional dengan mengungkapkan Expressing Pleasure and Displeasure. - Melengkapi percakapan sederhana pada dialog ynag tersedia. - Membuat percakapan dengan Expressing Pleasure and Displeasure serta mempraktekkan percakapan tersebut dengan teman. D. TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN Pada akhir pembelajaran diharapkan siswa dapt : 1. Mengungkapkan Expressing Pleasure and Displeasure secara lisan. 2. Membuat dialog dengan Expressing Pleasure and Displeasure. 3. Mempraktekan Expressing Pleasure and Displeasure dengan teman. E. MATERI PEMBELAJARAN The Expressing Pleasure and Displeasure. Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 38. a. Expressing Pleasure - I’m pleased with …. - It’s good - Great ! - Fntastic ! - Super - I’m glad …. - I’m so happy for …. - I’m delighted ……etc. b. Expressing Displeasure - I’m displeased with …. - It’s disgusting - It’s horrible - I’m very ennoyed - I’m too miserable etc. F. METODE PEMBELAJARAN Tanya jawab, Role Play G. LANGKAH-LANGKAH PEMBELAJARAN 1. PENDAHULUAN a. Apresepsi - Guru memberi salam kepada siswa. - Guru mengabsen kehadiran siswa b. Motivasi - Guru memulai pelajaran dengan memperlihatkan gambar-gambar kepada siswa. - Guru menanyakan hal-hal yang mengarah pada ungkapan Pleasure and Displeasure. c. Guru mrmbacakan tujuan pembelajaran kepada siswa 2. KAGIATAN INTI - Guru membacakan LKS kepada siswa. - Guru memilih dua siswa untuk untuk membacakan dialog Expressing Pleasure and Displeasure di depan kelas. - Siswa melengkapi percakapan sedehana yang telah tersdia. - Siswa mempraktekkan Expressing Pleasure and Displeasure dengan guru. - Guru memberikan penegasan materi tentang Expressing Pleasure and Displeasure. 3. PENUTUP - Guru menyimpulkan hasil kegiatan pembelajaran dengan melakukan tanya jawab kepada siswa. Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 39. - Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat dialog bebas tentang Expressing Pleasure and Displeasure secara berpasangan dan mempraktekkan dialog tersebut minggu depan. 4. EVALUASI - Tes lisan (speaking) - Penilaian sikap (Assessment of Performance) H. MEDIA DAN SUMBER PEMBELAJARAN - Gambar-gambar - Hand out materi pembelajaran - Functional English for Senior High School by Bambang Sugeng, Noor Zaimah, Tiga Serangkai. Mengetahui, Jember, Juli 2009 Kepala MAN Jember 1 Guru Bahasa Inggris DRS. M. ANWARI SY, MA FEBRI HIDAYATI, S.Pd NIP. 19550808 198103 1003 NIP. 19710213 199601 2001 Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 40. STUDENTS’ TASK I. Study this dialogue, then answer the following questions ! Mrs. Wahyudi is cooking in her kitchen. Mrs. Anton comes by and has a chat with her. Mrs. Anton : So, you bought the rice cooker advertised on TV ? Is it good? Mrs. Wahyudi : Yes, I’m very pleased with it. It’s more practical than cooking on yhe stove. Besides, the heat stays longer, so you don’t have to warm your food before serving. Mrs. Anton :That’s good. Mrs. Wahyudi : I heard that you bought a new sports equipment. How is it ? Has is improved your body ? Mrs. Anton : It’s horrible. It has been almost a month. I started exercise with the equipment, but you see I’m not even a pound lighter and I have to buy bigger clothes. Questions ! 1. Where are Mrs. Wahyudi and Mrs. Anton ? 2. What did Mrs. Wahyudi buy ? 3. Is she pleased with it ? 4. What does she say ? 5. What did Mrs. Anton buy ? 6. Is she pleased with it ? 7. What does she say ? II. Response the following phrase using the expressions of pleasure and displeasure. 1. Tyo : I heard tha you have just bought a new handphone costing two millions ruphias. It must be very good. (pleasure) Faya : ……………………. 2. Ira : Congratulations ! You are the winner of the car race. How do you feel ? (pleasure) Joe : ……………………. 3. Siti : I’m so sorry to hear that you lost the painting competition last week. How do you feel about it ? (displeasure) Joko : …………………… 4. Rizal : This movie is not good! (displeasure) Widodo : ………………….. III. Make a dialogue of expressing pleasure or displeasure in pairs. Then practise it in front of the class next meeting. ANSWERS’ KEY I. 1. They aer in the kitchen. 