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Study the case entitled “The Controversial Teacher” and answers the questions underneath it.
Mr. IkasolaqualifiedasateacheraftercompletingaBachelorDegree inteachertraining programme
from one of the reputable universities in Canada. After graduation, he returned home to accept a
job in one of the secondary schools in the northern part of the country. Two years later, he joined
the English Department of Amina High School in the southern part of the country. His reason for
coming to Amina High School was because he wanted to be nearer to his town.
Within a few weeks of being at Amina High School, he observed that his department was in dire
needof improvement. He suggested to his head of department – Mr. Umar, an NCE holder, that he
should be given a free hand to run the department, but Mr. Umar made him to understand that if
such request is granted, it would be against the school policy and administration. Because his
requestwasturneddown, he (Mr. Ikasola) started speaking ill of Mr. Umar to other colleagues and
even to the school principal. On several occasions, he openly condemned Mr. Umar’s leadership
style.Inaddition,he attempted to frustrate Mr. Umar’s effort to maintain high academic standards
in the departments. Mr. Ikasola deliberately started to teach ineffectively, sometimes skipping
At one point, attempts were made by some members of staff, even from other departments,
counselledhimtocooperate withhisheadof department,they even suggested some specific ways
in which he could channel his energies towards constructive ends.
At such counsel visits, Mr. Ikasola would pretend to listen attentively. As they spoke, he assumed
that hisstandon the runningof the departmenthadbeenwelltaken,afterall,he is a degree holder
while the highestqualification of his head of department is NCE. He realized that other colleagues
were not in agreement with his proposal. Consequently, he started nursing grudges against those
membersof staff whowere trying to assist him to resolve his ego problem. As a result, he stopped
attending the staff common room and therefore became a loner.
A fewweekslater,complaintsaboutMr.IkasolastartedpouringintoMr. Umar’s office.The students
complained that Mr. Ikasola rattles, babbles, and prattles and have been presenting himself as a
deficientteacher.Consequently,Mr.Umar put down the allegations in writing to Mr. Ikasola asking
for his comments. Instead of Mr. Ikasola explaining himself to Mr. Umar, he wrote directly to the
principal accusing his head of department, Mr. Umar, of “cheap blackmail” against him, inciting
students to write against him.
The principal thenaskedMr. Umar for hisresponse onMr. Ikasola’sallegations. Mr. Umar replied to
the principal, surporting his response with the accusation letters written on Mr. Ikasola to him by
different students. It was discovered that besides accusation of incompetent teaching, Mr. Ikasola
was alleged of using vulgar words in addressing students in the classroom. The students also
complained his new mode of dressing, saying that he (Mr. Ikasola) paraded himself more like a
farmer than a teacher; others claimed that he appeared more like a palm wine tapper than a
classroom teacher.
When the principal received the response from Mr. Umar, he sent for Mr. Ikasola to discuss the
matterwithhim.Surprisingly,duringthe discussion, Mr. Ikasola flared up and accused the principal
of taking side with Mr. Umar.
As the principal was contemplating on what to do, some parents have gone to the Ministry of
Education to report Mr. Ikasola’s professional incompetence and misconduct, which in their
assessment was unbecoming of a teacher in charge of their children. Before the principal could
react, complaintsfromthe parentsincreased,the Parents’Teachers’Associationalsosent a petition
bothto the principal andthe ministryrequestedthatMr. Ikasolabe relievedof hispostimmediately
or transferred to any other school. The principal was surmoned by the Ministry Officials on the
matter, asked him to provide them with recommendations on actions to take against Mr. Ikasola.
As an administrator answer the questions below:
1. What do you consider to be Mr. Ikasola’s major problem?
2. Would you agree that Mr. Ikasola be sent for a kind of training? If so, what kind of training
would you recommend?
3. What responsibilitydoesaprincipal have in guiding teachers with unexpected behavioural
problems within the school system?
4. How would you handle complaints from individual parents, the P.T.A and the Ministry of
Education on Mr. Ikasola?
5. From administrative pointof view,whatwouldbe yourrecommendations to the Ministry of
Education Officials?