2. She bought a rice cooker. 3. Yes, she is. 4. I’m very pleased with it (the rice cooker) Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 41. 5. She bought a new sports equipments. 6. No, she isn’t. 7. It’s horrible. II. The answers depend on student’s answer. III. The answers depend on student’s answer. Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 42. KEMENTERIAN AGAMA MADRASAH ALIYAH NEGERI 1 JEMBER Jalan Imam Bonjol 50, Telp. 0331-485109, Faks. 0331-484651, PO Box 168 Jember E-mail: Website: RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN (READING) NAMA SEKOLAH : MAN JEMBER I MATA PELAJARAN : BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS/ SEMESTER : XI/ I MATERI POKOK : NARRATIVE TEXT ALOKASI WAKTU : 4 x 45 menit A. STANDAR KOMPETENSI Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei berbentuk report, narrative dan analytical exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan. B. KOMPETENSI DASAR Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esai yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar, dan diterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk: report, narrative, dan analytical exposition. C. INDIKATOR - Menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan pada bacaan yang tersedia. - Menentukan ide utama dan pendukung dari bacaan. - Mengidentifikasi jenis teks dan menemukan genre structure dari bacaan narrative D. TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN Pada akhir pembelajaran, diharapkan siswa dapat: - Menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berdasarkan isi bacaan. - Mengembangkan ketrampilan membaca dan pemahaman jenis teks narrative dalam menentukan ide utama, ide pendukung. - Menentukan generic structure dari narrative teks E. MATERI PEMBELAJARAN NARRATIVE TEXT The purpose is to entertain or to tell the story. Three main parts of narrative text are: orientation, complication, and resolution Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 43. EXAMPLE: The Rats and the Elephants Once upon a time three lived a group of rats under the three in peace. However, a group of elephants crossing the jungle unknowingly destroyed the Orientation homs of all the rats. Many of them were even crushed to death. Then, the king of rats decided to approach the elephant chief and requested Evaluation him to guide his herd through another route. And so the lives of the rats were saved. One day elephant-hunters came to the jungle and trapped a group of elephant in huge nets. Then, elephant king suddenly remembered the king of the rats. Complicatio He summoned one of the elephants of his herd, which had not been trapped, n to go seek help from teh king of rats. The elephant went to the rats king and told him about the trapped elephants. The rat king immediately took entire group of rats and they cut and opened Resolution nets which had trapped the elephants herd. The elephant herd was totally set free. They danced with joy and thanked the rats. F. METODE PEMBELAJARAN Tanya-jawab, diskusi. G. LANGKAH-LANGKAH PEMBELAJARAN 1. PENDAHULUAN a. Apresiasi - Guru memberi salam kepada siswa. - Guru mengabsen kehadiran siswa. b. Motivasi - Guru memulai pelajaran dengan bercerita tentang kisah cinta Siti Nur Baya. - Guru meminta siswa untuk menebak termasuk jenis teks apakahkisah cinta Siti Nur Baya tersebut. - Guru memberi reward kepada siswa yang bisa menjawab. c. Membacakan Tujuan Pembelajaran Kepada Siswa 2. KEGIATAN INTI - Guru membagikan work’sheat kepada siswa - Membentuk kelompok terdiri dari 6 orang tiap kelompok. - Siswa yang pandai disebar ke tiap-tiap kelompokagar terjadi pear tutoring. - Tiap kelompok harus ada ketua dan sekretaris untuk mencatat hasil kerja kelompok. - Siswa menerima LKS dari guru, kemudian tiap-tiap kelompok melakukan cooperative learning untuk menjawabpertanyaan-pertanyaan yang ada di LKS. Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 44. - Guru memberikan motivasi dan bertindak sebagai fasilitator selama proses pembelajaran. - Siswa (wakil tiap kelompok) mempresentasikan hasil kerja kelompok di depan kelas. 