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Case 2
The school involved in this case was founded in 1979. However, the school has not enjoyed the
service of any principal for more than two consecutive years. This incident occurred during the
tenure of office of the thirdprincipal inthe school. The school was not different from other schools
of the contemporary period; fund was not forthcoming from the government; typists, bursars and
other forms of resources were notg sufficiently available. The school, being the first secondary
school inthe communityluckilyenjoyedthe supportandgoodwillof the communityboth financially
and morally. A typewriter and a cyclostyling machine were presented to the school by the
community.Fortunately,one of the teacherswasagood typist;he immediately combined the work
of typing with his teaching duties. This teacher called Femi volunteered to help the school to type
questions papers. He did this for two years before an ugly incident occurred.
The principal,Mr. Kane,wasan experiencedprincipal;he had worked in many schools as a principal
and he claimed to be a principal with a difference. He evolved a motto, “Strive for Excellence” for
the school whichusedto be the watchwordat everymorningassembly.Inan attempt to monitor all
activities all alone, he ended up not delegating power to any teacher. Though, he claimed to be a
democratic, but he always ended up usurping the powers of any committee in the school.
As the May/June 1983 promotion examination was approaching, the principal instilled fear in the
studentsgenerallyandformfourstudentsinparticular.He threatenedthatonly 50% of them would
be promotedto formfive because he believedinexcellence.He emphasizedthatthere was no point
promoting many and at the end record a low percentage pass.
He was critical of this because the school was just about to present the first set of students for
WASCE.In preparationforthe examination,anExaminationCommittee was set up with Mr. Dele as
the Chairman. Usually, Mr. Femi would type the questions and this gave him the automatic
membership of the examination committee.
The committee decided to produce copies of the question papers on the morning of each
examinationday.The examinationwastostart onMonday, buton the previousFriday, the principal
invited the committee Chairman to inquire about their plans for the examination and how they
intended to go about the work of cyclostyling. The Committee Chairman informed him of the
committee’s plan. The principal agreed. The principal later invited the Clerical Assistant who had
been taught how to operate the cyclostyling machine. He gave the already cut stencils containing
the questionsto him to cyclostyle. The committee members learnt of this and later decided not to
participate in the cyclostyling exercise. They restricted their assignment to collection of question
papers from the Clerical Assistant every morning for onward distribution to the invigilators.
Afterthe examinations,the markingexercise startedasusual.Mr.Femi,the teacher-typist,detected
some foul play in Mathematics paper. The answer scripts of four students were more or less a
replicaof each other.He thendecidedtomeetthe principal on the issue. The principal advised him
to cancel the paper andset anotherone forall form four students, but he refused and agreed to do
that if it wasa consensus opinionof all teachingthe staff.The principalagreedtocall a staff meeting
when it became clear that Mr. Femi was unyielding.
At the meeting,Mr.Femi presentedhiscase and tendered the students’ answer scripts as exhibits.
The staff unanimouslyagreedtosetupa five mancommittee toinvestigate the case especially after
some teachershadspokenof similarobservations in their papers. The committee investigated and
submitted its recommendations within four days.
Mr. Femi wasthe principal witness at the committee’s sittings. One of the teachers who appeared
before the committee allegedthatitwasMr. Femi whogave outhisquestionstosome students.She
buttressed her argument by explaining that some parents had come to report the case to her at
home while the examination was on and it was Mr. Femi that was alleged by these parents. One of
the parents was quoted as saying that his son informed him of this after finding him with a live
Mathematics question paper that was yet to be taken.
Thisfemale teachersaidshe decidedtokeepquietbecauseshe feltthatMr. Femi was a respectable
member of staff and that if she reported, the students in question would be affected adversely.
The four studentswere interrogatedanditwasonlyone of themthat confessedof herknowledgeof
all the question papers they took. It took others some measures of threat before they confessed.
Three of thempointedtothe fourthstudent,Bolaas the person who supplied the question papers.
After much pressure, Bola mentioned the name of the clerical assistant. The clerical assistant also
confessed giving out the live questions. The four students confessed to have received the live
questions and gave other four students. All the accused persons were made to write down their
confessional statements. Bola, the principal student actor, in her plea for leniency for the clerical
assistant,saidthatit wasshe who approached him for help because she wanted to get to form five
at all cost and that it was the principal’s stand on the number of students to be promoted to form
five that made her explore such possibility.
All the members of the examination committee were interrogated. In fact, the Chairman testified
that it was on the strength of his testimony that others were invited. They all condemned the
principal’sleadership style. They described him as an autocratic leader. They argued that if he had
not intruded into the affairs of the committee, the clerical assistant would not have had the
opportunity of being the custodian of the question papers.
1. As an Educational Administrator, give five cogent recommendations to the school.
2. Analyze the case by highlighting the major issues at stake
3. What solutions can you proffer for solving the problems involved in this case?
4. What are the major implications of this case for the school system?
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Case 3
Amongthe standingcommittee setupbythe board of governorsof Aje CommunityGrammarSchool
was the Emergency Committee to handle emergency cases on behalf of the Board. Such an
emergency situation was the case indicated above. The report follows:
Principal’s Report
Afterexplainingthe purpose of the meeting, the principal reported on the incident that happened
on Saturday, September 29. On Sunday, September 30, the class matron informed him of some
blood-stained benches found in Form C Classroom. The way the benches were arranged together
with stains of blood suggested some sex act. A form five boy who beat up two junior students and
forced them to wash the blood-stained benches was suspected of the act.
Investigation was conducted among the girls by the matron. There was a roll call and each of the
girlswas examined privately for evidence of the affair. When it came to the turn of a girl, by name
AdeolaBadaru(IIC),she was unwilling to be examined. The girl was finally examined and found to
have a tear inher private part.The suspected girl was taken home to her parents together with the
principal thenconveyedthe girl tothe Aje Rural Hospital at about8:00pm. The medical examination
provedthatthe girl hada tear as a resultof sex.She wasrecommendedforfurther treatment at the
Maternity Section of the Hospital.
On TuesdayOctober2, the girl was calledbefore the school’sdisciplinary committee to identify the
boywithwhomshe had the deal.The girl namedand identified Alimi Alabi (FORMV) who has been
suspected due to his interference with evidences of the scandal. He was the student mentioned
earlier who forced boys to wash benches and beat them for not doing so in time.
Alimi didnotacceptguiltbefore the disciplinarycommittee.He deniedknowledgeof the offence.He
later wrote a statement to the principal, exonerating himself of the offence and named a boy, a
friend to the senior prefect, whom he said had come from Aaya, a neighboring village, as the one
that engaged in the act.
Anothermeetingof the disciplinarycommittee of the school was held at which pictures of the Aaya
boy were shown to the girl. She said she did not know the boy. The senior prefect acknowledged
knowing the boy and agreed that the boy, a primary school mate, had visited him in the school
before,onlearningfrom his parents that he was schooling in Aje. He however denied that the boy
came to the school on Saturday night of September, 29, let alone commit the offence.
The disciplinary committee then went into the case and evidence adduced as follows:
Evidence from Adeola Badaru
Afterthe principal’sreport,the panel calledinAdeolaBadaru,the girl involved,togive evidence.She
stated that it all started in her year one when Alimi Alabi called her and requested her friendship.
When she refused, Alimi on an occasion beat her up and she became sick. She reported to her
parents about the beating and her mother came to see the matron about it.
This term, on the night of Saturday September, 29 when a function was taking place in the school
dininghall,aboy,Salami Sanni,whomshe followedout,showedher to form IC classroom where he
saidher brotherwaswaiting.Uponreachingthe place she saw Alimi whoforcefullyhadsex withher.
She tried to cry for help but her voice was not loud enough.
Evidence from Salami Sanni
Salami denied that he was sent by Alimi to call Adeola. He claimed that he was in the dining hall
throughout the period of the function.
Evidence from Alimi Alabi
Alimi denied that he knew Salami Sanni and Adeola Badaru until only recently when they all
appeared before the disciplinary committee of the school. According to his statement, on Sunday
30th September,he wasplayingwithhis classmate, Dele Adesanmi and Gaffar Olamide, when his
friendcalledhimtosee some bloodstainedbenchesinForm 1C class. When he got to the scene, he
feltitwas notdecentforthe bloodtocontinue tobe there. He therefore asked some junior boys to
washthe bloodfromthe benches.The juniorboysrefusedtoobeyhimandhe beatthem as a result.