3. PENUTUP - Guru memberikan tanggapan/koreksi dan sedikit penjelasandari kegiatan presentasi siswa. - Guru membuat kesimpulan bersama siswa tentang narrative text dan generic structurenya. 4. EVALUASI - Test tertulis. - Penilaian sikap (assessment of performance). H. MEDIA DAN SUMBER PEMBELAJARAN 1. LKS. 2. Hand out materi pembelajaran. 3. A contextual approach to learning english for senior high school by Yulia Mufarichah, Ganeca exact. Mengetahui, Jember, Juli 2009 Kepala MAN Jember 1 Guru Bahasa Inggris DRS. M. ANWARI SY, MA FEBRI HIDAYATI, S.Pd NIP. 19550808 198103 1003 NIP. 19710213 199601 2001 Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 45. STUDENT TASK PRE-READING I. QUESTIONS 1. Have you ever read “The Story of R.A. Kartini”? or the legend of Reog Ponorogo? 2. What type of genre is it! In order to know further information. Please pay attention to the following text! Raden Ajeng Kartini Every year on the 21st of April, we celebrate the Kartini Day. We do it to commemorate the birthday and the live of a great lady, Raden ajeng Kartini. Her ideals have inspired Indonesian woman to strunggle for emancipation and together with their male compatriots, to build the nation. Raden Ajeng kartini, a daughter of Jepara regent, was born in 1879, in Mayong, Central Java. She passed away soon after giving birth to a son, at the age of 25. As a daughter or regent, she could study at the only Dutch elementary school in Jepara. The customs at that time made it impossible for her to continue her studies. Although she had only an elementary school education, she developed a mature view, through her great love of reading. During her teens Kartini liked to write letters to her friends in the Netherlands. In those letters she gave smar expression to her anti colonial sentiments. The family of Kartini’s dutch friend, to whom she sent her letter regularly, published a collection of her letter seven years after her death, under the title Door Duisternis tot licht, The Dawn is Rising from Darkness. In the era of independence, Kartini was decared as a national heroine in honour of her laudable and patriotic deeds. Though she is so no more in this world, the flame of her ideals and spirit stays alive through generations. Indonesian women have never forgotten Kartini’s vision. Today they have Kartini’s dreams of a better Indonesia for all citizens women and men alike, come true. WHILES – READING II. QUESTIONS a. Mark Right (R) or, Wrong (W), then correct it for the wrong statement! 1. Raden Ajeng Kartini was born in Jogjakarta on 21st of april 1879. 2. Raden Ajeng Kartinidied after giving birth to a son. 3. Raden Ajeng Kartini’s friend who published a collection of her letters after her death came from England. 4. Raden Ajeng Kartini was a daughter of a governor. 5. The Dawn is Rising from Darkness is the title of her book. b. Answer the question correctly! 1. When and where was R.A. Kartini born? 2. Who published the collection of her letters? 3. What is the title of the book in Indonesia? 4. Why do we commemorate the Kartini day? 5. What is the main idea of the first paragraph? Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 46. 6. What the mai idea of the second paragraph? 7. What is the main idea of the last paragraph? III. POST – READING Identify the Generic Structure of the text above individualy! IV. ENRICHMENT OR PORTO – FOLIO 1. Make “a Narrative text” based on your own idea individually. If can be a legend, a story or biography or then identify the Generic Structure of your composition correctly. ANSWERS’ KEY I. PRE - READING ANSWER SCORE 1. Yes, I have 2 2. Narrative text 2 II. WHILEST – READING ANSWER SCORE 1. T 3 2. T 3 3. He camp from Dutch 3 4. T 3 5. F She is daughter of Jepara regent 3 ANSWER SCORE 1. R.A. Kartini was born in Mayong. 4 2. The family of Kartini’s Dutch friend. 4 3. Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang. 4 4. Because she is one of hero who has inspired Indonesian 4 woman to struggle for emancipation to build nation. 5. The Celebration of Kartini’s Day ever 21st April. 