He furthersaidthathe knewthe boythat committedthe scandal tobe a friendof the school prefect
and that he had witnesseswhowouldtestifytothis.He namedthe followingashiswitnessesNureni
Ajao (V), Jimoh Alata (V), Ajani Oke and Oluwole Badmus (V).
The witnesses were called and interrogated,
FirstWitness,Oluwole Badmus(V):He saidthathe didnot know anything about the incident on the
day it happened,
SecondWitness,Nureni Ajao (V): He said that he did not know anything about the matter until the
following day when he heard about it.
Third Witness, Jimoh Alata (V): He also said he did not know anything about it until the following
day.JimohAlatacontradictedhimselfwhenhe saidhe wasaround the scene of the incident but did
not see the culprits involved.
CONCLUSION: From the investigation conducted, the committee concluded as follows:
* That it was Alimi who had sex with the girl that Saturday night.
* That Alimi usedhispositionasaseniorstudenttoharass thisgirl andevenbeat her up until finally
the girl succumbed to his obnoxious will for sex.
* That Alimi started ‘chasing’ this girl when she was in Form One.
* That Salami Sanni’s statement that he was not sent to call the girl is a lie.
* That Jimoh Alata gave a contradictory statement and might be trying to hide the truth about his
* That the girl alsowas to blame forleavingthe dininghall where all students were watching a play
for a classroom where the incident took place.
* That the girl did not show enough resistance as she claimed.
1. With the above conclusion, what would be your recommendations as a member of the
2. Examine the committee’sconclusionandindicate,withcogentreasons, whether you would
arrive at similar conclusions or a different set of conclusions altogether
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Sbs case study - teaching controversial essay topics and issues in education

  • 1. Dear students get fully solved assignments Send your semester & Specialization name to our mail id : or call us at : 08263069601 EXAMPLES OF SOCIAL STUDIES TEACHING CONTROVERSIAL ESSAY TOPICS AND ISSUES IN EDUCATION THE CONTROVERSIAL TEACHER Study the case entitled “The Controversial Teacher” and answers the questions underneath it. Mr. IkasolaqualifiedasateacheraftercompletingaBachelorDegree inteachertraining programme from one of the reputable universities in Canada. After graduation, he returned home to accept a job in one of the secondary schools in the northern part of the country. Two years later, he joined the English Department of Amina High School in the southern part of the country. His reason for coming to Amina High School was because he wanted to be nearer to his town. Within a few weeks of being at Amina High School, he observed that his department was in dire needof improvement. He suggested to his head of department – Mr. Umar, an NCE holder, that he should be given a free hand to run the department, but Mr. Umar made him to understand that if such request is granted, it would be against the school policy and administration. Because his requestwasturneddown, he (Mr. Ikasola) started speaking ill of Mr. Umar to other colleagues and even to the school principal. On several occasions, he openly condemned Mr. Umar’s leadership style.Inaddition,he attempted to frustrate Mr. Umar’s effort to maintain high academic standards in the departments. Mr. Ikasola deliberately started to teach ineffectively, sometimes skipping classes. At one point, attempts were made by some members of staff, even from other departments, counselledhimtocooperate withhisheadof department,they even suggested some specific ways in which he could channel his energies towards constructive ends. At such counsel visits, Mr. Ikasola would pretend to listen attentively. As they spoke, he assumed that hisstandon the runningof the departmenthadbeenwelltaken,afterall,he is a degree holder while the highestqualification of his head of department is NCE. He realized that other colleagues were not in agreement with his proposal. Consequently, he started nursing grudges against those membersof staff whowere trying to assist him to resolve his ego problem. As a result, he stopped attending the staff common room and therefore became a loner. A fewweekslater,complaintsaboutMr.IkasolastartedpouringintoMr. Umar’s office.The students complained that Mr. Ikasola rattles, babbles, and prattles and have been presenting himself as a deficientteacher.Consequently,Mr.Umar put down the allegations in writing to Mr. Ikasola asking for his comments. Instead of Mr. Ikasola explaining himself to Mr. Umar, he wrote directly to the principal accusing his head of department, Mr. Umar, of “cheap blackmail” against him, inciting students to write against him.
  • 2. The principal thenaskedMr. Umar for hisresponse onMr. Ikasola’sallegations. Mr. Umar replied to the principal, surporting his response with the accusation letters written on Mr. Ikasola to him by different students. It was discovered that besides accusation of incompetent teaching, Mr. Ikasola was alleged of using vulgar words in addressing students in the classroom. The students also complained his new mode of dressing, saying that he (Mr. Ikasola) paraded himself more like a farmer than a teacher; others claimed that he appeared more like a palm wine tapper than a classroom teacher. When the principal received the response from Mr. Umar, he sent for Mr. Ikasola to discuss the matterwithhim.Surprisingly,duringthe discussion, Mr. Ikasola flared up and accused the principal of taking side with Mr. Umar. As the principal was contemplating on what to do, some parents have gone to the Ministry of Education to report Mr. Ikasola’s professional incompetence and misconduct, which in their assessment was unbecoming of a teacher in charge of their children. Before the principal could react, complaintsfromthe parentsincreased,the Parents’Teachers’Associationalsosent a petition bothto the principal andthe ministryrequestedthatMr. Ikasolabe relievedof hispostimmediately or transferred to any other school. The principal was surmoned by the Ministry Officials on the matter, asked him to provide them with recommendations on actions to take against Mr. Ikasola. As an administrator answer the questions below: 1. What do you consider to be Mr. Ikasola’s major problem? 2. Would you agree that Mr. Ikasola be sent for a kind of training? If so, what kind of training would you recommend? 3. What responsibilitydoesaprincipal have in guiding teachers with unexpected behavioural problems within the school system? 4. How would you handle complaints from individual parents, the P.T.A and the Ministry of Education on Mr. Ikasola? 5. From administrative pointof view,whatwouldbe yourrecommendations to the Ministry of Education Officials? Dear students get fully solved assignments Send your semester & Specialization name to our mail id : or call us at : 08263069601 Case 2 The school involved in this case was founded in 1979. However, the school has not enjoyed the service of any principal for more than two consecutive years. This incident occurred during the
  • 3. tenure of office of the thirdprincipal inthe school. The school was not different from other schools of the contemporary period; fund was not forthcoming from the government; typists, bursars and other forms of resources were notg sufficiently available. The school, being the first secondary school inthe communityluckilyenjoyedthe supportandgoodwillof the communityboth financially and morally. A typewriter and a cyclostyling machine were presented to the school by the community.Fortunately,one of the teacherswasagood typist;he immediately combined the work of typing with his teaching duties. This teacher called Femi volunteered to help the school to type questions papers. He did this for two years before an ugly incident occurred. The principal,Mr. Kane,wasan experiencedprincipal;he had worked in many schools as a principal and he claimed to be a principal with a difference. He evolved a motto, “Strive for Excellence” for the school whichusedto be the watchwordat everymorningassembly.Inan attempt to monitor all activities all alone, he ended up not delegating power to any teacher. Though, he claimed to be a democratic, but he always ended up usurping the powers of any committee in the school. As the May/June 1983 promotion examination was approaching, the principal instilled fear in the studentsgenerallyandformfourstudentsinparticular.He threatenedthatonly 50% of them would be promotedto formfive because he believedinexcellence.He emphasizedthatthere was no point promoting many and at the end record a low percentage pass. He was critical of this because the school was just about to present the first set of students for WASCE.In preparationforthe examination,anExaminationCommittee was set up with Mr. Dele as the Chairman. Usually, Mr. Femi would type the questions and this gave him the automatic membership of the examination committee. The committee decided to produce copies of the question papers on the morning of each examinationday.The examinationwastostart onMonday, buton the previousFriday, the principal invited the committee Chairman to inquire about their plans for the examination and how they intended to go about the work of cyclostyling. The Committee Chairman informed him of the committee’s plan. The principal agreed. The principal later invited the Clerical Assistant who had been taught how to operate the cyclostyling machine. He gave the already cut stencils containing the