5 6. R.A. Kartini as a daughter of the Jepara regent. 5 7. R.A. Kartini was declared as a national heroine in Indonesia. 5 III.WHILES – READING ANSWER SCORE Paragraph 1 Orientation 15 Paragraph 2, 3 Complication Paragraph 4 Resolution ANSWER SCORE It depends on student’s answer 35 KEMENTERIAN AGAMA MADRASAH ALIYAH NEGERI 1 JEMBER Jalan Imam Bonjol 50, Telp. 0331-485109, Faks. 0331-484651, PO Box 168 Jember E-mail: Website: RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN (LISTENING) Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 47. NAMA SEKOLAH : MAN JEMBER I MATA PELAJARAN : BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS/SEMESTER: XI / I MATERI POKOK : LISTENING TO NARRATIVE TEXT ALOKASI WAKTU : 2 X 45 menit A. STANDAR KOMPETENSI Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk reports, narrative dan analytical exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari – hari. B. KOMPETENSI DASAR Merespon makna dalam teks yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan diterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: report, narrative, dan analytical exposition. C. INDIKATOR - Melengkapi teks monolog narrative dari kaset yang diperdengarkan. - Menjawab pertanyaan – pertanyaan dari narrative text yang sudah dilengkapi. - Mengidentifikasi generic structure dari teks monolog narrative. D. TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN Pada akhir pembelajaran, diharapkan siswa dapat: - Melengkapi teks narrative yang diperdengarkan. - Menjawab pertanyaan – pertanyaan dari narrative text yang sudah dilengkapi. - Mengidentifikasi generic structure dari text narrative. E. MATERI PEMBELAJARAN Narrative text, contohnya sebagai berikut: The Legend Of Keong Emas The legend of Keong Emas is one of Cerita Panji,....... in East Java and Central Java. ....... describes the romance, ........... ............ of Raden Panji Asmoro Bangun and Dewi Sekartaji. Etc. F. METODE PEMBELAJARAN Discussion. G. LANGKAH – LANGKAH PEMBELAJARAN 1. PENDAHULUAN a. Apersepsi - Guru memberi salam kepada siswa. - Guru mengabsen kehadiran siswa. b. Motivasi - Guru memberikan pertanyaan yang mengarah pada narrative text. c. Membacakan tujuan pembelajaran kepada siswa Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 48. 2. KEGIATAN INTI - Siswa mendapatkan penjelasan tentang narrative text secara lisan. - Siswa mendengarkan text monolog narrative dengan bantuan audio. - Siswa melengkapi text monolog narrative. - Siswa mendiskusikan isi jawaban mereka. - Siswa menjawab pertanyaan teks narrative yang sudah lengkap. - Guru membahas bersama jawaban text narrative lisan. 3. PENUTUP - Guru bersama – sama dengan siswa mengidentifikasigeneric structure dari text narrative. - Guru menutup pelajaran dengan membuat kesimpulan bersama siswa. 4. EVALUASI / PENILAIAN - Tes listening. - Penilaian sikap (Assessment of Performance). H. MEDIA / SUMBER PEMBELAJARAN - LKS. - Tape recorder. - English text book 2 by ganexa. Mengetahui, Jember, Juli 2009 Kepala MAN Jember 1 Guru Bahasa Inggris DRS. M. ANWARI SY, MA FEBRI HIDAYATI, S.Pd NIP. 19550808 198103 1003 NIP. 19710213 199601 2001 Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 49. STUDENT’S TASK Complete the text with the correct vocabulary by listening the story! This is the legend of Keong Emas or golden snail. It belongs to one of popular (1) ...... in East an Central Java. The legend tells the romance and the (2) ....... of the Raden Panji Asmorobangun and Dewi Sekartaji. It started when the King of Antah Brantah (3) ........ to make DewiS kartaji his wife. Therefore, he kidnapped her. Fortunately, the god Narada (4) ........ her by turning her into (5) ........ One day, ano= old poor widow, Mbok Rondo Dadapan found a golden snail in the river and took it home. She put the golden snail in a jar. She took good (6) ....... of it. Suddenly, unexpected good things happend to Mbok Rondo’s live. Every time she went home fishing, she would find (7) ......... dishes on the table. As well, her house looked so clean. She (8) ........ who had done all these. This went on for several days. She could not resist the temptation to (9) ....... who was the person. So, one day, instead of fishing, she spied on through a hole in the wall of her house. To her amazement, she saw a beautiful (10) ........ coming out of the jar and starting to clean the house an preparing a meal. The next day the similar thing happend. Suddenly, Mbok Rondo (11) ....... into the house and smashed the jar. “Homeless” Dewi Sekartaji could not (12) ........ into a snail. She was then ( 13) ....... by Mbok Rondo. At the same time, Raden Panji Asmorobangun (14) ....... for his wife from one village to another. He finally reached Dadapan village and found his beloved wife. With happiness and (15) ...... , they went back to their palace, taking along good Mbok Rondo. ANSWER’S KEY 1. Folktales 9. Find out 2. Reunion 10. Princess 3. Wished 11. Rushed 4. Saved 12. Turn 5. A golden snail 13. Adopted 6. Care 14. Searched 7. Delicious 15. Lov 8. Wondered Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 50. KEMENTERIAN AGAMA MADRASAH ALIYAH NEGERI 1 JEMBER Jalan Imam Bonjol 50, Telp. 0331-485109, Faks. 0331-484651, PO Box 168 Jember E-mail: Website: RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN (WRITING) NAMA SEKOLAH : MAN JEMBER I MATA PELAJARAN : BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS/SEMESTER : XI/I MATERI POKOK : ADJECTIVE CLAUSE ALOKASI WAKTU : 4 X 45 menit A. STANDAR KOMPETENSI Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks esai berbrntuk report, narrative dan analytical exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari – hari. B. KOMPETENSI DASAR Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esai dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan diterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari – hari dalam teks berbentuk report, narrative dan analytical exposition. C. INDIKATOR - Menidentifikasi Adjective – Clause. - Membuat kalimat dengan Adjective – Clause. - Membuat kalimat karangan narrative dengan menerapkan Adjective – Clause. D. TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN Pada pembelajaran ini diharapkan siswa dapat: - Mengidentifikasi Adjective – Clause dengan tepat. - Membuat kalimat dengan Adjective – Clause. - Membuat karangan narrative dengan menerapkan Adjective – Clause. E. MATERI PEMBELAJARAN Adjective – Clause 1. The man is rich. The man is my teacher. Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 51. The man who is rich is my teacher. Jika yang sama “people” / subject kata gantinya who. 2. The man is rich. His house is on Jl. Merbabu. The man whose house is on Jl. Merbabu is rich. Jika menyatakan milik / possesive pronoun kata gantinya whose. F. METODE PEMBELAJARAN Menjelaskan, tanya – jawab. G. LANGKAH – LANGKAH PEMBELAJARAN 1. PENDAHULUAN a. Apersepsi - Guru memberi salam kepada siswa. - Guru mengabsen kehadiran siswa. b. Motivasi - Guru memberikan pertanyaan – pertanyaan yang mengarah pada materi adjective – clause. - Guru memberikan reward atas jawaban siswa. c. Guru Memberikan Tujuan Pembelajaran kepada Siswa 2. KEGIATAN INTI a. Siswa menerima penjelasan guru tentang materi “Adjective Clause”. b. Guru memberikan “work – sheet” kepada siswa untuk dikerjakan. c. Guru dan siswa membahas bersama jawaban yang tepat dari tugas yang dikerjakan. d. Guru memberikan penegasan kembeli tentang materi “Adjective Clause” kepada siswa. 3. PENUTUP a. Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat karangan narrative dengan menerapkan “Adjective Clause”. b. Guru menyimpulkan hasil kegiatan pembelajaran denagn melakukan tanya – jawab kepada siswa. 4. EVALUSI a. Tes tulis. b. Laporan work sheet. Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011
  • 52. c. Penilaian sikap (assessment of performance H. MEDIA DAN SUMBER PEMBELAJARAN - LKS - Hand out mater pembelajaran. - Functional English for Senior High School by Bambang Sugeng, Noor Zainah, Tiga Serangkai Mengetahui, Jember, Juli 2009 Kepala MAN Jember 1 Guru Bahasa Inggris DRS. M. ANWARI SY, MA FEBRI HIDAYATI, S.Pd NIP. 19550808 198103 1003 NIP. 19710213 199601 2001 Format : F 7.5.1 POS 04 KUR 10 Revisi : 00/1 Nopember 2011