questionsto him to cyclostyle. The committee members learnt of this and later decided not to participate in the cyclostyling exercise. They restricted their assignment to collection of question papers from the Clerical Assistant every morning for onward distribution to the invigilators. Afterthe examinations,the markingexercise startedasusual.Mr.Femi,the teacher-typist,detected some foul play in Mathematics paper. The answer scripts of four students were more or less a replicaof each other.He thendecidedtomeetthe principal on the issue. The principal advised him to cancel the paper andset anotherone forall form four students, but he refused and agreed to do that if it wasa consensus opinionof all teachingthe staff.The principalagreedtocall a staff meeting when it became clear that Mr. Femi was unyielding. At the meeting,Mr.Femi presentedhiscase and tendered the students’ answer scripts as exhibits. The staff unanimouslyagreedtosetupa five mancommittee toinvestigate the case especially after some teachershadspokenof similarobservations in their papers. The committee investigated and submitted its recommendations within four days. Mr. Femi wasthe principal witness at the committee’s sittings. One of the teachers who appeared before the committee allegedthatitwasMr. Femi whogave outhisquestionstosome students.She buttressed her argument by explaining that some parents had come to report the case to her at home while the examination was on and it was Mr. Femi that was alleged by these parents. One of the parents was quoted as saying that his son informed him of this after finding him with a live Mathematics question paper that was yet to be taken.
  • 4. Thisfemale teachersaidshe decidedtokeepquietbecauseshe feltthatMr. Femi was a respectable member of staff and that if she reported, the students in question would be affected adversely. The four studentswere interrogatedanditwasonlyone of themthat confessedof herknowledgeof all the question papers they took. It took others some measures of threat before they confessed. Three of thempointedtothe fourthstudent,Bolaas the person who supplied the question papers. After much pressure, Bola mentioned the name of the clerical assistant. The clerical assistant also confessed giving out the live questions. The four students confessed to have received the live questions and gave other four students. All the accused persons were made to write down their confessional statements. Bola, the principal student actor, in her plea for leniency for the clerical assistant,saidthatit wasshe who approached him for help because she wanted to get to form five at all cost and that it was the principal’s stand on the number of students to be promoted to form five that made her explore such possibility. All the members of the examination committee were interrogated. In fact, the Chairman testified that it was on the strength of his testimony that others were invited. They all condemned the principal’sleadership style. They described him as an autocratic leader. They argued that if he had not intruded into the affairs of the committee, the clerical assistant would not have had the opportunity of being the custodian of the question papers. Questions: 1. As an Educational Administrator, give five cogent recommendations to the school. 2. Analyze the case by highlighting the major issues at stake 3. What solutions can you proffer for solving the problems involved in this case? 4. What are the major implications of this case for the school system? Dear students get fully solved assignments Send your semester & Specialization name to our mail id : or call us at : 08263069601 Case 3 SEX SCANDAL IN A SECONDARY SCHOOL Amongthe standingcommittee setupbythe board of governorsof Aje CommunityGrammarSchool was the Emergency Committee to handle emergency cases on behalf of the Board. Such an emergency situation was the case indicated above. The report follows:
  • 5. Principal’s Report Afterexplainingthe purpose of the meeting, the principal reported on the incident that happened on Saturday, September 29. On Sunday, September 30, the class matron informed him of some blood-stained benches found in Form C Classroom. The way the benches were arranged together with stains of blood suggested some sex act. A form five boy who beat up two junior students and forced them to wash the blood-stained benches was suspected of the act. Investigation was conducted among the girls by the matron. There was a roll call and each of the girlswas examined privately for evidence of the affair. When it came to the turn of a girl, by name AdeolaBadaru(IIC),she was unwilling to be examined. The girl was finally examined and found to have a tear inher private part.The suspected girl was taken home to her parents together with the principal thenconveyedthe girl tothe Aje Rural Hospital at about8:00pm. The medical examination provedthatthe girl hada tear as a resultof sex.She wasrecommendedforfurther treatment at the Maternity Section of the Hospital. On TuesdayOctober2, the girl was calledbefore the school’sdisciplinary committee to identify the boywithwhomshe had the deal.The girl namedand identified Alimi Alabi (FORMV) who has been suspected due to his interference with evidences of the scandal. He was the student mentioned earlier who forced boys to wash benches and beat them for not doing so in time. Alimi didnotacceptguiltbefore the disciplinarycommittee.He deniedknowledgeof the offence.He later wrote a statement to the principal, exonerating himself of the offence and named a boy, a friend to the senior prefect, whom he said had come from Aaya, a neighboring village, as the one that engaged in the act. Anothermeetingof the disciplinarycommittee of the school was held at which pictures of the Aaya boy were shown to the girl. She said she did not know the boy. The senior prefect acknowledged knowing the boy and agreed that the boy, a primary school mate, had visited him in the school before,onlearningfrom his parents that he was schooling in Aje. He however denied that the boy came to the school on Saturday night of September, 29, let alone commit the offence. The disciplinary committee then went into the case and evidence adduced as follows: Evidence from Adeola Badaru Afterthe principal’sreport,the panel calledinAdeolaBadaru,the girl involved,togive evidence.She stated that it all started in her year one when Alimi Alabi called her and requested her friendship. When she refused, Alimi on an occasion beat her up and she became sick. She reported to her parents about the beating and her mother came to see the matron about it. This term, on the night of Saturday September, 29 when a function was taking place in the school dininghall,aboy,Salami Sanni,whomshe followedout,showedher to form IC classroom where he saidher brotherwaswaiting.Uponreachingthe place she saw Alimi whoforcefullyhadsex withher. She tried to cry for help but her voice was not loud enough. Evidence from Salami Sanni Salami denied that he was sent by Alimi to call Adeola. He claimed that he was in the dining hall throughout the period of the function. Evidence from Alimi Alabi Alimi denied that he knew Salami Sanni and Adeola Badaru until only recently when they all appeared before the disciplinary committee of the school. According to his statement, on Sunday 30th September,he wasplayingwithhis classmate, Dele Adesanmi and Gaffar Olamide, when his friendcalledhimtosee some bloodstainedbenchesinForm 1C class. When he got to the scene, he
  • 6. feltitwas notdecentforthe bloodtocontinue tobe there. He therefore asked some junior boys to washthe bloodfromthe benches.The juniorboysrefusedtoobeyhimandhe beatthem as a result. He furthersaidthathe knewthe boythat committedthe scandal tobe a friendof the school prefect and that he had witnesseswhowouldtestifytothis.He namedthe followingashiswitnessesNureni Ajao (V), Jimoh Alata (V), Ajani Oke and Oluwole Badmus (V). The witnesses were called and interrogated, FirstWitness,Oluwole Badmus(V):He saidthathe didnot know anything about the incident on the day it happened, SecondWitness,Nureni Ajao (V): He said that he did not know anything about the matter until the following day when he heard about it. Third Witness, Jimoh Alata (V): He also said he did not know anything about it until the following day.JimohAlatacontradictedhimselfwhenhe saidhe wasaround the scene of the incident but did not see the culprits involved. CONCLUSION: From the investigation conducted, the committee concluded as follows: * That it was Alimi who had sex with the girl that Saturday night. * That Alimi usedhispositionasaseniorstudenttoharass thisgirl andevenbeat her up until finally the girl succumbed to his obnoxious will for sex. * That Alimi started ‘chasing’ this girl when she was in Form One. * That Salami Sanni’s statement that he was not sent to call the girl is a lie. * That Jimoh Alata gave a contradictory statement and might be trying to hide the truth about his friend. * That the girl alsowas to blame forleavingthe dininghall where all students were watching a play for a classroom where the incident took place. * That the girl did not show enough resistance as she claimed. Questions: 1. With the above conclusion, what would be your recommendations as a member of the committee? 2. Examine the committee’sconclusionandindicate,withcogentreasons, whether you would arrive at similar conclusions or a different set of conclusions altogether Dear students get fully solved assignments Send your semester & Specialization name to our mail id : or call us at : 08263069601